define KN_MOD = Character("KN_MOD", color="#ff0000") ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### PALE CARNATIONS ### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## The splash screen and start labels are here, nothing else. label splashscreen: scene tmj play sound "sound effects/sting-afterall.wav" $ renpy.pause(7, hard=True) play music "music/despair-and-triumph.ogg" scene adults_only with blinds with Dissolve(1.0) $ renpy.pause(4, hard=True) scene clicktocontinue with blinds call screen clicktocontinue return label start: $ _game_menu_screen = "navigation" show screen qmenu jump prStart return ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### PALE CARNATIONS ### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## The opening, character creation, and prologue goes here. # OPENING TITLE CARD ----------------------------------------------------------- label prStart: stop music fadeout 1.5 scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene pr0001 with dissolve show screen textbox2 show intronight with squares "If I had to describe myself in as few words as possible, I would answer how I think most people would." "{i}I'm a good and decent person{/i}." "On the surface, that claim might well be true." "I study diligently in the pursuit of my dream of becoming a doctor, I'm willing to rock the boat when human decency requires it, and I make sure to call my mother at least three times a week." "All in all, not exactly the measure for humanitarian of the year, but I do try not to actively put more shit into the world than I take out." "That should at least count me as {i}decent{/i}." "......" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "..." stop ambient scene pr0003 with pixellate cm "Haha, man. You guys did a real number on the bitch, huh?" cm "Haven't you ever heard of taking it easy on the newbie?" scene pr0004 with blinds cm "So much for needing to get home, she can barely string two words together." cm "Someone roll her into the shower! I bet she could go another round or two." scene pr0005 with dissolve yth "(Why am I watching this {b}filth{/b}...?)" "I {i}like{/i} to consider myself a good and decent person, {b}but{/b}..." scene pr0006 with dissolve yth "(The face staring back at me through the reflection of the monitor tells a different story.)" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" scene pr0007 with dissolve you "Shit, who could that be?" scene pr0001 with fade play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" nl "Hi, I'm across the hall. I think I've got some of your mail by mistake..." you "Oh, thank you very much." "Truth is, you simply can't take stock of a man's character who lives in an immutable bubble. I have simply never been given the opportunity to prove my conceited self-image right or wrong. " "That is, {b}until now{/b}..." "With the arrival of a strange letter." stop music fadeout 4.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0008 with Dissolve(5.0) $ renpy.pause(4.0, hard=True) scene black with blinds stop ambient fadeout 3.0 $ renpy.pause(4.0, hard=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Character Creation # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# scene screen with dissolve play music "music/on-the-ground.ogg" # Id-Choice -------------------------------------------------------------------- show screen textbox2 with dissolve sys "Before we begin this twisted tale, let's add a little personal touch to the character whose shoes you're about to fill." sys "First, some background." KN_MOD "label idchoice:" sys "You are a 21 year old college student, studying physics at the local university with the aspiration of getting into medical school. You dream of one day being a general practitioner with your own private practice." sys "This dream is motivated purely out of your desire for..." scene screen-choice with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Money:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve sys "As they say... {i}money isn't everything, but not having it is{/i}. Growing up watching your mother try and scrape by, you understand that as well as anyone." sys "However, for the time being, you're broke-as-shit just like most students. You live off campus subsisting on instant foods, your mother's cooking, and the occasional takeout." sys "You are fundamentally concerned with the pursuit and accumulation of wealth. The {b}{color=#008000}pursuit of wealth{/color}{/b} will act as the the counterbalance to your moral scale." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump greedconfirm" KN_MOD "Respect:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve sys "You desire to have people treat you with respect and to willingly place their wellbeing in your hands." sys "Currently however, you don't even hold the respect of the snot-nosed brats that you tutor as a part-time job." sys "You are fundamentally concerned with gaining the upper hand on people. \n{b}{color=#8B0000}Power{/color}{/b} will act as the the counterbalance to your moral scale." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump powerconfirm" KN_MOD "Helping people:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve sys "You want to make a difference in people's lives, plain and simple." sys "The doctors that cared for your father following his accident were a great comfort to your mother and you desire to emulate that." sys "However, that goodwill is tempered by your baser impulses. \n{b}{color=#FF1493}Lust{/color}{/b} will act as the the counterbalance to your moral scale." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump lustconfirm" sys "Does this sound like the kind of person you want to be?" scene screen-choice with dissolve KN_MOD "menu greedconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, lets move on.:" $ id_greed = True $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "jump namechoice" KN_MOD "No, lets go back.:" KN_MOD "jump idchoice" KN_MOD "menu powerconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, lets move on.:" $ id_power = True $ toughness += 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "jump namechoice" KN_MOD "No, lets go back.:" KN_MOD "jump idchoice" KN_MOD "menu lustconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, lets move on.:" $ id_lust = True $ toughness -= 3 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "jump namechoice" KN_MOD "No, lets go back.:" KN_MOD "jump idchoice" # Name-Choice ------------------------------------------------------------------ KN_MOD "label namechoice:" scene pr0009 with fade show screen textbox2 sys "This is you. Not the worst mug in the world to be saddled with." sys "Let's put a name to that face." python: mcf = renpy.input("Please input your character's given name. Left blank, it will default to {b}{color=#4169E1}Edwin{/color}{/b}.") mcf = mcf.strip() = mcf KN_MOD "if not mcf:" scene screen with dissolve sys "Your first name is [mcf]. It was the name of a close friend of your mother growing up." sys "You've never met your namesake, but the tender fondness your mother shows when reminiscing about those days fills you with warmth." python: mcl = renpy.input("Now, what is your family name? Left blank, it will default to {b}{color=#4169E1}Turner{/color}{/b}.") mcl = mcl.strip() persistent.mcl = mcl KN_MOD "if not mcl:" sys "Great, you shall be known as {b}{color=#4169E1}[mcf] [mcl]{/color}{/b} for the duration of the story." sys "[mcl] is the name passed down to you by your late father. You share it with your mother, who has not since remarried." # Trait-Choice ----------------------------------------------------------------- sys "Last but not least, let's fill in some of [mcf]'s personal history." sys "These decisions will impart a background and traits that will be reflected in a number of ways as you advance through the story." sys "They will alter the context in which some characters view you, open up new dialogue options and actions, and offer you a lens to help understand and navigate [mcf]'s decisions." sys "Let's begin." KN_MOD "label traitchoice:" show screen textbox2 sys "Starting with your father's death, you had what some might describe as a difficult childhood." sys "Growing up, you presented with a number of behavior problems, primarily stemming from..." hide screen textbox2 scene screen-choice with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "An abundance of curiosity.:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 sys "Your keen interest in pushing boundaries and figuring out how things work was an endless source of consternation for your mother, who did her best to funnel your thirst for knowledge into more productive outlets." sys "As an adult, you still derive pleasure from fulfilling that curiosity. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Inquisitive]{/color} trait. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump inquisitiveconfirm" KN_MOD "An abundance of energy.:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 sys "Seemingly boundless energy would be enviable in an adult, but in a child it makes them quite the handful. You were always moving from one thing to the next, susceptible to finding new ways of getting into trouble." sys "The near-endless well of energy you had as a child persists into your young adulthood. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Tireless]{/color} trait. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump tirelessconfirm" KN_MOD "An abundance of anger.:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 sys "Due to unreasonable circumstances beyond a child's understanding, you were an angry child. Fortunately, and with great patience, your mother taught you how to mitagate, manage, and sometimes even utilize these feelings toward productive ends." sys "Being in control is important to you. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Governor]{/color} trait. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump governorconfirm" KN_MOD "menu inquisitiveconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ trait_inquisitive = True show screen textbox2 sys "Great! Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump traitchoice" KN_MOD "menu tirelessconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ trait_tireless = True show screen textbox2 sys "Great! Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump traitchoice" KN_MOD "menu governorconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ trait_governor = True $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 sys "Great! Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump traitchoice" # History-Choice --------------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "label historychoice:" show screen textbox2 KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" sys "In middle school, this curiosity culminated into one big event which branded you for your entire adolescence. You..." KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" sys "In middle school, this energy culminated into one big event which branded you for your entire adolescence. You..." KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" sys "In middle school, this anger culminated into one big event which branded you for your entire adolescence. You..." hide screen textbox2 scene screen-choice with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Burned a neighbors garden shed to the ground.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" sys "Your curiosity and propensity for seeing the results of even the most destructive acts ended up earning you the reputation of a firebug." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Firestarter]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump firestarterconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" sys "Unfortunately for your neighbor, as a child you found no better outlet for your tireless energy and the encroaching boredom than starting fires." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Firestarter]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump firestarterconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" sys "Before you got your anger under control, you were prone to lashing out. Unfortunately for your neighbor, one of those outlets included starting fires." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Firestarter]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump firestarterconfirm" KN_MOD "Started a business selling creepshots of the neighborhood moms.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" sys "Growing boys are naturally curious, but you took it to an enterprising and deviant level - and created quite the neighborhood scandal in the process." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump voyeurconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" sys "As a child your tireless energy was only matched by your enterprising nature and budding interest in women, resulting in quite the scandalous side business." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump voyeurconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" sys "Nothing made you angrier than the snobby neighborhood bitches who looked down on your mother. It brought you great pleasure being able to both humiliate them and make some cash on the side." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump voyeurconfirm" KN_MOD "Stole a large sum of money from a school fundraiser.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" sys "You were always pushing the envelope in seeing what you could get away with. It stopped firmly at you pocketing your neighbors' money during a school fundraising drive and trying to cover your tracks by giving them discounted chocolate bars instead." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Sticky Fingers]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump stickyfingerconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" sys "The constant need for stimulation would often get the better of you and lead you down the wrong path. In this case, the path involved a \"little\" embezzlement from selling chocolate bars to your neighbors and trying to cover your tracks by giving them discounted ones instead." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Sticky Fingers]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump stickyfingerconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" sys "Before you got your anger under control, you were prone to lashing out. This time it took the form of a tinsy-bit of embezzlement from selling chocolate bars to your neighbors and trying to cover your tracks by giving them discounted ones instead." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Sticky Fingers]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump stickyfingerconfirm" KN_MOD "menu firestarterconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ history_firestarter = True show screen textbox2 "Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "menu voyeurconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ history_voyeur = True show screen textbox2 "Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "menu stickyfingerconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ history_stickyFingers = True show screen textbox2 "Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump historychoice" # Perk-Choice ------------------------------------------------------------------ KN_MOD "label perkchoice:" show screen textbox2 sys "By high school, you cleaned up your act. Aside from the friends you made in the physics club, you found a new peer group thanks to your..." hide screen textbox2 scene screen-choice with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Enthusiasm for athletics.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve sys "You were drawn to the soccer team as a sophomore in high school. The thrill of competition, the sting of loss, and the jubilation of crushing an opponent proved an intoxicating combination." sys "As a result, your current level of fitness remains excellent. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} perk. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump strongmanconfirm" KN_MOD "Budding social grace and charm.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve sys "You discovered an innate talent at using your words and humor to ingratiate yourself to others and overcome their defenses." sys "As a result, you're quite adept at winning people over with your words. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Social Butterfly]{/color} perk. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump socialbutterflyconfirm" KN_MOD "Willingness to lie and conform to get what you want.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve sys "You were quick to discover the best way to get what you want is to {i}be{/i} what other people want." sys "As a result, you're quite deft at manipulating people. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} perk. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump socialchameleonconfirm" KN_MOD "menu strongmanconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ perk_strongman = True KN_MOD "jump may07start" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "menu socialbutterflyconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ perk_socialButterfly = True KN_MOD "jump may07start" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "menu socialchameleonconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ perk_socialChameleon = True $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "jump may07start" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "label may07start:" show screen textbox2 sys "Great! We are now ready to begin." sys "So, without further ado, let's get this show on the road. {b}Enjoy!{/b}" hide screen textbox2 stop music fadeout 3.0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 07 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Carnation Club Invitation --------------------------------------------------- scene black with fade $ date = "may07day" $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" scene player-room with blinds show screen textbox2 show may07day with squares "Before me, a strange letter." scene pr0010 with dissolve "Seemingly addressed to no one in particular, it was written on ornate parchment and was suspiciously devoid of a return address." "The quick and dirty of it read..." hide screen textbox2 scene player-room blur with dissolve show text "Dear esteemed sir, the {font=gui/fonts/Pacifico.ttf}{color=#FF1493}{i}Carnation Club{/i}{/color}{/font} would like to extend to you the opportunity to join our humble establishment." at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.75 pause hide text with dissolve show text "You have come to our attention through a like-minded member who believes you share in our exacting taste." at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.75 pause hide text with dissolve show text "Should you wish it, the chance to gratify these tastes is within your reach." at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.5 pause hide text with dissolve show text "Do note, this is not an opportunity we afford to just anyone." at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.5 pause hide text with dissolve show text "You will find enclosed, blah blah {b}blah{/b}..." at truecenter with dissolve pause 1.5 pause hide text with dissolve scene player-room with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It continued on like that for some length, full of bewildering language and other nebulous-like promises before directing me to a phone number." "I would've simply tossed it in the trash without a second thought, chalking it up as a sales pitch for a shady multi-level marketing scheme, had it not been for another small note neatly enclosed within." hide screen textbox2 scene player-room blur with dissolve show text "Sorry for that cryptic hogwash. My nephew tells me you're looking for a new line of work?" at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.5 pause hide text with dissolve show text "Do me the favor of giving an old man a call and I'll explain to you what this is all about. {color=#FF1493}{i}- Chuck{/i}{/color}" at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.5 pause hide text with dissolve scene player-room with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "'Chuck' was Dr. Charles Kohler, or as the Morehead Hills High School Physics Club affectionately knew him..." scene pr0011 with dissolve mct "(Dr. Chuck has a job for me...?)" scene player-room with dissolve "As odd as the letter was, Dr. Chuck was once a real deal rocket scientist and a personal mentor to me throughout high school. He also just happens to be the uncle of my best friend." "Whatever this is about, it would be safe to say it's more legitimate than it appears." scene pr0011 with dissolve mct "(Coming from a man of his stature, it might even be a good way to pad my résumé for med school...)" KN_MOD "if toughness <= 15:" mct "(At the very least, it'd be nice if I could quit tutoring those difficult brats.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(At the very least, it'd be nice if I could quit tutoring those unmotivated shits.)" scene player-room with dissolve "Presently, I work part time as a math tutor to a handful of spoiled, underachieving monsters." "Needless to say, it isn't something I'd be doing if the money wasn't so good." "Witnessing the upper class of Morehead Hills take their social privilege for granted is not my idea of job satisfaction, but it pays extremely well." "If I could find a part-time job that could even compare to what I currently pull in, even if it had longer hours, I'd jump ship in an instant." scene pr0011 with dissolve mc "...I should give Dr. Chuck a call first before I get my hopes up." scene player-room show cell-phone at Position (ypos=0.6) with dissolve "Trying my best to keep my expectations in check, I take out my cellphone and begin to scroll through its meager contact list." scene pr0011 show cell-phone at Position (ypos=0.6) with dissolve mct "(I should still have his number...)" mc "Aha! There it is." # May 07 Call with Dr. Chuck --------------------------------------------------- scene player-room blur show cell-phone at Position (ypos=0.6) with dissolve play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "{i}*Ring... ring...*{/i}" "Eventually the ringing is cut short by a familiar voice on the other end." stop sound scene player-room blur with dissolve show chuck-call with dissolve chuck "[mcl]? Is that you? Good to hear from you, lad!" chuck "How the hell are you?" "Dr. Chuck's boisterous and genial nature was coming in loud and clear on the other end of the line." "Despite being exposed to it at length throughout my childhood, the abruptness of his booming voice was startling after not hearing it for some time." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene player-room blur with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be polite.:" show screen textbox2 scene player-room blur show chuck-call with dissolve mc "Uh... It's going well, sir. How are you?" chuck "Sir? C'mon, lad! You've eaten Thanksgiving with my family. You know that Chuck is just fine." $ chuck_polite = True $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "Match his enthusiasm.:" $ Chuck_Friendship +=1 $ Chuck_Friendship = clamp(Chuck_Friendship, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 scene player-room blur show chuck-call with dissolve mc "Likewise, Dr. Chuck! It's great to hear your voice again." chuck "So, how's my alma mater treating you? I bet you're too busy chasing skirts to focus on your studies. Am I right? {b}Bahaha{/b}!" mct "(He hasn't changed a bit, has he?)" KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "College is good, sir. Thank you again for your recommendation." KN_MOD "else:" mc "College is good. Thank you again for your recommendation." chuck "Of course, lad. No problem, but speaking of {b}letters{/b}..." chuck "I'm assuming it was {i}that{/i} letter which prompted this call. Am I right?" mc "Yeah, that strange one on the gaudy letterhead. I called you as soon as I read it." chuck "{i}Gaudy{/i} is a good way of putting it, eh? That would be ol' August's doing. Fits him to the tee." chuck "Quite frankly, I don't know what the hell is wrong with a simple phone call, but I suppose it's all part of the mystique he seeks to cultivate." chuck "Says secrecy and exclusivity is paramount to drum up the brand of customer we cater to." chuck "Anyway, to get to the {b}point{/b} of the letter..." chuck "To put it simply, I own a significant stake in a local business, alongside two of my oldest friends. It's a lounge of sorts." chuck "We're looking for a new set of hands, and as luck would have it, my nephew told me you were {i}unhappy with teaching math to shitty brats{/i}. His words." chuck "Anyway, he quite emphatically recommended you for the position." chuck "I gave it some thought and realized, while you're not the type of person we typically employ, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing." chuck "Interested in a change of careers?" mc "A job at the... the {b}Carnation Club{/b}, you mean?" "I recalled the name ostentatiously printed in big gold letters." mc "I've never heard of it." chuck "That's by design. Our members are, to put it mildly, concerned with the question of privacy." chuck "As for specifics, well..." scene black with dissolve "..." scene player-room blur with dissolve show chuck-call with dissolve chuck "Good! I'll set up the meeting for say... around noon?" mc "Noon works for me." chuck "Excellent. You'll be meeting with an August Byrnes. He's a part-owner and the gentleman who runs the day-to-day business." chuck "Sorry for being light on the details, but the job itself is something that is best detailed in person." chuck "I can assure you though, it's worth your time. You'll be well compensated, plus there's some unique perks that'll knock you flat on your ass. I guarantee it! {b}Bahaha{/b}!" KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Count on me being there, sir." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Count on me being there, Dr. Chuck." mc "Thank you for the opportunity." scene player-room with dissolve "Whatever it is." scene player-room blur show chuck-call with dissolve chuck "Well, alright lad. I've got to run." chuck "If you take the job, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other very soon." KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Have a good afternoon, sir. Goodbye." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Great! Have a good one, Dr. Chuck. Goodbye!" play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" "*Beep.*" scene player-room with dissolve "He wasn't kidding about being light on the details." "In fact, I barely learned more than that bizarre letter already told me - which was precisely jack shit." "All I know is the place is some kind of lounge, but as to what I'd be doing there, Dr. Chuck was oddly evasive." "Some form of hospitality or service job would be a safe bet." scene pr0011 with dissolve mct "(I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to find out definitively.)" mc "..." mc "Ah, {b}crap{/b}!" scene player-room with dissolve "Suddenly, I remembered a conflicting date I had made." scene pr0011 with dissolve mct "(I was supposed to have lunch with Mom tomorrow...)" mct "(I guess I'll have to reschedule. It seems I bail on the plans we make more and more these days...)" scene player-room with dissolve "She'll be cool with it, but I still can't help but feel a little guilty when I picture her eating dinner all alone in that house." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "I tried looking the \'Carnation Club\' up on the Internet, but failed to find a single mention of it anywhere." mct "(It must really be as exclusive as he says.)" "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) # Dinner with Mom--------------------------------------------------------------- $ date = "may07night" stop sound scene pr0012 with blinds show screen qmenu with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve show may07night with squares play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" "To make up for having to cancel tomorrow's lunch plans, I instead had dinner at my mother's place that night." scene pr0013 with dissolve vic "I remember Dr. Kohler. Wasn't he... uh..." scene pr0014 with fade vic "Wasn't he a bit... off?" scene pr0015 with dissolve mc "He treated us more like adults than the other teachers did, if that's what you mean." scene pr0016 with dissolve vic "Hmm. Maybe that's it..." "She seemed like she wanted to say more, but thought better of it." scene pr0017 with dissolve vic "Well, if you're going to miss our date, you better get a good job out of this! Who else is going to take care of me when I'm old?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with fade KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reassure her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "We'll see, but I won't take it if it'll impact my studies." scene pr0019 with dissolve vic "Sometimes I wonder how I managed to raise you to be so damn serious. You didn't get that from your father OR me." KN_MOD "Joke with her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's a good question... we should probably start looking into retirement homes for you, huh?" scene pr0020 with dissolve vic "Oh, you ass!" scene pr0024 with dissolve vic "So you have no idea what sort of job you're interviewing for?" mc "I'm not even sure if it's going to be an interview." scene pr0025 with dissolve vic "That's kind of a weird thing not to know, ain't it?" scene pr0022 with dissolve mc "Ian recommended me for the job, so I don't know if this is more of an informal introduction or a proper job interview." scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "It pays to know people, huh? Speaking of Ian..." vic "How {i}is{/i} our little heartthrob?" mc "Pretty much like high-school, but... uh, {i}worse{/i}." scene pr0019 with dissolve vic "You shouldn't be so harsh on him, hun." vic "There's nothing wrong with enjoying your youth. How else are you going to work out what you want out of life?" vic "In fact, I don't think it'd hurt for you to follow his example once in a while." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You might be right, but... his definition of fun is the kind of frivolity his family's wealth affords him." mc "Although, I'm not sure if I had all the money in the world I'd behave the way he does." scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "That's 'cause you're a sweet boy, but then so is Ian in his own way." KN_MOD "Theres a limit.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sure, but there's such a thing as common decency. He can be a {b}real{/b} prick sometimes." scene pr0025 with dissolve vic "You should cut him some slack. You know how he was brought up." scene pr0022 with dissolve "My mom was right. Even if our personalities are night and day, Ian has always been a good friend to me." "Even though I suck at calling him, he's been insistent on keeping in touch over the years." mct "(Come to think of it, I should call and thank him for mentioning me to his uncle.)" scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "Say hi to him from me the next time you see him, okay?" mc "Will do." scene pr0022 with dissolve mc "So..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prVicDinner:" KN_MOD "Talk about... if prVicDinner_score < 3:" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Her work. if prVicDinner_work == False:" show screen textbox2 mc "How's work coming?" scene pr0024 with dissolve vic "Mind numbing! Just about the only regular work I can find is copy editing." "A few years after I moved away from home, my mother is finally dusting off her English degree she was working on when she met Dad." vic "Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the freedom. I like working from home and it's better than being walked all over as a PA or book-keeping with a handsy boss..." scene pr0022 with dissolve "Growing up, my mother often had to work multiple jobs to make ends meet." "My mom has worn many hats over the years, from clerical work to retail to more demeaning labor. That's why..." mc "Once I'm a doctor and pulling in money, you can focus on what you want to write, okay?" scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "Oh? Already writing checks you can't cash are we?" vic "I was only kidding earlier about you taking care of me. You know that, right?" scene pr0022 with dissolve mc "So? I'm serious." mc "It's only fair after all you've..." scene pr0026 with dissolve vic "{b}Stop it{/b}! I appreciate the sentiment..." vic "But, you know I could never ask or accept that from you. I have too much pride for that." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve $ prVicDinner_work = True $ prVicDinner_score += 1 KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Her dating life. if prVicDinner_date == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hey... didn't you mention last week you set up an online dating profile? How's that going?" "Growing up, my mother's romantic entanglements were few and far between. Even as a kid I could tell she was lonely." "I'd wager even more so since I moved out of the house three years ago." scene pr0027 with dissolve vic "I did, but I'm still not sure if I should take it seriously. Online dating at my age feels kinda... pathetic." scene pr0018 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her its not pathetic.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's not pathetic - it's just about how everyone does it these days. You should try to find someone." scene pr0019 vic "I can say the same to you. It's not good for a young man in his prime to lock himself away in his apartment studying all the time." vic "You're only 21, it's your prerogative to let loose and sow a few wild oats." scene pr0018 mc "How could I ever think of dating when I've got my own aging mother facing spinsterhood?" scene pr0020 vic "Nice try, but you don't fool me. You just want someone else to help out around here." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve $ prVicDinner_date = True $ prVicDinner_score += 1 KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Dissuade her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It might be for the best. Who knows what kinda weirdos are out there?" scene pr0027 with dissolve vic "Yeah, you do hear stories..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve mc "Just give it time." mc "People found other people before online dating." $ prVicDinner_date = True $ prVicDinner_score += 1 KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Recent movies. if prVicDinner_movies == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You watch any movies recently?" scene pr0021 vic "Hmm, I did watch one I hadn't seen before recently. A movie called {i}Spirits of the Dead{/i}." vic "It's an anthology film depicting three adaptations of Edgar Allen Poe short stories, one of which is by Fellini." vic "I think you would like it. {b}In fact{/b}, we could watch it tonight if you want..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve $ prVicDinner_movies = True $ prVicDinner_score += 1 KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Compliment her cooking. if prVicDinner_compliment == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Dinner was delicious, Mom. Thanks for the food." scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "Happy to hear it. I've been trying to become a better cook now that I've got more free time." vic "I always felt bad about the amount of takeout we ate when you were growing up." scene pr0025 with dissolve vic "You come around more often, there may be more in it for you." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve $ prVicDinner_compliment = True KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Finish the conversation and excuse yourself to the bathroom.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I've got to hit the head." scene pr0021 vic "Would you like a plate to take home?" scene pr0018 mc "Yeah, it's been ramen for me all week... so, {b}yes{/b}. I would like that." # Mom exposition --------------------------------------------------------------- scene black with dissolve "My mother..." stop music fadeout 4.0 play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" $ renpy.pause(4, hard=True) scene player-room-dark with dissolve "She's the only person I call family." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" fadein 3.0 "She and I have been on our own since I was six years old." scene pr0030 with dissolve "Even at life's most bitter moments, she never faltered in her role as a mother to me." "Having run away from home when she was a teenager, and with my paternal grandparents not wanting anything to do with us following my father's death, the responsibility of my upbringing rested solely on her shoulders." scene pr0031 with dissolve "Despite being utterly alone, I remember her always looking ahead for my sake, face affixed in a radiant smile and putting on a brave front so I wouldn't worry." scene pr0032 with dissolve "When I was too much to handle, and trust me I was, she never so much as veered from her characteristic gentle demeanor." scene pr0033 with dissolve "I don't know how she managed it alone. Rearing a child, paying the bills, putting food on the table..." "I brought it up one time, and all she had to say was..." scene pr0034 with dissolve vic "I wasn't alone! I have you, dummy." scene black with fade mc "(...but I do know how she managed it, don't I?)" scene pr0035 with pixellate cm "Why are you acting so shy, Ma'am?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr0036 with dissolve with dissolve cm "It's not like it's your first time, right?" scene player-room-dark with pixellate play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" mct "(Oh...?)" mct "(Good, it's Ian.)" play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" fadein 3.0 mct "(I can take this opportunity to thank him properly.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu # May 07 Ian Text -------------------------------------------------------------- scene player-room-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_1" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, Hey, Doc!) from _call_message_start_1" KN_MOD "call message (Killian, Why dont you put a pin in studying and come join us for some fun?) from _call_message" KN_MOD "call message_img(Killian, Minas got an OLDER friend thats keen to meet you. I know thats how you like em. ;),killian01) from _call_message_img" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_1" scene pr0041 with dissolve "I got to hand it to Killian. Aside from being the one who makes the effort, he does his best as a wingman." mct "(At least one of us is trying to get me laid.)" scene player-room-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_2" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, You got a sailor uniform somewhere? I may or may not have told her you were a pent up navyman on shore leave.) from _call_message_start_2" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_2" mct "(...)" "I just wish he didn't do it in the worst way imaginable." scene player-room-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_3" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, So, what do you think? Blow off some steam before finals?) from _call_message_start_3" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Politely decline.,politelydecline,Get annoyed.,getannoyed)" KN_MOD "label politelydecline:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Nah, its late and Im going to hit the sack.) from _call_message_start_4" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Plus, Ive got a meeting with your uncle tomorrow about working at that lounge he owns. Thanks for that, by the way. Youre a better friend than I.) from _call_reply_message" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Already? I didnt expect that to get set up so soon. When?) from _call_message_1" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Noon.) from _call_reply_message_1" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, I see...) from _call_message_2" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Anyway more fun for me I guess!) from _call_message_3" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Night!) from _call_message_4" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_3" KN_MOD "jump killiangoodnight" KN_MOD "label getannoyed:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) $ prKillianAnnoyed = True KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_1" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Will you stop lying on my behalf? That woman looks nice. Dont be a jerk.) from _call_message_start_5" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Cmon, dude! Start thinking with that seriously underused, OTHER head of yours.) from _call_message_5" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Anyway, I cant go out tonight. I got a meeting that your uncle set up for me tomorrow about that job.) from _call_reply_message_2" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Shit. I didnt expect that to get set up so soon. When?) from _call_message_6" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Noon.) from _call_reply_message_3" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, I see...) from _call_message_7" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Anyway, since youre being a self-righteous ass, more fun for me I guess!) from _call_message_8" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Night.) from _call_message_9" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_4" KN_MOD "jump killiangoodnight" KN_MOD "label killiangoodnight:" KN_MOD "if prKillianAnnoyed == True:" scene player-room-dark with dissolve mc "..." mct "(Shit. I forgot to thank him...)" mct "(I'll do it the next time I talk to him.)" stop music fadeout 4.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu scene black with dissolve $ profilehubunlock = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show biounlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "..." scene pr0040 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" "As much as I want to, it's too late to study tonight." mct "(Mom ended up roping me into watching one of her old Italian flicks.)" scene player-room-dark with dissolve stop sound fadeout 1.0 mct "(I guess I'll just head to bed.)" scene black with dissolve "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionmina01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "may08day" stop sound KN_MOD "label may08start:" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 08 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# scene pr0042 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu show may08day with squares play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "The next day I took the subway to the address Dr. Chuck provided me, a brick tower starkly at odds with its surrounding neighbors." "I was told to ride the elevator to the 10th floor, walk up two more floors, and give the bouncer the password." # Meeting with Killian --------------------------------------------------------- scene pr0043 with blinds mct "(This whole thing feels stupidly clandestine.)" scene pr0044 with dissolve play music "music/hotshot.ogg" kil "Yo, Doctor [mcl]!" scene pr0045 with dissolve mc "Huh...?" scene pr0046 with dissolve mc "Ian!" scene pr0047 with dissolve mc "What are you doing here?" scene pr0048 with dissolve kil "I work here, but {b}today{/b}..." kil "Well, I didn't want you to go into this thing alone." mct "(I thought he worked as a photographer...?)" scene pr0047 with dissolve mc "... and just why shouldn't I go into this thing alone?" scene pr0048 with dissolve kil "Don't worry, figure of speech. This place is fucking awesome. I just know how you hate surprises." kil "Plus it'll be handy to have someone around to help remove that stick from your ass." kil "C'mon, let's head on up. I'll fill you in on the way." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene black with blinds play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" kil "So, how much did the old bastard tell you exactly?" scene pr0049 with dissolve mc "Dr. Chuck?" mc "Next to nothing. He said this place is a lounge?" kil "That is {b}one{/b} way to paint the picture I suppose, but if you wanted to cut through the bullshit..." kil "Well, there's no way around this one: this place is a... brothel?" kil "Sex club...? Y'know, it's actually hard to categorize when you start splitting hairs." mc "A brothel? {b}Fuck{/b} off with your stupid jokes." kil "You don't believe me?" mc "No, of course not. You're busting my balls." kil "Fine, if you don't want to believe me, just don't say I didn't give you a heads up." play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" "{b}*Ding!*{/b}" scene black with dissolve # Meeting Jacob ---------------------------------------------------------------- scene pr0050 with dissolve "After ascending the next two floors on foot, we emerged into a room very unlike the sterile, office-like environment that preceded it. " scene pr0051 with dissolve kil "Jacob!" scene pr0052 with dissolve kil "This is my friend [mcf]. He's who you're expecting." kil "[mcf], this is Jacob. He's one of two bouncers here. You'll come to note he's the handsome and likable one." scene pr0053 with dissolve jacob "You have a friend outside the club that {b}doesn't{/b} have a set of long legs and a pair of breasts?" scene pr0054 with dissolve kil "We go way back. All the way back to elementary school." scene pr0203 with dissolve jacob "Is that so? Well, it's good to meet you, [mcf]." mc "Likewise, Jacob. It's good to meet you too." scene pr0054 with dissolve kil "Is it cool to head on in?" scene pr0055 with dissolve jacob "Be my guest. Boss is behind the bar." scene pr0053 with dissolve kil "C'mon, let's go." stop music fadeout 3.0 # Meeting August and Kathleen--------------------------------------------------- hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) scene pr0056 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene pr0057 with dissolve play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve kil "Look at what the cat dragged in!" scene pr0058 with dissolve bar "That's my line, kid." scene pr0059 with squares woman "Who's your handsome friend, Ian?" scene pr0057 with dissolve kil "He's the guy my uncle mentioned. Let me introduce you two to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let Ian finish.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0060 with dissolve kil " [mcf]. You might not believe it, but I actually owe a lot of who I am today to him." mct "(Considering his {i}personality{/i}, is that supposed to be a ringing endorsement...? Still, he's clearly doing his best to sell me.)" mct "(Thanks, Ian.)" KN_MOD "Interrupt Ian and introduce yourself.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0061 with dissolve mc "...[mcf] [mcl]. Thank you for seeing me." scene pr0062 with dissolve bar "Nice to meet you, [mcf]. I'm August Byrnes, manager and part proprietor of the Carnation Club." show pr0063 with wipeleft aug "This vision of loveliness is Kathleen Pulman. She also owns a stake in the club, as well as managing our entertainment and headhunting needs." scene pr0064 with dissolve kat "My, you're certainly easy on the eyes." kat "It's nice to get a fresh, young face around here. Ian excluded, all a girl can get in this place for eye-candy are old men." scene pr0063 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu katflirt01:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Butterfly]{/color} Flirt with her. if perk_socialButterfly == True:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0065 with dissolve mc "If a beautiful woman like yourself is hitting on me, it really must be that bad." scene pr0067 with dissolve kat "Hmm, I like you. You want to know what the first thing Ian said to me was?" kat "He said... {i}you got a great ass, for an old lady{/i}." scene pr0068 with dissolve kat "Can you believe that?" scene pr0066 with dissolve mc "Uh, yeah I unfortunately can." scene pr0069 with dissolve kil "Come on! Are you ever going to let that go? I said I was sorry. You know, in my defense..." scene pr0070 with dissolve kil "Eh... You know what? Never mind." kil "I'll stop before I put my foot in my mouth." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Butterfly] Flirt with her.{/color} if perk_socialChameleon == True or perk_strongman == True:" KN_MOD "jump katflirt01" KN_MOD "Move on to why youre here.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Pleased to meet you." scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene pr0071 with blinds "After a few minutes of friendly chatter, I arrived at the perfect opportunity to finally broach the question that's been burning in my mind." "After all, even if I didn't believe what Ian told me in the elevator, there was still a nasty seed planted in the back of my mind that he could actually be serious for once." mct "(Dr. Chuck had been suspiciously sparse with the details on this place...)" mc "You've got a nice place here, it seems pretty upscale. So, do you cater to businessmen or...?" scene pr0072 with dissolve aug "..." scene pr0204 with dissolve aug "Pfft, hahaha!" aug "Chuck had you walk in here for a meeting without even filling you in on the place, didn't he?" aug "Yep, that's definitely his idea of a joke!" scene pr0072 with dissolve aug "Still, Killian didn't blow the lid off this place? That I can't believe, with his 100 mile per hour mouth." mc "...well, he had some peculiar things to say, but he makes bad jokes all the time." scene pr0076 with dissolve kat "What did Ian tell you?" mc "He said this place was a brothel." scene pr0077 with dissolve "As I watched the man behind the bar pause for a moment to carefully consider his reply, my mind turned over on itself and began to entertain the outrageous possibility that Ian wasn't bullshitting me." scene pr0078 with dissolve aug "You know, I prefer the term {b}gentleman's lounge{/b} myself. Brothel has crass connotations, while the Carnation Club is {b}MUCH{/b} more than a simple cathouse." scene pr0075 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" mc "..." stop music play sound "sound effects/breaking-glass.wav" scene pr0074 with hpunch mc "...huh?" mct "(Everyone is in on the joke, right...? That has to be it.)" "An awkward silence fell over the room as I waited for the punchline that wasn't coming." "As the silence grew thicker, I recalled my mother's vague mistrust of Dr. Chuck last night, and suddenly, it seemed more and more valid." mc "You can't be..." scene pr0073 with dissolve play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" aug "Serious as a heart attack." scene pr0071 with dissolve kat "{i}*sigh*{/i} Charles REALLY should've mentioned it to the boy, don't you think?" kil "It was necessary to get him in the door." "My brain immediately entered into a tug-o-war between being angry and finding the whole situation absurdly amusing." mct "(So that means Dr. Chuck, the mentor I've known for years, is some kind of... {b}pimp{/b}?)" "It's so outrageous, that it bordered on hilarious." scene pr0073 with dissolve aug "I can see on your face that you're already half way out the door." aug "Let me ask you this, is it the legality of our business that's giving you cold feet?" aug "There's no getting around it: the Morehead Hills Police Department doesn't look too kindly on the trade." scene pr0204 with dissolve aug "Luckily, we count the chief of police as one of our most senior members! Gufawhaha!" "All I could really do is stare at the old man, dumb-founded as he laughed at some imagined joke." scene pr0072 with dissolve aug "Let me put your fears to rest, kid. You don't have to worry. Working here won't {i}ever{/i} bring you any heat." aug "We're well-connected for one and otherwise well-insulated from the outside world." aug "This isn't a back-alley massage parlor or a tweaker tricking out his girlfriend in a motel room." aug "We've been up and running for nearly four years without a hint of the pigs sniffing around the place. I work hard to keep it that way." scene pr1993 with dissolve mc "...good for you, I guess?" scene pr1998 with dissolve "My brain was too busy looking for a way to eject myself from the situation than to process and tactfully respond to the bullshit the old man behind the counter was spewing." "In what world is that a convincing argument?" kat "{i}*sigh*{/i} No, he DEFINITELY should have told him. I think you've overwhelmed the poor boy." scene pr1995 with dissolve kil "C'mon, lighten up. I've been working here for a while now and this place is great." kil "Besides, I asked a favor of my uncle for this. At least hear about the job itself and what you'll get paid." scene pr1996 with dissolve mc "Um... yeah, no. Thanks, but {b}no thanks{/b}." mc "I've got my future to think of and getting wrapped up in something like this is out of the question." scene pr1997 with dissolve kil "That is EXACTLY why I want to get you in on this, dude. You and I aren't on the same wavelength anymore, but we could be." scene pr1996 with dissolve mc "...sorry, Ian. I can't. I should go." scene pr0073 with dissolve aug "I respect your decision. A man your age being careful about his future is admirable, but come back anytime if you change your mind." scene pr1994 with dissolve mc "I don't think I will." mc "I better leave now. I'm sorry to have wasted your time." scene pr0078 with dissolve aug "You'll see him out, Killian?" scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.0 "....." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "..." $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene pr0079 with blinds kat "Hmm... what do you think, Augie?" kat "Why did Charles send a boy like that to us?" scene pr0080 with dissolve kat "It's almost the most lucrative time of the year for our little game." scene pr0081 with dissolve kat "Darius, that fucking idiot..." kat "Being down a man this close to the exhibition is unacceptable." scene pr0078 with dissolve aug "What I think is... the boy has potential." aug "Chuck knows the boy rather well and if he says he'll be a good fit, I trust his judgment." scene pr0077 with dissolve kat "You have a few others vetted just in case he still refuses, I hope." aug "..." scene pr0078 with dissolve aug "Don't worry about that, Kat. He'll be back." scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_august = True $ met_jacob = True $ met_kathleen = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica03 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) # May 08 Call with Dr. Chuck --------------------------------------------------- stop sound scene player-room with blinds play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve $ date = "may08night" show may08night with squares "To take my mind off of trying to make sense of today, I decided to focus my concentration on something else that didn't make a lick of sense to me: my impending Waves and Oscillation final." "Or at least I tried to." hide may08night with blinds play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "{b}*Ring, ring.*{/b}" "The face of my phone lit up, revealing to me that it was Dr. Chuck." mct "(What the hell do I even say to him?)" scene player-room blur show chuck-call play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "{i}*Beep*{/i}." mc "Hello." chuck "[mcf]. Glad you picked up." chuck "I hope you don't mind the impromptu call. Ian told me you weren't sold on working for the Carnation Club." mct "(Is... is he fucking serious? Did he really think I would be?)" mc "It's more like I can't even comprehend anything that happened today." mc "For one, you made a fortune making spaceplane parts, didn't you?" chuck "That I did, lad. This is more like a... hobby. A side business to wile away the days of my retirement." mct "(Is he hearing himself right now? Running a brothel as a hobby...?)" mc "Well, whatever. That's not important. The simple fact is that I'm not interested." mc "I have my future to consider and that is that." chuck "Ah, you see lad, your future is precisely why I thought you would be a good fit for the job in the first place, but you got so spooked that August never had the chance to explain the finer details." KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "I don't really want to hear it, sir. I have the MCATs and admission interviews next year." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I don't really need to hear them. I have the MCATs and admission interviews next year." chuck "You see, {b}that{/b} is one of the finer details I'd like to discuss with you." chuck "The Carnation Club isn't some den of iniquity. It's a fraternity." mc "It doesn't matter what you call it." chuck "Don't be so sure. What does a fraternity usually offer besides camaraderie and a sense of brotherhood?" "Without giving me a chance to even parse if that was meant to be rhetorical, Dr. Chuck continued on with his spiel." chuck "Networking. {b}Connections{/b}." chuck "Some of the most wealthy and influential of Morehead Hills and the surrounding tri-state area are among the club's member base. If you're looking to get into your first school of choice, it could likely be secured thanks to the club's connections." mc "Yeah, right." chuck "It's true! I promise!" chuck "You know how the world works. It's all about who you know, and with the club, you'll find yourself knowing a lot more people." "Is he telling me that if I work for that shady old man, I could schmooze my way all the way up to a good fellowship?" chuck "That's not to mention, on top of a pretty good working wage, for every semester you work at the club, I will see to it that your tuition is taken care of." stop music fadeout 1.0 mc "..." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" mc "...let me get this straight: you're offering to pay my way through medical school?" chuck "That's right." mc "...and what could I possibly do at the club that would make it worth all that money?" chuck "You'll be working under Kathleen during the summer exhibition, but year-round, you'll mostly be a pair of extra hands. Running errands, moving things, that kind of work." mc "Summer exhibition?" chuck "That's right. I can explain the details more later, but the gist is you'll be looking out for the performers' well-being during the event." chuck "Boosting morale, making sure they're safe, and keeping them fighting fit. It's a pretty good gig if I say so myself, lad." mc "...the value of that couldn't possibly justify paying my tuition." chuck "Weren't you listening when I said it's about who you know? Having someone with a bright future like yourself as a member will bring the club both tangible and intangible benefits in the long run." chuck "Plus, I like you and we go way back." chuck "I made a private fortune during my time as an engineer, more than a man with my modest tastes could possibly spend, so I jump at the chance to spread it around to those I consider worthwhile." chuck "Putting a lad like you through school, I'd say that's worthwhile." mc "Listen, I'll admit that doesn't sound bad, but..." mct "(In fact, if what he's offering me is true, it's UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING.)" mct "(I'd be a fucking idiot for turning it down. The leg up I'd have from not going into student debt would be tremendous...)" chuck "I'll tell you what." chuck "Come to the club tomorrow at 8pm. You'll meet a charming lady who I suspect you'll enjoy working alongside." chuck "If you go there and it doesn't change your mind, I understand." mc "..." mc "Okay, fine, but tell me one thing." chuck "What is it, lad?" mc "Why consider me for this in the first place?" chuck "Honestly, it's my nephew. Having no children of my own, I have a soft spot for Ian and he asked me to hire you." chuck "It's that simple." mc "...I'll go. You said 8 PM, right?" chuck "Glad to hear it! You won't regret it in the least." "......" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black "..." scene pr0040 with blinds play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" mct "(It all comes down to Ian, huh?)" mct "(After dragging him into all kinds of trouble when we were kids, it seems we've flipped our dynamic on its head.)" "..." hide screen textbox2 ## May 08 Mom Text ------------------------------------------------------------- scene black with dissolve play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene player-room-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_vic from _call_phone_start_vic" KN_MOD "call message_start(Mom, Hey, hun! I havent heard from you all day.) from _call_message_start_6" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, How did your interview go?) from _call_message_10" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(It went okay.,wentokay,Deflect.,deflect)" KN_MOD "label wentokay:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_2" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], I have the job if I want it, but Im not sure if its a good fit for me.) from _call_message_start_7" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, Thats okay! You should do what you feel most comfortable with.) from _call_message_11" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, You should know Im proud of you no matter what direction you decide to go in life.) from _call_message_12" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, I couldnt ask for a better son.) from _call_message_13" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Thanks mom, but youre laying it on pretty thick.) from _call_reply_message_4" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, Thats my job!) from _call_message_14" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, Have a good night, sweetie.) from _call_message_15" KN_MOD "jump vicaftertext01" KN_MOD "label deflect:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_3" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], I dont want to talk about it.) from _call_message_start_8" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, That bad?) from _call_message_16" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, You shouldnt let it get you down.) from _call_message_17" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, You should know Im proud of you no matter what.) from _call_message_18" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, I couldnt ask for a better son.) from _call_message_19" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Thanks mom, but youre laying it on pretty thick, dont you think?) from _call_reply_message_5" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, Maaaaaybe. ;)) from _call_message_20" KN_MOD "call message (Mom, Have a good night, sweetie.) from _call_message_21" KN_MOD "jump vicaftertext01" KN_MOD "label vicaftertext01:" KN_MOD "call phone_end_vic from _call_phone_end_vic" scene player-room-dark with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "........." scene black with dissolve "......" stop music fadeout 3.0 "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "label may09start:" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 09 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# $ date = "may09night" stop sound play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene pr0082 with blinds show may09night with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The next night." scene club-fr-night2 blur hide screen textbox2 scene club-fr-night2 KN_MOD "call phone_start_chuck from _call_phone_start_chuck" # May 09 Text with Dr. Chuck --------------------------------------------------- play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Im here.,arrivalnormal,Now what?,arrivalcurt)" KN_MOD "label arrivalnormal:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_4" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Im here.) from _call_message_start_9" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Excellent. Head up to the bar.) from _call_message_22" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Ill honor whatever decision you come to regarding the lass. Talk to you later.) from _call_message_23" KN_MOD "jump rosalindintro" KN_MOD "label arrivalcurt:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_5" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Im outside. Now what?) from _call_message_start_10" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Just head on in.) from _call_message_24" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Ill honor whatever decision you come to regarding the lass. Talk to you later.) from _call_message_25" KN_MOD "jump rosalindintro" KN_MOD "label rosalindintro:" KN_MOD "call phone_end_chuck from _call_phone_end_chuck" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(What the hell does that mean?)" # Meeting Warren and Rose ----------------------------------------------------- stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene club-door with fade "With no Ian or Jacob to usher me in, the trek up to the bar was an eerily quiet one." show pr0084 with wipeleft "Inside the bar, waited two bodies. One, an intimidatingly large man and the other a woman sitting quietly on a sofa near the entrance." "The man I recognized from yesterday's visit, though we were never introduced." scene pr0085 with dissolve "The woman..." scene pr0086 with dissolve "Was a beautiful, new face." scene pr0088 with dissolve man "Hiya, kid." man "You ran out of here so fast yesterday that I didn't get the chance to say hello." scene pr0089 with dissolve man "The name is Warren." war "I'm in charge of security around here." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0090 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Return his greeting.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "[mcf]. Nice to meet you." KN_MOD "Shake his hand.:" $ Warren_Friendship += 1 $ Warren_Friendship = clamp(Warren_Friendship, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0091 with fade mc "[mcf]." scene pr0092 with dissolve war "Well, now that you've arrived, I can finally get the fuck out of here." "Warren abruptly began to leave." war "You'll have the run of the place for the next couple of hours." war "The {b}good{/b} alcohol is below the bar." stop music fadeout 3.0 war "Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Hahahaha!" scene pr0093 with dissolve mc "Wait, what do you...?" scene pr0094 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr0095 with dissolve "As I turned to face the only other occupant in the bar, unable to make heads nor tails of what's going on, the woman timidly greeted me with a faint smile." "She seemed nervous, not knowing if she should be the one to break the silence." "After a few awkward seconds that felt like it spanned a lifetime, one of us finally yielded." scene pr0096 with dissolve play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" woman "You're Mr. [mcl], right? I didn't expect you to be so young..." woman "Oh! I'm sorry if that came across as rude..." "She knows my name it seems." "I, on the other hand, haven't the faintest clue who she is." mc "I'm sorry, but who are you...?" scene pr0097 with dissolve woman "Oh! Sorry..." scene pr0098 with fade woman "I'm Rosalind Carter, but everyone calls me Rose." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0099 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Compliment her name.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Rosalind. I like that name, it's very pretty." scene pr0098 with dissolve rose "Thank you." KN_MOD "Move on.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass scene pr0101 with dissolve rose "So..." rose"Should we... begin?" mc "Begin what?" rose "My interview." rose "Do you want to talk first or should I just..." stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" rose "Undress?" mc "Huh...?" scene pr0102 with dissolve mc "What? {b}N-no!{/b}" scene pr0100 with dissolve "At my emphatic rejection to her offer, the color seemed to drain from her face and a sense of worry took its place." mct "(Damn it, this whole thing suddenly makes a lot of sense.)" scene pr0101 with dissolve rose "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I..." mc "Not wrong. It's more like I wasn't expecting you to suddenly offer to take your clothes off." mc "To be honest, I didn't know what to expect tonight or even who I was meeting." scene pr0101 rose " weren't told to expect me?" mc "No, not exactly." mc "How about we sit and have a friendly conversation, okay?" scene pr0100 rose "Alright..." scene pr0103 with fade play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" mc "Let's start from the beginning. Why do you think you're here?" scene pr0104 with dissolve rose "To interview for the club." rose "Specifically, I was told to meet a Mr. [mcl] - uh, you right? - and have sex with you." mc "...and who told you to do that?" scene pr0105 with dissolve rose "It was someone your age, his name was..." mc "...Killian?" scene pr0106 with dissolve rose "Yeah, that's it!" scene pr0104 with dissolve rose "Mrs. Pulman, the lady at the Eden Women's Fund, introduced me to him a month ago." rose "I was afraid that he was stringing me along, that this whole deal was a trick... but then he sent me this address and told me to 'convince' you of my qualifications." scene pr0107 with dissolve rose "That you would decide if I was... a good fit for this place." scene pr0104 with dissolve rose "... but you don't know anything about this?" scene pr0103 with dissolve "I suppose some transparency on my end is fair." mc "Not a thing, I only just had an interview here yesterday myself, but I left with no intention of working here." scene pr0107 with dissolve rose "So, you don't work for Mrs. Pulman then?" scene pr0103 with dissolve mc "No, I only recently met her myself through Killian. He's a..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Good friend of mine.:" $ Rosalind_Affection -= 1 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "A good friend of mine." KN_MOD "An acquaintance of mine.:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Someone I used to go to school with." mc "Anyway, this is just a hunch, but I think you're being used to give me a taste for this place in addition to your interview." scene pr0108 with dissolve rose "...a taste?" scene pr0107 with dissolve rose "..." rose "...but what about me? I really {b}need{/b} this chance." scene pr0110 with dissolve "I could tell by the plaintive tone of her voice that joining the club must be important to her." "I recalled Dr. Chuck saying he'd honor my decision tonight. At the time that was indecipherable, but now it's clear what he meant." "It's up to me if this woman can join the club or not." mct "(I have no reason to deny her, but...)" "Just a quick glance over at the womanly curvature of Rosalind's body kindled a strong feeling of desire, but coupled with the ease of conquest presenting itself, spun that into a devious, actionable thought." mct "(She DID come here expecting as much, so there's no harm in taking advantage of the situation and having a little fun, right?)" stop music fadeout 2.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take advantage of her.:" $ toughness += 5 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Rosalind_Affection -= 10 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) $ roseTakeAdvantage = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump rosetakeadvantage" KN_MOD "Tell her she can join.:" $ toughness -= 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Rosalind_Affection += 5 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump rosebenice" KN_MOD "label rosetakeadvantage:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "It's not everyday that a beautiful woman just falls into your lap." scene pr0111 with dissolve mc "Why don't we get started on the interview?" scene pr0112 with dissolve "Rosalind tensed up in my hands, no doubt sensing the sudden change in my demeanor." "Honestly, even part of me couldn't believe that I could slip into a predatory role so easily." scene pr0113 rose "O-okay..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu rosetakeadvantagemenu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Governor]{/color} Thats Yes, sir. if trait_governor == True and prYesSir == False:" $ rosePN = "Sir" $ prYesSir = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0112 with dissolve mc "From here on out, if you want to make a good impression, it's {i}Yes, sir{/i}." rose "..." scene pr0114 with dissolve rose "Yes... [rosePN]" scene pr0115 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump rosetakeadvantagemenu" KN_MOD "Tell her to undress.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump roseTAundress" KN_MOD "Kiss her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump RoseTAkiss" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Governor] Thats Yes, sir.{/color} if trait_governor == False:" KN_MOD "jump rosetakeadvantagemenu" KN_MOD "label RoseTAkiss:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 $ Rosalind_Libido = clamp(Rosalind_Libido, 0, 20) scene pr0116 with fade "Before I could let my usual inhibitions get in the way of the fun, I pressed on." play sound "sound effects/kiss1.wav" rose "mmh...!" "At first it was awkward, a mismatch of my own enthusiasm and Rosalind's surprise at the sudden assault on her mouth." scene pr0117 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/kiss1.wav" rose "mmwa...!" "... but soon, she relaxed and was reciprocating in return, gradually falling into a pleasant rhythm as things started getting heated." scene black with fade "Minutes later, Rosalind had proven surprisingly receptive to my ministrations as all tension seemed to evaporate and I felt her body go slack in my arms." scene pr0118 with dissolve rose "Ha... ha..." "It was finally time to move things along." $ prRoseTAkiss = True KN_MOD "jump roseTAundress" KN_MOD "label roseTAundress:" mc "I want you to slowly slide off the dress. Okay?" KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" "Rosalind took a few seconds to carefully process what I had asked of her, before finally answering..." KN_MOD "if prRoseTAkiss == True:" scene pr0120 with fade rose "Yes, [rosePN]..." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0119 with fade rose "Yes, [rosePN]..." KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if prRoseTAkiss == True:" "Rosalind took a few seconds to carefully process what I had asked of her, before wordlessly setting off on the task." scene pr0120 with fade KN_MOD "else:" "Rosalind took a few seconds to carefully process what I had asked of her, before wordlessly setting off on the task." scene pr0119 with fade scene pr0121 with dissolve "..." scene pr0122 with dissolve "Without any sense of theatrics, she quickly slipped out of her dress." scene pr0123 with dissolve mct "(...!)" with vpunch "As she turned to face me, it felt like someone had kicked me straight in the gut." "I could barely stop myself from sputtering, my breath catching in my throat as I took in the salacious curves and bends of the woman in front of me." "Large breasts resting atop a slender frame, with an invitingly pleasant, plump softness that extended from her waist to her hips." "I don't know how long I spent drinking in her near-nude form, but by the time I had been pulled from my reverie, Rosalind wore an uncomfortable expression practically begging to move things along." mc "Alright. Put your hands behind your back and stand up straight." KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" rose "Yes... [rosePN]." scene pr0124 with dissolve "It felt like magic. I had told her what to do and she had complied in spite of clear, burning embarrassment and clear reticence." "Seeing her there, almost fully exposed with nothing but a small cotton cloth to cover her modesty, stoked a sadistic fire in the pit of my stomach." KN_MOD "if toughness <= 19:" "Despite this, a part of me couldn't help but feel guilty and pathetic at taking advantage of the situation, but it's what she came here to do, right?" "Regardless, the sight of her ample breasts and near flawless alabaster skin was truly a sight to behold." KN_MOD "else:" "Any guilt or personal smallness I felt at taking advantage of the situation melted away in lieu of the sight of her ample breasts and near flawless alabastar skin." "She truly was a sight to behold." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her shes beautiful.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're incredible, downright beautiful." "Without really thinking, I shared my honest thoughts." "Naturally, given the situation, the words played less like a genuine compliment and more like the utterance of a creep." scene pr0125 with dissolve rose "Uh, thanks... I guess." scene pr0127 with dissolve KN_MOD "Let the moment pass.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass KN_MOD "label roseTAmasturbation:" "To be honest, a part from some blips - a year-long relationship and a couple of casual encounters Ian practically threw in my lap - my experience with the opposite sex has been quite narrow." "Wanting to make the most of it, a devilish idea formed in my head." scene pr0124 with dissolve mc "Why don't you put on a show for me." scene pr0151 with irisin mc "Use the edge of the table and try to get yourself off." scene pr0128 with dissolve rose "You want me to...?" scene pr0129 with dissolve "Her face turned a deep shade of crimson." scene pr0128 with dissolve rose "Wouldn't you rather just have... {i}sex{/i}?" scene pr0129 with dissolve "The request seemed to deeply embarrass her. In some sense, masturbating in front of someone feels more intimate than simply fucking them." "It was only natural for her to pull back at the request, which was what made it so fun." scene pr0130 with dissolve mc "If you can't do that, don't you think you're barking up the wrong tree interviewing for a place like this?" scene pr0131 with dissolve rose "..." scene black with fade rose "H-how do you want me?" rose " this?" scene rosarub_a with dissolve show rosarub "Rosalind started slow, at first giving a few tentative thrusts, before starting in earnest." "This carried on for a few minutes, the dispassionate gyrations of Rosalind's hips not eliciting even a trace of arousal on the woman's bare skin." "No surprise there. The whole situation is about as awkward as you'd expect." "You can't just tell someone to fuck a piece of furniture and expect them to be into it." mc "Shall I give you a hand getting into it?" scene pr0134 with fade scene pr0153 with dissolve rose "--!" scene pr0134 with dissolve "Roughly taking ahold of Rose's fat tits in the palms of my hands, I went about exploring their ample surface - kneading, pulling, and squeezing them to my heart's content." rose "Nwha~!" scene pr0153 with dissolve "The sudden attention had brought Rose's own efforts to a halt." scene pr0134 with dissolve mc "I didn't say stop masturbating, did I?" scene pr0135 with flash "To emphasize my point, I roughly gave her right nipple a fierce tug." scene pr0152 with dissolve rose "T-too rough!" "Despite her protest, the sudden shock seemed to jump start her back to the task, igniting a more passionate display." mc "Y'know... I had heard that larger breasts were less sensitive than smaller ones, but that doesn't seem true in your case, does it?" mc "In fact, it seems these obscene milkbags are your weak points!" play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene pr0134 with flash sys "{b}*Whack*{/b}!" rose "--{b}ghaaa!{/b}" scene pr0153 with dissolve "Before long, I couldn't restrain myself." "Try as I might to belabor the fun, the novelty of the situation and the friction of Rose's soft back grinding against my cock was putting me dangerously close to a premature ending." scene black with dissolve play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "..." scene pr0136 with dissolve mc "Get a good whiff of the dick that's gonna shoot a load straight down your esophagus." play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene pr0136 with flash "*{b}Thwap{/b}!" rose "...huh?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Encourage her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Let's both enjoy ourselves now, okay?" KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" rose "Y-yes [rosePN]!" KN_MOD "else:" rose "Y-yes!" KN_MOD "Chastise her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm going to shove my dick down your throat and you'd better not stop rubbing yourself against the table, okay?" "Rosalind silently nodded and opened her mouth." scene pr0138 with dissolve "Just getting the tip of my dick into the precipe of her mouth felt so heavenly that I thought I would immediately cum." scene pr0137 with dissolve "To avoid that embarrassment, I took my time, slowly working Rose's warm mouth across the surface of my dick." "Meanwhile, Rosalind's own pleasured efforts grew more erratic in response." scene pr0138 with dissolve mc "...don't tell me you're actually getting off on this?" scene pr0137 with dissolve mc "I had my doubts, but you might actually be a good fit for a place like this." mc "Well if you aren't going to hold back, neither am I..." scene pr0139 with flash play ambient "sound effects/fel1.wav" "Feeling an insidious bout of cruelty swell in me, I finally let loose on Rose's poor throat, taking a firm grip on Rosalind's head." "I furiously pistoned my hips back and fourth, jackhammering the back of the submissive woman's throat with wild abandon." "For her part, she leaned into the treatment, doing her best to form a tight seal with her lips and cupping the underside of my penis with her tongue." mc "S-shit! This ain't your first rodeo, is it?" scene pr0140 with dissolve mc "You've done this before!" scene pr0139 with dissolve "The rough treatment continued for another couple of minutes, at a delirious rhythm, until finally..." scene pr0140 with dissolve mc "Ngg--" scene pr0139 with dissolve mc "Take!" scene pr0140 with dissolve mc "My!" scene pr0139 with dissolve mc "Load!" scene pr0140 with dissolve mc "You!" scene pr0139 with dissolve mc "Bitch!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cum on her face:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0141b with flash stop ambient mc "-------!" with flash with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "......" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash scene pr0141c with flash "..." KN_MOD "Cum down her throat:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0141 with flash stop ambient play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "-------!" with flash with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "......" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "..." scene black with fade "As soon as I had cum, it was like the black bile that had surged in me just moments before had been exorcised." "I felt like a real prick. I had no reason to take advantage of Rose other than my most base, disgusting urges." scene pr0142 with blinds stop music fadeout 3.0 "Yet I had done it so easily." scene pr0143 with dissolve play music "music/called-upon.ogg" rose "Are... are you feeling okay?" "Suddenly, the previous object of my lust transformed from a thing into a real, breathing woman expressing concern for me." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.RoseTAGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.RoseTAGallery = True $ history_rosalind = "From what little I have to go off of, Rosalind is a woman down on her luck - a fact that I took advantage of the night I decided to work at the Carnation Club." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Apologize.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ roseTAapology = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump RoseTAapology" KN_MOD "More than okay.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump RoseTAconclusion" KN_MOD "label RoseTAapology:" scene pr0145 with dissolve mc "I'm... sorry I made you do that." "Her expression was a complicated one, a seeming mixture of confusion, and oddly enough, consolation." scene pr0146 with dissolve rose "What are you, a child? Take what you want and then apologize for it?" scene pr0147 with dissolve rose "You didn't {b}make{/b} me do anything, sweetie. I came here and did what I wanted to do." rose "If anything, it's my damn husband I have to blame for all of this, but even then..." rose "I'm a grown woman." mct "(Husband...?)" scene pr0146 with dissolve "It's funny. Rose seemed different than I had seen up to this point." "She had taken on an almost motherly affectation." rose "So you'll tell Mrs. Pulman to let me join the summer exhibition?" mc "Exhibition...? Uh, yeah. Of course. Definitely." scene pr0147 with dissolve rose "Thank you. I'm gonna... go now, okay?" scene pr0148 with fade $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) scene pr0149 with dissolve "........." "I guess she's got the job... and so do I." "Truth be told, in my heart, I had decided to take the job the moment he offered to pay for my tuition." "Then this happened, which was... fun." "......" KN_MOD "jump clubacceptance" KN_MOD "label RoseTAconclusion:" mc "I'm better than okay. That was a blast." scene pr0150 with dissolve rose "...I'm glad you enjoyed it." rose "You'll keep your word? You'll tell whoever to let me join the summer exhibition?" scene pr0143 with dissolve mc "I will... I promise." scene pr0147 with dissolve rose "Thank you. I'm gonna... go now, okay?" scene pr0148 with fade $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) scene pr0149 with dissolve "........." "I guess she's got the job... and so do I." "Truth be told, in my heart, I had decided to take the job the moment he offered to pay for my tuition." "Then this happened, which was... fun." mct "(If I take this job, maybe I'll get to let loose like this more often?)" "......" KN_MOD "jump clubacceptance" KN_MOD "label rosebenice:" scene pr0154 with dissolve mc "I have no reason to deny you. You're in if you want to be." scene pr0155 with dissolve rose "Just like that? You don't want to..." rose "Have sex with me?" mc "{b}No{/b}, I don't. I mean, n-not because you're unattractive or anything, but because..." mc "It's just I don't want to take advantage of you." scene pr0155 with dissolve rose "......" rose "..." scene pr0157 with dissolve rose "Pfff! Hahaha!" mc "What?!" scene pr0158 with dissolve rose "S-sorry. That was just so earnest, that I couldn't help but laugh. Still..." scene pr0159 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" rose "I wouldn't have minded. You're pretty cute, you know." mc "...why are you looking at me like that?" scene pr0160 with dissolve mc "What are you doing? I told you, you don't have to do--" rose "Shush. This isn't because of that." scene pr0161 with dissolve "Rosalind gently pressed her lips to mine." scene pr0162 with dissolve "Whatever thoughts I had whirling around in my head up to that point were melted by her gentle embrace." scene pr0163 with dissolve "I'm not sure how much time had passed, but as soon as our lips parted and the comfortable warmness gave way to a delicate longing, I knew it had not nearly been long enough." scene pr0164 with dissolve mc "W-what was that for?" scene pr0165 with dissolve sys "*Smwack!*" scene pr0166 with dissolve rose "For not being an asshole." scene black with dissolve "..." "Some time passed and we moved on to talking about ourselves, until the subject of what I was doing here came up." scene pr0167 with dissolve rose "I can see why you're conflicted. College isn't easy..." scene pr0168 with dissolve mc "To be honest, this whole thing feels unreal." scene pr0169 with dissolve mc "Just a few days ago I was worried about my finals and my crummy tutoring job, but now I'm looking at working at a sex club." mc "With that kind of money, this would be a no-brainer for most people, but..." mc "The prospect of living outside the lines is terrifying." scene pr0170 with dissolve "I don't know what opened the floodgates, but something about the woman above me just made me want to keep on blathering." scene pr0172 with dissolve mc "See, I used to be a shitty kid. I caused a lot of worry and headaches for my poor mother." mc "The {i}make-her-cry{/i} kind of worry." "Rose's expression softened at the mention of my mom." scene pr0171 with dissolve rose "Tell me more." scene pr0172 with dissolve mc "Well, I eventually realized what a fuck-up I was and I decided to live as best as I could so I would never trouble her again." scene pr0173 with dissolve rose "You seem like a good son." rose "I will say, as I've recently learned, living outside the lines is sometimes unavoidable." rose "I don't think working at a place like this will make you a bad person, no more than I'm a bad person for being here." scene pr0174 with dissolve mc "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" scene pr0173 with dissolve rose "I have few options in my current predicament. Let's leave it at that." scene pr0175 with dissolve rose "Well, sweetie... it's been very weird, but I got to get home to my daughter." scene pr0176 with dissolve "The night had been pleasant, a slice separate from the usual daily anxieties. I was sad to see it end." mc " was nice meeting you, Rosalind." scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Truth be told, in my heart, I had decided to take the job the moment he offered to pay for my tuition." "...but it wouldn't be bad seeing more of Rose too." "......" $ history_rosalind = "From what little I have to go off of, Rosalind is a woman down on her luck. We shared a small moment together after I turned her down for sex." KN_MOD "jump clubacceptance" KN_MOD "label clubacceptance:" "..." scene black with fade play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "I guess I should let Dr. Chuck know I accept his offer." scene club-fr-night2 blur with dissolve play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" fadein 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_chuck from _call_phone_start_chuck_1" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Im in.,acceptA,This is for real?,acceptB)" KN_MOD "label acceptA:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_6" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Ill work at the club, so long as youre being honest about the tuition.) from _call_message_start_11" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Im happy to hear that myself, but I can only imagine how ecstatic my nephew will be.) from _call_message_26" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Youve made a wise choice regarding your future.) from _call_message_27" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Ill have Ian pass along the pertinent details. Good night, lad.) from _call_message_28" KN_MOD "call phone_end_chuck from _call_phone_end_chuck_1" scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "I walked home and went to bed, all the while mulling over the day's events in my head." "Only time will tell if this ends up being a smart decision." KN_MOD "jump may10start" KN_MOD "label acceptB:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_7" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], This is for real? Youll pay for my tuition?) from _call_message_start_12" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Of course, lad. I pride myself in being a man of my word.) from _call_message_29" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Then Ill take the job.) from _call_reply_message_6" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Im happy to hear that myself, but I can only imagine how ecstatic my nephew will be.) from _call_message_30" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Youve made a wise choice regarding your future.) from _call_message_31" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Ill have Ian pass along the pertinent details. Good night, lad.) from _call_message_32" KN_MOD "call phone_end_chuck from _call_phone_end_chuck_2" scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "I walked home and went to bed, all the while mulling over the day's events in my head." "Only time will tell if this ends up being a smart decision." KN_MOD "jump may10start" KN_MOD "label may10start:" play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 10 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# stop sound $ date = "may10day" scene pr0177 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show may10day with squares "The next day, I met up with Killian to grab a cup of coffee before we went to the club." hide may10day with blinds play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_rosalind = True $ met_warren = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "..." scene pr0178 with fade play music "music/happy-boy-end-theme.ogg" "To my surprise, he wasn't alone." kil "Ey, Doctor!" scene pr0179 with dissolve kil "Have you met Mina before?" "As I understood it, Mina was Ian's girlfriend - or at least as much of a girlfriend a man like my womanizing friend here can have." mct "(She has my deepest sympathies...)" KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True:" mc "You've spoken of her, but I haven't had the pleasure." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You've mentioned her a few times, but we haven't met." mc "Nice to meet you, Mina." scene pr0180 with dissolve mina "Oh? Ian talks about me?" "There was a sarcastic, flippant edge to her words. It's just a hunch, but I suppose she must be none too happy with Ian today." scene pr0181 with dissolve mina "It seems we have that in common! I feel like I practically know you already!" "On a dime, Mina shifted to a previously unseen bubbliness - one that came across so genuine and authentic that it crossed all the way back into phony." mina "He never misses a chance to talk my ear off with stories of the crazy stuff you guys used to get up to." scene pr0182 with dissolve mina "It's so good to finally meet you!" scene pr0183 with dissolve "Mina proceeded to hurl herself at me with unrestrained warmth, squeaking out pleasantries in a cloyingly mousy tone." "I wouldn't describe myself as socially awkward, but Mina's unabashed exuberance was making me more than a little uncomfortable." "At the same time... who can argue against the pleasant scent of her perfume and the soft warmness of her breasts pressing firmly against my chest?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Make a joke.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0184 with dissolve mc "You're... certainly a friendly one, aren't you?" scene pr0185 with dissolve kil "Don't let her fool you. She's a real ball buster." mina "tch...!" scene pr0186 with dissolve mina "You think I'm...?!" mina "..." scene pr0187 with dissolve mina "Don't listen to him." mc "Don't worry. I've known him almost my entire life, remember? I know just how full of shit he is." KN_MOD "Hug her tighter.:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0188 with dissolve mct "(Ah, fuck it. There's no harm in being friendly.)" scene pr0189 with dissolve mina "That was nice. People don't hug enough I say." scene pr0190 with dissolve "The three of us had a pleasant conversation over coffee." "I learned Mina was an aspiring actress, who met Killian during a modeling shoot where he was the photographer." "Given how beautiful, well-put together, and deliberate in her mannerisms she is, that made a whole lot of sense." scene pr0191 with dissolve "Soon Ian and I parted ways with her, him explaining to her that we had to go to the club for business." scene black with dissolve mct "(Does she know what kind of place the Carnation Club is...?)" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_mina = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene pr0192 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" kil "You don't know how through the fucking roof I was last night when Uncle Charles gave me the good news." scene pr0193 with dissolve kil "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ride again! Simon and Garfunkel! Bonnie and Clyde!" "He continued to list off a dozen or so famous duos, until it grew increasingly nonsensical." scene pr0194 with dissolve kil "...peanut butter and jelly!" mc "Okay, okay... you can stop. I get it." scene pr0195 with dissolve kil "You sure? I got maybe another six of them ready." mc "Yeah, enough!" scene pr0196 with dissolve "It was nice seeing Killian in high spirits. I mean, he always has a cocky, surefire attitude plastered on his stupid face, but unfiltered joy? That was rare." mc "I'm not entirely sold on the place yet, but you being there will help. Also..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thank him (earnestly).:" scene pr0197 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thanks for doing this for me." KN_MOD "Thank him (with a joke).:" $ Killian_Bromance +=1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0198 with dissolve mc "Thanks for pulling that stick out of my ass." mc "Not having to worry about paying for college will be amazing." scene pr0199 with dissolve kil "Hey, you've always had my back, right?" scene pr0200 with fade kil "Remember that time the Dylan twins were picking on me after school? It was about ten years ago..." kil "They were two grades above us, easily a foot taller, yet you had no hesitation whatsoever." kil "You picked up a rock and cracked the pushier one right in his fat head without even saying a word. That was the first time I learned just how much a head wound {i}bleeds{/i}." scene pr0201 with dissolve mc "That's not a story I'm proud of. Their mother got the school involved..." scene pr0202 with dissolve kil "You may not be, but I remember it." kil "Despite how lame and shy I was, you always included me in things. Now, it's my turn." mc "If you say so." scene black with dissolve "..." scene pr0042 with blinds "We continued reminiscing about old times until we finally reached the increasingly familiar sight of that red brick tower." stop music fadeout 3.0 stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene pr0205 with blinds kil "Hey, Jacob." jacob "Ian, [mcf]. Good to see you." jacob "Head on in." scene black with fade play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" fadein 2.0 "......" scene pr0206 with blinds "..." scene pr0207 with dissolve aug "It's lighter than usual, Dalia dear." dal "That's because Kimber is out sick with the flu." scene pr0208 with dissolve aug "Is she now? I should have Warren check up on her and see if she needs anything." scene pr0209 with dissolve dal "That won't be necessary, I'll--" scene pr0210 with dissolve aug "Ian! [mcf]!" scene pr0211 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" sys "*{b}SMACK{/b}!*" aug "That'll be all, dear. Scram!" scene pr0212 with fade aug "I'm glad Chuck could find a way to ease your apprehensions and get you on board." aug "We like to keep the business in the family, so to speak. It keeps things simple." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thank him.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0213 with dissolve mc "Well, thank you for the opportunity." scene pr0215 with dissolve aug "Ha! That's quite the different tune from yesterday, eh?" aug "I can only imagine what that old pervert cooked up to change your mind. Hehehehe." KN_MOD "Ask him about the money.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0214 with dissolve mc "What's with all that money?" scene pr0216 with dissolve aug "Just some business. You'll see a ton of it." aug "I suppose you're still in the dark about what you'll be doing here?" scene pr0217 with dissolve mc "Dr. Chuck's mentioned something about looking out for the wellbeing of the performers, but I don't know what that means." scene pr0218 with dissolve aug "Ah, yes. {b}That{/b}! You'll technically be working with Kathleen. Entertainment is her purview, but I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have." scene pr0219 with dissolve mc "I would like that." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr0220 with dissolve aug "But first, let me pour you a drink." scene pr0221 with blinds play music "music/horrible.ogg" fadein 3.0 aug " Charles, he comes over to me and says: 'My French is pretty rusty, but I think he's either about to buy you a drink or glass you. Hahahaha!" kil "I never knew you and Uncle met while he was stationed in Stuttgart." scene pr0222 with dissolve aug "That's right, the army is how your uncle paid for college." scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "It's amazing the two of you stayed in touch your whole lives." scene pr0221 with dissolve aug "It's more like he couldn't get rid of me! {b}Ha!{/b}." scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "Anyway, let's move on to why you're here, [mcf]." aug "Between Killian and his uncle, I'm not sure what you've been told, so I'll just ask: what would you like to know about the club?" scene pr0227 with dissolve mct "(That's a pretty open ended question, considering I really only just know this place is a brothel...)" hide screen qmenu hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prAugQuestions:" KN_MOD "So men come here for sex? if prAugQuestions_sex == False:" $ prAugQuestions += 1 $ prAugQuestions_sex = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0224 with dissolve mc "So, men really come here for sex?" scene pr0225 with dissolve kil "Uh, are you okay [mcf]? Did you forget the other day?" scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "Not that. I mean, do people just walk in all wham, bam, thank you ma'am, or...?" scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "No. The Carnation Club is pretty exclusive; the people who know about it are few in number and very wealthy." aug "No one just casually strolls in. One of our members finding the time to avail themselves of our service is a big deal." scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "I see..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAugQuestions" KN_MOD "What am I going to be doing here? if prAugQuestions_work == False:" $ prAugQuestions += 1 $ prAugQuestions_work = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0224 with dissolve mc "What exactly will I be doing here?" scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "I'll let Kathleen explain that in detail, but you'll basically be playing a customer-facing role in a special event we hold every summer." aug "Outside of the summer season, you'll do what Ian does: help facilitate things around the club." aug "Sometimes this means acting as a gopher, other times making sure our members are having their needs met. Sometimes still, you'll just have to laugh at some unfunny bastard's joke." scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "When you put it that way, it sounds like almost any other job..." scene pr0225 with dissolve kil "Nope, just a lot more fun!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAugQuestions" KN_MOD "Whats my schedule going to be like? if prAugQuestions_schedule == False:" $ prAugQuestions += 1 $ prAugQuestions_schedule = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0224 with dissolve mc "How often will you need me to come in?" scene pr0226 with dissolve aug "You're asking because of school?" scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "You won't have to worry, we'll have a very low demand on your time." aug "While we provide some outside entertainment during the week, the actual club is only open on Saturdays and Sundays." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAugQuestions" KN_MOD "Does Rosalind work here? if prAugQuestions_woman == False:" $ prAugQuestions += 1 $ prAugQuestions_woman = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0224 with dissolve mc "So, that woman I met last night... did you end up hiring her?" scene pr0226 with dissolve aug "What woman?" scene pr0225 with dissolve kil "He means Rosalind. Ah, Rosie! Beautiful, but a bit of a bore in bed." kil "You haven't met her yet, but she's a candidate for this summer's exhibition. She and Doc here had a productive... {i}rendezvous{/i} and so here we are." scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "So that's what the gearhead did to convince you, eh?" scene pr0225 with dissolve kil "As to your question, don't worry. You'll do more than just see her again. You two will become quite close." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAugQuestions" KN_MOD "Thats all. if prAugQuestions >= 2:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "That's it. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know." KN_MOD "jump cctour" KN_MOD "label cctour:" show screen qmenu with dissolve aug "Good! Why don't I give you a tour of the building before taking you to see Kathleen. She'll explain your duties to you more intimately." scene black with blinds "We proceeded through the building, August offhandedly pointing to rooms and facilities as we passed by them." "The building itself was originally an office building, but like the bar, it seems like extensive work had been done to transform it for the club's purposes." scene club-bath-day with blinds "The building has a few bathrooms, both small and large, modest AND over-the-top." scene club-sauna with blinds "They have installed a sauna." scene club-bedroom1 with blinds "Numerous bedrooms. Some for more intimate, normal encounters..." scene club-bdsm with blinds "Others specially tailored to specific purposes." scene club-exhibition with blinds "After passing by the kitchen and security room, we rode the elevator to the building's basement level, which has been converted into something resembling a conference hall." "The whole room is decorated and furnished in an almost overpowering crimson." aug "This is a room we use for our {i}exhibitions{/i}." mc "Exhibitions?" aug "That's right. That's another thing I'll leave for Kat to explain to you." kil "You're going to love them. They're the club's main selling point." aug "Now, shall we head back up?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with blinds "......" "..." KN_MOD "label kathleenmeeting:" "..." scene pr0228 with dissolve aug "Well, here we are." scene pr0229 with dissolve aug "Before I go, take this." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Whats this?:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0230 with dissolve mc "What's this for?" aug "To make yourself presentable. Buy yourself a suit. Your current attire won't cut it during business hours." KN_MOD "I cant take this.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0230 with dissolve mc "I can't take this." aug "It's not charity, it's a business expense. We can't have you running around here in a t-shirt. We have standards to maintain." KN_MOD "Take the money.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0230 with dissolve mc "Don't mind if I do." aug "It's not a handout. Use it to buy yourself a suit. A t-shirt won't cut it around here." scene pr0231 with dissolve aug "Killian, you're with me. I need your help lugging up a crate of drinks." scene pr0232 with dissolve kil "Alright. I'll see you after you talk with the old lady, yeah?" mc "Yeah, see you soon." scene pr0233 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "Knock, knock." scene pr0233 with dissolve kat "Who is it?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Its [mcl], Maam.:" $ kat_polite = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0235 with dissolve mc "It's [mcl], Ma'am. You asked to see me?" KN_MOD "Its [mcf].:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0235 with dissolve mc "It's [mcf]. You wanted to see me?" kat "Let yourself in." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "..." scene pr0236 with wiperight play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" fadein 3.0 kat "I was starting to think August was keeping you with one of his long-winded stories." scene pr0237 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "He was giving me the tour. How are you, Mrs. Pulman?" scene pr0236 with dissolve kat "I'm well, thank you for asking." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Nope, he was just showing me around the place." scene pr0236 with dissolve kat "Good, that'll save me the trouble." kat "Well, now that you're here..." scene pr0238 with fade kat "Guess what? I'm your new boss. You'll be working underneath me, at least as far as the summer is concerned." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "So Mr. Byrnes told me." KN_MOD "else:" mc "August filled me in." kat "I'm glad you decided to join the club, but I'm going to be frank with you." scene pr0239 with dissolve kat "Your friend Killian, the one who got you this job, is a moron. He was responsible for the person who held it before you, who turned out to be a catastrophic disappointment." kat "I was going to ignore his dumb ass completely when looking for a new replacement, but he got his uncle involved - and August, he always listens to Charles." scene pr0238 with dissolve kat "So, here we are. I'm telling you, not to rake you over the coals about this, but to clear the air. If I don't come across as immediately amiable, good-humored, or courteous it's because you haven't earned my respect for me to pretend I'm otherwise." scene pr0240 with dissolve "Y-i-k-e-s." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu katyikes:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Throw Killian under the bus. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 2 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness += 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 3 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0242 with dissolve mc "We might be friends, but I'm not like Ian. He acts without thinking and he thinks with his dick." scene pr0241 with dissolve mc "I'm cautious and driven. I may have had my concerns about working here, but you want someone like that." mc "Now that I'm here, and this place is so tangibly linked to my future, I'm committed." scene pr0242 with dissolve kat "...hmm." scene pr0239 with dissolve kat "I'll admit you are a different cut than your predecessor. It remains to be seen if you have the qualities needed for this type of work." scene pr0242 with dissolve mc "What qualities are those?" KN_MOD "Reassure her.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0242 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "You won't have any issue with me, Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You won't have to worry about me. I'm solid." mc "I may have been hesitant about this place, but that was before Dr. Chuck offered to pay for my tuition. I'm not going to screw that opportunity up. Trust me." scene pr0239 with dissolve kat "...well, at least you can string together two coherent sentences. You have that on your predecessor, but it remains to be seen if you have the qualities needed for this type of work." scene pr0242 with dissolve mc "What qualities are those?" KN_MOD "Try and break the tension.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0243 with dissolve mc "Can't we just go back to flirting, like we did the day before yesterday?" scene pr0239 with dissolve kat "That will be up to you, but first you're going to have to prove you have the qualities needed for this type of work." scene pr0240 with dissolve mc "What qualities are those?" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Throw Killian under the bus.{/color}. if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_strongman == True:" KN_MOD "jump katyikes" scene pr0244 with dissolve kat "Cold, with a mix of strong emotional intelligence to know where the line is when dealing with the performers. A good sense of showmanship will help too." scene pr0242 with dissolve mc "...I don't think I fully understand my job description." scene pr0245 with dissolve kat "Let's get to that then. Come join me on the couch." scene pr0246 with wipeleft kat "Every summer we hold a special event, called the {b}summer exhibition{/b}. It's an event spanning multiple weeks, pitting three women against each other." scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "What are they competing for?" scene pr0250 with dissolve kat "Usually, each contestant has a unique difficulty - one that is usually fixed with a sudden influx of liquid cash. Sometimes it's something else, but the point is..." scene pr0249 with dissolve kat "Essentially, the women are competing to make their lives easier." scene pr0247 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Isnt that messed up?:" $ toughness -= 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "Isn't that a bit messed up... to turn their hardships into a spectacle?" scene pr0249 with dissolve kat "{b}No.{/b} Look at it this way, we're giving them an out, usually to problems of their own making I might add." KN_MOD "Go on.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "Makes sense." scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "Where do I fit in with all that?" scene pr0250 with dissolve kat "Your primary role is to make sure the women don't leave the event prematurely. I'm not saying you have to be a friend or an advocate to do this, but you've got to keep them chasing after the carrot." scene pr0251 with dissolve kat "Basically either keep their morale up by gaining their trust or by exploiting their desperation so they keep looking to that light at the end of the tunnel as their only way out." scene pr0250 with dissolve kat "To this end, that means you'll need to prepare them for the exhibition and control the pace of it, but we can get into the details of that later." scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "...uh, if they require that kind of management, what is it they'll be doing during these events, exactly?" scene pr0251 with dissolve kat "Oh, {i}all{/i} kinds of fun stuff. The kind of stuff you'd expect old rich bastards to get off to." scene pr0247 with dissolve mct "(To hear it put so plainly, makes me skittish about this setup... but, I've got to stay focused on why I'm here.)" scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene pr0252 with dissolve kat "Don't worry, I'll ease you into things. I have something fun planned later this week that will give you a taste of what to expect." kat "I'll be in touch." "......" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "label hanameet:" scene pr0254 with blinds "After wrapping up my talk with Kathleen, I found my way back to the bar." mct "(Huh, guess Ian's still busy...)" scene pr0255 with dissolve "..." woman "Who the hell are you?" scene pr0256 with dissolve play music "music/take-the-lead.ogg" scene pr0257 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 mct "(!)" scene pr0258 with dissolve woman "Hmm..." scene pr0259 with dissolve woman "You're too scruffy-looking to be part of the clientele, that must mean..." scene pr0260 with dissolve woman "... you're the {i}new guy{/i}. Darius' replacement." scene pr0261 with dissolve mc "That's right. I'm [mcf], nice to meet you..." scene pr0262 with dissolve scene pr0263 with dissolve scene pr0264 with dissolve woman "Hana." mct "(Hana? That's her name?)" scene pr0265 with dissolve hana "I tend bar here on the weekends." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Look at her ass.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0266 with dissolve mct "(It's kinda a waste thinking that's hidden behind a bar all night...)" KN_MOD "Dont be disrespectful.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass scene pr0267 with fade hana "Don't take this the wrong way, [mcf]..." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene pr0268 with fade mct "(I'm sure I won't...)" KN_MOD "elif toughness <= 19:" scene pr0268 with fade mc "Take what the wrong way?" scene pr0269 with dissolve hana "You sure you're in the right place? {b}This{/b} is the place you want to be?" scene pr0270 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0271 with dissolve mc "Without a doubt." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" mc "I think I might have a lot of fun here." KN_MOD "else:" mc "This doesn't seem like such a bad gig." scene pr0272 with dissolve hana "Really? You don't look the part of an asshole." KN_MOD "Whats that supposed to mean?:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0271 with dissolve mc "What are you suggesting?" scene pr0272 with dissolve hana "I'm saying you look like a big dork." scene pr0271 with dissolve hana " offense, there's nothing wrong with that." scene pr0273 with blinds kil "Looks can be deceiving." scene pr0274 with dissolve kil "Hey, Hana. Why don't you make us a drink?" scene pr0275 with dissolve hana "Get bent, dick-for-brains. I'm off the clock." hana "If you want something to drink, get it yourself." scene pr0276 with dissolve hana "Guess I'll see you around, [mcf]." stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_hana = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "..." scene pr0277 with dissolve kil "What a bitch..." mct "(What's with the animosity...?)" scene pr0278 with dissolve kil "So..." kil "We're going out tonight: you, Mina, and myself." scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "I can't. I've got a final tomorrow." scene pr0278 with dissolve kil "Is it in the morning?" scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "" scene pr0278 with dissolve kil "Good, then you can't say no to me. We're going to celebrate us working together." scene pr0280 with dissolve kil "Don't forget who got you the gig that's going to pay for med school, eh?" scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "When you put it that way... how could I refuse?" scene pr0280 with dissolve kil "Good! You understand your position." scene pr0278 with dissolve kil "We'll be at {i}Circus{/i} tonight. You know the place?" scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "I do, the cover is a bit pricey though..." scene pr0280 with dissolve kil "No complaints!" scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "Fine, just this once." "........." scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "label prDiscoIntro:" stop sound $ date = "may10night" play music "music/organic.ogg" scene pr0281 with blinds show may09night with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The first thing that assaulted my senses, even before I'd even stepped inside from the adjoining hallway, was the overwhelming noise." "A cacophony of drunken laughter, dozens of conversations, and people just trying to be heard over the persistent din of the club's bad dance music." scene pr0282 with irisout "Suffice to say, this wasn't my typical idea of a night out, but as Killian had indelicately put it... I owed him." "And... well, I wasn't incapable of enjoying the atmosphere. Losing yourself in a mass of people can be fun." scene black with fade "Thankfully as it was a Sunday night, the place was nowhere near capacity. Finding Ian proved to be a relatively easy task." scene pr0283 with dissolve kil "There he is! Rare sight seeing you in the wild, doc." scene pr0284 with dissolve mc "I know. I'm Mr. Shut In, right? What can I say? You didn't leave me any choice tonight." scene pr0285 with dissolve kil "Well, Mr. Shut In, let me introduce you to Felicia." scene pr0286 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.9 linear 3 yalign 0.1 mct "(Legs for days, a slim waist, and huge tits...)" scene pr0287 with wipeleft fel "Funny, you don't look like a sailor." scene pr0288 with dissolve mc "That might be because I'm {b}not{/b} a sailor." scene pr0289 with dissolve mc "I guess Killian likes the thought of me in uniform." scene pr0290 with dissolve mina "Pfft, hahaha." scene pr0291 with dissolve mina "It's good to see you again so soon, [mcf]." scene pr0292 with dissolve mina "I'd hug you, but if I got up, there's no telling where my boyfriend might run off to." scene pr0293 with dissolve fel "He's been harping on about you most of this week, but I'm starting to wonder just how much he's told me about you is true." mct "(Oh boy...)" scene pr0294 with dissolve mc "Let's find out, shall we? Tell me about myself." scene pr0295 fel "Is it true you ran All-Star Track in high school?" scene pr0294 mc "Not remotely." KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" mc "Though I did play a little bit of varsity soccer." scene pr0295 fel "What about the rescue dogs? Do you really own three?" scene pr0294 with dissolve mc "I live in a small apartment with a no pets policy." KN_MOD "if history_firestarter == True:" scene pr0295 with dissolve fel "Did you really almost burn down a whole cul-de-sac?" scene pr0296 with dissolve mc "No--- uh, actually that one is partially true." mct "(I can't believe he told her about that. What the hell?)" mc "I'm not proud of it, but I was a bit of a firebug when I was a kid. Torched a neighbor's shed one time..." mc "It was pretty damn stupid." KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" scene pr0295 with dissolve fel "Did you really sell pornography growing up?" scene pr0296 with dissolve mc "No--- uh, {b}wait{/b}... kinda true. He actually told you about that?" scene pr0293 with dissolve fel "As a shining example of your quote, unquote industrialism." scene pr0297 with dissolve "Her laugh had a pleasant, song note like quality." scene pr0296 with dissolve mc "It isn't anything I'm proud of, but I did sell a few photos I {i}might{/i} have secretly taken of some of the neighborhood ladies..." KN_MOD "if history_stickyFingers == True:" scene pr0295 with dissolve fel "Did you really steal thousands of dollars from your middle school?" scene pr0296 with dissolve mc "Not at all-- actually..." mct "(Why would he use {i}that{/i} to talk me up? I don't understand Ian at times.)" mc "It wasn't {i}thousands{/i} of dollars and it isn't anything I'm proud of." scene pr0298 with dissolve fel "Hey... boys will be boys, right?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thats an understanding view.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0294 with dissolve mc "You are {b}amazingly{/b} understanding." KN_MOD "Joke.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0294 with dissolve mc "You must have amazingly low standards." scene pr0297 with dissolve fel "{b}Hahaha--ah!{/b}" scene pr0299 with dissolve mina "Hey, we've all done things we aren't proud of." scene pr0300 with dissolve kil "Yeah. Prim and Proper's idea here of regret is eating cake outside her cheat day." scene pr0301 with dissolve mina "Shut up! I've done things..." scene pr0302 with dissolve mina "If you'll excuse me, I've got to hit the ladies' room." scene pr0303 with dissolve kil "Don't disappear on me now, sweetie." scene pr0304 with dissolve mc "Tell me about yourself, Felicia." scene pr0305 with dissolve fel "Oh, there's nothing to tell." scene pr0304 with dissolve mc "C'mon, you probably know a dozen fictitious things about me thanks to Ian. Why don't you at least make something up?" scene pr0306 with dissolve fel "Fair's fair? You just want me to lie?" scene pr0304 with dissolve mc "It doesn't have to be a lie, but whatever you do tell me, I'll have no way of knowing if it's the truth." scene pr0307 with dissolve fel "Okay." fel "Would you believe that before I was the respectable woman who sits before you, pillar of the PTA, shining example of all things dull and drab about the upper class..." scene pr0323 with dissolve fel "Before that... when I was in college, I worked as an escort." scene pr0304 with dissolve mc "W-what? Really?" scene pr0306 with dissolve fel "Maybe." scene pr0308 with dissolve kil "I wonder--" scene pr0309 with dissolve kil "--Oh?" scene pr0310 with dissolve kil "Hold that thought, I'll be right back." scene pr0328 with dissolve fel "..." mc "..." scene pr0311 with dissolve fel "Then there was two..." scene pr0312 with dissolve fel "So, Killian's bullshit can be fun, but how did you guys honestly meet? " scene pr0313 with dissolve mc "We've known each other since we were kids. We shared a homeroom together." mc "He didn't always have the confidence he has now, which is probably why we hit it off." scene pr0314 with dissolve fel "It must be nice knowing someone that long." mc "I suppose." scene pr0315 with dissolve fel "You don't think so?" scene pr0316 with dissolve mc "Time doesn't always temper a friendship. You know what they say: absence makes the heart grow fonder and familiarity breeds contempt." mc "How about you? How did you meet?" scene pr0317 with dissolve fel "Through Mina. I know her from work." scene pr0318 with dissolve mc "You're a model too?" scene pr0312 with dissolve fel "Oh no, I wish! I just help out at the agency." scene pr0313 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Compliment her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Help out? You're certainly pretty enough to be a model yourself." scene pr0312 with dissolve fel "That's nice of you to say, but there's more to it than looks." scene pr0313 with dissolve mc "I thought that was pretty much the job description..." KN_MOD "Show interest in her work.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Oh? You must have the chance to meet all kinds of people. What do you do there?" scene pr0319 with dissolve fel "I do, but I don't work there in any official capacity. Sometimes I take calls, sort applications, file documents. That kind of thing." scene pr0318 with dissolve mc "Not in an official capacity?" scene pr0312 with dissolve fel "Yeah, the owner is a friend of mine. He lets me help out when I go stir-crazy." scene pr0319 with dissolve fel "What about you? What do you do?" scene pr0318 with dissolve mc "I'm a student." scene pr0314 with dissolve fel "A student, huh? That must be nice, having so--" scene pr0320 with wiperight mina "Damn it! Where did that man run off to?" scene pr0321 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr0322 with dissolve fel "Well, it seems it's that time of the night." fel "This happens every time we go out. Poor girl is a fucking moron letting herself get worked up like that." stop music fadeout 3.0 fel "You should go check on her." "..." play music "music/edm-detection-mode.ogg" KN_MOD "jump DiscoFreeRoamTable" KNMOD "--------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT (Mod developer message)------------------------------------------" KNMOD "---------------------------------It is very hard to mod FreeRoam events, without clicking and complex checking-------------------------------" KNMOD "---------------------------------You will come to this freeroam again after some episodes.. Both's storyline will be shown now itself-------------------------------" KNMOD "----------------------------------I cannot understand which scenes that are supposed to run now & which scenes supposed to run after few episodes-----------------" KNMOD "-------------------------------FUCK FREEROAM GAMES (they are not VN's) ---Anyway you will see all the scenes of the freefroam now (about 1600lines of story)-------------------------" KNMOD "--------------------------SPOILER ALERT-------------------------------------" ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### PALE CARNATIONS ### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Screens ---------------------------------------------------------------------- screen prDiscoCenter: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoCenter_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoCenter_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoCenter_ground.png" hotspot (0,4,200,1500) action Jump("DiscoFreeRoamUpper") if discoMinaUpper == True: hotspot (225,160,200,1500) action Jump("discoMinaRailing") if discoFelUpper == True: hotspot (436,267,200,1500) action Jump("discoFelTable") hotspot (1353,6,800,1500) action Jump("DiscoFreeRoamBar") hotspot (611,231,750,200) action Jump("DiscoFreeRoamDance") if discoDanceMina or discoDanceGroup == True: hotspot (955,429,100,100) action Jump("discoDanceInspect") if discoMinaBathroom == True: hotspot (725,449,150,150) action Jump("prDiscoMinaHarass") screen prDiscoBar: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoBar_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoBar_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoBar_ground.png" hotspot (1252,214,350,1500) action Jump("discoKillianTalk") hotspot (921,194,350,1500) action Jump("discoBartenderTalk") hotspot (1,616,1000,1000) action Jump("DiscoFreeRoamCenter") screen prDiscoUpper: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoUpper_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoUpper_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoUpper_ground.png" if discoFelInvite == False: hotspot (825,364,100,200) action Jump("DiscoFreeRoamTable") if discoDanceMina == False and discoMinaLeft == False and discoDanceGroup == False and discoMinaBathroom == False: hotspot (927,263,350,700) action Jump("discoMinaTalk") hotspot (5,678,920,500) action Jump("DiscoFreeRoamCenter") screen prDiscoTable: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoTable_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoTable_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoTable_ground.png" if discoFelInvite == False: hotspot (1019,81,1000,1000) action Jump("discoFelTalk") hotspot (0,500,1000,1000) action Jump("DiscoFreeRoamUpper") screen prDiscoDance: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoDance_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoDance_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/prDiscoDance_ground.png" if discoDanceMina == True or discoDanceGroup == True: hotspot (852,503,500,500) action Jump("discoDanceFun") hotspot (2, 472, 820, 800) action Jump("DiscoFreeRoamCenter") # Labels ----------------------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "label DiscoFreeRoamCenter:" show black KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoCenter" KN_MOD "label DiscoFreeRoamUpper:" show black KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoUpper" KN_MOD "label DiscoFreeRoamBar:" show black KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoBar" KN_MOD "label DiscoFreeRoamDance:" show black KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoDance" KN_MOD "label DiscoFreeRoamTable:" show black KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable" KN_MOD "label discoMinaRailing:" scene pr0253 with fade "I should go upstairs if I want to talk to Mina." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoCenter with fade" KN_MOD "label discoFelTable:" scene pr0339 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkGet == True and drinkGot == False:" "There's Felicia. I should get her a drink before returning to her." KN_MOD "if drinkGet == True and drinkGot == True:" "I should go upstairs and give her the cocktail." KN_MOD "if drinkGet == False and drinkGot == False:" "Maybe I should see if she wants anything?" KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoCenter" KN_MOD "label discoKillianTalk:" KN_MOD "if discoKillianWarning == False:" $ discoKillianWarning = True show black scene pr0329 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Dude, your girlfriend is not pleased." scene pr0330 with dissolve kil "Tell me something I don't already know." scene pr0329 with dissolve mc "You're going to act innocent?" scene pr0330 with dissolve kil "No, but I actually enjoy making her squirm a little when we go out." kil "She tries that much harder in bed afterwards, if you know what I'm saying." mct "(...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I dont get you.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) scene pr0331 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Mina's a nice girl and she's very attractive. I don't get why you'd risk messing that up." scene pr0333 with dissolve kil "Pssh, girls are a dime a dozen, man. You don't get it because you don't come from a wealthy family like I do, but they all just want one of two things." kil "Access to the purse strings or the good time that can make it happen." scene pr0329 with dissolve mc "..." KN_MOD "Youre an asshole.:" $ toughness -= 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 3 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) scene pr0331 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? Mina's a nice girl." scene pr0333 with dissolve kil "Whatever. Girls come and go, and they're never as nice as they seem. You don't get it because you don't come from a wealthy family like I do, but they all just want one of two things." kil "Access to the purse strings or the good time that can make it happen." scene pr0329 with dissolve mc "..." KN_MOD "Good plan.:" $ toughness += 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) scene pr0331 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're a devious fucker, you know that?" scene pr0332 with dissolve kil "I'm surprised you're not lecturing me about it." scene pr0329 with dissolve mc "Even I find it a drag to act like a wet blanket all the time I guess." scene pr0332 with dissolve kil "Anyway, I'm going to stay down here and let her stew a little. Talk to you later?" KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoBar with fade" KN_MOD "if discoMinaConsole == True and discoMinaBathroom == True:" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoMinaHarassDouble" KN_MOD "if discoKillianWarning == True:" show black scene pr0330 with fade kil "What are you sticking around for?" kil "Go let loose a little, I'll catch up with you later." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoBar with fade" KN_MOD "label discoMinaTalk:" KN_MOD "if discoMinaConsole == False and drinkGot == False:" scene pr0340 with fade mc "Hey Min--" scene pr0341 with dissolve mina "He always does this!" scene pr0352 with blinds mina "Grrr...!" scene pr0342 with dissolve mina "Sorry, [mcf]. Could you give me a minute please?" KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoUpper with fade" KN_MOD "if discoMinaConsole == False and drinkGot == True:" scene pr0341 with fade mina "Tsk!" scene pr0353 with blinds mina "Is... he... serious?!" scene pr0343 with dissolve mina "TWO GIRLS NOW?!" mc "(I should take Felicia her drink...)" KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoUpper with fade" KN_MOD "if discoMinaConsole == True:" scene pr0344 with fade mc "Hey Mi--" scene pr0345 with dissolve mina "You. Me. Dance floor!" mina "I need to let off some steam." scene pr0346 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}...and show that bastard I can play too.{/size=-10}" scene pr0347 with dissolve mct "(Subtle...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yeah, why not?:" $ discoDanceMina = True $ discoMinaUpper = False show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Err... sure, why not..." scene pr0348 with dissolve mina "Good, I'll meet you down there. Don't dally!" KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoUpper with fade" KN_MOD "Sure, but let me invite Felicia first.:" $ discoDanceGroup = True $ discoMinaUpper = False show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sure, but we should invite Felicia." scene pr0348 with dissolve mina "Good idea, the more the merrier." mina "You go get her and I'll meet you two on the dance floor." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoUpper with fade" KN_MOD "label discoFelTalk:" KN_MOD "if discoDanceMina == True and discoFelInvite == False and drinkGet == True and drinkGot == True:" KN_MOD "if drinkGood == True:" scene pr0372 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkNeutral == True:" scene pr0368 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkBad == True:" scene pr0359 with dissolve mc "Sorry, she wants to dance. I'll be right back, alright?" KN_MOD "if drinkGood == True:" scene pr0369 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkNeutral == True:" scene pr0367 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkBad == True:" scene pr0362 with dissolve fel "Let her have it, tiger." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "if discoDanceGroup == True and discoFelInvite == False and drinkGet == True and drinkGot == True:" $ discoFelInvite = True KN_MOD "if drinkGood == True:" scene pr0372 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkNeutral == True:" scene pr0368 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkBad == True:" scene pr0359 with dissolve mc "Care to come dance with Mina and I?" KN_MOD "if drinkGood == True:" scene pr0369 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkNeutral == True:" scene pr0367 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkBad == True:" scene pr0362 with dissolve fel "Heh, {i}gladly{/i}." $ discoFelUpper = False KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "if drinkGet == False:" scene pr0354 with dissolve fel "Would you mind getting me something to drink on your way back?" scene pr0355 with dissolve mc "Sure, what would you like?" scene pr0356 with dissolve fel "Hmm... something fruity." fel "Surprise me." scene pr0355 with dissolve mc "Something fruity coming up." $ drinkGet = True KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "if drinkGet == True and drinkGot == False:" scene pr0354 with dissolve fel "Where's my drink, cutie?" fel "Remember, get me something fruity." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "if drinkGet == True and drinkGot == True and discoMinaConsole == False:" KN_MOD "if drinkGood == True:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) scene pr0357 with dissolve mc "Here you go." fel "Thank you, [mcf]." scene pr0369 with dissolve fel "How's Mina doing? Working herself into a tizzy?" scene pr0372 with dissolve mc "She told me to go away." scene pr0369 with dissolve fel "She's yet to work up the nerve to really let him have it." scene pr0372 with dissolve mc "This is normal for them?" scene pr0371 with dissolve fel "Sadly. Well, what can you do?" scene pr0370 with dissolve fel "Why don't you sit down and we can continue to get to know each other?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkNeutral == True:" scene pr0358 with dissolve mc "Here you go." fel "Thank you, [mcf]." scene pr0367 with dissolve fel "How's Mina doing? Working herself into a tizzy?" scene pr0368 with dissolve mc "She told me to go away." scene pr0367 with dissolve fel "She's yet to work up the nerve to really let him have it." scene pr0368 with dissolve mc "This is normal for them?" scene pr0365 with dissolve fel "Sadly. Well, what can you do?" scene pr0366 with dissolve fel "Why don't you sit down and we can continue to get to know each other?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkBad == True:" $ Felicia_Affection -=1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) scene pr0359 with dissolve mc "Here you go." fel "Thank you, [mcf]." scene pr0362 with dissolve fel "How's Mina doing? Working herself into a tizzy?" scene pr0361 with dissolve mc "She told me to go away." scene pr0362 with dissolve fel "She's yet to work up the nerve to really let him have it." scene pr0361 with dissolve mc "This is normal for them?" scene pr0364 with dissolve fel "Sadly. Well, what can you do?" scene pr0363 with dissolve fel "Why don't you sit down and we can continue to get to know each other?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I cant see the harm in that.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscofeliciaChatter" KN_MOD "I think Im going to check on Mina again.:" $ discoMinaConsole = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkGood == True:" scene pr0372 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkNeutral == True:" scene pr0368 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkBad == True:" scene pr0361 with dissolve mc "That sounds nice, but I think I'm going to see if Mina wants to join us first." KN_MOD "if drinkGood == True:" scene pr0369 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkNeutral == True:" scene pr0367 with dissolve KN_MOD "if drinkBad == True:" scene pr0362 with dissolve fel "Okay, but I'm telling you, it's a vicious cycle. One I doubt you'll have a remedy for." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "if drinkGet == True and drinkGot == True and discoMinaConsole == True and discoMinaBathroom == True:" scene pr0495 with dissolve fel "You should hurry and get down there, that walking steroid looks like he's getting irritated." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "if drinkGet == True and drinkGot == True and discoMinaConsole == True:" scene pr0354 with dissolve fel "She's starting to look like a sad puppy dog over there. You should try and convince her to come join us." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "label discoBartenderTalk:" KN_MOD "if drinkGot == False and drinkGet == True:" scene black scene pr0334 with fade bart "What can I get you, sir?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0335 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "A dry martini:" $ drinkBad = True $ drinkGot = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0334 with dissolve bart "One martini, dry, coming right up." scene black with fade mct "(Hope this is what Felicia wanted.)" scene pr0337 with dissolve bart "Here you go" KN_MOD "A cherry bomb:" $ drinkGood = True $ drinkGot = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0334 with dissolve bart "One cherry bomb, coming right up." scene black with fade mct "(Hope this is what Felicia wanted.)" scene pr0336 with dissolve bart "Here you go" KN_MOD "A tequila sunrise:" $ drinkNeutral = True $ drinkGot = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0334 bar "A tequila sunrise, coming right up." scene black with fade mct "(Hope this is what Felicia wanted.)" scene pr0338 with dissolve bart "Here you go" bart "Can I get you anything else, sir?" mc "No, that's it. Thank you." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoBar with fade" KN_MOD "if drinkGot == True:" show black scene pr0334 with fade bart "Can I get you anything, sir?" scene pr0335 mc "No, thank you." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoBar with fade" KN_MOD "if drinkGet == False and drinkGot == False:" show black scene pr0334 with fade bart "Can I get you anything, sir?" scene pr0335 mc "No, thank you." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoBar with fade" KN_MOD "label discoDanceInspect:" KN_MOD "if discoDanceMina == True:" scene pr0494 with fade "There she is. I should get to the dance floor." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoCenter with fade" KN_MOD "if discoDanceGroup == True and discoFelInvite == True:" scene pr0494 with fade "Felicia and I should go to the dance floor." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoCenter with fade" KN_MOD "if discoDanceGroup == True and discoFelInvite == False:" scene pr0494 with fade "I told Mina I'd invite Felicia to dance with us. Best go ask her.." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoCenter with fade" KN_MOD "label discoDanceFun:" play music "music/organic.ogg" KN_MOD "if discoDanceMina == True:" scene pr0441 with fade mina "Why are you so far away? I don't bite." scene pr0442 with dissolve mina "There! This is nice, yeah?" mina "Put your hands on my hips!" scene pr0443 with dissolve mc "I'm not so sure if--" mina "Don't worry about my jerk boyfriend! We're just having a good time! He won't mind!" scene pr0444 with dissolve mina "Hey [mcf]... Can I ask you a question?" mc "Sure!" scene pr0446 with dissolve mina "Does Ian ever talk about me?" mct "(Quite frankly, the answer to that is never, but I'm not sure if I should let her know that.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her the truth.:" $ Mina_Affection +=1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) $ Mina_KLove -= 1 $ Mina_KLove = clamp(Mina_KLove, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "The truth? Not often!" scene pr0445 with dissolve mina "Oh..." mc "...but you know how Ian is! He's not very good at interpersonal things! He rarely talks about anyone!" scene pr0446 with dissolve mina "That's not true! He talks about you ALL the time!" mina "I swear, if I didn't have such intimate evidence that he's straight as an arrow, I'd be worried he was in love with you!" KN_MOD "Cover for your best friend.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) $ Mina_KLove += 1 $ Mina_KLove = clamp(Mina_KLove, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah! All the time!" scene pr0447 with dissolve mina "Really?" scene pr0448 with dissolve mc "Absolutely! Why wouldn't he? You're a stunning woman!" mc "He doesn't go in for the girlfriend thing usually! That should tell you something about how he feels about you!" scene pr0449 with dissolve mina "What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" scene pr0450 with dissolve mc "Me? No!" scene pr0451 with dissolve mina "Why not? That's such a waste! You're a good looking man!" scene pr0452 with dissolve mina "I have a friend I could set you up with -- {b}oh!{/b} Felicia!" mina "We totally ditched her like a bunch of assholes! We should head back up to her!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "We made our way back upstairs and rejoined Felicia and Killian, who Mina was quick to forgive." $ discoDanceMina = False $ discoDanceGroup = False $ discoMinaBathroom = True $ discoFelUpper = True KN_MOD "jump prDiscoGroupTalk" KN_MOD "if discoDanceGroup == True:" scene pr0466 with fade mina "What are you doing way over there?" fel "Yeah, get over here!" scene pr0467 with dissolve mina "Tell me a little about yourself! Do you have a girlfriend, [mcf]?" mc "Nope, extremely single!" mina "Really? That's weird! You're a good looking man!" fel "It's not that weird! He's young! There will be plenty of time to be tied down later!" scene pr0468 with dissolve mina "Geez! Don't you think that's a bit much, Felicia? You guys look like you're practically... you know." fel "Hahaha, you're so adorable you know that? It's just a bit of harmless dancing! See?" scene pr0469 with dissolve "......" "..." fel "Again? Get over here!" scene pr0470 with dissolve "..." scene pr0471 with dissolve mc "Hey! Nice of you to join us again!" kil "Hey yourself! I think I had a dream about this last week!" scene pr0472 with dissolve fel "You know, you're not like Killian's other friends!" mc "Is that a pick up line?" fel "No! I'm serious! You haven't tried to feel me up yet!" mc "Eh... huh?" fel "Seriously! Go ahead and do it! I insist!" scene pr0473 with dissolve kil "Great! You guys are already friends!" scene pr0474 with dissolve mina "...ngh~ah..." kil "Why don't we take it back upstairs? What do you say?" scene black with fade "......" stop music fadeout 3.0 "..." $ discoFelUpper = True $ discoFelInvite = False $ discoDanceMina = False $ discoDanceGroup = False $ discoMinaBathroom = True KN_MOD "jump prDiscoGroupTalk" KN_MOD "label prDiscoGroupTalk:" play music "music/edm-detection-mode.ogg" scene pr0454 with blinds "The night continued in good spirits." scene pr0455 with fade "...and {i}with{/i} good spirits." scene pr0456 with fade fel "Bottoms up, cutie." mina "No more! No more! I get mean after four." scene pr0533 with fade mc "Oh shit! That is you, from the soap commercial." mc "I've never met a famous person before!" mina "Stop it! It's nothing special, just a commercial that gets regional play." scene pr0533 with fade mina "What was Ian like as a kid, [mcf]?" mc "He was afraid of his own shadow!" mina "What?! Really?!" mina "I can't even picture that!" "We ended up burning an hour, just shooting the shit." scene pr0457 with fade mina "Excuse me a minute, I need to visit the ladies' room." scene pr0458 with fade mina "Don't. Run. Off. Again!" scene pr0459 fel "You two make such a cute couple." mc "I agree." scene pr0460 kil "Well, we are both pretty hot I suppose." scene pr0461 fel "There's more to it than that." mc "That was absolutely not conceited in the least, Ian." kil "Hey! You know very well that my humbleness is just one of the many positive character traits that got me elected Mr. Congeniality for our high school superlatives." scene pr0462 with dissolve kil "Anyway, next round of drinks is on me!" scene pr0463 with dissolve kil "...don't give me that look. I'm coming back this time, I swear!" scene pr0385 with fade fel "Looks like it's just the two of us..." scene pr0384 "..." scene pr0386 with dissolve "Fwup." scene pr0385 with dissolve fel "That {b}was{/b} nice, right?" mina "{size=-15}...hands off, you jerk!{/size=-15}" scene pr0464 with dissolve mct "(Huh? That's Mina...)" fel "That guy doesn't look like he's taking no for an answer." mc "No, he doesn't..." scene pr0465 with dissolve mc "I'll be right back!" scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "The way I look at it, I've got two options: either confront that meathead down there alone or (hopefully) find Ian at the bar for backup." play music "music/organic.ogg" KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "label prDiscoMinaHarass:" scene pr0496 with fade mc "There they are, but maybe I should get Killian first?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Help Mina.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscoMinaHarassSolo" KN_MOD "This guy looks tough, get Ian as backup.:" KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoCenter with fade" KN_MOD "label prDiscoMinaHarassSolo:" "There's no time to look for Ian." scene pr0475 with dissolve mina "Don't you know what the word \"no\" means?!" asshole "Babe, this your idea of playing hard to get?" mina "I'm {b}not{/b} your babe!" scene pr0476 with dissolve mc "Is there a problem, Mina?" scene pr0477 with dissolve mina "[mcf]! Will you tell this jerk I'm not interested? He's drunk and won't take a hint!" scene pr0478 with dissolve asshole "Don't tell me this limp wrist is your boyfriend?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0479 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Come at him from a friendly angle.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0480 with dissolve mc "The lady isn't interested, but why don't you let me buy you a drink instead?" scene pr0481 with dissolve asshole "How about you fuck off, we're just having a nice conversation." KN_MOD "Tell him shove off.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0480 with dissolve mc "The lady isn't interested, so {b}shove off{/b}, jack ass." scene pr0481 with dissolve asshole "Why don't you fuck off before I knock you on your ass?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0482 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prDiscoHarassChoice:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} Try to intimidate him. if perk_strongman == True:" $ toughness += 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Mina_Affection += 2 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) $ Mina_KLove -= 1 $ Mina_KLove = clamp(Mina_KLove, 0, 10) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0483 with dissolve "This kind of prick will only understand it in his own language." mc "Let go of her or I'm going to kick your shit in." scene pr0484 with dissolve asshole "You? I'd like to see you try!" play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" scene pr0485 with dissolve mina "Oh my god!" scene pr0486 with dissolve asshole "Fuck my ha--" play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" scene pr0487 with dissolve asshole "Gah!" scene pr0497 with dissolve "..." scene pr0493 with dissolve mc "We should go" mina "R-right." scene pr0498 with fade mina "Holy shit! He just attacked you!" scene pr0499 with dissolve mina "Thanks for sticking up for me, [mcf]!" scene pr0501 with dissolve fel "You okay, sweetie? We saw the whole thing." kil "Thanks for looking out for Mina, man." kil "I had just gotten back when I saw that guy try to sucker punch you. I was gonna rush down there to help, but you took care of things before I could." scene pr0502 with dissolve fel "That was so hot you know." scene pr0503 with dissolve kil "What do you say we get out of here just in case the cops get involved?" fel "Good idea." kil "Let's go back to my place" KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty" KN_MOD "Well, you tried: sucker punch this prick.:" $ toughness += 3 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Mina_Affection -= 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0483 with dissolve "There's something I learned as a kid." scene pr0484 with dissolve asshole "What do you think you're--!" scene pr0488 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" asshole "Gaah!" scene pr0489 with dissolve asshole "My nose! You broke my nose!" mina "Oh my god!" "The best way to come at a bully is hard and fast and to make it {b}bloody{/b}." "People unaccustomed to the sight of their own blood tend to lose their nerve quick when they start gushing it from their nose." scene pr0493 with dissolve mc "We should go" mina "R-right." scene pr0498 with fade mina "Holy shit! You -- you just... hit that guy!" mc "Sorry you had to see that. I hope I didn't upset you." scene pr0500 with dissolve mina "No! Uh, thank you..." scene pr0501 with dissolve fel "You okay, sweetie? We saw the whole thing." kil "Thanks for looking out for Mina, man." kil "I had just gotten back with the drinks when I saw you lay the guy out from up here. Good fucking shit!" scene pr0502 with dissolve fel "That was so hot you know." scene pr0503 with dissolve kil "What do you say we get out of here in case that asshole wants to get the cops involved?" fel "Good idea." kil "Let's go back to my place." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty" KN_MOD "Stand up for Mina.:" $ Mina_Affection += 2 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "This guy is drunk, belligerent as all hell, and twice my size... but it's not like I've got a choice here." scene pr0490 with dissolve mc "I'll fuck off once you leave her alone." asshole "Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it?" scene pr0491 with dissolve "It all happened in a flash. That asshole shoved Mina out of the way, and while my attention was on her..." scene pr0492 with flash play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" "{b}*THWAP!*{/b}." scene black with pixellate "Lights out." KN_MOD "jump prDiscoClocked" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Strongman] Try to intimidate him.{/color} if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoHarassChoice" KN_MOD "label prDiscoClocked:" "......" "..." mc "Ngh..." "A pleasant, womanly scent and a soft warm touch..." scene pr0514 with dissolve mc "Ugh..." scene pr0515 with dissolve "Not a bad way to come to." scene pr0516 with dissolve "I awoke to my friends looking down on me on the dance floor, being delicately cradled in Mina's lap." scene pr0517 with dissolve mina "Oh! You're coming to. I'm so glad!" scene pr0518 with dissolve mc "...the guy clocked me?" scene pr0519 with dissolve kil "If I were you, I'd sell it more as 'your face defended Mina's honor at great cost to itself.' You'll come out of the story sounding a {i}little{/i} less like a bitch." scene pr0520 kil "But uh... thanks for looking out, bro. That was probably my punch to eat." scene pr0518 with dissolve mc "What happened to the blockhead?" scene pr0521 with dissolve fel "He got the fuck out of there, quick. Guess he didn't want to risk waiting around for the cops." show pr0518 with vpunch mc "Cops?!" scene pr0519 with dissolve kil "Relax! I paid off the bouncer to not call anyone - cop or ambulance." scene pr0518 with dissolve mc "Good... I couldn't afford a trip to the hospital." scene pr0522 with dissolve mina "How's your head?" scene pr0518 with dissolve mc "I feel like I got run over by a truck." scene pr0522 with dissolve mina "I'm so, {b}so{/b} sorry you got dragged into that." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Deflect her concern.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Don't be. I can cross 'getting into a bar fight' off my bucket list." KN_MOD "Let her know its cool.:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's not your fault that guy was being an asshole." mc "I'm getting up now, okay?" scene pr0523 with fade "Ugh... head rush." scene pr0524 with dissolve fel "You sure you shouldn't go to the hospital? You got knocked out..." scene pr0525 with dissolve kil "Hell yeah, he's sure. My boy ain't going to let a little thing like getting floored by an asshole twice his size ruin the night's fun. Are you?" scene pr0526 with dissolve mc "...there's more?" kil "Let's get out of here and head back to my place." scene pr0527 with dissolve mc "Alright, let's go back to your place." mina "Yaaay!" scene pr0532 with dissolve fel "We're going to have {i}a lot{/i} of fun, I promise." "......" scene black with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty" KN_MOD "label prDiscoMinaHarassDouble:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) $ Mina_KLove += 1 $ Mina_KLove = clamp(Mina_KLove, 0, 10) scene pr0504 with fade kil "[mcf], what's uh--" scene pr0505 with dissolve mc "No time. Some major musclehead is being all pushy and handsy with Mina." kil "Shit, lead the way." scene pr0506 with dissolve kil "How big are we talking about?" scene pr0507 with dissolve mc "Magilla Gorilla big." kil "...what?" mc "It's an old... never, nevermind, he's {b}big!{/b}" kil "Shit. Get his attention when we roll up, okay?" mc "Uh... okay?" scene pr0508 with dissolve mina "Let go of me, you creep!" scene pr0509 with dissolve mina "[mcf]! Thank god!" scene pr0510 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let go of the girl, shes not interested.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0511 with dissolve mc "Hey! Let go of the girl! Can't you see she's not interested?" asshole "Huh? Who are you--" play sound "sound effects/breaking-glass.wav" scene pr0512 with flash KN_MOD "Hey, asshat!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0511 with dissolve mc "Hey, asshat! Go find someone pathetic enough to buy what your limpdick is selling!" mc "The girl isn't interested!" asshole "What did--" play sound "sound effects/breaking-glass.wav" scene pr0512 with flash mina "Eeeh!" scene pr0513 with dissolve mina "H-holy shit!" kil "You okay?" mina "Y-yeah. Y-you just...!" kil "That guy would kick my ass 10 out of 10 times. What else could I do?" mina "Not that!" kil "What's done is done. We should get Felicia and get out of here, quick." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty" KN_MOD "label prDiscofeliciaChatter:" scene black with fade "..." scene pr0373 with fade fel "So, what do you study?" scene pr0374 with dissolve mc "I'm pre-med, so a bit of everything at the moment." scene pr0375 with dissolve fel "Oh? You want to be a doctor?" scene pr0374 with dissolve mc "It's the one thing in life I'm clear on." scene pr0376 with dissolve fel "What makes you want to be one? Is it the money?" scene pr0378 with dissolve KN_MOD "if id_greed == True:" mc "It's a decent part of it, I'm not going to lie." KN_MOD "if id_power == True:" mc "No, it's more... I like the idea of people putting their faith in me." KN_MOD "if id_lust == True:" mc "I just want to help people." mc "But there's also my father." scene pr0373 with dissolve fel "Is he a doctor?" scene pr0374 with dissolve mc "No, he died when I was a young boy. An accident." scene pr0377 with dissolve fel "I'm sorry, I--" scene pr0378 with dissolve mc "Don't be, I bring it up because I admire the trauma doctor that saw him through his last moments. She did her best for him." scene pr0379 with dissolve fel "..." scene pr0380 with dissolve fel "I'm a little jealous of people who know what they want." scene pr0379 with dissolve mc "..." fel "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Suggest we do shots.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 2 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) scene pr0378 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Want to go do some shots?" scene pr0375 with dissolve fel "You want to get me drunk? Let's do it." KN_MOD "jump prDiscofeliciaFun" KN_MOD "Excuse yourself and check up on Mina.:" $ discoMinaConsole = True scene pr0378 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm going to go see if Mina wants to join us." scene pr0375 with dissolve fel "Good idea." KN_MOD "call screen prDiscoTable with fade" KN_MOD "label prDiscofeliciaFun:" scene pr0387 with blinds mc "Bottoms up." scene pr0360 with irisout "..." scene pr0381 with dissolve "I don't normally drink like this, in fact I'd even say I hate it, but what spurred me to knock back shot after shot should be fairly obvious." scene pr0382 with dissolve fel "Never?" fel "You've never done a body shot before?" scene pr0383 with dissolve "I am a man after all, all it takes is the right woman to grab and lead me by the dick to influence me to do any number of uncharacteristic things. " scene pr0385 with dissolve fel "Y'know, you're pretty cute when I'm buzzed." scene pr0386 with fade "*{b}Chup.{/b}*" scene pr0384 with dissolve fel "..." scene pr0385 with dissolve fel "Let's go dance." scene pr0388 with dissolve fel "You forfeited your right to say no when you got me lubed up!" scene black with fade "..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr0389 with blinds play music "music/organic.ogg" fel "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" scene pr0390 with dissolve fel "DON'T BE A PUSSY, HOLD ME CLOSE!" scene pr0391 with dissolve fel "YOUR LITTLE FRIEND SEEMS TO HAVE MADE AN APPEARANCE!" fel "GLAD TO SEE ALL THE BOOZE HASN'T DAMPENED YOUR ENTHUSIASM!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ill show her enthusiasm.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Fortune favors the bold, right?)" scene pr0392 with dissolve fel "THAT'S THE SPIRIT!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscofeliciaGrope1" KN_MOD "Be respectful.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? GRAB MY HIPS LIKE YOU MEAN IT!" mc "UH, OKAY?" scene pr0392 with dissolve fel "THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscofeliciaGrope1" KN_MOD "menu prDiscofeliciaGrope1:" KN_MOD "Grope her tits.:" $ prDiscoFelTit = True scene pr0393 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "Mmh...♥" fel "You like my tits?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscofeliciaGrope2" KN_MOD "Keep grinding.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0396 with dissolve "As time passed, our dancing quickly fell out of tempo with the music and into a more pulse-like, need-driven pace." mct "(...shit! If I let her keep this up, I might just pop her on the dance floor.)" mct "(Time to make things more interesting...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscofeliciaGrope2" KN_MOD "menu prDiscofeliciaGrope2:" KN_MOD "Neck her.:" scene pr0394 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "{b}Aawh~♥!{/i}" scene pr0402 with fade fel "You really know how to get a girl worked up. Why don't we find some place a little more private?" scene pr0403 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump prDiscoFeliciaBathroomSexStart" KN_MOD "Grope her tits harder. if prDiscoFelTit == True:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0395 with dissolve fel "{b}Oh!{/i}" fel "I'll take that as a yes." scene pr0402 with blinds fel "You really know how to get a girl worked up. Why don't we find some place a little more private?" scene pr0403 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump prDiscoFeliciaBathroomSexStart" KN_MOD "Grope her tits. if prDiscoFelTit == False:" $ prDiscoFelTit = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0393 with dissolve fel "Mmh...♥" fel "You like my tits?" KN_MOD "jump prDiscofeliciaGrope2" KN_MOD "Let your hand travel down south.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if prDiscoFelTit == True:" mc "That's not all..." scene pr0399 with dissolve fel "{b}Oh!{/i}" fel "You're--ah~ lot bolder than you look, y'know that cutie?" scene pr0402 with blinds fel "...and you know how to get a girl worked up. Why don't we find some place a little more private?" scene pr0403 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump prDiscoFeliciaBathroomSexStart" KN_MOD "label prDiscoFeliciaBathroomSexStart:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionfelicia01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.5 scene pr0404 with wipeleft show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Hey! Wait a--" scene pr0405 with fade mc "This is the women's room!" fel "Keep walking, Romeo." scene pr0406 with dissolve "Felicia wasted no time. Within moments, she had me out of my clothes, pinned against the toilet like a cat who had cornered a mouse." scene pr0407 with dissolve play music "music/six-days-of-heat-pt2.ogg" fel "Damn, you're packing, huh?" fel "Hurry up and put this on." mc "Uh... o-okay." scene pr0408 with dissolve fel "We got no time for nice and easy, lover." fel "Now, shove that fat dick inside me!" scene pr0409 with Dissolve (0.3) play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash fel "--!" fel "Damn, you're thick." fel "Your face doesn't match the equipment, y'know?" mct "(I'm not sure what to make of that comment...)" scene feldiscof1_a with dissolve show feldiscof1 "With those words, Felicia began riding me with a fervor and intensity I'd never experienced from a woman." mc "Ngg!" "With Felicia, there seemed to be no easing into things. She was fully gassed from the onset, rising and bottoming out on my dick in steady succession." "I on the other hand, unable to find the right rhythm to match her relentless onslaught, could only weakly thrust back in a complacent fashion." "It was {b}her{/b} show and she knew how to run it. Each powerful downthrust was gingerly followed by a laid-back, teasing withdrawal until she once again vigorously speared herself back down to the base of my cock." scene feldiscof2_a with dissolve show feldiscof2 fel "Aaah..! I'm so {b}fucking{/b} turned on right now." fel "Where did all that fire from the dance floor go, you chicken shit?" mct "(Did she just call me a 'chicken shit'...?)" mc "Geh...!" with flash "Every time she fell back down sent her toned ass on a collision course with my rapidly swelling balls, sending a jolt of pain coursing through my body." mc "S-slow down, you bitch!" scene feldiscof1_a with dissolve show feldiscof1 fel "Ha! That's right: I'm a bitch fucking an almost complete stranger in the dirty bathroom of a nightclub." fel "...and you're-{b}Ah!{/b} You're the bastard giving it to me like a {b}limp-dick!{/b}" mct "(Shit, that had the opposite effect!)" scene pr0428 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" with flash "A quick strike with the back of her hand sent a flush of heat spreading through my cheek." mct "(Did she just--)" play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" with flash scene feldiscof2_a with dissolve show feldiscof2 fel "Come on! Don't make me do all the work!" scene pr0428 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" with flash scene feldiscof2_a with dissolve show feldiscof2 "One last wallop had sent me over the edge." "I was seething under the surface, spurred through irritation into wanting to turn the tables on the rude slut." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prDiscoBathroomSexMenu:" KN_MOD "Two can play that game: slap her tits.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You bitch!" scene pr0430 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" with flash "Thwap!" "Instead of surprise, Felicia's face had widened into a smile. It seems I had finally given her what she wanted." fel "Yes! Again! {b}Harder!{/b}" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" with flash "Thwap!" "I was happy to comply." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" with flash "Thwap! {b}Thwap!{/b}" "Another set of heavy-handed blows set the tanned whore's pendulous tits shaking, a trace of scarlet spreading at the site of every impact." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexMenu2" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} She wants it rough? Use her like a ragdoll. if perk_strongman == True:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0435 with fade KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexStanding" KN_MOD "Turn this bitch around and give it to her from behind.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexDoggy" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Strongman] She wants it rough? Use Felicia like a ragdoll.{/color} if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexMenu" KN_MOD "menu prDiscoBathroomSexMenu2:" KN_MOD "Pinch her nipples.:" $ prDiscoFeliciaPinch = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0431 with dissolve fel "{b}Ngah!{/b}" with flash "What had started as a reflex to Felicia's badgering had turned into clawing curiosity. I wanted to see just how much abuse these shameless milkbags could take." "Rolling the engorged points of her nipples between my fingers, Felicia's face had transformed from plain amusement back to arousal." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexMenu3" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} Use her like a ragdoll. if perk_strongman == True:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0435 with fade KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexStanding" KN_MOD "Give it to her from behind.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexDoggy" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Strongman] Use Felicia like a ragdoll.{/color} if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexMenu2" KN_MOD "menu prDiscoBathroomSexMenu3:" KN_MOD "Do it harder! if prDiscoFeliciaPinch == True:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ prDiscoFeliciaPinch = False scene pr0440 with dissolve with flash show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "Nggah! T-too hard!" with flash mc "Too hard? After all that?" mc "Fuck you, bitch. Keep bounching on that dick!" "I could hardly believe the words coming out of my mouth. I didn't normally talk like that, but I suppose this wasn't a normal encounter for me." "But rather than getting angry at my indictment, Felicia enthusiastically accepted my crass treatment." with flash fel "N-gh, Y-yes!" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexCowgirl" KN_MOD "Slap her tits.:" $ prDiscoFeliciaPinch = False show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0430 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" with flash "Thwap!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexMenu3" KN_MOD "Slap her face. if prDiscoFeliciaPinch == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0429 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" with flash "Thwap!" scene pr0414 with dissolve fel "You bastard, yes!" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexCowgirl" KN_MOD "Continue fucking her like this.:" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexCowgirl" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} Use her like a ragdoll. if perk_strongman == True:" scene pr0435 with fade KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexStanding" KN_MOD "Give it to her from behind.:" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexDoggy" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Strongman] Use Felicia like a ragdoll.{/color} if perk_strongman == False:" KN_MOD "jump prDiscoBathroomSexMenu3" KN_MOD "label prDiscoBathroomSexCowgirl:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu scene feldiscof3_a with Dissolve (0.3) with flash mc "Ghh-!" "Spurred on by the escalation, Felicia grabbed me by my throat and allowed her sharp nails to dig deep into the soft flesh of my neck." "Noticing me wince from the sudden rough contact, her voice softened and she retreated back from the lust-addled, slutty character she was putting on." fel "...hey-{b}ah!{/b}. Let me know if I'm going too far, okay?" "The sudden touch of concern in the midst of ball-slapping, ugly sex caught me off guard and brought me back around to reality. Still, despite her words of worry, she continued on with the abject, impassioned bucking of her hips." "The dichotomy of those two conflicting displays, her tender concern over my comfort versus the unrelenting vulgar needs of her body, made this whole situation that much more incredibly hot to me." mc "It's okay, I'm fine, just keep shaking your hips!" scene feldiscof3_a with dissolve show feldiscof3 "Content with my answer, Felicia launched into the final stretch. Her previously deliberate, powerful bouncing quickly devolving into a rapid, clumsy clapping of skin on skin." "As much as I would have enjoyed the sight of her breasts rising and falling in sync with our movement as I raced toward orgasm, Felicia's iron grip on my throat and hair kept my eyeline firmly leveled on hers." "It was like she was boring a hole straight through me." "This carried on for another minute until Felicia was gulping down whispy, shallow breaths putting out the telltale signs that we were nearing the end of the fun." "Spurred on by the thought of making the bombshell cum, I pistoned my hips harder, desperately trying to reach the deepest part of her canal in an instinctual (but nonsensical) bid to make sure my soon-to-be release would successfuly reach her uterus." fel "You feel so fucking good, [mcf]." fel "Y-you're close, aren't you? I can - {b}ah!{/b} - tell!" "I would've liked to turn the observation around on her, but I could barely choke out the words thanks to her tight grasp on my vocal cords." "However, it didn't take long for me to be proven right." "Soon her pussy clamped down {b}hard{/b}, her inner walls greedily sucking me in and sending me on the way to my own climax." scene pr0434 with flash fel "Fuuuuuuck~!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash fel "Niiii-!" scene pr0453 with dissolve fel "...ha...aha...ha..." fel "That was... aha... {b}good{/b}." "There was little time for me to comfortably bask in the post-coital bliss, the shuffling of feet outside the bathroom stall reminded me of just how open what we just did was." mc "*Huff*... *huff*... You didn't even try to be quiet." fel "Who cares? The louder it is, the more fun it is." scene black with fade "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prDiscoCafeJump" KN_MOD "label prDiscoBathroomSexStanding:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu fel "...huh?!" "Calling to life every muscle fiber in my legs and back, I scooped the lively bombshell into my arms and brought us to a standing position, pressing Felicia's back against the cold powder-coated steel frame of the bathroom stall. " fel "W-what are you doing?" scene pr0417 with dissolve fel "W-woah, I didn't know you could--" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene pr0418 with Dissolve(0.3) with flash fel "Shit!" "Without any ceremony or warning, I plunged my cock deep back into Felicia's warm insides." scene pr0417 with dissolve fel "This is so hot, I've never been handled like--" scene pr0418 with Dissolve(0.3) with flash fel "{b}THIS--!{/b}" scene pr0417 with dissolve "I'm fairly confident in my strength, but picking up a person who's not expecting to be picked up is a gamble." mct "(Glad that worked out... probably would kill the mood if I dropped her on her ass.)" fel "H-huh? Why aren't you moving? Come on! {b}Fuck me!{/b}" "Growing impatient with me, she followed her plea by weakly thrusting her hips to meet mine." "It was a cute, but futile attempt. The way I had her sandwiched against the wall left her with little leverage to swing her hips." "However, having a beautifully stunning woman impotently try to impale herself on my cock filled me with a twisted sense of conquest and made me want to tease her all the more." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "If you want something, all youve got to do is ask.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "If you want something, you should ask nicely for it." fel "You got to be kidding me. Stop teasing me, you bastard!" "........." "......" "..." "After a few moments of letting the anticipation tantalizingly build, Felicia finally placated me with what I wanted to hear. Albeit a little sarcastically." fel "...{b}Fine!{/b}" fel "[mcf], will you please thrust that big, thick cock into me and fuck me stupid? Pretty please, with a cherry on top?" "...close enough." "Satisfied with her humoring me, I rolled my hips back and readied myself to give the slut in my arms the best fucking I could muster." KN_MOD "No need to be rude, give the lady what she wants.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "There's no need to draw this out. It's clear that both of us {b}deeply{/b} want this." "Wasting no time, I rolled my hips back and readied myself to give the slut in my arms the best fucking I could muster." scene pr0418 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" fel "--Aah!♥" with flash scene feldiscolift_a with dissolve show feldiscolift "Slamming my hips forward and thrusting my cock as deep into Felicia as it would go, I withdrew and started to zealously jackhammer her cunt until I had developed a steady, vigorous rhythm." fel "So g-good!" mc "Should I slow down?" fel "No, don't you dare!" fel "Fuck me until I can't walk straight!" fel "Nn-Aaa-~♥ Uggha--♥" "No doubt anyone else in the restroom were now being treated to a cacophony of delirious expletives and the reverberation of flesh smacking against flesh.'" KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" "I've got to admit: the thought of other people being in proximity to our fucking turned me on even more." "Felicia, for her part, was incredible." KN_MOD "else:" "The thought I was having sex in public was mortifying, almost to the point of making me want to stop - almost." "How could I even consider it? Felicia, for her part, was incredible." "She was so hot that it felt unreal that a woman like her would want anything to do with me, yet here she was actively trying to pull me in as deep as I'd go." "In the best way: she was a real, bonafide slut." "I wished I could drag this out for as long as possible, but I knew I couldn't last." "If the tight strangle her body had on my cock wasn't enough to have me already precariously close to cumming, the strain this position was taking on my muscles had me on a clock." "Fuck it. I'm gonna be sore tomorrow anyway, let's just see how far I can push myself." KN_MOD "if toughness > 21:" mc "I'm going to finish now. Better brace yourself, slut!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'm picking up the pace now, okay?" fel "..ngh--huh?" scene feldiscorag_a with dissolve show feldiscorag "With that, I launched into the final stretch, hips violently bucking and hot air billowing out of my lungs, taking care to press Felicia's long legs back in order to get a better angle at her cunt." fel "Ggg--ah~!" fel "....fuck{w}fuck{w}Fuck{w}FUCK{w}{b}FUCK{/b}!" "If by some chance the other bathroom patrons had missed all of Felicia's fervent cries and lust-laced expletives, then the explosive quaking of the stall's steel frame painted a clear picture." "I was putting everything I had into fucking her. The muscles in my arms burned from keeping the hellcat aloft and a dull ache shot from my waist and up my back with each thunderous meeting of our hips." "But I didn't care -- I was too lost in my rut to give a damn about any public decency laws. All I cared about was driving my cock forward as deep as it could go in a bid to fulfill my biological imperative." "Of course, this was all illogical. I had protection on, but all my higher faculties had melted into images and animal compulsion by that point." fel "Ngh--Ngh--Nggah~♥!" "Any pretense of dirty talk from either of us had devolved into a series of weary grunts and other guttural babble." "At this point, a series of small orgasms had wracked Felicia's body, causing her inner walls to contract tightly around my member, but the final big one was what pushed me over the edge." scene pr0421 with flash "Knowing I was at my limit, I made one last futile, robotic effort to bury my dick as far back as it'd go, kissing Felicias' cervix with its tip and sending Felicia's spasming in my arms." scene pr0438 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Fuuuuuck!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash scene pr0934 with dissolve "My orgasm spelled the end of my strength, my arms and legs turned to jelly, and we tumbled to the floor." mc "*huff*...*huff*...a-are you okay?" fel "*huff*....*huff*...holy shit." fel "I didn't know you had that in you. You are full of surprises." fel "I'm going to be sore in the morning." scene black with fade "There was little time for me to comfortably bask in the post-coital bliss, the shuffling of feet outside the bathroom stall reminding me of just how open what we just did was." "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prDiscoCafeJump" KN_MOD "label prDiscoBathroomSexDoggy:" scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu $ felPN = "Daddy" mc "Stand up." fel "...huh--" fel "HEY!" "Not waiting for her to comprehend my request, I gave Felicia a light shove off me and quickly spun her around, planting her against the cold frame of the bathroom stall." scene pr0422 with dissolve "By now she had an idea of what I wanted, and taking no issues with me being on top, assumed the best position to give me easy access to penetrate her from behind." fel "I've got no problem with you taking the lead, as long as you don't disappoint." "As if to underline her point, Felicia gave her ass a seductive wag." "Not wanting to leave the lady waiting, I did as she asked, bucking my hips forward and back in deep, tentative thrusts." scene pr0425 with dissolve fel "F-fuck! That's it." scene feldiscodog1_a with dissolve show feldiscodog1 fel "I love how deep your fat dick can hit, especially at this angle." fel "Your cock is practically built for giving it to sluts from behind." "Felicia continued on with her audacious dirty talk, discarding any pretense of secrecy or hushed tones and putting it loud and plain for the whole bathroom to hear." mc "People can hear us..." fel "Ngg-s-so? People bang in club bathrooms all the time." fel "Stop thinking about other people and focus on me!" "She was right. I was already past the point of no return and I wasn't about to blue ball myself in the name of public decency." scene pr0425 with flash fel "--!" "Fighting past my apprehension, I decided to find a pace that would leave the mouthy slut in my grip speechless." scene feldiscodog1_a with dissolve show feldiscodog1 fel "T-there it is!" "Felicia wasn't content in letting me do all the work. Matching my efforts, every time I withdrew she unsheathed herself and on the return, she sent her ass crashing back to meet my hips." "It was quite the ass too. Toned and shapely with a pleasant give. Of course, I didn't have to see her nude to know she takes care of herself." "That's something you can spot from across a room or just tell by the way she carries herself." "It boggles my mind that she's even interested in fucking someone like me, but I'm not going to squander the opportunity. I'm going to fuck so hard my bones will ache." "Full of myself, with machismo coursing through my veins, I uncharacteristically resolved to give her the best fucking of her life." scene pr0425 with flash play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "Thwap!" "Almost by instinct, I gave the bombshell's ass a tentative smack." fel "--oh!" scene pr0424 with dissolve "The impact sent a shock through Felicia's body, causing her canal to pleasantly clamp down on my member. I had to do that again!" scene pr0425 with flash play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "Thwap!" mc "How's that for a limp dick, you slut?" scene pr0424 with flash play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "Thwap!" mc "You like that?" scene pr0425 with flash fel "Yes, Daddy~!♥ It's so good!♥" scene pr0424 with dissolve fel "Shit! Ig-ignore that!" mct "(daddy...?)" scene pr0425 with dissolve "That's a first for me. It has a nice ring to it, especially coming from an older woman." scene feldiscodog2_a with dissolve show feldiscodog2 mc "Who's your daddy?" "As cheap and pornographic as it was, my arousal compelled me to latch onto Felicia's slip of the tongue, letting me utter what I'd normally find embarrassing and extremely corny." fel "Y-you are?" with flash play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "Thwap!" mc "WHO'S your daddy?" fel "You are!" mc "...and what's my name?" fel "[mcf]!" with flash play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "Thwap!" mc "Say my name!" fel "[mcf]!" "At this point, a series of small orgasms had wracked Felicia's body, causing her inner walls to contract tightly around my member, but the final big one was what pushed me over the edge." scene pr0437 with flash mc "Take it you, whore!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "Knowing I was at my limit, I made one last effort to bury my dick as far back as it'd go, kissing Felicia's cervix with its tip and sending Felicia spasming in my grip." with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Fuuuuuck!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash scene pr0936 with dissolve mc "*huff*...*huff*..." fel "*huff*...*huff*..." "Covered in sweat and lungs burning from exertion, it took some time before the two of us finally came crashing back to reality." "....." "..." scene pr0937 with dissolve mc "So... Daddy?" fel "Shut up. It's an old... habit from my college days." mc "Got it..." fel "You didn't seem to mind." "She had me there." scene black with fade "There was little time for me to comfortably bask in the post-coital bliss, the shuffling of feet outside the bathroom stall reminding me of just how open what we just did was." "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prDiscoCafeJump" KN_MOD "label prDiscoCafeJump:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr0439 with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.felBathroomGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felBathroomGallery = True fel "That was fun, lover. We should probably get back now though." $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene pr0926 with dissolve "Bleep!" scene pr0927 with dissolve mc "It's from Ian. Probably wondering where we are..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0928 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, Sorry, had to leave. Minas mad. TTYL.) from _call_message_start" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0929 with dissolve mct "(Short and to the point...)" fel"Looks like Ian and Mina bailed on us--" scene pr0930 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "{i}Creeeek{i}." mc "Uh, let's get out of here." "..." scene black with fade play music "music/organic.ogg" "Returning to the din of the club, I read Ian's brief text to Felicia." scene pr0931 with dissolve fel "All part of the stupid game they play. Don't get me wrong. I love Mina, but Ian makes her sink to his level." mct "(Funny she should say that...)" "My mind immediately drew a parallel to my recent employment at the Carnation Club." scene pr0932 with dissolve fel "I don't want to call it a night yet! Why don't we get something to eat? I'm fucking starving!" "A little bit of food to offset the alcohol didn't sound like a bad idea. Plus, I'd feel like a prick if I just fucked her in a bathroom and left." scene pr0933 with dissolve mc "Okay! I know a place!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyCafe" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 11 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# KN_MOD "label prAfterParty:" $ prAfterParty = True stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade show screen qmenu with dissolve scene pr0534 with blinds play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "From the club, we moved to Ian's penthouse suite." scene pr0535 with dissolve fel "Aaaah-- this water feels AMAZING!" scene pr0536 with dissolve mina "It's too bad you don't have a bathing suit to change into." scene pr0537 with dissolve fel "Why would that stop me?" scene pr0538 with irisout kil "Why don't you girls change into something more comfortable?" scene pr0539 with dissolve mina "Good idea. My feet are killing me!" scene pr0540 with dissolve mina "Come on, Felicia. I've got some clothes here that might fit you." fel "Ah-- alright." scene pr0541 with dissolve fel "Don't get up to any fun without us!" scene pr0542 with fade stop ambient fadeout 3.0 play music "music/night-on-the-docks-sax.ogg" mc "Nice view you have here." kil "Huh? This is your first time seeing it? I've lived here for two years..." mc "Nope. We only ever get coffee every now and then." scene pr0543 with dissolve kil "Damn, well all that will soon change. Working at the Carnation Club, you and I are going to get up to all sorts of things again." scene pr0544 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Looking forward to it.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0545 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that actually sounds great." KN_MOD "If you say so.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0545 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I bet..." kil "Count on it!" scene pr0546 with dissolve kil "So, how's Victoria doing?" scene pr0547 mc "She's doing good. She told me to tell you 'hi' the next time I saw you." scene pr0546 with dissolve kil "Do you think she'd want to get lunch sometime? I'd like to catch up." scene pr0547 mc "You kidding? She'd love it." scene pr0546 kil "I do miss seeing her every day after school. In some ways, she felt more like a mom to me than my own." scene pr0547 mc "C'mon, you know your mother loves you..." kil "She has a funny way of showing it." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "So do you.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0548 with dissolve mc "Yeah, but you of all people should know that showing affection doesn't come easy to some." mc "People aren't Hallmark cards." scene pr0549 with dissolve kil "Easy for you to say. Your mother's fucking perfect." scene pr0547 with dissolve mc "I'm not going to argue with you there." KN_MOD "Youve got it good, cut them some slack.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0548 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about? You've got it better than most." mc "Your parents set you up for life, they never emotionally or physically abused you..." mc "Hell, they never put any pressure on you altogether." scene pr0549 with dissolve kil "Couldn't you let me gripe without giving me a dose of reality, huh?" fel "We're back, boys." scene pr0550 with fade mc "--!" stop music fadeout 3.0 play music "music/there-it-is.ogg" scene pr0551 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 $ renpy.pause(2.3, hard=True) scene pr0552 with dissolve mct "(Hot damn, that's what Mina calls comfortable?)" kil "I thought we'd play a drinking game." scene pr0553 mina "Ugh... more drinking?" scene pr0554 with dissolve kil "I'll get the stuff." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Killian went to the kitchen, grabbed the alcohol, and we got set up for the game." play music "music/hotshot.ogg" scene pr0555 with blinds mc "Okay, so how do we play this?" kil "Okay. This one is called {i}King's Game{/i}." kil "It's simple. Each card is assigned an instruction." kil "We'll go around in a circle one at a time, draw cards, and execute those instructions until we're too shitfaced to play." kil "Here's the rules..." scene pr0556 with dissolve kil "Simple game, lots of rules. Luckily you don't have to remember all of that. I've got you covered." scene pr0557 with dissolve mina "Push ups?! How is that fun?! Why can't we just talk and drink?" scene pr0558 with dissolve fel "Aw, come on, sweetie." fel "It's all just an excuse to loosen up and have a little fun." scene pr0559 with dissolve mina "{b}Fiiiine{/b}." scene pr0560 with dissolve mc "Seems like it might be fun." scene pr0561 with dissolve kil "Alright! That's the spirit!" kil "Let's get the ball rolling then. I'll start and then we'll go clockwise." scene pr0562 with fade "Killian turned a five face up." kil "That means you and I got to take a shot." scene pr0563 with fade mct "(Simple enough.)" scene pr0564 with dissolve kil "Now, it's your turn to draw, [mcf]." scene pr0565 with fade kil "A seven..." mina "What's that one mean again?" scene pr0566 with dissolve kil "{b}Ahem{/b}..." scene pr0567 with dissolve kil "...last one to stand up drinks." scene pr0568 with fade mina "Oh, you jerk--" mina "You stood up before you even told us!" scene pr0569 with dissolve kil "Rules are rules, gotta knock one back." mina "Grrrrrr!" fel "Here, let me help!" scene pr0570 with fade fel "Bottoms up!" kil "Felicia's turn now." scene pr0571 with dissolve fel "Coooome on {b}King{/b}!" scene pr0572 with fade "..." scene pr0573 with dissolve fel "Damn!" kil "That means everyone drinks but Felicia..." scene pr0574 with fade "..." scene pr0575 with fade mina "My turn!" scene pr0576 with dissolve mina "Yes! A queen! I get to ask everyone a question, right?" kil "That's right, exactly one question per person." kil "Pick a person, ask your question, and they must either answer it truthfully or take two shots." scene pr0577 with dissolve fel "Make them good!" mina "Hmm..." scene pr0578 with dissolve mina "I'll start with you, [mcf]." mc "Okay, shoot." mina "When's your birthday?" scene pr0579 with dissolve fel "Huh? That's it? You can ask him ANYTHING and you wanna know when his birthday is?" fel "You could just ask him that between rounds!" scene pr0580 with dissolve mina "Hey! I'm the one asking the questions here, so pipe down!" scene pr0581 with dissolve kil "Well, what will it be? Answer the question or take two shots?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her your birthday.:" $ prBirthdayMinaGift = True $ Mina_Affection += 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0582 with dissolve mc "Gee, I wonder what I'll pick: it's June 7th." scene pr0583 with dissolve mina "That's in..." scene pr0584 with dissolve mina "Just over three weeks! That's close!" mina "How old will you be?" scene pr0585 with dissolve kil "Ah, ah, ah! You only get one question. Don't answer that, [mcf]." mina "WHAT?! For real?" kil "Those are the rules." kil "Now, you've got two questions remaining for Felicia and myself." KN_MOD "Take the shots.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Obviously, it's a harmless question, but it might be fun to tease her by denying her the simple information." scene pr0586 with dissolve mina "WHAT?! You're kidding me?" mc "Huh? I'm here to drink." mina "What are you, an alcoholic?" scene pr0587 with dissolve mina "Ian! What's his birthday?" scene pr0588 with dissolve kil "Hey, if [mcf] doesn't want to share that information with you, it's not my place to go over his head." fel "Pffhahahaha!" kil "Now, you've got two questions remaining for Felicia and myself." scene pr0589 with dissolve mina "Alright, Felicia...." fel "Yeah, sweetie?" scene pr0590 with dissolve mina "Hmm..." scene pr0591 with dissolve mina "What is the MOST adventurous thing you've done in bed?" mct "(I can't help but notice a disparity between Felicia's and my own questions...)" scene pr0592 with dissolve fel "That's more like it! Though I would've liked to have known [mcf]'s answer to that question." scene pr0591 with dissolve mina "You should tailor your questions to your audience." scene pr0593 with dissolve fel "I'm going to ignore that implication, sweet thing." mct "(Me too... I think.)" scene pr0594 with dissolve fel "My most wildest sex act, huh...?" scene pr0595 with dissolve fel "When I was pledging to my sorority, we had to endure all kinds of shit." fel "All sorts of... {b}degrading{/b} and {i}fun{/i} things." fel "One time I had to ride a Sybian machine in front of an entire Greek mixer." scene pr0596 with dissolve kil "Oh, you kinky bitch!" scene pr0597 with dissolve mina "Ian! Don't call her that!" scene pr0598 with dissolve mina "..." scene pr0599 with dissolve mina "What's a... {i}Sybian{/i} machine...?" scene pr0600 with dissolve fel "Oh, sweetie..." fel "It's a..." scene pr0601 with dissolve kil "A motorized dildo on a seat, basically." scene pr0602 with dissolve mina "OH MY GOD! REALLY?" mina "In front of a {b}WHOLE{/b} room of PEOPLE?!" mina "How... h-how..." scene pr0603 with dissolve fel "You're burning red! I can't believe how cute you are." scene pr0604 with dissolve fel "What can I say? That's when I learned I liked being the center of attention." fel "I imagine you feel a similar thing when you're on a photo shoot, right sweetie?" mina "Well..." mina "I couldn't ever do anything THAT embarrassing, but I do enjoy all the pampering on set I suppose..." scene pr0607 with slideleft kil "Okay, it's my turn to get asked a question." scene pr0608 with dissolve mina "Okay! Same question as Felicia." kil "..." scene pr0609 with fade mina "HEY!" scene pr0610 with dissolve kil "Sorry, I know better than to open that can of worms." fel "What do you mean--!" scene pr0611 with dissolve kil "Now, it's back to me." scene pr0612 with dissolve kil "{b}We're all whores.{/b} Everyone take off a piece of clothing as fast as you can!" scene pr0613 with fade "In a flurry, everyone rushed to take off a piece of clothing. Paying no mind to modesty, three of us had a similar idea: the top's the quickest." "Meanwhile, Mina got hung up on her sock." scene pr0614 with dissolve mina "Grr..! {b}Drat!{/b}" mc "..." mc "(Wait a minute...)" fel "Looks like you're drinking, sweetie." mina "Yeah, yeah..." scene pr0615 with dissolve "Caught up in the moment, it was slow to dawn on me that Felicia was now topless." "Her golden breasts were unabashedly on display, yet it didn't seem to faze the three of them, least of all Felicia." scene pr0616 with fade "In fact, everything carried on business as usual..." scene pr0617 with dissolve mina "Eeeh, I'm starting to feel it." fel "There, there!" scene pr0618 with fade mc "Guess it's my go again..." scene pr0619 with fade $ prGetOutOfJail = True kil "That's a get out of jail free card. You get to force someone else to do a punishment affecting you." kil "Use it wisely!" scene pr0620 with fade mc "Awesome. Your go, Felicia." scene pr0621 with dissolve fel "Let's see..." kil "Three is me - take a drink." fel "Really? Another BORING draw." scene pr0622 with dissolve "With a sigh, Felicia quickly downed her punishment." scene pr0623 with fade mina "I'm up!" scene pr0624 with dissolve mina "Please, please, please, PLEEEASE don't let me have to drink..." scene pr0625 with fade kil "Spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on, you either both have to take a shot or kiss." scene pr0626 with dissolve mina "Heck yeah!" scene pr0627 with fade mina "Alright, here I go..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene prAfterPartySpin $ renpy.pause(3.8, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "Oh...!" "The bottle finally crawled to a stop on me." scene pr0634 with dissolve mina "Guess we have to kiss, huh?" mina "That is, if you want to..." "Who the hell wouldn't want to? Mina is easily one of the most attractive girls I've ever met." "On the flip side, I guess it would be kinda weird to kiss Ian's girl in front of him." "I could turn her down, but I might risk hurting her feelings. I could also use my get out of jail free card to have her kiss someone else." "In that case, she'd probably appreciate it if I picked Ian, but there is ALWAYS Felicia..." stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Kiss her.:" $ Mina_Affection += 2 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyMinaKiss" KN_MOD "Have her kiss Ian.:" $ Mina_Affection +=1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) $ prGetOutOfJail = False play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPatyMinaIanKiss" KN_MOD "Have her kiss Felicia.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) $ Mina_BiCurious += 1 $ Mina_BiCurious = clamp(Mina_BiCurious, 1, 5) $ prGetOutOfJail = False play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyMinaFeliciaKiss" KN_MOD "Both of you take a shot.:" $ Mina_Affection -= 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyMinaKissDeny" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyMinaKiss:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" scene pr0635 with dissolve mc "It's only a game, right?" kil "Exactly!" kil "...but remember, you gotta make it good! No half-assing it." mct "(Is it me, or does Killian seem extra enthused about this...?)" scene pr0636 with fade mina "..." scene pr0637 with dissolve mina "You know, you've got a pretty good physique, [mcf]." mc "Uh... thank you." scene pr0638 with dissolve mina "Well, no half-assing, right?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Half-ass it.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Despite saying that, this is still pretty weird." scene pr0639 with dissolve "{b}*Fwup!*{/b}" "I opted to keep it as chaste as I could and luckily, Mina followed my lead." "......" scene pr0638 with dissolve "..." mina "That was nice." scene pr0640 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.minaMCKissGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.minaMCKissGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mina "...and I didn't have to drink! Woohoo!" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "Put on a show.:" $ Mina_KLove -= 1 $ Mina_KLove = clamp(Mina_KLove, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Ah, fuck it. If it's supposed to be believable..." scene pr0639 with dissolve "Might as well have fun with it." scene pr0641 with dissolve mina "Mmmhn....!" "Mina's body tensed up as she awkwardly tried to find the best way to reciprocate." scene minaafter_kiss_a with dissolve show minaafter_kiss mina "...hmmm~" "Eventually, all that tension evaporated and she went slack in my arms, openly accepting the advance of my tongue as it intertwined with her own." "......" "..." scene pr0643 with dissolve mina "Ha... ha... ha..." KN_MOD "if not persistent.minaMCKissGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.minaMCKissGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mc "I hope I didn't go too far..." mina "N-no... it was part of the game." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "label prAfterPatyMinaIanKiss:" "Let's not make this weird." scene pr0644 with dissolve mc "Yeaaaah, I'm going to use my get out of jail free card..." mc "...and pass the buck to Ian." scene pr0645 with dissolve mina "Yaaaay!" fel "Oh, come on. That's so boring." scene pr0646 with dissolve fel "Should've picked me at least, I can guarantee you she's never kissed a girl before." scene pr0647 with fade "The two of them shared an intimate, deep, but ultimately restrained kiss." scene pr0648 with dissolve mina "Kinda sucks it takes a game to get a little PDA, but thank you [mcf]." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyMinaFeliciaKiss:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" "Let's not make this weird... for me at least." scene pr0644 with dissolve mc "Yeeeeaaah, I'm going to use my get out of jail free card..." mina "Huh? You're making it sound like kissing me is a punish--" scene pr0649 with dissolve mc "...and hand it off to Felicia." kil "Hell yeah!" play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene pr0650 with dissolve mina "Uh... really?" with flash mina "I've... never kissed a girl before..." fel "It's not much different than kissing a guy, just a little more... lip-balmy." mina "O-okay, if you say so..." scene pr0651 with fade fel "I'll take the lead, okay?" "Mina was clearly flustered by this turn of events. All she could do was silently nod in assent." scene pr0652 with dissolve fel "Hmm...? Is that strawberries?" fel "You gotta tell me what shampoo you use after this." scene pr0653 with dissolve mina "{b}Mmmh....!{/b}" scene pr0654 with dissolve "Felicia wasted no time in assaulting Mina's mouth, her tongue forcefully finding its way past her pursed lips and into the warm valley beyond." scene pr0655 with dissolve "It wasn't long before Mina surrendered to Felicia's forceful ministrations, as the golden beauty crept her hand up to and gently massaged the model's breast." scene pr0656 with dissolve "{b}*Fwup... chup... fwah...!*{/b}" scene felminakiss_a with dissolve show felminakiss mina "{b}Maaaaaah!{/b}" "It was quicky evolving into more than a convincing kiss..." "In fact, it was going well beyond. Felicia's hand suddenly lurched down to Mina's cloth panties." scene pr0658 with dissolve "Mina had completely forgotten herself by this point. If Felicia wanted to take it any further, I doubt she'd have faced any resistance." scene pr0659 with dissolve "Fortunately for her, Felicia's ferocious attack gradually abated into a tender kiss." scene pr0660 with dissolve mina "T-that was WAY too far!" fel "Really? I'm sure the boys don't have any complaints." kil "{size=-10}Holy shit, that was fucking HOT. Well played, you horndog!{/size=-10}" mc "{size=-10}Don't give me too much credit, I wasn't expecting {b}THAT{/b}...{/size=-10}" KN_MOD "if not persistent.minaFeliciaKissGalleryy:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.minaFeliciaKissGallery = True $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyMinaKissDeny:" "Let's not make this weird." scene pr0661 with dissolve mc "Yeah, sorry. It's kinda weird kissing my friend's girlfriend." kil "Oh, I don't mind, in fact..." mc "It's still weird!" scene pr0662 with dissolve mc "Sorry Mina, you're extremely hot, but..." mina "Don't worry, I get it." scene pr0663 with fade mc "Bottoms up!" KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "label prAfterParty2:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade scene pr0664 with dissolve kil "Alrighty..." scene pr0665 with dissolve kil "King! That means--" scene pr0666 with dissolve mina "Oh no! You're gonna have us do something perverted, right?" scene pr0667 with dissolve kil "... c'mon, why would you come to that conclusion?" mc "Who are you trying to fool?" scene pr0668 with dissolve fel "Come on, {b}get on with it{/b}." scene pr0669 with dissolve kil "Hm..." scene pr0670 with dissolve kil "All three of you have to... jump in the pool." mc "Clothed? I don't have a change of clothes..." scene pr0671 with dissolve kil "You can do it nude if you want. I'll leave that up to you." "Well, there's no way I'm spending the night in wet jeans..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Jump into the pool with just your underwear on.:" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPoolJumpUnderwear" KN_MOD "No way Im walking home in soggy underwear: take it all off.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) play music "music/hotshot.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPoolJumpNude" KN_MOD "Use your get out of jail card: make Ian do it. if prGetOutOfJail == True:" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" $ prGetOutOfJail = False show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPoolJumpIan" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPoolJumpUnderwear:" scene pr0672 with dissolve "Nope. I'll have a {i}little{/i} modesty at least." scene pr0673 with dissolve "Wordlessly, I began undoing my pants, stopping at my underwear." scene pr0674 with dissolve fel "Aw, keep going!" mc "Sorry, but if you'll excuse me..." scene pr0677 with irisout play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" mc "Geronimo!" scene pr0679 with fade kil "It's your girls' turn... that or you can take three shots." scene pr0680 with fade mina "Ugh... no thank you! Besides, this might help me sober up." scene pr0681 with dissolve mina "I hate being drunk!" fel "Hey, wait for me!" scene pr0683 with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" "..." scene black with fade mina "Yeeeees! The water feels so goooood, Ian." scene pr0684 with fade mina "Why don't you jooooin us?" scene pr0686 with dissolve kil "That didn't sober you up, did it?" mina "Mmmmh..." mina "No." kil "Come on out of there and dry off." kil "I don't want you catching a cold." mina "Fiiine." scene pr0688 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty3" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPoolJumpNude:" scene pr0672 with dissolve "Ah, fuck it. No one will remember this in the morning anyway." scene pr0675 with dissolve "Wordlessly, I began undoing my pants, underwear and all." scene pr0676 with dissolve fel "Nice dick!" kil "You sure wasted no time whipping your cock out." mc "Thank you." mc "{b}Now{/b}, if you'll excuse me..." scene pr0678 with irisout play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" mc "Geronimo!" scene pr0679 with fade kil "It's your girls' turn... might I suggest following [mcf]'s example?" scene pr0680 with dissolve mina "Fat chance you, perv! Besides, this might help me sober up." scene pr0681 with dissolve mina "I hate being drunk!" fel "Hey, wait for me!" scene pr0682 with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" "..." scene black with fade mina "Yeeeees! The water feels so goooood, Ian." scene pr0685 with dissolve mina "Why don't you jooooin us?" scene pr0687 with dissolve kil "That didn't sober you up, did it?" mina "Mmmmh..." mina "No." kil "Come on out of there and dry off." kil "I don't want you catching a cold." mina "Fiiine." scene pr0689 with fade "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty3" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPoolJumpIan:" $ prPoolJumpKillian = True scene pr0694 with dissolve mc "How about you do it? I'm turning in my--" scene pr0695 with fade kil "Suit yourself!" "Without hesitation, Ian barreled toward the pool." scene pr0690 with irisout play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" kil "Cannon ball!" scene pr0696 with fade mina "That looks like fun. Maybe this will help me sober up, too." scene pr0697 with dissolve mina "I hate being drunk!" fel "Hey, wait for me!" scene pr0698 with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" "..." scene black with fade kil "The water's nice. You should join us, [mcf]." scene pr0691 with dissolve mina "Yeah, why don't you jooooin us?" scene pr0692 with fade mc "I think I'll pass." kil "That didn't sober you up, did it?" mina "Mmmmh..." mina "No." kil "We should get out and dry off." kil "I don't want you getting sick." mina "Fiiine." scene pr0693 with fade mc "Let me help you--" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" mc "Shit!" scene pr0693b with dissolve fel "Guess you're going to have to slip out of your clothes now, huh?" "......." scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty3" KN_MOD "label prAfterParty3:" KN_MOD "if prPoolJumpKillian == False:" scene pr0699 with blinds mc "Why did you change into a towel, exactly? You didn't even jump into the pool." scene pr0700 with dissolve kil "What? Can't a man get comfortable in his own house? Besides, there's never a bad time to air out the boys." mc "Riiiight..." scene pr0701 with dissolve mc "Okay, it was my turn, right?" scene pr0702 with dissolve "..." scene pr0703 with dissolve mc "A nine..." mc "What was that again?" mina "Push ups! ....right?" kil "Yep. Do twenty or take a sip for every rep you fail to do." "Doing push ups in the dead of night, drunk, doesn't sound very fun." KN_MOD "if prGetOutOfJail == True:" "...but I still have my get out of jail card if I want to use it." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump pushUpMenu" KN_MOD "else:" "...but I guess I have no choice unless I want to drink." KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUp" KN_MOD "menu pushUpMenu:" KN_MOD "Just do it yourself.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "Fuck it, I'll do them myself." KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUp" KN_MOD "Have Ian do them.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUpKillian" KN_MOD "Have Mina do them.:" $ Mina_Affection -= 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUpMina" KN_MOD "Have Felicia do them.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUpFelicia" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPushUp:" scene pr0704 with blinds kil "Looking good, bro." mc "Here I go..." scene pr0705 with dissolve "..." scene pr0704 with dissolve mc "One..." scene pr0705 with dissolve "..." scene pr0704 with dissolve mc "Two..." scene pr0705 with dissolve "..." scene pr0704 with dissolve mc "Three..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) scene pr0707 with dissolve "..." scene pr0706 with dissolve mc "Twenty...!" scene pr0709 with dissolve kil "Nice! I knew you could do it." scene pr0710 with blinds fel "You really..." scene pr0711 with dissolve fel "Worked up a sweat, huh?" KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0704 with dissolve mc "Seventeen...!" mc "Ugh..." scene pr0708 with dissolve mc "That's it. Any more and I think I'll chuck." kil "That's three sips!" mc "Right..." scene pr0712 with dissolve mc "To your health!" scene pr0713 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPushUpKillian:" scene pr0717 with dissolve mc "I'll use my get out of jail free card here." mc "You're up, friend." scene pr0718 with dissolve kil "This'll be a cinch." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "Here I go..." scene pr0715 with dissolve "..." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "One..." scene pr0715 with dissolve "..." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "Two..." scene pr0715 with dissolve "..." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "Three..." scene black with fade "..." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "Twenty!" scene pr0716 with dissolve kil "Easy peasy." "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPushUpMina:" scene pr0719 with dissolve mc "I'll use my get out of jail free card here on..." mc "Mina." mina "Huuuuh? {i}Meeee{/i}?" scene pr0720 with dissolve mina "You just picked me to be mean." scene pr0721 with dissolve mina "Whatever!" mina "I got this piece of cake!" scene pr0723 with dissolve mina "Here I go..." scene pr0722 with dissolve "..." scene pr0723 with dissolve mina "One..." scene pr0722 with dissolve "..." scene pr0723 with dissolve mina "Two..." scene pr0722 with dissolve "..." scene pr0723 with dissolve mina "Three..." scene black with fade "..." mina "Sixteen...!" scene pr0724 with dissolve mina "Nope... this is making me dizzy." kil "We can just... call that twenty." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPushUpFelicia:" scene pr0726 with dissolve mc "I'll use my get out of jail free card here on..." mc "Felicia." scene pr0727 with dissolve fel "You just want to see me sweat, don't you?" scene pr0733 with blinds fel "Keep count for me, [mcf]." scene pr0734 with dissolve "..." scene pr0733 with dissolve mc "One..." scene pr0734 with dissolve "..." scene pr0733 with dissolve mc "Two..." scene pr0734 with dissolve "..." scene pr0733 with dissolve mc "Three..." scene black with fade "..." "Twenty...!" scene pr0735 with dissolve fel "Enjoy the show?" "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "label prAfterParty4:" scene pr0736 with fade fel "Okay, back to me." scene pr0737 with dissolve kil "You and Mina must take a drink." mina "Awww..." scene pr0725 with fade mina "Gh..." scene pr0738 with dissolve mina "Man, I'm not feeling too swift..." mina "I think I'm about tapped out..." scene pr0739 with dissolve "..." scene pr0740 with fade mina "That's...?" kil "The suicide glass..." mina "FRICK!" mina "I just had to say that, didn't I?" kil "You know, we can just skip that one..." scene pr0741 with dissolve mina "No! I'm a team player!" scene pr0742 with dissolve fel "I don't think that's a--" scene pr0743 with dissolve mina "Don't ever let it be said I bitch out." scene pr0744 with dissolve "Glug... guhg... gluh..." scene pr0745 with dissolve "......" "..." scene pr0746 with dissolve "..." scene pr0747 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kil "I think we should call it a night. What do you say?" scene pr0748 with dissolve mina "What, why? I-I can sthill go..." scene pr0747 with dissolve kil "I know you can, but it's more like WE can't keep up with you." kil "So how about we say you win and I'll tuck you in for the night?" scene pr0749 with fade mina "...mmmh, that soundsh nice~!" scene pr0750 with dissolve kil "Apologies for the abrupt ending." kil "You two are obviously free to spend the night if you'd like." scene pr0752 with dissolve mct "(It's already 2 AM...)" "I've got a final in 11 hours. Walking home drunk doesn't sound fun, and if I wait until morning, I guess I can get Ian to drive me back to my apartment so I don't have to waste money on a cab..." scene pr0753 with dissolve mc "Thanks, I think I'll do that." kil "See you in the morning then! Help yourself to anything in the fridge!" scene pr0754 with fade fel "..." scene pr0755 with dissolve fel "{b}Sooooo...{/b}" scene pr0756 with dissolve play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" "With zero subtlety, Felicia leaned into me, pushing her pert mounds firmly into the naked flesh of my arm." fel "It's just YOU and ME, stud..." scene pr0757 with dissolve mc " spending the night too?" scene pr0758 with dissolve fel "No, I should get going soon, but before I leave..." scene pr0759 with dissolve fel "Between the alcohol and you staring at my tits all night, I'm feeling a little fired up..." fel "What do you say we have some fun before I go?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Accept Felicias advances.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 2 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) $ feliciaSex = True KN_MOD "Put an end to this before it goes too far.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 5 show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyEndNoFun" scene pr0760 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I would've thought the growing stiffness in my crotch as Felicia ran the palm of her hand down its length would've answered her question." mc "What do you think?" fel "I think I'm going to have to see for myself." scene pr0761 with fade fel "Hmmm... I'll take that as an emphatic yes." scene pr0763 with dissolve "Felicia gave the tip of my glans an exploratory lick." scene pr0761 with dissolve fel " does that feel?" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene pr0762 with dissolve mc "It feels fucking amazing. Do it again." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0762 with dissolve mc "I don't know, I think I'm gonna need you to do that again." scene pr0764 with dissolve "*Chup!*" "This time, she gave the crown of my cock a quick, teasing kiss." scene pr0761 with dissolve fel "You want me to suck your huge cock, is that it?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Humor her.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0762 with dissolve mc "What do you think?" scene pr0761 with dissolve fel "I want to hear you say it." scene pr0762 with dissolve mc "...I would {b}love{/b} if you wrapped those plush, gorgeous lips around my dick and sucked my cock." scene pr0761 with dissolve fel "What a way with words. It would be my pleasure, stud." KN_MOD "Urge her to hurry up.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0765 with dissolve mc "Just hurry up and get those lips around my cock, okay?" scene pr0766 with dissolve fel "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're being an impatient boy, [mcf]." scene pr0767 with fade "Where she had previously relished in teasing me, Felicia had fully switched gears now. She took me in her mouth without hesitation, fully enveloping my entire length in one quick motion." "For a few seconds, she held it there at the base, like the personal flourish of an artist, before she commenced bobbing her head up and down in rapid, violent succession." scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0769 with dissolve "*Slurp... chup... fwup...*" scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0767 with dissolve "To call it a blowjob or even a facefucking would be inadequate." scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0769 with dissolve "*Fwup... slurp...*" scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0767 with dissolve "No, instead of crudely allowing me to hammer away at her throat, she was in full control of her technique." scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0769 with dissolve "*Slurp... chup...*" scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0767 with dissolve "Every pass, she flicked her tongue across the underside of my glans, before attentively twisting it down my length in full. It was like she was making sure not a single inch of my dick was deprived of her artful touch." scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0769 with dissolve "*Chup... fwup...*" scene pr0770 with dissolve "Suddenly, as she reached the zenith of her practiced motion, she allowed her mouth to slip off the head of my cock and exposed it to the cool summer air." "The sudden shift wasn't wholly unpleasant, but before I could even begin to miss the warmth of her mouth, she replaced it with a different kind of friction." scene pr0771 with dissolve scene pr0772 with dissolve scene pr0771 with dissolve scene pr0772 with dissolve fel "Tell me that wasn't the best dick sucking you've ever experienced." "Considering she's in the driver seat here, who am I to disagree with the lady?" mc "Gh...! I'd be lying if I said it wasn't." fel "Just what I love hearing." stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene pr0775 with pushright kil "I thought I'd bring you a pillow and blanket, but... damn!" kil "You guys didn't waste any time." "Thanks to Killian's sudden appearance, Felicia had stopped what she was doing and turned her focus on Ian." mct "({b}--Damn it!{/b})" scene pr0776 with dissolve fel "How's Mina?" "Felicia was seemingly unperturbed by Killian's interjection and carried on as if getting caught with a dick in your hand was business as usual." kil "She went out like a light once I put her to bed." scene pr0777 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." mc "Ahem..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prAfterPartySexSplit:" KN_MOD "Ask for some privacy:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0778 with dissolve mc "Would you mind giving us a little privacy?" scene pr0779 with dissolve kil "Sure, but if you want privacy... maybe don't start getting your dick sucked in someone else's living room, eh?" scene pr0780 with dissolve kil "{b}Kidding!{/b} I get it, I'm killing the mood. I'll leave these here." kil "You two have fun." KN_MOD "Ask him if he wants to join in on the fun. if Killian_Bromance >= 18:" $ Killian_Bromance += 3 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I don't know what came over me, but instead of asking for privacy a kinky idea took root in my brain and I allowed it to flower." scene pr0781 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" mc " want to join us?" kil "For real? This coming from {i}you{/i} of all people?" mc "I don't mind if Felicia doesn't." scene pr0782 with fade mc "What do you say, Felicia? Think you can handle both of us?" fel "I don't know, it sounds fun, but Mina's in the other room." fel "If she walked in on her boyfriend spit-roasting me..." fel "She'd be destroyed." scene pr0783 with dissolve kil "Aw, come on. She's dead to the world, there's no risk of that." kil "Besides... you owe me for that favor I'm doing you, remember?" scene pr0784 with dissolve mct "(...favor?)" fel "..." scene pr0785 with dissolve fel "Alright, alright... {b}fine{/b}." KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyThreesome" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}Ask him if he wants to join in on the fun.{/color=#696969} if Killian_Bromance <= 17:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I don't feel close enough to Ian to ask him that." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartySexSplit" KN_MOD "label prFelAfterPartyFun:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionfelicia02 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0786 with fade fel "Well, well, well..." "Without missing a beat, and with her libido seemingly unhampered by the intrusion, Felicia turned her attention back toward me." fel "Now where were we?" mc "You were boasting about the best blowjob I've ever had, but..." "This is my opportunity to take a more active role." scene pr0787 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" fel "---wah!" fel "What are you doing?" mc "I may not be as skilled as you, but it'd be rude to not try to return the favor." "Surprisingly, Felicia's face went flush with what I assume to be embarrassment." mct "(That's fresh!)" "Considering her cocksure attitude, who would've thought wanting to eat her out would make the whore blush?" scene pr0788 with dissolve fel "Y-you don't have to do that. Most guys--" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I want to.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Without leaving any room for debate, I firmly told her my honest desires." scene pr0789 with dissolve mc "I want to." fel "..." scene pr0788 with dissolve fel "{size=-10}Ah, alright...{/size=-10}" KN_MOD "Shut up.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0789 with dissolve mc "Shut the hell up, slut." "Mustering my best commanding tone, I tried my best to abate Felicia's hesitation." mc "You had your fun teasing me, now it's only fair I get to try my hand at pleasuring you." fel "..." scene pr0788 with dissolve fel "O-okay..." scene pr0790 with dissolve "Finally, that slight piece of cloth that had been teasing me all night was gone." "And with it, Felicia seemed to shrink from a dynamo force of nature to just a vulnerable woman awaiting her partner's move." mct "(Shit, I suppose I should be more appreciative to Ian.)" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" mct "(Counting Rosalind, that's twice I've had fun with a stunning woman for floating within his sphere.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I'd never have had the chance to make it with a stunning woman like Felicia if it wasn't for him.)" mc "You hear this all the time I bet, but... you're beautiful, Felicia." scene pr0791 with dissolve fel "... just shut up and get the fuck down there, stud." "Done with the talking, I lifted Felicia's long, gorgeous legs and brought my face close to her pelvis." scene pr0792 with dissolve "I started by rolling my tongue over her clit, drawing from Felicia a small murmur of pleasure, and lathering it up generously with saliva until it rolled down to mix with her own juices." scene pr0793 with dissolve "Satisfied she was ready for it, my tongue found its way into Felicia's depths, stretching deep and wide, lashing against her inner walls." fel "S-shit--!" fel "You said you weren't good at this!" scene pr0794 with dissolve fel "Ah... hah... --eh." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" fel "That's... that's..." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "Those small murmurs of pleasure eventually crescendoed into more enthusiastic, affirming demands to continue." fel "Fuck! Don't stop!" "Schlick, schlup...!*" scene pr0795 with dissolve "I had managed to break the floodgates, as Felicia was by this time positively flowing with juices that I lapped up with every pass." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "Felicia's breath had quickened to panting by this point, and though I couldn't see it, the thought of her pert golden breasts rising and falling in response to my efforts had me wanting to explode." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" fel "Yes... yes!" "Meanwhile, Felicia was working in tandem with my probing, desperately extending her pelvis more and more to get my tongue to reach even greater depths." mct "(If she wants me to go deeper, I can go deeper!)" scene pr0796 with fade fel "Aaah -- oh!" "Putting a momentary stop to the fun (and taking the chance to catch my breath), I grabbed hold of Felicia's ankles and threw her legs in the air." fel "What are...?" mc "I'm going to taste every inch of your cunt, slut." scene pr0797 with dissolve "It was a stupid claim, the kind of nonsensical shit you say in the throes of passion, but part of me actually wanted to try." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "This new angle gave me access to all kinds of new ways to probe and torment Felicia's inner depths." fel "Shit. Shit! {b}Shit!{/b}" "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "And she seemed to have taken to it as well." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" fel "Ah! You dumb bastard. You... -ah!- you!" "If not from the full body quakes, I could see she was getting close as her explicatives became decreasingly verbose." fel "I'm... I'm..." scene pr0798 with flash with flash with flash fel "{b}Aaaaaeeeeh~!!!{b}" "....." "..." scene pr0799 with blinds mc "*Huff... huff....*" "For a while, the room was a simple mixture of our labored breathing, with me content in the knowledge that I was able to bring a vivacious woman like Felicia to orgasm." mct "(I'm on top of the fucking world!)" scene pr0800 with dissolve "...there's still one matter though. I'm hard as fuck and ready to pop." "I needed to cum, like yesterday." "Felicia, while still insensate in a puddle of post-orgasm bliss, would doubtlessly be receptive to me finishing what she originally started." "I'm going to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cum deep in her throat!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterpartyCumTwosome" KN_MOD "Take care of it yourself and cum on her face.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyCumSolo" KN_MOD "label prAfterpartyCumTwosome:" scene pr0801 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "This started with a blowjob, it's going to end with a blowjob." fel "...huh? I know you still haven't cum, but my body is like butter, stud. I don't know what good I'll be." mc "Oh, don't worry. You don't need to be very active." scene pr0802 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" fel "--!" KN_MOD "if toughness >=20:" mc "I'm going to fuck your face and blow my spunk straight down your whore throat." scene pr0803 with dissolve fel "Oh... I like the sound of that." scene pr0802 with dissolve mc "Then lay your head back and open up, slut." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Just relax your jaw and I'll do all the work." scene pr0803 with dissolve fel "You're going to use me like a toy...?" fel "I like the sound of that." scene pr0804 with dissolve fel "Aaah~" "With Felicia on the same page, seemingly eager to act as a toy to slake my lust, I knew I didn't have to show restraint." "Which was {b}perfect{/b}. I hadn't planned to." scene fel_after_ff1_a with dissolve "Felicia's welcoming maw readily accepted the length of my member, my cock easily gliding past her tongue until it hit a road block: the back of her throat." "As I'd learned previously, Felicia had no gag reflex to speak of, but the sudden knocking did cause her to tense up and slightly sputter uncomfortably." "In response, I let a few peaceful moments pass, my cock sheathed in the warm embrace of her mouth, allowing her to adjust to my length." scene fel_after_ff1_a with dissolve show fel_after_ff1 "Tilting her head back to get a good angle of attack, I rolled my hips back and commenced my assault." "Rather than try to expel the foreign object, Felicia's throat took the sudden intrusion effortlessly, pliantly conforming to the size and shape." fel "*Guhg... slap... guhg...*" mct "(Fuck, this feels amazing...!)" fel "*Slap... slap... guhg...*" "Every pass brought my member from Felicia's mouth to the depths of her throat and back again, creating a symphony of protracted wet noises as my dick slid past her tongue and my balls battered against her chin." "Having the golden beauty submissively letting me abuse her mouth hole to my heart's content elicited something primal in me." fel "*Guhg... guhg...*" "A feeling of bile was building up in the pit of my stomach." "I wanted to {i}thoroughly{/i} ruin Felicia. I wanted to leave her gasping and clawing for air." scene fel_after_ff3_a with dissolve show fel_after_ff3 "Spurred on by these thoughts, I doubled my efforts, transforming my measured thrusts into a full-on rut." fel "Ngggh--!" "Felicia's hands pawed at my backside in surprise at the sudden change in tempo." fel "*{b}GLUHG... GUHG... GUHG...{/b}*" "...but rather than panic, she quickly adapted to the frenzied pace, doing her best to suck in gasping breaths of air on my up-thrusts." fel "Glug... slap... slap" mc "Ah...!" scene fel_after_ff2_a with dissolve show fel_after_ff2 "As my orgasm built, so did my urge to lay down a little dirty talk." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her how you feel.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Felicia_Affection +=1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0808 with dissolve mc "You fucking cunt!" scene pr0807 with dissolve fel "Guhg... gluhg... gug..." mc "To be this good at taking a dick...ngh!" scene pr0808 with dissolve mc "You let every guy fuck your vapid, whore face don't you?" fel "{b}Mmmhh--! Mhh!{/b}" KN_MOD "Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself.:" $ toughness -=1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) pass "Finally, that familiar feeling of near-impeding orgasm was reaching its peak." "With abandon, as if I could get her mouth pregnant, I instinctively lurched my hips forward as deep as they'd go." scene pr0809 with dissolve "Pressing my crotch hard against Felicia's nose and her head deep into the couch, I reached my climax." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Take it, you bitch--!" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "Planted firmly in the confines of Felicia's throat, I deposited rope..." with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene pr0810 with dissolve "...after rope, straight down her throat." "Meanwhile, Felicia was doing her best to suck up everything I had to give her, but to no avail." "Some spilled out around the edge of her mouth, mixing with saliva, and forming spittle around the base of my cock." scene pr0811 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" "{b}*Plop!*{/b}" "After some gentle rocking to wring out the last drops of cum from my urethra, I lazily withdrew my penis with a loud plop." "The gorgeous woman before me had turned into a mess." "Cum dripped out from the recesses of her mouth. Her carefully applied makeup ruined, gulping down air like a fish out of water..." scene pr0812 with dissolve "Her eyes couldn't quite seem to keep focus on anything." stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Uh... you okay, Felicia?" fel "*Huff... huff...!*" fel "Y-yeah..." scene pr0813 with dissolve fel "Holy shit, you gave it to me good." fel "You were an absolute beast." mc "I didn't take it too far, did I?" fel "No... huff... That was just the way I like it, stud." fel "...but give me a minute to catch my breath, yeah...?" scene black with fade "Felicia and I sat there in silence for a while as she regained her composure. After enough time had passed, she cleaned up and I saw her off." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyTwosomeGoodNight" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyCumSolo:" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene pr0814 with dissolve "No need for a half-assed blowjob, I'll be content just to mark the slut as my own." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" scene pr0814 with dissolve "Honestly, I'll settle with painting Felicia in my spunk." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0814 with dissolve "Why bother Felicia? I can take care of it myself." scene pr0815 with dissolve fel "...huh? I know you still haven't cum, but my body is like butter, stud. I don't know what good I'll be." scene pr0816 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene pr0817 with dissolve mc "That's fine. All I need you to do is lie there and be my cum rag." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0817 with dissolve mc "That's fine. All I want you to do is lie there and take my jizz." scene pr0816 with dissolve scene pr0817 with dissolve scene pr0818 with dissolve fel "Just lie here while you jerk your fat cock?" scene pr0819 with dissolve fel "Mmhh, I do like the sound of that." "With my hand sliding up and down my dick, I moved to position myself above Felicia while building up speed, fully engrossed in the sight of her sun-kissed, well-toned figure." scene pr0818 with dissolve "For some time, Felicia and I shared in a lust-charged silence, her eyes firmly planted on my engorged cock, my head swimming in all the things I'd like to do to her if given half a chance." scene pr0819 with dissolve "Thoughts of giving and sharing in pleasure, of exploring and reveling in every detail of Felicia's beauty." scene pr0818 with dissolve "...but also, darker ones. Buried underneath those innocuous fantasies lurked something more brazen. I wanted to torment, tease, and ruin her." scene pr0819 with dissolve "With these thoughts, and with how worked up she had me previously, I knew it wouldn't be long before I blasted a load onto Felicia's eager face or tits." scene pr0820 with dissolve fel "Mmmh..." "Having recovered from her tongue-fucked reverie, Felicia's growing mewling pulled me from my fantasies back to reality." fel "Fuck, watching you stroke that monster..." fel "It's getting me so hot." scene pr0821 with dissolve "Meanwhile, Felicia snaked a hand down to her crotch and began touching herself." scene pr0820 with dissolve fel "If I didn't have to leave, I would ride that thing until morning." scene pr0821 with dissolve fel "Give me that big, FAT wad, stud." scene pr0820 with dissolve "Felicia was becoming increasingly more vocal, in an effort for this not to be such a one-sided deal." KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" "Something about her shrill voice repeating fake, distracting porn star like lines ad nauseam was taking me out of the moment and pissing me off, but I was so close to cumming I didn't give a shit." scene pr0821 with dissolve mc "--ah, fuck! I'm almost there!" scene pr0820 with dissolve mc "Where should I cum--?" scene pr0821 with dissolve fel "Cum wherever you want, baby!" "Anywhere?" "I desperately wanted to drown her beautiful, radiant face in my jizz." mc "Open up, slut!" scene pr0822 with dissolve mc "That did it!" scene pr0823 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "-----!" with flash scene pr0824 with dissolve "Rope after rope of jizz exploded from my urethra and onto Felicia's whorish countenance." with flash scene pr0825 with dissolve mc "Good girl!" with flash mc "Hngh... hunh..." scene pr0826 with dissolve "Giving my dick just a few more lethargic strokes to make sure I had deposited every last drop of semen, I took a second to admire my handiwork." mct "(Beautiful!)" "Felicia's once golden face was now coated with an incredibly thick layer of spunk." mct "(Shit, I didn't know I had all that in me...)" fel "Mmmh!" scene pr0827 with dissolve fel "I made you cum that much? I'm glad." fel "That means you were really into it - into {i}me{/i}." fel "...uh, do you think you could hand me a towel? I don't want to make an even bigger mess." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "After cleaning up and getting dressed, Felicia and I spent a few minutes idly chattering until it was finally time for her to leave." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyTwosomeGoodNight" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyTwosomeGoodNight:" scene pr0867 with blinds KN_MOD "if not persistent.felAfterPartyGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felAfterPartyGallery = True fel "Thanks for showing a girl a good time, lover." scene pr0868 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ history_felicia = "A beautiful woman Ian helped set me up with, she got pretty handsy and we ended up fooling around on Ian's couch. Needless to say, I hope to see her again sometime." $ met_felicia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene pr0867 with dissolve mc "After all that, I should be the one thanking you." fel "Maybe I'll see you again?" mc "I'd like that." fel "Then see you around, stud." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene black with fade "With that Felicia left me alone, and the radiant warmth of her presence was quickly replaced by the sole drone of the open city air and a heavy tiredness beckoning me to sleep." scene pr0869 with dissolve mct "(I'm gonna regret all this drinking in the morning, but damn if it wasn't worth it...)" scene black with fade "....." "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prDiscoAftermath" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyThreesome:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionfelicia03 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0828 with dissolve scene pr0829 with dissolve mc "...but, uh, what do we do?" "Despite being the one who shamelessly suggested it, it was a new experience for me. The logistics... who stands where, who starts what..." scene pr0830 with dissolve kil "Keep doing what you were doing and don't mind me." fel "Huh? You're not going to join in?" kil "Not yet, no." scene pr0831 with dissolve kil "Why don't you two put on a show and give me a bit of a jump start?" fel "So, you like to watch? That explains a few things." kil "What photographer doesn't?" mct "(Hmm...)" "Taking advantage of the lull in conversation, I seized the opportunity to be the one to set the pace." scene pr0832 with fade fel "--Ooh!" fel "Someone's getting impatient--mhhna!" scene pr0833 with dissolve "*Chup... fwup...*" "*Fwup... fwup... chup...*" "*Chup... chup...*" scene pr0834 with dissolve fel "Nggh-! S-shit!" fel "That feels... that feels...!" fel "~{b}Good♥~!{/b}" scene pr0835 with dissolve fel "You're a bigger fucking pervert than I gave you credit for, Ian." scene pr0834 with dissolve fel "Jerking that fat cock, watching me and your friend go at it." scene pr0835 with dissolve fel "All with your girlfriend just in the other room..nyaa!" scene pr0834 with dissolve kil "That last bit makes me sound like an asshole, you know." mct "(...but you ARE an asshole.)" "Resisting the urge to get a jab in at Ian's expense, I instead doubled my attention on Felicia." mc "Let's see how wet you are down here...." scene pr0836 with dissolve fel "Mmmh-!" "*Chup... fwup...*" "*Fwup... fwup... chup...*" "*Chup... chup...*" scene pr0837 with dissolve fel "Engines finally primed, stud?" stop music fadeout 3.0 kil "Hmpph. You haven't seen nothing yet, bitch." kil "Grab her legs, [mcf]." scene pr0838 with fade play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" fel "...huh?" "Without hesitation, I followed his direction." fel "Whaah?" "Whatever Ian had planned, I knew it was going to be good." scene pr0839 with dissolve kil "You got a pretty cunt, Felicia. But it's looking a bit neglected." fel "Wh-what are you doing?" scene pr0840 with dissolve kil "I'm going to give your pussy some personal attention." fel "A toy...? I want the real thing--" scene pr0841 with dissolve fel "Oew!" kil "That's the problem with you, Felish. You never take the time to smell the roses." scene pr0842 with dissolve scene pr0841 with dissolve scene pr0842 with dissolve "With a big, shit-eating grin on his face, Ian unceremoniously started maneuvering the toy." scene pr0841 with dissolve "At first, he tested the waters with short, shallow thrusts. Applying all kinds of twists and flourishes in an effort to draw out a pleasurable response from the woman in my arms." scene pr0842 with dissolve scene pr0841 with dissolve kil "You want to know a secret about our girl here, [mcf]?" scene pr0843 with dissolve mc "A secret? Sure." scene pr0841 with dissolve kil "She ain't as experienced as she lets on." scene pr0841 with dissolve kil "I mean sure--" scene pr0842 with dissolve "As if to punctuate his point, Ian magnified his efforts, sending the ice blue toy haphazardly barreling into Felicia's soppy, clutching quim." scene pr0841 with dissolve kil "She's fucked a lot, and she's real good at it, but..." scene pr0844 with dissolve "While Killian rattled on candidly as if Felicia wasn't even here, a soft and warm sucking sensation brought my attention back to the woman in my arms." "Felicia had latched onto my thumb in a lusty fugue, sucking on it greedily." scene pr0845 with dissolve fel "Mmmh--oh!" scene pr0844 with dissolve kil "She hasn't quite learned the pleasure of taking a back seat in things." scene pr0845 with dissolve kil "I guess fucking old men for fortunes means you get used to doing all the work." scene pr0844 with dissolve fel "Niii...!" "By now, all critical thought had left Felicia's skull, fucked out of her through Killian's ferocious assault." scene pr0845 with dissolve fel "Gaa-gghaa~!" scene pr0844 with dissolve fel "Fuck... fuck ... FUCK!" scene pr0845 with dissolve "In short order, Killian had skillfully brought Felicia to the cusp of cumming." scene pr0846 with dissolve "Then he stopped." fel "Wha--wha..." fel "Why did you stop, you prick? I was almost there." stop music fadeout 3.0 kil "You haven't earned it yet." scene pr0847 with dissolve fel "I haven't EARNED it? What the fuck is that shit, Ian?" fel "Fuck off!" kil "Relax, I was only kidding." kil "It was just dirty talk, y'see..." fel "Well you fucking killed the mood. Let go of me, [mcf]." mc "R-right..." scene pr0848 with fade play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" kil "Sorry, Felish. I didn't think..." fel "It's whatever." scene pr0849 with dissolve fel "Sorry, [mcf]. You didn't do anything wrong, but I'm not feeling it anymore. Blame Ian for the blue balls." fel "It's late anyway. I should go." scene black with fade "Frustrated at being left high and dry so suddenly, all I could do was sit there in silence as Felicia got dressed and began to leave." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.felDiscoThreesomeGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felDiscoThreesomeGallery = True scene pr0850 with dissolve kil "Same time next week, Felicia?" scene pr0851 with dissolve fel "..." scene pr0852 with dissolve fel "...yeeeeah." scene pr0853 with dissolve "With that Felicia left, leaving me alone with Ian." mc "......" kil "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thanks for the blueballs.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0854 with dissolve mc "Thanks for the blueballs, dick." scene pr0855 with dissolve kil "Pfffhahaha!" KN_MOD "Whats her deal?:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0854 with dissolve mc "What's her problem?" scene pr0856 with dissolve kil "Sorry, sorry! I thought she'd totally go for the 'ask permission to cum' shtick." kil "Even if she wasn't into it, she didn't have to blow a gasket. She's usually pretty cool." scene pr0857 with dissolve kil "It does kinda remind me of when I blew your chance with Marlow in high school. Remember that?" mc "..." scene pr0858 with dissolve mc "We're not having at heart to heart with your junk hanging out, dude." scene pr0859 with dissolve kil "Hahaha, fair enough." scene pr0860 with dissolve kil "Well, it's late and we're both drunk. The pillow and blanket are over there." scene pr0861 with dissolve scene pr0862 with dissolve scene pr0863 with dissolve kil "Probably don't mention this to Mina..." scene pr0864 with dissolve mc "What? That you and I almost double-teamed her friend? Probably won't come up." scene pr0863 with dissolve kil "Good, good." scene pr0865 with dissolve kil "Well, good night. I'm glad you came out with me tonight. It's always good to see you bro." scene pr0866 with dissolve mc "Pffft-hahahhahaha!" "With Killian gone, I couldn't help but laugh." "Considering all the crazyness, him ending it on such a bro-y note was the perfect bookend for the night." scene pr0869 with blinds mct "(I'm gonna regret all this in the morning...)" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_felicia = "A beautiful woman Ian helped set me up with, things got hot and heavy by the end of the night between the three of us, but Ian ruined it. I hope she doesn't hold that against me." $ met_felicia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene black with fade "....." "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prDiscoAftermath" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyEndNoFun:" scene pr0870 with dissolve mc "Sorry, but... no thanks." mc "You're an incredibly sexy woman, but..." scene pr0871 with dissolve fel "No thanks? You GOTTA be kidding me..." "Before I could even get the words fully out, Felicia had flipped from her pleasant come hither demeanor to one of visible frustration. She's clearly not used to being turned down." scene pr0872 with dissolve fel "You've been staring at my tits all night!" fel "You're telling me you don't want a piece of THIS?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Its not that I dont find you attractive, but...:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" scene pr0873 with dissolve mc "Jeez! Don't get your titties twisted." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0873 with dissolve mc "Calm down!" mc "It's not like I don't WANT to. However, it's late, I'm drunk, and I've got an exam tomorrow afternoon." KN_MOD "No, I dont.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" scene pr0873 with dissolve mc "Chill the fuck out." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0873 with dissolve mc "Sorry, but I don't." mc "Not everyone is looking for a quick fuck." scene pr0874 with dissolve fel "..." fel "Sorry, I'm a bit... drunk." fel "I get it, I get it... you don't want to." fel "I know when I'm making an ass of myself. I guess I'll... go." "Felicia looked like a sad puppy dog. If this is a ploy on her part to make me feel bad, well..." KN_MOD "if toughness > 18:" mct "(Part of me DOES feel like a moron. A hot woman like Felicia wants to screw and I send her packing?)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(It worked.)" scene black with fade "Felicia excused herself to get dressed, before poking her head out to say good bye." scene pr0875 with blinds fel "I had a... good time, [mcf]." fel "It was nice meeting you." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Likewise.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0876 with dissolve mc "Likewise. I had fun." scene pr0875 with dissolve fel "Well, see you around, stud." KN_MOD "Kiss her goodbye.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0876 with dissolve mc "Same, I don't get the chance to get out much. A night out with a beautiful woman was a nice change of pace." scene pr0877 with dissolve "Smooch." scene pr0876 with dissolve mc "We should do this again sometime." scene pr0875 with dissolve fel "Yeah, maybe..." fel "See you around, stud." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene black with fade "With that Felicia left me alone, and the radiant warmth of her presence was quickly replaced by the drone of the open city air and my drunkenness beckoning me to sleep." scene pr0869 with blinds mct "(I'm gonna regret all this in the morning...)" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ history_felicia = "A beautiful woman Ian helped set me up with, she was angry and hurt when I turned down her advances. Part of me feels like a fucking moron there." $ met_felicia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene black with fade "....." "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prDiscoAftermath" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyCafe:" "..." scene pr0878 with blinds play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" "After leaving the club, I took Felicia to one of my usual haunts: Johnny's Dinner." scene pr0879 with wipeleft fel "Cute place. You come here often?" mc "Occasionally, I suppose." fel "Occasionally? The old fart behind the counter greeted you by name!" scene pr0880 with dissolve mc "Okay, okay..." mc "I've been coming in once a week, for a couple of years now." scene pr0881 with dissolve fel "That's more than occasionally!" scene pr0882 with dissolve waitress "Hey, [mcf]." mc "Hey, Susie." susie "It's rare to see you in here without a stack of textbooks." scene pr0883 with dissolve susie "What can I get you two?" fel "I'll have the hamburger. Well-done." scene pr0884 with dissolve susie "What about you, sweetie? The usual?" mc "That'll be fine, thank you." susie "I'll have it right out." scene pr0885 with dissolve mc "..." fel "..." scene pr0886 with dissolve mc "Soooo..." mc "This the way your dates usually go? Screw and then food?" scene pr0887 with dissolve fel "Date? Oh, you're cute." fel "I don't date anymore, but if I did, you couldn't afford to take me on one -- no offense." scene pr0888 with dissolve mc "What else would you call this?" scene pr0889 with dissolve fel "Two people fucking and eating?" mc "That's not a date to you?" scene pr0890 with dissolve fel "Don't get me wrong, I vastly prefer it to what I'd call a date." fel "This is fun. Dating, on the other hand, is shit." scene pr0891 with dissolve mc "Bad experiences?" scene pr0892 with dissolve fel "Quite the opposite actually. I'm really damn good at it and it's paid off in spades for me." scene pr0893 with dissolve mc "I'm not following. What makes it shit, then?" scene pr0894 with dissolve fel "It's because it's a soul-sucking charade." scene pr0895 with dissolve fel "It's smothering your personality, knowing when to look stupid, knowing when to laugh, and knowing when to bite your tongue." fel "It's starving yourself to fit into a size-0 dress and keeping up with topics I couldn't give a shit about." scene pr0894 with dissolve fel "It's killing your sense of self for a shot at security." scene pr0896 with dissolve mc "That's a cynical way of looking at romance. Isn't it just two people spending time together because they like each other?" scene pr0897 with dissolve fel "Pffft!" fel "Considering you're friends with Ian, you must've grown up well-off, right? You wouldn't get it." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "Actually, no. I didn't grow up rich." scene pr0895 with dissolve fel "Really? I know you're not as big of a douche as he is, but I had you pegged as being from the same stock." scene pr0897 with dissolve fel "I guess my talent for spotting rich boys is disappearing with age." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "I mean, I didn't have it BAD. My mother, despite money being tight, had a knack for making every penny go far." mc "Still, NOT even close to Ian's wealth." scene pr0894 with dissolve fel "How'd you two become friends then?" scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "Ian would kill me if I told you." scene pr0899 with dissolve fel "You have to tell me then." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "I don't know..." scene pr0897 with dissolve fel "You HAVE to tell me." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "We met in public school." scene pr0899 with dissolve fel "Really? Our snobby Casanova went to a public school?" scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "Yep. Believe it or not, he used to be extremely withdrawn and shy." mc "He had trouble fitting in, so he begged and begged his parents to let him attend a government-run school. We met, hit it off. The rest is history as they say." scene pr0900 with dissolve fel "Huh..." fel "I can't see it." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "{b}Honest{/b}, but what about you?" mc "You said I wouldn't get it because I was well-off, so does that mean...?" scene pr0901 with dissolve fel "Uh-huh. In another life, I grew up poor in a podunk town." scene pr0902 with dissolve mc "Security. I think I get what you mean." scene pr0901 with dissolve fel "Well, It's not rocket science." scene pr0903 with dissolve fel "That was fast!" scene pr0904 with dissolve susie "Just holler if you need anything else." scene pr0905 with fade fel "Aaaah..." fel "I miss burgers." scene black with fade "......" "..." scene pr0906 with dissolve fel "You done?" scene pr0907 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I don't like to eat when I'm drunk." scene pr0908 with dissolve fel "Huh? That's when you need to eat the most." scene pr0909 with dissolve fel "This is nice. Dancing and screwing - that's par for the course, but a greasy diner..." fel "That's a treat." scene pr0910 with dissolve "Come time to pay, Felicia firmly declared that she'd get the tab." "At first I wanted to insist otherwise, to at least let me pay for my own, but..." scene pr0911 with dissolve mct "(I'd never seen a black card in person before.)" mct "(Said she was poor, but she's fucking loaded now at least.)" "The chance I had to refuse passed thanks to my momentary gawking." scene pr0912 with dissolve fel "So, college aside, you do anything for money?" mct "(--!)" "It was a normal question: 'what do you do for work?' Still, it washed me over in a small wave of anxiety." "Come to think of it, I hadn't really thought about what I was going to tell people from now on." "I suppose I could just tell her I work as a tutor, which wouldn't be much of a lie. I still need to notify my clients and refer them to someone else after all." "I could also keep it vague, tell her I work at a club. That's what I'll have to tell people from now on, right? Hopefully she won't press me too hard on it." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Im a math tutor.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I'll keep it simple. It's what I can easily answer any potential questions about." scene pr0913 with dissolve mc "I work part-time as a math tutor." scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "You're a teacher?" scene pr0915 with dissolve mc "A tutor. A few days a week, for a couple of hours a day, I balance attempting to teach kids with no interest in learning with their parents' crazy expectations." scene pr0916 with dissolve fel "Guess you don't like it, huh?" scene pr0915 with dissolve mc "It's not for me." scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "Would you believe I actually wanted to be a teacher growing up?" scene pr0918 with dissolve mc "For real? You would've made a hot teacher. I don't think any boy would be able to pay attention." scene pr0917 with dissolve fel "Shut up!" scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "In another life, I would've liked to think I could have made a good one." KN_MOD "I work at a club.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I suppose I should get used to telling people an approximation of the truth, at least." scene pr0915 with dissolve mc "I work at a club, doing... stuff..." "Smooth." scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "Oh? What club?" scene pr0915 with dissolve mc "You wouldn't have heard of it, it's a private thing." scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "Please! You'd be surprised. I bet I know every club in the city." fel "Is it the one Ian works at?" scene pr0918 with dissolve mct "(--huh?)" mc "You know about that...?" scene pr0912 with dissolve fel "Mina told me he moonlights at some old fuddy duddy place, but I'm pretty sure he undersells it to her." scene pr0919 with dissolve fel "Any place Ian would work has got to see some action, right?" "There was something alarmingly devious written across Felicia's face, but I suppose her logic is pretty spot on." mc "I wouldn't know yet, Ian only just got me a job there..." scene pr0920 with dissolve susie "Here you go, miss. You two have a good night." susie "See you around, [mcf]." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Our stomachs full of easy greasy diner food, we made our way back out into the warm city night, with the pretense of splitting a ride-share home." scene pr0921 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" fel "Even if Mina and Ian bailed tonight, you still had a pretty fun time, right?" fel "I know I did, stud." scene pr0922 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I dont usually do stuff like that.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0923 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'm not so sure what came over me tonight." scene pr0924 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" fel "Oh, I have pretty good idea." KN_MOD "We should do this again sometime.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0923 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that was... fun. {i}This{/i} was fun." mc "We should go out again sometime." scene pr0924 with dissolve fel "Hm." play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" fel "That could be arranged." scene pr0925 with dissolve mc "Looks like that's us." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ history_felicia = "A beautiful woman Ian helped set me up with, we fucked in the dirty bathroom of a night club. Needless to say, I hope to see her again sometime." $ met_felicia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "The night had finally come to a crawl. What had started as a night out with a friend, spun into a sexual encounter, and had ended with a quiet meal at my regular place." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mct "(Maybe taking my head out of the books ain't so bad sometimes?)" "Speaking of books: I hope my hangover doesn't bleed into the afternoon..." "......" "..." $ feliciaSex = True hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prDiscoAftermath" KN_MOD "label prDiscoAftermath:" $ date = "may11day" stop sound KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" scene pr0938 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show may11day with squares mc "Ngg... fuck!" "Yeah, famous last words, right?" scene black with fade "After bidding goodbye to an equally wretched Mina, an annoyingly chipper Ian drove me back to my place." play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" scene pr0040 with blinds "Where I showered and did a little last-minute of cramming for my afternoon final." stop sound fadeout 1.5 KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0939 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show may10day with squares mc "Ngg... fuck!" "Yeah, famous last words, right?" play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" scene pr0040 with blinds "After availing myself of my mother's hangover cure, tomato juice, I showered and did a little last-minute cramming." stop sound fadeout 1.5 scene pr0940 with blinds "It wasn't my most sunny send-off of a semester, but I was well-prepared at least." scene pr0941 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "With that out of the way, my summer was wide open. Sort of." mct "(I still have my new job at the Carnation Club to worry about, but I'll leave that stress for future me.)" scene pr0942 with blinds mc "(Tonight: it's a pizza and some {i}really{/i} stupid action mov--)" scene pr0943 with vpunch play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" mct "(--{i}fuck{/i}.)" scene pr0944 with dissolve "Waiting in front of my apartment, casually resting against a black limousine, was the burly, muscle-packed bouncer I had met the other night." "He was affable enough during our one brief meeting, but..." scene pr0945 with dissolve war "Finally." "Seeing him outside the glitz of the club's bar room, overcast in the city's shadow, was more than a little startling." scene pr0946 with dissolve war "I was just about to tell Mrs. P that we should come back after the party." mct "(Mrs. P... Mrs. P... Ah, he means Mrs. Pulman.)" scene pr0947 with dissolve war "Get in." "An ordinary line from a mouth of a driver perhaps, but the way he delivered it... it felt like a command with zero leeway to refuse." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Climb inside the limousine.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(I mean... it's not like anything {i}bad{/i} is going to happen.)" mct "(...right?)" KN_MOD "Ask him what this is about.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0948 with dissolve mc "Uh... Warren, right? What's this about?" scene pr0947 with dissolve war "Mrs. P had some things she wanted to discuss with you. Now, {b}get in{/b}." mc "Alright..." scene pr0949 with blinds "Inside was a comfortably lush leather interior, and sure enough, Mrs. Pulman sat at the very back with a disinterested expression etched on her face." "If I had to guess, going off what Warren said, I would say she's been sitting here for a while." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Apologize for making her wait.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Have you been here long? Sorry to make you wait." scene pr0951 with dissolve kat "Only about ten minutes or so. Come, sit down." KN_MOD "You couldve called.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Have you been here long? You could've called first, you know." scene pr0950 with dissolve kat "I couldn't, actually. I realized too late after you left that no one had taken down your contact information." kat "Bunch of imbeciles..." mct "(Could've asked Ian...)" scene pr0951 with dissolve kat "Come, sit down." scene pr0952 with fade "Taking a seat next to Kathleen, my attention was irresistibly drawn to two things." "The first, her perfume, a distinctively pungent aroma which my olfactory nerves failed to notice not a few feet next to her, but upon sitting down, overwhelmed my sense of smell and immediately gave me a hard-on." "For whatever reason, waves of pornographic images were now rippling through my head." scene pr0953 with dissolve "The second thing that captured my attention was Kathleen's neckline." "The dress she wore was ostentatious, and between that and the hypnotizing erotic fragrance, I couldn't help but have my eyes wander down from her neck to the valley below." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Try to resist the temptation!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Don't look, don't look, don't look...!)" KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) scene pr0956 with dissolve mc "*Clears throat* So... what do you want to talk about?" KN_MOD "else:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) scene pr0954 with dissolve mct "(Fuck it, I gotta look.)" scene pr0955 with dissolve kat "I don't mind you looking, but I've got business to discuss and then a charity gala to attend, so..." KN_MOD "Fuck it! Throw caution to the wind and look!:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0954 with dissolve "How could it be rude? She's got the puppies so proudly displayed!" KN_MOD "if toughness < 20:" mct "(Again, what's got me thinking this shit?!)" scene pr0955 with dissolve kat "I don't mind you looking, but I've got business to discuss and then a charity gala to attend, so..." scene pr0957 with dissolve kat "As I've told you, the exhibition we hold every year is comprised of three women." kat "Obviously not everyone has the mental wherewithal to endure what's expected of them during the event." scene pr0958 with dissolve kat "We currently have two Carnations - that's what we call them - confirmed for the exhibition. Now, we need to pick the third." scene pr0959 with dissolve mc "One of them being Rosalind? The one you let me pick?" scene pr0960 with dissolve kat "Oh, dear. She was already a sure thing. We wouldn't actually let her take part unless we were certain her circumstances were conducive to our purpose." scene pr0961 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene pr0962 with dissolve kat "Like I said, we need our third and it's come down to two women." scene pr0961 with dissolve mc "You didn't seem to have much faith in me..." scene pr0962 with dissolve kat "Well, this is me making an effort. Plus, I had my guy look into you. You might have more potential than one of Killian's usual, dumbass friends." scene pr0961 with dissolve mc "Look into me...?" scene pr0960 with dissolve kat "Yes, your background and upbringing. That sort of thing." kat "Your mother, did you know she did porn?" mct "(--!)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Fuck you!:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0963 with dissolve mc "Why the fuck would you--" scene pr0964 with dissolve kat "So you do, interesting." KN_MOD "I do know...:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0961 with dissolve mc "I... do." scene pr0962 with dissolve kat "Interesting..." scene pr0965 with dissolve kat "God knows how that must color your perception of women." scene pr0966 with dissolve mc "It doesn't change a damn thing." mc "All it did was make me realize how much she cared for me." scene pr0965 with dissolve kat "Is that the way you've internalized it? I wonder if SHE rationalized it that way." scene pr0963 with dissolve mc "Can we get back to why we're talking in the first place?" scene pr0967 with dissolve kat "Sorry, you're right. We have little time now, but I'd love to pick your brain one day. All kinds of fucked up childhoods go into making my club successful." kat "Understanding the people who work for you goes a long way in preventing hiccups." scene pr0968 with dissolve kat "Take this. It contains information on the two women, plus a little something to help get your head in the game." kat "Be at the Club at 11:30 tomorrow. That's when we'll interview the whores." scene pr0969 with dissolve kat "That about covers it. Give Warren your phone number when you get out. I'll be in touch." scene pr0970 with dissolve mc "Will do..." scene pr0971 with blinds stop music fadeout 3.0 "As soon as I'd exited the limo, thankfully escaping that tortuous aroma, my erection nevertheless remained at full, steely attention." scene black with fade "It would be a full hour before it finally subsided, and that's when I built up the resolve to examine the USB drive's contents." scene pr0972 with blinds stop ambient play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "On it were two PDF files and a sizable high quality video, all three vaguely labeled." scene pr0973 with pixellate "The first profile included a selfie of a raven-haired beauty, wearing nothing but a pair of lace designer panties, coyly smiling for the camera while raising her hips and putting her generous, plump ass on display." mct "(Lucy Long, huh?)" "It says here she's thirty-four years old, married, mother of two, and works as a teacher at St. Ives." "In a small box labeled 'nature of hardship', found near the bottom of the document, one simple quantification was made: bribe - $22,000." "It's a large number to someone like me, but it seemed like a paltry amount to sell your dignity for." scene pr0974 with dissolve "The second profile was of a redheaded woman, demurely smiling for the camera, clad in a slingshot bikini that showed off her well-toned, muscular figure." "Veronica Lynch - thirty-one, divorced. Under occupation was a series of vague, but surprising descriptors." "Entrepreneur, entertainer, model. The list went on. The first profile was clinical enough that I was unsure if Kathleen had authored the document herself, but this one was clearly a submitted application." "In stark contrast to her personal accomplishments, her listed hardship was dramatically underwritten." mct "(Growing overhead?)" scene pr0976 with dissolve "These are the two women Mrs. Pulman said I'd be meeting tomorrow at 11:30 am." "I can only colorfully imagine what those interviews might entail." scene pr0980 with dissolve "Both of these women were easily out of my league, but part of my lizard brain can't help but wonder..." play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Chirp, chirp.*" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_unknown from _call_phone_start_unknown" KN_MOD "call message_img(Unknown, Hey!,mina01) from _call_message_img_1" KN_MOD "call phone_end_unknown from _call_phone_end_unknown" scene pr0975 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "The message was an odd selfie of Mina holding up a cup exclaiming 'I'm sorry'. Is she trying to apologize?" mct "(I'm not sure what she's apologizing for though...)" scene pr0980 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_mina from _call_phone_start_mina" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Dont sweat it?,minaTextSweat,What are you apologizing for?,minaTextConfused)" KN_MOD "label minaTextSweat:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_8" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], You didnt do anything wrong?) from _call_message_start_13" KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, You mean it? Cause I feel bad about conking out on you guys without saying goodnight...) from _call_message_33" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, You mean it? Cause I feel bad about ditching you at the club last night all over Ians silly games...) from _call_message_34" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Dont sweat it. I had a good time.) from _call_reply_message_7" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, Prooomise?) from _call_message_35" KN_MOD "call reply_message(I promise.) from _call_reply_message_8" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, Yaaaay! Ill talk to you later then, [mcf]. Good night!) from _call_message_36" KN_MOD "call phone_end_mina from _call_phone_end_mina" KN_MOD "jump prCarnationClubDemo" KN_MOD "label minaTextConfused:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_9" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], What are you talking about?) from _call_message_start_14" KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, I conked out on you guys without saying goodnight. Probably embarrassed myself doing God knows what else...) from _call_message_37" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, I feel bad about ditching you at the club last night all over Ians silly games...) from _call_message_38" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Thats it? I didnt even feel slighted.) from _call_reply_message_9" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, Prooomise?) from _call_message_39" KN_MOD "call reply_message(I promise.) from _call_reply_message_10" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, Yaaaay! Ill talk to you later then, [mcf]. Good night!) from _call_message_40" KN_MOD "call phone_end_mina from _call_phone_end_mina_1" KN_MOD "jump prCarnationClubDemo" KN_MOD "label prCarnationClubDemo:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Now, where was I?)" "Right, the video that was included on the USB drive." scene pr0981 with blinds "The footage opened with a simple title card on a black background, followed by an introduction of sorts." mct "(Public use - That is... probably what it sounds like, huh?)" scene pr0977 with pixellate "Mrs. Pulman was on stage alongside three women in bunny suits, adorned in a tacky masquerade mask herself, energetically wrangling an unseen crowd behind the film's frame." "She continued on, building up hype and parading the girls around one by one like showdogs, lifting and bending body parts, drawing rapid interest from the crowd." scene pr0978 with fade "After a few minutes of showmanship, came the show. Side-by-side, back-to-back seemingly unending fellatio." "Men were corralled into lines and the girls did their best to bring each new man to orgasm quickly, inhaling dick after dick without respite." "Finally, when it looked like everyone had been satisfied, another crowd of men were herded onto the stage for the festivities to begin in full." scene pr0979 with fade "Strapped down to cherry leather horses, they were the playthings for the whims of the pooling men. What had started as a concerted effort on each woman's part to please the crowd had devolved over time into insensate, mechanical action." "Naturally, I skipped through the prolonged parts. The last bit lasted more than two hours. Until finally..." scene black with fade "Three people, conspicuously identified as the judges were called on to determine a winner." scene pr0983 with pixellate "Openly, they individually cast their votes. Points were somehow divvied up, and the winner for the event was declared." "And with that, the AFTER PARTY began..." scene pr0980 with dissolve mct "(Holy shit...)" mct "({b}THAT{/b} is an exhibition? That's what I've gotten myself into?)" "I had deluded myself I would be able to compartmentalize working at the Club, that I would be able to keep it separate in full view of the fact that Dr. Chuck had promised to pay for my med school, but..." "This kind of debauchery, it isn't the kind of thing you can just put back in a box, is it...?" "At the same time, I can't deny that I found certain parts of that video... appealing." play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "*Ring, ring*" scene pr0982 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" show vic-call stop sound mc "Hey, Mom." vic "Hey, how are you? We haven't talked in a few days." mc "Sorry, been busy with... finals." vic "Today was your last one, right? How did that go?" mc "It went well. How about you? How have you been?" vic "You don't want to hear an old woman complain, do you?" vic "Say, why don't you drop by for dinner tomorrow? We can celebrate the end of another semester." mc "Sure, that'd be nice." "It really would. A bit of normalcy sounds good right about now." vic "Great, I won't keep you then." vic "Take care, hun." mc "You too Mom, good night." play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" "*Beep*" hide vic-call scene pr0980 with dissolve "Giving the smut on the screen one last glance, I resisted the temptation to watch it again." mct "(I should just go to bed. Tomorrow I'll be meeting the two ladies profiled.)" "Lucy and Veronica, two women potentially facing down..." scene pr0979 with pixellate "That." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica03 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 12 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# stop sound KN_MOD "label prMay12start:" $ date = "may12day" stop sound scene pr0984 with blinds play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" show may12day with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The Carnation Club -- 30 minutes before my meeting." scene pr0985 with dissolve mct "(That's...)" mct "(The club's bartender, I think.)" "I've got time to kill I suppose, if I wanted to try and speak with her." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu may12hanamenu:" KN_MOD "Call out to her.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass KN_MOD "Just head inside.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prMay12meeting" scene pr0986 with dissolve play music "music/take-the-lead.ogg" mc "Hey! Hana, right?" scene pr0987 with fade hana "Oh, yeah! The {b}new{/b} guy." scene pr0988 with dissolve mc "Cool bike." scene pr0989 with dissolve hana "Thanks. Suzie Q here is the one gal who's never been cross with me." scene pr0987 with dissolve hana "How's it going with you, Greenboy?" scene pr0988 with dissolve "Paying no mind to the odd nickname, I answered earnestly." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" scene pr0990 with dissolve mc "I'm on my way to a meeting with Mrs. Pulman, but I'm a little early I suppose." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0990 with dissolve mc "I'm on my way to meet with Kathleen, but I'm a little early I suppose." scene pr0991 with dissolve hana "Good. You don't want to be late with that old bat. She gets annoying when you're not on time, but then again she's always real cunty to begin with." scene pr0988 with dissolve mc "I guess it comes with the territory, huh?" scene pr0987 with dissolve hana "Yeah. Anyone who'd work at that place is an asshole, triple so if you got the kind of skin in it Kat or Charles has." scene pr0988 with dissolve mc "What about you? You mean to say everyone is an asshole except YOU, right?" scene pr0991 with dissolve hana "You can be the judge of that." scene pr0992 with dissolve hana "So, summer exhibition business?" scene pr0993 with dissolve mc "Uh... yeah, you got it actually. How'd you know?" scene pr0994 with dissolve hana "Well, it's that time of the year." scene pr0995 with dissolve "Again, I couldn't suggest otherwise." mc "How long have you been working here?" "She looked about my age, maybe a couple of years older at most." scene pr0992 with dissolve hana "Only over a year. I was next to the newest here, started a little before the last person who had your job." scene pr0993 with dissolve "My mind flashed back to Kathleen's angry comments from a couple of days ago." mc "I have heard things..." scene pr0992 with dissolve hana "About Darius you mean?" scene pr0993 with dissolve mc "The guy I'm replacing." scene pr0994 with dissolve hana "Yeah, him. Whatever you've heard is probably true. Bonafide shit head was what he was." scene pr0995 with dissolve mc "What did he do to get canned?" scene pr0994 with dissolve hana "He didn't exactly get FIRED, per se. More like he just stopped showing up altogether." hana "You should ask your friend Killian if you want to know more about it. They were two dumbass peas in a pod." scene pr0996 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene pr0997 with dissolve hana "Hm. Sorry, but I gotta go." scene pr0998 with dissolve mc "Right, nice talking to you." scene pr0994 with dissolve hana "See you around, Greenboy." scene pr0999 with fade "I watched Hana sputter off, until the breaks and bends of the city had obscured her, before finally heading inside for my business." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "label prMay12meeting:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionkathleen01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop ambient scene pr1000 with blinds "When I arrived at the top of the tower, I gave a friendly wave to Jacob and headed directly to Mrs. Pulman's office." scene pr1001 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" kat "Come in." scene pr1002 with dissolve play music "music/horrible.ogg" "Inside Mrs. Pulman's posh office sat the two women featured on that USB drive, whose eyes fell on me as soon as I entered the room." mc "I'm not late am I?" scene pr1003 with dissolve kat "No. You're early, actually. The ladies here were just earlier." kat "Let me introduce you..." scene pr1004 with dissolve "Both women were quick to climb to their feet." scene pr1005 with dissolve kat "This is my aide, [mcf] [mcl]." kat "He has some say on which of you will join the Club, so he'll be sitting in on this interview." scene pr1006 with dissolve kat "Now, [mcf]..." kat "This alliterative angel is Lucy Long, an English teacher at St. Ives Academy." scene pr1007 with dissolve kat "Ironically, her kid's too stupid to get into St. Ives on his own merit, so she's looking for some help there." "Damn, she doesn't mince words." scene pr1008 with dissolve lucy "Uh... *clears throat* It's nice to meet you, Mr. [mcl]." scene pr1006 with dissolve mc "Same to you, Lucy." scene pr1009 with dissolve kat "This is--" scene pr1010 with dissolve ver "Veronica Lynch, proprietor of B-ForgeX and life coach." scene pr1011 with dissolve "Seizing her own chance at making an introduction (and after Lucy's editorialized version who could blame her), Veronica took my hand in hers and vigorously shook it." "Her hand, despite some rough calluses, had a surprisingly feminine touch. Her nails were well cared for and painted, and her palms had the faintest hint of lotion." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Return her handshake.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1012 with dissolve mc "Nice to meet you, Veronica." scene pr1013 with dissolve ver "If you say so, boy." KN_MOD "Life coach?:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1014 with dissolve mc "If you're here, not much of a life coach, are you?" scene pr1015 with dissolve ver "Nobody asked you." scene pr1016 with slideright kat "Now that's out of the way, we need to determine if either of you ladies are suitable candidates for the club's summer exhibition." scene pr1017 with fade lucy "U-um... how are we going to determine that?" scene pr1018 with dissolve kat "All you have to do is what I tell you and answer my questions truthfully." kat "It's in your best interest to be honest. If you're not cut out for the role, you'll end up regretting it." scene pr1019 with dissolve ver "It's just sex work, isn't it? You're overselling it." scene pr1020 with dissolve kat "Is that what you think? You think that this will be easy?" scene pr1021 with dissolve kat "Why don't you stand up for me, Miss Lynch." scene pr1022 with dissolve ver "Alright..." scene pr1023 with dissolve "Without warning, Mrs. Pulman began running her hands up and down Veronica's body, absent-mindedly making an audible note of her measurements." ver "What are you-?" scene pr1024 with dissolve kat "Only speak when you're spoken to, Miss Lynch." scene pr1025 with dissolve kat "Hmm, not bad. More hard-bodied than our usual offerings, {b}but{/b}..." scene pr1026 with dissolve kat "...I can't say you're not filled out in the right places." scene pr1027 with dissolve kat "Tell me, how did you know how to apply, Miss Lynch?" kat "Mrs. Long was referred to us by a junior member of our club. Isn't that right?" scene pr1028 with dissolve lucy "Yes, Ma'am. He told me--" scene pr1027 with dissolve kat "Meanwhile, your application came out of the blue. You left the referral box blank." scene pr1029 with dissolve ver "Sam--" kat "One sec." scene pr1030 with dissolve kat "Take your blouse and jacket off, dear." lucy "Huh, b-but--" scene pr1031 with dissolve kat "You were saying?" scene pr1032 with dissolve ver "...Samson Garcia told me about this place." scene pr1033 with dissolve kat "Ah, Mr. Garcia." scene pr1034 with dissolve kat "One of our junior members, [mcf]. Not much in the way of money, but other members enjoy basking in his glam and flash, so we're happy to comp him every now and then." mc "I see..." scene pr1033 with dissolve kat "How do you know Mr. Garcia?" scene pr1032 with dissolve ver "I pay him to be a spokesperson for my gym." scene pr1035 with dissolve kat "Hmm..." "Mrs. Pulman took a long pause as she considered Veronica's words." scene pr1036 with dissolve kat "Front and center, Mrs. Long. Give us a twirl." lucy "Uh, yes Ma'am." scene pr1037 with dissolve kat "What do you think, [mcf]?" mc "What do you mean?" scene pr1038 with dissolve kat "You're a man. Do you find Mrs. Long attractive?" mc "Uh, I suppose..." "Obviously, I was feeling embarrassed being so pointedly asked a question about the woman standing right in front of me." scene pr1039 with dissolve kat "You suppose?! What kind of answer is that?" kat "Hmm... you're right, though. It's not a fair assessment while she still has her bra on." scene pr1040 with dissolve kat "{b}Lose it{/b}, Mrs. Long." lucy "Y-yes Ma'am." kat "Well, you have the right attitude at least." scene pr1041 with fade kat "How about now, [mcf]?" mc "I, uh..." mct "(Like that helps things!)" scene pr1042 with dissolve kat "Oh, come now. Get a closer look." scene pr1043 with dissolve kat "Give them a feel." mc "...if you'll excuse me." scene pr1044 with dissolve kat "Well? What do you think? With those vulgar cow tits, I bet her students don't hear a single word that comes out of her mouth." scene pr1045 with dissolve lucy "That's n-not--" kat "I didn't ask for your input, Mrs. Long." scene pr1044 with dissolve lucy "S-sorry." kat "Well, what's your appraisal, [mcf]?" mct "(Is she {i}seriously{/i} asking me that?!)" mct "(How the hell do I respond to a question like that?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Speak the gods honest truth.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1046 with dissolve mc "I mean, what do you think?" mc "These are some... fantastic tits." kat "Thank you for your honest opinion, [mcl]." KN_MOD "Keep it coy.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1047 with dissolve mc "They're... they're alright, I mean." kat "You've seen better, huh?" mct "(I didn't mean that...)" scene pr1048 with dissolve kat "You're a bit overdressed don't you think? Take everything off." scene pr1049 with dissolve ver "If that's what it takes." scene pr1050 with dissolve kat "So, you're here because you want to get your son into St. Ives?" scene pr1051 with dissolve lucy "That's right." scene pr1052 with dissolve kat "There's other schools you know..." scene pr1051 with dissolve lucy "None like St. Ives." scene pr1052 with dissolve kat "...and you're willing to do whatever is asked of you just for a CHANCE at getting him in?" scene pr1053 with dissolve lucy "He deserves the best." scene pr1054 with dissolve kat "Ohoho? Is that the real reason? I have my doubts about that. Are you sure it's not just the vanity of a status-concerned whore?" lucy "No, wha--" scene pr1055 with dissolve kat "Well, I can't know for sure, but I get the feeling the real reason you want your son into St. Ives is to lord it over your co-workers and friends. Am I wrong?" "Lucy was standing there in complete silence, troubled, unsure of how to answer Mrs. Pulman's prodding without jeopardizing her chance of getting picked." kat "No matter, wanting the best for your child or just wanting the best for you, it's ample motivation to carry you to the end of summer." scene pr1056 with dissolve kat "Get on your hands and knees, Mrs. Long." lucy "Okay..." scene pr1057 with dissolve kat "Try to keep steady, dear." scene pr1058 with fade "Without much in the way of warning, Kathleen sat square on Lucy's back, using her as a stool." "Surprised, Lucy buckled slightly under Mrs. Pulman's weight, but managed to successfully lock her shoulders in support." mct "(Holy shit, she's just letting it happen? It's like Mrs. Pulman has her under a spell.)" scene pr1059 with dissolve ver "'re not sitting on me, that's for sure." scene pr1060 with dissolve kat "As fun as that would be, I know that's not happening. Yet." scene pr1061 with dissolve kat "But that's okay. Our members like a little fight in our Carnations. It makes the shows more interesting." scene pr1059 with dissolve ver "If you say so." scene pr1060 with dissolve kat "Still, I have to ask. Mr. Garcia did explain to you what we do here, right?" scene pr1062 with dissolve ver "He did. Put on a show for a bunch of old, impotent fucks and you'll help me with some business that needs taking care of." scene pr1061 with dissolve kat "That's right, more or less. The hitch is you've got to perform better than your opponents. Nothing is guaranteed." scene pr1062 with dissolve ver "That's not a problem. {b}I'll win{/b}." scene pr1061 with dissolve kat "You say it with such confidence, even I almost believe you." kat "Still, it's odd you believed him. How are you so sure he wasn't merely looking to take advantage of you?" scene pr1063 with dissolve ver "..." "Veronica shifted uncomfortably at the question." scene pr1064 with dissolve kat "You don't need to say it. You're on your last leg, aren't you?" kat "I believe you wrote 'growing overhead' on your application. That's your way of saying you're up to your tits in debt, isn't it?" scene pr1065 with dissolve ver "I have some... financial concerns." scene pr1064 with dissolve kat "Hmmm, you both have good reasons. I don't think either of you will be lacking in the motivation department, but the question is - do you have the willpower...?" scene pr1066 with dissolve kat "You'll be doing vile, humiliating things. Even an ounce of pride will be your enemy. Do you two have it in you to do what's asked?" scene pr1067 with dissolve lucy "I can do it!" ver "I do." scene pr1068 with fade kat "If that's true, both of you lock your hands behind your head and spread your legs!" lucy "Y-yes, Ma'am." ver "...fine." scene pr1069 with slideright kat "Come, don't be shy, [mcf]." scene pr1070 with dissolve kat "If it were on you to decide, which one of these sluts would you pick?" scene pr1072 with dissolve "Watching the interview unfold from the sidelines gave me some distance to what was happening. Being pulled into it all of a sudden, I was made intensely aware of just how fucked this whole thing felt." "No matter how I answered her question, I'd end up feeling like an asshole." scene pr1071 with dissolve mc "Uh, I can't say..." scene pr1070 with dissolve kat "Come on, you have to prefer one over the other. People always have preferences." scene pr1072 with dissolve "Maybe, but facing down the women while they stood there practically nude, suffering in embarrassment, made it impossible to blurt out." mc "..." scene pr1070 with dissolve "My indecisiveness produced an irritated sigh from the old woman." kat "Well, if you won't say who you'd pick, then how about you tell me which woman you find the most attractive?" scene pr1073 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Long's useless fat ass and vulgar cow tits or Miss Lynch's freakishly overdeveloped body?" scene pr1072 with dissolve "Not like it wasn't already abundantly clear, but Kathleen was thoroughly enjoying this." scene pr1071 with dissolve mc "...I don't know." scene pr1070 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Well, if you're truly having trouble picking, I know a surefire way to get the answer out of you." mct "(I don't like the sound of that...)" scene pr1074 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" kat "Take your cock out." mc "W-what? You can't be serious." "I knew she was 100 percent serious, but how else could I respond? By doing what she asked? Yeah, right." scene pr1075 with dissolve kat "What's the problem? You'll be expected to use that thing from time to time to perform your duties for the club." mc "gh..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take your dick out.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "*{i}Ziiiiip*{/i}" scene pr1078 with dissolve "Fuck it. I'm in this thing, right? I'll get paid as long as I do as they ask." KN_MOD "Try to refuse.:" $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1076 with dissolve mc "I don't... want to." scene pr1077 with dissolve kat "You do remember your arrangement with Charles, yes?" scene pr1076 with dissolve mc "..." "Fuck it, she's right. If I want to get paid, I have to do this." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "*{i}Ziiiiip*{/i}" scene pr1078 with dissolve mc "Satisfied?" kat "Hmm... consider me surprised. I wasn't expecting a cock like that from a boy like you." kat "Doesn't match your face, which is a plus. Some people pay a lot for that kind of contradiction." scene pr1079 with dissolve kat "You're already so hard too. At least I know one of these pig-whores managed that, but we're going to find out which one." mc "Nghh--" "Mrs. Pulman's cold grip on my cock had me choking out words. I was afraid to ask, but..." scene pr1080 with dissolve mc "H-how are you planning to do that?" scene pr1081 with fade mc "Ggh--!" kat "I'm glad you asked, [mcf]." scene pr1082 with dissolve "With relative ease, Mrs. Pulman pulled me into the sweltering embrace of her alabaster bosom." "The moment my nose made contact with that supple valley of flesh, I knew I had been ensnared just like in the limo." "That perfume-like aroma that had, just last night, left me painfully aching for release long after Kathleen had departed had once again found its home in my nostrils." "It wasn't as thickly pungent as last time, but it nevertheless did the same trick. All at once, every thought had emptied from my head, leaving only an animalistic urge behind." scene pr1083 with dissolve mc "Shit! {w}Fuck! {w}Bitch!" "As the moments passed with her holding me there, I was drowning in a wave of uncontrollable vulgarity." "It took all the willpower in my body not to shove Kathleen to the floor and ravage her then and there." scene pr1084 with dissolve kat "You're practically clawing for release by now, aren't you?" scene pr1085 with dissolve mc "Nggha, just jerk it, you bitch!" kat "Now, now, is that any way to talk to your boss?" scene pr1086 with dissolve kat "No matter, I forgive you. This is dangerously potent stuff, after all. A large dose of it could actually drive you insane." mc "What is this shit?!" scene pr1087 with dissolve kat "To put it simply, it's a very powerful aphrodisiac." kat "It sends your body into overdrive. Ramps up your testosterone levels... bathes your neurotransmitters in dopamine... removes ALL sense of inhibition..." kat "And this is the best part, it sends your gonads into overproduction." mc "Fuck you! That's not a real thing!" kat "Can you argue with what's happening to your body right now?" "I sure as shit couldn't. Everything she was saying had to be true. My brain felt like it was turning into liquid-fucking-magma after all." kat "It's best you get used to this as fast as possible. You'll become well-acquainted with it." scene pr1089 with dissolve scene pr1090 with dissolve "With those words, she began to slowly jerk her hand back and forth, giving me a cruel taste of the release I maddeningly craved." scene pr1089 with dissolve scene pr1090 with dissolve "Of course, her gentle undulation wasn't nearly enough. You would think whatever this perfume is would have me on a hair trigger, but it paradoxically had me feeling that I'd never cum." scene pr1089 with dissolve scene pr1090 with dissolve "I was feeling an immense swelling in my loins, one that despite my intense arousal, seemed eons away from relief." scene pr1091 with dissolve mc "Fchk--faster, faster, faster you HAG!" "My hand, with a mind of its own, roughly grabbed at my tormentor's breast in an attempt to convince her to increase the pace." scene pr1092 with dissolve "Instead, she simply grabbed me by the wrist and reprimanded me like I was a child." kat "Naughty, but I forgive you! {b}Don't{/b} touch me again, though." kat "I'll give you a hand, but I'm not the one you should be focusing your lusts on here." "Fuck this slag. All she has is words and I NEED to cum now." scene pr1093 with dissolve kat "Look in front of you!" kat "See those {b}whores{/b}, brazenly sticking their tits out, all for the mere chance of money?" scene pr1094 with dissolve ver "You're twisted, you know that bitch?" scene pr1093 with dissolve kat "Ha! That one's got a real mouth on her, doesn't she?" kat "I bet you'd love to drive that throbbing cock down her yapping bitch-maw." scene pr1095 with dissolve lucy "This is getting weird..." scene pr1093 with dissolve kat "Or how about the other one... {b}Mrs.{/b} Long." mc "Nggh--! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" "The grip on my dick tightened and the pace intensified as Mrs. Pulman ramped up on her verbal skewering." kat "Do you prefer those thick, meaty thighs and huge ass? Imagine hot-dogging yourself between those cheeks?" mc "Nga, fgwh, ommhaa!" "My brain was cooked. All that was escaping my mouth, in between ravenous oxygen-starved gasps of breath, was unintelligible garbage." scene pr1096 with dissolve kat "Get down on your knees! Keep your hands behind your head and your tits out!" scene pr1097 with dissolve ver "You're not going to--" kat "You said you'd do anything, remember? Get the FUCK down on your knees, pig." ver "...tsk! Whatever." scene pr1098 with dissolve kat "Now, which one will it be, [mcf]? Which of these miserable sows do you want to paint with your seed?" kat "Will it be Mrs. Long or Miss Lynch?" kat "I'll take whoever you choose as your answer for who to hire." "At this point, there was nothing upstairs but a raw, animalistic desire to rut." "I didn't give a fuck about the competition or what I was cumming on, I just had to cum. Desperately." mct "(NGGGHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA! I'M THERE!)" "There was no time, so I ejaculated on..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Plaster Lucy with your baby batter!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1099 with fade mc "Fuck, shit, fuck, shiiiiiiiii--" scene pr1100 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "The next thing I knew, my head was engulfed in a suffocatingly fuzzy feeling and my eyesight short-circuited, plunging my mind into an abyss of purifying white." "I was ejaculating harder than I had ever before, with a dizzying intensity that almost made me lose my breakfast." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "NGGHHAAAYAAAAAAA~! Take it, you slut!" scene pr1101 with dissolve mct "(H-holy shit!)" "Despite cumming more in my life than ever before, my dick remained hard as titanium, but thankfully, my good sense was returning to me." kat "Looks like you made your decision." kat "Aren't you flattered, Mrs. Long?" lucy "Uh, yes M-M'am." KN_MOD "Paint Veronica white!:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 2 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) $ prVero_Facial = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1102 with fade mc "Fuck, shit, fuck, shiiiiiiiii--" scene pr1103 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "The next thing I knew, my head was engulfed in a suffocatingly fuzzy feeling and my eyesight short-circuited, plunging my mind into an abyss of purifying white." "I was ejaculating harder than I had ever before, with a dizzying intensity that almost made me lose my breakfast." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "NGGHHAAYAAAAAAAA~! Take it, you slut!" scene pr1104 with dissolve mct "(H-holy shit!)" "Despite cumming more in my life than ever before, my dick remained hard as titanium, but thankfully, my good sense was returning to me." kat "Looks like you made your decision." kat "Aren't you flattered, Miss Lynch." ver "Fuck off, you bat. That was disgusting." KN_MOD "Screw this hag, shes taking the load!:" $ Kathleen_Affection -= 3 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1105 with fade "I could barely string together three words in my head, but in my gut I knew I wanted one thing: Kathleen started this, I wanted her to end it." "No, more specifically, I wanted to drown the hag in my jizz until she couldn't breathe anymore, but I'd settle with replacing that wicked grin with the gleam of a cum-spattered whore." kat "What are--" scene pr1106 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Take it you hag--!" "The next thing I knew, my head was engulfed in a suffocatingly fuzzy feeling and my eyesight short-circuited, plunging my mind into an abyss of purifying white." "I was ejaculating harder than I had ever before, with a dizzying intensity that almost made me lose my breakfast." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Nhhggaaa~!" scene pr1107 with dissolve mct "(H-holy shit!)" "Despite cumming more in my life than ever before, and the eviscerating gaze Kathleen was leveling at me, my dick somehow remained hard as titanium." "Still, as my good sense returned, I was hit with an alarm of panic at what I had done." mc "Uh... {i}*clears throat*{/i} you can't really blame me for that. You dosed me with that stuff, after all..." kat "!" kat "No, I CAN'T, I suppose." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 KN_MOD "if not persistent.katCarnationInterviewReplay:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.katCarnationInterviewReplay = True "After cleaning up, the girls returned to their chairs as if nothing happened, while I wallowed in shame in mine." $ renpy.end_replay() scene pr1108 with blinds play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" kat "Well, that was an interesting distraction, but hardly a decisive measure." scene pr1109 with dissolve ver "You gotta be shitting me? All that was just for fun?" scene pr1110 with dissolve kat "Well, both of you want it badly enough and you both seem to follow commands well...." kat "I'm satisfied either of you could help us have a very entertaining summer for the Club, but alas only one of you can be chosen." kat "After all, we only need three girls and only one spot remains..." scene pr1111 with dissolve kat "I've got it! Tomorrow night, you ladies will get a taste of what's to come. We'll hold an unofficial exhibition, a contest, to determine which of you will be our lucky Carnation #3." scene pr1112 with dissolve kat "How does that sound?" ver "Like we have much of a choice." scene pr1113 with dissolve kat "That's a good way of looking at it actually. Will you be here at 7PM, Mrs. Long?" lucy "I will. I'll do... anything." scene pr1114 with dissolve kat "You'll be there too, [mcf]." mc "Yeah, I figured..." scene pr1115 with dissolve kat "Good. See yourself out? I've got a couple of things left to discuss with the girls here." "Happily! I'm glad that this bizarre meeting is over. Whatever she has planned for tomorrow be damned, I'll deal with it then." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_veronica = True $ met_lucy = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) stop music fadeout 1.5 scene black with fade KN_MOD "label prRoseDateSetup:" "..." scene pr1116 with dissolve "On my way out, I ran into a certain familiar face." scene pr1117 with dissolve play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" mct "(It's Rosalind!)" rose "Hello, Mr. [mcl]." mct "(Mr. [mcl]? She's already been chosen for the club... she could probably drop that now...)" scene pr1118 with dissolve mc "Good afternoon, Rose. What brings you here today?" "I tried my best to sound normal, but that witch's perfume still had its devilish hands all over me." scene pr1123 with dissolve rose "Mr. Byrnes had asked me to deliver some test results." scene pr1124 with dissolve mc "Test results? Aren't you a little old to be taking a test?" "I groaned internally at my terrible joke." scene pr1125 with dissolve rose "Uh... {b}STI{/b} test results..." scene pr1124 with dissolve mct "(Christ, what else could she have meant you idiot.)" scene pr1122 with dissolve rose "How about you? I guess you decided to work here?" scene pr1126 with dissolve mc "I guess it was just too good of a deal to pass up." scene pr1123 with dissolve rose "That makes sense." scene pr1124 with dissolve "After the (extremely) shallow well of small talk had dried up, the two of us stood there fidgeting in silence." "I should probably do both of us the favor of releasing us from this social standstill, but part of me..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask her to get coffee with you.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1119 with dissolve mc "Say, do you... have some free time?" mc "If you do, I was thinking maybe, do you want to get some coffee with me?" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" "Though, considering I used our meeting as a chance to shove my dick down her throat, she's probably not too keen on the idea." scene pr1127 with dissolve rose "Oooh." "Rosalind suddenly transitioned to a look of surprise." rose "Like a date you mean?" scene pr1128 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 19:" mc "Call it whatever you want. I'd just like to get to know you better." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Just two people getting coffee." scene pr1129 with dissolve rose "..." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False and roseTAapology == False:" scene pr1130 with dissolve rose "Why not? I have an hour to kill. Do you know a place close by?" mc "I have a place in mind." KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateCoffee" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True and roseTAapology == True:" "Rosalind paused, thinking the matter over carefully." mct "(It takes this long to decide if you want to get a cup of coffee?)" scene pr1131 with dissolve rose "Eh... Sure, I have an hour to kill. Do you know a place close by?" mc "I have a place in mind." KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateCoffee" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True and roseTAapology == False:" scene pr1132 with dissolve rose "Sorry, I've got a couple of errands to run, and..." rose "Quite frankly, I don't think we should see each other outside of the club. I hope you understand." mc "...I do." scene pr1121 with dissolve rose "See you around, Mr. [mcl]" KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateSkip" KN_MOD "(Politely) End the conversation.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1126 with dissolve mc "Well, it was nice seeing you again, Rose. I suppose we'll be seeing each other around." scene pr1122 with dissolve rose "You too, Mr. [mcl]." stop music fadeout 1.5 KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateSkip" KN_MOD "label prRoseDateSkip:" "..." scene black with fade "With my business at the Club concluded, I went home to wait out the aphrodisiac in my system." scene pr1133 with blinds "To say the least, it took a lot of effort to work through." scene pr1134 with dissolve "I killed a few hours." scene pr0040 with blinds "Took a shower." scene black with fade "And headed out to meet my mother for dinner." KN_MOD "jump prCelebratoryDinner" KN_MOD "label prRoseDateCoffee:" $ roseMarried = True $ roseSeduceFlag = True scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 "..." scene pr1135 with blinds rose "I'll drive?" mc "I don't have a car, so if you prefer not to walk... please." scene pr1136 with blinds play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" "The drive to Cafe Luca carried on in relative quiet, with both of us filling in the gaps of silence where we could with simple small talk." "All the while, I remained under the lust-charged side effects of Kathleen's aphrodisiac perfume." scene pr1137 with fade "I was thankful when we finally reached Café Luca, the open air being kinder to my condition than the cramped confines of Rosalind's car." scene pr1138 with blinds "...or so I thought." mct "(Uggh, this might've been a mistake)." "The whole time we were waiting to order, my eyes remained glued on Rosalind, indelicately tracing the curves of her body." "I did my best not to make it obvious and failed miserably. The finer points of subtlety aren't in my repertoire to begin with, let alone in this heightened state of arousal." scene pr1139 with dissolve "All I could hope is she'd interpret my wandering eye-line as an innocent attraction instead of the depraved eye-fucking it really was." scene pr1140 with dissolve rose "{i}*Clears throat.*{/i} A-hem!" rose "This... is a cute place. Do you come here a lot?" scene pr1141 with dissolve mc "Oh! I-it's, uh, one of my study spots." scene pr1140 with dissolve rose "What are you studying?" scene pr1142 with dissolve mc "Physics." scene pr1144 with dissolve rose "That's incredible. You must be really smart to study something like that." scene pr1141 with dissolve mc "Well, there's all kinds of smarts, right? For me, if it's not on the test, I'm a moron." scene pr1142 with dissolve mc "You wouldn't believe my lack of common sense." scene pr1140 with dissolve rose "Try me." scene pr1143 with dissolve mc "Just the other night, I dumped a pot of boiling water into a colander. Straight onto the kitchen floor. Totally didn't register that I wasn't standing over the sink." scene pr1145 with dissolve rose "Pfft-!" scene pr1140 with dissolve rose "Everyone's a {i}little{/i} absent-minded occasionally." scene pr1146 with dissolve mc "Try all the time." scene pr1147 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene pr1148 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene pr1149 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) rose "Oh! Shoot!" scene pr1150 with dissolve mc "--!" "All it took was a simple accident to get my mind back on the topic of sex." scene pr1151 with dissolve "Just like that, vulgar images carpet bombed my brain." "Thoughts of Rosalind strapped into an industrial grade milker, feebly struggling to endure unending discomfort as her reddened, milk-spouting nipples chafed under the unfeeling mechanical assault..." mct "(JESUS! What the fuck? It's like all I can think about is sex.)" mct "(Not just normal sex, either. Some real weird, fucked up shit too.)" scene pr1152 with dissolve mct "(What I wouldn't give to just dive head first into those sweater puppies, to knead and assault them, to pinch and prod...)" mct "(I wonder just what kind of sweet cries Rose would make...)" scene black show pr1153 with hpunch play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "{i}*Smaaaack!*{/i}" mct "(Stop perving out, you idiot!)" scene pr1154 with fade rose "Huh? What was that sound?" mc "Just... accidentally kicked my chair." scene pr1155 with dissolve rose "Oh, okay! Now, where were we?" scene pr1156 with dissolve mc "So... how about you? What do you do?" scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "I'm an office assistant, but would you believe I never actually held a serious job until this year?" rose "I married straight out of high school. Did the homemaker thing for most of my adult life." scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "So, you're... married?" "I don't know why that should surprise me, considering the club's focus on older women." scene pr1160 with dissolve rose "Only... technically. The bastard and I are separated now." "Her shift in expression when talking about her marriage was the only red flag I needed to avoid that landmine. She clearly doesn't want to talk about it." scene pr1159 with dissolve mct "(I should change the subject, I think.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prRoseDateTopics:" KN_MOD "Ask her what she does for fun. if prRoseDateHobby == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1161 with dissolve mc "What do you do for fun?" scene pr1162 with dissolve rose "You mean do I have any hobbies...? Nothing interesting." rose "You'd probably make fun of me." scene pr1163 with dissolve mc "Tell me. I won't laugh, promise." scene pr1162 with dissolve rose "It's such an old spinster thing to do, though." scene pr1163 with dissolve mc "What is it?" scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "I guess you could call couponing a hobby." scene pr1161 with dissolve mc "What, like those crazy people on TV?" scene pr1164 with dissolve rose "You said you wouldn't make fun of me!" mc "Sorry! Sorry!" scene pr1163 with dissolve mc "Couponing, huh?" scene pr1162 with dissolve rose "Don't knock it! You can save a lot of money being thrifty. When the purse strings are tight it helps." scene pr1165 with dissolve rose "Plus, it's meditative. Just you, a piping hot cup of coffee, and a pair of scissors. There's a cathartic quality to cutting things out! Okay?" scene pr1156 with dissolve mc "Do you do anything else?" scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "I like to run sometimes, but a lot of people do." scene pr1159 with dissolve "The thought of Rosalind in a sports bra, chest heaving from over-exertion, skin glistening with a coat of sweat..." mct "(No! Bad [mcf]! Stop it!)" $ prRoseDateHobby = True KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateTopics" KN_MOD "Ask her how she learned about the Carnation Club. if prRoseDateSponsor == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "A particular detail from today's interview, if you could call it that, sprung to mind." "Both Lucy and Veronica found their way to the club via a sponsor. If I recall correctly, she mentioned a relief fund when we first met." scene pr1161 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "So, I've got a question, but if it's too personal, just tell me to get bent." KN_MOD "else:" mc "So, I've got a question. If it's too personal to answer, I understand." scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "Just ask it." scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "I'm still learning about the Club and how it works. How did you find out about it? You said something about a relief fund?" scene pr1166 with dissolve rose "Hmm... yeah." scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "The Eden Women's Relief Fund. You haven't heard of it?" scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "No, I don't think I have." scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "It's one of those charities you can donate to when you're checking out at the grocery store. They have a pretty broad mission: helping women in need." rose "They do all sorts of things. Help single mothers in debt secure low-interest loans, help transition domestic abuse survivors to living independently, help pay for rehab for women with substance abuse problems. Those kind of things." scene pr1161 with dissolve mc "I see. Seems like an amazing charity, but how does it connect to the Club?" scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "Uh, Mrs. Pulman, K-kathleen, she's the fund's chairwoman. She manages and directs the foundation." scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "You got to be kidding me. That piece of work is the head of a charity?" scene pr1167 with dissolve rose "Piece of work? What do you mean?" scene pr1168 with dissolve mc "She's got more than a few screws loose. You're telling me she didn't parade you around nude, berate and humiliate you, maybe use you as a piece of furniture?" scene pr1169 with dissolve rose "Heavens no! Why would she do all of that? The only time we met, she told me my circumstances put me low on the relief fund's priority list, but that there was a way for me to jump ahead." scene pr1160 with dissolve rose "Then I... uh, met with Mr. Beaufort a few times, and then you... and here we are." mct "(Mr. Beaufort....? Oh! She means Killian. I haven't heard anyone call him that. Ever.)" scene pr1157 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "Does that answer your question?" scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "It did, thank you Rose." $ prRoseDateSponsor = True KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateTopics" scene pr1170 with dissolve rose "{i}*Clears throat.*{/i} A-hem!" "Rosalind's body language had suddenly taken a shift." rose "I got, uh... I mean, I can't help but {b}notice{/b}, Mr. [mcl]..." "She had shifted from being laid back to tripping over her words." mc "What? What is it...?" scene pr1171 with dissolve mc "What are yo--" rose "Ssssh, relax." "Rosalind had started a game of footsie from across the table. Under the best of circumstances, having a beautiful woman's foot pawing at my inner thigh would be exciting, but with where my headspace was at..." scene pr1172 with dissolve rose "I can't help but notice you've been staring at my breasts all afternoon." mct "(Shit! I knew she noticed, but I didn't expect her to openly call me on it.)" mct "(Apologize! It's the only thing I can do!)" scene pr1173 with dissolve mc "I'm sorry. It's inexcusable, really, uh--!" scene pr1174 with dissolve rose "No, no, i-it's fine! I don't... I don't {i}mind{/i} {b}you{/b} staring." scene pr1175 with dissolve scene pr1176 with dissolve scene pr1175 with dissolve mc "Kh...!" "Bringing my mind back to the action happening beneath the table, Rose suddenly brushed the arch of her foot across the tent I was pitching in my pants." mct "({b}Right{/b}! She's the one coming on to {i}me{/i} right now, never mind her calling me out!)" "Still, You got to be kidding me... I'm seeing more action this week than I have had all year!" scene pr1177 with dissolve rose "Oh my... did I... make you like THAT?" scene pr1178 with dissolve "Well, the real answer to that question is actually no. That sadistic hag is the reason it's like this, but I'll be damned if I'm telling Rose that an old lady got me hard over an hour ago." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her shes right.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "In a normal, less unusual situation it's not like she'd have a problem getting me going." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Yeah, you've got me harder than a rock." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" mc "What? Can't you tell?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Uh, yeah. You did..." scene pr1179 with dissolve rose "I {b}thought{/b} so." KN_MOD "Dont say anything.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "So instead, I let the moment pass in silence." scene pr1179 with dissolve rose "No need to say anything, I can tell..." scene pr1178 with dissolve "I have no idea where this was coming from." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" "Truth be told, I was shocked she accepted my invitation for coffee in the first place, considering what I made her do the other night." "I'm also not stupid enough to think a mature, adult woman like Rosalind would be interested in a college kid like me." KN_MOD "else:" "Truth be told, I was a little surprised she accepted my invitation for coffee in the first place." "I'm not stupid enough to think a mature, adult woman like Rosalind would be interested in a college kid like me." "...I mean, would she? And if she was, this approach is weird." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Whats going on?:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Rose, I'm a little confused here..." scene pr1174 with dissolve rose "Basically, I've lived my whole life treading water." scene pr1178 with dissolve mc "I'm not following I'm afraid." scene pr1179 with dissolve rose "...don't think too hard about it, sweetie. What I'm saying is... I'm working through some things." KN_MOD "Who cares, just roll with it.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Who gives a damn about the WHY, the important part is the IS." "What she IS doing is currently flirting with me. Let's not throw gum in those works by over-thinking things, eh?" scene pr1175 with dissolve scene pr1176 with dissolve scene pr1175 with dissolve rose "It feels so large and stiff, like it's struggling to break out. Doesn't it... hurt?" mc "A little, yeah." scene pr1176 with dissolve scene pr1175 with dissolve rose "Aww, poor baby. I wish I could do something to help." scene pr1180 with dissolve rose "Oh, shoot! I've got to go or I'll be late!" mct "(YOU'RE KIDDING ME?!)" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" "Was she just having fun at my expense? Was this revenge for the night we met?" KN_MOD "else:" "Was she just having fun at my expense?" scene pr1181 with dissolve mc "Uh, you're leaving, just like that...?" mc "You were making fun of me, right? That's what this was?" scene pr1182 with dissolve rose "Oh, no! I wasn't! I really do like you, sweetie. You're cute." scene pr1183 with dissolve rose "Honestly, I don't normally do things like {b}that{/b}, but... I'm trying to live differently. I really didn't mean to take it that far, but it was so, SO much fun." scene pr1184 with dissolve "Fwup." scene pr1185 with dissolve rose "I hope you'll forgive me, Mr. [mcl]." scene pr1184 with dissolve "*Smoooooch*" scene pr1185 with dissolve rose "Now, I really have to run. Thanks for coffee." scene pr1187 with dissolve "Left alone with my coffee and a serious case of blue balls, I was finding Rosalind a woman difficult to qualify." $ history_rosalind = "From what little I have to go off of, Rosalind is a woman down on her luck. While getting coffee, I got {i}real{/i} familiar with her foot." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) mct "(I've got to do something about what's happening in my pants...)" scene pr1133 with blinds stop music fadeout 1.5 "I had a little time to kill before dinner with my mom, so that's exactly what I did." KN_MOD "jump prCelebratoryDinner" KN_MOD "label prCelebratoryDinner:" $ date = "may12night" scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) stop sound scene pr1199 with blinds play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" show may12night with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve kil "Mm_____~ mm____~ Hey, da, da, da~" scene pr1200 with dissolve kil "I lost myself on a cool damp night~ I gave myself in that misty light~" kil "Was hypnotized by a strange delight~ Under a lilac tree~" kil "I made wine--" scene pr1201 with dissolve mc "You play better than you sing, you know." scene pr1191 with dissolve kil "I sing better than you, asshole." scene pr1192 with dissolve mc "You play better too. I never took the lessons seriously, but you..." scene pr1193 with fade mc "You really threw yourself into them. Hardest I've ever seen you work." scene pr1194 with dissolve kil "It was a lot of fun! Not to sound gay, but..." scene pr1195 with pixellate kil "The memories of Vicky teaching us to play are my best." mc "She had A LOT of patience, that's for sure." scene pr1196 with pixellate mc "Are you sure it wasn't because she was your first crush?" kil "It wasn't like that." mc "Really? You sure acted like it when we were kids. I remember a pair of panties she had left lying on the washer..." kil "S-shut up! It's called going through puberty, you ass!" mc "Relax, I'm just teasing you." scene pr1197 with dissolve vic "Hey boys, dinner's ready." kil "Mrs. [mcl]! Uh, how long have you been standing there?" scene pr1198 with dissolve vic "About the time you mentioned my panties." kil "Gh...!" vic "Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I was enjoying the sight of you two together at the piano." vic "Now, let's say we eat while it's still hot. Sound good?" scene pr1202 with dissolve kil "Thanks for the meal, Mrs. [mcl]!" "It was a gesture Ian had made hundreds of times. It was something he'd always do before he'd eat here, be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner." "...back when he was a well-behaved, polite kid." scene pr1203 with dissolve vic "Don't thank me until you've tasted it, Ian." "......" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 "..." scene pr1204 with dissolve play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" "Dinner turned out nice, with good food and warm company. Turned out Mom had run into Ian by happenstance at the farmer's market earlier in the day and had invited him to join us." scene pr1205 with dissolve "It was nice to have him there. Killian on his best behavior reminded me of simpler days that I took for granted." scene pr1206 with blinds vic "I'm going to draw myself a bath. You boys don't get into too much trouble while I'm away, okay?" scene pr1207 with dissolve kil "When have we ever gotten into trouble, Vicky?" scene pr1208 with dissolve vic "Ha! You should be a comedian, Ian. That or you should be a shit salesman." scene pr1209 with dissolve kil "You know, it's a shame you didn't get her good humor, [mcf]" scene pr1210 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about? I'm a funny guy." scene pr1211 with dissolve "......" "..." scene pr1212 with dissolve kil "Pffthahaha!~~ I'll give you this, you try." mc "Yeah, whatever. Jerk." scene pr1213 with dissolve kil "So! Are you excited for the trial exhibition tomorrow?" scene pr1214 with dissolve "His question had caught me off guard. Thinking back at that video I watched..." "Assuming it's going to be anything like that, to have him openly ask about it, as casually as asking about going to a concert, felt unreal." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Im curious, to say the least.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I couldn't hide from a simple fact: deep down, part of me reveled in the debauchery shown on that video. It was far away from my quiet student life. It was... exciting." scene pr1215 with dissolve mc "I'm... interested, to say the least." scene pr1217 with dissolve kil "Really? That's great! I was afraid you'd be slow to come around." scene pr1216 with dissolve mc "I'm not on team gang-bang yet, mind you. Still, if I'm going to survive working there, I'm going to need to learn to be flexible with my hang ups." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "Psssh, are you for real? You even look at sex parties clinically." KN_MOD "No, Im not!:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "A tinsy, tiny part of me did find the prospect of tomorrow's exhibition exciting. I would be lying to say otherwise, but the overwhelming feeling going into tomorrow night for me was anxiety." scene pr1216 with dissolve mc "Can't say I am, no." scene pr1218 with dissolve kil "Yeah, I figured. You're going to be slow to come around. That's in your nature." scene pr1217 with dissolve kil "Trust me though, it's going to be A LOT of fun, buddy. You'll feel like a king coming out of it. I guarantee it." scene pr1220 with dissolve mc "Well, not like I have much of a choice anyway." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "That's simply not true. You have a choice. You always do, idiot. Not like you're the first person to do something you don't enjoy for profit." scene pr1221 with dissolve mc "Will you be there too?" scene pr1222 with dissolve kil "Of course, I love those things. It's not just me either, Uncle Chuck is sure to be there. He never misses one." scene pr1216 with dissolve mc "I haven't seen him since high school..." mc "It blows my mind that he's got a hand in this. He seemed so... respectable." scene pr1217 with dissolve kil "Fuhahaha, you mean to say he's a dirty old man? You should call him that when you see him. He'd just die." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "The old bastard cultivates this upstanding man of science bullshit, but he's a tried and true philanderer at heart." scene pr1221 with dissolve mc "He got you into this club business?" scene pr1222 with dissolve kil "Yep, my membership was a present for my 18th birthday three years ago. I fell into working there not too long after that. It's more fun to be on that end of things. The liberties you take with the girls don't cost you for one." scene pr1220 with dissolve mc "You shouldn't say things like that so shamelessly..." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "What? Why shouldn't I? To thine own self be true." kil "Anyway, tomorrow should be interesting. Kat always cooks up some fun games." scene pr1223 with dissolve mc "You want anything?" kil "No, I'm good. Thanks." scene pr1224 with irisin mc "You have any idea what's going to happen tomorrow?" scene pr1225 with dissolve kil "Nope. Kat's got a deep bag of tricks though. It's pretty much a honed talent of hers, coming up with colorful ways to make perverts salivate." scene pr1226 with dissolve mc "She's twisted is more like it." scene pr1227 with dissolve kil "No argument here. She's got August and Uncle Chuck beat at least. Probably not Warren though... that guy..." kil "Well, I'd stick closer to Jacob if I were you." scene pr1228 with dissolve mc "What does that mean?" scene pr1222 with dissolve kil "Just that if you ever need security for something, Jacob is the more delicate of the two." scene pr1220 with dissolve mc "Why would I ever need to go to security?" scene pr1218 with dissolve kil "It doesn't happen often, but if a club member steps out of line with one of the girls--" scene pr1216 with dissolve mc "What constitutes as {i}out of line{/i}?" scene pr1218 with dissolve kil "You'll know it if you see it. The lines of acceptable behavior get blurred against the backdrop of all the sex, but they're there." kil "Throw a bunch of rich assholes who think they're untouchable in the mix and you have a powder keg." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "Kathleen will have you believe your primary role is keeping the girls in line and working, but your true job is always their well-being. Look out for them, man. This place ain't easy." mct "(That's... surprisingly compassionate for Ian.)" scene pr1229 with dissolve mc "...thanks, Ian." scene pr1230 with dissolve kil "What for?" scene pr1229 with dissolve mc "The way you put it makes me feel like I can do this job without becoming a heartless asshole." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "{i}*Click, skreeeek*{/i}" "The opening of the bathroom door cut our candid conversation about the club short." scene pr1231 with dissolve vic "You boys want to stay for a movie?" scene pr1232 with dissolve kil "I would love to, Mrs. [mcl]." mc "Yeah, why not.." kil "What's on the marquee for the night?" scene pr1233 with dissolve vic "I'm feeling like a little Fulci. How about you, boys?" scene pr1234 with dissolve kil "That sounds good to me." scene pr1235 with dissolve mc "*sigh* ...I'll defer to the majority then." mct "(It's always {i}Italian{/i}.)" scene pr1236 with dissolve vic "Great, I'm going to go get my pajamas on first and then I'll join you." scene black with fade "......" stop music fadeout 1.5 "..." "After the movie, Ian was kind enough to drive me home." scene player-room-dark with blinds "In spite of the insanity earlier in the day, dinner with Mom and Ian proved to be a nice conclusion for the day." "Tomorrow night, that insanity resumes, but talking with Ian did alleviate some of my anxiety about my role at the club." "As long as I think of my role as keeping the girls safe, I might be able to rationalize what I'm going to be party to." "...and maybe I won't feel so bad about enjoying it, either." mct "(Anyway, it's late, and I should get to bed.)" scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 13 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# KN_MOD "label prMay13start:" $ date = "may13night" stop sound scene club-fr-night with blinds show may13night with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The next night..." scene pr1237 with blinds mc ", I hate the feel of a suit. Damn thing's so stuffy." scene pr1238 with blinds kil "You'll get used to it. The bosses insist we maintain standards, even if it's not an official event." play music "music/hold-on-a-second.ogg" scene pr1239 with blinds: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 kil "Besides, don't be like that. You look good in it." scene pr1240 with dissolve mc "It's just a little embarrassing is all." scene pr1241 with dissolve kil "Well, suck it up. It's better than what the girls have to wear." scene pr1240 with dissolve mc "....damn. That does make me sound like a whiny bitch, doesn't it?" scene pr1242 with dissolve kil "It could be worse. You could be an underdressed whiny bitch." scene pr1243 with dissolve mc "Very funny, you prick." scene pr1241 with dissolve kil "Anyway, this is probably about as low-key as it could get around here. Kat only invited the girls' sponsors, she wants to give them a proper thank you for the referrals." kil "Which means you'll have to help schmooze a couple of old assholes. How good are you at rimjobs?" scene pr1244 with dissolve kil "Speaking of old assholes..." scene pr1245 with dissolve chuck "Old asshole, huh?" scene pr1246 with fade chuck "Is that any way to speak about your adoring uncle?" chuck "Well, I'm not old at least, bfahhahaha!" scene pr1247 with dissolve chuck "[mcf]!" scene pr1248 with dissolve chuck "It's so good to see you, lad. It's been quite some time." KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" chuck "Not an ounce of fat on you. You're still keeping in shape, eh? Bfhahahaha!" KN_MOD "else:" chuck "You look proper and healthy, my boy. Probably could do to eat a bite or two though. Bfhahahaha!" scene pr1249 with dissolve chuck "I'm so glad you took me up on my offer. Feel free to call me 'Uncle Chuck' from now on, okay?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Sure thing, Uncle Chuck.:" $ Chuck_Friendship +=1 $ Chuck_Friendship = clamp(Chuck_Friendship, 0, 10) $ chuck_polite = False $ chuck_uncle = True scene pr1250 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Uh... whatever you say, {b}Uncle Chuck{/b}." KN_MOD "How are you, sir?:" $ Chuck_Friendship -=1 $ Chuck_Friendship = clamp(Chuck_Friendship, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1250 with dissolve mc "Uh... it's good to see you too. How are you, sir?" scene pr1249 with dissolve chuck "Good lad, good. In fact, I'm doing better than good." scene pr1251 with dissolve kil "What's up, uncle? Shouldn't you be entertaining?" scene pr1252 with dissolve chuck "Actually, I've come to fetch you lads. Well, come to fetch [mcf]. Kathy wants you to help Warren set up something." scene pr1253 with dissolve kil "I bet... heavy lifting, right? Why am I always saddled with that shit?" scene pr1254 with dissolve mc "It's probably because your ability to lift heavy objects is one of your finer points." scene pr1255 with dissolve "I was suddenly knocked off balance by a thunderous pat on the back, Dr. Chuck overly pleased with my response to Ian's annoyed reaction." chuck "Pfhtt--! Took the words straight from Kathy's mouth already, have you lad? Hahahaha!" scene pr1256 with dissolve mc "Well, if he's doing that, what are you {i}fetching{/i} me for?" scene pr1257 with dissolve chuck "As my nephew would put it, {i}to sweat your ass off helping schmooze some old assholes{/i}." mc "...huh?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 "......" "..." KN_MOD "label prLeisureTime:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionhousegirls with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve "What Dr. Chuck had meant by that was that we were joining the night's special guests in the steam room for a little relaxation while Kathleen got the last-minute preparations for the contest done." scene pr1280 with blinds "More explicitly, I was to get acquainted and make small talk with a couple of naked old dudes. And what's more..." scene pr1259 with dissolve play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" "*Mch... mgh... slsh... ehch... mph, schkkk....*" "One of the men was Isaak Miller, who I understood to be an admission officer at St. Ives Academy." "The gentleman availing himself to the services of one of the club's year round whores - or as Dr. Chuck put it, {b}house girl{/b} - was Samson Garcia, who didn't need an introduction." "I had failed to make the connection when I heard his name yesterday, but Samson Garcia was a relatively famous infomercial star and has-been, once starring in a string of popular low-budget action films before I was born." "I might add, the kind of b-movie shlock that I always wanted to watch on our movie nights, but inevitably got vetoed by my mom and Ian." chuck "Good! You're all introduced." chuck "I'd introduce you to Harper here, but she's got her mouth full." scene pr1260 with dissolve sam "Nice to meet you, kid. Any friend of Chuck is a friend of mine." "*Schkkk, mph, mmm~*" scene pr1261 with dissolve isak "Same. Good to meet you, Mr. [mcl]." scene pr1262 with slideleft chuck "Here, lad. Enjoy the high life a little." scene pr1263 with dissolve mc "I don't really..." "I don't know what it was about the look on his face, but it rebuffed any attempt at saying no." scene pr1264 with dissolve mc "Sure. When in Rome, right?" sam "Allow me to light that for you, kid." scene pr1265 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/lighter-flick.wav" "*Schnick, chk-!*" scene pr1266 with dissolve "Up until this point, I had never smoked anything in my life, legal or otherwise." mct "(This isn't so bad--)" scene pr1267 with dissolve mc "*{i}Cough, cough!{/i}*" mc "*{i}Cough, cough, cough!{/i}*" chuck "Bahahaha! There, there lad. Breathe. You'll be alright." scene pr1268 with dissolve sam "You're not supposed to suck it down, kid. Just hold it in your mouth. Didn't anyone teach you that?" mc "Sorr- *{i}Cough, cough!{/i}* Sorry, this is my first time." sam "Well, not a bad place to start, these things cost $7,500 a box." mc "E-excuse me?!" scene pr1269 with dissolve isak "You're just shamelessly bragging, like you always do, you buffoon." "The small, bookish man who had previously taken a back seat in the conversation had used this opening to bare his fangs at his cohort." scene pr1268 with dissolve sam "I guess you're right about that, Ike. My ex-wife always called me a braggart. I don't see the harm in that though. Hahaha!" "However, either by stupidity or plain indifference, the giant paid no heed to Isaak's venomous words and took them in good humor. In a way, his disposition reminded me of a dimmer Dr. Chuck." scene pr1270 with pixellate mct "(Someone like Dr. Chuck, but with muscles...)" "That cursed image popped into my head." scene pr1271 with pixellate chuck "[mcf] here actually worked as a tutor previously." scene pr1272 with dissolve isak "Oh, is that so? Educating children is a noble, laudable pursuit... but it is a tiresome one, don't you find?" scene pr1273 with dissolve isak "Can't beat all the desperate mothers looking to get their kids enrolled though..." isak "Do you still work as a tutor, Mr [mcl]? You and I could come to a beautiful arrange--" scene pr1274 with dissolve mc "I'm afraid not, I quit that job to work here actually." "Despite how fascinating it was to see the man seamlessly transition into a flagrant pervert, I didn't have the stomach to let him finish his proposition." isak "Oh... that's too bad..." scene pr1275 with dissolve sam "That's some real ver-VERTICAL movement for you, kid! Good job! You're going to love it here." sam "You remind me a little of myself you know. I started out with nothing, just the burning desire to be the best..." scene pr1276 with dissolve sam "From body builder, to movie star, to a fitness equipment empire! You got to have hunger kid if you want to get anywhere..." mct "(I bet if I let him go on, he'll never stop talking...)" scene pr1277 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu samschmooze:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} (Lie) I love your movies. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Sam_Friendship += 1 $ Sam_Friendship = clamp(Sam_Friendship, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Is that so, Mr Garcia? I loved your movies as a kid. In fact, I love them even now." mc "Inferno of Surrender, the big set piece with the burning skyscraper, THAT was an exciting movie." mct "(Fuck, I hope I got the title to that shitty movie right. They played it on the movie channel all the time, but I never really paid attention to it...)" scene pr1275 with dissolve sam "Oh, that's always been a fan pleaser. Let me tell you..." KN_MOD "Thank you for the advice.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hunger. Right. Uh, thank you for the advice, Mr. Garcia. I'll try to keep that in mind." scene pr1276 with dissolve sam "Oh, there's more to it than wanting it, kid. You've also got to..." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] (Lie) I love your movies.{/color} if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump samschmooze" scene pr1278 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash sam "Gaaaah-! Shit! That's the stuff!" isak "Thank god! Saved by a blowjob! If you ever show any interest, he'll never shut up." scene pr1279 with dissolve sam "Aaaaah~ you want a go, buddy?" isak "Absolutely not!" sam "Your loss then." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.HarpSaunaBJGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.HarpSaunaBJGallery = True scene black with fade "The dance between them was an odd one, bordering on a comedy routine that continued until Warren came to retrieve us." "Our presence was requested in the exhibition hall." stop music fadeout 1.5 "......" "..." scene pr1281 with blinds play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_samson = True $ met_isaak = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "The walk to the exhibition hall provided the opening I needed to ask a question that had been formulating in my mind all night, on the topic of what we had all gathered here for." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask Isaak about Lucy:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Something about Lucy had struck me as odd, so I turned to the bookish pervert for answers." scene pr1282 with dissolve mc "Mr. Miller, I was curious about something." scene pr1283 with dissolve isak "Oh? What is it? If it's something I can help you with, I'd be delighted to answer." scene pr1284 with dissolve mc "It's about one of the performers tonight, more specifically the one you scouted." scene pr1285 with dissolve isak "Ah, yes. Mrs. Lucy Long..." scene pr1286 with dissolve "Just the mere mention of the raven-haired schoolteacher had a clear effect on the man, sending him down a path of perverted reverie I could only imagine." scene pr1287 with dissolve isak "What about her, Mr. [mcl]?" scene pr1286 with dissolve mc "You two work together, right? She's your co-worker at St. Ives?" scene pr1289 with dissolve isak "That's correct, yes. I've known her... well, going on five years now I think. She's an excellent educator if I say so myself, beloved by both her students and peers." scene pr1286 with dissolve mc "Why did you sponsor her tonight then?" scene pr1287 with dissolve isak "Why? What a funny question. To do my dear co-worker and friend a favor. As you know, she's looking to enroll her kid at St. Ives Academy, but unfortunately, he falls short in almost all the areas we demand to qualify for enrollment." isak "It's sad, really..." scene pr1286 with dissolve mc "So she couldn't get her son into the very school she teaches at? You couldn't pull any strings?" scene pr1289 with dissolve isak "What? What do you think I'm doing here? This is me making an exception. Another reason..." scene pr1288 with dissolve isak "Besides, she's an educator beloved by both her students and peers... wouldn't it be fun to see that conceited bitch get taken down a peg or two?" isak "We'll see which one of us is the true pervert, won't we?" scene pr1286 with dissolve "He said, seemingly directing an offhanded comment at no one, leaving me feeling gobsmacked." "Without a doubt, this man is a loathsome predator. I suppose that's the true nature of the club, taking advantage of women in disadvantageous positions, but..." "To target a woman you know with a thinly veiled vendetta somehow seems even more wretched." scene pr1297 with dissolve kat "[mcf]!" "As we were finishing our conversation, I heard a growingly familiar voice call out my name." KN_MOD "Ask Samson about Veronica:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Something about the brawny, defiant woman I had met yesterday had struck me as odd, so I turned to the self-obsessed has-been for an answer." scene pr1290 with dissolve mc "Hey, Mr. Garcia... I've got a question about the woman you scouted for the club." scene pr1291 with dissolve sam "Ah, yes. Veronica. She's beautiful, right kid? I've known plenty of female body-builders, but she takes the cake. Fierce as a whip too." scene pr1292 with dissolve mc "How'd you convince a woman like that to take part in something like this?" "She wore her contempt as plain as day yesterday, but she was nevertheless here. If her business is failing, there's gotta be other ways to correct course than {i}this{/i}." scene pr1293 with dissolve sam "Honestly, I don't know, but it wasn't too hard if you would believe it. She contacted me recently looking for an investor to pull her from the hole she's in." scene pr1294 with dissolve sam "Naturally, I told her I wasn't interested. Who'd be stupid enough to invest in a business that was hemorrhaging money without any real plan to fix it? That's when I brought up the club..." scene pr1295 with dissolve sam "Oddly enough, she jumped at the opportunity. Didn't blink. Didn't waffle. I suppose that's the kind of woman she is. Incapable of doubt, always moving forward..." scene pr1292 with dissolve mc "That seems... odd." scene pr1293 with dissolve sam "I agree. I was 99 percent sure she would've clocked me for even suggesting it, but here we are." scene pr1295 with dissolve sam "Honestly, I can't {i}wait{/i} to see that haughty bitch brought down to her knees..." scene pr1292 with dissolve "There's obviously more to their history than he's letting on, a man like Samson doesn't hide their ulterior motives very well." "Not that he has to, being amongst friends." scene pr1296 with dissolve kat "[mcf]!" "As we were finishing our conversation, I heard a growingly familiar voice call out my name." scene pr1298 with dissolve kat "I have a task for you." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 "....." "..." scene pr1299 with blinds play music "music/horrible.ogg" ver "I can dress myself. Why do I need a chaperone?" scene pr1300 with dissolve mc "You heard Mrs. Pulman..." scene pr1301 with dissolve ver "{i}You heard Mrs. Pulman{/i}..." scene pr1299 with dissolve ver "Damn, you sound like a whiny child." scene pr1300 with dissolve mct "(Christ, she's got a bad attitude. What the hell did I ever do to her?)" KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" scene pr1258 with pixellate "..." mct "(Oh, yeeeeah...)" scene pr1302 with dissolve mc "*sigh* Mrs. Pulman wanted me here to make sure everything is applied properly." "After calling me over, Kathleen had explicit instructions for me. I was to help Veronica get ready for the opening event, while Killian was to help Lucy." scene pr1300 with dissolve mc "She's afraid you won't secure them properly." scene pr1303 with dissolve ver "Mmn..." "Confronted with the fact that I would remain, Veronica shot me a withering stare, like she was sizing me up for a fight." scene pr1299 with dissolve ver "{b}Fine{/b}. Not like it matters. I'll go ahead and get dressed." scene pr1300 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Turn around and give her some privacy.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffVerGentleman" KN_MOD "Enjoy the show.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffVerPig" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffVerGentleman:" scene pr1304 with dissolve mc "I'll give you some privacy, at least." scene pr1305 with dissolve ver "'re kidding, right?" KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" ver "You've ejaculated on my fucking face. Think we're past modesty, stupid?" KN_MOD "else:" ver "You've seen me nude already. We're past modesty." scene pr1306 with dissolve mc "Just get dressed, will you? I'm trying to be nice here." scene pr1305 with dissolve ver "Whatever. Just know it's not going to get you any favors with me." "..." "The faint sound of clothes being removed filled the room." ver "You have any idea what she's planning to do to us tonight?" mc "No, I don't, but I can imagine..." "It was the truth. All I knew was what she told me: to make sure the rotors were properly secured." ver "Really? You don't have a clue? I don't buy it. You wouldn't tell me if you did." ver "That miserable old cunt probably wants it to be a surprise. Am I right?" scene pr1306 with dissolve mc "I couldn't say one way or the other, Miss Lynch." scene pr1305 with dissolve ver "Great, I bet she stuck me with the idiot of the place..." "Her endless complaining was starting to become grating, but I knew getting angry would only put me further on the losing side of our exchange." ver "You can turn around now." scene pr1307 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.5 mct "(Woah...)" ver "Wasn't much point in not looking, was there?" play music "music/philly-crew.ogg" scene pr1308 with fade: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 4.5 yalign 0.1 "Veronica wasn't mistaken. The attire she had slipped her statuesque, well-endowed frame into was exceedingly lewd, proving far more tantalizing than any mere naked body could hope to reach." "Expensive-looking stockings snaked their way up her long legs, ending in a garter belt that held the silk fabric taut against her skin. Paired with a 3-inch high heel, the result was a lust-driving showcase of the musculature of her powerful legs and firm ass." scene pr1309 with dissolve "You could almost say she looked {i}classy{/i}, if not for the slits in front of her bra that filthily bared the tips of her breasts for anyone to see." scene pr1310 with dissolve ver "I just said I was finished dressing. I didn't tell you to eye-fuck me, now did I?" KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffVerRotor" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffVerPig:" "Considering the circumstances, not like there's any point in being modest." scene pr1311 with dissolve "Veronica was quick about it, beginning to undress as if she was the only person in the room." scene pr1312 with dissolve mc "You're not embarrassed?" scene pr1313 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.5 ver "'re kidding, right?" play music "music/frame-of-mine.ogg" KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" scene pr1314 with dissolve ver "You've ejaculated on my fucking face. Think we're past modesty, creep?" KN_MOD "else:" scene pr1315 with dissolve ver "You've seen me nude already. We're past modesty already." scene pr1316 with dissolve ver "Besides, there's two things. For one, if you've got a killer body like me, you don't shy away from showing it." scene pr1317 with dissolve mc "What's the other thing?" scene pr1314 with dissolve ver "You're basically a human cockroach. Why would I wet myself like a schoolgirl undressing in front of a bug?" scene pr1317 with dissolve mct "(...gchk!)" "While I raged and cursed at her internally, in my head I knew I didn't have a leg to stand on." mct "(It's only natural for her to look at me like that, everything considered...)" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mct "(Still, that fucking... BITCH!!!)" stop music fadeout 1.5 scene pr1318 with dissolve "A few moments of stewing to myself was interrupted by a question." scene pr1319 with fade play music "music/horrible.ogg" ver "So, you have any idea what she's planning to do to us tonight?" scene pr1320 with dissolve mc "No, I don't, but I can imagine..." "It was the truth. All I knew was what she told me: to make sure the rotors were properly secured." scene pr1321 with dissolve ver "Really? You don't have a clue? I don't buy it. You wouldn't tell me if you did." ver "That miserable old cunt probably wants it to be a surprise. Am I right?" mc "I couldn't say one way or the other, Miss Lynch." scene pr1322 with dissolve ver "Great, she stuck me with the idiot of the place..." "Her endless complaining was starting to become grating, but I knew getting angry would only put me further on the losing side of our exchange." scene pr1310 with fade ver "That's done." scene pr1309 with dissolve mct "(Woah...)" "Through all her bitching and bleating, I failed to appreciate just what she was slipping on." "Expensive-looking stockings snaked their way up her long legs, ending in a garter belt that held the silk fabric taut against her skin. Paired with a 3-inch high heel, the result was a lust-driving showcase of the musculature of her powerful legs and firm ass." "You could almost say she looked {i}classy{/i}, if not for the slits in front of her bra that filthily bared the tips of her breasts for anyone to see." KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffVerRotor" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffVerRotor:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionveronica01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr1310 with dissolve ver "I suppose those damn rotors come next?" "She was referring to the egg-shaped vibrators that were the whole reason I was here." scene pr1350 with pixellate kat "I need you to keep this mouthy bitch honest, otherwise she might try to pull a fast one and skimp on the number." kat "Make sure you use all of these. You'll see to it {b}personally{/b}, won't you?" scene pr1323 with pixellate play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" mc "Lie back on the bed." scene pr1324 with dissolve "She shot me yet another unnerving look, pausing to weigh her options, before finally silently and begrudgingly accommodating my request." scene pr1325 with dissolve ver "Fine! If you have to, just be quick about it." scene pr1326 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Then lie back more and spread 'em, then." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Then lie back more and spread your legs please." ver "...tsk!" "She clicked her tongue in irritation, but again, did as I asked." scene pr1327 with dissolve ver "Just so we're clear, don't try any funny business, creep." scene pr1328 with dissolve mc "Considering you could probably use your thighs to crush my head like a cantaloupe, I don't think you have to worry about that." scene pr1327 with dissolve ver "As long as you understand then." scene pr1329 with dissolve "..." scene pr1349 with dissolve "As I moved in closer, my attention was glued to the muscular woman's physique and curves." "I had never found myself attracted to brawny women before, but then again, I'd never seen a woman quite like Veronica either. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't something about her sturdy frame that was alluring to me." mct "(Could it be that the thought of a woman who can kick my ass gets me going?)" mct "(...then again, maybe I just like redheads with large tits. That could be it.)" scene pr1330 with dissolve ver "Stop wasting time and get it over with." mc "*ahem* R-right, sorry..." scene pr1349 with dissolve "I was keeping it cool until now, but that went out the window as soon as I was front and center (quite literally) with my task: inserting a number of pink, egg-shaped sex toys into a stranger's vagina." "It's easy to put it out of mind when things are getting hot and heavy, but facing it down business-like, the intimate nature of the place had me running red in the face." scene pr1331 with dissolve mc "If you'll excuse me..." scene pr1332 with dissolve "With some uneasiness, I pulled aside the maroon colored panties and got my first look at the fiery woman's rosebud and petals." scene pr1333 with dissolve ver "What are you tip-toeing around for? This isn't some sight-seeing tour." scene pr1334 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be honest with her.:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1335 with dissolve mc "Don't you find this to be kinda... intimate?" scene pr1336 with dissolve ver "Fuck no! I don't. I told you not to try anything funny!" scene pr1335 with dissolve mc "I'm not trying to make a move on you or anything... I'm just saying this whole situation is weird." scene pr1336 with dissolve ver "Oh {b}boo-hoo{/b}, how do you think I feel having some strange creep awkwardly breathing into my vagina? What are you, trying to turn this into a moment or something? Just put the damn toys in." scene pr1334 with dissolve mct "(Might as well get to it, I guess...)" KN_MOD "Insert the first vibrator.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Might as well get to it, I guess.)" scene pr1337 with dissolve "Taking the small egg in the tips of my fingers, I slowly brought it to the entrance of the stony-faced woman's canal." scene pr1338 with dissolve "The pleasant heat contrasted the cold toy in my hand nicely." scene pr1339 with dissolve "The first of the small, rose-colored devices slide into Veronica's love tunnel with little trouble, spearing apart the imposing woman's unstained petals with only a slight resistance." scene pr1340 with dissolve "The second one, needing to push the first one deeper in, proved a little more difficult in finding room in the dry passage." scene pr1341 with dissolve ver "Ngg-! Not so rough-!" mc "Sorry, it's just you're really, {b}really{/b} tight. I'm not sure how many of these I can actually fit..." mc "We have two more remaining..." scene pr1342 with dissolve ver "What? There's no way in HELL four are going to fit!" scene pr1343 with dissolve mc "I'm not even sure three will, if we're being honest..." mct "(For some reason, I doubt that crazy witch would be okay with only using half of the toys she told me to...)" mct "(Wait a minute. Just MAYBE...)" "She didn't say all of them had to fit inside her cunt, just that I had to use them." scene pr1344 with dissolve mc "Wait here, I've got an idea!" stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "Huh? Where the hell are you going?" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene pr1345 with dissolve ver "Grrh-!! You want me to just lay here?!" scene pr1346 with dissolve ver "........." ver "......" ver "..." scene pr1347 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "..." scene pr1348 with dissolve mc "So, she didn't say WHERE or HOW these things had to be used." ver "I'm listening..." scene black with fade $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.VeroEggInsertGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.VeroEggInsertGallery = True "......" "..." KN_MOD "label prFaceOffStart:" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene pr1351 with blinds "Once the prep work had been taken care of, we all gathered in the exhibition hall. The old men got comfortably seated, Kathleen and the girls took center stage, and Killian and myself were told to stand off to the side expectantly." "I had no idea what to expect." scene pr1352 with dissolve kat "Gentlemen! The Carnation Club welcomes you!" "Despite only speaking to a handful of people, like a true showman, she spared no energy addressing her audience." scene pr1353 with dissolve kat "We are gathered here tonight to select the final Carnation for our annual summer exhibition." kat "Sammy, Mr. Miller... thank you for being here on such short notice. It is thanks to you that these women are here with us tonight." scene pr1354 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman paused for dramatic effect, lips stretched tightly into a diabolical smile, before continuing." scene pr1355 with dissolve kat "Now, this could have simply been taken care of behind closed doors, but... I mean, where's the fun in that, right?" scene pr1353 with dissolve kat "As an extension of our gratitude for your contribution to this year's exhibition, you two have been exclusively invited to witness and participate in tonight's revelry." scene pr1355 with dissolve kat "You have helped us find {b}flowers{/b} amongst weeds." kat "Two women who are capable of sinking to unimagined depths, to rise like a baptism, polished and shining like the {b}whores{/b} they were meant to be." scene pr1356 with dissolve mc "*whispering* Does she hear herself? She sounds ridiculous." scene pr1357 with dissolve kil "*whispering* Oh, you haven't heard nothing yet. Just wait until the actual summer exhibition starts, when this room is just FILLED with stodgy, old bastards." kil "*whispering* That's when she REALLY gets into it." scene pr1358 with dissolve kat "...and what better way to discover which of them will shine the brightest other than giving them a stage?" kat "Now! Girls, though you may know some of these gentlemen, it is only proper you introduce yourselves and thank your sponsor for the opportunity you've been given tonight." scene pr1359 with fade "The first to step forward, despite the anxiety plainly written on her face, was Lucy." scene pr1360 with dissolve lucy "My name is Lucy Long and--" scene pr1361 with dissolve kat "Sorry, honey. Let me stop you there. That's MISSUS Lucy Long, isn't it? You're married. Be precise." scene pr1360 with dissolve lucy "My name is Mrs. Lucy Long, it is nice to meet you." scene pr1362 with dissolve kat "There's no need to be brief, dear. Now, what are you here for? Try again." kat "*whispering* Make it colorful." scene pr1363 with dissolve "Even from behind, I could see the gears slowly turn in her head as she tried to arrive at what Mrs. Pulman considered a {i}proper{/i} introduction." "After some time spent deliberating in thorny silence, she finally arrived at a conclusion." scene pr1364 with dissolve lucy "My name is Mrs. Lucy Long, I'm a shameful married woman here for your pleasure. Please treat me well." scene pr1365 with irisout lucy "Thank you for helping provide me with this chance, Mr. Miller." scene pr1366 with dissolve isak "Please, call me Isaak. We're friends, aren't we?" scene pr1367 with dissolve lucy "...mghn. T-thank you, Isaak." "She did her best to hide her irritation, but her antipathy for the smarmy man was as clear as day." isak "You're welcome, Lulu. Don't embarrass me now." "After that terse exchange, came the comments from the peanut gallery." scene pr1368 with dissolve chuck "Ha! She may be slow on the uptake, but she's got spirit." scene pr1369 with dissolve sam "She stands no chance against my girl, though!" scene pr1370 with fade "Without waiting to be called, Veronica stepped forward." scene pr1371 with dissolve chuck "Oh? This one's got some initiative. Let's hear it sweetheart." scene pr1372 with dissolve kat "More like impertinent..." scene pr1373 with dissolve ver "My name is Veronica Lynch, divorced." scene pr1374 with dissolve ver "Please enjoy the body that I've worked so hard for, and all its fuck holes, to your heart's desire." "The tall, fiery-headed beauty had managed to somehow come up with an even more stupid, contrived line than her opponent. Not only that, but she did it with an odd sense of personal flair." "It was born from the luxury of going second I guess." "While Lucy had forced the words through her lips with a sense of shame, Veronica had done it with the skill of an actor reading for a part." scene pr1375 with dissolve ver "From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this opportunity Mr. Garcia." sam "*clap* *clap* *clap* Hear, hear!" "While Charles wore his usual grin on his face, and Isaak seemed amused by Veronica's blatant lip service, only Samson seemed to actually buy it hook, line, and sinker." scene pr1357 with dissolve kil "*whispers* She basically just told Kat to fuck off." "Despite the insincerity, she had done what was asked, denying Kathleen the pleasure of degrading her." kil "*whispers* Still... that's not going to work out for her. I've seen women try to make that play before, all it does is paint a target on your back." scene pr1376 with dissolve kat "Let's get the night properly started, shall we?" scene pr1377 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" ver "Ghh-!" "With the press of a button, the devices inside her quim, as well as the two tightly kissing her hefty globes, sprang to life. The sound of a faint, almost imperceptible mechanical droning resonated through the hall." scene pr1378 with dissolve kat "Tonight, these whores will be pitted against each other in {b}three{/b} games, each game serving..." scene pr1379 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" lucy "OoooHngaa!" "The educator's abrupt, slovenly change in expression and comical howling drew a light chuckle from the crowd." scene pr1380 with dissolve kil "*whispering* I could only manage to fit three up her cooch. Wanna guess where I put the last one?" scene pr1381 with dissolve kat "Each game serving as an assessment for the three qualities that a Carnation must have in spades if she even hopes to entertain the idea of becoming our summer {i}Carnation Queen{/i}." scene pr1382 with dissolve kat "What qualities are those, you might ask?" "The would-be Carnations were clearly distracted by other things as Kathleen smugly posed her rhetorical question to no one in particular." scene pr1383 with dissolve kat "To be a Carnation, one must possess the {b}endurance{/b} to withstand pleasure and pain, to focus clearly on the tasks given to you and to provide a marvelous show for our patrons." scene pr1384 with dissolve kat "The {b}best{/b} whores can both revel in giving and taking pleasure simultaneously." scene pr1385 with dissolve kat "Secondly, you need to possess the right {b}disposition{/b}, to be able to submit and serve without compunction." scene pr1386 with dissolve kat "On the other hand, meek and easily broken things are no good. A little fire can make things entertaining and insubordination can always be {b}ironed{b} out, one way or another..." kat "Finally, the last test will examine your raw, {b}carnal skill{/b}. Bedroom knowledge can be acquired, sure, but..." kat "There is such a thing as talent and we only have four weeks to mold you into the perfect specimens for our grand finale, where ultimately the winner WILL be crowned. So it counts for--" scene pr1387 with dissolve chuck "Aw, c'mon Kathy! Stop yammering and let's get to the good stuff. We're all waiting and I'm sure the girls are eager to get tonight over with, bahahaha!" "Thankfully Dr. Chuck helped push Mrs. Pulman's growingly self-indulgent explanation along." kat "~ghk!" scene pr1388 with dissolve sam "Don't be like that, old man! They say good things come to those who wait!" scene pr1389 with dissolve sam "Besides, ain't nothing wrong with watching a fine piece of ass like Kathleen prance around the stage. Hahahaha!" kat "..." scene pr1390 with dissolve kat "No, no, Charles is right. There's no reason for me to bore you with details when you're here to relax and have some fun. This is our guests of honor's night, after all." scene pr1391 with dissolve kat "You're here to watch the slut you hand-picked out squirm uncomfortably, right Sammy?" sam "Hear, hear!" scene pr1392 with dissolve kat "What about you, Isaak? You excited to begin?" isak "Naturally, Mrs. Pulman. I'm dying to see what games you've come up with." kat "Good, good.." scene pr1393 with dissolve kat "Boys! Prepare the stage!" stop music fadeout 1.5 scene black with fade KN_MOD "label prFaceOffEndurance:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve "......" "..." play music "music/plans-in-motion.ogg" scene pr1394 with dissolve "A few minutes into the first game --" scene pr1395 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" "The dull din of the small toy motors continued to fill the exhibition hall." scene pr1396 with dissolve lucy "nnH--!" kat "Yes, yes..." scene pr1397 with dissolve kat "Stiff as a board! You girls are managing well." scene pr1398 with dissolve kat "A little {i}too{/i} well, maybe. Let's see how you handle an increase in power." scene pr1399 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "{b}*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*{/b}" scene pr1400 with dissolve "With a simple touch of the tip of her finger, the mechanical whirling intensified and the girls became even more uneasy on their feet." "The first game was a simple one, a test of endurance requiring Lucy and Veronica to balance a tray of drinks longer than their opponent." "Keeping an arm raised for a prolonged period of time would be uncomfortable by itself, but add some weight to it and the unceasing carnal tickling of the egg vibrators, it's more trying than it looks." scene pr1401 with dissolve kat "You hold that position beautifully, Mrs. Long. You used to wait tables in college I bet." "The dark-haired teacher shot Kathleen an almost pleading look, as if to say: {i}don't distract me, I'm trying to focus!{/i}" "Naturally, Mrs. Pulman prattled on." scene pr1402 with dissolve kat "Tell me, how long have you been married, Mrs. Long?" lucy "...h-huh?" "The teacher let a baffled utterance slip through her gritted teeth." scene pr1403 with dissolve kat "I asked you how long you've been married. It's the kind of simple question you ask when you're getting to know a new friend. That's what we are here, aren't we? {b}Friends?{/b}" "With an exasperated expression at the direction Kathleen's questions were going, Lucy took a moment to painstakingly consider how she would respond." scene pr1404 with dissolve lucy "I would prefer not to... talk about it." scene pr1403 with dissolve kat "I get it. It must be difficult to talk about your husband in front of strangers with a bunch of toys shoved up your cunt." scene pr1405 with dissolve kat "You don't HAVE to answer me. After all, it isn't a requirement for this game." scene pr1406 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "To underline her point, Kathleen gave the device in her hand another tap." scene pr1407 with dissolve lucy "Ght--!" kat "All you're required to do is {i}comfortably{/i} hold that pose." scene pr1408 with dissolve lucy "W-we've been married for 13 years. His name is John." scene pr1409 with dissolve kat "You married young! High-school sweethearts?" scene pr1408 with dissolve lucy "Y-yes. I've known him all my life." scene pr1407 with dissolve kat "That must be wonderful, dear! Having that kind of long-lasting relationship, but wait..." scene pr1409 with dissolve kat "It couldn't be that he's the only man you've had sex with, is it?" lucy "No, we didn't s-start dating until college!" scene pr1410 with dissolve kat "That's disappointing, Someone here would pay good money to be the first man to give you something to compare your husband to." scene pr1407 with dissolve kat "How often do you two have sex? Four times a week?" scene pr1408 with dissolve lucy "No... less. O-once..." scene pr1410 with dissolve kat "Once a week?!" "Mrs. Pulman feigned a shocked tone to her question." lucy "Once a month. N-no, it's been t-three months..." kil "*whispering* Why the hell is that moron being so honest?" scene pr1409 with dissolve kat "Oh, I see..." scene pr1411 with dissolve isak "Your husband's not man enough to satisfy you, eh?" "Lucy's sponsor called out to her derisively, the fleshy jowls of his cheeks pulled back in a stomach-churning smile." scene pr1413 with dissolve lucy "No, n-no... w-we're just busy. We have our jobs and..." scene pr1412 with dissolve "The tormented educator looked like she wanted to disappear from sight, cheeks running red in embarrassment even more than they had been from standing stark naked in front of a crowd of strangers." scene pr1414 with fade kat "Well, here's to hoping that tonight gives you a newer appreciation for sex." scene pr1415 with dissolve "Making some fucked-up toast, she took a drink of the goblet's contents." lucy "...h-huh? What are you--" scene pr1416 with dissolve lucy "Ght--!" "Abruptly, Kathleen pulled Lucy into a passionate kiss, making a show of sharing the goblet's contents with the raven-haired teacher." scene pr1417 with dissolve lucy "Ngh... staahp... *plslsh... ehch... mph, schkkk...*" scene pr1418 with dissolve "*Chup... ehch... mph, schkkk~!♥ ... chup~!♥*" scene pr1419 with dissolve lucy "Nggh-- m-my b-body is on f-fire...?" lucy "W-what's... w-what's t-this f-feeling?" scene pr1421 with dissolve "Smiling contentedly, her tormentor ignored the confused woman and turned her attention to Lucy's towering opponent." scene pr1420 with dissolve kat "Don't think I've forgotten about you, Miss Lynch. You look like you're managing even better than your adversary. I suppose those arms of yours are good for something, aren't they?" scene pr1421 with dissolve "Veronica paid no attention to her comment, instead keeping a steely gaze straight ahead, as if she was looking beyond the exhibition hall." scene pr1420 with dissolve kat "Actually, I suppose this might be a little unfair..." kat "Your conditioning gives you a clear advantage over a fatass like Mrs. Long, doesn't it?" scene pr1422 with slideleft mc "*whispering* ...fatass? She's not fat." "Lucy was a pleasantly curvy woman, but she wasn't even approaching what you could call fat." scene pr1423 with dissolve kil "*whispering* Of course she isn't, that's not the point." scene pr1424 with dissolve kat "I think it's only fair we give you a handicap." scene pr1425 with dissolve ver "--!" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" scene pr1426 with dissolve "A sharp increase in power sent the steady woman reeling." scene pr1427 with dissolve ver "A handicap? That isn't, nggh-, f-fair." scene pr1428 with dissolve kat "Fair? Don't be naive. It's up to me to determine what is and isn't fair, Miss Lynch." kat "If I wanted you to stand on one leg right now, you wouldn't have a choice but to do it if you want to have a shot at competing in the summer exhibition." kat "Besides, it's only a 10 percent handicap,I bet you can handle double that." scene pr1429 with dissolve ver "Ghttt--!" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" scene pr1430 with dissolve "Another swipe of her phone brought another stupefied reaction out of the Amazon." ver "Aaa-, f-fhuck y-you, nggh, you crazy bitch!" scene pr1431 with dissolve kat "That's obstinate language from a whore that's going to be cumming very soon." scene pr1432 with dissolve ver "L-like, nghh, I could cum in a situation, aaa-, like dhis--!" "The toys were beginning to make it difficult for the hard bodied woman to get out the words." scene pr1431 with dissolve kat "Oh, don't sell yourself short, sweetie. Of course you can." scene pr1433 with dissolve kat "In fact, I'll consider it a personal failing if you don't piss yourself in pleasure by the end of this, Miss Lynch." scene pr1434 with fade kat "Now, drink." scene pr1435 with dissolve scene pr1436 with dissolve "Veronica answered Kathleen's curt order with a leery look, clearly not trusting what's in the cup." scene pr1435 with dissolve scene pr1436 with dissolve "The two wordlessly locked eyes for what felt like a century, until Veronica finally capitulated the meaningless challenge by opening her mouth." scene pr1437 with dissolve kat "If you're going to do it anyway, save us all some time next time." scene pr1438 with dissolve ver "*Mph... glp... chku...*" scene pr1439 with dissolve ver "*Glp... glp... chku...*" "The liquid rolled its way down the large beauty's gullet." "Where Lucy had only imbibed a mouthful, Veronica was sucking down the entirety of the goblet's contents." scene pr1440 with dissolve ver "...schuuua!" "As soon as the cup's rim left her lips, Veronica let out what could only be interpreted as a contented sigh." "Like with the schoolteacher, the effect of whatever elixir Veronica had consumed made itself readily apparent through her skin's ruddiness and dopey, unfocused expression." scene pr1441 with dissolve ver "Ghn- w-what was in that d-drink? My body f-feels, ngh..." kat "It feels like you need a dick, doesn't it?" kat "Ha! Don't worry. You didn't drink anything... {i}harmful{/i}. It'll just make things more entertaining." scene pr1422 with dissolve mc "*whispering* Is that the same stuff she wears as perfume?" scene pr1442 with dissolve kil "Oh? You've already had a taste of it? That's surprising." scene pr1423 with dissolve kil "Truth be told, I don't know that much about it. All I know is that, speaking as a dude, you DON'T want your prostate tickled while on that shit." scene pr1443 with dissolve mc "Huh... --what?!" scene pr1444 with dissolve kil "It, uh, *ahem*, it will change how you see sex. Trust me..." scene pr1445 with dissolve mc "..." "My sixth sense is telling me I probably shouldn't pry any further than that." scene pr1446 with dissolve kat "Now, girls, you may have thought the challenge had already started, but you would be wrong. This is where the fun TRULY begins." "The cruel woman beamed a truly spine-chilling smile before simply lifting up her phone and pressing a button." scene pr1447 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "{b}*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*{/b}" scene pr1448 with dissolve lucver "{b}gYYYAAAAAAAAaaaangH!!{/b}" "I didn't know what setting she had turned the devices to, but the piercing shriek it wrenched from the two women's diaphragms told me it was no trivial adjustment." scene pr1449 with dissolve ver "W-wh,ngh--, what the fhuk!! I-ght- i-intense!" "The steadfast woman's composure had been ratcheted out of her with a press of a button." scene pr1450 with dissolve lucy "kkhT--!!♥ W-what's dhis... e-everthing is gonnd nhumb!" scene pr1451 with dissolve kat "Marvelous! You two should see the wretched look on your faces." "Kathleen wasn't wrong. The impression I had of the two women, that of a business owner and a schoolteacher, were distorting into a vulgar caricature." "They were starting to look less like human beings and more like animals. Before I knew it, I was enraptured by the sight." scene pr1452 with dissolve kat "Enjoy watching these pitiable women cum their brains out." scene pr1453 with fade "After making her proclamation, Kathleen left the stage and took a seat next to Samson to watch the event unfold." scene pr1454 with dissolve "In the absense of Mrs. Pulman's cruel chiding, the room descended into a round of small talk while the women on stage howled idiotically for the room's entertainment." scene pr1455 with dissolve "As the minutes passed, their shoulders naturally grew more tired, the effect of which showed plain on their faces. Teeth gritted, eyes fluttering, noses twitching in the struggle to keep the tray and its payload held upright." scene pr1456 with dissolve "Of course, that being the least of their difficulties. The true challenge was remaining standing in the face of the eggs' endless vibrations, which sent the toys battering against each other and into the overworked mucous membranes of their vaginal tracts." chuck "You know, Isaak, we can get somebody to take care of that for you..." scene pr1457 with dissolve isak "Thank you for the offer, Dr. Kohler, but I've got things in hand." "The bookish man laughed at his own shitty pun before commencing to jack it." mct "(Fuck, that guy grosses me out.)" scene pr1458 with dissolve "Back on the stage, the girls probably didn't register they even had an audience anymore, as every ounce of focus in their trembling bodies was being funneled into not dropping their cargo." scene pr1459 with dissolve scene pr1460 with dissolve ver "Ggghiii--!! My n-nhipples! They fheel like they're going to v-vhibrate off!" scene pr1459 with dissolve scene pr1460 with dissolve "Veronica, who had it worse than her opponent thanks to her handicap and the amount of aphrodisiac she had consumed, was beginning to look downright ragged." scene pr1459 with dissolve scene pr1460 with dissolve "The Amazonian woman was practically glistening. Sweat poured from the pores of her face as she panted maniacally and writhed desperately for release." scene pr1461 with dissolve "Not to say her opponent had an easier time. The schoolteacher was coming equally undone." lucy "gnnuuAAH, uech!!!" "Ugly and incomprehensible guttural wails were drawn out of the raven-haired woman at a quickening pace." scene pr1458 with dissolve kil "Damn, this is getting good. Who do you think will win?" "Killian asked me offhand, as if we were watching a ballgame." "Who {i}do{/i} I think is going to win?" scene pr1458 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I think Lucy is going to win.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1456 with dissolve mc "It's gotta be Lucy, right? Veronica is at a disadvantage." kil "Yeah, I agree. The tall bitch is looking like she's done." KN_MOD "I think Veronica is going to win.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1455 with dissolve mc "Even if it doesn't look like it, I'm going to say Veronica. Look at her: she's strong. She could hold that pose for hours I bet." kil "Under normal circumstances maybe, but I'm not so sure. She's got a pretty large handicap after all..." scene pr1462 with dissolve ver "Ghh-!! Shitth~!!" isak "I think she's getting close. Turn it up some more!" "The slimeball was referring to Veronica, who had the signs of a woman in the throes of sexual gratification etched onto her face, the whites of her eyes exposed and mouth agape desperately sucking down air like a goldfish." ver "nggH, anh--!!!" scene pr1463 with dissolve kat "Mr. Miller isn't wrong. Looks like your girl is about to lose, Samson." scene pr1464 with dissolve sam "If I know anything about that woman, it's that bitch won't quit!" scene pr1463 with dissolve chuck "Care to make a wager on that, Sammy?" scene pr1465 with dissolve sam "Sure! 5 grand on my girl taking this thing!" scene pr1466 with dissolve kat "If you feel so strongly about it, why don't you do the honors." scene pr1467 with dissolve sam "Heh-heh-heh, don't mind if I do. Thanks, Kathy." scene pr1468 with dissolve sam "HEY! VERONICA, YOU SNOBBY BITCH! I'M GOING TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE YOU CUM, SO DON'T FORGET IT." scene pr1469 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" scene pr1470 with dissolve scene pr1471 with dissolve "Samson gleefully pressed down and held the button, sending the toy vibrators in Veronica's snatch and on her nipples into overdrive, the previously persistent whirling transforming into a shrill whine as the tiny motors were pushed to the brink." ver "W-wh,ngh w-what is this?!! This is, nguh, t-too much! My insides are gooOooing nhumbs from the v-viiiIbrations!!" scene pr1470 with dissolve scene pr1471 with dissolve sam "Hahahaha! Oh man, this is the best! CUM YOU SOW!" scene pr1472 with dissolve scene pr1473 with dissolve ver "nggH, anh--!!! BiiiBiiii--!♥" ver "Ayynh, fh-fhuck---!" chuck "Oh?! I think she's cumming!" "All sense of reason Veronica may have had seemed to have gone up in a puff of smoke as dozens of orgasms seemed to hit the sturdy woman all at once." scene pr1472 with dissolve scene pr1473 with dissolve ver "Ennkh,--eugh! Ghighi--!!♥" "Veronica was cumming so hard that her eyes had rolled into the back of her head, exposing the white of her sclera and leaving the impression that she was a dumb, insensate animal to us onlookers." scene pr1474 with dissolve scene pr1475 with dissolve "--or so you would think. To everyone's surprise, though her legs were shaking like gelatin and her eyes lacked focus, Veronica had managed to remain on her feet." sam "She's still standing! That's my girl!" ver "Nhaaa... Nguuuh... Nhnnn... Ngh..." scene pr1476 with dissolve scene pr1477 with dissolve "Coming down from her orgasm, the tray remained high in the air, when coupled with a striking smile, almost seemed to silently pose a challenge to the entire room." scene pr1478 with dissolve kat "...huh?!" "Even Mrs. Pulman looked dumbfounded at the Amazonian's resolve." scene pr1479 with dissolve scene pr1480 with dissolve "However, there was little time to marvel at Veronica's endurance, because despite her being the first to cum, it was actually Lucy who was now looking worse for wear." "It was hard to tell what was affecting her more, the physical discomfort or the extreme sexual pleasure." scene pr1479 with dissolve scene pr1480 with dissolve "On one hand, her elbow was beginning to buckle under the tray's weight, starting a dicey cycle of over-correcting her posture and sending the drinks precariously teetering back and forth in her panic." "At the same time, her legs bowed, thighs rubbing against one another as if she was desperately trying to scratch an inescapable itch." scene pr1481 with dissolve isak "I know your shoulders must be burning, but just think about why you're doing this, Lulu. Think about Davis. Think about your so--" scene pr1482 with dissolve lucy "Ggh-- {b}s-shut up{/b}! Don't you, ngh, DARE f-fucking mention his name, you {b}pig BASTARD--!{/b}" isak "...huh?" scene pr1483 with dissolve lucy "{b}GnhhhaaaAAaaAAAA--!!♥{/b}" "At the same time as she climaxed, a blanket of silence fell over the hall at Lucy's outburst. The only thing that filled the dead air was the vibrators' mechanical ministrations and the schoolteacher's distorted, impassioned howl." scene pr1484 with dissolve lucy "{b}Biiibiiii---gh!!♥{/b}" "Her face had twisted from a flash of anger into one of ravishment and ruin, her eyes rolling back into her head and mouth slovenly pried open in abject pleasure." "The pleasure was so great that Lucy ended up losing control of her bladder, vacating its abundant contents in an explosion of faint-smelling urine. Just as Kathleen had predicted, someone had pissed themselves with pleasure." scene pr1485 with dissolve scene pr1486 with dissolve "However, as quickly as it hit, it was equally soon over. Like a puppet with its strings cut, the conquered educator dropped to the floor, the light in her eyes diminished in the shadow of climax." scene pr1487 with dissolve lucy "Ghuu... ehhhh-- s-so-- g-good." "She didn't have the energy to fret over whether or not her angry outburst at her sponsor might have just sunk her chances at entering the summer exhibition." "Isaak, in contrast, had a bewildered look on his face, having not quite settled on taking the outburst in good humor or defaulting to anger. Thankfully, Dr. Chuck forced the former on him." scene pr1488 with dissolve chuck "Bfhhahaha! This one isn't so meek either. We got quite the pair this year, don't we Isaak?" scene pr1489 with dissolve isak "Ngh... quite right, Dr. Kohler. Lulu's {i}passionate{/i} personality is one of the things I like about her..." "I wasn't sure if that was Dr. Chuck's honest observation or an attempt at crowd control, but whatever it was, it worked." scene pr1490 with dissolve sam "Damn straight! I think I like your girl too, Ike." sam "Hey, sweetie! If you don't make it through to the exhibition, what do you say to becoming my personal woman? I'll pay you tons, bhahahaha!" scene pr1491 with dissolve isak "Tsk-- shut it, you {b}oaf!{/b}" scene pr1492 with dissolve scene pr1493 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" "Meanwhile, despite the witless state of the contestants and the game itself being over, the mechanical sounds continued unabated." kat "The first game goes to Miss Lynch." scene pr1494 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Congratulations." "With a press of a button, the overworked eggs finally came to a rest." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.FEG1Gallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.FEG1Gallery = True kat "You girls lasted over 13 minutes. Color me impressed." chuck "Haha, we got a talented bunch this year that's for sure!" scene pr1495 with dissolve "As the room once more began to descend into small talk, Veronica started making her way toward her inert opponent with a concerned look on her face." "--only to be stopped in her tracks by Isaak beating her to the punch." scene pr1496 with dissolve isak "What a fucking disgrace." isak "Try and do better the next time, you stupid cunt." scene black with fade "It occured to me that, despite the curtain being spectacularly drawn on the first event, Veronica and Lucy still had to endure one or two more hellish challenges before a winner could be picked." KN_MOD "if toughness <=19:" "Even if they were here through their own free will, I couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for these two women." KN_MOD "else:" "Deep down, a part of me was looking forward to the things to come." "What would the second game be?" "......" "..." KN_MOD "label prFaceOffServility:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1497 with blinds "The second game of the night..." scene pr1498 with dissolve play music "music/sonatina-in-c-minor.ogg" ver "Ahatts dee damn hoo up?" "Didn't go as planned. As to what happened..." scene black with fade "Happened in a flash." scene pr1499 with pixellate play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" sam "--gnggah!" with hpunch scene pr1500 with dissolve sam "You fucking bitch! That's my fucking money maker!" "During preparation for event #2, Samson had grabbed Veronica from behind. By consequence, he was now howling obscenities and bleeding all over the maroon colored carpet." scene pr1501 with dissolve "The whole thing was an accident if you think about it, one of that smug bastard's doing, but naturally Kathleen didn't see it that way." scene black with fade "She gave Veronica two choices: be DQ'd from the competition altogether and allow Lucy to win by default or..." "Take an L for the second event, endure a punishment game, and go on to compete in the third event to determine the night's winner." scene pr1498 with dissolve "Forty minutes has passed since Veronica made her decision, having opted for the second alternative without a modicum of hesitation. It was such a snap decision that it left me wondering if this woman was all there in the head to begin with." ver "Eeehts eht dhis over 'iith!" scene pr1502 with dissolve "In the meantime, she had been made to simply kneel, bound and confined to an odd wooden contraption. Unable to speak, see, or move, for a prolonged period of time, while Dr. Chuck regaled the room with stories about the Army Corps of Engineers." "On the periphery of the scene, I quietly sipped from a glass of wine with a heritage that was wasted on me, and wondered if {i}this{/i} alone was meant to be the game..." scene pr1497 with dissolve "Another five minutes..." "Ten..." "Twenty..." "The answer to my question came after Veronica had spent almost an hour locked in that position." scene pr1503 with dissolve ver "Gnnee-!!" "The abrupt grip on the back of her neck startled the large woman, dragging a (surprisingly) cute and feminine yelp from her gagged lips." scene pr1504 with dissolve play music "music/myst-on-the-moor.ogg" kat "Jumpy aren't we, dear?" scene pr1503 with dissolve ver "--nnghmmm! -cohlde!" scene pr1504 with dissolve kat "I just wanted to let you know: It's not too late to back out. After all..." scene pr1505 with dissolve kat "An attractive woman like yourself, wrapped up neatly like this, is a flower just waiting to be plucked by any of these cruel bastards. They could do anything they wanted and you couldn't stop it." scene pr1506 with dissolve scene pr1508 with dissolve scene pr1506 with dissolve scene pr1509 with dissolve scene pr1506 with dissolve "Veronica vigorously shook her head side-to-side, emphatically wagging her head to signify she wasn't prepared to call it quits." "Kathleen carried on the candid, one-sided exchange in a hushed tone." scene pr1507 with dissolve kat "I didn't think so, but I like to give everyone a fair warning. Just remember... If you change your mind during the game, tap your heel three times to quit. Consider that your safe word, understood?" scene pr1506 with dissolve scene pr1510 with dissolve scene pr1506 with dissolve scene pr1510 with dissolve scene pr1506 with dissolve "Veronica bobbed her head to show her comprehension." scene pr1507 with dissolve kat "Excellent. Getting to put resolute little girls like yourself under the microscope is the best thing about this place." scene pr1511 with fade kat "[mcf], I need you to fetch some things from the kitchen..." scene black with dissolve "....." "..." mct "(...what the fuck?)" scene pr1512 with blinds "The cruel woman let out a wry smile, taking survey of the assortment of food that I had laid out around the bound woman's head." "Half of them were innocuous and ordinary: a bottle of juice, garlic, a lollipop..." "Others were items not fit for human consumption, at least in my opinion. Raw pig intestines, dog food, a head of asparagus..." kat "{b}Now.{/b} We're going to play a little {b}guessing{/b} game, hun." ver "--gh..?" kat "I'm going to have you {i}feel{/i} and {b}taste{/b} some things and then you'll try and guess what they are." kat "Guess an item correctly... {b}good{/b}! No penalty. Make an incorrect guess..." scene pr1513 with dissolve "A quick flutter of her hand ushered me onto the stage, goblet and its rancid content in tow." scene pr1514 with dissolve "A chunky, foul-smelling liquid filled the chalice's volume, chunks of it coagulating and rising to the surface like spoiled milk." scene pr1515 with dissolve "I have a pretty good (and horrific) guess as to what I was ferrying. Every step, it took every fiber of my being not to throw up." scene pr1516 with dissolve kat "Aaah..." scene pr1517 with dissolve kat "Now, this is truly fucking DISGUSTING." scene pr1518 with dissolve kat "Get it wrong and you'll take a shot of my special blend of... male extract." "She casually breathed life into my damnable suspicion." ver "Ghmg--!!" "Despite being bound, the tall beauty instinctively retched back in disgust, causing the wooden apparatus to creak forcibly." ver "ght deee ook?!!" scene pr1519 with dissolve sam "Bahaha! What the fuck?! What did you milk to get all of that? An {b}elephant{/b}?!" "It was a crass question, but..." "Where DID all that come from...?" mct "(Like what the fuck?)" scene pr1520 with dissolve kat "Should be easy enough, right hot stuff?" "Finally freed of her muzzle, the bound and obstinate woman exercised her jaw to work out some of the stiffness before answering Kathleen's question derisively." scene pr1521 with dissolve ver "Huh? You got to be fucking kidding me. What the hell's wrong with just fucking?." ver "Let's just get this stupid thing over with." scene pr1522 with dissolve "Veronica wore an opaque veneer of annoyance, like the banal kind of reaction you'd see in response to a daily aggravation." "She had the face of a woman who was stuck in traffic, not one blindfolded and at risk of ingesting an {b}ungodly{/b} amount of unidentified jizz. If trepidation lurked behind her expression, she masked it well." scene pr1523 with dissolve kat "That's the spirit!" scene pr1524 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" "Once more, her self-satisfied tormentor lowered the squid arm in her grip onto Veronica's face, this time with a loud {b}plop!{/p}" ver "Ehy...!" "The cold, pliant flesh of the tentacle produced a yelp of surprise out of the Amazon as its unusual texture abruptly made contact with her nose." kat "I can only imagine how weird this must feel. It's an odd sensation isn't it, sweetpea? {b}What{/b}~ {b}Could{/b}~ {i}It{/i}~ {b}Be{/b}...? Heheh~" "Mrs. Pulman delighted in taking her time teasing the bound woman." scene pr1525 with dissolve "She dragged it across her cheek." scene pr1526 with dissolve "She tickled her ear with the tip of the appendage." scene pr1527 with dissolve kat "Open up and say 'aaaaah'!" scene pr1528 with dissolve "She had her taste the clammy flesh on her tongue." scene pr1529 with dissolve scene pr1530 with dissolve scene pr1529 with dissolve scene pr1530 with dissolve "She even went as far as to almost vigorously shove the phallic appendage down the confused woman's throat, causing her to gag and reel back as her throat fought back against the rude invader." scene pr1529 with dissolve scene pr1530 with dissolve scene pr1529 with dissolve scene pr1530 with dissolve "It was a completely bizarre sight. The old woman, like a cat playing with its prey, molesting Veronica with the sushi-themed implement." scene pr1531 with dissolve "..." "Finally, probably looking to end the assault, she began to venture a guess." scene pr1532 with dissolve ver "It's an..." scene pr1531 with dissolve "Veronica paused with bated breath, either to consider her answer carefully or perhaps hesitating due to the nauseating penalty facing her for a wrong answer. At last, she took the plunge." scene pr1532 with dissolve ver "It's the... arm of an octopus." "She said it with confidence." scene pr1533 with dissolve kat "Wow, that's an extremely good guess! You're..." kat "{b}Wrong{/b}. Sorry!" ver "Tsk--!" kat "It's actually a squid. Pretty close, but close doesn't cut it I'm afraid." "Veronica suddenly looked pale. She had charged headfirst into the challenge and now she was staring down the barrel of a cup full of jizz." "The goblet of gelatinous, sour man goop loomed over the captive Amazon, casting a paralyzing shadow." scene pr1534 with dissolve kat "You know what that means? Open up and say 'aaaaah'!" "The shrinking giant ignored Kathleen's lecherous command, remaining tight-lipped as she mulled the situation over behind the folds of her mask." scene pr1535 with dissolve kat "I said open your fucking gob, you whore!" ver "...neuch--!!!" scene pr1536 with dissolve "The moment the cup's revolting contents hit the tip of her tongue, her body violently rejected the viscous liquid with extreme prejudice." scene pr1537 with dissolve ver "cough!* --euch!!! *cough!* *cough!* --buchh!!! *cough!*" scene pr1538 with dissolve "Just picturing the gummy, foul-smelling substance as it clung to the back of her throat was enough to make me feel ill." scene pr1539 with dissolve "On top of that, I could still picture the nauseating stench from when I carried it." scene pr1538 with dissolve kil "H-o-l-y shit. That is fucking repugnant. I could be living in a gutter and I'd never do that. Not for a million dollars." "With an offhanded comment, my privileged friend looked down on the struggling woman." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "(Joke) Agree with him.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1539 with dissolve mc "Yeah, no shit. Someone could have a gun to your head and I wouldn't do that to save your life." scene pr1538 with dissolve kil "I wouldn't blame you, that's for sure." KN_MOD "Admonish him for his comment.:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1539 with dissolve mc "That's easy for you to say, isn't it? What, with your rich uncle and never wanting for anything that money can buy." scene pr1538 with dissolve kil "Nah, fuck you man. It's about standards. How could you even look at yourself in a mirror and call yourself human after you guzzle down a cup of baby batter?" mct "(Yeah? And what does gleefully watching it happen make you?)" scene pr1537 with dissolve ver "*gulp!* *glub!* eeeuch--!!!!" scene pr1540 with dissolve kat "That's enough. Got to save some for later!" "Mrs. Pulman was absolutely beaming, a sadistic grin spread wide across her face. She was in her element, absolutely relishing this, happier than a clam at high tide." scene pr1541 with dissolve "..." "So it continued." "One by one, the items dwindled." scene pr1542 with dissolve "The asparagus." scene pr1543 with dissolve "The garlic." scene pr1544 with dissolve "The lollipop." "The more distinctive items she managed to get right, but she got just as many wrong." scene pr1545 with dissolve "The juice." scene pr1546 with dissolve "..." scene pr1547 with dissolve "The pig guts." scene pr1548 with dissolve "..." scene pr1549 with dissolve "The dog food." scene pr1550 with dissolve "By the end of it, Veronica was looking green, having gobbled down the entire cup." kat "All gone!" scene black with fade "..." "Satisfied with the game's conclusion, Kathleen freed the tall woman from her restraints." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr1551 with dissolve ver "g--guhh...!" "Standing up must not have agreed with her stomach, as she began to immediately look like she was about to evacuate its contents." kat "Excellent work, Miss Lynch!" ver "gh--!" scene pr1552 with dissolve ver "Shit, I think I'm going to p-puke...!" kat "Warren!" sam "Haha. There she blows!" scene pr1553 with dissolve ver "---!" ver "Bleee-ch!" scene black with fade "..." scene pr1554 with dissolve kat "Oh my god! How absolutely disgusting! You've got curdled semen dripping down your chin. Hahaha!" "For the first time, I heard the normally even-keeled woman laugh. No, not laugh exactly. It was a cackle. A stomach-sinking, witchly cackle." scene pr1555 with fade kat "Marvelous! Stupendous! You really stuck in there, huh? I would've pegged you as bailing after your first failed guess!" "Veronica didn't even seem to register the cruel woman's harping. She had basically checked out by now, physically exhausted from the stress of the challenge and staring dopily at the floor." kat "Bah! You're not hearing me are you? Well, whatever." kat "[mcf]! Clean this pigwhore up, will you?" mc "U-uh, right!. Sure thing..." scene pr1556 with dissolve mc "Come on, I'll show you to the bathroom." "....." scene black with fade "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.FEG2Gallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.FEG2Gallery = True KN_MOD "label prVerCleanup:" play music "music/study-and-relax.ogg" scene pr1557 with fade "The face that peered up at me as I wiped away the remnants of stomach acid and man gunk from its furled lips wore a complicated expression." "Veronica's piercing green eyes, though staring up at mine, seemed to be transfixed elsewhere. Like a day dream, she was looking straight through me." "Understandably, she seemed... sullen. Sad. Out of it." scene pr1558 with dissolve mc "Uh, you alright? That was some pretty nasty stuff back there..." scene pr1559 with dissolve ver "I told you I'd clean myself off, but if you're not going to let me do that, you can at least stop talking and hurry up." scene pr1560 with dissolve "She deflected my concern." mc "Why? Are you in such a rush to get back?" scene pr1558 with dissolve ver "..." scene pr1561 with dissolve ver "No, no... you have a point. I should use this time to collect myself." scene pr1562 with dissolve "For the life of me, I couldn't properly understand her level of mental fortitude or where her determination came from. What she had just willingly subjected herself to was so utterly repulsive, yet she soldiered on, fighting for only a {i}chance{/i} to save her business." "It wasn't even a guarantee, after all. This was effectively an audition to endure even more horrific games in the future. How could she do it? Part of me wanted to understand the type of crazy that could do that, that could buy wholesale into this brand of lunacy." mct "(Then again, isn't that what I'm doing too?)" mc "..." scene pr1563 with dissolve mc "There's gotta be a better way to make money, right?" "Without thinking about it, I let the question on my mind slip casually out." scene pr1564 with dissolve "I expected her to ignore my question, but after sizing me up for a moment, she actually answered." scene pr1565 with dissolve ver "Good. Fast. Easy." scene pr1566 with dissolve mc "...huh?" scene pr1565 with dissolve ver "Good, fast, and easy. You can only pick two and I'm past {i}good{/i} and {i}easy{/i}." scene pr1566 with dissolve mc "I'm not following..." scene pr1567 with dissolve ver "This is the {i}good{/i} and {i}fast{/i} solution to my problem." scene pr1568 with dissolve mc "Good? This is the {i}good{/i} in your book?" scene pr1567 with dissolve ver "It's {i}good{/i} because all I have to do is put up with one shitty month, and after I win, I'll be able to buy some time and get my creditors off my back without digging myself deeper in the hole. It's the most direct, effective solution." scene pr1569 with dissolve mc "...that's a... utilitarian way of looking at it." mct "(Is this woman a robot?)" scene pr1570 with dissolve ver "..." "No, she's just hiding it well. I can tell by the exhausted look on her face that the punishment game took a toll on her. I mean, how could it not?" "Honestly, I'm stuck between admiring her mental fortitude and thinking she's an absolute moron. At any rate, she isn't asking for my opinion, so I should just keep it to myself." scene pr1571 with dissolve mc "All done." scene pr1572 with dissolve ver "Guess it's time to finish the night..." scene pr1573 with dissolve "It was slight, but she finally let a hint of dread creep into her words. Perhaps imagining the worst for what's to come. I..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reassuringly put my hand on her shoulder.:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "By reflex, I lent the stiff-lipped woman an empathic hand." scene pr1574 with dissolve "As soon as my palm made contact with the Amazon's warm flesh, I knew I fucked up." "The muscles in her shoulder went instantaneously rigid with tension and her eyes zeroed in on mine with a hawk-like intensity." "The shit-vacating look she was giving me immediately sent my mind searching for a plausible excuse to explain what was {i}clearly{/i} an idiotic, aberrant display of affection that crossed the line of common decency." "{b}Surely{/b} this is the result of a neurological defect that causes my body to spasm beyond my control? A fever has burned away all impulse control in my brain? ...there was a spider?!" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prVerCleanUpPushIt" KN_MOD "Leave it alone and just head back.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffCarnality" KN_MOD "menu prVerCleanUpPushIt:" KN_MOD "Too late now, double down!:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1575 with dissolve mc "Don't worry, you've got this! I believe in you!" "Unfortunately, the first thing that popped into my head were trite, overwrought words of encouragement more fitting for a rec league baseball game than a deranged underground sex club." scene pr1574 with dissolve ver "..." scene pr1576 with dissolve stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" ver "Bahahaha! Oh my-- oh man-- BAHAHAHAHA!" ver "You're such a fucking dork! What do you think this is? A sports movie? Bahahaha!" scene pr1577 with dissolve "She continued on belly laughing for an insultingly long time, so long that I was beginning to think she might asphyxiate from the lack of air getting into her lungs." "Finally her howls died down to mere chortles and finally into snickers. It was a drawn-out, self-esteem-melting process." scene pr1578 with dissolve ver "Ah... oh, man... thanks, I needed a laugh." mc "Uh, glad to be of help..." scene black with fade "Having inadvertently played the role of the clown, we set off back to the exhibition hall where the third game awaited Veronica." KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffCarnality" KN_MOD "Fuck that, make my escape.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "What am I going to say? Go get 'em sport? My only option is to immediately remove myself from the situation. How do I do that? Simple." scene pr1579 with dissolve "I make a tactical retreat." scene pr1580 with dissolve stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" ver "...huh? What are you doing?" mc "I think I left my car unlocked!" scene black with fade ver "Seriously?!" KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffCarnality" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffCarnality:" "......" "..." scene pr1581 with blinds "Back at the exhibition hall, August and Hana had joined us." scene pr1582 with dissolve "The distinguished-looking man was quick to spot me, cooly wagging his hand in salutation." scene pr1583 with dissolve "The pair of them looked fairly chummy." scene black with fade "..." scene pr1584 with dissolve play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" "The focus of the game -- {b}carnal skill{/b}." scene pr1585 with dissolve kat "For this game, you'll each pick a partner." kat "Since I'm so nice, it can be ANYONE you want in this room." kat "No one here has a problem with that, right?" scene pr1586 with dissolve sam "*whistling* Haha, hell no!" chuck "Of course not, bahaha!" isak "None at all, Mrs. Pulman. I would be happy to help." scene pr1587 with dissolve aug "Sorry, my back isn't quite what it used to be. I'll sit this one out." hana "..." scene pr1588 with dissolve kil "Ha! You old farts don't have a chance of being picked with two young studs like us here." scene pr1589 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Say nothing:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1590 with dissolve "..." mct "(I probably don't really have a choice in this, do I?)" KN_MOD "Agree.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I'm part of this now, no sense in pretending otherwise." scene pr1591 with dissolve mc "What he said." scene pr1592 with dissolve kat "There you have it. You girls can pick anyone, but Auggy." kat "Your task is a simple one. Make your partner cum as many times as you can within a ten minute time limit." kat "Once the time starts, how you achieve that is up to you. You're in the driver seat." scene pr1593 with dissolve kat "All we need now is to find out who's first." scene pr1594 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman tossed the ancient-looking coin into the air with a practiced motion, its golden surface catching the light as it traced a graceful arc through the air." scene pr1595 with dissolve scene pr1596 with dissolve "..." scene pr1597 with dissolve kat "Miss Lynch! Heads or tails?" ver "Tails." scene pr1598 with dissolve kat "Heads. Looks like Mrs. Long gets to pick who goes first. What'll it be, dear?" scene pr1599 with dissolve lucy "..." scene pr1601 with dissolve "Lucy took a moment to think about it, as if there was a delicate strategy to this asinine circus to consider." scene pr1600 with dissolve lucy "I'll go first. Best to get it over with." scene pr1599 with dissolve kat "Heh, how blasé can you get? Fine. Mrs. Long will go first." kat "Who do you pick as your partner?" scene pr1601 with dissolve lucy "..." "Again the raven-haired educator considered her options, her eyes methodically panning across the room." scene pr1602 with dissolve "Past Dr. Chuck and her duplicitous co-worker." scene pr1603 with dissolve "Past Samson." scene pr1604 with dissolve "Her neck craned all the way past center stage and settled on where Ian and I stood." scene pr1605 with dissolve lucy "..." mct "(She's going to pick one of us?)" scene pr1606 with dissolve lucy "I'll pick him." "A smug grin crossed my childhood friend's face, as if this was the natural course." scene pr1607 with dissolve kat "Heh. Not a bad choice if I say so myself, but tell us what thought went into your decision?" scene pr1608 with dissolve lucy "He's... he's the most attractive man here." scene pr1609 with dissolve chuck "Oh, great! As if he needed to hear that!" "Dr. Chuck had a point... after hearing that, the words went straight to his head. Ian was practically giddy." scene pr1610 with dissolve kat "You like them young, huh?" scene pr1611 with dissolve kat "Ian. Step up!" kil "Yes, Ma'am!" scene black with fade "..." scene pr1612 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman retrieved a set of handcuffs from off stage and brandished them for the room to see." scene pr1613 with dissolve kil "Uh, what are those for?" scene pr1614 with dissolve kat "To bind your hands. She needs to be the one leading and you're not capable of taking a passive role, are you?" scene pr1615 with dissolve kil "You make it sound like I don't have any self-control." scene pr1616 with dissolve kat "...and DO you?" scene pr1617 with dissolve chuck "Don't blame the lad, my sister and her husband spoiled him rotten growing up." scene pr1618 with dissolve kil "...okay, yeah I get it." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "After getting Ian to undress, Mrs. Pulman fastened his wrists behind his back and then quickly strolled off the stage." "..." KN_MOD "label prFaceOffCarnalityLucy:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionhousegirls with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1619 with dissolve kat "Ready..." kat "Set...!" scene pr1620 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" kat "{b}GO{/b}!" scene pr1621 with dissolve kil "So, cutie, how do you wanna pla--" scene pr1622 with dissolve play music "music/plans-in-motion.ogg" "Not wasting any time, the schoolteacher quickly sprang into action, hastily slipping behind Ian and knocking into him with full abandon." scene pr1623 with dissolve "Ian, caught off guard in surprise, tumbled into the invitingly warm embrace of the silky-red bedspread." kil "gh--!" scene pr1624 with dissolve kil "*THUD* Ata-! Y-you could've just told me to climb onto the bed, y'know!" scene black with fade "Ignoring my toppled friend's grievance, Lucy wordlessly positioned herself above his naked hips." scene pr1625 with dissolve "Her eyes displayed the character of a woman on a mission, unflappable and fiercely determined not to let anything stand in her way of winning." scene pr1626 with dissolve kil "C-cold! Haven't you ever heard you catch more flies with honey? Slow down and let me get into it!" scene pr1627 with dissolve lucy "Sorry, but there's no time for that. You can cum like this, right? It's a simple physiological response." scene pr1628 with dissolve lucy "It's not rocket science, all I need to do is stimulate your member and then your body will send a signal to your nervous system that it's time to pop." scene pr1629 with dissolve lucy "Besides, who are you kidding? Look how hard you already are in my hand." "Considering how tight-lipped she'd been, I was surprised at how comfortably Lucy took the lead for the final game." scene pr1630 with dissolve mc "I guess she likes being on top..." "I absent-mindedly voiced my curiosity aloud." scene pr1631 with dissolve aug "Maybe she's just the type that can throw herself into her work? That's my read at least." scene pr1632 with dissolve "The old man across the aisle acknowledged my offhanded comment by sharing an observation of his own, doling out wisdom built from his years of... what exactly?" scene pr1633 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Say old man, how long have you been doing this?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been doing this?" scene pr1634 with dissolve aug "Doing what, [mcl]?" scene pr1633 with dissolve mc "Uh..." scene pr1632 with dissolve mct "(How should I put it...? {i}How long have you been a pimp{/i}?)" "I tried to find the most precise words to clarify." scene pr1633 with dissolve mc "Uh, {b}this{/b}." scene pr1632 with dissolve "I didn't do too well." scene pr1631 with dissolve aug "This...? Ah, you mean the skin trade?" scene pr1635 with dissolve aug "Well, let's see... I'm 63 now, so that means.... I made pornography for a little over two and a half decades before I started managing this place a little less than... five years ago? Has it really been that long?" scene pr1636 with dissolve "While August took survey of his life, his companion next to him used the opening to chime in with an observation of her own." scene pr1637 with dissolve hana "You're not disappointed she picked that monkey-brained idiot over you, are you new guy?" scene pr1638 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Absolutely not.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1639 with dissolve mc "Disappointed that I avoided stripping down and getting handcuffed in front of a room full of men?" mc "Yeah, I think my {i}feelings{/i} and I will manage." scene pr1641 with dissolve hana "Pssh! C'mon, where's your pride as a man? If I was swinging a dick, I wouldn't want to lose to that... {i}dick{/i}." scene pr1639 with dissolve mc "I wasn't aware I was competing...." KN_MOD "Maybe a little...:" $ Hana_Affection -= 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1640 with dissolve mc "A little, yeah. I wouldn't say no to some fun." scene pr1643 with dissolve hana "I guess you'll fit in just fine here." scene pr1644 with dissolve aug "Don't pay her any mind, [mcl]. Hana just likes to get under people's skin. She's like a child." scene pr1645 with dissolve "Back on the stage, a little over a minute and a half had passed since Lucy's boisterous kickoff." scene lucyfo_h1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_h1 "In that time, in the face of Ian's grumbling, she had maintained a steady, speedy, unyielding pace, driving her palm up and down the length of Ian's swollen member in a fastidious fashion." kil "Gg-ah. Stop milking me like an animal and do something sexy, you bitch!" lucy "Your cock doesn't seem to mind. It's twitching in my hand." scene lucyfo_h2_a with dissolve show lucyfo_h2 "Without slowing down, Lucy brought her free hand to Ian's scrotum." "*FAP* *FAP* *FAP*" lucy "Come on... come on... just give it up, will you?" "*FAP* *FAP* *FAP*" "The ticking clock was clearly at the forefront of her mind. She had to make Ian cum fast, as many times as possible, before it reached zero." "She cupped the playboy's ball-sack in her hand, deftly rolling them around in the palm, cradling and teasing them." "*FHAP* *FHAP* *FHAP*" "It was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: one hand tenderly delivering delicate ministrations from below while the other furiously rubbed my friend's meatpole raw." "*FHAP* *FHAP* *FHAP*" "However, the stark incongruity actually seemed to be working. From the audience, I could see Ian's toes begin to curl and his body send shiver after shiver in response to the stimulus." scene pr1654 with dissolve kat "Looks like you enjoy being tied up, Ian. I never would've guessed it. You make a good-looking bottom." "Mrs. Pulman called out from the side, seizing the opportunity to give my normally slick-as-oil friend a not-so-friendly ribbing." scene pr1655 with dissolve kil "nng-, I can't help it! Her hand is a fucking vice!" scene lucyfo_h3_a with dissolve show lucyfo_h3 "By now, the callous resistance-laden, skin-on-skin rubbing had turned into a smooth, frictionless slide as Ian's dickhole spouted pre-cum and became lathered in its own juices." "The playboy's cock flesh was practically glistening under the exhibition hall's lighting, producing a sickly squelching noise in tandem with Lucy's relentless undulation." "*SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK*" sam "Bahaha! He's wetting himself like a girl!" "My poor friend wasn't exempt from teasing from this side of the room either it seemed." "*SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK*" kil "g-gah! Shit! Y-you're way too good at this! Even b-better than some of the girls here--" scene pr1657 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Before he could finish choking the words out, Ian reached his climax, letting out a guttural moan as thick ropes of semen erupted from his tip like a spurting geyser." scene pr1658 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kil "Fufuck--ngaaah!" "Heaps, {i}reams of cum{/i}. Strand after strand of gooey man gunk arched through the air, splattering Lucy's hand and chest and staining the bed a viscous white." "It was actually kinda extraordinary." scene pr1659 with dissolve "..." kat "Impressive..." "It seemed Kathleen thought so as well." scene pr1660 with dissolve "Still on the clock, Lucy didn't give Ian any time to catch his breath or bask in post-orgasmic bliss. Without missing a beat, she raised her body, letting her broad hips precariously dangle over the playboy's slimy, still-oozing member." lucy "Sorry, no time to stop..." scene pr1661 with dissolve lucy "Gnn--!" "In a single, fluid motion she brought herself straight down on Ian's rod, stuffing herself with cockmeat with no concern for either of their comfort." scene pr1662 with dissolve kil "You're using more than just your hand? You should've started with this!" scene pr1663 with dissolve lucy "Well, you'll need something more enticing to cum a second time so soon, right?" scene pr1664 with dissolve scene pr1665 with dissolve "In lieu of waiting for a proper response from the playboy, Lucy began to rhythmically sway her hips, building into a gentle, pleasant pace." lucy "S-sorry for treating you so rough earlier. We don't have much time..." scene pr1664 with dissolve scene pr1665 with dissolve kil "n-ngh, no... I understand." lucy "Good... just lie back and enjoy this, okay?" scene pr1664 with dissolve scene pr1665 with dissolve "Lucy adopted a saccharine approach, softly cooing words of empathy, signaling to her partner that the second time around would be more enjoyable." kil "Like I have a choice BUT to lay here!" scene lucyfo_ride1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride1 "Following my childhood friend's glib observation, Lucy slid herself back up the length of Ian's cock, tantalizingly unsheathing herself inch by inch at a deliberate pace." "The teasing ascent produced the effect the schoolteacher was looking for. The playboy's oversensitive dick, post-cumming, found the cool open air itself stimulating." "The achingly slow climb was followed by a quick, but measured descent." kil "--! Nnnh!" "Once more, she ungloved herself from Ian's cock, only to quickly swallow it whole again not a moment later." "It was like this, Lucy began to build a rhythm, the school teacher bouncing up and down, riding the playboy's meatstick while Ian could only lie there like a slab of meat." kat "Ha! You ride your husband like that or just the men you pick up in bars?" lucy "I've never c-cheated on my -nggh- husband." "She said flatly to Mrs. Pulman's cruel chiding, trying her best to keep focus." kat "Is that so? Could've fooled me. You look like a natural." lucy "H-nggh-how much, how much time do I have left?" scene pr1668 with dissolve kat "You have a little less than five minutes remaining, dear." scene pr1669 with dissolve kat "I wonder if you'll make it..." scene pr1670 with dissolve kat "Though he's young, Killian has a lot of experience. The fact that you made him cum once in the first five minutes is incredible, but I'd be very surprised if you manage another one with the time remaining." scene lucyfo_ride2_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride2 kil "Ghh-- d-don't let her get to you, Luce. Just focus on me, okay? If you keep this up, I'll have another load for you in no time." kil "You can win this thing!" "In his own twisted way, Ian offered his partner reassurance." lucy "R-right!" "Spurred by the playboy's encouragement, Lucy doubled her efforts." scene lucyfo_ride1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride1 "She picked herself up and repeatedly speared herself back down on her partner's engorged sex, each cycle marked by the thunderous clap of flesh-on-flesh." "Up and down." "{i}Up and down{/i}." "Every time she'd go back up, Ian's cock would come perilously close to slipping out, only to be tightly engulfed once more in a flash." lucy "Aaa-ah!" "This carried on for a minute, until the schoolteacher's breath became visibly ragged and sweet sounds began to escape her lips." scene lucyfo_ride2_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride2 kil "nng--you're getting into it, eh? Glad I'm not the only one having fun." lucy "Gha-- H-gn-how could I not? *huff* *huff* I still have that drug from e-en-arlier in my system..." kil "Don't try to weasel out of responsibility for what you're feeling." lucy "*huff* *huff* ngg-an--I'm nooot, it's t-the truhth!" kil "It's been over an hour since the first game, meaning it's out of your system by now. This is all you. You're enjoying this." lucy "What? N-no, I'm d-doin' this to get my son into St. Ives...!" kil "Maybe, but you're also enjoying this! There's nothing wrong with that, just be true to who you are." scene lucyfo_ride1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride1 "Killian began an offensive of his own, wearing down at the educator's mind with his words, trying to get her to openly admit her role in this filth." lucy "W-who I am?" "As if on cue, like this was a normal routine for the pair, Mrs. Pulman interjected." kat "You're a whore for money, creaming herself on the dick of someone other than your husband. What else would you call this?" lucy "Wh-ngh-why am I feeling this w-ng-way?" kat "How could I know? You like having sex while being watched? Maybe you like being in control of a handsome young man? You're the fucked-up one here, not me." kat "Only you can answer that, but I do know one thing. You're getting off on SOMETHING about this." lucy "-gnngh! Anggha~♥ No..." scene pr1677 with dissolve kat "You have just over three minutes to make him cum once more, dear." lucy "--!" scene lucyfo_ride2_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride2 "Seeing the clock was enough for the educator to push the self-doubt out of her head and to refocus on the task at hand." lucy "nngh--we're running out of time." lucy "P-please, hurry up and cum!" kil "Forget about the clock! I told you to just focus on me, remember?" "..." sam "You are sure enjoying the show, aren't you Isaak?" scene pr1678 with dissolve isak "That's right! This is the best! Watching that arrogant woman get dragged into the mud!" scene lucyfo_ride1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride1 "........." "......" "..." kil "--! ggh, you did it! I'm going to explode!" "Hearing my friend's declaration, Lucy frantically slipped the playboy's tumescent, pulsing member out of her slit, letting it point freely into the air and then--" scene pr1679 with dissolve "Once more, Ian ejaculated, splattering the pale skin of Lucy's back with his baby batter." "Though not quite as much as his first go around, it was still a gobsmackingly stupid amount." mct "(Like seriously, what the hell? Is it something he eats?)" scene pr1680 with dissolve kil "*huff* *huff* Holy shit. Cumming back-to-back like that takes it out of you." lucy "*huff* *huff* Do you think you can go again? W-what's the time?" scene pr1681 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 kat "Afraid time's up, but you managed to make your partner cum twice." scene pr1682 with dissolve kat "It's a pretty good number for such a short time. You should be proud." mct "(Yeah, {i}proud{/i}. I'm not sure that's the word for it.)" scene pr1683 with dissolve kil "You did good picking me. I'm not even sure if these old geezers can even get it up." kil "You got this in the bag, Luce." "......" scene black with fade "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.FEG3LucyGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.FEG3LucyGallery = True KN_MOD "label prFaceOffCarnalityVer:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1684 with dissolve play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" "After Lucy and Ian shuffled off the stage, it was now Veronica's turn to choose her partner." "The glint of apprehension I caught earlier in the night was nowhere to be found, not in the outlines of her face or through the language of her towering body." kat "Who shall it be, Miss Lynch? Take your pick." scene pr1685 with dissolve ver "Hmm..." scene pr1686 with dissolve ver "..." scene pr1687 with dissolve ver "You said I may pick ANYONE, right?" scene pr1688 with dissolve kat "That's right. Pick whoever you want. Pick whoever you feel you're most compatible with." scene pr1689 with dissolve ver "Excellent. Then I've made my decision." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene pr1690 with dissolve kat "Well, spit it out." scene pr1691 with dissolve play music "music/Still_Standing.ogg" ver "I pick..." scene pr1692 with dissolve ver "I pick you." scene pr1693 with dissolve "......" "..." "A moment of stillness fell over the room, Kathleen's face wearing a look of baffled amusement, until Dr. Chuck's hearty laugh cut through the silence." scene pr1694 with dissolve chuck "Ffhahaha! You set yourself up for that, Kat!" "The rest of the room followed suit, Samson matching Dr. Chuck's riotous laugh with his own and even Isaak gave a hearty chuckle at the development." scene pr1695 with dissolve aug "Well, this sure is a first." "August was smiling ear-to-ear and even Hana, who I noticed had been doing her best to look disinterested, had a captivated gleam in her eyes." scene pr1696 with dissolve kat "You can't be serious. Obviously, I'm not included in the options." scene pr1697 with dissolve ver "You told me I could pick anyone. Those are your words. Am I wrong?" ver "Then I pick you, Mrs. Pulman." scene pr1696 with dissolve kat "Tsk! You should know I didn't mean me." scene pr1698 with dissolve chuck "C'mon, Kat! Fair is fair. You did say she could pick ANYONE..." scene pr1699 with dissolve chuck "Didn't you say a couple of years ago that this club is {b}nothing{/b} if we're not true to our word?" scene pr1700 with dissolve kat "You know damn well that was in a different context, but..." scene pr1701 with dissolve kat "Ah, what the hell! If Miss Lynch wants to stake her participation in the summer exhibition on this gambit, then far be it from me to deny her." scene pr1702 with dissolve lucy "What? This isn't fair! It's not the same as with a man! How are we supposed to count how many times you orgasm?" scene pr1703 with dissolve ver "Oh, {b}you'll know{/b}." "Veronica interjected, confidently." scene pr1701 with dissolve kat "Neither of you have to worry. I'm an honest woman." kat "If Miss Lynch somehow manages to make me cum, I won't try to hide it." scene pr1704 with dissolve lucy "..." scene pr1705 with dissolve ver "..." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene pr1706 with fade kat "I'll let you know in advance: I've got no interest in women physically. I probably won't feel a thing." kat "This is foolish." scene pr1707 with dissolve ver "Oh, we'll see about that." play music "music/FeelinIt.ogg" scene pr1708 with blinds kat "Start the timer, [mcf]. Let's get this over with." scene pr1709 with dissolve mc "Right..." scene pr1710 with dissolve "Doing as she asked, I pressed the button that would start counting down the final game of the night." play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" mc "You can begin." scene pr1711 with dissolve ver "Hmm..." "As she inched closer, Veronica wore a lecherous look on her face -- one not so unlike the crass leering she'd been subjected to tonight." scene pr1712 with dissolve ver "You're quite the looker. A regular silver vixen." scene pr1713 with dissolve ver "...but you know that, don't you? You bank on it. The grace that comes with old age, mixed with the allure that wealth and natural beauty affords..." scene pr1714 with dissolve kat "The clock's ticking, Miss Lynch. You're wasting time." scene pr1715 with dissolve scene pr1716 with dissolve ver "What? You eager to begin? Hah! You know, you're one to talk about others having cow tits." scene pr1715 with dissolve scene pr1716 with dissolve ver "These things are obscene!" scene pr1717 with dissolve scene pr1718 with dissolve kat "Thank you. I am rather proud of them." scene pr1715 with dissolve scene pr1716 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman answered the Amazon's teasing accusation audaciously." scene pr1717 with dissolve scene pr1718 with dissolve kat "You're not planning on talking me to orgasm, are you?" scene pr1719 with dissolve "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1720 with dissolve "Veronica kissed Mrs. Pulman's neck." scene pr1721 with dissolve "Dotting its speckless surface with small peck after peck." "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1722 with dissolve scene pr1723 with dissolve ver "Lookie here. You've got goosebumps." scene pr1722 with dissolve scene pr1723 with dissolve ver "You have a soft spot for your neck, huh?" scene pr1724 with dissolve kat "Gh..!" scene pr1725 with dissolve scene pr1726 with dissolve kat "So what? It's an erogenous zone. That should be obvious." scene pr1722 with dissolve scene pr1723 with dissolve ver "Maybe, but it proves to me you're not the frigid bitch you're pretending to be." scene pr1727 with dissolve "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1728 with dissolve scene pr1729 with dissolve "*Fwmuch* *Fwmuch*" scene pr1728 with dissolve scene pr1729 with dissolve scene pr1728 with dissolve scene pr1729 with dissolve "*Fwmuch* *Fwmuch* *Fwmuch*" kat "...!" scene pr1730 with dissolve ver "Yeah! This is going to work." scene pr1731 with dissolve "Satisfied she had found an avenue for attack, Veronica got to work--" "Covering the austere woman's neck in soft, short kisses." scene pr1732 with dissolve "Assaulting her with playful bites." "Dragging her soft tongue across the length of her collar." scene pr1733 with dissolve "Little by little, Mrs. Pulman's alabaster skin became flushed, breath quickening in sexual arousal." "It was proof not to just her attacker, but to the room as well, that the tall beauty actually had a fighting chance at winning the final game." scene pr1734 with dissolve ver "Hey kid, how much time do I have to put this bitch in her place?" mct "(Kid...?)" scene pr1735 with dissolve mc "About nine minutes." scene pr1736 with dissolve ver "Good! Just so you know..." ver "I'm not going to stop at three orgasms." scene pr1737 with dissolve kat "Tsk! Go ahead and--" scene pr1738 with dissolve kat "--huh?" "Without warning, Veronica handily lifted Kathleen off the ground, as if she weighed nothing." scene pr1739 with dissolve kat "What do you think you're doing?" scene pr1740 with dissolve ver "Not used to being handled by a real woman, are you?" scene pr1741 with dissolve ver "Christ! You're practically oozing down here! All your talk about us being whores and what do you call this?" scene pr1742 with dissolve ver "You're a proper slut. Takes one to know one, I guess." scene pr1743 with dissolve kat "Heh, this has gotten interesting." kat "Do your best, Miss Lynch. Don't stop even if I tell you to." scene pr1744 with dissolve "The Amazon's rough treatment had brought out Kathleen's lascivious side. She was having... fun?" "It was starting to look like the club was more than just an outlet to flex her sadistic, rich-lady predilections." "She had an interest in the carnal side of things as well." scene pr1745 with dissolve kat "...gah!" scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve "Following Kathleen's cue, Veronica set to work, dipping her digits into the cruel woman's lubricated gash." scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve ver "Huh? You do kegels or something? For an old hag, you're tighter than a nun's asshole down here." scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve ver "You rich ladies really are something special." scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve kat "gwnn--" scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve "Hugging Kathleen tightly, Veronica picked up the pace, deftly maneuvering her wrist to perform a clearly well-practiced motion." scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve "She attacked her target quickly, but it wasn't mindless. There was an uneven rhythm to the shallow jabs of her fingertips and alternating deep, knuckle-sinking thrusts." "It was a rough assault, but not careless or violent. The Amazon was taking great effort not to drag her pointed nails across the soft membrane of Mrs. Pulman's insides." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve "Beads of sweat began to trickle down Kathleen's flawless, white skin." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve "Her chest began to rise and fall at an erratic pace." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve "For all her bluster earlier, she was finding her rough treatment at Veronica's hand gratifying." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve kat "nnhwa~! Nnhaha-! Hwah--!" scene pr1750 with dissolve scene pr1751 with dissolve ver "H-ol-oly shit. You dirty bitch. You're already feeling it." scene pr1750 with dissolve scene pr1751 with dissolve ver "Your lower mouth is greedily sucking on my fingers." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve kat "Y-you..." "For once, Kathleen had no verbal riposte to Veronica's teasing." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve kat "Nhha~! Ngg-ha~ha..." "Instead, all she put forth was a series of muffled, pleasured sighs and breathy grunts." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve kat "Nhaha-haha!" scene pr1752 with dissolve scene pr1753 with dissolve "Seeing her on the ropes, the Amazon once again began to kiss and nibble at Kathleen's neck." "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1752 with dissolve scene pr1753 with dissolve kat "Ah-! R-ight Th-there! If you do it right there..." scene pr1752 with dissolve scene pr1753 with dissolve "*Fwmuch* *Fwmuch*" scene pr1752 with dissolve scene pr1753 with dissolve "*Fwmuch* *Fwmuch* *Fwmuch*" scene pr1754 with dissolve scene pr1755 with dissolve "Veronica's body was like a well-oiled machine, working in tandem in a three-pronged assault at the austere woman's erogenous zones." scene pr1754 with dissolve scene pr1755 with dissolve "Her mouth tickled and teased her neck." "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1754 with dissolve scene pr1755 with dissolve "One hand supported her body weight while she massaged and kneaded her plump breasts." kat "Nhhagh~ggh!" scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "The other never slowed down on the relentless finger fucking it was dishing out." scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "*Schlick* *Schlick* *Schlick*" scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "All three aspects were coming together beautifully, pushing Mrs. Pulman closer and closer to the edge, to the precipice of her first orgasm." scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "........." scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "...." scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "..." scene pr1758 with dissolve kat "--!" "Through gritted teeth and glassy eyes, Mrs. Pulman's body suddenly tensed up..." kat "nggg-aaah!" scene pr1759 with dissolve "Only to go slack again not too long after." "It happened quickly, but her body language and rapacious howling made one thing clear: Veronica had successfully made the austere woman cum." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr1760 with dissolve "The first of many, with plenty of time to spare to tie Lucy's number of two." play music "music/Darkdub.ogg" scene pr1761 with dissolve scene pr1762 with dissolve "*THUD*" kat "--oofph!" "With little care for Kathleen's comfort, the Amazon dropped her like she was a sack of potatoes." scene pr1763 with dissolve chuck "Hmm... that was {b}fast{/b}." "Chuck spoke aloud and clear, directed at no one in particular." scene pr1764 with dissolve chuck "I've seen Kathy ride men to the point of exhaustion and not been satisfied." scene pr1765 with dissolve chuck "You're quite skilled, lass." scene pr1766 with dissolve ver "You haven't seen anything yet, you old pervert. I'm just beginning." scene pr1767 with dissolve chuck "Bahaha! I'm sure you are. By all means, give us a show." scene pr1768 with dissolve "To punctuate her confident claim, Veronica grabbed Mrs. Pulman by the arm and placed her over her knee like she was disciplining a child." kat "*huff*" scene pr1769 with dissolve kat "Grr-- I'll admit I underestimated you, but you're getting a little impertinent now, Miss Lynch." "Her tone had a venomous edge to it, clearly unpleased at the rough treatment." scene pr1770 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1771 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" "As if to say {i}tough shit{/i}, Veronica gave Mrs. Pulman's pale, round ass a quick swat." scene pr1773 with dissolve ver "This is my show, remember?" ver "It's your job to lie there and cum like a stupid whore." scene pr1772 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1771 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1773 with dissolve ver "Stick your ass out more! Give the boys watching a proper look at the goods!" scene pr1774 with dissolve "To my surprise, Kathleen complied." scene pr1775 with dissolve ver "Now... let's do away with these." "Veronica then removed Kathleen's panties, revealing her oozing, weeping quim for the room to see." "Streaks of girl cum was plastered to the skin of her interior thighs. Part of me were starting to wonder..." mct "(Does Mrs. Pulman have a masochistic side...?)" scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch*" "Veronica's finger slid easily into the winking passage." ver "You're hungry for more, aren't you slut?" kat "You talk too much, Miss Lynch..." ver "Ha! That's rich coming from you." scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch*" scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" ver "You know, this is a lot of fun..." scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch*" ver "Those first two games weren't... {b}in fact{/b} that second one was hell." scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" ver "This third game almost makes me forget that rotten taste in my mouth. {b}Almost{/b}." scene pr1778 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1779 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" kat "Ghha-!" "Removing herself from Kathleen's frothing insides, she gave her yet another slap on the ass -- this time much harder than before." scene pr1778 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1779 with dissolve scene pr1778 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1779 with dissolve "*THWACK!* *THWACK!*" kat "Gaa--ngg! Damn it!" "The memory of the second game was clearly giving the Amazon a vindictive, spiteful edge." scene pr1780 with dissolve "*Squelch*" ver "Water under the bridge. This place might be fun..." "I wasn't sure if she really believed that or just simply wanted to." scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" kat "ngg-nghh-ahh~!--!" "Again, sweet bedroom-like sounds started to pour from the cruel woman's gaping maw." ver "You call Lucy and I whores, but you're enjoying this..." scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve "*Squelch*" ver "You like getting finger fucked to an audience." scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" kat "Keep talking Miss Lynch and you'll run out of ti--" scene pr1782 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1783 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1784 with dissolve ver "I said you LIKE getting finger fucked to an audience, don't you?" kat "--tsk...!" scene pr1782 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1783 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1784 with dissolve kat "gnya-- S-stop it!" "A cracking, girlish plea was drawn out of Mrs. Pulman's pursed lips." scene pr1782 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1783 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1784 with dissolve kat "Gnnn! Fuck!" ver "Admit it then." scene pr1782 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1783 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1784 with dissolve kat "Gnngh--aaa! Fine! Yes! I'm enjoying this. I'm enjoying getting finger fucked with people watching." scene pr1785 with dissolve scene pr1786 with dissolve ver "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" scene pr1785 with dissolve scene pr1786 with dissolve kat "~aaah! *huff* *huff*" scene pr1785 with dissolve scene pr1786 with dissolve scene pr1785 with dissolve scene pr1786 with dissolve "I could almost swear Mrs. Pulman was cooing from the Amazon's gentle touch." scene pr1787 with dissolve "Back in the audience, the room was... captivated?" scene pr1788 with dissolve "Isaak, who had thankfully put his dick away, stared at the domineering scene with a concerned look." scene pr1789 with dissolve "The egotistical movie star seemed utterly captivated by Veronica, clearly admiring his choice in sponsee. I don't think he was even seeing Mrs. Pulman anymore." scene pr1790 with dissolve "Meanwhile, August had a blank look on his face. It was hard to read." "His companion on the other hand, who had previously looked uninterested in being here, was now enraptured by the sight, grinning ear to ear in amusement." scene pr1791 with dissolve "Ian's interest was clearly written on his face." scene pr1792 with dissolve "Lastly, Dr. Chuck..." "Had a subtle look of curious amusement on his face, like he was watching a movie." scene pr1787 with dissolve "With the exception of Isaak, everyone seemed unperturbed at the club matriarch's disgraceful treatment." scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve "*Squelch*" kat "Aaah-! Ahww--! Nggh--!" scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve "I suppose why would they?" "Maybe it was pride in her sportsmanship. Maybe it was the sanctity of the club's rules..." scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" "Maybe it was simply she didn't want it to stop." scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch* *Squelch*" "Whatever the reason, Kathleen continued to abide by the rules of the game as Veronica picked up the pace, intent on finishing orgasm #2." "She had been going at a leisurely pace, but she did need {b}three{/b} to win after all." scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH*" kat "Agkhh-!" scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH* *SLOSH*" kat "Ah - Aah - Ah!!" scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH* *SLOSH* *SLOSH*" kat "ngg--gha!" scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve kat "*huff* *huff* I c- can't... --ah!" scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH*" ver "You're getting close again, aren't you? You slutty old woman! Panting like this is the first good fuck you've had in ages." scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH* *SLOSH*" ver "Does {b}Mister{/b} Pulman not satisfy you in the bedroom? Or maybe he's no longer interested in such a miserable bitch." scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH* *SLOSH* *SLOSH*" kat "Gaa-h! I'm goint to cum cumming! I'm cumming!" scene pr1795 with dissolve ver "Then cum for me you intolerable cunt!" scene pr1796 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "*THWACK!*" scene pr1797 with dissolve kat "Gnnaaaa-- ghghghgk-- fffhk--!" "As a coup de grace, Veronica brought her palm down HARD on Mrs. Pulman's bruised cheeks, releasing the floodgates." kat "Fhhk-- ngghg! --shwit--!" "The dignified woman was now shamelessly spraying the stage in girl spunk, wailing pleasurably without an ounce of restraint." scene pr1798 with dissolve kat "gh...why--wahy whant it stahp..." kat "!" scene pr1799 with dissolve ver "No time to rest, slut." kat " waht...?" scene pr1800 with fade ver "Time?!" "The Amazon barked, more like a command than a question." scene pr1801 with dissolve mc "Two minutes and forty seconds." "*Smch...*" scene pr1802 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" scene pr1803 with dissolve ver "That's more than enough time." scene pr1804 with fade "Remaining confident, Veronica slid down the length of Kathleen's torso, bringing her face up to the woman's overworked, swollen quim and promptly got to work." "*Smch...*" scene pr1805 with dissolve "This time she took a gentle approach, lapping at the insensate woman's vulva and inner folds with precise, expert tongue work." "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" "Veronica clearly knew her way around a woman's body, which explained why she had been so brazen in picking Mrs. Pulman in the first place." scene pr1806 with dissolve scene pr1807 with dissolve scene pr1806 with dissolve scene pr1807 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...* *Fhwup...*" "Soon, Mrs. Pulman's listless form began showing signs of pleasure. Her overstimulated nether regions, dulled by pleasure, were responding to the towering woman's gentle lapping." kat "You-you're good at that..." scene pr1808 with dissolve kat "I should've had you pegged as a lesbian." "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" scene pr1809 with dissolve scene pr1810 with dissolve "With no time to respond, Veronica carried on in her attentions, reaching an arm up to her partner's exposed breasts." scene pr1809 with dissolve scene pr1810 with dissolve "Her nipples had long since formed into engorged points, allowing them to fit nicely between the redhead's limber fingers." scene pr1809 with dissolve scene pr1810 with dissolve kat "Ah~♥ *huff* *huff*" "Veronica pinched and rolled the sensitive peaks, not once letting up on her service below." scene pr1809 with dissolve scene pr1810 with dissolve "Her well-paced efforts were paying off." "Mrs. Pulman's eyes had fogged over in the pleasure, not so much peering up at the exhibition hall's red ceiling as she had simply tuned out all worldly surroundings except her own pleasure." "The only thing that was registering with her was the dutiful tongue lashing happening below, in between her wide, ivory-like thighs." scene pr1811 with dissolve kat "Ah~yes! --yuess!" "A pleasurable twitch involuntarily sent her long, pale legs wrapping around the back of Veronica's head, wantonly pulling the Amazon closer." "This woman, who had not an hour ago sadistically cackled while she degraded the prospective Carnations, was now mewling like a bitch in heat." "*Smch...*" scene pr1812 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...* *Fhwup...*" "The way Mrs. Pulman's stern face had contorted into a pleasured, animal-like expression..." scene pr1813 with dissolve "The sight was getting to me." "My dick was standing at full attention, straining painfully against my slacks." "*Smch...*" "Hell, honestly this whole night..." scene pr1814 with dissolve "Veronica and Lucy being paraded around and toyed with." scene pr1815 with dissolve "Veronica guzzling down ounce after ounce of semen." scene pr1816 with dissolve "Lucy riding Ian into the dirt, desperate for a win." scene pr1813 with dissolve "This whole night interfaced with something deep down in me, something untouched and unused." "The stirring I was feeling in response to that, it made me feel..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Excited.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1817 with dissolve "Excited. Never in my boring life had I the chance to glimpse such erotic sights in person." KN_MOD "Scared.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1818 with dissolve "Scared. The charms of this indecent place was getting to me and that scared me." scene pr1819 with dissolve mc "You have a minute remaining." "I called out, to give the redheaded woman fair warning, and to take my mind off my unslaked lusts." scene pr1820 with dissolve "*Smch...*" "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve kat "Ah~♥ so-so- close..." "Mrs. Pulman delightfully cooed." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve "Spurred on by the sweet admission, an invigorated Veronica folded the squeaking slut in half, pressing her legs as far as they'd go inwards, finish line in sight." "The formerly gentle pace had descended into a controlled frenzy, the Amazon's long pink tongue hungrily probing as deep as it could reach." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve "*Smch...*" "42s... 41s..." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" "The clock was ticking down." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...* *Fhwup...*" "...would she make it?" "In a twisted way, I was rooting for her deep down." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve kat "nggh--! Shit! I'm-- I'm--" scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve kat "fuckfuckfuckFuckFuckFUCKFUCKFUCK!!" scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1823 with dissolve kat "yesyesYesYesYESYESYESS!!!!!" kat "Bhibhiiiii~♥" "With a blaring howl, Mrs. Pulman had reached her last climax." scene pr1824 with fade kat "*huff* huff*" "Putting her at a score of three, against Lucy's two." kat "giwhahtamI..." "20s... 19s..." kat "*huff* huff* Ahhhheebi...♥ " scene pr1825 with dissolve "13s... 12s..." kat "whathts...? ...huhh?" ver "I said I wasn't stopping at three, didn't I?" "05s... 04s..." ver "I want to see how far that tight clam of yours can stretch..." scene pr1826 with dissolve mc "--TIME!" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene pr1827 with dissolve kat "*huff* *huff* Eheee..." "Coming down from back-to-back-to-back orgasms, Mrs. Pulman was in no condition to officiate the night's closing or even announce the winner." "Not that she had to. One look into Mrs. Pulman's vacuous eyes was all you needed to see that Veronica had thoroughly outdone Lucy and Ian's performance." scene pr1828 with dissolve play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" chuck "Well, well, well..." chuck "Looks like we have a winner. Miss Lynch, having won the first and last game, is our final Carnation for the summer exhibition." scene pr1829 with dissolve chuck "Isn't that great, lass? Everyone, give her a hand." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.FEG3VeroGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.FEG3VeroGallery = True scene pr1830 with dissolve "Samson was the only one who indulged Dr. Chuck, his large hands thunderously clapping, hooting and hollering like this was all thanks to him." sam "Haha! You're going to win this whole thing. I just know it!" scene pr1831 with fade lucy "..." kil "Ah, come on, cheer up..." kil "I know it might seem like you did all of this for nothing, but..." "Ian, in all his witless charm, couldn't find the words to comfort his partner." kil "Uh, I guess because you DID do it for nothing..." scene pr1832 with dissolve isak "I wouldn't say that, Mr. Beaufort. There is ANOTHER way we can get her son into St. Ives..." scene pr1833 with fade $ history_lucy = "Despite her determined efforts, the schoolteacher failed to earn a spot in the club's summer exhibition, making the humiliating treatment she endured all for naught." $ history_veronica = "Beating Lucy quite handily, Veronica has earned the final spot in the club's summer exhibition. There she seeks to remedy the financial woes facing her gym. I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me, not that I blame her." $ unread_lucy = True $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) kat "Guh... *huff* *huff*..." "In the meantime, Dr. Chuck and I gave Mrs. Pulman a hand getting to her feet." "Despite being little more than dead weight, she felt surprisingly light. A fact that reminded me that she was a woman and not just some ivory-towered monster." mct "(Well, I suppose Veronica had already AMPLY demonstrated that fact...)" kat "Tsk...! That bitch really did it...!" scene pr1834 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" "*THWACK!*" scene pr1835 with dissolve hana "Don't TOUCH me!" aug "Hana, dear..." scene pr1836 with dissolve hana "I don't want to hear that shit, August!" hana "Go fuck yourself, you decrepit old chode!" scene pr1837 with dissolve chuck "Hah... kids these days." scene pr1838 with dissolve "In a fit of anger, Hana had stormed off." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" "Best I could tell, the old man must've made a move on her..." KN_MOD "else:" "Best I could tell, Mr. Byrnes must've made a move on her..." "No, it seemed more than that, considering the type of place this is..." scene pr1833 with dissolve kat "I've got a change of clothes in my office." "There was a sense of expectation in her voice. Considering her shaky legs, I can guess she wants a steady hand to guide her there." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Follow Hana and put your nose where it doesnt belong.:" $ Hana_Affection += 2 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffHanaEnding" KN_MOD "Help Mrs. Pulman to her office.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 2 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffKatEnding" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffHanaEnding:" "Even if it doesn't involve me, I want to chase after her. I can't help it. There's something about a distressed, beautiful girl that makes me want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 19:" "Hell, maybe I could give her someone to vent to. A shoulder to cry on...? One thing could lead to another and..." scene pr1839 with dissolve mc "Sorry. I've got to go check on something..." mc "You got Mrs. Pulman, right Dr. Chuck?" chuck "Uh..." scene pr1840 with dissolve mc "See ya!" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." scene pr1841 with blinds "Hana had already taken the elevator up by the time I left the exhibition hall. Fortunately my guess of where a bartender would run off to proved to be on the nose." play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" scene pr1842 with dissolve hana "Huh... I expected the old man to walk in here, not you." hana "Did August send you?" mc "No, I just wanted to see if you were okay." hana "Cool, pull up a seat then." scene pr1843 with fade hana "You know Jacob, right?" jacob "Yeah, we've met." scene pr1844 with dissolve jacob "'You want a hit?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Sure, why not?:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1845 with dissolve "Puff, puff, pass right?" scene pr1846 with dissolve "......" scene pr1848 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "No thanks.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1847 with dissolve mc "No, thanks. That stuff makes me paranoid." scene pr1848 with dissolve jacob "Suit yourself." scene pr1849 with dissolve "..." hana "Ah, this is good shit. My friend's brother may be a douche, but he knows where to get good weed." scene pr1850 with dissolve jacob "You should try the stuff they grow in Afghanistan." scene pr1851 with dissolve jacob "Well, I should get back out before anyone notices I'm missing from my post." jacob "Thanks for the kush, Hana." hana "Aaaw, anytime. See you Jacob." scene pr1852 with dissolve jacob "[mcf]." "The bouncer gave me a solemn nod before departing." scene pr1853 with dissolve "..." scene pr1854 with dissolve hana "So...! How'd you like your first taste of this place? Pretty {b}fucked up{/b}, right?" scene pr1855 with dissolve mc "It was... {i}something{/i}, alright." scene pr1856 with dissolve hana "Yeah, something rotten and {i}diseased{/i}. Only a creep would want to work here." scene pr1857 with dissolve mc "I can't help but notice YOU work here too..." scene pr1858 with dissolve hana "FUCK! Don't remind me!" "The subject of her employment is CLEARLY a sore spot for the tattooed woman." mc "My bad..." scene pr1859 with dissolve hana "Ah, shit, it's not your fault new guy..." scene pr1860 with dissolve mc "Whose fault is it?" scene pr1861 with dissolve hana "Mine? The old man? The goddamn world? I don't fucking know, but I'm not going to get into it with you." hana "I don't even know you. No offense." scene pr1862 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr1863 with dissolve hana "..." scene pr1862 with dissolve "I had no idea how to respond to that." scene pr1864 with dissolve hana "I need to get out of here. You ever ridden a motorcycle? Next to fucking, it's the best cure-all for anxiety and crushing stress." scene pr1865 with dissolve mc "Are you offering me a ride home...?" scene pr1859 with dissolve hana "We're co-workers now, aren't we?" scene pr1866 with dissolve hana "What do you say, new guy? Don't mind riding bitch seat do you?" scene pr1867 with dissolve mc "..." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." "*Flume-flume* *Ratatata*" scene pr1868 with dissolve "Happy to put an end to the night, I left with Hana on her motorbike." "The machine sputtered on, sounding like a blender of bolts." "It was my first time riding one, and not being the one in control left me feeling vulnerable." "Wanting to hold onto something." scene pr1869 with dissolve hana "You good back there, new guy?" scene pr1868 with dissolve "I..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Place your hands on the bikers hips.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "You know, only because of the added sense of security it provides, and definitely NOT because of the sweet, fruity scent of Hana's bath gel making me want to be closer to her." scene pr1870 with dissolve mc "Sure, let's go." scene pr1871 with dissolve hana "Hold on tight." scene pr1872 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/motorcycle-ride.wav" "*Flume-flume-flume* *Ratatata*" scene pr1876 with dissolve KN_MOD "Place your hands on the bikers shoulders.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1873 with dissolve mc "Uh, yeah, let's go." scene pr1874 with dissolve hana "Hold on tight." scene pr1875 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/motorcycle-ride.wav" "*Flume-flume-flume* *Ratatata*" scene pr1877 with dissolve play music "music/big-rock.ogg" "......" "..." scene black with blinds "After a leisurely drive through the city, we arrived at my apartment." scene pr1878 with blinds stop music fadeout 3.0 "Getting off the bike, I discovered my legs had turned to jelly somewhere during the twenty minute tussle with the midnight-blue machine." play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene pr1879 with dissolve hana "Smooth as silk, isn't she?" hana "You should be grateful. I usually only let cute girls on Suzie Q, not pervy guys who work at an underground sex club." scene pr1880 with dissolve mc "...YOU work at an underground sex club." scene pr1881 with dissolve hana "Fuck! Don't remind me." "Déjà vu..." scene pr1882 with dissolve mc "Why do you work at the club if you hate it so much?" hana "..." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "Let me ask you something, [mcf]." scene pr1884 with dissolve "Her tone had shifted to a more serious timbre." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "You working there because you're a degenerate or because...?" scene pr1884 with dissolve mc "...ah, well. It pays EXTREMELY well..." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "I thought so. You don't really look like you fit the bill." scene pr1885 with dissolve hana "The last guy, Darius, that guy was a walking venereal disease. Practically spouting out noxious fumes when he walked." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "Anyway, it's the same with me I guess. Tending bar at the club makes my personal situation infinitely more manageable." scene pr1885 with dissolve hana "I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't think there's anything wrong with consenting adults FREELY fucking however they want. I'm not some kind of puritan if you haven't guessed." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "We both know that place isn't that though. Or at least I hope you do." scene pr1886 with dissolve mc "It's..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Its taking advantage of women in desperate situations.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1887 with dissolve hana "Exactly!" hana "I'm glad you don't see it like your asshole friend does at least." KN_MOD "Its not like anyone is forced to be there though.:" $ Hana_Affection -= 2 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1888 with dissolve hana "That's the same shit Ian says. Which is {b}bullshit{/b}!" hana "Sometimes we only have the illusion of choice." KN_MOD "if perk_socialChameleon == True or perk_socialButterfly == True:" "She's conflating her own feelings about working there with the other girls' situation." "She doesn't feel like she has agency, so no one else does either." scene pr1889 with dissolve mc "Yeah, maybe..." "This thread of small talk was getting down to the conversational spool, and wanting to get out of this damn dancing monkey outfit, I moved to bring our chat to its conclusion." mc "Anyway, thanks for the ride." scene pr1890 with dissolve hana "No problem. We're co-workers. Pass it forward some time." scene pr1891 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask if she wants to come in.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You want to come in for a drink or something?" scene pr1892 with dissolve hana "Awww, new guy. You're not trying to get in my pants, are you?" hana "I don't even know you." scene pr1893 with dissolve mc "N-no, you just you know... gave me a ride. It'd be shitty not to offer." scene pr1894 with dissolve hana "Sure, sure..." scene pr1895 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr1896 with dissolve hana "Pfft--relax! I'm just teasing you." scene pr1887 with dissolve hana "Maybe some other time though, if you keep NOT being an asshole." scene pr1890 with dissolve hana "Bye!" KN_MOD "Say goodnight and leave.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I guess I'll see you around. Good night!" scene pr1890 with dissolve hana "Same. Take it easy, new guy!" scene pr1897 with fade "With that, Hana's bike rode off into the city night." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "I could hear its mechanical blare all the way into the lobby of my apartment building." "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prMeetTheCarnations" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffKatEnding:" "Whatever that was about, it's none of my business. I should score some points with my new boss instead." scene pr1898 with dissolve mc "I got her." chuck "You sure lad? She's going to be ornery after all that." scene pr1899 with dissolve kat "Oh, stop it Charles! I'm not some petulant child!" scene pr1900 with dissolve chuck "Please, you're the same girl I've known for two decades. Your beauty hasn't faded, but neither has your thorny side. Bahaha!" scene pr1901 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck's flattery seemed to appease Kat a little, a small smile spreading across her face." scene pr1902 with dissolve mc "I... think I can handle it." scene pr1903 with dissolve chuck "Don't say I didn't warn you if she ends up biting your head off like a praying mantis, lad." scene pr1904 with dissolve kat "Away we go, Mr. [mcl]. Before he keeps talking. Please." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene pr1905 with dissolve kat "Thanks for lending me your shoulder, [mcf]." scene pr1906 with dissolve kat "I think I've mostly recovered from that cow's manhandling. The feeling has returned to my legs at least." mc "Yeah, no problem." scene pr1907 with dissolve kat "...hmm." kat "..." scene pr1908 with dissolve kat "I will say this. You've got a softer face than your predecessor." scene pr1907 with dissolve "I wasn't sure how to respond to that." scene pr1909 with dissolve kat "It's a compliment, but don't let it go to your head." scene pr1907 with dissolve mc "Right..." scene pr1910 with dissolve kat "I'm going to get changed now. Have a seat." scene pr1907 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Offer to go outside.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1911 with dissolve mc "Wouldn't you prefer me to go outside?" scene pr1912 with dissolve kat "My, my... such a gentleman." scene pr1910 with dissolve kat "Sit! You just saw that meat golem tongue punch me until I couldn't speak." kat "I think you can stay." scene pr1907 with dissolve mc "You raise a good point, I guess..." KN_MOD "Do as she asks. Sit down.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I wasn't sure what other business she had with me, but I did as she asked." scene black with fade "..." scene pr1913 with dissolve kat "Aaah! That's better." scene pr1914 with dissolve kat "Come to think of it, you should leave at least a couple of changes of clothes here. It's a... handy thing to have in this place." scene pr1915 with dissolve mc "I think tonight helped me understand that." scene pr1916 with dissolve kat "I'm glad we have a chance to speak alone." mc "You are...?" scene pr1917 with dissolve kat "Yes. I'd like to get to know you better, [mcf]." scene pr1918 with dissolve mc "Why is that?" scene pr1919 with dissolve kat "It's important to know the people who work for you." scene pr1920 with dissolve kat "Don't want you running off like Ian's dumbass friend before you." "That's the second time tonight she's mentioned him." scene pr1921 with dissolve mc "Why'd he... quit?" scene pr1922 with dissolve kat "Oh, he didn't {i}quit{/i}. He dropped off the face of the planet." scene pr1923 with dissolve mc "What does that mean? He just disappeared?" scene pr1924 with dissolve kat "Exactly. Just stopped showing up. Number out of service. All the stuff left in his apartment, but him: {b}gone{/b}." scene pr1923 with dissolve mc "Isn't that kinda weird? Something could have happened to him. Maybe an accident. Maybe he could be..." scene pr1924 with dissolve kat "Dead in a ditch somewhere?" scene pr1922 with dissolve kat "Believe me, I had people look into it. Not. A. Thing." kat "Effectively, he just vanished into thin air..." scene pr1925 with dissolve kat "No matter. He was unreliable anyway, thanks to a nasty proclivity toward party drugs. He was chronically late and he ran his mouth all the time." scene pr1923 with dissolve mc "Sounds like I have a low bar to live up to..." scene pr1926 with dissolve kat "Quite." kat "I'll pour us a drink." "It sounded more like a command than a hospitable invitation." scene black with fade "..." scene pr1927 with dissolve "After she returned, we made small talk for a little while." "About my hobbies and about my classes mostly. She shared a little bit about herself as well." kat "The relief was my older sister's thing. I took over after she passed." scene pr1928 with dissolve kat "She was the... {i}altruistic{/i} one amongst my brother and myself. Had the gall to make us feel like shit for just enjoying what life had given us." scene pr1927 with dissolve kat "Don't get me wrong, I loved that woman, but I could've also strangled her." mct "(Yeah, loved her so much you turned her charity into your hunting grounds...)" scene pr1929 with dissolve mc "I see. She sounded... nice." scene pr1927 with dissolve kat "How about you? What kind of person was your father?" "I'm reminded of the background check she ran on me." mct "(Right, she knows all about that...)" kat "He died in a traffic accident when you were seven, right?" scene pr1930 with dissolve mc "Yeah, honestly I was so young and the time was so stressful..." scene pr1929 with dissolve mc "I don't really remember much about him. Just the hole that he left in my mother when he died." scene pr1930 with dissolve mc "If I go a while without looking at one of my mother's pictures of him, it can be difficult to recall his face." scene pr1928 with dissolve kat "Don't feel bad about that. You were young and time is cruel, and while hurt feelings won't simply disappear, it does eventually bring us to an equilibrium in our lives." KN_MOD "if perk_socialChameleon == True or perk_socialButterfly == True:" "There was a surprisingly tender affection to her words, bereft of artifice or the usual feeling that she's talking just because she loves to hear herself speak." "She really means what she's saying." scene pr1931 with dissolve kat "Your mother loved your father then?" scene pr1932 with dissolve "Oddly enough, talking about this with someone openly (even her) was filling me with a warm feeling." mc "Yeah, without a doubt." mc "What about you? You're married right? {b}Mrs.{/b} Pulman." scene pr1933 with dissolve kat "That's right. Life is... unfair." scene pr1934 with dissolve mc "What makes you say that?" scene pr1933 with dissolve kat "Well, your mother didn't get enough time with the love of her life, while me..." scene pr1935 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 kat "..." scene pr1933 with dissolve kat "Thirty years later, I'm still chugging along with an old bastard who simply REFUSES to die." mc "..." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "Relax! I'm only kidding. You gotta learn to cut loose if you want to thrive in a place like this." scene pr1931 with dissolve play music "music/on-the-ground.ogg" kat "Speaking of which, how did you enjoy tonight's fare? Albeit a small offering, it was your first taste of what the club has on tap. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts." scene pr1932 with dissolve mct "(What did I think of this shitshow tonight...?)" mc "Truthfully, well..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1938 with dissolve mc "I couldn't take my eyes off of it. This whole thing is twisted, but..." scene pr1937 with dissolve mc "I can't argue that seeing Lucy and Veronica compete wasn't exciting." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "That's a more honest answer than I expected from you. It's natural to feel conflicted." kat "The dichotomy between what you know is in good taste and what your animal instincts finds stimulating is... delectable." KN_MOD "It was a bit... much.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1940 with dissolve mc "I can't shake the feeling that this whole enterprise is deplorable." scene pr1941 with dissolve kat "Yet, here you are..." scene pr1931 with dissolve kat "Well, you don't hesitate to say how you truly feel at least. I like that myself, but fair warning: keep that trait to a minimum around our clientelle." kat "By and large, they're men accustomed to sycophantic flattery and knob polishing." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "Part of you likes it though, right?" scene pr1937 with dissolve mc "I'd be lying if I didn't admit I found the games exciting." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "I thought so. I could tell." scene pr1942 with dissolve kat "Tell me. What game of the three was your favorite? I want your honest answer." scene pr1932 with dissolve mc "I guess..." hide screen qmenu with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "The first game: I liked watching the girls dance.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "The opening game, with the motorized vibrators. Watching the girls squirm was something... {i}new{/i}." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "It was great, right? That one's a crowd pleaser. Being able to dictate the pace of the event has its advantages." scene pr1941 with dissolve kat "The way Miss Lynch kept her composure at the end... that was a surprise. She's going to make a promising Carnation." scene pr1933 with dissolve kat "I honestly don't know how the other Carnations will stand a chance against that kind of determination." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "Then again, with what I've learned from these exhibitions, things have a way of surprising you." KN_MOD "The second game: I didnt know a human being could ingest that much semen.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "It was kind of fucked up to admit, but..." mc "The punishment game." scene pr1943 with dissolve kat "Really...? That's surprising." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "I would've thought watching a woman choke down half a liter of ball-juice would be too hardcore for you." scene pr1938 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "Oh, don't be embarrassed! It's good you're a fucked-up pervert. It's practically a bonafide job requirement." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "Like I tell prospective members... what's the point of having an obscene amount of money if you can't be honest about what a disgusting pervert you are?" scene pr1938 with dissolve mc "...that's uh, that's a sales pitch I guess..." KN_MOD "The third game: I liked how frenzied Lucy was.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "The match with Lucy and Ian... I like how frantic it got by the end." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "You like a little taste of desperation, eh?" scene pr1932 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't say that." scene pr1941 with dissolve kat "It's true. You were getting off to the exploitative nature of the game." scene pr1940 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr1938 with dissolve kat "Oh, don't clam up on me. At the Carnation Club, you don't need to be dishonest about what turns you on." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "Like I tell prospective members... what's the point of having an obscene amount of money if you can't be honest about what a disgusting pervert you are?" scene pr1938 with dissolve mc "...that's uh, that's a sales pitch I guess..." KN_MOD "The third game: Veronica and you.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve scene pr1944 with dissolve mc "The last match of the last game, with Veronica and..." scene pr1945 with dissolve kat "Oh? You liked that?" scene pr1946 with dissolve kat "Seeing that overdeveloped tramp have a go at me?" scene pr1947 with dissolve mc "Uh, I mean..." "Truth be told, the answer to her question was a stark {i}yes{/i}. Seeing the roles get reversed like that was {b}hot{/b}, but I'm starting to feel like I just willingly stepped into a mine field." kat "..." mc "..." mc "*clears throat* *ahem*" scene pr1948 with dissolve kat "Oh, I'm just fucking with you!" scene pr1941 with dissolve kat "Truth be told, that was an unexpected development, but I can't say I didn't enjoy the hands-on evaluation." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "It can be fun giving up control for a little bit. You should try it some time. Why I could tie you up and tickle you funny right now..." scene pr1949 with dissolve mc "N-no, no thanks. I'm good..." scene pr1950 with dissolve kat "Come to think of it, you didn't get a chance to pop your cork tonight, did you?" scene pr1951 with dissolve kat "It's got to be frustrating..." scene pr1958 with dissolve kat "To be so young and virile, watching all that fun, and not having any yourself...?" scene pr1959 with dissolve "The cruel woman's sudden amorous advance left me unable to speak." "Absent was the pheromone-laced perfume that she had previously weaponized. Instead, the tumescent growth in my pants could only be owed to Mrs. Pulman's womanly charms." scene pr1952 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "I'm going to make you a promise, [mcf]. About the Carnation Club and your job..." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" kat "Don't be a fucking idiot and this place will be good to you. It'll take care of you." kat "All you need to do is know when to shut up, avoid stepping on our members' toes, and follow everything I say." scene pr1953 with dissolve kat "The Carnation Club is mine, first and foremost. Forget about Charles and Auggy. You answer to me." kat "If you can do that, well, I'll let you live out all your fucked-up fantasies with impunity." mc "..." scene pr1954 with dissolve kat "I want you sleep on those words. Internalize them. Carve it into the back of your eyelids if you have to." scene pr1955 with dissolve kat "Don't be like... Darius." "The ice coldness of her words had brought the blood in my veins to a standstill." scene pr1956 with dissolve mc "R-right..." scene pr1957 with dissolve kat "I'm glad we had this talk, Mr. [mcl]. Let me get Warren to drive you home." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prMeetTheCarnations" KN_MOD "label prMeetTheCarnations:" $ date = "may14day" stop sound scene pr1960 with blinds play music "music/study-and-relax.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show may14day with squares "The next couple of days were uneventful. I heard nary a peep from Mrs. Pulman, Dr. Chuck, or even Ian." scene pr1961 with dissolve $ date = "may15night" show may15night with squares "I passed the time watching dumb movies and running MCAT drills. After all the excitement of the past week, part of me appreciated the reprieve." scene club-fr-day with dissolve $ date = "may16day" show may16day with squares "Saturday, I received a call from Mrs. Pulman, asking me to come to the club's bar." "She didn't care to expound on the reason for the visit, leaving only my imagination to wildly speculate what was in store." scene pr1962 with dissolve mc "You're always here, huh?" scene pr1963 with dissolve jacob "Just me and Warren to guard the fort." scene pr1964 with dissolve jacob "--not that I can complain, they pay me a lot of money to sit on my ass and read. It's the cushiest security detail I've worked by FAR." scene pr1965 with dissolve mc "What other kind of details have you worked?" scene pr1966 with dissolve jacob "After my contract with the FFL was up, I bounced around to the usual places. Bars, personal details, that kind of thing." KN_MOD "if perk_socialChameleon == True or perk_socialButterfly == True:" "I got the sense he was being tactfully vague, uninterested in going into details." scene pr1965 with dissolve mc "The FFL?" scene pr1966 with dissolve jacob "Légion étrangère - The {b}F{/b}rench {b}F{/b}oreign {b}L{/b}egion." scene pr1967 with dissolve mc "Really? That's so cool! How'd you end joining a foreign army?" scene pr1968 with dissolve jacob "Get me gassed one night and I'll tell you, deal?" mc "Yeah, sure. I'll hold you to that." scene pr1969 with dissolve jacob "Head on in. You're expected." "I still didn't know what I was here for." scene pr1970 with dissolve mc "Expected for what, exactly?" scene pr1971 with dissolve jacob "I don't know. They don't tell me. Maybe the usual, Eyes-Wide-Shut shit these rich people get up to?" scene pr1972 with dissolve mc "Riiiight, nice seeing you Jacob." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene pr1973 with irisin "As soon as I entered, I spotted a pair of familiar faces sitting idly at the bar, appearing to be making small talk." "Once Rosalind caught sight of me, she offered an enthusiastic wave and a warm smile." "Veronica, for her part, gave me a simple nod." scene pr1974 with dissolve "Elsewhere, Mrs. Pulman stood by the bar, chatting with a fourth woman." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene pr1975 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 "It was clear, even from behind, that she was an attractive woman, younger than her conversational partner." "As my eyes lecherously wandered up the contours of her frame, a sense of familiarity came over me." mct "(Wait a minute, I know that ass...)" scene pr1976 with dissolve kat "There you are, Mr. [mcl]!" scene pr1977 with dissolve "..." scene pr1978 with dissolve fel "Oh! It's you!" fel "How you doin', stud?" scene pr1977 with dissolve "Felicia gave me a laid-back, casual greeting in stark contrast to my dumb-stricken surprise." mc "Oh, you're kidding me..." "After getting over the initial shock, considering our mutual connection to this place, I likely knew the answer to the question on my mind. Still, I asked it." mc "What are you doing here, Felicia?" scene pr1979 with dissolve fel "I'm competing in this summer thing Ian told me about. It sounded fun." scene pr1980 with fade rosever "..." scene pr1981 with dissolve kat "Oh? You two know each other already?" scene pr1982 with dissolve fel "Yeah, through Ian..." scene pr1983 with dissolve kat "That figures." scene pr1984 with dissolve mct "(Hold up... it sounded {i}fun{/}?!)" mct "(So she knew about the club the whole time?)" scene pr1985 with dissolve kat "I called you here to formally introduce you to this year's Carnations, but I guess you already know everyone here." scene pr1986 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Rosalind Carter." scene pr1987 with dissolve kat "Miss Veronica Lynch." scene pr1988 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "To my utter shock, my blind date turned out to be part of the Club's upcoming summer exhibition. I guess I'm getting my wish in seeing her again." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve kat "And finally, Mrs. Felicia Ford." scene pr1989 with dissolve kat "Girls, this is [mcf]. In two weeks, the summer exhibition will begin." kat "You've each been briefed on the schedule and what's expected of you." kat "You have any problems or concerns during the month-long event, it goes through him. He'll take care of you." scene pr1990 with dissolve kat "You have anything to add, [mcf]?" scene pr1991 with dissolve mc "..." "I like to think of myself as a good and decent person, but..." "I have simply never been given the opportunity to prove my conceited self-image right or wrong." mct "(Well, here's my chance.)" scene pr1992 with dissolve mc "Let's all get along." play sound "sound effects/sting-mumbaieffect.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with pixellate "......." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june01start" ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### PALE CARNATIONS ### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## The opening, character creation, and prologue goes here. # OPENING TITLE CARD ----------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "label prStart:" stop music fadeout 1.5 scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene pr0001 with dissolve show screen textbox2 show intronight with squares "If I had to describe myself in as few words as possible, I would answer how I think most people would." "{i}I'm a good and decent person{/i}." "On the surface, that claim might well be true." "I study diligently in the pursuit of my dream of becoming a doctor, I'm willing to rock the boat when human decency requires it, and I make sure to call my mother at least three times a week." "All in all, not exactly the measure for humanitarian of the year, but I do try not to actively put more shit into the world than I take out." "That should at least count me as {i}decent{/i}." "......" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "..." stop ambient scene pr0003 with pixellate cm "Haha, man. You guys did a real number on the bitch, huh?" cm "Haven't you ever heard of taking it easy on the newbie?" scene pr0004 with blinds cm "So much for needing to get home, she can barely string two words together." cm "Someone roll her into the shower! I bet she could go another round or two." scene pr0005 with dissolve yth "(Why am I watching this {b}filth{/b}...?)" "I {i}like{/i} to consider myself a good and decent person, {b}but{/b}..." scene pr0006 with dissolve yth "(The face staring back at me through the reflection of the monitor tells a different story.)" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" scene pr0007 with dissolve you "Shit, who could that be?" scene pr0001 with fade play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" nl "Hi, I'm across the hall. I think I've got some of your mail by mistake..." you "Oh, thank you very much." "Truth is, you simply can't take stock of a man's character who lives in an immutable bubble. I have simply never been given the opportunity to prove my conceited self-image right or wrong. " "That is, {b}until now{/b}..." "With the arrival of a strange letter." stop music fadeout 4.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0008 with Dissolve(5.0) $ renpy.pause(4.0, hard=True) scene black with blinds stop ambient fadeout 3.0 $ renpy.pause(4.0, hard=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Character Creation # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# scene screen with dissolve play music "music/on-the-ground.ogg" # Id-Choice -------------------------------------------------------------------- show screen textbox2 with dissolve sys "Before we begin this twisted tale, let's add a little personal touch to the character whose shoes you're about to fill." sys "First, some background." KN_MOD "label idchoice:" sys "You are a 21 year old college student, studying physics at the local university with the aspiration of getting into medical school. You dream of one day being a general practitioner with your own private practice." sys "This dream is motivated purely out of your desire for..." scene screen-choice with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Money:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve sys "As they say... {i}money isn't everything, but not having it is{/i}. Growing up watching your mother try and scrape by, you understand that as well as anyone." sys "However, for the time being, you're broke-as-shit just like most students. You live off campus subsisting on instant foods, your mother's cooking, and the occasional takeout." sys "You are fundamentally concerned with the pursuit and accumulation of wealth. The {b}{color=#008000}pursuit of wealth{/color}{/b} will act as the the counterbalance to your moral scale." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump greedconfirm" KN_MOD "Respect:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve sys "You desire to have people treat you with respect and to willingly place their wellbeing in your hands." sys "Currently however, you don't even hold the respect of the snot-nosed brats that you tutor as a part-time job." sys "You are fundamentally concerned with gaining the upper hand on people. \n{b}{color=#8B0000}Power{/color}{/b} will act as the the counterbalance to your moral scale." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump powerconfirm" KN_MOD "Helping people:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve sys "You want to make a difference in people's lives, plain and simple." sys "The doctors that cared for your father following his accident were a great comfort to your mother and you desire to emulate that." sys "However, that goodwill is tempered by your baser impulses. \n{b}{color=#FF1493}Lust{/color}{/b} will act as the the counterbalance to your moral scale." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump lustconfirm" sys "Does this sound like the kind of person you want to be?" scene screen-choice with dissolve KN_MOD "menu greedconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, lets move on.:" $ id_greed = True $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "jump namechoice" KN_MOD "No, lets go back.:" KN_MOD "jump idchoice" KN_MOD "menu powerconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, lets move on.:" $ id_power = True $ toughness += 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "jump namechoice" KN_MOD "No, lets go back.:" KN_MOD "jump idchoice" KN_MOD "menu lustconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, lets move on.:" $ id_lust = True $ toughness -= 3 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "jump namechoice" KN_MOD "No, lets go back.:" KN_MOD "jump idchoice" # Name-Choice ------------------------------------------------------------------ KN_MOD "label namechoice:" scene pr0009 with fade show screen textbox2 sys "This is you. Not the worst mug in the world to be saddled with." sys "Let's put a name to that face." python: mcf = renpy.input("Please input your character's given name. Left blank, it will default to {b}{color=#4169E1}Edwin{/color}{/b}.") mcf = mcf.strip() = mcf scene screen with dissolve sys "Your first name is [mcf]. It was the name of a close friend of your mother growing up." sys "You've never met your namesake, but the tender fondness your mother shows when reminiscing about those days fills you with warmth." python: mcl = renpy.input("Now, what is your family name? Left blank, it will default to {b}{color=#4169E1}Turner{/color}{/b}.") mcl = mcl.strip() persistent.mcl = mcl sys "Great, you shall be known as {b}{color=#4169E1}[mcf] [mcl]{/color}{/b} for the duration of the story." sys "[mcl] is the name passed down to you by your late father. You share it with your mother, who has not since remarried." # Trait-Choice ----------------------------------------------------------------- sys "Last but not least, let's fill in some of [mcf]'s personal history." sys "These decisions will impart a background and traits that will be reflected in a number of ways as you advance through the story." sys "They will alter the context in which some characters view you, open up new dialogue options and actions, and offer you a lens to help understand and navigate [mcf]'s decisions." sys "Let's begin." KN_MOD "label traitchoice:" show screen textbox2 sys "Starting with your father's death, you had what some might describe as a difficult childhood." sys "Growing up, you presented with a number of behavior problems, primarily stemming from..." hide screen textbox2 scene screen-choice with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "An abundance of curiosity.:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 sys "Your keen interest in pushing boundaries and figuring out how things work was an endless source of consternation for your mother, who did her best to funnel your thirst for knowledge into more productive outlets." sys "As an adult, you still derive pleasure from fulfilling that curiosity. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Inquisitive]{/color} trait. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump inquisitiveconfirm" KN_MOD "An abundance of energy.:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 sys "Seemingly boundless energy would be enviable in an adult, but in a child it makes them quite the handful. You were always moving from one thing to the next, susceptible to finding new ways of getting into trouble." sys "The near-endless well of energy you had as a child persists into your young adulthood. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Tireless]{/color} trait. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump tirelessconfirm" KN_MOD "An abundance of anger.:" scene screen with dissolve show screen textbox2 sys "Due to unreasonable circumstances beyond a child's understanding, you were an angry child. Fortunately, and with great patience, your mother taught you how to mitagate, manage, and sometimes even utilize these feelings toward productive ends." sys "Being in control is important to you. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Governor]{/color} trait. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump governorconfirm" KN_MOD "menu inquisitiveconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ trait_inquisitive = True show screen textbox2 sys "Great! Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump traitchoice" KN_MOD "menu tirelessconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ trait_tireless = True show screen textbox2 sys "Great! Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump traitchoice" KN_MOD "menu governorconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ trait_governor = True $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 sys "Great! Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump traitchoice" # History-Choice --------------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "label historychoice:" show screen textbox2 KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" sys "In middle school, this curiosity culminated into one big event which branded you for your entire adolescence. You..." KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" sys "In middle school, this energy culminated into one big event which branded you for your entire adolescence. You..." KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" sys "In middle school, this anger culminated into one big event which branded you for your entire adolescence. You..." hide screen textbox2 scene screen-choice with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Burned a neighbors garden shed to the ground.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" sys "Your curiosity and propensity for seeing the results of even the most destructive acts ended up earning you the reputation of a firebug." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Firestarter]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump firestarterconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" sys "Unfortunately for your neighbor, as a child you found no better outlet for your tireless energy and the encroaching boredom than starting fires." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Firestarter]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump firestarterconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" sys "Before you got your anger under control, you were prone to lashing out. Unfortunately for your neighbor, one of those outlets included starting fires." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Firestarter]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump firestarterconfirm" KN_MOD "Started a business selling creepshots of the neighborhood moms.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" sys "Growing boys are naturally curious, but you took it to an enterprising and deviant level - and created quite the neighborhood scandal in the process." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump voyeurconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" sys "As a child your tireless energy was only matched by your enterprising nature and budding interest in women, resulting in quite the scandalous side business." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump voyeurconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" sys "Nothing made you angrier than the snobby neighborhood bitches who looked down on your mother. It brought you great pleasure being able to both humiliate them and make some cash on the side." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump voyeurconfirm" KN_MOD "Stole a large sum of money from a school fundraiser.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" sys "You were always pushing the envelope in seeing what you could get away with. It stopped firmly at you pocketing your neighbors' money during a school fundraising drive and trying to cover your tracks by giving them discounted chocolate bars instead." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Sticky Fingers]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump stickyfingerconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" sys "The constant need for stimulation would often get the better of you and lead you down the wrong path. In this case, the path involved a \"little\" embezzlement from selling chocolate bars to your neighbors and trying to cover your tracks by giving them discounted ones instead." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Sticky Fingers]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump stickyfingerconfirm" KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" sys "Before you got your anger under control, you were prone to lashing out. This time it took the form of a tinsy-bit of embezzlement from selling chocolate bars to your neighbors and trying to cover your tracks by giving them discounted ones instead." sys "You are remembered for this deed and will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Sticky Fingers]{/color} history. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump stickyfingerconfirm" KN_MOD "menu firestarterconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ history_firestarter = True show screen textbox2 "Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "menu voyeurconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ history_voyeur = True show screen textbox2 "Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump historychoice" KN_MOD "menu stickyfingerconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes, next question.:" $ history_stickyFingers = True show screen textbox2 "Moving on..." KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump historychoice" # Perk-Choice ------------------------------------------------------------------ KN_MOD "label perkchoice:" show screen textbox2 sys "By high school, you cleaned up your act. Aside from the friends you made in the physics club, you found a new peer group thanks to your..." hide screen textbox2 scene screen-choice with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Enthusiasm for athletics.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve sys "You were drawn to the soccer team as a sophomore in high school. The thrill of competition, the sting of loss, and the jubilation of crushing an opponent proved an intoxicating combination." sys "As a result, your current level of fitness remains excellent. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} perk. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump strongmanconfirm" KN_MOD "Budding social grace and charm.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve sys "You discovered an innate talent at using your words and humor to ingratiate yourself to others and overcome their defenses." sys "As a result, you're quite adept at winning people over with your words. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Social Butterfly]{/color} perk. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump socialbutterflyconfirm" KN_MOD "Willingness to lie and conform to get what you want.:" show screen textbox2 scene screen with dissolve sys "You were quick to discover the best way to get what you want is to {i}be{/i} what other people want." sys "As a result, you're quite deft at manipulating people. You will start the game with the {color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} perk. Would you like to continue?" hide screen textbox2 KN_MOD "jump socialchameleonconfirm" KN_MOD "menu strongmanconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ perk_strongman = True KN_MOD "jump may07start" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "menu socialbutterflyconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ perk_socialButterfly = True KN_MOD "jump may07start" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "menu socialchameleonconfirm:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ perk_socialChameleon = True $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "jump may07start" KN_MOD "No, let me rethink it.:" KN_MOD "jump perkchoice" KN_MOD "label may07start:" show screen textbox2 sys "Great! We are now ready to begin." sys "So, without further ado, let's get this show on the road. {b}Enjoy!{/b}" hide screen textbox2 stop music fadeout 3.0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 07 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Carnation Club Invitation --------------------------------------------------- scene black with fade $ date = "may07day" $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" scene player-room with blinds show screen textbox2 show may07day with squares "Before me, a strange letter." scene pr0010 with dissolve "Seemingly addressed to no one in particular, it was written on ornate parchment and was suspiciously devoid of a return address." "The quick and dirty of it read..." hide screen textbox2 scene player-room blur with dissolve show text "Dear esteemed sir, the {font=gui/fonts/Pacifico.ttf}{color=#FF1493}{i}Carnation Club{/i}{/color}{/font} would like to extend to you the opportunity to join our humble establishment." at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.75 pause hide text with dissolve show text "You have come to our attention through a like-minded member who believes you share in our exacting taste." at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.75 pause hide text with dissolve show text "Should you wish it, the chance to gratify these tastes is within your reach." at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.5 pause hide text with dissolve show text "Do note, this is not an opportunity we afford to just anyone." at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.5 pause hide text with dissolve show text "You will find enclosed, blah blah {b}blah{/b}..." at truecenter with dissolve pause 1.5 pause hide text with dissolve scene player-room with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It continued on like that for some length, full of bewildering language and other nebulous-like promises before directing me to a phone number." "I would've simply tossed it in the trash without a second thought, chalking it up as a sales pitch for a shady multi-level marketing scheme, had it not been for another small note neatly enclosed within." hide screen textbox2 scene player-room blur with dissolve show text "Sorry for that cryptic hogwash. My nephew tells me you're looking for a new line of work?" at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.5 pause hide text with dissolve show text "Do me the favor of giving an old man a call and I'll explain to you what this is all about. {color=#FF1493}{i}- Chuck{/i}{/color}" at truecenter with dissolve pause 2.5 pause hide text with dissolve scene player-room with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "'Chuck' was Dr. Charles Kohler, or as the Morehead Hills High School Physics Club affectionately knew him..." scene pr0011 with dissolve mct "(Dr. Chuck has a job for me...?)" scene player-room with dissolve "As odd as the letter was, Dr. Chuck was once a real deal rocket scientist and a personal mentor to me throughout high school. He also just happens to be the uncle of my best friend." "Whatever this is about, it would be safe to say it's more legitimate than it appears." scene pr0011 with dissolve mct "(Coming from a man of his stature, it might even be a good way to pad my résumé for med school...)" KN_MOD "if toughness <= 15:" mct "(At the very least, it'd be nice if I could quit tutoring those difficult brats.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(At the very least, it'd be nice if I could quit tutoring those unmotivated shits.)" scene player-room with dissolve "Presently, I work part time as a math tutor to a handful of spoiled, underachieving monsters." "Needless to say, it isn't something I'd be doing if the money wasn't so good." "Witnessing the upper class of Morehead Hills take their social privilege for granted is not my idea of job satisfaction, but it pays extremely well." "If I could find a part-time job that could even compare to what I currently pull in, even if it had longer hours, I'd jump ship in an instant." scene pr0011 with dissolve mc "...I should give Dr. Chuck a call first before I get my hopes up." scene player-room show cell-phone at Position (ypos=0.6) with dissolve "Trying my best to keep my expectations in check, I take out my cellphone and begin to scroll through its meager contact list." scene pr0011 show cell-phone at Position (ypos=0.6) with dissolve mct "(I should still have his number...)" mc "Aha! There it is." # May 07 Call with Dr. Chuck --------------------------------------------------- scene player-room blur show cell-phone at Position (ypos=0.6) with dissolve play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "{i}*Ring... ring...*{/i}" "Eventually the ringing is cut short by a familiar voice on the other end." stop sound scene player-room blur with dissolve show chuck-call with dissolve chuck "[mcl]? Is that you? Good to hear from you, lad!" chuck "How the hell are you?" "Dr. Chuck's boisterous and genial nature was coming in loud and clear on the other end of the line." "Despite being exposed to it at length throughout my childhood, the abruptness of his booming voice was startling after not hearing it for some time." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene player-room blur with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be polite.:" show screen textbox2 scene player-room blur show chuck-call with dissolve mc "Uh... It's going well, sir. How are you?" chuck "Sir? C'mon, lad! You've eaten Thanksgiving with my family. You know that Chuck is just fine." $ chuck_polite = True $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) KN_MOD "Match his enthusiasm.:" $ Chuck_Friendship +=1 $ Chuck_Friendship = clamp(Chuck_Friendship, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 scene player-room blur show chuck-call with dissolve mc "Likewise, Dr. Chuck! It's great to hear your voice again." chuck "So, how's my alma mater treating you? I bet you're too busy chasing skirts to focus on your studies. Am I right? {b}Bahaha{/b}!" mct "(He hasn't changed a bit, has he?)" KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "College is good, sir. Thank you again for your recommendation." KN_MOD "else:" mc "College is good. Thank you again for your recommendation." chuck "Of course, lad. No problem, but speaking of {b}letters{/b}..." chuck "I'm assuming it was {i}that{/i} letter which prompted this call. Am I right?" mc "Yeah, that strange one on the gaudy letterhead. I called you as soon as I read it." chuck "{i}Gaudy{/i} is a good way of putting it, eh? That would be ol' August's doing. Fits him to the tee." chuck "Quite frankly, I don't know what the hell is wrong with a simple phone call, but I suppose it's all part of the mystique he seeks to cultivate." chuck "Says secrecy and exclusivity is paramount to drum up the brand of customer we cater to." chuck "Anyway, to get to the {b}point{/b} of the letter..." chuck "To put it simply, I own a significant stake in a local business, alongside two of my oldest friends. It's a lounge of sorts." chuck "We're looking for a new set of hands, and as luck would have it, my nephew told me you were {i}unhappy with teaching math to shitty brats{/i}. His words." chuck "Anyway, he quite emphatically recommended you for the position." chuck "I gave it some thought and realized, while you're not the type of person we typically employ, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing." chuck "Interested in a change of careers?" mc "A job at the... the {b}Carnation Club{/b}, you mean?" "I recalled the name ostentatiously printed in big gold letters." mc "I've never heard of it." chuck "That's by design. Our members are, to put it mildly, concerned with the question of privacy." chuck "As for specifics, well..." scene black with dissolve "..." scene player-room blur with dissolve show chuck-call with dissolve chuck "Good! I'll set up the meeting for say... around noon?" mc "Noon works for me." chuck "Excellent. You'll be meeting with an August Byrnes. He's a part-owner and the gentleman who runs the day-to-day business." chuck "Sorry for being light on the details, but the job itself is something that is best detailed in person." chuck "I can assure you though, it's worth your time. You'll be well compensated, plus there's some unique perks that'll knock you flat on your ass. I guarantee it! {b}Bahaha{/b}!" KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Count on me being there, sir." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Count on me being there, Dr. Chuck." mc "Thank you for the opportunity." scene player-room with dissolve "Whatever it is." scene player-room blur show chuck-call with dissolve chuck "Well, alright lad. I've got to run." chuck "If you take the job, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other very soon." KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Have a good afternoon, sir. Goodbye." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Great! Have a good one, Dr. Chuck. Goodbye!" play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" "*Beep.*" scene player-room with dissolve "He wasn't kidding about being light on the details." "In fact, I barely learned more than that bizarre letter already told me - which was precisely jack shit." "All I know is the place is some kind of lounge, but as to what I'd be doing there, Dr. Chuck was oddly evasive." "Some form of hospitality or service job would be a safe bet." scene pr0011 with dissolve mct "(I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to find out definitively.)" mc "..." mc "Ah, {b}crap{/b}!" scene player-room with dissolve "Suddenly, I remembered a conflicting date I had made." scene pr0011 with dissolve mct "(I was supposed to have lunch with Mom tomorrow...)" mct "(I guess I'll have to reschedule. It seems I bail on the plans we make more and more these days...)" scene player-room with dissolve "She'll be cool with it, but I still can't help but feel a little guilty when I picture her eating dinner all alone in that house." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "I tried looking the \'Carnation Club\' up on the Internet, but failed to find a single mention of it anywhere." mct "(It must really be as exclusive as he says.)" "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) # Dinner with Mom--------------------------------------------------------------- $ date = "may07night" stop sound scene pr0012 with blinds show screen qmenu with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve show may07night with squares play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" "To make up for having to cancel tomorrow's lunch plans, I instead had dinner at my mother's place that night." scene pr0013 with dissolve vic "I remember Dr. Kohler. Wasn't he... uh..." scene pr0014 with fade vic "Wasn't he a bit... off?" scene pr0015 with dissolve mc "He treated us more like adults than the other teachers did, if that's what you mean." scene pr0016 with dissolve vic "Hmm. Maybe that's it..." "She seemed like she wanted to say more, but thought better of it." scene pr0017 with dissolve vic "Well, if you're going to miss our date, you better get a good job out of this! Who else is going to take care of me when I'm old?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with fade KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reassure her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "We'll see, but I won't take it if it'll impact my studies." scene pr0019 with dissolve vic "Sometimes I wonder how I managed to raise you to be so damn serious. You didn't get that from your father OR me." KN_MOD "Joke with her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's a good question... we should probably start looking into retirement homes for you, huh?" scene pr0020 with dissolve vic "Oh, you ass!" scene pr0024 with dissolve vic "So you have no idea what sort of job you're interviewing for?" mc "I'm not even sure if it's going to be an interview." scene pr0025 with dissolve vic "That's kind of a weird thing not to know, ain't it?" scene pr0022 with dissolve mc "Ian recommended me for the job, so I don't know if this is more of an informal introduction or a proper job interview." scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "It pays to know people, huh? Speaking of Ian..." vic "How {i}is{/i} our little heartthrob?" mc "Pretty much like high-school, but... uh, {i}worse{/i}." scene pr0019 with dissolve vic "You shouldn't be so harsh on him, hun." vic "There's nothing wrong with enjoying your youth. How else are you going to work out what you want out of life?" vic "In fact, I don't think it'd hurt for you to follow his example once in a while." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You might be right, but... his definition of fun is the kind of frivolity his family's wealth affords him." mc "Although, I'm not sure if I had all the money in the world I'd behave the way he does." scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "That's 'cause you're a sweet boy, but then so is Ian in his own way." KN_MOD "Theres a limit.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sure, but there's such a thing as common decency. He can be a {b}real{/b} prick sometimes." scene pr0025 with dissolve vic "You should cut him some slack. You know how he was brought up." scene pr0022 with dissolve "My mom was right. Even if our personalities are night and day, Ian has always been a good friend to me." "Even though I suck at calling him, he's been insistent on keeping in touch over the years." mct "(Come to think of it, I should call and thank him for mentioning me to his uncle.)" scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "Say hi to him from me the next time you see him, okay?" mc "Will do." scene pr0022 with dissolve mc "So..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prVicDinner:" KN_MOD "Talk about... if prVicDinner_score < 3:" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Her work. if prVicDinner_work == False:" show screen textbox2 mc "How's work coming?" scene pr0024 with dissolve vic "Mind numbing! Just about the only regular work I can find is copy editing." "A few years after I moved away from home, my mother is finally dusting off her English degree she was working on when she met Dad." vic "Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the freedom. I like working from home and it's better than being walked all over as a PA or book-keeping with a handsy boss..." scene pr0022 with dissolve "Growing up, my mother often had to work multiple jobs to make ends meet." "My mom has worn many hats over the years, from clerical work to retail to more demeaning labor. That's why..." mc "Once I'm a doctor and pulling in money, you can focus on what you want to write, okay?" scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "Oh? Already writing checks you can't cash are we?" vic "I was only kidding earlier about you taking care of me. You know that, right?" scene pr0022 with dissolve mc "So? I'm serious." mc "It's only fair after all you've..." scene pr0026 with dissolve vic "{b}Stop it{/b}! I appreciate the sentiment..." vic "But, you know I could never ask or accept that from you. I have too much pride for that." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve $ prVicDinner_work = True $ prVicDinner_score += 1 KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Her dating life. if prVicDinner_date == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hey... didn't you mention last week you set up an online dating profile? How's that going?" "Growing up, my mother's romantic entanglements were few and far between. Even as a kid I could tell she was lonely." "I'd wager even more so since I moved out of the house three years ago." scene pr0027 with dissolve vic "I did, but I'm still not sure if I should take it seriously. Online dating at my age feels kinda... pathetic." scene pr0018 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her its not pathetic.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's not pathetic - it's just about how everyone does it these days. You should try to find someone." scene pr0019 vic "I can say the same to you. It's not good for a young man in his prime to lock himself away in his apartment studying all the time." vic "You're only 21, it's your prerogative to let loose and sow a few wild oats." scene pr0018 mc "How could I ever think of dating when I've got my own aging mother facing spinsterhood?" scene pr0020 vic "Nice try, but you don't fool me. You just want someone else to help out around here." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve $ prVicDinner_date = True $ prVicDinner_score += 1 KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Dissuade her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It might be for the best. Who knows what kinda weirdos are out there?" scene pr0027 with dissolve vic "Yeah, you do hear stories..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve mc "Just give it time." mc "People found other people before online dating." $ prVicDinner_date = True $ prVicDinner_score += 1 KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Recent movies. if prVicDinner_movies == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You watch any movies recently?" scene pr0021 vic "Hmm, I did watch one I hadn't seen before recently. A movie called {i}Spirits of the Dead{/i}." vic "It's an anthology film depicting three adaptations of Edgar Allen Poe short stories, one of which is by Fellini." vic "I think you would like it. {b}In fact{/b}, we could watch it tonight if you want..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve $ prVicDinner_movies = True $ prVicDinner_score += 1 KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Compliment her cooking. if prVicDinner_compliment == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Dinner was delicious, Mom. Thanks for the food." scene pr0028 with dissolve vic "Happy to hear it. I've been trying to become a better cook now that I've got more free time." vic "I always felt bad about the amount of takeout we ate when you were growing up." scene pr0025 with dissolve vic "You come around more often, there may be more in it for you." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0018 with dissolve $ prVicDinner_compliment = True KN_MOD "jump prVicDinner" KN_MOD "Finish the conversation and excuse yourself to the bathroom.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I've got to hit the head." scene pr0021 vic "Would you like a plate to take home?" scene pr0018 mc "Yeah, it's been ramen for me all week... so, {b}yes{/b}. I would like that." # Mom exposition --------------------------------------------------------------- scene black with dissolve "My mother..." stop music fadeout 4.0 play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" $ renpy.pause(4, hard=True) scene player-room-dark with dissolve "She's the only person I call family." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" fadein 3.0 "She and I have been on our own since I was six years old." scene pr0030 with dissolve "Even at life's most bitter moments, she never faltered in her role as a mother to me." "Having run away from home when she was a teenager, and with my paternal grandparents not wanting anything to do with us following my father's death, the responsibility of my upbringing rested solely on her shoulders." scene pr0031 with dissolve "Despite being utterly alone, I remember her always looking ahead for my sake, face affixed in a radiant smile and putting on a brave front so I wouldn't worry." scene pr0032 with dissolve "When I was too much to handle, and trust me I was, she never so much as veered from her characteristic gentle demeanor." scene pr0033 with dissolve "I don't know how she managed it alone. Rearing a child, paying the bills, putting food on the table..." "I brought it up one time, and all she had to say was..." scene pr0034 with dissolve vic "I wasn't alone! I have you, dummy." scene black with fade mc "(...but I do know how she managed it, don't I?)" scene pr0035 with pixellate cm "Why are you acting so shy, Ma'am?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr0036 with dissolve with dissolve cm "It's not like it's your first time, right?" scene player-room-dark with pixellate play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" mct "(Oh...?)" mct "(Good, it's Ian.)" play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" fadein 3.0 mct "(I can take this opportunity to thank him properly.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu # May 07 Ian Text -------------------------------------------------------------- scene player-room-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_1" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, Hey, Doc!) from _call_message_start_1" KN_MOD "call message (Killian, Why dont you put a pin in studying and come join us for some fun?) from _call_message" KN_MOD "call message_img(Killian, Minas got an OLDER friend thats keen to meet you. I know thats how you like em. ;),killian01) from _call_message_img" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_1" scene pr0041 with dissolve "I got to hand it to Killian. Aside from being the one who makes the effort, he does his best as a wingman." mct "(At least one of us is trying to get me laid.)" scene player-room-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_2" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, You got a sailor uniform somewhere? I may or may not have told her you were a pent up navyman on shore leave.) from _call_message_start_2" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_2" mct "(...)" "I just wish he didn't do it in the worst way imaginable." scene player-room-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_3" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, So, what do you think? Blow off some steam before finals?) from _call_message_start_3" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Politely decline.,politelydecline,Get annoyed.,getannoyed)" KN_MOD "label politelydecline:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Nah, its late and Im going to hit the sack.) from _call_message_start_4" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Plus, Ive got a meeting with your uncle tomorrow about working at that lounge he owns. Thanks for that, by the way. Youre a better friend than I.) from _call_reply_message" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Already? I didnt expect that to get set up so soon. When?) from _call_message_1" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Noon.) from _call_reply_message_1" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, I see...) from _call_message_2" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Anyway more fun for me I guess!) from _call_message_3" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Night!) from _call_message_4" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_3" KN_MOD "jump killiangoodnight" KN_MOD "label getannoyed:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) $ prKillianAnnoyed = True KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_1" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Will you stop lying on my behalf? That woman looks nice. Dont be a jerk.) from _call_message_start_5" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Cmon, dude! Start thinking with that seriously underused, OTHER head of yours.) from _call_message_5" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Anyway, I cant go out tonight. I got a meeting that your uncle set up for me tomorrow about that job.) from _call_reply_message_2" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Shit. I didnt expect that to get set up so soon. When?) from _call_message_6" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Noon.) from _call_reply_message_3" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, I see...) from _call_message_7" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Anyway, since youre being a self-righteous ass, more fun for me I guess!) from _call_message_8" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Night.) from _call_message_9" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_4" KN_MOD "jump killiangoodnight" KN_MOD "label killiangoodnight:" KN_MOD "if prKillianAnnoyed == True:" scene player-room-dark with dissolve mc "..." mct "(Shit. I forgot to thank him...)" mct "(I'll do it the next time I talk to him.)" stop music fadeout 4.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu scene black with dissolve $ profilehubunlock = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show biounlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "..." scene pr0040 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" "As much as I want to, it's too late to study tonight." mct "(Mom ended up roping me into watching one of her old Italian flicks.)" scene player-room-dark with dissolve stop sound fadeout 1.0 mct "(I guess I'll just head to bed.)" scene black with dissolve "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionmina01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "may08day" stop sound KN_MOD "label may08start:" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 08 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# scene pr0042 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu show may08day with squares play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "The next day I took the subway to the address Dr. Chuck provided me, a brick tower starkly at odds with its surrounding neighbors." "I was told to ride the elevator to the 10th floor, walk up two more floors, and give the bouncer the password." # Meeting with Killian --------------------------------------------------------- scene pr0043 with blinds mct "(This whole thing feels stupidly clandestine.)" scene pr0044 with dissolve play music "music/hotshot.ogg" kil "Yo, Doctor [mcl]!" scene pr0045 with dissolve mc "Huh...?" scene pr0046 with dissolve mc "Ian!" scene pr0047 with dissolve mc "What are you doing here?" scene pr0048 with dissolve kil "I work here, but {b}today{/b}..." kil "Well, I didn't want you to go into this thing alone." mct "(I thought he worked as a photographer...?)" scene pr0047 with dissolve mc "... and just why shouldn't I go into this thing alone?" scene pr0048 with dissolve kil "Don't worry, figure of speech. This place is fucking awesome. I just know how you hate surprises." kil "Plus it'll be handy to have someone around to help remove that stick from your ass." kil "C'mon, let's head on up. I'll fill you in on the way." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene black with blinds play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" kil "So, how much did the old bastard tell you exactly?" scene pr0049 with dissolve mc "Dr. Chuck?" mc "Next to nothing. He said this place is a lounge?" kil "That is {b}one{/b} way to paint the picture I suppose, but if you wanted to cut through the bullshit..." kil "Well, there's no way around this one: this place is a... brothel?" kil "Sex club...? Y'know, it's actually hard to categorize when you start splitting hairs." mc "A brothel? {b}Fuck{/b} off with your stupid jokes." kil "You don't believe me?" mc "No, of course not. You're busting my balls." kil "Fine, if you don't want to believe me, just don't say I didn't give you a heads up." play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" "{b}*Ding!*{/b}" scene black with dissolve # Meeting Jacob ---------------------------------------------------------------- scene pr0050 with dissolve "After ascending the next two floors on foot, we emerged into a room very unlike the sterile, office-like environment that preceded it. " scene pr0051 with dissolve kil "Jacob!" scene pr0052 with dissolve kil "This is my friend [mcf]. He's who you're expecting." kil "[mcf], this is Jacob. He's one of two bouncers here. You'll come to note he's the handsome and likable one." scene pr0053 with dissolve jacob "You have a friend outside the club that {b}doesn't{/b} have a set of long legs and a pair of breasts?" scene pr0054 with dissolve kil "We go way back. All the way back to elementary school." scene pr0203 with dissolve jacob "Is that so? Well, it's good to meet you, [mcf]." mc "Likewise, Jacob. It's good to meet you too." scene pr0054 with dissolve kil "Is it cool to head on in?" scene pr0055 with dissolve jacob "Be my guest. Boss is behind the bar." scene pr0053 with dissolve kil "C'mon, let's go." stop music fadeout 3.0 # Meeting August and Kathleen--------------------------------------------------- hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) scene pr0056 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene pr0057 with dissolve play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve kil "Look at what the cat dragged in!" scene pr0058 with dissolve bar "That's my line, kid." scene pr0059 with squares woman "Who's your handsome friend, Ian?" scene pr0057 with dissolve kil "He's the guy my uncle mentioned. Let me introduce you two to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let Ian finish.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0060 with dissolve kil " [mcf]. You might not believe it, but I actually owe a lot of who I am today to him." mct "(Considering his {i}personality{/i}, is that supposed to be a ringing endorsement...? Still, he's clearly doing his best to sell me.)" mct "(Thanks, Ian.)" KN_MOD "Interrupt Ian and introduce yourself.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0061 with dissolve mc "...[mcf] [mcl]. Thank you for seeing me." scene pr0062 with dissolve bar "Nice to meet you, [mcf]. I'm August Byrnes, manager and part proprietor of the Carnation Club." show pr0063 with wipeleft aug "This vision of loveliness is Kathleen Pulman. She also owns a stake in the club, as well as managing our entertainment and headhunting needs." scene pr0064 with dissolve kat "My, you're certainly easy on the eyes." kat "It's nice to get a fresh, young face around here. Ian excluded, all a girl can get in this place for eye-candy are old men." scene pr0063 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu katflirt01:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Butterfly]{/color} Flirt with her. if perk_socialButterfly == True:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0065 with dissolve mc "If a beautiful woman like yourself is hitting on me, it really must be that bad." scene pr0067 with dissolve kat "Hmm, I like you. You want to know what the first thing Ian said to me was?" kat "He said... {i}you got a great ass, for an old lady{/i}." scene pr0068 with dissolve kat "Can you believe that?" scene pr0066 with dissolve mc "Uh, yeah I unfortunately can." scene pr0069 with dissolve kil "Come on! Are you ever going to let that go? I said I was sorry. You know, in my defense..." scene pr0070 with dissolve kil "Eh... You know what? Never mind." kil "I'll stop before I put my foot in my mouth." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Butterfly] Flirt with her.{/color} if perk_socialChameleon == True or perk_strongman == True:" KN_MOD "jump katflirt01" KN_MOD "Move on to why youre here.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Pleased to meet you." scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene pr0071 with blinds "After a few minutes of friendly chatter, I arrived at the perfect opportunity to finally broach the question that's been burning in my mind." "After all, even if I didn't believe what Ian told me in the elevator, there was still a nasty seed planted in the back of my mind that he could actually be serious for once." mct "(Dr. Chuck had been suspiciously sparse with the details on this place...)" mc "You've got a nice place here, it seems pretty upscale. So, do you cater to businessmen or...?" scene pr0072 with dissolve aug "..." scene pr0204 with dissolve aug "Pfft, hahaha!" aug "Chuck had you walk in here for a meeting without even filling you in on the place, didn't he?" aug "Yep, that's definitely his idea of a joke!" scene pr0072 with dissolve aug "Still, Killian didn't blow the lid off this place? That I can't believe, with his 100 mile per hour mouth." mc "...well, he had some peculiar things to say, but he makes bad jokes all the time." scene pr0076 with dissolve kat "What did Ian tell you?" mc "He said this place was a brothel." scene pr0077 with dissolve "As I watched the man behind the bar pause for a moment to carefully consider his reply, my mind turned over on itself and began to entertain the outrageous possibility that Ian wasn't bullshitting me." scene pr0078 with dissolve aug "You know, I prefer the term {b}gentleman's lounge{/b} myself. Brothel has crass connotations, while the Carnation Club is {b}MUCH{/b} more than a simple cathouse." scene pr0075 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" mc "..." stop music play sound "sound effects/breaking-glass.wav" scene pr0074 with hpunch mc "...huh?" mct "(Everyone is in on the joke, right...? That has to be it.)" "An awkward silence fell over the room as I waited for the punchline that wasn't coming." "As the silence grew thicker, I recalled my mother's vague mistrust of Dr. Chuck last night, and suddenly, it seemed more and more valid." mc "You can't be..." scene pr0073 with dissolve play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" aug "Serious as a heart attack." scene pr0071 with dissolve kat "{i}*sigh*{/i} Charles REALLY should've mentioned it to the boy, don't you think?" kil "It was necessary to get him in the door." "My brain immediately entered into a tug-o-war between being angry and finding the whole situation absurdly amusing." mct "(So that means Dr. Chuck, the mentor I've known for years, is some kind of... {b}pimp{/b}?)" "It's so outrageous, that it bordered on hilarious." scene pr0073 with dissolve aug "I can see on your face that you're already half way out the door." aug "Let me ask you this, is it the legality of our business that's giving you cold feet?" aug "There's no getting around it: the Morehead Hills Police Department doesn't look too kindly on the trade." scene pr0204 with dissolve aug "Luckily, we count the chief of police as one of our most senior members! Gufawhaha!" "All I could really do is stare at the old man, dumb-founded as he laughed at some imagined joke." scene pr0072 with dissolve aug "Let me put your fears to rest, kid. You don't have to worry. Working here won't {i}ever{/i} bring you any heat." aug "We're well-connected for one and otherwise well-insulated from the outside world." aug "This isn't a back-alley massage parlor or a tweaker tricking out his girlfriend in a motel room." aug "We've been up and running for nearly four years without a hint of the pigs sniffing around the place. I work hard to keep it that way." scene pr1993 with dissolve mc "...good for you, I guess?" scene pr1998 with dissolve "My brain was too busy looking for a way to eject myself from the situation than to process and tactfully respond to the bullshit the old man behind the counter was spewing." "In what world is that a convincing argument?" kat "{i}*sigh*{/i} No, he DEFINITELY should have told him. I think you've overwhelmed the poor boy." scene pr1995 with dissolve kil "C'mon, lighten up. I've been working here for a while now and this place is great." kil "Besides, I asked a favor of my uncle for this. At least hear about the job itself and what you'll get paid." scene pr1996 with dissolve mc "Um... yeah, no. Thanks, but {b}no thanks{/b}." mc "I've got my future to think of and getting wrapped up in something like this is out of the question." scene pr1997 with dissolve kil "That is EXACTLY why I want to get you in on this, dude. You and I aren't on the same wavelength anymore, but we could be." scene pr1996 with dissolve mc "...sorry, Ian. I can't. I should go." scene pr0073 with dissolve aug "I respect your decision. A man your age being careful about his future is admirable, but come back anytime if you change your mind." scene pr1994 with dissolve mc "I don't think I will." mc "I better leave now. I'm sorry to have wasted your time." scene pr0078 with dissolve aug "You'll see him out, Killian?" scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.0 "....." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "..." $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene pr0079 with blinds kat "Hmm... what do you think, Augie?" kat "Why did Charles send a boy like that to us?" scene pr0080 with dissolve kat "It's almost the most lucrative time of the year for our little game." scene pr0081 with dissolve kat "Darius, that fucking idiot..." kat "Being down a man this close to the exhibition is unacceptable." scene pr0078 with dissolve aug "What I think is... the boy has potential." aug "Chuck knows the boy rather well and if he says he'll be a good fit, I trust his judgment." scene pr0077 with dissolve kat "You have a few others vetted just in case he still refuses, I hope." aug "..." scene pr0078 with dissolve aug "Don't worry about that, Kat. He'll be back." scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_august = True $ met_jacob = True $ met_kathleen = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica03 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) # May 08 Call with Dr. Chuck --------------------------------------------------- stop sound scene player-room with blinds play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve $ date = "may08night" show may08night with squares "To take my mind off of trying to make sense of today, I decided to focus my concentration on something else that didn't make a lick of sense to me: my impending Waves and Oscillation final." "Or at least I tried to." hide may08night with blinds play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "{b}*Ring, ring.*{/b}" "The face of my phone lit up, revealing to me that it was Dr. Chuck." mct "(What the hell do I even say to him?)" scene player-room blur show chuck-call play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "{i}*Beep*{/i}." mc "Hello." chuck "[mcf]. Glad you picked up." chuck "I hope you don't mind the impromptu call. Ian told me you weren't sold on working for the Carnation Club." mct "(Is... is he fucking serious? Did he really think I would be?)" mc "It's more like I can't even comprehend anything that happened today." mc "For one, you made a fortune making spaceplane parts, didn't you?" chuck "That I did, lad. This is more like a... hobby. A side business to wile away the days of my retirement." mct "(Is he hearing himself right now? Running a brothel as a hobby...?)" mc "Well, whatever. That's not important. The simple fact is that I'm not interested." mc "I have my future to consider and that is that." chuck "Ah, you see lad, your future is precisely why I thought you would be a good fit for the job in the first place, but you got so spooked that August never had the chance to explain the finer details." KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "I don't really want to hear it, sir. I have the MCATs and admission interviews next year." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I don't really need to hear them. I have the MCATs and admission interviews next year." chuck "You see, {b}that{/b} is one of the finer details I'd like to discuss with you." chuck "The Carnation Club isn't some den of iniquity. It's a fraternity." mc "It doesn't matter what you call it." chuck "Don't be so sure. What does a fraternity usually offer besides camaraderie and a sense of brotherhood?" "Without giving me a chance to even parse if that was meant to be rhetorical, Dr. Chuck continued on with his spiel." chuck "Networking. {b}Connections{/b}." chuck "Some of the most wealthy and influential of Morehead Hills and the surrounding tri-state area are among the club's member base. If you're looking to get into your first school of choice, it could likely be secured thanks to the club's connections." mc "Yeah, right." chuck "It's true! I promise!" chuck "You know how the world works. It's all about who you know, and with the club, you'll find yourself knowing a lot more people." "Is he telling me that if I work for that shady old man, I could schmooze my way all the way up to a good fellowship?" chuck "That's not to mention, on top of a pretty good working wage, for every semester you work at the club, I will see to it that your tuition is taken care of." stop music fadeout 1.0 mc "..." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" mc "...let me get this straight: you're offering to pay my way through medical school?" chuck "That's right." mc "...and what could I possibly do at the club that would make it worth all that money?" chuck "You'll be working under Kathleen during the summer exhibition, but year-round, you'll mostly be a pair of extra hands. Running errands, moving things, that kind of work." mc "Summer exhibition?" chuck "That's right. I can explain the details more later, but the gist is you'll be looking out for the performers' well-being during the event." chuck "Boosting morale, making sure they're safe, and keeping them fighting fit. It's a pretty good gig if I say so myself, lad." mc "...the value of that couldn't possibly justify paying my tuition." chuck "Weren't you listening when I said it's about who you know? Having someone with a bright future like yourself as a member will bring the club both tangible and intangible benefits in the long run." chuck "Plus, I like you and we go way back." chuck "I made a private fortune during my time as an engineer, more than a man with my modest tastes could possibly spend, so I jump at the chance to spread it around to those I consider worthwhile." chuck "Putting a lad like you through school, I'd say that's worthwhile." mc "Listen, I'll admit that doesn't sound bad, but..." mct "(In fact, if what he's offering me is true, it's UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING.)" mct "(I'd be a fucking idiot for turning it down. The leg up I'd have from not going into student debt would be tremendous...)" chuck "I'll tell you what." chuck "Come to the club tomorrow at 8pm. You'll meet a charming lady who I suspect you'll enjoy working alongside." chuck "If you go there and it doesn't change your mind, I understand." mc "..." mc "Okay, fine, but tell me one thing." chuck "What is it, lad?" mc "Why consider me for this in the first place?" chuck "Honestly, it's my nephew. Having no children of my own, I have a soft spot for Ian and he asked me to hire you." chuck "It's that simple." mc "...I'll go. You said 8 PM, right?" chuck "Glad to hear it! You won't regret it in the least." "......" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black "..." scene pr0040 with blinds play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" mct "(It all comes down to Ian, huh?)" mct "(After dragging him into all kinds of trouble when we were kids, it seems we've flipped our dynamic on its head.)" "..." hide screen textbox2 ## May 08 Mom Text ------------------------------------------------------------- scene black with dissolve play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene player-room-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_vic from _call_phone_start_vic" KN_MOD "call message_start(Mom, Hey, hun! I havent heard from you all day.) from _call_message_start_6" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, How did your interview go?) from _call_message_10" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(It went okay.,wentokay,Deflect.,deflect)" KN_MOD "label wentokay:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_2" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], I have the job if I want it, but Im not sure if its a good fit for me.) from _call_message_start_7" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, Thats okay! You should do what you feel most comfortable with.) from _call_message_11" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, You should know Im proud of you no matter what direction you decide to go in life.) from _call_message_12" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, I couldnt ask for a better son.) from _call_message_13" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Thanks mom, but youre laying it on pretty thick.) from _call_reply_message_4" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, Thats my job!) from _call_message_14" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, Have a good night, sweetie.) from _call_message_15" KN_MOD "jump vicaftertext01" KN_MOD "label deflect:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_3" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], I dont want to talk about it.) from _call_message_start_8" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, That bad?) from _call_message_16" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, You shouldnt let it get you down.) from _call_message_17" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, You should know Im proud of you no matter what.) from _call_message_18" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, I couldnt ask for a better son.) from _call_message_19" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Thanks mom, but youre laying it on pretty thick, dont you think?) from _call_reply_message_5" KN_MOD "call message(Mom, Maaaaaybe. ;)) from _call_message_20" KN_MOD "call message (Mom, Have a good night, sweetie.) from _call_message_21" KN_MOD "jump vicaftertext01" KN_MOD "label vicaftertext01:" KN_MOD "call phone_end_vic from _call_phone_end_vic" scene player-room-dark with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "........." scene black with dissolve "......" stop music fadeout 3.0 "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "label may09start:" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 09 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# $ date = "may09night" stop sound play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene pr0082 with blinds show may09night with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The next night." scene club-fr-night2 blur hide screen textbox2 scene club-fr-night2 KN_MOD "call phone_start_chuck from _call_phone_start_chuck" # May 09 Text with Dr. Chuck --------------------------------------------------- play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Im here.,arrivalnormal,Now what?,arrivalcurt)" KN_MOD "label arrivalnormal:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_4" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Im here.) from _call_message_start_9" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Excellent. Head up to the bar.) from _call_message_22" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Ill honor whatever decision you come to regarding the lass. Talk to you later.) from _call_message_23" KN_MOD "jump rosalindintro" KN_MOD "label arrivalcurt:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_5" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Im outside. Now what?) from _call_message_start_10" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Just head on in.) from _call_message_24" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Ill honor whatever decision you come to regarding the lass. Talk to you later.) from _call_message_25" KN_MOD "jump rosalindintro" KN_MOD "label rosalindintro:" KN_MOD "call phone_end_chuck from _call_phone_end_chuck" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(What the hell does that mean?)" # Meeting Warren and Rose ----------------------------------------------------- stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene club-door with fade "With no Ian or Jacob to usher me in, the trek up to the bar was an eerily quiet one." show pr0084 with wipeleft "Inside the bar, waited two bodies. One, an intimidatingly large man and the other a woman sitting quietly on a sofa near the entrance." "The man I recognized from yesterday's visit, though we were never introduced." scene pr0085 with dissolve "The woman..." scene pr0086 with dissolve "Was a beautiful, new face." scene pr0088 with dissolve man "Hiya, kid." man "You ran out of here so fast yesterday that I didn't get the chance to say hello." scene pr0089 with dissolve man "The name is Warren." war "I'm in charge of security around here." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0090 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Return his greeting.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "[mcf]. Nice to meet you." KN_MOD "Shake his hand.:" $ Warren_Friendship += 1 $ Warren_Friendship = clamp(Warren_Friendship, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0091 with fade mc "[mcf]." scene pr0092 with dissolve war "Well, now that you've arrived, I can finally get the fuck out of here." "Warren abruptly began to leave." war "You'll have the run of the place for the next couple of hours." war "The {b}good{/b} alcohol is below the bar." stop music fadeout 3.0 war "Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Hahahaha!" scene pr0093 with dissolve mc "Wait, what do you...?" scene pr0094 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr0095 with dissolve "As I turned to face the only other occupant in the bar, unable to make heads nor tails of what's going on, the woman timidly greeted me with a faint smile." "She seemed nervous, not knowing if she should be the one to break the silence." "After a few awkward seconds that felt like it spanned a lifetime, one of us finally yielded." scene pr0096 with dissolve play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" woman "You're Mr. [mcl], right? I didn't expect you to be so young..." woman "Oh! I'm sorry if that came across as rude..." "She knows my name it seems." "I, on the other hand, haven't the faintest clue who she is." mc "I'm sorry, but who are you...?" scene pr0097 with dissolve woman "Oh! Sorry..." scene pr0098 with fade woman "I'm Rosalind Carter, but everyone calls me Rose." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0099 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Compliment her name.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Rosalind. I like that name, it's very pretty." scene pr0098 with dissolve rose "Thank you." KN_MOD "Move on.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass scene pr0101 with dissolve rose "So..." rose"Should we... begin?" mc "Begin what?" rose "My interview." rose "Do you want to talk first or should I just..." stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" rose "Undress?" mc "Huh...?" scene pr0102 with dissolve mc "What? {b}N-no!{/b}" scene pr0100 with dissolve "At my emphatic rejection to her offer, the color seemed to drain from her face and a sense of worry took its place." mct "(Damn it, this whole thing suddenly makes a lot of sense.)" scene pr0101 with dissolve rose "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I..." mc "Not wrong. It's more like I wasn't expecting you to suddenly offer to take your clothes off." mc "To be honest, I didn't know what to expect tonight or even who I was meeting." scene pr0101 rose " weren't told to expect me?" mc "No, not exactly." mc "How about we sit and have a friendly conversation, okay?" scene pr0100 rose "Alright..." scene pr0103 with fade play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" mc "Let's start from the beginning. Why do you think you're here?" scene pr0104 with dissolve rose "To interview for the club." rose "Specifically, I was told to meet a Mr. [mcl] - uh, you right? - and have sex with you." mc "...and who told you to do that?" scene pr0105 with dissolve rose "It was someone your age, his name was..." mc "...Killian?" scene pr0106 with dissolve rose "Yeah, that's it!" scene pr0104 with dissolve rose "Mrs. Pulman, the lady at the Eden Women's Fund, introduced me to him a month ago." rose "I was afraid that he was stringing me along, that this whole deal was a trick... but then he sent me this address and told me to 'convince' you of my qualifications." scene pr0107 with dissolve rose "That you would decide if I was... a good fit for this place." scene pr0104 with dissolve rose "... but you don't know anything about this?" scene pr0103 with dissolve "I suppose some transparency on my end is fair." mc "Not a thing, I only just had an interview here yesterday myself, but I left with no intention of working here." scene pr0107 with dissolve rose "So, you don't work for Mrs. Pulman then?" scene pr0103 with dissolve mc "No, I only recently met her myself through Killian. He's a..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Good friend of mine.:" $ Rosalind_Affection -= 1 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "A good friend of mine." KN_MOD "An acquaintance of mine.:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Someone I used to go to school with." mc "Anyway, this is just a hunch, but I think you're being used to give me a taste for this place in addition to your interview." scene pr0108 with dissolve rose "...a taste?" scene pr0107 with dissolve rose "..." rose "...but what about me? I really {b}need{/b} this chance." scene pr0110 with dissolve "I could tell by the plaintive tone of her voice that joining the club must be important to her." "I recalled Dr. Chuck saying he'd honor my decision tonight. At the time that was indecipherable, but now it's clear what he meant." "It's up to me if this woman can join the club or not." mct "(I have no reason to deny her, but...)" "Just a quick glance over at the womanly curvature of Rosalind's body kindled a strong feeling of desire, but coupled with the ease of conquest presenting itself, spun that into a devious, actionable thought." mct "(She DID come here expecting as much, so there's no harm in taking advantage of the situation and having a little fun, right?)" stop music fadeout 2.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take advantage of her.:" $ toughness += 5 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Rosalind_Affection -= 10 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) $ roseTakeAdvantage = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump rosetakeadvantage" KN_MOD "Tell her she can join.:" $ toughness -= 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Rosalind_Affection += 5 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump rosebenice" KN_MOD "label rosetakeadvantage:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "It's not everyday that a beautiful woman just falls into your lap." scene pr0111 with dissolve mc "Why don't we get started on the interview?" scene pr0112 with dissolve "Rosalind tensed up in my hands, no doubt sensing the sudden change in my demeanor." "Honestly, even part of me couldn't believe that I could slip into a predatory role so easily." scene pr0113 rose "O-okay..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu rosetakeadvantagemenu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Governor]{/color} Thats Yes, sir. if trait_governor == True and prYesSir == False:" $ rosePN = "Sir" $ prYesSir = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0112 with dissolve mc "From here on out, if you want to make a good impression, it's {i}Yes, sir{/i}." rose "..." scene pr0114 with dissolve rose "Yes... [rosePN]" scene pr0115 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump rosetakeadvantagemenu" KN_MOD "Tell her to undress.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump roseTAundress" KN_MOD "Kiss her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump RoseTAkiss" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Governor] Thats Yes, sir.{/color} if trait_governor == False:" KN_MOD "jump rosetakeadvantagemenu" KN_MOD "label RoseTAkiss:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 $ Rosalind_Libido = clamp(Rosalind_Libido, 0, 20) scene pr0116 with fade "Before I could let my usual inhibitions get in the way of the fun, I pressed on." play sound "sound effects/kiss1.wav" rose "mmh...!" "At first it was awkward, a mismatch of my own enthusiasm and Rosalind's surprise at the sudden assault on her mouth." scene pr0117 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/kiss1.wav" rose "mmwa...!" "... but soon, she relaxed and was reciprocating in return, gradually falling into a pleasant rhythm as things started getting heated." scene black with fade "Minutes later, Rosalind had proven surprisingly receptive to my ministrations as all tension seemed to evaporate and I felt her body go slack in my arms." scene pr0118 with dissolve rose "Ha... ha..." "It was finally time to move things along." $ prRoseTAkiss = True KN_MOD "jump roseTAundress" KN_MOD "label roseTAundress:" mc "I want you to slowly slide off the dress. Okay?" KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" "Rosalind took a few seconds to carefully process what I had asked of her, before finally answering..." KN_MOD "if prRoseTAkiss == True:" scene pr0120 with fade rose "Yes, [rosePN]..." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0119 with fade rose "Yes, [rosePN]..." KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if prRoseTAkiss == True:" "Rosalind took a few seconds to carefully process what I had asked of her, before wordlessly setting off on the task." scene pr0120 with fade KN_MOD "else:" "Rosalind took a few seconds to carefully process what I had asked of her, before wordlessly setting off on the task." scene pr0119 with fade scene pr0121 with dissolve "..." scene pr0122 with dissolve "Without any sense of theatrics, she quickly slipped out of her dress." scene pr0123 with dissolve mct "(...!)" with vpunch "As she turned to face me, it felt like someone had kicked me straight in the gut." "I could barely stop myself from sputtering, my breath catching in my throat as I took in the salacious curves and bends of the woman in front of me." "Large breasts resting atop a slender frame, with an invitingly pleasant, plump softness that extended from her waist to her hips." "I don't know how long I spent drinking in her near-nude form, but by the time I had been pulled from my reverie, Rosalind wore an uncomfortable expression practically begging to move things along." mc "Alright. Put your hands behind your back and stand up straight." KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" rose "Yes... [rosePN]." scene pr0124 with dissolve "It felt like magic. I had told her what to do and she had complied in spite of clear, burning embarrassment and clear reticence." "Seeing her there, almost fully exposed with nothing but a small cotton cloth to cover her modesty, stoked a sadistic fire in the pit of my stomach." KN_MOD "if toughness <= 19:" "Despite this, a part of me couldn't help but feel guilty and pathetic at taking advantage of the situation, but it's what she came here to do, right?" "Regardless, the sight of her ample breasts and near flawless alabaster skin was truly a sight to behold." KN_MOD "else:" "Any guilt or personal smallness I felt at taking advantage of the situation melted away in lieu of the sight of her ample breasts and near flawless alabastar skin." "She truly was a sight to behold." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her shes beautiful.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're incredible, downright beautiful." "Without really thinking, I shared my honest thoughts." "Naturally, given the situation, the words played less like a genuine compliment and more like the utterance of a creep." scene pr0125 with dissolve rose "Uh, thanks... I guess." scene pr0127 with dissolve KN_MOD "Let the moment pass.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass KN_MOD "label roseTAmasturbation:" "To be honest, a part from some blips - a year-long relationship and a couple of casual encounters Ian practically threw in my lap - my experience with the opposite sex has been quite narrow." "Wanting to make the most of it, a devilish idea formed in my head." scene pr0124 with dissolve mc "Why don't you put on a show for me." scene pr0151 with irisin mc "Use the edge of the table and try to get yourself off." scene pr0128 with dissolve rose "You want me to...?" scene pr0129 with dissolve "Her face turned a deep shade of crimson." scene pr0128 with dissolve rose "Wouldn't you rather just have... {i}sex{/i}?" scene pr0129 with dissolve "The request seemed to deeply embarrass her. In some sense, masturbating in front of someone feels more intimate than simply fucking them." "It was only natural for her to pull back at the request, which was what made it so fun." scene pr0130 with dissolve mc "If you can't do that, don't you think you're barking up the wrong tree interviewing for a place like this?" scene pr0131 with dissolve rose "..." scene black with fade rose "H-how do you want me?" rose " this?" scene rosarub_a with dissolve show rosarub "Rosalind started slow, at first giving a few tentative thrusts, before starting in earnest." "This carried on for a few minutes, the dispassionate gyrations of Rosalind's hips not eliciting even a trace of arousal on the woman's bare skin." "No surprise there. The whole situation is about as awkward as you'd expect." "You can't just tell someone to fuck a piece of furniture and expect them to be into it." mc "Shall I give you a hand getting into it?" scene pr0134 with fade scene pr0153 with dissolve rose "--!" scene pr0134 with dissolve "Roughly taking ahold of Rose's fat tits in the palms of my hands, I went about exploring their ample surface - kneading, pulling, and squeezing them to my heart's content." rose "Nwha~!" scene pr0153 with dissolve "The sudden attention had brought Rose's own efforts to a halt." scene pr0134 with dissolve mc "I didn't say stop masturbating, did I?" scene pr0135 with flash "To emphasize my point, I roughly gave her right nipple a fierce tug." scene pr0152 with dissolve rose "T-too rough!" "Despite her protest, the sudden shock seemed to jump start her back to the task, igniting a more passionate display." mc "Y'know... I had heard that larger breasts were less sensitive than smaller ones, but that doesn't seem true in your case, does it?" mc "In fact, it seems these obscene milkbags are your weak points!" play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene pr0134 with flash sys "{b}*Whack*{/b}!" rose "--{b}ghaaa!{/b}" scene pr0153 with dissolve "Before long, I couldn't restrain myself." "Try as I might to belabor the fun, the novelty of the situation and the friction of Rose's soft back grinding against my cock was putting me dangerously close to a premature ending." scene black with dissolve play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "..." scene pr0136 with dissolve mc "Get a good whiff of the dick that's gonna shoot a load straight down your esophagus." play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene pr0136 with flash "*{b}Thwap{/b}!" rose "...huh?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Encourage her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Let's both enjoy ourselves now, okay?" KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" rose "Y-yes [rosePN]!" KN_MOD "else:" rose "Y-yes!" KN_MOD "Chastise her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm going to shove my dick down your throat and you'd better not stop rubbing yourself against the table, okay?" "Rosalind silently nodded and opened her mouth." scene pr0138 with dissolve "Just getting the tip of my dick into the precipe of her mouth felt so heavenly that I thought I would immediately cum." scene pr0137 with dissolve "To avoid that embarrassment, I took my time, slowly working Rose's warm mouth across the surface of my dick." "Meanwhile, Rosalind's own pleasured efforts grew more erratic in response." scene pr0138 with dissolve mc "...don't tell me you're actually getting off on this?" scene pr0137 with dissolve mc "I had my doubts, but you might actually be a good fit for a place like this." mc "Well if you aren't going to hold back, neither am I..." scene pr0139 with flash play ambient "sound effects/fel1.wav" "Feeling an insidious bout of cruelty swell in me, I finally let loose on Rose's poor throat, taking a firm grip on Rosalind's head." "I furiously pistoned my hips back and fourth, jackhammering the back of the submissive woman's throat with wild abandon." "For her part, she leaned into the treatment, doing her best to form a tight seal with her lips and cupping the underside of my penis with her tongue." mc "S-shit! This ain't your first rodeo, is it?" scene pr0140 with dissolve mc "You've done this before!" scene pr0139 with dissolve "The rough treatment continued for another couple of minutes, at a delirious rhythm, until finally..." scene pr0140 with dissolve mc "Ngg--" scene pr0139 with dissolve mc "Take!" scene pr0140 with dissolve mc "My!" scene pr0139 with dissolve mc "Load!" scene pr0140 with dissolve mc "You!" scene pr0139 with dissolve mc "Bitch!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cum on her face:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0141b with flash stop ambient mc "-------!" with flash with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "......" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash scene pr0141c with flash "..." KN_MOD "Cum down her throat:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0141 with flash stop ambient play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "-------!" with flash with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "......" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "..." scene black with fade "As soon as I had cum, it was like the black bile that had surged in me just moments before had been exorcised." "I felt like a real prick. I had no reason to take advantage of Rose other than my most base, disgusting urges." scene pr0142 with blinds stop music fadeout 3.0 "Yet I had done it so easily." scene pr0143 with dissolve play music "music/called-upon.ogg" rose "Are... are you feeling okay?" "Suddenly, the previous object of my lust transformed from a thing into a real, breathing woman expressing concern for me." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.RoseTAGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.RoseTAGallery = True $ history_rosalind = "From what little I have to go off of, Rosalind is a woman down on her luck - a fact that I took advantage of the night I decided to work at the Carnation Club." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Apologize.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 $ Rosalind_Affection = clamp(Rosalind_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ roseTAapology = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump RoseTAapology" KN_MOD "More than okay.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump RoseTAconclusion" KN_MOD "label RoseTAapology:" scene pr0145 with dissolve mc "I'm... sorry I made you do that." "Her expression was a complicated one, a seeming mixture of confusion, and oddly enough, consolation." scene pr0146 with dissolve rose "What are you, a child? Take what you want and then apologize for it?" scene pr0147 with dissolve rose "You didn't {b}make{/b} me do anything, sweetie. I came here and did what I wanted to do." rose "If anything, it's my damn husband I have to blame for all of this, but even then..." rose "I'm a grown woman." mct "(Husband...?)" scene pr0146 with dissolve "It's funny. Rose seemed different than I had seen up to this point." "She had taken on an almost motherly affectation." rose "So you'll tell Mrs. Pulman to let me join the summer exhibition?" mc "Exhibition...? Uh, yeah. Of course. Definitely." scene pr0147 with dissolve rose "Thank you. I'm gonna... go now, okay?" scene pr0148 with fade $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) scene pr0149 with dissolve "........." "I guess she's got the job... and so do I." "Truth be told, in my heart, I had decided to take the job the moment he offered to pay for my tuition." "Then this happened, which was... fun." "......" KN_MOD "jump clubacceptance" KN_MOD "label RoseTAconclusion:" mc "I'm better than okay. That was a blast." scene pr0150 with dissolve rose "...I'm glad you enjoyed it." rose "You'll keep your word? You'll tell whoever to let me join the summer exhibition?" scene pr0143 with dissolve mc "I will... I promise." scene pr0147 with dissolve rose "Thank you. I'm gonna... go now, okay?" scene pr0148 with fade $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) scene pr0149 with dissolve "........." "I guess she's got the job... and so do I." "Truth be told, in my heart, I had decided to take the job the moment he offered to pay for my tuition." "Then this happened, which was... fun." mct "(If I take this job, maybe I'll get to let loose like this more often?)" "......" KN_MOD "jump clubacceptance" KN_MOD "label rosebenice:" scene pr0154 with dissolve mc "I have no reason to deny you. You're in if you want to be." scene pr0155 with dissolve rose "Just like that? You don't want to..." rose "Have sex with me?" mc "{b}No{/b}, I don't. I mean, n-not because you're unattractive or anything, but because..." mc "It's just I don't want to take advantage of you." scene pr0155 with dissolve rose "......" rose "..." scene pr0157 with dissolve rose "Pfff! Hahaha!" mc "What?!" scene pr0158 with dissolve rose "S-sorry. That was just so earnest, that I couldn't help but laugh. Still..." scene pr0159 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" rose "I wouldn't have minded. You're pretty cute, you know." mc "...why are you looking at me like that?" scene pr0160 with dissolve mc "What are you doing? I told you, you don't have to do--" rose "Shush. This isn't because of that." scene pr0161 with dissolve "Rosalind gently pressed her lips to mine." scene pr0162 with dissolve "Whatever thoughts I had whirling around in my head up to that point were melted by her gentle embrace." scene pr0163 with dissolve "I'm not sure how much time had passed, but as soon as our lips parted and the comfortable warmness gave way to a delicate longing, I knew it had not nearly been long enough." scene pr0164 with dissolve mc "W-what was that for?" scene pr0165 with dissolve sys "*Smwack!*" scene pr0166 with dissolve rose "For not being an asshole." scene black with dissolve "..." "Some time passed and we moved on to talking about ourselves, until the subject of what I was doing here came up." scene pr0167 with dissolve rose "I can see why you're conflicted. College isn't easy..." scene pr0168 with dissolve mc "To be honest, this whole thing feels unreal." scene pr0169 with dissolve mc "Just a few days ago I was worried about my finals and my crummy tutoring job, but now I'm looking at working at a sex club." mc "With that kind of money, this would be a no-brainer for most people, but..." mc "The prospect of living outside the lines is terrifying." scene pr0170 with dissolve "I don't know what opened the floodgates, but something about the woman above me just made me want to keep on blathering." scene pr0172 with dissolve mc "See, I used to be a shitty kid. I caused a lot of worry and headaches for my poor mother." mc "The {i}make-her-cry{/i} kind of worry." "Rose's expression softened at the mention of my mom." scene pr0171 with dissolve rose "Tell me more." scene pr0172 with dissolve mc "Well, I eventually realized what a fuck-up I was and I decided to live as best as I could so I would never trouble her again." scene pr0173 with dissolve rose "You seem like a good son." rose "I will say, as I've recently learned, living outside the lines is sometimes unavoidable." rose "I don't think working at a place like this will make you a bad person, no more than I'm a bad person for being here." scene pr0174 with dissolve mc "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" scene pr0173 with dissolve rose "I have few options in my current predicament. Let's leave it at that." scene pr0175 with dissolve rose "Well, sweetie... it's been very weird, but I got to get home to my daughter." scene pr0176 with dissolve "The night had been pleasant, a slice separate from the usual daily anxieties. I was sad to see it end." mc " was nice meeting you, Rosalind." scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Truth be told, in my heart, I had decided to take the job the moment he offered to pay for my tuition." "...but it wouldn't be bad seeing more of Rose too." "......" $ history_rosalind = "From what little I have to go off of, Rosalind is a woman down on her luck. We shared a small moment together after I turned her down for sex." KN_MOD "jump clubacceptance" KN_MOD "label clubacceptance:" "..." scene black with fade play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "I guess I should let Dr. Chuck know I accept his offer." scene club-fr-night2 blur with dissolve play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" fadein 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_chuck from _call_phone_start_chuck_1" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Im in.,acceptA,This is for real?,acceptB)" KN_MOD "label acceptA:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_6" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Ill work at the club, so long as youre being honest about the tuition.) from _call_message_start_11" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Im happy to hear that myself, but I can only imagine how ecstatic my nephew will be.) from _call_message_26" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Youve made a wise choice regarding your future.) from _call_message_27" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Ill have Ian pass along the pertinent details. Good night, lad.) from _call_message_28" KN_MOD "call phone_end_chuck from _call_phone_end_chuck_1" scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "I walked home and went to bed, all the while mulling over the day's events in my head." "Only time will tell if this ends up being a smart decision." KN_MOD "jump may10start" KN_MOD "label acceptB:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_7" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], This is for real? Youll pay for my tuition?) from _call_message_start_12" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Of course, lad. I pride myself in being a man of my word.) from _call_message_29" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Then Ill take the job.) from _call_reply_message_6" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Im happy to hear that myself, but I can only imagine how ecstatic my nephew will be.) from _call_message_30" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Youve made a wise choice regarding your future.) from _call_message_31" KN_MOD "call message(Dr. Kohler, Ill have Ian pass along the pertinent details. Good night, lad.) from _call_message_32" KN_MOD "call phone_end_chuck from _call_phone_end_chuck_2" scene black with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "I walked home and went to bed, all the while mulling over the day's events in my head." "Only time will tell if this ends up being a smart decision." KN_MOD "jump may10start" KN_MOD "label may10start:" play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 10 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# stop sound $ date = "may10day" scene pr0177 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show may10day with squares "The next day, I met up with Killian to grab a cup of coffee before we went to the club." hide may10day with blinds play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_rosalind = True $ met_warren = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "..." scene pr0178 with fade play music "music/happy-boy-end-theme.ogg" "To my surprise, he wasn't alone." kil "Ey, Doctor!" scene pr0179 with dissolve kil "Have you met Mina before?" "As I understood it, Mina was Ian's girlfriend - or at least as much of a girlfriend a man like my womanizing friend here can have." mct "(She has my deepest sympathies...)" KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True:" mc "You've spoken of her, but I haven't had the pleasure." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You've mentioned her a few times, but we haven't met." mc "Nice to meet you, Mina." scene pr0180 with dissolve mina "Oh? Ian talks about me?" "There was a sarcastic, flippant edge to her words. It's just a hunch, but I suppose she must be none too happy with Ian today." scene pr0181 with dissolve mina "It seems we have that in common! I feel like I practically know you already!" "On a dime, Mina shifted to a previously unseen bubbliness - one that came across so genuine and authentic that it crossed all the way back into phony." mina "He never misses a chance to talk my ear off with stories of the crazy stuff you guys used to get up to." scene pr0182 with dissolve mina "It's so good to finally meet you!" scene pr0183 with dissolve "Mina proceeded to hurl herself at me with unrestrained warmth, squeaking out pleasantries in a cloyingly mousy tone." "I wouldn't describe myself as socially awkward, but Mina's unabashed exuberance was making me more than a little uncomfortable." "At the same time... who can argue against the pleasant scent of her perfume and the soft warmness of her breasts pressing firmly against my chest?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Make a joke.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0184 with dissolve mc "You're... certainly a friendly one, aren't you?" scene pr0185 with dissolve kil "Don't let her fool you. She's a real ball buster." mina "tch...!" scene pr0186 with dissolve mina "You think I'm...?!" mina "..." scene pr0187 with dissolve mina "Don't listen to him." mc "Don't worry. I've known him almost my entire life, remember? I know just how full of shit he is." KN_MOD "Hug her tighter.:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0188 with dissolve mct "(Ah, fuck it. There's no harm in being friendly.)" scene pr0189 with dissolve mina "That was nice. People don't hug enough I say." scene pr0190 with dissolve "The three of us had a pleasant conversation over coffee." "I learned Mina was an aspiring actress, who met Killian during a modeling shoot where he was the photographer." "Given how beautiful, well-put together, and deliberate in her mannerisms she is, that made a whole lot of sense." scene pr0191 with dissolve "Soon Ian and I parted ways with her, him explaining to her that we had to go to the club for business." scene black with dissolve mct "(Does she know what kind of place the Carnation Club is...?)" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_mina = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene pr0192 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" kil "You don't know how through the fucking roof I was last night when Uncle Charles gave me the good news." scene pr0193 with dissolve kil "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ride again! Simon and Garfunkel! Bonnie and Clyde!" "He continued to list off a dozen or so famous duos, until it grew increasingly nonsensical." scene pr0194 with dissolve kil "...peanut butter and jelly!" mc "Okay, okay... you can stop. I get it." scene pr0195 with dissolve kil "You sure? I got maybe another six of them ready." mc "Yeah, enough!" scene pr0196 with dissolve "It was nice seeing Killian in high spirits. I mean, he always has a cocky, surefire attitude plastered on his stupid face, but unfiltered joy? That was rare." mc "I'm not entirely sold on the place yet, but you being there will help. Also..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thank him (earnestly).:" scene pr0197 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thanks for doing this for me." KN_MOD "Thank him (with a joke).:" $ Killian_Bromance +=1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0198 with dissolve mc "Thanks for pulling that stick out of my ass." mc "Not having to worry about paying for college will be amazing." scene pr0199 with dissolve kil "Hey, you've always had my back, right?" scene pr0200 with fade kil "Remember that time the Dylan twins were picking on me after school? It was about ten years ago..." kil "They were two grades above us, easily a foot taller, yet you had no hesitation whatsoever." kil "You picked up a rock and cracked the pushier one right in his fat head without even saying a word. That was the first time I learned just how much a head wound {i}bleeds{/i}." scene pr0201 with dissolve mc "That's not a story I'm proud of. Their mother got the school involved..." scene pr0202 with dissolve kil "You may not be, but I remember it." kil "Despite how lame and shy I was, you always included me in things. Now, it's my turn." mc "If you say so." scene black with dissolve "..." scene pr0042 with blinds "We continued reminiscing about old times until we finally reached the increasingly familiar sight of that red brick tower." stop music fadeout 3.0 stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene pr0205 with blinds kil "Hey, Jacob." jacob "Ian, [mcf]. Good to see you." jacob "Head on in." scene black with fade play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" fadein 2.0 "......" scene pr0206 with blinds "..." scene pr0207 with dissolve aug "It's lighter than usual, Dalia dear." dal "That's because Kimber is out sick with the flu." scene pr0208 with dissolve aug "Is she now? I should have Warren check up on her and see if she needs anything." scene pr0209 with dissolve dal "That won't be necessary, I'll--" scene pr0210 with dissolve aug "Ian! [mcf]!" scene pr0211 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" sys "*{b}SMACK{/b}!*" aug "That'll be all, dear. Scram!" scene pr0212 with fade aug "I'm glad Chuck could find a way to ease your apprehensions and get you on board." aug "We like to keep the business in the family, so to speak. It keeps things simple." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thank him.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0213 with dissolve mc "Well, thank you for the opportunity." scene pr0215 with dissolve aug "Ha! That's quite the different tune from yesterday, eh?" aug "I can only imagine what that old pervert cooked up to change your mind. Hehehehe." KN_MOD "Ask him about the money.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0214 with dissolve mc "What's with all that money?" scene pr0216 with dissolve aug "Just some business. You'll see a ton of it." aug "I suppose you're still in the dark about what you'll be doing here?" scene pr0217 with dissolve mc "Dr. Chuck's mentioned something about looking out for the wellbeing of the performers, but I don't know what that means." scene pr0218 with dissolve aug "Ah, yes. {b}That{/b}! You'll technically be working with Kathleen. Entertainment is her purview, but I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have." scene pr0219 with dissolve mc "I would like that." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr0220 with dissolve aug "But first, let me pour you a drink." scene pr0221 with blinds play music "music/horrible.ogg" fadein 3.0 aug " Charles, he comes over to me and says: 'My French is pretty rusty, but I think he's either about to buy you a drink or glass you. Hahahaha!" kil "I never knew you and Uncle met while he was stationed in Stuttgart." scene pr0222 with dissolve aug "That's right, the army is how your uncle paid for college." scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "It's amazing the two of you stayed in touch your whole lives." scene pr0221 with dissolve aug "It's more like he couldn't get rid of me! {b}Ha!{/b}." scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "Anyway, let's move on to why you're here, [mcf]." aug "Between Killian and his uncle, I'm not sure what you've been told, so I'll just ask: what would you like to know about the club?" scene pr0227 with dissolve mct "(That's a pretty open ended question, considering I really only just know this place is a brothel...)" hide screen qmenu hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prAugQuestions:" KN_MOD "So men come here for sex? if prAugQuestions_sex == False:" $ prAugQuestions += 1 $ prAugQuestions_sex = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0224 with dissolve mc "So, men really come here for sex?" scene pr0225 with dissolve kil "Uh, are you okay [mcf]? Did you forget the other day?" scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "Not that. I mean, do people just walk in all wham, bam, thank you ma'am, or...?" scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "No. The Carnation Club is pretty exclusive; the people who know about it are few in number and very wealthy." aug "No one just casually strolls in. One of our members finding the time to avail themselves of our service is a big deal." scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "I see..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAugQuestions" KN_MOD "What am I going to be doing here? if prAugQuestions_work == False:" $ prAugQuestions += 1 $ prAugQuestions_work = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0224 with dissolve mc "What exactly will I be doing here?" scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "I'll let Kathleen explain that in detail, but you'll basically be playing a customer-facing role in a special event we hold every summer." aug "Outside of the summer season, you'll do what Ian does: help facilitate things around the club." aug "Sometimes this means acting as a gopher, other times making sure our members are having their needs met. Sometimes still, you'll just have to laugh at some unfunny bastard's joke." scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "When you put it that way, it sounds like almost any other job..." scene pr0225 with dissolve kil "Nope, just a lot more fun!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAugQuestions" KN_MOD "Whats my schedule going to be like? if prAugQuestions_schedule == False:" $ prAugQuestions += 1 $ prAugQuestions_schedule = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0224 with dissolve mc "How often will you need me to come in?" scene pr0226 with dissolve aug "You're asking because of school?" scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "You won't have to worry, we'll have a very low demand on your time." aug "While we provide some outside entertainment during the week, the actual club is only open on Saturdays and Sundays." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAugQuestions" KN_MOD "Does Rosalind work here? if prAugQuestions_woman == False:" $ prAugQuestions += 1 $ prAugQuestions_woman = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0224 with dissolve mc "So, that woman I met last night... did you end up hiring her?" scene pr0226 with dissolve aug "What woman?" scene pr0225 with dissolve kil "He means Rosalind. Ah, Rosie! Beautiful, but a bit of a bore in bed." kil "You haven't met her yet, but she's a candidate for this summer's exhibition. She and Doc here had a productive... {i}rendezvous{/i} and so here we are." scene pr0223 with dissolve aug "So that's what the gearhead did to convince you, eh?" scene pr0225 with dissolve kil "As to your question, don't worry. You'll do more than just see her again. You two will become quite close." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAugQuestions" KN_MOD "Thats all. if prAugQuestions >= 2:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0227 with dissolve mc "That's it. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know." KN_MOD "jump cctour" KN_MOD "label cctour:" show screen qmenu with dissolve aug "Good! Why don't I give you a tour of the building before taking you to see Kathleen. She'll explain your duties to you more intimately." scene black with blinds "We proceeded through the building, August offhandedly pointing to rooms and facilities as we passed by them." "The building itself was originally an office building, but like the bar, it seems like extensive work had been done to transform it for the club's purposes." scene club-bath-day with blinds "The building has a few bathrooms, both small and large, modest AND over-the-top." scene club-sauna with blinds "They have installed a sauna." scene club-bedroom1 with blinds "Numerous bedrooms. Some for more intimate, normal encounters..." scene club-bdsm with blinds "Others specially tailored to specific purposes." scene club-exhibition with blinds "After passing by the kitchen and security room, we rode the elevator to the building's basement level, which has been converted into something resembling a conference hall." "The whole room is decorated and furnished in an almost overpowering crimson." aug "This is a room we use for our {i}exhibitions{/i}." mc "Exhibitions?" aug "That's right. That's another thing I'll leave for Kat to explain to you." kil "You're going to love them. They're the club's main selling point." aug "Now, shall we head back up?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with blinds "......" "..." KN_MOD "label kathleenmeeting:" "..." scene pr0228 with dissolve aug "Well, here we are." scene pr0229 with dissolve aug "Before I go, take this." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Whats this?:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0230 with dissolve mc "What's this for?" aug "To make yourself presentable. Buy yourself a suit. Your current attire won't cut it during business hours." KN_MOD "I cant take this.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0230 with dissolve mc "I can't take this." aug "It's not charity, it's a business expense. We can't have you running around here in a t-shirt. We have standards to maintain." KN_MOD "Take the money.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0230 with dissolve mc "Don't mind if I do." aug "It's not a handout. Use it to buy yourself a suit. A t-shirt won't cut it around here." scene pr0231 with dissolve aug "Killian, you're with me. I need your help lugging up a crate of drinks." scene pr0232 with dissolve kil "Alright. I'll see you after you talk with the old lady, yeah?" mc "Yeah, see you soon." scene pr0233 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "Knock, knock." scene pr0233 with dissolve kat "Who is it?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Its [mcl], Maam.:" $ kat_polite = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0235 with dissolve mc "It's [mcl], Ma'am. You asked to see me?" KN_MOD "Its [mcf].:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0235 with dissolve mc "It's [mcf]. You wanted to see me?" kat "Let yourself in." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "..." scene pr0236 with wiperight play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" fadein 3.0 kat "I was starting to think August was keeping you with one of his long-winded stories." scene pr0237 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "He was giving me the tour. How are you, Mrs. Pulman?" scene pr0236 with dissolve kat "I'm well, thank you for asking." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Nope, he was just showing me around the place." scene pr0236 with dissolve kat "Good, that'll save me the trouble." kat "Well, now that you're here..." scene pr0238 with fade kat "Guess what? I'm your new boss. You'll be working underneath me, at least as far as the summer is concerned." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "So Mr. Byrnes told me." KN_MOD "else:" mc "August filled me in." kat "I'm glad you decided to join the club, but I'm going to be frank with you." scene pr0239 with dissolve kat "Your friend Killian, the one who got you this job, is a moron. He was responsible for the person who held it before you, who turned out to be a catastrophic disappointment." kat "I was going to ignore his dumb ass completely when looking for a new replacement, but he got his uncle involved - and August, he always listens to Charles." scene pr0238 with dissolve kat "So, here we are. I'm telling you, not to rake you over the coals about this, but to clear the air. If I don't come across as immediately amiable, good-humored, or courteous it's because you haven't earned my respect for me to pretend I'm otherwise." scene pr0240 with dissolve "Y-i-k-e-s." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu katyikes:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Throw Killian under the bus. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 2 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness += 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Killian_Bromance -= 3 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0242 with dissolve mc "We might be friends, but I'm not like Ian. He acts without thinking and he thinks with his dick." scene pr0241 with dissolve mc "I'm cautious and driven. I may have had my concerns about working here, but you want someone like that." mc "Now that I'm here, and this place is so tangibly linked to my future, I'm committed." scene pr0242 with dissolve kat "...hmm." scene pr0239 with dissolve kat "I'll admit you are a different cut than your predecessor. It remains to be seen if you have the qualities needed for this type of work." scene pr0242 with dissolve mc "What qualities are those?" KN_MOD "Reassure her.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0242 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "You won't have any issue with me, Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You won't have to worry about me. I'm solid." mc "I may have been hesitant about this place, but that was before Dr. Chuck offered to pay for my tuition. I'm not going to screw that opportunity up. Trust me." scene pr0239 with dissolve kat "...well, at least you can string together two coherent sentences. You have that on your predecessor, but it remains to be seen if you have the qualities needed for this type of work." scene pr0242 with dissolve mc "What qualities are those?" KN_MOD "Try and break the tension.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0243 with dissolve mc "Can't we just go back to flirting, like we did the day before yesterday?" scene pr0239 with dissolve kat "That will be up to you, but first you're going to have to prove you have the qualities needed for this type of work." scene pr0240 with dissolve mc "What qualities are those?" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Throw Killian under the bus.{/color}. if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_strongman == True:" KN_MOD "jump katyikes" scene pr0244 with dissolve kat "Cold, with a mix of strong emotional intelligence to know where the line is when dealing with the performers. A good sense of showmanship will help too." scene pr0242 with dissolve mc "...I don't think I fully understand my job description." scene pr0245 with dissolve kat "Let's get to that then. Come join me on the couch." scene pr0246 with wipeleft kat "Every summer we hold a special event, called the {b}summer exhibition{/b}. It's an event spanning multiple weeks, pitting three women against each other." scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "What are they competing for?" scene pr0250 with dissolve kat "Usually, each contestant has a unique difficulty - one that is usually fixed with a sudden influx of liquid cash. Sometimes it's something else, but the point is..." scene pr0249 with dissolve kat "Essentially, the women are competing to make their lives easier." scene pr0247 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Isnt that messed up?:" $ toughness -= 2 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "Isn't that a bit messed up... to turn their hardships into a spectacle?" scene pr0249 with dissolve kat "{b}No.{/b} Look at it this way, we're giving them an out, usually to problems of their own making I might add." KN_MOD "Go on.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "Makes sense." scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "Where do I fit in with all that?" scene pr0250 with dissolve kat "Your primary role is to make sure the women don't leave the event prematurely. I'm not saying you have to be a friend or an advocate to do this, but you've got to keep them chasing after the carrot." scene pr0251 with dissolve kat "Basically either keep their morale up by gaining their trust or by exploiting their desperation so they keep looking to that light at the end of the tunnel as their only way out." scene pr0250 with dissolve kat "To this end, that means you'll need to prepare them for the exhibition and control the pace of it, but we can get into the details of that later." scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "...uh, if they require that kind of management, what is it they'll be doing during these events, exactly?" scene pr0251 with dissolve kat "Oh, {i}all{/i} kinds of fun stuff. The kind of stuff you'd expect old rich bastards to get off to." scene pr0247 with dissolve mct "(To hear it put so plainly, makes me skittish about this setup... but, I've got to stay focused on why I'm here.)" scene pr0248 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene pr0252 with dissolve kat "Don't worry, I'll ease you into things. I have something fun planned later this week that will give you a taste of what to expect." kat "I'll be in touch." "......" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "label hanameet:" scene pr0254 with blinds "After wrapping up my talk with Kathleen, I found my way back to the bar." mct "(Huh, guess Ian's still busy...)" scene pr0255 with dissolve "..." woman "Who the hell are you?" scene pr0256 with dissolve play music "music/take-the-lead.ogg" scene pr0257 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 mct "(!)" scene pr0258 with dissolve woman "Hmm..." scene pr0259 with dissolve woman "You're too scruffy-looking to be part of the clientele, that must mean..." scene pr0260 with dissolve woman "... you're the {i}new guy{/i}. Darius' replacement." scene pr0261 with dissolve mc "That's right. I'm [mcf], nice to meet you..." scene pr0262 with dissolve scene pr0263 with dissolve scene pr0264 with dissolve woman "Hana." mct "(Hana? That's her name?)" scene pr0265 with dissolve hana "I tend bar here on the weekends." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Look at her ass.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0266 with dissolve mct "(It's kinda a waste thinking that's hidden behind a bar all night...)" KN_MOD "Dont be disrespectful.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass scene pr0267 with fade hana "Don't take this the wrong way, [mcf]..." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene pr0268 with fade mct "(I'm sure I won't...)" KN_MOD "elif toughness <= 19:" scene pr0268 with fade mc "Take what the wrong way?" scene pr0269 with dissolve hana "You sure you're in the right place? {b}This{/b} is the place you want to be?" scene pr0270 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0271 with dissolve mc "Without a doubt." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" mc "I think I might have a lot of fun here." KN_MOD "else:" mc "This doesn't seem like such a bad gig." scene pr0272 with dissolve hana "Really? You don't look the part of an asshole." KN_MOD "Whats that supposed to mean?:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0271 with dissolve mc "What are you suggesting?" scene pr0272 with dissolve hana "I'm saying you look like a big dork." scene pr0271 with dissolve hana " offense, there's nothing wrong with that." scene pr0273 with blinds kil "Looks can be deceiving." scene pr0274 with dissolve kil "Hey, Hana. Why don't you make us a drink?" scene pr0275 with dissolve hana "Get bent, dick-for-brains. I'm off the clock." hana "If you want something to drink, get it yourself." scene pr0276 with dissolve hana "Guess I'll see you around, [mcf]." stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_hana = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "..." scene pr0277 with dissolve kil "What a bitch..." mct "(What's with the animosity...?)" scene pr0278 with dissolve kil "So..." kil "We're going out tonight: you, Mina, and myself." scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "I can't. I've got a final tomorrow." scene pr0278 with dissolve kil "Is it in the morning?" scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "" scene pr0278 with dissolve kil "Good, then you can't say no to me. We're going to celebrate us working together." scene pr0280 with dissolve kil "Don't forget who got you the gig that's going to pay for med school, eh?" scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "When you put it that way... how could I refuse?" scene pr0280 with dissolve kil "Good! You understand your position." scene pr0278 with dissolve kil "We'll be at {i}Circus{/i} tonight. You know the place?" scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "I do, the cover is a bit pricey though..." scene pr0280 with dissolve kil "No complaints!" scene pr0279 with dissolve mc "Fine, just this once." "........." scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "label prDiscoIntro:" stop sound $ date = "may10night" play music "music/organic.ogg" scene pr0281 with blinds show may09night with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The first thing that assaulted my senses, even before I'd even stepped inside from the adjoining hallway, was the overwhelming noise." "A cacophony of drunken laughter, dozens of conversations, and people just trying to be heard over the persistent din of the club's bad dance music." scene pr0282 with irisout "Suffice to say, this wasn't my typical idea of a night out, but as Killian had indelicately put it... I owed him." "And... well, I wasn't incapable of enjoying the atmosphere. Losing yourself in a mass of people can be fun." scene black with fade "Thankfully as it was a Sunday night, the place was nowhere near capacity. Finding Ian proved to be a relatively easy task." scene pr0283 with dissolve kil "There he is! Rare sight seeing you in the wild, doc." scene pr0284 with dissolve mc "I know. I'm Mr. Shut In, right? What can I say? You didn't leave me any choice tonight." scene pr0285 with dissolve kil "Well, Mr. Shut In, let me introduce you to Felicia." scene pr0286 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.9 linear 3 yalign 0.1 mct "(Legs for days, a slim waist, and huge tits...)" scene pr0287 with wipeleft fel "Funny, you don't look like a sailor." scene pr0288 with dissolve mc "That might be because I'm {b}not{/b} a sailor." scene pr0289 with dissolve mc "I guess Killian likes the thought of me in uniform." scene pr0290 with dissolve mina "Pfft, hahaha." scene pr0291 with dissolve mina "It's good to see you again so soon, [mcf]." scene pr0292 with dissolve mina "I'd hug you, but if I got up, there's no telling where my boyfriend might run off to." scene pr0293 with dissolve fel "He's been harping on about you most of this week, but I'm starting to wonder just how much he's told me about you is true." mct "(Oh boy...)" scene pr0294 with dissolve mc "Let's find out, shall we? Tell me about myself." scene pr0295 fel "Is it true you ran All-Star Track in high school?" scene pr0294 mc "Not remotely." KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" mc "Though I did play a little bit of varsity soccer." scene pr0295 fel "What about the rescue dogs? Do you really own three?" scene pr0294 with dissolve mc "I live in a small apartment with a no pets policy." KN_MOD "if history_firestarter == True:" scene pr0295 with dissolve fel "Did you really almost burn down a whole cul-de-sac?" scene pr0296 with dissolve mc "No--- uh, actually that one is partially true." mct "(I can't believe he told her about that. What the hell?)" mc "I'm not proud of it, but I was a bit of a firebug when I was a kid. Torched a neighbor's shed one time..." mc "It was pretty damn stupid." KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" scene pr0295 with dissolve fel "Did you really sell pornography growing up?" scene pr0296 with dissolve mc "No--- uh, {b}wait{/b}... kinda true. He actually told you about that?" scene pr0293 with dissolve fel "As a shining example of your quote, unquote industrialism." scene pr0297 with dissolve "Her laugh had a pleasant, song note like quality." scene pr0296 with dissolve mc "It isn't anything I'm proud of, but I did sell a few photos I {i}might{/i} have secretly taken of some of the neighborhood ladies..." KN_MOD "if history_stickyFingers == True:" scene pr0295 with dissolve fel "Did you really steal thousands of dollars from your middle school?" scene pr0296 with dissolve mc "Not at all-- actually..." mct "(Why would he use {i}that{/i} to talk me up? I don't understand Ian at times.)" mc "It wasn't {i}thousands{/i} of dollars and it isn't anything I'm proud of." scene pr0298 with dissolve fel "Hey... boys will be boys, right?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thats an understanding view.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0294 with dissolve mc "You are {b}amazingly{/b} understanding." KN_MOD "Joke.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0294 with dissolve mc "You must have amazingly low standards." scene pr0297 with dissolve fel "{b}Hahaha--ah!{/b}" scene pr0299 with dissolve mina "Hey, we've all done things we aren't proud of." scene pr0300 with dissolve kil "Yeah. Prim and Proper's idea here of regret is eating cake outside her cheat day." scene pr0301 with dissolve mina "Shut up! I've done things..." scene pr0302 with dissolve mina "If you'll excuse me, I've got to hit the ladies' room." scene pr0303 with dissolve kil "Don't disappear on me now, sweetie." scene pr0304 with dissolve mc "Tell me about yourself, Felicia." scene pr0305 with dissolve fel "Oh, there's nothing to tell." scene pr0304 with dissolve mc "C'mon, you probably know a dozen fictitious things about me thanks to Ian. Why don't you at least make something up?" scene pr0306 with dissolve fel "Fair's fair? You just want me to lie?" scene pr0304 with dissolve mc "It doesn't have to be a lie, but whatever you do tell me, I'll have no way of knowing if it's the truth." scene pr0307 with dissolve fel "Okay." fel "Would you believe that before I was the respectable woman who sits before you, pillar of the PTA, shining example of all things dull and drab about the upper class..." scene pr0323 with dissolve fel "Before that... when I was in college, I worked as an escort." scene pr0304 with dissolve mc "W-what? Really?" scene pr0306 with dissolve fel "Maybe." scene pr0308 with dissolve kil "I wonder--" scene pr0309 with dissolve kil "--Oh?" scene pr0310 with dissolve kil "Hold that thought, I'll be right back." scene pr0328 with dissolve fel "..." mc "..." scene pr0311 with dissolve fel "Then there was two..." scene pr0312 with dissolve fel "So, Killian's bullshit can be fun, but how did you guys honestly meet? " scene pr0313 with dissolve mc "We've known each other since we were kids. We shared a homeroom together." mc "He didn't always have the confidence he has now, which is probably why we hit it off." scene pr0314 with dissolve fel "It must be nice knowing someone that long." mc "I suppose." scene pr0315 with dissolve fel "You don't think so?" scene pr0316 with dissolve mc "Time doesn't always temper a friendship. You know what they say: absence makes the heart grow fonder and familiarity breeds contempt." mc "How about you? How did you meet?" scene pr0317 with dissolve fel "Through Mina. I know her from work." scene pr0318 with dissolve mc "You're a model too?" scene pr0312 with dissolve fel "Oh no, I wish! I just help out at the agency." scene pr0313 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Compliment her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Help out? You're certainly pretty enough to be a model yourself." scene pr0312 with dissolve fel "That's nice of you to say, but there's more to it than looks." scene pr0313 with dissolve mc "I thought that was pretty much the job description..." KN_MOD "Show interest in her work.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Oh? You must have the chance to meet all kinds of people. What do you do there?" scene pr0319 with dissolve fel "I do, but I don't work there in any official capacity. Sometimes I take calls, sort applications, file documents. That kind of thing." scene pr0318 with dissolve mc "Not in an official capacity?" scene pr0312 with dissolve fel "Yeah, the owner is a friend of mine. He lets me help out when I go stir-crazy." scene pr0319 with dissolve fel "What about you? What do you do?" scene pr0318 with dissolve mc "I'm a student." scene pr0314 with dissolve fel "A student, huh? That must be nice, having so--" scene pr0320 with wiperight mina "Damn it! Where did that man run off to?" scene pr0321 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr0322 with dissolve fel "Well, it seems it's that time of the night." fel "This happens every time we go out. Poor girl is a fucking moron letting herself get worked up like that." stop music fadeout 3.0 fel "You should go check on her." "..." play music "music/edm-detection-mode.ogg" KN_MOD "jump DiscoFreeRoamTable" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 11 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# KN_MOD "label prAfterParty:" $ prAfterParty = True stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade show screen qmenu with dissolve scene pr0534 with blinds play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "From the club, we moved to Ian's penthouse suite." scene pr0535 with dissolve fel "Aaaah-- this water feels AMAZING!" scene pr0536 with dissolve mina "It's too bad you don't have a bathing suit to change into." scene pr0537 with dissolve fel "Why would that stop me?" scene pr0538 with irisout kil "Why don't you girls change into something more comfortable?" scene pr0539 with dissolve mina "Good idea. My feet are killing me!" scene pr0540 with dissolve mina "Come on, Felicia. I've got some clothes here that might fit you." fel "Ah-- alright." scene pr0541 with dissolve fel "Don't get up to any fun without us!" scene pr0542 with fade stop ambient fadeout 3.0 play music "music/night-on-the-docks-sax.ogg" mc "Nice view you have here." kil "Huh? This is your first time seeing it? I've lived here for two years..." mc "Nope. We only ever get coffee every now and then." scene pr0543 with dissolve kil "Damn, well all that will soon change. Working at the Carnation Club, you and I are going to get up to all sorts of things again." scene pr0544 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Looking forward to it.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0545 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that actually sounds great." KN_MOD "If you say so.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0545 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I bet..." kil "Count on it!" scene pr0546 with dissolve kil "So, how's Victoria doing?" scene pr0547 mc "She's doing good. She told me to tell you 'hi' the next time I saw you." scene pr0546 with dissolve kil "Do you think she'd want to get lunch sometime? I'd like to catch up." scene pr0547 mc "You kidding? She'd love it." scene pr0546 kil "I do miss seeing her every day after school. In some ways, she felt more like a mom to me than my own." scene pr0547 mc "C'mon, you know your mother loves you..." kil "She has a funny way of showing it." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "So do you.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0548 with dissolve mc "Yeah, but you of all people should know that showing affection doesn't come easy to some." mc "People aren't Hallmark cards." scene pr0549 with dissolve kil "Easy for you to say. Your mother's fucking perfect." scene pr0547 with dissolve mc "I'm not going to argue with you there." KN_MOD "Youve got it good, cut them some slack.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0548 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about? You've got it better than most." mc "Your parents set you up for life, they never emotionally or physically abused you..." mc "Hell, they never put any pressure on you altogether." scene pr0549 with dissolve kil "Couldn't you let me gripe without giving me a dose of reality, huh?" fel "We're back, boys." scene pr0550 with fade mc "--!" stop music fadeout 3.0 play music "music/there-it-is.ogg" scene pr0551 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 $ renpy.pause(2.3, hard=True) scene pr0552 with dissolve mct "(Hot damn, that's what Mina calls comfortable?)" kil "I thought we'd play a drinking game." scene pr0553 mina "Ugh... more drinking?" scene pr0554 with dissolve kil "I'll get the stuff." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Killian went to the kitchen, grabbed the alcohol, and we got set up for the game." play music "music/hotshot.ogg" scene pr0555 with blinds mc "Okay, so how do we play this?" kil "Okay. This one is called {i}King's Game{/i}." kil "It's simple. Each card is assigned an instruction." kil "We'll go around in a circle one at a time, draw cards, and execute those instructions until we're too shitfaced to play." kil "Here's the rules..." scene pr0556 with dissolve kil "Simple game, lots of rules. Luckily you don't have to remember all of that. I've got you covered." scene pr0557 with dissolve mina "Push ups?! How is that fun?! Why can't we just talk and drink?" scene pr0558 with dissolve fel "Aw, come on, sweetie." fel "It's all just an excuse to loosen up and have a little fun." scene pr0559 with dissolve mina "{b}Fiiiine{/b}." scene pr0560 with dissolve mc "Seems like it might be fun." scene pr0561 with dissolve kil "Alright! That's the spirit!" kil "Let's get the ball rolling then. I'll start and then we'll go clockwise." scene pr0562 with fade "Killian turned a five face up." kil "That means you and I got to take a shot." scene pr0563 with fade mct "(Simple enough.)" scene pr0564 with dissolve kil "Now, it's your turn to draw, [mcf]." scene pr0565 with fade kil "A seven..." mina "What's that one mean again?" scene pr0566 with dissolve kil "{b}Ahem{/b}..." scene pr0567 with dissolve kil "...last one to stand up drinks." scene pr0568 with fade mina "Oh, you jerk--" mina "You stood up before you even told us!" scene pr0569 with dissolve kil "Rules are rules, gotta knock one back." mina "Grrrrrr!" fel "Here, let me help!" scene pr0570 with fade fel "Bottoms up!" kil "Felicia's turn now." scene pr0571 with dissolve fel "Coooome on {b}King{/b}!" scene pr0572 with fade "..." scene pr0573 with dissolve fel "Damn!" kil "That means everyone drinks but Felicia..." scene pr0574 with fade "..." scene pr0575 with fade mina "My turn!" scene pr0576 with dissolve mina "Yes! A queen! I get to ask everyone a question, right?" kil "That's right, exactly one question per person." kil "Pick a person, ask your question, and they must either answer it truthfully or take two shots." scene pr0577 with dissolve fel "Make them good!" mina "Hmm..." scene pr0578 with dissolve mina "I'll start with you, [mcf]." mc "Okay, shoot." mina "When's your birthday?" scene pr0579 with dissolve fel "Huh? That's it? You can ask him ANYTHING and you wanna know when his birthday is?" fel "You could just ask him that between rounds!" scene pr0580 with dissolve mina "Hey! I'm the one asking the questions here, so pipe down!" scene pr0581 with dissolve kil "Well, what will it be? Answer the question or take two shots?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her your birthday.:" $ prBirthdayMinaGift = True $ Mina_Affection += 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0582 with dissolve mc "Gee, I wonder what I'll pick: it's June 7th." scene pr0583 with dissolve mina "That's in..." scene pr0584 with dissolve mina "Just over three weeks! That's close!" mina "How old will you be?" scene pr0585 with dissolve kil "Ah, ah, ah! You only get one question. Don't answer that, [mcf]." mina "WHAT?! For real?" kil "Those are the rules." kil "Now, you've got two questions remaining for Felicia and myself." KN_MOD "Take the shots.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Obviously, it's a harmless question, but it might be fun to tease her by denying her the simple information." scene pr0586 with dissolve mina "WHAT?! You're kidding me?" mc "Huh? I'm here to drink." mina "What are you, an alcoholic?" scene pr0587 with dissolve mina "Ian! What's his birthday?" scene pr0588 with dissolve kil "Hey, if [mcf] doesn't want to share that information with you, it's not my place to go over his head." fel "Pffhahahaha!" kil "Now, you've got two questions remaining for Felicia and myself." scene pr0589 with dissolve mina "Alright, Felicia...." fel "Yeah, sweetie?" scene pr0590 with dissolve mina "Hmm..." scene pr0591 with dissolve mina "What is the MOST adventurous thing you've done in bed?" mct "(I can't help but notice a disparity between Felicia's and my own questions...)" scene pr0592 with dissolve fel "That's more like it! Though I would've liked to have known [mcf]'s answer to that question." scene pr0591 with dissolve mina "You should tailor your questions to your audience." scene pr0593 with dissolve fel "I'm going to ignore that implication, sweet thing." mct "(Me too... I think.)" scene pr0594 with dissolve fel "My most wildest sex act, huh...?" scene pr0595 with dissolve fel "When I was pledging to my sorority, we had to endure all kinds of shit." fel "All sorts of... {b}degrading{/b} and {i}fun{/i} things." fel "One time I had to ride a Sybian machine in front of an entire Greek mixer." scene pr0596 with dissolve kil "Oh, you kinky bitch!" scene pr0597 with dissolve mina "Ian! Don't call her that!" scene pr0598 with dissolve mina "..." scene pr0599 with dissolve mina "What's a... {i}Sybian{/i} machine...?" scene pr0600 with dissolve fel "Oh, sweetie..." fel "It's a..." scene pr0601 with dissolve kil "A motorized dildo on a seat, basically." scene pr0602 with dissolve mina "OH MY GOD! REALLY?" mina "In front of a {b}WHOLE{/b} room of PEOPLE?!" mina "How... h-how..." scene pr0603 with dissolve fel "You're burning red! I can't believe how cute you are." scene pr0604 with dissolve fel "What can I say? That's when I learned I liked being the center of attention." fel "I imagine you feel a similar thing when you're on a photo shoot, right sweetie?" mina "Well..." mina "I couldn't ever do anything THAT embarrassing, but I do enjoy all the pampering on set I suppose..." scene pr0607 with slideleft kil "Okay, it's my turn to get asked a question." scene pr0608 with dissolve mina "Okay! Same question as Felicia." kil "..." scene pr0609 with fade mina "HEY!" scene pr0610 with dissolve kil "Sorry, I know better than to open that can of worms." fel "What do you mean--!" scene pr0611 with dissolve kil "Now, it's back to me." scene pr0612 with dissolve kil "{b}We're all whores.{/b} Everyone take off a piece of clothing as fast as you can!" scene pr0613 with fade "In a flurry, everyone rushed to take off a piece of clothing. Paying no mind to modesty, three of us had a similar idea: the top's the quickest." "Meanwhile, Mina got hung up on her sock." scene pr0614 with dissolve mina "Grr..! {b}Drat!{/b}" mc "..." mc "(Wait a minute...)" fel "Looks like you're drinking, sweetie." mina "Yeah, yeah..." scene pr0615 with dissolve "Caught up in the moment, it was slow to dawn on me that Felicia was now topless." "Her golden breasts were unabashedly on display, yet it didn't seem to faze the three of them, least of all Felicia." scene pr0616 with fade "In fact, everything carried on business as usual..." scene pr0617 with dissolve mina "Eeeh, I'm starting to feel it." fel "There, there!" scene pr0618 with fade mc "Guess it's my go again..." scene pr0619 with fade $ prGetOutOfJail = True kil "That's a get out of jail free card. You get to force someone else to do a punishment affecting you." kil "Use it wisely!" scene pr0620 with fade mc "Awesome. Your go, Felicia." scene pr0621 with dissolve fel "Let's see..." kil "Three is me - take a drink." fel "Really? Another BORING draw." scene pr0622 with dissolve "With a sigh, Felicia quickly downed her punishment." scene pr0623 with fade mina "I'm up!" scene pr0624 with dissolve mina "Please, please, please, PLEEEASE don't let me have to drink..." scene pr0625 with fade kil "Spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on, you either both have to take a shot or kiss." scene pr0626 with dissolve mina "Heck yeah!" scene pr0627 with fade mina "Alright, here I go..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene prAfterPartySpin $ renpy.pause(3.8, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "Oh...!" "The bottle finally crawled to a stop on me." scene pr0634 with dissolve mina "Guess we have to kiss, huh?" mina "That is, if you want to..." "Who the hell wouldn't want to? Mina is easily one of the most attractive girls I've ever met." "On the flip side, I guess it would be kinda weird to kiss Ian's girl in front of him." "I could turn her down, but I might risk hurting her feelings. I could also use my get out of jail free card to have her kiss someone else." "In that case, she'd probably appreciate it if I picked Ian, but there is ALWAYS Felicia..." stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Kiss her.:" $ Mina_Affection += 2 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyMinaKiss" KN_MOD "Have her kiss Ian.:" $ Mina_Affection +=1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) $ prGetOutOfJail = False play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPatyMinaIanKiss" KN_MOD "Have her kiss Felicia.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) $ Mina_BiCurious += 1 $ Mina_BiCurious = clamp(Mina_BiCurious, 1, 5) $ prGetOutOfJail = False play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyMinaFeliciaKiss" KN_MOD "Both of you take a shot.:" $ Mina_Affection -= 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyMinaKissDeny" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyMinaKiss:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" scene pr0635 with dissolve mc "It's only a game, right?" kil "Exactly!" kil "...but remember, you gotta make it good! No half-assing it." mct "(Is it me, or does Killian seem extra enthused about this...?)" scene pr0636 with fade mina "..." scene pr0637 with dissolve mina "You know, you've got a pretty good physique, [mcf]." mc "Uh... thank you." scene pr0638 with dissolve mina "Well, no half-assing, right?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Half-ass it.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Despite saying that, this is still pretty weird." scene pr0639 with dissolve "{b}*Fwup!*{/b}" "I opted to keep it as chaste as I could and luckily, Mina followed my lead." "......" scene pr0638 with dissolve "..." mina "That was nice." scene pr0640 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.minaMCKissGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.minaMCKissGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mina "...and I didn't have to drink! Woohoo!" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "Put on a show.:" $ Mina_KLove -= 1 $ Mina_KLove = clamp(Mina_KLove, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Ah, fuck it. If it's supposed to be believable..." scene pr0639 with dissolve "Might as well have fun with it." scene pr0641 with dissolve mina "Mmmhn....!" "Mina's body tensed up as she awkwardly tried to find the best way to reciprocate." scene minaafter_kiss_a with dissolve show minaafter_kiss mina "...hmmm~" "Eventually, all that tension evaporated and she went slack in my arms, openly accepting the advance of my tongue as it intertwined with her own." "......" "..." scene pr0643 with dissolve mina "Ha... ha... ha..." KN_MOD "if not persistent.minaMCKissGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.minaMCKissGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mc "I hope I didn't go too far..." mina "N-no... it was part of the game." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "label prAfterPatyMinaIanKiss:" "Let's not make this weird." scene pr0644 with dissolve mc "Yeaaaah, I'm going to use my get out of jail free card..." mc "...and pass the buck to Ian." scene pr0645 with dissolve mina "Yaaaay!" fel "Oh, come on. That's so boring." scene pr0646 with dissolve fel "Should've picked me at least, I can guarantee you she's never kissed a girl before." scene pr0647 with fade "The two of them shared an intimate, deep, but ultimately restrained kiss." scene pr0648 with dissolve mina "Kinda sucks it takes a game to get a little PDA, but thank you [mcf]." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyMinaFeliciaKiss:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" "Let's not make this weird... for me at least." scene pr0644 with dissolve mc "Yeeeeaaah, I'm going to use my get out of jail free card..." mina "Huh? You're making it sound like kissing me is a punish--" scene pr0649 with dissolve mc "...and hand it off to Felicia." kil "Hell yeah!" play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene pr0650 with dissolve mina "Uh... really?" with flash mina "I've... never kissed a girl before..." fel "It's not much different than kissing a guy, just a little more... lip-balmy." mina "O-okay, if you say so..." scene pr0651 with fade fel "I'll take the lead, okay?" "Mina was clearly flustered by this turn of events. All she could do was silently nod in assent." scene pr0652 with dissolve fel "Hmm...? Is that strawberries?" fel "You gotta tell me what shampoo you use after this." scene pr0653 with dissolve mina "{b}Mmmh....!{/b}" scene pr0654 with dissolve "Felicia wasted no time in assaulting Mina's mouth, her tongue forcefully finding its way past her pursed lips and into the warm valley beyond." scene pr0655 with dissolve "It wasn't long before Mina surrendered to Felicia's forceful ministrations, as the golden beauty crept her hand up to and gently massaged the model's breast." scene pr0656 with dissolve "{b}*Fwup... chup... fwah...!*{/b}" scene felminakiss_a with dissolve show felminakiss mina "{b}Maaaaaah!{/b}" "It was quicky evolving into more than a convincing kiss..." "In fact, it was going well beyond. Felicia's hand suddenly lurched down to Mina's cloth panties." scene pr0658 with dissolve "Mina had completely forgotten herself by this point. If Felicia wanted to take it any further, I doubt she'd have faced any resistance." scene pr0659 with dissolve "Fortunately for her, Felicia's ferocious attack gradually abated into a tender kiss." scene pr0660 with dissolve mina "T-that was WAY too far!" fel "Really? I'm sure the boys don't have any complaints." kil "{size=-10}Holy shit, that was fucking HOT. Well played, you horndog!{/size=-10}" mc "{size=-10}Don't give me too much credit, I wasn't expecting {b}THAT{/b}...{/size=-10}" KN_MOD "if not persistent.minaFeliciaKissGalleryy:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.minaFeliciaKissGallery = True $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyMinaKissDeny:" "Let's not make this weird." scene pr0661 with dissolve mc "Yeah, sorry. It's kinda weird kissing my friend's girlfriend." kil "Oh, I don't mind, in fact..." mc "It's still weird!" scene pr0662 with dissolve mc "Sorry Mina, you're extremely hot, but..." mina "Don't worry, I get it." scene pr0663 with fade mc "Bottoms up!" KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty2" KN_MOD "label prAfterParty2:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade scene pr0664 with dissolve kil "Alrighty..." scene pr0665 with dissolve kil "King! That means--" scene pr0666 with dissolve mina "Oh no! You're gonna have us do something perverted, right?" scene pr0667 with dissolve kil "... c'mon, why would you come to that conclusion?" mc "Who are you trying to fool?" scene pr0668 with dissolve fel "Come on, {b}get on with it{/b}." scene pr0669 with dissolve kil "Hm..." scene pr0670 with dissolve kil "All three of you have to... jump in the pool." mc "Clothed? I don't have a change of clothes..." scene pr0671 with dissolve kil "You can do it nude if you want. I'll leave that up to you." "Well, there's no way I'm spending the night in wet jeans..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Jump into the pool with just your underwear on.:" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPoolJumpUnderwear" KN_MOD "No way Im walking home in soggy underwear: take it all off.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) play music "music/hotshot.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPoolJumpNude" KN_MOD "Use your get out of jail card: make Ian do it. if prGetOutOfJail == True:" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" $ prGetOutOfJail = False show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPoolJumpIan" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPoolJumpUnderwear:" scene pr0672 with dissolve "Nope. I'll have a {i}little{/i} modesty at least." scene pr0673 with dissolve "Wordlessly, I began undoing my pants, stopping at my underwear." scene pr0674 with dissolve fel "Aw, keep going!" mc "Sorry, but if you'll excuse me..." scene pr0677 with irisout play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" mc "Geronimo!" scene pr0679 with fade kil "It's your girls' turn... that or you can take three shots." scene pr0680 with fade mina "Ugh... no thank you! Besides, this might help me sober up." scene pr0681 with dissolve mina "I hate being drunk!" fel "Hey, wait for me!" scene pr0683 with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" "..." scene black with fade mina "Yeeeees! The water feels so goooood, Ian." scene pr0684 with fade mina "Why don't you jooooin us?" scene pr0686 with dissolve kil "That didn't sober you up, did it?" mina "Mmmmh..." mina "No." kil "Come on out of there and dry off." kil "I don't want you catching a cold." mina "Fiiine." scene pr0688 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty3" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPoolJumpNude:" scene pr0672 with dissolve "Ah, fuck it. No one will remember this in the morning anyway." scene pr0675 with dissolve "Wordlessly, I began undoing my pants, underwear and all." scene pr0676 with dissolve fel "Nice dick!" kil "You sure wasted no time whipping your cock out." mc "Thank you." mc "{b}Now{/b}, if you'll excuse me..." scene pr0678 with irisout play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" mc "Geronimo!" scene pr0679 with fade kil "It's your girls' turn... might I suggest following [mcf]'s example?" scene pr0680 with dissolve mina "Fat chance you, perv! Besides, this might help me sober up." scene pr0681 with dissolve mina "I hate being drunk!" fel "Hey, wait for me!" scene pr0682 with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" "..." scene black with fade mina "Yeeeees! The water feels so goooood, Ian." scene pr0685 with dissolve mina "Why don't you jooooin us?" scene pr0687 with dissolve kil "That didn't sober you up, did it?" mina "Mmmmh..." mina "No." kil "Come on out of there and dry off." kil "I don't want you catching a cold." mina "Fiiine." scene pr0689 with fade "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty3" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPoolJumpIan:" $ prPoolJumpKillian = True scene pr0694 with dissolve mc "How about you do it? I'm turning in my--" scene pr0695 with fade kil "Suit yourself!" "Without hesitation, Ian barreled toward the pool." scene pr0690 with irisout play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" kil "Cannon ball!" scene pr0696 with fade mina "That looks like fun. Maybe this will help me sober up, too." scene pr0697 with dissolve mina "I hate being drunk!" fel "Hey, wait for me!" scene pr0698 with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" "..." scene black with fade kil "The water's nice. You should join us, [mcf]." scene pr0691 with dissolve mina "Yeah, why don't you jooooin us?" scene pr0692 with fade mc "I think I'll pass." kil "That didn't sober you up, did it?" mina "Mmmmh..." mina "No." kil "We should get out and dry off." kil "I don't want you getting sick." mina "Fiiine." scene pr0693 with fade mc "Let me help you--" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" mc "Shit!" scene pr0693b with dissolve fel "Guess you're going to have to slip out of your clothes now, huh?" "......." scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty3" KN_MOD "label prAfterParty3:" KN_MOD "if prPoolJumpKillian == False:" scene pr0699 with blinds mc "Why did you change into a towel, exactly? You didn't even jump into the pool." scene pr0700 with dissolve kil "What? Can't a man get comfortable in his own house? Besides, there's never a bad time to air out the boys." mc "Riiiight..." scene pr0701 with dissolve mc "Okay, it was my turn, right?" scene pr0702 with dissolve "..." scene pr0703 with dissolve mc "A nine..." mc "What was that again?" mina "Push ups! ....right?" kil "Yep. Do twenty or take a sip for every rep you fail to do." "Doing push ups in the dead of night, drunk, doesn't sound very fun." KN_MOD "if prGetOutOfJail == True:" "...but I still have my get out of jail card if I want to use it." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump pushUpMenu" KN_MOD "else:" "...but I guess I have no choice unless I want to drink." KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUp" KN_MOD "menu pushUpMenu:" KN_MOD "Just do it yourself.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "Fuck it, I'll do them myself." KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUp" KN_MOD "Have Ian do them.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUpKillian" KN_MOD "Have Mina do them.:" $ Mina_Affection -= 1 $ Mina_Affection = clamp(Mina_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUpMina" KN_MOD "Have Felicia do them.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyPushUpFelicia" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPushUp:" scene pr0704 with blinds kil "Looking good, bro." mc "Here I go..." scene pr0705 with dissolve "..." scene pr0704 with dissolve mc "One..." scene pr0705 with dissolve "..." scene pr0704 with dissolve mc "Two..." scene pr0705 with dissolve "..." scene pr0704 with dissolve mc "Three..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) scene pr0707 with dissolve "..." scene pr0706 with dissolve mc "Twenty...!" scene pr0709 with dissolve kil "Nice! I knew you could do it." scene pr0710 with blinds fel "You really..." scene pr0711 with dissolve fel "Worked up a sweat, huh?" KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0704 with dissolve mc "Seventeen...!" mc "Ugh..." scene pr0708 with dissolve mc "That's it. Any more and I think I'll chuck." kil "That's three sips!" mc "Right..." scene pr0712 with dissolve mc "To your health!" scene pr0713 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPushUpKillian:" scene pr0717 with dissolve mc "I'll use my get out of jail free card here." mc "You're up, friend." scene pr0718 with dissolve kil "This'll be a cinch." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "Here I go..." scene pr0715 with dissolve "..." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "One..." scene pr0715 with dissolve "..." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "Two..." scene pr0715 with dissolve "..." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "Three..." scene black with fade "..." scene pr0714 with dissolve kil "Twenty!" scene pr0716 with dissolve kil "Easy peasy." "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPushUpMina:" scene pr0719 with dissolve mc "I'll use my get out of jail free card here on..." mc "Mina." mina "Huuuuh? {i}Meeee{/i}?" scene pr0720 with dissolve mina "You just picked me to be mean." scene pr0721 with dissolve mina "Whatever!" mina "I got this piece of cake!" scene pr0723 with dissolve mina "Here I go..." scene pr0722 with dissolve "..." scene pr0723 with dissolve mina "One..." scene pr0722 with dissolve "..." scene pr0723 with dissolve mina "Two..." scene pr0722 with dissolve "..." scene pr0723 with dissolve mina "Three..." scene black with fade "..." mina "Sixteen...!" scene pr0724 with dissolve mina "Nope... this is making me dizzy." kil "We can just... call that twenty." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyPushUpFelicia:" scene pr0726 with dissolve mc "I'll use my get out of jail free card here on..." mc "Felicia." scene pr0727 with dissolve fel "You just want to see me sweat, don't you?" scene pr0733 with blinds fel "Keep count for me, [mcf]." scene pr0734 with dissolve "..." scene pr0733 with dissolve mc "One..." scene pr0734 with dissolve "..." scene pr0733 with dissolve mc "Two..." scene pr0734 with dissolve "..." scene pr0733 with dissolve mc "Three..." scene black with fade "..." "Twenty...!" scene pr0735 with dissolve fel "Enjoy the show?" "..." KN_MOD "jump prAfterParty4" KN_MOD "label prAfterParty4:" scene pr0736 with fade fel "Okay, back to me." scene pr0737 with dissolve kil "You and Mina must take a drink." mina "Awww..." scene pr0725 with fade mina "Gh..." scene pr0738 with dissolve mina "Man, I'm not feeling too swift..." mina "I think I'm about tapped out..." scene pr0739 with dissolve "..." scene pr0740 with fade mina "That's...?" kil "The suicide glass..." mina "FRICK!" mina "I just had to say that, didn't I?" kil "You know, we can just skip that one..." scene pr0741 with dissolve mina "No! I'm a team player!" scene pr0742 with dissolve fel "I don't think that's a--" scene pr0743 with dissolve mina "Don't ever let it be said I bitch out." scene pr0744 with dissolve "Glug... guhg... gluh..." scene pr0745 with dissolve "......" "..." scene pr0746 with dissolve "..." scene pr0747 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kil "I think we should call it a night. What do you say?" scene pr0748 with dissolve mina "What, why? I-I can sthill go..." scene pr0747 with dissolve kil "I know you can, but it's more like WE can't keep up with you." kil "So how about we say you win and I'll tuck you in for the night?" scene pr0749 with fade mina "...mmmh, that soundsh nice~!" scene pr0750 with dissolve kil "Apologies for the abrupt ending." kil "You two are obviously free to spend the night if you'd like." scene pr0752 with dissolve mct "(It's already 2 AM...)" "I've got a final in 11 hours. Walking home drunk doesn't sound fun, and if I wait until morning, I guess I can get Ian to drive me back to my apartment so I don't have to waste money on a cab..." scene pr0753 with dissolve mc "Thanks, I think I'll do that." kil "See you in the morning then! Help yourself to anything in the fridge!" scene pr0754 with fade fel "..." scene pr0755 with dissolve fel "{b}Sooooo...{/b}" scene pr0756 with dissolve play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" "With zero subtlety, Felicia leaned into me, pushing her pert mounds firmly into the naked flesh of my arm." fel "It's just YOU and ME, stud..." scene pr0757 with dissolve mc " spending the night too?" scene pr0758 with dissolve fel "No, I should get going soon, but before I leave..." scene pr0759 with dissolve fel "Between the alcohol and you staring at my tits all night, I'm feeling a little fired up..." fel "What do you say we have some fun before I go?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Accept Felicias advances.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 2 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) $ feliciaSex = True KN_MOD "Put an end to this before it goes too far.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 5 show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyEndNoFun" scene pr0760 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I would've thought the growing stiffness in my crotch as Felicia ran the palm of her hand down its length would've answered her question." mc "What do you think?" fel "I think I'm going to have to see for myself." scene pr0761 with fade fel "Hmmm... I'll take that as an emphatic yes." scene pr0763 with dissolve "Felicia gave the tip of my glans an exploratory lick." scene pr0761 with dissolve fel " does that feel?" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene pr0762 with dissolve mc "It feels fucking amazing. Do it again." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0762 with dissolve mc "I don't know, I think I'm gonna need you to do that again." scene pr0764 with dissolve "*Chup!*" "This time, she gave the crown of my cock a quick, teasing kiss." scene pr0761 with dissolve fel "You want me to suck your huge cock, is that it?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Humor her.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0762 with dissolve mc "What do you think?" scene pr0761 with dissolve fel "I want to hear you say it." scene pr0762 with dissolve mc "...I would {b}love{/b} if you wrapped those plush, gorgeous lips around my dick and sucked my cock." scene pr0761 with dissolve fel "What a way with words. It would be my pleasure, stud." KN_MOD "Urge her to hurry up.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0765 with dissolve mc "Just hurry up and get those lips around my cock, okay?" scene pr0766 with dissolve fel "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're being an impatient boy, [mcf]." scene pr0767 with fade "Where she had previously relished in teasing me, Felicia had fully switched gears now. She took me in her mouth without hesitation, fully enveloping my entire length in one quick motion." "For a few seconds, she held it there at the base, like the personal flourish of an artist, before she commenced bobbing her head up and down in rapid, violent succession." scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0769 with dissolve "*Slurp... chup... fwup...*" scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0767 with dissolve "To call it a blowjob or even a facefucking would be inadequate." scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0769 with dissolve "*Fwup... slurp...*" scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0767 with dissolve "No, instead of crudely allowing me to hammer away at her throat, she was in full control of her technique." scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0769 with dissolve "*Slurp... chup...*" scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0767 with dissolve "Every pass, she flicked her tongue across the underside of my glans, before attentively twisting it down my length in full. It was like she was making sure not a single inch of my dick was deprived of her artful touch." scene pr0768 with dissolve scene pr0769 with dissolve "*Chup... fwup...*" scene pr0770 with dissolve "Suddenly, as she reached the zenith of her practiced motion, she allowed her mouth to slip off the head of my cock and exposed it to the cool summer air." "The sudden shift wasn't wholly unpleasant, but before I could even begin to miss the warmth of her mouth, she replaced it with a different kind of friction." scene pr0771 with dissolve scene pr0772 with dissolve scene pr0771 with dissolve scene pr0772 with dissolve fel "Tell me that wasn't the best dick sucking you've ever experienced." "Considering she's in the driver seat here, who am I to disagree with the lady?" mc "Gh...! I'd be lying if I said it wasn't." fel "Just what I love hearing." stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene pr0775 with pushright kil "I thought I'd bring you a pillow and blanket, but... damn!" kil "You guys didn't waste any time." "Thanks to Killian's sudden appearance, Felicia had stopped what she was doing and turned her focus on Ian." mct "({b}--Damn it!{/b})" scene pr0776 with dissolve fel "How's Mina?" "Felicia was seemingly unperturbed by Killian's interjection and carried on as if getting caught with a dick in your hand was business as usual." kil "She went out like a light once I put her to bed." scene pr0777 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." mc "Ahem..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prAfterPartySexSplit:" KN_MOD "Ask for some privacy:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0778 with dissolve mc "Would you mind giving us a little privacy?" scene pr0779 with dissolve kil "Sure, but if you want privacy... maybe don't start getting your dick sucked in someone else's living room, eh?" scene pr0780 with dissolve kil "{b}Kidding!{/b} I get it, I'm killing the mood. I'll leave these here." kil "You two have fun." KN_MOD "Ask him if he wants to join in on the fun. if Killian_Bromance >= 18:" $ Killian_Bromance += 3 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I don't know what came over me, but instead of asking for privacy a kinky idea took root in my brain and I allowed it to flower." scene pr0781 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" mc " want to join us?" kil "For real? This coming from {i}you{/i} of all people?" mc "I don't mind if Felicia doesn't." scene pr0782 with fade mc "What do you say, Felicia? Think you can handle both of us?" fel "I don't know, it sounds fun, but Mina's in the other room." fel "If she walked in on her boyfriend spit-roasting me..." fel "She'd be destroyed." scene pr0783 with dissolve kil "Aw, come on. She's dead to the world, there's no risk of that." kil "Besides... you owe me for that favor I'm doing you, remember?" scene pr0784 with dissolve mct "(...favor?)" fel "..." scene pr0785 with dissolve fel "Alright, alright... {b}fine{/b}." KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyThreesome" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}Ask him if he wants to join in on the fun.{/color=#696969} if Killian_Bromance <= 17:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I don't feel close enough to Ian to ask him that." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartySexSplit" KN_MOD "label prFelAfterPartyFun:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionfelicia02 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0786 with fade fel "Well, well, well..." "Without missing a beat, and with her libido seemingly unhampered by the intrusion, Felicia turned her attention back toward me." fel "Now where were we?" mc "You were boasting about the best blowjob I've ever had, but..." "This is my opportunity to take a more active role." scene pr0787 with dissolve play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" fel "---wah!" fel "What are you doing?" mc "I may not be as skilled as you, but it'd be rude to not try to return the favor." "Surprisingly, Felicia's face went flush with what I assume to be embarrassment." mct "(That's fresh!)" "Considering her cocksure attitude, who would've thought wanting to eat her out would make the whore blush?" scene pr0788 with dissolve fel "Y-you don't have to do that. Most guys--" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I want to.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Without leaving any room for debate, I firmly told her my honest desires." scene pr0789 with dissolve mc "I want to." fel "..." scene pr0788 with dissolve fel "{size=-10}Ah, alright...{/size=-10}" KN_MOD "Shut up.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0789 with dissolve mc "Shut the hell up, slut." "Mustering my best commanding tone, I tried my best to abate Felicia's hesitation." mc "You had your fun teasing me, now it's only fair I get to try my hand at pleasuring you." fel "..." scene pr0788 with dissolve fel "O-okay..." scene pr0790 with dissolve "Finally, that slight piece of cloth that had been teasing me all night was gone." "And with it, Felicia seemed to shrink from a dynamo force of nature to just a vulnerable woman awaiting her partner's move." mct "(Shit, I suppose I should be more appreciative to Ian.)" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" mct "(Counting Rosalind, that's twice I've had fun with a stunning woman for floating within his sphere.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I'd never have had the chance to make it with a stunning woman like Felicia if it wasn't for him.)" mc "You hear this all the time I bet, but... you're beautiful, Felicia." scene pr0791 with dissolve fel "... just shut up and get the fuck down there, stud." "Done with the talking, I lifted Felicia's long, gorgeous legs and brought my face close to her pelvis." scene pr0792 with dissolve "I started by rolling my tongue over her clit, drawing from Felicia a small murmur of pleasure, and lathering it up generously with saliva until it rolled down to mix with her own juices." scene pr0793 with dissolve "Satisfied she was ready for it, my tongue found its way into Felicia's depths, stretching deep and wide, lashing against her inner walls." fel "S-shit--!" fel "You said you weren't good at this!" scene pr0794 with dissolve fel "Ah... hah... --eh." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" fel "That's... that's..." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "Those small murmurs of pleasure eventually crescendoed into more enthusiastic, affirming demands to continue." fel "Fuck! Don't stop!" "Schlick, schlup...!*" scene pr0795 with dissolve "I had managed to break the floodgates, as Felicia was by this time positively flowing with juices that I lapped up with every pass." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "Felicia's breath had quickened to panting by this point, and though I couldn't see it, the thought of her pert golden breasts rising and falling in response to my efforts had me wanting to explode." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" fel "Yes... yes!" "Meanwhile, Felicia was working in tandem with my probing, desperately extending her pelvis more and more to get my tongue to reach even greater depths." mct "(If she wants me to go deeper, I can go deeper!)" scene pr0796 with fade fel "Aaah -- oh!" "Putting a momentary stop to the fun (and taking the chance to catch my breath), I grabbed hold of Felicia's ankles and threw her legs in the air." fel "What are...?" mc "I'm going to taste every inch of your cunt, slut." scene pr0797 with dissolve "It was a stupid claim, the kind of nonsensical shit you say in the throes of passion, but part of me actually wanted to try." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "This new angle gave me access to all kinds of new ways to probe and torment Felicia's inner depths." fel "Shit. Shit! {b}Shit!{/b}" "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "And she seemed to have taken to it as well." "*Schlick, schlup...!*" fel "Ah! You dumb bastard. You... -ah!- you!" "If not from the full body quakes, I could see she was getting close as her explicatives became decreasingly verbose." fel "I'm... I'm..." scene pr0798 with flash with flash with flash fel "{b}Aaaaaeeeeh~!!!{b}" "....." "..." scene pr0799 with blinds mc "*Huff... huff....*" "For a while, the room was a simple mixture of our labored breathing, with me content in the knowledge that I was able to bring a vivacious woman like Felicia to orgasm." mct "(I'm on top of the fucking world!)" scene pr0800 with dissolve "...there's still one matter though. I'm hard as fuck and ready to pop." "I needed to cum, like yesterday." "Felicia, while still insensate in a puddle of post-orgasm bliss, would doubtlessly be receptive to me finishing what she originally started." "I'm going to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cum deep in her throat!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterpartyCumTwosome" KN_MOD "Take care of it yourself and cum on her face.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyCumSolo" KN_MOD "label prAfterpartyCumTwosome:" scene pr0801 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "This started with a blowjob, it's going to end with a blowjob." fel "...huh? I know you still haven't cum, but my body is like butter, stud. I don't know what good I'll be." mc "Oh, don't worry. You don't need to be very active." scene pr0802 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" fel "--!" KN_MOD "if toughness >=20:" mc "I'm going to fuck your face and blow my spunk straight down your whore throat." scene pr0803 with dissolve fel "Oh... I like the sound of that." scene pr0802 with dissolve mc "Then lay your head back and open up, slut." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Just relax your jaw and I'll do all the work." scene pr0803 with dissolve fel "You're going to use me like a toy...?" fel "I like the sound of that." scene pr0804 with dissolve fel "Aaah~" "With Felicia on the same page, seemingly eager to act as a toy to slake my lust, I knew I didn't have to show restraint." "Which was {b}perfect{/b}. I hadn't planned to." scene fel_after_ff1_a with dissolve "Felicia's welcoming maw readily accepted the length of my member, my cock easily gliding past her tongue until it hit a road block: the back of her throat." "As I'd learned previously, Felicia had no gag reflex to speak of, but the sudden knocking did cause her to tense up and slightly sputter uncomfortably." "In response, I let a few peaceful moments pass, my cock sheathed in the warm embrace of her mouth, allowing her to adjust to my length." scene fel_after_ff1_a with dissolve show fel_after_ff1 "Tilting her head back to get a good angle of attack, I rolled my hips back and commenced my assault." "Rather than try to expel the foreign object, Felicia's throat took the sudden intrusion effortlessly, pliantly conforming to the size and shape." fel "*Guhg... slap... guhg...*" mct "(Fuck, this feels amazing...!)" fel "*Slap... slap... guhg...*" "Every pass brought my member from Felicia's mouth to the depths of her throat and back again, creating a symphony of protracted wet noises as my dick slid past her tongue and my balls battered against her chin." "Having the golden beauty submissively letting me abuse her mouth hole to my heart's content elicited something primal in me." fel "*Guhg... guhg...*" "A feeling of bile was building up in the pit of my stomach." "I wanted to {i}thoroughly{/i} ruin Felicia. I wanted to leave her gasping and clawing for air." scene fel_after_ff3_a with dissolve show fel_after_ff3 "Spurred on by these thoughts, I doubled my efforts, transforming my measured thrusts into a full-on rut." fel "Ngggh--!" "Felicia's hands pawed at my backside in surprise at the sudden change in tempo." fel "*{b}GLUHG... GUHG... GUHG...{/b}*" "...but rather than panic, she quickly adapted to the frenzied pace, doing her best to suck in gasping breaths of air on my up-thrusts." fel "Glug... slap... slap" mc "Ah...!" scene fel_after_ff2_a with dissolve show fel_after_ff2 "As my orgasm built, so did my urge to lay down a little dirty talk." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her how you feel.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Felicia_Affection +=1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0808 with dissolve mc "You fucking cunt!" scene pr0807 with dissolve fel "Guhg... gluhg... gug..." mc "To be this good at taking a dick...ngh!" scene pr0808 with dissolve mc "You let every guy fuck your vapid, whore face don't you?" fel "{b}Mmmhh--! Mhh!{/b}" KN_MOD "Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself.:" $ toughness -=1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) pass "Finally, that familiar feeling of near-impeding orgasm was reaching its peak." "With abandon, as if I could get her mouth pregnant, I instinctively lurched my hips forward as deep as they'd go." scene pr0809 with dissolve "Pressing my crotch hard against Felicia's nose and her head deep into the couch, I reached my climax." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Take it, you bitch--!" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "Planted firmly in the confines of Felicia's throat, I deposited rope..." with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene pr0810 with dissolve "...after rope, straight down her throat." "Meanwhile, Felicia was doing her best to suck up everything I had to give her, but to no avail." "Some spilled out around the edge of her mouth, mixing with saliva, and forming spittle around the base of my cock." scene pr0811 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" "{b}*Plop!*{/b}" "After some gentle rocking to wring out the last drops of cum from my urethra, I lazily withdrew my penis with a loud plop." "The gorgeous woman before me had turned into a mess." "Cum dripped out from the recesses of her mouth. Her carefully applied makeup ruined, gulping down air like a fish out of water..." scene pr0812 with dissolve "Her eyes couldn't quite seem to keep focus on anything." stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Uh... you okay, Felicia?" fel "*Huff... huff...!*" fel "Y-yeah..." scene pr0813 with dissolve fel "Holy shit, you gave it to me good." fel "You were an absolute beast." mc "I didn't take it too far, did I?" fel "No... huff... That was just the way I like it, stud." fel "...but give me a minute to catch my breath, yeah...?" scene black with fade "Felicia and I sat there in silence for a while as she regained her composure. After enough time had passed, she cleaned up and I saw her off." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyTwosomeGoodNight" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyCumSolo:" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene pr0814 with dissolve "No need for a half-assed blowjob, I'll be content just to mark the slut as my own." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" scene pr0814 with dissolve "Honestly, I'll settle with painting Felicia in my spunk." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0814 with dissolve "Why bother Felicia? I can take care of it myself." scene pr0815 with dissolve fel "...huh? I know you still haven't cum, but my body is like butter, stud. I don't know what good I'll be." scene pr0816 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene pr0817 with dissolve mc "That's fine. All I need you to do is lie there and be my cum rag." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0817 with dissolve mc "That's fine. All I want you to do is lie there and take my jizz." scene pr0816 with dissolve scene pr0817 with dissolve scene pr0818 with dissolve fel "Just lie here while you jerk your fat cock?" scene pr0819 with dissolve fel "Mmhh, I do like the sound of that." "With my hand sliding up and down my dick, I moved to position myself above Felicia while building up speed, fully engrossed in the sight of her sun-kissed, well-toned figure." scene pr0818 with dissolve "For some time, Felicia and I shared in a lust-charged silence, her eyes firmly planted on my engorged cock, my head swimming in all the things I'd like to do to her if given half a chance." scene pr0819 with dissolve "Thoughts of giving and sharing in pleasure, of exploring and reveling in every detail of Felicia's beauty." scene pr0818 with dissolve "...but also, darker ones. Buried underneath those innocuous fantasies lurked something more brazen. I wanted to torment, tease, and ruin her." scene pr0819 with dissolve "With these thoughts, and with how worked up she had me previously, I knew it wouldn't be long before I blasted a load onto Felicia's eager face or tits." scene pr0820 with dissolve fel "Mmmh..." "Having recovered from her tongue-fucked reverie, Felicia's growing mewling pulled me from my fantasies back to reality." fel "Fuck, watching you stroke that monster..." fel "It's getting me so hot." scene pr0821 with dissolve "Meanwhile, Felicia snaked a hand down to her crotch and began touching herself." scene pr0820 with dissolve fel "If I didn't have to leave, I would ride that thing until morning." scene pr0821 with dissolve fel "Give me that big, FAT wad, stud." scene pr0820 with dissolve "Felicia was becoming increasingly more vocal, in an effort for this not to be such a one-sided deal." KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" "Something about her shrill voice repeating fake, distracting porn star like lines ad nauseam was taking me out of the moment and pissing me off, but I was so close to cumming I didn't give a shit." scene pr0821 with dissolve mc "--ah, fuck! I'm almost there!" scene pr0820 with dissolve mc "Where should I cum--?" scene pr0821 with dissolve fel "Cum wherever you want, baby!" "Anywhere?" "I desperately wanted to drown her beautiful, radiant face in my jizz." mc "Open up, slut!" scene pr0822 with dissolve mc "That did it!" scene pr0823 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "-----!" with flash scene pr0824 with dissolve "Rope after rope of jizz exploded from my urethra and onto Felicia's whorish countenance." with flash scene pr0825 with dissolve mc "Good girl!" with flash mc "Hngh... hunh..." scene pr0826 with dissolve "Giving my dick just a few more lethargic strokes to make sure I had deposited every last drop of semen, I took a second to admire my handiwork." mct "(Beautiful!)" "Felicia's once golden face was now coated with an incredibly thick layer of spunk." mct "(Shit, I didn't know I had all that in me...)" fel "Mmmh!" scene pr0827 with dissolve fel "I made you cum that much? I'm glad." fel "That means you were really into it - into {i}me{/i}." fel "...uh, do you think you could hand me a towel? I don't want to make an even bigger mess." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "After cleaning up and getting dressed, Felicia and I spent a few minutes idly chattering until it was finally time for her to leave." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump prAfterPartyTwosomeGoodNight" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyTwosomeGoodNight:" scene pr0867 with blinds KN_MOD "if not persistent.felAfterPartyGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felAfterPartyGallery = True fel "Thanks for showing a girl a good time, lover." scene pr0868 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ history_felicia = "A beautiful woman Ian helped set me up with, she got pretty handsy and we ended up fooling around on Ian's couch. Needless to say, I hope to see her again sometime." $ met_felicia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene pr0867 with dissolve mc "After all that, I should be the one thanking you." fel "Maybe I'll see you again?" mc "I'd like that." fel "Then see you around, stud." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene black with fade "With that Felicia left me alone, and the radiant warmth of her presence was quickly replaced by the sole drone of the open city air and a heavy tiredness beckoning me to sleep." scene pr0869 with dissolve mct "(I'm gonna regret all this drinking in the morning, but damn if it wasn't worth it...)" scene black with fade "....." "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prDiscoAftermath" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyThreesome:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionfelicia03 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0828 with dissolve scene pr0829 with dissolve mc "...but, uh, what do we do?" "Despite being the one who shamelessly suggested it, it was a new experience for me. The logistics... who stands where, who starts what..." scene pr0830 with dissolve kil "Keep doing what you were doing and don't mind me." fel "Huh? You're not going to join in?" kil "Not yet, no." scene pr0831 with dissolve kil "Why don't you two put on a show and give me a bit of a jump start?" fel "So, you like to watch? That explains a few things." kil "What photographer doesn't?" mct "(Hmm...)" "Taking advantage of the lull in conversation, I seized the opportunity to be the one to set the pace." scene pr0832 with fade fel "--Ooh!" fel "Someone's getting impatient--mhhna!" scene pr0833 with dissolve "*Chup... fwup...*" "*Fwup... fwup... chup...*" "*Chup... chup...*" scene pr0834 with dissolve fel "Nggh-! S-shit!" fel "That feels... that feels...!" fel "~{b}Good♥~!{/b}" scene pr0835 with dissolve fel "You're a bigger fucking pervert than I gave you credit for, Ian." scene pr0834 with dissolve fel "Jerking that fat cock, watching me and your friend go at it." scene pr0835 with dissolve fel "All with your girlfriend just in the other room..nyaa!" scene pr0834 with dissolve kil "That last bit makes me sound like an asshole, you know." mct "(...but you ARE an asshole.)" "Resisting the urge to get a jab in at Ian's expense, I instead doubled my attention on Felicia." mc "Let's see how wet you are down here...." scene pr0836 with dissolve fel "Mmmh-!" "*Chup... fwup...*" "*Fwup... fwup... chup...*" "*Chup... chup...*" scene pr0837 with dissolve fel "Engines finally primed, stud?" stop music fadeout 3.0 kil "Hmpph. You haven't seen nothing yet, bitch." kil "Grab her legs, [mcf]." scene pr0838 with fade play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" fel "...huh?" "Without hesitation, I followed his direction." fel "Whaah?" "Whatever Ian had planned, I knew it was going to be good." scene pr0839 with dissolve kil "You got a pretty cunt, Felicia. But it's looking a bit neglected." fel "Wh-what are you doing?" scene pr0840 with dissolve kil "I'm going to give your pussy some personal attention." fel "A toy...? I want the real thing--" scene pr0841 with dissolve fel "Oew!" kil "That's the problem with you, Felish. You never take the time to smell the roses." scene pr0842 with dissolve scene pr0841 with dissolve scene pr0842 with dissolve "With a big, shit-eating grin on his face, Ian unceremoniously started maneuvering the toy." scene pr0841 with dissolve "At first, he tested the waters with short, shallow thrusts. Applying all kinds of twists and flourishes in an effort to draw out a pleasurable response from the woman in my arms." scene pr0842 with dissolve scene pr0841 with dissolve kil "You want to know a secret about our girl here, [mcf]?" scene pr0843 with dissolve mc "A secret? Sure." scene pr0841 with dissolve kil "She ain't as experienced as she lets on." scene pr0841 with dissolve kil "I mean sure--" scene pr0842 with dissolve "As if to punctuate his point, Ian magnified his efforts, sending the ice blue toy haphazardly barreling into Felicia's soppy, clutching quim." scene pr0841 with dissolve kil "She's fucked a lot, and she's real good at it, but..." scene pr0844 with dissolve "While Killian rattled on candidly as if Felicia wasn't even here, a soft and warm sucking sensation brought my attention back to the woman in my arms." "Felicia had latched onto my thumb in a lusty fugue, sucking on it greedily." scene pr0845 with dissolve fel "Mmmh--oh!" scene pr0844 with dissolve kil "She hasn't quite learned the pleasure of taking a back seat in things." scene pr0845 with dissolve kil "I guess fucking old men for fortunes means you get used to doing all the work." scene pr0844 with dissolve fel "Niii...!" "By now, all critical thought had left Felicia's skull, fucked out of her through Killian's ferocious assault." scene pr0845 with dissolve fel "Gaa-gghaa~!" scene pr0844 with dissolve fel "Fuck... fuck ... FUCK!" scene pr0845 with dissolve "In short order, Killian had skillfully brought Felicia to the cusp of cumming." scene pr0846 with dissolve "Then he stopped." fel "Wha--wha..." fel "Why did you stop, you prick? I was almost there." stop music fadeout 3.0 kil "You haven't earned it yet." scene pr0847 with dissolve fel "I haven't EARNED it? What the fuck is that shit, Ian?" fel "Fuck off!" kil "Relax, I was only kidding." kil "It was just dirty talk, y'see..." fel "Well you fucking killed the mood. Let go of me, [mcf]." mc "R-right..." scene pr0848 with fade play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" kil "Sorry, Felish. I didn't think..." fel "It's whatever." scene pr0849 with dissolve fel "Sorry, [mcf]. You didn't do anything wrong, but I'm not feeling it anymore. Blame Ian for the blue balls." fel "It's late anyway. I should go." scene black with fade "Frustrated at being left high and dry so suddenly, all I could do was sit there in silence as Felicia got dressed and began to leave." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.felDiscoThreesomeGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felDiscoThreesomeGallery = True scene pr0850 with dissolve kil "Same time next week, Felicia?" scene pr0851 with dissolve fel "..." scene pr0852 with dissolve fel "...yeeeeah." scene pr0853 with dissolve "With that Felicia left, leaving me alone with Ian." mc "......" kil "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thanks for the blueballs.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0854 with dissolve mc "Thanks for the blueballs, dick." scene pr0855 with dissolve kil "Pfffhahaha!" KN_MOD "Whats her deal?:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0854 with dissolve mc "What's her problem?" scene pr0856 with dissolve kil "Sorry, sorry! I thought she'd totally go for the 'ask permission to cum' shtick." kil "Even if she wasn't into it, she didn't have to blow a gasket. She's usually pretty cool." scene pr0857 with dissolve kil "It does kinda remind me of when I blew your chance with Marlow in high school. Remember that?" mc "..." scene pr0858 with dissolve mc "We're not having at heart to heart with your junk hanging out, dude." scene pr0859 with dissolve kil "Hahaha, fair enough." scene pr0860 with dissolve kil "Well, it's late and we're both drunk. The pillow and blanket are over there." scene pr0861 with dissolve scene pr0862 with dissolve scene pr0863 with dissolve kil "Probably don't mention this to Mina..." scene pr0864 with dissolve mc "What? That you and I almost double-teamed her friend? Probably won't come up." scene pr0863 with dissolve kil "Good, good." scene pr0865 with dissolve kil "Well, good night. I'm glad you came out with me tonight. It's always good to see you bro." scene pr0866 with dissolve mc "Pffft-hahahhahaha!" "With Killian gone, I couldn't help but laugh." "Considering all the crazyness, him ending it on such a bro-y note was the perfect bookend for the night." scene pr0869 with blinds mct "(I'm gonna regret all this in the morning...)" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_felicia = "A beautiful woman Ian helped set me up with, things got hot and heavy by the end of the night between the three of us, but Ian ruined it. I hope she doesn't hold that against me." $ met_felicia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene black with fade "....." "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prDiscoAftermath" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyEndNoFun:" scene pr0870 with dissolve mc "Sorry, but... no thanks." mc "You're an incredibly sexy woman, but..." scene pr0871 with dissolve fel "No thanks? You GOTTA be kidding me..." "Before I could even get the words fully out, Felicia had flipped from her pleasant come hither demeanor to one of visible frustration. She's clearly not used to being turned down." scene pr0872 with dissolve fel "You've been staring at my tits all night!" fel "You're telling me you don't want a piece of THIS?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Its not that I dont find you attractive, but...:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" scene pr0873 with dissolve mc "Jeez! Don't get your titties twisted." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0873 with dissolve mc "Calm down!" mc "It's not like I don't WANT to. However, it's late, I'm drunk, and I've got an exam tomorrow afternoon." KN_MOD "No, I dont.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" scene pr0873 with dissolve mc "Chill the fuck out." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0873 with dissolve mc "Sorry, but I don't." mc "Not everyone is looking for a quick fuck." scene pr0874 with dissolve fel "..." fel "Sorry, I'm a bit... drunk." fel "I get it, I get it... you don't want to." fel "I know when I'm making an ass of myself. I guess I'll... go." "Felicia looked like a sad puppy dog. If this is a ploy on her part to make me feel bad, well..." KN_MOD "if toughness > 18:" mct "(Part of me DOES feel like a moron. A hot woman like Felicia wants to screw and I send her packing?)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(It worked.)" scene black with fade "Felicia excused herself to get dressed, before poking her head out to say good bye." scene pr0875 with blinds fel "I had a... good time, [mcf]." fel "It was nice meeting you." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Likewise.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0876 with dissolve mc "Likewise. I had fun." scene pr0875 with dissolve fel "Well, see you around, stud." KN_MOD "Kiss her goodbye.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0876 with dissolve mc "Same, I don't get the chance to get out much. A night out with a beautiful woman was a nice change of pace." scene pr0877 with dissolve "Smooch." scene pr0876 with dissolve mc "We should do this again sometime." scene pr0875 with dissolve fel "Yeah, maybe..." fel "See you around, stud." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene black with fade "With that Felicia left me alone, and the radiant warmth of her presence was quickly replaced by the drone of the open city air and my drunkenness beckoning me to sleep." scene pr0869 with blinds mct "(I'm gonna regret all this in the morning...)" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ history_felicia = "A beautiful woman Ian helped set me up with, she was angry and hurt when I turned down her advances. Part of me feels like a fucking moron there." $ met_felicia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene black with fade "....." "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prDiscoAftermath" KN_MOD "label prAfterPartyCafe:" "..." scene pr0878 with blinds play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" "After leaving the club, I took Felicia to one of my usual haunts: Johnny's Dinner." scene pr0879 with wipeleft fel "Cute place. You come here often?" mc "Occasionally, I suppose." fel "Occasionally? The old fart behind the counter greeted you by name!" scene pr0880 with dissolve mc "Okay, okay..." mc "I've been coming in once a week, for a couple of years now." scene pr0881 with dissolve fel "That's more than occasionally!" scene pr0882 with dissolve waitress "Hey, [mcf]." mc "Hey, Susie." susie "It's rare to see you in here without a stack of textbooks." scene pr0883 with dissolve susie "What can I get you two?" fel "I'll have the hamburger. Well-done." scene pr0884 with dissolve susie "What about you, sweetie? The usual?" mc "That'll be fine, thank you." susie "I'll have it right out." scene pr0885 with dissolve mc "..." fel "..." scene pr0886 with dissolve mc "Soooo..." mc "This the way your dates usually go? Screw and then food?" scene pr0887 with dissolve fel "Date? Oh, you're cute." fel "I don't date anymore, but if I did, you couldn't afford to take me on one -- no offense." scene pr0888 with dissolve mc "What else would you call this?" scene pr0889 with dissolve fel "Two people fucking and eating?" mc "That's not a date to you?" scene pr0890 with dissolve fel "Don't get me wrong, I vastly prefer it to what I'd call a date." fel "This is fun. Dating, on the other hand, is shit." scene pr0891 with dissolve mc "Bad experiences?" scene pr0892 with dissolve fel "Quite the opposite actually. I'm really damn good at it and it's paid off in spades for me." scene pr0893 with dissolve mc "I'm not following. What makes it shit, then?" scene pr0894 with dissolve fel "It's because it's a soul-sucking charade." scene pr0895 with dissolve fel "It's smothering your personality, knowing when to look stupid, knowing when to laugh, and knowing when to bite your tongue." fel "It's starving yourself to fit into a size-0 dress and keeping up with topics I couldn't give a shit about." scene pr0894 with dissolve fel "It's killing your sense of self for a shot at security." scene pr0896 with dissolve mc "That's a cynical way of looking at romance. Isn't it just two people spending time together because they like each other?" scene pr0897 with dissolve fel "Pffft!" fel "Considering you're friends with Ian, you must've grown up well-off, right? You wouldn't get it." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "Actually, no. I didn't grow up rich." scene pr0895 with dissolve fel "Really? I know you're not as big of a douche as he is, but I had you pegged as being from the same stock." scene pr0897 with dissolve fel "I guess my talent for spotting rich boys is disappearing with age." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "I mean, I didn't have it BAD. My mother, despite money being tight, had a knack for making every penny go far." mc "Still, NOT even close to Ian's wealth." scene pr0894 with dissolve fel "How'd you two become friends then?" scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "Ian would kill me if I told you." scene pr0899 with dissolve fel "You have to tell me then." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "I don't know..." scene pr0897 with dissolve fel "You HAVE to tell me." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "We met in public school." scene pr0899 with dissolve fel "Really? Our snobby Casanova went to a public school?" scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "Yep. Believe it or not, he used to be extremely withdrawn and shy." mc "He had trouble fitting in, so he begged and begged his parents to let him attend a government-run school. We met, hit it off. The rest is history as they say." scene pr0900 with dissolve fel "Huh..." fel "I can't see it." scene pr0898 with dissolve mc "{b}Honest{/b}, but what about you?" mc "You said I wouldn't get it because I was well-off, so does that mean...?" scene pr0901 with dissolve fel "Uh-huh. In another life, I grew up poor in a podunk town." scene pr0902 with dissolve mc "Security. I think I get what you mean." scene pr0901 with dissolve fel "Well, It's not rocket science." scene pr0903 with dissolve fel "That was fast!" scene pr0904 with dissolve susie "Just holler if you need anything else." scene pr0905 with fade fel "Aaaah..." fel "I miss burgers." scene black with fade "......" "..." scene pr0906 with dissolve fel "You done?" scene pr0907 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I don't like to eat when I'm drunk." scene pr0908 with dissolve fel "Huh? That's when you need to eat the most." scene pr0909 with dissolve fel "This is nice. Dancing and screwing - that's par for the course, but a greasy diner..." fel "That's a treat." scene pr0910 with dissolve "Come time to pay, Felicia firmly declared that she'd get the tab." "At first I wanted to insist otherwise, to at least let me pay for my own, but..." scene pr0911 with dissolve mct "(I'd never seen a black card in person before.)" mct "(Said she was poor, but she's fucking loaded now at least.)" "The chance I had to refuse passed thanks to my momentary gawking." scene pr0912 with dissolve fel "So, college aside, you do anything for money?" mct "(--!)" "It was a normal question: 'what do you do for work?' Still, it washed me over in a small wave of anxiety." "Come to think of it, I hadn't really thought about what I was going to tell people from now on." "I suppose I could just tell her I work as a tutor, which wouldn't be much of a lie. I still need to notify my clients and refer them to someone else after all." "I could also keep it vague, tell her I work at a club. That's what I'll have to tell people from now on, right? Hopefully she won't press me too hard on it." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Im a math tutor.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 $ Felicia_Affection = clamp(Felicia_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I'll keep it simple. It's what I can easily answer any potential questions about." scene pr0913 with dissolve mc "I work part-time as a math tutor." scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "You're a teacher?" scene pr0915 with dissolve mc "A tutor. A few days a week, for a couple of hours a day, I balance attempting to teach kids with no interest in learning with their parents' crazy expectations." scene pr0916 with dissolve fel "Guess you don't like it, huh?" scene pr0915 with dissolve mc "It's not for me." scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "Would you believe I actually wanted to be a teacher growing up?" scene pr0918 with dissolve mc "For real? You would've made a hot teacher. I don't think any boy would be able to pay attention." scene pr0917 with dissolve fel "Shut up!" scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "In another life, I would've liked to think I could have made a good one." KN_MOD "I work at a club.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I suppose I should get used to telling people an approximation of the truth, at least." scene pr0915 with dissolve mc "I work at a club, doing... stuff..." "Smooth." scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "Oh? What club?" scene pr0915 with dissolve mc "You wouldn't have heard of it, it's a private thing." scene pr0914 with dissolve fel "Please! You'd be surprised. I bet I know every club in the city." fel "Is it the one Ian works at?" scene pr0918 with dissolve mct "(--huh?)" mc "You know about that...?" scene pr0912 with dissolve fel "Mina told me he moonlights at some old fuddy duddy place, but I'm pretty sure he undersells it to her." scene pr0919 with dissolve fel "Any place Ian would work has got to see some action, right?" "There was something alarmingly devious written across Felicia's face, but I suppose her logic is pretty spot on." mc "I wouldn't know yet, Ian only just got me a job there..." scene pr0920 with dissolve susie "Here you go, miss. You two have a good night." susie "See you around, [mcf]." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Our stomachs full of easy greasy diner food, we made our way back out into the warm city night, with the pretense of splitting a ride-share home." scene pr0921 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" fel "Even if Mina and Ian bailed tonight, you still had a pretty fun time, right?" fel "I know I did, stud." scene pr0922 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I dont usually do stuff like that.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0923 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'm not so sure what came over me tonight." scene pr0924 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" fel "Oh, I have pretty good idea." KN_MOD "We should do this again sometime.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0923 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that was... fun. {i}This{/i} was fun." mc "We should go out again sometime." scene pr0924 with dissolve fel "Hm." play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" fel "That could be arranged." scene pr0925 with dissolve mc "Looks like that's us." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ history_felicia = "A beautiful woman Ian helped set me up with, we fucked in the dirty bathroom of a night club. Needless to say, I hope to see her again sometime." $ met_felicia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "The night had finally come to a crawl. What had started as a night out with a friend, spun into a sexual encounter, and had ended with a quiet meal at my regular place." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mct "(Maybe taking my head out of the books ain't so bad sometimes?)" "Speaking of books: I hope my hangover doesn't bleed into the afternoon..." "......" "..." $ feliciaSex = True hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prDiscoAftermath" KN_MOD "label prDiscoAftermath:" $ date = "may11day" stop sound KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" scene pr0938 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show may11day with squares mc "Ngg... fuck!" "Yeah, famous last words, right?" scene black with fade "After bidding goodbye to an equally wretched Mina, an annoyingly chipper Ian drove me back to my place." play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" scene pr0040 with blinds "Where I showered and did a little last-minute of cramming for my afternoon final." stop sound fadeout 1.5 KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0939 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show may10day with squares mc "Ngg... fuck!" "Yeah, famous last words, right?" play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" scene pr0040 with blinds "After availing myself of my mother's hangover cure, tomato juice, I showered and did a little last-minute cramming." stop sound fadeout 1.5 scene pr0940 with blinds "It wasn't my most sunny send-off of a semester, but I was well-prepared at least." scene pr0941 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "With that out of the way, my summer was wide open. Sort of." mct "(I still have my new job at the Carnation Club to worry about, but I'll leave that stress for future me.)" scene pr0942 with blinds mc "(Tonight: it's a pizza and some {i}really{/i} stupid action mov--)" scene pr0943 with vpunch play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" mct "(--{i}fuck{/i}.)" scene pr0944 with dissolve "Waiting in front of my apartment, casually resting against a black limousine, was the burly, muscle-packed bouncer I had met the other night." "He was affable enough during our one brief meeting, but..." scene pr0945 with dissolve war "Finally." "Seeing him outside the glitz of the club's bar room, overcast in the city's shadow, was more than a little startling." scene pr0946 with dissolve war "I was just about to tell Mrs. P that we should come back after the party." mct "(Mrs. P... Mrs. P... Ah, he means Mrs. Pulman.)" scene pr0947 with dissolve war "Get in." "An ordinary line from a mouth of a driver perhaps, but the way he delivered it... it felt like a command with zero leeway to refuse." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Climb inside the limousine.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(I mean... it's not like anything {i}bad{/i} is going to happen.)" mct "(...right?)" KN_MOD "Ask him what this is about.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0948 with dissolve mc "Uh... Warren, right? What's this about?" scene pr0947 with dissolve war "Mrs. P had some things she wanted to discuss with you. Now, {b}get in{/b}." mc "Alright..." scene pr0949 with blinds "Inside was a comfortably lush leather interior, and sure enough, Mrs. Pulman sat at the very back with a disinterested expression etched on her face." "If I had to guess, going off what Warren said, I would say she's been sitting here for a while." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Apologize for making her wait.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Have you been here long? Sorry to make you wait." scene pr0951 with dissolve kat "Only about ten minutes or so. Come, sit down." KN_MOD "You couldve called.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Have you been here long? You could've called first, you know." scene pr0950 with dissolve kat "I couldn't, actually. I realized too late after you left that no one had taken down your contact information." kat "Bunch of imbeciles..." mct "(Could've asked Ian...)" scene pr0951 with dissolve kat "Come, sit down." scene pr0952 with fade "Taking a seat next to Kathleen, my attention was irresistibly drawn to two things." "The first, her perfume, a distinctively pungent aroma which my olfactory nerves failed to notice not a few feet next to her, but upon sitting down, overwhelmed my sense of smell and immediately gave me a hard-on." "For whatever reason, waves of pornographic images were now rippling through my head." scene pr0953 with dissolve "The second thing that captured my attention was Kathleen's neckline." "The dress she wore was ostentatious, and between that and the hypnotizing erotic fragrance, I couldn't help but have my eyes wander down from her neck to the valley below." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Try to resist the temptation!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Don't look, don't look, don't look...!)" KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) scene pr0956 with dissolve mc "*Clears throat* So... what do you want to talk about?" KN_MOD "else:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) scene pr0954 with dissolve mct "(Fuck it, I gotta look.)" scene pr0955 with dissolve kat "I don't mind you looking, but I've got business to discuss and then a charity gala to attend, so..." KN_MOD "Fuck it! Throw caution to the wind and look!:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0954 with dissolve "How could it be rude? She's got the puppies so proudly displayed!" KN_MOD "if toughness < 20:" mct "(Again, what's got me thinking this shit?!)" scene pr0955 with dissolve kat "I don't mind you looking, but I've got business to discuss and then a charity gala to attend, so..." scene pr0957 with dissolve kat "As I've told you, the exhibition we hold every year is comprised of three women." kat "Obviously not everyone has the mental wherewithal to endure what's expected of them during the event." scene pr0958 with dissolve kat "We currently have two Carnations - that's what we call them - confirmed for the exhibition. Now, we need to pick the third." scene pr0959 with dissolve mc "One of them being Rosalind? The one you let me pick?" scene pr0960 with dissolve kat "Oh, dear. She was already a sure thing. We wouldn't actually let her take part unless we were certain her circumstances were conducive to our purpose." scene pr0961 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene pr0962 with dissolve kat "Like I said, we need our third and it's come down to two women." scene pr0961 with dissolve mc "You didn't seem to have much faith in me..." scene pr0962 with dissolve kat "Well, this is me making an effort. Plus, I had my guy look into you. You might have more potential than one of Killian's usual, dumbass friends." scene pr0961 with dissolve mc "Look into me...?" scene pr0960 with dissolve kat "Yes, your background and upbringing. That sort of thing." kat "Your mother, did you know she did porn?" mct "(--!)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Fuck you!:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0963 with dissolve mc "Why the fuck would you--" scene pr0964 with dissolve kat "So you do, interesting." KN_MOD "I do know...:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr0961 with dissolve mc "I... do." scene pr0962 with dissolve kat "Interesting..." scene pr0965 with dissolve kat "God knows how that must color your perception of women." scene pr0966 with dissolve mc "It doesn't change a damn thing." mc "All it did was make me realize how much she cared for me." scene pr0965 with dissolve kat "Is that the way you've internalized it? I wonder if SHE rationalized it that way." scene pr0963 with dissolve mc "Can we get back to why we're talking in the first place?" scene pr0967 with dissolve kat "Sorry, you're right. We have little time now, but I'd love to pick your brain one day. All kinds of fucked up childhoods go into making my club successful." kat "Understanding the people who work for you goes a long way in preventing hiccups." scene pr0968 with dissolve kat "Take this. It contains information on the two women, plus a little something to help get your head in the game." kat "Be at the Club at 11:30 tomorrow. That's when we'll interview the whores." scene pr0969 with dissolve kat "That about covers it. Give Warren your phone number when you get out. I'll be in touch." scene pr0970 with dissolve mc "Will do..." scene pr0971 with blinds stop music fadeout 3.0 "As soon as I'd exited the limo, thankfully escaping that tortuous aroma, my erection nevertheless remained at full, steely attention." scene black with fade "It would be a full hour before it finally subsided, and that's when I built up the resolve to examine the USB drive's contents." scene pr0972 with blinds stop ambient play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "On it were two PDF files and a sizable high quality video, all three vaguely labeled." scene pr0973 with pixellate "The first profile included a selfie of a raven-haired beauty, wearing nothing but a pair of lace designer panties, coyly smiling for the camera while raising her hips and putting her generous, plump ass on display." mct "(Lucy Long, huh?)" "It says here she's thirty-four years old, married, mother of two, and works as a teacher at St. Ives." "In a small box labeled 'nature of hardship', found near the bottom of the document, one simple quantification was made: bribe - $22,000." "It's a large number to someone like me, but it seemed like a paltry amount to sell your dignity for." scene pr0974 with dissolve "The second profile was of a redheaded woman, demurely smiling for the camera, clad in a slingshot bikini that showed off her well-toned, muscular figure." "Veronica Lynch - thirty-one, divorced. Under occupation was a series of vague, but surprising descriptors." "Entrepreneur, entertainer, model. The list went on. The first profile was clinical enough that I was unsure if Kathleen had authored the document herself, but this one was clearly a submitted application." "In stark contrast to her personal accomplishments, her listed hardship was dramatically underwritten." mct "(Growing overhead?)" scene pr0976 with dissolve "These are the two women Mrs. Pulman said I'd be meeting tomorrow at 11:30 am." "I can only colorfully imagine what those interviews might entail." scene pr0980 with dissolve "Both of these women were easily out of my league, but part of my lizard brain can't help but wonder..." play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Chirp, chirp.*" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_unknown from _call_phone_start_unknown" KN_MOD "call message_img(Unknown, Hey!,mina01) from _call_message_img_1" KN_MOD "call phone_end_unknown from _call_phone_end_unknown" scene pr0975 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "The message was an odd selfie of Mina holding up a cup exclaiming 'I'm sorry'. Is she trying to apologize?" mct "(I'm not sure what she's apologizing for though...)" scene pr0980 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_mina from _call_phone_start_mina" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Dont sweat it?,minaTextSweat,What are you apologizing for?,minaTextConfused)" KN_MOD "label minaTextSweat:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_8" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], You didnt do anything wrong?) from _call_message_start_13" KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, You mean it? Cause I feel bad about conking out on you guys without saying goodnight...) from _call_message_33" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, You mean it? Cause I feel bad about ditching you at the club last night all over Ians silly games...) from _call_message_34" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Dont sweat it. I had a good time.) from _call_reply_message_7" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, Prooomise?) from _call_message_35" KN_MOD "call reply_message(I promise.) from _call_reply_message_8" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, Yaaaay! Ill talk to you later then, [mcf]. Good night!) from _call_message_36" KN_MOD "call phone_end_mina from _call_phone_end_mina" KN_MOD "jump prCarnationClubDemo" KN_MOD "label minaTextConfused:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_9" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], What are you talking about?) from _call_message_start_14" KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, I conked out on you guys without saying goodnight. Probably embarrassed myself doing God knows what else...) from _call_message_37" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, I feel bad about ditching you at the club last night all over Ians silly games...) from _call_message_38" KN_MOD "call reply_message(Thats it? I didnt even feel slighted.) from _call_reply_message_9" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, Prooomise?) from _call_message_39" KN_MOD "call reply_message(I promise.) from _call_reply_message_10" KN_MOD "call message (Mina, Yaaaay! Ill talk to you later then, [mcf]. Good night!) from _call_message_40" KN_MOD "call phone_end_mina from _call_phone_end_mina_1" KN_MOD "jump prCarnationClubDemo" KN_MOD "label prCarnationClubDemo:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Now, where was I?)" "Right, the video that was included on the USB drive." scene pr0981 with blinds "The footage opened with a simple title card on a black background, followed by an introduction of sorts." mct "(Public use - That is... probably what it sounds like, huh?)" scene pr0977 with pixellate "Mrs. Pulman was on stage alongside three women in bunny suits, adorned in a tacky masquerade mask herself, energetically wrangling an unseen crowd behind the film's frame." "She continued on, building up hype and parading the girls around one by one like showdogs, lifting and bending body parts, drawing rapid interest from the crowd." scene pr0978 with fade "After a few minutes of showmanship, came the show. Side-by-side, back-to-back seemingly unending fellatio." "Men were corralled into lines and the girls did their best to bring each new man to orgasm quickly, inhaling dick after dick without respite." "Finally, when it looked like everyone had been satisfied, another crowd of men were herded onto the stage for the festivities to begin in full." scene pr0979 with fade "Strapped down to cherry leather horses, they were the playthings for the whims of the pooling men. What had started as a concerted effort on each woman's part to please the crowd had devolved over time into insensate, mechanical action." "Naturally, I skipped through the prolonged parts. The last bit lasted more than two hours. Until finally..." scene black with fade "Three people, conspicuously identified as the judges were called on to determine a winner." scene pr0983 with pixellate "Openly, they individually cast their votes. Points were somehow divvied up, and the winner for the event was declared." "And with that, the AFTER PARTY began..." scene pr0980 with dissolve mct "(Holy shit...)" mct "({b}THAT{/b} is an exhibition? That's what I've gotten myself into?)" "I had deluded myself I would be able to compartmentalize working at the Club, that I would be able to keep it separate in full view of the fact that Dr. Chuck had promised to pay for my med school, but..." "This kind of debauchery, it isn't the kind of thing you can just put back in a box, is it...?" "At the same time, I can't deny that I found certain parts of that video... appealing." play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "*Ring, ring*" scene pr0982 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" show vic-call stop sound mc "Hey, Mom." vic "Hey, how are you? We haven't talked in a few days." mc "Sorry, been busy with... finals." vic "Today was your last one, right? How did that go?" mc "It went well. How about you? How have you been?" vic "You don't want to hear an old woman complain, do you?" vic "Say, why don't you drop by for dinner tomorrow? We can celebrate the end of another semester." mc "Sure, that'd be nice." "It really would. A bit of normalcy sounds good right about now." vic "Great, I won't keep you then." vic "Take care, hun." mc "You too Mom, good night." play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" "*Beep*" hide vic-call scene pr0980 with dissolve "Giving the smut on the screen one last glance, I resisted the temptation to watch it again." mct "(I should just go to bed. Tomorrow I'll be meeting the two ladies profiled.)" "Lucy and Veronica, two women potentially facing down..." scene pr0979 with pixellate "That." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica03 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 12 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# stop sound KN_MOD "label prMay12start:" $ date = "may12day" stop sound scene pr0984 with blinds play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" show may12day with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The Carnation Club -- 30 minutes before my meeting." scene pr0985 with dissolve mct "(That's...)" mct "(The club's bartender, I think.)" "I've got time to kill I suppose, if I wanted to try and speak with her." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu may12hanamenu:" KN_MOD "Call out to her.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass KN_MOD "Just head inside.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prMay12meeting" scene pr0986 with dissolve play music "music/take-the-lead.ogg" mc "Hey! Hana, right?" scene pr0987 with fade hana "Oh, yeah! The {b}new{/b} guy." scene pr0988 with dissolve mc "Cool bike." scene pr0989 with dissolve hana "Thanks. Suzie Q here is the one gal who's never been cross with me." scene pr0987 with dissolve hana "How's it going with you, Greenboy?" scene pr0988 with dissolve "Paying no mind to the odd nickname, I answered earnestly." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" scene pr0990 with dissolve mc "I'm on my way to a meeting with Mrs. Pulman, but I'm a little early I suppose." KN_MOD "else:" scene pr0990 with dissolve mc "I'm on my way to meet with Kathleen, but I'm a little early I suppose." scene pr0991 with dissolve hana "Good. You don't want to be late with that old bat. She gets annoying when you're not on time, but then again she's always real cunty to begin with." scene pr0988 with dissolve mc "I guess it comes with the territory, huh?" scene pr0987 with dissolve hana "Yeah. Anyone who'd work at that place is an asshole, triple so if you got the kind of skin in it Kat or Charles has." scene pr0988 with dissolve mc "What about you? You mean to say everyone is an asshole except YOU, right?" scene pr0991 with dissolve hana "You can be the judge of that." scene pr0992 with dissolve hana "So, summer exhibition business?" scene pr0993 with dissolve mc "Uh... yeah, you got it actually. How'd you know?" scene pr0994 with dissolve hana "Well, it's that time of the year." scene pr0995 with dissolve "Again, I couldn't suggest otherwise." mc "How long have you been working here?" "She looked about my age, maybe a couple of years older at most." scene pr0992 with dissolve hana "Only over a year. I was next to the newest here, started a little before the last person who had your job." scene pr0993 with dissolve "My mind flashed back to Kathleen's angry comments from a couple of days ago." mc "I have heard things..." scene pr0992 with dissolve hana "About Darius you mean?" scene pr0993 with dissolve mc "The guy I'm replacing." scene pr0994 with dissolve hana "Yeah, him. Whatever you've heard is probably true. Bonafide shit head was what he was." scene pr0995 with dissolve mc "What did he do to get canned?" scene pr0994 with dissolve hana "He didn't exactly get FIRED, per se. More like he just stopped showing up altogether." hana "You should ask your friend Killian if you want to know more about it. They were two dumbass peas in a pod." scene pr0996 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene pr0997 with dissolve hana "Hm. Sorry, but I gotta go." scene pr0998 with dissolve mc "Right, nice talking to you." scene pr0994 with dissolve hana "See you around, Greenboy." scene pr0999 with fade "I watched Hana sputter off, until the breaks and bends of the city had obscured her, before finally heading inside for my business." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "label prMay12meeting:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionkathleen01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop ambient scene pr1000 with blinds "When I arrived at the top of the tower, I gave a friendly wave to Jacob and headed directly to Mrs. Pulman's office." scene pr1001 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" kat "Come in." scene pr1002 with dissolve play music "music/horrible.ogg" "Inside Mrs. Pulman's posh office sat the two women featured on that USB drive, whose eyes fell on me as soon as I entered the room." mc "I'm not late am I?" scene pr1003 with dissolve kat "No. You're early, actually. The ladies here were just earlier." kat "Let me introduce you..." scene pr1004 with dissolve "Both women were quick to climb to their feet." scene pr1005 with dissolve kat "This is my aide, [mcf] [mcl]." kat "He has some say on which of you will join the Club, so he'll be sitting in on this interview." scene pr1006 with dissolve kat "Now, [mcf]..." kat "This alliterative angel is Lucy Long, an English teacher at St. Ives Academy." scene pr1007 with dissolve kat "Ironically, her kid's too stupid to get into St. Ives on his own merit, so she's looking for some help there." "Damn, she doesn't mince words." scene pr1008 with dissolve lucy "Uh... *clears throat* It's nice to meet you, Mr. [mcl]." scene pr1006 with dissolve mc "Same to you, Lucy." scene pr1009 with dissolve kat "This is--" scene pr1010 with dissolve ver "Veronica Lynch, proprietor of B-ForgeX and life coach." scene pr1011 with dissolve "Seizing her own chance at making an introduction (and after Lucy's editorialized version who could blame her), Veronica took my hand in hers and vigorously shook it." "Her hand, despite some rough calluses, had a surprisingly feminine touch. Her nails were well cared for and painted, and her palms had the faintest hint of lotion." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Return her handshake.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1012 with dissolve mc "Nice to meet you, Veronica." scene pr1013 with dissolve ver "If you say so, boy." KN_MOD "Life coach?:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1014 with dissolve mc "If you're here, not much of a life coach, are you?" scene pr1015 with dissolve ver "Nobody asked you." scene pr1016 with slideright kat "Now that's out of the way, we need to determine if either of you ladies are suitable candidates for the club's summer exhibition." scene pr1017 with fade lucy "U-um... how are we going to determine that?" scene pr1018 with dissolve kat "All you have to do is what I tell you and answer my questions truthfully." kat "It's in your best interest to be honest. If you're not cut out for the role, you'll end up regretting it." scene pr1019 with dissolve ver "It's just sex work, isn't it? You're overselling it." scene pr1020 with dissolve kat "Is that what you think? You think that this will be easy?" scene pr1021 with dissolve kat "Why don't you stand up for me, Miss Lynch." scene pr1022 with dissolve ver "Alright..." scene pr1023 with dissolve "Without warning, Mrs. Pulman began running her hands up and down Veronica's body, absent-mindedly making an audible note of her measurements." ver "What are you-?" scene pr1024 with dissolve kat "Only speak when you're spoken to, Miss Lynch." scene pr1025 with dissolve kat "Hmm, not bad. More hard-bodied than our usual offerings, {b}but{/b}..." scene pr1026 with dissolve kat "...I can't say you're not filled out in the right places." scene pr1027 with dissolve kat "Tell me, how did you know how to apply, Miss Lynch?" kat "Mrs. Long was referred to us by a junior member of our club. Isn't that right?" scene pr1028 with dissolve lucy "Yes, Ma'am. He told me--" scene pr1027 with dissolve kat "Meanwhile, your application came out of the blue. You left the referral box blank." scene pr1029 with dissolve ver "Sam--" kat "One sec." scene pr1030 with dissolve kat "Take your blouse and jacket off, dear." lucy "Huh, b-but--" scene pr1031 with dissolve kat "You were saying?" scene pr1032 with dissolve ver "...Samson Garcia told me about this place." scene pr1033 with dissolve kat "Ah, Mr. Garcia." scene pr1034 with dissolve kat "One of our junior members, [mcf]. Not much in the way of money, but other members enjoy basking in his glam and flash, so we're happy to comp him every now and then." mc "I see..." scene pr1033 with dissolve kat "How do you know Mr. Garcia?" scene pr1032 with dissolve ver "I pay him to be a spokesperson for my gym." scene pr1035 with dissolve kat "Hmm..." "Mrs. Pulman took a long pause as she considered Veronica's words." scene pr1036 with dissolve kat "Front and center, Mrs. Long. Give us a twirl." lucy "Uh, yes Ma'am." scene pr1037 with dissolve kat "What do you think, [mcf]?" mc "What do you mean?" scene pr1038 with dissolve kat "You're a man. Do you find Mrs. Long attractive?" mc "Uh, I suppose..." "Obviously, I was feeling embarrassed being so pointedly asked a question about the woman standing right in front of me." scene pr1039 with dissolve kat "You suppose?! What kind of answer is that?" kat "Hmm... you're right, though. It's not a fair assessment while she still has her bra on." scene pr1040 with dissolve kat "{b}Lose it{/b}, Mrs. Long." lucy "Y-yes Ma'am." kat "Well, you have the right attitude at least." scene pr1041 with fade kat "How about now, [mcf]?" mc "I, uh..." mct "(Like that helps things!)" scene pr1042 with dissolve kat "Oh, come now. Get a closer look." scene pr1043 with dissolve kat "Give them a feel." mc "...if you'll excuse me." scene pr1044 with dissolve kat "Well? What do you think? With those vulgar cow tits, I bet her students don't hear a single word that comes out of her mouth." scene pr1045 with dissolve lucy "That's n-not--" kat "I didn't ask for your input, Mrs. Long." scene pr1044 with dissolve lucy "S-sorry." kat "Well, what's your appraisal, [mcf]?" mct "(Is she {i}seriously{/i} asking me that?!)" mct "(How the hell do I respond to a question like that?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Speak the gods honest truth.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1046 with dissolve mc "I mean, what do you think?" mc "These are some... fantastic tits." kat "Thank you for your honest opinion, [mcl]." KN_MOD "Keep it coy.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1047 with dissolve mc "They're... they're alright, I mean." kat "You've seen better, huh?" mct "(I didn't mean that...)" scene pr1048 with dissolve kat "You're a bit overdressed don't you think? Take everything off." scene pr1049 with dissolve ver "If that's what it takes." scene pr1050 with dissolve kat "So, you're here because you want to get your son into St. Ives?" scene pr1051 with dissolve lucy "That's right." scene pr1052 with dissolve kat "There's other schools you know..." scene pr1051 with dissolve lucy "None like St. Ives." scene pr1052 with dissolve kat "...and you're willing to do whatever is asked of you just for a CHANCE at getting him in?" scene pr1053 with dissolve lucy "He deserves the best." scene pr1054 with dissolve kat "Ohoho? Is that the real reason? I have my doubts about that. Are you sure it's not just the vanity of a status-concerned whore?" lucy "No, wha--" scene pr1055 with dissolve kat "Well, I can't know for sure, but I get the feeling the real reason you want your son into St. Ives is to lord it over your co-workers and friends. Am I wrong?" "Lucy was standing there in complete silence, troubled, unsure of how to answer Mrs. Pulman's prodding without jeopardizing her chance of getting picked." kat "No matter, wanting the best for your child or just wanting the best for you, it's ample motivation to carry you to the end of summer." scene pr1056 with dissolve kat "Get on your hands and knees, Mrs. Long." lucy "Okay..." scene pr1057 with dissolve kat "Try to keep steady, dear." scene pr1058 with fade "Without much in the way of warning, Kathleen sat square on Lucy's back, using her as a stool." "Surprised, Lucy buckled slightly under Mrs. Pulman's weight, but managed to successfully lock her shoulders in support." mct "(Holy shit, she's just letting it happen? It's like Mrs. Pulman has her under a spell.)" scene pr1059 with dissolve ver "'re not sitting on me, that's for sure." scene pr1060 with dissolve kat "As fun as that would be, I know that's not happening. Yet." scene pr1061 with dissolve kat "But that's okay. Our members like a little fight in our Carnations. It makes the shows more interesting." scene pr1059 with dissolve ver "If you say so." scene pr1060 with dissolve kat "Still, I have to ask. Mr. Garcia did explain to you what we do here, right?" scene pr1062 with dissolve ver "He did. Put on a show for a bunch of old, impotent fucks and you'll help me with some business that needs taking care of." scene pr1061 with dissolve kat "That's right, more or less. The hitch is you've got to perform better than your opponents. Nothing is guaranteed." scene pr1062 with dissolve ver "That's not a problem. {b}I'll win{/b}." scene pr1061 with dissolve kat "You say it with such confidence, even I almost believe you." kat "Still, it's odd you believed him. How are you so sure he wasn't merely looking to take advantage of you?" scene pr1063 with dissolve ver "..." "Veronica shifted uncomfortably at the question." scene pr1064 with dissolve kat "You don't need to say it. You're on your last leg, aren't you?" kat "I believe you wrote 'growing overhead' on your application. That's your way of saying you're up to your tits in debt, isn't it?" scene pr1065 with dissolve ver "I have some... financial concerns." scene pr1064 with dissolve kat "Hmmm, you both have good reasons. I don't think either of you will be lacking in the motivation department, but the question is - do you have the willpower...?" scene pr1066 with dissolve kat "You'll be doing vile, humiliating things. Even an ounce of pride will be your enemy. Do you two have it in you to do what's asked?" scene pr1067 with dissolve lucy "I can do it!" ver "I do." scene pr1068 with fade kat "If that's true, both of you lock your hands behind your head and spread your legs!" lucy "Y-yes, Ma'am." ver "...fine." scene pr1069 with slideright kat "Come, don't be shy, [mcf]." scene pr1070 with dissolve kat "If it were on you to decide, which one of these sluts would you pick?" scene pr1072 with dissolve "Watching the interview unfold from the sidelines gave me some distance to what was happening. Being pulled into it all of a sudden, I was made intensely aware of just how fucked this whole thing felt." "No matter how I answered her question, I'd end up feeling like an asshole." scene pr1071 with dissolve mc "Uh, I can't say..." scene pr1070 with dissolve kat "Come on, you have to prefer one over the other. People always have preferences." scene pr1072 with dissolve "Maybe, but facing down the women while they stood there practically nude, suffering in embarrassment, made it impossible to blurt out." mc "..." scene pr1070 with dissolve "My indecisiveness produced an irritated sigh from the old woman." kat "Well, if you won't say who you'd pick, then how about you tell me which woman you find the most attractive?" scene pr1073 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Long's useless fat ass and vulgar cow tits or Miss Lynch's freakishly overdeveloped body?" scene pr1072 with dissolve "Not like it wasn't already abundantly clear, but Kathleen was thoroughly enjoying this." scene pr1071 with dissolve mc "...I don't know." scene pr1070 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Well, if you're truly having trouble picking, I know a surefire way to get the answer out of you." mct "(I don't like the sound of that...)" scene pr1074 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" kat "Take your cock out." mc "W-what? You can't be serious." "I knew she was 100 percent serious, but how else could I respond? By doing what she asked? Yeah, right." scene pr1075 with dissolve kat "What's the problem? You'll be expected to use that thing from time to time to perform your duties for the club." mc "gh..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take your dick out.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "*{i}Ziiiiip*{/i}" scene pr1078 with dissolve "Fuck it. I'm in this thing, right? I'll get paid as long as I do as they ask." KN_MOD "Try to refuse.:" $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1076 with dissolve mc "I don't... want to." scene pr1077 with dissolve kat "You do remember your arrangement with Charles, yes?" scene pr1076 with dissolve mc "..." "Fuck it, she's right. If I want to get paid, I have to do this." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "*{i}Ziiiiip*{/i}" scene pr1078 with dissolve mc "Satisfied?" kat "Hmm... consider me surprised. I wasn't expecting a cock like that from a boy like you." kat "Doesn't match your face, which is a plus. Some people pay a lot for that kind of contradiction." scene pr1079 with dissolve kat "You're already so hard too. At least I know one of these pig-whores managed that, but we're going to find out which one." mc "Nghh--" "Mrs. Pulman's cold grip on my cock had me choking out words. I was afraid to ask, but..." scene pr1080 with dissolve mc "H-how are you planning to do that?" scene pr1081 with fade mc "Ggh--!" kat "I'm glad you asked, [mcf]." scene pr1082 with dissolve "With relative ease, Mrs. Pulman pulled me into the sweltering embrace of her alabaster bosom." "The moment my nose made contact with that supple valley of flesh, I knew I had been ensnared just like in the limo." "That perfume-like aroma that had, just last night, left me painfully aching for release long after Kathleen had departed had once again found its home in my nostrils." "It wasn't as thickly pungent as last time, but it nevertheless did the same trick. All at once, every thought had emptied from my head, leaving only an animalistic urge behind." scene pr1083 with dissolve mc "Shit! {w}Fuck! {w}Bitch!" "As the moments passed with her holding me there, I was drowning in a wave of uncontrollable vulgarity." "It took all the willpower in my body not to shove Kathleen to the floor and ravage her then and there." scene pr1084 with dissolve kat "You're practically clawing for release by now, aren't you?" scene pr1085 with dissolve mc "Nggha, just jerk it, you bitch!" kat "Now, now, is that any way to talk to your boss?" scene pr1086 with dissolve kat "No matter, I forgive you. This is dangerously potent stuff, after all. A large dose of it could actually drive you insane." mc "What is this shit?!" scene pr1087 with dissolve kat "To put it simply, it's a very powerful aphrodisiac." kat "It sends your body into overdrive. Ramps up your testosterone levels... bathes your neurotransmitters in dopamine... removes ALL sense of inhibition..." kat "And this is the best part, it sends your gonads into overproduction." mc "Fuck you! That's not a real thing!" kat "Can you argue with what's happening to your body right now?" "I sure as shit couldn't. Everything she was saying had to be true. My brain felt like it was turning into liquid-fucking-magma after all." kat "It's best you get used to this as fast as possible. You'll become well-acquainted with it." scene pr1089 with dissolve scene pr1090 with dissolve "With those words, she began to slowly jerk her hand back and forth, giving me a cruel taste of the release I maddeningly craved." scene pr1089 with dissolve scene pr1090 with dissolve "Of course, her gentle undulation wasn't nearly enough. You would think whatever this perfume is would have me on a hair trigger, but it paradoxically had me feeling that I'd never cum." scene pr1089 with dissolve scene pr1090 with dissolve "I was feeling an immense swelling in my loins, one that despite my intense arousal, seemed eons away from relief." scene pr1091 with dissolve mc "Fchk--faster, faster, faster you HAG!" "My hand, with a mind of its own, roughly grabbed at my tormentor's breast in an attempt to convince her to increase the pace." scene pr1092 with dissolve "Instead, she simply grabbed me by the wrist and reprimanded me like I was a child." kat "Naughty, but I forgive you! {b}Don't{/b} touch me again, though." kat "I'll give you a hand, but I'm not the one you should be focusing your lusts on here." "Fuck this slag. All she has is words and I NEED to cum now." scene pr1093 with dissolve kat "Look in front of you!" kat "See those {b}whores{/b}, brazenly sticking their tits out, all for the mere chance of money?" scene pr1094 with dissolve ver "You're twisted, you know that bitch?" scene pr1093 with dissolve kat "Ha! That one's got a real mouth on her, doesn't she?" kat "I bet you'd love to drive that throbbing cock down her yapping bitch-maw." scene pr1095 with dissolve lucy "This is getting weird..." scene pr1093 with dissolve kat "Or how about the other one... {b}Mrs.{/b} Long." mc "Nggh--! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" "The grip on my dick tightened and the pace intensified as Mrs. Pulman ramped up on her verbal skewering." kat "Do you prefer those thick, meaty thighs and huge ass? Imagine hot-dogging yourself between those cheeks?" mc "Nga, fgwh, ommhaa!" "My brain was cooked. All that was escaping my mouth, in between ravenous oxygen-starved gasps of breath, was unintelligible garbage." scene pr1096 with dissolve kat "Get down on your knees! Keep your hands behind your head and your tits out!" scene pr1097 with dissolve ver "You're not going to--" kat "You said you'd do anything, remember? Get the FUCK down on your knees, pig." ver "...tsk! Whatever." scene pr1098 with dissolve kat "Now, which one will it be, [mcf]? Which of these miserable sows do you want to paint with your seed?" kat "Will it be Mrs. Long or Miss Lynch?" kat "I'll take whoever you choose as your answer for who to hire." "At this point, there was nothing upstairs but a raw, animalistic desire to rut." "I didn't give a fuck about the competition or what I was cumming on, I just had to cum. Desperately." mct "(NGGGHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA! I'M THERE!)" "There was no time, so I ejaculated on..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Plaster Lucy with your baby batter!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1099 with fade mc "Fuck, shit, fuck, shiiiiiiiii--" scene pr1100 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "The next thing I knew, my head was engulfed in a suffocatingly fuzzy feeling and my eyesight short-circuited, plunging my mind into an abyss of purifying white." "I was ejaculating harder than I had ever before, with a dizzying intensity that almost made me lose my breakfast." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "NGGHHAAAYAAAAAAA~! Take it, you slut!" scene pr1101 with dissolve mct "(H-holy shit!)" "Despite cumming more in my life than ever before, my dick remained hard as titanium, but thankfully, my good sense was returning to me." kat "Looks like you made your decision." kat "Aren't you flattered, Mrs. Long?" lucy "Uh, yes M-M'am." KN_MOD "Paint Veronica white!:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 2 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) $ prVero_Facial = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1102 with fade mc "Fuck, shit, fuck, shiiiiiiiii--" scene pr1103 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "The next thing I knew, my head was engulfed in a suffocatingly fuzzy feeling and my eyesight short-circuited, plunging my mind into an abyss of purifying white." "I was ejaculating harder than I had ever before, with a dizzying intensity that almost made me lose my breakfast." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "NGGHHAAYAAAAAAAA~! Take it, you slut!" scene pr1104 with dissolve mct "(H-holy shit!)" "Despite cumming more in my life than ever before, my dick remained hard as titanium, but thankfully, my good sense was returning to me." kat "Looks like you made your decision." kat "Aren't you flattered, Miss Lynch." ver "Fuck off, you bat. That was disgusting." KN_MOD "Screw this hag, shes taking the load!:" $ Kathleen_Affection -= 3 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1105 with fade "I could barely string together three words in my head, but in my gut I knew I wanted one thing: Kathleen started this, I wanted her to end it." "No, more specifically, I wanted to drown the hag in my jizz until she couldn't breathe anymore, but I'd settle with replacing that wicked grin with the gleam of a cum-spattered whore." kat "What are--" scene pr1106 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Take it you hag--!" "The next thing I knew, my head was engulfed in a suffocatingly fuzzy feeling and my eyesight short-circuited, plunging my mind into an abyss of purifying white." "I was ejaculating harder than I had ever before, with a dizzying intensity that almost made me lose my breakfast." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Nhhggaaa~!" scene pr1107 with dissolve mct "(H-holy shit!)" "Despite cumming more in my life than ever before, and the eviscerating gaze Kathleen was leveling at me, my dick somehow remained hard as titanium." "Still, as my good sense returned, I was hit with an alarm of panic at what I had done." mc "Uh... {i}*clears throat*{/i} you can't really blame me for that. You dosed me with that stuff, after all..." kat "!" kat "No, I CAN'T, I suppose." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 KN_MOD "if not persistent.katCarnationInterviewReplay:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.katCarnationInterviewReplay = True "After cleaning up, the girls returned to their chairs as if nothing happened, while I wallowed in shame in mine." $ renpy.end_replay() scene pr1108 with blinds play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" kat "Well, that was an interesting distraction, but hardly a decisive measure." scene pr1109 with dissolve ver "You gotta be shitting me? All that was just for fun?" scene pr1110 with dissolve kat "Well, both of you want it badly enough and you both seem to follow commands well...." kat "I'm satisfied either of you could help us have a very entertaining summer for the Club, but alas only one of you can be chosen." kat "After all, we only need three girls and only one spot remains..." scene pr1111 with dissolve kat "I've got it! Tomorrow night, you ladies will get a taste of what's to come. We'll hold an unofficial exhibition, a contest, to determine which of you will be our lucky Carnation #3." scene pr1112 with dissolve kat "How does that sound?" ver "Like we have much of a choice." scene pr1113 with dissolve kat "That's a good way of looking at it actually. Will you be here at 7PM, Mrs. Long?" lucy "I will. I'll do... anything." scene pr1114 with dissolve kat "You'll be there too, [mcf]." mc "Yeah, I figured..." scene pr1115 with dissolve kat "Good. See yourself out? I've got a couple of things left to discuss with the girls here." "Happily! I'm glad that this bizarre meeting is over. Whatever she has planned for tomorrow be damned, I'll deal with it then." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_veronica = True $ met_lucy = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) stop music fadeout 1.5 scene black with fade KN_MOD "label prRoseDateSetup:" "..." scene pr1116 with dissolve "On my way out, I ran into a certain familiar face." scene pr1117 with dissolve play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" mct "(It's Rosalind!)" rose "Hello, Mr. [mcl]." mct "(Mr. [mcl]? She's already been chosen for the club... she could probably drop that now...)" scene pr1118 with dissolve mc "Good afternoon, Rose. What brings you here today?" "I tried my best to sound normal, but that witch's perfume still had its devilish hands all over me." scene pr1123 with dissolve rose "Mr. Byrnes had asked me to deliver some test results." scene pr1124 with dissolve mc "Test results? Aren't you a little old to be taking a test?" "I groaned internally at my terrible joke." scene pr1125 with dissolve rose "Uh... {b}STI{/b} test results..." scene pr1124 with dissolve mct "(Christ, what else could she have meant you idiot.)" scene pr1122 with dissolve rose "How about you? I guess you decided to work here?" scene pr1126 with dissolve mc "I guess it was just too good of a deal to pass up." scene pr1123 with dissolve rose "That makes sense." scene pr1124 with dissolve "After the (extremely) shallow well of small talk had dried up, the two of us stood there fidgeting in silence." "I should probably do both of us the favor of releasing us from this social standstill, but part of me..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask her to get coffee with you.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1119 with dissolve mc "Say, do you... have some free time?" mc "If you do, I was thinking maybe, do you want to get some coffee with me?" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" "Though, considering I used our meeting as a chance to shove my dick down her throat, she's probably not too keen on the idea." scene pr1127 with dissolve rose "Oooh." "Rosalind suddenly transitioned to a look of surprise." rose "Like a date you mean?" scene pr1128 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 19:" mc "Call it whatever you want. I'd just like to get to know you better." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Just two people getting coffee." scene pr1129 with dissolve rose "..." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False and roseTAapology == False:" scene pr1130 with dissolve rose "Why not? I have an hour to kill. Do you know a place close by?" mc "I have a place in mind." KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateCoffee" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True and roseTAapology == True:" "Rosalind paused, thinking the matter over carefully." mct "(It takes this long to decide if you want to get a cup of coffee?)" scene pr1131 with dissolve rose "Eh... Sure, I have an hour to kill. Do you know a place close by?" mc "I have a place in mind." KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateCoffee" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True and roseTAapology == False:" scene pr1132 with dissolve rose "Sorry, I've got a couple of errands to run, and..." rose "Quite frankly, I don't think we should see each other outside of the club. I hope you understand." mc "...I do." scene pr1121 with dissolve rose "See you around, Mr. [mcl]" KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateSkip" KN_MOD "(Politely) End the conversation.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1126 with dissolve mc "Well, it was nice seeing you again, Rose. I suppose we'll be seeing each other around." scene pr1122 with dissolve rose "You too, Mr. [mcl]." stop music fadeout 1.5 KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateSkip" KN_MOD "label prRoseDateSkip:" "..." scene black with fade "With my business at the Club concluded, I went home to wait out the aphrodisiac in my system." scene pr1133 with blinds "To say the least, it took a lot of effort to work through." scene pr1134 with dissolve "I killed a few hours." scene pr0040 with blinds "Took a shower." scene black with fade "And headed out to meet my mother for dinner." KN_MOD "jump prCelebratoryDinner" KN_MOD "label prRoseDateCoffee:" $ roseMarried = True $ roseSeduceFlag = True scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 "..." scene pr1135 with blinds rose "I'll drive?" mc "I don't have a car, so if you prefer not to walk... please." scene pr1136 with blinds play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" "The drive to Cafe Luca carried on in relative quiet, with both of us filling in the gaps of silence where we could with simple small talk." "All the while, I remained under the lust-charged side effects of Kathleen's aphrodisiac perfume." scene pr1137 with fade "I was thankful when we finally reached Café Luca, the open air being kinder to my condition than the cramped confines of Rosalind's car." scene pr1138 with blinds "...or so I thought." mct "(Uggh, this might've been a mistake)." "The whole time we were waiting to order, my eyes remained glued on Rosalind, indelicately tracing the curves of her body." "I did my best not to make it obvious and failed miserably. The finer points of subtlety aren't in my repertoire to begin with, let alone in this heightened state of arousal." scene pr1139 with dissolve "All I could hope is she'd interpret my wandering eye-line as an innocent attraction instead of the depraved eye-fucking it really was." scene pr1140 with dissolve rose "{i}*Clears throat.*{/i} A-hem!" rose "This... is a cute place. Do you come here a lot?" scene pr1141 with dissolve mc "Oh! I-it's, uh, one of my study spots." scene pr1140 with dissolve rose "What are you studying?" scene pr1142 with dissolve mc "Physics." scene pr1144 with dissolve rose "That's incredible. You must be really smart to study something like that." scene pr1141 with dissolve mc "Well, there's all kinds of smarts, right? For me, if it's not on the test, I'm a moron." scene pr1142 with dissolve mc "You wouldn't believe my lack of common sense." scene pr1140 with dissolve rose "Try me." scene pr1143 with dissolve mc "Just the other night, I dumped a pot of boiling water into a colander. Straight onto the kitchen floor. Totally didn't register that I wasn't standing over the sink." scene pr1145 with dissolve rose "Pfft-!" scene pr1140 with dissolve rose "Everyone's a {i}little{/i} absent-minded occasionally." scene pr1146 with dissolve mc "Try all the time." scene pr1147 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene pr1148 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene pr1149 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) rose "Oh! Shoot!" scene pr1150 with dissolve mc "--!" "All it took was a simple accident to get my mind back on the topic of sex." scene pr1151 with dissolve "Just like that, vulgar images carpet bombed my brain." "Thoughts of Rosalind strapped into an industrial grade milker, feebly struggling to endure unending discomfort as her reddened, milk-spouting nipples chafed under the unfeeling mechanical assault..." mct "(JESUS! What the fuck? It's like all I can think about is sex.)" mct "(Not just normal sex, either. Some real weird, fucked up shit too.)" scene pr1152 with dissolve mct "(What I wouldn't give to just dive head first into those sweater puppies, to knead and assault them, to pinch and prod...)" mct "(I wonder just what kind of sweet cries Rose would make...)" scene black show pr1153 with hpunch play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "{i}*Smaaaack!*{/i}" mct "(Stop perving out, you idiot!)" scene pr1154 with fade rose "Huh? What was that sound?" mc "Just... accidentally kicked my chair." scene pr1155 with dissolve rose "Oh, okay! Now, where were we?" scene pr1156 with dissolve mc "So... how about you? What do you do?" scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "I'm an office assistant, but would you believe I never actually held a serious job until this year?" rose "I married straight out of high school. Did the homemaker thing for most of my adult life." scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "So, you're... married?" "I don't know why that should surprise me, considering the club's focus on older women." scene pr1160 with dissolve rose "Only... technically. The bastard and I are separated now." "Her shift in expression when talking about her marriage was the only red flag I needed to avoid that landmine. She clearly doesn't want to talk about it." scene pr1159 with dissolve mct "(I should change the subject, I think.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu prRoseDateTopics:" KN_MOD "Ask her what she does for fun. if prRoseDateHobby == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1161 with dissolve mc "What do you do for fun?" scene pr1162 with dissolve rose "You mean do I have any hobbies...? Nothing interesting." rose "You'd probably make fun of me." scene pr1163 with dissolve mc "Tell me. I won't laugh, promise." scene pr1162 with dissolve rose "It's such an old spinster thing to do, though." scene pr1163 with dissolve mc "What is it?" scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "I guess you could call couponing a hobby." scene pr1161 with dissolve mc "What, like those crazy people on TV?" scene pr1164 with dissolve rose "You said you wouldn't make fun of me!" mc "Sorry! Sorry!" scene pr1163 with dissolve mc "Couponing, huh?" scene pr1162 with dissolve rose "Don't knock it! You can save a lot of money being thrifty. When the purse strings are tight it helps." scene pr1165 with dissolve rose "Plus, it's meditative. Just you, a piping hot cup of coffee, and a pair of scissors. There's a cathartic quality to cutting things out! Okay?" scene pr1156 with dissolve mc "Do you do anything else?" scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "I like to run sometimes, but a lot of people do." scene pr1159 with dissolve "The thought of Rosalind in a sports bra, chest heaving from over-exertion, skin glistening with a coat of sweat..." mct "(No! Bad [mcf]! Stop it!)" $ prRoseDateHobby = True KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateTopics" KN_MOD "Ask her how she learned about the Carnation Club. if prRoseDateSponsor == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "A particular detail from today's interview, if you could call it that, sprung to mind." "Both Lucy and Veronica found their way to the club via a sponsor. If I recall correctly, she mentioned a relief fund when we first met." scene pr1161 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "So, I've got a question, but if it's too personal, just tell me to get bent." KN_MOD "else:" mc "So, I've got a question. If it's too personal to answer, I understand." scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "Just ask it." scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "I'm still learning about the Club and how it works. How did you find out about it? You said something about a relief fund?" scene pr1166 with dissolve rose "Hmm... yeah." scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "The Eden Women's Relief Fund. You haven't heard of it?" scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "No, I don't think I have." scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "It's one of those charities you can donate to when you're checking out at the grocery store. They have a pretty broad mission: helping women in need." rose "They do all sorts of things. Help single mothers in debt secure low-interest loans, help transition domestic abuse survivors to living independently, help pay for rehab for women with substance abuse problems. Those kind of things." scene pr1161 with dissolve mc "I see. Seems like an amazing charity, but how does it connect to the Club?" scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "Uh, Mrs. Pulman, K-kathleen, she's the fund's chairwoman. She manages and directs the foundation." scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "You got to be kidding me. That piece of work is the head of a charity?" scene pr1167 with dissolve rose "Piece of work? What do you mean?" scene pr1168 with dissolve mc "She's got more than a few screws loose. You're telling me she didn't parade you around nude, berate and humiliate you, maybe use you as a piece of furniture?" scene pr1169 with dissolve rose "Heavens no! Why would she do all of that? The only time we met, she told me my circumstances put me low on the relief fund's priority list, but that there was a way for me to jump ahead." scene pr1160 with dissolve rose "Then I... uh, met with Mr. Beaufort a few times, and then you... and here we are." mct "(Mr. Beaufort....? Oh! She means Killian. I haven't heard anyone call him that. Ever.)" scene pr1157 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene pr1158 with dissolve rose "Does that answer your question?" scene pr1159 with dissolve mc "It did, thank you Rose." $ prRoseDateSponsor = True KN_MOD "jump prRoseDateTopics" scene pr1170 with dissolve rose "{i}*Clears throat.*{/i} A-hem!" "Rosalind's body language had suddenly taken a shift." rose "I got, uh... I mean, I can't help but {b}notice{/b}, Mr. [mcl]..." "She had shifted from being laid back to tripping over her words." mc "What? What is it...?" scene pr1171 with dissolve mc "What are yo--" rose "Ssssh, relax." "Rosalind had started a game of footsie from across the table. Under the best of circumstances, having a beautiful woman's foot pawing at my inner thigh would be exciting, but with where my headspace was at..." scene pr1172 with dissolve rose "I can't help but notice you've been staring at my breasts all afternoon." mct "(Shit! I knew she noticed, but I didn't expect her to openly call me on it.)" mct "(Apologize! It's the only thing I can do!)" scene pr1173 with dissolve mc "I'm sorry. It's inexcusable, really, uh--!" scene pr1174 with dissolve rose "No, no, i-it's fine! I don't... I don't {i}mind{/i} {b}you{/b} staring." scene pr1175 with dissolve scene pr1176 with dissolve scene pr1175 with dissolve mc "Kh...!" "Bringing my mind back to the action happening beneath the table, Rose suddenly brushed the arch of her foot across the tent I was pitching in my pants." mct "({b}Right{/b}! She's the one coming on to {i}me{/i} right now, never mind her calling me out!)" "Still, You got to be kidding me... I'm seeing more action this week than I have had all year!" scene pr1177 with dissolve rose "Oh my... did I... make you like THAT?" scene pr1178 with dissolve "Well, the real answer to that question is actually no. That sadistic hag is the reason it's like this, but I'll be damned if I'm telling Rose that an old lady got me hard over an hour ago." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her shes right.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "In a normal, less unusual situation it's not like she'd have a problem getting me going." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Yeah, you've got me harder than a rock." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" mc "What? Can't you tell?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Uh, yeah. You did..." scene pr1179 with dissolve rose "I {b}thought{/b} so." KN_MOD "Dont say anything.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "So instead, I let the moment pass in silence." scene pr1179 with dissolve rose "No need to say anything, I can tell..." scene pr1178 with dissolve "I have no idea where this was coming from." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" "Truth be told, I was shocked she accepted my invitation for coffee in the first place, considering what I made her do the other night." "I'm also not stupid enough to think a mature, adult woman like Rosalind would be interested in a college kid like me." KN_MOD "else:" "Truth be told, I was a little surprised she accepted my invitation for coffee in the first place." "I'm not stupid enough to think a mature, adult woman like Rosalind would be interested in a college kid like me." "...I mean, would she? And if she was, this approach is weird." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Whats going on?:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Rose, I'm a little confused here..." scene pr1174 with dissolve rose "Basically, I've lived my whole life treading water." scene pr1178 with dissolve mc "I'm not following I'm afraid." scene pr1179 with dissolve rose "...don't think too hard about it, sweetie. What I'm saying is... I'm working through some things." KN_MOD "Who cares, just roll with it.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Who gives a damn about the WHY, the important part is the IS." "What she IS doing is currently flirting with me. Let's not throw gum in those works by over-thinking things, eh?" scene pr1175 with dissolve scene pr1176 with dissolve scene pr1175 with dissolve rose "It feels so large and stiff, like it's struggling to break out. Doesn't it... hurt?" mc "A little, yeah." scene pr1176 with dissolve scene pr1175 with dissolve rose "Aww, poor baby. I wish I could do something to help." scene pr1180 with dissolve rose "Oh, shoot! I've got to go or I'll be late!" mct "(YOU'RE KIDDING ME?!)" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" "Was she just having fun at my expense? Was this revenge for the night we met?" KN_MOD "else:" "Was she just having fun at my expense?" scene pr1181 with dissolve mc "Uh, you're leaving, just like that...?" mc "You were making fun of me, right? That's what this was?" scene pr1182 with dissolve rose "Oh, no! I wasn't! I really do like you, sweetie. You're cute." scene pr1183 with dissolve rose "Honestly, I don't normally do things like {b}that{/b}, but... I'm trying to live differently. I really didn't mean to take it that far, but it was so, SO much fun." scene pr1184 with dissolve "Fwup." scene pr1185 with dissolve rose "I hope you'll forgive me, Mr. [mcl]." scene pr1184 with dissolve "*Smoooooch*" scene pr1185 with dissolve rose "Now, I really have to run. Thanks for coffee." scene pr1187 with dissolve "Left alone with my coffee and a serious case of blue balls, I was finding Rosalind a woman difficult to qualify." $ history_rosalind = "From what little I have to go off of, Rosalind is a woman down on her luck. While getting coffee, I got {i}real{/i} familiar with her foot." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) mct "(I've got to do something about what's happening in my pants...)" scene pr1133 with blinds stop music fadeout 1.5 "I had a little time to kill before dinner with my mom, so that's exactly what I did." KN_MOD "jump prCelebratoryDinner" KN_MOD "label prCelebratoryDinner:" $ date = "may12night" scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) stop sound scene pr1199 with blinds play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" show may12night with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve kil "Mm_____~ mm____~ Hey, da, da, da~" scene pr1200 with dissolve kil "I lost myself on a cool damp night~ I gave myself in that misty light~" kil "Was hypnotized by a strange delight~ Under a lilac tree~" kil "I made wine--" scene pr1201 with dissolve mc "You play better than you sing, you know." scene pr1191 with dissolve kil "I sing better than you, asshole." scene pr1192 with dissolve mc "You play better too. I never took the lessons seriously, but you..." scene pr1193 with fade mc "You really threw yourself into them. Hardest I've ever seen you work." scene pr1194 with dissolve kil "It was a lot of fun! Not to sound gay, but..." scene pr1195 with pixellate kil "The memories of Vicky teaching us to play are my best." mc "She had A LOT of patience, that's for sure." scene pr1196 with pixellate mc "Are you sure it wasn't because she was your first crush?" kil "It wasn't like that." mc "Really? You sure acted like it when we were kids. I remember a pair of panties she had left lying on the washer..." kil "S-shut up! It's called going through puberty, you ass!" mc "Relax, I'm just teasing you." scene pr1197 with dissolve vic "Hey boys, dinner's ready." kil "Mrs. [mcl]! Uh, how long have you been standing there?" scene pr1198 with dissolve vic "About the time you mentioned my panties." kil "Gh...!" vic "Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I was enjoying the sight of you two together at the piano." vic "Now, let's say we eat while it's still hot. Sound good?" scene pr1202 with dissolve kil "Thanks for the meal, Mrs. [mcl]!" "It was a gesture Ian had made hundreds of times. It was something he'd always do before he'd eat here, be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner." "...back when he was a well-behaved, polite kid." scene pr1203 with dissolve vic "Don't thank me until you've tasted it, Ian." "......" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 "..." scene pr1204 with dissolve play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" "Dinner turned out nice, with good food and warm company. Turned out Mom had run into Ian by happenstance at the farmer's market earlier in the day and had invited him to join us." scene pr1205 with dissolve "It was nice to have him there. Killian on his best behavior reminded me of simpler days that I took for granted." scene pr1206 with blinds vic "I'm going to draw myself a bath. You boys don't get into too much trouble while I'm away, okay?" scene pr1207 with dissolve kil "When have we ever gotten into trouble, Vicky?" scene pr1208 with dissolve vic "Ha! You should be a comedian, Ian. That or you should be a shit salesman." scene pr1209 with dissolve kil "You know, it's a shame you didn't get her good humor, [mcf]" scene pr1210 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about? I'm a funny guy." scene pr1211 with dissolve "......" "..." scene pr1212 with dissolve kil "Pffthahaha!~~ I'll give you this, you try." mc "Yeah, whatever. Jerk." scene pr1213 with dissolve kil "So! Are you excited for the trial exhibition tomorrow?" scene pr1214 with dissolve "His question had caught me off guard. Thinking back at that video I watched..." "Assuming it's going to be anything like that, to have him openly ask about it, as casually as asking about going to a concert, felt unreal." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Im curious, to say the least.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I couldn't hide from a simple fact: deep down, part of me reveled in the debauchery shown on that video. It was far away from my quiet student life. It was... exciting." scene pr1215 with dissolve mc "I'm... interested, to say the least." scene pr1217 with dissolve kil "Really? That's great! I was afraid you'd be slow to come around." scene pr1216 with dissolve mc "I'm not on team gang-bang yet, mind you. Still, if I'm going to survive working there, I'm going to need to learn to be flexible with my hang ups." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "Psssh, are you for real? You even look at sex parties clinically." KN_MOD "No, Im not!:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "A tinsy, tiny part of me did find the prospect of tomorrow's exhibition exciting. I would be lying to say otherwise, but the overwhelming feeling going into tomorrow night for me was anxiety." scene pr1216 with dissolve mc "Can't say I am, no." scene pr1218 with dissolve kil "Yeah, I figured. You're going to be slow to come around. That's in your nature." scene pr1217 with dissolve kil "Trust me though, it's going to be A LOT of fun, buddy. You'll feel like a king coming out of it. I guarantee it." scene pr1220 with dissolve mc "Well, not like I have much of a choice anyway." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "That's simply not true. You have a choice. You always do, idiot. Not like you're the first person to do something you don't enjoy for profit." scene pr1221 with dissolve mc "Will you be there too?" scene pr1222 with dissolve kil "Of course, I love those things. It's not just me either, Uncle Chuck is sure to be there. He never misses one." scene pr1216 with dissolve mc "I haven't seen him since high school..." mc "It blows my mind that he's got a hand in this. He seemed so... respectable." scene pr1217 with dissolve kil "Fuhahaha, you mean to say he's a dirty old man? You should call him that when you see him. He'd just die." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "The old bastard cultivates this upstanding man of science bullshit, but he's a tried and true philanderer at heart." scene pr1221 with dissolve mc "He got you into this club business?" scene pr1222 with dissolve kil "Yep, my membership was a present for my 18th birthday three years ago. I fell into working there not too long after that. It's more fun to be on that end of things. The liberties you take with the girls don't cost you for one." scene pr1220 with dissolve mc "You shouldn't say things like that so shamelessly..." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "What? Why shouldn't I? To thine own self be true." kil "Anyway, tomorrow should be interesting. Kat always cooks up some fun games." scene pr1223 with dissolve mc "You want anything?" kil "No, I'm good. Thanks." scene pr1224 with irisin mc "You have any idea what's going to happen tomorrow?" scene pr1225 with dissolve kil "Nope. Kat's got a deep bag of tricks though. It's pretty much a honed talent of hers, coming up with colorful ways to make perverts salivate." scene pr1226 with dissolve mc "She's twisted is more like it." scene pr1227 with dissolve kil "No argument here. She's got August and Uncle Chuck beat at least. Probably not Warren though... that guy..." kil "Well, I'd stick closer to Jacob if I were you." scene pr1228 with dissolve mc "What does that mean?" scene pr1222 with dissolve kil "Just that if you ever need security for something, Jacob is the more delicate of the two." scene pr1220 with dissolve mc "Why would I ever need to go to security?" scene pr1218 with dissolve kil "It doesn't happen often, but if a club member steps out of line with one of the girls--" scene pr1216 with dissolve mc "What constitutes as {i}out of line{/i}?" scene pr1218 with dissolve kil "You'll know it if you see it. The lines of acceptable behavior get blurred against the backdrop of all the sex, but they're there." kil "Throw a bunch of rich assholes who think they're untouchable in the mix and you have a powder keg." scene pr1219 with dissolve kil "Kathleen will have you believe your primary role is keeping the girls in line and working, but your true job is always their well-being. Look out for them, man. This place ain't easy." mct "(That's... surprisingly compassionate for Ian.)" scene pr1229 with dissolve mc "...thanks, Ian." scene pr1230 with dissolve kil "What for?" scene pr1229 with dissolve mc "The way you put it makes me feel like I can do this job without becoming a heartless asshole." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "{i}*Click, skreeeek*{/i}" "The opening of the bathroom door cut our candid conversation about the club short." scene pr1231 with dissolve vic "You boys want to stay for a movie?" scene pr1232 with dissolve kil "I would love to, Mrs. [mcl]." mc "Yeah, why not.." kil "What's on the marquee for the night?" scene pr1233 with dissolve vic "I'm feeling like a little Fulci. How about you, boys?" scene pr1234 with dissolve kil "That sounds good to me." scene pr1235 with dissolve mc "*sigh* ...I'll defer to the majority then." mct "(It's always {i}Italian{/i}.)" scene pr1236 with dissolve vic "Great, I'm going to go get my pajamas on first and then I'll join you." scene black with fade "......" stop music fadeout 1.5 "..." "After the movie, Ian was kind enough to drive me home." scene player-room-dark with blinds "In spite of the insanity earlier in the day, dinner with Mom and Ian proved to be a nice conclusion for the day." "Tomorrow night, that insanity resumes, but talking with Ian did alleviate some of my anxiety about my role at the club." "As long as I think of my role as keeping the girls safe, I might be able to rationalize what I'm going to be party to." "...and maybe I won't feel so bad about enjoying it, either." mct "(Anyway, it's late, and I should get to bed.)" scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # May 13 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# KN_MOD "label prMay13start:" $ date = "may13night" stop sound scene club-fr-night with blinds show may13night with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The next night..." scene pr1237 with blinds mc ", I hate the feel of a suit. Damn thing's so stuffy." scene pr1238 with blinds kil "You'll get used to it. The bosses insist we maintain standards, even if it's not an official event." play music "music/hold-on-a-second.ogg" scene pr1239 with blinds: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 kil "Besides, don't be like that. You look good in it." scene pr1240 with dissolve mc "It's just a little embarrassing is all." scene pr1241 with dissolve kil "Well, suck it up. It's better than what the girls have to wear." scene pr1240 with dissolve mc "....damn. That does make me sound like a whiny bitch, doesn't it?" scene pr1242 with dissolve kil "It could be worse. You could be an underdressed whiny bitch." scene pr1243 with dissolve mc "Very funny, you prick." scene pr1241 with dissolve kil "Anyway, this is probably about as low-key as it could get around here. Kat only invited the girls' sponsors, she wants to give them a proper thank you for the referrals." kil "Which means you'll have to help schmooze a couple of old assholes. How good are you at rimjobs?" scene pr1244 with dissolve kil "Speaking of old assholes..." scene pr1245 with dissolve chuck "Old asshole, huh?" scene pr1246 with fade chuck "Is that any way to speak about your adoring uncle?" chuck "Well, I'm not old at least, bfahhahaha!" scene pr1247 with dissolve chuck "[mcf]!" scene pr1248 with dissolve chuck "It's so good to see you, lad. It's been quite some time." KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" chuck "Not an ounce of fat on you. You're still keeping in shape, eh? Bfhahahaha!" KN_MOD "else:" chuck "You look proper and healthy, my boy. Probably could do to eat a bite or two though. Bfhahahaha!" scene pr1249 with dissolve chuck "I'm so glad you took me up on my offer. Feel free to call me 'Uncle Chuck' from now on, okay?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Sure thing, Uncle Chuck.:" $ Chuck_Friendship +=1 $ Chuck_Friendship = clamp(Chuck_Friendship, 0, 10) $ chuck_polite = False $ chuck_uncle = True scene pr1250 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Uh... whatever you say, {b}Uncle Chuck{/b}." KN_MOD "How are you, sir?:" $ Chuck_Friendship -=1 $ Chuck_Friendship = clamp(Chuck_Friendship, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1250 with dissolve mc "Uh... it's good to see you too. How are you, sir?" scene pr1249 with dissolve chuck "Good lad, good. In fact, I'm doing better than good." scene pr1251 with dissolve kil "What's up, uncle? Shouldn't you be entertaining?" scene pr1252 with dissolve chuck "Actually, I've come to fetch you lads. Well, come to fetch [mcf]. Kathy wants you to help Warren set up something." scene pr1253 with dissolve kil "I bet... heavy lifting, right? Why am I always saddled with that shit?" scene pr1254 with dissolve mc "It's probably because your ability to lift heavy objects is one of your finer points." scene pr1255 with dissolve "I was suddenly knocked off balance by a thunderous pat on the back, Dr. Chuck overly pleased with my response to Ian's annoyed reaction." chuck "Pfhtt--! Took the words straight from Kathy's mouth already, have you lad? Hahahaha!" scene pr1256 with dissolve mc "Well, if he's doing that, what are you {i}fetching{/i} me for?" scene pr1257 with dissolve chuck "As my nephew would put it, {i}to sweat your ass off helping schmooze some old assholes{/i}." mc "...huh?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 "......" "..." KN_MOD "label prLeisureTime:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionhousegirls with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve "What Dr. Chuck had meant by that was that we were joining the night's special guests in the steam room for a little relaxation while Kathleen got the last-minute preparations for the contest done." scene pr1280 with blinds "More explicitly, I was to get acquainted and make small talk with a couple of naked old dudes. And what's more..." scene pr1259 with dissolve play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" "*Mch... mgh... slsh... ehch... mph, schkkk....*" "One of the men was Isaak Miller, who I understood to be an admission officer at St. Ives Academy." "The gentleman availing himself to the services of one of the club's year round whores - or as Dr. Chuck put it, {b}house girl{/b} - was Samson Garcia, who didn't need an introduction." "I had failed to make the connection when I heard his name yesterday, but Samson Garcia was a relatively famous infomercial star and has-been, once starring in a string of popular low-budget action films before I was born." "I might add, the kind of b-movie shlock that I always wanted to watch on our movie nights, but inevitably got vetoed by my mom and Ian." chuck "Good! You're all introduced." chuck "I'd introduce you to Harper here, but she's got her mouth full." scene pr1260 with dissolve sam "Nice to meet you, kid. Any friend of Chuck is a friend of mine." "*Schkkk, mph, mmm~*" scene pr1261 with dissolve isak "Same. Good to meet you, Mr. [mcl]." scene pr1262 with slideleft chuck "Here, lad. Enjoy the high life a little." scene pr1263 with dissolve mc "I don't really..." "I don't know what it was about the look on his face, but it rebuffed any attempt at saying no." scene pr1264 with dissolve mc "Sure. When in Rome, right?" sam "Allow me to light that for you, kid." scene pr1265 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/lighter-flick.wav" "*Schnick, chk-!*" scene pr1266 with dissolve "Up until this point, I had never smoked anything in my life, legal or otherwise." mct "(This isn't so bad--)" scene pr1267 with dissolve mc "*{i}Cough, cough!{/i}*" mc "*{i}Cough, cough, cough!{/i}*" chuck "Bahahaha! There, there lad. Breathe. You'll be alright." scene pr1268 with dissolve sam "You're not supposed to suck it down, kid. Just hold it in your mouth. Didn't anyone teach you that?" mc "Sorr- *{i}Cough, cough!{/i}* Sorry, this is my first time." sam "Well, not a bad place to start, these things cost $7,500 a box." mc "E-excuse me?!" scene pr1269 with dissolve isak "You're just shamelessly bragging, like you always do, you buffoon." "The small, bookish man who had previously taken a back seat in the conversation had used this opening to bare his fangs at his cohort." scene pr1268 with dissolve sam "I guess you're right about that, Ike. My ex-wife always called me a braggart. I don't see the harm in that though. Hahaha!" "However, either by stupidity or plain indifference, the giant paid no heed to Isaak's venomous words and took them in good humor. In a way, his disposition reminded me of a dimmer Dr. Chuck." scene pr1270 with pixellate mct "(Someone like Dr. Chuck, but with muscles...)" "That cursed image popped into my head." scene pr1271 with pixellate chuck "[mcf] here actually worked as a tutor previously." scene pr1272 with dissolve isak "Oh, is that so? Educating children is a noble, laudable pursuit... but it is a tiresome one, don't you find?" scene pr1273 with dissolve isak "Can't beat all the desperate mothers looking to get their kids enrolled though..." isak "Do you still work as a tutor, Mr [mcl]? You and I could come to a beautiful arrange--" scene pr1274 with dissolve mc "I'm afraid not, I quit that job to work here actually." "Despite how fascinating it was to see the man seamlessly transition into a flagrant pervert, I didn't have the stomach to let him finish his proposition." isak "Oh... that's too bad..." scene pr1275 with dissolve sam "That's some real ver-VERTICAL movement for you, kid! Good job! You're going to love it here." sam "You remind me a little of myself you know. I started out with nothing, just the burning desire to be the best..." scene pr1276 with dissolve sam "From body builder, to movie star, to a fitness equipment empire! You got to have hunger kid if you want to get anywhere..." mct "(I bet if I let him go on, he'll never stop talking...)" scene pr1277 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu samschmooze:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} (Lie) I love your movies. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Sam_Friendship += 1 $ Sam_Friendship = clamp(Sam_Friendship, 0, 10) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Is that so, Mr Garcia? I loved your movies as a kid. In fact, I love them even now." mc "Inferno of Surrender, the big set piece with the burning skyscraper, THAT was an exciting movie." mct "(Fuck, I hope I got the title to that shitty movie right. They played it on the movie channel all the time, but I never really paid attention to it...)" scene pr1275 with dissolve sam "Oh, that's always been a fan pleaser. Let me tell you..." KN_MOD "Thank you for the advice.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hunger. Right. Uh, thank you for the advice, Mr. Garcia. I'll try to keep that in mind." scene pr1276 with dissolve sam "Oh, there's more to it than wanting it, kid. You've also got to..." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] (Lie) I love your movies.{/color} if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump samschmooze" scene pr1278 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash sam "Gaaaah-! Shit! That's the stuff!" isak "Thank god! Saved by a blowjob! If you ever show any interest, he'll never shut up." scene pr1279 with dissolve sam "Aaaaah~ you want a go, buddy?" isak "Absolutely not!" sam "Your loss then." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.HarpSaunaBJGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.HarpSaunaBJGallery = True scene black with fade "The dance between them was an odd one, bordering on a comedy routine that continued until Warren came to retrieve us." "Our presence was requested in the exhibition hall." stop music fadeout 1.5 "......" "..." scene pr1281 with blinds play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_samson = True $ met_isaak = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "The walk to the exhibition hall provided the opening I needed to ask a question that had been formulating in my mind all night, on the topic of what we had all gathered here for." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask Isaak about Lucy:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Something about Lucy had struck me as odd, so I turned to the bookish pervert for answers." scene pr1282 with dissolve mc "Mr. Miller, I was curious about something." scene pr1283 with dissolve isak "Oh? What is it? If it's something I can help you with, I'd be delighted to answer." scene pr1284 with dissolve mc "It's about one of the performers tonight, more specifically the one you scouted." scene pr1285 with dissolve isak "Ah, yes. Mrs. Lucy Long..." scene pr1286 with dissolve "Just the mere mention of the raven-haired schoolteacher had a clear effect on the man, sending him down a path of perverted reverie I could only imagine." scene pr1287 with dissolve isak "What about her, Mr. [mcl]?" scene pr1286 with dissolve mc "You two work together, right? She's your co-worker at St. Ives?" scene pr1289 with dissolve isak "That's correct, yes. I've known her... well, going on five years now I think. She's an excellent educator if I say so myself, beloved by both her students and peers." scene pr1286 with dissolve mc "Why did you sponsor her tonight then?" scene pr1287 with dissolve isak "Why? What a funny question. To do my dear co-worker and friend a favor. As you know, she's looking to enroll her kid at St. Ives Academy, but unfortunately, he falls short in almost all the areas we demand to qualify for enrollment." isak "It's sad, really..." scene pr1286 with dissolve mc "So she couldn't get her son into the very school she teaches at? You couldn't pull any strings?" scene pr1289 with dissolve isak "What? What do you think I'm doing here? This is me making an exception. Another reason..." scene pr1288 with dissolve isak "Besides, she's an educator beloved by both her students and peers... wouldn't it be fun to see that conceited bitch get taken down a peg or two?" isak "We'll see which one of us is the true pervert, won't we?" scene pr1286 with dissolve "He said, seemingly directing an offhanded comment at no one, leaving me feeling gobsmacked." "Without a doubt, this man is a loathsome predator. I suppose that's the true nature of the club, taking advantage of women in disadvantageous positions, but..." "To target a woman you know with a thinly veiled vendetta somehow seems even more wretched." scene pr1297 with dissolve kat "[mcf]!" "As we were finishing our conversation, I heard a growingly familiar voice call out my name." KN_MOD "Ask Samson about Veronica:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Something about the brawny, defiant woman I had met yesterday had struck me as odd, so I turned to the self-obsessed has-been for an answer." scene pr1290 with dissolve mc "Hey, Mr. Garcia... I've got a question about the woman you scouted for the club." scene pr1291 with dissolve sam "Ah, yes. Veronica. She's beautiful, right kid? I've known plenty of female body-builders, but she takes the cake. Fierce as a whip too." scene pr1292 with dissolve mc "How'd you convince a woman like that to take part in something like this?" "She wore her contempt as plain as day yesterday, but she was nevertheless here. If her business is failing, there's gotta be other ways to correct course than {i}this{/i}." scene pr1293 with dissolve sam "Honestly, I don't know, but it wasn't too hard if you would believe it. She contacted me recently looking for an investor to pull her from the hole she's in." scene pr1294 with dissolve sam "Naturally, I told her I wasn't interested. Who'd be stupid enough to invest in a business that was hemorrhaging money without any real plan to fix it? That's when I brought up the club..." scene pr1295 with dissolve sam "Oddly enough, she jumped at the opportunity. Didn't blink. Didn't waffle. I suppose that's the kind of woman she is. Incapable of doubt, always moving forward..." scene pr1292 with dissolve mc "That seems... odd." scene pr1293 with dissolve sam "I agree. I was 99 percent sure she would've clocked me for even suggesting it, but here we are." scene pr1295 with dissolve sam "Honestly, I can't {i}wait{/i} to see that haughty bitch brought down to her knees..." scene pr1292 with dissolve "There's obviously more to their history than he's letting on, a man like Samson doesn't hide their ulterior motives very well." "Not that he has to, being amongst friends." scene pr1296 with dissolve kat "[mcf]!" "As we were finishing our conversation, I heard a growingly familiar voice call out my name." scene pr1298 with dissolve kat "I have a task for you." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 1.5 "....." "..." scene pr1299 with blinds play music "music/horrible.ogg" ver "I can dress myself. Why do I need a chaperone?" scene pr1300 with dissolve mc "You heard Mrs. Pulman..." scene pr1301 with dissolve ver "{i}You heard Mrs. Pulman{/i}..." scene pr1299 with dissolve ver "Damn, you sound like a whiny child." scene pr1300 with dissolve mct "(Christ, she's got a bad attitude. What the hell did I ever do to her?)" KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" scene pr1258 with pixellate "..." mct "(Oh, yeeeeah...)" scene pr1302 with dissolve mc "*sigh* Mrs. Pulman wanted me here to make sure everything is applied properly." "After calling me over, Kathleen had explicit instructions for me. I was to help Veronica get ready for the opening event, while Killian was to help Lucy." scene pr1300 with dissolve mc "She's afraid you won't secure them properly." scene pr1303 with dissolve ver "Mmn..." "Confronted with the fact that I would remain, Veronica shot me a withering stare, like she was sizing me up for a fight." scene pr1299 with dissolve ver "{b}Fine{/b}. Not like it matters. I'll go ahead and get dressed." scene pr1300 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Turn around and give her some privacy.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffVerGentleman" KN_MOD "Enjoy the show.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffVerPig" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffVerGentleman:" scene pr1304 with dissolve mc "I'll give you some privacy, at least." scene pr1305 with dissolve ver "'re kidding, right?" KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" ver "You've ejaculated on my fucking face. Think we're past modesty, stupid?" KN_MOD "else:" ver "You've seen me nude already. We're past modesty." scene pr1306 with dissolve mc "Just get dressed, will you? I'm trying to be nice here." scene pr1305 with dissolve ver "Whatever. Just know it's not going to get you any favors with me." "..." "The faint sound of clothes being removed filled the room." ver "You have any idea what she's planning to do to us tonight?" mc "No, I don't, but I can imagine..." "It was the truth. All I knew was what she told me: to make sure the rotors were properly secured." ver "Really? You don't have a clue? I don't buy it. You wouldn't tell me if you did." ver "That miserable old cunt probably wants it to be a surprise. Am I right?" scene pr1306 with dissolve mc "I couldn't say one way or the other, Miss Lynch." scene pr1305 with dissolve ver "Great, I bet she stuck me with the idiot of the place..." "Her endless complaining was starting to become grating, but I knew getting angry would only put me further on the losing side of our exchange." ver "You can turn around now." scene pr1307 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.5 mct "(Woah...)" ver "Wasn't much point in not looking, was there?" play music "music/philly-crew.ogg" scene pr1308 with fade: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 4.5 yalign 0.1 "Veronica wasn't mistaken. The attire she had slipped her statuesque, well-endowed frame into was exceedingly lewd, proving far more tantalizing than any mere naked body could hope to reach." "Expensive-looking stockings snaked their way up her long legs, ending in a garter belt that held the silk fabric taut against her skin. Paired with a 3-inch high heel, the result was a lust-driving showcase of the musculature of her powerful legs and firm ass." scene pr1309 with dissolve "You could almost say she looked {i}classy{/i}, if not for the slits in front of her bra that filthily bared the tips of her breasts for anyone to see." scene pr1310 with dissolve ver "I just said I was finished dressing. I didn't tell you to eye-fuck me, now did I?" KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffVerRotor" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffVerPig:" "Considering the circumstances, not like there's any point in being modest." scene pr1311 with dissolve "Veronica was quick about it, beginning to undress as if she was the only person in the room." scene pr1312 with dissolve mc "You're not embarrassed?" scene pr1313 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.5 ver "'re kidding, right?" play music "music/frame-of-mine.ogg" KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" scene pr1314 with dissolve ver "You've ejaculated on my fucking face. Think we're past modesty, creep?" KN_MOD "else:" scene pr1315 with dissolve ver "You've seen me nude already. We're past modesty already." scene pr1316 with dissolve ver "Besides, there's two things. For one, if you've got a killer body like me, you don't shy away from showing it." scene pr1317 with dissolve mc "What's the other thing?" scene pr1314 with dissolve ver "You're basically a human cockroach. Why would I wet myself like a schoolgirl undressing in front of a bug?" scene pr1317 with dissolve mct "(...gchk!)" "While I raged and cursed at her internally, in my head I knew I didn't have a leg to stand on." mct "(It's only natural for her to look at me like that, everything considered...)" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mct "(Still, that fucking... BITCH!!!)" stop music fadeout 1.5 scene pr1318 with dissolve "A few moments of stewing to myself was interrupted by a question." scene pr1319 with fade play music "music/horrible.ogg" ver "So, you have any idea what she's planning to do to us tonight?" scene pr1320 with dissolve mc "No, I don't, but I can imagine..." "It was the truth. All I knew was what she told me: to make sure the rotors were properly secured." scene pr1321 with dissolve ver "Really? You don't have a clue? I don't buy it. You wouldn't tell me if you did." ver "That miserable old cunt probably wants it to be a surprise. Am I right?" mc "I couldn't say one way or the other, Miss Lynch." scene pr1322 with dissolve ver "Great, she stuck me with the idiot of the place..." "Her endless complaining was starting to become grating, but I knew getting angry would only put me further on the losing side of our exchange." scene pr1310 with fade ver "That's done." scene pr1309 with dissolve mct "(Woah...)" "Through all her bitching and bleating, I failed to appreciate just what she was slipping on." "Expensive-looking stockings snaked their way up her long legs, ending in a garter belt that held the silk fabric taut against her skin. Paired with a 3-inch high heel, the result was a lust-driving showcase of the musculature of her powerful legs and firm ass." "You could almost say she looked {i}classy{/i}, if not for the slits in front of her bra that filthily bared the tips of her breasts for anyone to see." KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffVerRotor" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffVerRotor:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionveronica01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr1310 with dissolve ver "I suppose those damn rotors come next?" "She was referring to the egg-shaped vibrators that were the whole reason I was here." scene pr1350 with pixellate kat "I need you to keep this mouthy bitch honest, otherwise she might try to pull a fast one and skimp on the number." kat "Make sure you use all of these. You'll see to it {b}personally{/b}, won't you?" scene pr1323 with pixellate play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" mc "Lie back on the bed." scene pr1324 with dissolve "She shot me yet another unnerving look, pausing to weigh her options, before finally silently and begrudgingly accommodating my request." scene pr1325 with dissolve ver "Fine! If you have to, just be quick about it." scene pr1326 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Then lie back more and spread 'em, then." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Then lie back more and spread your legs please." ver "...tsk!" "She clicked her tongue in irritation, but again, did as I asked." scene pr1327 with dissolve ver "Just so we're clear, don't try any funny business, creep." scene pr1328 with dissolve mc "Considering you could probably use your thighs to crush my head like a cantaloupe, I don't think you have to worry about that." scene pr1327 with dissolve ver "As long as you understand then." scene pr1329 with dissolve "..." scene pr1349 with dissolve "As I moved in closer, my attention was glued to the muscular woman's physique and curves." "I had never found myself attracted to brawny women before, but then again, I'd never seen a woman quite like Veronica either. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't something about her sturdy frame that was alluring to me." mct "(Could it be that the thought of a woman who can kick my ass gets me going?)" mct "(...then again, maybe I just like redheads with large tits. That could be it.)" scene pr1330 with dissolve ver "Stop wasting time and get it over with." mc "*ahem* R-right, sorry..." scene pr1349 with dissolve "I was keeping it cool until now, but that went out the window as soon as I was front and center (quite literally) with my task: inserting a number of pink, egg-shaped sex toys into a stranger's vagina." "It's easy to put it out of mind when things are getting hot and heavy, but facing it down business-like, the intimate nature of the place had me running red in the face." scene pr1331 with dissolve mc "If you'll excuse me..." scene pr1332 with dissolve "With some uneasiness, I pulled aside the maroon colored panties and got my first look at the fiery woman's rosebud and petals." scene pr1333 with dissolve ver "What are you tip-toeing around for? This isn't some sight-seeing tour." scene pr1334 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be honest with her.:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1335 with dissolve mc "Don't you find this to be kinda... intimate?" scene pr1336 with dissolve ver "Fuck no! I don't. I told you not to try anything funny!" scene pr1335 with dissolve mc "I'm not trying to make a move on you or anything... I'm just saying this whole situation is weird." scene pr1336 with dissolve ver "Oh {b}boo-hoo{/b}, how do you think I feel having some strange creep awkwardly breathing into my vagina? What are you, trying to turn this into a moment or something? Just put the damn toys in." scene pr1334 with dissolve mct "(Might as well get to it, I guess...)" KN_MOD "Insert the first vibrator.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Might as well get to it, I guess.)" scene pr1337 with dissolve "Taking the small egg in the tips of my fingers, I slowly brought it to the entrance of the stony-faced woman's canal." scene pr1338 with dissolve "The pleasant heat contrasted the cold toy in my hand nicely." scene pr1339 with dissolve "The first of the small, rose-colored devices slide into Veronica's love tunnel with little trouble, spearing apart the imposing woman's unstained petals with only a slight resistance." scene pr1340 with dissolve "The second one, needing to push the first one deeper in, proved a little more difficult in finding room in the dry passage." scene pr1341 with dissolve ver "Ngg-! Not so rough-!" mc "Sorry, it's just you're really, {b}really{/b} tight. I'm not sure how many of these I can actually fit..." mc "We have two more remaining..." scene pr1342 with dissolve ver "What? There's no way in HELL four are going to fit!" scene pr1343 with dissolve mc "I'm not even sure three will, if we're being honest..." mct "(For some reason, I doubt that crazy witch would be okay with only using half of the toys she told me to...)" mct "(Wait a minute. Just MAYBE...)" "She didn't say all of them had to fit inside her cunt, just that I had to use them." scene pr1344 with dissolve mc "Wait here, I've got an idea!" stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "Huh? Where the hell are you going?" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene pr1345 with dissolve ver "Grrh-!! You want me to just lay here?!" scene pr1346 with dissolve ver "........." ver "......" ver "..." scene pr1347 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "..." scene pr1348 with dissolve mc "So, she didn't say WHERE or HOW these things had to be used." ver "I'm listening..." scene black with fade $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.VeroEggInsertGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.VeroEggInsertGallery = True "......" "..." KN_MOD "label prFaceOffStart:" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene pr1351 with blinds "Once the prep work had been taken care of, we all gathered in the exhibition hall. The old men got comfortably seated, Kathleen and the girls took center stage, and Killian and myself were told to stand off to the side expectantly." "I had no idea what to expect." scene pr1352 with dissolve kat "Gentlemen! The Carnation Club welcomes you!" "Despite only speaking to a handful of people, like a true showman, she spared no energy addressing her audience." scene pr1353 with dissolve kat "We are gathered here tonight to select the final Carnation for our annual summer exhibition." kat "Sammy, Mr. Miller... thank you for being here on such short notice. It is thanks to you that these women are here with us tonight." scene pr1354 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman paused for dramatic effect, lips stretched tightly into a diabolical smile, before continuing." scene pr1355 with dissolve kat "Now, this could have simply been taken care of behind closed doors, but... I mean, where's the fun in that, right?" scene pr1353 with dissolve kat "As an extension of our gratitude for your contribution to this year's exhibition, you two have been exclusively invited to witness and participate in tonight's revelry." scene pr1355 with dissolve kat "You have helped us find {b}flowers{/b} amongst weeds." kat "Two women who are capable of sinking to unimagined depths, to rise like a baptism, polished and shining like the {b}whores{/b} they were meant to be." scene pr1356 with dissolve mc "*whispering* Does she hear herself? She sounds ridiculous." scene pr1357 with dissolve kil "*whispering* Oh, you haven't heard nothing yet. Just wait until the actual summer exhibition starts, when this room is just FILLED with stodgy, old bastards." kil "*whispering* That's when she REALLY gets into it." scene pr1358 with dissolve kat "...and what better way to discover which of them will shine the brightest other than giving them a stage?" kat "Now! Girls, though you may know some of these gentlemen, it is only proper you introduce yourselves and thank your sponsor for the opportunity you've been given tonight." scene pr1359 with fade "The first to step forward, despite the anxiety plainly written on her face, was Lucy." scene pr1360 with dissolve lucy "My name is Lucy Long and--" scene pr1361 with dissolve kat "Sorry, honey. Let me stop you there. That's MISSUS Lucy Long, isn't it? You're married. Be precise." scene pr1360 with dissolve lucy "My name is Mrs. Lucy Long, it is nice to meet you." scene pr1362 with dissolve kat "There's no need to be brief, dear. Now, what are you here for? Try again." kat "*whispering* Make it colorful." scene pr1363 with dissolve "Even from behind, I could see the gears slowly turn in her head as she tried to arrive at what Mrs. Pulman considered a {i}proper{/i} introduction." "After some time spent deliberating in thorny silence, she finally arrived at a conclusion." scene pr1364 with dissolve lucy "My name is Mrs. Lucy Long, I'm a shameful married woman here for your pleasure. Please treat me well." scene pr1365 with irisout lucy "Thank you for helping provide me with this chance, Mr. Miller." scene pr1366 with dissolve isak "Please, call me Isaak. We're friends, aren't we?" scene pr1367 with dissolve lucy "...mghn. T-thank you, Isaak." "She did her best to hide her irritation, but her antipathy for the smarmy man was as clear as day." isak "You're welcome, Lulu. Don't embarrass me now." "After that terse exchange, came the comments from the peanut gallery." scene pr1368 with dissolve chuck "Ha! She may be slow on the uptake, but she's got spirit." scene pr1369 with dissolve sam "She stands no chance against my girl, though!" scene pr1370 with fade "Without waiting to be called, Veronica stepped forward." scene pr1371 with dissolve chuck "Oh? This one's got some initiative. Let's hear it sweetheart." scene pr1372 with dissolve kat "More like impertinent..." scene pr1373 with dissolve ver "My name is Veronica Lynch, divorced." scene pr1374 with dissolve ver "Please enjoy the body that I've worked so hard for, and all its fuck holes, to your heart's desire." "The tall, fiery-headed beauty had managed to somehow come up with an even more stupid, contrived line than her opponent. Not only that, but she did it with an odd sense of personal flair." "It was born from the luxury of going second I guess." "While Lucy had forced the words through her lips with a sense of shame, Veronica had done it with the skill of an actor reading for a part." scene pr1375 with dissolve ver "From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this opportunity Mr. Garcia." sam "*clap* *clap* *clap* Hear, hear!" "While Charles wore his usual grin on his face, and Isaak seemed amused by Veronica's blatant lip service, only Samson seemed to actually buy it hook, line, and sinker." scene pr1357 with dissolve kil "*whispers* She basically just told Kat to fuck off." "Despite the insincerity, she had done what was asked, denying Kathleen the pleasure of degrading her." kil "*whispers* Still... that's not going to work out for her. I've seen women try to make that play before, all it does is paint a target on your back." scene pr1376 with dissolve kat "Let's get the night properly started, shall we?" scene pr1377 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" ver "Ghh-!" "With the press of a button, the devices inside her quim, as well as the two tightly kissing her hefty globes, sprang to life. The sound of a faint, almost imperceptible mechanical droning resonated through the hall." scene pr1378 with dissolve kat "Tonight, these whores will be pitted against each other in {b}three{/b} games, each game serving..." scene pr1379 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" lucy "OoooHngaa!" "The educator's abrupt, slovenly change in expression and comical howling drew a light chuckle from the crowd." scene pr1380 with dissolve kil "*whispering* I could only manage to fit three up her cooch. Wanna guess where I put the last one?" scene pr1381 with dissolve kat "Each game serving as an assessment for the three qualities that a Carnation must have in spades if she even hopes to entertain the idea of becoming our summer {i}Carnation Queen{/i}." scene pr1382 with dissolve kat "What qualities are those, you might ask?" "The would-be Carnations were clearly distracted by other things as Kathleen smugly posed her rhetorical question to no one in particular." scene pr1383 with dissolve kat "To be a Carnation, one must possess the {b}endurance{/b} to withstand pleasure and pain, to focus clearly on the tasks given to you and to provide a marvelous show for our patrons." scene pr1384 with dissolve kat "The {b}best{/b} whores can both revel in giving and taking pleasure simultaneously." scene pr1385 with dissolve kat "Secondly, you need to possess the right {b}disposition{/b}, to be able to submit and serve without compunction." scene pr1386 with dissolve kat "On the other hand, meek and easily broken things are no good. A little fire can make things entertaining and insubordination can always be {b}ironed{b} out, one way or another..." kat "Finally, the last test will examine your raw, {b}carnal skill{/b}. Bedroom knowledge can be acquired, sure, but..." kat "There is such a thing as talent and we only have four weeks to mold you into the perfect specimens for our grand finale, where ultimately the winner WILL be crowned. So it counts for--" scene pr1387 with dissolve chuck "Aw, c'mon Kathy! Stop yammering and let's get to the good stuff. We're all waiting and I'm sure the girls are eager to get tonight over with, bahahaha!" "Thankfully Dr. Chuck helped push Mrs. Pulman's growingly self-indulgent explanation along." kat "~ghk!" scene pr1388 with dissolve sam "Don't be like that, old man! They say good things come to those who wait!" scene pr1389 with dissolve sam "Besides, ain't nothing wrong with watching a fine piece of ass like Kathleen prance around the stage. Hahahaha!" kat "..." scene pr1390 with dissolve kat "No, no, Charles is right. There's no reason for me to bore you with details when you're here to relax and have some fun. This is our guests of honor's night, after all." scene pr1391 with dissolve kat "You're here to watch the slut you hand-picked out squirm uncomfortably, right Sammy?" sam "Hear, hear!" scene pr1392 with dissolve kat "What about you, Isaak? You excited to begin?" isak "Naturally, Mrs. Pulman. I'm dying to see what games you've come up with." kat "Good, good.." scene pr1393 with dissolve kat "Boys! Prepare the stage!" stop music fadeout 1.5 scene black with fade KN_MOD "label prFaceOffEndurance:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve "......" "..." play music "music/plans-in-motion.ogg" scene pr1394 with dissolve "A few minutes into the first game --" scene pr1395 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" "The dull din of the small toy motors continued to fill the exhibition hall." scene pr1396 with dissolve lucy "nnH--!" kat "Yes, yes..." scene pr1397 with dissolve kat "Stiff as a board! You girls are managing well." scene pr1398 with dissolve kat "A little {i}too{/i} well, maybe. Let's see how you handle an increase in power." scene pr1399 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "{b}*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*{/b}" scene pr1400 with dissolve "With a simple touch of the tip of her finger, the mechanical whirling intensified and the girls became even more uneasy on their feet." "The first game was a simple one, a test of endurance requiring Lucy and Veronica to balance a tray of drinks longer than their opponent." "Keeping an arm raised for a prolonged period of time would be uncomfortable by itself, but add some weight to it and the unceasing carnal tickling of the egg vibrators, it's more trying than it looks." scene pr1401 with dissolve kat "You hold that position beautifully, Mrs. Long. You used to wait tables in college I bet." "The dark-haired teacher shot Kathleen an almost pleading look, as if to say: {i}don't distract me, I'm trying to focus!{/i}" "Naturally, Mrs. Pulman prattled on." scene pr1402 with dissolve kat "Tell me, how long have you been married, Mrs. Long?" lucy "...h-huh?" "The teacher let a baffled utterance slip through her gritted teeth." scene pr1403 with dissolve kat "I asked you how long you've been married. It's the kind of simple question you ask when you're getting to know a new friend. That's what we are here, aren't we? {b}Friends?{/b}" "With an exasperated expression at the direction Kathleen's questions were going, Lucy took a moment to painstakingly consider how she would respond." scene pr1404 with dissolve lucy "I would prefer not to... talk about it." scene pr1403 with dissolve kat "I get it. It must be difficult to talk about your husband in front of strangers with a bunch of toys shoved up your cunt." scene pr1405 with dissolve kat "You don't HAVE to answer me. After all, it isn't a requirement for this game." scene pr1406 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "To underline her point, Kathleen gave the device in her hand another tap." scene pr1407 with dissolve lucy "Ght--!" kat "All you're required to do is {i}comfortably{/i} hold that pose." scene pr1408 with dissolve lucy "W-we've been married for 13 years. His name is John." scene pr1409 with dissolve kat "You married young! High-school sweethearts?" scene pr1408 with dissolve lucy "Y-yes. I've known him all my life." scene pr1407 with dissolve kat "That must be wonderful, dear! Having that kind of long-lasting relationship, but wait..." scene pr1409 with dissolve kat "It couldn't be that he's the only man you've had sex with, is it?" lucy "No, we didn't s-start dating until college!" scene pr1410 with dissolve kat "That's disappointing, Someone here would pay good money to be the first man to give you something to compare your husband to." scene pr1407 with dissolve kat "How often do you two have sex? Four times a week?" scene pr1408 with dissolve lucy "No... less. O-once..." scene pr1410 with dissolve kat "Once a week?!" "Mrs. Pulman feigned a shocked tone to her question." lucy "Once a month. N-no, it's been t-three months..." kil "*whispering* Why the hell is that moron being so honest?" scene pr1409 with dissolve kat "Oh, I see..." scene pr1411 with dissolve isak "Your husband's not man enough to satisfy you, eh?" "Lucy's sponsor called out to her derisively, the fleshy jowls of his cheeks pulled back in a stomach-churning smile." scene pr1413 with dissolve lucy "No, n-no... w-we're just busy. We have our jobs and..." scene pr1412 with dissolve "The tormented educator looked like she wanted to disappear from sight, cheeks running red in embarrassment even more than they had been from standing stark naked in front of a crowd of strangers." scene pr1414 with fade kat "Well, here's to hoping that tonight gives you a newer appreciation for sex." scene pr1415 with dissolve "Making some fucked-up toast, she took a drink of the goblet's contents." lucy "...h-huh? What are you--" scene pr1416 with dissolve lucy "Ght--!" "Abruptly, Kathleen pulled Lucy into a passionate kiss, making a show of sharing the goblet's contents with the raven-haired teacher." scene pr1417 with dissolve lucy "Ngh... staahp... *plslsh... ehch... mph, schkkk...*" scene pr1418 with dissolve "*Chup... ehch... mph, schkkk~!♥ ... chup~!♥*" scene pr1419 with dissolve lucy "Nggh-- m-my b-body is on f-fire...?" lucy "W-what's... w-what's t-this f-feeling?" scene pr1421 with dissolve "Smiling contentedly, her tormentor ignored the confused woman and turned her attention to Lucy's towering opponent." scene pr1420 with dissolve kat "Don't think I've forgotten about you, Miss Lynch. You look like you're managing even better than your adversary. I suppose those arms of yours are good for something, aren't they?" scene pr1421 with dissolve "Veronica paid no attention to her comment, instead keeping a steely gaze straight ahead, as if she was looking beyond the exhibition hall." scene pr1420 with dissolve kat "Actually, I suppose this might be a little unfair..." kat "Your conditioning gives you a clear advantage over a fatass like Mrs. Long, doesn't it?" scene pr1422 with slideleft mc "*whispering* ...fatass? She's not fat." "Lucy was a pleasantly curvy woman, but she wasn't even approaching what you could call fat." scene pr1423 with dissolve kil "*whispering* Of course she isn't, that's not the point." scene pr1424 with dissolve kat "I think it's only fair we give you a handicap." scene pr1425 with dissolve ver "--!" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" scene pr1426 with dissolve "A sharp increase in power sent the steady woman reeling." scene pr1427 with dissolve ver "A handicap? That isn't, nggh-, f-fair." scene pr1428 with dissolve kat "Fair? Don't be naive. It's up to me to determine what is and isn't fair, Miss Lynch." kat "If I wanted you to stand on one leg right now, you wouldn't have a choice but to do it if you want to have a shot at competing in the summer exhibition." kat "Besides, it's only a 10 percent handicap,I bet you can handle double that." scene pr1429 with dissolve ver "Ghttt--!" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" scene pr1430 with dissolve "Another swipe of her phone brought another stupefied reaction out of the Amazon." ver "Aaa-, f-fhuck y-you, nggh, you crazy bitch!" scene pr1431 with dissolve kat "That's obstinate language from a whore that's going to be cumming very soon." scene pr1432 with dissolve ver "L-like, nghh, I could cum in a situation, aaa-, like dhis--!" "The toys were beginning to make it difficult for the hard bodied woman to get out the words." scene pr1431 with dissolve kat "Oh, don't sell yourself short, sweetie. Of course you can." scene pr1433 with dissolve kat "In fact, I'll consider it a personal failing if you don't piss yourself in pleasure by the end of this, Miss Lynch." scene pr1434 with fade kat "Now, drink." scene pr1435 with dissolve scene pr1436 with dissolve "Veronica answered Kathleen's curt order with a leery look, clearly not trusting what's in the cup." scene pr1435 with dissolve scene pr1436 with dissolve "The two wordlessly locked eyes for what felt like a century, until Veronica finally capitulated the meaningless challenge by opening her mouth." scene pr1437 with dissolve kat "If you're going to do it anyway, save us all some time next time." scene pr1438 with dissolve ver "*Mph... glp... chku...*" scene pr1439 with dissolve ver "*Glp... glp... chku...*" "The liquid rolled its way down the large beauty's gullet." "Where Lucy had only imbibed a mouthful, Veronica was sucking down the entirety of the goblet's contents." scene pr1440 with dissolve ver "...schuuua!" "As soon as the cup's rim left her lips, Veronica let out what could only be interpreted as a contented sigh." "Like with the schoolteacher, the effect of whatever elixir Veronica had consumed made itself readily apparent through her skin's ruddiness and dopey, unfocused expression." scene pr1441 with dissolve ver "Ghn- w-what was in that d-drink? My body f-feels, ngh..." kat "It feels like you need a dick, doesn't it?" kat "Ha! Don't worry. You didn't drink anything... {i}harmful{/i}. It'll just make things more entertaining." scene pr1422 with dissolve mc "*whispering* Is that the same stuff she wears as perfume?" scene pr1442 with dissolve kil "Oh? You've already had a taste of it? That's surprising." scene pr1423 with dissolve kil "Truth be told, I don't know that much about it. All I know is that, speaking as a dude, you DON'T want your prostate tickled while on that shit." scene pr1443 with dissolve mc "Huh... --what?!" scene pr1444 with dissolve kil "It, uh, *ahem*, it will change how you see sex. Trust me..." scene pr1445 with dissolve mc "..." "My sixth sense is telling me I probably shouldn't pry any further than that." scene pr1446 with dissolve kat "Now, girls, you may have thought the challenge had already started, but you would be wrong. This is where the fun TRULY begins." "The cruel woman beamed a truly spine-chilling smile before simply lifting up her phone and pressing a button." scene pr1447 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "{b}*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*{/b}" scene pr1448 with dissolve lucver "{b}gYYYAAAAAAAAaaaangH!!{/b}" "I didn't know what setting she had turned the devices to, but the piercing shriek it wrenched from the two women's diaphragms told me it was no trivial adjustment." scene pr1449 with dissolve ver "W-wh,ngh--, what the fhuk!! I-ght- i-intense!" "The steadfast woman's composure had been ratcheted out of her with a press of a button." scene pr1450 with dissolve lucy "kkhT--!!♥ W-what's dhis... e-everthing is gonnd nhumb!" scene pr1451 with dissolve kat "Marvelous! You two should see the wretched look on your faces." "Kathleen wasn't wrong. The impression I had of the two women, that of a business owner and a schoolteacher, were distorting into a vulgar caricature." "They were starting to look less like human beings and more like animals. Before I knew it, I was enraptured by the sight." scene pr1452 with dissolve kat "Enjoy watching these pitiable women cum their brains out." scene pr1453 with fade "After making her proclamation, Kathleen left the stage and took a seat next to Samson to watch the event unfold." scene pr1454 with dissolve "In the absense of Mrs. Pulman's cruel chiding, the room descended into a round of small talk while the women on stage howled idiotically for the room's entertainment." scene pr1455 with dissolve "As the minutes passed, their shoulders naturally grew more tired, the effect of which showed plain on their faces. Teeth gritted, eyes fluttering, noses twitching in the struggle to keep the tray and its payload held upright." scene pr1456 with dissolve "Of course, that being the least of their difficulties. The true challenge was remaining standing in the face of the eggs' endless vibrations, which sent the toys battering against each other and into the overworked mucous membranes of their vaginal tracts." chuck "You know, Isaak, we can get somebody to take care of that for you..." scene pr1457 with dissolve isak "Thank you for the offer, Dr. Kohler, but I've got things in hand." "The bookish man laughed at his own shitty pun before commencing to jack it." mct "(Fuck, that guy grosses me out.)" scene pr1458 with dissolve "Back on the stage, the girls probably didn't register they even had an audience anymore, as every ounce of focus in their trembling bodies was being funneled into not dropping their cargo." scene pr1459 with dissolve scene pr1460 with dissolve ver "Ggghiii--!! My n-nhipples! They fheel like they're going to v-vhibrate off!" scene pr1459 with dissolve scene pr1460 with dissolve "Veronica, who had it worse than her opponent thanks to her handicap and the amount of aphrodisiac she had consumed, was beginning to look downright ragged." scene pr1459 with dissolve scene pr1460 with dissolve "The Amazonian woman was practically glistening. Sweat poured from the pores of her face as she panted maniacally and writhed desperately for release." scene pr1461 with dissolve "Not to say her opponent had an easier time. The schoolteacher was coming equally undone." lucy "gnnuuAAH, uech!!!" "Ugly and incomprehensible guttural wails were drawn out of the raven-haired woman at a quickening pace." scene pr1458 with dissolve kil "Damn, this is getting good. Who do you think will win?" "Killian asked me offhand, as if we were watching a ballgame." "Who {i}do{/i} I think is going to win?" scene pr1458 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I think Lucy is going to win.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1456 with dissolve mc "It's gotta be Lucy, right? Veronica is at a disadvantage." kil "Yeah, I agree. The tall bitch is looking like she's done." KN_MOD "I think Veronica is going to win.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1455 with dissolve mc "Even if it doesn't look like it, I'm going to say Veronica. Look at her: she's strong. She could hold that pose for hours I bet." kil "Under normal circumstances maybe, but I'm not so sure. She's got a pretty large handicap after all..." scene pr1462 with dissolve ver "Ghh-!! Shitth~!!" isak "I think she's getting close. Turn it up some more!" "The slimeball was referring to Veronica, who had the signs of a woman in the throes of sexual gratification etched onto her face, the whites of her eyes exposed and mouth agape desperately sucking down air like a goldfish." ver "nggH, anh--!!!" scene pr1463 with dissolve kat "Mr. Miller isn't wrong. Looks like your girl is about to lose, Samson." scene pr1464 with dissolve sam "If I know anything about that woman, it's that bitch won't quit!" scene pr1463 with dissolve chuck "Care to make a wager on that, Sammy?" scene pr1465 with dissolve sam "Sure! 5 grand on my girl taking this thing!" scene pr1466 with dissolve kat "If you feel so strongly about it, why don't you do the honors." scene pr1467 with dissolve sam "Heh-heh-heh, don't mind if I do. Thanks, Kathy." scene pr1468 with dissolve sam "HEY! VERONICA, YOU SNOBBY BITCH! I'M GOING TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE YOU CUM, SO DON'T FORGET IT." scene pr1469 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" scene pr1470 with dissolve scene pr1471 with dissolve "Samson gleefully pressed down and held the button, sending the toy vibrators in Veronica's snatch and on her nipples into overdrive, the previously persistent whirling transforming into a shrill whine as the tiny motors were pushed to the brink." ver "W-wh,ngh w-what is this?!! This is, nguh, t-too much! My insides are gooOooing nhumbs from the v-viiiIbrations!!" scene pr1470 with dissolve scene pr1471 with dissolve sam "Hahahaha! Oh man, this is the best! CUM YOU SOW!" scene pr1472 with dissolve scene pr1473 with dissolve ver "nggH, anh--!!! BiiiBiiii--!♥" ver "Ayynh, fh-fhuck---!" chuck "Oh?! I think she's cumming!" "All sense of reason Veronica may have had seemed to have gone up in a puff of smoke as dozens of orgasms seemed to hit the sturdy woman all at once." scene pr1472 with dissolve scene pr1473 with dissolve ver "Ennkh,--eugh! Ghighi--!!♥" "Veronica was cumming so hard that her eyes had rolled into the back of her head, exposing the white of her sclera and leaving the impression that she was a dumb, insensate animal to us onlookers." scene pr1474 with dissolve scene pr1475 with dissolve "--or so you would think. To everyone's surprise, though her legs were shaking like gelatin and her eyes lacked focus, Veronica had managed to remain on her feet." sam "She's still standing! That's my girl!" ver "Nhaaa... Nguuuh... Nhnnn... Ngh..." scene pr1476 with dissolve scene pr1477 with dissolve "Coming down from her orgasm, the tray remained high in the air, when coupled with a striking smile, almost seemed to silently pose a challenge to the entire room." scene pr1478 with dissolve kat "...huh?!" "Even Mrs. Pulman looked dumbfounded at the Amazonian's resolve." scene pr1479 with dissolve scene pr1480 with dissolve "However, there was little time to marvel at Veronica's endurance, because despite her being the first to cum, it was actually Lucy who was now looking worse for wear." "It was hard to tell what was affecting her more, the physical discomfort or the extreme sexual pleasure." scene pr1479 with dissolve scene pr1480 with dissolve "On one hand, her elbow was beginning to buckle under the tray's weight, starting a dicey cycle of over-correcting her posture and sending the drinks precariously teetering back and forth in her panic." "At the same time, her legs bowed, thighs rubbing against one another as if she was desperately trying to scratch an inescapable itch." scene pr1481 with dissolve isak "I know your shoulders must be burning, but just think about why you're doing this, Lulu. Think about Davis. Think about your so--" scene pr1482 with dissolve lucy "Ggh-- {b}s-shut up{/b}! Don't you, ngh, DARE f-fucking mention his name, you {b}pig BASTARD--!{/b}" isak "...huh?" scene pr1483 with dissolve lucy "{b}GnhhhaaaAAaaAAAA--!!♥{/b}" "At the same time as she climaxed, a blanket of silence fell over the hall at Lucy's outburst. The only thing that filled the dead air was the vibrators' mechanical ministrations and the schoolteacher's distorted, impassioned howl." scene pr1484 with dissolve lucy "{b}Biiibiiii---gh!!♥{/b}" "Her face had twisted from a flash of anger into one of ravishment and ruin, her eyes rolling back into her head and mouth slovenly pried open in abject pleasure." "The pleasure was so great that Lucy ended up losing control of her bladder, vacating its abundant contents in an explosion of faint-smelling urine. Just as Kathleen had predicted, someone had pissed themselves with pleasure." scene pr1485 with dissolve scene pr1486 with dissolve "However, as quickly as it hit, it was equally soon over. Like a puppet with its strings cut, the conquered educator dropped to the floor, the light in her eyes diminished in the shadow of climax." scene pr1487 with dissolve lucy "Ghuu... ehhhh-- s-so-- g-good." "She didn't have the energy to fret over whether or not her angry outburst at her sponsor might have just sunk her chances at entering the summer exhibition." "Isaak, in contrast, had a bewildered look on his face, having not quite settled on taking the outburst in good humor or defaulting to anger. Thankfully, Dr. Chuck forced the former on him." scene pr1488 with dissolve chuck "Bfhhahaha! This one isn't so meek either. We got quite the pair this year, don't we Isaak?" scene pr1489 with dissolve isak "Ngh... quite right, Dr. Kohler. Lulu's {i}passionate{/i} personality is one of the things I like about her..." "I wasn't sure if that was Dr. Chuck's honest observation or an attempt at crowd control, but whatever it was, it worked." scene pr1490 with dissolve sam "Damn straight! I think I like your girl too, Ike." sam "Hey, sweetie! If you don't make it through to the exhibition, what do you say to becoming my personal woman? I'll pay you tons, bhahahaha!" scene pr1491 with dissolve isak "Tsk-- shut it, you {b}oaf!{/b}" scene pr1492 with dissolve scene pr1493 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!*" "Meanwhile, despite the witless state of the contestants and the game itself being over, the mechanical sounds continued unabated." kat "The first game goes to Miss Lynch." scene pr1494 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Congratulations." "With a press of a button, the overworked eggs finally came to a rest." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.FEG1Gallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.FEG1Gallery = True kat "You girls lasted over 13 minutes. Color me impressed." chuck "Haha, we got a talented bunch this year that's for sure!" scene pr1495 with dissolve "As the room once more began to descend into small talk, Veronica started making her way toward her inert opponent with a concerned look on her face." "--only to be stopped in her tracks by Isaak beating her to the punch." scene pr1496 with dissolve isak "What a fucking disgrace." isak "Try and do better the next time, you stupid cunt." scene black with fade "It occured to me that, despite the curtain being spectacularly drawn on the first event, Veronica and Lucy still had to endure one or two more hellish challenges before a winner could be picked." KN_MOD "if toughness <=19:" "Even if they were here through their own free will, I couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for these two women." KN_MOD "else:" "Deep down, a part of me was looking forward to the things to come." "What would the second game be?" "......" "..." KN_MOD "label prFaceOffServility:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1497 with blinds "The second game of the night..." scene pr1498 with dissolve play music "music/sonatina-in-c-minor.ogg" ver "Ahatts dee damn hoo up?" "Didn't go as planned. As to what happened..." scene black with fade "Happened in a flash." scene pr1499 with pixellate play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" sam "--gnggah!" with hpunch scene pr1500 with dissolve sam "You fucking bitch! That's my fucking money maker!" "During preparation for event #2, Samson had grabbed Veronica from behind. By consequence, he was now howling obscenities and bleeding all over the maroon colored carpet." scene pr1501 with dissolve "The whole thing was an accident if you think about it, one of that smug bastard's doing, but naturally Kathleen didn't see it that way." scene black with fade "She gave Veronica two choices: be DQ'd from the competition altogether and allow Lucy to win by default or..." "Take an L for the second event, endure a punishment game, and go on to compete in the third event to determine the night's winner." scene pr1498 with dissolve "Forty minutes has passed since Veronica made her decision, having opted for the second alternative without a modicum of hesitation. It was such a snap decision that it left me wondering if this woman was all there in the head to begin with." ver "Eeehts eht dhis over 'iith!" scene pr1502 with dissolve "In the meantime, she had been made to simply kneel, bound and confined to an odd wooden contraption. Unable to speak, see, or move, for a prolonged period of time, while Dr. Chuck regaled the room with stories about the Army Corps of Engineers." "On the periphery of the scene, I quietly sipped from a glass of wine with a heritage that was wasted on me, and wondered if {i}this{/i} alone was meant to be the game..." scene pr1497 with dissolve "Another five minutes..." "Ten..." "Twenty..." "The answer to my question came after Veronica had spent almost an hour locked in that position." scene pr1503 with dissolve ver "Gnnee-!!" "The abrupt grip on the back of her neck startled the large woman, dragging a (surprisingly) cute and feminine yelp from her gagged lips." scene pr1504 with dissolve play music "music/myst-on-the-moor.ogg" kat "Jumpy aren't we, dear?" scene pr1503 with dissolve ver "--nnghmmm! -cohlde!" scene pr1504 with dissolve kat "I just wanted to let you know: It's not too late to back out. After all..." scene pr1505 with dissolve kat "An attractive woman like yourself, wrapped up neatly like this, is a flower just waiting to be plucked by any of these cruel bastards. They could do anything they wanted and you couldn't stop it." scene pr1506 with dissolve scene pr1508 with dissolve scene pr1506 with dissolve scene pr1509 with dissolve scene pr1506 with dissolve "Veronica vigorously shook her head side-to-side, emphatically wagging her head to signify she wasn't prepared to call it quits." "Kathleen carried on the candid, one-sided exchange in a hushed tone." scene pr1507 with dissolve kat "I didn't think so, but I like to give everyone a fair warning. Just remember... If you change your mind during the game, tap your heel three times to quit. Consider that your safe word, understood?" scene pr1506 with dissolve scene pr1510 with dissolve scene pr1506 with dissolve scene pr1510 with dissolve scene pr1506 with dissolve "Veronica bobbed her head to show her comprehension." scene pr1507 with dissolve kat "Excellent. Getting to put resolute little girls like yourself under the microscope is the best thing about this place." scene pr1511 with fade kat "[mcf], I need you to fetch some things from the kitchen..." scene black with dissolve "....." "..." mct "(...what the fuck?)" scene pr1512 with blinds "The cruel woman let out a wry smile, taking survey of the assortment of food that I had laid out around the bound woman's head." "Half of them were innocuous and ordinary: a bottle of juice, garlic, a lollipop..." "Others were items not fit for human consumption, at least in my opinion. Raw pig intestines, dog food, a head of asparagus..." kat "{b}Now.{/b} We're going to play a little {b}guessing{/b} game, hun." ver "--gh..?" kat "I'm going to have you {i}feel{/i} and {b}taste{/b} some things and then you'll try and guess what they are." kat "Guess an item correctly... {b}good{/b}! No penalty. Make an incorrect guess..." scene pr1513 with dissolve "A quick flutter of her hand ushered me onto the stage, goblet and its rancid content in tow." scene pr1514 with dissolve "A chunky, foul-smelling liquid filled the chalice's volume, chunks of it coagulating and rising to the surface like spoiled milk." scene pr1515 with dissolve "I have a pretty good (and horrific) guess as to what I was ferrying. Every step, it took every fiber of my being not to throw up." scene pr1516 with dissolve kat "Aaah..." scene pr1517 with dissolve kat "Now, this is truly fucking DISGUSTING." scene pr1518 with dissolve kat "Get it wrong and you'll take a shot of my special blend of... male extract." "She casually breathed life into my damnable suspicion." ver "Ghmg--!!" "Despite being bound, the tall beauty instinctively retched back in disgust, causing the wooden apparatus to creak forcibly." ver "ght deee ook?!!" scene pr1519 with dissolve sam "Bahaha! What the fuck?! What did you milk to get all of that? An {b}elephant{/b}?!" "It was a crass question, but..." "Where DID all that come from...?" mct "(Like what the fuck?)" scene pr1520 with dissolve kat "Should be easy enough, right hot stuff?" "Finally freed of her muzzle, the bound and obstinate woman exercised her jaw to work out some of the stiffness before answering Kathleen's question derisively." scene pr1521 with dissolve ver "Huh? You got to be fucking kidding me. What the hell's wrong with just fucking?." ver "Let's just get this stupid thing over with." scene pr1522 with dissolve "Veronica wore an opaque veneer of annoyance, like the banal kind of reaction you'd see in response to a daily aggravation." "She had the face of a woman who was stuck in traffic, not one blindfolded and at risk of ingesting an {b}ungodly{/b} amount of unidentified jizz. If trepidation lurked behind her expression, she masked it well." scene pr1523 with dissolve kat "That's the spirit!" scene pr1524 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" "Once more, her self-satisfied tormentor lowered the squid arm in her grip onto Veronica's face, this time with a loud {b}plop!{/p}" ver "Ehy...!" "The cold, pliant flesh of the tentacle produced a yelp of surprise out of the Amazon as its unusual texture abruptly made contact with her nose." kat "I can only imagine how weird this must feel. It's an odd sensation isn't it, sweetpea? {b}What{/b}~ {b}Could{/b}~ {i}It{/i}~ {b}Be{/b}...? Heheh~" "Mrs. Pulman delighted in taking her time teasing the bound woman." scene pr1525 with dissolve "She dragged it across her cheek." scene pr1526 with dissolve "She tickled her ear with the tip of the appendage." scene pr1527 with dissolve kat "Open up and say 'aaaaah'!" scene pr1528 with dissolve "She had her taste the clammy flesh on her tongue." scene pr1529 with dissolve scene pr1530 with dissolve scene pr1529 with dissolve scene pr1530 with dissolve "She even went as far as to almost vigorously shove the phallic appendage down the confused woman's throat, causing her to gag and reel back as her throat fought back against the rude invader." scene pr1529 with dissolve scene pr1530 with dissolve scene pr1529 with dissolve scene pr1530 with dissolve "It was a completely bizarre sight. The old woman, like a cat playing with its prey, molesting Veronica with the sushi-themed implement." scene pr1531 with dissolve "..." "Finally, probably looking to end the assault, she began to venture a guess." scene pr1532 with dissolve ver "It's an..." scene pr1531 with dissolve "Veronica paused with bated breath, either to consider her answer carefully or perhaps hesitating due to the nauseating penalty facing her for a wrong answer. At last, she took the plunge." scene pr1532 with dissolve ver "It's the... arm of an octopus." "She said it with confidence." scene pr1533 with dissolve kat "Wow, that's an extremely good guess! You're..." kat "{b}Wrong{/b}. Sorry!" ver "Tsk--!" kat "It's actually a squid. Pretty close, but close doesn't cut it I'm afraid." "Veronica suddenly looked pale. She had charged headfirst into the challenge and now she was staring down the barrel of a cup full of jizz." "The goblet of gelatinous, sour man goop loomed over the captive Amazon, casting a paralyzing shadow." scene pr1534 with dissolve kat "You know what that means? Open up and say 'aaaaah'!" "The shrinking giant ignored Kathleen's lecherous command, remaining tight-lipped as she mulled the situation over behind the folds of her mask." scene pr1535 with dissolve kat "I said open your fucking gob, you whore!" ver "...neuch--!!!" scene pr1536 with dissolve "The moment the cup's revolting contents hit the tip of her tongue, her body violently rejected the viscous liquid with extreme prejudice." scene pr1537 with dissolve ver "cough!* --euch!!! *cough!* *cough!* --buchh!!! *cough!*" scene pr1538 with dissolve "Just picturing the gummy, foul-smelling substance as it clung to the back of her throat was enough to make me feel ill." scene pr1539 with dissolve "On top of that, I could still picture the nauseating stench from when I carried it." scene pr1538 with dissolve kil "H-o-l-y shit. That is fucking repugnant. I could be living in a gutter and I'd never do that. Not for a million dollars." "With an offhanded comment, my privileged friend looked down on the struggling woman." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "(Joke) Agree with him.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1539 with dissolve mc "Yeah, no shit. Someone could have a gun to your head and I wouldn't do that to save your life." scene pr1538 with dissolve kil "I wouldn't blame you, that's for sure." KN_MOD "Admonish him for his comment.:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance = clamp(Killian_Bromance, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1539 with dissolve mc "That's easy for you to say, isn't it? What, with your rich uncle and never wanting for anything that money can buy." scene pr1538 with dissolve kil "Nah, fuck you man. It's about standards. How could you even look at yourself in a mirror and call yourself human after you guzzle down a cup of baby batter?" mct "(Yeah? And what does gleefully watching it happen make you?)" scene pr1537 with dissolve ver "*gulp!* *glub!* eeeuch--!!!!" scene pr1540 with dissolve kat "That's enough. Got to save some for later!" "Mrs. Pulman was absolutely beaming, a sadistic grin spread wide across her face. She was in her element, absolutely relishing this, happier than a clam at high tide." scene pr1541 with dissolve "..." "So it continued." "One by one, the items dwindled." scene pr1542 with dissolve "The asparagus." scene pr1543 with dissolve "The garlic." scene pr1544 with dissolve "The lollipop." "The more distinctive items she managed to get right, but she got just as many wrong." scene pr1545 with dissolve "The juice." scene pr1546 with dissolve "..." scene pr1547 with dissolve "The pig guts." scene pr1548 with dissolve "..." scene pr1549 with dissolve "The dog food." scene pr1550 with dissolve "By the end of it, Veronica was looking green, having gobbled down the entire cup." kat "All gone!" scene black with fade "..." "Satisfied with the game's conclusion, Kathleen freed the tall woman from her restraints." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr1551 with dissolve ver "g--guhh...!" "Standing up must not have agreed with her stomach, as she began to immediately look like she was about to evacuate its contents." kat "Excellent work, Miss Lynch!" ver "gh--!" scene pr1552 with dissolve ver "Shit, I think I'm going to p-puke...!" kat "Warren!" sam "Haha. There she blows!" scene pr1553 with dissolve ver "---!" ver "Bleee-ch!" scene black with fade "..." scene pr1554 with dissolve kat "Oh my god! How absolutely disgusting! You've got curdled semen dripping down your chin. Hahaha!" "For the first time, I heard the normally even-keeled woman laugh. No, not laugh exactly. It was a cackle. A stomach-sinking, witchly cackle." scene pr1555 with fade kat "Marvelous! Stupendous! You really stuck in there, huh? I would've pegged you as bailing after your first failed guess!" "Veronica didn't even seem to register the cruel woman's harping. She had basically checked out by now, physically exhausted from the stress of the challenge and staring dopily at the floor." kat "Bah! You're not hearing me are you? Well, whatever." kat "[mcf]! Clean this pigwhore up, will you?" mc "U-uh, right!. Sure thing..." scene pr1556 with dissolve mc "Come on, I'll show you to the bathroom." "....." scene black with fade "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.FEG2Gallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.FEG2Gallery = True KN_MOD "label prVerCleanup:" play music "music/study-and-relax.ogg" scene pr1557 with fade "The face that peered up at me as I wiped away the remnants of stomach acid and man gunk from its furled lips wore a complicated expression." "Veronica's piercing green eyes, though staring up at mine, seemed to be transfixed elsewhere. Like a day dream, she was looking straight through me." "Understandably, she seemed... sullen. Sad. Out of it." scene pr1558 with dissolve mc "Uh, you alright? That was some pretty nasty stuff back there..." scene pr1559 with dissolve ver "I told you I'd clean myself off, but if you're not going to let me do that, you can at least stop talking and hurry up." scene pr1560 with dissolve "She deflected my concern." mc "Why? Are you in such a rush to get back?" scene pr1558 with dissolve ver "..." scene pr1561 with dissolve ver "No, no... you have a point. I should use this time to collect myself." scene pr1562 with dissolve "For the life of me, I couldn't properly understand her level of mental fortitude or where her determination came from. What she had just willingly subjected herself to was so utterly repulsive, yet she soldiered on, fighting for only a {i}chance{/i} to save her business." "It wasn't even a guarantee, after all. This was effectively an audition to endure even more horrific games in the future. How could she do it? Part of me wanted to understand the type of crazy that could do that, that could buy wholesale into this brand of lunacy." mct "(Then again, isn't that what I'm doing too?)" mc "..." scene pr1563 with dissolve mc "There's gotta be a better way to make money, right?" "Without thinking about it, I let the question on my mind slip casually out." scene pr1564 with dissolve "I expected her to ignore my question, but after sizing me up for a moment, she actually answered." scene pr1565 with dissolve ver "Good. Fast. Easy." scene pr1566 with dissolve mc "...huh?" scene pr1565 with dissolve ver "Good, fast, and easy. You can only pick two and I'm past {i}good{/i} and {i}easy{/i}." scene pr1566 with dissolve mc "I'm not following..." scene pr1567 with dissolve ver "This is the {i}good{/i} and {i}fast{/i} solution to my problem." scene pr1568 with dissolve mc "Good? This is the {i}good{/i} in your book?" scene pr1567 with dissolve ver "It's {i}good{/i} because all I have to do is put up with one shitty month, and after I win, I'll be able to buy some time and get my creditors off my back without digging myself deeper in the hole. It's the most direct, effective solution." scene pr1569 with dissolve mc "...that's a... utilitarian way of looking at it." mct "(Is this woman a robot?)" scene pr1570 with dissolve ver "..." "No, she's just hiding it well. I can tell by the exhausted look on her face that the punishment game took a toll on her. I mean, how could it not?" "Honestly, I'm stuck between admiring her mental fortitude and thinking she's an absolute moron. At any rate, she isn't asking for my opinion, so I should just keep it to myself." scene pr1571 with dissolve mc "All done." scene pr1572 with dissolve ver "Guess it's time to finish the night..." scene pr1573 with dissolve "It was slight, but she finally let a hint of dread creep into her words. Perhaps imagining the worst for what's to come. I..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reassuringly put my hand on her shoulder.:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "By reflex, I lent the stiff-lipped woman an empathic hand." scene pr1574 with dissolve "As soon as my palm made contact with the Amazon's warm flesh, I knew I fucked up." "The muscles in her shoulder went instantaneously rigid with tension and her eyes zeroed in on mine with a hawk-like intensity." "The shit-vacating look she was giving me immediately sent my mind searching for a plausible excuse to explain what was {i}clearly{/i} an idiotic, aberrant display of affection that crossed the line of common decency." "{b}Surely{/b} this is the result of a neurological defect that causes my body to spasm beyond my control? A fever has burned away all impulse control in my brain? ...there was a spider?!" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prVerCleanUpPushIt" KN_MOD "Leave it alone and just head back.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffCarnality" KN_MOD "menu prVerCleanUpPushIt:" KN_MOD "Too late now, double down!:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 $ Veronica_Affection = clamp(Veronica_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1575 with dissolve mc "Don't worry, you've got this! I believe in you!" "Unfortunately, the first thing that popped into my head were trite, overwrought words of encouragement more fitting for a rec league baseball game than a deranged underground sex club." scene pr1574 with dissolve ver "..." scene pr1576 with dissolve stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" ver "Bahahaha! Oh my-- oh man-- BAHAHAHAHA!" ver "You're such a fucking dork! What do you think this is? A sports movie? Bahahaha!" scene pr1577 with dissolve "She continued on belly laughing for an insultingly long time, so long that I was beginning to think she might asphyxiate from the lack of air getting into her lungs." "Finally her howls died down to mere chortles and finally into snickers. It was a drawn-out, self-esteem-melting process." scene pr1578 with dissolve ver "Ah... oh, man... thanks, I needed a laugh." mc "Uh, glad to be of help..." scene black with fade "Having inadvertently played the role of the clown, we set off back to the exhibition hall where the third game awaited Veronica." KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffCarnality" KN_MOD "Fuck that, make my escape.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "What am I going to say? Go get 'em sport? My only option is to immediately remove myself from the situation. How do I do that? Simple." scene pr1579 with dissolve "I make a tactical retreat." scene pr1580 with dissolve stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" ver "...huh? What are you doing?" mc "I think I left my car unlocked!" scene black with fade ver "Seriously?!" KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffCarnality" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffCarnality:" "......" "..." scene pr1581 with blinds "Back at the exhibition hall, August and Hana had joined us." scene pr1582 with dissolve "The distinguished-looking man was quick to spot me, cooly wagging his hand in salutation." scene pr1583 with dissolve "The pair of them looked fairly chummy." scene black with fade "..." scene pr1584 with dissolve play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" "The focus of the game -- {b}carnal skill{/b}." scene pr1585 with dissolve kat "For this game, you'll each pick a partner." kat "Since I'm so nice, it can be ANYONE you want in this room." kat "No one here has a problem with that, right?" scene pr1586 with dissolve sam "*whistling* Haha, hell no!" chuck "Of course not, bahaha!" isak "None at all, Mrs. Pulman. I would be happy to help." scene pr1587 with dissolve aug "Sorry, my back isn't quite what it used to be. I'll sit this one out." hana "..." scene pr1588 with dissolve kil "Ha! You old farts don't have a chance of being picked with two young studs like us here." scene pr1589 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Say nothing:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1590 with dissolve "..." mct "(I probably don't really have a choice in this, do I?)" KN_MOD "Agree.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I'm part of this now, no sense in pretending otherwise." scene pr1591 with dissolve mc "What he said." scene pr1592 with dissolve kat "There you have it. You girls can pick anyone, but Auggy." kat "Your task is a simple one. Make your partner cum as many times as you can within a ten minute time limit." kat "Once the time starts, how you achieve that is up to you. You're in the driver seat." scene pr1593 with dissolve kat "All we need now is to find out who's first." scene pr1594 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman tossed the ancient-looking coin into the air with a practiced motion, its golden surface catching the light as it traced a graceful arc through the air." scene pr1595 with dissolve scene pr1596 with dissolve "..." scene pr1597 with dissolve kat "Miss Lynch! Heads or tails?" ver "Tails." scene pr1598 with dissolve kat "Heads. Looks like Mrs. Long gets to pick who goes first. What'll it be, dear?" scene pr1599 with dissolve lucy "..." scene pr1601 with dissolve "Lucy took a moment to think about it, as if there was a delicate strategy to this asinine circus to consider." scene pr1600 with dissolve lucy "I'll go first. Best to get it over with." scene pr1599 with dissolve kat "Heh, how blasé can you get? Fine. Mrs. Long will go first." kat "Who do you pick as your partner?" scene pr1601 with dissolve lucy "..." "Again the raven-haired educator considered her options, her eyes methodically panning across the room." scene pr1602 with dissolve "Past Dr. Chuck and her duplicitous co-worker." scene pr1603 with dissolve "Past Samson." scene pr1604 with dissolve "Her neck craned all the way past center stage and settled on where Ian and I stood." scene pr1605 with dissolve lucy "..." mct "(She's going to pick one of us?)" scene pr1606 with dissolve lucy "I'll pick him." "A smug grin crossed my childhood friend's face, as if this was the natural course." scene pr1607 with dissolve kat "Heh. Not a bad choice if I say so myself, but tell us what thought went into your decision?" scene pr1608 with dissolve lucy "He's... he's the most attractive man here." scene pr1609 with dissolve chuck "Oh, great! As if he needed to hear that!" "Dr. Chuck had a point... after hearing that, the words went straight to his head. Ian was practically giddy." scene pr1610 with dissolve kat "You like them young, huh?" scene pr1611 with dissolve kat "Ian. Step up!" kil "Yes, Ma'am!" scene black with fade "..." scene pr1612 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman retrieved a set of handcuffs from off stage and brandished them for the room to see." scene pr1613 with dissolve kil "Uh, what are those for?" scene pr1614 with dissolve kat "To bind your hands. She needs to be the one leading and you're not capable of taking a passive role, are you?" scene pr1615 with dissolve kil "You make it sound like I don't have any self-control." scene pr1616 with dissolve kat "...and DO you?" scene pr1617 with dissolve chuck "Don't blame the lad, my sister and her husband spoiled him rotten growing up." scene pr1618 with dissolve kil "...okay, yeah I get it." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "After getting Ian to undress, Mrs. Pulman fastened his wrists behind his back and then quickly strolled off the stage." "..." KN_MOD "label prFaceOffCarnalityLucy:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionhousegirls with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1619 with dissolve kat "Ready..." kat "Set...!" scene pr1620 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" kat "{b}GO{/b}!" scene pr1621 with dissolve kil "So, cutie, how do you wanna pla--" scene pr1622 with dissolve play music "music/plans-in-motion.ogg" "Not wasting any time, the schoolteacher quickly sprang into action, hastily slipping behind Ian and knocking into him with full abandon." scene pr1623 with dissolve "Ian, caught off guard in surprise, tumbled into the invitingly warm embrace of the silky-red bedspread." kil "gh--!" scene pr1624 with dissolve kil "*THUD* Ata-! Y-you could've just told me to climb onto the bed, y'know!" scene black with fade "Ignoring my toppled friend's grievance, Lucy wordlessly positioned herself above his naked hips." scene pr1625 with dissolve "Her eyes displayed the character of a woman on a mission, unflappable and fiercely determined not to let anything stand in her way of winning." scene pr1626 with dissolve kil "C-cold! Haven't you ever heard you catch more flies with honey? Slow down and let me get into it!" scene pr1627 with dissolve lucy "Sorry, but there's no time for that. You can cum like this, right? It's a simple physiological response." scene pr1628 with dissolve lucy "It's not rocket science, all I need to do is stimulate your member and then your body will send a signal to your nervous system that it's time to pop." scene pr1629 with dissolve lucy "Besides, who are you kidding? Look how hard you already are in my hand." "Considering how tight-lipped she'd been, I was surprised at how comfortably Lucy took the lead for the final game." scene pr1630 with dissolve mc "I guess she likes being on top..." "I absent-mindedly voiced my curiosity aloud." scene pr1631 with dissolve aug "Maybe she's just the type that can throw herself into her work? That's my read at least." scene pr1632 with dissolve "The old man across the aisle acknowledged my offhanded comment by sharing an observation of his own, doling out wisdom built from his years of... what exactly?" scene pr1633 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Say old man, how long have you been doing this?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been doing this?" scene pr1634 with dissolve aug "Doing what, [mcl]?" scene pr1633 with dissolve mc "Uh..." scene pr1632 with dissolve mct "(How should I put it...? {i}How long have you been a pimp{/i}?)" "I tried to find the most precise words to clarify." scene pr1633 with dissolve mc "Uh, {b}this{/b}." scene pr1632 with dissolve "I didn't do too well." scene pr1631 with dissolve aug "This...? Ah, you mean the skin trade?" scene pr1635 with dissolve aug "Well, let's see... I'm 63 now, so that means.... I made pornography for a little over two and a half decades before I started managing this place a little less than... five years ago? Has it really been that long?" scene pr1636 with dissolve "While August took survey of his life, his companion next to him used the opening to chime in with an observation of her own." scene pr1637 with dissolve hana "You're not disappointed she picked that monkey-brained idiot over you, are you new guy?" scene pr1638 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Absolutely not.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1639 with dissolve mc "Disappointed that I avoided stripping down and getting handcuffed in front of a room full of men?" mc "Yeah, I think my {i}feelings{/i} and I will manage." scene pr1641 with dissolve hana "Pssh! C'mon, where's your pride as a man? If I was swinging a dick, I wouldn't want to lose to that... {i}dick{/i}." scene pr1639 with dissolve mc "I wasn't aware I was competing...." KN_MOD "Maybe a little...:" $ Hana_Affection -= 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1640 with dissolve mc "A little, yeah. I wouldn't say no to some fun." scene pr1643 with dissolve hana "I guess you'll fit in just fine here." scene pr1644 with dissolve aug "Don't pay her any mind, [mcl]. Hana just likes to get under people's skin. She's like a child." scene pr1645 with dissolve "Back on the stage, a little over a minute and a half had passed since Lucy's boisterous kickoff." scene lucyfo_h1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_h1 "In that time, in the face of Ian's grumbling, she had maintained a steady, speedy, unyielding pace, driving her palm up and down the length of Ian's swollen member in a fastidious fashion." kil "Gg-ah. Stop milking me like an animal and do something sexy, you bitch!" lucy "Your cock doesn't seem to mind. It's twitching in my hand." scene lucyfo_h2_a with dissolve show lucyfo_h2 "Without slowing down, Lucy brought her free hand to Ian's scrotum." "*FAP* *FAP* *FAP*" lucy "Come on... come on... just give it up, will you?" "*FAP* *FAP* *FAP*" "The ticking clock was clearly at the forefront of her mind. She had to make Ian cum fast, as many times as possible, before it reached zero." "She cupped the playboy's ball-sack in her hand, deftly rolling them around in the palm, cradling and teasing them." "*FHAP* *FHAP* *FHAP*" "It was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: one hand tenderly delivering delicate ministrations from below while the other furiously rubbed my friend's meatpole raw." "*FHAP* *FHAP* *FHAP*" "However, the stark incongruity actually seemed to be working. From the audience, I could see Ian's toes begin to curl and his body send shiver after shiver in response to the stimulus." scene pr1654 with dissolve kat "Looks like you enjoy being tied up, Ian. I never would've guessed it. You make a good-looking bottom." "Mrs. Pulman called out from the side, seizing the opportunity to give my normally slick-as-oil friend a not-so-friendly ribbing." scene pr1655 with dissolve kil "nng-, I can't help it! Her hand is a fucking vice!" scene lucyfo_h3_a with dissolve show lucyfo_h3 "By now, the callous resistance-laden, skin-on-skin rubbing had turned into a smooth, frictionless slide as Ian's dickhole spouted pre-cum and became lathered in its own juices." "The playboy's cock flesh was practically glistening under the exhibition hall's lighting, producing a sickly squelching noise in tandem with Lucy's relentless undulation." "*SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK*" sam "Bahaha! He's wetting himself like a girl!" "My poor friend wasn't exempt from teasing from this side of the room either it seemed." "*SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK*" kil "g-gah! Shit! Y-you're way too good at this! Even b-better than some of the girls here--" scene pr1657 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Before he could finish choking the words out, Ian reached his climax, letting out a guttural moan as thick ropes of semen erupted from his tip like a spurting geyser." scene pr1658 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kil "Fufuck--ngaaah!" "Heaps, {i}reams of cum{/i}. Strand after strand of gooey man gunk arched through the air, splattering Lucy's hand and chest and staining the bed a viscous white." "It was actually kinda extraordinary." scene pr1659 with dissolve "..." kat "Impressive..." "It seemed Kathleen thought so as well." scene pr1660 with dissolve "Still on the clock, Lucy didn't give Ian any time to catch his breath or bask in post-orgasmic bliss. Without missing a beat, she raised her body, letting her broad hips precariously dangle over the playboy's slimy, still-oozing member." lucy "Sorry, no time to stop..." scene pr1661 with dissolve lucy "Gnn--!" "In a single, fluid motion she brought herself straight down on Ian's rod, stuffing herself with cockmeat with no concern for either of their comfort." scene pr1662 with dissolve kil "You're using more than just your hand? You should've started with this!" scene pr1663 with dissolve lucy "Well, you'll need something more enticing to cum a second time so soon, right?" scene pr1664 with dissolve scene pr1665 with dissolve "In lieu of waiting for a proper response from the playboy, Lucy began to rhythmically sway her hips, building into a gentle, pleasant pace." lucy "S-sorry for treating you so rough earlier. We don't have much time..." scene pr1664 with dissolve scene pr1665 with dissolve kil "n-ngh, no... I understand." lucy "Good... just lie back and enjoy this, okay?" scene pr1664 with dissolve scene pr1665 with dissolve "Lucy adopted a saccharine approach, softly cooing words of empathy, signaling to her partner that the second time around would be more enjoyable." kil "Like I have a choice BUT to lay here!" scene lucyfo_ride1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride1 "Following my childhood friend's glib observation, Lucy slid herself back up the length of Ian's cock, tantalizingly unsheathing herself inch by inch at a deliberate pace." "The teasing ascent produced the effect the schoolteacher was looking for. The playboy's oversensitive dick, post-cumming, found the cool open air itself stimulating." "The achingly slow climb was followed by a quick, but measured descent." kil "--! Nnnh!" "Once more, she ungloved herself from Ian's cock, only to quickly swallow it whole again not a moment later." "It was like this, Lucy began to build a rhythm, the school teacher bouncing up and down, riding the playboy's meatstick while Ian could only lie there like a slab of meat." kat "Ha! You ride your husband like that or just the men you pick up in bars?" lucy "I've never c-cheated on my -nggh- husband." "She said flatly to Mrs. Pulman's cruel chiding, trying her best to keep focus." kat "Is that so? Could've fooled me. You look like a natural." lucy "H-nggh-how much, how much time do I have left?" scene pr1668 with dissolve kat "You have a little less than five minutes remaining, dear." scene pr1669 with dissolve kat "I wonder if you'll make it..." scene pr1670 with dissolve kat "Though he's young, Killian has a lot of experience. The fact that you made him cum once in the first five minutes is incredible, but I'd be very surprised if you manage another one with the time remaining." scene lucyfo_ride2_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride2 kil "Ghh-- d-don't let her get to you, Luce. Just focus on me, okay? If you keep this up, I'll have another load for you in no time." kil "You can win this thing!" "In his own twisted way, Ian offered his partner reassurance." lucy "R-right!" "Spurred by the playboy's encouragement, Lucy doubled her efforts." scene lucyfo_ride1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride1 "She picked herself up and repeatedly speared herself back down on her partner's engorged sex, each cycle marked by the thunderous clap of flesh-on-flesh." "Up and down." "{i}Up and down{/i}." "Every time she'd go back up, Ian's cock would come perilously close to slipping out, only to be tightly engulfed once more in a flash." lucy "Aaa-ah!" "This carried on for a minute, until the schoolteacher's breath became visibly ragged and sweet sounds began to escape her lips." scene lucyfo_ride2_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride2 kil "nng--you're getting into it, eh? Glad I'm not the only one having fun." lucy "Gha-- H-gn-how could I not? *huff* *huff* I still have that drug from e-en-arlier in my system..." kil "Don't try to weasel out of responsibility for what you're feeling." lucy "*huff* *huff* ngg-an--I'm nooot, it's t-the truhth!" kil "It's been over an hour since the first game, meaning it's out of your system by now. This is all you. You're enjoying this." lucy "What? N-no, I'm d-doin' this to get my son into St. Ives...!" kil "Maybe, but you're also enjoying this! There's nothing wrong with that, just be true to who you are." scene lucyfo_ride1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride1 "Killian began an offensive of his own, wearing down at the educator's mind with his words, trying to get her to openly admit her role in this filth." lucy "W-who I am?" "As if on cue, like this was a normal routine for the pair, Mrs. Pulman interjected." kat "You're a whore for money, creaming herself on the dick of someone other than your husband. What else would you call this?" lucy "Wh-ngh-why am I feeling this w-ng-way?" kat "How could I know? You like having sex while being watched? Maybe you like being in control of a handsome young man? You're the fucked-up one here, not me." kat "Only you can answer that, but I do know one thing. You're getting off on SOMETHING about this." lucy "-gnngh! Anggha~♥ No..." scene pr1677 with dissolve kat "You have just over three minutes to make him cum once more, dear." lucy "--!" scene lucyfo_ride2_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride2 "Seeing the clock was enough for the educator to push the self-doubt out of her head and to refocus on the task at hand." lucy "nngh--we're running out of time." lucy "P-please, hurry up and cum!" kil "Forget about the clock! I told you to just focus on me, remember?" "..." sam "You are sure enjoying the show, aren't you Isaak?" scene pr1678 with dissolve isak "That's right! This is the best! Watching that arrogant woman get dragged into the mud!" scene lucyfo_ride1_a with dissolve show lucyfo_ride1 "........." "......" "..." kil "--! ggh, you did it! I'm going to explode!" "Hearing my friend's declaration, Lucy frantically slipped the playboy's tumescent, pulsing member out of her slit, letting it point freely into the air and then--" scene pr1679 with dissolve "Once more, Ian ejaculated, splattering the pale skin of Lucy's back with his baby batter." "Though not quite as much as his first go around, it was still a gobsmackingly stupid amount." mct "(Like seriously, what the hell? Is it something he eats?)" scene pr1680 with dissolve kil "*huff* *huff* Holy shit. Cumming back-to-back like that takes it out of you." lucy "*huff* *huff* Do you think you can go again? W-what's the time?" scene pr1681 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 kat "Afraid time's up, but you managed to make your partner cum twice." scene pr1682 with dissolve kat "It's a pretty good number for such a short time. You should be proud." mct "(Yeah, {i}proud{/i}. I'm not sure that's the word for it.)" scene pr1683 with dissolve kil "You did good picking me. I'm not even sure if these old geezers can even get it up." kil "You got this in the bag, Luce." "......" scene black with fade "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.FEG3LucyGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.FEG3LucyGallery = True KN_MOD "label prFaceOffCarnalityVer:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1684 with dissolve play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" "After Lucy and Ian shuffled off the stage, it was now Veronica's turn to choose her partner." "The glint of apprehension I caught earlier in the night was nowhere to be found, not in the outlines of her face or through the language of her towering body." kat "Who shall it be, Miss Lynch? Take your pick." scene pr1685 with dissolve ver "Hmm..." scene pr1686 with dissolve ver "..." scene pr1687 with dissolve ver "You said I may pick ANYONE, right?" scene pr1688 with dissolve kat "That's right. Pick whoever you want. Pick whoever you feel you're most compatible with." scene pr1689 with dissolve ver "Excellent. Then I've made my decision." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene pr1690 with dissolve kat "Well, spit it out." scene pr1691 with dissolve play music "music/Still_Standing.ogg" ver "I pick..." scene pr1692 with dissolve ver "I pick you." scene pr1693 with dissolve "......" "..." "A moment of stillness fell over the room, Kathleen's face wearing a look of baffled amusement, until Dr. Chuck's hearty laugh cut through the silence." scene pr1694 with dissolve chuck "Ffhahaha! You set yourself up for that, Kat!" "The rest of the room followed suit, Samson matching Dr. Chuck's riotous laugh with his own and even Isaak gave a hearty chuckle at the development." scene pr1695 with dissolve aug "Well, this sure is a first." "August was smiling ear-to-ear and even Hana, who I noticed had been doing her best to look disinterested, had a captivated gleam in her eyes." scene pr1696 with dissolve kat "You can't be serious. Obviously, I'm not included in the options." scene pr1697 with dissolve ver "You told me I could pick anyone. Those are your words. Am I wrong?" ver "Then I pick you, Mrs. Pulman." scene pr1696 with dissolve kat "Tsk! You should know I didn't mean me." scene pr1698 with dissolve chuck "C'mon, Kat! Fair is fair. You did say she could pick ANYONE..." scene pr1699 with dissolve chuck "Didn't you say a couple of years ago that this club is {b}nothing{/b} if we're not true to our word?" scene pr1700 with dissolve kat "You know damn well that was in a different context, but..." scene pr1701 with dissolve kat "Ah, what the hell! If Miss Lynch wants to stake her participation in the summer exhibition on this gambit, then far be it from me to deny her." scene pr1702 with dissolve lucy "What? This isn't fair! It's not the same as with a man! How are we supposed to count how many times you orgasm?" scene pr1703 with dissolve ver "Oh, {b}you'll know{/b}." "Veronica interjected, confidently." scene pr1701 with dissolve kat "Neither of you have to worry. I'm an honest woman." kat "If Miss Lynch somehow manages to make me cum, I won't try to hide it." scene pr1704 with dissolve lucy "..." scene pr1705 with dissolve ver "..." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene pr1706 with fade kat "I'll let you know in advance: I've got no interest in women physically. I probably won't feel a thing." kat "This is foolish." scene pr1707 with dissolve ver "Oh, we'll see about that." play music "music/FeelinIt.ogg" scene pr1708 with blinds kat "Start the timer, [mcf]. Let's get this over with." scene pr1709 with dissolve mc "Right..." scene pr1710 with dissolve "Doing as she asked, I pressed the button that would start counting down the final game of the night." play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" mc "You can begin." scene pr1711 with dissolve ver "Hmm..." "As she inched closer, Veronica wore a lecherous look on her face -- one not so unlike the crass leering she'd been subjected to tonight." scene pr1712 with dissolve ver "You're quite the looker. A regular silver vixen." scene pr1713 with dissolve ver "...but you know that, don't you? You bank on it. The grace that comes with old age, mixed with the allure that wealth and natural beauty affords..." scene pr1714 with dissolve kat "The clock's ticking, Miss Lynch. You're wasting time." scene pr1715 with dissolve scene pr1716 with dissolve ver "What? You eager to begin? Hah! You know, you're one to talk about others having cow tits." scene pr1715 with dissolve scene pr1716 with dissolve ver "These things are obscene!" scene pr1717 with dissolve scene pr1718 with dissolve kat "Thank you. I am rather proud of them." scene pr1715 with dissolve scene pr1716 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman answered the Amazon's teasing accusation audaciously." scene pr1717 with dissolve scene pr1718 with dissolve kat "You're not planning on talking me to orgasm, are you?" scene pr1719 with dissolve "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1720 with dissolve "Veronica kissed Mrs. Pulman's neck." scene pr1721 with dissolve "Dotting its speckless surface with small peck after peck." "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1722 with dissolve scene pr1723 with dissolve ver "Lookie here. You've got goosebumps." scene pr1722 with dissolve scene pr1723 with dissolve ver "You have a soft spot for your neck, huh?" scene pr1724 with dissolve kat "Gh..!" scene pr1725 with dissolve scene pr1726 with dissolve kat "So what? It's an erogenous zone. That should be obvious." scene pr1722 with dissolve scene pr1723 with dissolve ver "Maybe, but it proves to me you're not the frigid bitch you're pretending to be." scene pr1727 with dissolve "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1728 with dissolve scene pr1729 with dissolve "*Fwmuch* *Fwmuch*" scene pr1728 with dissolve scene pr1729 with dissolve scene pr1728 with dissolve scene pr1729 with dissolve "*Fwmuch* *Fwmuch* *Fwmuch*" kat "...!" scene pr1730 with dissolve ver "Yeah! This is going to work." scene pr1731 with dissolve "Satisfied she had found an avenue for attack, Veronica got to work--" "Covering the austere woman's neck in soft, short kisses." scene pr1732 with dissolve "Assaulting her with playful bites." "Dragging her soft tongue across the length of her collar." scene pr1733 with dissolve "Little by little, Mrs. Pulman's alabaster skin became flushed, breath quickening in sexual arousal." "It was proof not to just her attacker, but to the room as well, that the tall beauty actually had a fighting chance at winning the final game." scene pr1734 with dissolve ver "Hey kid, how much time do I have to put this bitch in her place?" mct "(Kid...?)" scene pr1735 with dissolve mc "About nine minutes." scene pr1736 with dissolve ver "Good! Just so you know..." ver "I'm not going to stop at three orgasms." scene pr1737 with dissolve kat "Tsk! Go ahead and--" scene pr1738 with dissolve kat "--huh?" "Without warning, Veronica handily lifted Kathleen off the ground, as if she weighed nothing." scene pr1739 with dissolve kat "What do you think you're doing?" scene pr1740 with dissolve ver "Not used to being handled by a real woman, are you?" scene pr1741 with dissolve ver "Christ! You're practically oozing down here! All your talk about us being whores and what do you call this?" scene pr1742 with dissolve ver "You're a proper slut. Takes one to know one, I guess." scene pr1743 with dissolve kat "Heh, this has gotten interesting." kat "Do your best, Miss Lynch. Don't stop even if I tell you to." scene pr1744 with dissolve "The Amazon's rough treatment had brought out Kathleen's lascivious side. She was having... fun?" "It was starting to look like the club was more than just an outlet to flex her sadistic, rich-lady predilections." "She had an interest in the carnal side of things as well." scene pr1745 with dissolve kat "...gah!" scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve "Following Kathleen's cue, Veronica set to work, dipping her digits into the cruel woman's lubricated gash." scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve ver "Huh? You do kegels or something? For an old hag, you're tighter than a nun's asshole down here." scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve ver "You rich ladies really are something special." scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve kat "gwnn--" scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve "Hugging Kathleen tightly, Veronica picked up the pace, deftly maneuvering her wrist to perform a clearly well-practiced motion." scene pr1746 with dissolve scene pr1747 with dissolve "She attacked her target quickly, but it wasn't mindless. There was an uneven rhythm to the shallow jabs of her fingertips and alternating deep, knuckle-sinking thrusts." "It was a rough assault, but not careless or violent. The Amazon was taking great effort not to drag her pointed nails across the soft membrane of Mrs. Pulman's insides." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve "Beads of sweat began to trickle down Kathleen's flawless, white skin." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve "Her chest began to rise and fall at an erratic pace." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve "For all her bluster earlier, she was finding her rough treatment at Veronica's hand gratifying." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve kat "nnhwa~! Nnhaha-! Hwah--!" scene pr1750 with dissolve scene pr1751 with dissolve ver "H-ol-oly shit. You dirty bitch. You're already feeling it." scene pr1750 with dissolve scene pr1751 with dissolve ver "Your lower mouth is greedily sucking on my fingers." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve kat "Y-you..." "For once, Kathleen had no verbal riposte to Veronica's teasing." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve kat "Nhha~! Ngg-ha~ha..." "Instead, all she put forth was a series of muffled, pleasured sighs and breathy grunts." scene pr1748 with dissolve scene pr1749 with dissolve kat "Nhaha-haha!" scene pr1752 with dissolve scene pr1753 with dissolve "Seeing her on the ropes, the Amazon once again began to kiss and nibble at Kathleen's neck." "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1752 with dissolve scene pr1753 with dissolve kat "Ah-! R-ight Th-there! If you do it right there..." scene pr1752 with dissolve scene pr1753 with dissolve "*Fwmuch* *Fwmuch*" scene pr1752 with dissolve scene pr1753 with dissolve "*Fwmuch* *Fwmuch* *Fwmuch*" scene pr1754 with dissolve scene pr1755 with dissolve "Veronica's body was like a well-oiled machine, working in tandem in a three-pronged assault at the austere woman's erogenous zones." scene pr1754 with dissolve scene pr1755 with dissolve "Her mouth tickled and teased her neck." "*Fwmuch*" scene pr1754 with dissolve scene pr1755 with dissolve "One hand supported her body weight while she massaged and kneaded her plump breasts." kat "Nhhagh~ggh!" scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "The other never slowed down on the relentless finger fucking it was dishing out." scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "*Schlick* *Schlick* *Schlick*" scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "All three aspects were coming together beautifully, pushing Mrs. Pulman closer and closer to the edge, to the precipice of her first orgasm." scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "........." scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "...." scene pr1756 with dissolve scene pr1757 with dissolve "..." scene pr1758 with dissolve kat "--!" "Through gritted teeth and glassy eyes, Mrs. Pulman's body suddenly tensed up..." kat "nggg-aaah!" scene pr1759 with dissolve "Only to go slack again not too long after." "It happened quickly, but her body language and rapacious howling made one thing clear: Veronica had successfully made the austere woman cum." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene pr1760 with dissolve "The first of many, with plenty of time to spare to tie Lucy's number of two." play music "music/Darkdub.ogg" scene pr1761 with dissolve scene pr1762 with dissolve "*THUD*" kat "--oofph!" "With little care for Kathleen's comfort, the Amazon dropped her like she was a sack of potatoes." scene pr1763 with dissolve chuck "Hmm... that was {b}fast{/b}." "Chuck spoke aloud and clear, directed at no one in particular." scene pr1764 with dissolve chuck "I've seen Kathy ride men to the point of exhaustion and not been satisfied." scene pr1765 with dissolve chuck "You're quite skilled, lass." scene pr1766 with dissolve ver "You haven't seen anything yet, you old pervert. I'm just beginning." scene pr1767 with dissolve chuck "Bahaha! I'm sure you are. By all means, give us a show." scene pr1768 with dissolve "To punctuate her confident claim, Veronica grabbed Mrs. Pulman by the arm and placed her over her knee like she was disciplining a child." kat "*huff*" scene pr1769 with dissolve kat "Grr-- I'll admit I underestimated you, but you're getting a little impertinent now, Miss Lynch." "Her tone had a venomous edge to it, clearly unpleased at the rough treatment." scene pr1770 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1771 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" "As if to say {i}tough shit{/i}, Veronica gave Mrs. Pulman's pale, round ass a quick swat." scene pr1773 with dissolve ver "This is my show, remember?" ver "It's your job to lie there and cum like a stupid whore." scene pr1772 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1771 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1773 with dissolve ver "Stick your ass out more! Give the boys watching a proper look at the goods!" scene pr1774 with dissolve "To my surprise, Kathleen complied." scene pr1775 with dissolve ver "Now... let's do away with these." "Veronica then removed Kathleen's panties, revealing her oozing, weeping quim for the room to see." "Streaks of girl cum was plastered to the skin of her interior thighs. Part of me were starting to wonder..." mct "(Does Mrs. Pulman have a masochistic side...?)" scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch*" "Veronica's finger slid easily into the winking passage." ver "You're hungry for more, aren't you slut?" kat "You talk too much, Miss Lynch..." ver "Ha! That's rich coming from you." scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch*" scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" ver "You know, this is a lot of fun..." scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch*" ver "Those first two games weren't... {b}in fact{/b} that second one was hell." scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve scene pr1777 with dissolve scene pr1776 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" ver "This third game almost makes me forget that rotten taste in my mouth. {b}Almost{/b}." scene pr1778 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1779 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" kat "Ghha-!" "Removing herself from Kathleen's frothing insides, she gave her yet another slap on the ass -- this time much harder than before." scene pr1778 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1779 with dissolve scene pr1778 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1779 with dissolve "*THWACK!* *THWACK!*" kat "Gaa--ngg! Damn it!" "The memory of the second game was clearly giving the Amazon a vindictive, spiteful edge." scene pr1780 with dissolve "*Squelch*" ver "Water under the bridge. This place might be fun..." "I wasn't sure if she really believed that or just simply wanted to." scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" kat "ngg-nghh-ahh~!--!" "Again, sweet bedroom-like sounds started to pour from the cruel woman's gaping maw." ver "You call Lucy and I whores, but you're enjoying this..." scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve "*Squelch*" ver "You like getting finger fucked to an audience." scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" kat "Keep talking Miss Lynch and you'll run out of ti--" scene pr1782 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1783 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1784 with dissolve ver "I said you LIKE getting finger fucked to an audience, don't you?" kat "--tsk...!" scene pr1782 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1783 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1784 with dissolve kat "gnya-- S-stop it!" "A cracking, girlish plea was drawn out of Mrs. Pulman's pursed lips." scene pr1782 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1783 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1784 with dissolve kat "Gnnn! Fuck!" ver "Admit it then." scene pr1782 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene pr1783 with dissolve "*THWACK!*" scene pr1784 with dissolve kat "Gnngh--aaa! Fine! Yes! I'm enjoying this. I'm enjoying getting finger fucked with people watching." scene pr1785 with dissolve scene pr1786 with dissolve ver "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" scene pr1785 with dissolve scene pr1786 with dissolve kat "~aaah! *huff* *huff*" scene pr1785 with dissolve scene pr1786 with dissolve scene pr1785 with dissolve scene pr1786 with dissolve "I could almost swear Mrs. Pulman was cooing from the Amazon's gentle touch." scene pr1787 with dissolve "Back in the audience, the room was... captivated?" scene pr1788 with dissolve "Isaak, who had thankfully put his dick away, stared at the domineering scene with a concerned look." scene pr1789 with dissolve "The egotistical movie star seemed utterly captivated by Veronica, clearly admiring his choice in sponsee. I don't think he was even seeing Mrs. Pulman anymore." scene pr1790 with dissolve "Meanwhile, August had a blank look on his face. It was hard to read." "His companion on the other hand, who had previously looked uninterested in being here, was now enraptured by the sight, grinning ear to ear in amusement." scene pr1791 with dissolve "Ian's interest was clearly written on his face." scene pr1792 with dissolve "Lastly, Dr. Chuck..." "Had a subtle look of curious amusement on his face, like he was watching a movie." scene pr1787 with dissolve "With the exception of Isaak, everyone seemed unperturbed at the club matriarch's disgraceful treatment." scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve "*Squelch*" kat "Aaah-! Ahww--! Nggh--!" scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve "I suppose why would they?" "Maybe it was pride in her sportsmanship. Maybe it was the sanctity of the club's rules..." scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch*" "Maybe it was simply she didn't want it to stop." scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve scene pr1780 with dissolve scene pr1781 with dissolve "*Squelch* *Squelch* *Squelch*" "Whatever the reason, Kathleen continued to abide by the rules of the game as Veronica picked up the pace, intent on finishing orgasm #2." "She had been going at a leisurely pace, but she did need {b}three{/b} to win after all." scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH*" kat "Agkhh-!" scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH* *SLOSH*" kat "Ah - Aah - Ah!!" scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH* *SLOSH* *SLOSH*" kat "ngg--gha!" scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve kat "*huff* *huff* I c- can't... --ah!" scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH*" ver "You're getting close again, aren't you? You slutty old woman! Panting like this is the first good fuck you've had in ages." scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH* *SLOSH*" ver "Does {b}Mister{/b} Pulman not satisfy you in the bedroom? Or maybe he's no longer interested in such a miserable bitch." scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve scene pr1793 with dissolve scene pr1794 with dissolve "*SLOSH* *SLOSH* *SLOSH*" kat "Gaa-h! I'm goint to cum cumming! I'm cumming!" scene pr1795 with dissolve ver "Then cum for me you intolerable cunt!" scene pr1796 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "*THWACK!*" scene pr1797 with dissolve kat "Gnnaaaa-- ghghghgk-- fffhk--!" "As a coup de grace, Veronica brought her palm down HARD on Mrs. Pulman's bruised cheeks, releasing the floodgates." kat "Fhhk-- ngghg! --shwit--!" "The dignified woman was now shamelessly spraying the stage in girl spunk, wailing pleasurably without an ounce of restraint." scene pr1798 with dissolve kat "gh...why--wahy whant it stahp..." kat "!" scene pr1799 with dissolve ver "No time to rest, slut." kat " waht...?" scene pr1800 with fade ver "Time?!" "The Amazon barked, more like a command than a question." scene pr1801 with dissolve mc "Two minutes and forty seconds." "*Smch...*" scene pr1802 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" scene pr1803 with dissolve ver "That's more than enough time." scene pr1804 with fade "Remaining confident, Veronica slid down the length of Kathleen's torso, bringing her face up to the woman's overworked, swollen quim and promptly got to work." "*Smch...*" scene pr1805 with dissolve "This time she took a gentle approach, lapping at the insensate woman's vulva and inner folds with precise, expert tongue work." "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" "Veronica clearly knew her way around a woman's body, which explained why she had been so brazen in picking Mrs. Pulman in the first place." scene pr1806 with dissolve scene pr1807 with dissolve scene pr1806 with dissolve scene pr1807 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...* *Fhwup...*" "Soon, Mrs. Pulman's listless form began showing signs of pleasure. Her overstimulated nether regions, dulled by pleasure, were responding to the towering woman's gentle lapping." kat "You-you're good at that..." scene pr1808 with dissolve kat "I should've had you pegged as a lesbian." "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" scene pr1809 with dissolve scene pr1810 with dissolve "With no time to respond, Veronica carried on in her attentions, reaching an arm up to her partner's exposed breasts." scene pr1809 with dissolve scene pr1810 with dissolve "Her nipples had long since formed into engorged points, allowing them to fit nicely between the redhead's limber fingers." scene pr1809 with dissolve scene pr1810 with dissolve kat "Ah~♥ *huff* *huff*" "Veronica pinched and rolled the sensitive peaks, not once letting up on her service below." scene pr1809 with dissolve scene pr1810 with dissolve "Her well-paced efforts were paying off." "Mrs. Pulman's eyes had fogged over in the pleasure, not so much peering up at the exhibition hall's red ceiling as she had simply tuned out all worldly surroundings except her own pleasure." "The only thing that was registering with her was the dutiful tongue lashing happening below, in between her wide, ivory-like thighs." scene pr1811 with dissolve kat "Ah~yes! --yuess!" "A pleasurable twitch involuntarily sent her long, pale legs wrapping around the back of Veronica's head, wantonly pulling the Amazon closer." "This woman, who had not an hour ago sadistically cackled while she degraded the prospective Carnations, was now mewling like a bitch in heat." "*Smch...*" scene pr1812 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...* *Fhwup...*" "The way Mrs. Pulman's stern face had contorted into a pleasured, animal-like expression..." scene pr1813 with dissolve "The sight was getting to me." "My dick was standing at full attention, straining painfully against my slacks." "*Smch...*" "Hell, honestly this whole night..." scene pr1814 with dissolve "Veronica and Lucy being paraded around and toyed with." scene pr1815 with dissolve "Veronica guzzling down ounce after ounce of semen." scene pr1816 with dissolve "Lucy riding Ian into the dirt, desperate for a win." scene pr1813 with dissolve "This whole night interfaced with something deep down in me, something untouched and unused." "The stirring I was feeling in response to that, it made me feel..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Excited.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1817 with dissolve "Excited. Never in my boring life had I the chance to glimpse such erotic sights in person." KN_MOD "Scared.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1818 with dissolve "Scared. The charms of this indecent place was getting to me and that scared me." scene pr1819 with dissolve mc "You have a minute remaining." "I called out, to give the redheaded woman fair warning, and to take my mind off my unslaked lusts." scene pr1820 with dissolve "*Smch...*" "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve kat "Ah~♥ so-so- close..." "Mrs. Pulman delightfully cooed." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve "Spurred on by the sweet admission, an invigorated Veronica folded the squeaking slut in half, pressing her legs as far as they'd go inwards, finish line in sight." "The formerly gentle pace had descended into a controlled frenzy, the Amazon's long pink tongue hungrily probing as deep as it could reach." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve "*Smch...*" "42s... 41s..." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...*" "The clock was ticking down." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve "*Smch...* *Mpgfh...* *Fhwup...*" "...would she make it?" "In a twisted way, I was rooting for her deep down." scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve kat "nggh--! Shit! I'm-- I'm--" scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve kat "fuckfuckfuckFuckFuckFUCKFUCKFUCK!!" scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1822 with dissolve scene pr1821 with dissolve scene pr1823 with dissolve kat "yesyesYesYesYESYESYESS!!!!!" kat "Bhibhiiiii~♥" "With a blaring howl, Mrs. Pulman had reached her last climax." scene pr1824 with fade kat "*huff* huff*" "Putting her at a score of three, against Lucy's two." kat "giwhahtamI..." "20s... 19s..." kat "*huff* huff* Ahhhheebi...♥ " scene pr1825 with dissolve "13s... 12s..." kat "whathts...? ...huhh?" ver "I said I wasn't stopping at three, didn't I?" "05s... 04s..." ver "I want to see how far that tight clam of yours can stretch..." scene pr1826 with dissolve mc "--TIME!" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene pr1827 with dissolve kat "*huff* *huff* Eheee..." "Coming down from back-to-back-to-back orgasms, Mrs. Pulman was in no condition to officiate the night's closing or even announce the winner." "Not that she had to. One look into Mrs. Pulman's vacuous eyes was all you needed to see that Veronica had thoroughly outdone Lucy and Ian's performance." scene pr1828 with dissolve play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" chuck "Well, well, well..." chuck "Looks like we have a winner. Miss Lynch, having won the first and last game, is our final Carnation for the summer exhibition." scene pr1829 with dissolve chuck "Isn't that great, lass? Everyone, give her a hand." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.FEG3VeroGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.FEG3VeroGallery = True scene pr1830 with dissolve "Samson was the only one who indulged Dr. Chuck, his large hands thunderously clapping, hooting and hollering like this was all thanks to him." sam "Haha! You're going to win this whole thing. I just know it!" scene pr1831 with fade lucy "..." kil "Ah, come on, cheer up..." kil "I know it might seem like you did all of this for nothing, but..." "Ian, in all his witless charm, couldn't find the words to comfort his partner." kil "Uh, I guess because you DID do it for nothing..." scene pr1832 with dissolve isak "I wouldn't say that, Mr. Beaufort. There is ANOTHER way we can get her son into St. Ives..." scene pr1833 with fade $ history_lucy = "Despite her determined efforts, the schoolteacher failed to earn a spot in the club's summer exhibition, making the humiliating treatment she endured all for naught." $ history_veronica = "Beating Lucy quite handily, Veronica has earned the final spot in the club's summer exhibition. There she seeks to remedy the financial woes facing her gym. I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me, not that I blame her." $ unread_lucy = True $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) kat "Guh... *huff* *huff*..." "In the meantime, Dr. Chuck and I gave Mrs. Pulman a hand getting to her feet." "Despite being little more than dead weight, she felt surprisingly light. A fact that reminded me that she was a woman and not just some ivory-towered monster." mct "(Well, I suppose Veronica had already AMPLY demonstrated that fact...)" kat "Tsk...! That bitch really did it...!" scene pr1834 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" "*THWACK!*" scene pr1835 with dissolve hana "Don't TOUCH me!" aug "Hana, dear..." scene pr1836 with dissolve hana "I don't want to hear that shit, August!" hana "Go fuck yourself, you decrepit old chode!" scene pr1837 with dissolve chuck "Hah... kids these days." scene pr1838 with dissolve "In a fit of anger, Hana had stormed off." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" "Best I could tell, the old man must've made a move on her..." KN_MOD "else:" "Best I could tell, Mr. Byrnes must've made a move on her..." "No, it seemed more than that, considering the type of place this is..." scene pr1833 with dissolve kat "I've got a change of clothes in my office." "There was a sense of expectation in her voice. Considering her shaky legs, I can guess she wants a steady hand to guide her there." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Follow Hana and put your nose where it doesnt belong.:" $ Hana_Affection += 2 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffHanaEnding" KN_MOD "Help Mrs. Pulman to her office.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 2 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump prFaceOffKatEnding" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffHanaEnding:" "Even if it doesn't involve me, I want to chase after her. I can't help it. There's something about a distressed, beautiful girl that makes me want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 19:" "Hell, maybe I could give her someone to vent to. A shoulder to cry on...? One thing could lead to another and..." scene pr1839 with dissolve mc "Sorry. I've got to go check on something..." mc "You got Mrs. Pulman, right Dr. Chuck?" chuck "Uh..." scene pr1840 with dissolve mc "See ya!" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." scene pr1841 with blinds "Hana had already taken the elevator up by the time I left the exhibition hall. Fortunately my guess of where a bartender would run off to proved to be on the nose." play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" scene pr1842 with dissolve hana "Huh... I expected the old man to walk in here, not you." hana "Did August send you?" mc "No, I just wanted to see if you were okay." hana "Cool, pull up a seat then." scene pr1843 with fade hana "You know Jacob, right?" jacob "Yeah, we've met." scene pr1844 with dissolve jacob "'You want a hit?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Sure, why not?:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1845 with dissolve "Puff, puff, pass right?" scene pr1846 with dissolve "......" scene pr1848 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "No thanks.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1847 with dissolve mc "No, thanks. That stuff makes me paranoid." scene pr1848 with dissolve jacob "Suit yourself." scene pr1849 with dissolve "..." hana "Ah, this is good shit. My friend's brother may be a douche, but he knows where to get good weed." scene pr1850 with dissolve jacob "You should try the stuff they grow in Afghanistan." scene pr1851 with dissolve jacob "Well, I should get back out before anyone notices I'm missing from my post." jacob "Thanks for the kush, Hana." hana "Aaaw, anytime. See you Jacob." scene pr1852 with dissolve jacob "[mcf]." "The bouncer gave me a solemn nod before departing." scene pr1853 with dissolve "..." scene pr1854 with dissolve hana "So...! How'd you like your first taste of this place? Pretty {b}fucked up{/b}, right?" scene pr1855 with dissolve mc "It was... {i}something{/i}, alright." scene pr1856 with dissolve hana "Yeah, something rotten and {i}diseased{/i}. Only a creep would want to work here." scene pr1857 with dissolve mc "I can't help but notice YOU work here too..." scene pr1858 with dissolve hana "FUCK! Don't remind me!" "The subject of her employment is CLEARLY a sore spot for the tattooed woman." mc "My bad..." scene pr1859 with dissolve hana "Ah, shit, it's not your fault new guy..." scene pr1860 with dissolve mc "Whose fault is it?" scene pr1861 with dissolve hana "Mine? The old man? The goddamn world? I don't fucking know, but I'm not going to get into it with you." hana "I don't even know you. No offense." scene pr1862 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr1863 with dissolve hana "..." scene pr1862 with dissolve "I had no idea how to respond to that." scene pr1864 with dissolve hana "I need to get out of here. You ever ridden a motorcycle? Next to fucking, it's the best cure-all for anxiety and crushing stress." scene pr1865 with dissolve mc "Are you offering me a ride home...?" scene pr1859 with dissolve hana "We're co-workers now, aren't we?" scene pr1866 with dissolve hana "What do you say, new guy? Don't mind riding bitch seat do you?" scene pr1867 with dissolve mc "..." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." "*Flume-flume* *Ratatata*" scene pr1868 with dissolve "Happy to put an end to the night, I left with Hana on her motorbike." "The machine sputtered on, sounding like a blender of bolts." "It was my first time riding one, and not being the one in control left me feeling vulnerable." "Wanting to hold onto something." scene pr1869 with dissolve hana "You good back there, new guy?" scene pr1868 with dissolve "I..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Place your hands on the bikers hips.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "You know, only because of the added sense of security it provides, and definitely NOT because of the sweet, fruity scent of Hana's bath gel making me want to be closer to her." scene pr1870 with dissolve mc "Sure, let's go." scene pr1871 with dissolve hana "Hold on tight." scene pr1872 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/motorcycle-ride.wav" "*Flume-flume-flume* *Ratatata*" scene pr1876 with dissolve KN_MOD "Place your hands on the bikers shoulders.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1873 with dissolve mc "Uh, yeah, let's go." scene pr1874 with dissolve hana "Hold on tight." scene pr1875 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/motorcycle-ride.wav" "*Flume-flume-flume* *Ratatata*" scene pr1877 with dissolve play music "music/big-rock.ogg" "......" "..." scene black with blinds "After a leisurely drive through the city, we arrived at my apartment." scene pr1878 with blinds stop music fadeout 3.0 "Getting off the bike, I discovered my legs had turned to jelly somewhere during the twenty minute tussle with the midnight-blue machine." play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene pr1879 with dissolve hana "Smooth as silk, isn't she?" hana "You should be grateful. I usually only let cute girls on Suzie Q, not pervy guys who work at an underground sex club." scene pr1880 with dissolve mc "...YOU work at an underground sex club." scene pr1881 with dissolve hana "Fuck! Don't remind me." "Déjà vu..." scene pr1882 with dissolve mc "Why do you work at the club if you hate it so much?" hana "..." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "Let me ask you something, [mcf]." scene pr1884 with dissolve "Her tone had shifted to a more serious timbre." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "You working there because you're a degenerate or because...?" scene pr1884 with dissolve mc "...ah, well. It pays EXTREMELY well..." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "I thought so. You don't really look like you fit the bill." scene pr1885 with dissolve hana "The last guy, Darius, that guy was a walking venereal disease. Practically spouting out noxious fumes when he walked." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "Anyway, it's the same with me I guess. Tending bar at the club makes my personal situation infinitely more manageable." scene pr1885 with dissolve hana "I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't think there's anything wrong with consenting adults FREELY fucking however they want. I'm not some kind of puritan if you haven't guessed." scene pr1883 with dissolve hana "We both know that place isn't that though. Or at least I hope you do." scene pr1886 with dissolve mc "It's..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Its taking advantage of women in desperate situations.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1887 with dissolve hana "Exactly!" hana "I'm glad you don't see it like your asshole friend does at least." KN_MOD "Its not like anyone is forced to be there though.:" $ Hana_Affection -= 2 $ Hana_Affection = clamp(Hana_Affection, 0, 40) $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1888 with dissolve hana "That's the same shit Ian says. Which is {b}bullshit{/b}!" hana "Sometimes we only have the illusion of choice." KN_MOD "if perk_socialChameleon == True or perk_socialButterfly == True:" "She's conflating her own feelings about working there with the other girls' situation." "She doesn't feel like she has agency, so no one else does either." scene pr1889 with dissolve mc "Yeah, maybe..." "This thread of small talk was getting down to the conversational spool, and wanting to get out of this damn dancing monkey outfit, I moved to bring our chat to its conclusion." mc "Anyway, thanks for the ride." scene pr1890 with dissolve hana "No problem. We're co-workers. Pass it forward some time." scene pr1891 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask if she wants to come in.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You want to come in for a drink or something?" scene pr1892 with dissolve hana "Awww, new guy. You're not trying to get in my pants, are you?" hana "I don't even know you." scene pr1893 with dissolve mc "N-no, you just you know... gave me a ride. It'd be shitty not to offer." scene pr1894 with dissolve hana "Sure, sure..." scene pr1895 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr1896 with dissolve hana "Pfft--relax! I'm just teasing you." scene pr1887 with dissolve hana "Maybe some other time though, if you keep NOT being an asshole." scene pr1890 with dissolve hana "Bye!" KN_MOD "Say goodnight and leave.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I guess I'll see you around. Good night!" scene pr1890 with dissolve hana "Same. Take it easy, new guy!" scene pr1897 with fade "With that, Hana's bike rode off into the city night." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "I could hear its mechanical blare all the way into the lobby of my apartment building." "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prMeetTheCarnations" KN_MOD "label prFaceOffKatEnding:" "Whatever that was about, it's none of my business. I should score some points with my new boss instead." scene pr1898 with dissolve mc "I got her." chuck "You sure lad? She's going to be ornery after all that." scene pr1899 with dissolve kat "Oh, stop it Charles! I'm not some petulant child!" scene pr1900 with dissolve chuck "Please, you're the same girl I've known for two decades. Your beauty hasn't faded, but neither has your thorny side. Bahaha!" scene pr1901 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck's flattery seemed to appease Kat a little, a small smile spreading across her face." scene pr1902 with dissolve mc "I... think I can handle it." scene pr1903 with dissolve chuck "Don't say I didn't warn you if she ends up biting your head off like a praying mantis, lad." scene pr1904 with dissolve kat "Away we go, Mr. [mcl]. Before he keeps talking. Please." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene pr1905 with dissolve kat "Thanks for lending me your shoulder, [mcf]." scene pr1906 with dissolve kat "I think I've mostly recovered from that cow's manhandling. The feeling has returned to my legs at least." mc "Yeah, no problem." scene pr1907 with dissolve kat "...hmm." kat "..." scene pr1908 with dissolve kat "I will say this. You've got a softer face than your predecessor." scene pr1907 with dissolve "I wasn't sure how to respond to that." scene pr1909 with dissolve kat "It's a compliment, but don't let it go to your head." scene pr1907 with dissolve mc "Right..." scene pr1910 with dissolve kat "I'm going to get changed now. Have a seat." scene pr1907 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Offer to go outside.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1911 with dissolve mc "Wouldn't you prefer me to go outside?" scene pr1912 with dissolve kat "My, my... such a gentleman." scene pr1910 with dissolve kat "Sit! You just saw that meat golem tongue punch me until I couldn't speak." kat "I think you can stay." scene pr1907 with dissolve mc "You raise a good point, I guess..." KN_MOD "Do as she asks. Sit down.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I wasn't sure what other business she had with me, but I did as she asked." scene black with fade "..." scene pr1913 with dissolve kat "Aaah! That's better." scene pr1914 with dissolve kat "Come to think of it, you should leave at least a couple of changes of clothes here. It's a... handy thing to have in this place." scene pr1915 with dissolve mc "I think tonight helped me understand that." scene pr1916 with dissolve kat "I'm glad we have a chance to speak alone." mc "You are...?" scene pr1917 with dissolve kat "Yes. I'd like to get to know you better, [mcf]." scene pr1918 with dissolve mc "Why is that?" scene pr1919 with dissolve kat "It's important to know the people who work for you." scene pr1920 with dissolve kat "Don't want you running off like Ian's dumbass friend before you." "That's the second time tonight she's mentioned him." scene pr1921 with dissolve mc "Why'd he... quit?" scene pr1922 with dissolve kat "Oh, he didn't {i}quit{/i}. He dropped off the face of the planet." scene pr1923 with dissolve mc "What does that mean? He just disappeared?" scene pr1924 with dissolve kat "Exactly. Just stopped showing up. Number out of service. All the stuff left in his apartment, but him: {b}gone{/b}." scene pr1923 with dissolve mc "Isn't that kinda weird? Something could have happened to him. Maybe an accident. Maybe he could be..." scene pr1924 with dissolve kat "Dead in a ditch somewhere?" scene pr1922 with dissolve kat "Believe me, I had people look into it. Not. A. Thing." kat "Effectively, he just vanished into thin air..." scene pr1925 with dissolve kat "No matter. He was unreliable anyway, thanks to a nasty proclivity toward party drugs. He was chronically late and he ran his mouth all the time." scene pr1923 with dissolve mc "Sounds like I have a low bar to live up to..." scene pr1926 with dissolve kat "Quite." kat "I'll pour us a drink." "It sounded more like a command than a hospitable invitation." scene black with fade "..." scene pr1927 with dissolve "After she returned, we made small talk for a little while." "About my hobbies and about my classes mostly. She shared a little bit about herself as well." kat "The relief was my older sister's thing. I took over after she passed." scene pr1928 with dissolve kat "She was the... {i}altruistic{/i} one amongst my brother and myself. Had the gall to make us feel like shit for just enjoying what life had given us." scene pr1927 with dissolve kat "Don't get me wrong, I loved that woman, but I could've also strangled her." mct "(Yeah, loved her so much you turned her charity into your hunting grounds...)" scene pr1929 with dissolve mc "I see. She sounded... nice." scene pr1927 with dissolve kat "How about you? What kind of person was your father?" "I'm reminded of the background check she ran on me." mct "(Right, she knows all about that...)" kat "He died in a traffic accident when you were seven, right?" scene pr1930 with dissolve mc "Yeah, honestly I was so young and the time was so stressful..." scene pr1929 with dissolve mc "I don't really remember much about him. Just the hole that he left in my mother when he died." scene pr1930 with dissolve mc "If I go a while without looking at one of my mother's pictures of him, it can be difficult to recall his face." scene pr1928 with dissolve kat "Don't feel bad about that. You were young and time is cruel, and while hurt feelings won't simply disappear, it does eventually bring us to an equilibrium in our lives." KN_MOD "if perk_socialChameleon == True or perk_socialButterfly == True:" "There was a surprisingly tender affection to her words, bereft of artifice or the usual feeling that she's talking just because she loves to hear herself speak." "She really means what she's saying." scene pr1931 with dissolve kat "Your mother loved your father then?" scene pr1932 with dissolve "Oddly enough, talking about this with someone openly (even her) was filling me with a warm feeling." mc "Yeah, without a doubt." mc "What about you? You're married right? {b}Mrs.{/b} Pulman." scene pr1933 with dissolve kat "That's right. Life is... unfair." scene pr1934 with dissolve mc "What makes you say that?" scene pr1933 with dissolve kat "Well, your mother didn't get enough time with the love of her life, while me..." scene pr1935 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 kat "..." scene pr1933 with dissolve kat "Thirty years later, I'm still chugging along with an old bastard who simply REFUSES to die." mc "..." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "Relax! I'm only kidding. You gotta learn to cut loose if you want to thrive in a place like this." scene pr1931 with dissolve play music "music/on-the-ground.ogg" kat "Speaking of which, how did you enjoy tonight's fare? Albeit a small offering, it was your first taste of what the club has on tap. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts." scene pr1932 with dissolve mct "(What did I think of this shitshow tonight...?)" mc "Truthfully, well..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1938 with dissolve mc "I couldn't take my eyes off of it. This whole thing is twisted, but..." scene pr1937 with dissolve mc "I can't argue that seeing Lucy and Veronica compete wasn't exciting." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "That's a more honest answer than I expected from you. It's natural to feel conflicted." kat "The dichotomy between what you know is in good taste and what your animal instincts finds stimulating is... delectable." KN_MOD "It was a bit... much.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene pr1940 with dissolve mc "I can't shake the feeling that this whole enterprise is deplorable." scene pr1941 with dissolve kat "Yet, here you are..." scene pr1931 with dissolve kat "Well, you don't hesitate to say how you truly feel at least. I like that myself, but fair warning: keep that trait to a minimum around our clientelle." kat "By and large, they're men accustomed to sycophantic flattery and knob polishing." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "Part of you likes it though, right?" scene pr1937 with dissolve mc "I'd be lying if I didn't admit I found the games exciting." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "I thought so. I could tell." scene pr1942 with dissolve kat "Tell me. What game of the three was your favorite? I want your honest answer." scene pr1932 with dissolve mc "I guess..." hide screen qmenu with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "The first game: I liked watching the girls dance.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "The opening game, with the motorized vibrators. Watching the girls squirm was something... {i}new{/i}." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "It was great, right? That one's a crowd pleaser. Being able to dictate the pace of the event has its advantages." scene pr1941 with dissolve kat "The way Miss Lynch kept her composure at the end... that was a surprise. She's going to make a promising Carnation." scene pr1933 with dissolve kat "I honestly don't know how the other Carnations will stand a chance against that kind of determination." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "Then again, with what I've learned from these exhibitions, things have a way of surprising you." KN_MOD "The second game: I didnt know a human being could ingest that much semen.:" $ toughness += 1 $ toughness = clamp(toughness, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "It was kind of fucked up to admit, but..." mc "The punishment game." scene pr1943 with dissolve kat "Really...? That's surprising." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "I would've thought watching a woman choke down half a liter of ball-juice would be too hardcore for you." scene pr1938 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "Oh, don't be embarrassed! It's good you're a fucked-up pervert. It's practically a bonafide job requirement." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "Like I tell prospective members... what's the point of having an obscene amount of money if you can't be honest about what a disgusting pervert you are?" scene pr1938 with dissolve mc "...that's uh, that's a sales pitch I guess..." KN_MOD "The third game: I liked how frenzied Lucy was.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "The match with Lucy and Ian... I like how frantic it got by the end." scene pr1936 with dissolve kat "You like a little taste of desperation, eh?" scene pr1932 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't say that." scene pr1941 with dissolve kat "It's true. You were getting off to the exploitative nature of the game." scene pr1940 with dissolve mc "..." scene pr1938 with dissolve kat "Oh, don't clam up on me. At the Carnation Club, you don't need to be dishonest about what turns you on." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "Like I tell prospective members... what's the point of having an obscene amount of money if you can't be honest about what a disgusting pervert you are?" scene pr1938 with dissolve mc "...that's uh, that's a sales pitch I guess..." KN_MOD "The third game: Veronica and you.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection = clamp(Kathleen_Affection, 0, 30) show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve scene pr1944 with dissolve mc "The last match of the last game, with Veronica and..." scene pr1945 with dissolve kat "Oh? You liked that?" scene pr1946 with dissolve kat "Seeing that overdeveloped tramp have a go at me?" scene pr1947 with dissolve mc "Uh, I mean..." "Truth be told, the answer to her question was a stark {i}yes{/i}. Seeing the roles get reversed like that was {b}hot{/b}, but I'm starting to feel like I just willingly stepped into a mine field." kat "..." mc "..." mc "*clears throat* *ahem*" scene pr1948 with dissolve kat "Oh, I'm just fucking with you!" scene pr1941 with dissolve kat "Truth be told, that was an unexpected development, but I can't say I didn't enjoy the hands-on evaluation." scene pr1939 with dissolve kat "It can be fun giving up control for a little bit. You should try it some time. Why I could tie you up and tickle you funny right now..." scene pr1949 with dissolve mc "N-no, no thanks. I'm good..." scene pr1950 with dissolve kat "Come to think of it, you didn't get a chance to pop your cork tonight, did you?" scene pr1951 with dissolve kat "It's got to be frustrating..." scene pr1958 with dissolve kat "To be so young and virile, watching all that fun, and not having any yourself...?" scene pr1959 with dissolve "The cruel woman's sudden amorous advance left me unable to speak." "Absent was the pheromone-laced perfume that she had previously weaponized. Instead, the tumescent growth in my pants could only be owed to Mrs. Pulman's womanly charms." scene pr1952 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "I'm going to make you a promise, [mcf]. About the Carnation Club and your job..." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" kat "Don't be a fucking idiot and this place will be good to you. It'll take care of you." kat "All you need to do is know when to shut up, avoid stepping on our members' toes, and follow everything I say." scene pr1953 with dissolve kat "The Carnation Club is mine, first and foremost. Forget about Charles and Auggy. You answer to me." kat "If you can do that, well, I'll let you live out all your fucked-up fantasies with impunity." mc "..." scene pr1954 with dissolve kat "I want you sleep on those words. Internalize them. Carve it into the back of your eyelids if you have to." scene pr1955 with dissolve kat "Don't be like... Darius." "The ice coldness of her words had brought the blood in my veins to a standstill." scene pr1956 with dissolve mc "R-right..." scene pr1957 with dissolve kat "I'm glad we had this talk, Mr. [mcl]. Let me get Warren to drive you home." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump prMeetTheCarnations" KN_MOD "label prMeetTheCarnations:" $ date = "may14day" stop sound scene pr1960 with blinds play music "music/study-and-relax.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show may14day with squares "The next couple of days were uneventful. I heard nary a peep from Mrs. Pulman, Dr. Chuck, or even Ian." scene pr1961 with dissolve $ date = "may15night" show may15night with squares "I passed the time watching dumb movies and running MCAT drills. After all the excitement of the past week, part of me appreciated the reprieve." scene club-fr-day with dissolve $ date = "may16day" show may16day with squares "Saturday, I received a call from Mrs. Pulman, asking me to come to the club's bar." "She didn't care to expound on the reason for the visit, leaving only my imagination to wildly speculate what was in store." scene pr1962 with dissolve mc "You're always here, huh?" scene pr1963 with dissolve jacob "Just me and Warren to guard the fort." scene pr1964 with dissolve jacob "--not that I can complain, they pay me a lot of money to sit on my ass and read. It's the cushiest security detail I've worked by FAR." scene pr1965 with dissolve mc "What other kind of details have you worked?" scene pr1966 with dissolve jacob "After my contract with the FFL was up, I bounced around to the usual places. Bars, personal details, that kind of thing." KN_MOD "if perk_socialChameleon == True or perk_socialButterfly == True:" "I got the sense he was being tactfully vague, uninterested in going into details." scene pr1965 with dissolve mc "The FFL?" scene pr1966 with dissolve jacob "Légion étrangère - The {b}F{/b}rench {b}F{/b}oreign {b}L{/b}egion." scene pr1967 with dissolve mc "Really? That's so cool! How'd you end joining a foreign army?" scene pr1968 with dissolve jacob "Get me gassed one night and I'll tell you, deal?" mc "Yeah, sure. I'll hold you to that." scene pr1969 with dissolve jacob "Head on in. You're expected." "I still didn't know what I was here for." scene pr1970 with dissolve mc "Expected for what, exactly?" scene pr1971 with dissolve jacob "I don't know. They don't tell me. Maybe the usual, Eyes-Wide-Shut shit these rich people get up to?" scene pr1972 with dissolve mc "Riiiight, nice seeing you Jacob." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene pr1973 with irisin "As soon as I entered, I spotted a pair of familiar faces sitting idly at the bar, appearing to be making small talk." "Once Rosalind caught sight of me, she offered an enthusiastic wave and a warm smile." "Veronica, for her part, gave me a simple nod." scene pr1974 with dissolve "Elsewhere, Mrs. Pulman stood by the bar, chatting with a fourth woman." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene pr1975 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 "It was clear, even from behind, that she was an attractive woman, younger than her conversational partner." "As my eyes lecherously wandered up the contours of her frame, a sense of familiarity came over me." mct "(Wait a minute, I know that ass...)" scene pr1976 with dissolve kat "There you are, Mr. [mcl]!" scene pr1977 with dissolve "..." scene pr1978 with dissolve fel "Oh! It's you!" fel "How you doin', stud?" scene pr1977 with dissolve "Felicia gave me a laid-back, casual greeting in stark contrast to my dumb-stricken surprise." mc "Oh, you're kidding me..." "After getting over the initial shock, considering our mutual connection to this place, I likely knew the answer to the question on my mind. Still, I asked it." mc "What are you doing here, Felicia?" scene pr1979 with dissolve fel "I'm competing in this summer thing Ian told me about. It sounded fun." scene pr1980 with fade rosever "..." scene pr1981 with dissolve kat "Oh? You two know each other already?" scene pr1982 with dissolve fel "Yeah, through Ian..." scene pr1983 with dissolve kat "That figures." scene pr1984 with dissolve mct "(Hold up... it sounded {i}fun{/}?!)" mct "(So she knew about the club the whole time?)" scene pr1985 with dissolve kat "I called you here to formally introduce you to this year's Carnations, but I guess you already know everyone here." scene pr1986 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Rosalind Carter." scene pr1987 with dissolve kat "Miss Veronica Lynch." scene pr1988 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "To my utter shock, my blind date turned out to be part of the Club's upcoming summer exhibition. I guess I'm getting my wish in seeing her again." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve kat "And finally, Mrs. Felicia Ford." scene pr1989 with dissolve kat "Girls, this is [mcf]. In two weeks, the summer exhibition will begin." kat "You've each been briefed on the schedule and what's expected of you." kat "You have any problems or concerns during the month-long event, it goes through him. He'll take care of you." scene pr1990 with dissolve kat "You have anything to add, [mcf]?" scene pr1991 with dissolve mc "..." "I like to think of myself as a good and decent person, but..." "I have simply never been given the opportunity to prove my conceited self-image right or wrong." mct "(Well, here's my chance.)" scene pr1992 with dissolve mc "Let's all get along." play sound "sound effects/sting-mumbaieffect.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with pixellate "......." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june01start" ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### PALE CARNATIONS ### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## The contents of day 1-5 of the first week go here. KN_MOD "label june01start:" # correct typo in ch1 KN_MOD "if Sam_Friendship > 3 and perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Sam_Friendship = 4 KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == False:" $ Felicia_Affection += 4 KN_MOD "if felPN == Daddy or felPN == daddy:" $ feliciaDaddy = True ## Opening Sequence ------------------------------------------------------------ $ date = "intronight" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/page-turn.wav" scene titlecard_base with blinds $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene titlecard_week1 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) play music "music/Moonlight-Sonata.ogg" scene titlecard_week1full with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene w1_0001 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve cm "So, tell the viewers at home your name." scene w1_0002 with dissolve woman "My name is... Rebecca." scene w1_0001 with dissolve cm "Oh, c'mon. You're not being honest, are you? Tell them your {b}real{/b} one, sweetheart." scene w1_0003 with dissolve woman "..." scene w1_0002 with dissolve vic " name is Victoria." scene w1_0001 with dissolve cm "What are you here to do, {i}Vicky{/i}?" scene w1_0002 with dissolve vic "I'm here to have sex." scene w1_0001 with dissolve cm "That's great. You like big ones, right?" scene w1_0004 with pixellate stop music fadeout 2.0 vic "Yes, I love {b}huge{/b} cock." ## Edwin gets a new apartment -------------------------------------------------- $ date = "june01day" play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w1_0005 with pixellate vic "...and they're letting you live here, rent-free?" scene w1_0006 with dissolve $ statisticsunlock = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show statsunlock with dissolve "The next two weeks leading into June proved uneventful, at least when compared to the excitement of what I had recently experienced." hide statsunlock with dissolve show june01day with squares "Ian had begun showing up more and more unannounced, but for the most part, it felt like the start of a normal summer." "All with the exception of one thing..." "After August had {b}firmly{/b} insisted I make use of one of the club's unused pieces of real estate, plus advanced me a month's paycheck, I found myself under a drastically different standard of living." "One that beats the crap out of living off ramen and stealing the neighbor's WIFI." scene w1_0007 with dissolve mc "My new boss said someone should take care of it since it was just sitting here." scene w1_0008 with dissolve pause 1.0 scene w1_0009 with dissolve vic "..." "My mother leveled a suspicious look I hadn't seen since I was a teen my way." scene w1_0010 with dissolve vic "You're not doing anything... {i}weird{/i}, right?" scene w1_0009 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Flatly deny it.:" scene w1_0011 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "They're really just waiting to flip this place." mc "I mean, it's me we're talking about. I barely leave my apartment. What kind of weird things would I get up to?" scene w1_0012 with dissolve vic "You're right I suppose." vic "You've got a good head on your shoulders." KN_MOD "Deflect with a joke.:" scene w1_0011 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Not really, just working as a {b}rentboy{/b} to pay for college." scene w1_0010 with dissolve vic "Oh, is that all?" scene w1_0013 with dissolve vic "Well, if you're going to be house-sitting such a swanky place, I think we might be due for a change of scenery for our movie night..." play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0014 with dissolve "*Knock, knock.*" kil "I'm coming in, better put your cock away--!" scene w1_0015 with dissolve play music "music/hotshot.ogg" kil "Oh, {b}hello{/b} Mrs. [mcl]. I didn't know you were here..." kil "I was saying, uh..." scene w1_0016 with dissolve vic "Relax, Ian. We've all heard the word before." scene w1_0017 with dissolve mc "Sorry, what word? I couldn't hear him through the door." vic "{b}Cock{/b}. He said to put your cock away I believe." kil "...eheh." "For whatever reason, my mom remains the only person who can make Ian feel embarrassed about his behavior." "It had developed into a well-oiled routine over the years, one I'm glad to see still works to this day." scene w1_0018 with dissolve vic "Oh, come here!" scene w1_0019 with dissolve vic "It's nice to see you, Ian." vic "I want to thank you for getting my son a job." scene w1_0020 with dissolve vic "It clearly comes with some perks." scene w1_0021 with dissolve kil "Uh... n-no problem..." scene w1_0022 with dissolve vic "So, you guys have something planned today?" scene w1_0023 with dissolve mc "He's actually giving me a ride to work. I mentioned it earlier, remember?" vic "Oh, yeah. You did say that..." scene w1_0024 with dissolve kil "[mcf] doesn't have a car, so it's up to me to bus him around. He really should be more grateful." scene w1_0025 with dissolve vic "Well, it's great he's got such a great friend to depend on. Don't you agree, [mcf]?" scene w1_0026 with dissolve mc "I think, if you're going to be so pleased with yourself about it, I'll just take the subway from now on..." play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." scene club-fr-day with blinds "--later on, back at the club. After NOT taking the subway." stop ambient fadeout 1.5 scene w1_0027 with fade kat "Good, you're all here. I wanted to go over our inaugural week's theme." scene w1_0028 with dissolve ver "...ngh, before you start yakking our heads off, can you clarify something first?" scene w1_0029 with dissolve kat "What is it, Miss Lynch?" scene w1_0028 with dissolve ver "If we're just checking in for the week, WHY do we have to be dressed like this?" scene w1_0030 with slideleft play music "music/a-brand-new-start.ogg" kat "I wanted to see how you girls looked in this week's uniform." scene w1_0031 with dissolve kat "To figure out if I need to make any adjustments to it before Saturday." scene w1_0032 with dissolve fel "I think we look hot. What do you say, Rosie?" scene w1_0033 with dissolve rose "It's... a little embarrassing. Feels like a Halloween costume..." scene w1_0034 with dissolve fel "I know! Isn't that fun?" scene w1_0035 with dissolve kat "Well, I think all three of you girls look {b}wonderful{/b} in it. Without a doubt, it'll be a crowd pleaser." scene w1_0036 with dissolve kat "What say you, [mcf]? Killian?" scene w1_0037 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hard to say. Ask the girls to give you a little spin.:" scene w1_0038 with dissolve $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ w1Spin = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I think I need to see more, before I can form an educated opinion." mc "Why don't you girls turn around? Give us a little spin." scene w1_0039 with dissolve kil "I say THAT's a scholarly idea if I've ever heard one." scene w1_0041 with dissolve ver "Pig." rose "..." fel "Heheh..." scene w1_0042 with dissolve fel "Ta~da!" scene w1_0043 with dissolve fel "Oh, c'mon ladies. You heard the boss woman. It's all part of the job, right?" scene w1_0044 with dissolve "Spurred on by Felicia's words, Rosalind followed Felicia's example." scene w1_0045 with dissolve ver "Whatever." scene w1_0046 with dissolve "Veronica gave a quick spin of her own." scene w1_0041 with dissolve ver "You take it all in, you perv?" kil "You bet!" KN_MOD "Dont be a pig about it.:" $ toughness -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(No point in objectifying the girls any further, right? I should just give Mrs. Pulman my answer.)" scene w1_0040 with dissolve "Well, who looks best in the uniform?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Rosalind is your favorite.:" scene w1_0047 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I shot Rosalind another glance." "Yep, she's the one for sure. She's got a fuller, more motherly figure than the other two and she fills out the uniform in all the right places." scene w1_0048 with dissolve mc "It's Rosalind." kat "Why am I not surprised?" scene w1_0053 with dissolve kil "Hmmm... I say Felicia, but not that it isn't close. You other ladies look amazing too." scene w1_0054 with dissolve ver "What would we do without the pretty boy's approval?" ver "Can we move on to why we're here, please?" scene w1_0055 with dissolve kat "I suppose it's time. I did gather you here for a reason." KN_MOD "Felicia is your favorite.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 scene w1_0049 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I gave Felicia another look up and down." "Yep, she's the one for sure. She strikes the perfect balance between toned and shapely. Honestly, she makes the {b}perfect{/b} bunny rabbit, doesn't she?" mc "It's Felicia." scene w1_0050 with dissolve fel "Ha! I do look amazing, don't I?" scene w1_0053 with dissolve kil "I agree with [mcf]. Felicia takes it, not that it isn't close." scene w1_0054 with dissolve ver "What would we do without the pretty boy's approval?" ver "Can we move on to why we're here, please?" scene w1_0055 with dissolve kat "I suppose it's time. I did gather you here for a reason." KN_MOD "Veronica is your favorite.:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 scene w1_0051 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "My eyes were drawn back to Veronica." "Yep, she's the one for sure. There's something about a woman with muscles. It contrasts wonderfully with the bunny costume. Plus, those heels show off her long legs splendidly." mc "It's Veronica." scene w1_0052 with dissolve ver "Gee, {i}thanks.{/i}" scene w1_0053 with dissolve kil "Hmmm... I say it's Felicia, not that it isn't close." scene w1_0054 with dissolve ver "What would we do without the pretty boy's approval?" ver "Can we move on to why we're here, please?" scene w1_0055 with dissolve kat "I suppose it's time. I did gather you here for a reason." KN_MOD "This is stupid. They all look great. if w1Spin == False:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 show w1_0056 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "This is dumb. They all look great." scene w1_0057 with dissolve mc "Can't we just get to why we're here?" ver "I agree." scene w1_0036 with dissolve kat "Do lighten up, Mr. [mcl]." scene w1_0058 with dissolve kat "Oh, but I do suppose we should get started." scene w1_0027 with dissolve kat "I am a busy woman after all." scene w1_0035 with dissolve kat "This being the first week, it's only proper we introduce you girls to our members ahead of time." kat "Plus, I think it'll help loosen you up." scene w1_0028 with dissolve rose "Loosen us up?" scene w1_0059 with dissolve kat "To put it bluntly, two of you standing here have no experience with what you're walking into this week." scene w1_0060 with dissolve fel "I thought you've explained it pretty well, to be honest." fel "It's going to involve lots of sex, bondage, toys..." scene w1_0061 with dissolve fel "A little pain, humiliation, lots and LOTS of pleasure..." scene w1_0062 with dissolve fel "Anything you can throw at us to get a room of old men off, right? Ian said you guys don't fuck around. It sounds like it's going to be awesome." scene w1_0063 with dissolve kat "You are a unique woman aren't you, Mrs. Ford? Such an unusual request for your prize too..." scene w1_0084 with dissolve kat "I'm going to look forward to making you regret taking this so lightly." scene w1_0064 with dissolve fel "I believe you! Hehe...!" scene w1_0065 with dissolve mc " *Whisper* What did she ask for?" scene w1_0066 with dissolve kil "*Whisper* Beats me, but I {i}knew{/i} telling her about the club was a good idea." KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == True:" scene w1_0067 with dissolve kil "*Whisper* I know you got a taste of it, right? Experienced it first-hand? Eh? Eh?" scene w1_0066 with dissolve kil "*Whisper* I don't know who to put my money on winning this thing. That freakish redhead or her." scene w1_0068 with dissolve kat "So, with those two goals in mind, I thought I'd get the three of you to help with this week's promotional material." scene w1_0069 with dissolve ver "You're going to market us like some kind of good?" scene w1_0068 with dissolve kat "...and why wouldn't I? That's what you three are now -- for the next four weeks, you are the Carnation Club's {b}product{/b}." scene w1_0070 with dissolve rose "What are you going to have us do?" scene w1_0068 with dissolve kat "We're going to film something of a calling card for our members. The goal is to promote early engagement." kat "Get our members excited to meet you girls and encourage some early betting on this Saturday's outcome." scene w1_0071 with dissolve fel "Sounds fun! I'm game!" scene w1_0072 with dissolve rose "...I'll do whatever is asked of me." scene w1_0073 with dissolve ver "Let's do this." scene w1_0065 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* The club members bet on the outcome of the matches?" scene w1_0066 with dissolve kil "*Whisper* Of course they do. Anything that has a winner, will have people betting on it. That's basically a universal truth." kil "*Whisper* Money flows in and out of this place in a lot of ways. Gambling is a big one this time of year." scene w1_0074 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]! I'm going to let you have first pick." "Pulling me back to the matter at hand, Mrs. Pulman directed the conversation my way." scene w1_0075 with dissolve mc "What am I picking?" scene w1_0074 with dissolve kat "We'll be splitting up to film individual footage of each of the girls. I'll let you pick who you want to work with." scene w1_0075 with dissolve mc "I'm not a videographer, though..." scene w1_0076 with dissolve kil "You're not expected to be {i}Vittorio Storaro{/i} here. Just shoot and talk, the old men eat this gonzo-style shit up." scene w1_0075 with dissolve mc "So you just want me to interview one of them?" scene w1_0074 with dissolve kat "Exactly. Profile them. Ask them questions. Get them to open up and play to the camera. Maybe have them say some dirty things." scene w1_0077 with dissolve "I looked back over at Rosalind and the rest of the girls." kat "The goal is to sell the viewer on your Carnation, maybe tie it into this week's theme if you're creative enough." kil "You haven't told us what this week's theme is yet." scene w1_0058 with dissolve kat "I didn't? I got ahead of myself it seems." scene w1_0078 with dissolve kat "You see ladies, each exhibition night has its own theme." scene w1_0079 with dissolve kat "Four weeks. Four Saturdays. Four themes to center that night's activities around." scene w1_0078 with dissolve kat "This week's theme is an {i}understated{/i} one: {b}service{/b}." scene w1_0080 with dissolve ver "Understated?" scene felhandjobmotion with dissolve fel "She means like handjobs, blowjobs, {i}titjobs{/i}. Right, Kat?" scene w1_0083 with dissolve ver "That... actually doesn't sound too bad." "Considering what Veronica endured a couple of weeks ago, I suppose that does sound pretty tame in comparison." scene w1_0086 with dissolve kat "You'd both be mistaken. It's nothing as banal." kat "Service is about attitude. Hard work. The willing diminishment of the individual." scene w1_0085 with dissolve ver "I should've known better than to ask." ver "{size=-10}Turning sucking a dick into some greater purpose, what a crock of...{/size=-10}" "Ignoring Veronica's comment, Mrs. Pulman returned her attention back to me and asked the same question she had posed earlier." scene w1_0077 with dissolve kat "So, who will it be, Mr. [mcl]? I'll let you pick since you're our newest employee." "Who {b}do{/b} I want to work with here? I'll be filming and interviewing them. I could use this as a chance to get to know one of them better." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True and roseSeduceFlag == False:" "Rosalind seems easy to get along with, or at least she's amicable. Plus, we've already shared some of that {i}hands on{/i} experience already." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True and roseSeduceFlag == True:" "Rosalind seems easy to get along with, or at least she's amicable. Plus, she seemed pretty into me at the cafe." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False and roseSeduceFlag == True:" "Rosalind seems easy to get along with, or at least she's amicable. Plus, I like to think we shared something the night we met." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False and roseSeduceFlag == False:" "Rosalind seems easy to get along with, or at least she's amicable." "Veronica, on the other hand, is pretty prickly. Not that I blame her, considering where she stands and who I represent. Working together might be difficult, but maybe I could use this opportunity to show her I'm on her side?" "Then there's Felicia. She'd be the easiest to work with, considering our existing rapport." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Partner with Rosalind:" $ w1RoseGonzo = True KN_MOD "jump w1roseinterviewpick" KN_MOD "Partner with Felicia:" $ w1FelGonzo = True KN_MOD "jump w1felinterviewpick" KN_MOD "Partner with Veronica:" $ w1VeroGonzo = True KN_MOD "jump w1verointerviewpick" KN_MOD "label w1roseinterviewpick:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0087 with dissolve mc "I'll take Rosalind." rose "Me...?" "She looked shocked that she was picked first." kat "Very well. Who do you want, Killian?" scene w1_0090 with dissolve kil "Hm..." scene w1_0094 with dissolve kil "Veronica." scene w1_0095 with dissolve fel "Way to make a girl feel wanted." scene w1_0096 with dissolve kil "Oh, don't be like that, Felish. You and I know each other pretty well, that kind of thing is pretty hard to hide on film." kil "Plus some of the questions will be pretty personal and I know you hate that shit, so better not me, right?" scene w1_0097 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 fel "*sigh* Guess I'm with Kat then." KN_MOD "jump w1DaliaIntro" KN_MOD "label w1felinterviewpick:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0088 with dissolve mc "I'll take Felicia." KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == False:" fel "Hehe, I knew you were regretting the other night." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Aw, I must've made a real impression the other night, right stud?" "Felicia was looking like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary." kat "Very well. Who do you want, Killian?" scene w1_0090 with dissolve kil "Hm..." scene w1_0098 with dissolve kil "Her and I haven't had the pleasure of getting to know one another yet." scene w1_0099 with dissolve fel "Not satisfied until you've sampled the whole menu, eh?" fel "Poor, poor Mina." scene w1_0100 with dissolve kil "Hey, don't bring her into this. Makes me feel like I'm doing something bad." stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Looks like I'll be taking Rosalind then." KN_MOD "jump w1DaliaIntro" KN_MOD "label w1verointerviewpick:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0089 with dissolve mc "I'll take Veronica." ver "I suppose that suits me. Better you than the old bat." "Despite her precarious position, Veronica never seems to miss the opportunity to lay into the woman holding the purse strings." kat "Very well. Who do you want, Killian?" scene w1_0090 with dissolve kil "Hm..." scene w1_0091 with dissolve fel "Way to make a girl feel wanted." scene w1_0092 with dissolve kil "Oh, don't be like that, Felish. You and I know each other pretty well, that kind of thing is pretty hard to hide on film." kil "Plus some of the questions will be pretty personal and I know you hate that shit. It'd be less embarrassing with a stranger, yeah?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0093 with dissolve fel "*sigh* Guess I'm with Kat then." KN_MOD "jump w1DaliaIntro" KN_MOD "label w1DaliaIntro:" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w1_0101 with dissolve "While Ian and Felicia conversed, Mrs. Pulman had made a short call. Not a minute later, a woman I vaguely recognized from the past few weeks entered." "If I recall correctly, she was handing a large sum of money to August the first time I saw her." play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w1_0102 with dissolve kat "[mcf], have you met Dalia?" scene w1_0103 with dissolve KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True:" mc "No, I haven't had the pleasure." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Afraid not." scene w1_0104 with dissolve kat "She's one of our house girls. The head girl, actually." scene w1_0105 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Head girl?:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "What does the head house girl do around here?" scene w1_0104 with dissolve kat "Administrative things, on top of her regular duties. She handles cash, keeps tabs on the other girls, and lets me or August know if any problems come up when one makes a house call." scene w1_0106 with dissolve kil "She means she snitches on the other girls when they do something bad or smooths things over when a member gets pissed about something." scene w1_0107 with dissolve "Dalia looked unhappy to hear it put so bluntly." KN_MOD "Nice to meet you, Dalia.:" $ toughness -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0108 with dissolve mc "Nice to meet you, Dalia. I'm [mcf]." scene w1_0109 with dissolve dal "Same to you." scene w1_0105 with dissolve KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True:" mct "(She seems like a woman of few words.)" KN_MOD "elif perk_socialChameleon == True:" mct "(She seems like a woman that knows the value of brevity.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(She seems... cold.)" scene w1_0110 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_dalia = True show bioadd with dissolve kat "Would you be a dear and take Mr. [mcl] to our soundproof set? I'd get Warren to do it, but I let Auggy borrow him for his meeting with those money-grubbing friends of his." kat "He doesn't quite know his way around the hidden parts of the building yet." dal "Yes, Mrs. Pulman." kat "Good! I'll be filming here. Ian can use Charles' office." scene w1_0111 with dissolve mc "Before I go, I'm not exactly clear on what I should specifically be doing or asking..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0112 with dissolve kat "Oh, I think you know. You've seen your share of cheap pornos, right? If you haven't, you can always call home and ask for advice." scene w1_0113 with dissolve "..." kil "Huh...? I don't get it." mc "...yeah, I think I know what you're expecting." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 14:" mct "(Bitch.)" scene w1_0114 with dissolve kat "Don't forget the camera." kat "Oh, and if you do a good job on this task, expect a {b}nice{/b}, mind-blowing reward in your future." kat "I like to reinforce excellence." dal "Right this way, Mr. [mcl]. If you'll follow me." "......" scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1RoseInterview" KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1FelInterview" KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterview" ################################################################################ ## Rosalind Gonzo -------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ KN_MOD "label w1RoseInterview:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind02 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Does Rosalind refer to the player character as sir?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes, sir!:" $ prYesSir = True KN_MOD "No.:" pass show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" scene w1_0115 with blinds "Dalia did what was asked of her, leading Rosalind and me through the inner workings of the unoccupied office building part of the club, until we finally arrived at our destination: a studio set, complete with a photography backdrop." mct "(You got to be kidding me. There's no end to this place's amenities...)" dal "Here we are. I'm sure you remember how to get back? If there's nothing else..." scene w1_0116 with dissolve rose "Thank you." "Rosalind beamed warmly and thanked Dalia for her time. The seasoned prostitute must've found the earnest display odd for the setting, as she looked tongue-tied for the briefest moment." scene w1_0117 with dissolve dal "Yeah. No problem, hun." scene w1_0118 with dissolve dal "Oh, and welcome to the club. If you ever need access to any of the house girls, let me know." dal "I take care of scheduling for that sort of thing." scene w1_0119 with dissolve "Without waiting for a response, Dalia turned on the heels of her feet and left Rosalind and me alone in the vacant studio." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" mct "(She hides it well, but I can tell that woman is a ball of nervous energy.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Dalia seems nice enough I guess, if a little to the point.)" scene w1_0120 with fade "While I was lost in thought, Rosalind made her way to the nearby couch and sat down." KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" rose "I'm ready to get started when you are, sir." KN_MOD "else:" rose "I'm ready to get started when you are." scene w1_0121 with dissolve "Straight to business, just like the first night we met." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask her whats the hurry.:" scene w1_0122 with dissolve $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You seem like you're in a hurry." scene w1_0123 with dissolve rose "It's not like {i}that{/i}, but..." "Rosalind pauses a moment, as if to consider how much information she wants to divulge." scene w1_0124 with dissolve rose "My daughter will be out of school soon and, if I can help it, I'd prefer to get home early enough to cook and not spend the money on takeout." scene w1_0126 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 mc "Alright. Let's get to it then, I know how important a family meal is." rose "Thank you." KN_MOD "Tell her shes an eager slut. if toughness >= 20:" scene w1_0122 with dissolve $ Rosalind_Affection -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're quite the eager slut, aren't you?" scene w1_0123 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_0125 with dissolve rose "Heh, you know it! I'll be anything you want Mr. [mcl]." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene w1_0126 with dissolve rose "So let's get started, shall we?" KN_MOD "She has a point. Lets move things along.:" scene w1_0126 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 "No sense in easing into why we're here." mct "(As awkward as this will be for me, it's a hundred times worse for Rosalind.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade show screen camcorder mc "Will you please tell our members your name?" scene w1_0127 with pixellate KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" "{i}Our{/i} members. Somehow, that phrasing came naturally to me. I must've grown used to this place when I wasn't looking." KN_MOD "else:" "{i}Our{/i} members. The words still sounded alien to me, but I AM a part of this I guess." play music "music/a-lost-map-of-a-heaven.ogg" scene w1_0128 with dissolve rose "Sure! I'm Rosalind Carter, one of your summer Carnations." "Without much coaching, Rosalind volunteered her full name and an eerily earnest salutation to the camera." scene w1_0129 with dissolve mct "(This woman is either a hell of an actor or she's got nothing between her ears.)" "Okay. Her {b}name{/b}. That was an easy enough place to start, but what's next?" "I'm supposed to be introducing her, like in a cheap porno..." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_0152 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve vic "I'm thirty-one." "Suddenly, a mental script formed in my head." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0129 with pixellate show screen camcorder mc "How old are you, Rose?" scene w1_0130 with dissolve rose "I'm 36 years old." mc "That makes you the oldest in this year's exhibition, doesn't it?" scene w1_0131 with dissolve rose "That's right. I'm practically over the hill for this kind of thing, aren't I?" scene w1_0129 with dissolve "I'm not sure if she actually knew how old the other two were, but she rolled with it." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True:" mc "You got to be kidding. You're practically in your prime." mc "If anything, age has done nothing but add to your allure." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Don't be silly. You're a good-looking woman and you know it." scene w1_0130 with dissolve rose "Thank you! That's nice of you to say, but I know how attractive my opponents are." scene w1_0132 with dissolve rose "I'll have to work hard if I want to win." mct "(She's playing this like a natural. I doubt even Felicia could do better.)" scene w1_0129 with dissolve mc "Speaking of competition, tell us why you're here. More specifically, what have you picked as your prize?" "Veronica's here to save her failing business. Lucy was trying to get her kid into a prestigious school." scene w1_0133 with dissolve rose "I have some money problems I need help with." scene w1_0134 with dissolve "It was a flat, disimpassioned, and obvious admission. One that didn't give much insight into her situation, but answered the question." "I could try and pry deeper. I'm curious about it, plus I'm sure these old freaks get off at the exploitive nature of these games." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask her what kind of money troubles and make her squirm.:" $ toughness += 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "What kind of money problems?" scene w1_0135 with dissolve rose "Debts. Heavy, heavy debt." scene w1_0136 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1RoseInterviewPushIt" KN_MOD "Just move onto a more thrilling direction.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 "I'm sure the people who will watch this would enjoy seeing a big-titted beauty squirm a little, but her pleading expression seemed to be practically asking me to drop it." "A silent request I'm happy to oblige." KN_MOD "jump w1RoseInterviewNiceStrip" KN_MOD "label w1RoseInterviewPushIt:" "Rosalind's body began to fidget at the disclosure. So she's drowning in debt?" "Considering where she sits, I suspect she doesn't have many alternative avenues to come up with the sum of money she needs." KN_MOD "menu :" KN_MOD "Spice up the footage by using her admission against her.:" $ toughness += 1 $ Rosalind_Affection -= 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "So that means you really need to win this thing, huh?" scene w1_0137 with dissolve rose "Uh-huh.." scene w1_0136 with dissolve mc "That means you'll do ANYTHING to win this week?" scene w1_0137 with dissolve rose "I w-will, absolutely..." scene w1_0136 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 22:" mc "Prove it then. Take that stupid costume off and get those dumb cow tits out." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Prove it then. Take off your costume and give the camera a glimpse of those beautiful breasts of yours." scene w1_0138 with dissolve KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" rose "Right away, sir." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Right away, Mr. [mcl]." scene w1_0142 with fade "Rosalind was quick to do as I asked, freeing her bountiful mounds from the restrictive confines of that cheap rabbit costume." KN_MOD "jump w1RoseInterviewContinue" KN_MOD "She clearly doesnt want to talk about it, be nice and let it go.:" scene w1_0134 with dissolve "I shouldn't go down this path any further. It's making me feel too skeevy." KN_MOD "jump w1RoseInterviewNiceStrip" KN_MOD "label w1RoseInterviewNiceStrip:" mc "Now, why don't you..." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_0153 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve cm "Why don't you give our viewers a look at the goods?" scene w1_0152 with pixellate vic "Okay..." scene w1_0154 with dissolve "..." scene w1_0155 with dissolve cm "Wow! Those puppies are massive!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0129 with pixellate show screen camcorder KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "(Not so) Subtly ask her if shes comfortable.:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "You comfortable in that getup, Rose? The costume is looking a little tight from this side of things." scene w1_0139 with dissolve rose "Mr. [mcl], you're not suggesting that's a bad thing, are you? My breasts crammed into this small--" scene w1_0140 with dissolve rose "Oh! You asking me to undress? You want to see my {i}large{/i} tits." scene w1_0141 with dissolve rose "I'm sure the other members do as well. I'm all~too happy to oblige." KN_MOD "Tell her to take her tits out.:" mc "Why don't you give our members a look at the goods." scene w1_0139 with dissolve rose "I'd be happy to, Mr. [mcl]." scene w1_0143 with fade rose "Aaah! It sure is nice to let the girls breathe." scene w1_0142 with dissolve KN_MOD "label w1RoseInterviewContinue:" mc "--!" with hpunch "The sight of Rosalind's bare chest in its unimpeded glory had me speechless. " KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" "Adding to the eroticism of the situation was the voyeuristic feeling of sitting behind the camera. The feeling of being a powerful, distant observer." "It was enough to make the words stick in my throat, creating a lull in the back-and-forth Rosalind and I had developed." "She must've sensed the momentum being sucked out of the conversation, as she got the interview back on track with her own titillating question." scene w1_0144 with dissolve rose "Well, what do you think? I hope your members don't find them too obscene or ugly." scene w1_0145 with dissolve rose "I always hated my breasts growing up. I was a tomboy and they got in the way." rose "Plus, they resulted in a lot of unwanted attention from the boys. The girls in my class hated me because of that. They called me a slut." scene w1_0146 with dissolve mc "...*ahem* Is that so?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her the girls in her class werent wrong.:" $ toughness += 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "Considering where you sit, I guess they weren't too far off, were they?" mc "You ARE a slut." scene w1_0143 with dissolve rose "You're right. I'm a dirty woman, sitting here with her breasts out..." scene w1_0147 with dissolve rose "That's something your members will soon see in person for themselves." KN_MOD "Tell her they were just jealous.:" $ toughness -= 1 mc "Your breasts look wonderful. Your classmates were just jealous." scene w1_0148 with dissolve rose "...hehe--" scene w1_0142 with dissolve "Thanks to Rosalind's timely interjection, I found myself focused on the task at hand once more." mc "They look so soft." scene w1_0150 with dissolve rose "They are, but they're also sooooo heavy." scene roseGonzoBoobSqueeze with dissolve "Adding theatrical touch, Rosalind took her fat tits in the cups of her hands and began indelicately kneading them." rose "Can you picture just how full and swollen they were when I was breastf--" scene w1_0151 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.5 rose "ng..." "For the first time since I started rolling, Rosalind's manufactured veneer momentarily wore thin." "Judging by the way she stopped in her tracks, she had accidently brought up a topic she probably wanted to avoid." "Namely..." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_0157 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" bm "I heard you had a kid. Is that true, Ma'am?" scene w1_0158 with dissolve vic "I don't... I don't want to talk about that..." scene w1_0159 with dissolve tm "Oh...? Looks like we got a bonafide MILF in our mitts!" tm "Tell us, how old is he? Did his dad run out or something?" scene w1_0160 with dissolve bm "Is that why you're doing porn part time? Hehe..." vic "T-that's not, ngg--" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w1_0148 with pixellate hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "The subject of motherhood... that's likely a sensitive topic for Rosalind and why wouldn't it be?" "Still, as I looked at the MILFY woman, breasts openly bared for the camera..." "A potent mixture of sadistic desire and guilt billowed up in me like a big ball of fire." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_0161 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Guilt over the vivid, probably imagined parallels my mind was drawing." scene w1_0171 with dissolve bm "Oh, man! This bitch is squeezing down so hard!" scene w1_0162 with fade tm "Haha, I knew she was a dirty slut! Sex-starved older women are the best--!" "Is she enduring this humiliation for the same reason my own mother did?" bm "Get ready for my ball-juice you stupid skank!" scene w1_0163 with pixellate mc "Tkh..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0164 with dissolve scene w1_0165 with dissolve scene w1_0164 with dissolve scene w1_0165 with dissolve scene w1_0166 with dissolve mct "(Damn this place and the thoughts it's putting in my head.)" scene w1_0167 with dissolve "A beautiful woman like Rosalind is sitting topless in front of me. Why don't I focus on that instead of digging up old skeletons?" scene w1_0168 with dissolve mc "We've seen what's on top. Let's get a look at what's on the bottom." KN_MOD "if toughness >=20:" mc "Stand up, slut." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Stand up for us, Rose." play music "music/philly-crew.ogg" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w1_0169 with irisin: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 "Doing as I asked, Rosalind stood up with a level expression carefully etched on her face." scene w1_0169: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 6 yalign 0.1 "She oozed womanly charm, that's for sure. That high-waisted bunny costume accentuated her broad, breedable hips wonderfully." scene w1_0170 with dissolve mc "Turn around and give us a look at that huge ass of yours." scene w1_0172 with dissolve rose "My pleasure." scene w1_0173 with dissolve KN_MOD "if prYesSir == True:" rose "Is this to your satisfaction, sir?" KN_MOD "else:" rose "Is this to your satisfaction, Mr. [mcl]?" mc "Perfect, actually." scene w1_0174 with dissolve rose "You don't think it's too big? I've always been self-conscious about my rear." mc "No, not for anyone with a lick of taste." scene w1_0173 with dissolve rose "That makes me happy to hear. I hope the other members feel that way too." mc "I don't think you have anything to worry about, Rose." mct "(At least as far as being attractive goes. The stuff you're going to be subjected to this weekend however...)" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Face forward." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" mc "You can turn back around now." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Turn back around, please." scene w1_0170 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Hmm... Mrs. Pulman did tell me to ask some dirty questions. I should probably do that unless I want to disappoint her." mc "Get down on your knees." scene w1_0175 with fade "Rosalind did as I asked, falling to her knees at a lightning speed." play music "music/beginning-of-conflict.ogg" "As she peered up at me with unsure eyes, I drew closer to her, taking care to frame the shot in a way that suggested Rosalind's complete subservience and submission." mct "(I mean, that's appropriate for this week's theme after all.)" "Any job worth doing is worth doing well." mc "I'm going to ask you some questions and I want you to be honest." scene w1_0176 with dissolve rose "Alright." scene w1_0175 with dissolve mct "(Plus, Kat did say there would be a reward if I did a good job, so...)" mc "No, I mean it. I'm going to be asking you some pretty embarrassing stuff here." mc "You're going to not want to answer them, but you must. The people at home deserve your honest answers. Not only that, but they'll want excruciatingly lurid details." mc "Do you think you can handle that?" scene w1_0177 with dissolve rose "Ask away. It's not like I'm not here to do much, {i}much{/i} more." scene w1_0178 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Spoken like a true whore. I'm going to hold you to that." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" mc "Good girl, I'm going to hold you to that." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Alright, then let's begin." "A laundry list of illicit questions had begun to write itself in my mind. I shouldn't ask all of them though." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Three of them should provide enough footage to keep Mrs. Pulman happy." KN_MOD "else:" "Three of them should provide enough footage to keep that old lady happy." hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "menu rosalindGonzoQuestions:" KN_MOD "Ask her about this weeks theme. if roseGonzoTheme == False:" $ roseGonzoTheme = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 mc "You're aware what this week's theme is." scene w1_0180 with dissolve rose "Yes, it's {i}service{/i}." scene w1_0182 with dissolve mc "Are you experienced with that?" scene w1_0188 with dissolve rose "Uh..." mct "(I know I said to be honest, but that was for the camera. Just lie!)" scene w1_0177 with dissolve rose "Not really, maybe not as much as my opponents, but I'm.. eager!" scene w1_0178 with dissolve mc "You mean you haven't given a lot of blowjobs?" scene w1_0179 with dissolve rose "I mean, I'd give my husband one from time to time when he got extra pushy, just to shut him up..." scene w1_0175 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(Crap. I doubt the club's member base wants to hear something pitiful like that, I should pivot.)" KN_MOD "jump rosalindGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(Crap. I doubt the club's member base wants to hear something pitiful like that.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her sexual experience. if roseGonzoExperience == False:" $ roseGonzoExperience = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "When was the first time you had sex, Rose?" scene w1_0180 with dissolve rose "I was twenty, in college." scene w1_0182 with dissolve mc "That late? You must've been a late bloomer." scene w1_0176 with dissolve rose "More like I grew up in a strict, religious household. College was the first time I had freedom." scene w1_0182 with dissolve mc "In that case, how many men have you had sex with?" scene w1_0181 with dissolve rose "Four. A couple of boyfriends in college, a one-night stand -- which I learned wasn't for me -- and then my husband." scene w1_0182 with dissolve mc "You're 36 years old and you've only slept with four people?" mct "(I bet the perverts of the club are going to love that.)" scene w1_0176 with dissolve rose "Is that an absurdly small number?" scene w1_0175 with dissolve mc "{b}Absurd{/b}? Maybe not, but from where you sit..." scene w1_0183 with dissolve rose "Hehe... I guess you're right." scene w1_0184 with dissolve rose "I'm sure this will be a HUGE learning experience for me." "Rosalind gave a devilish wink to the camera. I got to hand it to her, she's doing her best to appeal to the crowd." scene w1_0178 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(The idea of a sexually inexperienced married woman facing down the depravity of the club should garner some interest with the club's patrons. I should use this momentum and pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump rosalindGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(The idea of a sexually inexperienced married woman facing down the depravity of the club? Not a bad note to end the interview on I think.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her sexual fantasies. if roseGonzoFantasy == False:" $ roseGonzoFantasy = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "Do you have any sexual fantasies? Fetishes?" scene w1_0179 with dissolve rose "Hmmm, I don't know..." mc "C'mon, you have to have at least one or two, right? Everybody does." scene w1_0176 with dissolve rose "Well... I do have a {b}few{/b}, but they're kind of embarrassing." scene w1_0175 with dissolve mc "Tell the camera about them. Be explicit." scene w1_0176 with dissolve rose "I always liked the idea of being tied up." scene w1_0175 with dissolve mc "The idea? You never tried it, you mean?" scene w1_0176 with dissolve rose "I did. Once. My first college boyfriend was open to trying it." scene w1_0185 with dissolve rose "It was nice, but it was just a simple pair of handcuffs. I always wanted to know what a rope would feel like." rose "To have it roughly bite into your flesh..." scene w1_0186 with dissolve rose "Hung from the ceiling, to helplessly dangle, dance, and writhe in embarrassment..." scene w1_0187 with dissolve mc "You've really given some thought about this." scene w1_0188 with dissolve rose "Maaaaybe." mc "Well, I'd almost guarantee you'll get your chance to explore that some time over the next month." scene w1_0175 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(She ended up giving a genuine, honest response to the question and it showed. I should use this momentum and pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump rosalindGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(She ended up giving a genuine, honest response to the question and it showed. Not a bad note to end the interview on I think.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her favorite sexual positions. if roseGonzoPositions == False:" $ roseGonzoPositions = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "What's your favorite position to screw in?" scene w1_0179 with dissolve rose "Uh... I've never really thought about it. My husband usually just fucked me from behind." scene w1_0175 with dissolve mc "I didn't ask you how your limp-dick husband fucked you, did I?" "The words escaped my mouth, propelled by a bewildering feeling of irritation." scene w1_0188 with dissolve rose "N-no, I guess you didn't." mc "How do you like to be fucked, Rosalind?" scene w1_0183 with dissolve rose "Ehehe... I like the idea of being folded in half, looking my partner in his eyes as he rails me slowly." mc "You said you hadn't thought about it." scene w1_0182 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(She ended up giving a genuine, honest response to the question and it showed. I should use this momentum and pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump rosalindGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(She ended up giving a genuine, honest response to the question and it showed. Not a bad note to end the interview on I think.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her taste in men. if roseGonzoTaste == False:" $ roseGonzoTaste = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 mc "What kind of men do you like?" scene w1_0176 with dissolve rose "...nice ones?" scene w1_0175 with dissolve mc "No, I mean what kind of men are you sexually attracted to?" scene w1_0179 with dissolve rose "I like the strong, silent type...?" "She said it like it was a question." scene w1_0175 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(I should pivot. I don't think I'll get much more out of her on this topic.)" KN_MOD "jump rosalindGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(I should end it here. I don't think I'll get much more out of her on this topic.)" show screen qmenu with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0189 with fade mc "I think that should do it for the questions." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoScore >= 4:" $ w1RosalindScore + 1 $ w1GonzoReward = True mct "(I got some pretty good footage. I don't see how Mrs. Pulman will be disappointed.)" mct "(Should be good enough for the reward she mentioned, though I'm not entirely sure it'll be something I want...)" rose "You think so?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Yeah, it's not like Mrs. Pulman gave me explicit instructions." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Yeah, it's not like Kathleen gave me explicit instructions." mc "I do think we should end it all proper like, though." rose "What do you have in mind...?" mc "A display of gratitude. Rich people have an ego the size of the moon. It's got to come across genuine though, I'm sure most of them can spot a fake." rose "How do I do that?" mc "Well, I have an idea..." scene w1_0190 with fade play music "music/a-lost-map-of-a-heaven.ogg" mc "Alright, you can begin talking when you're ready." rose "..." scene w1_0192 with dissolve rose "From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank the Carnation Club and its members for giving me the opportunity to clear my debt." rose "I may be inexperienced when it comes to this world, but I hope you find me to your satisfaction. Thank you and I look forward to meeting all of you." scene w1_0191 with dissolve "The busty mother prostrated herself before the camera, bringing her forehead all the way down to touch the carpet. The kowtowing was my idea, but Rosalind sold it beautifully with the skill of an actress." "I learned something about Rosalind today. She is a woman able to act without ego, tenaciously inching toward a goal." "In the face of Veronica's force-of-will approach and Felicia's sexual temerity, she might just be akin to a sturdy oak tree weathering the storm." "She may just win this thing." $ renpy.end_replay() hide screen camcorder scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseGonzoGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseGonzoGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) $ history_rosalind = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, I chose her to film and interview for Mrs. Pulman's task. She surprised me with how easily she's able to play the role." $ history_felicia = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, Mrs. Pulman ended up being the one who interviewed her." $ history_veronica = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, Killian seemed quite keen to interview her for Mrs. Pulman's task." $ unread_rosalind = True $ unread_felicia = True $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateConfirm" ################################################################################ ## Felicia Gonzo --------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ KN_MOD "label w1FelInterview:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionfelicia03 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" scene w1_0193 with blinds "Dalia did what was asked of her, leading Felicia and me through the inner workings of the unoccupied office building part of the club, until we finally arrived at our destination: a studio set, complete with a photography backdrop." mct "(You've got to be kidding me. There's no end to this place's amenities...)" dal "Here we are. You remember how to get back? If there's nothing else..." scene w1_0194 with dissolve fel "This place has all sorts of hidden surprises, huh?" fel "Please tell me it also has a fully staffed spa." scene w1_0195 with dissolve dal ", but it does have a steam room, a pool, and various baths." dal "Those are for the {i}members{/i} and {i}management{/i} though..." scene w1_0196 with dissolve fel "Hehe, so you're saying I need to be accompanied?" scene w1_0197 with dissolve fel "I'm sure [mcf] wouldn't mind the thought of the two of us enjoying a sauna together." dal "Riiight, I'm going to go now." scene w1_0198 with dissolve dal "Welcome to the club, by the way. If you ever need access to any of the house girls, let me know." dal "I take care of scheduling for that sort of thing." scene w1_0199 with dissolve "Without waiting for a response, Dalia turned on the heels of her feet and left Felicia and me alone in the vacant studio." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" mct "(She hides it well, but I can tell that woman is a ball of nervous energy.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Dalia seems nice enough, I guess, if a little to the point.)" scene w1_0200 with dissolve fel "She's got a great ass, eh?" "Felicia made an offhanded, crude comment in Dalia's wake. She sounds like Killian..." scene w1_0201 with dissolve mct "(Then again, she's here by choice, isn't she?)" scene w1_0202 with fade KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Alright, let's get started. Mrs. Pulman said to--" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Alright, let's get started. Kathleen said to--" "Jumping the gun, Felicia laid down on the leather couch, legs splayed in a provocative pose, one hand's fingertips working an exposed nipple as her other hand pawed at her clothed nether region." scene w1_0203 with dissolve mc "Save some for the camera, will you?" fel "I'm just getting myself warmed up. It wouldn't do for me not to be at my best for my big {i}exposé{i}." "Felicia seemed to be genuinely enjoying the prospect of being on camera." mc "I don't think you'll have any trouble getting your engine sputtering. Put your tits away, we'll get to that once we start shooting." scene w1_0204 with dissolve fel "Yes sir, Mr. Serious-Videographer, sir." stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(This should be an interesting experience to say the least...)" scene black with fade mc "...okay, rolling." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0205 with pixellate show screen camcorder play music "music/romantic-motivation.ogg" mc "Tell our club members your name, please." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" "{i}Our{/i} members. Somehow, that phrasing came naturally to me. I must've grown used to this place when I wasn't looking." KN_MOD "else:" "{i}Our{/i} members. The words still sounded alien to me, but I AM a part of this I guess." scene w1_0206 with dissolve fel "My name is Felicia Ford. I'm a 34 year-old housew--" scene w1_0207 with dissolve stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" mc "Cut!" hide screen camcorder scene w1_0208 with irisout show screen textbox2 fel "What? Why?!" mc "You're getting ahead of yourself. Just answer the questions as they're asked, alright?" scene w1_0209 with dissolve fel "What difference does it make?" mct "(Truth be told, probably not much. Part of me just wants to get this done as quickly as possible and get home, but another part...)" "{i}A job worth doing is worth doing right{/i}. That ever-present compulsion to make what I endeavor to do perfect." "Even if it is just filming a dirty interview, there's propriety to these things. A take and give." scene w1_0210 with dissolve mc "It helps to make it feel like the people watching at home are the ones asking the questions." scene w1_0211 with dissolve fel "You sound like you've given this a lot of thought." scene w1_0210 with dissolve mc "....let's just say I know what works and start over." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0213 with pixellate show screen camcorder play music "music/romantic-motivation.ogg" mc "...okay, rolling." mc "Tell our club members your name, please." scene w1_0214 with dissolve fel "My name is Felicia Ford." scene w1_0213 with dissolve mc "And how old are you, Felicia?" scene w1_0214 with dissolve fel "I'm thirty-four years old." scene w1_0213 with dissolve mc "You're a married woman, correct?" scene w1_0215 with dissolve fel "That's right. I've been married for eight years, to a... {i}dutiful{/i} man." scene w1_0213 with dissolve mc "If he's so wonderful, why are you here?" scene w1_0216 with dissolve fel "I didn't say wonderful, did I? Don't go putting words in my mouth. Still, a woman has her needs, doesn't she?" scene w1_0213 with dissolve mc "So you're saying you're entering the exhibition for fun?" scene w1_0217 with dissolve fel "It seemed like a good alternative to being bored." scene w1_0218 with dissolve scene w1_0219 with dissolve scene w1_0218 with dissolve scene w1_0219 with dissolve scene w1_0218 with dissolve mc "If you're just here for fun, do you have anything in mind for your prize?" scene w1_0217 with dissolve fel "Of course I do. Wouldn't be nearly as interesting if there wasn't some stake to it." scene w1_0220 with dissolve fel "Say, you mind if I get more comfortable? You've seen them before Mr. Cameraman, but all the dirty bastards watching haven't and I'm rather proud of my tits." scene w1_0221 with dissolve "I don't know if it's a subconscious thing or on purpose, but she's back to trying to lead the interview." mc "You're enthusiastic, aren't you?" scene w1_0220 with dissolve fel "I'm {b}{i}so{/i}{/b} excited to be here that I can hardly keep my clothes on." scene w1_0221 with dissolve "I'll give her that, Felicia is an extremely vibrant woman. If I just let her be herself, that might be enough to win her a good share of fans." "At the same time, slowing things down and trying to knock her off balance might produce some interesting results." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask some questions first.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 2 KN_MOD "jump w1FelInterviewBackFoot" KN_MOD "Let Felicia be herself.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 "No point in asking her questions she has no interest in answering. Probably best just to jump into the T&A." mc "Well, if that's the case, don't let me stop you." KN_MOD "jump w1FelInterviewTakeCharge" KN_MOD "label w1FelInterviewBackFoot:" scene w1_0222 with dissolve mc "Slow down. There's no reason we need to rush things." scene w1_0223 with dissolve fel "You're not going to feed me the {i}some things are worth waiting for{/i} line are you?" scene w1_0224 with dissolve mc "" mct "(I {b}was{/b}.)" mc "I just think the people at home would probably like to get to know you a little better first." scene w1_0223 with dissolve fel "How's that?" scene w1_0224 with dissolve mc "A beautiful, wealthy married woman volunteering to participate in this kind of debauchery is pretty unusual." scene w1_0225 with dissolve fel "Not really. My story isn't so uncommon. Perhaps volunteering for a brothel is a bit extreme, but on the surface it's nothing worth talking about." scene w1_0226 with dissolve mc "Sure it is. Do you have any children?" scene w1_0227 with dissolve fel "Yeah, 2.5 of them to be exact. They came with the white picket fence." scene w1_0226 with dissolve mc "Okay, well where are you from, then?" scene w1_0228 with dissolve fel "*sigh* Alright, I suppose a little talking won't hurt." scene w1_0227 with dissolve fel "I'm from a small town. You wouldn't know it, but I got out fast." scene w1_0226 with dissolve mc "What made you want to leave?" scene w1_0227 with dissolve fel "If I didn't leave after high school, I never would have. Those kind of towns are like black holes." scene w1_0228 with dissolve fel "I would've got knocked up by some asshole, raised some hick children, and locked into a humdrum life of mediocrity. A fourth of my graduating class became hairdressers. Those are the girls who made something of themselves too." scene w1_0227 with dissolve fel "No, I got the hell out of there as soon as I was able. Went to college in the big city, before getting married and moving out here to Morehead Hills." scene w1_0226 with dissolve mc "What did you study in college?" scene w1_0225 with dissolve fel "What does it matter?" scene w1_0226 with dissolve mc "Well, educated women are sexy for one. I'm sure the people watching at home think so too." scene w1_0227 with dissolve fel "I was a psychology major, what else? It's a clichéd story, one I told you wasn't worth talking about." scene w1_0226 with dissolve "She's quick to belittle her past, but honestly I kinda want to know more." "At the same time, I've succeeded in slowing Felicia down, I could always move things along." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask more about her husband.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 mc "What does your husband do? You're fairly well-off, right?" scene w1_0227 with dissolve fel "Let's just say, his portfolio is large enough that he would fit in well here." scene w1_0226 with dissolve mc "...he's not actually a member, right?" scene w1_0229 with dissolve fel "Pffthaha, no. No. No. No. He's too serious for a place like this. Though..." scene w1_0230 with dissolve fel "Who REALLY knows the secrets of another person's heart? No one in your life would expect to find you working at a brothel, would they?" fel "My husband, however? What a surprise that would be!" scene w1_0231 with dissolve KN_MOD "Ask more about her reason for being here.:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "Are you really here because you're bored? Don't you think you're taking this too lightly?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I echoed Mrs. Pulman's words from earlier, an opinion I couldn't help but agree with considering what I witnessed Veronica go through." KN_MOD "else:" "I echoed Kathleen's words from earlier, an opinion I couldn't help but agree with considering what I witnessed Veronica go through." mct "(I mean, really? Does she have any idea what she's signed up for?)" scene w1_0229 with dissolve fel "Heheh, I'm eager to find that out! The way Kathy explained it made it sound {b}hardcore{/b}." scene w1_0232 with dissolve fel "Just want to say to the people at home, by the way of a little challenge..." fel "You better not disappoint me over the next month. You hear?" "It was an outrageously cartoonish declaration, but Felicia sold it authentically." scene w1_0231 with dissolve "That kind of boldness should drum up interest in her from the club's membership." KN_MOD "Move things along.:" "Satisfied the ball was back in my court, I decided now was the time to move things along." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Alright, I've heard enough. On your feet, slut." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" mc "Alright. On your feet." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Would you stand up, please?" scene w1_0233 with dissolve fel "Oooh~" mc "Lose the top." scene w1_0234 with dissolve fel "Yes, sir. {b}Finally{/b}." KN_MOD "jump w1FelInterviewContinue" KN_MOD "label w1FelInterviewTakeCharge:" scene w1_0233 with dissolve "Felicia sprang off the couch like a caged animal being set free, setting to the task of freeing herself from her outfit." "Instead of simply removing the leotard, she imbued a theatrical flare to the process." scene w1_0235 with dissolve "First, leaning forward to give the camera one long glimpse of her cleavage." scene w1_0236 with dissolve scene w1_0235 with dissolve scene w1_0236 with dissolve scene w1_0235 with dissolve "For added emphasis, she gave them a little squeeze with both hands." scene w1_0237 with dissolve "Satisfied the camera had gotten one last fleeting glance at her front, Felicia spun around with a dance-like levity and arched her back." scene w1_0238 with dissolve fel "Tell me, Mr. Cameraman..." fel "What do you think is my best side? My froooont or..." scene w1_0239 with dissolve scene w1_0240 with dissolve scene w1_0239 with dissolve scene w1_0240 with dissolve mc "..." scene w1_0238 with dissolve fel "Well?" scene w1_0237 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her you love her tits the most:" $ w1FelTits = True mc "I've always been a tit-man and with you it's no exception." mc "Not to say that your ass isn't practically a work of art." scene w1_0241 with dissolve fel "Hehehe, so you prefer tits, huh? I'll have to remember that piece of information for {b}later{/b}!" KN_MOD "Tell her you love her ass the most:" $ w1FelAss = True "If you plucked me off the street, put a gun to my head, and asked: {b}tits{/b} or {i}ass{/i}?" "I would say I was firmly a tit-man, but..." "Staring down the barrel of her callipygian backside had made me a believer in the power of the almighty buttocks." mc "Your ass is practically a work of art." mc "Not to say there's not a piece of you that isn't... you certainly take care of yourself." scene w1_0241 with dissolve fel "Hehehe, so you prefer asses, huh? I'll have to remember that piece of information for {b}later{/b}!" scene w1_0242 with dissolve "Satisfied with my answer, Felicia turned back around." stop music fadeout 3.0 fel "Well, I think it's time to get out of this stuffy thing." KN_MOD "label w1FelInterviewContinue:" scene black with fade "Without delay, Felicia nimbly began to remove her leotard." play music "music/philly-crew.ogg" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w1_0243 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 "It wasn't long until the bunny costume lay at her feet, Felicia striking a statuesque pose, putting her well-toned physique and sun-kissed breasts on proud display." scene w1_0243: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 6 yalign 0.1 "The high-waisted net pantyhose contrasted beautifully with her bronze skin, leading all the way up to her flat stomach and pert, full breasts." "Felicia practically had the body of a goddess, with the confidence of one to match." scene w1_0244 with dissolve "The only thing conspicuously missing from the scene was accompanying fanfare." scene w1_0245 with dissolve fel "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up." scene w1_0244 with dissolve "--!" KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" "Adding to the eroticism of the situation was the voyeuristic feeling of sitting behind the camera. The feeling of being a powerful, distant observer." scene w1_0246 with dissolve fel "God, how I {b}love{/b} that look on your face. Like I'm a glass of water and you're a man dying of thirst in a desert." fel "You got such honest expressions, Mr. Cameraman. I could just jump you right now." scene w1_0244 with dissolve "Coming back to my senses, I was reminded that I needed to get back to the task at hand - namely, I'm filming a dirty interview." mc "I got a better idea. Why don't you spin around and give the camera a good look at your ass?" scene w1_0245 with dissolve fel "Hehe, you're the boss." scene w1_0248 with fade fel "This what you had in mind?" scene w1_0247 with dissolve mc "Beautiful." "She certainly had no sense of shame. She was bent over in such a way that her asshole was practically winking hello to me." "Hmm... Mrs. Pulman wanted me to ask some dirty questions. I should probably get to that." mc "Alright, you can turn back around." scene w1_0245 with fade fel "What now, boss?" scene w1_0244 with dissolve mc "Now you're going to get down on your knees and place your hands behind your head." scene w1_0249 with dissolve "Felicia shot me a mischievous look before doing exactly what I asked." scene w1_0250 with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 fel "Like this?" scene w1_0251 with dissolve mc "No, straighten your back out." scene w1_0252 with dissolve "I decided to mimic what Kathleen had Veronica and Lucy do in her office the week I began working for the club." scene w1_0253 with fade play music "music/beginning-of-conflict.ogg" "As she peered up at me with come hither eyes, I drew closer to her, taking care to frame the shot in a way that suggested Felicia's complete subservience and submission." mct "(I mean, that's appropriate for this week's theme after all...)" scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "Mmmh... what now?" scene w1_0253 with dissolve mc "Now, I've got some questions for you and I want you to answer them truthfully." mct "(Plus, Kat did say there would be a reward if I did a good job, so...)" scene w1_0255 with dissolve fel "Really? More questions?" scene w1_0256 with dissolve mc "Don't pout, they're the fun variety." scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "Well, I like the sound of that. Ask away!" scene w1_0253 with dissolve "A laundry list of illicit questions had begun to write itself in my mind. I shouldn't ask all of them though." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Three of them should provide enough footage to keep Mrs. Pulman happy." KN_MOD "else:" "Three of them should provide enough footage to keep that old lady happy." hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "menu feliciaGonzoQuestions:" KN_MOD "Ask her about this weeks theme. if felGonzoTheme == False:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ felGonzoTheme = True mc "You've been told what this week's theme is, right?" scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "Yup, and lemme say, I'm going to win." scene w1_0253 with dissolve mc "You sound pretty damn confident. What makes you so sure?" scene w1_0257 with dissolve fel "C'mon... between me, that mousey fat-titted brunette, or that stuck-up gym freak redhead, who do you think will take it?" scene w1_0259 with dissolve fel "Not to brag, but I'm a cock-sucking queen." KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True and feliciaSex == True:" scene w1_0212 with pixellate mct "(I can't dispute that, going from personal experience...)" scene w1_0254 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(She's pretty convincing. I should use this momentum and pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump feliciaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(That was a great question to end Felicia's profile on.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her wildest sexual encounter. if felGonzoWildest == False:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ felGonzoWildest = True mc "What's the wildest thing you've ever done sexually?" KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" "I recalled the night three weeks ago when we played that drinking game, where she answered this exact question for Mina." mct "(If she tells that one - about riding a Sybian machine in front of a frat house full of college students - it should make for some good footage.)" scene w1_0258 with dissolve fel "Hm..." "Felicia seemed to give it some genuine thought, like she had a rolodex of stories to scroll through and pick from." scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "It's difficult to narrow it down, especially considering my audience and all the fun that undoubtedly goes on between these walls." scene w1_0253 with dissolve mc "Don't think too hard about it and just pick one. I know you have to have a few juicy ones." scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "Alright, well... I guess you could say I developed an exhibitionist streak in college." scene w1_0259 with dissolve fel "There is something... {i}enchanting{/i} about holding the attention of an entire room, doubly so when you do it without even saying a word." scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "I first developed a taste for it during my initiation into my college sorority, the {b}ALPHA KAPPA ZETAs{/b}." scene w1_0255 with dissolve fel "Those girls had a reputation for knowing how to have a good time, but naturally a poor girl like me from a podunk town had no chance of fitting in with those rich skanks." scene w1_0253 with dissolve mc "Why did you even want to join them in the first place if you were unwanted?" scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "Precisely because it was filled with the kind of two-faced, snobby bitches who would turn their noses up at me." scene w1_0253 with dissolve mc "I don't get it." scene w1_0255 with dissolve fel "Hmm, well to put it another way... have you ever been looked down on? Told you couldn't do something because you weren't good enough? Didn't that make you want to do it {b}more{/b}?" scene w1_0253 with dissolve "I immediately recalled the first time I went on vacation with Ian's family. I recalled Ian's father mentioning my home situation to Ian's grandmother and the blinding anger I felt at the assumption she made about Mom's character because she was a single mother." "From then forward, I made it a point to visit her alongside Ian whenever I could. Relishing in the knowledge that my presence, even if minor, brought her some degree of displeasure and bitterness." mct "(It's a petty and childish memory, but I suppose that's what Felicia's talking about.)" mc "...Yeah, I think I understand what you mean." scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "Well, it was like that. I was hellbent on sticking my nose where it didn't belong." fel "Anyway, during pledge week, they said if I wanted to join I'd have to do something {i}daring{/i} during a mixer. They didn't tell me what exactly, but I knew they thought that whatever they had planned would make me give up." scene w1_0257 with dissolve fel "Knowing that, all it did was motivate me. I rode a Sybian machine in front of a room of probably 80 people and in the process learned a lot about myself that night." scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "Under the hungry gaze of dozens of people, I came for the first time in my life." scene w1_0259 with dissolve fel "I went on to be the sorority president in my senior year." scene w1_0253 with dissolve mct "(Shit.)" KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" "She definitely left out all those details three weeks ago." KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(How am I going to follow that up with another question? Still, I should use this momentum and pivot.)" KN_MOD "jump feliciaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(That was a great question to end Felicia's profile on.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her taste in men. if felGonzoTaste == False:" $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ felGonzoTaste = True mc "What kind of man do you prefer?" scene w1_0255 with dissolve fel "The {b}rich{/b} kind, but I'll settle for one that knows how to work a stick. Or his tongue..." scene w1_0256 with dissolve "The growing silence told me she was through answering the question." KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(I should've known she wouldn't be so picky. I should pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump feliciaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(Well, that's quite a lame question to end the interview on.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her sex life with her husband. if felGonzoSexLife == False:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ felGonzoSexLife = True mc "How often do you have sex with your husband?" "I figured this kind of question should go over well with the club's perverts." scene w1_0257 with dissolve fel "Mr. Cameraman, that's an awful question to ask a girl you've got naked and on her knees." scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "I bet you're hoping I will say we have no sex at all and that's what's driven me to this immoral life of pleasure seeking... or something else trite like that, am I right?" scene w1_0253 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Just answer the question you mouthy slut." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" mc "Just answer the question, Felicia." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Answer the question, please." scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "Well, you'd be partially right. My husband's not interested in having sex with me like he used to, but he still has his needs and every few months I'm the most convenient nearby hole he can bend over the kitchen table and fuck. If the nanny isn't around, that is." scene w1_0253 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(Oddly enough, there's a distinct lack of animosity behind her words. Part of me wants to pry further, but I should pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump feliciaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(Oddly enough, there's a distinct lack of animosity behind her words.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her favorite way to have sex. if felGonzoPosition == False:" $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ felGonzoPosition = True mc "What's your favorite way to have sex?" scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "With another person." scene w1_0253 with dissolve mc "You can be more specific than that." scene w1_0259 with dissolve fel "Sometimes with other {b}persons{/}...?" scene w1_0254 with dissolve fel "I'm not a picky gal." scene w1_0253 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(Well, that was a bit of a dud question. I should pivot to another one.)" KN_MOD "jump feliciaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(Well, that was a bit of a dud to end the interview on.)" stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen qmenu with dissolve scene w1_0189 with fade mc "I think that should do it for the questions." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoScore >= 4:" $ w1FeliciaScore + 1 $ w1GonzoReward = True mct "(I got some pretty good footage. I don't see how Mrs. Pulman will be disappointed.)" mct "(Should be good enough for the reward she mentioned, though I'm not entirely sure it'll be something I want...)" fel "That's your call, boss man." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Yeah, it's not like Mrs. Pulman gave me explicit instructions. I think we stop here." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Yeah, it's not like Kathleen gave me explicit instructions. I think we stop here." mc "I do think we should end it all proper like, though." fel "Hehehe, I like the sound of that. What do you have in mind...?" mc "Hmmm, how about a display of finesse? If the idea is to get people to bet on you, what better way than a demonstration of your skills." fel "Is that you trying to coax a blowjob out of me, [mcf]?" mc "No! I have something else in mind..." scene black with fade mc "Alright, you can begin when you're ready." scene w1_0260 with dissolve fel "..." scene w1_0261 with dissolve play music "music/romantic-motivation.ogg" fel "To encourage all you perverts sitting at home to put all your money on me, I'd like to put on a lil' presentation." scene w1_0260 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene w1_0262 with dissolve "After shooting the camera a challenging look, Felicia brought the gold-colored dildo up to her lips in one smooth motion and began to inch it down her throat." scene w1_0267 with dissolve "Inch." scene w1_0266 with dissolve "By inch." scene w1_0263 with dissolve "Until the forearm-length toy was firmly lodged in her gullet." scene w1_0266 with dissolve scene w1_0267 with dissolve "She then painstakingly withdrew the dildo at the same pace, making a point to show her throat was making no attempt at expelling the foreign object." scene w1_0263 with vpunch "--before slamming the dildo's large length back down her throat in one straight shot." scene w1_0266 with dissolve scene w1_0267 with dissolve "She repeated the motion once more, for emphasis." scene w1_0263 with vpunch "Not a hint of discomfort had spread across her face during the demonstration. It was like her throat could swallow a dick as well as it could suck down water or breathe." scene w1_0264 with dissolve "Not that I was surprised. It was my idea to end the tape with a display of Felicia's dick-sucking prowess." scene w1_0265 with dissolve KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True and feliciaSex == True:" "I had experienced it firsthand, after all." fel "Hehe, ta~da! My throat can take a dick just as good as a pussy." scene w1_0261 with dissolve fel "With that said, please put your money on me this weekend. I promise not to let you down!" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen camcorder scene black with fade "....." "..." $ renpy.end_replay() $ history_felicia = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, I chose her to film and interview for Mrs. Pulman's task, a task she masterfully handled." $ history_rosalind = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, Mrs. Pulman ended up being the one to interview her for her introduction video." $ history_veronica = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, Killian seemed keen to interview her for Mrs. Pulman's task." $ unread_rosalind = True $ unread_felicia = True $ unread_veronica = True KN_MOD "if not persistent.felGonzoGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felGonzoGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateConfirm" ################################################################################ ## Veronica Gonzo -------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ KN_MOD "label w1VeroInterview:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionveronica01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" scene w1_0268 with blinds "Dalia did what was asked of her, leading Veronica and me through the inner workings of the unoccupied office building part of the club, until we finally arrived at our destination: a studio set, complete with a photography backdrop." mct "(You've got to be kidding me. There's no end to this place's amenities...)" dal "Here we are. I'm sure you remember how to get back? If there's nothing else..." scene w1_0269 with dissolve ver "A photography studio? You gonna tell me this place has a gym too?" scene w1_0270 with dissolve dal " does, actually." scene w1_0271 with dissolve ver "Who knew all it took to run a successful gym was to fill it with prostitutes?" "In a surprising move, Veronica made a joke at her own expense. I didn't even know the steely woman was capable of cracking a joke." scene w1_0270 with dissolve dal "It's mostly used by the house girls. Dr. Kohler wants us {i}fighting fit{/i} as he says. You're welcome to use it though." dal "Anyway, I'm going to go now." scene w1_0272 with dissolve dal "Welcome to the club, by the way. If you ever need access to any of the house girls, let me know." dal "I take care of scheduling for that sort of thing." scene w1_0273 with dissolve "Without waiting for a response, Dalia turned on the heels of her feet and left Veronica and me alone in the vacant studio." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" mct "(She hides it well, but I can tell that woman is a ball of nervous energy. She comes off like she's running on fumes.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Dalia seems nice enough, I guess, if a little to the point.)" scene w1_0274 with dissolve ver "That woman's got the presence of a cat backed into a corner." scene w1_0275 with dissolve mc "You think so? How can you tell?" scene w1_0276 with dissolve ver "That's just my impression, and I'm usually pretty good at reading people." scene w1_0277 with dissolve ver "I have a pretty good idea how that old bat expects this to go." scene w1_0278 with dissolve ver "It's like one of those porno-casting things, yeah?" scene w1_0279 with dissolve mc "That's the way it sounded." scene w1_0281 with dissolve mc "I'll ask you some personal questions, ask you to undress... that kinda thing." scene w1_0282 with dissolve ver "Heh, well I guess I shouldn't complain. It's child's play when compared to what's coming this weekend." ver "How do you want me?" scene w1_0280 with dissolve "I was struck by how surprisingly cooperative Veronica was being. I was expecting much more griping and pushback." scene w1_0281 with dissolve mc "Just sit down and get comfortable." scene w1_0283 with fade mc "I have to say, you seem a lot more agreeable than the last time we worked together." scene w1_0284 with dissolve ver "Oh, you noticed, eh? Well, don't let it go to your head. It's not because I suddenly think you're a swell guy, but can you blame me for being on edge a couple of weeks ago?" ver "I was in the middle of some pretty harrowing shit and that was before that bitch had me guzzle down a bucket full of semen." scene w1_0286 with dissolve mc "Fair enough." scene w1_0284 with dissolve ver "Now I've had time to compartmentalize what I have to do. No point in making a thing like this difficult, is there?" scene w1_0283 with dissolve mc "Well I'm glad to hear that. I was worried how this might go." scene w1_0285 with dissolve ver "If that's the case, why did you pick me over that blonde bimbo and Rose?" scene w1_0283 with dissolve "Why {i}did{/i} I choose to work with Veronica?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her its because you like her.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 scene w1_0287 with dissolve mc "I suppose it's because I like you." scene w1_0284 with dissolve ver "You... like me? That's your reason?" scene w1_0286 with dissolve mc "Good as any, right? You seem like a fine person in a tight spot and I'd simply like to work with you." KN_MOD "Tell her its because you find her attractive:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 scene w1_0288 with dissolve mc "Well, I picked you because you're the most attractive of the three." scene w1_0284 with dissolve ver "You got to be kidding me. That's your reason?" scene w1_0286 with dissolve mc "Good as any, right? Not like I know any of you well enough to have anything else to go off of." KN_MOD "Play it cool and say you dont know.:" scene w1_0286 with dissolve mc "Beats me. Not like I know any of you well enough to have a preference." scene w1_0285 with dissolve ver "Well, I'm not going to bitch and moan. Better to work with you rather than with that old bag or that handsy pretty boy." scene w1_0283 with dissolve mct "(I don't think she has to worry about Ian trying a sneak attack, considering he witnessed her bust the last guy's nose.)" mc "I'll make sure this is working, then we can get started." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "..." mc "Okay, rolling..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w1_0289 with pixellate play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" mc "Please tell our members your name." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" "{i}Our{/i} members. Somehow, that phrasing came naturally to me. I must've grown used to this place when I wasn't looking." KN_MOD "else:" "{i}Our{/i} members. The words still sounded alien to me, but I AM a part of this I guess." scene w1_0290 with dissolve ver "I'm Veronica." scene w1_0289 with dissolve "Short and to the point." "Okay. Her {b}name{/b}. That was an easy enough place to start, but what's next?" "I'm supposed to be introducing her, like a porno vid..." "A mental script began forming in my head." scene w1_0289 with dissolve mc "How old are you, Veronica?" scene w1_0290 with dissolve ver "I'm 32 years old." scene w1_0289 with dissolve mc "And what's your reason for entering the summer exhibition?" scene w1_0290 with dissolve ver "I'm here to win some money." scene w1_0289 with dissolve "She's coming off pretty stilted here..." mc "What's the money for?" scene w1_0290 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "For my business." hide screen camcorder scene w1_0291 with slideleft show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Okay, I'm going to cut here for a second." scene w1_0292 with dissolve play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" ver "Why, what's the matter?" scene w1_0293 with dissolve mct "(How can I say this...?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her she needs to loosen up.:" $ toughness -= 1 scene w1_0294 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're coming off pretty stiff to the camera." mc "Do you think you can loosen up, a little?" KN_MOD "Tell her shes about as sexy as a piece of wood right now.:" $ toughness += 1 scene w1_0294 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, you're as stiff as a board right now and about as sexy as one too." mc "We need to loosen you up a little." scene w1_0292 with dissolve ver "How the hell do you expect me to do that?" scene w1_0295 with dissolve ver "It's not like I've ever done something like this before, plus I'm wearing this ridiculous costume with a camera pointed in my face." scene w1_0293 with dissolve "She makes a good point. All things considered, a normal person would be clamming up completely right about now. Still..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Mrs. Pulman mentioned something about a reward if I did a good job, though it's not like I'm entirely sure I want whatever it'll be in the first place.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Kathleen mentioned something about a reward if I did a good job, though it's not like I'm entirely sure I want whatever it'll be in the first place.)" "Still, {i}a job worth doing is worth doing right{/i}. At least that's what the compulsive urge in the pit of my stomach tells me." scene w1_0294 with dissolve mc "I've got an idea that might help, if you're open to it..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0293 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Offer to give her a shoulder massage.:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 $ Veronica_Affection += 1 KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterviewMassage" KN_MOD "Offer to take your clothes off.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 $ w1VeronicaPCUndress = True KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterviewEqualize" KN_MOD "label w1VeroInterviewMassage:" play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I recalled something I heard a few times during old episodes of {i}Inside the Actors Studio{/i} that my mother would always watch." "A quick, but firm shoulder and neck massage does miracles to loosen you up when you're feeling physically stiff." scene w1_0296 with dissolve mc "How about I give you a massage?" scene w1_0297 with dissolve ver "This isn't you making a pathetic move on me, is it?" scene w1_0296 with dissolve mc "Absolutely not. I just want you to relieve some tension before we begin shooting again." mc "Wouldn't hurt to put your best foot forward for the club's members, would it?" scene w1_0297 with dissolve ver "Yeah, cause that's something I really give a shit about." scene w1_0294 with dissolve mc "You should, shouldn't you? I mean, you're here for a reason, right? You want to {b}win{/b}." scene w1_0298 with dissolve ver "...damn, I hate that you're right about that." scene w1_0285 with dissolve ver "Alright, we'll try it your way. Get over here and give me a massage." scene w1_0299 with dissolve mc "Right away, Ma'am." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "If you'll get comfortable..." scene w1_0305 with blinds play music "music/study-and-relax.ogg" "I positioned myself above Veronica and set to work kneading, rubbing, squeezing, caressing, prodding, nudging or whatever terms you might attribute to an amateur masseuse working purely on a combination of what he's seen on TV and instinct." scene w1_0306 with dissolve scene w1_0307 with dissolve "Veronica had tensed up when my fingertips met the nape of her speckled neck, but gradually became more comfortable as I developed a feel for what I was doing." scene w1_0306 with dissolve scene w1_0307 with dissolve "My digits worked their way from her collar down to her broad shoulder, digging tentatively into the rigid surface of her trapezius muscles." scene w1_0306 with dissolve scene w1_0307 with dissolve mct "(She really is built like a rock.)" scene w1_0308 with dissolve ver "Mmmh... you're not actually half bad at this." scene w1_0309 with dissolve mc "Beginner's luck I guess." scene w1_0310 with dissolve ver "Don't tell me you offered to give me a massage when you've never done one before?" scene w1_0311 with dissolve mc "Heh, I guess I just popped off the first solution that entered my mind." scene w1_0312 with dissolve ver "Mmmh, that's the spot. Right there!" scene w1_0313 with dissolve "I doubled my efforts precisely where she instructed." scene w1_0314 with dissolve ver "For you being new at this, you got some magical hands." scene w1_0315 with dissolve ver "I wonder what else you can do with those bad boys." scene w1_0316 with dissolve "She shot me an out-of-character, flirtatious look." mc "I, uh.. ehh..." scene w1_0317 with dissolve ver "Hahaha, I'm just fucking with you. You're not exactly my type." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Right. With the way she handled Mrs. Pulman, it's probably safe to say she bats for the other team." KN_MOD "else:" "Right. With the way she handled Kathleen, it's probably safe to say she bats for the other team." scene w1_0318 with dissolve mct "(Although, I don't necessarily have confirmation on that...)" mct "(I probably shouldn't let her being a tad friendlier spin into a dumb male fantasy.)" scene w1_0319 with dissolve ver "Okay, I think I'm sufficiently {i}loosened up{/i}." ver "Let's get this over with. I've got a meeting in a couple of hours." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0320 with dissolve mc "Alright, I'll get the camera." scene black with fade "..." mc "Okay, we're rolling again." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterviewContinue" KN_MOD "label w1VeroInterviewEqualize:" play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I've always heard the solution to stage fright was to {i}picture your audience in their underwear{/i}." "It might sound asinine, but taking it literally might help to equalize the situation for Veronica." scene w1_0296 with dissolve mc "What if I took my clothes off?" "Veronica cocked an eyebrow and gave me a dubious look." scene w1_0297 with dissolve ver "How would YOU taking your clothes off help ME loosen up?" mct "(Okay, it {b}does{/b} sound stupid, but...)" scene w1_0296 with dissolve mc "Just hear me out. Wouldn't it be easier if you weren't the only one embarrassing yourself? If we're both undressed, we're on equal footing." scene w1_0284 with dissolve ver "Yeah, except you won't have a camera pointed at you." scene w1_0294 with dissolve mc "Well, I did say it's only an idea..." scene w1_0300 with dissolve ver "Hmmh..." scene w1_0301 with dissolve "She carefully considered my words before shrugging." scene w1_0297 with dissolve ver "It sounds stupid, but getting to turn the tables a little could be {i}fun{/i}... assuming you're not some pervert who gets off on taking his clothes off?" scene w1_0302 with dissolve mc "Heh, n-not at all, trust me!" "I said, with the full cadence and expression of a person who couldn't be trusted." scene w1_0288 with dissolve mc "Three weeks ago I'd find a dark hole to crawl into and die of embarrassment for even thinking about this scenario, but this place does funny things to people. Listen, I'm trying to be helpful here..." scene w1_0283 with dissolve ver "..." scene w1_0303 with dissolve ver "Alright, then. Go ahead." ver "{b}Strip for me{/b}, stringbean." scene w1_0304 with dissolve mc "Right away, Ma'am." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "For some inexplicable and dubious reason, I quickly began to undress -- all the way down to my underwear, my clothes laid in an untidy pile at my feet." scene w1_0321 with blinds play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" mc "Well, like what you see?" "I struck a triumphant pose and cracked an awkward joke." scene w1_0323 with dissolve ver "Not so fast. Don't you think you're forgetting something?" scene w1_0322 with dissolve ver "You said equal footing, but you still have a little ways to go." ver "C'mon, stringbean. Don't hold out on me. Show me the goods." scene w1_0321 with dissolve "I had only planned to go this far, but... well, fair's fair." scene w1_0324 with dissolve "Before my embarrassment could get the best of me, I quickly slid out of that thin piece of fabric that separated my modesty from the redheaded Amazon's curious gaze and bared it all for my (hopefully) future film star." scene w1_0325 with dissolve ver "Hmmh..." scene w1_0326 with dissolve ver "Shit, you look ridiculous." scene w1_0327 with dissolve mc "--ggh!" with hpunch mct "(Is she trying to be hurtful?!)" scene w1_0328 with dissolve ver "You surprisingly have pretty good definition and tone to your physique, but..." ver "The combination of your boy-like face and that python you're packing in between your legs is absurd." scene w1_0327 with dissolve mct "(Err...)" mc "Thanks." mct "(I think.)" scene w1_0328 with dissolve ver "Don't get a big--" scene w1_0329 with dissolve "Before finishing her sentence, Veronica made her move. With a lightning quick lurch, she snatched the camcorder from my hands." ver "--head about it." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0330 with slideup show screen camcorder ver "Now, tell the camera your name please." scene w1_0331 with dissolve "Looking down the lens of the camera, I could feel my face flush in embarrassment." "I stopped myself from reflexively attempting to get the camera back, stymied by the lighthearted expression spread across the typically dour woman's face." mct "(She seems to have relaxed some, which was the whole point of this.)" "Should I play along?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Humor the woman.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 "She's actually smiling for once, why would I want to go and fuck that up?" KN_MOD "Get the interview back on track.:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 scene w1_0332 with dissolve mc "Yeah, yeah... let's get back to why we're here." scene w1_0333 with fade ver "Sounds good to me." scene black with fade "She handed the camcorder back to me." mc "Okay, we're rolling again..." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterviewContinue" scene w1_0332 with dissolve mc "Hi, I'm [mcf] [mcl] and I'm happy to be here." scene w1_0331 with dissolve ver "How old are you, [mcf]?" scene w1_0332 with dissolve mc "I turn 22 this week." scene w1_0331 with dissolve ver "Oh? Looks like we got some young meat for the {b}grinder{/b}." hide screen camcorder scene w1_0334 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "...Pfft, here take the camera. I feel stupid." ver "I've got someplace I need to be in a couple of hours." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "She handed the camcorder back to me with a smile. Looks like a little levity had built a rapport between us." "I hope that'll get her to relax a little more for her profile." mc "Okay, we're rolling again..." KN_MOD "label w1VeroInterviewContinue:" play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0335 with pixellate show screen camcorder mc "Tell the people at home your name, please." scene w1_0336 with dissolve ver "My name is Veronica." scene w1_0335 with dissolve mc "Veronica what?" scene w1_0336 with dissolve ver "{b}Lynch{/b}. Veronica Lynch." scene w1_0335 with dissolve mc "How old are you, Veronica Lynch?" scene w1_0336 with dissolve ver "I'm thirty-two." scene w1_0335 with dissolve mc "That puts you as the youngest of the Carnations." scene w1_0337 with dissolve ver "I'm not really worried about the other two." scene w1_0335 with dissolve mc "Oh? You don't see them as your competition?" scene w1_0338 with dissolve ver "Rosalind's a nice gal and all, but it only takes one look at her to see that she's out of her depth." scene w1_0335 with dissolve mc "What about Felicia?" scene w1_0337 with dissolve ver "Her...? Like I'm worried about a rich airhead who has never had to worry about money in her life." scene w1_0335 with dissolve "Got to say, whether or not she's underestimating the other Carnations, this kind of bravado might make her popular with the club's patrons. This is going pretty good." mc "Why are you here exactly?" scene w1_0336 with dissolve ver "To win money to save my business." scene w1_0335 with dissolve mc "Well, since you're so confident, let's get a good look at you then." KN_MOD "if toughness >=11:" mc "Stand up." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Stand up, please." scene w1_0339 with fade: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 "The redheaded Amazon did as I asked, taking to her feet with a burst of energy." scene w1_0339: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 6 yalign 0.1 "The difficulty getting her into frame really drove home just how tall a woman Veronica is. With heels, she easily stood a head taller than me." scene w1_0340 with dissolve "That's not to say that her size detracted from her feminine appeal. It was quite the opposite." "She had broad hips and large breasts fitting for her stature, which created a unique contrast when compared to her absurdly defined six-pack and bulging arms." mc "Hey, say..." "It was a dichotomy I wanted to explore further." mc "I want to see you with your hair down." scene w1_0341 with dissolve ver "It's your show." scene w1_0342 with dissolve "With a concise motion, Veronica reached behind her head and removed the hair tie keeping her ponytail afloat." scene w1_0343 with dissolve "All at once, a cascade of fiery locks messily snaked down the Amazon's shoulders and back, only to be rearranged by a vigorous headshake and tousling." mct "(Damn...)" "She looked like a warrior goddess, a flaming mane of luxurious hair accentuating her more fierce features. The only thing hampering that impression is that pesky costume..." mc "Let's get you out of that silly bunny costume. Lose all of it: the leotard and fishnets." scene w1_0344 with dissolve "Wordlessly she began to undress, setting to the task without any sense of panache. She may have a lot of confidence she'll win the exhibition, but the tepid half-hearted display would suggest otherwise." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Then again, like Mrs. Pulman said, that kind of attitude has its own distinct charm." KN_MOD "else:" "Then again, like Kathleen said, that kind of attitude has its own distinct charm." scene w1_0345 with dissolve mc "--!" "Even though I've been inundated with the nude female form these past few weeks, I still couldn't help that breathless feeling coming over me at seeing Veronica's nude form in it's unimpeded glory." KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" "Adding to the eroticism of the situation was the voyeuristic feeling of sitting behind the camera. The feeling of being a powerful, distant observer." scene w1_0346 with dissolve ver "You're starting to drool, stringbean." scene w1_0347 with dissolve ver "Although, I guess I do work hard for this body. Guess I can't blame you for using your peepers." KN_MOD "if w1VeronicaPCUndress == True:" scene w1_0348 with dissolve ver "I can tell you're enjoying the view." "Veronica's eyeline wandered down to my crotch..." "{i}Right{/i}. I had been so focused on her that I had forgot - I was nude and now she was eyeing my fully exposed, erect cock with a cocksure expression." scene w1_0349 with dissolve mct "(On second thought... maybe she isn't so tepid when it comes to this stuff.)" "I should get the ball rolling again on the interview, so let's..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask Veronica to demo her derriere.:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 "If she's so proud of her muscles, let's get a closer look at those glutes!" KN_MOD "Move onto the dirty questions.:" "Let's wrap things up with some dirty questions." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterviewContinue2" mc "Give the camera a spin and let's get a look at your back." scene w1_0350 with dissolve ver "Is this what you want?" scene w1_0351 with dissolve "Veronica's got a fine ass, well sculpted from a strenuous workout regime no doubt. I bet that thing has little to no give!" "Part of me wants to investigate that hypothesis..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her thats perfect.:" mc "Perfect, actually. Turn back around now." mc "We're going to move onto some dirty questions now." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterviewContinue2" KN_MOD "Get her to bend over even further. For science.:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "Actually, could you bend over some more? Place your hands flat on the couch and really stick your butt out." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if w1VeronicaPCUndress == True:" hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_0353 with irisout show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "*sigh* This good?" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Great, just keep that huge ass up in the air for a bit longer." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You got it. Just hold that position a little longer." play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" "Just seeing her flared hips and taut ass buoyantly dangling in the air..." "How could I resist giving it a little smack?" scene pr1499 with pixellate mct "(Wait, is this really such a good idea?)" scene w1_0353 with pixellate hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Throw caution to the wind. Do what needs to be done!:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 scene w1_0355 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(I've come too far to back out now!)" KN_MOD "Disengage. Its too risky!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "On second thought, I don't want to explain a busted nose to my mother." "I should just move the interview along." mc "Alright, you can turn back around." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterviewContinue2" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_0357 with dissolve "*SMACK!*" "Disregarding the dangers, I stifled my sense of preservation and gave Veronica's ass a nice, solid smack. Nothing too hard of course, but with enough strength to discern its mettle. And as expected..." scene w1_0359 with dissolve ver "Ah! What the fu-" "It barely moved. This is an A+ ass, that's for sure." ver "Ghh... could've given me some warning." mc "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself there. Like you said, you worked hard for your body....heh." scene w1_0353 with dissolve ver "Riiiight..." stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Alright, you can turn back around. I'm going to ask you some dirty questions now and I want you to answer truthfully." KN_MOD "else:" hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_0352 with irisout show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "*sigh* This good?" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Great, just keep that huge ass up in the air for a bit longer." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You got it. Just hold that position a little longer." "Just seeing her flared hips and taut ass buoyantly dangling in the air..." "How could I resist giving it a little smack?" scene pr1499 with pixellate "Suddenly I remembered the last time Veronica was taken by surprise..." "Wait, is this really such a good idea?" scene w1_0352 with pixellate hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Throw caution to the wind. Do what needs to be done!:" $ w1GonzoScore += 1 $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 scene w1_0354 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(I've come too far to back out now!)" KN_MOD "Disengage. Its too risky!:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "On second thought, I don't want to explain a busted nose to my mother." "I should just move the interview along." mc "Alright, you can turn back around. I'm going to ask you some dirty questions now and I want you to answer truthfully." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroInterviewContinue2" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_0356 with dissolve "*SMACK!*" "Disregarding the dangers, I stifled my sense of preservation and gave Veronica's ass a nice, solid smack. Nothing too hard of course, but with enough strength to discern it's mettle. And as expected..." scene w1_0358 with dissolve ver "Ah! What the fu-" "It barely moved. This is an A+ ass, that's for sure." ver "Ghh... could've given me some warning." mc "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself there. Like you said, you worked hard for your body....heh." scene w1_0352 with dissolve ver "Riiiight..." stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Alright, you can turn back around. I'm going to ask you some dirty questions now and I want you to answer truthfully." KN_MOD "label w1VeroInterviewContinue2:" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if toughness >= 15:" mc "Alright, on your knees." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Get low on the ground, all right?" play music "music/beginning-of-conflict.ogg" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w1_0361 with dissolve "As she peered up at me with come-hither eyes, I drew closer to her, taking care to frame the shot in a way that suggested Veronica's complete subservience and submission." mct "(I mean, that's fitting for this week's theme, right?)" "A laundry list of illicit questions had begun to write itself in my mind. I shouldn't ask all of them though." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Three of them should provide enough footage to keep Mrs. Pulman happy." KN_MOD "else:" "Three of them should provide enough footage to keep that old lady happy." hide screen qmenu KN_MOD "menu veronicaGonzoQuestions:" KN_MOD "Ask her about this weeks theme. if veroGonzoTheme == False:" $ veroGonzoTheme = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 mc "How do you feel about this week's theme? You've been informed what it is, right?" scene w1_0363 with dissolve ver "It really doesn't matter what it is. I just got to do what that crazy old lady says." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "Veronica the pragmatist, huh?" scene w1_0365 with dissolve ver "That's one way of putting it, if you're feeling kind." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "You have a lot of experience sucking dick?" scene w1_0362 with dissolve ver "Probably less than average I imagine. It hasn't ever really been my thing." scene w1_0366 with dissolve "The growing silence suggested she was done talking." scene w1_0361 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(Eeeh, she's not giving me much here. I should pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump veronicaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(Maybe not the biggest bang to end Veronica's profile on...)" KN_MOD "Ask about her sexual experience. if veroGonzoExperience == False:" $ veroGonzoExperience = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 mc "Tell me about your sexual experience. How often do you have sex?" scene w1_0363 with dissolve ver "Not as much as I'd like, to be honest." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "That's not really an answer to the question." scene w1_0370 with dissolve ver "Sure it is, just a vague one." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mct "(She really has no refinement for this kind of thing...)" scene w1_0362 with dissolve ver "Sorry. You're right. It probably averages about once a month. Sometimes twice, depending on how stressed I get." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "Who do you have sex with?" scene w1_0362 with dissolve ver "People at bars. Anyone who's bold enough not to be intimidated by a woman like myself." scene w1_0368 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness <= 13:" mct "(That must get pretty lonely...)" mc "So just casual encounters then?" scene w1_0362 with dissolve ver "Pretty much. I don't really have time for anything serious." scene w1_0368 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(Her matter of factness here isn't making for a sexy interview. I should pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump veronicaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(Maybe not the biggest bang to end Veronica's profile on...)" KN_MOD "Ask about her sexual fantasies. if veroGonzoFantasy == False:" $ veroGonzoFantasy = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 mc "What's your dirtiest sexual fantasy or fetish?" scene w1_0366 with dissolve ver "Hm..." "She seems to be seriously considering it." scene w1_0367 with dissolve ver "It's kinda weird..." mct "(Wait a minute, is she blushing?!)" mc "What is it? C'mon, tell the camera." scene w1_0369 with dissolve ver "I like... {i}smells{/i}. You know like body odor and sweat." ver "That's the thing that turns me on the most." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "That's... interesting. Does that mean owning a gym gets you going?" mc "You ever find a closet to jill off in after a personal training session?" scene w1_0370 with dissolve ver "Of course not! I can't say I don't get horny after a good workout though." scene w1_0361 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(Wow! She was surprisingly frank with that question.)" mct "(I should use this momentum and pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump veronicaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(That was a pretty good question to end Veronica's profile on.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her taste in men. if veroGonzoTaste == False:" $ veroGonzoTaste = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 $ w1GonzoScore += 1 KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "There's a question that came up when she picked Mrs. Pulman as her partner two weeks ago... {i}Veronica's taste in men{/i}. Namely, if she has any." KN_MOD "else:" "There's a question that came up when she picked Kathleen as her partner two weeks ago... {i}Veronica's taste in men{/i}. Namely, if she has any." mc "Talk about your taste in men. Who's your ideal partner?" scene w1_0365 with dissolve ver "I like the cute, {i}girly{/i} kind of men. Coincidently, that's also how I like my women." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "So, you're bisexual then?" scene w1_0370 with dissolve ver "Sure, though I don't really think too much about it." scene w1_0365 with dissolve ver "I care more about my partner's appearance rather than what they've got under the hood." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "So anyone who's cute?" scene w1_0364 with dissolve ver "Nothing better than riding a dainty-looking guy's face until it's gasping for air I say." ver "Plus, cute people make the ugliest faces when they cum." scene w1_0370 with dissolve ver "A fat slob blowing his load will look like a fat slob, no matter how twisted his face gets. A cute face however, provides that right kind of contrast." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mct "(...jeez. Who internalizes something like that?)" scene w1_0360 with dissolve mct "(Her for starters, I guess.)" scene w1_0365 with dissolve ver "Does that satisfactorily answer your question?" scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "It certainly does." KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(Damn, I honestly didn't expect Veronica to be such a freak. I should use this momentum and pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump veronicaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(That was a pretty hot way to end Veronica's profile.)" KN_MOD "Ask about her relationship status. if veroGonzoRelationship == False:" $ veroGonzoRelationship = True $ gonzoQuestions += 1 mc "I recalled a piece of information I read a couple of weeks ago." mc "Your application said you're divorced?" scene w1_0363 with dissolve ver "...yeah, happily divorced. The institution of marriage is a crock of shit as far as I'm concerned." scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "What kind of person was your...?" scene w1_0363 with dissolve ver "{b}Wife{/b}." scene w1_0365 with dissolve ver "She was a kind woman. Vibrant. Loved animals." scene w1_0370 with dissolve ver "Never got angry or raised her voice. It was fucking infuriating to be honest." scene w1_0361 with dissolve "She's being strangely candid here. Guess it isn't a sore spot for her." mc "Sounds like you have a good opinion of your ex." scene w1_0363 with dissolve ver "I do. Is that odd?" scene w1_0361 with dissolve mc "You know, I don't actually know..." mct "(I've only ever been through one serious breakup.)" mc "My gut says yes." scene w1_0366 with dissolve ver "..." scene w1_0362 with dissolve ver "Not everyone shares equal blame when things go south in a relationship. Sometimes no one's at fault. Other times, it rests solely on the back of one partner." scene w1_0368 with dissolve mc "Well, what was it in your case then?" scene w1_0370 with dissolve ver "What does this have to do with any of this? Shouldn't you be asking me about how many golf balls I can fit in my ass or something?" scene w1_0368 with dissolve KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions < 3:" mct "(Shit, she's right. This is an unsexy line of questioning. I should pivot to another question.)" KN_MOD "jump veronicaGonzoQuestions" KN_MOD "if gonzoQuestions == 3:" mct "(Shit, she's right. This is an unsexy line of questioning to end the interview on...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen qmenu with dissolve scene w1_0189 with dissolve mc "I think that should do it for the questions." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoScore >= 4:" $ w1VeronicaScore + 1 $ w1GonzoReward = True mct "(I got some pretty good footage. I don't see how Mrs. Pulman will be disappointed.)" mct "(Should be good enough for the reward she mentioned, though I'm not entirely sure it'll be something I want...)" ver "Good. My tits are getting cold just kneeling here." mc "I do think we should end it all proper like, though." ver "Of course you do. What do you want me to do?" mc "Well..." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You seem pretty flexible, right?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w1_0371 with dissolve play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" mc "Ready when you are." scene w1_0372 with dissolve "Given the go-ahead, Veronica began to stretch a protracted leg toward her core." scene w1_0373 with dissolve "A display of finesse to whet the viewer's imagination... at least, that's what I had in mind when I suggested it." scene w1_0374 with dissolve "Eventually her long, thick leg was pulled flush against her torso in an impressive display of elasticity." "I was honestly a little shocked that a woman so tall could be that flexible." scene w1_0375 with dissolve ver "How's that? Just imagine all the OTHER ways I can bend." ver "Don't forget to put your money on me this weekend, alright?" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve "While Veronica may not have the sexual temerity of Felicia or Rosalind's soft femininity, she does have her opponents beat when it comes to willpower." "That's my limited take for the upcoming challenge." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroGonzoGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.veroGonzoGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) $ history_veronica = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, I chose her to film and interview for Mrs. Pulman's task, a task she wasn't really suited for, but gave me a chance to get to know her better." $ history_rosalind = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, Killian opted to work with her after I picked to film Veronica for her introduction video." $ history_felicia = "One of the three Carnations picked for the summer event, she ended up being interviewed by Mrs. Pulman for her introduction video." $ unread_veronica = True $ unread_rosalind = True $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateConfirm" ## Hana Flag Week 1 Flag ------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "label w1HanaDateConfirm:" play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" scene w1_0377 with blinds hana "Yo, hold up new guy." "On my way back to Kathleen's office to deliver the footage, I was stopped by a certain irreverent bartender." scene w1_0378 with dissolve hana "Coming back from digging up graves or whatever that soul-sucking crypt keeper has you doing?" scene w1_0379 with dissolve mc "Something like that." scene w1_0380 with dissolve hana "You know Harper, right?" mc "Yeah, we've met." scene w1_0376 with pixellate mct "(Sort of.)" scene w1_0381 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_harper = True show bioadd with dissolve harp "Hello." scene w1_0380 with dissolve hana "I was just telling her about a show my band is playing over at the Asp Hole this Thursday night. You know it?" scene w1_0382 with dissolve mc "...asshole?" scene w1_0383 with dissolve hana "No, {b}Asp{/b} Hole, you idiot." scene w1_0382 with dissolve mc "Sorry, never heard of it." scene w1_0384 with dissolve hana "That's not important. Come see us play. You tell them you're here because of our band and you'll get a free drink on the house." hana "Plus, they're more likely to invite us back. Do a girl a favor?" scene w1_0385 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree to help Hana out.:" $ hanaFlag = True $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w1_0386 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve $ history_hana = "Hana strikes me as a woman out of place in a place like the Carnation Club, but her offer of seeing her band play at a local watering hole should help me get a better picture of her." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Sure, sounds like fun anyway, but when you put it that way how can I refuse?" scene w1_0387 with dissolve hana "Well, you could be lame like Jacob. Motherfucker said he has a bedtime on the night he's off. Can you believe that? What is he, an old man?" mc "Could be a military habit." scene w1_0388 with dissolve hana "Thanks a ton. I'll text you the details later." hana "Don't worry, we're going to blow the roof off the place. You'll be thanking me one day, when you get to brag about seeing us live before we were famous." scene w1_0389 with dissolve harp "I'll be there too, Hana. I could use a night of loud noise." scene w1_0390 with dissolve hana "Good!" scene w1_0391 with dissolve hana "I'll see you two later, I got something to talk about with August." scene w1_0392 with dissolve harp "..." mc "..." scene w1_0393 with dissolve harp "... well, bye!" scene w1_0394 with dissolve "Harper akwardly left in a hurry." mct "(Did I do something to weird her out?)" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Oh well, I should turn this footage into Mrs. Pulman and see if Ian can take me home.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Oh well, I should turn this footage into Kathleen and see if Ian can take me home.)" KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatRose" KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatFel" KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatFel" KN_MOD "Tell her nightclubs arent really your thing.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry, night clubs aren't really my thing." scene w1_0387 with dissolve hana "C'mon dude. I'm not going to be pushy about it, but don't tell me you're some kind of shut-in. You're working here, aren't you?" scene w1_0396 with dissolve hana "I'll owe you one!" scene w1_0386 with dissolve "If I agree, this could be the {b}start of something{/b}. Then again, do I even like Hana? She can be pretty abrasive. Maybe it's best if we keep our relationship strictly as co-workers." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Change your mind and agree to go.:" $ hanaFlag = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve $ history_hana = "Hana strikes me as a woman out of place in a place like the Carnation Club, but her offer of seeing her band play at a local watering hole should help me get a better picture of her." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Sure, why not? Could be fun." scene w1_0388 with dissolve hana "Thanks a ton. I'll text you the details later." hana "Don't worry, we're going to blow the roof off the place. You'll be thanking me one day, when you get to brag about seeing us live before we were famous." scene w1_0389 with dissolve harp "I'll be there too, Hana. I could use a night of loud noise." scene w1_0390 with dissolve hana "Good!" scene w1_0391 with dissolve hana "I'll see you two later, I got something to talk about with August." scene w1_0392 with dissolve harp "..." mc "..." scene w1_0393 with dissolve harp "... well, bye!" scene w1_0394 with dissolve "Harper akwardly left in a hurry." mct "(Did I do something to weird her out? I don't think so...)" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Oh well I should turn this footage into Mrs. Pulman and see if Ian can take me home.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Oh well I should turn this footage into Kathleen and see if Ian can take me home.)" KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatRose" KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatFel" KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatFel" KN_MOD "Tell her youre really not interested.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0385 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it's just not for me." scene w1_0395 with dissolve hana "Well, {b}fine{/b}! Don't regret it that you missed the chance to see us live before we became famous." scene w1_0389 with dissolve harp "I'll go, Hana. I could use a night of loud noise." scene w1_0390 with dissolve hana "Good!" scene w1_0391 with dissolve $ history_hana = "Hana strikes me as a woman out of place in a place like the Carnation Club, but I had no interest in figuring out exactly why that is. She asked me to come see her band play, but I decided not to have anything to do with her." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve hana "Well, I'll see you two later. I got something to talk about with August." scene w1_0392 with dissolve harp "..." mc "..." scene w1_0393 with dissolve harp "... well, bye!" scene w1_0394 with dissolve "Harper akwardly left in a hurry." mct "(Did I do something to weird her out? I don't think so...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(O, well I should turn this footage into Mrs. Pulman and see if Ian can take me home.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Oh well I should turn this footage into Kathleen and see if Ian can take me home.)" KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatRose" KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatFel" KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InterviewKatFel" KN_MOD "label w1InterviewKatRose:" scene w1_0398 with dissolve mct "(I hope she's still here. This place is too big for me to reliably find her.)" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" scene w1_0397 with dissolve "*Knock, knock.*" scene w1_0398 with dissolve kat "Whoooo is it?" "Kathleen's voice carried clearly through the door, with a song-style cadence." scene w1_0399 with dissolve mc "It's [mcf]. I've finished Felicia's profile." scene w1_0398 with dissolve kat "Already? Come in!" play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w1_0401 with fade mc "........." scene w1_0402 with fade mc "......" scene w1_0400 with fade mc "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" scene w1_0403 with dissolve kat "No, I'm just introducing this fat-ass cow to her future adoring fans." kat "Leave the camera on the table. You can go home, I don't think I need you for anything else today." scene w1_0404 with dissolve mc "Yeah, okay. One thing..." scene w1_0405 with dissolve kat "...what is it? Make it quick, you're killing the mood here." scene w1_0404 with dissolve mc "Has Ian finished yet?" scene w1_0405 with dissolve kat "No, he hasn't come by. Is that all?" scene w1_0406 with dissolve mct "(Great, guess I'm stuck waiting around unless I want to take a train.)" scene w1_0407 with dissolve mc "I'll be going now." scene w1_0408 with dissolve kat "Oh, and good work today I'm sure!" scene w1_0406 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Wish them fun.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 scene w1_0407 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You two have fun. Heh." scene w1_0406 with dissolve "I said -- stupidly" KN_MOD "Tell Rosalind to hang in there.:" scene w1_0407 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hang in there, Rose!" scene w1_0406 with dissolve "I said -- stupidly." KN_MOD "Just leave.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass stop music fadeout 2.0 scene w1_0407 with dissolve mc "Bye!" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w1_0418 with fade mct "(That wasn't even all that shocking to me, was it?)" mct "(I'll go wait at the bar until Ian finishes.)" scene black with fade "......" "It wasn't long until my friend made his reappearance and we headed back to my new apartment." KN_MOD "jump w1SleepInterrupted" KN_MOD "label w1InterviewKatFel:" scene w1_0398 with dissolve mct "(I hope she's still here. This place is too big for me to reliably find her.)" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" scene w1_0397 with dissolve "*Knock, knock.*" scene w1_0398 with dissolve kat "Whoooo is it?" "Kathleen's voice carried clearly through the door, with a song-style cadence." scene w1_0399 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" mc "It's [mcf]. I've finished Rosalind's profile." KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" mc "It's [mcf]. I've finished Veronica's profile." scene w1_0398 with dissolve kat "Already? Come in!" play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w1_0401 with fade mc "........." scene w1_0410 with fade mc "......" scene w1_0409 with fade mc "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" scene w1_0412 with dissolve kat "No, I'm just introducing this prissy bitch to her future adoring fans." kat "Leave the camera on the table. You can go home, I don't think I need you for anything else today." scene w1_0411 with dissolve mc "Yeah, okay. One thing..." scene w1_0413 with dissolve kat "...what is it? Make it quick, you're killing the mood here." scene w1_0411 with dissolve mc "Has Ian finished yet?" scene w1_0413 with dissolve kat "No, he hasn't come by. Is that all?" scene w1_0414 with dissolve mct "(Great, guess I'm stuck waiting around unless I want to take a train.)" scene w1_0415 with dissolve mc "I'll be going now." scene w1_0416 with dissolve kat "Oh, and good work today I'm sure!" scene w1_0414 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Wish them fun.:" $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 scene w1_0415 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You two have fun. Heh." scene w1_0414 with dissolve "I said -- stupidly" KN_MOD "Tell Felicia to hang in there.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 scene w1_0415 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hang in there, Felicia." "I stupidly made a show of support." scene w1_0417 with dissolve fel "Hehe! See you later, [mcf]!" kat "Stupid girl. Focus on the camera lens, not over there!" KN_MOD "Just leave.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass stop music fadeout 2.0 scene w1_0415 with dissolve mc "Bye!" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w1_0418 with fade mct "(That wasn't even all that shocking to me, was it?)" mct "(I'll go wait at the bar until Ian finishes.)" scene black with fade "......" "It wasn't long until my friend made his reappearance and we headed back to my new apartment." KN_MOD "label w1SleepInterrupted:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june01night" scene w1_0422 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "Later that night, after a pleasant evening featuring a bad movie, some not-so-great Chinese takeout, and some light review of my studies, I was fast asleep." play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" "Operative word being {i}was{/i}." play sound "sound effects/metal-door-slam.wav" $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene w1_0423 with vpunch mc "--!" "A loud noise violently plucked me from my slumber." scene w1_0424 with fade play sound "sound effects/high-heel-footsteps.wav" mct "(What the hell was that...?)" mct "(Is that footsteps...?)" play sound "sound effects/woman-laugh.mp3" $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene w1_0425 with dissolve mct "(What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck...?)" "Someone's downstairs. Giggling." play sound "sound effects/high-heel-footsteps.wav" show june01night with squares mct "(Am I being robbed?)" mct "(Considering this place is club property, who the hell knows who has access to it.)" mct "(Fucking idiot, I should've changed the locks!)" scene w1_0426 with cmet "Springing into action, I clumsily rolled off the bed looking for something, ANYTHING that would work well as an improvised weapon." scene w1_0427 with dissolve mct "(No...)" scene w1_0428 with dissolve mct "(Definitely not!)" scene w1_0429 with dissolve mct "(Oh, you've got to be kidding me...)" "The ping pong paddle being the best option potentially standing between me and danger, I gripped the ad-libbed cudgel so tight that my knuckles turned white." "The clacking of footsteps grew slighter." play sound "sound effects/door-slide.wav" scene w1_0430 with dissolve "Until finally petering out with the sound of a door closing shut." mct "(Did they leave...?)" scene w1_0431 with dissolve "Doing my best to keep low, crawling on my hands and knees to get a better look at the apartment." scene w1_0432 with dissolve "Peering through the railing, I paused to let my eyes carefully scan the darkness." "Having only been here a little over a week, the geography of the place hadn't quite become ingrained in my mind yet. Not enough to pick out inconsistencies in the dark at least." scene w1_0433 with dissolve mct "(Door's closed...)" scene w1_0434 with fade "I went to take a closer look." scene w1_0435 with dissolve mct "(Someone's in the bathroom!)" "A light beamed from the crack in the door." mct "(I should try and make a dash for it and call the police...)" mct "(...but what if it's August or Charles or somebody really important connected to the club? Getting the police involved might not be a smart idea.)" "I hadn't really considered this consequence of working for the club. The fact that it could limit me on relying on the police." mct "(I'm part of a criminal enterprise now. What the fuck, [mcf]?)" scene w1_0436 with dissolve mct "(Shit, I got to be sure of the situation first!)" scene w1_0437 with dissolve "I reached for the door handle, a piece of wood separating me from the unknown." scene w1_0438 with dissolve "On the other side I could hear heavy, frantic breathing." mct "(Okay... whoever's on the other side, I should look like I mean business.)" scene w1_0439 with dissolve mct "(Yeah...)" scene w1_0440 with dissolve mct "(Okay...{w}Three...)" mct "(Two...)" mct "(One...! {w}Go!)" play sound "sound effects/door-slide.wav" scene w1_0441 with wiperight "Sliding the door open, I blitzed my way past the mouth of the bathroom. Ready to bring down ping-pong-laced justice." scene w1_0442 with dissolve mc "......" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0443 with dissolve "..." play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w1_0444 with vpunch "Only to find a strange woman parked against the bathtub, my womanizing friend's head planted squarely between her thighs." "Killian, either too drunk or too engrossed in his task, didn't notice or care. His lady friend on the other hand..." woman "Eeeeeh, who the fuck are you?!" with hpunch scene black with fade "That's a good question, lady." scene w1_0445 with circlewipe play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" mc "Why did you pick my place to screw around? What's wrong with your apartment?" kil "Eeeeeh? Miiiina's s-there." "Best I could gather after sending Ian's lady friend home, was that he thought he'd just use my new place as a fuck pad." "Part of me wanted to bitch at him for the invasion of privacy, startling the hell out of me, and just the lack of general common sense, but..." scene w1_0447 with fade "Honestly, it probably wouldn't stick even if he wasn't two sheets to the wind right about now." mc "Give me your feet." scene w1_0446 with dissolve kil "Huh? I can jhust go home. Miina's waiting." scene w1_0447 with dissolve mc "*sigh* I'm not letting you drive home plastered. Now, give me your feet." scene w1_0448 with dissolve kil "Sure thing, honey." kil "Heheh, you'll make a good wife someday." scene w1_0449 with dissolve mc "Other one please." scene w1_0450 with dissolve mc "Do you want me to call Mina?" scene w1_0451 with dissolve kil "N-no!" scene w1_0452 with dissolve mc "Then shut up. I'm kinda pissed right now." scene w1_0453 with dissolve kil "Eeeeh, lighten up. It's the club's apartment. I got you the job rhhhemember?" scene w1_0452 with dissolve mc "Listen here, It's MY home now and -- y'know what, never mind! You won't remember this in the morning anyway." scene w1_0453 with dissolve kil "Nhot a thing! Hehehe!" scene w1_0452 with dissolve mc "Just sleep it off, alright?" scene w1_0454 with dissolve kil "Hey [mcf]...?" mc "What is it now?" kil "Uh, shorry for the trouble." scene w1_0455 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance >= 16:" mc "*sigh* What are friends for?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Just don't make this a habit, please?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "label june02start:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionmina02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june02day" scene w1_0456 with sunshine show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show june02day with squares play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" "The next morning, Killian was gone, having evaporated as suddenly as he appeared the previous night." "In his place, was a plate of breakfast. Probably meant as a small token of apology." mct "(It's cold...)" play ambient "sound effects/shower.wav" scene w1_0457 with wet "My day's looking pretty open. I don't have anything I NEED to do or any place I need to be." "I'm effectively on call to the Carnation Club... I think. Despite it being explained to me, I'm not really sure when the actual work part will start happening." scene w1_0458 with dissolve mct "(Hmmm, my dick won't quit. I guess I didn't really get any release yesterday, despite...)" KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" scene w1_0419 with pixellate "The sight of Felicia's tight throat ingesting that large gold dildo with ease." KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" scene w1_0420 with pixellate "Rosalind's supplicant display, her fat tits dangling heavily in front of her as she thanked her new patrons." KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" scene w1_0421 with pixellate "Veronica's display of flexibility, drawing her long muscular leg back and giving the camera a good glimpse of the womanly flower in between." "The sudden recollection just added fuel to the fire." scene w1_0458 with pixellate mct "(Maybe I should avail myself of the club's services sometime? Dalia mentioned that if I ever needed any of the house girls' services to give her a call.)" mct "(That'd be taking advantage though, wouldn't it?)" scene w1_0459 with dissolve mct "(I guess I'll just take care of it mys--)" play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0460 with dissolve "*Ring, ring. Ring, ring**" "Put a pin in that thought." stop ambient scene w1_0461 with fade stop sound mc "Mina...?" scene player-bathroom-blur with dissolve show mina-call with dissolve play music "music/happy-boy-end-theme.ogg" mc "Hello?" mina "[mcf]? It's Mina, Ian's gi--" mc "You don't have to explain who you are, Mina. How are you?" mina "Mmmmmh, well I'm fine. A little {b}stood up{/b} at the moment." mina "Sorry to bother you, but do you know where Ian is? We were supposed to go shopping today, but he hasn't turned up." mina "He didn't come home last night either, I'm getting a little worried..." mct "(Well, that's cause he was too busy getting blasted and giving out free face rides to strange women.)" mc "No, no, don't worry about Ian, he..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Comfort Mina with a half-truth.:" $ Mina_KLove -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "He got a little drunk last night and I had to take his car keys. He slept it off at my place." "Probably best if I leave out the bathroom cunnilingus." mc "I thought about calling you, but it was pretty late." mc "When I woke up, he had already left. Dunno where he is now. Probably forgot he had plans, knowing him." mina "Ugh, that does sound like him!" KN_MOD "Flat out lie for him.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 3 $ w1MinaLie = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "His uncle took us out and got us drunk last night. He ended up sleeping it off here, before leaving this morning to help Chuck with some work. You know his uncle, right?" "For whatever reason, I decided to cover for Ian and lie to poor Mina." mina "We haven't met. I actually haven't met any of his family..." mc "Ah, well he probably forgot to let you know about the change in plans. It sounded pretty important!" mina "Ugh, that does sound like him! He's always forgetting to call!" mina "*sigh* There goes my day..." mina "Say, you're not free, are you?" mina "You wouldn't want to sit around bored while a cute girl tries on clothes? Maybe grab a bite to eat...?" mct "(Honestly that doesn't sound too bad, but...)" mct "(Should I really hang out with Mina without Ian being around? He might get the wrong idea. Then again, I'm not the one who had my face drunkenly buried in not-my-girlfriend's snatch last night.)" "If I agree, maybe Mina and I could {b}become friends{/b}. Then again, perhaps it's best if she remains {b}just my friend's girlfriend{/b}." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree to accompany Mina shopping:" $ minaFlag = True $ Mina_Affection += 2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm actually not doing jack squat today, so..." mc "That sounds like fun, Mina. Thank you for inviting me." mina "Yaaaaaaaaaaay!" "A shrill, jubilant cry emitted from my phone's speaker." mina "I'll pick you up then, just text me your address!" mina "Oh, and lunch is my treat today! As thank-you for keeping me company." mct "(A cute model is paying for my lunch? Awesome.)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1MinaDateStart" KN_MOD "(Lie) Tell her you have other plans.:" $ Mina_Affection -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve $ history_mina = "My best friend's girlfriend, I decided to keep things strictly in those terms and not see her outside of Ian's company." $ unread_mina = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Sorry, I've already made other plans today." mina "Awww, that's alright. Maybe some other time then?" "Mina's normally chipper disposition took on a plaintive quality, like the shrill whine of a puppy." mc "Yeah, some other time maybe." mina "Alright, I'll talk to you later [mcf]." mina "Thanks again for letting me know about Ian. Buh bye!" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "jump w1MinaDateSkip" KN_MOD "label w1MinaDateStart:" scene w1_0462 with circlewipe "Lunch took us to a familiar place." scene w1_0463 with dissolve play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" mc "I'm surprised you wanted to come here." scene w1_0464 with dissolve mina "Why do you say that, [mcf]?" scene w1_0465 with dissolve mc "It's kind of a greasy place." scene w1_0466 with dissolve mina "Hey, don't you start on me too! Ian's always snipping at me with comments about eating and gaining weight." scene w1_0465 with dissolve mc "Sorry! I didn't mean it that way. Just that a pretty girl like you, in a place like this, sticks out like a sore thumb." scene w1_0467 with dissolve mina "Ah, well... it's not like I'm famous or anything. I don't really get any kind of big work..." mina "Heck, I wouldn't even call it regular work." scene w1_0468 with dissolve mc "I have 100 percent confidence that'll change some day soon." "It wasn't a line, I really did mean that. Mina was cute and bubbly, but she could also pull off sexy well. I honestly couldn't imagine her toiling as a struggling actress for long." scene w1_0469 with dissolve mina "I actually have an audition coming up, that's why I wanted to go shopping today. I need to find something to wear." scene w1_0470 with dissolve mc "That's awesome. I hope you get the role." scene w1_0471 with dissolve mina "Thanks! Ian is going to help me rehearse for it. Have you ever seen him try to act? He is {b}awful{/b}! But he tries for my sake." scene w1_0472 with dissolve mina "Sometimes..." scene w1_0473 with dissolve mina "Thanks for coming out with me again! Heh!" scene w1_0470 with dissolve "Mina was quick to hide her momentary lapse in cheer, overwriting it with an upbeat smile." mc "I didn't have anything to do today, so stop mentioning it." scene w1_0471 with dissolve mina "Right! That was the last time. I promise." scene w1_0474 with dissolve "......" "..." "A prominent lull fell over the conversation." scene w1_0475 with dissolve mina "Y'know this kind of feels a little lop-sided. I've heard so many stories about you from Ian, but you don't really know anything about me I bet." mct "(Stories BEFORE high school she means. I don't really get Ian's fixation with that time in our life.)" mina "Go, ahead! Ask me some questions about myself. It's only fair." scene w1_0476 with dissolve mina "Plus, not like I don't like being at the center of attention. Hehe!" scene w1_0470 with dissolve "Well, there has been one question that has been percolating in my head ever since we first met. Namely, what does a nice girl like her see in a blatant womanizer like my friend." mct "(I probably shouldn't actually ask that though, lest I end up offending her. Probably should pick something more benign.)" mc "Have you always wanted to be a model and actress?" scene w1_0471 with dissolve mina "Nope. I actually wanted to be a marine biologist growing up." scene w1_0470 with dissolve mc "You were a weird dolphin girl?" scene w1_0477 with dissolve mina "N-no! Don't make fun of me!" mina "Anyway... In high school I started modeling as a part-time job - for stuff like teen magazines and fashion outlet catalogues - and I learned to love it." scene w1_0473 with dissolve mina "Some of it's boring. Ton of sitting, lotta preening... but there's these... uh, {b}bursts{/b}!" scene w1_0471 with dissolve mina "Bursts of action. Having to swap through dozens of poses back to back, all these spot lights and rim lights harshly bearing down on you, the machinegun rapid clicks of the camera as it takes photo after photo..." scene w1_0478 with dissolve mina "I... I {b}love it{/b}! It's so easy to forget about yourself and your troubles during a shoot." scene w1_0479 with dissolve "All the while through Mina's impassioned explanation, a genuine smile found itself spread on her lips. It was radiant and natural, unlike the deliberate one she seems to always default to." mc "That actually sounds really exciting. To be honest, I always just thought people wanted to be models because of the fame and glamour, but it sounds like you really enjoy the procedure." scene w1_0478 with dissolve mina "Procedure...? I like that. That's a good way of putting it." scene w1_0479 with dissolve "Having passion for what you do is a very attractive trait for a woman, but should I say as much?" mct "(It could come across as me hitting on her.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Just say what youre thinking.:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Mina seems like a straightforward woman. She probably wouldn't read too much into me sharing how I honestly feel." mc "It's great you're so passionate about your work. That's very attractive in a woman." scene w1_0480 with dissolve mina "You know, I don't usually get complimented on much more than my looks to be honest." scene w1_0481 with dissolve mina "Thank you, [mcf]." KN_MOD "Keep your thoughts to yourself:" pass scene w1_0482 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "So, what're you auditioning for?" scene w1_0483 with dissolve mina "Oh, it's just a dumb role in a silly TV soap opera. Nothing you'd know... it's called {i}Loving Days in Lafayette{/i}." scene w1_0484 with dissolve mc "Hey, work's work, right? I've heard that acting on those daily programs is pretty breakneck work. I bet it'll be a good chance to develop all kinds of skills." scene w1_0485 with dissolve mina "Heheh, that's a great way of looking at it. At any rate, I'll have to get the part first and... well, we'll see." scene w1_1763 with dissolve mina "I'll have to find a new gym if I get the part as well. My membership for my last one ran out last week and I don't want to renew. That place is brimming with pervs." scene w1_0485 with dissolve mina "Anyway, I'm counting on you to help me pick out the perfect dress for the occasion. Don't let me down!" mc "I suddenly feel a lot of pressure..." scene black with fade "For the next five minutes, we made light conversation as we finished our lunch before moving onto a clothes-searching expedition." scene w1_0486 with circlewipe stop music fadeout 3.0 "We went from shop to shop..." "After shop to yet another shop." "Mina had found many things to purchase, more than I thought would've fit in her tiny car, but the one particular outfit for her audition remained elusive. Or so she said." "Before I knew it, a few hours had passed... I'm starting to think Ian's forgetfulness might have been of the more convenient variety." scene w1_0487 with circlewipe play music "music/happy-whistling-ukulele.ogg" mina "Don't worry... I have the feeling this is going to be the store! They have the best selection!" mct "(Why didn't we start here then?!)" with hpunch mc "Well, I'm not in any rush, so take your time." "I said, in spite of myself." scene w1_0488 with dissolve clerk "Welcome to {i}Kitty Kallen{/i}. Is there anything I can assist you with today?" "The store clerk, pulled away from whatever magazine she was reading when we entered, got up and greeted us with the bearing of someone who's worked in customer service for years." scene w1_0489 with dissolve mina "I'm looking for something cute or sexy to wear to an audition. I don't know quite which yet..." clerk "I can help with that. Allow me to take you around the store to pick out and accessorize a few outfits." mina "That'd be helpful, thanks." scene w1_0490 with dissolve clerk "If he wants, your boyfriend can have a seat in the back while we look." clerk "We have some chairs next to the dressing rooms." scene w1_0491 with dissolve mina "Why don't you do that, [mcf]? This might take awhile." mc "I think I'll do that then." scene w1_0492 with dissolve "Excusing myself, I made a beeline toward the dressing room and found a seat." scene w1_0493 with dissolve mct "(I hope this is the last store...)" scene w1_0494 with dissolve mct "(Not that I mind the company of a woman like Mina. Definitely beats sitting around that way-too-big-for-me apartment and jerking it.)" mct "(I think I'll shut my eyes for a moment...)" scene black with fade mct "(...boyfriend? I guess neither of us cared enough to correct her.)" "......" "..." mina "[mcf]...?" "A warm, light touch caressed my cheek." mct "(Zzzzzz, that feels nice...)" mina "Hey, [mcf]! Wake up!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0497 with dissolve show blank at blink $ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True) show blank at blink scene w1_0498 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene w1_0495 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Mina had switched tactics on me, trading a gentle caress for a more vigorous prodding." mc "Ngg, sorry. I must've accidently drifted off..." mc "I got a little less sleep last night than I would've liked." scene w1_0496 with dissolve mina "Sorry if I took too long, hehe. I found a few options though." mina "Could I model them for you and get your opinion?" mc "I'd love to see them, but I don't really think I know what'll catch a casting director's eye..." scene w1_0499 with dissolve mina "Oooh, I think you do. It's not like it's complicated. Just give me your opinion as a man." scene w1_0500 with dissolve mc "Well, I'm certainly qualified to do that. Heh." scene w1_0501 with irisout mina "Great! I'll be out in a jiffy~" scene w1_0502 with dissolve "With a sing-song declaration, Mina disappeared behind the dressing room's partition." scene w1_0503 with dissolve mc "Aaannnaghhh!" scene w1_0504 with w24 mct "(I'm going to sleep good tonight!)" mina "Hey, [mcf]? What's Ian's uncle like?" scene w1_0505 with dissolve mc "Dr. Chuck you mean? Why do you want to know?" scene w1_0506 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1MinaLie == True:" mina "Well, like I told you I've never met him." mina "Just like this morning, Ian's always running off at the oddest times to help him with something or another." KN_MOD "else:" mina "I've never actually met him, but Ian's always running off at the oddest times to help him with something or another." scene w1_0504 with dissolve mc "..." mct "(This is getting kinda slippery. I should feel out what Mina knows before I accidently tell her something contrary to what she's been told or let slip something about the club.)" scene w1_0507 with dissolve mc "Well, what has Ian told you about him?" scene w1_0506 with dissolve mina "He said that -- ngha, damn zipper! -- he said that his uncle owned a dusty old jazz-piano bar." scene w1_0507 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I've uh... been there, dusty is one way to describe it." scene w1_0506 with dissolve mina "Thing is -- ah, perfect fit -- thing is he never wants to take me. I said {i}a jazz bar sounds cool{/!} and he tells me it's just a boring place for old farts to reminisce about the old days and pretend like they're cool." mina "Anyway, I just want to know, what kind of person he is. He seems pretty important to Ian." scene w1_0507 with dissolve mc "Hmm... he's an interesting guy. He's really loud for one and he laughs a lot. Smart too, he used to be an aerospace engineer." mc "It made him a ton of money, as far as I can tell. I used to go on vacations with Ian's family when we were in middle school. Dr. Chuck was one of the few people that treated me warmly." mc "He's... decent folk." scene w1_0504 with dissolve "--that is what I had always believed, at least. Now, I'm experiencing a bit of cognitive dissonance there. Deep down I'm not so sure, when I compare the image of Dr. Chuck the jovial Physics Club Advisor and uncle to my friend and..." "Dr. Chuck, part owner of the Carnation Club, a place where women do degrading things for the entertainment of a bunch of old assholes." "Could both images be authentic and true at the same time...?" scene w1_0506 with dissolve mina "He sounds like a nice guy. I hope to meet him one day." scene w1_0508 with dissolve mina "~allllright, all finished." scene w1_0509 with dissolve mina "~tada! What do you think? This is the more professional-looking option." scene w1_0510 with dissolve "Mina gave herself a little spin, to emphasize the skirt's hipline." scene w1_0512 with dissolve mc "You know you're pretty good at wearing clothes." mc "You should do that for a job." scene w1_0511 with dissolve mina "Har har, very funny [mcf]. Tell me what you think?" scene w1_0512 with dissolve mct "(What I think? Well...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Talk about the skirt, without restraint.:" $ Mina_Affection += 2 scene w1_0513 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "The skirt looks wonderful on you. It brings out the contours of your hips very nicely." mc "It also {i}skirts{/i} the line between conservative looking and sexy. Not quite too short to be garish, but also not so long as to be considered drab." scene w1_0514 with dissolve mina "Wow, I'm so glad you came along. That's way better an answer than Ian ever gives me. The most I ever get out of him is..." scene w1_0515 with dissolve mina "{i}That's hot, babe{/i}! Or... {i}could show a little more skin{/i}!" "She said, doing her best to conceal her mouse-like voice in a gruff affectation." mc "Yeah, I can picture that..." scene w1_0516 with dissolve mina "That's the kind of reaction I was hoping for, but I still have two more outfits to try on." KN_MOD "Talk about the blouse, respectfully.:" scene w1_0513 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like the way the blouse looks on you. It's professional-looking, but it shows off your toned arms nicely." scene w1_0515 with dissolve mina "Hmm... I'm not so sure that's the kind of reaction I was looking for from a man. Let's see how you like the other two outfits." scene w1_0516 with dissolve mina "Be right back!" scene w1_0505 with dissolve mc "So, what do you do besides modeling?" scene w1_0506 with dissolve mina "What do you mean?" scene w1_0507 with dissolve mc "You said your work wasn't regular, I was just wondering if you worked as a waitress or something. That's what struggling actors and models do, right?" scene w1_0506 with dissolve mina "Oh...! Uh, no. I go part-time to school, but I'm... I'm fortunate enough not to have to work. You could say my parents are pretty well-off." "She sounded kind of embarrassed about it." scene w1_0505 with dissolve mc "What are you studying?" scene w1_0506 with dissolve mina "I haven't really picked a major yet. I don't really know what I want to do, I just know I should have something to fall back on if acting doesn't work out." scene w1_0504 with dissolve mina "My mom says that college for a girl like me should be less about building a career and more about finding myself a well-to-do husband. Can you believe that?!" mina "Who the hell still talks like that in this day and age?" scene w1_0517 with dissolve "Before I had a chance to answer, Mina had reappeared in front of me." scene w1_0518 with dissolve mina "Gah! It makes me so angry!" scene w1_0519 with dissolve mc "Well, it sounds like you're doing the smart thing about your future." scene w1_0520 with dissolve mina "Thank you! Well, what do you think about this one? This is the cuter of the three in my opinion." scene w1_0521 with dissolve "Once again, Mina did a little spin to let me get a good look at the back." scene w1_0519 with dissolve "Hmm... what are my thoughts here?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her its cute, just like her.:" $ Mina_Affection -= 1 scene w1_0522 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I think it's pretty on brand. It's cute, just like you." "That was honestly the extent of my appraisal. What else could I say?" scene w1_0523 with dissolve mina "Nggh... I didn't bring you here to feed me lines. That's really not much to go off of." scene w1_0525 with dissolve mina "Let's try the last one then." KN_MOD "Tell her it projects a pretty strong impression.:" $ Mina_Affection += 2 scene w1_0522 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like it. It projects a girl-next-door sort of look. Which, depending on the role you're auditioning for, might help a casting director see just how well you'll fit." scene w1_0524 with dissolve mina "Hm... you might be right. The part I'm auditioning for is a college student, so this does seem kind of appropriate..." scene w1_0525 with dissolve mina "Let me get your opinion on the last one before I make a decision." scene w1_0526 with dissolve "With that, she disappeared behind the partition for a third time, accidently leaving the door ajar." scene w1_0527 with dissolve "Instinctually I reached out to close it, before I could realize what it might look like to Mina or any outside observers." scene w1_0528 with dissolve mct "(Ah--!)" scene w1_0529 with dissolve "I was stopped in place by a glimpse of the naked flesh of Mina's back, as she removed the top of her pink-jean jacket ensemble." KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" "Not like I didn't get a fair look at her a couple of weeks ago when we played that drinking game, but I got to admit the accidental glimpse adds something lurid to the equation." "I should probably just shut the door and stop looking..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Dont be a creep, look away.:" $ toughness -= 1 play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Yeeeeah, let's not be a creepy asshat with no respect for a woman's privacy." KN_MOD "Let your eyeline linger a little longer.:" $ toughness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "No harm in looking a little longer, right? How could I not?" "Mina is just so... beautiful." play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mct "(I know it's kinda fucked up, but how could I not?)" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaDatePerv" scene w1_0539 with dissolve mc "..." scene w1_0541 with dissolve mina "So are you a film buff too?" scene w1_0540 with dissolve mc "Uh, what do you mean?" scene w1_0542 with dissolve mina "Well, Ian likes all those old Italian murder movies." scene w1_0543 with dissolve mc "The ones where killers wear black gloves, yeah?" scene w1_0542 with dissolve mina "Yeah, those!" scene w1_0540 with dissolve mc "No... not, not really. Though, I think you can thank my mother for getting him interested in those." mc "She used to let us watch them as kids, but they were never really my thing." scene w1_0543 with dissolve mc "{i}They never let plot get in the way of their stories{/i}, she always said." scene w1_0540 with dissolve mc "Me? I just like dumb action movies where people get thrown out windows..." KN_MOD "jump w1MinaLookAway" KN_MOD "label w1MinaDatePerv:" scene w1_0530 with dissolve "Giving into temptation, I watched Mina begin to fidget out of her pants." "Taking the fabric and sliding them down her long ivory legs." "All the way down until all she had on were her bra and panties." scene w1_0531 with dissolve mina "So are you a film buff too?" mc "--!" scene w1_0539 with dissolve "Mina's attempt at continuing the conversation caused me to retreat, from fear of getting caught." scene w1_0540 with dissolve mc "Uh, what do you mean?" scene w1_0541 with dissolve mina "Well, Ian likes all those old Italian murder movies." scene w1_0543 with dissolve mc "The ones where killers wear black gloves, yeah?" scene w1_0542 with dissolve mina "Yeah, those!" scene w1_0540 with dissolve mc "No... not, not really. Though, you can thank my mother for getting him interested in those." mc "She used to let us watch them as kids, but they were never really my thing." scene w1_0543 with dissolve mc "{i}They never let plot get in the way of their stories{/i}, she always said." scene w1_0540 with dissolve mc "Me? I just like dumb action movies where people get thrown out windows." scene w1_0544 with dissolve "A lull in the conversation presented another opportunity to look, but do I really want to risk it again?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1MinaVouyeur:" KN_MOD "Dont be greedy, its too risky:" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaLookAway" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} Risk it, take another peek. if history_voyeur == True:" $ toughness += 1 $ w1MinaCaught = True scene w1_0539 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Despite the potential disastrous results, the fear of getting caught looking felt more like a thrill to me than a deterrent." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Voyeur] Risk it, take another peek.{/color}. if history_firestarter == True or history_stickyFingers == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaVouyeur" scene w1_0532 with dissolve "Craning my neck to peek through the door once more, I was fortunate to find Mina in an even more exposed state than before." mct "(Guess that last outfit must be strapless if she took her bra off. Lucky me!)" scene w1_0533 with dissolve "Suddenly, Mina lurched forward, giving me a generous view of side boob." mct "(--gh! The women in my life are so fucking stacked.)" "Too distracted by the visual feast in front of me, I failed to notice one critical element..." scene w1_0534 with dissolve "Mina had noticed me from the corner of her eye and now had it firmly planted on me." mc "..." scene w1_0535 with dissolve mina "..." scene w1_0536 with dissolve "Mina stood up and gave me an unadulterated view of her bare breasts." scene w1_0537 with dissolve mina "Can I help you with something?" scene w1_0536 with dissolve mc "Uh... the door was cracked and... uh..." mc "...and I was just transfixed by your beeeauuuuty?" "I gave an incredibly lame excuse, said with a comically untruthful inflection. " mina "..." scene w1_0538 with dissolve mina "Go back to waiting outside, idiot. Before someone else sees you peeping and mistakes you for a criminal." scene w1_0536 with dissolve mc "Sorry!" scene w1_0545 with cmet stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(Shit, I can't believe I let her catch me. What am I saying? I can't believe I even peeped in the first place!)" "...wait a minute." mct "(Is she not angry at me?)" mct "(She sounded more concerned with how it {b}looks{/b} from the outside than the impropriety of me sneaking a look.)" scene w1_0546 with dissolve "While I was contemplating my fuck-up, Mina appeared before me for a third time." play music "music/happy-whistling-ukulele.ogg" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaDateOutfit" KN_MOD "label w1MinaLookAway:" stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0541 with dissolve mina "Me too! Give me a gruff reluctant hero, some big lug of a villian, car chases, and exploding buildings any day of the week." scene w1_0545 with dissolve mina "Die hard is like the {b}best{/f} film ever! That or {i}Terminal Action{/i}?" scene w1_0543 with dissolve mc "What? The Samson Garcia one? You like that shitty movie? Me too!" mc "You know I've actually met him once?" scene w1_0542 with dissolve mina "For real?!" scene w1_0540 with dissolve mc "Yeah, he lives in town. I... uh, he gave a speech at my university." mc "The man loves talking about himself." scene w1_0546 with dissolve "While I was not-so-truthfully recounting my run-in with the has-been Carnation Club patron, Mina appeared before me for a third time." play music "music/happy-whistling-ukulele.ogg" KN_MOD "label w1MinaDateOutfit:" scene w1_0547 with dissolve mina "I have a feeling you'll be a fan of this one. What do you think? This is the sexiest of the three options." scene w1_0548 with dissolve "A vivid image of a cartoon wolf whistling materialized in my head." "She had emerged from the dressing room looking like a race queen." scene w1_0549 with dissolve "She gave me a better look at the back." mc "That looks great on you." "I said, without hesitation." scene w1_0550 with dissolve mina "Yeah, but which one do you think I should wear to the audition?" scene w1_0551 with dissolve mc "What's the role exactly?" scene w1_0550 with dissolve mina "I'm going to be playing a college student who is having an affair with her professor." scene w1_0551 with dissolve mc "Hm..." scene w1_0552 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her she should go the professional route.:" $ MinaOutfitPro = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'd go with the first option, the business-looking attire." scene w1_0553 with dissolve mina "Why that one?" scene w1_0552 with dissolve mc "It's a good blend of stylish and conservative. It's also just the right amount of sexy." mc "Leaves a lot to the imagination." scene w1_0554 with dissolve mina "You make a good point, I think I'll go with that one." KN_MOD "Tell her she should go the cute route.:" $ MinaOutfitCute = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'd go with the second outfit, the girl-next-door-look." scene w1_0553 with dissolve mina "Why that one?" scene w1_0552 with dissolve mc "I think it'll help the casting director envision you in the role more easily. You'll look the part." scene w1_0554 with dissolve mina "You make a good point, I think I'll go with that one." KN_MOD "Tell her she should go the sexy route.:" $ MinaOutfitSexy = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'd go with the current outfit, you look stunning in it." scene w1_0555 with dissolve mina "I can probably already guess, but why that one?" scene w1_0552 with dissolve mc "Well, if the reading doesn't go so well... he won't notice because you look so good, y'know?" mc "You'll turn a lot of heads wearing that." scene w1_0554 with dissolve mina "You make a good point, I think I'll go with this one." mina "Thanks for your opinion, [mcf]. I'm glad I brought you along." KN_MOD "if w1MinaCaught == True:" scene w1_0555 with dissolve mina "I'll consider the little peep show you stole payment." scene w1_0552 with dissolve "I averted my eyes in shame." "Mina simply giggled at my consternation." scene w1_0556 with dissolve mina "Oh, lighten up. It's enough you feel bad about it." scene w1_0557 with dissolve "Mina, it turns out, is an extremely cool lady." KN_MOD "else:" mina "I owe you one!" scene w1_0552 with dissolve mc "No you don't, you're pleasant company and I'm having fun." scene w1_0556 with dissolve mina "Mmmmh, nope! I'll definitely pay you back one day. " scene w1_0558 with dissolve mina "Alright, I'll go change back into my clothes and then we can check out." scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "if MinaOutfitPro == True:" scene w1_0561 with ccirclewipe clerk "Will this be all for today, Miss?" "Back at the register, Mina was paying for her new outfit." clerk "That'll be $397." KN_MOD "if MinaOutfitCute == True:" scene w1_0559 with ccirclewipe clerk "Will this be all for today, Miss?" "Back at the register, Mina was paying for her new outfit." clerk "That'll be $309." KN_MOD "if MinaOutfitSexy == True:" scene w1_0560 with ccirclewipe clerk "Will this be all for today, Miss?" "Back at the register, Mina was paying for her new outfit." clerk "That'll be $319." mct "(Excuse me?! For a single outfit?!)" mina "Yup! That'll be it! Thank you so much for your help earlier." "As I was distracted by the difference in our lifestyles, I failed to notice the click-clacking of rapidly approaching heels." scene w1_0562 with w21 woman "Boo! Guess who, stud~♥" "A pair of hands clamped themselves over my eyes, followed by a familiar voice." "A voice belonging to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Rosalind:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...Rose, is that you?" fel "Really...? Wait, are you fucking with me?" KN_MOD "Felicia:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Fancy running into you here, Felicia." fel "It's a small city." KN_MOD "Killian:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Very funny, Ian." fel "Harhar, very funny." scene w1_0563 with w20 mc "Nice to see you, Felicia." scene w1_0564 with dissolve mina "...oh?" scene w1_0565 with dissolve mina "Felish! Good to see you!" fel "You too, girl. Although I must say I'm surprised." scene w1_0566 with dissolve fel "To find the two of you together, alone..." fel "Heheh, [mcf] moves fast, doesn't he? And with his friend's woman too?" fel "Although I must say, I didn't expect you to be the kind of girl to play around." scene w1_0567 with dissolve mina "Stop projecting, slut. [mcf] was kind enough to keep me company today after Ian disappeared on me." scene w1_0568 with dissolve fel "For real? Again? You know, with your looks you could have any man wrapped around your finger. I don't know why you waste your time on immature boys." scene w1_0569 with dissolve mina "You're starting to sound like my mother." mina "{size=-10}About as old as her too...{/size=-10}" scene w1_0570 with dissolve fel "Yeesh, kitten has claws. Sorry!" scene w1_0571 with dissolve mina "No harm done. I know you mean well." mct "(I feel like I just experienced the emotional up-and-down of a three act play in the span of a minute...)" scene w1_0572 with dissolve "The clerk, who had been waiting for a break in conversation to make her move, finally spoke." clerk "It's nice to see you today, Mrs. Ford. We have your monthly order ready." clerk "Shall I go get it?" fel "Please do." scene w1_0573 with dissolve "With that, the clerk disappeared into the back." scene w1_0574 with dissolve fel "I'm glad I ran into you, [mcf]." fel "This saves me the trouble of calling you. I wanted to ask you out to dinner as way of an apology." scene w1_0575 with dissolve mc "Apology? For what?" scene w1_0576 with dissolve fel "I feel a little bad about surprising you the other day, despite knowing about our mutual connection to {i}that{/i} place." "Felicia not-so-deftly played the pronoun game, likely for Mina's benefit." scene w1_0577 with dissolve mina "Huh...? No fair, you guys got a secret...?" scene w1_0576 with dissolve fel "What do you say? You want to go out tomorrow night?" scene w1_0578 with dissolve "Felicia's a wild card. Having dinner with her might be fun." "Then again, maybe it'd be best if I decline and {b}limit my interaction with her to solely the club{/b}. Getting involved with a Carnation could be problematic down the road." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Accept Felicias dinner invitation.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ feliciaFlag = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0579 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "While on an outing with Mina, we ran into Felicia and she asked me out to dinner. I accepted." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Yeah, sure." "Despite her involvement with the club, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy spending time with her." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 18:" "Plus, who would turn down the chance to score with a beautiful woman?" KN_MOD "Decline Felicias dinner invitation.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 3 $ feliciaDinnerDecline = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0580 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "While on an outing with Mina, we ran into Felicia and she asked me out to dinner. I declined, deciding to limit my interaction with the Carnation strictly to club business." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Tomorrow's no good for me, sorry." scene w1_0581 with dissolve fel "What about Friday?" scene w1_0580 with dissolve mc "Sorry." scene w1_0582 with dissolve fel "...I get it, I get it." fel "Strictly business, eh?" mina "I don't get it!" scene w1_0583 with dissolve clerk "Ah, Mrs. Ford. We had a little ordering issue with the sizing of one of the items, would you like to try it on or should I just remove it from the order?" scene w1_0584 with dissolve fel "I'll see if it fits, first." scene w1_0585 with dissolve fel "It was nice running into you two. You two love birds don't get into too much trouble without me, okay?" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" fel "As for [mcf], I'll see you tomorrow night, stud." KN_MOD "else:" fel "As for [mcf], I'll see you this weekend, {i}sir{/i}." scene w1_0586 with dissolve mina "I'm a little confused about some of that, but I gather you two have become pretty close! That's great." scene w1_0588 with dissolve mina "Just be careful not to get hurt, [mcf]. She's married, you know?" scene w1_0587 with dissolve "Oh, I {i}know{/i}." scene w1_0588 with dissolve mina "Normally I'd have a problem with that, but her husband's a... eugh." scene w1_0589 with dissolve mina "What I'm trying to say is just don't get any big ideas about her." scene w1_0587 with dissolve mc "Where's this coming from?" scene w1_0589 with dissolve mina "What do you mean? The two of you are my friends. It's only natural to be concerned about either of you." scene w1_0587 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Mina shes worrying for nothing.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You don't have anything to worry about." mc "I know whatever Felicia and I are doing is frivolous." KN_MOD "Thank Mina for her concern.:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thanks, Mina. Thanks for looking out." scene w1_0590 with dissolve mina "Of course!" scene w1_0591 with dissolve mina "I'll drive you home now, if you don't mind. I've got to be at my folks' for a dumb dinner thing later." mc "Sure, let me carry your bags." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." mct "(I got to get a car of my own...)" scene w1_0592 with blinds play music "music/a-brand-new-start.ogg" mina "Thanks again for today." mc "You said you'd stop it with that, remember?" scene w1_0593 with dissolve mina "Hehehe, what can I say, I'm a little liar. You didn't know that about me?" scene w1_0594 with dissolve "Mina struck an innocent-looking pose, one that if she were so inclined, could be used for terrible evil against men." mc "I'll keep that in mind for the future." scene w1_0595 with dissolve mina "Heheh~♥" scene w1_0594 with dissolve mc "Well, I hope your audition goes well. You'll let me know?" scene w1_0596 with dissolve mina "Of course! You'll be the first I call. Anyway, I should go..." scene w1_0594 with dissolve mc "......" scene w1_0597 with dissolve mina "..." scene w1_0598 with dissolve mina "Awww, c'mere!" scene w1_0599 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Mina_Relations = "Friend" show relationmina with dissolve "With a sprightly hop, Mina launched herself into me with abandon, pressing her soft body firmly into mine." scene w1_0600 with dissolve "She smelled of an oddly pleasant mixture of lavender shampoo and sweat." mct "(Man, she's warm and soft... this is nice.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep it to a chaste touch.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "......" mina "..." scene w1_0599 with dissolve "After ten or so seconds, the hug came to an end." scene w1_0605 with dissolve mina "Heh, I see you're a hugging person too." scene w1_0607 with dissolve mina "See you around, [mcf]!" scene black with fade KN_MOD "Rest your hand on her tush:" scene w1_0601 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I slowly crept my hands down the small of her back and brought them to a stop at her waist." scene w1_0602 with dissolve "After allowing a few moments to pass, I let my hands dip down a little further until they rested shamelessly on her ass." KN_MOD "if Mina_Affection < 16:" $ Mina_Affection -= 1 scene w1_0603 with dissolve mina "Hands a little too low there, mister. Knock it off." "Shit, she noticed..." scene w1_0599 with dissolve "After ten or so seconds, the hug came to an end." scene w1_0605 with dissolve mina "Heh, I see you're a hugging person too." scene w1_0607 with dissolve mina "See you around, [mcf]!" scene black with fade KN_MOD "else:" $ Mina_KLove -= 1 scene w1_0604 with dissolve mina "Mmmhh..." "I could be imagining things, but I swear Mina let out a little coo." scene w1_0609 with dissolve "After ten or so seconds, the hug came to an end." scene w1_0606 with dissolve mina "Heh, I see you're a hugging person too." scene w1_0608 with dissolve mina "See you around, [mcf]!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_mina = "Mina and I had a nice evening out. Despite it being me just mostly sitting around, it was a pleasant experience." $ unread_mina = True KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind03 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w1RoseFlag" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w1June02End" KN_MOD "label w1MinaDateSkip:" play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" hide mina-call with dissolve scene w1_0624 with dissolve mct "(Alright, just turned down an afternoon outing with a model...!)" mc "......" mc "..." scene w1_0610 with dissolve mct "(Guess I'll just go jerk off in the shower now?)" scene black with wet "--so that's exactly what I did." scene w1_0611 with fade "I whiled away the rest of the day by attempting to cook a couple of recipes I found online, failing, and then ultimately settled on ordering takeout." KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1RoseFlag" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w1June02End" KN_MOD "label w1RoseFlag:" $ date = "june02night" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind03 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischievous (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Did [mcf] take advantage of Rosalind when they first met?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ roseTakeAdvantage = True KN_MOD "No.:" pass show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0612 with circlewipe play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "*Ding, dong!*" show june02night with squares play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" "Later that night, in the midst of nothing in particular, someone was at the door." scene w1_0613 with dissolve mct "(Who could that be? Ian?)" scene w1_0614 with dissolve mct "(No, if it was him, he'd just barge right in.)" scene w1_0615 with dissolve mct "(Mom would call first, so... someone from the club? A neighbor maybe?)" scene w1_0616 with dissolve mc "Who is it?" rose "It's Rosalind. I'm feeling kind of embarrassed out here, could you let me in please?" mct "(Why would she be embarrassed?)" "From behind the door, I could sense a sliver of panic in her voice." scene w1_0617 with fade: subpixel True yalign 0.1 xalign 0.6 play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" "Once allowed in, she practically tripped over herself to get past the door's threshold." "Not that I didn't instantly understand why. It seemed she had made the trek up to my apartment in a rather conspicuous indigo dress, no doubt drawing the attention of anyone she passed by in the building." scene w1_0617: subpixel True yalign 0.1 xalign 0.6 linear 5 yalign 1.0 mct "(They probably mistook her for a prostitute, which... I guess she kind of is for this month.)" scene w1_0619 with dissolve rose "Thanks! Uh, I hope I'm not interrupting anything by arriving out of the blue like this." scene w1_0618 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reassure her that you werent doing anything.:" scene w1_0621 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "No, you're good. I wasn't really doing much of... anything, really." scene w1_0619 with dissolve rose "Good! When Mr. Beaufort gave me your address earlier, he told me to surprise you." KN_MOD "Ask her how she got your address.:" scene w1_0620 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "How do you know where I live?" scene w1_0619 with dissolve rose "Oh...! Uh, Mr. Beaufort gave it to me. He's the one who told me not to call first." scene w1_0622 with dissolve mc "He did, did he?" scene w1_0619 with dissolve rose "Mind if we sit down?" scene w1_0623 with dissolve mc "Sure. Let's go to the living room. You want something to drink?" scene black with fade rose "You got any wine?" mc "You're in luck. I'm not much of a drinker, but this place came stocked." scene w1_0626 with cwside rose "You're not having any?" scene w1_0628 with dissolve mc "Just tea for me. It's better for my sleep." scene w1_0629 with dissolve rose "You've got a nice home." "Rosalind's eyeline passed around the expansive room, as if silently commenting on the square footage a single college student like me has no use for." scene w1_0627 with dissolve mc "To be honest, it doesn't really feel like home to me. Not sure if it ever will." scene w1_0626 with dissolve rose "That's a difficult feeling to capture, in my experience." scene w1_0628 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >=18:" mc "So... why are you here, Rose?" KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 11:" mc "If you don't mind me asking, what do I owe this visit to?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "So, how can I help you?" scene w1_0625 with dissolve "I may have asked the question, but just taking in the sight of Rosalind in that revealing outfit, breathing in the thick perfume she had spritzed on, and the time of night for the visit - had given me a {i}certain{/i} expectation." "I recalled our outing to the coffee shop, Rosalind's little game of footsy, and the case of blue balls she left me with - a scene from which I hadn't exactly grasped her motivation yet." scene w1_0630 with dissolve rose "Well, uh..." scene w1_0631 with dissolve rose "*GLUG GLUG GLUG*" "Rosalind nervously tossed back her glass, sucking down its contents in one brisk motion." scene w1_0632 with dissolve rose "Can I have another glass, please?" scene w1_0633 with dissolve mc "Sure, let me get that for you..." scene w1_0634 with dissolve "I poured Rosalind another glass." scene w1_0635 with dissolve rose "Thank you, Mr. [mcl]." scene w1_0625 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her to use your first name.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 scene w1_0627 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You can just call me [mcf]." mc "I mean you've got 15 years on me. You're almost old enough to be my mom. It's kind of weird for you to be calling me mister." scene w1_0626 with dissolve rose "...thank you for the wine, [mcf]." scene w1_0628 with dissolve mc "You're welcome, Rose." KN_MOD "Let it pass. You like the deference.:" $ rosePolite = True scene w1_0628 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're welcome, Rose." mc "Now, back to why you're here..." scene w1_0631 with dissolve rose "*GLUG GLUG*" "Again she took another swig of wine, this time in a more conservative fashion." scene w1_0626 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 rose "I wanted to see you." "She said it matter-of-factly, in a suggestive tone that played like honey to my ears." scene w1_0627 with dissolve KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True:" mc "You wanted to {i}see{/i} me?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Is that... so?" scene w1_0630 with dissolve rose "Yeah, about where we left off..." scene w1_0631 with dissolve rose "*GLUG GLUG GLUG*" scene w1_0636 with dissolve "Rosalind tilted her head and knocked back the remainder of her glass before setting it aside." rose "If I recall correctly, I worked you up and split, right?" scene w1_0637 with dissolve play music "music/philly-crew.ogg" rose "I felt really bad about it for a whole week. That was unkind of me." "The tail end of her personal indictment came out in a hushed, beguiling tone." scene w1_0638 with dissolve rose "Hehe~♥" KN_MOD "if rosePolite == True:" rose "Seems you're a healthy man, Mr. [mcl]. You're already growing hard." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Seems you're a healthy man, [mcf]. You're already growing hard." scene w1_0639 with dissolve mc "Don't act surprised. You know exactly what you're doing." mct "(What's her game here?)" "Despite her hold on my reptilian brain, something didn't feel right." scene w1_0640 with dissolve rose "You don't mind a girl taking a peek, right?" scene black with fade "Without waiting for me to reply, Rosalind tugged at my boxer shorts, my body lifting itself up to accommodate her request despite my uncertainty." scene w1_0641 with fade KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" rose "Wow! That's much bigger than I remember it..." mc "Guess you had other things on your mind at the time." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Wow, you're... huge!" scene w1_0642 with dissolve "Softly taking my half-flaccid cock in her lotion-smooth hand, she began to gently jerk it in an effort to coax out an erection." scene w1roseSoftHJ with dissolve "Naturally, it didn't take her long to succeed in her mission. Soon my cock was standing at full mast, twitching eagerly in anticipation for what's to come." scene w1_0645 with dissolve mc "Rose, not that I'm opposed to ANY of this, but... why are you doing this?" scene w1_0646 with dissolve rose "Because I want this? Because you want to...?" KN_MOD "if rosePolite == True:" rose "Don't think too much about it, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Don't think too much about it, [mcf]." "Her whispered words were carried on a puff of hot breath, sending a shiver that started from my ear canal and extended all the way down to my toes." scene w1RoseSeduce1 with dissolve "Rosalind, picking up on my reaction, immediately began to attack and nibble at my earlobe." "Meanwhile her hand continued to caress my cock at an unhurried pace. Some might call it an agonizing pace, but..." "There was a tenderness to her touch that warmed my body and put my mind in a dream-like stupor. It was a safe feeling of comfort." scene w1_0650 with dissolve "Soon, she moved from my ear down to my neck." mc "--ah!" "My body gave an honest response to her efforts." scene w1_0651 with dissolve rose "Mmm, I love a man who's not afraid to moan." mc "I didn't do it on purpose." rose "Either way, it's so hot..." scene w1RoseSeduce2 with dissolve "Encouraged by my response, Rosalind shifted her efforts to a more steady pace." mc "--gha!" mct "(She's so damn slutty, way more than she lets on...!)" scene w1_0655 with dissolve "I felt like putty in Rosalind's hands, as she easily cradled the back of my head and tilted it toward her." "There she locked her unblinking eyes on mine, with an expression that was a mystifying mixture of lust and affection." rose "You don't have anything to worry about, just relax and let me take care of you, [mcf]." scene w1RoseSeduce3 with dissolve "She used my name like a savory punctuation mark to a lewd promise." "The paranoid part of me thought it felt strategic, like a move made to pull me even deeper into the loving fantasy she was authoring." "One that, to be honest, didn't feel like such a bad illusion to get lulled into." rose "You're a kind person." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" rose "If you weren't, you wouldn't have apologized for acting on your feelings the night we met." KN_MOD "else:" rose "You could've taken advantage of me the night we met, but you didn't." rose "I like you, [mcf]. Do you like what I'm doing?" "She asked me fully knowing the answer already, boring into my eyes with her own." mc "{size=-10}You know I do...{/size=-10}" "My voice came out wispy, dulled by sexual desire and stimulation." rose "Good... I only want to make you happy." "Her voice, on the other hand, was melodic." rose "I want you to cum for me. You'll do that for me, won't you baby?" rose "I can make you feel this good any time you want, if you'll just do me a favor..." mc "H-huh?" "Confident she had me ensnared, she sprang her trap." rose "I need your help with winning the exhibition." scene w1_0658 with flash stop music mc "{size=+30}Stop!{/size=+30}" with vpunch "In a fit of anger, I reflexively pushed the scheming woman off of me." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" mc "{size=+20}You fucking...!{/size=+20}" with vpunch "With my very last ounce of control, I swallowed the uglier part of what I wanted to say." rose "I-I-I d-didn't mean to--" scene w1_0659 with fade mc "You thought you'd try and manipulate me, is that it?" scene w1_0660 with dissolve rose "It's not like that! Not... not exactly..." scene w1_0659 with dissolve mc "I wonder what Mrs. Pulman would have to say about you trying to cheat?" scene w1_0661 with dissolve rose "Oh, no no NO! Please, please, please, please, PLEASE don't tell her!" scene w1_0662 with dissolve "Rosalind looked up at me with pleading eyes and such a panic-stricken expression that I began to feel {i}guilty{/i} over feeling what should be a normal reaction to getting played." mct "(Wait... why am I getting so irrationally mad here?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1RoseGovernor:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Governor]{/color} Try to productively manage your anger. if trait_governor == True:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 2 scene w1_0663 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Before I could further speak without thinking, I stopped and took a deep breath." mc "Inhale..." mc "Exhale..." scene w1_0664 with dissolve mc "{size=-10}Inhale... exhale... Now, calm down [mcf]. Take it easy.... take it easy.{/size=-10}" "It was a small mantra my mother had taught me when I was a child to help calm myself down whenever I felt angry." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Once I thought about it rationally, I had no reason to be this heated. In a disinterested sense, I know the way the world is and how desperate Rosalind must be to participate in Mrs. Pulman's game." KN_MOD "else:" "Once I thought about it rationally, I had no reason to be this heated. In a disinterested sense, I know the way the world is and how desperate Rosalind must be to participate in Kathleen's game." "It's only natural she'd try to win, in whatever way she could." scene w1_0665 with dissolve "Plus, at a personal level, Rosalind is nothing to me. Just an acquaintance I had met a few times. It's not like her scheming is a personal betrayal." mct "(It only {i}feels{/i} that way because on some level, I like her. She reminds me of...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0666 with dissolve mc "*sigh* I'm sorry for yelling at you." rose "B-but--" mc "Don't worry, I'm not going to mention this to Mrs. Pulman." scene w1_0667 with dissolve rose "I'm sorry too!" scene w1_0668 with dissolve mc "I don't blame you. I don't know your exact circumstances, but I probably would do the same if I were in your shoes." KN_MOD "Speak your feelings.:" scene w1_0669 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You are aware that I like you, right? Of course you are." mc "It was obvious when I asked you out for coffee. That's the reason you said yes in the first place." mc "You just saw a chance to get ahead, with no regard for my feelings. Am I right?" rose "..." mc "Well?!" with vpunch scene w1_0670 with dissolve rose "It's not like that. I do think you're nice, but, but, aarg...!" stop music scene w1_0671 with flash rose "Don't get sanctimonious with me, you brat!" "She rose to her feet in a fit of anger that matched my own, scolding me like a child." rose "You're on the payroll of a vile witch that profits off of desperate women!" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" rose "Need I remind you that you fucked my face the first time we met?" rose "It's not like I'm taking part in this because I want to!" rose "Boo-hoo! Your feelings are hurt? So what? I have to endure utter humiliation JUST FOR A CHANCE to get my goddamn life back....!" with vpunch rose "So yeah, I thought I'd try to take advantage of the situation. Not like you weren't getting anything out of it!" scene w1_0672 with dissolve mc "..." rose "..." "I was speechless. The rational part of my brain knew she had a point." "I knew the way the world is and how troubled Rosalind must be to participate in this game." "It's only natural she'd try to win, in whatever way she could." scene w1_0668 with dissolve mc "*sigh* I'm sorry for yelling at you." scene w1_0673 with dissolve rose "... and I'm sorry too." scene w1_0668 with dissolve KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Governor] Try to productively manage your anger. {/color} if trait_tireless == True or trait_inquisitive == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1RoseGovernor" mc "Let's sit back down." mct "(First, I should put my pants on.)" "You can't really have a serious conversation with your dick hanging out, can you?" scene w1_0674 with circlewipe play music "music/a-lost-map-of-a-heaven.ogg" rose "Please understand, I wouldn't have tried this if I didn't need to. The woman sitting here, it's... it's not me." scene w1_0675 with dissolve mc "I can appreciate that." scene w1_0676 with dissolve "It was true, I could." "I feel like I'm going to become an entirely different person by the end of this summer." scene w1_0675 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" mc "I know you're in debt, but what kind of trouble are you in exactly, Rose?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "What kind of trouble are you exactly in, Rose?" scene w1_0677 with dissolve rose "The bad kind. I owe money to some very serious men." scene w1_0675 with dissolve mc "How did that happen?" scene w1_0677 with dissolve rose "Before he split, my piece of shit husband borrowed money from loan sharks." rose "Used it to invest into the bottom rung of a Ponzi scheme, right before the whole thing collapsed." rose "That was just one in a long series of shitty investments. He had already squandered what little savings we had by that point." rose "He went as far as even taking out a second mortgage on our home, but... the most amazing feat of his idiocy was borrowing money from criminals for his latest get rich scheme." scene w1_0678 with dissolve mc "Oh..." scene w1_0677 with dissolve rose "When he realized how screwed he was, he bailed." scene w1_0678 with dissolve mc "Leaving you on the hook." scene w1_0679 with dissolve rose "Not just me. If it was just me I'd..." scene w1_0680 with dissolve rose "I have my daughter to worry about!" scene w1_0681 with dissolve "She looked me straight in the eye as she said this, brimming with determination." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "So you turned to Mrs. Pulman's charity, only to find your way here..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "So you turned to Kathleen's charity, only to find your way here..." scene w1_0682 with dissolve rose "It's disgusting what she's doing, but in her messed up offer lies a chance to give my daughter a normal life." scene pr0036 with pixellate rose "Even if it means I have to whore myself out to that awful place...!" scene w1_0681 with pixellate "Rosalind was a good woman. A good mother. This much I was certain of, despite her attempt to seduce me. That said..." mc "Here's the thing, it's not like I don't want to help you... I feel for you, honestly." scene w1_0683 with dissolve mc "It's just I don't see how I CAN help you. For one, I'm new at the club. Secondly, I don't even know if I have the power to affect ANYTHING during the exhibition." mc "What would you have me do?" scene w1_0684 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_0685 with dissolve rose "I... just be my {b}ally{/b}. Try to find ways you can help me if you can." rose "You don't have to make any promises besides that. If you do that..." rose "I'll do whatever you want me to do." scene w1_0681 with dissolve mct "(Hold up, she still wants to make the deal even with zero guarantee?)" mct "(No shit, [mcf]. She's desperate.)" "I'm at a crossroads here. If I flat out refuse her, it's likely she {b}won't ever want to see me outside the club{/b}." "...but do I really want to potentially stick my neck out for her?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Rosalind you accept her deal.:" $ toughness += 3 $ roseDealFullAcceptance = True $ roseFlag = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Alright, I accept your deal. If there's anything I can do, I'll help you." scene w1_0686 with dissolve mc "In exchange, you'll be my personal slut for the next four weeks until the exhibition is ov--." KN_MOD "Tell Rosalind youll help her for free.:" $ toughness -= 2 $ Rosalind_Affection += 5 $ roseFlag = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Alright, I'll help you, but... I'm not going to take advantage of the situation." scene w1_0686 with dissolve mc "You don't have to do anything for my help." scene w1_0687 with dissolve rose "Thank you for being so kind, but..." rose "I have to. The terms are non-negotiable." scene w1_0688 with dissolve mc "You {i}have{/i} to whore yourself out to me? Don't be ridiculous." scene w1_0687 with dissolve rose "I'm sure this seems crazy to you, but it's a matter of pride for me." rose "I don't want to come out of this feeling like I owe a debt to anyone else or... give you room to change your mind." scene w1_0688 with dissolve mc "You're right, that sounds real, {b}real{/b} dumb. Like incredibly stupid." scene w1_0687 with dissolve rose "What's the problem? You find me attractive, don't you?" scene w1_0688 with dissolve mc "Obviously." scene w1_0687 with dissolve rose "Then there should be no issue if I say it's okay." scene w1_0689 with dissolve rose "Not to mention, you're an attractive and nice man. I wouldn't really mind fooling around with you." scene w1_0690 with dissolve mc "...fine, alright." mc "I accept your deal. If there's anything I can do, I'll help you." mc "In exchange, you and I will have some fun together over the next month, until the summer exhibition concludes." mc "The stipulation being that fun is anything I determine it to be, which might just mean us grabbing dinner or watching a crappy movie. I hope you're okay with--" KN_MOD "Tell Rosalind theres nothing you can do.:" $ Rosalind_Affection -= 10 KN_MOD "jump w1RoseFlagDeny" stop music scene w1_0692 with cmet with hpunch rose "Thank you...! Just do what you can, anything!" play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Rosalind_Relations = "Partner in Crime" show relationrose with dissolve "In a fit of happiness, Rosalind surged forward and pulled me into her arms." rose "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" scene w1_0693 with dissolve "All the nervous energy that had been simmering under the surface during our previous conversation had finally found an outlet, taking the form of a deep and intimate hug that pulled my head deeper and deeper into the soft valley on her chest." mc "mmhn, mho ghuaranteesh, rhembemrh?" "I tried to remind Rosalind to keep her expectations in check, but all I managed to do was mumble a bunch of gibberish into her breasts. Not the worst way of shouting into the wind, I'll admit." "With such an intimate embrace, naturally it wasn't long before the embers of our previous encounter reignited into full blown, sexual desire. I could feel myself growing hard once more." scene w1_0694 with dissolve rose "Oh...? What's this?" KN_MOD "if roseDealFullAcceptance == False:" rose "For someone who didn't want to take advantage of little old me, you sure have a funny way of showing it." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Looks like you're ready to cash in on our deal. You said something about me being your personal slut?" "Rosalind adopted a playful and mirth-filled tone, one that I thought keenly suited her more than the gloom and misery it was replacing." KN_MOD "if roseDealFullAcceptance == False:" mct "(Maybe I'm just imagining this, but could she actually be enjoying this? Or is that just a wishful male fantasy on my part to make me feel better about our arrangement...?)" mct "(Oh damn it, just stop thinking and kiss her you moron.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Maybe I'm just imagining this, but could she actually be into this? Or is that just me thinking with my dick...?)" mct "(Guess I'll just have to find out.)" scene w1_0695 with dissolve rose "--mh!" "I brought the teasing woman closer and pulled her into a kiss." scene w1_0696 with dissolve rose "Mmmh..." "She was quick to return my affection, parting her lips and allowing my tongue unimpeded entry into her mouth." "However, Rosalind wasn't content in just being a passive observer in our kiss. For her part, she intertwined her own tongue with mine, fighting to gain passage into my mouth." scene w1_0697 with dissolve "The tight grip she had on me during our hug had all but vanished. In its place, the full-figured woman took on an odd sense of weightlessness in my arms." "Not just her, but me too. As our kiss intensified, my heartbeat quickened and my perception began to dull. Maybe it was simply due to the blood going to my dick, but I felt a sense of buoyancy in our embrace." "Even in the throes of lust, Rosalind had a calming influence that took me to a safe place. I wanted our kiss to go on forever..." scene w1_0698 with dissolve "...but she had other ideas." scene w1_0699 with dissolve rose "Let's {i}shake{/i} on our deal, [mcf]." scene w1_0698 with dissolve "She peered at me with eyes full of desire, giving life to my honest thoughts." scene w1_0700 with dissolve mc "'re so beautiful, Rose." scene w1_0698 with dissolve mct "(Her deadbeat husband's a fucking moron to give this up.)" scene w1_0699 with dissolve rose "Let me get out of this ridiculous dress first." scene black with fade "With a light touch she parted from our embrace, creating an agonizing distance between us. What had been so acutely warm and reassuring was now cold. Not that I could really complain, since..." scene w1_0701 with curtains rose "It's too embarrassing... I don't know if I can turn around." scene w1_0702 with dissolve "Rosalind was playing coy, using the flesh of her bare back as a barricade to conceal her nakedness." "Of course, it was all a charade, an act of showmanship preceding the big reveal." scene w1_0703 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 18:" mc "Cut the bashful bride act. Turn around. Let me get a good look at you." KN_MOD "else:" mc "It's not nice to tease a boy. Let me get a good look at you." scene w1_0704 with w20 mct "(Not that I wasn't enjoying the view from behind.)" scene w1_0705 with dissolve "Shooting me a smile from over her shoulder, Rosalind shifted position, giving me a hard look at her naked body in profile." rose "Impatient, aren't you?" rose "You see something you want?" scene w1_0706 with dissolve "I raised my finger and signaled for Rosalind to come closer." scene w1_0707 with dissolve "Rosalind was happy to oblige, the shrinking divide between us growing smaller and smaller until..." scene w1_0708 with dissolve "She was close enough to touch, which is exactly what I did." scene w1_0709 with dissolve "Methodically, I made my way up her body. First, planting kisses on her soft tummy." rose "Hehe, that tickles..." scene w1_0710 with dissolve "Peck by peck I made my way up to her breasts, kissing the tops and bottoms of the bountiful mounds with an utmost sense of worship." scene w1_0711 with dissolve "Finally, we stood face to face, eyes honed in on one another like there was nothing else in the world." rose "Don't make a gal beg now..." "As if I even needed the encouragement..." scene w1_0712 with dissolve "Lifting Rosalind into the air, I spun on the heels of my feet and gently laid her down on the couch." scene w1_0713 with dissolve "Positioned beneath me, she matched my gaze with a need-filled stare of her own." with vpunch "It was a look that made me forget my own pleasure for the moment." scene w1_0714 with dissolve "With that clear goal in mind, I started on the task of unveiling her sex..." scene w1_0715 with dissolve "...sliding her panties past her milky white thighs, down to her ankles, until they slipped effortlessly off her feet." scene w1_0716 with dissolve rose "Looks like you've got me fully unwrapped, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "if rosePolite == False:" scene w1_0717 with dissolve mc "I told you to just call me [mcf]." scene w1_0716 with dissolve rose "Ever consider I enjoy calling you that? You don't mind it occasionally, I hope..." scene w1_0718 with dissolve rose "{b}Oh...?{/b} You're not just going to stick it in. My husband never really cared to..." stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her not to mention her husband.:" scene w1_0719 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Maybe don't bring up other guys when I'm about to eat you out, eh?" scene w1_0720 with dissolve rose "Hehe... sorry." KN_MOD "Insult her husband.:" $ toughness += 1 $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 scene w1_0719 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "No offense, but your husband is a pussy who ran out on you. It's a low bar." scene w1_0721 with dissolve rose "Heh, good point..." KN_MOD "Let her comment pass:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass scene w1_0722 with dissolve play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" mc "*Schlick, schlup...!*" rose "Kh...!" "Suddenly, I began to lap at Rosalind's inner folds, tracing an invisible pattern with my tongue." mc "*Schlick, schlup...!*" "She had clearly come here expecting to be fucked, if the aroma of freshly applied banana-scented soap was any indicator to go by." scene w1_0723 with dissolve rose "Mmmhhh..." "My efforts didn't produce much of a response from my co-conspirator at first, beyond some squirming and almost imperceptible vocalizations." mc "*Schlick, schlup...!*" mc "*Schlick, tchk, schlup...!*" rose "{size=-20}That's nice...{/size=-20!}{w} {size=-10}That's nice...{/size=-10}" "Slowly but surely though, as the minutes passed, that began to change." scene w1_0724 with dissolve rose "That feels good, baby." "Clear words of encouragement and a building, pulsating heat from her sex were the signs that my efforts weren't for nothing." rose "You're doing a good job, you're doing so so so {size=+10}SO{/size=+10} good!." "I had to admit, there was something charming and wholesome about Rosalind's idea of pillow talk." "For a while, I simply let my tongue gently probe the slutty mother's cunny, lapping up the pooling juices and enjoying the sweet sounds that were escaping Rosalind's soft lips." mc "*Schlick, schlup...!*" mc "*Schlick, tchk, schlup...!*" "While I was happy to take it slow and wile away the minutes basking in Rosalind's pleasured sighs and cute twitches, it seemed she had other plans." rose "Aaah, oooh...!" scene w1_0727 with dissolve "The pace proving too slow and agonizing, the matronly woman took matters into her own hands." with vpunch rose "C-c'mon, come on, r-right there!" "She began guiding my head in an attempt to steer my tongue to the places she wanted it to go." mct "(Oh, she wants more? I'll give her more!)" scene w1_0728 with dissolve "Seeing as she wasn't content with just my mouth, I brought a hand up to the plush woman's entrance and began to tenderly trace the petals of her engorged vulva before sinking them into the damp fuckhole." rose "nnnNney...?!" "The sudden intrusion caused Rosalind to yelp in surprise, as I worked my finger in conjunction with my tongue, searching for new ways to draw out whorish moans from her throat." scene w1_0729 with dissolve mc "*Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!* *Schlick, schlup...!*" rose "Oh, [mcf]... oh, fuck... oh, [mcf]...!" mc "*Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!* *Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!* " "In between the nonsensical babbling, Rosalind started to call out my name." rose "Oh, [mcf], fuck, fuck, FUCK... oh, [mcf]...!" "Again and again, like a broken record." rose "That's--that's--that's...!" rose "{b}St-st-stoooop! Wait a minute!{/b}" scene w1_0730 with dissolve "Her abrupt refusal brought me to a commanding halt." scene w1_0732 with dissolve mc "...huh? What's the matter? Why'd you tell me to stop?" mc "You sounded like you were getting close." scene w1_0731 with dissolve rose "Y-yes! I was about to cum!" scene w1_0732 with dissolve mc "That's a problem for you...?" "She had me thoroughly confused with her reaction." scene w1_0733 with dissolve rose "Don't look at me like I'm a weirdo, it's just... it's j-just..." scene w1_0731 with dissolve rose "The tingling, the itchiness... it was weird." scene w1_0732 with dissolve "...hold up." mc "Are you saying you've never orgasmed before?" scene w1_0731 with dissolve rose "No, I've orgasmed... with toys... by myself, it was j-just... ngh! It's just... it never felt like this!" scene w1_0734 with dissolve rose "...w-what? Why are you grinning like an idiot?" scene w1_0735 with dissolve scene w1_0725 with dissolve mc "For one, you just checked off the ridiculous fantasy of pretty much every dude." scene w1_0726 with dissolve mct "(Then again, she could just be playing me here. Considering her previous attempt to seduce me, this could all be lip service for my ego.)" scene w1_0725 with dissolve mc "For another, well..." scene w1_0726 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her youre grinning because shes adorable.:" $ toughness -= 1 scene w1_0725 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I was also just thinking you're adorable. That's all." KN_MOD "Tell her youre grinning because youre not going to stop.:" $ toughness += 1 scene w1_0725 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I was also just thinking I'm going to tongue fuck a VERY good memory into you tonight. One you won't be able to forget." scene w1_0726 with dissolve mct "(Christ, since when did I get so damn cocky?)" scene w1_0739 with dissolve rose "You...!" KN_MOD "if rosePolite == True:" rose "You shouldn't tease an older woman, Mr. [mcl]. It's not nice." KN_MOD "else:" rose "You shouldn't tease an older woman, [mcf]. It's not nice." mc "I disagree!" scene w1_0736 with dissolve rose "--eh?!" with vpunch "Rosalind's cute reaction had invigorated me, sending me diving back into the previous task with a renewed mission: making this motherly, but surprisingly inexperienced woman cum her brains out until she's just a quivering puddle of sex." mc "*Schlick, schlup...!*" rose "Don't just so suddenly...!" mc "*Schlick, tchk, schlup...!*" scene w1_0737 with dissolve rose "Oooh-- eh, that does feel nice..." "The embarrassed expression Rosalind had fixed on her face during our conversational intermission instantly transformed into a dopey, glassed over look." "This new angle allowed my tongue new access to previously unexplored parts of Rosalind's slick love tunnel." mc "*Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!* *Schlick, schlup...!*" "Feverishly, I scraped and lashed at her insides, seeking just the right combination of movements in a bid to get Rosalind's vocal cords humming like a dollar-store slide whistle." rose "Aha-- *huff* *huff* Don't stop this time, alright?" rose "I'm ready for you..." rose "I {i}want{/i} you." "She beckoned me with a whisper-like, honeyed tone that practically caused my heart to skip a beat." mc "*Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!* *Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!*" "I doubled and tripled my efforts, so singularly focused on eating her out that breathing became an optional thing that I only sometimes remembered to do." "I stretched and strained my tongue so far out of my mouth that it was starting to hurt." scene w1_0738 with dissolve rose "Gghee, you're practically making out with my lower mouth...!" mc "*Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!* *Schlick, schlup...!*" mc "*Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!* *Schlick, schlup...!* *Schlick, tchk, schlup...!*" rose "There it is, there it is, there it is...♥!" "I could feel Rosalind begin to tense up in my arms, reeling back like a spring being primed." rose "Ehaaa~♥, I'm feeling it again, baby...♥ That itching sensation...!" rose "Ah...! Ah...!" scene w1_0743 with vpunch with flash with vpunch with flash with vpunch with flash rose "Gaeeeeeah--!" "Rosalind's climax was a funny thing, full of sound and bluster in the build up, but taking a sharp turn into a body-trembling silence at its peak." scene w1_0744 with fade "A dumb-looking grin had spread on the lethargic woman's painted lips, repeatedly broken and reformed as she gulped down air at an erratic rate." rose "*huff* *huff* Ehee... That was nice..." stop music fadeout 3.0 rose "You're... REALLY good at that, oh geez. You kids today pick up things quick." mc "That was all you, I couldn't help but go all out when your reactions were just too cute." scene w1_0745 with dissolve rose "Mmhh..." scene w1_0746 with dissolve play music "music/Moonlight-Sonata.ogg" rose "You know... this seems awfully lopsided so far. I get good head and the benefit of your support when..." rose "You haven't had your fill yet." rose "It's hard to call this a tit-for-tat arrangement if I get all the tat and you don't enjoy the tit." scene w1_0747 with dissolve mc "I've been working my way to that..." mc "Lie back straight on the couch and spread your legs." scene w1_0748 with dissolve rose "Hmmm, like this?" scene w1_0749 with dissolve rose "Is this to your satisfaction, {i}Mr. [mcl]{/i}?" scene w1_0750 with dissolve "She added a playful, teasing edge to the question." mc "No {i}Miss Carter{/i}, it's not. Spread them {b}wide{/b}." scene w1_0751 with dissolve rose "Is this more to your liking, {i}sir{/i}?" scene w1_0752 with dissolve mc "I think this should speak for itself." "I climbed over Rosalind and positioned myself between the waiting woman's legs, presenting her with my cock." "I had been painfully hard for a long while, long before Rosalind had stripped nude. By now, I was {i}aching{/i} for release and the perfect outlet was right in front of me: her eager, drooling quim." scene w1_0754 with dissolve rose "...go, ahead." scene w1_0753 with dissolve mc "Here I..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/static.wav" scene w1_0160 with Pixellate(0.4, 5) $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/static.wav" scene w1_0161 with hpunch $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/static.wav" scene w1_0162 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene w1_0753 with Pixellate(0.4, 5) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "..." scene w1_0755 with dissolve rose "Is something wrong?" scene w1_0756 with dissolve "Nearly unable to resist the temptation of plunging my cock inside Rosalind, my conscience nevertheless gave me a brief moment of pause." "Even if this is her idea..." KN_MOD "if roseDealFullAcceptance == False:" "Even if she refused my offer of no-strings-attached help in lieu of this arrangement..." "She's a woman desperately backed into a corner, just like my mother was." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask Rosalind if shes truly okay with this.:" $ toughness -= 2 $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're... sure about this?" scene w1_0757 with dissolve rose "Oh... sweetie." rose "Thank you, but... we've already come pretty far to be asking that now." scene w1_0758 with dissolve mc "There's still time to stop." scene w1_0759 with dissolve rose "Does it look like I want to stop? You've got me REALLY fired up right about now..." mc "..." "I gave her an unconvinced look." rose "*sigh* You're a nice kid... the fact that you're even asking proves that." rose "You're better than anyone else I've met at that club at least." scene w1_0758 with dissolve mc "Not like that's a stiff competition." scene w1_0759 with dissolve rose "Oh, hush! Stop overthinking things and stick that fat dick in me before I do it myself." scene w1_0758 with dissolve mc "How am I to argue with that?" scene w1_0760 with vpunch stop music fadeout 3.0 "With a not-so-gentle shove, I forced Rosalind back down flat on the couch." KN_MOD "Dont let your conscience get in the way of a good time.:" $ toughness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Absolutely not. Just taking a breath before I fuck you stupid." scene w1_0754 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 rose "Hurry up and stick that fat dick in me before I do it myself." scene w1_0761 with flash play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" "Firmly gripping her calves with my hands, I unceremoniously speared myself to the hilt inside Rosalind's dripping slit." rose "--ah! Yes, yes... finally!" mc "Why don't you ask for it like a good girl?" rose "Please, give it--" scene rosamis1_a with dissolve show rosamis1 "Without waiting for her to indulge me, I rolled my hips back and began to fuck the slutty mother without restraint." rose "Eh?" "The look on her face told me she wasn't expecting the sudden violent movement." "Combine that with how easy it was to slide in and out of her slavering hole, I knew one thing: she was feeling this, no matter the underlying circumstances that brought her here." "I could confidently put aside any lingering compunctions and fully enjoy myself." rose "Ah... so sudden, eeeh... you're being so... SO rough..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1RoseMissonary:" KN_MOD "Tease Rosalind with dirty talk.:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosamis1b_a with dissolve show rosamis1b mc "Better brace yourself, because I'm not slowing down." mc "Sluts don't get a say in how they get fucked." rose "Eeeh...? I'm not..." mc "You're not a slut? Could've fooled me, with the way you're squeezing down on my cock right now." rose "That's...--eh, it just... just feels so nice." mc "Not to mention, you're fucking me for your own gain. That makes you more than just a slut, it also makes you a whore. A paid for whore." rose "I--but, ah-- it feels so SO nice..." scene rosamis1_a with dissolve show rosamis1 mc "See you can't even argue against it, when your lower half is being honest. All you can do is drool over my cock and say {i}thank you{/i} for fucking me." rose "Ah... AH, yes... thank you for f-fucking me!" mc "I don't think I heard you clearly, say it again." KN_MOD "if rosePolite == True:" rose "Ggg-- I said, THANK YOU. Thank you for fucking me, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Ggg-- I said, THANK YOU. Thank you for fucking me." "Rosalind was definitely feeling this kind of treatment. She had slipped into the role of obedient whore rather seamlessly. I'm sure part of it was her simply playing to my tastes, but she was definitely feeling this kind of dirty talk." "I could feel the effect in both the feverish way she moved her hips and the feeling of inner walls squeezing hungrily around my rod." mc "Good girl... that's right..." scene rosamis1b_a with dissolve show rosamis1b rose "Aaaeeeh, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU...!" rose "Thank you for fucking me!" mc "Gng-- good, good fucking whore." rose "Aaah... I'm a whore... I'm a whore...!" rose "{b}Fuck{/b} me like a whore, [mcf]. I need this...!" KN_MOD "Shower Rosalind with praise.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosamis1b_a with dissolve show rosamis1b mc "That's because you're so beautiful. I can't help myself." rose "You really think so? I'm almost a middle-aged lady." mc "Do I think so? Can't you tell by how I'm fucking you?" mc "Everything about you is charming, Rose. Your voluminous ocean-blue eyes, your gentle countenance, your sweet song-like voice..." mc "You've got such a calming smile too, not to mention your figure." rose "What about my figure?" scene rosamis1_a with dissolve show rosamis1 mc "You've got the most amazing, full-looking tits I've ever laid eyes on and an ass that would be at home on a donkey." rose "Pfft-shut up! You're supposed to be fucking me, not making jokes." mc "That's what I'm doing. You're so beautiful it makes me want to mess you up." rose "I like the sound of that, [mcf]." rose "Go ahead and mess me up. Stir me up with that young cock of yours." "Rosalind knew {i}exactly{/i} how to encourage me." mc "Ah! You beautiful, fat-assed bitch!" scene rosamis1b_a with dissolve show rosamis1b "My head was beginning to swell with the feeling of conquest." "One that was a product of taking a fine woman like Rosalind, prying her legs apart, and zealously fucking her like an animal." "It was a feeling of serendipity, of having the dumb luck for a woman like Rosalind to fall into my lap." rose "This feels so..." rose "I-- ah, this feels so SO nice...!" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Recall Interview]{/color} Use your eyes, not your words. if w1RoseGonzo == True and roseGonzoPositions == True:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 3 $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I recalled what Rosalind admitted to me during her introduction video." scene w1_1764 with pixellate rose "Ehehe... I like the idea of being folded in half, looking my partner in his eyes as he rails me slowly." scene rosamis1b_a with dissolve show rosamis1b mc "Nevermind about that. Look me in the eyes when I fuck you, Rose." "I mustered my best authoritarian tone, careful not to let my voice crack from the incredible pleasure Rose's lower mouth was giving me with its kiss.." rose "Eeeh, ..w-what?" "Instead of answering her, I did my best to let my eyes lead by example, looking down at Rosalind's face and trying to stare a hole right through her." "To my surprise, she didn't burst out laughing at my experimental, dorkish attempt at seduction. Instead she..." rose "Ah... you're looking at me so..." rose "This feels so..." rose "I-- ah, this feels so SO nice...!" "Throughout her carnal affirmations, I didn't say a word. Instead, I just left my unblinking eyes locked onto hers, my face tightly composed as my hips continuously battered her into hers." scene w1_0765 with dissolve "Her crystal blue eyes were clouded over with razor-sharp desire, returning my own gaze with equal intensity, trading verbal communication for a wordless rutting punctuated by the occasional involuntary moan." "In a way, it was a bizarre, dirty staring contest." mct "({b}Fuck{/b}, she's so damn beautiful.)" "The kind of beautiful that makes you want to, in equal measure, both exalt in admiration and fuck into the dirt." scene rosamis1b_a with dissolve show rosamis1b rose "Aah... no fair! You just went somewhere else for a second." mc "Sorry, I just got lost in thought." rose "Don't. {b}Focus on me{/b}, baby." rose "It's just you and me in the world right now. Nothing else...♥" mct "(Right. It's just Rosalind and I, fucking like animals. Our hips moving in unison, thrusting with full abandon.)" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Recall her interview] Use your eyes, not your words.{/color} if w1RoseGonzo == True and roseGonzoPositions == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1RoseMissonary" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Recall her interview] Use your eyes, not your words.{/color} if w1RoseGonzo == False and roseGonzoPositions == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1RoseMissonary" "Each thrust was like a tug of war. My cock found no resistance in the act of sheathing itself to the base, but each retraction was a renewed struggle to free myself from the slutty mother's cum-hungry tunnel." mct "(I don't know if it's our chemistry or if Rosalind is simply in need of a good dicking, but her cunt is so damn receptive to pleasure.)" "Fucking a woman like Rosalind is a bigger, more twisted rush than I could've ever hoped for." "Her loving personality, her present circumstances... it all mingled together to paint an irresistible dichotomy. On one side, the chaste image of a self-sacrificing mother." "On the other side a woman with abundant sexual desire, currently slavishly howling and moving her hips like a senseless animal. Two seemingly contradictory pictures, but {i}shit{/i} when combined they form one hell of a depraved composite image." scene w1_0766 with dissolve rose "Oh.. eeh....what... AAAAAH, fugheee--♥!" with flash "Soon that struggle became even more intense. A sudden intense tightness coupled with a whorish outpouring of garbled nonsense told me Rosalind's body had been wracked by a second, sudden orgasm." scene w1_0767 with dissolve rose "Eeeeeeeh....! I fheel sho, ng--!" with flash "...and then another, Rosalind's body once again tensing up and uncoiling itself in pleasure." with flash scene w1_0766 with dissolve rose "Ghheee--" "Again and again, and with a diminishing return, I fought through Rosalind's back-to-back mini-orgasms, jackhammering my hips with a galvanized intensity." with flash "I was getting close. I could feel it in my balls." scene rosamis2_a with dissolve show rosamis2 "Any sense of higher self was now replaced by a singular fuck-driven urge." rose "Gggh-a, I'm fheeling so weird-right now..." rose "Your dick, I can feel it... eeeh..." rose "Y-you're close, right? Come on, baby. Give it to me." rose "Eeeh, It's safe to-- to cum inside." rose "--A----" rose "---s-f-S-fg---d---" "By this point her words were barely reaching me at all, my mind had been voided of anything but my impeding release. I..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cum Inside:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "By this point, I was on auto-pilot. Operating solely on instinct." "And my instincts told me to shove my cock as deep as I possibly could and blow my load straight into her womb." scene w1_0772 with hpunch "So that's what I did, folding the slutty mother in half like a toy and extending my hips until it hurt." mc "Ggg--! Take it, you bitch!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "--!" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" rose "Ghheee--! There's so much, I'm... eeeh, I'm..." with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" rose "--ggggggggggggeeeeeh...!" with flash "Rosalind was shook by one last orgasm, squeezing down on my dick hard, causing it to be rooted to the base." "Her lower mouth was going to make sure it drank down all my baby batter." scene w1_0773 with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Ggghaaa--!" mc "*Huff, huff* *Huff, huff*" rose "There's so much....egn." KN_MOD "jump w1RoseSexCleanCuddleTime" KN_MOD "Pull out and ejaculate on Rosalinds stomach and tits.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "By this point, I was on auto-pilot. Operating solely on instinct." "And my instinct told me I wanted to let Rosalind personally see ALL the spunk she had worked so hard to get out of me." scene w1_0774 with dissolve mc "Ggg--! Take it, you bitch!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "--!" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" rose "Eeeh, there's so much..." with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "ng--!" with flash "Gripping my dick, I lackadaisically pointed it in the general direction of the slutty mother's torso." "Spurt after spurt spattered Rosalind's pale stomach. Not just there either, the intensity and the amount was surprising." "Some even made its way to Rosalind's large, heaving breasts." scene w1_0775 with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "*Huff, huff* *Huff, huff*" rose "Geez... that's so... that's a lot..." rose "You've made an awful mess of me. I'm going to smell like you all night..." KN_MOD "jump w1RoseSexDirtyCuddleTime" KN_MOD "label w1RoseSexCleanCuddleTime:" scene w1_0784 with dissolve play music "music/a-lost-map-of-a-heaven.ogg" rose "Hey, [mcf]..." rose "If it's not too much trouble..." rose "Would you mind holding me for a minute while I wait for the feeling to return to my legs?" "Rosalind hit me with an adorable request." scene w1_0785 with dissolve mc "You're a post-coital cuddle kind of gal?" scene w1_0784 with dissolve rose "I take what I can get." scene w1_0786 with dissolve mc "I like a little physical intimacy myself." scene w1_0787 with dissolve "An oddly comfortable silence came over us for a few moments, before Rosalind drew attention to the mess I made of her nether regions." scene w1_0788 with dissolve rose "Eeeh-hehe, I feel so full." mc "Take it as a compliment." scene w1_0789 with dissolve mct "(Mmmnn... Rose is so soft and warm. I... I...)" scene w1_0790 with dissolve mc "*Yawn* Muhahhaaaa." scene w1_0789 with dissolve mct "(I'll just shut my eyes a little bit...)" scene w1_0791 with dissolve "I let myself drift off to sleep, enjoying the feeling of having another person beside me as I did." "For me, it was a rare occurrence. One I was happy to indulge in." stop music fadeout 3.0 "........." scene black with fade "......" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1RoseEnd" KN_MOD "label w1RoseSexDirtyCuddleTime:" scene w1_0776 with dissolve play music "music/a-lost-map-of-a-heaven.ogg" rose "Hey, [mcf]..." rose "If it's not too much trouble..." rose "Would you mind holding me for a minute while I wait for the feeling to return to my legs?" "Rosalind hit me with an adorable request." scene w1_0777 with dissolve mc "You're a post-coital cuddle kind of gal?" scene w1_0776 with dissolve rose "Mmmhm, I take what I can get." scene w1_0779 with dissolve mc "I like a little physical intimacy myself." scene w1_0778 with dissolve "An oddly comfortable silence came over us for a few moments, before Rosalind drew attention to the mess I made of her chest.." scene w1_0780 with dissolve rose "Eeeh-hehe, there's so much of it and it's so thick." mc "You should take it as a compliment." scene w1_0781 with dissolve mct "(Mmmnn... Rose is so soft and warm. I... I...)" scene w1_0782 with dissolve mc "*Yawn* Muhahhaaaa." scene w1_0781 with dissolve mct "(I'll just shut my eyes a little bit...)" scene w1_0783 with dissolve "I let myself drift off to sleep, enjoying the feeling of having another person beside me as I did." "For me, it was a rare occurrence. One I was happy to indulge in." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" scene black with fade "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1RoseEnd" KN_MOD "label w1RoseEnd:" rose "Good night, [mcf]." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "..." scene w1_0792 with dissolve $ history_rosalind = "I allowed myself to knowingly fall prey to Rosalind's seduction, agreeing to help her gain an advantage in the exhibition if the opportunity arises." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" mc "Mmmgh..." scene w1_0793 with dissolve play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" "A couple of hours later, I opened my eyes and found myself alone." "Rosalind had put a blanket over me and left a glass of water on the table while I slept." scene w1_0794 with dissolve mct "(Ghh...)" "I slept way longer than I intended, shattering all hope of getting to bed at a decent time tonight." "It was most definitely worth it though. Rosalind is an interesting woman, if difficult to read." "I wonder how much of what she showed me tonight was manufactured and how much of it was her honest reaction." mct "(The way she was carrying on at the end seemed real, but then again, what the hell do I know? Smarter men than I have fallen prey to the affectations of beautiful women.)" mct "(I can't believe I agreed to help her win the summer exhibition.)" mct "(Well, I did say I would only help her if the opportunity presented itself, but...)" mct "(I should probably make a genuine effort in looking for one, huh? Still, doing so might jeopardize my newly minted place at the club...)" "Why {i}did{/i} I agree to help her?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "It was the promise of sex, obviously.:" $ roseHelpSex = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Well, what other reason could there be?)" "She had me really worked up there, and my side of the deal was so vague and noncommittal..." KN_MOD "Its because she needs the help.:" $ roseHelpNeed = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(It's because it really sounded like she needed the help.)" "She's fighting not only for her own livelihood, but for her daughter's as well." "Veronica on the other hand is only trying to keep her failing business afloat. Felicia, well..." mct "(I think she might just be crazy.)" KN_MOD "Its because she reminds you of a certain woman.:" $ roseHelpMom = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(There's no way around it, is there?)" "She reminded me of my own mother, after my father's death." "Obviously the circumstances are different, but she's fighting not only for her own livelihood, but her daughter's as well." "It's a situation I can deeply empathize with. Unbeknownst to her, I was actually the perfect mark for her conspiracy." mct "(I'm more sentimental than I thought.)" scene w1_0795 with dissolve mct"(I should brush my teeth and try to get some more shut-eye. Don't want to fall into poor sleeping habits.)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW1SexGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW1SexGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w1June02End" KN_MOD "label w1RoseFlagDeny:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0796 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I don't think I can or should help." scene w1_0797 with dissolve rose "But...!" scene w1_0796 with dissolve mc "It wouldn't be fair to Veronica or Felicia, not to mention I might be putting my own place at the club at risk." scene w1_0684 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_0798 with dissolve rose "I... understand. Would you please keep this between us at least?" scene w1_0684 with dissolve mc "Of course. This stays right here. It never happened." mc "I just wish there was more I could do for you." scene w1_0680 with dissolve rose "That's okay... I'll win this thing regardless, no matter what. I have to. If I don't, who knows what..." scene w1_0684 with dissolve "She trailed off, with what was left unsaid having a sobering implication." scene w1_0798 with dissolve rose "I'm... I feel very ridiculous right now. I think it's best if I leave.." scene w1_0799 with fade rose "S-sorry for all of this." scene w1_0800 with dissolve mc "...that's okay. Take care of yourself, Rose." scene w1_0801 with dissolve "I wish I could've offered her some comforting words, but the cruel reality is nothing I could say can save her from the soul crushing predicament she's currently in." "It would all be inadequate. In this world, we all are ultimately alone and we have to save ourselves. Is that not what my own mother learned the hard way after my father died?" "So instead, I left her with nothing but cold parting words." scene w1_0802 with dissolve rose "I'll see you this weekend." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_rosalind = "Rosalind tried to seduce me into helping her win the exhibition, but I turned her down out of fairness to the other Carnations and my sense of self-preservation. I don't think I'll be seeing her outside of the club from now on." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() scene black with fade KN_MOD "jump w1June02End" KN_MOD "label w1June02End:" $ date = "june02night" scene w1_0804 with cmet "Later, as I lay in bed waiting for the curtain to be drawn on my day, my head was oddly devoid of thoughts." "Gradually, I felt the weight of sleep begin to wash over me." scene w1_0817 with dissolve "........." "......" scene w1_0803 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Chirp, chirp.* --!" play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" mct "(Fuck.)" mct "(That's probably Ian, considering the time.)" scene w1_0805 with fade mct "(Yep. That's two for two, the past couple of nights.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene player-bedroom-dark blur with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1MinaLie == True:" $ Mina_Affection -= 3 $ Killian_Bromance += 1 KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_4" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, Hey, Doc!) from _call_message_start_15" KN_MOD "call message (Killian, Thanks for getting Mina pissed at both of us!) from _call_message_41" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Im sorry, what?,w1June02EndPissed1,Uh, what the hell did I do?.,w1June02EndPissed2)" KN_MOD "else:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_5" KN_MOD "call message_start(Killian, Hey, Doc!) from _call_message_start_16" KN_MOD "call message (Killian, Thanks for getting Mina pissed at me!) from _call_message_42" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(What did I do?,w1June02EndPissed3,You made your own bed.,w1June02EndPissed4)" KN_MOD "label w1June02EndPissed1:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_10" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Im sorry, what?) from _call_message_start_17" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, The cover story, you idiot! You told her I was with my uncle today.) from _call_message_43" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Oh, I thought that was a pretty reasonable one...) from _call_reply_message_11" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, It would be... if you gave me a heads up so we could coordinate our stories!) from _call_message_44" KN_MOD "call reply_message (...ah. She knows I lied?) from _call_reply_message_12" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Yep. On the bright side, thats taken some of the heat off me. Silver lining.) from _call_message_45" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Thanks for being a bro though, Im glad to know you have my back. Just, take it from a professional, if youre going to lie, never be too specific! Itll blow up in your face.) from _call_message_46" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Thanks, Professor Asshole.) from _call_reply_message_13" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Anytime. Night, bro!) from _call_message_47" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_5" KN_MOD "jump w1June02EndForReal" KN_MOD "label w1June02EndPissed2:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_11" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Uh, what the hell did I do?) from _call_message_start_18" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, The cover story, you idiot! You told her I was with my uncle today.) from _call_message_48" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Oh, I thought that was a pretty reasonable one...) from _call_reply_message_14" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, It would be... if you gave me a heads up so we could coordinate our stories!) from _call_message_49" KN_MOD "call reply_message (...ah. She knows I lied?) from _call_reply_message_15" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Yep. On the bright side, thats taken some of the heat off me. Silver lining.) from _call_message_50" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Thanks for being a bro though, Im glad to know you have my back. Just, take it from a professional, if youre going to lie, never be too specific! Itll blow up in your face.) from _call_message_51" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Thanks, Professor Asshole.) from _call_reply_message_16" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Anytime. Night, bro!) from _call_message_52" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_6" KN_MOD "jump w1June02EndForReal" KN_MOD "label w1June02EndPissed3:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_12" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], What did I do?) from _call_message_start_19" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, You told her I got so wasted I had to sleep it off at your place.) from _call_message_53" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Thats only the truth. I did conveniently leave out the part where you were eating out a strange woman in my bathroom.) from _call_reply_message_17" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, You know what? Fair enough. It was me that fucked up here.) from _call_message_54" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Thats a surprisingly self-cognizant response for you.) from _call_reply_message_18" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Still, for future reference, I wouldve prefered a simple I dont know if she ever asks you where I am.) from _call_message_55" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Uh, thanks for performing my boyfriend duties by the way. I really mean it.) from _call_message_56" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, This might seem insincere since Im the one who forgot about our date, but Im glad she didnt spend the day alone.) from _call_message_57" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Yeah, no problem. Just get a date-book or something, yeah?) from _call_reply_message_19" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Hehe, maybe I should. Anyway, night bro!) from _call_message_58" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Night!) from _call_message_59" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_7" KN_MOD "jump w1June02EndForReal" KN_MOD "label w1June02EndPissed4:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_13" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], You made your own bed.) from _call_message_start_20" KN_MOD "call reply_message (I did conveniently leave out the part where you were eating out a strange woman in my bathroom.) from _call_reply_message_20" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, You know what? Fair enough. It was me that fucked up here.) from _call_message_60" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Thats a surprisingly self-cognizant response for you.) from _call_reply_message_21" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Still, for future reference, I wouldve prefer a simple I dont know if she ever asks you where I am.) from _call_message_61" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Uh, thanks for performing my boyfriend duties by the way. I really mean it.) from _call_message_62" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, This might seem insincere since Im the one who forgot about our date, but Im glad she didnt spend the day alone.) from _call_message_63" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Yeah, no problem. Just get a date-book or something, yeah?) from _call_reply_message_22" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Hehe, maybe I should. Anyway, night bro!) from _call_message_64" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Night!) from _call_message_65" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_8" KN_MOD "jump w1June02EndForReal" KN_MOD "label w1June02EndForReal:" ## Transition back to the image of Edwin holding the phone up to his face scene w1_0805 with dissolve mc "..." ## Edwin puts the phone back down scene w1_0806 with dissolve mct "(He's such a moron.)" KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance >= 20:" mct "(...but he's my moron.)" scene black with fade "It took me another hour to get back to sleep." "This time I remembered to put my phone on silence." stop music fadeout 3.0 "........." "....." "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump june03start" KN_MOD "label june03start:" scene black with blinds play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve $ date = "june03day" "*Ding dong!*" scene w1_0807 with sunshine mc"Unmmgh... eh?" mct "(Who could that be...? Maybe if I ignore it they'll just go away...)" play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" show june03day with squares "*Ding dong!*" mct "(There it is again...)" "The irritating, sleep-rending noise known as a doorbell DID NOT stop like I had hoped." play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" "*Ding dong!*" mct "(Nggg... fuck!)" scene w1_0808 with fade mc "I'm coming!" scene black with fade mc "It's a bit early, don't you--" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "The person at the door was most definitely not who I expected." scene w1_0809 with fade play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" chuck "Hiya, lad. Going by your lack of clothes, I'm guessin' I caught you in the middle of catching some z's." chuck "Late night?" chuck "Oh, to be young again." scene w1_0810 with dissolve chuck "I brought you some coffee." scene w1_0811 with fade KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "What do I owe this visit to, sir?" KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "What do I owe this visit to, Uncle Chuck?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "What do I owe this visit to, Dr. Chuck?" scene w1_0812 with dissolve chuck "I wanted to check in on you, see how you're adjusting to things." chuck "For one, how's the new bachelor pad treating you? I see you still haven't found the hidden cameras." scene w1_0811 with dissolve mc "Uh... w-what? Hidden cameras?" scene w1_0813 with dissolve chuck "Bahahahaha! Oh, you should see the look on your face, lad. I'm kidding, I'm kidding! There's no cameras... that I know of, at least." scene w1_0812 with dissolve chuck "Wouldn't put it past Kathy to have Warren install a few though. She's a bit of a {i}voyeur{/i}, if you couldn't tell from the way she conducted the show a couple of weeks ago." scene w1_0811 with dissolve mc "Heh, good one..." mct "(Note to self: do an internet search on how to look for hidden cameras.)" scene w1_0812 with dissolve chuck "Anyway, the apartment. It's to your liking?" scene w1_0814 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell him its too big.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "To be honest, it's a little too big for just me." mc "Not to say I don't appreciate moving out of my old place. It was way too small." scene w1_0815 with dissolve chuck "I think you'll find it'll be nice to have the space when you need it. After all, you may have to occasionally entertain some of our clientele." KN_MOD "Tell him youre loving it here.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "To be honest, I'm loving it. It's huge." mc "It's nice to be able to stretch your legs without needing to go out." scene w1_0815 with dissolve chuck "I'm glad you feel that way. Plus, you may find the extra space useful if you're called on to entertain some of our clientele in the future." scene w1_0814 with dissolve mc "That's part of my job description?" scene w1_0816 with dissolve chuck "Oh, of course. This isn't the kind of job you put down when you leave the workplace. It will occasionally bleed over into your personal time." chuck "That's not a problem, is it?" scene w1_0814 with dissolve mc "No... that's fair, considering what you're paying me." scene w1_0815 with dissolve chuck "Good! Cause, like it or not, you're part of the family now." chuck "You're stuck with us." scene w1_0818 with dissolve chuck "You haven't found anything weird have you?" scene w1_0819 with dissolve chuck "The lad who had your job before you, Darius, used to live here as well - before he suddenly disappeared on us, that is." chuck "We tried to clean the place up, but you may find some of his personal effects laying around. If you do, just throw them away." scene w1_0820 with dissolve mc "What if he comes back looking for them?" scene w1_0821 with dissolve chuck "Oh, he {b}won't{/b}." scene w1_0822 with dissolve chuck "I mean seriously, what lad your age walks away from an all you can eat pussy buffet? I'll never understand rich kids like Darius... or my nephew even." scene w1_0823 with dissolve chuck "I suspect you feel the same way, after all you and I are cut from a similar cloth." scene w1_0825 with dissolve mc "A similar cloth? Your entire family's loaded." scene w1_0826 with dissolve chuck "Not true. My sister and I come from meager beginnings, actually. She married into money and as you know I came into my fortune the honest way." chuck "All those snobby assholes you met growing up were on my brother-in-law's side." scene w1_0824 with dissolve mc "I see, I guess I always figured Ian's whole family was rich." scene w1_0822 with dissolve chuck "Anyway, as I was saying... lads like Darius, who've never done without, they take things for granted. They don't have the proper appreciation for the good fortune that falls into their laps." scene w1_0823 with dissolve chuck "That's another reason I'm glad to have you. God knows August needs at least one person besides himself with a good head on his shoulders." scene w1_0825 with dissolve mc "That sounds like a pretty low bar, but I'll take that as a compliment I guess." scene w1_0822 with dissolve chuck "Bahahaha! Take it as you will, lad. It's only the truth." scene w1_0827 with dissolve chuck "Getting into the main reason I popped in this morning..." scene w1_0828 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me an uncharacteristically serious look." scene w1_0827 with dissolve chuck "I just want to communicate to you..." chuck "If you ever have anything bothering you or giving you trouble, club related or elsewise, my door is always open." scene w1_0828 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thank Dr. Chuck for his kindness.:" $ Chuck_Friendship +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0829 with dissolve mc "Just like your old policy for the physics club, huh? Well, minus the rich, underground sex parties..." scene w1_0830 with dissolve chuck "Exactly, lad. If you ever need anything, I'm here to help." scene w1_0831 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Thanks, sir." KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "Thanks, Uncle Chuck." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Thanks, Dr. Chuck." mc "I may take advantage of that one day." KN_MOD "Unenthusiastically tell him youll keep that in mind.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, sure. I'll keep that in mind." scene w1_0827 with dissolve chuck "Please do, lad." chuck "We're all in this together, after all." scene w1_0828 with dissolve mct "(How magnanimous.)" scene w1_0832 with dissolve chuck "That's all I wanted to say. I'll stop taking up time from your precious summer break." chuck "I need to get to the club anyway, there's a little fire I need to put out." scene w1_0833 with dissolve mc "Anything I can help with? I'm not really engaged in anything right now, so ..." scene w1_0832 with dissolve chuck "Oh, no lad. Thanks for offering, but there's nothing you can do." chuck "One of the girls got a little spooked making a house call last night. I'm going to talk her down from the ledge, so to speak." scene w1_0833 with dissolve mc "Oh..." "I decide not to ask any more details about the situation, not wanting to be privy to any information that might destroy my currently rocky acceptance of the club." mc "Thanks again for the coffee then." scene w1_0834 with dissolve chuck "No problem, lad. You take care now." chuck "...and remember, my door is always open!" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "Dr. Chuck let himself out." scene w1_0835 with fade mct "(Is this going to be the norm from now on? People showing up unannounced?)" mct "(Now, what should I do today...?)" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" mct "(Oh, yeah! Felicia wanted to take me out to dinner and I agreed.)" mct "(She didn't tell me a time or place though, I should give her a call and get the details.)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1FeliciaDateStart" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == False and feliciaDinnerDecline == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1FeliciaFlag" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == False and feliciaDinnerDecline == True:" mct "(I turned down having dinner with Felicia tonight. So unless something comes up, I guess it's a lazy Wednesday for me.)" KN_MOD "jump w1FeliciaFlagDeny" KN_MOD "label w1FeliciaFlag:" play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "*Ring, ring.*" mct "(Hmm? Who's this?)" scene player-livingroom with dissolve show unknown-call with dissolve mc "Hello?" fel "[mcf]? That you? Good. I got your number from Ian." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True:" mc "Felicia, to what do I owe the pleasure?" fel "The pleasure is my company over dinner." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Hey, Felicia. What's up?" fel "Hopefully you accepting a dinner invitation." mc "You want to get dinner?" fel "I do. Think of it as an apology for surprising you the other day. The whole me being a Carnation business." mc "That was... two weeks ago. I'm well past the shock." fel "Still, it's a pretty good pretense for getting dinner with a beautiful woman, right? It'll be my treat." mct "(Hmmm... Felicia's a wild card. Having dinner with her might be fun.)" "Then again, maybe it'd be best if I decline and {b}limit my interaction with her to solely the club{/b}. Getting involved with a Carnation could be problematic down the road." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" "Not that I have a leg to stand on there, considering my involvement with Rose already..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Accept Felicias dinner invitation.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ feliciaFlag = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "Felicia called me out of the blue and asked me out to dinner. I accepted." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Yeah, sure." "Despite her involvement with the club, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy spending time with her." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 18:" "Plus, who would turn down the chance to score with a beautiful woman?" fel "Great! I knew you'd say yes, so I've already made reservations. I'll text you the location and time." fel "Don't be late!" mc "Alright, thanks for asking me out." fel "See you tonight, bye." play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" ## Transition to Edwin holding the phone "Well, I guess I got something to do today." mct "(A date with Felicia. Knowing her, this should be interesting.)" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1FeliciaDateStart" KN_MOD "Decline Felicias dinner invitation.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 3 show screen textbox2 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "Felicia called me out of the blue and asked me out to dinner. I declined, deciding to limit my interaction with the Carnation strictly to club business." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Ah, tonight's no good for me. Sorry." fel "What about Friday?" mc "Sorry, no can do." fel "...I get it, I get it. I won't take it TOO personally." fel "Strictly business, eh?" fel "Well, can't blame a girl for being friendly." mc "Sorry, I think that's for the best." fel "I guess I'll see you around the club then, stud." mc "Take care of yourself, Felicia." fel "You too, [mcf]. Bye bye." play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" "Well, just turned down dinner with a beautiful woman, but it's for the best, right?" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1FeliciaFlagDeny" KN_MOD "label w1FeliciaDateStart:" $ date = "june03night" "Later that night, I arrived at the restaurant. It wasn't too far from my new apartment, so Felicia and I made plans to meet inside." "The second I laid eyes on the building, panic set in. The kind of panic that follows once one becomes acutely aware of being out of place in an unfamiliar location." scene w1_0858 with blinds play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mct "(I am so, so, SO underdressed for this place.)" scene w1_0836 with dissolve host "Can I help you, sir...?" scene w1_0837 with dissolve mc "Yeah, um... I'm meeting someone here tonight. We have a reservation." scene w1_0838 with dissolve "The maître d' gave me a not-so-subtle look over, before returning her eyes to her computer." host "Name of the reservation, please." mc "Mmmmh... Ford, I guess." scene w1_0839 with dissolve host "You're telling me {i}you're{/i} a guest of {b}Mrs. Ford{/b}?" KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == True and prAfterParty == False:" "She said it with such deference and a particular, incredulous-like emphasis that I began to doubt we were speaking of the same woman I had railed in a dirty club bathroom." KN_MOD "else:" "She said it with such deference and a particular, incredulous-like emphasis that I began to doubt we were speaking of the same woman." mc "Yeah... {i}Felicia{/i} Ford?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_0840 with dissolve host "..." scene w1_0841 with dissolve host "Sir, if it's not too much trouble, would you mind waiting in the garden until Mrs. Ford gets here? It's our policy not to seat guests until the full party arrives." mct "(Huh...? That sounds like an odd policy...)" mct "(Oh, I get it. She doesn't want me stinking up the place.)" scene w1_0842 with dissolve fel "*A-hem!*" "The sound of a woman clearing her throat brought my attention to a figure that had evidently snuck up behind the maître d' while we were conversing." play music "music/romantic-motivation.ogg" scene w1_0843: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 4 yalign 0.1 "It was Felicia, looking stunning in a daring, black little number." scene w1_0844 with dissolve fel "Really? I had no idea Nicholas had updated restaurant policy since the last time I had guests." scene w1_0845 with dissolve fel "When was that again? Just a week ago, I think." host "Ah, M-Mrs. Ford, I didn't know you had arrived..." scene w1_0844 with dissolve fel "Oh, I snuck in the back to give my regards to the chef." host "I..." "The maître d' was at a clear loss of words, as she began to fidget uncomfortably under Felicia's scrutinizing gaze." "It was a look at odds with the capricious image I had developed in my mind of the blonde beauty." host "I'm so sorry, I didn't think--" scene w1_0846 with dissolve fel "You didn't think I'd catch you making my nephew wait outside while you snuck away to confirm if he actually belonged?" mct "(Nephew...?)" fel "...or did you not think being a snooty bitch would come back to bite you in the ass doing your {i}hospitality{/i} job of all things?" host "I'm... I'm SO sorry, Mrs. Ford. Please don't tell Chef Nicholas. I really didn't mean--" scene w1_0847 with dissolve fel "I don't really think I'm the one you should be apologizing to in this situation." host "Oh..! Right! Um, I'm sorry, sir." "The maître d' turned to me and offered an apology made under duress, in a bid for self-preservation." "Due to second hand embarrassment, a part of me oddly sympathized with the woman." scene w1_0848 with dissolve mc "We can just put it all behind us, okay? I'd like to sit down and eat soon. I'm starving." "I decided to defuse the situation, instead of making things more awkward." scene w1_0849 with dissolve fel "Well, you heard the man. Is our table ready?" host "Oh...! If you'll just wait here a moment, I'll go make sure your table is set." scene w1_0850 with dissolve fel "You do that." "Felicia made room for the maître d' to scurry by, until it was just the two of us remaining in the reception area." scene w1_0851 with dissolve fel "Sorry about that, stud. I hope I didn't embarrass you too much." fel "That kind of attitude just pisses me off." scene w1_0852 with dissolve mc "It was kind of cool, actually. Can't say I've ever had a beautiful woman stand up for me like you just did." mc "You practically had her shaking in her heels." scene w1_0853 with dissolve "Felicia leaned in and turned her head, inviting me to politely kiss her cheek." fel "Well then, how about a kiss for your hero?" scene w1_0854 with dissolve "Sliding my hands around Felicia's waist, I planted a chaste kiss just below her eye." scene w1_0852 with dissolve mc "You look great tonight, by the way." scene w1_0855 with dissolve fel "Thanks, [mcf]." scene w1_0852 with dissolve mc "You could've given me a heads up about wearing something a little more appropriate though." mc "I was bound to look out of place anyway, but now next to you, I'm going to look like an absolute slob." scene w1_0856 with dissolve fel "Aw, you look fine. I've had enough of men in penguin suits to last a lifetime, trust me." scene w1_0852 with dissolve mc "You really know the chef here?" scene w1_0857 with dissolve fel "I know a lot of people in this city. Too many." fel "Hell, I knew Kathleen even before Ian told me about the club. Well not personally, but I saw her speak once at a fundraiser for her dead sister's charity." scene w1_0852 with dissolve mc "You got to be kidding me?" scene w1_0856 with dissolve fel "You could imagine how fucking surprised I was about seeing her pimping girls at a cathouse. You know her husband's a judge?" scene w1_0852 with dissolve mc "You know, as much as it should, that doesn't surprise me." scene w1_0859 with dissolve host "Mrs. Ford and party, if you'll follow me right this way." "Just then, as our conversation was starting to meander, the maître d' reappeared and invited us into the dinning room." scene w1_0860 with dissolve fel "By the way, just a heads up..." fel "Tonight, at least while we're having dinner, treat me like a lady. As in, don't get too handsy." fel "Unlike {i}Circus{/i}, I'm pretty well-known here." scene w1_0861 with dissolve "Felicia's words reminded me of the bitter fact that she's a married woman." mc "Right, appearances. We're basically just friends anyway, right?" KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == True:" "Even if we fucked around a little, that was all it was." scene w1_0862 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Our little side conversation finished, we turned and regarded the patiently waiting maître d', who was conspicuously trying her best not to make eye contact with either of us." scene w1_0863 with fade play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" waitress "Good evening, Mrs. Ford. Mr...?" scene w1_0864 with dissolve "The cute waitress looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to fill her in on how to address me." mc "Oh, uh.." scene w1_0865 with dissolve fel "[mcf] Barnes. He's my nephew, visiting from out of town." "Felicia added a little subterfuge to the mix." scene w1_0866 with dissolve waitress "I see... Well, welcome to the city, [mcf]." waitress "...and welcome both of you to {i}Il Piacere{/i}. My name is Jane and I'll be serving you tonight." scene w1_0865 with dissolve fel "You're new, aren't you?" scene w1_0863 with dissolve jane "That's right, Ma'am. I started this Monday." scene w1_0867 with dissolve fel "You're certainly a cute girl. You know, my nephew doesn't know anyone in town. Maybe you could show him around some time?" jane "I, uh..." "The waitress began to stammer, unsure of how to reply to such a shameless suggestion from a customer." scene w1_0868 with dissolve fel "Sorry! I'm kidding! I've got a terrible sense of humor." scene w1_0865 with dissolve fel "It's nice to meet you, Jane." scene w1_0863 with dissolve jane "You too, Mrs. Ford. I'm a big fan of your husband. I saw him speak at a seminar I took for my MBA program." scene w1_0867 with dissolve fel "...oh? I'll be sure to tell Elias there's a cute waitress at Nicholas' restaurant that's dying to meet him." scene w1_0869 with dissolve jane "You sure have a colorful sense of humor, Mrs. Ford. H-heh..." mct "(Hmm... Elias...)" mct "(Elias Ford? That sounds familiar. Where do I know that name...?)" scene w1_0863 with dissolve jane "Can I start you with a nice Cabernet Sauvignon tonight?" scene w1_0865 with dissolve fel "No, we'll have a bottle of Merlot I think." fel "You had some bottles of Petrus last week, if memory serves." scene w1_0870 with dissolve jane "We do have a couple remaining I believe. I'll bring it right out, Ma'am." stop music fadeout 3.0 fel "Thank you, Jane." scene w1_0871 with dissolve "Following a curt bow, the waitress scurried off to the kitchen, leaving Felicia and I alone." play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" mc "So... nephew, huh?" scene w1_0872 with dissolve fel "You like that? Me pretending to be your {i}naughty{/i} aunt?" scene w1_0873 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Play along with her teasing.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I suppose we could use that to spice things up later." scene w1_0874 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == True:" fel "Ohoho, pretty confident, aren't you? Just because you got lucky once doesn't necessarily mean I'm inclined to give you a repeat performance." KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == False:" fel "Ohoho, pretty confident, aren't you? You turned me down once, what makes you think I'm inclined to let you repeat the same mistake again?" fel "This is just an apology dinner for my little lie of omission, remember?" scene w1_0871 with dissolve mc "Right, straightly platonic." KN_MOD "Ask about the fake last name.:" scene w1_0875 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Barnes, though?" scene w1_0876 with dissolve fel "It's my maiden name." scene w1_0871 with dissolve mc "I see... Felicia Barnes, huh?" scene w1_0877 with dissolve fel "It's a name I was happy to leave behind." scene w1_0878 with dissolve fel "Anyway, {i}nephew{/i}. It's plausible enough. I am older than you after all." scene w1_0875 with dissolve mc "Makes sense to me." scene w1_0879 with dissolve fel "I'll be right back. I need to hit the ladies' room. Don't go anywhere, alright stud?" "Felicia got up and excused herself from the table." scene w1_0880 with circlewipe mct "(Hm... now's a pretty good time to answer that nagging question of where I'd heard Felicia's husband's name before.)" scene w1_0881 with dissolve "Pulling out my phone, I fingered the keypad and typed out {i}Elias Ford{/i} into the search engine and hit enter." scene w1_0882 with dissolve mct "(...wait, WHAT?!)" scene w1_0883 with dissolve show elias-search at Position (ypos=0.94) "I immediately got the answer I was looking for." mct "(Felicia's husband is that Elias Ford?!)" mct "(I knew Felicia was well-off, but I had no idea she was THAT well-off.)" "Elias Ford, while not a household name, was a man of wealth and means." "Heir to a (defunct) railway fortune, he cut his teeth in the logistics division of a major manufacturing company before branching out and starting a lucrative talent agency of all things." scene w1_0882 with dissolve mct "(...or that's what the internet says. What I know his name from is an initiative he personally sponsored around Morehead Hills to lower the city's carbon footprint.)" mct "(He leveraged his family's history in the rail freight business as if it was some kind of personal impetus to make a change for the better.)" mct "(I remember thinking he looked pretty fucking smug in those city-wide ads...)" mct "(What am I doing mixed up with the wife of a local celebrity...?)" mct "(More still, what's a woman like that doing wrapped up in the Carnation Club?)" play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Chirp, chirp.*" mct "(Huh...? It's a message from Felicia...)" scene w1_0883 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_fel from _call_phone_start_fel" KN_MOD "call message_img(Felicia, ;),felicia01) from _call_message_img_2" KN_MOD "call phone_end_fel from _call_phone_end_fel" scene w1_0884 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Geez, this woman is shameless.)" mct "(...isn't that great?)" scene w1_0883 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_fel from _call_phone_start_fel_1" KN_MOD "call message_img(Felicia, ;),felicia01) from _call_message_img_3" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Show me more.,felDateBathroomMore,What did I do to deserve this?,felDateBathroomDeserve)" KN_MOD "label felDateBathroomMore:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_14" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Got any more to show me?) from _call_message_start_21" KN_MOD "call message(Felicia, Oh you greedy, greedy boy. Hold on a sec.) from _call_message_66" KN_MOD "call phone_end_fel from _call_phone_end_fel_1" scene w1_0886 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Waiting... {w}Waiting..." play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Chirp, chirp.*" scene w1_0887 with dissolve "I scooped up the phone from the table, eager to see Felicia's next selfie." scene w1_0883 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_fel from _call_phone_start_fel_2" KN_MOD "call message_img(Felicia, Guess it cant hurt to spoil you. This is all you get, though... for now. ;),felicia02) from _call_message_img_4" KN_MOD "call phone_end_fel from _call_phone_end_fel_2" scene w1_0885 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Nice...)" "In a rather impressive feat of dexterity, Felicia sent a selfie of her ass sticking out." scene w1_0888 with hpunch stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" fel "You should be careful. Anyone could just see that by looking over your shoulder." mc "-eh, --! Felicia!" scene w1_0889 with dissolve mc "You startled the crap out of me!" fel "You're lucky it was me. What if it was poor Jane who caught you looking at porn in public? You would've blown your chances with her." scene w1_0890 with dissolve mc "I think that would be the least of her issues, considering she would think I was looking at a nude selfie of my aunt." fel "I see our cute waitress brought the wine already." KN_MOD "jump w1FeliciaDateContinue" KN_MOD "label felDateBathroomDeserve:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_15" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Not that Im complaining, but what did I do to deserve this?) from _call_message_start_22" KN_MOD "call message(Felicia, Just felt like sharing, stud.) from _call_message_67" KN_MOD "call phone_end_fel from _call_phone_end_fel_3" scene w1_0891 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Well, feel free to share more often.)" scene w1_0892 with fade fel "Miss me, nephew?" fel "I see our cute waitress brought the wine already. She didn't catch you peeking at nude photos of your 'aunt', did she?" scene w1_0893 with dissolve mc ", but to be honest I don't even remember her dropping the bottle and glasses off..." scene w1_0892 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 fel "You're kind of helpless aren't you?" "Felicia playfully teased me, before returning to her seat." KN_MOD "jump w1FeliciaDateContinue" KN_MOD "label w1FeliciaDateContinue:" scene w1_0894 with fade play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" fel "You like wine, [mcf]?" scene w1_0895 with dissolve mc "To be honest, I'm not a big drinker to begin with. Less so when it comes to wine." mc "This isn't half bad though." scene w1_0896 with dissolve fel "Well, I would hope so! That's one of the best red-- ah, who am I kidding?" fel "I was more of a liquor kind of gal when I was your age. Even now I'm not even sure if I really like this stuff." scene w1_0897 with dissolve fel "... but fake it until you make it, as they say. Getting blitzed on wine is pretty much part and parcel for the occupation of trophy wife." scene w1_0898 with dissolve fel "*Glug, glug*" scene w1_0899 with dissolve fel "It's important to fit in, you see." "Felicia spoke in a facetious manner, but there was something contemplative in her words." scene w1_0900 with dissolve mc "Is {i}trophy wife{/i} honestly how you view yourself?" scene w1_0901 with dissolve fel "I've got no qualms with it. It is what I am, after all. Didn't just happen into it either, I had to work for it." fel "Maybe it's not something to admit to in polite company, but there's no harm in being honest with you." scene w1_0900 with dissolve mc "You got to want more out of life than just being arm candy, right?" scene w1_0902 with dissolve fel "I think I've done alright for myself. Look at it this way, I'm the one treating you to dinner here, at one of the nicest places in town I might add." scene w1_0900 with dissolve mc "Yeah, but there's more to life than just comfort. For example, there's the fulfillment that comes from professional success or the joy of helping other people." scene w1_0901 with dissolve fel "Self-actualization, you mean? That's the very tippy-top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Are you familiar with that theory?" scene w1_0900 with dissolve mc "No, I've never heard of it." scene w1_0903 with dissolve fel "Well, it's a motivational theory that a person's needs can be broken up into five distinct categories and that each previous category has to be satisfactorily fulfilled before moving on to the next." scene w1_0900 with dissolve mc "Basically, people are less concerned about job satisfaction when they're living paycheck-to-paycheck?" scene w1_0904 with dissolve fel "Exactly. What you're talking about is self-fulfillment, which comes not only after your basic needs of things like food and safety, but also after the need of love and self-esteem." scene w1_0902 with dissolve fel "Not a lot of people hit the peak you're talking about. Most just get hung up on paying their mortgage or dumb family bullshitery. I mean, how many people short of a sociopath can really even confidently say they love themselves?" scene w1_0903 with dissolve fel "As far as I'm concerned, security... comfort... {i}pleasure{/i}, that's the stuff a good life is made up of. Anything more is simply being greedy." scene w1_0900 with dissolve "As Felicia touted her hedonistic philosophy, I couldn't help but..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Crack a joke to lighten the conversation.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Christ, you're not even drunk yet, are you?" scene w1_0905 with dissolve fel "Pfhahahaha...! You asshole." fel "We share a sense of humor. I like you, [mcf]." scene w1_0900 with dissolve mc "I like you too, Felicia. You're fun to be around." scene w1_0906 with dissolve fel "Hehehe, and sexually available too, yeah? That has something to do with it I bet." KN_MOD "Tell her youre impressed.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sounds like you've given a lot of thought to this." scene w1_0902 with dissolve fel "I've had time. Don't forget I've got like 10 years of life on you, kid." scene w1_0903 with dissolve fel "Thanks for accepting my invitation, by the way." KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == False:" scene w1_0902 with dissolve fel "Especially after you shut a girl down last time. I would've felt real foolish if you turned me down a second time." scene w1_0900 with dissolve mc "It's weird you're thanking me, when I'm the one who should be..." scene w1_0907 with dissolve mc "Oh, is that our food? We didn't even order, did we?" scene w1_0908 with dissolve fel "That's because Il Piacere's menu is table d’hôte." scene w1_0909 with dissolve mc "Sure, yeah... table dowhotay. Of course. Duh." mc "...sorry, I've got no idea what that means." scene w1_0910 with dissolve fel "It means you don't get to choose what you're served." scene w1_0911 with dissolve mc "That seems odd for a restaurant. What if I don't like what they're serving?" scene w1_0912 with dissolve fel "{i}Trust{/i} me. You'll like it." scene w1_0913 with dissolve fel "So, what do you have here?" scene w1_0914 with dissolve jane "The first course is fettuccine alfredo topped with roasted baby tomatoes." scene w1_0915 with dissolve mc "Uh... {i}first{/i} course?" "I said, staring down a heap of food." scene w1_0916 with dissolve fel "Yep, you better have room." fel "Chef Nicholas comes from a traditional Italian family. Which is to say, he prides himself in making sure all of his customers are well fed." scene w1_0917 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Heh... I guess bring it on." scene black with fade "3 courses of food later..." scene w1_0918 with dissolve play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" mc "Mmgnng..." "Having scarfed down everything that had been put in front of me, I felt like I was about to die." scene w1_0919 with dissolve mc "I don't think I've ever had a more delicious meal. Ever." mc "Seriously. Like, for real. {b}Ever{/b}." scene w1_0920 with dissolve fel "I will say, I thought you might enjoy it. You don't need to tell me though, I can see by the look on your face." fel "Only two things leave a man looking like that." scene w1_0921 with dissolve fel "Food is one of them." scene w1_0922 with dissolve mc "I mean, who knew food could taste like this? I didn't." mc "To be honest though, this was my first time trying fine dining." scene w1_0923 with dissolve fel "Well, I'm glad to hear it. You look as happy as a pig in muck, as my granny used to say." scene w1_0924 with dissolve "A slight accent colored the end of Felicia's figure of speech, eliciting a curious look from me." mc "Was that a drawl in your speech I just heard?" scene w1_0925 with dissolve fel "Oh... don't pay any attention to that." fel "The southern girl in me slips out from time to time." fel "A well-timed glimpse of it can be charming, but going full-on country in Morehead Hills makes people look at you like you're a hick so I try to keep it to a minimum." scene w1_0926 with dissolve mc "That sounds... exhausting." "Felicia clearly puts a lot of effort into the way she presents herself. No surprise, given how beautiful she is, but it seems to extend all the way to the minutia." scene w1_0927 with dissolve fel "Not really. You speak differently with Ian than you do with your own mother, I'm sure. It's like that." scene w1_0928 with dissolve jane "How was everything tonight? Was everything satisfactory?" "The waitress reappeared to check on us, following the conclusion of our meal." scene w1_0929 with dissolve fel "It was. Pass my compliments along to the chef, please." scene w1_0928 with dissolve jane "I'll be certain to do that." scene w1_0930 with dissolve fel "Your service was excellent too. I'll be sure to pass that along myself." scene w1_0931 with dissolve jane "Thank you, Mrs. Ford. I appreciate it." scene w1_0928 with dissolve jane "Will that be all for the night?" scene w1_0929 with dissolve fel "It will." scene w1_0932 with dissolve jane "We were happy to have both you and Mr. Barnes here tonight. Thank you for dining with us." scene w1_0933 with dissolve "With a polite bow, the waitress dismissed herself for a final time, leaving us to figure out where to go from here." scene w1_0934 with dissolve fel "So, what's next?" scene w1_0935 with dissolve mc "You wanted to do something else?" scene w1_0934 with dissolve fel "Naturally. How does taking a walk and enjoying the night air sound?" scene w1_0935 with dissolve mc "Sure, I suppose I could do with walking off some of this food." scene w1_0936 with fade mc "Where to though?" fel "There's a nice park nearby. Should be the perfect place." fel "At this time of night, we'll have a little privacy too." mc "Alright, sounds good. Lead the way." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with dissolve "......" "..." scene w1_0937 with blinds play music "music/Moonlight-Sonata.ogg" "After leaving Il Piacere, we did as Felicia suggested and found our way to a park that was connected to the restaurant's plaza." "Joining us on our leisurely walk was a gleaming full moon, hanging fat in the sky and graciously providing us with a nice backdrop for our idle chatter." scene w1_0938 with dissolve stop ambient mc "It's nice out tonight." "I said, painfully pointing out the obvious to get the ball rolling between us." fel "It is. The city takes on a whole new character bathed in the moonlight, don't you think?" scene w1_0939 with dissolve "We both stopped for a moment to silently take in the night's atmosphere." scene w1_0940 with dissolve "While Felicia peered past the concrete-coated skyline and into the interminable inky-black sky, I found myself stealing a glance at my dinner companion." "Stunning as she may be in that dress, I couldn't help but notice she looked a little cold." scene w1_0941 with dissolve fel "...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1FelClose:" KN_MOD "Pull Felicia closer to you.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 scene w1_0942 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Without saying a word, I drew closer to the moonlit beauty, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer to me." scene w1_0943 with dissolve "Quickly grasping my intention, Felicia nuzzled her face on my chest and let one of her hands snake around the small of my back to complete the embrace." KN_MOD "if feliciaDaddy == True:" scene w1_0944 with dissolve fel "You know just what a girl needs, when she needs it, {i}Daddy{/i}." "Felicia indelicately teased me, harkening back to our encounter in Circus' bathroom. Hearing that line outside the throes of sexual passion immediately made my ears go red in embarrassment." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_0944 with dissolve fel "You know just what a girl needs, when she needs it, Casanova." scene w1_0943 with dissolve "Felicia took a moment to snuggle more intimately, rubbing her soft cheek against the warmth of my chest, before silently pulling me toward a nearby park bench." KN_MOD "Suggest we sit down.:" scene w1_0945 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You look a little cold just standing there." scene w1_0946 with dissolve mc "Why don't we sit down?" scene w1_0947 with dissolve fel "You're suggesting we snuggle in the park like a pair of lovers?" scene w1_0948 with dissolve mc "...really, you look cold." KN_MOD "if feliciaDaddy == True:" scene w1_0949 with dissolve fel "Thanks for your concern, {i}Daddy{/i}." "Felicia indelicately teased me, harkening back to our encounter in Circus' bathroom. Hearing that line outside the throes of sexual passion immediately made my ears go red in embarrassment." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_0949 with dissolve fel "Thanks for your concern, stud." scene w1_0950 with dissolve fel "You'd think I'd learn by now to bring a sweater whenever I go out." scene w1_0951 with dissolve fel "No complaints, I hope." "Felicia not-so-subtly tugged on my upper arm, sandwiching it between the warmth of her pendulous, sun-kissed breasts." scene w1_0952 with dissolve mc "You won't hear any from me." "Though, Felicia's affection did put a certain question forefront in my mind." scene w1_0953 with dissolve fel "What is it?" scene w1_0954 with dissolve "If I'm honest with myself, Felicia's blatant interest in me is an anomaly that strikes me as odd. I've never had a beautiful woman show a strong interest in me." KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" "Sure, most recently, there was Rose... but she was angling for an advantage at the club. Ostensibly, that isn't the case here with Felicia." "...I think." scene w1_0955 with dissolve mc "Why did you invite me out to dinner tonight? It wasn't really because you wanted to apologize, was it?" scene w1_0956 with dissolve fel "Aw, you figured me out. You're right, I don't really feel bad about my little surprise." fel "That look on your face was priceless. I loved it." fel "That was just a pretense to have dinner." scene w1_0959 with dissolve mc "Yeah, but... why then?" scene w1_0957 with dissolve fel "I had fun with you the other night, with Ian and Mina. What else?" scene w1_0958 with dissolve "She had said it simply, as a matter of genuine fact not to be disputed." "It left no room for doubt." scene w1_0957 with dissolve fel "That was a silly question." scene w1_0955 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it's just most guys would be a little dubious of a beautiful woman's advances." scene w1_0956 with dissolve fel "Right, because guys should be the one to do the chasing, right? Screw that. Life is too short not to go after what you want." scene w1_0959 with dissolve mc "No... it's more like you're a rich, classy woman with the world at her fingertips and I'm a broke college student with, let's be honest, passable looks." scene w1_0960 with dissolve "Felicia narrowed her brow in a similar fashion I had just previously seen with the rude maître d'." mct "(Shit, did I say something to make her mad?)" scene w1_0961 with dissolve "Surprisingly, Felicia firmly took my head in her hands and brought her face to mine like she was about to kiss me." mct "({i}Is{/i} she about to kiss me...?)" scene w1_0962 with dissolve fel "[mcf]..." scene w1_0963 with dissolve mc "Yeah...?" scene w1_0962 with dissolve fel "Shut. {w}The.{w} {b}Fuck{/b}. {w}Up with that shit." scene w1_0961 with dissolve "It was a forceful command that left no room for refusal." scene w1_0963 with dissolve mc "...okay." scene w1_0961 with dissolve mct "(No harm in listening to the lady.)" scene w1_0964 with dissolve fel "...good!" scene w1_0965 with dissolve "Staring Felicia straight in the eye like this, nose tickled with her perfume, and her glossy lips within reach..." "It made me want to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Kiss Felicia.:" $ toughness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "With Felicia so close that I could feel her wine-scented breath on my skin, it was a trifling matter to steal a kiss." scene w1_0966 with dissolve "One slight, forward movement found our lips pressing together, in a chaste like fashion that was more skin on skin rather than a proper kiss." KN_MOD "if Felicia_Affection >= 22:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 scene w1_0967 with dissolve fel "Mmh...?" scene w1_0968 with dissolve "After a moment's pause, Felicia parted her lips, pushing her tongue forward and using it to coax me into doing the same." "In a mishmash of action, the muscles in our mouths intertwined, coiled, and snaked their way past each other in an eager bid to probe one another's oral cavities as deeply and intimately as possible." scene w1_0969 with dissolve fel "Mmh... *Smack, chup*" "Felicia embraced me like a lover." "Tongues lashed against the inside of cheeks, scraped against the surface of teeth, and brushed against the roofs of mouths. It was so thorough that I was practically brought back to the world class dinner both of us just consumed." scene w1_0970 with dissolve fel "Mhwah...!" "Finally, Felicia was the one that dared to break the kiss." scene w1_0971 with dissolve fel "Who needs a sweater when you can just do {b}that{/b}?" KN_MOD "else:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 fel "Mmh...?" scene w1_0977 with dissolve "...and that was all it remained, with Felicia pulling back from my gesture of intimacy." scene w1_0972 with dissolve fel "Guess I pretty much invited you to do that, huh?" fel "Sorry. I don't really like kissing unless we're screwing." KN_MOD "Boop her nose.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 $ toughness -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "That's right, a cute button nose like that, there's only one thing to do in this scenario...!" scene w1_0973 with dissolve mc "Boop!" "I quickly brought my finger to bare and pushed on Felicia's nose with tactical precision." scene w1_0974 with dissolve fel "......." fel "...pfft--" scene w1_0975 with dissolve fel "Hahahaha, what are you, a child? You know how to surprise a gal, that's for sure." scene w1_0976 with dissolve fel "Maybe there's the answer to your question." scene w1_0978 with dissolve "As Felicia pulled away, I was suddenly aware of the space the blonde beauty no longer occupied.." scene w1_0979 with dissolve fel "How are you liking the club, by the way? I know you're new there, right?" fel "Ian told me as much, when he first wanted to introduce us." scene w1_0980 with dissolve KN_MOD "if id_greed == True:" mc "It's a {i}new{/i} experience, that's for sure. A profitable one too." KN_MOD "else:" mc "It's a {i}new{/i} experience, that's for sure." mc "That's how I've come to think about it at least, once I got over the initial shock." scene w1_0981 with dissolve fel "I was surprised to learn about it, myself. At first, I thought Ian was just drunk and bullshitting me." scene w1_0980 with dissolve mc "Did he really just... let it casually slip out like that?" scene w1_0978 with dissolve "I know I may just be the new guy, but the old adage {i}loose lips sink ships{/i} seems to be a relevant one for an underground prostitution ring." "Just a feeling." scene w1_0979 with dissolve fel "Yeah, he did. Told me about what kind of place it is, said he thought I'd fit in and have a good time." scene w1_0980 with dissolve mc "Okay, yeah... I'm glad you brought this up, because this has been a huge curiosity for me." mc "Did you really join up just for... {b}fun{/b}?" scene w1_0982 with dissolve "Felicia paused, appearing to be mulling over her answer." scene w1_0981 with dissolve fel "Hehehe, yep! I have high hopes for this place, too." scene w1_0983 with dissolve "Felicia's seemingly frivolous response had me in pure awe." scene w1_0984 with dissolve fel "'re looking at me like I have a few screws loose. I don't appreciate it." scene w1_0985 with dissolve mc "I mean, it does sound odd." scene w1_0986 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaDaddy == True:" fel "Odd...? Allow me to illustrate something for you, {i}Daddy{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Odd...? Allow me to illustrate something for you, stud." KN_MOD "label w1FelFantasy:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_0987 with fade "Within an instant, Felicia had thrown herself on top of me." scene w1_0988 with dissolve mc "Gneh...?" scene w1_0989 with dissolve "The feeling of my back being firmly pressed against the hard, wooden surface of the bench coaxed out a surprised groan from my vocal cords." "She had me pinned like a cougar holding down its prey, in every sense." fel "You like the feeling of me pressed against you like this?" scene w1_0990 with dissolve mc "Uh..." scene w1_0991 with dissolve mc "Well..." scene w1_0989 with dissolve "Without really processing what she was asking me, my head swiveled back and forth in an anxious motion, concerned that someone might just be nearby." fel "Don't be so tense. I'll ask you again..." scene w1_0992 with dissolve fel "You like having your face jammed into my tit flesh, right?" scene w1_0993 with dissolve mc "Nng... of course I do." "No sense in lying to the woman. It's like trying to tell her the sky isn't blue." fel "Good, now close your eyes for me, will you? I want you to imagine something..." mc "What if someone..." fel "Sssh! Close your eyes and imagine what I tell you." mc "..." "It's hard to argue with a woman like Felicia, she has a certain indiscernible effect on me." "Perhaps for obvious reasons, like her being a beautiful and sexy woman, but there was a primal element to her personality that made refusing her feel like a futile effort." "Basically, saying no to her felt like I'd be pissing into the wind." mc "Okay." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Doing as she asked, I closed my eyes." KN_MOD "if feliciaDaddy == True:" fel "Thanks for humoring me, Daddy." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Thanks, stud." fel "I promise, you're going to like the picture I'm about to paint for you." fel "But first... we've got to lay down a little {i}primer{/i}." "The last bit of her metaphor was carried under a whisper, hot breath pitched directly into my earlobe like some kind of auditory foreplay." "I shivered in anticipation and Felicia pressed on, dotting my neck with little kisses while craning a hand down past my stomach and onto the crotch of my jeans." scene w1_1001 with radio play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" fel "Picture this: we're center stage at the club. You and me, stud." fel "I'm helplessly locked into place. You're off to the side, taking in the sight." scene w1_0994 with Dissolve(2.0) fel "All you see in front of you is a mewling bitch, grunting and whining, having been teased for nearly an hour without release." fel "It's a {b}pathetic{/b} sight, isn't it? A woman my age, of my social standing, shaking her hips like a wanton whore, instinctually trying to entice you to ram your fat cock into my twat and give me what I desperately crave." fel "You and I, we're not alone though..." play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "*Ziiiiiip*" "At this junction of whatever batshit crazy scenario that Felicia was building for me, I felt a tugging sensation at the mouth of my jeans, followed by the loud sound of my fly being unzipped." scene w1_0995 with dissolve mct "(Huh...?)" "What naturally followed was the warm sensation of Felicia gripping my erect cock in her soft hands." mct "(Don't you--)" scene w1_0996 with dissolve fel "{b}Sssh! Close your eyes!{/b}" scene black with fade "I did as I was bid, unable to resist the blond bombshell as she gently began to stroke my cock out in the open air." fel "Now, where were we...? Right." fel "You and I, we're not alone. Out past the stage, is a number of familiar faces. Patrons of the club." scene w1_0997 with radio fel "People of worldly influence, admired and looked up to." fel "Men of good moral standing... fathers, community leaders, philanthropists..." fel "Right now though, they're no longer those things, are they? No, they're {i}paying customers{/i}, vulgar and base, eager to view what {b}you{/b} are about to do to me." scene w1_0998 with dissolve fel "It's the same for me, too. You're looking at me, but you're no longer seeing the woman you had dinner with tonight. No." fel "I'm not Felicia anymore, I'm just a cock-hungry bitch, drooling and babbling for release." fel "Not a single soul in the room is what they seem, are we? In this room, we've all changed into something else, dragged down into the muck." mc "---gh!" "I cried out, as Felicia intensified her efforts at getting me to climax with her hands and words." fel "You're not immune to the transformation, either." fel "You're no longer a student right now. All that studying, that stressful daily grind to establish yourself as a respectable adult, that's out the window." fel "All you know right now is what's in front of you... a drooling cunt and ripe, fuckable asshole completely at your mercy." fel "The only question is: what are you going to do with them?" scene w1_0999 with fade mc "...huh? Eh...?" scene w1_1000 with dissolve fel "Close your eyes! I {b}said{/b{}...!" mc "---Gha...!" "Felicia emphasized her question by jerking my cock at a furious, mind-melting pace." scene w1_0994 with radio fel "What are you going to do to me, [mcf]?" fel "You're not going to fuck my cunt. Not yet, anyway. That'll be giving me what I want." fel "...but maybe you'll fuck my ass, or perhaps even that is too much satisfaction for the despicable slut in front of you." "Felicia had me utterly charmed, enraptured in the fantasy she was curating. She spoke directly to the dirty impulses housed in the deep recesses of my brain, driving them out of me and compelling me to give them a voice." fel "C'mon, tell me! What do I deserve?" "For that reason, I gave her an answer." mc "I'm going to fuck that ass!" "I was now actively taking part in Felicia's erotic story, hanging off every word and uttering ridiculous declarations." scene w1_1002 with dissolve fel "That's right! You're going to fuck my ass, again and again." fel "No lube needed either, I'm already {i}flooding{/i} out of my other hole. All you got to do is reach down and slather your cock with what's freely available." fel "You'll push into me, down to the base in one quick motion, causing me to squeal incoherently." fel "You'll give me a proper spanking while you're at it, won't you? Enjoying the way my ass spasms with every blow." fel "Mmmh... you enjoy watching it bounce, don't you?" mc "ng...! I do! How can such a tight ass shake like that?!" scene w1_1003 with fade "As I had quickly discovered, Felicia had a talent for this, using her words to tease and cajole, ushering me closer toward a climax." "Every obscene line was delivered in a saccharine tone, hitting their mark in between kisses and nibbles to my chest, neck, hands..." mct "(How the hell did it suddenly end up like this...?)" scene w1_1004 with radio fel "How many times have you cummed now? Twice, three times...?" fel "By now, you've packed my bowels with your jizz, every thrust displacing more and more of the thick cum." fel "Anything even approaching a coherent thought has been fucked out of my head. All that's left is pure carnal delight." mc "Ngghah--!" "Soon, I was feeling the recognizable signs of impending orgasm, my balls beginning to churn and tighten, ready to fire..." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_1005 with flash mc "--!" "I felt my cock rapidly swell and bloat, inducing a mind-wracking pleasure that shook my entire nervous system." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_1006 with flash "Felicia's tight grip now felt like pure fire on my overly sensitive prick, but I wasn't done yet...!" mc "Gguuuh!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_1007 with flash "Using just her hand and the power of her imagination, Felicia had extracted from me what I felt like was the biggest orgasm of my life." mct "(Ghh-what the fuck, is she some kind of succubus?)" scene black with fade "......." fel "Jeez, that was a ton! You could fill a glass mug with all that jizz." mc "*Pant* *Pant* Heheh..." scene w1_1008 with dissolve mc "Wha- where did that come from? That was out of fucking nowhere." scene w1_1009 with dissolve fel "I wanted to prove a point is all, after you looked at me funny." scene w1_1010 with dissolve mc "Huh...?" "I felt utterly scatterbrained, unable to really recollect what proceded this burst of sexual energy." scene w1_1011 with dissolve fel "You were thinking there was something wrong with me for participating in the club out of personal enjoyment." scene w1_1010 with dissolve mc "Oh, right..." "Our conversation had drifted that way." scene w1_1011 with dissolve fel "This was my refutation of that." scene w1_1012 with dissolve mc "I'm not--" scene w1_1013 with dissolve fel "--you had a blast, didn't you?" scene w1_1015 with dissolve fel "Picturing yourself sinking that low, imagining fucking me silly in front of a bunch of old men who were jealous of your youthful stamina. You enjoyed it, right?" fel "I enjoyed it too. For the same reasons as you. Being debased by another person can be {b}fun{/b}. Debasing yourself through the act of debasing another person can be {i}freeing{/i}." scene w1_1013 with dissolve fel "My point is, it isn't unnatural to lean into your desires. That's why I'm participating in Kathleen's little game, to answer the question." scene w1_1014 with dissolve "I couldn't deny that her words did have an effect on me. The fantasy she was dealing me, along with the physical affection she doled out, had pushed me easily over the edge." "Still... the operative word is {b}fantasy{/b}. There's a clear delineation from finding something hot, to actually wading gung-ho into those depraved waters." "Then again, I guess I've already cannonballed into those depths to begin with. Is there any harm in enjoying the swim?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Admit to Felicia she made a convincing point.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ toughness += 2 scene w1_1016 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "If my partner was you, I can't deny that the exhibition might be fun for me too." scene w1_1018 with dissolve fel "Hehehe, you like me that much? Thanks for the compliment, stud!" KN_MOD "Tell her it still seems extreme to you.:" $ toughness -= 2 scene w1_1017 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I don't know if I agree with that. It seems extreme to me. Sure, I got off, but..." mc "I could get off to a bloated clown corpse if you were the one whispering the description in my ear while stroking my cock." scene w1_1019 with dissolve fel "Is that so...? Well, I guess thanks for the compliment... I think, but I'm not sure if I one hundred percent buy it." scene w1_1020 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "I had dinner with Felicia, which granted me more than a few interesting insights into her character. It turns out her husband is Elias Ford, a wealthy businessman well-known around the city. It's a revelation that gives me a sinking feeling. This could mean trouble..." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve fel "You walked, right? I'll give you a ride home." fel "I've got some stuff in the morning, unfortunately. So I'm going to call it here." scene w1_1021 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'd appreciate that." stop music fadeout 3.0 "....." "..." $ renpy.end_replay() scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.felW1FantasyGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felW1FantasyGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Just like that, our date had concluded with a whirlwind of a bizarre ending." "Despite learning a lot about Felicia, she still felt unquantifiable - unable to be neatly fit into pre-packaged terms." mct "(Perhaps that's because she's insane...?)" KN_MOD "jump w1June03End" KN_MOD "label w1FeliciaFlagDeny:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_1022 with dissolve "With nothing to do for the day, I whiled away my time watching televion." "The show was a fantasy story about three adventurers tasked with saving the realm from ancient, outside forces." "It had everything from action to gratuitous fan service." KN_MOD "jump w1June03End" KN_MOD "label w1June03End:" scene w1_0804 with fade KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" mct "(What a day, treated to a fine meal and a handjob in a park from a wealthy, married woman.)" KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" mc "(What's tomorrow going to look like...? Oh, yeah. I told Hana I'd come to the Asp Hole and see her band play. Live music isn't really my thing, but it should be fun. I'm enjoying getting out of the house more than I used to.)" scene w1_0817 with dissolve mct "(At any rate, today's events tuckered me out...)" scene w1_0422 with dissolve "......" scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateStart" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Hana had asked me to come see her play tomorrow, but I turned her down. Looks like I'll be taking it easy tomorrow, which isn't a bad thing.)" mct "(A {i}me{/i} day evey now and then is good for the mental health.)" scene w1_0817 with dissolve mct "(At any rate, today's events tuckered me out...)" scene w1_0422 with dissolve "......" scene black with fade "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w1June05Start" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I did absolutely nothing productive today. These kind of days are rare, and necessary for my mental health, but I always feel guilty about the wasted time.)" KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" mct "(What's tomorrow going to look like...? Oh, yeah. I told Hana I'd come to the Asp Hole and see her band play.)" mct "(Should be fun. Live music isn't really my thing, but getting out and experiencing life occasionally could do me some good.)" scene w1_0817 with dissolve mct "(At any rate, I'm surprisingly sleepy...)" scene w1_0422 with dissolve "......" scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateStart" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Tomorrow is probably going to be the same, unless something comes up. Hana had asked me to come see her play, but I turned her down.)" scene w1_0817 with dissolve mct "(At any rate, I'm surprisingly sleepy...)" scene w1_0422 with dissolve "......" scene black with fade "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w1June05Start" KN_MOD "label w1HanaDateStart:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june04day" scene black with blinds play sound "sound effects/alarmclock-digital.wav" scene w1_1023 with sunshine $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/bacon-sizzle.wav" scene w1_1025 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) play ambient "sound effects/shower.wav" play sound "sound effects/teeth-brush.wav" scene w1_1024 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(5, hard=True) stop ambient stop sound scene w1_1026 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Hmmh~ mmhh~" scene black with blinds $ date = "june04night" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "After a day of relative routine, I made my way to the Asp Hole." "Thanks solely to the help of the almighty internet I might add, as Hana's directions proved to be utterly indecipherable." scene w1_1027 with fade show june04night with squares play music "music/heavy-trailer-1.ogg" "What I found was a rather open venue, grimy and made to look like it had been carved into a rock face." "What I didn't find, amongst the sparse crowd, was Hana." mct "(I guess I'll go ask the bartender.)" scene w1_1028 with fade mc "Hey! Is Hana around? I was told she's playing here with her band tonight." scene w1_1029 with dissolve "The bartender looked up from the glass she seemed to be perpetually cleaning, and gave me a quick look up and down." scene w1_1030 with dissolve bar "You're not some kind of crazy stalker-fan type, are you?" scene w1_1031 with dissolve mc "Would I tell you if I were?" scene w1_1032 with dissolve bar "..." scene w1_1033 with dissolve mc "I'm a co-worker of hers. Hana asked me to come see her play tonight." scene w1_1034 with dissolve bar "Oh! That's a shame." scene w1_1035 with dissolve bar "This is about the usual Thursday night crowd." scene w1_1036 with dissolve "The bartender directed me to look behind myself, where a thin assembly of people were milling about, slamming back cheap beers, or just otherwise NOT gathering around the simply constructed sound stage." mct "(Oh...?)" scene w1_1037 with dissolve "Off in a corner, I spotted two familiar faces. Harper and Jacob, chatting idly amongst themselves away from the crowd, if you could call it that." bar "No one's really {i}here{/i} for them. They could really use a fan or stalker or two." scene w1_1038 with dissolve bar "I like 'em, though. They got a lot of spirit, which is why I throw a gig their way every now and then, at least on the slow nights." scene w1_1039 with dissolve mc "You know where she's at? I'd like to say hi." scene w1_1040 with dissolve bar "In the back, with the rest of the band. They're on in five." scene w1_1039 with dissolve mc "I guess I'll say hello after then." scene w1_1041 with dissolve mc "I'm not..." scene w1_1042 with dissolve bar "First one's on the house, since you're a guest of the band." scene w1_1043 with dissolve mc "Alright, thanks." scene w1_1044 with dissolve "..." scene w1_1045 with dissolve mct "(--gh!)" with hpunch mct "(Yeah, no shit it's on the house. This tastes like watered-down piss.)" scene w1_1046 with dissolve mct "(Maybe I should go over and say hello to Jacob and Harper? After finding a place to sit down and conveniently forgetting my drink somewhere, of course.)" scene w1_1047 with dissolve mct "(Wait a minute...)" scene w1_1048 with dissolve mc "That's Mr. Byrnes, what the hell is he doing here?" "Standing by himself in the back of the club, was August." scene w1_1049 with dissolve "One would assume, on first and second glance, that the old man would look painfully out of place against the dingy backdrop wearing his yellow shirt and grey leisure suit, but that wasn't the case." "Instead, he stood there with an inscrutable expression on his face, calm and comfortable, looking like he was part of the building itself." mct "(Thinking back to Veronica's audition, blow up aside, the two did sit together. Maybe they're close?)" scene w1_1050 with dissolve mc "Hm..." mct "(Who should I go over and see?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Walk over and say hello to your boss.:" $ August_Friendship +=1 KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateAugust" KN_MOD "Walk over and say hello to Jacob and Harper.:" $ Jacob_Friendship +=1 $ jacobHarpVouch = True KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateJH" KN_MOD "label w1HanaDateAugust:" play music "music/big-rock.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I decided that saying hello to my boss would be the most prudent and conscientious thing to do." scene w1_1051 with cmet aug "Hiya, kid. Would've kept talking to the hot bartender if I were you." scene w1_1052 with dissolve mc "Hey, Mr. Byrnes, uh..." scene w1_1053 with dissolve aug "August. Drop the mister unless you want me to dock your pay." scene w1_1054 with dissolve "While he smiled widely, he sounded like he wasn't kidding..." scene w1_1052 with dissolve mc "{i}August{/i}, right. I just wanted to come by and say hello. I'm surprised to see you here." scene w1_1051 with dissolve aug "Too old for the place, you mean?" scene w1_1055 with dissolve mc "No, uh... it's just..." mc "It's just you're such a perfect fit for the Carnation Club that seeing you outside of it at all, let alone at a punk bar is a little surreal." scene w1_1053 with dissolve aug "I'll have you know, my generation {b}invented{/b} punk." scene w1_1056 with dissolve aug "...I just left my mohawk in another decade, that's all." scene w1_1057 with dissolve mc "Heh, I guess I'm one to talk here." scene w1_1051 with dissolve aug "To answer the question you were about to get to... I'm only here for the same reason I assume you are. To see our girl play." aug "She didn't ask me to come though, so don't tell her you saw me, alright?" scene w1_1054 with dissolve "August said something a little concerning. Does Hana not want him here or something?" scene w1_1058 with dissolve aug "Keep it a secret, between men." scene w1_1059 with dissolve mc "Sure, but this place isn't packed, she's going to spot you..." scene w1_1060 with dissolve aug "I'll duck out before she even knows I was here." scene w1_1061 with dissolve mc "Why do you have to do that?" scene w1_1062 with dissolve aug "Let's just say that girl isn't the biggest fan of mine right now, try as I might to get her to come around on me." scene w1_1063 with dissolve mct "(That's... vague.)" mc "Alright, sure. You were never here." scene w1_1064 with dissolve aug "Good, good! Do that. It'll be nice to know {b}someone{/b} can keep a damn secret amongst the staff." "August narrowed his gaze and looked past me, clearly having a person or two in mind with that statement." scene w1_1063 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1HanaDateAugustMenu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Emphasize your trustworthiness to your boss. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ August_Friendship += 2 $ w1AugustTrust = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Maybe I could use this to score a few brownie points?" "This is a gamble, but I'm pretty sure he's referring to either Ian or the guy who had my job before me..." mc "You don't have anything to worry about there, August. Not for this small matter, nor any other size. I'm {i}very{/i} good at keeping my mouth shut." mc "Not like my predecessor, right? Don't worry, I'm not like him." scene w1_1065 with dissolve aug "...huh? Wait, did Kathy te--" scene w1_1066 with dissolve aug "Oooooh! Ha, you're an astute kid, aren't you?" scene w1_1061 with dissolve mc "I just put two-and-two together, from what I've heard." scene w1_1064 with dissolve aug "You're right, we had some troubles there. A little with Killian too. Both of them could get a little loose lipped when they got shitfaced. You can understand how problematic that can be for an extralegal business like ours." scene w1_1063 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I can see how that might cause some headaches." scene w1_1062 with dissolve aug "Thankfully it was never {i}too{/i} serious, but it proved to me I couldn't really rely on either of them for delicate work." scene w1_1066 with dissolve aug "Darius may have quit on us, but Killian is still there, so be a correcting influence on the boy, yeah?" scene w1_1061 with dissolve mc "You can count on me." KN_MOD "Tell August he can trust you.:" $ August_Friendship += 1 $ w1AugustTrust = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "No worries there, August. You can trust me." scene w1_1061 with dissolve mc "Considering the business I'm now in, and the plans I have for my future, I can't afford any kind of fuck ups, y'know? Mum's the word, for more than just this small thing." scene w1_1066 with dissolve aug "You got a level head on you, kid. I like that." aug "I've got a good feeling about you." KN_MOD "Dont make any future promises.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Sure, I might be able to use this moment to ingratiate myself to my boss, but I don't know what the future may hold. Best not to build up any expectations, in case I can't meet them." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Emphasize your trustworthiness to your boss.{/color}. if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateAugustMenu" scene w1_1067 with dissolve aug "Any--" "As we spoke, the band began to take the stage." scene w1_1068 with dissolve "I counted three people. There was Hana, a woman with vibrant pink hair, and a funny-looking man in an eye-catching red jacket." scene w1_1069 with dissolve $ history_august = "To my surprise, I ran into the old man at Hana's show - a secret he insisted I keep from her. Just what's going on there?" $ unread_august = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve aug "Scram, kid. Better get to the dance floor and cheer your head off. That's an order." mc "Right, guess you're staying back here. See you." scene w1_1070 with dissolve "After bidding goodbye to August, I made my way to the open area in front of the stage." stop music fadeout 3.0 "It being so lightly packed, I picked a spot near my fellow co-workers, prompting a friendly wave from Jacob and absolutely nothing at all from Harper." mct "(I get the feeling she doesn't like me.)" KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDatePerformance" KN_MOD "label w1HanaDateJH:" play music "music/big-rock.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I decided to greet my fellow co-workers instead of my boss, as quite honestly, it's a more pleasant prospect than trying to make small talk with the enigmatic grandpa." scene w1_1071 with dissolve mc "Hey, guess Hana roped all of us into seeing her play, eh?" scene w1_1072 with dissolve jacob "Yep, I turned her down the first time. And the second time. The third, the fourth... well, you get the picture. I relented on the fifth. The little missy can be {i}endearingly{/i} insistent." scene w1_1073 with dissolve harp "Mh..." "Where the two of them had looked rather chatty as I approached, Harper had now fallen awkwardly silent." scene w1_1074 with dissolve mc "Eh...? I hope I'm not interrupting anything." scene w1_1075 with dissolve jacob "Don't worry about that." scene w1_1076 with dissolve jacob "Lighten up, Harps. [mcf] is cool, aren't you [mcf]?" scene w1_1077 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'm cool." scene w1_1078 with dissolve jacob "Hana invited him, remember?" scene w1_1079 with dissolve harp "...sorry. You're right, Jacob. We're all here to have fun." scene w1_1080 with dissolve harp "Nice to see you, [mcf]." mc "You too, Harper." scene w1_1081 with dissolve harp "I'm going to get a beer, either of you want one?" scene w1_1082 with dissolve jacob "Negative." mc "Nope." "We were both quick to turn down her offer." scene w1_1083 with dissolve harp "Alright, I'll be right back." scene w1_1084 with dissolve mc "I get the feeling she doesn't like me..." mc "Not sure what I possibly could've done, I've barely said a word to her." scene w1_1085 with dissolve jacob "It's nothing personal, you're just... {b}management{/b}." scene w1_1084 with dissolve mc "I'm management...? No I'm not, {i}am I{/i}?" "First I was hearing of it. In fact, I had just been considering myself a gopher." scene w1_1086 with dissolve jacob "Yep, you're management alright. Hell, you're the establishment even, at least where she stands." scene w1_1085 with dissolve jacob "If you told her to jump, she'd have to jump, else you could bring the heat down on her. Even if he doesn't look like it, bossman is a strict disciplinarian like that." scene w1_1084 with dissolve mc "You talking about Mr. Byrnes or...?" scene w1_1086 with dissolve jacob "Mr. Byrnes mainly, he handles that stuff. Dr. Kohler is more hands off, but you especially don't want to" scene w1_1087 with dissolve "Jacob stopped himself mid-sentence, probably remembering my close connection to Dr. Chuck." scene w1_1086 with dissolve jacob "Anyway, what I'm saying... cut Harps a break if she's a little standoffish. As far as she's concerned, you're on the opposite side of the fence." scene w1_1084 with dissolve mc "Ah, shit. That makes sense, but I wish it didn't." scene w1_1088 with dissolve jacob "Hey, for what it's worth, you're alright with me - just as long you keep the girls safe." scene w1_1084 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thank Jacob:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thanks, Jacob." KN_MOD "Tell him he doesnt need to worry about that.:" $ Jacob_Friendship +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You don't have to even mention that last part, I don't think I could rationalize doing this job otherwise." scene w1_1089 with dissolve mc "I'll do everything I can to keep the girls safe and healthy." scene w1_1090 with dissolve jacob "Great, we understand each other! I'm the same way." scene w1_1085 with dissolve jacob "That's something I learned about myself in the military, I guess. I can only stomach so much dirty business if I feel like I'm doing some good, somehow, somewhere at least." scene w1_1091 with dissolve $ history_jacob = "It seems like my hunch of Jacob being a decent guy was correct. We shared a brief conversation at Hana's show." $ unread_jacob = True $ history_harper = "A conversation with Jacob revealed why Harper seemed so standoffish at the club. Apparently, she regards me as management, which is news to me. Jacob did his best to vouch for me." $ unread_harper = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve harp "Oh hey, look. Looks like they're on." "As Harper reappeared, it seems the band was taking the stage." scene w1_1068 with dissolve "I counted three people. There was Hana, a woman with vibrant pink hair, and a funny-looking man in an eye-catching red jacket." scene w1_1092 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 harp "Let's get out there and show our support. Looks like they could use it..." mc "Agreed." KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDatePerformance" KN_MOD "label w1HanaDatePerformance:" scene w1_1093 with curtains phg "Hi, fuck you. We're going to play some music now." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/pure-energy-9.ogg" scene w1_1094 with snake pause scene w1_1095 with snake2 pause scene w1_1096 with snakes pause scene w1_1097 with goslow pause scene w1_1094 with w4 pause scene w1_1095 with snake2 pause scene w1_1098 with irisout pause scene w1_1098 with vpunch pause scene w1_1098 with vpunch pause scene w1_1098 with vpunch pause scene w1_1099 with w19 pause scene w1_1099 with vpunch pause scene w1_1099 with vpunch pause scene w1_1099 with vpunch pause scene w1_1099 with vpunch pause scene w1_1098 with vpunch pause scene w1_1098 with vpunch pause scene w1_1099 with vpunch stop music fadeout 4.0 $ renpy.pause(4.0, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/applause-small.wav" scene w1_1100 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I half-expected them to collapse on the spot once the last song concluded - Hana and her two bandmates were wholly coated in a thick sheen of sweat, a veneer of physical anguish written plainly on their faces." "The band hadn't stopped for even a few seconds in between each song. After the first song was over, they immediately went into their next, not even stopping once their set had fully concluded, going on to do an encore that no one had asked for." "The whole thing felt like one large arrangement, rather than a musical set that could be broken down into distinct, individual pieces." scene w1_1101 with dissolve jacob "Haha, way to go guys!" "Jacob let out an overwhelming hurrah following the end of their performance, bringing his large hands together in a thunderous applause that eclipsed Harper and my pitiful attempts." phg "Thanks, we're {i}Eros Massacre{/i}. Don't tell your friends." scene w1_1102 with dissolve hana "Woohoo!" "With what could be characterized as a victory cry punctuating a hard-fought battle, Hana let out a howl before darting off the stage in a flash in front of her adoring fans." "That is, all three of them: Me, Jacob, and Harper." scene w1_1103 with dissolve play music "music/take-the-lead.ogg" hana "Ha! To be honest, I half-expected you guys not to show." scene w1_1104 with dissolve harp "You guys are great! Just my kind of energy." scene w1_1105 with dissolve jacob "It was, uh... something else alright. Right, [mcf]?" scene w1_1106 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree with Jacob.:" scene w1_1107 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, what he said. I've never seen anything quite like that." scene w1_1109 with dissolve hana "Hell, I'll take that as a compliment. " KN_MOD "Tell Hana they kick ass.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 scene w1_1108 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You guys {i}really{/i} kicked ass up there." mc "I mean, musicality aside, you guys looked like demons. I don't know how you have that much stamina." scene w1_1110 with dissolve hana "Hehe, that's right. I'm amazing, right? Yeah, yeah... I'm amazing." "Despite Hana's normally cool demeanor, she clearly enjoys being praised." scene w1_1111 with dissolve phg "Hana! Who's the nerd, hunk, and old lady?" harp "{i}Old{/i} lady...?! Listen here...!" scene w1_1112 with dissolve flp "Yeah... when you said you were inviting some friends, I didn't expect a.." scene w1_1113 with dissolve jacob "Motley crew?" scene w1_1114 with dissolve flp "Yeah... that's what I was going to say." flp "You're not a cop, right? You look like a cop..." scene w1_1115 with dissolve phg "Of course he's not, look at these arms. He's too big to be a cop..." phg "When was the last time you saw an MHPD pig that didn't look like a pig?" scene w1_1116 with dissolve hana "Jeez, will you two shut the fuck up and let me introduce you? Shit." hana "These guys are from work." scene w1_1117 with dissolve hana "[mcf]." scene w1_1118 with dissolve hana "That's Jacob." scene w1_1119 with dissolve hana "She's Harper, she's a bad bitch that'll kick your teeth out. FYI, Jerrica." scene w1_1120 with dissolve hana "This is Jerrica and Spider." scene w1_1121 with dissolve spid "Yo!" scene w1_1122 with dissolve jer "Co-workers, eh? Since when do you have a fucking job, Hana?" scene w1_1123 with dissolve hana "Some of us don't live in a van and mooch off friends, Jer." scene w1_1124 with dissolve mc "Uh... nice to meet you guys." "I decided to interject, before things got more noisy." scene w1_1125 with dissolve jacob "Likewise. Any friend of Hana is cool with me." scene w1_1126 with dissolve jer "Think we could be friends, big guy?" scene w1_1127 with dissolve spid "I'm standing right here! You know, me, your boyfriend?" KN_MOD "if jacobHarpVouch == True:" scene w1_1128 with dissolve harp "*Whisper* Somehow, Hana's the least lively one of the band..." "Harper leaned in and whispered in my ear, sharing in an observation I was independently making myself." scene w1_1129 with dissolve hana "I'm glad you three came. Seriously, thanks. Jerrica may enjoy playing to near empty crowds--" scene w1_1130 with dissolve jer "It's called being an artist!" scene w1_1131 with dissolve hana "--but I like a little feedback, good or bad, y'know?" mct "(Not just the three of us...)" scene w1_1132 with dissolve KN_MOD "if jacobHarpVouch == True:" $ history_august = "To my surprise, I ran into the old man at Hana's show, but didn't get a chance to speak to him. Strangely, he slipped out before the show ended without even saying a word to Hana." $ unread_august = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "I quickly looked around in search of August, only to find him vanished. Wonder why he didn't stick around...?" KN_MOD "else:" "I quickly looked around in search of August, only to find him vanished, just like he said he would." scene w1_1133 with dissolve mc "Well, we're co-workers, right? We should get along." scene w1_1134 with dissolve spid "Right! Right! Let's all get along and have a drink, eh?" scene w1_1135 with dissolve hana "Here? No way am I paying $7 for what's basically a mug of water. I do know another place, though..." hana "Plenty of top shelf stuff, all for the price of free... plus, it's got a private pool." scene w1_1136 with dissolve jacob "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea, Hana. Your--" harp "Yeah, August isn't going to be happy if you bring in outsiders to the building." scene w1_1137 with dissolve hana "What the old man doesn't know won't hurt him, and if he does find out... {b}fuck him{/b}. Not like that sad sack has it in him to fire me, anyway." scene w1_1138 with dissolve jer "I think I'm a bit lost here, but you mentioned something about endless booze?" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if jacobHarpVouch == False:" $ history_jacob = "Jacob was at Hana's show, but we didn't get a chance to talk one-on-one." $ unread_jacob = True $ history_harper = "Harper was at Hana's show, but she remains conspicuously tight-lipped." $ unread_harper = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" scene black with fade "..." scene w1_1139 with blinds play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" spid "Yo, this place is creepy. What was with all those empty cubicles?" hana "It used to be an office building. Don't ask me why it's still that way, I just serve drinks here occasionally." scene w1_1140 with dissolve jer "Seriously though, you'd never know this place was here. What kind of bar is hidden from the world?" scene w1_1141 with dissolve hana "The exclusive, fuddy duddy 'you-must-oppress-the-poor to drink here' kind of bar?" scene w1_1142 with dissolve spid "Hehe, so what you're telling me is, we're redistributing the wealth by stealing the booze here?" "Following Hana's extremely bad suggestion, both Jacob and Harper bailed on us." scene w1_1143 with fade "Jacob's excuse was that it was past his bed time, and Harper understandably had no desire to spend her free time here." "I would've bailed myself, but Jacob privately suggested I tag along and make sure Hana didn't spill the beans, damage the place, or just otherwise get in trouble." scene w1_1144 with dissolve jer "Shit, this place is seriously swanky. How the hell did YOU get a job at a place like this?" scene w1_1145 with dissolve hana "The owner is a family friend." scene w1_1144 with dissolve mct "( that true, I wonder? Is that why she works here, despite acting like she hates the place?)" scene w1_1146 with dissolve jer "Bullshit. Since when does your mom have friends?" scene w1_1147 with dissolve spid "Hey buddy, you don't say much, do you?" scene w1_1148 with dissolve mc "You guys are doing enough talking for all of us." scene w1_1147 with dissolve spid "Ah, the strong and silent type? I dig it, I dig it." scene w1_1148 with dissolve mc "Not really..." scene w1_1149 with dissolve spid "So... Hana, yeah?" scene w1_1150 with dissolve spid "Coming to see us play, tagging along... you're trying to hit that, am I right?" mct "( he seriously asking me that?)" scene w1_1151 with dissolve hana "Of course he is. Who the fuck wouldn't? At least he's not creepy about it though." hana "Unlike you, you jackass." scene w1_1152 with dissolve hana "--catch!" "With next to no warning, Hana abruptly tossed a bottle of rum my way." scene w1_1153 with dissolve mc ", wha--?" "As I watched the bottle arc through the air, panic set in as I envisioned the bottle smashing violently into the bar room's floor..." scene w1_1154 with dissolve hana "Nice catch, [mcf]." scene w1_1155 with dissolve mc "--gh, what if I dropped that?" scene w1_1156 with dissolve hana "There's about four more bottles. I'm sure you would've caught at least one of them." scene w1_1155 with dissolve mc "What about the mess? August would know that we snuck in..." scene w1_1157 with dissolve hana "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. He'll know. You think this place doesn't have cameras? That paranoid bastard checks 'em every morning too." scene w1_1158 with dissolve mc "..." "Somehow, in my infinite capacity for being a stick in the mud and a habitual worry-wart, that obvious fact had snuck into my blind spot." scene w1_1159 with dissolve jer "Huh, wait, for real? You're not going to get in trouble for this, are you?" scene w1_1160 with dissolve hana "Naaaaaah, probably not." hana "Anyway, now that we're fully loaded, let's get wet." mc "What do you mean by..." stop music play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" scene w1_1161 with wet2 "*Kachunk*" scene w1_1162 with dissolve mct "(Okay, this is borderline ridiculous.)" mct "(So the club has a bar, sauna, multiple baths, photography studio, gym, multiple private rooms, private offices, an underground sex hall... and now also giant-sized indoor pool?)" scene w1_1163 with dissolve mct "(Whatever.)" scene w1_1164 with dissolve play music "music/happy-whistling-ukulele.ogg" "After snatching some alcohol from the bar - and then availing ourselves of the club's selection of swim suits - we found our way here." "The club itself, I learned, has a veritable warehouse worth of costumes, clothes, underwear, and swimming garments." scene w1_1165 with dissolve spid "Eh? You're not getting in?" scene w1_1166 with dissolve mc "I will, in a bit." scene w1_1167 with dissolve mc "..." scene w1_1168 with dissolve mc "*Glug, glug, glug." "The rum, surprisingly, had a refreshing effect. Its sweet, tannin-enriched flavor smoothly slid down my gullet with next to no resistance from my taste buds." scene w1_1167 with dissolve mct "(Well, I'm already in the midst of a poor choice. Might as well revel in it.)" scene w1_1169 with dissolve mc "So... why Spider?" scene w1_1170 with dissolve spid "What do you mean {i}why{/i} Spider?" scene w1_1171 with dissolve mc "I mean, why are you called that. You got a tattoo of a Spider or something?" scene w1_1170 with dissolve spid "I just thought it sounded cool." scene w1_1171 with dissolve mc "Wait... you mean you gave yourself a nickname? Not only that, but it was... {i}spider{/i}?" scene w1_1172 with dissolve spid "Yeah, what's wrong with that?!" scene w1_1170 with dissolve mc "It's just... {w}it's just..." scene w1_1173 with dissolve mc "--pfthahaha." scene w1_1174 with dissolve mc "Hahahahahahaha--" scene w1_1175 with dissolve mc "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, no. That's..." scene w1_1176 with dissolve mc "Sorry. Sorry... that's just too fucking funny." spid "Yeah?! What's so damn funnny about it?!" scene w1_1177 with dissolve mc "Well, it's just... you know..." KN_MOD "if toughness <= 17:" mct "(Shit, I'm kind of being a jerk here, huh? I probably shouldn't say it...)" hana "I know, right? It's like something a kid would do." scene w1_1178 with dissolve mc "Ehehe...heh..." "Hana had rejoined us, putting my exact thoughts about the punk rocker's self-given nom de plume into words." spid "*Whistle* Fhweeeeeeeeeooooo!" scene w1_1179 : subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 6 yalign 0.1 "I was in total agreement with my wolf-whistling Spider friend, doing my own silent cat-calling inside my head." "The cut of the girls' swimsuits was {i}extremely{/i} revealing, but both wore it boldly; fully at ease wearing it as if it was only a church-Sunday smock." scene w1_1181 with dissolve jer "Well...?" hana "Yeah, yeah... get it out of your system." scene w1_1180 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Dont say anything, just whistle.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Rather than say anything, I took a cue from my male counterpart." mc "*Whistle* Cwhoooooeeeooooo!" scene w1_1182 with dissolve hana "One Spider is more than enough, thanks." scene w1_1183 with dissolve mc "*Glug, glug, glug*." scene w1_1184 with dissolve hana "Fwhaa! That's the stuff." scene w1_1191 with dissolve KN_MOD "Admire Hanas tattoos.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w1_1185 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Your tattoos look amazing." "Not that I hadn't gotten a good look at them already, but seeing them almost entirely in the buff on one big canvas gave me a finer appreciation for their beautiful detail." scene w1_1186 with dissolve hana "Oh ho, is that what's got your eyes?" scene w1_1187 with dissolve mc "Not the only thing, but it's the one that's polite to mention." scene w1_1188 with dissolve hana "You ever think about getting inked?" scene w1_1189 with dissolve mc "No, never." scene w1_1190 with dissolve hana "You should consider it. Skinny men with tattoos is sexual catnip. You'd pull a lot more tail." scene w1_1189 with dissolve mc "Thanks for the tip, but I'm not that kind of guy." scene w1_1190 with dissolve hana "You mean the kind that's looking to get laid?" scene w1_1192 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 jer "Woo!" play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" scene w1_1193 with dissolve "*Kachunk*" scene w1_1194 with dissolve "..." scene w1_1195 with dissolve jer "Mnhaaa~! The water's great!" scene w1_1196 with dissolve jer "{b}This{/b} is exactly what's needed after a gig. Get your asses in here!" scene w1_1197 with dissolve hana "Good idea!" scene w1_1198 with dissolve hana "Well...?" scene w1_1199 with dissolve mc "Ladies first." scene w1_1200 with dissolve hana "Don't dawdle, new guy or I'll tell August this was your idea." mct "(Ehehe... please don't do that.)" scene w1_1201 with dissolve "Shooting me one last conspiratorial look, Hana moved to the edge of the water's surface, held her nose, and..." play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" scene w1_1202 with dissolve "*Fwphoo*" "Took the plunge." scene w1_1203 with dissolve "I wasn't far behind, following her example." scene black with wet2 play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" "*Kachunk*" "..." scene w1_1204 with circlewipe play music "music/hotshot.ogg" "Over the next half hour or so, we messed around." scene w1_1205 with fade "We drank." play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" scene w1_1206 with wet2 "Fucked around." scene w1_1207 with fade "Drank some more..." scene w1_1208 with wiperight "Had some friendly competition." scene w1_1209 with fade "Drank {b}EVEN{/b} more, to the point of belligerence." scene w1_1210 with w19 "Which turned into some not-so-friendly competition." jer "Put yer goddamn back into it!" hana "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon...!" KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w1_1211 with curtains hana "Wahahaha! Suck it, losers! You better pay up, Jer." jer "Grr....!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_1212 with curtains jer "Yes, yes, yes! You owe me twenty bucks, Hana!" hana "Mmmhg....!" scene w1_1213 with circlewipe "Until we found ourselves divided into groups, thanks to an overly amorous development." jer "Hehehe, never done it in a fancy pool before." spid "Fuck...! You look so good in that swimsuit...!" scene w1_1214 with dissolve hana "Bah! Those two are fucking animals. I always end up the third wheel." hana "Thankfully, that's not the case tonight, though this is still slightly awkward in its own way." scene w1_1215 with dissolve mc "Pretty sure this won't be the first time someone's screwed in this pool." scene w1_1216 with dissolve hana "Don't get any fresh ideas. I'm starting to like you, but I'm not entirely sold on you just yet." scene w1_1217 with dissolve KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" mc "Don't worry, I can read the room. Let's just talk." KN_MOD "else:" mc "That's alright with me. Let's just talk a bit." mc "Let me get a chance to fully sell myself." scene w1_1218 with dissolve hana "Fair enough, new guy. Why don't you start?" scene w1_1219 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Hmmm, well..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_1226 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Talk about Hanas band.:" $ w1HanaBandPath = True KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkBand" KN_MOD "Talk about Hanas motorcycle.:" $ w1HanaBikePath = True $ Hana_Affection +=1 KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkBike" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkBand:" play music "music/horrible.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "So... how did you all meet?" "I decided to go with the most obvious, at-hand line of conversation." scene w1_1221 with dissolve hana "Jerrica and Spider? I've known them since we were all kids. We grew up in the same building, and even went to the same school." mc "Childhood friends, then?" hana "Not exactly. Jerrica and I were friends for about all that time, but we didn't really start hanging with Eric -- sorry, {b}Spider{/b} - until high school, when we put up a notice looking for a bassist." hana "He turned up, was cool enough. There was a small hitch, though: he had never even picked up a single musical instrument in his life." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "You guys let him join your band despite that?" scene w1_1225 with dissolve hana "Had to, Jerrica immediately had a crush on him. Plus, not like she or I were much more than beginners at that point anyway." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "It makes for a pretty good story I guess." scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "Yeah, that's a little {i}Behind the Music: Eros Massacre{/i} for ya." scene w1_1226 with dissolve "The conversation came to a natural pause, sending my mind in different directions and causing me to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask about band dynamics.:" KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkBand2" KN_MOD "Zero in on the band name.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkMovies" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkBand2:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "What's its like being in a band with your friends? I imagine that has its own unique frustrations." scene w1_1227 with dissolve hana "Eh, you would think, but nooooot really. Jerrica and Spider are both pretty chill, but none of us are afraid to speak our minds." scene w1_1228 with dissolve mc "Really? There's no friction at all?" scene w1_1227 with dissolve hana "Sure there is, but whenever Jerrica gets on my nerves with her fucking loud-ass chewing or Spider goes {i}off script{/i} in his playing, I let them know how annoyed or pissed off I am." scene w1_1222 with dissolve hana "They do the same for me. Keeps things from ever boiling over. It's liberating, airing your shit. It works as long as no one takes things too personally." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "Sounds like you've got it figured out." scene w1_1225 with dissolve hana "Hmmm, maybe. It's not like it's the secret to world peace or anything, but it works for us. I'm not naive enough to suggest it would work everywhere." scene w1_1259 with dissolve hana "Try telling Kathleen she's acting {i}real{/i} cuntish next time she goes full depraved bitch mode, for example. That wouldn't go over as smooth as it would with Jer. Not everyone is as awesome as she is." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "So, you and she are like best friends then?" scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "If you want to put a label on it. I don't." scene w1_1229 with dissolve hana "What about you and Ian, eh? You guys are tight, right?" scene w1_1231 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Hana you are.:" $ Killian_Bromance +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, we are. Hope you won't hold that against me." scene w1_1230 with dissolve hana "I'll reserve my judgement. Your friend's a mega-asshole, but you haven't sent up any red flags yet." scene w1_1252 with dissolve mc "Gee, thanks. How gracious of you, oh magnanimous one." scene w1_1253 with dissolve hana "Hehe, I totally agree." scene w1_1254 with dissolve mc "At any rate, even if we weren't, I'd have to be now. He landed me the job here at the club after all." KN_MOD "Tell Hana your relationship with Ian is complicated.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's complicated. We go way back, y'know? Kinda hard to shake him, even if I wanted to. You can't choose your friends." scene w1_1230 with dissolve hana "Huh? What? The saying is... {i}you can't choose your family, but you {b}can{/b} choose your friends.{/i}." scene w1_1231 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I know. I guess what I'm saying is, it just {b}feels{/b} that way sometimes. Especially now, after I owe him for landing me the job here at the club." scene w1_1230 with dissolve hana "Is this shitty place really such a big deal for you?" scene w1_1232 with dissolve mc "..." scene w1_1233 with dissolve mc "Yes. It's going to pay for my school. What about you? Why are you here?" scene w1_1250 with dissolve hana "Ah, well..." scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "We're in a similar boat. Leave it at that." scene w1_1226 with dissolve "Even if she says that, she still has me curious..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Pry into Hanas situation.:" $ Hana_Affection -= 2 KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkPry" KN_MOD "Leave it alone. Have some fun in the pool.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkFun" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkPry:" scene w1_1237 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Come on, now you've got me curious." scene w1_1259 with dissolve hana "I don't want to talk about it." scene w1_1237 with dissolve mc "Whatever it is, you--" scene w1_1238 with dissolve hana "I said... {size=+20}I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT.{/size=+20}. Cork it!" scene w1_1239 with dissolve mc "..." scene w1_1240 with dissolve "Things got more than a little awkward between us, as a result of me putting my foot in my mouth." "That wasn't the worst of it though, as..." KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateInterrupt" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkFun:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Enough blathering! Having reached the end of the conversational thread, there was only one thing for me to do..." play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" scene w1_1245 with dissolve "*Kachunk*" hana "...huh?" scene w1_1246 with dissolve hana "What are you do--" scene w1_1247 with dissolve hana "Eeeeh?!" "Even from underwater, I could pick up the uncharacteristically cute, shrill cry that escaped Hana's lips." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" "After my sneak attack, we splashed around in the water like children, so preoccupied that we didn't hear our reckoning sneak up on us." hana "Ah, crap." $ w1HanaTalkPlay = True KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateInterrupt" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkMovies:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Eros Massacre...?" "Right, the name had struck me as familiar back at the Asp Hole, but I was so focused on my surroundings that I didn't immediately connect it." mc "You named your band after a movie?" scene w1_1241 with dissolve hana "Huh...?!" scene w1_1242 with dissolve hana "You actually know it?!" scene w1_1243 with dissolve mc "Surprisingly, yeah." "Eros + Massacre was the name of a Japanese film from the late 60s. It is {i}very{/i} long, and not exactly my cup of tea, but I had seen it in my teenage years during my mother's cinematic schooling." scene w1_1242 with dissolve hana "That's awesome! You're the first person to get that." scene w1_1243 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Talk about your mother.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's all thanks to my mother." scene w1_1249 with dissolve hana "Your mother?" KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkMother" KN_MOD "Talk about movies.:" KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkMovies2" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkMother:" $ w1HanaSingleMother = True scene w1_1248 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yep, she's responsible for all the weird shit I watched growing up." scene w1_1249 with dissolve hana "Sounds like a cool lady." scene w1_1248 with dissolve mc "She is, for a lot of reasons. She kicks a lot of ass. Actually, she reminds me a little of you." scene w1_1244 with dissolve hana "She does?" scene w1_1248 with dissolve mc "Well, she doesn't dress like you, talk like you, and she isn't as scary as you... but she doesn't let anything stand in her way." scene w1_1227 with dissolve hana "Gotta say, this is the first time a boy's brought up his own mother so emphatically while on a not-date with me." scene w1_1228 with dissolve mc "Heh, is that weird?" scene w1_1227 with dissolve hana "A little, but it's also kinda sweet. I can tell by the sound of your voice and the look on your face that you care about her." scene w1_1224 with dissolve hana "I'm a little jealous, to be honest." scene w1_1220 with dissolve mc "Of what?" scene w1_1225 with dissolve hana "Of that kind of parental relationship. Don't get me wrong, I'd scratch someone's fucking eyes out if they hurt my mom, but..." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "...but?" scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "Ah, I got a lot of baggage there. I'm not going to get into it. You wouldn't want to hear it. " scene w1_1231 with dissolve mc "I might!" scene w1_1230 with dissolve hana "No, you don't. I want to hear about your mom, though. Tell me about her. What's she like?" scene w1_1231 with dissolve mc "She's... very patient, but also impatient at the same time." scene w1_1253 with dissolve hana "How's that?" scene w1_1252 with dissolve mc "For example: she always opens the microwave with a few seconds to go, but she'll cheerfully stand idly by while her old neighbor goes on and on about the rising price of newspapers." scene w1_1254 with dissolve mc "That's not to mention the patience she had with me and my bad behavior growing up." scene w1_1230 with dissolve hana "Your dad's out of the picture?" scene w1_1231 with dissolve mc "Yeah, she raised me herself." scene w1_1230 with dissolve hana "Same, it was just me and my mom too. Though, in my case, it was better that way." scene w1_1231 with dissolve mc "Why do you say that?" scene w1_1259 with dissolve hana "My dad's a {i}real{/i} piece of shit - that said, before it becomes awkward, keep going." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "Right, uh... well, there's a ton else I could say, but I'll just keep it to one." mc "She endured a lot of nasty shit for my sake, when she could've just split." scene w1_1250 with dissolve hana "You sound very lucky." scene w1_1251 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I guess--" scene w1_1250 with dissolve hana "Ah, crap." KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateInterrupt" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkMovies2:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "When I'm not studying, I spend a lot of time watching movies I guess." scene w1_1224 with dissolve hana "That's cool. You're not the type to self-describe as a {i}cinephile{/i} are you?" scene w1_1252 with dissolve mc "No, no... I only {b}look{/b} obnoxious." scene w1_1253 with dissolve hana "Ha! You're a funny fucker aren't you, new guy?" scene w1_1254 with dissolve mc "It accidently happens from time to time." scene w1_1253 with dissolve hana "So, what kind of movies are you into?" scene w1_1236 with dissolve mc "Dumb action movies, mostly. The stupider the better." scene w1_1235 with dissolve hana "Kung fu?" scene w1_1236 with dissolve mc "Yeah, who doesn't like a little 36 Chambers of Shaolin?" scene w1_1235 with dissolve hana "What else?" scene w1_1236 with dissolve mc "I grew up watching a lot of world cinema too. Giallo horror, giant monster movies, yakuza flicks." mc "To be honest, Ian and I watched things we were definitely not old enough to view, let alone appreciate." scene w1_1229 with dissolve hana "You guys go that way back? You must be pretty tight then." scene w1_1226 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Hana you are.:" $ Killian_Bromance +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, we are. Hope you won't hold that against me." scene w1_1225 with dissolve hana "I'll reserve my judgement. Your friend's a mega-asshole, but you haven't sent up any red flags yet." scene w1_1220 with dissolve mc "Gee, thanks. How gracious of you, oh magnanimous one." scene w1_1224 with dissolve hana "Hehe, I totally agree." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "At any rate, even we weren't, I'd have to be now. He landed me the job here at the club after all." KN_MOD "Tell Hana your relationship with Ian is complicated.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's complicated. We go way back, y'know? Kinda hard to shake him, even if I wanted to. You can't choose your friends." scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "Huh? What? The saying is... {i}you can't choose your family, but you {b}can{/b} choose your friends.{/i}." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I know. I guess what I'm saying is, it just {b}feels{/b} that way sometimes. Especially now, after I owe him for landing me the job here at the club." scene w1_1222 with dissolve hana "You know, I think I get you." KN_MOD "if w1HanaBandPath == True:" scene w1_1250 with dissolve hana "Ah, crap." KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateInterrupt" KN_MOD "if w1HanaBikePath == True:" scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "What about you? What kind of movies do you like?" scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "What makes you think I like movies?" scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "Everyone likes movies." scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "No they don't, but..." scene w1_1255 with dissolve hana "This gal sure as shit does." hana "The weirder the better." scene w1_1220 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her it sounds like she has the same taste as your mother.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sound like you have similar tastes to my mother." scene w1_1244 with dissolve hana "Your mother?" KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkMother" KN_MOD "Continue the movie talk.:" KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkMovies3" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkBike:" play music "music/horrible.ogg" scene w1_1241 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "How long have you and Suzie Q been a couple?" scene w1_1242 with dissolve hana "--! You actually remembered my baby's name?" scene w1_1256 with dissolve hana "Ah, let's see... We've been together a little over two years ago. I bought her as a present for myself for my 21st birthday." hana "First expensive thing I've ever owned. I always wanted a motorcycle, ever since I was a little girl. I was weird like that I guess." scene w1_1257 with dissolve "Hana's eyes were practically sparkling at this point. I clearly touched on a favorite topic of hers." mc "That's not so weird. Bikes are badass, right?" scene w1_1249 with dissolve hana "You bet your ass they are." scene w1_1256 with dissolve hana "Anyway, I started putting money back for it from the part-time jobs I had in high school. I scrimped and saved for years, until finally...!" scene w1_1250 with dissolve hana "I know it's just a dumb inanimate object, but... it's one of the few things in my life that I'm proud of." scene w1_1258 with dissolve "Am I seeing things, or is Hana looking a little... {i}embarrassed{/i}?" mct "(It's a cute look on her.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Share your observation.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Y'know... you're pretty cute when you're embarrassed." scene w1_1259 with dissolve hana "Cram it! Don't feed me that shitty line. It's patronizing." scene w1_1237 with dissolve mc "I'm not {i}feeding{/i} you a line, I'm just giving you my earnest thoughts." scene w1_1259 with dissolve hana "Well, your earnest thought is a trite pickup line." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "My bad. Sorry!" scene w1_1225 with dissolve hana "Ah, don't worry. I'm not too fussed about it. I just like giving you a hard time." KN_MOD "Admire her tenacity.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's not just an inanimate object, it's a symbol of your independence. You wanted something and you worked hard to get it. You should be proud." scene w1_1224 with dissolve hana "Heh, I suppose it sounds less frivolous your way. You're pretty good at spinning things, aren't you?" scene w1_1220 with dissolve mc "Eh, I wouldn't say that... I was just sharing my earnest thoughts." scene w1_1224 with dissolve hana "Well, thanks. It's cool hearing it put that way. That money could've been used for {b}other things{/b}, so I feel silly sometimes about it." scene w1_1229 with dissolve hana "Anyway... what about you? Hobbies?" scene w1_1226 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Hana you pretty much just study.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkDoctor" KN_MOD "Tell Hana you watch a lot of movies.:" KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkMovies2" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkDoctor:" scene w1_1231 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 18:" mc "Until recently, I mostly just used my time to study. Hell, even my old job was helping snobby brats hit the books." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Until recently, I mostly just used my time to study. Hell, even my old job was helping other people hit the books." scene w1_1230 with dissolve hana "What's all that studying for?" scene w1_1231 with dissolve mc "To get into med school." scene w1_1253 with dissolve hana "You're going to be a doctor?" scene w1_1252 with dissolve mc "Without a doubt." scene w1_1253 with dissolve hana "Yeesh, turn it down some, will ya? That kinda confidence is enough to give a girl butterflies." scene w1_1236 with dissolve mc "You're teasing me.... What about you? You gonna be a rockstar?" scene w1_1250 with dissolve hana "Fat chance. We fucking suck. We just do this for fun." scene w1_1225 with dissolve hana "Well, not Jerrica. That crazy bitch thinks there's an artistry to us wailing and jumping around." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "Then what do you picture your future like?" scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "Fuck if I know, dude. I don't really think about it too much." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "Really? I can't image... how does that not stress you out? I'd be on the floor with anxiety." scene w1_1222 with dissolve hana "Guess I'm not built that way. Still, even if I did have a dream career..." scene w1_1251 with dissolve "Hana trailed off, clearly thinking better of what she was about to say. She had me curious." mc "What?" scene w1_1223 with dissolve hana "Ah, forget it. I'm not in a sharing mood." scene w1_1226 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Insist that she tell you.:" $ Hana_Affection -= 2 KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkPry" KN_MOD "Let it go. Have some fun in the pool.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 KN_MOD "jump w1HanaTalkFun" KN_MOD "label w1HanaTalkMovies3:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "What's your favorite {i}weird{/i} movie then?" scene w1_1224 with dissolve hana "Easy! Have you ever seen {i}Tetsuo: The Iron Man{/i}?" scene w1_1220 with dissolve mc "I have. It's pretty good." scene w1_1244 with dissolve hana "Pretty good? Pretty good?! It's fucking awesome! It's like one big hypnotic metal fever dream!" scene w1_1249 with dissolve hana "What's not to like? From the trippy stop motion animation, to the high contrast black and white... it even has a giant metal drill penis! It's pure kino!" scene w1_1248 with dissolve mc "You're geeking out pretty hard right now, you know?" scene w1_1244 with dissolve hana "Yeah, what of it?" scene w1_1248 with dissolve "Well..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her you like this side of her.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like it. It's a change of pace from how I picture you." scene w1_1227 with dissolve hana "How do you picture me, exactly?" scene w1_1228 with dissolve mc "Cool, motorcycle-riding chick who doesn't take anyone's shit? Something like that?" scene w1_1227 with dissolve hana "I'll take it." scene w1_1220 with dissolve mc "Flattery aside--" KN_MOD "Joke with Hana about being lame.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's just nice to know that beneath that unflappable badass exterior, is a giant geek." scene w1_1237 with dissolve mc "It's just nice to know that you can be lame too." scene w1_1229 with dissolve hana "Hey! You asked, alright?! Don't be a jerk." scene w1_1226 with dissolve mc "Teasing aside--" scene w1_1250 with dissolve hana "Ah, crap." KN_MOD "jump w1HanaDateInterrupt" KN_MOD "label w1HanaDateInterrupt:" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w1_1260 with fade hana "The jig's up." scene w1_1261 with dissolve war "Oh, for fuck's sake." scene w1_1262 with dissolve hana "Hiya, Warren. How's things?" scene w1_1261 with dissolve war "I'd expect this from Mr. Beaufort, but you?" scene w1_1263 with dissolve war "Your father is going to blow a fucking gasket when he finds out about this." KN_MOD "if w1HanaTalkPlay == True:" scene w1_1264 with fade mc "......." mc "..." play sound "sound effects/surprise.wav" mct "(...huh?!)" with vpunch scene w1_1265 with dissolve mc "Uh, Hana..." scene w1_1266 with dissolve hana "Yeah, new guy?" scene w1_1265 with dissolve mc "Is... is Mr. Byrnes your {i}dad{/i}?" scene w1_1267 with dissolve hana "That fucker now likes to pretend he is." scene w1_1268 with dissolve mct "(Eh? EH?! Could NO ONE have freakin' mentioned this to me earlier?!)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_1269 with dissolve mc "......." mc "..." play sound "sound effects/surprise.wav" mct "(...huh?!)" with vpunch scene w1_1270 with dissolve mc "Uh, Hana..." scene w1_1271 with dissolve hana "Yeah, new guy?" scene w1_1270 with dissolve mc "Is... is Mr. Byrnes your {i}dad{/i}?" scene w1_1272 with dissolve hana "That fucker now likes to pretend he is, at least." scene w1_1273 with dissolve mct "(Eh? EH?! Could NO ONE have freakin' mentioned this to me earlier?!)" scene black with w24 play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_spider = True $ met_jerrica = True show bioadd with dissolve "..." scene w1_1274 with blinds play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" war "Seriously, what were you thinking, little Miss? I'll cut [mcf] a little slack since he's new, but you know the club's policy about outsiders VERY well." "After Warren's interruption, Spider and Jerrica were briskly sent packing. Hana and Spider made some fuss, but Jerrica was astute enough to pick up on how seriously scary Warren was about them leaving." scene w1_1275 with dissolve hana "First of all, drop the {i}little Miss{/i} bullshit, okay? Second of all..." scene w1_1276 with dissolve war "There's no second of all, Hana! This place represents a lot of money for dangerous people. You know the people who your father...auhg!" hana "" scene w1_1277 with hpunch war "THIS AIN'T NO FUCKIN' PLAYGROUND!" scene w1_1278 with dissolve "All at once, Warren exploded into a projection of pure rage, bearing down on Hana an unadulterated anger that had been pressure cooked." "At the molecular level, my body was telling me to be wary. That {b}this{/b} was a dangerous man. Something my mind already knew, but now my very body was in total agreement." "The reaction carved into Hana's face told me she was feeling the same. Despite her usual gumption, she was still a woman facing down what was basically an angry man the size of a gorilla." scene w1_1279 with dissolve mc "...cooler heads prevail, yeah?" scene w1_1280 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Reflexively, I put myself between the beleaguered Hana and towering Warren, despite the self-preservation part of my brain telling me to stay the fuck out of it." war "..." scene w1_1281 with curtains play music "music/called-upon.ogg" kat "Mr. [mcl] is right." "I don't know how long Kathleen had been standing there, but she picked just the right time to cut the tension." scene w1_1282 with dissolve kat "You're scaring the poor girl, Warren." scene w1_1283 with dissolve hana "{size=-10}Not really.{/size=-10}" scene w1_1284 with dissolve kat "You can forgive a young lady her foibles I hope." scene w1_1285 with dissolve war "*sigh* If that's what you want, Mrs. P." scene w1_1286 with dissolve kat "It is. Not only that, but... August doesn't really have to know about this, does he?" "To my utter disbelief, instead of browbeating Hana, Kathleen had swooped in to defuse the situation." scene w1_1287 with dissolve hana "Let him, I don't care if he--" scene w1_1288 with dissolve kat "I know you don't, dear. Honestly, I might be trying to accomplish the same thing if I was in your position." kat "No, that's not right. I would've already burned this place to the ground." scene w1_1289 with dissolve war "Don't give her any ideas." "I didn't understand what they were talking about, but the cold-blooded woman I called my boss was nowhere to be found, instead she had a caring and almost maternal affectation to her demeanor." scene w1_1290 with dissolve kat "A {b}year{/b} is a long time when there's no real end in sight, isn't it?" kat "I know you're angry, and you have every right to be, but you've got to find some way to ground yourself. Think of your {b}mother{/b}." scene w1_1291 with dissolve hana "..." "At the mention of Hana's mom, all color drained from the would be rockstar's face." "It was a pitiful look, resembling a deflated balloon." hana "You...! Don't...!" scene w1_1292 with dissolve hana "...!" scene w1_1293 with dissolve hana "Whatever." scene w1_1294 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Without saying a word, Hana left the room. Before I could even react, Kat turned to me and said..." scene w1_1295 with dissolve kat "Go after her and make sure she's okay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_1296 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen I was already going to do that.:" $ toughness -= 1 scene w1_1297 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Right, you don't have to tell me." scene w1_1295 with dissolve kat "Then get to it." scene w1_1299 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen she would probably rather be left alone.:" $ toughness += 1 scene w1_1297 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Don't you think she would probably rather be left alone?" scene w1_1295 with dissolve kat "No, you idiot. What she needs is a friend. So, go be that." scene w1_1298 with dissolve mc "Alright... I'll go check on her." scene w1_1299 with dissolve "..." scene w1_1300 with dissolve war "This is what happens when you hire kids." scene w1_1301 with dissolve kat "Hush." scene w1_1302 with slideleft play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mc "Hmm...? Where'd she go...?" "Hana was nowhere to be found outside the exhibition hall." play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" scene black with fade "The elevator came from the mid-level." mct "(Maybe she ducked into one of the rooms?)" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene club-bdsm with cmet "The first room I tried: nothing." play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene club-bedroom1 with fade mct "(Not in here...)" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w1_1303 with fade "Third time's the charm. There Hana was, looking rather small in the corner of one of the more over-the-top rooms." scene w1_1304 with dissolve mc "You sure picked a gaudy place to sulk in." mc "I mean, who the hell would want to screw in a purple room? Makes my eyes want to bleed." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_1305 with dissolve hana "...I'd call it a magenta." hana "Hey, by the way." scene w1_1306 with dissolve play music "music/st-francis.ogg" mc "You okay?" scene w1_1307 with dissolve hana "Mmm, eh. Yeah." hana "Just kicking myself for getting worked up. Pretty fucking lame..." scene w1_1308 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "What was Mrs. Pulman talking about?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "What was Kathleen talking about?" scene w1_1309 with dissolve hana "I don't really want to tell you. Shit, even Jerrica doesn't know..." scene w1_1306 with dissolve mc "Sometimes it's easier to unburden yourself to a stranger rather than a friend." scene w1_1308 with dissolve mc "That said, I'll drop it if you want." scene w1_1310 with dissolve hana "*sigh* No... it'd be more awkward if I didn't explain myself." scene w1_1311 with dissolve hana "..." "I kept my mouth shut, letting Hana quietly gather her thoughts before speaking." scene w1_1312 with dissolve hana "The old man may be my father, but he ain't my dad. You know what I'm saying?" scene w1_1306 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1HanaSingleMother == True:" mc "You mentioned you were raised by your mother, so..." scene w1_1307 with dissolve hana "Exactly." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You mean he wasn't around?" scene w1_1307 with dissolve hana "Bingo." scene w1_1309 with dissolve hana "The way my mom tells it, the old man used to direct commercials and she worked as his assistant at the time." scene w1_1308 with dissolve mc "The way she tells it? You mean, that's not the truth?" scene w1_1310 with dissolve hana "No, it's complete bullshit. The fucked-up thing is, after all this time, I actually think she believes it." scene w1_1306 with dissolve mc "How did the two of them meet then?" scene w1_1312 with dissolve hana "The old bastard used to make scuzzy porn vids and my mom was one of his performers, before becoming his lover." scene w1_1313 with dissolve mc "Really...?" scene w1_1314 with dissolve hana "Uh huh. She got pregnant with me and the asshole split on my mom as soon as she started showing." hana "The fucker told me the truth himself, can you believe that? His excuse: she wasn't supposed to be off the pill." scene w1_1315 with dissolve mc "That's..." scene w1_1316 with dissolve hana "Yeah, there's no word for it other than shameless. I lived 21 years of my life without hearing a damn word from him and I was fine with that." hana "Then one day he contacts me out of the blue and drops all that on me, all to serve as a shitty preamble for wanting to get to know me." scene w1_1317 with dissolve mc "What did you tell him?" scene w1_1318 with dissolve hana "I told him to fuck off, of course. It wasn't my job to give a crap about his later-life crisis - but he..." scene w1_1319 with dissolve hana "..." scene w1_1320 with dissolve mc "Take your time." hana "..." scene w1_1321 with dissolve hana "My mom is chronically ill. She has been, for a while." hana "It's a degenerative thing. It was mild for years, but... she needs live-in care now. Expensive live-in care that I'm not exactly equipped to provide. Do you see where this is going?" scene w1_1322 with dissolve mc "You got to be kidding me. He bartered your mother's health to get you back into his life?" scene w1_1323 with dissolve hana "Not in any explicit terms. At first, he offered to help out financially, full stop. Of course, I accepted." scene w1_1321 with dissolve hana "I wouldn't let my pride get in the way of my mom's health. I got enough sense for that at least." scene w1_1323 with dissolve hana "Then after a couple of months of paying for a nurse, he mentions needing a bartender..." scene w1_1322 with dissolve mc "--and here you are" scene w1_1321 with dissolve hana "Here I am." scene w1_1322 with dissolve "A blanket of mutual silence fell over the room." "For my part, I was processing what Hana had told me. Of August's callous use of her mother's failing health to wedge himself back in his daughter's life." scene w1_1324 with dissolve "Hana's silence, on the other hand, was apprehensive. She was fidgeting uncomfortably in place." mct "(No shit, she's feeling exposed right now...)" "It might sound stupid, but maybe sharing an uncomfortable part of my past will help her feel less vulnerable." scene w1_1325 with dissolve mc " mom did porn too!" "I blurted it out, in the most inelegant way possible." scene w1_1326 with dissolve hana "...what?" scene w1_1327 with dissolve mc "You're the first person I've met that I've had that in common with, so I just wanted you to know." scene w1_1326 with dissolve hana "...for real?" KN_MOD "if w1HanaSingleMother == True:" scene w1_1327 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I told you she endured a lot for my sake. Well..." scene w1_1328 with dissolve mc "After my father died, it was just the two of us. My mother didn't have anyone." mc "For a brief time after that, she made a living on her back." scene w1_1329 with dissolve hana "..." scene w1_1330 with dissolve hana "That's a pretty fucking glib way of putting it." scene w1_1331 with dissolve mc "Shut up!" scene w1_1332 with dissolve "We shared another round of silence between us, but this time it felt less bitter." "I was content in enjoying the sensation of Hana's head resting on my shoulder, enjoying the physical warmth and the thick smell of chlorine that had entangled itself in the roots of her hair." "........." "......" "..." scene w1_1333 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Hana_Relations = "Friend... I think." show relationhana with dissolve hana "Since we're both in a sharing mood, {b}how{/b} did you find out about your mom?" scene w1_1334 with dissolve mc "Uh... well... you see..." mc "I was browsing the internet one night, in the way a teenager that's going through puberty--" scene w1_1335 with dissolve hana "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW!" scene black with fade hana "How are you not like... LEATHERFACE after that?" "After that, Hana and I didn't really say or do much else. We just sat there in shared contemplation, enjoying a quiet kind of intimacy that I've never really had the chance in my life to enjoy." scene w1_1336 with dissolve hana "ZzZzZzzzz...." "It was, without a doubt, the most intimate moment I've ever shared in a tacky purple sex room." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." hana "Thanks for being cool, [mcf]." scene w1_1337 with circlewipe play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" $ history_hana = "To my surprise, I learned that Hana is August's daughter and is only working as the Carnation Club's bartender due to him holding the purse strings for her sick mother's medical care. Turns out her mother used to do porn, a commonality that isn't lost on me." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve war "The little Missy just left the building." war "She looked like she was in a better mood." scene w1_1338 with dissolve kat "I saw." scene w1_1339 with dissolve war "......." war "..." scene w1_1340 with dissolve kat "You're hovering. What is it?" scene w1_1341 with dissolve war "Sooner or later, she'll act out again." scene w1_1340 with dissolve kat "I know." scene w1_1341 with dissolve war "What should we do?" scene w1_1340 with dissolve kat "You tell me, Warren." scene w1_1342 with dissolve war "I don't know. She's August's daughter." scene w1_1341 with dissolve war "Our hands are tied." scene w1_1343 with dissolve kat "Well, we could always give her a spanking or put her in the corner for a time out." scene w1_1344 with dissolve war "You're joking, but... she's got a pretty fine ass. Spending a few days turning it out would fix her attitude problem." war "Wouldn't mind going that route." scene w1_1345 with dissolve kat "I know you wouldn't, but alas..." scene w1_1346 with dissolve war "Our hands are tied?" scene w1_1347 with dissolve kat "No. There's always a path." scene w1_1348 with fade kat "Life is one big shell game. You just got to know where to move the nutshells." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "...." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "label w1June05Start:" $ date = "june05day" play sound "sound effects/alarmclock-digital.wav" scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "*BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.*" KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w1_1349 with fade show june05day with squares mc "Ngg..." mct "(My head...)" play sound "sound effects/alarmclock-digital.wav" scene w1_1350 with dissolve mct "(Ugg--! What {b}genius{/b} drunkenly sets an alarm before conking out...?)" mct "(Me, that's who! {b}What an asshole{/b}!)" play sound "sound effects/alarmclock-digital.wav" scene w1_1351 with dissolve mc "{size=+15}SHUT UP!{/size=+15}" stop sound scene w1_1352 with dissolve mct "(I've drunk more in the past month than I have in my entire life.)" "This is probably a portent of things to come..." scene w1_1353 with dissolve mc "*Yaaaaaaaaaawn*" scene w1_1354 with dissolve mct "(Oh...?)" "One Missed Call - Work." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == False:" scene w1_1355 with dissolve show june05day with squares "Yesterday felt like it flew by." "Not a single word from Killian, no contact with the club..." scene w1_1356 with dissolve mct "(Man, I feel refreshed.)" scene w1_1353 with dissolve mc "*Yaaaaaaaaaawn*" scene w1_1354 with dissolve mct "(Oh...?)" "Guess I jinxed myself there." "One Missed Call - Work." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" vm "You have one new message. Message 1." scene w1_1357 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" kat "I figured you'd probably be sleeping in after the little party you had on the premises last night." kat "Don't worry, this call isn't about that. I don't blame you for that {i}indiscretion{/i}." KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" kat "I'm calling to let you know about how well your interview with Mrs. Carter was received by our patrons." KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" kat "I'm calling to let you know about how well your interview with Mrs. Ford was received by our patrons." KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" kat "I'm calling to let you know about how well your interview with Miss Lynch was received by our patrons." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" $ Kathleen_Trust += 3 kat "She was the crowd favorite." kat "Her own charms had a role in it of course, but so did you." kat "You knew exactly what to ask and how to ask it. Excellent work." kat "That means you're due a reward. Drop by the club at noon sharp." kat "{b}Don't{/b} be late." play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" vm "End of message." scene w1_1358 with dissolve "{i}Right{/i}. She did mention a reward the other day..." "Whatever it is, she didn't make it sound optional. Noon is just an hour from now." "I better get ready." scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1GonzoRewardStart" KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == False:" kat "She failed to garner the most attention." kat "She earned her own share of fans from the video, but she's not the crowd favorite by far." kat "It was in part due to her own appeal, but you failed to bring the most out of your subject." kat "Do better next time. Oh, and give me a call. I've got some work for you." play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" vm "End of message." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 18:" mct "(Do better...? What a crock of shit.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Do better...? Yeah, lemme just google how to best conduct a porn interview.)" mct "(Guess that means the reward she mentioned is off the table.)" mct "(Can't say I'm too disappointed. Hell, I might've dodged a bullet.)" KN_MOD "jump w1NoGonzoReward" KN_MOD "label w1GonzoRewardStart:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionkathleen01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene club-fr-day with blinds play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" "I arrived at the Carnation Club, suspicious as to what this 'reward' could possibly be." scene w1_1359 with cmet "Kathleen had stressed such strict punctuality over the phone that it had me anxious and curious in equal parts." mct "(I mean, what even qualifies as a reward in that woman's mind?)" scene w1_1360 with fade "Well, I'm about to find out." mct "(I'm a little early, but that shouldn't be a problem...)" scene w1_1361 with dissolve kat "{size=-10}You girls ready?{/size=-10}" "I could hear chatter behind Kathleen's office door, one was a feminine voice I could distinctly pick out as belonging to the office's owner. It rang out loud and clear, with perfect enunciation that was fitting for a woman who clearly enjoyed the sound of her own voice." woman "hh--- mhh--" "The voice that came in response was faint and muffled." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1GonzoListen:" KN_MOD "Announce your presence by knocking.:" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" scene w1_1363 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "*Knock, knock.*" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur/Inquisitive]{/color} Wait a moment and eavesdrop first. if history_voyeur == True or trait_inquisitive == True:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "My curiousity getting the better of me, I decided to listen a little before I entered." harp "{size=-15}Are you--{/size=-15}" scene w1_1362 with dissolve harp "Are you sure he'll be okay with this?" kat "What? Of course he will. You gals are professionals, and as professionals, you're well aware of the most fundamental axiom of our business." kat "That is: once you pull back the veneer of civility, all men are the same. Sure, some you have to pull a little harder at than others, but at their core they're just dumb, horny animals that can be led around by their baser instincts." harp "I'm still not sure about this--" dal "Shush. It's just business as usual. You can do that, right Harp?" harp "...yes." scene w1_1361 with dissolve mct "(Oooookay...)" "Part of me just wanted to turn around and go back the way I came, but I knew that wasn't a viable option." "Bailing would just hurt my position with Kathleen, and by extension, the club itself." "So, I knocked." play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" scene w1_1363 with dissolve "*Knock, knock.*" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Voyeur/Inquisitive]{/color} Wait a moment and eavesdrop first. if history_voyeur == False and trait_inquisitive == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1GonzoListen" scene w1_1364 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if toughness >= 17:" mc "It's [mcf]. I'm coming in." KN_MOD "else:" mc "It's [mcf]. Sorry, I'm a little early. May I come in?" scene w1_1360 with dissolve kat "Yes, it's open." play music "music/philly-crew.ogg" scene w1_1365 with fade: subpixel True xpan -60 yalign 0.38 linear 3 xalign 0.14 "As soon as I entered, I was treated to the most beatific sight I had ever seen." "Four sets of pendulously heavy tits, exposed bare in the open daylight." scene w1_1365: subpixel True yalign 0.38 xalign 0.5865 linear 3 yalign 0.1 mc "........." mc "......" mc "..." scene w1_1367 with dissolve mc "Uh... 'sup?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Lucy, Dalia, Harper, and even Mrs. Pulman herself stood in the center of the office, eyes fixed on me with a near-diabolical look - practically in the nude, spare for some erotic flourishes." KN_MOD "else:" "Lucy, Dalia, Harper, and even Kathleen herself stood in the center of the office, eyes fixed on me with a near-diabolical look - practically in the nude, spare for some erotic flourishes." "The three whores all wore a simple set of stockings that accentuated their legs splendidly, with chokers clasped snugly around their necks that invited all sorts of oral-fixated ideas." "Dalia took it a step further than the other two, with long red gloves that extended up the length of her arms and gave her a more refined air than her peers." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman, on the other hand, stood in stark contrast to her employees. She donned a full-body stocking and a garishly gold belt-like adornment that looped around her waist and extended up her torso to better accentuate her breasts." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen, on the other hand, stood in stark contrast to her employees. She donned a full-body stocking and a garishly gold belt-like adornment that looped around her waist and extended up her torso to better accentuate her breasts." "It all came together to make a sight that had me near stupefied, the end-result being the awkward pause that currently hung in the air." scene w1_1368 with dissolve kat "This is what good boys who live up to my expectations get." scene w1_1367 with dissolve "All I could muster in response was dumb silence." "It wasn't like the words were catching in my throat, no. The cylinders in my brain weren't even firing to form the words." scene w1_1369 with dissolve kat "Girls... unburden Mr. [mcl] of his clothes, would you?" scene w1_1370 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "At Mrs. Pulman's bidding, the three whores sprang into action." KN_MOD "else:" "At Kathleen's bidding, the three whores sprang into action." scene w1_1371 with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(Woah, woah, woah... wait a minute...!)" scene w1_1372 with dissolve "--is what I should {i}probably{/i} exclaim, but..." scene w1_1373 with dissolve play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" mct "{b}(Fuck that{/b}! I'm in!)" scene w1_1374 with dissolve mct "(There is just one thing, though...)" scene w1_1375 with dissolve mc "What is Lucy doing here?" scene w1_1376 with dissolve kat "It was Isaak's idea. Such a kind heart, he agreed to let her son enter St. Ives anyway, despite her failure." kat "All she has to do is a little moonlighting." scene w1_1377 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Circling behind me, Mrs. Pulman abruptly dropped to her knees and clung to the lower half of my body." KN_MOD "else:" "Circling behind me, Kathleen abruptly dropped to her knees and clung to the lower half of my body." "The maneuver, whether by happy accident or an intentional provocation, had her large breasts firmly pressed into my back." "The sheer body stocking she wore did nothing to lessen the feeling of skin-on-skin contact. I could feel the point of the older woman's right breast stiffen, poking into my backside and signaling to me that on some level, she found this situation exciting." scene w1_1378 with dissolve mc "Eh..?" "Abruptly taking my half-flaccid cock in the palm of her hand, she gently massaged it at the base, coaxing it to full mast." scene w1_1379 with dissolve kat "Tell me: once you shoot, how long does it typically take you to reload?" scene w1_1380 with dissolve mc "{i}What{/i}...?" "I knew what she meant, but the question itself wasn't something I'd ever thought about, much less tested." mc "I don't know." scene w1_1379 with dissolve kat "Fifteen minutes is the average refractory period for a college-age male." scene w1_1380 with dissolve mc "Okay...?" "This had suddenly taken a distinctly unsexy, clinical-like turn." scene w1_1381 with dissolve kat "I'm going to help you push past your limits today. You're about to experience more pleasure in one hour than you have had in your entire short life." "She spoke words that {i}should{/i} sound like an exaggeration, but whose cold delivery had me wholly believing their veracity. She intended to make good on her promise." kat "How does that sound?" scene w1_1384 with dissolve "If I'm being honest, the way she said it sent a chill up my spine." scene w1_1382 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen that sounds a little scary.:" $ toughness -= 1 scene w1_1383 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That sounds... extreme." scene w1_1384 with dissolve kat "Maybe, but that's what makes it {b}exciting{/b}." KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen that sounds exciting.:" $ toughness +=1 scene w1_1385 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That sounds like... fun." scene w1_1386 with dissolve kat "We'll call it a promise then." KN_MOD "Daringly tell Kathleen to bring it on.:" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 19:" $ toughness +=1 $ Kathleen_Affection +=2 scene w1_1387 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It sounds ridiculous, like you're just flapping your gums." scene w1_1386 with dissolve kat "I'm a woman of my word, [mcf]." scene w1_1387 with dissolve mc "Then why don't you put your money where your mouth is and start jerking my cock." scene w1_1386 with dissolve "I mean, who could blame me for being overly eager? With a veritable smorgasbord of tit flesh and round, fat asses within reach, I'm raring to go." scene w1_1391 with dissolve kat "In due time, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "else:" $ toughness +=1 $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 scene w1_1385 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It sounds to me like you're just speaking words." scene w1_1386 with dissolve kat "Does it now?" scene w1_1387 with dissolve mc "Then go ahead and prove it to me. {b}Put your money where you mouth is{/b}." "I couldn't lie. With a feast of tit flesh and fat asses so close, I'm more than eager to go." scene w1_1392 with dissolve kat "Oh, it'll be my pleasure." scene black with fade kat "Over here. Give me your hands." mc "Why?" kat "You're about to get your dick polished by three women, two of which are the club's best whores, and you're going to waste time arguing?" scene w1_1388 with dissolve "Finding her argument persuasive, I let Kathleen tie my hands behind my back with a handkerchief and sat down as instructed in a nearby chair that had been pulled out." "Just for curiosity's sake, I gave my bindings a tentative jostle, checking to see the give I had to work with." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It turned out to be very little, actually. Seems Mrs. Pulman has a knack for tying knots." KN_MOD "else:" "It turned out to be very little, actually. Seems Kathleen has a knack for tying knots." scene w1_1389 with dissolve mc "You sure got it tight." scene w1_1390 with dissolve kat "One of the few skills that stuck with me from when I was a girl scout." scene w1_1389 with dissolve mc "You gotta be kidding..." scene black with fade "Things went abruptly dark as something or other was stretched around my eyes and pulled tightly against my face." mc "Eh...?" scene w1_1393 with dissolve mc "What are you doing?" scene w1_1394 with dissolve kat "Blindfolding you." scene w1_1395 with dissolve mc "I can see that, but why?" scene w1_1396 with dissolve "Losing both my hands and my eyes made me deeply uncomfortable on a instinctual level." "It wasn't an entirely unwelcomed situation. There was, of course, an underlying sense of excitement inherent to being so openly vulnerable in a room full of sexy women with dirty intentions." "It was still cut with a sense of uneasiness, however." scene w1_1397 with dissolve kat "To spice things up. For some people, being unable to see allows them to more acutely enjoy physical sensation." "Suddenly, I could feel the weight of a human body in my lap." scene w1_1398 with dissolve kat "The touch of a lover becomes more pronounced and the sting of the whip more intolerable. That said, for others... not so much. Everyone's wired a bit different when it comes to audio-visual stimulation." "She felt so astonishingly soft, so incredibly warm..." kat "Men tend to be more {b}visually{/b} oriented in their arousal, but..." kat "That's not the case with you, I suspect?" scene w1_1399 with dissolve "As she spoke, Kathleen blew a gust of hot air into the inner reaches of my ear canal, eliciting a pleasurable shudder from my body." scene w1_1398 with dissolve kat "That felt better than it usually would, am I right?" scene w1_1400 with dissolve mc "You might be onto something." "I couldn't deny it. It did." scene w1_1398 with dissolve kat "Thank you for your honesty. Some men will deny simple physiological truths, if it doesn't slot neatly into their sexual self-schema." kat "You, however, are honest. Capable of keeping an open mind..." scene w1_1401 with dissolve "A wet, warm sensation enveloped the side of my head as Kathleen set to probing the contours of my ear with her tongue." mc "Nga..!" "It was a simple act, at odds with the sheer pleasure it produced." scene w1_1402 with dissolve "Each bite, each nibble, each brush with the older woman's wiry tongue sent wave after wave of physical thrill coursing through my nervous system." "The ways she moved her tongue were deliberate. Economical. Every little lash a step in a greater waltz of pleasure." scene w1_1403 with dissolve "I couldn't believe I was feeling this good from just my {b}ear{/b} of all things. Just a small dish of cartilage and nerves, yet she was squeezing pleasure out of it like a man in a desert desperately trying to extract water from a cactus." "She mentioned Dalia and Harper being the club's best whores, but... I was starting to wonder if there wasn't another woman above them when it came to carnal instinct." scene w1_1404 with dissolve kat "Honest boys get a reward." scene w1_1405 with dissolve kat "Dalia!" dal "Yes, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w1_1406 with dissolve kat "Get Mr. [mcl] started with your breasts." scene w1_1407 with fade "Rather than a verbal response, Dalia's reply came in the form of action, as the next thing I experienced was the feeling of soft hands prying my legs apart and the intuitive feeling that someone was now positioned directly at my feet." scene w1_1408 with dissolve dal "If you'll excuse me..." scene w1_1409 with dissolve "With those words followed a pleasant sensation, as I felt my cock enveloped in the supple flesh of Dalia's soft breasts." scene w1_1410 with dissolve dal "I'll now begin." scene w1_1411 with dissolve "In a well-practiced motion, Dalia flexed her shoulders, firmly pushing her breasts together to form a tight squeeze and slowly began to work her magic." "The feeling of my dick being swaddled in the experienced prostitute's all-consuming tit flesh was enough by itself to put me on edge, but this..." scene w1daliapaizuri_a with dissolve show w1DaliaPaizuri with dissolve mc "Ahh...!" "I didn't even try to conceal my abject pleasure, letting out an audible moan for the whole room to hear." "Slowly, Dalia moved her breasts up and down the length of my meat pole in a concentrated effort." dal "You have such a naughty dick, Mr. [mcl]." dal "It's already leaking so much and dirtying my breasts... I bet you wish you could see for yourself." dal "Since you're blindfolded, me describing it in detail will have to do." scene w1_1412 with dissolve kat "That's so considerate of you Dalia." scene w1_1413 with dissolve lucy "It's so filthy looking..." "Another whore's voice was added to the growing peanut gallery." scene w1_1414 with dissolve kat "Lucy! I know you're new, but you should know better." scene w1_1415 with dissolve dal "You need to treat every patron's cock with reverence. Worship it, breathe it, live for it..." scene w1_1416 with dissolve harp "Fake it until you make it." "For my part, I was too engrossed in the spiraling pleasure growing in my nutsack to give any heed to the ridiculous lesson playing out before me." scene w1daliapaizuri_a with dissolve show w1DaliaPaizuri with dissolve mct "(Dalia's breasts... are SO amazing...!)" "By now, a generous amount of pre-cum had dribbled from the tip of my dick like a leaky faucet and coated the valley of Dalia's mammaries." "Unable to see the beautiful sight for myself, I made do with pairing the {i}feeling{/i} of Dalia's fervent service with the vivid fantasies of my mind's eye." "In my head, I could see my cock spearing open the seasoned whore's cunt, while her tattooed co-worker slavishly ate my asshole out like it was the first bite of food she had all week." "Thoughts of that nature kept playing over and over in my head, my imagination utterly inflamed by my lack of sight." dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH*" dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH* *SQUELCH*" dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH*" dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH* *SQUELCH*" scene w1_1417 with dissolve dal "You hear that, Mr. [mcl]? That's the sound of your naughty dick gliding through my tits!" "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH*" dal "It's so fucking obscene...!" dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH* *SQUELCH*" scene w1daliapaizuri_a with dissolve show w1DaliaPaizuri with dissolve dal "You really do have a beautiful cock. So big, so meaty..." dal "You could split a gal open with this monster." "Dalia showered me with the words of a practiced whore, supplementing her skilled ministrations with pure verbal sex fantasy." dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH*" dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH* *SQUELCH*" dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH*" dal "*SQUEELCH* *SQUELCH* *SQUELCH*" dal "It's so hot...! Your dick is on fire...!" "Dalia made short work of me. My balls clenched with that familiar tightness and then I..." mc "Ah~! AH!" dal "It's a little early to be making a mess..." scene w1_1418 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "AAAAAAH!" "With practiced precision, Dalia engulfed my pole with her mouth right as I began to ejaculate." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "--!" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" dal "mph...!" with flash "From a pinpoint in the darkness, flashes of light exploded as it felt like I was pushing my very soul out from the tip of my dick." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_1419 with dissolve mc "Gah..." scene black with fade kat "You see Harper? That's why Dalia's the best." scene w1_1420 with curtains "Abruptly, my sight was returned to me as someone removed my blindfold." scene w1_1421 with dissolve dal "Aaawwwh~♥!" "Only to be suddenly greeted with the beautiful sight of Dalia presenting herself to me with a mouthful of my cum." dal "-ooouh~cahm~SO~'UCH!" scene w1_1422 with dissolve dal "-aht-shwould-eye-dew-'ith'et?" scene w1_1420 with dissolve mc "Huh...?" kat "She's asking what she should do with it." mct "(What she should do with it...? Oh...!)" "I have a couple of ideas..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Dalia to swallow it.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Swallow it." scene w1_1422 with dissolve dal "'ith-phweasure!♥" scene w1_1423 with dissolve dal "*GULP*" scene w1_1424 with dissolve "..." mc "Now show me." scene w1_1425 with dissolve dal "AAAAAAAAWH!" mct "(Amazing...)" KN_MOD "Tell Dalia to share it.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Good girls know how to share." scene w1_1426 with dissolve dal "Hehe..." scene w1_1427 with fade dal "Ah-swha~♥" "Without missing a beat, Dalia pulled her tattooed comrade into her arms and locked lips in a passionate display of cumsluttery." harp "Mmm--!" "Harper, while not as eager, dutifully accepted my load as the contents of Dalia's mouth were transferred into hers." scene w1_1428 with dissolve dal "That was delicious, sir." scene w1_1429 with fade play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" kat "You're still hard, as expected of someone so young." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "As I was fixated by the beautiful sight that had just played out in front of me, Mrs. Pulman had repositioned herself and was now closely examining my penis like one would a piece of ripened fruit." KN_MOD "else:" "As I was fixated by the beautiful sight that had just played out in front of me, Kathleen had repositioned herself and was now closely examining my penis like one would a piece of ripened fruit." kat "Let's see if I can get you back to one hundred percent though..." scene w1_1430 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Not given even a moment to bask in post-orgasmic bliss, Mrs. Pulman took my half-stiffy in her soft, lotioned hand once more." KN_MOD "else:" "Not given even a moment to bask in post-orgasmic bliss, Kathleen took my half-stiffy in her soft, lotioned hand once more." mc "Eyh...!" "The sudden cool touch on my overly sensitive post-orgasm prick sent a small shock to my body." scene w1_1431 with dissolve kat "Sorry. I bet the nerves in your dick are still tingly a little, right?" scene w1_1432 with dissolve mc "A little..." scene w1_1431 with dissolve kat "Then, allow me to comfort and clean you up a little..." scene w1_1433 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "In a swift, fluid motion Mrs. Pulman threaded my meatpole past her cushiony lips and took it to the base." KN_MOD "else:" "In a swift, fluid motion Kathleen threaded my meatpole past her cushiony lips and took it to the base." scene w1_1434 with dissolve "There, she held the position, the tip of my dick kissing the back of her throat with nary a peep of discomfort from the Carnation Club matron." "The feeling of my aching prick being holstered in the old hag's mouth for an extended period of time proved oddly soothing, like her throat was giving my cock a big comforting hug." "At the same time, she used her tongue to vigorously massage the underside of my shaft." "Needless to say, it didn't take long for my cock to reach full tumescence once more." play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" scene w1_1435 with dissolve kat "--mwah~♥" "She pulled herself off me with an audible {b}plop{/b}." scene w1_1436 with dissolve kat "Mmmh... I love young men. Such an honest reaction..." scene w1_1437 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Share an observation of your own.:" $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 scene w1_1438 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...and I love the look of my dick in your mouth." mct "(That's the longest time I've been in a room with this woman without her moving her mouth endlessly.)" mc "It suits you." scene w1_1439 with dissolve kat "Don't get too cheeky now. If you want to treat someone like a common whore, well..." KN_MOD "Ask Kathleen for a repeat performance.:" $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 scene w1_1440 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Why'd you stop? That felt so good..." scene w1_1436 with dissolve kat "That's what I'm talking about, [mcf]! So very honest. So needy. I love it." kat "Don't worry. That was just a little maintenance, for the next part..." scene w1_1441 with dissolve kat "Harper! Lucy! You're up. Give Mr. [mcl] a double dose of attention." harp "Yes, Ma'am." scene w1_1442 with dissolve harp "Come on, Luce. Follow my lead." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with circlewipe hl "*Fwhup.* *Chup~!*" hl "*Fwhup.* *Chup~!* *Khwup!*" scene w1_1443 with cmet play music "music/FeelinIt.ogg" "Soon, the pair was making good on Kathleen's order." "Flanked on both sides, the two whores had set to work spit-shining my cock." hl"*Fwhup.* *Chup~!*" hl"*Fwhup.* *Chup~!* *Khwup!*" "Kiss after kiss dotted the length of my shaft, leaving little dabs of saliva that glistened in the open daylight." hl"*Fwhup.* *Chup~!*" hl"*Fwhup.* *Chup~!* *Khwup!*" scene w1_1444 with dissolve harp "Mmmhaaa~♥ It's got such a lewd, meaty scent...!" scene w1_1445 with dissolve lucy "I-it, does?" scene w1_1446 with dissolve harp "Even when it isn't true, it's your job to make it the {b}patron's truth{/b}, got it?" scene w1_1445 with dissolve lucy "I need to say lewd things and play to the customer's vulgar ego?" scene w1_1446 with dissolve harp "You got it. Give it a try." "The two carried on like I was a mere prop. Something that should probably be more frustrating, but it was hard to get too worked up about since the physical affection they were dolling on my cock was very, very real and very, very pleasurable." scene w1_1447 with dissolve lucy "The stench is so thick and manly~♥" scene w1_1448 with dissolve kat "I can appreciate the teachable moment girls, but don't leave Mr. [mcl] hanging. He's starting to look frustrated." scene w1_1449 with dissolve hl"*Fwhup.* *Chup~!*" "Thankfully, Kathleeen put them back on track." hl"*Fwhup.* *Chup~!* *Khwup!*" scene w1_1450 with dissolve "This time, the point of attack was my engorged testes, hard at work producing another load for the soon-approaching, inevitable climax." hl"*Fwhup.* *Chup~!*" "The pair divided my family jewels evenly between them, each of them delicately cupping my nuts with their lips - sucking, kissing, gently caressing them with their tongues." hl"*Fwhup.* *Chup~!* *Khwup!*" "Every little lash of tongue had my balls tightening, every small kiss sent a jostle of excitement that extended to the glans of my penis." scene w1_1451 with dissolve harp "Never, ever neglect the balls." harp "That said... the fastest way to milk a man is through his prostate." mct "(Uh, hold up...)" harp "Snake a finger far enough in to find that magic love bean, you have a direct line to making a man cum his fucking brains out whenever you want." scene w1_1452 with dissolve mc "Now, wait a minute..." scene w1_1453 with dissolve harp "Reeeelax. You should see that look on your face." scene w1_1454 with dissolve kat "Hurry things along girls. [mcf] has a lot to sample and we don't have all day." scene w1_1455 with dissolve harp "You heard Mrs. Pulman, it's time to move things along." scene w1_1456 with dissolve lucy "Me...?" scene w1_1457 with dissolve harp "Yeah, you. There's two of us and only one dick. Since you're the newbie, you should listen to your senior." scene w1_1458 with dissolve harp "Don't worry, big sis Harper will still give you a helping hand." scene black with fade lucy "I don't really need help. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm older--mphffg!" scene w1_1459 with dissolve lucy "*Slurrrrrrp!*" "The scene that was now playing out, like the ones before it, was an entirely {b}new{/b} experience for me. Another to add to the growing pile of sexual exploits that I had only previously dreamed of." lucy "Mmmmmm--!" scene lucygbj1_a with dissolve show lucygbj1 play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" "Harper was using Lucy's mouth like a sex toy, guiding it up and down the length of my shaft with a degree of well-measured control that was indifferent to Lucy's comfort." "From my vantage point, I could spot tears of discomfort welling up at the corner the school teacher's eyes, a by-product of having my cock playing speed ball with her uvula." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Show some concern for Lucys comfort.:" $ toughness -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You might be doing it a little too rough, Harper." lucy "*Gwhup~fwup--!*" stop ambient scene w1_1464 with dissolve harp "Don't worry, she can take it. This isn't really anything special for this line of work." scene w1_1465 with dissolve harp "You alright, Lucy?" lucy "Mmmhppg--hhyeha~*fmphup*" scene w1_1464 with dissolve harp "See?" scene lucygbj1_a with dissolve show lucygbj1 play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" "I'm not so sure the raven-haired woman's unintelligible response was reassuring. Still..." KN_MOD "Just sit back and enjoy the oral attention.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve $ toughness +=1 pass lucy "*Gwhup~fwup--!*" "It was a dazzling sight." lucy "*Slurrrrrrp!*" "A viscous combination of pre-cum and spittle was forming at the edge of Lucy's lips, each pass up and down my cock displacing and creating more." lucy "Mmmmm~! *Gwhup~*" lucy "*Slurrrrrrp!*" "Erotic sucking sounds filled the room, all the while my boss and Dalia were content to watch from the sidelines." scene w1_1466 with blinds KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman had a pleased look on her face, while the head girl had an expression that seemed to suggest {i}business as usual{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen had a pleased look on her face, while the head girl had an expression that seemed to suggest {i}business as usual{/i}." scene w1_1467 with blinds lucy "*Slurrrrrrp!*" "Harper was taking a paradoxically tender approach. On one hand, she was using the fledgling whore's face like a tool, on the other she was now nibbling on the school teacher's ear." lucy "*Gwhup~fwup--!*" "Groping her full, heavy breasts." lucy "Mmmmmm--!" "Offering near-imperceptible words of encouragement directly in the cock sucker's ear." "Whether the show was being put on for my benefit or hers, I couldn't say. Either way, the sensual sight was helping spur me closer to orgasm." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Suddenly, I was very glad Mrs. Pulman didn't bother to put the blindfold back on." KN_MOD "else:" "Suddenly, I was very glad Kathleen didn't bother to put the blindfold back on." scene w1_1468 with dissolve harp "You're pretty wet down here, huh?" "While using one hand to maintain the pace of the ferocious face fucking, Harper dipped another down Lucy's midsection and straight to her crotch." lucy "*Slurrrrrrp!* *Fwhup~chup~!*" "It was true. A quick glance at the floor revealed a fine, thin strand of femcum trailing down from her quim and pooling on her thigh." kat "Oh? My, my. You're taking to the job pretty well, Mrs. Long." lucy "Mmmmmm--! {b}Mmmmm--!{/b}" kat "By summer's end, you're bound to be a club favorite." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "At this point, I'm pretty sure the school teacher turned whore wasn't even registering Mrs. Pulman's offhanded taunting as words." KN_MOD "else:" "At this point, I'm pretty sure the school teacher turned whore wasn't even registering Kathleen's offhanded taunting as words." scene lucygbj2_a with dissolve show lucygbj2 "All it looked like she had on her mind was the process of inhaling and exhaling dick, or more precisely, stealing as many breaths as she could in between the rapid, heavy thrusts of Harper's hand." "Gradually Lucy's eyes became dull and unfocused and the staccato-like murmuring gave way to the raw wet sounds of sloppy frenetic fellatio." mc "Eh... *huff* *huff*" "In no time at all, I could feel my balls once again swell in anticipation. A notable feat, I thought, considering I had already spent a load not too long ago." mc "Oh, shit..." scene w1_1473 with dissolve stop ambient harp "Sounds like you're ready to blow." play ambient "sound effects/fel1.wav" scene lucygbj3_a with dissolve show lucygbj3 "Seeing that, Harper doubled her efforts. Taking Lucy's head with both hands, she commenced a face fucking unlike the previous pace." lucy "*Fwpop* *Slurrrrrp!* *Fwchup~!!!*" "The image of Harper using the school teacher's face with reckless abandon became my sole focal point as the cum began to pool at the base of my dick. " lucy "*Slurrrrrrp!* *Fwhup~chup~!*" "All extraneous thought not related to my immediate sexual release vacated from my mind, as I felt myself cresting over the hill toward gratification." mc "Oh, shi--" stop music stop ambient play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_1474 with flash mc "Gaaaaawh!!!!" "With a sudden sharp outburst, my mind was completely blanketed by a tsunami of pleasure as rope after rope of semen forced its way through my urethra with dizzying force." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_1475 with flash lucy "Mmmmph--? Mmmppp--!!!" mc "Nngg-!!" mct "(It's still going?!)" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_1476 with flash lucy "{b}MMMMPPPGGGFFFFFH--!{/b}" scene w1_1477 with fade lucy "eeh, what deh fhuck?" lucy "Dhat wus sho~mhuch." scene w1_1478 with w20 mc "Ummmhpf.... what..." mc "I'm feeling... a bit..." scene w1_1479 with dissolve kat "Lightheaded? Here, sit down." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman lent me her shoulder and guided me to a nearby chair. " KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen lent me her shoulder and guided me to a nearby chair." scene w1_1480 with dissolve mc "If I knew all {b}THIS{/b} was going to happen today, I probably wouldn't have skipped breakfast this morning, ugh..." "Once my butt was firmly planted in the seated position, my bout of vertigo quickly dissipated." scene w1_1481 with dissolve mc "Still, {b}damn{/b}... that was awesome." kat "Don't make it sound like it's over." mc "I don't exactly have much gas left in the tank..." scene w1_1482 with dissolve kat "No...?" scene w1_1483 with dissolve "My boss locked eyes on me with a steadfast gaze." mct "(If I'm being honest with myself...)" "Despite the age gap and her callous attitude, as well as her reprehensible and predatory use of her charity..." scene w1_1484 with dissolve mct "(She's kinda hot for an old lady.)" "That said, I'm spent." mc "I'm worn out after going back-to-back like that." scene w1_1485 with dissolve kat "I got something that can remedy that." scene w1_1486 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman's face twisted into an impish expression, abruptly pulling my attention to the odd pose she held at my feet." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen's face twisted into an impish expression, abruptly pulling my attention to the odd pose she held at my feet." "This whole time, she had kept one of her hands behind her back, looking like a sommelier in the process of pouring wine." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 14:" mc "Uh... could you untie my hands?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Uh... could you untie my hands, please?" scene w1_1487 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" kat "I will, in a minute." kat "Dalia." scene w1_1492 with dissolve dal "Look at me, [mcf]." mc "...huh?" scene w1_1493 with dissolve mc "Mmmmmh...!" "Dalia pulled me into a deep kiss, pressing her soft lips firmly into mine." mc "Mmmm..." kat "Don't be alarmed. {b}This{/b} is going to make things a whole lot more fun." mc "Mmmhwhu-arr-ou?" mct "(What is she talking about?)" scene w1_1494 with flash mc "--?!" "I felt a sharp pinprick on my inner thigh, quickly followed by a mild cramping feeling as a warmth radiated up my spine." with flash mct "(Wait... did she just inject me with something...?)" mc "What the fuck?!" with hpunch "As I was about to vocalize my anger and confusion, I found I couldn't get the words out." "As the air deflated from my lungs, a chill rocked my body." mc "Mmmh...wha?" scene w1_1495 with dissolve "My dick immediately swelled with blood, becoming {i}painfully{/i} turgid in a split instant." mct "(Nggg...!)" "Having experienced this before, I immediately understood what was going on. The bitch had just shot me up with an aphrodisiac." "Or at least I {i}should{/i} be seething mad right about now, but... the overriding feeling of the moment was unbridled arousal." scene w1_1496 with dissolve mc "*huff* *huff* just drugged me!" scene w1_1497 with dissolve kat "I did. Don't be mad." scene w1_1496 with dissolve mc "*huff* *huff* How could I not be mad?" scene w1_1499 with dissolve kat "Don't fuss. What I just injected you with is a {b}harmless{/b}, AMAZING little concoction." scene w1_1498 with dissolve mc "Oh, yeah. Extensive clinical trials and FDA approval! I'm sure!" "As much as I tried to muster up the indignation appropriate for the situation, deep down, I wasn't really feeling it." "Instead, all I could focus on was my skin of all things. It was burning and flushed, blood vessels opening wide and filling to the brink." "The result was..." play sound "sound effects/whoosh.wav" scene w1_1500 with dissolve mc "Aaahh...!" mct "(Seriously...? This damn chair felt amazing!)" "Whatever is in that drug, it's made even the feeling of cold leather feel provocative against my over-wrought skin." scene w1_1501 with dissolve kat "It's already fully activated, I'll be damned! Van Doren really outdid himself with this one." mct "(She's SURPRISED?!)" kat "The science and the effects of that concoction is astounding, but I won't bore you with details." kat "Quite simply, it makes you {i}want{/i} to fuck." kat "It gives you the energy {i}to{/i} fuck." kat "It makes your body {i}capable{/i} of fucking." "She wasn't telling me anything I hadn't already figured out. The sheer sexual desire that was welling up in me had already reached its melting point." "The urge to mate and rut was so strong that I was sick to my stomach from the sheer physiological stress." "I had gone from feeling like a depleted battery, to being supercharged within sixty seconds." kat "Don't look so pensive about it. Just enjoy fucking yourself into a coma." scene w1_1502 with dissolve mc "I..." "I {b}NEED{/b} to fuck." scene w1_1503 with dissolve mc "Untie me." scene w1_1504 with dissolve kat "With pleasure." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade lucy "...huh? Wha-are you...?" lucy "Oooomf!" play music "music/time-piece.ogg" scene lucytf_a with fade show lucytf "*CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!*" "In a bid to halt my growing sexual frustration, I grabbed the first whore within reach." mc "(Fuuuuck!)" "Just a little while ago, Dalia gave me my first-ever titjob. Now I was kneeling on top of Lucy, in a half-conscious state with a brain addled by lust, thrusting wildly into the cavernous valley of the schoolteacher's breasts." mc "Ah, what the {b}fuck{/b}! This feels so... so... AMAZING!" kat "That's a good boy. Chisel the pleasure of this afternoon into your memory." mct "(Aaah~♥ Lucy's tits! Lucy's fat cow tits-!♥)" mct "(So SOFT, WARM, PLIABLE to touch...)" lucy "Woah..." "No matter how firmly I gripped Lucy's breasts, no matter how hard I dug the tips of my fingers into the malleable, alabaster flesh..." lucy "It's like you're trying to mate with my breasts..." "They still had even more give to them. Her soft, pillow-like tits..." mc "(It's not enough... I want to {b}RUIN{/b} them.)" "*CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!*" "Using my hands, I gripped her breasts even tighter, pressing the voluminous orbs together in a desperate attempt to create a cunt-like grip for my penis to glide through." "*CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!* *CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!*" lucy "Ngg-!" "*CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!* *CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!* *CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!*" "With wanton abandon, I rocked my hips forward with an even greater momentum, ripping a path through the schoolteacher's expansive cleavage." kat "My. She's right. You look like you're trying to impregnate her breasts." "*CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!* *CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!*" harp "Trying to knock up her knockers... ha!" mc "Ah...!" dal "That's a terrible one, Harp." "Brimming with vim and vigor, I felt tireless, like I'd never run out of stamina. The drug had me on an entirely different stratum." "*CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!* *CHUP!* *CHUWP! *FHUP!*" mc "That's it...!" stop ambient scene w1_1510 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "--!" scene black with fade mct "(What the hell...? I'm still so horny!)" "Paradoxically, cumming didn't bring the relief I had expected. Instead, my dick remained bloated, while an even stronger fuck-hungry desire swelled in the pit of my stomach." "Despite ejaculating three times, it felt like I had only just whet my appetite." "{b}I needed more{/b}." scene dalia_m_a with dissolve show dalia_m dal "Ah~♥ Eeeeh, fuck! That's deep!" "The rut had only just begun, as I tossed Dalia to the floor and began to frantically mash my hips into hers with bone-creaking speed." dal "Ngh...♥ I, aaaah... I can't stop moving my hips! Do it harder!♥" "*SMACK* *SCHLICK* *THWIP*" mc "You want it harder, slut?" dal "Yes♥ Yes♥! Give it to me! Give me that fat cock!" "The two of us fucked like amphetamine-fueled rabbits, Dalia bucking her hips in time with my maniacal pace like the well-seasoned whore she was, effortlessly keeping pace with my dicking as I gave no thought to the rhythm and consistency of my strokes." dal "Ngh... fuh... fuh...♥" kat "Geez. Watching you two screw is making my hips hurt." mc "...ngh! ....ngh!" kat "You know... you might just get addicted to this and not be able to have the normal kind of sex." dal "Ughhh...! Haaah... hahh...!" kat "No worries, though. Do as I say and you can have as much of the stuff as you want. Imagine, back-to-back-to-back orgasms whenever you want..." mc "Aaaaah, ngh--!" scene w1_1511 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" dal "Ah, fuck fuck fuck FUCK FuCK fuuuuuuuuck...!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" dal "Aah~♥ Cumming~! Haaah! Let it out...!" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Aaaaagh, you bitch!" with flash scene w1HshakeReward03 with w24 mc "Stick your ass out more!" play sound "sound effects/butt-slap.wav" scene w1HshakeReward04 with flash "*SMACK*" harp "Right--!" play sound "sound effects/butt-slap.wav" "*SMACK*" with flash lucy "Yes--!" scene w1HshakeReward05 with dissolve "*SHLICK* *SHLICK* *SHLICK*" mct "(I don't...!)" mct "(I don't feel like...!)" "*SHLICK* *SHLICK* *SHLICK*" mct "(I don't feel like...!)" scene w1_1508 with w22 play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "(I don't feel like stopping!)" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" harp "Ugghhh...! HAAAAAH...♥ AAAAAAAAAAAH!" with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "(I can fuck forever!)" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene black with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" ".........!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "......!" with flash stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "...!" with flash scene w1_1509 with wet mc "Nggh... {w}I'm... {w}I'm tapped out..." "By the end of it all, an hour had passed and I lost count of the number of times I had ejaculated." mct "(Six times? Seven times...?)" "Whatever the number, the result was me collapsed on the floor like a desiccated corpse, in an office that reeked of sex, sweat, and other bodily fluids." kat "Now that's the look I like to see on a man's face. Foot half-way into the door of a sex coma." "Finally, the boundless sexual desire in me had been quelled, replaced by a feeling of outright emptiness." "All form of coherence had completely left me, dulled by physical and mental exhaustion." "For the first time in recent memory, not a single worry filtered out through my mind and into consciousness." $ renpy.end_replay() scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.gonzoRewardGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.gonzoRewardGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "As I drifted off to sleep, one word sat firmly in my mind: {b}contentment{/b}." $ history_kathleen = "Mrs. Pulman's reward turned out to be a sex-fueled foursome with Dalia, Harper, and Lucy. I lost count of the number of times I came, thanks to whatever that she-devil injected me with." $ unread_kathleen = True $ history_lucy = "I learned Lucy is now working at the club as one of the regular prostitutes, thanks to some slimy back-dealing by Isaak. Guess what she endured during her audition wasn't enough to deter her from her goal of getting her son into a prestigious school." $ lucyProstitute = True $ unread_lucy = True $ history_dalia = "Dalia more or less played second fiddle during Mrs. Pulman's reward, where I learned just how experienced the Carnation Club's head girl actually is. " $ unread_dalia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" "..." scene w1_1514 with wet2 play music "music/jazz-apricot.ogg" mc "Ah...!" mct "(My body feels like lead...)" mct "(I've never been this physically exhausted before. I have a feeling that my back and hips will be killing me when I wake up tomorrow.)" mct "(I'm guessing this is one of the unique perks Dr. Chuck was alluding too. What a {b}fucking{/b} day, literally...)" scene w1_1515 with dissolve mc "Ah, man! The water feels so nice..." scene w1_1516 with dissolve kat "Mind if I join you?" scene w1_1517 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen not at all.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Not at all. After all that, there's nothing left to be shy about." scene w1_1518 with dissolve kat "{b}No{/b}, there isn't." scene w1_1519 with fade kat "You and I will be getting to know each other quite well during your tenure here." scene w1_1520 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Despite saying that, my eyeline couldn't help but be drawn over the contours of Mrs. Pulman's fully nude form." KN_MOD "else:" "Despite saying that, my eyeline couldn't help but be drawn over the contours of Kathleen's fully nude form." KN_MOD "Flippantly tell Kathleen she owns the place.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(After all that I was hoping for a little privacy, but...)" mc "Well, you own the place, so..." scene w1_1518 with dissolve kat "Partially. A small portion." scene w1_1519 with fade kat "Especially considering I'm the life-blood of the club." scene w1_1520 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman either completely missed or more likely ignored the displeasure in my voice." "That said, my eyeline couldn't help but be drawn over the contours of Mrs. Pulman's fully nude form as she stepped into the bath." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen either completely missed or more likely ignored the displeasure in my voice." "That said, my eyeline couldn't help but be drawn over the contours of Kathleen's fully nude form as she stepped into the bath." "Come to think of it, this was the first time I had seen her stark naked." "She was mostly clothed when she partnered with Veronica a few weeks ago, and sure, she barely left anything to the imagination with the sheer body stocking she had on just moments ago." scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "This place has got a hundred million baths, doesn't it...?" scene w1_1521 with dissolve kat "I needed to talk to you and I also needed to clean up after your sex marathon, so two birds with one stone." scene w1_1524 with dissolve kat "It's gonna take a day to air out my office, you know." scene w1_1526 with dissolve mc "Probably should've thought of that before your sex ambush." scene w1_1521 with dissolve kat "Truth be told, I don't really mind a little stink." scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "What did you want to speak with me about?" scene w1_1524 with dissolve kat "Ah, straight to the point. I thought maybe all that sex would soften you up a bit." scene w1_1522 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Apologize and tell Kathleen youre just tired.:" $ toughness -=2 scene w1_1525 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry, guess I'm just a little worn out and to the point right now." "I decided not to voice my outrage at having been drugged against my will. It would just fall on deaf ears anyway." scene w1_1523 with dissolve kat "Worn out? Well, you certainly would be. I've never seen a man go that many times." KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen youre angry about being drugged.:" $ toughness +=1 $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 scene w1_1527 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "To be frank, I didn't think I'd be drugged when I walked into the building today. I'm kinda pissed off here." scene w1_1523 with dissolve kat "Don't complain, you had your fun." "She simply dismissed my objection like I was being unreasonable." mct "(Seriously though, who the fuck knows what's in that stuff? Not to mention any potential unwanted side effects...)" kat "I've never seen a man go that many times." kat "The new formula the old man cooked up is really something special." scene w1_1522 with dissolve "She said something that would normally invite further inquiry, but..." mct "(I feel like it's best I don't even know.)" scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I could say there was a lot of firsts for me today..." scene w1_1521 with dissolve kat "Quite. Anyway, I need you to check up on Miss Lynch." scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "Veronica? What's wrong?" scene w1_1524 with dissolve kat "She's fallen out of touch the past few days. She hasn't been returning my calls." scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "You think something's wrong?" scene w1_1521 with dissolve kat "That's what I want you to find out. It's part of your job, after all." scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "Making sure the girls are... how did Dr. Chuck put it...?" mc "Making sure the girls are {i}fighting fit{/i}?" scene w1_1524 with dissolve kat "That sounds like him. He has a knack for obscuring the ugly side of the business with understatement and pithy aphorisms." scene w1_1521 with dissolve kat "--but yes, it's precisely that. Go check on her well-being. Dig around. Find out if there's a problem, and if there is, remedy it in one way or another." scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "So it's time for me to actually earn my keep?" scene w1_1524 with dissolve kat "Precisely. You have a problem with that?" scene w1_1522 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen you honestly dont.:" $ Kathleen_Trust +=1 $ toughness += 1 scene w1_1526 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Honestly, no. The new apartment, the paycheck, the promise of tuition... it was a matter of time before the bill came due." mc "Plus sitting on my hands just makes me anxious. Even if the job itself isn't morally tenable, I like to feel like I'm pulling my weight." scene w1_1523 with dissolve kat "Good to hear, you're giving me confidence that you'll actually work out." KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen you arent sure:" $ toughness -= 1 scene w1_1525 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm not sure, to be honest. This place is still new to me." scene w1_1524 with dissolve kat "You'll do fine. I doubt you'll even have to work very hard. She's probably just being moody with tomorrow looming over her head." scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "Or maybe she lost her phone?" scene w1_1521 with dissolve kat "Yeah, point is... just check up on her." kat "I'll text you the address of her gym." scene w1_1527 with dissolve mc "What if she's not there? What about her home address?" scene w1_1521 with dissolve kat "That is her home address. She lives there." scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "Oh, I see..." scene w1_1524 with dissolve kat "Yeah, that's about where she's at mentally. That gym is the only place she has left, so use it if you have to." scene w1_1522 with dissolve mct "(Jeez, that's fucked up...)" scene w1_1525 with dissolve mc "Alright, I'll head over there as soon as I leave." scene w1_1521 with dissolve kat "Great. Tomorrow needs to go off without a hitch, and having {b}three{/b} Carnations is an important part of that." scene w1_1528 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Take care of it." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroPrep" KN_MOD "label w1NoGonzoReward:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "(Reward aside, Mrs. Pulman mentioned having some work for me.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Reward aside, Kathleen mentioned having some work for me.)" mct "(I should see what that's about.)" play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "......" "..." stop sound scene player-bedroom blur with dissolve show kat-call with dissolve kat "[mcf]. Good, I'm glad you called." mc "You mentioned you had something for me to do?" kat "That's right. I need you to check up on Miss Lynch." mc "Veronica? What's wrong?" kat "She's fallen out of touch the past few days. She hasn't been returning my calls." mc "You think something's wrong?" kat "That's what I want you to find out. It's part of your job, after all." mc "Making sure the girls are... how did Dr. Chuck put it...?" mc "Making sure the girls are {i}fighting fit{/i}?" kat "That sounds like him. He has a knack for obscuring the ugly side of the business with understatement and pithy aphorisms." kat "--but yes, it's precisely that. Go check on her well-being. Dig around. Find out of if there's a problem, and if there is, remedy it in one way or another." mc "So it's time for me to actually earn my keep?" kat "Precisely. You have a problem with that?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen you honestly dont.:" $ Kathleen_Trust +=1 $ toughness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Honestly, no. The new apartment, the paycheck, the promise of tuition... it was a matter of time before the bill came due." mc "Plus sitting on my hands just makes me anxious. Even if the job itself isn't morally tenable, I like to feel like I'm pulling my weight." kat "Good to hear, you're giving me confidence that you'll actually work out." KN_MOD "Tell Kathleen you arent sure:" $ toughness -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm not sure, to be honest. This place is still new to me." kat "You'll do fine. I doubt you'll even have to work very hard. She's probably just being moody with tomorrow looming over her head." mc "Or maybe she lost her phone?" kat "Yeah, point is... just check up on her." kat "I'll text you the address of her gym." mc "What if she's not there? What about her home address?" kat "That is her home address. She lives there." mc "Oh, I see..." kat "Yeah, that's about where she's at financially and mentally. That gym is her whole life and just about the only place she has left, so use it if you have to." mct "(Jeez, that's fucked up...)" mc "Alright, I'll head over there as soon as I leave." kat "Great. Tomorrow needs to go off without a hitch, and having {b}three{/b} Carnations is an important part of that." kat "Take care of it. Talk to you later." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w1_1358 with dissolve mc "Hm..." mct "(Veronica...)" KN_MOD "jump w1VeroPrep" KN_MOD "label w1VeroPrep:" play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" scene w1_1530 with circlewipe "I decided the best way to approach the situation with Veronica, who I suspect will be unhappy to see me, was to go there with a secondary goal." "Physical fitness." "I checked her website, and her gym offered free walk-in consultation and personal training session for prospective members." "If I approach her conditionally, under the guise of personal fitness, I may get a chance to glean where her headspace is at without being pushy about it." "After that, I can go from there." KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" mct "(Plus, I've been really letting myself go since high school. A little exercise will do me some good.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Plus, a little exercise might do me some good.)" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" scene w1_1529 with pixellate mina "I'll have to find a new gym if I get the part. My membership for my last one ran out last week and I don't want to renew. That place is brimming with pervs." scene w1_1530 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...)" scene w1_1531 with dissolve "I recalled what Mina mentioned earlier this week and an idea formed in my head." mct "(Maybe I could invite her to tag along? Having a cute girl alongside me might make Veronica trust me more on an instinctual level.)" mct "(Jesus. Am I listening to myself? I sound like a sociopath...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Invite Mina to the gym.:" $ toughness += 1 $ Mina_Affection += 2 $ minaGym = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Well, she did say she needed a new gym and it sounds like Veronica could use the business...)" scene w1_1532 with dissolve mct "(This is me doing a good deed and bringing people together.)" "Definitely." play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroMinaStart" KN_MOD "Go to the gym by yourself.:" $ toughness -= 1 scene w1_1533 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(No, better go alone. It's club business anyway, probably shouldn't get Mina involved in it, even if it's on the periphery.)" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroSoloStart" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_1533 with dissolve mct "(I guess I'll head out now.)" scene black with fade "......." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroSoloStart" KN_MOD "label w1VeroMinaStart:" stop sound stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_1534 with fade mina "Oh, this place looks nice! It seems kinda empty, though..." mc "That just means more privacy when you work out." mina "Hmmmm.... yeah! That sounds awesome!" "Thankfully, Mina was free for the afternoon, and was even delighted I'd remembered what she had said in passing earlier in the week." "That was what I was starting to find most appealing about her. She read like an open book, genuine and quick to express happiness." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" mct "(That, or it's a deliberate effort. Man, that would be tiring...)" play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" scene w1_1535 with dissolve ver "New faces...? Welcome to BForg--!" scene w1_1536 with dissolve ver "Oh. [mcf]." ver "What are {i}you{/i} doing here?" scene w1_1537 with dissolve mina "...?" scene w1_1538 with dissolve mc "I brought a friend that's looking for a gym. Know one I could recommend?" scene w1_1539 with dissolve "The wheels began to quickly turn in Veronica's head, as she looked at me, gave Mina an up and down, and finally looked back at me." "She was clearly wary, and I was beginning to be afraid she'd express as much, but..." scene w1_1540 with dissolve ver "It just so happens I do, as long as your pretty friend is serious about fitness and isn't looking for photo opportunities to post on the internet." scene w1_1541 with dissolve mina "You think I'm pretty?" scene w1_1542 with dissolve ver "Don't get me wrong, take as many photos as you want. It's free advertising. I just need to know you're serious about staying in shape - cause {b}clearly{/b} you already take care of yourself." "Veronica shot Mina another quick look up and down, but this time it was distinctly lascivious in flavor." scene w1_1543 with dissolve mc "She's very serious, aren't you Mina?" scene w1_1544 with dissolve mina "Aye aye! I don't do anything half-hearted!" scene w1_1545 with dissolve ver "Hmm, Mina is it? I'll have to take your word for it. Just know you may be singing a different tune by the end of your free consultation." scene w1_1546 with dissolve ver "Now, I assume you brought a change of clothes. Hurry up and get changed." ver "Changing room is that way." scene w1_1547 with dissolve mina "Aye! Aye!" scene w1_1548 with dissolve "..." scene w1_1549 with dissolve ver "Judging by the way you're dressed, you're here for a free consultation too?" scene w1_1550 with dissolve "Veronica leveled a scrutinizing gaze my way." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her {b}you{/b} want to get in shape.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, I'd like to be more proactive about my physical fitness. Could use a boost of energy too." scene w1_1551 with dissolve ver "Oh...?" scene w1_1552 with dissolve mc "It's the truth." scene w1_1553 with dissolve KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" ver "Well, you're not bad, but you could use a little work I suppose." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Well, you {b}certainly{/b} could use it I suppose." scene w1_1549 with dissolve ver "It's the same deal as with her. You're serious about this, right?" scene w1_1550 with dissolve mc "Absolutely." KN_MOD "Tell her youre sticking around for Mina:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I figured Mina would do better with a workout partner." scene w1_1549 with dissolve ver "That's... true enough. People are better at building good habits and a stronger work ethic when they have someone to account to." ver "Are you and her dating?" scene w1_1550 with dissolve mc "No. We're just friends." scene w1_1549 with dissolve ver "So you're saying she's single?" scene w1_1550 with dissolve mc "That's not at all what I'm saying, she's just not MY girlfriend. You know Killian." scene w1_1554 with dissolve ver "Him...? Oh, even better. So you're saying there's a chance for me." scene w1_1555 with dissolve "That same lascivious look returned to her face." scene w1_1557 with dissolve mct "(She seems to be feeling relatively normal...? Not that I have a baseline, but she certainly doesn't look stressed about tomorrow night.)" scene w1_1556 with dissolve ver "What are you staring for?" scene w1_1557 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Mention tomorrow night and see how she reacts.:" $ Veronica_Affection -=1 scene w1_1558 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Just thinking you look rather composed, with the exhibition around the corner." scene w1_1559 with dissolve ver "Why would you bring that up?" scene w1_1560 with dissolve mc "It's just an honest observation. Nothing to it." scene w1_1561 with dissolve "Veronica narrowed her gaze even further." scene w1_1559 with dissolve ver "I'd appreciate it if you didn't bring the subject of {b}that{/b} place up here." scene w1_1561 with dissolve mct "(That didn't go so well, but I at least know she's touchy about the subject.)" mct "(Though I guess there's no surprise there.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1VeroPushIt" KN_MOD "Deflect by apologizing and mentioning how close she is.:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 scene w1_1562 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, you're standing pretty close..." scene w1_1563 with dissolve ver "Huh...?" scene w1_1562 with dissolve mc "Just saying, you take excellent care of yourself." mc "It can be hard not to get sidetracked by that occasionally." scene w1_1564 with dissolve mc "Sorry." scene w1_1565 with dissolve ver "That's okay. Looking's free I guess." KN_MOD "if w1VeronicaPCUndress == True:" ver "Not like I didn't get a {b}good{/b} look at you last Monday." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroMinaExercise" KN_MOD "menu w1VeroPushIt:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Express admiration and try to gain ground. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ toughness += 1 $ Veronica_Affection += 2 $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 scene w1_1564 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry. It's just I'm a little amazed. Most people would be visibly perturbed, but I guess you aren't like most people." scene w1_1562 with dissolve mc "You seem very strong, I admire that." "I decided to play to her pride here. To what end I'm not entirely sure." scene w1_1566 with dissolve ver "Damn straight, I'm not! I'm glad you recognize that, but it doesn't mean I'm going to go any easier on you today." mc "I wouldn't dream of it." KN_MOD "Just drop it and get to the exercise.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Best not to push her here. It's a subject she doesn't want to talk about. I'll wait for a better opportunity to figure out why she hasn't been returning Mrs. Pulman's calls.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Best not to push her here. It's a subject she doesn't want to talk about. I'll wait for a better opportunity to figure out why she hasn't been returning Kathleen's calls.)" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Express admiration and try to gain ground.{/color} if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1VeroPushIt" KN_MOD "label w1VeroMinaExercise:" scene w1_1567 with dissolve mina "Alright, I'm ready to rock~!" scene w1_1568 with dissolve ver "I'd say you are..." scene w1_1569 with dissolve "Again, Veronica held her gaze a little too long while giving her appraisal." scene w1_1570 with dissolve mina "So what's the deal?" scene w1_1571 with dissolve ver "Prospective members get a free consultation and personal training session, so we can get to know each other better." scene w1_1572 with dissolve mina "We can't just sign up?" scene w1_1573 with dissolve ver "I believe a gym and its members should have a special relationship. As the owner, it's my duty to feel new members out and make sure everything fits." ver "I couldn't in good conscience take your money if you're not serious about working out." mct "(Maybe that's one of the reasons this place is failing?)" scene w1_1574 with dissolve mina "That's SO awesome!" ver "I-it is?" scene w1_1575 with dissolve mina "Hell yeah! I can tell how serious you take your work. You're so cool!" scene w1_1576 with dissolve ver "I, uh..." mct "(Is she... blushing?)" scene w1_1577 with dissolve ver "I think you might just have the right attitude for this place." "She may just be more easily handled than I originally suspected..." mct "(Then again, Mina might just be a special case.)" scene w1_1578 with dissolve ver "[mcf], on the other hand, remains to be seen." scene w1_1579 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mina "We won't let you down, General!" scene w1_1580 with fade "We started with some simple and not-so-simple stretches." "I started with a basic back extension, while Veronica pushed Mina toward a more hands-on partner stretch." ver "That's perfect, Mina. We're going to do 30 seconds per side." mct "(I swear she's a dirty old man in the body of a beautiful Amazon...)" scene w1_1581 with dissolve play music "music/swagger.ogg" ver "Good, good. You've got good form. Did you do gymnastics growing up?" scene w1_1582 with dissolve mina "Nope! I did do a little dance though. Some tumbling too, but I {i}blossomed{/i} a little too strongly to keep at it seriously. Things started getting in the way." scene w1_1581 with dissolve ver "Those things cause a lot of problems, don't they?" scene w1_1583 with dissolve mina "Eheheh, a little..." scene w1_1584 with dissolve "To be honest, I was pretty content just watching the pair of them stretch and Veronica seemed to be having a good time." scene w1_1585 with dissolve mina "I love your muscles! You've got strong hands!" scene w1_1586 with dissolve ver "Thank you. It took a ton of hard work." scene w1_1587 with dissolve mina "I can tell! I'm actually a little envious." scene w1_1586 with dissolve ver "Why? You're adorable." scene w1_1588 with dissolve mina "Yeah, but you're SO cool! Like a... a movie star!" scene w1_1586 with dissolve ver "Flip." scene w1_1589 with dissolve "Mina's natural exuberance seemed to have fully disarmed the thorny woman." mct "(Good call with inviting her, [mcf].)" "I patted myself on the back." mct"(Maybe I should ask her to come over? See if we can become a little friendlier?)" "Then again, maybe she'd be more content stretching with Mina." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask Veronica for some help stretching.:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 $ Veronica_Affection += 2 scene w1_1590 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Teacher, could I get a hand over here?" scene w1_1591 with dissolve ver "Don't call me that." scene w1_1592 with dissolve ver "Do some passive stretching, Mina." scene black with fade mc "You want me like THIS...?" scene w1_1593 with dissolve ver "Exactly like that. All you got to do is stand there and let me do all the work, {b}errand boy{/b}." mc "Errand boy?" ver "That is what you are, right? That's your job, for the club." ver "So, just stand there and take it. All you have to do is keep your feet firmly planted." "She's... enjoying this." scene w1_1594 with dissolve "Grabbing my hips, Veronica began to slowly pull on my pelvis, stretching out my legs and spine." scene w1_1595 with dissolve ver "This position suits you." scene w1_1596 with dissolve mc "You sexually harass all your members?" scene w1_1595 with dissolve ver "Never. I was just flirting with Mina. No harm in that." scene w1_1596 with dissolve mc "And all the innuendo with me, just now?" scene w1_1595 with dissolve ver "I don't know what you're talking about, errand boy." scene w1_1597 with irisout mina "Uh..." mina "...the heck?" KN_MOD "Just enjoy the show:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 2 $ Mina_BiCurious += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I think I'll just let Veronica enjoy herself. She's clearly into Mina." scene w1_1598 with dissolve "Veronica positioned herself behind Mina and took both of her arms in hand." ver "I'm just going to need you to hold this, while I put pressure on your hips and chest, alright?" mina "S-sure, I can do that!" scene w1_1599 with dissolve mina "Ehe..." mina "Kinda..." scene w1_1600 with dissolve mina "" ver "Is something the matter, Mina?" mina "No..." scene w1_1601 with dissolve "I could see from here that Mina was blushing." mct "(Is she being... conscientious of the pose?)" scene w1_1602 with dissolve ver "Minute's up." scene w1_1603 with dissolve mina "...o-oh? Already...?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_1604 with circlewipe KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1MinaVeroGym:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1MinaVeroGym = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "Alright... stretching's done." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w1_1605 with dissolve play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" ver "Normally a consultation would involve discussion of nutrition and tailoring a workout to your specific needs, but..." scene w1_1606 with dissolve ver "Let's just shred some muscle!" scene w1_1607 with dissolve mina "Uh, [mcf]... she looks..." mc "Evil." scene w1_1608 with cmet mc "Ghh...!" ver "Good, {b}good{/b}! Like that. Allow your elbows to follow the line to the top range." mina "Oooh, that looks fun!" scene w1_1609 with cmet mina "*huff...!* *huff...!* Nggyeeeeh!" ver "I got you. Just hold that pose as long as you can." scene w1_1610 with cmet ver "Don't try to bite off more than you can chew. There's nothing wrong with using as few discs as necessary!" scene w1_1611 with cmet mct "(Ugh...! I... I want to...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_1612 with w20 mina "I've... I've *huff* *huff* I've never..." scene w1_1613 with dissolve mina "I want to diiiiiie!" mc "Nghhhhhh...." "I couldn't find the energy to form a reply." scene w1_1614 with dissolve ver "You two did great. You can freely call yourselves members here, if you want." mina "Uggh..." scene w1_1615 with dissolve ver "Aw, don't give me that look. We'll come up with a more flexible regimen for you two." ver "Going this hard every day would just damage your body. It'd do more harm than good." scene w1_1616 with dissolve "With great effort, and a couple of false starts, Mina dragged herself into a standing position." scene w1_1617 with dissolve mina "Thank you. This place is so much cooler than my last gym!" scene w1_1618 with dissolve ver "You two go shower and I'll get the contract." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroExhibitionTalkMina" KN_MOD "label w1VeroSoloStart:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_1619 with dissolve mct "(Hmm... this is a pretty nice place.)" "Veronica's gym comprised an entire floor of a downtown office building" mct "(The rent is probably what's killing her.)" play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" scene w1_1620 with dissolve ver "Greetings! Welcome--" scene w1_1621 with dissolve ver "Oh. It's you." ver "What are you doing here?" scene w1_1622 with dissolve "Veronica fixed a circumspect look my way." scene w1_1623 with dissolve mc "Well, this is a gym. I'm in my workout clothes..." scene w1_1624 with dissolve ver "There's a lot of gyms in the city, but you walk into mine?" scene w1_1625 with dissolve "Naturally, Veronica was suspicious of me being here. Not that I could blame her, considering club business was indeed what brought me here in the first place." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1VeroConvince:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Play shamelessly to Veronicas ego. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 scene w1_1626 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I understand this might be weird, considering how we're acquainted, buuuuuut..." scene w1_1627 with dissolve mc "Look at me! I could use some time in the gym." scene w1_1626 with dissolve mc "Sure, I could go to any other gym, but I've got a pretty good reason to choose this one." scene w1_1624 with dissolve ver "And what's that?" scene w1_1629 with dissolve mc "You look amazing! Why would I want to go anywhere else?" scene w1_1630 with dissolve ver "..." scene w1_1631 with dissolve mc "{b}Seriously!{/b} I looked you up! A podium finish at the Olympics eight years ago in shot putting." scene w1_1630 with dissolve "That piece of information was actually gleaned from the dossier I received on all the Carnations, but saying that outright would be weird." scene w1_1629 with dissolve mc "You haven't competed since, but to keep a body like yours takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears." scene w1_1632 with dissolve ver "Damn right it does." scene w1_1633 with dissolve mc "Well {b}fuck{/b} franchise gyms. All they do is take your money. They don't give a shit about what their members do after that." scene w1_1634 with dissolve mc "I'd rather be a part of a gym owned by a {b}person like you{/b}, who actually cares." scene w1_1635 with dissolve ver "'re REALLY here because you want to get in shape?" scene w1_1636 with dissolve mc "I am." "I wasn't strictly telling a lie." "Keeping my head in a book for over three years had softened me up. Not to mention the boost of energy from being healthier will be useful once I'm a resident physician." mc "I could definitely use it." scene w1_1637 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1VeronicaPCUndress == True:" ver "Hmm.... I suppose you do. I did get a {b}good{/b} look at you last Monday after all. With some bulking up, you might just transition from cute to handsome." KN_MOD "else:" ver "No kidding. You're built like one of those inflatable flailing arm men." mct "(!)" with hpunch scene w1_1639 with dissolve ver "I don't see the harm in giving you a consultation. Everyone needs exercise in their life." ver "It's not like I'm in any position to be turning down the business either. That said, I will if you don't meet my #1 rule." scene w1_1638 with dissolve KN_MOD "Express to Veronica a genuine interest in your physical health.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 scene w1_1626 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I know it's kinda weird, considering how we're acquainted, but..." scene w1_1624 with dissolve ver "That's a BIG understatement." scene w1_1626 with dissolve mc "I'd like to take my health more seriously and get in shape." scene w1_1625 with dissolve "I wasn't strictly telling a lie." "Keeping my head in a book for over three years had softened me up. Not to mention the boost of energy from being healthier will be useful once I'm a resident physician." scene w1_1624 with dissolve ver "You can do that anywhere." scene w1_1626 with dissolve mc "True, but..." scene w1_1640 with dissolve mc "You got a lot of strict membership requirements on your website. I think that's really cool." mc "You clearly care about the physical fitness of your customers, which you won't get at a franchise gym." scene w1_1641 with dissolve ver "No, you wouldn't. Those places are {b}soulless{/b}." scene w1_1642 with dissolve mc "That was my line of thinking as well." scene w1_1644 with dissolve ver "I don't see the harm in giving you a consultation. Everyone needs exercise in their life, no matter where they may work." KN_MOD "if w1VeronicaPCUndress == True:" scene w1_1646 with dissolve ver "Plus, I did get a real {b}good{/b} look at you last Monday after all. With some bulking up, you might just transition from cute to handsome." scene w1_1644 with dissolve ver "It's not like I'm in any position to be turning down the business either. That said, I will if you don't meet my #1 rule." scene w1_1645 with dissolve KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Play to Veronicas ego.{/color}. if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1VeroConvince" mc "What's the number one rule?" scene w1_1643 with dissolve ver "I refuse to take anyone's money who's not committed to their physical health journey." scene w1_1644 with dissolve ver "So here's the deal: prospective members get a free consultation and personal training session, so we can get to know each other better." scene w1_1643 with dissolve ver "I believe a gym and its members should have a special relationship. As the gym's owner, it's my duty to feel new members out and make sure everything fits." scene w1_1645 with dissolve mct "(I have a feeling that's one of the reasons this place is failing...)" scene w1_1644 with dissolve ver "Is that acceptable to you?" scene w1_1645 with dissolve mc "It is. As you can see, I came ready." scene w1_1646 with dissolve ver "I'm going to wipe that smile off your face." scene w1_1647 with fade "We started with some simple, hands-on partner stretches." ver "We're going to do 30 seconds per side." mc "Alright." scene w1_1648 with dissolve ver "You have any experience with stretching?" KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" scene w1_1649 with dissolve mc "Soccer stretches. Quads, calves, hamstrings, lower back stuff..." mc "I played in high school." scene w1_1648 with dissolve ver "Good, then you already know the importance of stretching before you exercise." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_1649 with dissolve mc "Uh, just whatever we did in gym class." scene w1_1648 with dissolve ver "Well, you want to always stretch the main muscle group you plan on working. It decreases the risk for injury by increasing your flexibility." scene w1_1649 with dissolve mc "Makes sense." scene w1_1650 with dissolve ver "This is known as a supine hamstring stretch. Normally you'd stretch by yourself, but this gives me a chance to get my hands on what we're working with." scene w1_1651 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Veronica you wouldnt mind this being an every day thing.:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ Veronica_Horniness -= 1 scene w1_1652 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "We could do this every session. If you want." scene w1_1653 with dissolve mc "---ng! Hey!" "Veronica put a little more force into the stretch." scene w1_1654 with dissolve mc "Message received." KN_MOD "Ask Veronica what she thinks.:" scene w1_1655 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, what do you think?" scene w1_1656 with dissolve KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 2 ver "I think you've got some deceptively dense muscle mass in your legs. No surprise there, given what you just said." KN_MOD "else:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 ver "I think I have my work cut out for me." scene w1_1657 with dissolve mct "(With the way we're casually talking, she seems to be feeling relatively normal...? Not that I have a baseline, but she certainly doesn't look stressed about tomorrow night.)" scene w1_1659 with dissolve ver "Oi! You're losing focus!" scene w1_1658 with dissolve mc "Oh, sorry. It's just..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Mention tomorrow night and see how she reacts.:" $ Veronica_Affection -=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Just thinking you look rather composed, with the exhibition around the corner." scene w1_1660 with dissolve ver "Why would you bring that up?" scene w1_1661 with dissolve mc "It's just an honest observation. Nothing to it." "Veronica peered down at me with a scrutinizing gaze." scene w1_1660 with dissolve ver "I'd appreciate it if you didn't bring the subject of {b}that{/b} place up here." scene w1_1661 with dissolve mc "Sorry. I just know I wouldn't be able to focus on my job if I were you." scene w1_1660 with dissolve ver "Well, I'm {b}not{/b} you. I'm good at compartmentalizing." KN_MOD "Deflect by apologizing and saying youre feeling flustered.:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, all this touching..." scene w1_1662 with dissolve ver "Huh...?" scene w1_1663 with dissolve mc "Just saying, you got your hands on me and you take excellent care of yourself too." mc "It can be hard not to get sidetracked." mc "It was an accident. I'll try to keep better focus! Sorry!" scene w1_1662 with dissolve ver "It happens to all of us. God knows that I..." scene w1_1664 with dissolve ver "What I'm saying is that's a normal reaction for people not used to working out in a gym" ver "Y'know, lotta sweat. Lotta half-clothed, muscular bodies. Eventually you get used to it, or you just work yourself so hard that you can't even think." scene w1_1665 with dissolve ver "That's 30 seconds.." scene w1_1666 with dissolve "Signaling that the stretching was over, Veronica peered down at me with what might be mistaken for a malicious look." scene w1_1667 with dissolve ver "Let's see what you're made of, errand boy." scene black with fade mc "(Errand boy...?)" scene w1_1668 with cmet mc "Mmmh...." scene w1_1669 with dissolve ver "Good, good. You got it." scene w1_1670 with dissolve ver "Keep your chin up and your chest high." scene w1_1674 with dissolve mc "Okay..." scene w1_1670 with dissolve ver "Stomach braced and down." scene w1_1674 with dissolve mc "Three...!" scene w1_1672 with dissolve ver "This is what's known as an isolateral bench press." scene w1_1673 with dissolve ver "What it's doing is working your chest and shoulders, your pectoralis major and your..." scene w1_1671 with dissolve mc "Anterior deltoid. Yeah, I know." scene w1_1669 with dissolve ver "Good, so you know the names of things?" scene w1_1671 with dissolve mc "I know a little bit of anatomy." scene w1_1673 with dissolve ver "Watch it. Don't get distracted." scene w1_1672 with dissolve ver "Your elbow should follow the line of the handle to top range." scene w1_1674 with dissolve mc "Right! Sorry, coach." scene w1_1670 with dissolve "With that the prattle ceased and I found myself falling into a rhythm." scene w1_1669 with dissolve mct "(Follow the line of the handle to top range....)" scene w1_1670 with dissolve mct "(Control the back down.)" scene w1_1669 with dissolve mct "(Follow the line of the handle to top range....)" scene w1_1670 with dissolve mct "(Control the back down.)" scene w1_1669 with dissolve "Slowly, but surely I began to feel the strain." "My muscles began to feel the burn, requiring more oxygen from the body." scene w1_1675 with dissolve mc "*huff* *huff*" stop music play sound "sound effects/metal-drop.wav" scene w1_1676 with hpunch man "Annng--fUUUUUCK!!!!!!" scene w1_1677 with w12 ver "Markus...?" "A pained cry cut my workout short." mark "GOD DAMN IT!" scene w1_1678 with fade play music "music/beginning-of-conflict.ogg" ver "What's wrong?" mark "I don't know. S-something popped!" ver "You dislocated your shoulder?" mark "I d-don't know! Yes?!" scene w1_1679 with dissolve ver "Get on the floor and I'll pop it back--" scene w1_1680 with dissolve mc "Don't do that. Leave it alone." scene w1_1681 with dissolve mark "Why the hell not? This hurts like a bitch, kid." scene w1_1682 with dissolve mc "Because you might make it worse." mc "Just haphazardly popping it back in place can result in blood vessel, ligament, or nerve damage." mc "You don't want to cause any more damage and have Markus sue you, do you?" scene w1_1683 with dissolve ver "" mc "Let me take a look." scene w1_1684 with dissolve mark "Eegh!" scene w1_1685 with dissolve mc "Stop being a baby." scene w1_1686 with dissolve mc "Hmmm..." scene w1_1687 with dissolve mc "It's a good thing you didn't try and pop it back into place. This isn't a dislocation. It's a tear." mc "All you would've accomplished is a lot more pain and screaming." scene w1_1688 with dissolve ver "How do you know that?" scene w1_1689 with dissolve mc "If you dislocated your shoulder, you'd be unable to move it." mc "There would also be an indentation here, below the shoulder. Instead..." scene w1_1690 with dissolve mark "Ngg--!" scene w1_1689 with dissolve mc "The top of his shoulder is all jacked up." scene w1_1692 with dissolve mark "W-what the hell does that mean?" scene w1_1691 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "It means you've separated it. You've damaged the ligaments around your acromioclavicular joint." mc "Pretty bad too. Your shoulder blade and collar bone are totally detached from each other. Yeesh!" mc "Something this severe isn't something that just abruptly happens either. You were working out with an injury." scene w1_1693 with dissolve ver "Ah, you dumbass!" mark "Ehehe, it was just a little pain..." scene w1_1691 with dissolve mc "*sigh* Pain is your body telling you something is wrong. You're going to need to go get this x-rayed." scene w1_1694 with dissolve ver "I guess I'll call you a cab?" mark "Ehehe... please do, Miss Lynch." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroExhibitionTalkSolo" KN_MOD "label w1VeroExhibitionTalkMina:" play music "music/study-and-relax.ogg" scene w1_1695 with circlewipe $ history_mina = "I remembered Mina mentioning over lunch that she was looking for a new gym, so I invited her along to Veronica's gym. We both ended up members there and Veronica seemed quite taken by her." $ unread_mina = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "After filling out the membership form and getting our dues squared away, Mina and I parted ways." "Meanwhile, I stuck around the gym. After all, I hadn't fully settled my primary purpose for being here." scene w1_1696 with dissolve ver "Your friend is a sweet girl. Does she know what her boyfriend does for a living?" scene w1_1697 with dissolve mc "Not at all." scene w1_1696 with dissolve ver "Ah, tough luck. I suppose a girl's got to make a few mistakes though." scene w1_1698 with dissolve mc "Speaking from experience?" scene w1_1701 with dissolve ver "Where else would I be speaking from?" scene w1_1700 with dissolve mc "Fair enough. I guess that was a stupid question." scene w1_1703 with dissolve ver "You surprised me today. Truth be told, I didn't think you had it in you, errand boy." ver "The two of you lasted the whole consultation and showed a promising attitude. Good job." scene w1_1702 with dissolve mc "That's good, cause my legs feel like jello." scene w1_1706 with dissolve ver "Enjoy it! That's the feeling of hard work!" KN_MOD "jump w1VeroExhibitionTalk" KN_MOD "label w1VeroExhibitionTalkSolo:" $ Veronica_Affection += 5 play music "music/study-and-relax.ogg" scene w1_1696 with circlewipe ver "Shit. I'm actually a little impressed, errand boy." scene w1_1695 with dissolve "After seeing the injured gym rat off, I stuck around. After all, I hadn't fully settled my primary purpose for being here." scene w1_1698 with dissolve mc "Errand boy?" scene w1_1696 with dissolve ver "That's your job, right? That's what you do for that crazy old bat." scene w1_1699 with dissolve mc "Eheh, I suppose that's not {b}inaccurate{/b}." scene w1_1701 with dissolve ver "How do you know all that stuff about shoulder injuries?" scene w1_1700 with dissolve mc "Like I said, I know a little bit of anatomy..." scene w1_1704 with dissolve ver "...?" "The fiery redhead looked at me curiously, not satisfied with my vague answer." mc "I'm studying for the MCATs next year." scene w1_1705 with dissolve ver "What's that?" scene w1_1704 with dissolve mc "It's a test, the medical college admission--" scene w1_1701 with dissolve ver "Oh. Doctor college. Gotcha." scene w1_1703 with dissolve ver "Well, as I was saying, that was pretty cool what you did back there. When I was training for the Olympics, I saw a teammate set another shot putter's arm back in place." ver "Had no clue that could do any harm. I about jumped out of my skin when you mentioned being sued." scene w1_1702 with dissolve mc "So, how did my consultation go?" scene w1_1701 with dissolve ver "Hmm, I didn't really get a chance to see your commitment, but I think in this case..." scene w1_1706 with dissolve ver "I'll take your word for it." KN_MOD "jump w1VeroExhibitionTalk" KN_MOD "label w1VeroExhibitionTalk:" scene w1_1707 with dissolve mc "By the way, Mrs. Pulman is concerned you haven't been in contact since last Monday." scene w1_1708 with dissolve ver "*sigh* Here I was just finding talking to you pleasant." scene w1_1709 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >=18:" mc "It's part of my job to ask." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Sorry, but this is part of my job." scene w1_1708 with dissolve ver "Is she worried I'm going to bail on her sick little game?" scene w1_1709 with dissolve mc "You've hit the nail on the head pretty much." scene w1_1710 with dissolve "Veronica narrowed her gaze, looking past me as if she was searching for a suitable response." scene w1_1711 with dissolve ver "I'd be full of it if I said I wasn't dreading tomorrow, but she doesn't have to worry about me flaking." ver "After the shit I endured a couple of weeks ago, I'm not going to let all of that be for nothing." scene w1_1712 with dissolve mct "(That's a sunk cost fallacy, buuuuut I probably shouldn't mention that to Veronica...)" scene w1_1709 with dissolve mc "So you'll be there tomorrow night?" scene w1_1708 with dissolve ver "Duh." scene w1_1713 with dissolve ver "You see this, errand boy?" scene w1_1714 with dissolve mc "An empty gym?" scene w1_1715 with dissolve ver "Not quite. It's my fucking dream. I'm not going to get into it, but some shit's really been working against me lately." ver "I'm going to fight tooth and nail to keep this place afloat." scene w1_1716 with dissolve "An overbearing feeling of purpose was written on the Amazon's face." "For a moment, I didn't quite know how to respond, stricken by her determination. Eventually I found the words to get back to the point." scene w1_1717 with dissolve mc "Then why haven't you returned Mrs. Pulman's calls? Only asking, because... she'll want to know." scene w1_1718 with dissolve ver "Hmm... let's see. Tons of reasons, but the most relevant one..." ver "Talking to her will piss me off and life's too short to be in a bad mood." scene w1_1719 with dissolve mc "Heh, fair enough." scene w1_1720 with dissolve mct "(Not like I blame her.)" "Furthermore, I believed what she was saying and could confidently tell the boss she doesn't have to worry about Veronica being a no-show for tomorrow's inaugural exhibition." scene w1_1721 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" ver "You didn't bust your ass today just so you could ask me that simple question, did you?" KN_MOD "else:" ver "You didn't just join my gym so you could ask me that simple question, did you?" scene w1_1719 with dissolve mc "It was part of it. I was honest about needing to find a place to work out, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have an additional motive for coming here today." scene w1_1722 with dissolve ver "That's so stupid!" ver "You could have just asked me, but here you are saddled with a gym membership! I'm not going to let you slack off either!" scene w1_1719 with dissolve mc "No offense, but you're a difficult and scary woman. You probably would've told me to fuck off if I opened with that." scene w1_1723 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" ver "Most likely!" with hpunch mc "--geh?!" "Veronica slapped my arm with startling force, breaking the near silence of the now completely empty gym." scene w1_1724 with dissolve ver "You're alright in my book." KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" ver "You brought a cute new girl to my gym after all." KN_MOD "else:" ver "It'd be nice to have a {i}doctor{/i} around the place." mc "I'm not a..." scene w1_1725 with dissolve ver "I'm going to expect you here at least a few times a week, to work on your fitness goals." scene w1_1726 with dissolve ver "Don't worry! I'll help you develop a personal fitness plan suitable for a skinny errand boy!" scene w1_1727 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(Gee, thanks...)" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if minaGym == False:" $ history_veronica = "Turns out Mrs. Pulman had nothing to worry about. Veronica is just as determined to win the exhibition as she was two weeks ago. I ended up getting a gym membership out of the equation and she seemed pretty impressed by me recognizing what was wrong with her idiot member." KN_MOD "else:" $ history_veronica = "Turns out Mrs. Pulman had nothing to worry about. Veronica is just as determined to win the exhibition as she was two weeks ago. Bringing Mina worked like a charm. She seemed really into her." $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "label june05End:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june05night" play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" scene w1_1728 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mct "(It's already Friday night, huh? That means tomorrow is...)" scene w1_1729 with dissolve show june05night with squares mct "(The inauguration night of the summer exhibition.)" mct "(I've already been given a taste of what to expect. It'll be like a couple of weeks ago, but on a grander scale.)" mct "(More patrons. Higher stakes. Both of which probably means a higher degree of cruelty.)" stop sound play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene pr0979 with pixellate KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I remembered the video footage Mrs. Pulman handed me my first week at the club." KN_MOD "else:" "I remembered the video footage Kathleen handed me my first week at the club." "The one that was conspicuously titled {i}Week 3 - public use.{/i}." scene w1_1731 with Dissolve(1.0) "The content of which was exactly as billed, featuring an excess of non-stop sexual indulgence that lasted hours on end." scene w1_1732 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(I'm going to stand on that stage and partake in whatever fucked-up designs Mrs. Pulman has in store.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I'm going to stand on that stage and partake in whatever fucked-up designs Kathleen has in store.)" mct "(I wonder how the girls are feeling right about now? Nervous? Terrified...?)" "My mind turned to the three women whose well-being I'm purportedly supposed to look after." scene w1_1733 with fade "Felicia. A vivacious woman who says she's in it for the kicks." scene w1_1744 with pixellate "A bombshell I spent an evening getting to know." KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == False:" scene w1_1745 with dissolve "Pretty intimately." scene w1_1746 with dissolve "Which led to discussing the ugly underpinnings of romance over offensively greasy food." KN_MOD "if prAfterParty == True:" scene w1_1747 with dissolve "Played games with." KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == True:" scene w1_1748 with dissolve "Became intimate with." KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" scene w1_1749 with dissolve "Got to know more personally than I really had any right to." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w1_1750 with dissolve "Who I later went on to have dinner with this week." scene w1_1733 with pixellate "I wonder what's in store for her? Will she get what she's after? Will she find the thrills she's looking for?" mct "(I have a feeling she'll come to regret it.)" scene w1_1734 with fade "Then there's Rosalind. Sweet, warm, caught-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place Rosalind." scene w1_1751 with pixellate "A woman that was dangled in front of me like bait." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" scene w1_1752 with dissolve "Which I lecherously accepted." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False:" scene w1_1753 with dissolve "A woman I inadvertently blathered my anxieties too, who listened to me with a motherly-like patience." KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" scene w1_1754 with dissolve "Who, for a reason I didn't understand at the time, tried to seduce me over coffee." KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" scene w1_1755 with dissolve "Who I pried intimate details from." KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" scene w1_1756 with dissolve "A woman whose amorous advances turned out to be a ploy, born of a bleak situation." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" scene w1_1757 with dissolve "A ploy I let myself fall victim to." scene w1_1734 with pixellate "Unlike Felicia, she has something on the line here." "What will happen to her if she doesn't win? What will happen to her if she does?" "Even if she squares away one debt, she'll have accrued a liability of a different nature." scene w1_1735 with fade "The last on the chopping block: Veronica." "What a soldier." scene w1_1758 with pixellate "Paraded in front of me for that old hag's amusement." KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" scene w1_1759 with dissolve mct "(Eheh...)" scene w1_1760 with dissolve "Who endured a long, arduous night to just participate in tomorrow's game." scene w1_1761 with dissolve "Who at least found some satisfaction I suppose." scene w1_1762 with dissolve mct "(Is four walls and a bunch of over-engineered equipment really worth all this?)" scene w1_1729 with pixellate "I had no right to look down on these women." scene w1_1730 with dissolve "After all, what was I doing here?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w1_1737 with curtains KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" kat "I had occasion to test out the new formula before tomorrow night." man "How did you find it?" scene w1_1736 with dissolve kat "You've really outdone yourself, sir." KN_MOD "else:" kat "The testing for the new formula will begin tomorrow night." man "I look forward to seeing the results." scene w1_1736 with dissolve kat "As do I." man "I wish the board had a tenth of the enthusiasm for my project as you do, young lady. All they see in this project is a stimulant." man "Can you imagine? Turning such a wonderful philter into an energy drink? Bah! They lack the imagination you have." scene w1_1738 with dissolve kat "Fortunately for me, the world is full of fools and men of limited vision and initiative." scene w1_1739 with dissolve man "Men like your partners?" scene w1_1740 with dissolve kat "Oh, Abel. You said it, not me." scene w1_1739 with dissolve abel "They have any objections to our partnership?" scene w1_1738 with dissolve kat "No, I haven't told them. I don't plan to." scene w1_1741 with dissolve abel "That may bite you in your delectable ass if you're not careful, Kat." scene w1_1742 with dissolve kat "It's best they don't know what our goals are. August is nothing but a gangster, all he understands is money and ego. And Charles..." kat "For all his brilliance, is a child. He wouldn't be happy with his sacred playground being tainted by outside interests." scene w1_1743 with dissolve kat "{b}No{/}, this is our deal." kat "I'll get you the data you need." stop music play sound "sound effects/sting-mumbaieffect.wav" scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump June06Start" ################################################################################ ## START HERE, GIL ------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## STOP HERE, GIL -------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ ### PALE CARNATIONS ### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## The contents of day 6 and 7 of the first week go here. ## Edwin wakes up -------------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "label June06Start:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhousegirls with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june06day" scene w1_1765 with sunshine show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" mct "(Can it be...?)" scene w1_1766 with dissolve mct "(Did I just...)" scene w1_1767 with dissolve show june06day with squares "Get a whole night of quality, uninterrupted shut-eye?" mct "(No Killian bursting in with a booty call in the middle of the night or an unannounced visitor buzzing at my door?)" scene w1_1768 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" mct "(Yep.)" mct "(It's just too bad that...)" scene w1_1769 with fade mc "Eugh..." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" "Between my \"reward\" and working out at Veronica's gym yesterday, my body feels like it's operating on a three second delay." KN_MOD "else:" "The workout I did yesterday has caught up to me." "Still, my mind is amazingly..." scene w1_1770 with dissolve "Settled." mct "(All that thinking last night helped put things into perspective. I'm not the one who's going to have a hard time tonight.)" mct "(I should do something for the girls. Some kind of gesture of goodwill so they won't feel so alone.)" mct "(Hmm... yeah. I might just end up looking like a jackass, but I think my heart is in the right place.)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Plus, this falls within the purview of my new job, doesn't it?" ## Carnation Meeting #1 -------------------------------------------------------- scene w1_1771 with circlewipe mc "You're all here. Great." scene w1_1772 with dissolve play music "music/hep-cats.ogg" mc "Thanks for accepting my invitation." scene w1_1773 with dissolve ver "Invitation? You said this had to do with tonight. Did I have a choice?" ver "This place was out of my way." scene w1_1774 with dissolve mc "I thought it'd be nice if we all grabbed lunch together before the exhibition." "I did my best to deliver the line with a warm smile." scene w1_1775 with dissolve ver "Huh? You what?" scene w1_1776 with dissolve rose "Yeah, I thought this was important. I had to call the sitter to come a little earlier. Thankfully, she was available." scene w1_1777 with dissolve mct "(Ah, crap...)" scene w1_1778 with dissolve fel "Aw, c'mon girls." scene w1_1779 with dissolve fel "I'm sure [mcf] has his reasons." scene w1_1780 with dissolve fel "...uh, right?" scene w1_1781 with dissolve "With all three looking at me expectantly, I was starting to feel more than a little stupid for calling them here for such an ostensibly flimsy reason." "I should..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Just be honest with them and speak from the heart.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 scene w1_1782 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's exactly what I said. I thought it'd be nice if we all grabbed lunch together." scene w1_1785 with dissolve ver "You gotta be kidding me..." scene w1_1787 with wipeleft mc "Well, there is a little more behind it than that..." scene w1_1788 with dissolve fel "Tell us, [mcf]." scene w1_1789 with dissolve mc "My mom once told me that sitting down and sharing a meal with another person is an excellent first step in becoming friends." mc "Food is something everyone has in common, so it's a good place to start in bridging the gap between two parties." scene w1_1783 with dissolve rose "What gap are you trying to bridge...?" scene w1_1784 with dissolve mc "The one that exists between the three of you as competitors." ver "What are you babbling about?" KN_MOD "Remind them of the relationship dynamic at play here first.:" $ toughness += 2 $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 scene w1_1790 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're in my charge over the next month." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "I don't give a shit if it's out of the way or if you have to pay your babysitter a little more." mc "If I tell you to get your ass somewhere, {b}you get your ass somewhere{/b}." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I don't care if it's out of the way or if you have to pay your babysitter a little more." mc "If I tell you to show up somewhere, {b}you show up somewhere{/b}." mc "Your time over the next month belongs exclusively to me." scene w1_1785 with dissolve ver "Oh? Is this what it's all about? You're having a power trip?" scene w1_1786 with dissolve mc "No, this is about it being my job to get the three of you through the month, of making sure of your {b}well-being{/b}." mc "To that end, we need to bridge the gap between the three of you. As competitors." scene w1_1785 with dissolve ver "What the hell are you talking about?" scene w1_1791 with dissolve mc "Let me put it this way. You guys are stepping into a quagmire over the next four weeks, facing down a heap of nastiness. To make things even more excruciating, it's going to feel like you're facing it alone." mc "That is because the three of you are competitors and only one of you can win the exhibition. Naturally, you want to see each other fail, because an opponent's loss is your gain." mc "To add to this, everyone at the club will want to see you writhe and suffer. They're counting on and looking forward to it." scene w1_1792 with dissolve ver "Yeah, and...?" scene w1_1793 with dissolve mc "What I'm trying to say is... you guys should rely on each other over the next month, because when you get down to it, no one else will be your friend." scene w1_1794 with dissolve fel "Not even you, [mcf]?" scene w1_1795 with dissolve mc "I work there, remember? Even if I care about you three, which I do I might add, they're paying me a lot of money to {i}handle{/i} you." scene w1_1796 with dissolve rose "Is that what you're doing by telling us this? Handling us?" scene w1_1791 with dissolve mc "I'm trying to help you by telling you what you need to hear." scene w1_1792 with dissolve ver "And what makes you think any of us needs to hear this?" scene w1_1793 with dissolve mc "You guys are going to be continually worn down over the next month and when you're under the stage lights, sweating your asses off, stressed and shaking like a cornered rabbit..." mc "Being able to rely on each other might just make a difference in getting through the night." scene w1_1797 with dissolve rose "This isn't something I want to hear just hours before we're supposed to be at the club." scene w1_1798 with dissolve mc "I know, but I thought this was important to talk about." mc "What I'm ultimately getting at is... look after each other. You'll find no help anywhere else tonight." mc "Even if you three are competitors, you shouldn't be enemies. I hope you can see the wisdom in having a shoulder to lean on should you need it, because the moment you lose your wits and your resolve falters, your chances of winning plummet along with it." scene w1_1788 with dissolve fel "So we're going to share a meal and become best friends?" scene w1_1789 with dissolve mc "No, of course not. It's something though." mc "We're going to meet up every Saturday before the exhibition. No exceptions." scene w1_1799 with dissolve ver "........." scene w1_1800 with dissolve rose "......" scene w1_1801 with dissolve fel "..." scene w1_1802 with dissolve fel "That sounds great, [mcf]. Seriously." ver "It makes... {b}some{/b} sense. I guess." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" scene w1_1803 with dissolve rose "I'm glad you're in our corner, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_1804 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_1805 with dissolve fel "Let's eat!" scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w1_1806 with fade play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" fel "Awwww, she's adorable! She's got your eyes!" scene w1_1807 with dissolve ver "I want to see." "At the start of our meal, conversation was sparse and awkward, but by the end of it, the girls seemed to be warming to each other." scene w1_1808 with dissolve ver "Felicia's right, she's a cutie pie." scene w1_1809 with dissolve ver "You want to see, [mcf]?" mc "Sure." scene w1_1810 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" mct "(So this is Rosalind's daughter...)" mct "(The one she's doing all this for.)" mc "Felicia wasn't kidding. She really does have your eyes." scene w1_1811 with dissolve rose "What about you two? You have any kids...?" scene w1_1812 with dissolve fel "I got two stepkids. What about you, Big Red?" scene w1_1813 with dissolve ver "Don't call me that and... no, it never happened for me." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" "Veronica's attitude took a noticeable dip at being redirected that question." "Must be a prickly topic for her." scene w1_1814 with dissolve fel "Still time, maybe one of the guys at the club tonight will be nice enou--" scene w1_1815 with dissolve rose "Those kinds of jokes aren't funny, Felicia." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" "Rosalind quickly jumped in to cut Felicia's bad joke off. She must've picked up on the same change of mood I did." KN_MOD "else:" "Rosalind quickly jumped in to cut Felicia's bad joke off." scene w1_1816 with dissolve fel "Sorry. Sometimes I fire off my mouth before my brain catches up." "It seems Felicia was quick to catch on as well." ver "That's okay. I run my mouth too much as well." scene w1_1817 with dissolve fel "You should share something about yourself, [mcf]." scene w1_1818 with dissolve mc "I should?" scene w1_1819 with dissolve rose "Yeah, it's not fair for you to be the only one not sharing. Tell us what you were like as a child." scene w1_1820 with dissolve ver "Hmmph, I bet he was a brat." scene w1_1821 with dissolve fel "How about something embarrassing?" scene w1_1822 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...)" scene w1_1823 with dissolve mc "Okay, fair's fair." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1InquisitiveStory" KN_MOD "if trait_tireless == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1TirelessStory" KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1GovernorStory" KN_MOD "label w1InquisitiveStory:" scene w1_1824 with dissolve mc "What I was like as a child, eh...?" scene w1_1825 with dissolve play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" "In the interest of building trust, I decided to speak at length about my intense curiosity streak growing up." scene w1_1826 with dissolve mc "I was a very curious and inquisitive child when I was young. Still am to some degree I guess, but it doesn't get me in the same kind of trouble it used to." scene w1_1827 with dissolve rose "What kind of trouble is that?" scene w1_1828 with dissolve mc "Usually, it had me taking things apart and failing to put it back together. Other times, it had me pushing people's buttons to discover what was and wasn't acceptable behavior." scene w1_1829 with dissolve rose "Sounds precocious." scene w1_1830 with dissolve mc "That's just another word for pain in the ass. My mother will attest to that." KN_MOD "if history_firestarter == True:" scene w1_1837 with pixellate mc "The biggest example was my penchant for starting fires when I was kid. I had such a keen interest in watching things burn for some reason." rose "Oh, no." fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." mc "It started out with just smaller items. Plastic cups, shoeboxes, old toys that I thought I was too cool to play with anymore." scene w1_1838 with dissolve mc "It wasn't something I could easily hide from my mother. I don't know if it was because as a child I simply didn't have the presence of mind to hide my misdeeds or if I simply didn't care, but.." mc "One way or another, either through a new burn or ashes on my clothes, she'd always give me a stern lecture about the dangers of what I was doing." ver "She should've whipped your ass with a belt." mc "That's not my mother." scene w1_1839 with dissolve mc "Anyway, naturally I got more daring and wanted to try something bigger. Large." mc "Maybe something belonging to a neighbor who always gave my mother a hard time about how the grass looked." scene w1_1840 with dissolve rose "You didn't--" ver "Burn down his house?" mc "Oh, no. No, no, no... nothing {i}that{/i} extreme..." scene w1_1841 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fire.wav" mc "I {b}DID{/b} burn down a wooden gardening shed of his though... without it occurring to me that it would likely be full of nasty fire accelerants..." scene w1_1842 with dissolve stop ambient fadeout 3.0 stop music fadeout 3.0 "A frown spread across the collective faces of everyone listening." scene w1_1843 with dissolve mc "So, yeah. All the sirens, the giant plume of black smoke... our tiny neighborhood hasn't had anything as exciting happen since." scene w1_1844 with dissolve ver "You can't just stop it there. What happened to you?" scene w1_1843 with dissolve mc "An investigation happened, police got involved, I was discovered. There were talks of negligence on my mother's part, but nothing really came of it." mc "Just property damage she wasn't really in a good position to pay back comfortably and..." KN_MOD "elif history_voyeur == True:" mc "The worst example of my curiosity getting the better of me was my burgeoning interest in the opposite sex." scene w1_1845 with dissolve fel "That doesn't seem so bad. Growing boys get curious, what'd you do? Peep a little?" scene w1_1846 with dissolve mc "A little? No. Not a little. Try a whole lot." scene w1_1847 with dissolve ver "You were a little pervert!" scene w1_1845 with dissolve fel "What, you get caught one day?" scene w1_1848 with dissolve mc "You could say that, but a more accurate description would be I got caught taking {i}secret{/i} photos." scene w1_1849 with dissolve ver "You were a HUGE pervert!" scene w1_1850 with dissolve fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." fel "You can't just leave it at that! You've got to give us the details." scene w1_1848 with dissolve mc "I guess I'll start at the beginning." scene w1_1827 with dissolve rose "Please do." scene w1_1828 with dissolve "Rosalind seemed strangely as curious about the details as Felicia did." scene w1_1851 with pixellate mc "It started out innocent enough. Just like Felicia said, my curiosity got the better of me one day, and I ended up peeping on a neighborhood boy's mom while she was changing." mc "Deviant, but probably within the periphery of {i}boys-will-be-boys{/i} behavior." ver "How did you go from that to taking peep shots?" scene w1_1863 with dissolve mc "It was a gradual process, built up over a couple of years. Like I said, I started out peeping every now and then, through cracks in doors. Through outside windows..." mc "Only when the opportunity presented itself when playing with the neighborhood kids. I didn't exactly seek it out in the beginning, but my taste for it gradually grew." ver "How can you possibly speak so plainly about this?" mc "Well, this was about... {b}a decade ago{/b}?" scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "Still!" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "It's also less embarrassing to tell you three, considering our relationship and what I've seen you guys do. Specifically you, Veronica. Like with that gob--" scene w1_1861 with dissolve ver "You were saying your taste for it gradually grew?" scene w1_1862 with dissolve mc "That's right. Human memory is not so great and I began to want a more tangible reminder of my newfound hobby." scene w1_1864 with dissolve mc "So I started taking pictures and cataloguing all the neighborhood MILFs, sometimes using the flimsiest of excuses to be at their house. I showed Ian one day and he couldn't keep his mouth shut about it, so word got out." fel "And that's how you got caught?" mc "No. That's how I started {b}selling them{/b}." scene w1_1852 with dissolve rose "Oh my gosh! YOU SOLD THEM?!" with vpunch scene w1_1865 with dissolve mc "Yeah... in hindsight, it was pretty fucked up on multiple levels. I eventually got caught of course. It was an enterprising idea, but you can't really expect a group of boys to keep their mouths shut." scene w1_1866 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "You can't just stop it there. What happened to you?" scene w1_1867 with dissolve mc "An investigation happened, police got involved. Nothing really came of it surprisingly, besides the backlash in the neighborhood and some therapy my mom wasn't exactly in a good place to pay for." mc "My mother faced a lot of scorn and outright animosity around the neighborhood after that. It eventually died down, but..." KN_MOD "elif history_stickyFingers == True:" mc "The worst example of me testing the waters of what I could get away with was when I defrauded a school fundraiser." scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "Wait, how old were you?" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "This was about a decade ago, so about twelve." scene w1_1850 with dissolve fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." scene w1_1868 with dissolve rose "How does a twelve year old even think to do that?" scene w1_1869 with dissolve mc "I don't know. It seemed like such an easy way to make money for some video games and I was curious if it'd work." scene w1_1874 with dissolve ver "What did you do exactly?" scene w1_1870 with pixellate mc "You see, the school was selling boxes of some expensive, yet nondescript chocolate bars." mc "I saw an opportunity to make some money there." mc "No one really pays attention to what they order from a fundraiser, right? They usually just order a box or two out of obligation without paying attention to any of the details." scene w1_1871 with dissolve mc "So what I did was take the orders placed by my neighbors and my mom's co-workers and used a third of what they gave me to buy a cheaper, discounted candy bar." ver "That doesn't sound very smart." mc "It wasn't. For the reasons you'd probably expect. Sure most people didn't notice, but you only need a couple to before the game is up." rose "What happened after that?" scene w1_1865 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "An investigation happened. The school got involved, police got involved... it was a whole thing." scene w1_1867 with dissolve mc "At first, they thought it was my mother's doing. I came clean pretty quick when I realized that, but they didn't immediately believe me." mc "Ultimately, nothing really came of it. My mother reimbursed what I spent from the funds out of her own pocket and gritted through the shame and gossip around the neighborhood and her workplace." mc "Then there was the..." KN_MOD "jump w1DinerConclusion" KN_MOD "label w1TirelessStory:" scene w1_1824 with dissolve mc "What I was like as a child, eh...?" scene w1_1825 with dissolve "I decided to speak at length about the boundless energy I had as a child, in the interest of building trust." scene w1_1826 with dissolve play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mc "Well, I was an active kid. Not really hyper, but I could never tolerate a moment of inactivity or boredom. Still am to some degree, but I've got better outlets for it now." mc "At any rate, it often found me getting into trouble." scene w1_1827 with dissolve rose "That sounds normal." scene w1_1828 with dissolve mc "For the most part, it was. I got into the trouble a young boy typically would. Neighborhood scraps or creating disturbances at school." scene w1_1829 with dissolve rose "Yeah, that's normal." scene w1_1830 with dissolve mc "It manifested in some nasty ways too though, my mother will attest to that." scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "What kind of nastiness can a kid get up to?" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "You'd be surprised..." KN_MOD "if history_firestarter == True:" scene w1_1837 with pixellate mc "The biggest example was my penchant for starting fires when I was kid. It was a good outlet for the boredom." rose "Oh, no." fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." mc "It started out with just smaller items. Plastic cups, shoeboxes, old toys that I thought I was too cool to play with anymore." scene w1_1838 with dissolve mc "It wasn't something I could easily hide from my mother. I don't know if it was because as a child if I simply didn't have the presence of mind to hide my misdeeds or if I simply didn't care, but.." mc "One way or another, either through a new burn or ashes on my clothes, she'd always give me a stern lecture about the dangers of what I was doing." ver "She should've whipped your ass with a belt." mc "That's not my mother." scene w1_1839 with dissolve mc "Anyway, naturally I got more daring and wanted to try something bigger. Large." mc "Maybe something belonging to a neighbor who always gave my mother a hard time about how the grass looked." scene w1_1840 with dissolve rose "You didn't...?" ver "Burn down his house?" mc "Oh, no. No, no, no... nothing {i}that{/i} extreme..." scene w1_1841 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fire.wav" mc "I {b}DID{/b} maybe burn down a wooden gardening shed of his though... without it occurring me that it would likely be full of nasty fire accelerants..." scene w1_1842 with dissolve stop ambient fadeout 3.0 stop music fadeout 3.0 "A frown spread across the collective faces of everyone listening." scene w1_1843 with dissolve mc "So, yeah. All the sirens, the giant plume of black smoke... our tiny neighborhood hasn't had anything as exciting happen since." scene w1_1844 with dissolve ver "You can't just stop it there. What happened to you?" scene w1_1843 with dissolve mc "An investigation happened, police got involved, I was discovered. There were talks of negligence on my mother's part, but nothing really came of it." mc "Just property damage she wasn't really in a good position to pay back comfortably and..." KN_MOD "elif history_voyeur == True:" mc "The worst example was when all that excess energy and need for stimulation combined with my burgeoning interest in the opposite sex." scene w1_1845 with dissolve fel "That doesn't seem so bad. Growing boys get curious, what'd you do? Peep a little?" scene w1_1846 with dissolve mc "A little? No. Not a little. Try a whole lot." scene w1_1847 with dissolve ver "You were a little pervert!" scene w1_1845 with dissolve fel "What, you get caught one day?" scene w1_1848 with dissolve mc "You could say that, but a more accurate description would be I got caught taking {i}secret{/i} photos." scene w1_1849 with dissolve ver "You were a HUGE pervert!" scene w1_1850 with dissolve fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." fel "You can't just leave it at that, though! You've got to give us the details." scene w1_1848 with dissolve mc "Fine, fine. I guess I'll start at the beginning." scene w1_1827 with dissolve rose "Please do." scene w1_1828 with dissolve "Rosalind seemed strangely as curious about the details as Felicia did." scene w1_1851 with pixellate mc "It started out innocent enough. Just like Felicia said, my hormones got the better of me one day, and I ended up peeping on a neighborhood boy's mom while she was changing." mc "Deviant, but probably within the periphery of {i}boys-will-be-boys{/i} behavior." ver "How did you go from that to taking peep shots?" scene w1_1863 with dissolve mc "It was a gradual process, built up over a couple of years. Like I said, I started out peeping every now and then, through cracks in doors. Through outside windows..." mc "Only when the opportunity presented itself when playing with the neighborhood kids. I didn't exactly seek it out in the beginning, but my taste for it gradually grew." ver "How can you possibly speak so plainly about this?" mc "Well, this was about... {b}a decade ago{/b}?" scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "Still!" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "It's also less embarrassing to tell you three, considering our relationship and what I've seen you guys do. Specifically you, Veronica. Like with that gob--" scene w1_1861 with dissolve ver "You were saying your taste for it gradually grew?" scene w1_1862 with dissolve mc "That's right. Human memory is not so great and I began to want a more tangible reminder of my new found hobby." scene w1_1864 with dissolve mc "So I started taking pictures and cataloguing all the neighborhood MILFs, sometimes using the flimsiest of excuses to be at their house. I showed Ian one day and he couldn't keep his mouth shut about it, so word got out." fel "And that's how you got caught?" mc "No. That's how I started {b}selling them{/b}." scene w1_1852 with dissolve rose "Oh my gosh! YOU SOLD THEM?!" with hpunch scene w1_1865 with dissolve mc "Yeah... in hindsight, it was pretty fucked up on multiple levels. I eventually got caught of course. It was an enterprising idea, but you can't really expect a group of boys to keep their mouths shut." scene w1_1866 with dissolve ver "You can't just stop it there. What happened to you?" scene w1_1867 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "An investigation happened, police got involved. Nothing really came of it surprisingly, besides the backlash in the neighborhood and some therapy my mom wasn't exactly in a good place to pay for." mc "My mother faced a lot of scorn and outright animosity around the neighborhood after that. It eventually died down, but..." KN_MOD "elif history_stickyFingers == True:" mc "The worst example of my endless search of stimulation was when I defrauded a school fundraiser for the fun of it." scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "Wait, how old were you?" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "This was a about a decade ago, so about 12." scene w1_1850 with dissolve fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." scene w1_1868 with dissolve rose "How does a 12 year old even think to do that?" scene w1_1869 with dissolve mc "I don't know. It seemed like such an easy way to make money for some video games and I was curious if it'd work." scene w1_1874 with dissolve ver "What did you do exactly?" scene w1_1870 with pixellate mc "You see, the school was selling boxes of some expensive, yet nondescript chocolate bars." mc "I saw an opportunity to make some money there." mc "No one really pays attention to what they order from a fundraiser, right? They usually just order a box or two out of obligation without paying attention to any of the details." scene w1_1871 with dissolve mc "So what I did was take the orders placed by my neighbors and my mom's co-workers and used a third of what they gave me to buy a cheaper, discounted candy bar." ver "That doesn't sound very smart." mc "It wasn't. For the reasons you'd probably expect. Sure most people didn't notice, but you only need a couple to before the game is up." rose "What happened after that?" scene w1_1865 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "An investigation happened. The school got involved, police got involved... it was a whole thing." scene w1_1867 with dissolve mc "At first, they thought it was my mother's doing. I came clean pretty quick when I realized that, but they didn't immediately believe me." mc "Ultimately, nothing really came of it. My mother reimbursed what I spent from the funds out of her own pocket and gritted through the shame and gossip around the neighborhood and her workplace." mc "Then there was the..." KN_MOD "jump w1DinerConclusion" KN_MOD "label w1GovernorStory:" scene w1_1824 with dissolve mc "What I was like as a child, eh...?" scene w1_1825 with dissolve "I decided to speak at length about the anger I felt as a child, in the interest of building trust." scene w1_1826 with dissolve play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mc "I was an angry kid growing up." scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "What did you have to be angry about?" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "My father died when I was very young. That was when it started." scene w1_1833 with dissolve mc "I'd look at the other kids in the neighborhood and they'd have dads and it felt unfair." scene w1_1834 with dissolve rose "Oh, I'm so sorry." scene w1_1835 with dissolve fel "Me too.." scene w1_1836 with dissolve mc "That's okay. Don't be." mc "As I was saying, I was an angry kid and that caused me to act out in some nasty ways." scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "What kind of nastiness can a kid get up to?" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "You'd be surprised..." KN_MOD "if history_firestarter == True:" scene w1_1837 with pixellate mc "The biggest example was my penchant for starting fires when I was kid. It was a good outlet for my anger." rose "Oh, no." fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." mc "It started out with just smaller items. Plastic cups, shoeboxes, old toys that I thought I was too cool to play with anymore." scene w1_1838 with dissolve mc "It wasn't something I could easily hide from my mother. I don't know if it was because as a child if I simply didn't have the presence of mind to hide my misdeeds or if I simply didn't care, but.." mc "One way or another, either through a new burn or ashes on my clothes, she'd always give me a stern lecture about the dangers of what I was doing." ver "She should've whipped your ass out with a belt." mc "That's not my mother." scene w1_1839 with dissolve mc "Anyway, naturally I got more daring and wanted to try something bigger. Large." mc "Maybe something belonging to a neighbor who always gave my mother a hard time about how the grass looked. The bastard." scene w1_1840 with dissolve rose "You didn't...?" ver "Burn down his house?" mc "Oh, no. No, no, no... nothing {i}that{/i} extreme..." scene w1_1841 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fire.wav" mc "I {b}DID{/b} maybe burn down a wooden gardening shed of his though... without it occurring me that it would likely be full of nasty fire accelerants..." scene w1_1842 with dissolve stop ambient fadeout 3.0 stop music fadeout 3.0 "A frown spread across the collective faces of everyone listening." scene w1_1843 with dissolve mc "So, yeah. All the sirens, the giant plume of black smoke... our tiny neighborhood hasn't had anything as exciting happen since." scene w1_1844 with dissolve ver "You can't just stop it there. What happened to you?" scene w1_1843 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "An investigation happened, police got involved, I was discovered. There were talks of negligence on my mother's part, but nothing really came of it." mc "Just property damage she wasn't really in a good position to pay back comfortably and..." KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" scene w1_1853 with dissolve mc "The worst example was when all that anger combined with my burgeoning interest in the opposite sex." scene w1_1854 with dissolve fel "That sounds... bad." scene w1_1855 with dissolve mc "It was. The neighborhood was filled with a lot of pretty moms. Pretty moms who talked shit about my mother behind her back." scene w1_1856 with dissolve rose "Why did they gossip about your mother?" scene w1_1857 with dissolve mc "Who knows, but those two things caused a plan to hatch in my head." mc "I was going to humiliate them without them ever knowing." scene w1_1858 with dissolve ver "I'm almost afraid to ask, but how did you plan to do that?" scene w1_1859 with dissolve mc "I started a side business selling {i}stolen{/i} photos, so to speak." scene w1_1856 with dissolve rose "Stolen?" scene w1_1857 with dissolve mc "Peep shots." scene w1_1860 with dissolve ver "Oh! You were a little pervert!" scene w1_1850 with dissolve fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." fel "You can't just leave it at that, though! You've got to give us the details." scene w1_1851 with pixellate mc "I always had even the flimsiest excuse to be at the neighbor's house. Once there, I simply waited for the opportunity to sneakily take some photos with my phone." ver "How can you possibly speak so plainly about this?" mc "Well, this was about... {b}a decade ago{/b}?" scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "Still!" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "It's also less embarrassing to tell you three, considering our relationship and what I've seen you guys do. Specifically you, Veronica. Like with that gob--" scene w1_1861 with dissolve ver "You were saying you waited for the opportunity?" scene w1_1862 with dissolve mc "That's right. I got pretty good at it." scene w1_1863 with dissolve mc "Anyway, so I started taking pictures and cataloguing all the neighborhood MILFs. Once I had enough, I opened up shop and spread them around." ver "That couldn't have lasted long." mc "Yeah, it didn't. Naturally a bunch of boys can't keep their mouths shut about something like that, but that wasn't the point. Ultimately, I just wanted to take those haughty bitches down a peg." scene w1_1865 with dissolve mc "In hindsight, it was pretty fucked up on multiple levels. " scene w1_1866 with dissolve ver "You can't just stop it there. What happened to you?" scene w1_1867 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "An investigation happened, police got involved. Nothing really came of it surprisingly, besides the backlash in the neighborhood and some therapy my mom wasn't exactly in a good place to pay for." mc "My mother faced a lot of scorn and outright animosity around the neighborhood after that. It eventually died down, but..." KN_MOD "if history_stickyFingers == True:" mc "The worst example of me acting out was when I defrauded a school fundraiser." scene w1_1831 with dissolve ver "Wait, how old were you?" scene w1_1832 with dissolve mc "This was a about a decade ago, so about 12." scene w1_1850 with dissolve fel "Oh yeah! That was one of the few things Ian told me about you that ended up being true." scene w1_1868 with dissolve rose "How does a 12 year old even think to do that?" scene w1_1869 with dissolve mc "I don't know. It seemed like such an easy way to make money for some video games." scene w1_1874 with dissolve ver "What did you do exactly?" scene w1_1870 with pixellate mc "You see, the school was selling boxes of some expensive, yet nondescript chocolate bars." mc "I saw an opportunity to make some money there." mc "No one really pays attention to what they order from a fundraiser, right? They usually just order a box or two out of obligation without paying attention to any of the details." scene w1_1871 with dissolve mc "So what I did was take the orders placed by my neighbors and my mom's co-workers and used a third of what they gave me to buy a cheaper, discounted candy bar." ver "That doesn't sound very smart." mc "It wasn't. For the reasons you'd probably expect. Sure most people didn't notice, but you only need a couple to before the game is up." rose "What happened after that?" scene w1_1865 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "An investigation happened. The school got involved, police got involved... it was a whole thing." scene w1_1867 with dissolve mc "At first, they thought it was my mother's doing. I came clean pretty quick when I realized that, but they didn't immediately believe me." mc "Ultimately, nothing really came of it. My mother reimbursed what I spent from the funds out of her own pocket and gritted through the shame and gossip around the neighborhood and her workplace." mc "Then there was the..." KN_MOD "jump w1DinerConclusion" KN_MOD "label w1DinerConclusion:" scene w1_1872 with dissolve vic "*Sob* *Sob* I'm sorry... you shouldn't see me..." scene w1_1873 with dissolve vic "I just wish your father..." "I remembered my mother breaking down from the stress I had piled on her, face wrought with such a pronounced loneliness that even a stupid kid like me could understand it." mct "(I {b}did{/b} that to her. In that instance, her misery was my doing. My kind, smiling mother....)" scene w1_1875 with dissolve mc "...heartbroken." scene w1_1876 with dissolve ver "..." scene w1_1877 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_1878 with dissolve fel "..." scene w1_1879 with dissolve play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" fel "Hey..." fel "You were a kid." scene w1_1880 with dissolve mc "Yeah, it's in the past." scene w1_1881 with dissolve ver "Geez! No offense, but I'm starting to feel vindicated in my choice not to have kids..." scene w1_1882 with dissolve rose "I can understand where you're coming from, but you don't know just how wonderful it is to be a parent until it happens. It's scary... your life is no longer your own, but..." scene w1_1883 with dissolve rose "You have two lives that are now your own." scene w1_1884 with dissolve ver "Also no offense, but that's what the people with kids usually tell their childless friends, in order to trick 'em into having them so they're not alone in their irrational decision." mct "(Geez...)" scene w1_1885 with dissolve rose "Why would that be offensive? You're only suggesting my love for the most important person in my life is senseless." "To my surprise, the normally congenial woman bared her teeth with an eerie smile." scene w1_1884 with dissolve ver "Hey! Don't put words in my mouth, I didn't mean anything bad--" scene w1_1886 with dissolve fel "I think Rosie is right. I love my stepkids. They've been a part of my life for eight years, ever since they were babies." scene w1_1887 with dissolve fel "It's so hard relating to them though. They just have different problems than I did growing up." scene w1_1888 with dissolve ver "You mean they're spoiled brats?" scene w1_1889 with dissolve fel "Bingo." scene w1_1890 with dissolve mc "You don't want kids of your own?" scene w1_1891 with dissolve fel "No. It was never in the cards... or the pre-nup." scene w1_1892 with dissolve mct "(Is she trying to say she {b}contractually{/b} can't have kids...? What the fuck?)" "Oddly enough, no one else besides me seemed to find the remark curious." scene w1_1893 with dissolve fel "Suits me just fine." scene w1_1894 with dissolve ver "Hm..." scene w1_1895 with dissolve ver "I don't know if this is such a good idea." mc "What isn't?" scene w1_1896 with dissolve ver "Humanizing you two. I'm going to feel bad when you gals lose later." scene w1_1897 with dissolve mc "No one's going to feel like a winner." scene w1_1898 with dissolve ver "*sigh* You're right." rose "So, should we go up and pay?" scene w1_1899 with dissolve "A quick look at my phone revealed it was a couple of hours before we had to report to the club." "We had spent roughly an hour chatting." scene w1_1900 with dissolve mc "We should. I need to go home and get changed." scene w1_1901 with dissolve mc "Next week, we'll get together earlier. Deal?" ver "You're the boss." fel "Sure thing." rose "The sitter shouldn't mind the extra money..." mc "Good. It's settled then." ver "Yeah, it's a regular lunch club." scene w1_1902 with dissolve mc "Alright, well today's lunch is on me. It's only fair after I suddenly inconvenienced you." scene w1_1903 with dissolve fel "Such a gentleman." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "With that, the four of us said our parting words, destined to reconvene in only a couple of hours under more sobering circumstances." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == False and MinaOutfitPro == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaAuditionResultsPro" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == False and MinaOutfitCute == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaAuditionResultsCute" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == False and MinaOutfitSexy== True:" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaAuditionResultsSexy" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == False and minaFlag == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionChange" ## Rosalind Reassurance -------------------------------------------------------- scene w1_1904 with wipeleft mct "(This went surprisingly well...)" play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w1_1905 with dissolve mct "(Huh...?)" scene w1_1906 with dissolve mc "You're still here?" rose "I wanted to speak with you one-on-one." scene w1_1907 with dissolve mc "What about?" scene w1_1908 with dissolve rose "Well, all that talk about only having the other girls to rely on..." scene w1_1907 with dissolve mc "Yeah?" scene w1_1908 with dissolve rose "I still have you to rely on, right? We're still allies?" scene w1_1909 with dissolve "Ah. She's worried about the deal we made Tuesday night." scene w1_1908 with dissolve rose "You promised to do what you can if the opportunity to help me arises." scene w1_1909 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "She asked me directly, in an anxious tone." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1RoseReassurance:" KN_MOD "Reassure Rosalind youre still in her corner.:" $ toughness -= 1 $ Rosalind_Affection += 2 play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w1_1910 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Don't worry, I'll do what I can." scene w1_1911 with dissolve rose "Thank you!" scene w1_1912 with dissolve mc "No promises, remember?" scene w1_1908 with dissolve rose "I know..." scene w1_1907 with dissolve mc "By the way, I was wondering. Don't you feel bad for the other two?" scene w1_1908 with dissolve rose "No." scene w1_1909 with dissolve "She said coldly, with zero hesitation." scene w1_1908 with dissolve rose "You must think I'm awful, but..." scene w1_1907 with dissolve mc "No, I get it. Your situation is serious. There's no room for moral baggage." scene w1_1913 with dissolve KN_MOD "if rosePolite == True:" rose "Thank you, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Thank you, [mcf]." scene w1_1914 with dissolve mc "You can stop thanking me now." scene w1_1915 with dissolve rose "Yes, sir." scene w1_1916 with dissolve mc "I've got your back." scene w1_1917 with dissolve rose "Yes, sir!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "{b}Show{/b} Rosalind that the deal is still on.:" $ toughness += 1 $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" scene w1_1918 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve rose "Mmmmh...?!" "Instead of using something as inadequate as words, I decided to {b}show{/b} Rosalind that our deal was still on." "Caught by surprise, I had to forcefully pry my co-conspirator's lips apart with my own in order to snake my tongue into her mouth." scene w1_1919 with dissolve rose "Mmm....sfweh..." "Rosalind was quick to catch on, quickly falling into her agreed-upon role of {b}toy{/b}." "The kiss was meant to say: {i}of course the deal is still on and I'll do whatever I please with you{/i}." scene w1_1920 with dissolve rose "Ngh...♥" "Not fully satisfied I was getting the message across, I brought a hand to her right breast and gave it a rough squeeze." scene w1_1921 with dissolve "What had come over me? Normally, even a small amount of PDA made me embarrassed, but here I was publicly groping and abusing Rose's breasts." "Not only that, but it felt... AMAZING. Her complete surrender to me per our deal had made me feel bold." scene w1_1922 with dissolve mc "I'll see you in a couple of hours." mc "Don't be late or Mrs. Pulman will be pissed." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Without waiting for Rosalind to give me a proper reply, I headed home." KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Full Deal]{/color} Make her prove herself to you. if roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" $ toughness += 2 $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 $ w1RosalindPhoto = True play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "For all my good intentions in calling this meeting, sitting here now and seeing Rosalind peer at me with those anxiety-ridden blue orbs of hers..." "Filled me with a growing sadistic desire. She was on the hook, to me of all people." scene w1_1923 with dissolve mc "That depends on you, Rose." scene w1_1924 with dissolve rose "..." "She considered my words before speaking." scene w1_1925 with dissolve rose "What do you want me to do?" scene black with fade "With a smile, I wrote some instructions on a napkin and headed home." "Rosalind didn't look happy." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Full Deal] Make her prove herself to you.{/color} if roseDealFullAcceptance == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1RoseReassurance" "......" "..." KN_MOD "if MinaOutfitPro == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaAuditionResultsPro" KN_MOD "if MinaOutfitCute == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaAuditionResultsCute" KN_MOD "if MinaOutfitSexy== True:" KN_MOD "jump w1MinaAuditionResultsSexy" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionChange" ## Mina Audition Results ------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "label w1MinaAuditionResultsPro:" "I need to change into my penguin suit before heading to the club." scene w1_1926 with blinds mct "(Is that...?)" "As I was approaching my apartment, Mina was coming out of it." scene w1_1927 with dissolve play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" mina "Oh! [mcf]! I was just cursing my luck for you not being home, but here you are!" scene w1_1929 with dissolve mc "Mina!" scene w1_1928 with dissolve "Mina had on the outfit we bought together last Tuesday." "The simple, chic business ensemble that displayed her toned arms nicely." mct "(That must mean...)" scene w1_1929 with dissolve mc "You had your audition today?!" "And judging by the smile plastered on her face..." scene w1_1930 with dissolve mina "I got it! Didn't even need to wait for a callback!" scene w1_1931 with dissolve mc "Haha, that's great! Just remember the little people now that you've made it." scene w1_1932 with dissolve mina "Hardly! It's only a small role." mc "Still, it's a stepping stone. You're going to be on TV right?" mina "Ohmygosh! I am!" scene w1_1933 with dissolve mina "Wow! I mean, I knew that, but that was before I got the part. The reality of it just now hit me!" mc "Let me be the second to congratulate you." scene w1_1934 with dissolve mina "Second? You're the first." scene w1_1935 with dissolve mc "You haven't told Ian yet?" scene w1_1936 with dissolve mina "Nope! Remember, I said you'd be the first to know and here I am." scene w1_1937 with dissolve mc "Well, let me be the first to congratulate you then." scene w1_1936 with dissolve mina "Thanks, [mcf]." scene w1_1935 with dissolve mc "You want to come in? I got some place to be in a couple of hours, but I can offer you a drink." scene w1_1936 with dissolve mina "No, I got to skedaddle. I was nearby after the audition, so I thought I'd drop by and see if you were around to tell you the good news." scene w1_1937 with dissolve mc "Thanks for telling me. I'm glad you got the part." scene w1_1938 with dissolve mina "Me too! Thanks for your help." "Mina launched into yet another hug, firmly pressing her large breasts into my chest with zero self-consciousness." scene w1_1939 with dissolve "I would've been content to let her carry on as long as she liked, as I couldn't help but find the sensation pleasant and her joy {b}infectious{/b}." "However..." scene w1_1940 with dissolve kil "You guys are looking pretty friendly." scene w1_1941 with dissolve "Ian had showed up a little earlier than expected." mina "Oh... {i}Ian{/i}. This is where you had to be tonight?" kil "..." "There was an air of tension between the two for the briefest moment." scene w1_1942 with dissolve kil "Yeah. I'm taking [mcf] to a networking thing my uncle set up. What are you doing here?" scene w1_1943 with dissolve mina "I dropped by to tell [mcf] that I got the part on--" scene w1_1944 with dissolve kil "You got the part?! That's awesome!" "Ian stepped forward with a burst of energy." mina "Yep! With [mcf]'s help, of course!" "The tone of the conversation had abruptly turned on its head yet again." scene w1_1945 with dissolve kil "Ah! Thanks, man! I'm glad the two of you are becoming fast friends, it's awesome to know the two most important people in my life get along." mc "I mean, I didn't really DO anything..." mct "(For real... Mina could've worn a trash bag and had a successful audition I bet.)" scene w1_1946 with dissolve kil "You always said the same thing when we were kids too, when you gave me half your lunch after the bullies stole mine..." scene w1_1947 with dissolve mina "You were bullied that bad as a kid? You always told me stories of the trouble you two got into, but you never mentioned..." kil "Oh, yeah. I had a pretty big target on my back due to how well-off my parents were. Everything changed when [mcf] took me under his wing." scene w1_1948 with dissolve mc "Okay, now you're being hyperbolic." scene w1_1949 with dissolve kil "No, that's exactly how I remember it." scene w1_1950 with dissolve "Killian looked at me with an eerily genuine face of affection. In part, I couldn't fathom where he was coming from. All that was {b}years{/b} ago." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tease Ian about his childhood.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 scene w1_1951 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I guess I couldn't help myself. You were such a sad sack, that I couldn't just stand by and let you get picked on." scene w1_1952 with dissolve kil "I know, right?." KN_MOD "Tell Ian thats all in the past.:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 scene w1_1951 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... that's all in the past. It's not important. You should let it go." scene w1_1953 with dissolve kil "Don't say that. It's important to me. I feel like I'll always owe you." scene w1_1954 with dissolve kil "You're meeting your mother tonight, right?" "Killian turned his attention away from me and back to Mina." scene w1_1955 with dissolve mina "Ah...! No need to remind {b}me{/b}. She'll suck all the excitement out of the day like some kind of fun vampire." kil "That's a shame. You might've finally been able to meet my uncle tonight." mina "Yeah... I should go..." scene w1_1956 with dissolve mina "I'll see you two later I guess." scene w1_1957 with dissolve kil "You too. I'll probably be late tonight." scene w1_1958 with dissolve mina "Just don't get too drunk." kil "I won't, I won't..." "With that, Mina parted ways and left Killian and me alone." KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionChange" KN_MOD "label w1MinaAuditionResultsCute:" scene w1_1959 with dissolve "I need to change into my penguin suit before heading to the club." mct "(Is that...?)" "As I was approaching my apartment, Mina was coming out of it." scene w1_1960 with dissolve play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" mina "Oh! [mcf]! I was just cursing my luck for you not being home, but here you are!" scene w1_1961 with dissolve mc "Mina!" "Mina had on the outfit we bought together last Tuesday." "The coral tinted, girl-next-door ensemble with the puffy shorts." mct "(That must mean...)" mc "You had your audition today?!" "And judging by the smile pastered on her face..." scene w1_1962 with dissolve mina "I got it! Didn't even need to wait for a callback!" scene w1_1963 with dissolve mc "Haha, that's great! Just remember the little people now that you've made it." scene w1_1964 with dissolve mina "Hardly! It's only a small role." mc "Still, it's a stepping stone. You're going to be on TV right?" mina "Ohmygosh! I am!" scene w1_1965 with dissolve mina "Wow! I mean, I knew that, but that was before I got the part. The reality of it just now hit me!" mc "Let me be the second to congratulate you." scene w1_1966 with dissolve mina "Second? You're the first." scene w1_1967 with dissolve mc "You haven't told Ian yet?" scene w1_1968 with dissolve mina "Nope! Remember, I said you'd be the first to know and here I am." scene w1_1969 with dissolve mc "Well, let me be the first to congratulate you then." scene w1_1968 with dissolve mina "Thanks, [mcf]." scene w1_1967 with dissolve mc "You want to come in? I got some place to be in a couple of hours, but I can offer you a drink." scene w1_1968 with dissolve mina "No, I got to skedaddle. I was nearby after the audition, so I thought I'd drop by and see if you were around to tell you the good news." scene w1_1969 with dissolve mc "Thanks for telling me. I'm glad you got the part." scene w1_1970 with dissolve mina "Me too! Thanks for your help." "Mina launched into yet another hug, firmly pressing her large breasts into my chest with zero self-consciousness." scene w1_1971 with dissolve "I would've been content to let her carry on as long as she liked, as I couldn't help but find the sensation pleasant and her joy {b}infectious{/b}." "However..." scene w1_1972 with dissolve kil "You guys are looking pretty friendly." scene w1_1973 with dissolve "Ian had showed up a little earlier than expected." mina "Oh... {i}Ian{/i}. This is where you had to be tonight?" kil "..." scene w1_1974 with dissolve "There was an air of tension between the two for the briefest moment." kil "Yeah. I'm taking [mcf] to a networking thing my uncle set up. What are you doing here?" scene w1_1975 with dissolve mina "I dropped by to tell [mcf] that I got the part on--" scene w1_1976 with dissolve kil "You got the part?! That's awesome!" "Ian stepped forward with a burst of energy." mina "Yep! With [mcf]'s help, of course!" "The tone of the conversation had abruptly turned on its head yet again." scene w1_1977 with dissolve kil "Ah! Thanks, man! I'm glad the two of you are becoming fast friends, it's awesome to know the two most important people in my life get along." mc "I mean, I didn't really DO anything..." mct "(For real... Mina could've worn a trash bag and had a successful audition I bet.)" scene w1_1978 with dissolve kil "You always said the same thing when we were kids too, when you gave me half your lunch after the bullies stole mine..." scene w1_1979 with dissolve mina "You were bullied that bad as a kid? You always told me stories of the trouble you two got into, but you never mentioned..." kil "Oh, yeah. I had a pretty big target on my back due to how well-off my parents were. Everything changed when [mcf] took me under his wing." scene w1_1948 with dissolve mc "Okay, now you're being hyperbolic." scene w1_1949 with dissolve kil "No, that's exactly how I remember it." scene w1_1950 with dissolve "Killian looked at me with an eerily genuine face of affection. In part, I couldn't fathom where he was coming from. All that was {b}years{/b} ago." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tease Ian about his childhood.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 scene w1_1951 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I guess I couldn't help myself. You were such a sad sack, that I couldn't just stand by and let you get picked on." scene w1_1952 with dissolve kil "I know, right?." KN_MOD "Tell Ian thats all in the past.:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_1951 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... that's all in the past. It's not important. You should let it go." scene w1_1953 with dissolve kil "Don't say that. It's important to me. I feel like I'll always owe you." scene w1_1980 with dissolve kil "You're meeting your mother tonight, right?" "Killian turned his attention away from me and back to Mina." scene w1_1981 with dissolve mina "Ah...! No need to remind {b}me{/b}. She'll suck all the excitement out of the day like some kind of fun vampire." kil "That's a shame. You might've finally been able to meet my uncle tonight." mina "Yeah... I should go..." scene w1_1982 with dissolve mina "I'll see you two later I guess." scene w1_1983 with dissolve kil "You too. I'll probably be late tonight." scene w1_1984 with dissolve mina "Just don't get too drunk." kil "I won't, I won't..." "With that, Mina parted ways and left Killian and me alone." KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionChange" KN_MOD "label w1MinaAuditionResultsSexy:" scene w1_1985 with fade "I need to change into my penguin suit before heading to the club." mct "(Is that...?)" "As I was approaching my apartment, Mina was coming out of it." scene w1_1986 with dissolve play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" mina "Oh! [mcf]! I was just cursing my luck for you not being home, but here you are!" scene w1_1987 with dissolve mc "Mina!" "Mina had on the outfit we bought together last Tuesday." "The sex-kitten ensemble with pleated skirt." mct "(That must mean...)" mc "You had your audition today?!" "And judging by the smile pastered on her face..." scene w1_1988 with dissolve mina "I got it! Didn't even need to wait for a callback!" scene w1_1989 with dissolve mc "Haha, that's great! Just remember the little people now that you've made it." scene w1_1990 with dissolve mina "Hardly! It's only a small role." mc "Still, it's a stepping stone. You're going to be on TV right?" mina "Ohmygosh! I am!" scene w1_1991 with dissolve mina "Wow! I mean, I knew that, but that was before I got the part. The reality of it just now hit me!" mc "Let me be the second to congratulate you." scene w1_1992 with dissolve mina "Second? You're the first." scene w1_1993 with dissolve mc "You haven't told Ian yet?" scene w1_1994 with dissolve mina "Nope! Remember, I said you'd be the first to know and here I am." scene w1_1995 with dissolve mc "Well, let me be the first to congratulate you then." scene w1_1994 with dissolve mina "Thanks, [mcf]." scene w1_1993 with dissolve mc "You want to come in? I got some place to be in a couple of hours, but I can offer you a drink." scene w1_1994 with dissolve mina "No, I got to skedaddle. I was nearby after the audition, so I thought I'd drop by and see if you were around to tell you the good news." scene w1_1995 with dissolve mc "Thanks for telling me. I'm glad you got the part." scene w1_1996 with dissolve mina "Me too! Thanks for your help." "Mina launched into yet another hug, firmly pressing her large breasts into my chest with zero self-consciousness." scene w1_1997 with dissolve "I would've been content to let her carry on as long as she liked, as I couldn't help but find the sensation pleasant and her joy {b}infectious{/b}." "However..." scene w1_1998 with dissolve kil "You guys are looking pretty friendly." "Ian had showed up a little earlier than expected." scene w1_1999 with dissolve mina "Oh... {i}Ian{/i}. This is where you had to be tonight?" kil "..." scene w1_2000 with dissolve "There was an air of tension between the two for the briefest moment." kil "Yeah. I'm taking [mcf] to a networking thing my uncle set up. What are you doing here?" scene w1_2001 with dissolve mina "I dropped by to tell [mcf] that I got the part on--" scene w1_2002 with dissolve kil "You got the part?! That's awesome!" "Ian stepped forward with a burst of energy." mina "Yep! With [mcf]'s help, of course!" "The tone of the conversation had abruptly turned on its head yet again." scene w1_2003 with dissolve kil "Ah! Thanks, man! I'm glad the two of you are becoming fast friends, it's awesome to know the two most important people in my life get along." mc "I mean, I didn't really DO anything..." mct "(For real... Mina could've worn a trash bag and had a successful audition I bet.)" scene w1_2004 with dissolve kil "You always said the same thing when we were kids too, when you gave me half your lunch after the bullies stole mine..." scene w1_2005 with dissolve mina "You were bullied that bad as a kid? You always told me stories of the trouble you two got into, but you never mentioned..." kil "Oh, yeah. I had a pretty big target on my back due to how well-off my parents were. Everything changed when [mcf] took me under his wing." scene w1_1948 with dissolve mc "Okay, now you're being hyperbolic." scene w1_1949 with dissolve kil "No, that's exactly how I remember it." scene w1_1950 with dissolve "Killian looked at me with an eerily genuine face of affection. In part, I couldn't fathom where he was coming from. All that was {b}years{/b} ago." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tease Ian about his childhood.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 scene w1_1951 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I guess I couldn't help myself. You were such a sad sack, that I couldn't just stand by and let you get picked on." scene w1_1952 with dissolve kil "I know, right?." KN_MOD "Tell Ian thats all in the past.:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 scene w1_1951 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... that's all in the past. It's not important. You should let it go." scene w1_1953 with dissolve kil "Don't say that. It's important to me. I feel like I'll always owe you." scene w1_2006 with dissolve kil "You're meeting your mother tonight, right?" "Killian turned his attention away from me and back to Mina." scene w1_2007 with dissolve mina "Ah...! No need to remind {b}me{/b}. She'll suck all the excitement out of the day like some kind of fun vampire." kil "That's a shame. You might've finally been able to meet my uncle tonight." mina "Yeah... I should go..." scene w1_2008 with dissolve mina "I'll see you two later I guess." scene w1_2009 with dissolve kil "You too. I'll probably be late tonight." scene w1_2010 with dissolve mina "Just don't get too drunk." kil "I won't, I won't..." "With that, Mina parted ways and left Killian and me alone." KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionChange" ## Changing for the Club ------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "label w1ExhibitionChange:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" $ history_mina = "Mina dropped by and delivered some good news. She got the soap opera role she auditioned for! I might just be able to say I know someone famous." $ unread_mina = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "..." scene w1_2011 with wiperight play music "music/hotshot.ogg" mc "By the way, you're like an hour early." kil "Is that a problem?" mc "No, it's just an observation." scene w1_2012 with dissolve kil "I didn't want to sit around. I always get antsy before these things." scene w1_2013 with dissolve mc "You? Antsy?" scene w1_2014 with dissolve kil "We're technically part of the show tonight, so we're subject to Kat's whims more than you might think. You never know what you're going to get with her." kil "Don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to scare you. It's the opposite. We're never on the {b}bad end{/b} of her games, it's more like being a kid waiting on Christmas morning." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" scene w1_2015 with dissolve kil "Speaking of which, I heard you really impressed her this week. Good work." kil "Which is awesome, since after Darius I'm pretty sure I'm on thin ice with her. Maybe you kicking ass will cause her to cut me some slack..." KN_MOD "else:" kil "That's what Darius used to say at least." "Right, Darius. His name always seems to come up." scene w1_2013 with dissolve mc "What happened with him by the way?" scene w1_2012 with dissolve kil "Ah, don't ask me. Guy was a little unhinged. Too many designer drugs." scene w1_2016 with dissolve mc "He was your friend, right? You've got to be pretty worried." scene w1_2017 with dissolve kil "Eh..." "Killian gave me a quick shrug." kil "We partied together, but it's not like we were close." "He said it without an ounce of camaraderie." scene w1_2014 with dissolve kil "Aw, don't look at me like that. It's just I know the guy, alright? I'm pretty sure he just split to Hawaii. His family has a business up there and he was always talking about going back." scene w1_2015 with dissolve kil "If you went missing, I'd be a little more concerned." scene w1_2013 with dissolve mc "Oh, that's good to know, thanks." scene w1_2018 with dissolve mc "I'm going to go change. Make yourself at home." "I said, sarcastically as if he wouldn't have." scene w1_2019 with wipeleft mc "Aaaaah...!" scene w1_2020 with dissolve mct "(I'm getting pretty comfortable in these clothes.)" "Growing up, I didn't have many occasions to dress up. My father's funeral, my highschool graduation, and some college networking events have been about it." "While it felt stuffy at first, I'm starting to feel confident in them. It feels good to look good." mct "(I should send Mom a picture. She'd get a kick out of it.)" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if w1RosalindPhoto == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1RosalindSelfies" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2029 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionPregame" KN_MOD "label w1RosalindSelfies:" play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Chirp, chirp.*" scene w1_2021 with dissolve mc "(Oh...?)" "That must be Rosalind. Hopefully she followed the instructions I wrote down for her at the diner." scene w1_2022 with dissolve "With burgeoning excitement, I made my way over to the bed to check, my dick already swelling in anticipation." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene player-bedroom blur with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_rose from _call_phone_start_rose_2" KN_MOD "if rosePolite == True:" KN_MOD "call message_img(Rosalind, As you asked, sir.,rosalind01) from _call_message_img_10" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message_img(Rosalind, As you asked...,rosalind01) from _call_message_img_11" KN_MOD "call message_img(Rosalind, What if I cant get these off by tonight?,rosalind02) from _call_message_img_12" KN_MOD "call message_img(Rosalind, This is so humiliating.,rosalind03) from _call_message_img_13" KN_MOD "call phone_end_rose from _call_phone_end_rose_2" scene w1_2023 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Awesome...!)" "She {b}had{/b} followed my instructions, to a T." "Scrawled across her body, in her own hand-writing, were various demeaning phrases and words." scene w1_2024 with dissolve "Phrases like {i}whore mother{/i}, {i}debt slave{/i}, and {i}cow tits{/i}" mct "(She had actually done it. Had she no sense of shame?)" scene w1_2025 with dissolve "What's more is she had added her own creative input to the wording. {i}Please milk me{/i}. {i}Certified milf cumdumpster{/i}. That woman...!" "Ah, picturing Rosalind obediently writing each degrading letter one by one in a mirror at my behest had me drunk with a perverse glee." "As did the thought of what came next. Rosalind would soon be frantically scrubbing every trace of the marker off her skin in preparation for tonight's game, her pale skin turning a beautiful hue of red from the rough friction." scene player-bedroom blur with fade hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_rose from _call_phone_start_rose_3" KN_MOD "call message_img(Rosalind, This is so humiliating.,rosalind03) from _call_message_img_14" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(Youre a good girl.,w1RoseGoodGirl,That was the point, whore.,w1RoseWhore)" KN_MOD "label w1RoseGoodGirl:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_20" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], I know, but you did everything I asked, Rose. Thank you. Youre a good girl.) from _call_message_start_28" KN_MOD "if rosePolite == True:" KN_MOD "call message(Rosalind, Is there nothing else, sir?) from _call_message_90" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message(Rosalind, Is there nothing else?) from _call_message_91" KN_MOD "call reply_message (No. Ill see you tonight.) from _call_reply_message_45" KN_MOD "call phone_end_rose from _call_phone_end_rose_3" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_2026 with dissolve mct "(That was... exhilarating.)" "The idea had abruptly come to me in a sadistic flash of cruelty that I had found myself more than happy to indulge in." scene w1_2027 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseBodyWritingText:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ persistent.roseBodyWritingText = True "I knew that self-reflection on this troubling fact would be unproductive, so I pushed it out of mind and turned my attention to tonight." "Deep down, despite my good intentions at the start of the day, I'm going to enjoy watching the girls squirm, aren't I?" scene w1_2028 with dissolve $ renpy.end_replay() stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionPregame" KN_MOD "label w1RoseWhore:" $ Rosalind_Libido -= 1 KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_21" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], I know, that was the point. To remind you that youre a whore. Good job.) from _call_message_start_29" KN_MOD "if rosePolite == True:" KN_MOD "call message(Rosalind, Is there nothing else, sir?) from _call_message_92" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message(Rosalind, Is there nothing else?) from _call_message_93" KN_MOD "call reply_message (No. Ill see you tonight.) from _call_reply_message_46" KN_MOD "call phone_end_rose from _call_phone_end_rose_4" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_2026 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseBodyWritingText:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ persistent.roseBodyWritingText = True mct "(That was... exhilarating.)" "The idea had abruptly come to me at the diner in a sadistic flash of cruelty." scene w1_2027 with dissolve "I knew that reflecting on how fucked up it was to make her do that would be unproductive, so I pushed it out of mind and turned my attention to tonight." "Deep down, despite my good intentions at the start of the day, I'm going to enjoy watching the girls squirm, aren't I?" scene w1_2028 with dissolve $ renpy.end_replay() stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionPregame" KN_MOD "label w1ExhibitionPregame:" KN_MOD "if w1RosalindPhoto == True:" $ history_rosalind = "I took advantage of the deal I made with Rose and had her write degrading things on her body for my amusement." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve kil "Oh, by the way, before I forget...!" "Ian called out from below." scene w1_2031 with dissolve play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" mc "Yeah?" scene w1_2032 with dissolve kil "I've got some paperwork to drop off with my mom tomorrow morning. Wanna come with?" scene w1_2031 with dissolve mc "What do you need me for? Sounds like a one person job." scene w1_2033 with dissolve kil "She wants to see you, so I thought I'd knock out two birds with one stone here." scene w1_2030 with dissolve mc "Huh...?" mct "({b}She{/b} wants to see me? That's weird. As far as I know, she never {b}ever{/b} liked me.)" mct "(In her defense, it wasn't because of the snooty, elite attitude the rest of Ian's family took, it was because she saw me as a poor influence on him.)" "Hard to fault her for that." scene w1_2031 with dissolve mc "The last time I saw her was our commencement ceremony. Why would she want to catch up all of a sudden?" scene w1_2032 with dissolve kil "I mentioned you were studying hard to become a doctor and she got curious about you." scene w1_2030 with dissolve mc "Oh...?" scene w1_2036 with pixellate mct "(Ian's mother was a well-respected pediatrician, a specialization that was always funny to me considering her chilly personality.)" mct "(The thought of THAT woman tricking children to get shots with lollipops is hilarious to me.)" scene w1_2031 with pixellate mc "Not that I'm saying no, but tomorrow's my birthday. I'm having lunch with my mom." scene w1_2034 with dissolve kil "Come on. You think I don't know that? This will be in the morning. I promise it won't take too long and then I'll drop you off where you need to be afterwards." kil "You'll make her happy." scene w1_2030 with dissolve mct "(Since when does he care about that? Still...)" scene w1_2031 with dissolve mc "Alright, sure, but tell me one thing first." scene w1_2032 with dissolve kil "What is it?" scene w1_2031 with dissolve mc "Your mom seeing anyone right now?" scene w1_2032 with dissolve kil "Yeah, my dad!" scene w1_2031 with dissolve mc "He's out of the country right now, right?" scene w1_2035 with dissolve kil "Fuck you!" "After spending an hour shooting the shit, we made our way to my first official exhibition night." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "A night that would prove to surpass even my wildest imagination." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionkathleen01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june06night" play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene pr0042 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "After a brief pit stop, we arrived at the Carnation Club." scene w1_2037 with wiperight stop ambient "The walk up to Mrs. Pulman's office was filled with both familiar and unfamiliar faces, as patrons were already beginning to arrive." play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" scene w1_2038 with wipeleft "*Knock, knock*" scene w1_2039 with dissolve kat "It's open." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w1_2040 with fade play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" kil "Checking in a little early, boss." kat "Should I be impressed by that, Ian?" mct "(Wait a minute, isn't that old man...)" kil "It was actually [mcf]'s idea--" scene w1_2041 with dissolve "Letting the impulse get the better of me, I stepped forward to confirm my suspicion." mc "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be..." mc "Ah, sorry! Don't want to be rude. I'm [mcf] [mcl]. You're Dr. Abel Van Doren, right?" scene w1_2042 with dissolve abel "That's right." abel "You know of me?" scene w1_2043 with dissolve mc "I would think so. Waller Scientific International has pioneered many advancements in medical science. From equipment, to pharmaceuticals, to even techniques." mc "Just last year your company developed a revolutionary debridement apparatus." scene w1_2044 with dissolve kat "Looks like you have got a fan, Abel." scene w1_2045 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" abel "It's nice to meet you in the flesh, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" abel "It's nice to meet you, [mcf]." scene w1_2046 with dissolve abel "Although I will say it's a little unusual for a boy your age to be abreast of the current trends in medical equipment." scene w1_2047 with dissolve kil "[mcf] is studying to get into med school." scene w1_2046 with dissolve abel "Oh? Is that so? Have you ever considered going into research after your residency?" scene w1_2048 with dissolve mc "That's such a long way away but... I'm hoping to become a clinician." scene w1_2046 with dissolve abel "I understand. Research is a thankless job, but you should consider it when the time comes." scene w1_2050 with dissolve abel "One great discovery and you can leverage that into a lifetime of developing treatments and cures that'll help more people than you ever would in a clinical setting." scene w1_2048 with dissolve mc "Thank you for the advice Dr. Van Doren, it's certainly something to keep in mind." scene w1_2049 with dissolve mct "(Running into a great man like him here...)" "If a great man like Abel Van Doren is a member of a place like this, maybe my concern about working here is simple naivety?" scene w1_2051 with dissolve kat "Since you two are here early, you can get started on some work." kat "[mcf]. Go find Warren and get him to magnetize you an access card. He'll know what you mean. The card will grant you free access to the more limited parts of the building, bar a few specific rooms." scene w1_2052 with dissolve mc "Okay, simple enough." scene w1_2053 with dissolve kat "After that, get him to point you in the direction of both the VIP lounge and the Carnations' dressing room." scene w1_2051 with dissolve kat "First, pop into the lounge and make your face known. Socialize a bit. I'll give you a proper introduction later tonight during the exhibition itself." scene w1_2052 with dissolve mc "Got it. What about the dressing room?" scene w1_2053 with dissolve kat "After you're finished at the lounge, go to the dressing room, confirm the girls are ready for tonight, and lead them to the exhibition hall." scene w1_2052 with dissolve mc "As ready as they humanly can be, you mean?" scene w1_2053 with dissolve kat "Just make sure they step onto the stage, Mr. [mcl]. Once the spotlight is on them, the momentum of the night will keep them there." scene w1_2052 with dissolve mc "Understood." scene w1_2054 with dissolve kat "You. Go to the equipment room and bring the items posted on the door to the adjoining hall of the exhibition room." scene w1_2055 with dissolve kil "Yep, heavy lifting... no surprise there." kil "Come on [mcf], let's go." scene w1_2056 with dissolve mc "It was nice meeting you, Dr. Van Doren." abel "The pleasure was mine." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_abel = True show bioadd with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w1ExhibitionFreeRoamStart:" scene w1_2057 with cmet "After leaving the boss' office, we made our way to the main hallway. " kil "Welp, off to do the non-fun part of the job. With you here, I was hoping we'd split the mule duties, buuuuut..." scene w1_2058 with dissolve mc "Sorry. Trade you if I could. Moving some equipment from point A to point B might be more palatable than rubbing elbows with..." scene w1_2059 with dissolve "..." scene w1_2060 with dissolve kil "Oh, you've got no idea yet bud. I won't ruin the surprise, but some of the patrons are..." scene w1_2061 with dissolve "Killian trailed off in a dramatic fashion." scene w1_2062 with dissolve mc "Some of them are what?" scene w1_2060 with dissolve kil "Some are lions and some are kitty cats." kil "You'll see. That said..." scene w1_2063 with dissolve kil "Knowing you, you'll have no trouble fitting in." "I wasn't quite sure what he meant by that." scene w1_2062 with dissolve mc "Thanks, I think?" scene w1_2064 with dissolve kil "Duty calls. Best go find Warren unless you want to make Granny Kat angry with you." scene w1_2065 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(Right. The first order of business was to find Warren and get him to magnetize me an access card.)" mct "(Might not hurt to look around and familiarize myself with some of the new faces, though.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" ################################################################################ ## Week 1 Exhibition Pregame Screens ------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ screen w1ExNavMenu: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExNavMenu_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExNavMenu_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExNavMenu_ground.png" hotspot (736,56,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w1ExBar")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w1ExSecurityRoomUnlock == True: hotspot (311,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w1ExSecurityRoom")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (777,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w1ExHallway")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (1237,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w1ExKatOffice")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w1ExTimeBlock == "B": hotspot (311,668,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w1ExDressingRoom")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w1ExTimeBlock == "B": hotspot (777,668,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w1ExVIPLounge")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (1238,668,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w1ExStage")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (10, 22, 180, 180) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Return()] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] label w1ExNavMenu: KN_MOD "call screen w1ExNavMenu with pixellate" KN_MOD "label w1ExStage:" scene club-exhibition with cmet "I have no reason to be here until the exhibition starts." "I should explore another part of the building." KN_MOD "call screen w1ExNavMenu with pixellate" screen w1ExHallway: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w1ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w1ExTimeBlock == "A": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayA_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayA_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayA_ground.png" if w1ExBusinessRepeat == False: hotspot (29,413,600,600) action Jump("w1ExBusiness") hotspot (1086,411,400,400) action Jump("w1ExJacobA") if w1ExTenorRepeat == False: hotspot (1544,411,500,500) action Jump("w1ExTenor") if w1ExTimeBlock == "B": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayB_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayB_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayB_ground.png" if w1ExHarrassmentRepeat == False: hotspot (361,410,600,600) action Jump("w1ExHarrassment") if w1ExHarrassmentRepeat == False: hotspot (1035,398,500,500) action Jump("w1ExJacobB") label w1ExHallway: show black $"music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w1ExHallway with fade" screen w1ExKatOffice: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w1ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w1ExTimeBlock == "A": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExKatOffice_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExKatOffice_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExKatOffice_ground.png" hotspot (960,218,500,500) action Jump("w1ExAbel") hotspot (75,336,500,500) action Jump("w1ExKat") else: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExKatOffice_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExKatOffice_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExKatOffice_ground.png" label w1ExKatOffice: show black $"music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w1ExKatOffice with fade" screen w1ExBar: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w1ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w1ExTimeBlock == "A": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExBarA_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExBarA_hover.png" if w1ExDickhead == False: ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExBarA1_ground.png" else: ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExBarA2_ground.png" hotspot (177,273,120,250) action Jump("w1ExHana") if w1ExDickhead == False: hotspot (308,265,550,900) action Jump("w1ExDickhead") if w1ExDaliaEntertain == False: hotspot (856,239,500,500) action Jump("w1ExDalia") hotspot (1522,392,300,300) action Jump("w1ExChuck") if w1ExTimeBlock == "B": imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w1ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExBarB_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExBarB_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExBarB_ground.png" hotspot (571,244,1000,1000) action Jump("w1ExChuckB") hotspot (1314,341,500,500) action Jump("w1ExMamaBoy") label w1ExBar: show black $"music/jazz-apricot.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w1ExBar with fade" screen w1ExSecurityRoom: if w1ExWarrenGoneScore <= 1: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExSecurityRoomWarren_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExSecurityRoomWarren_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExSecurityRoom_ground.png" imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w1ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (801,374,300,800) action Jump("w1ExWarren") if w1ExWarrenGoneScore >= 2: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExSecurityRoomMonitor_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExSecurityRoomMonitor_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExSecurityRoom_ground.png" imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w1ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (890,394,300,300) action Jump("w1ExSecurityRoomSpying") label w1ExSecurityRoom: KN_MOD "if w1ExTimeBlock == A and w1ExWarrenGoneScore <= 1:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExBehindTheseWalls" KN_MOD "if w1ExTimeBlock == B and w1ExWarrenGoneScore <= 1:" show black $"music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w1ExSecurityRoom with fade" KN_MOD "if w1ExTimeBlock == B and w1ExWarrenGoneScore >= 2:" show black $"music/sneaky-snitch.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w1ExSecurityRoom with fade" screen w1ExDressingRoom: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExDressingRoom_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExDressingRoom_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExDressingRoom_ground.png" imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w1ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (378,156,300,500) action Jump("w1ExVeronica") label w1ExDressingRoom: $"music/covert-affair.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "if w1ExVeroRepeat == False:" show black KN_MOD "jump w1ExVeronica" KN_MOD "else:" show black KN_MOD "call screen w1ExDressingRoom" screen w1ExVIPLounge: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExVIPLounge_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExVIPLounge_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExVIPLounge_ground.png" imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w1ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (378,156,1500,1500) action Jump("w1ExVIPSamson") label w1ExVIPLounge: show black KN_MOD "call screen w1ExVIPLounge" ################################################################################ ## YOU ARE HERE GIL ------------------------------------------------------------ ################################################################################ KN_MOD "label w1ExBusiness:" $ w1ExBusinessRepeat = True scene w1_2100 with fade mct "(This is my first time seeing this place lively like this.)" mct "(All the previous mentions of illustrious and well-connected patrons and now I finally get to put faces to the club's customer base beyond that creepy school administrator and washed-up actor.)" scene w1_2101 with dissolve "Those two for example." mct "(Even from here I can tell they have a different gravity to them than Isaak and Samson.)" "That is to say..." mct "(They look like fuckin' Die Hard villains.)" scene w1_2102 with dissolve man1 "Have you had a chance to speak to Van Doren yet?" scene w1_2103 with dissolve man2 "No, but I was shocked to hear he joined. He seemed to me a serious man in our dealings." scene w1_2102 with dissolve man1 "You've met him previously?" scene w1_2103 with dissolve man2 "I did some intermediary work for one of Waller Scientific's subsidiaries. Getting the shipment of typhoid vaccine across an embargoed country's borders." scene w1_2102 with dissolve man1 "WSI supplies the black market?" scene w1_2104 with dissolve man2 "No, that's the damnedest thing. The medicine went straight to field hospitals. I couldn't figure out what his angle was." scene w1_2099 with dissolve man1 "That's an interesting piece of information, thank you {b}Frank{/b}. I..." scene w1_2105 with dissolve mct "(Ack-!)" "One of the men directed a look my way." scene w1_2106 with dissolve man1 "Let's go find a corner somewhere and talk shop." mct "(I've been staring too long and got caught!)" man2 "Sure, we've got time before that hag's show." scene w1_2107 with dissolve "The two of them, with house girl in tow, peeled off down one of the side corridors and ducked into a private room." "I... should try be more inconspicuous if I'm going to gawk like an idiot." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "label w1ExJacobA:" KN_MOD "if w1ExJacobRepeat == False:" $ w1ExJacobRepeat = True scene w1_2108 with fade jacob "How's it going?" "As soon as I approached, Jacob extended a warm greeting my way." scene w1_2109 with dissolve "He had a hell of a grip to be sure, strong and firm, but considerate of my much smaller hand." jacob "First big night, huh?" mc "Uh huh, that's one way to put it." scene w1_2110 with dissolve jacob "This is the one time of the year the club's members find the room in their busy schedules to congregate like a pack of jackals." jacob "You picked quite the time to start, to be honest. The other seasons are pretty boring, relatively speaking." scene w1_2111 with dissolve mc "Will you be there tonight? On the exhibition floor I mean." scene w1_2112 with dissolve jacob "Not if I can help it. Between Warren and I, one of us needs to be on the show floor and the other needs to be on the monitors." jacob "I happily leave the first one to him when I can. He's more suited to it anyway. He enjoys it." scene w1_2113 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Speaking of Warren, I need to find him to get an access card. Mrs. Pulman said he'd most likely be at the bar?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Speaking of Warren, I need to find him to get an access card. Kathleen said he'd most likely be at the bar?" scene w1_2114 with dissolve jacob "Besides hiding behind the big lady's skirt, you mean?" jacob "I haven't seen him go up, but the bar would be the first place I'd look. Check with Hana if he's not. He might have slipped into the service area to get to the security room." scene w1_2113 with dissolve mc "Aight, thanks Jacob." scene w1_2115 with dissolve jacob "No problem. Keep your head high and your eyes peeled tonight, eh?" mc "Will do." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2110 with dissolve jacob "Still looking for Warren, [mcf]? If he's not at the bar, try asking Hana what direction he went off in." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "label w1ExTenor:" $ w1ExTenorRepeat = True scene w1_2116 with fade man "I've never seen you before, dearie. You new?" scene w1_2117 with dissolve hgirl "I started this spring." scene w1_2116 with dissolve man "You haven't been added to the takeout menu yet, have you? I would've remembered seeing your beautiful face in the catalogue." scene w1_2117 with dissolve hgirl "Not yet, Mr. Bianchi. Mr. Byrnes wanted me to ease into things by only taking customers here." scene w1_2118 with dissolve man "Oh~hoho. You know who I am?" scene w1_2119 with dissolve hgirl "Of course. {b}Everyone{/b} knows the world famous tenor, Vincenzo Bianchi." mct "(Who the fuck is Vincenzo Bianchi?)" scene w1_2120 with dissolve vinc "Is that right, dearie? You're just flattering a fat old man. That'd be very {b}naughty{/b}..." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2121 with dissolve hgirl "Oh-!" with hpunch "The fat man gave the prostitute a playful swat." scene w1_2122 with dissolve vinc "I think I might have to punish that fat ass of yours." scene w1_2123 with dissolve hgirl "Oh, no. Mr. Bianchi. Please don't... hehe~♥. I'll be a good girl~♥" scene w1_2124 with dissolve "......" scene w1_2125 with dissolve "..." mct "(Well, whoever he is, he seems easily managed.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "label w1ExKat:" KN_MOD "if w1ExKatRepeat == False:" $ w1ExKatRepeat = True scene w1_2127 with fade kat "Was there something you needed, Mr. [mcl]?" scene w1_2128 with dissolve mc "I have some questions about tonight, if you have the time for it." scene w1_2129 with dissolve kat "Oh...?" scene w1_2130 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman looked past me, to Dr. Van Doren." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen looked past me, to Dr. Van Doren." abel "Go ahead and answer the boy's questions, Kat. I don't mind waiting to finish our discussion." scene w1_2129 with dissolve kat "How can I help you, [mcf]?" scene w1_2131 with dissolve "Well..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1ExhibitionKatQuestions:" KN_MOD "What is my role tonight? if w1KatQuestionsRole == False:" $ w1KatQuestionsRole = True $ w1KatQuestionScore += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "What is expected of me tonight?" scene w1_2132 with dissolve kat "During the exhibition, you mean?" scene w1_2131 with dissolve mc "Yes." scene w1_2133 with dissolve kat "Just like me, you'll be part of the show. You'll be my right hand. My aid. The cock that I don't have. Whatever you want to call it." scene w1_2131 with dissolve mc "That's vague." scene w1_2132 with dissolve kat "Well, there will be a lot of twists and turns. There's no time to get into the minutia of it. You'll be asked to do a lot of things, all of which should be {i}pretty fun{/i} for a man your age." scene w1_2134 with dissolve kat "Put the exact details out of your mind and just enjoy the ride." scene w1_2131 with dissolve mct "(That... didn't really satisfactorily answer my question, but it seems the boss isn't inclined to say anything more.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionKatQuestions" KN_MOD "What exactly did you mean by pop into the lounge and socialize? if w1KatQuestionsSocialize == False:" $ w1KatQuestionsSocialize = True $ w1KatQuestionScore += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "When you said you wanted me to socialize you meant...?" scene w1_2135 with dissolve kat "That wasn't exactly a complicated instruction, was it? I'd hope you'd be able to execute such a simple request." kat "I want you to politely put your face in the middle of other people's conversations. Smile. Suck up." scene w1_2132 with dissolve kat "You're new here and some of our patrons are slow to trust. You've got to start climatizing them to that inoffensive face of yours." scene w1_2131 with dissolve mc "Right. Understood. Sorry for the dumb question." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionKatQuestions" KN_MOD "How will the winner tonight be determined? if w1KatQuestionsScoring == False:" $ w1KatQuestionsScoring = True $ w1KatQuestionScore += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "How will you pick a winner tonight? For that matter, how is the winner of the whole contest determined?" scene w1_2134 with dissolve kat "Ah, that's an astute question. We do it differently every year, but the priority is always to have things remain competitive." scene w1_2133 with dissolve kat "Our second year, we had a clear winner by week 3's exhibition. It sucked all the fun out of the last week." scene w1_2131 with dissolve mc "So what are you doing this year?" scene w1_2132 with dissolve kat "It'll all be explained tonight, don't worry. No sense in saying it twice." scene w1_2136 with dissolve kat "You're not asking because you're trying to influence who ultimately wins, are you?" scene w1_2137 with dissolve mc "Why would I want to do that? What difference does it make to me?" scene w1_2136 with dissolve kat "Well, you've got a unique position with the girls. It'd be understandable if you felt sympathetic to one particular sob story or another." kat "You're only human and you're young; you haven't had the kindness beat out of you yet. Plus, it wouldn't be unheard of for those whores to try to unduly influence the exhibition's outcome." scene w1_2137 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" mct "(Gh-! Does she know about me and Rose?)" with hpunch KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Gh-! Does she know what Rose tried to do?)" with hpunch scene w1_2133 with dissolve kat "If that DOES happen.... feel free to indulge their little fantasy and string them along. Whatever it takes to keep them motivated until the end." scene w1_2131 with dissolve mct "(Man, she's truly merciless...)" scene w1_2132 with dissolve kat "Anything else, Mr. [mcl]?" scene w1_2131 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExhibitionKatQuestions" KN_MOD "Thats all I wanted to ask. if w1KatQuestionScore >=1:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's all I wanted to ask. Thank you for your time, Mrs. Pulman." scene w1_2133 with dissolve kat "Good. Get to the tasks I've asked of you then." KN_MOD "jump w1ExKatOffice" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2129 with dissolve kat "What are you still doing here? My instructions were extremely simple. Get to it, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "jump w1ExKatOffice" KN_MOD "label w1ExAbel:" scene w1_2157 with dissolve mct "(That's Dr. Van Doren and his nurse. I've got no reason to bother them.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExKatOffice" KN_MOD "label w1ExHana:" KN_MOD "if w1ExHanaRepeat == False:" $ w1ExHanaRepeat = True $ w1ExSecurityRoomUnlock = True KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w1_2155 with dissolve hana "Heeeeey, [mcf]. What can I do for you?" scene w1_2139 with dissolve mct "(...dear, {b}lord{/b}.)" "Naturally, as you'd expect from a bartender, I found Hana behind the bar. What was unexpected, however..." ## Pan of Hana's outfit from behind the bar. scene w1_2138 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 4 yalign 0.15 "Was the red outfit she had on." "Sure, she didn't exactly dress modestly to begin with and her bathing suit the other night left much less to the imagination, but..." ## Zoom out from pan scene w1_2139 with dissolve mct "(Seeing her in high-class-looking lingerie was something new. Plus, it was a color other than black.)" ## Hana blushes a little. scene w1_2140 with dissolve hana "If you're going to stare so hard, don't make it so obvious." scene w1_2141 with dissolve mc "Sorry, but can you blame me? I wasn't expecting you to be dressed like this." scene w1_2142 with dissolve hana "Why's that?" scene w1_2143 with dissolve mc "Well, for one, it's kind of weird, right? Your father works here." scene w1_2144 with dissolve hana "You kidding? As if me working here wasn't weird to begin with?" scene w1_2145 with dissolve hana "The old man ain't got a fucking problem with it. It was his idea." scene w1_2144 with dissolve hana "He says we got to maintain a certain atmosphere for the clientele. Which means anyone without a dick has to have a pretty face and their ass hanging out." scene w1_2146 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Hana youre sorry she has to put up with that.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w1_2147 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry you have to put up with that. I know you don't want to be here. I know you wouldn't..." scene w1_2148 with dissolve hana "It is what it is! I would appreciate if you didn't mention what we talked about the other night anymore, especially around here. Understood?" scene w1_2143 with dissolve mc "Sorry." scene w1_2144 with dissolve hana "No, no. We're friends, I'm not mad. Just telling you to shut your damn yap!" scene w1_2142 with dissolve hana "...thanks though, I appreciate the sentiment." KN_MOD "Tell Hana she looks good in the outfit at least.:" scene w1_2147 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, at least you look good in it." scene w1_2144 with dissolve hana "You don't have to tell me. I know I do!" scene w1_2149 with dissolve "Hana shot me a smile." scene w1_2150 with dissolve hana "What can I get you?" scene w1_2146 with dissolve mc "What, like a drink?" scene w1_2144 with dissolve hana "Well, I am a bartender and you've approached my bar..." scene w1_2146 with dissolve "Ah!" scene w1_2147 with dissolve mc "I'm looking for Warren. You know where I can find him?" scene w1_2151 with dissolve hana "Yeah, it just so happens I do. He ducked into the security room about thirty minutes ago. He's probably still holed up there." hana "Take a left when you go back through the curtains and you'll find the service area. Take the stairs down and hook a right." scene w1_2150 with dissolve hana "You'll know it when you see it. It's got SECURITY ROOM etched onto a silver placard." scene w1_2143 with dissolve mc "Thanks Hana, I appreciate it." scene w1_2152 with dissolve hana "No problem, [mcf]" scene w1_2154 with dissolve mct "(I should head to the security room, although I could look around the building a little more if I wanted.)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2155 with dissolve hana "Hey, new guy. Want something?" scene w1_2139 with dissolve mct "(...dear, {b}lord{/b}.)" "Naturally, as you'd expect from a bartender, I found Hana behind the bar. What was unexpected, however..." scene w1_2138 with dissolve "Was the red number she had on." "Sure, she didn't exactly dress modestly to begin with, but..." scene w1_2139 with dissolve mct "(Seeing her in high-class-looking lingerie was something new. Plus, in a color that's not black!)" scene w1_2155 with dissolve hana "Yeah, yeah. Take it in. Looking is free - and so is the drinks for that matter." scene w1_2156 with dissolve mc "Sorry, but can you blame me? I wasn't expecting you to be dressed like this." scene w1_2142 with dissolve hana "Why's that?" scene w1_2143 with dissolve mc "You're just the bartender, right?" scene w1_2145 with dissolve hana "Doesn't matter. The old man is fucking anal about maintaining the appropriate atmosphere. Which means anyone without a dick has to have a pretty face and their ass hanging out." hana "Anyway, what can I get you?" scene w1_2146 with dissolve mc "..." scene w1_2144 with dissolve hana "I'm a bartender. You've approached my bar..." scene w1_2146 with dissolve "Ah!" scene w1_2147 with dissolve mc "No, no. I'm looking for Warren. It seems he isn't here though, you know where I can find him?" scene w1_2151 with dissolve hana "Yeah, it just so happens I can. He ducked into the security room about thirty minutes ago. He's probably still holed up there." hana "Take a left when you go back through the curtains and you'll find the service area. Take the stairs down and hook a left." scene w1_2150 with dissolve hana "You'll know it when you see it. It's got SECURITY ROOM etched into a silver placard." scene w1_2143 with dissolve mc "Thanks Hana, I appreciate it." scene w1_2148 with dissolve hana "No problem, new guy." scene w1_2154 with dissolve mct "(I should head to the security room, although I could look around the building a little more if I wanted.)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2142 with dissolve hana "Not that I mind the company, but didn't you have something to do?" KN_MOD "jump w1ExBar" KN_MOD "label w1ExDickhead:" $ w1ExDickhead = True scene w1_2158 with dissolve hgirl "Can I get you something to drink, sir?" scene w1_2159 with dissolve man "Hmm..." scene w1_2160 with dissolve "The silver-haired man gave her a chastising look up-and-down." scene w1_2161 with dissolve man "With you? I'd think not. Kathleen usually has a higher standard than this." hgirl "Tck...!" "For the briefest moment, a flash of anger was plainly written on the prostitute's face." scene w1_2162 with dissolve hgirl "Sorry to bother you, Mr. Waylon." scene w1_2163 with dissolve "The dickhead waved a dismissive hand before..." scene w1_2164 with dissolve "Walking off, just like that." scene w1_2165 with dissolve hgirl "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask what that assholes problem is.:" $ toughness += 1 scene w1_2166 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "What's his fucking deal?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "What's his problem?" scene w1_2167 with dissolve hgirl "Oh...?" hgirl "Don't... {size=-10}don't say that so loud...{/size=-10}" scene w1_2166 with dissolve mc "Sorry, my bad. Who was that?" scene w1_2168 with dissolve hgirl "That's Eric Waylon, CEO of the Aubade Group." scene w1_2166 with dissolve mc "I don't know what that is." scene w1_2169 with dissolve hgirl "Hehe, you know... come to think of it, me neither! I've got absolutely no clue!" scene w1_2166 with dissolve mc "I'm [mcf]." scene w1_2168 with dissolve hgirl "I know who you are. All the girls do. A few of them are pretty nervous - new employees can be scary." scene w1_2170 with dissolve emma "I'm Emma, by the way." scene w1_2166 with dissolve mc "It's nice to meet you, Emma." scene w1_2168 with dissolve emma "I should get back to hunting. On the clock." scene w1_2170 with dissolve emma "See you around, [mcf]." mct "(She seems like a nice girl.)" KN_MOD "Just go about your business.:" $ toughness -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Probably not a good idea to say anything negative about a patron." KN_MOD "jump w1ExBar" KN_MOD "label w1ExDalia:" $ w1ExDaliaEntertain = True scene w1_2171 with fade dal "Ah, Mr. Chatterjee and my favorite lick! How are you two tonight?" scene w1_2172 with dissolve man1 "Sssh...! Not here! Save it for the..." scene w1_2173 with dissolve dal "Are you telling me what to do? Hmm...?" man1 "No, Mistr--" scene w1_2174 with dissolve dal "I think you and I need to go somewhere!" man1 "I--" "Dalia forcefully grabbed the bald man by the hand." dal "Shut your fucking mouth, clit dick." man1 "...!" scene w1_2175 with dissolve dal "Would you like to join us, Mihir? I know you like to sit in when I punish this pathetic sack of crap." mihir "Absolutely. I love to see you work, Dalia." dal "Excellent. You're both coming with me then." scene black with fade "Leading both patrons by the hand, Dalia forcefully ushered the pair out of the bar." scene w1_2176 with dissolve mct "(Clit dick...?)" mct "(The girls have to be equipped to cater to different tastes, it seems.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExBar" KN_MOD "label w1ExChuck:" KN_MOD "if w1ExChuckRepeat == False:" $ w1ExChuckRepeat = True scene w1_2177 with fade "Spotting Dr. Chuck sitting idly by and enjoying a drink, I absentmindedly approached my former mentor to say hello." scene w1_2178 with dissolve chuck "Ah, lad! Good to see you." scene w1_2179 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Good evening, sir. How are you?" KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "Good evening, Uncle Chuck. How are you?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Good evening, Dr. Chuck. How are you?" scene w1_2180 with dissolve chuck "If I'm honest... I'm feelin' like a kid in a candy store, baha!" scene w1_2179 with dissolve mc "That good, eh?" scene w1_2178 with dissolve chuck "I couldn't ask for a better way to spend my retirement." scene w1_2181 with dissolve chuck "Why don't you join me for a little bit? Keep an old man company?" scene w1_2182 with dissolve mct "(Sitting down and talking a little bit shouldn't hurt. There's enough time before the exhibition starts for me to do what's been tasked of me.)" scene w1_2183 with dissolve mc "Sure, why not?" scene w1_2184 with dissolve chuck "Good! You want a beer? I'll get Hana to--" scene w1_2185 with dissolve mc "No, thanks. It's a little early for that. Maybe as the night goes on." scene w1_2186 with dissolve chuck "Suit yourself." scene w1_2187 with dissolve mc "What is it about tonight that has you so excited?" "I decided to ask a question that sat at the forefront of my mind." scene w1_2196 with dissolve "Even with a few weeks to grapple with the cognitive dissonance between who I thought my high school mentor to be and what he actually is, I still hadn't come to terms with my new view of the man." scene w1_2189 with dissolve chuck "Hmm..." "In a lot of ways, he still seems like the person I remembered him to be. The only thing that has changed is the setting." scene w1_2194 with dissolve chuck "I'm a simple man, [mcf]." scene w1_2192 with dissolve chuck "Growing up, I was an extremely serious person. In the army, in my studies, and in my career. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy the challenge of my work. The first NASA contract my firm won, oh boy..." scene w1_2194 with dissolve chuck "There really have been few feelings in life that have compared. Still..." scene w1_2189 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck let his voice trail off as he gathered his thoughts." scene w1_2191 with dissolve mc "Still?" scene w1_2192 with dissolve chuck "Life is short. Something we all know of course, but its truth is only felt the closer you get to the grave." scene w1_2194 with dissolve chuck "The truth of the matter, the truth about me is, I'm an unrepentant pervert. Always have been, lad." scene w1_2190 with dissolve chuck "I managed it, bottled it up, explored it over my years, but now I'm finally free to indulge in it." scene w1_2189 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck admitted pointily to something outrageous." scene w1_2191 with dissolve mc "Is it really that simple?" scene w1_2192 with dissolve chuck "The sad reality of life is that doing what you want doesn't guarantee happiness. However, pushing your true self aside makes the prospect hopeless." scene w1_2196 with dissolve "What he was saying to me, generally speaking, was sound. On the face of it, it was hard to argue with. However..." scene w1_1873 with pixellate mct "(Is there not such a thing as common decency? To thine own self be true sounds nice, but what if at the core, you're a toxic, vile and destructive person?)" "Wouldn't it be better to stifle yourself?" scene w1_2196 with dissolve "Despite the questions I was asking myself, I chose not to dispute what he proclaimed. There was no point in challenging an old man's entrenched world view." scene w1_2194 with dissolve chuck "What's going on in your head, lad?" scene w1_2195 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Sorry. Your words gave me a lot to think about, sir." KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "Sorry. Your words gave me a lot to think about, Uncle Chuck.." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Sorry. Your words gave me a lot to think about, Dr. Chuck." scene w1_2194 with dissolve chuck "I'm happy to hear that." scene w1_2193 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "I should get back to Mrs. Pulman's task now. Thanks for the brief talk." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I should get back to Kathleen's task now. Thanks for the brief talk." chuck "Sure. I'd hate to be the one who'd caused you to get an earful." chuck "We'll speak later tonight." KN_MOD "jump w1ExBar" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2197 with dissolve mct "(I've already spoken to Dr. Chuck. I should find something else to do.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExBar" KN_MOD "label w1ExBehindTheseWalls:" $ w1ExTimeBlock = "B" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_2066 with fade war "Hiya, kid." "Warren hit me with a curt greeting as soon as I stepped through the door to the security room." war "Don't go thinking you snuck up on me. I saw you coming." mc "Yeah, I can see that." "In front of the broad-shouldered man was an array of monitors, displaying a security feed of the various nooks and crannies of the building." scene w1_2067 with dissolve play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" war "Welcome to the best seat in the building." "My attention was immediately scattered about the deceptively spacious room." scene w1_2068 with dissolve "It had a distinctly earthy, manly odor to it. A result of its occupant's hygienic shortcomings and chain smoking habit, I gathered." scene w1_2069 with dissolve "In the opposite corner, laid unsecure and ready to be grabbed at a moment's notice, was a menacing-looking shotgun. Even a layperson like myself could tell it was a well-maintained piece of equipment, shining with faint traces of a recent treatment of gun oil." scene w1_2070 with dissolve mc "You've got eyes on the place, huh?" scene w1_2072 with dissolve war "You've got no idea. I've got eyes on {b}every single room{/b} in this building." scene w1_2071 with dissolve mc "Even the bedrooms?" scene w1_2073 with dissolve war "The 'private' rooms are the most vulnerable spots in the building, for both our girls and our clients, kid." scene w1_2071 with dissolve mc "Do they know they're being filmed? The customers, I mean." scene w1_2073 with dissolve war "It's no secret." scene w1_2071 with dissolve mc "Some of them are pretty important people, right? Aren't they worried about blackmail?" scene w1_2074 with dissolve war "Most of the men here tonight aren't concerned with the simple, trifling matter of being caught on tape doing something they shouldn't." scene w1_2078 with dissolve mc "You mean the rich and powerful get away with anything." scene w1_2075 with dissolve war "Ha! It's more than that... here, look." scene w1_2076 with dissolve "With a button press, one of the monitors turned over to a new image featuring a balding, dumpy-looking man getting blown in some corner of the building." war "Recognize him?" mc "No. Should I?" war "That tub of lard is Jim O'Doherty, the esteemed and venerable Chief of Police of the MHPD." mc "Oh, yeah. I think I remember Mr. Byrnes mentioning him..." war "Not only that, but..." scene w1_2077 with dissolve "Again Warren switches over and brings my attention to a new image." war "You wouldn't know this head case, but he's one of Mrs. P's lawyers. A pretty fucking terrible one if we're judging him for his legal mind, but that mama's boy is the district attorney's dear baby brother." mc "That woman's ... {b}pregnant{/b}." "I said, ignoring the man on the monitor's affiliations and zeroing in on the obvious." scene w1_2072 with dissolve war "Some of these fucks will pay a lot of money for a woman who's knocked up. We used to have one girl who went through three pregnancies while working here." scene w1_2071 with dissolve mc "Three?! Seriously?" scene w1_2072 with dissolve war "Every time she popped one out, a couple of months later, Mrs. P would throw a party to knock her up again. $5,000 per creampie. Some of those bastards went 4 or 5 times." war "Then they'd wager on whose paternity the baby would share!" scene w1_2071 with dissolve mc "You've got to be kidding me, that's so fucked." "I was incapable of putting it any more eloquently. Fucked was exactly what it was." scene w1_2074 with dissolve war "Hahaha! Oh, you've got a lot of acclimating to do if that weirds you out, kid." scene w1_2078 with dissolve mc "What happened to the woman? She's not here anymore?" scene w1_2073 with dissolve war "She's gone. She may have made both the club and herself a bunch of money, but back-to-back pregnancies is hell on a body." war "We had to fire her. No one wanted to book her anymore." scene w1_2071 with dissolve "I couldn't believe someone would willingly do that..." "That's..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Warren this place is interesting.:" $ Warren_Friendship += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "This place really is something unique, isn't it?" scene w1_2080 with dissolve war "That's the truth. This place is so much... fun." war "The most fun job I've ever held, after Hoarfrost." scene w1_2078 with dissolve mc "The private military contractor?" scene w1_2079 with dissolve war "The one and only." scene w1_2078 with dissolve mct "(Guess that's a pretty typical security background for a place like this.)" KN_MOD "Openly express your disgust.:" $ Warren_Friendship -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "This place is awful." scene w1_2079 with dissolve war "You've got a lot of growing up to do if that's how you feel, kid." war "There's worse places in the world than what goes on inside these walls." war "Trust me, I've seen them." scene w1_2071 with dissolve mct "(Yeah... right. Sounds like bullshit bravado.)" KN_MOD "Keep your thoughts to yourself.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(It is what it is. I'm here to pay for college, not pass down judgement.)" scene w1_2081 with dissolve war "Anyway, you're looking for this, right?" scene w1_2082 with dissolve mc "What does this give me access to exactly?" war "Various parts of the building, mostly the lower levels." scene w1_2083 with dissolve war "The VIP lounge, the exhibition hall, the equipment rooms..." scene w1_2085 with dissolve mc "Things I'll need free access to, basically." scene w1_2084 with dissolve war "Keep in mind that doesn't let you in everywhere in the building. Some doors are off limits." scene w1_2085 with dissolve mc "Like what?" scene w1_2086 with dissolve war "..." scene w1_2087 with dissolve war "I doubt you'd stumble across them even if you looked." scene w1_2086 with dissolve mct "(Okay...?)" "Warren got really scary all of a sudden." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Oh, Mrs. Pulman told me to ask you for directions to the lounge and dressing room." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Oh, Kathleen told me to ask you for directions to the lounge and dressing room." scene w1_2088 with dissolve war "Sure, kid. Both of them are on the same floor as the exhibition hall. You just need to..." scene black with fade "Warren laid out some simple directions for me. I should be able to find them now." scene w1_2089 with fade war "You good?" mc "Yeah, thanks--" scene w1_2090 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...?)" scene w1_2091 with dissolve mct "(Is that Hana?)" "It looked like that slimeball Isaak was giving her a hard time." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w1_2092 with dissolve mc "Does that asshole know she's August's daughter?" scene w1_2093 with dissolve war "It's no secret, but it's not like there's a rule you can't socialize with her. Most patrons respect him enough not to bark up that tree." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2092 with dissolve mc "Hana's not on the menu, right?" scene w1_2093 with dissolve war "You mean the boss' daughter?" scene w1_2094 with dissolve mc "What...?" scene w1_2095 with dissolve war "Oh? No one told you? She's August's daughter and no, she just serves drinks here. Most patrons respect him enough not to bark up that tree." scene w1_2094 with dissolve mc "Well, shit..." "That... makes some semblance of sense, I guess. Considering her open disdain for this place." scene w1_2096 with dissolve mc "Well, it looks like one dumb dog doesn't know better. See?" scene w1_2095 with dissolve war "Ah, Isaak. That's not surprising. He's a horny fool." scene w1_2094 with dissolve mc "She looks uncomfortable. Shouldn't you do something about it?" scene w1_2097 with dissolve war "Me? It's not my job to protect the princess' honor. People getting handsy is part of working here. He hasn't crossed the line... {b}yet{/b}." scene w1_2098 with dissolve mct "(Hmm... maybe he's right. Part of me wanted to immediately storm down there and insert myself into the situation, but if Warren isn't concerned, is it really my place to be?)" mct "(Whatever I decide to do, my business here is finished.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExSecurityRoom" KN_MOD "label w1ExWarren:" scene w1_2198 with dissolve mct "(Hmm, I've got no more business here, but maybe I could come back later and check out the feeds?)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExSecurityRoom" KN_MOD "label w1ExJacobB:" scene w1_2199 with fade hana "I told you to step off, fatso! I'm not interested in having a drink with you!" scene w1_2200 with dissolve isak "I was only--" scene w1_2201 with dissolve hana "Fuck. Off. Old man!" scene w1_2202 with dissolve jacob "Mmmh..." scene w1_2203 with dissolve mc "You look conflicted." scene w1_2204 with dissolve jacob "I'm not sure what to do to be honest. I should probably step in, before the little Miss gets too heated. For everyone's sake..." scene w1_2205 with dissolve mc "What do you mean?" scene w1_2206 with dissolve jacob "Well, Hana can handle herself, but if she belittles him too much or worse, {i}clocks{/i} him, our reputation would take a hit." jacob "That would land the three of us in hot water by extension." scene w1_2205 with dissolve mc "Me too?" scene w1_2204 with dissolve jacob "Well, you're party to it now." scene w1_2205 with dissolve mc "Right..." "Jacob looks hesitant, like he doesn't know how to best handle the situation. Maybe I should offer to step in in his stead?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Jacob youll defuse the situation.:" $ Jacob_Friendship += 2 scene w1_2207 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Tell you what--" scene w1_2208 with dissolve hana "I don't GIVE A FUCK how much money you bring in for the club." with hpunch scene w1_2207 with dissolve mc "...I'll take care of it, all right?" scene w1_2209 with dissolve jacob "I'd appreciate it. I'm good for yanking somebody by the arm, but I still don't have a handle on this tongue-in-cheek shit." scene w1_2210 with dissolve mc "Don't thank me just yet..." scene w1_2211 with dissolve mc "I'm going in..." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHarrassment" KN_MOD "Let Jacob break it up.:" $ w1ExHarrassmentRepeat = True $ w1ExWarrenGoneScore += 1 scene w1_2212 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve hana "I don't GIVE A FUCK how much money you bring the club." with hpunch mc "..." scene w1_2206 with dissolve jacob "I should get in there." scene w1_2205 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Good luck." scene w1_2213 with fade jacob "Mr. Miller, would you like--" scene w1_2214 with dissolve play music "music/swagger.ogg" isak "Jacob! Do you hear the way this WHORE is talking to me?" "Even from here, I could see a twitch of anger flash across Jacob's face." scene w1_2215 with dissolve jacob "There's no need to speak to {b}Mr. Byrne's{/b} daughter like that." scene w1_2214 with dissolve isak "She's the one being rude. Do you know how much Lucy alone will make this place? This bitch can't even have a drink with me?" jacob "..." scene w1_2216 with dissolve "Instead of immediately responding, Jacob slid one of his large hands up onto the square of Isaak's neck." scene w1_2217 with dissolve jacob "I think... both of you need to cool off. Why don't you go down to the VIP lounge? Everyone is starting to gather there." scene w1_2218 with dissolve isak "I'm not goin--" scene w1_2217 with dissolve jacob "Leave the little Miss alone." scene w1_2219 with dissolve "Jacob said it flat, using his body language to give the creep no quarter to refuse." scene w1_2220 with dissolve isak "--gh! Ah... you're right, Jacob. I share a quarter of the responsibility here. The onus is on me to remove myself from rude company instead of letting it propagate. I need to be the bigger person." mct "(Jeez, that halfwit has no shame.)" scene w1_2221 with dissolve isak "I'll be on my way to the lounge then..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "With that, Isaak scampered off like a rat." scene w1_2222 with dissolve jacob "Sorry, I know you're probably mad I stepped in..." hana "The impulse did cross my mind, but..." scene w1_2223 with dissolve hana "That'd be bratty of me. So, thanks Jacob." jacob "Don't mention. Just didn't want you to kick him in the nuts" scene w1_2224 with dissolve hana "I wouldn't have done that. I would've taken his head clean off." scene black with fade "After a short exchange, the two went their separate ways to parts of the building unknown." "All's well that ends well, I guess." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "label w1ExHarrassment:" $ w1ExHarrassmentRepeat = True $ w1ExWarrenGoneScore += 1 scene w1_2225 with fade "I sidled my way up to the arguing pair." isak "What? You're too good to have a drink with me? Is that it?" scene w1_2226 with dissolve hana "It doesn't matter what my reason is. Get out of my face, creep." scene w1_2227 with dissolve isak "You're out of your goddamn mind. You think I'm a creep?! I'm--" scene w1_2228 with dissolve "Suddenly, the bookish man noticed my presence." scene w1_2229 with dissolve isak "Oh... it's you. What was your name again?" scene w1_2230 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be professional.:" scene w1_2231 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "[mcf], sir." KN_MOD "Curtly remind Isaak of your name.:" scene w1_2231 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "[mcf]." scene w1_2229 with dissolve isak "Ah, right. Yes. [mcf], was it?" scene w1_2230 with dissolve mct "(What an {b}annoying{/b} man...)" scene w1_2232 with dissolve isak "Did you hear the way this whore is talking to me?" scene w1_2233 with dissolve "A quick glance over at Hana told me she was seething at his comment, doing everything in her willpower not to claw the squawking man's eyes out on the spot." "I should set to work defusing the situation, but the question is how?" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1ExHarrassmentMenu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Speak the creeps language to get him to go away. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w1_2234 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve play music "music/swagger.ogg" mc "Mr. Miller, my friend." scene w1_2235 with dissolve mc "You'll excuse us a second, won't you, doll?" hana "Eh? Doll...?" scene w1_2236 with fade mc "I know. It's totally impertinent. I'm so sorry about her attitude." "I gently guided the bastard away from the situation, giving him an earful of what I thought he might want to hear. A mixture of deference and agreement wrapped in a tone of friendship." scene w1_2237 with dissolve isak "She has no right to talk to me like that!" isak "Do you know how much Lucy will bring the club this summer? I think I deserve a little respect, don't you?" scene w1_2238 with dissolve mc "Oh, you have it. From everyone on the staff. Hana's just a bit stuck up. You know how bitches are, right? She thinks because she's the boss' daughter she gets to act how she wants." scene w1_2236 with dissolve mc "It puts all of us in a difficult situation. Surely you can sympathize?" scene w1_2239 with dissolve isak "Ah, I'm not the only one who has it tough, huh?" scene w1_2238 with dissolve mc "Thanks for cutting us some slack, Mr. Miller. Besides..." scene w1_2240 with dissolve mc "There's enough company to be had from any of the other number of beautiful girls here." scene w1_2239 with dissolve isak "Hehehe, you're right." "I had to stop myself from visibly grimacing from sheer annoyance." scene w1_2238 with dissolve mc "A VIP like you should head down to the VIP lounge, don't you think?" scene w1_2239 with dissolve isak "Right again! There's only so much time in the night, I shouldn't waste it on... unpleasant things." scene w1_2238 with dissolve mc "Thanks for being the bigger man here." scene w1_2239 with dissolve isak "I'll be sure to mention to Mrs. Pulman how impressed with your professionality I am." scene w1_2240 with dissolve mc "I appreciate that, Mr. Miller. Enjoy yourself." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "With that, the creepozoid headed off to his own devices." scene w1_2242 with fade mc "Jeez, I feel so fucking dirty. Sorry about the doll thing, by the way." scene w1_2243 with dissolve play music "music/hep-cats.ogg" hana "You're quite the diplomat, aren't you?" scene w1_2244 with dissolve mc "I was just handling a {b}stupid{/b} man." scene w1_2245 with dissolve hana "Well, whatever you call it..." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True and Hana_Affection >= 14:" scene w1_2247 with dissolve "*Smooch*" "With a quick hop, she planted a kiss on my cheek." scene w1_2248 with dissolve hana "Thanks for the assist." scene w1_2249 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2246 with dissolve hana "Thank you." mc "Don't mention it." scene w1_2250 with dissolve hana "Well, I need to get off to lower levels. I guess I'll probably be seeing you at this thing tonight." "With a quick wave, Hana headed toward the stairs." scene w1_2253 with fade jacob "You handled that much more smoothly than I would've. Thanks" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Butterfly]{/color} Keep your cool and respectfully redirect Isaak elsewhere. if perk_socialButterfly == True:" $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w1_2234 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Mr. Miller. Can I speak to you in private, sir?" scene w1_2251 with dissolve isak "Sure, but know I'm not happy about the way I'm being treated here." scene w1_2236 with fade play music "music/swagger.ogg" "In an effort to defuse the situation, I guided the bastard away from Hana and spoke to him man-to-man." mc "I know and I'm very sorry about that." scene w1_2237 with dissolve isak "Do you know how much Lucy will bring the club this summer? I think I deserve a little respect, don't you?" scene w1_2238 with dissolve mc "Your contributions are felt by everyone in the club, sir. You absolutely have it." mct "(I can't believe I could say that without bursting into laughter.)" scene w1_2241 with dissolve isak "Then what's the bitch's problem? A drink is the least I'm {b}owed.{/b}." "I had to stop myself from visibly grimacing from sheer annoyance." scene w1_2236 with dissolve mc "Hmm, well... that's just how Hana is, y'know? She's not quite a good fit for this place, but she's the boss' daughter." scene w1_2237 with dissolve isak "Right. I got you, what can you do? Men have a blind spot when it comes to their daughters." isak "Even a man like Mr. Byrnes I guess..." scene w1_2238 with dissolve mc "Yes, exactly! That's what I'm saying. I knew you'd understand." scene w1_2236 with dissolve mc "Let me reiterate: I am {i}so{/i}, {b}so{/b} sorry and I'm hoping you can look past this treatment, sir." scene w1_2239 with dissolve isak "Well, I suppose no harm is done..." scene w1_2240 with dissolve mc "I think a VIP like you should head down to the VIP lounge." scene w1_2239 with dissolve isak "You're onto something there. There's only so much time in the night, I shouldn't waste it on unpleasant things." scene w1_2238 with dissolve mc "I'm relieved one of you could be the bigger person here." scene w1_2237 with dissolve isak "Quite right! A man needs to know when to be able to look past things." scene w1_2239 with dissolve isak "I'll be sure to mention to Mrs. Pulman how impressed with your professionality I am." scene w1_2240 with dissolve mc "I appreciate that, Mr. Miller. Enjoy yourself tonight." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "With that, the creepozoid headed off to his own devices." scene w1_2252 with dissolve hana "How does his asshole taste, by the way?" mc "*sigh* Don't hold that against me, okay?" scene w1_2243 with dissolve play music "music/hep-cats.ogg" hana "No, I think I get what you were doing. You're quite the diplomat, aren't you?" scene w1_2244 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't call any of that diplomacy. Just handling a {b}stupid{/b} man." scene w1_2245 with dissolve hana "Well, whatever you call it..." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True and Hana_Affection >= 14:" scene w1_2247 with dissolve "*Smooch*" "With a quick hop, she planted a kiss on my cheek." scene w1_2248 with dissolve hana "Thanks for the assist." scene w1_2249 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2246 with dissolve hana "Thank you." mc "Don't mention it." scene w1_2250 with dissolve hana "Well, I need to get off to lower levels. I guess I'll probably be seeing you at this thing tonight." "With a quick wave, Hana headed toward the stairs." scene w1_2253 with fade jacob "Good stuff, [mcf]. You handled that well. Thanks." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "Lie and say Hana is needed elsewhere.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "I only need to remove one of them to defuse the situation and Hana would be the easiest." scene w1_2254 with dissolve play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" mc "Ah, Hana! There you are!" "I made a point to ignore the creepozoid's question." mc "Mrs. Pulman needed to see you." scene w1_2255 with dissolve hana "She does?" scene w1_2256 with dissolve "I not-so-inconspicuously shot a wink her way. If Isaak managed to catch it, fuck him." scene w1_2257 with dissolve hana "Ooooooh, okay. She does?" "She said in a tone that suggested an understanding of what I was doing." hana "Did it sound important?" scene w1_2258 with dissolve mc "Yes. She needs to see you now. She seemed pissed. Something about your attitude recently." scene w1_2259 with dissolve hana "Oh, give me a fucking break..." scene w1_2260 with dissolve mc "C'mon. She told me to make sure you got there." scene w1_2261 with dissolve "Without waiting for her reply, I pulled Hana in the direction of Mrs. Pulman's office and left Isaak standing there, ignored and mouth hanging open like a stupid fish suffocating on air." scene w1_2262 with fade hana "That was a smooth one." scene w1_2263 with dissolve mc "Sorry about butting in." scene w1_2264 with dissolve hana "No, that's okay. I could see Jacob sweating his ass off trying to figure out how best to handle the situation. You did it clean." hana "Plus, I appreciate the assist. I was about to blow a gasket." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True and Hana_Affection >= 14:" scene w1_2267 with dissolve "*Smooch*" "With a quick hop, she planted a kiss on my cheek." scene w1_2268 with dissolve hana "Thanks for the assist." scene w1_2269 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" hana "Thank you." scene w1_2265 with dissolve mc "Don't mention it." scene w1_2266 with dissolve hana "Well, I need to get off to lower levels, but I'll wait here a little while just in case that lard ass sticks around the hallway." mc "Good idea." scene black with fade "With a quick wave, I headed back to the hallway." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "Call this loser out on his shit.:" $ Kathleen_Trust -= 2 $ August_Friendship += 1 $ Hana_Affection += 2 scene w1_2270 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "With how you're acting, is it any wonder?" isak "Huh?" scene w1_2271 with dissolve play music "music/take-the-lead.ogg" mc "Hana serves drinks here. She's not one of the prostitutes, she isn't obliged to entertain you for the evening." scene w1_2272 with dissolve isak "You're talking to me like that after all I've done for the club? I'll have you know, not even counting Lucy, I've helped recruit quite a few girls over the years." isak "I think I deserve a little more respect!" scene w1_2273 with dissolve mc "Respect? Why would I respect an over-excited, greasy asshole like you?" scene w1_2274 with dissolve isak "Excuse me?!" "Isaak looked at me with an extremely bewildered look plastered on his face, filling me with an immense satisfaction." scene w1_2275 with dissolve hana "Pftt--hahahahaha!" scene w1_2276 with dissolve isak "You think you can talk to me like that? Wait until Mrs. Pulman hears--" scene w1_2277 with dissolve mc "Tell her. Let Dr. Chuck and {b}Mr. Byrnes{/b} know too." mc "I'm sure he in particular will be thrilled that you {b}aggressively harassed{/b} his daughter." scene w1_2278 with dissolve isak "Eh-heh?! I d-did nothing of the sort! We were just talking. Isn't that right, {i}dear{/i}...?" scene w1_2279 with dissolve hana "Sure. That was all it was, [mcf]. You asked me to have a drink, I declined, and you were about to respectfully walk away before this turned into a big misunderstanding." "Hana surprisingly moved the conversation to a more pleasant resolution, giving Isaak a clear way out here." scene w1_2280 with dissolve isak "Yes... that's all this is. A misunderstanding." scene w1_2281 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Oh, my mistake then. Sorry!" scene w1_2282 with dissolve isak "I'll uh, I'll be..." "Without saying much else, Isaak hobbled off in the direction of the stairs, tail tucked between his legs." scene w1_2242 with dissolve play music "music/hep-cats.ogg" mc "He's easily handled, huh?" mct "(Some are lions and some are kitty cats. That's what Ian said.)" scene w1_2283 with dissolve hana "Yeeesh, I feel like I need a shower after that." scene w1_2284 with dissolve mc "Sorry for butting in, by the way." scene w1_2245 with dissolve hana "No, that's okay. I could see Jacob sweating his ass off trying to figure out how best to handle the situation. You did it clean." hana "Plus, I appreciate the assist. I was about to blow a gasket." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True and Hana_Affection >= 14:" scene w1_2247 with dissolve "*Smooch*" "With a quick hop, she planted a kiss on my cheek." scene w1_2248 with dissolve hana "Thanks for the assist." scene w1_2249 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2246 with dissolve hana "Thank you." mc "Don't mention it." scene w1_2285 with dissolve hana "Plus, it was fucking awesome to see somebody besides me stand up to one of those entitled assholes for once. Weren't you worried about getting into trouble?" mc "Sometimes it's worth drawing a line in the sand." hana "Right, the look on that fatso's face was priceless." scene w1_2250 with dissolve hana "Well, I need to get off to the lower levels. I guess I'll probably be seeing you at this thing tonight." "With a quick wave, Hana headed toward the stairs." scene w1_2253 with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 jacob "That was one way to handle it. This will probably get back to the bosses in some shape or form, knowing Mr. Miller. If it does, I'll make sure a little bit of the truth gets added into the mix." jacob "Mrs. Pulman probably won't be too mad and I think Mr. Byrnes will be surprisingly grateful." scene w1_2286 with dissolve mc "I'd appreciate that Jacob, thank you." KN_MOD "jump w1ExHallway" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Speak the creeps language to get him to go away.{/color}. if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExHarrassmentMenu" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Butterfly] Keep your cool and respectfully redirect Isaak elsewhere.{/color}. if perk_socialButterfly == False:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExHarrassmentMenu" KN_MOD "label w1ExChuckB:" KN_MOD "if w1ExChuckBRepeat == False:" $ w1ExChuckBRepeat = True $ w1ExWarrenGoneScore += 1 scene w1_2300 with fade "Doubling back to the bar, it seemed most people had cleared out by now, in a deliberate exodus toward some other part of the building if I had to guess." KN_MOD "if w1ExBusinessRepeat == True:" "One of the few people remaining was Dr. Chuck, sharing a beer with the large, older man who had caught my gaze lingering on him in the main hallway." KN_MOD "else:" "One of the few people remaining was Dr. Chuck, sharing a beer with the large, older man I had previously seen in the main hallway." scene w1_2287 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck noticed me as I entered." chuck "[mcf]! Come on over here, lad. I want to introduce you to an old friend." scene w1_2288 with dissolve chuck "This is..." scene w1_2289 with dissolve man "Kristoff Jostad Jameson." "The man said simply, holding out his hand." scene w1_2290 with dissolve mc "[mcf] [mcl]. Nice to meet you." "Kristoff was a surprisingly well-built man, considering his age. His tall, lithe frame looked like it held a lot of power just waiting to be uncoiled." "Despite looking positively {b}ancient{/b}, his posture was like that of an oak and his hand grip like iron." scene w1_2291 with dissolve chuck "Kristoff is the chief of operations at Hoarfrost Risk Management. You familiar with them?" "--ah, yeah. That makes sense." scene w1_2292 with dissolve mc "Yeah, nominally. From what little I've heard in the news." "Hoarfrost was a private military contractor - which meant, anytime they made headlines, it wasn't because of a flattering reason." "In fact, if I did an internet search, I'm sure I'd easily find a fountain of information that I don't want to know considering I'm now making his acquaintance." scene w1_2291 with dissolve chuck "Kristoff and I go a ways back." scene w1_2293 with dissolve chuck "[mcf] here is a long time friend of the family and our newest employee." scene w1_2294 with dissolve jiji "Good to meet you, son." scene w1_2295 with dissolve mc "How do you two know each other exactly?" scene w1_2296 with dissolve "The pair silently exchanged a suspicious look, before Dr. Chuck was the one to speak." scene w1_2297 with dissolve chuck "I did some consulting once upon a time for Kristoff's company." mc "I see." scene w1_2298 with dissolve "I stopped myself from asking {i}consulting for what?{/i}" mc "Ah, wish I could stay and chat, but..." scene w1_2297 with dissolve chuck "Of course, you've got things to tend to." "I excused myself from the conversation." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2299 with dissolve mct "(I've already been introduced to the man with the ridiculously long name. No reason to butt into their conversation again.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExBar" KN_MOD "label w1ExMamaBoy:" KN_MOD "if w1ExMamaBoyRepeat == False:" $ w1ExMamaBoyRepeat = True $ w1ExWarrenGoneScore += 1 scene w1_2301 with dissolve "In the corner of the bar was one of the men Warren had pointed out from the security feed. The lawyer, if I recall correctly." "The one chatting up the pregnant prostitute. Well..." scene w1_2302 with dissolve "He was certainly doing more than chatting now." "Indeed, now he was suckling zealously at the woman's darkened teats, a trickle of breast milk running down his chin." "There was not an ounce of gentleness in his approach. The woman wore a complicated expression, a mixture of glassed-over complacency and a discomfort over the rough and greedy treatment." scene w1_2303 with dissolve pp "--!" pp "Eeeh, not so rough, Tom." "Instead of heeding her request, the milk-fixated lawyer gave her puffy nipples another pinch, sending yet another spurt of breast milk raining down onto her gravid belly." scene w1_2304 with dissolve "Only to return back to suckling, a magical and content look on his face." mct "(Eh... that's enough of that. This is just too weird for me.)" "I decided I had seen enough." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2304 with dissolve mct "(He looks like he's going to be at it for awhile...)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExBar" KN_MOD "label w1ExSecurityRoomSpying:" KN_MOD "if w1ExSecurityRoomSpyingRepeat == False:" scene w1_2308 with dissolve mct "(Looks like Warren stepped out.)" mct "(His slideshow earlier got me a little curious about what else goes on within these walls...)" "Do I want to take a look at the security feed?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take a look at the feed.:" $ w1ExSecurityRoomSpyingRepeat = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass KN_MOD "Nah, I dont need to see other people fucking.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Better not. I have other things I should be doing anyway.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExSecurityRoom" mct "(Yeah, let's take a look at what some of the rich perverts are getting up to.)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2308 with dissolve mct "(I've already wasted enough time here.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExSecurityRoom" scene w1_2305 with pixellate mct "(That's... Dalia.)" "She's with two men, having one grovel at her boot while the other sits outside, looking in." "The man is emphatically shining her leather boots with his tongue." "To be honest, I didn't expect this kind of activity from a member of this club, but it makes sense." "If you had a high-stress job that required utter control, letting go of it in the bedroom must be pretty freeing." mct "(Now, let us see what's going in another room.)" scene w1_2306 with pixellate "The next image was of a fat man, spanking a busty, beautiful redhead dressed in a schoolgirl uniform." mct "(To be honest, this seems so...)" "Mundane. Commonplace. A little boring even." scene w1_2307 with pixellate mc "What the fu..." "The next screen was more of what I expected from this place, causing me to mutter audibly in confusion." "A tall, bald man was watching two prostitutes wrestle, dick hard in his hand as he called out words of encouragement." "After the man had decided the match was concluded, he emptied his bladder on the loser as some kind of parting punishment." scene black with fade mct "(That's enough for now. I don't think I want to dig any further.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExSecurityRoom" KN_MOD "label w1ExVeronica:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExVeroRepeat == False:" $ w1ExWarrenGoneScore += 1 $ w1ExVeroRepeat = True scene w1_2309 with dissolve $"music/sonatina-in-c-minor.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) "I decided to pop into the dressing room and see if the girls were already here." "Instead of three, I found only one." "Veronica stood in the center of the room, stark naked, peering back at herself through a mirror. So entranced with whatever's going on in her mind that she didn't hear me enter." "Or if she did, she didn't care, though I figured the first is far more likely." scene w1_2311 with dissolve mct "(Even from the back, I'm picking up on some really intense vibes right now...)" "Should I announce my presence?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Clear your throat and get Veronicas attention.:" $ toughness -= 1 scene w1_2310 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "*Ahem*" "I cleared my throat to get the statuesque woman's attention." ver "" KN_MOD "Watch Veronica in silence.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I decided to watch the red-headed Amazon for at least a little while longer." "There was something about the way she stood, back straight and shoulders evenly squared, that held my attention." "Veronica, at the moment, seemed so sky-high and impervious to the humiliation she was facing in just a few hours." scene w1_2312 with dissolve ver "Hmm..." scene w1_2313 with dissolve "To my surprise, the brawny woman began to... {b}preen{/b}?" scene w1_2314 with dissolve "Followed by a deep, heavy sigh." scene w1_2315 with dissolve ver "You got this, Veronica." ver "Just put everything {b}else{/b} out of your mind." scene w1_2316 with dissolve ver "You've got what it takes to win this..." "She was talking herself up...?" scene w1_2317 with dissolve ver "Hmm....?" "Suddenly noticing my presence, Veronica began to turn and face me." scene w1_2318 with dissolve ver "[mcf]..." ver "How long were you standing there?" scene w1_2319 with dissolve "A hint of red spread across her cheeks." scene w1_2320 with dissolve mc "Not long. I just got here." scene w1_2321 with dissolve ver "Good." scene w1_2322 with dissolve "......" "..." "A few, awkward moments passed by uninterrupted." scene w1_2323 with dissolve ver "So? You're here to perv or something?" scene w1_2324 with dissolve mc "No, just thought I'd check in and see if anyone had arrived." scene w1_2323 with dissolve ver "Y'know, that doesn't refute what I asked, right?" scene w1_2324 with dissolve mc "Heh, I guess it doesn't." scene w1_2325 with dissolve mc "Well, I guess I should leave you--" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_2326 with dissolve "As I turned to leave, Veronica put a hand on my shoulder to stop me." ver "I want to ask you something, errand boy." scene w1_2327 with dissolve mc "Yeah...?" scene w1_2328 with dissolve ver "You find me attractive, of course." scene w1_2329 with dissolve mct "(...huh? Was that a question or a statement?)" scene w1_2330 with dissolve "Veronica stepped forward, shrinking the distance between us." mc "What are you...?" scene w1_2331 with dissolve play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" "Before I could get the words out, Veronica took me by the wrists and placed both of my hands on her chest." scene w1_2332 with dissolve mc "Can I help you with something?" scene w1_2333 with dissolve "Her answer came in the form of an action, as she slid both hands down to my crotch and vigorously rubbed my groin." with vpunch "Naturally, my lower half began to react." ver "I'm just checking something." scene w1_2334 with dissolve "Veronica leveled her eyes with mine, curling her lips into a half-parted, seductive smirk." mc "Umm..." "Her strong, calloused hands had a firm grip on my cock. It wasn't unpleasant, to say the least." scene w1_2335 with dissolve ver "Well...?" scene w1_2334 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Manhandle Veronicas tits.:" $ Veronica_Horniness +=1 scene w1_2337 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Throwing caution to the wind, I sank my fingers deeper into the freckled flesh of her breasts." ver "Ah..." "It was quite something to find something so soft and pliant on the Amazon's rock-solid physique." scene w1ExVeroGrope with dissolve "Greedily, I snaked my hands to the sides of her breasts, and gave them a big squeeze, pressing the sizable orbs together and creating a beautiful display of cleavage." scene w1_2338 with dissolve ver "Oh... yeah. You do." scene w1_2345 with dissolve "One of my hands, with a mind of its own, worked its way down to the front of her left breast." ver "I can--" scene w1_2346 with hpunch "--and gave it a great, big tug." ver "Ngg~! Hmhheha..." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Horniness >= 4:" $ w2VeronicaPentUp = True "To my surprise, Veronica didn't stop the rough treatment. Instead, she let out a honeyed cry." "Well, she WAS the one who initiated this." scene w1_2336 with dissolve mc "*Slurp*" ver "Hmm?" "I decided to get greedy, bringing my mouth to one of her nipples and latching on." mc "*Slurp* *Slurp*" scene w1_2348 with dissolve "Almost instantly, the soft tips of her breasts hardened into tiny, rosy pebbles." ver "Ehehe--! W-what are you, a baby?" scene w1_2350 with dissolve "I decided to answer her question with a more voracious attack." ver "Ughh...! Haah... {size=-2}Haah... {/size=-2}{size=-4}F-feels... {/size=-4}{size=-6}good~♥{/size=-6}" KN_MOD "if w1ExMamaBoyRepeat == True:" mct "(Shit, maybe that breast feeding lawyer is onto something. This is great!)" scene w1_2349 with hpunch ver "S-stop!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2347 with dissolve ver "You do." ver "I can compete." KN_MOD "Let your hands linger as you make sense of whats going on.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...?" ver "Hmm..." "She continued to run a hand over my increasingly hardening cock." scene w1_2335 with dissolve ver "Yeah. You do." ver "I can compete." scene w1_2351 with dissolve "Just as quickly as her advance began, Veronica pulled back. Leaving me worked up, but not as confused as I expected to be." ver "Yep. That blonde doesn't have anything on me." mct "(Ah, she was worried about the competition...)" scene w1_2352 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Veronica_Horniness >= 4:" ver "Sorry, for getting up in your space like that. You REALLY didn't seem to mind though." mct "(Yeah, neither did you...)" KN_MOD "else:" ver "Sorry, for getting up in your space like that. You didn't seem to mind though." scene w1_2353 with dissolve mc "Happy to help, I think. But..." scene w1_2354 with dissolve mct "(Part of my job here is to keep the girls motivated. I should say something encouraging.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her she doesnt have anything to worry about.:" scene w1_2355 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You don't have anything to worry about, y'know? In the looks department, I mean..." scene w1_2354 with dissolve ver "..." KN_MOD "Tell her not to get complacent.:" $ toughness += 1 $ Veronica_Affection += 1 scene w1_2356 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're an attractive woman, but you better not get complacent." mc "You know better than the other two that there's more to this competition than just looking good." scene w1_2357 with dissolve ver "...I do." scene w1_2358 with dissolve mc "Use that to your advantage." mc "The most important thing is to keep your motivation up. If you can do that, you'll win the exhibition." scene w1_2359 with dissolve ver "You don't have to worry about that, errand boy." scene w1_2352 with dissolve $ history_veronica = "I caught Veronica preening in front of a mirror, seemingly concerned about the competition. After some hands-on reassurance, I did my best to encourage her." $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve ver "You were about to leave, right? Don't let me stop you." scene w1_2351 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroEx1Grope:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ persistent.veroEx1Grope = True mct "(Right, guess she got what she wanted from me.)" scene w1_2360 with dissolve mc "Alright then, see you soon." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExDressingRoom" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2384 with dissolve mct "(I've already had quite the interesting encounter here. I should go do something else.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExDressingRoom" KN_MOD "label w1ExVIPSamson:" scene w1_2383 with dissolve mct "(If I put myself in the middle of all this, I probably won't be able to slip away until it's time to retrieve the girls.)" "Am I ready to continue?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes, continue.:" pass KN_MOD "No, lets look around some more.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExVIPLounge" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "The first thing that hit me about the VIP lounge was the smell." "It smelled what I imagined {i}class{/i} to smell like: a medley of wood polish, cigar smoke, and hops." scene w1_2361 with dissolve "At the bar stood August, idly waiting with a service-quality smile permanently etched on his face." "The consummate picture of a perfect bartender, in his hand was a glass being perpetually polished to a sheen." scene w1_2362 with dissolve "Off to his side, sitting at the end of the bar and gazing up at the stage with a distant look, was the woman accompanying Dr. Van Doren." "She looked as dispassionate as she was beautiful. Uninterested in anything in particular or perhaps just doing her best to be a part of the background and go unnoticed." scene w1_2363 with dissolve "On the stage at the back of the room was Harper, her lithe body twisting and blurring as she danced with the bronze pole." "She was putting on quite the enthusiastic display of her athletic talents, one that nearly no one seemed to be paying attention to." scene w1_2364 with dissolve "Seated in front of the stage, was a mixture of both familiar and unfamiliar faces. At the center of the men, face down and writhing uncomfortably was..." mct "(Is that Lucy...?)" scene w1_2366 with dissolve lucy "Gh..!" "Gagged and blindfolded, the school teacher turned whore's stifled moans were muddled by the dull mechanical whirling of numerous sex toys." scene w1_2367 with dissolve "She was propped up on the table like she was a piece of art, while the men around her casually chatted and enjoyed a smoke." scene w1_2364 with dissolve mct "(Man, how do I even naturally interject myself into a scene like that...?)" "Thankfully, it turned out I didn't have to find my own opening." scene w1_2365 with dissolve sam "Hey, kid. Get over here. We were just discussing this summer's Carnations." "Samson immediately recognized me and called me over." scene w1_2368 with dissolve man "A new face. Who's this, Sam?" scene w1_2369 with dissolve sam "The kid is Kat's new assistant -- or whatever she calls 'em." scene w1_2370 with dissolve mc "[mcf]. Nice to meet you all." scene w1_2371 with dissolve sam "Ah, right. Let's be quick with the introductions." scene w1_2372 with dissolve sam "This bald bastard is Frank." scene w1_2373 with dissolve frank "Kat's new assistant, eh? My sympathies." "He shot me an odd, knowing smirk and left it at that." scene w1_2374 with dissolve sam "The tubby, shifty-looking fellow in presidential blue is Jim." scene w1_2375 with dissolve "The man gave me a lazy, simple wave in turn and gave me a scrutinizing look." mct "(That's the chief of police that I spied on in the security room.)" scene w1_2376 with dissolve sam "The {i}friendly{/i} face next to him belongs to Eric Waylon. Say hello, Eric." scene w1_2377 with dissolve "*Gulp*" scene w1_2378 with dissolve eric "Hello, Eric." scene w1_2379 with dissolve sam "Wha-- pfhahaha, was that a joke? From you? Bahaha! Ah, where was I? Next is..." scene w1_2380 with dissolve abel "We've already had the pleasure of being introduced." scene w1_2381 with dissolve sam "You have? Well, great! We all know each other now! So, sit down and talk a little with us, kid." "The former actor gestured to the empty seat across from him, a plush leather armchair positioned at Lucy's head." scene w1_2382 with dissolve mct "(No reason to refuse, it's what I'm here for.)" scene w1_2388 with dissolve frank "Now that [mcf]'s here, you're just an old man like the rest of us, Sam. You can drop the attitude now." scene w1_2389 with dissolve sam "I don't know what you're talking about, Frank." scene w1_2390 with dissolve abel "This is my first summer as a member myself." scene w1_2391 with dissolve "Dr. Van Doren spoke directly to me with a soft, grandfatherly voice." scene w1_2392 with dissolve abel "This place was known to me, but I'm an old man. I thought these days were past me." scene w1_2393 with dissolve mc "What made you change your mind?" scene w1_2394 with dissolve "The old researcher paused, stretching his lips into a thin smile." scene w1_2395 with dissolve abel "I've known Kat for some time. She does wonderful charity work." scene w1_2396 with dissolve lucy "Ah... EEEEhhhee~hee...!" "The grandfatherly-looking man paused, letting the worst of Lucy's sudden outburst pass before continuing." scene w1_2397 with dissolve abel "I guess my curiosity about her {b}other{/b} work finally got the better of me." scene w1_2398 with dissolve "It was peculiar to hear Dr. Van Doren speak about {i}wonderful charity work{/i}, while Lucy groaned and writhed from over-stimulation just a few feet away." "Not a single man was giving her a single thought, paying her no more mind than they would an ashtray." scene w1_2399 with dissolve mc "What's this?" scene w1_2400 with dissolve "Instead of answering me, she gestured toward the bar with an overt motion." scene w1_2401 with dissolve "August had a glass raised in a silent toast." mct "(He's saying: let loose and fit in.)" "For what it was, it felt like a nice gesture. A senior co-worker providing a gentle nudge to a new hire." scene w1_2402 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 15:" mc "Thank you." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Thank you, Miss." scene w1_2403 with dissolve "I raised the glass in acknowledgement and silently returned the toast." scene w1_2404 with dissolve mct "(Damn...!)" with vpunch "The content of the glass was an extravagantly smooth whiskey, with notes of vanilla, oak, and caramel." scene w1_2405 with dissolve mct "(If I had to guess, this has got to be the most expensive liquid I've tasted.)" "It was certainly an acquired taste, but it was something I could see myself getting used to." scene w1_2406 with dissolve sam "Eh, now where were we just a minute ago?" scene w1_2407 with dissolve eric "We were discussing who we thought had the best chance of winning tonight." scene w1_2406 with dissolve sam "Ah, yeah. That's right." scene w1_2408 with dissolve mc "You were talking about the girls?" scene w1_2409 with dissolve jim "Hmmm, it just hit me, your voice..." KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" jim "Ah! You were the one who filmed that muscular tart's interview." scene w1_2410 with dissolve mc "Veronica, you mean? Yeah, that was me." scene w1_2409 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" jim "I ended up putting my money on her. Let's hope that freak show doesn't disappoint." KN_MOD "else:" jim "She seemed... interesting, but I ended up putting my money on that blonde bombshell." KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" jim "Ah! You were the one that filmed that blonde bombshell's interview." scene w1_2410 with dissolve mc "Felicia, you mean? Yeah, that was me." scene w1_2409 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" jim "I ended up putting my money on her. Let's hope that dumb slut doesn't disappoint." KN_MOD "else:" jim "She seemed like a proper bitch, but I ended up putting my money on that freak show." KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" jim "Ah! You were the one who filmed that busty brunette's interview." scene w1_2410 with dissolve mc "Rosalind, you mean? Yeah, that was me." scene w1_2409 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" jim "I ended up putting my money on her. Let's hope that fat-tittied slut doesn't disappoint." KN_MOD "else:" jim "She certainly has the body for this, but I ended up putting my money on that freak show." scene w1_2411 with dissolve "Oddly enough, the possessive part of me felt irritated at his words." KN_MOD "if w1RosalindPhoto == True:" "Even if just hours earlier I made Rosalind write similarly degrading things on her body, these girls were my charge and he was speaking about them as if they weren't even people." KN_MOD "else:" "These girls were my charge and he was speaking about them as if they weren't even people." scene w1_2412 with dissolve eric "That Felicia woman is going to win this." "The dour-looking man who had been mostly silent up to this point volunteered his thoughts." scene w1_2413 with dissolve frank "Oh? Do tell, Waylon. What makes you say that?" scene w1_2414 with dissolve eric "It's simple. She's the first woman in club history to {i}volunteer{/i} for this. Plus, you can tell she's confident." eric "I don't mean bravado, like that red-head. I mean the genuine, self-assured article." scene w1_2415 with dissolve "Satisfied that he had said his piece, he leaned back and once more adopted a disinterested look." scene w1_2416 with dissolve frank "Nonsense. She's in over her head. She's got no foundation." frank "Nothing to draw from and keep her going. Rosalind's going to take this thing." scene w1_2417 with dissolve "The bald man confidently offered his refutation. It would seem that they're all at least passingly familiar with each of the Carnation's personal situations." scene w1_2418 with dissolve sam "You two are both way off the mark, it--" scene w1_2419 with dissolve lucy "Ah... k-kahah... aaaah...!" "A shrill cry interrupted the aging actor's thought, as an orgasm rocked Lucy's body." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w1_2420 with vpunch sam "You two are both way off the mark, it's {i}Nicki{/i} that's going to win." scene w1_2421 with dissolve frank "You really have confidence in your scheme." mct "(Scheme...?)" scene w1_2422 with dissolve mc "What does he mean by scheme?" "I couldn't help myself from asking." scene w1_2423 with dissolve sam "That's right. You don't know, huh?" scene w1_2424 with dissolve abel "It seems [mcf] and I are both in the dark on this." scene w1_2425 with dissolve jim "Yeah, what is Frank talking about?" scene w1_2426 with dissolve sam "You dirty old bastards are going to love this." scene w1_2427 with dissolve "Samson lurched forward, a clear gleam of excitement in his eyes. Whatever he was about to say, this was undoubtedly a chance for him to brag and he seemed intent on relishing it." scene w1_2428 with dissolve sam "Well Nicki, that fine slab of muscle, she's here because her gym's failing, yeah?" scene w1_2429 with dissolve mc "What about it?" scene w1_2426 with dissolve sam "I had a direct hand in that. Dumb bitch doesn't even realize." scene w1_2429 with dissolve mct "(Is that pompous jerkward saying...?)" scene w1_2430 with dissolve jim "You set her up? That's rich." scene w1_2431 with dissolve sam "Hehehe, that's right. The details aren't important, but you'd be impressed." sam "Her business is in the hole and it's all because of me. After that, it was easy to send that one-track-minded idiot running into Kathy's arms." scene w1_2432 with dissolve jim "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." scene w1_2433 with dissolve sam "I'll say it took a lot more finesse to get her here than this whore though. Ha!" "There was something about seeing that idiot's face twist vulgarly into a laugh that ticked me off. What was it?" scene w1_2385 with pixellate ver "You see this, errand boy?" scene w1_2386 with dissolve mc "An empty gym?" scene w1_2387 with dissolve ver "Not quite. It's my fucking dream. I'm not going to get into it, but some shit's really been working against me lately." ver "I'm going to fight tooth and nail to keep this place afloat." scene w1_2434 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." scene w1_2435 with dissolve mct "(He's trampling over another person's dream.)" "I don't know her very well, but I can tell Veronica is a hard worker. That much is very obvious." mct "(He's shitting on a dream she's working hard toward.)" "Every fiber of empathy I had in my body stood on edge in agitation." "I thought of my own goals, of how fucked it'd be for some unseen hand to callously sabotage that. I felt sick to my stomach." "At that moment, I resolved to do one thing." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Help Veronica get her business back on track.:" $ VeroFlag = True $ Sam_Friendship += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "That's right. If her business troubles are Samson's doing, whatever he did, perhaps they can be undone." scene w1_2436 with dissolve "I could take a look into it, perhaps even leverage my proximity to the man to get him to spill the beans. It's not a guarantee, but..." scene w1_2435 with dissolve "Even if she loses at the end of the month, she might still be able to get what she wants." "I'm pretty sure the bosses wouldn't look too kindly on my interference, but if I'm careful, they don't have to know." scene w1_2437 with dissolve $ history_samson = "Samson admitted to having a hand in Veronica's business woes, a revelation that pisses me off to no end. If I want to help her, the first step should be finding out exactly what he did to sabotage her." $ unread_samson = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "You're really impressive, Mr. Garcia." scene w1_2439 with dissolve sam "Well, I like to make myself useful to the club." sam "I'm at your service, after all. Ha!" KN_MOD "Ignore your feelings, it could jeopardize your own dream.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Putting myself in the middle of the affairs of a club patron and one of the club's money makers doesn't seem smart." scene w1_2438 with dissolve "This job needs to work out. Totally free of student debt..." mct "(Yeah, no. I shouldn't stick my nose into it.)" scene w1_2440 with dissolve $ history_samson = "Samson admitted to having a hand in Veronica's business woes, a revelation that pisses me off, but I ultimately decided it wasn't any of my business." $ unread_samson = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve jim "That doesn't mean she's going to win, you oaf." scene w1_2441 with dissolve sam "Nah, I'm saying, I know how to pick 'em..." scene w1_2442 with dissolve sam "Ah, Isaak! Didn't see you slip in." mct "(It seems that he had finally creeped in following the confrontation with Hana.)" scene w1_2443 with dissolve sam "You look angry, something wrong?" isak "Shut up." mct "(He still seems to be stewing about it too.)" sam "Aw, don't be like that..." scene w1_2444 with dissolve kat "Good evening, gentlemen. Sorry to interrupt." kat "You all look well tonight." scene w1_2445 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman had slipped in unnoticed while Samson pestered Isaak." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen had slipped in unnoticed while Samson pestered Isaak." "She had since changed into a tight-fitted, strikingly gold dress." scene w1_2446 with dissolve sam "You don't look half bad yourself, Kathy." scene w1_2445 with dissolve jim "Yeah, why don't you come over here and sit in my lap? Hehehe." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "There was a little laughter shared between the two, but Mrs. Pulman seemed to pay no mind." KN_MOD "else:" "There was a little laughter shared between the two, but Kathleen seemed to pay no mind." scene w1_2447 with dissolve kat "As handsome as you are Mr. O'Doherety, I'm afraid there isn't much time for that." scene w1_2448 with dissolve kat "All the Carnations have arrived. If you'll see to them [mcf], the exhibition will start in thirty minutes." scene w1_2449 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am." "She was telling me to head to the dressing room." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(The shoe is about to drop.)" kat "If I could get everyone to join us in the stage room..." "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w1_2450 with fade play music "music/horrible.ogg" "All three sets of the dressing room occupants' eyes fell on me as soon as I entered." fel "Hey, boss man!" "Felicia was the only one who greeted me, voice overflowing with an excited, chipper song-like energy." "Rose only mustered a weak, anxiety-ridden smile." "While Veronica simply stood there like a stone statue, looking like her mind was already in the midst of the exhibition." scene w1_2451 with dissolve mc "Everyone's gathering in the exhibition hall right now, but before we head there..." scene w1_2452 with dissolve mc "How are you three?" scene w1_2453 with dissolve fel "Little anxious, but ready to get out there." scene w1_2454 with dissolve ver "You're anxious? You?" scene w1_2455 with dissolve fel "It's the first night. Who knows what to expect?" fel "It's exciting, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not a little nervous." scene w1_2456 with dissolve ver "..." "Veronica looked at her incredulously." scene w1_2457 with dissolve fel "Hehe, I'm not a robot..." scene w1_2458 with dissolve fel "Oh...!" scene w1_2459 with dissolve fel "You already had a taste of this place, right? A couple of weeks ago? That's what the boss lady said..." fel "What did they make you do?" scene w1_2460 with dissolve ver "..." scene w1_2461 with dissolve fel "Aw, c'mon. Tell me. It'll break the ice." fel "If you guys go out there like that, you won't have any fun. You look like you're about to shit a diamond." scene w1_2462 with dissolve ver "Fun...? Get out of my face, Blondie." scene w1_2463 with dissolve fel "..." scene w1_2464 with dissolve fel "Sorry, I'm being an ass. Chalk it up to pre-game jitters." "Thankfully Felicia read the room and reeled herself in. For being as seemingly shameless as she is, she at least had that degree of emotional intelligence." fel "I know we are all here for different reasons..." scene w1_2465 with dissolve ver "Eugh, whatever..." scene w1_2466 with dissolve ver "It's no big deal. All I'm going to say though is it sucked." scene w1_2467 with dissolve mc "What about you, Rose? How you feeling?" scene w1_2468 with dissolve "I turned my attention to the one Carnation that had been conspicuously silent." scene w1_2470 with dissolve "The look she gave me in return said it all before she even had to." scene w1_2469 with dissolve rose "I'm ready." scene w1_2470 with dissolve "Looking directly at me with her beautiful baby blues, she seemed firm and absolute." scene w1_2471 with dissolve mc "Alright, seems you guys are all ready, then." mc "Don't be afraid to rely on each other tonight." scene w1_2472 with dissolve fel "You don't need to say it twice!" "Felicia's response came without delay, while the other two..." "Seemed less convinced now that it was showtime. The red-headed Amazon and desperate mother simply looked away and didn't say anything." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "You can follow me to the stage." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1ExFinallyActuallyStart" KN_MOD "label w1ExFinallyActuallyStart:" scene w1_2473 with curtains "After some standing around waiting out the remaining time, the exhibition finally came to a start." "Everyone had gathered on the exhibition hall's floor, patron and house girl intermingling, as they looked up expectantly at the stage, where Mrs. Pulman waited to address them." "We were positioned at the back, waiting to be introduced, so we could each individually march up the aisle like a prize fighter making his introduction." scene w1_2474 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "A gentle, subtle nod from Mrs. Pulman signaled to me she was about to begin." KN_MOD "else:" "A gentle, subtle nod from Kathleen signaled to me she was about to begin." scene w1_2475 with wipeleft "I resisted the temptation to shoot the girls one last anxious look." scene w1_2476 with fade play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" kat "......" kat "..." scene w1_2477 with dissolve kat "Gentlemen! Welcome to the Carnation Club's fifth annual summer exhibition." scene w1_2478 with dissolve kat "My... how time does fly, doesn't it? It's been five years since I first had the pleasure to stand up on this stage before you." kat "Our numbers were few then, but we all shared a common appetite, one that went unfulfilled in the daily pursuit of unchallenged excellence and success." scene w1_2479 with dissolve kat "Five years, yet from up here, not a single one of you looks a day older. The only thing that's changed about your faces is the {b}number{/b}." kat "I can't tell you how much your presence here tonight means to me personally. It gives me a certainty of purpose, that breaking in desperate sluts for your viewing pleasure is a worthwhile calling." scene w1_2480 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/applause-small.wav" "With that, the murmuring crowd gave way to a round of applause, seemingly pleased by Mrs. Pulman's ridiculous pat on the back." "To me, it sounded like a lip service, but they seemed satisfied with her words." stop sound scene w1_2481 with dissolve kat "Before we bring out this year's Carnations, I want to make a special introduction." kat "Come up here, [mcf]." scene w1_2482 with dissolve mct "(Ah, shit...)" scene w1_2483 with dissolve "I suppose it was inevitable I make a formal introduction." "I had personally met about half of them already, but this was only proper I guess." scene w1_2484 with fade "Once on stage, I became all too aware of the leering crowd settled in front of the stage." scene w1_2485 with dissolve "My eyes didn't focus on any one face in particular, but the shape and form of their collective mass." "It was grotesque. More than a dozen faces twisted in an imitation of a human smile, but whose true nature was utterly betrayed by vacant, animal-like eyes." scene w1_2486 with dissolve kat "As some of you know, Darius has left our employ under amicable terms. He'll be missed, but we wish him all the best. Replacing him is Mister..." scene w1_2487 with dissolve "Kathleen made a gesture toward me, prompting me to introduce myself." scene w1_2488 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1ExhibitionPCIntro:" KN_MOD "Match Kathleens example and show deference to the crowd.:" $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I figured the quickest way to ingratiate myself to the crowd was to follow my boss' example." scene w1_2489 with dissolve mc "Hello. My name is [mcf] [mcl] and I'll be in your service both tonight and well into the future." mc "I've had the pleasure of being introduced to some of you already, but it's nice to meet you all." scene w1_2490 with dissolve sam "He's certainly more polite than that last prick!" "A few in the crowd quietly chuckled at the in-joke." scene w1_2491 with dissolve kat "Yes... he does seem more suitable for the role, doesn't he?" "She seemed pleased with my ass-kissing." scene w1_2499 with dissolve kat "Now, let's move onto why you're here." KN_MOD "Introduce and share a little bit about yourself.:" $ Chuck_Friendship += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Put on the spot, my default reaction was a genuine one." scene w1_2492 with dissolve mc "Hey. I'm [mcf] and I'm a college student. My hobbies are watching movies and studying..." mc "Uh, I'm still learning the ropes of this place, so bear with me please." scene w1_2493 with dissolve jim "Where'd you find this kid, Kathy? He seems so earnest." scene w1_2494 with dissolve kat "Oh, you're going to find out tonight that looks can be deceiving." mct "(What does she mean by that...?)" scene w1_2495 with dissolve chuck "There's nothing wrong with being a little earnest, Jim." scene w1_2496 with dissolve aug "Yeah, you should try it some time, you cop bastard!" "The crowd livened up at Mr. Byrne's joke." jim "Ah, fuck you, you second-rate gangster." scene w1_2499 with dissolve kat "Let's move onto why you're here, shall we?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman ushered the focus back on her, reeling the crowd in before they could get too rowdy." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen ushered the focus back on her, reeling the crowd in before they could get too rowdy." KN_MOD "Be concise with your introduction:" $ August_Friendship += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(No point in dragging it out. I've already been introduced to half of them anyway.)" scene w1_2497 with dissolve mc "You guys aren't here for me, right? So I'll be brief." mc "I'm [mcf]. Nice to meet you." scene w1_2498 with dissolve frank "The boy's right. Bring out the sluts!" "The crowd made noise in agreement." scene w1_2499 with dissolve kat "Hmm, very well..." scene w1_2500 with dissolve kat "Now that you've met the newest member of our family, it's my pleasure to introduce to you this summer's Carnations, live and in person." stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Come on up, Mrs. Carter. Greet the men whose patronage will possibly pull you out of the hole you're in." scene w1_2501 with dissolve "For a brief moment, Rosalind looked like a deer caught in the headlights." rose "Oh, uh..." mct "(She must've not expected to go first.)" scene w1_2502 with fade play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" "However, quickly coming to her senses, she took a moment to fix her fishnet stockings before marching up the center aisle at a brisk pace." "The room was eerily silent as she made her advance. Each man giving a silent, lecherous appraisal with their eyes." scene w1_2503 with dissolve "Until she finally stood at the center of the stage. Not knowing where to look, her eyeline darted around the room, taking in everything but the crowd in front of her." scene w1_2504 with dissolve kat "Isn't she cute, gentlemen? Doesn't know what to do with herself." scene w1_2505 with dissolve kat "Stand up straight, dear." rose "S-sorry." scene w1_2506 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2507 with vpunch "*SLAP!*" scene w1_2508 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True and w1GonzoReward == True:" kat "This piece of ass may already be a fan favorite to win, but let's formally introduce the slut. State your name for the crowd, please." KN_MOD "else:" kat "State your name for the crowd, whore." scene w1_2509 with dissolve "Rosalind briefly paused, shutting her eyelids tight, and took a deep breath." "A second passed." "Then another." scene w1_2510 with dissolve "Until finally, in a confident voice that carried clearly across the room, she spoke." scene w1_2511 with dissolve rose "My name is Rosalind Carter." scene w1_2512 with dissolve kat "Why are you here, Rosalind?" scene w1_2511 with dissolve rose "For your viewing pleasure." scene w1_2513 with dissolve kat "Ha, clever, but that's not what I meant. Tell the crowd what you seek for your prize." scene w1_2514 with dissolve rose "Well..." scene w1_2513 with dissolve kat "It isn't a difficult question, Rose. Spit it out." scene w1_2515 with dissolve rose "I'm here to clear up some personal debt." scene w1_2513 with dissolve kat "So you're just another whore willing to trade her dignity for money, then." scene w1_2514 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_2516 with dissolve kat "A boring reason, but a tried and true one." KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" "Rosalind's situation had more painful nuance to it than simple cash debt, so I wonder why she's not pressing her on it?" "Surely the details behind her desperation would get these sick fucks salivating even more." mct "(Maybe she's saving it for later?)" kat "There you have it, Mrs. Rosalind Carter." scene w1_2517 with dissolve "Oddly enough, not a sound came from the crowd. Not from applause, nor crude comment." "Instead, they leered. Long and unflinchingly. Eagerly waiting for their host to introduce the next piece of meat for their salivating chops." scene w1_2518 with dissolve kil "*whispering* I've seen her grill a woman for five minutes before, looks like she's keeping it brief tonight." scene w1_2500 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True and w1GonzoReward == True:" kat "You're next, Miss Lynch. Come greet your adoring fans." KN_MOD "else:" kat "You're next, Miss Lynch. Come up to the stage, please." scene w1_2519 with dissolve fel "Remember to shake a leg!" scene w1_2520 with wipeleft "Veronica immediately sprang into action, jaunting down the aisle with a deliberate and sexy pace." "Back straight, she sashayed her hips like she was on a catwalk, taking long strides that showed off her toned legs in action." scene black with fade "Just the same as with Rosalind, the room maintained a suffocating silence, as the red-headed Amazon found her place on stage." scene w1_2521 with dissolve kat "What a contrast compared to plump, soft Rosalind." kat "I have a special one for you this summer. We've never had a Carnation this hard bodied before." "Veronica simply kept her head held high, eyes scanning back and forth across the crowd." scene w1_2522 with dissolve kat "It may not be to everyone's taste, but you can't deny it will be fun to work her like a horse and see just how much she can take." scene w1_2523 with dissolve sam "She can take anything you throw at her!" "While the rest of the pack murmured and hummed at Kathleen's lewd promise, Samson assuredly staked his claim." scene w1_2524 with dissolve kat "We'll certainly find out, won't we?" scene w1_2525 with dissolve ver "I can take anything you throw at me. I'm going to win." scene w1_2526 with dissolve "The crowd buzzed positively at Veronica's direct challenge of the club's matron." frank "Is it too late to change my bet?" scene w1_2527 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* I'm getting déjà vu from a few weeks ago." kil "I {i}love{/i} this woman." scene w1_2528 with dissolve kat "First, let's just follow Mrs. Carter's example. State your name for the crowd." scene w1_2529 with dissolve ver "Veronica Lynch." scene w1_2528 with dissolve kat "And what sad reason brings you to grace our stage tonight?" scene w1_2529 with dissolve ver "I need money to save my business." scene w1_2530 with dissolve kat "Just like her opponent. Another whore for money." scene w1_2531 with dissolve ver "This is a brothel, isn't it? Whoring is what you make your money off of too." scene w1_2532 with dissolve kat "There's a difference between you and me, dear. One that you'll soon learn." scene w1_2533 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Carter and Miss Lynch are here for similar reasons, but you gentlemen are in for a real treat. Our last Carnation isn't as banal." "Concluding Veronica's introduction, Kathleen stepped forward and called the last Carnation up." scene w1_2534 with dissolve kat "Make your way to the stage, Mrs. Ford." scene w1_2535 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Felicia stepped out as soon as she was called." "Unlike Veronica, there was nothing measured in her entrance." "Instead, she simply strolled to the stage all natural like, chest stuck out with confidence." scene w1_2536 with fade play music "music/victim-to-victor.ogg" "Once on stage, and able to get a full view of the crowd, Felicia smiled." scene w1_2537 with dissolve "Then that smile turned into pure elation. She was... unabashedly happy to be here." scene w1_2538 with wipeleft mc "*Whisper* How the hell can she look like that?" kil "Beats me." scene w1_2539 with dissolve fel "My name is Felicia Ford." "Instead of waiting for the question, Felicia was the first to speak, volunteering her name." scene w1_2540 with dissolve kat "Eager, aren't you?" scene w1_2541 with dissolve fel "Very." scene w1_2542 with dissolve kat "Like I said, gentlemen. Felicia is an interesting one." kat "She's the first time in exhibition history that we had a Carnation volunteer gleefully. She's not here because she's in dire straits, no..." kat "In fact, some of you may even know her. She's the wife of Elias Ford." scene w1_2543 with dissolve "There was a commotion at this news. It felt like the whole room leaned forward in excitement." scene w1_2544 with dissolve jim "I'll be fucked. That self-righteous bastard's wife is on our stage?" scene w1_2545 with dissolve eric "I told you she was going to win this." scene w1_2546 with dissolve abel "I actually knew your husband's father, Miss." "Dr. Van Doren directly addressed Felicia over the brouhaha." scene w1_2547 with dissolve fel "You did, Mister?" scene w1_2548 with dissolve abel "That's right. Years ago my company used his railroad for deliveries." scene w1_2549 with dissolve fel "I never got to know him that well. He passed before our wedding." scene w1_2550 with dissolve abel "Yes, he went before his time. It was a shame what happened to his company." scene w1_2551 with dissolve "Felicia just smiled at Van Doren, before returning to her place on the stage." scene w1_2552 with dissolve kat "Now, Mrs. Ford... share with the club's benefactors what you chose for your prize." scene w1_2551 with dissolve mct "(Ah, there it is. The moment I've been curious about. What would a woman like Felicia ask for?)" scene w1_2553 with dissolve fel "I want to become a member of the Carnation Club." scene w1_2554 with dissolve kat "Now THAT is an interesting stake." scene w1_2555 with dissolve kil "Hahahaha...! Ah, fuck. That woman surprises even me." mc "You've got to be kidding me..." scene w1_2556 with dissolve frank "What a cheeky slut!" jim "A woman in our ranks?" scene w1_2557 with dissolve chuck "Amazing!" scene w1_2558 with dissolve ver "What the fuck? Is she for real?" rose "..." "The two other Carnations had a look of disbelief written plainly on their faces. I can only imagine how contemptable Felicia must look to them." scene w1_2559 with dissolve kat "That's right, Felicia wishes to be counted amongst our members." scene w1_2560 with dissolve jim "Ha! As if!" scene w1_2561 with dissolve mihir "Interesting!" scene w1_2562 with dissolve "Felicia maintained a nonplussed expression throughout the commotion." stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "It's a condition I happily accept. The prospect of inviting our first female member is an exciting one. However..." scene w1_2563 with dissolve fel "...?" scene w1_2564 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" kat "Mrs. Ford is under the illusion this will be fun and games, but she needs to understand something." scene w1_2565 with dissolve fel "Eh...?" scene w1_2564 with dissolve kat "Over the next month, your social status means jack shit. You're no longer Mrs. Elias Ford, you're just another pig whore deserving of contempt." scene w1_2566 with dissolve "A small smirk spread across Felicia's beautiful face." scene w1_2564 with dissolve kat "Oh, you think I'm joking...?" scene w1_2567 with dissolve scene w1_2568 with dissolve scene w1_2569 with dissolve "In a quick, rough motion Mrs. Pulman pulled down the top of Felicia's costume, exposing her breasts to the open air." scene w1_2570 with dissolve kat "Get down on your hands and knees." scene w1_2571 with dissolve fel "What?" scene w1_2570 with dissolve kat "Pigs don't stand on two legs, do they? Get down on your hands and knees, {b}pig{/b}." scene w1_2572 with dissolve fel "...sure, kinda weird, but I'm game." scene w1_2573 with fade "After a brief moment of confusion, Felicia complied. Sprawling out on all fours like an animal." "She made sure to look good while doing it, arching her back and hiking her ass high up in the air." scene w1_2574 with dissolve fel "Like this? You want--" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w1_2575 with vpunch fel "--een!" scene w1_2576 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman abruptly dug the point of her right heel into Felicia's upper back, placing her full weight on it and forcing the volunteer whore's cheek to the ground with an audible plop." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen abruptly dug the point of her right heel into Felicia's upper back, placing her full weight on it and forcing the volunteer whore's cheek to the ground with an audible plop." scene w1_2577 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Let's get a few things straight." scene w1_2578 with dissolve kat "I need to make sure we have an understanding before we commence the night's games." fel "What--" scene w1_2579 with dissolve scene w1_2580 with instantdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2581 with vpunch "*SMACK*" "The cruel woman delivered a thundering smack onto Felicia's perfect, raised ass." scene w1_2582 with dissolve fel "Eeeh?!" kat "Pigs don't talk either, they oink and squeal. So let's get one thing straight, pig." "Felicia quickly caught on, resisting the urge to say anything." scene w1_2583 with dissolve kat "On this stage, you're not a person. You're club property. You belong to me." kat "You exist only for our magnanimous patrons' viewing pleasure. That's what you signed up for." kat "I've no doubt you're accustomed to a certain level of respect in your daily life, but you'll get none of that here." scene w1_2584 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman was going hard on Felicia. It seemed cruel, but I could also see the reason for the display." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen was going hard on Felicia. It seemed cruel, but I could also see the reason for the display." "If she was under the impression this would be some libertine party, she was sorely mistaken and in need of a primer of what she signed up for." "The fact this callous reasoning sprang to mind so easily to me was concerning, but I couldn't argue with how her treatment was making me feel." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene w1_2585 with dissolve "Seeing the rich woman face down in the dirt like a worm was exciting." KN_MOD "elif toughness <= 19 and feliciaFlag == True:" scene w1_2586 with dissolve "Seeing the woman who had treated me to dinner and stuck up for me this week, forced face down into the dirt like she wasn't even human exasperated me. Made me feel a little angry." KN_MOD "elif toughness <= 19 and feliciaFlag == False:" scene w1_2587 with dissolve "Seeing the woman whose well-being I was ostensibly in charge of forced face down into the dirt like she wasn't even human disturbed me." "Even Killian was looking a little conflicted. After all, he and Felicia are friends." mct "(Makes me wonder why he told her about the club in the first place...)" scene w1_2588 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Oink if you understand me, pig." "Felicia hesitated, but only for a moment." scene w1_2589 with dissolve fel "...oink, oink!" scene w1_2588 with dissolve "Felicia let out a rough, unladylike snort in confirmation that she understood what her role would be for this month." kat "That didn't take long. Don't you have any shame?" scene w1_2589 with dissolve fel "...oink, oink!" scene w1_2590 with dissolve kat "No, of course you don't. You could have all the money in the world and deep down you'd still be a classless whore." kat "Clean the taste of whore off my shoe." "Kathleen asked the golden-skinned woman for a final degrading act of submission." scene w1_2591 with dissolve kat "I said clean my shoe, pig!" scene w1_2592 with dissolve "At first, Felicia gave it a half-hearted lick, tentatively running her small pink tongue across the gold colored hide of the sadistic woman's heel." jim "The nasty bitch is really doing it." vinc "You hardly had to convince her." chuck "'atta girl!" scene w1_2591 with dissolve kat "Don't dally! Put some more enthusiasm into it! These kind gentlemen are waiting for the night to begin, after all.." scene w1_2593 with dissolve "Responding to another nudge from the grey-haired woman's foot, Felicia gave the shoe in front of her face a proper tongue bath." mct "(Is that what she expected tonight? Was this what she signed up for? Was she enjoying this?)" "I had to wonder." scene w1_2594 with dissolve "Whatever she was feeling, she was doing a thorough job of debasing herself before the room." "I would be lying if I said the sight of Felicia submissively on her hands and knees was an unattractive one. Before I knew it, the fabric of my suit pants were beginning to feel a little tight." "If given a chance..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Would I trade places with Mrs. Pulman?)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Would I trade places with Kathleen?)" kat "That's enough. Get up." scene w1_2595 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "We have a clear understanding of the dynamic, yes?" scene w1_2596 with dissolve fel "......" fel "...." "Felicia refused to answer the sadistic woman." scene w1_2597 with dissolve kat "Why aren't you saying anything? I asked you a question." scene w1_2598 with dissolve fel "Oink, oink?" "Pigs don't talk, remember?" scene w1_2599 with dissolve play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" kat "Ha!" scene w1_2600 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Amused, Mrs. Pulman surprisingly planted a small kiss on the volunteer whore's forehead." KN_MOD "else:" "Amused, Kathleen surprisingly planted a small kiss on the volunteer whore's forehead." scene w1_2599 with dissolve kat "You're something special alright. This summer is going to be exceptional." scene w1_2601 with dissolve kat "Between our slut-wife here, this oversized slab of fuck meat, and sweet Rosalind..." scene w1_2602 with dissolve kat "This might just be our most outstanding summer exhibition yet, gentlemen." scene black with fade kat "The first game will commence once we get set up. Feel free to socialize with the Carnations." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." play music "music/jazz-apricot.ogg" scene w1_2603 with cwside fel "Yeeesh, that was weird, but I'm not opposed to trying new things." scene w1_2604 with dissolve ver "You're out of your fucking gourd, you know that?" scene w1_2605 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_2606 with dissolve kil "I expected her to grill you two more." scene w1_2607 with dissolve mc "Take the small mercies where you can get them I suppose." scene w1_2608 with dissolve sam "You girls looked mighty fine standing up there. Especially you, {i}Nicki{/i}." ver "Thanks..." scene w1_2609 with w9 eric "You are full of surprises, Mrs. Ford." scene w1_2610 with dissolve fel "The night hasn't even gotten started." scene w1_2611 with w9 tom "You are absolutely beautiful, Rose." rose "Oh, uh..." "In the brief interlude between the introduction and the night's first event, the girls were swamped by curious patrons." scene w1_2612 with w19 kat "Ian. Help Warren get things set up." "Kathleen barked orders from off the stage." scene w1_2613 with dissolve kat "[mcf]. I need to speak with you." mc "Right, okay!" scene w1_2614 with fade mc "Is there something you need me to do?" scene w1_2615 with dissolve kat "No, I just wanted to let you know that you'll be center stage for the first game tonight." scene w1_2614 with dissolve mc "I'm going to be performing?" scene w1_2615 with dissolve kat "Indeed. During the exhibition season, your job is to support me in making sure we have a show worthy of the name it is under." scene w1_2617 with dissolve kat "Do a good job tonight and in the future I may just end up letting you have a creative influence over the exhibition." kat "I'm not opposed to that, provided you're up to the challenge. In fact, I rather hope you are. A male perspective can be useful, when pandering to other men." scene w1_2614 with dissolve mc "You've come a long way from the time you told me you had zero faith in me. What's changed?" scene w1_2616 with dissolve kat "Don't get a big head. I'm still not sold on you." scene w1_2618 with dissolve kat "Your predecessor was a dull man, only useful as a blunt instrument. I'm hoping you'll have more nuance, so I'm going to be testing you tonight, to give you a chance to prove yourself." scene w1_2622 with dissolve mct "(It's always tests with her, huh?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Thank her for the opportunity.:" $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 scene w1_2614 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thanks for giving me a chance." scene w1_2617 with dissolve kat "I'm a fair woman. I won't hold your association with Ian against you unduly." scene w1_2614 with dissolve KN_MOD "Tell her you feel unsure at the prospect.:" scene w1_2620 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm not so sure about this..." scene w1_2618 with dissolve kat "It comes with the job description, Mr. [mcl]." scene w1_2614 with dissolve mc "Right..." mc "How are you going to test me?" scene w1_2615 with dissolve kat "Well, as I said, you'll be front and center alongside the girls tonight." scene w1_2614 with dissolve mc "Okay, sure..." scene w1_2619 with dissolve kat "These games usually require a dick and you've got one. Quite the handsome one too." scene w1_2614 with dissolve mc "To be honest, I figured the club's patrons would be participating..." scene w1_2616 with dissolve kat "What? No. They're here to watch. For the most part." kat "They'll occasionally get the chance to have fun, but they do have money on the outcome each week. It'd be improper to directly involve them too much." mct "(Proper...? What's proper in any of this?)" scene w1_2614 with dissolve mc "That makes sense, I guess." scene w1_2615 with dissolve kat "With that being the case, we call on our male employees to fill in as needed. Namely you, Ian, and occasionally even Warren." scene w1_2614 with dissolve KN_MOD "if id_greed == True:" mc "You are paying me enough I suppose." KN_MOD "elif id_power == True:" mct "(If I'm going to be involved, I guess being on this side of things ain't too bad...)" mc "Alright." KN_MOD "elif id_lust == True:" mct "(Maybe I shouldn't think too hard about this. Just focus on having fun with three attractive women tonight.)" mc "Alright." scene w1_2617 with dissolve kat "Good. I'm glad we spoke." scene w1_2621 with dissolve kat "Looks like everything is in place." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." scene w1_2623 with curtains play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" kat "Tonight's theme is: {b}service{/b}. It's a deceptively simple word, but the nuance of quality VIP service is an art unto itself." kat "Good service starts from within. Its core foundation is different from woman to woman, but it is ultimately a craft that requires adaptability, intuition, and the ability to set aside your pride." kat "Our first game tonight will be an open-ended examination of these qualities. Each one of the Carnations will be individually tested, asked to provide VIP service to a baseline customer and his desires." scene w1_2624 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl] will provide that baseline for us." scene w1_2625 with dissolve mc "What do I have to do?" scene w1_2626 with dissolve kat "You? Not much. You'll privately share with me what your idealized preferences are - what kind of disposition you'd want a girl to adopt, how you'd like to be treated. That sort of thing." kat "I only ask that you be honest, as I'll pass that information onto August and Charles, and the three of us will judge how well each girl is able to intuit your preferences and how erotic of a show they put on." scene w1_2627 with dissolve ver "Are you saying we just got to guess what [mcf] prefers?" scene w1_2628 with dissolve kat "Not guess, {b}intuit{/b}. Weren't you listening?" scene w1_2627 with dissolve ver "Sounds like guessing to me." scene w1_2629 with dissolve kat "It isn't. Your task is to be the boldest, most nasty slut you possibly can be while sussing out Mr. [mcl]'s preferences. Try things, pay attention, and respond to how he reacts. " kat "The three of you having a familiarity with him to begin with should help I would think." scene w1_2630 with dissolve "Veronica didn't look convinced, which was understandable. The subjectivity of the results wouldn't be appealing from her side of things." scene w1_2631 with dissolve fel "So it's like one big play? Pretend this is a private VIP room, only..." fel "{i}Everyone{/i} will be watching." scene w1_2632 with dissolve kat "Yes, that works. Treat it like a... piece of theater." scene w1_2633 with dissolve fel "Sounds fun." scene w1_2630 with dissolve kat "I should mention, this week of the exhibition will be reverse elimination." scene w1_2634 with dissolve rose "What does that mean?" scene w1_2635 with dissolve kat "It means, this being a litmus test of sorts, that the winner of this event won't have to participate in the next one." "At the news, both Rosalind's and Veronica's face lit up." mct "(Only having to endure one-third of the night is quite the prize.)" kat "Oh, I'd thought that might fire you up." scene w1_2636 with dissolve fel "So winning means I don't get to play any more games tonight...?" "Felicia looked genuinely conflicted at this revelation." scene w1_2637 with dissolve kat "Now, girls. Take a seat at the back of the room while I confer with Mr. [mcl]." scene w1_2638 with dissolve ver "Sure." "Following the red-headed woman, the three Carnations left the stage." scene w1_2639 with fade kat "You should try to look happy. This will end up being a lot of fun for you." scene w1_2640 with dissolve mc "This is new to me, but I'll live up to your expectations. Don't worry." scene w1_2641 with dissolve kat "Glad to hear that." scene w1_2642 with dissolve mc "So what did you want to know? You said you wanted me to list my preferences?" scene w1_2641 with dissolve kat "Yes. We should keep it relatively simple too. Specific criteria would make it nearly impossible for the girls to succeed." scene w1_2643 with dissolve kat "That and generalities will give the judges working room in their decisions." scene w1_2644 with dissolve "At the mention of the other judges, I looked over at Dr. Chuck, who gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up." scene w1_2645 with dissolve kat "So let's just start with..." kat "What kind of temperament do you look for in an ideal sexual partner?" scene w1_2646 with dissolve mct "(What is this, a Myers-Briggs test?)" scene w1_2647 with dissolve "I took a moment to mull it over." mct "(What kind of woman do I prefer in the bedroom?)" mct "(Thinking too hard about it won't do me any good. I should go with my gut here.)" mc "My gut says..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You like a woman who can take charge and let loose.:" $ w1ExInControl = True scene w1_2648 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like a straight-forward woman. The kind that knows what she wants and takes you by the hand." scene w1_2649 with dissolve kat "You like a woman who's {b}bold{/b}, then?" scene w1_2650 with dissolve mc "Yes. Spirit and enthusiasm is important." scene w1_2651 with dissolve kat "Interesting. I thought you'd prefer a more... {i}submissive{/i} type." KN_MOD "You like a demure, obedient woman who can be slutty.:" $ w1ExDeferential = True scene w1_2650 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like a woman that can switch between classy and dirty. Demure and slutty." scene w1_2651 with dissolve mct "(Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets.)" kat "You want the best of both worlds?" scene w1_2650 with dissolve mc "Yes. Someone capable of switching between a passive and active role." scene w1_2649 with dissolve kat "Interesting." KN_MOD "You like an attentive woman that knows what buttons to push .:" $ w1ExAttentive = True scene w1_2650 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'd like a conscientious lover, someone who could read my body like a book and knows when to stop and knows when to go." scene w1_2651 with dissolve kat "Don't go all flowery on me. What you mean is you want a {b}sensual{/b} kind of woman?" scene w1_2649 with dissolve kat "Maybe someone to dote on you like a mother?" scene w1_2650 with dissolve mc "I didn't say that... but it could be nice." scene w1_2649 with dissolve kat "Interesting, but not totally out of line of what I expected." scene w1_2652 with dissolve kat "Let's go one deeper." KN_MOD "if w1ExInControl == True:" kat "You told me you like a woman who's in control, but what kind of path would you like her to lead you down? How would you like to be treated?" KN_MOD "if w1ExDeferential == True:" kat "You told me you like a woman with layers, but what kind of treatment would you prefer tonight?" KN_MOD "if w1ExAttentive == True:" kat "You told me you like a woman who's sensual and attentive, but where would that attention lead? What do you want her to make you feel?" scene w1_2647 with dissolve mct "(That's an even tougher question...)" mct "(Everyone wants to be treated well, to have a partner that betters you, but...)" mct "(If I could boil it down to one quality, I'd say I want to feel like...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You want to feel like a king.:" $ w1ExWorship = True scene w1_2653 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I want to feel like a king." scene w1_2654 with dissolve kat "Don't all men?" scene w1_2653 with dissolve mc "Some more than others, I guess..." scene w1_2654 with dissolve kat "That's a fine answer, one that I'm sure most of our patrons would say. It's what the business is ultimately about." scene w1_2657 with dissolve kat "Making the vulgar, base men feel regal." scene w1_2653 with dissolve mct "(She's one to talk.)" KN_MOD "You want to feel cared for.:" $ w1ExTender = True scene w1_2653 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Everyone wants to feel cared for, right?" scene w1_2654 with dissolve kat "No, not everyone. I'll take that as your answer though? You want to feel loved and taken care of?" scene w1_2653 with dissolve mct "(It does sound like such a basic answer, but deep down, it was true.)" mc "Yes." scene w1_2655 with dissolve kat "So that's the kind of face you want to put on. That one's VERY interesting to know." scene w1_2656 with dissolve "For whatever reason, my answer seemed to amuse her. Is it because it sounded childish...?" KN_MOD "You want to feel sadistic.:" $ w1ExNasty = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Deep down, there's a part of me that I keep buried. A part I choose to ignore or otherwise refuse to let define me. And that is..." scene w1_2653 with dissolve mc "I want to have total, complete control. I want to feel ruthless. Mean. Nasty--" scene w1_2657 with dissolve kat "That's enough synonyms, dear." scene w1_2656 with dissolve mc "Sorry." "It was true, but I don't know why I chose to admit that to her." scene w1_2655 with dissolve kat "Sadistic, huh? Aren't we all?" kat "So you just come out and admit that? That's admirable in a way." scene w1_2658 with dissolve kat "Is it because you're beginning to trust me? Hmmm...?" scene w1_2659 with dissolve "Mrs. Pulman leaned in closer and scrutinized my face." KN_MOD "You want to feel like youre being taken for a ride.:" $ w1ExTease = True scene w1_2653 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I want to feel like I've been put through the paces." scene w1_2657 with dissolve kat "That's a rather colorful, but complicated way of putting it." scene w1_2653 with dissolve mc "Hmm, yeah... I guess what I'm trying to say is..." mct "(What {i}am{/i} I trying to say?)" mc "After a night with a woman, I want to feel dead. Totally spent." mc "I want to feel like I just did something that I'll look back on for the foreseeable future." scene w1_2655 with dissolve kat "Ah, yes. That perfectly clarifies things." scene w1_2660 with dissolve kat "So, to recap..." KN_MOD "if w1ExWorship == True:" kat "You want your cock worshiped and treated like it's god's gift to women." scene w1_2653 with dissolve mc "When you put it that way, it sounds ridiculous." scene w1_2657 with dissolve kat "Don't worry. We are all ridiculous creatures." scene w1_2653 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExTender == True:" kat "You want a tender experience from a lover." scene w1_2655 with dissolve kat "That is unusual for these walls, but it is rather cute." scene w1_2656 with dissolve mc "..." KN_MOD "if w1ExNasty == True:" scene w1_2655 with dissolve kat "You want to let some of that pent-up aggression out." scene w1_2656 with dissolve mc "The way you phrased it does sounds better than how I put it, but..." KN_MOD "if w1ExTease == True:" scene w1_2655 with dissolve kat "You want to have your socks knocked off, so to speak." scene w1_2656 with dissolve mc "That's right." scene w1_2661 with dissolve kat "Perfect! I think those two pieces of information will be enough." kat "I'll let Charles and August know what to look for. You should go get changed." scene w1_2662 with dissolve mc "Into what?" scene w1_2663 with dissolve kat "Mmmh... less. You're going to need less clothes." kat "Strip down to your underwear." scene w1_2662 with dissolve mc "If I knew that, I would've worn something sexy." scene w1_2663 with dissolve kat "Very funny, Mr. [mcl]." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." scene w1_2664 with fade play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" chuck "Ha! You should eat more, lad!" "Sure, it felt embarrassing sitting here in my underwear, but the awkwardness was tempered by the knowledge that I'd soon be the sexual guinea pig for three beautiful women." "--that was what I told myself, at least." sam "You call this a job? Shit, lucky bastard!" scene w1_2665 with dissolve "Although the commentary from the peanut gallery wasn't helping things." scene w1_2666 with dissolve kat "Now, the only thing remaining to be determined is who's going first." kat "I don't really care. You girls could draw lots if you--" scene w1_2667 with dissolve "Felicia was quick to hop to her feet, wagging her arm in the air emphatically like she was an over-eager student." fel "I'll go first!" scene w1_2668 with dissolve kat "You don't get points for gusto, Mrs. Ford." scene w1_2669 with dissolve fel "That's okay. I'd still like to go first." scene w1_2668 with dissolve kat "You girls fine with that?" scene w1_2670 with dissolve ver "It's fine with me." rose "Sure..." scene w1_2671 with dissolve kat "There you have it, gentlemen. Kicking off the first game of our 5th annual summer exhibition, will be Mrs. Felicia Ford." scene w1_2672 with dissolve kat "Come on up, dear." scene w1_2673 with dissolve "Felicia was quick to march up the aisle, with not an ounce of hesitation." scene w1_2674 with dissolve kat "For this test, you'll be given twenty minutes or until you make our boy here pop." scene w1_2675 with dissolve kat "Remember, your task is to provide exemplary service, in every sense of the word. It's not just about the sexual components, but also your ability to string a man along." kat "Not to mention, you should also make it a damn good show for the audience." scene w1_2676 with dissolve kat "You may begin when you're ready." scene w1_2684 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." scene w1_2677 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Surprisingly, with Mrs. Pulman's permission to begin this absurd stage play, Felicia took a moment of contemplation instead of simply jumping into it." KN_MOD "else:" "Surprisingly, with Kathleen's permission to begin this absurd stage play, Felicia took a moment of contemplation instead of simply jumping into it." "She shut her eyes tight and cutely bunched her nose up like a chipmunk, before taking a deep breath and centering herself." KN_MOD "label w1ExIntuitionGameFelicia:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionfelicia02 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Does Felicia refer to the player character as Daddy?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes, Daddy.:" $ felPN = "Daddy" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "No.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass "What kind of woman did you tell Kathleen you prefer?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You like a woman who can take charge and let loose.:" $ w1ExInControl = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "You like a demure, obedient woman who can be slutty.:" $ w1ExDeferential = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "You like an attentive woman that knows what buttons to push.:" $ w1ExAttentive = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "How did you want to be treated?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You want to feel like a king.:" $ w1ExWorship = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "You want to feel cared for.:" $ w1ExTender = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "You want to feel sadistic.:" $ w1ExNasty = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "You want to feel like youre being taken for a ride.:" $ w1ExTease = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_2678 with dissolve play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" fel "Good evening, sir." "Felicia bowed at the waist, offering me a top-side view of her ample cleavage, a motion that threatened to spill the beauties from her costume." mc "Uh..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Mrs. Pulman said to think of this like theater, but I don't know what to make of that.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Kathleen said to think of this like theater, but I don't know what to make of that.)" "Next to us was a sea of wrinkled faces, unfalteringly trained on where the two of us stood. It was a fact that was tough to forget." scene w1_2679 with dissolve KN_MOD "if felPN == Daddy:" fel "Or would you prefer I call you Daddy?" KN_MOD "else:" fel "Or would you prefer I call you something else?" scene w1_2680 with dissolve "Felicia stepped forward, a soft smile on her lips as she posed the question." scene w1_2679 with dissolve fel "Just keep your eyes on me and you'll soon be forgetting about them, okay?" scene w1_2680 with dissolve "Sensing my reticence, she gave me some encouragement in a hushed tone aimed only at me." "Right, I'm already in the middle of this... I should play along." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her she had it right the first time:" $ felSN = "Sir" scene w1_2681 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "[felSN] does have a nice ring to it." scene w1_2679 with dissolve fel "As you wish, [felSN]." KN_MOD "You do like it when she calls you Daddy. if felPN == Daddy:" $ felSN = "Daddy" scene w1_2681 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like the way [felSN] sounds." scene w1_2679 with dissolve fel "Anything for [felSN]." KN_MOD "{color=#4169E1}\[Player Input]{/color} Youd prefer it if she called you...:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve python: felSN = renpy.input("What do you want Felicia to call you tonight?") felSN = felSN.strip() persistent.felSN = felSN KN_MOD "if not felSN:" KN_MOD "if felSN == stud:" scene w1_2681 with dissolve mc"You can just call me [felSN], like you usually do." scene w1_2679 with dissolve fel "Sure thing, [felSN]." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2681 with dissolve mc "I'd prefer it if you referred to me as [felSN]." scene w1_2679 with dissolve fel "Anything for a most-valued customer, [felSN]." scene w1_2680 with dissolve mct "(She's really not conscientious at all of the crowd...)" scene w1_2682 with dissolve fel "Sit down and make yourself comfortable." scene w1_2683 with dissolve "Using her chin, she gestured toward the red leather couch that sat at the stage's back edge." scene w1_2682 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 fel "I'll pour you a drink." scene w1_2683 with dissolve mct "(Well, this is {b}her{/b} show. She's the boss.)" scene black with fade "My job is to do as she asks." scene w1_2685 with curtains play music "music/echo-sclavi.ogg" "After a quick, efficient display of her bartending prowess, Felicia was soon at my side with a mixed drink in hand." mc "Did you bartend in college or something?" fel "I didn't." scene w1_2686 with dissolve mc "You looked pretty practiced at it." scene w1_2687 with dissolve "I tried to make conversation despite the feeling of more than a dozen ears listening in." scene w1_2688 with dissolve fel "I mixed my share of drinks during my sorority days." scene w1_2689 with dissolve "The volunteer whore pressed the glass to her soft, glossy lips and took a small sip of the cup's contents." scene w1_2690 with dissolve mc "I thought that was for me?" scene w1_2691 with dissolve fel "You feeling {b}thirsty{/b}, [felSN]?" "Felicia made the innocuous question sound shamelessly provocative." scene w1_2692 with dissolve "The question must've been a rhetorical one, as the blonde bunny emptied the glass into her mouth before I even had the chance to answer." scene w1_2693 with dissolve mc "Eh--?" "Before promptly throwing a leg, followed by the rest of her body, over me." scene w1_2694 with dissolve "The look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know." "I parted my lips, in anticipation of what was coming next." scene w1_2695 with dissolve mc "Mmh..." "Felicia locked lips with mine, shoving her tongue down my throat and allowing a citrus-tasting liqueur passage into my mouth." fel "*Churp* *Churp*" mc "Mmmh...!" "Thanks to the intensity of our kiss, not all of the sweet mixture found its way down my esophagus. Trickles of it spattered the corners of my mouth." scene w1_2696 with dissolve fel "Ehehe....♥" fel "Sorry for the mess..." scene w1_2697 with dissolve fel "*Lick*" "Felicia set to work cleaning up the \"spillage\", dragging the top and bottom of her tongue up and down the side of my face before returning her lips to mine once more." scene w1_2698 with dissolve "With all the cocktail drained from her mouth, this time it was a pure, unadulterated kiss." "Felicia took her time with it too, seemingly relishing the exploration of my mouth in detail." "Her tongue wrapped with mine, Felicia pressed our bodies closer together, resting her soft breasts on my chest." scene w1_2699 with dissolve "I was happy to be taking the passive role, so I just closed my eyes and allowed Felicia to showcase her sensuality for the judges." scene w1_2700 with dissolve mc "Ah...!" scene w1_2701 with dissolve "Felicia unblinkingly looked into my eyes, down to my mouth, and back to my eyes again." mct "(Is she trying to read me...?)" scene w1_2702 with dissolve fel "Sorry, [felSN]. I might be getting a little ahead of myself." scene w1_2703 with dissolve "For the benefit of the crowd behind her, her voice kept its typical euphonious pitch." "Her face however, was one of stone-cold scrutiny. Looking for ANY minute change in my expression. She was serious about winning this game." KN_MOD "if w1ExInControl == True or w1ExAttentive == True:" scene w1_2702 with dissolve fel "You don't mind a gal taking some initiative, do you?" scene w1_2703 with dissolve mct "(If the gold digger thing didn't work out for her, she could always be a police detective...)" scene w1_2702 with dissolve fel "Sit back and let me take care of you, [felSN]." KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame1FelControl" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2702 with dissolve fel "Mmh...♥ Forgive a girl for taking some initiative." scene w1_2703 with dissolve mct "(If the gold digger thing didn't work out for her, she could always be a police detective.)" scene w1_2702 with dissolve fel "Maybe you'd like to get hands on?" KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame1FelSubmissive" KN_MOD "label w1ExGame1FelControl:" scene w1_2704 with fade "Felicia climbed off of me and made her way to the center of the stage, giving the crowd a languishing look before turning on her heels and facing me again." scene w1_2705 with dissolve "If the expression she gave them was only half as lewd as the one she was shooting me right now, then I had no doubt she was making a favorable impression." "Nevertheless, she continued on like it was just me and her. An illusion I couldn't quite allow myself to slip under." "Felicia was shining under the spotlight, but as stunning as she was, past her shoulders was a medley of ugly faces projecting a laser-like focus at the stage." mct "(Although, I'm sure most of it is on Felicia's ass right now...)" fel "Let me just slip out of this costume first." scene w1_2706 with dissolve "The blonde beauty took the flats of her palms and guided them down the length of her body." scene w1_2707 with dissolve "Smoothing out her costume and drawing attention to the goods." scene w1_2708 with dissolve kat "Straight to the point, Mrs. Ford?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman called out from the sidelines, interjecting her thoughts into our \"private\" moment." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen called out from the sidelines, interjecting her thoughts into our \"private\" moment." scene black with fade fel "Straight to the {b}good stuff{/b}, Mrs. P." scene w1_2709 with fade "Felicia wasted no time in undressing, slipping the red bunny costume off her shoulders and down her long legs." scene w1_2710 with dissolve "Before putting a heel on the ottoman and..." scene w1_2711 with dissolve "Giving it a swift push to create a direct path back to me." scene w1_2712 with dissolve "Confident in her plan of action, Felicia took me by the hand and gave me a conspiratorial nod." scene w1_2713 with dissolve "One that I acknowledged by standing up. She clearly wants to take the lead here." fel "Don't look so tense, [felSN]. I promise I'm going to make you feel good." scene w1_2714 with dissolve "With reassuring words, Felicia leaned into my chest and began planting small kisses on the nape of my neck." scene w1_2715 with dissolve fel "*Chup, chup*" "Down to my chest." scene w1_2716 with dissolve "Stomach." scene w1_2717 with dissolve "Until finally stopping at my crotch." fel "Mmmh~♥ Let's get this monster unwrapped." scene w1_2718 with dissolve "Felicia glanced up one last time, silently asking for confirmation." mct "(This is going to be a first...)" "Exposing myself to a room full of rich old men that is." "Steeling my nerves, I gave Felicia the go ahead in the form of a nod." scene w1_2719 with fade fel "Hello, Mr. Cock~!" "With one quick yank, Felicia had my underwear around and off my ankles, exposing my dick to the open air and the crowd's unflinching gaze." scene w1_2720 with dissolve kil "Nice cock, bro!" "Killian called from across the room, replete with a big fat grin and a thumbs up gesture." "The room filled with some light chuckle mingled with some other commentary I couldn't quite make out." scene w1_2721 with dissolve fel "*Whisper* Don't let them get to you, [mcf]. I'm here and I'll take care of you. I'll make you forget all those old geezers in no time." fel "Let's give these gentlemen a proper show." scene w1_2722 with dissolve "Felicia lead me by the hand to the ottoman and directed me to sit down." fel "Have a seat, [felSN]." mc "Alright..." "My body was feeling an odd mix of stage fright and excitement, head teeming with all the lewd ways Felicia might take this." KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame1FelContinue" KN_MOD "label w1ExGame1FelSubmissive:" scene w1_2723 with dissolve "Felicia gave me a conspiratorial wink." scene w1_2703 with dissolve mct "(Get hands on, huh...?)" "Sensing (or knowing) I'm not the type that likes to sit back, she directed me to take a more active role in our stage play." scene w1_2702 with dissolve fel "Why don't you help me out of my clothes, [felSN]?" scene w1_2724 with dissolve mc "I think I can do that." "I softly gripped the busty blonde by the waist and did my best to forget everything other than her." scene w1_2725 with vpunch fel "Oooh! Heheh~♥" scene w1_2726 with dissolve "I positioned myself in between Felicia's legs, while Felicia looked up at me with excited eyes." "The audience REALLY had her feeling this." scene w1_2727 with dissolve mct "(Beautiful, as always...)" scene w1ExGame1FelTitSuck with fade "Wordlessly, I angled myself forward and latched my lips on one of her nipples, rolling the soft-pink protuberance around with my tongue." fel "A-ah~♥ Shit, that's sudden...!" fel "*Whisper* Not that I'm complaining, but you're supposed to be undressing me..." scene w1_2733 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >=20:" mc "Undress yourself, slut." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Undress yourself." "I mustered my clearest, most authoritative voice." scene w1_2734 with fade "Felicia clamored to her feet, to hastily finish what I had started." kat "Straight to the point?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman called out from the sidelines, interjecting her thoughts into our \"private\" moment." KN_MOD "else:" "Mrs. Pulman called out from the sidelines, interjecting her thoughts into our \"private\" moment." scene w1_2735 with dissolve fel "Straight to the {b}good stuff{/b}, Mrs. P." "Meanwhile, I kicked the ottoman out of the way to make room for what I had in mind next." scene w1_2736 with fade "By the time I made it across the stage, Felicia had slipped the costume off her shoulders and down past her long, shapely legs. Kicking them out of sight." scene w1_2737 with dissolve mc "Crawl." scene w1_2736 with dissolve "I put it curtly, worried my voice would falter due to stage fright." scene w1_2738 with dissolve "Thankfully, it didin't. Felicia smirked, pleased that I was taking to the role she assigned to me." fel "Yes, [felSN]!" scene w1_2739 with dissolve "Felicia enthusiastically fell to her knees and began to close the gap between us on all fours." "She went above and beyond too, making sure to emphatically wag her ass like a dog." scene w1_2717 with dissolve fel "Mmmh~♥ Let's get this monster unwrapped." scene w1_2718 with dissolve "Felicia glanced up one last time, silently asking for confirmation." mct "(This is going to be a first...)" "Exposing myself to a room full of rich old men that is." "Steeling my nerves, I gave Felicia the go ahead in the form of a nod." scene w1_2719 with fade fel "Hello, Mr. Cock~!" "With one quick yank, Felicia had my underwear around and off my ankles, exposing my dick to the open air and the crowd's unflinching gaze." scene w1_2720 with dissolve kil "Nice cock, bro!" "Killian called from across the room, replete with a big fat grin and a thumbs up gesture." "The room filled with some light chuckle mingled with some other commentary I couldn't quite make out." scene w1_2721 with dissolve fel "*Whisper* Don't let them get to you, [mcf]. I'm here and I'll take care of you. I'll make you forget all those old geezers in no time." scene w1_2722 with dissolve "Instead of answering her directly, I sat down and decided to leave her to it. Let her take control again." "My body was feeling an odd mix of stage fright and excitement, my mind awash in all the lewd avenues Felicia might take this." KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame1FelContinue" KN_MOD "label w1ExGame1FelContinue:" scene w1_2740 with dissolve fel "You've got such a handsome cock. Let's make this baby {b}grow.{/b}" scene w1_2741 with dissolve "Honestly, I was surprised the kissing earlier hadn't already sent all the blood rushing to my dick." scene w1_2742 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExInControl == True or w1ExAttentive == True:" fel "Just lie back and let me take care of you, [felSN]." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Just lie back and let me {b}slave{/b} over your cock, [felSN]." "Felicia gave my stomach a gentle push, signaling to me to lie back on the ottoman." scene w1_2743 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Head back, eyes turned toward the ceiling, I decided to focus solely on the forthcoming pleasure." "Which didn't take long, as Felicia perched her lips on the underside of my scrotum." fel "MMmhhh....♥" scene w1_2744 with dissolve fel "I should pay my respect to EVERY part of your dick. After all, these marvelous things will be churning out my reward soon enough." scene w1_2745 with dissolve mc "How can you say that with a straight face?" "I wondered aloud." scene w1_2746 with dissolve "Felicia followed up her outrageous statement with a series of lewd and pornographic sounds as she gently rolled my nuts inside her mouth with the tip of her tongue." scene w1ExGame1FelBallSuck with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/ballsuck.wav" fel "*Chup, Chwup~♥*" fel "Mmmmh... Mmmmhh.... *Chup, Chwup.* *Chup, chwup~!*" mc "Ah...!" "Thanks to Felicia's fervent efforts, every nerve in my nut sack was sending a hit of pleasure to my brain." fel "*Chup, Chwup~*" mct "(She's {b}really{/b} fucking good at this!)" "She was aggressive, but she was never rough. She knew where the line was and she walked it perfectly, keeping me stimulated but never painfully overwrought." "It wasn't long before she had the base of my cock twitching in anticipation, every flick of her tongue causing my balls to tighten up like they were about to explode." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Felicia shes doing a good job.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "This was the first time I'd ever had a woman pay attention to my nuts and by god was it wonderful. I couldn't help but say as much." mc "Oh, f-fuck... that's feels so damn good, Felicia. Keep going! Please!" scene w1_2751 with dissolve fel "Mmhthwank~ouhuuu~!♥" "Felicia mumbled something I couldn't make out." scene w1ExGame1FelBallSuck with dissolve mc "C'mon... ah, you're amazing! You're so damn amazing!" KN_MOD "Urge Felicia on with dirty talk:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "This was the first time I'd ever had a woman pay attention to my nuts and by god was it wonderful." mc "F-fuck, you dirty bitch! You're gobbling my nuts like its your last meal!" scene w1_2751 with dissolve fel "MmmmhEhantahlpeeet~soUOOD~!♥" "Felicia mumbled something I couldn't make out." mc "H-ha! Don't talk with your mouth full, bitch." scene w1ExGame1FelBallSuck with dissolve "It was a short, stupid exchange but it filled me with a perverse glee." KN_MOD "Keep your trap shut and just focus on the pleasure.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Having a beautiful, rich, big-tittied trophy wife sucking on your nuts isn't an everyday thing. Why dilute the experience with words? Why say anything?" "I should just enjoy Felicia working her craft." fel "Mmmmh... Mmmmhh.... *Chup, Chwup.*" "Even if I couldn't see it, I could just feel my scrotum glistening with the wanton ballsucker's saliva. She had undoubtedly polished them to a sheen by now." play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" scene w1_2752 with dissolve stop ambient "Felicia pulled herself off my nuts with an audible {b}*pop*{/b}." scene w1_2753 with dissolve play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" fel "There's that big, beautiful dick..." fel "Everyone's got their eyes on this thing right now, wishing they were you. Isn't that exciting?" scene w1_2754 with dissolve mct "(Normally I'd say no, but the way she put it in a hushed, heated, sexed-up tone... I would be inclined to agree.)" scene w1_2753 with dissolve fel "*Whisper* You're the most virile stud here, [felSN]." scene w1_2754 with dissolve "This time, she directed her words only to me. A private moment of encouragement." "Felicia really did know how to make a man feel on top of the world, I'll give her that." scene w1_2753 with dissolve fel "Now, let's move on..." scene w1_2755 with dissolve "Without further ado, Felicia slid her tongue up the entire length of the underside of my cock." scene w1_2756 with dissolve "Base to..." scene w1_2757 with dissolve "Tip." scene w1_2758 with dissolve fel "Quite a bit of work getting from bottom to top, y'know? Mmmh..." fel "I bet sucking this thing everyday would be good for a girl's figure." scene w1_2760 with dissolve fel "*{b}Smoooooch!{/b}*" "Felicia began dotting the shaft of my dick with quick, affectionate kisses." scene w1_2761 with dissolve fel "*Chup, fwhup!*" fel "*{b}Smooooch~*♥{/b}" scene w1_2758 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExInControl == True or w1ExAttentive == True:" fel "May I put it in my mouth, [felSN]?" scene w1_2759 with dissolve "The question caught me somewhat off guard." mc " Y-yes. Please do!" KN_MOD "else:" fel "Now let's see how much of you I can handle, [felSN]." scene w1_2762 with dissolve "Felicia started out slow, perching the tip of my penis in between her soft, glossy lips." scene w1_2763 with dissolve "From there, she gave my urethra a tentative probing, sliding the very tip of her dexterous tongue across its slit." scene w1ExGameFelJustTheTip with dissolve "Next she slid the tongue down to my frenulum, probing the small gap of connective tissue before using it to trace underneath the head of my cock." fel "*Fwhup, khwup* *Chup~fwhup~*" "The action produced a litany of obscene, lewd noises." scene w1_2766 with dissolve fel "Ah!" scene w1_2768 with dissolve fel "Hmm... I love the taste of a sweaty cock. It's a shame you took a shower today or I could've given you a proper cleaning with my mouth..." scene w1_2769 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Felicia shes a freak.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're a shameless, dirty bitch. You know that?" scene w1_2768 with dissolve fel "Thank you for the compliment, [felSN]." scene w1_2767 with dissolve "Felicia grinned mischievously." fel "Tell me something I don't know..." KN_MOD "Tell Felicia to get back to it.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Stop talking and get my dick back in your mouth." scene w1_2768 with dissolve fel "Yes, [felSN]..." KN_MOD "Wait for Felicia to resume on her own.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass scene w1_2770 with dissolve scene w1_2771 with dissolve scene w1_2772 with dissolve scene w1_2773 with dissolve "Felicia suddenly took my entire length, folding her tongue around the topside of my cock and sending the glans of my penis barreling down the passage of her throat." mc "Ah-!" "The sudden collision of my penis head with the volunteer whore's mucous-lined airway sent a pleasurable jolt through my body." "Instead of moving, she simply held the position." "Instead of trying to dislodge the foreign invader, her throat felt welcoming as Felicia gently hummed." "All the while, she unblinkingly peered up at me with her big, sex-hungry blue eyes." mct "(Fuck me...)" "That look alone made me want to cum, to grab the back of Felicia's head and rut her face like an unthinking animal." mct "(Gotta resist... It's her show, I'm just the prop penis here.)" frank "Wow, she took that without flinching!" kat "Yes, it seems like Mrs. Ford is the perfect cocksucker, isn't she?" eric "You don't usually get that from women with money." jim "Hehe, guess she had to work for it." "The murmuring of the crowd wasn't enough to take me out of the moment." "With just the warm comfort of her mouth and the skillful application of her tongue, Felicia had made me forget about those old leering bastards." scene w1_2774 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" fel "*{b}Plop!{/b}* Ah...." "As abruptly as she had swallowed my cock, did she displace it with a pleasant-sounding coo." scene w1_2775 with dissolve mc "That feels..." scene w1_2776 with dissolve "Just as I was starting to miss the warmth of Felicia's sucking maw, Felicia jumped back into things by showering my aching cock with affection." scene w1_2777 with dissolve fel "*{b}Smoooooch!{/b}*" mc "That feels...!" scene w1_2778 with dissolve fel "*Chup, fwhup!*" fel "*{b}Smooooch~*♥{/b}" scene w1_2779 with dissolve fel "Ten minutes of sucking on this mighty beast would fuck my jaw up..." scene w1_2780 with dissolve fel "Heheh, I know! Why don't you..." scene black with fade "Instead of finishing her sentence, Felicia helped me off the ottoman and switched places with me." scene w1_2781 with fade fel "Use my mouth like a pussy, [felSN]? Look..." scene w1_2782 with dissolve fel "Aaaah~!" "Felicia fish hooked herself, sticking out her tongue and giving me a lewd look at the inside of her mouth." "This was another one of Felicia's talents, seamlessly switching between giving and taking, but always having a hand on the wheel." scene w1_2783 with dissolve chuck "Don't keep a girl waiting, lad." scene w1_2784 with dissolve sam "Yeah, give it to the slut!" mct "(I'm so damn turned on now...!)" scene w1_2782 with dissolve "I was so horny, that I was finding the vile encouragement coming from the crowd enticing." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Just ram your cock into Felicias waiting mouth:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Not wanting to wait to sleeve myself in the cocksucker's waiting throat, I stepped forward." KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame1FeliciaTS" KN_MOD "Tease Felicia a little:" $ toughness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Resisting the urge to ram my cock down Felicia's throat, I decided to embrace the moment and tease the waiting cocksucker a little." scene w1_2786 with dissolve "Stroking my cock, I positioned myself over Felicia's face, letting my swaying balls collide with the volunteer whore's cute button nose." "There, with my nuts resting on Felicia's chin, I simply took a moment to relish my position over the rich woman." scene w1_2785 with dissolve fel "What are you waiting for...? Stick it eeeeeEeeeenn....!" scene w1_2786 with dissolve "Felicia pleaded, cutely." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2787 with hpunch KN_MOD "if toughness >= 19:" mc "Where the fuck is your pride?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You're shameless!" "To punctuate the statement, I gave a firm, plodding cock-slap to the face." "Her soft flesh felt nice on my aching, twitching cock." scene w1_2785 with dissolve fel "Mmmh... c'mon...!♥ Help me give these gentlemen a show, [felSN]." scene w1_2786 with dissolve "As tempting as it was, I wasn't quite done enjoying my newly given initiative." mc "If you ask nicely." scene w1_2788 with dissolve "Felicia grinned at my request, keen on where I was taking this." scene w1_2785 with dissolve fel "Will you fuck my face? Pleeeeeeeese?" scene w1_2788 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame1FeliciaBeg" KN_MOD "menu w1ExGame1FeliciaBeg:" KN_MOD "Thatll do. You cant wait anymore, anyway.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "That's enough of that. Time to sleeve myself in Felicia's tight throat." KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame1FeliciaTS" KN_MOD "Tell Felicia thats not good enough.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You can do better than that." fel "Hmm..." "Felicia gave her words some thought, before..." scene w1_2785 with dissolve fel "[felSN], will you please fuck my tiny little mouth with your monster dick?" scene w1_2788 with dissolve "The words were dripping with pornographic emphasis. It was such a theatrical request, but Felicia delivered it convincingly." kat "Get this show moving, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame1FeliciaTS" KN_MOD "label w1ExGame1FeliciaTS:" scene w1_2789 with dissolve "Rolling my hips forward, I slid myself into the blonde beauty's open mouth." scene w1_2796 with dissolve "She had kept it wide and open, keeping her teeth out of the way of my less-than-precise action." mc "Good girl..." "Her angle giving me instant access, I slid into the tight passage of her throat like butter, all the way until my balls knocked against the rich slut's nose." "Naturally, Felicia didn't reel or gag. Instead, she purred gently like her throat was offering up a gentle massage." scene w1_2789 with dissolve "Placing a hand around her neck, I reeled back, pulling myself out halfway." scene w1_2796 with dissolve "Before pushing my hips forward again as a test." "Felicia once again didn't show the slightest feeling of discomfort." scene w1_2789 with dissolve fel "Guaaah...~!" scene w1_2796 with hpunch "An even more forceful thrust didn't wipe the slutty look off her face." mct "(She's sure got some endurance...)" "Part of me wanted to test that." scene w1_2789 with dissolve "Spurred on by having free rein to fuck her throat, I withdrew and extended my hips in repetition." scene w1_2796 with dissolve "It started out awkward enough." "Each gyration varied in stroke." scene w1_2789 with dissolve scene w1_2792 with dissolve "Short." scene w1_2789 with dissolve scene w1_2796 with dissolve "Deep." scene w1_2789 with dissolve scene w1_2796 with dissolve "Fast." scene w1_2789 with dissolve scene w1_2796 with dissolve "Slow." "In some ways, I felt like a virgin awkwardly fumbling around. Skittish I might hurt her." "Eventually, I became more and more sure that wasn't going to happen." scene w1ExGame1FelTS with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!*" "Felicia started making the most beautiful noises and eventually I settled into a rhythm." "Long, quick, furious strokes." fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!*" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!*" "I enjoyed the feeling of her breath quickening, hot air erratically tickling the underside of my cock as her breathing became more and more labored from the tense assault." "Felicia tried to breath through her nose, but my cock displaced most of the air before it could enter her pharynx." mihir "This new employee is enthusiastic." kil "Damn straight he is." aug "You only get one chance at making a first impression." fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!*" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!*" scene w1_2797 with dissolve mc "Fuck! I--" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Give Felicias breasts a good whack.:" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2798 with dissolve mc "*Thwak!*" "I felt a sadistic urge and I acted on it. Simple as that." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2799 with dissolve mc "*Thwak!* *Thwak!*" "The throes of passion eroded my self-control and the volunteer whore's bouncing tits were the perfect target." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2798 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2799 with dissolve mc "*Thwak!* *Thwak!* *Thwak!*" "Each blow sent them pendulously knocking against each other." fel "*Guug* Gu-ha!" "The action surprised Felicia, creating a sputtering noise and causing her airway to tighten as she attempted to suck down air in surprise." KN_MOD "Give Felicias breasts a pull.:" $ toughness += 1 scene w1_2800 with dissolve fel "*Guug* Gu-ha!" "I felt a sadistic urge and I acted on it. Simple as that." "I tugged roughly at the points of Felicia's bouncing mounds." fel "*Guug* *gur-gh-gurg!* {b}Guhg-haaaa!{/b}" "The action surprised Felicia, creating a discordant squeal and causing her airway to tighten as she attempted to suck down air in surprise." KN_MOD "Just keep hammering her throat.:" $ toughness -=1 "A sadistic urge welled up in me, but rather than indulge in tormenting my willing and eager partner, I decided to focus my energy into giving her a dizzying facefucking she'd never forget." scene w1ExGame1FelTS2 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "The feeling of sliding in and out of Felicia's throat wasn't too unlike having sex." fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!*" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!*" "There was little to no resistance, with the pooling saliva and spit providing a generous amount of lubrication." fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!*" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!*" "When she said to fuck her face like a pussy..." mct "(She wasn't kidding.)" fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!*" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!*" "Even the way I was jackhammering my hips felt like sex. This wasn't a loving, giving act like a blowjob. This was full-on lust-addled breeding." "The vigorous action had my balls careening violently into Felicia's face adding an extra dimension of stimulation and dominance." fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!*" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!*" tom "I can't believe that whore's still conscious." jim "To be young again... I wish I had that kind of stamina." scene w1_2806 with dissolve kat "It's like you're trying to break her, [mcf]." scene w1_2807 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Before I realized it, Mrs. Pulman had slipped behind me and spoke to me in a relatively conversational tone." KN_MOD "else:" "Before I realized it, Kathleen had slipped behind me and spoke to me in a relatively conversational tone." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her youre doing your best to put on an entertaining show.:" $ Kathleen_Trust +=2 scene w1_2808 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Just want to put on a good show!" scene w1_2809 with dissolve kat "Is that so?" scene w1_2810 with dissolve "*{b}Thwap!{/b}*" "The boss gave me an encouraging swat on the ass, like I was some workhorse." kat "I approve." KN_MOD "Tell her you cant help it. It feels so good.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Trust +=1 scene w1_2808 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I can't help it. It feels so good...!" scene w1_2806 with dissolve kat "So cute..." scene w1_2810 with dissolve "*{b}Thwap!{/b}*" "The boss gave me an encouraging swat on the ass, like I was some workhorse." kat "I approve." KN_MOD "Ignore her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "N-not really!" "I wasn't in the mood to talk, too preoccupied with the pressure that was building in my balls." scene w1ExGame1FelTS with dissolve fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!*" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!*" "The casualness of the exchange felt surreal, considering I was currently rutting another human being's face like it was an object." "This had been going on a few minutes now. Half of me was amazed at her endurance, while the other half was concerned with how she was holding up." fel "*Guug*" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!* Ehuh!" "At least I knew she was still conscious thanks to the wet, staccato-like {b}plap{/b} and gutteral moans." "Of course, this kind of fucking had me quickly at my rope's end." "Each and every thrust pushed me closer and closer to the searing white natural conclusion." scene w1_2811 with dissolve kat "You're about there, right?" scene w1_2812 with dissolve mc "Y-yes!" "I could feel myself reach the precipice, mere moments away from dumping my sperm straight down Felicia's throat." scene w1_2811 with dissolve kat "Go ahead. Pump this dumb cunt's stomach full of thick, creamy sperm." kat "Don't hold back." scene w1ExGame1FelTS2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman ushered me on in a svelte, enchanting tone." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen ushered me on in a svelte, enchanting tone." kat "It'll be a long night, but thankfully we have ways of keeping you {b}fighting{/b} fit..." "I didn't like how that sounded, but..." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_2813 with flash "*Spurt!* *Spurt!*" mc "Shit!" fel "*gur-ghug-gurg!!!* {b}Mmhhhhaaaaaa!{/b}" with hpunch play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "*Spurt!*" with flash "My seed erupted straight down into Felicia's esophagus with a mind-blanking intensity." "I was cumming {b}hard{/b}, that it almost could be described as painful." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" fel "*gur-gh-gurg!* Ghuu!Ackhahaha~!" with flash "Felicia's throat tightened as she sputtered in surprise, caught off guard by the quantity of spunk I was pouring straight into her stomach." scene w1_2814 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "Still, she didn't lose her composure. Instead she opted to form a near-perfect seal with her lips and suck {i}hard{/i} like she was trying to wrangle every last drop of semen from me." fel "*Gulp... gulp... gulp*" jim "Is he still going?" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" fel "*Gulp... gulp... gulp* Ghna!" with flash eric "She didn't miss a beat!" "After a few moments, my orgasm subsided, Felicia gently coaxing and carousing the remaining cum from my urethra until I grew soft in her mouth." scene w1_2815 with dissolve stop ambient "Satisfied, I gently removed myself from her straining jaw." scene w1_2816 with fade play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" "Felicia stood up from the ottoman, uneasy on her feet." mc "Careful!" fel "Oohhheh...[felSN]! That was..." fel "D-dizzy... all the blood just went to my head..." "Felicia accepted my shoulder in support." scene w1_2817 with dissolve mc "That was, uh..." scene w1_2818 with dissolve mct "(The best damn blowjob I'd experienced in my life, if you could even call it that.)" scene w1_2819 with dissolve fel "I know, hehe~♥" scene w1_2818 with dissolve "Felicia smiled cutely, in stark contrast to the utterly obscene act we just shared." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Give her a kiss on the cheek.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 scene w1_2820 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "*Smooch*" scene w1_2818 with dissolve "I imagined a kiss looked pretty odd after something like that, but I couldn't help myself." scene w1_2817 with dissolve mc "That was something." scene w1_2819 with dissolve fel "I said I know, but thanks." KN_MOD "That might give Kathleen the wrong idea.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve pass scene w1_2819 with dissolve fel "You really let me have it, you fucking animal." scene w1_2818 with dissolve "She said it with an odd, warm glow." scene w1_2817 with dissolve mc "You're an absurd woman, you know that...?" scene w1_2821 with dissolve kat "*Ahem* That was quite the performance, Mrs. Ford." scene w1_2822 with dissolve kat "You certainly are quite... orally skilled." scene w1_2823 with dissolve kat "Take a bow." scene w1_2824 with dissolve fel "Thank you for watching!" play sound "sound effects/applause-small.wav" "Felicia enthusiastically made a display of appreciation, prompting the crowd to give her a round of applause." "It was utterly surreal." scene black with fade "I've still got to go through this twice more too - not that I've got much room to complain." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.felExhibition1Game1:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felExhibition1Game1 = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) stop sound fadeout 3.0 stop music fadeout 3.0 "....." "..." scene w1_2825 with curtains play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" "With almost no down time, the next to volunteer to come up was Rosalind." "I was still under a post-orgasm fog, not two minutes had passed since the conclusion of Felicia's leg of the game." "Rosalind had entered from the side of the stage and was standing there with a stoic look on her face." "I, on the other hand, was still naked. However, this time I didn't have the benefit of my cock stuffed down a beautiful woman's throat, so I was feeling a lot more sheepish about the fact." scene w1_2826 with dissolve mc "You doing alright? You ready for this?" scene w1_2827 with dissolve rose "As ready as I can be..." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" scene w1_2828 with dissolve rose "I'm glad I'm working with you." "Rosalind and I exchanged a few words of solidarity, in the brief moments before Kathleen addressed the room." scene w1_2829 with dissolve kat "Following that interesting performance by our new slut wife, is Mrs. Rosalind Carter." scene w1_2830 with dissolve kat "I wonder how she hopes to compete. Such a mild personality, in the body of a {b}breeding cow{/b}." kat "You're prepared to give these venerable gentlemen a proper show, right?" scene w1_2831 with dissolve rose "Yes, Mrs. Pulman." scene w1_2832 with dissolve kat "Good! The same as Mrs. Ford, then: you've got 20 minutes or until you make Mr. [mcl] ejaculate." kat "Show us what you've got, dear." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_2833 with dissolve rose "Eh...Uh..." scene w1_2834 with dissolve rose "......" rose "..." scene w1_2835 with dissolve rose "*Ahem-!*" KN_MOD "label w1ExIntuitionGameRosalind:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Does Rosalind refer to the player character as sir?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes, sir!:" $ prYesSir = True KN_MOD "No.:" pass show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_2836 with fade play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" "Putting on her best game face, Rosalind dropped to her knees in front of me." scene w1_2837 with dissolve rose "Valued customer..." scene w1_2836 with dissolve "That previous look of determination faded away, replaced by a needy and submissive demeanor." scene w1_2838 with dissolve rose "{b}Thank you{/b} for picking me as your partner tonight." KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" "Rosalind bowed as deep as she humanly could, touching her forehead to the floor, in a display of deference and humility. Just as I had her do in our interview." KN_MOD "else:" "Rosalind bowed as deep as she humanly could, touching her forehead to the floor, in a display of deference and humility." rose "......" rose "..." "She held that awkward position for some moments, until finally..." scene w1_2837 with dissolve rose "May I get up, [roseSN]?" scene w1_2836 with dissolve mct "(Ah, that cheeky woman. She's fully committed here, practically chewing the scenery.)" scene w1_2839 with dissolve "Looking at the crowd, I was met with a dozen expectant faces, waiting to see how I'd respond to the supplicant woman." scene w1_2840 with dissolve "The boss is watching and waiting too." "I'm just as much under the spotlight tonight as the Carnations." scene w1_2842 with dissolve "Do I tell her to stand back up?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza:" KN_MOD "Not yet. Inform Rosalind what name she will answer to tonight. if w1mcRoseSN == False:" $ w1mcRoseSN = True KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameMCRoseSN" KN_MOD "Not yet. Inform Rosalind what she will call you tonight. if w1RoseSNMenu == False:" $ w1RoseSNMenu = True KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseSN" KN_MOD "Yes, tell her to stand back up.:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRosalindContinue" KN_MOD "menu w1ExIntuitionGameMCRoseSN:" KN_MOD "From where you stand, she looks like a {b}slave{/b} to you.:" $ mcRoseSN = "slave" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Tonight you will answer to [mcRoseSN]." mc "Whenever I say [mcRoseSN], I'll be talking about you. You got that?" scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "Yes, [roseSN]. I understand." rose "May I get up now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "You will call her what she is: a {b}whore{/b}.:" $ mcRoseSN = "whore" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Tonight you will answer to [mcRoseSN]." mc "Whenever I say [mcRoseSN], you should know who I'm referring to. You know why that is?" scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "Because..." scene w1_2842 with dissolve mc "Because what?" scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "Because I am a [mcRoseSN]." scene w1_2842 with dissolve mc "We have an understanding then." scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "We do. May I get up now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "Go with something cute: babe.:" $ mcRoseSN = "babe" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm going to call you [mcRoseSN] tonight, is that alright with you?" scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "You can call me anything you like, [roseSN]." rose "May I get up now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "Some roleplaying might be nice: call her {b}mom{/b}:" $ mcRoseSN = "mom" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseSN == son:" mc "Likewise, I'll be referring to you as [mcRoseSN]." scene w1_2843 with dissolve rose "That makes... sense." scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "May I get up now?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Tonight I'll be referring to you as [mcRoseSN]. You got that?" scene w1_2843 with dissolve rose "That's uh, kinda..." scene w1_2842 with dissolve mc "It's just a little roleplaying." scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "Of course. You can call me anything you like, [roseSN]." rose "May I get up now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "{color=#4169E1}\[Player Input]{/color} Youre going to refer to her as...:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve python: mcRoseSN = renpy.input("What will you call Rosalind tonight?") mcRoseSN = mcRoseSN.strip() persistent.mcRoseSN = mcRoseSN KN_MOD "if not mcRoseSN:" mc "Tonight you'll answer to [mcRoseSN]. Got that?" scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "Of course, the customer is always right." rose "May I get up, [roseSN]?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "menu w1ExIntuitionGameRoseSN:" KN_MOD "You cant beat a classic: {b}Master{/b}.:" $ roseSN = "Master" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Tonight, I want you to call me master. Is that clear, [mcRoseSN]?" scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "Yes, [roseSN]. It is clear." rose "May I get up now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "You want to feel the affection: {b}Dear{/b}.:" $ roseSN = "dear" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Tonight, when you refer to me, call me [roseSN]. Understood?" scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "You want me to call you [roseSN]? Of course. If that's what you want." rose "May I get up, [roseSN]?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "You want this to feel taboo: {b}Son{/b}.:" $ roseSN = "son" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if mcRoseSN == mom:" mc "Likewise, I want you to refer to me as [roseSN]. You got that?" scene w1_2843 with dissolve rose "That makes... sense." scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "May I get up, [roseSN]?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I want you to refer to me as [roseSN]. You got that?" scene w1_2843 with dissolve rose "That's... That's kinda..." scene w1_2842 with dissolve mc "It's just some roleplaying." scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "O-of course. Anything you wish, [roseSN]." rose "May I get up now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "{color=#4169E1}\[Player Input]{/color} Youd prefer it if she called you...:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve python: roseSN = renpy.input("What do you want Rosalind to call you tonight?") roseSN = roseSN.strip() persistent.roseSN = roseSN KN_MOD "if not roseSN:" mc "Tonight I want you to call me [roseSN]. Are we clear on that?" scene w1_2841 with dissolve rose "Yes, [roseSN]. We're clear." rose "May I get up now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRoseDogeza" KN_MOD "label w1ExIntuitionGameRosalindContinue:" scene w1_2842 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Yes, get off the floor." scene w1_2844 with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Rosalind slowly stood back up, but she didn't quite know where to take our \"show\"." rose "Uh... do you..." scene w1_2845 with dissolve "I watched the wheels turn in Rosalind's head, as she considered her plan of attack." scene w1_2846 with dissolve rose "Right this way, please." scene w1_2847 with dissolve play music "music/a-kiss-for-amanda.ogg" "She patiently held out her hand, waiting for me to take it." scene w1_2848 with dissolve "Just as with Felicia, this was her moment. I simply had to follow her lead." scene w1_2849 with fade "From there, she pulled me over to the couch, where I sat waiting for her to pour me a drink." mct "(If this keeps up, I'm going to at least be buzzed by the end of the night.)" scene w1_2850 with dissolve rose "Whiskey, neat." mct "(--or just flat out intoxicated.)" mc "Thank you." scene w1_2851 with fade "Rosalind sat down, sidling up next to me and not-so-subtly pressing her large breasts into my side." mc "*Glug* *Glug*" scene w1_2852 with dissolve "Unlike the sweet-tasting whiskey I had earlier in the VIP room, this one was more astringent." "Drinking it straight wasn't particularly pleasant, but I did my best not to let that show on my face." scene w1_2853 with dissolve rose "You don't like the taste, right?" scene w1_2854 with dissolve mc "You can tell?" KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" scene w1_2853 with dissolve rose "You told me you weren't much of a drinker, remember?" "Rose was referring to the night she tried to seduce me." scene w1_2854 with dissolve mc "Ah, you remember that, huh?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_2853 with dissolve rose "Your poker face is pretty obvious." scene w1_2854 with dissolve mc "Is that so?" scene w1_2853 with dissolve rose "Yes, it's not a very good one." scene w1_2855 with dissolve rose "Maybe I can help you enjoy it more?" "I relinquished my grip and let Rosalind pry the glass from my hand." scene w1_2856 with dissolve rose "I wonder if this would make it taste better?" scene w1_2857 with fade "Tilting the glass, Rosalind emptied the whiskey onto her chest." "The brown liquid spread itself where gravity took it, rolling down the peaks of her breasts and spilling down into their expansive valley." scene w1_2859 with wiperight rose "Come closer, please." scene w1_2858 with dissolve "Like Felicia, she decided to get creative with the alcohol." mc "" "Rosalind kept a calming demeanor as she gently guided my head to her whiskey-soaked boob-flesh." scene w1_2859 with dissolve rose "You like my {b}tits{/b} don't you, [roseSN]?" "Where Felicia was an explosion, this felt more like a loving embrace." rose "Enjoy them." "The matronly woman tightened her grip and pulled me into her breasts." scene w1_2860 with dissolve "I did as she wished, pursing my lips, stretching out my tongue, and lapping at the beads of whiskey that coated her flesh." "It didn't really taste any better, but I couldn't argue that this was a more enjoyable way of drinking the bitter liquid." rose "Ah..." scene w1_2861 with dissolve "Once Rosalind saw I had gotten the idea, she lessened her grip, allowing me free range to {i}really{/i} explore the bounty before me." "To start out, I let my tongue play across the top of her chest." "Puckering, kissing." "Licking, lapping." scene w1_2862 with dissolve "It's not like I was really picking up much whiskey, but that really wasn't the point, was it?" scene w1_2863 with dissolve "Gradually, I worked my mouth to the tip of her left breast." scene w1_2864 with dissolve mc "*Fuuuuuuh*!" rose "Oh...!" "I teasingly blew a stream of hot air over the surface of Rosalind's nipple." scene w1_2863 with dissolve rose "What are you doing?" scene w1_2864 with dissolve mc "*Fuuuuuuh*!" "Another steady stream brought it to a fine point. Instead of answering her, I brought lips around the tantalizing tip and latched down." scene w1_2865 with dissolve rose "Ahh-!" scene w1_2866 with dissolve "From my position, I could feel her breathing intensify. The eb and flow of her breath pushing and pulling her nipple across the tip of my tongue." scene w1_2867 with wiperight jim "I bet you wish you could get your perverted lips around those milk jugs. Right, Thomas?" scene w1_2868 with dissolve tom "Those beauties would be better in a milker..." scene w1_2869 with dissolve jim "You tit fiend!" scene w1ExGame1RoseSuck1 with dissolve rose "Ah...! You still have a lot of energy." rose "Good... I was afraid you might be tired after... OoOooooh~!" "Rosalind's nipples proved extremely receptive to being teased." mct "(However, one breast shouldn't get all the attention...)" scene w1_2875 with dissolve mc "Don't think I forgot this one!" "I roughly grabbed her unattended breast, digging my fingers deep into soft fat and tissue." scene w1_2876 with dissolve rose "A-ah! Please, [roseSN]. Enjoy them as much as you want..." "Rosalind was playing her part well. It may have been a less proactive approach than Felicia, but it used her best asset to its full advantage." "It was easy to get lost in these puppies. As unwieldly as they were, they were just so perfectly squeezable." "Plus, focusing so intently on them let my mind create some distance from being watched." scene w1_2877 with dissolve rose "Eh-oh! You're switching again?" "Rosalind had the skin of a doll. Near flawless and pale. It was a pair of breasts that just begged to be..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Worshiped.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRosalindWorship" KN_MOD "Tormented.:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 2 KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionGameRosalindTorment" KN_MOD "label w1ExIntuitionGameRosalindWorship:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "She had a pair of breasts that just begged to be worshiped." scene w1_2878 with dissolve "Pressing her two beautiful orbs together, I returned my attention to giving these babies all the love I could muster." scene w1_2879 with dissolve mc "*Smooch*" "It was an overwhelming task, showering so much titflesh with the affection due them, but I was definitely going to try." rose "Eh~! Oh! That feels nice!" scene w1_2880 with dissolve "I kissed and I kissed." "Making sure to anoint each teat generously with my saliva, using my tongue to take a survey of the shape and texture of Rosalind's pebble-like areola." rose "Oooh! You're like a hungry baby...!" rose "H-huh... I'm getting s-so hot..?" scene w1_2879 with dissolve "I kissed and I kissed and I kissed." "Each pass increasingly filling the exhibition hall with obscene, lewd suckling noises." mc "*Fwup* *Chup* Mmm..." with vpunch rose "Ah...! I haven't...!" mc "*Fwup!* *Kwup!* *Chup!*" scene w1_2882 with dissolve rose "Mmmh... you really love boobs, don't you...?" mc "*Fwup* *Chup* Mmmhmmm...!" scene w1_2903 with dissolve "I methodically circled the circumference of her areola with my tongue, to make sure every nerve in her soft pink teat was alight with pleasure." rose "Oh... [mcf]...! Sorry, I mean... [roseSN]!" rose " Ah... [roseSN]♥ Ah, I'm feeling...! I'm feeling...!" "Knowing I was making her forget her role, even for a moment, made me smile on the inside." scene w1_2904 with dissolve mct "(Not one centimeter should go unloved!)" mc "*{b}Smoooooch{/b}!* *Chup!* *Fwup!* *Khwup!*" rose "I'm feeling so weeeeird~!♥" "I turned my affection to the underside of Rosalind's left breast, planting a series of quick kisses." scene w1_2881 with dissolve rose "Mmh!♥ Y-you're licking the other one now...! " mct "(I love it when she states the obvious.)" rose "W-why am I feeling so itchy down there? Oh, no... oh, no...!" scene w1_2882 with dissolve "The sudden change made the desperate mother twitch with pleasure." rose "Ah..." rose "Ah...!" rose "Aaaah-!" scene w1_2883 with vpunch rose "Aaaaaashhhhhhhh~!♥" with flash "I opened my mouth wide and created a vacuum like seal, suctioning the wanton mother's puffy nipple {i}hard{/i} and battering it with my tongue in a one-two punch that sent her over the edge." "Rosalind cocked her head back and emitted a shrill cry of unmistakable pleasure." with flash rose "Ah...♥ Ah..♥, ohohoh...♥ [roseSN]...♥" mct "(--eh?! Did she just really...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_2884 with wipeleft sam "Haha, oh man. That's rich!" scene w1_2885 with dissolve tom "Amazing!" scene w1_2886 with dissolve jim "Did that cow actually cum from just her tits? How's that supposed to be {b}service{/b} anyway?" scene w1_2887 with wiperight chuck "Service is anything the customer wants, Jim. Going by the way the lad went after those things..." chuck "I say she's doing a pretty damn good job!" scene w1_2888 with fade "Content that I had worshipped every single nook and cranny of her voluptuous chest, I pulled myself back and took a look at my handiwork." rose "*Huff* *Huff* Ho... hoh... he..." rose "{b}Fuck{b}..." rose "That was..." KN_MOD "jump ExIntuitionGameRosalindHJ" KN_MOD "label w1ExIntuitionGameRosalindTorment:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "She had a pair of breasts that just begged to be tormented and skin that {b}needed{/b} to be marked." scene w1_2889 with dissolve rose "Ah--! Wha-?" "With no hesitation, I dug my teeth into her right breast." "Not enough to draw blood of course, but hard that the desperate mother could feel it." scene w1_2890 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2891 with hpunch "*Thwack!*" rose "Ghh-!" scene w1_2892 with dissolve rose "W-why are you..." scene w1_2893 with dissolve mc "You said I could do whatever I desired, right [mcRoseSN]?" scene w1_2894 with dissolve "She looked at me heistantly, before answering." scene w1_2895 with dissolve rose "... o-of course. My breasts belong to you." scene w1_2896 with dissolve mc "These things are so fucking obscene that they deserve to be punished!" scene w1_2897 with dissolve "Obviously, what I said didn't make any damn sense, but it sounded good to my lust-addled mind." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2898 with hpunch rose "--gah!" scene w1_2899 with dissolve mc "Thank me, [mcRoseSN]." rose "...huh?" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2900 with hpunch rose "Eeeeh, shit...!" scene w1_2899 with dissolve mc "Thank me for abusing your breasts!" scene w1_2901 with dissolve rose "Thank you!" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2902 with hpunch rose "--gh!" scene w1_2899 with dissolve mc "For what, [mcRoseSN]?" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2898 with hpunch rose "Eeeeeh-- Thankyouforabusingmybreasts--!" scene w1_2874 with dissolve mc "*Smooch*" "My sadistic urge satisfied, I planted a kiss at the spot I had repeatedly smacked." "A iron fist, velvet glove approach." scene w1_2875 with dissolve mc "You're a good girl." scene w1_2880 with dissolve "I brought my mouth back to her soft-pink teat and dug my fingers into the side of her breasts." rose "Ah, you're sucking on them now..." rose "That feels... nice." scene w1_2879 with dissolve rose "You're being so..." "The sudden change in approach made the desperate mother twitch with pleasure." scene w1_2890 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_2891 with hpunch "*Smack!*" scene w1_2892 with dissolve rose "Eh...! Again?" scene w1ExGame1RoseSuck1 with dissolve "Without a moment of respite, I went back to the tender approach. Sucking, kissing, licking at the nerve-filled target." rose "Ghh- ah-♥" rose "Thank you for a-abusing my breasts..." mct "(She remembered!)" "Rosalind was managing to keep her composure. That was good." scene w1_2904 with dissolve "I kissed and I kissed." "I kissed and I kissed and I kissed." "I kissed and I kissed and I kissed, until..." scene w1_2905 with vpunch rose "S-shit!" with flash "I changed gears once more, roughly grabbing her by both teats and squeezing down. To my surprise..." scene w1_2906 with dissolve rose "Ggeeee-!♥" with flash "Rosalind let out an animalistic howl, a strange consolidation of pain and pleasure rolled into one." with flash mct "(--eh?! Did she just...)" scene w1_2884 with wipeleft stop music fadeout 3.0 sam "Haha, oh man. That's rich!" scene w1_2885 with dissolve tom "Amazing!" scene w1_2886 with dissolve jim "Did that cow actually cum from being abused? How's that supposed to be {b}service{/b}..." scene w1_2887 with dissolve chuck "Service is anything the customer wants. Going by the way the lad attacked those things..." chuck "I say she's doing a pretty damn good job!" scene w1_2888 with dissolve "I was shocked as well. Rosalind had a glassed-over expression." "Never in my life would I expect to see a woman orgasm from having her breasts abused." rose "{b}Fuck{b}... Wh-What..." rose "What just happened? Did I really just..." "Even Rosalind looked utterly confused. There was a trace of fear in her face too." "Part of me wanted to give her a hug, but before she even had time to process what she just learned about herself..." KN_MOD "jump ExIntuitionGameRosalindHJ" KN_MOD "label ExIntuitionGameRosalindHJ:" scene w1_2907 with dissolve kat "Charles is right." scene w1_2908 with fade kat "That said, even if what little smarts you have get fucked out of your stupid head, the job is to satisfy the customer. {b}Completely{/b}." scene w1_2909 with dissolve kat "Time. Is. Ticking." rose "Uh, r-right!" scene w1_2910 with dissolve "Getting back on track and pushing her post-orgasm jitters aside, Rosalind refocused on the game at hand." scene w1_2911 with cmet play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" rose "That was incredible, [roseSN]!" scene w1_2912 with dissolve "Lurching forward, the curvy woman pulled me into a deep, gentle kiss." rose "Mmmh~ *Smooch!*" "Rosalind hummed pleasantly as she took the lead, using her soft tongue to infiltrate my mouth and intermingle with my own." "She lovingly ran a hand up and down my back in a reassuring fashion. It added a soothing, comforting touch to this obscene situation." rose "*Chup* *Chwup!*" "I was happy to just squeeze my eyes shut and luxuriate in Rosalind's affection." scene w1_2913 with dissolve rose "...Mmmhah~♥" "After a short time, the kiss was painfully broken." scene w1_2914 with dissolve rose "That was the first time I've felt that good from just my..." scene w1_2915 with dissolve "The doe-eyed woman trailed off, either not knowing how to admit the truth about her sensitive body or not wanting to fully put it into words." scene w1_2914 with dissolve rose "However, it's my turn to show appreciation. Just lie back and let me take care of you, [roseSN]." scene black with fade "Guiding me to her lap, she had me lie down in a rather vulnerable position." scene w1_2916 with dissolve "I wasn't quite sure what her plan was here, but nevertheless my dick was standing straight up like a beacon for all the room to see." "In spite of cumming not 15 minutes ago, I was {i}hard{/i} and raring to go once more." scene w1_2917 with dissolve rose "That's it. Relax for me." scene w1_2916 with dissolve "She spoke as if her words were a lullaby." scene w1_2918 with dissolve mc "What's with this position?" scene w1_2917 with dissolve rose "You seemed enamored with my breasts so..." scene w1_2920 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "Using one hand to guide my head to her breast, she positioned the other around my cock, gripping it on end." scene w1_2919 with dissolve rose "Enjoy them some more while I show you how much I love you." scene w1_2920 with dissolve "Rosalind was taking an interesting approach to the game." scene w1ExGame1RoseHJ1 with dissolve "Slowly, she began to jerk off my overly swollen member." "Being laid across her thighs, cradled like an infant, left me nothing to do except for what she intended." scene w1ExGame1RoseHJ2 with dissolve rose "Good! You've got the idea." mc "Mmmhh--!" "Her cool hand may have felt nice against my burning prick, but the methodical pace felt like torture." "Sometimes even a whole second passed in between her faltering jerks. I don't know if she was doing it on purpose, but if she was, it was devilish." rose "Hmm~ Hm-hm-hm~ That's right, [roseSN]..." "Rosalind had an almost serene look as she milked me." kat "Hmpfh. This is certainly a new approach." tom "She's perfect...!" mc "Ngg-!" scene w1ExGame1RoseHJ1 with dissolve "This pace was just too much! I had to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask her to speed up.:" scene w1_2926 with dissolve mc "Ah, too slow! Could you please..." scene w1_2919 with dissolve rose "Of course, [roseSN]. This is all about you." scene w1ExGame1RoseHJ3 with dissolve "It really wasn't. Deep down I knew that. This was all just a bizarre game and I was merely a prop dick. However, her words almost had me convinced." "A testament to either her natural temperament or her skill as an actress." KN_MOD "Tell her to speed up.:" scene w1_2927 with dissolve mc "Speed up, you whore!" scene w1_2919 with dissolve rose "Of course, [roseSN]. This is all about you." scene w1ExGame1RoseHJ3 with dissolve "It really wasn't. Deep down I knew that. This was all just a bizarre game and I was merely a prop dick. However, her words almost had me convinced." "A testament to either her natural temperament or her skill as an actress." "At my ushering, she adopted a more persistent pace. It still wasn't the toe-curling intensity that would bring me to climax, but it was an improvement." scene w1_2928 with dissolve rose "Hehe, you've got such an expressive penis." "She expressed an odd thought as she jacked me off." scene w1_2929 with dissolve rose "The way it twitches and responds to a little affection is cute." rose "Oh.. not to say your penis is {i}little{/i} or {i}cute{/i}..." scene w1_2930 with dissolve rose "Your dick is actually very... handsome." "It was a little surreal given that she was already jerking me off in front of a room of a dozen people, but her face flushed with embarrassment." mct "(Ah, whatever...)" scene w1ExGame1RoseHJ3 with dissolve "Shutting my eyes and sucking on Rosalind's teat, I focused on pure sensation." "The feeling, taste, and texture of Rosalind's swollen areola..." "The lulling song that she was intermittently humming." "The unceasing, carnal noise of flesh-on-flesh contact." "Even the comfort of being close, attached at the breast." "It was a sensory overload. Being so close to Rosalind, focusing on the small details, made me feel like it was really just the two of us." rose "Hmm~ Hm-hm-hm~ That's right, just let it all go..." rose "Let all the stress melt from your body. Just focus on your pleasure. Focus on forgetting all your worries. Your fears. Your shortcomings..." rose "None of that is real, because you are {b}perfect{/b}." rose "It's just you and me, [roseSN]." rose "Hmm~ Hm-hm-hm~ Just let it all go..." scene w1ExGame1RoseHJ4 with dissolve mc "Ah-ooh--!" "After landing me on the hook, that's when Rosalind began to reel me in." "She intensified her ministrations on my lower body, building more and more into a frenetic pace." rose "It's just you and me, [roseSN]." "It made for a strange contrast. She had soothed my mind, but the increasingly building ache in my balls threatened to upend the serenity." rose "It's just you and me, [roseSN]..." "As Rosalind's hand became coated more and more in my pre-cum, the sounds became more lewd and sex like." mc "*Plap* *Plap!* *Plap--! Mmmng! Ah! Rose--" rose "Ssssh. Sssssh. Don't try to hold on. Just let it happen, baby." rose "{b}Explode{/b} for me!" stop music scene w1_2935 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Ghhhhh--!" mct "(Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Shit!)" scene w1_2936 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "She knew it even before I did. Clamping down tight with her hand just before I burst, she released her grip at just the right time to send a fountain of cum raining down on me, the couch, and Rosalind's evil hand." mct "(It's still coming...?)" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene white with w20 mct "(Ah...!)" "I was coming so hard, it felt like I overclocked my brain. My mind briefly became a sheer blanket of white." scene w1_2937 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" mc "What the... what the fuck?" "When I regained my senses and opened my eyes..." scene w1_2938 with dissolve rose "*Slurp*!" scene w1_2939 with dissolve rose "*Slurp!* *Slurp!* Ah, delicious, [roseSN]." mc "Wow..." scene w1_2940 with dissolve chuck "Who knew anyone could cum that much a {b}second{/b} time? I don't know if that was the lad or Mrs. Carter's doing." scene w1_2941 with dissolve kat "Probably a little of both. That was certainly... interesting." kat "A strong first impression I'd say. I'd ask you to take a bow, but..." scene w1_2942 with dissolve kat "Let's give our \"customer\" a 5 minute break. He looks like he needs it." scene black with fade "......" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseExhibition1Game1:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseExhibition1Game1 = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "..." KN_MOD "label w1ExIntuitionGameVeronica:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionveronica02 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_2943 with fade kat "Last we have Miss Lynch, but she is certainly not {b}least{/b}. Is she?" scene w1_2944 with dissolve "After a very short intermission, Veronica took the stage." "Her expression was hard to read. Arms crossed, she peered out at the crowd with a indiscernible look on her face." scene w1_2945 with dissolve ver "You've got that right." scene w1_2944 with dissolve "I had a feeling letting the other two go first was a strategic decision on her part." scene w1_2946 with dissolve kat "You understand the game's parameters, Miss Lynch?" scene w1_2947 with dissolve ver "I do. Twenty minutes or until [mcf] ejaculates, whatever comes first." scene w1_2948 with dissolve kat "Good. Then without further ado, let's wrap up the first game with a bang." scene w1_2949 with dissolve kat "Make it a worthwhile conclusion." scene w1_2950 with dissolve ver "Hmmm..." scene w1_2951 with dissolve mct "(I wonder how she's going to approach this.)" mct "(For {i}some{/i} reason, I'm having trouble picturing Veronica being all \"yes, sir\"...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 sam "*Whistle* {b}Fhwooooooooo!{/b}" jiji "The girl's got an impressive physique." scene w1_2952 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(She certainly finessed Mrs. Pulman a few weeks ago...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(She certainly finessed Kathleen a few weeks ago...)" chuck "She's not wasting any time." scene w1_2953 with dissolve mct "(--huh?)" "The murmuring in the room brought my attention back to a somewhat surprising scene." play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" scene w1_2954 with wipeleft "While I was lost in thought, Veronica had fully shed her costume and proudly put her chiseled physique on display." scene w1_2955 with dissolve ver "You're looking worn out, {b}[veroSN]{/b}." scene w1_2954 with dissolve "Veronica had a matter-of-fact customer service look scribed onto her face. It wasn't exactly warm, but it also didn't come across as fake." scene w1_2956 with dissolve mc "Yeah, you could say that..." scene w1_2954 with dissolve "Back-to-back orgasms coupled with the stress of being in the spotlight did have me feeling drained." scene w1_2957 with dissolve ver "Lucky you, then! I know a little something about relieving tension." "Veronica's voice carried boisterously through the exhibition hall." scene w1_2958 with dissolve mc "Is that so?" scene w1_2959 with dissolve ver "Definitely. It just so happens..." scene w1_2960 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/knuckles-cracking.wav" pause 1.0 play sound "sound effects/knuckles-cracking.wav" ver "*{b}Crack, Craaaack!{/b}*" scene w1_2961 with dissolve ver "I give a killer massage." scene w1_2960 with dissolve mct "(Is it my imagination or was there an emphasis on the {i}killer{/i} part?)" scene w1_2962 with dissolve mc "A massage... doesn't sound too bad, actually. Where should I...?" scene w1_2963 with dissolve ver "Just stay seated. I'll come to you." "Veronica positioned herself beside me, wagging her broad hips enticingly along the way." scene w1_2964 with dissolve mc "You sound confident in your skills." scene w1_2965 with dissolve ver "You're speaking to the unofficial massage therapist of the 2012 US Women's Olympic shot put team." scene w1_2964 with dissolve mc "Seriously?" scene w1_2966 with dissolve ver "It's a strenuous sport. Lots of aching muscles." scene w1_2967 with fade ver "A good massage is mechanical. A great massage has artistry to it. You want to know what I discovered while tending to my teammates' sore {b}bodies{/b}?" scene w1_2968 with dissolve mc "...well?" scene w1_2969 with dissolve ver "Full-on uninhibited, naked skin-to-skin contact... that's the secret sauce." "Suddenly I felt Veronica press her weight into my back, leaving her heavy chest to rest on my shoulders." scene w1_2970 with dissolve ver "If both of us are nude, there's nothing to dull the sensation of touch. Plus, it makes things more... exciting." "Veronica spoke directly into my eardrum, sending a shiver through my body with her words." scene w1_2971 with dissolve mc "I did wonder why you {i}immediately{/i} took your clothes off..." scene w1_2972 with dissolve ver "I think you'd agree I look better without that dumb thing on anyway, but yes. This is all done to maximize your comfort, Mr. {b}Vee{/b}.{b}Eye{/b}. {b}Pee{/b}." "To compound the teasing, Veronica pressed her pert cherry-like nipples and dragged them up my back." ver "May I begin, [veroSN]?" stop music fadeout 3.0 "It felt like Veronica was being excessively glib for what's supposed to be a game about service, but there {b}was{/b} something endearing to her swagger." scene w1_2971 with dissolve mc "Whenever you'd like." scene w1_2973 with dissolve "She paused for a moment, before placing two pleasantly warm hands around my neck." play music "music/anacaptainslogue.ogg" ver "Some oils would make this even better, but we'll make do." "Veronica started out with my head, moving one hand slowly up my neck, squeezing and releasing as she went." "After running out of neck to travel up, she made her way back down, using her fingers to trace a circular motion down from the base of my skull to my shoulders." scene w1_2974 with dissolve "From there, the lumbering woman began to knead the tops of my shoulders, gently working her finger tips over flesh and muscle." "To my surprise, it had an almost immediate effect. The sensation of tension being released." mc "It's funny how long it takes you to realize you're actually feeling pretty stiff, huh?" scene w1_2975 with dissolve ver "People don't listen to their bodies as much as they should." "As she worked her way down to my deltoids, the Amazon not-so-carelessly allowed the hardening points of her breasts to brush against the skin of my back." mc "What's your body telling you right now?" ver "That both of us are going to be turned on by the end of this massage." "She wasn't wrong. I was quickly beginning to feel the flames of sexual desire well up in me again, so soon after climaxing back to back." mc "You're really good at this." "The force she was applying to my shoulders increasingly shifted from gentle to firm, as she began using the base of her hands to lift up muscle." ver "What did I tell you? I've practiced." scene w1_2976 with dissolve "To finish off my shoulders, Veronica put her weight into it. Using the strength of her dense muscles to press down hard and really make me feel it." mc "OoOooOh..." "It hurt a little, but it wasn't unpleasant. She had perfect control of her hands and the understanding of just how much force to use to loosen up overworked muscles." ver "I think it's time to move on to other parts of your body." scene w1_2977 with fade "Suddenly, the tall woman climbed around my side and straddled me, putting me face to face with Veronica's freckled breasts." ver "I would've liked to spend more time working the whole of your back, but we don't exactly have a massage table." "Having our bodies pressed together this closely gave me a greater appreciation of Veronica's size. Not just her large frame, but there was also of course the sheer volume of her muscle mass." "As her body leaned into mine, with the exception of her breasts, I felt very little give from her naked flesh. It almost felt like I was lying against a wall." ver "Give me your hand, please." scene w1_2978 with dissolve "Taking my hand in hers, she rubbed each of my fingers, one by one. Starting from the base and moving to the tip, before lightly pulling on each finger." mc "I've never had a hand massage before. I never would've guessed, but it feels pretty nice." "Next she started massaging the pad of my hand, moving her fingers in a circular motion and working her way along its natural contours." scene w1_2979 with dissolve ver "I'm going to make my way down now." scene w1_2980 with fade "Lifting herself off of me, Veronica got down on her knees, coming face to face with my cock." "The close bodily contact had me semi-hard and I shivered in anticipation as Veronica's scrutinizing gaze unflinchingly fell on my member." scene w1_2981 with dissolve "Disappointingly, Veronica slid her hands down my legs and grabbed one of my feet and began working it much in the same way she did my hands." ver "Never had a foot massage either, I bet." mc "No, I haven't." "Placing her thumbs on the sole, she worked her way from the ball of my foot all the way down to the heel." mc "Ah, yeah... that feels good." ver "It's just what you needed, right? After Rose and Blondie emptied your balls?" ver "You need to recharge a little. Just jumping into things wouldn't be good for either of us." scene w1_2982 with dissolve "Veronica shared her strategy aloud, for both me and the room to hear." ver "You don't mind me taking it slow, do you [veroSN]?" mc "That sounds rather agreeable, actually." "By this point, I had become relatively adjusted to being on stage. It's not like the crowd was completely out of my mind, but I managed to turn my thoughts into words without tripping over myself." scene w1_2983 with dissolve "After finishing up with my last foot, Veronica extended her long legs and suddenly stood up, giving me an eye-level view of her breasts pleasantly bouncing as she did." scene w1_2984 with dissolve ver "I'm going to dance for you now, but first I'm going to fetch you a drink. Keep your ass in that seat." scene w1_2985 with dissolve "Veronica was barely trying to hide her natural personality. Whether that would help or hurt her in this game, who knows..." scene w1_2986 with dissolve mc "What like a strip tease? You can dance?" scene w1_2987 with dissolve ver "Not quite like that, considering I've got nothing to strip off, but something good for the eye just the same." ver "You sound surprised." scene w1_2988 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "I actually used to teach a pole dancing class at an old gym I used to work at." scene w1_2989 with dissolve "If I sounded surprised, it was because I was. It was hard to picture a towering woman like Veronica moving around gracefully." scene w1_2990 with dissolve mc "What's this?" scene w1_2991 with dissolve ver "Water. You don't need any more alcohol." scene w1_2992 with dissolve "I appreciated the small kindness." scene w1_2993 with dissolve play music "music/dancebroom-riddim.ogg" sam "*Whistle* Fwhooo!" "As she turned around to create some distance for her dance, the crowd who had been silently observing up to this point, broke out with a sharp whistle." "Veronica responded with a dismissive wave, swatting at the air as if to say she already knew that." scene w1_2994 with dissolve ver "Eyes on me, errand boy." scene w1_2996 with dissolve "Veronica started out simple, shaking her hips and putting an emphasis on her beautifully sculpted lower half - her tree trunk like thighs and the contours of her heart-shaped ass." scene w1_2995 with dissolve "Slowly, she increased the tempo. Throwing her whole body into the performance, each twist and turn causing her incredibly toned musculature to ripple beautifully." scene w1_2996 with dissolve "The minutes passed, but she showed no signs of slowing down." scene w1_2997 with dissolve "Meanwhile, she kept her focus on me. Using her eyes, expressions, and of course her body to hold my attention on her." scene w1_2998 with dissolve "Until Veronica started to advance toward me. Each step keeping rhythm as her hips swayed pleasantly to an unheard song." "My focus was drawn to her midsection, hypnotized by the way her muscular stomach bent and curved along with her stride. All the way until it was right in front of my eyes." scene w1_2999 with dissolve "Instead of using words, she let her hands do the talking. Teasingly sliding them up the curves of her hips, darting across her stomach, and finding perch at her freckled breasts." ver "Mmmh...." "The redheaded Amazon purred with pleasure as she used the tips of her fingers to prod and tweak her puffy, nub-like areolas." scene w1_3000 with dissolve mc "Is this still part of the dance?" scene w1_3001 with dissolve "Slinking down to her crotch, Veronica began playing with the folds of her cunny before finally speaking." scene w1_3002 with dissolve ver "You like what you see?" scene w1_3003 with dissolve scene w1_3004 with dissolve scene w1_3003 with dissolve "I dutifully nodded yes." scene w1_3002 with dissolve ver "Then grab my ass, errand boy." scene w1_3005 with dissolve "Doing as commanded, I quickly reached around Veronica's broad hips and scooped up a handful of taut skin and muscle." ver "C'mon! Do it like you mean it!" scene w1_3006 with dissolve "At the Amazon's command, I tightened my grasp. A lot of good it did me. Unlike Rosalind, whose ass was pleasantly plush, Veronica's had very little cushion to her tush." "It was the kind of ass that screamed, at least to my growingly perverse mind, \"ride me like a horse\"." ver "Good..." "Her voice dropped two octaves, before bracing herself against my shoulder and going to town." show w1VeroSchlick with dissolve "At this distance, I was privy to more detail than I could have ever imagined." "The way the lumbering woman's fingers parted her labia, her thumb arrhythmically brushing against her clitoris, and the increasing blush in the skin around her vulva." scene w1_3007 with dissolve eric "She's really just going to shamelessly masturbate?" scene w1_3008 with dissolve kat "It usually takes a lot more prodding on my part to get a girl to do that." scene w1_3009 with dissolve vinc "Ha, what a slut!" scene w1_3010 with dissolve sam "Shut up! She's putting on a proper show for you assholes!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show w1VeroSchlick2 hide w1VeroSchlick "Instead of showing irritation at all the inane comments, Veronica peered down into my eyes, her own half-lidded from the pleasure of her debasement." ver "*Schlick!* *Plap!*" "Wet, sticky sounds permeated the air as Veronica became increasingly more stimulated." ver "*Schlick!* *Plap!* *Schlick!*" "Thick feminine juices coated Veronica's fingers, easily visible and glistening thanks to the sweltering spotlight that hung overhead." ver "Ah...♥ This is kinda fucking weird, ain't it? This is all new to me of course...Ehaa-♥" "Veronica let out an honest thought in between candied moans." mc "Tell me about it..." ver "*Schlick!* *Plap!*" ver "*Schlick!* *Plap!* *Schlick!*" ver "What's going on in your head, [mcf]? You like this shit? You enjoying the show?" mc "A--" ver "That was rhetorical. Don't answer that. I can tell just by looking at that big, dumb prick of yours." show w1VeroSchlick with dissolve hide w1VeroSchlick2 "Not like I could deny it anyway. I was fully erect. Veronica's peepshow had succeeded in recharging my batteries." ver "You're a perverted little fuck, you know that?" "I could tell from her expression that the sexual tension was mounting. As it did, it seemed Veronica got more aggressive." mct "(So this is how she's intent on playing it.)" KN_MOD "if w1ExTease == True or w1ExInControl == True:" "I wasn't sure if Veronica had intuited what I wanted or intended that to be a genuine indictment, but either way, she was taking it in a combative direction." KN_MOD "else:" "I wasn't sure if that was meant as pillow talk or a genuine indictment, but either way, she was taking it in a combative direction." KN_MOD "if toughness >=22:" mc "Takes one to know one, bitch. You're the one jilling yourself off right now." KN_MOD "elif toughness >= 15:" mc "Don't act like you don't have a hand in making me like that. You're putting on a damn good show!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Maybe, but you're the one who's making me like that." ver "Oh? You want me to take responsibility? Is that what you're saying?" show w1VeroSchlick2 with dissolve hide w1VeroSchlick "Veronica formed her mouth into a wide, toothy, lascivious grin. It felt like that moment of tension in nature documentaries just before the lion jumps out of the grass and seizes the antelope." ver "If you're raring to go, I won't stop you. Go ahead and stroke your dick." "Even with my renewed arousal from the muscular woman's lewd show, popping off twice in the span of thirty minutes had left me feeling pretty satisfied." mct "(Though, I'd feel bad if I hung her out to dry here in front of the club...)" mct "(I know! There's something else that could be fun.)" ver "Well, you gonna do it? I know you want to." mc "I don't think I will." "A tiny hint of concern unveiled itself in her eyes, like I was about to jeopardize her shot at winning the game by being uncooperative." "I had to admit a small part of me thought it might be fun to roast the stoic woman over the coals, just to see how she'd react, but that would be too cruel considering the situation." mc "I have something else in mind." scene w1_3011 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Slinking off the ottoman and onto my knees, I positioned myself at the towering Amazon's feet, angling it so my head came face-to-face with her crotch." ver "*Schlick!* *Plap!* *Schlick!*" "In the meantime, her masturbation hadn't slowed one bit. The only thing that changed, aside from my posture, was a curious look in her eyes." "The gears turned in her head, until it finally clicked in place and she picked up on what I was intended." scene w1_3013 with dissolve ver "Oh... does errand boy want some puss?" scene w1_3012 with dissolve "I slowly nodded my head, putting on what I hoped was a sly grin." scene w1_3014 with dissolve ver "Heh, well... the customer is always right, eh?" scene w1_3015 with dissolve "Veronica's masturbation slowed to a halt and the glassed-over look gave way to an eager and predatory one." scene w1_3016 with dissolve ver "Don't stall then. Get the fuck over here." "Veronica invitingly parted her thighs, granting me access to her sweet spot." "Beads of femcum, displaced by the Amazon's abject self-pleasuring, coated the pubic hair around her vulva." scene w1_3017 with dissolve "Not dilly-dallying, I set to work, repeatedly tracing the outer folds of her labia with the tip of my tongue." ver "That's right...♥ Lick me, [mcf]." "Pretty soon, I was coating Veronica's cunny in a thick mixture of saliva and vaginal discharge. From bottom to top, until I..." ver "Ah...!" "Until reached her clitoral hood and began peeling back the fold of skin with my tongue, to get at the hidden pearl inside." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3018 with hpunch ver "Ah... fuck yeah!" mc "Ehoh...?!" "The tip of my tongue reaching her sweet spot was like springing a bear trap, causing the Amazon's meaty thighs to clamp around my neck with an almost alarming force." scene w1_3020 with dissolve ver "You're not going anywhere, so don't stop licking...♥" "Once the alarm of having a set of large, muscular thighs clamp down around my head was passed, I figured I had no choice but to get back to work, lest I start to run out of air." "However, having my mouth sandwiched against Veronica's vulva and my nose smack dab on her clit, left me only one path forward in pleasuring her." scene w1_3019 with dissolve "I drove my tongue past the protective folds and into her opening." ver "That's right. You've got the idea...♥ Do a good job for me, okay?" "Veronica's normally husky voice dropped down an octave, as she choked out a command that sounded more like a pleasured plea." "It was an exhilarating experience, being tucked between the giant woman's massively powerful thighs. It filled me with my own growingly desperate desire to please her." "My head was awash with an odd mix of feelings. Of surprise at how good it felt to give up control, but also with a contradictory desire of wanting to wrest it from the hulking woman." "To pleasure her until her legs gave way and she collapsed like a pile of wet rags, a dumb slutty look on her face." mc "...!" "It was this line of thinking that emboldened my effort, as I used my tongue to reach deeper and deeper, scraping and teasing the slimy walls of her love tunnel." scene w1_3021 with dissolve ver "Oooh~oh..♥ You are... you are..." ver "--not bad at this." mct "(Not bad, huh? Time to get creative!)" "Using my nose in conjunction with my tongue, I pressed it hard into Veronica's clit and used it to rub and caress the sensitive nub." ver "Eeeeh...♥" with vpunch "It got me the reaction I was looking for, as Veronica squeezed her thighs tighter in overstimulation, pushing me even closer and giving my tongue greater access to her depths." scene w1_3022 with dissolve ver "Fine... fine!" "Veronica wasn't content in letting me do all the work of course, soon I could feel her hips start rocking, her inner walls clamping and sliding up and down my tongue like it was a cock. Working in tandem to provide even greater stimulation." ver "You're at least half-good too!" jim "She's going to suffocate the kid." chuck "Not the worst way to die!" "Between my laborious efforts and vice like leglock on the back of my neck, I was slowly losing my breath. Something that should be distressing, but felt more like a call to action." ver "Eh..." mc "*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp...!*" ver "Ehehe...!" "I bobbed my head in an violent, erratic pace. Not letting the buxom redhead get a chance to get used to one specific pace or pattern." "Lapping at her insides with a hunger-like frenzy, her inner walls attempted to constrict and clamp down on my tongue for naught, unable to get a grip on the slick, wiry muscle." scene w1_3021 with dissolve ver "Ah... ah... Ah-♥ Nggh... ah-♥ Motherfucker! You're getting that thing deep in there! Wh-what are you trying to do, taste my cervix?" mc "*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp...!*" "Veronica's thighs twitched as the assault continued, the thick vascularity in her legs pulsating from heightened arousal." ver "Egh...euhh...eugh...!" "Even in my cunt-licking stupor, I could pick up Veronica's breath slowing to a deep and irregular pace." scene w1_3023 with dissolve kat "Wonderful. Your face is twisted up like a Picasso painting, Miss Lynch." ver "S-shut up, you old hag!" kat "Watch your mouth whore, before I invite the whole room to cum and then shit down your throat." ver "Tsk...!" "Veronica was (rightly) agitated, but to my surprise, she had enough sense to hold her tongue." scene w1_3021 with dissolve ver "EeeeeEEeeeeh!" "Instead, she gripped the back of my head with both hands, thrusting her hips and by effect practically fucking my face." ver "Shit! Fuck! Damn!" "A slew of expletives clued me in I was getting close. It was good timing, because my tongue was feeling the strain of the violent, ceaseless wiggling it was doing." scene w1_3024 with vpunch mc "*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp...!*" ver "D-don't stop, errand boy! I'm about to cum...! Keep wagging that tongue...!" mc "*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp...!* " with vpunch mc "*{b}Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp...!{/b}*" with vpunch ver "Oh, ah-! It's going to be a big one...!" with vpunch mct "(Yes...! She's about there! I'm close!)" scene w1_3025 with flash ver "OoooOOOooooooOOOOooooOOOOooOh---!♥♥♥ Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!♥♥♥♥" mct "(--oh, shit!)" scene w1_3028 with dissolve mc "Gghhh--!"with flash "Even if it weren't for the banshee like scream or copious squirt spattering my face, I would've known she reached her climax thanks to one thing..." stop music fadeout 3.0 "Veronica's thighs clamped down {b}hard{/b} on my neck as she orgasmed, sending a shock of panic through my system thanks to the nauseating *crunch* it produced." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w1_3026 with vpunch ver "*{b}THUD!{/b}*" "Just as a real mortal fear began to dawn on me, it just as quickly vanished as Veronica lost control of her legs and began to tumble to the floor." scene w1_3027 with dissolve "Her large frame made quite the noise as it crashed to the stage floor." ver "Gh....!♥ A-ah- ehehe... wh-what derh...♥" "Not to mention the incoherent babbling the foul-mouthed woman was doing." mct "(I know I fantasized about this, but I didn't actually think she'd collapse...)" "The life had gone out Veronica's limbs and she was folded over like a discarded shirt." ver "Eheh...eheh...!" "Her breathing came out as a rattle and her eyes were alarmingly unfocused." scene w1_3029 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Hmppfh... that was excellent, [mcl]. What a sloppy bitch." kat "You still have three minutes, by the way. The game isn't over." scene w1_3030 with dissolve mct "(Right. I haven't ejaculated and time hasn't run out...)" "Seeing her reduced to THAT, thanks to my own efforts, filled me with a perverted sense of pride and some urges of my own." "There's still time, if I want to have some fun..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "menu w1ExIntuitionVeroEnding:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Asshole]{/color} Relieve your bladder on Veronicas crumpled body. if toughness >= 21:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 2 $ Warren_Friendship += 2 $ Sam_Friendship +=1 $ Veronica_Affection -= 4 $ Rosalind_Affection -= 1 $ Hana_Affection -= 2 $ w1ExVeroPissedOn = True scene w1_3031 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It suddenly occurred to me, I hadn't used the restroom all night and the girls have been pumping me full of drinks..." "Maybe it's this place having an effect on me, but pissing on the haughty woman seemed enticing all of a sudden." "It certainly fit the scene. She was keeled over like discarded trash, coated in sweat and disheveled." mct "(Ah, what the hell. When in Rome...)" mct "(These old fucks should get a kick out of this.)" scene w1_3032 with fade "Using my foot, I nudged the toppled Amazon to see if she was alright." ver "H-huh...?" "She still hadn't quite come to her senses yet. Which for my brazen purposes..." mct "(Good!)" scene w1_3033 with dissolve "With my painfully erect shaft in hand, I angled it at the bedraggled woman's crumpled form." scene w1_3034 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/urine-ground.wav" mc "Take it, bitch!" "An unsteady stream of urine flowed from my urethra, trickling down onto the prone woman's chest." scene w1_3035 with dissolve ver "Eh...?" "The sounds Veronica made told me she was just about to come to her senses and realize what was going on." kat "Bahahahaha! Ah, perfect! What a perfect ending!" "Watching my piss spatter across the headstrong woman's chest was a perverse thrill unlike any other." scene w1_3036 with dissolve ver "Geeuh?!!! What dhugh-- fuck!" "Here was a woman who treated her body like a temple and now I was using that same body as a toilet." mc "Don't be mad. You got me all wet just now, I'm just returning the favor." ver "M-motherfucker!" scene w1_3037 with dissolve stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "The crowd behind me let out a series of laughter, seemingly amused with this ending." scene black with fade "My stream slowing down to a trickle, I gave it a last couple of shakes before deciding I was finished." scene w1_3038 with w20 "Veronica had no words. From her position, all she could levy at me was a look of anger and humiliation." "A look that made my cock ache even more." "Part of me felt bad for being so impulsive, but for the most part... I felt free." KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Kind/Mischievous]{/color} Make sure Veronica is okay. if toughness <= 19:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 scene w1_3039 with dissolve play music "music/night-on-the-docks-sax.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "No. I shouldn't take advantage of my position. I want to be their friend, don't I?" scene w1_3040 with fade mc "Hey..." mc "That looked pretty intense. Are you okay?" scene w1_3041 with dissolve ver "Euh-- eh, w-what?" ver "Shit, I'm on the floor?" mc "Yeah. You about popped my head like a melon too." scene w1_3042 with dissolve ver "S-sorry about that, I didn't expect it to hit me that hard..." mc "You're under a lot of stress, I get it. It's a lot like a pressure cooker." scene w1_3043 with dissolve ver "I don't think that's how the human body works, doc..." mc "Alright, then I guess the only other explanation is your legs turned to jelly all thanks to my sexual prowess." scene w1_3044 with dissolve ver "Pfft-ha, oho. Don't make me laugh, [mcf]. I'm starting to get a headache." "Standing back up, I offered the toppled Amazon my hand." mc "Let me help you get to your feet." scene black with fade ver "...yeah, okay." scene w1_3045 with fade ver "Thanks... I guess." scene w1_3046 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Acknowledge her by slapping her ass.:" scene w1_3047 with dissolve scene w1_3048 with instantdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3049 with instantdissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "*{b}Smack{/b}!*" scene w1_3050 with dissolve mc "You're welcome." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >= 10:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 scene w1_3051 with dissolve ver "Cocky little cuss..." "Despite her words, Veronica gave me a sly smile." KN_MOD "else:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 scene w1_3052 with dissolve ver "Egh. Don't get cocky, errand boy." KN_MOD "Tell her no problem.:" scene w1_3053 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, no problem." KN_MOD "Ejaculate on the prone womans face.:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 $ w1ExGame1Ejaculation = True play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Well, I'm all worked up.... might as well take care of that, right?)" scene w1_3054 with dissolve "Taking my shaft in hand, I began to quickly stroke my aching cock." play ambient "sound effects/fap.wav" "I kept the thought of the dirty old men behind me out of mind and instead focused on Veronica's naked, disheveled body." "Seeing a perfectly honed, hard-earned body toppled from sexual exhaustion was a genuine thrill." scene w1_3055 with fade KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Ah...! You bitch...! You beautiful, dirty bitch!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Ah...! You're so fucking beautiful...!" ver "Eeehmg... Wha...?" "It didn't take long for the urge to ejaculate to build in me." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "I'm about to blow my load. Get ready, whore!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'm about to cum. Get Ready!" "Positioning myself by the Amazon's head, I aimed my cock and let loose." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3056 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Take it! All over your face!" with flash ver "Geh...?!" scene w1_3057 with dissolve ver "T-this smell... it's..." mc "Damn. That was... ah, that was intense." ver "Did you just...?" "I let out a contented sigh, before wiping the remaining cum on Veronica's chest." "I felt utterly exhausted from this ordeal." KN_MOD "Just let the time run out.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 scene w1_3074 with dissolve "Already exhausted from this ordeal, I pushed aside my sexual urge and decided to take a seat on the couch." scene w1_3058 with dissolve "Instead, I decided to relax and take in Veronica's naked form as she regained her composure." "Seeing a perfectly honed, hard-earned body toppled from sexual exhaustion was a genuine thrill." scene w1_3059 with dissolve "By the time Veronica got the strength back in her legs and got to her feet, time was close to being up." ver "I didn't expect... that was... wow..." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Asshole] Relieve your bladder on Veronicas crumpled body. if toughness <= 20:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionVeroEnding" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Kind/Mischievous] Make sure Veronica is okay. if toughness >= 19:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExIntuitionVeroEnding" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroExhibition1Game1:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.veroExhibition1Game1 = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "..." scene w1_3060 with circlewipe play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" "After game one had wrapped up, I was thankfully free to skitter out from the spotlight while the judges conferred." "Picking a winner based off of some vague description I gave seemed farcical, but I suppose that's ultimately what the whole month was." "Meanwhile, the Carnations stood center stage, talking amongst themselves." scene w1_3061 with dissolve "The crowd in front them engaged in some light conversation and debauchery." scene w1_3062 with dissolve kil "That looked like fun. Hell of the way to start a night, eh?" KN_MOD "if w1ExVeroPissedOn == True:" kil "I can't believe you actually pissed on that tall bitch." kil "You're a lot freakier than you let on." scene w1_3063 with dissolve mc "It was like an oven up there." scene w1_3062 with dissolve kil "Yeah, that was one of the first things I noticed too." kil "Kat says the heat makes people more agreeable, but I have a theory she just wants to make everyone who steps up there miserable." scene w1_3063 with dissolve mc "Both of those can be true." scene w1_3064 with dissolve kil "Still, other than that, you had a good time right?" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" scene w1_3065 with dissolve mc "It was... exhilarating, actually." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_3063 with dissolve mc "I enjoyed... some aspects of it." scene w1_3062 with dissolve kil "Yeah, of course you did. Where else in your life are you going back-to-back with three women?" scene w1_3066 with wipeleft hana "That would be pretty sweet if the women were actually into you, dumbass." scene w1_3067 with dissolve hana "Three women doing it only because they're desperately trying to win a prize isn't anything to be proud of." scene w1_3068 with dissolve kil "Hana! I thought you despised coming down here." kil "You spent all of last summer tethered to the bar. Don't tell me you're getting curious about the fun?" scene w1_3069 with dissolve hana "I got bored, so I thought I'd poke my head in. See how [mcf] was doing." scene w1_3070 with dissolve kil "Oh? Guess you two hit it off when I wasn't looking." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w1_3071 with dissolve yh "It ain't like that." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_3072 with dissolve hana "It ain't like that." scene w1_3073 with dissolve kil "That's too bad. [mcf] could probably help you stop being a bitch." scene w1_3075 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Killian to stop being a dick.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 scene w1_3076 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Stop being a fuckin asshole, Ian." scene w1_3077 with dissolve kil "Me? An asshole...?" kil "Yeah, that shoe fits. Still you're being awfully fucking sensitive for some reason. It \"ain't like that\", huh?" scene w1_3078 with dissolve hana "No, you just talk so much shit that we can smell it on your breath." scene w1_3079 with dissolve kil "Yeesh. Fine, sorry. Here I thought this was just what the two of us considered flirting." scene w1_3080 with dissolve hana "*sigh* Don't make me gag." KN_MOD "Dont get in between the two.:" scene w1_3080 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve hana "Your ass must be jealous of how much shit comes out of your mouth." scene w1_3081 with dissolve kil "It's better than being in an angry mood all the time." scene w1_3082 with dissolve hana "Must be pretty easy to be happy when you have a trust fund. You and your psychopathic uncle can get--" scene w1_3081 with dissolve kil "You think I don't have any problems?" scene w1_3082 with dissolve hana "I'm sure you have {b}PLENTY{/b}. Like... \"Should I get her drunk or just break out the Rohypnol tonight?\" Decisions, decisions." scene w1_3081 with dissolve kil "Fuck you! I'm not a rapist!" scene w1_3082 with dissolve hana "Yeah, maybe. It's probably just the money that allows ANYONE to tolerate you enough to pretend to be your friend." stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "We've arrived at a decision, gentlemen." scene w1_3083 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Thankfully, Mrs. Pulman's announcement interrupted Hana and Ian's little spat." KN_MOD "else:" "Thankfully, Kathleen's announcement interrupted Hana and Ian's little spat." scene w1_3084 with dissolve play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" kat "Based off the criteria that Mr. [mcl] set in advance... the winner of our first game of the night, and the Carnation who will have the benefit of also bypassing the second game is..." KN_MOD "if w1ExDeferential == True and w1ExWorship == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel = True scene w1_3087 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Felicia Ford, our would be sister-in-arms! She certainly knows how to worship a cock, doesn't she?" KN_MOD "if w1ExDeferential == True and w1ExNasty == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel = True scene w1_3087 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Felicia Ford, our would be sister-in-arms! Who put on the most lewd and nasty showing of the night." KN_MOD "if w1ExDeferential == True and w1ExTender == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerRose = True scene w1_3085 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Rosalind Carter, who put on quite the tender and loving show for this stage!" KN_MOD "if w1ExDeferential == True and w1ExTease == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel = True scene w1_3087 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Felicia Ford, our would be sister-in-arms! She certainly knows how to treat a cock, doesn't she?" KN_MOD "if w1ExInControl == True and w1ExWorship == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel = True scene w1_3087 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Felicia Ford, our would be sister-in-arms! Who knew how to both guide a man around {b}and{/b} worship a cock." KN_MOD "if w1ExInControl == True and w1ExNasty == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel = True scene w1_3087 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Felicia Ford, our would be sister-in-arms! Who put on the most lewd and nasty showing of the night." KN_MOD "if w1ExInControl == True and w1ExTender == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerVero = True scene w1_3086 with dissolve kat "Miss Veronica Lynch, who thought outside the box and forcefully took care of the client's nonsexual needs." KN_MOD "if w1ExInControl == True and w1ExTease == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerVero = True scene w1_3086 with dissolve kat "Miss Veronica Lynch, who thought outside the box and forcefully took care of the client's nonsexual needs." KN_MOD "if w1ExAttentive == True and w1ExWorship == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerRose = True scene w1_3085 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Rosalind Carter, who put on quite the tender and loving show for this stage!" KN_MOD "if w1ExAttentive == True and w1ExNasty == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerVero = True scene w1_3086 with dissolve kat "Miss Veronica Lynch, who thought outside the box and forcefully took care of the client's nonsexual needs." KN_MOD "if w1ExAttentive == True and w1ExTender == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerRose = True scene w1_3085 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Rosalind Carter, who put on quite the tender and loving show for this stage!" KN_MOD "if w1ExAttentive == True and w1ExTease == True:" $ w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerVero = True scene w1_3086 with dissolve kat "Miss Veronica Lynch, who thought outside the box and forcefully took care of the client's nonsexual needs." KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerRose == True:" scene w1_3088 with dissolve $ history_rosalind = "To her surprise, with her incongruously loving performance, Rosalind took the first game of the first exhibition. Leaving Veronica and Felicia to move onto the second game." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve rose "" scene w1_3089 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/applause-small.wav" "A look of surprise fell over the hard luck mother as a round of applause erupted from the crowd." tom "There, there!" frank "I told you she'd come out on top." KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" jim "Looks like my hunch was right!" scene w1_3088 with dissolve rose "Uh..." scene w1_3089 with dissolve kat "Don't look so dumbfounded, dear. You managed to deliver what Mr. [mcl] asked for, even if it was just a fluke." scene w1_3088 with dissolve rose "That means... I'm done for the night?" scene w1_3090 with dissolve kat "That it does. It's bittersweet for your fans, of course, but you've earned that privilege. Lucky you." kat "The next two games are going to be {b}drastically{/b} more punishing." scene w1_3091 with dissolve ver "Damn it!" scene w1_3092 with dissolve kat "Now, now. Don't be a sore loser, Miss Lynch. It makes you look uglier than you already do." scene w1_3093 with dissolve fel "Hehe, congrats! I didn't expect that!" "Her opponents had fittingly polar opposite reactions to the news." scene w1_3094 with dissolve mc "Guess Felicia's happy. Her fun gets to continue." scene w1_3095 with dissolve hana "Is she the Carnation that {i}wanted{/i} to join? What a weirdo." scene w1_3096 with dissolve kil "Good. I was hoping to see that redhead in action some more." scene w1_3097 with dissolve hana "Is that your type? The kind of woman who could beat you up?" scene w1_3098 with dissolve mc "Ha, you should see his girlfriend. She's pretty much the opposite of Veronica. All girly and sweet." scene w1_3099 with dissolve kil "Don't try and put a label on me. I love all kinds of women." scene w1_3100 with dissolve hana "You {i}lust{/i} after all kinds of women you mean." scene w1_3101 with dissolve kil "What's the difference?" hana "Wh--" KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel == True:" scene w1_3102 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "Shining like a star with her lewd performance, Felicia took the first game of the first exhibition. Leaving Rosalind and Veronica to move on to the second game." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve fel "Ha!" play sound "sound effects/applause-small.wav" "Felicia triumphantly cheered in a fittingly exaggerated fashion as a round of applause erupted from the crowd." eric "Ha! Excellent!" mihir "An impressive showing." KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" jim "Looks like my hunch was right!" scene w1_3091 with dissolve ver "Damn it!" scene w1_3092 with dissolve kat "Now, now. Don't be a sore loser, Miss Lynch. It makes you look uglier than you already do." scene w1_3104 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_3105 with dissolve kat "--and you don't look so downtrodden. This is just the first of many chances you'll have to win." scene w1_3106 with dissolve fel "I guess that means I'm sitting the rest of the night out?" scene w1_3090 with dissolve kat "That it does. You've earned that privilege. Lucky you." kat "The next two games are going to be {b}drastically{/b} more punishing." scene w1_3094 with dissolve mc "Too bad for Felicia I guess. It means tonight's fun is over for her." scene w1_3095 with dissolve hana "Is she the Carnation that {i}wanted{/i} to join? What a weirdo." scene w1_3096 with dissolve kil "Sucks for her, but I was hoping to see that redhead in action some more." scene w1_3097 with dissolve hana "Is that your type? The kind of woman who could beat you up?" scene w1_3098 with dissolve mc "Ha, you should see his girlfriend. She's pretty much the opposite of Veronica. All girly and sweet." scene w1_3099 with dissolve kil "Don't try and put a label on me. I love all kinds of women." scene w1_3100 with dissolve hana "You {i}lust{/i} after all kinds of women you mean." scene w1_3101 with dissolve kil "What's the difference?" hana "Wh--" KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerVero == True:" scene w1_3107 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/applause-small.wav" "Instead of looking pleased, Veronica simply shrugged. As if it was to be expected." $ history_veronica = "Veronica's equal display of tender care and domineering spirit secured her the first game of the first exhibition, leaving Rosalind and Felicia to move onto the next one." $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve sam "There wasn't ever any fucking doubt!" jiji "She's a remarkable specimen." KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" jim "Looks like my hunch was right!" scene w1_3108 with dissolve fel "Congratulations, Red. You really know how to take charge." fel "You look cute when you cum, by the way." scene w1_3109 with dissolve ver "Shut up, Blondie." scene w1_3103 with dissolve kat "Now, now. Learn how to take a compliment, Miss Lynch." scene w1_3104 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_3105 with dissolve kat "--and you don't look so downtrodden. This is just the first of many chances you'll have to win." scene w1_3110 with dissolve ver "I'm done for the night?" scene w1_3090 with dissolve kat "Indeed. You still need to be here, but you've earned the privilege of watching the next two games. Lucky you." kat "The next two games are going to be {b}drastically{/b} more punishing." scene w1_3094 with dissolve mc "Guess Felicia's happy. Her fun gets to continue." scene w1_3095 with dissolve hana "She's the one that {i}wanted{/i} to join? What a weirdo." scene w1_3111 with dissolve kil "Damn. I was hoping to see the redhead in action some more tonight." scene w1_3097 with dissolve hana "Is that your type? The kind of woman who could beat you up?" scene w1_3098 with dissolve mc "Ha, you should see his girlfriend. She's pretty much the opposite of Veronica. All girly and sweet." scene w1_3099 with dissolve kil "Don't try and put a label on me. I love all kinds of women." scene w1_3100 with dissolve hana "You {i}lust{/i} after all kinds of women you mean." scene w1_3101 with dissolve kil "What's the difference?" hana "Wh--" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_3112 with dissolve kat "With that, we'll move onto the second game of the night. Ian, a hand?" scene w1_3113 with wipeleft kil "Hold that thought and then promptly toss it in the trash, Hana." scene black with fade "..." scene w1_3114 with dissolve play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" mc "You two get along like oil and water." scene w1_3115 with dissolve hana "No shit." scene w1_3116 with dissolve mc "It's entertaining." scene w1_3115 with dissolve hana "No, it isn't. I hate spoiled rich boys." scene w1_3117 with dissolve mc "Eh, it kinda is." scene w1_3115 with dissolve hana "No, it isn't." scene w1_3114 with dissolve mc "So you wanted to check up on me?" KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w1_3118 with dissolve hana "Yeah, it's your first night. Bet you've never screwed in front of a crowd before." scene w1_3119 with dissolve mc "...did you see all that?" scene w1_3120 with dissolve hana "No, I just caught the end with that buff chick." KN_MOD "if w1ExVeroPissedOn == True:" hana "Can't believe you just peed on her like that." scene w1_3121 with dissolve mc "Eh... that's..." scene w1_3122 with dissolve hana "Oh, don't be embarrassed, dork. I was impressed." scene w1_3123 with dissolve mc "Impressed about what?" scene w1_3124 with dissolve hana "Your giving, charitable demeanor." scene w1_3125 with dissolve mc "Ha! Screw you!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_3118 with dissolve hana "Yeah, see how much a dork like you was in over his head. First time screwing in front of a crowd?" scene w1_3119 with dissolve mc "...did you see all that?" scene w1_3120 with dissolve hana "No, I just caught the end with that buff chick." KN_MOD "if w1ExVeroPissedOn == True:" hana "Can't believe you just peed on her like that." scene w1_3121 with dissolve mc "Eh... that's..." scene w1_3122 with dissolve hana "Embarrassing? Fuck yeah it was." scene w1_3126 with fade hana "Ah, but seriously though... don't feel too self-conscious about just lil' ol' me. Not like a dozen other people beside me didn't see your nuts to begin with." scene w1_3127 with dissolve mc "When you put it that way, it sounds mortifying." scene w1_3126 with dissolve hana "Not to sound like a broken record, but that's an apt description for this horror show." scene w1_3128 with dissolve hana "Look over there." scene w1_3129 with dissolve hana "That guy's Joe Shelby." mc "Like the car guy? From that movie?" hana "...huh? No. That's Carrol Shelby. {b}Joe{/b} is a state congressman and a moralistic, holier-than-thou shithead." scene w1_3130 with dissolve hana "Last year, Mr. Family Values choked Harper until she passed out." scene w1_3131 with dissolve mc "What the fuck?" scene w1_3130 with dissolve hana "She refused to work for like a week. Keep an eye on that asshole, alright?" scene w1_3127 with dissolve mc "I'll try." scene w1_3126 with dissolve hana "Don't try. Do, please. Us peons should look out for each other." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w1_3132 with dissolve hana "By the way, it's nice having someone my own age around." scene w1_3133 with dissolve "Hana placed a hand on my thigh and gave me an unfiltered smile that caught me off guard." scene w1_3135 with dissolve "I thought back to the other night, when I discovered our similar backgrounds." mc "This place must get pretty lonely." scene w1_3133 with dissolve scene w1_3134 with dissolve scene w1_3133 with dissolve "Rather than responding, she just nodded slightly." scene w1_3136 with dissolve hana "Looks like things are about to heat back up again." scene w1_3164 with dissolve hana "I should get back to the bar. This is about the time of night everyone starts to really knock 'em back." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w1_3137 with dissolve hana "Nice chatting with you. Keep your head up, [mcf]." hana "See you later." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_3138 with dissolve hana "Good talking with ya, new guy. See you around." mc "Later." scene w1_3139 with dissolve mct "(I wonder what that old woman will throw at them next...)?" stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerRose == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughVeroFelStart" KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughVeroRoseStart" KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerVero == True:" KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughRoseFelStart" KN_MOD "label w1ExFollowThroughVeroFelStart:" scene w1_3140 with curtains kat "Gentlemen, we are to begin! Allow me to explain the next game." "About twenty or so minutes after Hana had scurried back to the bar, game two was kicking off. Veronica and Felicia had already taken their \"starting\" positions, ass to ass and down on their hands and knees at the center of the stage." scene w1_3141 with dissolve play music "music/myst-on-the-moor.ogg" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "A double-sided dildo rested between them, lewdly connecting the two women together at their honeypots. They were tasked with the uncomfortable prospect of awkwardly holding that position while Mrs. Pulman explained what was coming next." KN_MOD "else:" "A double-sided dildo rested between them, lewdly connecting the two women together at their honeypots. They were tasked with the uncomfortable prospect of awkwardly holding that position while Kathleen explained what was coming next." scene w1_3142 with dissolve kat "Our first game was about the first tenent of customer service. Exploring the needs of the customer." kat "Our second game will hone in on what I think of as the next: {b}actualization{/}. The art of the follow through." kat "In simplest terms, being able to keep focus on your task despite any roadblocks that might arise." scene w1_3143 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite ==True:" "Par for the course, Mrs. Pulman aggrandized what is otherwise just an excuse to perversely watch women squirm in discomfort." KN_MOD "else:" "Par for the course, Kathleen aggrandized what is otherwise just an excuse to perversely watch women squirm in discomfort." scene w1_3144 with dissolve kat "...and what will be the task? It's simple. You'll just need to shake your hips like the whores you are." kat "You two will fuck each other for all your worth. If you start slacking, the collars around your neck will generously provide you a pick-me-up." scene w1_3145 with dissolve ver "What do you mean by pick-me-up?" scene w1_3146 with dissolve kat "Simply put, it'll administer a brief shock that will jolt you back to your senses and get you moving again. If you don't get back to the task within 10 seconds, you'll be disqualified." scene w1_3147 with dissolve ver "What the fuck?" scene w1_3148 with dissolve fel "Eh...? A shock...?" scene w1_3149 with dissolve kat "Don't be alarmed. It's nothing dangerous for a healthy adult woman. It's more akin to a dog's training collar, but for stupid sluts like you." scene w1_3150 with dissolve fel "..." "Even Felicia was looking a little unsure about this one." scene w1_3151 with dissolve kat "If you find the prospect unappealing, one of you can always resign and move onto the last game by your lonesome." scene w1_3152 with dissolve fel "Hehe, no... I'm game." ver "Let's do this." scene w1_3153 with dissolve kat "Good. I thought so. That's not all there is to this game though. You'll also be asked some questions." scene w1_3154 with dissolve kat "Simple, basic things that any woman your age should be able to answer. A wrong or delayed answer will make things more difficult for you." scene w1_3155 with dissolve kat "Do you two understand the parameters of this game?" scene w1_3156 with dissolve fel "Yes, ma'am." ver "Aye..." scene w1_3157 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]! Mr. Beaufort! You'll be charged with administering the shocks. You've familiarized yourself with the remote control I've given you?" scene w1_3158 with dissolve kil "Yup!" mc "I think so." scene w1_3157 with dissolve kat "It's very simple. There's three settings. Each corresponds to a low-, medium-, and high-powered shock. I'll leave it to your discretion what you feel is appropriate." mct "(Is this part of the test she mentioned...?)" kat "Mr. [mcl]'s remote is synced with Miss Lynch's collar. Mr. Beaufort's is synced to Mrs. Ford's." KN_MOD "label w1ExFollowThroughVeroFel:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3159 with dissolve kat "Now, enough talking. Let's get to why all you gentlemen are really here. On the count of three, I want you to start fucking each other like your future depends on it." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_3160 with dissolve kat "Three..." scene w1_3161 with dissolve kat "Two..." scene w1_3162 with dissolve kat "One..." scene w1_3163 with vpunch kat "Begin, whores!" show verofeldil1 with dissolve play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" "Cutting through the air with an enthusiastic chop, she signaled for the two Carnations to begin the trial." "Neither woman hesitated to jump ass-first into the task in front of them, the two of them drawing their bodies back until their haunches collided with a satisfying smack." "Both women then scrambled to push forward, sliding themselves off and revealing more and more of the golden toy that connected them." "It was like an awkward dance. On paper it might sound simple, but the reality was each woman was struggling to find the appropriate tempo that would make it easier for the both of them." "Veronica lurched forward at such a depth that the dildo almost slipped out from in between them, but Felicia was quick to pull back and keep it locked between them." kat "That's right, girls. Keep those hips moving and those asses shaking. It's one of the few things you're good for." "Eventually the two found a workable rhythm, moving in tandem like some perverted seesaw." "As one would expect, both Carnations bore an uncomfortable look on their faces. Each concentrated on keeping their hips unceasingly moving and the sex-toy lodged in their quims." scene verofeldil3 with dissolve hide verofeldil1 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "How you doing back there, Red? You've got a rock-hard tush, you know that?" ver "D-don't distract me." fel "Isn't that the objective of this? For us to pat our head and rub our belly at the same time?" scene verofeldil4 with dissolve hide verofeldil3 "Veronica merely grimaced, not dignifying the flippant woman with a response." "Instead, she squared her shoulders and bucked her hips, vigorously sheathing and unsheathing herself from the toy with a stronger intensity than before." "*Plap* *Smack* *Slap!*" "*Plap* *Smack* *Slap* *Smack!* *Plap!* *Slap!*" fel "Oooooh...!" "It was like she was declaring: \"I'm going to wear you down\". However..." ver "Ngg...!" "It was a double sided sword, almost quite literally. She wasn't immune to the pleasurable change of pace herself." scene w1_3165 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Such beautiful, bouncing asses... don't you agree, gentleman?" scene w1_3166 with dissolve "The crowd reacted with a mix of noise that could be taken as agreement." kat "However, let's make things more interesting." scene w1_3167 with dissolve kat "Hmmm-mmmh~hmmm~ Let's see... " kat "You girls know your multiplication tables...?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite:" "Having gone over to one of the nearby tables, Mrs. Pulman carefully considered her options while posing an odd question." KN_MOD "else:" "Having gone over to one of the nearby tables, Kathleen carefully considered her options while posing an odd question." scene w1_3168 with dissolve "Both women must've took the question as rhetorical, as neither answered her." scene w1_3169 with dissolve kat "Let's get things rolling. We'll start with..." scene w1_3170 with dissolve kat "Miss Lynch." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene verofeldil2 with dissolve hide verofeldil4 ver "Eeeeh...? W-what are you talking about?" kat "Answer quickly. What is nine times twelve?" ver "W-what--?" kat "Five, four, three, two..." ver "Uh... 108!" scene w1_3154 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Correct. Mrs. Ford: fourteen times six?" fel "Wait... eh... 72... 78... eighty- eighty four!" scene w1_3155 with dissolve kat "Correct. Veronica! Thirteen times nine?" ver "One--one hundred seventeen!" scene verofeldil1 with dissolve hide verofeldil2 KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "All the while the two pumped their hips, the Carnations went back and forth answering Mrs. Pulman's questions." KN_MOD "else:" "All the while the two pumped their hips, the Carnations went back and forth answering Kathleen's questions." fel "75!" ver "119!" fel "169!" ver "196!" fel "Eh, eh... duh duh... duh... two... 224...?" scene w1_3171 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Oops, sorry! The answer was 238! Mrs. Ford takes the first hit." fel "What are you ta--" scene w1_3172 with dissolve fel "Ooooh! What the fuck?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Finding a window of opportunity while the pair was separating, Mrs. Pulman shoved a prickly golf-ball-sized sphere into Felicia's puckering asshole." KN_MOD "else:" "Finding a window of opportunity while the pair was separating, Kathleen shoved a prickly golf-ball-sized sphere into Felicia's puckering asshole." scene w1_3173 with vpunch fel "G-gguh..!?" scene w1_3174 with dissolve "The reaction was immediate. As the pair's backsides smacked together once more, a look of dazed shock flooded the blonde woman's face." fel "Eh...?" scene w1_3173 with vpunch fel "Gg--ah~!!!" "Every time Felicia's ass was sent shaking from colliding with Veronica's stone-solid backside, she reeled from the pink toy sliding around her colon." scene w1_3174 with dissolve fel "Ahh... fuck! W-warn a girl before you...!" ver "W-what did you just do? Why is Blondie squealing?" kat "You mean besides her being a pig whore?" scene w1_3175 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3176 with vpunch "*{b}Smack!!!{/b}*" fel "OOooooooOOoooOOOh!" kat "Miss Lynch. Sixteen times eighteen?" scene verofeldil2 with dissolve hide verofeldil1 ver "Eh...?" kat "Five, four, three..." ver "Who the fuck knows their multiplication tables that high?!" kat "One... time's up!" ver "Shit! What are you going to do?" "Understandably, having no idea what just happened to Felicia, Veronica's normally indomitable expression cracked, showing signs of fear and concern." scene w1_3177 with dissolve kat "Remember? A wrong or delayed answer will make things more difficult for you." scene w1_3178 with dissolve ver "Gh...? W-what did you just put in mee-" scene w1_3179 with vpunch ver "aAaaaAAAsssssssss!" scene w1_3180 with dissolve "Veronica reacted as Felicia had, with total and complete shock at the strange sensation." fel "Eh, whhhhy does this feel sort of good?" scene w1_3179 with vpunch ver "Fuck no it doesn't!" kat "Miss Ford. Nineteen times sixty three..." scene w1_3181 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "Is that a joke?!" scene w1_3182 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The girls did their best to answer Mrs. Pulman's questions, but one by one the balls began to disappear in equal measure." KN_MOD "else:" "The girls did their best to answer Kathleen's questions, but one by one the balls began to disappear in equal measure." scene w1_3183 with dissolve "Two for Veronica..." scene w1_3184 with dissolve "Three for Felicia... three for Veronica." scene w1_3185 with dissolve "By the time they'd all disappeared, the spike-lined balls had been equally split between the Carnations and were now freely rattling around the girl's buttholes." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" pause 0.5 play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" pause 0.5 play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "*{b}Smack{/b}* *{b}Smack{/b}!* *{b}Smack{/b}-!!*" scene w1_3186 with dissolve ver "Mmmmmnnaaaa!" fel "Geh-! S-stop hitting me! It feels weeeeeeeeird!" "At this point, both women were howling in a confuddled mix of pain and pleasure." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Each swat of the paddle in Mrs. Pulman's grip sent each of their wide asses quaking, knocking the ribbed pink toys against each other and scraping the lining of their bowels." KN_MOD "else:" "Each swat of the paddle in Kathleen's grip sent each of their wide asses quaking, knocking the ribbed pink toys against each other and scraping the lining of their bowels." "The pervert in me had to hand it to her. It was a simple approach, but the results were etched into the pair's enraptured faces." fel "Onnn- oh, gghuu!" scene w1_3190 with dissolve kat "Remember the aim of the game: soldier through the sensation. Keep fucking each other until you drop." scene w1_3188 with dissolve ver "Yeh-y-you don't need to remind me of that!" scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "That was directed at the other slut. She's clearly enjoying herself." scene w1_3188 with dissolve "She was right. Felicia was going cross-eyed." scene w1_3190 with dissolve kat "Not your first time being double stuffed?" scene w1_3189 with dissolve fel "Eeeh, ye-no, n-no it is! I mean, only with toys...!" scene w1_3190 with dissolve kat "Really? I figured a woman like you would be more experienced in that area." scene w1_3191 with quickdissolve scene w1_3192 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3193 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" fel "Ooowowooooo~ehg, they're moving around in my buuuutt!" scene w1_3192 with dissolve scene w1_3191 with dissolve fel "G-guh...! My asshole is on fire... Itz... tt-to..." kat "I should remember that you have an extra-sensitive anus. That will come in handy later." scene w1_3191 with quickdissolve scene w1_3192 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3193 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" fel "Geh-hggg! Shwhnit...!" "Every blow wrenched a yelp of pleasure from the volunteer whore's vocal cords." scene w1_3192 with dissolve scene w1_3191 with dissolve fel "F-fu- n-no fair!" scene w1_3191 with quickdissolve scene w1_3192 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3193 with vpunch "*{b}Smack!{/b}*" fel "EeeaaaAAaaaaHgh! Ohhwwho...!" "Every blow made Felicia look more and more hopeless, more wretched, and more on edge." scene w1_3192 with dissolve scene w1_3191 with dissolve kat "There it is! I was waiting to see your face twisted up like a perverted bitch! You're taking this place much too lightly." fel "Gg-gh... itz- t-too m-much...!" kat "I'm going to teach you many wonderful things with this month, dear! Now cum!" scene w1_3191 with quickdissolve scene w1_3192 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3193 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" scene w1_3194 with dissolve fel "Eeeeeeeeeeeooooowwwwh!" "With a violent cry, Felicia arched her back and tightly shut her eyes in abject ecstasy." fel "OooOooooOooh~oooh...ehehe...♥" scene w1_3190 with dissolve kat "Did you cum from your pussy or your ass? Both maybe?" kat "Ha! You might just be this summer's anal queen." scene w1_3189 with dissolve "Felicia stumbled forward slightly and her orgasm dulled her previous energy, but she amazingly kept to task, never not working in tandem with Veronica's bucking hips." scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "What about you, Miss Lynch? How are you holding up?" scene w1_3195 with dissolve ver "F-feh! I could do this all night!" kat "Is that so? Then let's get back on track then." scene w1_3196 with dissolve mc "They're unbelievable..." scene w1_3197 with dissolve kil "Shit, this is good..." scene w1_3198 with dissolve kat "This time you have 30 seconds to answer." ver "We're not done with that?" kat "No. Not until one of you yields." scene w1_3199 with dissolve kat "I have a riddle for you, are you listening?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene verofeldil2 with dissolve hide verofeldil1 ver "Ggeeeh, t-this is... yes! I'm listening!" kat "Good! Here it is: \"Without it, I'm dead. If I'm not, then I'm behind. What am I?\"." ver "Uuuuh, ah, fuck! I was never good at these! Uh... Without it I'm..." ver "...then I'm behind...? Uh..." kat "Ten seconds." ver "MMh... Uh..." kat "Five seconds. Four, three, two..." ver "Oxygen?!" kat "Sorry, that is an incorrect answer. The one I'm looking for is \"ahead\"." ver "Dah-damn it!" scene verofeldil3 with dissolve hide verofeldil2 kat "Your turn, Mrs. Ford. What has a head and a tail, but no body?" fel "Head... tail.... oh!" fel "A coin?" kat "Correct. Very good! That was surprisingly quick." kat "Now..." scene w1_3200 with hpunch play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "*Bzzzzt!*" "Just like with the balls, the cruel woman slipped the newly fetched toy - an anal vibrator - smoothly into the Amazon's tightening pucker and turned it on." scene verofeldil5 with dissolve hide verofeldil3 ver "Mmmmn~eeh, ah... fhug...!!!" ver "Gho-o-hohh-! Ehhh...! Oooowwh..!" "The vibrating rod being shoved mercilessly into her crowded tail hole produced a garbled slew of intelligibly whorish moans." ver "Fhooowwwuuuck!" kat "Haha, how do you like that?" ver "Tk-! The vib---gh, the vibrations-!" kat "I know, right? In such a tight space, it's making the studded eggs vibrate along with it. You can feel those vibrations all the way into your stomach and into your chest." ver "Ghh...! Y-ngh-mmg-oh, yh-yes!" kat "I'm very glad you were the one who got my riddle wrong. Unlike Felicia, you need that extra push to make you admit a basic truth." kat "What truth is that, you're unable to ask right now... but I'll tell you anyway. The truth is, there is a part of you that enjoys this." ver "Ehegh, n-no!" kat "Don't lie. I know all about you, Miss Lynch. Your career as a sportswoman, your work as a fitness model. The fitness competitions... you like being looked at. You like the limelight." kat "Just like Mrs. Ford enjoys it. Really, you're two peas from the same whorish pod." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman must've been delighted to have Veronica under her control, with no choice but to listen to her bullshit observations." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen must've been delighted to have Veronica under her control, with no choice but to listen to her bullshit observations." ver "Egug...! F-fhuck...! Ehuu...!!" ver "Datsnohttrueeeee....!" "Even with the additional discomfort, Veronica continued to match Felicia's pace, moving her hips at a furious pace and drilling herself on the golden dildo." "The sight made me think Mrs. Pulman might've not been too off base when it came to Veronica. From where I sat, it looked like the woman at least had something of an exhibitionist streak." "She was at least feeling it. It wasn't just the goal of winning the competition that was driving her hips, it was also needy, craven desire." scene verofeldil6 with dissolve hide verofeldil5 fel "Gh... oh~♥ It doesnt'stooohp!!" "Her opponent was looking much of the same. Felicia's beautiful face had contorted in a mess of pleasure, drool pooling at the corners of her mouth and dripping down her chin." "Her last orgasm hadn't dulled her sensitivity in the least." scene verofeldil7 with dissolve hide verofeldil6 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Incredibly the scene carried on for minutes more. Felicia was rocked by numerous mini-orgasms in the meantime, but she still managed to hang on." "It was a marvelous sight. The two women sweating profusely, squirming in ecstasy, loose strands of hair matting the napes of the neck." "The room was completely silent." "Even our cruel ringleader shut the fuck up for once, instead letting the show be carried by the dirty sounds of copulation and ragged breathing." "In this moment, I felt utterly divorced from my regular life. [mcf] was just a name at the back of my head and his worries seemed so trite." fel "Oh... no...!" ver "Eh... eh..!" scene w1_3201 with flash ver "Ooofffhhooooo-! Ghhhg... fhuu... ghw..." "I watched the large woman's expression go cross-eyed, her throat letting out a deep, guttural howl as she reached her peak." kat "Oh? Already?" ver "Geggggeh--!" scene w1_3202 with flash fel "Geeeh, fu-again?! My AasaassssSSssss.... es... numb...!" kat "You too? My, my. You {i}really{/i} do have a sensitive asshole, don't you?" kat "Once you pop, you just can't stop." scene w1_3203 with vpunch stop music play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" "*{b}Thud!{/b}*" "In an instant, the flurry of sex just ceased." "Both Carnations gave out, flopping down on the cushioned surface. They weren't unconscious, but their legs had turned to jelly and their minds to mush." kat "It looks like both these fuck pigs are out. I wonder, will we be lucky enough to have a game of sudden death? Hmpfhf... no, no..." "The ten seconds passed." kat "How about this? The first whore to get on her feet and take a bow wins." scene w1_3204 with dissolve kat "Lend the girls a hand, boys." scene w1_3205 with dissolve mc "Oh...?" scene w1_3206 with vpunch play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" "*Bzzt!" "Felicia suddenly tensed up, her toned legs straightening out from a sudden zap from her collar." kil "C'mon! Get up, Felish!" "Ian called out words of encouragement to get the golden beauty to her feet." scene w1_3207 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" "*Bzzt!" kil "You gotta stand up if you wanna win!" fel "Ah, eh... what? Oh, right... Mrs. P said..." play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch fel "Gh--! Oh!" scene w1_3208 with dissolve "Felicia made the first move in the battle to stand up, while Veronica still hadn't regained her senses." scene w1_3209 with dissolve mct "(Oh, shit... right!)" "In my hand was the remote control to the shock collar around Veronica's neck and I was tasked with the dubious responsibility of providing \"encouragement\" to the slumbering Amazon." "I peered at the menu, unsure about what to do." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hit the low-setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=1 scene w1_3210 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" "Not wanting to hurt Veronica, my finger reflexively moved to the top option." scene w1_3213 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" "*Bzzt!" ver "Eh...?" "Almost instantly, Veronica's collar gave a slight buzz, but the collapsed woman did not even stir." mc "Veronica! You need to stand up!" play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch mc "You'll lose if you don't!" play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" mc "Stand the fuck up, girl!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Can't you hear me?" "I called out, hoping to get through to her, but to no avail." scene w1_3214 with dissolve "Felicia, meanwhile was in the process of standing up. If I didn't do something, Veronica was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" scene w1_3209 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughVeroShock" KN_MOD "Hit the medium setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=2 scene w1_3211 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" "Wanting her to get up, but too scared to press the high setting, my finger reflexively moved to the middle option." scene w1_3213 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3215 with dissolve ver "Eh..ooOoh? What the-?" "Almost instantly, Veronica's collar gave a moderate buzz, returning the Amazon to some semblance of alertness." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch mc "Veronica! You need to stand up! You'll lose if you don't!" ver "W-what...?" KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" mc "Stand the fuck up, girl!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Stand up!" scene w1_3216 with dissolve "Felicia, meanwhile was in the process of standing up. If I didn't do something, Veronica was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" scene w1_3209 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughVeroShock" KN_MOD "Hit the high setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=3 scene w1_3212 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" "Wanting her to get up, or just curious about what it'd do, my finger reflexively moved to the bottom option." scene w1_3213 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3217 with dissolve ver "Eh..ooOooooh? Shit! What the-?" "Almost instantly, Veronica's collar gave a distinct buzz, causing her to spring straight up from her stupor." mc "Veronica! You need to stand up!" ver "W-what...? Eh...?" mc "Veronica! You need to stand up! You'll lose if you don't!" scene w1_3218 with dissolve "Felicia, meanwhile was in the process of standing up. If I didn't do something, Veronica was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" scene w1_3209 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughVeroShock" KN_MOD "menu w1ExFollowThroughVeroShock:" KN_MOD "Hit the low-setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True scene w1_3210 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Still hesitant about harming her, I gave the first option a second press." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3219 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" "Again, the redhead barely registered the shock. By the time I considered maybe trying the medium option..." scene w1_3223 with fade "Felicia had managed to climb to her feet." fel "Eh...! I win...?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True scene w1_3210 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" "Thinking I had gotten her attention with the last one, I gave the first option a press." scene w1_3220 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" "*Bzzt!" mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" ver "I need to...?" "The redhead barely registered the shock. By the time I considered maybe trying another option..." scene w1_3223 with fade "Felicia had managed to climb to her feet." fel "Eh...! I win...?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True scene w1_3210 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how fast she sprang up previously, I was hesitant to give her another shock at the same power, so I opted to take it all the way down to low." scene w1_3220 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch ver "Ugh..." mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" scene w1_3221 with dissolve ver "Oh, shit!" "Thankfully, the first shock seemed to have brought her back to full cognition and she immediately understood." "With a startling burst of energy..." scene w1_3224 with fade "Veronica took to her feet in lighting fast time, beating Felicia to the punch and securing game number 2." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "So... I win?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "Hit the medium setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True scene w1_3211 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" "Still not wanting to hurt her, but feeling a sense of urgency, I decided to move up to the next level of power." scene w1_3220 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" "*Bzzt!" ver "Eh..ooOoh? What the-?" "Almost instantly, Veronica's collar gave a moderate buzz, returning the Amazon to some semblance of alertness." mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" ver "Wait, she is?!" "However, it proved too little too late as it wasn't enough to clear the haze of confusion she was under. By the time she realized what was going on..." scene w1_3223 with dissolve "Felicia had managed to climb to her feet." fel "Eh...! I win...?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True scene w1_3211 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" "The medium option seemed effective, so I opted to give it another press." scene w1_3221 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" "*Bzzt!" mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" ver "Oh shit!" scene w1_3224 with fade "Immediately registering what was going on, Veronica sprang up with a surprising vigor." "Beating Felicia to the punch and securing game number 2." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "So... I win?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True scene w1_3211 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how fast she sprang up previously, I was hesitant to give her another shock at the same power, so I opted to take it all the way down a level." scene w1_3221 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" "*Bzzt!" mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" ver "Gggh...! Wha- Oh, oh shit! I need to...!" scene w1_3224 with fade "Immediately registering what was going on, Veronica sprang up with a surprising vigor." "Beating Felicia to the punch and securing game number 2." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "So... I win?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "Hit the high setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True scene w1_3212 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how little she stirred, I opted to take it all the way up to high." scene w1_3220 with dissolve ver "Ugh..." play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" scene w1_3221 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" ver "Gah! W-what...?" mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" ver "Huh... What is... oh, shit!" "The reality quickly dawned on Veronica and with a startling burst of energy..." scene w1_3224 with fade "Veronica took to her feet in lighting fast time, beating Felicia to the punch and securing game number 2." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "So... I win?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True scene w1_3212 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "She handled the medium setting well, she should be able to handle..." scene w1_3221 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" "*Bzzt!" mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" ver "Gggh...! Wha- Oh, oh shit!" "Immediately registering what was going on, Veronica sprang up with a surprising vigor." scene w1_3224 with fade "Beating Felicia to the punch and securing game number 2." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "So... I win?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True scene w1_3212 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" "Seeing how fast she sprang up previously, I was sure another shock at that level would do it." scene w1_3222 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" "*Bzzt!" ver "Geee-h, f-fuck! Son of a bitch...!" mc "Felicia's about to win if you don't stand up!" ver "Ah, that hurts-!" "Instead of alerting her to what was going on, the pain from the back to back shocks distracted her. So much so that..." scene w1_3223 with dissolve "Felicia had managed to climb to her feet." fel "Eh...! I win...?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "label w1ExFollowThroughVeroRoseStart:" scene w1_3225 with curtains kat "Gentlemen, we are to begin! Allow me to explain the next game." "About twenty or so minutes after Hana had scurried back to the bar, game two was kicking off. Veronica and Rosalind had already taken their \"starting\" positions, ass to ass and down on their hands and knees at the center of the stage." scene w1_3226 with dissolve play music "music/myst-on-the-moor.ogg" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "A double-sided dildo rested between them, lewdly connecting the two women together at their honeypots. They were tasked with the uncomfortable prospect of awkwardly holding that position while Mrs. Pulman explained what was coming next." KN_MOD "else:" "A double-sided dildo rested between them, lewdly connecting the two women together at their honeypots. They were tasked with the uncomfortable prospect of awkwardly holding that position while Kathleen explained what was coming next." scene w1_3142 with dissolve kat "Our first game was about the first tenent of customer service. Exploring the needs of the customer." kat "Our second game will hone in on what I think of as the next: {b}actualization{/}. The art of the follow through." kat "In simplest terms, being able to keep focus on your task despite any roadblocks that might arise." scene w1_3143 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite ==True:" "Par for the course, Mrs. Pulman aggrandized what is otherwise just an excuse to perversely watch women squirm in discomfort." KN_MOD "else:" "Par for the course, Kathleen aggrandized what is otherwise just an excuse to perversely watch women squirm in discomfort." scene w1_3144 with dissolve kat "...and what will be the task? It's simple. You'll just need to shake your hips like the whores you are." kat "You two will fuck each other for all your worth. If you start slacking, the collars around your neck will generously provide you a pick-me-up." scene w1_3145 with dissolve ver "What do you mean by pick-me-up?" scene w1_3146 with dissolve kat "Simply put, it'll administer a brief shock that will jolt you back to your senses and get you moving again. If you don't get back to the task within 10 seconds, you'll be disqualified." scene w1_3147 with dissolve ver "What the fuck?" scene w1_3227 with dissolve rose "You're going to shock us? That's... scary..." scene w1_3228 with dissolve kat "Don't get bent out of shape. It's nothing dangerous for a healthy adult woman. It's more akin to a dog's training collar, but adjusted for a dumb cow like you." scene w1_3229 with dissolve rose "..." "Rosalind looks uncomfortable for a brief moment, but she quickly steeled herself." scene w1_3230 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "If either of you find the prospect unappealing, one of you can always resign and move onto the last game by your lonesome." scene w1_3231 with dissolve ver "No! Let's do this." rose "I'll do whatever it takes." scene w1_3232 with dissolve kat "Good. I thought so. That's not all there is to this game though. You'll also be asked some questions." scene w1_3154 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Simple, basic things that any woman your age should be able to answer. A wrong or delayed answer will make things more difficult for you." scene w1_3155 with dissolve kat "Do you two understand the parameters of this game?" scene w1_3156 with dissolve rose "Yes, Mrs. Pulman." ver "Aye..." scene w1_3233 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]! Mr. Beaufort! You'll be charged with administering the shocks. You've familiarized yourself with the remote control I've given you?" scene w1_3234 with dissolve kil "Yup!" mc "I think so." scene w1_3233 with dissolve kat "It's very simple. There's three settings. Each corresponds to a low-, medium-, and high-powered shock. I'll leave it to your discretion what you feel is appropriate." mct "(Is this part of the test she mentioned...?)" kat "Mr. [mcl]'s remote is synced with Mrs. Carter's collar. Mr. Beaufort's is synced to Miss Lynch's." KN_MOD "label w1ExFollowThroughVeroRose:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3159 with dissolve kat "Now, enough talking. Let's get to why all you gentlemen are really here. On the count of three, I want you to start fucking each other like your future depends on it." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_3160 with dissolve kat "Three..." scene w1_3161 with dissolve kat "Two..." scene w1_3162 with dissolve kat "One..." scene w1_3163 with dissolve kat "Begin, whores!" play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" show roseverodil1 with dissolve "Cutting through the air with an enthusiastic chop, she signaled for the two Carnations to begin the trial." "Veronica hurled herself ass-first, drawing her body back until her rear collided with Rosalind's with a rippling impact." "Rosalind on the other hand took a more tentative approach, blindly using her hips to slowly feel out the mechanics of the act." "In response, Veronica slowed her pace to match her opponent's, in a conscientious effort to keep the toy safely between them." "Both women pushed back and forward, sliding themselves off and revealing more and more of the golden toy that connected them before sleeving it once more within their quims." "It was like an awkward dance. On paper it might sound simple, but the reality was each woman was struggling to find the appropriate tempo that would make it easier for the both of them." kat "Very good, girls." "Veronica lurched forward at such a depth that the dildo almost slipped out from in between them, but quickly overcorrected and brought her ass crashing back into Rosalind's, resulting in a pleasant-looking ripple on the whore mother's behind." scene roseverodil4 with dissolve hide roseverodil1 kat "Keep those hips moving and those asses shaking. It's one of the few things you're good for." "Eventually the two settled and found a workable rhythm, moving in tandem like some perverted seesaw." "As one would expect, both Carnations bore an uncomfortable look on their faces. Each concentrated on keeping their hips unceasingly moving and the sex-toy lodged in their cunts." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene roseverodil2 with dissolve hide roseverodil4 ver "Just give up, Rose! The sooner you do, the sooner this night can be over and you can get back to your kid!" scene roseverodil3 with dissolve hide roseverodil2 rose "Don't...! Why don't you just focus on what you're doing instead of worrying about me?" scene roseverodil1 with dissolve hide roseverodil3 show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "What do you think I'm doing here?" "Veronica squared her shoulders and began to buck her hips more forcefully." rose "Geh...!" "*Plap* *Smack* *Slap!*" rose "Ah~ oh, no...!" "The sudden change in pace startled Rosalind, causing her face to scrunch up in a mix of pleasure and tension." scene roseverodil4 with dissolve hide roseverodil1 "It was like Veronica was declaring to her: \"I'm going to wear you down\". However..." ver "Ngg...!" "It was a double sided sword, almost quite literally. She wasn't immune to rough change of pace herself." kat "You best keep up, Rose. You want to win this don't you?" rose "Yes!" kat "I know you do! Give these gentlemen a fine show then! Make that fat ass of yours bounce!" scene w1_3166 with dissolve kat "However, let's make things more interesting." scene w1_3167 with dissolve kat "Hmmm-mmmh~hmmm~ Let's see... " kat "You girls know your multiplication tables...?" scene w1_3168 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite:" "Having gone over to one of the nearby tables, Mrs. Pulman carefully considered her options while posing an odd question." KN_MOD "else:" "Having gone over to one of the nearby tables, Kathleen carefully considered her options while posing an odd question." "Neither woman deigned to answer her question." scene w1_3169 with dissolve kat "Let's get things rolling. We'll start with..." scene w1_3170 with dissolve kat "Miss Lynch." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene roseverodil2 with dissolve hide roseverodil4 ver "Eeeeh...? W-what are you talking about?" kat "Answer quickly. What is eleven times twelve?" ver "W-what--?" kat "Five, four, three, two..." ver "Uh... 132!" scene roseverodil3 with dissolve hide roseverodil2 kat "Correct. Mrs. Carter: fourteen times eight?" rose "Wait... eh... 96... 104.. 112!" kat "Correct!" rose "Why are you--" scene roseverodil4 with dissolve hide roseverodil3 show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Veronica! Thirteen times nine?" ver "One--one hundred seventeen!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "All the while the two pumped their hips, the Carnations went back and forth answering Mrs. Pulman's questions." KN_MOD "else:" "All the while the two pumped their hips, the Carnations went back and forth answering Kathleen's questions." rose "120!" ver "168!" rose "182!" scene w1_3235 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Oops, sorry! The answer was 196! Mrs. Carter takes the first hit." rose "The first hit...?" "Rosalind looked anxious at the ominous words." scene w1_3236 with dissolve rose "Gh! Wh-wha-" scene w1_3237 with vpunch rose "Eeee-wh-what!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Finding a window of opportunity while the pair was separating, Mrs. Pulman shoved a prickly golf-ball-sized sphere into Rosalind's tight tailhole." KN_MOD "else:" "Finding a window of opportunity while the pair was separating, Kathleen shoved a prickly golf-ball-sized sphere into Rosalind's tight tailhole." scene w1_3238 with vpunch rose "Eh... gah!" scene w1_3237 with dissolve "The reaction was immediate. As the pair's backsides smacked together, a look of sudden discomfort flooded the whore mother's face." scene w1_3238 with dissolve rose "Did you ah!" scene w1_3237 with vpunch rose "Mmmmhm!" scene w1_3238 with dissolve "Every time Rosalind's plump ass collided with Veronica's stony backside, she reeled from the pink toy sliding around her colon and let out a delectable, shrill cry." ver "W-why is she sounding like that?!" scene w1_3237 with vpunch rose "My.. butt! My buUuuUuuTT!! I've never had-" scene w1_3239 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3240 with vpunch "*{b}Smack!!!{/b}*" rose "Tcckkk--! Fgggh--!" scene w1_3154 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Had anything shoved in your shithole?" kat "Wonderful. We have our very own anal newbie in our midst tonight, gentlemen." kat "You're going to learn quick. I promise you'll be crying out like a seasoned buttslut by the end of this." scene w1_3156 with dissolve rose "Ehehe...!" scene w1_3155 with dissolve kat "Miss Lynch, back to you. Seventeen times nineteen, please." ver "What the fuck?!" kat "Five, four, three..." ver "No one c-can -ah!- answer that in..." scene w1_3241 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Time's up!" scene w1_3242 with dissolve ver "Gh...? W-what did you just put in my--" scene w1_3244 with vpunch ver "AaaaAAAssssssssshole!" scene w1_3243 with dissolve "Veronica reacted as Rosalind had, with total and complete shock at the strange sensation." scene w1_3244 with vpunch ver "Gha!" scene w1_3243 with dissolve kat "Just a little toy to make things more interesting." scene w1_3244 with vpunch ver "Little? Gh! Egh! Fuck!" rose "OoooOOoooooh!" "The pair practically harmonized, squealing in unison and creating a wonderful sound." scene w1_3181 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Carter. Nineteen times fifteen..." rose "Oh, no..." scene w1_3182 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The pair answered Mrs. Pulman's questions back and forth, with equal opportunity, but invariably Rosalind came up on the short side of things." KN_MOD "else:" "The pair answered Kathleen's questions back and forth, with equal opportunity, but invariably Rosalind came up on the short side of things." scene w1_3183 with dissolve "One by one..." scene w1_3184 with dissolve "The remaining four balls on the table disappeared..." scene w1_3185 with dissolve "By the time they'd all disappeared, four out of the six spike-lined balls had found their way into Rosalind's butthole." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" pause 0.5 play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" pause 0.5 play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "*{b}Smack{/b}* *{b}Smack{/b}!* *{b}Smack{/b}-!!*" scene w1_3245 with dissolve rose "Onnn- oh, gghuu!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "At this point, Rosalind was suffering the brunt of the punishment. Having run out of the sex-toys, Mrs. Pulman began delivering harsh spanks for incorrect answers." KN_MOD "else:" "At this point, Rosalind was suffering the brunt of the punishment. Having run out of the sex-toys, Kathleen began delivering harsh spanks for incorrect answers." "Each swat of the paddle sent Rosalind's wide ass quaking, knocking the ribbed pink toys against each other and scraping the lining of the desperate mother's bowels." "The pervert in me had to hand it to her. It was a simple approach, but the results were etched into Rosalind's increasingly twisted face." scene w1_3246 with quickdissolve scene w1_3247 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3248 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" scene w1_3247 with dissolve scene w1_3246 with dissolve rose "Ohh... oh! Mercy! Mercy!" kat "You want mercy, you stupid slut?!" rose "Yes!" scene w1_3246 with quickdissolve scene w1_3247 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3248 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" scene w1_3247 with dissolve scene w1_3246 with dissolve kat "You're letting Miss Lynch run away with this! You can't even answer a simple question?" scene w1_3246 with quickdissolve scene w1_3247 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3248 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" scene w1_3247 with dissolve scene w1_3246 with dissolve rose "Ng! Eh... gghuu..! It feels goood? Why does it feel...?" scene w1_3246 with quickdissolve scene w1_3247 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3248 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" scene w1_3247 with dissolve scene w1_3246 with dissolve rose "Ng! Merc-eeeeeeeh...!!! I'm going to...!" scene w1_3246 with quickdissolve scene w1_3247 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3248 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" "One final slap sent Rosalind over the edge, causing her to arch her back and call out with a violent, pleasured cry." scene w1_3249 with dissolve rose "Ffghhhhheeeee!...ehehe... hehe...!" scene w1_3190 with dissolve kat "Ha! That was fast! You came from having your fat ass battered. You're a fucking natural!" scene w1_3189 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman cackled in delight, pleased at the miserable display in front of her." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen cackled in delight, pleased at the miserable display in front of her." rose "Eheh... heh... eheh... woah..." scene w1_3195 with dissolve ver "H-hey... ngh! Don't you think you're being a little too hard on her? Ah...!" "While Rosalind had been taking the worst of it, Veronica still showed signs of sexual arousal. Sweet, quiet moans escaped her lips as she expressed open concern for her opponent." scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "You should worry about yourself, Miss Lynch." scene w1_3188 with dissolve "Despite having just orgasmed, Rosalind kept to task. Never ceasing working in tandem with Veronica's bucking hips." scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Carter isn't out of this by a long shot." scene w1_3189 with dissolve rose "I-I'm... eh... I'm going to w-win...!" scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "What about you?" scene w1_3188 with dissolve ver "F-feh! I could do this all night!" scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "Big words when you don't know what's next." scene w1_3251 with dissolve mc "They're unbelievable..." scene w1_3250 with dissolve kil "Shit, this is good..." scene w1_3198 with dissolve kat "This time you have 30 seconds to answer." ver "We're not done with this nonsense?" kat "No. Not until one of you yields." scene w1_3199 with dissolve kat "I have a riddle for you, are you listening?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene roseverodil2 with dissolve hide roseverodil4 ver "Ggeeeh, t-this is... yes! I'm listening!" kat "Good! Here it is: \"Without it, I'm dead. If I'm not, then I'm behind. What am I?\"." ver "Uuuuh, ah, fuck! I was never good at these! Uh... Without it I'm..." ver "...then I'm behind...? Uh..." kat "Ten seconds." ver "MMh... Uh..." kat "Five seconds. Four, three, two..." ver "Oxygen?!" kat "Sorry, that is an incorrect answer. The one I'm looking for is \"ahead\"." ver "Dah-damn it!" kat "Now..." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w1_3252 with hpunch "*Bzzzzt!*" "Like with the balls, the cruel woman slipped the newly fetched toy - an anal vibrator - smoothly into the Amazon's tightening pucker and turned it on." ver "Mmmmn~eeh, ah... fhug...!!!" "The vibrating rod being shoved mercilessly into her crowded tail hole produced a garbled slew of intelligibly whorish moans." scene roseverodil5 with dissolve hide roseverodil2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Haha, how do you like that?" ver "Tk-! The vib---gh, the vibrations-!" kat "I know, right? In such a tight space, it's making the studded eggs vibrate along with it. You can feel those vibrations all the way into your stomach and into your chest." ver "Ghh...! Y-ngh-mmg-oh, yh-yes!" kat "I'm very glad you were the one who got my riddle wrong. You need that extra push to make you admit a basic truth." kat "What truth is that, you're unable to ask right now... but I'll tell you anyway. The truth is, there is a part of you that enjoys this." ver "Ehegh, n-no!" kat "Don't lie. I know all about you, Miss Lynch. You career as a sportswoman, your work as a fitness model. The fitness competitions... you like being looked at. You like the limelight." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman must've been delighted to have Veronica under her control, with no choice but to listen to her bullshit observations." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen must've been delighted to have Veronica under her control, with no choice but to listen to her bullshit observations." "Even with the additional discomfort, Veronica continued to match Rosalind thrust for thrust, moving her hips at a furious pace and drilling herself on the golden dildo." ver "Gh-! Ah-! Eyeee....!" "The sight made me think Mrs. Pulman might've not been off base when it came to Veronica. From where I sat, it looked like the woman at least had something of an exhibitionist streak." ver "Zheee-buzz-buzzing!" "She was at least feeling it. It wasn't just the goal of winning the competition that was driving her hips, it was also needy, craven desire." "Rosalind was naturally looking in even worse shape, having double the amount of toys inside her and being in a post-orgasm haze." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene roseverodil2 with dissolve hide roseverodil5 ver "Eh.. w-what about Rose? Doesn't she get -ng!- a riddle?" kat "Sorry! I only know the one!" scene roseverodil5 with dissolve hide roseverodil2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Incredibly the scene carried on for minutes more, Rosalind hanging on by a thread. She pistoned her hips with wild abandon, keeping her giant ass in a perpetual flurry." "Veronica kept howling, but did the same. It was a marvelous sight. The two women sweating profusely, squirming in ecstasy, loose strands of hair matting the napes of the neck." "The room was completely quiet." "Even our cruel ringleader shut the fuck up for once, instead letting the near silent room be filled with the dirty sounds of copulation and ragged breathing." "In this moment, I was utterly divorced from my regular life. [mcf] was just a name at the back of my head and his worries seemed so trite." ver "Eh... eh..!" scene w1_3253 with vpunch ver "Ooofffhhooooo-! Ghhhg... fhuu... ghw...!!!!!!!" "I watched the large woman's expression go cross-eyed, her throat letting out a deep, guttural howl as she reached her peak." ver "Geggggeh--!" with vpunch kat "Oh? Already? That did it?" scene w1_3254 with vpunch rose "Geeeh, oh bo....?! My buuuuuuuutt!" kat "Oh, you too?" rose "Fheeee! Ooooh! Egggguuuggg!" with vpunch kat "Once you pop, you just can't stop I guess." stop music play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w1_3255 with vpunch "*{b}Thud!{/b}*" "In an instant, the flurry of sex just ceased." "Both Carnations gave out, flopping down on the cushioned surface. They weren't unconscious, but their legs had turned to jelly and their minds to mush." kat "It looks like both these fuck pigs are out. I wonder, will we be lucky enough to have a game of sudden death? Hmpfhf... no, no..." "The ten seconds passed." kat "How about this? The first whore to get on her feet and take a bow wins." scene w1_3256 with dissolve kat "Lend the girls a hand, boys." scene w1_3257 with dissolve mc "Oh...?" play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3258 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3259 with dissolve "Veronica suddenly tensed up, her long legs straightening out from a sudden zap from her collar." kil "C'mon! Get up! Get the fuck up!" "Ian called out words of encouragement to get the slumbering giant to her feet." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch scene w1_3260 with dissolve kil "You gotta stand up!" ver "Mmmh... what?" play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch ver "Fhhuck!" kil "Get the fuck on your feet if you want to win!" ver "Mmmh..." "Veronica was still in a daze, but her body unconsciously began making the first move in the battle to stand up. Meanwhile, Rosalind hadn't regained her senses." scene w1_3261 with dissolve mct "(Oh, shit... right!)" "I held in my hand a remote control to the shock collar around her neck, tasked with the dubious responsibility of providing encouragement to the toppled mother." "I looked down at the phone in my hand, unsure about what to do." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hit the low-setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=1 play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3262 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Not wanting to hurt the half-conscious mother, my finger reflexively moved to the top option." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3265 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3266 with dissolve rose "Ghe-?" "Almost instantly, Rosalind's collar gave a slight buzz, causing the woman to flinch slightly." scene w1_3265 with dissolve mc "Rose! You need to stand up!" play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch mc "You'll lose if you don't!" play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3266 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "The first to stand up wins!" rose "W-what...?" "I called out, hoping to get through to her, but she held a confused look on her face." "Veronica, meanwhile was fumbling to get up. If I didn't do something, Rosalind was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3261 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughRoseShock" KN_MOD "Hit the medium setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=2 play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3263 with vpunch show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Wanting her to get up, but too scared to press the high setting, my finger reflexively moved to the middle option." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3265 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" rose "Ghe-? Ow!" "Almost instantly, Rosalind's collar gave a moderate buzz, causing the matronly woman to flinch in pain." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3267 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "Rose! You need to stand up! You'll lose if you don't!" rose "W-what...?" mc "The first to stand up wins!" "Rosalind's face told me she was beginning to understand." "Veronica, meanwhile was fumbling to get up. If I didn't do something, Rosalind was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3261 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughRoseShock" KN_MOD "Hit the high setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=3 play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3264 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Wanting her to get up, or just curious about what it'd do, my finger reflexively moved to the bottom option." play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" scene w1_3265 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3267 with dissolve rose "Ghe- ..ooOooooh? Aaah! The hell-?" "Almost instantly, Rosalind's collar gave a distinct buzz, causing her to spring straight up from her stupor and cry out in pain." mc "Rose! You need to stand up!" scene w1_3269 with dissolve rose "W-what...? Eh...?" mc "The first to stand up wins! You'll lose if you don't!" rose "Crap! That stings... wait, what...?" "Although distracted by the shock, Rosalind's face told me she was beginning to understand. " "Veronica, meanwhile was fumbling to get up. If I didn't do something, Rosalind was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3261 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughRoseShock" KN_MOD "menu w1ExFollowThroughRoseShock:" KN_MOD "Hit the low-setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3262 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Still hesitant about harming her, I gave the first option a second press." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3265 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3266 with dissolve mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" scene w1_3267 with dissolve rose "Eh, she... she is? Oh, shoot!" "By the time she had fully grasped the situation, it was too little, too late." "Veronica had managed to prop herself up and stand on her own two feet." scene w1_3272 with fade ver "*huff* *huff* I... win?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Veronica had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3262 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Thinking I had gotten her attention with the last one, I gave the first option a press." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3269 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" scene w1_3270 with dissolve rose "Oh, shoot!" "Rosalind, in a state of panic, urgently leaped to her feet." scene w1_3271 with dissolve rose "*huff* *huff* Oooh, head rush..." rose "Uh, d-do I win?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3262 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how fast she sprang up previously, I was hesitant to give her another shock at the same power, so I opted to take it all the way down to low." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3269 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3268 with dissolve rose "Zzzzh, shoot! Ow, ow, ah! " scene w1_3269 with dissolve mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" scene w1_3270 with dissolve rose "Oh, I need to...!" rose "Oh, shoot!" "Despite the pained look, it seemed Rosalind fully understood. In a state of panic, she urgently leaped to her feet." scene w1_3271 with dissolve rose "*huff* *huff* Oooh, head rush..." rose "Uh, d-do I win?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "Hit the medium setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3263 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Not sure if another low-setting shock would do it, I opted to move up a level." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3265 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3267 with dissolve rose "Eh..ow! Shoot!" "Almost instantly, Rosalind's collar gave a moderate buzz, returning the light to her eyes." scene w1_3269 with dissolve mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" scene w1_3270 with dissolve rose "Eh, she... she is? Oh, shoot!" "Rosalind, in a state of panic, urgently leaped to her feet." scene w1_3271 with dissolve rose "*huff* *huff* Oooh, head rush..." rose "Uh, d-do I win?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3263 with dissolve "The medium option seemed effective, so I opted to give it another press." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3269 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3270 with dissolve rose "Eh..ow! Shoot!" "Almost instantly, Rosalind's collar gave a moderate buzz, the light fully returning to her eyes." mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" rose "Oh shoot!" "Rosalind, in a state of panic, urgently leaped to her feet." scene w1_3271 with dissolve rose "*huff* *huff* Oooh, head rush..." rose "Uh, d-do I win?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3263 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how distracted she seemed with the high option, I decided to take it down a level." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3269 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3268 with dissolve mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" rose "Aw...! Ow...! Wait, w-what?" "Distracted by the pain, by the time she realized what was going on, it was too little, too late." scene w1_3272 with dissolve "Veronica had managed to prop herself up and stand on her own two feet." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "*huff* *huff* I... win?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "Hit the high setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserVero = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3264 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Worried that the low option didn't have an effect, I decided to try the opposite end, taking it all the way to high." scene w1_3265 with dissolve rose "Uh..." play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" scene w1_3267 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" rose "Zzzzh, shoot! Ow, ow, ah! " scene w1_3269 with dissolve mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" scene w1_3270 with dissolve rose "Oh, I need to...!" rose "Oh, shoot!" "Despite the pained look, it seemed Rosalind fully understood. In a state of panic, urgently leaped to her feet." scene w1_3271 with dissolve rose "*huff* *huff* Oooh, head rush..." rose "Uh, d-do I win?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3264 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how effective the second option was, I decided that the third option should definitely do it." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3269 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3268 with dissolve mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" rose "Aw...! Ow...! Ow, ow, ah! Wait, w-what?" "Distracted by the pain, by the time she realized what was going on, it was too little, too late." scene w1_3272 with dissolve "Veronica had managed to prop herself up and stand on her own two feet." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "*huff* *huff* I... win?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerVero = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3264 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how fast she sprang up previously, I was sure another shock at that level would do it." play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" scene w1_3269 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3268 with dissolve rose "Geee-h! Ow, ow, ow, OW!" mc "Veronica is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" rose "That frickin' stings!" "Instead of alerting her to what was going on, all she could focus on was the pain from the back-to-back shocks. So much so that..." scene w1_3272 with dissolve "Veronica had managed to prop herself up and stand on her own two feet." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2VeroRoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) ver "*huff* *huff* I... win?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "label w1ExFollowThroughRoseFelStart:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3273 with curtains kat "Gentlemen, we are to begin! Allow me to explain the next game." "About twenty or so minutes after Hana had scurried back to the bar, game two was kicking off. Rosalind and Felicia had already taken their \"starting\" positions, ass to ass and down on their hands and knees at the center of the stage." scene w1_3274 with dissolve play music "music/myst-on-the-moor.ogg" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "A double-sided dildo rested between them, lewdly connecting the two women together at their honeypots. They were tasked with the uncomfortable prospect of awkwardly holding that position while Mrs. Pulman explained what was coming next." KN_MOD "else:" "A double-sided dildo rested between them, lewdly connecting the two women together at their honeypots. They were tasked with the uncomfortable prospect of awkwardly holding that position while Kathleen explained what was coming next." scene w1_3142 with dissolve kat "Our first game was about the first tenent of customer service. Exploring the needs of the customer." kat "Our second game will hone in on what I think of as the next: {b}actualization{/}. The art of the follow through." kat "In simplest terms, being able to keep focus on your task despite any roadblocks that might arise." scene w1_3143 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite ==True:" "Par for the course, Mrs. Pulman aggrandized what is otherwise just an excuse to perversely watch women squirm in discomfort." KN_MOD "else:" "Par for the course, Kathleen aggrandized what is otherwise just an excuse to perversely watch women squirm in discomfort." scene w1_3144 with dissolve kat "...and what will be the task? It's simple. You'll just need to shake your hips like the whores you are." kat "You two will fuck each other for all your worth. If you start slacking, the collars around your neck will provide a pick-me-up." scene w1_3227 with dissolve rose "Umm... what are you talking about? What kind of \"pick-me-up\"?" scene w1_3228 with dissolve kat "Simply put, it'll administer a brief shock that will jolt you back to your senses and get you moving again. If you don't get back to the task within 10 seconds, you'll be disqualified." scene w1_3275 with dissolve fel "Like an electrical shock...?" scene w1_3227 with dissolve rose "You're going to shock us? That's... scary..." scene w1_3228 with dissolve kat "Don't get bent out of shape. It's nothing dangerous for a healthy adult woman. It's more akin to a dog's training collar, but adjusted for a dumb cow like you." scene w1_3229 with dissolve rose "..." "Rosalind looks uncomfortable for a brief moment, but she quickly steeled herself." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3276 with dissolve kat "If either of you find the prospect unappealing, one of you can always resign and move onto the last game by your lonesome." scene w1_3277 with dissolve fel "No, I'm game. Let's do it!" rose "...I'll do whatever you ask." scene w1_3278 with dissolve kat "Good. I thought so. That's not all there is to this game though. You'll also be asked some questions." scene w1_3154 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Simple, basic things that any woman your age should be able to answer. A wrong or delayed answer will make things more difficult for you." scene w1_3155 with dissolve kat "Do you two understand the parameters of this game?" scene w1_3156 with dissolve rose "Yes, Mrs. Pulman." fel "Yes, ma'am!" scene w1_3157 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]! Mr. Beaufort! You'll be charged with administering the shocks. You've familiarized yourself with the remote control I've given you?" scene w1_3158 with dissolve kil "Yup!" mc "I think so." scene w1_3157 with dissolve kat "It's very simple. There's three settings. Each corresponds to a low-, medium-, and high-powered shock. I'll leave it to your discretion what you feel is appropriate." mct "(Is this part of the test she mentioned...?)" kat "Mr. [mcl]'s remote is synced with Mrs. Ford's collar. Mr. Beaufort's is synced to Mrs. Carter's." KN_MOD "label w1ExFollowThroughRoseFel:" scene w1_3159 with dissolve kat "Now, enough talking. Let's get to why all you gentlemen are really here. On the count of three, I want you to start fucking each other like your future depends on it." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_3160 with dissolve kat "Three..." scene w1_3161 with dissolve kat "Two..." scene w1_3162 with dissolve kat "One..." scene w1_3163 with dissolve kat "Begin, whores!" play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" show rosefeldil1 with dissolve "Cutting through the air with an enthusiastic chop, she signaled for the two Carnations to begin the trial." "Felicia didn't hesitate. She hurled herself ass-first, drawing her body back until her rear collided with Rosalind's with a rippling impact." "Rosalind on the other hand took a more tentative approach, blindly using her hips to slowly feel out the mechanics of the act." "Felicia seemed unconcerned with matching her opponent's pace, haphazardly bucking her hips and threatening to dislodge the golden toy that connected them." "Through sheer luck, the toy managed to stay sheathed in their quims. Both women pushed back and forward, sliding themselves off and revealing more and more of the dildo before disappearing once more into the women's depths." "It was like an awkward dance. On paper it might sound simple, but the reality was each Carnation was struggling to find the appropriate rhythm that would make it easier for the both of them." kat "Very good, girls." "Felicia lurched forward at such a depth that the dildo almost slipped out from in between them, but a panicking Rosalind quickly overcorrected and brought her ass crashing back into the golden beauty's, causing the whore mother's gelatinous behind to quake." kat "Keep those hips moving and those asses shaking. It's one of the few things you're good for." scene rosefeldil4 with dissolve hide rosefeldil1 "Eventually the two settled and found a workable rhythm, moving in tandem like some perverted seesaw." "Each concentrated on keeping their hips unceasingly moving and the sex-toy lodged in their cunts." "Felicia, however, was enjoying it. Eyes tightly shut and lips brimming with a smile." scene rosefeldil1 with dissolve fel "You've got such a plump ass, Rosie! I bet we look delicious right now!" "Seemingly unconcerned with the potential outcome of the game itself, Felicia offhandly gave Rosalind a bizarre compliment." kat "It's obscene is what it is. " rose "W-why don't you just -ah!- focus on what you're doing instead of worrying about my behind?" fel "Ah, c'mon! How can you hope to win if you don't find just a little enjoyment in this?" rose "Enjoyment?! Don't be..." scene rosefeldil4 with dissolve "Taking offense to the capricious woman's candor, Rosalind squared her shoulders and forcefully bucked her hips. Sheathing and unsheathing herself from the toy with a stronger intensity than before." "For whatever reason, Felicia seemed to have gotten under her skin - which was no wonder, when you consider their drastically different circumstances." "To Rosalind, this was no romp or game." "*Plap* *Smack* *Slap!*" fel "Oh..! Ah...!" "*Plap* *Smack* *Slap* *Smack!* *Plap!* *Slap!*" fel "You sure know how to fuck, Rose!" kat "What a surprise. I didn't expect Mrs. Carter to take the initiative." rose "I'm going to win this!" scene w1_3165 with dissolve kat "You are? Well then, give these gentlemen a fine show! Make that fat ass of yours bounce!" scene w1_3166 with dissolve kat "However, let's make things more interesting." scene w1_3167 with dissolve kat "Hmmm-mmmh~hmmm~ Let's see... " kat "You girls know your multiplication tables...?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite:" "Having gone over to one of the nearby tables, Mrs. Pulman carefully considered her options while posing an odd question." KN_MOD "else:" "Having gone over to one of the nearby tables, Kathleen carefully considered her options while posing an odd question." scene w1_3168 with dissolve "Neither woman deigned to answer her question, instead focusing on keeping their hips bouncing at a furious pace." scene w1_3169 with dissolve kat "Let's get things rolling. We'll start with..." scene w1_3170 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Ford" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosefeldil2 with dissolve fel "Start with what?" kat "Answer quickly. What is thirteen times twelve?" fel "Wait, you seriously want me to do math?" kat "Five, four, three, two..." fel "Uh... 156!" kat "Correct. Mrs. Carter: fourteen times eight?" scene rosefeldil3 with dissolve rose "Wait... eh... 96... 104.. 112!" kat "Correct!" rose "Why are you--" scene rosefeldil4 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Felicia! Thirteen times seven?" fel "Nine-ninty one?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "All the while the two pumped their hips, the Carnations went back and forth answering Mrs. Pulman's questions." KN_MOD "else:" "All the while the two pumped their hips, the Carnations went back and forth answering Kathleen's questions." rose "168!" fel "112!" rose "182!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3279 with dissolve kat "Oops, sorry! The answer was 196! Mrs. Carter takes the first hit." rose "The first hit...?" "Rosalind looked anxious at the ominous words." scene w1_3280 with dissolve rose "Gh! Wh-wha-" scene w1_3281 with vpunch rose "Eeee-wh-what!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Finding a window of opportunity while the pair was separating, Mrs. Pulman shoved a prickly golf-ball-sized sphere into Rosalind's tight tailhole." KN_MOD "else:" "Finding a window of opportunity while the pair was separating, Kathleen shoved a prickly golf-ball-sized sphere into Rosalind's tight tailhole." scene w1_3282 with dissolve rose "Ehf... gah!" "The reaction was immediate. As the pair's backsides smacked together, a look of sudden discomfort flooded the whore mother's face." rose "Did you just-!" scene w1_3281 with vpunch rose "Mmmmhm-aah!" "Every time Rosalind's plump ass collided with Felicia's firm backside, she reeled from the pink toy sliding around her colon and let out a delectable, shrill cry." scene w1_3282 with dissolve fel "What just happened? Why is she making those noises?" kat "Do you mean why is she squealing like a dumb whore?" scene w1_3281 with vpunch rose "My.. butt! My buUuUutt! I've never...!" scene w1_3283 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3284 with vpunch "*{b}Smack!!!{/b}*" rose "Tcckkk---! Fghggh---!" scene w1_3283 with dissolve kat "Don't tell me you've never had anything shoved in your shithole?" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3284 with vpunch "*{b}Smack!!!{/b}*" rose "Ayahhh-gheh!" scene w1_3154 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Wonderful. We have our very own anal newbie in our midst tonight, gentlemen." kat "You're going to learn quick. I promise you'll be crying out like a seasoned buttslut by the end of this." scene w1_3156 with dissolve rose "Ehehe...!" scene w1_3155 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Ford, back to you..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosefeldil2 with dissolve fel "M-more math? What are you going to do to me if I get the answer wrong?" kat "What is sixteen times fourteen" "For the first time, the unknown punishment had Felicia at least looking moderately concerned." kat "Five, four, three..." fel "Wait, that's not fair. No one can answer that in..." scene w1_3285 with dissolve kat "One... time's up!" fel "Ah, shit..." scene w1_3286 with dissolve fel "Ffuh...?! W-what--" scene w1_3287 with vpunch fel "Geh! Ffhu...!" "Felicia reacted as Rosalind had, with total and complete shock at the strange sensation." scene w1_3288 with dissolve fel "Ahh... fuck! W-warn a girl before you...!" scene w1_3287 with dissolve fel "What did you just stick up my butt? It feels...!" kat "It's just a little toy to make things more interesting." scene w1_3288 with vpunch fel "Guh! Eehehe...!" rose "OoooOOoooooh!" "The pair practically harmonized, squealing in unison and creating a wonderful sound." scene w1_3181 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Carter. Nineteen times sixty three..." rose "Oh, no..." scene w1_3182 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The girls did their best to answer Mrs. Pulman's questions, but one by one the balls began to disappear in equal measure." KN_MOD "else:" "The girls did their best to answer Kathleen's questions, but one by one the balls began to disappear in equal measure." scene w1_3183 with dissolve "Two for Rosalind..." scene w1_3184 with dissolve "Three for Felicia... three for Rosalind." scene w1_3185 with dissolve "By the time they'd all disappeared, the spike-lined balls had been equally split between the Carnations and were now freely rattling around the girl's buttholes. Exactly how I imagined our cruel ringleader had devised it." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" pause 0.5 play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" pause 0.5 play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" "*{b}Smack{/b}* *{b}Smack{/b}!* *{b}Smack{/b}-!!*" rose "Onnn- oh, gghuu!" fel "Geh-! S-stop hitting me! It feels weeeeeeeeird!" scene w1_3297 with dissolve "At this point, both women were howling in a confuddled mix of pain and pleasure." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Each swat of the paddle in Mrs. Pulman's grip sent one of their wide asses quaking, knocking the ribbed pink toys against each other and scraping the lining of their bowels." KN_MOD "else:" "Each swat of the paddle in Kathleen's grip sent one of their wide asses quaking, knocking the ribbed pink toys against each other and scraping the lining of their bowels." "The pervert in me had to hand it to her. It was a simple approach, but the results were etched into the pair's enraptured faces." kat "Remember the aim of the game: soldier through the sensation. Keep fucking each other until you drop." scene w1_3289 with quickdissolve scene w1_3290 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3291 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" rose "Geh-oh-gh-oh!" scene w1_3293 with quickdissolve scene w1_3294 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3295 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "Not your first time being double stuffed, is it Felicia?" scene w1_3188 with dissolve fel "Eeeh, ye-no, n-no it is! I mean, only with toys...!" scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "Really? I figured a woman like you would be more experienced in that area." scene w1_3293 with quickdissolve scene w1_3294 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3295 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" fel "Ooowowooooo~ehg, they're moving around in my buuuutt!" scene w1_3289 with quickdissolve scene w1_3290 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3291 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" rose "Ohh... oh! Mercy! Mercy!" scene w1_3190 with dissolve kat "You want mercy, you stupid slut?!" scene w1_3189 with dissolve rose "Yes!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman split her efforts between the two Carnations, giving each ass an energetic wallop." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen split her efforts between the two Carnations, giving each ass an energetic wallop." scene w1_3293 with quickdissolve scene w1_3294 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3295 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" fel "Ooowowooooo~ehg, s-shit!" scene w1_3289 with quickdissolve scene w1_3290 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3291 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" rose "M-Mercy!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosefeldil6 with dissolve "Felicia didn't have the benefit of a fat ass to dull the impact of the blows. She was feeling the treatment more acutely and it showed." "She was going cross-eyed, from the toy drilling her cunt and the sensation of toys rattling around her anus." kat "I should remember that you have an extra-sensitive anus. That could come in handy later." scene w1_3293 with quickdissolve scene w1_3294 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3295 with vpunch show screen textbox2 with dissolve "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" scene w1_3294 with dissolve scene w1_3293 with dissolve fel "EeeeeEh, f-fu-" scene w1_3293 with quickdissolve scene w1_3294 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3295 with vpunch "*{b}Smack!{/b}*" scene w1_3187 with dissolve kat "There it is! I was waiting to see your face twisted up like a perverted bitch! You're taking this place much too lightly." kat "I'm going to teach you many wonderful things, dear! Now cum!" scene w1_3293 with quickdissolve scene w1_3294 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3295 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" fel "EeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!" with vpunch "With a violent cry, Felicia arched her back and tightly shut her eyes in abject pleasure." scene w1_3296 with flash fel "OooOooooOooh~oooh...ehehe...♥" with vpunch kat "Ha! Did you cum from your pussy or your ass?" "Felicia stumbled forward slightly and her orgasm dulled her previous energy, but she kept to task. Never stopping working in tandem with Rosalind's bucking hips." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosefeldil7 with dissolve "At the other end of things, Rosalind was looking haggard herself. Her hips followed a more erractic rhythm and it looked like she wasn't too far behind Felicia." rose "Eh-heh... t-this feels good?" kat "It does indeed, you masochistic cow!" scene w1_3289 with quickdissolve scene w1_3290 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3291 with vpunch show screen textbox2 with dissolve "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" rose "Geheh!!!" scene w1_3290 with dissolve scene w1_3289 with dissolve kat "You fat ass slut!" scene w1_3290 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3291 with vpunch rose "Ng! Merc-eeeeeeeh...!!! I'm going to...!" scene w1_3290 with dissolve scene w1_3289 with dissolve kat "Cum for me!" scene w1_3290 with quickdissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w1_3291 with vpunch "*{b}Slap!{/b}*" "One final slap sent Rosalind over the edge, causing her to arch her back and call out with a violent, pleasured cry." scene w1_3292 with flash rose "Ffghhhhheeeee!...ehehe... hehe...!" kat "Ha! That was fast! You came from having your fat ass battered. You're a fucking natural!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman cackled in delight, pleased at the miserable display in front of her." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen cackled in delight, pleased at the miserable display in front of her." rose "Eheh... heh... eheh... woah..." "She had managed to quickly bring both women to orgasm. It was honestly impressive in a fucked-up way." kat "Don't think this is over though. Don't stop moving, there's more to come!" scene w1_3196 with dissolve mc "They're unbelievable..." scene w1_3197 with dissolve kil "Shit, this is good..." scene w1_3198 with dissolve kat "This time you have 30 seconds to answer." fel "We're not done with the questions?" kat "No. Not until one of you yields. Mrs. Carter..." scene w1_3199 with dissolve kat "I have a riddle for you, are you listening?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosefeldil3 with dissolve rose "Geeh, yes! What is it?" kat "Good! Here it is: \"Without it, I'm dead. If I'm not, then I'm behind. What am I?\"." rose "Uh... oh, s-shoot...!" "In between her impassioned cries, a sliver of panic snuck onto Rosalond's face." rose "Uh, crap... I don't know." "Instead of waiting out the time, Rosalind just admitted the inevitable." rose "Just get whatever you're going to do over with, okay?" kat "You give up?" rose "Yes." kat "{b}Fantastic{/b}." kat "The answer I was looking for was \"ahead\"." scene rosefeldil2 with dissolve kat "Your turn, Mrs. Ford. What has a head and a tail, but no body?" fel "Head... tail.... oh!" fel "A coin?" kat "Correct. Very good! That was surprisingly quick." kat "Now..." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w1_3310 with hpunch "*Bzzzzt!*" "Like with the balls, the cruel woman slipped the newly fetched toy - an anal vibrator - smoothly into the mother's winking pucker and turned it on." rose "Mmmmn~eeh, zzzzzz-zah... fhug...zzz!!!" "The vibrating rod being shoved mercilessly into her crowded tail hole produced a garbled slew of intelligibly whorish moans." kat "Haha, how do you like that?" scene rosefeldil7 with dissolve rose "The v-v-v-v-ibrationzzz...! Gh!" kat "I know, right? In such a tight space, it's making the studded eggs vibrate along with it. You can feel those vibrations all the way into your stomach and into your chest." rose "Y-ngh, mmg-zzzaaa!" kat "I'm very glad you got my riddle wrong." kat "For a woman who's an anal virgin, this kind of stimulation could just drive you mad." rose "Zzhaaa- eh, ohohOhOHOH!" kat "What sweet, sweet music." kat "I wonder what your wayward husband would think to hear you howling like an animal? He'd probably be glad he up and disappeared." rose "N-no!" scene rosefeldil5 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Don't deny it. I mean look at how you're shaking your hips? Haven't you noticed you've been doing it harder ever since I inserted that vibrator?" kat "Deep down you're a slut. It's just lucky you found your way here, so you can finally be yourself." rose "A-ah! That's not true!" kat "It is. You can't deny it. At some level, you're enjoying yourself. It's freeing, isn't it?" kat "Under the spot light, you can forget who you are and your miserable life." rose "{b}S-shut up! I love my life!{/b}" "Rosalind cried out and shouted at the cruel old woman, sucking our noise out of the hall." rose "Oh..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Rosalind looked fearful over her outburst, but Mrs. Pulman merely smiled." KN_MOD "else:" "Rosalind looked fearful over her outburst, but Kathleen merely smiled." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosefeldil7 with dissolve kat "So, you wouldn't trade it for all the pleasure in the world?" rose "No." kat "Ha! I guess we'll see." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Even with the additional discomfort and Mrs. Pulman teasing her, Rosalind continued to match Felicia's pace, moving her hips at a furious pace and drilling herself on the golden dildo." KN_MOD "else:" "Even with the additional discomfort and Kathleen teasing her, Rosalind continued to match Felicia's pace, moving her hips at a furious pace and drilling herself on the golden dildo." scene rosefeldil5 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "The sight made me think Mrs. Pulman wasn't entirely off base about Rosalind enjoying it on some level. From where I sat, it looked like the woman at least had something of an exhibitionist streak." "She was in the midst of pure sexual arousal. It wasn't just the goal of winning the competition that was driving her hips, it was also needy, craven desire." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene rosefeldil6 with dissolve "Her opponent was looking much of the same; Felicia was looking like a mess." scene rosefeldil5 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Incredibly the scene carried on for minutes more, Felicia being rocked by numerous mini-orgasms, but still managing to hang on." "It was a marvelous sight. The two women sweating profusely, squirming in ecstasy, loose strands of hair matting the napes of the neck." "The room was completely quiet." "Even our cruel ringleader shut the fuck up for once, instead letting the near silent room be filled with the dirty sounds of copulation and ragged breathing." "In this moment, I was utterly divorced from my regular life. [mcf] was just a name at the back of my head and his worries seemed so trite." rose "Eh... eh..!" scene w1_3298 with vpunch rose "Ooofffhhooooo-! Oh, gh- I'm-- Ghhhg... fhuu... ghw..." "I watched Rosalind's expression go cross, her vocal cords letting out a shrill, banshee like screech that announced her impeding orgasm." fel "Geggggeh--!" with vpunch kat "I can't believe--" scene w1_3299 with vpunch fel "Geeeh, fu-again?! My AasaassssSSssss.... es... numb...!" fel "Fggg-ooOooooooooo!" with vpunch "Following Rosalind's example, Felicia soon came again herself, letting out an incoherent mess of babbling and swearing as she did." kat "You too? My, my. You {i}really{/i} do have a sensitive asshole, don't you?" kat "Once you pop, you just can't stop." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w1_3300 with vpunch "*{b}Thud!{/b}*" "In an instant, the flurry of sex just ceased." "Both Carnations gave out, flopping down on the cushioned surface. They weren't unconscious, but their legs had turned to jelly and their minds to mush." kat "It looks like both these fuck pigs are out. I wonder, will we be lucky enough to have a game of sudden death? Hmpfhf... no, no..." "The ten seconds passed." kat "How about this? The first whore to get on her feet and take a bow wins." scene w1_3204 with dissolve kat "Lend the girls a hand, boys." scene w1_3205 with dissolve mc "Oh...?" play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3265 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3266 with dissolve "Rosalind suddenly tensed up, her pale legs straightening out from a sudden zap from her collar." kil "C'mon! Get up, Rose!" "In contrast to the jolt he just gave her, Ian called out words of encouragement to get the slumped over mother to her feet." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3267 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" kil "You gotta stand up if you wanna win!" scene w1_3269 with dissolve rose "Ah, oh... what? I need to...?" play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3268 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" rose "Gh--! Crap, that stings!" "Rosalind made the first move in the battle to stand up, while Felicia still hadn't regained her senses." scene w1_3209 with dissolve mct "(Oh, shit... right!)" "I held in my hand a remote control to the shock collar around her neck, tasked with the dubious responsibility of providing encouragement to the down and out beauty." "I looked down at the phone in my hand, unsure about what to do." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hit the low-setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=1 play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3210 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Not wanting to hurt Felicia, my finger reflexively moved to the top option." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3301 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3302 with dissolve fel "Eh...?" "Almost instantly, Felicia's collar gave a slight buzz, causing the collapsed woman to stir slightly." mc "Felicia! You need to stand up!" play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch mc "You'll lose if you don't!" play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" "*Bzzt!" with vpunch KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" mc "Stand the fuck up, girl!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Can't you hear me?" "I called out, hoping to get through to her, but to no avail." "Rosalind, meanwhile was in the process of standing up. If I didn't do something, Felicia was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3209 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughFelShock" KN_MOD "Hit the medium setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=2 play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3211 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Wanting her to get up, but too scared to press the high setting, my finger reflexively moved to the middle option." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3301 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3302 with dissolve fel "Eh... shit! What the-?" "Almost instantly, Felicia's collar gave a moderate buzz, causing the woman to stir." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3304 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3306 with dissolve mc "Felicia! You need to stand up! You'll lose if you don't!" fel "Huh, what are you talking about?" KN_MOD "if toughness > 20:" mc "Stand the fuck up, girl!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Stand up!" "Rosalind, meanwhile was in the process of standing up. If I didn't do something, Felicia was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3209 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughFelShock" KN_MOD "Hit the high setting button.:" $ w1ExShockPoints +=3 play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3212 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Wanting her to get up, or just curious about what it'd do, my finger reflexively moved to the bottom option." play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" scene w1_3301 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3304 with dissolve fel "Eh..ooOooooh? Fuck! What the sh-?" "Almost instantly, Felicia's collar gave a distinct buzz, causing her to spring straight up from her stupor." scene w1_3306 with dissolve mc "Felicia! You need to stand up!" fel "Grh, that hurts!" mc "You'll lose if you don't!" "Rosalind, meanwhile was in the process of standing up. If I didn't do something, Felicia was about to lose game #2 and move onto the final one." "Then again, what does it matter to me who wins...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3209 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w1ExFollowThroughFelShock" KN_MOD "menu w1ExFollowThroughFelShock:" KN_MOD "Hit the low-setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3210 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Still hesitant about harming her, I gave the first option a second press." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3302 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" scene w1_3306 with dissolve fel "Eh... huh...?" "By the time she had fully grasped the situation, it was too little, too late." scene w1_3308 with dissolve "Rosalind had managed to prop herself up and stand on her own two feet." rose "I'm up! Does that mean...?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3210 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Thinking I had gotten her attention with the last one, I gave the first option a press." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3307 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" fel "Ah, right!" scene w1_3309 with dissolve "Felicia, fully understanding what was going on, suddenly leapt up on her long, toned legs." fel "I win!" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3210 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how fast she sprang up previously, I was hesitant to give her another shock at the same power, so I opted to take it all the way down to low." play sound "sound effects/shock1.wav" scene w1_3304 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3303 with dissolve fel "Eh, what?" mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" rose "Oh, I need to...!" scene w1_3309 with dissolve "Despite the pained look, it seemed Felicia fully understood. With a burst of energy, she leapt up on her long, toned legs." fel "I win! ...right?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "Hit the medium setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3211 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Not sure if another low-setting shock would do it, I opted to move up a level." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3302 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3303 with dissolve fel "Eh, oh- what?" "Almost instantly, Felicia's collar gave a moderate buzz, returning the light to her eyes." mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" fel "Oh, I need to...!" scene w1_3309 with dissolve "Despite the pained look, it seemed Felicia fully understood. With a burst of energy, she leapt up on her long, toned legs." fel "I win! ...right?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3211 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "The medium option seemed effective, so I opted to give it another press." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3304 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3305 with dissolve fel "Eg-! That hurts!" "Almost instantly, Felicia's collar gave a moderate buzz, causing her to wince." scene w1_3307 with dissolve mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" fel "Oh, I need to...!" scene w1_3309 with dissolve "Despite the pained look, it seemed Felicia fully understood. With a burst of energy, she leapt up on her long, toned legs." fel "I win! ...right?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3211 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how distracted she seemed with the high option, I decided to take it down a level." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3305 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" fel "Gh! Fhuuu!" "Unfortunately, the shock proved to be too painful. Instead of realizing what was going on, she was distracted by the pain." scene w1_3308 with dissolve "While still groaning, Rosalind had managed to prop herself up and stand on her own two feet." rose "I'm up! Does that mean...?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "Hit the high setting button.:" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 1:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerFel = True $ w1ExGame2LoserRose = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3212 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Worried that the low option didn't have an effect, I decided to try the opposite end, taking it all the way to high." play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" scene w1_3304 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" scene w1_3305 with dissolve fel "Zzzzh, damn! Ow, ow, ow! That-" scene w1_3307 with dissolve mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" fel "Oh, I need to...!" scene w1_3309 with dissolve "Despite the pained look, it seemed Felicia fully understood. With a burst of energy, she leapt up on her long, toned legs." fel "I win! ...right?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had secured game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 2:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3212 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how effective the second option was, I decided that the third option should definitely do it." play sound "sound effects/shock2.wav" scene w1_3305 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" fel "Gh! Fhuuu!" "Unfortunately, the shock proved to be too painful. Instead of realizing what was going on, she was distracted by the pain." scene w1_3308 with dissolve "While still groaning, Rosalind had managed to prop herself up and stand on her own two feet." rose "I'm up! Does that mean...?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "if w1ExShockPoints == 3:" $ w1ExGame2WinnerRose = True $ w1ExGame2LoserFel = True play sound "sound effects/short-beep.wav" scene w1_3212 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Seeing how fast she sprang up previously, I was sure another shock at that level would do it." play sound "sound effects/shock3.wav" scene w1_3305 with vpunch "*Bzzt!" mc "Rosalind is going to win if you don't stand up right now!" fel "Gh! Fhuuu!" "Unfortunately, the shock proved to be too painful. Instead of realizing what was going on, she was distracted by the pain." scene w1_3308 with dissolve "While still groaning, Rosalind had managed to prop herself up and stand on her own two feet." rose "I'm up! Does that mean...?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame2RoseFelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind had taken game number 2." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExGame2Aftermath" KN_MOD "label w1ExGame2Aftermath:" stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene w1_3311 with circlewipe KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Following Mrs. Pulman's concluding remarks, which were about as derogatory and self-important as you might expect, there was a brief interlude before the final game." KN_MOD "else:" "Following Kathleen's concluding remarks, which were about as derogatory and self-important as you might expect, there was a brief interlude before the final game." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserFel == True:" $ history_felicia = "Felicia narrowly lost the first week's second game, placing her on the chopping block for the final punishment game." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserRose == True:" $ history_rosalind = "Rosalind narrowly lost the first week's second game, placing her on the chopping block for the final punishment game." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserVero == True:" $ history_veronica = "Veronica narrowly lost the first week's second game, placing her on the chopping block for the final punishment game." $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "A chance for the girls to decompress and clean up, but on the whole, the mood in the room was conspicuously somber." "On stage, everyone performed admirably, wholly focused on the task at hand and the prize at the end of the month, so much so that it was easy to forget that they weren't professional whores." "The anxiety and humiliation they endured must've hit them like a pile of bricks as soon as they had settled into the relative privacy of their dressing room, as that's when everything deflated." mct "(Well, at least as far as Veronica and Rosalind are concerned...)" "Felicia was still keeping it cool." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserFel == True or w1ExGame2WinnerFel == True:" "Even after the arduous pace of the second game." KN_MOD "else:" "She had avoided the arduous second game." scene w1_3312 with dissolve mc "You girls... alright?" "I opted to say {i}something{/i} to break the tense silence, even if it was a trite question." scene w1_3313 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserRose == True or w1ExGame2WinnerRose == True:" rose "No, that was... rough." KN_MOD "else:" rose "I know I shouldn't complain, since I won the first game, but... that was scary." scene w1_3314 with dissolve ver "What the hell do you think??" KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserVero == True or w1ExGame2WinnerVero == True:" ver "You didn't just have a bunch of spiky toy balls shoved up your ass." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Unlike you, I'm not a pervert. I didn't get my kicks off performing up there." scene w1_3316 with dissolve mct "(Actually, she did...)" KN_MOD "if w1ExVeroPissedOn == True:" scene w1_3315 with dissolve ver "Not to mention, you fucking peed on me, asshole!" scene w1_3317 with dissolve mc "What about you, Felicia?" scene w1_3318 with dissolve fel "It was interesting." scene w1_3319 with dissolve rose "Tsk!" "Rosalind clicked her tongue in frustration." scene w1_3320 with dissolve rose "Interesting...? I can't believe you! Are you really here because you want to be a member of this awful place?" scene w1_3321 with dissolve fel "There's..." scene w1_3322 with dissolve "Felicia paused and weighed her answer, before finally speaking again." scene w1_3323 with dissolve fel "There's more to it than that. I have my reasons for what I asked for, just like you." scene w1_3324 with dissolve rose "That's crap! You're nothing--" scene w1_3325 with dissolve ver "Hey, calm down." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserRose == True:" ver "You still have the final game to think about. Don't get distracted, you just got to focus on what you've got to do." KN_MOD "else:" ver "There's no point in getting bent out of shape. You just got to focus on what you've got to get done this month." scene w1_3326 with dissolve rose "Ah... ha...." scene w1_3327 with dissolve rose "..." scene w1_3328 with dissolve rose "You're right, thank you." scene w1_3329 with dissolve ver "I wonder what the last game will involve...." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserVero == True:" scene w1_3330 with dissolve rose "You're nervous." scene w1_3329 with dissolve ver "Of course I am." mct "(That's right... Veronica is facing the final challenge of the night alone.)" scene w1_3331 with dissolve rose "Can you tell me what's coming up next, [mcf]?" scene w1_3332 with dissolve mc "No, I'm in the dark as much as you." "For a moment, Veronica looked at me questioningly, but ultimately seemed to accept my answer." scene w1_3333 with dissolve ver "I guess I'll be finding out soon enough. Might be better not to know what's coming..." scene w1_3334 with dissolve fel "Yeah, why spoil the surprise?" scene w1_3335 with dissolve ver "Save me the glib attitude. It's annoying when you're here willingly." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserRose == True:" ver "Don't let that old woman beat you, Rose." scene w1_3330 with dissolve rose "I won't. I've got to win." mct "(That's right... Rosalind is facing the final challenge of the night alone.)" scene w1_3331 with dissolve rose "Do you have any idea what it'll be, [mcf]?" scene w1_3332 with dissolve mc "No, I'm in the dark as much as you." "Rosalind seemed to accept my answer unquestioningly, giving an anxious smile about what's coming next." scene w1_3336 with dissolve rose "I guess I'll find out soon then." scene w1_3334 with dissolve fel "Yeah, why spoil the surprise?" scene w1_3335 with dissolve ver "Can you save the glib attitude, please? It's annoying when you're here willingly." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserFel == True:" scene w1_3337 with dissolve ver "Have fun up there, Blondie. Better you than us, right?" scene w1_3338 with dissolve "Felicia didn't answer her, but for a split second, her expression made her look terribly alone." scene w1_3331 with dissolve rose "Do you have any idea what it'll be, [mcf]?" scene w1_3332 with dissolve mc "No, I'm in the dark as much as you." scene w1_3339 with dissolve fel "Hmmm... I guess it's probably for the best if you don't spoil it." scene w1_3340 with dissolve ver "You're not nervous, are you Blondie?" scene w1_3341 with dissolve fel "Everyone gets a little stage fright." scene w1_3340 with dissolve ver "Yeah, but you're here willingly." scene w1_3342 with dissolve fel "So are you two. Don't forget that! No one has a gun to your head, do they?" scene w1_3343 with dissolve ver "You know what I mean. You don't need money." scene w1_3342 with dissolve fel "Not everything can be solved with money, {b}red{/b}. Not everything can even be solved..." scene w1_3343 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "Mine can. That's why I'm here." scene w1_3344 with dissolve kat "My, girls! There's a man present and you're not decent!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman entered from behind us, opening with a flat attempt at humor." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen entered from behind us, opening with a flat attempt at humor." scene w1_3345 with dissolve mc "What's decent about any of this?" scene w1_3346 with dissolve kat "Not much, is there?" scene w1_3347 with dissolve rose "Is there something you need, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w1_3348 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserVero == True:" kat "I'm here to help Miss Lynch with her wardrobe." scene w1_3350 with dissolve ver "..." KN_MOD "jump w1ExEarningsGameVeronicaStart" KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserRose == True:" kat "I'm here to help you with your wardrobe." scene w1_3351 with dissolve rose "..." KN_MOD "jump w1ExEarningsGameRosalindStart" KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserFel == True:" kat "I'm here to help Mrs. Ford with her wardrobe." scene w1_3349 with dissolve fel "..." KN_MOD "jump w1ExEarningsGameFeliciaStart" KN_MOD "label w1ExEarningsGameRosalindStart:" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w1_3352 with w19 mct "(Yeesh, that looks uncomfortable...)" scene w1_3353 with dissolve "The next game saw Rosalind hog-tied, perched at the edge of a table in a way that emphasized the size and shape of her bust." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Uncomfortably waiting for Mrs. Pulman to explain what was about to happen to her." KN_MOD "else:" "Uncomfortably waiting for Kathleen to explain what was about to happen to her." "For once, she was taking her sweet time to begin talking." scene w1_3354 with dissolve mc "It's got to suck to be the only one about to be raked over the fire." scene w1_3355 with dissolve ver "No, kidding. She's got to be terrified. I'd be." scene w1_3356 with dissolve kil "Seems out of character for you to just admit that." scene w1_3357 with dissolve ver "You know jack shit about my \"character\", boy." scene w1_3358 with dissolve fel "She's going to nail this." scene w1_3355 with dissolve ver "Huh? What are you talking about?" scene w1_3352 with dissolve fel "Look at her face." ver "You're right. She's ready for what's coming." "They were right. Despite looking like she's about to be served up as dinner, there was a indomitable clarity to her body language." scene w1_3359 with dissolve kat "Looks like everyone has returned to their seats. Are you ready to begin?" scene w1_3360 with dissolve isak "Yes, ma'am!" tom "I've been looking forward to this." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The room unanimously voiced their approval at Mrs. Pulman moving on." KN_MOD "else:" "The room unanimously voiced their approval at Kathleen moving on." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "Excellent. Our final game is a punitive one, to penalize Mrs. Carter for falling short of the club's standards." scene w1_3362 with dissolve kat "That doesn't mean she won't be afforded the opportunity to gain ground in the standings tonight. After all, it wouldn't be any fun if there wasn't anything at stake." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "However, her success will be linked with the interest she has garnered tonight." scene w1_3363 with dissolve chuck "What are you getting at, Kat?" scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "Tonight we're going to do something special. I'm going to hinge this slut's success on the wallets of our esteemed patrons." KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True and w1GonzoReward == True:" kat "She was the favorite going into tonight after all." scene w1_3362 with dissolve kat "A whore that can't be proactive in their service can always earn her keep as a cum rag." scene w1_3364 with dissolve "At the mention of the rank and noxious phrase, Rosalind's pale complexion blanched even more." kat "For the price of $200 a pop, you can sexually release yourself on and sully this fat cow's face and tits as much as your heart desires." scene w1_3365 with dissolve jim "$200 just for that?" scene w1_3366 with dissolve frank "Not all of us are on a cop's salary, Jim." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "If she manages to earn $4000, I'll consider this a win for her." scene w1_3367 with dissolve kil "Heh, things are about to get messy..." scene w1_3368 with dissolve fel "No kidding." scene w1_3369 with dissolve ver "This is stupid. I'd feel sorry for poor Rose if she didn't have it so easy." scene w1_3370 with dissolve mc "What the hell are you talking about?" scene w1_3369 with dissolve ver "She's just got to sit there, while Felicia and I had to work for our wins." scene w1_3370 with dissolve mc "Don't be so callous. She's getting the worst of the night." scene w1_3371 with dissolve ver "..." scene w1_3372 with dissolve mct "(Come to think of it, do I even need to see this? My absence will most likely be noticed, but I could duck out of here and visit Hana. Avoid seeing this nasty business.)" "Then again, if I wanted to, I could enjoy the show and maybe even join in..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stick around and watch Rosalind get covered in cum.:" $ toughness += 2 $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Well, it is my job to be here and it does pay well...)" scene w1_3373 with dissolve kat "If you're interested, please make yourself comfortable gentlemen and form a line." KN_MOD "jump w1ExEarningsGameRosalind" KN_MOD "Slip out of the room and find Hana.:" $ w1ExGame3Avoid = True $ Hana_Affection += 3 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(No, I definitely don't want to see this.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExHanaHangout" KN_MOD "label w1ExEarningsGameFeliciaStart:" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w1_3374 with w19 mct "(Yeesh, that looks uncomfortable...)" scene w1_3376 with dissolve "The next game saw Felicia resting on her neck, ass hiked straight up into the air and legs drawn back over her shoulders." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Excruciatingly waiting for Mrs. Pulman to explain what was about to happen to her." KN_MOD "else:" "Excruciatingly waiting for Kathleen to explain what was about to happen to her." "For once, she was taking her sweet time to begin talking." scene w1_3377 with dissolve mc "It's got to feel lonely up there knowing you're the only one about to be raked over the fire." scene w1_3378 with dissolve ver "No, kidding, but she asked for it." scene w1_3379 with dissolve kil "Nah, Felicia ain't the kind of woman that would sweat this." scene w1_3380 with dissolve ver "You of all people should know the phrase \"false bravado\", boy." scene w1_3381 with dissolve rose "I don't know about that... she looks pretty ready." scene w1_3378 with dissolve ver "Huh? What are you talking about?" scene w1_3374 with dissolve rose "Look at her expression. She looks... excited." ver "You're right, that's some game face." "Despite looking like she's about to be served up as dinner, Felicia looked relatively undaunted." scene w1_3375 with dissolve kat "Looks like everyone has returned to their seats. Are you ready to begin?" scene w1_3382 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The room unanimously voiced their approval at Mrs. Pulman moving on." KN_MOD "else:" "The room unanimously voiced their approval at Kathleen moving on." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "Excellent. Our final game is a punitive one, to penalize Mrs. Ford for falling short of the club's standards." scene w1_3362 with dissolve kat "That doesn't mean she won't be afforded the opportunity to gain ground in the standings tonight. After all, it wouldn't be any fun if there wasn't anything at stake." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "However, her success will be linked with the interest she has garnered tonight." scene w1_3363 with dissolve chuck "What are you getting at, Kat?" scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "Tonight we're going to do something special. I'm going to hinge this slut's success on the wallets of our esteemed patrons." KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True and w1GonzoReward == True:" kat "She was the favorite going into tonight after all." scene w1_3362 with dissolve kat "A whore that can't be proactive in their service can always earn her keep as a cum rag." scene w1_3375 with dissolve "At the mention of the noxious phrase, Felicia raised a curious eyebrow." kat "That's right, for the price of $200 a pop, you can sexually release yourself onto this pig's lewd body as much as your heart desires." scene w1_3365 with dissolve jim "$200 just for that?" scene w1_3366 with dissolve frank "Not all of us are on a cop's salary, Jim." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "If she manages to earn $4000, I'll consider this a win for her." scene w1_3383 with dissolve kil "Things are about to get messy..." rose "Oh, my..." scene w1_3369 with dissolve ver "This is stupid. Why does she get it so easy?" scene w1_3370 with dissolve mc "What the hell are you talking about?" scene w1_3369 with dissolve ver "She's just got to sit there, while Rosie and I had to work for our wins." scene w1_3370 with dissolve mc "Don't be so callous. She's getting the worst of the night." scene w1_3371 with dissolve ver "..." scene w1_3372 with dissolve mct "(Come to think of it, do I even need to see this? My absence will most likely be noticed, but I could duck out of here and visit Hana. Avoid seeing this nasty business.)" "Then again, if I wanted to, I could enjoy the show and maybe even join in..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stick around and watch Felicia get covered in cum.:" $ toughness += 2 $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Well, it is my job to be here and it does pay well...)" scene w1_3384 with dissolve kat "If you're interested, please make yourself comfortable gentlemen and form a line." KN_MOD "jump w1ExEarningsGameFelicia" KN_MOD "Slip out of the room and find Hana.:" $ w1ExGame3Avoid = True $ Hana_Affection += 3 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(No, I definitely don't want to see this.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExHanaHangout" KN_MOD "label w1ExEarningsGameVeronicaStart:" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w1_3385 with w19 mct "(Yeesh, that looks uncomfortable...)" scene w1_3387 with dissolve "The next game saw Veronica's body stretched out over a table, limbs tied to the table's legs like she was a sacrificial offering." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Gloomily waiting for Mrs. Pulman to explain what was about to happen to her." KN_MOD "else:" "Gloomily waiting for Kathleen to explain what was about to happen to her." "For once, she was taking her sweet time to begin talking." scene w1_3388 with dissolve mc "It's got to feel lonely up there knowing you're the only one being raked over the fire." scene w1_3389 with dissolve rose "I bet she's terrified. Poor Veronica." scene w1_3390 with dissolve kil "I bet she isn't used to being tied up." scene w1_3391 with dissolve fel "You don't know what she gets up to in her personal life." scene w1_3389 with dissolve rose "She looks pretty ready..." scene w1_3392 with dissolve fel "Doesn't she?" scene w1_3385 with dissolve rose "Yeah. It's hard to tell from over here, but she looks scary." "They were right. Despite looking like she's about to be served up as dinner, she had her game face on." scene w1_3386 with dissolve kat "Looks like everyone has returned to their seats. Are you ready to begin?" scene w1_3393 with dissolve isak "Yes, ma'am!" sam "Hell, yeah!" chuck "I'm sad to see the night wind down!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The room unanimously voiced their approval at Mrs. Pulman moving on." KN_MOD "else:" "The room unanimously voiced their approval at Kathleen moving on." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "Excellent. Our final game is a punitive one, to penalize Miss Lynch for falling short of the club's standards." scene w1_3362 with dissolve kat "That doesn't mean she won't be afforded the opportunity to gain ground in the standings tonight. After all, it wouldn't be any fun if there wasn't anything at stake." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "However, her success will be linked with the interest she has garnered tonight." scene w1_3363 with dissolve chuck "What are you getting at, Kat?" scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "Tonight we're going to do something special. I'm going to hinge this slut's success on the wallets of our esteemed patrons." KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True and w1GonzoReward == True:" kat "She was the favorite going into tonight after all." scene w1_3362 with dissolve kat "A whore that can't be proactive in their service can always earn her keep as a cum rag." scene w1_3386 with dissolve "At the mention of the noxious phrase, Veronica let out an exasperated sigh." kat "For the price of $200 a pop, you can sexually release yourself onto this overdeveloped bitch's lewd body as much as your heart desires." scene w1_3365 with dissolve jim "$200 just for that?" scene w1_3366 with dissolve frank "Not all of us are on a cop's salary, Jim." scene w1_3361 with dissolve kat "If she manages to earn $4000, I'll consider this a win for her." scene w1_3395 with dissolve kil "Heh, things are about to get messy..." rose "Oh, my..." scene w1_3396 with dissolve fel "She's already starting to sweat." scene w1_3397 with dissolve mc "Who wouldn't be?" scene w1_3398 with dissolve fel "This should be interesting." scene w1_3399 with dissolve mct "(Come to think of it, do I even need to see this? My absence will most likely be noticed, but I could duck out of here and visit Hana. Avoid seeing this nasty business.)" "Then again, if I wanted to, I could enjoy the show and maybe even join in..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stick around and watch Veronica get covered in cum.:" $ toughness += 2 $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Well, it is my job to be here and it does pay well...)" scene w1_3394 with dissolve kat "If you're interested, please make yourself comfortable gentlemen and form a line." KN_MOD "jump w1ExEarningsGameVeronica" KN_MOD "Slip out of the room and find Hana.:" $ w1ExGame3Avoid = True $ Hana_Affection += 3 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(No, I definitely don't want to see this.)" KN_MOD "jump w1ExHanaHangout" KN_MOD "label w1ExEarningsGameRosalind:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade "......" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder with dissolve "..." play music "music/beginning-of-conflict.ogg" scene w1_3400 with pixellate rose "Eh... w-what was that? W-why am I suddenly..." kat "Turned on? Hot?" rose "Y-yes! My head feels like it's about to boil!" scene w1_3401 with dissolve kat "Don't think too much about it. It's just something to make things more interesting, for both us and for you." rose "W-was it a drug....? Aha... ha...!" KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward:" "I watched from the sidelines, as that all-too-familiar aphrodisiac began sinking its devious claws into the bound mother." KN_MOD "else:" "I watched as what I presumed to be some sort of sex drug began sinking its claws into the bound mother." kat "It's just a handy syrup that will make you feel good. Don't worry your pretty little head about it." scene w1_3402 with dissolve "Rosalind began to fidget in place, trying to fruitlessly scratch an itch she was unable to reach." "The table she rested on proved sturdy, barely budging as the hog-tied woman uncomfortably fidgeted on its face." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Apart from how wonderful it made Rose's breasts look, it occurred to me that Mrs. Pulman had a more cruel reason in mind when she chose that position." KN_MOD "else:" "Apart from how wonderful it made Rose's breasts look, it occurred to me that Kathleen had a more cruel reason in mind when she chose that position." "Hands and legs bound, Rosalind had no avenue for satisfaction. The drug in her system would make her insanely aroused, but she wouldn't find sexual release." hide screen camcorder scene w1_3403 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I had been tasked with recording the event, something that no one had a problem with. In actuality, they seemed excited at the opportunity to have a copy of the debauchery for home consumption." "It seemed awfully gauche to me, that these men with all their money and access, would jack off at home like a common pervert." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1ExGame3Rose with pixellate show screen camcorder KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" "At the same time, I understood. Peeking through the view-finder at the obscene sight had brought out the voyeur in me in full force." KN_MOD "else:" "I wondered if I'd ever fully grasp the psychology of these men or if I even wanted to understand." tom "I'm so glad I got to be first to soil those beautiful breasts of yours..." "The boob-obsessed lawyer squeaked out some words while stroking his dick in front of the tied-up mother's face." scene w1_3407 with dissolve "Rosalind tried to avert her gaze, but it would unavoidably find its way back to the cock square in front of her." kat "Come now, Mrs. Carter. Don't look so mortified. You should thank Mr. Blake for being your first customer." scene w1_3408 with dissolve rose "Uh..." "Rosalind looked totally scatterbrained. I don't know if it was solely due to the aphrodisiac coursing through her veins, but..." "At this moment, I was sure she was being struck by her lack of power." scene w1_3407 with dissolve rose "Um... t-thank you, Mr. Blake." scene w1ExGame3Rose with dissolve "Rosalind's flushed skin turned a shade brighter with the embarrassing words." tom "*huff* *huff* Ah... ah...!" kat "What are you thanking him for, dear?" rose "Um... for being my first customer?" kat "No. You should thank him for stroking his cock to your fat cow tits." rose "Mmmmh, t-thank you for stroking your cock to my f-fat cow tits!" "So flustered, Rosalind practically shouted the obscene statement." scene w1_3407 with dissolve tom "Ha! No need to thank me, gorgeous. You're a damn goddess!" rose "Um... thanks?" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3409 with dissolve tom "Aaaaaaah!" "Aiming his cock at Rosalind's breasts, he let out a cry just before he painted the whore mother's bountiful jugs white." scene w1_3410 with dissolve rose "B-bleh...!" "As soon as the excited man's seed touched her skin, Rosalind's face flashed in a violent revulsion." rose "E-huh...? Eheh..." rose "M-my skin is so hot, that it feels...!" rose "P-pleasant...?" "Her natural disgust was at odds with the physiological effects of the aphrodisiac." scene w1_3411 with fade "Just as soon as the lawyer had shuffled off stage, he was replaced by another man eager for his turn." "Likewise more men had begun to pool around the hog-tied mother like sharks drawn to blood in the water." rose "Ummmmh... t-thank you for your interest, sirs." "She squirmed in place, her thighs rubbing together in a fruitless effort to belay the uncurbed arousal between her legs." "Unable to move, Rosalind naturally had no other course but to endure." scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w1_3412 with fade rose "Oh my... there's so many of you." jim "I'm next, before this whore becomes too disgusting!" frank "Ahaha, you seemed so price shy earlier!" jim "Can it, a man can change his mind." scene w1_3413 with fade "Over the next however long, various patrons used Rosalind as a perverted canvas, spilling their ejaculate wherever they desired on the bound woman's body." "Patron by patron, Rosalind's flawless clear skin was dyed in white." scene w1_3414 with dissolve rose "Gheh... the smeeeell..." "I watched as the calm, motherly image I held of Rose was reduced to something obscene and base." vinc "Can't we do more than just jerk off? I'll pay $5,000 right now to fuck her!" kat "I'm afraid that's outside the parameters of the game, Mr. Bianchi." scene w1_3415 with dissolve "Bill after hundred dollar bill piled up around Rosalind's soiled body." "It made for quite the sight, driving home Rosalind's role as a prostitute to both her and onlooker alike." rose "T-thank you..." "Every time a man unloaded onto her chest or face, Rosalind pushed down her disgust and thanked her beneficiary in an artifical tone." tom "Ah... ah...! " "Some of the men had even lined up to go again." scene w1_3416 with dissolve rose "Ah... i-it's you?" "Killian had stepped up to the plate, tossing down a wad of cash and furiously stroking his cock." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_3417 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kil "Sorry, but [mcf] got to have all the fun earlier. Not to mention how fucking hot this is." kil "You're a nasty bitch, you know that?" rose "No, it's only because I have to do this..." kil "Doesn't change the fact you're covered in cum right now." scene w1_3418 with dissolve chuck "I bet you didn't think to bring any cash with you tonight, lad." scene w1_3419 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... it's too rich for me anyway." scene w1_3420 with dissolve "Holding out his hand, Dr. Chuck offered me a neat stack of bills." chuck "Go enjoy yourself. I'll take over filming! Consider it a gift from your Uncle Chuck!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1_3415 with fade show screen camcorder with dissolve "Stealing one last glance over at Rosalind and the gathered men, something about the scenario tempted me." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_3421 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(...{i}do I{/i} want to take part in this?)" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Join in on the fun.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Deep down... yeah, I do.)" "Plus, I suppose in a twisted way, this technically helps Rosalind out." scene w1_3422 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Thank you for your generosity, sir." KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "Thanks for your generosity, Uncle Chuck." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Thank you for your generosity, Dr. Chuck." chuck "Don't mention it, lad. Besides, I wouldn't mind some time behind the camera, heh..." "Dr. Chuck flashed me a knowing smile in perverted solidarity." scene black with fade "Taking the cash and adding it to the other bills surrounding Rosalind's grimy body, I discarded my clothes and found a place next to my friend." scene w1_3425 with dissolve play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" kil "Ohoho, you still got some in the tank?" scene w1_3426 with dissolve mc "Don't make this weird..." scene w1_3425 with dissolve kil "Too late for that! Might as well lean into it. Enjoy having a mutual wank with your best bud onto some slut!" scene w1_3427 with dissolve rose "You too, [mcf]...?" scene w1_3428 with dissolve mc "You got to make money to win, right?" scene w1_3427 with dissolve rose "I do..." scene w1_3429 with dissolve kil "Then you should be grateful that [mcf] joined in!" scene w1_3427 with dissolve rose "...y-yeah, you're right! Please enjoy..." scene w1_3429 with dissolve kil "That's the spirit!" scene w1ExGame3Rose2 with dissolve "Shutting everything out, I decided to focus on the sight in front of me. The sight of Rosalind, drowning in baby batter, money strewn about her like an expensive whore." "How she tightly held one eye shut, to avoid the jizz clinging to her brow from getting into her eye." "How the semen dripped, rolling down her large breasts and pooled at the tips of her nipples." "It was {i}utterly{/i} disgusting, yet... I furiously stroked my cock with wild abandon, like I hadn't jerked it in a week." scene w1_3433 with dissolve rose "Do you... do you like me like this, Mr. [mcl]?" scene w1ExGame3Rose2 with dissolve "Yes - part of me relished her humiliation." "Rosalind's one open eye was glued to the sight of me jackhammering my cock." kil "I think she's happy you joined in!" vinc "She likes the boy, eh? Bahaha!" "It was difficult to read Rose's expression with my lust-addled mind." mct "(No, she's just latching onto the most familiar face to take her mind off the humiliation.)" "Rosalind was surprisingly adaptive to this environment." scene w1_3433 with dissolve rose "Ah... eh... do you... do you like me like this?" "She asked me again, with aphrodisiac-laced words." mc "I do." rose "I thought so... please stroke your cock until you finish all over me, [mcf]." scene w1_3434 with dissolve kil "Hey! What am I, chopped liver? Ask me too!" rose "You too, Mr. Beaufort. Use me like a rag." scene w1ExGame3Rose2 with dissolve kil "Ah, that felt a lot colder, but who cares...! Have what you asked for, bitch!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3435 with dissolve "With a short, barbarous grunt Ian let loose a torrent of jizz onto Rosalind's face." kil "G-ah, gnnh!" rose "Geh!" scene w1_3436 with dissolve "Nailing her right in her one open eye. He did that on purpose!" mc "Oh, here it comes...! " "Seeing the beautiful mother's ruined, suddenly grimacing expression was enough to push me over the edge as well." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3437 with dissolve mc "Gh--!" "One last spurt had Rosalind looking like a glazed donut." scene w1_3438 with dissolve rose "Geh... it's in my nose... ew...." mc "Ah, s-sorry..." KN_MOD "Just keep filming.:" scene w1_3423 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, sir." KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, Uncle Chuck." KN_MOD "else:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, Dr. Chuck." scene w1_3418 with dissolve chuck "Really, lad?" scene w1_3419 with dissolve mc "I guess I kinda like it behind the camera." scene w1_3424 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck flashed me a knowing smile in perverted solidarity." chuck "Heh, that I understand!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade show screen camcorder with dissolve "Patting me on the back, Dr. Chuck veered off and I turned my attention back to the stage." scene w1ExGame3Rose3 with dissolve play music "music/on-the-ground.ogg" kil "There's something about you Rose... ah...!" "Killian was stroking his cock furiously, seemingly not a care in the world." kil "Ah! I know what it is... it's those huge milk jugs of yours!" "My best friend reveled in his crass attitude." rose "So everyone has said..." vinc "Well, we're not here for your personality! Bahaha!" rose "Mhh..." "Beneath the layers of baby batter, Rosalind's expression was difficult to read." rose "Please, enjoy them then..." kil "Oh, I will!" "Tuning Ian's inane comments out, I decided to focus on Rosalind. Drowning in baby batter, money strewn about her like an expensive whore." "How she tightly held one eye shut, to avoid the jizz clinging to her brow from getting into her eye." "How the semen dripped, rolling down her large breasts and pooled at the tips of her nipples." "It was {i}utterly{/i} disgusting, yet... there was something compelling about it." rose "P-please, use me like a rag..." "She did her best to say the things these perverts wanted to hear." kil "Have what you asked for, bitch!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3442 with dissolve "With a short, barbarous grunt Ian let loose a torrent of jizz onto Rosalind's face." kil "G-ah, gnnh!" rose "Geh!" scene w1_3443 with dissolve "Nailing her right in her one open eye. He did that on purpose!" kil "Ah, that was fun. I think I could go again..." hide screen camcorder show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "The scene continued on for twenty more minutes, by the end of it..." scene w1_3444 with dissolve $ history_rosalind = "Rosalind took part in this week's final game, managing to make enough money to go into the next week on equal footing with the other two Carnations." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve rose "*Cough, cough!* Y-yhuck! Gh! *Cough, cough!*" kat "You look absolutely rancid, my dear." rose "Ghu..." frank "Holy shit, that glob is like a foot long!" mihir "Disgusting." chuck "You did amazing! Good job, Rose!" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame3RoseGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame3RoseGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Rosalind made her quota, plus a half." "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExKatEnding" KN_MOD "label w1ExEarningsGameFelicia:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w1_3445 with curtains fel "Eh... What did you just give me? Why am I so incredibly... {b}horny{/b} right now?" kat "Don't think too much about it, dear. It's just something to make things more interesting, for both us and for you." scene w1_3446 with dissolve fel "Whatever it is, it feels... {b}good{/b}." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward:" "I watched from the sidelines, as that all-too-familiar aphrodisiac began sinking its devious claws into the upside down, volunteer whore." KN_MOD "else:" "I watched as what I presumed to be some sort of sex drug began sinking its claws into the upside down, volunteer whore." scene w1_3447 with dissolve kat "I'm glad you seem to have an open mind, because we haven't even fully set the stage yet." scene w1_3448 with dissolve fel "Oh...? There's more...?" scene w1_3450 with dissolve kat "Since you can't help yourself because of the shackles, I've decided to generously lend you a hand." kat "How do you like the sound of that?" scene w1_3449 with dissolve fel "I say, hurry up!" scene w1_3450 with dissolve kat "Heh, heh, heh... so fucking glib." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" fel "Ehoooo...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_3451 with pixellate play music "music/beginning-of-conflict.ogg" fel "Oooooooohohohoho...! Gh-! It's on m-max...!" "Felicia violently wiggled her hips, causing her shackles to make a distinct clacking sound." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_3403 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I had been tasked with recording the event, something that no one had a problem with. In actuality, they seemed excited at the opportunity to have a copy of the debauchery for home consumption." "It seemed awfully gauche to me, that these men with all their money and access, would jack off at home like a common pervert." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1ExGame3Fel with dissolve show screen camcorder eric "I just had to be the first up here." "Felicia's biggest fan had beaten the other men to the stage and was now furiously stroking his cock to the shackled beauty." fel "Heh, thanks mister... you sure are excited..." eric "That's because you're an interesting woman, Mrs. Ford. This place has never had a social climber like you before. Not to mention..." eric "The wife of Elias Ford, h-o-l-y s-h-i-t! What wonderful luck." "The cackling CEO didn't let up for one moment, full fisting his cock at a dizzying speed while spelling out his excitement." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_3455 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "Ah-! Why does that-eh, geeee..." fel "W-why does that interest you, Mr. Waylon?" "Despite the aphrodisiac coursing through her veins, Felicia mustered an appopriately curious tone when questioning the man's reasoning." scene w1_3456 with dissolve eric "It's because I've met your husband. He's a holier-than-thou prick of the highest magnitude! Needless to say, seeing his wife whore herself out, that's a thrill!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w1ExGame3Fel with dissolve show screen camcorder fel "You're a real piece of work, mister. You've got a woman like me tied up in front of you and all you can think about is a middle-aged man?" eric "Don't get too full of yourself..." fel "Oeeh, oh... is that what I'm doing?" eric "Bitches like you are a dime a dozen. Your status is the only thing that makes you interesting." hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_3457 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "{i}I'm{/i} a dime a dozen? Just keep stroking your cock and we'll both pretend you're not just another Gordon Gekko wannabe." scene w1_3458 with dissolve eric "..." scene w1_3459 with dissolve chuck "Bahaha! She's got your number Waylon!" scene w1_3456 with dissolve eric "I know. Isn't she great?" eric "I apologize, Mrs. Ford. You've got a little more personality than your typical gold digging bimbo." scene w1_3460 with dissolve eric "Now take my cum, whore!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3461 with dissolve show screen camcorder "Aiming his dick at center mass, the talkative businessman's cockhead exploded, shooting a thick stream of white all over her face, chest, and stomach." fel "Eeeh...! Gh...! Woah-!" scene w1_3462 with dissolve fel "That feels... good on my skin? What the hell...?" eric "I think I might just line up again." kat "You hear that? Your first repeat customer. How wonderful." scene w1_3463 with fade "True to what he said, Eric hobbled to the back of the group of gathering men and allowed another one to take his place." KN_MOD "if w1ExTenorRepeat == True:" "Vincenzo Bianchi - the apparently world famous tenor I had seen in the hall." KN_MOD "else:" "A fat, disgusting man with an even creepier smile." fel "Thank you for your interest as well, mister." "Felicia showed her appreciation in a clear, measured tone." fel "Please, enjoy your time as well." scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w1_3464 with fade fel "Jeez, there's so many of you!" frank "I usually prefer women with more meat on them, but you're actually not so bad looking up close." jim "I'm next, before this whore becomes too disgusting!" frank "Really? You seemed so price shy earlier." jim "Eric made a good point. It's not every day you get cum on the face of the wife of a rich, influential man." scene w1_3465 with fade play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "Over the next however long, various patrons used Felicia as a perverted canvas, spilling their ejaculate wherever they desired on the shackled woman's body." "Patron by patron, Felicia's golden, spotless skin was marred and dyed in white." scene w1_3466 with fade play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "I watched as the confident, cocksure woman devolved into a mindless puddle of hedonism." eric "This is what I was waiting to see!" "Bill after hundred dollar bill piled up around Felicia's soiled body." sam "She's beginning to smell like a sewer. Eugh!" "It made for quite the sight, driving home to all onlookers the golden beauty's fall from rich housewife to common whore." scene w1_3467 with fade play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" fel "Fwoo-h! Oooh! Gheee...!" "Every time a man unloaded onto her chest or face, more and more of Felicia disappeared." eric "Ah, I'm back! Ready for another load? " "It had even gotten back to Felicia's number one fan." scene w1_3468 with fade fel "Gh.... ohoh, w-wait... Ian?" scene w1_3477 with dissolve "Killian had stepped up to the plate, tossing down a wad of cash and furiously stroking his cock." fel "Couldn't help--" hide screen camcorder with dissolve scene w1_3469 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kil "Shut up." scene w1_3470 with dissolve "Ian practically growled at Felicia." fel "What?" scene w1_3469 with dissolve kil "I said shut the fuck up, bitch!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w1ExGame3Fel2 with dissolve "Felicia looked visibly confused at Killian's sudden shift in attitude." mct "(As was I, quite frankly...)" kil "Y'know, I always kind of wanted to say that to you..." kil "Outside these walls, you're a friend. In here, you're just a nasty slut who should shut her damn yap when a customer tells her to." fel "Wh-- Mmmh...!" "Felicia had to stop herself from responding." kil "Heh, good girl! You really do understand how to play the game." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" fel "*Bzzt!* Ge-eh...!" kil "I almost wish I could snap a picture and let Mina take a peep at this. She thinks you're so cool, you know that?" kil "This would totally shatter that illusion." "For whatever reason, Killian was without a doubt reveling in the chance to talk down to Felicia." hide screen camcorder scene w1_3474 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "Eh... oooooh! S-she'd have an aneurysm, wouldn't she?" scene w1_3469 with dissolve kil "That thought turns you on?" scene w1_3470 with dissolve fel "*Bzzt* Ehehhe....! Y-yes...!" scene w1_3475 with dissolve kil "Ha! You fucking slut!" fel "Oh... oh... no...!" fel "OoooooOOoooooh-!" with vpunch play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" fel "*{b}Bzzzzzzzzzzt!{/b} Egheeeee!*" with vpunch "A shrill cry briefly overpowered the dull persistent buzz of the toy jammed in her cunt. A prelude to..." scene w1_3476 with w19 play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "Felicia creaming herself, squirting a clear stream of liquid out of her overstuffed hole until it reached it's apex and rained back down on her face." with vpunch "Adding her own flavor into the mess." scene w1_3418 with dissolve chuck "I bet you didn't think to bring any cash with you tonight, lad." scene w1_3419 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... it's too rich for me anyway." scene w1_3421 with dissolve "Holding out his hand, Dr. Chuck offered me a neat stack of bills." scene w1_3420 with dissolve chuck "Go enjoy yourself. I'll take over filming! Consider it a gift from your Uncle Chuck!" scene w1_3477 with dissolve "Stealing one last glance over at Felicia and the gathered men, something about the scenario tempted me." scene w1_3421 with dissolve mct "(...{i}do I{/i} want to take part in this?)" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Join in on the fun.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Deep down... yeah, I do.)" "Plus, I suppose in a twisted way, this technically helps Felicia out." scene w1_3422 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Thank you for your generosity, sir." KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "Thanks for your generosity, Uncle Chuck." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Thank you for your generosity, Dr. Chuck." chuck "Don't mention it, lad. Besides, I wouldn't mind some time behind the camera, heh..." "Dr. Chuck flashed me a knowing smile in perverted solidarity." scene black with fade "Taking the cash and adding it to the other bills surrounding Felicia's grimy body, I discarded my clothes and found a place next to my friend." play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" scene w1_3478 with dissolve kil "Heh, look who's joining us! It's our mutual friend [mcf]!" kil "He's come to jerk off on you while you're folded over like a pretzel!" scene w1_3479 with dissolve mc "Don't make this weird..." scene w1_3478 with dissolve kil "Too late for that! Might as well lean into it. Enjoy having a mutual wank with your best bud onto some slut!" scene w1_3480 with dissolve fel "Y-yeah, we're past that by this point, right? Just enjoy yourself, [felSN]." scene w1_3481 with dissolve mct "(Well... if you insist.)" scene w1ExGame3Fel3 with dissolve "Shutting everything out, I decided to focus on the sight in front of me. The sight of Felicia, drowning in baby batter, money strewn about her like an expensive whore." "The way she was spattered with cum, jizz leaking down her torso and pooling in between her gorgeous breasts." "How that dripped even further, spilling down her neckline and onto her chin..." "It was {i}utterly{/i} disgusting, yet... I furiously stroked my cock with wild abandon, like I hadn't jerked it in a week." fel "Geh.... eh...." "Felicia wasn't quite focusing on anything in particular. Every so often her eyeline would veer over to my cock, but it was never held long before her eyes lost focus again." kil "You getting close, bro?" mc "H-huh?" "Killian's question pulled me back to reality." kil "I asked if you're about to bust a nut." mc "Uh, yeah. I'm about there I guess..." kil "Why don't we hose down this slut at the same time?" mc "Heh, okay." kil "Great! Hey, Felish... you should ask for it. Ask for our cum." scene w1_3486 with dissolve fel "Like you wouldn't finish anyway if I didn't." scene w1_3487 with dissolve kil "I said beg for it, bitch." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w1_3488 with dissolve fel "*Bzzzt* Mmmh, fine...!" fel "[mcf], Ian... hurry up and give me a large, thick dose of your jizz! Please!" scene w1ExGame3Fel3 with dissolve kil "Ha! Good enough, you ready [mcf]?" "Giving Ian a nod, I focused my gaze on Felicia and allowed my hand to finally bring myself over the edge." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3485 with flash mc "Gh-!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" kil "Ah, ngh- fuck yeah!" with flash "Simultaneously, we both unleased a torrent of cum on the shackled beauty." scene w1_3489 with dissolve fel "Eh, oh...! Fhuck... dhat's ahlots..." fel "E-emmprhessive..." "Our combined effort had Felicia looking like a glazed donut." scene black with fade kil "Ah, nice one, bro..." mc "Yeah, you too..." mct "(Shit, that was weird...)" KN_MOD "Just keep filming.:" scene w1_3423 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, sir." KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, Uncle Chuck." KN_MOD "else:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, Dr. Chuck." scene w1_3418 with dissolve chuck "Really, lad?" scene w1_3419 with dissolve mc "I guess I kinda like it behind the camera." scene w1_3424 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck flashed me a knowing smile in perverted solidarity." chuck "Heh, that I understand!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade show screen camcorder with dissolve "Patting me on the back, Dr. Chuck veered off and I turned my attention back to the stage." scene w1ExGame3Fel4 with dissolve play music "music/on-the-ground.ogg" kil "Mmmh..." "Killian was stroking his cock furiously, seemingly not a care in the world." kil "You're so damn hot. I kinda wish I knew you when you were 21!" kil "Not that you don't still got it..." scene w1_3486 with dissolve fel "Just shut up and jerk your cock you cocky bastard." scene w1_3487 with dissolve kil "Oh, you want it?" scene w1_3486 with dissolve fel "Well, I got to make money and you're taking an awful long time." scene w1ExGame3Fel4 with dissolve "Tuning Ian's inane comments out, I decided to focus on the sight in front of me. The sight of Felicia, drowning in baby batter, money strewn about her like an expensive whore." "The way she was spattered with cum, jizz leaking down her torso and pooling in between her gorgeous breasts." "How that dripped even further, spilling down her neckline and onto her chin..." kil "Ah! Take it, you gold digging bitch!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3493 with dissolve kil "Ah, ngh- fuck yeah!" "With a short, barbarous grunt Ian let loose a torrent of jizz onto Felicia's face." kil "G-ah, gnnh!" fel "Guh..?!" scene w1_3494 with dissolve "By luck or extraordinary aim, Ian had shot his load straight into Felicia's gaping mouth and down the back of her throat." fel "Guh--huh...!" kil "Ah, that was fun. I think I could go again..." hide screen camcorder show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "The scene continued on for twenty more minutes, by the end of it..." scene w1_3495 with dissolve $ history_felicia = "Felicia took part in this week's final game, managing to make enough money to go into the next week on equal footing with the other two Carnations." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve fel "Eguh... eoh...." kat "You look absolutely disgusting, pig." fel "Eheh... oh..." frank "The bitch really reeks!" mihir "It's fucking putrid is what it is." chuck "You did amazing! Good job, Felicia!" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame3FelGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame3FelGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Felicia had made her buck." "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExKatEnding" KN_MOD "label w1ExEarningsGameVeronica:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade "......" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder with dissolve "..." play music "music/beginning-of-conflict.ogg" scene w1_3496 with fade ver "Ng...! What the hell did you just inject me with?! I feel...!" scene w1_3497 with dissolve kat "Turned on?" scene w1_3499 with dissolve ver "Yes!" hide screen camcorder scene w1_3447 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Relax, Miss Lynch. It's just something to make things more interesting, for both us and for you." kat "You should be somewhat familiar with it. You had a taste just a few weeks ago." scene w1_3448 with dissolve ver "That sex drug...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w1_3497 with dissolve kat "Precisely." scene w1_3497 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward:" "I watched from the sidelines, as that all-too-familiar aphrodisiac began sinking its devious claws into the stretched out Amazon." KN_MOD "else:" "I watched as the aphrodisiac began sinking its claws into the stretched out Amazon." scene w1_3500 with dissolve ver "Eh... damn this! My head is feeling all foggy..." scene w1_3498 with dissolve kat "It's going to be a wild time if you're already feeling it that strongly. It's barely had time to kick in." scene w1_3499 with dissolve ver "It's gonna get more intense?" hide screen camcorder scene w1_3450 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Oh, you're in for a {i}real{/i} treat." scene w1_3449 with dissolve ver "I don't... like the sound of that." scene black with fade hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder with dissolve ver "H-hey, I can't see...!" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" ver "Ghe-!" scene w1_3501 with fade ver "Oooooooooh! That's...! Gh-" "Mrs. Pulman had blindfolded the bound woman, attaching a set of clothes pins and placing a large vibrator in her pussy." ver "Egh, intense!" "Veronica's hips violently jerked, but she was stretched so taut over the table that it barely moved in response." "Tied down as she was, she had little choice but to accept the devious fate that loomed over her." hide screen camcorder scene w1_3403 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I had been tasked with recording the event, something that no one had a problem with. In actuality, they seemed excited at the opportunity to have a copy of the debauchery for home consumption." "It seemed awfully gauche to me, that these men with all their money and access, would jack off at home like a common pervert." show screen camcorder scene w1ExGame3Vero with dissolve sam "Finally..." ver "S-sam? Is that you?" sam "Hehe, you betcha. No danger of you busting my nose again when you're strapped down like this." ver "You're such a fucking creep...!." scene w1_3505 with dissolve sam "Hey, don't be a bitch. I'm the one who got you in the door to this place." scene w1_3506 with dissolve ver "So you can jerk off on my face?" scene w1_3505 with dissolve sam "Ha! That's just a bonus for me. Truth is, I'm only trying to help your gym to survive." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w1_3507 with vpunch ver"*Bzzt* Y-yeah, right." scene w1_3508 with dissolve sam "You should drop the attitude and be more thankful that you've been afforded this opportunity." sam "Not everyone is given the chance to fix their mistakes." scene w1_3509 with dissolve ver "Ghmmh..." scene w1ExGame3Vero with dissolve "Samson taunted the stretched out woman. Something that seemed incredibly vicious to me, considering I'd just learned hours ago about his hand in Veronica's misfortune." sam "You look good on your back, Nicki. You're practically a natural." sam "The hard work required to sculpt that perfect body of yours... I bet you couldn't have imagined all that effort and sweat going toward being eye candy for your betters. Hehehe..." ver "Better? Get real! You're a washed-up old actor riding the coat-tails of a few mediocre hits." sam "Oh? Hohoho..." sam "I'm not the one laid out on a table, tied down, tits sticking out with a man beating his cock in my face right now!" scene w1_3510 with dissolve jiji "Don't let Mr. Garcia's crude attitude get to you. You're a remarkable-looking woman. You must be quite disciplined." scene w1_3511 with dissolve ver "Eh-? Ahh...! W-who's that?" scene w1_3510 with dissolve jiji "My name is Kristoff Jostad Jameson. You can call me JJ if you wish." scene w1_3507 with dissolve ver "You're the man with the silly mustache?" scene w1_3508 with dissolve jiji "I thought it was distinguished." scene w1_3507 with dissolve ver "Not really. It's the 21st century." scene w1_3508 with dissolve jiji "A little word of advice..." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3512 with dissolve jiji "Gh!" scene w1_3513 with dissolve jiji "Even if you don't really mean it, do a better job at accepting an olive branch when it's handed to you." scene w1_3514 with dissolve "With those parting words, the tall man marched off the stage, leaving Samson at the Amazon's head." scene w1_3515 with dissolve sam "Damn! I was hoping I'd be the first. Oh, well!" scene w1_3516 with dissolve sam "Take it!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3517 with dissolve sam "Aaaarrgh!" "Aiming his dick straight at Veronica's face, the large man's cockhead exploded, sending thick ropes of jizz splashing down on his target." scene w1_3518 with dissolve ver "Eh?!" sam "Ah... that was nice. Can't wait to do this again, heheh..." sam "Looks like you've got the club's interest, Nicki. The men are lining up!" scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w1_3551 with dissolve ver "Eugh...! The smell!" mihir "*Fwooo* She's a big bitch." jim "I'm next, before this whore becomes too disgusting!" frank "Ahaha, you seemed so price shy earlier!" jim "Can it, a man can change his mind." scene w1_3552 with fade "Over the next however long, various patrons used Veronica as a perverted canvas, spilling their ejaculate wherever they desired on the bound Amazon's body." "One load after another, Veronica's well-defined musculature was being obscured by a slick, slimy coat of jizz." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" ver "*Bzzt* Ugh... it's still not over...?" "Being blindfolded, Veronica had no way of telling how many men were pooling around her." "She had no inkling that some were even lining up for seconds." "Slowly the stress and humiliation had dulled Veronica's fiery attitude and she looked lesser." scene w1_3553 with fade play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" ver "Eh... oh...! Shwwhit!" "Despite her disdain, her lower half painted a different story." "Her abdomen and buttocks ebbed and flowed alongside the vibrator crammed in her cunny." ver "Gh- what -ah!- what's taking so long here?" scene w1_3554 with fade play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "Bill after hundred dollar bill piled up around Veronica's soiled body." "It made for quite the sight, solidifying Veronica's place on the pecking order as a whore like any other." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" ver "*Bzzt* Ghee...! Ah! Fhuccccck...!" with vpunch ver "I'm just getting hornier and hornier!" kat "Oh? Not satisfied with just the toy? Too bad." kat "That's all you'll get, so you better make do." "The scene continued, with more and more of Veronica disappearing under a veneer of cum." sam "Hey there, Nicki. Ready for seconds?" scene black with fade "..." scene w1ExGame3Vero2 with dissolve "Even my best friend stepped up to the plate." kil "Hey there, beautiful. Come here often?" "Killian chuckled at his own stupid joke." ver "That voice... that you, ginger boy?" kil "Yep, it's me. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. [mcf] got to have all the fun earlier." kil "It got me all worked up. You don't mind, do you {b}hun{/b}?" "He was enjoying condescending down to Veronica, that was for sure." scene w1_3522 with dissolve ver "Gh! What the fuck do I care? You or those old farts, doesn't matter to me. Just give me your money." scene w1_3523 with dissolve kil "You're sounding like a proper whore all of a sudden." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w1_3522 with vpunch ver "*Bzzzt* Whateeeever i-t takes to win!" hide screen camcorder scene w1_3418 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve chuck "I bet you didn't think to bring any cash with you tonight, lad." scene w1_3419 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... it's too rich for me anyway." scene w1_3421 with dissolve "Holding out his hand, Dr. Chuck offered me a neat stack of bills." scene w1_3420 with dissolve chuck "Go enjoy yourself. I'll take over filming! Consider it a gift from your Uncle Chuck!" scene w1_3552 with dissolve "Stealing one last glance over at Veronica and the gathered men, something about the scenario tempted me." scene w1_3421 with dissolve mct "(...{i}do I{/i} want to take part in this?)" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Join in on the fun.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Deep down... yeah, I do.)" "Plus, I suppose in a twisted way, this technically helps Veronica out." scene w1_3422 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "Thank you for your generosity, sir." KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "Thanks for your generosity, Uncle Chuck." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Thank you for your generosity, Dr. Chuck." chuck "Don't mention it, lad. Besides, I wouldn't mind some time behind the camera, heh..." "Dr. Chuck flashed me a knowing smile in perverted solidarity." scene black with fade "Taking the cash and adding it to the other bills surrounding Veronica's grimy body, I discarded my clothes and found a place next to my friend." scene w1_3524 with fade play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" kil "Couldn't help but join in, eh?" scene w1_3525 with dissolve mc "When in Rome..." scene w1_3524 with dissolve kil "Be a fucking degenerate?" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w1_3526 with dissolve ver "*Bzzt!* H-huh? Errand boy?" scene w1_3527 with dissolve mc "Hi, Veronica. Hope you're not too surprised to see me." scene w1_3526 with dissolve ver "The more, t-the... gn-the merrier." scene w1_3524 with dissolve kil "Hear that, bro? She's happy you joined in." scene w1ExGame3Vero3 with dissolve "Shutting out Ian's inane comments, I decided to focus on the sight in front of me. The sight of Veronica, with rippling muscles anointed in jizz and money strewn about her like an expensive whore." "The way the spunk pooled in the curvature of her stomach, her chest rising and falling along with her breath..." "The way the spunk clung to her puffy clothes-pin attached nipples, the appalling amount of ejaculate making her reddened teats look like frosted cherries." "It was {i}utterly{/i} disgusting, yet... I furiously stroked my cock with wild abandon, like I hadn't jerked it in a week." scene w1_3531 with dissolve ver "Ngh..! Eeeeeugh, h-how close am I to the four grand, errand boy?" "Veronica's question pulled me back to my senses." scene w1_3532 with dissolve mc "Uh, well..." scene w1_3533 with dissolve "I took a look at all the discarded bills, the ones that laid next to her and the ones that clung to her soiled skin, trying to mentally calculate the total in the vain." scene w1_3532 with dissolve mc "It's kind of hard to tell, but you probably have a ways to go if I had to guess." scene w1_3531 with dissolve ver "Mmmh...! Damn! Y-you two should hurry up then!" scene w1ExGame3Vero3 with dissolve kil "Don't rush me. You'll get your helping of my cum when I'm -ngh, r-ready." kil "However, it just show happens I'm about to be ready. What about you, [mcf]?" mc "Sorry, what are you asking me?" kil "I'm asking if you're about to pop your top." mc "Uh, yeah. I'm about there I guess..." kil "Then after you, my good man." scene w1_3535 with dissolve kil "Open up, slut. My buddy's about to make a deposit!" ver "G-geh?! Sptt...!" "Ian pinched the bound woman's nose tightly shut, to prompt the Amazon to open her mouth." scene w1_3534 with dissolve ver "What do you think you're doing, boy?" scene w1_3535 with dissolve kil "Uh uh uh... open a little wider." ver "Gh....!" scene w1_3536 with dissolve "Veronica complied, but not before letting out an exasperated growl." kil "Well, what are you waiting for? Cum down her throat!" scene w1_3537 with dissolve "With Ian's assistence in keeping her mouth a target, I aimed my cock at the general direction of Veronica's lips." mc "Gh-! Here it comes, Veronica...!" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w1_3538 with vpunch ver "*Bzzt* D-do it!" scene w1_3537 with dissolve kil "Go ahead. Let her have it!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3539 with flash mc "Oh, ng! Oooh!" "Encouraged, my testes tightened and my glans expanded to let out a deluge of semen that found its way into Veronica's mouth like a heat-seeking cumshot." scene w1_3540 with dissolve ver "Guh! *cough* Ehng... fhu-- ack!" "The spunk near-instantly hit the back of Veronica's throat, clinging to it like cellophane and causing the redheaded beauty to choke and gag." scene w1_3541 with dissolve ver "*Cough, cough!* Yak-! *Cough, cough!* Eguh..!" kil "Heh, nice one. Nothing but net!" kil "Me? I'm going to go for a rimshot." mc "Don't you think you're taking the sports metaphors a little too..." kil "Arg, here it comes!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3542 with dissolve kil "Oognh!" "Letting out a cry that sounded like an injured dog, Killian angled his cock and let out his orgasm all over the blindfolded womans' face." scene w1_3543 with dissolve "Veronica was looking like a glazed donut." ver "Gh!" kil "Ah...! Oh, man. That was fun." scene black with fade kil "We should do this kind of thing more often, [mcf]." mc "Don't be weird." kil "Like it isn't already?" "......" "..." KN_MOD "Just keep filming.:" scene w1_3423 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_polite == True:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, sir." KN_MOD "elif chuck_uncle == True:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, Uncle Chuck." KN_MOD "else:" mc "No, but thanks for the kind offer, Dr. Chuck." scene w1_3418 with dissolve chuck "Really, lad?" scene w1_3419 with dissolve mc "I guess I kinda like it behind the camera." scene w1_3424 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck flashed me a knowing smile in perverted solidarity." chuck "Heh, that I understand!" scene black with fade "Patting me on the back, Dr. Chuck veered off and I turned my attention back to the stage." scene w1ExGame3Vero2 with dissolve play music "music/on-the-ground.ogg" kil "You know there's something about you, Veronica." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" ver "*Bzzt!* W-what's that?" kil "Beats me. I never thought I'd be into a woman like you, but I find you attractive." kil "I guess I like seeing a strong woman put on her back. No offense, I know that sounds awful, but these kind of things are outside value judgements." kil "It's just pure animal feeling." ver "Gh! Ghe, what the hell are you talking about, you fucking weirdo?" kil "Eh, just thinking out loud I guess." "Shutting out Ian's inane comments, I decided to focus on the sight in front of me. The sight of Veronica, with rippling muscles anointed in jizz and money strewn about her like an expensive whore." "The way the spunk pooled in the curvature of her stomach, her chest rising and falling along with her breath..." "The way it clung to her puffy clothes-pin attached nipples, the appalling amount of ejaculate making her reddened teats look like frosted cherries." scene w1_3522 with dissolve ver "Ngh..! Eeeeeugh, h-how close am I to the four grand?" scene w1_3545 with dissolve "Veronica's question pulled me back to my senses." kil "You've got a ways to go." scene w1_3544 with dissolve ver "Mmmh...! Damn! Y-you should hurry up then!" scene w1_3523 with dissolve kil "Don't rush me, bitch. I'll cum when I'm ready. You just sit there and wait, okay?" scene w1_3522 with dissolve ver "Grh..." scene w1_3546 with dissolve kil "It just so happens I'm ready. Open up wide, okay? I'm gonna make a direct deposit." "Killian moved up to Veronica's head and aimed his dick, but Veronica didn't comply." kil "I said open up and say \"aaaaah\"." ver "Mmmg..." scene w1_3547 with dissolve kil "'atta girl! Here it comes! Take it!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w1_3548 with dissolve kil "Oognh!" "Letting out a cry that sounded like an injured dog, Ian missed his mark of the inside of Veronica's mouth and instead plastered her face with his seed." scene w1_3549 with dissolve ver "Ugh..." kil "Ah, that was fun. I think I could go again..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if not persistent.w1ExGame3VeroGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w1ExGame3VeroGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "The scene continued on for twenty more minutes, by the end of it..." scene w1_3550 with dissolve ver "Eguh, disgusting..." kat "You're not wrong about that, dear." ver "I- iss it finished? Did I make enough?" kat "Looks like it." sam "Oh, man. That was awesome." chuck "You did amazing! Good job, Veronica!" scene black with fade $ history_veronica = "Veronica took part in this week's final game, managing to make enough money to go into the next week on equal footing with the other two Carnations." $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "Veronica had made her quota and then some. She proved surprisingly popular." "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w1ExKatEnding" KN_MOD "label w1ExHanaHangout:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w1_3555 with fade mc "Hey, if Mrs. Pulman asks, I ducked out of here to check on Hana." scene w1_3556 with dissolve kil "You sure you want to go down that road? Her being the boss' daughter, I mean..." scene w1_3559 with dissolve mc "What? No. It's not like that. I've just seen enough exhibitionist sex to last me a lifetime." scene w1_3557 with dissolve kil "Well, if you want to miss all the fun, be my guest. I'll let Mrs. Pulman know where to find you." scene w1_3558 with dissolve mc "You have any idea where she'd be?" scene w1_3557 with dissolve kil "Try the VIP lounge's bar. That's where the drinks come from when we're down here." scene w1_3558 with dissolve mc "Thanks, Ian." scene w1_3560 with dissolve kil "No problem, man." scene black with fade "Doing my best to look inconspicuous, I moved along the edge of the room until I reached the exit and headed towards the basement's bar." "......" "..." scene w1_3561 with cmet play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" "Once there, I spotted not only Hana, but also Lucy." "I could tell by the look on her face and the way she slumped her shoulders that she was troubled." hana "Oh, [mcf]!" "My entrance interrupted the pair's conversation, with Hana giving me a wave over." hana "Come join us." scene w1_3562 with wiperight mc "What are you two up to?" scene w1_3563 with dissolve hana "I was just listening to Lucy's problems." scene w1_3564 with dissolve mc "You sound like a real bartender, you know that." scene w1_3565 with dissolve hana "What brings you here? The house girls usually bring the drinks." scene w1_3564 with dissolve mc "Nah, I left the show early. I'd seen enough." scene w1_3566 with dissolve hana "Good choice. You want something to wet your whistle?" scene w1_3567 with dissolve mc "No thanks. How are you Lucy?" scene w1_3568 with dissolve "I asked, although..." "I could guess the true answer wasn't positive." scene w1_3569 with dissolve lucy "I'm... fine." scene w1_3570 with dissolve mc "I guess I would have trouble imagining, huh?" scene w1_3571 with dissolve hana "She was just telling me the reason she's here. You're familiar, right?" scene w1_3569 with dissolve lucy "I want to get my son into St. Ives." scene w1_3572 with dissolve hana "Jeez, is that really worth whoring yourself out? What's so damn great about that school?" scene w1_3573 with dissolve mc "It means you get into your choice college for one. It sets you up for life." scene w1_3574 with dissolve lucy "Ah... what he said, basically." scene w1_3575 with dissolve hana "So? Having everything handed to you just turns a brat into a shitty adult." scene w1_3576 with dissolve mc "I didn't peg you as a pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of girl." scene w1_3577 with dissolve hana "I know the value of hard work, but I guess I also know that only gets you so far..." scene w1_3572 with dissolve hana "You must really care about your kid's future to be subjecting yourself to this." scene w1_3578 with dissolve lucy "That's the thing... I don't know anymore. Mrs. Pulman called it vanity and I don't know if I can one hundred percent deny that." scene w1_3579 with dissolve hana "Don't let her fuck with your head. She likes to make whales believe they're minnows. She's a real nasty bitch." scene w1_3580 with dissolve lucy "..." scene w1_3581 with dissolve mc "Yeah, listen to Hana. My own mother endured something similar and it's not like she did it because I'd go hungry otherwise." scene w1_3582 with dissolve hana "What do you mean?" scene w1_3583 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" mc "Well, I told you my mom did porn after my father's death." scene w1_3584 with dissolve hana "Yeah, we got that in common. Sort of." KN_MOD "else:" mc "My mother worked as a porn star for awhile, following my father's death." scene w1_3585 with dissolve hana "Shit? For real?" scene w1_3581 with dissolve mc "As best as I can guess, she did it so things wouldn't change too much for me. So my life wouldn't be upended more than it already was." mc "You know, so we wouldn't have to move. So I didn't have to change schools..." mc "I guess she thought it was important for a kid to have a sense of normalcy in their life after something like that. I dunno. Even now, I don't quite get it." mc "Point being, I don't think you're necessarily being frivolous." scene w1_3586 with dissolve lucy "...thanks, [mcf]. I know you're just saying that, but I appreciate the sentiment." scene w1_3587 with dissolve lucy "I need to go get washed up. Apparently I need to be available for after the exhibition." hana "Sure, see you around." mc "Bye." scene w1_3588 with dissolve "Lucy left, leaving just Hana and myself." scene w1_3589 with dissolve hana "*sigh* For the record, I think using sex to unfairly get your kid into a school is pretty scummy, but I didn't want to kick her while she's down." scene w1_3590 with dissolve mc "The world is scummy. It's not my place to judge." scene w1_3591 with dissolve hana "Can you guess how I found her earlier?" scene w1_3592 with dissolve mc "Tied up, stuffed with toys, left all alone?" scene w1_3591 with dissolve hana "Yeeeeeah..." scene w1_3593 with dissolve "There was a brief, but hefty moment of silence to our talk." scene w1_3595 with dissolve hana "Welp, so you came to see little ol' me?" scene w1_3594 with dissolve mc "Just repaying your visit from earlier." scene w1_3595 with dissolve hana "Heh, nice. Since you're here, you want to hit up the steam room? Always good to have a buddy in case you pass out." scene w1_3594 with dissolve mc "Shouldn't you be at the bar?" scene w1_3595 with dissolve hana "Shouldn't you be at the exhibition?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Good point." "......" "..." scene w1_3619 with w12 play ambient "sound effects/sauna.mp3" mct "(Aaaaaah...)" mct "(After the first leg of the night, {b}damn, I'm tired{/b}.)" "I was glad I went along with Hana's suggestion. It kinda felt like I was playing hooky." mct "(Plus... half-dressed in a sauna with a beauty like Hana... yeah, this was certainly a better way of ending the night than sticking around for a circle jerk.)" scene w1_3596 with dissolve hana "This place does have its perks." hana "Why the hell does feeling like you're being smothered with heat feel sooooooo good?" scene w1_3597 with dissolve mc "Do you actually want an answer to that?" scene w1_3598 with dissolve hana "You have one for me?" scene w1_3597 with dissolve mc "The heat causes your blood vessels to expand, increasing blood flow, improving circulation, loosening tight muscles and clearing out built-up lactic acid." scene w1_3599 with dissolve hana "Ha, you fucking nerd." scene w1_3600 with dissolve "For a minute going on forever, Hana and I shared a comfortable silence. One of those rare moments where nothing in your head wants to get out." scene w1_3601 with dissolve hana "Hmm...~ Hmmmhmmmh...~" "......" "..." scene w1_3602 with dissolve stop ambient fadeout 3.0 play music "music/jazz-apricot.ogg" hana "You ever been in love [mcf]?" scene w1_3603 with dissolve mc "The hell? Where's that coming from?" scene w1_3604 with dissolve hana "Things were getting a little too comfortable, so I thought I'd ask you an embarrassing personal question." hana "You don't have to answer, but I'm a tit-for-tat girl." scene w1_3603 with dissolve mc "You mean, I get to ask you something if I answer your question?" scene w1_3602 with dissolve hana "Correctomundo." scene w1_3606 with dissolve mc "Okay, fine. Have I ever been in love, eh?" scene w1_3609 with dissolve mc "It depends on how lax your definition of love is, I guess." scene w1_3608 with dissolve hana "We don't have to get philosophical about it. Why don't you tell me about your first crush?" hana "You're not from Mars. You had one of those right?" scene w1_3606 with dissolve mc "Of course I did." scene w1_3607 with dissolve hana "So?" scene w1_3609 with dissolve mc "Well, you're going to think it's dorky." scene w1_3607 with dissolve hana "I like dorky. Tell me." scene w1_3606 with dissolve mc "Okay... well, my first crush was an older woman." scene w1_3607 with dissolve hana "What, like a schoolboy crush on your homeroom teacher?" scene w1_3611 with dissolve mc "It was the mother of a friend. For whatever reason, I've always had a thing for older women. It might've started with her." scene w1_3613 with dissolve hana "It wasn't Ian's mom, was it?" scene w1_3614 with dissolve mc "Uh..." scene w1_3612 with dissolve hana "Ha, really? You had a crush on that asshole's mom? Did he know about it?" scene w1_3611 with dissolve mc "I don't think so, but maybe? This was a long, loooong time ago." scene w1_3607 with dissolve hana "What did you like about her?" scene w1_3609 with dissolve mc "As a kid? I don't know. Just one of those things. I thought she was pretty I guess." scene w1_3607 with dissolve hana "That's kinda basic, but it's sweet." hana "What about something more substantial?" scene w1_3606 with dissolve mc "That's a separate question. Don't I get to ask you something?" scene w1_3608 with dissolve hana "C'mon, just answer it! I'll let you ask me something real good after." scene w1_3617 with dissolve mc "Okay. Something more substantial, you said? Hmm..." scene w1_3627 with dissolve mc "There was my \"great\" high school love." scene w1_3628 with dissolve hana "That sounds more up my alley. Tell me more." scene w1_3627 with dissolve mc "It's more pathetic than anything. We'd been friends since grade school." scene w1_3628 with dissolve hana "What was she like?" scene w1_3609 with dissolve mc "She was a tomboy. The kind of girl that wasn't afraid of getting dirty during recess." mc "She was basically \"one of the boys\", until one day, she magically wasn't. She grew up and suddenly I was noticing new things about her." scene w1_3610 with dissolve hana "Puberty's a bitch." scene w1_3606 with dissolve mc "Anyway, that's when I started catching feelings for her. For the longest time, it was one sided." mc "It was unrequited all the way up to my junior year." scene w1_3613 with dissolve hana "Seriously? You never asked her out or anything before that? After seeing you with your cock out in front of a room full of old perverts, I wouldn't think you'd be so timid." scene w1_3614 with dissolve mc "It's not like I was a shy kid, but I did have a tendency to get stuck in my head and second-guess things. So I just kept my feelings under wraps and mostly out of mind." scene w1_3620 with dissolve hana "What came after that longest time?" scene w1_3627 with dissolve mc "{b}She asked me out{/b}. We went to Junior-Senior prom. Dated a little while after that too, but things fizzled out pretty quick." mc "All that bluster and yearning and I realized I didn't even know her that well in the first place. Turns out I didn't like her that much." scene w1_3609 with dissolve mc "On the plus side, I learned about managing your expectations versus reality. After that came Marlow, but..." mc "That's a story for another time. I've spoken enough about my love life. It's your turn now." scene w1_3629 with dissolve hana "Hmmm? Huh? My turn for what?" scene w1_3616 with dissolve mc "Don't give me that look. Tit-for-tat, right?" scene w1_3623 with dissolve hana "Instead of asking me a question, wouldn't you rather see my tits?" scene w1_3624 with dissolve mc "Very funny." scene w1_3623 with dissolve hana "I'm serious. You want a look? I don't like talking about myself, but I did promise I'd give something in return." scene w1_3624 with dissolve mc "No, I want to ask you a question." scene w1_3626 with dissolve hana "Huh? What? {b}Really{/b}?" hana "I don't know if I should feel insulted or not." scene w1_3625 with dissolve mc "No offense, but there's a dozen topless women walking around downstairs." scene w1_3623 with dissolve hana "Yeah, but you haven't seen mine." scene w1_3625 with dissolve mc "Nice try, but you're not wiggling out of this." scene w1_3615 with dissolve hana "Fine. Your choice. Ask me anything, [mcf]." scene w1_3617 with dissolve mc "Okay. I got to make this a good one, give me a second to think..." scene w1_3618 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." scene w1_3613 with dissolve hana "Eeeeh? Stop looking at me like you're about to dissect me." scene w1_3614 with dissolve mc "Okay, got it!" scene w1_3615 with dissolve hana "Oh, boy... let me have it." scene w1_3611 with dissolve mc "What's your fondest memory?" scene w1_3613 with dissolve hana "Is that a joke? That's what you want to ask me? You don't want to ask something embarrassing?" scene w1_3614 with dissolve mc "No. I want to hear you talk about something that makes you happy." scene w1_3616 with dissolve hana "Mmmmh...?" scene w1_3598 with dissolve hana "You really are a dork." scene w1_3599 with dissolve hana "Okay, fair's fair: my fondest memory..." scene w1_3600 with dissolve "Hana paused a moment to collect her thoughts. She seemed to give it some genuine thought, before arriving at a satisfactory answer." scene w1_3602 with dissolve hana "Got it." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" hana "This is well before my mother got sick. Back then, it was just me, her, and my grandfather." KN_MOD "else:" hana "This is from when I was a kid. Back then it was just me, my mother, and my grandfather." scene w1_3604 with dissolve hana "All three of us lived together. My mom always told people she was looking after grandpop, but it was more like he was looking after her. She never quite had her shit together, y'know?" hana "I loved my grandpop. He always had a PBJ fixed when I got home from school. Glass of milk, crusts cut off... he called it \"the works\"." scene w1_3603 with dissolve mc "That sounds really nice. Is that your answer?" scene w1_3602 with dissolve hana "Oh, no. Just giving you a little context first." scene w1_3630 with dissolve hana "Anyway, my grandpop loved music. He always talked about how music had the power to transport you back in time. That a song could be tied to specific moments in your life and just by hearing it, you could transport yourself back in time." hana "Recall all kinds of memories... major life events, love and heart break, and even take you back to the first time you saw your favorite movie." scene w1_3601 with dissolve mc "I like the way your grandfather viewed music. Is that where your love of music comes from?" scene w1_3630 with dissolve hana "It's where it started, yeah. My grandpop introduced me to all kinds of awesome bands as a kid. All kinds of styles and genres, but the one that made the biggest mark on me was punk." hana "When I was ten, he took me to see my first live concert. The venue only held a few hundred people, but to a kid, that was the most people I'd ever seen in one place at the time." scene w1_3602 with dissolve hana "It felt like all the people in the world were there to listen to the band play. That was crazy to me." scene w1_3603 with dissolve mc "It is kinda crazy when you think about it. The way so many people's lives can be touched by the same thing." scene w1_3631 with dissolve hana "Exactly. It was because of that I fell in love with rock music. I wasn't an outgoing child. I always went straight home after school, but that concert inspired me in more ways than one." scene w1_3632 with dissolve hana "The place smelled horrible and the music was blown out, but the band had so much energy. They played loud and fast and everyone was losing their minds. Cheering uncontrollably." hana "Not only that, the drummer was a chick too. That was so cool to me! All the drummers I'd seen up to that point, in the music my grandpop introduced to me, were ugly dudes." scene w1_3598 with dissolve hana "That was the perfect night. That's when music became more than just an excuse to hang out with my grandpop, it became something that connected us." scene w1_3633 with dissolve hana "Any time I hear the first song they played that night, I feel like I'm reliving that night. I feel like a kid again." hana "I remember how tightly he gripped my hand, so we wouldn't get separated. I remember how large they seemed compared to mine. I remember sitting on his broad shoulders to get a better view of the band..." scene w1_3611 with dissolve mc "The power to transport you back in time. Just like he talked about." scene w1_3620 with dissolve hana "Yeah, just like he said." scene w1_3635 with dissolve hana "He's, uh... dead now." scene w1_3636 with dissolve mc "I'm sorry..." scene w1_3633 with dissolve hana "No. It feels really nice to reminisce." scene w1_3611 with dissolve mc "What band did you see play that night?" scene w1_3615 with dissolve hana "You'd probably know them, actually. They blew up in the years after I saw them." hana "Still, I'd rather not say. I like the fact that whenever they come on the radio, I'm the only person in the world who can connect them with that story." scene w1_3611 with dissolve mc "Who's the dork now? That's so sentimental and corny." scene w1_3613 with dissolve hana "So what?" scene w1_3614 with dissolve mc "So... I think that's really great. I love that. Thanks for sharing." scene w1_3633 with dissolve hana "No problem. Fair's fair, after all." scene w1_3634 with dissolve "Hana smiled at me earnestly, in a way you rarely glimpse in your everyday life. Even from the people you're close to." scene w1_3637 with dissolve hana "Let's get out of here. I feel like I'm about to boil." mc "Heh, yeah. Me too." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_hana = "I ducked out during the third game of the night and hung out with Hana, where she told me about her grandfather and the direct hand he had in her falling in love with music." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" hana "Oh, [mcf]?" scene w1_3638 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/sauna.mp3" "Hana looked me dead in the eyes, the corners of her mouth curling deviously into a mirthy grin." mc "What is it?" play sound "sound effects/sting-mystical.mp3" scene w1_3639 with dissolve pause 0.1 scene w1_3640 with dissolve scene w1_3641 with dissolve mc "Gh--!" "In one unbroken motion, Hana hooked her fingertips into the underside of her bikini top and yanked it down in one quick motion, exposing her pale shapely breasts." mc "What are you...?" scene w1_3642 with dissolve hana "A dozen other topless women downstairs, eh?" hana "Still think they're just a dime-a-dozen?" scene w1_3641 with dissolve mc "Aaaah, I didn't mean it that way..." scene w1_3643 with dissolve hana "You want to see these babies next time, maybe be more considerate with your words, jerk." scene w1_3644 with dissolve mc "Wait, come back-!" "Hana left the sauna as quickly as she knocked me flat on my proverbial ass." mc "Eh- oh...." mct "(Wait, next time...?)" scene black with fade stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w1ExKatEnding" KN_MOD "label w1ExKatEnding:" scene w1_3645 with circlewipe KN_MOD "if w1ExGame3Avoid:" "After whiling away the final leg of the exhibition with Hana and the club's patrons now enjoying the building's comforts, I found myself in Kathleen's office." KN_MOD "else:" "With tonight's exhibition wrapping up and the patrons enjoying the club's amenities, booze, and women, I found myself in Kathleen's office." scene w1_3646 with dissolve play music "music/Moonlight-Sonata.ogg" "Alone, just the two of us." kat "Good job tonight, [mcf]." kat "Performing under the spotlight as you did takes a non-trivial amount of mental fortitude." scene w1_3647 with dissolve mc "Not to mention, a few screws loose in the head and a troubling lack of shame." scene w1_3648 with dissolve kat "So candid. That's good." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame3Avoid:" scene w1_3649 with dissolve kat "However, I {b}was{/b} sad to see you absent during the final game." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" kat "I know I told you to be a friend to Miss Rhodes, but don't let it interfere with your duties." KN_MOD "else:" kat "It's good you're getting along with Miss Rhodes, but don't let it interfere with your duties." scene w1_3651 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I should've asked you first to see if I was needed." scene w1_3650 with dissolve kat "That's alright." KN_MOD "else:" scene w1_3650 with dissolve kat "It bodes well for our future relationship." kat "All things considered, you performed to my standards tonight and made a positive impression on our members." scene w1_3651 with dissolve mc "After the initial hurdle of stepping on stage, it felt like a dream." scene w1_3652 with dissolve kat "It's a peculiar feeling, isn't it? Everything begins to look soft under the harsh spotlight. It's strange." scene w1_3653 with wipeleft mc "I felt like I couldn't even process my own thoughts at some points. That part of it wasn't totally unpleasant." scene w1_3654 with dissolve kat "You have a more refined sensibility than expected." scene w1_3655 with dissolve kat "Truthfully, I don't know if that's a bad thing or not, but it's a nice change of pace from the cruder element between these walls." scene w1_3653 with dissolve mc "Are you worried I can't do the job? You just said I lived up to your expectations." scene w1_3655 with dissolve kat "No, but your tendency to self-reflect can either help or hinder you in our work." KN_MOD "if Kathleen_Trust >= 5:" scene w1_3656 with dissolve kat "After tonight, I can say I'm at least rooting for you." kat "..." scene w1_3657 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman's uncharacteristically gentle expression dissolved before my eyes, replaced with a gloomy-looking frown." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen's uncharacteristically gentle expression dissolved before my eyes, replaced by a gloomy-looking frown." scene w1_3658 with dissolve mc "Is something the matter?" scene w1_3659 with dissolve kat "No, it's nothing." scene w1_3651 with dissolve mc "Wouldn't you rather enjoy yourself with the other guests? We could've discussed this downstairs." scene w1_3649 with dissolve kat "What? Like I'm one of \"the boys\"?" kat "No... after an exhibition, I prefer solitude. This place may be a world of my own creation, but I find parts of it aggravating and tiring." "Kathleen's words sounded very lonely to me." scene w1_3650 with dissolve kat "However, you should go enjoy your night as you wish. I don't need you for anything else tonight." scene w1_3651 with dissolve mc "Well then, I think I'll head home." scene w1_3650 with dissolve kat "You're not going to stay and enjoy the party?" scene w1_3651 with dissolve mc "No, I've had enough tonight." scene w1_3650 with dissolve kat "I understand." scene w1_3660 with dissolve kat "Take one of the USB sticks on the desk as a memento of your first exhibition of the club. It's footage of tonight's exhibition." mc "Eh...? Yeah, okay." mc "Thanks." "I didn't {i}really{/i} want it, but I decided turning it down would be more trouble than simply accepting it." scene black with fade "Besides, I had another video I wanted to watch before I ended this absurd, abnormal night." stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_kathleen = "Mrs. Pulman expressed her pleasure at my performance during the exhibition. I think she's beginning to trust me." $ unread_kathleen = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "........." "......" "..." scene w1_3661 with pixellate play music "music/night-on-the-docks-sax.ogg" man "Do you have anything to say to the viewers at home?" scene w1_3662 with dissolve vic "T-thanks for watching..." scene w1_3663 with pixellate mc "..." "As soon as I got home, I put on one of my mother's old adult videos." "Even if I found the contents repulsive, it was something I did from time to time. To me, it served as a tangible reminder of what she endured to give me a good home." "It was bitterly sad to me that my mother thought she carried her past alone." scene w1_3667 with dissolve mct "(One day, I'll be honest with Mom.)" "A few years ago, I made a promise to myself. I would tell her I knew about her life as a porn star and thank her from the bottom of my heart." mct "(On that day, I'd never watch these fucking things again.)" scene w1_3663 with dissolve "Tonight though, I wanted to watch one for a different reason. To make sure I remembered that Rosalind, Veronica, and Felicia were human beings just like my mother." "In the midst of hedonism, it's easy to lose your sense of empathy. I wanted to preempt that from happening." "I do this, but at the same time..." mct "(It was fun, wasn't it?)" play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w1_3664 with dissolve "*Ring, ring. Ring, ring*" mct "(It's Mom...)" stop sound scene w1_3665 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" mc "Hello?" scene w1_3669 with dissolve vic "Hey! I didn't wake you up, did I?" scene w1_3668 with dissolve mc "No, I was still up. I was just watching a movie." scene w1_3669 with dissolve vic "Oh? What movie?" scene w1_3665 with dissolve scene w1_3666 with dissolve mc "The Life of Oharu." vic "Why in the world are you watching that dreary thing? You should watch something more cheerful." scene w1_3668 with dissolve mc "You're probably right. Something more your speed, like {i}Black Belly of the Tarantula{/i} or {i}Blood and Lace{/i}?" scene w1_3670 with dissolve vic "Hehehe, that's just fantasy entertainment. Anyway, I'm calling you so late for a very special reason..." scene w1_3668 with dissolve mc "Oh, I guess it is after midnight, isn't it?" scene w1_3671 with dissolve vic "Bingo! Happy birthday, my baby boy! I'm so blessed to have you as my son!" mc "Thanks, Mom." scene black with fade vic "What do you want to do tomorrow?" stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june07start" ## ### PALE CARNATIONS ### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## The contents of day 1-6 of the second week go here. KN_MOD "label june07start:" KN_MOD "if prBirthdayMinaGift == False and prAfterParty == True:" scene bugfix with w20 "Due to a bug in the initial release, older saves will not have a certain variable properly registered. Please set that now." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "During the after party, you told Mina your birthday.:" $ prBirthdayMinaGift = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Thank you. Please enjoy the update." KN_MOD "During the after party, you declined telling Mina your birthday.:" pass hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionkillian01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june07day" scene w2_0001 with bites show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "After the last couple of days, sleep came easily." scene w2_0002 with dissolve show june07day with squares "It felt like no sooner had I closed my eyes than I was already opening them, but the night darkening my windows had been replaced by sunlight pleasantly warming my face." scene w2_0003 with dissolve play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" mct "(Mmh... what's that smell?)" "A faint smell hung in the air." scene w2_0004 with fade mct "(Something like... {b}caramelized bacon{/b}. Just like Mom used to...)" scene w2_0005 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/bacon-sizzle.wav" mct "(Just like Mom used to make Ian and me after a sleepover.)" mc "Yo, good morning." kil "Happy birthday, dude." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0006 with dissolve mc "Thanks. I see you let yourself in." kil "Yeah, you should remember to lock your door. Not everyone who creeps into your apartment will be doing it to cook you bacon." mc "I could've sworn I did lock it..." scene w2_0007 with fade kil "Missed you last night. You made off like a wallflower after the show ended." scene w2_0008 with dissolve mc "I had my fill of the evening." mc "You're up awful early, by the way. Did you even go home last night?" scene w2_0007 with dissolve kil "Ha! Yep! Had to, Mina would've been pissed if I pulled that stunt twice in the same week." scene w2_0008 with dissolve mc "What the hell, you're actually learning from your mistakes?" scene w2_0009 with dissolve kil "Here you go, our mutual favorite." scene w2_0010 with dissolve mc "Thanks, Ian." scene w2_0011 with dissolve kil "Of course, it's your birthday after all. You've got to start the day off right." kil "Plus, you agreed to come with me to see my mom, remember?" scene w2_0012 with dissolve mc "Ah, yeah... I did, huh? That kind of slipped my mind after last night's business." scene w2_0014 with dissolve kil "You're not going to flake, right?" scene w2_0012 with dissolve mc "No, I said I'll go with you, so I'll go. Condo or house?" scene w2_0013 with dissolve kil "House." scene w2_0012 with dissolve mc "The one in Perigrine Terrace or...?" scene w2_0013 with dissolve kil "The summer house." scene w2_0012 with dissolve mc "Dang, that's the furthest one." scene w2_0015 with dissolve kil "Don't worry. We'll be finished before lunch and I'll drop you off wherever you're meeting Vicky. Besides, my mom will be happy to see you!" scene w2_0012 with dissolve mc "Really? As far as I could tell, she hated me." scene w2_0014 with dissolve kil "She didn't hate you! She just... didn't like me hanging out with you is all." scene w2_0012 with dissolve mc "That always kind of bothered me, you know? Really fucked with my self-esteem..." scene w2_0014 with dissolve kil "Oh, shut up. No it didn't! You jumped at any chance to piss her off." scene w2_0012 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I guess it wasn't so unearned, was it?" scene w2_0016 with dissolve mc "What can I say, your mom looked fine as hell when she scolded us. Like a sexy librarian or something." scene w2_0017 with dissolve kil "Guh, not before we eat, please." scene w2_0018 with dissolve mc "What...? I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" scene w2_0019 with dissolve kil "Yeah, that's my fucking mom, you asshole! Just dig in before it gets cold!" scene black with fade "All the while enjoying the nice breakfast Ian had made me, I continued to relentlessly tease him. It was my birthday." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" scene w2_0020 with blinds "*Ding Dong*" mc "Eh? You don't have a key?" scene w2_0021 with dissolve kil "Not since last winter." scene w2_0022 with dissolve mc "What happened last winter?" scene w2_0023 with dissolve kil "Eheh... I don't remember all too well, but the place had to be disinfected." scene black with fade mc "Jeez..." maid "Ah, boys...!" scene w2_0024 with dissolve play music "music/a-brand-new-start.ogg" maid "What's it been? Five or six years since I last saw the pair of you together?" maid "You two always used to barrel through the front door after school and stomp through the house just to play your games quicker." scene w2_0025 with dissolve mc "Yeah, and you'd always ask us what the hurry was and tell us that they weren't going anywhere. How are you, Alice?" scene w2_0026 with dissolve alice "I'm good, [mcf]. A little surprised to see you." scene w2_0027 with dissolve kil "Mom wanted to catch up, so I brought him along on an errand. She's not on a call or anything is she?" scene w2_0028 with dissolve alice "No. I believe she's just freshening up. I'll go tell her you're here." scene w2_0029 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_0030 with hpunch "*Smack*" alice "--!" scene w2_0031 with dissolve kil "Yeah, you go do that." scene w2_0032 with dissolve "The maid had an embarrassed, mortified look on her face." scene w2_0033 with dissolve alice "M-make yourself at home..." scene w2_0034 with fade mc "What the hell was that? Of all people, you're sexually harassing Alice now?" kil "Heh, I guess I never told you." scene w2_0035 with dissolve mc "You really going to wait for me to ask \"told me what?\"...?" kil "Heh, I'm glad you asked. I tapped that about a couple of years back." scene w2_0036 with dissolve mc "Huh...? You had sex with Alice? Isn't that kinda weird? She helped raise you." kil "So? It wasn't like she did it out of love. She was paid to." scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "Man, you've got issues. How the hell did that even happen?" scene w2_0039 with dissolve kil "Just kinda did. I was at the other house. I had just taken a shower and was feeling pretty horny when she walked in on me changing." scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "Okay, but normally that's just an embarrassing situation. How'd that turn into you two screwing?" scene w2_0039 with dissolve kil "Oh, she was embarrassed. She apologized profusely, but before she could backtrack out the door, I yelled at her to stop." scene w2_0040 with dissolve kil "She got this funny look on her face. Like a deer {i}excited{/i} to be caught in the headlights. That's when I knew. I told her to close the door and get her ass in there and before long..." kil "I had her screaming my name. With a little prodding, I even got her to admit I was fucking her better than her dead husband ever did. Can you believe it?" scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "No, I can't. This is just some fucked up fantasy you had as a teenager, isn't it?" scene w2_0041 with dissolve kil "I can prove it. I took some photos as a keepsake. You want me to send them to you later?" scene w2_0037 with dissolve mct "(He took photos...?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2KillianAliceBet:" KN_MOD "Yes, because youre calling him on his bullshit. if w2Bullshit == False:" $ w2Bullshit = True scene w2_0038 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, go ahead. I can just see them now... up close, grainy shots with no identifying characteristics." scene w2_0039 with dissolve kil "Fine. It's a bet then." scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "What are we wagering?" scene w2_0039 with dissolve kil "The loser has to do what the other dares, redeemed at a point to be determined." scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "Within reason?" scene w2_0040 with dissolve kil "No. What you consider reasonable vastly differs from what I'd call reasonable. Let's say within the blast radius of reasonable. Sound good?" scene w2_0037 with dissolve mct "(Hmm... he's sounding pretty confident about this. Do I make that wager?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w2KillianAliceBet" KN_MOD "Yes, because you have a morbid curiosity. if w2Bullshit == False:" $ w2AlicePhotos = True $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ toughness += 1 scene w2_0038 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Wait, you're not kidding? Huh..." scene w2_0039 with dissolve kil "I know that look. You're interested. Want to see what pudgy, homely Alice looks like when she's creaming herself on a cock." scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "I'd be lying to say I wasn't curious. She was always around when we were kids and she was really nice, which..." scene w2_0040 with dissolve kil "Makes it that much more perverse and twisted, am I right?" scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "Yeah, so if you're not full of shit, I'm interested. Send me the pics." scene w2_0041 with dissolve kil "Ha! Will do, bud." KN_MOD "No, because thats scummy as hell. if w2Bullshit == False:" $ Killian_Bromance -= 1 $ toughness -= 1 scene w2_0043 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "No. Why would I want to see that? That's weird and pretty damn scummy." scene w2_0042 with dissolve kil "Huh? She knows I took 'em." scene w2_0043 with dissolve mc "That's not what I'm getting at. On the slightest chance you're not full of crap, she wouldn't want you sharing them with me." scene w2_0042 with dissolve kil "Ah, whatever. Suit yourself. You're pretty picky and choosy about the shit you get moralistic about." KN_MOD "Yes, take the wager. if w2Bullshit == True:" $ w2AlicePhotos = True $ w2KillianBet = True $ Killian_Bromance += 1 scene w2_0038 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Okay, then. You're on. Send me the photos. If I can tell who it is, you win." scene w2_0039 with dissolve kil "And you'll do whatever I ask?" scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "Yep, I'll do whatever you ask. Same goes the other way though, yeah?" scene w2_0041 with dissolve kil "It's a bet." KN_MOD "No, dont take the wager. if w2Bullshit == True:" scene w2_0038 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm not making that wager." scene w2_0039 with dissolve kil "Is that because you believe me?" scene w2_0038 with dissolve mc "Not necessarily, but it ain't worth the risk. To be honest, I would rather not know the truth." scene w2_0043 with dissolve mc "I'd hate to know she had terrible taste in men." scene w2_0040 with dissolve kil "'ey, fuck you. I made her slutty dreams come true. I'm a giver." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0044 with dissolve grace "This is a nice surprise. You actually brought [mcf] along." scene w2_0045 with dissolve "Cutting dangerously close to the end of our bawdy conversation, Mrs. Beaufort had appeared seemingly out of nowhere." scene w2_0046 with dissolve "It was a bit nostalgic in a way. As kids and teens, she had a habit of sneaking up on us in the midst of mischief. The woman almost had no footsteps." scene w2_0047 with dissolve kil "I said I would. You doubted it?" grace "You do tend to forget things." scene w2_0048 with dissolve stop sound grace "Hello, [mcf]. It's been some time." play music "music/no1-a-minor-waltz.ogg" scene w2_0049 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.5865 linear 5 yalign 0.1 mc "It has. It's nice to see you, Mrs. Beaufort. You look well." scene w2_0051 with dissolve grace "Thank you, as do you. Time has shaped you into a handsome young man." scene w2_0052 with dissolve grace "Ian told me you were pursuing a career in medicine?" scene w2_0050 with dissolve mc "I'm just pre-med right now, but I feel confident about my MCATs." scene w2_0052 with dissolve grace "Have you decided on a specialty?" scene w2_0050 with dissolve mc "Well, I've always wanted to be a general practitioner, but I've given some thought about going into research recently." scene w2_0052 with dissolve grace "Everyone's different, but I think you'd find clinical work very rewarding. I do." scene w2_0050 with dissolve mc "You don't get tired of working with kids?" "I thought back to my time as a tutor and how I came away from that with a stronger dislike for children." scene w2_0052 with dissolve grace "No, that'd be a dire outcome for a pediatrician I would think." scene w2_0053 with fade grace "How have you been, son?" kil "I've been good." grace "Why do I find that hard to believe?" scene w2_0054 with dissolve kil "I've got all my fingers at least." scene w2_0055 with dissolve grace "Don't be shy." scene w2_0056 with dissolve "I think I must've given Mrs. Beaufort a reflexive, dubious look." scene w2_0055 with dissolve grace "I know you do hugs, [mcf]." scene w2_0057 with dissolve "Never in my life had I given that chilly woman a hug." scene w2_0058 with dissolve grace "Thank you." "Maybe the distance in years had made her sentimental?" scene w2_0059 with dissolve grace "I hope coming all this way to just catch up wasn't too inconvenient for you?" scene w2_0060 with dissolve mc "No, it's nice to see you, Mrs. Beaufort." scene w2_0061 with dissolve kil "It's actually [mcf]'s birthday today." scene w2_0062 with dissolve grace "Really? If I recall, you're a year older than Ian, which means you're turning 22?" scene w2_0063 with dissolve mc "That's right." scene w2_0064 with dissolve grace "Happy birthday." scene w2_0065 with dissolve mc "Thank you." scene w2_0067 with dissolve grace "Would you like some tea?" scene w2_0068 with dissolve kil "No, we can't stay long. I just came to drop off that paperwork and then [mcf] needs to meet his mother for lunch." scene w2_0069 with dissolve grace "Can you spare ten minutes at least?" scene w2_0070 with dissolve kil "I don't-" mc "Of course. Ten minutes won't hurt." scene w2_0071 with dissolve grace "Good. Then I would like to ask a small favor of my son, involving removing some boxes from the attic crawl space..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "..." mc "You sure you don't want me to help him?" scene w2_0072 with dissolve grace "No. I actually wanted us to talk." scene w2_0073 with dissolve mc "You mean catch up...?" scene w2_0074 with dissolve grace "No." scene w2_0075 with dissolve mct "(Just... no?)" scene w2_0076 with dissolve mc "What then?" scene w2_0077 with dissolve grace "Sit down, please." "Mrs. Beaufort had adopted a more familiar and stern tone." scene w2_0078 with fade grace "I suggested Ian bring you along today for one specific reason." scene w2_0079 with dissolve "She paused for a moment, to unblinkingly appraise me with her eyes." play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" fadein 3.0 scene w2_0078 with dissolve grace "I have a proposition for you." scene w2_0080 with dissolve mc "Alright..." scene w2_0078 with dissolve grace "For whatever reason, you always had a damnable hold over my son. He looked up to you, respected you, and even loved you." grace "That is true, even now. He told me you two are working the same part-time job and I couldn't remember the last time I heard him so genuinely happy." scene w2_0079 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_0078 with dissolve grace "To my surprise, you've actually become a respectable adult." scene w2_0080 with dissolve mc "Thank you..." scene w2_0081 with dissolve grace "More respectable than Ian certainly. That boy isn't doing anything with his life." scene w2_0080 with dissolve mc "He's a photographer." scene w2_0078 with dissolve grace "No, he's a man-child using a camera to get laid." scene w2_0082 with dissolve mc "Eheh..." mct "(It's not like I could refute her assessment exactly...)" scene w2_0085 with dissolve mc "What are you getting at, Mrs. Beaufort?" scene w2_0086 with dissolve grace "Yes, we should get straight to the point before Ian returns." grace "I want you to use your influence over Ian to persuade him to go to college and pursue a proper career working with his father." scene w2_0085 with dissolve mc "I don't know what you imagine, but Ian doesn't just do anything I tell him. Plus, y'know, it's his life..." scene w2_0084 with dissolve grace "You have more control over my son than you give yourself credit for. I've always despised that, but now I see it could work in his advantage." grace "I don't know where I went wrong in raising him, but he's a philanderer and a leech. Something has got to give, his father is growing impatient." scene w2_0083 with dissolve "Hearing Ian's own mother say those things made me feel sorry for him. Not that her appraisal was necessarily wrong, but the callous way she said it put some things into perspective." scene w2_0085 with dissolve mc "Why would I do that?" scene w2_0086 with dissolve grace "I would hope it would be because he's your friend and this is what's best for him, but..." grace "Francis and I will pay you $5,000 if he enrolls next spring." scene w2_0085 with dissolve mc "Mr. Beaufort knows about this?" scene w2_0086 with dissolve grace "Of course. It was my idea, but he agreed with it. He wants nothing more than to give Ian a job at his firm, but he needs a degree first, if only for credibility's sake." scene w2_0085 with dissolve mc "Shouldn't you just talk to him?" scene w2_0084 with dissolve grace "I've tried dozens of times. He's impossible, so now I'm looking to you." scene w2_0083 with dissolve mct "(Jeez...)" scene w2_0084 with dissolve grace "If you don't want the money, we can find another form of restitution." scene w2_0086 with dissolve grace "For example, I know people. I could help you get into med school." scene w2_0085 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_0088 with dissolve "All I could think was poor Ian." scene w2_0087 with dissolve mc "You do know he's turned out this way because of shit like this, right?" scene w2_0088 with dissolve grace "It's crossed my mind, but I'm not going to entertain criticism from you of all people." scene w2_0089 with dissolve mc "..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0090 with dissolve grace "Shoot. It sounds like Ian's finished upstairs." scene w2_0091 with dissolve grace "I don't need an answer from you. If the terms are amenable, get it done. Then we can square away your payment. Whatever you want." grace "If you find this reprehensible, then I only ask you please treat this conversation as having never taken place. Surely you realize Ian knowing about this would hurt--" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" scene w2_0092 with dissolve kil "Heh, I think I made record time." kil "What are you two talking about?" scene black with fade grace "Oh, he was just telling me about how Victoria is doing." "......" "..." scene w2_0093 with circlewipe play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_grace = True $ history_killian = "Playing \"catch up\" with Mrs. Beaufort was a refresher course in understanding Ian's glaring trust issues. I'm uncomfortable at the prospect of taking Ian's mother up on her offer, but maybe pushing him to be more responsible wouldn't be such a bad thing?" $ unread_killian = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) hide bioadd play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "On the ride back to the city, my mind was unsettled by my conversation with Mrs. Beaufort." hide bioupdate with dissolve "I did my best to engage Ian in our usual small talk, but I couldn't shake the nagging pangs of sympathy for him." mct "(Not that Ian couldn't use a dose of growing up, but...)" mct "(He'd be livid if he knew what his mother just tried to bribe me to do.)" scene w2_0094 with dissolve kil "Hey, stop spacing out." kil "You've been acting weird ever since we left my mom. That bitch didn't say something shitty to you, did she?" scene black with fade mc "Nah, we just talked about college. I just have other things on my mind is all." kil "Wanna tell me about any of 'em? Maybe talking about it will help? At the very least, I'd like to know what's going on inside your head." stop music fadeout 3.0 "..." scene w2_0095 with blinds vic "I'm glad you invited Ian to join us for lunch, but it's a shame he couldn't stick around for ice cream." mc "It would've felt wrong not to ask him." play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" fadein 3.0 scene w2_0096 with dissolve vic "The three of us used to spend a lot of birthdays together, huh?" scene w2_0097 with dissolve mc "Stop talking like you're an old lady." scene w2_0098 with dissolve vic "I am an old lady. I've got a 22 year old son." scene w2_0100 with dissolve "She said it proudly, with a warm smile. Which pretty much put an end to the topic." scene w2_0096 with dissolve vic "How are you enjoying your new job?" scene w2_0097 with dissolve mc "I think I've gotten used to it by now. Compared to my job as a tutor, the ups outweigh the downs." mc "Although in some sense, I guess I've traded entitled parents for another kind of pompous asshole." scene w2_0099 with dissolve vic "It's some sort of bar, right? Could I drop in and get a cup of coffee sometime? I have to admit, having my own son wait on me would be nice..." scene w2_0101 with dissolve mc "Ah..." mc "Well..." scene w2_0102 with dissolve vic "Oh, don't worry! I was just kidding. You wouldn't want your mother embarrassing you." scene w2_0103 with dissolve mc "Quiet. I'd never, no matter what you did, find you embarrassing. Not even for a second." scene w2_0104 with dissolve vic "[mcf]..." scene w2_0105 with dissolve mc "..." vic "You're so full of it!" scene w2_0101 with dissolve mc "No, really. It's just that the place is... sort of exclusive. Men only." scene w2_0106 with dissolve vic "You're not working at some sort of strip club, are you?" scene w2_0107 with dissolve mc "No! It's like a cross between a lodge and a bar. Y'know, like a society." scene w2_0096 with dissolve vic "Like the Shriners?" scene w2_0097 with dissolve mc "Something like that..." scene w2_0099 with dissolve vic "That's great. It must be good for networking then." scene w2_0108 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that's one of the ups. How about you? How's work? How have you been?" "I most deliberately forced a change of topic." scene w2_0109 with dissolve vic "Nothing worth mentioning... oh! I had the nicest conversation with a stranger on the phone this morning." scene w2_0108 with dissolve mc "You had a conversation with a random caller?" scene w2_0112 with dissolve vic "Not random. It was a woman who said she was in charge of a scholarship you applied for. A, uh... Katherine Grossman?" scene w2_0108 with dissolve mc "You don't mean..." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mct "(Why the hell did that bitch...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Why the hell did that woman...)" mc "Kathleen Pulman?" scene w2_0111 with dissolve vic "Ah-huh! That was the name. She was an extremely pleasant lady." scene w2_0108 with dissolve mc "What... did... you... two talk about, exactly?" scene w2_0112 with dissolve vic "She said it was a character reference check, but we ended up talking about a little of everything." scene w2_0110 with dissolve vic "I talked about how hard of a worker you are, shared some cute stories from when you were a kid, even told her it was your birthday today. She told me about her own children and ended up getting me to talk about myself a little." scene w2_0111 with dissolve vic "We chatted for a whole hour." scene w2_0108 with dissolve "I could feel my nose twitch in irritation and my stomach turn over on itself out of anger." "My new world had intersected with the old. Not by accident, either..." mc "That sounds nice." scene w2_0109 with dissolve vic "Yeah, it was! That or I'm starved for a social life." scene w2_0108 with dissolve mc "Did she get everything she needed?" scene w2_0112 with dissolve vic "I think so. She agreed with me that you sounded like a deserving kid." scene w2_0108 with dissolve mct "(...I'll have to ask what the fuck that was about later.)" "For now, I should just put it out of my mind." scene w2_0113 with dissolve vic "Do you have any special plans tonight?" scene w2_0114 with dissolve mc "No, I'm just gonna stay in. You know I don't like to do anything for my birthday." scene w2_0115 with dissolve vic "I don't know how that ever happened. You used to get so excited about them." mc "Yeah, when I was like 9..." scene w2_0116 with dissolve vic "You don't have to try so hard. It's okay to be uncool sometimes." mc "I don't think you have to worry about anyone using that word to describe me." vic "You should give yourself more credit." scene w2_0117 with dissolve vic "I think you're the coolest." vic "Happy birthday. I love you." mc "I love you too, mom." scene w2_0118 with dissolve vic "The ladies' room is calling." mc "Don't worry. I won't try and make an escape." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/high-heel-footsteps.wav" vic "Good. It would be futile." KN_MOD "if w2AlicePhotos == True:" stop sound fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0119 with dissolve $ history_kathleen = "Mrs. Pulman recently contacted and had an hour-long conversation with my mother, a fact that disturbs me greatly. I'll have to bring this up the next time we meet face-to-face." $ unread_kathleen = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mct "(...)" hide bioupdate with dissolve "Just as I felt a smile coming on..." play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene w2_0120 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 "*Chirp, chirp.*" "The face of my phone lit up and told me I had a message from Ian." scene w2_0121 with dissolve mct "(I wonder what this is about...)" scene w2_0122 with vpunch mc "-gh! *cough* -gh! *cough, chough*" "The message's attachment sent a shock through my system, causing me to momentarily sputter and choke on my own spit." play music "music/echo-sclavi.ogg" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_0123 with pixellate "On screen, was Alice." "Mild mannered Alice, who had always been cordial to me when I was growing up, was in frame. Ian held a tight grip on one of her ankles, pulling her leg back past her shoulder and putting her wide hips and oozing cunt on display." "The normally frumpy-looking woman had a dopey look on her face, eyes glazed over from pleasure and lips wet with drool and who knows what else. A wad of jizz sat squarely on her deceptively shapely breasts." "I was caught somewhere between astonishment at my friend's shameless conquest of his former nanny and disbelief at just how much of a horndog he actually was." scene ice-cream-parlor with pixellate KN_MOD "call phone_start_kil from _call_phone_start_kil_6" KN_MOD "if w2KillianBet == True:" KN_MOD "call message_img(Killian, That enough identifying characteristics for you, bud?,killian02) from _call_message_img_7" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Shit. I cant believe you fucked your old nanny. I guess you win the bet.) from _call_reply_message_31" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message_img(Killian, This satisfy your curiosity, pervert?,killian02) from _call_message_img_8" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Damn, you really did it...) from _call_reply_message_32" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, I know, not my usual lay, but it doesnt hurt to throw an old bitch a bone. I like to think I did her a favor.) from _call_message_76" KN_MOD "call reply_message (How magnanimous of you and your cock. You are so fucking full of yourself dude.) from _call_reply_message_33" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, You know, she might let us double team her if you want.) from _call_message_77" KN_MOD "call reply_message (No thanks.) from _call_reply_message_34" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, You sure? Shes pretty freaky when you get her drunk on cock. I even had her cleaning my cum off the floor with her tongue, just like a good maid.) from _call_message_78" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Im going to bow out of this conversation now.) from _call_reply_message_35" KN_MOD "if w2KillianBet == True:" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Sure thing, just dont try and wiggle out of our wager later.) from _call_message_79" KN_MOD "call reply_message (I wouldnt dream of it.) from _call_reply_message_36" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call message(Killian, Talk to you later.) from _call_message_80" KN_MOD "call phone_end_kil from _call_phone_end_kil_9" scene w2_0124 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/high-heel-footsteps.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(...jeez, what the fuck is wrong with him?)" stop sound scene w2_0125 with dissolve vic "You tired of me yet?" scene w2_0126 with dissolve mc "Of course not, why?" scene w2_0125 with dissolve vic "I could use a walk in the park after eating all that ice cream." scene w2_0126 with dissolve mc "Let's go then." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "else:" $ history_kathleen = "Mrs. Pulman recently contacted and had an hour-long conversation with my mother, a fact that disturbs me greatly. I'll have to bring this up the next time we meet face-to-face." $ unread_kathleen = True show bioupdate with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionminahana01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) scene w2_0127 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve $ date = "june07night" KN_MOD "if w2AlicePhotos == True:" "After spending my afternoon in the park with mom, I was happy to be home. Free to decompress and relax." KN_MOD "else:" "After a nice walk in the park to burn off the calories, I found myself back home. Glad to be able to decompress and relax." "The last week had felt jam-packed. At least to my sleepy, student standards." scene w2_0128 with dissolve show june07day with squares "In the last couple of days, I felt like I had tasted more of life than I had previously in my 22 years." play ambient "sound effects/shower.wav" scene w2_0129 with wet mct "(An evening with just me, a pizza, and a couple of movies would be appreciated...)" play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" "*Ding Dong*" scene w2_0130 with dissolve mc "...fuck." scene black with fade stop ambient play sound "sound effects/walk-wood.mp3" mct "(It's funny, just a few weeks ago I would've been embarrassed to answer the door like this, but that notion seems so... quaint now.)" stop sound scene w2_0132 with w20 mc "Who is it?" scene w2_0131 with dissolve hana "Your favorite bartender. Open up." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" play music "music/everything-you-wanted.ogg" scene w2_0133 with fade: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.5865 linear 5 yalign 0.1 hana "Whoa, there. You're not dressed? I'm definitely here on time..." scene w2_0134 with dissolve hana "Opening the door with only a towel on... this isn't some half-assed attempt to seduce me, is it?" scene w2_0135 with dissolve mc "On time for what?" scene w2_0136 with dissolve hana "Ian said it was your birthday. Gave me your address and a time to get here... nice place, by the way." scene w2_0137 with dissolve mc "Thanks, but it belongs to the club." scene w2_0138 with dissolve hana "Heh, I guess my dad has both of us bought and paid for." scene w2_0139 with dissolve mc "I was actually planning on spending the night alone." hana "I can dig the value of a lil' alone time, but no offense, that sounds pretty sad." scene w2_0140 with dissolve mc "What did Ian tell you exactly?" hana "He said you were having a small get together. Nothing big, just a few people." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" hana "You were nice enough to come to my gig this week, so I thought I would pay you back and return the favor." KN_MOD "else:" hana "I figured I'd be a good co-worker and stop by." scene w2_0141 with dissolve mc "That's news to me." scene w2_0142 with dissolve hana "Maybe it was supposed to be a surprise party?" scene w2_0143 with dissolve mc "Pretty piss poor execution if it is." scene w2_0142 with dissolve hana "You sound a little iffy..." scene w2_0144 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hana "I did come ALL this way, but do you want me to go?" scene w2_0145 with dissolve "Hana stuck out her chest and batted her eyes at me in an atypical display of her womanly wiles." mc "What kind of man would I be if I turned you away?" scene w2_0146 with dissolve hana "A foolish one." scene w2_0147 with dissolve mc "Make yourself at home. I'm going to go get dressed." mc "Help yourself to the fridge." scene w2_0148 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve hana "What did you have planned for all by your lonesome?" scene w2_0149 with dissolve mc "Movies. A double bill, actually. You interested?" scene w2_0148 with dissolve hana "Double features can be fun. What were you thinking?" scene w2_0150 with dissolve mc "The first is {i}Tampopo{/i}, a movie by Juzo Itami. It starred his wife in the titular role, playing a proprietress of a struggling noodle shop." mc "It has the peculiar distinction of being the first \"ramen\" western. Get it?" scene w2_0152 with dissolve hana "Yeah, that's funny." scene w2_0151 with dissolve mc "It's a movie that always puts a smile on my face." scene w2_0152 with dissolve hana "What's the other half of the bill?" scene w2_0153 with dissolve mc "The second film is a fun, satirical look at 80s American consumerism: {i}The Stuff{/i}." scene w2_0154 with dissolve mc "It's about an addictive cream-like alien substance that is put on grocery store shelves and sold to the general public, gradually turning the masses into mind-controlled zombies." scene w2_0155 with dissolve scene w2_0156 with dissolve hana "That's the guy who did Q the Winged Serpent, right? That's Spider's favorite movie." mc "Correct. Those two movies not only share the same director, but also the same star." scene w2_0157 with dissolve mc "Can you guess what links the two?" scene w2_0158 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 hana "You made it pretty easy to guess: {b}food{/b}." scene w2_0159 with dissolve mc "Bingo! So, you hungry?" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/bacon-sizzle.wav" "..." stop sound fadeout 2.0 hana "What the hell? This tastes awesome." scene w2_0160 with dissolve mc "Thanks." hana "Where'd you learn to cook like this?" scene w2_0161 with dissolve mc "Byproduct of being raised by a single mother I guess." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" mc "You can relate, right?" scene w2_0162 with dissolve hana "Nah. My grandfather did all the cooking when he was alive. After that, it was always takeout for my mom and I." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0162 with dissolve hana "I wish I could say the same. My grandfather did all the cooking when he was alive. After that, it was always takeout for my mom and I." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame3Avoid == True:" scene w2_0163 with dissolve mc "Right. Your grandfather. You told me about him." scene w2_0164 with dissolve hana "I mean, I can cook enough to sustain myself, but this is surprisingly delicious. Consider me impressed." scene w2_0163 with dissolve mc "It really isn't that impressive." scene w2_0165 with dissolve hana "Take the compliment you dork." play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" scene w2_0166 with dissolve "*Ding Dong*" kil "Coming in!" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" play music "music/sugar-zone.ogg" scene w2_0167 with wipeleft kil "Aw, damn. I never catch you doing anything fun." scene w2_0168 with dissolve mina "Sorry about barging in!" "Mina quickly elbowed past her boyfriend and apologetically gave a little bow." scene w2_0169 with dissolve mina "You know how he is..." mina "Hello, [mcf]! Happy birthday!" scene w2_0170 with dissolve mc "Thank you, Mina. How are you?" scene w2_0169 with dissolve mina "I'm great! Still riding the excitement from getting the part yesterday!" scene w2_0171 with fade kil "I know you'd rather be by yourself tonight, but fuck that! You're my best friend!" kil "I can't just let that pass. Plus, we brought presents and cake. So no bitching, okay?" mc "Okay, no bitching." scene w2_0172 with dissolve kil "Plus, I invited Hana. You two seemed to get along pretty well yesterday." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == False:" mct "(He's really misreading things there... I've got no interest in her like that.)" kil "Personally, I can't stand that bitch, but that's got nothing to do with getting you laid. I even told her the wrong time so you two could get some 1-on-1 time and work your charm before we got here." scene w2_0173 with dissolve mc "Uh, thanks..." scene w2_0174 with dissolve mina "Eeeey, what are you two whispering about?" hana "You're probably better off not knowing." mina "Oh! Right! We haven't been introduced yet." scene w2_0175 with dissolve "With a cute hop, Mina bounded toward Hana and closed the distance between them." scene w2_0176 with dissolve hana "No, we haven't..." scene w2_0177 with dissolve "Hana ran her gaze down Mina's body from top to bottom, as if making a careful appraisal of the bubbly woman." scene w2_0176 with dissolve hana "You're Ian's girlfriend?" scene w2_0178 with dissolve mina "Yup, I'm Mina! You're Hana, right?" scene w2_0176 with dissolve hana "You're both exactly and not at all what I imagined you to be." scene w2_0179 with dissolve mina "Uh... what? Eh..." scene w2_0180 with dissolve mina "I love your tattoos. They're really, {b}really{/b} cool!" "Momentarily flabbergasted, Mina quickly found room for a rebound." scene w2_0181 with dissolve hana "Hmmm... you kind of look familiar." scene w2_0182 with dissolve mina "Just one of those faces I guess..." scene w2_0183 with dissolve kil "Mina's a model. Maybe you've seen her face on a bus stop ad or something." scene w2_0181 with dissolve hana "Maybe, but I feel like it's something else..." scene w2_0182 with dissolve mina "We definitely haven't met before. I'd remember someone as beautiful as you." scene w2_0181 with dissolve hana "You really lay it on thick, don't you?" scene w2_0184 with dissolve mina "S-sorry..." scene w2_0185 with dissolve hana "Don't be. It's nice to meet you too, Mina. I'll try not hold your choice of boyfriend against you." scene w2_0186 with dissolve mina "Heheh~♥ I'd appreciate that." "Looking like an excited puppy dog, Mina emphatically shook the rocker girl's offered hand." scene w2_0187 with dissolve mc "Guess we're all friends now." scene w2_0188 with dissolve kil "The two of them mingling sends a chill up my spine..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "You only have yourself to blame for that." "......" "..." scene w2_0189 with fade "After sharing in the cake Mina had bought, it was time to open the gifts. The normality of the scene felt striking to me, considering I was balls deep in yesterday's wall-to-wall debauchery." scene w2_0190 with dissolve kil "Me first!" play sound "sound effects/slide-wood.wav" scene w2_0191 with dissolve pause 0.8 "Killian slid the wrapped present my way, wearing an eager grin." scene w2_0192 with dissolve "Picking up the gift in front of me, I gave it a tentative shake, making note of its weight and shape like a kid on Christmas Eve." "It had a decent heft to it and was tightly packaged." scene w2_0193 with dissolve kil "Just go ahead and open it." hana "Someone's excited..." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/gift-unwrap.wav" "..." stop sound scene w2_0194 with fade play music "music/hep-cats.ogg" kil "I know you don't play games much anymore, but I couldn't think of much else." scene w2_0195 with dissolve mc "This is an expensive gift, Ian..." scene w2_0196 with dissolve kil "Maybe we could start playing again sometime, eh?" scene w2_0197 with dissolve "Killian flashed me a child-like smile." mc "Yeah, we'll do that. Thank you." KN_MOD "if prBirthdayMinaGift == True and minaFlag == True:" $ Mina_KLove -= 1 scene w2_0198 with dissolve mina "I'm next!" scene w2_0199 with dissolve mina "I hope you like it." scene w2_0202 with dissolve kil "Me too. She spent a week probing me for information." "I thought back to the drinking game Felicia, Mina, Ian, and I played a while back." mct "(She actually remembered that?)" kil "She's weird about crap like that." scene w2_0203 with dissolve mina "No I'm not! That's what normal people do." scene w2_0200 with dissolve mc "With how much thought you put into it, I'm sure it's a great gift." scene w2_0201 with dissolve "Mina beamed as she put the present in front of me." scene w2_0204 with fade "Just like before, I picked up the box in front of me and gave it a test shake." mct "(Hmm...)" "It had much less heft to it than Ian's, but it was also tightly packaged." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/gift-unwrap.wav" "..." stop sound scene w2_0205 with fade mina "I hope you didn't already have one. I did a little research and that topped the list of things new med students needed..." mina "It's cardiology grade. That's good, right?" scene w2_0206 with dissolve kil "A little research? She spent a whole evening trying to narrow down the best one." mct "(This is... at least as expensive as Ian's gift. Maybe even more...)" scene w2_0207 with dissolve mc "This is an extremely, EXTREMELY thoughtful gift. Thank you." mc "You spent way too much money on this." scene w2_0208 with dissolve mina "No, I didn't. Happy birthday, [mcf]. I'm glad we met!" "Mina leaned over and gave me a big, genuine hug that matched her warm words." mc "No, you really did. These things cost-" scene w2_0209 with dissolve mina "Shuuush! I was raised not to talk about money. Just accept the dang gift!" mc "Heh, alright... thanks again." scene w2_0210 with dissolve hana "Bleugh..." scene w2_0211 with dissolve kil "..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0198 with dissolve mina "I wish I would've went first." scene w2_0199 with dissolve mina "It really isn't that great of a gift..." scene w2_0200 with dissolve mc "That's okay. We've only known each other a month. It's difficult enough giving gifts to people you've known your whole life." mc "I suck at it, at least." scene w2_0199 with dissolve mina "Hehe... me too! Still, I hope you'll like it." scene w2_0201 with dissolve "Mina beamed as she put the present in front of me." scene w2_0204 with fade "Just like before, I picked up the box in front of me and gave it a test shake." mct "(Hmm...)" "It had much less heft to it than Ian's and with less give." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/gift-unwrap.wav" "..." stop sound scene w2_0212 with fade mina "Again, it was a bit last minute... I usually like to have more time to pick out gifts..." scene w2_0213 with dissolve kil "No kidding. Mina spent two weeks researching and picking out a graduation gift for her niece earlier this year." kil "She's weird about crap like that." scene w2_0214 with dissolve mina "No I'm not! That's just what normal people do." "These were pretty expensive-looking sunglasses. Not exactly my style, but they seemed quality." scene w2_0215 with dissolve mc "Thank you Mina. I don't own a pair of sunglasses, this is a nice gift." scene w2_0216 with dissolve mina "I'm glad you like it. Happy birthday, [mcf]. I'm glad we met!" "Mina leaned over and gave me a big, genuine hug that matched her warm words." scene w2_0210 with dissolve hana "Bleugh..." scene w2_0217 with fade kil "Now that the cake and gifts are out of the way..." scene w2_0218 with dissolve hana "It's time to start drinking?" scene w2_0219 with dissolve kil "Why, what a brilliant idea, Hana. What do you say, birthday boy?" scene w2_0220 with dissolve mc "Ah, hell... this place is stocked I guess, might as well bust open a bottle of gin or something." scene w2_0221 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}Why do hangouts always have to end with a hangover?{/size=-10}" scene w2_0222 with dissolve hana "So, the plan is to get liquored up and watch some movies?" scene w2_0223 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." "I gave it some thought. Of course, I liked the idea of ending the night quietly, but..." scene w2_0224 with dissolve mc "Why don't we play a drinking game instead? Something fun that will let us get to know each other better." scene w2_0225 with dissolve "Opening up and doing things differently wouldn't be so bad." kil "What did you have in mind?" scene w2_0224 with dissolve mc "How about... {i}Never Have I Ever{/i}?" scene w2_0226 with dissolve mina "Yes, please! That is so much better than one of Ian's convoluted games!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." scene w2_0227 with fade play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mc "Everyone is familiar with how this goes?" scene w2_0228 with dissolve hana "Someone admits to something they've never done before and the people who've done it drink. That continues until we're all smashed." scene w2_0227 with dissolve mc "Exactly. It's not complicated, but there is some finesse to it. Try and pick an answer that will drag an embarrassing story out from someone." mc "However, let's make things more interesting." scene w2_0229 with dissolve kil "What do you got cooking in that head of yours?" scene w2_0230 with dissolve mc "Let's say... every time someone drinks on your turn, you get a point. The person with the most points by the end of the game will be declared the winner." mc "The losers will have to do something the winner commands. One big group dare." scene w2_0231 with dissolve hana "What if there's a tie?" scene w2_0230 with dissolve mc "Then there will be multiple winners, but only one command." scene w2_0231 with dissolve hana "Hmm, alright. I'm game." scene w2_0232 with dissolve mina "Me too, I {b}guess{/b}..." scene w2_0233 with dissolve kil "Who goes first?" scene w2_0230 with dissolve mc "I'll start and then we'll just go around the room from there." scene w2_0234 with dissolve "There's a lot of things I {i}haven't{/i} done, but I should make the first answer a good one..." scene w2_0235 with dissolve mc "Alright, let's see..." scene w2_0234 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Never have I ever been nude in public.:" $ minaBully = True $ DP += 3 scene w2_0230 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Never have I ever... been inappropriately nude or exposed myself in a {b}public{/} space." scene w2_0236 with dissolve "Ian and Hana each quickly knocked back a shot of gin with no hesitation." scene w2_0237 with dissolve kil "A few times, actually." hana "I did a drum solo topless one time." scene w2_0238 with dissolve kil "Shit, for real? Haha!" hana "It was our singers' idea." scene w2_0239 with dissolve "To my surprise, Mina cocked her head back and slid the clear liquid down her throat." scene w2_0240 with dissolve mina "Eeugh, that's sharp!" scene w2_0241 with dissolve hana "Well, that was delayed." mc "Eh? So, all of you then? Even you, Mina?" scene w2_0242 with dissolve mina "Why do you single me out?" scene w2_0243 with dissolve mc "I'm just surprised is all." scene w2_0244 with dissolve kil "Me too. When did this happen?" scene w2_0245 with dissolve "Killian looked at Mina with an incredulous look in his eyes." scene w2_0246 with dissolve "Mina uncharacteristically avoided making eye contact." scene w2_0247 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mina "It's not what you're thinking... it's just..." mina "Some girls played a little joke on me one time by stealing my clothes when I was in the locker room shower." scene w2_0248 with dissolve mc "That doesn't sound like a joke." scene w2_0247 with dissolve mina "No, it wasn't very funny... I had to wait until it got late and then run back to my dorm room naked." scene w2_0249 with dissolve kil "When was this?" scene w2_0247 with dissolve mina "When I was in boarding school... it was just a harmless prank though..." scene w2_0248 with dissolve hana "It sounds like a bunch of cunts." scene w2_0250 with dissolve mina "No, it was just some girls having fun. Can we move on please?" scene w2_0251 with dissolve "Mina squirmed uncomfortably in her seat and pointedly asked Hana to take her turn." scene w2_0252 with dissolve "The room shared a collective awkward silence, before the rocker girl had the decency to spare us." scene w2_0253 with dissolve hana "Okay, yeah... my turn..." play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" KN_MOD "Never have I ever used a vacuum cleaner on my genitals.:" $ DP += 1 $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Mina_Affection += 1 scene w2_0230 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Never have I ever used a vacuum cleaner on my junk." scene w2_0254 with dissolve kil "Oh, fuck you!" scene w2_0255 with dissolve hana "Euh? Whaaaaat? You haven't..." mina "Why am I not surprised? That SHOULD surprise me, but it doesn't..." scene w2_0256 with dissolve ham "Pfft... hahahaha...." hana "Hahaha..." mina "Hehehe..." scene w2_0257 with vpunch ham "Bahahaha-!" scene w2_0258 with dissolve kil "Okay, now you guys are being absurd." "The girls shared a hearty laugh at Ian's expense, to a degree that almost made me feel bad for Ian." scene w2_0259 with dissolve "To his credit, he took his lump respectably." scene w2_0260 with dissolve kil "Picking questions you know the answer to isn't really in the spirit of the game!" scene w2_0261 with dissolve hana "You've crammed your cock into a vacuum cleaner before?" scene w2_0262 with dissolve kil "I was curious! It, uh... wasn't for me." scene w2_0261 with dissolve ham "Pft... hahahaha!" scene w2_0262 with dissolve kil "It's your turn, Hana!" scene w2_0261 with dissolve "Ian more or less begged the rocker girl to spare him from their laughter." hana "Hahahaha...! F-Fine! Sure!" scene w2_0263 with dissolve hana "Hmm..." scene w2_0264 with dissolve hana "Never have I ever..." scene w2_0265 with dissolve hana "Never have I ever had sex while other people were in the room." scene w2_0266 with dissolve "Hana delivered her move with a devious smile, knowing full well that Ian and I fit the criteria if only for the club alone. I wasn't sure if she was playing to win or if she was just trying to make us squirm." scene w2_0267 with dissolve "He and I shared a sly look, before a slight roll of the shoulders signaled to me to go ahead and drink." scene w2_0268 with dissolve mc "..." mina "What?!" with vpunch scene w2_0269 with dissolve hana "Oh, really? Both of you? That's interesting. You guys a pair of perverts or something?" scene w2_0270 with dissolve mina "How could either of you do something like that? That's... mortifying!" scene w2_0271 with dissolve kil "I don't know about [mcf], but that's part of the thrill." scene w2_0272 with dissolve hana "Your boyfriend is an exhibitionist." scene w2_0273 with dissolve mina "What about you, [mcf]?" scene w2_0274 with dissolve mc "Well, you know... college dorm rooms can be small." scene w2_0275 with dissolve "I lied. I had never stayed in a college dorm, but it's not like I could just say I got my dick sucked in front of a dozen rich perverts just yesterday." scene w2_0276 with dissolve mina "Eeugh, I don't know how you could do that!" scene w2_0277 with dissolve kil "Want to try it some time?" scene w2_0278 with dissolve mina "No!" scene w2_0279 with dissolve hana "It's your go, Goldilocks." scene w2_0280 with dissolve mina "Okay, okay... let me think..." scene w2_0281 with dissolve mct "(Eh? Goldilocks...?)" scene w2_0282 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}Geez, I still can't believe you two...{/size=-10}" scene w2_0283 with dissolve mina "Okay! Never have I ever shoplifted." scene w2_0284 with dissolve "The three of us downed our drinks at about the same time." scene w2_0285 with dissolve mina "Hehehe, yes! Three pointer!" kil "You're actually into this?" scene w2_0286 with dissolve mina "All I'm going to say is get ready to bow down to your new queen, because at the end of the game that's exactly what you're going to do." "Mina proudly puffed out her chest in an exaggerated display." kil "This is only round one, babe. Don't count your chickens before they hatch." scene w2_0287 with dissolve hana " What are you, a country bumpkin?" scene w2_0288 with dissolve kil "It's a saying!" scene w2_0287 with dissolve hana "Yeah, one I'd not expect to come from your lips." scene w2_0289 with dissolve kil "Ah, whatever. It's my turn. I've got couple questions in mind, but the question is which one...?" scene w2_0290 with dissolve mc "You don't have to make this complicated." scene w2_0291 with dissolve kil "Alright. Here's a three pointer for you... never have I ever run from a cop." scene w2_0290 with dissolve mc "That's a surprisingly clean one..." scene w2_0292 with dissolve kil "Just a lil' icebreaker. Now, drink up you three." scene w2_0293 with dissolve "To my surprise, I wasn't the only one to raise a drink." kil "Ah, damn. I knew I'd get [mcf] and Mina, but I took a gamble on you." scene w2_0294 with dissolve hana "Hell, no. What do you think I get up to?" scene w2_0295 with dissolve hana "I mean, why tack an extra misdemeanor onto a drunk and disorderly? That's just stupid." scene w2_0296 with dissolve mc "{b}You've{/b} run from the cops?" scene w2_0297 with dissolve mina "K-kinda, heh..." scene w2_0298 with dissolve kil "It's a great story. You should tell it." mc "Yeah, I think I might need to hear this." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0297 with dissolve mina "It's not a big deal. It was just a little misunderstanding..." scene w2_0299 with pixellate play music "music/you-should.ogg" mina "Ten months ago, just a little bit after Ian and I had started dating, we were standing on the corner of Oak and Old Row." mina "Like... forty minutes earlier, I had just smoked a joint for the first time in my life." kil "Let me clarify: she had like two hits before she was all \"woaaaah\" and \"I feel weeeeird\"." scene w2_0300 with dissolve mina "Eheh, yeah... anyway, we were standing on the corner of Oak and Old Row and I spotted a police officer coming our way." scene w2_0301 with dissolve kil "He wasn't coming {i}our{/i} way. He was just giving the buskers a hard time." mina "Am I telling the story or are you?!" kil "Sorry. I'll let you tell it." scene w2_0302 with dissolve mina "Thank you! So, I may have gotten the {b}teensiest{/b} bit nervous. Like, I couldn't take my eyes off him." mina "I watched him walk past that retro candy-shop. Then that mexican place..." mina "He got close enough to make eye contact and give me a funny look." kil "It was a friendly nod." mina "So I just..." scene w2_0303 with cmet mina "Went in the opposite direction." with vpunch kil "No. It was more like she hauled ass. She lost a heel." hana "Pfft,ha-wa-wait, the state decriminalized pot like... a couple of years ago!" scene w2_0304 with fade kil "Yeah. I know! That's what made it so fucking funny. After Mina's little disappearance trick, the cop came over looking pretty confused. I told him she was just a little high and we had a good laugh about it." scene w2_0305 with dissolve mina "I didn't know! It's not like I get a drug newsletter!" scene w2_0306 with dissolve mina "What about you, [mcf]? What's your story?" scene w2_0307 with dissolve mc "Oh, it wasn't a big deal. As usual, Ian and I were kids. I think we were breaking bottles on the sidewalk or something stupid like that." mc "Cop stopped by and I took off. Ian froze in place." scene w2_0308 with dissolve mina "Hehe, we have that in common." scene w2_0309 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kil "Okay, so the tally for round one..." KN_MOD "if minaBully == True:" scene w2_0310 with dissolve kil "3 for [mcf], 2 for Hana, 3 for Mina, and 2 for me." scene w2_0311 with dissolve mina "Yes! Tied for first isn't bad." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0310 with dissolve kil "1 for [mcf], 2 for Hana, 3 for Mina, and 2 for me." scene w2_0311 with dissolve mina "Yes!" scene w2_0312 with dissolve mina "Hey, where you going? I'm winning!" scene w2_0313 with dissolve kil "Relax, I'm just draining the lizard. I'll be RIGHT back and then we can get back to it, your majesty." play sound "sound effects/door-slide.wav" scene black with fade "..." stop sound scene w2_0314 with dissolve "Ian's departure reset the conversation and a brief silence fell over the room." scene w2_0315 with dissolve play music "music/happy-boy-end-theme.ogg" hana "So... you and Ian have been dating for ten months?" scene w2_0316 with dissolve mina "Closer to eleven I guess. You work at Ian's uncle's place, right?" scene w2_0317 with dissolve "Before answering, Hana gave me a questioning look on the sly. I guess she was unclear on how much Mina knew." scene w2_0318 with hpunch "To which, like some doofus, I kicked her foot in confirmation." scene w2_0315 with wipeup hana "Yeah, that's right." scene w2_0316 with dissolve mina "How long have you two known each other?" scene w2_0315 with dissolve hana "I've worked there a little over a year now." scene w2_0319 with dissolve mina "Hmm..." scene w2_0320 with dissolve "Mina took time to slowly give Hana a once-over before speaking again." scene w2_0316 with dissolve mina "You two must be pretty good friends then." scene w2_0321 with dissolve hana "Eh, him and I don't exactly gel. It's a more {i}cordial{/i} thing." "Her choice of words had me scoffing inwardly." scene w2_0322 with dissolve mina "Ha! That's a polite no if I've ever heard one." scene w2_0323 with dissolve hana "What do you do, Mina?" scene w2_0324 with dissolve mina "Oh, I'm just a student..." scene w2_0325 with dissolve mc "Mina's a model and actress." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "She actually just landed a big gig on television." scene w2_0326 with dissolve mina "It's not {b}BIG{/b}." scene w2_0327 with dissolve mc "It's a speaking part with a storyline isn't it?" scene w2_0326 with dissolve mina "Yeah, still..." "Mina seemed unusually shy for whatever reason." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0323 with dissolve hana "Really? Have I seen anything you've done?" scene w2_0326 with dissolve mina "Well... uh, I recently got a tv-part." scene w2_0323 with dissolve hana "That's cool. Is it a show I know?" scene w2_0324 with dissolve mina "Probably not... it's just a crappy soap opera. It's called {i}Loving Days in Lafayette{/i}." scene w2_0328 with dissolve hana "It sounds like a big deal to me. You should own that shit." scene w2_0329 with dissolve mina "Eheh, you're right! It's the biggest role I've gotten! I'm really, really excited!" scene w2_0323 with dissolve hana "That's better." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" scene w2_0330 with dissolve mina "Oh! Could I ask a {b}big{/b} favor of you, [mcf]?" scene w2_0331 with dissolve mc "What is it?" scene w2_0332 with dissolve mina "Would you... if you have the time... help do some line-readings tomorrow?" mina "I'd ask Ian, but he never takes anything like that seriously... plus given the kind of scene it is, he'll probably just try and get into my pants mid-scene." scene w2_0333 with dissolve "Mina looked at me expectantly, with a shy, hopeful smile. It really didn't leave me any choice." scene w2_0334 with dissolve mc "Sure, but I'm not an actor or anything... I don't know what good I'll be." scene w2_0332 with dissolve mina "Oh, you'll be plenty! All you have to do is read from a script!" scene w2_0334 with dissolve mc "Reading from a piece of paper is one of my greatest abilities. Sure, I'd love to help." scene w2_0335 with dissolve mina "Thank you!" hana "Eh...? G-get off of..." "Mina practically leapt over Hana to give me something resembling a hug." mina "I'm SO glad you said yes. You're my good luck charm!" scene w2_0336 with dissolve mc "...good luck charm?" scene w2_0330 with dissolve mina "Well, you did help me prepare for the audition and I got the part!" scene w2_0337 with dissolve "Hana looked at Mina dubiously, but said nothing." scene w2_0338 with dissolve mina "Actors and actresses are superstitious, okay?!" scene w2_0339 with dissolve hana "I didn't say anything." scene w2_0340 with dissolve mina "So..." "Looking for a change of topic, Mina searched for a topic." scene w2_0324 with dissolve mina "When did you get your first tattoo?" scene w2_0323 with dissolve hana "The day I turned eighteen." scene w2_0324 with dissolve mina "That's so neat. I've always wanted one, but I'm a big wuss... did it hurt?" scene w2_0323 with dissolve hana "Some more than others. It just depends on the location." scene w2_0341 with fade "..." scene w2_0342 with fade "The two quickly found themselves excitedly talking amongst themselves, like I wasn't there." "Not that I minded. Watching the two carry on like friends filled me with warmth." scene w2_0343 with dissolve kil "Sorry that took so long. My uncle called." mc "No biggie. Ready to get back to the game?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mina "Yep!" scene w2_0235 with curtains mc "Alright, time to get things rolling again. Hmm..." scene w2_0234 with dissolve mct "(What should I pick here?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Never have I ever given oral sex to someone of my own gender.:" $ DP += 1 $ Mina_BiCurious += 2 scene w2_0422 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mc "Never have I ever gone down on a person of the same sex." KN_MOD "jump w2HanaLezStory" KN_MOD "Never have I ever been handcuffed.:" $ DP += 2 $ Killian_Bromance +=1 $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w2_0422 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mc "Never have I ever... worn a pair of handcuffs." scene w2_0423 with dissolve mina "For... ANY reason?" mc "That's right." scene w2_0424 with dissolve mina "Uggg..." scene w2_0425 with dissolve "After some thought, Mina quickly downed her shot of gin." kil "Eh? You've never been arrested?" scene w2_0426 with dissolve mina "It's not that." kil "Nor have we ever done that in the..." mina "It's not that either! Yeesh..." kil "What is \"it\" then?" scene w2_0427 with dissolve mina "I don't want to say." scene w2_0428 with dissolve hana "Why not?" scene w2_0429 with dissolve mina "It's too embarrassing." scene w2_0430 with dissolve mc "Alright, no one's gonna force you to tell it. It's your go, Hana." hana "Okay... hm, never have I ever..." scene w2_0431 with dissolve mina "W-wait! Don't just move on..." scene w2_0432 with dissolve mc "You just said it was too embarrassing." scene w2_0431 with dissolve mina "Mmh... yeah, but..." scene w2_0432 with dissolve hana "But what...?" scene w2_0429 with dissolve mina "I don't want you to think I'm lame." scene w2_0430 with dissolve "All of us collectively raised our eyebrows for a moment." scene w2_0429 with dissolve mina "Just give me a moment..." scene w2_0433 with dissolve "........." "......" "..." scene w2_0434 with dissolve mina "A couple months ago, I was sleeping over at a friend's house. Her husband was out of town, so we were having a girl's night in." scene w2_0435 with pixellate mina "Her husband is like a HUGE jerk, gets massively crabby about even the smallest disturbance. So this was actually the first time I'd ever been over to her place." scene w2_0436 with dissolve mina "This friend... even though I don't exactly agree with how she lives her life... I still look up to her. She's got a ton of life experience, on top of being beautiful, sophisticated, and adventurous. She's done things I've only dreamed of." scene w2_0437 with dissolve mina "Which is why, when she left me alone in her apartment to run out to the corner store and get us some cheap wine, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to take a look around." scene w2_0438 with pixellate mina "I don't mean like invade-a-person's privacy look around, I mean just a look on what was out in the open." mina "It can be fun. You learn a lot about a person from just the stuff they leave lying around." scene w2_0439 with dissolve kil "You're always just hoping to find someone as messy and untidy as you." scene w2_0440 with dissolve mina "I'm not messy! You're just a neat freak! Back me up, [mcf]." scene w2_0441 with dissolve mc "Eh...? Oh, yeah. Ian's always been fussy about cleanliness and putting things away." scene w2_0442 with dissolve kil "Just move on with the story." scene w2_0443 with pixellate mina "Ehehe, okay... so anyway, I took a peek around her apartment and it wasn't long before I found something that piqued my interest." scene w2_0444 with dissolve mina "Just lying on the bar was a set of handcuffs. Not some fuzzy pink, for-her-comfort handcuffs. These were like a cop's set." scene w2_0445 with pixellate mina "Which... was a lot more appealing." scene w2_0446 with dissolve hana "Appealing...?" scene w2_0447 with dissolve mina "I got... {i}curious{/i}." mina "I'd never worn any, you see..." scene w2_0448 with dissolve kil "You tried them on?" mina "..." scene w2_0449 with pixellate mina "Yes." mina "Some of my girlfriends talked like it was fun and I wanted to see what it felt like." kil "I didn't know you were interested in that sort of thing." scene w2_0450 with dissolve mina "I'm not! I was... {b}just being stupid{/b}." "It might have just been wishful thinking, but she sounded pretty unconvincing in refuting Ian's conclusion." mina "{size=-10}So, anyway I left the key on the bar...{/size=-10}" hana "What was that?" scene w2_0451 with dissolve mina "I said it really was stupid... because..." mina "I handcuffed myself to a nearby railing and.." scene w2_0452 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/surprise.wav" mina "I-left-the-{size=+10}KEY-ON-THE{/size=+10}{size=+15}BAR!{/size=+15}" with vpunch scene w2_0453 with pixellate mina "Ehehe..." scene w2_0454 with dissolve "Mina's face turned a beet red with her admission." scene w2_0453 with dissolve mina "It's not like I'm a total moron. I didn't just see a pair of handcuffs and handcuff myself without thinking about how to unlock it, okay? I confirmed the key worked first, but then I just..." mina "Forgot it on the table." scene w2_0454 with dissolve mc "Well, no harm, right? It sounded like your friend would be back pretty soon." scene w2_0455 with dissolve mina "Ahahaha, no. Unfortunately, that's the punchline to all of this..." scene w2_0456 with pixellate mina "Grr... eh...!" with vpunch mina "So... close...! C'mon...! C'mon...!" with vpunch mina "Eeeeh....! You're so,so stupid, Mina!" with vpunch play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "..." scene w2_0457 with dissolve mina "F-Felish...! You're back! I could use some..." stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w2_0458 with dissolve elias "..." elias "You must be one of Felicia's {i}friends{/i}." mina "Uh, um... I can explain..." scene w2_0459 with pixellate hana "I thought he was out of town!" mina "He was supposed to be, but his plans unexpectedly changed..." mc "Did he uncuff you at least?" mina "No. He just gave me a stern look and went to his office..." hana "Ahahaha, no he didn't! That's hilarious!" scene w2_0460 with dissolve mina "He did. He really, REALLY did." scene w2_0461 with dissolve hana "Did you figure out if you liked it at least?" scene w2_0462 with dissolve mina "No... I was too busy panicking..." scene w2_0463 with dissolve hana "You got a pair of handcuffs lying around, [mcf]?" mina "S-shut up...!" scene w2_0464 with dissolve mc "You're up, Hana." scene w2_0465 with dissolve hana "I don't know how I'll follow that, but let's see..." KN_MOD "jump w2BirthdayGameR2Continue" KN_MOD "label w2HanaLezStory:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_0344 with dissolve "No one immediately raised their glass, which wasn't a surprise. It was a Hail Mary type question." scene w2_0345 with dissolve hana "......" scene w2_0344 with dissolve hana "..." scene w2_0346 with dissolve "Which is why I felt a smile stretch across my face when Hana finally took a drink." scene w2_0347 with dissolve hana "Just me, huh?" scene w2_0348 with dissolve kil "You know, I always kind of thought you swung that way." scene w2_0349 with dissolve hana "What? Because I don't swoon over you? Get bent, you jackass. I'm not gay." hana "I wasn't even testing the waters. I've always been fairly confident I loved dick." scene w2_0350 with dissolve hana "It was just a one time thing, in a... very unique circumstance." scene w2_0351 with dissolve kil "Now you've got to go into detail." KN_MOD "if Mina_BiCurious >=3:" scene w2_0352 with dissolve mina "I kinda want to hear about it too..." "I could tell by the way her eyes were locked on Hana that there was no \"kinda\" about it." scene w2_0353 with dissolve hana "Sure, it's not like I'm embarrassed about it." scene w2_0354 with dissolve mc "Even if you were, that is the name of the game." KN_MOD "if Mina_BiCurious >=3:" scene w2_0355 with dissolve mina "Y-yeah, spill it." scene w2_0357 with dissolve hana "Alright, this was around two and a half years ago. I had just turned twenty and my best friend Jerrica got us tickets to see Blackwing Eternal, eh--" scene w2_0356 with dissolve hana "You ever heard of them? They're like my fourth favorite band of all time." scene w2_0354 with dissolve "We collectively shook our heads no." scene w2_0357 with dissolve hana "They're a groove metal band. Think like Pantera or White Zombie." scene w2_0355 with dissolve "That didn't wipe the blank look off our faces." scene w2_0358 with dissolve hana "Ah, jeez. You guys are lame as fuck." scene w2_0355 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Mina_BiCurious >=3:" mina "Come on, tell the story..." KN_MOD "else:" kil "Get to the good stuff." scene w2_0356 with dissolve hana "Okay, right. So like I said: it was not only my birthday, but this was the first time I had the chance to see them play live." scene w2_0357 with dissolve hana "If you ask me, even for the shittiest of bands, nothing really beats live music and Blackwing Eternal..." hana "Well, they're kickass. So, it was a fucking amazing time. That was even before I got to meet the band." scene w2_0355 with dissolve kil "I see where this is going. You got starstruck?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0356 with dissolve hana "More than that. I practically creamed my pants when Jerrica told me her boyfriend's cousin was concert staff and could get us backstage for fifty bucks." play music "music/higher-octane.ogg" scene w2_0359 with pixellate hana "Flash forward, I got to meet the lead singer: {b}Zara Tessman{/b}. She's a damn icon, one of the baddest bitches in metal and thankfully it wasn't a \"don't meet your heroes\" type deal." hana "She was super cool, and even though I acted like an annoying gaga-eyed fangirl, she invited us to the after party." hana "We hit a couple of nearby watering holes, and a few hours later, I found myself back at her place. It was under the pretense of checking out her album collection, but I could read the air..." hana "With the way she sidled up close to me at the bar, the way she touched my shoulder when she got to the punchline of a joke, and the way she would casually brush stray hairs out of my face..." scene w2_0360 with circlewipe hana "She was expecting something for giving a stupid girl like me the time of night." hana "When she told me..." zara "Get your tits out." hana "In a cocky voice that would've pissed me off 99.9 percent of the time..." scene w2_0361 with dissolve mina "You didn't...?" scene w2_0362 with dissolve scene w2_0363 with instantdissolve scene w2_0364 with instantdissolve scene w2_0365 with instantdissolve scene w2_0366 with instantdissolve scene w2_0365 with instantdissolve scene w2_0366 with instantdissolve hana "I did." scene w2HanaStory with dissolve hana "I knew she saw me as just another fame-stricken floozy to add as a notch in her bedpost." hana "You see it at every concert, countless women throwing themselves at gussied-up pretty boys with the charisma of rocks. Until that night, I could never wrap my head around it." mina "So, why did you? Especially if you're not even really into girls..." scene hanazara1_a with dissolve show hanazara1 hana "Because, at that precise moment, I WAS a fame-stricken floozy." hana "She was fucking Zara Tessman. She was everything I wanted to be. She was so cool, so mature..." $, 2, channel = "music") scene w2_0378 with fade KN_MOD "if Mina_BiCurious >=3:" mina "How was it?!" KN_MOD "else:" mina "What happened next?" scene w2_0379 with dissolve hana "Oh? You seem awfully interested, Mina," scene w2_0380 with dissolve mina "It's just you told such a detailed story... I'm just curious with how the rest went..." scene w2_0379 with dissolve hana "Is that right? Well, since we're friends and all..." scene w2_0381 with dissolve hana "*Gluhg*" scene w2_0382 with dissolve hana "You want the grisly details?" mina "Uh-huh..." $, 3, channel = "music") scene hanazara1_a with pixellate show hanazara1 hana "It started out with plenty of foreplay. I told her I'd never been with a chick before, so she wanted to ease me into things slowly." hana "And shit, by the agonizing end of it all, I was begging her to move on. " mina "Really?" hana "Oh, yeah. Goldilocks. Just picture it..." scene hanazara2_a with dissolve show hanazara2 hana "She got to know every inch of my body, exploring and caressing with both her hands and mouth." hana "It was eye-opening, the way she used her fingers." hana "Not just my breasts either, but parts of my body I'd never derived pleasure from." hana "You ever realize your inner wrist is an erogenous zone?" mina "What? No it isn't!" hana "It is. The scalp too." hana "The earlobe..." mina "J-jeez!" hana "Yep. She had her way with me." hana "At the height of it all, that twisted bitch had me calling her mommy and begging to cum." mina "Nu-uh? That's..." $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_0390 with pixellate hana "Oooh, lemme cum! Ah~♥! P-please!" "Hana looked like she was having the time of her life relaying the story to Mina. In fact, I'm pretty sure she had forgotten Ian and I were even here..." "Mina hung off of every word, with a noticeable blush on her cheeks." $, 3, channel = "music") scene hanazara3_a with pixellate show hanazara3 zara "Call me mommy, slut!" hana "M-mommy! P-please--" scene w2_0397 with flash with vpunch with flash with vpunch hana "Aaaah--!!!!!!" with flash mina "W-woah..." hana "That was just the start of the night." $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_0398 with pixellate mina "W-woah..." hana "Pfhahaha, you should see your face, Goldilocks." scene w2_0399 with dissolve mina "How did the rest of the night go?" scene w2_0400 with dissolve "Despite the teasing, Mina's interest in Hana's story was unabated." scene w2_0401 with dissolve hana "The rest of the night...?" scene w2_0400 with dissolve scene w2_0402 with dissolve scene w2_0400 with dissolve "Mina gave a wordless nod to the question." hana "Hmm..." scene w2_0404 with dissolve mina "W-what are you doing?" $, 3, channel = "music") scene w2_0405 with pixellate hana "First she had me eat out her cunt for about half an hour. I had never seen a vagina that close up, but I didn't have time to take in the sights." hana "She grabbed me by the head and put me to work. It being my first time, I was awful at it - not to mention, pretty tuckered out after being put through the paces, but I think she liked how inexperienced I was." scene w2_0406 with flash with vpunch with flash with vpunch hana "Pretty sure she got off on teaching straight women how to give oral or something stupid like that." $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_0408 with pixellate mina "That's so... {i}perverted{/i}." scene w2_0407 with dissolve hana "The last part of the night is rather difficult to describe." scene w2_0408 with dissolve mina "It is?" scene w2_0407 with dissolve hana "Yes, it's best I show you." scene w2_0409 with dissolve mina "W-wait..!" $, 3, channel = "music") scene black with fade mina "Gh- what are you doing?"with vpunch hana "Pfft-hold still, Goldilocks. Just a demonstration!" with vpunch mina "Eeeg, y-you're heavy! Get off of me?" with vpunch scene hanazara4_a with pixellate show hanazara4 mc "Should we put a stop to this?" kil "Fuck no." hana "Just hold still for a minute!" with vpunch mina "Hey... don't grab...!" with vpunch scene w2_0411 with pixellate stop music fadeout 3.0 hana "Aaaaaaand that's about how the night ended. It's not an easy position to describe, is it?" scene w2_0413 with dissolve mina "No, it isn't..." scene w2_0412 with dissolve "Mina's growing blush had hit a fever pitch. She looked like she had just run a few miles." scene w2_0411 with dissolve hana "To be frank, she taught me more about sex over a span of a few hours than I had previously learned in my short adult life." scene w2_0414 with dissolve hana "Or did it feel more like fucking...?" scene w2_0415 with dissolve mina "W-wow...." kil "Holy shit..." scene w2_0416 with dissolve mc "Don't you think you got carried away there?" scene w2_0417 with dissolve hana "She's just so easy and fun to tease. I couldn't help myself." scene w2_0418 with dissolve mina "Um, could you... let go of me?" hana "Oh, yeah! Sorry!" scene w2_0419 with fade hana "So, that's the story of the first and so far only time I've ever gotten down with a woman." hana "I guess it's my turn now? Feels like I just talked forever." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_0420 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2HanaZaraFBGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2HanaZaraFBGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mc "Yep, you're up. I don't know if anyone will be able to follow a story like that though." scene w2_0421 with dissolve hana "Don't worry, I'll cook up something good..." KN_MOD "jump w2BirthdayGameR2Continue" KN_MOD "label w2BirthdayGameR2Continue:" play music "music/echo-sclavi.ogg" scene w2_0466 with dissolve hana "Never have I ever... had sex with someone old enough to be my parent." scene w2_0467 with dissolve mct "(...she's going for direct hits.)" scene w2_0268 with dissolve "Naturally, Ian and I knocked back our glasses." scene w2_0468 with dissolve mina "What? Both of you, again?!" mina "It wasn't the same person, was it?!" scene w2_0469 with dissolve mc "No... why would you think that?" mina "I mean... you two are... well, at least Ian is..." "Mina trailed off, unsure of how to put it." scene w2_0470 with dissolve kil "Good enough friends that we wouldn't have a problem tag teaming the same chick?" mina "No, I was NOT going to say THAT." kil "Hey, if you're ever interested in that sort of thing, I'm sure [mcf] wouldn't mind-" mina "OHMIGOSH shut up! I would n- I would never--!" scene w2_0471 with dissolve mc "Ehe..." scene w2_0472 with dissolve "Hana just sat back, chuckling to herself." mct "(That woman is evil...)" scene w2_0473 with dissolve mina "Okay, whatever... you guys are animals! It's my turn...!" scene w2_0474 with dissolve mina "Never have I ever..." "Mina glanced about the room, trying to grasp at something, anything that would move the game along." scene w2_0475 with dissolve mina "Uh... oh, I know!" mina "Never have I ever had a crush on a friend's parent." scene w2_0476 with dissolve kil "You're just piggybacking off of Hana's question!" scene w2_0477 with dissolve mina "So?" scene w2_0478 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExGame3Avoid == True:" "As per our conversation in the sauna, Hana gave me a knowing look before she took a drink herself." KN_MOD "else:" "Hana nonchalantly shrugged before taking a drink." scene w2_0479 with dissolve mina "Ooooh, you have a thing for older men, eh?" scene w2_0480 with dissolve hana "Experience has its appeal." scene w2_0481 with dissolve "Meanwhile, Killian and I shared a dubious look at one another." "On my side of things, with all my teasing about Ian's mother over the years, it wasn't even an open secret." scene w2_0482 with dissolve kil "Drink up, mother fucker." scene w2_0483 with dissolve mc "Nice choice of words." scene w2_0484 with dissolve "I had no qualms in admitting it, and despite his reaction to my jokes, I knew he didn't have a problem with it either." "His mother is an attractive woman and we went through puberty together. It was an understandable, innocent thing for a kid. At least in my view." scene w2_0485 with dissolve mina "Eh? You think Grace is...? She scares me..." scene w2_0486 with dissolve "I had always assumed the same was true of Ian, but it was something he ardently denied once before." "He does pretty much think of her as a second mother, so maybe that's truly the case. At any rate, I'm not gonna twist his arm about it over a drinking game." scene w2_0487 with dissolve mina "Hehehe, anyway, another two points!" mina "Your go Ian." scene w2_0488 with dissolve kil "Never have I ever had a sexual fantasy I was too embarrassed to admit." scene w2_0489 with dissolve mina "You SHOULD be embarrassed..." scene w2_0490 with dissolve "I didn't have to think very hard about it, instead I just dutifully paid my penance." "To my surprise, I was the only one to do so." scene w2_0491 with dissolve mc "Everyone's got at least one, right?" scene w2_0492 with dissolve hana "Nope, I'm usually pretty above board about what I want." scene w2_0493 with dissolve mina "I mean, I've got some stuff I'm curious about, but I wouldn't call any of them fantasies..." scene w2_0494 with dissolve "Pretty sure that qualifies, but I wasn't about to rules lawyer a friendly game." scene w2_0495 with dissolve mc "Guess I'm the only one with a proper sense of shame..." "That said, I did let a little passive aggressiveness slip out." scene w2_0496 with dissolve mina "Ooooh, you got to tell us!" scene w2_0497 with dissolve mc "If it's too embarrassing to admit to a sexual partner, why would I...?" scene w2_0498 with dissolve hana "That's the game." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" hana "Plus you never know, that information could be useful for later." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I suppose she has a point.)" scene w2_0499 with dissolve mc "Fair enough." scene w2_0500 with dissolve mc "I've always kind of wanted to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Choke a woman during sex.:" $ w2FetishChoke = True $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w2_0499 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I've always kind of wanted to try breath play on a partner." scene w2_0501 with dissolve "I did my best to put it in the least embarrassing, most legitimate way possible." scene w2_0502 with dissolve mina "Breath play? What the heck does that mean?" scene w2_0503 with dissolve "Mina eyeballed me suspiciously." scene w2_0502 with dissolve mina "It's not a weird internet thing, right? Because I learned about those balloon people the other day..." scene w2_0504 with dissolve hana "He means he wants to choke the shit out of a chick during sex." scene w2_0505 with dissolve mina "Whaa...?" scene w2_0503 with dissolve "Mina eyeballed me again, not sure of what to make of this information." scene w2_0502 with dissolve mina "Why on earth would you want to do that?" scene w2_0503 with dissolve mc "Ehehe... I don't know..." "The question made me feel exceedingly self-conscious. Making sense of your sexual desires and putting it plainly into words for someone else to understand is a tall ask during a casual social situation." scene w2_0506 with dissolve hana "That's not weird at all, Goldilocks. In fact, it's common enough that it's borderline innocent." hana "You haven't ever wanted someone to smack your ass, pull your hair, or shove your face into a pillow?" scene w2_0507 with dissolve mina "No...?" scene w2_0506 with dissolve hana "What about the other way around? You ever just want to slap some dude in his smug face?" scene w2_0507 with dissolve mina "Um... of course not..." scene w2_0508 with dissolve hana "Eh, don't knock it until you try it. With someone you trust, rough sex can be fun." scene w2_0507 with dissolve mina "That just sounds scary to me..." scene w2_0509 with dissolve "Now Mina was eyeballing Hana dubiously." scene w2_0510 with dissolve mina "Oh! Sorry, [mcf]! I'm not making fun of you, I was just trying to understand. I hope I'm not embarrassing you..." scene w2_0511 with dissolve mc "Don't worry about it." KN_MOD "Have a woman edge me.:" $ w2FetishEdging = True $ Mina_Affection += 1 scene w2_0499 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I've always kind of wanted a woman to edge me." scene w2_0502 with dissolve mina "What the heck does that mean?" scene w2_0503 with dissolve "Mina eyeballed me suspiciously." scene w2_0502 with dissolve mina "It's not a weird internet thing, right? Because I learned about those balloon people the other day..." scene w2_0512 with dissolve kil "It means he wants to put a cork in it before he pops." kil "You know, with it being his dick." scene w2_0503 with dissolve mc "That's a colorful way of describing it." scene w2_0505 with dissolve mina "What? Why would you want to do that? That defeats the purpose, doesn't it?" scene w2_0503 with dissolve mc "How should I explain this...?" "I gave the next words out of my mouth some careful consideration." mc "The idea behind is to {i}delay{/i} orgasm, not deny it. When you finally do orgasm, it's supposed to make it more intense. Plus..." KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" mct "(As much as I've lived my life, preoccupied with the notion of living my life in control, carefully steering it in the right direction...)" mc "I find the idea of lying back, giving up control to my partner, and having them tease me kind of hot." scene w2_0504 with dissolve hana "[mcf]'s a bit of a masochist." scene w2_0503 with dissolve mc "Not really. I just don't mind being on the bottom of things sometimes." scene w2_0502 with dissolve mina "I don't think I get it." scene w2_0503 with dissolve mc "Well, just picture it for a second. Imagine if you could control when a dude came? You had him exactly where you want him, on the precipice of release, and then you just stop short of that." mc "You don't think his agonizing, pleading face would be hot?" mc "You haven't ever wanted Ian to last longer than a minute in-" scene w2_0513 with dissolve kil "Hey, fuck you buddy!" scene w2_0514 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_0515 with dissolve mina "Yeah, okay. I think I get it now. That actually sounds like it could be fun." KN_MOD "Treat a woman like an inanimate object:" $ w2FetishObjectify = True $ Killian_Bromance += 1 scene w2_0501 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I paused for some time to carefully consider how I was going to put this." "Long enough for the break in my words to feel pronounced and heavy." scene w2_0499 with dissolve mc "I've always wanted to..." scene w2_0516 with dissolve mc "Okay, I know this is gonna sound weird and fucked up, but this is just a fantasy okay?" scene w2_0517 with dissolve hana "Well, that's a real good fucking way to preface something weird and fucked up." scene w2_0518 with dissolve mc "...I've always wanted to treat a woman like a literal object." scene w2_0519 with dissolve "Saying it out loud made it sound horrible. I felt like I had just set myself adrift smack dab in the middle of a sea of judgement." scene w2_0520 with dissolve hana "Go on." scene w2_0521 with dissolve mc "Shit, it's like, um..." scene w2_0522 with dissolve mina "You mean like... uh, what was it called?" scene w2_0514 with dissolve "Mina searched her mind for the word." scene w2_0523 with dissolve mina "Forniphilia...?" scene w2_0524 with dissolve mc "Like what now?" scene w2_0523 with dissolve mina "The fetish of creating and using people like human furniture!" scene w2_0525 with dissolve kil "You know the damn word for that?" scene w2_0526 with dissolve mina "There was an article about that kinda weird crap in a women's mag I modeled for, okay?" scene w2_0527 with dissolve kil "...and you remembered it?" scene w2_0528 with dissolve mina "I have a good memory!" "......" scene w2_0529 with dissolve "..." scene w2_0502 with dissolve mina "Anyway, it's like that?" scene w2_0503 with dissolve mc "Uh, yeah. That could be included, but..." mc "What I had in mind is more like sex in the middle of everyday situations. Like while eating breakfast or in the middle of a meeting..." scene w2_0530 with dissolve mina "Interesting..." scene w2_0511 with dissolve mc "Yeah... it is pretty weird, I guess." scene w2_0531 with dissolve hana "So basically, you're a huge pervert?" scene w2_0532 with dissolve mc "Yes." scene w2_0531 with dissolve hana "Heh, that's okay! There's nothing wrong with that." hana "A lot of people are." scene w2_0499 with dissolve mc "Okay, if no one else is going to drink, I'm next then." scene w2_0501 with dissolve "I happily seized the opportunity to move on from the topic." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0533 with dissolve kil "Let's make this next round the last." scene w2_0534 with dissolve mina "How come?" scene w2_0535 with dissolve mc "Yeah, you're only half-blasted." scene w2_0536 with dissolve kil "Well, I just thought if we ended a little early. We could finish the night with a movie like I know the birthday boy would prefer. Does that sound good to you all?" scene w2_0534 with dissolve mina "A movie sounds fun!" hana "I'm cool with it." scene w2_0537 with dissolve "Sometimes, Ian could be deceptively considerate." scene w2_0538 with dissolve mc "It's a good excuse to avoid a raging hangover." kil "Alright, so make your last turns a doozy." scene w2_0235 with dissolve mc "Hmm, alright..." scene w2_0539 with dissolve "Scrambling to come up with an answer on the spot, my mind immediately latched onto two options." "For some reason, the image of Ian flirting with that bar girl the night we went out with Mina and Felicia sprang to mind. As did Felicia's comment about it happening all the time." "Mina seems almost begrudgingly accepting of it... I could use it to rustle Ian's feathers a little. Then again, would that even be taken as humor?" KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" "No. There's teasing and then there's being a giant dickhole. You don't need to be a social savant to know this would pretty much be twisting the knife." "The second option is to pick something simple and try and score the most points." scene w2_0540 with dissolve mct "(Never have I ever...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Never have I ever hit on someone while on a date with a different person.:" $ DP += 1 $ Mina_KLove -= 1 $ Killian_Bromance -= 2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Never have I ever… hit on, flirted with, or otherwise made advances to someone while on a date with someone else." scene w2_0541 with dissolve "........." "......" scene w2_0542 with dissolve "..." "No one made a move to take a shot." mc "We're all saints, hu--?" scene w2_0543 with dissolve mina "Just drink up." scene w2_0544 with dissolve "Mina cut Ian a cold glare, before plainly putting her command into words." "The two of them shared a knowing look, before..." scene w2_0545 with dissolve "Killian tilted his glass and drunk. He didn't look particularly pleased." "Meanwhile, Hana shot me a look like she was asking if I did that on purpose." mct "(...did I? Why would I?)" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" scene w2_0546 with dissolve "My eyes involuntary wondered over to Mina and part of me grasped the answer." scene w2_0547 with dissolve hana "Alright, mooooving on..." KN_MOD "Never have I ever pretended to be sick to get out of something unpleasant.:" $ DP += 3 $ Mina_Affection += 2 $ Hana_Affection += 1 play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Never have I ever pretended to be sick to get out of something I didn't want to do." "I decided to go for the gold, so I went with a safe question. I hadn't, but I'm sure most people had." scene w2_0548 with dissolve "I was right." scene w2_0549 with dissolve hana "I played hooky from school every now and then. My grandfather let me get away with it occasionally." mina "I've gotten out of an agency Christmas party that way." scene w2_0550 with dissolve kil "I did it to avoid the class bully." scene w2_0551 with dissolve hana "Oh... for real?" scene w2_0552 with dissolve mc "I don't remember you ever skipping school without me." scene w2_0553 with dissolve kil "It was actually a few weeks before we became friends. You remember Austin Kelly?" scene w2_0552 with dissolve mc "He had a new target every week." scene w2_0553 with dissolve kil "He did. Until he got around to me. For some reason, he got real hung up on me. It carried on for weeks. Remember how we first met?" scene w2_0552 with dissolve mc "Hmm... yeah, I do." scene w2_0554 with pixellate kil "He gave anyone who tried to talk to me a hard time, until people started avoiding me. Eventually, it got to the point that if I sat down at the lunchroom table, other kids would get up and move." scene w2_0555 with dissolve kil "[mcf] didn't though." kil "He made it a point to sit with me." mc "Having a whole table to ourselves was pretty sweet." scene w2_0557 with pixellate kil "Fuck yeah it was. I still remember how gobsmacked that fatass looked when you told him to fuck off back to the trailer park. He looked like you sucker punched him." scene w2_0556 with dissolve "That was an understatement. I still remembered how deeply hurt he looked and how instantaneously I regretted my choice of words." scene w2_0557 with dissolve kil "You always did know how to get under people's skin." scene w2_0556 with dissolve mc "Well, it was obvious that would tick him off. I'm pretty sure your parents' money was why he bullied you so much longer than anyone else in the first place." scene w2_0533 with dissolve kil "That was probably it." scene w2_0534 with dissolve hana "So, the rest is history?" scene w2_0535 with dissolve "Ian looked at me with nostalgia in his eyes." scene w2_0536 with dissolve kil "Yep. That was when things started to get better. I mean kids could still be mean, but [mcf] stuck to me like glue after that. I never felt alone." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0537 with dissolve mina "That's sweet." scene w2_0558 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Three points for me then." scene w2_0559 with dissolve mc "Your turn, Hana." play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" scene w2_0560 with dissolve hana "Hmm... it's a little too serious now. Let's get the mood back to where it was. What am I at?" scene w2_0561 with dissolve mc "You have four points, Mina has five, Ian has three, and I have [DP]." scene w2_0562 with dissolve hana "Never have I ever..." scene w2_0563 with dissolve hana "Been caught with my pants down." scene w2_0564 with dissolve kil "You mean...?" scene w2_0565 with dissolve hana "Oh, you know. In an act of {i}sexual congress{/i} or self-debasement. Either or." scene w2_0564 with dissolve kil "Ah, well... check and check." scene w2_0566 with dissolve hana "Aw, really? Just him?" scene w2_0567 with dissolve mc "I've always been careful. Thin walls growing up." mina "I would just... DIE. My mom isn't exactly the most sex-positive person..." scene w2_0568 with dissolve kil "I still haven't met your parents, huh?" scene w2_0569 with dissolve mina "Nope. With any luck, you won't for a long time." scene w2_0570 with dissolve mc "How come?" scene w2_0571 with dissolve mina "If my mother got one whiff of how successful Ian's parents are, she'd stick her nose where it didn't belong." scene w2_0572 with dissolve kil "So she says, but I think she's just embarrassed by me." "Ian smiled, looking almost proud of this." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" scene w2_0573 with dissolve mina "You remember me mentioning her backwards view on higher education, [mcf]?" scene w2_0570 with dissolve mc "Yeah... something about using it to find a well-to-do husband?" scene w2_0571 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0571 with dissolve mina "She says college for a young lady should be about finding a husband." mina "With Ian, she'd be like a shark with blood in the water..." scene w2_0568 with dissolve kil "Would that really be so bad?" scene w2_0569 with dissolve mina "Yes! I'm 20. What sane girl my age is looking to settle down?" scene w2_0574 with dissolve hana "If you find that right person, I don't think it's so bad giving up part of your youth to have something you could call a family." scene w2_0575 with dissolve mina "Maybe... but my mother and my revolving door of stepdads is proof that tying the knot does not a family make. I guess your parents must've had a good marriage?" scene w2_0576 with dissolve hana "Um..." mina "S-sorry if that's too personal of a question. It just sounded like you had a positive view of--" scene w2_0577 with dissolve hana "No, it's cool. The answer to your question is a big ol' fuck no. I was brought up by mom." scene w2_0578 with dissolve scene w2_0579 with dissolve scene w2_0578 with dissolve "Mina chose not to speak, instead she simply nodded in solidarity." mct "(Sounds like she can sort of relate.)" scene w2_0580 with dissolve hana "It's your go, Mina." scene w2_0581 with dissolve mina "Okay, I've got a pretty good one. Never have I ever..." mina "Lied during this game." scene w2_0582 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_0583 with dissolve "No one drank." scene w2_0584 with dissolve kil "It's a fun question, but did you forget you were trying really hard to win?" scene w2_0583 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_0585 with dissolve mina "Ah... DAMN!" hana "Pftt-!" kil "If anyone HAS lied in the first place, why would you think they'd admit to it?" scene w2_0586 with dissolve hana "*Whisper* Ian's girlfriend isn't what I pictured." mina "I don't know! For dramatic effect?" scene w2_0587 with dissolve kil "Well, that puts you and Hana tied at 5, with [mcf] at [DP]." kil "I'm at 3, so that means..." KN_MOD "if DP == 8 or DP == 7:" scene w2_0588 with dissolve kil "I have absolutely no hope of winning." scene w2_0589 with dissolve hana "What? You're just ending it like that?" scene w2_0590 with dissolve kil "Why not? Might as well let the birthday boy get straight to his kingly command." scene w2_0591 with dissolve kil "What would you have us do, My Lord?" scene w2_0592 with dissolve mina "Welp, better [mcf] than Ian." scene w2_0593 with dissolve hana "You better not ask us to do something perverted." mina "[mcf] wouldn't do that. Would he...?" scene w2_0594 with dissolve mc "Me? No..." scene w2_0595 with dissolve "I knew {b}exactly{/b} what I wanted them to do, but first..." scene w2_0596 with dissolve mc "The three of you line up in a row over there and kneel, please." scene black with fade "Each of them looked at me doubtingly, but complied with my request, moving away from the couch and into the open." scene w2_0597 with fade mc "Now, what will I have you do...?" scene w2_0598 with dissolve mina "Huh? I thought you already knew because of this pose." scene w2_0599 with dissolve mc "I just wanted to have your waiting faces looking up to me while I thought about it." scene w2_0600 with dissolve hana "Pfft, jerkass!" scene w2_0601 with dissolve "That was a lie. I did know {b}exactly{/b} what I wanted them to do, but I wanted to drag it out some." mc "I got it!" "I feigned like it had just hit me." stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Now..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I dare you to say something nice about each other.:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Killian_Bromance += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" mc "I dare you to say something nice about the other two." scene w2_0602 with dissolve mina "Eh...? That's it?" hana "You got us down on our knees for that?" scene w2_0603 with dissolve mc "Yes. Why don't you start it off, Hana?" mc "Say something nice about {b}Ian{/b}..." scene w2_0604 with dissolve hana "Eugh..." scene w2_0605 with dissolve "I folded my arms and patiently let Hana mull over ALL that she liked about Ian." hana "Mmh...?" "This was meant to be a small gesture to bring everyone closer together, but I'd be lying if I said making Hana say something nice about the man she despises didn't tickle a sadistic instinct in me." scene w2_0606 with dissolve hana "Fine, I got it. Ian..." hana "I like that you always bring coffee for everyone when you come into... {i}your Uncle's{/i}. You always remember everyone's specific order..." scene w2_0607 with dissolve kil "A squirt of cardomon to sweeten it up and a spritz of coconut oil to thicken up the drink." scene w2_0608 with dissolve hana "Yes... it's surprisingly conscientious and thoughtful..." scene w2_0609 with dissolve "I could just hear the \"for you\" tacked onto the end of that in Hana's mind." scene w2_0610 with dissolve kil "Thank you, Hana. It's nice to feel appreciated." scene w2_0611 with dissolve "Especially with how smug Ian looked hearing just the smallest amount of praise." scene w2_0612 with dissolve hana "As for Mina... we just met, but she's been very friendly and warm toward me almost like we were already pretty good friends. Plus..." scene w2_0613 with dissolve hana "Her pigtails are good." scene w2_0614 with dissolve mina "Hehe~ I got praised..." scene w2_0615 with dissolve mc "Your turn Ian." scene w2_0616 with dissolve kil "I... respect that Hana is not afraid to freely speak her mind." kil "I think that's a pretty cool way to go through life." scene w2_0617 with dissolve hana "Thanks." scene w2_0618 with dissolve kil "As for Mina, I couldn't ask for a more attractive girlfriend." scene w2_0619 with dissolve mina "That's it?" scene w2_0620 with dissolve kil "I mean, uh... how do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." kil "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height--" scene w2_0621 with dissolve mina "I like that Ian can still surprise me. He's goofy and it's almost like he's stumbling through life with blinders on, but..." scene w2_0622 with dissolve "Mina looked at Ian, for the briefest of moments as if looking back on their relationship." scene w2_0621 with dissolve mina "Sometimes he blindly walks into making a girl feel special. Not that this is one of those times..." scene w2_0623 with dissolve "I got the sense Mina was speaking nostalgically." scene w2_0624 with dissolve mina "As for, Hana! Where do I start?" mina "She is so, so cool. I already told her I love her... \"ink\", but I also love her sense of fashion and..." scene w2_0625 with dissolve mina "Even the way she's looking at me is so cool! She's also here because of [mcf], which tells me she's got good taste in friends!" mina "Not to mention...!" "......" "..." scene w2_0626 with dissolve "Mina spent the next 30 seconds spewing all kinds of compliments Hana's direction, by the end of it all the would be rockstar was blushing." hana "Um... thanks. That was... a lot." mina "Hehe~" scene w2_0627 with dissolve kil "Alright, my knees are killing me. That's enough of this pose." scene w2_0628 with dissolve kil "Let's pop in a movie and get cozy?" mc "Sure. I'll pop some popcorn. What are you feeling?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2BirthdaySegue" KN_MOD "*Boop their noses*:" $ Mina_Affection += 2 $ toughness -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/you-should.ogg" mc "I got you where I want you." scene w2_0629 with dissolve mina "What the heck does that--" scene w2_0630 with vpunch "Boop!" scene w2_0631 with vpunch "Boop!" scene w2_0632 with vpunch "Boop!" scene w2_0633 with dissolve mc "Alright, I'm all done. We can watch a movie now." mina "Pftt-tck-!" scene w2_0634 with dissolve mina "*Snort* Khtt- haha~ *Snort* What...!" kil "That was it? You're just gonna squander your dare?" mc "The drinking game itself was a reward enough. I got to know you all better." scene w2_0635 with dissolve mina "Hehe~hahAHAHAHA!" mc "Are you okay?" mina "Pftt...! No-! *Snort* I c-can't breathe!" scene black with fade kil "Alright, my knees are killing me. That's enough of this pose." kil "Let's pop in a movie and get cozy?" mc "Sure. I'll pop some popcorn while Mina comes back to her senses." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2BirthdaySegue" KN_MOD "Use the opportunity to score a memorable selfie.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ toughness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/frame-of-mine.ogg" "I thought about it some, and there was no need to make this some long, protracted thing. A quick picture marking me as a winner and them as the loser would do." mc "I think I'll use this opportunity to snag a victory photo." scene w2_0670 with dissolve mina "Uh... why do you look so... evil?" scene w2_0671 with dissolve mc "You're just imagining things. Now, do you three know how to kotow?" scene black with fade mc "More over to the left... you're not in the shot --" hana "Like this?" mc "A little more... perfect! You got it!" mc "I want you to look like you just found God!" kil "This is stupid..." scene w2_0672 with dissolve mc "Now, say \"You are the most charasmatic, savvy, magn--\"...!" hana "Just take the damn photo!" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash with flash mc "Good enough." scene w2_0673 with dissolve kil "Alright, my knees are killing me. That's enough of this pose." scene w2_0674 with dissolve kil "Let's pop in a movie and get cozy?" mc "Sure. I'll pop some popcorn. What are you feeling?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2BirthdaySegue" KN_MOD "if DP == 6:" kil "I could tie this up at least." KN_MOD "if DP <= 5:" kil "I could win this." scene w2_0636 with dissolve kil "Never have I ever swallowed a pill." scene w2_0637 with dissolve hana "Are you kidding me? That's what you're gonna end this on?" scene w2_0636 with dissolve kil "It's the truth. I haven't been sick since I was a kid." scene w2_0638 with dissolve mc "Why do you sound like you're bragging?" scene w2_0639 with dissolve kil "Drink up. That's a critical hit, right?" scene w2_0640 with dissolve "The three of us shared a mutual look, before knocking back our glasses." scene w2_0641 with dissolve "With that our short little drinking game came to an end." KN_MOD "if DP == 6:" $ Killian_Bromance += 3 scene w2_0642 with dissolve kil "That means [mcf] and I tied and that puts you two ladies on the chopping block." scene w2_0643 with dissolve mina "Why do you have to phrase it that way?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0644 with dissolve kil "[mcf], my buddy..." mc "Yes, friend?" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" scene w2_0645 with dissolve kil "Please, consult with me for a moment. We need to discuss a fitting prize." mc "Of course, let's confer in my office." scene w2_0646 with dissolve "......" "..." mc "Oh, yeah. Sure. That's good! It needs a little something extra though..." scene w2_0647 with dissolve kil "What do you have in mind, partner?" mc "Oh.. I know! I saw something strange in a trunk the other day." "..." scene w2_0648 with dissolve kil "I remember these are definitely Darius'." mc "I think they're perfect." scene w2_0649 with cmet kil "Great! Stand just like that!" scene w2_0650 with dissolve hana "What is this? A photoshoot?" scene w2_0651 with dissolve mina "That is his thing." scene w2_0649 with dissolve kil "We're just gonna take a commemorative losers photo. Only, it's missing something..." scene w2_0652 with dissolve mc "Luckily, I have just the thing lying around that'll add the perfect final touch." mc "Hold still girls." scene black with fade mina "He- what's this? Oh, c'mon..." hana "This is stupid." kil "Wow, you girls look great. Now, grab ahold of each other like long lost sisters!" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" kil "I want to feel your intensity!" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" kil "No... no, that won't do. Closer! Like you haven't seen each other in a decade." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" kil "Perfect! You got it!" scene w2_0653 with goslow kil "You girls look beautiful. Don't they, [mcf]?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "They sure do. Like a pair of angels." mina "Grr..." scene w2_0654 with vpunch hana "Okay, that's enough! You two had your fun." kil "You want a copy for your social media profiles?" "The scene that played out was utterly stupid, but... it was fun." scene w2_0655 with dissolve mina "Can we watch that movie now?" mc "Sure. What are you guys feeling?" mina "It's your birthday." scene w2_0656 with dissolve kil "Hmm... you girls familiar with the work of Groucho Marx? I think you'd love his comedy..." scene w2_0657 with dissolve scene black with fade kil "...get it?" mina "I don't get it." mc "I'll cook some popcorn while you explain it." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2BirthdaySegue" KN_MOD "if DP <= 5:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ Mina_BiCurious += 1 scene w2_0642 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kil "That means I win and you three are up on the chopping block." scene w2_0643 with dissolve mina "Why do you have to phrase it that way?" scene w2_0658 with dissolve mc "Go easy on us, please." scene w2_0659 with dissolve kil "Easy...? Hmm, well. It is your birthday and I am a magnanimous man." scene w2_0660 with dissolve kil "Sit tight for just a second, while I see what you got going in your fridge." mina "The fridge...? Please don't get food involved..." play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_0661 with fade "We waited as Ian rummaged throughout the kitchen, until he found what he was looking in the freezer." scene w2_0662 with wiperight play sound "sound effects/ice-glass.wav" "He returned with a glass clutched tightly in his hand, giving it a demonstrative shake that produced a distinctive clank." scene w2_0663 with dissolve mc "A glass of ice? What are you planning on having us do with that?" scene w2_0664 with dissolve play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" kil "Simple. I want you three to pass it along to the person next to you, using only your mouth." scene w2_0663 with dissolve mc "Oh...?" scene w2_0665 with dissolve hana "Geez, that's not so bad, but I am a little perplexed at what you get out of this." "I knew right away what he was trying to do. He was playing wingman for me with Hana." scene w2_0666 with dissolve kil "Maybe I just like to watch?" scene w2_0667 with dissolve mina "He probably just wants to see you and I kiss." hana "That's typical." "Ian gave me a quick thumbs up on the sly, confirming my suspicion." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" "I wanted to tell him I didn't need the help, but hey... he won fair and square. It's his dare." KN_MOD "else:" "I wanted to tell him he had the wrong idea about Hana and I, but that would just make things awkward." scene w2_0668 with dissolve kil "[mcf] will start." play sound "sound effects/ice-glass.wav" scene w2_0669 with dissolve mc "Just pop these in my mouth and pass it to Hana?" kil "Yep. You got it." KN_MOD "jump w2BirthdayIanWins" KN_MOD "label w2BirthdayIanWins:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" scene w2_0675 with dissolve "I angled the glass and let the ice slide into my mouth on a bed of pooling water." "Needing to be quick about it before it melted, I quickly sidled up next to Hana." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w2_0676 with dissolve "She looked dead in my eyes, lips pursed into a slight grin." scene w2_0677 with dissolve hana "Well... let me have it, [mcf]." scene w2_0676 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0678 with dissolve "She met my own awkward look with her own." scene w2_0679 with dissolve hana "Well... ready when you are." scene w2_0678 with dissolve "The chill of the ice quickly grew unpleasant to my gums, so I craned my neck down toward the rocker girl and she rose up to meet me." scene w2_0680 with dissolve "Our lips met without ceremony and were soon engaged in the commission of our task." "I did take a moment to enjoy the sensation of Hana's soft lips pressing into mine. The warmth of it made an unusual contrast to the feeling of having ice sit square on the flesh of your tongue." "I quickly found out the task required more concentration than one would've thought, owed largely to how crowded the inside of my mouth was." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w2_0681 with dissolve "To help things along, Hana grabbed the back of my neck and used the leverage to redirect my efforts." "One by one, the ice cubes slipped from my mouth into hers." "Along the way, our tongues would naturally bump into one another, flooding my head with a pleasant feeling." "Sometimes it felt lingering, like they were intertwined longer than they had to. Still, eventually..." scene w2_0683 with dissolve "They were gone. Our task was complete and Hana pulled herself back from me." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0682 with dissolve "One by one, I slipped the ice cubes from my mouth into hers." "Along the way, our tongues would naturally bump into one another, but we remained focused on the task." scene w2_0683 with dissolve "Eventually our task was complete and Hana pulled herself back from me." scene w2_0684 with dissolve "Hana wasted no time of her own and moved on to do the same to Mina." KN_MOD "if Mina_BiCurious >=4:" scene w2_0685 with dissolve "They shared a fleeting look, causing a noticeable blush on the blonde's cheeks and an unduly long pause before the two set out on their given task." scene w2_0686 with dissolve mina "Mmmh...!" "Mina let out a sharp, surprising sound as soon as their lips met." KN_MOD "else:" "The two briefly looked into each other's eyes, before setting out on the given task." scene w2_0686 with dissolve "The pair pressed their lips against one another and Hana began the process anew." "Watching their lips gently undulate as the ice cubes passed from one to the other was a beautiful sight." scene w2_0687 with dissolve "Hana instinctually grabbed at Mina's upper arms, adding an illusion of intimacy between the two." "Meanwhile, Mina's lower half squirmed in place, hips ever-so-lightly swaying with an anxious energy." "Melted ice pooled around the corners of their mouth." KN_MOD "if Mina_BiCurious >=4:" scene w2_0688 with dissolve "By the time it occurred to me that I was maybe watching {i}too{/i} intently, it was over." "Mina looked like she was in a daze as she chewed on the ice in her mouth." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0689 with dissolve "By the time it occurred to me that I was maybe watching {i}too{/i} intently, it was over." "The two shared a smile, as Mina chewed on the ice in her mouth." "..." scene w2_0690 with dissolve hana "So, movie now?" scene w2_0691 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that sounds good to me." mc "What are you guys feeling?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 hana "It's your birthday. Why don't you pick?" mc "Okay. You guys get settled first and I'll cook up some popcorn while I think about it." $ renpy.end_replay() scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2MCHanaMinaKissGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2MCHanaMinaKissGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2BirthdaySegue" KN_MOD "label w2BirthdaySegue:" scene w2_0692 with ccirclewipe play music "music/night-on-the-docks-sax.ogg" "Over the next couple of hours, the night petered out." scene w2_0693 with dissolve hana "*Whisper* Wait... is that one of...?" "The film of choice: Terminal Action, one of the handful of B-movie action flicks that Samson Garcia was known for." scene w2_0694 with dissolve hana "He never shuts up about them, but I've never actually seen one of his movies." scene w2_0692 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" "I had recalled Mina mentioning her love for this one earlier this week. It also felt like a nice in-joke for the Carnation Club-adjacent of us." KN_MOD "else:" "Something dumb and simple for our inebriated minds, with the added something for the Carnation Club-adjacent of us." scene w2_0695 with dissolve mina "Oh, I love this part!" scene w2_0696 with pixellate sam "We're gonna have us a little barbecue! How do you like your ribs, Senator?" man "Wait, please--!" scene w2_0697 with pixellate with vpunch tv "*Explosion* Boom!" "The film was terrible as it had always been, but it felt like I was seeing it with new eyes. Veronica was on my mind." scene w2_0698 with dissolve mct "(What a fucking bastard...)" KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" "I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I reaffirmed the promise I made to myself." "I'm going to figure out exactly what that shithead is doing to tank Veronica's business and go from there." KN_MOD "else:" "The thought of him purposefully tanking Veronica's business pissed me off, but it was outside of anything I could help." scene w2_0699 with dissolve hana "It's no wonder he wound up selling gym equipment." scene w2_0700 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* Tell me about it." scene black with fade mina "Looks like they're out." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w2_0701 with w12 mina "I knew this would happen. I told Ian to stop drinking." scene w2_0702 with dissolve mc "None of you have any business driving home. Why don't you sleep here tonight?" scene w2_0701 with dissolve mina "Thanks, [mcf]. That would be for the best." scene w2_0702 with dissolve mc "Why don't you and Hana take my bed. There's room for two." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0703 with w12 mina "I told Ian to stop drinking. I knew this would happen." scene w2_0704 with dissolve mc "None of you have any business driving home. Why don't you sleep here tonight?" scene w2_0703 with dissolve mina "Thanks, [mcf]. That would be for the best." scene w2_0704 with dissolve mc "Why don't you and Hana take my bed. There's room for two." scene w2_0705 with dissolve mina "No, this is a big couch. I'll sleep here with Ian tonight. Make sure he doesn't puke all over your apartment." scene w2_0706 with dissolve mc "That... would be HIGHLY appreciated." scene w2_0707 with dissolve hana "Eh...? How long have I been out?" scene w2_0708 with dissolve mc "The last 15 minutes of the movie. Mina and I were just discussing sleeping arrangements. Do you want to stay here or should I call you a taxi?" scene w2_0709 with dissolve hana "Here, if you don't mind. I'm not that tipsy, but better safe than sorry." hana "Plus, my bike's here and I don't want to spend the money going home and then coming back to get it." scene w2_0708 with dissolve mc "Smart." scene w2_0710 with wipeup "After getting Ian and Mina settled downstairs with blankets, I showed Hana to my bed." scene w2_0711 with dissolve hana "So, this is where the magic happens?" scene w2_0712 with dissolve mc "It's a new place. No magic yet." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w2_0713 with dissolve hana "That right?" scene w2_0714 with dissolve mc "If you need anything, I'll be asleep in a chair downstairs." scene w2_0716 with dissolve hana "Eh? Don't be ridiculous. There's enough room for both of us." scene w2_0714 with dissolve mc "No, that's okay. I wouldn't want you to feel..." scene w2_0715 with dissolve hana "Uncomfortable? I'd be more uncomfortable knowing I kicked you out of your own bed on the night of your birthday of all nights." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w2_0717 with dissolve hana "We're friends. Just get in the freakin' bed!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0717 with dissolve hana "We're pretty much friends now. Just get in the freakin' bed!" scene w2_0718 with dissolve "No point in arguing with her." scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2June08Start" scene w2_0718 with dissolve mc "Well..." "I gave Hana one long look before finishing my train of thought." "I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with her, but of course I didn't say as much." mc "You've convinced me." scene w2_0719 with fade "After getting a little more comfortable, it didn't take long for either of us to settle in." "Soon..." scene black with fade "A feeling of drowsiness ushered me into..." scene w2_0719 with dissolve hana "You awake?" scene w2_0720 with dissolve mc "Yes, I do believe I am. What's up?" "Both of us spoke in a hushed tone." scene w2_0721 with dissolve hana "I had fun tonight." scene w2_0722 with dissolve mc "Me too, I'm glad you came, but you sound almost surprised." scene w2_0723 with dissolve hana "Heh, yeah. I am. I wouldn't ever dream of spending an evening drinking with that jackass downstairs." scene w2_0722 with dissolve mc "Yeah, but you DID come." scene w2_0721 with dissolve hana "Don't get cocky. I owed you one from the concert." scene w2_0720 with dissolve mc "Is that the only reason you came?" scene w2_0721 with dissolve hana "No." scene w2_0720 with dissolve mc "Well, I'm glad to hear it. Thanks for being here, Hana." scene w2_0724 with dissolve hana "My pleasure, [mcf]." scene w2_0725 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_0726 with dissolve mct "(What a nice smile...)" scene w2_0727 with dissolve hana "You're tired?" scene w2_0726 with dissolve mc "Mmmhmh... got up pretty early today... visited Ian's mom... zZZzz... had lunch with... zZZzz..." scene w2_0727 with dissolve hana "I have trouble picturing what his mom would be like." scene w2_0726 with dissolve mc "...mmh, that's a tough nut to crack." scene w2_0727 with dissolve hana "How come?" scene w2_0720 with dissolve mc "Well, she's... a bitch? I mean, she cares about him. I'm ninety nine percent sure about that, but she's..." scene w2_0721 with dissolve hana "Got a funny way of showing it?" scene w2_0720 with dissolve mc "Yes. That's a good way of putting it." scene w2_0727 with dissolve hana "The world is filled with people like that." scene w2_0726 with dissolve mc "Mmhmh..." scene black with fade hana "You know, it occurs to me I haven't given you a birthday present yet." mc "Mmh... that's fine. I wasn't expecting anything. It was sprung on you at the last minute." hana "...that's not what I was getting at, stupid." scene w2_0728 with dissolve "I felt a cold grip grab ahold of my hand, pulling me once more from the edge of sleep." mc "Eh, your hands are cold... what are you...?" scene w2_0730 with dissolve hana "I know. I need help warming them up." scene w2_0729 with dissolve "Her voice, which had been delivered to my ears in a pleasantly soft bedside whisper, had dropped even lower and pulled me from my half-asleep state with its smokey timbre." mc "You could always get underneath the covers." "I teased Hana, playing painfully dumb." scene w2_0730 with dissolve hana "Come on, [mcf]..." scene w2_0729 with dissolve "It was a husky, needy voice that made her intention feverishly clear." scene w2_0730 with dissolve hana "Don't try and poke holes in a girl's excuse." scene w2_0729 with dissolve "The sultry way she formed her words had lit up a feeling of desire in me as fast and violent as a gasoline fire." "Inwardly, I marveled at how the right woman could fan the flames of arousal using only her voice." mc "This feels... abrupt." scene w2_0731 with dissolve hana "Don't let your head go and ruin a nice thing either." scene w2_0729 with dissolve "For just a brief moment, her expression shifted subtly and she looked at me with lonely, borderline despondent eyes." stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Kiss her.:" $ Hana_Affection += 5 $ Hana_Anger -= 1 $ w2HanaSex = True KN_MOD "Pull her close and hold her until you fall asleep.:" $ Hana_Affection += 2 $ hanaFriendFlag = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Truth be told, I wasn't sure I wanted to go barking up this tree." "The proverbial tree being the boss' daughter." "However, that look she was giving me, I couldn't fully rebuke her without feeling like a piece of shit." scene w2_0795 with dissolve "So I pulled her close to me and held her." scene w2_0796 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I'm feeling a little tired. If you don't mind, do you think we could just...?" scene w2_0795 with dissolve hana "..." "Hana looked at me curiously, with a briefly frustrated expression." scene w2_0797 with dissolve hana "Yeah, of course." scene w2_0798 with dissolve hana "This can be nice too..." scene w2_0799 with dissolve mc "Is everything okay with you?" scene w2_0798 with dissolve hana "Why do you ask?" scene w2_0799 with dissolve mc "I don't know. Just seemed like the question to ask." scene w2_0798 with dissolve hana "Mmmh... yeah, I'm fine. Just the usual stress in my life." scene w2_0799 with dissolve mc "Want to tell me about it?" scene w2_0798 with dissolve hana "Not right now, but... maybe later?" scene w2_0799 with dissolve mc "I'd be happy to hear it." scene w2_0798 with dissolve hana "...thanks, [mcf]." scene w2_0799 with dissolve "Just like that, we fell into a comfortable silence." "So comfortable that..." scene black with fade mc "......." hana "..." KN_MOD "jump w2June08Start" KN_MOD "label w2BirthDayHanaPresent:" play music "music/everything-you-wanted.ogg" scene w2_0732 with hpunch show screen textbox2 with dissolve "That was all it took for the doors of self control to fling wide open." "I wasted no time in burying my face in the pale, beautiful expanse of her neckline." "Hana met my fervor by hiking her naked legs up and around my waist, pulling me closer and locking our bodies together." scene w2_0733 with dissolve "My hands naturally worked their way down and groped at the rocker girl's ass, fingers sinking pleasantly into the soft flesh and succeeding in pulling our waists closer together still." "Hana began to gently rock her hips as if on cue, grinding her crotch into mine and igniting a spreading warmth in my crotch as the outline of her vulva traced repeatedly against my tenting cock." hana "Fuck, I need thi--!" scene w2_0734 with dissolve hana "{b}Mmh...!{b}" "In a bout of passion, I violently pressed my lips to Hana's, conveniently cutting her excited cry short from any listening ears downstairs." "One of my hands clumsily found perch on a breast, fingers pawing at the thin cotton material that painfully separated them from making direct contact." scene w2_0735 with dissolve mc "Oh, god. You're so--" scene w2_0736 with dissolve "This time it was Hana that kissed me, cutting off my words in a change of initiative." scene w2_0737 with dissolve hana "Ammh...♥" "It occurred to me that it felt nice to lock lips with a woman that had nothing to gain from it, but I immediately put that out of mind." "Instead, I focused on the wiry movements of Hana's tongue as it snaked past mine in a long, impassioned game of tonsil hockey." scene w2_0736 with dissolve hana "Hhhmmm...!" scene w2_0738 with dissolve "When the kiss finally broke, both of us had to catch our breaths." hana "[mcf]..." "Hana placed a firm set of hands on my chest and gave me a suggestive push." scene w2_0739 with cmet "A suggestion I was happy to follow, as I rolled over and allowed Hana to slip into the driver's seat." hana "I meant it about needing this." scene w2_0740 with dissolve pause 0.5 scene w2_0741 with dissolve "With one quick motion, the oversized shirt that had been distracting me all night lay in a clump on the bedroom floor." scene w2HanaGrope with dissolve "My hands wasted no time, sinking nice and deep into the supple flesh of Hana's glorious tits." hana "Nng..! Ah, yeah...! It's been... an embarrassing amount o-of... time since anyone's... touched me... like this..." "Her words came out in clumps, as if being modulated by my finger tips." scene w2_0754 with dissolve mc "How long?" scene w2_0755 with dissolve hana "Let's see..." scene w2_0756 with fade "Hana and I worked together to wiggle out of my pants and they soon joined Hana's shirt in a pile on the floor." hana "A year." scene w2_0757 with dissolve hana "Y'know, ever since I got a glimpse of this thing at the exhibition last night..." scene w2_0758 with dissolve "Without a modicum of shyness, Hana wrapped her fingers around my stiffened cock." hana "I've been wanting to see this thing up close." mc "Mmh... r-really?" "Her cold fingers wrapped around my burning cock felt amazing." hana "Uh huh." "My eyes were drawn to the thin piece of fabric that covered her womanly bits, keenly aware of its close proximity to my own sex." "The heat radiating from it was palpable, causing my dick to eagerly twitch for what was ahead." scene w2_0759 with dissolve "Instead of what I was imagining however, Hana decided to tease me." "Rubbing and touching the slightly exposed lips of her opening." hana "Ah... oh... mmh...!" scene w2_0760 with dissolve mc "What are you doing?" "I said it in a tone that was more {i}what are you waiting for{/i}?" hana "Don't be so eager, lover. I'll give you your present soon enough, but for now..." mc "N-now...?" scene w2_0761 with dissolve hana "I want you to watch." "Her intonation was utterly obscene at this point." "I hesitated to call it pornographic, because there was no artifice to it. It was words wrapped in pure, raw, sensual need." scene w2_0762 with dissolve "All I could do was control myself and wait patiently, as her fingers played and teased at her vulva, ever so occasionally pushing aside her panties and burrowing to parts unseen." mc "Fuck..." "The sight itself was enough to make me want to cum." scene w2_0764 with dissolve mc "You're enjoying teasing me..." scene w2_0763 with dissolve hana "I'm enjoying the look on your face." hana "It {i}really{/i} turns me on." scene w2_0764 with dissolve "The pent-up expression on her face said it all." mct "(A {b}year{/b}, huh? Not since she started working at the Club...)" scene w2_0763 with dissolve hana "I REALLY am enjoying that look on your face, but..." scene w2_0765 with dissolve "The way she trailed off left me hopeful." scene w2_0766 with dissolve hana "It's not like I'm going to make you beg." scene w2_0767 with dissolve "Hana leaned back and braced herself on my knees, extending her legs past me, and kissing the underside of my cock with her yet uncovered sex." hana "I don't... want to go all the way tonight." "My stomach tightened when I heard the sad news. It must've shown on my face, because..." scene w2_0768 with dissolve hana "S-sorry...! I mean that doesn't mean either of us won't be getting off to--" scene w2_0769 with dissolve mc "Of course. We'll only go as far as you're comfortable with." scene w2_0770 with dissolve "I did my best to cover up my disappointment with a reassuring smile, which was returned with a relieved smile of the rocker girl's own." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene hanarub1_a with dissolve show Hanarub1 "We shared a few moments of silence between us, before things turned unbearably lewd again as Hana rocked her hips back and forth, using her panties and the outline of her twat to stimulate my near-painfully engorged dick." hana "Ah...♥ You ever... done it like this before?" mc "N-no...! This is a first..." hana "Me either, but it's really. Fucking. Hot." "The spreading damp spot on her panties testified to that true enough." hana "The only thing stopping your fat cock from gorging my insides is this little piece of fabric." hana "Oooh..! Mmmh...♥ I can feel that bad boy twitch." "Was she getting off on denying herself or from teasing me? I didn't know which." scene hanarub2_a with dissolve show Hanarub2 "Not that I cared, the feeling of the sheer material of her underwear felt amazing. Instead of the full, bloated feeling of penetrating a woman, the pleasure came in almost unbearably ticklish waves." "The rough, non-patterned movements created a myriad of sensations. The material of her underwear, damp with her juices, would cling ever-so-slightly to my dick, at varying times, for varying lengths..." hana "Ngh..! Y-you're feeling good, right?" mc "I'm feeling amazing..." hana "G-good! I'm glad...!" scene hanarub3_a with dissolve show Hanarub3 "The next swath of time saw us sharing in a a heavy silence, as we let all pretense of speaking fall away and be replaced by the sounds of sexual exhaustion." "We just looked at one another." "Hana's eyes would erratically dart between my face and the cock sitting between her legs, while I enjoyed the incredible view of her tits bouncing up and down." "My mind invariably wandered to what it would feel like to be inside her. How tight she would feel, how needily her cunni would clamp down on my dick after a year of sexual starvation." mc "Ah, H-hana!" "I called out like a girl, the words reflexively forming and leaving my lips in an instant." scene hanarub1_a with dissolve show Hanarub1 hana "Heh, I wonder if Goldilocks is hearing any of this?" mc "Keep it down then!" hana "Heh, maybe she's lying down there. Pretending to be asleep." scene w2_0771 with dissolve hana "Maybe she's touching herself...♥ Does that excite you even more?" scene w2_0772 with dissolve "Hana was becoming more and more cocksure with herself." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her the thought DOES excite you even more.:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 mc "Fuck yeah, it does." scene w2_0771 with dissolve hana "I know, right? Mmh... it's easy to see... despite how cute she acts, she's horny as hell." hana "I bet you want to teach her a few things, don't you? Put your hands on your best friend's girlfriend." scene w2_0772 with dissolve mc "...ooohm, n-no comment..." KN_MOD "Tell her you think the thought excites her more than you.:" mc "I think the thought turns you on more than me, you dirty slut." scene w2_0771 with dissolve hana "Mmmh... can't say it wouldn't be... interesting to teach her a few things...♥" hana "She's just so adorable... makes me want to... bully her...!" KN_MOD "Tell her you just want to focus on you and her.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w2_0788 with dissolve mc "Right now... I just want to focus on me and you, Hana." mc "You're b-beautiful..." scene w2_0771 with dissolve hana "Nngh...ah, mmh...♥ Y-yeah, I am..." scene w2_0788 with dissolve "Despite her words, she looked pleased to hear it." scene hanarub1_a with dissolve show Hanarub1 "Hana picked up the pace, almost painfully so. The already uneven movements of her hips went feverishly erratic." hana "[mcf]...!" "Her panties were {b}drenched{/b} at this point, coated in a mixture of both our love juices. Her lower lips were so plump with arousal that it almost felt like she was wearing nothing at all." hana "{b}[mcf]...!{/b}" "The closer and closer I got to orgasm, the more it felt like I was actually inside and fucking her." hana "{b}[mcf]...♥{/b}" "It felt like my head was taking in individual parts of her body all at once." scene hanarub3_a with dissolve show Hanarub3 "My eyes would dart from her sweat-lined tummy to the pendulous sway of her breasts." scene hanarub2_a with dissolve show Hanarub2 "They would focus on the source of the action." scene hanarub4_a with dissolve show Hanarub4 "They would even curiously marvel at the way her elbows bent and retracted as she used her body like a rocking horse." "Most of all, my eyes would always return to her face. The way she pursed her lips, the way it scrunched up in pleasure, and the way the pools of her eyes had swamped over with muggy sexual arousal. " "She felt like a work of art to me." hana "Oh damn, I love the way you're looking at me!" mc "Ngh...! D-don't stop...!" hana "You're close?" mc "Yes!" hana "How close? Tell me." "Our voices had mostly been quiet up to this point, but now it dropped down to a sensual whisper." mc "Really, really close! Keep going! You're about to make me--!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_0773 with flash mc "Eugh~!" "In a flash of blinding pleasure, my balls churned violently and forced a stream of white-hot cum out through the opening of my engorged penis." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_0774 with flash mc "--!" "Through half-lidded eyes I watched my ejaculate rain down on the would-be rock star's lower half, semen spattering her stomach." hana "Is that a normal amount?" scene w2_0775 with dissolve "After a few blurry moments, my senses finally came back to me and I took a second to admire my - or rather her - handiwork." "A beautiful woman dripping with my cum... it filled me with perverse satisfaction and gave me an even more perverse idea." scene w2_0776 with dissolve scene w2_0777 with dissolve "Wordlessly, I raked the tip of my index finger across her stomach, coating it with my spunk and presented it to Hana." scene w2_0778 with dissolve hana "Eh? You want me to...?" scene w2_0779 with dissolve "I answered her question with a nod." "For a brief moment, she looked unsure." scene w2_0780 with dissolve hana "Not gonna lie, that seems kinda gross, but..." scene w2_0781 with dissolve hana "Happy birthday." scene w2_0782 with dissolve "With a cute wink, she went above and beyond my expectations, guiding my finger into her mouth up with one unbroken motion to the knuckle." hana "Mmmh...~♥" scene w2_0783 with dissolve "Her tongue wrapped around the digit, lapping enthusiastically at the glob of cum." "It didn't take long for her to have it cleaned, but she didn't stop there." scene w2_0784 with dissolve "She made a show of fellating my finger, lewdly simulating a blowjob." "Sucking, bobbing, using it to probe the inside of her cheeks..." "The sight caused another swell of desire in me. I wished for that to be my dick." scene w2_0785 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" hana "*Pop* M'wah..!" "Hana concluded her stimulatory fellatio with an exaggerated plop." scene w2_0786 with dissolve hana "That was fun, [mcf]. Thanks for indulging me." scene w2_0787 with dissolve mc "Why are you talking like we're finished?" scene w2_0786 with dissolve hana "You want to go again?" scene w2_0787 with dissolve mc "You haven't cum yet." scene w2_0786 with dissolve hana "That's alright, I think--" scene w2_0789 with hpunch hana "Oohm...?!" "With a gentle, but quick push I put the rocker girl on her back." scene w2_0790 with dissolve "After the initial shock wore off, she peered up at me with growing need in her eyes." scene w2_0791 with dissolve hana "Alright... have it your way." scene black with fade hana "Hey, careful not to tear 'em!, you're cleaning it up with your shirt?" mc "Wouldn't be the first time." scene w2_0792 with bites "After playing a veritable game of twister with our limbs, I had Hana's sex completely exposed and in front of me." hana "Nnhee... your breath is... this position is..." scene w2_0793 with dissolve "I had Hana right where I wanted her, a firm hand on her tush and back arched like a whore." "The heat radiating from her twat was already obvious from this distance. I could only imagine how blazing she'll be to the touch..." mct "(Well, what am I waiting for? It's an all you can eat buffet!)" scene w2_0794 with dissolve "I dived right into it. No need for testing the water with a few half-hearted licks, no... I was propelled by the singular desire to return the pleasure Hana gave in equal measure." hana "Mmmh..." scene hanabuffet1_a with dissolve show HanaBuffet1 "No - I was going to return the pleasure she gave to me two fold." hana "You're not wasting any time-!" "Sinking my hands deeper into her fat ass, I used my grip to get just the {i}right{/i} angle, sending my tongue barreling into her opening with full gusto." "She was already so wet, primed and raring to go that it met little resistance on the way in." "Instead, she welcomed me fully. Her inner walls gently kissing my tongue, undulating like she was trying to swallow it whole." hana "Mmmh, mmhhh...♥" hana "That's... that's nice, [mcf]." scene hanabuffet2_a with dissolve show HanaBuffet2 "I thought the same too. It was heavenly being wedged between Hana's thighs. The sheer thrill of having such a headstrong woman practically bent over backwards in your hands..." mct "(Fuck, I'm so turned on!)" "Desire swelled in me." hana "Oh, [mcf]...!" "I intended to make the most of this chance. Who knows if Hana and I would ever do anything like this again after all?" hana "*pant* Ha... ha...!" scene hanabuffet1_a with dissolve show HanaBuffet1 "I would use my tongue to make these feelings clear to her." hana "Mmmh, ha... ha...♥" "I reached as far back as I could and then some, pulling my tongue back in alternating shallow and deep motions, probing and tasting every inch of her sex." hana "Oh, fuck I really did need this! Don't stop, please." hana "Don't stop until I cum, okay? Please?" "There was a heavy and torrid twang in her voice." scene hanabuffet2_a with dissolve show HanaBuffet2 "I wanted to scoff that she didn't have to ask, but that would needlessly get in the way of tongue fucking her." hana "Ohoho....!" "I could feel Hana unconsciously begin to rock her hips, her body trembling in my hands." "I scraped and I scraped, I teased, I licked, I caressed, grazed, fondled her all with my mouth." hana "Ehehe...!" scene hanabuffet1_a with dissolve show HanaBuffet1 "I intermittently changed my focus, switching between her love tunnel and giving the engorged, pearly pink nub the attention it deserved." hana "F-fuck me, that's...!" "Her clit was fully out of its hood and I used everything in my toolbox to tease it. Tongue, nose, even going so far as to graze it ever-so-slightly with my teeth." scene w2_0800 with dissolve hana "Emmh-♥" "Hana chomped down on her hand, using it as a makeshift gag to stifle her moans. A conscientious effort that I appreciated, given Ian and Mina were not 20 feet away downstairs." "The thought was a salacious one, wasn't it?" "My sex-addled lizard brain wanted to imagine the bubbly blonde knuckle deep in her own snatch listening to us go at it. Of course, that was just a fantasy, but still..." mct "(That's so hot...!)" scene hanabuffet3_a with dissolve show HanaBuffet3 hana "Mmmfhh-!" "With a violent jerk, Hana arched her back even further, wrapping her legs around my head and clamping down to pull me even impossibly deeper into her snatch." hana "C-chhmhm-!" hana "C-chhmhm-! C-chhmhm-!" mct "(She's close!)" "I extended and twisted my tongue to the point of soreness, spurred on by knowing how close she was." "At a certain point, all thought disappeared from my head. It was just strenuous focus on a singular task." "I was no longer [mcf], the student." hana "Gh..mmmffh...! Mffhh...!♥" "I was [mcf], the tongue." scene w2_0801 with vpunch hana "Nggghh......!!!!♥" "Hana clamped down around my neck even tighter, cutting off my airflow and signaling with gusto the arrival of her orgasm." mc "Ghmm-!" "Equally, the inner walls of her love hole tugged at the length of my tongue, squeezing and massaging the wiry, slimy muscle like it was a cock to be milked." "Just for a moment, breathing on both of our sides ceased - Hana in the throes of sexual release and me, head crushed between the rocker girl's pale thighs." scene w2_0802 with dissolve hana "Geh...!" "Just like that it was over." "A sudden, short, and sharp orgasm and Hana released me from her hold." "Breathing resumed. On both of our ends." "Erratic, short, soft breaths." hana "Good o-one, [mcf]. That was...." hana "Awesome." scene black with fade mc "C'mere you..." show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_0804 with fade hana "Mmmh, cuddles..." scene w2_0803 with dissolve "Pulling her close so we could share in a collected post-coital bliss, Hana snuggled next to me." scene w2_0805 with dissolve mc "Didn't take you for the type." scene w2_0806 with dissolve hana "Eh? EVERYONE loves cuddling, numbskull." scene w2_0805 with dissolve mc "That's not true. Try to picture Mrs. Pulman..." scene w2_0807 with dissolve hana "First of all, gross." hana "Secondly... anyone who's NOT a vampire likes to cuddle." "She rubbed her face into my chest like some kind of cat." scene w2_0804 with dissolve hana "Let's stay like this awhile, please..." scene w2_0805 with dissolve mc "Yeah, of course..." mc "Is everything okay with you?" scene w2_0806 with dissolve hana "Why do you ask?" scene w2_0805 with dissolve mc "Just felt like the question to ask." scene w2_0804 with dissolve hana "Mmmh... yeah, I'm fine. Just the usual stress in my life." scene w2_0805 with dissolve mc "Want to tell me about it?" scene w2_0804 with dissolve hana "Not right now, but... maybe later?" scene w2_0805 with dissolve mc "I'd be happy to hear it." scene w2_0804 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 hana "...thanks, [mcf]." scene w2_0803 with dissolve "Just like that, we fell into a comfortable silence." "So comfortable that..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2HanaBDGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2HanaBDGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "........." mc "......." hana "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2June08Start" KN_MOD "label w2June08Start:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/page-turn.wav" scene titlecard_base with blinds $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" scene titlecard_week2 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene titlecard_week2full with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene w2_0808 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Why do I have to apologize? They had him pinned on the ground!" scene w2_0809 with dissolve vic "It's good that you wanted to stand up for your friend, but there's such a thing as a disproportionate response. Do you know what that means, [mcf]?" scene w2_0810 with dissolve mc "Ummm..." scene w2_0811 with dissolve vic "That's okay. It's a big word, isn't it?" vic "Let's say I grounded you for a month and took away your TV privileges for chewing with your mouth open. How would that make you feel?" scene w2_0812 with dissolve mc "Angry..." scene w2_0813 with dissolve vic "Exactly. It wouldn't be fair. The punishment doesn't fit the crime." vic "Do you see what I'm getting at? A rock is a dangerous weapon, it can seriously hurt or kill someone." vic "You're lucky that boy only needed a few stitches and that his father is a reasonable man, but you've got to go to his house and apologize in person." scene w2_0808 with dissolve mc "But, mom... I don't FEEL sorry about it. It even felt good to--" scene w2_0809 with dissolve vic "I know, and that's something you and I will work on together, but for now you need to at least pretend you're sorry." scene w2_0808 with dissolve mc "You want me to lie?" scene w2_0809 with dissolve vic "You've got to pretend. I know it's not something a good mother would say, but it's the only way to keep the school out of it. You could get expelled." scene w2_0808 with dissolve mc "I understand. I'll do it." scene w2_0814 with dissolve vic "Thank you, [mcf]." "..." scene w2_0815 with dissolve mc "Ummm, Mom..." scene w2_0816 with dissolve vic "Yes, dear?" scene w2_0817 with dissolve mc "Am I bad person if I liked hitting him?" scene w2_0818 with dissolve vic "[mcf]... that's..." scene w2_0819 with dissolve vic "A person can't help how they feel. What they can control is what they choose to do." scene w2_0820 with dissolve vic "Your heart was in the right place in wanting to help Ian. That's one of the things I love the most about you." vic "Your father was the same way with his nonprofit work. It's just... if there's no adults around to help you, use your... fists?" scene w2_0817 with dissolve mc "So punching them is not a disproportionate response?" scene w2_0821 with dissolve vic "{size=-10}Oh god, I'm so bad at this...{/size=-10}" scene w2_0822 with dissolve mc "Okay, I'll punch them next time." scene w2_0819 with dissolve vic "No, I didn't mean-- mmmg, o-only if there isn't an adult to help and it's your only option!" scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w2_0823 with sunshine mc "Mmmh..." $ date = "june08day" show june08day with squares "The morning rolled around in an unexpectedly quiet way for having three house guests." scene w2_0824 with dissolve "My eyes opened on their own, not pried open by any commotion or noise." scene w2_0825 with dissolve $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaFriendFlag == True:" $ history_hana = "Along with Ian and Mina, Hana crashed at my place following my birthday party. We shared a bed and she got more than a little amorous, but I turned her down. I'm unsure if I want to go down that route with her." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" $ history_hana = "Along with Ian and Mina, Hana crashed at my place following my birthday party. We shared a bed and one thing led to another..." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == False:" $ history_hana = "Along with Ian and Mina, Hana crashed at my place following my birthday party. We shared a bed and had a good night's sleep." mct "(Hana must already be up.)" scene w2_0826 with fade mct "(...or maybe she's already left?)" mct "(Ian and Mina are nowhere in sight, either.)" $, 2, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/shower.wav" scene w2_0827 with fade mct "(Well, at least one of them is in the shower.)" mct "(I'd be surprised if it was all three...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mct "(Whoever it is, will be greeted with a hot cup of coffee when they get out.)" "......" "..." scene w2_0828 with fade mct "(...oh?)" stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "It seems Ian left me a text message while I slept." "It read: \"I wanted to give you two lovebirds some space, so Mina and I split. Just don't forget your weekly meeting with Kat today." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" mct "(Oh, give me a break...)" KN_MOD "if hanaFriendFlag == True:" mct "(Oh, give me a break...)" mct "(He misunderstood things.)" KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == False:" mct "(Oh, give me a break...)" mct "(He's still misunderstanding things...)" $, 2, channel = "ambient") mct "(Right though, it is Monday. Which means I need to be at the Club by noon.)" mct "(It's when we all learn what the week's theme will be.)" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_0829 with dissolve play music "music/that-one-bar-scene.ogg" hana "*yawn* Moooorning." scene w2_0830 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "Hey. I made some coffee. Take it." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Hey. I made some coffee. Want some?" scene w2_0831 with dissolve hana "I used some of your body wash, I hope you don't mind." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_0835 with dissolve hana "Definitely needed it after the mess we made." scene w2_0833 with dissolve mc "Heh, yeah... of course I don't mind. Did you sleep well?" KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_0834 with dissolve hana "Hehehe, after what you did to me last night, what do you think?" hana "Thanks for the coffee." KN_MOD "if hanaFriendFlag == True:" scene w2_0835 with dissolve hana "Like a baby. Last night was... nice." hana "Thanks for the coffee." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == False:" scene w2_0835 with dissolve hana "Yep, all good. Thanks for letting me use your bed." scene w2_0833 with dissolve mc "I was just being a good host like I was taught." scene w2_0835 with dissolve hana "Thanks for the coffee too." scene w2_0836 with dissolve mc "Y'know, Miss Rhodes... you're quite the polite young woman." scene w2_0837 with dissolve hana "Oh, shut up. Did you take me for some sort of ingrate?" scene w2_0838 with dissolve mc "You do cultivate a certain persona..." scene w2_0839 with dissolve hana "Okay, well fuck you for the coffee then." scene w2_0840 with dissolve mc "That's more like it." scene w2_0841 with dissolve hana "..." "Hana looked down at her coffee as if suddenly lost in thought." mc "Is everything okay?" KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_0842 with dissolve hana "Yeah, it is, you're not going to be weird about this going forward, right?" scene w2_0841 with dissolve mc "Are you asking if I think you're my girlfriend now? Don't be silly." scene w2_0843 with dissolve hana "Oh? Would that be silly?" scene w2_0844 with dissolve "She had a blank expression that was hard to read." mc "No, it's just I know we were both just a little drunk and horny." scene w2_0843 with dissolve hana "Actually, I don't normally do that even if I'm shitfaced. I'm usually a more traditional kind of girl..." KN_MOD "if hanaFriendFlag == True:" scene w2_0842 with dissolve hana "Yeah, uh... I just hope you don't think I'm a weirdo for what I tried to do last night." scene w2_0841 with dissolve hana "..." "A thick silence hung in the air between us as I considered my words." scene w2_0844 with dissolve mc "Hey, not at all... I just hope you're not insulted I turned you down." scene w2_0843 with dissolve hana "No, I get it. I don't usually just throw myself at someone I know a few weeks. I'm actually a more traditional kind of girl..." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w2_0842 with dissolve hana "I owe that to being raised by a woman like my mom I guess." scene w2_0841 with dissolve mc "Would you tell me a little about her? I'm a bit curious, given our similar childhoods." scene w2_0843 with dissolve hana "I guess I wouldn't mind talking about her, but it's kind of a bummer for morning coffee. You sure you want to hear it?" scene w2_0844 with dissolve "I gave Hana the go-ahead to talk my ear off with a nod." scene w2_0845 with dissolve hana "Okay..." scene w2_0847 with dissolve hana "You remember what I said about August and her sickness?" scene w2_0846 with dissolve mc "You said she had a neurodegenerative disease, right?" scene w2_0847 with dissolve hana "Uh huh. Huntington's. You know anything about it?" scene w2_0836 with dissolve mc "A little..." scene w2_0846 with dissolve "Huntington's disease was a terrible thing, but the most sobering and pressing thing about it at this very moment was..." scene w2_0848 with dissolve hana "..." mc "Do you have...?" scene w2_0849 with dissolve hana "No, thank god. I got lucky. Fifty fifty shot of her passing down the gene and it missed me. It's about the only thing I'm thankful to August for." scene w2_0848 with dissolve "Hana continued to stare a hole in the surface of her drink, before looking up and smiling at me." scene w2_0834 with dissolve hana "That part is kind of funny in a cosmic, fucked up \"God laughs\" sort of way." scene w2_0833 with dissolve "All I did was simply return her smile. No doubt she'd heard the usual platitudes in droves. Stuff like \"I can't imagine what you're going through\" or something else as equally vacant." scene w2_0836 with dissolve mc "How bad is she?" scene w2_0837 with dissolve hana "She had her first onset of symptoms in her mid 30s. Some coordination loss, depression, irritability..." hana "It got bad a year and a half ago. Difficulty walking, memory loss, trouble speaking... that's when she had to get live-in care. I couldn't cut it by myself anymore." scene w2_0838 with dissolve mc "That's what August pays for?" scene w2_0847 with dissolve hana "Among other things. He takes care of some of her other bills too." scene w2_0846 with dissolve mc "Does she know?" scene w2_0837 with dissolve hana "Fuck, no. She'd absolutely refuse his help - which I get, trust me, but there's also being pragmatic." hana "Do you think I'm wrong to hide that from her?" scene w2_0838 with dissolve mc "No. You should do what you've got to do to keep her comfortable and make things easier for you." scene w2_0850 with dissolve hana "Thanks. That's what Jerrica says too, but it's more convincing coming from a person who hasn't pushed a car into a lake to defend my honor." scene w2_0851 with dissolve "I raised a curious eyebrow." scene w2_0852 with dissolve hana "Hehe, yeah. She's my ride-or-die bitch. Maybe I'll tell you about it later?" scene w2_0851 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'd like to hear THAT story." scene w2_0853 with dissolve hana "She's usually all \"fuck what she wants\", but she's blinded by her concern for me." hana "I don't think she fathoms how scary it must be to slowly lose your ability to walk or the sheer terror and confusion at not being able to speak sometimes." scene w2_0851 with dissolve mc "Was that what was on your mind last night?" scene w2_0853 with dissolve hana "Uh huh, we had a fight about something stupid and small yesterday... oh!" scene w2_0854 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" hana "Please don't get the wrong idea. I didn't jump your bones just because I was feeling bad and you were a convenient lay." KN_MOD "if hanaFriendFlag == True:" hana "Please don't get the wrong idea. I didn't try and jump your bones just because I was feeling bad and you were a convenient lay.." scene w2_0850 with dissolve hana "I wouldn't just do that with anyone. I do think you're cool." scene w2_0851 with dissolve mc "You do, do you?" scene w2_0853 with dissolve hana "Ugh, that fucking look. I'm not saying I want to date you, it's just something clicked the other night after that run in with Warren and I just thought we could both have some fun last night." scene w2_0851 with dissolve mc "So I guess you don't mind if I tell people we're friends then?" scene w2_0852 with dissolve hana "I can live with that." scene w2_0851 with dissolve "Hana and I shared a moment of solidarity. I wasn't really sure of the path we were going down. Friend or something more, but it felt good." scene w2_0855 with dissolve hana "So, what's on your busy schedule today? Should I get out of your hair?" KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == False:" scene w2_0855 with dissolve hana "Yep, everything is fine. What are you getting up to today? Should I get out of your hair?" scene w2_0836 with dissolve mc "I have to be at the club by noon. There's a weekly meeting about the exhibition." scene w2_0856 with dissolve hana "Blech." scene w2_0837 with dissolve hana "What could you possibly need to meet about? You got graphs and pie charts about the number of times those old fucks cream their pants?" scene w2_0833 with dissolve mc "I haven't seen that so far, but it's still early in the month." scene w2_0836 with dissolve mc "{size=-10}Wouldn't be surprised, though...{/size=-10}" scene w2_0847 with dissolve hana "Noon? You don't have a car, right?" scene w2_0855 with dissolve hana "Want a ride? I've got to go in sometime today and speak with the old man. Might as well be then." scene w2_0832 with dissolve mc "Really? Yeah, that'd be great." scene w2_0857 with dissolve hana "Alright, then. Guess you need to get ready?" scene w2_0858 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'll take a shower first. Just make yourself at home." scene w2_0857 with dissolve hana "Will do." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Hana_Relations = "Friends" show relationhana with dissolve ".........." "......" "..." scene pr0042 with blinds play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" "After a trek up to the top, Hana and I found Warren in Jacob's usual spot." "The way Warren asked if we came in together bugged me for some reason." play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w2_0859 with blinds war "Meeting's in the studio this week, kid." scene w2_0860 with dissolve mc "How come?" scene w2_0859 with dissolve war "Head back down and find out." scene w2_0861 with dissolve hana "Is the old man in his office?" scene w2_0862 with dissolve war "As far as I know. Want me to check for you?" scene w2_0863 with dissolve hana "No, I'll just knock on the door myself." scene w2_0864 with dissolve war "I was hoping you'd say that." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" "With that, Hana and I split off and I made my way to the room where I interviewed Rosalind earlier last week." KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" "With that, Hana and I split off and I made my way to the room where I interviewed Felicia earlier last week. " KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" "With that, Hana and I split off and I made my way to the room where I interviewed Veronica earlier last week. " scene w2_0865 with circlewipe "In the studio, stood Kat. All by her lonesome." scene w2_0866 with dissolve kat "Good afternoon, [mcf]. You're right on time." scene w2_0867 with dissolve "Without even looking at me, she eerily greeted me by name as if she had eyes on the back of her head." scene w2_0868 with dissolve mc "Is it just me so far?" scene w2_0866 with dissolve kat "The girls have already arrived and are getting dressed as per my instructions. How are you doing today?" scene w2_0868 with dissolve mc "Pretty good actually, thanks for asking." scene w2_0869 with dissolve kat "I'm happy to hear that. Since yesterday was your birthday, you must've spent it wisely." scene w2_0870 with dissolve kat "One should celebrate their youth while they have the chance." scene w2_0871 with dissolve mc "That's right, it was. I had lunch with my mom and then spent the evening with Ian and Hana." mc "Speaking of which..." "The conversation I had with my mother yesterday struck me like a bolt of lightning and sparked a fit of anger." scene w2_0872 with dissolve kat "You suddenly look agitated. Is something wrong?" scene w2_0873 with dissolve mct "(Am I really making it that obvious...?)" "Whatever. Putting that aside, her trespass into my personal life wasn't something I could simply overlook. I had to bring it up and say something." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Calmly bring up her phone call with your mother.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "There is, actually. Your bit of subterfuge the other day with my mother." mc "What was that about, Mrs. Pulman?" "I swallowed my anger and delivered the question with a steady voice." scene w2_0874 with dissolve kat "Oh, that?" scene w2_0873 with dissolve mc "Yes. {b}That{/b}." scene w2_0875 with dissolve kat "Mmmh, you hide it well [mcf], but I can tell that underneath that placid expression you're angry with me." scene w2_0877 with dissolve mc "Yes." scene w2_0878 with dissolve kat "I love that look in your eye by the way. It reminds me of the suffocating silence just before a lioness snatches up its prey. You're not going to gobble me up, are you?" scene w2_0879 with dissolve mc "Can't you just answer me like a normal person" scene w2_0880 with dissolve kat "Sorry. You have every right to be mad with me." scene w2_0878 with dissolve kat "Your work for the club and private life are separate things. From your perspective, I had no business crossing the two all willy nilly like that." scene w2_0875 with dissolve kat "Please understand, I didn't do it to get a rise out of you nor did I expect it to be a secret that wouldn't get back to you." KN_MOD "Angrily bring up her phone call with your mother.:" $ w2KatAnger = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I was just wondering what business it is of yours to be calling my mother with some bullshit excuse." mc "What was that about, {i}Kathleen{/i}?" "I decided here and now that some transgressions fall outside the need for carefully considered, pro-and-con, calculated reaction." scene w2_0874 with dissolve kat "Oh, that?" scene w2_0873 with dissolve mc "That...?!" scene w2_0875 with dissolve kat "Mmmh, that look in your eyes..." kat "You're very angry with me, aren't you?" scene w2_0877 with dissolve mct "(No shit...)" scene w2_0876 with dissolve kat "Interesting." scene w2_0877 with dissolve mc "What is?" scene w2_0875 with dissolve kat "You look like you want to smack me and put me in my place, which is... fair." scene w2_0878 with dissolve kat "Your work for the club and private life are separate things. From your perspective, I had no business crossing the two all willy nilly like that." scene w2_0879 with dissolve mc "I think you just like toying with people and pushing their buttons." scene w2_0880 with dissolve kat "There is truth in that accusation. That's my job here after all, but please understand my phone call to your mother wasn't me twisting your screws." scene w2_0877 with dissolve mc "Why did you do it then?" scene w2_0875 with dissolve kat "I was turning over some rocks, looking to glean a little more about you." scene w2_0877 with dissolve mc "Was the background check you ran not enough?" scene w2_0881 with dissolve kat "You can only learn so much from a piece of paper. Hearing it straight from a mother's mouth has its own advantages." scene w2_0877 with dissolve mc "What were you hoping to learn?" scene w2_0875 with dissolve kat "Anything that could be useful in knowing how to motivate and manage you. Normally I wouldn't just come out and say it, but I'm well aware of how your mind works." kat "You do your due diligence in securing your own best interests, so I hope you would respect me doing the same." scene w2_0877 with dissolve mc "I'm sorry, but \"manage\" me? Why would you ever...?" scene w2_0882 with dissolve kat "Darius... the answer to your question is {b}Darius{/b}. The last person who had your job {b}blackmailed{/b} me." scene w2_0883 with dissolve mc "........." scene w2_0884 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." scene w2_0885 with vpunch stop music mc "--!" "A chill ran down my spine as my mind drew what felt like a foregone conclusion." scene w2_0899 with pixellate chuck "The lad who had your job before you, Darius, used to live here as well - before he suddenly disappeared on us, that is." scene w2_0886 with pixellate mc "He blackmailed you and just... \"disappeared\"?" scene w2_0887 with dissolve kat "Oh...?" scene w2_0888 with dissolve kat "Hahaha! Oh! Seriously?" scene w2_0889 with dissolve kat "I'm glad you think I'm capable of something like that, but no. I didn't say he {i}tried{/i} to blackmail me. He succeeded" kat "He up and absconded after he got what he was after. Basically, he fell in love and wanted to void an agreement we had with one of the whores." scene w2_0890 with dissolve mct "(Why was she telling me this...?)" "I traced the lines of her face in my mind, looking to discern what lurked behind her composure." scene w2_0891 with dissolve kat "A trifling reason for such a monumentally stupid action, but a lesson learned for me. A fool will always find a way to surprise you..." kat "As far as August and Chuck are concerned, he simply left. August would've overreacted if he knew the details of his departure." scene w2_0892 with dissolve mct "(Dealing with this woman was exhausting.)" KN_MOD "if w2KatAnger == True:" scene w2_0893 with dissolve mc "I don't give a damn why you made the call, just don't poke your nose into my family life." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0894 with dissolve mc "I don't care why you made the call, just don't go poking around in my family life." mc "As good as this job is, that's non-negotiable for me." scene w2_0895 with dissolve kat "One conversation with your lovely mother was enough. On the plus side, it did help me come up with a present for-" scene w2_0896 with dissolve fel "Got to say, Kat, you've got some interesting pieces in your wardrobe." play music "music/dancebroom-riddim.ogg" scene w2_0897 with wipeleft: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 4 yalign 0.3 fel "You wear this at home for Judge Hubby?" "Felicia made her appearance adorned in a mouth-droppingly skimpy..." scene w2_0898 with dissolve mct "(Is that even a bikini?)" "Whatever you'd call it, the small straps of embossed material that nearly constituted the entire outfit were tautly stretched across her torso, held up from the sheer shapeliness of her curves." scene w2_0900 with dissolve $, 0.5, channel = "music") kat "Wouldn't you like to know what I get up to." scene w2_0901 with dissolve fel "I'm sure you get into all kinds of freaky stuff." play sound "sound effects/cowbell.wav" scene w2_0902 with dissolve "*Clank*" scene w2_0903 with dissolve mct "(" scene w2_0900 with dissolve kat "I'm glad your sense of humor is still intact after the last exhibition." scene w2_0901 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel == True:" fel "Why wouldn't it be? I barely got to participate." KN_MOD "else:" fel "The second game was pretty rough, I'll give you that, but if that was only the first week..." play sound "sound effects/cowbell.wav" scene w2_0902 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/cowbell.wav" "*Clank* *Clank*" "A tin-like ring grew less and less distant." scene w2_0903 with dissolve mct "(Is that a... bell?)" play sound "sound effects/cowbell.wav" pause 0.8 play sound "sound effects/cowbell.wav" pause 0.8 play sound "sound effects/cowbell.wav" "*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*" scene w2_0904 with dissolve fel "I'm looking forward to hearing what's next." scene w2_0905 with dissolve kat "You won't be waiting long, since it seems the other two were on your heel." $, 0.5, channel = "music") scene w2_0906 with dissolve: subpixel True xpan -60 yalign 0.38 linear 3 xalign 0.14 mc "--!" "Where Felicia was risqué, the other two were equally ridiculous but in different ways." "From a glance, the three outfits had nothing else in common. If there was a unifying theme here, it was lost on me." scene w2_0907 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 4 yalign 0.225 "Rosalind, at least when compared to Felicia, wore a moderately modest bikini. The kicker was the cow print pattern and the bell draped from a leather collar around her neck." "Veronica wore an overly cute, obnoxiously pink set of lingerie accented with numerous pearlescent beads. It was, to say the least, totally incongruent with her fiery personality and Amazonian build." scene w2_0908 with dissolve "Both of them wore muddied expressions. Rosalind looked like she was trying to hide her unease, but Veronica set her eyes straight ahead, in an alluring mix of embarrassment and anger." scene w2_0909 with dissolve rose "Ngh... what was... wrong with the bunny costume?" scene w2_0910 with dissolve kat "Don't be so self-conscious dear. You look adorable." scene w2_0911 with dissolve kat "You remind me of the cute Holstein dairy cow we had on our ranch growing up. Mother gave her to me as a pet." kat "Unlike you however, she was wickedly smart. She was always trying to escape." scene w2_0912 with dissolve ver "I'm sorry you asked." scene w2_0913 with dissolve kat "How do you find your attire, Miss Lynch? I thought you could use a touch of femininity in your life." scene w2_0914 with dissolve ver "You're not going to get a rise out of me." scene w2_0913 with dissolve kat "Why are you blushing then dear?" scene w2_0915 with dissolve fel "That looks really good on you, Red! You think so too, right [mcf]?" "Jumping in to beat back Veronica's self-consciousness, Felicia tossed a question in my lap like a game of hot potato and brought me into a conversation I was happily staying out of." scene w2_0916 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness>=20:" mc "I agree, she looks smoking hot." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I agree, I think she looks cute." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection>=10:" scene w2_0918 with dissolve ver "Pssh, who asked you?" scene w2_0919 with dissolve mc "Felicia did." scene w2_0918 with dissolve ver "So she did..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_0917 with dissolve ver "Gee, thanks." scene w2_0920 with dissolve fel "So... We're all here then?" scene w2_0921 with dissolve kat "Not all. I sent Ian to grab me a coffee, but I can begin explaining this week's theme and then I'll tease your little \"side\" mission." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_0922 with dissolve "That last bit perilously stuck out like a sore thumb." scene w2_0923 with dissolve kat "Take a seat, girls." play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" scene w2_0924 with fade kat "Good. Now, this week's theme is a fun one... {b}shame{/b}." kat "Some people believe that shame is a social construct, a thing that only exists when perceived through the lens of a culture's mores and norms." scene w2_0925 with dissolve kat "Other people believe it's an evolutionary part of the human condition, an adaptive trait for a social, group-living animal." scene w2_0924 with dissolve kat "It has many other words: humiliation, indignity, disgrace, self-abasement..." scene w2_0926 with dissolve ver "We know what the word means." scene w2_0927 with dissolve rose "How is that any different from last week?" scene w2_0928 with dissolve kat "The difference is shame was the byproduct last week. This time it's the focus." scene w2_0929 with dissolve fel "What does that mean practically speaking?" scene w2_0924 with dissolve kat "You'll have to wait and see. If I gave you time to prepare, it would lessen the impact." kat "Now, where was I?" scene w2_0930 with dissolve mc "The two theories." scene w2_0925 with dissolve kat "Right! Thank you, [mcf]." kat "Now, speaking from personal experience, I'm inclined to believe the first theory. However, it really doesn't matter what shame {i}is{/i}." scene w2_0924 with dissolve kat "What's important is that in your training to become proper whores, you learn to {b}weaponize{/b} it. To use being ashamed as a tool to entice men." scene w2_0931 with dissolve ver "Oh, of course. That's totally a natural way of thinking." scene w2_0928 with dissolve kat "Sarcasm aside, you're right. Using your own embarrassment to your advantage is an unnatural thing, that's why over the next few days [mcf] and each of you girls will carry out a \"mission\" for our patrons' pleasure that will help that." scene w2_0932 with dissolve rose "I'm afraid to ask..." scene w2_0928 with dissolve kat "Just know that each one of you will be called upon sometime over the next four days to participate in a photoshoot. You'll be filled in on the details closer to each of your appointed missions." kat "Speaking of photoshoots, that's also why we're in the studio today. We're going to prepare a small photo album for our patrons." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w2_0929 with dissolve fel "I kinda figured as much." scene w2_0933 with wipeleft kil "Hey! Sorry, I'm late. They fucked your order." mc "You sure you weren't flirting with the barista?" scene w2_0934 with dissolve kil "Very funny." scene w2_0935 with dissolve kil "Guess I'm now the official gofer." mc "Sorry." kil "You kidding? It's great that you're here." scene w2_0936 with dissolve kil "So, you have a good time last night bunking down with our moody princess?" KN_MOD "if hanaFriendFlag == True:" mc "I think you're reading too much into it. We didn't do anything." scene w2_0937 with dissolve kil "Even if that's true, I still think there's something there." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" mc "I'll just say I'm glad you invited her." scene w2_0937 with dissolve kil "Hehe, you're welcome." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == False:" mc "You've got the completely wrong idea, dude." scene w2_0938 with dissolve kil "Eh, really? I could've sworn I was picking up on some mutual attraction thing." scene w2_0939 with dissolve kat "Both Mr. Beaufort and [mcf] will be photographers for this session." kil "Two is a bit unusual.." scene w2_0940 with dissolve kat "[mcf] will be acting independently for me later in the week, so this will be a good chance for him to get acclimated to using a camera. You'll show him the ropes, won't you?" kil "Sure, it's not too complicated." stop music fadeout 3.0 stop ambient fadeout 1.0 KN_MOD "label w2ShamePhotoshoot:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionkathleen01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_0941 with circlewipe "After a quick tutorial from Ian about how to work the camera, which basically boiled down to what some odd five buttons did, we were ready to start the shoot." scene w2_0942 with dissolve mc "Good to go. Should they start posing?" scene w2_0943 with dissolve kat "I'll let you direct the models, Mr. [mcl]. Instruct them on what to do." scene w2_0944 with dissolve mc "Me? Okay, uh..." "Put on the spot, I was at a loss on how to begin." scene w2_0945 with dissolve kil "Start with some basic posturing and go from there. It might give you some idea on how to continue." scene w2_0946 with dissolve mc "That makes sense." mc "Alright, girls let's get some poses going." $, 0, channel = "music") play music "music/six-days-of-heat-pt2.ogg" scene w2_0947 with fade "A few shots of the Carnations together seemed like a good way to start things off." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "You're looking a bit uninterested, Veronica." scene w2_0948 with dissolve ver "Sorry?" scene w2_0947 with dissolve mct "(Well, it is kind of attractive in its own weird way.)" mc "Get closer together like you're all best friends." scene w2_0949 with dissolve $, 2, channel = "music") "Veronica pulled the girls closer." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "That's good, maybe smile a little more?" scene w2_0950 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "One of the few times you can tell a woman to smile without being an asshole." scene w2_0951 with dissolve kat "What is this, a family photo?" scene w2_0952 with dissolve mc "Right. How about something more flirty?" scene w2_0953 with dissolve rose "Flirty...?" scene w2_0952 with dissolve mc "Just do what comes to your head." scene w2_0954 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "Hmm, something's missing..." mc "Veronica, why don't you strike a pose?" scene w2_0955 with dissolve $, 2, channel = "music") ver "Like this?" scene w2_0956 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "Perfect." scene w2_0957 with dissolve kil "We should get some solo action I think." kat "That's a good idea, Mr. Beaufort." mc "Alright, girls you heard 'em. Let's get individual shots. We'll start with Rosalind." scene w2_0958 with dissolve rose "Where do you want me?" scene w2_0959 with dissolve mc "Right where you are." scene w2_0960 with dissolve kil "That means you two need to get out of our shot." $, 2, channel = "music") scene w2_0961 with wiperight "Veronica and Felicia left Rosalind alone under the scrutiny of our viewfinders." rose "Hehe..." kil "You're the star now, Rosie. Give us something good." rose "Um..." scene w2_0962 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "Rosalind contorted her body into an odd, distinctly unflattering pose." "We were both inexperienced with this, but I was sure as hell glad to be on this side of the camera." scene w2_0963 with dissolve rose "This is no good... is it?" scene w2_0964 with dissolve "If I had to guess, Rosalind probably picked that up from our expressions." scene w2_0965 with dissolve kil "Something more sexy." scene w2_0964 with dissolve "She looked at me expectantly, as if asking me for more concrete direction." mc "Hmm, how about..." "One obvious route came to mind, given the theme of her outfit." KN_MOD "if toughness>=21:" mc "You strike a pose that shows off those \"udders\" of yours?" KN_MOD "elif toughness>=18:" mc "How about you strike a pose that shows off those beautiful breasts of yours? Seems fitting." KN_MOD "elif toughness<=14:" mc "How about you strike a pose that shows off your bust. Y'know considering what you're wearing..." scene w2_0966 with dissolve "Rosalind thought for a moment, before deciding on a pose." play sound "sound effects/boing.wav" scene w2RoseBoobBounce with dissolve $, 3, channel = "music") "Slowly she lifted her arms up, stuck out her chest, and placed her arms behind her head. The pose lent her already large breasts an even greater sense of heft." "I waited for the eye-pleasing jiggle of her breasts to settle, before..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "*Snap!*" mc "Perfect. Let's get a couple more. Sit down on the couch and use your forearm to cup your breasts." scene w2_0973 with fade rose " this?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash scene w2_0974 with dissolve mc "Even more perfect." scene w2_0975 with dissolve rose "T-thanks..." scene w2_0974 with dissolve mc "Same pose, but pull your bikini top to the side this time." scene w2_0976 with dissolve rose "Okay..." scene w2_0977 with dissolve "Rosalind did as I asked, exposing her pinkish pale bud." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "Let's get one last shot. Something with some oompph to finish off the set." scene w2_0978 with dissolve rose "What does \"oompfh\" mean?" scene black with fade mc "Do you have..." kil "I uh... I can run up and grab some." KN_MOD "if toughness>=21:" mc "Yes, do that." KN_MOD "elif toughness>=15:" mc "Would you, please?" KN_MOD "elif toughness<=14:" mc "No worries, I can go get it myself." "......" "..." rose "It's c-cold!" mc "Just bear with me." scene w2_0979 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness>=21:" mc "It makes you look like a proper dairy cow. What was the name of your cow, Mrs. Pulman?" kat "Clarabelle." mc "Alright, Rose. Do your best \"Clarabelle\" impression." scene w2_0980 with dissolve rose "That's not funny..." scene w2_0979 with dissolve mc "Smile!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "It really hammers home the motif." kil "Ten minutes behind the camera and he's talking about \"motifs\"..." scene w2_0980 with dissolve rose "The motif being that I'm a cow..." scene w2_0979 with dissolve mc "Sorry..." scene w2_0980 with dissolve rose "It is what it is..." scene w2_0979 with dissolve mc "Smile for me, this will be the last one." scene w2_0981 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "That should do it." KN_MOD "if toughness<18:" mc "Thank you, Rose." scene w2_0982 with dissolve kil "Who next?" scene w2_0983 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness>=21:" mc "Veronica. Get your ass over here." KN_MOD "elif toughness<=20:" mc "Veronica. Switch with Rosalind." scene w2_0984 with dissolve kil "You're really getting into this directing thing." scene w2_0985 with dissolve mc "Guess the feeling of being behind a camera does something to you." scene w2_0986 with dissolve ver "Is this where you want me?" mc "Yep, you've got it." scene w2_0987 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash kil "You've got modeling experience, right?" scene w2_0988 with dissolve ver "For some sports magazines..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash kil "A body like yours is made for showing off." mc "Put your arms above your head." scene w2_0990 with dissolve ver "This good?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash scene w2_0989 with dissolve mc "Now get on your stomach like you're crawling." scene w2_0992 with dissolve ver "Crawling...?" scene w2_0991 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "As insulting, fucked up, and backwards as Mrs. Pulman's thought process was for Veronica's costume, it was the obvious thing to lean on for the shoot." KN_MOD "else:" "As insulting, fucked up, and backwards as Kathleen's thought process was for Veronica's costume, it was the obvious thing to lean on for the shoot." mc "Yep, pretend you're a... defeated and humiliated warrior that's been forced to parade around in embarrassing lingerie." scene w2_0993 with dissolve ver "...okay." scene black with fade ver "Is this defeated enough for you?" scene w2_0994 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "Beautiful. Kat, would you mind putting a foot on her back?" scene w2_0995 with dissolve "Veronica glared up at me with a sour expression on her face." KN_MOD "if toughness<=20:" "I made sure to mouth a wordless apology." kat "Oh? ...sure, it'd be my pleasure." scene w2_0996 with fade kat "Is this to your satisfaction?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "It is. Let's expand on this concept some more." "The question is, who'll be the prop?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Continue with using Kat as a model.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Well, she's already involved in the shoot. Might as well conclude the shoot with her." scene w2_0997 with dissolve mc "Would you mind sitting back on the couch for me, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w2_0998 with dissolve kat "What are you thinking?" scene w2_0997 with dissolve mc "I just think you've been on your feet too long. They could use some rest and care." scene w2_0999 with dissolve ver "Ugh... let's get it over with." scene w2_1000 with circlewipe ver "Ggggh..." mc "You have it. Now hold that pose." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "Give it a quick taste?" scene w2_1001 with dissolve ver "..." mc "Last shot, I promise." ver "Mmh..." scene w2_1002 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Veronica begrudgingly slid her tongue across the sole of Mrs. Pulman's black stockings." KN_MOD "else:" "Veronica begrudgingly slid her tongue across the sole of Kathleen's black stockings." kat "That's a good look for you, Miss Lynch." scene w2_1003 with dissolve mc "Thanks for doing that, Veronica." scene w2_0984 with dissolve kil "Did I already remark that you seem to be really getting into this?" scene w2_0985 with dissolve mc "We'll move onto Felicia now." KN_MOD "Bring Ian in as the final model:" $ Killian_Bromance +=1 scene w2_1004 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Ian seemed to have a thing for Veronica over the last week, so why not let him be the model? Throw the dog a bone, so to speak." scene w2_1005 with dissolve mc "Ian would you mind stepping in as a model? I'll get all the shots we need." scene w2_1006 with dissolve kil "What do you want me to do?" scene w2_1010 with dissolve mc "Some sort of pose that says domineering. Your choice." scene w2_1009 with dissolve kil "Domineering, eh...? Hmm, I've got an idea." scene black with fade kil "Let me know if I'm squeezing too tight." ver "You don't have to worry about that, pencil arms. Just get the photo quick." scene w2_1007 with curtains "Ian positioned himself behind Veronica, one arm around her neck and the other pulling her back in an impressive limber display." "It definitely fit what I was going for, and deep down, there was something about the position that my lizard brain found pleasing. " mct "(Nice one, Ian.)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "Of course, this was all just a pose. Veronica could easily turn it around on Ian if she wanted." mc "Alright, now drop your arm like you just passed out." scene w2_1008 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash mc "Alright, I got the shots." mc "Thanks for doing that, Veronica." scene w2_1040 with fade ver "Honestly, a headlock is pretty low on the list of things you could've asked me to do." kil "Did I already remark that you seem to be really getting into this?" mc "We'll move onto Felicia now." KN_MOD "Do it yourself. Ian can get the shot:" scene w2_1005 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'll jump in and be the model real quick." scene w2_1009 with dissolve kil "You?" scene w2_1010 with dissolve mc "I've got a pretty good pose in mind. You can get the shot." scene w2_1009 with dissolve kil "Yeah, sure. Photographer, model, doctor... you're a real triple threat." scene w2_1010 with dissolve mc "Don't you forget it." scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "if toughness>=21:" mc "Open up." ver "Just get the shot." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You alright with this?" ver "Yeah, it's fine just get the shot." scene w2_1011 with dissolve ver "Mmmfggh..." "I stuck my finger into Veronica's mouth with one hand, while the other roughly groped at a breast." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Horniness >= 4:" scene w2_1012 with dissolve ver "Mmmh, oha!" "The idea was to make Veronica look like she was snared and in distress, but an ever-so-slight moan left me with a different impression." KN_MOD "if toughness>=28:" mct "(Is this slut enjoying this?)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Is she enjoying this?)" "Do I dare to find out...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Go a little beyond whats needed for the shoot.:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 $ VeronicaPentUp = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Yes, I was so very, very curious." scene w2_1013 with dissolve ver "G-ghu..!" "Setting aside any sense of propriety, I pushed my fingers deeper into Veronica's mouth and used my other hand to tweak her stiffening buds through the fabric of her lingerie." scene w2_1041 with dissolve ver "*Cough* *Cough* --!" with dissolve "The tips of my two fingers brushed the back of her throat, effectively deep throating them and causing her to sputter in surprise." scene w2_1042 with hpunch ver "Mmmh...!" scene w2_1014 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* You're supposed to be acting distressed. What's the matter?" ver "Eurh-beeing-twoo-" scene w2_1015 with dissolve ver "Ack-!" KN_MOD "if toughness>=23:" mct "(That was rhetorical.)" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You must be pent up." "I don't know what had possessed me all of a sudden, but I pushed my luck, prying the Amazon's soft pink tongue from her mouth and holding it between my fingers." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2VeroGrope with dissolve mc "You getting some good shots here?" kat "You're supposed to be posing, not molesting the model." kil "We're getting some {b}damn{/b} good shots here." "Veronica was totally blanking, just freely letting my hands dig into the pale speckled flesh of her breasts with nary a peep to the contrary. It felt totally unlike her." scene w2_1033 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "So much so that I involuntarily found myself softly stroking her head and massaging her scalp as if to comfort her." "Meanwhile, my other hand was up to something much more naughty. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds, completely engorged and just begging to be played with." "So that's what my right hand did, lackadaisically brushing its fingertips against the stoney protuberance, flicking and teasing..." scene w2_1043 with dissolve ver "Ah...♥" kil "I think I got enough though." kil "Did I already remark that you seem to be really getting into this?" scene w2_1034 with dissolve mc "Thanks for doing that, Veronica. It was all for the shoot." scene w2_1035 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness>=21:" scene w2_1036 with dissolve ver "The h-hell it was, you perv." mc "Hey, you seemed to enjoy it." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1035 with dissolve ver "The h-hell it was, you perv." mc "Hehe, no honest! Really!" scene black with fade "After taking a few moments to collect herself, Veronica fixed her \"clothes\" and scrambled off the backdrop." kil "That leaves Felicia for next." KN_MOD "No. Dont risk it.:" scene w2_1037 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Better not push it.)" mc "You got the shot?" kil "Yep, I think we're good." kil "Did I already remark that you seem to be really getting into this?" scene w2_1038 with dissolve mc "Thanks for doing that, Veronica. It was all for the shoot." ver "Not the worst thing you could've asked me to do." kil "That leaves Felicia for next." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1037 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Veronica did her best to give the camera a distressed, uncomfortable look. Not all of it was acting I'm sure." "Even if it was just pretend, it felt nice having Veronica in my grasp like this." kil "Alright. I got the shot." scene w2_1038 with dissolve mc "Thanks for doing that, Veronica." ver "Not the worst thing you could've asked me to do." kil "Did I already remark that you seem to be really getting into this?" scene w2_1039 with dissolve mc "We'll move onto Felicia now." scene w2_1044 with circlewipe $, 2, channel = "music") "Felicia was a natural, right out of the gate." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "Instead of waiting for direction, she quickly switched from pose to pose." scene w2_1045 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "No doubt from her experience helping out at Mina's modeling agency." mct "(Damn, she looked great.)" scene w2_1046 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "*Snap*" scene w2_1047 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "*Snap*" fel "It'd be a shame if you only got one side of me." scene w2_1048 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash "*Snap*" KN_MOD "if w1FelAss == True:" fel "I think I remember you saying you were an ass man, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" fel "I always thought I could've been in a rap video." scene w2_1049 with fade "After a couple minutes of continuous posing, Felicia was on the floor, looking hot and flustered for the camera." "Hand placed between her legs. Not masturbating, but it certainly looked like she was barely containing herself." kat "Ha! The slut got herself worked up just from being photographed." scene w2_1050 with dissolve "It occurred to me that as good as Felicia's portion of the shoot was, it lacked the same thematic punch the other two had. This week was about shame. Rosalind was dressed up like an animal and Veronica was wearing something frilly and totally out of character, but she was the odd woman out." "How do you shame an audacious woman like Felicia?" scene w2_1051 with dissolve kat "I have one last picture I want you boys to get of our star. One that'll surely be a favorite. I'll need to borrow your penis though, [mcf]." scene w2_1052 with dissolve mc "...{b}of course{/b}, you will." scene black with fade "It sounded like she was about to answer my question." fel "Where did you get that photo...?" kat "It wasn't hard, even if you and Elias don't have a social media presence." scene w2_1053 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman's \"choice shot\" was a twisted one. She had pulled up a photograph of Felicia and her husband on her phone and was now having the conspicuously silent slut wife hold it up like a placard in a mugshot." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen's \"choice shot\" was a twisted one. She had pulled up a photograph of Felicia and her husband on her phone and was now having the conspicuously silent slut wife hold it up like a placard in a mugshot." kat "You're a surprisingly private person, Mrs. Ford." fel "..." "I guess it was one thing to talk about it on stage, but holding up a photo of her marital life was another thing altogether." kat "Now open your whore mouth and stick out your tongue, pig." fel "Mmh..." kat "Did you not hear me...?" scene w2_1054 with dissolve fel "Aaaah..." "Felicia did as the old woman commanded, adding a not-so-zealous flourish to it." scene w2_1055 with dissolve kil "Got the shot. We good?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_1056 with dissolve kat "Almost, I wanted to get one last group photo." scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w2_1057 with dissolve kat "Yep, just like that. Hold out your hands, Miss Lynch." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" with flash kat "Perfect. Between this and what's coming later this week, our patrons are going to {b}treasure{/b} this set." rose "What's coming later?" kat "I already told you. That'll be a surprise." scene w2_1058 with dissolve kat "We're done for now. You two can go." scene w2_1059 with dissolve kat "Take that camera with you, [mcf]. You'll need it for when you're in the \"field\" later." scene w2_1060 with dissolve "Naturally, whatever she has in store for the Carnations I'll be dragged into." scene w2_1061 with dissolve mc "That's all? You don't need help cleaning up any of this?" scene w2_1058 with dissolve kat "That's okay. You boys must be hungry. Go grab lunch or something. I'll see you later." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_1062 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2ShamePhotoshootGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2ShamePhotoshootGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Glad to be dismissed, Ian and I parted and went separate ways." scene club-fr-day with blinds "He had some errands to run, which thankfully he didn't try to pull me into." mct "(I guess my day's wide open. What should I do with it...?)" $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mct "(Ah, yeah! Didn't Mina mention something about helping her rehearse for her TV gig sometime today?)" "I'll give her a call." KN_MOD "jump w2MinaLineReadingStart" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I guess I'll just do jack shit.)" "First, I made sure to spend a nominal amount of effort trying to think of something more productive to do... just so I could at least say I tried before arriving at my current lazy course." scene black with fade stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2June08Evening" KN_MOD "label w2MinaLineReadingStart:" scene club-fr-day blur with dissolve show mina-call with dissolve play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "{i}*Ring... ring...*{/i}" "{i}*Ring... ring... ring...*{/i}" stop sound mina "Heeeeey! Heh, I was just thinking about you!" smv "Who are you talking to?" "A soft-spoken question came from a tenor like voice on the other line." mina "{size=-10}A friend.{/size=-10}" smv "It's not your asshole--" mina "Hey! Only I can... {size=-10} call him an asshole!{/size=-10}" mina "Sorry about that, [mcf]." mc "No problem. I hope I'm not calling at a bad time." mina "Nope! Just sitting at home at the moment." mc "Well, I'm glad I'm not interrupting anything then. I was just leaving work and remembered you asked me to help you rehearse today." mina "Oooh, yeah! You actually remembered that?" mc "I didn't get that bombed last night." mina "Even still, I'm happy you remembered. Since I'm the one imposing, what time would work best for you?" mc "Uh, well... how about now?" "It sounded like she had company so I was a bit hesitant in picking that time, but I decided I'd leave the ball in her court." mina "Now works great! Where do you want to meet?" mc "Is your place fine? I bet I'm closer to you than you are to my place." mina "Sure, let me give you the address...!" hide mina-call with dissolve scene black with fade $, 2, channel = "ambient") "......" "..." scene w2_1063 with blinds "My hunch was right. Mina lived reasonably close to the city center, which meant it was a closer trek from the outskirts where the Carnation Club sat." mct "(Hmm... do I just let myself in? There's the buzzer.)" mct "(Ah, crap she didn't tell me her apartment number. I guess I should give her another call...)" scene w2_1064 with dissolve "As if on cue, just as I was about to reach for my phone, Mina came out her apartment building with a blonde boy in tow." scene w2_1065 with dissolve play music "music/happy-boy-end-theme.ogg" mc "Hey! Just in time, I guess!" mina "Hehe, looks like it!" scene w2_1066 with dissolve "Mina and company made the short jaunt past the stoop and down the apartment building's stairs until we came face-to-face." scene w2_1067 with dissolve mc "Who's this?" scene w2_1068 with dissolve "The boy stood sheepishly to Mina's side. Not quite hiding behind her, but he was clearly feeling pretty timid." "I immediately noticed the bruising and swelling underneath his right eye." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Warmly introduce yourself to the boy.:" $ Mina_Affection +=1 scene w2_1069 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm [mcf]. Nice to meet you. I'm a friend of Mina's." "The boy sized me up in a familiar, almost nostalgic way. Before..." scene w2_1070 with dissolve sora "I'm Sora. I'm Mina's brother." scene w2_1074 with dissolve mina "My little brother! Isn't he cute?" KN_MOD "Make a joke in an attempt to put the boy at ease.:" scene w2_1071 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I should see the other guy, right?" scene w2_1072 with dissolve smv "..." scene w2_1073 with dissolve mina "Aw, c'mon Sora. Don't be shy. He's a friend. Let me introduce you to [mcf]." sora "Hello..." scene w2_1074 with dissolve mina "[mcf], this is my little brother Sora. Isn't he cute?" scene w2_1075 with dissolve mct "(Mina and Sora, eh?)" "I agreed with her sisterly assessment, but I treated the question rhetorically to avoid further embarrassing him." mc "I can see the family resemblance." scene w2_1076 with dissolve mina "Hehe!" sora "Yeah, right..." scene w2_1075 with dissolve mc "I'm not interrupting family time, am I?" scene w2_1077 with dissolve mina "No. Sora was paying his lonely big sis a visit, but he has to sadly get going to violin practice." scene w2_1075 with dissolve mc "Oh? I'm not very good at it, but I know a little bit about playing a musical instrument." scene w2_1078 with dissolve sora "I'm not that good either. It's stupid, Mom just makes me take lessons... not like I'm going to use it for anything." mc "Hmm..." $, 2, channel = "music") scene w2_1079 with pixellate mc "This is dumb! Why do I have to learn this? I'm not ever going to use it." scene w2_1080 with dissolve vic "Not everything needs to be fun or immediately useful, [mcf]. Learning piano will help teach you a number of things that are important in life." scene w2_1079 with dissolve mc "Like what?" scene w2_1080 with dissolve vic "Well... it'll improve your concentration. That's one." scene w2_1081 with dissolve vic "It'll also teach you discipline and improve your listening skills, both of which you're in dire need of if the last teacher-parent conference is anything to go by." scene w2_1079 with dissolve mc "Mmmh... but it's boring!" scene w2_1082 with pixellate $, 2, channel = "music") mc "Hmm... stick with it. Not everything is immediately useful, but you'll be glad you did." "Sora looked at me dubiously, in the way only a teenager can." scene w2_1083 with dissolve mc "Sorry, didn't mean to lecture you." scene w2_1084 with dissolve sora "No, it's cool... I'll take your word for it." scene w2_1085 with dissolve mina "You need to get going, Sora. Have a safe trip." sora "Right, love ya sis." mina "I love you too." scene w2_1086 with dissolve sora "It was nice meeting you, [mcf]." mc "You too, Sora." scene w2_1087 with dissolve "..." scene w2_1088 with dissolve mc "He seems like a nice kid." scene w2_1089 with hpunch mina "You seem like a good judge of character." "Mina playfully punched my shoulder and flashed a proud grin." scene w2_1090 with dissolve mina "He's just ... going through a rough patch right now. More than I did at that age." scene w2_1091 with dissolve mc "Does that have anything to do with that black eye" scene w2_1092 with dissolve mina "He wouldn't tell me where he got it, but from what I can piece together, some kids started giving him a lot of crap this year." mina "Mom tells him to just focus on school and ignore them and they'll go away." scene w2_1093 with dissolve mc "That's... not how that works." scene w2_1094 with dissolve mina "Yeah, even I could tell you that's awful advice. She lives in another world." scene w2_1095 with dissolve mc "You should get Ian to talk to him. He might have some insight he could pass along." scene w2_1096 with dissolve mina "Maybe..." scene w2_1097 with dissolve mina "Well, you wanna come in?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 2.0 stop ambient fadeout 1.0 $, 1, channel = "ambient") "......" "..." scene w2_1098 with w20 play music "music/inner-light.ogg" "After a quick tour of her apartment, Mina led me to her living space." mc "You have a nice place." mina "Thanks, but my parents foot the bill. Not really anything to be proud of." mc "They may pay the rent, but all the warmth is your doing, right? Just take the compliment." scene w2_1099 with dissolve mina "Sorry, you're right. I just wish I could be more independent." scene w2_1100 with dissolve mc "This TV job is a step toward that, right?" scene w2_1101 with dissolve mina "Um hum, hopefully!" scene w2_1102 with dissolve mct "(This place looks just about how I imagined it would.)" scene w2_1103 with dissolve "It had a lived-in touch you'd expect from any person's bedroom, but there was a particular blend of cute and stylish that was distinctly Mina." scene w2_1104 with dissolve mina "Hey! You hungry? It's way past lunch and I'm starving." mc "I could go for something." mina "Great! You like sushi?" mc "Sushi would be great. I don't usually get the chance to eat it." scene w2_1105 with dissolve mina "Sit tight then, I've got a menu in the kitchen. I'll put in an order for delivery." play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_1106 with dissolve mina "Oh, and I'm paying for it. As thanks for you taking time out of your day. No arguments!" "She was artfully already out of the door when she added that last part. Not that I was complaining. Being fed on someone else's dime was a college student's pleasure." mct "(I'm not hurting for cash anymore though, I guess.)" scene w2_1107 with dissolve "With Mina momentarily out of the room and nothing else to do, I decided to take a closer look at the wall of photos that were definitely the centerpiece of her bedroom." scene w2_1108 with fade "It was lined with various memories of things that I'm certain were important to Mina." "Should I inspect any of these?" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" image BotHHover = "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2MinaPhotoWall_fix.png" screen BotHFix(who): if who == "BotHHover": add "BotHHover" screen w2MinaPhotoWall: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/exitphotowall_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2MinaLineReadingContinue")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] xpos 0.93 idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2MinaPhotoWall_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2MinaPhotoWall_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2MinaPhotoWall_ground.png" hotspot (7, 0, 628, 834) action Jump("w2MinaFashionShow") hotspot (1078, 153, 411, 575) action Jump("w2MinaFamilyPhoto") hotspot (652, 440, 409, 500) action Jump("w2MinaGlamourMagazine") hotspot (1080, 720, 174, 214) action Jump("w2MinaMinaDad") hotspot (1248, 727, 174, 207) action Jump("w2MinaKillian") hotspot (1501, 416, 362, 279) clicked Jump("w2MinaBridesOfTheHunt") hovered ShowTransient("BotHFix",who="BotHHover") unhovered Hide ("BotHFix") hotspot (1485, 209, 148, 191) action Jump("w2MinaArchery") hotspot (1641, 175, 211, 235) action Jump("w2ExJuliet") label w2MinaPhotoWall: show black hide mina-room-wall blur hide mina-family hide mina-archery hide mina-both hide mina-dad hide mina-juliet hide mina-killian hide mina-magazine hide w2_1108 KN_MOD "call screen w2MinaPhotoWall with dissolve" KN_MOD "label w2MinaFashionShow:" show w2_1108 KN_MOD "if w2MinaFashionShow == False:" $ w2MinaFashionShow = True "It's a poster for a fashion show. Could be solely decorative or perhaps even a souvenir from something Mina attended." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(To be honest, I don't really get fashion. Not that I can't appreciate a good-looking pair of boots or an attractive shirt, but the artistic side of it is lost on me.)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" KN_MOD "label w2MinaFamilyPhoto:" show mina-room-wall blur show mina-family with dissolve: ypos 0.05 KN_MOD "if w2MinaFamilyPhoto == False:" $ w2MinaFamilyPhoto = True "It was a recent-looking photo of Mina, her brother, and a remarkably beautiful woman who I presumed to be their mother." "The photo reminded me about Mina's comment last night about having a \"revolving door of stepdads\", but they looked reasonably happy and not in a smile-for-the-camera sort of way." "There was a genuine warmth found in the photo that reinforced what I already firmly believed. Life doesn't have to be picture perfect to have happiness." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Then again, that's a wild assumption to make for a single photo.)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" KN_MOD "label w2MinaGlamourMagazine:" show mina-room-wall blur show mina-magazine with dissolve: ypos 0.05 KN_MOD "if w2MinaGlamourMagazine == False:" $ w2MinaGlamourMagazine = True "It's a magazine cover with Mina on it from earlier this year. Her hair is down and she's wearing a revealing set of white netted lingerie." "This must have been an important gig to her if she memorialized it on her wall like this." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(If I looked that good, I'd probably have a poster of me on the wall too.)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" KN_MOD "label w2MinaMinaDad:" show mina-room-wall blur show mina-dad with dissolve: ypos 0.05 KN_MOD "if w2MinaMinaDad == False:" $ w2MinaMinaDad = True "It's a picture of a blonde man holding an infant. While tired, he also looks incredibly proud and happy. He clearly loves being a father." "Maybe baby Mina and her dad?" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Whoever it is, that is a {b}fabulous{/b} head of hair.)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" KN_MOD "label w2MinaKillian:" show mina-room-wall blur show mina-killian with dissolve: ypos 0.05 KN_MOD "if w2MinaKillian == False:" $ w2MinaKillian = True "It's a picture of Mina and Ian, shoulder to shoulder. It's difficult to make out where they are, but it looks like they're on a date." "They look happy. I know they met during a photoshoot, but maybe I'll ask her more about it sometime. " KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I can't help but wonder what drew her to Ian in the first place and why she's stuck around so long.)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" KN_MOD "label w2MinaBridesOfTheHunt:" show mina-room-wall blur show mina-both with dissolve: ypos 0.03 KN_MOD "if w2MinaBridesOfTheHunt == False:" $ w2MinaBridesOfTheHunt = True "It's a poster for the fantasy television drama \"Brides of the Hunt\", displayed prominently on the wall. She must really be a fan of that show." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == False:" "I actually just caught that one recently too." KN_MOD "else:" "Maybe I'll have to check it out some time." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(These foreign dramas have really blown up in popularity.)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" KN_MOD "label w2MinaArchery:" show mina-room-wall blur show mina-archery with dissolve: ypos 0.05 KN_MOD "if w2MinaArchery == False:" $ w2MinaArchery = True "It's a surprising photograph of Mina and two other girls, each of them brandishing a bow." "They look happy, like they had just done well at an event." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(It looks like an important memory for Mina.)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" KN_MOD "label w2ExJuliet:" show mina-room-wall blur show mina-juliet with dissolve: ypos 0.05 KN_MOD "if w2ExJuliet == False:" $ w2ExJuliet = True "It's a photograph of Mina in what appears to be a stage play. A woman is cradling Mina in her arms, looking despondent." "If I had to hazard a guess, going by the costumes and from what's going on in the picture, I'd say this is an all-girls production of Romeo and Juliet." "It looked really high quality. Either this must have been a fairly large show or their costume designer was at least big league." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I wonder what it feels like to be in the spot light like that? I mean, I only have my recent experiences to go off of, but...)" mct "(I imagine performing a piece of literature probably hits a little differently than getting your dick sucked for the viewing pleasure of a room full of perverts.)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaPhotoWall" KN_MOD "label w2MinaLineReadingContinue:" scene w2_1109 with fade mct "(Hmm...)" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" mina "I just ordered us a variety platter. That's cool, right?" scene w2_1110 with dissolve mc "Works for me." scene w2_1111 with dissolve mina "What were you doing?" scene w2_1112 with dissolve mc "Just taking a look at some of the stuff on your wall. You keep a lot of memories." scene w2_1113 with dissolve mina "Oh yeah... hope you don't think I'm a smidge narcissistic." scene w2_1114 with dissolve mc "Why would I ever think that?" scene w2_1115 with dissolve mina "I mean, do you know many people who keep a blown up, half-naked photo of themselves on their bedroom wall?" scene w2_1116 with dissolve mc "I don't know. Did Ian ever take his down?" scene w2_1117 with dissolve mina "*Snort* Ha! Funny!" scene w2_1118 with dissolve mc "No, but for real, I'm sure you have a good reason besides vanity for every single one of these." scene w2_1108 with fade "For example..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2MinaWallMenu:" KN_MOD "Point out the family photo. if w2MinaFamilyPhotoQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 0 or w2MinaFamilyPhotoQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 2:" $ w2MinaFamilyPhotoQ = True $ w2MinaConversate += 1 scene w2_1119 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2MinaConversate == 0:" mc "For example, it isn't weird to have a family photo. That's your mom next to you and your brother?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "That's your mom next to you and your brother?" scene w2_1120 with dissolve mina "It is indeed. That is Mrs. Eiko Umeda HYPHEN Wright, formerly Mrs. Eiko Scott, and even more formerly Mrs. Eiko Adams. First of her names." mina "She's very beautiful, isn't she?" scene w2_1121 with dissolve mc "She is." scene w2_1122 with dissolve mina "Hehe~ people tell me I get my looks from her, so thanks!" scene w2_1123 with dissolve mc "Smidge narcissistic were your words, huh?" scene w2_1124 with dissolve mina "Oof. Using my words against me... that's mean! You play dirty, [mcf]." scene w2_1125 with dissolve "Mina and I shared a dumb look between us before she moved the conversation along." scene w2_1120 with dissolve mina "She's a great woman. We may butt heads sometimes over what's \"traditional\", but I love her dearly. She's got a generous heart." mina "Maybe a little too generous when it comes to the men, but hey..." scene w2_1121 with dissolve mc "Was this taken on vacation?" scene w2_1127 with dissolve mina "Yep! I'd always wanted to go to Italy and she surprised me last summer out of the blue. It took some convincing to get Sora to come along, but I wouldn't take no for an answer." mina "That photo was taken in Venice. No roads or cars, just canals... isn't that amazing? A floating city. It's like something out of a story." scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "That does sound peaceful." scene w2_1127 with dissolve mina "Yep, I had a great time. We all did, even if my brother won't admit it. You ever been to a foreign country?" scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "No. I've barely been out of the state. It feels like a small world sometimes." scene w2_1127 with dissolve mina "You have any place you'd like to visit if you got the chance?" scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "I don't know, I always thought that..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You would like to visit Iceland one day.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I always thought Iceland sounded beautiful. Volcanoes, geysers, hot springs... not sure about the fermented shark, but it sounds like a nice place to visit." scene w2_1128 with dissolve mina "Oooh, yeah! It really does. Hot springs, that sounds SO nice right now..." KN_MOD "You would like to visit Australia one day:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I always thought Australia would be neat to visit. See the Great Barrier Reef, see the rugged outback of the western parts, try the barbecue..." scene w2_1129 with dissolve mina "Mmmh... barbecue. Don't mention food to me, I'm hungry!" KN_MOD "You would like to visit Japan one day.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I always thought it'd be cool to visit Japan. See Tokyo and the sights, drive the country side, stay at an old inn and enjoy a hot spring." scene w2_1129 with dissolve mina "I always wanted to go there too. That's where a lot of my favorite dramas are filmed. Heh, I guess that's a pretty dorky reason..." scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "It's as good a reason as any other." KN_MOD "Venice sounded pretty nice.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You made Venice sound pretty nice. Seriously, no cars? That's sounds like heaven to someone who's lived in a city suburb most his life." scene w2_1130 with dissolve mina "No fair. You should pick your own answer." scene w2_1131 with dissolve mc "Nope, I still pick Venice. Sorry." scene w2_1132 with dissolve "A small moment of silence passed between us, before Mina deftly maneuvered the conversation back on topic." scene w2_1133 with dissolve mina "Do you see yourself traveling much when you get out of school?" scene w2_1134 with dissolve mc "I haven't really thought about it. One thing at a time. That's usually how my mind works." mc "Get into medical school. Focus on my studies. Become a doctor." scene w2_1133 with dissolve mina "You're a pretty serious person, [mcf]." scene w2_1134 with dissolve mc "Sorry." scene w2_1133 with dissolve mina "No, I like that about you. It's a good quality in a man." scene w2_1135 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_1136 with dissolve mc "Aw, I'm a man? Thanks!" scene w2_1137 with hpunch mina "Shut up!" scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "Anyway, it sounds like you had a nice trip with your family. Big memory, big photo." KN_MOD "if w2MinaConversate == 0:" mc "Nothing narcistic about that." scene w2_1128 with dissolve mina "Yeah, I really did. It was one of the best trips in my life." KN_MOD "if w2MinaConversate == 3:" pass KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "I'd like to hear about another one of these photos." scene w2_1127 with dissolve mina "Sure. It's fun to reminisce. Which one do you want to hear about?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1108 with fade KN_MOD "jump w2MinaWallMenu" KN_MOD "Point out the photo of the man with the baby. if w2MinaDadQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 0 or w2MinaDadQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 2:" $ w2MinaDadQ = True $ w2MinaConversate += 1 scene w2_1138 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2MinaConversate == 0:" mc "For example, who's that man holding a baby?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Who's that man holding a baby?" scene w2_1139 with dissolve mina "That's my dad and little brother." scene w2_1140 with dissolve mc "He looks pretty stoked to be a dad." scene w2_1139 with dissolve mina "He's great. He and my mom split when I was six and even though he lives in another city now due to work, he still calls me two times a week." mina "I like to look at that photo when we talk and pretend that he's here." scene w2_1140 with dissolve mc "He sounds like a good dad. What does he do?" scene w2_1141 with dissolve mina "He's an inventor or well, er... his official title is something fancy, but that's the word he always used and that's how I always thought of him. How about your dad?" scene w2_1140 with dissolve mc "He was a social worker for the state. My mom tells me he also helped grow this charity that supports the Morehead Hill's library. She speaks very fondly about that." scene w2_1142 with dissolve mina "Was...? I'm sorry." scene w2_1143 with dissolve mc "It's alright. He passed when I was little." scene w2_1144 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_1145 with dissolve mc "It looks like you get your head of hair from your dad, huh?" scene w2_1139 with dissolve mina "Yep, my brother and I both." scene w2_1146 with dissolve mc "Uh, this might be weird, but would you mind...?" scene w2_1147 with dissolve mina "Go ahead! I don't know what it is about pigtails, but you get used to people wanting to touch them." scene w2_1148 with dissolve "Taking the proffered pigtail in my hand, I lightly ran my finger tips over the flaxen strands." "It was incredibly soft and had a healthy, almost glow-like shine to it. She took good care of her hair, as befitting her profession, and most likely prided herself in it." scene w2_1149 with dissolve mina "You like blondes, [mcf]?" scene w2_1150 with dissolve "Mina looked at me in a teasing way, a few steps removed from her usual geniality." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Admit you do like blonde hair.:" scene w2_1151 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I guess I do." scene w2_1152 with dissolve mina "Ha! I knew it!" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w2_1153 with dissolve mina "Is that what's got you taken with Felicia? Hmmm?" scene w2_1154 with dissolve mc "Come on, we just had dinner one time. I'm not taken with her." mina "Really...?" scene w2_1155 with dissolve mc "Don't worry, I remember your warning: She's married, be careful." mina "Heh, that's good!" scene w2_1126 with dissolve "For just a moment, we shared in a comfortable silence punctuated by Mina's warm smile." KN_MOD "Tease her back. You like HER blonde hair.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Summoning my most dead serious expression, I caught Mina's eyes with mine and peered into them unfalteringly..." scene w2_1156 with dissolve mc "I like YOUR blonde hair. It's very pretty." "Mina's eyes briefly lit up for a moment, before..." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" scene w2_1157 with dissolve mina "Ugh, saying it so convincingly as a joke is cheating!" mc "You started it." scene w2_1158 with dissolve mina "You jerk." "She did her best to hide her grin, but I saw it." scene w2_1126 with dissolve "For just a moment, we shared in a comfortable silence punctuated by Mina's warm smile." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1159 with dissolve mina "That's... Ppft...! that's... Pfft...!" "She did her best not to burst out laughing, but failed." scene w2_1160 with dissolve mina "Hahaha!" mc "What?" mina "You just... pfft... you just said it so seriously! With such a straight face! It's funny!" scene w2_1161 with dissolve mc "Pfft...!" "Mina's mirth proved contagious and we shared in the laughter." mc "That was my best! Don't laugh!" scene w2_1126 with dissolve "The laughter eventually died down and Mina and I shared a comfortable silence, punctuated by Mina's warm smile." KN_MOD "Tell her you dont really have a preference.:" scene w2_1151 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Eh, I don't really have a preference. Pretty girls come in all different packages." scene w2_1162 with dissolve mina "Blah! You're no fun. I was teasing you and you gave me a serious answer." scene w2_1163 with dissolve mc "Heh, sorry!" scene w2_1126 with dissolve "For just a moment, we shared in a comfortable silence punctuated by Mina's warm smile." KN_MOD "if w2MinaConversate == 3:" pass KN_MOD "else:" mc "Would you mind telling me about another one of these photos, Mina?" scene w2_1127 with dissolve mina "Sure. It's fun to reminisce. Which one do you want to hear about?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1108 with fade KN_MOD "jump w2MinaWallMenu" KN_MOD "Ask Mina to tell you about the photo of her with a bow. if w2MinaArcheryQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 1 or w2MinaArcheryQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 2:" $ w2MinaArcheryQ = True $ w2MinaConversate += 1 scene w2_1164 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Do you actually know how to use that thing?" "I pointed at the photo of Mina and the two other girls, each sporting some serious looking compound bows." scene w2_1165 with dissolve mina "I would hope so. I was captain of my high school archery team." scene w2_1166 with dissolve mc "I didn't know schools around here had those." scene w2_1165 with dissolve mina "There's a couple, but it was more of a club than a sports team. We were student funded and the chance to compete didn't come up often." scene w2_1166 with dissolve mc "So... hypothetically, if you decided to kill me, how far away would I have to be before I had a fighting chance at escape?" scene w2_1167 with dissolve mina "I'm accurate up to 50 yards." scene w2_1168 with dissolve "Mina puffed up her chest in an exaggerated fashion. I'm guessing that was a respectable number." scene w2_1169 with dissolve mc "So, what's the story with that photo in particular then?" scene w2_1165 with dissolve mina "You're looking at half of the archery team there. The ones whose parents allowed them to travel out of state and compete regionally." mina "We had to provide our own transport, so the girls and I carpooled to the event. Just the three of us, without adult supervision." scene w2_1166 with dissolve mc "When was this?" scene w2_1165 with dissolve mina "Our senior year of high school." mina "Those girls are a hoot, I had such a blast that weekend. We don't talk as much as we should anymore, but I guess that's what happens after high school." scene w2_1166 with dissolve mc "Yeah, you go in different directions." scene w2_1170 with dissolve mina "Not you and Ian though?" scene w2_1166 with dissolve mc "Actually... we did? I mean, we kept in touch, mainly from the effort on his part, but until he got me a job at his Uncle's..." "I dug deep to remember our previous conversation about Dr. Chuck and what she thought it was." mc "...jazz bar, I'd say we were on the outs." scene w2_1170 with dissolve mina "The way he always talked about you, I figured you guys still carried on like schoolboys. You came up, like a lot. All his anecdotes involved you." scene w2_1171 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that's pretty weird, huh?" scene w2_1172 with dissolve mina "Hehe, sometimes I joked that he was in love with you, but now I think he just didn't have many friends." scene w2_1173 with dissolve "..." scene w2_1174 with dissolve "We both let that thought hang in the air between us for a number of moments." scene w2_1175 with dissolve mc "Well, there was that one time we promised to marry each other if we were still single when we turned 40." scene w2_1176 with dissolve mina "R-really...?!" mc "No, I'm kidding." scene w2_1177 with dissolve mina "Iknewthat!" mc "Sure you did, you dweeb. You looked worried!" scene w2_1178 with dissolve mina "Okay fine, you got me. Hehe~♥" scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "So going by your expression in the photo, you guys must've done pretty good at your competition?" scene w2_1129 with dissolve mina "Nope! We came fourth out of five teams. Any and all smiles was all us." scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "You don't look defeated at all." scene w2_1179 with dissolve mina "Going on a trip with friends was more important to us than landing center of target." "The look on her face told me she really did mean that." KN_MOD "if w2MinaConversate == 3:" pass KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1126 with dissolve "While I was here to help her prepare for her role, I was enjoying learning more about Mina." mct "(I'll ask her about one more thing before moving on.)" mc "So..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1108 with fade KN_MOD "jump w2MinaWallMenu" KN_MOD "Ask about her theatrical experience. if w2MinaJulietQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 1 or w2MinaJulietQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 2:" $ w2MinaJulietQ = True $ w2MinaConversate += 1 scene w2_1180 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Is that you performing Shakespeare?" mina "Yeah, an all-girl rendition of Romeo and Juliet. Would you believe I wanted the role of Mercutio? I got stuck with Juliet." scene w2_1181 with dissolve mc "You didn't want to be the star of the play?" scene w2_1182 with dissolve mina "Heck no! Juliet is a dumb kid who dies for a man she knew less than a week. Mercutio, on the other hand, is hilarious." scene w2_1183 with dissolve mina "He calls Romeo out on his bull crap and he uses his dying words to make a pun. That's way more fun than playing a love sick floozy!" scene w2_1181 with dissolve mc "Well, when you put it that way..." scene w2_1182 with dissolve mina "To be honest, I pushed hard for something other than Romeo and Juliet. I wanted King Lear or Merchant of Venice, but for some stupid reason Romeo and Juliet is tradition for an all girl's school." scene w2_1183 with dissolve mina "I would've {b}loved{/b} to play Cordelia." scene w2_1181 with dissolve mc "Doesn't she also die for a stupid reason?" scene w2_1184 with dissolve mina "No, it's a great death! Juliet dies for a stranger. Cordelia dies for her father. Even if he's a jerk, there's a world of difference in my book." scene w2_1183 with dissolve mina "I mean, she's cast out by King Lear for her unflinching honesty in the very first act and what does she do? She doesn't swear revenge or harbor any hatred for her father like she probably should." scene w2_1184 with dissolve mina "Instead, she proves her devotion by returning with an army and coming to his aid in the final acts. You could say she's unrealistic, but that's okay. Sometimes characters in stories should exemplify something bigger than ourselves." scene w2_1185 with dissolve "Mina's face was practically alight, animated by a surprising degree of enthusiasm. More so than her usual manufactured amount." scene w2_1186 with dissolve mc "You seem to really love this stuff. Is that why you want to be an actor?" scene w2_1187 with dissolve mina "I actually fell into acting just like I did modeling: it was something I tried out and just happened to learn how much fun it was." scene w2_1186 with dissolve mc "Heh, I bet a ton of struggling actors, whose lifelong dream it is, would hate you if they heard that. " scene w2_1187 with dissolve mina "Did you always want to be a doctor?" scene w2_1188 with dissolve mc "Always? Hmm... I mean I probably wanted to be a superhero when I was really young, but it was the first {i}realistic{/i} thing." scene w2_1187 with dissolve mina "That's fascinating how some people always knew." scene w2_1189 with dissolve mc "Oh? You find me fascinating do you?" scene w2_1190 with dissolve mina "Of course I do! You're a pretty interesting guy, [mcf]." scene w2_1191 with dissolve "The way she answered my teasing matter-of-factly, like it was an obvious thing, actually caused me to blush." scene w2_1127 with dissolve mina "Me? I've always struggled with who and what I want to be, but I think I've found it now. That's what you're here lending me a hand for." KN_MOD "if w2MinaConversate == 3:" pass KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1126 with dissolve "She was right. I was here for a purpose, but I was enjoying learning more about Mina." mct "(I'll ask her about one more thing before we move on.)" "So..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1108 with fade KN_MOD "jump w2MinaWallMenu" KN_MOD "Ask her about the magazine cover. if w2MinaMagazineQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 1 or w2MinaMagazineQ == False and w2MinaConversate == 2:" $ w2MinaMagazineQ = True $ w2MinaConversate += 1 scene w2_1192 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Tell me about the blown up, half-naked photo of yourself that you keep on your bedroom wall." scene w2_1193 with dissolve mina "Oh, you jerk!" scene w2_1194 with dissolve mc "I mean, you DID draw attention to it." mina "D-don't look so closely at it!" scene w2_1195 with dissolve mc "What are you suddenly embarrassed about? Didn't you think you looked good enough to hang it up on your wall?" mina "Mmmh...!" scene w2_1196 with dissolve mc "Heh, sorry! I couldn't resist. You seem a tad self-concious about it, but here it is. What is the story with it?" scene w2_1197 with dissolve mina "Ah, well... it's pretty simple really. Earlier this year was the first time I was on a magazine cover." scene w2_1198 with dissolve mc "That sounds like a big deal." scene w2_1199 with dissolve mina "It is...! Although, sticking it on the wall wasn't my idea. I mean, it is..." scene w2_1198 with dissolve mc "A blown up, half-naked photo of yourself." scene w2_1200 with dissolve mina "Stop using my exact words, please and thank you!" scene w2_1201 with dissolve mina "...but yeah, would you believe it was a gift from my mother? She never really liked me modeling, but the moment she saw me on that cover, she was very proud." scene w2_1198 with dissolve mc "What, she showed all her friends?" scene w2_1199 with dissolve mina "Um... yes, actually. It was really embarrassing. She even showed her pastor! Still..." scene w2_1201 with dissolve mina "It was also very reaffirming, you know? It felt really good! So much so that when she had it framed and insisted I hang it up in my apartment, I could hardly refuse her." mina "Not that I REALLY mind. Every time I look at it, I remember my mom's reaction and get that same nice feeling again. You have anything like that? That you look at and it reminds you of your feelings?" scene w2_1202 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." mct "(\"My mom's porn videos\", but it's not like I can tell her that.)" scene w2_1126 with dissolve mc "...I'm not really the sentimental type I guess." scene w2_1128 with dissolve mina "Hehe, that's okay! Not many guys are." KN_MOD "if w2MinaConversate == 3:" pass KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1126 with dissolve "Hmm... while I was here to help her prepare for her role, I was also enjoying learning more about Mina." mct "(I'll ask her about one more thing before moving on to the main reason I'm here.)" mc "So..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1108 with fade KN_MOD "jump w2MinaWallMenu" scene w2_1203 with dissolve mc "Ah, what do you say we finally get down to why I'm here?" mina "Sure! We can stop and have lunch when the food gets here." mc "Helping an actor rehearse is a first for me. What do I need to do?" scene w2_1204 with dissolve mina "Read from a piece of paper! Err.. well, a screen." mina "I have the script for the first episode right here on my tablet. I've got two scenes in it." mc "If I remember correctly, you said you were playing a student who's having an affair with her professor?" scene w2_1205 with dissolve mina "Good memory! Yeah, it's not a huuuge role, but I am playing adjacent one of the show's leading men." scene w2_1206 with dissolve mct "(Loving Days in Lafayette...)" scene w2_1207 with dissolve mc "Seems pretty tawdry for daytime television." scene w2_1206 with dissolve mina "It's television for bored housewives and aging spinsters. Tawdry is what sells." scene w2_1207 with dissolve mc "I'm reading for the part of Nick?" scene w2_1206 with dissolve mina "You are. Dr. Nick Rawlings, a southern gentleman, married man, father of three, and professor of history at Lafayette University." scene w2_1208 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/furniture-moving.wav" mina "He's sexually frustrated and has recently found his eyes wandering up co-ed's legs and down their shirts. " mc "That's... colorful." stop sound scene w2_1209 with dissolve mina "I'm playing Elizabeth 'Liv' Forester, one of his history students that has her sights set on him. She's pretty crazy." scene w2_1210 with dissolve mc "I see here the scene opens with me sitting down?" scene w2_1211 with dissolve mina "That's correct. The scene opens pre-affair, with Nick grading papers in his office after hours. He's trying to hurry and get home to his wife when..." scene w2_1212 with vpunch "Mina gave a cute bunny hop for emphasis." mina "I enter, a siren who'll stop at nothing to seduce and ensnare the good professor with her womanly wiles. Muhaha!" scene w2_1213 with dissolve mc "You're already into it, huh?" scene w2_1214 with dissolve mina "Just setting the mood. You don't feel like you have to match my energy or even act, I can work off of just a basic reading. Whatever you're most comfortable with, [mcf]." scene w2_1213 with dissolve mc "I don't know how good I'll be, but it could be fun. I'll at least try to give you something to work off of." scene w2_1215 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mina "Hehe, thanks! Okay, I'm going to go out in the hall. When I enter, that'll be your cue! You have the first line" scene black with fade "......" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "..." scene w2_1216 with curtains mc "We didn't have an appointment..." scene w2_1217 with dissolve mc "...did we Miss Forester?" scene w2_1218 with dissolve play music "music/together-with-you.ogg" mina "We did not, Professor Rawlings -- and call me Liv." mc "Can I help you with something? The campus is about to close down." scene w2_1219 with dissolve mina "I know, the building is almost empty. All the other offices are locked up and I reckon it's just {b}you and lil' ol' me{/b} on this floor." mc "That didn't answer my question. I'm in a rush to get grading done, so if you could just please tell me how I might help you..." scene w2_1220 with dissolve mina "I noticed something inappropriate in yesterday's class and I wanted to discuss it." scene w2_1221 with dissolve mc "Inappropriate? Yesterday was about generational conflict at the turn of the 19th century. What could you possibly have a problem with?" scene w2_1220 with dissolve mina "Oh, it wasn't anything to do with the lecture, Professor Rawlings. Not at all. Your lesson was simply impeccable, as always." scene w2_1221 with dissolve mc "What did you find inappropriate then?" scene w2_1222 with dissolve "Mina bent forward, pointing her chest square in my face as if she was leaning over an imaginary desk." scene w2_1223 with dissolve mina "The way you kept staring down my shirt." scene w2_1224 with dissolve show layfeyette-script with dissolve "A quick glance down at the tablet only denoted to leave a pregnant pause before the next line. I guess how I act out that pause is up to me..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2MinaDateSC:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Momentarily linger on her chest before looking her in the face. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 2 scene w2_1225 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Taking a second to consider how a burgeoning pervert might actually respond, I let my gaze linger on Mina's chest." scene w2_1226 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness <= 17:" "While her being in sweats certainly made things easier, her large bust crammed into a tight hoodie still made me feel like I was being impolite for staring." KN_MOD "else:" "Even though she was only wearing sweats, it was still an enticing sight thanks to her large bust being crammed inside the tight hoodie." "It didn't take much \"acting\" for my eyes to wantonly linger on her chest before delivering my character's half-hearted denial." scene w2_1227 with dissolve mc "That's outrageous. I did no such thing!" KN_MOD "Look away.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "While her being in sweats made Mina's pose less suggestive, her large bust crammed into the tight hoodie still made me feel like I was being impolite for staring." scene w2_1228 with dissolve "Naturally, I felt like I should look away." scene w2_1229 with dissolve mc "That's outrageous. I did no such thing." scene w2_1228 with dissolve "My delivery felt pretty flat, but then again, I'm not an actor." KN_MOD "Stare at Minas chest like a deer caught in the headlights.:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 scene w2_1230 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(I'm supposed to be playing a pervert, right...?)" scene w2_1226 with dissolve "With that in mind, I kept my eyeline firmly on her chest." "While her being in sweats made Mina's pose less suggestive, it was still quite the sight. Her large chest was crammed into a tight hoodie and shoved in front of my face after all." KN_MOD "if toughness <= 17:" "The civilized part of me felt averse to it, but I decided it was what my character would do." scene w2_1227 with dissolve mc "...that's outrageous. I did no such thing." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Momentarily linger on her chest before looking her in the face. {/color} if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaDateSC" scene w2_1231 with dissolve mina "That's not a very convincing denial, Professor." scene w2_1224 with dissolve show layfeyette-script2 with dissolve "The next line read: \"I don't care what you believe, it simply isn't true.\"" hide layfeyette-script2 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Forcefully deliver the line.:" scene w2_1232 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I don't care what you believe, it simply isn't true!" "Summoning as much conviction as I could muster, I vehemently denied the accusation as if it was actually being levied against me." scene w2_1233 with dissolve mina "Don't misunderstand me, sir. I said it was inappropriate, but I didn't say I was offended." scene w2_1234 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_1235 with dissolve mct "(Ah! Wait! I was supposed to stand up.)" KN_MOD "Stand up for emphasis.:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 scene w2_1236 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I don't care what you believe, it simply isn't true." scene w2_1237 with dissolve "Standing up. A total power play. That seemed to me to be the correct way to deliver the line." scene w2_1238 with dissolve mina "Don't misunderstand me, sir. I said it was inappropriate, but I didn't say I was offended." scene w2_1239 with hpunch mc "I'll tell you what's inappropriate, you coming in here and--" scene w2_1240 with dissolve mc "Ah, shit. Sorry! Are you...?" mina "I'm alright, just keep going. You're getting into it!" "She was right. This was kind of fun." scene w2_1241 with dissolve mct "(Right, um... where was I? Oh!)" scene w2_1242 with dissolve mc "*clear throats* Ah-um, I'll tell you what's inappropriate, you coming in here and making such outlandish claims..." "Mina's going to cut me off at..." mc "I'm a respectable--" scene w2_1243 with dissolve mina "Relax. Even assuming what I said was true, it's not like it's a crime if your gaze just happens to drop below a girl's neckline. Nor do I have any proof, nor would any take my word against the word of the esteemed, {b}respectable{/b} Dr. Rawlings." mc "Then why are you here?" mina "For a very smart man, you sure are dense, Professor. What I'm trying to say is... I {b}like it{/b} when you stare down my shirt in class." scene w2_1244 with dissolve mc "You do...?" mina "Mmmhum, I certainly do." scene w2_1245 with dissolve "The script called for another pause. However, Mina's next line read \"Would you like to touch them?\" but it didn't prescribe any direction before that." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Look down at Minas breasts.:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Logically, the Professor's eyes would be drawn down to Elizabeth's bust and then she would deliver the offer." scene w2_1246 with dissolve mc"..." scene w2_1247 with dissolve mina "Would you like to touch them?" KN_MOD "Let a hand languidly find their way to Minas waist.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "There was something about Mina's close proximity that made grabbing a hold of her waist feel natural, so that was what I did." scene w2_1248 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_1249 with dissolve mina "Would you like to touch them?" scene w2_1250 with dissolve mct "(Hmmm, physically rebuke...?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Push Mina away from you.:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 scene w2_1251 with hpunch show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's enough of that! I don't know what you think you're doing, but this is wholly out of line. Get out of my office, before I report your clumsy attempt at seduction to the dean!" KN_MOD "Forcefully turn away and point to the door.:" scene w2_1252 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's enough of that! I don't know what you think you're doing, but this is wholly out of line." scene w2_1253 with dissolve mc "Get out of my office, before I report your clumsy attempt at seduction to the dean!" scene w2_1254 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mina "Alright, Professor Rawlings. Have it your way. Just let it be known, I'm {b}very{/b} willing." scene w2_1255 with dissolve mina "If you change your mind, let me know with one of your pervy gazes. I'll come running~♥" scene w2_1256 with dissolve "Mina finished out the scene with an improvised wink." scene w2_1257 with dissolve play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" mina "Aaaaaand scene! Great job, [mcf]." KN_MOD "if w2MinaScenePoints >= 3:" scene w2_1258 with dissolve mina "You've never acted before?" scene w2_1259 with dissolve mc "Never." scene w2_1258 with dissolve mina "Well, you could fool me. You seem like a natural." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1261 with dissolve mina "That was good. You really gave me a lot to work with." scene w2_1260 with dissolve mc "Thanks." scene w2_1261 with dissolve mina "No, thank you. I have one more scene I'd like to run through with you. There's a few minor things in between, but it's all nonverbal. The teacher perving out some more, some dirty looks in the classroom..." mina "All of it amounts to your character finally succumbing to the temptation of a hot and horny co-ed and throwing his better judgement out the window." scene w2_1260 with dissolve mc "That makes a ton of sense to me." scene w2_1261 with dissolve mina "Did I make a convincing seductress?" scene w2_1260 with dissolve mc "I don't know about Professor Rawlings, but I probably would've fallen for it." scene w2_1262 with dissolve mina "Hehe, I'll take it!" scene w2_1263 with dissolve mina "If the next scene makes you uncomfortable, it's TOTALLY fine if you just give me a line reading. We don't have to emote it as--" play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" scene w2_1264 with dissolve mina "Oooh, I hope that's the food! I'm starving!" scene black with fade mct "(What happens in the next scene?)" scene w2_1265 with bites mc "Thanks for lunch." mina "Mmmh~dhont mhenthionet!" "The pair of us dug into the platter, an assortment of various types of sushi. Not a bad payment for a couple of hours of my time." scene w2_1266 with dissolve mc "Is this that place on the corner?" mina "Uhuh, it's conveniently close." scene w2_1267 with dissolve mc "It was pretty fun running through that with you." scene w2_1268 with dissolve mina "Oh, yeah? I'm glad to hear I'm not just sucking up your time." scene w2_1269 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >=20:" mc "Don't worry about that, I've got jack shit to do this summer now that I'm not tutoring brats any more." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Don't worry about that, I've got almost nothing to do this summer now that I'm tutoring anymore. " scene w2_1270 with dissolve mina "Did you not enjoy teaching?" scene w2_1269 with dissolve mc "Eh, well... it was a cushy job. It paid well, for what was basically just making sure someone's kid kept their nose in the books and grilling them on the material." scene w2_1270 with dissolve mina "...but?" scene w2_1269 with dissolve mc "It was grating dealing with the parents. That and most of them were just rich assholes that took a lot of things for granted." scene w2_1271 with dissolve mina "Life's too short, right? It's a good thing you left it behind then." scene w2_1272 with dissolve mc "Let's move away from \"don't likes\". What do you like about acting so much that you want to do it as a career?" scene w2_1273 with dissolve mina "Hmm... this will probably sound cliché, but it IS true for me." scene w2_1270 with dissolve mina "The thing I like best about acting is being someone else. I can leave indecisive Mina and her baggage at the door and totally forget about my silly worries." scene w2_1271 with dissolve mina "A lot of actors try and draw from their own personal experience to genuinely portray a character, but that doesn't work for me. I need to be in the moment, to get out of my own head and operate on pure instinct." scene w2_1269 with dissolve mc "So, acting as a form of escapism?" scene w2_1270 with dissolve mina "Maybe. I just wouldn't have fun if I had to do it inside of my head." scene w2_1278 with dissolve "I had always written off things like modeling and acting as vain pursuits, but to hear Mina talk about acting so whole heartedly with full pathos had me feeling a little foolish." scene w2_1269 with dissolve mc "I think that's really cool." scene w2_1274 with dissolve mina "Hehe~ thanks, Ian never wants to talk about work, mine or his, so it's nice that you asked." scene w2_1275 with dissolve mina "Oh, you got a piece of..." mc "Here?" mina "No, no... let me..." scene w2_1276 with dissolve "Mina got up close, bringing her dainty hand up to my chin and extending a delicate finger to wipe off the offending detritus." scene w2_1277 with dissolve mina "There!" mc "Thanks..." "I wasn't sure what it was about this particular moment, but I was acutely and abruptly aware that her and I were {i}alone{/i} in her room." scene w2_1278 with dissolve "She didn't NEED to do that, I thought." scene w2_1271 with dissolve mina "So... Hana was super cool. Are you two...?" scene w2_1269 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaFriendFlag == True:" mc "No, we're not. Why do you ask?" KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" mc "That's... no, not really. Why do you ask?" KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == False:" mc "No, nothing of the sort. Why do you ask?" scene w2_1270 with dissolve mina "With the way Ian pushed me out the door this morning mumbling about giving you two some space, I got the impression you guys might be... involved?" scene w2_1278 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" "Hana and I did fool around last night, but {i}involved{/i} didn't quite fit it." scene w2_1269 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" mc "Well, you're right about her being cool, but we're not dating. That was the second time we've ever hung out." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Well, you're right about her being cool, but we're not dating. That was the first time we've hung out." scene w2_1279 with dissolve mc "Yeesh, thinking about it, I've been single for a couple of years now." scene w2_1280 with dissolve mina "How come? Too focused on school?" scene w2_1281 with dissolve mc "Mmmhh... I guess, but it's not like I purposefully put it on the backburner. Meeting people to date just never happened for me." scene w2_1280 with dissolve mina "Ah... I can't say anything, up until 11 months ago, I'd never been in a relationship." scene w2_1282 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_1283 with dissolve mc "Ian's your first boyfriend?" scene w2_1284 with dissolve "That... made all the sense in the world, actually. THERE was my answer about why she's put up with his crap for so long." scene w2_1285 with dissolve mina "I w-went to an all girl's school, okay? It's not like I had a ton of options for normal romance growing up." mina "I did have a \"girlfriend\" for a couple of months, but that was just something the student body did for fun since there weren't any boys around." scene w2_1286 with dissolve mc "Don't get self-conscious about it. You're nineteen. That's not TOO weird." scene w2_1287 with dissolve mina "It's... not?" scene w2_1286 with dissolve mc "No. You just skipped a bunch of hormonal, awkward shit." scene w2_1288 with dissolve mina "Mmmh, Felicia teases me about it though." scene w2_1289 with dissolve mc "Heh, I wouldn't look to her as an arbiter of what's normal." scene w2_1274 with dissolve mina "Hehe~ you're right. She IS kinda a ho -- in a lovable way, of course!" scene w2_1290 with dissolve mina "Speaking of, let's finish eating. I've got another scene to slut it up in!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Hearing her say that with a pure-hearted smile was a detonative combination." "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w2MinaLineReadingPart2:" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w2_1291 with curtains "Just as before, Mina exited and re-entered the room to kickstart the scene." "As she had described, apparently between the first scene and this one, Nick Rawlings had tossed all professional propriety out the window through a montage of goo-goo eyed classroom flirtations." mct "(Got to get to the good stuff quick for the viewers at home, I suppose.)" scene w2_1292 with dissolve mina "You wanted to see me, Professor?" scene w2_1293 with dissolve mc "Get out of the doorway and come in, Miss Forester." play music "music/together-with-you.ogg" scene w2_1294 with dissolve mina "It sounded serious, is something the matter?" scene w2_1295 with dissolve show layfeyette-script3 with dissolve "Let's see... the script says to leer at her before moving onto the next line." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Lean forward in your seat and give her a look over.:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 scene w2_1296 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_1297 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 12 yalign 0.3 "Perhaps a worrying thought, but slipping into the right mindset came shockingly easy to me as I slid my eyes past Mina's shapely thighs and well-pronounced hips, up the flat of her tummy and lingered on her breasts to fully admire the view." "It was a proper and despicable eye-fucking, grimy and filthy, the kind that would not fail to send a shiver up someone's back. Man or woman." "It was a look that I would never, in my life, dare to make." mct "(Isn't acting great?)" scene w2_1298 with dissolve mc "I've noticed your attention drifting in class this week." scene w2_1299 with dissolve mina "Ehmm...?" scene w2_1300 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_1301 with dissolve mina "Line please?" scene w2_1302 with dissolve "Mina looked at me expectantly and I glanced down at the tablet." mc "Sorry, professor. I have just had a lot on my mind." scene w2_1303 with dissolve mina "Right, right... sorry professor..." scene w2_1309 with dissolve mc "When you're in my class, I require nothing short of your undivided attention." KN_MOD "Stand up and circle around, giving her a look over.:" scene w2_1304 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I decided to circle around Mina like she was a piece of meat." scene w2_1305 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 6 yalign 0.6 "Once behind her, I took in the sights, running my gaze up her shapely thighs and fixated on her perfectly round bubble butt." "The slight arch in her back would draw my gaze ever so often, and I couldn't help but see in my mind's eye a more exaggerated picture of Mina being ridden." scene w2_1306 with dissolve "It was a little worrying how easily I slipped into this sort of grimy mindset and I was glad she couldn't see the eye-fucking I was giving her all in the pursuit of a convincing portrayal." mct "(Isn't acting great?)" scene w2_1307 with dissolve mc "I've noticed your attention drifting in class this week." scene w2_1308 with dissolve mina "Sorry, professor. I have just had a lot on my mind." scene w2_1309 with dissolve mc "When you're in my class, I require nothing short of your undivided attention." scene w2_1310 with dissolve mina "That's the problem. I can't focus on the material when I've got my eyes on you, Professor." mct "(Ugh, who writes this crap?)" scene w2_1311 with dissolve mc "That's... unacceptable. We've got to fix that." scene w2_1312 with dissolve "Looking ahead a handful of lines, it looks like my character is going to be taking an active, borderline {b}aggressive{/b} role this time." scene w2_1313 with dissolve mina "How do you propose we remedy this problem, professor?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1312 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stroke Minas cheek.:" scene w2_1314 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Gently, I brushed the underside of my fingers against the supple skin of her cheek." mc "That depends on you, {b}Elizabeth{/b}." scene w2_1315 with dissolve "Slowly, Mina looked up at me, eyes brimming with anticipation, like a prisoner who was about to be set free." mct "(She's a damn good actor.)" scene w2_1316 with dissolve mina "Depends on what, sir?" scene w2_1317 with dissolve mc "We do this my way." KN_MOD "Grab Minas chin and look into her eyes.:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 scene w2_1318 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Taking care not to do it too rough, but still putting a bit of gusto into it, I forcefully grabbed Mina by the chin and leveled her gaze with mine." mc "That depends on you, {b}Elizabeth{/b}." scene w2_1319 with dissolve "Mina's eyes smoldered with sexual tension, challenging me with a dirty look that would give a lecher pause." mct "(She's a damn good actor.)" mina "Depends on what, sir?" scene w2_1317 with dissolve mc "We do this my way." scene w2_1320 with dissolve mc "This can't leave this room. You understand? The university has a strict no fraternization policy between teachers and students." scene w2_1321 with dissolve mina "Of course, my lips are sealed. Where~EVER you'd like them." "Mina's inflection dripped with sex appeal, one that perfectly suited the incongruency of Mina's innocent, sweet-looking face and her bombastic curves." scene w2_1322 with dissolve "She could easily have men at her feet if she wanted. The fact that she seemingly doesn't know that only added to her charm." scene w2_1323 with dissolve mina "Next line?" scene w2_1324 with dissolve mc "Eh, oh...? I guess I got lost in your eyes for a second." scene w2_1330 with dissolve mina "Oh..." scene w2_1331 with dissolve mc "Let's go back a line, please." scene w2_1322 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_1321 with dissolve mina "Of course, my lips are sealed. WhereEVER you'd like them." scene w2_1325 with dissolve mc "Elizabeth..." scene w2_1326 with dissolve mina "Y-yes, Professor?" scene w2_1327 with dissolve mc "You're a good girl, right?" scene w2_1328 with dissolve mina "If that's what you want." scene w2_1329 with dissolve mc "I need you to be serious." mc "I need you to promise me, Elizabeth. I'm a married man, this is nothing more than a fling. If word got out..." scene w2_1332 with dissolve mina "I am, Professor. Feel!" scene w2_1333 with dissolve mc "--!" scene w2_1334 with dissolve mina "Feel how fast my heart is beating, I'm very serious about this." scene w2_1333 with dissolve "Bereft of any hesitation, Mina took ahold of my hand in hers and boldly placed it on her left breast." scene w2_1334 with dissolve mina "I promise. We'll do this on your terms." scene w2_1333 with dissolve "The tips of my fingers all but clamped down, held back at the last microsecond by a snap response of ingrained civility." scene w2_1335 with dissolve mina "This is all strictly just a professor helping out a student with her problem." scene w2_1336 with dissolve mct "(This woman, does she not see me as a man?)" "Of course, there was no way I could feel Mina's heartbeat through a handful of meaty tit flesh, but I DID spot an inkling of inhibition." scene w2_1337 with dissolve "The moment my palm made hand-over-cloth contact with the upbeat actress' breast, Mina tensed up and a spot of color hit her face." mct "(Fuck, what was the next line...?)" "Given the circumstances, how could I hope to recall the line I had read just a handful of seconds before?" scene w2_1338 with dissolve mina "I think the line is something like..." scene w2_1337 with dissolve "Right, Mina jarred my memory." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Massage her breast and deliver the line with full conviction.:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 KN_MOD "if Mina_KLove <= 4:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "If she had put my hand there without thinking, she wasn't backing down. Part of me considered that she did it simply because she didn't care. This could all just be an exercise in acting to her." "In the back of my head however, my thoughts swung the other way. The way she was looking at me..." scene minatease1_a with dissolve show Minatease1 mc "You certainly {i}feel{/i} sincere." mct "(Could she be purposefully pushing boundaries?)" mina "OooOh, um... ahem..." "Whether or not that was actually the case, I sunk my fingers deeper into the buoyant flesh of her breast. Enough to get her attention, but taking care not to be too overt about it." KN_MOD "if Mina_KLove <= 4:" scene Minatease2 with dissolve mina "O-oh...!" "The extra attention appeared to confound her, as no line came from her lips. Instead, her head drooped down and her mind veered off elsewhere." "It was hard to say if she was simply feeling shy from being called on her game of chicken or if I had taken it too far. Either way, she was suddenly pacified." scene w2_1342 with dissolve mina "Ha.. ha... [mcf]?" scene w2_1340 with dissolve mina "Sorry, but that felt so SURPRISINGLY good that I forgot my line, hehe..." scene w2_1341 with dissolve "Hearing her just coming out and saying it shocked me. She actually doesn't think any of this is crossing the line?" scene black with fade mina "You could always be a masseuse if the whole med student thing doesn't work out." mc "Very funny, okay so you do this next and then the line is... Then I..." mina "Ahem..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1339 with dissolve mina "Ngh, [mcf]...?" scene w2_1338 with dissolve mina"S-sorry, I forgot the line!" scene black with fade mc "Okay, so you... and then the line is... Then I..." mina "Ahem..." KN_MOD "Deliver the line.:" scene w2_1336 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "If she had put my hand there without thinking, she wasn't backing down. Part of me considered that she did it simply because she didn't care. This could all just be an exercise in acting to her." "In the back of my head however, my thoughts swung the other way. Could she be purposefully pushing boundaries?" scene w2_1343 with dissolve mc "You certainly {i}feel{/i} sincere." scene w2_1336 with dissolve "Either way, it was best I didn't push it." scene w2_1344 with dissolve mc "Hold on a second, let me check my next few lines." scene black with fade mct "(This really airs on TV?)" mc "Okay, we were at..." scene w2_1345 with fade mina "Is there anything else you'd like to feel, Professor?" scene w2_1346 with dissolve "The moment Mina turned around and pressed her butt into me confirmed that she truly had no qualms with this sort of contact." KN_MOD "if Mina_KLove <= 4:" scene minatease3_a with dissolve show Minatease3 "She even took it a step further, subtly rubbing herself against me like an animal seeking warmth. Perfectly suited for the scene perhaps, but nonetheless an obstacle in trying to remember my goddamn line." "The action also confirmed what I had previously suspected. She had an IMPECCABLE ass, round and tight, with the right amount of heft a man could get behind." "I felt a pull in my arms, telling me to grab her hips. It just seemed right, given the circumstances..." mct "(It's part of the scene, right?)" KN_MOD "else:" "The action also confirmed what I had previously suspected. She had an IMPECCABLE ass, round and tight, with the right amount of heft a man could get behind." "I felt a pull in my arms, telling me to grab her hips. It just seemed right, given the circumstances..." mct "(It's part of the scene, right?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Grab her hips while you deliver the next line.:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 scene w2_1348 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Mina_KLove <= 4:" "Clasping my hands around her hip bone, I brought the gentle sway to a halt and pressed Mina more firmly into me." KN_MOD "else:" "Clasping my hands around her hip bone, I pressed Mina more firmly into me." scene w2_1347 with dissolve mc "I can think of a FEW things." scene w2_1348 with dissolve KN_MOD "Deliver your next line.:" scene w2_1349 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I can think of a FEW things." scene w2_1346 with dissolve "The script didn't specifically call for it, but I felt the urge to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Add your own flourish. Smack that rear end!:" $ w2MinaScenePoints += 1 KN_MOD "if Mina_KLove <=4:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 scene w2_1350 with dissolve scene w2_1351 with hpunch play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "*Smack!*" mina "Oh...!" "I gave Mina's tight rear end a light tap, the impact of which elicited a cute yelp from my acting partner." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1350 with dissolve scene w2_1352 with hpunch play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "*Smack!*" mina "Eeeh?" "Give Mina's tight rear end a light tap, the impact of which produced a whelp of confusion from my acting partner.." KN_MOD "Resist the urge to slap Minas beautiful bubble butt.:" "No. Don't touch. Bad." scene w2_1353 with dissolve "With a weapons-grade level of pep, Mina spun on the heel of her foot like a ballerina doing a pirouette before twisting her mouth into a predatory, shark-like grin." scene w2_1354 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Mina_KLove <=4:" mina "Don't just think of them, [mcf]-er, I mean... Professor." KN_MOD "else:" mina "Don't just think of them, Professor." mina "Do them. " KN_MOD "if w2MinaScenePoints >=6:" scene w2_1355 with instantdissolve scene w2_1356 with instantdissolve scene w2_1357 with instantdissolve scene w2_1358 with instantdissolve scene w2_1358 with instantdissolve scene w2_1357 with instantdissolve scene w2_1356 with instantdissolve scene w2_1355 with instantdissolve "What was called for next by the script was a kiss, shared between our characters, that one would naturally skip over in a situation like this. That, however, didn't seem to be the case." "Instead, Mina looked deep into my eyes with a disarming sensuality that was distantly removed from the cheap, tasteless material we were reciting." "It was like she was patiently waiting for me to make MY move, like it wasn't an unusual prospect to kiss your friend's girlfriend under the guise of acting practice." stop music fadeout 3.0 "In fact, the certainty in her expression actually made it seem innocent." scene w2_1359 with dissolve mina "Mmmh...?" "Okay, maybe not so patiently." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Mina is waiting. Kiss her.:" $ w2MinaKiss = True $ Mina_KLove -= 1 play music "music/soft-feeling.ogg" scene w2_1360 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Wrapping my hands around Mina, I gave her one last long look in the eyes, before pulling her tightly close to me like an action movie hero who just got the girl." mct "(This is kind of weird...)" " what I thought, but the more her emerald green eyes looked back at me, the less of a sticking point it became." scene minakiss1_a with dissolve show Minakiss1 mina "Nhwah..." "A cute, sharp coo and then the taste of vanilla mint chapstick." mct "(Not a bad flavor...)" "It wasn't a deeply lewd kiss or anything, but our lips were wholly and fully locked together." "It skirted the line between passionate and tasteful, like a kiss shared between a bride and groom on their wedding day." KN_MOD "if Mina_KLove <= 3:" $ Mina_Affection += 2 "However..." scene minakiss2_a with dissolve show Minakiss2 "She must have not been content with how I was doing it, because she pulled me deeper into the kiss." "My hands found perch on her ass, prodding and teasing it, almost completely of their own volition." mina "Mmmmh...♥" "Another, even more sharp coo. Not that I wasn't enjoying it either..." "By this point, my cock was firmly pressing into Mina, poking her lower body in a way that would be impossible to miss." KN_MOD "if toughness >=22:" "Not that she had any room to complain, with the way she was rubbing her body against me like a bitch in heat." KN_MOD "else:" "Part of me felt embarrassed about it on a instinctual level, but if she did indeed notice, it didn't deter her in the least." KN_MOD "if Mina_KLove <= 2:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 scene w2_1361 with dissolve "By the time we broke up our kiss, it had felt like it had gone on for far longer than it had. Everything felt hazy on my end and Mina's glassed over expression told me she was likely feeling the same." scene w2_1362 with dissolve mina "Ha...♥" scene minakiss3_a with dissolve show Minakiss3 "...not that I needed it, considering I could've known that by the way she humped my leg like a wayward wind-up toy slowly losing its pep." mina "Ah, isn't acting grand...?" mc ", Mina? I forgot the next line." scene w2_1393 with dissolve mina "Oh? Um, h-hold on... let me think..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1363 with dissolve mina "Good... \"{i}acting{/i}\" there, partner." mc "...ngh, yeah. You too." scene w2_1364 with dissolve mc ", Mina? I forgot the next line." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1365 with dissolve "When we broke from our kiss, it hadn't been an inordinate amount of time. Still, I could feel a blush in my cheeks and I could see Mina doing the same." mina "..." mct "(My thoughts exactly...)" scene w2_1364 with dissolve mc ", Mina? I forgot the next line." scene w2_1366 with dissolve mina "You say \"How was that?\" and then I say, \"That was everything I was hoping it'd be.\" or something like that." mina "Hehe~, I'm a little fuzzy on the lines all of a sudden for some reason." mct "(This woman...)" scene w2_1367 with dissolve "She carried on, business as usual. Unconcerned with what we just did." scene w2_1368 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2MinaKissGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2MinaKissGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mina "Then it's fade to black and all my parts are done for the episode, hehe~" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "Artfully move past this part.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1369 with dissolve play music "music/together-with-you.ogg" mc "Ah, crap. I forgot my next line." "I had a semi-plausible, convenient excuse, but I didn't know if kissing my friend's girlfriend was a river I wanted to forge - even if, quite frankly, I wasn't entirely sure he'd give a shit." scene w2_1370 with dissolve mina "Hmm... I think..." mina "You say \"How was that?\" and then I say, \"That was everything I was hoping it'd be.\" or something like that." scene w2_1371 with dissolve mina "Then it's fade to black and all my parts are done for the episode, hehe~" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1370 with dissolve mina "...then there's a couple more lines." mina "You say \"How was that?\" and then I say, \"That was everything I was hoping it'd be.\" or something like that." scene w2_1371 with dissolve mina "Then it's fade to black and all my parts are done for the episode, hehe~" scene w2_1372 with fade play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Mina_Relations = "Acting Partner" show relationmina with dissolve mina "It's a small couple of scenes, but things pick up in later episodes - or so I'm told, if they don't kill off my character by having her accidently fall into a volcano or something." scene w2_1373 with dissolve mc "...a volcano?" scene w2_1372 with dissolve mina "I'm told that one has has happened in the show's history." scene w2_1374 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_1375 with dissolve mina "Hey, I know I'm not making art here!" scene w2_1376 with dissolve mina "Pfft--" "The two of us shared in a laugh, completely dispelling any lingering tension from the previous scene." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" "......" "..." scene w2_1377 with circlewipe mina "You sure you don't want me to drive you?" mc "Nah, I think I'll walk. I haven't been getting enough exercise lately. I'm getting pretty round around the edges." KN_MOD "if w2MinaKiss == True:" scene w2_1378 with dissolve mina "Speaking from recent experience, I know that's not true." scene w2_1379 with dissolve mc "Hehe..." scene w2_1380 with dissolve mina "Anyway, you suuuuuuure?" scene w2_1381 with dissolve mc"Yeah, but thanks for offering - and for the lunch. It was delicious." scene w2_1382 with dissolve mina "Of course...!" scene w2_1383 with dissolve mina "...hey, by the way, you doing anything this Friday?" scene w2_1384 with dissolve mc "Not yet. Why?" scene w2_1385 with dissolve mina "Well, my brother and I have some standing plans. We'll probably go to an arcade or something, you want to join?" scene w2_1387 with dissolve mc "You want the three of us to go to an arcade?" scene w2_1382 with dissolve mina "Yep, why not? It'll be fun and, well..." scene w2_1383 with dissolve mina "It's not like I want you to play big brother or anything, but it would do him some good to socialize with someone like you." scene w2_1384 with dissolve mc "Someone like me?" scene w2_1385 with dissolve mina "You know, a young adult male that has his head screwed on straight." scene w2_1387 with dissolve mc "Let him see what's at the end of the tunnel?" scene w2_1386 with dissolve mina "Exactly! Jeez, you always know how to put things." scene w2_1384 with dissolve mc "Sure, I'll be happy to tag along. Not so sure how he'll feel about it though." scene w2_1385 with dissolve mina "Eh, he'll be shy at first, but he'll get over it! He needs to get out of his comfort zone from time to time." KN_MOD "if w2MinaKiss == True:" scene w2_1388 with dissolve mina "Anywaaaaay...." mina "Um... hug goodbye?" scene w2_1389 with dissolve "Mina suddenly became... awkward? She's asking for a hug instead of simply throwing herself into one?" scene w2_1390 with dissolve mina "Hehe~" scene w2_1391 with dissolve mina "I'll see you later again. Be safe!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1392 with dissolve mina "Anywaaaaay.... I'll see you later." scene w2_1391 with dissolve mina "Be safe on the way home, okay?" mc "Thanks, I will. Text me the details about Friday later." mina "Will do." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if w2MinaKiss == True and w2MinaScenePoints >=6:" $ history_mina = "I helped Mina work through her scenes for the first episode of the show she's appearing on, even going so far as to kiss her. Despite how weird it was, she seemed ultimately unperturbed by it." KN_MOD "elif w2MinaKiss == False and w2MinaScenePoints >=6:" $ history_mina = "I helped Mina work through her scenes for the first episode of the show she's appearing on, stopping short of kissing her. She didn't seem to mind how close some of it got." KN_MOD "else:" $ history_mina = "I helped Mina work through her scenes for the first episode of the show she's appearing on and had a good time doing it. She didn't seem to mind how close some of it got." $ unread_mina = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2June08Evening" KN_MOD "label w2June08Evening:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhousegirls with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_1394 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == False:" "I went straight home from the club, determined to be productive with my time.." KN_MOD "else:" "After leaving Mina's and walking home, the afternoon was pretty much waning. Still, I was determined to make productive use of my time." scene w2_1395 with circlewipe "I ran through some MCAT exercises, looked into how the hell I'm going to file my taxes next year, and watched videos of people falling down on the internet." "Two out of three ain't bad." scene w2_1396 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/chair-squeek.wav" $ date = "june08night" show june08night with squares mc "Mmmmmm...." scene w2_1397 with dissolve mc "Muaahh!" scene w2_1398 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == False:" mct "(Come to think of it... fuck, I'm hungry. I only had a snack when I came in...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Come to think of it, I'm getting pretty hungry. That sushi was good, but it wasn't very filling...)" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_1399 with fade mct "(I don't really feel like preparing anything, but takeout twice in one day seems wasteful. What to do?)" play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene w2_1400 with dissolve "{i}*Ring... ring...*{/i}" mc "..." "{i}*Ring... ring... ring...*{/i}" scene w2_1401 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(It's Mrs. Pulman...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(It's Kathleen...)" scene w2_1402 with dissolve "I very seriously considered ignoring it." stop sound play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_1403 with dissolve mc "Hello?" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" kat "I need you to get down here {b}now{/b}. Don't dally." mc "Is something w--" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_1404 with dissolve mc "...wrong?" "That was it. She had hung up on me." scene w2_1405 with dissolve mct "(That sounded urgent.)" "Naturally, from the terse message, I imagined the worst." mct "(It sounded REALLY urgent.)" scene w2_1406 with dissolve mct "(No time to change!)" scene black with fade "........." "......" scene club-fr-night2 blur with blinds "..." scene w2_1407 with dissolve mct "(Hurrying, hurrying, hurrying...)" scene w2_1408 with dissolve "I busted my ass to catch the next train and managed to make it to the club in record time." play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" scene w2_1409 with fade mct "(How did she put it...?)" mct "(I think it was... \"I need you to get down here NOW. Don't dally.\" Or was there an emphasis on the need?)" scene w2_1410 with fade mct "(Fuck, no one's here. I guess she's in her office.)" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_1411 with fade mct "(She's not here... ah! The security room.)" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock* Knock*" war "Come on in, kid." play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_1412 with dissolve mc "Hey, I'm looking for--" mc "Shit, sorry!" scene w2_1413 with dissolve war "What's with that reaction? You should be used to this shit by now." scene w2_1414 with dissolve mc "Good point..." scene w2_1415 with dissolve mc "I'm looking for--" scene w2_1416 with hpunch hgirl "Ghhyyah...!" war "I didn't tell you to stop. Keep shaking that ass!" scene w2_1417 with dissolve "Wordlessly, the house girl picked up the pace, rocking her hips and grinding her insides against Warren's cock." scene w2_1418 with dissolve war "You're looking for Mrs. P?" scene w2_1417 with dissolve mc "Yeah, she called me and told me to get down here. It sounded urgent." scene w2_1418 with dissolve war "She's in the obsidian room." scene w2_1417 with dissolve mc "..." "The funny-looking expression on my face moved him to continue." scene w2_1418 with dissolve war "Exhibition level. Room #5." scene w2_1417 with dissolve mct "(Shit, I got to go all the way to the basement.)" mc "Thanks." scene w2_1419 with dissolve war "Hehe, {b}enjoy{/b}." scene black with fade mct "(Enjoy...?)" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" war "Ah, get up there like a dog, you fucking bitch. I can't cum with those half-assed movements." play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" KN_MOD "label w2KatBirthdayGift:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionhousegirls with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1420 with circlewipe mc "Room 205..." mc "There it is!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock* Knock*" kat "That you, [mcf]?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Yes, Ma'am." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Yes." kat "Come on in." play music "music/no1-a-minor-waltz.ogg" scene w2_1421 with w21 "As soon as I entered the room #5, my eyes beheld a shocking sight." scene w2_1422 with dissolve "Harper was strung upside down, legs secured to some trapeze like thing and hands bound behind her back." "She wore a gag and blindfold, as she dangled gently above what appeared to be a ink-black bath tub." scene w2_1423 with dissolve kat "Hello, [mcf]. Lucky for Harper, you got here fast." scene w2_1424 with dissolve mc " said I needed to get down here?" scene w2_1425 with dissolve "The scene in front of me had vacated all sense of urgency from my body, replacing it with a sinking feeling of uncertainty." scene w2_1423 with dissolve kat "I know I said not to dally, but it wasn't {i}really{/i} urgent. I just couldn't help myself. " kat "I wanted to give you your present as soon as possible." scene w2_1425 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The uncomprehending look on my face moved Mrs. Pulman to further explain." KN_MOD "else:" "The uncomprehending look on my face moved Kathleen to further explain." scene w2_1426 with dissolve kat "... a belated birthday present. For you." scene w2_1424 with dissolve mc "No... I put that part together, the thing that doesn't track with me is how this is a gift exactly." scene w2_1427 with dissolve mc "Are you okay, Harp?" scene w2_1429 with dissolve harp "Ghughhh...!" mct "(Silly question...)" scene w2_1428 with dissolve scene w2_1429 with dissolve "...but she ended up nodding yes." scene w2_1430 with dissolve kat "I can see your confusion, but it will all evaporate with a push of a button." scene w2_1431 with dissolve kat "Take this from me." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman offered me a peculiar looking... remote?" KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen offered me a peculiar looking... remote?" scene w2_1432 with dissolve kat "Press the button." scene w2_1433 with dissolve mc "......" scene w2_1434 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_1435 with dissolve kat "The floor isn't going to fall out from underneath you." scene w2_1436 with dissolve mc "Alright..." scene w2_1437 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" "*Click*" scene harpers1stdiveAZ with dissolve show harper1stdive with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" harp "Mmmh!" mc "Shit-!" "As soon as I pressed the button, a mechanism whirled to life and quickly lowered Harper down into the tub of water beneath her." $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/water-splash3.wav" harp "*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*" scene w2_1438 with dissolve mc "Fuck, fuck, fuck...!" play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" scene w2_1439 with dissolve "*Click*" stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene harperriseAZ with dissolve show harperrise with dissolve "I quickly pressed the button again, and as simple as that, Harper was once more hoisted up in the air." mc "What the hell?" scene w2_1440 with dissolve kat "Tell me, how did that make you feel?" mc "Panicked." kat "I believe you believe that. Maybe that's even true, but if it is.. that wasn't the only thing you felt, was it?" scene w2_1441 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_1442 with dissolve kat "Come now..." play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" scene w2_1443 with dissolve "*Click*" scene harper2nddiveAZ with dissolve show harper2nddive with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" "*Splash*" harp "*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*" scene harper2nd_z with dissolve scene harper2ndstruggle with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/water-splash3.wav" kat "You can't tell me you don't feel a huge rush from watching her flop about like a stupid fish." "Harper's lithe, toned body jerked and wiggled in a rush of panic. The sight had the hair of my neck standing on end and a lump forming in my throat." mc "Hit the button." kat "Don't worry, this type of play is a specialty of hers. Harper volunteered for this." kat "Not to mention, she's being paid generously for the night." mc "Hit the button!" play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" "*Click*" stop ambient fadeout 2.0 scene harper2ndriseZA with dissolve show harper2ndrise with dissolve kat "As you wish." "Harper was raised back up until she hung precariously once more, with full knowledge that one slip of the finger would send her plummeting once more into the tepid water below." "The way her body uncomfortably jostled about, the way her breasts bounced as she shook, and the way the water pooled over their cherry points..." harp "Gh...ghh...!" "Not to mention the sounds she made..." scene w2_1444 with dissolve "I more or less figured out what my \"present\" was by now." scene w2_1445 with dissolve mc "You're telling me to use all of that and do whatever I want?" scene w2_1444 with dissolve kat "That's right." scene w2_1445 with dissolve mc "'re out of your mind." scene w2_1446 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "[mcf], [mcf], [mcf]..." kat "You should learn to be yourself and enjoy life." scene w2_1447 with dissolve mc "Be myself or be more like you?" scene w2_1446 with dissolve kat "That's a trick question, dear. We're very similar." scene w2_1448 with dissolve mc "Hell no we're not." scene w2_1449 with dissolve play music "music/myst-on-the-moor.ogg" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman sighed deeply." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen sighed deeply." scene w2_1450 with dissolve kat "You need to be more convincing than that." kat "I've observed you, I've learned about you, and through a little bit of intuition too, I've come to recognize in you a particular quality." scene w2_1451 with dissolve kat "You see [mcf], my sister and I couldn't have been more diametrically opposed. She was a woman capable of genuine altruism." kat "She experienced vicarious joy from helping people at great expense to herself, but as a child there was an uncomfortable truth about myself that I didn't fully grasp until I grew into a young woman." kat "I could only experience the same kind of happiness she felt in her charity, by seeing other people suffer." scene w2_1452 with dissolve kat "Why do you think that is? Why were my sister and I so different? We shared the same genes, were raised in the same home, yet we wound up so opposite..." scene w2_1453 with dissolve mc "I couldn't tell you." scene w2_1450 with dissolve kat "If you said you could, you'd be a fool. It's a question beyond the current means of understanding. Funnily enough, the charity she started was a place that satisfied both of us." scene w2_1453 with dissolve mc "She got to help people and you got to see them at their lowest?" scene w2_1454 with dissolve kat "Uh huh, and the fact that you understood that so quickly is telling. You and I share a \"feet of clay\" as they say." kat "You're a sadist, just like me. We both enjoy seeing other people struggle." scene w2_1453 with dissolve mc "..." "I couldn't flat out deny it. That was part of me I understood well and was something I purposefully compartmentalized from my everyday life." scene w2_1452 with dissolve kat "It's a banal thing really, found in plenty of people, but the majority of those never bother to self-reflect on it." scene w2_1451 with dissolve kat "No. Most people simply live their lives callously enjoying the schadenfreude of everyday misfortune and inequity. They never fully feel out the shape and form of their very own soul." scene w2_1453 with dissolve mc "What's your point?" scene w2_1454 with dissolve kat "My point is, this is the gift I'm offering you on your birthday. To fully know yourself." scene w2_1455 with dissolve kat "Within this building, you don't have to shy away from who you are. I'll accept you and every nook of your being, [mcf]." kat "It's just a present. You have the right to refuse of course, and no matter how much thought I may have put into getting you the PERFECT gift, I won't be mad." scene w2_1456 with dissolve mc "Mmhh..." "As I looked into her eyes, I didn't know what to say. I instinctually wanted to turn her down, to vehemently deny all that she was offering, but deep down in me was a hole that I stuffed all my vicious, vile feelings into and it was now bubbling like a geyser about to erupt." scene w2_1455 with dissolve kat "Harper really did agree to this, y'know. She trusts you won't take it too far. Plus..." kat "You've never indulged yourself have you? This is a controlled environment, what better place to learn about yourself?" scene w2_1457 with dissolve "Before I answered her, I had to be sure of one thing..." scene w2_1458 with dissolve mc "Harper..." scene w2_1459 with dissolve mc "Is what she's saying true?" scene w2_1460 with dissolve harp "Ahem! Aha! Guh... yes." scene w2_1461 with dissolve mc "For real? You volunteered?" scene w2_1462 with dissolve KN_MOD "if jacobHarpVouch == True:" harp "I trust you. You have my consent." KN_MOD "else:" harp "You have my consent, Mr. [mcl]." scene w2_1479 with dissolve kat "...and everything is permissible if you have consent." mct "(I'm not sure I agree with that.)" scene w2_1463 with dissolve "I gave one last look at Harper and the table of goodies. It was easy for me to vividly imagine myself tormenting her with them." mct "(I have her consent...)" scene w2_1464 with dissolve mct "(...but what does that mean in a place like this?)" "I resigned myself to an answer. I..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Accept her gift.:" $ toughness +=3 $ Kathleen_Trust +=3 scene w2_1465 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I accept. Thanks for the gift." KN_MOD "Help Harper down.:" $ toughness -=3 $ w2HarpRainCheck = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w2KatGiftDecline" scene w2_1466 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman smiled at me, in a gregarious way I wasn't sure was physically possible for her." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen smiled at me, in a gregarious way I wasn't sure was physically possible for her." scene w2_1467 with dissolve kat "Excellent, now why don't you take a minute, go freshen up, and get changed out of those rags?" scene w2_1466 with dissolve mc "I don't have anything to change into." scene w2_1468 with dissolve kat "All the better then. Do as you please." scene w2_1469 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman broadly gestured toward Harper and the table of toys like she was a piece of meat. In some ways, I suppose she was..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen broadly gestured toward Harper and the table of toys like she was a piece of meat. In some ways, I suppose she was..." scene w2_1457 with dissolve "Which quite frankly didn't work for me." scene w2_1470 with dissolve "Harper winced and blinked incessantly from the sudden removal of her blindfold." scene w2_1471 with dissolve kat "Oh? I think it's more fun when they don't know when it's coming." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You want to see Harpers face for this.:" $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 scene w2_1472 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I want to see the sorry look on her face. I think that's more fun." scene w2_1473 with dissolve kat "Ha! You're quick to drop your façade, I'll give you that." scene w2_1474 with dissolve harp "*Gulp* Ehehe... I can take anything you want to give, sir." scene w2_1475 with dissolve mct "(Despite my bravado just now, what exactly am I supposed to do to her?)" KN_MOD "You want Harper to be able to speak.:" $ toughness -= 2 scene w2_1476 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I don't feel comfortable if she's unable to speak or tell me to stop." scene w2_1477 with dissolve kat "How lucky for you, Harper. [mcf] is more conscientious than your typical client." scene w2_1478 with dissolve harp "Don't worry, I can take anything you want to give, sir." scene w2_1475 with dissolve mct "(She says that, but... what am I supposed to do to her?)" "I've never done this before, which in turn made me afraid." "There's a medical condition known as refeeding syndrome. It is a well-documented process where introducing too much food too quickly to a starving man can prove fatal." "It might be melodramatic, but for someone who has worked diligently to keep the uglier side of his personality in check for the past 8 years, I was afraid indulging too fully would leave an indelible mark on my self-control." scene w2_1480 with dissolve harp "Ah..." mct "(If I'm going to indulge this side of me, I'm going to need to be slow and deliberate.)" scene w2_1481 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Giving someone like me free rein over her body. She must put a lot of trust in Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "Giving someone like me free rein over her body. She must put a lot of trust in Kathleen." scene w2_1480 with dissolve "...or her choices are that limited. It seemed absurd, considering how she was just dangling there like a toy, but..." scene w2_1481 with dissolve mct "(What kind of woman is Harper?)" "I genuinely did wonder. Did she have parents that loved her? What did she originally want to do with her life?" scene w2_1480 with dissolve "Is she a mother too? Does she support those parents that loved her? How did she end up at the club? Who knows." scene w2_1482 with dissolve "These were the kind of thoughts I hoped would tether me to acting conscientiously, but..." scene w2_1483 with dissolve harp "Gh-! *Cough* Gh-! *Cough* Gh-!" "They just spurred me on. A whole life of experiences - hopes, dreams, and disappointments, all funneled to this point in time where she's just an object." scene w2_1484 with dissolve mc "Anything, huh?" harp "Anyshwing~" scene w2_1485 with dissolve mct "(However, I knew...)" scene w2_1486 with pixellate mct "(Harper wasn't an object. She was a person. I understood that well enough.)" scene w2_1487 with dissolve harp "Gyeeeh!" mct "(That's what made this sadistic.)" "While considering the tools at hand, a flash of inspiration hit me." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reassure Harper one final time before explaining your plan.:" $ toughness -= 1 scene w2_1488 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "*Whisper* If you want to stop, just say so. I'll make sure Mrs. Pulman doesn't get angry with you." KN_MOD "else:" mc "*Whisper* If you want to stop, just say so. I'll make sure Kathleen doesn't get angry with you." scene w2_1489 with dissolve scene w2_1490 with dissolve scene w2_1489 with dissolve "Harper nodded to show me she understood." scene w2_1491 with dissolve mc "Okay, then. Here's what's going to happen." scene w2_1492 with dissolve mc "I'm going to dunk you in the water until you tell me you've had enough. After that, I'm going to use a crop to whip you until you do the same. Then we go back to the dunking." scene w2_1491 with dissolve mc "This will repeat until I've had my fill or you truly bow out. Understood?" scene w2_1493 with dissolve KN_MOD "Explain in excruciating detail whats about to happen.:" $ toughness += 2 $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 scene w2_1494 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve harp "Gyaaaah...!" scene w2_1495 with dissolve mc "The water's cold, isn't it?" scene w2_1496 with dissolve harp "A l-little..." scene w2_1497 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_1498 with vpunch harp "Eyeee!" scene w2_1499 with dissolve mc "Good. Your skin gets more sensitive in cold temperatures. You know why that is?" scene w2_1497 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_1498 with vpunch harp "Gah! N-no...!" scene w2_1499 with dissolve mc "You see, when you're cold, your body sends less blood to your extremities and more to your vital organs. It does this to preserve heat." mc "This means your skin is more rigid, which due to the pressure, makes your nerves even more sensitive." scene w2_1500 with dissolve mc "I'm going to turn that into a little game." scene w2_1501 with dissolve harp "A... game?" scene w2_1500 with dissolve mc "Yep, one where you get to choose what happens to you." mc "I'm going to incessantly dunk you in the water until you can't stand it anymore. Until your body feels like lead and you tire of trying to catch your breath." mc "Once you want to stop, we'll stop. Easy as that." mc "That's when I'll use the crop to whip you, and I'll batter your cold and wet skin until you yield once again. Then we'll go back to step 1." mc "This will repeat until I've had my fill. Understood?" scene w2_1501 with dissolve harp "*Gulp* Yes..." scene w2_1502 with dissolve kat "Oh, that's good. Did you just come up with that? I might just have to pick your brain next summer for ideas." "Despite how confidently I explained my plan, I still felt a pang of uncertainty. Like I was crossing over the horizon with no clue what lay on the other side." scene w2_1503 with dissolve mc "We should settle on a word that'll signify you want to switch punishments." mc "How about..." scene w2_1504 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Harper says uncle.:" $ w2HarpUncle = True scene w2_1505 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Whenever you want to switch, you'll say uncle. That should be easy enough to remember." scene w2_1506 with dissolve harp "Uncle... got it." KN_MOD "Harper barks like a dog:" $ w2HarpDog = True KN_MOD "if toughness >= 21:" scene w2_1507 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Whenever you want to switch, just bark like a bitch. Should be pretty easy, right?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1505 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Whenever you want to switch, just bark like a dog." scene w2_1506 with dissolve harp "...understood." KN_MOD "Have Harper say the name of someone important to her.:" $ w2HarpDad = True scene w2_1505 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I want you to say the name of someone important to you when you want to switch." scene w2_1506 with dissolve harp "W-what?" scene w2_1507 with dissolve mc "When you surrender, I want you to reflect on your life up to this point. To that end, I want the word on your lips to be the name of someone near and dear to you." mc "Do you have anyone like that who fits the bill?" scene w2_1506 with dissolve harp "Ugh... my..." harp "My father's name is Theodore." scene w2_1505 with dissolve mc "We'll go with that, then. Whenever you want to switch punishments, you'll say {b}Teddy{/b}." scene w2_1506 with dissolve harp "...understood." scene w2_1508 with dissolve "With that I felt ready to begin." mct "(Remember, take it slow and don't go overboard.)" mct "(Harper is putting herself in my hands tonight, I should respect and remain cognizant of that.)" scene w2_1509 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" "*Click*" scene harperrediveAZ with dissolve show harperredive with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" "The first time I pushed that button with deliberate aim, an incredible feeling gripped me." play ambient "sound effects/water-splash3.wav" scene harperredive_z show harperrestruggle with dissolve harp "*Splash, splash*" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It wasn't the feeling of freedom Mrs. Pulman had described it as. It felt more like a surrender." KN_MOD "else:" "It wasn't the feeling of freedom Kathleen had described it as. It felt more like a surrender." mct "(Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...)" play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" "*Click*" stop ambient fadeout 2.0 scene harperrediveZA with dissolve show harperrerise with dissolve "The dull mechanical drone of the pulleys was a shockingly sweet sound and Harper shined beautifully underneath the harsh spotlight." "Water rolled down from her lower half, and like a river flowing into a valley, scattered with the rise of her chest." "Beads of it pooled at the tips of her breasts, agonizingly hanging off of the cherry-like tips for just a tantalizing moment, before gravity returned the water back to the tub below." play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" "*Click*" scene harperrediveAZ with dissolve show harperredive with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" harp "Urheh...!" "The splash of Harper hitting the water also sounded sweet. It was pleasant, like the chime of a bell." play ambient "sound effects/water-splash3.wav" scene harperredive_z show harperrestruggle with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/water-splash3.wav" harp "*Splash, splash*" mct "(Four, five, six...)" "The way her lower body swayed, like a perverse twist on a belly dance..." mct "(Seven, eight, nine...)" play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" "*Click*" stop ambient fadeout 2.0 scene harperrediveZA with dissolve show harperrerise with dissolve "This experience was a full feast for the senses, I thought." harp "Ha... ha... ugh, give me a sec--" mc "Do you surrender?" harp "No, it's just give me a..." play sound "sound effects/button-beep.wav" "*Click*" scene harperrediveAZ with dissolve show harperredive with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" "...and down she went again." scene black with wet "Again, and again, and again, until..." scene w2_1510 with wet KN_MOD "if w2HarpUncle == True:" harp "Guh, u-uncle! Uncle!" KN_MOD "if w2HarpDog == True:" harp "Guh, I g-ive... um... arf arf arf!" KN_MOD "if w2HarpDad == True:" harp "Guh, I give! T-teddy! Teddy!" "Harper elected to switch punishments." scene w2_1511 with dissolve kat "Ha, gh...!" scene w2_1512 with dissolve mct "(Is that...?)" scene w2_1513 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman was off on the sidelines, leather panties pulled to the side, jilling herself off." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen was off on the sidelines, leather panties pulled to the side, jilling herself off." "With an icy smile upon her lips, her eyes were unerringly fixated not on Harper, but me." scene w2_1514 with dissolve kat "Don't mind me, dear. I'm just enjoying the show." scene w2_1513 with dissolve mct "(...was this a present for me or for her?)" scene w2_1515 with dissolve "Who cares. I was intent on enjoying the taste of what I've been given. Maybe then I thought, it'll be out of my system." scene w2_1517 with dissolve mc "How old are you, Harper?" scene w2_1518 with dissolve harp "...thirty one." scene w2_1517 with dissolve mc "You're nine years older than I am." scene w2_1518 with dissolve harp "So what?" scene w2_1519 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_1520 with instantdissolve harp "Ah, eh-!" scene w2_1521 with dissolve scene w2_1522 with dissolve "I'd never even held a riding crop in my hand before, so I went with a weak, tentative lashing to test the waters. Start light, I thought." scene w2_1523 with dissolve mc "I just wanted us to get to know each other better. What's your last name?" scene w2_1524 with dissolve harp "Ivanova." scene w2_1519 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_1520 with instantdissolve harp "S-shit!" scene w2_1521 with dissolve scene w2_1522 with dissolve "The crop had an extremely satisfying {b}snap{/b} to it as it cut through the air." scene w2_1523 with dissolve mc "How did you end up working here?" scene w2_1524 with dissolve harp "You're supposed to be whipping me, but instead you're talking your mouth off. Is that because you're a {b}virgin{/b} at this?" scene w2_1522 with dissolve "Harper's words weren't said out of annoyance. At least, I didn't think they were. Instead, like a seasoned prostitute, she's trying to goad me to the benefit of my experience." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Dont take the bait. Admit what she said is true.:" scene w2_1525 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Ehehe, that's probably more than a little true." harp "Don't worry too much. Just relax and do what's natural." "More honeyed words." scene w2_1519 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_1520 with instantdissolve harp "Eyeee!" KN_MOD "Take the bait and play along.:" scene w2_1526 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You cheeky bitch!" scene w2_1527 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_1528 with instantdissolve harp "Eyeee!" scene w2_1527 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_1529 with instantdissolve harp "Ah...!" scene w2_1527 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_1528 with instantdissolve harp "Ghheeee!" "One after another, I delivered a series of quick lashings to her breasts." scene w2_1521 with dissolve scene w2_1517 with dissolve mc "How about this. How long have you worked here?" scene w2_1518 with dissolve harp "Three years." scene w2_1519 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_1520 with instantdissolve harp "Ahhe!" scene w2_1521 with dissolve scene w2_1523 with dissolve mc "That seems long." scene w2_1524 with dissolve harp "Longer than everyone, but Dalia." scene w2_1527 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_1529 with instantdissolve harp "F-fhuck!" scene w2KatMasturbate with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "By this point, from out of the corner of my eye, I could tell my would-be mentor in sadism was {i}really{/i} into it." kat "Ha... ha... ha...!" "She was trying hard not to let out her pleasured moans, but they escaped in irregular ecstatic bursts." play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" harp "Fhee, ouch!" "With every lash, her eyes shined brighter." "In the back of my mind, I knew it wasn't Harper driving her gratification. She was relishing in my participation." mct "(Well, if she wants a show, Harper and I will give her one!)" scene w2_1537 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_1538 with instantdissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve harp "Ahsheet!" scene w2_1537 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_1536 with instantdissolve harp "Ngh..!" scene w2_1537 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_1538 with instantdissolve harp "Eyeee!" scene w2_1539 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 21:" mc "How's that for a virgin, you slut?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "How's that for a virgin?" KN_MOD "if w2HarpUncle == True:" harp "Shit, uncle! Ooooncle!" KN_MOD "if w2HarpDog == True:" harp "Arf, arf, arf!" KN_MOD "if w2HarpDad == True:" harp "Teddy! I want to switch! Teddy!" scene black with fade "It carried on like that for a number of rounds. Harper was able to take everything I could dish out, until I felt both satisfied and more than just a little shamed by my indulgence." "She really was a pro." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_1540 with ccirclewipe harp "Ha... ha..." harp "Geh.... gah.... gyuu... y-you..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1541 with dissolve "Now that was over, my mind wandered down south, to the rock hard erection in my sweatpants. I had been so preoccupied with tormenting Harper that my physical needs went unattended." "The way it strained and stretched the fabric wasn't unpleasant. I could just imagine the relief I would feel to finally free my cock." KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2KatBirthdayGiftGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2KatBirthdayGiftGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "As my hand worked itself to that inevitable conclusion..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if Kathleen_Trust >= 8:" $ w2KatSex = True KN_MOD "jump w2EdwinKatScene" KN_MOD "else:" $ w2HarperSolo = True KN_MOD "jump w2HarperSoloEnding" KN_MOD "label w2EdwinKatScene:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionkathleen01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/from-russia-with-love.ogg" scene w2_1542 with dissolve kat "It's not enough!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "A desperate cry pulled my attention away from my dick and back to Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "A desperate cry pulled my attention away from my dick and back to Kathleen." scene w2_1543 with dissolve "She was knuckle deep in her cunt, fervently pleasuring herself with a mix of frustration and ecstasy written on her face." kat "Mmmh, damn it...!" "Seeing the cruel and pernicious woman, who bought and sold people's needs and desires, debase herself had its own unique charm." scene w2_1542 with dissolve "She looked at me the same way she did the Carnations, like I was a mere piece of meat to be cooked up and served." "It was an infuriating look." scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve "In a hurry, I wiggled out of my shirt and practically leapt out of my pants." scene w2_1544 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Until I stood before both Mrs. Pulman and Harper, with my pulsating cock in my hand." KN_MOD "else:" "Until I stood before both Kathleen and Harper, with my pulsating cock in my hand." "Two can play that game, right?" kat "My, my, my... all that hands-on activity has your prick positively {b}throbbing{/b}." "Meanwhile, she never ceased pleasuring herself, spreading herself open and rhythmically penetrating herself with her digits." scene w2_1545 with dissolve kat "Mmmh...! You're not finished with Harper, are you? I'm not satisfied yet!" "Neither was I, but..." scene w2_1546 with dissolve kat "No, I guess she isn't in any position to grant you the release you need. Lucky for you... I am." kat "Do you know how horny I've been the past two days? Do you know how hard it is for me to deny myself during each and every summer exhibition?" KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerRose == True:" scene w2_1568 with pixellate mct "(Did she call what she did to Veronica and Felicia holding back?)" KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel == True:" scene w2_1569 with pixellate mct "(Did she call what she did to Veronica and Rosalind holding back?)" KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerVero == True:" scene w2_1570 with pixellate mct "(Did she call what she did to Rosalind and Felicia holding back?)" scene w2_1547 with pixellate mc "I don't follow." kat "You see, there's a painful double standard I have to abide if I want to be taken seriously by the men of the club." scene w2_1548 with dissolve kat "Even if I run the goddamn show, I can't ever fully let loose in front of those animals. They can, of course. That's their prerogative, but the moment I do, they'll start to view me as a woman." scene w2_1549 with dissolve mc "...and that's a bad thing?" scene w2_1550 with dissolve kat "{b}Yes.{/b}" scene w2_1551 with dissolve mc "Ah...!" "Her hand swiftly moved from my cheek to my dick. The sudden, warm tightness of her grip had my body reeling with pleasure." kat "You've enjoyed yourself tonight, right?" "Too caught up with the feeling of her hand on my dick to answer, I nodded in affirmative." scene w2KatHJ with dissolve kat "Good. I'm happy to hear that." "Her hand jacked me off at a steady, forceful pace." kat "I love good, honest boys like you." kat "You know... I've seen you fuck, but I've yet to taste you myself. It'd be a shame to make you cum with just my hand. Would you like me to use something else?" "I nodded again." scene w2_1554 with dissolve kat "Then, show me how obedient you can be." kat "Get on your knees and kiss my boot." scene w2_1555 with dissolve "She and I shared an oddly adversarial look." scene w2_1556 with dissolve kat "I was nice enough to let you indulge yourself. Now it's your turn to show me some proper respect." scene w2_1557 with dissolve mc "You want me to kiss your feet..?" scene w2_1556 with dissolve kat "I'm glad your ears work." scene w2_1558 with vpunch KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman put an unexpected amount of weight on my shoulder." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen put an unexpected amount of weight on my shoulder." "I could simply do as she says. It's not like I actually have a problem with that kind of foreplay, but doing as much in this situation would basically be telling her it's okay to treat me like a dog." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stand up for yourself.:" stop music play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_1559 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "*Slap*" scene w2_1560 with dissolve kat "Did you forget your pl--" scene w2_1561 with dissolve mc "I'm a man, not your plaything. If a toy is all you want..." play music "music/thunder.ogg" scene w2_1562 with dissolve mc "Help yourself. I'm done with them." scene w2_1563 with dissolve "She glared at me in a way that immediately made me doubt this direction, but I knew I needed to persist if I ever hoped for her to view me with respect." scene w2_1561 with dissolve mc "It's precisely because I'm a man that I can properly pay you back for your \"generosity\", and..." scene w2_1564 with vpunch kat "Ah...!" mc "...treat you like a woman. That's what tonight is all about, right? You said it yourself." scene w2_1565 with dissolve "I don't know what had come over me." "Maybe I was emboldened by what Harper and I had just done." scene w2_1566 with dissolve kat "Man...? That's a lofty word." kat "You're a boy to me until you prove otherwise." scene w2_1565 with dissolve "She gave me an unwavering look that served as an overt challenge." scene w2_1567 with hpunch kat "Eh?" KN_MOD "if toughness >=21:" "I abruptly and strongly pulled the old, cruel bitch close to me." KN_MOD "else:" "I abruptly and strongly pulled the cruel woman close to me." scene w2_1571 with dissolve kat "No offense [mcf], but you're built like a bean pole." scene w2_1572 with dissolve mc "You shouldn't have a problem if I'm a little blurry then." scene w2_1573 with dissolve kat "Careful, those are hard to find." scene w2_1574 with dissolve mc "You look better without them." scene w2_1575 with dissolve "I planted a quick smooch on the side of her face, one totally unfit for the setting, and then moved down to..." scene w2_1576 with dissolve "Kat's unnaturally perky tits." mc "*Fwup, fwup!*" "Her tear-drop shaped breasts had a pleasant squish as I pressed and nuzzled my face into their pale expanse." "All the while my other hand found purchase by sinking its finger tips into the depths of the baby-soft skin of her derriere." scene w2_1577 with dissolve kat "It doesn't really reinforce you being a man if you suckle at my tits like a baby." "I paid no attention to her and kept working at the rosy pink peak, coating it in my saliva and lightly caressing it with the edge of my teeth." "It was already engorged with arousal." "It probably had been ever since Harper and my torturous display, but I was intent on making it hard enough to cut diamonds before I moved on.." scene w2_1578 with dissolve kat "You know, I'm not some college slut. I'm two and half times your age. You're going to have to do better than your bumbling idea of foreplay." scene w2_1579 with dissolve kat "Ah, w-watch your teeth!" "Despite her words, I knew she was unquestionably horny. The way she pleasured herself earlier attested to that." scene w2_1580 with dissolve mc "Do you really want to bring age into this?" scene w2_1581 with dissolve kat "Oh, eh...!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Like a spin in a latin dance, I quickly turned Mrs. Pulman around and firmly pressed her backside into me." KN_MOD "else:" "Like a spin in a latin dance, I quickly turned Kathleen around and firmly pressed her backside into me." scene w2_1582 with dissolve "She let out a deep and contemptuous sigh, but I remained undaunted." scene w2_1591 with pixellate ver "You got a soft spot for your neck, huh?" kat "Gh..!" scene w2_1583 with pixellate mct "(Veronica, you beautiful woman...!)" "In this moment, I was thankful to her for paving the path forward with her golden touch." scene w2_1584 with dissolve kat "O-oh!" "Meanwhile, while I went to town on her neck, one of my hands worked down to her crotch and the other thumbed her breast." scene w2_1585 with dissolve kat "Mmmh... why do men get cocky when you give them even a quarter of a lead from your leash?" "I wanted to chide her for her free use of the word \"men\", but I didn't want to slow my assault on her neck while it was still in its fledgling stages." scene katstandup1_a with dissolve show katstandup mct "(Aaaah...! She smells good.)" "Like what I imagined money to smell like. The perfume that had been spritzed on her collar was quickly overwhelming my senses." kat "O-oh, oh...! You've got {b}good{/b} instincts, I'll give you that." "My fingers met no resistance as they sunk into the depths of her quim, her inner walls having been generously primed for entry by her earlier personal touch." kat "Ha... ah... ha...! Yes, I'll certainly give you that." "It was funny I thought. Penetrating her was such a simple action, done like with any other woman, despite the sheer gap of social status between us." "Not that it didn't occur to me that she could easily ruin my life if she wanted, but that added a perilous spice to the situation that just pushed me further along in my goal of winning her respect." mct "(I'm a dumb, stupid creature.)" "I vigorously pistoned my hand in and out, while I kissed the nape of her neck, nibbling at it as if we were lovers." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I made certain not to go too far, too quickly in a conscientious bid to draw out the experience and leave a strong impression in Mrs. Pulman's mind." KN_MOD "else:" "I made certain not to go too far, too quickly in a conscientious bid to draw out the experience and leave a strong impression in Kathleen's mind." kat "Keep that up, [mcf]. This is good." "Of course, I did as I was bidden. My reward being the way her body gradually began to jerk and flinch with my touch." "Hot puffs of air escaped from the cruel woman's pursed lips, while her lower mouth sucked greedily on my digits." kat "This is good... THIS is good... THIS is GOOD..." scene w2_1586 with dissolve mc "Don't forget Harper." scene w2_1587 with dissolve kat "Oh? What of her?" scene w2_1586 with dissolve mc "Just reminding you that..." "It might of just been my imagination, but I thought I felt the insides of her cunt get tighter." mc "That we have an audience." scene w2_1588 with vpunch kat "Ahhhaaah!" "A firm love bite caused her head to crane straight up in a jolt surprise." scene w2_1589 with dissolve kat "Mhhh...." kat "You're getting awfully full of yourself." "It was as sultry a tone as I had ever heard leave her lips, dripping with pervy intent." scene w2_1590 with dissolve kat "That's enough. Foreplay is for virgins." kat "Let's fuck." scene black with fade kat "Get on your back. I'm leading now." KN_MOD "Quid pro quo here. Youve had your fun, now do as she says.:" $ w2KatSexSub = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Well, she's the boss, right?)" scene w2_1592 with dissolve kat "Smart. You understand there's a pecking order." scene w2_1593 with dissolve "If a dog is good enough, he'll get fed table scraps. That was her logic and one that I was willing to abide." scene w2_1594 with dissolve kat "Before you clean my boots..." scene w2_1595 with dissolve kat "Lick it." scene w2_1596 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It was a firm, unbending command, but I still took a moment to marvel at the sight of Mrs. Pulman's proffered ass." KN_MOD "else:" "It was a firm, unbending command, but I still took a moment to marvel at the sight of Kathleen's proffered ass." scene w2_1597 with dissolve "It was a strikingly shapely derriere for a woman of her age, well taken care of by exercise and the luxurious trappings of a wealthy lifestyle." "A strand of girl cum hung perilously from her vulva, the leftover effect of her previous masturbatory efforts." kat "Well, what are you waiting for?" "It was like it was staring right back at me, every aroused breath she took giving the impression her asshole was alive." scene w2_1598 with dissolve "I had never done this before, but slowly, I brought myself to the rim of her anus and did as I was bidden." "Thankfully, it tasted like skin and sweat." scene w2_1599 with dissolve "I used my tongue to circle her hole, like water going down the drain, before finally taking a tentative plunge into her guts." kat "Ah...! Good boy." scene w2_1598 with dissolve "It wasn't as disgusting as I imagined. Honestly, in some ways, it felt no different than cunnilingus. Just a tongue, a hole, and the fervent desire to please..." kat "Good, good boy..." "Though the situation itself made it feel more degrading." scene w2_1600 with dissolve kat "Now..." scene w2_1601 with dissolve kat "..." "She didn't have to finish her sentence." scene w2_1602 with dissolve "I bent over and brought my face to the edge of her boots." scene w2_1603 with dissolve kat "Ah...! I spend so much time degrading sluts, that I rarely get the pleasure of having a man at my feet." kat "It didn't take you much convincing. I know you're not naturally submissive. Are you just that horny?" scene w2_1604 with dissolve mct "(Why was I doing this? It wasn't just to cum. I could go home and jack off if I really wanted to.)" mct "(No... it was because deep down, I thought having her on my side would be an advantage.)" mc "You scratch my back, I scratch yours. That's the way of the world." scene w2_1605 with dissolve kat "Ha! Not a very sexy answer, but I like the challenge." scene w2_1606 with dissolve kat "It just means I get to ingrain in you the pleasure you can experience if you listen to what I say." scene w2_1607 with dissolve kat "I'm a big believer in carrot and stick." scene black with fade kat "Now, lie flat on your back. We're going to fuck." kat "No, not the couch. I meant on the {b}floor.{/b}" scene w2_1608 with fade KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I did as asked, with Mrs. Pulman lording over and looking down on me like I was cornered prey. The disdain in her eyes, muddled by sexual arousal, gave me goosebumps." KN_MOD "else:" "I did as asked, with Kathleen lording over and looking down on me like I was cornered prey. The disdain in her eyes, muddled by sexual arousal, gave me goosebumps." scene w2_1609 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2KatSexSub == True:" kat "Good boy. On your back like a whore is a good look for you." KN_MOD "else:" kat "I like this more. You look better on your back." scene w2_1608 with dissolve "Even I had to admit this position had its perks." scene w2_1610 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "I was right between the older woman's legs, with an arousing worm's eye view of her exposed pussy. It was like a deep chasm calling me to take the plunge, but she hovered a calculated distance above my prick." scene w2_1611 with dissolve kat "Your stupidly oversized tool is standing straight up. Does it want something?" KN_MOD "if w2KatSexSub == True:" scene w2_1610 with dissolve mct "(...she's going to drag this out isn't she?)" scene w2_1611 with dissolve kat "All I would have to do for you to taste heaven is lower myself a foot and that monster would be nestled tightly in my dripping, wet cunt." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1612 with dissolve mc "Stop playing around and put it in." scene w2_1611 with dissolve kat "I could. All I would have to do is lower myself a foot and that monster would be nestled tightly in my dripping, wet cunt." scene w2_1612 with dissolve mc "What are you waiting for then?" scene w2_1611 with dissolve kat "I want you to ask me sweetly for it. Something like..." kat "Would you, please, PLEASE put it in, Miss Kat?" scene w2_1612 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2KatSexSub == True:" mc "Would you please put it in, Miss Kat?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Would you, pretty please with a cherry on top, put it in Miss Kat?" scene w2_1611 with dissolve kat "Happily." scene w2_1613 with dissolve "Inch by inch, the gap between us disappeared and her vagina loomed precariously close to my cock." mc "Ah...!" scene w2_1614 with dissolve "The process of entering her was agonizingly slow and deliberate, the mouth of her sex gradually parting as it enveloped the tip of my penis." kat "Mmmh... that's the stuff." scene w2_1615 with dissolve "The further she made it down my length, the more she was spread open." kat "God, I love young cock. We don't have enough of it around." kat "Beats the hell out of all the old, wrinkly disgustingly discolored dicks of our \"esteemed\" patrons..." "With that needlessly colorful description, she finally let gravity do the work." $"music/thunder.ogg", loop=True, if_changed=True) scene w2_1616 with vpunch mc "Eeuh--!" "She dropped her body weight on me and swallowed my member to the base until it completely disappeared. She was so wet it just slid right in." scene w2_1617 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Ghe...! Fuck! You punched my cervix with that stupid thing!" scene w2_1618 with dissolve mc "It's not my fault if you drop so suddenly." scene w2_1619 with dissolve kat "I didn't say I hated it, did I?" scene w2_1620 with dissolve "She dug a sharp nail across my chest as she spoke." scene w2_1619 with dissolve kat "Heh, if Felicia wins, maybe I'll have to look into finally hiring a man whore..." scene w2_1620 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman showed no intention of moving, instead she seemed to be enjoying the arduous pace." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen showed no intention of moving, instead she seemed to be enjoying the arduous pace." "And while it did feel good to have the entire length of my cock sheathed in the older woman, after the session with Harper and all the teasing, my body wanted unrelenting ball-slapping sex." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Try to verbally goad her into moving:" KN_MOD "if w2KatSexSub == True:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm about to lose my mind here. Could you please move?" "In an attempt to appeal to her ego, I did my best to sound as plaintive and desperate as possible. It felt like a small price to get the action started." scene w2_1621 with dissolve kat "Hmm..." "She looked down at me with a smug, satisfied look." scene w2_1619 with dissolve kat "Okay." KN_MOD "else:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "What are you drawing this out for? You're hornier than I am." scene w2_1619 with dissolve kat "There is value in delayed satisfaction. You should learn that." kat "I mean, how did my little present feel tonight after finally indulging that side of yourself?" scene w2_1620 with dissolve mc "...c'mon, I'm about to lose my mind here." scene w2_1619 with dissolve kat "Ah, those needy eyes..." scene katpov1_a with dissolve show katpov1 with dissolve mc "-gh!" "With a burst of fervor, she conceded to my request, prying herself off my cock and lowering herself back down in a smooth, methodical motion." KN_MOD "Try to physically goad her into moving.:" KN_MOD "if w2KatSexSub == True:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "She was hornier than I was, I was sure of that. Without saying a word, I gently rocked my hips as best I could from the position I was in. " scene w2_1622 with dissolve kat "Nnhe, e-eager, aren't you?" "With only a limited range of motion, it was more like I was tickling her inner walls, but it seemed to do the trick." scene w2_1621 with dissolve "Her smug, satisfied look showed cracks of pleasure and small murmurs of sexual contentment escaped from her lips." scene w2_1619 with dissolve kat "Ah, no point in dragging this out. You've been a good boy tonight." scene katpov1_a with dissolve show katpov1 with dissolve mc "-gh!" "With a burst of fervor, she conceded to my request, prying herself off my cock and lowering herself back down in a smooth, methodical motion." KN_MOD "else:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "She was hornier than I was, I was sure of that. Without saying a word, I gently rocked my hips as best I could from the position I was in. " scene w2_1622 with dissolve kat "Nnhe, e-eager, aren't you?" "With only a limited range of motion, it was more like I was tickling her inner walls, so I decided to tack on a different approach." scene w2_1623 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_1624 with vpunch "*Smack!*" kat "Ah!" "The unexpected swat set Kat's hips into motion, as she easily slid up and down my cock at an erratic pace." scene w2_1625 with dissolve kat "Ah, r-real fucking cheeky..." scene katpov1_a with dissolve show katpov1 with dissolve "The flustered, clumsy dick riding unfortunately didn't last long. She soon regained her composure and adjusted her approach to a more smooth, methodical pace." kat "Mmm...! That's the ticket..." kat "Watching you have fun with Harper... that really turned me on. I know you enjoyed it, my fledgling sadist." mc "You mean you -ah!- y-you get off on watching people dance to your tune." kat "Yes! You understand! Every man and woman has a song they'll dance to." kat "That's OUR business, [mcf]." kat "Ah-! Mmmh...! Did I mention how much I love young dick? It's so goddamn stiff! Grab my tits!" scene w2_1626 with dissolve "It amazed me just how quickly she traded her façade of control for unrepentant sexual zeal." kat "Material wealth, position, love, family, spirituality... even the most religious ascetic has SOMETHING that can be exploited." scene katride1_a with dissolve show katride1 with dissolve kat "For example, Veronica and Rosalind... what do you think it was for them?" mc "Ah-! M-money, obviously..." scene katride1b_a with dissolve show katride1b with dissolve kat "Wrong! That's just the remedy for what ails them. If you want to have a full handle on the Carnations, now and in the years to come, you should understand what drives them." "Part of me marveled at her ability to launch into a twisted, bullshit diatribe while bouncing on a dick. A larger part of me just focused on the tits in my face" kat "I'll spell it out for you this time. Veronica's pitfall is that she's a prideful woman, afraid of failure. Rather than let her business go, she's willing to go to extreme lengths." kat "What would you guess for Rosalind?" mc "Ah...!" "Meanwhile, it was hard to think with the building pleasure in my dick." mc "F-family?" scene katride1_a with dissolve show katride1 with dissolve kat "Yes. That was an easy one. Now, Felicia... she's a bit tougher to crack." kat "You might assume what drives her is her appetite, but I believe the reality is something far less slippery to control." mc "What is it?" kat "I'm n-not going, -ah!- to give you all the answers. I'll let you figure that one out for yourself." "Thankfully, the conversation receded into the dirty sounds of copulation and I could fully focus on enjoying the moment." "On the pleasurable sensation of the older woman rising and falling in quick succession." scene katpov1_a with dissolve show katpov1 with dissolve mc "You're... r-really good at this." kat "Of course I am. Don't insult me, [mcf]." "Up and down like clockwork, at the same vigorously persistent tempo... it was like she was efficiently milking me for my seed." kat "That look on your face. Does my pussy feel that good?" mc "Yeah, it does." show katride1c with w19 KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I had no problem admitting it, and the admission had the added effect of putting just an ounce more pep in Mrs. Pulman's wantonly bouncing ass." KN_MOD "else:" "I had no problem admitting it, and the admission had the added effect of putting just an ounce more pep in Kathleen's wantonly bouncing ass." kat "Mmh... it's not like I couldn't tell, but it's nice to hear." "Up and down like clockwork..." scene w2_1627 with wipeleft harp "Ghh..." kat "Do you like seeing a woman my age shake her ass like a whore?" mc "Y-yeah, I do." kat "Ohoho, what a perverted rat you are." scene katride2_a with dissolve show katride2 with dissolve mc "Ghk!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman roughly grabbed ahold of my throat, sinking the tips of her nails into the tender flesh of my neck, and looked down on me with a sinister gaze." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen roughly grabbed ahold of my throat, sinking the tips of her nails into the tender flesh of my neck, and looked down on me with a sinister gaze." kat "I just bet you want to show me just how much of a whore I am." "Her grip tightened, not enough for me to be unable to breathe, but enough to stir an urgent, primal feeling in me." kat "Mmmh...!" "The tempo of her shaking hips increased." scene katpov2_a with dissolve show katpov2 with dissolve kat "I bet you want to treat me like you did Felicia last Saturday night." kat "Mmmh...! What's the matter? Why aren't you saying anything?" "She moved more and more erratically." KN_MOD "if w2KatSexSub == True:" kat "Ah, but you don't have it in you, do you?" kat "You so quickly got down on your knees and kissed my boot like a good mutt." ## and jeff KN_MOD "else:" kat "You said you were a man, but you don't have it in you, do you?" kat "That was all just worthless, bullshit machismo." scene katride2_a with dissolve show katride2 with dissolve mct "(Is she...)" kat "You're just going to lie there and let me fuck you like a bitch, aren't you?" mct "(...trying to provoke me? Is this another one of her tests?)" "Who the hell knows. I just want to..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Just sit back and enjoy the ride.:" $ w2KatTop = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2KatSexSub == True:" "...lie back and enjoy the feeling of having the older woman ride me." KN_MOD "else:" "...let the horny bitch ride me until I cum." KN_MOD "jump w2KatSexTop" KN_MOD "Turn things around (literally) and take the lead.:" $ w2KatBottom = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "...fuck, not listen to her drone on and on." KN_MOD "jump w2KatSexBottom" KN_MOD "label w2KatSexTop:" scene w2_1629 with dissolve mc "..." "I averted my gaze, to signal my lack of interest in continuing her bullshit game. Either way, I'm being led on her leash." scene w2_1630 with dissolve kat "Ah..." "In a fleeting glimpse of softness, her lips furled into a confusingly tender smile." kat "Very well." scene katride3_a with dissolve show katride3 $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" mc "Eh-!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "What followed next was a blur of unrestrained fornicating, as Mrs. Pulman forcibly pushed me backwards into the plush leather mat." KN_MOD "else:" "What followed next was a blur of unrestrained fornicating, as Kathleen forcibly pushed me backwards into the plush leather mat." "She used her hands not only to firmly hold me into place, but to gain better leverage as she truly and properly began to {i}fuck me{/i} into the dirt." mc "Ngh, d-damn!" "*SMACK* *SCHLICK* *THWIP*" "Her hips picked up speed, rapidly increasing in tempo until the sound of her naked ass crashing into my thighs resembled more of a taiko drum than human intercourse." "*SHLICK* *SHLICK* *SHLICK*" scene katride3b_a with dissolve show katride3b "It was like I wasn't even there. She had tossed her head back and retreated into the sensation of riding dick." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "For once, in her laxed expression, Mrs. Pulman looked utterly detached from the cruelty of this place and reminded me of an actual person." KN_MOD "else:" "For once, in her laxed expression, Kathleen looked utterly detached from the cruelty of this place and reminded me of an actual person." "I wanted to reach up and stroke her face, but I dared not break the illusion. Instead, I enjoyed the dizzying view of the older woman's breasts bouncing as she hurled herself toward sexual gratification." "A minute passed, and at this speed, I had little hope; An oh so familiar sensation was about to hit its crescendo." mc "Ng, ah-- I'm about to cum!" kat "I know. Don't worry, you can do it inside me. One of the perks of fucking an older woman." mc "Mmh...! O-okay!" mc "Ah-" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_1631 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Aaaah!" "With how deep I was fucking her, I must have hit a bullseye on her uterus." kat "Ah, hahaha...! I love that warm feeling creeping into my stomach. You had a lot for me, mutt." ##and jeff scene katride3_a with dissolve show katride3 "*SMACK* *SCHLICK* *THWIP*" "...and not for a second did she slow down." mc "Ngh...!" "*SHLICK* *SHLICK* *SHLICK*" scene katride3c_a with dissolve show katride3c "She continued to violently rock her hips into mine, rubbing the post-orgasm, overwrought nerves of my penis against the slippery inner walls of her cunt." "It wasn't exactly painful, but it was {b}intense{/b}. As soon as I had tasted sweet release, without a moment's rest, I was ensnared once more by the feeling of building pleasure." kat "That's a {b}lovely{/b} expression you're wearing. Like the pitiful look of a virgin bride on her wedding night, ah~! Oh! Marvelous!" "With the way the older woman's quim greedily kissed and sucked at my prick, I didn't even have the chance to go soft." scene katride3b_a with dissolve show katride3b kat "You're still so fucking hard! I love it!" mc "Uhhh...! Fuck!" "The added sensitivity from just cumming, the growing physical strain... as the minutes passed, so did these." scene katride3_a with dissolve show katride3 "*SMACK* *SCHLICK* *THWIP*" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "My hips were aching from Mrs. Pulman's weight battering down on me as she violently mashed our crotches together." KN_MOD "else:" "My hips were aching from Kathleen's weight battering down on me as she violently mashed our crotches together." "*SHLICK* *SHLICK* *SHLICK*" mct "(What's with this woman...?)" "We hadn't been fucking for long, but I'm getting unusually sore." kat "Mmmh...♥" scene katride3c_a with dissolve show katride3c "*SMACK* *SCHLICK* *THWIP*" kat "You're almost there. Just how many times are you going to cum for me?" mct "(Huh? She was right, but what's more...)" "She had even realized it before I had myself." mct "(How the hell can she do that?)" "An itch once more crept from my scrotum to my shaft, as my body prepared for yet another release." "*SHLICK* *SHLICK* *SHLICK*" scene katride3b_a with dissolve show katride3b kat "Ha... ha... ha...!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman was beginning to look a little ragged herself, sweat matting her bangs and rolling down the side of her cheek. The methodical rhythm of her bucking hips, which you could've previously set your watch to, grew more erratic and less precise." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen. was beginning to look a little ragged herself, sweat matting her bangs and rolling down the side of her cheek. The methodical rhythm of her bucking hips, which you could've previously set your watch to, grew more erratic and less precise." kat "Ha... ah, ha... ha...! Yes!" "She dug her nails sharply into my chest. It stung, but in the face of my swelling need, I wasn't in a position to actually care." kat "Ah, aaaah! Let me have it, [mcf]." kat "Plaster my cunt with your seed!" mc "S-shit...!" "The look she gave me was the tipping point. With sex-filled, piercing eyes she had pushed me over the edge." mc "Ng...!" stop ambient play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_1632 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghe..!" "Like last time, I released a deluge of semen inside of the cruel woman, the moment of which set her off and had her shrieking like a banshee." scene w2_1633 with dissolve kat "Aaaaaaah, gh...! Ghe....!" scene w2_1634 with vpunch kat "Nyeeeeee!" "Her quim had my dick in a strangle hold, clamping down hard and refusing to give up its prize until every last drop of precious seed had been squeezed out and deposited." mct "(H-huh? I'm still...?)" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_1635 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Ahh, ngh!" "Her set of nails dug deeper and deeper into the flesh of my chest, strong enough to know even in the mind-melting pleasure, it was going to leave a mark..." scene w2_1636 with vpunch kat "Ghe, y-yes! Ah! Eughgggh!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman wasn't done either, as an on encore of animalistic moans followed a second orgasm in quick succession of the first." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen wasn't done either, as an on encore of animalistic moans followed a second orgasm in quick succession of the first." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_1637 with dissolve kat "Ah..." "........." "......" scene w2_1638 with dissolve kat "..." scene w2_1639 with dissolve kat "That was fun. I needed that..." "We fucked for less than ten minutes, but I felt like I had gone for an hour. Every muscle in my body felt sore." mct "(She's fucking crazy...)" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman contentedly purred into my chest like a pussy cat, but of course it would be unwise to forget..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen contentedly purred into my chest like a pussy cat, but of course it would be unwise to forget..." scene w2_1640 with dissolve "She was a woman-devouring tiger." mc "Uh, we should probably get Harper down. It's not good to be upside down that long..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2KatSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2KatSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2June08End" KN_MOD "label w2KatSexBottom:" "For a moment I hesitated, but..." scene w2_1641 with dissolve kat "Oh-!" scene w2_1642 with dissolve kat "Oof!" mct "(She did basically tell me to do it.)" scene w2_1643 with fade mc "If you wanted to switch positions..." scene w2_1644 with fade mc "You could've just asked like a normal person." scene w2_1645 with hpunch kat "Ggh-!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "To emphasis my point, I slammed my hips forward all at once, burying the full length of my cock back into Mrs. Pulman's swollen sex." KN_MOD "else:" "To emphasis my point, I slammed my hips forward all at once, burying the full length of my cock back into Kathleen's swollen sex." scene w2_1646 with dissolve kat "Ah, hahaha...! Excellent." kat "Now {b}fuck me{/b}, [mcf]." scene w2_1647 with dissolve "The older woman got the jump on me, shaking her ass and grinding violently into my crotch." mc "Ah...!" "Even without me moving it felt amazing, what with the way her quim sucked, kissed, and massaged my glans." "It probably wouldn't take me long to get off from just this, which is why..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene katstand1_a with dissolve $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" show katstand1 kat "O-oh!" "I was going to be the one to dictate the pace." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Using Mrs. Pulman's arms for leverage, I repeatedly jackhammered my hips home again and again." KN_MOD "else:" "Using Kathleen's arms for leverage, I repeatedly jackhammered my hips home again and again." "*Plop!* *Plap!* *Smack!*" "Every piston was punctuated by a pleasant smacking sound, as the fat on the older woman's shapely ass careened into my crotch at a rapid pace." "Plap!* *Plap!* *Plop!*" kat "Mmmh...! Hehehe, yes!" kat "Don't hold back, you mutt. Fuck me like an animal." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Even in this position, it felt like Mrs. Pulman had me on a leash." KN_MOD "else:" "Even in this position, it felt like Kathleen had me on a leash." "Not like I cared though, my mind was too wrapped up in copulation to give a damn about that sort of thing." scene katstand2_a with dissolve show katstand2 "Instead, I focused on what was in front of me." "The way the older woman's back arched as I tugged at her arms." "The steady rhythm of her sliding on and off my dick." "The cloying heat of her quim, as her inner walls stuck and tugged at the flesh of my penis, trying to prevent its escape." "The way sweat formed on the nape of Mrs. Pulman's neck, pooling until its weight funneled down her back." mc "Ah... ha...! This..." "*Plop!* *Plap!* *Smack!*" mc "This good enough for you, {b}Mrs. Pulman{/b}?" kat "Ng-! No, I need more!" mct "(More? I don't know how much harder I can go.)" scene katstand3_a with dissolve show katstand3 mct "(Ah, fuck it!)" "*PLAP!* *PLAP!* *PLOP!*" "I purged any and all concern from my head for either of our physical comforts, gripping the older woman's wrists as tight as I could - hard enough to bleach her hands white - and pulled her into me with as much force as I could muster." "My lower half did the same, heaving forward so fast that every time our skin kissed, it actually stung." kat "Ah...♥ That's more like it!" "The harder I thrusted, the fewer thoughts occupied my head until it was just a word soup of vulgarity." mct "(Damn bitch...! Fucking slut...! ...Shit!)" mc "Ah...!" "I was basically in a state of rut." "*SMACK!* *PLOP!* *PLAP!*" scene katstand4_a with dissolve show katstand4 kat "Ghh, yes...! That's more like it!" "It didn't take long for the ache in my calves to spread up to my thighs." "*PLAP!* *PLAP!* *PLOP!*" kat "Uggeee!" "Soon, it felt like my whole lower half would go numb." kat "Ah, haa...! Y-you're about to cum, aren't you?" mct "(W-what?)" "Like an old country shepherd predicting the weather, she had even realized it before I had." mct "(How the hell can she do that?)" kat "Do it inside!" kat "O-One, -ah!- of the perks of fucking an older woman!" mc "Right!" scene katstand5_a with dissolve show katstand5 "Letting go of her arms, I grabbed the back of the babbling woman's head and hurled myself into the final stretch." kat "Ghh-! Ah...! Ha...! Ha...!" "Her legs buckled, but thankfully she didn't fall flat on her face." kat "Ehe... haha... ng...!" "There was a perverse joy in hearing the overly talkative woman lose the ability to form syllables into words." kat "Ghhhheeee!" "--not that I was presently in any state to speak." kat "Ah, oh... oh..." scene w2_1648 with vpunch kat "Ngh...aaAaaah!" "Her snatch clamped down {i}hard{/i} and a series of even more incoherent shrieking pierced my ears." kat "Ghh... gh! Ah...♥" with vpunch scene katstand6_a with dissolve show katstand6 kat "Ghh... gh...!" "She had reached her peak and I wasn't too far behind." mc "Ah...!" mc "Ah, ah...!" scene white with fade mc "Ah, ah, ah...!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "--!" scene katstand7_a with dissolve show katstand7 mc "F-fuck...!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Semen flooded the older woman's uterus." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Even as I was cumming, my hips never stopped moving. It was like they had a mind of their own." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Every thrust packed her with more and more of my cum." mc "Gh...!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Rope after rope..." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_1648 with flash kat "Ngh, ah! Yeeeeeeees!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman wasn't done either, as an on encore of animalistic moans followed a second orgasm in quick succession of the first." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen wasn't done either, as an on encore of animalistic moans followed a second orgasm in quick succession of the first." scene katstand7_a with dissolve show katstand7 "Rope after rope..." "I could feel my sanity slowly come back to me, and with it, I quickly became aware of one inescapable truth." mc "Ha... ha... ha..." "My entire body was in pain." stop ambient stop music scene w2_1649 with dissolve mc "Ha....ha...haaaa!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_1650 with fade kat "Euggh.... ha..." "The room had went from the sound of enthusiastic fornication to tired wheezing at a drop of a hat." scene w2_1651 with dissolve kat "I needed that..." kat "Good job, [mcf]." scene w2_1650 with dissolve "We fucked for less than ten minutes, but I felt like I had went for an hour. Every muscle in my body was on fire." mct "(She's fucking crazy...)" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman contentedly purred like a pussy cat, but of course it would be unwise to forget..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen contentedly purred like a pussy cat, but of course it would be unwise to forget..." scene w2_1640 with dissolve "She was a woman-devouring tiger." mc "Uh, we should probably get Harper down. It's not good to be upside down that long..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2KatSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2KatSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2June08End" KN_MOD "label w2KatGiftDecline:" stop music scene w2_1652 with dissolve mc "Thank you for the gift, but I respectfully decline." scene w2_1653 with dissolve play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" kat "Is that so?" scene w2_1654 with dissolve mc "I don't feel comfortable with any of this." scene w2_1655 with dissolve kat "It's not good to deny yourself, [mcf]... but it is only a {b}gift{/b} after all, you're within your right to refuse." kat "Would you mind helping me get Harper down, then?" scene w2_1656 with dissolve mc "Yeah, of course." scene black with fade mct "(Yeeesh, how over-engineered is this contraption?)" kat "Watch your hands, don't get it caught in the pulley." "..." scene w2_1657 with fade harp "Coming down is my least favorite part." scene w2_1658 with dissolve kat "I'm going to go get changed. I'll give you a ride back to your apartment. I have business I need to discuss." scene w2_1659 with dissolve kat "Sorry for dragging you down here for nothing." harp "..." scene w2_1660 with dissolve mc "Uh... is she mad?" harp "Oh, yeah. Seething mad." scene w2_1661 with dissolve harp "She's not used to being told no and on top of it all you ruined her fun for the evening." scene w2_1662 with dissolve mc "Her fun...?" scene w2_1663 with dissolve harp "How to put it, uh...." scene w2_1661 with dissolve harp "She's really fucking horny." scene w2_1662 with dissolve mc "...?" scene w2_1664 with dissolve harp "You see... the summer exhibition gets her going, but she can't do anything about it for appearance's sake." harp "She thinks the old, dead fucks of the club would take her less seriously. Truth be told, half of them don't see her as an equal to begin with..." scene w2_1662 with dissolve mc "So the birthday \"gift\" thing was just a pretense for her to blow off steam?" scene w2_1665 with dissolve harp "You got it, chief." scene w2_1666 with dissolve harp "Why did you turn down the offer, by the way? You looked... tempted. I'm skilled at telling that sort of thing." harp "I would've made it fun for you. A lot of groaning and squeeling. I'm pretty good, y'know?" harp "Am I not your type?" scene w2_1667 with dissolve mc "Oh, come on. That's not it. It's just..." scene w2_1668 with dissolve harp "Ah, I'm just kidding 'ya. I get it." harp "I really, {b}really{/b} do." scene w2_1669 with dissolve harp "Who wants someone telling them what to do if they can help it?" harp "Guess I have the rest of the night off." scene w2_1670 with dissolve harp "Oh, by the way..." scene w2_1671 with dissolve harp "Maybe we'll call tonight a \"rain check\". How does that sound?" scene w2_1672 with dissolve "Without waiting for my answer, Harper left me alone in the unimaginatively named \"obsidian room\". It occurred to me..." "This was the most I'd ever heard her speak." scene w2_1673 with dissolve mc "*sigh* Ha..." mc "Maybe tonight wasn't such a waste of time." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2June08End" KN_MOD "label w2HarperSoloEnding:" scene w2_1674 with dissolve kat "That was quite the show. I can see how much you enjoyed it." mc "You seemed to get as much out of it as I did..." play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" scene w2_1675 with dissolve kat "I did." kat "It's just a shame we have to end it here." scene w2_1676 with dissolve mc "A-ah...!" scene w2_1675 with dissolve kat "We have some business to discuss and then I need to be some place." scene w2_1677 with dissolve mc "Business?" scene w2_1675 with dissolve kat "I'll tell you about it on the ride back to your apartment. Would you please help me get Harper down?" scene w2_1677 with dissolve mc "Yeah, of course..." scene black with fade mct "(Yeeesh, how over-engineered is this contraption?)" kat "Watch your hands, don't get it caught in the pulley." "..." scene w2_1657 with dissolve harp "Coming down is my least favorite part." scene w2_1658 with dissolve kat "I'm going to go get changed. I'll meet you at the bar." scene w2_1659 with dissolve kat "Oh, and happy belated birthday, [mcf]." harp "..." scene w2_1660 with dissolve harp "I'm surprised it stopped there." mc "What do you mean?" scene w2_1679 with dissolve harp "These private sort of deals, she's usually not satisfied just watching." scene w2_1680 with dissolve harp "You see... the summer exhibition gets her going, but she can't do anything about it for appearance's sake." scene w2_1679 with dissolve harp "She thinks the old, dead fucks of the club would take her less seriously. Truth be told, half of them don't see her as an equal to begin with..." scene w2_1678 with dissolve mc "It's hard to muster any sympathy for that." scene w2_1681 with dissolve harp "Ha, tell me about it." scene w2_1678 with dissolve mc "...uh, are you okay by the way? I hope I didn't..." scene w2_1680 with dissolve harp "I sound fine don't I? Legs are just a lil' shaky is all." scene w2_1669 with dissolve harp "Being strung up like that fucks up your sense of balance." scene w2_1671 with dissolve harp "Thanks for being so concerned though." scene w2_1672 with dissolve "With that, she left me alone and horny in the unimaginatively named \"obsidian room\"." scene w2_1682 with dissolve mc "*sigh* Ha..." mc "I've never been this frustrated before." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w2June08End:" play sound "sound effects/car.wav" play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene w2_1683 with circlewipe KN_MOD "if w2KatSex == True:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "After helping Harper down from her restraints, Mrs. Pulman didn't so much {i}offer{/i} to take me home as much as she {b}told{/b} me that was what she was going to do." KN_MOD "else:" "After helping Harper down from her restraints, Kathleen didn't so much {i}offer{/i} to take me home as much as she {b}told{/b} me that was what she was going to do." $ history_kathleen = "I was pulled into a steamy night of debauchery under the pretense of it being my birthday, where I momentarily let my true colors show and then fucked like a jackrabbit." $ unread_kathleen = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "Apparently, she had more in mind than just fun tonight. She had actual \"business\" to discuss. She hadn't gotten to it yet, though." play music "music/night-on-the-docks-sax.ogg" stop ambient fadeout 2.0 scene w2_1684 with dissolve "Instead, we had just been sitting in silence for some time now, a curious smile on her lips while I marveled at how unaffected she seemed from our earlier strenuous activity." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I felt, looked, and smelled like utter shit, but Mrs. Pulman was {b}glowing{/b}. Like she had just woken up from a refreshing midday nap." KN_MOD "else:" "I felt, looked, and smelled like utter shit, but Kathleen was {b}glowing{/b}. Like she had just woken up from a refreshing midday nap." mct "(I'm severely outclassed here.)" scene w2_1685 with dissolve kat "Thank you for the entertainment tonight, [mcf]. That was at the very least, informative." "Finally, she saw fit to move onto some conversation." scene w2_1686 with dissolve kat "Not to mention, pleasurable." scene w2_1687 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that was... something." scene w2_1688 with dissolve kat "Ahaha...!" scene w2_1689 with dissolve kat "Ah, but we should discuss the \"extracurricular\" activities you and the Carnations will be partaking in this week." KN_MOD "elif w2HarperSolo == True:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "After waiting for Mrs. Pulman to get dressed, she made good on her word of taking me home and I found myself in the back of her limousine." KN_MOD "else:" "After waiting for Kathleen to get dressed, she made good on her word of taking me home and I found myself in the back of her limousine." $ history_kathleen = "I was pulled into a flight of sadism under the pretense of it being my birthday. Unfortunately, we stopped short of reaching any sort of grand finale." $ unread_kathleen = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "The more pressing part of her promise, of discussing actual \"business\" was still up in the air." scene w2_1690 with dissolve "Instead, we had just been sitting here for some time now, with the older woman wearing a contemplative smile and raking me over the coals with the silence." "I thought back to what Harper had said, about her being frustrated, but that wasn't really my problem." scene w2_1691 with dissolve mc "Ah, so..." "I decided to be the one to break the silence and to broach the reason for why we were sharing a ride." scene w2_1692 with dissolve mc "You mentioned you had something to talk to me about?" scene w2_1689 with dissolve kat "That's right." kat "We should discuss the \"extracurricular\" activities you and the Carnations will be partaking in this week." KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "After waiting for Mrs. Pulman to get dressed, she made good on her word of taking me home and I found myself in the back of her limousine." KN_MOD "else:" "After waiting for Kathleen to get dressed, she made good on her word of taking me home and I found myself in the back of her limousine." $ history_kathleen = "Mrs. Pulman tried to entice me into a night of debauchery under the pretense of my birthday, but it felt good not to let her pull the strings for once." $ unread_kathleen = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "The more pressing part of her promise, of discussing actual \"business\" was still up in the air." scene w2_1717 with dissolve "Instead, we had just been sitting here for some time now, with the older woman wearing a painfully neutral expression and killing me with the silence." "I thought back to what Harper had said, about her being angry about being denied, but I didn't regret my decision to not dance on strings for her amusement." scene w2_1691 with dissolve mc "Ah, so..." "I decided to be the one to break the silence and to broach the reason for why we were sharing a ride." scene w2_1692 with dissolve mc "You mentioned you had something to talk to me about?" scene w2_1689 with dissolve kat "That's right." kat "We should discuss the \"extracurricular\" activities you and the Carnations will be partaking in this week." scene w2_1692 with dissolve "She was talking about what she had alluded to a number of times during the photoshoot and the whole reason I now had a camera in my possession." mc "What am I going to have to do?" "The vast number of twisted possibilities made me uneasy, so I was direct with my words." scene w2_1693 with dissolve kat "How do you feel about having sex in risky places?" scene w2_1694 with dissolve mc "{b}Uncomfortable{/b}." scene w2_1693 with dissolve kat "I hope you'll come around on the idea, because you'll be tasked with getting some candid snapshots of our girls this week." kat "How far you take it will be up to your discretion, but do get some good ones for our patrons, will you?" scene w2_1694 with dissolve mc "Could you explain a little more about what I'm supposed to do?" "No point in fussing about it until I've heard the full details." scene w2_1689 with dissolve kat "You'll have a session with each of the Carnations this week in a designated spot. Once there, I want you to get some compromising photos of them." scene w2_1692 with dissolve mc "Designated spots...?" scene w2_1695 with dissolve kat "Ah, ha! You see, that is where things get fun for you and our members. Each location has been carefully considered and chosen for each woman's maximum embarrassment." kat "For Rosalind, you'll be snagging some photos of her at a park nearby her home. Research tells me that it's a pretty popular place for the neighborhood moms to gather after they send their brats off to school." kat "The chances of her running into someone she knows should be pretty high. Have her wear something... slutty." scene w2_1696 with dissolve mc "Isn't that going too far?" kat "You're just full of funny questions." mc "Okay, so what about Veronica?" scene w2_1697 with dissolve kat "For Veronica, I want you to make that bitch squirm by getting photos of her at her gym. As I understand it, despite her financial troubles, her gym sees its own share of foot traffic." kat "The potential of getting caught by one of her customers... hmmm yes, her gym should be the perfect place for the shoot." scene w2_1692 with dissolve mc "And Felicia?" scene w2_1698 with dissolve kat "That's the best one! Our patrons are going to LOVE this. Tell me, have you ever conducted an interview before?" scene w2_1699 with dissolve mc "Once for a paper for college." mc "...and I guess when you had me make that video last week." kat "Ah, that's right!" mc "Who am I going to be interviewing?" "I wanted to cut to the heart of her question." kat "{b}Elias Ford{/b}." scene w2_1700 with cmet mc "Eh-?!" scene w2_1701 with dissolve kat "I pulled some strings and got in touch with him through a mutual acquaintance. He's agreed to sit down for a puff piece for a magazine." scene w2_1718 with pixellate mc "You want me to meet with and interview Felicia's husband?!" kat "That's right. Conduct an interview with him, in his home, and try to find some time to bend his wife over their family dinner table." scene w2_1702 with pixellate mc "I can't do that." kat "I'm not asking you to build a rocket that'll take you to Mars, [mcf]. You can certainly interview an old stiff and snag some dirty photos of his wife." scene w2_1692 with dissolve mc "Does Felicia know about your plan? I don't think she'll be cool with that." scene w2_1689 with dissolve kat "If she's not, you better convince her." kat "That is part of your job, after all." scene w2_1692 with dissolve mc "What about the article? Wouldn't he find it funny if there wasn't an actual article printed?" scene w2_1689 with dissolve kat "Oh, it's a real interview. I have a friend who owns a number of publications." kat "You won't have to write it though, it's just an excuse to get you in the door. Just take notes and they'll find their way into the hands of someone who will." scene w2_1694 with dissolve mc "I, ah..." "I was at a complete loss of words. Taking dirty photos of Rosalind at the park was worrying enough, but meeting Felicia's husband went beyond anxiety and ventured into nefariousness." scene w2_1693 with dissolve kat "Don't worry, you'll come around on it. You really shined on stage last week. You had no problem whatsoever performing in front of our patrons, did you?" kat "You're capable of a lot more than you give yourself credit for." scene w2_1703 with dissolve mc "Those would be inspirational words if the situation wasn't so fucked up." scene w2_1704 with dissolve kat "Ah, haha! You make me laugh, [mcf]." scene w2_1705 with dissolve mc " did say the content of the shoot is to my discretion?" scene w2_1706 with dissolve kat "That's right." "It may be small, but having control of how far things went was a consolation." scene w2_1703 with dissolve mc "Alright, I understand what I need to do." scene w2_1704 with dissolve kat "Excellent. If those sluts don't show their shamed expressions after that, I'll be convinced they're incapable of it." scene w2_1707 with dissolve mc "Ah..." scene w2_1708 with dissolve "*Skreeeen*" kat "Almost perfect timing." "The limo decelerated into a gentle stop." scene w2_1709 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2KatSex == True:" kat "Thanks for showing an old lady a good time, [mcf]. That'll be all." kat "Have a good night." scene black with fade "With a half-hearted wave, I said goodbye to that crazy, man-eating succubus." KN_MOD "elif w2HarperSolo == True:" kat "Thanks for the show, [mcf]. That'll be all." kat "Have a good night." scene black with fade "With a half-hearted wave, I said goodbye to the temptress." KN_MOD "else:" kat "That'll be all, [mcf]. Have a good night." scene black with fade "With a half-hearted wave, I said goodbye to my boss." scene w2_1710 with dissolve mct "(Finally, {b}home{/b} I'm going to sleep for a whole d-)" scene w2_1711 with dissolve mct "(Hana?)" war "Ha, looks like you've got some company." scene w2_1712 with dissolve mc "Night." "I wasn't in the mood, but I gave a perfunctory wave to Warren out of professional politeness." scene w2_1713 with dissolve mc "Hey, I didn't expect to..." scene w2_1714 with dissolve hana "I'm here to impose." scene w2_1713 with dissolve mc "Is everything okay?" "Her body language was surprisingly exposed and timid." scene w2_1714 with dissolve hana "I had a huge fight with my mom and my only other friend lives in a van with her boyfriend, so I was hoping..." scene w2_1715 with dissolve mc "Say no more." "It was as simple as that." scene w2_1716 with dissolve mc "How long do you need to stay?" "For the time being, I had myself a room mate." scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump June09Start" KN_MOD "label June09Start:" stop music hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june09day" play sound "sound effects/alarmclock-digital.wav" scene w2_1731 with sunshine show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve ## Retroactive fix for old saves - delete later. KN_MOD "if met_abel == False:" $ met_abel = True KN_MOD "if not persistent.minaMCKissGallery:" $ persistent.minaMCKissGallery = True mc "Hmm..." scene w2_1719 with dissolve play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" show june09day with squares KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Even after the veil of sleep had been lifted, last night's conversation with Mrs. Pulman remained at the forefront of my mind." KN_MOD "else:" "Even after the veil of sleep had been lifted, last night's conversation with Kathleen remained at the forefront of my mind." "The scope of my duties at the club was indeed truly open-ended." scene w2_1720 with dissolve "In a distant sense, the perverted mission I was assigned was exciting, but its actual execution was dread inducing." scene w2_1721 with dissolve mct "(I'm going to have to be smart about how we do this.)" scene w2_1722 with dissolve mc "*Yawn* Aaaaaugh...!" scene w2_1723 with dissolve mct "(A park, a gym, and Felicia's home...)" "If I want to get the shots without branding the girls as sex perverts, it'll all be about timing and finding the right location to go unnoticed." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_1724 with vpunch KN_MOD "if w2KatSex == True:" mct "(That fucking man-eater, I've never felt so drained...)" mc "......" mc "..." KN_MOD "if w2KatSex == False:" mct "(Maybe I might even enjoy this?)" "Not sure if I even want to know that about myself, but we will see..." scene w2_1725 with dissolve mc "Hana..." mct "(Wonder if she's still snoozing?)" scene w2_1726 with wipeleft "My new, abrupt house guest..." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" "Despite all the bumping and grinding we did not two nights before, she had insisted on separate sleeping arrangements." scene w2_1727 with dissolve mct "(She said she didn't want to give the wrong impression after what we did.)" KN_MOD "else:" "Despite sharing a bed not two nights before, she had insisted on separate sleeping arrangements." scene w2_1727 with dissolve mct "(She said she didn't want to give the wrong impression.)" mct "(Women are funny.)" scene w2_1728 with dissolve hana "*snore* Schfwoo~" hana "Schfwoo~ Fhew~" scene w2_1729 with dissolve hana "Fhwooo~" scene w2_1730 with dissolve mc "Heh..." mct "(Adorable.)" scene w2_1732 with vpunch hana "*Sneeze* Achoo...!" scene w2_1733 with dissolve hana "Uh..." hana "Dammit, I was having a nice dream..." scene w2_1734 with dissolve hana "......" hana "..." hana "What are you looking at? Are you watching me sleep, weirdo?" scene w2_1735 with dissolve mc "You want some coffee?" scene w2_1734 with dissolve hana "...yes, please." scene w2_1736 with dissolve mc "Make us some while I'm in the shower, then." scene black with fade hana "You dick." play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." stop sound play music "music/scissor-vision.ogg" scene w2_1737 with wet hana "Thanks... for letting me crash here last night." scene w2_1738 with dissolve mc "It's no problem. How long will I have the pleasure?" scene w2_1737 with dissolve hana "Mmmh... I don't know." scene w2_1739 with dissolve hana "Mom and I usually have a cold war after we get into it like we did last night. It could last a few days..." scene w2_1740 with dissolve mc "No worries, you can stay as long as you need. This place is too big for me, I'm more comfortable having someone to share it with." scene w2_1741 with dissolve hana "Ehe..." scene w2_1742 with dissolve "..." scene w2_1743 with dissolve hana "Thanks, [mcf]." scene w2_1744 with dissolve mc "If you don't mind me asking, what was it that you two got into it over?" scene w2_1745 with dissolve hana "Ah... it's {i}really{/i} fucking dumb." hana "Her memory isn't what it used to be, so whenever she misplaces something, she gets really agitated. It's easy to take it for granted, but you can imagine right?" scene w2_1746 with dissolve mc "I can." scene w2_1745 with dissolve hana "Well, for whatever reason, she thinks I'm hiding shit from her. I try to ignore it when she gets that way, and it's not like I don't understand delusions are part of her disease, but..." scene w2_1746 with dissolve mc "Everyone's got a tipping point." scene w2_1739 with dissolve hana "I think I may have too small of one sometimes." KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 scene w2_1740 with dissolve mc "I can relate." scene w2_1743 with dissolve hana "You can?" scene w2_1744 with dissolve mc "Uh huh, quite a bit." scene w2_1739 with dissolve hana "You know how much it sucks, then?" scene w2_1740 with dissolve mc "I do." scene w2_1739 with dissolve hana "It really, {i}really{/i} sucks." scene w2_1740 with dissolve mc "Don't beat yourself up over it. Your mom may be sick, but you're only human." scene w2_1742 with dissolve mc "Just cool off over the next however long and go from there." scene w2_1743 with dissolve hana "Yeah, you're right. What are you doing today?" hana "If you need to study, I'll get out of your hair." scene w2_1744 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... I think I've got to start working on some club business." mc "Don't ask about it, you don't want to know." scene w2_1747 with dissolve hana "My~ster~ious." scene w2_1744 with dissolve mc "What about you? You're welcome to veg out here if you want." scene w2_1743 with dissolve hana "Nah, I think I'll call an \"emergency band practice\". Work off some steam that way." scene w2_1748 with dissolve hana "Mind if I use your shower?" scene w2_1749 with dissolve mc "Think of this as your home." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_1750 with dissolve "With an enthusiastic heel turn, she extended her hips and..." scene w2_1751 with dissolve mc "--!" scene w2_1752 with dissolve hana "Will do." scene w2_1753 with dissolve "......" scene w2_1754 with dissolve "..." scene w2_1755 with dissolve mct "(...the wrong impression, was it?)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1756 with dissolve hana "Thanks, [mcf]. You're a solid dude." scene w2_1757 with dissolve "......" scene w2_1758 with dissolve "..." scene w2_1755 with dissolve mct "(I am, ain't I?)" scene w2_1759 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(I should call Mrs. Pulman and see when she expects me to finish with her tasks.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I should call Kathleen and see when she expects me to finish with her tasks.)" scene w2_1760 with dissolve "I probably only have a few days..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "*Ring... {w}ring... {w}...ring...*" stop sound play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_1761 with dissolve "*Click*" scene player-bedroom blur with dissolve show kat-call with dissolve KN_MOD "if Kathleen_Trust >= 8:" kat "[mcf]. Is this about your work for the week?" KN_MOD "else:" kat "Mr. [mcl]. Is this about your work for the week?" kat "I expected you to call, but this early? Very commendable. What an eager beaver." mc "I need to know when you expect the photos to be delivered." kat "The interview with Mr. Ford is set for Thursday. That's the time he's cleared in his busy schedule to speak with you." kat "All Mrs. Ford knows is she's entertaining a journalist that night. Keep it that way." mc "Felicia doesn't know a thing about this?" kat "No, but I wish I could see the look on her face when she opens the door." mc "Do you anticipate her reacting poorly?" kat "Poorly? I don't know. Shocked? Oh, yes." kat "For the other two, it doesn't matter the day you get it done as long as it's by Friday. Get the materials to me by then, please." "That gives me four days time then." mc "Understood." kat "I'll text you the location of the park and Mrs. Ford's penthouse. Do you have any questions?" mc "I know you said you'd leave it to my discretion, but how far are you really expecting me to go with this?" kat "Do what feels... {i}right{/i}. If you need to motivate them, explain to them that the girl with the \"best\" shoot will gain a leg up this weekend." mc "They will?" kat "Sure, why not. It'll be more fun that way." "Did she just... decide that?" mc "...alright, I'll get it done." "The capricious nature of the competition aside, and despite my mixed feelings, I knew what I had to do." KN_MOD "if Kathleen_Trust >= 8:" kat "I have confidence in you, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" kat "Don't let me down, Mr. [mcl]." kat "Ta-ta." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_1762 with dissolve mct "(I said four days, but it's more like three...)" mct "(That means I can do... Rosalind or Veronica today and take care of the other tomorrow, a day before my appointed meeting with Felicia's husband.)" mct "(The question is, which one do I want to take care of first? I'll have to do both of course, but...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Call Rosalind and tell her to meet you in the park.:" $ w2RoseFirst = True play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_1763 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Beep!" play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene w2_1761 with dissolve "......" scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindParkStart" KN_MOD "Call Veronica and tell her to expect you at the gym.:" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_1763 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Beep!" play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene w2_1761 with dissolve "......" "..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaGymStart" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindParkStart:" stop sound play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w2_1764 with fade "*Ring, ring... {w}Ring, ring..." man "You're not going to answer it?" scene w2_1765 with dissolve rose "They will call back..." scene w2_1764 with dissolve man "If you're not going to answer it, I will." scene w2_1766 with dissolve rose "Uh..." scene w2_1767 with dissolve "..." scene w2_1768 with dissolve man "Too late." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_1769 with dissolve play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" man "Is that you, Stuart?" scene w2_1770 with dissolve "A man's deep voice, with the barest trace of a scouse accent, came unexpectedly from the other end of the line." scene w2_1769 with dissolve man "I'm in your home." scene w2_1770 with dissolve "It was a distinctly matter-of-fact, threatening tone." scene w2_1771 with dissolve mc "Is... this the right number? I'm looking for Rosalind." scene w2_1772 with dissolve man "...ah." man "The number read {i}Answer this{/i}. I just presumed you were her worthless husband." mct "(Worthless...?)" scene w2_1771 with dissolve mc "Who is this?!" scene w2_1773 with dissolve man "You didn't tell me you found a man." man "That makes things easier for all of us." scene w2_1774 with dissolve rose "He has nothing to do with this." scene w2_1775 with dissolve man "Shut the fuck up. I'll be the one to determine that." scene w2_1776 with dissolve man "Who are you?" scene w2_1777 with dissolve mc "[mcf]. Now, I asked you first." scene w2_1776 with dissolve olly "Well, [mcf], I'm Oliver. Olly to my friends." olly "How do you know Rosalind?" scene w2_1778 with dissolve "The conclusion had already formed in my head." scene w2_1779 with dissolve mc "'re a loan shark?" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == False:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I recalled Rosalind's personalized file that Mrs. Pulman had me study in the interim between Veronica being chosen and the month of June." KN_MOD "else:" "I recalled Rosalind's personalized file that Kathleen had me study in the interim between Veronica being chosen and the month of June." scene w2_1778 with dissolve olly "Oh, good. Then you know her situation. What's your relationship with this sorry bitch?" scene w2_1781 with dissolve mc "I'm a friend. Put Rose on the phone, please." scene w2_1780 with dissolve olly "Did you know she owes me quite a bit of money? She's three weeks in delinquency from her last payment." scene w2_1781 with dissolve mc "Put Rose on the phone." scene w2_1776 with dissolve olly "Now, I try to be understanding, but she did marry that sack of shit who ran off." scene w2_1782 with dissolve olly "Unsecured loans are a tricky business, but luckily she's quite the looker, ain't she?" scene w2_1777 with dissolve mc "Put Rose on the phone, you fucker." scene w2_1783 with dissolve olly "Sheesh, fine! No need to repeat yourself, I was just going to say, if she has someone to lean on..." scene w2_1784 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_1785 with dissolve olly "...she should probably make use of that shoulder before the month is up." scene w2_1786 with dissolve rose "*Gulp*" scene w2_1787 with dissolve olly "That should do as your reminder. I'll see myself out, luv." scene w2_1788 with dissolve olly "You have another week to get square with your missed payments, otherwise we'll have to look into alternative ways of paying." scene w2_1789 with dissolve rose "Hey, [mcf]. Sorry, but you caught me at a bad time..." mc "Are you okay?" scene w2_1790 with dissolve olly "Thanks for the tea." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_1791 with dissolve rose "Y-yes, I'm fine." scene w2_1792 with dissolve mc "That's the guy you owe money to? He hasn't hurt you, right?" scene w2_1791 with dissolve rose "N-no, he's just been..." scene w2_1793 with dissolve "Rose paused to carefully consider how to put it." play music "music/a-lost-map-of-a-heaven.ogg" scene w2_1791 with dissolve rose "Lurking around for the past week." scene w2_1792 with dissolve mc "What the hell does that mean?" scene w2_1791 with dissolve rose "Just stuff to remind me that I owe him. He likes to sit across the street so I see him when I go out." rose "Sometimes he knocks on the door and asks for a cup of tea..." scene w2_1792 with dissolve mc "You mean he's threatening you." scene w2_1791 with dissolve rose "Not exactly..." scene w2_1794 with dissolve rose "I mean, I don't like it or anything." rose "It's one thing when my daughter's not here, like today, but she's not dumb... she knows something is wrong." scene w2_1792 with dissolve mc "Not exactly? He's threatening you." scene w2_1793 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_1796 with dissolve mc "Did I hear right? Did he say you only had a week to--" scene w2_1795 with dissolve rose "Why did you call?" scene w2_1796 with dissolve mc "Forget about that for a second, are you able--" scene w2_1795 with dissolve rose "Why did you call, Mr. [mcl]?" "There was a cold, unmistakable edge to her voice." "This was a topic she desperately wanted to run away from." scene w2_1796 with dissolve mc "...Mrs. Pulman wants us to have another photo shoot, but if this is a bad time or you're not in the moo--" scene w2_1797 with dissolve rose "No, this is a perfect time." rose "I'll do whatever is required of me." scene w2_1798 with dissolve mc "..." "From the sound of it, assuming she even wins, there's two weeks left in the exhibition and that bastard only gave her a week to pay back her missed installments." scene w2_1797 with dissolve rose "What do I need to do?" scene w2_1798 with dissolve mc "There's a park by your home. I want you to meet me there." scene w2_1800 with dissolve rose "...okay." rose "Anything else?" scene w2_1799 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >=20:" mc "You need to wear something slutty." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You need to wear something revealing." scene w2_1801 with dissolve rose "......" scene w2_1800 with dissolve rose "...okay. I'll meet you there in an hour?" scene w2_1802 with dissolve mc "I'll see you then. Go-" stop music play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_1803 with dissolve "*Beep*" mc "Goodbye." scene w2_1762 with dissolve mc "..." mct "(Fuck me, is this something I should try to handle?)" "My job is to make sure she can get through the month, but what the hell could I even do here...?" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True and roseDealFullAcceptance == False:" "It {b}felt{/b} like it was something I needed to take care of. If not because of my job, then because it was the right thing to do." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True and roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" "It {b}felt{/b} like it was something I needed to take care of. If not because of my job, if not because it was the right thing to do, then because we had made a deal. She was mine for this month." scene w2_1804 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_1805 with vpunch mct "(...the only way to help would be to give her money, right?)" mct "(Even with my new salary, I doubt I could afford that.)" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Do I bring this up to Mrs. Pulman? Maybe Dr. Chuck...?)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Do I bring this up to Kathleen? Maybe Dr. Chuck...?)" "First I need to find out what exactly three weeks of missed payment means, but before that..." scene w2_1806 with dissolve "I should get dressed." scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindParkStartForReal" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindParkStartForReal:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Did [mcf] take advantage of Rosalind when they first met?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ roseTakeAdvantage = True KN_MOD "No.:" pass show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1807 with blinds play ambient "sound effects/park.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "Incognito." "Even if this wasn't my neck of the woods, I thought it'd be best to dress the part." "However, I think I made a mistake, because..." play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" scene w2_1808 with vpunch "I look suspicious as fuck! I'm standing out even more!" scene w2_1809 with dissolve mct "(This camera isn't helping either!)" scene w2_1810 with dissolve mc "......" scene w2_1811 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_1812 with vpunch mct "(I definitely look like I'm up to no good!)" scene black with fade mct "(Lose the mask, idiot.)" scene w2_1813 with cmet "Now... I'm less Unabomber and more just a guy in a hat." scene w2_1814 with dissolve "I hope." scene w2_1815 with dissolve mct "(Rosalind's running a little late...)" scene w2_1816 with dissolve mct "(Jeez, aren't those two embarrassed to do that in public...?)" scene w2_1817 with dissolve mc "Heh..." scene w2_1818 with dissolve mct "(She lives way closer than I do. Why is she taking so long...?)" scene w2_1819 with dissolve mct "(Is she having a hard time picking out what to wear? Come to think of it, maybe leaving it up to her on what to wear was a mistake...?)" scene w2_1820 with w12 mc "You call this slutty?!" woman "{size=-10}[mcf].{/size=-10}" rose "I didn't know what you meant..." woman "[mcf]!" mc "..." scene w2_1821 with dissolve stop music woman "{size=+10}[mcf]...!{/size=+10}" with vpunch "Pulling me from my stupid little daydream was a woman's voice calling my name." scene w2_1822 with wipeleft "It was Rosalind." scene w2_1823 with dissolve rose "C-come here!" scene w2_1822 with dissolve "She timidly stood at the lip of a nearby tunnel, ushering me to come closer." scene black with fade mct "(How long...?)" play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" scene w2_1824 with dissolve mc "How long have you been here?" scene w2_1825 with dissolve rose "Um... just under ten minutes? Hehe..." scene w2_1824 with dissolve mc "Why did you wait so long?" scene w2_1826 with dissolve rose "I was waiting for that couple next to you to leave..." rose "The man lives on my street..." scene w2_1827 with dissolve mc "Oh... gotcha." scene w2_1828 with dissolve rose "...and that wasn't his wife." scene w2_1824 with dissolve mc "Hey, Rose... would you put your arms down a second?" scene w2_1826 with dissolve rose "Okay..." scene w2_1829 with dissolve "Rosalind had picked out an interesting-looking, snake-skinned mini dress." scene w2_1830 with dissolve mc "You had something like that in your wardrobe?" scene w2_1831 with dissolve rose "It's... fifteen years old." scene w2_1830 with dissolve mc "I'm surprised it still fits you. That's amazing, you must work really hard to stay in shape." scene w2_1832 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_1833 with dissolve "She looked pretty self-conscious, not that I blamed her." "However, she also looked pretty. {b}Very{/b} pretty." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell Rosalind her hair looks nice.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It wasn't just the dress either." mc "I like you with your hair down. You're always pretty, but for some reason it feels nostalgic." scene w2_1834 with dissolve rose "Nostalgic...? We've only known each other for a few weeks." scene w2_1835 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I guess you just remind me of someone. Either way, I like it." mc "You have beautiful curls." scene w2_1836 with dissolve rose "I wish I could say thanks, but considering the circumstance..." scene w2_1837 with dissolve mc "Hehe, yeah... it probably sounds hollow, huh?" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False or roseTAapology == True:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 scene w2_1834 with dissolve rose "No, I'm sorry. I know you're just trying to make me comfortable." rose "You're a kind kid." scene w2_1835 with dissolve mct "(Kid...? A small, peculiarly stupid part of me resented the way she put that.)" scene w2_1834 with dissolve rose "Thanks for the compliment. Should we... move onto why I'm here?" scene w2_1835 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1836 with dissolve "Should we... move onto why we're here?" scene w2_1837 with dissolve mc "Yeah, let's not waste any more time." KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Full Deal]{/color} Kiss her. if roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Rosalind...?" scene w2_1835 with dissolve "She looked at me with upcast doe-like eyes full of nervous energy. It was the sort of look that reaffirmed my intention to kiss her even more." scene w2_1834 with dissolve rose "...yes?" scene w2_1838 with dissolve "With a sudden motion, I scooped her up in my arms. Her eyes widened in surprise." "I had fully accepted the terms of her deal." scene w2_1839 with dissolve rose "Mmh--!" "She belonged to me." scene rosaparkiss1_a with dissolve show rosaparkkiss1 "She gave no resistance as my tongue pried open her lips and hurdled into the wet, warm hole in-between." rose "Aahh...mhh..." "Instead, she signaled her acceptance with a gentle contented hum." scene rosaparkiss2_a with dissolve show rosaparkkiss2 "It wasn't long before her passivity turned into active participation, pressing her lips deeper into mine and forming a tight seal." "She felt heavy in my hands, like her entire body had gone slack and become dead weight..." mct "(Was I always this much of a fucking creep?)" scene w2_1840 with dissolve mc "*Smooch*" "When we parted, it was with a soft peck on the cheek and pleasant murmur." scene w2_1841 with dissolve "Our lips no longer touched, but our eyes were now locked." scene w2_1842 with dissolve rose "W-why..." scene w2_1843 with dissolve rose "That was embarrassing!" scene w2_1844 with dissolve mc "Worried someone might've seen?" scene w2_1843 with dissolve rose "Of course I am!" scene w2_1844 with dissolve mc "It didn't seem that way to me." scene w2_1843 with dissolve rose "Can we... move onto why I'm here, please?" scene w2_1845 with dissolve mc "Yeah, let's not waste any more time." KN_MOD "Move to the task at hand.:" mc "Let's not waste any more time." scene w2_1834 with dissolve rose "I'd... really appreciate that." scene w2_1846 with dissolve mc "I want you to walk over to that bench and sit down. I'll follow you." scene w2_1847 with dissolve rose "You're not going to have me do anything too crazy out in the open, right?" scene w2_1848 with dissolve mc "Mrs. Pulman didn't give me explicit instructions, but you and I both can guess what she expects." scene w2_1849 with dissolve rose "..." "Trepidation was written plain on Rosalind's beautiful face." scene w2_1850 with dissolve rose "P-please, I..." scene w2_1851 with dissolve rose "Get whatever photos you need quickly then." scene w2_1852 with cmet play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "Like stepping foot off a diving board, Rosalind took the plunge and pushed herself forward at a hurried pace." scene w2_1853 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "Each step of her high heels made a sharp unwanted clack against the concrete pavement." scene w2_1854 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "It was like a foghorn in the night, but thankfully hardly anyone was around to take notice at this time of the day." scene w2_1855 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "Rosalind continued on without hesitation, looking straight ahead, until she arrived at where I told her to sit." scene w2_1856 with fade mc "So far, so good." scene w2_1857 with dissolve rose "I'm more uneasy about what's..." scene w2_1858 with dissolve woman "Oh! Is this a photo shoot?" "A woman crossed our path and stopped to ask a question. Her shrill voice caught Rosalind off guard, causing her to flinch in surprise." scene w2_1859 with dissolve mc "Ah..." mc "That's right. It's for a magazine." scene w2_1860 with dissolve woman "Oh, for real?! Which one?!" scene w2_1859 with dissolve mct "(Uh...)" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "Bandwagon magazine. Have you heard of it?" scene w2_1860 with dissolve woman "The fashion magazine?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "It's for a new fashion magazine..." mc "Spearhead! The first issue actually, you wouldn't have heard of it." scene w2_1860 with dissolve woman "A fashion magazine?" scene w2_1861 with dissolve woman "Is snake print coming back in style...?" "The woman gave my \"model\" a questionable look." scene w2_1862 with dissolve woman "Ehehe, it's what my mom used to wear." rose "..." scene w2_1863 with dissolve mc "Fashion is cyclical, you know." "I said that confidently, like I knew what the fuck I was talking about." scene w2_1864 with dissolve woman "Cool, yeah!" scene w2_1865 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "Be sure to buy the next issue, okay?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Be sure to buy the first issue if you see it, okay?" scene w2_1866 with dissolve woman "Hehe, yeah, I'll look for it!" woman "Good luck with your shoot!" "I guess I can see why Ian does this." scene w2_1867 with dissolve woman "Bye!" rose "Thanks..." scene w2_1868 with dissolve mc "..." rose "..." scene w2_1869 with dissolve rose " is cyclical?" scene w2_1870 with dissolve mc "I've heard that somewhere!" scene w2_1871 with dissolve rose "Eheh." scene w2_1872 with dissolve "Rosalind smiled for the first time since we met today." scene w2_1869 with dissolve rose "So, what's next?" scene w2_1870 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Actually, first, before we continue..." mc "I wanted to ask you something." scene w2_1869 with dissolve rose "Can't it wait until... after {i}this{/i} is finished?" scene w2_1873 with dissolve mc "No, actually. You being eager to get this over with as quickly as possible might be the only way I'll get you to answer my question." scene w2_1874 with dissolve play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" "She looked at me dubiously, no doubt unsure where this was going." scene w2_1875 with dissolve rose "That sounds... mean of you." scene w2_1874 with dissolve mc "I know, but I am just trying to do my job here. Honestly." scene w2_1875 with dissolve rose "What's the question?" scene w2_1874 with dissolve mc "The loan shark that's been hassling you this week..." mc "How much do you owe? What are your terms?" scene w2_1877 with dissolve rose "Why the hell would you need to know that?" scene w2_1876 with dissolve mc "I heard him say you only had a week left before you had to find another way to pay." rose "..." mc "I mean, what does that mean? An insurance scam? Prostitution?" scene w2_1877 with dissolve rose "I don't know... but with the club, it's not like I'm not basically already a prostitute. So why do you care?" scene w2_1876 with dissolve mc "At the club, I can look after you." scene w2_1877 with dissolve rose "You believe that?" scene w2_1876 with dissolve mc "I want to." scene w2_1878 with dissolve mc "I don't know if I could do it otherwise." scene w2_1879 with dissolve rose "'re a selfish kid, [mcf]." rose "In a nice way." scene w2_1878 with dissolve mc "So just tell me what I want to know." mc "The creep said you were three weeks behind in your payments?" scene w2_1875 with dissolve rose "I owe 23,000 dollars. I'm supposed to pay 225 dollars every three days for fifty-one installments, but any missed payment incurs an interest penalty of 2\%\ on the unpaid balance." rose "That works out to be 230 dollars, which means every payment I miss adds an extra one onto what I owe." scene w2_1877 with dissolve rose "At first I thought it was manageable, but with bills and two mortgages... you quickly find yourself sunk." scene w2_1876 with dissolve mc "So three weeks of missed payments... that's just a little over 3,100 dollars in payments and interest due." scene w2_1880 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." mct "(That's not an insurmountable number... not something I could personally take on even with my new wage at the club, but...)" scene w2_1881 with dissolve mc "I'll take care of it." scene w2_1882 with dissolve mct "(I {i}should{/i} have something like a discretionary fund or an expense account to deal with problems with the girls, right?)" mct "(Whatever. I'll make my case to the boss.)" rose "...?" scene w2_1883 with dissolve mc "I'll get the money you owe and get that asshole off your back. You won't have to worry about making payments until the exhibition is over." scene w2_1884 with dissolve "Rosalind gave me an odd look." scene w2_1885 with dissolve rose "W-what do you want in return...?" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" scene w2_1884 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her youre doing it as part of your deal.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 scene w2_1886 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Think of it as part of the terms of our deal. Not having that hanging over you should help you win the exhibition." KN_MOD "if roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" scene w2_1887 with dissolve mc "After all, what else could you give me? You already belong to me for the month, right?" scene w2_1888 with dissolve mc "Quid pro quo, right?" scene w2_1889 with dissolve rose "Right, but you haven't really... uh..." scene w2_1888 with dissolve mc "Taken advantage of our deal? There will be time for that." scene w2_1890 with dissolve mc "If it'll make you feel better, maybe I'll have you come by my place after this is finished." scene w2_1891 with dissolve rose "Only say that if you're serious..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1892 with dissolve rose "...I guess that's true." rose "You haven't really... at least not yet..." scene w2_1893 with dissolve mc "Taken advantage of our deal? Would it make you feel better if I did?" scene w2_1894 with dissolve rose "I don't know..." KN_MOD "Tell her youre doing it because its your job.:" scene w2_1886 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Looking out for you during this month is just part of my job. Don't think much else of it." scene w2_1885 with dissolve rose " haven't taken advantage of our deal." scene w2_1886 with dissolve mc "Worried I've changed my mind?" scene w2_1895 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_1886 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" mc "Would you feel better if I had you swing by my place after this?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Would you feel better if I did?" scene w2_1896 with dissolve mc "You're a funny woman Rose." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1886 with dissolve mc "Looking out for you during this month is just part of my job. Don't think much else of it." scene w2_1892 with dissolve rose "...thanks." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_1897 with dissolve mc "Now..." mc "Let's get back to the main event, eh?" scene w2_1898 with dissolve mc "It looks like you're starting to catch some attention." rose "Oh..." "A couple of college students had gathered nearby." scene w2_1899 with dissolve "Rosalind blushed intensely and put herself in a more guarded position." "It was funny to think that this was the same woman who was kowtowing at the club, but I understood well what the key difference in location made." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Come to think of it, this was the kind of reaction that Mrs. Pulman was looking for..." KN_MOD "else:" "Come to think of it, this was the kind of reaction that Kathleen was looking for..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Grab a candid shot.:" play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" scene w2_1900 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" show screen textbox2 with flash "*Click*" scene w2_1901 with dissolve mc "You shouldn't feel apprehensive. That dress isn't too out there, relatively speaking..." scene w2_1922 with pixellate mct "(Moo.)" scene w2_1901 with pixellate mc "You look great." scene w2_1902 with dissolve rose "That's not really the issue..." scene w2_1903 with dissolve "The two college students remained nearby, speaking to one another but ever so occasionally stealing a peek in our direction." scene w2_1904 with dissolve "We were an odd pair for sure. Similar to the last lady, they were probably curious about what we were doing." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash scene w2_1905 with dissolve rose "This is just because Mrs. Pulman said I have to do this." scene w2_1906 with dissolve mc "Of course it is. You have to do what you have to do." mc "We need to do a good job though. Can you lower your arms?" scene w2_1907 with dissolve rose "...okay." scene w2_1908 with dissolve mc "That wasn't so hard, was it?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" "I tried to keep her attention on me and not the surroundings." scene w2_1909 with dissolve mc "Hm, a little more...?" scene w2_1910 with dissolve rose "...? Oh, okay..." scene w2_1911 with dissolve mc "Thank you, Rose. We'll get this over as quickly as possible." scene w2_1912 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_1913 with dissolve "Another photo; but all of this is pretty damn innocent so far. It's certainly not what the old woman is expecting." scene w2_1915 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_1914 with dissolve rose "I'd like that." scene w2_1916 with dissolve mct "(They're not even trying to hide their interest in what we're doing anymore.)" "Hmm..." scene w2_1915 with dissolve "While their attention is on us, I could push this further. I bet the boss would be pleased with that direction." "Or... I could move this to the tunnel, where I could enjoy Rose's provocations more privately. She would likely appreciate that more." "Which direction do I want to take the shoot?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take this back to the tunnel.:" $ w2RosalindParkTunnel = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Yeah, screw those weirdos.)" mct "(The show is mine to enjoy alone.)" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindTunnel" KN_MOD "Stay in the park.:" $ w2RoseShootPoints += 2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(It might be embarrassing, but her humiliation here will pay off for her in the next exhibition.)" mc "Spread your legs." scene w2_1917 with dissolve rose "Ah, wha...?" scene w2_1918 with dissolve "The switch from relative geniality to barking a command must've been stark. Her surprise was written on her face." mc "Just let me have a lil' peek." scene w2_1914 with dissolve rose "O-okay..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindPark" KN_MOD "Tease her some first.:" $ w2RosalindTeased = True $ w2RoseShootPoints += 1 play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" scene w2_1901 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "What's with that look?" mc "An old woman like you is capturing the attention of men half your age. You should be happy." scene w2_1919 with dissolve "It was mean, but it was why we're here. To photograph Rosalind squirming." scene w2_1920 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash "...this was all to facilitate that, I told myself." scene w2_1902 with dissolve rose "That's..." scene w2_1903 with dissolve "The two college students remained nearby, speaking to one another but ever so occasionally stealing a peak in our direction." scene w2_1904 with dissolve "We were an odd pair for sure. Similar to the last lady, they were probably curious at what we were doing." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_1905 with dissolve rose "Why would anyone be happy about that?" scene w2_1906 with dissolve mc "Are you actually trying to hide your huge tits? Yeah, right." mc "Put your arms down." scene w2_1904 with dissolve rose "Ah..." scene w2_1908 with dissolve rose "..." "She hesitated, but it wasn't for very long. Just long enough to make a perfunctory display of shame." scene w2_1909 with dissolve mc "Stick your chest out so I can get a good shot." scene w2_1921 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_1910 with dissolve rose "Okay." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_1911 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "Good girl." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_1912 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "Do you not like having men's eyes on you?" scene w2_1914 with dissolve rose "Of course I don't..." scene w2_1915 with dissolve mc "I wonder..." scene w2_1916 with dissolve mct "(Heh, they're not even trying to hide their interest now.)" mct "(Did they hear what I've been saying?)" "Hmm..." scene w2_1915 with dissolve mc "Are you lying? I bet you're dripping wet right now." "I could push this further. I bet the boss would be pleased with that direction." "Or... I could move this to the tunnel, where I could enjoy Rose's provocations more privately. She would likely appreciate that more." "Which direction do I want to take the shoot?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take this to the tunnel.:" $ w2RosalindParkTunnel = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Nah, fuck those pervs.)" mct "(The show is mine to enjoy alone.)" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindTunnel" KN_MOD "Stay in the park.:" $ w2RoseShootPoints += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Let's see how far I can take this.)" scene w2_1918 with dissolve mc "Spread your legs and we'll find out just how much of a horny bitch you are." scene w2_1917 with dissolve rose "*Gulp* D-do we have...?" scene w2_1918 with dissolve mc "This will pay off in the long run, trust me." mct "(Mrs. Pulman did mention this will factor into this week's standings.)" scene w2_1914 with dissolve rose "O-okay..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindPark" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindTunnel:" scene w2_1923 with dissolve mc "It's getting pretty hot." mc "Let's find some place with better shade." scene w2_1924 with dissolve rose "...yeah, okay. I forgot to put sunscreen on today." scene w2_1925 with dissolve mc "Alley oop!" scene w2_1926 with dissolve mc "Let's try and make things a little more private." rose "...thanks, [mcf]." mc "Don't thank me yet." mc "We still have to meet Mrs. Pulman's expectations." scene black with fade rose "I'll take any small mercy." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_1927 with fade mc "There, out of sight." scene w2_1928 with dissolve rose "At least, until someone comes through here..." scene w2_1927 with dissolve mc "I'll keep a lookout. You just focus on looking like you're about to die of embarrassment." scene w2_1928 with dissolve rose "I don't think that will be too hard..." scene w2_1929 with dissolve mc "Strike a few basic poses for me, Rose." play music "music/burlesque-heartache.ogg" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_1930 with flash "I had a general idea where I wanted to take this." "It's not like it was rocket science." mct "(Dr. Chuck would find that funny...)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_1931 with flash "Surprisingly, Rosalind wasn't as stiff as she was during the group photo shoot." "She adjusts to things quickly. Very, very quickly..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_1932 with flash mct "(Perfect for the club. Did the boss know that from beginning?)" mct "(It's spooky the way she reads people...)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_1933 with flash rose "Is that enough...?" scene w2_1934 with dissolve mc "Yes, good." mc "Now I want you to feel yourself up over your clothes." scene w2_1935 with dissolve rose "Ah..." scene w2_1936 with dissolve rose "Can't we stop here...?" scene w2_1937 with dissolve mc "You think this would be enough to satisfy Mrs. Pulman?" scene w2_1938 with dissolve rose "No. Of course it wouldn't..." scene w2_1937 with dissolve mc "You're right it wouldn't." scene rosaparkrub1_a with dissolve show rosaparkrub1 rose "Like this?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash mc "Make it more sexy." rose "I don't know how to do that." mc "Yes, you do. Don't forget I've seen what you can do." rose "..." scene rosaparkrub2_a with dissolve show rosaparkrub2 rose " this more sexy?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash mc "Better, but it is a little cold." rose "Isn't that the point? To not be into it?" mc "You can look ashamed and horny at the same time." rose "I don't think that's going to happen in this sort of situation..." mct "(She says that, but I saw how she responded to having her breasts handled during the exhibition.)" "She's on a real thin trigger." mc "Are you certain of that?" scene w2_1939 with dissolve "She didn't answer." "Instead of simply moving on, I let the silence grow between us and let the moment build." "This would go smoother if she let go of her inhibitions a little." mc "Look me in the eyes, Rose." scene w2_1941 with dissolve mc "I know it's scary and I know you don't feel like you have any choice, but..." mc "This is also exciting, right? Anyone could walk by." scene w2_1940 with dissolve rose "N-no, it's not. It's just mortifying." scene w2_1941 with dissolve mc "It's a nice day out, isn't it? Divorce yourself from your daily life for the next few minutes." mc "Just forget all your stress and focus on my voice. Focus on touching yourself." scene rosaparkrub2_a with dissolve show rosaparkrub2 mc "Just like you had me do when we worked together at the club. You remember that?" rose "Of course..." mc "The way you cradled me in your lap and had me suck on your tits..." mc "Think back. You tried to conceal it, but you were mortified then too. At the same time, part of you enjoyed it." rose "Not rea-" mc "Don't lie. You had an orgasm from just your breasts." mc "Be honest. Admit it." scene rosaparkrub3_a with dissolve show rosaparkrub3 rose "......" mc "{b}Admit it{/b}." rose "...yes!" rose "P-part of me enjoyed holding you in my arms." mc "That wasn't the part you enjoyed." mc "{b}Get your breasts out{/b}." scene w2_1942 with dissolve "I raised my voice. Not so loud as to be overly conspicuous from outside the tunnel, but the reverb helped get my point across." scene w2_1943 with dissolve rose "Y-yes, sir!" scene w2RoseParkBoobBounce with dissolve "Without even thinking about it, without an ounce of hesitation, she did as I commanded her." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash scene w2_1950 with dissolve rose "H-huh? I just..." scene w2_1951 with dissolve mc "Holding {b}me{/b} wasn't the part you enjoyed." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash KN_MOD "if w2RosalindTeased == True:" mc "You liked having your fingers wrapped around my cock and my mouth locked around your lewd and sensitive cow tits." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You liked having your fingers wrapped around my cock and my mouth locked around your lewd and overly sensitive breasts." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash scene w2_1952 with dissolve rose "I.. y-yes! I g-guess..." scene w2_1951 with dissolve mc "You guess? You're really going to act like you don't remember it that well?" scene w2_1967 with dissolve mc "Recount it for me then. What was it like being up on that stage?" scene w2_1968 with dissolve rose "You would know. You were up there with me..." scene w2_1967 with dissolve mc "I want you to tell me." scene w2_1970 with dissolve rose "They..." rose "They looked like... bugs." scene w2_1969 with dissolve mc "Bugs? Who did?" scene w2_1970 with dissolve rose "The men in the audience. Their faces reminded me of bugs." scene w2_1969 with dissolve mc "Go on..." scene w2_1971 with dissolve rose "It was unnerving having all them looking up at me." KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerRose == True:" scene w2_1976 with dissolve mc "You got through it, though. You even won." scene w2_1972 with dissolve rose "I did." rose "...because I tuned everyone out and focused entirely on you at that time." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1967 with dissolve mc "You got through it, though." scene w2_1968 with dissolve rose "Uhuh... one game at a time." rose "I got through it by tuning everyone else out and just focusing on you for the first game." scene w2_1976 with dissolve mc "Am I really any better?" scene w2_1971 with dissolve rose "Maybe it's because you're so young?" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" rose "Maybe it's because of what you promised me. Either way..." scene w2_1972 with dissolve rose "You don't scare me like others do at least." scene w2_1976 with dissolve mc "What else do you remember?" scene w2_1970 with dissolve rose "Honestly it's all a haze..." rose "A lot of you touching me and a lot of me touching you..." rose "The thing I remember the most is when Mrs. Pulman told us to stop." scene w2_1967 with dissolve mc "Really?" scene w2_1973 with dissolve rose "Yeah. There was a big feeling of relief and a lot of shame." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_1975 with flash "*Click*" scene w2_1974 with dissolve mct "(That's the expression that sick bitch is looking for.)" scene w2_1967 with dissolve mc "Kinda like when you come out of a test you know you did horrible on." scene w2_1972 with dissolve rose "Heh, I don't think it compares..." scene w2_1976 with dissolve mc "That's really all you remember?" scene w2_1970 with dissolve rose "I g-guess..." scene w2_1969 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Physically help jog her memory.:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 scene w2_1953 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve rose "What are you--" scene w2_1954 with dissolve mc "What does it look like?" "With a gentle shove, I pressed Rosalind's back against the cool tunnel wall." scene w2_1955 with dissolve mc "I'm going to help jog your memory of that night.." rose "...?" mc "Put your hands up." scene w2_1956 with dissolve "Once more, she did as I asked without any fuss. Her hands darted above her head in a flash, pushing out her chest and making an enticing display of titflesh." scene w2_1957 with dissolve mc "That didn't take much convincing." scene w2_1958 with dissolve rose "..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash scene w2_1959 with dissolve "One last shot before..." scene w2_1960 with dissolve rose "A-ah, you s-said you'd be on the lookout!" scene w2_1961 with dissolve mc "Hands. Up." scene w2_1962 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_1963 with dissolve mc "Keep 'em up." scene rosaparksuck1_a with dissolve show rosaparksuck1 rose "A-ah!" "\"What are you doing?\" was a very distant thought in the back of my head. It was so far away that it barely even registered." "Here I was sucking on Rosalind's tits in the middle of the day, the only thing keeping me from the broad daylight being a small brick tunnel that anyone could access at any moment." "Was this normal for me now?" rose "I'm f-feeling it already! You made your point, you can-" "Her voice came out like a squawk, much louder than she wanted. So loud that..." rose "You can s-stop no-!" scene w2_1964 with vpunch rose "Guh!" mc "Someone's going to hear you if you don't shut up, eh?" scene rosaparksuck1_a with dissolve show rosaparksuck1 rose "*Whisper* Right! I need to be... ah!" "My logic reached her. She lowered her voice to a whisper, as I set hard at work at pleasuring Rosalind's voluptuous bust." "It's not like I could take my time here. My goal was to get her primed for the rest of the photos." mct "(...right?)" "Unlike before, it was my initiative. I sucked contentedly while nudging Rosalind's back into the wall." scene rosaparksuck2_a with dissolve show rosaparksuck2 mc "*Fwhup, Chwup...!*" rose "So... rough..." mc "*Chwup... pheup...!*" rose "No, for real... you can stop..." scene w2_1965 with dissolve rose "Feel...!" "She guided my hand below her waist." scene w2_1966 with dissolve "She wasn't lying. Her panties were damp and warm." "If she wasn't already before, she was wet now." scene w2_1977 with dissolve "Her face told a similar story. It was now a potent mix of unease and sexual want." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" "Her breathing had nearly slowed to a standstill..." mct "(Those lips...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Kiss her.:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 scene w2_1978 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "*...smooch!*" rose "...hmm?" scene w2_1979 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I couldn't resist. It was too tempting." scene w2_1980 with dissolve rose "S-stupid..." KN_MOD "Job finished. Move on.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Time's a wasting. We should move on before anyone comes." KN_MOD "else:" "Time's a wasting. We should move on before anyone comes." scene w2_1981 with dissolve mc "Roll up your dress for me, I want to get a shot of your panties." scene w2_1982 with dissolve rose "O-okay..." scene w2_1983 with dissolve rose "......" scene w2_1984 with dissolve rose "...." scene w2_1985 with dissolve "After making sure the coast was clear, she did as I asked, pulling up her dress and revealing a thin and intricate-looking pair of black lace panties." scene w2_1986 with dissolve mc "You've got quite the wardrobe at home, huh?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash scene w2_1987 with dissolve mc "Those are--" KN_MOD "Have her masturbate for you.:" $ w2RoseShootPoints += 1 scene w2_1967 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "How about we shift gears then." scene w2_1968 with dissolve rose "What do you mean...?" scene w2_1981 with dissolve mc "First, I want you to roll up your skirt. Do that for me, Rose." mc "Please." scene w2_1983 with dissolve rose "......" scene w2_1984 with dissolve rose "...." scene w2_1985 with dissolve "After making sure the coast was clear, she did as I asked, pulling up her dress and revealing a thin and intricate-looking pair of black lace panties." scene w2_1986 with dissolve mc "You've got quite the wardrobe at home, huh?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash mc "Those are... great." scene w2_1987 with dissolve mc "They don't seem all that old. Not like the dress." scene w2_1989 with dissolve rose " husband got them for my birthday a few years ago." scene w2_1988 with dissolve mc "So he's the kind of prick who gets his wife lingerie for her birthday?" mc "Makes sense. What a selfish asshole." scene w2_1990 with dissolve rose "Terrible gifts were the least of his issues." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_1991 with flash "*Click*" "Something about the conflicted look on her face... I had to steal a quick shot of it." scene w2_1993 with dissolve rose "You said \"first\". So what do you want me to do next?" scene w2_1992 with dissolve mc "Ah, right. Next I want you to touch yourself over your panties." scene rosaparkrub4_a with dissolve rose "...okay." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash mc "Slowly rub yourself. Don't stop." rose "O-okay." scene rosaparkrub4_a with dissolve show rosaparkrub4 "Obedient." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash "That was a good way to describe Rosalind in this moment. Or perhaps more generously, she had a real knack for pushing past her discomfort." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene rosaparkrub5_a with flash show rosaparkrub5 "*Click*" rose "A-are you paying attention? No one's coming, right?" mc "No, we're good." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene rosaparkrub4_a with dissolve show rosaparkrub4 "Rosalind slid her delicate fingers across her slit, all the while I made sure to get as many good shots as possible." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" "It wasn't very hard for me to put aside my anxiety about this, was it?" "Once I had Rosalind in front of me, going along with things, I was quickly swept up by an intoxicating feeling." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene rosaparkrub5_a with dissolve show rosaparkrub5 rose "D-don't you think you got enough pictures of that?" "The real answer was I could take a million pictures and still want to take more, but..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Have her pull aside her panties.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Almost. Pull aside your panties." scene w2_1994 with dissolve rose "...*sigh* Okay." scene w2_1995 with dissolve "*Click*" "With a simple motion, she peeled back the slightly damp lingerie and exposed herself to the camera." "It was a pretty sight by itself, but coupled with that complicated look on her face..." scene w2_1996 with dissolve "*Click*" "Our patrons should find this satisfactory." mc "Okay, next--" KN_MOD "Move onto something else.:" scene w2_1997 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I think we should move on." scene w2_1998 with dissolve rose "What's next?" scene w2_1997 with dissolve mc "That's a good question..." scene w2_1999 with dissolve mct "(Should we move someplace else? We might be tempting fate by staying--)" stop music play sound "sound effects/soccer-bounce.wav" scene parkballbounceAZ show parkballbounce with dissolve mct "(Shit! Fuck!)" man "Nice kick, dumbass!" scene w2_2000 with vpunch mc "Shit, move...!" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2ParkSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2ParkSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......!" "...!" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindParkBathroom" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindPark:" scene w2_2001 with dissolve mc "Uncross your legs real quick." scene w2_1914 with dissolve rose "Uh, but..." scene w2_1915 with dissolve "She looked apprehensively at the curious college students that couldn't keep their eyes off of us." scene w2_2001 with dissolve "I gave her a nod to emphasize I knew the implication of what I was asking." mc "The audience you had last Saturday night was a lot worse, right? Don't think too hard about it." scene w2_2002 with dissolve "She paused and seemed to genuinely consider that perspective and with a smile..." scene w2_2003 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "Uncrossed her legs and revealed an eye-catching gap that exposed a dark pair of lace panties." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash "I'm sure if they're not already looking, the sound of the mechanical shutter surely captured their attention." scene w2_2004 with dissolve ustud "What... you think..." ustud2 "shot...?" mc "(Heh, bingo.)" scene w2_2003 with dissolve "Rosalind was keenly aware of their glances and it showed on her face." scene w2_2005 with dissolve mc "Lean forward for me, please." scene w2_2006 with dissolve rose "Sure..." scene w2_2007 with dissolve "Catching on immediately, she bent forward and pretended to scratch her leg. Giving her plausible deniability, while anyone who was looking got a topside view of her breasts." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" "This was all well inside the realm of acceptability so far. Her attire was inappropriate for the setting, but we weren't doing anything criminal." scene w2_2008 with dissolve ustud2 "Let's... eat..." ustud "I... find... going on..." ustud2 "...starving!" scene w2_2009 with dissolve "Rosalind was being amenable, but where was the line?" "...and just how long are those two dweebs going to hover around?" scene w2_2010 with dissolve mc "You look like you need to stretch your arms a little." scene w2_2011 with dissolve rose "...hmm, yeah. I guess I do..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2012 with dissolve "*Click*" "Rosalind took a deep breath, leaned back, and threw out her chest in an exaggerated fashion that drew attention to her goods." scene w2_2013 with dissolve rose "Ayaaa...!" "She even yawned for added effect." scene w2_2014 with dissolve rose "Ah, thank god..." scene w2_2015 with dissolve "To my surprise, when I next looked, the boys were walking away." "Probably off to eat, if the bits I picked up from the conversation were to be believed." "In the end, they probably just thought Rosalind was a model." scene w2_2016 with dissolve mc "Heh. Looks like no one's looking now." scene w2_2017 with dissolve rose "There's still one person here..." scene w2_2018 with dissolve "Rosalind gestured to an old man sitting placidly on a bench." "For a second, I wondered if he was even alive. He sat motionless on the bench, head pointed straight ahead and eyes locked shut." "The only indication that he was indeed breathing, was a genial smile that stretched across his face. He was evidently content to bask in the warmth of the early midday sun." mct "(Hmm... if he's not looking...)" scene w2_2019 with dissolve "I gestured at my chest and pantomimed my expectations." mc "He's not looking." scene w2_2020 with dissolve rose "Uh... o-oh!" "The moment she caught on, her face turned a beet red!" scene w2_2021 with dissolve rose "There's no way... I c-couldn't!" mc "It's just us and that old man and he might be asleep. Mrs. Pulman isn't going to be happy with what we've got so far." scene w2_2022 with dissolve rose "I know..." scene w2_2023 with dissolve mc "Plus, I don't know in what way, but she told me these shoots will impact your standing in this week's exhibition." scene w2_2024 with dissolve rose "Wait, really?" rose "You should've told me that sooner..." scene w2_2025 with dissolve "That seemed to get the gears turning in her head." scene w2_2026 with dissolve rose "Ah... he really isn't looking, huh?" scene w2_2025 with dissolve mc "No, he's not, but someone might come any second." scene w2_2027 with dissolve rose "O-okay, just get the photo quick!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2RoseParkBoobBounce2 with dissolve "Without another second of delay, the determined mother grabbed the top of her dress and give it a firm yank to expose herself." mct "(Ah... holy shit!)" "I had told her to do it, but that was just words. Now the feeling of being out in the open finally hit me." scene w2_2039 with dissolve rose "Hurry up!" scene w2_2038 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 22:" mc "Sorry, I was just enjoying the view." KN_MOD "else:" mc "S-shit, right!" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mc "Cup them real quick." scene w2_2040 with dissolve rose "...fine." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2041 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_2042 with dissolve rose "Ah..." scene w2_2043 with dissolve "The next pose she did out of her own initiative." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" "She was playing to win." mc "Okay that's enough." scene w2_2044 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve rose "Ohmygod...!" "As soon as she had made herself presentable, a petrified look had caught up with her and was making its home on her face." scene w2_2045 with dissolve rose "Oh... ha... jeez..." "She took a second to collect herself, before..." scene w2_2046 with dissolve rose "That's not enough, is it?" scene w2_2047 with dissolve "Taking the initiative once more." scene w2_2048 with dissolve rose "Quick!" mc "Yes, ma'am." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_2049 with dissolve "The old man was still looking straight ahead." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2050 with dissolve "Quickly, she rattled off a sequence of self-driven poses." "The next gave a clear shot of an expensive-looking piece of black lingerie." mct "(She has something like that in her wardrobe, huh?)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2051 with dissolve mc "Good, good..." mc "I think this should be--" scene w2_2052 with dissolve rose "I... I think we need to do something more exciting. She really said this will affect this week's contest?" scene w2_2053 with dissolve mc "Something to that effect, yes." rose "...then I need to do something to stand out against the other Carnations." scene w2_2054 with dissolve rose "Follow me." scene w2_2055 with dissolve "She seems to have a concrete idea in mind. I could let her pull me along and see how this pans out." "If she's talking about standing out, it's probably a bold one." "However, I could...." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Have her flirt with the old man.:" scene w2_2056 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Why don't you go flirt with that old man a little bit?" scene w2_2057 with dissolve rose "W-what?! No way!" rose "I couldn't do that." scene w2_2058 with dissolve mc "Why not? He's probably harmless and you'll likely make his day." scene w2_2059 with dissolve rose "That's not the issue! It's too embarrassing!" rose "Besides, I don't know how to flirt." KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True:" scene w2_2060 with dissolve mc "That wasn't the case when you tried to seduce me." scene w2_2061 with dissolve rose "Eh...? That... I mean... You're a..." scene w2_2060 with dissolve mc "I'm a what?" scene w2_2061 with dissolve rose "You're just a kid." scene w2_2060 with dissolve mc "I'm twenty-two." scene w2_2061 with dissolve rose "You know what I mean." scene w2_2060 with dissolve mc "Don't you think you're taking me too lightly?" scene w2_2062 with dissolve rose "S-sorry, Mr. [mcl]." scene w2_2063 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* Anyway..." scene w2_2064 with dissolve mc "You're a beautiful woman and he's an old man. I don't think it'll be too hard to catch his interest." scene w2_2061 with dissolve rose "Like I said, it's embarrassing..." scene w2_2060 with dissolve mc "You just flashed me out in public. Striking up a conversation and touching an arm isn't nearly as extreme..." scene w2_2061 with dissolve rose "That was... no one was looking. He's going to think I'm a prostitute." scene w2_2062 with dissolve rose "I'm dressed like one..." rose "Can't we please just go somewhere more private?" scene w2_2063 with dissolve "She was giving me an unusual amount of pushback here. What do I say?" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reason with her.:" $ w2RoseShootPoints += 1 $ w2RosalindParkOldman = True scene w2_2064 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Veronica and Felicia won't get a chance like this in their shoots." scene w2_2065 with dissolve rose "....ah." scene w2_2066 with dissolve rose "I'm being silly. What exactly would you have me do, though...?" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindParkOldman" KN_MOD "Agree to drop the idea.:" scene w2_2064 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Ah, fine. You're being unusually steadfast today. We'll do what you originally had in mind." scene w2_2066 with dissolve rose "Thank you." scene w2_2067 with dissolve mc "Lead the way." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2ParkSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2ParkSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_1926 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindParkBathroom" KN_MOD "Let her lead the way.:" scene w2_2064 with dissolve mc "You're being unusually tenacious. Lead the way." scene w2_2067 with dissolve "She gave me a nod in solidarity, before dragging me off toward the tunnel." scene w2_1926 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2ParkSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2ParkSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindParkBathroom" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindParkOldman:" scene w2_2075 with dissolve mc "Nothing extreme. Go talk to the man, touch his arm, show some skin..." scene w2_2076 with dissolve rose "I can try." scene w2_2077 with dissolve mc "You can do it. I know you can." scene w2_2078 with dissolve mc "Here's the plan though. Since I have to get photos of it, I'm going to walk off, wait a few minutes, and find an inconspicuous spot off to the side to take them." mc "In five minutes, I want you to approach him and sit down. Hopefully he won't have left by then." scene w2_2076 with dissolve rose "I can... do that. I think." scene w2_2075 with dissolve mc "Hey, push comes to shove... you can just walk away if you need to." scene w2_2079 with dissolve "She gave me one last uneasy smile..." scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w2_2080 with bites "After getting in place, I waited and watched for Rosalind to approach." "The clanking of her heels were a dead giveaway of her approach, but still the man didn't stir." scene w2_2081 with fade play music "music/dog-park.ogg" rose "......" rose "..." scene w2_2082 with dissolve rose "Uh..." scene w2_2083 with dissolve om "It's a nice day." scene w2_2084 with dissolve rose "Wha- y-yeah it is, isn't it? Heh..." scene w2_2085 with dissolve om "......" scene w2_2086 with dissolve om "...did you just get off work?" scene w2_2087 with dissolve rose "No, not... really. Why do you ask?" scene w2_2088 with dissolve om "The way you're dressed. You look like you might've just left a cigar lounge." scene w2_2084 with dissolve rose "Those don't exist anymore, sir." scene w2_2083 with dissolve om "They don't? What happened to them?" scene w2_2090 with dissolve rose "The city did away with smoking indoors like a decade ago." scene w2_2089 with dissolve om "Is that right? How sad." scene w2_2090 with dissolve rose "Do you smoke?" scene w2_2091 with dissolve om "Me? No. That stuff will kill you!" scene w2_2092 with dissolve rose "Pfft, haha...! Was that sad look a joke then?" scene w2_2093 with dissolve om "No, of course not! I just think a man should have a say if people can smoke on his property." scene w2_2094 with dissolve rose "Hehehe...!" rose "You're funny..." scene w2_2095 with dissolve om "So if you're not off the clock, does that mean you're currently working?" scene w2_2096 with dissolve rose "...? O-oh! You mean, are you asking if I'm a..." scene w2_2095 with dissolve om "Working girl." scene w2_2097 with dissolve rose "No, of course no- ah, actually..." rose "I guess I kind of am, in some way. How did you know?" scene w2_2098 with dissolve om "A beautiful woman like you doesn't approach an old man like me for no reason." om "No offense, but uh... I'm a little too old for that sort of thing." scene w2_2099 with dissolve rose "You've got it all wrong. I really did just want to sit down." rose "It's a nice day." scene w2_2100 with dissolve om "It is, isn't it?" scene w2_2101 with dissolve om "..." rose "..." scene w2_2102 with dissolve om "A day like this is enough to forget your troubles, but you seem nervous. Are you okay?" scene w2_2103 with dissolve rose "Ah, that's a big question... but it's a simple answer. Life isn't going so great for me right now." scene w2_2102 with dissolve om "I'm sorry to hear that, Miss. If it's any comfort, I'm in the same boat." scene w2_2103 with dissolve rose "Really? What's wrong?" scene w2_2104 with dissolve om "What isn't wrong? I'm an old man. I'm told the perspective you gain as you grow old helps you accept the inevitable, but that's a load of crap." om "My body aches, my wife died last year, my list of friends grows shorter every year..." scene w2_2103 with dissolve rose "That doesn't give me any comfort. How long were you married?" scene w2_2102 with dissolve om "Fourty-three short years. That must seem like a lifetime to you. What are you, twenty-eight?" scene w2_2105 with dissolve rose "Oh, shut up! I thought you said you were too old for that sort of thing. Now, you're hitting on me." om "I'm not! That's a genuine guess." scene w2_2106 with dissolve rose "I'm thirty-six!" scene w2_2098 with dissolve om "Hehe, that doesn't seem too far off to me. I'm seventy-one." scene w2_2099 with dissolve rose "Seventy-one? You still got a lot of life left in you." scene w2_2100 with dissolve om "I hope so. I'd like to see my grandkids grow up before I die." scene w2_2099 with dissolve rose "You're a grandfather?" scene w2_2088 with dissolve om "All the comfort and happiness a child can bring, but with none of the fuss. They're the light of my life." om "Do you have any children?" scene w2_2090 with dissolve rose "I do. I have a daughter. What about you?" scene w2_2083 with dissolve om "How old is she?" scene w2_2090 with dissolve rose "Thirteen." scene w2_2089 with dissolve om "Difficult age." scene w2_2090 with dissolve rose "It's all a difficult age as far as I can tell, but it's..." rose "It's worth it." scene w2_2088 with dissolve om "Well said." scene w2_2107 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_2102 with dissolve om "It's those kind of troubles, eh? Your mind went straight back to them with the mention of your daughter." scene w2_2103 with dissolve rose "Yeah, it is. Partly." scene w2_2104 with dissolve om "Do you want to go into details? I'm a good listener." scene w2_2103 with dissolve rose "The details are too complicated and embarrassing." scene w2_2102 with dissolve om "I understand. Still if I could hazard a guess, I think you'll be okay." scene w2_2103 with dissolve rose "Why would you say that?" scene w2_2108 with dissolve om "I can tell by your voice you clearly love your child. Whatever's going on between you and her and the outside world, you'll make it through." scene w2_2109 with dissolve rose "Love conquers all?" scene w2_2108 with dissolve om "Nah, that's trite nonsense cooked up by greeting card companies." scene w2_2109 with dissolve rose "I think that saying might go back further than that..." scene w2_2108 with dissolve om "That doesn't mattter. What I'm trying to say is, when your troubles are in your rearview mirror, the fondness you felt will be what you remember. You just have to persevere." scene w2_2110 with dissolve rose "......" scene w2_2111 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_2112 with dissolve rose "Heh... do you normally dispense advice from this park bench?" scene w2_2113 with dissolve om "If you're inquiring about my office hours, you should seek out a professional quack." om "I'm just an old man warming his feet." scene w2_2114 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_2115 with dissolve rose "I... I should go." scene w2_2116 with dissolve om "It was nice talking to you, Miss." scene w2_2117 with dissolve rose "My name's Rosalind." scene w2_2118 with dissolve om "It's nice talking to you, Rosalind." scene w2_2119 with dissolve rose "Hey, old man?" scene w2_2120 with dissolve scene w2_2121 with dissolve om "Yeah?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w2_2122 with vpunch rose "Thanks for talking to me." om "G-gah! Wha...!" scene w2_2123 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/high-heel-footsteps-fast.wav" om "You tryin' to kill me?!" stop sound fadeout 2.0 scene w2_2124 with dissolve om "Hehe..." om "It really is a nice summer day." scene w2_2125 with dissolve mct "(Ah, shit. I only got a few pictures, but damn...!)" mct "(I wasn't expecting her to do that.)" mct "(I should probably follow her.)" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2ParkSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2ParkSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindParkBathroom" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindParkBathroom:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind02 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Did Rosalind talk to the man in the park?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" pass KN_MOD "No.:" $ w2RosalindParkTunnel = True pass show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2RosalindParkTunnel == True:" play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" scene w2_2126 with sunshine mc "I think we're good, we can stop h-here--" rose "We're finishing the shoot in here!" stop ambient scene w2_2127 with blinds rose "Ha...! Fuck!" rose "That scared the SHIT out of me! Thank god there's no one in here." rose "I don't know if my heart could've taken it if I ran into a couple of guys peeing." scene w2_2128 with dissolve mc "Heh..." scene w2_2129 with dissolve rose "Haha...!" mc "Okay, I'll admit, that scared the shit out of me too. My chest is still pounding." rose "Hehehe...! Ah, I can't believe I just did something like that." scene w2_2130 with dissolve mc "Can't you?" rose "Heh. Yeah, you're right." scene w2_2131 with dissolve rose "This whole past month has been that feeling." scene w2_2132 with dissolve rose "*Sigh* What is happening to my life?" scene w2_2133 with dissolve "She took a brief moment to reflect, asking herself that question in an acerbically derisive way." scene w2_2134 with dissolve rose "Still, we've got a job to do." scene w2_2135 with dissolve mc "You don't think we got enough photos?" scene w2_2134 with dissolve rose "It can't hurt to take some more. I need to be better than Veronica and Felicia." scene w2_2135 with dissolve mc "You were just scared to death and now you're all business. You're remarkable at compartmentalizing." scene w2_2136 with dissolve rose "Yeah, okay. I'll add that to my résumé." scene w2_2135 with dissolve "A sudden shift in candor..." mc "Eye on the prize, huh? Yeah, we can take some photos in here if you want." scene w2_2137 with dissolve rose "More than that, I'm going to need your help." KN_MOD "else:" stop ambient fadeout 3.0 play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" scene w2_2138 with sunshine mc "Where are we going? The bathroom...?" KN_MOD "if w2RoseParkOldman == True:" "After catching up to her, Rosalind forcefully grabbed me by the hand and marched me toward a nearby public restroom." KN_MOD "else:" "Along the way, Rosalind forcefully grabbed me by the hand and marched me like a child toward a nearby public restroom." rose "You and I can get \"bolder\" in here." mct "(Bolder? She really does have a plan...)" scene w2_2139 with blinds "Wasn't this supposed to be my show?" scene w2_2140 with dissolve rose "Good. No one's in here." scene w2_2141 with dissolve mc "What would you have done if there was?" scene w2_2142 with dissolve rose "Pretended to go, I guess." scene w2_2135 with dissolve "Rosalind suddenly had a peculiar nonchalance about her. All morning she had been timid, but now..." mc "What did you mean by bolder?" scene w2_2134 with dissolve rose "I meant we still have a job to do." scene w2_2135 with dissolve mc "You don't think we got enough photos?" KN_MOD "if w2RoseParkOldman == True:" scene w2_2131 with dissolve rose "No, that nice man didn't give you much did he?" scene w2_2135 with dissolve mc "No, I guess not." scene w2_2134 with dissolve rose "Exactly. We need to take some more photos" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2136 with dissolve rose "Of course we don't. But even if we did..." scene w2_2134 with dissolve rose "More can't hurt." rose "I need to be better than Veronica and Felicia." scene w2_2135 with dissolve mc "What did you have in mind?" scene w2_2137 with dissolve rose "Something I'll need your help with." scene w2_2143 with dissolve "With an abrupt shove, she scooted me deeper into the bathroom, toward the single stall." "I'd seen Rosalind's unceasing drive in action before, with the way she bore the brunt of the club's humiliations, but this was a whole other flavor." "She was being pushy and stealing the initiative." mc "What's the..." scene w2_2144 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" "*Click*" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" "*Fwhlick* Click*" scene w2_2145 with dissolve mc "What's the plan...?" scene w2_2146 with dissolve rose "Be sure to take a lot of good pictures." scene w2_2145 with dissolve mc "Sure, but again, what's the--" scene w2_2147 with dissolve "Ignoring my question, Rosalind worked her panties past her plump hips and down her beautifully toned legs, before sitting down on the toilet." scene w2_2148 with dissolve rose "This is very, very embarrassing, but I need you to get some photos of me tinkling." scene w2_2149 with dissolve mc "That's your plan?" scene w2_2148 with dissolve rose "No, but I actually do have to go, so might as well make the most of it..." scene w2_2149 with dissolve mc "Shit, okay..." scene w2_2150 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/urine-ground.wav" rose "Ah..." "After a moment to get things rolling, finally the telltale \"plap\" of urine hitting water filled the tiny room." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2151 with flash "*Click*" "She looked truly shamed. THAT was what the old lady was looking for and Rosalind had found it herself." mc "It can't be that embarrassing, can it?" mct "(You jerked my dick in front of a crowd full of people, I mean...)" scene w2_2152 with dissolve rose "It is..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2151 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_2152 with dissolve rose "You want to try and see how it feels? You can go when I'm finished." scene w2_2153 with dissolve mc "I went before I left home..." scene w2_2154 with dissolve rose "Heh, that's what I thought." scene w2_2155 with dissolve stop ambient fadeout 3.0 "Finally the sound trickled into nothing." scene w2_2147 with dissolve mc "So... what next?" rose "Sit down and get your penis out." mc "" scene w2_2156 with dissolve rose "Sit down and get your penis out, {b}please{/b}?" scene black with fade "A simple shrug was my answer to the resolute Rosalind." "I quickly kicked off my pants and did what I was bidden." scene w2_2157 with dissolve rose "It's half way there already..." scene w2_2158 with dissolve mc "Yeah. You want to work on the other half?" scene w2_2159 with dissolve rose "Picture." scene w2_2160 with dissolve "She peered at me with upcast, demanding eyes." scene w2_2161 with dissolve mct "(Right. This is work.)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_2162 with dissolve rose "Let's get you standing at full attention." scene w2_2163 with dissolve scene w2_2164 with dissolve scene w2_2165 with dissolve "In a smooth, business like motion she gobbled up my cock and took it deep into her mouth." "My glans slid pleasantly across her tongue into the deep recesses of her mouth, all the way until it brushed against her tonsils and uvula." "There she simply held it, allowing me to enjoy the warm comfort of her mouth while my cock engorged itself further with blood." mct "(I should get a picture.)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_2166 with dissolve rose "*Cough* Ack--ha...!" scene w2_2167 with dissolve scene w2_2168 with dissolve scene w2_2169 with dissolve rose "Ah!" scene w2_2170 with dissolve rose "Ack, sorry... I thought I could, but I'm still not used to taking it that deep." scene w2_2171 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her she doesnt have to push herself.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 scene w2_2172 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You don't have to push yourself hard. We're just taking some photos here." scene w2_2173 with dissolve rose "I do. I absolutely do." rose "I appreciate your kindness, but... I've got to keep in the right mindset." scene w2_2172 with dissolve mc "Do as you wish then." KN_MOD "Tell her shell be a pro by the end of this month.:" scene w2_2172 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Heh, well you'll likely be a pro by the end of this month." scene w2_2173 with dissolve rose "Yeah, lucky me." KN_MOD "Tell her you dont mind a little gagging.:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 scene w2_2172 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve $ w2RoseGag = True mc "Don't worry. Some guys love a gag reflex." scene w2_2173 with dissolve rose "I'm not worried." scene w2_2174 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve rose "You're good and hard now, right?" "I nodded." scene w2_2183 with dissolve rose "Picture." scene w2_2175 with dissolve "In an obscene gesture, she lightly wrapped her fingers around the circumference of my cock and nudged the head against her cheek in a humiliating gesture of mock supplication." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mc "Is that all?" scene w2_2176 with dissolve scene w2_2177 with dissolve scene w2_2178 with dissolve "She gave me one hell of a sultry look before vigorously shaking her head no." scene w2_2179 with dissolve rose "Not until you give me what's in here and you get a photo." rose "Then we're done." scene w2_2180 with dissolve "Without waiting for me to reply, she wedged my cock deep into the valley of her gargantuan breasts." scene w2_2181 with dissolve mc "You're going to use those...?" KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" mct "(Come to think of it, this is just the second time I've ever gotten a titjob before. The boss' \"reward\" was a bit overwhelming to properly enjoy it...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Come to think of it, I've never gotten a titjob before. This is a first for me...)" scene w2_2182 with dissolve rose "I thought I'd give it a try." scene w2_2181 with dissolve mc "Carry on then." scene w2_2182 with dissolve rose "Sure, but you better remember to get some shots of this." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene toiletrosapai1_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai1 "With no added fanfare, Rosalind pressed her tits tightly together and gently submerged my dick further into her cleavage." "I was amazed at how easily my cock fully disappeared into the pleasant expanse of the desperate mother's titflesh." "Instead of working my cock with the top and bottom of her breasts..." mc "It's like I'm penetrating your chest." rose "They do call it a..." scene toiletrosapai2_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai2 "She paused for a moment, as if finding the words." rose "They do call it a \"titfuck\" right?" "The look on her face was cute, completely incongruent with the act she was performing." mc "You're really pushing yourself hard." rose "Picture." scene w2_2184 with dissolve mc "Right." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mc "You really going to go all the way until I ejaculate?" scene toiletrosapai1_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai1 rose "Yep. Like I said, I'm going to win this stupid game." rose "I shouldn't complain though, should I? These awful games of hers are how I'm going to dig myself out of the hole I'm in." "I was reminded of that bastard from earlier." mc "You don't feel like you're about to suffocate?" rose "Stop talking. Just focus on your part in this." rose "--cumming." scene toiletrosapai2_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai4 "She was telling me to hurry, and to emphasize the point, she picked up the pace herself." "Pressing her breasts even tighter together in a vice-like squeeze and dragging the length of her mounds furiously across my cockflesh." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" mc "...ah! You know, you're pretty skilled at this." mct "(I can only imagine how much better it'd be with massage oils or a more comfortable setting...)" "You know, not a dirty bathroom..." mct "(I definitely want to try this again...)" KN_MOD "else:" mc "...ah! You know, whenever I saw this in a porno, I thought this was just one of those silly things they do for the sake of fantasy." mc "I didn't expect it to be this... effective." mct "(Imagine how much better it'd be with massage oils or a more comfortable setting.)" mct "(I definitely want to try this again...)" scene toiletrosapai3_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai3 mc "Ah, ngh..." "A hushed, involuntary coo escaped my lips. Much to my surprise." "It did feel really, {b}really{/b} good. To the point that it seemed almost absurd how easily satisfied the male ego was." "{size=-10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=-10}" rose "You're starting to leak a little... it's getting pretty slick." rose "It's getting pretty easy to work with this giant thing." mc "Hehe..." "Truly, just how easily satisfied the male ego was." play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" "*Creeeaaaak*" scene w2_2185 with dissolve mct "(Shit...!)" mct "(Someone just...!)" scene w2_2186 with wipeleft show screen textbox2 with dissolve "--!" om "*Whistle* And come tell me Seán O'Farrell where the gath'rin is to be?" scene w2_2187 with dissolve om "Hmm... hmm..." play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" scene w2_2188 with dissolve om "One more word for signal token:- whistle out the marchin' tune" scene toiletrosapai2_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai4 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(She didn't even fucking stop!)" "Rosalind persisted with her ministrations, not faltering even a moment, repeatedly burying my cock deep into her bust as the footsteps grew closer and the man presumably sidled up to the urinal." "The only way I could tell she was rattled was the glimmer of uneasiness in her eyes. Still..." mc "*Gulp*" "She continued." scene toiletrosapai3_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai3 "{size=-10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=-10}" "It wasn't very loud, but the sound of my increasingly pre-cum lubricated cock sliding in between Rose's growingly damp cleavage startled me." "{size=-10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=-10}" "Every little noise the act produced sent my heart fluttering." mct "(Could whoever just walked in hear us...?)" om "Hmm... hmm..." scene w2_2189 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/urine-ground.wav" "No. If he could, he would have stopped his humming." om "Murmurs ran along the valleys like the banshee's lonely croon." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene toiletrosapai2_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai2 "Perhaps equally cognizant of the noise, Rosalind slowed the pace down to a crawl." "A torturous, agonizingly bitter crawl." "{size=-10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=-10}" mct "(Ah...!)" "I had to bite my lip not to audibly groan." "My stomach swelled with a sickly sweet feeling. What had been a persistently building pleasure had painfully dipped." "I was like a salivating dog who had a steak suddenly ripped from his maw and was forced to watch it cruelly dangle just out of reach." scene toiletrosapai1_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai1 "{size=-10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=-10}" "Still, if you ignored the cloying desire..." "{size=-10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=-10}" "This was nice too in its own way." "Instead of the feeling of hot friction, it was now like my cock was being gently hugged." "Our flesh clung together in a sticky mixture of oozing ejaculate and bodily sweat." mct "(Mmh...!)" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_2190 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/urine-ground.wav" "{size=-10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=-10}" mct "(How big is this asshole's bladder?!)" om "Hmm... hmm..." scene w2_2191 with dissolve stop ambient fadeout 2.0 om "Tis the rising of the moon, tis the rising of the moon--" scene w2_2192 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "*Ziiiiiip*" mct "(Thank you! He's finished.)" scene w2_2193 with dissolve om "Yet, thank God, e'en still are beating hearts in--" scene w2_2194 with dissolve om "Hmm-oh?" scene w2_2195 with dissolve "The humming ceased and odd and alarming noise came from the lavatory lyricist." scene w2_2196 with dissolve om "...?" scene w2_2197 with dissolve om "Hehe! Sorry for the tune, buddy. I didn't think anyone was in here!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene toiletrosapai2_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai2 KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mct "(This bitch! She's still going!)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(She's still going!)" mc "Uh... that's okay! I was enjoying it. Was that a pub song? " scene w2_2199 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve om "It does get sung in pubs, but it's a little more than that..." scene w2_2198 with dissolve om "..." mc "Ahem... well, you've got a nice voice..." scene w2_2200 with dissolve om "Haha, thanks! I'll let you get back to your business in peace." scene w2_2201 with dissolve om "I'm not really one to strike up a conversation with a stranger in a bathroom. No offense." scene w2_2202 with dissolve om "Especially when it's such a nice day out." mc "Thanks, have a good one..." scene w2_2203 with dissolve om "In the bathroom...?" om "Ah, to be young again. Hehehe!" scene w2_2204 with dissolve rose "Ahahaha, he's gone..." KN_MOD "if w2RosalindParkTunnel == True:" rose "That's twice in one day I thought I was about to have a heart attack and die." KN_MOD "else:" rose "I thought I was going to have a heart attack and die." mc "You didn't stop... in fact, you're still go--" play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene toiletrosapai3_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai3 mc "Ngh--!" "*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*" "Rosalind picked up where she left off, precipitously pistoning my dick into her breasts like it was a vagina." rose "I couldn't let you go soft. I need you to finish." "*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*" mc "Ah...! Are you listening to yourself? You're crazy." rose "Crazy times make for crazy women..." scene toiletrosapai2_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai4 "{size=+10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=+10}" mc "F-fuck!" mct "(Am I imagining things or...)" "*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*" rose "This guy didn't seem to mind." mct "(...Did that situation get her fired up?)" rose "Picture." mc "Ha, okay..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash rose "Now, just focus on finishing, baby." scene toiletrosapai5_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai5 mc "Mgnh..!" "{size=+10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=+10}" "The moments leading up to my orgasm turned into an exhaustive sprint." "The noise my dick made while gliding through the determined mother's sea of boob flesh sounded less like a titfuck and more like full on copulation." "{size=+10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=+10}" mc "Ah...! Ah...!" scene toiletrosapai2_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai6 "If anyone walked in now, it'd be unmistakable what was happening." "{size=+10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=+10}" rose "You can let it all go, [mcf]..." "Rosalind adopted the same soothing, motherly tone she did last exhibition." rose "Don't hold back." "It was an odd combo that simultaneously assuaged my mind and enflamed my libido. The way she could manipulate me..." scene toiletrosapai5_a with dissolve show toiletrosapai5 "{size=+10}*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*{/size=+10}" "Sometimes, it was hard to believe she wasn't a practiced whore." mc "D-damn it!" "It wasn't long before I felt the need to cum hit a blinding fever pitch." mc "I'm close... where should I--" rose "In my mouth! On my tongue!" mc " O-okay!" scene w2_2205 with dissolve stop ambient "In an instant, Rosalind switched modes. Prying my cock from the sloppy embrace of her busom and straight into the inferno of her mouth." "The moment I felt the underside of my dick touch her tongue..." stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_2206 with vpunch mc "Ng--!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "I came. I came and I came." with vpunch play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" rose "Mmmh...!" with vpunch scene w2_2207 with dissolve "As far as I could tell, Rosalind did her best to prevent it from going down her throat." "Of course, some inevitably did, but I could feel her use her tongue to the best of her ability to dam up her throat and catch the creamy load I was giving her." rose "Mmmh...! Mh....!" scene w2_2208 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" "*Plop*" rose "Mmmh..." "In contrast to her previous zeal, Rosalind looked uncomfortable. Slightly disgusted with the taste." scene w2_2209 with dissolve rose "Awahh...!" "In a lewd display, she opened her mouth and showed me the results of her handywork." rose "Ugh..." rose "Ugh... ewugg...." scene w2_2210 with dissolve rose "Phwfitcture!" scene w2_2209 with dissolve mc "Oh, fuck right!" "The feeling hadn't quite returned to my body, but I had gotten pretty used to this by now." "Hoisting up the camera, I readied it for one final picture." mc "Say cheese..." scene w2_2210 with dissolve rose "Fhwucvk owff...!" $ renpy.end_replay() play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2209 with flash "*Click*" scene black with flash KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2BoobjobSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2BoobjobSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve $ history_rosalind = "The screws are being tightened on Rosalind's debt situation. Since this potentially presents a problem for the exhibition, I may be able to persuade the powers to be to help." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "........." "......" "..." scene w2_2211 with blinds play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" rose "Sorry if I got out of hand there." "After cleaning up, Rosalind changed into a set of clothes she had stashed in a purse for just the occasion." scene w2_2212 with dissolve mc "No, I get it. You want to win." mc "...not like I didn't enjoy it, either." scene w2_2213 with dissolve rose "Heh, yeah..." scene w2_2212 with dissolve mc "Still, I was surprised. You turned into a completely different person back there." scene w2_2214 with dissolve rose "You barely know me, [mcf]." scene w2_2215 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1RoseGonzo == True:" mc "I know the embarrassing crap you were forced to spill to me during your interview." mc "Plus, I know what's in your file. You might be surprised at just how thorough Mrs. Pulman is in her background checks." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I know what's in your file and you might be surprised at just how thorough Mrs. Pulman is in her background checks." mc "She knows stuff about you that you've likely forgotten about." scene w2_2214 with dissolve rose "Oh, really? Like what?" scene w2_2215 with dissolve mc "...okay, I'm being hyperbolic." scene w2_2216 with dissolve mc "You're right. I don't know you very well outside of what brought you to the club." mc "Handing out tit fuckings in unisex bathrooms could very well be within your character." scene w2_2217 with dissolve rose "Pff, shut up!" rose "Don't say vulgar things like that in public, please." scene w2_2218 with dissolve rose "Haha...!" "She laughed, at her imagined own joke." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" scene w2_2219 with dissolve mc "Did you just reprimand me?" scene w2_2220 with dissolve rose "Yep. Am I not allowed to do that?" scene w2_2219 with dissolve mc "Well, you're almost as old as my mother." scene w2_2221 with dissolve rose "You want me to take that as an insult, but you like that about me." scene w2_2219 with dissolve mc "You can tell, huh?" scene w2_2220 with dissolve rose "I got the feeling. What with the way you acted when we screwed last week..." scene w2_2219 with dissolve mc "Who's being vulgar now?" scene w2_2220 with dissolve rose "Am I right or am I right?" scene w2_2219 with dissolve mc "Women's intuition, huh? Yeah, you're right." mc "I do like older women." scene w2_2221 with dissolve rose "Lucky for you that at your age, that's not a high bar. Most women are older women." scene w2_2219 with dissolve mc "It's not just your age that I like about you." scene w2_2227 with dissolve rose "Just so you know, I'm too frazzled from earlier to flirt back." scene w2_2223 with dissolve mc "You remind me of my own mother." scene w2_2224 with dissolve "Rosalind gave me a weird, funny look. Which was fair, I suppose..." scene w2_2222 with dissolve rose "I don't know how to take that, hun." scene w2_2225 with dissolve mc "It's not what you're thinking." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False:" mc "Remember how I told you I never wanted to trouble my mom again?" scene w2_2226 with dissolve rose "Hmm... oh yeah, the day we first met. You turned down my advances and we had a nice talk." scene w2_2222 with dissolve rose "I remember." scene w2_2223 with dissolve mc "Let's just say that for personal reasons, I sympathize with you going through hell for your kid's sake." scene w2_2222 with dissolve rose "Personal reasons?" scene w2_2225 with dissolve mc "Reasons that mean I'm going provide and care for her until the day one of us dies." mc "So I have a lot of respect for you." scene w2_2227 with dissolve rose "[mcf]..." scene w2_2228 with dissolve rose "You're a sweet boy." scene w2_2229 with dissolve mc "I'm just running my mouth." scene w2_2230 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False:" "Just like the day we first met, it was extremely easy to open up with her." KN_MOD "else:" "For some reason, it felt extremely easy to open up with her." scene w2_2231 with dissolve rose "You're a sweet boy, but it sounds like you've got some misguided ideas." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "Misguided...?" scene w2_2233 with dissolve rose "Just a guess, but I'm sure your mother would prefer you to live your own life." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "What she thinks doesn't really matter." mc "I'm going to do what I want and that's getting to the point in my life where I can look out for her." scene w2_2232 with dissolve rose "I take it all back. You're not so sweet, are you?" scene w2_2234 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_2233 with dissolve rose "You should come back to my place and I'll make you lunch." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "Your place? What about your daughter?" scene w2_2233 with dissolve rose "I sent her off to a month-long summer camp yesterday." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "Isn't that expensive?" scene w2_2231 with dissolve rose "More than I can afford, but..." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "You want her gone while the exhibition is going on." scene w2_2231 with dissolve rose "Exactly... she's smart. She'll notice things are different." scene w2_2235 with dissolve rose "Instead of her mother lying to her, she'll instead make a nice memory." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "You don't have any other family?" scene w2_2231 with dissolve rose "None that I can or want to rely on." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "It sucks not having an extended family, huh?" scene w2_2231 with dissolve rose "It simplifies things. I was raised in a big family and dysfunctional doesn't quite cover it." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "All my extended family is on my dad's side." mc "They washed their hands clean of us after he died. So I have no frame of reference." scene w2_2236 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_2235 with dissolve rose "If they're those kind of people, you dodged a bullet." scene w2_2234 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I suppose you're right." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_2233 with dissolve rose "So... lunch?" scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "Well, I did skip breakfast..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosaFlag" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2219 with dissolve mc "Heh. Yeah, we CERTAINLY didn't do anything vulgar today." scene w2_2220 with dissolve rose "Just two friends sitting on a bench in the park." scene w2_2237 with dissolve rose "Pftt, hehehe..." mc "Yeah, \"friends\"... ha!" scene w2_2234 with dissolve "......" scene w2_2230 with dissolve "..." scene w2_2231 with dissolve rose "You think I'll be able to go back to feeling normal after all this is over?" scene w2_2236 with dissolve mc "You might have a new normal, but... yeah I do." mct "(My mom did.)" scene w2_2233 with dissolve rose "I think so too. To be honest, I don't even feel like myself right now. Sometimes I get this weird feeling that I'm watching myself from up on high." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "I think that's called dissociation. It's a coping mechanism." scene w2_2231 with dissolve rose "Oh, Yeah? Guess it's good to have a word for it." scene w2_2235 with dissolve rose "I'm hoping that means this will all be behind me after the month is up." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "You're that confident about winning?" KN_MOD "if roseSeduceFlag == True and roseFlag == False:" scene w2_2231 with dissolve rose "Yes. Even without your help." scene w2_2233 with dissolve rose "I can't afford to think otherwise." scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "Eyes on the prize?" scene w2_2232 with dissolve rose "Yep... Eyes. On. The. Prize." scene w2_2230 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_2235 with dissolve rose "Ah, I should get home. I want to clean up and take a shower." rose "We're done here, right?" scene w2_2230 with dissolve mc "We are. I think Mrs. Pulman will be satisfied." mc "......" scene w2_2236 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_2238 with dissolve rose "Heh, I'm going to go now." scene w2_2239 with dissolve mc "Be safe on the way home." scene w2_2240 with dissolve rose "I will." mc "..." scene w2_2241 with dissolve mct "(Oh, geez...)" mct "(Today was exciting.)" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight2" KN_MOD "label w2RosaFlag:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind03 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Did [mcf] take advantage of Rosalind when they first met?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ roseTakeAdvantage = True KN_MOD "No.:" pass show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_2233 with dissolve rose "Then eat with me. I'll fix you a home-cooked meal." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Sure, I'd like that." "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w2_2242 with blinds "Along the way to Rosalind's home, I couldn't figure out for the life of me why she would voluntarily share a meal with me, especially after what we did in the park." "I had no pretense that she had any genuine affection or interest in me." scene w2_2243 with dissolve rose "The kitchen is in here." scene w2_2244 with dissolve rose "That's the living room. Make yourself comfortable." scene w2_2245 with dissolve rose "I'm going to go change." scene black with fade "So why, indeed...?" play ambient "sound effects/bacon-sizzle.wav" play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" scene w2_2246 with w20 rose "Hmm hmm hmm..." rose "Now, I'm not the greatest cook, so don't set any high expectations for me." $, 1, channel = "ambient") scene w2_2247 with dissolve "That's why." scene w2_2248 with dissolve mc "I have this strange feeling that whatever you cook will be just fine..." scene w2_2247 with dissolve "Just a minute ago, she had walked in almost completely naked and carried on business as usual, asking if {i}this{/i} or {b}that{/b} suited my taste before beginning the prep work." "Doing so in a way that had a needlessly provocative flourish." "When she'd reach for something or another, she'd stick her ass out far more than was necessary." "When she'd bend over to grab a pan, she made sure to do it in a way that flashed her pussy." scene w2_2249 with dissolve "This was her being proactive on her half of our deal." scene w2_2250 with dissolve mc "This is a bit... much, don't you think?" scene w2_2252 with dissolve "At my comment the pleasant humming dwindled off into silence and her shoulders lost a bit of life." scene w2_2251 with dissolve rose " you not like forward women, Mr. [mcl]? Is that what you're trying to say?" scene w2_2252 with dissolve mc "No, that's not it... I can't knock you for your approach. The naked apron thing is A plus and you do look great." mc "Really, REALLY great." scene w2_2253 with dissolve rose "...that's a relief." rose "Despite all we have done, would you believe it was still difficult to parade myself out here dressed like this? It's kind of silly the way the mind works." scene w2_2254 with dissolve mc "It's just... don't you think you're trying a little {b}too{/b} hard?" KN_MOD "if roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" mc "It feels extreme, even to uphold your end of the deal. You don't have to take it this far." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You don't have to take it this far for me to uphold my end of the deal." scene w2_2251 with dissolve rose "Do you want me to put some clothes on, [mcf]? Is that it?" scene w2_2252 with dissolve mc "Ah... eheh..." mc "No." mc "{b}No{/b}, I don't." scene w2_2255 with dissolve "How could I not answer honestly in a situation like this?" scene w2_2256 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" mc "I'm just amazed at the faith you're putting in me." KN_MOD "else:" mc "The thing is you're putting a lot of faith in me. I'm still not sure how I can even help you." scene w2_2247 with dissolve rose "I know, but doing \"this\" doesn't cost me anything." mc "..." scene w2_2256 with dissolve mc "Carving out your own advantages. You're pretty ruthless for a housewife." scene w2_2257 with dissolve rose "This world is transactional. You've got to give to get, right?" scene w2_2247 with dissolve "Despite her cold, harsh words she said it with a warm smile. Like she accepted that truth, but wouldn't let it dim her spirit. It was..." mct "(Comforting.)" rose "Now... just sit back, enjoy your meal..." scene black with fade stop ambient fadeout 2.0 stop music fadeout 2.0 rose "...and the service." scene w2_2258 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" rose "*Smack* *Fwup* *Plop*" "What else would it be?" rose "*Fwuuuuuuuuch!*" scene w2_2259 with dissolve $, 0, channel = "ambient") "As soon as she set the plate down, Rosalind had me undress and then got down on all fours and crawled under the table." rose "Fwup....! Mmh...!" stop ambient scene w2_2260 with dissolve rose "*Plop...!*" scene w2_2261 with dissolve rose "You should eat while the food is still hot." scene w2_2260 with dissolve scene w2_2259 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" rose "*G-guh! Guhk!*" mc "Ah!" $, 1, channel = "ambient") scene w2_2262 with dissolve mc "Fuck..." "It had just been an hour since her previous service, but my dick was already standing at full, 100\%\ attention." $, 1, channel = "ambient") scene w2_2263 with dissolve "It was heavy and bloated, forcing Rosalind's tongue to shape to its curves as it rested in her mouth." scene w2_2264 with dissolve rose "Guughk-!" scene w2_2263 with dissolve "She was making a deliberate show of holding it there, past the mouth of her gullet, ignoring her gag reflex and treating my ears to a wretched sequence of sputtering and choking as it tried to repel the foreign object." scene w2_2264 with dissolve rose "*Cough* *Gkh...!" KN_MOD "if w2RoseGag == True:" mct "(Don't tell me she took my comment about gagging to heart?)" scene rosahomedt_a with dissolve show rosahomedt rose "Mmmh...! *Chwup~!*" mc "Hot d-damn...!" KN_MOD "if roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" "I had fully agreed to let her be my slut for the month and she was making good on it." "Even if I wanted to turn her down, she seemed desperately dead set on doing this. I suspected it gave her a sense of control and the reassurance that I wouldn't absentmindedly renege on our deal." KN_MOD "else:" "I had previously told her I'd help without any strings attached and I truly meant it. I had felt that way, up to the certain point Rosalind had my cock in her mouth." "Not that I could deny her in the first place. Just like last time, she was desperately dead set on doing this and I suspected it gave her at least a modicum feeling of control." "She wanted to be on my mind, to be sure I wouldn't absentmindedly renege on our deal." stop ambient scene w2_2260 with dissolve rose "*Plop-!*" scene w2_2261 with dissolve rose "Eat, and then you can have dessert." scene w2_2265 with dissolve mc "Right, I should eat..." scene w2_2266 with dissolve "I ate it all, but I sure as shit didn't remember the taste for some reason." "Still, it might've been the best meal I had ever eaten in my entire life." scene black with fade mc "What was this about dessert...?" "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/ninja-tortoise.ogg" scene rosahometdog_a with cmet show rosahometdog "The part that came before this was all lost in a steamy flurry of hands and other body parts, mouths meeting nipples, teeth grazing skin, and hands tugging at clothes..." rose "[mcf]...! Ah...!" "Before I knew it, I was buck naked in Rosalind's kitchen, belly full of food and my balls careening violently against her quim as she bounced off my cock." rose "Finally...!" "If she wanted me to feel like a king, she'd succeeded with flying colors. She gave herself over completely to my hands." "Hands that held a firm grip on the wanton mother's swaying tits, while my lower half methodically plunged in and out of her cunt at a violently deep yet slow tempo." "*Clap...* *Clap...* *Clap...*" scene rosahometdog2_a with dissolve show rosahometdog2 "Every biting thrust met a pillow soft landing from Rosalind's plump rump." rose "Ah! Gh! Ha...! That's it, baby!" "*Clap...** *Clap...* *Clap...* *Clap...*" "The sound of flesh on flesh and the shrill cries of copulation drowned out the dull electrical hum of the kitchen." rose "Eheh...! Grab me harder, [mcf]! Fuck me harder!" "The words were trite but the edge in her voice..." scene rosahometdog_a with dissolve show rosahometdog mc "Mmmh- y-you're actually into this?" "We had barely even started and Rosalind was crying out garishly for more." rose "Muhuh...! Y-es!" rose "W-why do you sound surprised? Ah-!" rose "I enjoyed it last time too! Don't you remember?" rose "Just, ah-! Look...! I took care of you today, so now you HAVE to take care of me. O-okay?!" mc "You have my help, you don't have to remind--" rose "I'm not talking about the competition! That's the l-last thing I want to think about right now! Ah~♥" rose "When I say \"take care of me\", I mean {b}fuck me{/b}!" rose "Fuck me like you own me! Fuck me like you hate me! Fuck me however you want!" rose "Just don't let my mind wander even a single minute!" scene rosahometdog2_a with dissolve show rosahometdog2 mc "Ha! Is that why you fed me beforehand?! I'll fuck you all day if you want!" "I allowed myself to be taken in by her words. To my ears, they sounded genuine..." "What didn't when you were balls deep in a woman?" mc "R-rose!" "The word was surprisingly difficult to eek out under the sweltering pleasure and tight grip of Rosalind's lower mouth." mc "R-rose...!" rose "Ah-! Don't call my name! Ng-!" mc "Mmmhn, no...?" rose "Call me a slut! Call me a whore!" KN_MOD "menu w2RosalindKitchenTone:" KN_MOD "Play along and call her names.:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 $ w2RosaMean = True mc "You whore!" scene rosahometdog3_a with dissolve show rosahometdog3 rose "Ah, t-thank you...! I know it's weird, but..." mc "Don't worry, you don't have to explain it to me." mc "Still, geez... You're thanking me for calling you a whore?" "It was sort of amusing, in its own twisted way." mc "You really are quite the dirty bitch! Do you like getting your hole plugged by a man young enough to be your own son?" rose "Yes! Keep plugging my pussy... please!" mc "You can do better than that, cunt. Say it like you mean it!" rose "Ah...! Ghe...! O-okay...!" rose "Please! Please, keep fucking my pussy! I NEED your cock plugging my fuck hole!" mc "Ah, you fucking hag! That's what I like to hear!" "Every piece of articulated abuse caused her hole to squeeze and cling to my cock tighter and tighter. It seemed Rosalind truly had a genuine appreciation for this sort of talk." "If this is what she liked, this is what she'll get the rest of the night." rose "Ah, f-fuck me like you mean it, [roseSN]." mct "(Shit, she remembered what I had her say at the exhibition. She's really...)" mc "You're something else, Rose." "An honest thought carelessly escaped my lips." rose "Ah! Ggh...!" "I didn't know how she could be so conscientious in a moment like this." KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Rosalind Libido]{/color} Play along with creativity and gusto. if w2RosaCreativeMenu == False:" $ w2RosaCreativeMenu = True $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 mc "Oh...? You fucking bitch!" mc "Isn't that one and the same?" rose "Mmmh...!" mc "Rosalind Carter and stupid whore... the two go hand in hand. When I say one, the other is implied!" rose "Mmmh...! Mmmh...! Ah...? W-what?" scene rosahometdog4_a with dissolve show rosahometdog4 mc "You useless cum dump!" mc "Are you trying to pretend like they're two different things?" rose "N-no?" KN_MOD "if Rosalind_Libido >= 5:" $ w2RosaCreative = True mc "Apologize for being such a slutty mother!" rose "W-what?" mc "I said {b}apologize{/b} for being such a slutty mother!" rose "I'm s-sorry!" mc "For what?!" rose "I'm sorry for being a slutty mother!" mc "Who's a slutty mother?" rose "I am! I'm a slutty mother!" "The way her pussy clamped down on my dick as she accepted the verbal abuse reassured me I wasn't going too far here." "I wondered if she was always this slutty or if this week had kicked her {color=#FF1493}libido{/color=#FF1493} into overdrive." rose "I'm a slutty mother!" mc "That's not quite what I asked! Say it clearly and state your name!" rose "Ah-! Ah-! Ah! I--" rose "I, Rosalind Carter, -oooh!- am a slutty mother!" mc "Saying that so proudly while getting railed by my cock on the place where you have a family dinner. You really must be!" scene rosahometdog3_a with dissolve show rosahometdog3 mc "You cow!" rose "Yes! Ah~♥" mc "You fat ass cow!" rose "Yes!" mc "YOU. {w}STUPID. {w}USELESS. FAT. ASS. {w}COW!" rose "Yes!" "Surprisingly, Rosalind didn't seem to mind the rhetorical cruelty. She even seemed to delight in it, much like I did." "It was all in a fucked up pursuit of getting our rocks off, of course." scene w2_2267 with pixellate vic "Gheh... fwh... c-cocks-!" cm "This stupid slut has fucking lost it! Haha! Is that all you can say?" vic "C-cocks...! Give me cocks!" scene rosahometdog3_a with pixellate show rosahometdog3 "She wasn't stupid and I truly didn't believe she was a whore." "I didn't actually believe any of what I was asking Rosalind to say, but if she wanted me to call her dirty names, I'd do so happily and with genuine sadistic glee." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Ah-! N-no... not..." rose "A little less, p-please? That's..." "An uneasiness had brought her previous howling to a broken whisper. This sort of meanness was unappetizing for her." "No surprise, not everyone's as fucked up as me." scene rosahometdog_a with dissolve show rosahometdog mc "Sorry, that was too much. I don't, I'm..." "She needed me to help her forget about today; I should..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindKitchenTone" KN_MOD "Talk dirty, but dont degrade her.:" $ w2RosaKind = True $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 scene rosahometdog4_a with dissolve show rosahometdog4 mc "No... I won't let you get away from the fact that I'm fucking you, Rose." mc "I'm not screwing just some whore, I'm fucking you in your very own kitchen, sliding my cock in and out of your pussy while you cream yourself by shaking your beautiful ass." "If she wanted dirty, I'd make it dirty... but on my own terms." scene w2_2267 with pixellate vic "Gheh... fwh... c-cocks-!" cm "This stupid slut has fucking lost it! Haha! Is that all you can say?" vic "C-cocks...! Give me cocks!" scene rosahometdog3_a with pixellate show rosahometdog3 "At this very moment at least, I didn't feel like degrading her." mc "Do you like taking the dick of a man young enough to be your son, {b}Rose{/b}?" rose "Yes, keep giving me that dick! Please!" mc "Good, because I love fucking you. Nothing beats your pussy!" mc "Not a single woman my age can compare." rose "Ah! Ah~♥ Liar! I'm just an old woman..." mc "Why would I be lying, Rose? How hard is my dick right now?" rose "H-hard!" mc "You can do better than that, Rose. Use your words." rose "Your cock is so {b}hard{/b} and {b}big!{/b}" rose "It's hitting me so deep!" mc "That's right. You're so beautiful that I'm hitting parts of you I didn't even know I could!" rose "Mmh..! [mcf]....♥ T-thank you! Keep plugging my cunt with your cock!" "It might not have been what she wanted exactly, but I could tell she was enjoying the dirty talk by the way her lower mouth clung sweetly to my pole." "So enamored with Rosalind's desire, I resolved to give her everything she wanted from this encounter." "If she wanted to forget all her troubles for an evening, I'd sure as hell oblige her." KN_MOD "menu w2RosaIntensify:" KN_MOD "Find a new angle of attack.:" KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "Brace yourself, slut. I'm going to fuck you as {b}deeply{/b} as you deserve!" scene rosahometlift_a with fade show rosahometlift "Giving Rosalind a quick heads up, I lifted her leg to find a new way to truly fuck the wanton mother like the bitch she is." KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "I hope your pussy is ready for what's next!" scene rosahometlift_a with fade show rosahometlift "Putting aside the fact I just delivered such a deeply ridiculous line with unmitigated gusto, I lifted Rosalind's leg to find a new angle of attack on her slathering cunt." KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "Get ready, Rose. I'm going to fuck your pussy as {b}deep{/b} and hard as you want!" scene rosahometlift_a with fade show rosahometlift "Giving Rosalind a quick heads up, I lifted her leg and had her brace herself as I searched for a new avenue to pleasure the wailing, wanton mother's lovehole." "With an additional burst of fervor, I picked up speed, making a concerted effort to use the tip of my penis to gouge and scrape every nerve lining Rosalind's tunnel." rose "OoooOooh! Yhee-!" "The cacophonous wail it drew from Rosalind's rosy lips provided ample evidence that she had no qualms with this change of tempo and force." "*Clap...* *Clap...* *Clap...*" rose "Ha...!" "She was happy being putty in my hands, content to ride the wave of pleasure that every deep stab or shallow poke produced." "Likewise, I was happy to fill the void between her legs. To bury my cock to the base and delight in the way her insides fruitlessly tried to tighten and prevent its escape, only to be left barren once more as I easily withdrew from the sloppy hole." KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "You like getting fucked like a proper bitch, Rose?" mc "You like how deep my dick is hitting your insides?" rose "Ah...! I do! I love it!" mc "Good! A slut like you deserves every inch, but only if you ask nicely!" rose "Mmmg....! Ah-! Huh? What?" mc "Ask me nicely to feed you lower mouth every inch of my cock!" "With Rosalind, it was so easy to lose myself and say such obnoxiously silly things. The crap that was coming out of my mouth..." rose "Please, give me... EVERY. FUCKING. INCH of your cock, sir!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "You know, you should thank me for fucking a past-her-prime whore like you. I'm really putting my back into this." rose "Thank you! Thank you for fucking me!" mc "Ha! It's hard work fucking a greedy cunt like yours!" rose "Thank you for fucking my greedy cunt, sir!" mc "That's more like it~" "With Rosalind, it was so easy to lose myself and say such obnoxiously silly things. The crap that was coming out of my mouth..." mc "That's more like it." KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "How's this position working for you?" mc "You like how deep my dick is hitting your insides?" rose "Ah...! I love it - I'm loving every inch of it!" mc "Good. You'll get as much of it as you want." mc "No other thought will pass through your head other than taking dicks!" "With Rosalind, it was so easy to lose myself and say such obnoxiously silly things. The crap that was coming out of my mouth..." mc "I'm going to screw you so much that your pussy will remember the shape of my cock!" scene rosahometlift2_a with dissolve show rosahometlift2 "I was happy. This was {i}fun{/i}." "{b}Freeing{/b}." "Rosalind would take anything I gave her, in exchange for something I didn't quite understand." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" rose "Ah... ha...! It's funny! To think, the first time we met, you apologized for what we did...!" mc "That's what led you to come to my apartment last week, am I wrong?" rose "-Ah! Y-you... realized that?" mc "You saw the signs of weakness and you did what you thought you had to...! I don't blame you." rose "That was part of it, but it was when you -ng!- a-asked me out that it clicked!" mc "I really did regret it, y'know...." rose "F-fuck....! That's why I like you, [mcf]!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "Ha! And I like how you move that fat ass of yours!" mc "Now shut up and get fucked!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "Ha! If I knew you were such a sex-starved hag, I wouldn't have!" mc "Now shut up and get fucked!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "To be honest, I'd do it again! It was worth it to get to fuck you like this." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Ah... ha....! It's funny! You turned me down the first time we met and now...!" mc "That's what led you to come to my apartment last week, am I wrong?" rose "That was part of it, but it was when you -ng!- a-asked me out that it clicked!" rose "-Ah! Still, you... r-realized that?" mc "I had a feeling that it made me look like an easy target." rose "Don't put it that way...! You acted like a decent person that night! You left a strong impression...!" mc "Just for being decent?" rose "Sometimes \"just\" decent can make all the difference to a woman." rose "F-fuck...! Ah, fuck me! Are you a-angry that I tried to take advantage of your kindness?" mc "You saw an opening and took it...! I won't blame you for that." rose "Mmmh...! Thank you, [mcf]..." KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "Don't thank me yet, whore! I'm not done fucking you." KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "Don't thank me yet! Save that for when I'm done fucking you!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "Don't thank me yet, Rose! I'm not done fucking you." scene rosahometlift_a with dissolve show rosahometlift "*Clap* *Clap *Clap*" "By this point Rosalind and I were working in perfect tandem, in sync with our movements and working together to fulfill each other's carnal needs." "She was giving as good as she got, throwing her ass back and meeting my thrusts with a well-timed precision that made sure I hit the deepest parts of her, grinding her hips in a way that wrung every ounce of pleasure from our joining." "*Clap* *Clap *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*" "She was making sure I tasted as much of her pussy as I possibly could." rose "Ha...! Ha...! How does this feel so good?! It's never..." "*Clap* *Clap *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*" mct "(Felt this good...?)" "Is that what people mean by sexual compatibility?" "*Clap* *Clap *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*" "Whatever you'd call it..." "*Clap* *Clap *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*" "It meant...." rose "Oh...! Oh...! Gh...!" ## Rosalind squirts "It meant we could selfishly indulge in each other's flesh without worry." scene w2_2269 with dissolve rose "Gegghhh...!" "So caught up in the act, my brain barely registered the feeling of the slutty mother erupting like a geyser and coating my thighs with her love juices." rose "Ghyhueeeeeeh! Heaaa..! Haaah!" "I might have not registered it at all if it wasn't for the piercing shriek and mind-blanking tightness that accompanied Rosalind's abrupt orgasm." scene rosahometlift2_a with dissolve show rosahometlift2 rose "Ah...! Yeeeehs..." rose "Y-you're fhucking me through m-my...!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "You think I'm going to slow down? A whore like you wouldn't be satisfied with that." KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "You think I would slow down just because you came? I've still got a load of jizz to give you." KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "Slow down? I'm not going to be satisfied with you only having one!" scene w2_2268 with dissolve rose "Ah....! Gheeeee! Fwuwwwwaah! F-ffuuuuuck!" "Another orgasm." scene rosahometlift_a with dissolve show rosahometlift "It felt amazing to fuck her through her climax. The way her cunt clamped down made it difficult to escape her inner walls' sweet embrace and fight my way back into her." rose "Ah...! Ha...! A-another one....? It fheels wheiird...!" "In fact, the sensation was so delicious and heavenly and my legs burned fiercly from the exertion that I wanted to..." KN_MOD "menu w2RosaEjaculate1:" KN_MOD "Ejaculate.:" KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "C-cumming! Where do you want it, whore?" rose "Inside! It's safe, you can do it inside!" mc "Ask me for it, bitch!" rose "Will you please give me your cum, [mcf]? Shoot it inside!" mc "Ng...! Ha... have it your way!" mc "T-take it!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "C-cumming! Beg me for it!" rose "Ah, y-yes! Please! Give me your cum!" mc "Where do you want it?" rose "D-do it inside! It's safe!" mc "You don't have to tell me twice...!" mc "Have it your way, you slutty mother! Take it in your pussy!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "C-cumming! Get ready!" rose "Ah, y-yes! Do it, inside! It's safe...!" rose "Give me your cum, [mcf]!" mc "You don't have to tell me twice...!" mc "T-take it!" "With one last thrust, I hilted myself fully in Rosalind's spasming hole, propelled forward by the instinct to drive myself as deep as possible into the constricting passage and make a direct deposit of spunk in her ovaries." "Every muscle of my body momentarily tensed up in preparation for my impending release, the fingers on my hands digging hard into the soft flesh of Rosalind's body and leaving a tangible mark of our copulation." stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_2274 with flash mc "Gh, aaaah-!" "An automatic, animal-like growl and then complete and utter sensory bliss." rose "Ooooooh, oooooh!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_2275 with vpunch "All tension in my body left me as I poured strand upon strand of semen into the wailing mother's accepting quim." mc "--!" "Her pussy was working hard to coax out every last spermatozoa waiting in my urethra." scene w2_2276 with dissolve mc "Oh, shit!" "Before I regained my composure, I witlessly laxed my grip and sent Rosalind tumbling face first into the table." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_2277 with vpunch "Thud!" rose "Ha...! Ha...! That was...!" "Thankfully, she seemed not to mind." rose "That was... ah..." scene black with fade $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2KitchenSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2KitchenSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." rose "H-how long until you can go again?" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindConclusion" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Tireless]{/color} Resist the urge as long as you can. if trait_tireless == True:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 "Not yet!" stop ambient scene w2_2278 with fade rose "Eh, whaa....?" "Resisting all instinct to fill the wanton mother's sloppy hole with my jizz, I dropped the insensate woman onto the table in front of us." rose "When did I...?" scene black with fade "......" "*Squick* *Squelch* *Sqewlch...!*" rose "...geh! Ha...!" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindTirelessFinish" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Tireless] Resist the urge as long as you can.{/color} if trait_tireless == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2RosaEjaculate1" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} Sweep Rosalind off her feet and onto your dick. if perk_strongman == True:" stop ambient scene w2_2272 with fade rose "O-oh, what are you..." mc "Brace yourself." "With that simple, terse warning I abruptly dropped Rosalind onto my dick." scene w2_2273 with vpunch rose "Gggggeeeh-!" "The moment I did, the whole of my cock experienced a staggering, overwhelming tightness that threatened to make me cum right then and there." "Did she just..." rose "C-ccuuuming...?!" with flash "She did, holy shit!" play ambient "sound effects/boobjob-slow.wav" scene rosahometlift3_a with dissolve show rosahometlift3 "With strenuous effort, I pulled my cock from the vice-like grip and began to fuck her in earnest." "I didn't want to let Rosalind have even a moment's rest. My goal was to drive her crazy." "It was difficult to move at first, but as her brief orgasm subsided, I fell into an earnest rhythm." rose "Ghwuah...?" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "You okay there?" rose "H-huh...? Y-yeah..." rose "I just wasn't expecting that." mc "Me either, you really surprised me. I almost came on the spot!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Earth to Rose, do you hear me?" rose "Y-yeah..." rose "I j-just w-wasn't expecting that." mc "Good, then get it together. Don't just sit there." mc "Move your ass!" scene rosahometlift4_a with dissolve show rosahometlift4 "Rosalind gripped me tightly, holding on as if for dear life." "A fact that I appreciated, as I focused on holding her body steady so my lower half could gouge and scrape every delicious inch of Rosalind's inner walls." "The position was putting a strain on my body, but it was worth it to literally have the slutty mother in the palm of my hands." rose "Gheeeaaauuh...!" "A little soreness in the morning would be a small price to pay for the precious sound of Rosalind howling like a bitch in heat." rose "Ah-! Yesh...! You're... hwitting meh soh, deeeep...!" scene rosahometlift3_a with dissolve show rosahometlift3 KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "I know. You taste wonderful, Rose." mc "How are you liking the taste of my dick?" rose "L-lihk eeet...!" mc "You like it? That makes me happy." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I know. It's what you wanted, right?" mc "To be handled like a sex toy?" rose "Yesh...!" mc "Heh, is that all you can say?" "*Squick* *Squelch* *Sqewlch...!*" KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == True:" rose "Ah... ha...! It's funny! To think, the first time we met, you apologized for what we did...!" mc "That's what led you to come to my apartment last week, am I wrong?" rose "-Ah! Y-yooooou... realized that?" mc "You saw the signs of weakness and you did what you thought you had to...! I don't blame you." rose "That was paaaaaart of it, but it was when you -ng!- a-asked me out that it clicked!" mc "I really did regret it, y'know...." rose "F-fuck....! That's why I like you, [mcf]!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "Ha! And I like how you use that fat ass of yours!" mc "Now shut up and get fucked!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "Ha! If I knew you were such a sex-starved hag, I wouldn't have!" mc "Now shut up and get fucked!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "To be honest, I'd do it again! It was worth it to get to fuck you like this." KN_MOD "else:" rose "Ah... ha....! It's funny! You turned me down the first time we met and now...!" mc "That's what led you to come to my apartment last week, am I wrong?" rose "That was part of it, but it was when you -ng!- a-asked me out that it clicked!" rose "-Ah! Still, you... r-realized that?" mc "I had a feeling that it made me look like an easy target." rose "D-don't put it that way...! You acted like a decent person that night! You left a stroooong impression...!" mc "Just for being decent?" rose "Sometimes \"just\" decent can make... -ah!- c-can make ALL the difference to a woman, ooooh!" rose "F-fuck...! Ah, fuck me! Are you a-angry that I tried to take advantage of your kindness?" mc "You saw an opening and took it...! I won't blame you for that." rose "Mmmh...! Thank you, [mcf]..." KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "Don't thank me yet, whore! I'm not done fucking you." KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "Don't thank me yet! Save that for when I'm done fucking you!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "Don't thank me yet, Rose! We're not finished yet." mct "(Man, what I wouldn't give to see this from the outside...!)" mct "(She's like a waterfall. I can feel her juices dripping down my leg!)" "*Squick* *Smack...!* *Squelch* *Clap* *Sqewlch...!*" scene w2_2271 with vpunch rose "Ooooh, oooh...! Gyeh...!" scene w2_2270 with dissolve mc "Another one?" "Another climax threatened to send me dickhead first to my own end." rose "Geheh..." mc "You're on a short trigger." scene rosahometlift4_a with dissolve show rosahometlift4 mc "{b}Good{/b}!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "I wonder just how many times you'll cum before the evening's over." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I wonder just how many times you'll cream yourself before I pack your womb with my jizz?" rose "Eyeh... w-why...? It's still...!" "While her body shook and quivered from her last climax, I didn't dare stop." "I kept hammering into her convulsing hole over and over and over, parting the swollen lips of her lower mouth with a stringent and powerful rhythm." "*Squick* *Squelch* *Sqewlch...!*" rose "Ohwhff... owff... ng..." "*Squick* *Smack...!* *Squelch* *Clap* *Sqewlch...!*" rose "Ehyee..." "Every upward thrust had Rosalind sounding like a cheap, chewed up squeak toy." scene rosahometlift3_a with dissolve show rosahometlift3 "This position meant I was doing the bulk of the work. All Rosalind really had the leverage to accomplish was to grind and press herself deeper into me every time my cock rose up to hit the deepest parts of her." "Which provided its own thrill in and of itself, but I was feeling the strain from holding the sex-starved mother up for so long." "A soreness had crept up my back and my legs were beginning to tremble from holding this pose for so long." "*Squick* *Squelch* *Sqewlch...!*" "My body was telling me to hurry and end this and the growing tightness in my testicles couldn't argue back." "*Squick* *Smack...!* *Squelch* *Clap* *Sqewlch...!*" "The desire to ejaculate and flood Rosalind's lower mouth with seed grew and grew, until..." KN_MOD "menu w2RosaEjaculate2:" KN_MOD "Give into the urge.:" KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "I'm about to blow. Where do you want it, whore?" rose "Eh... ah... you... ha... c-can..." "Drunk on dick, Rosalind struggled to get the words out of her mouth." rose "Ah... ah...! You c-can...!" mc "You want me to pick?" rose "In-in--" mc "Tell me!" rose "{size=+10}[mcf]Insiiiiiiide!{size=+10}" rose "It's safe, you can do it inside!" mc "Then take it, you bitch!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "I'm about to pop. Where do you want my load, hag?" rose "Eh... ah... you... ha... c-can..." "Drunk on dick, Rosalind struggled to get the words out of her mouth." rose "Ah... ah...! You c-can...!" mc "Time's ticking!" rose "In-in--" mc "Spit it out!" rose "{size=+10}[mcf]Insiiiiiiide!{size=+10}" rose "It's safe, you can do it inside!" mc "You got it! Take it, you slutty mother!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "I'm about to cum. Where do you want it, Rose?" rose "Eh... ah... you... ha... c-can..." "Drunk on dick, Rosalind struggled to get the words out of her mouth." rose "Ah... ah...! You c-can...!" mc "Should I pull out?" rose "In-in--" mc "T-time's a bit tight here!" rose "{size=+10}[mcf]Insiiiiiiide!{size=+10}" rose "It's safe, you can do it inside!" mct "(I was hoping you'd say that...!)" "Having finally received a clear answer, I buried myself deep into Rosalind's quim - as far as I could humanly go, driven by the instinct to inseminate and color her insides white." "I felt all sensation leave my legs as my body tensed up in preparation for my near immediate climax." "My fingers sunk deep into the pliant, plump flesh of Rosalind's inner thighs as my hands squeezed her tight to make sure I had a proper hold on her." stop ambient stop music scene w2_2279 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Gh, aaaah-!" "An automatic, animal-like growl and then complete and utter sensory bliss." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" rose "Ooooooh, oooooh!" with vpunch scene w2_2280 with dissolve "All tension in my body left me as I pushed rope upon rope of burning hot jizz through my urethra." mc "--!" scene w2_2281 with dissolve mc "O-oh, shit!" "Before I regained my composure, I witlessly laxed my grip and sent Rosalind tumbling face first into the table." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_2277 with vpunch "Thud!" rose "Ha...! Ha...! That was...!" "Thankfully, she seemed not to mind." rose "That was... ah..." scene black with fade $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2KitchenSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2KitchenSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." rose "H-how long until you can go again?" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindConclusion" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Tireless]{/color} Resist the urge as long as you can. if trait_tireless == True:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 "Not yet!" stop ambient scene w2_2278 with fade rose "Eh, whaa....?" "Resisting all instinct to fill the wanton mother's sloppy hole with my jizz, I dropped the insensate woman onto the table in front of us." rose "Eye... wh-what...? When did...?" scene black with fade "......" "*Squick* *Squelch* *Sqewlch...!*" rose "...geh! Ha...!" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindTirelessFinish" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Tireless] Resist the urge as long as you can.{/color} if trait_tireless == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2RosaEjaculate2" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Strongman] Sweep Rosalind off her feet and onto your dick.{/color} if perk_strongman == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2RosaIntensify" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindTirelessFinish:" play ambient "sound effects/boobjob-slow.wav" scene rosahometlay_a with dissolve show rosahometlay "I don't know how much time had passed. Not even ten minutes maybe, but it felt like longer." "After placing Rosalind in a more tenable position, I mustered my strength and got busy truly and wholeheartedly {b}plowing{/b} the half sensate mother." rose "Geh... wha... ha...!" "I no longer had the mental wherewithal to indulge in the dirty talk like Rosalind wanted, nor did she seem to be in a state to gleefully receive it." "Instead, all my diminishing focus went into pushing my cock in and out of Rosalind's embrace." mc "Eugh...! Eugh...!" mct "(Fucking a woman like Rosalind is hard work...!)" "*Squick* *Smack...!* *Squelch* *Clap* *Sqewlch...!*" mct "(She just accepts everything you throw at her and keeps on trucking.)" mc "Ha...! Ha...!" mct "(I don't think I could ever get sick of {i}this{/i}.)" mc "H-hey, ng-! Rose... are you okay down there?" rose "Ahmm... yee-yeeesh...! K-keep...!" "Drunk on dick, Rosalind struggled to get the words out of her mouth." rose "Keep going! Eheeyee...♥ F-fill meeee up!" rose "Keep gooing until yeeou fwhill me oop...! Ets Saaahf...!♥" KN_MOD "if w2RosaMean == True:" mc "You... ng-! Don't have to tell me that..." scene rosahometlay2_a with dissolve show rosahometlay2 mc "I was going to anyway, slut!" rose "Ehyee...! Yes...!" mc "What's inside you?" rose "Dick!" mc "Whose dick?" rose "Y-yooours! [mcf]'s dehk..!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaCreative == True:" mc "Oh? Where did you want it?" rose "Enshiiiide...!" mc "Inside?" rose "Yesh! F-fill meeee up!" mc "Use your words!" rose "C-cum inside me, [mcf]! I want it inside...!" scene rosahometlay2_a with dissolve show rosahometlay2 mc "You got it. Get ready to take my load, you slutty mother!" KN_MOD "if w2RosaKind == True:" mc "Music to my ears, Rose. If that's what you want..." scene rosahometlay2_a with dissolve show rosahometlay2 mc "Ah...! I'm happy to oblige!" mc "Just relax. I'll give you what you want." rose "Ehe...♥" mc "I'll fuck every thought out of your head and replace it with sex." rose "T-thawnk... y-youuh...!" "Honestly, I was ready too. I had been for awhile." "My whole being was telling me to cum and I no longer had the spirit to resist." "*Squick* *Squelch* *Sqewlch...!*" "Throwing my back into it, I sped toward that conclusion." "*Squick* *Smack...!* *Squelch* *Clap* *Sqewlch...!*" "With one last thrust, I hilted myself fully in Rosalind's spasming hole, propelled forward by the instinct to drive myself as deep as possible into the constricting passage and make a direct deposit of spunk in her ovaries." "Every muscle of my body momentarily tensed up in preparation for my impending release, the fingers on my hands digging hard into the soft flesh of Rosalind's body, leaving a tangible mark of our copulation." "I felt all sensation leave my legs as my body tensed up in preparation for my near immediate climax. Then...!" stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_2282 with flash mc "Gh, aaaah-!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "White. Blinding white, as thick strands of cum made their way up and out my urethra and painted Rosalind's insides." with hpunch rose "Ooooooh, oooooh!" scene w2_2283 with hpunch play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "The sensation of being filled with warm goo must've been the final push she needed for one last climax. Her cunt greedily seized ahold of my dick, coaxing out every last drop of cum." "Then a feeling of dizzyness..." "Lightheadedness..." "and then..." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" "*Thump.*" "I tumbled back onto the floor." mc "Ugh..." rose "[mcf]...!" scene w2_2284 with dissolve mc "Sorry..." scene w2_2285 with dissolve "When I regained my senses, Rosalind stood over me with a concerned expression, an affectionate hand on my body." "For the state she was in just a second ago, she had come to her senses surprisingly quick." mc "Just lost my balance there for a second..." scene w2_2286 with dissolve rose "Geez, you scared me..." rose "Next round, I should probably be on top." scene black with fade "Next... {w}round?" $ renpy.end_replay() "......" KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2KitchenSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2KitchenSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "..." KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindConclusion" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindConclusion:" $, 0, channel = "ambient") "She was either incorrigible or simply trying to tame me through my cock. Either way..." scene w2_2287 with circlewipe "Along the way to wash up, we did it one more time in the living room." play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" scene w2_2288 with ccirclewipe "Then we made another mess in the shower." stop sound fadeout 2.0 scene w2_2289 with bites play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" "Then once more in her bedroom, on the way back." rose "La da la... lada... ladalaa..." mc "*Afewh...* *Zheeee...*" rose "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose." mc "*Fweeooh*" rose "And feeling good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues..." mct "(Ah...)" rose "Hmmm hmmm, la da la..." scene w2_2290 with dissolve mc "You have a nice singing voice, Rose." scene w2_2291 with dissolve rose "Heh, you fell asleep on me." scene w2_2290 with dissolve mc "How long was I out?" scene w2_2291 with dissolve rose "Oh, I don't know. Twenty minutes maybe...?" rose "I didn't want to disturb you. You looked so peaceful." scene w2_2290 with dissolve mc "You wore me out." scene w2_2291 with dissolve rose "I asked for too much today, didn't I?" rose "Thank you, [mcf]. For indulging me." scene w2_2292 with dissolve mc "Uh..." mct "(When she puts it like that, I feel...)" scene w2_2293 with dissolve mc "Well, we both enjoyed ourselves...." scene w2_2294 with dissolve rose "Aaaah.... " scene w2_2295 with dissolve "Rosalind let out a deep, contented sigh." "She was so warm and this felt so nice..." "I wanted to go right back to sleep." scene w2_2294 with dissolve rose "You did a great job today, hun." scene w2_2295 with dissolve mc "..." mct "(Shouldn't I be the one saying that?)" scene w2_2293 with dissolve mc "Aaaah..." scene w2_2295 with dissolve "I too, sighed contentedly. Right into Rosalind's inviting busom." scene w2_2293 with dissolve mc "I hope you got what you wanted out of that and I hope that I can fulfill my side of our arrang--" scene w2_2296 with dissolve rose "Don't worry your pretty little head about it." scene w2_2297 with dissolve "She pulled me tighter into her gentle embrace." scene w2_2298 with dissolve rose "Hmmm hmmm, la da la..." "...and began to hum once more in a soothing tone." rose "La dala... la da la..." "Normally my impression of her was of a stressed out dog, trembling in the rain. So for her to be feeling relaxed enough to shut her eyes and sing..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "It felt nice to catch a glimpse of this side of her." "The side that felt reassuring and was brimming with encouragement. A side that wasn't beaten down by the stress of the world." "I wanted to see more of it, in other lights other than the bleariness of post-coital bliss." scene w2_2290 with dissolve mc "Hey, Rose..." scene w2_2291 with dissolve rose "Yeah, hun?" scene w2_2290 with dissolve mc "Could you... sing that whole song to me, from the top?" mc "I enjoy hearing your voice." scene w2_2299 with dissolve rose "When you put it so bluntly, it's embarrassing you know." rose "Now I'm feeling self-conscious." scene w2_2300 with dissolve mc "Please, would you do it for me?" scene w2_2301 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_2291 with dissolve rose "Of course, [mcf]. I'd be happy to." scene w2_2302 with dissolve rose "Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' for a train~" mct "(Mmh...)" rose "When I's feelin' near as faded as my jeans~" scene w2_2303 with dissolve "As soon as she begun in earnest, the drowsiness that had a hold of me became more pronounced." rose "Bobby thumbed a diesel down just before it rained~" stop music fadeout 3.0 "I felt myself slipping." rose "And rode us all the way into New Orleans~" scene black with fade "Slipping to more nostalgic days." scene w2_2304 with pixellate play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" vic "Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river~" vic "You can hear the boats go by, you can spend the night beside her~" vic "And you know that she's half-crazy but that's why you want to be there~" scene w2_2305 with dissolve vic "And she feeds you tea and oranges that come all the way from China~" vic "And just when you mean to tell her that you have no love to give her~" scene w2_2306 with dissolve vic "Then she gets you on her wavelength~" vic "And she lets the river answer that you've always been her lover~" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight2" KN_MOD "label w2VeronicaGymStart:" stop sound play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" scene w2_2307 with dissolve KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" ver "...listen, there's no need to get... there's no need to get mean about it." KN_MOD "else:" ver "...listen, there's no need to get... there's no need to get mean about it. I told you yesterday!" ver "I had the courtesy to RSVP no, I don't owe you an explanation beyond that." play ambient "sound effects/call-waiting.wav" scene w2_2308 with dissolve ver "...Ah!" ver "{size=-10}Thank go--{/size=-10}" scene w2_2307 with dissolve stop ambient ver "No, I am happy for you! I just--" scene w2_1778 with dissolve mct "(Is she not going to pick up? I guess I could just go down there if I had to.)" mct "(It's where she lives anyway.)" KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" mct "(Or I could call Rosalind, I guess...)" scene w2_2309 with vpunch ver "Jesus! Why do you want to open old wounds?" scene w2_2310 with dissolve ver "Listen...! I've got an important call on the other line and, truthfully, I don't really want to discuss this any further with you." scene w2_2311 with dissolve ver "I'm not coming. That's the bottom line, I'm... I'm sorry. I hope everything works out the best for you." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_2312 with dissolve ver "What do you want?" scene w2_2313 with dissolve "The voice on the other end sounded a lot more annoyed than I expected, which was saying something considering the speaker." scene w2_1772 with dissolve "I feared this would be a portent of things to come, if this was how she answered a mere phone call." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Move onto the business at hand.:" scene w2_1779 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I have club business with you." mc "Business that has to be taken care of in the near immediate future. Are you in a position to talk?" scene w2_1778 with dissolve ver "...yeah, I am. I guess." ver "What kind of business?" KN_MOD "Ask if everything is okay.:" $ Veronica_Affection +=1 scene w2_1771 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You sound upset, is everything okay?" scene w2_1772 with dissolve ver "Oh yeah, just peachy. Taking a phone call from my pimp." scene w2_2313 with dissolve mc "I guess that's a strong \"no\" then." scene w2_2314 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2323 with dissolve ver "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not in a good mood right now, but I shouldn't take it out on you." ver "It does neither of us any good." scene w2_2324 with dissolve mc "Do you want to talk abou--" scene w2_2317 with dissolve ver "No. The one thing I DEFINITELY don't want to do is spill my guts." scene w2_2321 with dissolve mc "Hehe, yeah. I expected as much, but I thought I'd ask." scene w2_2322 with dissolve ver "Moving on... I'm guessing you have something to tell me?" KN_MOD "Tell her to tone it down.:" $ Veronica_Affection +=1 scene w2_1781 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Do you always answer the phone like a moody teenager or should I feel special?" scene w2_1780 with dissolve ver "Don't start with me. I'm not in the mood." KN_MOD "if w1VeroGonzo == True:" scene w2_1781 with dissolve mc "I can tell, but in your own words from last week..." ver "Now I've had time to compartmentalize what I have to do. No point in making a thing like this difficult, is there?" scene w2_1780 with dissolve ver "...ah, whatever. Let's start over from the top then." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_1781 with dissolve mc "I know, but there's no need to let that affect our working relationship. A little civility goes a long way." scene w2_1780 with dissolve ver "Civil...? Ha! That's a funny word for our dynamic, but let's start over from the top then." scene w2_2319 with dissolve ver "*Breeeng, beeeeng*" "Veronica crudely imitated the sound of a rotary telephone." scene w2_2320 with dissolve ver "Hello, sir. How can I help you?" scene w2_2318 with dissolve mc "I'm not telling you to kiss my ass, I was just saying--" scene w2_2316 with dissolve ver "Stop being a giant bitch?" scene w2_2318 with dissolve mc "...I was just saying, let's get along." scene w2_2316 with dissolve ver "Get along? Yeah... ok. I can do that." scene w2_2313 with dissolve mc "You can keep up the \"sir\" part if you really want to though. I don't mind." scene w2_2309 with dissolve ver "The funny thing about that is I've really got no clue if you're joking or not." scene w2_2321 with dissolve mc "Take it either way." scene w2_2322 with dissolve ver "Now... Why did you call, {b}sir{/b}?" scene w2_1779 with dissolve mc "The mission Mrs. Pulman mentioned Monday, you remember it?" scene w2_1778 with dissolve ver "Yeah, it was vague as hell, which worries the shit out of me. Probably part of that bitch's plan." scene w2_1779 with dissolve mc "The mission for you is an impromptu photo shoot at your gym." scene w2_2309 with dissolve ver "A photo shoot?" scene w2_2314 with dissolve mc "You know damn well what that means." scene w2_2315 with dissolve ver "...ah, fuck. I do." ver "...and we're doing THAT today?" scene w2_2314 with dissolve mc "You got it. You and I are going to take some pictures. Are you free?" scene w2_2309 with dissolve ver "As free as I'll ever be, I guess..." scene w2_2317 with dissolve ver "The thing is, I can't exactly close my doors. I have regulars who--" scene w2_2318 with dissolve mc "I think Mrs. Pulman expects the place to be open when we take it." mct "(Not that I was sure she'd know...)" scene w2_2309 with dissolve ver "On the plus side, that replaces my first concern. On the other hand, it's replaced with an even worse one." scene w2_2317 with dissolve ver "I can't just prance around my gym naked, you know that?" scene w2_1771 with dissolve mc "I know. We'll be careful, I promise. I'm not intending either of us to be branded as weirdo sex perverts." scene w2_1779 with dissolve mc "If anyone asks why there's a man with a camera around, just explain to them that I'm there to photograph a former Olympian." mc "The more risque business, we'll try and snag all incognito like." scene w2_1778 with dissolve ver "*sigh* I don't know about this, errand boy." scene w2_1779 with dissolve mc "If it helps, I'm told it's tied to your performance this weekend." scene w2_2323 with dissolve ver "That means...?" scene w2_2324 with dissolve mc "The boss was pretty vague about it. Just that there will be a ranking based off each of the shoots." scene w2_2312 with dissolve ver "She loves turning everything into a stupid game, doesn't she?" scene w2_2313 with dissolve mc "That is what this whole month ultimately is." scene w2_2315 with dissolve ver "*Sigh* If that's what the old bitch wants, fine! However, what I say goes today." scene w2_2317 with dissolve ver "I'm not doing anything that'll jeopardize my reputation." scene w2_2318 with dissolve mc "That's reasonable. We'll take some photos and see what we can get away with." mc "Worst comes to worst, the old lady will have to be satisfied with what she gets. Does that sound good?" scene w2_2316 with dissolve ver "...yes, I suppose it does." scene w2_1778 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" ver "I've got a personal training session in an hour, so be here in two." KN_MOD "else:" ver "I'll be here all day. You can come down whenever you want." scene w2_1779 with dissolve mc "By the way, workout clothes get pretty skimpy, right?" mc "Make sure that's the case today--" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" stop music scene w2_1762 with dissolve "*Beep*" "Without so much as a goodbye, Veronica disconnected from our brief call." "When you got down to brass tacks, I wasn't sure how exactly this was going to go." scene w2_2325 with dissolve KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" "For Rosalind's shoot tomorrow, we'll have a lot of space to work with. But an indoor gym..." KN_MOD "else:" "In Rosalind's case, we had a lot of space to work with in a park. But an indoor gym..." "This one will have to be played by ear." scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaGymMinaIntro" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaGymIntro" KN_MOD "label w2VeronicaGymMinaIntro:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica04 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) scene w2_2326 with blinds show screen qmenu with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "A couple of hours later, I was nearing the gym." mina "Nine....!" play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" scene w2_2327 with cmet mina "Eeeehh, ten...!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_2328 with vpunch ver "You've got one more set." scene w2_2329 with dissolve mina "Aaaah, I'm pooped! I don't know if I can do any more." scene w2_2328 with dissolve ver "You have another set in you. I know you do." ver "You said the same thing in our first session, but it was a whole set earlier." scene w2_2329 with dissolve mina "Did I...?" scene w2_2328 with dissolve ver "You did. You've already made progress. So keep at it a little longer." ver "One more set. Ten reps, ten seconds each." scene w2_2330 with dissolve ver "Do it for me? Please?" scene w2_2331 with dissolve mina "Hehe, yeah... I can do one more set!" scene w2_2332 with dissolve mina "Ah, my thighs...!" scene w2_2333 with dissolve ver "Watch your posture. If you don't do it right, you won't get the full benefit of the exercise. We only have so many waking hours. It's important you squeeze every last drop out of them." ver "No sense in wasting time, right Mina?" scene w2_2334 with dissolve mina "Right, Coach!" scene w2_2335 with dissolve ver "I don't know why you insist on calling me that. Veronica is fine. Or even just Vera." scene w2_2336 with dissolve mina "I don't know... it just seems fitting to me. Do you mind?" scene w2_2335 with dissolve ver "No, you can call me what you want." scene w2_2336 with dissolve mina "Good, because I'm quite fond of it for some reason!" scene w2_2337 with dissolve ver "You're sort of weird, aren't you?" scene w2_2338 with dissolve mina "Eheh, I'm weird?" scene w2_2337 with dissolve ver "Not in a bad way. I'm pretty weird too." scene w2_2338 with dissolve mina "If you're weird, then I'm happy to be included in that." scene w2_2339 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2340 with dissolve mina "So, what's this supposed to strengthen again?" scene w2_2341 with dissolve ver "This one also improves your pelvic floor muscles." scene w2_2342 with dissolve mina "W-wait, kegels?" scene w2_2343 with dissolve ver "That's right." scene w2_2342 with dissolve mina "Isn't that... {i}for sex{/i}? There was an article about it in a magazine I modeled for one time..." scene w2_2344 with dissolve ver "It also helps with incontinence, but... yeah. It can improve your sexual health too." ver "That's just an added benefit. Stretching is an important part of any post workout routine." scene w2_2338 with dissolve mina "How does it... how does it improve your sexual health?" scene w2_2345 with dissolve ver "Curious about that?" scene w2_2339 with dissolve mina "Maybe a little..." scene w2_2344 with dissolve ver "Well... for one, it can make it easier to orgasm." scene w2_2338 with dissolve mina "Really?! It can do something like that?!" scene w2_2346 with dissolve ver "Ummhmm. It increases blood flow to your vagina, which makes it easier to get aroused." ver "It can also let you learn to better control your muscles down there, which can make things more {i}\"fun\"{/i} for you and your partner." scene w2_2347 with dissolve mina "Control down there?" ver "Yeah, think about how you flex your muscles when you want to pee. With enough kegels..." scene w2_2348 with dissolve ver "You might even be able to {i}grip{/i} things." scene w2_2349 with dissolve mina "Things...? O-oh! You mean..." scene w2_2350 with dissolve ver "Yeah, more fun for you and your partner." scene w2_2351 with dissolve mina "Hehe, that's amazing! Isn't exercise great?" scene w2_2352 with dissolve ver "Exercise is the most important investment you'll ever make in yourself. A healthy body extends to all aspects of your life." scene w2_2353 with dissolve ver "It strengthens you physically and helps you live a longer life, but it's also a mental thing. You form good habits, you build a good work ethic..." scene w2_2352 with dissolve ver "If you let it, it'll extend to all facets of your life. Work and personal life included." scene w2_2339 with dissolve mina "You know, you kinda sound like this is your job!" scene w2_2354 with dissolve ver "No shit?" scene black with fade $, 2, channel = "music") mc "Hmmm..." play sound "sound effects/locker-close.wav" scene w2_2355 with w20 "*Clank*" "I wasn't expecting to see Mina here, but I DID get her to sign up last week." scene w2_2356 with dissolve mct "(She must be that appointment Veronica mentioned on the phone, which hopefully means she'll be leaving soon.)" mct "(I should leave the camera in my locker. She'd most likely ask about it...)" "On the plus side, it's not really that busy. So, that's good." "That'll make it easier to get the sort of shots Mrs. Pulman expects." scene w2_2357 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...)" scene w2_2358 with dissolve "This place is huge." "Really, {i}really{/i} huge, with a ton of facilities." "The overhead for this place must be massive. I'm surprised Samson even had to do anything." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" mct "(I should probe Veronica later and get some details about their relationship.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I'm staying out of it, but still...)" mct "(That bastard...)" scene w2_2359 with dissolve "That's not important right now, though." scene black with fade mct "(Let's go say hello.)" $, 2, channel = "music") scene w2_2360 with circlewipe ver "Good hustle today." scene w2_2361 with dissolve mina "Thanks, Coach!" scene w2_2362 with dissolve ver "It makes sense you're a model. You're pretty fit already." scene w2_2363 with dissolve mina "What's it been...? I've worked out regularly for a few years now." scene w2_2362 with dissolve ver "What made you switch gyms?" scene w2_2364 with dissolve mina "My last place sucked. Their facilities were always out of order, it was pretty dirty, and the membership was largely men who couldn't keep their eyes to themselves." mina "I mean.. I don't mind a glance, it's part of looking good, but don't stare a hole in a girl." scene w2_2365 with dissolve ver "You don't have to worry about that here. I don't let anyone join who's not serious." scene w2_2366 with dissolve mina "Hehe, don't think I forgot your speech last week. You put [mcf] and I through the wringer." scene w2_2367 with dissolve ver "[mcf]..." ver "How well do you know that kid?" scene w2_2368 with dissolve mina "I've only known him for about a month, but..." mina "He's great. He's been helping me with my acting." mina "Why do you ask?" scene w2_2369 with dissolve ver "I was just curious. I like to get to know anyone who becomes a member here." scene w2_2370 with dissolve mina "Anyway, I'm really happy I found this place! You're tougher than my last trainer, but I look up to you." mina "I get to brag I'm being trained by a silver medalist! That's cool! SO cool!" scene w2_2371 with dissolve ver "Ah, well... that's in the past." scene w2_2369 with dissolve ver "I prefer to look forward. I know my share of athletes that get caught up in reliving past glories." ver "They stop pushing themselves and become complacent. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my accomplishment, but I'd just as soon not have done them if it means becoming stagnant as a person." scene w2_2372 with dissolve mina "Yep! I'm very glad to have found this gym." ver "Thanks..." scene w2_2373 with dissolve ver "Speak of the devil..." mina "Oh...!" scene w2_2374 with dissolve mina "[mcf]...!" "Just as soon as I entered, Mina gave me an emphatic and warm greeting, the sort that said she was excited to see me. The kind that made you feel unequivocally welcome." "Truly a talent of hers." mc "Hey!" scene w2_2375 with hpunch mc "How's it going?" mina "Tired, but happy to see you!" mina "It feels like it's been forever!" mc "What are you talking about?" scene w2_2376 with dissolve KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" mc "I just saw you yesterday." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I saw you like a day and a half ago." mina "So? Still feels like a long time to me!" "{b}Truly{/b} a talent of hers." mina "Ehehe..." scene w2_2377 with dissolve mc "How are you?" scene w2_2378 with dissolve ver "Could be better. Could be worse." ver "I'm happy to see my two most recent members take their health seriously." scene w2_2379 with dissolve mina "You're here to work out?" scene w2_2380 with dissolve ver "Why else would he be here?" "Veronica gave me a knowing, painfully ironic look." scene w2_2377 with dissolve mc "Ah, yep. Thought I'd make full use of the free time I had on my hands and get a workout in." scene w2_2378 with dissolve ver "That's admirable. Making full use of your free time." scene w2_2381 with dissolve mc "Is it...? I just get antsy sitting on my hands." scene w2_2378 with dissolve ver "Oh yeah, plenty people are just content sitting around and doing nothing when they're not working." scene w2_2382 with dissolve ver "There's a serious health epidemic in this country. It's a good thing you're {b}here to work out{/b}." scene w2_2383 with dissolve ver "Why don't you get started, then? I've got to type up and print out some benchmarks for Mina. As well as go over a few things." ver "That'll take some time so..." scene w2_2384 with dissolve ver "Make full use of it." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Sure, that is WHY I'm here..." "......" "..." scene w2_2385 with fade "Thirty-five minutes later..." mc "Ha... Ha..." "To keep up appearances with Mina, I had earnestly thrown myself into a workout, which is probably what Veronica was counting on." mct "(Veronica's being slow on purpose, isn't she?)" scene w2_2386 with dissolve mct "(Well, on the plus side...)" "The place has thinned out even more." scene w2_2387 with dissolve play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" ver "Hard at work?" "While I was lost in thought, Veronica had appeared next to me with a triumphant look on her face." scene w2_2388 with dissolve mc "You look pretty pleased with yourself." scene w2_2389 with dissolve ver "What can I say? I make my own fun." ver "If you're going to take lewd photos of me soon, I might as well bust your ass beforehand." scene w2_2390 with dissolve ver "Not quite equitable, but I'll take what I can get. If you're mad about it..." scene w2_2412 with dissolve "Veronica quickly closed the gap between us, with a perplexingly fierce and sly look on her face." scene w2_2411 with dissolve ver "If you're mad about it, you can get payback for it later." scene w2_2391 with dissolve mc "You mean during the photo shoot?" scene w2_2392 with dissolve ver "Well, we should do our best..." scene w2_2393 with dissolve "{i}Right{/i}. Her performance is tied to this." scene w2_2391 with dissolve mc "I'm not mad. I do pay dues here. I should use the place." mc "Did Mina leave?" scene w2_2390 with dissolve ver "She had to rush off somewhere, but she told me to tell you good-bye." scene w2_2392 with dissolve ver "There was A LOT more energy behind it, but you're not getting that from me." scene w2_2391 with dissolve mc "I can imagine." scene w2_2390 with dissolve ver "She actually yakked quite a bit about you after we parted. For some reason, I think she may genuinely like you." scene w2_2413 with dissolve mc "Maybe she's a good judge of character." scene w2_2392 with dissolve ver "At the age of nineteen? That's highly unlikely." scene w2_2393 with dissolve "Actually, I couldn't argue with that, considering the disrespect she puts up with from Ian." scene w2_2394 with dissolve mc "...hmm." mc "What about Samson?" scene w2_2395 with dissolve ver "What about that bastard?" scene w2_2396 with dissolve mc "Were you a good judge of his character?" scene w2_2397 with dissolve KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" "I wanted to get her take on the washed-up actor." KN_MOD "else:" "Even if I wasn't going to get involved with Veronica's problem, I was still a little curious." scene w2_2395 with dissolve ver "Are you implying something?" scene w2_2396 with dissolve mc "No, I was just wondering what your initial impressions of the man were. You did enter a business relationship with him. His face is plastered all over your walls." scene w2_2398 with dissolve mc "Surprised you still have those up, actually..." scene w2_2399 with dissolve ver "Ack, don't fucking mention that! I'd rip them down, but I'd be in breach of our contract if I did." scene w2_2396 with dissolve mc "So, what did you first think of him? You know, before you had knowledge of the Carnation Club." scene w2_2395 with dissolve ver "What did I think? I thought he was an asshole. Just a {b}normal{/b}, run-of-the-mill narcissistic asshole." ver "Not exactly unheard of in the bodybuilder world. I'm used to dealing with them." scene w2_2396 with dissolve mc "Run-of-the-mill?" scene w2_2395 with dissolve ver "Yeah. Really into himself. The kind who doesn't really listen and is instead just waiting for his turn to talk." ver "The type of man who always makes the conversation about himself, no matter what the topic is. Annoying, but harmless..." scene w2_2399 with dissolve ver "{b}Seemingly{/b} harmless, at least. Obviously my opinion has shifted on that predatory bastard." scene w2_2396 with dissolve mc "How did you first meet him?" scene w2_2400 with dissolve ver "Why the hell do you care? You're asking a lot of questions." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" scene w2_2398 with dissolve mc "To be honest, I'm curious. I don't like the asshole either and quite frankly..." mc "I think he may have done something to hasten the situation you're in." scene w2_2397 with dissolve "I KNEW he did, but saying as much would be overplaying my hand. If she reacted poorly, it could make my position at the club tenuous." scene w2_2401 with dissolve mc "You don't think it's coincidental that the man you're in a business relationship with just happened to have a convenient out for you?" scene w2_2402 with dissolve ver "Don't think I haven't made a connection there errand boy, but my financial troubles with this place largely predate meeting him." scene w2_2403 with dissolve ver "It's more likely he just saw an opportunity when we first met and inserted himself in the situation. All he had to do was wait and dangle the club in front of me." scene w2_2401 with dissolve "That would make sense. If what she's saying is true, why would Samson do anything when he didn't have to?" mct "(Except he point-blank admitted to having a hand in it. Was he lying to impress the other patrons?)" scene w2_2875 with dissolve "In Lucy's case, that slimy bastard Isaak just had to wait like a trapdoor spider and let the women come to him. Every year, a new batch of students with hopeful mothers." scene w2_2876 with dissolve "You would think the same would be true of Samson's sponsorship of Veronica. A famous bodybuilder like him must get a lot of business inquiries. He would just have to wait for someone perfect to fall into his lap." scene w2_2877 with dissolve "...but how many gym owners are even women? On top of that, how many are beautiful and fierce like Veronica, the type that would be fun to break down and humiliate?" mct "(No. He wasn't lying. He definitely had a hand in it and I'm going to root out what he did.)" scene w2_2401 with pixellate mc "Still, how did you two meet?" scene w2_2402 with dissolve ver "At an industry show for gym equipment he was promoting." ver "I approached him, we got some drinks. I got drunk and a little too loose-lipped with my troubles..." ver "Eventually the topic of using a spokesperson to drum up business was broached." scene w2_2401 with dissolve mc "By you or him?" scene w2_2403 with dissolve ver "Uh... I don't remember, but I can see what you're getting at. It's not like he came cheap, but hiring him was actually successful. It got memberships up." scene w2_2402 with dissolve ver "Trust me, I've mulled this over a thousand times. It's a natural conclusion to reach for, but there's no way he's responsible for the money this place is hemorrhaging." scene w2_2404 with dissolve ver "I'm just a bitch with a bad business sense. I wish I could put the blame on someone else." scene w2_2405 with dissolve "Veronica looked utterly ripped open for the briefest moment, guts laid bare." "I was still certain he did something, but..." scene w2_2406 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it was just a random thought I had." scene w2_2407 with dissolve ver "No it's okay. For someone whose paycheck depends on exploiting me, you sounded genuinely concerned." ver "So, thanks. I guess." scene w2_2401 with dissolve mc "I don't like the idea of people's dreams being fucked with." scene w2_2408 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2407 with dissolve ver "So, just a half an hour workout today? You wanna go for an hour?" scene w2_2408 with dissolve mc "VERY funny. I'm going to go get my camera." mc "We'll see about that payback." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaGymphotoshoot" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2398 with dissolve mc "Ah, yeah. You're right. It's none of my business." scene w2_2397 with dissolve "I'm staying out of it." scene w2_2409 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2395 with dissolve ver "Just a half an hour workout today? You wanna go for an hour?" scene w2_2410 with dissolve mc "VERY funny. I'm going to go get my camera." mc "We'll see about that payback." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaGymphotoshoot" KN_MOD "label w2VeronicaGymIntro:" scene w2_2414 with blinds show screen qmenu with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "A couple of hours later, I was nearing the gym." scene w2_2415 with dissolve mct "(Hmmm, where is she...?)" woman "*{size=-10}Grunts* Ah...!{/size=-10}" scene w2_2416 with dissolve mct "(Maybe I should give her a call?)" woman "{size=-5}*Grunts* Fweeeh!{/size=-10}" scene w2_2417 with dissolve mc "There she is..." play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene veroglift1_a with dissolve show veroglift1 $ renpy.pause(7.5, hard=True) scene veroglift2_a with dissolve show veroglift2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Veronica was off to the side, doing one bicep curl after another." "One..." "Two..." "Three..." "She not only made it look effortless, but she made it look good." "A couple of the gym rats must've thought so too, as they put a pin in their own routine and gathered nearby to watch the Amazon work." "Her biceps bulged and her body glistened with an attractive veneer of sweat." "At the peak of every arc, the curl bar would brush past the obstacle of the Amazon's prodigious bust, resulting in a pleasantly repetitive jiggle that showed no signs of slowing down." scene veroglift3_a with dissolve show veroglift3 ver "[mcf]. Ah, there you are." "She addressed me with no signs of stopping." ver "I had some free time waiting for you, so I thought I'd let off some steam." "I was reminded of how on edge she sounded on the phone earlier. Did something happen?" mc "This is how you decompress?" ver "Of course. Just one of the many, many benefits of exercise." mc "Yeah, but it's also like your job." ver "I have the fortune of doing what I love." scene w2_2418 with dissolve ver "Plus, it's not like it's the only way I relieve stress. If you know what I mean..." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_2419 with vpunch "Veronica shot me a lecherous grin, smiling ear to ear with her insinuation." scene w2_2420 with dissolve ver "...and I think you do." scene w2_2421 with dissolve "Asked and answered her own question. For most people, that would come off as obnoxious, but not her." scene w2_2422 with dissolve ver "What do you do for fun, errand boy?" scene w2_2421 with dissolve mc "Woah, are you actually asking me a personal question?" scene w2_2422 with dissolve ver "...yes?" scene w2_2421 with dissolve mc "Hmm, well I..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her you like to study:" $ Veronica_Affection +=1 scene w2_2423 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like to brush up on past material for tests, I guess." scene w2_2429 with dissolve ver "You mean you study? I meant what do you do to relax." scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "Study and review. It makes me feel better." scene w2_2425 with dissolve ver "You study to.... relax?" scene w2_2424 with dissolve mc "That probably sounds weird, but look at it this way: I've got a goal." scene w2_2426 with dissolve ver "I remember. You want to be a doctor." scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "I haven't reached it yet and every second I spend sitting on my hands is just added inertia dragging me down." scene w2_2425 with dissolve ver "That sounds unhealthy. Rest is an important part of learning, just as it is with exercise." scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "I recognize that, but it's not like I'm going one hundred percent all the time. It's not like I don't ever veg out either." scene w2_2424 with dissolve mc "But on the whole, I just find that keeping busy helps me feel comfortable. Prevents me from feeling restless." scene w2_2429 with dissolve ver "...hmm, you said it probably sounded weird, but I get it. The desire to keep moving." scene w2_2427 with dissolve ver "Speaking from experience, it has its ups and downs." scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "Are you giving me advice?" scene w2_2429 with dissolve ver "Don't read anything into it, errand boy. Force of habit from my job, I guess." scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "No, too late. I'm going to chalk it up to you and I developing a rapport." scene w2_2428 with dissolve ver "Oh, if that's the case... do you want to join me?" KN_MOD "Tell her you like to watch movies.:" scene w2_2423 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "When I'm not studying, I guess I watch a lot of movies." scene w2_2425 with dissolve ver "Really? That's kinda... basic, don't you think?" scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "I wasn't trying to impress you." scene w2_2426 with dissolve ver "Oh, I didn't mean to sound like a bitch, but it's like saying you like music, right?" scene w2_2427 with dissolve ver "Doesn't everyone?" scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "Sure, everyone likes movies and music, but for most people it's a matter of function." scene w2_2424 with dissolve mc "You watch something to turn your brain off for a couple of hours and then rarely think about it again." scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "Same with music. Everyone {i}likes{/i} music, but then you can be {b}into{/b} music." scene w2_2426 with dissolve ver "So you think about movies a lot then?" scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... not as much as some people I know. My mom is more of the cinema is art type, I just really like to watch things explode and see poorly shot dummies fall off of buildings." scene w2_2425 with dissolve ver "Sorry, I guess. I didn't mean to belittle your interests." scene w2_2424 with dissolve mc "Nah, I'm actually pretty psyched you asked. I didn't really expect any sort of personal question coming from you." scene w2_2429 with dissolve ver "Are you implying something?" scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "No, not at all! I'll just chalk it up to you and I building a rapport." scene w2_2428 with dissolve ver "Is that what you think we're doing? In that case, would you like to join me right now?" scene w2_2423 with dissolve KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" mc "Doing bicep curls? Fat chance. I haven't done any weight training since high school." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Doing what you're doing? You're making fun of me." scene w2_2427 with dissolve ver "No. Just get a workout in, before our \"business\" today." scene w2_2429 with dissolve ver "You are a member of this gym. You promised you'd be serious about it. Was that just bullshit?" scene w2_2430 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Should I get a work out in? There's Mrs. Pulman's twisted mission, but...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Should I get a work out in? There's Kathleen's twisted mission, but...)" mct "(What else am I doing today?)" scene w2_2423 with dissolve mc "Why not?" scene w2_2431 with dissolve ver "Good. Then you and I can be {b}partners{/b} today." scene w2_2432 with dissolve "Her lips furled into a foreboding, ominous grin as she spoke the otherwise innocuous words." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "At that moment, she sounded evil. As evil as Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "At that moment, she sounded evil. As evil as Kathleen." mc "I will..." scene black with fade $, 2, channel = "music") mc "I'll go get dressed." play sound "sound effects/locker-close.wav" "*Clank*" scene w2_2355 with w20 mct "(You know...)" scene w2_2356 with dissolve "A workout really wouldn't be so bad, plus if I kill some time, the place might thin out some more." "That'll make it easier to get the shots Mrs. Pulman expects, without branding either of us as criminals." scene w2_2357 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...)" scene w2_2358 with dissolve "This place is huge." "Really, {i}really{/i} huge, with a ton of facilities." "The overhead for this place must be massive. I'm surprised Samson even had to do anything." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" mct "(I should probe Veronica later and get some details about their relationship.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I'm staying out of it, but still...)" mct "(That bastard...)" scene w2_2359 with dissolve "That's not important right now, though." scene black with fade $, 2, channel = "music") mct "(Let's go break a sweat.)" scene w2_2433 with dissolve "The workout proceeded as normal, relatively speaking." scene w2_2434 with cmet "First, Veronica helped me stretch with a more hands-on approach." "The ease and strict professionalism she did it with made me feel oddly self-conscious, given what would come later." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" "My mind was preoccupied with all the lewd potentiality of Mrs. Pulman's appointed task." KN_MOD "else:" "If it turns out even just a fraction like Rosalind's photo shoot..." scene w2_2435 with wipeleft "Thankfully I didn't have too much time to think about it." "I could tell she was taking it easy for my sake, but even still." scene w2_2436 with wiperight "It was hard, tough work." "The Amazon's pace was relentless." scene w2_2437 with wipeup "Regret would've been the word foremost in my mind if my mind wasn't so utterly preoccupied with keeping up." "In its own way, this was sort of fun." scene w2_2438 with circlewipe "I had no mental room to think and all the daily stress simply faded into the background." "Put on pause, to be picked back up by a less tired and more rejuvenated [mcf]." scene w2_2439 with dissolve ver "You're doing pretty good, errand boy." scene w2_2440 with dissolve mc "Ah... ha... am I?" scene w2_2439 with dissolve ver "You haven't stopped or bitched any." scene w2_2440 with dissolve mc "That's the bar?" scene w2_2439 with dissolve ver "That's a pretty high bar." scene w2_2441 with dissolve "The faint words of praise, coming from her, felt good. Probably because she was always such a hardass." "Then it hit me. I didn't really know her in any other context other than the club, it's kind of shitty to assume she's always antagonistic..." scene w2_2442 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." scene w2_2443 with dissolve mct "(Damn, her form's impeccable. Like an unbending oak.)" scene w2_2444 with dissolve ver "Eh, what is it? Why are you looking at me--" mc "Praise me more." scene w2_2445 with dissolve ver "Shut up! Just focus on doing thirty push ups." scene w2_2439 with dissolve mc "......" scene w2_2440 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_2439 with dissolve mc "...ah, shit. What number was I at?" scene w2_2446 with dissolve ver "Pfft--" "She did her best to conceal it, but I could hear her snickering all the same." scene w2_2439 with dissolve mc "Was it seventeen?" ver "If you can't remember, best to just start over then." scene w2_2440 with dissolve mc "I'm not starting over!" "It was a nice atmosphere, but one looming fact would soon change it." "Soon we'd be in the middle of club business and any semblance of friendliness between us would be violently dashed and skewered." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "It was a thought that both excited me and made me a little sad." scene w2_2447 with dissolve ver "Heh! Ah, that was fun. You wanted more praise?" ver "Well, you really kept up! Good job!" mc "Ah... ha... ha... *huff*..." scene w2_2448 with dissolve play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" mc "You're in pretty good spirits, all things considering." scene w2_2449 with dissolve ver "All things considering...? Oh! Well, if you're going to take lewd photos of me soon..." scene w2_2450 with dissolve ver "It was fun having you break a sweat beforehand." scene w2_2449 with dissolve ver "Not quite equitable, but I'll take what I can get." scene w2_2451 with dissolve "Veronica quickly closed the gap between us, with a perplexingly fierce and sly look on her face." scene w2_2452 with dissolve ver "You'll have your own fun later, right?" scene w2_2453 with dissolve mc "You mean during the photo shoot? It's \"work\" for both of us." scene w2_2452 with dissolve ver "Uh huh, and you don't enjoy it?" scene w2_2453 with dissolve mc "It has its perks." scene w2_2454 with dissolve ver "Well, either way, we should do our best." scene w2_2455 with dissolve "{i}Right{/i}. Her performance is tied to this." mc "...hmm." scene w2_2394 with dissolve "One of the many posters of Samson littering the gym walls caught my eyes." mc "Can I ask you something?" scene w2_2456 with dissolve ver "Depends on the something." scene w2_2457 with dissolve mc "How well do you know Samson?" scene w2_2458 with dissolve KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" "I wanted to get her take on the washed-up actor." KN_MOD "else:" "Even if I wasn't going to get involved with Veronica's problem, I was still a little curious." scene w2_2456 with dissolve ver "Why do you want to know about that bastard?" scene w2_2459 with dissolve mc "I was just wondering what your initial impressions of the man were. You did enter a business relationship with him. His face is plastered all over your walls." mc "Surprised you still have those up, actually..." scene w2_2460 with dissolve ver "Ack, don't fucking mention that! I'd rip them down, but I'd be in breach of our contract if I did." scene w2_2457 with dissolve mc "So, what did you first think of him? You know, before you had knowledge of the Carnation Club." scene w2_2456 with dissolve ver "What did I think? I thought he was an asshole. Just a {b}normal{/b}, run-of-the-mill narcissistic asshole." ver "Not exactly unheard of in the bodybuilder world. I'm used to dealing with them." scene w2_2457 with dissolve mc "Run-of-the-mill?" scene w2_2456 with dissolve ver "Yeah. Really into himself. The kind who doesn't really listen and is instead just waiting for his turn to talk." scene w2_2461 with dissolve ver "The type of man who always makes the conversation about himself, no matter what the topic is. Annoying, but harmless..." scene w2_2456 with dissolve ver "{b}Seemingly{/b} harmless, at least. Obviously my opinion has shifted on that predatory asshole." scene w2_2457 with dissolve mc "How did you first meet him?" scene w2_2461 with dissolve ver "Why the hell do you care? You're asking a lot of questions." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" scene w2_2459 with dissolve mc "To be honest, I'm curious. I don't like the asshole either and quite frankly..." scene w2_2457 with dissolve mc "I think he may have done something to hasten the situation you're in." scene w2_2458 with dissolve "I KNEW he did, but saying as much would be overplaying my hand. If she reacted poorly, it could make my position at the club tenuous." scene w2_2462 with dissolve mc "You don't think it's coincidental that the man you're in a business relationship with just happened to have a convenient out for you?" scene w2_2464 with dissolve ver "Don't think I haven't made a connection there, errand boy. That's why I called him a predatory asshole, but my financial troubles with this place largely predate meeting him." scene w2_2463 with dissolve ver "It's more likely he just saw an opportunity when we first met and inserted himself in the situation. All he had to do was wait and dangle the club in front of me." scene w2_2462 with dissolve "That would make sense. If what she's saying is true, why would Samson do anything when he didn't have to?" mct "(Except he point-blank admitted to having a hand in it. Was he lying to impress the other patrons?)" "In Lucy's case, that slimy bastard Isaak just had to wait like a trapdoor spider and let the women come to him. Every year, a new batch of students with hopeful mothers." "You would think the same would be true of Samson's sponsorship of Veronica. A famous bodybuilder like him must get a lot of business inquiries. He would just have to wait for someone perfect to fall into his lap." "...but how many gym owners are even women? On top of that, how many are beautiful and fierce like Veronica, the type that would be fun to break down and humiliate?" mct "(No. He wasn't lying. He definitely had a hand in it and I'm going to root out what he did.)" mc "Still, how did you two meet?" scene w2_2463 with dissolve ver "At an industry show for gym equipment he was promoting." ver "I approached him, we got some drinks. I got drunk and a little too loose lipped with my troubles..." ver "Eventually the topic of using a spokesperson to drum up business was broached." scene w2_2462 with dissolve mc "By you or him?" scene w2_2464 with dissolve ver "Uh... I don't remember, but I can see what you're getting at. It's not like he came cheap, but hiring him was actually successful. It got memberships up." ver "Trust me, I've mulled this over a thousand times. It's a natural conclusion to reach for, but there's no way he's responsible for the money this place is hemorrhaging." scene w2_2465 with dissolve ver "I'm just a bitch with a bad business sense. I wish I could put the blame on someone else." scene w2_2466 with dissolve "Veronica looked utterly ripped open for the briefest moment, guts laid bare." "I was still certain he did something, but..." scene w2_2467 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it was just a random thought I had." scene w2_2469 with dissolve ver "No it's okay. For someone whose paycheck depends on exploiting me, you sounded genuinely concerned." scene w2_2463 with dissolve ver "So, thanks. I guess." scene w2_2462 with dissolve mc "I don't like the idea of people's dreams being fucked with." scene w2_2468 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2469 with dissolve ver "So, the second half of our workout..." scene w2_2468 with dissolve mc "VERY funny. I'm going to go get my camera." mc "We'll see about that \"fun\"..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaGymphotoshoot" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2459 with dissolve mc "Ah, yeah. You're right. It's none of my business." scene w2_2458 with dissolve "I'm staying out of it." scene w2_2470 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2456 with dissolve ver "So, the second half of our workout..." scene w2_2471 with dissolve mc "VERY funny. I'm going to go get my camera." mc "We'll see about that \"fun\"..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaGymphotoshoot" KN_MOD "label w2VeronicaGymphotoshoot:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionveronica03 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/jazz-apricot.ogg" scene w2_2472 with blinds "When I got back from the locker room, I found Veronica at the end of the hall." scene w2_2473 with dissolve mc "Hey, what are you doing?" scene w2_2474 with dissolve ver "Last guy left, so I saw an opportunity to close down before anyone else got here. Just need to send out a text..." scene w2_2473 with dissolve mc "I thought we decided we needed to leave it open. Mrs. Pul--" scene w2_2475 with dissolve ver "That's what you and that old bitch decided, not me." scene w2_2476 with dissolve "Veronica said it firmly, without any room to question." mc "..." scene w2_2477 with dissolve mc "I understand." scene w2_2478 with dissolve ver "Listen... it's just too risky for me, okay? I'm in this whole fucked-up thing to save {i}this{/i} business." scene w2_2479 with dissolve ver "I'm not going to do anything that will harm it, like getting caught being photographed with my pants down." scene w2_2480 with dissolve mc "I get that. I really do." "It's not like I could force her one way or another, plus knowing the place is closed takes a ton of stress off me too." scene w2_2482 with dissolve ver "Your boss won't be able to tell whether the place is open or closed from just a photograph either." scene w2_2480 with dissolve mc "That is also LIKELY true." scene w2_2482 with dissolve ver "You wouldn't tell her, right?" scene w2_2480 with dissolve mc "No. Why would I?" scene w2_2482 with dissolve ver "Well, I sure as shit won't either." scene w2_2480 with dissolve mc "If this is what it takes for you to do it..." scene w2_2482 with dissolve ver "It is." scene w2_2481 with dissolve mc "Alright, then. Guess we have the place to ourselves." scene w2_2482 with dissolve ver "Don't worry. We'll both do our jobs." scene w2_2483 with dissolve ver "We'll get some photos. We'll get some good photos. Hell, this place being closed..." ver "We can even get some GREAT photos." scene w2_2484 with dissolve mc "You have something in mind?" scene w2_2485 with dissolve "It sounded like she had a game plan, which felt oddly just like her." scene w2_2486 with dissolve ver "Wait here." "With that, Veronica brushed past me and moved deeper into the gym." scene w2_2487 with dissolve "Disappearing into parts unknown." scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w2_2488 with dissolve "After the Amazon's footsteps had receded into the recesses of the building, the whole place fell into an eerie quiet." mct "(What could she possibly be retrieving?)" "A couple of minutes later..." scene w2_2489 with dissolve ver "Sorry, it took me a minute to find it and dig it out." "In her hand was a small strip of black leather, in the familiar shape of a..." scene w2_2490 with dissolve mc "Is that a... pet collar?" scene w2_2491 with dissolve ver "Eh... something like that. It's for humans. Part of my \"personal\" collection." scene w2_2492 with dissolve mc "Personal... oh!" "The tawdry conclusion came as a bit of a surprise." mc "I didn't realize you were into things like that." scene w2_2493 with dissolve ver "Pick your jaw up off the floor. I haven't ever worn it myself." scene w2_2494 with dissolve mc "Then who..." scene w2_2493 with dissolve ver "My ex-wife. She was into that kind of thing." scene w2_2495 with dissolve ver "It turned out I was too. Got used to it fast, so much so that now when I take home cute lays from the bar, I still like to make use of it." "There was something about that casual admission that was crazy hot." scene w2_2494 with dissolve mc "Is that so?" scene w2_2496 with dissolve ver "Yeah, I wonder how you'd look on a leash." scene w2_2497 with dissolve mc "That's not why you got it, right?" scene w2_2498 with dissolve ver "No, obviously not. You're behind the camera. It's for..." scene w2_2499 with dissolve "A slight blotch of red colored her pale cheeks." scene w2_2500 with dissolve ver "It's for me. I'll be the pet today." scene w2_2501 with dissolve "......" "..." mc "--!" with vpunch "The cute way she said the incongruous words sent my stomach fluttering. Suddenly, I was a lot more stoked about her unilateral decision to shut the place down." scene w2_2502 with dissolve mc "You're really serious about this shoot." scene w2_2503 with dissolve ver "Not really." scene w2_2504 with dissolve mc "My impression of you is of someone who's resisting the exhibition every step of the way." scene w2_2505 with dissolve ver "Well, it's a tricky balance of telling that cunt to eat it and doing what's necessary. One's more fun than the other." ver "Don't get me wrong. I'm going to ultimately win on my own terms." scene w2_2504 with dissolve mc "That's important to you?" scene w2_2506 with dissolve ver "Life's about pretending there's dignity, especially where there is none." scene w2_2507 with dissolve mc "Dignity is a funny word for these circumstances." scene w2_2508 with dissolve ver "The collar's my idea, isn't it? Those skeevy old fucks will eat it up." scene w2_2510 with dissolve "The difference of being told to do something or choosing it... is she a teenager?" "It seemed like such a childish distinction for the situation, but for Veronica, it was evidently an important one." scene w2_2507 with dissolve mc "Alright, if you want to \"win on your own terms\"... you can be the pet." scene w2_2509 with dissolve mc "Just don't be mad if I inadvertently treat you like one for the sake of the photo shoot." scene w2_2511 with dissolve ver "Whatever helps you take the best photos. I don't think you've got much fang, anyway." scene w2_2509 with dissolve mct "(Is that so...?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep it friendly and business like. Help her put on the collar.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 scene w2_2512 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Let me help you put that on then." ver "You want to be the one to put it on me, eh...?" mc "I'm just offering a hand." scene w2_2513 with dissolve ver "Well then, I'll take it." ver "Securing it is a cinch, but adjusting the size by yourself is a little tricky." scene w2_2514 with dissolve "Taking the collar from her, Veronica turned around and offered me her beautiful neckline." ver "Do you need me to hunch down? I know I'm pretty tall..." scene w2_2515 with dissolve mc "No need. You're just the right height." scene w2_2516 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 4 yalign 0.15 "Getting in close made me more acutely aware of Veronica's feminine form." scene w2_2517 with dissolve "The alluring divot in her lower back, its eye-catching curve, and the flawlessly freckled skin still slightly damp with perspiration." "It was all in contrast to her wide back and broad shoulders. In a hopelessly dumb and illogical animal-like way, just being this close to the towering woman was oddly comforting." scene w2_2518 with dissolve ver "What are you waiting for? An explanation on how buckles work?" scene w2_2519 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her you were just admiring her backside.:" scene w2_2520 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I was just admiring the view from behind." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >=10:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 scene w2_2521 with dissolve ver "You were, you little pervert?" scene w2_2520 with dissolve mc "Yeah, you take care of yourself. I hope you don't mind." scene w2_2521 with dissolve ver "I'm used to people looking. It comes with my profession." scene w2_2520 with dissolve mc "You do take care of yourself. I like how big and wide your shoulders are." scene w2_2522 with dissolve ver "W-what? That's weird!" scene w2_2523 with dissolve mc "Sorry." scene w2_2524 with dissolve ver "Jeez, that's a fucking new one. Just put the collar on, will you?" "Despite the harsh language, her tone sounded surprisingly subdued." scene w2_2525 with dissolve mc "Heh, sorry..." ver "Stop apologizing. It's okay." ver "You'll have plenty of time to admire me in today's shoot, [mcf]." scene black with fade "With care, I fastened the collar around Veronica's neck. Making sure it was secure, but not too tight." KN_MOD "else:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 scene w2_2521 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "Whatever. We've got a job to do. Just hurry up and put it on." "Of course, Veronica flat out rejected my creepy comment." scene w2_2526 with dissolve mc "Sorry." ver "It's fine. You'll have a lot of time to admire me in today's shoot, errand boy." scene black with fade "With care, I fastened the collar around Veronica's neck. Making sure it was secure and maybe just a tad too tight." KN_MOD "Dont say anything at all.:" scene w2_2526 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry. Was lost in thought." ver "That's okay, but try to focus. We have a job to do." scene black with fade "With care, I fastened the collar around Veronica's neck. Making sure it was secure, but not too tight." KN_MOD "Order her to her knees and collar the oversized bitch.:" $ w2VeronicaDog = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "There was something about her statement that rubbed me the wrong way and made me want to test the waters." mc "Whatever helps me take the best photos? Those are your words?" scene w2_2527 with dissolve ver "Don't let it be said you have poor listening comprehension." scene w2_2528 with dissolve "Veronica gave me a funny look. There wasn't even really an uneasiness in her eyes, much less trepidation." "It was more in the ballpark of curious and trying, like she was trying to size up the intentions of a disobedient toddler." mct "(It REALLY makes me want to test the waters.)" scene w2_2529 with dissolve mc "Get down on the floor like a good doggy and let me collar you then." scene w2_2530 with dissolve ver "You want to put it on me, eh?" ver "Well, I don't mind I guess. Securing it is a cinch, but adjusting the size is pretty--" scene w2_2531 with dissolve mc "Down." scene w2_2532 with dissolve "I spoke to her like a dog and she persisted with that same curious expression." scene w2_2533 with dissolve "Then she smiled, incredulously so." scene w2_2534 with dissolve "The Amazon got down on her knees, amused and indulging me." scene w2_2535 with dissolve "It was a bit of a rush seeing her like that, but even from her new position, it was like she was looking down on me." "A thought that made me want to push it further..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her to get down on all fours.:" scene w2_2536 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I said like a good {b}doggy{/b}. {b}Hands and knees{/b}." scene w2_2537 with dissolve ver "...we're not even taking photos yet, {b}errand boy{/b}. Don't be ridiculous." scene w2_2536 with dissolve mc "It's important we set the tone." scene w2_2538 with dissolve ver "That's what this is? Setting the tone?" ver "It's not some pathetic power trip?" scene w2_2536 with dissolve mc "Eh? Maybe it is, but can you blame me for taking advantage?" mc "In this sort of situation, with a woman as stunning as you playing the pet? Wouldn't you act the same in my shoes?" scene w2_2539 with dissolve ver "..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Veronica glared at me defiantly, but I knew I was right. By her own admission she had a dominant streak, one I'd seen firsthand during her treatment of Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "Veronica glared at me defiantly, but I knew I was right. By her own admission she had a dominant streak, one I'd seen firsthand during her treatment of Kathleen." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >=13 or Veronica_Horniness >=6:" $ Veronica_Horniness +=1 scene w2_2537 with dissolve ver "What kind of ass backwards appeal is that, [mcf]?" ver "Are you listening to yourself?" scene w2_2536 with dissolve mc "Am I wrong?" scene w2_2540 with dissolve ver ", if I was in your situation I might have fun with it too." scene w2_2541 with fade "To my surprise, Veronica got down on all fours like a dog." scene w2_2542 with dissolve ver "By all means have your power trip." scene w2_2541 with dissolve "Back arched, and ass pointed in the air like a bitch in heat." scene w2_2543 with dissolve mc "Good girl." "For emphasis, I patted her head lovingly just like a pet." scene w2_2542 with dissolve ver "Don't be surprised if I bite you." scene w2_2544 with dissolve "The scary thing was, I had doubts she was speaking in metaphors." "She might literally bite me." mc "We'll see, I guess." scene black with fade "Without any ceremony, I affixed the collar around the Amazon's neck. Making sure it was appropriately snug for her new position as a pet." KN_MOD "else:" $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 scene w2_2537 with dissolve ver "What kind of ass backwards appeal is that, errand boy? Are you listening to yourself?" scene w2_2536 with dissolve mc "Am I wrong?" scene w2_2538 with dissolve ver ", if I was in your situation I might have fun with it too, but that doesn't mean I'll be going along with all your degrading ideas. Especially when you're not even taking pictures." ver "Context is key." scene w2_2539 with dissolve "Veronica looked unmovable on this." scene w2_2545 with dissolve mc "I guess I asked too much." scene w2_2546 with dissolve ver "So you think I'm stunning, do you?" scene w2_2545 with dissolve mc "That's what I said." scene black with fade "With a gentle and firm touch, I fastened the leather collar securely around the Amazon's neck. Making sure it was nice and snug, with the appropriate give for a pet." KN_MOD "Put the collar on her.:" scene w2_2545 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thank you for your indulgence, Veronica." mc "I just wanted to set the tone a little." scene w2_2548 with dissolve ver "Whatever, I did say you could treat me like a pet." scene w2_2547 with dissolve ver "I don't think I could ever get used to this. My ex must've had some screws loose." scene w2_2545 with dissolve mc "Don't say that. Wouldn't it be nice to be pampered and taken care of like a pet?" scene w2_2547 with dissolve ver "Sounds like a nightmare." scene w2_2545 with dissolve mc "I'm glad you feel that way." scene w2_2548 with dissolve ver "Why?" scene w2_2549 with dissolve mc "It makes collaring you all the more fun." scene black with fade "With a gentle and firm touch, I fastened the leather collar securely around the Amazon's neck. Making sure it was nice and snug, with the appropriate give for a pet." scene w2_2550 with dissolve ver "Well, there you go. I'm collared, just like a pet." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" ver "...and you had your fun doing it." scene w2_2551 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it comes over me sometimes." scene w2_2552 with dissolve ver "I actually get it. It is my collar after all." ver "I got a little bossy too whenever my ex-wife would wear it." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2551 with dissolve mc "How does it feel?" scene w2_2552 with dissolve ver "I like being on the other side of the collar." scene w2_2551 with dissolve mc "That so?" scene w2_2552 with dissolve ver "Uh huh, bossing around people is a lot more fun." scene w2_2553 with dissolve ver "Hmm..." scene w2_2550 with dissolve ver "What say we get this over with, boss?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "That sounded fine with me." play music "music/dancebroom-riddim.ogg" scene w2_2554 with circlewipe "...and things got rolling pretty nicely as soon as we re-entered the gym proper." "Veronica slid off her gym shorts and revealed what was underneath: a tight, form-fitting pair of racing briefs that nicely emphasized her sculpted derrière." scene w2_2555 with dissolve ver "What are you waiting for?" scene w2_2554 with dissolve "Hunched over with her ass sticking out, she looked back at me in just the {i}perfect{/i} way. So perfect that..." scene w2_2556 with dissolve mc "Oh, right..." "The shoot had begun." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash "I remembered what we were doing." scene w2_2557 with dissolve ver "I'll trust you to get my good side." "The Amazon advanced further into the gym, with a deliberate sashay that made her aforementioned derrière that much more tantalizing." scene w2_2558 with dissolve ver "What's our game plan?" scene w2_2559 with dissolve mc "The plan? Well..." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" mc "As you know, the gist of this whole shoot is embarrassing you. Painfully so." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2573 with pixellate "With Rosalind, we took some more basic, preliminary shots before moving onto a more \"bold\" direction." scene w2_2574 with dissolve "Although I doubt Veronica and I will end up like that..." scene w2_2559 with pixellate mc "As you know, the gist of this whole shoot is embarrassing you. Painfully so." scene w2_2560 with dissolve ver "We should build up to that though, right? Get some shots of me working out, wearing THIS, prancing about the gym like it's still open." scene w2_2559 with dissolve mc "That would be a good place to start." scene w2_2561 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" "She definitely had a mind for this, which was no surprise given how shamelessly she flirted with Mina the first time they met. She was practically a dirty old man." KN_MOD "else:" "She definitely had a mind for this, much more than she lets on." scene w2_2562 with dissolve ver "Then I'll just do some shit and you can follow me around. That sound good?" mc "Works for me. I'm a little interested in seeing what you come up with on your own." ver "Oh, are you?" scene w2_2563 with dissolve mc "I figure you have a knack for this." ver "Based on what, exactly?" mc "Just my intuition." scene w2_2564 with dissolve ver "I'm not so sure how I should feel about that." scene w2_2565 with dissolve mc "You could take it as a compliment. You're a confident woman and you're comfortable in your body." mc "You know how to strike an attractive pose." scene w2_2566 with dissolve ver "Like this?" scene w2_2567 with dissolve "In a sudden display of flexibility, Veronica slowly lifted and fully extended her left leg, hooking her foot on the frame of the chest press station and using her upper body to brace herself against the machine." mc "Ah..." "The result of the impromptu pose was three-fold: a tightened core that accentuated her abs and put both her long tree trunk-like legs and large bust on magnificent display." mc "I think..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash mc "I think my intuition was correct. Hold that pose, I'm going to get some shots." scene w2_2568 with dissolve "One portion of her body after the next, I trained the camera on Veronica's chiseled form in search of all her best angles." "First, I took pictures of her leg. Working my way up from her bulging calves to her thighs." scene w2_2569 with dissolve "Onto the crotch, where the eye could easily trace the outline of her vulva through the fabric of her racing briefs." scene w2_2570 with dissolve "Then I panned up the Amazon's tummy, taking shots of her hard won abs and working my way further up top." scene w2_2571 with dissolve "To her bust." scene w2_2572 with dissolve "Even her armpit. I left no stone uncovered." scene w2_2575 with dissolve ver "Don't you think you've got enough." scene w2_2576 with dissolve mc "I do now." scene w2_2577 with dissolve ver "Good." ver "It was like you were fucking me with the camera." scene w2_2578 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Share your (positive) honest thoughts:" $ Veronica_Affection +=1 scene w2_2579 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it's just you're a work of sculpted art." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >=11:" scene w2_2580 with dissolve ver "Jeez, how can you say that kind of shit with a straight face?" scene w2_2581 with dissolve mc "I do it one syllable at a time." scene w2_2580 with dissolve ver "Dork." scene w2_2582 with dissolve "She seemed to take the compliment in stride." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2583 with dissolve ver "That's a pretty lame line." scene w2_2584 with dissolve mc "I'm not feeding you a line. Why would I, considering the nature of our relationship? I genuinely mean it." scene w2_2600 with dissolve ver "Keep it to yourself then." scene w2_2601 with dissolve "She seemed to take it more genuinely than she let on, or so my male lizard brain thought." KN_MOD "Keep the compliment to yourself.:" scene w2_2579 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's... sort of the point here, yeah?" scene w2_2585 with dissolve ver "Eh, I guess you've got a point there." ver "I can't help it if you like what you see." scene w2_2586 with dissolve mc "You can be preeeetty full of yourself when you want to be." scene w2_2587 with dissolve ver "Hmmm, I got some ideas for some more stretches." scene w2_2588 with dissolve mc "You lead and I follow." scene w2_2589 with dissolve ver "Ha, I know you will." scene w2_2590 with dissolve mc "Just make sure to shake your ass on the way." scene black with fade "Next in yet another strenuous display of unnatural flexibility for a woman of her size..." scene w2_2591 with cmet mct "(Damn!)" "Veronica got down on the ground, and supporting her upper body with her arms, almost fully splayed her legs out between two weight benches." "With the angle I was at, it put her crotch on full display. At least it would be, if it wasn't for that thin, damnable piece of fabric covering her womanly bits." scene w2_2593 with dissolve ver "Hurry up and take the shot." scene w2_2594 with dissolve mc "Right, okay!" scene w2_2595 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash mc "Nice pose." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" scene w2_2594 with dissolve mc "I doubt Rosalind or Felicia could even come close to a pose like that." scene w2_2592 with dissolve mct "(Although, I'd like to see them try...)" scene w2_2593 with dissolve ver "I think you might be underestimating Blondie a tad. I've seen her type in the gym; rich women like her can't afford to let themselves go." ver " know, so they don't get replaced like an old car." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2594 with dissolve mc "Let's just say Rosalind didn't have your flexibility in her shoot yesterday. I doubt she could've come close to striking a pose like that." scene w2_2592 with dissolve mct "(Although, I would've liked to see her try...)" scene w2_2593 with dissolve ver "Oh? Who do you think will have the better shoot?" scene w2_2594 with dissolve mc "Only time will tell." scene w2_2596 with dissolve ver "Aw, come on..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2599 with dissolve "*Click*" ver "Come on now, though... \"nice\"? How bland." mc "What? You'd prefer me to be vulgar?" scene w2_2596 with dissolve ver "No, of course not. Just an observation... it seemed oddly sterile." scene w2_2594 with dissolve mc "Fishing for a compliment?" scene w2_2596 with dissolve ver "Hell no." scene w2_2597 with dissolve mc "How would you have preferred I put it? Should I have said it \"looks like you're warmly welcoming a lover\" or..." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_2598 with vpunch ver "Ugh, no. Shut up." ver "That's awful." scene black with fade mc "I thought so." scene w2_2602 with dissolve ver "Now I'm afraid to ask your thoughts on this." scene w2_2603 with dissolve mc "It's... not as flashy as the first two." scene w2_2602 with dissolve ver "No...?" scene w2_2604 with dissolve ver "Better?" scene w2_2605 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that's better, but you should look more embarrassed." scene w2_2606 with dissolve ver "That ship has already sailed." scene w2_2607 with dissolve mc "I don't mean between us. This place is still open, remember?" scene w2_2608 with dissolve ver "Ah..." scene w2_2609 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2610 with dissolve "After taking a moment to collect herself, the Amazon put on her best worn bashful expression and looked away from the camera's eye." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash mc "You're a born actress, Veronica." scene w2_2611 with dissolve ver "Really?" scene w2_2612 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" mc "Yeah, you give Mina a run for her money." scene w2_2613 with dissolve ver "I doubt it. I can tell; that girl is good at faking things." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Better than me." scene w2_2615 with dissolve ver "I have a feeling that's not a high bar to clear." scene w2_2614 with dissolve "Not that I would draw attention to it, but I was a little surprised at how easily Veronica and I were carrying on." scene w2_2616 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_2615 with dissolve ver "Why are you looking at me like that?" scene w2_2616 with dissolve mc "Nothing." scene w2_2617 with dissolve ver "...? Oh." scene w2_2618 with dissolve "As if suddenly remembering her chest was exposed, she quickly tugged her spandex top back down over her barely containable chest." ver "That's what you were looking at." scene black with fade "That surprisingly wasn't the case, but I didn't feel like denying it." scene w2_2619 with circlewipe "For the next pose, once again she positioned herself between the weight benches, this time in a way that is a little difficult to articulate." scene w2_2620 with dissolve ver "This one's a little more dynamic than the last." scene w2_2619 with dissolve "It looked like a cheetah in mid-sprint." mct "(Man...)" "If this sequence of poses had me wondering ANYTHING all, it'd be..." scene w2_2621 with dissolve "How difficult would it be to screw in that position?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash scene w2_2622 with dissolve mc "Well, it's... {i}extraordinarily nice{/i}." scene w2_2623 with dissolve ver "Extraord--" ver "Aha...! Don't make me laugh. I'm liable to fall on my face." scene w2_2624 with dissolve mc "Hmmm..." scene w2_2625 with dissolve mc "Speaking of faces..." "Positioning myself at her head to take another photo, it dawned on me that something was missing." mc "It could do with..." "What would make the next few shots better? No surprise, it was..." scene w2VeronicaGymBoobReveal with dissolve "Tits." "In a smooth motion, I managed to grab the band on the underside of the balancing woman's top, and with a strong tug, freed her freckled breasts from their spandex prison." scene w2_2630 with dissolve mc "Sorry. You weren't in a position to do it yourself." "The way they spilled out was nothing short of idyllic." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_2631 with dissolve ver "Yeah, yeah... a warning would've been nice, you could've knocked me over." scene w2_2634 with dissolve mc "There wasn't any danger of that. Your limbs are like the roots of a tree." scene w2_2631 with dissolve ver "That's..." scene w2_2633 with dissolve "For a brief second, Veronica was speechless for once." scene w2_2632 with dissolve ver "Never heard that one before." scene w2_2630 with dissolve "Just a second, though." "Enough for a quick and titillating thought to cross my mind." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her to stick out her tongue.:" $ w2VeroShootPoints += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I want to get one last shot in this position and I need you to do {i}one{/i} last thing..." scene w2_2635 with dissolve ver "I--" scene w2_2631 with dissolve ver "What?" scene w2_2634 with dissolve mc "Nothing too difficult, just..." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "Stick your tongue out like a bitch in heat." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Stick your tongue out, like a dog." scene w2_2635 with dissolve ver "...right, the pet angle." scene w2_2634 with dissolve "Instead of fighting it. She understood." scene w2_2636 with dissolve "..." scene w2_2637 with dissolve ver "Ah...." "She looked directly into the camera's eye and hit me with the lewdest look she could summon - and boy, did it pass all muster for the term." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "Quickly, I got the shot I was looking for, because..." mct "(All of {b}this{/b} and a simple look was the thing that finally did it, huh?)" "No hiding it. A half-hard erection strained against my gym shorts." scene w2_2639 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2640 with dissolve ver "Looks like your lil' fellow has finally woken up." scene w2_2642 with dissolve mc "How could it not?" scene w2_2641 with dissolve ver "To be honest, I was starting to get a little worried that the shoot was boring." ver "Not as lively as it was a few days ago." scene w2_2642 with dissolve mc "You took note?" scene w2_2640 with dissolve ver "Hmmpfh." scene w2_2641 with dissolve ver "How could I not?" KN_MOD "Move on.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Nah, not really feeling it. I'll just get the rest of the shots quick." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Like with the first pose, I took my time getting the rest of shots." "By the end, I had gotten familiar with every impressive inch of Veronica's sculpted form." play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w2_2651 with circlewipe mc "That should do us for the basic stuff." scene w2_2652 with dissolve ver "Oh, yeah... now we move onto more..." ver "{b}More{/b}." scene w2_2651 with dissolve mc "Mrs. Pulman probably won't accept anything short of debauched." scene w2_2653 with dissolve ver "That's pretty much a matter of fact with that mean bitch." scene w2_2654 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2655 with dissolve "An unsettling quiet fell over the room as Veronica panned her eyeline across the gym." "......" "..." scene w2_2656 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >= 13:" ver "We've got to give it our all here, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" ver "We've got to give it our all here, errand boy." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" scene w2_2657 with dissolve mc "I'll... give as much as you want. Keep that in mind." mc "Careful what you wish for, right?" scene w2_2658 with dissolve ver "Heh, yeah..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2657 with dissolve mc "That mostly depends on you, but I'll give as much as you ask of me." scene w2_2658 with dissolve ver "I'd appreciate it." scene w2_2659 with dissolve "I think it dawned on her what she was asking for." scene w2_2660 with dissolve mc "Follow me, then." mc "We need a change of scenery." scene black with fade "On the way into the locker room, I made certain to snag a photograph of Veronica in front of the \"Men Only\" sign." scene w2_2661 with fade ver "What are we going to do in here?" scene w2_2662 with dissolve mc "If you want to have the best photo session of the three, we've got to escalate things." scene w2_2661 with dissolve ver "We already covered that part. I mean why here?" scene w2_2663 with dissolve mc "Oh, ah... well..." scene w2_2662 with dissolve mc "In theory, this place is still open, so we can't just do the heavy duty stuff on the gym floor." scene w2_2661 with dissolve ver "That makes sense." scene w2_2662 with dissolve mc "Plus, making it look all incognito-like will add to the eroticism of the photos." scene w2_2664 with dissolve ver "Well thought-out, as expected of a pervert." scene w2_2665 with dissolve mc "The pet collar was yours, remember?" scene w2_2666 with dissolve ver "Fine, we're both perverts then." scene w2_2667 with dissolve mc "That works for me." scene w2_2664 with dissolve ver "What do you have in mind for the rest of the shoot, pervert?" scene w2_2668 with dissolve mc "You're the one who brought in the pet play dynamic, so we'll go with that." scene w2_2669 with dissolve ver "I had a feeling that'd be the case, but more specifically...?" scene w2_2670 with dissolve mc "More specifically, eh?" scene w2_2671 with dissolve "If I wanted to make this good and thematic, the photos will need to depict Veronica as less than human." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" "I had already gotten a taste for treating the large woman like a dog." scene w2_2672 with dissolve mc "First things first, {b}bitches{/b} don't wear clothes." scene w2_2673 with dissolve "Veronica ever-so-slightly tensed up at my choice of words." scene w2_2674 with dissolve ver "Bi--" ver "Nggh. Is that your way of asking me to undress?" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 22:" scene w2_2673 with dissolve mc "I'm {b}telling{/b} you to take your clothes off for the camera." scene w2_2674 with dissolve ver "Telling me...? You little sh-" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2673 with dissolve mc "I'm asking you to take your clothes off {b}for the camera{/b}." scene w2_2674 with dissolve ver "That's not quite how you put it, you lil' sh-" scene w2_2675 with dissolve "Before she could complete the last utterance, Veronica cut herself off with a long and exaggeratingly drawn out sigh." scene w2_2676 with dissolve ver "Ah, no damn sense dragging this out. This is what I'm here to do, even if you're enjoying it a bit too much." KN_MOD "else:" "How would I approach doing something like that? Especially getting her to FULLY go along with it..." scene w2_2672 with dissolve mc "First things first..." scene w2_2677 with dissolve ver "..." mc "You should undress. Pets don't wear clothes, right?" scene w2_2678 with dissolve ver "{b}No{/b}, they don't. Simple enough place to start I suppose." scene w2_2679 with dissolve "Acknowledging what she needed to do, Veronica reached for her racing briefs and hooked her fingers into the elastic band." scene w2_2680 with dissolve "Before matter-of-factly removing them like one would do before stepping into the shower." scene w2_2681 with dissolve "Before I could fully take in the sight of a woman wearing nothing but a sports bra, her hands found a new direction." scene w2_2682 with dissolve "Like before, she made short work in discarding her top and stood before me in her fully magnificent buff." scene w2_2683 with dissolve ver "There. As God made me -- well, I had a pretty big hand in it too, but you know what I mean." scene w2_2684 with dissolve mc "You'll never run short of ego, will you?" scene w2_2685 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >= 13:" ver "It's not ego, it's confidence, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" ver "It's not ego, it's confidence, errand boy." scene w2_2686 with dissolve ver "Make no mistake, it's an important distinction." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_2687 with dissolve "The way she aimed and pointed her chest toward me like a pair of missiles made it difficult to argue semantics." mc "You'll never run out of confidence, will you?" scene w2_2688 with dissolve ver "Hell no." scene w2_2687 with dissolve "To think this confident woman is about to parade around here like a pet..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Try and warm Veronica up before the rest of the photo shoot.:" $ w2VeronicaHeated = True $ Veronica_Horniness += 2 $ Veronica_Affection += 1 $ w2VeroShootPoints += 1 "However, all things in their own time. Before we got to that, a little preparation was in order. " mc "You're not feeling it yet, are you?" scene w2_2689 with dissolve ver "...feeling it? You mean am I turned on?" scene w2_2688 with dissolve ver "Of course I'm not." scene w2_2687 with dissolve mc "Do you want to be?" scene w2_2688 with dissolve ver "I don't think that's going to happen, under these circumstances." scene w2_2687 with dissolve mc "Arousal is as much a physical thing as it is a mental one." mc "I just think being gassed up and visibly aroused will make for a more exciting shoot. In your own words, we should do our best." scene w2_2690 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "Are you saying you could possibly make me swoon in this asinine scenario?" scene w2_2693 with dissolve mc "I'm not necessarily suggesting that, but if you recall how last Saturday went..." mc "You got pretty into it." scene w2_2692 with dissolve ver "..." "There was one thing I suspected about the woman in front of me that was true of most people. She was at her most comfortable, and thus at her most manageable, when she {i}felt{/i} in control." scene w2_2693 with dissolve mc "The ball is entirely in your court here, Veronica." mc "We can do it on your terms." scene w2_2690 with dissolve ver "My terms...?" scene w2_2693 with dissolve mc "Whatever would most comfortably get you in the mood." scene w2_2694 with dissolve ver "This is absurd." scene w2_2695 with dissolve mc "Should we just move on, then?" scene w2_2696 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2697 with dissolve ver "'s my ears." scene w2_2696 with dissolve "Out from the corner of her eye, she gauged my uncomprehending expression." scene w2_2697 with dissolve ver "My ears are... {i}especially{/i} sensitive, but since I'm usually the one leading, I rarely..." scene w2_2698 with dissolve ver "I rarely..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_2699 with dissolve mc "Got it." "With that adorable request, I felt the scales of power re-align to a slightly more equitable balance." scene w2_2700 with dissolve "For now though, I would put aside those thoughts and focus entirely on Veronica." scene w2_2701 with dissolve mc "Just a heads up, I'm not going to half-ass this." scene w2_2702 with dissolve "She didn't speak, but she looked unconvinced. That would work in my favor." scene w2_2703 with dissolve mc "Leave it to me." play music "music/soft-feeling.ogg" scene w2_2704 with dissolve "My plan of attack was from behind, but before that, I wanted to steal a taste for myself." scene w2_2705 with dissolve "I made my way down Veronica's torso, admiring and kissing her chiseled abs." ver "T-that tickles..." scene w2_2707 with dissolve "Feeling a little more carnivorous, I sunk my tongue into their sinuous recesses, probing the border of her abdominal muscle." scene w2_2706 with dissolve "Her skin tasted unsurprisingly salty on my tongue, a palatable reminder of Veronica's daily labor in the gym." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_2708 with dissolve ver "That's the wrong direction..." scene w2_2709 with dissolve mc "Patience. I'm getting there." scene w2_2710 with dissolve ver "Oh!" "Again, just for a moment, I returned to the Amazon's delectable tummy by plunging my tongue into her navel." ver "That really tickles!" scene w2_2711 with dissolve mc "Turn around for me." scene w2_2712 with fade "Without any fuss, she did as I asked. Turning on the ball of her heels, she placed her sizable, yet trim ass directly in front of my face." mct "(If she wanted, she could use this thing to kill a man.)" scene w2_2713 with dissolve "This time, I went in reverse." scene w2_2714 with dissolve "Trailing up from her buttocks to the small of her back." scene w2_2715 with dissolve "Past her clavicle and wide shoulders until I was standing up straight, my body eagerly pressed into Veronica's and my breath tickling the nape of her neck." "I so very much wanted to reach from behind and man handle the redhead's tits, but this was on her terms." scene w2_2716 with dissolve ver "Just so you know, this is more creepy than sexy." scene w2_2717 with dissolve mc "Patience." scene w2_2718 with dissolve mc "Just how sensitive are you here?" scene w2_2719 with dissolve ver "{b}S-sensitive{/b}." scene w2_2720 with dissolve "Must be. My breathe on her earlobe as I spoke caused her to physically shudder." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" scene w2_2718 with dissolve mc "Me too, actually." scene w2_2725 with pixellate KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "If Mrs. Pulman's little lesson about erogenous zones were any indication." KN_MOD "else:" "If Kathleen's little lesson about erogenous zones were any indication." scene w2_2720 with pixellate "Either from embarrassment or arousal, her ears were already looking flush." KN_MOD "else:" "Either from embarrassment or arousal, her ears were already looking flush." scene w2_2718 with dissolve mc "I'll begin then." scene w2_2721 with dissolve "Starting with the lobe, I ran my tongue up the length of the Amazon's ear, pressing firm and conforming to its intricate bends and folds." "Admittedly, this was a new one for me. I'd never set out to molest a gal's ear before. However, I was feeling up to the challenge." ver "Mmmph!" "She let out a small, pleasurable coo." scene w2_2722 with dissolve ver "A-ah!" "It didn't take long for Veronica to vocalize what she was feeling, even if it was just ever so slight." mct "(This is going to be fun.)" scene verogear1_a with dissolve show verogear1 "At first, I went with a more reserved approach: sliding and scraping my tongue against the woman's outer ear, bending and prodding the cartilage with firm licks." "Taking in and learning its fine contours." "The Helix, the scapha..." "The antihelix and antihelix fold..." scene verogear2_a with dissolve show verogear2 "Oddly enough, in the process of making the redhead squirm, a checklist formed in my head and I began to mentally review what I had learned about the anatomy of the human ear in my studies." "The antitragus and lobule..." "Very gently, I took the fleshy lower protrusion of her ear in my mouth and nibbled and coaxed it with my tongue." ver "Mmmh!" "Occasionally, Veronica's body would involuntarily twitch and jerk and I would have to reaffirm my grip on her body." scene verogear1_a with dissolve show verogear1 "I held onto her tight, worried she might wiggle away." ver "That... that feels good..." "It's not like the simple act was anything to be proud of, this was mostly her, but I still felt a bizarre sense of accomplishment from her words." ver "Feels really, really good..." "Next I worked my way to the inner cone of her ear." "The fossa... a depression in the fork of the antihelix." "The concha... the hallow next to the ear canal." scene verogear2_a with dissolve show verogear2 "Licking and licking and licking, probing all the little divots that help funnel and process sound." "Next I wormed my wet, warm, wriggly appendage into her ear canal - {i}the external auditory meatus{/i} - teasing and probing to my heart's content." ver "Ah, d-damn...! That...!" "That one REALLY got a response." ver "Keep going!" "That I did. It tasted unusual, but no less so than eating her out." ver "Keep-!" scene w2_2723 with dissolve mc "Sssh!" "With the desire to have complete control over the towering woman, I covered her mouth with the palm of my hand." ver "Mppph..!" scene w2_2724 with dissolve mc "Sssh!" "The warm air blowing through my pursed lips had the intended pleasurable effect." ver "Mppph..!" scene verogear3_a with dissolve show verogear3 ver "Mmmmmh...! " "Once more, I thrust my tongue back in. Eager to have Veronica resume her squirming." ver "Mmmmmh...! " "This time, I took a carte blanche approach and threw all exploratory pretense out the window." ver "Mmmmmmmmmhhhh.....!" "I drove my tongue as deep as it could humanly fit and shook the tip as violently as I could muster." "As far as I was concerned, her ear was now a pussy and I was going to do my damnedest to pleasure it like one." ver "Mmfwhhooock!" scene verogear4_a with dissolve show verogear4 "Veronica wasn't alone in feeling this." "The feeling of giving the headstrong woman pleasure and having her melt in my hands had me painfully hard right now." "On instinct, I found my lower half doing its own bit of writhing. Pressing my covered crotch hard into Veronica's naked ass and dully gyrating to the Amazon's own subconscious motions." scene verogear3_a with dissolve show verogear3 "So much sexual urge was welling up in me, but I held it back. The point of this was to get her jazzed up, not for me to get off." mct "(It's not like I'm undersexed. I can control myself.)" ver "Mmmfpg...! Mhaa!" "In time, something strange happened. My arms began to feel... heavy?" "That's right. Veronica wasn't quite supporting her weight anymore. Her body had gone slack." "Leaving me to..." scene black with fade "Take it to the ground." scene verogear5_a with fade show verogear5 "She didn't fight it as I guided her to the floor. She was lost in her own pleasure-drenched world." "Not once did I stop my assault on her ear. Once the problem of gravity had been taken care of, all that was on my mind was that singular task." "I was going to thoroughly violate her ear and that I did." "Over the next few minutes, I had my way with her and Veronica openly accepted." "To no surprise, eventually Veronica's hand found its way to her vagina." "She didn't take the plunge, though. Instead she used her long fingers to gently caress and gently tease apart her labia." ver "[mcf]..." ver "Y-you're doing a good job..." "Her voice was low and believably sultry..." "I had achieved what we had set out to do, but neither of us showed any signs of stopping." mct "(We should stop though.)" scene w2_2736 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "H-huh...?" "It felt weird to let go of her. I had been clinging to her so tightly that the absense of human warmth felt stark against the cool locker room air." scene w2_2726 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You feeling it now?" scene w2_2727 with dissolve "She didn't speak. Instead she strongly pressed her back into my chest, like a passing house cat marking its territory." scene w2_2728 with dissolve ver "Ah, fuck..." scene w2_2729 with dissolve "The eyes that looked up at me, no matter how mollified, was still unmistakably Veronica." scene w2_2728 with dissolve ver "I don't..." scene w2_2729 with dissolve "She was in no way simpering." scene w2_2728 with dissolve ver "I don't think this was such a good idea. Now I'm too wound up." scene w2_2730 with dissolve mc "No, this next part is going to be all the better for it." scene w2_2728 with dissolve ver "The next part..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "On your knees, bitch." KN_MOD "else:" mc "On your knees, pet." KN_MOD "Just move onto the photo shoot.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Whether I wanted to get to that part quicker or if I just wanted to get this other with, I couldn't quite distinguish." "It may have been a bit of both. Either way, this shoot was about shame. If she's aroused or not doesn't play into it." mc "Then why don't you confidently get down on your knees and we'll begin, pet." scene w2_2731 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "...let's get it over with." scene w2_2732 with dissolve " all the Amazon said as she sunk beneath my eyeline and onto the cold, hard locker room floor." scene w2_2733 with dissolve ver "Even though this was partially my plan, that smug look on your face is irritating." scene w2_2734 with dissolve mct "(Heh. She better get used to it.)" scene w2_2735 with dissolve play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" mc "I hope you like walkies." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2737 with flash "*Click*" "Not giving her a chance to glibly respond, I launched into the photo shoot." scene w2_2738 with dissolve mc "Put your hands up, like a set of paws." scene w2_2739 with dissolve ver "Meow?" scene w2_2740 with dissolve mc "You're covering your breasts." scene w2_2741 with dissolve ver "That better you tit fiend?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2742 with flash "*Click*" mc "I'm not so limited. I have a lot of preoccupations when it comes to a woman's body." scene w2_2743 with dissolve ver "Could've fooled me with the way you attacked poor Rosie's breasts last Saturday." scene w2_2744 with dissolve mc "I was just... following her lead." scene w2_2745 with dissolve ver "Yeah, sure you were. If it were me, I'd just own up to it." scene w2_2744 with dissolve mc "To being a tit fiend?" scene w2_2746 with dissolve ver "Yeah! Next to an Adonis belt, a woman's breasts are my favorite part of the human body." scene w2_2747 with dissolve mc "Adonis belt?" scene w2_2748 with dissolve ver "Uh... it's like..." ver "Y'know, when you see a man or woman with a v-line running from their hips to their pelvis?" mc "I think I'm picturing it." ver "Well, when your body fat is low enough that you can see the separation between your obliques and your hip flexors, it's called an adonis belt. It's quite sought after in the world of fitness." scene w2_2749 with dissolve mc "I see..." "Her description was painfully unsexy." scene w2_2750 with dissolve mc "Say no more, tit fiend." scene w2_2751 with dissolve mc "What's with the sharing?" scene w2_2752 with dissolve ver "I don't know. I guess I'm just making conversation to take my mind off the hard tile floor." scene w2_2753 with dissolve "So it was an extremely indirect way of telling me to hurry up..." scene w2_2751 with dissolve mc "Message received." scene w2_2754 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "Get on all fours, like a dog." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Lean forward for me and place your hands flat on the floor." scene w2_2755 with dissolve ver "I can see where this is going..." scene w2_2756 with dissolve ver "You planning on giving me a \"bone\" next?" scene w2_2757 with dissolve mc "Do you want one?" scene w2_2756 with dissolve ver "What do--" scene w2_2757 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "I wonder if you know any tricks. Can you roll over for me, girl?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Roll over." scene w2_2758 with dissolve ver "Onto my back?" scene w2_2759 with dissolve "I gave a simple nod to confirm my intentions." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaHeated == True:" "The annoyed look I was expecting from her didn't quite have its normal edge." scene w2_2760 with dissolve ver "I'm glad I mopped the floor today." scene w2_2761 with dissolve "In place of simply rolling over in supplication like an animal would, Veronica added her own erotic flourish to the mixture." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" "She pushed her breasts together in a camera-pleasing way." mc "The men at the club are going to think you're into this." "There was not an ounce of embarrassment or shame seen on her face." scene w2_2762 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >=13:" ver "... and whose tongue is at fault for that, [mcf]?" KN_MOD "else:" ver "...and whose tongue is at fault for that, errand boy?" scene w2_2764 with dissolve "If I wanted her to display genuine shame for the camera, I'd have to take it further." KN_MOD "else:" "Veronica looked up at me coldly, but was quick to play along with the role she had committed herself to." scene w2_2760 with dissolve ver "I'm glad I mopped the floor today..." scene w2_2763 with dissolve "She let herself slump to her side, before rolling over onto her back and hiking her knees in the air." mct "(Not quite the picture-perfect pooch, but...)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" "But nonetheless a nice, supplicant display for the camera." scene w2_2764 with dissolve "However, if I wanted her to display genuine shame for the camera, I'd have to take it further." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" scene w2_2765 with dissolve mc "We're going on a small walk to the showers." scene w2_2766 with dissolve ver "By walk you mean you want me to crawl there, on my hands and knees?" scene w2_2765 with dissolve mc "You catch on quick." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2765 with dissolve mc "Next I'm going to ask you to walk over to the showers." scene w2_2766 with dissolve ver "By walk you mean you want me to crawl there, on my hands and knees?" scene w2_2765 with dissolve mc "You read my mind." scene w2_2767 with dissolve ver "I mean... how else would a \"bitch\" get around?" "I hesitated to call this being on board, but I was happy she wasn't putting up any fuss." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >=13:" ver "Keep up, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Keep up, errand boy." scene w2_2768 with dissolve "In way of warning, Veronica methodically began her advance toward the shower area." "Thankfully, she wasn't in any rush. It was one hand at a time, one knee at a time - which gave me plenty of time to secure all the quality shots I wanted." scene w2_2769 with dissolve "The natural locomotion of the position was erotic on its own, but Veronica imbued every deliberate step forward with her patent-pending, hypnotizing sway that she readily deployed at moments like this." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaHeated == True:" "For the benefit of the camera, she'd look back now and then, ever so inconspicuously with eyes rich with need." scene w2_2770 with dissolve "It was hot and I very much hoped the camera was picking up on even a fifth of that." KN_MOD "else:" "Every now and then, Veronica would look back and up at the camera in a naturally inconspicuous way. Giving me a good opportunity to snag a photo of her face without any sense of artifice." scene w2_2770 with dissolve "She had a talent for being photographed." mct "(All that's missing was a leash...)" scene w2_2771 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "Heel, girl." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You can stop here." scene w2_2772 with dissolve "She had given me a lot in a short distance, but now it was time to up the ante." "As indomitable as her spirit is, Veronica was a prideful woman and the other side of pride is shame." scene w2_2773 with dissolve "The greater the pride, the greater the capacity for shame." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Have Veronica urinate like a dog.:" $ w2VeroShootPoints += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "She may have been able to stoically endure Mrs. Pulman's challenges up to this point, but there is a difference between having something done to you and doing it yourself." KN_MOD "else:" "She may have been able to stoically endure Kathleen's challenges up to this point, but there is a difference between having something done to you and doing it yourself." "Now, there will always be those who'll refuse to take ownership of their actions no matter the circumstance, but Veronica..." mc "How long has it been since you last used the restroom?" "Veronica wasn't one of those people. She was a self-determined and disciplined woman, qualities which naturally produced a strong sense of personal accountability." scene w2_2774 with dissolve ver "A few hours I guess. Why?" scene w2_2773 with dissolve mc "Do you need a bathroom break?" scene w2_2774 with dissolve ver "...I can hold it." scene w2_2773 with dissolve mc "Why, when you don't have to? You can go right here." scene w2_2775 with dissolve ver "You're out of your mind if you think I'm pissing on my floor." scene w2_2773 with dissolve mc "I don't think the mess is really your issue." KN_MOD "if w1ExVeroPissedOn == True:" scene w2_2775 with dissolve ver "Of course it isn't. I'd ask if you knew how embarrassing it is to piss in front of someone, but as I recall..." scene w2_2776 with dissolve ver "{b}You fucking peed on me last Saturday{/b}." scene w2_2777 with dissolve mc "Heh... uh, sorry about that." "There was no way she was forgetting about that, huh?" scene w2_2775 with dissolve ver "You're sorry? You're fucking sorry?" scene w2_2777 with dissolve mc "I... got caught up in the moment?" scene w2_2776 with dissolve ver "That's the worst excuse I've ever heard." scene w2_2777 with dissolve mc "I'm afraid that's the only one I've got." ver "......" scene w2_2775 with dissolve ver "...bah! That's not important anymore. I'm not-- " KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2775 with dissolve ver "Of course it isn't. The issue is that it's fucking disgusting. I'm not--" scene w2_2779 with dissolve mc "Veronica..." scene w2_2780 with dissolve ver "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be nice. Reassure her.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 scene w2_2792 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You can do it." scene w2_2793 with dissolve ver "The fuck is that, the world's worst pep talk?" scene w2_2794 with dissolve mc "Good. Fast. Easy." ver "What?" $, 2, channel = "music") scene w2_2802 with pixellate mc "There's gotta be a better way to make money, right?" scene w2_2803 with dissolve ver "Good. Fast. Easy." scene w2_2804 with dissolve mc "...huh?" scene w2_2803 with dissolve ver "Good, fast, and easy. You can only pick two and I'm past {i}good{/i} and {i}easy{/i}." scene w2_2804 with dissolve mc "I'm not following..." scene w2_2805 with dissolve ver "This is the {i}good{/i} and {i}fast{/i} solution to my problem." scene w2_2806 with dissolve mc "Good? This is the {i}good{/i} in your book?" scene w2_2805 with dissolve ver "It's {i}good{/i} because all I have to do is put up with one shitty month, and after I win, I'll be able to buy some time and get my creditors off my back without digging myself deeper in the hole. It's the most direct, effective solution." $, 2, channel = "music") scene w2_2786 with pixellate mc "Those were your words to me when I asked why you joined the competition." mc "I didn't really agree with them, but I admired your pragmatism." scene w2_2785 with dissolve ver "Fuck, you remembered that conversation and are actually using it against me?" scene w2_2786 with dissolve mc "I did and I am." scene w2_2785 with dissolve ver "I feel sorry for whoever you trick into marrying you." scene w2_2786 with dissolve mc "You see what I'm getting at though?" scene w2_2785 with dissolve ver "That I've made my own bed and now I've got to lie in it?" scene w2_2786 with dissolve mc "Well, you could actually say fuck this bed and walk away if you wanted." scene w2_2785 with dissolve ver "I {b}chose{/b} good and fast." scene w2_2792 with dissolve mc "You've already put up with much worse than tinkling in the shower. You're strong." mc "Besides..." scene w2_2807 with pixellate ver "It's just sex work, isn't it? You're overselling it." scene w2_2795 with pixellate mc "It's just sex work, remember? You're overselling it." "I pitched my voice lower to mimic Veronica's typical, orotund brand of derision." scene w2_2796 with dissolve ver "...? Is that supposed to be...?" scene w2_2797 with dissolve ver "Oh!" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w2_2798 with dissolve "To my complete shock, the towering Amazon suddenly keeled over in a violent burst of laughter." play music "music/swagger.ogg" ver "Ahahahaha...!" scene w2_2799 with dissolve with vpunch ver "O-oh, man! Baah! Aaah!" ver "Ah! You're fucking adorable?" scene w2_2800 with wipeleft mct "(...adorable?)" ver "Mah! Aha, oh...!" scene w2_2799 with dissolve mc "Are you... okay?" ver "Fahaha, ah! Oh! Y-yes!" ver "Just give me a second!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "This continued on for an unbelievable minute." "I didn't know what she thought was so funny, but it seemed to convince her, as her words to me were..." scene w2_2801 with dissolve ver "I was a fucking idiot to say that, huh?" ver "What the hell do I know about any of this?" scene black with fade ver "Well, let's get to pissing on the floor, you disgusting perv." "......" "..." KN_MOD "Be mean and use a little push and pull to convince her.:" $ w2VeronicaMean = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's the mentality of a human being and for the purpose of our shoot, you're not a human being." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "With Mrs. Pulman in my mind's eye, I did my best to spew her brand of venom." KN_MOD "else:" "With Kathleen in my mind's eye, I did my best to spew her brand of venom." scene w2_2779 with dissolve mc "You're a dirty bitch and dirty bitches don't care where they pee, do they?" scene w2_2781 with dissolve "Honestly, I was surprised she didn't punch me in that face then and there." "Hell, she didn't even {b}look{/b} like she wanted to kill me. Instead she stared at me unflinchingly, unperturbed and impossible to read." scene w2_2782 with dissolve ver "They do if they're potty trained." scene w2_2783 with dissolve "An uneasy joke that betrayed what she was feeling. Time to switch gears and go in for the kill." scene w2_2784 with dissolve mc "I'm not Mrs. Pulman, Veronica. I'm not under the delusion that I can bend you to my will. You're your own woman." scene w2_2785 with dissolve ver "Fuck, you know how patronizing it is to hear a man say that?" scene w2_2786 with dissolve mc "In truth, I'm actually a little afraid of you. You sure as hell throw a mean right elbow." scene w2_2785 with dissolve ver "Ugh. Don't remind me of that slimy bastard putting his hands on me and what..." scene w2_2787 with dissolve ver "Came afterwards." scene w2_2788 with dissolve mc "All I'll say is that this week is about shame and the look on your face right now is... perfect." ver "It is...?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash "All I did was smile, hoping the word and its implications would hang in her mind." ver "Perfect...?" scene w2_2782 with dissolve ver "Ha, it's fucked up, but it's true." scene w2_2784 with dissolve mc "Listen to me over the next measly half hour and we'll impress that old hag. I promise." mc "However, I can't guarantee you'll have the winning photo shoot. That part is on you. Will you..." scene w2_2789 with dissolve ver "!" "The moment I grabbed her hair, the look that flashed across Veronica's face chilled my blood, but I kept my grip on the fiery strands of her gorgeous red hair." scene w2_2790 with dissolve mc "Will you forgive me for grabbing your hair like that and {b}choose{/b} to work with me for just thirty minutes? Put aside Veronica and play a part - not for me, but for--" scene w2_2791 with dissolve ver "Oh, shut up. Stop your blathering. I get the point." ver "I'll do it. I'll play the part of the obedient dog, you just make sure everything you take is fire." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mc "Thank you." "......" "..." play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene w2_2808 with fade "After some convincing, Veronica sluggishly crawled onto the shower tile and languished there awaiting my signal." "Apropos of the situation, she had the body language of a wet dog - droopy, deeply uncomfortable, and resigned to her fate." scene w2_2809 with dissolve mc "I'm ready when you are." scene w2_2810 with dissolve ver "You just want me to...?" scene w2_2809 with dissolve mc "Lift your leg like a dog and go." scene w2_2811 with dissolve "Veronica took a moment to think, before awkwardly lifting her right leg." "It, of course, was an unnatural pose for a human being and the uneasiness in her expression said as much." scene w2_2812 with dissolve mc "Whenever you want." scene w2_2813 with dissolve ver "Give me a second! It's coming!" ver "I'm feeling a little pee shy right now..." scene w2_2814 with dissolve "Veronica's face was a deep shade of crimson. More than I'd ever seen before." "In theory I thought this would work, but seeing the results was another thing. She'd never came close to looking like this in her audition or last week's exhibition, but here she was thoroughly disarmed." KN_MOD "if toughness <=15:" "Part of me even felt a little bad that this was my idea." play ambient "sound effects/urine-ground.wav" scene w2_2815 with dissolve ver "...ahh." "Finally, in a sight to behold, the proud woman began to urinate under the scrutiny of the camera's eye." scene w2_2816 with dissolve "It started out a mere trickle, before gaining momentum into a full blown stream." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" mct "(Come to think of it, I've never seen a woman pee before...)" KN_MOD "else:" "For the second time in two days, I was watching a woman pee..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash "Like a pervert, my eyes were glued to Veronica's sex, intensely fascinated with the sight in front of me - with the Amazon's burning embarrassment and the sheer eroticism of the act." "Veronica kept her eyes welded tight, as if trying to distance herself from the shameful act." mc "This is going to be a hit with the patrons, I'm sure of it." scene w2_2817 with dissolve ver "Goody goody..." "As I suspected, that inane assurance didn't help any. It probably just made things worse..." "In contrast to how long it took for it to finally start, Veronica's show of \"public\" urination abruptly petered out to an end." stop ambient scene w2_2818 with dissolve ver "You..." scene w2_2820 with dissolve ver "You get all that, errand boy?! You get all the shots you needed?" scene w2_2819 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaMean == True:" mc "I did and it was great. You looked absolutely ashamed." mc "You want to see?" scene w2_2820 with dissolve ver "No! Of course I don't, you dweeb." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I did. I know that was tough for you, but it's the path forward." mc "Curious about how it looked? You want to see?" scene w2_2820 with dissolve ver "Is that another one of your jokes?" scene w2_2819 with dissolve mc "Well, you laughed so hard last time I guess I got a little full of myself..." scene black with fade ver "So, what's next?" KN_MOD "Use intimacy to make her squirm.:" $ w2VeronicaSquirm = True $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Up to this point, Veronica had boldly endured everything the club had thrown at her. It hadn't been pretty, but she's faced her challenges with relative stoicism." "If she was undaunted by a room full of perverts, what hope was there for me to embarrass her when it was just the two of us?" "However, therein lied my answer: {b}it was just the two of us{/b}." mc "Hey, Veronica..." "The atmosphere of the club was the furthest away from intimate. It was a whole other world, outlandish and borderline surreal. Speaking from personal experience, underneath the hot lights of the stage and the leering gazes, it was easy to lose yourself in the moment." mc "Why don't you spread your legs for me right now?" scene w2_2778 with dissolve "This wasn't that. This was two people. Veronica, proprietor and Olympian, and me... the errand boy." scene w2_2774 with dissolve ver "Okay...?" scene w2_2821 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "If I wanted to make her squirm for the camera, I didn't need to be extreme. I simply needed to slow things down and bring it down to a personal level." scene w2_2822 with dissolve "........." scene w2_2823 with dissolve "......" scene w2_2824 with dissolve "..." scene w2_2825 with dissolve ver "What the hell are you doing? Aren't you going to snap a picture?" scene w2_2826 with dissolve mc "Ah, sorry." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2827 with flash "*Click*" scene w2_2828 with dissolve mc "Sorry, got a bit distracted admiring the body of a medal-winning Olympian." scene w2_2829 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "Don't give me that! You were just face deep in my cunt last Saturday." ver "Not to mention all the other times you've seen me naked." scene w2_2830 with dissolve mc "Do you tire of seeing the sunrise?" "It took strength to deliver that corny line so even-handedly, but I did it." scene w2_2831 with dissolve ver "Oh, just kill me..." "If it was physically possible, her eyes would've violently rolled to the back of her head." scene w2_2830 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >=21:" mc "Now touch yourself." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Next, I want you to rub yourself." scene w2_2832 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "She wasted no time in drawing her hand to her quim." scene w2_2834 with dissolve mc "When was the last time you masturbated?" scene w2_2835 with dissolve ver "...?" scene w2_2836 with dissolve mc "Just tell me. There's a purpose." scene w2_2833 with dissolve ver "I guess... yesterday?" scene w2_2834 with dissolve mc "You guess?" scene w2_2833 with dissolve ver "No, it was this morning..." scene w2_2834 with dissolve mc "Really now? Do you do it every day?" scene w2_2837 with dissolve ver "It's become... more frequent." scene w2_2838 with dissolve mc "Do you watch porn while you do it?" scene w2_2837 with dissolve ver "No - what's with these questions?" scene w2_2838 with dissolve mc "What do you think about?" scene w2_2839 with dissolve "Veronica looked at me like she was trying to figure me out." scene w2_2840 with dissolve ver "I think about a ton of different things..." scene w2_2841 with dissolve mc "Be specific." scene w2_2842 with dissolve ver "Lately I've been thinking about when I put that old bitch in her place. Fuck, that was hot..." scene w2_2843 with dissolve mc "You actually think about that night?" scene w2_2845 with dissolve ver "Hell, yeah. Well... that part of it. She's repulsive and a piece of crap, but that's what made her humiliation so fun." scene w2_2844 with dissolve mc "That's a pretty dangerous way to play the game, considering she's the one that decides the results." scene w2_2845 with dissolve ver "Maybe it is, but... I think she likes the dynamic it brings. Makes me a bigger target, but it makes her little circus more dramatic - and that's all she cares about." scene w2_2844 with dissolve mct "(Is she saying... she antagonizes Mrs. Pulman not only out of contempt or anger, but... on purpose?)" scene w2_2842 with dissolve ver "Did you enjoy watching that bitch get taken down a peg?" scene w2_2843 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her you honestly did:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "No harm in being honest." mc "Heh, hands down, it was the best part of the night." scene w2_2845 with dissolve ver "I hope I get the chance to turn the tables again. I wish more of those freaks got to see their queen bitch cream herself from having her fat, old ass spanked." scene w2_2844 with dissolve mc "You sound like her." scene w2_2842 with dissolve ver "It's a little different. It's not like I'm talking about punishing poor ol' Rosie." scene w2_2843 with dissolve "The smile on her face suggested to me she might also like to do that..." KN_MOD "Tell her she went too easy on her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I would've pushed her even harder. You took it easy on her." scene w2_2840 with dissolve ver "Nah, that woman's straight as an arrow. It wasn't just about roughing her up, I had to make her cum remember?" scene w2_2844 with dissolve mc "Right, yeah..." scene w2_2845 with dissolve ver "I pretty much fucking threaded the needle there." KN_MOD "Tell her that whole night runs together in your head.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That whole night is one big blur to me. It all runs together." scene w2_2844 with dissolve "That wasn't entirely true, I remembered certain parts of it in vivid details, but..." "Even though it was just a few weeks ago, it felt like a lifetime. So much had happened since in my normally slow and uneventful life." "I knew I felt something, but I couldn't remember if it was repulsion or arousal..." scene w2_2846 with dissolve mc "Anything else?" ver "Hmm...?" mc "What else do you think about when you touch yourself?" ver "What else..." scene w2_2847 with dissolve "She looked at me dubiously as if weighing exactly what she wanted to divulge." KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >= 11 or Veronica_Horniness >= 7:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 scene w2_2848 with dissolve ver "This morning I thought about when you ate me out." scene w2_2849 with dissolve "That was... surprising." scene w2_2850 with dissolve mc "Really?" scene w2_2849 with dissolve "I could feel the pure smugness creep across my face with her admission." scene w2_2848 with dissolve ver "That's right. What do you think about that, errand boy?" scene w2_2850 with dissolve mc "I'm surprised you're telling me that... why are you?" scene w2_2848 with dissolve ver "Because... I know what you're trying to do here. It's a good plan." ver "Go ahead, take it." scene w2_2851 with dissolve "She admitted something embarrassing, on purpose." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash mc "Beautiful." scene w2_2848 with dissolve ver "What do you want me to do next?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2845 with dissolve ver "I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to embarrass me." scene w2_2844 with dissolve mc "Guilty as charged. Are you going to answer the question then?" scene w2_2840 with dissolve ver "Hmm... well, I mean... there's all sorts of things. I have a pretty active imagination." scene w2_2841 with dissolve mc "What did you think about this morning?" KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" scene w2_2840 with dissolve ver "Blondie." scene w2_2841 with dissolve mc "You mean Felicia?" scene w2_2840 with dissolve ver "No. Mina." "...heh, yeah. That makes sense." "I couldn't fault her for that." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2845 with dissolve ver "Oh, you know. Odds and ends. Recollections and past feelings." scene w2_2844 with dissolve mc "Really? You can do that?" scene w2_2845 with dissolve ver "Oh yeah. When it comes to arousal, women aren't as visual as men." "Unfortunately, that admission didn't seem to bother the Amazon." scene w2_2852 with dissolve mc "Can't you give me..." scene w2_2853 with dissolve ver "What are you talking about?" ver "I'm knuckle deep in my snatch here, it IS embarrassing. DO you think I'm a robot?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2854 with dissolve "*Click*" "That's it. That's the look." mc "You hide it pretty well." scene w2_2848 with dissolve ver "I know. So... what do you want me to do next?" scene w2_2855 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." scene w2_2856 with dissolve mc "Crawl." scene w2_2857 with dissolve ver "Again?" scene w2_2856 with dissolve mc "Crawl to me." scene w2_2856 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2858 with dissolve ver "Oooookay." scene w2_2859 with dissolve "With a slight shrug, she got down on all fours and closed the short distance between us." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_2860 with dissolve ver "Now what?" scene w2_2859 with dissolve mc "Now I want you to... lick me." scene w2_2862 with dissolve ver "Where?" scene w2_2861 with dissolve mc "Nothing obscene, just..." scene w2_2863 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "Lick me like an affectionate puppy." KN_MOD "else:" mc "My leg. Like a dog would." scene w2_2864 with dissolve "Instead of grumbling, Veronica lowered her neck, brought her lips to my shin, and..." "And..." "AAAAND...." scene w2_2865 with dissolve "Gave my leg a short, cute, tiny tickle that only remotely resembled a lick." scene w2_2866 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "Come on, you can do better than that." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Put a little more heart into it, please." ver "Mmmmph..." scene w2_2867 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "A little more begrudgement begat a more exploratory lick." scene w2_2868 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "While she worked her way up and down my shin, I made sure to take as many pictures as I could." scene w2_2869 with dissolve "Most would be trash, but a few were guaranteed to be keepers." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaHeated == True:" "She proved to be shockingly dutiful in her treatment." scene w2_2870 with dissolve "The next thing that happened came out of left field." "Veronica brought her face low to the ground in a face down, ass up position and hovered her head above my shoe." scene w2_2871 with dissolve "Next she looked up at me with the most sex-oozing glare I could ever picture, full of devious intent and willful submission." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2872 with dissolve "*Click*" mct "(Ha...!)" "She kissed the tip of my sneakers without a trace of hesitation. Entirely of her own volition." KN_MOD "else:" "She proved competent and unflinching when it came to the task." scene w2_2873 with dissolve ver "You get some good shots?" scene w2_2874 with dissolve "I simply nodded." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "Good. What next?" scene w2_2879 with dissolve mc "We need something more substantial." ver "\"Substantial\", huh?" scene w2_2880 with dissolve "She looked like she had an idea." scene w2_2881 with dissolve mc "What is it?" scene w2_2882 with dissolve ver "I do have some toys here." scene w2_2883 with dissolve "I must have looked at her quizzically, because she answered what I was thinking." scene w2_2884 with dissolve ver "I live here, remember? Where else would I keep them? A girl has needs." scene w2_2885 with dissolve mc "You want to use them?" "She's had a large amount of control over the day's proceedings, which for some reason, felt ungratifying." scene w2_2886 with dissolve ver "You got something else in mind?" scene w2_2885 with dissolve mc "No. Go get your toys." scene w2_2887 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >= 13:" ver "Be right back, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Be right back, errand boy." scene black with fade "......" "..." "Veronica wasted no time as soon as she got back." scene w2_2888 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "The massager whirled to life, the walls of the near-empty locker room carrying the soft drone of its motor with a blaring clarity." scene w2_2889 with dissolve stop sound fadeout 2.0 $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/vib-ongoing.wav" "A blaring clarity that dulled as she pressed the head of the wand against her vulva." ver "Ah..." play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene verog_d01_a with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "The moment the tool touched her sex, a quiet moan left her lips." mc "You're feeling it that fast?" ver "Shut up. Do your job." scene verog_d01_a with dissolve show verog_d01 mct "(My job...)" "This has yet to feel like one." "All the while I paused to consider my position, Veronica had fully and shamelessly set on the task of pleasuring herself, running the massager down the length of her labia and coaxing her sweet spot from its hood." "Of course, I had taken a couple of pictures in the meantime, but I wasn't close to being done." "Veronica was at the helm of this ship and she knew these waters well. Given enough time, the camera's eye would catch even more lovely and debauched expressions." mc "I want you to keep going. Keep pleasuring yourself, as if I'm not even here." ver "Mmh..." scene w2_2890 with dissolve "She pressed the tool firmly into her crotch before I could even finish my words, causing the flexible rubber head of the wand to crane and conform to the contours of her sex." ver "...alright." scene verog_d02_a with dissolve show verog_d02 mct "(...did I even have to tell her?)" ver "A~ha..." "Taking \"pretending I'm not here\" to heart, Veronica relaxed her neck and tightly shut her eyes." ver "Aha, aha..." "It shouldn't take long before her normally even-keeled expression is gnarled by physical indulgence and I would get the shots that I was looking for." "I enjoyed the show for a few minutes, watching the Amazon work her lower mouth with relentless repetition. " scene verog_d01_a with dissolve show verog_d01 "Veronica's wrist never seemed to tire or falter from pleasure, she just continued to press the massager into her genitalia, using a soft rocking motion to tease and stimulate her now erect pink nub." ver "Aha, aha, aha..." "She was lost in her own little world, freely letting faint moans escape her throat without any care for my presence." "That, the dull buzz of the messager, and the sporadic click of the camera's shutter was all that filled the room." scene verog_d02_a with dissolve show verog_d02 "......" "..." ver "Ha... ha...! Come to think of it, I've never masturbated in front of another person before. Not my wife, not a f-fling...!" mc "Why would you, when there's better things you can be doing with them? Are you suddenly feeling self-conscious?" ver "Not so suddenly..." "Even while she spoke, she didn't miss a beat. Her hand never ceased." scene w2_2891 with dissolve ver "Ah, f-fuck...!" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" "That was the look I was searching for. A surge of pleasure racked Veronica's body, causing her face to morph into something unkempt and erotic." scene w2_2892 with dissolve ver "Mmh...!" mc "Don't stop!" "Caught up in the moment, wanting her to go even further, I involuntarily barked out a command." mct "(Again, not that I had to tell her...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene verog_d03_a with dissolve show verog_d03 "Her free hand found its way to her breasts, roughly cupping it while her other kept on task by increasing the tempo." "Her eyes grew progressively more unfocused. Her soft pink tongue peeked out of her mouth and the corner of her lip furled in concentration." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaHeated == True:" "If going hands-on with Veronica before the shoot hadn't already stoked my desire, this wanton show would have done the job." KN_MOD "else:" "Everything leading up to this in the shoot was hot, but with this particular moment, the flame of desire was fully ignited in me." "I was rock fucking hard." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash "Her lower body swayed as if to meet the mounting bliss half-way, working in tandem with her hand to climb the peaks of pleasure." ver "Mmmhhaa...!" "Her moans went from faint and intermittent to lusty and sharp." ver "Mmmh, ah~ ah...!" "I wanted to ask if she was faking, but with just me and her, she had no reason to in this situation." mct "(So she's a screamer...)" mct "(She is intense, no surprise it extends even to the bedroom...)" $, 1.5, channel = "music") scene w2_2909 with pixellate "......" scene w2_2910 with vpunch "..." mct "(Then again, I guess I learned that from when she almost popped my head like a melon...)" $, 2, channel = "music") scene verog_d04_a with pixellate show verog_d04 ver "Mfffh...!" "She must have shared in my thoughts, as her hand moved from her breast and up to her mouth in an attempt to squash her self-indulgent moans." ver "Mffhha... mhaa....!" mct "(Seems like a waste this isn't a video...)" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(I bet Mrs. Pulman would love to hear this.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I bet Kathleen would love to hear this.)" mct "(Veronica might have taken best shoot from her cries alone if that was the case.)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" ver "Mmmf! Ah~hhha...~" "Whether it was intentional or not, she was putting on quite the show." "Her whole body became part of the act and the way she half-heartedly covered her mouth was uncharacteristically cute." "While I was enjoying the sight and sounds, my eyes wondered over to the pink dildo that Veronica had scrounged up alongside the massager." ver "Mmh...! Mh...!" "It was simply laying to her side, lonely and unused, and the Amazon's mouth was looking conspicuously unoccupied apart from the stifled moans being pried from her lips." scene w2_2893 with dissolve "It gave me an idea." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Use the dildo to plug that hole.:" "Seeing as she went to the trouble of retrieving it, it would be a shame not to make use of it, even if it wasn't for its intended use." scene w2_2894 with dissolve ver "Ah~hammf..." mct "(This should make for a nice final flourish, I think.)" scene w2_2895 with dissolve ver "MffHa... ha....!" scene w2_2896 with dissolve mc "Veronica..." ver "Ah..! Mmmf..!" mc "Veronica!" scene w2_2897 with dissolve ver "Ah...? W-what?" mc "Open your mouth." scene w2_2898 with dissolve "She gave me a long look, before her eyes fixated on the pink toy in my hand and came to an understanding." scene w2_2899 with dissolve ver "Ohhwkay~" "Given the situation, she was being compliant." KN_MOD "if toughness >=20:" mc "Let's see how much you can take." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Let me know if I go too deep." scene w2_2900 with dissolve "Slowly, I worked the fake cock past the Amazon's parted lips." scene w2_2901 with dissolve "Veronica's mouth openly accepted the foreign invader as it gently worked its way past her tongue." ver "Gwuh..." scene w2_2902 with dissolve "Until the gratuitously pink phallic toy was close to knocking against the back of her throat." ver "Mmhw..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" with flash scene w2_2903 with dissolve "Her dumb expression was pure gold for the camera, and at the same time, she never ceased working toward her own gratification." mct "(Hmm...)" "I do have room to work the dildo down a little further. The angle might make it a tad unpleasant for Veronica, though..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Deep throat this bitch:" $ w2VeroShootPoints +=1 "...yes, I would VERY much like to see just how far she can take it." scene w2_2904 with vpunch ver "*Cough...!* Hwack...! Kha...!" "Slowly but firmly, the toy touched the back of the Amazon's throat, causing her to momentarily sputter." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_2905 with vpunch "*Click*" ver "*Cough...!* Kha...! Ha...! Heah..." scene w2_2906 with dissolve "I held it there, going no further for maybe a dozen seconds, to allow her time to adjust to its occupancy. Amazingly, she didn't try rebuff any further advance." mc "I'm going all the way to the base now. Are you ready?" ver "Gwhooo whetehvar...!" scene w2_2907 with vpunch "Bending the toy so that it would snake down her throat, I made the final push for complete 100 percent deepthroat." ver "*Cough!* Fhwe...! Khak...!" scene w2_2908 with dissolve mc "Breathe through your nose." ver "Guhh... *Cough!* Kha... euch..." KN_MOD "if toughness >=20:" mc "You doing alright? You okay?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You okay? You want me to take it...?" scene w2_2911 with dissolve ver "*Cough* Ghuhh..." "Rather than answer me..." scene w2_2908 with dissolve ver "Ah... mmh....ghwwa..." "Her coughing rescinded and was replaced by the previous sounds of self-debasement." scene w2_2911 with dissolve ver "Ah...!" "The pleasure from the massager had won out over her discomfort..." scene w2_2912 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mc "I'll let you hold it yourself, I'm going to get some final pictures." KN_MOD "This is far enough, focus on getting the final shots.:" scene w2_2913 with dissolve mc "You doing alright? You okay?" scene w2_2911 with dissolve ver "Ahwhuh...! *Cough!* Hwahk..." "My question prompted an involuntarily nod, causing the toy to scrape against the back of her throat and making the Amazon momentarily sputter." mc "Heh, sorry for asking..." scene w2_2912 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mc "I'll let you hold it yourself, I'm going to get some final pictures." scene verog_d05_a with dissolve show verog_d05 "Positioning myself back at the foot of the bench, I got the last handful of shots while Veronica carried on -- a silicone dick hanging out of her mouth and a gray massager snuggled against her twat." "A far cry from the woman in the posters adorning the gym, but oddly enough in a fucked-up way, a formidable image in its own right." "After securing the final photos, I let the thing carry on more than necessary." "Veronica was off in her own little world and I didn't mind idly standing by and watching." scene black with fade "Still, all good things must come to an end." scene w2_2925 with fade mc "Hmmm... that's enough." KN_MOD "Use your own personal tool for the deed.:" $ w2VeronicaTBag = True $ Veronica_Horniness +=1 $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 "While the obnoxiously pink fake cock would've been fun to use, it also planted another idea in my head." scene w2_2914 with dissolve mc "Veronica..." ver "Ah..! Mmmf..!" scene w2_2896 with dissolve mc "Veronica...!" scene w2_2897 with dissolve ver "Ah...? W-what?" scene w2_2915 with dissolve mc "I'm going to do something you're not going to be happy with, but you'll trust me right?" mc "It's all for making those perverted bastards happy." scene w2_2897 with dissolve ver "Mffh... ha... ah? Eh..." ver "W-whatever, just do what you're thinking." scene w2_2915 with dissolve "Not for a second while processing my request did she slow down working her lower mouth." KN_MOD "if toughness >=22:" mct "(What a horny bitch.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(She's really, REALLY feeling it.)" scene black with fade "She watched me undress with clouded, half-lidded eyes, but she didn't stop me." scene w2_2916 with dissolve ver "Ah... what are you..." play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_2917 with vpunch "*Plop*" "My answer came when I shadowed Veronica's cute button nose with my erect dick and blanketed her forehead with my heavy balls." scene w2_2918 with dissolve ver "Gh...!" "The warmth of Veronica's face felt heavenly to the underside of my dick." mc "Trust me, the old lady will eat this up." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" scene verog_d06_a with dissolve show verog_d06 "--it also came with the added bonus of me enjoying the dominant, humiliating position I was holding over her." mc "Don't worry about what I'm doing up here, just keep doing what you're doing." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True or w2VeronicaMean == True:" mc "... yeah, just keep masturbating while you've got my balls on your forehead, bitch." "The position DEFINITELY went to my head." mc "That's all you need to worry about." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Just keep doing what you're doing." ver "Ah... mmh....ghwwa..." "Shockingly, she did just that. She didn't scoff, crack or joke, or rebuff me: she simply returned to her self-indulgence with nary a peep." ver "Ah... fhwa..." scene verog_d07_a with dissolve show verog_d07 play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mct "(Come to think of it, I haven't showered since I worked out...)" "Somehow, that made the whole thing better in my perverted mind." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Humiliate her further:" $ w2VeroShootPoints +=1 scene w2_2919 with dissolve mc "You like the smell of sweaty balls?" mc "You haven't slowed down." scene w2_2920 with dissolve ver "Ah...! Ah..! Sh-shut..." scene w2_2919 with dissolve ver "Mmhh..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mc "You can't really pretend otherwise in this situation." scene w2_2920 with dissolve ver "Shut up, it's f-for the shoot--" scene w2_2921 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_2922 with vpunch "*Smack*" mc "Get a good whiff of it, cunt." scene w2_2919 with dissolve ver "Mfg... ha..." "All the while, the massager remained snugly hugging her twat." mc "Not just that, give it a little lick -- for the camera, of course." scene w2_2920 with dissolve ver "Ah... you fucking.." scene w2_2921 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_2922 with vpunch "*Smack*" scene w2_2923 with dissolve mc "I said LICK the underside of my shaft, bitch." scene w2_2920 with dissolve ver "Ah... whatever." scene w2_2924 with dissolve ver "Mfwww..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" "Instead of wasting her breath, she relented to my request, gingerly running the underside of her tongue across the bottom of my shaft." scene w2_2919 with dissolve "It was quick, so quick that I almost missed it, but I got the shot." scene verog_d07_a with dissolve show verog_d07 "I wasn't going to push my luck trying to get anything else out of her." KN_MOD "Dont make this anymore unpleasant for Veronica.:" "No, this is enough. Even if the primary purpose is taking a bunch of depraved photos, I'm also already taking advantage here." "After securing the final photos, I let the thing carry on more than necessary." "Veronica was off in her own little world and I didn't mind idly standing by and enjoying the sensation of her hot breath tickling my junk." "A far cry from the woman in the posters adorning the gym, but oddly enough in a fucked-up way, a formidable image in its own right." scene black with fade "Veronica continued on for a little bit after I slinked away to get dressed, but eventually all good things must come to an end." scene w2_2926 with fade mc "Hmmm... that's enough." stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "Mmmfh... ha... ha...!" scene w2_2927 with dissolve mc "Veronica, that's enough. You can stop." ver "H-huh...? What...?" play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" mc "I've got all the shots I need. You can stop." scene w2_2928 with dissolve "A striking look of disappointment wore plain as day on her face and her hand conspicuously kept moving." ver "Are you sure? I'm al-almost..." ver "Almost..." mc "The shoot's over. You can stop--" ver "Almost... almost... ah, fuck!" $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene w2_2929 with dissolve "As if coming to her senses, the Amazon angrily sprang up." scene w2_2930 with dissolve scene w2_2931 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" stop ambient ver "God damn it!" "It was quite the loud impact given how big and empty the locker room was." scene w2_2932 with dissolve mc "...uh, you should treat your precious things better..." scene w2_2933 with dissolve ver "{b}Shut up{/b}. Shut up, shut up, {b}shut up{/b}!" scene w2_2934 with dissolve "Veronica looked confuddled, an extreme look of frustration -with a hint of shame- on her face." "Her eyes were pointing my way, but they weren't looking at me." "She was looking past me, the walls, past the city itself." ver "......" ver "..." scene w2_2935 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Abruptly, she stood up and came face to face with me." "Her agitation was concerning enough when it was undirected and aloof, but now that it was pointed at me..." scene w2_2936 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroW2GymSceneGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.veroW2GymSceneGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." "I felt a genuine unease." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >=10 and w2VeronicaHeated == True or Veronica_Horniness >=8:" scene w2_2937 with dissolve ver "Damn it, it wasn't... I'm so..." KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaphotoshootExtended" KN_MOD "else:" stop music scene w2_2939 with dissolve ver "I can't believe I even considered that..." scene w2_2940 with dissolve mc "Considered what?" scene w2_2939 with dissolve ver "Don't worry about it. We're done here, I guess?" scene w2_2940 with dissolve mc "Yeah... that was an interesting set." scene w2_2943 with dissolve ver "Then I'm going to go de-stress in the sauna for a bit. Let yourself out, I'm kinda sick of looking at you." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" scene w2_2944 with dissolve mc "Heh, you say that, but..." ## Flashback "I wanted to talk with Veronica more and try to figure out just how Samson figured into her business." ver "...but?" scene w2_2944 with dissolve mc "Mind if I join you for a soak?" scene w2_2945 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_2944 with dissolve mc "The place is closed and it's not like we haven't seen each other--" scene w2_2946 with dissolve ver "Stop talking. Just..." ver "Just... ah, just give me a second to fire it up." scene w2_2947 with dissolve mc "Hehe, thanks! If you're still sick of me, I can sit in the corner or something." scene black with fade KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaFlag" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2945 with dissolve "Seeing no reason to stick around, and not wanting to piss her off more than she already seemed to be, I thought that wasn't a bad idea." scene w2_2944 with dissolve mc "Enjoy your soak." scene w2_2948 with dissolve ver "Pssh, yeah." scene w2_2949 with dissolve ver "Fuck, is it broken?!" scene black with fade "Yeah, just gonna \"de-stress in the sauna\", huh?" "......" "..." mc "Have fun." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight2" KN_MOD "label w2VeronicaphotoshootExtended:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionveronica02 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_2938 with dissolve mc "You're what?" scene w2_2940 with dissolve "Once again, the towering woman narrowed her focus on me." scene w2_2942 with dissolve "Her face was sullen and apprehensive, like a prisoner on her way to execution." scene w2_2939 with dissolve ver "Ugh..." scene w2_2940 with dissolve "Her stare bore a hole right through me, while seemingly weighing something tumultuous in her head." scene w2_2941 with dissolve ver "I can't believe I'm going to do this." mc "Do wha--" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_2950 with hpunch mc "Eheh?" scene w2_2951 with dissolve "A strong push had me pinned against the wall." scene w2_2952 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >=13:" ver "That wasn't satisfying for you either, was it [mcf]?" KN_MOD "else:" ver "That wasn't satisfying for you either, was it errand boy?" scene w2_2951 with dissolve "I knew what she was getting at, yet I still asked smugly." scene w2_2953 with dissolve mc "What do you possibly mean?" scene w2_2954 with dissolve ver "Don't make this more painful than it already is for me." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaTBag == True:" ver "You just spent five minutes with your disgusting cock sitting on my face. I could see how big and hard you were during that pet play shit too." KN_MOD "else:" ver "I could see how big and hard you were during all that pet play shit." scene w2_2953 with dissolve mc "Yeah, and...?" scene w2_2955 with dissolve ver "I don't know why, but this past week I've been especially... ah..." scene w2_2957 with dissolve "She trailed off almost with a plaintive whimper." scene w2_2956 with dissolve ver "It's... it's fucking torture to just stop like that, okay?!" scene w2_2958 with dissolve mc "I know I said stop, but you could've finished if you wanted." ver "I'm past that satisfying me, I need--" ver "Ah, ugh! Listen... I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine." "Despite her cute consternation, she succeeded in mustering her typical brand of bluntness." scene w2_2959 with dissolve ver "This is a one-time offer." scene w2_2960 with dissolve "I never anticipated Veronica sticking her neck out like this, she must be really pent up." scene w2_2961 with dissolve mc "So you want to do a little quid pro quo?" scene w2_2959 with dissolve ver "I don't know what the hell that means." scene w2_2961 with dissolve mc "It's Latin for--" scene w2_2962 with dissolve ver "Can it. Just give me your answer, before I die of humiliation." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_2960 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Scratch Veronicas back.:" $ w2VeronicaScratch = True $ Veronica_Affection += 3 $ Veronica_Horniness += 2 scene w2_2961 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Seems like a big itch, but I'll try my best." KN_MOD "Turn her offer of satisfaction down.:" scene w2_2963 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "I..." mc "I don't think you broke your massager. I think that would be a better alternative than what I could provide you." scene w2_2964 with dissolve "I did my best to look conciliatory." ver "..." scene w2_2965 with dissolve ver "Fuck. I can't believe I even considered that." scene w2_2966 with dissolve mc "Things did get pretty heated there, plus you didn't get a chance to finish." scene w2_2965 with dissolve "I tried to sound understanding without it being too embarrassing for her." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" scene w2_2968 with dissolve ver "*Sigh* I think I'm just going to de-stress in the sauna. You want to join?" scene w2_2967 with dissolve "To my shock, she extended an unexpected invitation my way." mc "Actually..." ## Flashback "I did want to talk with Veronica more and try to figure out just how Samson figured into her business." scene w2_2967 with dissolve mc "You're asking me to sit in the sauna with you?" scene w2_2968 with dissolve ver "It's dangerous to soak alone. I could pass out and no one would know." scene w2_2967 with dissolve mc "I'm just giving you a hard time. I don't need convincing." scene w2_2968 with dissolve ver "Give me a sec then, it takes a minute to fire up." scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaFlag" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_2968 with dissolve ver "Actually, I'm just going to go de-stress in the sauna for a bit. Let yourself out, will ya? I'm too embarrassed to look at you." scene w2_2967 with dissolve "Seeing no reason to stick around, I thought that wasn't a bad idea." mc "Enjoy your soak." scene w2_2948 with dissolve ver "Pssh, yeah." scene w2_2949 with dissolve ver "Fuck, is it broken?!" scene black with fade "Yeah, just gonna \"de-stress in the sauna\", huh?" "......" "..." mc "Have fun." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight2" scene w2_2969 with dissolve ver "Ha. Just shut up." scene w2_2970 with dissolve "........." scene w2_2971 with dissolve "......" scene w2_2972 with dissolve "..." scene w2_2973 with dissolve mc "Uh, how should we do this?" scene w2_2974 with dissolve ver "Last Saturday..." ver "Is {i}ninty-nine percent{/i} the reason I even considered this." scene verog_tt_a with dissolve show verog_tt mc "Hmmm, I don't know..." mc "I think I have other things I'd rather do with my mouth." ver "Then wha--" mc "Two things actually. One right now and the other for when you're satisfied.." ver "Confi--" scene w2_2975 with vpunch ver "Ah...!" mc "Egotistical." "Her nipples were still sensitive from earlier. I would use that." scene w2_2976 with dissolve "I got down on my knees in front of her on the cold, hard floor." scene w2_2977 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "The position immediately gave me an appreciation for what I just put Veronica through." mc "You mind if I begin?" "Like this, Veronica towered over me. Even more than usual." ver "..." "It added an exciting edge to the situation." scene w2_2978 with dissolve ver "Hurry up." scene verog_tt2_a with dissolve show verog_tt2 "My plan was to use my fingers, but first I wanted to take a taste for myself." ver "~!" "I latched onto to the tip of her breast, savoring the feeling of having the whole of her pebble-like areola between my lips." "Lightly I held her nipple in place with my teeth, while I used the tip of my tongue to tease the engorged nub and coat it with saliva." ver "Damn it, even this feels good..." scene verog_tt3_a with dissolve show verog_tt3 "Making it feel even better was my goal, so I brought my hand up to her lower entrance and started to lightly rub the outer folds of her labia." ver "Ha... ~ah..." "No penetration. Not yet." ver "That..." "I wanted to tease the overwrought woman a little." "The tip of my finger found its way to her clit, still peeking out from its hood thanks to Veronica's earlier masturbation." ver "Mma...!" "The way this small little nub gave me control over Veronica's body felt like magic." ver "Ah, fhu..." "Simply rubbing it wrenched all sorts of funny sounds from the Amazon's vocal cords." "Next was..." stop music scene w2_2979 with vpunch ver "Mhuhm..!" play music "music/guiton-sketch.ogg" scene verog_tt4_a with dissolve show verog_tt4 "I sunk two fingers knuckle deep inside the Amazon and got to work." "Her cunt greedily accepted them." "*Schlick... schlick...*" "My digits steadily worked their way in and out with absolutely no effort, her insides already well-lubricated and primed to go." ver "Mmmh...!" "Likewise, I worked her teat with a similar low, but unremitting intensity, wanting to take my time in escalating things." ver "Mmmh...! {b}Mmmh...!{/b}" "The proof that the joint attack was effective lay in the sweet moans it wrested out of Veronica, growing in volume and frequency that matched my own rising roughness." "Try as she might to keep a lid on it and keep me from that satisfaction." scene verog_tt5_a with dissolve show verog_tt5 ver "Is this how you got this job? Working that old bitch like this?" "I ignored the question, not wanting to stop my attack on her breast, but Veronica carried on." ver "Come on, tell me." scene w2_2980 with dissolve mc "Does the thought of that turn you on?" scene w2_2981 with dissolve ver "Of course not." scene w2_2980 with dissolve mc "Liar." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaSquirm == True:" "I knew that to be the case, she had admitted to masturbating to what she did to Mrs. Pulman after all." scene w2_2982 with dissolve ver "I was just curious how a dweeb like you got a job like this." mct "(You want to play it like that, huh?)" scene w2_2980 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >=21:" mc "Just go back to moaning, you bitch." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Okay then..." $, 1, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene verog_mt1_a with dissolve show verog_mt1 ver "O-oh!" "With added vigor, I was finished talking and set to task with the goal of turning Veronica into an insensate, quivering puddle of sex." ver "Ghh-, oh-, fhu~" "Long and deep strokes, hammering away consistently at her cunt." ver "Ah... ah... why am I letting you..." scene w2_2983 with dissolve ver "Why am I letting you..." mc "You know why." scene w2_2984 with dissolve ver "Mmmh...!" mc "It feels good." scene verog_mt2_a with dissolve show verog_mt2 ver "Fwhu, you-" "Whether through instinct or need, Veronica pulled me closer and slammed my face square into her bosom." mc "Just drop the pretense and enjoy yourself." "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!*" ver "Mmmh, ha...!" "*Schlick! *Schlick...!*" "Honestly, this was more her than me. She was so pent up that any warm touch would probably set her off." "Her cunt was doing its best to receive me, offering no resistance and clinging to my fingers like they were a cock about to deposit a fat load of jizz." "The way she firmly cradled my head, holding it to her chest like a lover added to my excitement." "I was going to push this fiery and crass woman to the edge and physically feel, skin-to-skin, the effects cumming her brains out had on her body." scene verog_mt1_a with dissolve show verog_mt1 "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!*" mc "Down here is very agreeable... it's a pretty big contrast to your normal attitude." mc "Are you normally this horny?" ver "Ah... I got a big sex drive, okay? This past month though..." scene verog_mt3_a with dissolve show verog_mt3 ver "Fuck! It's like it's been kicked into overdrive~" ver "Mmha...!" mc "Really...?" mc "You're a perverted woman deep down, aren't you?" ver "Fuck you, it sure as shit has nothing to do with the club! It's just..." ver "Ah, s-shut up and let me cum in peace, you dumbass." scene verog_mt2_a with dissolve show verog_mt2 KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaMean == True or w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "Don't let me stop you, bitch. Go ahead!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Don't let me stop you!" "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!*" ver "Oooh... ah... ah... ah..." "*Schlick! *Schlick...!*" "Her grip on my shoulder tightened, achingly as she hugged me even closer." ver "Ah... ah... ah...!" "Erratic bursts of hot air pelted my forehead and her moans were delivered straight into my ear at an expeditious rate." "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!*" "My right hand was absolutely splattered and coated in her juices, the reward of a vigorous and unrelenting finger fucking." "*Schlick! *Schlick...!*" "The ball of my wrist positively ached..." "The tips of her fingers dug painfully deep into the flesh of my back..." ver "Mmh, ssh-shi...!" scene w2_2985 with hpunch mc "Ugh!" "With a great surge of violence and shocking strength, Veronica squeezed the ever-loving shit out of me." scene w2_2986 with flash $, 1, channel = "ambient") "So did her lower half, clenching hard around my finger like a vice as a copious amount of femcum spurted from the plugged hole." ver "Ghe...!" $, 1, channel = "ambient") scene verog_mt4_a with dissolve show verog_mt4 "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!*" ver "Ghehehyeee~" "*Schlick! *Schlick...!*" "Despite her death grip on me, rendering me almost unable to breathe, and despite her clear satisfaction, my right hand didn't cease." ver "Ohssshit.. ghh..." "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!*" "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!* *Schlick! *Schlick...!*" scene w2_2987 with flash $, 1, channel = "ambient") "More." scene w2_2986 with flash "More and more..." scene w2_2987 with dissolve mc "Fuck, that's a lot!" scene verog_mt5_a with dissolve show verog_mt5 "Her last orgasm freed me from her crushing hold, her arms falling limply to the side." ver "Ghe.. .heh... ahaeheh..." "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!* *Schlick! *Schlick...!*" ver "Ah... ah..." "*Schlick..! *Fwhip..!* *Sckhlick..!*" ver "Ha..." "*Schlick...*" stop ambient stop music fadeout 3.0 $, 1, channel = "ambient") scene verog_mt5_a with dissolve ver "Fuck." scene w2_2988 with dissolve "As soon as the fervor died, so did the strength in her legs." ver "Ha... damn it, [mcf]. That was..." ver "Fuck." "Having her like this, so close and so helpless, reminded me of the {b}second{/b} thing I had wanted to do with my mouth..." play music "music/soft-feeling.ogg" scene w2_2989 with dissolve ver "Mmphf?!" "Before she could see it coming, I planted a surprise kiss on her lips. It felt like I was grabbing the tiger by its tail." "As much as she could physically muster in her state, her body physically tensed up in a flash of bewilderment." scene verog_kiss1_a with dissolve show verog_kiss1 "Only a flash though, as she quickly receded back into her post-orgasm fog and accepted my haphazard advance." ver "Mmmh...." "My tongue found easy passage into her mouth and was soon mingling with her own." "Her lips are so soft..." ver "Mmmh... mhhh..." scene verog_kiss2_a with dissolve show verog_kiss2 "To my utter disbelief, cooing softly, she absentmindedly returned the kiss. Not vigorously, or even tenderly... it was more like soft, instinctive acceptance." "*Chup~ fwhup~*" ver "Emmm~hum...." "......." "..." scene w2_2990 with dissolve ver "...eeuh?" stop music scene w2_2991 with hpunch "Unfortunately, it was all too brief. Mustering her strength, Veronica came to her sense and parted our kiss with a light shove." ver "Fucker." ver "I didn't say you could do that." scene w2_2992 with dissolve "Despite her words, she didn't seem too angry about it." scene w2_2993 with dissolve ver "So I guess it's yo--" scene w2_2994 with dissolve mc "It's my turn?" scene w2_2995 with dissolve ver "...eager, aren't you?" scene w2_2994 with dissolve mc "You have no idea how turned on I am right now." scene w2_2995 with dissolve ver "Actually, I do." ver "Now..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroW2ScratchGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.veroW2ScratchGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) KN_MOD "label w2VeronicaEdwinScratch:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionveronica04 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Did you urinate on Veronica during the Week 1 exhibition?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes, I peed on her.:" $ w1ExVeroPissedOn = True KN_MOD "No, thats disgusting!.:" pass show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Did you talk to Veronica harshly during the photo shoot?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes. Whos a good doggy?:" $ w2VeronicaMean = True $ w2VeronicaDog = True KN_MOD "No.:" pass show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade ver "A deal is a deal." scene w2_2996 with dissolve play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" mc "Here?" ver "You're going to make a mess." scene w2_2997 with dissolve ver "I just mopped." scene w2_2998 with dissolve "With an almost alarmingly firm grip, the red-headed woman wrapped her hand tightly around my stiffened cock." scene w2_2997 with dissolve ver "Shit, what should I do with this?" scene w2_2999 with dissolve "Slowly she worked her palm down the length of my shaft to the base." mc "You play both sides, right? You should have a pretty good idea. " scene w2_3000 with dissolve "The term \"withering glare\" took on a colorful new meaning." scene w2_3001 with dissolve ver "I'm usually not staring down the business end." scene verog_lick_a with dissolve show verog_lick "*Chwulp*" "With that as a lead in, Veronica tested the waters, giving the head of my cock a series of exploratory licks." "*Fwulp*" "Her tongue, as warm and soft as it was, ineptly prodded the underside of my glans." "It was..." mct "(Not very stimulating.)" "Patiently, I waited, hoping this was a prelude to something more satisfying, but..." "*Chwulp*" "*Fwulp*" "It was more of the same woeful teasing." mc "Veronica, this is nice and all, but..." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaMean == True or w2VeronicaDog == True:" mc "You shouldn't play with your food. I'm dying here." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'm dying here. How about something else?" scene w2_3003 with dissolve ver "Hmmm, yeah..." scene w2_3002 with dissolve "Veronica looked at a bona fide loss." scene w2_3003 with dissolve ver "Well, you want to be the one to do it?" scene w2_3002 with dissolve mc "You want me to lead?" scene w2_3003 with dissolve ver "I don't care. Whatever is quickest." scene w2_3002 with dissolve "Her business-like demeanor was patently unsexy and wasn't helping things." scene w2_3004 with dissolve "Part of me wanted to insist she put forth at least a modicum of effort." "Then again, having control over the imposing woman would be thrilling in its own right." stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Insist that she does the work.:" $ w2VeronicaTop = True mc "C'mon, it's not brain surgery. It's not like I half-assed it." scene w2_3002 with dissolve mc "Fulfill your side of the bargain. Treat me however you want. Just make it fun." scene w2_3003 with dissolve ver "Really?" scene w2_3002 with dissolve mc "Really." scene w2_3005 with dissolve ver "I can do whatever I want?" scene w2_3004 with dissolve mc "I'm just asking you to put your back into it." scene w2_3005 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >= 13:" ver "Careful with your phrasing, [mcf]!" KN_MOD "else:" ver "Careful with your phrasing, errand boy!" scene black with fade mc "H-huh?" scene w2_3006 with cmet play music "music/ninja-tortoise.ogg" "Next thing I knew, I was hoisted off the ground and in the Amazon's arms." mc "What are you--" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_3007 with vpunch "The next {b}next{/b} thing, I was flat on my back with Veronica looming over me like a giant." scene w2_3008 with dissolve mct "(Did she just... lick her chops?)" scene w2_3009 with dissolve ver "What am I doing? It sounded like a challenge. If you want me to put my back into it, I will." ver "Just know, you've revoked your right to complain." scene w2_3008 with dissolve mc "Complain?" "If anything, her change in demeanor was refreshing." mc "I like the view so far." scene w2_3009 with dissolve ver "Give me your legs." scene black with fade "I had every intention of complying, but she beat me to the punch, roughly grabbing my legs and lifting my hips up in the air." scene w2_3011 with dissolve mc "...this is new, it's like I'm the woman." scene w2_3010 with dissolve "Veronica had full leverage over me. I was at her mercy." scene w2_3012 with dissolve ver "You look good on your back, slut." scene w2_3011 with dissolve mc "This is cool and all, but what can you do in a position like this?" scene w2_3010 with dissolve "Like this, my dick was pointed toward me, dangling preciously under the weight of gravity and the small shifts in Veronica's body weight." scene w2_3012 with dissolve ver "For a pervert, you lack imagination." scene w2_3010 with dissolve "On the plus side, the feeling of the Amazon's right breast resting heavily on my balls was nice." "It felt warm and the way her pointed nipple tickled the underside of my scrotum was pleasant in its own small way." scene w2_3013 with dissolve ver "Like this, I can watch all the little twisted expressions your face is about to make." scene w2_3014 with dissolve "With the added provocation, Veronica grabbed a hold of my cock, firmly holding it in place." mc "A handjob?" scene w2_3013 with dissolve ver "Don't sound so disappointed. You used your hand, didn't you? A deal is a deal and fair is fair." scene w2_3015 with dissolve ver "Besides..." scene w2_3016 with dissolve "Veronica smirked, looking down on me directly into my eyes. She had complete control of the situation." scene w2_3015 with dissolve ver "I promise, you've never experienced a hand job like this." scene verog_fd1_a with dissolve show verog_fd1 "She paused for a moment to let that vow hang fat in my mind, before smoothly working my dick with the rough surface of her overworked hands." "That in itself was new. She had the hands of a woman who used hers for a living and the grip to match." "The hands of an Olympian shot putter was jerking my dirty, sweaty cock." scene verog_fd2_a with dissolve show verog_fd2 ver "What's with that dumb look on your face? You're not already about to blow, are you?" mc "No. I'm just enjoying this scenario." "She was working my cock at an unyielding, slowly building pace." ver "That much is obvious. You've got your legs wrapped around me like a greedy whore." ver "Tell me, [mcf], do you like being on your back?" mc "I like seeing you on top." scene w2_3017 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaDog == True or w2VeronicaMean == True:" ver "Ha! Could've fooled me with the way you acted earlier, but a good answer nonetheless." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Ha! That's a good answer, pervert." ver "You know, for a piece of trash, you're not so bad like this. You make all sorts of cute faces." scene w2_3018 with dissolve mc "Mm-ah, y-you're the one who voluntarily stepped into the garbage bin." scene verog_fd3_a with dissolve show verog_fd3 ver "Don't. I. Know it." "Her pace turned more aggressive and she jerked my cock even faster, sending a stronger message to my brain and spinal cord that it was time to reproduce." mc "Ah, that- mmh...!" ver "Don't hold it. Let me hear you whimper like an animal." "I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was enjoying this. The change in attitude made me happy." "It made me want to indulge her, but..." scene verog_fd4_a with dissolve show verog_fd4 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Shamelessly moan for the woman.:" $ w2VeronicaShameless = True $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 $ Veronica_Affection += 1 mc "Mmha, ah... that's a little...." "It made me want to indulge her, but it was still embarrassing." ver "Don't think. Just do it." ver "{b}Moan, you bastard.{/b}" mc "Ah, f-fuck..." mc "O-oh...!" "She was going to drag those sounds out of me whether I liked it or not, so I might as well let loose a little." ver "That's it. Louder, you fucking slut." mc "Mmh--oh-oh?" "Self-consciously, I found myself gauging the Amazon's reaction, looking for her approval in a bid to make me not feel like a weirdo." "The smile on her face told me to continue." mc "D-don't stop..." ver "Does it feel good?" mc "Yes!" ver "I bet it does, me milking you like a bull." mc "Mmh, oh!" ver "That's what I love to hear. What's with men and trying to hold it in during sex?" mc "Oh, ah~ I don't--" ver "A guy moaning is so fucking hot." ver "Afraid of sounding like a woman? Afraid of sounding stupid? Dumb bravado is what it is." mc "Ng, y-yeah, I guess." ver "You don't really give a shit, do you? You're just putty in my fucking hands. All you care about is cumming~" KN_MOD "Turn the attention to her own arousal.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Y-yeah it feels good, but..." "It made me want to indulge her, but that didn't mean I was going to give her what she wanted. Even flat on my back with Veronica mounting me like a woman, I had my pride as a man." mc "I'm not the only one who's enjoying myself." mc "Poor Veronica. Getting turned on again so soon. It must be tough being such a horny bitch." ver "Yeah, I'm getting turned on again. So what? Despite your looks, you've got a big cock and you're singing just like a songbird." ver "Just the way I like my horny mutts." mc "You like big cocks?" ver "Surprised?" mc "Ah-ah, a little!" ver "That! More of that! Sing for me, dog." mc "Ngh-! I don't think...!" ver "You're already moaning. Stop thinking and just give in. I didn't fucking shy away from it when you were finger-deep in my cunt, did I?" mc "N-no...!" ver "What's with men and trying to hold it in during sex?" ver "Afraid of sounding like a woman? Afraid of sounding stupid?" mc "No, I just like seeing you work for it. Builds character~" ver "Oh, you want me to work for it?" scene verog_fd5_a with dissolve show verog_fd5 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Oh, oh--!" "Veronica launched into a blistering pace, faster than my dick had ever been jerked." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaShameless == True:" mc "Fuck, that's i-intense!" KN_MOD "else:" ver "How's this for working for it? Let it out. Let all your pathetic mewling out!" "To my surprise, the increased friction wasn't painful. It was mind-melting." "Veronica was well aware of the generous amount of pre-cum that had dribbled down my shaft and coated it in a nice sheen." ver "Ha! You trying to crush me?" ver "You just clamped down tight!" KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaShameless == True:" mc "Oh! Nguah!" ver "Good, good..." KN_MOD "else:" ver "At least your body is honest!" "Despite how new and weird this was... this was honestly pretty fun." "The club had given me an opportunity to indulge my sadistic side, but being on the other side wasn't without its thrill." scene verog_fd3_a with dissolve show verog_fd3 ver "Huh? You're smiling?" mc "Ah... fuck, I was..." mc "I was just thinking..." ver "Spit it out." mc "I was just thinking... you're pretty fun in the sack." ver "Ha! You haven't seen me in the sack." ver "Now..." scene verog_fd4_a with dissolve show verog_fd4 ver "Stop thinking about stupid things and cum for me." "*Fwhick...! Fwap...! ...Fwahp!*" ver "I know you're close!" "Veronica went in for the coup de grâce, hand rigidly bolted to my cock and speeding even further beyond." "*Fap* *Fwhap!* *Fhap..!*" "The view in front of me steadily lost focus, the edges of Veronica's muscular form bleeding into the vast whiteness of the ceiling." mc "Ghoo-" "*Fwhick...! Fwap...! ...Fwahp!*" ver "You close?" mc "Yeah, I'm about to--" mct "(Ah, wait a minute...)" "As I neared peak excitement, a thought crossed my mind..." "I was directly looking down the business end of my dick." scene white with fade "I felt good." "I felt my balls contract, as they pushed out sperm to my prostate." "My body went rigidly tense..." "Everything felt so, so good..." scene w2_3019 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Fuck yeah!:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 2 $ w2EdwinFacial = True scene w2_3020 with dissolve mc "F-fhuck!" scene w2_3021 with dissolve "My brain was filled with absolutely nothing as I ejaculated {b}hard{/b}. I was so pent up and Veronica had milked me for all I'm worth..." scene w2_3022 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Ah!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "I didn't care as rope after rope of my own cum showered down on me." "......" "..." scene w2_3023 with dissolve mc "Ha... I... ah..." scene w2_3025 with dissolve "As I came back to my senses, I noticed Veronica had a peculiar look in her eye." scene w2_3024 with dissolve ver "Fuck, that's so..." scene w2_3025 with dissolve "The hungry, unmistakable look of arousal." scene w2_3024 with dissolve ver "Hot." scene w2_3026 with dissolve "In an instant, Veronica was on me like a lion. Breasts pleasantly pressed into my own chest." scene w2_3027 with dissolve mc "Ah.." scene w2_3028 with dissolve mc "What are you doing?" scene w2_3029 with dissolve ver "This is a first..." scene w2_3030 with dissolve mc "Oh!" "My body was still on edge from my orgasm, the simple act of Veronica licking my nipple felt good." scene w2_3031 with dissolve ver "I've never seen a man covered in his own cum before..." ver "Fuck." ver "That's hot..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_3032 with dissolve mc "Ah...?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_3033 with dissolve mc "Haha...! Ah...!" mc "Jeez... aha...!" mc "You're weird!" scene w2_3034 with dissolve "As I laughed, Veronica's smile was surprisingly soft." KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" scene w2_3035 with dissolve ver "I guess I'll consider us even for what you did to me the first time we met." scene w2_3034 with dissolve $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroW2MCScratchGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.veroW2MCScratchGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaFlag" KN_MOD "else:" "That was how the evening ended. After cleaning up, we went our separate ways." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight2" KN_MOD "Crap!:" scene w2_3020 with dissolve mct "(Dodge)!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_3036 with dissolve "The first rope of jizz spiraled past my head with minimal splash damage." KN_MOD "if prVero_Facial == True:" $ w2EdwinFacial = True $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 "But..." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_3037 with dissolve "The second..." ver "No dodging, slut!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_3038 with dissolve "With a twisted smile, Veronica re-angled my cock back in the direction of my face." scene w2_3039 with dissolve mc "Ng-oh!" "Direct hit." scene w2_3040 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" mc "Ah..." "......" "..." scene w2_3041 with dissolve "When everything was said and done, I found myself covered in my own spunk." "That was... new." scene w2_3017 with dissolve ver "Ha...! Looks good on you!" scene w2_3018 with dissolve mc "You did that on purpose." ver "Maybe. Let's call us almost even for when you hosed me down the first time we met." scene w2_3018 with dissolve mc "Ha...!" mct "(With all the perverted shit that's been going on, I'd forgotten about that...)" mc "Just almost?" KN_MOD "else:" $ Veronica_Horniness -= 1 play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_3042 with dissolve "So did the second." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_3043 with dissolve "And the third." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_3045 with dissolve "By the end of it, there was a smattering of spunk reeking next to my head." "The stench was unpleasant, but at least I wasn't covered in it." scene w2_3044 with dissolve mct "(Quick thinking)" scene w2_3046 with dissolve "When my attention was refocused on Veronica, she had a sour look on her face." mc "What's with that look?" scene w2_3047 with dissolve ver "I just wanted to see... ah, forget it." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroW2MCScratchGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.veroW2MCScratchGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "...." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaFlag" KN_MOD "else:" "That was how the evening ended. After cleaning up, we went our separate ways." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight2" KN_MOD "Take charge.:" "Staring down at Veronica made the decision for me." "Those big green eyes, that cute button nose, and that profanity-spewing cock holster she called a mouth..." "I wanted to mess them up." mc "Whatever is quickest?" scene w2_3005 with dissolve ver "Y--" play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_3048 with vpunch "*Slap*" mc "Sure. You suck at giving blowjobs, but I'll show you how it's done." scene w2_3049 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Veronica_Affection >= 13:" ver "You an expert at sucking cock, [mcf]?" KN_MOD "else:" ver "You an expert at sucking cock, errand boy?" scene w2_3050 with dissolve mc "Ha!" scene verog_prebj_a with dissolve show verog_prebj mc "I walked right into that one, I guess." ver "What are you doing?" mc "What does it look like?" ver "You're jerking your disgusting cock inches from my nose." ver "Slowly." ver "Like a weirdo." mc "I'm just making sure I'm at 100 percent." "Actually, I was taking my time and enjoying the sight of Veronica beneath my cock." "I was so turned on that I knew I wouldn't last very long if I just crammed my cock down the Amazon's throat and I wanted to enjoy myself." KN_MOD "if toughness >= 17:" mc "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue, please." scene w2_3051 with dissolve ver "Ahh~" mc "Stick it out more." scene w2_3052 with dissolve ver "Ahhhhh--" scene verog_prebj2_a with dissolve show verog_prebj2 mc "--hhho!" "I found her parted lips made a soft, mighty fine bed for my cock." "Her warm, moist tongue felt pleasant to the underside of my shaft and the way her hot breath hit the opening of my urethra made me shudder." mc "Mmmh...!" "Somehow, this was more thrilling than Veronica's earlier attempt at a blowjob." scene w2_3053 with dissolve mc "I'm putting it in now." scene w2_3054 with dissolve "With that little heads up, I began to inch my dick inside of Veronica's waiting mouth." "Past the tip of her tongue." scene w2_3055 with dissolve "The arch of her tongue..." scene w2_3056 with dissolve "...just stopping short of knocking on her tonsils." "Meanwhile, she kept her eyes open, practically growing cross-eyed as she kept them firmly locked on the thing threatening to invade her throat." mct "(Fuck...)" "I wanted to cum just from that look alone." mc "You doing alright?" scene w2_3057 with dissolve "......" "..." "I took the growing silence as a yes and continued." mc "Put your hands on your knees and brace yourself. You'll be more comfortable that way." scene w2_3058 with dissolve "The action had the agreeable upside of pushing my cock even deeper into the Amazon's mouth." scene w2_3059 with dissolve mc "Let me know if it's too much." ver "..." scene verog_bj1_a with dissolve show verog_bj1 "Taking it gently, I used my hands and hips in tandem, guiding Veronica's head down the length of my shaft." "I didn't dare take it further than half way - at least, not yet. I felt like this was already pushing it for what Veronica would allow me to do for our arrangement." "*Chup...*" "Just looking down at the muscular woman and seeing her lips sheathed around my cock made up for the lack of intensity." "*Chup, chwup...*" mc "That's right, nice and steady..." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaMean == True:" mc "Suck my cock, bitch." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Suck my cock." mc "Just like that." "I didn't dream she was getting anything out of my verbal \"encouragement.\" I was speaking purely for my benefit." mc "Ah..." "*Chup, chwup, fhwup...*" scene verog_bj2_a with dissolve show verog_bj2 "Veronica was handling things easily. Serenely." "She was even putting in effort on her end, in a far more supplicant display than I would expect." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" "It was amateurish, at least in comparison to my education with Harper and Dalia, but there was something more satisfying about this." "She pursed her lips to form a better seal around my cock and used her tongue to catch and hook underneath my frenulum on my back strokes." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == False:" "There was something satisfying about knowing she was at least putting forth a humble effort." mc "Ah..." "*Chup, fhqup... chwup...*" scene verog_bj1_a with dissolve show verog_bj1 mc "Mgh, ah...!" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her she is doing great.:" mc "Even in a position like this... you look..." "*Chup...*" mc "You're doing a damn good job." "*Chup, chwup...*" mc "You look so hot right now." "*Chup, chwup, fhwup...*" mc "F-fuck..." mc "I'm... I'm going to speed up now, okay?" KN_MOD "Throw in some taunting.:" mc "How's my sweaty dick taste?" "*Chup...*" mc "This is a pretty good look for you, you know that?" "*Chup, chwup...*" mc "On your fucking knees, sucking a fat cock." "*Chup, chwup, fhwup...*" mc "Ha! I bet you're regretting the workout I did." ver "Ghuh...!" "*Chup, chwup, fhwup... fwip!*" mc "A-ah! J-just a heads up... I'm going to go faster now." play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" scene verog_bj3_a with dissolve show verog_bj3 "*CHUP, CHWUP, FWHUP, THURP...!*" "Deeper and with a more satisfying speed..." "*CHUP, CHWUP, FWHUP!*" "I knew Veronica could take it and the expression on her cock-stuffed face didn't contradict otherwise." mc "Ah... this is..." "I was starting to think my goal of turning her face into a sexy mess was untenable." mct "(...I guess we'll have to see about that.)" mc "Hey, stop me if I'm too..." scene verog_bj4_a with dissolve show verog_bj4 ver "G-guh!" mc "...rough!" ver "*GLUG... GLUG... GLUG... GLUG... GLUG...!" "With a rough grip on her hair, I guided her head frantically up and down my cock, using her face like a sex toy." ver "*GLUG... GLUG... GLUG... GLUG... GLUG...!" "Easing into things was the play. Her face looked more uncomfortable, but she accepted the new pace as readily as last time." mct "(F-fuck...!)" "That's the look!" ver "*GLUG... GLUG... GLUG... GLUG... GLUG...!" "That's the fucking look!" mct "(I've got a silver medalist bombshell inhaling my cock.)" "A fucked-up thought crossed my mind..." ver "*GLUG... GLUG... GLUG... GLUG... GLUG...!" "I had Samson to thank for this." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" "The thought didn't sit right with me. In fact, it disgusted me." "But still..." KN_MOD "if toughness >=21:" mc "Ah, you bitch!" mc "Here it comes!" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ride her face and cum down her throat.:" scene w2_3060 with vpunch mc "--!" ver "Cghuhh...!" "With as much strength as a man could muster in the throes of an orgasm, I crammed my dick as far back as I could." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash scene w2_3061 with dissolve mc "O-oh!" "That burst of energy evaporated as quickly as it took me, my legs giving out and sending the two of us to the floor." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_3062 with fade "Amazingly, I was still lodged in her throat." mc "Eugh!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" scene verog_bj5_a with dissolve show verog_bj5 "I wasn't finished cumming. This whole evening had me primed to pump an ungodly amount of semen down her gullet and that's what I was going to do." "I held her head in this new position, rocking my hips like I was trying to breed her face." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Take it. T-take it all...!" ver "Chuuu...!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" ver "Gwwh...! *Glug... Glug... glug...*" mc "Uh..." stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_3063 with vpunch mc "F-fuck..." mct "(Oh crap, I hope I didn't take it too far...)" ver "Ewh...euch... ha..." scene w2_3064 with fade mc "Sorry, I may have overdone it..." ver "N-no... ah..." "She struggled to get the words out from her cock-induced dyspnea." ver "We had... a deal... and I said..." ver "Whatever's quickest... but..." scene w2_3065 with dissolve ver "Fuck, were you trying to kill me? Even with the warning..." ver "That was too much you freak of nature!" KN_MOD "Look her in the eye and paint her white.:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 stop ambient scene w2_3066 with dissolve "Fighting back my instinct to cum in a wet and warm hole, I retreated from Veronica's plush mouth and leveled my cock before her nose." mc "L-look up at me!" ver "H-huh...?" "Still in a cock daze, she had yet to process the abrupt development." scene w2_3067 with dissolve mc "I said look me in the fucking eyes...!" ver "Uh, okay..." scene w2_3068 with dissolve "Veronica complied, turning her clouded gaze up at me while I peered down into her bespeckled eyes." ver "I'm going to shower after this, but don't get it in my fucking hair, okay?" scene verog_eyes1_a with dissolve show verog_eyes1 "*Fap, fwhap... fhwaap...!*" "So wrapped up in the sight beneath me, my lone answer to her concern was the sodden-sounding staccato of me furiously beating my dick like it was a wet towel." "Her deep green orbs were mystifying. I couldn't read what she was feeling in the least." "All I knew was what I was feeling at the moment. The excitement of having a beautiful woman at my feet, the immoderate drive to hose her down with my jizz, and the impending sense of satisfaction of knowing that was indeed soon to come." mc "Ah... fuck..." mc "You're so..." "The time we spent locking eyes was so very brief, but it felt immense." "*Fap, fwhap... fhwaap...!*" "They had stolen my focus. It was like the dynamic had suddenly switched. Like she was in control." ver "You've got such a stupid look on your face right now. It's actually..." ver "Kinda hot." scene verog_eyes2_a with dissolve show verog_eyes2 ver "Hey, [mcf]...." "*Fap, fap, fap...!*" ver "Cum on my chest." ver "Look me in the eye, say my name, and {b}cum on my tits{/b}." mc "Say your...?" ver "Yeah. I want you to say my name while you're gasping like a dumb animal." ver "You can do that right?" mc "Ha!" "Finally, I could pick up on what she was feeling. She was suddenly..." mc "Veronica..." "Feeling it." mc "Veronica... I'm about to..." ver "Do it!" mc "--!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_3069 with flash mc "Veronica....!" "Fat ropes of spunk exploded from my urethra one after another." "Layering on top of each other, coating her freckled breasts in white." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_3070 with dissolve "Some even managed to reach her face and drip down her chin." "By the time my orgasm subsided..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_3071 with dissolve "I was weak in the legs." mc "Ah, thanks..." ver "Jeez, that good huh?" ver "What the fuck is with this amount by the way? I mean, holy shit!" scene black with fade ver "Go get the camera! We can use this!" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroW2MCScratchGallery:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.veroW2MCScratchGallery = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mc "Yeah, okay... just give me a second to catch my..." ver "Hurry, this shit is disgusting." "......" "..." mct "(Every part of the buffalo, I suppose.)" KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaFlag" KN_MOD "else:" "That was how the evening ended. After cleaning up, we went our separate ways." KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight2" KN_MOD "label w2VeronicaFlag:" play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene w2_3072 with w12 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You sure this is okay?" mc "Keeping this place closed longer than you have to?" scene w2_3073 with dissolve mct "(Considering how in the red it is, I mean...)" scene w2_3074 with dissolve ver "An extra thirty minutes won't hurt." ver "At least, not in the long run. Not like people are clamoring to get in." scene w2_3072 with dissolve mc "The overhead on this place must be killer." scene w2_3081 with dissolve ver "Honestly, I've bitten off more than I can chew here. It would've been better to start from the ground up." scene w2_3076 with dissolve mc "What do you mean?" scene w2_3075 with dissolve ver "This gym... it originally belonged to my trainer and coach. He was a nice guy, but a miserable bastard." scene w2_3078 with dissolve ver "He didn't have much in the way of family and the little he did had nothing to do with him, so when he got sick, I took over his lease and he sold me this place on the cheap." scene w2_3077 with dissolve mc "How was the business back then?" scene w2_3079 with dissolve ver "Not very good... this place was NEVER busy, which was what I liked about working out here, but that stupidly didn't even cross my mind even when I took over his obligations." scene w2_3078 with dissolve ver "I was just happy my dream of starting a gym was getting off the ground." scene w2_3077 with dissolve mc "So this place doing crappy isn't your doing?" scene w2_3075 with dissolve ver "Oh, no. I've helped. Making it worse." ver "It was stupid of me to think I could run a gym just because I liked working out." scene w2_3076 with dissolve mc "Not stupid, but maybe naive." scene w2_3081 with dissolve ver "Same thing." scene w2_3080 with dissolve mc "What kind of problems does this place have? Specifically I mean." scene w2_3074 with dissolve ver "No point in going into detail. We don't have the time and I'm jabbering way too much about this place already." scene w2_3082 with dissolve mc "It's fine. What else would we talk about?" KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaScratch == True and w2VeronicaTop == False:" mc "The club? Me cramming my dick down your throat just now? Should we just sit in painful silence?" KN_MOD "elif w2VeronicaScratch == True and w2VeronicaTop == True and w2EdwinFacial == True:" mc "The Club? You hosing me down in my own jizz just now? Should we just sit in painful silence?" KN_MOD "elif w2VeronicaScratch == True and w2VeronicaTop == True and w2EdwinFacial == False:" mc "The Club? You almost hosing me down in my own jizz just now? Should we just sit in painful silence?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "The club? You parading around here like a dog? Should we just sit in painful silence?" scene w2_3083 with dissolve ver "Well, how about we talk about you?" scene w2_3084 with dissolve mc "You don't care about that." scene w2_3083 with dissolve ver "True. Very true, but it's something." scene w2_3088 with dissolve ver "I mean a kid your age working where you do is extremely fucked. What's the deal with that?" scene w2_3089 with dissolve mc "That's not interesting either. It's good money that'll pay for college." scene w2_3087 with dissolve mc "In a way, we aren't so different. Well, besides me not facing the impending threat of being dicked down..." scene w2_3085 with dissolve ver "Pft, ha!" ver "It comes down to money don't it? But it's not like you're not enjoying the {i}perks{/i}." ver "Don't deny it." scene w2_3086 with dissolve mc "Heh, well... what feels good and what's conscionable are sometimes an entirely separate matter." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaScratch == True:" mc "Case in point, what you just did with me." scene w2_3085 with dissolve ver "Ah, fuck you. So that's it in a nutshell?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3085 with dissolve ver "That's it in a nutshell?" scene w2_3087 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I told you it's not that interesting." scene w2_3090 with dissolve ver "Actually... more interesting than most, kid." scene w2_3082 with dissolve mc "So, what kind of problems does this place face?" scene w2_3083 with dissolve ver "Eh? You're back on that again?" scene w2_3084 with dissolve mc "I'm curious.." scene w2_3079 with dissolve ver "You want to be here all day?" scene w2_3077 with dissolve mc "C'mon, just tell me a {i}little{/i} about it." scene w2_3075 with dissolve ver "Where to start? The location ain't so great, not that many people come in and only a fraction become dues-paying members, and the customers I do have aren't renewing their memberships." ver "The overhead is high, I have ongoing obligations on some of the older equipment from the previous owner, and I have this leasing nightmare on some newer stuff..." scene w2_3077 with dissolve mc "Tell me about that?" scene w2_3078 with dissolve ver "There was something called an {i}evergreen{/i} clause in my contract with the leasing company." ver "Basically, failing to notify them within ninety days of the buyout of the lease allowed them to renew the contract for another year. It's basically a fucking scam." scene w2_3089 with dissolve mc "That's not illegal?" scene w2_3088 with dissolve ver "Nope." mct "(Hmm...)" scene w2_3087 with dissolve mc "Go on." scene w2_3091 with dissolve ver "Well, I had to replace the air conditioner last year, which was expensive as fuck." ver "I paid that geriatric asshole a tidy sum in promotional fees." ver "Utilities keep going up, I had to bring a couple of things up to code after an unexpected inspection, just... you know, a bunch of shit." scene w2_3092 with dissolve mct "(She has so many problems that even if Samson could take credit for a few of them and it could be fixed, magically somehow...)" "Which was a big if..." mct "(She'd still be fucked, right?)" scene w2_3091 with dissolve ver "I'm... going to stop there." scene w2_3093 with dissolve mc "Can the money you win for the club really fix all that?" scene w2_3091 with dissolve ver "No, it's just a stopgap." scene w2_3093 with dissolve mc "So patching up an already sinking ship...?" scene w2_3094 with dissolve ver "*Sigh* I'm..." ver "It sounds like I'm an idiot, but I've..." ver "I have learned a lot though. Through classes and just by doing... I like to think if I can get out from under this... I could..." scene w2_3095 with dissolve ver "Make a better go of it." scene w2_3096 with dissolve mc "..." "Veronica put on a big smile. I had no idea if it was merely masking her hopelessness or if her spirit was truly that indomitable, but..." "Either way, I felt for her." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Encourage her.:" $ Veronica_Affection +=2 scene w2_3097 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "No matter what happens, I think you'll be okay." mc "A woman like you will find a way to land on her feet, even if it's on a new path." scene w2_3098 with dissolve ver "Get the fuck out of here. You don't know me." scene w2_3099 with dissolve mc "That's why you should put stock into what I just said. It's not just words said to comfort a friend." mc "It's a careful observation made about a stranger." scene w2_3100 with dissolve ver "..." "A smile, but this time different." scene w2_3098 with dissolve ver "I'm getting lightheaded. Let's get out of here." KN_MOD "Suggest we get out of here.:" scene w2_3097 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I think we've been in here long enough." scene w2_3101 with dissolve ver "Ha, pussy! It hasn't been ten minutes!" scene w2_3102 with dissolve ver "Hey, [mcf]." scene w2_3103 with dissolve mc "Yeah?" scene w2_3104 with dissolve ver "Getting that shit off my chest was nice. I don't really have anyone to bitch to anymore since my divorce." scene w2_3103 with dissolve mc "It's part of my job." scene w2_3105 with dissolve ver "You say that, but I don't think you believe that." scene w2_3106 with dissolve ver "Hmpfh" stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" scene black with fade $ history_veronica = "Chatting with Veronica revealed a myriad of issues plaguing her gym, but nothing concrete that pointed to sabotage. The situation seems hopeless to me, but I'm still resolved to help." $ unread_veronica = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "..." mct "(Maybe I should ask Samson directly? That bastard is so guileless that wringing out specifics from him shouldn't be too hard.)" KN_MOD "if date == june09day:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaNight2" KN_MOD "label w2HanaNight1:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june09night" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" KN_MOD "if w2RoseFirst == True:" scene w2_3107 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "As soon as I cracked the door to my apartment, a peculiar smell rushed to greet me." "The heady scent of oregano and melted cheese, mingled with smoky odor of burnt food." "It seems that Hana had..." play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w2_3108 with dissolve show june09night with squares "Ordered a pizza." hana "'Ey, yo. Good timing. You probably saw the pizza guy on his way out." scene w2_3109 with dissolve mc "What's..." mc "You cooked as well?" hana "Oh, that? I wanted to cook you dinner tonight as way of a proper thanks for letting me crash here." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3110 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "As soon as I cracked the door to my apartment, a peculiar smell rushed to greet me." "The heady scent oregano and melted cheese, mingled with smoky odor of burnt food." "It seems that Hana had..." play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w2_3111 with dissolve show june09night with squares "Ordered a pizza." hana "'Ey, yo. Good timing. You probably saw the pizza guy on his way out." scene w2_3112 with dissolve mc "What's..." mc "You cooked as well?" hana "Oh, that? I wanted to cook you dinner tonight as way of a proper thanks for letting me crash here." scene w2_3113 with dissolve hana "You made it look so easy the other night..." scene w2_3114 with dissolve "That explains the burning smell." mc "I thought we were past {i}thank yous{/i} as of this morning." scene w2_3115 with dissolve hana "Heheh, well a girl's got to eat. Might as well make it a 2-for-1 and score some brownie points." scene w2_3116 with dissolve hana "I didn't know what kind of pizza you liked, so I just played it safe and got pepperoni." scene w2_3117 with dissolve mc "That's fine. Pepperoni suits a boring asshole like me just fine." "Pizza topping off a day of debauchery..." mct "(Not bad.)" scene w2_3118 with dissolve hana "So what did you do today? You said business, right?" scene w2_3119 with dissolve mc "Yeah, it ate up my whole afternoon." KN_MOD "if w2RoseFirst == True:" mc "I met with Rosalind for an... \"extracurricular\" photo shoot in the park." scene w2_3118 with dissolve hana "That's the extra MILFy one, right?" scene w2_3119 with dissolve mc "Ha, that's one way to describe her." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I met with Veronica for an... \"extracurricular\" photo shoot at her gym." scene w2_3118 with dissolve hana "That's the beefy one, right?" scene w2_3119 with dissolve mc "That's one way to put it." scene w2_3120 with dissolve hana "I can only imagine how that shit went." scene w2_3119 with dissolve mc "You don't want to hear about it. It'll just ruin your mood before dinner." scene w2_3120 with dissolve hana "Yeah, I'll thank you for sparing me the details." scene w2_3121 with dissolve hana "Now--!" hana "Grab a slice!" scene w2_3122 with dissolve mc "Let me get changed into something more comfortable first." scene black with fade "Over pizza, I put on a movie in the background while, among other topics, Hana regaled me with how her practice went." scene w2_3123 with fade mc "He really did that?" scene w2_3124 with dissolve hana "Yuuuup!" scene w2_3123 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" mc "Spider... isn't too bright, is he?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "That guy doesn't sound very bright." scene w2_3125 with dissolve hana "Haha... no, he's a pretty dim bulb. I would question what Jerrica sees in him, but he's got a big cock and she tells me he knows how to use it." hana "Oh, and he's like \"extremely thoughtful, kind, and funny\", but I'm pretty sure it's the fact he's the only guy she's ever dated." scene w2_3126 with dissolve mc "That's sweet. Every love is unique." scene w2_3127 with dissolve hana "It is, isn't it?" hana "I hope they never split. Not just because of the band, but because the world would be a lot better place if more people had what they have." hana "Even if it is so bewildering." scene w2_3128 with dissolve "The two of us shared a comfortable silence, before she brought things back to life." scene w2_3129 with dissolve hana "You already finished? That was like half a pizza! How the fuck are you so skinny?" scene w2_3126 with dissolve mc "I normally don't eat that much, actually... but this past week my appetite's been humongous." scene w2_3130 with dissolve hana "And what's got you so insatiable this week?" scene w2_3131 with dissolve mc "Uh... working for Mrs. Pulman really takes it out of you." "I didn't want to bring it back around to this topic, but she did inadvertently ask." scene w2_3132 with dissolve hana "...oh, jeeeeeez!" scene w2_3133 with dissolve mc "Pft--!" hana "Mhaha..!" "We joined together in a brief, but hearty laugh at the absurdity of the situation." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True and w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3134 with dissolve hana "Ah..." scene w2_3135 with dissolve mc "......" hana "..." scene w2_3136 with dissolve hana "Sorry." scene w2_3138 with dissolve mc "For what?" scene w2_3136 with dissolve hana "If you didn't notice, then forget I said anything." scene w2_3137 with dissolve mct "(Did she mean the way she touched me just now?)" mct "(Why would she apologize for that?)" KN_MOD "else:" hana "Aha..." scene w2_3139 with dissolve hana "I'm going to go shower. Beating the hell out of a drum kit really works up a sweat." hana "I probably stink right?" scene w2_3140 with dissolve mc "No, but that might be because of the food you burned." scene w2_3141 with dissolve hana "Ha, fuck you!" scene black with fade "After her shower, she rejoined me for the movie." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True and w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3148 with w20 mc "I love this part." hana "Is it all the half-naked dancers?" mc "No! It's... a catchy song." scene w2_3149 with dissolve scene w2_3150 with dissolve scene w2_3149 with dissolve "......" scene w2_3151 with dissolve "..." scene w2_3152 with dissolve hana "This movie is... surprisingly tragic." scene w2_3153 with dissolve mc "You could say Gideon brought it on himself." scene w2_3154 with dissolve hana "That doesn't make it any less sad." scene w2_3155 with dissolve mc "No, it doesn't..." scene w2_3156 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3142 with w20 mc "I love this part." hana "Is it all the half-naked dancers?" mc "No! It's... a catchy song." scene w2_3143 with dissolve scene w2_3144 with dissolve scene w2_3143 with dissolve "......" scene w2_3145 with dissolve "..." scene w2_3146 with dissolve hana "This movie is... surprisingly tragic." scene w2_3147 with dissolve mc "You could say Gideon brought it on himself." scene w2_3146 with dissolve hana "That doesn't make it any less sad." scene w2_3147 with dissolve mc "No, it doesn't..." scene w2_3145 with dissolve "......" "..." scene black with fade hana "Not my usual thing, but that was pretty good!" hana "Oh, you're already turning in?" stop music fadeout 2.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2HanaMorning2" KN_MOD "label w2HanaMorning2:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana03 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june10day" scene black with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "Giggling." scene w2_3157 with circlewipe "Sweet and nostalgic giggling." play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w2_3158 with dissolve show june10day with squares "Familiar, warm, and comforting." "The next morning, I awoke with a smile on my face." $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_3159 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/horror.wav" mct "(Wait...)" scene w2_3160 with fade "Not just familiar." scene w2_3161 with dissolve "{b}Familial{/b} laughter." "Talking to..." scene w2_3162 with wipeleft hana "Hey! Speak of the devil!" hana "He's finally up!" scene w2_3163 with dissolve mc "Morning..." scene w2_3164 with dissolve vic "We were just talking about you." vic "Have some coffee with Hana and me, hun." scene w2_3165 with dissolve "The way she emphasized her name in an overly well-acquainted way..." scene w2_3163 with dissolve mc "One sec." scene w2_3165 with dissolve stop sound play sound "sound effects/string-break.wav" $, 3, channel = "music") "Felt like someone breaking a violin string." scene black with fade mc "Uh... just how long..." scene w2_3166 with cmet mc "How long have you been here?" scene w2_3168 with dissolve vic "Oh, only about ten minutes or so?" scene w2_3169 with dissolve hana "Long enough for me to change and for your mom to fix us a cup of coffee." scene w2_3167 with dissolve "Ten minutes: not very long in the scheme of things, but long enough for my mother to draw her own conclusions." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True and w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3170 with dissolve vic "Got to be honest, [mcf]... I wasn't expecting to find a woman in your apartment, let alone one prancing about half-naked." scene w2_3172 with pixellate mc "Naked...?" hana "Just... what I sleep in." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3171 with pixellate vic "Got to be honest, [mcf]... I wasn't expecting to find a woman in your apartment." mc "Thanks for your vote of confidence, Mother." scene w2_3173 with pixellate vic "You never mentioned to me about having a {i}lady friend{/i}." scene w2_3174 with dissolve vic "I guess I did all that worrying about you for nothing." scene w2_3175 with dissolve mc "You've got the wrong idea, she's not..." stop music fadeout 5.0 scene w2_3176 with dissolve hana "The wrong idea? That's not what you told me on your birthday..." scene w2_3177 with dissolve vic "Oh, no... did I misunderstand?" vic "Is this one of those \"pump and dump\" sit--" scene w2_3178 with dissolve hana "Pfffft...!" "Before she could even get the words out, they both cracked up." play music "music/sugar-zone.ogg" scene w2_3179 with vpunch vic "Pfhahaha...!!" scene w2_3180 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." scene w2_3181 with dissolve mc "...already both screwing with me, huh?" scene w2_3182 with dissolve vic "Sorry! Couldn't resist!" scene w2_3183 with dissolve vic "Hana already told me about her having a fight with her mother and needing a place to stay." vic "Still, a mother can hope a supportive hand might lead to..." scene w2_3184 with dissolve vic "Oops! I'll stop there. Wishful thinking." scene w2_3185 with dissolve mc "She's a friend and coworker." scene w2_3186 with dissolve vic "I know." scene w2_3185 with dissolve mc "You guys talked about work?" scene w2_3174 with dissolve vic "In passing. She was as vague about the place as you are." scene w2_3187 with dissolve vic "Men's club, huh? Makes sense they'd keep a pretty little thing like Hana around." scene w2_3188 with dissolve hana "Ah, stop..." scene w2_3189 with dissolve vic "I can only imagine what you put up with in an environment like that." scene w2_3185 with dissolve mc "Everyone there's a gentleman." scene w2_3186 with dissolve vic "{b}Yeah{/b}, I know how gentlemen are." scene w2_3190 with dissolve vic "Just saying: don't let anyone get handsy with you just because you're a waitress. A job isn't worth that." scene w2_3191 with dissolve mc "You're making a big assumption. It's a nice place." "It was genuinely difficult to keep a straight face while spouting that boldface lie." scene w2_3192 with dissolve vic "Maybe. I hope I am, but you're also a guy, hun." scene w2_3193 with dissolve hana "No need to worry, Mrs. [mcl]. I can take care of myself." scene w2_3194 with dissolve vic "Vicky is fine." KN_MOD "if w1ExHarrassmentRepeat == True:" scene w2_3195 with dissolve hana "Plus, I did have a tiny bit of trouble with a drunk member the other night, but [mcf] swiftly gave me a hand." vic "He did?" scene w2_3196 with dissolve vic "That sounds just like [mcf]." vic "That's one of the things I'm most proud about. He was always quick to stand up for his friends." scene w2_3197 with dissolve mc "I think you may be looking back with rose-tinted glasses, Mom..." scene w2_3198 with dissolve vic "No. It's the advantage of hindsight, of knowing the man you've become." hana "Yeesh..." mc "Ah..." "Her look left no room for refusal." scene w2_3175 with dissolve mc "So, what are you doing here so early in the morning?" " I moved the conversation away from me." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3191 with dissolve mc "So, what are you doing here so early in the morning?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_3199 with dissolve vic "I found something I thought was lost while going through some old boxes and I wanted to show it to you." mc "There was no need to make the trip over here. I could've met you at the house..." scene w2_3200 with dissolve vic "I also just felt like seeing my son right then and now." scene w2_3201 with dissolve vic "This belonged to your father." mc "What is it?" play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene w2_3202 with fade vic "It was a gift from his old boss at the charity, for graduating law school." "Mom never really talked much about my dad. A little more as time went on, but..." vic "Put it on." mc "Okay." scene black with fade "Before putting it on, I closely examined it. It had a nice weight to it." "On the inside was an engraving. Small and hard to read." "The number of words must've meant it cost a fortune." scene w2_3203 with dissolve mc "I can't read it. What does it say?" scene w2_3204 with dissolve vic "Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves." scene w2_3203 with dissolve mc "Huh... weird thing to put on a watch." scene w2_3205 with fade "Thankfully, the band ended up not needing any adjustment. It fit snugly around my wrist." scene w2_3206 with dissolve vic "Oh..." scene w2_3207 with dissolve vic "Hold out your wrist, hun." scene w2_3208 with dissolve vic "That takes me back. You remind me so much of your father." vic "I want you to have it, [mcf]. As a keepsake." scene w2_3209 with dissolve mc "Are you sure? Wouldn't you rather have it?" scene w2_3210 with dissolve vic "No. It's yours." vic "He wore it every single day to work." scene w2_3211 with dissolve mc "Thanks, Mom." "I hadn't ever really thought about it, but I guess I didn't really have anything valuable to call a memento of his." mc "You just found it in a box?" vic "Yeah, it's the funniest thing. I thought it was lost somewhere between the accident and after the hospital." vic "Everything immediately after that day was such a daze, I must've forgotten I put it away for safekeeping." mc "I can imagine..." scene w2_3212 with dissolve mc "I promise to keep it safe then." scene w2_3213 with dissolve vic "..." scene w2_3214 with dissolve vic "Come here, Hana!" scene w2_3215 with dissolve hana "...why?" scene w2_3216 with dissolve vic "Don't talk back. Just get your cute butt here." scene w2_3217 with dissolve hana "Mmmh... okay..." scene w2_3218 with dissolve hana "What do you--" scene w2_3219 with dissolve vic "Heh, you're soft." hana "I... w-what..." scene w2_3220 with dissolve vic "This is better than just awkwardly standing there while [mcf] and I prattle on, right?" vic "A nice... big... warm hug." hana "I'm not really a hugger..." scene w2_3221 with dissolve vic "Oh, honey. I don't give a crap." vic "Just... think of England." hana "Think of...? What the f-" scene w2_3222 with dissolve mc "Eh, it's best to just listen to her." mc "It'll be over soon..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." hana "What the fuck, your mom is..." scene w2_3223 with dissolve hana "Exhausting, but pretty fucking cool." "Mom stayed another twenty minutes or so, mostly ignoring me and chatting Hana's ear off." scene w2_3224 with dissolve mc "She was just high on the discovery of finding someone of the opposite sex here." scene w2_3225 with dissolve hana "Ha! Even your mom thinks you're a loser!" scene w2_3226 with dissolve mc "Not uh, I'll have you know..." scene w2_3227 with dissolve mc "My mom thinks I'm real cool." hana "Pfft-!" scene w2_3228 with dissolve hana "Don't make me laugh, this has been too much warmth for one day!" hana "...ah! I'm going to need to see my own mother soon to balance shit out." scene w2_3229 with dissolve mc "What are you doing today? More practice?" scene w2_3230 with dissolve hana "Dunno. Mrs. Pulman wanted to talk to me." scene w2_3229 with dissolve mc "Really? Is that normal?" scene w2_3230 with dissolve hana "Not at fucking all." scene w2_3229 with dissolve mc "You going?" scene w2_3231 with dissolve hana "Yeah, I'll humor the old bitch. If I don't, she'll just corner me at the club about it this Saturday anyway." hana "Might as well go while I still have an exit strategy." scene w2_3229 with dissolve mc "Smart." scene w2_3230 with dissolve hana "What about you? More club stuff?" scene w2_3229 with dissolve mc "More club stuff." scene w2_3231 with dissolve hana "*sigh* I like you better when there isn't more \"club stuff\" you know, but... I'm glad we're in this together." scene w2_3229 with dissolve mc "We in a foxhole or something?" scene w2_3232 with dissolve hana "Heh. Sort of." scene black with fade "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_1763 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Beep!" play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene w2_1761 with dissolve "......" scene black with fade "..." KN_MOD "if w2RoseFirst:" KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaGymStart" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindParkStart" KN_MOD "label w2HanaNight2:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhousegirls with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june10night" scene w2_3233 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2RoseFirst == True:" "After getting home from the gym, my new housemate was nowhere to be found." KN_MOD "else:" "After leaving Rose, my new housemate was nowhere to be found." "So I simply had a small meal, vegged out on the couch, and accidently had myself a nice catnap." "I must've needed it after all the day's activity." mc "Hmm..." "........." "......" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w2_3234 with dissolve mc "...?" scene w2_3235 with dissolve play music "music/modern-situations.ogg" scene w2_3236 with vpunch hana "O-ohmf?!" "The air suddenly vacated my lungs as an admittedly nice, but unexpectedly heavy ass landed square on my diaphragm." scene w2_3237 with dissolve hana "*Huff* Humhhh...!" scene w2_3238 with dissolve hana "Hey, [mcf]..." scene w2_3239 with dissolve mc "Hey, Hana..." scene w2_3240 with dissolve "She sounded more deflated than I was feeling." scene w2_3241 with dissolve mc "You pick that up on the way home? We've got a couple of bottles here." hana "I know, but I didn't want to presume and be a bad house guest." mc "That's okay, I didn't pay for any of the booze here. Your father did, I gue--" scene w2_3242 with hpunch hana "Don't mention that fucking deadbeat right now, okay? Please?" scene w2_3243 with dissolve mc "Okay... then I'll ask a dumb question. How did your day go?" scene w2_3244 with dissolve "She shook the bottle for emphasis." scene w2_3245 with dissolve mc "Aha... that bad?" mc "Do you want to talk about it?" scene w2_3246 with dissolve hana "No." scene w2_3247 with dissolve "Just no." scene w2_3248 with dissolve hana "You know, on the way home this seemed like a good idea, but..." scene w2_3249 with dissolve scene w2_3250 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/ice-glass.wav" hana "What a waste of money." scene w2_3251 with dissolve hana "How did \"work\" go today?" scene w2_3252 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2RoseFirst == True:" mc "I... paraded a tall, muscular red-headed woman around like a dog." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I... took lewd, exhibitionistic pictures in a park of a woman old enough to be my mother." mc "So... just a normal day?" scene w2_3253 with dissolve hana "Ha...!" hana "That's so..." mc "Awesome?" hana "Funny." scene w2_3254 with dissolve hana "Don't try and finish my sentences, dork." scene w2_3255 with dissolve mc "You're pretty heavy you know." scene w2_3254 with dissolve hana "It's all this tit and ass. You complainin'?" scene w2_3256 with dissolve mc "No." "Just no." KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w2_3257 with fade hana "You mind?" mc "No." hana "Sorry to impose..." scene w2_3258 with dissolve mc "You sure you don't want to talk about it?" hana "In the morning. After I've made my decision on my own." hana "I already know what your advice would be." scene w2_3259 with dissolve mc "How do you know that?" scene w2_3260 with dissolve hana "Because you and I met, and no one twisted your arm." hana "You greedy fucker." scene w2_3261 with dissolve mc "Woah, woah, woah!" scene w2_3262 with dissolve hana "Sorry." hana "I don't mean that." scene w2_3263 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I get it." scene w2_3262 with dissolve hana "You do?" "This was about her meeting with Mrs. Pulman." "I knew well enough not to try and pry any further." scene w2_3264 with dissolve hana "Thank you." scene black with fade "For a half an hour, we laid chest-to-chest, with nothing spoken. The only thing filling the silence of my apartment being the hum of the refrigerator and the sound of our breathing." "Whether it was her intention or not..." scene w2_3265 with dissolve "Hana drifted off to sleep." mct "(Shit, my arm is falling asleep...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cling to Hana and sleep here.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "My comfort be damned, I didn't want to disturb her." scene w2_3266 with dissolve "Instead, I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer." hana "Mmmh..." "The action wrenched a soft, pleasant murmur from the sleeping beauty." "I internally chuckled at myself for even considering this the \"uncomfortable\" choice." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(I hope Mom doesn't pop in tomorrow.)" "......" "..." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" $ w2HanaHump = True KN_MOD "jump w2HanaDream" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2HanaMorning3" KN_MOD "Carry Hana to your bed.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I'll take the couch tonight." scene w2_3267 with dissolve "Hana could use the extra comfort." scene w2_3268 with dissolve "Although, she stirred, she surprisingly didn't wake." "All the way up, she just tightly clung to me." scene w2_3269 with dissolve mc "There, there..." scene w2_3270 with dissolve hana "Heh. Never been princess carried before." hana "You don't mind...?" scene w2_3269 with dissolve mc "No, take it tonight." scene black with fade hana "I won't argue." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2HanaMorning3" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3271 with dissolve hana "*Sigh* ..." scene w2_3272 with dissolve mc "Lot on your mind, clearly. You sure you don't want to talk about it?" scene w2_3273 with dissolve hana "No, it's something I want to settle without your input." scene w2_3274 with dissolve "The was a weird emphasis on the {b}my{/b} input." scene w2_3273 with dissolve hana "I know what your advice would be." scene w2_3274 with dissolve "To my chagrin, she certainly sounded sure of that." scene w2_3275 with dissolve mc "Okay, then. Take my bed tonight." mc "I'll sleep here." scene w2_3273 with dissolve hana "I don't wan--" scene w2_3276 with dissolve mc "Just do it, you mopey sad sack. You sound like you need the extra comfort." scene w2_3277 with dissolve hana "Ha! Okay, I won't be told three times." scene w2_3278 with dissolve hana "Thanks, [mcf]." mc "Sure, just let me know when you \"settle\" whatever it is." hana "I'll tell you about it in the morning." scene black with fade "With that, after Hana had changed and brushed her own teeth and things quieted down, I decided to just resume my nap right then and there." hana "Good night, [mcf]." mc "Good night." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2HanaMorning3" KN_MOD "label w2HanaDream:" play music "music/landing.ogg" scene w2_3360 with w13 "*Schlick...!* *Fwhip...!* *Fhuhp..!*" hana "Ah...! Y-you're so..." scene dream1_a with dissolve show dream1 hana "How are y-you so good at this, Rosie..." "*Schlick...!* *Fwhip...!* *Fhuhp..!*" scene dream2_a with dissolve show dream2 ver "Mmmh..." hana "I feel like I'm being ripped apart!" ver "Ah... y-you've got to be ready for what's n-next..." chuck "Isn't this a blast from the past, lad?" scene w2_3361 with w24 chuck "Long time no see, Dr. [mcl]." scene w2_3362 with dissolve chuck "Oh... you don't mind if I call you lad, do you? For old time's sake?" chuck "You've been so busy that you haven't had time to make it down to the club, but a man..." scene dream3_a with dissolve show dream3 chuck "A man's appetite grows proportional to the food he's accustomed to." ver "See H-hana, the doctor is here for you." hana "A-ah!" "*Schlick...!* *Fwhip...!* *Fhuhp..!*" scene dream4_a with dissolve show dream4 hana "I'm already ready!" "*Schlick...!* *Fwhip...!* *Fhuhp..!*" hana "I'm r-ready for..." ver "Don't rush this! You have all night with him." "*Schlick...!* *Fwhip...!* *Fhuhp..!*" hana "But I'm--ghhhfuchk!" chuck "Isn't it a beautiful sight, lad?" scene w2_3363 with w20 chuck "You grow old and ugly, but the flowers at the club remain lovely and unwilting." chuck "Ha! Can you believe I almost picked botany as the focus of my studies..." scene w2_3364 with fade chuck "Yet, I still ended up with a garden of my own." chuck "Kinda funny!" scene w2_3365 with fade chuck "I'm sorry about your mother, by the way." chuck "I took the loss of my own hard too, but I hope this is a solace to you." scene w2_3366 with fade chuck "It may not feel like it some times, but she would've been proud." scene w2_3367 with w22 chuck "She would've been proud of the man you've become." scene w2_3368 with dissolve hana "Hey, new guy." scene w2_3369 with vpunch hana "All this just to get laid?" hana "You fucking animal." scene w2_3370 with dissolve hana "{size=-15}Eh, eh...?{/size=-15}" hana "{size=-10}[mcf]...?{/size=-10}" scene w2_3371 with dissolve scene black with vpunch stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Ah...?" hana "[mcf]." "I woke up, pulled from my dream by Hana's lulling voice." $ renpy.end_replay() mct "(How long had I been asleep?)" KN_MOD "if not persistent.hanaW2Dream:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.hanaW2Dream = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) KN_MOD "label w2HanaDryHump:" scene w2_3372 with w12 hana "You're tossing about." scene w2_3373 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I had a weird dream." play music "music/modern-situations.ogg" scene w2_3374 with dissolve hana "Oh?" hana "Weird, was it...?" hana "Your cock is hard." scene w2_3375 with dissolve mc "So it is..." scene w2_3374 with dissolve hana "...and it's pressing against me." scene w2_3375 with dissolve mc "That's bound to happen when--" scene w2_3376 with dissolve "I was cut off by a finger directing that I stop talking." hana "I don't mind." scene hanan_grind1_a with dissolve "As if to emphasize her point, she pressed her lower half into mine and left it there." "......" show hanan_grind1 "..." "No words were said." "Breast-to-breast, we let the quickened rise and fall of our chests do the talking." "......" "..." "No words were further said still." "Crotch-to-crotch, the gentle sway of Hana's hips revealed to me everything that needed to be known at this junction." "Nothing concrete needed to be understood, just the short-lived burning flame of desire, needing to be snuffed out before it reached a bone-blackening pitch." scene hanan_grind2_a with dissolve show hanan_grind2 "......" "..." "{i}Keep quiet, [mcf]{/i}." "That was the look." "I can do that." scene w2_3377 with dissolve hana "Put your hands on my ass." scene hanan_grind2_a with dissolve "I can do that too." scene hanan_grind3_a with dissolve show hanan_grind3 "Eyes still half-lidded from sleep, I was happy to just go along with the flow and see where the rocker girl would lead this." "I would think this a continuation of a dream if not for the itchy, clawing sensation of Hana's tight denim pants rubbing against my cock assuring me this was indeed a physical reality." hana "Slap my butt." scene w2_3378 with dissolve "Yeah... Hana's large and rapturously soft ass..." "I could give it a slap." scene w2_3379 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_3380 with vpunch "*Smack*" scene hanan_grind4_a with dissolve show hanan_grind4 hana "--!" "The result was a supercharged Hana, pistoning her hips even faster like a proper fucking." "This whole exercise was quite the literal and figurative cock tease. Dry humping would most certainly not get me there, not after what I had experienced thanks to the club." "Surprisingly, rather than frustration, I felt contentment. Hana rubbing herself against me like an awkward virgin was a satisfaction in and of itself." "It seemed to be enough for Hana, however, who soon clung tightly to me like a genuine lover as I bent my legs and lifted her up to give her more depth to her thrusts." "In contrast to the pleasant feeling of her soft breasts resting on my chest, her lower half took me on a rough, turbulent, and moderately uncomfortable ride." scene hanan_grind5_a with dissolve show hanan_grind5 "Uncomfortable, but... enjoyable all the same." "Like a rollercoaster." hana "Kah...!" "A lone, hack-like cry of pleasure would be all I would extract from her, as she tightened her chest and refused to let anything else escape." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hug Hana tighter:" scene hanan_grind6_a with dissolve show hanan_grind6 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Meeting her fervor halfway, I pulled her even deeper into the embrace, pressing her body as deep into mine as was humanly possible." "The tips of her jet-black fingernails dug deep into my shoulder blades, ten little pin pricks that completely cleansed any lingering sleepiness from my eyes." "Deeper and deeper, until she had her claws in me like a cat unwilling to let go." "Deeper still and..." scene w2_3381 with dissolve "Hana tensed up and her body went rigid, all air vacating her lungs as a jolt of ecstasy had her momentarily forget to breath." "......" "..." KN_MOD "Grab her breasts:" scene hanan_grind7_a with dissolve show hanan_grind7 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Unable to resist the temptation that was in front of my face, I mustered my strength and lifted the would-be rock star up." "My fingers found purchase in the underside of Hana's breasts, my tips sinking deep into their seemingly endless volume." "They would've sunk deeper still, had it not been for the layers of clothing that tautly hugged her chest." "The frustration of not touching Hana's warm flesh and a caveman-like impulse to rip apart the sheer fabric and expose the treasure underneath almost got the better of me." "Fortunately, I reeled that explosive impulse in." mct "(She probably would be fucking pissed...)" scene w2_3382 with dissolve "Suddenly, Hana tensed up and her body went rigid, her head knocked back, and all air vacating her lungs as a jolt of ecstasy had her momentarily forget to breath." "......" "..." scene w2_3383 with vpunch "Just as abruptly it began, it also ended." "All tension left her and her body became jello in my arms." scene w2_3384 with dissolve hana "Ha..." hana "That was..." ## Hana snuggles with Edwin "Now, she snuggled up in a different way. A more comfortable way." "My cock was still painfully erect, but I still didn't say anything. It didn't feel like I should." "I just held her in silence and after some time..." hana "Zhhuu..." "Hana was asleep." scene black with fade "It was like a shared dream." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.hanaW2DryHump:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.hanaW2DryHump = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) KN_MOD "label w2HanaMorning3:" stop music hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionkathleen02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june11day" scene w2_3279 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mct "(Mhh...)" scene w2_3280 with dissolve "The light pouring into the room told me it was still early. Everything was bathed in a nice, dream-like hue of orange and red." scene w2_3279 with dissolve mct "(This couch sleeps pretty good...)" "I didn't really want to move, but I could hear signs of life in the apartment." scene w2_3280 with dissolve "Feet shuffling about, a faucet, the sound of... clanking glass?" scene w2_3281 with dissolve mc "Changed your mind about that drink, huh?" play music "music/that-one-bar-scene.ogg" scene w2_3282 with dissolve hana "That was when I had some head scratching to do, but now that I've made my decision..." scene w2_3283 with dissolve hana "I could use one." scene w2_3284 with dissolve "*Glug glug glug...*" scene w2_3285 with dissolve hana "Sorry to wake you, by the way." mc "You didn't disturb me." scene w2_3286 with dissolve hana "Good." scene w2_3287 with dissolve "She looked really good in this light." scene w2_3288 with dissolve mc "I'm on pins and needles wanting to find out what Mrs. Pulman talked to you about." scene w2_3289 with dissolve hana "You figured that out?" scene w2_3288 with dissolve mc "It doesn't take a detective to venture that guess -- you told me you were meeting her, remember?" scene w2_3286 with dissolve hana "Oh yeah. Ha! Guess you're not a mind reader." scene w2_3290 with dissolve mc "Did you think that was a real possibility?" scene w2_3291 with dissolve hana "Heh, no... I just forgot." hana "I did tell you I'd explain it in the morning." scene w2_3290 with dissolve mc "I'm not going to hold you to that, but I would like to hear it." scene w2_3321 with dissolve hana "Ah... so what she wanted was..." scene w2_3288 with dissolve mc "Is it complicated to explain?" scene w2_3321 with dissolve hana "Saying it aloud makes it feel real." scene w2_3288 with dissolve mc "If you want, start from the beginning." scene w2_3292 with dissolve hana "..." scene w2_3293 with dissolve hana "As you know, Mrs. Pulman asked me to meet with her, which is pretty unusual." hana "She flatters me from time to time, but she's never really {i}talked{/i} to me before." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_3288 with dissolve mc "Where did she ask to meet?" scene w2_3289 with dissolve hana "The club." play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" scene w2_3294 with pixellate hana "What the fuck is this?" scene w2_3295 with dissolve kat "I need your opinion." scene w2_3296 with dissolve hana "...what could you POSSIBLY need my opinion about?" scene w2_3295 with dissolve kat "You know Mr. Travis, one of our patrons." scene w2_3294 with dissolve hana "What about him?" scene w2_3297 with dissolve kat "You seemed well acquainted with him." kat "You chatted with him for over twenty minutes last October. Quite the record, for you." scene w2_3298 with dissolve hana "Well acquainted? Bleugh, don't make me puke. The guy's a disgusting pig, but he manages a few interesting acts." hana "Shooting the shit with him was {i}marginally{/i} better than just standing there bored out of my mind watching old men pathetically try their best to orgasm." scene w2_3299 with dissolve kat "So... {b}colorful{/b}." scene w2_3297 with dissolve kat "Still you know the man's world better than I." scene w2_3300 with dissolve hana "I guess..." scene w2_3297 with dissolve kat "He's got an act that's playing a week-long homecoming show in the city, something Oath." scene w2_3300 with dissolve hana "Vulgar Oath." scene w2_3301 with dissolve kat "That's it!" scene w2_3303 with dissolve hana "They suck." scene w2_3302 with dissolve kat "I wasn't really looking for an assessment of their musical prowess, Miss Rhodes." scene w2_3303 with dissolve hana "I didn't figure, {b}Mrs. Pulman{/b}. What do you want?" scene w2_3302 with dissolve kat "As I understand it, the lead singer of Vulgar {i}Oats{/i} gets himself in a bit of trouble whenever he's in one city for more than a few days." kat "He falls in love with any half-bit floozy that gets their claws in him, which makes things problematic for Mr. Travis and the rest of the band." scene w2_3303 with dissolve hana "Okay..." scene w2_3304 with dissolve kat "That's where Andrea or Mercedes will come in. Mr. Travis had the idea of making a preemptive attack." kat "Have one of our girls get their claws in him and painlessly release him when the time comes. No fuss." scene w2_3305 with dissolve hana "Hot damn, that's so stupid." kat "I agree, but what I wanted your opinion on is..." scene w2_3306 with dissolve kat "Which woman here is more suited to entertain an immature, immensely moronic pretty boy who has never been told no in his life?" scene w2_3307 with dissolve hana "Come on, you want my opinion on this crap? That's what I drove down here for?" scene w2_3306 with dissolve kat "Humor me, Miss Rhodes. Please." kat "You know both the girls rather well." kat "You know the scene and the type of man the singer is." scene w2_3308 with dissolve hana "*Sigh* Couldn't you have done this over the phone?" hana "Uh..." scene w2_3309 with dissolve hana "........." scene w2_3310 with dissolve hana "......" scene w2_3311 with dissolve hana "..." scene w2_3312 with dissolve hana "Mercedes..." scene w2_3313 with dissolve hana "Wearing that." scene w2_3314 with dissolve kat "Excellent! That was easy enough!" scene w2_3315 with dissolve kat "You girls can go home now." scene w2_3316 with dissolve hana "Is that it?" scene w2_3317 with dissolve kat "Not quite, dear. Come up and have a drink with me in my office." $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_3318 with pixellate mc "She wanted your opinion on which girl to send?" scene w2_3319 with dissolve hana "Oh, that was just the bullshit preamble to what she really wanted to talk about." scene w2_3318 with dissolve mc "That sounds like her." scene w2_3320 with dissolve "I've had my own taste of her meandering brand of slowly getting to the point." scene w2_3318 with dissolve mc "What did she really want to talk about?" scene w2_3319 with dissolve hana "Well, we went up to her office and had a drink. Dumb, bullshit chit chat until she finally dropped the bomb on me." $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_3322 with pixellate kat "You should accept your father's offer. You have a better mind for it than you give yourself credit for." scene w2_3324 with dissolve hana " know about {i}that{/i}?" scene w2_3322 with dissolve kat "Of course I do. He discussed it with Charles and I." scene w2_3324 with dissolve hana "I have no intention of having more to do with this place than I have to." scene w2_3323 with dissolve kat "You're a bitterly stubborn girl. It's a good trait to have in some circumstances, but in others... you're simply going to end up shooting yourself in the foot if you don't curtail the obstinacy." scene w2_3322 with dissolve kat "You already profit off this place, the only difference is the purse strings will belong to you." scene w2_3325 with dissolve hana "You can stop there. I don't give a shit about what my father wants. This place disturbs me." scene w2_3322 with dissolve kat "It's a matter of morals, is it? Do you have something against sex work?" scene w2_3324 with dissolve hana "No. I'm perfectly okay with the concept. What I have an issue with is pimps." scene w2_3322 with dissolve kat "You think the world can get by without managers?" scene w2_3324 with dissolve hana "I think it could get by without {b}pimps{/b}." scene w2_3327 with dissolve kat "Think about it. The women who work here have already proven unable to manage themselves. What we provide them is a steady hand." scene w2_3326 with dissolve hana "You mean you line your pockets with their misery. The women here are desperate and you take advantage of that." scene w2_3323 with dissolve kat "There are plenty of menial jobs out there that people only do out of desperation." scene w2_3329 with dissolve hana "The difference is no one's terrified of working fast food." scene w2_3328 with dissolve kat "Terrified? The girl's aren't--" scene w2_3329 with dissolve hana "Don't bullshit me. The girls are afraid of my dad and they're afraid of you and that huge asshole that follows you around." scene w2_3330 with dissolve hana "...and for whatever reason, Dalia is {b}especially{/b} afraid of Chuck." scene w2_3331 with dissolve kat "Oh, sweet, naive Hana..." scene w2_3332 with dissolve kat "The world isn't kind and this is a business that requires order." kat "If not here, they'd have more dire things to be afraid of. You say you have an issue with pimps, but if the alternative was them sinking deeper into their addictions or financial ruin, is this place not the better choice?" scene w2_3331 with dissolve kat "At least with the club, their lives are slowly being put back on track." scene w2_3333 with dissolve hana "Holy shit. Do you even hear yourself? Do you actually buy into that festering, fly-infested bullshit?" hana "They had a way to get their lives back on track, but you used your sister's charity as a door to exploit them. " scene w2_3334 with dissolve kat "......" hana "..." scene w2_3335 with dissolve kat "Let's get real for a second, then." kat "Your biggest issue with this place isn't the morality of it all. It's your father." scene w2_3336 with dissolve hana "I've got more than one bone to pick." scene w2_3337 with dissolve kat "Yes, but the main one is: you're a strong-willed woman and you resent being forced into things." scene w2_3336 with dissolve hana "No shit." scene w2_3338 with dissolve kat "Your mother needs care, but she likely has years left, doesn't she?" kat "He won't bend on his stipulations. You'll be here awhile, even if you're just waiting for her to pass on." scene w2_3339 with dissolve hana "..." scene w2_3338 with dissolve kat "You should take him up on his offer." scene w2_3340 with dissolve kat "For whatever reason, that man is dead set on kindling a father-daughter relationship with you. You should take advantage of that." kat "Show an interest in the business like he asked. Then take the half of the equity he's offering you now and the other half when he retires." scene w2_3338 with dissolve kat "Instead of being pulled along, go with a flow until you're in a suitable position to redirect. Get your own say in things." scene w2_3341 with dissolve kat "Do some good instead of throwing tantrums like a {b}petulant child{/b}." scene w2_3342 with dissolve hana " The mask is coming off now, isn't it bitch?" scene w2_3343 with dissolve kat "Don't take it that way, Miss Rhodes. I really do like you. You're a strong woman, especially for your age. You just resent that I'm right about your situation." scene w2_3332 with dissolve kat "Your father has an old school way of doing things, but he'll be pliable to suggestion with you on board. Things can change around here. Become more velvet glove, than iron fist." kat "Quite frankly, I don't really care what motivates the girls as long as they perform." scene w2_3333 with dissolve hana "Bullshit. I won't get a say, the old man will just be jerking me around a different way." scene w2_3331 with dissolve kat "Oh, child. Even just half of his share of the business is larger than mine." scene w2_3343 with dissolve kat "I guarantee you, you'll have sway, especially with me backing you." hana "..." scene w2_3344 with dissolve kat "Plus, when he does retire and you assume August's full side of the business, if this place still remains unpalatable to you..." scene w2_3345 with dissolve kat "Spit on his legacy. Wash your hands of the place." kat "Sell it to me and set you, your mother, and anyone you wish up for life. I hear your best friend lives out of a van?" scene w2_3346 with dissolve hana "..." scene w2_3345 with dissolve kat "Think it over, dear." scene w2_3347 with pixellate hana "I know the bitch is just counting on me selling it to her, but fuck me...!" stop music fadeout 3.0 hana "She's right." scene w2_3348 with dissolve mc "Huh, holy shit..." mc "So when you say you reached a decision, what you really mean is..." mc "I should be calling you boss from now on?" play music "music/that-one-bar-scene.ogg" scene w2_3349 with dissolve hana "Please, no!" scene w2_3350 with dissolve hana "I don't have it yet, anyway. The old man's condition for half of his shares is that I show an active interest in learning the business." scene w2_3351 with dissolve mc "And that's what you're going to do? \"Learn\" the business, whatever that means?" scene w2_3350 with dissolve hana "Yep. That's what I'm going to do." scene w2_3352 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." "Retain her ownership or sell it to Mrs. Pulman; Hana is set if she agrees to this. Yet she seems so..." scene w2_3351 with dissolve mc "You afraid?" scene w2_3353 with dissolve hana "Yeah, but I don't understand it." scene w2_3354 with dissolve mc "I sympathize. In my case, I was afraid I might learn some nasty truths about myself." mc "In your case, you were previously forced into this by your dad. It was easier to rationalize your role in the club." mc "Now you're making an active choice and that's scary." scene w2_3355 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Emphasize her good qualities.:" scene w2_3356 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Luckily for you, you're a good person. That place won't change you." mc "...but maybe you could change it just a little?" scene w2_3357 with dissolve hana "You're crazy if you think that's actually possible." scene w2_3356 with dissolve mc "It's at least worth trying, right? Maybe you could start small." scene w2_3357 with dissolve hana "Maybe..." KN_MOD "Emphasize the importance of the money.:" $ Hana_Anger += 1 scene w2_3358 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Just think of what you can do with that money once you get out from underneath your father's thumb." scene w2_3359 with dissolve hana "Is that what keeps you going?" scene w2_3358 with dissolve mc "I'm not ashamed to admit that. I want to help my mom with her retirement and the first step there is getting a good job." scene w2_3356 with dissolve mc "Besides, if you do sell it, that'll be a nice fuck you to your father won't it?" scene w2_3357 with dissolve hana "It would be..." scene w2_3356 with dissolve mc "Either way, I'll be there every step of the way with you as a friend." mc "I can't quit either, anyway." scene w2_3357 with dissolve hana "You could, but..." scene w2_3385 with dissolve hana "I kinda don't want you to if I'm going balls deep on the place." scene w2_3386 with dissolve "We shared a look and for the first time since I woke up, my mind let me be keenly aware of a particular detail." scene w2_3351 with dissolve mc "By the way, not that I mind, but..." scene w2_3387 with dissolve mc "You sure it's okay to be sitting there dressed like that?!" scene w2_3388 with dissolve hana "Oh? Wha...?" hana "Give me a break. I slept in my clothes last night." KN_MOD "label w2HanaMCKiss:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" scene w2_3389 with dissolve mc "I'm the one who {b}needs{/b} a break! You're taking me too lightly as a man." scene w2_3390 with dissolve hana "Am I?" scene w2_3391 with dissolve mc "Yeah, {b}waaaay{/b} too lightly. The close proximity, the clothes, and not to mention..." KN_MOD "if w2HanaHump == True and w2HanaSex == True:" mc "Whatever the hell came over you this morning when you were so damn thirsty that you dry humped yourself into a coma." scene w2_3392 with dissolve hana "Heh... uh..." hana "I..." scene w2_3393 with dissolve hana "Can't blame the booze, can I?" hana "I hear you. If having a cute, young half-naked woman in your apartment is really such a problem..." scene w2_3394 with dissolve hana "I'll go get dressed." hana "Wouldn't want you to feel that I'm taking you too lightly as a ma--" scene w2_3395 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 mc "That wasn't what I was getting at." hana "Wh-" play music "music/everything-you-wanted.ogg" scene w2_3396 with vpunch mc "I'm just letting you know that I'm beginning to feel... {b}frustrated{/b}." scene w2_3397 with dissolve hana "Frustrated? Because of lil' ol' {i}me{/i}?" hana "Oh, golly. That wasn't my intention." hana "I wouldn't want you to feel like I just used you like a toy. What should I do to help cool things down??" scene w2_3398 with dissolve hana "Mmh..." "The look Hana gave me was pure combustion, that..." scene w2_3399 with wipeleft hana "Mmmh...!" "Spurred me into action." scene hanahome_kiss1_a with dissolve show hanahome_kiss1 "...although I'm not so sure that I pulled her into the kiss as much as she met me half way." "*Chwup, fwhup...!*" scene w2_3400 with dissolve "It was a painfully short embrace." scene w2_3401 with dissolve hana "You think it's a good idea to just kiss your boss like that?" scene w2_3402 with dissolve mc "I thought you didn't want me to call you that." scene w2_3401 with dissolve hana "Well..." scene w2_3402 with dissolve mc "You're going to use it whenever it suits you, aren't you?" scene hanahome_kiss1_a with dissolve show hanahome_kiss1 "*Chwup, chwup...!" "This time it was all her." "Fwhup...! Cwhup...!" scene w2_3401 with dissolve hana "What were you saying?" scene w2_3402 with dissolve mc "I..." mc "Nothing important." scene w2_3403 with dissolve hana "You're too damn cute, for a dweeb." scene w2_3404 with dissolve mc "You got to work on your pillow talk." scene w2_3403 with dissolve hana "Don't presume we're going to find our way to any pillows." scene w2_3405 with dissolve hana "Mhmh, oh!" scene w2_3406 with dissolve "*Chwup, chwup...!" scene hanahome_kiss2_a with dissolve show hanahome_kiss2 "With one deft movement, I hiked the rag she was using as a shirt up and brought my mouth to the tip of her exposed breast." "*Chwup, fwhup, fhup...!" scene w2_3407 with dissolve mc "What were you saying?" hana "I..." scene hanahome_kiss2_a with dissolve show hanahome_kiss2 hana "Oh, oh...!" hana "I was just..." "*Chwup, fwhup, fhup...!" hana "R-running my mouth like an idiot..." scene w2_3408 with dissolve hana "You..." hana "You really shouldn't leave it unoccupied." scene hanahome_kiss3_a with dissolve show hanahome_kiss3 "It was the strongest kiss yet. We locked lips in the truest, inescapable sense of the word." hana "Mmmh..." "Hana held me in place by my neck, jamming her tongue in my mouth with a charmingly inexperienced zeal." scene w2_3409 with dissolve hana "[mcf]..." "She looked like she did earlier, but this time it was like she was waiting for me to make the next move." scene w2_3410 with dissolve hana "--!" scene w2_3411 with dissolve mc "Can I?" scene w2_3412 with dissolve hana "...let me clean up first?" scene w2_3413 with dissolve hana "It's been an embarrassingly long time and I want to feel, uh... you know." hana "My best?" scene w2_3414 with dissolve "Stop and go is awfully frustrating, but..." scene w2_3415 with dissolve mc "You're the boss." scene w2_3416 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.hanaMCKiss:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.hanaMCKiss = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hana "Thanks, [mcf]..." $ renpy.end_replay() scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_hana = "After inexplicably dry humping me in the middle of the night, Hana revealed something extremely interesting: she stands to inherit a significant portion of the Carnation Club." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True and w2HanaHump == False:" mc "Still, I am a man..." scene w2_3393 with dissolve hana "Ha! You better not look at me that way." scene w2_3394 with dissolve hana "I'm your future boss, idiot." scene w2_3417 with dissolve mc "I thought you didn't want me to call you that." scene w2_3418 with dissolve hana "That's right, but I can call myself that if I want." hana "You mind if I use the bathroom first?" scene w2_3417 with dissolve mc "You're the boss." scene w2_3419 with dissolve hana "You know, I could just come around on this." scene w2_3420 with dissolve mc "I have a feeling you're not going to hate everything about your decision." scene w2_3421 with dissolve mct "(Ian's going to have a fuckin' aneurysm.)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_hana = "Hana revealed something extremely interesting: she stands to inherent a significant portion of the Carnation Club." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == False and w2HanaHump == True:" mc "The offer you made last Sunday." scene w2_3393 with dissolve hana "Oh? You regretting it?" mc "No, but..." scene w2_3394 with dissolve hana "Heh. I don't feel so bad about you rebuffing my advances now at least." hana "Nice to know you see me that way." scene w2_3417 with dissolve mc "Do you actually care about that?" scene w2_3418 with dissolve hana "Even a gal like me has her pride." scene w2_3417 with dissolve mc "......" hana "..." scene w2_3418 with dissolve hana "It'd be inappropriate now that I'm your future boss." scene w2_3417 with dissolve mc "Oh, shut up! You're going to use that whenever it's convenient." scene w2_3419 with dissolve hana "Yup!" scene w2_3420 with dissolve mc "Where are you going?" hana "Ladies' room. To get changed." hana "Feel free to take one last look." scene w2_3421 with dissolve mc "Ha!" mct "(She sure let that go to her head.)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_hana = "Hana revealed something extremely interesting: she stands to inherent a significant portion of the Carnation Club." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Still, I am a man..." scene w2_3393 with dissolve hana "Ha! You better not look at me that way." scene w2_3394 with dissolve hana "I'm your future boss, idiot." scene w2_3417 with dissolve mc "I thought you didn't want me to call you that." scene w2_3418 with dissolve hana "That's right, but I can call myself that if I want." hana "You mind if I use the bathroom first?" scene w2_3417 with dissolve mc "You're the boss." scene w2_3419 with dissolve hana "You know, I could just come around on this." scene w2_3420 with dissolve mc "I have a feeling you're not going to hate everything about your decision." scene w2_3421 with dissolve mct "(Ian's going to have a fuckin' aneurysm.)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 $ history_hana = "Hana revealed something extremely interesting: she stands to inherent a significant portion of the Carnation Club." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "..." scene w2_3422 with fade play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" "Faced with the prospect of killing time while Hana was in the shower, I did what anyone in my situation would do." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3423 with dissolve mc "Nice." "No harm in keeping the fire going, right...?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3424 with dissolve mc "Cute..." mct "(Wonder what August's policy on pets is...)" play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w2_3425 with dissolve "*Ring, ring*" "A face I didn't expect replaced the \"content\" that was previously occupying my screen." mct "(Felicia...)" mct "(Oh yeah...)" "I was so preoccupied with Hana's company that I forgot to feel anxious about my preposterous \"interview\" with her husband. That said..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Mrs. Pulman was keeping her in the dark about today. What could she want?)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Kathleen was keeping her in the dark about today. What could she want?)" stop ambient scene w2_3426 with dissolve mc "Hello? Felicia?" scene w2_3427 with dissolve fel "[mcf]. Is this a bad time?" KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3426 with dissolve mc "You could call it a bad--" scene w2_3427 with dissolve fel "Well, tough titties. It is for Mina too." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3426 with dissolve mc "Not really." scene w2_3427 with dissolve fel "Good, because it is for Mina." scene w2_3428 with dissolve mc "What's wrong with Mina?" scene w2_3429 with dissolve fel "She's... well..." scene w2_3430 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/metal-drop.wav" fel "--!" fel "H-hey! That's not quite what I meant when I said get angry, not sad!" scene w2_3431 with dissolve mc "What's...?" scene w2_3432 with dissolve fel "Listen, [mcf]. Could you do me a favor?" fel "I could use a lil' assist in playing emotional pick up for our mutual spritely, bottle rocket of a friend." fel "Could come over to Mina's? The sooner the better." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3433 with dissolve mct "(Ah, fuck)..." scene w2_3434 with dissolve mc "I was in the middle of..." scene w2_3433 with dissolve fel "Please?" mct "(Getting some.)" scene w2_3426 with dissolve mc "Yeah, of course I will." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3426 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'm free today until my... thing." scene w2_3427 with dissolve mct "(With you.)" scene w2_3435 with dissolve fel "Great! Oh my god, thank you! Do you know the address?" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" scene w2_3436 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I've been there." scene w2_3437 with dissolve fel "Good, because I suck at directions." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3436 with dissolve mc "No." scene w2_3438 with dissolve fel "Alright... uh... let's see I suck at directions... do you know where..." scene w2_3436 with dissolve mc "I'll just plug it into the internet." scene w2_3437 with dissolve fel "Great, I'll find a piece of mail and text it to you." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" stop music scene w2_3439 with dissolve fel "See you soon!" scene w2_3440 with dissolve "Without so much of a goodbye, Felicia hung up." mc "Shit..." mct "(I hope everything is okay.)" KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" play sound "sound effects/door-slide.wav" scene w2_3441 with dissolve "The sound of the bathroom door opening. Hana had finished cleaning up." scene w2_3442 with dissolve mct "(Hopefully she'll under--)" play music "music/take-the-lead.ogg" scene w2_3443 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 6 yalign 0.25 mc "Holy shit." "When she said she wanted to look her best..." mc "Holy. {b}SHIT{/b}." scene w2_3444 with dissolve hana "That's... uh..." scene w2_3445 with dissolve hana "The reaction I was hoping for." scene w2_3446 with dissolve mct "(I know I thought I hoped Mina was okay, but...)" "This better be serious." mc "You look great." scene w2_3447 with dissolve hana "No shit." scene w2_3448 with dissolve mc "You look great, but..." scene w2_3449 with dissolve hana "...but full stop, I just look great?" scene w2_3450 with dissolve hana "This isn't the \"but\" kind of situation." scene w2_3451 with dissolve mc "You look great, but I'm going to have to blue ball both of us." mc "Can I take a rain check on..." scene w2_3452 with dissolve mc "THAT." scene w2_3453 with dissolve hana "Explain." scene w2_3454 with dissolve hana "THIS is pretty embarassing, so it better be good." scene w2_3455 with dissolve mc "Mina's having a really bad time right now. I think Ian--" scene w2_3456 with dissolve hana "Say no more." scene w2_3457 with dissolve hana "I like twintails. She's awesome." hana "I'll drive you." scene w2_3458 with dissolve hana "Just let me..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade hana "Get dressed." "Damn it." "......" "..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3459 with dissolve mc "Hey, could you give me a ride?" scene w2_3460 with dissolve hana "Yeah, sure. Not like I can refuse my gracious host. Where to?" scene w2_3459 with dissolve mc "Mina's having a really bad time. I think Ian--" scene w2_3461 with dissolve hana "Say no more." scene w2_3462 with dissolve hana "I like twintails. She's awesome. Let's go." "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w2MinaStart:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, Knock*" stop sound scene w2_3463 with cmet play music "music/Moonlight-Sonata.ogg" fel "Thanks for coming." mc "It sounded serious." scene w2_3464 with dissolve fel "No, {b}really{/b}. Thanks." fel "Our girl doesn't have a lot of friends in the first place. You and I are the only ones close to the situation and I unfortunately can't stay as long as I should." scene w2_3465 with dissolve mc "You're leaving?" scene w2_3464 with dissolve fel "Don't give me that look. I'm not pawning her off on you or anything like that." scene w2_3466 with dissolve fel "I've got an annoying {i}thing{/i} tonight that I'm obligated to play homemaker for. Whole nine yards: doll myself up, oversee the dinner plans, psych myself up into pretending that I give a crap." scene w2_3467 with dissolve fel "Basic gold digger stuff." scene w2_3468 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Part of me wanted to give Felicia a heads up and ruin Mrs. Pulman's surprise, so she wouldn't be caught unaware, but this wasn't exactly the time and place to comfortably get into it." KN_MOD "else:" "Part of me wanted to give Felicia a heads up and ruin Kathleen's surprise, so she wouldn't be caught unaware, but this wasn't exactly the time and place to comfortably get into it." scene w2_3469 with dissolve mc "\"Basic\"? You should write a memoir. Okay, I get it." scene w2_3470 with dissolve mc "Where's Mina?" scene w2_3471 with dissolve fel "The princess is in her room." scene w2_3472 with dissolve mc "Sulking?" scene w2_3473 with dissolve fel "I think she's getting dressed. She got pretty miffed when I told her I called you." fel "I think she was worried about looking anything less than prim and proper." scene w2_3474 with dissolve fel "Which I get wanting to look good, but sometimes it's more advantageous to let a man see you with your nose runny and your hair down." scene w2_3472 with dissolve mc "Basic gold digger stuff?" scene w2_3471 with dissolve fel "Sorry, I can't turn it off. I'm not good at touchy-feely stuff, which is actually another reason I called you..." scene w2_3473 with dissolve fel "If I could stay, I'd fill her head with all sorts of bad advice. She doesn't need my warped view on things." scene w2_3472 with dissolve "Felicia clearly cared, but she was smart enough to recognize her limitations." mc "So, what's the situation?" scene w2_3471 with dissolve fel "What's the situation?" scene w2_3474 with dissolve fel "You have three guesses, but you only need one, stud." scene w2_3472 with dissolve mc "What did he do?" scene w2_3471 with dissolve fel "He {b}did{/b} a couple of \"things\", but it's better that I show you rather than explain." scene w2_3472 with dissolve mc "{b}Show{/b} me?" scene w2_3475 with dissolve fel "Uh huh. Nice of a man to video tape his fuck ups and leave it lying around to be found by his sweet, undeserving girlfriend." mc "Oh, no..." scene w2_3476 with dissolve fel "Oh, yeah. {b}Real{/b} considerate." fel "So, Mina found a random USB. I don't know why she decided to peek what was on it, but..." scene ian_3some_a with pixellate show ian_3some hide screen textbox2 with dissolve alice "Oh, K-Killian...! This is t-too..." "Within the first second of the video, I instantly understood the entire situation." kil "No, no, no. {b}Mr. Beaufort{/b}, bitch." kil "Don't forget who you work for just because I was nice enough to clean out the cobwebs down there." "For Mina, it may have been one thing to know that Ian was sneaking around, but being faced with evidence..." alice "A-ah, y-you used to be s-so...!" "Not just any evidence at that, either. This wasn't just a damning text message or another woman's clothes carelessly forgotten, but video of her boyfriend balls deep in his menopausal housemaid." kil "Sweet? Bullshit. I've always wanted to fuck this fat ass--" scene w2_3477 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2IanMaid3some:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2IanMaid3some = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Fuck." fel "You can say that again. You get the idea?" mc "Yeah, turn it off." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_3478 with dissolve mc "Uh... okay, I get why you called me here, but what am I going to do? I won't be much help, we haven't known each other for very long." scene w2_3479 with dissolve fel "Making sure she doesn't break all her glassware would be a good start. She's trending toward pissed more than anything else." scene w2_3480 with dissolve mc " sure she'll be comfortable with me here? The asshole is my close friend, remember?" stop music scene w2_3481 with dissolve mina "These walls are pretty thin, y'know." scene w2_3482 with dissolve mc "......" play music "music/called-upon.ogg" scene w2_3483 with dissolve mc "...hey." scene w2_3484 with dissolve mina "Hey, [mcf]." scene w2_3485 with dissolve mc "I guess you can answer my question then." scene w2_3486 with dissolve mina "Am I comfortable with you here? That depends. Did you know?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_3504 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2MinaQuestion:" KN_MOD "Tell the truth.:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 scene w2_3487 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2MinaIanCover == True:" scene w2_3487 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry. I don't know why I tried to cover for him just now." scene w2_3497 with dissolve mina "I get it. I'm a child of divorce." mina "Avoid conflict, right?" scene w2_3498 with dissolve "I marveled how Mina managed to retain her sense of empathy even in a situation like this." scene w2_3499 with dissolve mc "Ah, maybe... I did know, though. He's not very \"secretive\" about it." mc "Sorry." scene w2_3489 with dissolve mina "Don't be. I knew too, in my own way. It's not like I can be angry at you when I was doing a bang up job making a fool of myself all on my own." scene w2_3490 with dissolve mina "If you want, I'd love for you to keep me company, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3487 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yes, I did." mc "...sorry." scene w2_3488 with dissolve mina "Don't be. I knew in my own way and I didn't do anything about it. It's not like I can be angry at you when I was doing a bang up job making a fool of myself all on my own." scene w2_3489 with dissolve mina "Thanks for not lying about it right now, [mcf]." scene w2_3490 with dissolve mina "If you want, I'd love for you to keep me company." KN_MOD "Lie for Ian. if w2MinaIanCover == False:" $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ Mina_Affection -= 2 $ w2MinaIanCover = True scene w2_3487 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Have you talked to him about it?" mc "Maybe the video's old? He's always liked to... film things." scene w2_3500 with dissolve mina "'s not old. He was chatting with that purple haired {b}slut{/b} a few weeks ago at {i}Circus{/i} when me, you, and Felicia were there." scene w2_3501 with dissolve "Mina looked at me odd, as if she fully understood my deflection wasn't done out of a genuine interest of giving the benefit of the doubt." scene w2_3502 with dissolve "She looked vaguely hurt. How do I answer her original question?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w2MinaQuestion" KN_MOD "Lie about your knowledge, tactfully.:" scene w2_3487 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2MinaIanCover == True:" $ Mina_Affection -= 1 scene w2_3487 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I didn't know explicitly, but Ian's not exactly the monogamous type and he's not good at hiding things." scene w2_3502 with dissolve mina "..." "I could tell she didn't quite buy it." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3487 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Not explicitly, but..." mc "Well, I know Ian's not exactly the monogamous type." scene w2_3503 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_3489 with dissolve mina "Yeah... I didn't know for sure either, but I... {i}knew{/i}." scene w2_3490 with dissolve mina "If you want, I wouldn't mind some company, [mcf]." scene w2_3491 with dissolve mina "As a friend though. I don't need a babysitter." fel "Oh, hun... that's not what this..." scene w2_3492 with dissolve fel "I mean..." fel "Yeah, you would see it that way." scene w2_3493 with dissolve mina "I appreciate the thought." scene w2_3494 with dissolve mc "No worries. I had enough babysitting at my last job." scene w2_3495 with dissolve mina "Good!" mina "Because, instead of that..." stop music play sound "sound effects/surprise.wav" scene w2_3496 with w19 mina "I need to know: either of you want to star in a video?" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaRevealContinued" ## photo shoot teasing retcon KN_MOD "label w2MinaRevealContinued:" "..." play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" scene w2_3505 with dissolve "Mina let the question hang in the air with a pregnant pause, pulling the whole room into a communal silence." scene w2_3506 with dissolve fel "A... video, hun?" scene w2_3505 with dissolve "Until finally, Felicia saw fit to break it." scene w2_3506 with dissolve fel "I don't think..." scene w2_3507 with dissolve "Mina looked into Felicia's eyes with a funny, almost investigative look." scene w2_3508 with dissolve mina "Ha!" scene w2_3509 with dissolve mina "You should see the look on your faces." scene w2_3510 with dissolve mina "I'm... kidding. Just..." mina "...kidding." scene w2_3511 with dissolve mina "I mean, could you imagine it?" "The expression on her face revealed the gears grinding in her cute little head." scene w2_3512 with dissolve mina "You?" scene w2_3513 with dissolve mina "...and [mcf]?" scene w2_3514 with fade mina "Nope!" scene w2_3515 with dissolve mina "File that alongside the growing list of bad impulses today." mina "Right next to sending Ian's mother the videotape of him boinking his nanny." scene w2_3516 with dissolve mina "So... fucking..." scene w2_3517 with vpunch mina "GROSS!" scene w2_3518 with dissolve fel "Don't try and understand it, sweetie. You're hotter than either of those skanks in the video, but men are... fickle." mc "Fickle is a very kind and generous way of describing Ian." scene w2_3519 with dissolve mc "Heh..." $, 3, channel = "music") "{b}This{/b} was very, {i}very{/i} much not a situation I was suited for." "How did I get pulled into this?" scene w2_3520 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance <= 15:" "That was an easy question to answer. It was very much like the Carnation Club; a byproduct of being within that asshole's orbit." KN_MOD "else:" "That was an easy question to answer. It was very much like the Carnation Club; a byproduct of being within my friend's orbit." "How should I deal with it?" scene w2_3521 with dissolve "I'd seen it in movies. The words of consolation and the usual platitudes..." KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" "I didn't quite know what to say or how to say it." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" "Mina was a nice person who I went out of my way to befriend." KN_MOD "else:" "Even if it wasn't my job, I am presently here." KN_MOD "else:" "I knew the things I should say, but I was apprehensive of how empty it would sound coming from my lips." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" "Mina was a nice person who I went out of my way to befriend." KN_MOD "else:" "Even if it wasn't my job, I am presently here." "I knew from experience..." scene w2_3522 with pixellate "Words don't always suffice." "There are simply situations that logic is unable to mend." scene w2_3523 with pixellate mct "(Well, she said it herself.)" scene w2_3524 with dissolve "She doesn't need a babysitter." scene w2_3525 with dissolve mc "What are you two talking about?" mina "Just... stupid stuff." fel "Don't say that." scene w2_3526 with dissolve fel "Our girl's got a kernel of an idea just awaiting a kettle." scene w2_3527 with dissolve mina "Oh gosh, I was just talking out of my tushie." scene w2_3528 with dissolve fel "No need to be rash, but what you were saying made sense." fel "You're young and in your prime after all." scene w2_3529 with dissolve mina "I don't know, Felicia..." scene w2_3530 with dissolve fel "It was your idea. Mull it over." fel "Tell [mcf] about it later if you want." scene w2_3531 with dissolve "I waited to be filled in, but neither of the women deigned to explain." scene w2_3532 with dissolve mina "I know how Elias is. You should go and get prepared for your thing." scene w2_3533 with dissolve fel "I really don't want to, you know that?" scene w2_3532 with dissolve mina "Yeah, yeah, I know about your arrangement with that crackpot." mina "I appreciate you picking up the phone this morning." scene w2_3533 with dissolve fel "Well, you don't usually call that early..." scene w2_3534 with dissolve mina "Thanks for coming, Felicia." fel "No problem, hun. I'll be back later tonight, after my thing." mina "I'm not a kid, I'll be alright." scene w2_3535 with dissolve fel "...really?" mina ", I actually love that. Please do." scene w2_3536 with dissolve fel "Count on it then, you geek." scene w2_3537 with dissolve fel "Don't make a move on poor little Mina while she's down in the dumps, okay?" scene w2_3538 with dissolve mina "Pffft...!" "Felicia's little crack had its intended effect, dragging a delightful snort from the blonde." scene w2_3539 with dissolve mc "Come on, what do you take me for?" scene w2_3540 with dissolve fel "Are you really asking that?" mina "Heh. Yeah, what do you take [mcf] for, Felicia?" scene w2_3541 with dissolve fel "I take you for a man in the lone company of a young and beautiful woman." scene w2_3542 with dissolve fel "Then again, I guess she is single now. So no harm in trying, right?" scene w2_3543 with dissolve mina "Heh... shut up, Felicia." scene w2_3544 with dissolve fel "You'll get there." scene w2_3545 with dissolve fel "I'm going to leave now, before the instinct to take your cute ass on a shopping spree wins out over my wifely duty." scene w2_3546 with dissolve mina "Jeez, just get out of here, slut!" stop music fadeout 3. scene black with fade mina "You have stuff to do." fel "Okay, okay..." scene w2_3547 with fade "After another five minutes of yammering, Felicia finally departed and left the two of us alone in the middle of Mina's obnoxiously pink apartment." mina "Jeez, it's always one more thing with her." mc "Not the type to make a quick exit, huh?" mina "Yeah... I like that about Felicia." scene w2_3548 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_3549 with dissolve mina "You don't have to stay if you don't want to. Felicia calling you wasn't my idea." scene w2_3550 with dissolve mina "I mean... you're kind of between a rock and a hard place." mina "Bros before hos, right?" scene w2_3551 with dissolve "She punctuated her little joke with an awkward chuckle that was more nervous energy than good humor." mc "Ah..." scene w2_3552 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2MinaTalk:" KN_MOD "Attempt to gently assuage her concerns.:" play music "music/soft-feeling.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I know... it's kind of weird, right? Considering how we're connected, but..." scene w2_3553 with dissolve "Mina transfixed me with an anxious, lonely look." "A look that told me all I needed to know about how she was feeling and what she hoped I would say." mc "It doesn't have to be like that." scene w2_3554 with dissolve mina "No...?" scene w2_3553 with dissolve mc "Of course not." mc "Bros before hos? Taking your social cues from how much two words rhyme is a dumbass thing to do." scene w2_3555 with dissolve mina "Aha... yeah... but I mean..." mina "We don't know each other all that well. I would understand." scene w2_3556 with dissolve mc "I would like to get to know you better." scene w2_3557 with dissolve "I tried my best to sound as matter-of-fact about it as I could." scene w2_3558 with dissolve mina "That simple?" scene w2_3557 with dissolve mc "It doesn't have to be so complicated. I mean, I'm already here." mc "Let's just hang out, easy peasy." mina "..." scene w2_3559 with dissolve mina "{b}Yeah{/b}, simple is good." scene w2_3560 with dissolve "......" scene w2_3561 with dissolve "..." scene w2_3562 with dissolve mina "Thanks, [mcf]." scene w2_3563 with dissolve mina "You can find friends in the funniest places." mina "I don't have many of those anymore." scene w2_3564 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hug her tighter.:" scene w2_3565 with dissolve "I returned Mina's embrace. It only made sense." mc "Heh. You get a lot of hugs growing up? Or not enough?" scene w2_3568 with dissolve mina "My dad." scene w2_3567 with dissolve mc "Oh yeah...?" scene w2_3568 with dissolve mina "Uhuh, he was real big on physical affection." mina "He had the biggest arms." scene w2_3566 with dissolve "She trailed off in a dreamy, contented way..." scene w2_3568 with dissolve mina "I guess I get that from him, among other things..." scene w2_3567 with dissolve mc "What else?" scene w2_3569 with dissolve mina "Ah, well..." mina "My hair, as you already know, and..." scene w2_3570 with dissolve mina "I definitely don't get my figure from my mom's side." scene w2_3571 with dissolve mina "Heh..." mina "I know it's my fault, but stop looking, okay?" scene w2_3572 with dissolve mc "...sorry." scene w2_3558 with dissolve mina "So did you want a drink or something?" scene w2_3557 with dissolve mc "You don't have to play host right now. Let's do something fun." mc "Are you feeling up to that?" scene w2_3555 with dissolve mina "I mean, put on the spot like that..." scene w2_3573 with dissolve "..." scene w2_3574 with dissolve mina "Okay, I got an idea..." KN_MOD "Pat her head.:" $ w2MinaPat = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "For an inexplicable reason, a particular urge came over me." scene w2_3575 with dissolve " whose origin might've lain somewhere earlier this week." mc "No problem." scene minalr_pat1_a with dissolve show minalr_pat1 "With measured intensity to make sure I wasn't half-assing it, I placed my hand atop Mina's head and gave it a comforting pat." "Her eyes only briefly conveyed confusion, before her expression slipped into one of warm acceptance." mina "Eheh..." "My fingers dug into the soft, flaxen bed of her hair; gently scratching the skin of her scalp." mina "Hey... I'm not a dog..." "Despite her words, she sounded relatively pacified by the touch." scene minalr_pat2_a with dissolve show minalr_pat2 mc "I know." mina "....oooh, hey! That feels really nice." "With added vigor, I attacked the side of her head, grazing my closely cut nails around the periphery of her ear, working the tips into the glossy golden depths." mina "A-and oddly comforting, too." mina "Simple... is good..." "She murmured a snippet of our previous conversation as if it was a reassuring mantra." mina "Simple is good." scene w2_3576 with dissolve mc "So, what do you want to do?" mc "Would you like to bitch or would you prefer to get your mind off things?" scene w2_3577 with dissolve mina "I'll go with option two, please." scene w2_3556 with dissolve mc "You got anything you want to do? Anything fun?" scene w2_3555 with dissolve mina "Weeeeell..." scene w2_3573 with dissolve "..." scene w2_3574 with dissolve mina "Okay, I got an idea..." KN_MOD "Call her a moron.:" play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene w2_3578 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Don't be an idiot, moron." scene w2_3579 with dissolve mina "...h-huh?" scene w2_3578 with dissolve mc "I'm telling you not to say moronic things." "I opted to put it as emphatically as I possibly could, in an attempt to leave little room for doubt." mc "I'm here, standing in your garish apartment, aren't I? That should refute that dumb saying." scene w2_3581 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_3580 with dissolve "She looked at me blankly, before..." mc "I. Want. To. Be--" scene w2_3582 with vpunch mina "Bwaaaaah!" "With surprising speed, Miss Congeniality almost knocked me off my feet." mina "I AM a big fuuucking moron!" mc "Uh... I didn't mean that..." scene w2_3583 with dissolve mina "I knew, deep down, it would always come to this, so why the hell am I feeling so bitter about it?" mina "I don't get it! I really, {b}really{/b} don't get it!" mina "I'm like my fucking MOOOOOOOOOM!" scene w2_3584 with dissolve "With surprising strength, the tearful blonde squeezed me tighter and tighter." mina "Now I'm crying into the shoulder of his friend of all people!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Dont say anything, hold her tighter, and comfort her.:" scene minalr_cry_a with dissolve show minalr_cry show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Instead of speaking, I turned the previously one-sided clinch into an embrace." "Mina accepted the gesture, running her hands up my back and digging her nose deep into my chest." mina "*Sniff... sniff...!*" "A faint dampness spread across the center of my shirt, warmed by Mina's hot and muggy breath." "The odd thought crossed my mind that Mina was very easy to hold, like a big stuffed animal." "And even though it was physically impossible, as if being pulled by some invisible force, it felt like she was sinking deeper and deeper into me." "There was something to be said for the comfort of dumb physical warmth." "Yeah, just like I learned from my mom..." "Words don't always suffice." scene w2_3585 with dissolve mina "Moron? Geez...!" mina "You don't pull your punches, do you?" mc "I meant that in a friendly, endearing way... like, \"Hey, you big moron!\"..." scene w2_3586 with dissolve scene w2_3587 with dissolve scene w2_3588 with dissolve mina "I mean I took it that way, but still...!" scene w2_3589 with dissolve mina "Heh. How does that song go?" mina "Only fools fall in love?" mc "I don't think I know that one." scene w2_3590 with dissolve mina "It's old..." mina "My grandparents are old... so..." scene w2_3591 with dissolve mc "I see the connection." scene w2_3592 with dissolve mc "So, what do you want to do?" mc "Would you like to let it out some more or do you want to get your mind off things?" scene w2_3590 with dissolve mina "Hmm... my problems will be here later. I don't see why we can't try and have some fun." scene w2_3591 with dissolve mc "You got anything you want to do?" scene w2_3601 with dissolve mina "Weeeeell..." mina "There is something..." KN_MOD "Break the hug and reassure her.:" scene w2_3593 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hey, aforementioned {b}moron{/b}..." scene w2_3594 with dissolve mina "..." "Mina's eyes looked up into mine, resembling reflective pools of water muddied with confusion." scene w2_3593 with dissolve mc "Crying into the shoulder of {i}your{/i} friend." mc " I mistaken?" scene w2_3594 with dissolve "She just looked at me dumbly for a time, mouth slightly ajar, unsure of how to respond..." "Maybe this route wasn't such a..." scene w2_3595 with hpunch mina "No! You're not mistaken!" mina "I'm just... you know..." scene w2_3596 with dissolve mc "I know." mc "Me? I'm always second-guessing and doubting people's motives. I can't turn it off." scene w2_3597 with dissolve mina "Really?" scene w2_3599 with dissolve mc "Yeah..." scene w2_3598 with dissolve mct "(You see in other people what you know of yourself, after all.)" "...but I didn't say that much." scene w2_3599 with dissolve mc "So even without experiencing what you're going through, I understand the nagging feeling of uncertainty." scene w2_3600 with dissolve mc "So, you should get your mind off things." scene w2_3589 with dissolve mina "How do you propose I do that?" mc "I don't know. Do you have something fun we can do here?" scene w2_3601 with dissolve mina "Well..." mina "I can think of something." KN_MOD "else:" "Quite frankly, I'm only standing here because Felicia asked me to and Felicia is currently my job." "I turned her offer down to hang out weeks ago partially because I didn't want to be in the middle of Ian's \"love\" life." "Yet, I'm here, so..." mc "That's just a dumb saying. What kind of person would I be if I just let you stew here by your lonesome?" mc "Unless you want me to go...?" scene w2_3554 with dissolve mina "No, I said earlier I was cool with it... I was just giving you an out." scene w2_3555 with dissolve mina "This IS the first time we've spent one-on-one..." scene w2_3602 with dissolve mc "How considerate of you." scene w2_3603 with dissolve mina "Don't tease!" scene w2_3604 with dissolve mc "Relax, I'm here, aren't I? Let's do something fun to take your mind off Ian." scene w2_3605 with dissolve mc "What do you usually do for fun?" mina "Honestly, that's a hard question when you're put on the spot..." scene w2_3606 with dissolve mc "No, it's not. Go with your gut." scene w2_3607 with dissolve mina "Hmmm, okay! I do have something we can do..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mina "Just don't complain when you get your ass kicked by a chick." "After a few seconds of rummaging in a drawer..." "Oh?" scene w2_3608 with fade mc "I didn't know you liked those kinds of games." "Mina held in her hand a copy of a fighting game. To be precise, it was a copy of {b}Royal Melee{/b}." scene w2_3609 with dissolve mina "Who doesn't like whacking someone with a sword?" scene w2_3608 with dissolve mc "You have a point. That one is pretty old though, isn't it?" scene w2_3610 with dissolve mina "So what? It's still as fun now as it was four years ago." scene w2_3611 with dissolve mina "You play a lot of games?" scene w2_3612 with dissolve mc "Used to..." scene w2_3613 with dissolve "How long has it been? It had been..." scene w2_3614 with dissolve mc "Not since my freshman year of high school. Me and--" scene w2_3615 with dissolve "I caught myself." scene w2_3614 with dissolve mc "I used to play them a lot growing up." scene w2_3613 with dissolve "It was probably best not to bring Ian up right now." scene w2_3616 with dissolve mina "What? You \"put your childish things away\" or something?" scene w2_3617 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_3618 with dissolve mina "Oh my gosh! Really?" mc "...yes?" scene w2_3619 with dissolve mina "Pft, hahaha! That was just a guess!" mc "What's so funny?" mina "Nothing I guess, it's just... ah!" scene w2_3620 with dissolve mina "That's just such a childish mentality. Although, it fits you..." "That felt awfully accusatory and closer to the truth than I cared to admit." scene w2_3621 with dissolve mc "Yeah... probably could've crafted a diamond from inside my body with how much of a tight-ass I was back then." mina "From all the stories, I never had you pegged like that." mc "I've been known to be a wet blanket..." scene w2_3622 with dissolve mina "I never would've guessed." scene w2_3623 with dissolve mina "Here you go." scene w2_3624 with dissolve mina "......" "Mina, I was sure, was going through the motions." scene w2_3625 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/operating-system-sting.mp3" mc "..." scene w2_3626 with dissolve "I hoped I could help her genuinely have some fun." stop sound play music "music/training-in-fire.ogg" scene w2_3627 with pixellate fga "Select your character!" scene w2_3628 with dissolve "It didn't take long to go from the boot menu to the character select screen, where Mina instantly locked in her character." mc "I've never played this before. Who's good?" "..." $, 0, channel = "music") scene w2_3629 with pixellate "...she must not have heard me." $, 1, channel = "music") hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_3630 with pixellate mc "I'll go with this guy. He looks cool." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_3631 with CropMove(0.25) with hpunch "Shit." mct "(Well, I don't know the buttons...)" play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_3632 with cmet with vpunch mc "That was a cool combo. Maybe I'll try that guy." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_3633 with circlewipe2 with hpunch mc "Ah... you made it look easy..." play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" scene w2_3634 with rush with hpunch "I managed to take a single round by randomly mashing, but..." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_3635 with wipedownfast with vpunch "She quickly adapted and took the match." $, 2, channel = "music") scene w2_3636 with pixellate mc "You must play a lot." scene w2_3637 with dissolve mina "Oh, yeah... maybe an hour a night." scene w2_3636 with dissolve mc "That's not as much as I..." scene w2_3638 with dissolve mina "For the last four years." scene w2_3639 with dissolve "Despite my best efforts to joke around with her, Mina had mostly delivered my ass reaming with a dejected look on her face." mct "(It was stupid to think something like this would take her mind off her problems, huh?)" scene w2_3640 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_3641 with dissolve mina "Heh, he... hey, I warned you that you were about to get your ass kicked." scene w2_3642 with dissolve "A smile and a laugh that resembled any other I've seen her wear." scene w2_3641 with dissolve mina "Hehehe..." scene w2_3642 with dissolve "This time, I had the context to know it was utterly fake." "She was making an effort to entertain {i}me{/i}." scene w2_3643 with dissolve mc "You don't have to force yourself if you're not feeling it." scene w2_3644 with dissolve mina "...? I don't know what you mean, [mcf]." scene w2_3643 with dissolve mc "You don't notice it?" scene w2_3641 with dissolve mina "Let's play a few more games." $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_3645 with pixellate play sound "sound effects/metal-crash.mp3" with vpunch "It was utterly hopeless. Without fail, no matter how hard I tried..." scene w2_3646 with flash play sound "sound effects/thunder-crack.mp3" with hpunch "The end result was always the same." scene w2_3647 with dissolve fga "Player 1 Wins!" scene w2_3648 with dissolve pd "What did you expect? I'm the world's strongest hero!" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w2_3649 with circlewipe play music "music/inner-light.ogg" "After an hour or so, Mina and I went back to her room to enjoy a cup of coffee." "The conversation wasn't particularly lively, but she continued to make an effort." "The whole thing felt backward. I should be the one going out on a limb here. To that end..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tease her about your losing streak.:" scene w2_3650 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You couldn't let me win a single game, you bully?" scene w2_3651 with dissolve mina "It would've been pretty obvious if I threw one, right? Would you really have preferred that?" scene w2_3650 with dissolve mc "It'd make it worse if I knew, but I'm not very smart, I probably wouldn't have noticed." scene w2_3652 with dissolve mina "Heh..." mina "That reminds me of the time I played with Ian." scene w2_3653 with dissolve mc "Shit, sorry." "I reflexively apologized for inadvertently bringing the subject around to him." scene w2_3654 with dissolve mina "Why are you saying sorry? I was the one who picked the game." mina "You don't have to walk on eggshells. In fact, I'd prefer it if you didn't." scene w2_3650 with dissolve mc "Understood." scene w2_3655 with dissolve mc "...what reminded you?" scene w2_3656 with dissolve mina "Your complete and utter destruction." scene w2_3657 with dissolve mc "Oh, that?" scene w2_3658 with dissolve mc "You can be surprisingly sadistic." scene w2_3660 with dissolve mina "The second time Ian had ever stayed overnight at my place, we played a bunch of matches." scene w2_3661 with dissolve mina "I thought it would be a harmless way of earning some points with him. I know some guys like girls who play video games." scene w2_3662 with dissolve mc "Oh..." $, 3, channel = "music") scene w2_3667 with pixellate "I recalled playing games with Ian as a kid." scene w2_3668 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_3669 with vpunch "He was the very picture of timid, but he didn't like losing at things he felt he was good at." scene w2_3670 with dissolve kil "Ah, this damn thing is broken!" $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_3657 with pixellate mc "I think I can see where this is going." scene w2_3671 with dissolve mina "Yeah, I could tell he was getting frustrated, so I lost on purpose." scene w2_3663 with dissolve mina "I could tell he knew. He didn't say anything, but he slowly got more and more upset about that as the matches went on." mina "I knew I made a mistake when he insisted we keep playing." scene w2_3664 with dissolve mc "You really shouldn't have to worry about his fragile ego. In my experience, he gets over it." scene w2_3663 with dissolve mina "No, I shouldn't, but I liked him." scene w2_3665 with dissolve mina "A week later, he wanted to play again and I learned my lesson. He didn't take a single round." scene w2_3666 with dissolve mina "We never played together again after that. A couple of months later, he admitted to me he practiced every night up to that point." scene w2_3672 with dissolve mina "We had a laugh about it." scene w2_3673 with dissolve "Mina smiled bittersweetly." scene w2_3674 with dissolve mina "I liked that memory, but now it feels a little stupid." scene w2_3675 with dissolve mc "Losing your shit over a video game doesn't seem like a good early impression to make in a fledgling romance." scene w2_3674 with dissolve mina "I mean it was childish, but also human." scene w2_3676 with dissolve mina "Very human and very authentic. Which I thought was a nice change of pace from my usual life up to that point." scene w2_3677 with dissolve "Very bittersweetly." scene w2_3678 with dissolve mc "We could've... played or done something else." scene w2_3679 with dissolve mina "Don't be silly. I'm not going to let a guy ruin something I've enjoyed for years." mina "I just brought that story up because I thought it was amusing." scene w2_3680 with dissolve mina "All in all, you're a more gracious {b}loser{/b}." scene w2_3681 with dissolve "She made a particular emphasis on the last part." mc "Thank you?" scene w2_3680 with dissolve mina "You are perfectly welcome, [mcf]." scene w2_3678 with dissolve mc "Oh, by the way!" KN_MOD "Ask her about her work. if w2MinaWorkQ == False:" $ w2MinaWorkQ = True scene w2_3650 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "How's work going?" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "Anything new with your TV gig?" scene w2_3652 with dissolve mina "Eh, not really. Just waiting on actually filming it." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I think you mentioned you got a role on TV?" scene w2_3651 with dissolve mina "Oh, yeah. I haven't actually filmed it yet though." scene w2_3650 with dissolve mc "You nervous about it?" scene w2_3652 with dissolve mina "Not yet. I'll be positively mortified the day of, but right now I'm feeling good about it." mina "Hopefully, it'll be like all the other times I've acted on stage." scene w2_3655 with dissolve mc "What do you mean?" scene w2_3660 with dissolve mina "Nervous to the point of puking leading up to it, but completely fine once you get in character." scene w2_3662 with dissolve mc "Does it really work like that?" scene w2_3661 with dissolve mina "In my experience. I don't know how to describe it. It's like entering a trance?" mina "It's like by the time the spotlight is on you, it's no longer in my hands." scene w2_3660 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mina "It'll be all up to Elizabeth at that point." KN_MOD "else:" mina "It's all up to the character I'm playing." scene w2_3662 with dissolve mc "Like you're possessed?" scene w2_3682 with dissolve mina "No, of course not." scene w2_3683 with dissolve mina "...but also yes?" mina "I think athletes call it the zone." scene w2_3684 with dissolve mc "Oh! That actually came up in a psychology course I took as an elective. {b}Flow{/b}." mc "It's a mental state when you're fully immersed in a task. You're completely energized and focused." mc "You become so completely absorbed that it screws with your sense of time." scene w2_3685 with dissolve mina "Heh, that sounds just like it." scene w2_3663 with dissolve mina "It's modeling that currently helps pay the bills, though." scene w2_3664 with dissolve mc "Have you done any recently?" scene w2_3663 with dissolve mina "As a matter of fact, yes. Just yesterday." scene w2_3666 with dissolve mina "Some camping magazine. It wasn't very exciting; a lot of baggy clothes and hiking gear." mina "Not the most flattering of work or career-making, but that level of job is steady work... actually, I met Ian on a job like that." scene w2_3664 with dissolve mc "...oh yeah?" "I hadn't intended to go down this direction, but if she wanted to talk about Ian, I couldn't stop her." mc "Not every job is glamorous for photographers either I guess. Someone's got to take family portraits at the department store." scene w2_3686 with dissolve mina "That asshole likes to think he's better than that, but I've worked with real photographers. Let me tell you, they have a whole different energy and approach." scene w2_3687 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't know anything about it." "This week aside, I mean. I got no clue what makes a good photograph when it doesn't involve bare-ass nudity." scene w2_3688 with dissolve mina "Oh, yeah. He's good enough to get the occasional job, but he's so painfully mediocre. It's all spray and pray with him and uncreative shots." scene w2_3689 with dissolve mc "I guess you'd know a lot about it working as a model?" scene w2_3690 with dissolve mina "I take an interest. Knowing the other side of the camera helps when you're in front of it." scene w2_3686 with dissolve mina "...and he's kinda garbage!" scene w2_3689 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene w2_3691 with dissolve mina "Ah, I don't know why I'm bad-mouthing him to you..." scene w2_3692 with dissolve mc "You're pissed off and you have the right to be." scene w2_3691 with dissolve mina "Yeah, but I doubt you want to hear about it." scene w2_3692 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "It's okay to vent. I don't mind." scene w2_3693 with dissolve mc "I promise none of this talk about his shoddy photography and inflated ego will get back to him." KN_MOD "else:" mc "It's a little awkward, but you're not telling me anything I don't know." scene w2_3693 with dissolve mc "Feel free to vent if you want, I don't mind." scene w2_3694 with dissolve mina "Ha, I shouldn't get started or I won't stop." scene w2_3695 with dissolve mina "I really, really won't stop." scene w2_3684 with dissolve mc "Oh, by the way!" scene w2_3696 with dissolve mc " know, I think you made quite the impression on Hana the other night." scene w2_3685 with dissolve "I decided to nudge the conversation away in a more positive direction." mina "Oh? Did I? What makes you say that?" scene w2_3684 with dissolve mc "She was the one who drove me over here. Maybe it was more like insisted?" mc "Either way, she was worried. She said you were really cool." scene w2_3685 with dissolve mina "Aw..." scene w2_3697 with dissolve mina "Tell her I feel the same." mina "To be honest, I felt like a dork next to her." scene w2_3698 with dissolve mc "Don't be absurd." scene w2_3697 with dissolve mina "It's not absurd, it's just I've lived a pretty sheltered life and she... hasn't." scene w2_3699 with dissolve mc "That's sheltered to you?" "I gestured toward the half-naked magazine cover adorning her wall." scene w2_3700 with dissolve mina "In a certain way... yes?" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mina "I went to an all-girls school, remember?" KN_MOD "if w2MinaJulietQ == True:" scene w2_3655 with dissolve mc "I remember you played Juliet, even though you wanted to play Mercutio." scene w2_3656 with dissolve mina "Ha! Good job remembering something from three days ago!" scene w2_3686 with dissolve mina "Fucking Ian, he never remembered jack, except when I was mad at him..." scene w2_3701 with dissolve mina "Then he remembered the smallest, sweetest, most meaningful things..." scene w2_3657 with dissolve mc "You were saying you're sheltered?" scene w2_3671 with dissolve "Another nudge." mina "Right yeah..." mina "For one, I went to an all-girls school where the student body was watched over like hawks. For two, at home, my mother..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3666 with dissolve mina "They watched over us like hawks. There was also my mother..." scene w2_3664 with dissolve mc "What about her?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3663 with dissolve mina "I don't know. Forget it." scene w2_3664 with dissolve mc "No, I'm genuinely curious." scene w2_3666 with dissolve mina "Well, for one I went to an all-girls school. They watched over us like hawks. There's was also my mother..." scene w2_3664 with dissolve mc "What about her?" scene w2_3674 with dissolve mina "She was traditional for a woman who's been divorced three times. A lot of rules and I was never one to break them..." mina "You always hear about people going crazy when they finally get let off the leash of their strict parents, but that never occurred to me." scene w2_3675 with dissolve mc "You're an adult now and you live on your own, though." scene w2_3679 with dissolve mina "Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely a lot more experimental. I try my best to have new experiences, but there's always a nagging voice in the back of my head stopping me from doing anything too crazy." scene w2_3678 with dissolve mc "What's your idea of {i}too{/b} crazy?" scene w2_3702 with dissolve mina "Come on, don't ask me that. You're just setting me up to be made fun of." scene w2_3703 with dissolve mc "Put some faith in me that I'm not." scene w2_3704 with dissolve mina "..." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" scene w2_3705 with dissolve mina "Maybe I'll tell you later." scene w2_3704 with dissolve mc "Why later? Why not now?" scene w2_3706 with dissolve mina "I've got to think about it." scene w2_3678 with dissolve "An odd answer, but no point in pushing it." scene w2_3679 with dissolve mina "Anyway..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3706 with dissolve mina "Ah, the usual stuff... sex and drugs..." mina "Sky diving." scene w2_3678 with dissolve mc "Oh, yeah! The usual stuff. Throwing yourself out of a plane!" scene w2_3707 with dissolve mina "Hey, you said you wouldn't make fun of me!" mc "Sorry, I didn't mean to. I guess that might qualify as too crazy." scene w2_3706 with dissolve mina "Uh, huh. Yeah... so, anyway..." scene w2_3678 with dissolve "Mina deliberately directed the conversation elsewhere." mc "Yeah, anyway..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Relay your own experiences on the subject.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I had pretty loose reins growing up. That's probably the main reason I never wanted to party or experiment." mc "It's push and pull when it comes to parents and their children I guess." scene w2_3708 with dissolve mina "The stories I've heard make that a little hard to believe." mc "I guess I just got it out of my system before I became old enough to be interested in that stuff." scene w2_3709 with dissolve mina "About that... I'm a little curious." KN_MOD "if history_firestarter == True:" mina "Did you really burn down your neighbor's shed?" mc "I did." mina "...{b}why?{/b}" KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" scene w2_3710 with pixellate mc "I... just wanted to see it burn." mina "That's it? Just for that reason?" mc "It wasn't very smart." mc "I wanted to see what would happen and I had... very poor impulse control." scene w2_3713 with dissolve mina "That should've been obvious, even to a kid." scene w2_3714 with dissolve mc "Sure, it'd burn to the ground if no one did anything, but I wanted to see how." mc "How fast it'd spread, what part would weaken and collapse fist. How hot it'd be standing near it..." scene w2_3713 with dissolve mina "Well, was it fun?" KN_MOD "elif trait_tireless == True:" scene w2_3712 with pixellate mc "I was... bored one night." mina "That's it? Just for that reason?" mc "It wasn't very smart." mc "I had nothing to do and poor impulse control." scene w2_3715 with dissolve mina "That's so... {b}wow{/b}!" "Mina looked truly confounded by the trifling reason." scene w2_3713 with dissolve mina "Well... what did it feel like? Was it fun at least?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3711 with pixellate mc "I... had anger problems and the guy was kind of a dick to my mom." mina "You did it for revenge?" mc "There wasn't that much thought behind it. It would probably be more accurate to say I did it for my own gratification." mina "Well, I guess at least he wasn't very nice." mc "In retrospect, he actually wasn't even that big of a dick." scene w2_3716 with dissolve mina "Pft, for real?" mc "Yeah..." mc "I wasn't very smart and had poor impulse control." scene w2_3717 with dissolve mina "Huh..." "She looked at me with an unasked question on her lips." scene w2_3714 with dissolve mc "What?" scene w2_3713 with dissolve mina "I just wanted to know... what did it feel like? Was it fun?" scene w2_3714 with dissolve mc "No, I fucked up big time." scene w2_3715 with dissolve mina "I didn't ask if it was worth it. I asked if it was exhilarating at the time?" "The spark of curiosity was evident on her face, causing me to genuinely weigh my answer before giving it." scene w2_3718 with dissolve mc "...yeah, at the time, it was very exciting." mc "The hairs on my arms were standing on end. My whole body was jittery." mc "The warmth of it was comforting and the fire made for a very pretty sight in the winter night." scene w2_3719 with dissolve mc "...shit, that makes me sound like a psycho, huh?" scene w2_3720 with dissolve mina "A liiiittle bit, but I get it." scene w2_3719 with dissolve mc "I find that hard to believe." scene w2_3721 with dissolve mina "I think everyone wants to see things crumble sometimes." mina "It's like when you're driving and you think {i}if I turned my wheel only just a little bit, all those people on the sidewalk would just disappear{\i}..." scene w2_3722 with dissolve mc "There's a term for that. Call of the void." scene w2_3723 with dissolve mina "Of course you'd know that." scene w2_3724 with dissolve mc "What's that supposed to mean?" scene w2_3731 with dissolve mina "Oh, nothing!" scene w2_3725 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}Weirdo...{/size=-10}" scene w2_3724 with dissolve "Mina cutely mumbled under her breath, which made the tongue-in-cheek insult oddly endearing." KN_MOD "elif history_voyeur == True:" mina "Did you really take creep shots of all the moms in your neighborhood?" mc "It wasn't ALL the moms, but... yeah, I did." mina "...{b}why?{/b} Because of puberty?" KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" scene w2_3726 with pixellate mc "That was a large part of it." mc "It wasn't very smart. I shared them around. Naturally, it would end up catching back up to me and I knew that." mina "What drove you to do it then?" mc "I guess I was just curious to see what everyone's beloved mother looked like underneath their clothes." scene w2_3715 with dissolve mina "Jeez!" KN_MOD "elif trait_tireless == True:" scene w2_3726 with pixellate mc "That was part of it, but I was also bored and wanted pocket change." mina "Oh, yeah! You sold them, right?" mc "I blame the influence of our consumer-driven culture." mina "Right... very funny!" mc "It wasn't very smart. I shared them around. Naturally, it would end up catching back up to me and I knew that." scene w2_3713 with dissolve mina "If you knew you'd eventually get caught, why'd you do it then?" scene w2_3714 with dissolve mc "I guess I was just excited to see what everyone's beloved mother looked like underneath their clothes." scene w2_3715 with dissolve mina "Jeez!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3726 with pixellate mc "That was part of it, but I mainly wanted to get back at them for snubbing my mom one too many times." mina "What, really? You did it for revenge?" mc "I guess. Despite all the work it took to get the photos, the idea itself was pretty impulsive." mc "I wasn't a very smart kid; I shared them around. Naturally, it would end up catching back up to me and I knew that." scene w2_3713 with dissolve mina "If you knew it was dumb, why do it?" scene w2_3714 with dissolve mc "I guess I just wanted to see what those stuck-up bitches looked like under their clothes and humiliate them while doing it." scene w2_3715 with dissolve mina "Jeez!" scene w2_3727 with dissolve mina "...what did they look like?" scene w2_3728 with dissolve mc "I mean..." mc "That's a weird thing to ask. You want me to describe them one by one?" scene w2_3727 with dissolve mina "Of course not, I..." scene w2_3729 with dissolve mc "They looked like you'd expect a naked, older woman to look. They all had their hands, fingers, and toes." mc "Some were fitter and prettier than others and some were more on the flabby side, but each of them was beautiful in their own way." scene w2_3715 with dissolve mina "Was it fun spying on them?" scene w2_3720 with dissolve "The spark of curiosity was evident on her face, causing me to genuinely weigh my answer before giving it." scene w2_3719 with dissolve mc "...yeah, it was--" scene w2_3720 with dissolve mina "Exciting? Exhilarating?" scene w2_3718 with dissolve mc "All of the above and more." mc "I discovered for myself that there's an odd, misplaced sense of power to voyeurism." scene w2_3720 with dissolve mina "Explain." scene w2_3730 with dissolve mc "You have an advantage for one. To see, without being seen - like God looking down on the world." mc "That's being hugely melodramatic, but you get the point right?" scene w2_3720 with dissolve mina "Yeah, I can... imagine..." scene w2_3719 with dissolve mc "This all probably makes me sound like a psycho." scene w2_3731 with dissolve mina "Maybe a liiiiitle, but I get it." scene w2_3732 with dissolve mc "You do? Did you want to see what all the neighborhood DILFs were packing in their jean shorts?" scene w2_3731 with dissolve mina "No... I'm a curious gal is all." scene w2_3725 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}...but also some of them.{/size=-10}" scene w2_3724 with dissolve "Mina cutely mumbled under her breath an odd and endearing admission." KN_MOD "else:" mina "Did you really steal money from your school?" mc "No... I stole money from people under the pretense it was going to the school." mina "Why? Did you need the money?" scene w2_3719 with dissolve mc "Well, my mom wasn't rich, but... no. It wasn't plain greed either." scene w2_3720 with dissolve mina "Why did you do it then?" scene w2_3730 with dissolve mc "Well..." scene w2_3733 with pixellate KN_MOD "if trait_inquisitive == True:" mc "I wanted to see if I could get away with it." mina "That's it?" KN_MOD "elif trait_tireless == True:" mc "I got bored and wanted to see if I could do it and get away with it." mina "That's it? You stole people's money because you got bored?" mc "Yeah, it was really shitty. I want to chalk it up to being a kid, but my actions are my own." KN_MOD "else:" mc "It's hard to explain. I was an angry kid and I acted out a lot." mina "You stole people's money because you were angry?" mc "It sounds really stupid, I know, but I don't mean it as a justification. That's just the place my actions came from." mc "You always see heists in movies, I guess I wanted to see if I could do my own and get away with it." mc "Turns out... no, I couldn't. I wasn't as smart as I thought I was." scene w2_3715 with dissolve mina "Heh, a heist?" mina "I got to admit that does make it sound fun." scene w2_3716 with dissolve mc "It's a preeeetty grandiose term for fraudulently selling chocolate bars." mina "Pfft, yeah, but to a kid, I could see it looking like that." scene w2_3731 with dissolve mina "Was stealing fun?" scene w2_3732 with dissolve mc "No, I fucked up big time." scene w2_3731 with dissolve mina "I didn't ask if it was worth it. I asked if it was exhilarating at the time?" scene w2_3732 with dissolve "The spark of curiosity was evident on her face, causing me to genuinely weigh my answer before giving it." scene w2_3730 with dissolve mc "Scheming was exciting. Executing it was all butterflies, but the rush that came after a sale..." scene w2_3718 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I guess it was fun breaking bad." scene w2_3713 with dissolve mina "I see..." scene w2_3724 with dissolve mc "Why? You want to rob a bank? You'd have to be the getaway driver on account that I have neither a car nor license." scene w2_3716 with dissolve mina "Heh. I don't think I'd make a good one either. My car's too recognizable." mc "Let's come back to the idea later once our wheels situation has changed then." mina "It's a promise." scene w2_3734 with dissolve mina "So you and I can partially blame how we turned out on our mothers?" mc "I think that goes for a lot of people, even if they don't like to admit it." scene w2_3735 with dissolve mina "Some people love, love, LOVE pointing their fingers there; Ian, for example." mina "He loves blaming his parents for him turning out a complete and giant douchebag." mc "That's a complica--" scene w2_3736 with dissolve mina "It's not complicated. He's just a fucking brat." mina "He acts like not seeing his parents as much as other kids excuses him for doing whatever the hell he pleases. Like they're the reason he half-asses everything and can't take anything seriously." scene w2_3737 with dissolve "A rare glimpse of Mina tossing out her friendly persona and baring her teeth." scene w2_3736 with dissolve mina "I'd be more sympathetic if he wasn't so damn whiny about it." scene w2_3738 with dissolve mc "Tell me how you really feel." scene w2_3739 with dissolve mina "Ah - s-shoot. I must sound like a bitch." scene w2_3740 with dissolve mc "You sound like someone who just got cheated on." scene w2_3739 with dissolve mina "I'm just angry. Don't listen to me." scene w2_3740 with dissolve mc "That's bound to happen when you keep it all in. You've been pretty reserved today, all things considered." scene w2_3741 with dissolve mina "Yeah, but you don't want to hear it." KN_MOD "Switch topics and ask about work. if w2MinaWorkQ == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "How's work going?" scene w2_3679 with dissolve mina "Work...?" scene w2_3708 with dissolve mina "What about it?" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "Anything new with your TV gig?" mina "Eh, not really. Just waiting on actually filming it." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I think you mentioned you got a role on TV?" mina "Oh, yeah. I haven't actually filmed it yet though." mc "You nervous about it?" mina "Hmm..." scene w2_3743 with dissolve mina "Not yet. I'll be positively mortified the day of, but right now I'm feeling good about it." mina "Hopefully, it'll be like all the times I've acted on stage." scene w2_3744 with dissolve mc "What do you mean?" scene w2_3743 with dissolve mina "Nervous to the point of puking leading up to it, but completely fine once you get in character." scene w2_3744 with dissolve mc "Does it really work like that?" scene w2_3731 with dissolve mina "In my experience. I don't know how to describe it. It's like entering a trance?" mina "It's like by the time the spotlight is on you, it's no longer in my hands." scene w2_3723 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mina "It'll be all up to Elizabeth at that point." KN_MOD "else:" mina "It's all up to the character I'm playing." scene w2_3724 with dissolve mc "Like you're possessed?" scene w2_3725 with dissolve mina "No, of course not." scene w2_3745 with dissolve mina "...but also yes?" mina "I think athletes call it the zone." scene w2_3746 with dissolve mc "Oh! That actually came up in a psychology course I took as an elective. {b}Flow{/b}." mc "It's a mental state when you're fully immersed in a task. You're completely energized and focused." scene w2_3730 with dissolve mc "You become so completely absorbed that it screws with your sense of time." scene w2_3713 with dissolve mina "Heh, that sounds just like it." mina "It's modeling that currently helps pay the bills, though." scene w2_3714 with dissolve mc "Have you done any jobs recently?" scene w2_3747 with dissolve mina "As a matter of fact, yes. Just yesterday." mina "Some camping magazine. It wasn't very exciting; a lot of baggy clothes and hiking gear." mina "Not the most flattering of work or career-making, but that level of job is steady work... actually, I met Ian on a job like that." scene w2_3714 with dissolve mc "...oh yeah?" "Naturally, the conversation yet again turned to Ian." scene w2_3747 with dissolve mc "Not every job is glamorous for photographers either I guess. Someone's got to take family portraits at the department store." scene w2_3748 with dissolve mina "That asshole likes to think he's better than that, but I've worked with real photographers. Let me tell you, they have a whole different energy and approach." mc "I couldn't tell you the difference between a bad and a good one." "This week aside, I mean. I got no clue what makes a good photograph when it doesn't involve nudity." scene w2_3749 with dissolve mina "Oh, you definitely could. I think everyone knows what a bad or an outstanding photo looks like." mina "It's harder to tell the difference between a mediocre one and a pretty good one, which is where that prick lies." mina "Oh, yeah. He's good enough to get the occasional job, but he's so unremarkable. It's all spray and pray with him and uncreative shots." mc "I guess you'd know a lot about it working as a model?" scene w2_3736 with dissolve mina "I take an interest. Knowing the other side of the camera helps when you're in front of it." scene w2_3742 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene w2_3739 with dissolve mina "Ah, I don't know why I'm bad-mouthing him to you..." scene w2_3740 with dissolve mc "Duh, you're pissed off. You have the right to be." scene w2_3741 with dissolve mina "Yeah, but you don't want to hear it." KN_MOD "Move the conversation back to the subject of school.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Did you like going to a girl's boarding school?" "I decided to pick up a recent conversational marker." scene w2_3708 with dissolve mina "Eh." mina "There was good and bad. In terms of living and learning, I think few things in life are truly without an upside." mc "That is..." mc "That is true, I think. You've got a positive way of looking at things." scene w2_3743 with dissolve mina "Well, I try to be optimistic. It can be hard sometimes, but \"a girl should never frown\", after all." scene w2_3744 with dissolve mc "What kind of backward thinking is that?" scene w2_3750 with dissolve mina "Just something that was drilled into my head growing up." scene w2_3753 with dissolve "...that's fucked." scene w2_3752 with dissolve mc " was school more good or bad?" scene w2_3750 with dissolve mina "It's hard to say. It's not like I've tallied it up." scene w2_3751 with dissolve mina "It did help shape me to become the person standing here; not that I love everything about myself, but I don't hate who I am either." scene w2_3752 with dissolve mc "That is a {b}painfully{/b} lukewarm appraisal of your past." scene w2_3750 with dissolve mina "It's a fair one. Everyone's got something they want to change about themselves." scene w2_3752 with dissolve mc "That's... also true." scene w2_3751 with dissolve mina "What would you change about yourself, [mcf]?" scene w2_3753 with dissolve "The answer to that question wasn't something I needed to arrive at. It was something I'd long since been at an impasse with." scene w2_3752 with dissolve mc "I'd like to be more... {i}normal{/i}." scene w2_3754 with dissolve mina "Define normal." scene w2_3755 with dissolve mc "I know. Not being \"normal\" is the source of everyone's societal woe, isn't it?" scene w2_3756 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_3757 with dissolve mina "What's abnormal about you?" scene w2_3719 with dissolve mc "My thoughts and feelings aren't always polite." scene w2_3720 with dissolve "That was as tactful as I could put it." scene w2_3730 with dissolve mc "Sometimes I feel a pull to do stuff that isn't... acceptable." scene w2_3725 with dissolve mina "Who's being lukewarm now? You can just admit sometimes you want to punch somebody." scene w2_3731 with dissolve mina "I get that angry too. Sometimes there's not even a good reason either." scene w2_3732 with dissolve mc "You're half-right. Sometimes I do want to punch some annoying asshole in the face, but it's not always out of anger." scene w2_3745 with dissolve mina "Is it similar to when you're standing someplace high and you think to yourself \"I could just jump\"? Or when..." scene w2_3758 with dissolve mina "...or when some overly familiar jerk who can't take a hint is so preoccupied with talking that you just think \"I could mash his face into the table before he even knows what I'm doing\"...?" scene w2_3759 with dissolve mc "Uh..." scene w2_3760 with dissolve mina "Y-you'd never do it of course, but the thought crosses your mind..." mc "It's not quite that either." scene w2_3761 with dissolve mina "Okay then, just tell me before I expose myself any further by guessing." mc "Well, I'm..." "I was finding it difficult to come up with an exit strategy from this line of conversation." scene w2_3762 with dissolve mina "Oooooh! I got it! It's fun?" mina "If it's not anger or morbid curiosity, it's gotta be because it's exciting, right?" scene w2_3732 with dissolve mc "That's a pretty good way of putting it." scene w2_3731 with dissolve mina "That's not so bad. People like boxing and MMA, right?" mina "Is that why you and Ian got into a lot of fights?" scene w2_3732 with dissolve mc "It wasn't the reason, but it did help me to better know myself." "I wasn't really talking about fighting specifically, but it was better this way." scene w2_3764 with dissolve mina "*sigh* I kind of wish I could've seen what he was like as a kid." scene w2_3765 with dissolve mina "Might help me understand what goes through that jerkass' rotten brain. He uses his childhood as a crutch, to excuse all his laziness and failures." mina "He blames all of his damn problems on his parents and being picked on, but I've got to be honest..." scene w2_3736 with dissolve mina "He just comes off as a whiny, entitled baby most of the time." scene w2_3737 with dissolve "Her usual gleeful and cheery pretense was nowhere to be found. Instead, it had an understandably genuine ire to it." scene w2_3763 with dissolve mc "Ian... well..." scene w2_3737 with dissolve "To me, Ian was like a poor person that won the lottery; mentally unequipped to do anything but go broke and squander the fortune that landed in their lap." "In my friend's case, he was an unpopular kid at heart who found recognition once he hit his growth spurt. All his personal hang-ups lurked beneath the surface, rotting and poisoning the good things in his life like Mina." scene w2_3742 with dissolve mc "You know him better than I do in some regards. We've never really talked to each other about feelings." scene w2_3739 with dissolve mina "Crap, I probably just came off as a complete bitch." scene w2_3740 with dissolve mc "No, it's... COMPLETELY understandable." mc "You're pissed off and have the right to be." scene w2_3741 with dissolve mina "Yeah, but you don't really want to hear it." scene w2_3742 with dissolve "Actually..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her its cool for her to vent.:" $ w2MinaFlagVent = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_3766 with dissolve mc "I don't mind you venting. I bet you have a lot of shit to unpack." scene w2_3769 with dissolve mina "It feels... weird." scene w2_3768 with dissolve mc "Are you worried about anything you say getting back to him?" scene w2_3769 with dissolve mina "Of course not. After what he did, like I give a crap about his feelings." scene w2_3767 with dissolve "Honestly, Mina hadn't even appropriately reacted tonight, let alone overreacted." mct "(She's a very odd person...)" scene w2_3768 with dissolve mc "So {b}yes{/b}, I do want to hear it." KN_MOD "Dont focus on the negativity. Try to take her mind off things.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_3766 with dissolve mc "I don't mind you venting. That'd be completely normal." scene w2_3767 with dissolve "Honestly, Mina hadn't even appropriately reacted tonight, let alone overreacted." mct "(She's a very odd person...)" scene w2_3768 with dissolve mc "...but I feel like I should help take your mind off things instead." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaRevealFlag" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaRevealNotFlag" KN_MOD "label w2MinaRevealFlag:" scene w2_3769 with dissolve mina "That so? Alright..." KN_MOD "if w2MinaFlagVent == True:" mina "If you really want to help me let off steam..." KN_MOD "else:" mina "If you want to distract me..." scene w2_3770 with dissolve "With weighted shoulders, Mina flopped down onto her bed like a dropped sack of potatoes." stop music play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_3771 with vpunch mina "How are you at giving massages? My body's so tense I feel like I might explode." scene w2_3772 with dissolve mc "Pick your poison: foot, shoulder, or back?" scene w2_3773 with dissolve mina "So I get to choose? Lucky me." play music "music/anacaptainslogue.ogg" scene w2_3774 with dissolve "Mina extended her leg, weakly raising it into the air and proffering her foot for attention." mina "Okay... how are you at giving {b}foot{/b} massages?" scene w2_3775 with dissolve mc "Inexperienced, but willing to learn." scene w2_3776 with dissolve "Without delay, I made my way over to the bed and took ahold of the weary-looking blonde's feet." mina "Oooh~ your hands are so warm." scene w2_3777 with dissolve mc "That's because your feet are like ice." "Like the rest of her, the skin on the bottom of her feet was shockingly soft. I had always thought the word \"delicate\" was an odd way to describe a person's extremities, but the adjective fit Mina's feet down to a tee." "They were small and pale to the point of looking anemic, free of blemish and ending in five dainty points polished in an eye-catching shade of red." scene w2_3778 with dissolve mina "You're not a foot fetishist, right?" scene w2_3777 with dissolve mc "This was your idea." scene w2_3779 with dissolve mina "Yeah, but you could've just got lucky." scene minafeet1_a with dissolve show minafeet1 mc "How's this?" "With the ball of my thumb, I began to gently knead the arch of her foot." mina "It kinda tickles." mc "Sorry, I don't know how to make it not-" mina "No, it's a pleasant kind of ticklish." "The smile on her lips was slight, but warm and reaffirming." scene minafeet2_a with dissolve show minafeet2 "With a bit more confidence, I gradually made full use of my hands, working the length of my thumb up her sole and into the ball of her foot." mina "That's nice..." "...but as the massage progressed, without a topic of conversation, so did the gaps of silence." "Mina looked relatively relaxed, but the lull in conversation made me aware of the innate intimacy of the shared act." KN_MOD "if w2MinaFlagVent == True:" mc "I was serious. I really don't care if you want to vent." mina "I know, but I think I got my cursing done earlier with Felicia..." mc "Ah, yeah..." KN_MOD "else:" "I wracked my brain for a topic of conversation, but everything seemed so frivolous. Earlier, I had wanted to make her laugh, but..." "How the heck do you make someone laugh on purpose?" mc "(...fuck if I know.)" "The awkwardness persisted." mct "(Might as well put all my focus on the task at hand...)" scene minafeet3_a with dissolve show minafeet3 "If a conversation wasn't fruitful, I would give the best damn amateur foot massage a twenty-two year old hopeful medical student could give to his disloyal best friend's spurned lover." mina "You're doing a good job, [mcf]. You have a very pleasant touch." mc "You sound surprised." mina "A little." mc "Ha! Me too!" "My attention was mostly preoccupied with applying the right amount of pressure. Not too gentle, but not too rough either. For some reason, I had it in my head that a good massage needed to be firm." "With that in mind, I put most of my focus on working the metatarsals of her foot, using my thumb to drive out tension from her flexor muscles." mc "I'm surprised you're enjoying it to be honest. You look like someone who gets a lot of massages." scene w2_3782 with dissolve mina "That's a nice way of calling me spoiled and soft." scene w2_3780 with dissolve mc "Oh, you could tell?" scene w2_3781 with dissolve mina "Of course. Saying one thing and meaning something else is an essential skill in my little bubble." scene w2_3780 with dissolve mc "Was I being presumptuous?" scene w2_3782 with dissolve mina "Yes... but it annoys me you're not wrong. My aunt owns a chain of massage places." mina "I get a free one every week." scene w2_3780 with dissolve mc "That's a lot of massages. So this is like me trying to impress a Michelin star chef?" scene w2_3781 with dissolve mina "Oooh, are you trying to impress me? Was Felicia right to warn you off?" scene w2_3787 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her you simply like doing a good job.:" scene w2_3788 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I try to do a good job with everything I do." scene w2_3787 with dissolve mina "Well, don't worry about it. You're doing fine." scene w2_3786 with dissolve mina "I'm easily satisfied, otherwise I wouldn't be so damn complacent, would I?" scene w2_3785 with dissolve "Mina's expression took a sharp turn." scene w2_3786 with dissolve mina "S-sorry, you didn't say anything wrong." mina "I'm just mad at myself. My head is making all sorts of dumb connections right now." scene w2_3785 with dissolve mc "I understand." scene minafeet3_a with dissolve show minafeet3 mc "Just turn your brain off and enjoy." KN_MOD "Tease her.:" scene w2_3788 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Maybe she has a good instinct for these things." scene w2_3787 with dissolve "With a straight face, I let drop an ambiguous answer and waited for Mina to draw her own wild conclusion." scene w2_3783 with dissolve mina "......" mina "..." scene w2_3784 with dissolve "Instead of getting flustered, she just weakly smiled and left it at that." scene minafeet3_a with dissolve show minafeet3 "Thus the brief conversation receded once more into shared contemplation." "For the next while, Mina shut her eyes and let her mind drift elsewhere." "All that occupied my ears was the hum of Mina's apartment and the soft, comforted coos of a woman being massaged." mct "(Fuck, Ian really did her dirty...)" KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance >= 20:" "I like the guy, but..." mct "(What an absolute moron. I guess he and Mina are through?)" mct "(Should I try and give him a heads-up about what Mina found?)" mct "(Would that be fair to Mina?)" mct "(Then again, why should I even involve myself any further than I have to?)" "All sorts of thoughts percolated inside my head, but no answer filtered through..." "Eventually, one extra sound was added to the mix: the soft, muffled sound of Mina sleeping." scene w2_3789 with dissolve mina "Efewee~" "It was a pleasant sound." scene w2_3790 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." scene black with fade "A quick search yielded a blanket." scene w2_3791 with dissolve mct "(There. That completes the picture.)" "More so than her usual manufactured presentation, she looked positively beautiful when at ease like this." "Which meant something, considering that usual self was extremely cute to begin with." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(Boy, did I feel completely useless today.)" "Still, I remained." scene w2_3792 with circlewipe "It didn't feel right leaving while she was asleep and I didn't want to wake her up. Plus, I had time to kill until I had to be at Felicia's." "So I spent my idle time the best way my generation knows how..." "Browsing the web and texting." "I didn't explicitly fill Hana in on the details, but considering she gave me a ride, I felt obliged to let her know everything was fine." scene w2_3793 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_hana from _call_phone_start_hana" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_16" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], Thanks again for the ride.) from _call_message_start_23" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Is Blondie okay???) from _call_message_68" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Yes. Its about what youd expect. She fell asleep, so Im just going to hang out here for a while.) from _call_reply_message_23" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Are you two that close?) from _call_message_69" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Not exactly, but a mutual friend pulled me into this.) from _call_reply_message_24" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Well, Im glad youre there.) from _call_message_70" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Did she really make that big of an impression on you?) from _call_reply_message_25" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Yeah, its weird. Ive never met anyone like her.) from _call_message_71" KN_MOD "call reply_message (What do you mean by that?) from _call_reply_message_26" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, I dont know how to put it.) from _call_message_72" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Disarming?) from _call_message_73" KN_MOD "call reply_message (I know what you mean.) from _call_reply_message_27" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, What time will you be back tonight? Should I try and cook something?) from _call_message_74" KN_MOD "call phone_end_hana from _call_phone_end_hana" scene w2_3792 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "The smell of burnt food filled my nostrils as I remembered what happened the last time Hana tried to cook something." play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" scene w2_3794 with dissolve "No... need... I'm... likely... having..." scene w2_3795 with dissolve "...dinner... out... tonight." scene w2_3796 with dissolve mina "*Yawn*" "I'll... tell... you... about... it... later..." scene w2_3797 with dissolve "It's... really... REALLY... stupid. I'd... rather..." scene w2_3798 with hpunch mina "Boo." mc "-geh!" scene w2_3799 with dissolve mina "Didn't mean to startle you." scene w2_3800 with dissolve mc "You said \"boo\"..." scene w2_3801 with dissolve mc "Did you have a good nap?" scene w2_3802 with dissolve mina "Hmm... very good. Can't believe I was out for two hours." mina "I was a little surprised you are still here. You could've slipped out." scene w2_3801 with dissolve mc "I could've, but..." KN_MOD "if w2MinaFlagVent == True:" mc "I baked you some cookies." mc "Hope you don't mind, I found some cookie dough and--" KN_MOD "else:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 mc "Then I wouldn't have been able to tell you this joke." scene w2_3803 with dissolve mina "You stuck around to tell me a joke?" scene w2_3804 with dissolve mc "You want to hear it?" scene w2_3803 with dissolve mina "Okay..." scene w2_3805 with dissolve "Mina looked at me dubiously, but nonetheless humored me." scene w2_3804 with dissolve mc "Why was the baby strawberry late for school?" scene w2_3803 with dissolve mina "...why?" scene w2_3806 with dissolve mc "Because her parents were stuck in a... JAM." scene w2_3807 with dissolve "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even half a smile from the Princess of Cheer." scene w2_3808 with dissolve mc "Uh... that didn't land huh?" "I could read it in her eyes that she was politely abstaining from groaning." mc "I got to be honest. I may have spent the better part of an hour looking up jokes." scene w2_3803 with dissolve mina "You... looked it up...?" scene w2_3804 with dissolve mc "I really wanted to make you laugh." scene w2_3805 with dissolve mina "......" scene w2_3809 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_3810 with dissolve mina "Ha...! Ah...! For real?" mina "That was the best you found?" scene w2_3811 with dissolve mc "I thought it was a pretty good one!" mina "Oh, yeah... no. No." mina "Bless your heart, no." scene minamcpat_a with dissolve show minamcpat mina "But... uh... I'll give you a gold star for effort." "She patted my head like one would do to comfort a child." KN_MOD "if w2MinaPat == True:" "The shoe was on the other foot." "... and it did feel pretty nice." KN_MOD "else:" "It felt... pretty nice." mina "The better part of an hour?" mc "I thought you might go for a lame joke like that--" scene w2_3812 with hpunch mina "Thanks, [mcf]." mina "I was feeling like shit that the only person I had for support besides Felicia was someone I barely know, but..." mina " was really shitty and rude of me to ignore your efforts. I'm sorry." scene w2_3813 with dissolve mc "...uh, s'okay." "-was all I could say with my head pressed into the blonde's shockingly tight stomach." scene w2_3814 with dissolve mc "What about your mom or brother?" scene w2_3815 with dissolve mina "Too embarrassed to let them know how much of a doormat I am." scene w2_3816 with dissolve mc "I don't think you're a doormat. I think you're in a relationship for the first time in your life." mc "One of life's learning curves, I'm sure." scene w2_3818 with dissolve mina "No, it's more than that." stop music fadeout 2.0 mina "I'm just..." scene w2_3817 with dissolve "Mina paused, formulating her words." scene w2_3818 with dissolve play music "music/future-rennaisance.ogg" mina "I just don't know who I am." scene w2_3819 with dissolve mina "Sometimes I don't even feel like a human being. Isn't that fucking weird?" scene w2_3820 with dissolve mc "Not knowing what you want is normal. You're nineteen." scene w2_3818 with dissolve mina "I'm only me, so I don't know how other people feel, but..." scene w2_3817 with dissolve "She didn't finish her sentence." scene w2_3821 with dissolve "Something about the way she looked at me felt especially jarring." scene w2_3823 with dissolve mina "I'm going to ask a question, okay? It's a question you won't be able to give me an answer I'm happy with, but it'd make me feel better to say it out loud." scene w2_3822 with dissolve "It wasn't the joyless expression on her face, but her profoundly vacant eyes." scene w2_3824 with dissolve mina "This isn't about you wanting to be a doctor or me wanting to be an actress, it's..." scene w2_3823 with dissolve mina "Do you ever doubt the way you feel about things?" scene w2_3822 with dissolve mc "Sometimes." scene w2_3823 with dissolve mina "Only sometimes...?" scene w2_3822 with dissolve mc "Maybe. Give me an example." scene w2_3823 with dissolve mina "Like say... you see something sad happen to another person and your gut response is sympathy. I think a lot of people conclude then and there that they're an empathetic person." scene w2_3824 with dissolve mina "...but what if your gut response, the very first thing you think and feel, feels off to you? Doesn't feel like you at all?" scene w2_3823 with dissolve mina "Like the things you're feeling aren't anything more than what's been drilled into you?" scene w2_3825 with dissolve mc "Mina..." scene w2_3826 with dissolve "I didn't know how to answer her, but at this moment, I felt in her a kind of kindred spirit." scene w2_3827 with dissolve mina "Sometimes, I feel like a big question mark." mina "That's why this thing with Ian is so... I just don't know what to make of it." scene w2_3828 with dissolve mina "I feel anger, but the part that comes after that feels like I'm watching it happen to another person." scene w2_3829 with dissolve mc "Mina I..." mc "I know how you feel." "I was as authentic as I could possibly be." mina "Do you really...?" scene w2_3830 with dissolve mina "I fucking hate it, [mcf]." mina "I just want to feel the world is right-side-up, but I just don't understand how to." scene w2_3831 with dissolve mc "The more you experience and learn about yourself, the more you can be sure." mc "That's the only way to know if what you feel is just what's expected of you or who you genuinely are as a person." mc "That or get a shrink." scene w2_3832 with dissolve mina "Ha... yeah..." mina "Experience... I think so too. About that..." scene w2_3833 with dissolve mina "I want your help with gaining some experience." scene w2_3834 with dissolve mc "Well, if it's something I can do, I'll do it." scene w2_3833 with dissolve mina "You should hear what it is first, before you make a promise like that." scene w2_3835 with dissolve mc "Damn, that's uh... mysterious. Okay then... what is it?" scene w2_3836 with dissolve mina "Mmmm..." scene w2_3837 with dissolve mina "...oh God, this is a stupid idea." scene w2_3838 with dissolve mc "Just say it." scene w2_3839 with dissolve mina "I've got a list of things I want to do. Stuff that I've been either too embarrassed, too afraid, or just otherwise can't do by myself." scene w2_3840 with dissolve mc "Like a bucket list?" scene w2_3839 with dissolve mina "Sort of, but most of it is..." scene w2_3841 with dissolve "Her body language was skittish, but her eyes were appraising like a hawk, vetting my response and looking to see if she needed to course-correct her approach. Undoubtedly without even realizing it." "She didn't know just how dangerous of a woman she was." scene w2_3842 with dissolve mina "You still coming to the arcade tomorrow?" scene w2_3843 with dissolve mc "Oh, yeah... to be honest, I forgot all about that, but... I'm still free." scene w2_3844 with dissolve mc "Maybe I can get revenge for today's slaughter." scene w2_3845 with dissolve mina "If you want, afterward... you can help me with one of the items on the list." mina "I promise it's nothing sketchy, it's just better to surprise you than put it into words. At least initially..." scene w2_3846 with dissolve "I don't really do surprises, but I suppose there was no harm in humoring the vulnerable blonde. The only thing I was obligated to do tomorrow was hand in the pictures of the Carnations." mc "Well, I've already promised to hang out with you, so..." scene w2_3847 with dissolve mina "It's not like I'm taking you to climb a mountain or--" mc " biggie in dropping by your place afterward." scene w2_3849 with dissolve mina "G-good!" mina "Sorry for..." scene w2_3850 with dissolve mina "Sorry to ask a lot. I feel really stupid right now." scene w2_3851 with dissolve mc "Relax. I've done nothing." scene w2_3852 with dissolve "In tandem with my reassurance, Mina firmly pressed her cheek against my breast and warmly nuzzled my chest." "Lots of hugs today..." mct "(Not so bad.)" scene w2_3853 with dissolve "This hug lingered a tad longer than I expected, with the cuddly blonde accidentally shifting her weight ever so slightly in a way that made me acutely aware of her softest bits." scene w2_3854 with dissolve mina "So... you have someplace to be?" "No sooner had we parted, did she pose that question." scene w2_3855 with dissolve mc "You want me out of here?" scene w2_3856 with dissolve mina "Kiiiinda. I've got to run out and take care of some stuff, but I need to get ready first." scene w2_3857 with dissolve "That worked for me. I still had to get ready for my date with Felicia." scene w2_3856 with dissolve mina "You can tell Felicia your babysitting mission was a success." scene w2_3855 with dissolve mc "How about you tell her? God knows how she might take that coming from me." scene w2_3858 with dissolve mina "Hehe. Thanks for being here, [mcf]." scene black with fade mina "Truly." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." "Shit. I never asked Mrs. Pulman what the dress code was..." KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaStart" KN_MOD "label w2MinaRevealNotFlag:" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if w2MinaFlagVent == True:" scene w2_3769 with dissolve mina "Thanks, [mcf]. I'll keep that in mind, but..." scene w2_3770 with dissolve "With an exasperated sigh, Mina flopped down onto the bed like a deflated balloon..." scene w2_3771 with dissolve mina "I think I just want to take a nap." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3769 with dissolve mina "I don't think that's very likely. Not today at least." scene w2_3770 with dissolve "With an exasperated sigh, Mina flopped down onto the bed like a deflated balloon..." scene w2_3771 with dissolve mina "Today... right now..." mina "All I want to do is sleep." scene w2_3859 with dissolve mina "I found that USB drive early last night, so... didn't sleep much..." scene w2_3862 with dissolve mc "No one would." scene w2_3861 with dissolve "Stating the obvious when there's nothing else to say - name a better combo." mina "Ahaah..." scene w2_3860 with dissolve mina "You can leave, [mcf]." scene w2_3862 with dissolve mc "Are you sure?" scene w2_3860 with dissolve mina "Can I be honest?" "She didn't wait for what I would obviously affirm." mina "I appreciate you being here. I like you..." mina "...but seeing you at this particular moment reminds me of Ian. It makes me feel angry." mina "I hate feeling that way, since it's not your fault and you're being awesome, it's just--" scene w2_3863 with dissolve mc "Say no more." mc "It's raw. I completely understand." mc "Being a friend means knowing when to back off." scene w2_3860 with dissolve mina "Thanks for understanding, [mcf]..." mina "Thanks so..." scene w2_3861 with dissolve "Facedown on her bed, her words were interrupted by a choked-out, muffled sob." mina "Thanks so much." scene black with fade "At this moment, regardless of how I felt about my friend on a normal day, I loathed him." "After insisting she call me if she needed anything, which I knew she wouldn't, I left the apartment and finally felt like I could breathe again." "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaStart:" $ w2FelShootPoints +=2 play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_3864 with blinds "I went home to blindly prepare." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" $ history_mina = "Mina discovered an extremely damning video of Ian, pulling me into the drama. I promised to vaguely help with something after going to the arcade with her tomorrow." $ unread_mina = True KN_MOD "else:" $ history_mina = "Mina discovered an extremely damning video of Ian, pulling me into the drama. Thankfully, I extricated myself from the situation." $ unread_mina = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman didn't answer my call, so what to wear to an \"interview\" with a wealthy transportation magnate whose wife I was there to secretly take lewd photos of, was left entirely to my inexperienced discretion." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen didn't answer my call, so what to wear to an \"interview\" with a wealthy transportation magnate whose wife I was there to secretly take lewd photos of, was left entirely to my inexperienced discretion." scene w2_3865 with dissolve "If I were to be forthright with my feelings, while my trepidation hadn't weakened, now that I was this close to zero hour..." "I was feeling excited." play music "music/the-loner.ogg" scene w2_3866 with fade mc "You're a real piece of shit, [mcf]." scene w2_3867 with dissolve "That was what I thought, but I didn't feel guilty about it." "I desperately wanted to feel conscience-stricken, like I imagined a normal person would feel." "The self-awareness brought me a small measure of comfort, but I was also cognizant that it made me fully culpable in my actions." scene w2_3868 with dissolve hana "Usually, when people give themselves a pep talk in a mirror, it's a little less insulting." mc "You heard that?" scene w2_3869 with dissolve hana "I was in the kitchen. I guess the sound in the bathroom carries well." mc "That's good to know for the future." scene w2_3870 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" hana "You made it sound in your text like you wouldn't be home until tonight." mc "I needed to get dressed." hana "Must be a fancy dinner." scene w2_3871 with dissolve mc "It's for work." KN_MOD "else:" hana "What's with the clothes?" mc "I have someplace to be tonight. Work-related." scene w2_3872 with dissolve hana "Aha! The self-depreciation makes sense now." scene w2_3878 with dissolve "Hana was the only person in the world who could appreciate my feelings, given our similar positions." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3874 with dissolve hana "You look... good." scene w2_3875 with dissolve "I don't think she meant to, but Hana gave me a rather provocative look." mc "You've seen me dressed up before." scene w2_3873 with dissolve hana "That {i}costume{/i} you wear doesn't count." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3873 with dissolve hana "You look good." scene w2_3871 with dissolve mc "Eh? Is it any different than what you see me in at work?" scene w2_3873 with dissolve hana "Yes. {b}Very{/b} different." hana "Do you ever think a waiter looks good in his clothes?" scene w2_3871 with dissolve mc "I tend not to have an opinion on a man's appearance." scene w2_3876 with dissolve hana "Well, trust me on this." scene w2_3871 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her she looks good at work.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" mc "You look hot at work." scene w2_3877 with dissolve hana "That's because I am hot." scene w2_3878 with dissolve "The implication being that I'm..." mc "Ouch. That's hurtful." scene w2_3873 with dissolve hana "Do you want to know what the actual difference is?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You look good at work." scene w2_3879 with dissolve hana "Gee, I wonder what the difference is?" scene w2_3871 with dissolve mc "The lingerie?" scene w2_3876 with dissolve hana "No shit. Wear some heels, fishnets, and a garter belt next time and I might feel differently too." scene w2_3881 with dissolve mc " really think I look good?" KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3882 with dissolve hana "You look... {b}handsome{/b} right now." scene w2_3883 with dissolve hana "Don't let it go to your head." scene w2_3881 with dissolve mc "Too late." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3883 with dissolve hana "Don't get a big head about it." scene w2_3881 with dissolve mc "Too late." KN_MOD "You thought women loved a man in uniform.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I always heard women liked men in uniforms." scene w2_3873 with dissolve hana "Every gal likes a good sailor or fireman. Those are the good ones." scene w2_3871 with dissolve mc "What are the bad ones?" scene w2_3879 with dissolve hana "Uh... a prison jumpsuit? Although I'm sure there are people into that..." scene w2_3878 with dissolve mc "Fair enough." scene w2_3880 with dissolve hana "Oh yeah, and for me, {b}no cops{/b}. Blech." scene w2_3871 with dissolve mc "Too bad. I always wanted to try that roleplay." scene w2_3872 with dissolve hana "Well, maybe you can talk one of the house girls into that. It'd be an easy night for them." scene w2_3878 with dissolve mc "Are you encouraging me to employ the services of a prostitute?" scene w2_3884 with dissolve hana "It's the most likely way you're getting laid, right?" scene w2_3885 with dissolve mc "Hey, fuck off." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" mc "You seemed interested enough the other night." scene w2_3886 with dissolve hana "Ha!" scene w2_3887 with dissolve "..." hana "So, you've been unusually busy with work this week." scene w2_3888 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't know, this is my first summer." scene w2_3887 with dissolve hana "Not like I knew Darius all that well, but as far I know, most of his duties were kept to the weekend." scene w2_3888 with dissolve mc "Maybe the old woman is feeling extra creative this season?" scene w2_3889 with dissolve hana "Yeah, maybe... what is she having you do tonight?" scene w2_3890 with dissolve hana "I know you keep saying we shouldn't talk about it, and you're probably right, but I want to know." scene w2_3891 with dissolve mc "Worried about the kind of person you're rooming with??" KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_3892 with dissolve hana "No, it's just..." hana "I'm just concerned my new friend might be forced to do something fucked up." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_3889 with dissolve hana "No, it's just..." hana "I like you and I'm just concerned you might be doing something you don't want to do." scene w2_3893 with dissolve mc "I'm meeting with Felicia's husband to interview him." scene w2_3895 with dissolve hana "You're meeting with one of the Carnation's husbands?! For-fuckin'-real?" scene w2_3896 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "It's all some stupid ruse Mrs. Pulman cooked up to make her photoshoot spicier." KN_MOD "else:" mc "It's all some stupid ruse Kathleen cooked up to make her photoshoot spicier." scene w2_3897 with dissolve hana "So let me get this straight... you're meeting with her husband and you're going to... take lewd photos of her?" scene w2_3896 with dissolve mc "Secretly take lewd photos of her, yes." scene w2_3897 with dissolve hana "That's... that's so..." scene w2_3898 with dissolve hana "Baaah, that's so messed up!" scene w2_3899 with dissolve mc "You've seen worse at the club, surely." scene w2_3898 with dissolve hana "That doesn't make it any less fucked. That poor man." scene w2_3897 with dissolve hana "You're really just going to do it because she said to?" scene w2_3896 with dissolve mc "It's my job." scene w2_3900 with dissolve hana "Where are we, Nuremberg?" scene w2_3901 with dissolve mc "Not even remotely the same." scene w2_3902 with dissolve hana "Yeah, but come on... it doesn't give you any pause? Shitting on a man's marriage vows in his own house?" scene w2_3903 with dissolve mc "I've wrestled with it over the last few days, but if I'm going to do it, fretting about it would be unhelpful." mc "Besides, Felicia's the one who volunteered for the club and I'm pretty sure her husband is also unfaithful..." scene w2_3904 with dissolve hana "Wrong is wrong is wrong, [mcf]." scene w2_3905 with dissolve mc "Why the hell are you getting so hung up on this? There's a lot more going on at the club other than infidelity." mc "You're going to own a part of it." scene w2_3906 with dissolve hana "It's just..." scene w2_3907 with dissolve hana "I don't fucking know. You're right, but it still pisses me off." hana "I just want you to be pissed off about it too, I guess." hana "Am I going to become as nonchalant about this as you?" scene w2_3908 with dissolve mc "I don't know...?" scene w2_3909 with dissolve hana "Neither do I..." scene w2_3910 with dissolve hana "Bah! I'm going to go kick the sidewalk or something." hana "Don't have too much fun tonight, you pig." scene w2_3911 with dissolve mct "(Did we just have a fight...?)" "It was over way too quick to even make sense of it, but I could understand how she felt." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 "Wrong is wrong is wrong." scene black with fade "So, I went to go do some wrong." "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" play music "music/air-on-g.ogg" scene w2_3912 with blinds "Elias Ford lived atop a gilded tower, in a penthouse whose only public access was an express elevator." fel "Welc-" scene w2_3913 with wipeleft "The man himself, with beautiful wife in tow, was there to greet me personally. For a lowly (fake) journalist, I was expecting a maid." fel "W-welcome to our..." "Finding the couple in their bathing suits was a surprise, but naturally I was far less shocked than the dumbstricken bombshell that stood next to him." scene w2_3914 with dissolve el "...what's the matter with you?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Just as Mrs. Pulman had anticipated, Felicia's look was priceless. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish choking on air." KN_MOD "else:" "Just as Kathleen had anticipated, Felicia's look was priceless. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish choking on air." scene w2_3915 with dissolve el "Welcome to our home, Charles." "Charles Bukowski -- that was the name I was working under, as per the information that the old woman had texted me days before." scene w2_3916 with dissolve mc "Call me Chuck." "I took it the alias was her idea of a joke, considering the philandering nature of the evening." scene w2_3917 with dissolve el "I hope you'll forgive my attire. We were just enjoying a leisurely soak by the pool and lost track of time." scene w2_3916 with dissolve mc "That's alright. No need for things to be so stiff. In fact, it's better if you're comfortable." "There were two reasons that made me feel abundantly certain Elias' excuse was a total fabrication." mc "Comfort makes people more honest, in my experience." "The primary red flag was Felicia's haste earlier in preparation for today. The second reason relied on my intuition. I just had a feeling that..." scene w2_3918 with dissolve "{b}This{/b} wasn't a man who would lose track of time, let alone do so while lounging by a pool." scene w2_3919 with dissolve el "Trick of the trade, eh?" scene w2_3920 with dissolve fel "Yes, {b}welcome{/b}. We're so very glad to have you." scene w2_3921 with dissolve el "The lights finally turned on, huh? That's not like you." scene w2_3922 with dissolve el "This is my wife, Felicia. She's the light of my life and a wonderful mother to my children." scene w2_3918 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Shake Elias hand.:" scene w2_3923 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Ford." "While holding out my hand, I recalled my twelfth grade English teacher Mrs. Sullivan and the way she impressed upon the class the importance of a strong handshake." "That had always stayed with me, but for some reason, that lesson was at the forefront of my mind right now." scene w2_3924 with dissolve el "Likewise." "I was certain it wasn't because I was hungry to make a good first impression on the man. The thought didn't even cross my mind when I met Abel Van Doren, someone I actually respected." scene w2_3925 with dissolve "It was something more..." scene w2_3926 with dissolve "Illogical and adversarial." scene w2_3927 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" "The lurid and adulterous nature of my mission had me feeling territorial in the face of the man I was two-timing." KN_MOD "else:" "Even if my interest in Felicia didn't go beyond the walls of the club, the lurid and adulterous nature of my mission had me feeling territorial in the face of the man who I was two-timing." scene w2_3928 with dissolve mc "And you..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Shake Felicias hand.:" scene w2_3929 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Ford." scene w2_3930 with dissolve fel "It's my pleasure, Mr. Bukowski." KN_MOD "Kiss Felicia on the cheek.:" scene w2_3931 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's nice to meet you as well, Felicia." fel "O-oh?" scene w2_3932 with dissolve "Despite having recovered from the shock of my visit like a tried and true professional, she still winced when my lips met her soft cheeks." fel "It's my pleasure, {i}Chuck{/i}." KN_MOD "Make a point of greeting Felicia first.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "For some reason, his reaction to Felicia's social misstep rubbed me the wrong way." scene w2_3933 with dissolve mc "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Ford." scene w2_3934 with dissolve el "..." scene w2_3935 with dissolve fel "'s my pleasure, Mr. Bukowski." scene w2_3936 with dissolve "As juvenile as it was, I made it a point to greet my beleaguered ward first and foremost." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Pull her into a hug.:" scene w2_3938 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I'm a hugger." scene w2_3939 with dissolve fel "...that's okay. The world is... full of... all types." scene w2_3938 with dissolve mc "That's a lovely swimsuit. Probably costs half of what I make in a year." scene w2_3940 with dissolve mc "And you..." KN_MOD "Keep it cordial.:" scene w2_3937 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You look very charming tonight." scene w2_3940 with dissolve mc "And you..." mc "I've been looking forward to meeting you." scene w2_3941 with dissolve el "Likewise, Chuck." scene w2_3942 with dissolve mc "You have a really lovely home." fel "That's kind of you to say so." scene w2_3943 with dissolve el "I believe in living modestly, to keep the essentials close." mc "M-mod--" "I felt a vein in my forehead twitch and I choked back a scoff at Elias' flagrant abuse of the word {i}modest{/i}." mc "That's... an admirable approach to building a home." scene w2_3944 with dissolve el "Isn't it? I always hated how big my grandfather's estate was. Vastness can be suffocating." el "A small home though, now that's the mark of a steward and preserver of the important things in life." scene w2_3945 with dissolve mc "Ah... minimalism, right?" scene w2_3946 with dissolve mct "(You call this small, you out-of-touch fuck?)" el "Oh God, no. I know how that would sound on paper." el "Just compared to how I grew up." scene w2_3947 with dissolve mc "If you don't mind, I'd like to get a picture of you and your wife together." scene w2_3948 with dissolve el "Be my guest." scene w2_3949 with dissolve el "Felicia?" scene w2_3950 with dissolve mc "I'll be taking more throughout the night. We only need a few for the write-up, but it pays to be thorough." scene w2_3951 with dissolve el "I understand that well. Fastidiousness is another key component of stewardship." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_3952 with flash "*Click*" mct "(There he goes with that steward crap again...)" scene w2_3953 with dissolve mc "You're a wise man, Mr. Ford." scene w2_3954 with dissolve el "Please, allow me to extend to you the same courtesy you offered me. Call me {i}Elias{/i}." scene w2_3955 with dissolve mc "How should we do this, Elias?" scene w2_3956 with dissolve el "The interview? We'll conduct the interview in my office, but first I'd like to sit down and have a chat. There's sparse information about your work as a journalist on the net." scene w2_3957 with dissolve "Oh, I {b}bet{/}." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Seems my assigned alias was more than just Mrs. Pulman's sense of irony. It also obscured." KN_MOD "else:" "Seems my assigned alias was more than just Kathleen's sense of irony. It also obscured." scene w2_3958 with dissolve el "I'd like to get to know you better." scene black with fade mc "If that's what you want, we're on your time." scene w2_3959 with fade el "You seem young to be writing an article like this, you must be talented." "A \"fluff piece on a celebrity businessman?\", I almost asked, but didn't due to the self-important implication that a talented writer is what he {i}deserves{/i}." mc "More than young, what I feel like is {b}overdressed{/b}." el "Oh, don't worry about that. I'll change shortly into something more appropriate." $, 0, channel = "sound") play sound "sound effects/water-splash3.wav" scene w2_3960 with dissolve el "You'll be the one writing the article?" mc "I'll transcribe our conversation and editorialize it, yes." "That was a lie. I was assured it was going to be ghost-written." el "Editorialization can be good and bad." stop sound $, 0, channel = "sound") scene w2_3961 with dissolve mc "Don't worry, our paper doesn't do hit pieces. You're sure of that or else you wouldn't have agreed to meet me." el "Don't get me wrong, I have the most profound respect for the institution of journalism. It's a noble and needed profession for a truly free society. Accountability..." scene w2_3962 with dissolve mc " the mark of good stewardship?" scene w2_3963 with dissolve el "That's right." scene w2_3964 with dissolve el "Accountability is integral to the self-governance of one's goals and self." scene w2_3965 with dissolve "While Elias fed me his self-important bullshit, Felicia did what I imagined Elias expected of her. {i}Shut up and look pretty{/i}." "She was posed in just a way that her bombastic body would draw our eyeline back even from its periphery." el "Anyway... journalism. I respect the job itself, the problem I have is with journalists." scene w2_3966 with dissolve el "Most are bloodsuckers using that noble profession as a shroud to drum up sensation or advance their own agenda. Years and years ago, they accused my great grandfather's legacy of being built on blood and exploitation." el "Which, let's be honest... that was simply the way progress was built back then. They conveniently forget the railroad helped to modernize this nation, he built infrastructure and supply lines, enabled the common person to travel far and wide and manifest destiny." el "How do a few \"labor disputes\" really measure up to that when seen through the long lens of history?" scene w2_3967 with dissolve mct "(Holy crap, this wackadoo is lucky I'm not an actual fucking journalist.)" mc "It doesn't, of course." scene w2_3968 with dissolve el "All this is to say, I respect the journalists in your paper's employ. It's a bastion of truth standing stalwart against the tyranny of the masses." scene w2_3969 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Crack a joke.:" scene w2_3970 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You want a good write-up, huh?" scene w2_3971 with dissolve el "Thanks, I would love one!" el "Ha!" "The asshole shamelessly laughed in the face of what was meant to be an accusation." KN_MOD "Let his insincerity pass.:" scene w2_3972 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, we do our best..." scene w2_3973 with dissolve "As the man droned on and on, I focused less on his words and more on Felicia." "One reason was her beauty. Even in this gilded tower, she shined brighter than anything else and drew my attention like a moth to the flame." scene w2_3974 with dissolve "The more pressing reason though... I had yet to find a chance to begin {i}our shoot{i}." "I had come here with a plan, one that would ensure I would be able to get what the old woman needed even under Elias' scrutiny, but I needed to find alone time with the blonde to enact it." scene w2_3975 with dissolve el "--don't you agree?" scene w2_3976 with dissolve mc "Oh... yeah, of course." scene w2_3977 with dissolve el "My wife... she's beautiful, isn't she?" scene w2_3978 with dissolve "Elias knew where my attention had landed, but he didn't seem plussed about it." scene w2_3979 with dissolve fel "Oh, honey. He's here to talk about you. Not me." scene w2_3980 with dissolve mc "Behind every great man is an even greater woman they say." scene w2_3981 with dissolve el "That's right. Felicia is a solid woman." el "I couldn't have chosen a better one after my previous wife passed." scene w2_3982 with dissolve el "I love her dearly. She's an incredibly shrewd woman." scene w2_3983 with dissolve "Solid woman, chosen, shrewd... he didn't even realize it." "To a man like him, I think he genuinely believed his words were ones of affection." scene w2_3982 with dissolve el "Most of my friends are divorced, having carelessly picked the wrong partner." scene w2_3981 with dissolve el "Felicia... she's right as rain." scene w2_3984 with dissolve fel "I'm just a small part of something greater." scene w2_3985 with dissolve el "Why don't you play that part by getting Chuck and me something to drink." scene w2_3986 with dissolve fel "Anything, dear." scene w2_3987 with dissolve el "You'll excuse me while I go freshen up and make a call?" el "Felicia will entertain you. I won't be long." scene w2_3990 with dissolve mc "That would be perfect." scene w2_3988 with dissolve el "Would it?" scene w2_3990 with dissolve mc "I... welcome a break to stretch my legs and speak with your lovely wife." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_3991 with dissolve el "Make yourself at home." scene black with fade "With that, he left Felicia and me alone." scene w2_3992 with fade mc "Well..." play music "music/bellissimo.ogg" scene w2_3993 with dissolve fel "{b}Well{/b}...!" scene w2_3994 with dissolve "I knew what was coming." scene w2_3995 with dissolve "Felicia gave me a killer look and stormed over." mc "Bit of a sur--" scene w2_3996 with hpunch fel "Bit of a surprise? Is that what you were about to say?!" scene w2_3997 with dissolve fel "I think I know what's going on here, but you couldn't have given me a heads-up?! A little forewarning when we saw each other this morning?!" fel "I about jumped out of my tan when I saw you come out of the elevator!" scene w2_3998 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Mrs. Pulman insisted it remain a surprise. She thought you might have an issue with the arrangement." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Kathleen insisted it remain a surprise. She thought you might have an issue with the arrangement." scene w2_3999 with dissolve fel "This is that mission she talked about on Monday. The photoshoot, is it?" scene w2_4000 with dissolve mc "Correct." scene w2_4001 with dissolve fel "You know my husband is expecting an actual article, right? He's the type to dig when things don't go to his expectations." scene w2_4002 with dissolve fel "And honestly, I suspect the club isn't that well kept of a secret considering I know about it!" scene w2_4003 with dissolve mc "Relax, he'll get his fluff piece." mc "I'm supposed to take notes and pass them on to a writer at the paper. The plan is absurd, yes, but the bases are covered." scene w2_4004 with dissolve fel "That right...? Ah, holy shit..." fel "This whole dog and pony show for some peep shots?" scene w2_4005 with dissolve fel "That woman really doesn't do simple, does she? What a cre~a~tive {b}cunt{/b}." scene w2_4000 with dissolve mc "I'm honestly glad you picked up on things so quickly, it saves me from explaining the situation." scene w2_4003 with dissolve mc "I don't expect we have much time to align our goals before Elias gets back." scene w2_4002 with dissolve fel "Align {i}our{/i} goals? You mean go along with this?" scene w2_4006 with dissolve fel "Yeeeeah, I don't think so stud. I'm just going to have to take an L in this game." fel "This is way, waaay, waaaay too fuckin' risky. I'll just have to overperform this Saturday." scene w2_4007 with dissolve "Ah, shit." "It's not like I didn't understand where she was coming from. This whole scenario crossed the line, but she had no one else to blame." "She was the one who put her foot over the line to begin with, volunteering for the old woman's game. I liked her, but I genuinely felt little sympathy for her." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Veronica did what she wanted, but at least the photos were dirty as hell. Even if Mrs. Pulman notices the conspicuous lack of people teeming around the gym, I reckon she'll be satisfied with the end result." KN_MOD "else:" "Veronica did what she wanted, but at least the photos were dirty as hell. Even if Kathleen notices the conspicuous lack of people teeming around the gym, I reckon she'll be satisfied with the end result." "That wouldn't really fly in this situation. It was one thing for Felicia to jeopardize her seemingly frivolous prize, but her failure to perform will reflect on me. This is my job, after all." scene w2_4008 with dissolve mc "Listen, I considered your situation before coming here..." scene w2_4009 with dissolve "From my pocket, I withdrew quite the familiar egg-shaped toy." mc "...and came up with a safe plan. If we just combine that with a few other--" scene w2_4010 with dissolve fel "Don't just hold that in your hand! *Whisper* What if Elias came waltzing out of his office just now?" scene w2_4011 with dissolve fel "I can explain a lot of things convincingly enough for him to pretend to believe them, but the journalist he's expecting to stroke his ego offering a sex toy to his wife ain't one of them." scene w2_4012 with dissolve fel "Christ, do you know how ridiculous this whole situation already is, even if you were really who you are pretending to be?" scene w2_4013 with dissolve fel "Someone made one joke at a charity roast one time, a year ago, about how much of a tight-ass he is and now he's all..." scene w2_4014 with dissolve fel "*Whisper* ...laissez-fucking-faire for this interview!" scene w2_4015 with dissolve fel "*Whisper* He's never even been in the fucking pool! Not once since we bought this place!" scene w2_4016 with dissolve fel "*Whisper* How the fuck does he manage a talent agency?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4017 with dissolve "*Click*" fel "H-huh?" "Her exasperation made for a cute photo and I didn't miss the chance." scene w2_4018 with dissolve fel "Oh, you fu--." scene w2_4019 with dissolve "In her excited state, her southern inflection reared its charming head." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Call her cute:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You sounded cute there." scene w2_4018 with dissolve fel "And your nonchalance is annoying as shit, [mcf]." scene w2_4020 with dissolve "Both of us flinched at how loud and clear my name rang out, causing us to crane our necks in the direction of Elias' office, until we finally breathed a sigh of relief." scene w2_4021 with dissolve fel "Ahaaa..." fel "I've done this for so long, I should know how to keep that junk in. Your glibness aside, none of this is really your fault." scene w2_4022 with dissolve fel "Almost none of it." scene w2_4023 with dissolve fel "It's just a bunch of crap that's been piling up since last year..." scene w2_4024 with dissolve mc "Last year?" scene w2_4023 with dissolve fel "No time to get into it." scene w2_4024 with dissolve mc "You're not wrong. We {b}don't{/b} have time." scene w2_4025 with dissolve mc "You should insert what's in your hand, so we can complete the shoot." KN_MOD "Tell her to take a breath:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4026 with dissolve mc "Slow down a minute and reset. Think about where we are." scene w2_4027 with dissolve fel "......" scene w2_4028 with dissolve "If blinking had a sound, Felicia would be screeching at me right now." scene w2_4029 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_4030 with dissolve fel "Shit. I'm feelin' a little basic for getting excited like that." scene w2_4029 with dissolve mc "It's understandable." scene w2_4021 with dissolve fel "No, it's not. Not for me." fel "It's just a lot of little things compounding on one another, but I should be more composed." scene w2_4023 with dissolve fel "This ain't my first rodeo." scene w2_4024 with dissolve mc "Little things?" scene w2_4023 with dissolve fel "Oh, hun. Even if we were alone and had all night, I wouldn't even know where to start." scene w2_4025 with dissolve mc "You could start by inserting what's in your hand, so we can complete the shoot." scene w2_4031 with dissolve fel "Do you honestly think I've changed my stance in the last minute?" scene w2_4032 with dissolve mc "I was hoping..." scene w2_4033 with dissolve fel "......" scene w2_4034 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_4035 with dissolve fel "...does this have a bearing on who wins?" scene w2_4036 with dissolve mc "She said the best shoot gets an advantage." scene w2_4035 with dissolve fel "That's vague... as much as I would love to stick it to--" scene w2_4037 with dissolve el "Felicia?" scene w2_4038 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 6 yalign 0.1 "..." scene w2_4039 with dissolve el "I thought I said to fix Charles a drink, what the hell are you dawdling for?" el "I swear you've been spacing out more and more lately. Is something the matter?" scene w2_4040 with dissolve fel "Nothing, we were just talking about... art. You know how I get about that." scene w2_4041 with dissolve el "Your little {i}distractions{/i} are good and fine, but you can pour a drink while you flap your gums." el "It used to be your old \"job\", remember?" scene w2_4042 with dissolve mc "It's no big deal, Elias. I'm not--" scene w2_4043 with dissolve el "Nonsense. You're a guest in my home and you've gone far too long without a drink in your hand." scene w2_4042 with dissolve "He left no room to argue. As ridiculous as he sounded earlier, full of hot air and flattery, this demanding demeanor fit him like a glove." scene w2_4044 with dissolve el "I'll be another twenty minutes, so make yourself at home." scene w2_4045 with dissolve "I counted my blessings over the allotted time. Hopefully, inside of that window, I could take some pictures and convince Felicia to play along with my plan." scene w2_4046 with dissolve mc "Where were we?" scene w2_4047 with dissolve mc "Remember, you want jo--" fel "Tsk...! I'll play along." fel "On second thought, this will be {b}fun{/b}." scene w2_4048 with dissolve mc "...really? Just like that?" mc "What changed your mind?" scene w2_4049 with dissolve fel "I remembered why I wanted to do this in the first place." scene w2_4050 with dissolve "Naturally, I was curious as to what that was, but this wasn't the time nor the place. We were on a clock." scene w2_4048 with dissolve mc "No time to waste. Put the vibrator inside you and I'll explain what the plan is." scene w2_4049 with dissolve fel "It's not organic chemistry, [mcf]." scene w2_4051 with dissolve fel "You're going to use this baby to get me juiced up and my thighs quaking while you take photos of Elias and me for \"your paper\"." scene w2_4048 with dissolve mc "Hey, I put a lot of thought into coming up with an idea that wouldn't risk us getting caught." scene w2_4049 with dissolve fel "Don't pat yourself on the back too hard, stud. It's a plan straight out of a porno..." scene w2_4048 with dissolve mc "I thought your perverted side would appreciate it." scene w2_4052 with dissolve fel "Aw, don't frown. I didn't say it was a {b}bad{/b} idea..." fel "Art imitates life, right?" scene w2_4053 with dissolve fel "There's only one hiccup to your plan..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4054 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "Do tell." scene w2_4053 with dissolve fel "You brought a horse and buggy when you should've brought a race car." scene w2_4052 with dissolve fel "Do you think this alone will do anything more than tickle a gal like me? Well, wouldn't be the first time I had to fake it..." scene w2_4048 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Mrs. Pulman isn't your husband. She'll know the difference." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Kat isn't your husband. She'll know the difference." scene w2_4055 with dissolve mc "Besides, I didn't say I brought only one, did I?" scene w2_4056 with dissolve mc "There's more where that came from. Four total, to be exact." fel "Four...? That's..." scene w2_4057 with dissolve fel "You trying to make my cooch sound like a maraca?" scene w2_4058 with dissolve mc "{b}Trust me{/b}. Elias won't notice. Not only can I control the intensity with my phone, but that windbag will be busy talking about himself." scene w2_4059 with dissolve mc "What was that history taking a long view shit?" scene w2_4060 with dissolve fel "I still don't know about this..." scene w2_4061 with dissolve "Seeing Felicia look unsure for once was a tasty treat, one that might've been fun to explore in any other situation." mc "Where did your courage suddenly go? I thought you had your reasons." scene w2_4062 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_4063 with dissolve fel "..ah, fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound." scene w2_4064 with dissolve fel "Should I do it or do you want to lend me a hand, stud?" scene w2_4065 with dissolve mc "I'll get a photo of you doing the first two and then I'll get some close-ups of me doing it myself." mc "Be mindful of the camera and make it look good." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade fel "{b}That{/b} I won't have a problem with." KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaStuffed:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionfelicia05 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4066 with fade "Not afforded the luxury of taking it nice and easy, Felicia set to task on stuffing her pussy to the brim with the tiny pink devices." scene w2_4067 with dissolve fel "Ready?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4068 with dissolve "*Click*" "I nodded and let the sound of the camera's shutter act as my confirmation." scene w2_4069 with dissolve fel "Don't worry about up there." fel "When he says he'll be twenty minutes, it'll be twenty minutes. He's annoying like that..." play music "music/ode-to-joy.ogg" scene w2_4070 with dissolve fel "Still, there's always the chance..." "On that nerve-wracked note, Felicia brought the toy down to her lower opening, pressing the miniature gadget against the tender flesh of her labia." fel "Here I go." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4071 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4072 with dissolve "In one quick thrust the toy egg disappeared, gripped tightly by her inner folds and swallowed whole." scene w2_4073 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" "I was reminded of Veronica's little educational lecture on the virtues of Kegel exercises." fel "Here's the next..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4071 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4072 with dissolve "The second egg was gulped down by her lower mouth just as easily as the first." scene w2_4074 with dissolve fel "It's weird. I'm already feeling full." fel "I know I can take more than this..." scene w2_4075 with dissolve mc "For the remaining pair, go place your palms flat on the edge of the sofa." scene w2_4076 with dissolve "Felicia cast another fretful glance up toward the door that separated us from discovery. If caught, there would be absolutely no wiggle room for explainations." scene w2_4077 with dissolve "What would happen afterward? No clue, but in no way would it be good." KN_MOD "if toughness >=23:" "It was a thought that, in theory, should've unsettled me." scene w2_4078 with dissolve mct "(In theory...)" KN_MOD "else:" "For the first time since I stepped through the doors, I truly felt the weight of getting swept up in that old woman's whims all in the name of greed." scene w2_4079 with dissolve "It didn't stop me." scene w2_4081 with dissolve fel "It's only been a few minutes." scene w2_4080 with dissolve "Felicia most likely said that to reassure herself, but my reassurance was found somewhere among the hills of tanned flesh that was Felicia's shapely ass." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4082 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4083 with dissolve mc "Yeah... no worries." "We may have had no time to waste, but there was still time." scene w2_4084 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness <= 21:" mc "Ready?" scene w2_4085 with dissolve fel "Just hurry up." scene w2_4084 with dissolve mc "Alright, here's number three..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Here I go." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4086 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4087 with dissolve "Just the same as with the other two toys, the third one glided its way inside the tight passage with relative ease until I felt the sensation of plastic clacking against plastic." scene w2_4088 with dissolve fel "That's... damn, I know I can do more than this, why am I so freakin' stuffed?" scene w2_4089 with dissolve "The reason for that was obvious; she wasn't aroused." scene w2_4088 with dissolve fel "Three is all you're going to comfortably get up there, stud." scene w2_4089 with dissolve "She was right and this was enough. There was no need to push it, other than..." "My own personal satisfaction." "If she was more turned on, the fourth wouldn't be a problem..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2FeliciaRecall:" KN_MOD "This isnt the time for that: three will suffice.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Nah. Three will be enough to make her sufficiently squirm.)" scene w2_4128 with dissolve mc "Three is enough." scene w2_4120 with dissolve fel "Okay then, I guess..." scene w2_4125 with dissolve fel "I guess all that's left is to wait for Elias to come back." scene w2_4123 with dissolve mc "Don't worry." "I would do enough of that for both of us." mc "In for a penny, in for a pound." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Felicia Date]{/color} This is exactly the time to push it: turn her on with story time. if feliciaFlag == True:" $ w2FeliciaPacked = True $ w2FelShootPoints += 1 scene w2_4090 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "There's just one more remaining. Go for the gusto?" scene w2_4091 with dissolve fel "Go for the fuckin' gusto? Why don't you stick it up your ass first and then we can {i}go for the gusto{/i}?" scene w2_4092 with dissolve "I guess she didn't think it was a good idea." scene w2_4093 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_4094 with hpunch "*Slap!*" fel "Ghe-!?" "The impact of my hand meeting the flesh of Felicia's ass produced a much more potent {b}crack{/b} than expected, reaching all the way to the four corners of the penthouse's high ceiling." scene w2_4095 with dissolve "It was loud enough that the distinctly sharp sound might've carried all the way up to the ears of Felicia's husband, but it also served its intended purpose." scene w2_4096 with dissolve fel "What the he--" scene w2_4095 with dissolve "To focus the blonde's attention on me and segue into the fantasy I was to describe." scene w2_4097 with dissolve mc "You and I are not alone." "A familiar fantasy of the capricious blonde's own making." scene w2_4098 with dissolve fel "H-huh?" scene w2_4099 with dissolve mc "You and I, {b}we're not alone{/b}. Remember?" mc "We're on stage, with many familiar faces looking at us." "I did my best to recall the fantasy she herself weaved that night in the park." scene w2_4100 with pixellate mc "People of import. People you read about or hear on the news.... businessmen, community leaders..." mc "Men of ostensibly good moral fiber." scene w2_4102 with pixellate fel "Oh..." "The connection finally took hold in Felicia's mind." scene w2_4103 with dissolve fel "This isn't the time for--" scene w2_4101 with pixellate mc "Tonight though, that facade has been dropped." mc "They've been unmasked of their civility and good manners. What they are tonight are... {b}customers{/b}." scene w2_4104 with dissolve mc "Men who are here to shower you with attention and watch you squirm." mc "That's what you like, don't you? Being the center of it all?" scene w2_4107 with pixellate fel "...yes." scene w2_4108 with dissolve fel "I... love it." scene felh_rub1_a with dissolve show felh_rub1 "Her words matched what her body was telling me. It wasn't much, but the very tips of my fingers felt the bent-over bombshell begin to ooze." fel "N-no fair... using my imagination against me like this..." "Her words were intonated with a plaintive, puppy-like whine totally unlike the confident woman I knew." mc "No fair? Fairness is everyone getting what they need, silly." scene w2_4109 with dissolve fel "G-guheeoh...?" mc "It's not my fault what you need is so filthy." scene w2_4110 with dissolve "Flipping things around on her was getting me excited, but..." scene w2_4111 with dissolve mct "(I needed to remain mindful)." mc "Of course, need and want are two separate things." scene w2_4104 with pixellate mc "The woman I'm seeing ain't the prim and proper picture-perfect wife of Elias Ford, is it?" mc "What do I see, Felicia?" scene w2_4105 with dissolve fel "...a cock hungry bitch begging for release." mc "Bingo! All I see is a bitch ready for the taking, who wants her pussy split open by a fat cock." scene felh_rub2_a with dissolve show felh_rub2 mc "But I'm not going to give you what you want. An unfaithful wife like you doesn't deserve that." mc "Instead, you'll get what you need: an ass fucking." fel "C'mon- this is-Ah~ g-getting~ nngh..!" scene felh_rub3_a with dissolve show felh_rub3 fel "Mmmhhh-?!" mc "You got to be quietier than that, Felicia." fel "M-mmh..!" scene w2_4106 with pixellate mc "That's right, what you need..." mc "I'll rail your ass over and over again, plunging every inch of my cock straight into your guts." scene felh_rub3_a with dissolve show felh_rub3 fel "Mmuuh...!" mc "Every thrust fucking more and more sense out of you until you're reduced to a babbling slab of meat." "I colored my words to match the vivacity of Felicia's own telling." scene w2_4112 with dissolve mc "Every hit sends your ass quaking..." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_4113 with vpunch "*Smack!*" scene felh_rub3_a with dissolve show felh_rub3 mc "Every hit causes your bowels to tighten and spasm around my girth." fel "Mumaah...!" mct "(This is fun, but I'm getting too carried away here.)" "Felicia was sufficiently aroused for the fourth toy; my hand was smattered in her feminine juices." mc "You'll lose all sense of time..." fel "Ghmmyshuit!" mc "The only marking of its passage will be a growing amount of jizz filling your belly." mc "More and more will pack your bowels until..." scene w2_4114 with dissolve fel "W-wha... h-huh...?" "The abrupt stop confused the lust-dazed blonde." scene w2_4115 with dissolve fel "I can't believe I let myself get so..." scene w2_4116 with dissolve "*Squelch*" scene w2_4117 with dissolve "In her stupor, all it took was one quick motion and Felicia's pussy gleefully gobbled up the egg-shaped toy." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4118 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "There..." scene w2_4119 with dissolve "*Pat, pat*" mc "We both knew you could do four." scene w2_4120 with dissolve fel "Huh...? Oh yeah..." scene w2_4121 with dissolve "A few more blinks had Felicia better oriented." scene w2_4122 with dissolve fel "THAT was what this was all about..." scene w2_4123 with dissolve mc "The vaginal canal expands like an accordion when aroused. Isn't the human body magical?" scene w2_4124 with dissolve fel "Oh look, a man thinking he needs to explain how a woman's body works to a..." scene w2_4125 with dissolve fel "Ah, shit." fel "No harm, no foul." scene w2_4126 with dissolve fel "That was.... wild, stud. Wild, but fun." fel "Who knew you had it in you?" $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_4127 with dissolve "Without missing a beat, Felicia had reckoned with the abrupt attack and taken it with patented nonchalance." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Felicia Date]{/color} This is exactly the time to push it: turn her on with story time. if feliciaFlag == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaRecall" KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2FeliciaEggStuff:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2FeliciaEggStuff = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene w2_4129 with dissolve mc "How do you feel?" fel " do I feel?" scene w2_4130 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaPacked == True:" fel "Not too bad surprisingly. It's a little odd, but nothing I can't handle." mc "I'm glad to hear that." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Like I'm walking around with a roll of quarters stuffed up my twat." mc "You'll manage." scene w2_4131 with dissolve mc "Now, how about that drink? Oh, and just in case, put some music on. It'll mask the buzz of the motors." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade fel "Damn it... I'm trusting you here, [mcf]." KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaConvoTease:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4132 with fade "Just like Felicia predicted, Elias returned twenty minutes on the dot in an eerie display of punctuality." el "I apologize for the interruption, but there's been an extraordinary dispute at the agency that I've needed to closely monitor for the past few days." "Naturally, she took her place next to her husband, quim stuffed full of sex toys and an uneasy smile on her face as she waited for the figurative shoe to drop." mc "That's quite alright, I'm here at your leisure. It must be quite serious if you need to be involved, though." play music "music/impertinence.ogg" scene w2_4134 with dissolve "She was entirely at my mercy. At any moment, I could activate the toy eggs with my phone." scene w2_4133 with dissolve el "Serious? Not yet, but... I've learned that, in the talent industry, no problem is too small. The pettiest squabble can suddenly explode into an insurmountable quagmire when a star's ego is involved." scene w2_4134 with dissolve "No matter my complicated feelings, that knowledge alone was a tasty erotic delight." scene w2_4135 with dissolve fel "It's night and day from Elias' previous work." scene w2_4136 with dissolve el "Oh, you're quite right about that, honey. Logistics may be in my blood, but cultivating talent is my calling." el "Every client is a one-and-only product, each offering their own unique set of problems. It's just simply more... {i}intellectually{/i} stimulating." scene w2_4137 with dissolve mc "Can you give me an example?" scene w2_4138 with dissolve el "Hmm, well--" mc "Oh! Wait a sec, I should record our conversation for my notes." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_4139 with dissolve "*Beep*" "Cloaked with the subterfuge of journalistic intent, I turned Felicia's vibrators on and set them on low." $, 0, channel = "sound") play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w2_4140 with dissolve "Her reaction was immediate, her face contorted in surprise and her thighs defensively clamped shut in a futile attempt to abate the sudden sensation." el "You're good! I wasn't intending to get started on this yet, but you've got me on my favorite subject already." scene w2_4141 with dissolve mct "(Yourself?)" "That wasn't hard, asshole." scene w2_4142 with dissolve el "Felicia..." fel "Uh.. huh?" scene w2_4143 with dissolve el "Go and grab us a couple of beers." fel "S-sure thing, hun." scene w2_4144 with dissolve el "Are you... feeling alright?" "Felicia fell under the squirrely man's analytic gaze, but quickly recovered her senses and played it off." scene w2_4145 with dissolve fel "I am, but thanks for your concern, husband." scene w2_4146 with dissolve "A peck on the forehead and a reassuring smile to mask the mild stimulation she was enduring." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4147 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4148 with dissolve "The sound of the camera's shutter focused the couple's attention on me." mc "Sorry, probably won't use it for the article, but... cute moment. Couldn't resist." scene w2_4149 with dissolve el "That's quite alright, take as many photos as you need." play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_4150 with vpunch el "Now, about those beers." fel "Right on it!" scene w2_4151 with dissolve "With an energetic step, Felicia sashayed off toward the bar." el "Now, you asked me about the unique problems that come with working with models and actresses, right?" mc "I did. You called it intellectually stimulating." scene w2_4152 with dissolve el "Well, let's take this week's kerfuffle as our example." el "Our firm has an unexpected rising star. She's not particularly talented, but she's exceptionally beautiful and has captured the public's interest after a breakout role in a beloved series." scene w2_4153 with dissolve el "More often than not in this business, success is a fragile and capricious thing. It ignites quickly like a pan fire, but is just as easily squandered if you don't correctly anticipate what's needed to sustain and grow it." scene w2_4154 with dissolve el "Great so far, but this is where the friction begins..." scene w2_4155 with dissolve "Once Felicia reappeared from beneath the bar, I could tell that even on the lowest intensity, the vibrators were doing their job in stimulating the wifely blonde." scene w2_4156 with dissolve el "Her agent is a young man, yet to cut his teeth but astute and brimming with potential. A prospective loyal and long-term asset if given the right challenges to grow." "She was hunched over from titillation and her face flush. A mere walk to the bar really did a number on her." scene w2_4157 with dissolve el "You see, a good agent can be worth more than a star..." mct "(Hmm...)" "Not only that, but Felicia left her phone on the bar earlier." mct "(If I'm quick about it, I could...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Use it to have her secretly expose herself for a photo.:" $ w2FelShootPoints +=2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "If I'm quick about it, I could send her a message." "Not letting the chance to directly communicate with her pass, I picked up my phone and shot Felicia a text while her husband enumerated on the virtues of a good talent agent." scene w2_4158 with dissolve "Bzzt... bzzzt...!" scene w2_4159 with dissolve el "The problem is she's..." scene w2_4160 with dissolve el "...been carrying on about how insulting it is having a newbie represent her." scene w2_4161 with dissolve mc "Has he done a poor job?" scene w2_4162 with dissolve "Felicia could have simply ignored my request, but instead with next to no hesitation..." el "Not in the least. I have full confidence in the boy's ability as an agent." scene w2_4163 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "She struck while the iron was hot, seizing the opportunity to fulfill Mrs. Pulman's expectations while Elias was utterly distracted by his own yammering." KN_MOD "else:" "She struck while the iron was hot, seizing the opportunity to fulfill Kathleen's expectations while Elias was utterly distracted by his own yammering." mc "Oh, hold that!" scene w2_4164 with dissolve mc "You're looking quite dapper." el "Really?" "The fact that not fifteen feet behind him, this powerful man's wife was exposing herself to me had me feeling like a conqueror even though I logically knew my charms and merits as a man had nothing to do with it." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4165 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "Oh, yeah. Ring-a-ding-ding, right?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4166 with dissolve "*Click*" "Elias smiled at the overly generous comparison, unbeknownst to him that his wife's naked fat tits had him looking less like The Rat Pack and more like a complete fool." "{b}This{/b} was the kind of shit the old woman was looking for from tonight." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4167 with dissolve "*Click*" "The club's patrons would salivate at the chance to feel superior to someone who is ostensibly one of their peers." scene w2_4168 with dissolve mc "I apologize for stopping you mid-convo like that, but sometimes inspiration strikes." el "You have your job to do, I understand." mct "(You very much don't...)" scene w2_4169 with dissolve mc "You were saying you had full confidence in the agent representing your diva." el "Ah, that's right..." KN_MOD "Forget about it. Just snag a photo of Felicia flustered.:" scene w2_4170 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve el "The problem is she's been carrying on about how insulting it is to have a newbie represent her." mc "Has he done a poor job?" "I weighed the value of directly instructing the stimulated blonde with the riskiness of what I was thinking and, at least for now, ultimately let caution win out." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4171 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4172 with dissolve el "Not in the least. I have full confidence in the boy's ability as an agent." scene w2_4171 with dissolve "Plus, there's a less overt option. For example, the toys tickling her insides are only on the lowest setting..." scene w2_4173 with dissolve el "Most firms would probably balk at the idea of pairing an unproven agent with a star talent, but that's one of our competitive edges at EBF Talent." el "Good help is hard to come by and our most important resource isn't our models or actresses; those are a dime a dozen." scene w2_4174 with dissolve el "We believe -- thanks, hun -- ... we believe our most fundamental resources are the men and women that facilitate our talent's success." mc "That makes sense. Can't have one without the other." scene w2_4175 with dissolve el "Precisely, and what better way of cultivating both other than linking the success of a young agent with that of a young star?" scene w2_4176 with dissolve mc "It's also about loyalty, right?" scene w2_4177 with dissolve el "{b}Very{/b} perceptive, Charles! For our agents, we give our fledgling employees a chance to flourish far sooner than they would at any other agency. That leads to loyalty on their part." scene w2_4178 with dissolve fel "Here you are, Mr. Bukowski." scene w2_4179 with dissolve "Having done a commendable job of adjusting to the pink toy's endlessly vibrating assault, Felicia stood in front of me with a beer outstretched and looking relatively normal." scene w2_4180 with dissolve mc "Thank you, Mrs. Ford." scene w2_4181 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep her on her toes: set the toys to medium intensity.:" scene w2_4182 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve el "For our talent.... loyalty to their agent is tantamount to loyalty to my firm." mc "If you consider that your competitive edge..." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_4183 with dissolve "*Beep*" mc "...isn't that easily imitated?" $, 0, channel = "sound") play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w2_4184 with dissolve "Felicia was stopped in her tracks, but she commendably endured with nary a peep." el "Now, now... I said it's one of them. We don't just sign any talentless hack with any two-bit agent." scene w2_4185 with dissolve "As expected, Elias didn't even notice Felicia catching her breath. He was too wrapped up in talking about himself." el "It's a strategy that only works if it's employed by a world-class firm, staffed by people with a keen eye for the 'X' factor and a brand image that attracts the cream of the crop." scene w2_4186 with dissolve fel "...!" mc "Ah, so the real secret sauce is to be good at your job?" el "You said it! We're not selling fried chicken here!" scene w2_4187 with dissolve mc "So what do you do when one of your clients wants a more experienced representative?" scene w2_4188 with dissolve el "All I do is monitor the situation, do you know why?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4189 with dissolve "*Click*" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "While she was still looking uneasy, I made sure to snap a picture. I wasn't sure how much of the story would be conveyed in a static sequence of images, but I trusted Mrs. Pulman would provide ample context to her audience." KN_MOD "else:" "While she was still looking uneasy, I made sure to snap a picture. I wasn't sure how much of the story would be conveyed in a static sequence of images, but I trusted Kathleen would provide ample context to her audience." mc "I could hazard a guess." scene w2_4190 with dissolve el "I would love to hear it." KN_MOD "Give her a shock: set the toys to high intensity.:" $ w2FeliciaHigh = True $ w2FelShootPoints +=1 $ Felicia_Affection -=1 scene w2_4182 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve el "For our talent.... loyalty to their agent is tantamount to loyalty to my firm." mc "If you consider that your competitive edge..." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_4191 with dissolve "*Beep*" scene w2_4192 with dissolve fel "G-guh..?!" "Felicia, to her credit, stifled her surprise as best she could, but it still sounded like she was sucking down air." $, 0, channel = "sound") play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w2_4193 with dissolve "Elias, just as I expected, was so wrapped up in talking about himself that he didn't notice his wife's abrupt distress." mc "...isn't that easily imitated?" "How a man so seemingly anal-retentive didn't notice something right next to him might boggle the mind, but I understood it. His meticulousness only extended to things he considered worth the energy." scene w2_4194 with dissolve el "Now, now... I said it's one of them. We don't just sign any talentless hack with any two-bit agent." el "It's a strategy that only works if it's employed by a world-class firm, staffed with people with a keen eye for the 'X' factor and a brand image that attracts the cream of the crop." "That is how men like him pull ahead." scene w2_4195 with dissolve mc "Ah, so the real secret sauce is to be good at your job?" el "You said it! We're not selling fried chicken here!" scene w2_4196 with dissolve "My focus wasn't nearly as honed as his. It took one hundred percent of my willpower to channel my attention on Elias and not the bikini-clad blonde squirming nearby." scene w2_4187 with dissolve mc "So what do you do when one of your clients wants a more experienced representative?" scene w2_4197 with dissolve fel "Mmmh..!" el "All I do is monitor, do you know why?" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_4198 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "I could hazard a guess." "Wary of knocking her off her feet, I set the intensity down to medium." scene w2_4199 with dissolve fel "...!" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4189 with dissolve "*Click*" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "While she was still reeling from the shock, I made sure to snap a picture. I wasn't sure how much of the story would be conveyed in a static sequence of images, but I trusted Mrs. Pulman would provide ample context to her audience." KN_MOD "else:" "While she was still reeling from the shock, I made sure to snap a picture. I wasn't sure how much of the story would be conveyed in a static sequence of images, but I trusted Kathleen would provide ample context to her audience." scene w2_4190 with dissolve el "I would love to hear it." $, 0, channel = "sound") scene w2_4189 with dissolve "Elias looked at me intently, waiting to make an appraisal of my answer." "I didn't give a shit what he thought of me, but I was moderately curious if I had the mindset to rub elbows with a man like him. I carefully considered it, before answering..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "He has more important things to do.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You have more important things to do?" scene w2_4200 with dissolve el "I already told you, the smallest issues have a tendency to snowball out of control. Therefore, problems are rarely beneath me." scene w2_4201 with dissolve mc "Then why?" scene w2_4200 with dissolve el "Well, simply put... the problem warrants my attention, but the solutions are beneath me." scene w2_4201 with dissolve mc "...that's what your employees are for." scene w2_4202 with dissolve el "Exactly. The agency would not be nearly as prosperous if it relied solely on my limited problem solving skills." scene w2_4203 with dissolve fel "A good boss knows how to delegate." scene w2_4204 with dissolve fel "That's why you're the..." scene w2_4205 with dissolve fel "...!" scene w2_4204 with dissolve fel " in charge, hun." KN_MOD "Smoothing things out with his client is the young agents job.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Is it because it's her agent's job to endear himself to her and solve the problem?" mc "If he can't do that, he shouldn't even work for you." scene w2_4202 with dissolve el "That's precisely one of the underlying reasons, yes. You have a good head on you." el "I have complete faith in the men and women I hire, but that said I'm not infallible. If I've misjudged her agent's abilities... well, that's why I keep an eye on it." scene w2_4203 with dissolve fel "Trust, but verify..." scene w2_4204 with dissolve fel "That's why you're the..." scene w2_4205 with dissolve fel "...!" scene w2_4204 with dissolve fel " in charge, hun." KN_MOD "Giving the talent what she wants will cause bigger headaches down the line.:" $ Felicia_Affection -=1 $ toughness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if trait_governor == True or toughness >= 22:" mc "You can't expect to control the talent if you easily give into their whims." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You can't work together smoothly if you just immediately acquiesce to such a large demand." mc "Instantly giving a diva what she wants, even if it's valid, will just further empower her to push back in the future." scene w2_4207 with dissolve el "That's right! It's always best to let things simmer for a while and see how it plays out." el "If her demand is invalid, my man will convince her he's the right person to represent her. If he can't do that..." scene w2_4206 with dissolve mc "Let her sweat a little and get her to be thankful you sided with her." scene w2_4202 with dissolve el "{b}Very{/b} good. That's exactly right." el "Managing people isn't all that different from accounting for problems in a supply chain." scene w2_4203 with dissolve fel "You..." scene w2_4205 with dissolve fel "...!" scene w2_4204 with dissolve fel "...need to know your points of failure and plan accordingly." scene w2_4208 with dissolve el "That's... right. Have you said that before?" scene w2_4209 with dissolve fel "We've been married for eight years, I'm bound to have absorbed some of your {i}wisdom{/i}. Plus..." fel "It's common sense to always have a backup plan." scene w2_4210 with dissolve "Felicia speaking up and placing herself in the conversation supplied me with an idea." scene w2_4211 with dissolve mc "How did you two meet?" scene w2_4212 with dissolve el "Oh, you don't want to hear about that. Felicia and I love each other very much, but our story isn't anything special." el "Wouldn't you rather hear about my conservation work or city initiatives?" scene w2_4213 with dissolve mc "Absolutely, but I'm also here to learn more about the man who has it all, and I do mean {b}all{b}, Elias." mc "Trust me, our {i}subscribers{/i} would be {b}delighted{/b} to \"read\" about your romantic life -- not in a gossip mag sort of way mind you, just... it's reaffirming to know that someone with your level of success can also have an enviable marriage." scene w2_4214 with dissolve el "Hmm, very well. I suppose a few questions on the subject wouldn't hurt before we move onto other topics I'd like to discuss." "The mission was about taking photos, but..." scene w2_4215 with dissolve el "Now, what was it that you asked? How did Felicia and I meet?" scene w2_4216 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman would no doubt listen and maybe even make use of this recording. Plus, I would like to know more about Felicia." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen would no doubt listen and maybe even make use of this recording. Plus, I would like to know more about Felicia." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let Elias answer the question.:" scene w2_4217 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's right. Where did you find such a lovely woman as your wife?" mc "I know you didn't meet in line while getting coffee." scene w2_4218 with dissolve el "Not coffee no, but... {i}wine{i}." scene w2_4219 with dissolve el "I first laid eyes on Felicia at the grand opening of a mutual acquaintance's winery." scene w2_4220 with dissolve fel "Hmpfh. {size=-10}Right...{/size=-10}" scene w2_4219 with dissolve el "She was there with someone, but--" KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaPacked == True:" scene w2_4221 with dissolve fel "T-that {b}someone{/b}... wasn't anything serious... just a friend." scene w2_4222 with dissolve "Given the circumstances, with her cunt packed full of four endlessly jostling sex toys, Felicia did an admirable job supporting her husband's story as he no doubt expected." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4223 with dissolve fel "That {i}someone{/i}... wasn't anything serious, mind you. It was a... friend..." scene w2_4224 with dissolve "Given the circumstances, with three vibrators incessantly going to town on her lady parts, Felicia did an admirable job supporting her husband's story as he no doubt expected." scene w2_4225 with dissolve el "She was there with someone, but as soon as I saw her I knew..." scene w2_4226 with dissolve "Elias paused for a moment, pretending to dig deep and mine the words from within a dramatic pause while his wife beside him coped the best she could with the building pleasure." scene w2_4227 with dissolve el "It had only been a year since my previous wife passed, but I knew I wanted to take my chance. There was just something..." scene w2_4228 with dissolve el "Something...?" scene w2_4229 with dissolve fel "--!" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4230 with flash "*Click*" "Another fabricated pause provided the right cover to snap another photo of Felicia's wretched expression." scene w2_4231 with dissolve "Meanwhile, he just smiled at me, thinking he allowed me to capture a vulnerable moment of his." scene w2_4232 with dissolve el "There was just something captivating about her." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaHigh == True:" scene w2_4233 with dissolve fel "Ge--!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4234 with dissolve fel "{size=-10}!{/size=-10}" el "She worked the courtyard flawlessly, juggling conversations while moving from group to group." scene w2_4235 with dissolve el "Thankfully, she approached me and I somehow conned her into a date." KN_MOD "Pivot to Felicia.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 scene w2_4237 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'd like to ask Mrs. Ford that, if you don't mind." fel "..e-eh...?" "Felicia was caught off guard by the conversational hot potato." scene w2_4238 with dissolve el "Her...? Well..." scene w2_4239 with dissolve el "Of course I don't mind. She'll tell it better than I." scene w2_4240 with dissolve mc "I know you two didn't meet while waiting in line for coffee. So where did you first cross paths?" scene w2_4241 with dissolve fel "No, no coffee... I first met Elias at a..." scene w2_4242 with dissolve fel "We met at a brewery." scene w2_4243 with dissolve fel "It was the grand opening of a mutual acquaintance's brewery. I was there with..." scene w2_4222 with dissolve "...!" "For the briefest of a second, the words were momentarily stricken from her throat by a jolt of pleasure." scene w2_4221 with dissolve fel "...someone." scene w2_4224 with dissolve el "I remember the disheartening feeling when I thought you were there with another man." "Elias leapt at the chance to add to the conversation." scene w2_4223 with dissolve fel "Lucky for you it was only a friend..." scene w2_4225 with dissolve fel "--!" el "Lucky indeed." scene w2_4244 with dissolve mc "Did you know who he was when you first met?" scene w2_4245 with dissolve fel "At first glance, but I pretended I didn't. I took my time in approaching him." scene w2_4244 with dissolve mc "You were interested in him from the start?" scene w2_4245 with dissolve fel "Naturally." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaPacked == True:" scene w2_4246 with dissolve el "Ha, but she took her sweet-ass time getting to me!" "While Elias elbowed his way into answering the question, Felicia's face made all sorts of wonderful expressions as she endured the sensation of four vibrators ceaselessly tormenting her cunt." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4247 with dissolve el "Ha, but she took her sweet-ass time getting to me!" "While Elias elbowed his way into answering the question, Felicia's expression contorted in apprehension as she endured the sensation of three vibrators going to town on her cunt." scene w2_4248 with dissolve el "I thought about approaching her myself, but I always got pulled in another direction." el "Luckily, by the end of the night..." scene w2_4249 with dissolve fel "...!" "The look on Felicia's face told me what I needed to do." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4250 with dissolve "*Click*" KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaHigh == True:" scene w2_4251 with dissolve fel "Ge--!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4252 with dissolve fel "{size=-10}!{/size=-10}" scene w2_4235 with dissolve el "...we had hit it off and I managed to con her into a date." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4236 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "Where was your first date?" el "We flew out to..." scene w2_4253 with dissolve "*Beep, beep*" el "I flew her out to Paris and..." scene w2_4254 with dissolve el "Hmm..." el "We spent a whole week going to art galleries and seeing other sights." scene w2_4255 with dissolve mc "That's quite the first date..." el "I was trying painfully hard to impress her." scene w2_4256 with dissolve fel "It worked, as you... can... tell." scene w2_4257 with dissolve el "Listen, I'm sorry to have to do this, but we'll need to wrap this up over the next thirty minutes or so." mc "I understand. Your time is extremely valuable." scene w2_4258 with dissolve el "Yeah... something like that. I'm going to go make a quick call." el "Felicia will show you up to my office in five minutes and then I'll go over all the things I want you to write about." "He spoke like it was entirely his decision alone." mc "I have no objections to that." scene w2_4259 with dissolve el "...what's wrong with you? You look tired." scene w2_4260 with dissolve fel "Ah... it's... the humidity, hun." scene w2_4261 with dissolve el "Eh? It's not that bad?" scene w2_4262 with dissolve el "Now..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade el "If you'll excuse me, I need to go contact that agent we spoke of. It looks like he's managed to smooth things out." scene w2_4263 with fade "Once more, Felicia and I were temporarily alone." scene w2_4264 with dissolve "Giving a repeat performance from earlier, she jolted from her seat and stormed up to me." "In her wake, she left a glistening puddle of femspunk caked onto her seat." scene w2_4265 with dissolve mc "That went pretty--" scene w2_4266 with dissolve fel "Give me that!" "Swiping my phone from my hand, she..." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_4267 with dissolve "*Beep*" "...relieved herself from the continual pulsated assault on her quim." scene w2_4268 with dissolve fel "Fuck me, this was fun!!" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and Felicia_Affection >= 16:" play music "music/romantic-motivation.ogg" scene w2_4269 with dissolve "{i}Fun{i}." scene w2_4270 with dissolve "That was the word she used." scene w2_4271 with dissolve mc "Are you about to..." scene felh_kiss_a with dissolve show felh_kiss mc "!" "Not terrifying. Not {i}shameful{/i}, but {b}fun{/b}." "So enflamed by her secretive performance, she pulled me into a kiss of unabashed passion the likes I had never experienced." "I was suddenly on the back foot, wilting from the unexpected intensity and fervor of Felicia's abrupt amorous advance." "If I had allowed myself to get swept up inside the old woman's game of dominance and control, Felicia had wrested that feeling from my lizard brain with a lone kiss." "There was platonic kissing, kissing for love, and then there was..." scene w2_4272 with dissolve "Kissing to fuck." scene w2_4273 with dissolve fel "What the hell is wrong with me?" scene w2_4272 with dissolve "She kissed me like she wanted to fuck." scene w2_4274 with dissolve mc "What the hell is wrong with us, the old woman, or the patrons at the club?" scene w2_4275 with dissolve fel "That was... new. I'm glad as shit I signed up for this." scene w2_4276 with dissolve "She said something shocking and entirely in character at the same time." scene w2_4275 with dissolve fel "Fuck you, dickhead." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and Felicia_Affection >= 16:" "There was more than hedonistic glee in her words. There was an animosity for the man she was spitting poison at." KN_MOD "else:" "Instead of exasperation toward me, she directed it elsewhere with a mixture of excitement and animosity to her voice." scene w2_4277 with dissolve fel "I've lived thirty-four years and I'm still finding new ways to tickle myself. Isn't life grand?" scene w2_4278 with dissolve mc "I..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_4279 with dissolve "That was when it hit me. In the face of Felicia's exuberance, I was forced to reconcile the absurdity of this situation, and all the anxiety I pushed aside to be able to excel closed in on itself like the Red Sea." mc "H-holy shit..." "It wasn't the immorality of the evening that had suddenly encumbered me, but something far more simple." scene w2_4280 with dissolve "Fear." $ renpy.end_replay() fel "Are you okay, stud?" scene w2_4281 with dissolve "The panic, delayed as it was, had finally set in." mc "Yeah, I just... need a sec for my brain to catch up with what just happened." scene w2_4282 with dissolve fel "Seriously? You were acting so cool that I was taking it a little personally." scene w2_4283 with dissolve "I had never viewed my personal detachment as a plus. In my mind, it was something I had to work around if I wanted to fit in." scene w2_4284 with dissolve mc "Ha, yeah... I'd never seen you so worried." "...but that detachment had never been stretched this thin - toying with a woman while she sat next to her unaware husband, all under the guise of being someone I wasn't was far and away the most egregious thing I had ever done." scene w2_4285 with dissolve fel "Well... take a breath. It's alright." "The fact this wasn't lost on me and was currently weighing me down on my chest like a ton of bricks, made me... {b}happy{/b}." fel "...and now you're smiling?" scene w2_4286 with dissolve "Stupid and unabashedly happy." mc "It's just..." mc "I may just be more screwed in the head than you are." scene w2_4287 with dissolve fel "Hmpfh..." scene w2_4288 with dissolve fel "I doubt it, but let's not turn it into a competition." scene w2_4289 with dissolve fel "I'll get you a drink of water to help settle your nerves and then I'll lead you up so you can play some make-believe with Elias." scene w2_4288 with dissolve fel "The evening ain't quite over, is it stud?" KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2FeliciaConvoTease:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2FeliciaConvoTease = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene black with fade "She wasn't wrong." "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w2_4290 with fade play music "music/air-on-g.ogg" "As soon as I entered Elias' office, the man was there to greet me, standing waiting like a sentry." scene w2_4291 with dissolve el "It occurs to me I haven't thanked you for your interest in doing a profile on me." scene w2_4292 with dissolve mc "That's a two-way street, Elias. You're doing me the favor here." scene w2_4293 with dissolve mc "To be honest, my boss isn't too impressed with me lately. This exclusive should get him off my back." "I shocked myself with how easily I added to the deception without even flinching." scene w2_4294 with dissolve mc "These are your kids?" scene w2_4295 with dissolve el "They are. I gave my late wife a daughter and she blessed me with a son." el "They're at our summer home at the moment." scene w2_4296 with dissolve mc "Too bad. I would've liked to meet them." "As if." "I've tutored a dozen rich brats like them." el "If not for St. Ives, they would spend more than their summers there. The city is no place to raise children, in my opinion." scene w2_4297 with dissolve mc "Is that why you're pushing for the city to allocate more space for public parks?" scene w2_4298 with dissolve el "It could use it, don't you agree? All the concrete and steel is suffocating." el "It's one of the many things I'd like to change about Morehead Hills." scene w2_4297 with dissolve mc "Sounds like you should run for mayor." scene w2_4299 with dissolve el "..." "He smiled and I could see him weigh his answer in his head." scene w2_4300 with dissolve el "If there exists a need." el "For now, I prefer to let other people fight for and spend their political capital." scene w2_4301 with dissolve el "Take a seat, Charles." scene w2_4302 with dissolve mc "Who's that in the portrait behind you?" scene w2_4303 with dissolve el "My father. He was a great man, charged with the unenviable task of modernizing under the weight of a dying industry's carcass." el "It didn't survive of course, but our name did." scene w2_4304 with dissolve mc "He kept it relevant with his philanthropy, right?" "...and guided the Ford family fortune's precipitous decline with a series of bad investments." el "Good deeds outlast men." scene w2_4305 with dissolve "The Ford family is still \"rich\" of course, by mine and most people's standards, but it's a paltry sum in comparison to what it was." scene w2_4306 with dissolve mc "Well, then... let's talk about your own philanthropic interests, Elias." scene black with fade "And so we did." scene w2_4307 with fade "For ten minutes, he talked my ear off about things that I nor anyone else in Morehead Hills gave a shit about." scene w2_4308 with dissolve "He talked about his three initiatives and what he hoped they would accomplish for the city." scene w2_4309 with dissolve "Some of them weren't bad per se, in fact all of them would be beneficial, but they all glossed over real issues in a bid to prop up a yuppie idea of living wholesomely." scene w2_4310 with dissolve "*Beep, beep*" scene w2_4311 with dissolve "A message temporarily pulled me away from the man's vain droning, not that his self-aggrandizing allowed him to notice my lapse in attention." KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaBathroomJill:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" play music "music/air-on-g.ogg" scene w2_4312 with dissolve KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It was from Felicia." mct "(This...)" scene w2_4313 with dissolve mct "(What is this woman planning?)" "As uncertain as I was, I did as she bid me and accepted the call out of perverse curiosity." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_4314 with dissolve "*Beep*" scene w2_4315 with dissolve "What I found..." scene w2_4316 with dissolve "Must've put a remarkably stupid look on my face." el "Is something the matter, Charles?" scene w2_4317 with dissolve mc "Oh, no. Everything is... good. I was just making a note on something." scene w2_4318 with dissolve mc "Continue on, please." scene w2_4319 with dissolve el "Where was I?" scene w2_4320 with dissolve mc "Stewardship." scene w2_4321 with dissolve "He was going on and on once more about proper stewardship. It was practically pathological!" scene w2_4322 with dissolve el "Right, I believe in..." scene w2_4323 with dissolve "Meanwhile, Felicia patiently waited for Elias to move on, wearing nothing but a smile." scene w2_4324 with dissolve "At least, I was assuming she was smiling. I couldn't say entirely for sure considering where my focus was..." scene w2_4325 with dissolve "She moved in and did something to the screen." KN_MOD "if felPN == Daddy:" scene w2_4326 with dissolve mct "(Good lord...)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4327 with dissolve mct "(Good lord...)" "Felicia's vivaciousness still managed to surprise me." "She remained fired up from earlier and she wasn't letting it go." scene w2_4325 with dissolve "Not letting it go {b}in the least{/b}." scene w2_4328 with dissolve feltxt "Turn it on, pleeeeease?" "I had just had a minor panic attack over this very thing, yet part of me still wanted to abide by her wishes..." scene w2_4329 with dissolve "She knew how to put on a damn good pleading act." "Meanwhile, her husband was still carrying on, none the wiser that his wife was bared fully nude on the screen in front of me." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It was my decision. This wasn't part of the photoshoot. There was no advantage for Felicia here or any esteem for me to gain with Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "It was my decision. This wasn't part of the photoshoot. There was no advantage for Felicia here or any esteem for me to gain with Kathleen." "Pushing this button would be purely an affirmation of my own desires..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Continue and see where this goes.:" $ w2FeliciaExtra = True $ Felicia_Affection += 1 scene w2_4330 with dissolve mctxt "Convince me." scene w2_4331 with dissolve "My reply was answered by one hell of a salacious, sexed-up grin and the mouthing of the word..." "{b}O-k-a-y.{/b}" scene w2_4332 with dissolve "As Felicia moved away from the camera, I did my best to maintain the illusion of giving my full attention to the slutty woman's husband." scene felh_tubrub1_a with dissolve "If I had failed in that task, I didn't know. Elias spoke undaunted with the assurance his words were being recorded, with me adding some filler \"I see\"s and \"Tell me more\"s whenever he stopped and took a much needed breath." scene felh_tubrub1_a with dissolve show felh_tubrub1 "As Elias continued, so did Felicia and her provocations." "Her talent as an exhibitionist was on full display; she knew how to please the viewer's eyes while setting a proper, agonizing pace." "Far enough back from the camera to give me a good view, she placed one hand on the gold-plated faucet to balance herself while the other spread her intimate place wide open." "She didn't use her fingers to penetrate her already overstuffed cunt, instead, she simply rubbed." "Slowly at first, she gingerly ran her fingertips over her labia, teasing and prodding with methodical intent." scene w2_4333 with dissolve mc "That's odd. Why wouldn't the city council agree to that?" scene w2_4334 with dissolve el "That's a good question and one that I don't have the foggiest--" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_4335 with dissolve "*Beep*" $, 0, channel = "sound") play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "From the small screen of my phone, Felicia's reaction was hard to read, but the way her body suddenly jerked confirmed one thing." scene w2_4336 with dissolve "The remote control did indeed reach as far as where Felicia presently stood, butt naked and jilling herself off." "Which meant, although I had set it on the lower side... I could just as easily..." $, 0, channel = "sound") play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "*Beep*" $, 0, channel = "sound") play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w2_4337 with dissolve "Bring it up to half power, if I so pleased." scene felh_tubrub2_a with dissolve show felh_tubrub2 "Felicia's hand didn't cease, rather it was spurred on by the abrupt increase in intensity, her fingertips working her swollen lips with greater fervor." fel "...!" "I could visibly make out the parting of the wanton blonde's lips, but was left to guess what kind of saccharine sounds were reaching her own ears." "Was she cursing? Was she trying to keep it down? Was she moaning without abandon?" "Not knowing was charming, my brain drawing its own conclusions as I recalled her earlier animosity." fel "{i}Fuck you, dickhead{/i}." "Was that it?" $, 0, channel = "sound") "Was she focusing on the endless thrum of her husband's voice as she got herself off?" "Whatever had clicked with her earlier, she was now running with it." scene felh_tubrub3_a with dissolve show felh_tubrub3 fel "...!" fel "......!" "As she picked up speed, I could tell she was losing herself. The pleasure on her face was as clear as day even through the viewport of a small screen." "Her fingers were battering her clit now, catching and rolling the little bean with each feverish pass." "In no time at all, she had worked herself near orgasm, but she never took her eyes off the direction of her phone." "However distant we were, with however many walls between us, she looked at the phone like she was looking directly at me. Even virtually..." "She knew how to make a man feel wanted." scene w2_4338 with dissolve fel "...!" scene w2_4339 with dissolve fel "...! ...!" mct "(She's there!)" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Crank it to max.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 "A devious idea hit me and I reacted instantly, scrambling to switch over to the vibrator's controller and then back to the video call so I didn't miss a thing." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w2_4340 with vpunch "My brain filled in the cacophonous wails." fel "--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" scene w2_4341 with vpunch "In no way was she expecting 100 percent power, especially not at the height of her climax." "The result was glaringly obvious. Her face contorted in a delightful mix of bottomless pleasure and abject surprise." scene w2_4342 with dissolve "She hadn't just hit her peak..." scene w2_4343 with vpunch fel "--!!!!!!!!!!!" "She had blown past it." mct "(Shit! Good thing she's in the tub...!)" scene w2_4344 with dissolve fel "...! ...! ----!!!!!!!" play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" scene w2_4345 with dissolve "Fuck..." "The wind utterly knocked out of her by her own orgasm, Felicia's legs gave out and she collapsed into the tub with what I can only guess was an impressive splash." scene w2_4346 with dissolve mct "(That didn't kill her did it?)" scene w2_4347 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_4348 with dissolve "I waited..." scene w2_4349 with dissolve "I breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't cracked her head open on the side of the tub." scene w2_4350 with dissolve "That might've been a first in the history of involuntary manslaughter..." scene w2_4351 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "*Beep*" scene w2_4352 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "No surprises. Let her finish.:" fel "--!" "I was content to watch her bring herself to orgasm by her own hand, albeit with some considerable assistance from the old woman's toys." scene w2_4340 with dissolve "The pleasure twisted Felicia's beautiful face into something wholly obscene." "Honestly, this was a more fitting appearance for the shameless woman..." scene w2_4353 with dissolve "Her eyes went from half-lidded to cross, mouth pried ajar in bliss." scene w2_4354 with dissolve fel "..." "It was over almost as quick as it hit her." scene w2_4355 with dissolve "Her eyes refocused on the camera and she looked..." "{b}Hungry still{/b}." scene w2_4356 with dissolve "......" scene w2_4351 with dissolve "..." scene w2_4352 with dissolve "{i}Call ended{/i}." scene w2_4357 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve el ", all three of my proposals tie into that very idea of Stewardship." "At the end of it, Elias Ford was none the wiser that my attention was divided between his circuitous points and his wife debasing herself in the bathroom." scene w2_4358 with dissolve "He just smiled at me with a shit-eating grin." $ renpy.end_replay() "...but we weren't finished. Not yet" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2FeliciaBathroomJill:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2FeliciaBathroomJill = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "We ate up the rest of the time talking about subjects that I found even less interesting: his personal life, his upbringing, and so on." KN_MOD "Finish the interview without any distractions.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 3 scene w2_4330 with dissolve mctxt "This is outside the scope of our task." scene w2_4359 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaPacked == True:" feltxt "Don't act like a robot all of a sudden when I know you had fun spanking my ass and whispering all that dirty crap into my ear." KN_MOD "else:" feltxt "Don't act like a robot all of a sudden. I know you had fun earlier." scene w2_4360 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her shes welcome to take care of herself and then hang up.:" $ Felicia_Affection -= 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mctxt "If you can't control yourself, you're welcome to jill off in the bathroom without an audience." scene w2_4361 with dissolve fel "...!" KN_MOD "Tell her the shoot isnt over and then hang up.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mctxt "The shoot isn't necessarily over. Be patient." scene w2_4362 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_4351 with dissolve "*Beep*" scene w2_4352 with dissolve "That was that." "I tried my best not to think of the lovely sight I had just missed out on." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_4363 with dissolve el "...that's why it's important to offer parents a safe place for children to gather and socialize." scene w2_4358 with dissolve "The rest of the interview was uneventful. Elias finished explaining his politics and then we moved onto more personal aspects." "Subjects like his upbringing, his father's suicide, and so on. What made him the man he was." "This was the meat and potatoes of the guise the old woman had me working under. In one way, it was a nice reprieve..." scene black with fade "In another, when compared to earlier, it was painfully dull." scene w2_4364 with fade el "I'm sorry to have to cut things short. Felicia made preparations for the three of us to eat, but..." scene w2_4365 with dissolve mc "I completely understand." scene w2_4366 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" "--and just like before, a half-hour was just that. Punctual down to the minute." "I found his internal clock enviable." scene w2_4367 with dissolve fel "You should get going, hun. You shouldn't keep Theo waiting." "Also on time, down to the minute, was Felicia." scene w2_4368 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaExtra == True:" "She entered the room the picture-perfect model of wifely radiance, without a trace of the debauched woman who was just howling and creaming herself on camera." KN_MOD "else:" "She entered the room as serene as a graven image, far and removed from the wanton hunger on display not fifteen minutes ago." scene w2_4369 with dissolve fel "I'll keep Charles duly entertained and then send him on his way. It's not polite to usher a guest out the door, after all." scene w2_4370 with dissolve el "My wife is right. It would be poor manners to allow you to leave with an empty stomach." el "Hors d'oeuvres for three can just as easily be hors d'oeuvres for two." scene w2_4371 with dissolve mc "I'll gladly accept your hospitality." scene w2_4372 with dissolve "Saves me the trouble of coming back after he leaves and finishing the shoot." scene w2_4373 with dissolve el "I'll leave you in my wife's lovely hands then." scene w2_4372 with dissolve "For a couple of seconds that dragged on and on, the pair locked eyes and shared a silent moment of mutual understanding." scene w2_4374 with dissolve "A look that carried unspoken expectations and instructions." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Not even when she was licking Mrs. Pulman's heel did she look so small." KN_MOD "else:" "Not even when she was licking Kathleen's heel did she look so small." scene w2_4375 with dissolve fel "I'll walk you out?" scene w2_4376 with dissolve el "No need for you to bother, dear." scene w2_4377 with dissolve el "Charles..." el "I look forward to reading your write-up." scene w2_4378 with dissolve "For one last time, he proffered his hand, drawing a curtain on the old lady's asinine farce." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 el "...and I appreciate the good word." play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" scene w2_4379 with dissolve mc "He's gone..." "As Felicia and I watched the elevator doors close, I breathed a great sigh of relief." scene w2_4380 with dissolve fel "That's right. He's gone..." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaExtra == True:" play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" scene w2_4381 with dissolve "Now that we were alone, I could finally take a good look at what Felicia had changed into following the aftermath of our lecherous call." scene w2_4382 with dissolve fel "It's just you, me, and the... {i}camera{/i}, all alone in this great big, {b}empty{/b} penthouse..." scene w2_4383 with dissolve "Adorned on her shapely body was a form-fitting lace dress dyed a beautifully striking amber that paired perfectly with Felicia's tan skin and golden tresses." scene w2_4384 with dissolve mc "The fire still burning after that... {i}show{/i}?" scene w2_4385 with dissolve fel "Whoever said \"a light that burns twice as bright burns half as long\", hadn't met this hoe. I've got a big..." scene w2_4386 with dissolve fel "...appetite." scene w2_4387 with dissolve "Felicia was a cat in heat." "Despite having let slip earlier that there was potentially more to her participation at the club beyond her sexual fulfillment, this was..." scene w2_4388 with dissolve fel "We ain't finished yet, are we?" "This was Felicia at her most base." scene w2_4389 with dissolve mc "More photos won't hurt your chances of winning..." mc "Let the camera get a look at you in that dress." KN_MOD "else:" play music"music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" scene w2_4390 with dissolve fel "...and now it's just you and me, [mcf]." scene w2_4391 with dissolve "Now that we were alone, I could finally take a good look at what Felicia had slipped into during the interim." scene w2_4393 with dissolve "Adorned on her shapely body was a form-fitting lace dress dyed a beautifully striking amber that paired perfectly with Felicia's tan skin and golden tresses." scene w2_4392 with dissolve fel "You think the boss lady got what she wanted out of this?" scene w2_4394 with dissolve mc "Who knows what that woman actually expected from this charade..." scene w2_4395 with dissolve "..." "......" scene w2_4394 with dissolve mc "I'd say we got some pretty good material, though." scene w2_4396 with dissolve fel "Hell yeah, we did. That was..." scene w2_4397 with dissolve fel "That's right, you little...!" scene w2_4398 with dissolve fel "It's fucking rude to hang up on a girl like that. It killed my mood; made me feel {i}real{/i} stupid." scene w2_4399 with dissolve mct "(Mood...?)" "She had already let slip there was more to her participation beyond her sexual gratification." scene w2_4400 with dissolve mc "That wasn't part of the shoot, plus your husband was looking me dead in the eye at the time. The toys were one thing, but..." scene w2_4401 with dissolve "She cut me short with a sad look and a long, well-manicured finger." scene w2_4402 with dissolve fel "Yeah, it's {b}fucked{/b} and {i}incredibly{/i} stupid on my part, but that's..." scene w2_4403 with dissolve fel "That's the point." fel "We ain't finished yet, are we?" scene w2_4404 with dissolve mc "Depends. Do you want to have a better shoot than Veronica and Rosalind?" scene w2_4403 with dissolve fel "Yes." "The brusque answer and serious look didn't fit the wifely blonde, but there you had it..." scene w2_4404 with dissolve mc "Let the camera get a look at you in that dress then." scene w2_4405 with dissolve fel "Oh? You like it?" scene w2_4406 with dissolve fel "This dress cost five grand. Ain't that fucking stupid?" mc "There's no denying though..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4407 with flash "*Click*" mc "It looks stunning on you." scene w2_4408 with dissolve fel "It does." fel "Thank you, [mcf]." scene w2_4409 with dissolve mc "Give me a spin. I want to see the back." scene w2_4408 with dissolve KN_MOD "if felPN == Sir:" fel "Yes, {b}sir{/b}..." KN_MOD "elif felPN == Daddy:" fel "If that is what {b}Daddy{/b} wants..." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Anything for you, {b}stud{/b}..." scene w2_4409 with dissolve "The intonation she used left the hair on the back of my neck standing, each and every syllable its own separate seduction." scene w2_4410 with dissolve "In stark contrast to the sophisticated front, the rear of her dress was cut tantalizingly short, offering a delectable peek at her toned back and tan lines." mct "(If I had money...)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4411 with dissolve "*Click" mct "(I'd be stupid enough to fall for this.)" scene w2_4412 with dissolve fel "Just how far did Big Red and Rosie go with their shoots?" scene w2_4414 with dissolve mc "You'd find it difficult to believe." scene w2_4413 with dissolve fel "Try me." scene w2_4414 with dissolve mc "Rosalind got down on the floor and titfucked me in a dirty park bathroom and Veronica pretended to be a dog." scene w2_4415 with dissolve fel "...holy cow, those bitches ARE playing to win." scene w2_4416 with dissolve mc "No shit." mct "(You're the one whose life isn't on the line here...)" scene w2_4417 with dissolve fel "Hmmm..." scene w2_4418 with dissolve fel "Stay here for a minute. I'll call to come in" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_4419 with dissolve "Like that, Felicia suddenly disappeared back into her husband's office." scene w2_4420 with dissolve "......" "..." mct "(Nice view...)" mct "(Knowing how much a place like this costs would probably make me sick...)" scene w2_4421 with dissolve fel "Okay ...ready! Come on in, stud." scene black with fade mct "(What is she thinking?)" KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaSex:" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w2_4422 with fade play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Oh..." scene w2_4423 with dissolve fel "Who needs stupid gimmicks when you look like I do?" scene w2_4422 with dissolve "THAT is what she's thinking." "Splayed out on her husband's desk, wearing naught but an expensive-looking strapless bra and a pair of extravagant lace panties, Felicia welcomed me with open legs." scene w2_4424 with dissolve mc "I would agree with you if this was purely based on sex appeal..." scene w2_4425 with dissolve fel "Please... this is about humiliating my husband more than it is about demeaning me. That's what she's selling those old farts." scene w2_4426 with dissolve fel "What's more demonstrative of that than doing {i}this{/i} in his very office?" scene w2_4427 with dissolve mc "...and you're okay with that?" scene w2_4426 with dissolve fel "If I'm getting what I want out of the deal, the old lady and her customers should get theirs." scene w2_4427 with dissolve mc "What ARE you getting out of this? What's the upside of joining the club?" mct "(I mean... isn't she afraid of her husband discovering any of this?)" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" "In her own way, she worked hard for this life. This was a risk, no matter how casual she was about it, and Felicia was an extraordinarily intelligent and self-reflective woman." "I could say that for certain after the night we shared dinner." KN_MOD "else:" "In her own way, she worked hard for this life. This was a risk no matter how casual she was about it, and Felicia was an intelligent woman." "I was certain of that." scene w2_4428 with dissolve fel "Upside? Ah, who knows...? I'm just a dumb country slut." fel "I haven't given it that much thought." scene w2_4429 with dissolve "I didn't believe her, not in the least. The way she strategically belittled herself when it suited her and the way she downplayed her worth... it pissed me off." scene w2_4430 with dissolve "It pissed me off, but it gave me an idea..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Challenge her.:" $ Felicia_Confidence += 1 $ Felicia_Affection += 1 scene w2_4431 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You really think I buy that, Felicia? Considering where you started in life and where we presently stand?" mc "You didn't just luck your way into a penthouse apartment." scene w2_4432 with dissolve fel "Get the fuck off this horse, will ya? You're here to take photos, not psychoanalyze my motivations." fel "What do you care, anyway?" scene w2_4433 with dissolve mc "Intelligence shouldn't be minimized." scene w2_4434 with dissolve fel "Oh, God! You're such a kid!" scene w2_4435 with dissolve fel "Intellect can be wielded like a battleaxe or used as a knife to be stuck in the back." scene w2_4436 with dissolve mc "This isn't an RPG..." scene w2_4437 with dissolve fel "Intelligence shouldn't be minimized? That's ego." scene w2_4438 with dissolve fel "Let me ask you this, if you had to pick, do you think most men want brains or a tittering bimbo?" scene w2_4439 with dissolve mc "Most people would say brains." scene w2_4440 with dissolve fel "That's the operative word, [mcf]. {b}Say{/b}." fel "...and that's true to an extent, but there's a fine balance to walk. Men like Elias want a woman intelligent enough to show off and know how to comport themselves, but dumb enough that it won't threaten their masculinity." scene w2_4439 with dissolve "We were getting far off the topic of what motivated her, but the way her face lit up when she tried to school what she saw as naivety..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4441 with flash "*Click*" "She was glowing right now; her eyes fiercely intelligent and her expression deeply sure of herself. If the camera only captured a quarter of that, this would be gold." scene w2_4439 with dissolve mc "No offense, but if that's really true, then your husband is a moron with some major blind spots." mc "Come to think of it... is that why you specifically picked him or was he really just the best you could pull?" scene w2_4443 with dissolve fel "Don't act like you know--" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4444 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "Take off your top you \"tittering\" bimbo." scene w2_4445 with dissolve fel "You..." scene w2_4442 with dissolve "Felicia wore a look of surprise on her face that tailed into a smirk." scene w2_4448 with dissolve fel "You're playing me?" scene w2_4442 with dissolve mc "See? You catch on quick!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4446 with dissolve mc "I do {i}need{/i} to see your tits, but I also mean what I said." scene w2_4447 with dissolve mc "You could do a lot better than someone who needs to be the smartest man in the room." scene w2_4449 with dissolve fel "What? You got ten million dollars in your back pocket?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4450 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "That isn't a line." scene w2_4451 with dissolve fel "The fuck it isn't, coming from a twenty-one year old." scene w2_4452 with dissolve mc "Twenty-two. Now, turn around and stick out your ass." scene w2_4453 with dissolve fel "Oh, I'm sorry. That year makes all the difference, does it?" scene w2_4454 with dissolve fel "All those brain cells you killed with alcohol the previous year must've made space for newer and better ones?" scene w2_4455 with dissolve mc "Not how the brain works -- kick one of your legs back and make a pose." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4456 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4457 with dissolve fel "What would I know about the human brain? I'm just a communications major that sucked dicks to get here." scene w2_4458 with fade fel "What's the point of this conversation again?" scene w2_4459 with dissolve mc "I want you to admit you're full of crap and that you believe you're the most intelligent person in the room." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" "*Click*" mc "I also want you to take off your panties." scene w2_4460 with dissolve fel "Something that simple and then we can move onto focusing on how damned turned on I am right now?" scene w2_4461 with dissolve fel "Fine..." scene w2_4462 with dissolve fel "I don't really think I'm stupid, but I'm not going to budge on the country or slut part." fel "Those latter two are just objective facts." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4463 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4464 with dissolve mc "I'll take it." scene w2_4465 with dissolve mc "I'm not knocking how you climbed here by the way. I just think you could've been successful at anything you set your mind to. It irks me that you put the most attractive thing about you away in a box for convenience." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_4466 with dissolve "I said something. Something really, {b}really{/b} lame..." scene w2_4467 with dissolve fel "[mcf], stop saying cliched nonsense." scene w2_4468 with dissolve "To my surprise, she didn't laugh." scene w2_4467 with dissolve fel "Please?" scene w2_4469 with dissolve "Instead of scoffing, she responded with a painfully pleading expression that made me think I had inadvertently said something offensive." scene w2_4470 with dissolve fel "Saying such a sweet thing offhandedly..." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w2_4471 with dissolve fel "Really makes a gal wish you had ten million dollars in your back pocket." scene w2_4472 with dissolve "Try as I might, I couldn't make eye contact with the sultry blonde." scene w2_4473 with dissolve fel "You're kinda fucking annoying, but also..." scene w2_4472 with dissolve "The look she was giving me... if this was her trying to move onto something more fun, this was far beyond Rosalind's bumbling attempt at seduction." scene w2_4474 with dissolve fel "Thanks." scene w2_4472 with dissolve "If the look was genuine..." "Well, genuine or not, I had to resist throwing her down on this desk right now and having my way with her." mct "(Wait... why shouldn't I?)" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Grab Felicia.:" $ w2FeliciaImpressed = True scene w2_4504 with dissolve scene w2_4505 with dissolve "After all..." scene w2_4506 with dissolve fel "Oh, my... you look like you want to--" play music "music/bellissimo.ogg" scene felh_grope_a with dissolve show felh_grope fel "O-oh!" "She's shown herself to be more than willing, so why not just drop the pretense?" "I buried my face in Felicia's neckline, dotting her beautiful skin with a myriad of little kisses while my hands dumbly fumbled to grasp every part of her body within reach." fel "Mmmh! You..." fel "You, uh... dropped the camera, stud. Isn't this part of the shoot?" scene w2_4507 with dissolve mc "Not in the least." scene w2_4508 with dissolve fel "Ha... okay, then." scene w2_4509 with dissolve "Felicia's gentle smile pulled me back in. She had never looked so... soft." scene w2_4510 with dissolve fel "A-ah, bold and c-clumsy...! I..." scene w2_4512 with dissolve fel "...{b}love{/b} that." scene w2_4511 with dissolve "She dangerously wielded the same smoldering look as earlier, gone unabated in the wake of our adulterous bar side chat." scene w2_4512 with dissolve fel "I want it, [mcf]. I want..." scene w2_4513 with dissolve fel "{b}You{/b}." scene w2_4511 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaPacked == True:" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Live out her fantasy.:" $ edwinAnal = True $ Felicia_Affection +=2 scene w2_4514 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You and I are not alone." scene w2_4515 with dissolve fel "Oh...?" "A familiar fantasy of the capricious blonde's own making." scene w2_4516 with dissolve fel "{b}Oh{/b}." "She caught on quick." scene w2_4517 with dissolve fel "Have you ever...?" scene w2_4518 with dissolve mc "No, never." scene w2_4519 with dissolve "She zeroed in on a thought I had lingering in the back of my mind." scene w2_4520 with dissolve fel "So, I'll have the pleasure of being your first then..." scene w2_4519 with dissolve "Felicia smiled at the revelation that I'd never had anal sex with a woman." scene w2_4521 with dissolve "In a show of odd affection, the blonde gave me a kiss on the cheek." fel "You and I aren't alone... and I'm..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4522 with dissolve "Felicia did an abrupt about-face and bent over the desk, sticking her ass in the air and offering full unfettered access." scene w2_4523 with dissolve fel "I'm just a cock hungry bitch begging for release, right?" scene w2_4522 with dissolve mc "Wait a sec... hold that pose..." scene w2_4523 with dissolve fel "[mcf]... I'm waaaaiting--" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4524 with flash "*Click*" fel "Killing two birds with one stone?" mc "No..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "We do still have a job to do, but that one is for my own collection." KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaDoggystyle" KN_MOD "Enjoy the best view in the house.:" scene w2_4514 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Lie back and show me where you want it then." scene w2_4513 with dissolve fel "Why do men like to make women beg when they want it just as much?" scene w2_4525 with dissolve fel "Better question, though... why do I enjoy telling them what they want to hear?" fel "You want me to spell it out for you stud?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4526 with dissolve "I nodded, never taking my eyes off the sprawled-out blonde." scene w2_4527 with dissolve fel "I want it..." scene w2_4528 with dissolve fel "Here." fel "I want it in my pussy. I want you to ram your fat cock up my--" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4529 with flash "*Click" fel "You like that thing, don't you?" scene black with fade "I did." KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaMissionary" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4514 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Lie back and show me where you want it then?" scene w2_4513 with dissolve fel "Why do men like to make women beg when they want it just as much?" scene w2_4525 with dissolve fel "Better question, though... why do I enjoy telling them what they want to hear." fel "You want me to spell it out for you stud?" scene w2_4526 with dissolve "I nodded, never taking my eyes off the sprawled-out blonde." scene w2_4527 with dissolve fel "I want it..." scene w2_4528 with dissolve fel "Here." fel "I want it in my pussy. I want you to ram you fat cock up my--" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4529 with flash "*Click" fel "You like that thing, don't you?" scene black with fade "I did." KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaMissionary" KN_MOD "Get some distance.:" scene w2_4530 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "No need. That's not me flattering you." mc "You just... perplex the shit out of me." scene w2_4531 with dissolve "I truly did wonder if, should it be within the realm of human comprehension, if I would ever understand what made Felicia Ford tick." scene w2_4532 with dissolve fel "That's also flattering in its own way, stud." scene w2_4533 with dissolve mc "You would take it that way." scene black with fade fel "Well... Elias will be gone for a few hours, but we should get back to why we're here..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaSoloFinish" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4475 with dissolve fel "Makes me wish you had ten million dollars in your back pocket." scene w2_4476 with dissolve mc "Heh, I wouldn't be standing here if I did..." scene w2_4477 with dissolve fel "Let's finish the shoot, stud." KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaSoloFinish" KN_MOD "Degrade her.:" $ w2FeliciaDegrade = True $ toughness += 2 $ Felicia_Affection -=1 stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4478 with dissolve mc "Just a dumb slut, huh?" scene w2_4479 with dissolve fel "What else would you call a woman sitting on her husband's desk, gleefully spreading her legs to be photographed?" scene w2_4478 with dissolve mc "Well, you're right about the last part at least. You are a... {b}slut{/b}." $, 0, channel = "music") play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene w2_4480 with dissolve mc "A low-down, conniving, duplicitous {b}slut{/b} that sold it not only to the highest bidder, but gives it up for free for fun." scene w2_4481 with dissolve fel "I didn't go that far, dickhead." scene w2_4482 with dissolve mc "I don't mean it as a bad thing.... photos of a member of the illustrious Ford family showing her true colors as a trashy whore... {b}that{/b} is what will bring our customers' old, shriveled dicks back from the dead." scene w2_4483 with dissolve $, 3, channel = "music") "I laid it on thick, not so much for the mood of the shoot but because I enjoyed it. Because just now, it was hitting me, this woman had access to money I could only dream about." "What she would consider pocket change..." scene w2_4484 with pixellate vic "Sorry, I know it's sudden, but Trina asked me to cover her shift at the bar. Her son broke his arm." scene w2_4485 with dissolve vic "There's money for pizza on the kitchen table. Don't eat all of it! Save some for your lunch tomorrow!" scene w2_4486 with dissolve vic "Bye! Love you!" $, 0, channel = "music") scene w2_4487 with pixellate "It was then I felt spiteful bile rise out of my core and permeate my being. Before I was just angry about her pretending to be stupid, but now I felt a momentary antipathy toward the bitch." scene w2_4488 with pixellate fel "Hmpfh..." scene w2_4429 with dissolve "She was treading the same path, but for fun?!" scene w2_4488 with dissolve fel "You have an interesting look in your eyes, stud. You look like you reeeeeally hate me right now..." scene w2_4429 with dissolve "There are parts of Felicia I really like. She is unpretentious and unflinchingly honest with herself." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" "She was vibrant and good-natured. She pulled herself out of the muck to attain a life I could never dream of." KN_MOD "else:" "She pulled herself out of the muck to attain a life I could never dream of." scene w2_4428 with dissolve fel "I know that look. You want to get mean with me, don't you? Well, I get it. It's for the shoot, right? Not because you're a pervert or anything..." fel "If you want me to jump, just..." scene w2_4427 with dissolve "She had won. She had carved out the life she wanted." "Yet here sat her pretty ass, playing a game I didn't understand. I mean shit, even just the dress she had on earlier..." scene w2_4426 with dissolve fel "...just say jump." scene w2_4427 with dissolve "Their \"value\" would have made my mother and me comfortable for months." mc "Oh, you bitch... {b}take them off{/b}." scene w2_4425 with dissolve fel "My bra or my--" scene w2_4489 with dissolve mc "Both of them. It's like putting makeup on a dog; a cumdump like you wearing clothes at all is a joke, let alone a set that costs so much money..." mc "You look fucking ridiculous, so stand up and get rid of them." scene w2_4490 with dissolve "If she was going to pretend to be a dumb country slut, for the purpose of this shoot, I'd do her the courtesy of treating her like one." scene w2_4491 with dissolve "True to what she said, smile on her face, Felicia jumped." scene w2_4492 with dissolve "First, the top." scene w2_4493 with dissolve "Then, the bottom." scene w2_4494 with dissolve "Until she stood in front of me, legs held straight, wearing nothing but a pair of heels." fel "Huh... that's a new, {i}interesting{/i} feeling as well..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4495 with flash "*Click*" mc "What is?" scene w2_4496 with dissolve fel "A man your age talking down to me like that. It feels..." scene w2_4497 with dissolve fel "Honestly, I kind of hate it, but do feel free to explore." fel "For this month at least, I'm just a piece of meat and the old woman made you my {b}butcher{/b}." fel "It might be the only time you'll get your hands on an A5 slab of ass like this..." scene w2_4498 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Those were bold words for a self-proclaimed slut, but I saw firsthand her hesitation when Mrs. Pulman had her kneel. The flash of pride may have been momentary, but it was there." KN_MOD "else:" "Those were bold words for a self-proclaimed slut, but I saw firsthand her hesitation when Kathleen had her kneel. The flash of pride may have been momentary, but it was there." "This woman pretended to be shameless, but she had also clawed her way to becoming the wife of a wealthy man. Try as she might to downplay it, she lived daily as a woman of her station." scene w2_4499 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserFel == True:" fel "Treat me as contemptuously as your heart desires, but let's beat Rosie and Red, shall we? I have to make up for my poor showing from last week." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Treat me as contemptuously as your heart desires, but let's beat Rosie and Red, shall we?" scene w2_4500 with dissolve "What the hell kind of fucked-up metaphor is that?" scene w2_4501 with dissolve mct "(Of course she'd pick a prime cut even when she's degrading herself!)" scene w2_4502 with dissolve fel "What's so funny?" scene w2_4503 with dissolve mc "Nothing it's just..." "Once again, I felt disgust well in me and venom pool in the back of my throat." scene w2_4534 with pixellate "She was choosing {b}this{/b}, for {i}fun?{/i}" "From the comfort of her multi-million dollar penthouse?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Explore your contemptuous feelings.:" $ feliciaAnger = True $ toughness += 2 scene w2_4535 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's just I'm realizing what a joke this is." scene w2_4536 with dissolve fel "I'm glad I can amuse." scene w2_4537 with dissolve "Felicia chose to take my words in good humor, ignoring the blatant agitation in my voice." mc "We have a shoot to continue." mc "Put your hands behind your back, stand up straight, and stick your tits out like you're trying to land a husband again." KN_MOD "Shove your feelings down where they belong:" scene w2_4535 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I swallowed my feelings. My history had nothing to do with the woman in front of me or whatever her reasons for standing here." mc "It's just I think we should drop the weirdly cannibalistic metaphor and move on with the shoot." scene w2_4537 with dissolve mc "Put your hands behind your back, stand up straight, and point your chest out." scene w2FeliciaInterviewBounce with dissolve "Felicia sprung up with the pep of a soldier at ten-hut, quickly clasping her arms behind her back and sending her pert breasts quaking." scene w2_4546 with dissolve KN_MOD "if felPN == Sir:" fel "Yes, {b}sir{/b}!" KN_MOD "elif felPN == Daddy:" fel "Anything for {b}Daddy{/b}." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Anything you ask, stud." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4547 with dissolve "*Click*" "Her blush, barely noticeable on the canvas of her tanned cheeks, still persisted." scene w2_4548 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" mc "Don't look at me, you stupid cunt. Look straight ahead." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Look straight ahead." scene w2_4549 with dissolve "Again, she followed the simple orders without complaint. It was a nice change of pace from working with Veronica." scene w2_4550 with dissolve fel "O-oh!" "The attentive blonde jerked as soon as my cool hands touched the burning hot flesh of her breasts." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4551 with dissolve "*Click*" mc "A5 beef, eh...?" scene w2_4552 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" mc "Sure, but in that analogy, you're still just a piece of meat. Don't get full of yourself, bitch." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Sure, but in that analogy, you're still just a piece of meat. Don't be proud of it." scene w2_4553 with dissolve "She kept looking straight ahead, never breaking character. The only answer came in the form of a bemused smile." scene w2_4554 with dissolve mc "Don't smile. Stick out your tongue." scene w2_4555 with dissolve fel "Bleeh~!" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4556 with dissolve "*Click*" "Another stupid photo to add to the pile." scene w2_4549 with dissolve "Her eyes remained forward. I had her complete attention, but for some reason... I felt like I was under {i}her{/i} spell." scene w2_4557 with dissolve KN_MOD "if felPN == Sir:" fel "What else would you have me do, sir?" KN_MOD "elif felPN == Daddy:" fel "What else, Daddy?" KN_MOD "else:" fel "What else would please you, Mr. [mcl]?" scene w2_4549 with dissolve "Honestly, her obliging demeanor felt routine and artificial." "The photos were good in their own way, but they could be better..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Live out her fantasy.:" $ w2FeliciaImpressed = True $ edwinAnal = True KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaPacked == True:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "My mind wandered earlier back into the evening and I was flooded with a vivid recollection of Felicia mewling and squirming while under the spell of her own carnal making." "I could use that again, except this time..." "It'd be more simulatory." scene w2_4558 with dissolve mc "You know... we have an audience." scene w2_4559 with dissolve "Felicia wordlessly waited for me to explain, a puzzled look on her face." scene w2_4560 with dissolve mc "You and I are not alone." scene w2_4561 with dissolve "Despite my direction, she remained committed." scene w2_4560 with dissolve mc "You may look." scene w2_4562 with dissolve fel "Hm...? Oh!" scene w2_4304 with dissolve "We were quickly on the same page." scene w2_4564 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" mc "Bend over your husband's desk and stick your ass out." mc "Your father-in-law is going to have a front-row seat to see what a cock-hungry bitch you are." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Bend over the desk and present yourself." KN_MOD "else:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "A thought hit me and I recalled the events of the night we shared in the park, when Felicia weaved her sensuous tale of being fucked in the ass." scene w2_4558 with dissolve mc "We have... something of an audience, y'know..." scene w2_4559 with dissolve "Felicia looked confused, but she didn't say anything. She just waited for me to explain." scene w2_4560 with dissolve mc "You and I are not alone." scene w2_4561 with dissolve "Despite my direction, she kept her eyes on some imaginary point beyond me." scene w2_4560 with dissolve mc "You have my permission to look." scene w2_4562 with dissolve fel "Hmmm...? It's just a painting." scene w2_4304 with dissolve mc "No. It's your father-in-law, but not a single soul in this room is what they seem." "I did my best to recollect Felicia's own words from that night." mc "I'm not a student, he's a customer, and you're..." scene w2_4563 with dissolve fel "Oh! ...really?" scene w2_4564 with dissolve mc "Let's try it." KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" mc "Bend over your husband's desk and stick your ass out." mc "Your father-in-law is going to have a front-row seat to see what a cock-hungry bitch you are." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Bend over the desk and present yourself." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4523 with dissolve fel "Tell me... you ever take a woman's ass before, stud?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4524 with flash "*Click*" mc "You'll be the first. Does that make you happy?" scene w2_4523 with dissolve fel "Honestly? Happy as a pig in muck." fel "It's hot knowing I'll be your first." fel "...but is a \"cumdump\" like me good enough for you?" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "I didn't answer. Instead, I simply approached from behind." KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaDoggystyle" KN_MOD "Creatively end the shoot without touching her.:" KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaSoloFinishDegrade" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaSoloFinishDegrade" KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaDoggystyle:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene w2_4565 with cmet "Felicia and I were just mere inches apart now, but I wasn't in any rush. I wanted to savor every individual note of this moment." "To burn the dubious feeling of having another man's wife face down and ass up on his very desk, offering the shapely prize for the taking, in my mind." scene w2_4566 with dissolve fel "You're being terribly quiet back there. Don't keep me waiting." scene w2_4567 with dissolve "Especially when I considered that the man I was cuckolding had enough power and means to make me disappear without a trace..." scene w2_4566 with dissolve fel "You're not nervous, are you? It's a hole just like its neighbor, you just have to take a lil' more care... especially if you're planning on going in dry." scene w2_4567 with dissolve mc "I don't think either of us would enjoy that." scene w2_4568 with dissolve fel "Should I go get a bottle of lube from my stash then? I've got expensive ones that feel {b}amazing{/b}." scene w2_4567 with dissolve mc "No need to kill the mood like that when you're..." scene w2_4569 with dissolve fel "A-ah...!" mc "...flooding down here." "The bent-over blonde shuddered while my fingertips lightly brushed against her labia." scene w2_4570 with dissolve mc "You've been creaming yourself all evening. There's more than enough lube right here." scene w2_4571 with dissolve fel "Mmmgh...! Help yourself to all you want, just... don't.... dawdle." scene felh_predog1_a with dissolve show felh_predog1 KN_MOD "if felPN == Sir:" fel "I'm hurtin' for a cock right now, sir" KN_MOD "elif felPN == Daddy:" fel "I'm hurtin' for a cock right now, Daddy." KN_MOD "else:" fel "I'm hurtin' for a cock right now, stud." "Felicia bucked back in her teasing, rubbing her pucker against my crown. I wanted to plunge it in then and there, but I mustered my self-restraint." "I wanted her to get me ready." mc "You do it." mc "If you want it in your ass, get it ready with your cunt." scene w2_4572 with dissolve fel "My..." scene felh_predog2_a with hpunch mc "Oh-!" fel "...pleasure!" "Without hesitation, Felicia used the edge of the table to push herself back and spear herself on my cock right down to the base." scene felh_predog2_a with dissolve show felh_predog2 "Her insides welcomed me like an old friend. She was so turned on that it gobbled up my full length in an instant." fel "Mmm...!" "She didn't just stop at insertion though..." "She continued to buck her hips and shake her ass, repeatedly impaling herself on my cock and filling the room with the skin-slapping sound of copulation." mc "Ah...!" mct "(Shit...!)" mct "(That's...!)" scene w2_4573 with dissolve "It took a surprising amount of strength to hold her in place." mc "N-not so fast...!" "The way she was moving felt way too damn good and I wasn't going to risk popping off so soon." mct "(Besides...)" scene w2_4574 with dissolve mc "I can't let you do what you want." scene w2_4575 with dissolve "I recounted the words of her own making, the very ones she used in the park." mc "That'll be \"too much satisfaction for a despicable slut like you\"." scene w2_4576 with dissolve fel "Ah... fuck, you're right..." fel "How... \"despicable\" of me..." stop music play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" scene w2_4577 with vpunch "*Plop*" scene w2_4578 with dissolve "Just as easily as it went in, it came out. Shined and lubricated with Felicia's juices, primed and ready to go in her ass." "But first..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4579 with flash "*Click*" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "One quick picture for Mrs. Pulman, replete with the view of Felicia's fat ass and the portrait of her father-in-law. {b}This{/b} was the money shot." KN_MOD "else:" "One quick picture for Kathleen, replete with the view of Felicia's fat ass and the portrait of her father-in-law. {b}This{/b} was the money shot." mc "You and I are not alone..." scene w2_4580 with dissolve "I said the familiar words once more and drew Felicia's eyes to the portrait of the man in front of her." scene w2_4581 with dissolve fel "No, we're not..." mc "Now..." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" mc "Ready, whore?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You ready, Felicia?" play music "music/thunder.ogg" scene w2_4582 with dissolve fel "...are you?" scene w2_4583 with dissolve "I was." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" "Let's fuck this bitch in the ass!" scene w2_4584 with dissolve "With care, I positioned my cock at the mouth of her anus and slowly pushed the tip past the border." "I wanted to relish my first time penetrating a woman anally." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" scene w2_4587 with dissolve fel "Ah...!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4585 with dissolve mc "You okay?" scene w2_4586 with dissolve fel "Thanks [mcf], but I'm not a delicate flower. You can push in more." scene w2_4587 with dissolve fel "Mmh...!" "I wasn't sure of what to make of the act. The sensation was... {i}different{/i}." "It was somewhat tighter than a vagina, but it didn't grip my shaft the same way. It was also... smooth and lacking texture." scene w2_4588 with dissolve fel "Ha...! Ha...!" "It was different, but it was nevertheless immensely pleasurable." scene w2_4589 with dissolve "Her insides were warm and the deeper I went in her ass, so grew my feeling of conquest. A feeling that built until..." scene w2_4590 with dissolve fel "Fuck..! Yes...!" mc "Ngg...!" "A sudden jolt from her upper body had the soft tissue of Felicia's guts tighten and spasm around my cock." scene w2_4591 with dissolve fel "Ah... ha... ha... fuck, that thing is big! It feels like my first fucking time!" fel "H-how... how does it feel, [mcf]?" scene w2_4592 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be honest: it feels good.:" mc "It's different, but I... like it. It feels good." mc "{b}You{/b} feel good." scene w2_4593 with dissolve fel "How am I getting even more turned on in this situation?" fel "You really know what to say to a slut." KN_MOD "Taunt her. if feliciaAnger == True:" $ Felicia_Affection -=1 mc "Feels like I'm balls deep in the ass of a rich pig." scene w2_4591 with dissolve fel "You know... you sound like Kat right now." fel "You want me to oink like she did?" scene w2_4592 with dissolve mc "Let's not go that far." "...yet." scene w2_4593 with dissolve KN_MOD "Tease her. if feliciaAnger == False:" mc "Feels like I'm balls deep in your ass and you're loving it." scene w2_4593 with dissolve fel "Well, you're going to love the next part too..." KN_MOD "if felPN == Daddy:" fel "Don't keep me waiting. Go ahead and move, Daddy." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Don't keep me waiting. Go ahead and move." scene felh_dog1_a with dissolve show felh_dog1 "Despite her words, it was the carnivorous butt slut herself who made the first move, freeing my cock from the confines of her ass and then immediately skewering her guts of her own volition." "With a grip on her sides, I thrust to match her sudden movement." "Slowly at first, as the way Felicia clenched her sphincter made prying myself from her dick-devouring black hole an arduous task." fel "Mmmh...! Oh, fh-fhuck me!" "Working in tandem, Felicia would wrest herself about halfway off my dick, before I would use my leverage to pull her back in with ass-quaking force." scene felh_dog2_a with dissolve show felh_dog2 "I was {b}fucking{/b} Felicia's ass." fel "Ngh, it's been too long...!" "Felicia howled without restraint, secure in the knowledge it was just me and her alone, standing eighteen stories above the world below." fel "It's been too, {i}too{/i} long!" mc "Too long since you've had a dick in your ass?" scene felh_dog1_a with dissolve show felh_dog1 fel "Y-yes! B-been too long since I've felt sooooo full!" "Felicia's bawdy words hit my ears like steam to an engine's piston, spurring me on to give it to the blonde harder and faster." "It had become easier to move in the meantime, every thrust smearing beads of pre-cum along the wall of her guts." fel "I l-lo-loove this!" "Her insides were gradually loosening and conforming to the outline of my cock, making it easier to move still." fel "Oh, fuck me...! This is...!" fel "I love {i}your{/i} dick. Fuck me, it's..." fel "This...a-ah!" scene felh_dog2_a with dissolve show felh_dog2 "Every time I would slam home and her ass greedily swallowed every inch of my dick, her words would catch in her throat." fel "Ah...! Oh fuck, [mcf]." fel "This is the best...!" KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" "In no time at all, the despicable cunt was acting true to her colors. Her indecipherable motive disgusted me, but the way she carried on got my dick so very, very hard." KN_MOD "else:" "There was something about her sexual exuberance, the ecstatic way she spoke, that made me shudder. The way she could carry on without shame made my dick so very, very hard." fel "This is the absolute best!" scene felh_dog3_a with dissolve show felh_dog3 "...and she wasn't far off from being right. At this moment, I loved how dirty Felicia could be." "Fwhap... thwap... chwlap...!" "Every time she was yanked backwards, her firm but pleasantly plump ass collided with my nuts and sent a radiating wave of pleasure through my body." "Fwhap... thwap... chwlap... khap...!" "It caused me to dig my fingertips deeper into Felicia's side and grip tighter, it caused me to thrust harder, and it put me ever-so slightly off tempo in our rutting dance." "At the present, there wasn't any place I'd rather be than balls deep in a gorgeous, extraordinarily libidinous, lewd and shameless trophy wife." "Like the [mcf] from Felicia's fantasy, everything about my daily life felt so insignificant and quaint in the face of the building pleasure." scene w2_4619 with pixellate fel "You're no longer a student right now. All that studying, that stressful daily grind to establish yourself as a respectable adult, that's out the window." fel "All you know right now is what's in front of you... a drooling cunt and ripe, fuckable asshole completely at your mercy." scene felh_dog4_a with pixellate show felh_dog4 mct "(Fuckable asshole is right!)" "My head was completely full of the woman in front of me." fel "Ohoohoo... oh, fuck me, don't stop! Bastard!" "My ears were filled with her explicative-laden moans." "My sensation of touch - the ground beneath my feet and the cool air on my skin - were dead in the face of the overwrought excitement of rutting the blonde's ass. I was beginning to feel like I was floating." "Felicia's natural scent, marred by expensive perfume, hit the nerves of my nostrils and flooded my brain with pornographic images of bluster and violence." "All my eyes took in was the sight of Felicia's bouncing. The way her ass trembled with every down thrust, the way her ponytail danced about with an uneven rhythm, and the way her back arched with every surge of gut-wrenching pleasure." scene w2_4620 with dissolve fel "My point is, it isn't unnatural to lean into your desires..." "--This was the butt-fucked blonde's philosophy in action." scene felh_dog3_a with dissolve show felh_dog3 KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade:" "At this moment, I was utterly consumed by this slut." KN_MOD "else:" "At this moment, I was swallowed whole and consumed by this woman." mc "Ah, shit... You...!" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Play up the fantasy elements:" scene felh_dog4_a with dissolve show felh_dog4 mc "How does it feel?!" "A key component of Felicia's fantasy was having an audience to give her debasement added meaning." fel "G-good...!" "This may have not been the club stage, and we may be alone, but this office did have something I could work with to fan the flames of lust..." mc "How does it feel--" fel "Good! It feels--" mc "How does it feel to be fucked in the ass in front of your father-in-law?" scene w2_4594 with dissolve fel "O-oh...? Eh... it fe--" KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" scene w2_4595 with vpunch fel "Heug-!" mc "Wow, and here I thought pigs couldn't look up!" scene w2_4596 with dissolve fel "C-careful! I don't mind a little hair tugging, but I've g-got a sensitive scalp..." scene w2_4597 with dissolve "With a strong yank, I directed Felicia's eyes back at the portrait in front of her." mc "Don't look at me! Look at him!" KN_MOD "elif w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" scene w2_4595 with vpunch fel "Ungh-!" scene w2_4597 with dissolve "With a firm grip, I directed Felicia's eyes back at the portrait in front of her." mc "Don't look at me, slut! Look at him!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4595 with vpunch fel "O-oh!" scene w2_4597 with dissolve "With a gentle tug on her ponytail, I redirected Felicia's gaze to the man in the portrait in front of her." mc "Don't look at me... look at him!" scene felh_dog2_a with dissolve show felh_dog2 mc "You wanted an audience, right? That's part of your fucked-up little fantasy!" fel "Y-yes!" mc "Well, you've got one. The man is looking his daughter-in-law in the eyes right now as she gets railed in the ass!" fel "Ack-! Ah...!" scene felh_dog3_a with dissolve show felh_dog3 "The dirty talk seemed to be working. The degrading words caused her ass to tug and clamp down on my dick." fel "H-he is!" mc "That's right, ah--!" "The feeling of tightness was overwhelming. Waves of pleasure colored my brain." mc "You really are shameless!" scene felh_dog4_a with dissolve show felh_dog4 "Her ring hole practically formed a hermetic seal around my shaft.... her ass was quite literally sucking me in!" fel "Y-yes!" mc "Just a cock-hungry bitch!" fel "Yes!" mc "Drooling..." fel "Y-yhesh!" mc "...and babbling..." fel "Yes!" mc "For release!" scene felh_dog3_a with vpunch show felh_dog3 fel "{b}{size=+20}YES!{/size=+20}{/b}" "How's this for being dragged into the muck? She fantasized about everyone being sucked into the madness. " fel "Yes, yes, yes, yes...!" "Felicia wanted the whole world to be as depraved as she. Somewhere within the fog of my sex-induced fugue state, I wondered..." mct "(Was it lonely?)" "A bizarre thought to have when you're plugging someone's ass with dick meat." fel "H-harder [mcf]... please!" mc "You want it harder...?" scene felh_dog4_a with dissolve show felh_dog4 "By this point our pace was already testicle-bruising...!" fel "P-please!" mct "(The desperation in her voice...)" "I suppose I could still put my back into it. Careful what you wish for!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene felh_dog5_a with vpunch show felh_dog5 KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" "Eat mahogany, slut!" KN_MOD "else:" "Down!" fel "Ye-!" "With a shove, I put my body weight on Felicia's shoulders and had her face down on the desk with the plan of using the superior position to fuck her senseless." fel "Ack...! Heug...! Y-you're... hitting new spots of me!" "With reckless disregard for my hips, I put everything I had into plowing the gold digger's ass." KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" "In short, I fucked her like I hated her -- which wasn't a difficult thing to conceptualize when I considered her place of privilege in the world." mc "Mmmgh...! You rich bitch!" scene felh_dog6_a with dissolve show felh_dog6 "I thought of the scrimping and saving my mom did and the sacrifices she made... and it was easy to fuck Felicia like she asked." mc "You wealthy cunt! Does nothing satisfy you?" fel "A-aaah! Wha- heug!" "My hands thoughtlessly dug into Felicia's flawless, sun-kissed skin." mc "Is this how you \"earned\" all of this? Is this all you're good for?" fel "Ngh-! Hueg-! Heug-!" mc "Did you let Elias fuck your ass like this until he lost all sense and married a whore?" mc "Is this all you're good for, you fucking rich pig? Getting skewered on dick?" fel "Ah, f-fhuck...! Itz fheelz ghood! So...!" mc "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" KN_MOD "else:" "In short, I fucked her like I was running out of time on this earth." mc "Ah...! This is what you want?" scene felh_dog6_a with dissolve show felh_dog6 fel "Yes! This is... {b}perfect{/}!" mc "Does this make you happy?" fel "Yes! I'm happy!" "I held Felicia firmly in place as I hammered home. By this point, with Felicia growing tired and pinned underneath my weight, I was doing all the work." fel "Ah-! Hueg-! Heug-!" KN_MOD "if felPN == Daddy:" fel "Keep fucking my ass, Daddy!" KN_MOD "else:" fel "Keep fucking my ass, stud!" "Felicia, to her credit, stayed sensate. She used her voice to feed my ego and led me to the conclusion she desired." mc "S-shut up, I'm trying to concentrate! What do you think I'm d-doing?!" scene felh_dog5_a with dissolve show felh_dog5 "She had me giving my all. Thrusting away with mad abandon. She had me huffing and puffing, unable to catch my breath." "Soon, I was beginning to lose focus. Felicia and the table had merged in a haze of sex." KN_MOD "if w2KatSex == True:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "My back ached horrendously and I was assailed by a feeling of déjà vu, when Mrs. Pulman and I fucked to near oblivion." KN_MOD "else:" "My back ached horrendously and I was assailed by a feeling of déjà vu, when Kat and I fucked to near oblivion." "--but the animal need boiling over in my nuts was far greater." KN_MOD "else:" "My back ached horrendously, but the animal need boiling over in my nuts was far greater." mc "Ah...! Ha...!" mc "Haaa...!" stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_4598 with flash fel ".....yaaaaaaah!" mc "Ng! Shiiiit!" "Only one thing pulled me from my fuck-induced tunnel vision: the sudden release of sexual tension." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_4599 with flash mc "--!" "For both of us." "The abrupt cock-choking compression around my dick was too much and sent me over the edge myself." "Before I had even realized I was cumming, I had already begun flooding Felicia's bowels." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_4600 with flash fel "OoooooOoooooh, ghod! Tssh...!" "Her backdoor didn't let up. Felicia was as tense and taut as a piano string and her ass simply wouldn't let go." "Like dropping a bowling ball on a tube of toothpaste, it milked and milked my cock, pushing every milliliter of semen out of my urethra with ball-rending velocity." mc "Ah...!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_4601 with vpunch fel "Fhuck...!" mc "S-shit..." "In a stupor, we both let out some last minute curses as I collapsed atop the well-fucked blonde." fel "Ha... ha..." KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" fel "That got pretty fucking intense there at the end but..." KN_MOD "else:" fel "I'm not going to be able to walk straight for a whole year, shithead." fel "That was something else. Thanks, [mcf]." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2FeliciaSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2FeliciaSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mc "Myhplheasure... Eye thwink..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaMissionEnd" KN_MOD "Stoke the fire a different way. Own her.:" "This wasn't enough." "She had given me her ass, but it still wasn't enough. I wanted more." scene w2_4602 with hpunch "I wanted her close." fel "E-eh...?" scene felh_sdog1_a with dissolve show felh_sdog1 "I wanted her body pressed into mine as I fucked her deep." fel "Gh...fewaah...?" KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" "As she wasn't expecting it, forcing the blonde suddenly to her feet took some strength, but it wasn't anything I couldn't manage." KN_MOD "else:" "Forcing Felicia suddenly to her feet almost knocked me off mine, but after a bit of teeter-tottering, I managed to safely lock my knees and support the half-sensate blonde in my arms." fel "Holy...! That was...!" fel "I don't mind a little hair tugging you know, but a little warning next time would be nice. I've got a sensitive scalp..." mc "Ha, n-noted..." mct "(The casual way she spoke as I was balls deep in her ass... this woman!)" "After a dozen or so seconds of mismatched thrusting owed to the abrupt transition, we finally settled in on the right rhythm." scene w2_4603 with dissolve fel "Mmmh... we could've just done it like this in the first place if that's what you wanted..." "Felicia relaxed her upper body, content to be cradled in my arms." scene felh_sdog3_a with dissolve show felh_sdog3 mc "I was starting to get a little cold and I wanted to get my hand on these." fel "Mmmn~oh!" fel "Greedy boy... my ass wasn't enough for you?" "As she spoke, the scent of fruity shampoo filled my nostrils." mc "I don't want to hear about greed from you of all people." fel "Ha... f-fhuuuuck... well, this is also nice in its own way." "One hand on her breast, my other rested comfortably on her toned midriff, ever so often catching the faintest trace of my dick as I slow pistoned deep into her guts." "I wanted her as close as she humanly could be." fel "Ha... ya...! {b}Really{/b} nice..." "The pace had slowed, but it was nonetheless ball-churning. Instead of the rapid, shallow, and desperate thrusts of a pair of animals, this was methodical. This was savoring every second." "I would slowly and teasingly retreat from Felicia's warm embrace, only to find myself hilted back in Felicia's ass with a powerful thrust." scene felh_sdog2_a with dissolve show felh_sdog2 "With Felicia's back pressed into me and the evening sun filtering in through the skyrise's windows, I felt at ease for the first time this evening." "The immorality of this ceased to be a prodding question and instead everything was just... warm." KN_MOD "if felPN == Daddy:" fel "Mmha... ah... Daddy... you're fucking me so good right now." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Mmha... ah... you're fucking me so good, stud." fel "It's like my ass belongs to you..." mc "Heug-!" "As if to underline her words, Felicia tightened her butthole and brought the pace down even slower and to a new level of pleasure." fel "Would you like that? To own my ass?" mc "I'd use it every day if I could..." fel "Well, what if I said you were the only man I gave my ass to for the rest of my life?" mc "I'd say you're just bullshittin' me." fel "Mmmh, maybe I am... but why do you think I want this so bad? It's been a while since anyone's used this hole." fel "I've... missed it, very much." scene felh_sdog1_a with dissolve show felh_sdog1 "She said such an obscene thing in the cutest voice imaginable." fel "If you wanted, and if you keep fucking me like this, you could be the only one. {b}You could own this ass{/b}." "Even if I knew it was just ear service, she said it so convincingly." mc "C'mon now... the rest of your life?" fel "Ha..! Okay, how about for as long as we don't get tired of each oth- ohhmuhh!" "With added vigor, I pushed past the tight hold her asshole had on my cock and resumed fucking it long and hard in earnest." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Play along.:" "If she wanted to pretend, we could pretend." scene w2_4604 with dissolve mc "Don't you think that... in a situation like this..." "I brought my mouth to her head and poured the words directly into her ear." mc "...Fucking you in your husband's office..." scene w2_4605 with dissolve fel "Mmmh..." mc "That I already own your cheap ass?" scene felh_sdog2_a with dissolve show felh_sdog2 fel "Heug-!" "As if to underline my own words, I drove every single inch of my dick as deep as it would go into her ass." mc "Who owns this ass?" fel "You do!" mc "You? Who's you?" mc "Tell me {b}who{/b} owns this ass, you bitch!" fel "[mcf]...!" fel "[mcf] owns this ass..." scene felh_sdog3_a with dissolve show felh_sdog3 mc "That's right! Your ass is mine, Felicia Ford!" mc "It's mine whenever I want. If I'm bored, horny, or just pissed off... I can fill it full of cum as I see fit." fel "Ooo-oh! Yes! Fill it!" mc "Who owns this ass?" KN_MOD "if felPN == Sir:" fel "Sir owns this ass...!" KN_MOD "elif felPN == Daddy:" fel "Daddy owns this ass...!" KN_MOD "else:" fel "[mcf] owns this ass...!" "Bullshit, but it sounded like honey to my lust-cooked brain." KN_MOD "Enjoy even more of her.:" scene w2_4604 with dissolve mc "I don't think anyone has ever owned a single hair on your head, Felicia." scene w2_4606 with dissolve "Having told her my honest thoughts, I buried myself in her neckline, where I went to work planting kiss after kiss in search of an erogenous zone." fel "Mmhh... idiot!" "The way her body shuddered as the tip of my teeth grazed her delicate skin told me I had found it." scene w2_4607 with dissolve fel "J-just fuck me as if you own it, then." "That I could do." scene felh_sdog2_a with dissolve show felh_sdog2 fel "Heug-!" "As if to dramatically mark that very intent, I drove my dick as deep as it would go into the blonde's ass." fel "G-good!" mc "You like it?" fel "I do... I love it." mc "Then I have a request of my own to make: {b}look at me{/b}." fel "H-huh? Okay..." scene w2_4608 with dissolve mc "Look me in the eye." fel "That's what I'm--" scene w2_4609 with dissolve "With Felicia right where I wanted her, I did the one thing she probably didn't expect." fel "Mmm...!" "I kissed her." "At first, she didn't return it, but every thrust into her ass broke down more and more of her defenses until..." scene w2_4610 with dissolve "She surrendered her mouth entirely to me." fel "Mmmh...!" scene w2_4611 with dissolve fel "[mcf]... don't... that's not..." scene felh_sdog3_a with dissolve show felh_sdog3 "She didn't finish her thought." fel "Ah, screw it..." "By now, the inner walls of her anus were slathered in my pre-cum, making the tunnel extraordinarily slick and easy to fuck." "To compensate for the decrease in tension, I slowed back down to the previously more deliberate pace." "Long, hard strokes. That was what I was going to use to make Felicia cream herself." scene w2_4612 with dissolve fel "Ack... ha... [mcf]..." scene w2_4613 with dissolve fel "My legs are turning to..." fel "Ah... I'm going weak in the..." scene w2_4614 with dissolve mc "It's fine, I've got you..." mc "Just relax and I'll make you feel good." scene w2_4615 with dissolve fel "Ha... {b}okay{/b}." scene felh_sdog4_a with dissolve show felh_sdog4 fel "Hold on tight..." mc "{b}I've got you{/b}, Felicia." "The blonde let herself go limp under my reassurance, arms flopping to her sides and head coming to a rest on my shoulder." "The added dead weight made it more difficult to thrust, but it was manageable as long as I kept my legs firmly planted." fel "Ah... ha...! [mcf]..." "The way she now angled her hips added a new dimension to the ass-reaming. The head of my cock scraped along her rectum's wall in a more protracted curve." fel "[mcf]...!" "Every thrust digging into the sensitive nerves lining her anus and wrenching a lovely cry from Felicia's lips." fel "Mhaa.. ah~♥" "She was {b}purring{/b}." mc "{b}Felicia{/b}, you...!" KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" "Funny how it works..." "In lieu of the overwhelming pleasure, my disgust from earlier felt a distant memory." fel "I-ah, I..." "At this moment she was putty in my hands. Who she was or why she was doing this didn't matter." "We were just two people sharing in intimacy -- or as close as you can get in these utterly depraved circumstances." fel "Life is just... ah...♥" fel "Life is just an absurd game... in the face of this...♥" "In no way did I agree with her, but at this moment she was right." "Nothing. Else. Mattered." "All that mattered right now was plowing Felicia's ass until we collapsed into a heap on the floor, bodies aching and exhausted." "Nothing. Else. Mattered." "All that mattered right now was busting my load in the hedonistic blonde's ass and freeing myself from the beastly need." "Nothing. Else. Mattered." mc "Ah...!" "Five minutes after that... everything would matter." fel "Ha... yaa... heug...!" "Life would feel cold and deathly serious. People would become unknowable again. But right now..." "Nothing. Else. Mattered." mc "Felicia...!" "In reducing ourselves to the most simple and basest level, Felicia and I understood each other." fel "I k-know...♥" fel "Don't... ha... stop... ha... until you fill me... up~♥" fel "Until you...♥ ...pack my ass with...♥ ...your jizz~♥!" fel "Shoot it deep in my ass~♥ So I won't ever forget..♥!" scene felh_sdog5_a with dissolve show felh_sdog5 mc "Arrrg...!" "My climax was precipitated by her bewitching words." "She pulled me into fucking her fiercely." KN_MOD "if w2KatSex == True:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "My back ached horrendously and I was assailed by a feeling of déjà vu, when Mrs. Pulman and I fucked to near oblivion." KN_MOD "else:" "My back ached horrendously and I was assailed by a feeling of déjà vu, when Kat and I fucked to near oblivion." "--but the animal need boiling over in my nuts was far greater." KN_MOD "else:" "My back ached horrendously, but the animal need boiling over in my nuts was far greater." mc "Ah...! Ha...!" "Felicia felt heavier and heavier all of a sudden. The grip I had on her arms grew more precarious from the sweat of our exertion." mc "Haaa...!" "The feeling of electricity ran through my body and that inevitable nut-busting conclusion was nigh." mc "Here it comes...!" stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_4616 with flash fel ".....yaaaaaaah!" "Felicia's ass went suddenly as tense and taut as a piano string." "It milked and milked my cock, squeezing every drop of semen out of my urethra with ball-rending velocity." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_4617 with flash mc "--!" "If she wanted it deep, she got it deep." fel "OoooooOoooooh, ghod! Tssh...!" "My semen would line her bowels for days to come." mc "Ah...!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_4618 with vpunch mc "Ack-!" fel "Heug...?" "And like that, I was ushered back through the doors to the cold and deadly serious reality, albeit with a well-fucked blonde on top of me." scene w2_4621 with dissolve fel "Ha... ha..." fel "Don't...♥ Forget it...♥!" scene w2_4622 with dissolve mc "Forget... what...?" scene w2_4621 with dissolve fel "I was the first... woman... you fucked in the ass...♥" scene w2_4623 with dissolve mc "Pftaha-! You gotta be--!" mc "I don't think that's a big deal for guys!" scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2FeliciaSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2FeliciaSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Well, maybe not so cold and serious..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaMissionEnd" KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaMissionary:" scene w2_4624 with dissolve fel "You enjoy taking pictures of women?" scene w2_4625 with dissolve mc "That's..." mc "...well, don't want to step on Ian's thing." scene w2_4626 with dissolve fel "Oh, shit, that's right. I've been so caught up in this that..." fel "How is that kid doing?" scene w2_4627 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "When I left her, she seemed... surprisingly okay. Determined, maybe?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "About as well as you can expect, I guess." scene w2_4628 with dissolve mc "We... should talk about it later though, when I'm not busy committing identity fraud and you're not butt-ass naked." scene w2_4629 with dissolve fel "Hmm... good point." scene w2_4630 with dissolve fel "Where were we? Oh, that's right..." scene w2_4631 with dissolve "Felicia took my hand and brought it up to her mouth, planting a gentle kiss on the underside of my wrist." mc "What are you doing?" scene w2_4632 with dissolve "Felicia's eyes honed in on the camera in my hand and gave a directing nod." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4633 with dissolve "*Click*" "She delivered a loving look to the camera's lens." scene w2_4634 with dissolve fel "Why don't I... play the dutiful wife for the rest of the shoot?" scene w2_4635 with dissolve "Felicia followed up on her idea by sliding a finger into her mouth and giving it an affectionate taste." scene w2_4636 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" mct "(That's twice in one week...)" KN_MOD "else:" "Her mouth teased the tip of my finger as if she was simulating fellatio." "All the while, she kept her eyes turned toward me with a lustful gleam, waiting for..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4637 with dissolve "*Click*" scene w2_4638 with dissolve fel "A little make-believe can be fun, y'know..." scene w2_4639 with dissolve "To make her point, she used her long and shapely legs to pull me closer and hold me in place." scene w2_4640 with dissolve fel "Get a taste of the good life." fel "Perform your husbandly duties, [mcf]." scene w2_4641 with dissolve mc "Don't you... live this \"roleplay\" every day of your life?" scene w2_4642 with dissolve fel "This is about getting {b}you{/b} into an agreeable mindset, stud. Not me." fel "I just want to fuck and have the best shoot, in that order." scene w2_4643 with dissolve "I had no real interest in calling Felicia \"honey\" but it did get me thinking..." scene w2_4644 with dissolve "If I had all this material wealth and a beautiful wife like Felicia, would I be content? Would I be happy? Would I give up on the idea of being decent?" "Whenever I imagined the prosperous future I was working toward, it was always..." scene w2_4645 with pixellate "Practicing medicine while living someplace warm and tropical with Mom, where she could enjoy the climate and a life of carefree leisure." "In contrast to that vision, this..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_4644 with pixellate "{b}All of this{/b}... just seemed gaudy." scene w2_4646 with dissolve "Being wrapped in Felicia's legs, however, did have its undeniable charms though." scene w2_4647 with dissolve fel "You're smiling?" scene w2_4646 with dissolve "I had thought of something really nice, but I wasn't going to share that with her. Instead..." play sound "sound effects//zipper.wav" scene black with fade mc "Alright then. Let's fuck." scene w2_4648 with fade fel "Is that for me, {i}hun{/i}?" scene w2_4649 with dissolve "Despite how often I see her like this, her body still had the capacity to stun lock me." scene w2_4650 with dissolve fel "Hurry up, pretty please?" scene w2_4649 with dissolve "When she wanted to be, the cocksure woman could sound so painfully pathetic and wistful." scene w2_4651 with dissolve "She was right; there's no need to stop and smell the roses. In this position, the whole ride was going to be a scenic view." "I might as well..." play music "music/thunder.ogg" scene w2_4652 with dissolve fel "Mmmh..." "Hurry up." scene felh_mis1_a with dissolve show felh_mis1 "Felicia's body accepted me readily, my dick snugly slipping into her lower mouth with pleasurable ease." "After allowing myself to soak for a moment in Felicia's warm embrace, and giving her a nod signaling my intent, I launched into fucking the waiting wife with vim and vigor." fel "Ooooh, ah...!" KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == True and prAfterParty == False:" "For the second time ever, I was balls deep in Felicia's cunt." KN_MOD "else:" "For the first time ever, I was getting a taste of Felicia's cunt." fel "That's right, stud. Fuck me... long... and hard, just like that~♥." "Felicia demanded of me what didn't need to be said, in a clear and rapturous voice." fel "♥" "Cooing and purring in a sing-song way, like a kitten eagerly lapping up milk." fel "Ah...♥ Ha...♥ {b}Fuck{/b}, you guys talked for SO. DAMN. LONG." "Felicia and I quickly settled ourselves into an agreeable rhythm, matching our movements and pushing and pulling each other's bodies in the bid for pleasure." fel "You have any idea, how tortuous it was to wait?" "All the while, Felicia comfortably leaned back and braced herself on her husband's desk." mc "I have an... idea." "Felicia's frivolous video call was the damning evidence of that need, after all." scene felh_mis3_a with dissolve show felh_mis3 fel "♥" KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaExtra == True:" fel "I know~♥ Did my lil' show get you rock hard while you tried to keep your composure with your stupid questions?" fel "Were you able to maintain eye contact?" fel "Did you enjoy pushing the buttons?" mc "Yes... no... yes." fel "♥ Why was that so fun, [mcf]?" fel "Ah--♥ J-just the thought of earlier... the t-toys and s-sitting next to...!" fel "Sometimes I even surprise myself.... It was way past okay and I was {i}terrified{/i}, but... ah-♥" KN_MOD "else:" fel "Mmmh...♥ Why was that so fun, [mcf]?" fel "Sometimes I even surprise myself.... It was way past okay and I was {i}terrified{/i}, but... ah-♥" fel "Did you enjoy pushing the button?" fel "Ah--♥ J-just the thought of earlier... the t-toys and s-sitting next to...!" fel "Take responsibility and fuck me until I'm sick of it~♥" scene felh_mis2_a with dissolve show felh_mis2 "As she worked through the perverted recollection, the grip she had on little [mcf] would tug and tighten in an erotic ebb and flow." "The toying from earlier had done the trick. Felicia was raring to go, her insides greedily sucking me and already attempting to coax out a load from my balls." mc "Nng, that's...!" "If it wasn't for how soaked she was, I might have never pried myself from her twat's full dick massage." mc "D-damn, you're wet..." fel "Hmpfh...♥ Feeling good?" scene felh_mis3_a with dissolve show felh_mis3 "She asked a question she already knew the answer to." mc "Yeah... it feels amazing." fel "{b}You{/b} feel amazing, stud!" "The lusty blonde kept her eyes directed my way, front and center." "My eyes on the other hand didn't quite know what to focus on." "Do I look at her breasts, which hypnotically bounced with every thrust?" "Do I drift my gaze down to her toned midriff, whose dancer-like undulation threatened the inevitable conclusion of an early climax?" "Do I return back up to Felicia's face, whose fiery gaze wavered and flickered with every pang of pleasure?" mc "F-fuck..." scene felh_mis1_a with dissolve show felh_mis1 "I considered the question again." KN_MOD "if felPN == Daddy:" fel "♥ Fuck this pussy like you own it, Daddy." KN_MOD "else:" fel "♥ Fuck this pussy like you own it, [mcf]." mc "...!" "If I had all this material wealth and a beautiful wife like Felicia, would I be content? Would I be happy? Would I give up on the idea of being decent?" "My original feelings remained, but the fantasy in front of me felt more agreeable when viewed alongside the mitigating circumstance of dicking down the beautiful blonde." mc "Y-you... {b}really{b} know how to make a guy feel wanted." "With her diction alone, this woman could lead me by the dick." fel "Ah~ha... call it a... job qualification. Ha...♥ Ah...♥" "Still..." fel "Not that I ain't sincere when I say... {b}I love your dick♥{/b}." mc "You-!" scene felh_mis2_a with dissolve show felh_mis2 fel "Mhh..! Oh...!?" "While I enjoyed the dirty talk..." "I did take the fact she could still express complex thoughts as a personal challenge." fel "What's gotten into you? Ah...♥ You look... haaa... determined~♥" mc "You're talking too much." scene w2_4653 with dissolve fel "Mmmh...?!" "Lunging forward, I stole Felicia's lips. At first, she was surprised." scene w2_4654 with dissolve "...but every time my cock hammered into her cunt, more and more of her mouth pried open." fel "Aghh...! Fwh....♥" scene felh_mis2_a with dissolve show felh_mis2 fel "Ha... ha....♥" "Fwhip.. schluwp...!" fel "Message received...♥" "Fwhip.. schluwp... schluppp...!" scene felh_mis1_a with dissolve show felh_mis1 "For what felt like an eternity, we shared in a fuck-induced comfortable silence, the only thing reaching our ears was the creak of her husband's desk and the slick squelching of frantic copulation." fel "Ha... ah, ha...!" "Nothing hindered our rut." "I simply enjoyed the position of power, of Felicia's legs splayed open, offering unfettered access to the deepest parts of her." "Over and over I slammed home and Felicia gave as good as she got, rushing to meet me at the apex of every thrust." fel "Ah, s-shit... my arms are feeling a bit..." mct "(It's not enough!)" scene w2_4654 with dissolve fel "Mmmh...♥" "Again, I attacked the blonde's lips." "This time she expected it and accepted it without hesitation." scene w2_4655 with dissolve mct "(It's not enough!)" "I could feel myself losing composure as violent need took hold of my faculties." scene w2_4654 with dissolve "The drive to own and ruin her, to do whatever it took in the delirious rush to push hot cum out of my urethra and paint Felicia in my color." scene w2_4656 with dissolve fel "Ah...!" "There was my chance." scene w2_4657 with dissolve "Felicia fell backwards onto the desktop and I saw the opportunity to seize control..." "Or so I thought." scene w2_4658 with dissolve mc "--?!" "No sooner than she had hit the mahogany surface, did the blonde wrap her long and shapely legs around my waist and pull me along for the ride." scene felh_mis4_a with dissolve show felh_mis4 fel "Mmmh...♥" fel "Easier on the elbows~" "Despite the abrupt change in position, neither of us missed a beat." mc "Ngh... ha...! Felicia...!" fel "Ha...♥ Mhaaa...♥ [mcf]!" scene felh_mis5_a with dissolve show felh_mis5 fel "[mcf]...♥" "If I had all this material wealth and a beautiful wife like Felicia, would I be content? Would I be happy? Would I give up on the idea of being decent?" "At this moment, the thought was yes. At the very least, I'd fuck her every day." "I'd fuck her even after I got sick of it." mc "Ah...!" scene felh_mis4_a with dissolve show felh_mis4 "It was the sort of haphazard, lust-induced thought that would disappear as quickly as the post-nut clarity hit me, but at this moment this was all there was in the world." "We were just two people sharing in intimacy -- or as close as you can get in these utterly depraved circumstances." "Nothing else mattered, except plowing Felicia's cunt until we collapsed from exhaustion." fel "Mmh...♥ " fel "Ah... [mcf]...♥" fel "[mcf]...? H-hey...?" "It took me a minute to register that she was calling out my name in the form of a question." mc "Ah, y-yeah? What is it?" scene w2_4659 with dissolve fel "Ha... k-kiss me again, stud." mc "I tho-" scene w2_4660 with dissolve mc "...?!" "Felicia initiated our embrace this time, wrapping her arms around me and attacking my mouth with urgency." fel "Mmmh...♥" "Her tongue took the lead in the dance, overpowering and lulling mine into submission." scene w2_4661 with dissolve fel "Ha...♥ Something about this position, I guess..." scene felh_mis6_a with dissolve show felh_mis6 fel "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?" "That last admission was the kick I needed to finally put me over the edge and into overdrive." "I bucked faster, the head of my dick forcefully scraping the inside of Felicia's vagina and eliciting louder and more discordant cries from the blonde's throat." fel "Ha...! Ha...! Oh, God. Oh, yes-♥" "Everything felt muggy. My shirt was drenched in sweat." mc "Ha...! Ngh, ah...!" "My glasses fogged up something fierce, which suited me just fine, because by this point I wasn't even really seeing Felicia anymore. All my brain power went to keeping my hips pistoning past the point of exertion." "Then suddenly..." scene w2_4662 with flash fel "Oh, oooh aaaaah...♥♥♥" "In an instant, all sexual tension in the humping blonde reached its peak." "She clamped down hard on my shaft and her eyes clouded over, rolling to the back of her head." scene felh_mis6_a with dissolve show felh_mis6 fel "Ha...♥ K-keep going, don't stop fucking me!" "Despite her release, she still bid me on." mc "Ha...! But I..." "I was nearing the end of my rope as well." mc "Ha...! S-shit, I'm getting close. Should I-?" fel "N-no!" "Her legs gripped me tighter, refusing me escape, and giving me no choice." fel "C-cum inside me. It's safe...♥" fel "Let me have every last drop from your balls...♥" "It was a request I was in a position to fulfill and fill I did." stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_4663 with flash fel "Ahh...♥" "The moment my seed ejected from my urethra and flooded the blonde's womb, Felicia used all four of her limbs to pull me even deeper inside her, clinging to me with a breath-taking tightness." fel "Ahh... ah...♥ That's right...♥" "In my befuddled state, I gave her everything I had." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_4664 with flash fel "Oh...?! F-fhuck...!" "And as if she wasn't satisfied with that, her inner walls coaxed out even more cum when a second orgasm rocked her body." fel "Ah... yesh...♥ Very... ah... ha...♥" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_4665 with vpunch mc "Ah... ha... ha..." "Felicia rubbed my back tenderly." fel "Ha... ha...♥ That was..." fel "Nice, [mcf]. That scratched the itch." "Her touch was warm and comforting." fel "Ha..." "So comforting that it threatened to lull me asleep." "..." scene w2_4666 with dissolve mc "Ah... crap." fel "What?" $ renpy.end_replay() scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2FeliciaSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2FeliciaSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mc "We should've taken some pictures." fel "Pft...!" "She simply laughed at the dumb realization." KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaMissionEnd" KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaSoloFinish:" "Over the next half hour, for the rest of the shoot, we had carte blanche of the penthouse." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4667 with cmet "So we gave the club's patrons a little room-by-room tour, courtesy of the woman of the house." scene w2_4668 with blinds "It was a more tasteful shoot than when directly compared to the other two, but I hoped the woman and the location would carry the day." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4674 with dissolve mc "It's too bad that video call wasn't recorded..." scene w2_4675 with dissolve fel "Don't you want me to do something besides... pose? Something more fun maybe?" mc "No, we'll leave the viewer wanting more." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4669 with blinds mct "(Ha... nice view...)" scene w2_4676 with blinds "It all culminated in a final series of photos of her jilling off on her husband's desk." "Indeed, the sordidness of the scenario... that was key." fel "Mmmhh..." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4677 with dissolve fel "--geh!" scene w2_4678 with dissolve mc "I think that's a wrap. I'm starting to feel a little thirsty." scene black with fade mc "How 'bout you?" KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaMissionEnd" KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaSoloFinishDegrade:" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide textbox2 with dissolve "Over the next half hour, I had carte blanche of both Felicia and the penthouse." "The theme was {i}house tour{/i}." $ renpy.end_replay() play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4670 with blinds "Some of it was really fucking silly." scene w2_4671 with dissolve "Some made me painfully erect." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4672 with blinds fel "H-hey... don't!" "Some managed to dredge up a look of genuine surprise." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w2_4676 with dissolve "It all culminated into a final series of photos of her jilling off on her husband's desk." "Indeed, the sordidness of the scenario... that was key." fel "Mmmhh..." scene w2_4677 with dissolve fel "--geh!" scene w2_4678 with dissolve mc "I think that's a wrap. I'm starting to feel a little thirsty." scene black with fade mc "How 'bout you?" scene black with fade KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaMissionEnd" KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaMissionEnd:" "......" "..." play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene w2_4679 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Ha..." scene w2_4680 with dissolve "Before making the trek back home, I took a moment to clear my mind and calm my nerves." "A topside view, in a luxury penthouse apartment, did seem better for that task than a subway train." scene w2_4707 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaImpressed == True:" "After we had screwed, I took photos of the aftermath. {i}That{/i} was the purpose of the evening, right?" KN_MOD "else:" "After the shoot, we took a rest downstairs and enjoyed the view of the city." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaImpressed == True:" KN_MOD "if edwinAnal == True:" "I got some choice shots of her ass leaking my cum and making a mess of Elias' office. Hell, we even..." KN_MOD "else:" "I got some choice shots of her cunt leaking my cum and making a mess of Elias' office. Hell, we even..." scene w2_4673 with pixellate "Padded the shoot with Felicia playing the housewife." "That was... \"fun\", to say the least. I'd bank on those perverted assholes loving that." scene w2_4681 with pixellate fel "What are you thinking about?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4681 with dissolve fel "What are you thinking about?" scene w2_4682 with dissolve "Felicia pulled me away from my thoughts and back to her idle company." scene w2_4683 with dissolve mc "Hmmm, well... truthfully, I'm thinking about something that will annoy the piss out of you." scene w2_4684 with dissolve fel "Oh? Should I try and guess what it is? Nah..." fel "Just spit it out and let me be the judge of that." scene w2_4685 with dissolve mc "Okay, then. What made you change your mind earlier?" scene w2_4686 with dissolve fel "You're going to have to be more specific, stud." scene w2_4687 with dissolve mc "I mean, what convinced you to go along with the toy plan? You were against it, until you suddenly... weren't." scene w2_4688 with dissolve "She had come around to it after Elias' patronizing interruption." scene w2_4689 with dissolve fel "Why are you so curious about that?" scene w2_4688 with dissolve mc "How could I not be? You had a pretty dumbass reason for whoring yourself out, but then you dropped an interesting line." scene w2_4690 with dissolve fel "Not mincing your words, are you?" scene w2_4689 with dissolve fel "So, what did I say?" scene w2_4688 with dissolve mc "Something like... \"I remembered why I wanted to do this in the first place,\" I believe." scene w2_4689 with dissolve fel "Ah, yeah. That would raise some questions..." scene w2_4691 with dissolve fel "I don't even remember saying that, but I guess I'll chalk it up to the stress and being in the moment." scene w2_4692 with dissolve mc "So, why {i}do{/i} you want to become a member of that place?" scene w2_4693 with dissolve fel "Hmm~ ah..." scene w2_4694 with dissolve fel "You can't just let it end at this all being for funsies? Because while it partly is, the precise reason isn't any more sympathetic." scene w2_4695 with dissolve "So there was something deeper than she originally let on." scene w2_4696 with dissolve mc "I can't force it out of you, but I would like to know." scene w2_4694 with dissolve fel "You could ask your boss. Pretty sure she read me like a book." fel "What with the oh so many pointed questions about my past and what my plans were should I win. Bitch really knows how to beat around the bush." scene w2_4696 with dissolve mc "There wasn't anything like that in your file." scene w2_4695 with dissolve "I think she wants me to figure this stuff out on my own, but I didn't say as much to Felicia." scene w2_4697 with dissolve fel "Hmmm... ah, fine. You've met him, so you'll get it." fel "However, if you want to know..." scene w2_4698 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug...!" scene w2_4699 with dissolve fel "Let's go for a ride. " scene w2_4700 with dissolve mc "Where to?" scene w2_4701 with dissolve fel "My favorite place in the city, although we're not going to stay. I'm going to crash at Mina's tonight, but I want to grab some \"recreational\" fun first." scene w2_4702 with dissolve mc "It's not a club, right? I don't want to go to a club." scene w2_4703 with dissolve fel "Nah, farthest thing from that actually." fel "It's a bit of a drive, but if you ride with me and help me stave off the boredom, I'll answer your question. Sound fair?" scene w2_4704 with dissolve mc "Hmmm..." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" "I didn't really feel like a long car ride, but at least it would be in Felicia's company. Plus, I really did want to know her real reason for doing all of this." KN_MOD "else:" "Truthfully, I didn't really feel like a long car ride, but knowing what motivated Felicia would help with my job of everyone finishing out the month. Out of all the Carnations, she was the most likely to just walk away on a whim." "Plus, I was curious..." scene w2_4705 with dissolve mc "Alright. Sure, it's a deal." scene w2_4706 with dissolve fel "Great! Oh, and uh..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade fel "If we get pulled over on the way back, you're holding." mc "Holding what?" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2FeliciaGarden" KN_MOD "label w2FeliciaGarden:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelicia05 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) scene w2_4708 with cmet $ date = "june11night" show june11night with squares play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "Felicia drove fast. Uncomfortably fast." "Even so, even with only light traffic, it was a forty-five minute drive." play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene w2_4709 with dissolve "Eventually, we arrived at a building on the outskirts of the city, in a yuppie-like bougie neighborhood." scene black with fade mc "Do we have to take the stairs the rest of the way?" "I half expected to find a whole other sex club at the top of this place." scene w2_4710 with dissolve "Instead, on the other side of the door, was a rooftop garden." mc "{b}This{/b} is your favorite place in the city?" "I mean it was nice - very nice even - but for a woman who lived in a penthouse, it seemed relatively banal." scene w2_4711 with dissolve fel "Yep, you could call it my... ah, secret hideout?" fel "No one, but a few people know about it. Just the man who lends it to me, yours truly, our bubbly friend, and now... {b}you{/b}." scene w2_4712 with dissolve "The rooftop was wellfurnished. There was an easel with canvas standing proudly near some stairs, plus a variety of tables and comfortable looking seating." mc "Lucky me." scene w2_4713 with dissolve mc "So, secret hideout, huh? Like a supervillain?" scene w2_4714 with dissolve fel "Nah, it's just a place to get away. I just come up here when I want to think. Or when I don't want to think. Or..." scene w2_4715 with dissolve mc "Or when you want to paint?" scene w2_4716 with dissolve fel "I don't like to call it that." fel "I don't do anything as inspired as \"paint\". I just kill time." mc "Really? It's not finished, but even I can tell it's good." scene w2_4717 with dissolve fel "Thank you for saying as much, [mcf]." scene w2_4718 with dissolve "Her tone told me she didn't believe my words." scene w2_4719 with dissolve mc "You don't agree?" scene w2_4720 with dissolve fel "I'm just saying painting isn't about a work being pleasing to the eye." scene w2_4719 with dissolve mc " the risk of sounding like a rube, {i}isn't it?{/i}" scene w2_4721 with dissolve fel "Ah... well, not for me." scene w2_4722 with dissolve "She chose not to elaborate beyond a weak smile." scene w2_4721 with dissolve fel "Well, since you upheld your side of the bargain, I guess it's only fair I answer your question now." fel "Ask away." scene w2_4723 with dissolve mc "Well, then? You already know what I was curious about." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene w2_4724 with dissolve fel "Let's sit down and get comfortable first." scene black with fade mc "Alright..." play music "music/Moonlight-Sonata.ogg" scene w2_4725 with dissolve fel "So, yeah... it's not a complicated answer, but..." scene w2_4726 with dissolve fel "Shit, how should I put this? I... uh..." scene w2_4727 with dissolve "Felicia looked at me like I could help with her loss of words." scene w2_4728 with dissolve fel "I asked to become a member because...I'm treading water and it feels like I'm getting awfully fuckin' stagnant." "She found the words." scene w2_4729 with dissolve mc "So you're... {i}bored{/i}? That's it?" "That answer was no different than her saying she was doing this for fun." scene w2_4730 with dissolve fel "No! it's not because I'm bored, it's because... ah...!" fel "To put it simply, the club represents an open possibility." scene w2_4731 with dissolve "I sort of understood what she meant, because I was profiting off my position, but I didn't understand how that was true for her." mc "What possibility?" scene w2_4732 with dissolve fel "To {b}advance{/b}." fel "You see, no surprise, but I've always thought of life as a ladder. Not exactly a novel way of looking at things, but when climbing, you should always focus on moving to the rung in front of you." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "Sure, okay. Breaking your goals down into actionable steps is fundamental to achieving them, right?" scene w2_4734 with dissolve fel "Right. That's just common sense." scene w2_4733 with dissolve fel "So, the starting rung on the ladder was being born poor, in a small nowhere town with backwards people who conflated their ignorance as simple, honest living." scene w2_4731 with dissolve "Her voice oozed contempt when talking about where she came from. It was the most vitriolic I'd ever heard the seemingly carefree blonde sound." mc "Was it really that bad?" scene w2_4736 with dissolve fel "I won't tell you there wasn't anything redeeming about the town of Wheatley, but what good there was was a silver lining on a big, fat storm cloud." scene w2_4734 with dissolve fel "Luckily though, through complete fucking luck of the draw, I was born pretty." scene w2_4737 with dissolve mc "Not just pretty, but smart." "-- a dangerous combination." KN_MOD "if w1FelGonzo == True:" mc "I remember you said you got out of there as soon as you could." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I imagine you got out of there as quick as you could?" scene w2_4732 with dissolve fel "Ah, yeah... you see I noticed at way too young of an age the way men would look at me, and of course, a whole lotta life had to be packed into my adolescence before I had the courage and wherewithal to effectively wield it, but when I did..." fel "I got myself a bus ticket out of town and took it all the way to the city, where I had an online \"friend\" that was willing to foot my rent while I worked to get accepted into college." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "Sounds more like a sucker than a friend." scene w2_4733 with dissolve fel "Well, I wouldn't be here without that sucker. I prefer to think of him in fonder terms." scene w2_4731 with dissolve "She sounded genuinely grateful." scene w2_4735 with dissolve fel "Anyway, there began my climb - in case you forgot the hackneyed metaphor that started this conversation, all the way to become the woman in front of you." scene w2_4732 with dissolve fel "To what I considered my absolute peak." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "How does this tie into the club being an opportunity for you?" scene w2_4732 with dissolve fel "The key thing here is I {b}considered{/b} it to be my peak. Given the extent of my resources and the clock on my natural commodities, I had decided that's where I'd stop and find contentment." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "The \"clock on your natural commodities\"? Jesus Christ, that's a cold take." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" scene w2_4736 with dissolve fel "Well, the sky's blue and I'm a gold-digging whore. You seemed pretty eager to agree with that earlier." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "That was different, I was a bit..." "Horny." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4736 with dissolve fel "Well, the sky's blue and I'm a gold-digging whore. Do you really want to rehash our earlier conversation?" scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "No, I guess not." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w2_4738 with dissolve fel "So, all this to answer your question with one of my very own..." scene w2_4739 with dissolve "Felicia looked at me, with an unfashionably sad glint in her eye." scene w2_4740 with dissolve fel "...why the hell couldn't I have been happy with where I landed, [mcf]? I should've wanted for nothing." fel "Why did that damn school have to close?" scene w2_4741 with dissolve mc "School?" scene w2_4742 with dissolve fel "Kennedale Children's Academy for the Arts..." scene w2_4743 with dissolve "Felicia twitched and gritted her teeth. The name conjured ill feelings for the blonde." scene w2_4744 with dissolve fel "That fuck head! It wasn't that much money... not for him... it would've been a drop in the bucket... it... it...!" scene w2_4745 with dissolve fel "I pleaded with Elias to save it. I did something I promised myself I'd never do after leaving home: I {b}begged{/b} for something. I laid myself bare to the prick." fel "I explained to him how important that school was to me, how the woman who ran it impacted my life, and what it would mean for future boys and girls who didn't have much..." scene w2_4746 with dissolve mc "Hold up..." scene w2_4747 with dissolve "She was getting on a tangent and I wasn't exactly clear on the subject she was ranting about." scene w2_4745 with dissolve fel "I put myself genuinely out there and he didn't give a good goddamn! The \"PR of saving a community arts academy in a shitty town\" simply wasn't worth it!" scene w2_4748 with dissolve fel "I mean... fuck, {b}HE{/b} doesn't get to call it shitty. I do! Just me!" scene w2_4745 with dissolve fel "He fucking grew up in a goddamn palace!" scene w2_4747 with dissolve "More pieces fell into place and Felicia's motivation revealed itself." scene w2_4746 with dissolve mc "So this is about an art school you went to as a kid closing down...?" scene w2_4749 with dissolve fel "Y-yes... it was funded by an old trust. Kids could go there for free." fel "I could crack open a thesaurus and put it a million different ways, but I'll never be able to articulate just how much that place truly meant to a poor little girl whose mother could only afford colored pencils for her 8th birthday." scene w2_4750 with dissolve mc "Sounds like you did just that for your husband." scene w2_4749 with dissolve fel "Yeah... I wouldn't let it go. Eventually, he told me in no uncertain terms to get over it and behave myself." scene w2_4751 with dissolve fel "It wasn't that much money..." scene w2_4752 with dissolve fel "I had no illusion of the nature of our relationship, but I foolishly thought that after some time, he might have the smallest amount of respect for me." scene w2_4752 with dissolve fel "I'm... a fuckin' moron." scene w2_4754 with dissolve mc "You have pull with other wealthy people, right? Couldn't you have..." scene w2_4755 with dissolve fel "Truthfully? I was afraid." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "Of your husband?" scene w2_4756 with dissolve fel "Yeah, I could've done more, but I \"knew my place\". I let the most precious thing of my life disappear because I was afraid of upsetting the status quo." scene w2_4736 with dissolve fel "If the school suddenly found funding by one of our acquaintances, he would've known I disobeyed him and didn't drop it. At the time, I was afraid to jeopardize my standing." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "When was this?" scene w2_4732 with dissolve fel "A year and a half ago." scene w2_4733 with dissolve fel "I tried to get over it, but over time I've just gotten more angry about it..." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "So if the academy is already closed, is working at the club your way of getting revenge then?" scene w2_4757 with dissolve fel "Revenge...?" "She looked at me like I was stupid." scene w2_4733 with dissolve fel "Any incidental hit to Elias' reputation is a big, big, BIG upside, but..." scene w2_4736 with dissolve fel "I'm not taking such a big risk because I'm having a temper tantrum. I'm doing it because I've realized the extent of my reach. For once there was something beyond creature comforts that I actually wanted and it wasn't within my power to protect." scene w2_4732 with dissolve fel "You asked me what I meant by the club representing an opportunity for me? Well, I want to build connections independent of my husband." fel "I want to have options. I want to use the club to make my own money." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mct "(So, that's it...)" mc "How do you plan on doing that?" scene w2_4758 with dissolve fel "One rung at a time, [mcf]. Life is a ladder." scene w2_4731 with dissolve "To be honest, that seemed no less stupid to me than doing it for kicks, but her admission about the school..." mc "Thanks for telling me, Felicia." scene w2_4737 with dissolve "It wasn't like her to lose control of her emotions. It clearly meant something to her." scene w2_4759 with dissolve fel "Yeah... well, you twisted my arm and dragged it out of me. I don't know why I went into all the detail, but..." fel "Guess I just felt like it..." scene w2_4760 with dissolve fel "..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4757 with dissolve fel "To cut to the chase - you've met my husband - I'm no longer content." scene w2_4735 with dissolve fel "I want some connections of my own, independent of Elias. I want to have options." fel "Get to know some people and maybe make some money of my own." scene w2_4731 with dissolve mc "How do you plan on doing that?" scene w2_4758 with dissolve fel "One rung at a time, [mcf]." scene w2_4737 with dissolve "That... didn't seem any better to me than her just doing it for kicks." scene w2_4729 with dissolve mc "So that's the reason you're enduring all this..." scene w2_4761 with dissolve fel "Oh, c'mon... enduring?" fel "That place ain't so bad. I get to spread my wings and have a little fun doing it." fel "There's no downside." scene w2_4762 with dissolve mc "Ha...! Oh, man." "If Felicia was any less crazy, I'd be disappointed." mc "I'm actually... relieved to hear that." scene w2_4763 with dissolve fel "Well, now that you know... you must think I'm stupid, right?" fel "That I should just be content and happy with where I am? That I'm being greedy?" scene w2_4764 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...)" "Honestly, I didn't know what Felicia expected to gain from rubbing elbows with the club's patrons and I think she didn't quite know either." "That place is a viper pit and she was more likely to be bit than to find advantage, but if a woman could do it, it'd be someone like her, right?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "She IS being dumb:" scene w2_4765 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, since you've asked, it's really fucking stupid Felicia." scene w2_4766 with dissolve mc "Wanting more is fine, but you've got to know when to stop. I mean, one of the men there last week was the COO of Hoarfrost Risk Management." scene w2_4765 with dissolve mc "Those guys have done some fucked-up shit in the name of \"security\". You'd think it wise to get on that guy's good side?" scene w2_4768 with dissolve fel "That's... expected and I agree with you, but..." scene w2_4767 with dissolve fel "Isn't part of your job to get on that man's good side as well?" scene w2_4765 with dissolve mc "There's a difference. My job is to basically just stand around." scene w2_4767 with dissolve fel "So your concern is practical rather than moral?" scene w2_4769 with dissolve mc "Ah, fuck I don't know." scene w2_4767 with dissolve fel "Reality bends over strong wills. It belongs to the fearless." scene w2_4768 with dissolve fel "What good is all my comfort when I can't protect the one thing I really want to protect?" scene w2_4766 with dissolve mc " and Veronica are a lot alike it seems." scene w2_4764 with dissolve "They both could've just walked away, the only difference is the scale of their ambition." scene w2_4770 with dissolve fel "Ha! Don't insult me. That bitch is too stupid to match wits with this dumb country slut." scene w2_4765 with dissolve mc "The bravado doesn't help your case." KN_MOD "Caution her, but you believe she can do it:" $ Felicia_Confidence += 1 scene w2_4765 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Since you asked, I do think it's dumb." scene w2_4768 with dissolve fel "That's... expected and I agree with you, but..." scene w2_4765 with dissolve mc "I think you can do it though. You're the type of person who knows how to leave an impression. If you somehow win..." scene w2_4766 with dissolve mc "Well, I just hope it doesn't bite you in the ass. There are some bad people at the club." scene w2_4765 with dissolve mc "One of the men there last week was the COO of Hoarfrost Risk Management. You're older than me, you should remember them making the news." scene w2_4767 with dissolve fel "Yeah, and your dear Dr. Chuck built and sold missiles to them. You should also be cautious with who you associate with as well, you know." scene w2_4769 with dissolve mc "Huh.. I mean..." "She wasn't wrong, and she wasn't telling me anything I didn't know, but..." "To me, Dr. Chuck was just a guy who liked applied physics and pioneered some rocket tech - all of which had legitimate purpose. Was it his fault if someone misused them?" scene w2_4765 with dissolve mc "You've done your research." scene w2_4767 with dissolve fel "I knew a lot of the men in that building that night, and the ones I didn't, I now know." scene w2_4766 with dissolve mc "Yeah, your plan is dumb, but as I said, if any woman can rub elbows with those fucks, it's you." scene w2_4765 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" mc "Good luck, Felicia. Just don't expect any pity." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Good luck, Felicia." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_4771 with dissolve fel "Now that you know, let's not talk about this ever again." scene w2_4772 with dissolve fel "Until the month is up, I'm just going to focus on having fun. That's how I'm going to win." scene w2_4773 with dissolve mc "What's in there?" fel "Why we came in the first place, remember?" scene w2_4774 with dissolve fel "Our mutual friend is getting blitzed tonight." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and w2FeliciaImpressed == True:" KN_MOD "jump w2feliciaFlag" KN_MOD "else:" $ feliciaFlag = False KN_MOD "jump w2June11End" KN_MOD "label w2feliciaFlag:" play sound "sound effects/car.wav" play music "music/wanderlust.ogg" scene w2_4775 with w9 fel "Hey, [mcf]..." mc "Yeah?" fel "I just wanted to say... I had fun earlier. Lots of fun." "We had traversed the roads leading back to my apartment in peace, until Felicia broke the silence and shared what was on her mind." scene w2_4776 with dissolve fel "So much so that it got me thinking... you and I are compatible in a {b}very{/b} particular way." scene w2_4777 with dissolve mc "Do you mean what we did after your husband left?" scene w2_4778 with dissolve fel "Uh huh. It's called chemistry. For someone as perverted as I am, finding even one person who can meet me halfway in my appetite is uncommon." fel "...and you blew past halfway. To put it bluntly, you and I were fucking on the same wavelength tonight." mc "If you say so..." "I am, it turned out, a horny bastard. I wasn't about to wax poetic about putting pole to hole." scene w2_4779 with dissolve fel "Don't look at me like that. I really mean it." KN_MOD "if edwinAnal == True:" fel "Anyone can screw, but you read me like a book and satisfied a desire of mine. You really surprised the hell out of me." scene w2_4780 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about?" fel "You remembered the details of what I whispered in your ear last week. You used my fantasy against me." scene w2_4781 with dissolve mc "C'mon, I just did what I wanted." scene w2_4782 with dissolve fel "Exactly, and you made things more fun for me. That's my definition of compatible." KN_MOD "else:" fel "Anyone can screw, but intuition is another matter. There's a momentum to a good fuck and you know when to slow down or plunge ahead." fel "With a little practice, you could make something of yourself." scene w2_4780 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about?" fel "I'm just saying, both of us ended up satisfied right? You came buckets and the way I milked you made no secret of how I felt about it." scene w2_4781 with dissolve mc "A-hem..." "For some reason, the ease with which she colorfully described our coupling caught me off guard." mc "I... just did what felt good." scene w2_4782 with dissolve fel "Exactly, that's called intuition and that's what makes us compatible." scene w2_4783 with dissolve fel "By the way, how old are you again?" mc "Twenty-two." mc "Why do you ask?" fel "Twenty-two... old enough to have a taste for life, but not yet set in your appetite. Easy to mold, like a block of clay..." scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "The perfect age... " scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "That in no way, shape, or form answered my question." scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "Relax, I'm getting there." fel "You see, normally these kinds of arrangements aren't done so upfront, but I would like to propose something, stud." scene w2_4786 with dissolve "She waited for me before she continued." scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "I'm listening..." scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "There's an art exhibition next Wednesday at a friend's gallery." fel "A young artist I know will have one of her paintings on display there that night and I'd like some friendly company." scene w2_4787 with dissolve mc "That was a lot of buildup to ask me to an art gallery." fel "I'm not finished, [mcf]. Before that, I'd like to take you out and buy you some clothes, share a nice meal, and ultimately..." fel "I want you to satisfy me as you did tonight." scene w2_4786 with dissolve "With her cards on the table, Felicia's eyes returned to the road. Yet despite how cool she was playing it, her impatience was readily visible in the glances she stole while awaiting my answer." scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "So let me get this straight... you want to make a date so we can screw again?" scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "Pssh, as I said, {b}Anyone can screw{/b}. What I want is to confirm our suitability and find out if we're as simpatico as I think we are." fel "If I'm happy, this could be a repeat thing. I'll pay you for your time." scene w2_4786 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" mc "Hhuuuuuuuh?" scene w2_4787 with dissolve mc "You'll pay me... like a...? Like a...?" fel "Like a sugar mama." fel "Might be fun to put the shoe on the other foot for once." scene w2_4788 with dissolve mc "Pfft~ha! Oh my God, you're fucking serious? Me?" mc "Haaaaa! Me?!" scene w2_4789 with dissolve fel "Oh, yeah I'm serious and why not? You're young, got a big dick, and I've got the money." scene w2_4790 with dissolve mc "No offense, but you could pull some buff, big-dicked, and absurdly handsome college student with that offer." scene w2_4791 with dissolve fel "And they most likely would be a boring lay. Believe it or not, being a sugar baby isn't solely about being attractive." scene w2_4790 with dissolve mc "That your professional pride talking?" scene w2_4789 with dissolve fel "What I'm saying is, don't undervalue yourself. We have an established rapport." fel "You're in a unique position where you know my past, as well as both of my present selves. Those being Felicia Ford and the horny bitch presently making you this amazing offer." scene w2_4792 with dissolve mc "Amazing, huh..." "It sounded crazy, but Felicia was absurdity personified." scene w2_4793 with dissolve fel "Think about it: we could have some fun and you can profit. Isn't that a dream come true?" scene w2_4787 with dissolve mc "What do you mean you'll pay me?" fel "You're not familiar with the concept of commerce? Aren't med students supposed to be smart?" scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "Just explain it to me like I'm not." scene w2_4793 with dissolve fel "It's a simple arrangement. I'll give you an allowance and exceeding that, if you ever need anything, you can come to me and we'll figure it out." scene w2_4786 with dissolve mc "Huh..." KN_MOD "if felPN == Daddy:" scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "And don't worry, I can still call you Daddy if you want." scene w2_4794 with dissolve "Naturally, as a man, I was considering it. Getting paid to do something that I not only want to do, but am currently more or less already doing would be..." "Like she said, a dream. However, the proposition was weird." mc "I don't get it. We've already done it without you paying me. You don't think I wouldn't do it for free?" scene w2_4795 with dissolve fel "There's only a couple weeks left in the competition. If I lose, who knows if I'll ever see you again?" scene w2_4796 with dissolve fel "If I win... well, it wouldn't be bad to have one of the employees in my pocket, now would it?" "She grinned wickedly, ear-to-ear." scene w2_4797 with dissolve fel "Let me be clear though, I'll have certain expectations of you. You won't ever have to do anything you don't want, but that also means the relationship might not work." scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "That's assuming I pass your lil' interview next week?" scene w2_4786 with dissolve KN_MOD "if id_greed == True:" "How absurd indeed. Deep down, I felt like I should say no." "The club paid me extraordinarily well, but then again, not well enough that I didn't have a need for money..." KN_MOD "else:" "How absurd indeed. I should say no, what with my college being taken care of and the club already paying me a tidy sum. I didn't want for money, yet..." "Another thought crossed my mind: $3,100." "That was what Rosalind needed to get her loan shark off her back. Not just that sum either, I should probably assume she won't be able to pay the next two weeks either, which would tack on another two grand to the sum." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I was going to bring the topic up tomorrow with Mrs. Pulman or maybe Dr. Chuck or August, but..." KN_MOD "else:" "I was going to bring the topic up tomorrow with Kathleen or maybe Dr. Chuck or August, but..." "Assuming she'd even advance me that sum, taking care of it by dicking down a bombshell would be a more enjoyable approach." "Then again, I could just make some money for myself or decline and try to solve Rosalind's problem through the proper channels." scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "What do you say? Go with me next week and we'll take it from there?" scene w2_4786 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Sure, go on Felicias date next week.:" $ feliciaSugarBaby = True scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "Sure, why the hell not?" scene w2_4798 with dissolve fel "Yeah? For real?" scene w2_4799 with dissolve "It might have been my imagination, but Felicia sounded surprisingly giddy." scene w2_4800 with dissolve mc "Yeah, let's have some fun. I don't have anything to do Wednesday, and even if it doesn't work out, an evening with you wouldn't be so bad." scene w2_4798 with dissolve fel "[mcf]... you're not already trying to charm me, are you?" scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "Oh no, isn't that how it goes in this type of relationship? Never knowing what's real and what's not?" scene w2_4787 with dissolve fel "I'll look forward to Wednesday then." fel "Just don't flake out, it's an important night for me." mc "How so?" scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "I... I've had enough of your questions for one day, so I'll tell you about it then." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Felicia_Relations = "Potential Sugar Mama" show relationfel with dissolve "The rest of the way to my apartment continued in a weird flux of trying to find things to say - which was understandable, as having gotten what she wanted, it wasn't like we had much else in common besides sex and the club." "It made me wonder why she even wanted to wine and dine me next Wednesday, when we could just skip to the good part..." KN_MOD "Bring up Rosalind.:" $ feliciaSugarBaby = True $ rosalindFelSolution = True $ rosalindSolution = True scene w2_4801 with dissolve mc "I know you called it a trial run, but could you advance me some money beforehand?" scene w2_4802 with dissolve fel "Oh? How much are we talking about?" scene w2_4801 with dissolve mc "Five thousand dollars." scene w2_4802 with dissolve fel "That's a good chunk of money for a single evening - not to mention, specific. What do you need it for?" scene w2_4801 with dissolve mc "Do I have to tell you?" scene w2_4802 with dissolve fel "Yes, even if you lie." scene w2_4803 with dissolve mc "Hmm... it's for Rosalind." scene w2_4804 with dissolve fel "Rosie? You want to give money to that pair of cow tits?" scene w2_4803 with dissolve mc "She's in debt with a loan shark and he's putting pressure on her. It might affect her performance this month, so it's my job to get it sorted out." scene w2_4802 with dissolve fel "Sounds like a Kat issue." scene w2_4801 with dissolve mc "Maybe, but I'm asking you first since you brought up your ridiculous offer. If you don't want to help the competition I understand, we can forget you ever brought this--" scene w2_4805 with dissolve fel "Text me your bank account number later and you'll have it." mc "R-really?" "I was actually surprised." scene w2_4806 with dissolve fel "If that's what it takes to get you to go with me this Wednesday." fel "Plus, I don't want to win by throwing a nice woman like Rosie under the bus." mct "(...under the bus is exactly where she's going should you win, Felicia.)" scene w2_4787 with dissolve fel "You'll go with me then?" scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "I'll keep my Wednesday open just for you." scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "You better, it's an important night for me..." scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "How so?" scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "I... I've had enough of your questions for one day, so I'll tell you about it then." scene w2_4814 with dissolve "The rest of the way to my apartment continued in a weird flux of trying to find things to say - which was understandable, as having gotten what she wanted, it wasn't like we had much else in common besides sex and the club." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Felicia_Relations = "Potential Sugar Mama" show relationfel with dissolve "It made me wonder why she even wanted to wine and dine me next Wednesday, when we could just skip to the good part..." KN_MOD "Go with her, but tell her you dont want money.:" $ Felicia_Confidence += 1 scene w2_4801 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "I'll go with you, but I don't want your fucking money. Why the hell would you even propose that?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'll go with you Felicia, but I don't want your money." scene w2_4807 with dissolve fel "You will...?" scene w2_4808 with dissolve mc "Believe it or not, despite how crazy you are or maybe even because of it, I like spending time with you - so let's not overcomplicate things." mc "...or maybe is that how you simplify things? Do you like me so much that you're afraid I'd say no?" "I said it teasingly, but there was a half-baked suspicion in there." scene w2_4809 with dissolve fel "I... ah-" fel "..." fel "I like what {i}we{/i} did earlier and find the idea of turning a loser like you into my personal cock-on-demand hot. That's it." scene w2_4783 with dissolve "The gobsmacked expression on Felicia's face told me I hit the mark. Her offer was predicated on the control and reassurance money buys." mc "No, I think you like me and you want a guarantee that I'll say yes. It's very flattering, but your company is payment enough for me." fel "Don't be obnoxious." "I had to admit, I was letting the idiotic proposal go to my head and who could blame me?" scene w2_4810 with dissolve fel "Bah. If you're going to do it anyway, why turn the money down? That's just... stupid." scene w2_4811 with dissolve mc "Maybe, but that's not how I want to do things." mc "You talked about chemistry, so let's not ruin it with money, alright?" scene w2_4812 with dissolve fel "......" scene w2_4813 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_4793 with dissolve fel "Okay, dummy! Just don't cancel on me, okay? It's kinda an important night." scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "How so?" scene w2_4784 with dissolve fel "I... I've had enough of your questions for one day, so I'll tell you about it then." scene w2_4814 with dissolve "The rest of the way to my apartment continued in a weird flux of trying to find things to say - which was understandable, as having gotten what she wanted, it wasn't like we had much else in common besides sex and the club." "It made me wonder why she even wanted to wine and dine me next Wednesday, when we could just skip to the good part..." KN_MOD "No, youre not interested.:" $ feliciaFlag = False $ w2FeliciaAbort = True $ Felicia_Affection -= 4 scene w2_4785 with dissolve mc "I like you Felicia, but it's probably best if we limit the time we spend together to Mina or whenever the old lady deigns it." mc "Your husband's family may not really be tabloid-worthy anymore, but us spending an exorbitant amount of time together would just be inviting trouble." scene w2_4815 with dissolve fel "...hmm. You don't really have to worry about, Elias. He has his own affairs and it goes unsaid that I like to play. We have... a practical arrangement." fel "I'm not checked up on." scene w2_4816 with dissolve mc "Even still..." scene w2_4815 with dissolve fel "Seriously, I mean... ah..." scene w2_4817 with dissolve fel "I understand. You're probably right, anyway." fel "Who knows what the next two and a half weeks have in store? I should focus all my attention on becoming a member, but it would've been nice... for that night to..." fel "Yeah, no... I understand." scene w2_4814 with dissolve "The rest of the way to my apartment continued in a heavy silence. I tried making some idle conversation, and while Felicia tried to make a nominal effort, I knew my rejection had killed the mood." "I guess she wasn't used to not getting what she wanted..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w2_4818 with dissolve fel "This it?" mc "Yeah, we're here. Thanks for the ride." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaImpressed == True:" fel "Thanks for the... {i}interesting{/i} evening, stud." KN_MOD "else:" fel "It was an unusual evening, to say the least..." scene w2_4819 with dissolve mc "Yeah, it was... uh, I guess I'll open the door now and go." mc "Take care of Mina tonight. Show her a good time and help her take her mind off that video, will you?" scene w2_4820 with dissolve fel "That you don't have to worry about. I may not be so good at the romantic shit, but when it comes to having fun, our little ray of sunshine is in good hands." scene w2_4821 with dissolve mc "I guess I'll see you Saturday. Don't forget we're meeting at the diner beforehand, just like last week." scene w2_4822 with dissolve fel "Yep, see ya Saturday. Who knows what the old woman has cooked up. I get goosebumps just imagining it..." scene w2_4823 with dissolve mc "Okay, actually going now..." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w2_4824 with dissolve fel "[mcf]?" mc "Yeah?" scene w2_4825 with dissolve "*Chup*" scene w2_4826 with dissolve fel "I'm looking forward to Wednesday." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/car-door-close.wav" mc "Drive safe." "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w2June11End:" play ambient "sound effects/teeth-brush.wav" scene w2_4827 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hmm... mmm... mmggg" stop ambient scene w2_4828 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and feliciaSugarBaby == False:" $ history_felicia = "Felicia ridiculously proposed we enter into a sugar baby relationship. I declined, but agreed to go with her to an art gallery next Wednesday." $ unread_felicia = True KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and feliciaSugarBaby == True and rosalindFelSolution == True:" $ history_felicia = "Felicia proposed a sugar baby relationship on a trial basis. That sounded like a good deal to me, so I used it as an opportunity to momentarily alleviate Rosalind's loan shark problem. I agreed to go with her to an art gallery next Wednesday." $ unread_felicia = True KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and feliciaSugarBaby == True and rosalindFelSolution == False:" $ history_felicia = "Felicia proposed a sugar baby relationship on a trial basis. It was an odd offer, but it sounded like a good deal to me. I agreed to go with her to an art gallery next Wednesday." $ unread_felicia = True KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == False and w2FeliciaAbort == True:" $ history_felicia = "Felicia proposed a sugar baby relationship on a trial basis. Not wanting to have anything to do with the married woman outside of work, I declined.." $ unread_felicia = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "*Ptweh!" hana "Hey." scene w2_4829 with dissolve mc "Oh, hey. We gotta stop meeting like this." mc "Did you eat yet? I made some gumbo for dinner and there's plenty left." play music "music/modern-situations.ogg" scene w2_4830 with dissolve hana "I ate with my mom." scene w2_4831 with dissolve mc "Oh? You guys make up?" scene w2_4830 with dissolve hana "Yeah, it was more me than her that needed the space. I'll be getting out of your hair tomorrow." scene w2_4831 with dissolve mc "Well, anytime you need some space again, even without a big dramatic blowup, my doors are open. I've enjoyed having you here." scene w2_4832 with dissolve hana "Really? You don't mind?" scene w2_4831 with dissolve mc "Of course, you ARE my new boss after all." scene w2_4833 with dissolve hana "Christ, will you stop with that already?" scene w2_4834 with dissolve mc "Aye aye, ma'am." scene w2_4835 with dissolve hana "Actually, speaking of work... I'm sorry about giving you a hard time earlier." hana "You're doing me a favor and what do you get? Some bitch nagging you." scene w2_4836 with dissolve mc "C'mon, I forgot all about it in the first place, but all you did was say your piece." mc "Don't apologize for that. We're friends." scene w2_4837 with dissolve hana "Ha... not counting Harper or Jacob since they're old as shit, would you believe you're the first \"friend\" I've made since working there? Even outside of the club, it's..." hana "That was the last time I had a boyfriend too." scene w2_4838 with dissolve mc "I get it, but that must suck." scene w2_4839 with dissolve hana "Not really, I've got my mom, Jerrica, and Spider..." scene w2_4838 with dissolve mc "If you have to hide a part of your life from them, you can have all the company in the world and it can still feel a little lonely." scene w2_4839 with dissolve hana "You know that first hand?" scene w2_4840 with dissolve mc "Not really, more just speaking out of my ass." hana "Heh...!" mc "So you've all but shut down your social life then?" scene w2_4841 with dissolve hana "I can't get away from my band or my mom, but how could I start a new relationship with someone and hide where I go on the weekends?" hana "I don't like having to hide part of my life from the people I know." scene w2_4842 with dissolve mc "I hadn't thought about that. It's not hard to keep from my mom since we don't live together, but romance..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "If I did find a girlfriend, with the things Mrs. Pulman has me do, I wouldn't be faithful to her. I'd be no better than Ian." KN_MOD "else:" mc "If I did find a girlfriend, with the things Kathleen has me do, I wouldn't be faithful to her. I'd be no better than Ian." scene w2_4843 with dissolve mc "So I guess that's off the table for me as well." scene w2_4844 with dissolve mct "(Well, I didn't have any romantic aspirations while I was studying in the first place, so I guess that's not a big deal.)" hana "Hmm..." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True and w2HanaHump == True:" scene w2_4845 with dissolve hana "At least we can be honest with each other." mc "Yeah, no need for secrets when we work at the same place." scene w2_4844 with dissolve hana "..." scene w2_4846 with dissolve hana "...hey, [mcf]?" scene w2_4847 with dissolve "Hana suddenly looked concerned." mc "Yeah?" scene w2_4846 with dissolve hana "Actually, if I'm to be honest, about this morning... when we almost..." scene w2_4847 with dissolve mc "Don't worry about it." mc "We can pick that back up some other time, {b}only if you want to{/b}." scene w2_4848 with dissolve hana "It's just... I didn't want you to think I was using you." scene w2_4849 with dissolve mc "Using me? Why would I think that?" scene w2_4848 with dissolve hana "Why? I bitch and moan to you, I take my sexual frustration out by dry humping the shit out of you, and then on top of it all, I'm freeloading in your home..." hana "You seriously don't see me taking advantage of you?" scene w2_4849 with dissolve mc "Nope and quite frankly, I would've been offended if we had sex for that dumbass reason." scene w2_4846 with dissolve hana "Ah--" scene w2_4850 with dissolve hana "It's not like I don't want to..." scene w2_4851 with dissolve mc "I get it. It's about work." "Despite the sexual tension, the thing that connected us was also a huge wall for Hana." scene w2_4848 with dissolve hana "Yeah..." scene w2_4849 with dissolve mc "Remember what I said. You can crash here any time you want - just... stop overthinking things, you fucking nerd." mc "It doesn't fit your image." scene w2_4852 with dissolve hana "..." scene w2_4853 with dissolve hana "Thanks, [mcf]." KN_MOD "elif w2HanaSex == True:" scene w2_4854 with dissolve hana "We do have each other as an option." mc "I guess you're right. No need for secrets if we work at the same bloodsucking sex club." scene w2_4852 with dissolve mc "Although, if I'm not mistaken, you were on the fence about me." scene w2_4850 with dissolve hana "Hey, I like you, it's just..." scene w2_4851 with dissolve mc "I get it. It's about work." "Despite the sexual tension, the thing that connected us was also a huge wall for Hana." scene w2_4848 with dissolve hana "Yeah..." scene w2_4849 with dissolve mc "Remember what I said. You can crash here any time you want." scene w2_4853 with dissolve hana "Thanks, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4854 with dissolve hana "Push comes to shove, if we still have the same job over the next few years, we do have an option..." mc "Oh, you'd settle for moi?" hana "At least we wouldn't have secrets." scene w2_4855 with dissolve mc "Okay then, deal." hana "No need for a blood pact. A handshake will do." mc "Ha, deal!" scene w2_4856 with dissolve mc "Now, Hana... not to be a rude host, but I'm tired as balls and you're on my bed." hana "O-oh!" scene w2_4857 with dissolve hana "I should get to bed too. I've got to get up early." mc "You have plans?" scene w2_4858 with dissolve hana "The old bitch wants to see me." scene w2_4859 with dissolve mc "Twice in one week?" scene w2_4858 with dissolve hana "I let my dad know my intentions today. It's no doubt about that." scene w2_4859 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "I'll go in with you. I've got some photos to turn in to Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'll go in with you. I've got some photos to turn in to Kathleen." KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == False:" mc "Plus, there's an issue with Rosalind I need to talk to her about." scene w2_4858 with dissolve hana "You need to get your license, you parasite." scene w2_4860 with dissolve mc "Ha... you figured me out, huh?" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade "Bedtime." "......" "..." play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" scene w2_4861 with w20 "For some reason, while trying to get to sleep, Ian was on my mind." "It started with me taking account of the day and Mina's troubles, but it grew from there." "I thought about how his mother asked me to do the impossible and get him to start taking things seriously and go back to college." scene w2_4862 with pixellate "I thought about the man he was now, with his good looks and uncle's riches giving him near-unfettered access to life's pleasures." scene w2_4863 with dissolve "I thought about the timid kid who would spend entire weekends at my house." scene w2_4861 with pixellate "As unrestrained as he was, he was my friend and deep down I knew I didn't have the moral ground to look down on him." "Should I give him a heads up about Mina?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Give Ian a call.:" $ killianHeadsUp = True $ Killian_Bromance += 3 scene w2_4864 with dissolve "It wasn't like it would help him come up with an excuse, but it might spare him from being blindsided..." play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene black with fade "*Ring, ring*" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_4866 with dissolve "As to not disturb Hana, I made the call from the bathroom..." stop sound "*Click*" scene w2_4867 with radio kil "Hey doc, what's up?" scene w2_4868 with dissolve "As ever, Killian picked up on the second ring." mc "You dumbass, you want to know what you did?" scene w2_4869 with dissolve kil "That's a pretty open-ended question..." scene w2_4870 with dissolve mc "Something so careless that I wonder if you did it on purpose." scene w2_4871 with dissolve kil "Just spit it out, asshole." scene w2_4870 with dissolve mc "I'll take being a plain ol' asshole over being a reeking, fecal-spewing one. Mina found that thumb drive of yours with one of your trophies on it!" scene w2_4872 with dissolve kil "Oh, she did...? Which one?" mc "Which one...? Which one?!" mc "You're just leaving multiple sex tapes lying around to be found?" "Ian's reaction to the news of his duplicity being uncovered was disproportionally cool and nonplussed." scene w2_4873 with dissolve kil "Did Mina tell you she found it?" mc "She told Felicia, who then dragged me into it." kil "Hmm..." mc "Just hmmm? That's it?" scene w2_4874 with dissolve kil "Well, I always wondered what would be the last straw with her. I've given her enough reasons and she sure as shit put up with a hell of a lot." scene w2_4875 with dissolve "It was a small relief that he was cognizant of that fact, but it raised several other unpleasant questions." scene w2_4874 with dissolve kil "For a girl as nice and pretty as her, {b}way{/b} more than she should've. It was almost like a game of how much can I get away with." scene w2_4875 with dissolve mc "You didn't do it on purpose, did you?" scene w2_4876 with dissolve kil "Are you asking me did I leave that USB drive on my coffee table hoping that her curiosity would get the better of her and she'd take it home and snoop?" scene w2_4875 with dissolve mc "Did you?" scene w2_4874 with dissolve kil "No, I did not. I'm just a dumbass, honest." KN_MOD "if w2MinaIanCover == True:" scene w2_4874 with dissolve kil "You saw how bad I am at hiding things. You even had to cover for me last week when I snuck in that slut from the club." scene w2_4875 with dissolve mc "You're not a dumbass, Ian. You just..." scene w2_4876 with dissolve kil "I'm getting mixed signals here." scene w2_4875 with dissolve mc "You just don't care." scene w2_4874 with dissolve kil "Isn't that worse?" scene w2_4875 with dissolve "We shared in an awkward pause, with me not knowing how to answer with the obvious {b}yes{/b}." scene w2_4879 with dissolve kil "*Sigh* Ten months..." kil "That's more than three times longer than any other relationship of mine. Hell, those others probably don't even fit the definition." scene w2_4878 with dissolve "As he reminisced, he almost sounded sad." mc "She hasn't broken up with you yet." scene w2_4877 with dissolve kil "No, she hasn't. It's weird that she hasn't blown up at me, right?" scene w2_4878 with dissolve mc "{b}Very{/b}." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "Just so you know, as a heads up, I'm hanging out with her tomorrow." kil "..." mc "You're cool with that, I hope?" scene w2_4879 with dissolve kil "It's not like I have any right not to be. Put in a good word for me?" scene w2_4878 with dissolve mc "Sorry, you made your own bed." scene w2_4877 with dissolve kil "*Sigh* Seriously, why the hell hasn't she blown up at me yet?" scene w2_4878 with dissolve mc "I think she's still processing it. You kinda took a big shit in her lap, you know." mc "Alice AND another woman... that's a great big dick slap in the face. That's the sort of thing that tanks your view on relationships for the rest of your life." scene w2_4880 with dissolve kil "Alright, alright jeez... I don't..." kil "I don't want to think about that." scene w2_4878 with dissolve mc "You mean the consequences of your actions?" scene w2_4881 with dissolve kil "You're having fun rubbing it in, aren't you dickhead?" scene w2_4875 with dissolve mc "A little, but I'm also curious. Do you feel... {b}bad{/b}?" scene w2_4877 with dissolve kil "I, uh... I don't know. Uncle Chuck has always told me not to feel bad for doing what I want." scene w2_4874 with dissolve kil "He says enjoying yourself is all that matters in life. Everything else is radio interference." scene w2_4882 with dissolve mc "..." "For as much of an influence Dr. Chuck has had on my life, Ian was much more significant. In no uncertain terms, he was closer to his uncle than he was to his own father." scene w2_4873 with dissolve mc "I see... well, I was just calling to give you a heads up." kil "I appreciate it, but now it's going to feel like I'm waiting for the knife to drop in slow motion." scene w2_4872 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" kil "Do me a favor..." mc "What is it?" kil "Whatever you're doing, make sure she has fun tomorrow." mc "She ain't going to forget, dude." kil "No, I just want her to..." KN_MOD "else:" kil "I'd almost prefer not to know." mc "Well, consider it penance for your misdeeds." kil "Ah, you fucker...!" mc "I'm going to go now." scene w2_4883 with dissolve kil "..." scene w2_4884 with dissolve kil "Aight, sleep tight doc." scene w2_4883 with dissolve mc "Bye." stop music play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "*Click*" scene w2_4885 with dissolve kil "......" scene w2_4886 with dissolve kil "..." scene w2_4887 with dissolve alice "I'm off, but there's some ice tea in the fridge. I made it just how you like it." scene w2_4888 with dissolve kil "...thanks, Alice." scene w2_4889 with dissolve alice "Are you feeling alright? You look a little pale." kil "Don't go." scene w2_4890 with dissolve alice "Don't be spoiled." scene w2_4891 with dissolve alice "It's late and you know I can't stay, Ian." scene w2_4892 with dissolve kil "You never had it in you to say no to me either..." scene w2_4893 with dissolve alice "..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade alice "*sigh* You want a grilled cheese?" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june12start" KN_MOD "Dont stick your nose in it.:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_4865 with dissolve "No. He made his own bed. It's not my place to rob Mina of the chance of confronting him." scene black with fade "Putting my friend out of my mind, I turned my thoughts to other things and slowly drifted off to sleep." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june12start" KN_MOD "label june12start:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionthegirls01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june12day" scene w2_4894 with blinds show june12day with squares show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve hana "Oh, great..." "Hana's exasperated hiss as soon as we breached the central hall was, as far as I could tell, owed to one obvious thing." play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w2_4895 with dissolve "A slew of scary-looking men were crowding the entrance hall." hana "It's not the end of the month. Why are they here?" mc "Do I even want to know who \"they\" are?" hana "They're.... the old man's \"business\" partners." scene w2_4896 with dissolve mc "In the club?" scene w2_4897 with dissolve hana "No. His {i}other{/i} interests." scene w2_4896 with dissolve mc "Oh." scene w2_4898 with dissolve "That was all I needed to hear to know that these men were criminals. Preferably, we'd just move past them and go about our business, but that option..." scene w2_4899 with dissolve aug "Aha, kids! Good morning!" "...was plucked off the table for us with a hearty hello." hana "*Sigh* Let's go..." scene w2_4900 with dissolve "As we got closer, one person in the group stood out like a single rose in a field of weeds - a woman with a worn and dejected expression." scene w2_4901 with dissolve aug "You two get here at the same time?" scene w2_4902 with dissolve hana "No. We arrived together." hana "I've been shacking up at [mcf]'s place for the past five nights." "It was as if she was deliberately inviting a misunderstanding..." scene w2_4903 with dissolve aug "..." "Ah, crap..." scene w2_4904 with dissolve aug "Baha! Good! I had hoped Charles bringing the boy in would get you out of your shell." scene w2_4905 with dissolve lm "Who's this?" scene w2_4906 with dissolve aug "Wait, have I really never introduced you to my daughter?" hana "I've purposefully avoided meeting you--" scene w2_4905 with dissolve lm "Your daughter? I didn't know you had a..." scene w2_4907 with dissolve lm "Ah, now I remember! Brandy's kid! What was that, twenty years ago?" hana "Tsk...!" "I could tell Hana was about to blow a gasket." scene w2_4908 with dissolve mc "Mrs. Pulman wanted to see us, we should--." scene w2_4909 with dissolve lm "That hag can wait, kid." lm "I haven't been properly introduced to August's daughter yet." scene w2_4910 with dissolve aug "Ah, where are my manners? This is Hana!" lm "Nice to meet you, Hana. You can call me Otto." otto "Your father and I used to work together before he went his own way. I knew your mother as well." aug "She was a fun woman, wasn't she? Why--" scene w2_4911 with dissolve hana "I have no interest in knowing a scumbag like you." hana "Let's go, [mcf]." stop music scene w2_4912 with dissolve yg "Watch your mouth, bitch!" yg "You--" scene w2_4913 with dissolve otto "What did you just say?" yg "She needs to--!" play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene w2_4914 with dissolve otto "What did you just say?" yg "I'm s-sorry!" otto "Open your mouth." scene w2_4915 with dissolve "To my astonishment, the man immediately complied." otto "Hold out your tongue." yg "I'm...!" scene w2_4916 with dissolve "The man wavered but quickly showed his obedience just as before." hana "W-wait a minute!" scene w2_4917 with dissolve yg "Ng-!" aug "Cut him a break, will ya?" scene w2_4918 with dissolve otto "Even if you ask me to, there's the principle of it. He insulted your daughter." scene w2_4917 with dissolve aug "I'm ancient history, Otto. {b}You and I{/b} are ancient history." scene w2_4919 with dissolve otto "..." scene w2_4920 with dissolve aug "Besides, Hana can be rude and impetuous, just like her mother." scene w2_4921 with dissolve hana "H-hey, it's nice to meet you as well." scene w2_4922 with dissolve otto "*Sigh* Go wait outside." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_4923 with fade "The man quickly did as he was bid, without any further word. I guess he didn't want to tempt fate." aug "See? No need to overreact. All's well that ends well." scene w2_4924 with dissolve otto "I didn't mean to upset you Hana, but it's just your father is an old friend of mine." mct "(An old friend who you didn't even know had a daughter...)" otto "Now, don't let me keep you from that rich cunt." hana "..." scene w2_4925 with dissolve hana "C'mon..." scene w2_4926 with dissolve aug "[mcf]... one thing..." aug "Could you see me at the bar after you finish your business with Kathy?" mc "Yeah, sure..." scene black with fade mct "(Please, for all that is good, don't let it be about Hana \"shacking up\" with me...)" scene w2_4927 with dissolve hana "Holy shit, my heart about jumped out of my chest." hana "How are you not freaking out?" scene w2_4928 with dissolve mc "It happened so fast I guess. I didn't know what to think." scene w2_4929 with dissolve hana "That REALLY didn't startle you?" scene w2_4930 with dissolve mc "Who do you think that girl was?" scene w2_4931 with dissolve hana "The miserable-looking woman dressed like a hooker?" scene w2_4930 with dissolve mc "Right. Dumb question." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "I thought Mrs. Pulman handled that stuff." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I thought Kathleen handled that stuff." scene w2_4931 with dissolve hana "Usually, but not always. Even Ian's perverted uncle has brought in a girl or two since I've been here." scene w2_4932 with dissolve mc "Huh..." mct "(Kathleen had her charity and August was an ex-gangster, but I couldn't fathom Dr. Chuck knowing how to find women who would be willing to work here.)" mc "We should go in." play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" scene black with fade "*Knock, knock*" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_4933 with wipeleft mc "Oh! Sorry, are you in the middle of something?" kat "Not at all. Abel and I were just killing time while he waits on one of Charles' indulgences." abel "How do you do, [mcf]?" mc "I'm good, thank you for asking Dr. Van Doren." abel "And Miss... do you prefer Miss Rhodes or Miss Byrnes?" scene w2_4934 with dissolve hana "I'd prefer it if you didn't--" scene w2_4935 with dissolve hana "..." scene w2_4936 with dissolve hana "Just Hana is fine." scene w2_4937 with dissolve kat "You have the photos, [mcf]?" scene w2_4938 with dissolve mc "Both the raws and the curated picks, plus the notes I took from the interview for you to pass along." scene w2_4939 with dissolve kat "How lovely. I've been looking forward to seeing how you approached the assignment." kat "I hope you appreciate the latitude of freedom you were given on this." scene w2_4940 with dissolve mc "It was a lot of new experiences, to say the least..." scene w2_4941 with dissolve kat "Did you have any trouble with the girls?" scene w2_4942 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Everything went smooth.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Nothing worth mentioning and nothing I couldn't handle." scene w2_4943 with dissolve kat "Well, then... if you say so and the photos prove to be quality, then I shall be VERY pleased with your performance." scene w2_4944 with dissolve kat "Very pleased indeed..." scene w2_4945 with dissolve mc "You won't be disappointed." KN_MOD "Tell her Veronica insisted on closing down the gym.:" $ w2VeronicaExposed = True $ Kathleen_Trust += 2 $ w2VeroShootPoints -= 2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Veronica wouldn't do the shoot unless she temporarily shut down the gym. I didn't have a problem with that." scene w2_4946 with dissolve kat "You didn't? ...but closing it down sucks a lot of the fun out of the whole scenario." scene w2_4942 with dissolve mc "It was a compromise. You'll be pleased with the shoot regardless." scene w2_4946 with dissolve kat "You're confident of that?" scene w2_4942 with dissolve mc "Absolutely sure of it." mc "It's uh..." mc "You'll see." scene w2_4943 with dissolve kat "Once I finish speaking with Hana here about her enhanced role in the club, I'll review them." scene w2_4946 with dissolve kat "Stick around and come back to see me in say... thirty minutes?" scene w2_4942 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" "I had plans with Mina today, but that was in the evening." KN_MOD "else:" "I didn't have anything else to do today." mc "Sure, that won't be a problem." KN_MOD "if rosalindSolution == False:" "Plus, I needed to speak with her about Rosalind's debt." mc "I'll be around the building then." scene w2_4947 with dissolve "With that, I moved to extricate myself from the conversation." mc "You made your choice, so keep your head up, okay?" scene black with fade hana "Thanks, [mcf]." "Now, where to? August did ask to speak to me, but I could poke around first." KN_MOD "jump w2TIHallway" ################################################################################ ## Week 2 Rose Turn In Screens ------------------------------------------------ ################################################################################ screen w2TINavMenu: if w2TINavUnlock == False: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TINavMenu1_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TINavMenu1_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TINavMenu1_ground.png" hotspot (736,56,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TIBar")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2TINavUnlock == False: hotspot (311,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TISecurityRoomAB")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] else: hotspot (311,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TISecurityRoom")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (777,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TIHallway")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (1237,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TIKatOffice")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (10, 22, 180, 180) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Return()] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] else: imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TINavMenu2_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TINavMenu2_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TINavMenu2_ground.png" hotspot (736,56,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TIBar")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (311,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TISecurityRoom")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (777,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TIHallway")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (1237,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TIKatOffice")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (311,668,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TIDressingRoom")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (777,668,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2TIVIPLounge")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (10, 22, 180, 180) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Return()] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] label w2TINavMenu: KN_MOD "call screen w2TINavMenu with pixellate" screen w2TIHallway: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2TINavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIHallway_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIHallway_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIHallway_ground.png" if w2TITimeBlock == "A": hotspot (1400,407,600,600) action Jump("w2TIWarrenDaliaA") if w2TITimeBlock == "C" and w2TIHarperCSeen == False: hotspot (864,436,500,500) action Jump("w2TIHarperC") label w2TIHallway: show black $"music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2TIHallway with fade" screen w2TIBar: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2TINavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_ground.png" if w2TITimeBlock == "A": hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_hoverA.png" idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_idleA.png" hotspot (155, 245,600,600) action Jump("w2TIAugustAB") hotspot (702, 242,500,500) action Jump("w2TINicoletteA") if w2TITimeBlock == "B" and w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == False and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == False: hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_hoverA.png" idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_idleA.png" if w2TIAugustLeft == False: hotspot (155, 245,600,600) action Jump("w2TIAugustAB") hotspot (1312, 225,500,500) action Jump("w2TIDaliaNicoB") if w2TITimeBlock == "B" and w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == True and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == False: hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_hoverB1.png" idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_idleB1.png" if w2TIAugustLeft == False: hotspot (155, 245,600,600) action Jump("w2TIAugustAB") hotspot (1312, 225,500,500) action Jump("w2TIDaliaNicoB") if w2TITimeBlock == "B" and w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == True and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == True: hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_hoverB2.png" idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIBar_idleB2.png" if w2TIAugustLeft == False: hotspot (155, 245,600,600) action Jump("w2TIAugustAB") if w2TIDaliaNicoLeft == False: hotspot (1312, 225,500,500) action Jump("w2TIDaliaNicoB") label w2TIBar: show black $"music/jazz-apricot.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2TIBar with fade" screen w2TISecurityRoom: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2TINavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TISecurityRoom_ground.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TISecurityRoom_ground.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TISecurityRoom_ground.png" label w2TISecurityRoom: show black $"music/sneaky-snitch.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2TISecurityRoom with fade" KN_MOD "label w2TIKatOffice:" show black KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It's still too early to meet with Mrs. Pulman. I should come back later." KN_MOD "else:" "It's still too early to meet with Kathleen. I should come back later." $"music/jazz-apricot.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2TIHallway with fade" screen w2TIDressingRoom: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2TINavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2DressingRoomFinished == False: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIDressingRoom_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIDressingRoom_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIDressingRoom_ground.png" hotspot (598, 200,800,800) action Jump("w2TIDressingRoomAB") else: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIDressingRoom2_ground.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIDressingRoom2_ground.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIDressingRoom2_ground.png" label w2TIDressingRoom: show black $"music/as-i-figure.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2TIDressingRoom with fade" screen w2TIVIPLounge: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2TINavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2TITimeBlock == "A": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_ground.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_ground.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_ground.png" if w2TITimeBlock == "B": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_ground.png" hotspot (752, 393,250,250) action Jump("w2TINurse") if w2TITimeBlock == "C": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2TIVIPLounge_ground.png" hotspot (752, 393,600,300) action Jump("w2TIChessGame") hotspot (312, 624,600,600) action Jump("w2TIAbel") label w2TIVIPLounge: show black $"music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2TIVIPLounge with fade" KN_MOD "label w2TIWarrenDaliaA:" KN_MOD "if w2TIWarrenDaliaRepeat == False:" $ w2TIWarrenDaliaRepeat = True scene w2_4948 with dissolve "I spotted an unusual pair, made even more peculiar by the animated conversation they appeared to be having." scene w2_4949 with dissolve dal "...all I'm asking is that you have more consideration for the girls. {b}Please{/b}." scene w2_4950 with dissolve war "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Dal." scene w2_4951 with dissolve dal "You...! I don't care about the free service you coax out of the girls, but the moment it starts to hurt their earnings is when you and I have a problem." scene w2_4952 with dissolve war " that so?" scene w2_4953 with dissolve dal "{b}That's so{/b}. Emma couldn't work for a whole day after the state you left her in." scene w2_4954 with dissolve war "I guess my dick's just that good, but I fail to see how that's my problem." scene w2_4955 with dissolve dal "..." scene w2_4956 with dissolve dal "Don't forget you're just dumb muscle. We may just be whores, but you're just as much an easily replaceable commodity." scene w2_4957 with dissolve war "Is that a threat, Dal?" scene w2_4956 with dissolve dal "No, just a heads up. Mrs. Pulman may find your brutality amusing, but this is a business and August treats it as one." scene w2_4955 with dissolve war "......" dal "..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4958 with dissolve war "Sheesh, shesh, alright. You sure can be scary when you want." war "I'll ask about their schedules first next time." KN_MOD "jump w2TIHallway" KN_MOD "label w2TIHarperC:" $ w2TIHarperCSeen = True scene w2_4959 with dissolve mc "Heading home?" scene w2_4960 with dissolve harp "Yeah, my Friday morning regular canceled, which means my mom gets a break from watching my kid." scene w2_4959 with dissolve mc "Win-win." scene w2_4960 with dissolve harp "Why do you ask?" KN_MOD "if w2HarpRainCheck == True:" $ harperOption = True scene w2_4961 with dissolve harp "You want that... {b}rain check{/b} from your birthday?" scene w2_4962 with dissolve mc "Ah..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "She was talking about the night I turned down Mrs. Pulman's sadistic gift." KN_MOD "else:" "She was talking about the night I turned down Kathleen's sadistic gift." scene w2_4963 with dissolve mc "No, just saying hello, I guess." scene w2_4961 with dissolve harp "Well, anytime you want to go, give me a call." scene w2_4963 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 20:" mc "I might do that sometime." scene w2_4961 with dissolve harp "Sure, we could even pretend it's still your birthday if you want." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I wouldn't want to take advantage." scene w2_4961 with dissolve harp "Don't worry, you wouldn't be the first." scene w2_4964 with dissolve harp "See you around!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4959 with dissolve mc "Just saying hello, I guess." scene w2_4964 with dissolve harp "Well, then. Hello and goodbye, Mr. [mcl]." mc "Take care." KN_MOD "jump w2TIHallway" KN_MOD "label w2TINicoletteA:" KN_MOD "if w2TINicoletteRepeat == False:" $ w2TINicoletteRepeat = True scene w2_4965 with dissolve mc "You're new, right? I'm [mcf]." scene w2_4966 with dissolve woman "..." scene w2_4967 with dissolve woman "Hello, [mcf]..." scene w2_4965 with dissolve mc "What's your name?" scene w2_4968 with dissolve nico "Nicolette." scene w2_4965 with dissolve mc "You're a new house girl, Nicolette?" scene w2_4968 with dissolve nico "That's what they tell me." scene w2_4965 with dissolve mc "They? Those men you were with?" scene w2_4968 with dissolve nico "I don't really feel like playing twenty questions, hun." scene w2_4966 with dissolve "She looked very sad. The other girls here had a certain resolve or otherwise just hid it well, but I could tell..." scene w2_4969 with dissolve nico "Who are you exactly, [mcf]?" "She was on edge." scene w2_4970 with dissolve mc "I help with things around here." scene w2_4969 with dissolve nico "Does that mean you tell me what to do, Mr. Helper?" scene w2_4970 with dissolve mc "No." scene w2_4967 with dissolve nico "Then you wouldn't mind letting me sit here in peace for a bit, would ya? Please." scene w2_4971 with dissolve mc "Right, yeah... sorry to bother you." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4972 with dissolve "I should leave Nicolette alone for the time being. She's dealing with some shit." KN_MOD "jump w2TIBar" KN_MOD "label w2TIAugustAB:" KN_MOD "if w2TIAugustRepeat == False:" KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == A:" $ w2TITimeBlock = "B" KN_MOD "else:" $ w2TITimeBlock = "C" $ w2TIAugustLeft = True scene w2_4973 with dissolve mc "You wanted to see me, boss?" aug "Sit down and take a load off, kid." KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == B:" KN_MOD "if w2TINicoletteRepeat == True:" scene w2_4976 with dissolve aug "I see you met Nico." scene w2_4975 with dissolve mc "We spoke briefly." mc "She seems... really nervous." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_4975 with dissolve mc "Who's that?" scene w2_4976 with dissolve aug "The new girl, Nicolette." scene w2_4975 with dissolve mc "She seems... really nervous." scene w2_4980 with dissolve aug "Naturally. It's a tough gig. It can take a little while to get acclimated." aug "Especially for a \"special interest\" like her." scene w2_4979 with dissolve mc "What does that mean?" scene w2_4981 with dissolve aug "It means... she's got a colorful future ahead." scene w2_4979 with dissolve "That in no way provided a clearer picture, but I took it that ambiguity was for Nicolette's benefit, given she was within earshot." mc "I see..." KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == C:" scene w2_4974 with dissolve mc "What's going on there?" KN_MOD "if w2TINicoletteRepeat == False:" scene w2_4977 with dissolve aug "Dalia's just getting a sense of what's what with the new girl." mc "Who is the new girl?" aug "Her name's Nicolette. Beautiful isn't she?" mc "Every woman here is." aug "That they are." KN_MOD "if w2TINicoletteRepeat == True and w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == False and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == False:" scene w2_4978 with dissolve aug "Dalia's just getting a sense of what's what with the new girl." mc "She came with your friends?" aug "Uh huh. Call it a consignment of sorts. She's here to make money fast." KN_MOD "if w2TINicoletteRepeat == True and w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == True and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == False:" scene w2_5010 with dissolve aug "Dalia's just getting a sense of what's what with the new girl." mc "She came with your friends?" aug "Uh huh. Call it a consignment of sorts. She's here to make money fast." KN_MOD "if w2TINicoletteRepeat == True and w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == True and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == True:" scene w2_5017 with dissolve mc "She came with your friends?" aug "Uh huh. Call it a consignment of sorts. She's here to make money fast." scene w2_4979 with dissolve mc "Against her will?" scene w2_4981 with dissolve aug "It's more of a... gray area." scene w2_4979 with dissolve "I didn't really like how that sounded." scene w2_4980 with dissolve aug "So, you've been on the payroll for about a month now." scene w2_4979 with dissolve "August saw fit for a change of topics." mc "A whole month already, huh..." "Such a short time, but so much has been packed into it." scene w2_4980 with dissolve aug "Enjoying your time here?" scene w2_4979 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes. Very much so.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "How could I not be?" scene w2_4981 with dissolve aug "Heh. The day we met, you were so adamant about not wanting anything to do with this place. Quite the change of tune." scene w2_4979 with dissolve mc "I'm a man after all. This is a persuasive environment." scene w2_4980 with dissolve aug "That. It. Is." KN_MOD "You try to think of it as work.:" $ August_Friendship +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I try to think of it as work, although that can be a little difficult given my duties. You know what I mean?" scene w2_4980 with dissolve aug "I certainly do. Mixing business with pleasure is inevitable with this work, but it's like taking a shit at work. Necessary and enjoyable, but you're doing it on company time." scene w2_4979 with dissolve mc "That's a gross way of putting it." scene w2_4982 with dissolve aug "I'm glad you're being mindful of the difference." scene w2_4980 with dissolve aug "On the topic of enjoying your time..." aug "You and my daughter seem to be close." scene w2_4979 with dissolve mc " that why you wanted to speak?" scene w2_4981 with dissolve aug "Relax, it's not a problem. Just an observation." aug "I haven't earned the right to have a say in my daughter's life." scene w2_4979 with dissolve mc "Yet she's working here with some pretty big strings attached, isn't she?" scene w2_4985 with dissolve aug "'re getting pretty fuckin' cheeky, kid." scene w2_4984 with dissolve mc "You're the one who brought up the subject, all I'm doing is being honest." scene w2_4986 with dissolve aug "Maha! You've got some balls, [mcf]! You're right!" scene w2_4985 with dissolve aug "I'm not a good man to begin with and helping her mother was an act of a desperate father. One that I regret, but would do again and again if I had to." scene w2_4983 with dissolve mc "Maybe I'll understand one day." scene w2_4981 with dissolve aug "I'm just glad she seems to be coming around. I was shocked when she accepted her share of the business out of the blue, but now I understand I have Kathy to thank for appealing to her pragmatic side." scene w2_4980 with dissolve aug "Still, it's a start." scene w2_4983 with dissolve mc "Do you make a habit of spilling your guts to college students?" scene w2_4986 with dissolve aug "Baha, no! No, I don't, but I wanted to speak with you honestly today and get a better sense of who you are." scene w2_4983 with dissolve mc "Why?" scene w2_4982 with dissolve aug "You and my daughter seem to be close." scene w2_4983 with dissolve mc "It's more like--" KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == B:" scene w2_4987 with dissolve "Having finished her dressing down of Warren, the click of Dalia's heels signaled her approach toward the bar." scene w2_4988 with dissolve dal "I'm Dalia. I'm here to help you, but I'm not your friend." dal "You'll go through me for anything you need." scene w2_4989 with dissolve nico "It's gonna be like that, huh?" scene w2_4990 with dissolve dal "Let's go over there. I want to get a look at you." scene w2_4991 with dissolve mc "Ah, where were we?" KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == C:" scene w2_4992 with dissolve nico "Wait, what about my clothes? L-let me get dressed first!" dal "You don't need them. Just follow me, dear." scene w2_4993 with dissolve nico "..." scene w2_4994 with dissolve nico "Ack, whatever...!" scene w2_4995 with dissolve mc "Is she fucking with her?" scene w2_4996 with dissolve aug "Dalia? No, she's not the type." aug "I'd be surprised if she derived any fun from our business." scene w2_4995 with dissolve mc "...huh. So where were we?" scene w2_4998 with dissolve aug "I was about to pour us each a glass of the finest single malt you'll ever taste." scene w2_4997 with dissolve mc "...sure, please do." scene w2_4998 with dissolve aug "Like you ever had a choice in the matter." scene black with fade "All the while, we carried on a seemingly inconsequential conversation." "It was nothing resembling personal, but he spoke candidly about sports and other mundane matters. Considering the scene from earlier, the banality of our conversation felt uncanny. " scene w2_4999 with fade aug "Thanks for indulging me, [mcf]." mc "Boss says \"drink\" you drink." aug "That. You. Do." KN_MOD "if rosalindSolution == False:" scene w2_5000 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...)" "While I was planning to raise the issue with the old woman, since we're being so friendly, I could ask August about alleviating Rosalind's problem with the loan shark." "It's as much in his interest as it is hers, so to speak." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell him about the problem.:" scene w2_5001 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "One of the Carnations needs some cash or else she might not be able to perform." "I decided to be AS direct as possible." mc "I figured I should bring it up to you, boss." scene w2_5002 with dissolve aug "Oh, yeah? Well..." KN_MOD "if August_Friendship >= 6:" $ rosalindSolution = True $ rosalindAugSolution = True scene w2_5004 with dissolve aug "Normally I'd let Kathy take care of that side of things, but tell me about it." scene w2_5001 with dissolve mc "Rosalind's got a loan shark hassling her. She needs to pay back her interest or else it sounds like he's gonna lean more heavily on her." mc "She needs about five tho--" scene w2_5003 with dissolve aug "Say no more. Do you have the name of the outfit?" scene w2_5001 with dissolve mc "Just Oliver." scene w2_5002 with dissolve aug "It might take a few days to find \"Just Oliver\", but she'll be square for the next few weeks." scene w2_5003 with dissolve aug "Let Rosalind know she doesn't have anything to worry about." scene w2_5001 with dissolve mc "You're going to pay?" scene w2_5005 with dissolve aug "No, not at all. I'm just going to politely ask whoever it is for some professional courtesy." scene w2_5001 with dissolve mc "You sure he'll agree to that?" scene w2_5005 with dissolve aug "I'm {b}very{/b} sure." "I didn't care to ask anything further, I just knew the issue would be taken care of." scene w2_5001 with dissolve mc "Thanks, Mr. Byrnes." scene w2_5004 with dissolve aug "We're in this ugly business together, right?" scene black with fade "Right. We're in this together." "After a few more minutes of talking, August left for other business." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5003 with dissolve aug "I prefer to let Kathy take care of that side of things. The exhibition is her pride and joy." scene w2_5002 with dissolve aug "I don't want to hear it from her if I step on her toes." scene w2_5001 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I figured that might be the case. Just thought I'd ask." scene w2_5005 with dissolve aug "She'll get whoever's problem taken care of, one way or another. She won't let anything impede her fun." scene black with fade "After a few more minutes of talking, August left for other business." KN_MOD "Youd rather get someone elses help.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == C:" "Nah. I'll bring it up to Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "Nah. I'll bring it up to either Mrs. Pulman or Dr. Chuck." scene w2_5002 with dissolve aug "Would you like another glass?" scene w2_5001 with dissolve mc "No. It's too early for that." scene black with fade "After a few more minutes of talking, August left for other business." KN_MOD "else:" scene black with fade "After a few more minutes of talking, August left for other business." KN_MOD "jump w2TIBar" KN_MOD "label w2TIDaliaNicoB:" KN_MOD "if w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == False and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == False:" $ w2TIDaliaNicoFirst = True scene w2_5006 with dissolve nico "Right here? Right now? In the middle of the bar?" scene w2_5007 with dissolve dal "It's not like it's a public space." scene w2_5008 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2TIAugustLeft == True:" dal "Plus, the only person here besides me is..." KN_MOD "else:" dal "Plus, there's just Mr. Byrnes and..." scene w2_5009 with dissolve dal "Mr. [mcl], anyway. You don't have a problem with getting undressed in front of strangers, right?" "I gave Dalia a friendly wave back." scene w2_5006 with dissolve nico "No, of course not." scene w2_5007 with dissolve dal "Then hop to it. I need to give you the rundown of the place since you'll be diving into the deep end soon." KN_MOD "jump w2TIBar" KN_MOD "if w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == True and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == False:" $ w2TIDaliaNicoSecond = True scene w2_5010 with dissolve dal "Good body. Ass could be a little fatter, but you've got a great pair of breasts." dal "The tattoo will make you popular with a few of our clients." scene w2_5011 with dissolve dal "Mr. Garcia in particular will take a shine to you if I present you right. Harp will be happy to share that burden." nico "Alright..." scene w2_5012 with dissolve dal "Open your mouth." scene w2_5013 with dissolve "With a sigh to belabor the humiliation, Nicolette did as the head girl asked." dal "Good, you've got nice teeth. Mr. Bianchi is particular about that." dal "Won't touch a girl without a set of pearly whites." scene w2_5014 with dissolve dal "He'll like this too." nico "Don't they all?" dal "Oh, hun... men ARE men, but the men you'll be serving are more... particular than what you may be used to." scene w2_5015 with dissolve dal "Which brings me to my next question: you said you wanted to expedite your time here?" nico "The quicker, the better." scene w2_5016 with dissolve dal "Do you know what that means?" scene w2_5017 with dissolve nico "The man with the goatee explained it to me already." scene w2_5016 with dissolve dal "Personally, I think you should take it slow, but if that's what you want..." dal "I'll have some questions." KN_MOD "jump w2TIBar" KN_MOD "if w2TIDaliaNicoFirst == True and w2TIDaliaNicoSecond == True:" KN_MOD "if w2TIAugustLeft == True:" $ w2TIDaliaNicoLeft = True scene w2_5018 with dissolve "Dalia and Nicolette talked for a while, before the older woman began walking off." scene w2_5019 with dissolve nico "Wait, what about my clothes? L-let me get dressed first!" dal "You don't need them. Just follow me, dear." scene w2_5020 with dissolve nico "..." scene w2_5021 with dissolve nico "Ack, whatever...!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5018 with dissolve "Dalia and Nicolette are still talking. I shouldn't just stand around gawking at them for any longer." KN_MOD "jump w2TIBar" KN_MOD "label w2TISecurityRoomAB:" $ w2TINavUnlock = True stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "I have no clue where Dr. Chuck is, but if I want to find him, that could be easily remedied." play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" mc "Anyone there?" mct "(I saw Warren in the central area, so I doubt anyone's...)" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" scene w2_5022 with dissolve mct "(Aha, it's not locked!)" scene w2_5023 with fade "The quickest way to find anyone within this labyrinth of rooms would be to check the camera feeds." "I was certain it was okay for me to be in here alone, but I still couldn't escape the nagging feeling that I was snooping." scene w2_5024 with dissolve mct "(The best view in the house, huh?)" mct "(Now, let us see...)" scene w2_5025 with pixellate "Slowly, I began making my way through the feed, one empty bedroom at a time." scene w2_5029 with dissolve mct "(Of course, if he's somewhere that doesn't have a security camera, this will just be a waste of time...)" KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == A:" KN_MOD "if w2TIWarrenDaliaRepeat == True:" scene w2_5027 with dissolve "It seems Dalia and Warren are where I left them." mct "(Looks like they've calmed down some, at least.)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5028 with dissolve "Dalia and Warren are still where I last saw them, in the middle of an enthusiastic conversation." "His patience looks like it's wearing thin." scene w2_5026 with dissolve mct "(Nothing here...)" scene w2_5030 with dissolve "Looks like it's just Hana and the old woman left in her office now." mct "(Meaning there's no referee to get between them...)" scene w2_5031 with dissolve mct "(There's Jacob, enjoying a soak all alone.)" "Do he and Warren ever go home? It's like they're both always here..." scene w2_5032 with dissolve mct "(No Chuck in the lounge either...)" scene w2_5033 with dissolve mc "Ah! There he is!" mct "(And Ian too!)" "...wait." mct "(What the hell are those two doing?)" "A woman was spread out on all fours between them, ass raised in the air as the two casually conversed. What's more, this bizarre sight was taking place in the middle of the..." scene w2_5024 with dissolve "Well, if I want to check in and kill time with Dr. Chuck, I guess the women's dressing room is the destination." mct "(Plus, I kind of want to go see what's up.)" scene black with fade mct "(Nothing should really surprise me anymore, but it did pique my curiosity.)" KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == B:" scene w2_5034 with dissolve "Looks like Warren wandered off after finishing his argument with Dalia." scene w2_5026 with dissolve mct "(This room is also empty...)" scene w2_5035 with dissolve "Nothing outside of Kat's office either, of course." scene w2_5036 with dissolve mc "Huh..." "The first sign of life I found was of Jacob, soaking in the sauna, comfortably availing himself to a house girl's lap." "Even from the camera's distance, the sight seemed uncharacteristically tender and sweet for this building's walls, with the woman's hand gently rubbing the muscular man's bald head." mct "(I wonder if he or Warren ever go home?)" scene w2_5037 with dissolve mct "(Is that Van Doren's nurse? What's she doing alone in the lounge?)" "There she was, with what appeared to be a chessboard set up on the table in front of her, absent her charge. It was the first time I'd ever seen her leave his side." scene w2_5038 with dissolve mc "There, finally! And Ian too!" "...wait." mct "(What the hell are those two doing?)" "A woman was spread out on all fours between them, ass hiked in the air as the two casually conversed. What's more, this bizarre sight was in the middle of the..." scene w2_5024 with dissolve "Well, if I want to check in and kill time with Dr. Chuck, I guess the women's dressing room is the destination." mct "(Plus, I kind of want to go see what's up.)" "I just want to check one more thing..." scene w2_5056 with dissolve "I quickly rotated through the rest of the feeds, in search of Dr. Van Doren." scene w2_5039 with dissolve "I found him, alongside Warren, in a cold spartan part of the building I had never laid eyes on." scene w2_5040 with dissolve "The two seemed to be calmly exchanging words." scene w2_5041 with dissolve mct "(I wish I could make out what they are saying...)" scene w2_5042 with dissolve "Eventually, the two moved into another room, escaping the camera's frame and try as I might..." scene w2_5029 with dissolve "It seemed wherever they had gone, was outside the eye of the building's security system." scene w2_5024 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...)" "Not every corner of the building being watched wasn't all that a big surprise, but what were they doing in there?" mc "Odd..." scene black with fade "Pushing what I saw to the back of my mind, I left the security room." KN_MOD "if w2TIAugustRepeat == True:" "I still had to visit August and I could drop in on Dr. Chuck while I was at it. I had time to kill." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Let's go see what Dr. Chuck is up to.)" KN_MOD "jump w2TIHallway" KN_MOD "label w2TIDressingRoomAB:" KN_MOD "if w2TITimeBlock == A:" $ w2TITimeBlock = "B" KN_MOD "else:" $ w2TITimeBlock = "C" $ w2DressingRoomFinished = True "Save for a quick glance and friendly wave from Dr. Chuck, my entrance into the room went unnoticed, its occupants' attention captured by the game being played at the center of the room." scene w2_5044 with dissolve mc "What's, uh... what's going on here, fellas?" scene w2_5043 with dissolve kil "......" kil "..." scene w2_5045 with dissolve chuck "How do you do, lad?" scene w2_5046 with dissolve mc "I'm good, Dr. Chuck. What are you two doing in here?" "With everyone acting so casual right now, lest I look like a bumpkin, I didn't draw direct attention to the woman being used as a game board." chuck "Just Ian and myself's weekly game of Go. I don't have an office in the building, so we usually just play in here." scene w2_5047 with dissolve chuck "Best view in the building, am I right?" scene w2_5048 with dissolve mc "You've certainly got some lovely company, yes." scene w2_5049 with dissolve "As absurd as this situation was, I couldn't argue against the erotic appeal. The woman between them was beautiful and remained as still as a statue, her generously proportioned ass hiked high in the air for the men's convenience." "Even if it was a disgusting display of power, the everyday casualness in which they objectified this woman tickled something deep and depraved in me." scene w2_5050 with dissolve chuck "Do you know how to play?" scene w2_5049 with dissolve mc "Not at all, I'm afraid." scene w2_5051 with dissolve chuck "It's a lovely game. The oldest board game still played today actually, going back more than two thousand years." chuck "I taught Ian when he was very young, but it's only in the last few years that we've started playing regularly." scene w2_5052 with dissolve kil "Your go--" scene w2_5053 with dissolve chuck "Would you like to learn? I'm always looking for more people to play with." scene w2_5054 with dissolve kil "..." mc "No thank you, I believe you've got a perfectly satisfactory punching bag right there." scene w2_5055 with dissolve kil "You can say that again. I've never won once against this old bastard, yet he won't let me quit." scene w2_5057 with dissolve chuck "You can quit once you're no longer able to improve. Even if it takes twenty years, if you continue to get better and if you can just beat me once, then our time playing will have been worth it." scene w2_5058 with dissolve kil "For you, maybe..." scene w2_5059 with dissolve chuck "Did you need anything, lad?" scene w2_5060 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "No, I'm just killing time waiting for Mrs. Pulman to finish with Hana." KN_MOD "else:" mc "No, I'm just killing time waiting for Kathleen to finish with Hana." scene w2_5061 with dissolve kil "Eh? They usually avoid each other like the plague. What does Kat want with her?" chuck "Worming her way into the young lass' life, I reckon. She IS going to own a part of this place very soon." kil "Wait, {b}what{/b}?!" scene w2_5062 with dissolve chuck "That was August's intention since she first started working here, it just took her this long to come around to the idea." kil "Oh, that's just fuckin' great. She's going to be extra annoying now." chuck "You should play nice with her, Killian." kil "Maybe I would if you gave me part of this place too." scene w2_5063 with dissolve chuck "Hmmpfh, one day. You haven't earned it yet lad." scene w2_5064 with dissolve mc "You already have the run of this place. What would even change?" kil "It'd just be nice..." scene w2_5065 with dissolve chuck "Chin up and enjoy yourself, lad. You're young. You should just concern yourself with enjoying life." chuck "God knows what I would've given to be able to enjoy all of this before my body got old and tired, but at least my charming nephew can reap the benefits of my fortune in my stead." scene w2_5066 with dissolve kil "You move better than I do, you spritely fuck!" scene w2_5065 with dissolve chuck "Not just you, but [mcf] too. Med school will be hell and you have a big future ahead of you, so suck as much pleasure out of this place as you can." scene w2_5067 with dissolve chuck "Most importantly though, make some fine memories {b}together{/b}." scene w2_5068 with dissolve mct "(Fine memories on the back of other's hardships, he means.)" chuck "It's your move, by the way." kil "Why bother? The outcome of the game was already decided before we even sat down." kil "Just like everything else..." scene black with fade "The game continued on, but I had known Ian long enough to know something was bothering him and festering beneath the surface." "Eventually, even though I had no idea how the game worked, it appeared Chuck beat Ian quite handily." scene w2_5069 with fade chuck "Ah... for want of a younger set of knees. Money really can't buy everything." scene w2_5070 with dissolve chuck "Thanks for sitting in, lad. Seeing you two together always makes me nostalgic for the time I spent at my sister's." mc "No problem. It was... enlightening." chuck "To think, he used to never want birthday parties!" KN_MOD "if rosalindSolution == False:" scene w2_5071 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...)" "Before I leave I could ask Chuck about alleviating Rosalind's problem with the loan shark." "Out of all the owners, we have the best rapport and it IS his business after all." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell him about Rosalinds problem.:" $ w2KillianRoseOffer = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Can I bring up some business with you?" scene w2_5072 with dissolve chuck "How odd, what is it?" scene w2_5071 with dissolve mc "One of the Carnations, Rosalind, requires some money or else it'll risk her--" scene w2_5074 with dissolve chuck "I'll stop you right there, lad. Bring it up with Kathy." chuck "The exhibition is her baby and I prefer to be hands-off with this place as much as possible." scene w2_5071 with dissolve "It was a flat refusal." mc "Right... I understand." scene w2_5073 with dissolve chuck "I wouldn't concern yourself too much about it. That woman has never let any of her playthings go." scene w2_5072 with dissolve chuck "Anyway, if you'll excuse me, nature calls." KN_MOD "Just wait and bring it up to Mrs. Pulman. if w2TIAugustRepeat == False:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Nah, I'll just wait and broach the subject with the old woman as I planned." scene w2_5072 with dissolve chuck "Anyway, if you'll excuse me, nature calls." KN_MOD "Just wait and bring it up to someone else. if w2TIAugustRepeat == True:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Hah, I'll just wait and broach the subject with either the old woman or August." scene w2_5072 with dissolve chuck "Anyway, if you'll excuse me, nature calls." scene w2_5075 with fade kil "So Hana's getting a piece of this pie..." scene w2_5076 with dissolve mc "You jealous?" scene w2_5077 with dissolve kil "Abso-fucking-lutely. She has nothing but hate for this place. I mean it's not like I deserve it anymore than her, but like... {i}fuck{/i}." kil "It still irks me." scene w2_5078 with dissolve mc " ever think about what you're going to do with your life? Like when you're forty, do you think you'll still be taking pictures?" scene w2_5079 with dissolve kil "Fuck if I know. My dad is always on my back about working with him, but that's the one thing I definitely don't want to do." scene w2_5078 with dissolve mc "..." KN_MOD "if w2KillianRoseOffer == True:" scene w2_5080 with dissolve kil "Hey, speaking of Uncle's suggestion of making memories..." mc "Yeah?" "Ian looked like he had something to say, but didn't know how to say it." scene w2_5081 with dissolve kil "Let me help Rosalind with her problem." scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "You don't know how much it is." scene w2_5081 with dissolve kil "Well?" scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "About five thousand or so." scene w2_5082 with dissolve kil "I can comfortably do five thousand." scene w2_5083 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "I'm sure Mrs. Pulman will take care of it." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'm sure Kathleen will take care of it." scene w2_5084 with dissolve kil "Eh, I didn't work for any of my money. It all comes from my family, one way or another." scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "Your self-awareness is commendable, you infuriating bastard." scene w2_5080 with dissolve kil "The reason I want to do it is... well..." scene w2_5082 with dissolve kil "Do you think she'll let us spit roast her if I gave her the money?" scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "W-what?" scene w2_5081 with dissolve kil "I want you and me to double team her." scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "You'll give her money if she sleeps with you?" scene w2_5085 with dissolve kil "If she sleeps with {b}us{/b}." scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "Why the both of us?" scene w2_5082 with dissolve kil "I dunno. It's always been a dream of mine to lay some pipe with my bro." scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "That's... pretty fucking weird." scene w2_5084 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExVeroPissedOn == True:" kil "Don't give me weird. I watched you piss on a chick's face last week!" KN_MOD "else:" kil "Don't give me weird, you sadistic prick. I watched you fuck in front of a crowd of men just last week." scene w2_5085 with dissolve kil "Don't you think it would be fun to ruin that fat-tittied slut together? Maybe even high five as the guitar riff kicks in?" scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "Are you fucking serious? You'll give Rosalind five thousand dollars to sleep with us?" scene w2_5081 with dissolve kil "Extremely goddamn serious." scene w2_5083 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Okay, youll bring it up to Rosalind.:" $ Killian_Bromance +=2 $ rosalindKilSolution = True $ rosalindSolution = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Why not?" scene w2_5086 with dissolve "It wasn't like I was opposed to banging Rosalind and this would solve her immediate problems. The exhibition itself was a whole other ballgame, but she would be able to breathe for a few weeks." scene w2_5087 with dissolve kil "Really? You're not going to get holier-than-thou about it? Really, really?" scene w2_5086 with dissolve mc "Yeah. If she agrees to it, why not?" scene w2_5088 with dissolve kil "Haha! Fuckin' awesome!" mc "It's up to her." kil "She'll say yes!" "It was true. She will. She probably would've done it even with just the sliver of hope of it helping her exhibition standing." scene w2_5089 with dissolve mc "It's strange how happy you are about this..." kil "It's strange that you're not, quite frankly." scene w2_5090 with dissolve mc "......" kil "..." scene w2_5091 with dissolve mc "Pft-" "It was so absurd and Ian was so genuinely happy that I couldn't help but share in a laugh." mc "Alright, fine. I'll bring it up with her." scene black with fade "We talked for a few more minutes and parted ways, Ian with a spring in his step." KN_MOD "jump w2TIHallway" KN_MOD "Thats too much for you.:" $ Killian_Bromance -=2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I don't think so. She's already being taken advantage of, let's not layer it on." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" "The hypocrisy of my own words wasn't lost on me." scene w2_5093 with dissolve kil "She won't have a problem with it you know. She'd probably even be relieved it was so simple." scene w2_5092 with dissolve "He wasn't wrong. She probably would've done it even with just the sliver of hope of it helping her exhibition standing." "That's how desperate she was." mc "Still, I don't think I want to do that." scene w2_5095 with dissolve kil "..." scene w2_5094 with dissolve kil "Whatever, it was just an offer." scene w2_5095 with dissolve "He looked completely defeated." scene w2_5096 with dissolve kil "Still, maybe one day, in a different set of circumstances?" "Now he looked hopeful, like a child looking for his parents to buy him a toy." scene black with fade mc "You're so fucking weird." "We talked for a few minutes before parting ways." KN_MOD "jump w2TIHallway" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Well, you'll figure it out. You have the luxury of taking the time to find something that makes you happy." "Ian and I talked for a few minutes, talking about this and that and nothing, before finally parting ways." scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2TIHallway" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2TIHallway" KN_MOD "label w2TINurse:" KN_MOD "if w2TINurseRepeat == False:" $ w2TINurseRepeat = True scene w2_5097 with dissolve mc "Hello." scene w2_5098 with dissolve nurse "Hello, Mr. [mcl]." scene w2_5099 with dissolve mc "You don't have to call me that." scene w2_5098 with dissolve nurse "I don't have to call you [mcf] either." scene w2_5099 with dissolve mc "What are you doing here?" scene w2_5100 with dissolve nurse "Waiting to play a game of chess, as you can see." scene w2_5101 with dissolve mc "Ah... \"one of Dr. Chuck's indulgences\" you mean." scene w2_5102 with dissolve nurse "Yes, he wanted to have a game with me." scene w2_5101 with dissolve mc "Are you good at chess?" scene w2_5102 with dissolve nurse "Not particularly. It's only a passing hobby." scene w2_5101 with dissolve mc "I see... sorry for all the questions. I don't mean to interrogate you, but it's just we've never spoken and I was surprised to find you here sitting all alone..." scene w2_5102 with dissolve nurse "No need to explain yourself, Mr. [mcl]." sophia "To answer what you want to ask, my name is Sophia." scene w2_5101 with dissolve mc "I like that. That's a pretty name." scene w2_5103 with dissolve sophia "..." mc "Well, you already know who I am, so I can just say..." scene w2_5104 with dissolve mc "Nice to meet you." scene w2_5105 with dissolve mc "Oh, sorry. You don't have to get up." sophia "No..." scene w2_5106 with dissolve sophia "It was rude of me to remain sitting." scene w2_5107 with dissolve "The moment we got close, I got a whiff of something alarming." "It was faint, but the perfume she wore bore the same scent as Mrs. Pulman's and had a similarly..." scene w2_5108 with dissolve mc "Ah-heh...!" "A similarly arousing effect." scene w2_5109 with dissolve mc "That's a... \"nice\" perfume you're wearing. Where did you get it?" scene w2_5110 with dissolve sophia "{b}Perfumery{/b} is another passing hobby of mine." scene w2_5109 with dissolve mc "You're telling me you made it yourself?" scene w2_5110 with dissolve sophia "That's correct." scene w2_5108 with dissolve "{b}She{/b} created that devilish aroma? Isn't she a nurse?" scene w2_5109 with dissolve mc "That's... impressive." scene w2_5111 with dissolve sophia "It's only an interest of mine." scene w2_5112 with dissolve mct "(Who is this woman?)" scene w2_5109 with dissolve mc "Do you have any other talents to speak of?" scene w2_5113 with dissolve sophia "Well..." "Her gaze went below my neck, past my waistline, and stopped at the subtle outline of the half-chub in my pants." scene w2_5111 with dissolve sophia "There is one other thing, but it must ONLY be done at Dr. Van Doren's discretion." scene w2_5108 with dissolve "Her implication immediately raised many questions about the man and I could tell she had a handle on my unscrupulous thoughts by the way her eyes drank me in." scene w2_5109 with dissolve mc "I guess Abel Van Doren likes to surround himself with women of talent." scene w2_5111 with dissolve sophia "I glow but faintly next to a man of his stature." scene w2_5109 with dissolve mc "That's..." scene w2_5108 with dissolve "As the aphrodisiac worked its insidious magic and took a stronger hold of my body, I knew it was time to cut our conversation short." scene w2_5109 with dissolve mc "I'm glad we got introduced." scene black with fade sophia "Likewise, Mr. [mcl]." KN_MOD "jump w2TIVIPLounge" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5114 with dissolve "I've already introduced myself to Abel Van Doren's nurse. It'd be dangerous to get close to her again, lest I want this half-chub in my pants to graduate to a raging, reason-consuming hardon." KN_MOD "jump w2TIVIPLounge" KN_MOD "label w2TIChessGame:" KN_MOD "if w2TIChessGameRepeat == False:" $ w2TIChessGameRepeat = True KN_MOD "if w2TINurseRepeat == True:" scene w2_5115 with dissolve sophia "You may play white, sir." scene w2_5116 with dissolve chuck "Ohohoh, you cheeky lass! Don't think I won't take any advantage I can get." chuck "Don't forget the terms of our bet." scene w2_5117 with dissolve sophia "None of this is necessary for {i}that{/i}, sir." scene w2_5118 with dissolve chuck "Quite frankly, if I can't beat you, I don't want it." scene w2_5117 with dissolve sophia "I'm afraid you won't get it then, sir." scene w2_5116 with dissolve chuck "Oh, time will tell." KN_MOD "jump w2TIVIPLounge" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5115 with dissolve nurse "You may play white, sir." scene w2_5116 with dissolve chuck "Ohohoh, you cheeky lass! Don't think I won't take any advantage I can get." chuck "Don't forget the terms of our bet." scene w2_5117 with dissolve nurse "None of this is necessary for {i}that{/i}, sir." scene w2_5118 with dissolve chuck "Quite frankly, if I can beat you, I don't want it." scene w2_5117 with dissolve nurse "I'm afraid you won't get it then, sir." scene w2_5116 with dissolve chuck "Oh, time will tell." KN_MOD "jump w2TIVIPLounge" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5119 with dissolve "No telling how long the game will go on." KN_MOD "jump w2TIVIPLounge" KN_MOD "label w2TIAbel:" scene w2_5120 with dissolve abel "Your Dr. Kohler is an interesting man." scene w2_5121 with dissolve mc "How so?" scene w2_5122 with dissolve abel "For the past two months, he's requested to play against my aide." scene w2_5123 with dissolve abel "For the past two months, he has been hopelessly defeated. One wonders what the point of this exercise is, when the gap in their ability is so insurmountable." scene w2_5124 with dissolve abel "Men our age don't have the time for games." scene w2_5125 with dissolve mc "Yet, you're here watching a game?" scene w2_5124 with dissolve abel "Well, the man {b}is{/b} a hospitable host. I should be an equally gracious guest." scene w2_5125 with dissolve "All the while we spoke, Abel kept his steely gaze on the subject of his words, as if he was trying to unravel the man with his eyes." mc "Do you continue to enjoy your time at the club then, Dr. Van Doren?" scene w2_5124 with dissolve abel "I do. It's truly a playground." abel "The results of my time here will be illuminating." scene w2_5125 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_5126 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2TINurseRepeat == True:" "Over the next ten or so minutes, we sat in silent observation of Dr. Chuck and Sophia's game." KN_MOD "else:" "Over the next ten or so minutes, we sat in silent observation of Dr. Chuck and the nurse's game. The fairer of which's name I came to learn was Sophia." scene w2_5127 with dissolve chuck "Ah... how frustrating!" chuck "You got me. I resign." sophia "Thank you for the game, Dr. Kohler." chuck "The pleasure is all mine, Miss." scene w2_5128 with dissolve abel "You held out longer than last week, Charles." chuck "Not long enough..." sophia "Would you like to play again, Dr. Kohler?" chuck "Would you mind me taking up some more of your precious assistant's time, Abel?" abel "I've told you to consider her yours." scene w2_5129 with dissolve chuck "Then I would very much like to play again." sophia "You may play white, sir." chuck "Aha...! This woman...!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Two more games saw Chuck suffer the same result: defeat. I had come to learn that this was his thirty-first straight loss." "Still, he remained undeterred and another game was set up for tomorrow night." play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene w2_5130 with dissolve chuck "Ha! Did you enjoy watching me lose, lad?" scene w2_5131 with dissolve mc "For you to be so determined, Dr. Van Doren's nurse must be quite good." scene w2_5132 with dissolve chuck "Nurse? Dr. Lundgren is posed to take over Abel's responsibilities as research lead at Vanderbilt once he dies." scene w2_5131 with dissolve mc "Shit, I just assumed..." scene w2_5132 with dissolve chuck "I can see why you might think that... looking after his health is also part of what she does for that tight ass." scene w2_5130 with dissolve chuck "One day though, I'll beat her. Losing just makes the victory all that much sweeter." scene w2_5133 with dissolve chuck "And when I do..." scene w2_5134 with dissolve "He may not have finished his thought, but at this moment, Dr. Chuck didn't look like the jovial man I thought I knew." "His lips curled up with lascivious intent, his good-natured expression replaced by something more unsettling." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade chuck "Come, lad. Let's get out of here." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ met_sophia = True show bioadd with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2TIKathleen" KN_MOD "label w2TIKathleen:" play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene w2_5135 with circlewipe kat "Excellent timing. Hana and I just concluded our discussion." mc "I was gone for almost fifty minutes. What did the two of you possibly talk about for that long?" "A quick glance at the old woman told me her face was intact and she still had all her fingers." scene w2_5136 with dissolve kat "Oh, this and that. Needless to say, we talked about her future involvement in the club and what shape that may take, as well as what could practically be changed around her for the better." scene w2_5137 with dissolve mc "I'm interested in what those suggestions might be." scene w2_5136 with dissolve kat "If Hana wants to that's fine, but the details are not mine to divulge. It was a private conversation." scene w2_5138 with dissolve kat "I will say she found the photos you took \"interesting\"..." scene w2_5137 with dissolve mc "She... saw those?" scene w2_5139 with dissolve "The thought of Hana seeing the debauchery I helped orchestrate filled me with an implacable sense of frustration bordering on shame." scene w2_5140 with dissolve kat "I couldn't wait to do my initial review. I had spent all week anticipating the juicy morsels you would hand deliver me." scene w2_5136 with dissolve kat "And since she was here, I took it as an opportunity to evaluate her eye for the erotic." scene w2_5137 with dissolve mc "What did she think of them?" scene w2_5136 with dissolve kat "As you might expect, she didn't have much to add." scene w2_5137 with dissolve mc "Is that so?" scene w2_5140 with dissolve kat "Don't worry. I only showed her a select few. For example, I spared her from seeing you parade that large whore around like a dog." kat "That was... well, that made my whole damn morning [mcf]." scene w2_5137 with dissolve mc "That was Veronica's idea. Her collar too." scene w2_5141 with dissolve kat "Was it now? She surprises me!" scene w2_5142 with dissolve mc "She's determined to save her business. She wants to win. That desperation is what you count on, right?" scene w2_5141 with dissolve kat "True, but to hear she {b}volunteered{/b} to crawl around like a bitch... what a delight." scene w2_5142 with dissolve mc "So you are pleased with what I brought you then?" scene w2_5143 with dissolve kat "Very pleased. It wasn't perfect, but you lived up to the task colorfully." scene w2_5144 with dissolve kat "Felicia wasn't as flustered as I hoped, but the shoot itself was impeccable. She's such an expressive woman, she carried the earlier portion entirely with her clothes on." scene w2_5142 with dissolve mc "Good. I was worried that might not have translated well through just simple photos. We should've done it on video." scene w2_5143 with dissolve kat "You think? I find there's something particularly sordid about a photo myself, but I will keep that in mind for the future." scene w2_5145 with dissolve kat "After all, you should always match the right tool with the artist." scene w2_5142 with dissolve mc "How did you find Rosalind's shoot?" "I, to my own surprise, found myself asking questions as if I genuinely wanted an honest appraisal of my work." scene w2_5144 with dissolve kat "Rose went according to expectations, which is to say it turned out well. Out of all the Carnations, she was textbook in her actions." scene w2_5141 with dissolve kat "Really... that woman's got such sad eyes and that combination of meek and desperate... ah, I {b}love{/b} it." scene w2_5142 with dissolve "Do what you enjoy and you'll never work a day in your life, eh?" mc "Do you know who's going to win then?" scene w2_5143 with dissolve kat "Not yet. I have my own favorite, but it all depends on how our patrons feel. I'll send them out this evening and we'll know by tomorrow night." scene w2_5145 with dissolve kat "Before we finish, tell me: who did you have the most fun with? Which bitch did you enjoy watching squirm the most?" scene w2_5147 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Rosalind.:" $ w2RoseShootPoints +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "We were being so candid, the answer came easily from my mouth, unfiltered and entirely truthful." scene w2_5148 with dissolve mc "Rosalind." scene w2_5147 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Carter. I thought so. Doe-eyed and vulnerable, {b}motherly{/b}. It must be fun for a man with your peculiarities to stomp all over that." scene w2_5149 with dissolve mc "What is that supposed to mean?" scene w2_5147 with dissolve kat "Nothing. Just the musings of an old woman." KN_MOD "Veronica.:" $ w2VeroShootPoints +=1 $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "We were being so candid, the answer came easily from my mouth, unfiltered and entirely truthful." scene w2_5148 with dissolve mc "Veronica." scene w2_5147 with dissolve kat "Miss Lynch. Not much in the looks department, but it is exciting to put a heel to the back of that prideful cunt's neck and grind her face into the dirt." kat "Am I right?" scene w2_5149 with dissolve mc "I enjoy working with her. That's it." scene w2_5147 with dissolve kat "Hmpfh. Alright." KN_MOD "Felicia.:" $ w2FelShootPoints += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "We were being so candid, the answer came easily from my mouth, unfiltered and entirely truthful." scene w2_5148 with dissolve mc "Felicia." scene w2_5147 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Ford, yes. She's got quite the magnetic pull." kat "Personally, the way she rises to the occasion makes breaking her in less fun, but I understand that appeal." scene w2_5148 with dissolve mc "She's easy to work with." scene w2_5147 with dissolve kat "I bet she is..." scene w2_5137 with dissolve mc "Why do you ask?" scene w2_5136 with dissolve kat "I'll take your opinion into account when factoring in who wins this challenge. Could matter if things are close and I need to tip the scales in one girl's direction." KN_MOD "if rosalindSolution == False:" kat "I believe that's all I had to say. Do you have anything to add?" scene w2_5137 with dissolve mc "Actually, I do. It's about Rosalind and could present a problem with her participation for the remaining weeks." scene w2_5150 with dissolve kat "Sounds serious. Speak." scene w2_5151 with dissolve mc "Her loan shark is putting the screws to her. Threatening her." mc "She has less than a week to pay back what she owes in interest before he acts on his threats." scene w2_5152 with dissolve kat "I see... well, this isn't the first time a Carnation's circumstances have threatened the prosperity of my show." kat "I'll give her whatever money she needs, but even should she win, that will be a separate account." scene w2_5153 with dissolve mc "Meaning?" scene w2_5155 with dissolve kat "Meaning her fat ass will work here after the exhibition is over until she pays back what is due." scene w2_5153 with dissolve mc "That's..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2TIKatRoseSolution:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Butterfly/Chameleon]{/color} Suggest the situation would be a good rallying moment. if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 $ rosalindSolution = True $ rosalindKatSolutionFree = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I think you should do it at cost." scene w2_5158 with dissolve kat "Why? The amount of money may be a pittance, but it's a good chance to ensnare that cow and squeeze a little more out of her." scene w2_5149 with dissolve mc "Hear me out, alright? You remove this burden off Rosalind's shoulders, no strings attached, you'll invigorate her in the coming weeks." scene w2_5159 with dissolve mc "She'll shine more brightly on the stage, knowing that the only thing she has to focus on over the next two weeks is the exhibition itself." scene w2_5147 with dissolve kat "Maybe. Do you think that's the case with her?" scene w2_5149 with dissolve mc "I mean, I'm new at this and nothing's guaranteed, but my primary job responsibility is to keep the Carnations motivated." scene w2_5159 with dissolve mc "I think fostering some goodwill between the club and the Carnations will be beneficial. Plus, on the opposite side of things, adding another chain around her neck will just weigh her down." scene w2_5148 with dissolve mc "Having more debt looming over her regardless of the contest's outcome will just demotivate her. Her performance on stage will suffer." scene w2_5156 with dissolve kat "Hmm..." mc "Quite frankly, it's in the club's best interest if she's unfettered by everything else besides putting on the best show." scene w2_5154 with dissolve kat "And what if Veronica sees the handout and gets jealous?" scene w2_5156 with dissolve mc "You explain to her that it's extenuating circumstances. She's a reasonable woman." mc "She's not the type of person to be embittered just because Rose's unfortunate circumstances were made better." scene w2_5158 with dissolve kat "Are you basing this on what you know of the woman or are you just giving her the benefit of the doubt?" scene w2_5157 with dissolve kat "..." scene w2_5145 with dissolve kat "Alright, we'll do it your way. I'll unconditionally give her the money she needs." KN_MOD "As a favor, ask her to do it for free.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I think you should do it for free." scene w2_5158 with dissolve kat "On what basis? The amount of money may be a pittance, but it's a good chance to ensnare that cow and squeeze a little more out of her." scene w2_5156 with dissolve mc "It just doesn't sit right with me, piling atop her misery like this." scene w2_5158 with dissolve kat "This place doesn't run on happy feelings, [mcf]." scene w2_5156 with dissolve mc "The exhibition does run on our performers well-being." scene w2_5157 with dissolve kat "Hmmm..." mc "At the very least, can we do it my way, as a favor? I did a good job this week didn't I?" KN_MOD "if w2KatSex == True or Kathleen_Affection >= 20:" $ rosalindSolution = True $ rosalindKatSolutionFree = True scene w2_5145 with dissolve kat "Alright. We'll do it your way since I like you. I'll unconditionally give that cow the money she needs." kat "Remember it and don't ever call me an unreasonable woman." KN_MOD "else:" $ rosalindSolution = True $ rosalindKatSolution = True scene w2_5146 with dissolve kat "No. We don't give handouts around here and there's a certain way things should be done." scene w2_5143 with dissolve kat "Tell Rosalind her loan shark problem will be taken care of in the immediate future, but she'll be on the hook to me for a more manageable sum after the exhibition." scene w2_5142 with dissolve "Well, I tried. It's out of my hands." mct "(...maybe I should've fostered a better working relationship with the woman.)" KN_MOD "You guess Rose has no other choice in the matter.:" $ rosalindSolution = True $ rosalindKatSolution = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, it's something I guess." scene w2_5144 with dissolve kat "Good. Tell Rosalind her loan shark problem will be taken care of in the immediate future, but she'll be on the hook to me for a more manageable sum after the exhibition." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Butterfly/Chameleon] Suggest the situation would be a good rallying moment. {/color}. if perk_socialButterfly == False and perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2TIKatRoseSolution" scene w2_5137 with dissolve mc "Thank you, Mrs. Pulman. That was the only other thing I had to report." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5160 with dissolve mc "Then do you need me for anything else? Can I go?" kat "If you have nothing else to report then, {b}yes{/b}. You may." scene w2_5161 with dissolve kat "Oh, [mcf]..." mc "..." scene w2_5162 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Good work, by the way. Having you around to do the stuff I can't do is proving worthwhile indeed." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" "Having wrapped up my business at the club, a thought crossed my mind regarding something I probably should've done last night." scene w2_5163 with circlewipe "I should notify Rosalind that, thanks to Felicia's help, she can breathe easier for the time being. {b}Only{/b} just a little though..." KN_MOD "else:" "Having wrapped up my business at the club, I wanted to notify Rosalind that she can breathe easier for the time being." scene w2_5163 with circlewipe "If only just a little bit..." play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "*Ring, ring.*" stop sound rose "Hello?" scene w2_5164 with dissolve mc "I hope I'm not calling at an inconvenient time." play music "music/a-lost-map-of-a-heaven.ogg" scene w2_5165 with dissolve rose "A bad time? *Scoff* What do you want?" scene w2_5166 with dissolve "Rosalind's tone was unusually frosty and vacant." mc "Is everything okay?" scene w2_5165 with dissolve rose "Oh, just swell..." scene w2_5167 with dissolve mc "Has that asshole bottom feeder been harassing you?" scene w2_5168 with dissolve rose "Of course he has, but even if he wasn't..." scene w2_5165 with dissolve rose "*Sigh* It's not like my life wouldn't be in the shitter anyway..." scene w2_5167 with dissolve mc "You don't have anyone to talk about your problems with, do you? It must be tough." scene w2_5165 with dissolve rose "Not really. What good would talking do?" scene w2_5166 with dissolve mc "Talking helps." scene w2_5168 with dissolve rose "The only thing that would help is $23,000 or my husband's balls in a jar." scene w2_5166 with dissolve mc "...sorry." "Platitudes would obviously be distasteful to a woman with her circumstances." scene w2_5170 with dissolve rose "Forget I said anything. I'm fine." rose "What do you need, Mr. [mcl]?" scene w2_5169 with dissolve mc "I'll cut to the chase. I found some money for you to pay off the interest you owe, as well as keep you square for the remaining weeks of the exhibition." scene w2_5171 with dissolve rose "...y-you did?" KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" scene w2_5172 with dissolve mc "I did. No strings attached, either." scene w2_5173 with dissolve "--for Rosalind, at least. Naturally, I'm leaving out the details of her sugar mama proposition." scene w2_5172 with dissolve mc "Felicia is going to wire me the money and I'm going to transfer it to you." scene w2_5173 with dissolve rose "Felicia...? Why would she...?" scene w2_5174 with dissolve mc "Who can say why the crazy woman does anything, but in this case, I think she just wanted to be a friend. You guys may be competing, but you're in this together." scene w2_5176 with dissolve mc "I bet it was my speech last week that made an impression on her." scene w2_5177 with dissolve "I said it with a cocky inflection as a joke." scene w2_5178 with dissolve rose "Heh, I doubt that... {b}a lot{/b}." scene w2_5179 with dissolve mc "So you'll take it, right? Of course?" scene w2_5180 with dissolve rose "I feel weird about it, but I'm not in any position to refuse." scene w2_5181 with dissolve mc "Don't worry. It really is an unconditional sum. Felicia is... very wealthy." scene w2_5182 with dissolve rose "I still don't understand why she would... ah..." scene w2_5173 with dissolve rose "Will you thank her for me?" scene w2_5174 with dissolve mc "Eh? Find the right moment and do it yourself." mc "Don't forget we're meeting at the diner tomorrow." scene w2_5183 with dissolve rose "You're really serious about this team-building nonsense, huh?" mc "It helps me feel like I'm doing a real fucking job. For some reason, that's important to me." scene w2_5184 with dissolve rose "Heh...! Then I'll thank her in person." mc "I know this is a tough ask, but take all the time you can to get in a good headspace for tomorrow." scene w2_5185 with dissolve mc "Do something you enjoy or treat yourself or... whatever. Everything must feel joyless right now, but you should try." rose "Thanks, [mcf]. I'll try." "To my relief, her words weren't as vacant as earlier." $ history_rosalind = "I called Rosalind and she seemed unusually down, but perked back up when she learned that her loan shark problems have been temporarily alleviated thanks to my arrangement with Felicia." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "I'll see you tomorrow, Rose. Take care." KN_MOD "if rosalindAugSolution == True or rosalindKatSolutionFree:" scene w2_5172 with dissolve mc "I did. No strings attached, either." scene w2_5173 with dissolve rose "I don't have to do anything or pay it back?" scene w2_5176 with dissolve mc "Nope. Not a thing." mc "It's in the club's best interest not to allow anything to interfere with your performance. You can't imagine the kind of money the exhibition brings in and you're one of the stars." mc "Don't forget I have your back, Rose." scene w2_5177 with dissolve "I mean it's not like I had figures or anything, but it seemed like a good guess." scene w2_5178 with dissolve rose "That's... Ha...! That's a relief." scene w2_5179 with dissolve mc "Honestly, I don't know why I'm acting so cool considering I'm not the one footing the bill, but..." scene w2_5180 with dissolve rose "Thank you, [mcf]." scene w2_5181 with dissolve "She cut me off, her words less vacant than previously before." scene w2_5180 with dissolve rose "I know you said you would help, but I just... I expected it to cost me." scene w2_5176 with dissolve mc "I know it's not a cure for what ails you, but take it one day at a time and get yourself in a good headspace for tomorrow." mc "Do something you enjoy or treat yourself or... whatever. Everything must feel joyless right now, but you should try." scene w2_5183 with dissolve rose "I'll try my best." scene w2_5184 with dissolve rose "I didn't mean what I said earlier, about my life being in the shitter." scene w2_5185 with dissolve mc "I know. I'll see you at the diner tomorrow, just like last week." $ history_rosalind = "I called Rosalind and she seemed unusually down, but perked back up when she learned that her loan shark problems have been temporarily alleviated." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Take care, Rose." KN_MOD "if rosalindKilSolution == True:" scene w2_5174 with dissolve mc "Well potentially. Killian said he'd pay it, on the condition that you entertain us one evening." scene w2_5175 with dissolve "No point in beating around the bush..." scene w2_5174 with dissolve mc "More specifically, he wants me, you, and him to have a threesome." scene w2_5186 with dissolve rose "...are you serious?" scene w2_5187 with dissolve mc "I know you feel like you don't have a choice, but you can say no and I can take this to Mrs. Pul-" scene w2_5188 with dissolve rose "All that money, just for {b}that{/b}? Ha...!" scene w2_5178 with dissolve rose "Why the heck would I say no? That's just a drop in the bucket after everything I've already done and am going to do by the end of this month." scene w2_5179 with dissolve mc "I... figured you might see it that way." scene w2_5180 with dissolve rose "If the club paid for it, I'd likely have to pay it back, right?" scene w2_5181 with dissolve mc "Possibly." scene w2_5178 with dissolve rose "No, this way is for the best. Having some fun and making some money feels a lot better than the current gamble I'm taking with this game." scene w2_5179 with dissolve "I expected her to be pragmatic, but I didn't expect this level of enthusiasm." mc "I'll let him know then." scene w2_5176 with dissolve mc "I know it's not a cure for what ails you, but take it one day at a time and get yourself in a good headspace for tomorrow." mc "Do something you enjoy or treat yourself or... whatever. Everything must feel joyless right now, but you should try." scene w2_5183 with dissolve rose "I'll try my best." scene w2_5184 with dissolve rose "I didn't mean what I said earlier, about my life being in the shitter." scene w2_5185 with dissolve mc "I know. I'll see you at the diner tomorrow, just like last week." $ history_rosalind = "I called Rosalind and she seemed unusually down, but perked back up when she learned that her loan shark problems have been temporarily alleviated thanks to the unusual (and weird) arrangement made with Ian." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Take care, Rose." KN_MOD "if rosalindKatSolution == True:" scene w2_5174 with dissolve mc "I did, but whether you win or lose, the club is going to want you to pay it back after the exhibition is over." scene w2_5175 with dissolve rose "...heh, figures." scene w2_5167 with dissolve mc "I know it's not ideal, but..." scene w2_5168 with dissolve rose "Nothing in life is free." scene w2_5166 with dissolve mc "So, you'll take the money?" scene w2_5165 with dissolve rose "Of course. If I win, it's a small sum compared to what I currently owe. If I lose, well just pile more dirt on me, I'm already buried." scene w2_5166 with dissolve "Her dark pragmatism got under my skin and made me wish I found a way to get her the money with no strings attached." mc "I'll let Mrs. Pulman know then." scene w2_5172 with dissolve mc "I know it's not a cure for what ails you, but take it one day at a time and get yourself in a good headspace for tomorrow." mc "Do something you enjoy or treat yourself or... whatever. Everything must feel joyless right now, but you should try." scene w2_5183 with dissolve rose "I'll... try my best." scene w2_5184 with dissolve rose "I didn't mean what I said earlier, about my life being in the shitter." scene w2_5185 with dissolve "Her voice wasn't quite as vacant as previously before." mc "I know. I'll see you at the diner tomorrow, just like last week." $ history_rosalind = "I delivered the news to Rosalind. Her loans shark woes have been temporarily alleviated, at the steep cost of owing the club money as well." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Take care, Rose." stop music play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w2_5189 with dissolve "*Click*" mct "(Good. Glad that's taken care of...)" scene w2_5190 with dissolve hana "There you are. I got sick of twiddling my thumbs at the bar waiting for you." mc "Why were you waiting for me?" hana "I'm your ride, remember? I wasn't just gonna ditch you." scene w2_5191 with dissolve mc "Ah, yeah. Right. You're the best, Hana." scene w2_5192 with dissolve hana "Ain't I?" scene w2_5191 with dissolve mc "Now, take me home, driver." scene w2_5193 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mct "(I think I'll get a nap in before meeting Mina and her brother at the arcade.)" scene black with fade hana "Fucker...!" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2MinaArcade" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(I'm feeling like a nap.)" scene black with fade hana "Fucker...!" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2June12End" KN_MOD "label w2MinaArcade:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionmina02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june12day" play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene w2_5194 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "Despite having absolutely nothing to do between getting home and meeting up with Mina, I still somehow managed to be late." "Our meeting spot was an old arcade in the city, one that had been there for as long as I could remember and had changed hands many times over the years. It was the kind of place whose floor and walls took you to a whole other era." mc "Ah...!" scene w2_5195 with dissolve mc "Sorry I'm late, I hope you didn't... hmm, where's your sister?" scene w2_5196 with dissolve sora "Not here yet..." scene w2_5197 with dissolve "His voice came out in a wispish tone that was hard to make out against the hum of the city." scene w2_5198 with dissolve mc "Ah, no biggie. Want to go in and play some games or do you want to wait out here together?" scene w2_5196 with dissolve sora "You can go in if you want... I'll stay out here..." scene w2_5197 with dissolve mct "(Right, the kid's shy...)" scene w2_5199 with dissolve mc "I'll wait with you then." sora "Suit yourself..." scene w2_5200 with dissolve "......" scene w2_5201 with dissolve "..." scene w2_5202 with dissolve sora "So... how do you know my sister?" scene w2_5203 with dissolve mc "I met her through Killian. You know him?" "I recalled Mina mentioning that Ian hadn't met her mother, so I could only guess what her brother might know." scene w2_5202 with dissolve sora "Yeah, I've met him two or three times... and I've heard about him a whole lot more..." scene w2_5203 with dissolve mc "You and Mina are pretty close, huh?" "That much was clearly obvious to me already, but I wanted to start building a rapport with the boy if the three of us were going to be spending a couple of hours together." scene w2_5204 with dissolve sora "I guess... I mean, she's my sister..." scene w2_5203 with dissolve mc "I don't know what that's like. Only child here." scene w2_5204 with dissolve sora "It's... I mean..." scene w2_5200 with dissolve "Looks like I was losing him again." scene w2_5205 with dissolve mc "It's got its ups and downs?" scene w2_5206 with dissolve sora "Yeah, she couldn't wait to leave home last-- oh, there..." mc "...?" play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" scene w2_5207 with vpunch "It was sudden. {b}All too sudden{/b}." "An ambush. A sneak attack. A {i}stealth glomp{/i}." "Like prey caught unaware by a stalking lioness, I was {b}had{/b}." scene w2_5208 with dissolve mc "Hey..." scene w2_5209 with dissolve "Using her superior position, Mina pressed her chest firmly into my back and enveloped me in an all-consuming hug." scene w2_5210 with dissolve mina "Hey~!" scene w2_5209 with dissolve mct "(No bra...)" "The tight hold she had on me told me as much. I could feel semi-stiff buds of her breasts through the fabric of both of our shirts." scene w2_5210 with dissolve mina "Sorry I'm late. I mistimed my wash and didn't know what to wear, hehe." scene w2_5211 with dissolve mina "C'mere you!" sora "You don't have to- it's embarrass-" scene w2_5212 with dissolve "His protests were stifled by the power of Mina's hug." mina "Hey, dorkus!" mct "(A terrifying foe...)" sora "Hey, sis..." scene w2_5213 with dissolve mina "What are you guys doing just standing outside?" sora "Waiting for you." scene w2_5214 with dissolve mina "Eh? Why didn't you go inside? Is it that you can't have fun without little' ol' meeeee?" "Mina's over-exuberance was in stark contrast to yesterday's revelation. She wore it well, but it still felt..." mct "(Fake.)" scene w2_5215 with dissolve sora "Yesh, tone it down. People are going to think you're weird." mina "I'm excited to spend some time with my little brother!" sora "...don't forget [mcf]." scene w2_5216 with dissolve mina "Uh huh..." scene w2_5217 with dissolve mina "{b}And{/b} [mcf] too." scene w2_5216 with dissolve mct "(What's with that expression...?)" stop ambient fadeout 3.0 stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Come on, let's go inside." scene w2_5218 with fade "The inside of the arcade smelled as stale as the decor was abundantly gaudy." "Numerous game machines dotted the walls and filled the floor space, far outnumbering players and giving us the pick of the place." play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w2_5219 with dissolve mc "So... you doing okay?" scene w2_5220 with dissolve mina "Yep! Just peachy!" scene w2_5221 with dissolve "Mina let her gaze linger on me, holding the awkward pose." "The way she wrinkled her shoulders and shifted her weight seemed to purposefully invite my eyeline down into the expansive valley of her chest." mc "Well... let's just focus on having fun today." "I wanted to caution her about overdoing it, but I feared popping her enthusiasm like an overinflated balloon." scene w2_5222 with dissolve mina "What should we play first~?" scene w2_5223 with dissolve mc "I'm just here for the company. You pick." scene w2_5224 with dissolve mina "Everything it is then, hehe!" "With a titter and a skip, Mina forged ahead and I soon followed." scene w2_5225 with wipeleft "......" "..." scene w2_5226 with hpunch mina "Ha! Got you!" sora "Stop being so loud..." scene w2_5227 with wiperight "......" "..." scene w2_5228 with dissolve mct "(Damn...)" "Utter defeat." scene w2_5229 with dissolve mina "Heh...!" "It started off rocky, but naturally, Mina was the lynchpin in the whole afternoon. Her enthusiasm was inescapably infectious." scene w2_5230 with fade "It quickly melted away my feeling of being a third wheel and thawed the awkward atmosphere between her brother and myself." sora "Oh! Uh, I don't really know any of those movies..." scene w2_5231 with dissolve mc "You {b}seriously{/b} haven't seen Samurai Cop?" mina "No, neither of us have seen your nerdy movies!" mc "Next time we hang out we've got to..." scene w2_5232 with dissolve mina "Ah, shoot! My last ball!" "The pair of them had a natural rhythm befitting siblings, but Mina did her utmost to draw me into the conversation and humor." scene w2_5233 with fade "What had been something I was doing simply because someone asked me to had become genuine fun." mina "You sure you want a rematch? There's all these other games." mc "C'mon, give me a shot." mina "Well..." scene w2_5234 with dissolve mina "Okay, but you've got to make it fun for me." mc "Are you proposing a bet?" mina "I mean, I've got to make it interesting for myself. Beating someone as sucky as you is SO boring." scene w2_5235 with dissolve mc "You...!" "The way she leaned into me and tugged at my arm made it a difficult proposition to refuse." mc "Fine. What are the terms?" scene w2_5236 with dissolve mina "Hm... good question. If I win, you give me a piggyback to my car." mc "What are you, a child?" scene w2_5237 with dissolve mina "Shut it. That's what I want." mina "If you win... let's just call it a tee-bee-dee eye-oh-you?" scene w2_5238 with dissolve mc "A favor?" mina "Yeah, a {b}favor{/b}. Open ended." scene w2_5239 with dissolve mina "Don't bother putting too much thought into it. You're not going to win." scene w2_5240 with dissolve "I could tell Mina delighted in showing her teeth." scene w2_5241 with dissolve mc "Alright. Bet." scene w2_5242 with dissolve "Why not? For the most likely outcome. A piggyback wasn't such a big deal." scene w2_5243 with dissolve mina "Hehe... bet!" mina "However, first..." scene w2_5244 with dissolve mina "UDB is finally free! Thought those hogs would never get off of it!" scene w2_5245 with dissolve "Setting our bet aside for later, Mina headed toward the vacant center piece of this dingy arcade, leaving Sora and I alone." scene w2_5246 with dissolve mct "(Hmm... I could...)" "Beating Mina at her own game would prove improbable. I only managed to take a single round yesterday. " scene w2_5247 with dissolve "The only chance I would have of winning the bet would be..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Enlist Soras help in distracting Mina during your bet.:" $ w2MinaDistract = True scene w2_5271 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Hey, kid. How'd you like to help me take your sister down a peg?" scene w2_5272 with dissolve sora "Are you talking about winning that stupid bet you just made?" scene w2_5273 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that one. I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning." scene w2_5272 with dissolve sora "Then why did you agree to it?" scene w2_5274 with dissolve mc "Because... where there's a will there's a Sora?" scene w2_5272 with dissolve sora "You sure it wasn't because she was all over you?" scene w2_5275 with dissolve mc "What? She's just the touchy-feely type." scene w2_5276 with dissolve sora "Not really. She's being weird today." scene w2_5277 with dissolve "He noticed that too." scene w2_5276 with dissolve sora "What's in it for me and what do you want me to do?" scene w2_5278 with dissolve mc "Just distract her somehow when we play and I'll give you twenty bucks and the potential of stopping your sister's tyranny." scene w2_5279 with dissolve sora "Well... it would be fun to see her face if she loses." sora "I've never beaten her either." scene w2_5280 with dissolve mc "It's a deal." "I don't think Mina would mind too much. She did want us to get to know each other and what better way to do that than a conspiracy?" KN_MOD "Play fair.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Nah. What's the point of winning if you don't play fair?" scene w2_5280 with dissolve mc "Want to join your sis on the dance pad?" scene w2_5604 with dissolve sora "You any good at UDB?" mc "No, I was... more into shooters as a kid." sora "Me too..." scene w2_5605 with dissolve sora "Ah..." scene w2_5606 with dissolve sora "Hey, pick Belariel if my sister picks Phaendar." scene w2_5607 with dissolve mc "Belariel?" scene w2_5608 with dissolve sora "She's the big tidd- ...she's the large succubus lady. Her main doesn't fare well against ranged pokes." sora "It won't be an automatic win, but you'll get some free damage in that way." scene w2_5609 with dissolve mc "Noted. Thanks for the advice, teacher." scene w2_5610 with dissolve sora "No problem." scene w2_5611 with dissolve sora "Let's trade picking the song this time!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." play music "music/higher-octane.ogg" scene w2_5612 with dissolve mct "(--!)" mct "(I took the first round...?)" "It was close, but a lot of unpredictable mashing coupled with Sora's advice let me eke out a round." mct "(That or...)" scene w2_5613 with dissolve mina "Don't get cocky, that was a fluke." scene w2_5614 with dissolve mct "(...did she sandbag?)" "I got my answer in the second round." $, 0, channel = "music") hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" scene w2_5679 with w19 pause play sound "sound effects/metal-drop.wav" scene w2_5684 with hpunch pause play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" scene w2_5679 with vpunch pause play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_5687 with hpunch pause play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_5685 with vpunch pause play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_5686 with hpunch show r3ov10 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "She quickly adapted to my braindead strategy of spamming fireballs, nearly landing a perfect on me in a demoralizing defeat." scene w2_5615 with dissolve mina "Heh, heh~ toooold you~" KN_MOD "if w2MinaDistract == True:" scene w2_5616 with dissolve "In either round, nary a peep from Sora in distracting Mina." mct "(I'm going to want my money back, punk...)" scene w2_5617 with dissolve sora "Heh..." scene w2_5618 with dissolve mc "Guess it comes down to the wire?" scene w2_5619 with dissolve mina "Ohohoho, does it look that way to you?" scene w2_5678 with pixellate show r3ov1 with dissolve "Round 3... Start!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep your distance and exploit your ranged attacks.:" $ w2FightBranch = 1 "I should open by playing my advantage, keeping Mina at a distance and getting a life lead with some chip damage." play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" scene w2_5679 with hpunch "*Pfweeh!*" "Mina, who was slow on the draw, failed to bridge the gap between us and got stuck blocking my incoming fireballs." play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" with hpunch "*Pfweeh!* *Pfweeh!*" "She used the time between inputs to gradually advance, but each time she blocked she took a sliver of damage." play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" with hpunch "*Pfweeh!* *Pfweeh!* *Pfweeh!*" scene w2_5614 with pixellate mct "(It may not amount to much, but every little bit of damage counts!)" "I was ahead in health, but now she had me cornered..." mina "You really just going stand there like that?" KN_MOD "Rush in and use a command grab to take her by surprise.:" "Just like I did in round 1 and round 2, she'll no doubt expect me to spam fireballs. Instead..." play sound "sound effects/grab-chime.wav" scene w2_5688 with vpunch mct "(I'll take her by surprise!)" mct "(Yes, I...)" play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" scene w2_5687 with hpunch "--Shit!" play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_5685 with vpunch "I had successfully made my grab, but my options up close were limited and I made myself vulnerable to Mina's counterattack." scene w2_5614 with pixellate "Now she had me cornered..." scene w2_5613 with dissolve mina "Ha, now...!" play sound "sound effects/metal-crash.mp3" scene w2_5679 with pixellate "Through dumb luck, I mashed my way out of the mix-up, pushing her back, and avoided her pressuring me." play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" scene w2_5681 with hpunch KN_MOD "if w2FightBranch == 1:" show r3ov2 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" show r3ov3 with dissolve "However, unsure of my options, I dumbly began lobbing more fireballs. Naturally, she blocked, but this time Mina's character spent some meter and shifted into a strange stance." "Strangely, the blow also charged her meter, but I was only slightly behind in that aspect. Maybe I could top off my meter with this spam and hit my special while she's focused on blocking..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep charging!:" mct "(Yeah, if we both played that game, I'll come out ahead...)" play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" with hpunch "...or so I thought." play sound "sound effects/thunder-crack.mp3" scene w2_5683 with hpunch "To my shock, my second fireball completely filled her meter and she instantly spent it on a devastating counter." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_5685 with vpunch "Spending what was left of her meter to dash forward, she then put me in the same soul-crushing combo she finished me off with in round 2." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5686 with hpunch show r3ov4 with dissolve mc "Shit, it's..." scene w2_5620 with dissolve mina "Ha!" mct "(It's over.)" scene w2_5621 with dissolve play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" mina "Good game!" scene w2_5622 with dissolve mc "Yeah, it was..." "I had made a critical mistake, and it was frustrating, but I had no hope in the first place." scene w2_5623 with dissolve mc "Well, you win. Hop on?" mina "Not right now. You're going to carry me to my car remember?" sora "{size=-10}Why would you even ask for...{/size=-10}" scene w2_5624 with dissolve mc "What do you want to play next then?" sora "{size=-10}Yeesh, you're so blatant...{/size=-10}" mc "Best two out of three?" mina "You two can play if you want." KN_MOD "jump w2ArcadeSora" KN_MOD "Rush her down and grab her!:" play sound "sound effects/grab-chime.wav" scene w2_5688 with wipeleft "Now's the time to dash forward, grab her, and force her into a mix-up. Mina's far better than me, so the only way I can win is by getting her to guess wrong." play sound "sound effects/metal-crash.mp3" scene w2_5679 with hpunch "It was a dangerous game. I was surprisingly coming out ahead in our exchanges, but I didn't know any combos to capitalize on a successful blow, while Mina did." play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" with hpunch "There was always the threat that I'd overextend with some slow move and Mina would use that as an opening to put me in that same devastating combo she used to finish me in round 2." play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" scene w2_5681 with hpunch KN_MOD "if w2FightBranch == 1:" show r3ov5 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" show r3ov6 with dissolve mct "(Nice, my meter is fully charged... I can...)" "Mina abruptly spent her meter, partially expending it and entering into a strange stance that charged herself with every blow I landed." "This feels like a critical moment." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stop attacking and block what is coming.:" "I got to block what's coming...!" play sound "sound effects/thunder-crack.mp3" scene w2_5683 with hpunch "--it was unblockable. She instantly hit some big, flashy attack that hit half the screen." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_5685 with vpunch "Spending what was left of her meter to dash forward, she then put me in that tried and true combo I had already seen." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_5686 with hpunch show r3ov8 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Shit, it's..." scene w2_5620 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "Ha!" mct "(It's over.)" play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" scene w2_5621 with dissolve mina "Good game!" scene w2_5622 with dissolve mc "Yeah, it was..." "I had made a critical mistake, and it was frustrating, but I had no hope in the first place." scene w2_5623 with dissolve mc "Well, you win. Hop on?" mina "Not right now. You're going to carry me to my car remember?" sora "{size=-10}Why would you even ask for...{/size=-10}" scene w2_5624 with dissolve mc "What do you want to play next then?" sora "{size=-10}Yeesh, you're so blatant...{/size=-10}" mc "Best two out of three?" mina "You two can play if you want." KN_MOD "jump w2ArcadeSora" KN_MOD "Mash that special button and pray!:" "Whatever. I'm charged and it's likely she hasn't noticed it yet." "Once she does, and she's looking out for it, it will become useless since I don't know any setups to safely deploy it. Catching her unaware in this moment is exactly..." play sound "sound effects/thunder-crack.mp3" scene w2_5682 with hpunch with flash "I didn't even know the range on the thing, but it worked!" "Mina reflexively blocked, but to no avail. The blast filled the entire screen and did HUGE damage." "That may have eaten most of her health bar, but it was not yet over. A few more hits were all I needed, but the only way I would successfully land those would be by getting in her face and making her guess again." "She was waaaaay better than me, but with a lot of luck, I might just win..." scene w2_5625 with pixellate mct "(... wait, why do I even care this much about winning?)" "I'm more childish than I give myself credit for." KN_MOD "if w2MinaDistract == True:" $ w2MinaBetWin = True scene w2_5626 with dissolve sora "Hey, Mina... did you hear Mom is talking to Richard again?" scene w2_5627 with dissolve mina "W-wait, what?! Are things not going well with-" scene w2_5678 with pixellate "That little snot waited for the critical moment!" play sound "sound effects/grab-chime.wav" scene w2_5688 with vpunch "For a second, Mina's attention was fully focused on her brother, which condensed needing a lot of luck into something more likely." play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" scene w2_5680 with hpunch show r3ov7 with dissolve "...just a little bit of luck." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5628 with pixellate mina "E-h, s-shoot!" mct "(I won!)" sora "Oh yeah, it was just some stuff about alimony though." sora "It's not what you're thinking!" scene w2_5629 with dissolve mina "......" mina "..." scene w2_5630 with dissolve mina "Heh..." play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" scene w2_5631 with dissolve mina "Good game, [mcf]!" mina "Hehe, you got me!" mc "It was just dumb luck." scene w2_5632 with dissolve mina "Yeah... \"dumb\" luck, huh?" mina "Well, you win the bet. What would you ask of me?" scene w2_5633 with dissolve mina "Could I interest you in a shoulder massage?" "That was tempting, especially with the funny look on her face." scene w2_5634 with dissolve mc "There's no expiration date on our deal." scene w2_5633 with dissolve mina "Yeah, no rush." KN_MOD "jump w2ArcadeSora" KN_MOD "else:" play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_5685 with pixellate "Damn." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5686 with hpunch show r3ov9 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" "Well, I made her guess and she read me like a book. I was lucky to get this far, but there's no advantage like experience." scene w2_5620 with pixellate mina "Ha!" play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" scene w2_5621 with dissolve mina "Good game!" scene w2_5622 with dissolve mc "Yeah, it was..." "I had come so close to winning, and it was frustrating, but the match was really fun." "I had never used my brain that much when playing a fighting game." scene w2_5623 with dissolve mc "Well, you win. Hop on?" mina "Not right now. You're going to carry me to my car remember?" sora "{size=-10}Why would you ask for...{/size=-10}" scene w2_5624 with dissolve mc "What do you want to play next then?" sora "{size=-10}Yeesh, you're so blatant...{/size=-10}" mc "Best two out of three?" mina "You two can play if you want." KN_MOD "jump w2ArcadeSora" KN_MOD "label w2ArcadeSora:" scene w2_5635 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "I need to use the little girls' room." "With her standard pep, she turned and bounded toward the restrooms, leaving Sora and I alone." scene w2_5636 with dissolve mc " you want to play?" scene w2_5637 with dissolve sora "Eh, not really. I'm kind of sick of that game." scene w2_5638 with dissolve sora "Like really, {b}really{/b} sick of it." scene w2_5639 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_5640 with dissolve mc "...that black eye cleared up nicely." sora "Y-yeah, it wasn't so bad." scene w2_5641 with dissolve mc "You get a lot of those?" sora "No... it was the first time actually. I got too..." scene w2_5642 with dissolve sora "...ah, nothing. The UBD machine is still free, let's..." scene w2_5643 with dissolve mc "Too what?" scene w2_5644 with dissolve sora "..." scene w2_5645 with dissolve mc "Sorry." sora "It's okay. Did my sister put you up to this?" scene w2_5646 with dissolve mc "Not at all. I'm just being nosy." scene w2_5647 with dissolve sora "...there's this asshole I know from school. It's not a big deal, but he likes to run his mouth." scene w2_5646 with dissolve mc "It's a pretty big deal if he hit you." scene w2_5648 with dissolve sora "Everyone just ignores him and it's usually fine, I just got too angry the other day." scene w2_5646 with dissolve mc "Classes are out for summer, aren't they?" scene w2_5647 with dissolve sora "We take the same prep course during the summer." scene w2_5646 with dissolve mc "You take your education that seriously to give up your summers like that?" scene w2_5648 with dissolve sora "Mom does, although she never gave a crap how Mina did in school..." scene w2_5646 with dissolve mc "That kinda fits the picture that Mina painted of your Mom." scene w2_5649 with dissolve sora "Are... you two close like that?" scene w2_5650 with dissolve mc "Eh, your sister is just an open person I guess." scene w2_5651 with dissolve sora "She's actually not at all." scene w2_5652 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_5653 with dissolve mc "Anyway, sorry for prying." scene w2_5654 with dissolve sora "It's okay. You're cool." scene w2_5653 with dissolve mc "In my experience, adults usually don't take kids' problems very seriously until it becomes a problem for them." scene w2_5654 with dissolve "I decided not to beat around the bush with my thoughts." sora "I'd rather just not draw attention to it." "I don't even know what advice I was dumbly offering just now. What might help in one circumstance, could just escalate and make another worse." "People only cared when one of Ian's bullies got their head split open - that's when the teachers began checking up on him and making sure there were no more problems." mct "(Which is in no way good advice.)" scene w2_5653 with dissolve mc "I know it can be hard to, but if ignoring him works like you say it does, just go back to doing that." scene w2_5655 with dissolve mc "If he assaults you again..." scene w2_5656 with dissolve mc "{b}You{/b} need to openly take it seriously before anyone else will." scene w2_5657 with dissolve sora "Sure, alright. Can we play something now?" mc "Sure, let's just go back to getting my ass handed to me by a teenager." mc "Just pick a machine." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "if w2MinaDistract == True and w2MinaBetWin == False:" mct "(Oh, and give me my twenty bucks back you dweeb!)" "......" "..." play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene w2_5658 with circlewipe mina "You guys seemed kinda chummy after I got back. What did you two talk about?" mc "Nothing really. He just told me some embarrassing stories from your past." scene w2_5659 with dissolve mina "Oh, he did, did he?" scene w2_5660 with dissolve mina "Well, it's probably nothing compared to what Ian has told me about you." scene w2_5661 with dissolve mc "You KEEP saying that, but... what stories has he told you, exactly?" scene w2_5662 with dissolve mina "Oh... just about {b}everything{/b} I reckon." scene w2_5663 with dissolve mina "Hehe~ no, for real. Thanks for coming today." mina "Sora needs to get used to socializing with someone other than Mom, me, and his two nerdy friends." scene w2_5664 with dissolve mc "It's been years since I've been to an arcade." scene w2_5665 with dissolve mina "Well, what do you want to do next?" "Mina moved closer and gave me a playful poke with her elbow." scene w2_5666 with dissolve mc "You had something you wanted me to help you with, right?" scene w2_5667 with dissolve mina "Uh huh. So... want to head to my place?" scene w2_5668 with dissolve "Awfully closer still." KN_MOD "if w2MinaBetWin == False:" $ Mina_Affection += 1 scene w2_5670 with dissolve mc "Hop on." mina "Eh?" mc "You don't think I forgot about our bet, do you?" scene w2_5671 with dissolve mina "Not going to be embarrassed lugging me down the street?" mc "Hurry up. You gonna get on or not?" scene w2_5677 with dissolve mina "Well, then..." mina "Excuse me." scene w2_5672 with fade "She was as light and soft as expected." scene w2_5673 with dissolve mina "You smell nice." scene w2_5674 with dissolve "It was weird, but in a way, this felt more intimate than anything we had done during her rehearsal." "The way her limbs hugged my body was oddly... carnal." scene w2_5675 with dissolve mc "Where are you parked?" scene w2_5676 with dissolve mina "That way, driver." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5669 with dissolve mc "Where are you parked?" stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w2MinaBucketList:" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_5248 with circlewipe "The way up to Mina's apartment was quiet. The blonde seemed anxiously preoccupied with something, but she kept close to me, stealing furtive glances and leading me by the arm to our destination." scene w2_5249 with dissolve mina "B'waaah...!" mina "Home, sweet home!" mina "The outside world can be so freakin' exhausting." "Despite her relieved outburst, she looked no less weary." scene w2_5250 with dissolve mc "You're either more introverted than you let on or you overdid it today by pretending everything is chipper." play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene w2_5251 with dissolve mina "Hehe... guilty on both counts, officer." scene w2_5252 with dissolve mina "Putting on a face can be oh so tiring, but..." scene w2_5253 with dissolve "She moved so close that I could feel the heat of her breath as she presented herself to me." scene w2_5254 with dissolve mina "I'm glad you're here right now." scene w2_5253 with dissolve "Something was arresting about her vast green eyes..." scene w2_5255 with dissolve mc "We're friends, Mina. Please, for the love of God, stop bringing up how appreciative you are." scene w2_5256 with dissolve mina "Hmm..." scene w2_5257 with dissolve mina "Nah. I don't think I will." scene w2_5258 with dissolve mina "Would you like a glass of water?" mc "No, thank you." scene w2_5259 with dissolve mc "You know, I've been pretty curious about what you need help with." scene w2_5260 with dissolve mc "Did you actually make a list?" scene w2_5261 with dissolve mina "Uh huh. Handwritten no less, on a piece of paper. Pretty dorky, huh?" scene w2_5260 with dissolve mc "Can I see it?" scene w2_5261 with dissolve mina "Ah, well..." scene w2_5262 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug.*" scene w2_5263 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug... glug, glug, glug.*" scene w2_5264 with dissolve mina "F'wah...! Later, I promise!" scene w2_5265 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}If item number one is a success...{/size=-10}" scene w2_5266 with dissolve mc "What was that?" scene w2_5267 with dissolve mina "Nothing. Just talking to myself like a complete weirdo!" scene w2_5268 with dissolve mc "I do that myself sometimes." scene w2_5269 with dissolve mina "...what about food?" mc "Stop playing the good host and sit down." scene w2_5270 with dissolve mina "Ah... okay." mina "Let's... talk then." scene w2_5281 with fade "Mina popped a squat closer than she needed, but I wasn't going to complain. She smelled nice and the warmth of her body was a pleasant contrast to the air-conditioned apartment." scene w2_5282 with dissolve mina "Yeah... so... talk..." scene w2_5283 with dissolve mc "What would you like to talk about?" scene w2_5284 with dissolve mina "Mmmh..." "She looked like she had something to say, but hesitated to say it." scene w2_5285 with dissolve mina "How 'bout them Yankees?" scene w2_5286 with dissolve mc "I don't know football." scene w2_5287 with dissolve mina "Pfft...! Ha! Me either, but I know more than you!" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Bully her head in turn.:" scene w2_5288 with dissolve mc "Just full of giggles, aren't you?" "I put some force into my palm and used the tips of my fingers to dig in, shake, and ruffle the tresses of the blonde's hair." scene w2_5289 with dissolve mina "'Ey... ha..! Stop, stop, stop! You're messing up my hair! Pft..." "I didn't stop." scene w2_5290 with dissolve mina "Fwhaha-ha! They're a baseball team, idiot!" scene w2_5288 with dissolve mc "Okay, fine! I don't know baseball either." KN_MOD "Ask whats so funny.:" scene w2_5286 with dissolve mc "What's so funny?" scene w2_5285 with dissolve mina "They're a baseball team." scene w2_5286 with dissolve "Oh." scene w2_5287 with dissolve mina "Fwahaha-ha!" mc "Okay, fine! I don't know baseball either." scene w2_5291 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Once Mina's contagious tittering died down, and I was no longer fighting back my own, the atmosphere suddenly got a whole lot more comfortable." scene w2_5292 with dissolve mina "[mcf]..." "She looked at me with a purpose, pulling my attention undertow with those same beguiling green eyes as earlier." scene w2_5293 with dissolve mc "Yeah, Mina...?" scene w2_5292 with dissolve mina "Am I really not enough? Would you..." mina "Would you date a woman like me?" scene w2_5294 with dissolve mc "Stop there. Anyone should be so lucky." "The hurt in her voice left me with no hesitation, lest she doubted my answer." scene w2_5295 with dissolve mina "I'm not asking anyone. I'm asking [mcf]." scene w2_5296 with dissolve mc "Mina... you're warm, vibrant, and thoughtful. The thought you put into my birthday gift alone is evidence of that last trait." scene w2_5297 with dissolve mc "On top of that, you're open, generous, and you know how to make people feel included - and not to dance around it, but you're drop-dead gorgeous." scene w2_5298 with dissolve mc "Why the hell would you even doubt that? I should be so lucky under another circumstance." scene w2_5299 with dissolve "It was a bit heavy-handed, but I wanted to put her unease to rest. There wasn't anything wrong with her after all. It was my friend who was dysfunctional." scene w2_5300 with dissolve mina "You could've just said yes, dummy." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_5301 with dissolve mc "Hey Mina, you're a bit..." "The distance between the two of us had shrunk and now Mina's lips were perilously perched underneath mine, glossed over with lip balm and inviting me to cross the line." scene w2_5302 with dissolve "All day she had been sending me flagrant signals so clear that you could guide an airplane safely down with them, but that was all it was. Signals." "Now, our bodies overlapping and with her leering up at me longingly, she was daring me to make a move." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cross the line.:" $ minaCheat = True $ Mina_Affection += 4 $ Mina_KLove -= 3 scene minalr_kiss_a with dissolve show minalr_kiss mina "Mmmm...!" "As our lips met, all the tension in the blonde's body evaporated. She wasn't surprised by the kiss." "This {b}was{/b} the result that she expected." mina "Fwha~" "It wasn't like me to be so impulsive and maybe I was ultimately no different than Ian, but this was my choice. " "The choice to yield to what those expansive green eyes dredged out of me." mct "(Still, if my friend ever found out...)" "Well, I doubt I'd get fired, but would it hurt him?" KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True:" mct "(He DID ask for me to do him a favor and make sure she had fun today...)" KN_MOD "else:" "To be honest, I'm not even sure if that crazy bastard gives a fuck, but it remained a potential risk." $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "*Ring, ring*" "Ack! Stop thinking and just enjoy..." "*Ring, ring.*" scene w2_5303 with dissolve mina "H-huh? Oh, C-crap!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5304 with dissolve mina "I forgot! That's my brother calling to see if I got in alright!" mina "Be right back." scene w2_5305 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." mct "(You've got to be fucking kidding me...)" "The moment our lips parted, that resolve went out the window and I started to feel weird about what I had just done." stop ambient scene w2_5306 with dissolve $, 0, channel = "ambient") mina "Hey! Yeah, yeah...!" mina "No, I got in alright!" scene w2_5307 with dissolve mina "I told you [mcf] was coming back to my place. You didn't have to--" mina "I'm the big sister, y'know?" scene black with fade mct "(Oh, come on...)" KN_MOD "jump w2MinaMindBlown" KN_MOD "Even if theyre bound to break up, thats still Ians girlfriend.:" $ Mina_Affection -=4 stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5503 with dissolve mc "It's getting a little stuffy in here." scene w2_5504 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_5505 with dissolve mina "O-oh... s-sorry." KN_MOD "jump w2MinaLetDown" KN_MOD "label w2MinaMindBlown:" scene w2_5308 with wipeleft mina "What? No, he's not my new boyfr-- well, I don't think...ah!" mina "Listen, I'm home, okay? I'm going to hang up now, but thanks for checking up on me little brother!" scene w2_5309 with dissolve mina "Bye bye!" scene w2_5310 with dissolve mc "......" scene w2_5311 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_5312 with dissolve mc "It's nice he's so protective of you." mina "Heh, I know, right...?" "Bereft of touch, the sexual tension that burned just moments before was now replaced by an empty awkwardness." scene w2_5313 with dissolve mc "Kinda... kinda poor timing though..." mina "Y-yeah..." scene w2_5314 with dissolve mina "Not so great with the timing..." mc "Oh yeah, what did you need help---" scene w2_5315 with dissolve mina "Aaah! My back's a bit sore." "She made a big, exaggerated movement in support of her claim." scene w2_5316 with dissolve mc "...really?" scene w2_5317 with dissolve mina "Yeah, all that dancing at the arcade I guess..." scene w2_5318 with dissolve mina "These things are killer and sometimes not in a good way..." scene w2_5319 with dissolve mc "I imagine they must be pretty heavy..." scene w2_5320 with dissolve mina "You have no idea... say... " scene w2_5321 with dissolve mina "D-do you want to feel how heavy they are?" scene w2_5322 with dissolve mct "(...ah!)" "She was getting things back on track in the wake of our interruption. It may have been an extremely dorky way of going about it, but somehow it felt perfect for the blonde in front of me." scene w2_5323 with dissolve mc "Yeah..." scene w2_5324 with dissolve "I waved Mina closer as my lecherous eyes fell on the bountiful mounds crammed in the wonderfully-too-small pink fabric of her blouse." mc "I guess I am pretty curious..." scene w2_5325 with dissolve "As the distance between us shrunk, so did the time for awkward reflection. Once more, Mina became my only focus." mct "(The abrupt change in décor wasn't without its perks...)" scene w2_5326 with dissolve "The light streaming in from the windows did make Mina all the more lovely." scene w2_5327 with dissolve mina "Ha..." "The anxious look on her face as I kept her waiting was a pleasure of its own." scene w2_5328 with dissolve "......" "...." scene w2_5329 with dissolve mina "What are you-" play music "music/ob1.ogg" scene minata_1_a with dissolve show minata_1 mina "O-oh!" "Satisfied I had embarrassed the woman long enough, I gently cupped Mina's breasts from the side and easily filled my hands with her bust." "The jutting pair had incredible heft that fought tooth and nail against gravity, with a suppleness owed to age that simply couldn't be matched by the other older women in my life." mct "(Fuck, they look amazing in that shirt...)" "Pressing the pair together made for exquisite eye candy." mc "Are my hands cold?" "Her chest felt like it was on fire." mina "N-no, you're fine..." mc "I'm glad then." scene minata_2_a with dissolve show minata_2 "The cut of Mina's blouse proved no match for even a minor assault. Even just gently working her breasts easily freed one of her puffy, rosy areolas from its bounds." "However, I don't think she noticed her exposure as..." mina "{b}Ha...!{/b}" "She seemed preoccupied with what was going on in her pretty head." "Light touches alone were extricating small whimpers of enjoyment from the blushing blonde." "Every exploratory caress caused her to fidget and hum." mina "Heut...!" mct "(Damn, she's responding better than Rosalind did during the exhibition...)" mina "Hat... ha..." scene w2_5330 with dissolve mc "Hm..." mina "S-so, yeah... what did you think? P-pretty uh... heavy, right?" mct "(Is her chest {i}really{/i} that sensitive?)" mina "[mcf]? S-say some--" scene minata_3_a with dissolve show minata_3 "I would discern the truth." mina "H-hey w-wait...! W-what are you... ha...!" "My perverted curiosity had to know: was Mina truly as big of a simpering tit whore as Rose?" mina "Heut! T-tongue...!" "I set myself to task on a two-pronged attack." mina "This is... t-too... ah!" scene minata_4_a with dissolve show minata_4 "With one hand, I roughly groped at her ass while rolling her nipple with my tongue." mina "I just said t-toooouch! This is t-towwwhoooo..!" "With the other, I teased and prodded the border of her areolas betwixt the edges of my fingers." "The semi-stiff buds had now turned to stone, causing the puffy towers to stand erect against the lashing of my tongue." mina "H-heut.. hat...!" "Engorged with blood as they were made them all the more sensitive, drawing even more soft moans from Mina's throat." scene minata_5_a with dissolve show minata_5 "I continued on like this for minutes, prodding and licking at Mina's mammaries to my heart's content. For Mina's part, she submissively stood there, her body slowly tensing up like a coil." "Still... this wasn't enough." mina "Heut...! [mcf]..." "I wanted to see what an even stronger reaction would look like from the prim and proper actress." mina "Ssh-slow down..." "I wanted to cast her cute demeanor into the dirt and..." mina "M-my ch-chest is--" scene minata_6_a with dissolve show minata_6 mina "E-eh...?!" mct "(See what kind of lewd expressions that adorable face of hers could make!)" "*Chwup...! Chwup...*" "The cheery blonde may have anticipated the kiss, but now she was utterly confounded." "*Fwhup, chwhuup!*" "Mina had been so forward earlier, but now she was on the back foot, bewildered by pleasure." mina "Ha...! H-heut...!" "{b}That{/b} confusion tasted like manna from heaven. Her baffled, pleasured cries fueled me to push on as I latched onto her left breast like a starving newborn." mina "Efwwwhe...!" "The way her chest heaved with arousal made forming a seal around the raised peaks a sporadic dance of push and pull." mina "A-ha..." "Every time she'd sharply breathe in, her nipple would flee the embrace of my mouth and I would give chase." mina "Ha..." "Every time she breathed out, the enflamed nub would smash against the bed of my tongue." mina "Heaut... haat-!" mct "(Fuck do I love tits!)" scene minata_7_a with dissolve show minata_7 "*Chwup...! Chwup... fwhup!*" "Again, I toiled away for minute upon minute, savoring every inarticulate squeak and incomprehensible muttering." mina "Haat...♥ Heut...♥" "Where other women might have grown bored of the infantile attention by this point, the feeling of Mina's body going taut as the excitement built told me she was still on board." mina "Ha...♥" "Still, like before..." mina "Haat...♥" "Her sounds and bodily reactions were becoming routine and predictable." mina "Heaut... haat-♥" "It was time for another deviation in my attack." scene minata_8_a with dissolve show minata_8 mina "Nngh-! Eh...♥ Euh?" "Switching targets, I moved my mouth over to her right breast and went {b}fucking ham on it{/b}." "*Chwup...! Fwhup...! Thwup...!*" "My own excitement was building. My cock painfully strained the denim of my jeans, a fact that was becoming increasingly hard to ignore." mina "Heut...! Ha...♥ Eaauh...♥" "Mina's servile complacency as her whorish moans bounced around her obnoxiously cute room set my mind awash in expletive-laden thoughts." mct "(Ah, fuck...! Shit!)" "My head swarmed with things I'd like to express to the babbling bitch if only my mouth wasn't otherwise occupied." mct "(Bitch!)" "Disparaging words that I wouldn't truly mean, but nevertheless wormed their way into my feeble, sex-addled, sadistic brain." scene minata_9_a with dissolve show minata_9 mina "Fggg- oh, wwha-? Ehk...♥♥♥" "*Chwup...! Fwhup...! Thwup...!*" scene w2_5331 with pixellate "Soon the words were replaced with abstract vulgar images." scene w2_5332 with dissolve "Pornographic, depraved, decadent desires..." scene minata_9_a with pixellate show minata_9 mina "Ha~♥♥♥ Haat...♥♥♥" "I wondered if she'd be disgusted with me if she knew, that given a chance in a void, the dirty things I'd love to do to her beautiful body." "That'd be the end of it I suspect." mina "Ha~♥♥♥ Haat...♥♥♥" "She wouldn't want to see me again if she knew the ugly images that lurked in the recesses of my mind, waiting patiently for my faculties to dull and my appetite to grow." "No, it wasn't the time for those kinds of thoughts. Mina was putting herself in my hands." mina "[mcf]...! Ffh- ah♥ Euuh-♥ Wa-wh-♥" "Until now, all of my partners had vastly more experience than I had. Now the shoe was on the other foot." "It was up to me to take care and reward the faith and trust she was putting in me." mina "Fr- for, rh-♥ Eal-?♥" "It was my duty to make it an experience she would enjoy. And to that end..." mina "Ayerm...♥ Bhhhh-b, Ohout♥ Twhooo♥ W-what...?" "Like a coil needing to be sprung, it was time to release her from the mounting tension. One last dramatic note to push her over the zenith by..." scene w2_5333 with dissolve mina "♥♥♥Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-♥~" "Suctioning as hard as I could and pulling myself off Mina's right breast with an exquisite..." play sound "sound effects/mouth-pop.wav" scene w2_5334 with dissolve "*POP!*" mina "Eyee...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" scene w2_5335 with dissolve "...until all that potential force came to an equilibrium." mina "Haat, ha...!" mina "Ha..." scene w2_5336 with dissolve mina "Ha... ha..." mina "What the heck... t-that was... never..." scene w2_5337 with dissolve mc "Mina..." mina "Y-yeah...?" scene w2_5338 with dissolve "Chwup...!" scene w2_5339 with dissolve mc "I'm..." scene w2_5340 with dissolve mc "I'm going to continue." mina "That's...!" scene w2_5341 with dissolve "She nodded." scene w2_5342 with dissolve mina "Okay... just give me a second to catch my breath--" scene w2_5343 with dissolve mina "Mmmh...!" "Give her a second? As if. There was something about Mina that made me want to bully her." scene minarubdub1_a with dissolve show minarubdub1 "Cutting her off with a kiss, I began rubbing the flustered actress' nether region through the thin denim fabric of her jeans." "Mina freely offered up her mouth without restraint, allowing my tongue access to probe it to my satisfaction." mina "Mmm..." "Our tongues snaked around each other, clumsily coiling and unwinding. The lack of shared rhythm was novel in its own way, like two young lovers desperately fumbling around in the dark." "Covered as it was, her sex radiated a clammy heat that warmed the palm of my hand. The more I pressed, the damper the material got." "Naturally, my efforts were dulled by the denim, but I wasn't going to rush things." "I would take my time, just as I had done with her chest. I would have Mina's eyes cloud over with want before I unwrapped the prize." "*Chwup, fwhup...!*" "The kiss carried on for another minute or so, until a heady feeling came over me and the inside of my skull felt like it was filled with hot air." mina "Mh...♥" "Mina's own head must have been similarly vacant, as the bumbling movements of her tongue had laxed and it was I now leading our dance." scene w2_5344 with dissolve mina "Fhwaaa~ ha, h-haaaa...♥" scene w2_5345 with dissolve mina "D-dang it, it was hard to breathe..." scene w2_5346 with dissolve mc "Breathing is the only thing you have to worry about right now. Leave everything else to me." scene minarubdub2_a with dissolve show minarubdub2 mina "Atta-♥" "Mina's body worked with me, hips giving a cute little wiggle that followed the path of my rubbing." mina "Mh, ha...♥ Y-you're getting full of yourself..." "How could I not? Mina was out of my league. Hell, every woman in my life right now was out of my league, but Mina especially as..." mina "Haeut-" "She wasn't part of the club. Something about that felt refreshing." mina "Ha, haat-!" "Maybe she was just doing this to get back at Ian, but I felt certain that at this moment she was entirely present with me." scene minarubdub3_a with dissolve show minarubdub3 mina "Tsk~ haat, ha...♥ C-come on, [mcf]..." mc "Come on what?" mina "D-don't..." mc "Don't what?" mina "Ne-no, no... don't you want to..." mina "D-don't y-you, ha...! D-don't you w-want to t-ouch me... {b}directly{/b}." mc "Touch what directly?" mina "Y-you know... haat!" scene w2_5347 with dissolve "Stopping what I was doing, I stood up and came face to face with the blonde." scene w2_5348 with dissolve mc "What do you want me to touch, Mina?" scene w2_5349 with dissolve mina "My... {b}pussy{/b}." scene w2_5350 with dissolve mina "I want you to directly touch my pussy." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5351 with dissolve mc "I'll do you one better." scene black with fade mina "H-hey, oh! Don't sho--" mc "I told you, all you've got to worry about is breathing." scene w2_5352 with dissolve mina "Yeah, but it's embarrassing..." scene w2_5353 with dissolve mc "Should I not then? We can stop right now if it's too much for you." scene w2_5352 with dissolve mina "W-what... I-I, didn't say that..." scene w2_5353 with dissolve mc "Good. Because you've got a very pretty pussy and I'd like a taste." scene w2_5354 with dissolve mina "Shut up!" mina "J-just shut up and lick, idiot." play music "music/thunder.ogg" scene minacunni1_a with dissolve show minacunni1 mina "*Schlick...!* Ah...!" "This reprieve was the last she would get. If she wasn't a blathering mess by the end of this, it would be my failure." "With that mission in mind, I set to task." mina "T-this...!" "First I tasted her outer folds, tracing my way up to the lovely pleasure bean that was already poking its head out of its hood." "I worked my way around the perimeter of her clitoris, teasing and prodding its outer limits while never quite directly touching the fleshy nub." "I hadn't even taken the plunge into her depths yet and my mouth was already full of the taste of sexual arousal." mina "Ha, haat...!" "Thick, slimy vaginal discharge generously coated my upper lip and I knew I would soon be drowning in it." "Having my fill of her outer parts, I then moved onto the next course: her suffocatingly clingy inner depths." scene minacunni2_a with dissolve show minacunni2 "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" "Slow and steadily I lapped at her insides, firmly dragging my tongue along the floor of her vagina." "The muscular tube did its best to cling to the foreign invader, but couldn't quite grab ahold of the slippery appendage." "In effect, the result was almost like a pleasant massage for my tongue." mina "Haeut, haa~ ha..." "Unable to directly ask her if it was good, I had to rely on Mina's involuntary reactions to guide my attack." "My focus was on the little things, like the way her thighs would momentarily squeeze together or the way her heels would dig into the back of my leg." "There was an intimacy in learning the peculiarities of Mina's body." mina "D-dang, ha...! Y-you're p-prehtty g-good at this..." "To be honest, it was more her than me." "Mina, it turned out, had quite the lewd body and talent for receiving pleasure. From her chest to her quim, even just a light effort wrenched a response from the wriggling beauty." mina "Ahhy...♥" scene minacunni3_a with dissolve show minacunni3 "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" mina "MMmh...♥ Haat...♥" "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mina "Ack, t-tingly...! It's h-happening... s-seriously?" mina "It's h-happening again so soon...♥" mct "(Ha...!)" "As I strained my tongue by extending it as far as it could physically go, it seemed Mina was perched on the edge of sensual release." "Not that I needed her words to figure that out. No, her thighs firmly gripping my head were all the intimation I needed." mina "Ha...! Heeah...♥ Euht... ahht... euttss....♥" mina "Ehim, ggg-oiring, ttwo...♥" scene w2_5355 with flash mina "FRICK...!!!!!!!!!!" "Like a locomotive hurling down the tracks and piping hot steam, Mina loudly announced to the world her sexual peak." mina "Eeeh... yeah....♥♥♥♥" scene w2_5356 with flash mct "(Ack...!)" "While I had preciously survived the trap of Veronica's massive thighs, that didn't mean the way Mina locked her legs around my neck felt any less precarious in the moment." mc "*Cough... cough...!*" $, 3, channel = "music") play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_5357 with vpunch "*Thud!*" mina "Ah... ack... euphg..." scene w2_5358 with dissolve mina "Ha... ha... w-ha... everything is so... s-soft and h-hazy... holy cow..." mina "Ha... Ha..." scene w2_5359 with dissolve mina "Ha... is it..." scene w2_5360 with dissolve mina "It's... y-your turn now, right? I should... make yhouuu fheel good t-tooo~♥" "Mina, in a delirious daze, moved her hand to my crotch as if on instinct." scene w2_5361 with dissolve mina "Ayeee... t-take it out... my f-fhingers are s-still..." scene w2_5362 with dissolve mc "No." "Not yet at least." mc "I'm not done yet." "At this moment, I wanted to focus on her pleasure. Twice wasn't enough." "I wasn't just satisfied turning her legs to jelly. I would carve the memory of me in her body." scene w2_5363 with dissolve mina "Ey... but I've already..." "I had a feeling that with Ian she wasn't used to being the focus of attention." scene w2_5364 with dissolve mc "Shirt. Off." "With a snap of my fingers, I made my demand." mct "(When did I become so bold?)" "Well, I guess it's true. Give a man an inch and he'll take a mile." scene w2_5365 with dissolve mina "Eyy... eh?" scene w2_5364 with dissolve mc "Take your shirt off." scene w2_5366 with dissolve mina "......" mina "..." "I watched the gears turn in her muddied orgasm-wracked brain until she finally parsed my directive." scene w2_5367 with dissolve mina "Oh, 'k-kay...!" scene w2_5368 with dissolve "Like a newly birthed fawn, Mina got up on shaky feet and reached for her shirt." scene w2_5369 with fade mc "Damn..." "Taken in unobstructed and up close, Mina's breasts were in a tier of their own." scene w2_5370 with dissolve mc "Turn around." scene w2_5369 with dissolve scene w2_5371 with dissolve scene w2_5369 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_5372 with dissolve "With a simple nod, Mina once again did as I asked." scene w2_5373 with dissolve mc "Good girl..." scene w2_5374 with dissolve "*Fwup...!" scene w2_5375 with dissolve "*Fwup..., chup...!*" scene w2_5376 with dissolve "Slowly, I planted kisses along the curvature of the model's back." scene w2_5377 with dissolve mct "(Fuckin' beautiful...)" "It wasn't like I hadn't been appreciating it thus far, but being face to face with that slice of bubbly perfection was a new perspective altogether." mct "(Just a little...)" scene w2_5378 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_5379 with vpunch "*Smack*" mina "Yiii-" scene w2_5380 with dissolve "The tentative smack yielded a cutesy minuscule yip, more appropriate for a small poodle than a grown woman." "It took a mindful effort not to try and reproduce that sound, as the sadistic side of me envisioned repeatedly walloping her ass to indulge in every adorably sweet cry." scene w2_5381 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." scene w2_5382 with dissolve mina "Ooo-h!" $, 3, channel = "music") scene minacunni4_a with dissolve show minacunni4 "My tongue found its way back to Mina's genitals." mina "Eeeh... a-again...? L-like this?" mc "(Again. Like this.)" "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mina "Haat...! This position is..." "In this new position, my tongue was able to reach an even deeper part of the blonde's sex." mina "Hhhyaaatt...♥ S-top, y-you're staring at my butthooole...!" mct "(Ah, you...!)" "I wondered... did she know that saying such ridiculously lewd things so cutely would just spur me on even more?" mina "Aee, I don't know if I can hold this p-position...!" "Mina, yet reeling from her previous orgasm, was already on shaky legs. The moment my tongue parted her lips made her uprightness even more tenuous." scene minacunni5_a with dissolve show minacunni5 "To make sure she didn't fall and bust her face open, I steadied the blonde's posture by scooping up handfuls of her fat tits. Not an unpleasant way of playing a counter-balance..." mina "Ah...!" "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" "Contrary to her concern about her butthole, Mina aided me in my goal by pushing her toned buttocks deep in my face and wearing me like a hat." mina "Haaa...!" "The shake and clap of Mina's callipygian ass was a powerful motivator, accelerating my tongue fucking and sporadically making me forget to even breathe." "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mina "Gyeeeh... gyyy...♥" "Bent over as she was, gave me an entirely new dimension of intrusion." mina "Eyy... dhat's myy..." "Every so often, I'd withdraw my tongue from Mina's insides and work it around the rim of her asshole - never going so far as to penetrate it, but enough to make the blonde aware of my attentions despite her half-lidded stupor." mina "Ay, it's d-dirty...!" "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" mina "Ha, haaat... Ha, haa... E-ym, I'm d-dirty!" "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mina "Haeut...♥ Maasss...♥" "Two minutes of gorging myself on Mina's delectable cunt was all it took to once more bring her pleasure to a head." "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" mina "Gyeeeh... gyyy...♥ I'm g-goinna f-fhall...?!" "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mc "Mmmghottoyuu...!" "Mina's legs were comically clacking together by this point, threatening to give out and topple her over. Fortunately, my hold on her quivering body remained strong." mct "(...I hope, at least.)" mina "Gyy... eeh... ayeee...♥ T-thoughts... c-can't...♥" mina "T-thinkh...♥ I'm...♥ Eyy..." scene w2_5383 with flash with flash mina "Fffwwwhhgwwwww....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" "That was the fastest yet. I can't--" $, 3, channel = "music") scene w2_5384 with dissolve mct "(Oh, shit...!)" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_5385 with vpunch "*Thud*" "With a distinct thump, Mina crumpled into a pile of tongue-fucked blonde." mina "Heehh.... ooowuch... ha... ha..." scene w2_5386 with dissolve "The sight of the well-composed actress panting on the floor like a bitch was of such satisfaction that it felt like I had already fucked." mina "I can't... I can't... ha...♥" mct "(Hmm...)" scene w2_5387 with dissolve mina "Haat...♥ Whah...♥ Arr...♥" mina "...?" scene w2_5388 with dissolve mina "Ehhh..." "Once more." scene black with fade "*Schlick...!*" mina "Eh~oooh..." $, 3, channel = "music") scene minacunni6_a with dissolve show minacunni6 "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" "At this junction, Mina was more or less where I had hoped to go from the start of this fun." mina "Eh... w-what? Mh-mercy..." "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mina "Eyee... can't fheel myyy lehgs...!" "She had enjoyed back-to-back-to-back orgasms and all that was left of the warm and cheery blonde was the quivering mess crumpled face down on the bed, ass limply raised in obedience." mina "Haat... eeyhh...♥" scene minacunni8_a with dissolve show minacunni8 mina "Eyts... ah...♥ Down't you wanna c-cum...?" "She was right. I was so turned on that even rubbing myself against the fabric of my jeans threatened to make a mess." mina "You... can... t-thake... your... dihk... ouut...!" "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" "Even half-sensate, the caring blonde was thinking about her partner's enjoyment." "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mina "..haaat, ng...♥" KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance >=18:" "As much as I love Ian, I couldn't help but think \"what a fucking dumbass\" for the umpteenth time for letting a girl like Mina slip through his fingers." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Ian's such a fucking dumbass for letting a girl like Mina slip through his fingers.)" "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" mina "Gah... ng, ha...♥" scene minacunni7_a with dissolve show minacunni7 "By now, Mina's pussy was positively swollen from the repeated sexual stimulation, flush and fat from the past fifteen minutes of unending service." "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" "Her lips parted effortlessly with every lap of my tongue and the roof of her vagina had expanded to eagerly accommodate the intrusion of a dick." mina "Ehha...♥" "Every flick of her overwrought nub caused Mina to jerk and squeak like an untied balloon." mina "Gyee...♥" "Worn out as she was, I still had to consciously steady her lower half to keep myself on track." scene minacunni8_a with dissolve show minacunni8 "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" mct "(That's right...)" "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" scene minacunni6_a with dissolve show minacunni6 "She said she felt like a big question mark." mina "Ah...! Ah...!" "She said that it felt like she was watching something else live her life." scene minacunni7_a with dissolve show minacunni7 mina "Gy...♥ Hat...!" mct "(Well, set aside your troubles, Mina. Just for half an hour.)" mina "Ha, hat...! Ah, y-you m-meanie...!" mct "(Forget about them.)" "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" mina "Y-you're tryin' to k-kill me...!" "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" scene minacunni6_a with dissolve show minacunni6 "Another few minutes of licking and my jaw was fucking sore and my tongue ached." mina "Ng... ~ha... ha~" "Mina had become less vocal, her explicit moans replaced by a near-persistent pleasured hum emanating from her tired vocal cords." mct "(Ah, maybe going for four orgasms was being too greedy?)" "She was still feeling pleasure, but dulled by it as she was, there was no tension." scene minacunni8_a with dissolve show minacunni8 mina "{size=-10}Haa~ mh...♥ So...{/size=-10}" mina "So, so... ah... [mcf]... It f-feels different... like... ah~" mct "(Or at least it felt like there was no tension...)" scene minacunni9_a with dissolve show minacunni9 "Guided by her admission, I set aside my own fatigue and reset my efforts." "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" "I retraced every part of Mina I had already grown confidently familiar with and plumbed her depths with the desperation of a man whose tongue would soon fall off." "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mina "{size=-10}Ha... hat....{/size=-10}" mct "(C'mon! Cum for me!)" "*Schlick..! Schlick...!*" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 24:" mct "(One last time for me you dirty cunt!)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(One last time!)" "*Schlick..! Schlick...! Schlick!*" mina "O-oh... ah...! Heut...!" mct "(Cum your damn brains out!)" mina "Eyyeehh....♥" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w2_5389 with flash with flash mina "--!" "It was to the point and with a whimper, but by no means weak." mina "Aaaah... eh... ohh... h,hha...!" "Mina's body tensed up and shook, her dangling feet kicked, and her face glazed over in dumb pleasure." scene w2_5390 with fade "Pulling back, I admired my work." "Her thighs quivered and her cunt was a mess with saliva and girl juices." mina "Hattta, haaat..." "Her beautiful demeanor was demolished. Her mouth dumbly hung open with tongue perched on her lips, spit pooling on the bedsheets that cushioned her dead weight." mina "Ha... ha..." "The blonde hair she was so proud of matted to her forehead from sweat." scene w2_5391 with dissolve mina "Oh, no.. m-move away..." mc "Huh--" $, 0, channel = "sound") play sound "sound effects/urine-ground.wav" scene w2_5392 with dissolve mina "Ah...!" "With a cute cry, a stream of girl-lube-diluted clear urine trickled from Mina's urethral opening." mina "Haaat... haat...♥" mct "(Holy shit.)" "It lasted only for a brief window, but yep, she definitely..." stop sound $, 0, channel = "sound") scene w2_5393 with dissolve mina "Oh, no...!" scene w2_5394 with dissolve mina "Eyee... c-can't believe Eyve... I c-couldn't... c-control... it was just... oh, no..." mina "I've ruined it... haven't I? Eyhee, ha... killed the mood." scene w2_5395 with dissolve mina "S-stupid. So, so stupid..." mina "You must think I'm disgusting..." scene w2_5396 with dissolve mc "Disgusting...? Are you kidding?" "It felt so good that she peed herself? That's prime fodder for my dumb fucking ego!" mc "Let me show you how \"disgusted\" I am..." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "*Ziiiip*" scene w2_5397 with fade mc "Does this read \"disgusted\" to you?" mina "A-ah... w-woah..." "Exposing my swollen cock to the air was a pleasure in and of itself. It had strained so long to get out that it was dyed scarlet and throbbing for something warm and wet to take its frustration out on." scene w2_5398 with dissolve mc "No, I'm so fucking turned on right now and it's all due to you." "In a situation like this, it would take a lot more than a little pee to turn me off a girl like Mina." scene w2_5399 with dissolve mina "Ha... y-yeah..." scene w2_5398 with dissolve "Make that a fuck ton more with the look she was presently giving me." scene w2_5399 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}Because of me...{/size=-10}" "......" "..." scene w2_5400 with dissolve mina "Um..." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_5401 with vpunch mina "Ah...!" "She tried to move forward, but stumbled." scene w2_5402 with dissolve mina "C'mere... I'll, ha..." mina "I'll take care of you..." play music "music/ob1.ogg" scene w2_5403 with dissolve "I honestly doubted what good she'd be in this state, but I positioned myself above her." "The sight of my ugly dick so close to Mina's beautiful face had my stomach sickeningly turn over with desire." scene w2_5404 with dissolve mina "Haat...!" "To my horny satisfaction, the blonde didn't just reach out and grab my pole, instead she bunched her nose and gave it a cute and nut-bustingly lewd whiff." scene w2_5405 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}Because of me... h-huh...{/size=-10}" scene w2_5406 with dissolve "Mina adorably looking up at me with her big green eyes filled me with a singular, all-consuming desire..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "(Bully) Encourage her to get an even better whiff.:" "The desire to bully." mc "How do I smell?" scene w2_5407 with dissolve mina "Um..." "The correct answer would be \"not good\". It was a summer day, and with travel, it had been about five or so hours since my last shower..." "The more precise and colorful answer would be \"like sweaty balls\", but yet Mina looked conflicted." scene w2_5408 with dissolve mina "I... {b}like{/b} it." scene w2_5407 with dissolve mc "...for real?" scene w2_5408 with dissolve mina "Y-yeah... it smells... {b}manly{/b}." scene w2_5407 with dissolve "Honestly, I couldn't decide if she was just being indulgent or if odors were truly a sexual trigger of hers. The lewd expression on her face did make it look like she was being genuine, however..." scene w2_5409 with dissolve mc "Give it another whiff then." mina "Uh...?" scene minasniff_a with dissolve show minasniff mina "--Oooh, oh!" mc "{b}Smell it!{/b}" "With a gentle, but firm grip on her hair... I guided her face on an impact course with my dick." mina "Umpfh...! Umpfh...!" mct "(That's right, smell my balls bitch!)" mc "Drink it all in!" scene w2_5410 with dissolve mina "Ummh, fwaah...♥" mct "(Holy crap, she wasn't just pillow talking.)" "The dumb look on her face radiated sex." scene w2_5411 with dissolve mina "Haat...♥" scene w2_5412 with dissolve mc "You really surprise the hell out of me." scene w2_5411 with dissolve mina "Ah... I s-should..." KN_MOD "(Affection) Maximum pats.:" scene w2_5413 with dissolve "The desire to place my hand on her flaxen-colored scalp and pat the bitch for all I'm worth." mc "You're so damn cute, you know that?" scene w2_5414 with dissolve mina "...h-huh? I mean, yeah... I kinda... I count on that in my daily life..." scene w2_5415 with dissolve mc "No. I mean {b}really{/b} damn cute. Maybe the cutest." scene w2_5417 with dissolve "This girl confused the hell out of me, but an amalgamation of those emotions resulted in one thing: an outpouring of affection in this moment." scene w2_5416 with dissolve mina "Eheh..." scene w2_5417 with dissolve "An earnest smile peeked out from behind her sexily exhausted expression. That was a strong point of hers." "The way she reacted to compliments was the best." scene w2_5418 with dissolve mina "Eheh... stop being weird. You've got your dick in my face!" mina "Speaking of which..." scene w2_5419 with dissolve mina "I'm... going to touch it now?" "If she had just done so, that would've been that. The fact that she posed the question, left some room..." "Some room to get creative. A half-tired blowjob had its appeal, but in a situation where I was so blindingly horny, I would rather..." scene w2_5420 with dissolve mc "Actually... do you mind if I take the lead?" scene w2_5421 with dissolve mina "Uh, umm..." mina "What do you have in mind?" scene black with fade mc "I'll show you." mina "H-hey, oh, --oh?" scene w2_5422 with fade "With some forceful guidance, I laid Mina back against the bed and was now sitting on her chest with my cock wedged between her ginormous milkers." scene w2_5423 with dissolve mina "You want to use my..." scene w2_5424 with dissolve mc "Yup." scene w2_5425 with dissolve mina "O-okay, if that's what you want..." mina "It makes me feel bad that you're doing all the work though..." scene w2_5426 with dissolve "The damnable thing about Mina was she really meant what she just said. She had a genuine look of concern on her face, like she was worried about coming off as self-centered." scene w2_5427 with dissolve mc "Mina..." mc "Don't worry about it. I'm the one being selfish right now, not you." scene w2_5428 with dissolve "She told me to carry on with a simple nod." scene minapai_1_a with dissolve show minapai1 "A tentative thrust marked the beginning of our tit fuck, as I roughly bore my way through her cleavage to get a feel for the mechanics of the act." "Unlubricated as I was, pushing through her tit flesh was a somewhat grueling task - one that might've been remedied by a little spit if I wasn't wary of the crudeness of the act." "Instead, I decided to use a more natural lubrication process. With how turned on I was, it wouldn't be long before my precum would ooze from the tip of my dick and coat both itself and the blonde's cleavage with a beautiful shine." mina "Ha...♥ My heart is pounding right now..." "For Mina's part in this dance, she looked upward at me and peered into my head as if trying to read my thoughts, eyes clouded with a yet still growing lust." mina "Y-you feel it?" "Unsure of what to do, she awkwardly posed a silly question." mct "(I mean, yeah... what else can she do in this situation to feel involved?)" "That line of inquiry gave me an idea. Just because I was going to rut her tits end-to-end didn't mean we couldn't connect on a mental level." mc "Hey, Mina..." mina "S-sorry, I bet you want me to shut up, right? Ian says I talk too much--" mc "Just the opposite. I want you to... ah..." mc "Ah... ha, I want you to focus on me right now and tell me what you see." mina "Um... I mean, you're..." "As we spoke, the rough ride through Mina's valley became more manageable, the muggy heat from dick-on-titflesh creating a bed of perspiration for my cock to glide with." mc "Be expressive. Have fun with it." mina "I... you're..." scene w2_5429 with dissolve mina "You're fucking my chest right now..." scene w2_5430 with dissolve mc "You can be more colorful than that. I mean, I bet I have a pretty dumb look on my face right now." scene w2_5431 with dissolve mina "Ah..." scene w2_5432 with dissolve mina "Your cock is..." scene w2_5433 with dissolve mina "Your cock is fucking my breasts like it's a pussy!" scene minapai_2_a with dissolve show minapai2 mct "(Ha!)" "I had no idea why it was so satisfying for a woman to state the obvious during sex, but hearing lewd words in Mina's girly voice certainly did something for me." mina "Your fat dick is snug between my tits and you... you look like an animal right now!" mc "I'm like this {b}because of you{/b}, Mina." mina "...and the smell! Your dick smells so.. so... {b}musky{/b}! {b}Manly!{/b}" mc "You like the smell of dick, you dirty bitch?" mina "Ha... haat! I do! I've fantasized about it..." mina "I've fantasized about a lot of things... so many dirty things..." "Mina's thought turned inward as her face beamed a gloriously lewd expression to my eyeballs." mina "Ah, how I want to do {b}everything{/b}..." mc "Tell me about it. {b}In detail{/b}." "What came next was an outpouring of sexual fantasies the likes I'd never imagined from the bubbly actress." mina "I... want to know what it feels like to be tied up and fucked without mercy..." mc "Yeah, what else?" mina "I want to know what it feels like to tie someone else up and fuck {b}them{/b} senseless." mc "Both of those are, -ah! P-pretty easy to do, you know..." mina "I want to have sex outdoors, where anyone can see...! I want to be treated and loved like a puppy dog!" mina "I want men to worship my feet...! And I also want to be used like dirt...!" "Mina, caught up with her own soul-searching, continued with a shocking number of fantasies." mina "I want to have a threesome...! I want to be {b}overwhelmed with sex{/b}! To live and breathe it, to not be able to get the burly smell of dick and cum out of my hair!" mc "Ha...!" mct "(That's, uh... {b}wow!{/b})" "--she wasn't finished." KN_MOD "if Mina_BiCurious >= 2:" mina "I want to have sex with a woman! I want to have my cunt eaten out by someone getting smashed from behind!" mina "I want to choke on a dick until I'm red in the face and can't breathe!" mina "I want to have my hair pulled and my face slapped, I want to dance naked for my lover, and eat off his naked body...!" "By this point, I wasn't even in the equation. She was looking past me, lost in her own little world. That was, until..." mina "Most importantly, I want someone I can trust! To do those things with!" scene minapai_3_a with dissolve show minapai3 mc "Ack... M-mina...!" mina "That's right! I'm dirty! I'm a filthy, fucking dirty bitch and... ha...! ...and your dick is like this because of me!" mina "It's big... grotesque... veiny... it's so hot between my breasts..." mina "Keep fucking my tits until you explode, you lucky nerd! Give me all that gooey cock-juice!" "Mina looked at me with confidence unbound, with a fierce expression bereft of her usual people-pleasing pretenses." "Did I finally, {i}truly{/i} get a glimpse of what was inside her head?" mc "Ah...! Y-yes, ma'am!" "*Sclick, schlick...!*" "The urge to bust my nut was all-consuming. I had practically blue-balled myself earlier and now my ball sack was cooking up what might just be the biggest load of my life." "With great urgency and need, I rutted the carnivorous succubus' rack, staring down at the same set of bottomless green eyes that started all of this." mc "Ha... hnng...!" "*Sllick, fwhick, fwhick...!*" "Those unfathomably unending green pools of lust...!" mc "Ah, fuck...!" "I might just drown in them!" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Make a mess!:" $ w2MinaMess = True "She said she wanted to be unable to get the smell of dick and jizz out of her hair? Well, careful what you ask for!" stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_5434 with flash mc "--!" "I came." mc "G'aaah-!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_5435 with flash "I came... So. Damn. Hard." "Rope after rope pushed itself out of my urethra with leg-bucking intensity, splashing down on the devilish blonde's chin with what I could've sworn was an audible {b}smack{/b}." mc "Ah, ha... ha! F~uuu~uuck me!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_5436 with flash "By the time I came to my senses and I had regained focus, the sight before me was a magnificently rancid and beautiful one." scene w2_5437 with dissolve mina "Ghyuuu, ew...!" scene w2_5436 with dissolve "Globs and chunks of cum caked the adorable blonde's face, turning her cute visage into something wholly unrecognizable." scene w2_5437 with dissolve mina "Thwhooick...!" scene w2_5436 with dissolve "So thick that it impeded even her ability to speak..." mct "(Why do I feel so damn proud right now?)" scene w2_5437 with dissolve mina "Haalp! Cheeen, ghettt aye hand?" scene w2_5438 with dissolve mc "Ah, s-shit...! Don't try and open your eyes, I'll...!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2MinaMindBlown:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2MinaMindBlown = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2MinaAftercare" KN_MOD "Roughly feed it to her!:" "Somewhere in her unending landscape of fantasies, she said she wanted to be treated rough... well, that idea suited me just fine as I felt my impending release draw near." scene w2_5439 with dissolve mina "H-huh...?" mc "Open your mouth!" mina "Uh..." scene w2_5440 with dissolve mina "Oh!" mc "Stick out your fucking tongue!" mina "Y-yes, d-Daddy!" scene w2_5441 with dissolve mina "Ah...!" mct "(Daddy?)" "Mina did as I asked, sluttily rolling her cute pink tongue out of her mouth and exposing her throat to me." scene w2_5442 with dissolve mc "Ah..." "A few seconds of jerking while looking down at Mina's stupid face was all I needed to get me there." mc "Open wide, pervert!" scene w2_5443 with dissolve mina "G-guh?!" mc "That \"gooey cock-juice\" is going straight down your beautiful throat!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_5444 with flash mc "--Nggh!" "For a split second, as rope after rope of jizz was pushed through my urethra, my sight and hearing turned off." "All I could feel was Mina's hands digging into my thighs and the panicked sputtering and flickering of her tongue as the biggest load of my life was directly deposited into her stomach." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_5445 with flash mina "*Cough!* *Cough*!" "Mina herself did her best to adjust and accept my selfish desire, but her throat wasn't as welcoming to the sudden invasion." mc "Ah, suck it all down, you dirty bitch!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_5446 with flash mina "*Cough!* *Cough!" mct "(You want to be treated like dirt? Like a dog?)" "I'd happily oblige!" scene w2_5447 with dissolve mina "*Cough!* *Cough!" mc "Don't spill a drop, you perverted cunt!" "With one last push, I wedged my dick as deep as it would go into the back of her tight throat and let it milk me to my very last drop. The way it gripped my shaft was pure bliss!" mc "Ah..." scene w2_5448 with dissolve "Spent, my hand unconsciously found its way to Mina's crown and gave it a well-deserved pat." mc "Ah... good girl." scene w2_5449 with dissolve mc "That was... wow." mina "Eyeh..." mc "Thank you, Mina." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if not persistent.w2MinaMindBlown:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w2MinaMindBlown = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2MinaAftercare" KN_MOD "label w2MinaAftercare:" play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene w2_5450 with wet "Everything had happened so quickly, but in the time that followed, I didn't contemplate the implications of what we had done." scene w2_5451 with dissolve "Instead, I concerned myself with the worn-out woman in front of me. I carried the wobbly blonde to the bathroom and helped her clean the dried semen off her face." "As of yet, Mina hadn't said much, but..." scene w2_5452 with dissolve mina "'s funny." scene w2_5451 with dissolve "I continued to wash her hair and patiently waited for her to explain." scene w2_5452 with dissolve mina "Haat... you're so gentle and caring right now, but ten minutes ago... you..." scene w2_5453 with dissolve "*Chomp!*" scene w2_5454 with dissolve mina "You ate me up. Ha...!" "I didn't know what to say, so Mina filled my empty response with a nervous giggle." scene w2_5455 with dissolve mina "Truthfully, I had hoped something would happen between us today, but I didn't expect you to be so... {b}aggressive{/b}." "She would be right under normal circumstances, but I suppose my experience in the last few weeks had emboldened me." scene w2_5456 with dissolve mc "Well, what man could resist a line so smooth like..." mc "{i}W-want to feel how heavy they are?{/i}" scene w2_5457 with dissolve mina "Heeeey! Don't make fun of me, jerk!" scene w2_5458 with dissolve mc "Sorry. I meant to say {i}what man wouldn't seize the chance to be with a woman like you?{/i}" mc "I'm quite the \"lucky nerd\", aren't I?" scene w2_5459 with dissolve mina "Ah...! I didn't mean that, that was just the heat of the moment..." scene w2_5460 with dissolve mc "It's okay, I'm just teasing you." mct "(It's also true as fuck.)" scene w2_5461 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2MinaMess == True:" mina "Mmmh...! No teasing for at least a day after you rudely jizz on my face, okay?!" KN_MOD "else:" mina "Mmmh...! No teasing for at least a day after you rudely shove your dick down my throat, okay?!" mc "That a standing rule?" scene w2_5462 with dissolve mina "Y-yes...?" scene w2_5463 with dissolve "*Smooch!*" mc "I'm sorry." scene w2_5464 with dissolve mina "Ah, well..." mina "I don't {b}actually{/b} mind." mc "Good. I wasn't {i}actually{/i} sorry." mina "Hehe~! Ah..." scene w2_5465 with dissolve mc "So..." mina "Hmmm?" mc "What was the deal with that list, by the way? Was that all made up?" mc "If not, do you still need help with... {i}whatever{/i}?" scene w2_5466 with dissolve mina "No, it's real... pen to paper real..." scene w2_5467 with dissolve mina "{b}Well{/b}..." mina "Ah, you see..." "I idled away my time waiting for her to find the right words to explain, content to just enjoy the softness of her curves and the warmth of her body pressed into mine." scene w2_5466 with dissolve mina "We've actually just checked line item numero uno off the list." scene w2_5465 with dissolve mc "We did? That was easy." scene w2_5467 with dissolve mina "Yeah.. you know all that crap I was spewing when I was turned on? All those... {b}fantasies{/b}?" scene w2_5468 with dissolve mc "It turns out you've got quite the array of interests, huh?" mina "S-shut it! Those were all... true. It's a... bedroom bucket list of sorts." mc "...hmm, no shit?" scene w2_5467 with dissolve mina "...y-yeah." scene w2_5465 with dissolve mc "So the first one was...?" scene w2_5466 with dissolve mina "I wanted to know what it felt like to be unfaithful." scene w2_5467 with dissolve mina "I mean, what the hell is so great about it?!" scene w2_5468 with dissolve mc "Did you find your answer?" mina "No... even if I haven't broken up with Ian yet, I guess it's not really the same, is it?" "As far as I'm concerned, Mina was guiltless. Me on the other hand..." scene w2_5469 with dissolve mina "*Sigh* Honestly..." mina "I just enjoyed... {b}what we did{/b}, for what it was. I've, uh... mmmh..." scene w2_5470 with dissolve "Mina awkwardly spun around, kicking up bath water and bringing me face-to-tit." mina "I don't think it occurred to me just how lonely I've felt until right now." mc "Mina..." scene w2_5471 with dissolve mina "Listen, [mcf]. I'm not going to ask you to be my boyfriend, but how about something like... my lover?" scene w2_5472 with dissolve mina "God, that sounds like something from a hundred years ago, doesn't it? I can't believe I just said that!" mina "I m-mean, we don't have to put a label on it, but... I still have a lot of things left on my list I want to do and I'd like to do them with someone I trust, so--" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Accept with a kiss.:" $ w2MinaLovers = True scene w2_5473 with dissolve mina "Mmmh..." "A kiss should be a strong enough yes." scene w2_5474 with dissolve $ Mina_Relations = "Casual lovers" show relationmina with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" mc "I'll introduce you to my mom as \"my lover\" then?" mina "E-eyh...?! I didn't mean..." scene w2_5475 with dissolve "*Chwup...!*" "Lovers... for some reason, the word didn't sound so bad. Almost felt like a fantasy." scene w2_5474 with dissolve mina "Ha..." KN_MOD "Youll happily help with her list.:" scene w2_5476 with dissolve mc "Okay." scene w2_5477 with dissolve mina "Okay...?" scene w2_5478 with dissolve scene w2_5474 with dissolve $ Mina_Relations = "Fuck buddies" show relationmina with dissolve mc "Uh huh. Let's live out your fantasies, together." scene w2_5479 with dissolve "No labels seemed like a hell of a good deal to me." scene w2_5481 with dissolve mc "That stuff about feeling like a robot, though... do you really think you'll get to know yourself better by screwing around?" mc "I don't think you'll get what you're hoping for out of all of this." scene w2_5482 with dissolve mina "I think I might, but if I don't..." scene w2_5483 with dissolve mina "Well, you and I will have had some fun, right?" scene w2_5481 with dissolve mc "Fun..." scene w2_5480 with dissolve "My mind recounted just some of Mina's lewd fantasies. The ones that she CHOSE to share, with any number of untold possibilities left unsaid." "Lewd, numerous, and utterly depraved fantasies..." scene w2_5481 with dissolve mc "Yeah, there isn't anything wrong with that." scene w2_5480 with dissolve "There was only the issue of Ian..." "I couldn't anticipate how he might react if he found out that I was fooling around with Mina. Not that he had a leg to stand on morally speaking, but..." "I wouldn't put it past him to act like a kid who had his toy taken away from him." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stipulate that she should break up with Ian as soon as possible.:" $ w2MinaPush = True scene w2_5478 with dissolve mc "You're planning on ending things with Ian, right?" scene w2_5479 with dissolve "Ian's goodwill toward me being what it was, should he find out, I could see him being fine with it if Mina and I \"just happened\" after they broke up." scene w2_5484 with dissolve mct"(It's generally in bad taste to get involved with a friend's ex, but bro code be damned, it's not like he loves Mina.)" scene w2_5472 with dissolve mina "Ah, yeah..." scene w2_5484 with dissolve "In the event he actually gives a shit, I could leverage our history together. I could make him okay with it." mct "(Maybe.)" scene w2_5472 with dissolve mina "I really should get that over with, shouldn't I?" scene w2_5485 with dissolve mc "You {b}need{/b} to." scene w2_5472 with dissolve mina "I will..." scene w2_5486 with dissolve mc "Before we do this again?" scene w2_5487 with dissolve "She smiled and nodded." scene w2_5488 with dissolve mina "Yeah. Like ripping a band-aid off." scene w2_5478 with dissolve mc "I don't think he's going to fight you over it." scene w2_5488 with dissolve mina "Oh, that's for certain. He's not going to give a crap." mina "I'm just afraid of how pissed off that's going to make me or..." scene w2_5489 with dissolve "The blonde slinked down and came to a rest on my chest." mina " much it might hurt to glimpse how little someone you thought cared about you never, truly did." scene w2_5490 with dissolve mc "It'll be alright." scene w2_5491 with dissolve "It was easy to forget that Mina was only nineteen and this was her first relationship. Despite her womanly appearance, in a lot of ways, she was still a young girl at heart." mina "Thanks, [mcf]." scene w2_5492 with dissolve mc "New standing rule." mina "Hmmm...?" KN_MOD "if w2MinaMess == True:" mc "For at least a day, you don't have to say thank you after I blow a load on your cute face, alright? " KN_MOD "else:" mc "For at least a day, you don't have to say thank you after I rudely shove my dick down your throat, alright?" scene w2_5493 with dissolve mina "J-jeez, don't be so lewd!" scene w2_5494 with dissolve mc"Oh, come on. Who are you trying to fool?" scene w2_5495 with dissolve "......" scene w2_5496 with dissolve mina "Ah..." scene w2_5497 with dissolve mina "Mmmh..." "Mina pulled me into a tender, affectionate kiss that I happily returned." scene w2_5498 with dissolve mina "I guess I don't get to pretend I'm so innocent anymore, huh?" scene w2_5499 with dissolve KN_MOD "Let her handle things at her own pace.:" "Well, that ship has already sailed. Mina and I did what we did and I wouldn't change that even if I could." scene w2_5478 with dissolve mc "Let's do that. Let's have some fun together." scene w2_5479 with dissolve "I enjoyed having her in my arms and I refuse to give that up out of fear of that jerk getting his feelings hurt." scene w2_5478 with dissolve mc "I only have one question though." scene w2_5488 with dissolve mina "Yeah...?" scene w2_5478 with dissolve mc "Next time... should I worship your feet or should I treat you like a dog?" scene w2_5500 with dissolve mina "Those were just some examples! They're not all like that!" scene w2_5501 with dissolve mc "Hah!" "The thought of Mina writing all those dirty things down, by hand and in detail, was a profoundly funny image to me." mina "What the heck is so funny?" scene w2_5502 with dissolve mc "Nothing, just..." "Come what may, I was glad to have met you, Mina." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Should it even just be for a brief length of time, and for a most nebulous reason, the thought of being with her soothed me on the inside." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2June12End" KN_MOD "label w2MinaLetDown:" play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene w2_5506 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "Ah, crap..." "I felt bad about rejecting her, on multiple levels, but..." scene w2_5507 with dissolve mc "I don't think that'll help sort out your feelings." scene w2_5508 with dissolve mina "..." scene w2_5509 with dissolve mina "Am I not attractive?" scene w2_5510 with dissolve mc "Seriously? you're a model, idiot. You have your face plastered on a giant magazine cover hanging in your room." scene w2_5509 with dissolve mina "No, I just mean... am I not attractive... {i}sexually{/i}? Why else would Ian cheat on me?" mina "I was so sure you'd... I mean, it's not like all the touching when you helped me during rehearsal was innocent, y'know?" scene w2_5511 with dissolve mc "I ignored {b}a lot{/b} of instincts right then." scene w2_5512 with dissolve mina "Then why?" scene w2_5513 with dissolve mc "It's kinda weird being so candid about this..." scene w2_5514 with dissolve mina "You're the one who made it that way." scene w2_5513 with dissolve mc "Fair enough. It's just that..." $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "*Ring, ring*" "The faint sound of a cell phone could be heard from behind Mina's bedroom door." scene w2_5515 with dissolve mc "Are you going to get that?" scene w2_5516 with dissolve mina "It's just my brother making sure I got in safe. I'll call him back in a minute." mina "Finish what you were saying. It's just what?" stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5517 with dissolve "It's just..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Shes your friend and it would be a mistake.:" $ Mina_Affection +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're my friend." scene w2_5518 with dissolve mina "Yeah, so...?" scene w2_5517 with dissolve mc "So I like that and prefer it to being a fucking rebound or revenge lay, okay?" scene w2_5518 with dissolve mina "You misunderstand, it's.... because I trust you and n-not... it has nothing to do with getting..." scene w2_5519 with dissolve $, 0, channel = "ambient") mina "It has nothing to do with getting even, seriously..." mina "Ah... that's not very freakin' convincing, but it's true." scene w2_5520 with dissolve "Mina looked pretty fucking genuine right now and my mind went back to our conversation from yesterday, about her feeling like a robot and wanting to get some experience." "That's when things clicked into place in no certain terms." mc "Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. Still..." scene w2_5521 with dissolve "I gave her back an obnoxiously friendly slap." mc "That's a short road, if you know what I mean." scene w2_5520 with dissolve "Seriously. I'm no better than Ian and not just because we hold the same job. In some ways, I might even be worse." mc "I'd prefer something more substantial." scene w2_5522 with dissolve mina "Ha...!" scene w2_5523 with dissolve mina "You're \"friend zoning\" me?" scene w2_5524 with dissolve mc "Yeah, kinda." mc "Feels pretty good, to be honest." scene w2_5525 with dissolve mina "Jerk...!" scene w2_5529 with dissolve "I didn't want things to be weird, but that was a tall order..." KN_MOD "Despite his many flaws, Ian is your bro:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Not that he doesn't have it coming, but Ian's been my friend for over a decade." scene w2_5519 with dissolve mina "Oh..." scene w2_5520 with dissolve mc "I don't have many of those to begin with and none for nearly that long." scene w2_5522 with dissolve mina "I'm sorry. I'm awful, aren't I?" mina "I shouldn't have tried to put you in this position..." $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene w2_5521 with dissolve mc "Oh, come on. Don't be. It's a big boost for my ego." "Frustratingly enough, I suspected that I only had the willpower to turn her down thanks to being knee-deep in sex because of the club." scene w2_5519 with dissolve mina "I feel so stupid, though..." scene w2_5520 with dissolve mc "You feel stupid, how do you think I feel? Turning down a beautiful woman because of THAT asshole?" scene w2_5529 with dissolve mc "I'll take it to my death bed." scene w2_5526 with dissolve mina "Ha...! You really are stupid, just not in the way you think." scene w2_5529 with dissolve "I was pleased to see she could laugh in this situation." scene w2_5518 with dissolve mina "Hmm... I don't know what I was thinking here, I just... I don't have a lot of experience with men." scene w2_5519 with dissolve mina "Guess I was... trying to fast-track some or something..." scene w2_5520 with dissolve mc "I'm going to be frank. You don't really need a point of comparison to know you should break up with someone who treats you like trash." scene w2_5526 with dissolve mina "Heh. So you're turning me down because of Ian and now you're telling me to also break up with him?" scene w2_5527 with dissolve mc "Two completely unrelated things, numbskull." scene w2_5528 with dissolve mina "Hmpfh...!" mina "You have no idea how frustrating you are." mc "Eh, I have an inkling." "I am patting her head like she's a kid." scene w2_5529 with dissolve mc "So..." "I didn't want things to be weird, but that was a tall order..." mct "(What to do...?)" "The only comfort I can offer I guess." scene w2_5530 with dissolve mc "Go get changed into something comfortable. That's an order." mina "Huh, why...?" scene w2_5531 with dissolve mc "I'm going to cook us some dinner and then we're going to watch a movie. Something dumb and loud, just like you like, right?" scene w2_5532 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_5533 with dissolve mina "You think I want to have dinner with a man that rejected me?" scene w2_5534 with dissolve mc "Well, I was hoping..." mina "Jeez..." scene w2_5535 with dissolve mina "You have NO idea how frustrating you are." mina "...but it's kinda refreshing, to be honest. Fine." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mina "Let's pretend I'm not a dunce - super comfy it is." scene w2_5536 with blinds "So I set to task, feeling a little dumb, but also like I wasn't just some dumb animal." mct "(Okay, maybe REALLY dumb...)" scene w2_5537 with circlewipe mina "This... is good?" mc "Why is everyone always surprised about that?" "Still, I liked Mina and a night like this felt cozy and comfortable. I had no regrets turning her down." scene w2_5538 with ccirclewipe mina "I know I told you I like stupid action movies, but this..." scene w2_5540 with dissolve mina "Never mind, this is flippin' great!" "Friends." scene w2_5539 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/big-explosion.mp3" "I don't have very many of those." scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w2June12End:" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_5541 with blinds $ date = "june12night" show june12night with squares mct "(Damn, what a week...)" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True and minaCheat == True and w2MinaPush == True:" $ history_mina = "The sexual tension between us came to a head, resulting in Mina and I having a bit of fun. Afterward, I encouraged her to break up with Ian and she told me about a sordid list of things she'd like to try in the bedroom." $ unread_mina = True KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True and minaCheat == True and w2MinaPush == False:" $ history_mina = "The sexual tension between us came to a head, resulting in Mina and I having a bit of fun. Come whatever happens between her and Ian, Mina did tell me about a sordid list of things she'd like to try in the bedroom..." $ unread_mina = True KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True and minaCheat == False and w2MinaPush == False:" $ history_mina = "In the wake of Ian's brazen infidelity, Mina looked to me for physical comfort and I could offer none. Still, I hope that we'll remain friends and I'll continue to see her." $ unread_mina = True hide june12night with dissolve play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "I got home to an empty, lifeless apartment. With her toothbrush gone, it seemed Hana did indeed go back to her mom's." play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_5542 with dissolve "*Sigh*" mct "(It's good that they made up, but why do I feel so glum?)" scene w2_5543 with dissolve "...maybe it would be nice to live with somebody?" mct "( a roommate?)" play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" scene w2_5544 with dissolve mct "(Yeah, no!)" "I shouldn't conflate how nice it was having a hot girl live with me for a few days with someone constantly invading my privacy." scene w2_5545 with dissolve mct "(Having someone around most of the time would be annoying.)" "...right?" scene w2_5546 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_5547 with dissolve mct "(What about a girlfriend...?)" "Someone to have and hold? Someone to share how my day went that isn't my mother." mct "(What am I thinking? Sex is falling from the sky now!)" scene w2_5545 with dissolve "...{b}Impossible{/b}." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" "The thought is only in my head because of how cozy it felt to be with Mina." KN_MOD "else:" "The thought is probably only in my head because Mina put it there..." "My job makes it impossible to be monogamous." mct "(Besides, do I really want that kind of relationship?)" "One where I lie and cheat?" scene w2_5547 with dissolve "I wish I remembered what my mom and dad were like together. She speaks so lovingly and fondly of him, in contrast with the sparse other examples of a \"normal relationship\" I can think of." mct "(I'd love to have that as a template, but...)" "I can't help but wonder if death doesn't color your memories of a person." scene w2_5548 with dissolve mct "(Why am I thinking about all this useless crap...? It's because...)" "Rosalind, Veronica, Felicia, Hana, and Mina... it was annoying, but interacting with them has shone a spotlight on something I lacked." "*Sigh*" mct "(Was I happy before this, living in a small and insular world? Am I happy now?)" mc "Bleugh..." "Pointless questions posed from the prerogative of someone in a comfortable enough situation to idly stare a hole in their own navel all day." scene w2_5549 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." "......" scene w2_5550 with dissolve "..." "Should I... call someone?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_5549 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Call Hana.:" scene w2_5551 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Friends do call each other to talk." mct "(...I think.)" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "*Ring, ring*" stop sound scene w2_5552 with fade hana "*click* What's up?" scene w2_5553 with dissolve mc "I'm uh... just calling to talk I guess. You're back at your mom's, right?" scene w2_5552 with dissolve hana "Awww, you miss me?" scene w2_5554 with dissolve woman "Is that a boy?" scene w2_5555 with dissolve mc "A little. I got used to having you walk around half-naked, I guess." scene w2_5554 with dissolve woman "Oh, is that where you've been? You should bring him--" scene w2_5556 with dissolve hana "Shush! I'm on the phone!" scene w2_5557 with dissolve hana "Anyway, that's kind of fuckin' weird, right?" scene w2_5558 with dissolve mc "What do you mean? Friends call each other right?" scene w2_5557 with dissolve hana "No. No, they don't." scene w2_5559 with dissolve hana "You don't have any friends, do you? People don't call each other. They {b}text{/b}." scene w2_5558 with dissolve mc "So, I should hang up then...?" scene w2_5560 with dissolve hana "N-no, I didn't say that. I'm not doing anything." scene w2_5561 with dissolve hana "Let's talk. How are you?" scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "Feeling a little antsy about the exhibition tomorrow - less than I did last week, but I still don't know what the hell is going to happen." scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "Bet I'm going to have to get my dick out in front of some old men again." scene w2_5563 with dissolve hana "Ha! Yeah, me too. The old woman had the idea that I should sit in on tomorrow's show. Thinks it's a good start in showing August that I have an interest in the business." scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "Just by watching?" scene w2_5563 with dissolve hana "Well, uh... she wants me to judge." scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "...are you okay with that?" scene w2_5563 with dissolve hana "Let's move off this topic." scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "What do you want to talk about?" scene w2_5563 with dissolve hana "It occurs to me I know nothing about your musical taste." scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "I like a bit of everything." scene w2_5563 with dissolve hana "Ugh! That is the worst answer!" hana "Do you know Pitfall of My Own Miserable Making?" scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "No..." scene w2_5563 with dissolve hana "What about Him's Debaucherous Debacle?" scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "...are these bands?" scene w2_5586 with dissolve hana "Oh, man! I've got some shit you need to listen to!" "Like this, Hana and I talked for an hour. I knew not a single band of hers and she shared none of my limited interests, but it was... nice." scene w2_5565 with fade "It was very nice." "Eventually though, the drowsiness prevailed." hana "Night, [mcf]." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5566 with dissolve mc "Good night..." scene w2_5567 with dissolve "....." scene w2_5568 with dissolve "...sleep took hold, bringing me into tomorrow." scene black with fade "To a day that made the first week's exhibition look like light fun." KN_MOD "Call Mina. if minaFlag == True and minaCheat == True:" scene w2_5551 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I just saw her, but..." mct "(Giving a girl a call is normal, right?)" scene black with fade "There's no point in overthinking this. I should do what I want." play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "*Ring, ring*" stop sound scene w2_5569 with dissolve mina "H-hey...!" scene w2_5570 with dissolve mc "Bad time?" scene w2_5571 with dissolve mina "Uh, n-no... I was just..." scene w2_5572 with dissolve mina "I was just winding down before bed." scene w2_5573 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene w2_5574 with dissolve mina "What's on your mind?" scene w2_5573 with dissolve mc "I got home to an empty apartment and felt like calling someone." scene w2_5574 with dissolve mina "Heh, that so?" scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "I've never called someone on the phone before just to talk, but I thought... you and I are..." scene w2_5563 with dissolve mina "Never? That's so weird! I talk all the time to Felicia." scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "Just her?" scene w2_5563 with dissolve mina "Eh, well, I'm not so good with having \"girl friends\" if you know what I mean..." "I had no clue." scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "I find that surprising. You're so friendly." scene w2_5563 with dissolve mina "It can come off as fake..." "Okay, I had a clue." mina "So, anyway. Let's chat! Tell me about your studies!" scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "That stuff is boring." scene w2_5586 with dissolve mina "I want to know!" "It felt like she truly did." scene w2_5585 with dissolve mc "Well, okay..." "Mina and I talked until we were both about asleep. We talked about all sorts of things - about my first love, about doctors and medicine, and even on how to string a bow." scene w2_5565 with dissolve "It was a quick hour." "Eventually though, the drowsiness prevailed." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5566 with dissolve mc "Good night, Mina." scene w2_5565 with dissolve mina "Ha... good night [mcf]." scene w2_5567 with dissolve "....." scene w2_5568 with dissolve "...sleep took hold, bringing me into tomorrow." scene black with fade "To a day that made the first week's exhibition look like light fun." KN_MOD "Call Mom.:" scene w2_5551 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I haven't talked to my mom in a few days..." scene black with fade mct "(I should really give her a call.)" play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" "*Ring, ring...*" stop sound scene w2_5575 with dissolve vic "My favorite son! What do I owe the pleasure?" scene w2_5576 with dissolve vic "Don't you have anything better to do on a Friday night than call your mom?" scene w2_5577 with dissolve mc "Ouch. That hurts coming from you of all people. How's your social book looking?" scene w2_5578 with dissolve vic "Full. I'm spending a hot and heavy night with a ruggedly handsome good book." scene w2_5577 with dissolve mc "Don't say things in that kind of voice..." scene w2_5576 with dissolve vic "Ha! How are you, [mcf]? How's Hana?" scene w2_5577 with dissolve mc "We're not dating." scene w2_5575 with dissolve vic "I didn't say that did I? I just asked how that lovely, way-out-of-your-league girl was doing." scene w2_5576 with dissolve vic "I'm definitely not saying you should strike while the iron's hot..." scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "Good thing I took everything literally or I might be getting conflicting signals here." scene w2_5563 with dissolve vic "Sorry. Am I being too pushy?" scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "Nah, I mean... you're right that I'm at home on a summer's Friday night." scene w2_5563 with dissolve "Obviously not going to mention how active my afternoons have been every single day this week." vic "I just don't want your 20s to be all work, work, work. I was with your father when I was your age." scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "How did you and dad meet?" scene w2_5563 with dissolve vic "You've heard that story." scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "I know. I'd like to hear it again though." scene w2_5563 with dissolve vic "Hmpfh, alright..." "So she told me the story and more, replete with other tales of how sweet my father could be and how big his dreams were." "The subject was bittersweet, but my mother's stories were the only connection I had with my father." stop music fadeout 3.0 "Eventually though..." scene w2_5565 with dissolve vic "Good night, hun. Sleep tight." scene w2_5567 with dissolve "....." scene w2_5568 with dissolve "...sleep took hold, bringing me into tomorrow." scene black with fade "To a day that made the first week's exhibition look like light fun." KN_MOD "Call Ian.:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5551 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It's not like my contact list is bursting with options..." play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene black with fade "*Ring, ring...*" stop sound scene w2_5579 with dissolve play music "music/hotshot.ogg" kil "[mcf]!" KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True:" kil "I can't believe you're calling me twice in twenty-four hours. What's up?" KN_MOD "else:" kil "It's weird for you to call me out of the blue. What's up?" scene w2_5580 with dissolve mc "I dunno. Just kinda wanted to talk to somebody and you're like my only friend, sadly." scene w2_5581 with dissolve kil "Shit, {b}really{/b}? Are you feeling okay?" scene w2_5582 with dissolve mc "What's that supposed to mean?" scene w2_5581 with dissolve kil "Don't make me look like I'm the one being the jerk, you're the unsociable cunt between the two of us." kil "You didn't get any bad news today, did you? You've never called me to just quote unquote talk." scene w2_5582 with dissolve mc "Oh, fuck off. This was a mistake, I'm hanging--" scene w2_5583 with dissolve kil "Wait, wait, wait...! What do you want to talk about?" scene w2_5580 with dissolve mc "Nothing in particular. I guess I'm just bored." scene w2_5579 with dissolve kil "Want to come over and play some games then?" scene w2_5580 with dissolve mc "Sorry. Too tired." scene w2_5563 with dissolve kil "Alright, conversation it is!" KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True and minaFlag == True:" kil "So... how did things go with you and Mina today?" KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" scene w2_5584 with dissolve mct "(Uh... shit.)" "Don't say fucking your soon-to-be ex-girlfriend. {b}Don't say fucking your soon-to-be ex-girlfriend." scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "We went..." scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "We went to the arcade with her brother. He said you two have met?" scene w2_5563 with dissolve kil "Yeah, that dork? He's a bit..." scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "Like you as a kid?" scene w2_5563 with dissolve kil "Yeah, exactly. It kinda pisses me off to look at him." scene w2_5585 with dissolve mc "That is refreshingly, yet painfully honest." scene w2_5563 with dissolve kil "Did Mina seem in high spirits?" KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" scene w2_5584 with dissolve mct "(Uh... double shit.)" "Don't say {i}does cumming her brains out qualify as high spirits?{/i}" scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "As high as you can expect I guess." scene w2_5563 with dissolve kil "*Sigh* Ah, shit..." scene w2_5562 with dissolve mc "Let's not talk about this anymore." scene w2_5563 with dissolve kil "Good idea..." scene w2_5564 with dissolve mc "Did you see that new preview for Dying Dogma 4?" scene w2_5563 with dissolve kil "Those games haven't been any good since the first one, dude." scene w2_5585 with dissolve mc "Yeah, but... keep hope alive. The first one was so good!" scene w2_5586 with dissolve kil "Ha! Keep hoping!" "We talked for an hour, of nothing substantial and across many frivolous topics." "That sort of inanity was actually nice. Junk food conversation can be just what a person needs from time to time." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5565 with dissolve "Eventually though, drowsiness prevailed." kil "Night, dude. See you tomorrow." scene w2_5566 with dissolve mc "Yeah, see you tomorrow..." scene w2_5567 with dissolve "....." scene w2_5568 with dissolve "...and sleep took hold, bringing me into tomorrow." scene black with fade "To a day that made the first week's exhibition look like light fun." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w2_5587 with snake "......" "..." scene w2_5588 with dissolve sophia "It's been seven days and there's been no notable change in tolerance levels." scene w2_5589 with dissolve abel "No adjustment required, {b}at all{/b}?" scene w2_5588 with dissolve sophia "None, sir." scene w2_5590 with dissolve kat "That's good news?" scene w2_5591 with dissolve abel "Very. The terribly diminishing effect was our biggest hurdle." scene w2_5590 with dissolve kat "I'm glad you're happy." scene w2_5592 with dissolve abel "You've been very accommodating Kathleen, but I think your choice of locale is rather brazen. Do the other two really not mind your... hospitality?" scene w2_5593 with dissolve kat "Charles... well, that pervert likes to watch and if you know where someone is looking..." scene w2_5594 with dissolve kat "You can easily slip things by their blind spots." scene w2_5592 with dissolve abel "And what about the gangster?" scene w2_5593 with dissolve kat "Eventually, he'll get curious and come looking, but for now the club is being paid." scene w2_5595 with dissolve kat "Once he does discover what's going on underneath his nose, he'll no doubt raise a {b}major{/b} issue with it." scene w2_5596 with dissolve abel "Then are you sure it's wise to conduct the tests here?" scene w2_5597 with dissolve kat "I insist on it. {b}Here is perfect{/b}. It's easier to capsize a ship when you have a wave to break it against." kat "Don't tell me {i}the{/i} Abel Van Doren is concerned?" scene w2_5598 with dissolve abel "Not at all. I'm untouchable. You, however..." scene w2_5599 with dissolve kat "Don't worry about me. As it is, this place is too mundane and boring." scene w2_5600 with dissolve kat "I'll stake my life on making it more... enriching." scene w2_5601 with dissolve woman "{size=-10}Gyuhh... Eyll be guud... j-jjuust...{/size=-10}" scene w2_5602 with dissolve abel "Hmmfph. Very well then." scene w2_5603 with dissolve abel "It disgusts me, but shortsighted bitches like you have their use." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 kat "Happy to be of use, sir." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump June13Start" KN_MOD "label June13Start:" KN_MOD "if met_sophia == False:" $ met_sophia = True hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transition_carnations with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june13day" $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/chatter-low.wav" scene w2_5689 with fade show screen qmenu with dissolve ver "--don't you think it's wildly unfair only one of us is compensated?" scene w2_5690 with dissolve rose "Isn't that the point? They're paying to see our desperation." scene w2_5691 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "{i}Our{/i} desperation...?" scene w2_5692 with dissolve fel "...don't look at me, bitch. You agreed to the terms." scene w2_5693 with dissolve ver "I did, but all I'm saying is, if we really help bring in as much money as [mcf] says... don't you think we have a hefty fucking bargaining chip?" ver "We could threaten not to perform to--" scene w2_5694 with dissolve fel "Let me stop you there. That's a bad idea - {b}a really stupid and bad idea{/b}." scene w2_5695 with dissolve rose "Yeah, I agree with Felicia, I don't want to jeopardize my chances of clearing my debt. Besides, I don't think we have as much negotiating power as you think..." scene w2_5696 with dissolve ver "Don't we?" play sound "sound effects/ice-glass.wav" scene w2_5697 with dissolve "*Clank*" scene w2_5698 with dissolve fel "You're not as dumb as you look, right? Don't you have a read on the kind of place it is?" fel "The kind of people who run the place? The kind of people who are paying to watch?" scene w2_5699 with dissolve ver "Yeah, they're rich assholes, which means they can afford to--" scene w2_5700 with dissolve fel "They're not the kind of people you jerk around. Christ, imagine agreeing to participate without understanding that." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5701 with dissolve ver "You can only say that because of the stupid-ass reason you--!" play music "music/jazz-apricot.ogg" scene w2_5702 with dissolve show june13day with squares mc "Sorry I'm late. I wasn't expecting you to change where we ate..." ver "--ah, herm..." scene w2_5703 with dissolve $, 0, channel = "ambient") ver "Well... you did say you wanted to treat us." scene w2_5704 with dissolve ver "...and after all the parading you had us do this week, I wouldn't call that crappy diner a treat. This place isn't too expensive for you, right?" mc "I wasn't complaining. At the very least, you guys do deserve a good hot meal before tonight." scene w2_5705 with dissolve mc "What were you three talking about when I came in? It looked anima--" scene w2_5706 with dissolve carnations "{b}Nothing{/b}." scene w2_5707 with dissolve mc "I see..." mct "(...not suspicious in the least.)" scene w2_5708 with dissolve mc "Fine, keep your secrets." scene w2_5709 with dissolve rose "It was just girl talk--" scene w2_5710 with dissolve fel "...{b}Carnation{/b} talk. Strategizing, I guess." scene w2_5711 with dissolve mc "Hmm, well I'm glad. That's better than being sick with worry." mc "How are you each doing today?" scene w2_5712 with dissolve rose "Alright--" ver "As good as can be expect--" scene w2_5713 with dissolve fel "Looking forward to tonight." scene w2_5714 with dissolve ver "Looking for--?" scene w2_5715 with dissolve rose "... er, how are you, [mcf]?" scene w2_5716 with dissolve mc "I'm both alright and as good as can be expected." mc "I mainly can't believe it's only been a week. These past seven days felt much longer." mct "({b}So, so much longer.{/b})" scene w2_5717 with dissolve rose "Tell me about it..." fel "I wonder what Kat's got cooked up." ver "Yeah, {i}humiliation{/i}... it's a pretty open-ended shitshow, huh?" scene w2_5718 with dissolve mc "Do you guys actually want to think about that before we eat?" rose "There's no running away from it." ver "Rose is right. It's better to mentally steel yourself." scene w2_5719 with dissolve rose "You don't have any clue about what we can expect do you?" mc "Same answer as last week: I'm equally in the dark as you." scene w2_5720 with dissolve fel "Heh. Maybe she'll have us crawl around on all fours like an animal?" "Felicia shot Veronica a knowing look. The conversation they had before I arrived was evidently quite open..." scene w2_5721 with dissolve ver "Shut it, pig." mct "(I guess, in a way, they're starting to have a fucked-up sense of camaraderie...)" scene w2_5722 with dissolve rose "I doubt it will be that basic..." scene w2_5723 with dissolve fel "If you think about it, for most people, just having sex in front of a crowd is humiliating in and of itself. Yet, that's the baseline here..." fel "I reckon she'll get pretty damn personal with it." scene w2_5724 with dissolve mc "This is a {b}show{/b} foremost, with an audience and all that jazz. It'll be something the club patrons will easily understand and want to see." scene w2_5725 with dissolve ver "Oh! The whole thing would be a flop if that old bitch didn't get the reaction she wanted out of us, wouldn't it?" rose "I want to win, Veronica, not screw with that woman's twisted fun." scene w2_5726 with dissolve ver "I know, but it's stimulating to imagine." mct "(Anyone overhearing this conversation must be confused as fuck right now...)" scene w2_5727 with dissolve "Well, the four of us are an odd combination to begin with." scene w2_5728 with dissolve waitress "You ready to order?" fel "Yep!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 waitress "What are you having?" "So we did indeed have what I hoped: a nice, hot meal before tonight." "......" "..." play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" scene w2_5729 with circlewipe ver "Ah, I'm stuffed...!" rose "I don't think it was such a good idea to eat that much. Especially before..." scene w2_5730 with dissolve fel "Before our \"workout\" tonight, you mean?" scene w2_5731 with dissolve rose "Y-yeah..." scene w2_5732 with dissolve fel "Well, some men love to see a girl fighting back her lunch, y'know?" scene w2_5733 with dissolve rose "Geh, gross." scene w2_5734 with dissolve fel "Let me out. I'm going to go smoke." scene w2_5735 with dissolve fel "Any of you want to join me?" rose "No thanks, I don't smoke." mc "Me either." scene w2_5736 with dissolve fel "What about you, Red?" scene w2_5737 with dissolve ver "That's a joke, right? You think I'd poison my body like that?" scene w2_5738 with dissolve fel "I figured maybe you'd like some fresh air?" scene w2_5739 with dissolve ver "The air in here suits me fine." scene w2_5740 with dissolve fel "...s'alright." scene w2_5741 with dissolve ver "......" rose "..." scene w2_5742 with dissolve ver "So... how's your daughter doing, Rose?" scene w2_5743 with dissolve rose "I actually sent her to this nice summer camp." scene w2_5742 with dissolve ver "Yeah, because of...?" scene w2_5743 with dissolve rose "Uh huh. She doesn't need to see [mcf] coming or going and I don't need to fake my moods or hide where I go every Saturday." scene w2_5742 with dissolve ver "That's... smart and reasonable." scene w2_5744 with dissolve rose "It's sucky is what it is. I'm not lying, but... I hate feeling like I'm hiding things from my daughter." scene w2_5745 with dissolve mc "That's part of being a parent, right? Children don't really understand adult problems sometimes, nor should they." scene w2_5746 with dissolve ver "What would you know about that?" scene w2_5747 with dissolve mc "Conjecture, I guess." scene w2_5748 with dissolve rose "...[mcf]'s right, but it still sucks." rose "She's old enough to understand her father is... well, you know. The specifics though..." scene w2_5749 with dissolve ver "That's some real shit." scene w2_5750 with dissolve rose "Heh...! You have a talent for not knowing how to put things, Veronica." scene w2_5751 with dissolve ver "Ah... well..." scene w2_5752 with dissolve ver "I hope your daughter has a good time." scene w2_5753 with dissolve rose "Me too, despite whatever happens at the end of this month..." scene w2_5754 with dissolve ver "Yeah..." scene w2_5755 with dissolve rose "Excuse me... nature calls." scene w2_5756 with dissolve "Rosalind zipped away from the table, leaving me and the statuesque redhead awkwardly alone." scene w2_5757 with dissolve mc "I'm glad you picked this place, it's pretty ni--" scene w2_5758 with dissolve ver "Rose has a lot riding on her shoulders, huh?" scene w2_5759 with dissolve mc "You all do." scene w2_5764 with dissolve ver "Not in the same way." scene w2_5763 with dissolve mc "You having doubts?" scene w2_5764 with dissolve ver "No, it's just... she must look at me the same way I look at Blondie." scene w2_5762 with dissolve mct "(Does that bother her...?)" "All she was saying was true, but..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree with her.:" $ toughness +=1 scene w2_5763 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, you're not wrong. Her situation is pretty fucked." scene w2_5761 with dissolve "No sense in sugar-coating what she already realizes." scene w2_5759 with dissolve mc "That gym may be a dream of yours, but she has her whole livelihood and a child to worry about." scene w2_5761 with dissolve ver "......" ver "..." KN_MOD "Offer some validation.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 scene w2_5763 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, everyone's got problems and they all seem more important to the one who shoulders them." mc "You're fighting for your livelihood too, right?" scene w2_5760 with dissolve ver "I am, but... I mean..." ver "It doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for her. What's worse...?" scene w2_5765 with dissolve ver "I still want to win. So very, {i}very{/i} badly." ver "I refuse to be a {b}loser{/b}." scene w2_5761 with dissolve "The emphasis on that last word made it sound vulgar. " scene w2_5760 with dissolve ver "...and I kinda fuckin' hate that I feel that way." scene w2_5761 with dissolve "Veronica overwrought with guilt was a look I was unfamiliar with." scene w2_5766 with dissolve fel "This damn city, I swear...!" scene w2_5767 with dissolve mc "That was fast." scene w2_5768 with dissolve fel "Some ass got on me for smoking in front of the building." fel "Where do they expect me to do it, in the middle of the street?" scene w2_5769 with dissolve ver "You should seriously consider quitting." scene w2_5770 with dissolve fel "That your advice as a professional?" scene w2_5769 with dissolve ver "That's just common sense. It's a filthy, harmful habit." scene w2_5771 with dissolve fel "Eh. I only do it after a big meal or a \"good\" time." scene w2_5772 with dissolve fel "Speaking of bad habits... I think I have room for dessert. Maybe a hot fudge brownie with ice cream..." scene w2_5773 with dissolve ver "Don't you watch what you eat? I mean, I know you do just by looking at you..." scene w2_5774 with dissolve fel "Doesn't hurt to splurge once in a while. Today I'm not going to think about a damn thing, but enjoying myself." scene w2_5775 with dissolve fel "Waitress!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I had gradually come to understand the most important quality Mrs. Pulman looked for in a Carnation." KN_MOD "else:" "I had gradually come to understand the most important quality Kathleen looked for in a Carnation." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Single-mindedness - each and every one of them." "......" "..." play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene w2_5776 with blinds mc "You didn't have to volunteer to give me a ride." rose "I know, but anything to eat up the time between now and tonight I guess. What am I going to do, go home and watch TV? Too many butterflies to just sit on my keister." mc "It's just a ten-minute drive. You'll still have a lot of time on your hands." scene w2_5777 with dissolve rose "Well, I also wanted to speak to you." mc "Privately? About what?" rose "About Oliver and your help." KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "He's not still hassling you, is he? I transferred the money this morning." scene w2_5779 with dissolve rose "No, he... he was very surprised to receive it. He had a lot of questions, but I didn't explain it to him." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "That's good news, so what's there to talk about then?" scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "I know you say it's part of your job, but I wanted to thank you in person for getting me the money. I said it on the phone, but, well..." scene w2_5780 with dissolve rose "...gratitude should be shown face-to-face. That's one of the very few things my mother taught me that I still agree with." scene w2_5784 with dissolve mc "You're welcome, Rose." mct "(I didn't really do anything and it's not like it's my money...)" scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "I should've thanked Felicia for the money as well, like you told me to, but I couldn't bring myself to do it." scene w2_5783 with dissolve mc "Is it because of Veronica being there?" scene w2_5789 with dissolve rose "Partly, but I also just can't understand why she would help me. What is she trying to pull, [mcf]?" scene w2_5790 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't read too much into it. She wears clothes that cost more than what she gave you." mc "Heh. Doesn't that just boil your blood?" scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "When you put it that way, it does sort of tee me off. Still..." scene w2_5783 with dissolve mc "Seriously though, she's capricious and she did it for me as a favor. She isn't trying to pull wool over your eyes." mc "I mean I probably could've got the club to pay it, but accepting a handout from an overprivileged whacko seemed like the most painless solution for you. Am I wrong?" scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "...mmmh, but I still feel like that bitch is trying to mind game me." scene w2_5786 with dissolve mc "Ha! I'll be damned!" scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "...what?" scene w2_5783 with dissolve "Naturally, Rosalind was suspicious of her opponent. I might be too if I were in her position, but I knew for a fact what motivated her generosity." mc "I've never heard you so catty before." scene w2_5786 with dissolve mct "(What I was suspicious of was what Felicia was angling for by paying me for my company.)" mc "Seriously. Don't overthink it." scene w2_5787 with dissolve rose "How could I not?" scene w2_5788 with dissolve mc "Understanding that woman is an exercise in futility. She's a black hole of common sense." mc "So, just thank her if you want, but honestly I don't think she expects you to." scene w2_5793 with dissolve rose "No... I should. It's the right thing to do." scene w2_5795 with dissolve mc "The \"right thing\", huh?" scene w2_5794 with dissolve "That was a funny thing to be worried about while prostituting yourself in a bizarre series of sex games." KN_MOD "if rosalindKatSolution == True:" scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "He's not still hassling you, is he?" scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "No, Mrs. Pulman transferred the money directly into my bank account last night, which I then used to pay off the interest this morning. Oliver was surprised to receive it." scene w2_5779 with dissolve rose "He had a lot of questions, but none that I cared to answer." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "If it's settled, then what is there to talk about?" scene w2_5789 with dissolve rose "I guess I should say thank you in person for getting me the money, even if you say it's part of your job." scene w2_5779 with dissolve rose "...and gratitude should be shown face-to-face. That's one of the very few things my mother taught me that I still agree with." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "It didn't exactly come without strings, Rose. You {b}shouldn't{/b} thank me." mct "(Not in the least...)" scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "I know, but it keeps the motor running, right?" scene w2_5778 with dissolve "It was a sad thought that she might clear her debt, but not escape that place, but what can I do?" mct "(She agreed to it.)" mc "Do you know what you'll have to do to pay it back or for how long you'll have to do it?" scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "Mrs. Pulman said we'll talk about it at the end of the month, but you and I both know what she expects." scene w2_5783 with dissolve "Yeah, of course I knew. The first part of my question was a formality. It was the latter part I was actually curious about." scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "I thought maybe I could start working it off this month, while I have all this free time, but she said Carnations aren't on the \"ordinary\" menu - whatever the hell that means." scene w2_5783 with dissolve "A house girl probably pulls in \$\5000 in a few nights, but I imagine it wouldn't be that simple of a transaction." mc "If I had to guess, I think she's worried the allure of her show would be compromised if you started boning old fucks not even halfway through the month." mc "Plus, you'll be more valuable as a prostitute AFTER the Exhibition is over." scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "Huh, prostitute...?" scene w2_5786 with dissolve mc "You did say you and I both know what she expects, right?" scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "Yeah, but just speaking the word aloud makes it..." scene w2_5796 with dissolve rose "It makes me want to puke." KN_MOD "if rosalindKatSolutionFree == True:" scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "He's not still hassling you, is he?" scene w2_5779 with dissolve rose "No, Mrs. Pulman transferred the money directly into my bank account last night, which I then used to pay off my interest this morning. Oliver was surprised to receive it." rose "He had a lot of questions, but none of them I cared to answer." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "If it's settled, what is there to talk about?" scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "I know you say it's part of your job, but I wanted to thank you in person. I said it on the phone, but, well..." scene w2_5780 with dissolve rose "...gratitude should be shown face-to-face. That's one of the very few things my mother taught me that I still agree with." scene w2_5784 with dissolve mc "You're welcome, Rose." mct "(It wasn't like it was my money. I just asked someone else to foot the bill...)" mc "So you're squared away until after the Exhibition ends, correct?" scene w2_5780 with dissolve rose "Yeah. With any luck, I won't see that bastard's face for the rest of the month." scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "With even more luck, I'll only see him one more time..." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "How did your husband meet that bottom feeder?" scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "How does anyone meet a loan shark? I honestly don't know, but he did." rose "He liked to gamble and he always had some big idea to make money. He was ambitious, but he didn't have the talent or means." scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "*Scoff* Bastard..." scene w2_5786 with dissolve mc "Sorry for asking." scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "No, it's fine. It's just funny how people say, \"he's not the man I married\". Me? I think he was always that way; it just took a long time for the picture to develop." scene w2_5783 with dissolve mc "You... never know what kind of person you're dealing with or who you're looking at until circumstances unveil another piece of the puzzle." mc "Sometimes it takes a whole lifetime to learn an uncomfortable truth about yourself or those you love." scene w2_5791 with dissolve rose "...half a lifetime? You're in your early twenties, kid." scene w2_5792 with dissolve mc "That I am. I got a whole lot left to learn about myself." scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "Heh, you're right, though..." rose "Never in my life would I have imagined I'd have what it took to be a..." scene w2_5786 with dissolve "She paused, as if hoping the uncomfortable word would speak itself." scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "I would have never imagined I'd have what it takes to be a {b}prostitute{/b}." scene w2_5786 with dissolve mc "Technically, you haven't been paid for anything yet, right? It's only if you win..." scene w2_5796 with dissolve rose "Ha... that's an even more depressing thought!" KN_MOD "if rosalindAugSolution == True:" scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "He's not still hassling you, is he?" scene w2_5789 with dissolve rose "I don't know. He didn't drop by this morning... which is unusual. I figured it had something to do with the club paying what I owed?" scene w2_5790 with dissolve mc "Something like that." "More specifically, didn't pay anything. He said he'd simply ask her loan shark to back off, but there was no point in clarifying that distinction." mc "Mr. Byrnes said he'd take care of it directly." scene w2_5789 with dissolve rose "I see..." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "Is that what you wanted to talk about?" scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "Partly, but I also wanted to express my gratitude face-to-face. I said it on the phone, but, well..." scene w2_5780 with dissolve rose "...gratitude should be shown face-to-face. That's one of the very few things my mother taught me that I still agree with." scene w2_5784 with dissolve mc "You're welcome, Rose." mct "(I didn't really do anything. Just talked to someone...)" mc "You should be squared away until after the Exhibition ends I think." scene w2_5780 with dissolve rose "With any luck, I won't see that bastard's face for the rest of the month." scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "With even more luck, I'll only see it one more time..." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "How did your husband meet that bottom feeder?" scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "How does anyone meet a money lender? I honestly don't know, but he did." rose "He liked to gamble and he always had some big idea to make money. He was ambitious, but he didn't have the talent or means." scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "*Scoff* Bastard..." scene w2_5786 with dissolve mc "Sorry for asking." scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "No, it's fine. It's just funny how people say, \"he's not the man I married\". Me? I think he was always that way it just took a long time for the picture to develop." scene w2_5783 with dissolve mc "You... never know what kind of person you're dealing with or who you're looking at until circumstances unveil another piece of the puzzle." mc "Sometimes it takes a whole lifetime to learn an uncomfortable truth about yourself or those you love." scene w2_5791 with dissolve rose "...half a lifetime? You're in your early twenties, kid." scene w2_5792 with dissolve mc "That I am. I got a whole lot left to learn about myself." scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "Heh, you're right, though..." rose "Never in my life would I have imagined I'd have what it took to be a..." scene w2_5786 with dissolve "She paused, as if hoping the uncomfortable word would speak itself." scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "I would have never imagined I'd have what it take to be a {b}prostitute{/b}." scene w2_5786 with dissolve mc "Technically, you haven't been paid for anything yet." scene w2_5796 with dissolve rose "Ha... that's an even more depressing thought!" KN_MOD "if rosalindKilSolution == True:" scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "Ah, right... I should tell Ian you agreed and get him to send you the money." scene w2_5779 with dissolve rose "No need. He already did." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "Really? I figured he would forget about it just as soon as he walked out of the dressing room." scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "Dressing room?" scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "Ah, um... nevermind that, just an {b}unusual{/b} arena for a game of Go. So you're squared away with that bottom feeder?" scene w2_5789 with dissolve rose "I am. Mr. Beaufort got in touch last night and wired me the money... he sounded excited." scene w2_5790 with dissolve mc "Yeah, he's uh... weird like that." scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "Oliver was surprised to receive it. Had a lot of questions, but none that I answered." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "If that's taken care of, what did you want to talk about then?" scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "I know you say it's part of your job, but I wanted to thank you in person. I said it on the phone, but, well..." scene w2_5779 with dissolve rose "...gratitude should be shown face-to-face. That's one of the very few things my mother taught me that I still agree with." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "You're welcome, Rose." mct "(Thanking me for an impending spit-roast, that's a new one...)" mc "Although, you really don't need to, considering the strings attached..." mc "For the record, the whole threesome thing wasn't my idea - not that I'm opposed, but--" scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "Quite frankly. [mcf], I don't really give a crap whose idea it was. It's a better going rate than I'm currently getting, y'know?" scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "You're not actually being paid anything as of yet." scene w2_5785 with dissolve rose "Yeah... that was the depressing point I'm trying to make." rose "I'm a prostitute that hasn't been paid." scene w2_5786 with dissolve mc "Yeah, it's not really a system in your favor. You girls should form a union." scene w2_5782 with dissolve rose "Funny you should say that..." scene w2_5778 with dissolve mc "What?" scene w2_5781 with dissolve rose "Uh, nothing... Veronica made the same joke." scene w2_5790 with dissolve "......" scene w2_5792 with dissolve "..." scene w2_5791 with dissolve rose "{b}For the record{/b}, it wasn't your idea, but you're also going along with it." scene w2_5792 with dissolve mc "Hey! It was his only condition and I wanted to help you..." "Her smug smile told me she saw right through me." scene w2_5797 with dissolve rose "Pft-!" mc "Okay, fine. It wasn't a hard sell." "......" "...." scene w2_5798 with dissolve rose "Should we get going...?" scene w2_5795 with dissolve mc "In a hurry to sit on your \"keister\", are you?" scene w2_5796 with dissolve rose "Don't joke. I don't know what to do with my time anymore. It's like I'm in a weird liminal state this month." scene w2_5794 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" mct "(Well, if she's looking for things to do...)" KN_MOD "menu w2PreExhibitionSplit:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Affection]{/color} Kill some time together at your apartment. if Rosalind_Affection >= 25:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 3 scene w2_5800 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "If you're just sitting on your hands with nothing to do, then why don't we kill time together?" scene w2_5801 with dissolve mc "Come back to my place and we'll watch a movie." scene w2_5802 with dissolve rose "[mcf]... if you want to screw, you can just say it. You don't need a pretense." scene w2_5803 with dissolve "The offer had me take stock of her body, my eyes flicking all the way down her tightly packed sweater puppies and stopping at her long, bare legs." "It was an appetizing thought, but..." scene w2_5801 with dissolve mc "I don't think that's wise. You should save your energy for tonight." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Honestly, the same advice applies to me if Mrs. Pulman has me take the stage again..." KN_MOD "else:" "Honestly, the same advice applies to me if Kathleen has me take the stage again..." mct "(...wait, am I just like a discount Carnation?)" scene w2_5802 with dissolve rose "So... you mean {i}actually{/i} watch a movie then? You just want to hang out with a thirty-six year old woman?" scene w2_5801 with dissolve mc "I was just going to go home and nap otherwise. You're the one talking about how you have nothing to do." scene w2_5804 with dissolve "She looked at me like I was strange." scene w2_5805 with dissolve mc "C'mon, it'll occupy your mind for a couple of hours." scene w2_5806 with dissolve rose "Okay, but can we do something other than watch a movie? Sitting and staring at a screen will just fill my head with other unwanted thoughts." scene w2_5801 with dissolve mc "Alright, then. I'm sure we can figure something for two people to do that's not watching a movie or sex." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionRose" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Full Deal]{/color} ?????? if roseDealFullAcceptance == True:" scene w2_5939 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "If you're so bored..." scene w2_5940 with dissolve "My eyes flickered down her body, starting from her luscious lips and tracking all the way down her smooth bare legs." scene w2_5939 with dissolve mc "We could find something that will eat up your time." scene w2_5941 with dissolve "I could tell by the way she blushed that my pervy expression hadn't gone unnoticed." scene w2_5942 with dissolve rose "You want to... screw, then?" scene w2_5941 with dissolve "The way she carefully picked out what word to use was cute." scene w2_5943 with dissolve mc "We shouldn't. It's going to be a long night and you should conserve your energy." scene w2_5941 with dissolve mct "(Gee, what a good employee I am...)" scene w2_5942 with dissolve rose "Then what's with {i}that{/i} look?" scene w2_5944 with dissolve "{i}That look{/i} was..." scene w2_5945 with dissolve "It was hard to reconcile wanting the best for Rosalind with the black desire that bubbled its way to the surface when I thought about her willingness to do whatever I wanted." "One moment we were talking about easing her burdens and the next my hand lecherously drew up her dress, finding perch on her hip." "{b}That look{/b} was everything I wanted to do despite myself." scene w2_5946 with dissolve mc "I don't know. I'm thinking..." scene w2_5947 with dissolve rose "About what?" scene w2_5946 with dissolve mc "About why I'm grabbing you like this all of a sudden, even though we aren't going to do anything." scene w2_5948 with dissolve rose "Oh..." "Naturally, she didn't have a response to my bizarre answer." scene w2_5949 with dissolve rose "I mean... I don't mind." scene w2_5950 with dissolve mc "Is that all it takes? Is the knowledge you won't push me away all it takes to turn me into a hypocrite?" scene w2_5951 with dissolve "Her big blue eyes affixed me with a steely unflinching gaze." scene w2_5952 with dissolve rose "A principled man would be of no help to me, [mcf]." scene w2_5953 with dissolve mc "You...!" scene w2_5954 with dissolve "She didn't try to pretend I wasn't scum, like I secretly hoped." mct "(It wasn't her job to make me feel any less like a piece of crap.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Maybe you should have her take you home.:" scene w2_6013 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Ha, you're right. Let's go and get some rest." rose "'re not mad, are you? I didn't mean to imply you were--" scene w2_6014 with dissolve mc "Quite the contrary, I'm grateful for the reality check." "I smiled reassuringly, as to not erroneously worry Rosalind that our deal might be in jeopardy over a spat of cognitive dissonance on my part." scene w2_6015 with dissolve rose "...seriously, put your hand back where it was. I was just being... uh, glib?" scene w2_6016 with dissolve mc "Let's just think about tonight, Rose. You've got to not only survive, but win." mc "{b}You're going to win{/b}." scene w2_6017 with dissolve rose "...damn it, you're so weird. One moment you're like a lecherous old man and the next you're like... {b}this{/b}?" scene w2_6018 with dissolve mc "I mean, I've got to figure out how I might help you, right? There's two sides to this." mc "Or would you prefer... \"I'll fuck your brains out some other time, whore\" to make you more comfortable?" scene w2_6019 with dissolve rose "Heh, you know what's fucked up? The latter is actually more reassuring to me." scene black with fade rose "Fine. Go take your nap." "......" "..." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSolo" KN_MOD "Show her a glimpse of your true colors.:" $ Rosalind_Affection -= 2 $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 stop music fadeout 2.0 scene w2_5953 with dissolve mc "So that's what you've been counting on from the very beginning? Me being an asshole?" scene w2_5952 with dissolve rose "I wouldn't put it that way... you're just young." rose "Still, you haven't actually called on me to uh... {i}pleasure you{/i} yet. Seriously, think of me as a sex toy... just keep your side of the--" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w2_5955 with dissolve rose "Ah--! W-what...?" mc "...what I want?" mc "Grabbing your throat like this..." scene w2_5956 with dissolve rose "Mmmh...!" scene w2_5957 with dissolve mct "(Was just the tip of the iceberg.)" scene w2_5956 with dissolve "When I roughly pressed my lips to hers, she {b}embraced me{/b}. It was frustrating that even now she didn't react the way I hoped." scene w2_5959 with dissolve rose "You... can squeeze harder if you'd like." scene w2_5958 with dissolve "Her reaction was unexpected, but what expectations did I have from grabbing her like this?" scene w2_5959 with dissolve rose "If you want to get rough, I'll welcome it. Just remember: {b}help me{/b}. None of this half-assed crap of \"doing what you can\", either. Find a damn way to help me win." scene w2_5958 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Finally, have her take you home.:" $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6020 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Ah, fuck..." rose "W-what's the matter? I didn't mean to say anything wrong?" scene w2_6021 with dissolve mc "That's the first thought on your mind, huh? You're a fucking machine, Rose." mc "Suppose you got to be." scene w2_6013 with dissolve rose "I don't know how to take that." mc "Let's go home and get some rest." rose "Eh, but you were just...?" scene w2_6022 with dissolve rose "I don't mind you putting your hand on my throat, hun. It just adds a little spice, right? I know you would never take it too--" scene w2_6023 with dissolve mc "You don't know shit, Rose. You've got a lot of assumptions that I hope are true." scene w2_6024 with dissolve rose "Jeez, you're weirdly temperamental. Really, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. I was just being glib." scene w2_6025 with dissolve mc "Don't worry about crap that doesn't matter." "I smiled reassuringly, so not to worry Rosalind that our deal might be in jeopardy over a spat of cognitive dissonance on my part." mc "Focus on winning tonight and I'll focus on my end of our arrangement. That's my request for you, okay?" scene w2_6026 with dissolve rose "...ah, you really are so weird." scene w2_6027 with dissolve mc "Would a \"I'll fuck you later\" make you feel better?" scene w2_6028 with dissolve rose "You know what?" scene black with fade rose "It just might." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSolo" KN_MOD "Fully commit.:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 2 $ w2RosalindPhoto = True KN_MOD "jump w2RoseSpank" KN_MOD "Just get a ride home and decompress by yourself.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_5795 with dissolve mc "Yeah, let's go. I want to squeeze in a nap before tonight." scene w2_5796 with dissolve rose "*Sigh* If only I could will my body to sleep..." scene w2_5800 with dissolve mc "Not much for naps?" scene w2_5802 with dissolve rose "I've been... having a little trouble sleeping recently." scene w2_5801 with dissolve mc "That's not good. You need all the rest you can get." scene w2_5803 with dissolve "That was true. There were still two more weeks to go after tonight." scene w2_5997 with dissolve rose "It's not a worrying amount. I'm just a little tired during the day." scene w2_5805 with dissolve mc "I guess it {b}would{/b} be abnormal if you were sleeping like a baby..." scene w2_5998 with dissolve rose "Talk in the car?" scene w2_5999 with dissolve "As we moved to go, my eyes flickered down her body one last time, starting from her luscious lips and going all the way down her long, bare legs. My gaze didn't go unnoticed..." scene w2_6000 with dissolve rose "I know that look." rose "You want me... to take care of you?" scene w2_6001 with dissolve mc "No, it's not the time or place for that. We should save our energy for tonight." scene w2_6029 with dissolve rose "You sure?" scene w2_6030 with dissolve mc "You got to stop worrying I'm going to renege on our deal, Rosalind. I'll look for ways I can help you even if you don't blow me in a parking lot." scene w2_6031 with dissolve rose "I would never do something so outrageous. I would blow you back at your place." mct "(Glad to see she had a sense of humor about this.)" scene w2_6032 with dissolve mc "Just focus on tonight. You've got to not only survive, but win." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "{b}You've got to win{/b}." "......." "..." KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSolo" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Affection] Kill some time together at your apartment.{/color} if Rosalind_Affection <= 24:" KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSplit" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Full Deal] ??????.{/color} if roseDealFullAcceptance == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSplit" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5795 with dissolve mc "Yeah, let's go. I want to squeeze in a nap before tonight." scene w2_5796 with dissolve rose "*Sigh* If only I could will my body to sleep..." scene w2_5800 with dissolve mc "Not much for naps?" scene w2_5802 with dissolve rose "I've been... having a little trouble sleeping recently." scene w2_5801 with dissolve mc "That's not good. You need all the rest you can get." scene w2_5803 with dissolve "That was true. There were still two more weeks to go after tonight." scene w2_5997 with dissolve rose "It's not a worrying amount. I'm just a little tired during the day." scene w2_5805 with dissolve mc "I guess it {b}would{/b} be abnormal if you were sleeping like a baby..." scene w2_5998 with dissolve rose "Talk in the car?" scene black with fade mc "Yeah, let's go." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSolo" KN_MOD "label w2RoseSpank:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" "To back down now would be...." scene w2_5960 with dissolve mc "Turn around and put your hands on the car." "{b}Absurd{/b}." scene w2_5961 with dissolve "This world exacts a toll on men and women like Rosalind. Just like the men who took from my mother, I would greedily take from the woman in front of me with the full promise of rectification." scene w2_5962 with dissolve rose "Here? Let's go to your place..." scene w2_5960 with dissolve mc "I'll find a way to help you. No matter what." scene w2_5961 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_5963 with dissolve scene w2_5964 with dissolve scene w2_5963 with dissolve "Her debts would be cleared one way or another. She would win this exhibition or I'd elsewise find the means." scene w2_5962 with dissolve rose "Alright..." scene w2_5963 with dissolve "Rosalind just wanted a normal life with her daughter. She was a nice woman who deserved help." scene w2_5965 with dissolve mc "Fuck, you're such a stupid bitch." scene w2_5966 with dissolve mc "Put your hands on the car." scene w2_5967 with dissolve "She did as I asked and then some, sticking out her fat ass for my benefit. She might not be certain of what I was about to do, but she made a safe assumption..." scene w2_5968 with dissolve rose "No one can see us, right?" scene w2_5969 with dissolve mc "Who knows? There's so many windows." scene w2_5967 with dissolve mct "(This parking lot was pretty private, and I had a good view of the street from here, but I would need to be quick...)" scene w2_5968 with dissolve rose "W-what are you going to do?" scene w2_5970 with dissolve mc "Who knows..." play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_5971 with vpunch "*Smack!*" rose "Ooomfh...!" scene w2_5970 with dissolve mc "You better keep it down if you don't want to draw anyone's attention." play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_5972 with vpunch "*Smack!*" rose "Mmmh...!" scene w2_5970 with dissolve mct "(What was I doing here? My disposition had flipped so quickly...)" scene rosap_slap_a with dissolve show rosap_slap with dissolve "*Smack!*" rose "Ngh-!" mc "You fucking cow..." mct "(Was I just an animal, who at the first taste of blood, leaped into action?)" show rosap_slap with dissolve "*Smack!*" rose "Bwah-!" scene w2_5992 with dissolve mc "You're getting your ass spanked by a college student in a parking lot, what the hell is wrong with you?" mc "Don't you feel any shame?" scene w2_5993 with dissolve mct "(...or me, for that matter.)" scene w2_5994 with dissolve rose "I'm just doing what I have to do..." scene w2_5992 with dissolve mc "Bullshit." scene w2_5993 with dissolve mct "(So, she'd accept my crueler impulses as part of the deal? {b}Great{/b}.)" scene rosap_slap_a with dissolve show rosap_slap with dissolve mc "You're just doing what you have to do. What are you, a cockroach?" "I'd gladly have a field day with it." show rosap_slap with dissolve rose "Mffwh...!" show rosap_slap with dissolve mc "Truth is, those are just words to make you feel better." show rosap_slap with dissolve mc "The reality is you're just a lousy, {b}scheming{/b} bitch mistaking getting eaten whole for pragmatism." scene w2_5976 with dissolve mc "Where's your fucking pride as a woman?" rose "It's cause I'm just a stupid w-whore--" scene rosap_slap_a with dissolve show rosap_slap with dissolve show rosap_slap show rosap_slap rose "Ack!" mc "Eh? You think that's what I want to hear?" mc "You think I want worthless lip service from you?" show rosap_slap with dissolve mc "Don't bullshit me." mc "{b}You{/b} don't believe you're a whore. {b}I{/b} don't believe you're a whore." scene w2_5976 with dissolve mc "You may be a lousy, scheming bitch, but I don't see a whore. I see a strong woman." rose "Haaa... ha, [mc]--" scene rosap_slap_a with dissolve show rosap_slap with dissolve rose "Gaht...!" mc "That's what makes bending you over in a parking lot like this so damn fun!" scene w2_5995 with dissolve "Her pale, expansive ass had turned a beautiful shade of red with every wallop." mct "(If only I wasn't worried about how public this was. Getting arrested here... fuck, I'd be in deep shit for ruining tonight's exhibition.)" "I needed to reel my ugly side in, but this incredible feeling spreading through my body..." KN_MOD "if w2HarpRainCheck == True:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It was more enticing than what Mrs. Pulman's birthday offering." KN_MOD "else:" "It was more enticing than what Kathleen's birthday offering." KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It was far more exciting than Mrs. Pulman's birthday gift." KN_MOD "else:" "It was far more exciting than Kathleen's birthday gift." rose "A-are we finished?" mc "Almost, but you're looking sloppy. Straighten out your posture and brace yourself." scene w2_5996 with dissolve mc "These will be the last strikes." rose "Ha... I'm ready." scene rosap_slap_a with dissolve show rosap_slap with dissolve rose "Tskchh...!" mc "Good girl." show rosap_slap with dissolve mc "You're a strong woman, right?" rose "..." show rosap_slap with dissolve mc "Say it." rose "I'm a strong--" show rosap_slap with dissolve rose "--aahwoman!" show rosap_slaploop with dissolve "*Smack!*" mc "That's right, you lousy bitch!" "*Smack!* *Smack!*" mc "Don't forget it!" "*Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!*" mc "That's why you can handle anything I throw at you!" "*Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!*" mc "That's why you're going to win the exhibition!" scene w2_5977 with vpunch with flash rose "Ggg-----!" scene w2_5978 with dissolve rose "Ch-chwrap...!" scene w2_5979 with dissolve mc "You fucking disgust me." scene w2_5980 with dissolve "That wasn't really true, but..." scene w2_5981 with dissolve rose "Ack... that smarts, y-you really...!" scene w2_5982 with dissolve "I loved saying it." scene w2_5983 with dissolve rose "Ha... you really like this sort of thing, huh?" scene w2_5984 with dissolve "She just softly smiled." scene w2_5985 with dissolve mc "That's all you have to say? Aren't you even phased in the least?" scene w2_5986 with dissolve rose "Honestly...?" rose "I wasn't a fan of how public that was, but I've done worse this week. It was also uncomfortable and painful..." scene w2_5985 with dissolve mc "Then why are you smiling?" scene w2_5987 with dissolve rose "Who knows?" "Rosalind gently grabbed my hand, holding onto it as if it were dear." scene w2_5988 with dissolve rose "So, this is what you want?" rose "You want to choke and whip me?" scene w2_5989 with dissolve mc "Yes." scene w2_5988 with dissolve rose "You want to tie me up?" scene w2_5989 with dissolve mc "Yes, and more." scene w2_5990 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman had promised me the club would be a place where I could live out my desires, but playing with a woman like Rosalind was more appealing than a practiced whore." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen had promised me the club would be a place where I could live out my desires, but playing with a woman like Rosalind was more appealing than a practiced whore." scene w2_5991 with dissolve rose "*gulp* Okay then." scene w2_5988 with dissolve rose "For the next two weeks, {b}I'm yours{b} to do what you want with." scene w2_5990 with dissolve "The way she looked me in the eyes as she said it..." scene w2_5985 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc " bitch. That was already our deal." "My current life was one filled with dangerous women, but for me Rosalind was the most hazardous of them all." $ renpy.end_replay() scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Don't think I'm done with you today. When you get home, I have something for you to do." "......" "..." KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2Spank:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2Spank = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSolo" KN_MOD "label w2PreExhibitionRose:" scene w2_5807 with circlewipe mc "C'mon, think of something else..." rose "That's not for show, is it?" mc "It's just... {i}I'm not very good{/i}." scene w2_5808 with dissolve rose "I don't mind. Just play me something while I brew us some tea." scene w2_5809 with dissolve mc "I can count the number of songs I know on both hands--" rose "You only need to know one, hun." scene w2_5810 with dissolve "She gave no quarter." mc "...*sigh*" scene w2_5811 with dissolve mct "(It's been a few years...)" scene w2_5812 with dissolve mct "(...but I guess what's the embarrassment of playing a song poorly compared to what I've seen of Rosalind?)" scene w2_5813 with dissolve "Sitting myself down in front of the keyboard, I rummaged through my unreliable memory in search of a song to play." "Even though there weren't many to pick from, I still couldn't decide. Nothing seemed..." scene w2_5814 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_5815 with dissolve mc "Ah...! Okay, I got it." "I settled on the one melody I knew the best." play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" scene w2_5816 with dissolve "*Da...da...da...da~*" "Thinking about how to play would only hobble what would already be a sloppy rendition, so I just got started." scene w2_5817 with dissolve rose "...hmm?" "My fingers were uncooperative and I was playing predominantly off-key, but there was a warm and fuzzy hit of dopamine and nostalgia to my clumsy fingering." "*Da...da...da...da~*" scene w2_5818 with dissolve rose "What is...?" rose "It's.. da, da... buh-built..." scene w2_5819 with dissolve rose "Oh...!" scene w2_5820 with dissolve rose "You built your tower strong and tall~" "Rosalind's delightful, singsong voice carried from the kitchen as she recalled the lyrics." rose "Can't you see it's got to fall~" "*Da...da...da...da~*" scene w2_5821 with dissolve rose "{b}That{/b} is a surprising choice." scene w2_5823 with dissolve mc "It was my dad's favorite song. My mom played it all the time when she was teaching me how to play. " scene w2_5822 with dissolve rose "That's nice. You play it well." scene w2_5823 with dissolve mc "No, I don't... not in the least. Honestly, it was an annoyance back then, but now I wish I took learning the piano more seriously." scene w2_5822 with dissolve rose "...because it would came in handy for when old women ask you to play?" scene w2_5824 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I hear ragtime is a real panty dropper amongst certain demographics." "*Da...da...da...da~*" scene w2_5825 with dissolve mc "You know, you're standing in the very apartment you tried to seduce me in a week and a half ago." scene w2_5826 with dissolve rose "...what's your point?" scene w2_5827 with dissolve mc "That you don't think of yourself as an old woman and neither do I." scene w2_5828 with dissolve rose "'s not polite to bring up ancient history, [mcf]." scene w2_5831 with dissolve mc "Mmmh... hmmm, hmm~ my bad. It wasn't my intention to be rude." scene w2_5816 with dissolve rose "No, really. Why do you regret it?" scene w2_5831 with dissolve mc "My mom loved teaching me, but she eventually gave up on it." scene w2_5830 with dissolve mc "It would've been nice to have been able to look back on more memories." scene pr1195 with pixellate mc "Hmmm~" mc "Hmm~ hmmm~" scene w2_5816 with pixellate rose "You could still improve and she could still help you, right?" scene w2_5831 with dissolve mc "I suppose, but that's a lot of time and hard work. I have other things now..." scene w2_5816 with dissolve rose "School?" scene w2_5831 with dissolve mc "School and the... {b}club{/b}. Although, I'm not sure how much time the latter will eat up once the Exhibition is over." scene w2_5832 with dissolve rose "... hmm, my daughter wants to be a veterinarian." scene w2_5833 with dissolve mc "Oh yeah? She loves animals, huh?" scene w2_5832 with dissolve rose "What kid doesn't?" scene w2_5833 with dissolve mc "I hear vet school is more difficult to get into than med school." scene w2_5832 with dissolve rose "Really? That's surprising." scene w2_5833 with dissolve mc "It's just something I read. It's because there's fewer of them, which makes it more competitive." mc "How does she do in school?" scene w2_5834 with dissolve rose "She does wonderful. Honor roll - makes me so damn proud." scene w2_5835 with dissolve rose "She loves learning. I don't know where it comes from though. I wasn't very good at school and neither was Rupert - uh, that's her father." scene w2_5836 with dissolve mct "(Rupert, huh...?)" mc "Fitting name for an asshole..." scene w2_5837 with dissolve mc "Oooh...?" scene w2_5838 with dissolve "Rosalind's hands unexpectedly gripped my shoulders." scene w2_5839 with dissolve rose "Keep playing. The water is still boiling." scene w2_5837 with dissolve mc "Alright..." scene w2_5838 with dissolve "I wasn't playing all that much better. Every few keys I missed my mark and split the melody apart with discordant noise." scene w2_5839 with dissolve rose "Nora is a bright girl. Whatever she sets her mind to, she'll achieve." scene w2_5838 with dissolve "Still, I persisted in playing." scene w2_5840 with dissolve rose "I just can't allow her parents' mistakes to drag her down." "She laid it on thick, undoubtedly impressing upon our arrangement." scene w2_5841 with dissolve rose "Mm_____~ mm____~ Hey, da, da, da~" rose "You close your eyes and speak to me~ Of faith and love and destiny..." scene w2_5840 with dissolve "She sang with a lilted voice, tickling my brain and bringing me back to earlier this week." rose "As distant as eternity~ From truth and understanding..." scene w2_5842 with dissolve mc "You have a pretty voice. You ever sing before?" rose "Girls' choir from middle to the end of high school." "I see..." scene w2_5841 with dissolve rose "The wind blows cold outside your door~" scene w2_5840 with dissolve "My music was a poor accompaniment to her singing, but I didn't feel too bad about it." scene w2_5843 with dissolve "This was... {b}nice{/b}." stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/teakettle.wav" scene black with fade "*Wheeeeeeeeee!*" rose "Oh, my! There's the kettle!" stop sound fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w2_5844 with fade "What was most surprising is how long we talked - four cups of tea, spread across an hour, just chit-chatting about this and that." KN_MOD "if roseTakeAdvantage == False:" "I hadn't spoken with Rosalind that freely since the night we first met and she offered me her lap as a pillow." "In theory it was weird talking to a Carnation for so long about anything other than the club or sex, but it didn't really feel that unnatural." rose "Yeah... it was a \"everything is shameful\" household." scene w2_5845 with dissolve "I got lost in her gentle charms." scene w2_5846 with dissolve rose "My mother is a nice woman when you need a hot meal after a neighbor dies, but I was happy to go off to college." scene w2_5847 with dissolve mc "What did you study?" scene w2_5846 with dissolve rose "Business... well, mainly things related to clerking and being an administrative assistant." scene w2_5848 with dissolve rose "That's my day job, so to speak. Or it was... I'm taking a leave right now." scene w2_5849 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_5850 with dissolve rose "Heh...! The tea was pretty awful, wasn't it?" scene w2_5851 with dissolve mc "Ha! I've been wanting to say that for the past hour. It was here when I moved in a few weeks ago, so I can't vouch for the source." scene w2_5850 with dissolve rose "Then why did we drink eight cups of it between the two of us?" scene w2_5851 with dissolve mc "You tell me. You kept refilling my cup. I was just being polite." scene w2_5850 with dissolve rose "You looked like you were enjoying it, so I just kept going!" scene w2_5852 with dissolve mc "The company made up for it. I'm glad you came up with me. It's been a nice change of pace from the rest of the week." scene w2_5853 with dissolve rose "Me too, I would've just gone home, and had better tea mind you, but I would have just sat in silent contemplation until it was time to get dressed and leave." rose "That's... sort of what I do in the evenings now." scene w2_5854 with dissolve "A leave from her job, her daughter at summer camp, the Exhibition looming over her... it painted a depressing picture." scene w2_5855 with dissolve mc "You make sitting around sound exhausting." scene w2_5853 with dissolve rose "Oh, {b}it is{/b}. So, yeah... I would say I have enjoyed the company as well." stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w2_5856 with dissolve "*Click*" vic "You should try knocking first, you never know..." kil "It's fiiiiine! [mcf], if you're home, we're coming in--!" scene w2_5857 with dissolve "Well, {b}fuck me.{/b}" "Standing in my apartment was my mother and lifelong friend. An everyday, innocuous set of visitors for a bright weekend afternoon." "The singular problem was..." play music "music/swagger.ogg" scene w2_5858 with dissolve vic "Oh! You have company!" "I would now have to lie to my dear mother about who this leggy, older woman sitting across from me at the kitchen table was." scene w2_5859 with dissolve vic "Sorry! We should've called first!" scene w2_5860 with dissolve "Her smile told me that she was, in fact, not sorry." scene w2_5859 with dissolve vic "I should've {i}definitely{/i} called first..." scene w2_5861 with dissolve mc "...eheh, and why didn't you?" scene w2_5862 with dissolve vic "Well, since you couldn't get lunch with me today because you had already made plans with some \"college friends\", I invited Ian so we could catch up..." mct "(Yeah, okay, that part was nice and normal, but...)" scene w2_5863 with dissolve vic "...and then, since I know you love Bake n' Take, I wanted to leave the leftovers in your fridge. In case you weren't home, Ian told me he had a key..." scene w2_5864 with dissolve mc "I see... well, I did meet my friends a couple of hours ago and then--" scene w2_5866 with dissolve vic "...and if you were home, I {b}certainly{/b} wasn't expecting to disturb you while you were in the {i}middle of something{/i}." scene w2_5865 with dissolve "Her look told me that she was, in fact, pleased with the discovery." scene w2_5866 with dissolve vic "If we're interrupting {i}something{/i}, we'll--" scene w2_5867 with dissolve mc "Don't look so excited, okay?" mc "This is Rosalind and she's {b}a friend{/b}." scene w2_5868 with dissolve rose "Hello..." scene w2_5869 with dissolve vic "A friend, huh? Just like that Hana girl?" vic "I've never known you to have that many friends, [mcf]. I'm glad my son's becoming popular." scene w2_5870 with dissolve mct "(This is twice in the same week...)" "The way she was so damn sure of the situation made me want to do some teasing of my own. Then again, the actual truth of our relationship wasn't outside the ballpark of what she was imagining either..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Suppress that urge.:" scene w2_5871 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "She's the mother of one of my former students." vic "The m-mother--" scene w2_5872 with dissolve vic "Ah... you don't have to explain. You're an adult." scene w2_5873 with dissolve "She didn't believe me, which was pretty astute of her, considering it {i}was{/i} a lie." scene w2_5874 with dissolve mc "I feel like I do when there's an obvious misunderstanding and you make a game out of giving me a hard time." mc "We ran into each other at the nearby park and we were having some tea while she told me about how her daughter was doing in school." KN_MOD "Call your moms bluff and pull Rosalind close.:" scene w2_5875 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, you have been telling me to get my nose out of the books and enjoy my youth, right?" rose "Uh-huh...?" vic "Those were more or less my words, yes..." scene w2_5876 with dissolve mc "This is Rosalind, I met her at a bar a few hours earlier while day drinking. We hit it off pretty well." mc "I think you might've gone to school together?" rose "School...? Eh? Oh, uh... i-it's nice to..." scene w2_5877 with dissolve vic "......" scene w2_5878 with dissolve vic "...bah, you have the worst poker face, [mcf]. She really is just a friend, huh?" scene w2_5879 with dissolve mc "That's what I was trying to tell you. She's the mother of one of my former students." mc "We ran into each other at the nearby park and we were having some tea while she told me about how her daughter was doing in school." scene w2_5880 with dissolve vic "Ah! One of the kids you tutored...?" scene w2_5881 with dissolve "She didn't look like she quite bought it, but she wasn't really in a position to question my story." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_5880 with dissolve vic "...hello, Rosalind. I'm Victoria, [mcf]'s mother." scene w2_5882 with dissolve rose "Your son was a very capable tutor." scene w2_5883 with dissolve vic "Aha~ yes! I've heard people say that." vic "He always did well in his studies." scene w2_5884 with dissolve mc "I was basically just a glorified proctor..." scene w2_5883 with dissolve vic "I apologize if I embarrassed you just now while teasing my son. I like to seize the opportunity when it presents itself." scene w2_5885 with dissolve rose "You two really have an interesting sense of humor." scene w2_5886 with dissolve kil "That's one way to put it..." play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w2_5887 with dissolve mc "...and this is Killian, a friend of mine." scene w2_5888 with dissolve kil "Have we met before? You look familiar..." scene w2_5889 with dissolve mct "(That...!)" scene w2_5890 with dissolve rose "I don't think so... I'm pretty good with faces." "If I could right now, I would kick him in the shin." rose "I would definitely remember a face like yours." scene w2_5891 with dissolve mc "Punchable, you mean?" scene w2_5892 with dissolve vic "He means pinchable." kil "Stop, I'm not a kid anymore..." "Seeing Ian recoil from my mother's affection, like an embarrassed child, brought a smile to my face." scene w2_5893 with dissolve vic "Really? That must make me old now..." kil "W-what? I didn't say that...!" scene w2_5894 with dissolve vic "Heh~ ah, Ian..." mct "('re so easy.)" scene w2_5895 with dissolve vic "{b}Well...{/b}, I'm going to put this in the fridge and get out of your hair." mc "You really don't have to go. We were finished with our--" rose "He's right, I was just leaving." scene w2_5896 with dissolve vic "No, I really did just intend to drop this off. I've got some copy I need to edit at home." vic "In the future, I'll call ahead." scene w2_5897 with dissolve mc "It's really not a big deal, Mom." scene w2_5896 with dissolve vic "Yeah, yeah... I know you feel that way, but a phone call won't hurt either of us!" scene w2_5898 with dissolve vic "You're a man. It's not appropriate for me to drop in unannounced." scene w2_5899 with dissolve mc "You should learn from her example." kil "Eh? You love it when I drop by." scene w2_5900 with dissolve rose "It was nice to meet you, Victoria." vic "Likewise." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 vic "Enjoy the pizza. I asked them to put extra feta on it like you like." mc "Thanks, Mom." "......" "..." scene w2_5901 with wipeleft mc " look familiar?" scene w2_5902 with dissolve kil "Ow! It was just an inside joke!" "Ian had stuck around after my mom left, under the technically true umbrella of us both having work in a few hours." scene w2_5903 with dissolve kil "It's not like Vicky could've figured anything out from that!" scene w2_5904 with dissolve rose "That was..." scene w2_5905 with dissolve rose "Your mother seems like a nice woman, [mcf]." kil "Yeah! Not many mothers would give out mental high fives over their son getting laid!" scene w2_5906 with dissolve mc "We actually weren't screwing around, asshole." kil "No joke? If you're not fucking, then what the hell is she doing here?" scene w2_5907 with dissolve rose "Ack, he's right... what AM I doing here?" mc "We were having not-so-good tea..." scene w2_5908 with dissolve rose "Heh, I know, and I did enjoy it... but in a few hours things will be very different. It makes all of this seem so..." scene w2_5909 with dissolve kil "Stupid?" rose "...inappropriate." scene w2_5910 with dissolve "She was right. This was more or less just a diversion from reality. She and I weren't friends." "I was part of the machine that was exploiting her misfortune and she was indulging me out of necessity of her position." KN_MOD "if rosalindKilSolution == True:" $ w2ThreesomeTopicBreached = True scene w2_5911 with dissolve play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" kil "You know, Rose...." scene w2_5912 with dissolve kil "Since you're being inappropriate and all three of us are here..." rose "Ah...!" "Ian slithered up to Rosalind like a snake, running his hand down her lower back and grabbing a generous portion of her ass." scene w2_5913 with dissolve kil "We could fulfill that little transaction we made." scene w2_5914 with dissolve "The at-hunt playboy tossed a sordid smile my way." scene w2_5915 with dissolve rose "Ah, w-well if that's... ah..." scene w2_5916 with dissolve mc "{b}Not today{/b}." kil "Ah, c'mon why. This is the perfect time--" scene w2_5917 with dissolve mc "She has \"work\" in a few hours." scene w2_5918 with dissolve kil "You sound like August!" mc "..." scene w2_5919 with dissolve kil "Okay, okay, I get it! You take everything you do seriously!" rose "Heh, you two are funny." scene w2_5920 with dissolve kil "See? She likes us." scene w2_5921 with dissolve mc "You have a big night ahead of you. I'll see you later?" scene w2_5922 with dissolve rose "Thank you for the crappy tea, Mr. [mcl]." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "With a way-too-polite exit, the motherly woman left Ian and me alone." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_5908 with dissolve rose "I should go." scene w2_5923 with dissolve kil "Yeah, that would be wise." scene w2_5924 with dissolve rose "Thank you for the crappy tea, Mr. [mcl]." mc "Yeah, I guess you do have a big night ahead of you. I'll see you later." scene w2_5925 with dissolve rose "There's no doubt about that is there?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "With a way-too-polite exit, the motherly woman left Ian and me alone." play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene w2_5926 with dissolve mct "(...and then there were two.)" scene w2_5927 with dissolve kil "You guys really weren't screwing around?" scene w2_5928 with dissolve mc "We were just talking." scene w2_5929 with dissolve kil "Ha! \"Just\" talking? You gotta be careful man." scene w2_5928 with dissolve mc "Careful about what?" scene w2_5927 with dissolve kil "Those snakes will take advantage of you." scene w2_5928 with dissolve mc "{i}She'll{/i} take advantage of {i}me{/i}? Don't you think the shoe is on the other foot here?" scene w2_5927 with dissolve kil "It goes both ways. I'm just saying, don't go catching feelings for a whore." scene w2_5929 with dissolve kil "You should be careful. You don't know the way the world works yet." scene w2_5930 with dissolve mc "You--" scene w2_5931 with dissolve "There was a lot to unpack in his words, one of which was an infuriating assumption about what I was feeling, but most of all..." scene w2_5930 with dissolve mc "{i}I{/i} don't know the way the world works?" mc "I'm not the one who spent his summers in his family's {b}third{/b} home. I'm not the one whose parents foot every single--" scene w2_5932 with dissolve kil "Slow down. You really want to take it that direction, considering my uncle is the one footing your college and living expenses for you doing jack shit all for work?" kil "I'm just trying to look out for you, bro. Those bitches will try and worm their way into your life and squeeze out any advantage they can get." scene w2_5933 with dissolve mc "......" scene w2_5934 with dissolve mc "'ve got such a warped view of women." scene w2_5935 with dissolve kil "No, I've got a warped view of people. {b}We're all scum{/b}." scene w2_5937 with dissolve kil "That's why there's nothing wrong with you squeezing back and fucking their brains out. Just don't go making friends with them?" scene w2_5936 with dissolve mc "Just a few weeks ago you told me to look out for them and make sure the Carnations were safe." scene w2_5937 with dissolve kil "You don't need to be their friend to do that, numb nuts. I feel sorry for most of those girls, but just because they're pitiable doesn't mean they won't hesitate to manipulate the shit out of you." scene w2_5933 with dissolve "I didn't really buy into what he was advising, but I couldn't refute it. Rosalind and I did make an arrangement..." scene w2_5934 with dissolve mc "Yeah, thanks for the rotten advice, Dad." scene w2_5935 with dissolve kil "Heh! No problem! So, you want to play a game?" scene w2_5936 with dissolve mc "Nah, I think I'm going to get an hour of shut-eye in before tonight." scene w2_5938 with dissolve kil "Good idea. Fill up the gas tank!" kil "We're going to need every ounce we can get!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionStart" KN_MOD "label w2PreExhibitionSolo:" "A glass of hot chocolate and a half an hour later, a strange thought occupied my mind as I drifted off to sleep..." mct "(I've never had trouble sleeping, have I?)" play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w2_6002 with circlewipe mc "Ah, Mom...?" scene w2_6003 with dissolve vic "Hi, hun." scene w2_6002 with dissolve mc "What are you doing here?" scene w2_6003 with dissolve vic "Since you couldn't make it to lunch, I just wanted to drop off some leftover pizza. Ian and I went to {i}Bake and Take{/i}." scene w2_6002 with dissolve mc "Extra feta?" scene w2_6003 with dissolve vic "Uh-huh, extra feta. Just how you like it." scene w2_6005 with dissolve mc "Thanks. You're the best." scene w2_6004 with dissolve vic "Not really." scene w2_6005 with dissolve mc "How'd you get in?" scene w2_6004 with dissolve vic "Ian had a key." scene w2_6005 with dissolve mc "Right, yeah..." scene w2_6006 with dissolve mct "(At least he's not using it as a fuckpad for a drunken tryst this time...)" scene w2_6007 with dissolve kil "'Sup, bud." scene w2_6008 with dissolve mc "*yawwwwwwwn* Hey." scene w2_6009 with dissolve kil "I didn't even know you had college friends." "That was... true. I didn't like lying, but what could I do?" scene w2_6010 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about? I'm a well-liked guy." scene w2_6011 with dissolve vk "..." mc "Don't share a look like you don't know what I'm talking about!" scene w2_6033 with dissolve vic "Pfft- sorry. You're pretty likable, if I do say so myself, but uh..." kil "You're not the warmest, most approachable dude, dude." scene w2_6034 with dissolve mc "I don't appreciate you guys ganging up on me, especially when it's with something as unimportant as the truth." scene w2_6035 with dissolve vic "I think you used that line before, hun." scene w2_6036 with dissolve kil "He tried to pull that Pontius Pilate shit all the time when he got into trouble, remember?" scene w2_6037 with dissolve vic "Ah, hehe... yeah, his whole \"moral subjectivism\" phase in middle school. That was annoying." scene w2_6038 with dissolve mc "I think I'm most shocked you know who Pontius Pilate is." scene w2_6039 with dissolve kil "Some sort of car?" scene w2_6040 with dissolve vic "So, what are you doing today, [mcf]?" scene w2_6041 with dissolve mc "Uh..." scene w2_6042 with dissolve vic "Great. {b}Now you two{/b} are sharing a look." scene w2_6043 with dissolve vic "It must be something... \"fun\" then?" scene w2_6044 with dissolve kil "No, we just have..." scene w2_6045 with dissolve mc "We both have work tonight at Dr. Chuck's lounge." "To my knowledge, Ian had never lied to my mother. When we were kids, he was always the weak link in our schemes, quick to crack from the very first question." scene w2_6046 with dissolve vic "Oh, yeah?" scene w2_6047 with dissolve "Not that I thought that would be true now, he's an adult ass-man after all, but let's not take any chances." mc "Yep, gotta be there in a few hours." scene w2_6043 with dissolve vic "You two REALLY aren't doing anything shady, right?" scene w2_6047 with dissolve mc "Why do you keep asking that?" scene w2_6046 with dissolve vic "I mean this is a REALLY expensive apartment..." scene w2_6048 with dissolve kil "My uncle's got a lot of real estate. The place was just sitting unused until he can sell it for a profit." scene w2_6049 with dissolve mc "That's what I told her." scene w2_6050 with dissolve vic "Sorry. I don't mean to accuse you boys of anything, I'm just a worrywart." vic "This feeling I've got is probably just gas." "It was actually unnatural how her intuition was always spot on." scene w2_6051 with dissolve kil "You don't have to worry about [mcf] getting himself into any trouble!" kil "I'm looking out for him, just like I did when I was a kid." scene w2_6052 with dissolve vic "You went along with anything [mcf] wanted..." vic "I'm glad you got a lot more backbone now, though." KN_MOD "if w2RosalindPhoto == True:" KN_MOD "jump w2RosalindSelfie" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6053 with dissolve kil "You have no idea, woman." scene w2_6054 with dissolve vic "Pfft..." mc "That your best impression of what a man sounds like?" scene w2_6055 with dissolve kil "...ngh! Y'know, I don't appreciate you guys ganging up on me with something as inconvenient as the truth." scene w2_6056 with dissolve vic "Smooth! Personally, I thought you sounded really cool." scene w2_6057 with dissolve vic "Anyway, before I go home to get some work done, I wanted to ask if you guys wanted to have dinner sometime this week?" scene w2_6058 with dissolve kil "Just the three of us?" scene w2_6059 with dissolve vic "Sure, or... you have a girlfriend, don't you Ian? You're welcome to bring her along." vic "Maybe [mcf] could bring that nice Hana girl with him?" scene w2_6060 with dissolve mck "Uh..." "Between everything going on with Mina and Ian, and with Hana sharing our vocation, that didn't sound like a good idea..." mc "Like a home-cooked meal? Like one that {b}you{/b} cooked?" scene w2_6061 with dissolve vic "Hey, I cooked for you a few weeks ago!" scene w2_6062 with dissolve mc "That was just for the two of us, though..." kil "I'm sure we can swing something sometime at some point." vic "Yeah, well, just let me know..." scene black with fade vic "Anyway, I need to head home. The bills don't pay themselves." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSoloWarning" KN_MOD "label w2RosalindSelfie:" stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Chirp, chirp.*" scene w2_6063 with dissolve mct "(Ah, that must be Rosalind with the \"homework\" I assigned.)" "One photo to please me, of her choosing, with the caveat that she would be punished if it wasn't to my tastes. Emboldened by her willingness to be manhandled, I was leaning hard into our new dynamic." mct "(Of course, it wasn't going to please me.)" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w2_6064 with dissolve "It could be the hottest thing I'd ever seen and I'd tell her it's trash." mct "(Now, let's see...)" scene player-livingroom blur with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_rose from _call_phone_start_rose" KN_MOD "call message_start(Rosalind, I didnt really know what to do, its not like I have a lot of weird objects just lying around the house...) from _call_message_start_24" KN_MOD "call reply_message (You had awhile to come up with something. Show me.) from _call_reply_message_28" KN_MOD "call message_img(Rosalind, This was kind of gross, tbh...,rosalind04) from _call_message_img_5" KN_MOD "call phone_end_rose from _call_phone_end_rose" scene w2_6012 with pixellate mct "(Eh? That's a huge-ass sausage! Who has something like that in their fridge?)" "It was cute imagining Rosalind racking her brain trying to come up with ideas and arriving at that." scene w2_6065 with dissolve mct "(Heh, she's amazing...)" scene player-livingroom blur with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_rose from _call_phone_start_rose_1" KN_MOD "call message_img(Rosalind, This was kind of gross, tbh...,rosalind04) from _call_message_img_6" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Seriously, thats all you could come up with in that time? You worthless cow.) from _call_reply_message_29" KN_MOD "call message(Rosalind, Im sorry. I did my best...) from _call_message_75" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Not yet youre not, but you will be sorry later this week. Expect it.) from _call_reply_message_30" KN_MOD "call phone_end_rose from _call_phone_end_rose_1" scene w2_6066 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(I love this woman. She's so much fun.)" vic "[mcf], did you hear what I said?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6067 with dissolve mc "No, sorry... I was distracted by a message." scene w2_6068 with dissolve mc "What were you saying?" play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w2_6059 with dissolve vic "Why don't the three of us have dinner together sometime this week?" vic "...or, you have a girlfriend don't you Ian? Why don't you bring her as well? [mcf] could invite that Hana girl." scene w2_6060 with dissolve mck "Uh..." "Between everything going on with Mina and Ian, and with Hana sharing our vocation, that didn't sound like a good idea..." mc "Like a home-cooked meal? Like one that {b}you{/b} cooked?" scene w2_6061 with dissolve vic "Hey, I cooked for you a few weeks ago!" scene w2_6062 with dissolve mc "That was just for the two of us, though..." kil "I'm sure we can swing something at some point." vic "Yeah, well, just let me know..." $ renpy.end_replay() scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 vic "Anyway, I need to head home. The bills don't pay themselves. I've got some copy that needs editing at home." KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2Sausage:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2Sausage = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionSoloWarning" KN_MOD "label w2PreExhibitionSoloWarning:" play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene w2_6069 with dissolve kil "College friends, huh?" scene w2_6077 with dissolve kil "What were you really doing? Got a side piece or something?" scene w2_6070 with dissolve mc "No, I grabbed lunch with the Carnations." scene w2_6071 with dissolve kil "...uh, why?" scene w2_6070 with dissolve mc "What do you mean, why? It's my job." scene w2_6071 with dissolve kil "Your job is not to be buddy buddy with them, bud." scene w2_6070 with dissolve mc "I'm just trying to keep morale up and to make sure they don't have any problems that'll impede their performance." scene w2_6071 with dissolve kil "If you say so. Just don't be a sucker, man. You gotta be careful around the staff." scene w2_6070 with dissolve mc "Careful about what?" scene w2_6071 with dissolve kil "Those whores will look for any advantage they can get, and I know you're not as callous as you pretend to be." scene w2_6072 with dissolve kil "Once that happens, you're fucked. Things won't end how you expect them to." scene w2_6070 with dissolve mc "Speaking from experience, Romeo?" scene w2_6071 with dissolve kil "{b}No{/b}. Darius did though. He fell in love with one of the girls and it tore him up inside." scene w2_6072 with dissolve kil "I think that's why he eventually split." scene w2_6074 with dissolve mc "Ah, huh... I see..." mct "(...right, he doesn't know about the blackmail.)" scene w2_6069 with dissolve kil "Anyway, I'm just trying to look out for you, bro. Those bitches will try and worm their way into your life and squeeze out any advantage they can get." scene w2_6074 with dissolve mc "......" scene w2_6075 with dissolve mc "'ve got such an infuriating view of women, Ian." scene w2_6073 with dissolve kil "No, I've got a warped view of people. {b}We're all scum{/b}." kil "That's why there's nothing wrong with you squeezing back and fucking their brains out. Just don't get too chummy with 'em, yeah?" scene w2_6070 with dissolve mc "You know, just a few weeks ago you told me to look out for them and make sure the Carnations were safe." scene w2_6071 with dissolve kil "You don't need to be their friend to do that, numb nuts. I feel sorry for most of those girls, but just because they're pitiable doesn't mean they won't hesitate to manipulate the shit out of you." scene w2_6075 with dissolve mc "Yeah, thanks for the rotten advice, Dad." scene w2_6077 with dissolve kil "Heh! No problem! So, you want to play a game? We still got some time before we need to head out." scene w2_6076 with dissolve mc "I think I'm going to get a slice of that pizza you guys brought, get cleaned up, and then get changed into our uniform." mc "You can entertain yourself without making a mess, right?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade kil "Hehe, we'll see!" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2PreExhibitionStart" KN_MOD "label w2PreExhibitionStart:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transition_housegirls2 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" scene w2_6078 with blinds show screen qmenu with dissolve "That evening, Ian and I arrived on time." "I saw no sense in us being early. The night would be long enough as is and, quite frankly, I didn't want to put in overtime rubbing elbows with the club's clientele." "...a thought whose increasing hypocrisy wasn't lost on me." scene w2_6079 with dissolve kil "Pheeeeeew!" kil "I'll give the old lady credit where credit is due." kil "She knows how to put a costume together." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_6080 with dissolve mc "No kidding..." "The fact that Jacob was unerringly looking her in the eyes was an admirable show of willpower." jacob "Call it a favor. Have them dock my pay if they must, just give her an extra day to--" scene w2_6081 with dissolve mc "Hey, Jacob." jacob "..." scene w2_6082 with dissolve jacob "Ah, you two are finally here. The Little Miss isn't with you?" scene w2_6083 with dissolve mc "Should she be?" scene w2_6084 with dissolve jacob "I was told to direct you to Mr. Byrnes' office when the three of you got here." scene w2_6085 with dissolve mc "I... actually don't know where that is." kil "I'll take us there." scene w2_6086 with dissolve dal "Hey, Mr. [mcl]..." "Dalia looked at me uncertainly." dal "Is it true Hana's gonna be an owner?" scene w2_6087 with dissolve mc "I don't think anything's official yet, but... she's open to it." mc "Why do you ask?" scene w2_6088 with dissolve dal "It's a big topic among the girls. She's pretty popular." scene w2_6089 with dissolve kil "Bah!" mc "...well, she's agreed to take a bigger interest." scene w2_6090 with dissolve dal "Hmm..." scene w2_6091 with dissolve jacob "Best not get your hopes up, Dal." scene w2_6092 with dissolve dal "It's the girls I'm worried about." scene w2_6093 with dissolve kil "C'mon, doc. We shouldn't keep August waiting." mc "See you two later tonight I guess." scene w2_6094 with dissolve dal "I'm really sorry I can't do anything about Emma." scene w2_6095 with dissolve jacob "*sigh* I know your hands are tied. I don't blame you." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Ian led the way to Mr. Byrnes' office." aug "Come in!" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" scene w2_6096 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve aug "Get your asses over here! Now, we're just waiting on Hana and Chuck." "The old man greeted us with a smile and waved us over." scene w2_6097 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman, on the flip side, was looking unusually unhappy and staying conspicuously silent." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen, on the flip side, was looking unusually unhappy and staying conspicuously silent." scene w2_6098 with dissolve kat "Hello, [mcf]." scene w2_6099 with dissolve scene w2_6100 with dissolve scene w2_6099 with dissolve "I returned her simple greeting with a nod." KN_MOD "if w2KatSex == True:" scene w2_6102 with dissolve kat "Excited for tonight?" scene w2_6103 with dissolve "The question was accompanied by the old woman's hand not-so-subtly massaging my inner thigh." scene w2_6104 with dissolve scene w2_6103 with dissolve "Once more, I nodded. After what we did on my birthday, I couldn't feign otherwise." scene w2_6102 with dissolve kat "You did wonderfully last week. I expect tonight is going to be quite the show." scene w2_6118 with dissolve aug "...that's true. At your age, I would've had trouble getting it up in those circumstances." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6098 with dissolve kat "Excited for tonight?" scene w2_6101 with dissolve mc "Mildly anxious might be a better way of describing it." scene w2_6098 with dissolve kat "You did wonderfully last week." scene w2_6105 with dissolve aug "That's true, at your age I would've had trouble getting it up in those circumstances." scene w2_6106 with dissolve kat "At your age now, isn't that doubly true, Augy?" scene w2_6107 with dissolve aug "Ha! I still fuck like I'm in my 20s, you peach." scene w2_6108 with dissolve kat "Hmpfh, charming." scene w2_6109 with dissolve kil "Right, sooooo.... what are we doing here?" scene w2_6110 with dissolve aug "Having a drink to celebrate my daughter coming around on this place." scene w2_6111 with dissolve "I didn't know if Hana would really be in a drinking mood, but I wasn't going to suggest as much to August." "He looked {i}very{/i} happy." scene w2_6109 with dissolve kil "Eh? She came around on the money." scene w2_6112 with dissolve aug "That's one and the same for me. This place IS money." scene w2_6113 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve aug "Only those among us who have never needed it can say otherwise." scene w2_6114 with dissolve kat "Come now, you don't shy away from the perks of this place. Not to mention Charles..." kat "Well, all three of us love the work in our own ways, don't we?" scene w2_6113 with dissolve aug "I should stop worrying about ever-increasing, needless extravagance then?" scene w2_6115 with dissolve kil "Mommy and Daddy shouldn't argue in front of the kids." scene w2_6114 with dissolve kat "Ian's right. We should table our earlier discussion." kat "We're here to celebrate our impending new partnership." scene w2_6113 with dissolve aug "Ha! Alright, yeah!" aug "We should enjoy the days we have left, right?" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w2_6116 with dissolve kat "Mmhh--" play music "music/that-one-bar-scene.ogg" scene w2_6117 with dissolve chuck "Look at the beautiful mouse I found wandering the hallway." scene w2_6119 with dissolve hana "What's all this? We having a party?" scene w2_6120 with dissolve aug "The three of us thought we'd share a drink, dear. As peers." "Peers was a loaded word, one I thought would make her flinch, but..." scene w2_6121 with dissolve hana "Oh, is that it? Should I pour?" hana "Can't escape filling the glasses of old men, I guess." scene w2_6122 with dissolve "She rolled with it, seemingly unphased." scene w2_6123 with dissolve chuck "Baha, nonsense, lass. I'll get it." scene w2_6124 with dissolve kil "By the way, what are [mcf] and I doing here?" scene w2_6125 with dissolve aug "Why wouldn't you two be here? We're all family here." scene w2_6126 with dissolve kil "Family, huh?" scene w2_6127 with dissolve hana "Yeah, let's get along, little brother." scene w2_6128 with dissolve kil "Ha, sure thing." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade aug "To my daughter and all our futures together." play sound "sound effects/ice-glass.wav" scene w2_6129 with fade "*Clink*" scene w2_6130 with dissolve "*Glug* *Glug* *Glug*" scene w2_6131 with dissolve mc "Ffhaaa....!" mct "(I'm developing a taste for this...)" scene w2_6132 with dissolve chuck "You always did keep it to a few words." scene w2_6133 with dissolve aug "You talk too much, Charles." scene w2_6134 with dissolve hana "That it?" play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" scene w2_6135 with dissolve aug "Pretty much. You don't need to hear from me what it means to have a stake in this place." aug "I know it may not seem like it considering how high up and secluded we are, but this is a criminal enterprise." scene w2_6136 with dissolve kat "Don't be so dramatic, Augy." scene w2_6137 with dissolve aug "Kathy doesn't like when I use that word to describe her, but it's true." aug "We're all criminals. No moral judgement, but that's just a simple fact. Doesn't mean you can't be decent, but..." scene w2_6138 with dissolve aug "This isn't a soft business, Hana. It'll take time for a kind girl like you to become acclimated to the realities and pitfalls." scene w2_6139 with dissolve hana "I know that old man, but I'll eventually get a say in things, right?" scene w2_6140 with dissolve chuck "Of course you will, lass. You'll have your say, just as any of us has." scene w2_6141 with dissolve aug "You can always speak your mind, but first you need to learn how things work." scene w2_6142 with dissolve kat "Why wait? A good idea is a good idea, and I'm certain Hana has a few of those in her." scene w2_6143 with dissolve aug "We'll take it one day at a time. For tonight, she gets to know our customers in a different light and sit in on your little game." scene w2_6144 with dissolve kat "She'll do more than just sit." aug "Oh? What are you talking about, Kathy?" kat "I'm going to have her help judge tonight's performances." scene w2_6145 with dissolve hana "Judge? What the hell is there to judge? It's all just a pony show." scene w2_6146 with dissolve kat "Now, now dear... don't think of your role tonight as frivolous." kat "{b}Our{/b} Carnations are going to work hard tonight, their hopes and dreams hanging in the balance. You should take your role seriously." scene w2_6147 with dissolve hana "You gotta be..." "That last bit of information had Hana looking totally dejected." hana "I shouldn't be..." scene w2_6148 with dissolve chuck "Having her judge is a good idea. Our friends just know her as a serving girl, but putting her front-and-center tonight will cause them to remember her. The sooner the better if she does actually become a face for our club." aug "You're not wrong. She should experience what it's like to be responsible for another person's livelihood." scene w2_6149 with dissolve "Seeing Hana unhappily surrounded on all sides, made me want to...." scene w2_6150 with dissolve "{i}Yoink{/i}." mc "Don't you think you should ask Hana if she's okay with judging?" scene w2_6151 with dissolve chuck "........." scene w2_6152 with dissolve kat "......" scene w2_6153 with dissolve aug "..." scene w2_6154 with dissolve chuck "No one's forcing the lass into anything. Would you please help Kat tonight, Hana?" scene w2_6155 with dissolve "She looked at me with a resigned smile." scene w2_6156 with dissolve hana "...yeah." scene w2_6157 with dissolve hana "I did say I'd take a bigger interest in this place." scene w2_6158 with dissolve "Whether she ends up making changes for the better or just cashes out once she's got her share, this was her choice." scene w2_6159 with dissolve mct "(Just like me.)" scene w2_6160 with dissolve hana "I still think it's bullshit, but yeah, I'll \"judge\", whatever that means." scene w2_6161 with dissolve kat "Good! Good! Good!" scene w2_6162 with dissolve kil "What about us? You have anything for [mcf] and me to do?" scene w2_6163 with dissolve kat "Hmm, Ian, you can do your usual mingling or whatever it is you do." kat "[mcf] should work the crowd as well, but I want him to enjoy tonight to the fullest. Experience it from the perspective of a patron." scene w2_6164 with dissolve mc "I don't have a clue what that means." scene w2_6165 with dissolve kat "Enjoy our facilities, sample the girls, and be friendly with our guests. Most of it is what you'd do normally, but I want you to give me your opinion on it later next week." kat "What was lacking, what you found excellent, any ways we might improve our customer service? Give me your unique perspective." scene w2_6164 with dissolve mc "...okay, I can do that." "Sounded like she just wanted me to walk around." scene w2_6165 with dissolve kat "Good, then you two can get out of here and go socialize." scene w2_6166 with dissolve kil "Fine by me. Thanks for the drink." scene w2_6167 with dissolve hana "Hey, [mcf]... before you go..." mc "Yeah?" scene w2_6168 with dissolve hana "{b}Thanks{/b}." scene w2_6169 with dissolve mc "For what?" scene w2_6168 with dissolve hana "You know..." scene w2_6169 with dissolve "I did know." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(Enjoy the pre-festivities as a patron, huh?)" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHallway" ################################################################################ ## Week 2 Exhibition Screens -------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ screen w2ExNavMenu: if w2ExTimeBlock == "A": imagemap: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu1_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu1_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu1_ground.png" hotspot (321,85,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExAugustOffice")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (736,56,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExBar")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (311,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExSecurityRoom")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (777,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExHallway")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (10, 22, 180, 180) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Return()] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2ExTimeBlock == "B": imagemap: if w2ExSexRoomUnlock == True: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu3_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu3_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu3_ground.png" else: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu2_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu2_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExNavMenu2_ground.png" hotspot (321,85,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExAugustOffice")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (736,56,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExBar")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (311,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExSecurityRoom")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (777,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExHallway")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2ExSexRoomUnlock == True: hotspot (1237,367,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExLezB")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (311,668,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExVelvetRoom")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (777,668,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExVIPLounge")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (1238,668,460,250) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/door-open.wav"), Jump("w2ExVincenzoB")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] hotspot (10, 22, 180, 180) action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Return()] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] label w2ExNavMenu: KN_MOD "call screen w2ExNavMenu with pixellate" ## August's Office ############################################################# screen w2ExAugustOffice: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2ExTimeBlock == "A": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExAugOfficeA_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExAugOfficeA_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExAugOfficeA_ground.png" hotspot (5,430,1200,800) action Jump("w2ExAugustA") if w2ExTimeBlock == "B": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExAugOfficeB_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExAugOfficeB_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExAugOfficeB_ground.png" hotspot (1306,306,600,600) action Jump("w2ExAugustB") label w2ExAugustOffice: show black $"music/study-and-relax.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2ExAugustOffice with fade" ## Block A KN_MOD "label w2ExAugustA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExAugustARepeat == False:" $ w2ExAugustARepeat = True scene w2_6170 with dissolve "Looks like the owners plan to keep Hana snared for longer still. Seeing her uncomfortably caught between the three of them was a pitiable sight, but there wasn't much I could do for her right now." "I should go kill time like I've been directed." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6171 with dissolve "I should go kill time like I've been directed." KN_MOD "jump w2ExAugustOffice" ## Block B KN_MOD "label w2ExAugustB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExAugustBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExAugustBRepeat = True scene w2_6172 with dissolve aug "What are you doing creeping around up here? You should be downstairs, enjoying yourself." scene w2_6173 with dissolve mc "I could say the same of you." scene w2_6174 with dissolve aug "I've had a lifetime of \"enjoying myself\", kid. Not that I think I'm old, but... I've learned to appreciate time by myself on nights like this." scene w2_6173 with dissolve mc "You mean exhibition nights?" scene w2_6172 with dissolve aug "No, I don't mean Kathy's dumb shows." scene w2_6173 with dissolve mc "... what then?" scene w2_6174 with dissolve aug "I just like to have some time to myself when I think I've gotten what I wanted." scene w2_6175 with dissolve mc "I should leave then." scene w2_6176 with dissolve aug "No, sit down. Let's chat. I'm not going to kick you out." scene w2_6177 with dissolve mc "...alright." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6178 with dissolve aug "By the way, I know I asked you how you liked working here, but how do you like working with Kathy specifically?" scene w2_6179 with dissolve "He looked as if he was measuring me." KN_MOD "if Kathleen_Trust >= 11:" scene w2_6180 with dissolve mc "I've got no complaints. She's pretty straightforward and honest with her expectations." scene w2_6181 with dissolve aug "Is that right?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6180 with dissolve mc "Just fine, I guess..." scene w2_6182 with dissolve aug "Just \"fine\", eh...?" scene w2_6183 with dissolve "......" scene w2_6184 with dissolve "..." mc "So you're up here, drinking alone, and thinking?" scene w2_6185 with dissolve aug "You make it sound awfully sad." scene w2_6184 with dissolve mc "No, I actually get it." scene w2_6186 with dissolve aug "Do you now?" scene w2_6187 with dissolve mc "It's like mental housekeeping. It's useful to sort your head out and put things in order." mc "If you're thorough about it, then you won't be surprised by your feelings. You're... thinking about Hana, right?" scene w2_6188 with dissolve aug "...ha." play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w2_6189 with dissolve aug "More and more these days. How'd you guess?" scene w2_6190 with dissolve mc "You told me as much. You {i}think{/i} you've gotten what you wanted, yeah?" scene w2_6191 with dissolve aug "I've found that getting what you want often leaves you unsatisfied if you just let your perceived successes fly by you without a second thought." aug "How much do you know about Hana's situation?" scene w2_6190 with dissolve mc "She's told me the rub of it, but you already knew that I think." scene w2_6191 with dissolve aug "I inferred as much from our conversation yesterday, but I wasn't sure." scene w2_6190 with dissolve aug "I bet the truth hasn't really painted me in a good light, huh?" mc "No one in this building is at risk of sainthood." scene w2_6192 with dissolve aug "Fwahaha, so true!" scene w2_6193 with dissolve aug "*Glug, glug, glug!*" scene w2_6194 with dissolve aug "More than a year ago, I set my daughter on the path of a criminal by leveraging her sick mother's illness against her." aug "Today she took another step down that path and thus I'm reflecting on my choices." scene w2_6195 with dissolve mc "I see. Are you happy with them?" scene w2_6196 with dissolve aug "Don't just come out and ask someone that, you jackass!" mc "Ha, sorry!" scene w2_6197 with dissolve aug "S'alright. I was begging the question." aug "Time will tell... ah fuck I'm dry." scene w2_6198 with dissolve aug "Pour your boss a drink, you lazy asshole!" scene black with fade mc "Aha, right away, sir!" "I shared a drink with the old man before politely excusing myself." "I think he appreciated me beating a retreat." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6199 with dissolve "I should give the man time alone with his thoughts." KN_MOD "jump w2ExAugustOffice" ## Bar ######################################################################## screen w2ExBar: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2ExTimeBlock == "A": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExBarA_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExBarA_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExBarA_ground.png" hotspot (161,275,200,600) action Jump("w2ExYooriA") hotspot (1594,412,600,250) action Jump("w2ExIsaakA") hotspot (440,230,400,800) action Jump("w2ExDaliaA") hotspot (840,161,600,400) action Jump("w2ExVeronicaMingleA") hotspot (1303,299,250,300) action Jump("w2ExSamsonA") if w2ExTimeBlock == "B": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExBarB_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExBarB_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExBarB_ground.png" if w2ExYooriBRepeat == False: hotspot (1251,378,450,600) action Jump("w2ExYooriB") else: hotspot (154,265,200,600) action Jump("w2ExYooriB") label w2ExBar: show black $"music/jazz-apricot.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2ExBar with fade" ## Block A KN_MOD "label w2ExYooriA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExYooriARepeat == False:" $ w2ExYooriARepeat = True scene w2_6200 with dissolve "It didn't occur to me, but..." scene w2_6201 with dissolve pp "What can I get you, sir?" scene w2_6202 with dissolve "I guess Hana would indeed need a replacement behind the bar." scene w2_6203 with dissolve mc "Hey, we haven't been introduced. I'm [mcf]." scene w2_6201 with dissolve yoori "Yoo-ri." scene w2_6204 with dissolve mc "They're asking a pregnant lady to tend the bar?" scene w2_6205 with dissolve yoori "I believe that was Mr. Byrnes' idea of a joke. Don't worry, I'm not drinking." scene w2_6204 with dissolve mc "He's an odd man..." scene w2_6206 with dissolve yoori "I'm not at liberty to agree." scene w2_6204 with dissolve "Short and to the point, she was a cautious one." scene w2_6207 with dissolve yoori "What can I get you, Mr. [mcl]?" scene w2_6204 with dissolve mc "Nothing. I'm just loitering." "......" "..." mc "Ah, well... goodbye, Yoo-ri." scene w2_6205 with dissolve yoori "Goodbye, sir." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6208 with dissolve "I don't feel like getting tipsy, so I really have no business with the expectant bartender. I should go kill time another way." KN_MOD "jump w2ExBar" KN_MOD "label w2ExIsaakA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExIsaakARepeat == False:" $ w2ExIsaakARepeat = True scene w2_6209 with dissolve "In the corner, like a rat, sat Isaak." scene w2_6210 with dissolve isak "That's right, get a good feel of my junk. That's gonna be splitting open your fat ass later." scene w2_6209 with dissolve "He would've been utterly missable if not for the jiggle of Lucy's fat tits as she massaged the man's putrid-looking cock." scene w2_6210 with dissolve isak "Aren't you excited, Mrs. Long?" scene w2_6209 with dissolve "Lucy quietly acquiesced to the man's verbal abuse, a distant look on her face." scene w2_6211 with dissolve isak "Bah! That's the same expression as yesterday!" isak "You think you can treat me coldly just because we were at work?" scene w2_6212 with dissolve lucy "You don't get to touch me whenever you please, especially not at the Academy, Isaak." scene w2_6213 with dissolve isak "{b}Don't I{/b}? Don't you know your place yet?" lucy "...I'm well aware of what I agreed to." scene w2_6214 with dissolve isak "I don't know why you're so full of yourself. You've always been a prostitute, it just took awhile for your lifestyle to finally catch up to your diseased mentality." scene w2_6215 with dissolve lucy "T-that isn't true..." scene w2_6216 with dissolve isak "Honestly, I can't wait to look your husband in the eye at the next Christmas party, with the knowledge that his lovely wife is just a dime-a-dozen bitch." "The man's words irked me, but it's not like I could pull Lucy away from him. This was what she signed up for. Plus..." "I definitely wasn't going over there to say hello." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6217 with dissolve isak "What are you waiting for? Why don't you give it a kiss?" "I'll leave them to it." KN_MOD "jump w2ExBar" KN_MOD "label w2ExDaliaA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExDaliaARepeat == False:" $ w2ExDaliaARepeat = True scene w2_6218 with dissolve "At the bar's side stood Dalia, badgering the same man she was domineering the previous week." dal "You brought all the things I asked you to, right Andrew?" "Her palm sat flat on the man's bald head, as if ruffling his nonexistent hair, while she cowed him with a well-practiced stern look." scene w2_6219 with dissolve drew "I did..." dal "...and the money too?" drew "Y-yeah..." scene w2_6220 with dissolve dal "You know that's all I see in you, right?" drew "I very much do..." scene w2_6221 with dissolve "Fascinated by their odd dynamic, I let my attention linger too long on the pair." scene w2_6222 with dissolve dal "Mr. [mcl]. Have you met Andrew?" scene w2_6223 with dissolve mc "We didn't get the chance to speak last week." scene w2_6224 with dissolve "The man seemed so diminutive next to Dalia, yet... " scene w2_6225 with dissolve dal "Introduce yourself, Andrew." scene w2_6226 with dissolve drew "It's good to meet, you Mr..." "His body language shifted on a dime. He stood tall and spoke clearly, proffering his hand like he had no doubt done thousands of times." scene w2_6227 with dissolve mc "[mcf]." scene w2_6228 with dissolve drew "It's good to meet you, Mr. [mcf]. I'm Andrew Reeves, the Ambassador of New Zealand to the United States." scene w2_6227 with dissolve mc "Ha... really..." mct "(An ambassador?)" scene w2_6229 with dissolve mc "Well, I... I hope tonight will further the relations of our two countries." mct "(Smooth, [mcf]..)" scene w2_6230 with dissolve drew "Ah, you can be very damn sure of that!" scene w2_6231 with dissolve drew "I was very lucky my schedule permits me to--" scene w2_6232 with dissolve dal "Andrew?" scene w2_6233 with dissolve drew "Ah, y-yes, Dalia?" "The man's posture changed on a dime once again." scene w2_6234 with dissolve dal "Now that you've been introduced, let's return to our previous topic." "Dalia shot me a look like she wanted me to go, which I was more than happy to." scene w2_6235 with dissolve drew "Well y-yeah, I carried the {i}ribbed{/i} one with me all day and I have your..." scene black with fade "This didn't seem like my sort of conversation." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6219 with dissolve mct "Let's leave the distinct pair to themselves for now." KN_MOD "jump w2ExBar" KN_MOD "label w2ExVeronicaMingleA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExVeronicaMingleARepeat == False:" $ w2ExVeronicaMingleARepeat = True stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6291 with dissolve "In the far back, standing in the center of a ring of sitting patrons and their companions, stood Veronica clothed in her exhibition battle garb." "That is to say, her ridiculously pink princess lingerie." ver "Yeah, that's real commendable, you porcupine." mct "(...honestly, she was kinda making it work for her.)" jim "That's a new one." KN_MOD "if w2ExRosalindMingleARepeat == True or w2ExFeliciaMingleARepeat == True:" mct "(Looks like she had gathered quite the crowd, just like with Felicia and Rosalind.)" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(I guess Mrs. Pulman has the Carnations out on the floor tonight, like actors in a stage play greeting their \"adoring\" audience.)" "I briefly considered not going over." "......" "..." mct "(Damn it, here I go.)" play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene w2_6292 with dissolve mc "Good afternoon, everyone." jim "Ah, it's you. Kathy's boy... [mcf]." "Our city's Chief of Police casually addressed me in return." scene w2_6293 with dissolve mc "I'm glad you remembered my name, Mr. O'Doherty. We only spoke briefly last week." scene w2_6294 with dissolve jim "You think I'd have trouble remembering a measly fuckin' name or something?" scene w2_6295 with dissolve shel "Come now, [mcf] didn't imply anything like that. He just means you're a small, conceited bastard." scene w2_6296 with dissolve mc "I didn't mean that either..." jim "Oh, yeah, and you're a real man of the people, right?" scene w2_6297 with dissolve vinc "'s not hard to remember after you performed marvelously on stage last week." mc "I didn't really do much." scene w2_6298 with dissolve mc "It was the girls who did all the hard work. All I did was sit, stand, or lie down." scene w2_6299 with dissolve ver "Don't be so modest. The way you clung to Rosie's tit like a widdle baby was very moving." scene w2_6300 with dissolve "Veronica's calloused hands pushed down on my neck, as she brought herself back into the conversation." scene w2_6301 with dissolve mc "Again, I didn't really do all that much... besides going muff-diving and getting you to squirt everywhere." scene w2_6302 with dissolve jim "Ba, ha!" "She was forcing her character a bit, but I might as well play into my charge's hand." scene w2_6303 with dissolve vinc "Me? I would've been paralyzed with stage fright." scene w2_6304 with dissolve andrea "Stage fright? But you performed for over a thousand people last month, Enzo. What's half a dozen people compared to that?" scene w2_6305 with dissolve vinc "Heh, there's performances and then there's {i}performing{/i}. I know you're well aware of that difference, sweat pea. I watched your videos." scene w2_6306 with dissolve andrea "O-oh...? You did? Those old things?" scene w2_6307 with dissolve shel "Have you seen Emma around, [mcf]?" scene w2_6308 with dissolve mc "No, Mr. Shelby, I haven't." scene w2_6309 with dissolve "I recalled Hana's warning. This was the congressman that choked out Harper." scene w2_6308 with dissolve mc "I'll inquire about her for you." scene w2_6309 with dissolve "--I sure as shit wouldn't." scene w2_6310 with dissolve shel "I'd appreciate it. Next to Cassandra here, none of the other girls have as good of a ground game. She's got a... wiry build." scene w2_6311 with dissolve cass "Yeah... she can really whip her arms..." ver "{size=-10}Fuckin' weirdos...{/size=-10}" scene w2_6312 with dissolve shel "You were the one behind the camera for this beautiful creature's photoshoot this week, yes?" scene w2_6313 with dissolve jim "Beautiful? This bitch has spent the last five minutes insulting us." scene w2_6314 with dissolve mc "... I did. For each of the Carnations to be exact." scene w2_6315 with dissolve vinc "That was quite the package Kathleen sent us. Every single printed photo." scene w2_6316 with dissolve ver "You all got copies of that? Physical copies of... *ahem* my modeling?" scene w2_6317 with dissolve jim "What, you stupid or something? What did you think Kathy was going to do with the photos?" scene w2_6318 with dissolve jim "Say, want to come over here and earn my copy back by draining my nuts?" scene w2_6319 with dissolve ver "I'd rather bite off my fucking tongue, you sack of shit." scene w2_6320 with dissolve madi "There's no need for that bitch when I'm here, baby." scene w2_6321 with dissolve jim "Did I say you could touch me?" scene w2_6322 with dissolve madi "Ah-!" scene w2_6323 with dissolve shel "Point is, those photos were splendid work." scene w2_6324 with dissolve mc "If it turned out great, it was all because of the model." scene w2_6325 with dissolve ver "Yeah, and which shoot did you like best, congressman?" scene w2_6326 with dissolve shel "Of course, I voted for you, dear. Your legs are the size of my fucking head." scene w2_6327 with dissolve ver "...hmpfh." shel "I dream of what you'll do with them." scene w2_6328 with dissolve mc "... so, are you gentleman finding everything to your satisfaction tonight?" "I came back around to the reason I approached in the first place, to perfunctorily perform my role as a representative of the club." scene w2_6329 with dissolve shel "Yes, except for that one refusing to sit with us." scene w2_6330 with dissolve ver "I prefer to stand and you prefer the view, don't you?" "It seemed Veronica had her own unique spin on socializing." scene w2_6331 with dissolve vinc "Haaa! It's like looking at Brünnhilde made flesh." andrea "Uh, who?" scene w2_6332 with dissolve vinc "A queen who resided over the sea, whose like no one knew of anywhere." vinc "She was exceedingly beautiful and great in physical strength." scene w2_6333 with dissolve andrea "A-ah...!" vinc "She shot the shaft with the bold knights - love was the prize." andrea "O-oh, Vincenzo...!" scene w2_6334 with dissolve ver "...oooookay." scene w2_6335 with dissolve ver "Please for the love of everything beneath the sky, {b}shoot me dead{/b}." scene w2_6336 with dissolve mc "I'm afraid I can't help you there, Brünnhilde. The powers that be would frown on your untimely demise." scene w2_6337 with dissolve mc "Hang in there." ver "Fuck..." scene w2_6338 with dissolve mc "Besides the seating arrangements, is everything good?" scene w2_6339 with dissolve shel "You can tell Kathleen that the club's service is exemplary, as usual." scene w2_6338 with dissolve mc "I'll pass that along." scene black with fade mc "...well, then, I will excuse myself." "I didn't want to take a squat either, to be frank." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6291 with dissolve mct "(I've already done my \"hello\"s and \"how-are-you\"s over there. I should mingle elsewhere.)" KN_MOD "jump w2ExBar" KN_MOD "label w2ExSamsonA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExSamsonARepeat == False:" scene w2_6236 with dissolve "Over on the red couch, saddled up next to Harper and Nicolette, was Samson. He really did have a type." "With how relentless the man is, I might get pulled into something time-consuming. Should I go over there now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Go over and say hello.:" $ w2ExSamsonARepeat = True $ w2ExTimeBlock = "B" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" mct "(Well, I do need to be friendly if I hope to get any more information out of him regarding how he sabotaged Veronica.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Hey, being friendly is my job, right?)" scene w2_6237 with dissolve sam "Heya, kid." mc "You're a greedy man, aren't you Mr. Garcia?" sam "Oh, you mean...?" scene w2_6238 with dissolve sam "Bahahaha, damn straight I am! If I could I'd have them all to myself!" scene w2_6239 with dissolve "I shot Harper what I hoped was a sympathetic look, as the boisterous man shouted with zero regard for the girls' ears." scene w2_6240 with dissolve mc "Wouldn't we all?" scene w2_6239 with dissolve "It was just the beginning of the night and he looked moderately intoxicated..." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" mct "(Maybe I could use that to my advantage?)" "I didn't know what I would do with the information I sought, or how that might help Veronica, but the first step was obtaining it." scene w2_6241 with dissolve sam "Indeed! Although..." scene w2_6242 with dissolve "Samson's eyes unsubtly drifted to where Veronica stood." sam "Difficult women that make you work for it carry their own unique brand of flavor." mc "Right, yeah..." mct "(Is that what you call sabotaging a person's livelihood?)" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_6243 with dissolve sam "Want to sit down and join me? Greedy as I am, I do know how to share--" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_6244 with vpunch "*Thud*" scene w2_6245 with dissolve isak "No need to get up. Crawl and get me a drink, will you? And be sure to come back with a smile, too." scene w2_6246 with dissolve "I didn't see it, but I could make a pretty good guess how Lucy wound up on the bar room floor." lucy "I--!" scene w2_6247 with dissolve lucy "Yes, sir." scene w2_6248 with dissolve isak "Aha, that's a nice change of tone." scene w2_6249 with dissolve harp "How about I get you that drink instead? Lucy is very inexperienced, Mr. Miller." scene w2_6250 with dissolve "Having pulled herself away from the greedy bodybuilder's grasp, Harper inserted herself between the pair." harp "I'll treat you much better than she can." scene w2_6251 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve isak "No thanks, I'm actually quite happy to teach her." scene w2_6252 with dissolve harp "No, really, I'll do any--" scene w2_6253 with dissolve isak "You're too skanky for my tastes." play music "music/jack-the-lumberer.ogg" scene w2_6255 with dissolve dal "Lucy!" dal "You're \"ornament\"-duty tonight! Chelsea called out last minute." harp "{size=-10}Chelsea...?{/size=-10}" "There was no Chelsea on the staff. Even if Isaak didn't know that, the timing made it an obvious lie." dal "You know how finicky Mrs. Pulman is with her arrangements. Will you take her to the Velvet Room to get strapped in, Harper?" scene w2_6256 with dissolve dal "I'm so sorry, Mr. Miller. Why don't you join us for that drink?" isak "Just--" "Just as Isaak started to interject and raise an issue..." scene w2_6257 with dissolve ver "You like pushing women to the ground, do you?" scene w2_6258 with dissolve "Face-to-face, Isaak looked extremely small next to the towering woman." scene w2_6259 with dissolve isak "I, y-you, what--" scene w2_6260 with dissolve ver "What are you, a damn fish?" scene w2_6259 with dissolve isak "Y-you--" scene w2_6260 with dissolve ver "Before you start with that \"watch how you speak to me\" bullshit, I'll remind you that I don't work here, pipsqueak." ver "I'm free to call a pathetic, balding loser for what he is, and you are a {b}very{b} pathetic, fat, balding, limp-dicked loser." scene w2_6261 with dissolve sam "Bahaha, oh come on Veronica, don't bully the little guy." scene w2_6262 with dissolve ver "Don't think I didn't see you impotently jerk that small dick of yours while I was on stage a few weeks ago. Or, actually..." scene w2_6263 with dissolve ver "Ha, maybe I didn't see it?" "Veronica's intrusion was just what was needed to allow Harper and Lucy to exit the bar without further protest." scene w2_6264 with dissolve isak "'re {i}funny{/i}, I'll give you that." "Despite being clearly flustered, he tried to coolly play it off." isak "It'll be amusing to see that smirk wiped off your face." scene w2_6265 with dissolve ver "Bah, why the hell do all you jackasses say the same thing?" scene w2_6266 with dissolve "With Lucy gone, Veronica beat a prudent retreat." scene w2_6267 with dissolve ver "This shithead spewed the same garbage." "If she had made a calculated performance just now, the smiling faces in the back told me she had succeeded. Everyone but Isaak seemed genuinely amused by her tenacity." scene w2_6268 with dissolve ver "{size=-10}He wants to wrestle me. Like, what the fuck?{/size=-10}" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6269 with dissolve sam "Ha, he slinked off! God I love that woman!" "Veronica aside, I was starting to have an understanding of the dynamic between the house girls." play music "music/jazz-apricot.ogg" scene w2_6270 with dissolve mc "I don't think she feels the same." "Harper didn't hesitate to jump in and Dalia covered their retreat." scene w2_6271 with dissolve sam "I wouldn't want her to. She's playing a once-in-a-lifetime part that has been tailored for her." scene w2_6272 with dissolve "Samson sounded proud, no doubt imagining himself the writer of that role in his cinematically-chosen metaphor." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" mct "(Now's the time.)" "If I wanted to get to the bottom of Samson's responsibility in the decline of Veronica's gym, this was the opportunity." scene w2_6273 with dissolve mc "Hey, Mr. Garcia..." "The aging movie star was half-drunk and high on his \"muse's\" fiery display of grit. I was confident he'd spill the beans with the right push." mc "Why don't you go and get another drink and then you and I can hit the sauna?" scene w2_6274 with dissolve sam "What, just you and me? No thanks, kid. I don't swing that way anymore." scene w2_6275 with dissolve mc "No, you idiot. Bring your lady friend." mc "We'll kick back and enjoy ourselves." scene w2_6276 with dissolve sam "Alright, sure, but you gotta tell me how you managed to put a collar on that bitch over there without losing any fingers, deal?" scene black with fade mc "It's a deal." scene w2_6277 with fade "Like I hoped, Samson made his way to the bar first." mct "(The more liquored up, the better.)" scene w2_6278 with dissolve dal "Let me accompany you, Mr. [mcl]. It's not right for you to be unattended." dal "Don't want to be a third wheel, do you?" scene w2_6279 with dissolve mc "That's alright, the night's not really about my pl--" scene w2_6280 with dissolve dal "Please?" "Dalia leaned in and spoke in a whisper just for me." scene w2_6281 with dissolve dal "I want to keep an eye on Nico, alright?" scene w2_6282 with dissolve dal "It's her first night. I'm worried she might have jumped into the deep end too soon." "She looked anxious, but there was a genuine concern in her voice." mc "...yeah, sure, come with. I'm not going to turn down your lovely company." "I brought our conversation back to a normal volume." scene w2_6283 with dissolve mc "What about him?" scene w2_6284 with dissolve dal "Andrew? Who cares?" scene w2_6285 with dissolve dal "Quite frankly, I'm getting sick of toying with him." dal "He's painfully boring." scene w2_6286 with dissolve "Her \"toy\" looked down in shame, but from where I stood, I could see a smile forming on his lips." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "After encouraging and sharing one more drink with Samson, the four of us - Dalia, Nicolette, and myself included - made our way to the building's sauna." KN_MOD "jump w2ExSauna" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6287 with dissolve sam "Want to sit down?" scene w2_6288 with dissolve "I weighed my options..." scene w2_6289 with dissolve mc "Sure thing." "Samson was the more manageable of the groups." scene w2_6290 with dissolve mc "I've been told to kill some time." scene black with fade "So we did. I listened to the has-been yak, avoided drinking, and made one-sided small-talk with Nicolette until I couldn't stand it anymore and excused myself." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVeronicaHanaB" KN_MOD "Go mingle elsewhere first.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "I'll look around the upper floors some more first." KN_MOD "jump w2ExBar" ## Block B KN_MOD "label w2ExYooriB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExYooriBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExYooriBRepeat = True scene w2_6340 with dissolve "Coming back to the bar, I found it much, much, much less packed. Guess everyone migrated downstairs for the most part." "All except for the pregnant bartender, currently taking a load off on one of the club's big red sofas." scene w2_6341 with dissolve yoori "O-oh!" yoori "Uh... I was just..." scene w2_6342 with dissolve yoori "No one was here, so..." scene w2_6343 with dissolve mc "Relax, don't get up." scene w2_6344 with dissolve yoori "I know I shouldn't be, it's just--" scene w2_6345 with dissolve mc "{b}Seriously{/b}. I'm just killing time." mc "I'm not here to bust your ovaries over you resting your back." scene w2_6344 with dissolve yoori "... so you don't want a drink or anything extra?" scene w2_6345 with dissolve mc "What, are you on tap too -- ah, don't answer that." mc "No, I don't want a drink. I'm just sticking my head in." scene w2_6344 with dissolve yoori "...and you're not gonna report this to Mr. Byrnes?" scene w2_6346 with dissolve mc "What would I report, exactly?" scene w2_6347 with dissolve yoori "That I was..." mc "Lying down on the job?" scene w2_6348 with dissolve yoori "Heh, that's a funny thing to say about a prostitute." mc "In that case, my silence is dependent on one thing." scene w2_6349 with dissolve yoori "...on what?" mc "You not reporting me for slacking off either." scene w2_6350 with dissolve yoori "Ah...?" scene w2_6351 with dissolve yoori "'s a deal!" scene w2_6352 with dissolve mc "... so like what are you, seven months along?" scene w2_6353 with dissolve yoori "That's right. Halfway to eight." scene w2_6354 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_6355 with dissolve mc "...and they still got you working, huh?" scene w2_6356 with dissolve yoori "There's a... {i}call{/i} for that sort of thing. It limits my client pool, but it's a {i}premium{/i} service." scene w2_6355 with dissolve mc "I've been filled in on that a little actually." scene w2_6356 with dissolve yoori "I think Mr. Byrnes is taking pity on me by assigning me here tonight." scene w2_6355 with dissolve mc "You think? I guess pouring drinks is a pretty comfy gig compared to the other alternative." scene w2_6356 with dissolve yoori "Yeah, dunno why, but he's been in a more pleasant mood this week." scene w2_6357 with dissolve yoori "He even asked me how the baby was doing." "That seemed like a pretty low bar." scene w2_6358 with dissolve yoori "'re, uh... Ian's friend too, right?" scene w2_6359 with dissolve mc "Too? I thought I was his only friend." scene w2_6360 with dissolve yoori "You don't know Darius?" scene w2_6359 with dissolve mc "No, I've only heard of him, and it mostly was about him running off." mc "What was he like?" scene w2_6358 with dissolve yoori "He was..." "She hesitated, cautious of putting the truth plainly." scene w2_6361 with dissolve yoori "He was what you'd expect from a man his age, I guess -- working in a place like this I mean. He was wild and a bit full of himself." scene w2_6360 with dissolve yoori "He wasn't as bad as he could've been. Isla had a real big soft spot for him and he got better over time." scene w2_6359 with dissolve mc "Is Isla one of the girls?" scene w2_6360 with dissolve yoori "Former. She left about a month or so before Darius did." scene w2_6361 with dissolve yoori "She had worked here for two years. I guess her account was settled." scene w2_6359 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene w2_6363 with dissolve yoori "{b}You{/b} seem pretty decent so far, [mcf]." scene w2_6362 with dissolve mc "I do? We've only exchanged a few words." scene w2_6364 with dissolve yoori "Uh huh. Whores have a sixth sense about people. You're decent." scene w2_6363 with dissolve yoori "Plus, you're sitting here and having a normalish conversation with me." scene w2_6362 with dissolve "The bar now felt like it was touching the floor." scene w2_6366 with dissolve yoori "It's kinda cute how you're sitting at a polite, respectful distance." scene w2_6367 with dissolve mc "I'm not a customer. You can cut the bullshit." scene w2_6368 with dissolve yoori "Hmpfh. What an insensitive thing to say to a woman." scene w2_6363 with dissolve yoori "You should ask me to teach you the intricacies of a woman's heart sometime. I'm a pretty good teacher if I say so myself." scene w2_6364 with dissolve yoori "Despite how I look, I was the club's top earner." scene w2_6362 with dissolve "Ian's words of caution appropriately came to mind." mc "I should get back to work. Those old farts aren't gonna kiss their own asses." scene w2_6365 with dissolve yoori "Mmh, ignored!" scene black with fade "Again... Ian's words of caution came to mind." yoori "Thanks for talking with me, [mcf]." KN_MOD "jump w2ExBar" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6208 with dissolve "It was nice being away from the building's bustle, but I should check in on some other places." KN_MOD "jump w2ExBar" ## Security Room ############################################################### screen w2ExSecurityRoom: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2ExTimeBlock == "A": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExSecurityRoomA_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExSecurityRoomA_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExSecurityRoomA_ground.png" hotspot (801,383,600,600) action Jump("w2ExWarrenA") if w2ExTimeBlock == "B": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExSecurityRoomB_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExSecurityRoomB_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExSecurityRoomB_ground.png" hotspot (600,383,600,600) action Jump("w2ExJacobB") label w2ExSecurityRoom: show black $"music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "if w2ExWarrenARepeat == True and w2ExTimeBlock == A:" KN_MOD "call screen w2ExSecurityRoom with fade" KN_MOD "elif w2ExWarrenARepeat == False and w2ExTimeBlock == A:" KN_MOD "jump w2ExWarrenA" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "call screen w2ExSecurityRoom with fade" ## Block A KN_MOD "label w2ExWarrenA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExWarrenARepeat == False:" $ w2ExWarrenARepeat = True scene w2_6370 with dissolve war "What do you want, kid?" scene w2_6369 with dissolve "The moment I peaked into the security room, the faint conversation I had heard from behind the door immediately ceased and two sets of harsh eyes fell upon me." mc "Sorry for disturbing you. I was just poking my head in to say hello." scene w2_6370 with dissolve war "You takin' a tour? That's a bad habit for around here." scene w2_6371 with dissolve jiji "You should be more cordial with the men you work with." scene w2_6372 with dissolve war "Hey, I'm fuckin' friendly okay? That was just some helpful advice." scene w2_6373 with dissolve jiji "Nice night, isn't it, [mcf]?" scene w2_6369 with dissolve mc "It's a tad humid." scene w2_6374 with dissolve mc "How do you do, Mr. Jameson? Are all your needs being taken care of?" scene w2_6375 with dissolve "Annoyed by Warren's standoffishness, I pushed into the room and did my job." scene w2_6376 with dissolve jiji "Not yet." scene w2_6377 with dissolve jiji "I should find myself some more fetching company." scene w2_6378 with dissolve war "Then why are you botherin' me, old man? Go find a girl and underwhelm her." scene w2_6379 with dissolve mc "I think you hurt his feelings, sir." scene w2_6380 with dissolve jiji "Unlikely. All {i}Sandman{/i} knows how to do is breathe, shit, eat, fight, and {b}fuck{/b}." scene w2_6381 with dissolve war "Hey!" scene w2_6382 with dissolve war "I'm workin' on a journal of poetry. Wanna see it?" scene w2_6383 with dissolve jiji "Actually, I'm leaving. Nice catching up with you, Al." scene black with fade war "Have a good time, sir." scene w2_6389 with dissolve "Leaving just the two of us alone, Warren suddenly felt more intimidating." scene w2_6390 with dissolve war "You sure like it in here, don't you kid?" scene w2_6391 with dissolve mc "What are you implying?" scene w2_6392 with dissolve war "Someone accessed the feed yesterday. You." scene w2_6393 with dissolve mc "I was looking for Dr. Chuck." scene w2_6394 with dissolve war "You ever heard of a phone?" scene w2_6393 with dissolve mc "Should I not have done that?" scene w2_6394 with dissolve war "No, it's fine. So long as you..." scene w2_6395 with dissolve war "...didn't see anything you shouldn't have." scene w2_6396 with dissolve mc "What could I possibly see that's worse than the illegal prostitution and weird, disturbing fetishes?" scene w2_6397 with dissolve war "Hmmm... ha! I'm just busting your balls. Feel free to pop in and people watch all you want." war "Mi casa es tu casa, eh?" scene w2_6398 with dissolve "If that was the case, why even bring it up? I have a feeling that he just wanted me to know he knew." scene w2_6399 with dissolve mc "I wasn't people watch--" scene w2_6400 with dissolve war "Then, you ever heard of a phone?" scene w2_6401 with dissolve mc "Ah, fuck. You got a point. Fair enough." mct "(That was the more fun way of doing it, wasn't it?)" scene black with fade war "Do \"pop\" your head in again, kid. I gotta learn to be more cordial, I guess." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6388 with dissolve mct "(That's enough Warren for one evening. The guy gives me the heebie jeebies.)" KN_MOD "jump w2ExSecurityRoom" ## Block B KN_MOD "label w2ExJacobB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExJacobBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExJacobBRepeat = True scene w2_6738 with fade KN_MOD "if w2ExWarrenARepeat == True:" "Despite Warren's vague suspicion, or maybe because of it, I once again stuck my head into the security room." "I just couldn't help myself." KN_MOD "else:" "I decided to poke my head in the security room." scene w2_6739 with dissolve mc "Hey Jacob. You're posted up here now, huh?" scene w2_6740 with dissolve jacob "Yup. Just watching the feeds." scene w2_6741 with dissolve mc "Looks more like you're reading." KN_MOD "if w2ExVincenzoB1 == False and w2ExVincenzoB2 == False:" $ w2ExVincenzoB1 = True scene w2_6745 with dissolve "Click" scene w2_6742 with dissolve jacob "Well, a little Dostoyevsky helps to mercifully distract from Vincenzo's jiggling fat rolls as he rolls the dice on dying of a heart attack." mct "(Note to self... avoid the pool.)" mc "You make a persuasive case for literacy." KN_MOD "elif w2ExVincenzoB1 == True and w2ExVincenzoB2 == False:" $ w2ExVincenzoB2 = True scene w2_6746 with dissolve "Click" scene w2_6743 with dissolve jacob "Well, a little Dostoyevsky helps to mercifully distract from Vincenzo's jiggling fat rolls as he rolls the dice on dying of a heart attack." mct "(He brought another girl into the mix? Damn, dude's a machine...)" mc "You make a persuasive case for literacy." KN_MOD "elif w2ExVincenzoB1 == True and w2ExVincenzoB2 == True:" scene w2_6747 with dissolve "Click" scene w2_6744 with dissolve jacob "Well, a little Dostoyevsky helps to mercifully distract from Vincenzo's jiggling fat rolls as he rolls the dice on dying of a heart attack." mct "(He's taking a lap after all that?!)" mc "You make a persuasive case for literacy." scene w2_6748 with dissolve jacob "You need something?" KN_MOD "if w2ExSearch == True:" $ w2ExSexRoomUnlock = True scene w2_6749 with dissolve mc "You have any idea where Harper and maybe Lucy are?" scene w2_6751 with dissolve jacob "...?" scene w2_6752 with dissolve mc "Dalia's asking." scene w2_6753 with dissolve jacob "Rockstar room." scene w2_6754 with dissolve jacob "I'm keeping the feed off, out of respect." scene w2_6755 with dissolve mc "Thanks, Jacob." jacob "Sure, no problem. Just remember to knock first." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6749 with dissolve mc "Nope, just checking in." mc "...and I've checked. See you around." scene w2_6750 with dissolve jacob "See you around, [mcf]." KN_MOD "jump w2ExSecurityRoom" KN_MOD "if w2ExJacobBRepeat == True:" scene w2_6738 with fade "Let's not disturb Jacob's Russian-lit time anymore, eh?" KN_MOD "jump w2ExSecurityRoom" ## Hallway ##################################################################### screen w2ExHallway: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2ExTimeBlock == "A": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExHallwayA1_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExHallwayA_hover.png" if w2ExRosalindMingleARepeat == False: ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExHallwayA1_ground.png" hotspot (1408,341,600,600) action Jump("w2ExRosalindMingleA") else: ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExHallwayA2_ground.png" hotspot (801,383,600,600) action Jump("w2ExJacobA") hotspot (61,375,600,600) action Jump("w2ExFeliciaMingleA") if w2ExTimeBlock == "B": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayB_ground.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayB_ground.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w1ExHallwayB_ground.png" label w2ExHallway: show black $"music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2ExHallway with fade" ## Block A KN_MOD "label w2ExJacobA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExJacobARepeat == False:" $ w2ExJacobARepeat = True scene w2_6402 with dissolve jacob "You finished with the powers-that-be?" scene w2_6403 with dissolve mc "Yeah, thankfully that didn't take too long. Things seemed pretty weird between Mrs. Pulman and Mr. Byrnes." scene w2_6402 with dissolve jacob "I don't know anything about that. They usually stay out of each other's way." scene w2_6403 with dissolve mc "Want to take a stab at why that might be?" "It couldn't hurt for me to get a sense of the internal politics of this place." scene w2_6404 with dissolve jacob "Sometimes in life, the less you understand, the better. In this case..." scene w2_6405 with dissolve jacob "I dunno. They're friendly enough, but I wouldn't say they jibe." scene w2_6406 with dissolve jacob "They're from different backgrounds, you get it? Dr. Kohler is what bridges the two." scene w2_6407 with dissolve mc "They both enjoy the \"work\" though, right? That's something." scene w2_6408 with dissolve jacob "Maybe they all do have the same glitch in their software, but beats me." scene w2_6409 with dissolve mc "Hmmm....?" scene w2_6408 with dissolve jacob "Yeah, what is it?" scene w2_6410 with dissolve mc "How'd you end up working here, Jacob?" scene w2_6408 with dissolve jacob "Same as you, [mcf]." scene w2_6407 with dissolve mc "You mean you knew somebody?" scene w2_6406 with dissolve jacob "Yeah, {b}I knew somebody{/b}. After coming back from overseas I did odd jobs here and there. Nothing I'm proud of, but nothing I'm ashamed of either." scene w2_6408 with dissolve jacob "I worked with somebody who knew Mr. Byrnes. We met one day and he made me an offer. He thought I was funny." scene w2_6410 with dissolve mc "Tell me a joke." scene w2_6411 with dissolve jacob "Knock, knock." scene w2_6412 with dissolve mc "Who's there?" scene w2_6413 with dissolve jacob "Fuck you." scene w2_6409 with dissolve mc "I'll have to remember that one." "......" "..." scene w2_6402 with dissolve jacob "...say, can I ask you a favor?" scene w2_6403 with dissolve mc "Sure, what is it?" scene w2_6402 with dissolve jacob "One of the girls - Emma - is having a rough n' tumble sort of week. She got bad news about her dad and then -- ah, well, would you mind looking out for her tonight?" scene w2_6403 with dissolve mc "It's a big place with a lot of private rooms. That's next to impossible." scene w2_6404 with dissolve jacob "Yeah, fuck I know, but..." scene w2_6414 with dissolve jacob "I'm worried about her up here." scene w2_6415 with dissolve jacob "She's tough-as-nails, more than I am, but we're talking about going ten rounds of boxing here." scene w2_6416 with dissolve jacob "Sometimes you eat a glancing blow and your legs turn to jelly." scene w2_6417 with dissolve "This wasn't necessarily my job, but on the face of it, what he was asking didn't really require me to do much beyond keep an eye out. Conversely..." mct "(I could also take it a step further for Jacob. I was told to act like a patron of the club tonight. I could use that to my advantage...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take it further and use your position to help Jacob out.:" $ Jacob_Friendship += 1 $ w2ExEmmaFavor = "promised" scene w2_6410 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'll do you one better. If I see her, I'll give her the night off." scene w2_6408 with dissolve jacob "I've already asked Dalia about that. That's a no-go." scene w2_6407 with dissolve mc "You were talking about sending her home, but there's more creative ways of giving her some \"R 'n R.\"" scene w2_6405 with dissolve jacob "... yeah? I wouldn't want either of you to get into trouble." scene w2_6384 with dissolve mc "It should be fine - for her definitely and for me probably. Don't worry!" scene w2_6385 with dissolve jacob "...I'll owe you one, then?" scene w2_6386 with dissolve mc "Sure. Maybe you'll have a better joke for me next time?" mc "No promises, however. I don't think there's much I can do if she's snatch deep on some rich creep's junk, but I will try." scene w2_6385 with dissolve KN_MOD "Agree to his simple favor.:" $ w2ExEmmaFavor = "watched" scene w2_6407 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's not much, but yeah, I'll keep my eyes and ears open." scene w2_6408 with dissolve jacob "Colorful... but, thanks, man. I appreciate it." scene black with fade mc "See you around, Jacob." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6387 with dissolve mct "(I should let the man do his job... of standing around.)" KN_MOD "jump w2ExHallway" KN_MOD "label w2ExRosalindMingleA:" $ w2ExRosalindMingleARepeat = True KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_6418 with dissolve "Off to the side, not hogging as much attention as Felicia, was Rosalind." mihir "So few sexual partners, really?" rose "Heh, well, I married in college so..." mihir "You're quite the bold woman, Mrs. Carter." scene w2_6420 with dissolve rose "Please, just call me Rose. Carter is my married name and... ah..." scene w2_6421 with dissolve tom "Are you currently lactating, Rose?" scene w2_6422 with dissolve rose "N-no, my daughter's twelve. It's been a long--" scene w2_6423 with dissolve tom "That's alright. All it would take is the right stimulation to get you flowing again." tom "I'd like to see that. You have very enticing breasts, Rose." scene w2_6424 with dissolve rose "Oh, um... t-thank you, Mr...?" scene w2_6425 with dissolve mc "Mr. Thomas Blake." rose "Ah, [mcf]...!" "She looked happy to see a familiar face, even if it was mine." KN_MOD "if w1ExGame2LoserRose == True:" scene w2_6426 with dissolve tom "I'm a little hurt you don't remember me. We met face-to-face last week during the last game." rose "O-oh... right you were..." scene w2_6444 with pixellate tom "I'm so glad I got to be first to soil those beautiful breasts of yours..." scene w2_6427 with pixellate rose "So we did, Mr. Blake." scene w2_6428 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6428 with dissolve tom "That's right, I wanted to speak with you personally last week, but I never got the chance." tom "I'll have you know, I'm pulling for you to win this year." scene w2_6429 with dissolve rose "Thank you..." scene w2_6430 with dissolve mihir "We haven't met." scene w2_6431 with dissolve mc "No, we didn't get a chance last week, Mr. Chatterjee." scene w2_6432 with dissolve mihir "I see you've taken care to learn everyone's name." scene w2_6433 with dissolve "That was true. After last week, I made sure I was well-acquainted with the club's members." scene w2_6434 with dissolve mc "Of course." scene w2_6433 with dissolve "Mihir Chatterjee was the Dean of Allerton University." scene w2_6434 with dissolve mc "It's part of the job. I'm at your service." scene w2_6433 with dissolve "Where St. Ives Academy was the premier institution for secondary education in the tri-state area, Allerton likewise shared that same sterling reputation as a university. The parents of students I tutored to get into the first, often had their eyes set on Allerton in the horizon." scene w2_6432 with dissolve mihir "There's no need to suck up so hard, sir." scene w2_6433 with dissolve "The fact that the club had their claws in both places, represented by Isaak and Mihir respectively, was quite telling." scene w2_6435 with dissolve mihir "Thomas and I aren't like Mr. Wong over there. We have nothing to prove." scene w2_6436 with dissolve mc "I get it. I'd hate that too if I were you." scene w2_6437 with dissolve mc "I still haven't gotten acquainted with everyone's... *ahem* {i}preferences{/i}." scene w2_6438 with dissolve rose "Mrs. Pulman encouraged us to mingle with the guests, but she was very explicit that we weren't allowed to be touched." scene w2_6439 with dissolve tom "Ah... that's... unfortunate, but I understand. I hope you'll forgive the impropriety. It's just..." scene w2_6440 with dissolve rose "I have very enticing breasts?" scene w2_6441 with dissolve tom "You stole the words from my mouth." scene w2_6442 with dissolve mct "(He's not allowed to touch, eh...?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Demonstrate Rosalinds sensitivity in the customers stead.:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 $ w2ExRosalindKissDemo = True stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6443 with dissolve mc "Am I allowed to touch?" rose "Umm... she didn't say..." play music "music/helping-hands.ogg" scene rosa_e2_tw1_a with dissolve show rosa_e2_tw1 tom "Oh...?!" rose "What are you...?" "Slinking behind Rose, I scooped up a handful of titflesh and began to knead it in an exaggerated fashion." mc "Allow me to put on a demonstration for the two of you, Mr. Blake." rose "A demonstration? What could you--" mc "Looking is fine right? Let's give our esteemed guests a good view of what it looks like when your cow tits are poked and prodded." "I wasn't sure if I was acting out of an impulse to lord the perks of my position over the tackily-dressed man or if I simply did it out of a desire to provide good \"service\"..." mc "You know... let them hear what sounds you make when they're groped and teased." mct "(Okay, I knew the answer to that as clear as day.)" rose "A-aht... I guess... Mrs. Pulman didn't say anything against l-looking..." "It was absolutely, without a doubt, the first one. It was fun to show off like Rosalind belonged to me, even if that wasn't true." mihir "This is rather unorthodox." scene rosa_e2_tw2_a with dissolve show rosa_e2_tw2 mc "Note how large and {b}pliable{/b} they are. Heavy too." mc "The right kind of hefty. Comforting, warm, and safe. Like a blanket, {b}safe{/b}." mc "Inviting, like a mother's bosom." "I chose my words deliberately, ones fit for a lactation maniac like Thomas." mihir "Hmmpfh. Very nice." tom "You're teasing me, Mr. [mcl]." mc "Not true. I just wanted to give you a demonstration." rose "Ah, mmnfh...!" mc "They're so damn sensitive. She's too easy, right?" tom "No, she's perfect." mc "I think so too, Mr. Blake. She's got the finest rack out of all the Carnations, doesn't she?" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 scene rosa_e2_tw3_a with dissolve show rosa_e2_tw3 rose "Wahhaaaa, s-shoot... why..." "*Chup, fwhup~*" "Without really thinking about it, I planted a series of small kisses in quick succession on her cheek." "*Fwup, chwup, thwup...!*" rose "Aaaht, t-tickles...!" "My fingertips teased her areola, coaxing the pale pink protuberance to a fine point, and then brushed its outer edges with rough precision." "With any luck, the way I was grabbing her from behind would remind her of not long ago, when we fucked in her kitchen and desperately clung to one another in a bid for pleasure." rose "Mffaaah~" tom "She has a lovely voice." mihir "We heard it last week, Tom." tom "Yeah, but not this close... {b}so lovely...{/b}." KN_MOD "if Rosalind_Affection >= 25:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 "What started out as something exhibitory, brought out by my twisted desire to tease Rosalind for a viewing audience, had inadvertently consumed my own passion." "I was no longer hearing the peanut gallery. I had no clue what Thomas' dumb expression might be right now." "Instead, I became focused entirely on Rosalind. My cock pressed hard into the mother's cow-print covered ass, the gentle sway of her body sending waves of pleasure down my legs." rose "Nehhh...! I t-think--" scene w2_6464 with dissolve rose "Aht...!" tom "Marvelous!" scene rosa_e2_tw4_a with dissolve show rosa_e2_tw4 "*Chup, fwhup~*" mc "You think they got the point?" rose "Sfhtt... n-no? I mean... y-yes?" "*Fwup, chwup, thwup...!*" mc "Which is it?" rose "Mmhhh...! Ahhh, [mcf]..." rose "Mmmh..." KN_MOD "if Rosalind_Affection >= 30 or Rosalind_Libido >= 12:" $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 mc "Don't be afraid to really let them hear you--" scene w2_6465 with dissolve mct "(Oh!)" "Of her volition, to my surprise in the fog of lust, Rosalind cocked her neck and planted a kiss on my lips." "A nice, passionate kiss. More lip and less tongue, but nonetheless like a lover." rose "Mmmh...." "I didn't expect her to take my words so seriously." scene rosa_e2_tw4_a with dissolve show rosa_e2_tw4 rose "H-haat..." "It was, as usual, all too brief." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Don't hold back. Don't be afraid to let them hear you moan." rose "Hnng, haaa...!" rose "...h-how did this suddenly happen?" rose "I was just... ha, answering... q-questions..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6466 with dissolve mc "...ah, ha... um, so..." "Abruptly, I pulled away." scene w2_6467 with dissolve mc "...I hope you voted her as having the best photoshoot this week." scene w2_6468 with dissolve rose "Ha... ha..." "Marketing Rose like she was a product was a specific sort of thrill, but I was becoming drunk on lust by this point, and taking it any further would have me needing release." mihir "I believe we both did." scene w2_6469 with dissolve rose "A-ah..! O...oh? Ah..." scene w2_6470 with dissolve rose "T-thank you, both." scene w2_6471 with dissolve tom "Certainly." scene w2_6472 with dissolve play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve tom "Ha! ...and thanks for the \"demonstration\" you jerk-bastard." mc "It was my pleasure." scene w2_6473 with dissolve mihir "I can see why Mrs. Pulman has you working here. You two work well together." mc "You think, ah?" mihir "Truly." KN_MOD "else:" play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w2_6474 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I hope you voted her as having the best photoshoot this week." "Abruptly, I pulled away." scene w2_6475 with dissolve rose "Ha... ha..." "Marketing Rose like she was a product was a specific sort of thrill, but I had more than my fill. I was getting turned on by this point, and I didn't exactly want to deal with an erection right now." mihir "I believe we both did." scene w2_6476 with dissolve rose "A-ah..! T-thank you, both." tom "Certainly." scene w2_6477 with dissolve tom "Ha! ...and thanks for the \"demonstration\" you jerk-bastard." mc "It was my pleasure." KN_MOD "else:" play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w2_6478 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I hope you voted her as having the best photoshoot this week." "Abruptly, I pulled away." scene w2_6479 with dissolve rose "Ha... ha..." "Marketing Rose like she was a product was a specific sort of thrill, but I had my fill. The longer it went on, the more I risked getting turned on myself." mihir "I believe we both did." scene w2_6480 with dissolve rose "A-ah..! T-thank you, both." tom "Certainly." scene w2_6481 with dissolve tom "Ha! ...and thanks for the \"demonstration\" you jerk-bastard." mc "It was my pleasure." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_6445 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2Sgrope:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2Sgrope = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mihir "Say, Thomas, would you like to join me downstairs, in the Velvet Room? Kathleen mentioned featuring entertainment there tonight." scene w2_6446 with dissolve tom "Ah... it is a shame to say goodbye, but the longer I stay, the stronger my longing will be." scene w2_6447 with dissolve tom "Excuse me, Rose." scene w2_6448 with dissolve rose "It was... \"nice\" meeting you, Mr. Blake. Mr. Chatterjee." scene w2_6449 with dissolve "......" scene w2_6450 with dissolve "..." scene w2_6482 with dissolve rose "They voted for me!" rose "Yes!" scene w2_6483 with dissolve mc "That's a cute reaction, considering the subject..." scene w2_6484 with dissolve rose "I'm glad you came over, [mcf]." scene w2_6483 with dissolve mc "You are? Even after I...?" scene w2_6484 with dissolve rose "I am." KN_MOD "Keep your hands to yourself.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I decided to let the dirty idea remain just that. A dirty idea." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_6445 with dissolve mihir "Mmh, hmpfh. Would you... care to join me downstairs, Thomas?" mihir "I hear there's some entertainment provided in the Velvet Room." scene w2_6446 with dissolve tom "Ah... it is a shame to say goodbye, but the longer I stay, the stronger my longing will be." scene w2_6447 with dissolve tom "Excuse me, Rose." scene w2_6448 with dissolve rose "It was... \"nice\" meeting you, Mr. Blake. Mr. Chatterjee." scene w2_6449 with dissolve "......" scene w2_6450 with dissolve "..." scene w2_6485 with dissolve rose "*Sigh* I'm glad you came over." scene w2_6486 with dissolve mc "You are?" scene w2_6485 with dissolve rose "It's weird, but being asked to talk with these men puts me more in a tizzy than being on stage." scene w2_6486 with dissolve mc "You rather get your ass blasted in front of a crowd than do a little bit of talking?" scene w2_6487 with dissolve rose "I'm not saying that! It's just, well..." KN_MOD "if w2ExRosalindKissDemo == True:" scene w2_6488 with dissolve rose "All I'm sayin' is that was more enjoyable than having to pretend I was interested in those men's questions..." scene w2_6489 with dissolve rose "Take that as you will." scene w2_6490 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_6486 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "So Mrs. Pulman has you working the floor, huh?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "So Kathleen has you working the floor, huh?" scene w2_6491 with dissolve rose "Only for a little bit, before everyone moves downstairs." scene w2_6486 with dissolve mc "Makes sense. Last week she waited for the introductions, but now she wants you to win over some fans I take it." scene w2_6492 with dissolve rose "That's... ridiculous." "I didn't say anything else, but I agreed." scene w2_6493 with dissolve rose "Well, I'm going to go find someplace quiet, where hopefully I'll attract less attention..." scene w2_6494 with dissolve mc "I don't think that's likely, but good luck." scene w2_6493 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" rose "See you later, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" rose "See you later, Mr. [mcl]." scene w2_6494 with dissolve mc "Bye, Rose." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHallway" KN_MOD "label w2ExFeliciaMingleA:" KN_MOD "if w2ExFeliciaMingleARepeat == False:" $ w2ExFeliciaMingleARepeat = True stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6451 with dissolve frank "Hey, [mcf]! Get your big-dick-having ass over here!" mc "Ummm, excuse me?" "I was waved over in a concerning, overly-familiar way." play music "music/plans-in-motion.ogg" scene w2_6452 with dissolve mc " can I help you Mr. Grenier?" KN_MOD "if w2ExRosalindMingleARepeat == False:" mct "(I guess the old woman has them out socializing during the pre-game.)" # Transition to a hsot of Rosalind awkwardly fending off questions from Thomas "Looks like Felicia is fairing better than Rosalind over there." scene w2_6453 with dissolve fel "Hiya stud." scene w2_6454 with dissolve frank "I need your help settling something between Waylon and me." mc "What are you....?" scene w2_6455 with dissolve frank "Whip your cock out real quick, would 'ya?" scene w2_6456 with dissolve "......." "..." scene w2_6457 with vpunch mc "!" scene w2_6458 with dissolve eric "Come on, it's not what you think. We just want to see it up close to settle a wager." scene w2_6459 with dissolve mc " you think that {i}actually{/i} adds context to your request, Mr. Waylon?" scene w2_6460 with dissolve frank "It's not like we haven't seen it before." scene w2_6461 with dissolve cel "I haven't." merc "Neither have I, actually." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True or w2HarpRainCheck == False:" merc "Harper said you were packing, though. I kinda want to see it myself." scene w2_6462 with dissolve fel "It's, um..." scene w2_6463 with dissolve fel "...this big?" scene w2_6495 with dissolve eric "See? Looks like I was right." frank "Nothing's been proven yet, you git." scene w2_6496 with dissolve mc "I'm sorry, what are you trying to prove?" scene w2_6497 with dissolve frank "Waylon here thinks you got a bigger cock than I do and I want to prove this one way or the other." scene w2_6496 with dissolve mc "Is that right..." scene w2_6498 with dissolve fel "They've been talking about this since you walked in the room..." fel "Will you please settle this? I'm trying to make an impression here and all they want to do is talk about your cock." scene w2_6499 with dissolve frank "C'mon, what do you say? Let's prove who's got the mightier cock!" scene w2_6500 with dissolve frank "It's good to know the pecking order!" scene w2_6501 with dissolve merc "The {i}pecker{/i} order!" scene w2_6502 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_6503 with dissolve mc "I, uh... gah--" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be proud of your junk, take it out!:" $ w2ExWhippedOut = True $ Felicia_Affection += 2 stop music fadeout 2.0 "It was a bizarre situation, but I learned last week on stage that I'm not exactly cock-shy." mct "(Was doing stupid shit like this part of my job schmoozing these pricks?)" play music "music/rifts-for-days.ogg" scene w2_6504 with dissolve mc "Alright, alright... stand back. Make room." "Whatever." scene w2_6505 with dissolve mc "No matter the outcome, you promise not to bear a vendetta against me, right?" scene w2_6506 with dissolve frank "On my honor as a gentleman." scene w2_6505 with dissolve mc "...{b}do{/b} you consider yourself a gentleman, Mr. Grenier?" scene w2_6507 with dissolve eric "Bah! Ha!" frank "Oh, you cocky son of a bitch! You sound like Kristoff." play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" scene black with fade "*Ziiiiiiiip*" scene w2_6508 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* Well... here it is." scene w2_6509 with dissolve frank "Hmm..." scene w2_6510 with dissolve eric "He's got you beat, asshole." scene w2_6511 with dissolve frank "We don't know that. He's flaccid." frank "He could be ALL show, y'know..." scene w2_6512 with dissolve merc "I think you have him beat, hun." scene w2_6513 with dissolve frank "Yeah? You think so? I thought so myself, but..." frank "I can't be certain. Go wake him up, will 'ya?" scene w2_6514 with dissolve merc "Sure thing." scene w2_6515 with dissolve merc "Excuse me, Mr. [mcl]..." "I had already gone along with this absurd situation, swatting the busty woman's hand away would just be meaningless grandstanding." scene w2_6516 with dissolve mc "Go ahead." scene e2_mercf_a with dissolve show e2_mercf "The call girl's fingers gently coiled around my manhood, while her lotion-smooth palm gently caressed my shaft." "......" "..." "For a dozen seconds she worked my flaccid cock to no avail. I stayed soft in her hands, but she continued undaunted, an impatient look in her eye." "It was no use. I had thought it was no big deal, but on stage I had some distance. Having these old fucks just a few feet away really put a damper on my vitality..." "......" "..." scene w2_6517 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it's no good. Maybe if..." scene w2_6518 with dissolve merc "That's okay, hun. I'll use my--" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6519 with dissolve fel "I'll do it." KN_MOD "if feliciaSugarBaby == True:" "My would-be sugar mama stepped between Mercedes and me, creating some distance." scene w2_6520 with dissolve fel "I think I got a pretty good handle on [mcf]'s little guy." scene w2_6521 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif feliciaFlag == True:" "Felicia stepped between Mercedes and me, creating some distance." scene w2_6520 with dissolve fel "I think I got a pretty good handle on [mcf]'s little guy." scene w2_6521 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6520 with dissolve fel "You don't mind me giving it a try, do you Mr. [mcl]?" scene w2_6521 with dissolve "I shook my head no." eric "This should be interesting." scene w2_6522 with dissolve "Instead of grabbing my cock, Felicia took her time, placing an affectionate hand on my chest and turning a needy eye up into my own." play music "music/dancebroom-riddim.ogg" scene fel_e2_stare_a with dissolve show fel_e2_stare eric "What are you waiting for, an invitation?" "Felicia ignored the man and remained fixated on me." fel "Hmm..." "Her hand played along my chest, her claw-like hand tickling my breast even through the fabric of my shirt." "The pattern she drew sent chills up my spine, like she was scratching an itch I didn't know I had." scene w2_6523 with dissolve "All the while, she wordlessly bewitched me with her eyes. Every breathy exhale, fluttering lash, and lip bite magically creating a feeling of anticipation in my chest." "She would look like she wanted to say something, but on the cusp of it coming out, she would force it back down much to my frustration." scene fel_e2_stare_a with dissolve show fel_e2_stare "Instead, her hand drew up my breast, fingertips circling my nipple and coaxing it to a fine point." mct "(What did she want to say? What was she going to say?)" "By this point I had forgotten all about Frank and Eric." "I had forgotten about Mercedes and Celine." KN_MOD "if w2ExRosalindMingleARepeat == True:" "I had forgotten about Rosalind, who was off to the side, whose attention could very well be focused on me right now." fel "Mmmh...?" "She started, but again stopped." mct "(Say something!)" scene w2_6524 with dissolve fel "Mmmh, get hard for me baby." scene w2_6525 with dissolve "To my amazement, that was all it took. My cock was standing proud." "Perhaps it had slowly gotten that way while Felicia teased me, but the first I became aware of it was the moment she broke her spell." scene w2_6526 with dissolve fel "Looks like [mcf] still had a little bit to show after all. You want to take yours out and compare, Frank?" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w2_6527 with dissolve frank "...I decline. I gotta be honest, I knew he had me beat the moment he pulled it out." frank "I just wanted to see how far he was willing to take it." scene w2_6528 with dissolve "......." "..." play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" scene black with fade "*Ziiiiiiip*" $ renpy.end_replay() play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w2_6529 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* I'm glad to be of entertainment." frank "C'mon, don't be cross, [mcf]. We got to know each other better is all!" scene w2_6530 with dissolve eric "...and I feel like I got five grand richer." frank "Still, that was fuckin' impressive! She didn't even touch your cock!" scene w2_6531 with dissolve frank "I thought you were better than that. Hell, I know you're better than that." scene w2_6532 with dissolve eric "Have you ever tried tantric sex?" scene w2_6533 with dissolve fel "No, what's the fun in that? The point of sex is to cum." scene w2_6532 with dissolve eric "That's surprising, you seem like..." "Frank and Eric began a round of twenty questions with Felicia, asking her all about her life. Where she was born, what she liked doing, and much more dirty ones too." "She lied often, but that wasn't here or there, but with a slowly softening half-chub in my pants, this was my chance to slip away unceremoniously." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.felW2grope:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felW2grope = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Silver lining of me feeling like an idiot, at least Felicia seemed to have made a favorable impression." KN_MOD "This is fucking weird. No thanks.:" $ toughness += 2 stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w2_6534 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm not taking my cock out just to settle a bet." frank "......" play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w2_6535 with hpunch "The bald man gave me a hearty slap on the back." frank "...ha, it's good you have some self-respect!" mc "You weren't giving me any credit, huh?" $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_6536 with dissolve frank "Guess our bet is a wash, Eric." eric "Bah, I would've won." frank "Fat chance, I've got the biggest cock in this place. Where were we before we got distracted?" scene w2_6537 with dissolve eric "We were... right." scene w2_6538 with dissolve eric "How often do you and your husband fuck?" fel "What kind of question is that?" scene black with fade "Frank and Eric began a round of 20 questions with Felicia, asking her all about her life. Where she was born, what she liked doing, and much more dirty ones too." "I saw this as the opportunity to unceremoniously slip away from the dick-curious pair." KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if w2ExWhippedOut == True:" scene w2_6539 with dissolve "I think I've embarrassed myself enough, thank you very much." "...At least until the exhibition begins. Let's find something else to do." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6539 with dissolve "I don't think I want to go back over there. Let's find something else to do." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHallway" ## Block B... sort of. KN_MOD "label w2ExVeronicaHanaB:" play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" scene w2_6629 with blinds "After getting dressed, I split up from Samson. I had gotten what I wanted out of the oaf, but I still had no idea how I might help Veronica get her business back on track." "I should've known when I impulsively decided to look into Veronica's manufactured hardship that it wouldn't be something a student could easily unravel..." mct "(Speak of the devil...)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6629 with blinds "After whiling away my time in the bar, balancing making myself a known quantity as per Mrs. Pulman's instructions with staying at the periphery of the conversations, people gradually moved downstairs." "I took my time, but eventually I found myself making that same migration. Along the way..." scene w2_6630 with dissolve "In the hallway stood Hana and Veronica - the odd pair having a seemingly low-key conversation." scene w2_6631 with dissolve mc "I see you BOTH escaped." scene w2_6632 with dissolve KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" ver "{b}Thankfully{/b}. Everyone moved downstairs and now that old bitch wants us elsewhere." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Yeah, I'm done socializing with those parasites for now. Thankfully that old cunt wants us elsewhere." scene w2_6633 with dissolve mc "What is she having you do now? You're already..." scene w2_6634 with dissolve mc "...{b}dressed{/b}." scene w2_6635 with dissolve ver "Beats me. Guess we're on stand-by for tonight." scene w2_6636 with dissolve mc "What about you? What's the old lady got you doing?" scene w2_6637 with dissolve hana "Sitting on my hands, but I wanted to..." hana "I wanted to meet the girls." scene w2_6636 with dissolve mc "You've never spoken with any of them before?" scene w2_6637 with dissolve hana "No... never saw the point, but since I'm going to be..." scene w2_6638 with dissolve hana "Well, Veronica's the first I ran into." scene w2_6639 with dissolve ver "Actually..." scene w2_6640 with dissolve ver "I'm still not sure who you are, cutie. You're the bartender, right?" scene w2_6641 with dissolve hana "Actually, as of tonight, I'm not sure what I am. At the very least, I'm August's daughter." hana "Please don't hold that against me." scene w2_6642 with dissolve ver "...who's August?" scene w2_6643 with dissolve mc "Ha!" hana "He's the old fuck with the gaudy suits, glasses, and slicked-back hair." scene w2_6644 with dissolve ver "Ah, {b}him{/b}..." scene w2_6645 with dissolve "Veronica eyed the rocker girl with apparent suspicion." scene w2_6644 with dissolve ver "Your pops has you working at a whore-house?" scene w2_6646 with dissolve hana "It's complicated, but yeah." scene w2_6644 with dissolve ver "If you don't mind me saying, that's real fucked up." scene w2_6646 with dissolve hana "You're singing to the choir." scene w2_6645 with dissolve ver "..." "As friendly as Hana tried to sound, Veronica didn't look like she knew what to make of her." scene w2_6647 with dissolve hana "Soooooooo.... I guess that's it... just wanted to say hello..." ver "...?" scene w2_6648 with dissolve ver "Ha!" "Veronica's standoffishness gave way to relief, much to Hana's surprise." ver "You look out of place, y'know?" scene w2_6649 with dissolve hana "More than that dweeb?" scene w2_6650 with dissolve ver "Way more than him." "I think I preferred Hana's assessment of my character over Veronica's. The way the Amazon was looking at me right now was too... {i}cutting{/i}." scene w2_6651 with dissolve mc "Oh...! I wanted to say: nice one in the bar earlier. You made that worm look small." scene w2_6652 with dissolve hana "What happened?" mc "She stepped in on a house girl's behalf." scene w2_6653 with dissolve ver "Eh? I didn't do it for that poor woman." ver "In fact, I probably made things indirectly worse for her." scene w2_6654 with dissolve mc "You think?" scene w2_6653 with dissolve ver "He's just going to be angrier with her in the long run and next time she'll be short on convenient excuses." scene w2_6654 with dissolve mc "Then why'd you step in like that?" scene w2_6653 with dissolve ver "...because I'm an impulsive, self-aggrandizing cunt?" scene w2_6654 with dissolve mc "Is that you bashful about doing something nice?" scene w2_6655 with dissolve ver "'s not like my feet moved on their own. Those men I was talking with didn't respect that baldy, you understand?" ver "I could tell by their body language and the way they spoke, so..." scene w2_6656 with dissolve ver "I guess I made a positive impression while doing what the hell I wanted?" scene w2_6657 with dissolve mc "Give yourself more credit." scene w2_6658 with dissolve ver "I should go. Maybe I'll see you around, Hana?" hana "Oh... you will." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "With a half-assed wave, Veronica departed, leaving me alone in familiar company." scene w2_6659 with dissolve hana "Why is she here?" scene w2_6660 with dissolve mc "You didn't see that part last week, huh?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Mrs. Pulman made a big show about it." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Kathleen made a big show about it." scene w2_6661 with dissolve hana "No, I popped in while you were face deep in her--" scene w2_6662 with dissolve mc "I remember!" scene w2_6663 with dissolve mc "Considering you're judging the show tonight, do you really want to know?" scene w2_6664 with dissolve hana "...ah, I--" scene w2_6665 with dissolve hana "You're right. Tell me afterwards, okay?" scene w2_6666 with dissolve mc "Sure. Try not to think about things too much tonight, okay?" scene w2_6665 with dissolve hana "Is that how you manage it?" scene w2_6667 with dissolve "I didn't answer that question." scene w2_6668 with dissolve mc "If you can't manage that, just remember you'll have a friend by your side tonight. I mean..." scene w2_6669 with dissolve mc "...I mean... ah, you might not like what I'm asked to do during the exhibition, but--" scene w2_6670 with dissolve hana "I'll get over it." mc "Where you going next?" scene w2_6671 with dissolve hana "I'm going to go find the other two and do that same awkward dance. You?" scene w2_6672 with dissolve mc "Heading downstairs. Seems that's where the \"fun\" is." scene w2_6673 with dissolve hana "I guess that's a good \"good-fucking-bye\" as any." scene black with fade mc "Good-fucking-bye, Hana." KN_MOD "if jacobHarpVouch or w2HarpRainCheck or VeroFlag == True:" $ w2ExSearch = True scene w2_6726 with fade play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" dal "Mr. [mcl]?" scene w2_6727 with dissolve KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" "I turned around to find myself greeted by the woman I had just brutishly blown my wad in." scene w2_6728 with dissolve mc "Ah, Dalia..." scene w2_6727 with dissolve "My lack of self-consciousness about it almost made me feel self-conscious. This was my life now." scene w2_6729 with dissolve mc "I didn't expect to see you again so soon. Sorry if I got a bit too rough back there, I was..." scene w2_6730 with dissolve dal "Do not worry about it. It's none of my business why you were humoring Samson or what you talked about." scene w2_6728 with dissolve mc "How can I help you, Dalia?" scene w2_6731 with dissolve dal "If you see Harper and Lucy, would you please tell them to stop fucking around?" scene w2_6732 with dissolve mc "Fucking around...?" scene w2_6731 with dissolve dal "It's just a strong suspicion I have. Harper's smart, and the most professional girl I have, but with Nicolette taking up Samson's attention... ah, well..." scene w2_6732 with dissolve mc "While the cat's away?" scene w2_6731 with dissolve dal "Keep this between us?" scene w2_6732 with dissolve mc "Alright. If I see them, I'll pass along the message." scene w2_6733 with dissolve dal "I'd honestly prefer you put the fear of God into them as part of the management staff, but if you just want to simply \"pass it along\", then I would appreciate that all the same." scene w2_6734 with dissolve mc "...ah." "Her choice of words was interesting." scene w2_6735 with dissolve dal "You seem alright so far, so I'm sticking my neck out a little by asking for your help with this instead of just reporting it to Mr. Byrnes." dal "I've got nine other girls besides them to go watch out for, you understand?" scene black with fade "I understood." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHallway" ## Sauna ####################################################################### KN_MOD "label w2ExSauna:" mc "Mmmhh...! You... don't have to do that, Dalia." dal "If I don't, I have no purpose for being here. Do you catch my meaning?" play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene w2_6540 with wet mc "Ah... well, it does feel good..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_6541 with dissolve "Dalia helped me undress myself better than even I could've. Now, we were just waiting for Samson and Nicolette to join us." scene w2_6542 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2HarpRainCheck == True:" dal "You're not afraid of the girls, are you?" scene w2_6541 with dissolve "In the meantime, she diligently started on giving me a massage - a prelude for things to come most likely." scene w2_6543 with dissolve mc "What do you mean by that?" scene w2_6544 with dissolve dal "Mrs. Pulman offered Harper up to you on a stick and you turned her down." KN_MOD "else:" dal "Besides, I know you're not one to turn down a good time." scene w2_6541 with dissolve "In the meantime, she diligently started on giving me a massage - a prelude for things to come most likely." scene w2_6543 with dissolve mc "What do you mean by that?" scene w2_6544 with dissolve dal "What you, Mrs. Pulman, and Harper did." scene w2_6543 with dissolve mc "Oh, that..." mc "You know about that, huh?" scene w2_6542 with dissolve dal "Of course. I know everything each girl does and what she... {i}endures{/i}." scene w2_6544 with dissolve dal "For one, it's my job. For another, the girls share field notes with each other." scene w2_6545 with dissolve mc "You mean gossip?" scene w2_6544 with dissolve dal "No, {b}educational{/b} notes." dal "Things like... what to expect from a client, how they treated her, what they ask for... it keeps them sharp, you understand?" scene w2_6543 with dissolve mc "To know how to best serve the customer?" scene w2_6542 with dissolve dal "It keeps them from getting into trouble, and more importantly, it keeps them safe." scene w2_6543 with dissolve mc "That makes sense..." scene w2_6545 with dissolve mc "So, who are the most problematic customers? The ones the girls need to be safe around?" "I figured that would be useful knowledge." scene w2_6544 with dissolve dal "I'm gonna need you to rephrase that question. I can't answer that, as none of our esteemed patrons are problematic." scene w2_6541 with dissolve "As always, Dalia was careful. That was true when we first met and that seemed doubly true now." scene w2_6543 with dissolve mc "Come on, you can speak frankly. I'm on your side of the glass." scene w2_6542 with dissolve dal "Are you? You think that? Well, it doesn't matter." scene w2_6544 with dissolve dal "None of our customers are anything but beacons of excellence that we strive to pleasure." scene w2_6545 with dissolve mc "*sigh* Ah, jeez... alright, then..." scene w2_6546 with dissolve mc "What customers have \"unique temperaments or requests that present unique challenges\" for our employees?" mc "See? Just an innocent, professional question from management." scene w2_6544 with dissolve dal "Thank you, [mcf]." scene w2_6547 with dissolve dal "Hmm..." scene e2_dalia_rub_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_rub "Looking like she was seriously considering my question, Dalia's hand still found its way to my crotch like it had a mind of its own." KN_MOD "if w2ExWhippedOut == True and w2ExRosalindKissDemo == True:" "Maybe I still had gas in the tank from my little adventure with Felicia and Rosalind, but I found myself quickly growing hard from her touch." "Maybe Dalia was just that damn good..." KN_MOD "if w2ExWhippedOut == True and w2ExRosalindKissDemo == False:" "Maybe I still had gas in the tank from Felicia's \"help\", but I found myself quickly growing hard from her touch." "Maybe Dalia was just that damn good..." KN_MOD "if w2ExWhippedOut == False and w2ExRosalindKissDemo == True:" "Maybe I still had gas in the tank from my diversion in the hallway with Rosalind, but I found myself quickly growing hard from her touch." "Maybe Dalia was just that damn good..." KN_MOD "if w2ExWhippedOut == False and w2ExRosalindKissDemo == False:" "Dalia's skill was on full display. I found myself quickly growing hard from her touch." scene w2_6548 with dissolve dal "You never know who you're going to catch on a bad day, but Mr. Shelby works our girls pretty hard." dal "The stuff he's into wears at you, but he's predictable - he likes to make the girls fight and the loser... the loser takes the brunt of {i}passions{/i}." scene w2_6549 with dissolve mc "He makes them fight?" scene w2_6550 with dissolve dal "Eh... it's more like wrestle? Chokeholds, rolling around, hair pulling.... no striking, thankfully." scene w2_6551 with dissolve mc "Oh, jeez. That's fucking weird. Anyone who's unpredictable?" scene w2_6550 with dissolve dal "A few, Mr. O'Doherty has a temper for example, but not in the way Mr. Grenier does..." scene w2_6549 with dissolve mc "What's his deal?" scene w2_6550 with dissolve dal "Nothing too weird, sexually speaking, but he has a hair-trigger. One time he got so mad at Serena for not responding to a question that he whipped her with a belt until her back was bloody and then used a beer bottle to..." scene w2_6552 with dissolve dal "...doesn't matter, the details aren't important - point is, she had to take a month off after that. That's why the girls {b}talk{/b}." scene w2_6553 with dissolve mc "Jesus {b}FUCK{/b}, that's..." "Guzzling goblets of cum and Mrs. Pulman's humiliation games aside, that was a whole other level! That's..." mc "Why would Mr. Byrnes and Dr. Chuck still let the girls serve him?! Why is he even allowed in the building?!" scene w2_6554 with dissolve dal "Why...? [mcf]... you..." scene w2_6555 with dissolve dal "Heh, some of the girls don't think you'll last long here." scene w2_6556 with dissolve "......" scene w2_6557 with dissolve mc "...they know about it, right? Dr. Chuck knows about it?" scene w2_6555 with dissolve dal "Oh, dear... of course." scene w2_6557 with dissolve mc "Damn it..." scene w2_6558 with dissolve mc "I'm serious, like... ah, {b}damn{/b}." scene w2_6559 with dissolve dal "Don't dwell on it, kid." "Her voice softened and for once I finally heard her speak without pretense." scene w2_6560 with dissolve dal "Just... clear your head." scene w2_6561 with dissolve "At this moment, I understood why Dalia was queen bee amongst the girls. Normally so skittish and stressed-looking, but when she had to turn it on, she really knew how to turn it on." scene w2_6560 with dissolve dal "Focus on the perks of the job and let me take care of you." scene w2_6561 with dissolve "Her eyes, her lips, all of her features suddenly seemed very striking... if I wasn't careful, I might just lose track of why I'm here in the first place." scene w2_6562 with dissolve mc "I'm on the jo--" scene w2_6563 with dissolve sam "Sorry to keep you waiting -- ah, ha!" scene w2_6564 with dissolve sam "I see you have already gotten started, you son of a bitch!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade sam "Time to break in the new girl!" play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" scene e2_dalia_nut_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nut dal "*Chup, fwhup... khup...!* Mmmhhh.... *pop*" "The moment Samson sat down, Dalia wasted no time crawling between my legs and getting to work." "Not that I necessarily even wanted to, but refusing the service would've run contrary to my goal of getting Samson to let his guard down. I needed to be one of the boys..." dal "*Chhupp~ phwup!* Gghhmmm~" "Again, not that I was complaining." "With the utmost care, she began with my testes, alternately taking each one between her plush lips and using her tongue like a brush to coat them in saliva." dal "*Suuuuck!* Haaa...!" "My dick was already heavy and painfully bloated, Dalia used even her hot, breathy sighs to tickle my scrotum and pleasure the underside of my dick." scene w2_6565 with dissolve sam "This one has a pretty cute face, Dalia. Not to mention her eyes..." scene w2_6566 with dissolve dal "*Chup, fwup...!* Ffhhhaww~" scene w2_6567 with dissolve sam "There's a lot of fire behind them. I like that." scene w2_6568 with dissolve nico "Thanks...?" scene w2_6569 with dissolve "For the first time this evening, I heard Nicolette speak." scene w2_6568 with dissolve nico "Should I begin or are you just going to look at me?" scene w2_6570 with dissolve sam "Go ahead, slut. I want to feel your fucking tonsils!" scene w2_6571 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene w2_6572 with vpunch "In one dramatic, unbroken motion Samson penetrated her mouth like a cunt, hilting himself to the base and very much knocking against the back of the beleagured redhead's throat." "......" "..." scene w2_6573 with dissolve sam "Ha! Very good!" scene w2_6572 with dissolve "Nico didn't choke or sputter at the sudden intrusion, not in the least. She rolled with the punches, taking the man's sizable cock down her throat like a cock-sucking champion." scene w2_6574 with dissolve nico "G-ghuh...!" sam "I'm impressed." sam "I don't expect you to be skilled as Harper, but you got promise. Show me what you got..." scene w2_6575 with dissolve "Relaxing his posture, Samson gave up the reins and left the trim woman to her own devices." scene w2_6576 with dissolve dal "Chup... chuwp! Ah...mhh, haat!" nico "*Fwup, suuuuck!* Haa...!" sam "Come to think of it kid, this is where we first met. You swallowed cigar smoke like it was food." scene e2_dalia_lick_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_lick dal "*Slurp, lchhk..!* Mmmh..." "The skilled prostitute had shifted her attention to my shaft, leaving my balls glistening with spit and missing the warmth of her mouth." mc "That's right. That was the first and last time I smoked one." mc "Too bad we don't have one right now, eh?" "To the contrary, I was grateful, but I lied through my teeth." scene w2_6577 with dissolve mct "(Gh-! Shit, she's good!)" sam "Ha ha, I should've thought to bring some!" scene e2_dalia_nico_bj1_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj1 "*Chwup, fhuwp, suuuuck, kwhup, sluuurp...!*" "The pair of whores worked independently from one another, but the sound of their individual efforts coalesced into a vividly lewd cacophony that reverberated off the sauna walls." "*Chhwwppp, fggghhh, squeeelch~* *{b}Pop{/b}!*" "As the pleasure mounted, I asked myself..." mct "(How am I going to pose the questions I needed to ask?)" sam "Is this the life or is this the life?" "I doubted the giant man would be overly secretive and defensive about the broader details. Samson did proudly announce his wrongdoing openly last week, but the specifics..." scene e2_dalia_nico_bj2_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj2 dal "Mmmffhhh *squelch...!*" mc "It sure is..." mct "(I can't be direct about it. I need to not seem like I'm prying.)" "Hopefully the alcohol has him loose lipped and I just need to point him in the right direction." scene w2_6578 with dissolve "First, I need to work on our rapport." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Connect on a base level. Ask him how Nicolette is performing.:" scene w2_6579 with dissolve mc "How's the new bitch's mouth?" scene w2_6578 with dissolve "I purposefully asked in the most vulgar way I could think." sam "Ah, you know... pretty good, I guess." scene w2_6581 with dissolve mc "You, ahnng--" "The way Dalia's tongue ran over my cum slit caused my body to suddenly jerk." scene w2_6580 with dissolve mc "You guess?" scene w2_6582 with dissolve sam "Well, she seems like she had her share of experience throating a chode, but it's a competitive field around here." scene w2_6583 with dissolve sam "You can't swing a dead cat in the club without hitting a prize-winner cocksucker. How about you? Is Dalia as good as she acts like she is?" scene w2_6584 with dissolve mc "Ah-- ah, ha, you haven't tried this slut before?" scene w2_6585 with dissolve sam "Nah, she hangs around the more well-to-do members. Never seen the Empress Whore slum it with a pleb like myself." scene w2_6587 with dissolve sam "Surprised she even came along..." scene e2_dalia_nico_bj3_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj3 mc "Don't be absurd. You, a pleb?" "I tried my best to sound like I was genuinely shocked that a dried-up actor wasn't treated the same as the CEO of an international pharmaceutical company." mc "I thought this was a \"fraternity\" - that everyone was..." "The constricting softness of Dalia's throat had me temporarily lose my train of thought." mc "Ah...!" mc "...I thought that everyone was equal brothers around here." sam "Ha, you thought wrong, kid! You put any two shitheads together and {b}poof{/b}! You got a hierarchy on your hands." scene e2_dalia_nico_bj1_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj1 sam "I guess God thought it was funny to make us all unequal, unsatisfied, and greedy - not that I'm complaining." mc "You're not? H-ha, it kind of sounds like it." sam "Nah, I'm a realist. Inequality is why this whore is polishing my knob right now." "His self-awareness caught me off-guard, but it was a reminder not to underestimate the man. He was a predator all the same." sam "You don't need to be king of the jungle to get fed and fat!" scene e2_dalia_nico_bj2_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj2 "Regarding him as some big, loud-mouthed dope would be to my detriment tonight." sam "Ha! Playing the jester honestly isn't so bad." KN_MOD "Get him talking about himself and his lifes successes.:" $ Sam_Friendship += 1 scene w2_6580 with dissolve mc "You'd know something about that, wouldn't you?" scene w2_6578 with dissolve sam "What are you sayin'?" scene w2_6579 with dissolve mc "You've lived a hell of a life. Seen both sides of the curtain - poverty and success." scene w2_6581 with dissolve mc "You iim-- ng, aah..." "The way Dalia's tongue ran over my cum slit caused my body to jerk." scene w2_6580 with dissolve mc "You immigrated when you were a young boy, g-got--" scene w2_6587 with dissolve sam "Christ, you read my wikipedia article?" scene w2_6584 with dissolve mc "No, I... I just admire your tenacity, truly. Not everyone could do what you did." scene w2_6588 with dissolve sam "Huh..." "The bodybuilder looked temporarily flabbergasted." mc "What is it?" scene w2_6585 with dissolve sam "Around here, no one ever asks me about that shit. They always want to hear about those shitty movies I was--" scene e2_dalia_nico_bj3_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj3 mc "Hey, those are cinema! If only we all could execute our big ideas - explosions, action, car chases - see it come to life on a screen. Even if the end result isn't perfect, it's..." "The constricting softness of Dalia's throat had me temporarily lose my train of thought." mc "Ah...!" mc "...{b}m-magic!{/b}" sam "Gahaha, what kind of horse shit is that? Magic?" sam "Like we're at the happiest place on earth?" scene w2_6589 with dissolve mc "Aren't we?" sam "Gahahaha, good point!" scene e2_dalia_nico_bj1_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj1 sam "Don't misunderstand, I'm proud of my movie career, but it's all anyone ever wants to hear about." sam "No one outside of the sport gives a crap about body building or my accomplishments there. No one cares that I didn't even speak a lick of English when I got here." mc "That's right. You learned English as your second language." sam "Ha! I don't speak Spanish so well anymore, kid." mc "Still..." scene e2_dalia_nico_bj2_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj2 sam "{b}Still{/b}. I built myself up from nothing, accomplished great feats, and demolished the piss-poor expectations my abuelo had for me." sam "Now... now I can take it easy playing the jester, growing fat on table scraps." mc "Jester...?" mct "(Yep, he holds his liquor well, but he's definitely intoxicated.)" sam "Five thousand years ago you better fucking believe I would've been a warrior-king! I would've had--" scene w2_6590 with dissolve scene w2_6591 with dissolve sam "Less cheek, more throat bitch!" scene w2_6592 with dissolve dal "Ah..." scene w2_6593 with dissolve sam "...where was I?" scene e2_dalia_nico_bj1_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj1 mc "You were telling me about how you would've conquered the world." sam "I was? That's embarrassing. Don't listen to me, kid." sam "I'm full of crap - {b}now, lemme ask you something...{/b}" mc "What do you want to know?" sam "Veronica..." scene e2_dalia_nico_bj2_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj2 "Just my luck; I was hoping he'd bring her up under his own volition." mc " did I get her to crawl around like a dog?" sam "Exactly! You read my mind!" mct "(You told me you wanted to know that earlier, you moron...)" sam "When I saw those photos, I just about made a mess of my pants. I couldn't believe it." scene e2_dalia_nico_bj3_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nico_bj3 sam "Even now, just looking at you... I want to strangle you out of envy." mc "I'd prefer if you didn't..." sam "Then tell me! How the hell did you pull that off?" mc "It was her idea." scene w2_6594 with dissolve sam "W-whaa...? S-seriously?!" scene w2_6595 with dissolve sam "I can't believe my ears! That fucking bitch! I'm going--" sam "I'm going....!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_6596 with vpunch sam "Gwwwwwaaaaaaaaa, {b}c-cuuuuuuuuum!{/b}" nico "Gh-?!" play ambient "sound effects/gulp.wav" scene e2_nico_gulp_a with dissolve show e2_nico_gulp "With a frightening, bestial roar the man easily took control of Nicolette's face and unexpectedly buried his cock fully down." nico "*Glug, glug, guulp, ghh*! Gaah, ghhkk...!" "The redheaded prostitute's only choice was to swallow Samson's cum, and from the sound of her vigorous gulping, her work was cut out for her." nico "Ghh...!" sam "Ah, you f-fuckin' worthless...! Don't you dare spill a drop...!" stop ambient scene w2_6597 with dissolve sam "{b}Show me{/b}." scene w2_6598 with dissolve nico "Ah~" "Nico obediently stuck out her tongue, showing Samson that she did indeed not spill a drop." sam "Ha, good girl." scene w2_6599 with dissolve sam "What's the matter, Dalia? Can't keep up with the young blood? Bahaha!" mct "(Fuck I need to...huh?)" "The absence of Dalia sucking my dick did not pass without notice..." scene w2_6600 with dissolve mc "What are you...?" scene w2_6601 with dissolve dal "Allow me to take an alternative approach more aligned with {b}your stamina{/b}, Mr. [mcl]." "She obscured her retort to the brutish man with feigned reverence toward me." dal "A more {i}direct{/i} approach." scene w2_6602 with dissolve mc "...go ahead." "I almost said please. I didn't care how she got me there, I was starting to feel the ache of blue balls setting in from the sudden drought of Dalia's expert mouth-milking." scene black with fade "With the precision of a computer-guided missile, Dalia backed her fat ass up and..." scene w2_6603 with cmet dal "A-ah, haa...!" "...and without a moment's hesitation, buried me balls deep in her cunt." mc "Gh, ghah...!" "She wasn't dry, but she also wasn't nearly turned on enough for our coupling to be smooth. The rough friction as her haunches brought Dalia's weight down on my cock ignited a chain reaction of pleasure that crept up my spine and fried my brain with a white flash of ecstasy. " mc "F-fhuuck me...!" scene w2_6604 with dissolve dal "Ha... that's..." dal "That's the idea, sir." scene e2_dalia_ride_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_ride "Dalia started off gently, rocking her hips in time with a slow and deliberate rhythm." sam "Huh..." "Her soft insides squeezed me tightly, and whenever she pried us apart, clung to my shaft and tried to suck me back in." sam "That looks nice." sam "You don't think I'm finished, do you slut? I can go all night." nico "...of course." scene w2_6605 with dissolve "The fledgling prostitute similarly positioned herself, facing away from Samson." nico "Like this?" scene w2_6606 with dissolve sam "What do you think -- now, where were we [mcf]?" scene e2_dalia_nico_ride1_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nic_ride1 mc "Uh, the... well... ah..." "With a beautiful woman riding my cock, my recollection came slowly." mc "...the collar was Veronica's idea. She told me she used it on her ex-wife in the bedroom." sam "Really? Makes sense, I guess." mc "You knew her?" sam "I met her once or twice. They were married when she first bought my likeness for promotion." mc "What was Veronica's wife like?" sam "You're asking cause you're curious about what kind of woman that fiery bitch would get hitched to? Turns out, no one exciting." "While we chattered, Dalia was putting her prowess on display, using her inner thighs to keep me steady and locked down how she wanted me." sam "I think she worked at an animal shelter. She was a scant little thing. Quiet as a mouse. Didn't make much in the way of an impression." sam "It doesn't surprise me to hear she had a submissive streak. Her name was... uh... it's on the tip of my tongue -- Liliana!" scene e2_dalia_ride2_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_ride2 mct "(That matched the name in Veronica's dossier...)" mc "Do you... ah..." "It was gradually growing easier to push inside her, but the way she had me pinned consigned her with the bulk of the work." mc " you know why they split?" "Dalia, meanwhile, had upped her tempo in accordance to the new ease in which she impaled herself." sam "I'm not their marriage counselor, kid. Maybe--" scene e2_nico_ride_a with dissolve show e2_nico_ride nico "Eeegh... ha!" sam "...maybe one of them stepped out or maybe it was money issues. What else is there?" "What else? A lot of things, but the most troublesome thought was it being the result of Veronica's failing business." mct "(Which would mean...)" scene w2_6607 with hpunch sam "C'mon, move your ass faster!" scene e2_dalia_nico_ride2_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nic_ride2 "Speculating right now wasn't only pointless, but it was also difficult. My mind was at odds with my body, pleasured as I was by Dalia's rocking and writhing." sam "That's more like it." "Unlike me, Samson looked almost unaffected and bored by this scenario." mc "Ee-- you..." mct "(Damn it, it's hot in here...)" mc "...y-you've known Veronica for a while, I take it?" sam "About ten years or so?" mc "...a whole decade? That long?" "Veronica had told me they met at some gym equipment convention, AFTER her financial troubles..." sam "{b}Known of her{/b}, at least. You might say I'm a \"longtime fan\", going all the way back to when she competed in shot put at the collegiate level." "The possible implication of that statement was unsettling." mc "You're an avid shot put watcher then?" sam "Oh, God no. Who the fuck wants to watch someone throw a ball down an empty field?" sam "I knew her coach is all, the dumb thieving bastard." mc "Wait, the coach who sold her the--" sam "So, you fuck her yet?" "Frustratingly, right when I thought I might be getting somewhere, Samson changed the topic." KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaScratch == True:" mc "Veronica? Uh... no." "Well, there was her \"stress relief\" earlier this week at her gym, but I wanted to avoid any potential envy-induced strangling." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Veronica? Not yet." scene w2_6608 with dissolve sam "You telling me you had her down on all fours with her coochie hanging out and you didn't try anything?" scene w2_6609 with dissolve mc "Don't look at me so incredulously, I was only there to take pictures. Even if I tried, she wouldn't have let me." scene w2_6608 with dissolve sam "Pssh, but you didn't try. You call yourself a man?" scene w2_6609 with dissolve mc "You remember when she made your nose less ugly, asshole?" scene w2_6608 with dissolve sam "Bah, {b}you pussy bitch!{/b}!" scene w2_6610 with dissolve mc "......" sam "..." scene w2_6611 with dissolve "Samson found our little exchange amusing and I feigned a chuckle to match his." sam "Ha, I like you [mcf]. I like you a lot." mc "Thanks, you're better company than some of the other stuffy fuckers around here." scene e2_dalia_nico_ride2_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_nic_ride2 sam "No matter. You'll fuck her sooner or later, knowing how Kathy's games go." mc "Jealous?" sam "Absolutely. Considering all I went through to get her here, it'll pain me to see another man get there before me, but..." "Bingo! He brought the conversation back where I wanted it." sam "...but tricking her out like this is fun enough to make up for it." "The vindictive tone in his voice piqued my curiosity, but I refrained from asking the obvious question. Rather than being direct..." mc "I-- ng, s-shit...!" "The animal need to dump my load in Dalia's cunt and the heat from the sauna made finding the right words an arduous task. More and more of my thoughts were turning to my lower half." mct "({b}I needed to finish{/b}!)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6612 with dissolve dal "Wha...?" "Grabbing my companion's flank, I literally took things into my own hands and forced Dalia to a halt, fully sheathing myself in the warm embrace of her quim." "I needed to finish quickly and I was going to impress the dumb old bastard while I was at it." dal "Is something the--" play music "music/time-piece.ogg" play ambient "sound effects/fap.wav" scene e2_dalia_ride3_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_ride3 dal "G-geh?!" "In a bid to outrace the heat and pleasure gnawing at my mind, I marshalled every ounce of my remaining stamina and hurled myself towards an expeditious orgasm." dal "A-hah, oh, s-shit...!" mc "Gh... sorry, but you were taking too damn long!" "Using my leverage on Dalia's body, I repeatedly and forcibly pried and impaled the busty whore on every inch of jackhammering cock." sam "You showin' off, kid?" dal "F-fuckk...ah! It's too hot to be doing--" mc "Exactly, which is why...!" "For the moment, I erased the idiot to my right from my mind. I turned my thoughts away from Veronica's situation and focused wholly on railing the bitch in my lap without mercy." dal "Gwaaah...!" "Sweat trickled heavily down my brow, stinging my eyes and obscuring my vision." mc "Neeug...!" "An intense, growingly pervasive parchedness plagued my body." mct "(Fuck! Good thing I had a nap before coming here!)" "My hips and arms began to ache." dal "Geeh-" "*Twap, thwap, fhwap~!!!!*" "The sound of our abject copulation dwarfed the fuck-sounds from the pair next to me, and all that entered my ears was the ear-candy of Dalia's fat ass smashing against my pelvis." mct "(S-shit...!)" "It was like I could feel the life being sapped from my body, but my sense of preservation had been overwritten by another base urge." dal "W--wah... ghh...! Y-you're f-fhucking me so-soohhhh, gghhh-!" "Dalia reflexively tried to encourage me with honeyed words, but practiced as she was, it came out a garbled mess of fuck-drunk nonsense." dal "Gahhhhhh, good, j-jhoor...!" scene w2_6613 with flash dal "Ghyeh-!" "Her cunt tightened suddenly and violently, even more greatly molding to the shape of my cock as if it was assuming ownership of the tool." dal "Shhh---!" scene e2_dalia_ride4_a with dissolve show e2_dalia_ride4 dal "Ehhh...~! Heeeeeeehhh....!" mc "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...!" mc "(Come on, come on, come on...!)" "I was almost there." dal "Haa, eeh...!" "I was losing feeling in my limbs and my balls began to tighten." dal "Ooohh... g-go ahead...!" "Soon I'd be pushing a pressurized jet of white through a pin point and flooding Dalia's womb with my jizz...!" dal "Give me..." "Soon I'd...!" stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_6614 with flash mc "Geeeeeeh!" "With a sound not too unlike Samson's own earlier roar, I gave Dalia everything I had, packing my semen down as deep as I could as I continued to piston my hips." mc "Ha... haa...!" scene w2_6886 with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "My dick scooped out and continuously recoated her inner walls in my spunk, until every part of her insides was dyed in my color." mc "Gh, so...!" scene black with fade "For a brief moment, I think I blacked out." "My thoughts gradually came back to me and I was more acutely aware of my battered lower half." mct "(So... thirsty...)" mc "Where were we...?" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_6615 with fade "With the last of my strength, I gently guided Dalia off my overwrought cock." mc "I think..." play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" scene w2_6616 with dissolve mc "You were saying you went through a lot to get Veronica participating in the exhibition?" scene w2_6617 with dissolve sam "......" nico "..." scene w2_6618 with dissolve sam "...heh, yeah. Tripping that bitch up was a long time in the making." mc "A decade in the making?" scene e2_nico_ride2_a with dissolve show e2_nico_ride2 sam "No way! That'd be weird, right? You tryin' to paint me as some sort of obsessive stalker?" sam "Since I joined the club five years ago, I've tagged more than half-a-dozen women to potentially recruit, but Veronica is actually the second one to pay out." sam "In this case, I just made a Hail Mary when Danny took ill and was looking to offload some of his assets." mc "Danny is...?" sam "The bitch's old training coach." "So Samson's meddling predated Veronica buying the gym...?" mc "Ha... impressive. {b}Very{/b} impressive." sam "Maybe. It took luck to get her to this point, but when your whole life is lucky, that's a goddamn skill and you should give yourself credit for it." mc "So you used your foreknowledge of the sale to stack the deck in your favor from the very onset?" sam "Not just that. I was the one who convinced that old shit-stain to sell it to her in the first place. She was interested, but he was opposed to saddling his protégé with that dud of a place." mc "You convinced him?" sam "A sick man with debts is easily persuaded. That was just the start of it though." sam "I even got him to chain her down by having Danny point her in the direction of a buddy of mine's leasing company. There's also the matter with her rental agreement, but..." scene w2_6619 with dissolve mct "(Holy shit... he got her own coach to set her up like that...? That's...)" "That's the kind of shit that ruins your ability to ever trust another human being, isn't it?" sam "Ultimately, though..." "The man gestured wildly and puffed his chest out proudly." scene w2_6620 with dissolve mc "...ultimately, what?" scene w2_6619 with dissolve sam "Ultimately--" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_6621 with dissolve sam "Arg, shit! W-whore...!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" "Samson abruptly climaxed, but neither of us paid it any heed." scene w2_6622 with dissolve sam "None of that would've mattered if she just walked away." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w2_6623 with vpunch "*Thud!*" sam "That's what I'm most proud of." scene w2_6624 with dissolve sam "She could've eaten the loss and taken her lumps as a learning experience, but I knew she wouldn't because I was certain of the kind of woman she is." sam "That pig-bitch is too damn proud." scene w2_6625 with dissolve mc "Is her coach still alive?" scene w2_6626 with dissolve sam "Funny how that works. He was given six months to live and he's still walking around a few years later." sam "The shameful bastard didn't even have the decency to kick it." scene w2_6627 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Samson's information didn't change anything. It didn't offer anything {b}actionable{/b}..." "All it did was shine light on a greater, more sickening duplicity." sam "Anyway, I think I'm about to have a heat stroke, eh? Let's get out of here." scene w2_6628 with dissolve mc "Ah, yeah..." scene black with fade mc "Good idea, {size=-10}you slimy fuck.{/size=-10}" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.daliaW2Sauna:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.daliaW2Sauna = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVeronicaHanaB" ## VIP Lounge ################################################################## screen w2ExVIPLounge: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] if w2ExEmmaFavor == "fulfilled": idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExLoungeB2_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExLoungeB2_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExLoungeB2_ground.png" hotspot (154,213,600,600) action Jump("w2ExIanAbelSophiaB") hotspot (1045,398,600,600) action Jump("w2ExChuckB") else: idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExLoungeB1_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExLoungeB1_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExLoungeB1_ground.png" hotspot (154,213,600,600) action Jump("w2ExIanAbelSophiaB") hotspot (1045,398,600,600) action Jump("w2ExChuckB") ## B Block KN_MOD "label w2ExVIPLounge:" show black $"music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2ExVIPLounge with fade" KN_MOD "label w2ExChuckB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExChuckBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExChuckBRepeat = True scene w2_6674 with dissolve "Off by himself, in the nearly empty lounge, sat Dr. Chuck ruminating intently over the end-state of a chess board." "The frustrated look on my former mentor's face said it all in terms of who won." scene w2_6675 with dissolve "His opponent was an amazing woman..." scene w2_6676 with dissolve mc "Was it close?" scene w2_6677 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_6678 with dissolve chuck "...not at all, lad." scene w2_6679 with dissolve kil "He got his asshole turned inside out." mc "Ah..." abel "Come sit down and have a drink, [mcf]." scene w2_6680 with dissolve "Ha... there was no way I was getting through the night dry, I guess." chuck "Mmh..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6674 with dissolve mct "(I should leave him to his thoughts.)" KN_MOD "jump w2ExVIPLounge" KN_MOD "label w2ExIanAbelSophiaB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExIanAbelSophiaBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExIanAbelSophiaBRepeat = True scene w2_6681 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExChuckBRepeat == True:" "Doing as I was bid, I left Dr. Chuck to his own devices and decided to join my bartender friend, Dr. Abel, and his dutiful attendant at the bar." KN_MOD "else:" $ w2ExChuckBRepeat = True "The lounge was practically empty, save for a few people, and I naturally headed toward the bar where Ian was apparently playing bartender." mc "You know how to mix drinks?" scene w2_6682 with dissolve kil "Not at fucking all. Luckily, most everyone drinks it straight here." scene w2_6683 with dissolve mc "I'll take a Ramos Gin Fi--" kil "Denied. You'll take a whiskey." scene w2_6684 with dissolve abel "Some bartender he is." kil "Well, this is August's post. I'm just fillin' in." abel "It's nice to see you yet again, [mcf]." scene w2_6685 with dissolve abel "Sophia?" sophia "Excuse me." scene w2_6686 with dissolve "Before I could refuse, the beautiful doctor had switched targets at her benefactor's behest." scene w2_6687 with dissolve sophia "I'm not very good at this, but I hope my meager skills can bring you a modicum of comfort, sir." mc "A-ah...!" mct "(This wasn't very good?!)" scene w2_6688 with dissolve KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" "I could feel my weariness from my sauna excursion disappear with the delicate workmanship of the blonde's fingers." KN_MOD "else:" "Quite frankly, this felt fucking amazing." scene w2_6689 with dissolve mc "How are... you tonight, Dr. Lundgren?" scene w2_6690 with dissolve sophia "There's no Dr. Lundgren here. Please, just ignore me." scene w2_6691 with dissolve mc "Oooohkay..." scene w2_6692 with dissolve mc " are you tonight, Dr. Van Doren?" scene w2_6693 with dissolve abel "Availing myself to the club's whiskey and enjoying the company of this fine gentleman." abel "Your nephew is an interesting fellow, Charles." scene w2_6694 with dissolve chuck "" chuck "Yeah, 'course he is..." scene w2_6695 with dissolve abel "Oh, he answered?" abel "He must have finally wrapped his head around the gap between him and my protégé." scene w2_6696 with dissolve chuck "She's brilliant alright - more brilliant than you, Abel - and I'm not just talkin' about chess either." scene w2_6697 with dissolve abel "She certainly is." scene w2_6698 with dissolve "The man wryly smiled before taking a swig of his drink." scene w2_6699 with dissolve abel "Do you desire her? Just say the word and I'll give her to you for an entire week." "If Dr. Van Doren's outrageous offer bothered her, it didn't manifest in her hands. Sophia never slowed or faltered in her technique." scene w2_6700 with dissolve chuck "You insult me." scene w2_6701 with dissolve abel "That wasn't my intention at all, Dr. Kohler." abel "It's the whiskey talking, you see." mct "(...they both were insane.)" scene w2_6702 with dissolve "The pair's odd exchange knocked all conversational momentum out of the room." kil "Ah, so yeeeeeah, anyway..." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == promised:" "Sitting here, Jacob's favor regarding his prostitute friend came to mind. I was considering sticking my own neck out to help, but it occurred to me both my lifelong friend and my old mentor had more well-protected throats." "The question is, which avenue do I wish to take?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Get Ians help on the down low. Have him \occupy\ Emmas time.:" $ Jacob_Friendship +=1 $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ w2ExEmmaFavor = "fulfilled" $ w2ExEmmaFavorIan = True scene w2_6703 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Can I talk to you for a second?" kil "Oh...?" scene w2_6704 with dissolve mc "Excuse me, Dr. Lundgren." scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "Can I ask you a favor?" scene w2_6706 with dissolve kil "Abso-fucking-lutely, man. Just say it." scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "Jacob is concerned about one of the girls --" scene w2_6707 with dissolve kil "{b}Emma{/b}." scene w2_6708 with dissolve "Naturally, Ian was more attuned to the personal dynamics of this place than I was and instantly grasped the situation." scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "Yeah, he's concerned about her. He wanted me to watch over her tonight, but I was thinking we might do him one better." scene w2_6707 with dissolve kil "What are you thinking?" scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "You're allowed to enjoy yourself, right? Are you free to use the girls' services on exhibition nights?" scene w2_6709 with dissolve kil "In theory, it's cool. You want me to...?" scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "Go find Emma and spend some time with her, before and after the show." scene w2_6709 with dissolve kil "...don't bone her, right?" scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "...preferably not. It would run contrary to--" scene w2_6706 with dissolve kil "Yeah, that's what I thought. Just checking!" scene w2_6710 with dissolve kil "Uncle! I'm going to go have some fun, you don't mind watching the bar, right?" scene w2_6711 with dissolve chuck "...oh? Yeah, sure. Kathy's got everyone in the Velvet Room anyway." scene w2_6710 with dissolve kil "Thanks!" scene w2_6709 with dissolve kil "Before and after, eh?" scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "I'll owe you one." scene w2_6706 with dissolve kil "Don't worry, I don't keep tally." scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "By the way..." scene w2_6707 with dissolve kil "Yeah?" scene w2_6705 with dissolve mc "Does Jacob look out for all the girls like this or is there something about this one in particular?" scene w2_6707 with dissolve kil "Yes and {b}yes{/b}." scene black with fade "Wrapping up our conversation, Ian jaunted out of the bar, presumably to find Emma." "Naively, I felt a little good about myself." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVIPLounge" KN_MOD "Take a lark on a more direct approach. Ask Dr. Chuck to excuse Emma for the rest of the night.:" $ Jacob_Friendship +=2 $ August_Friendship -=2 $ Chuck_Friendship += 1 $ w2ExEmmaFavor = "fulfilled" $ w2ExEmmaFavorChuck = True scene w2_6704 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Excuse me, Dr. Lundgren." scene w2_6712 with dissolve mc "Can I ask you a personal favor, Dr. Chuck?" scene w2_6713 with dissolve "I wasn't sure this would work, but I was confident enough in our personal history to ask." scene w2_6714 with dissolve chuck "I'm beginning to think favors are what I'm here for..." scene w2_6715 with dissolve "It was just a glance, but he was definitely directing that toward Ian." scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "Is asking for one while you're licking your wounds a poor choice in timing?" scene w2_6717 with dissolve chuck "You cheeky dickhead! {b}Ask{/b}." scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "Can you give Emma the night off?" scene w2_6718 with dissolve chuck "Who?" scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "...she's one of the girls." scene w2_6718 with dissolve chuck "Ah. Can't the bitch ask herself?" scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "She didn't put me up to it." scene w2_6719 with dissolve chuck "Is that right?" "Dr. Chuck looked like he was trying to unravel the truth with his eyes." scene w2_6720 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w1ExDickhead == True:" mc "I've barely said a few words to her." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I've never even spoken with her." scene w2_6718 with dissolve chuck "Alright, I believe you, but then why are you asking?" scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "I heard through the grapevine that her father's sick." scene w2_6715 with dissolve "I decided to leave Jacob's name out of it." KN_MOD "if w2TIWarrenDaliaRepeat:" scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "{b}Plus{/b}, there was that business with Warren recently." scene w2_6715 with dissolve "Putting two-and-two together, I recalled the tail-end of the conversation I heard between Dalia and Warren yesterday." scene w2_6718 with dissolve chuck "Ah, yeah... I heard about that..." chuck "That moron only knows how to break things." scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "This is all just a personal observation." scene w2_6721 with dissolve chuck "Okay, sure, but why do you give a damn about one of the wh--" scene w2_6722 with dissolve "He stopped himself. I guess in some ways he still wasn't letting go of the kind façade from my memories." scene w2_6721 with dissolve chuck "What I mean is, you've only been here a month, don't you think you shouldn't meddle in staffing decisions?" scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "Not meddling, just asking my old mentor and physics club advisor." scene w2_6718 with dissolve chuck " this important to you?" scene w2_6716 with dissolve mc "Yes, it helps me be comfortable with this place." scene w2_6723 with dissolve chuck "...s'alright. That's all I need to hear." scene w2_6724 with dissolve "The way he smiled almost tricked me into believing that façade again." scene w2_6721 with dissolve chuck "August might be annoyed, but we got more holes than poles on nights like this. Emma or whatever her name is can go home." scene w2_6725 with dissolve KN_MOD "if chuck_uncle == True:" mc "Thanks, Uncle Chuck." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Thank you, \"Uncle\" Chuck." chuck "Don't mention it." scene w2_6714 with dissolve chuck "That's what I'm here for." scene black with fade chuck "Ian... find the girl and send her home. I'll watch over the bar." "Naively, I felt a little good about myself." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVIPLounge" KN_MOD "Dont ask.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Nah, I won't involve either of them in this. I volunteered {b}myself{/b}, after all.)" scene black with fade "I spent time talking and enjoying my drink, but excused myself when I found the chance." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVIPLounge" KN_MOD "if w2ExIanAbelSophiaBRepeat == True:" KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == fulfilled:" scene w2_6888 with dissolve "I've already chatted with the odd pair." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVIPLounge" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6887 with dissolve "I've already killed enough time here." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVIPLounge" ## Pool ######################################################################## KN_MOD "label w2ExVincenzoB:" stop music fadeout 2.0 KN_MOD "if w2ExVincenzoB1 == False and w2ExVincenzoB2 == False:" $ w2ExVincenzoB1 = True scene black with fade KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" "Working my way through the lower levels of the Club, I passed by the pool we used the night of Hana's concert. The sound of copulation got the better of my curiosity." KN_MOD "else:" "Working my way through the lower levels of the club, I passed by an indoor pool, where the sound of copulation got the better of my curiosity." mct "(Just a quick peek.)" scene w2_6736 with fade play ambient "sound effects/fap.wav" cel "Ah, again...?" vinc "You think I'd be satisfied just going once, my dear?" cel "A-ah...! Fhh...!" vinc "Don't sound so surprised, my dear! I won't be finished with just two!" scene black with fade stop ambient fadeout 2.0 "Curiosity, like a flame, will sometimes burn you." KN_MOD "jump w2ExNavMenu" KN_MOD "if w2ExVincenzoB1 == True and w2ExVincenzoB2 == False:" $ w2ExVincenzoB2 = True scene black with fade "Fifteen minutes later, while passing through, the noise still persisted..." mct "(He couldn't still be...)" scene w2_6737 with fade play ambient "sound effects/fap.wav" mct "(Another one?!)" madi "Nngg...! S... sir, don't you think you've eaten enough?" "Off on the sidelines utterly wrecked, was one of the house girls. In the fat man's paws was a new girl." vinc "I've only just begun to whet my appetite, slut!" madi "Ghhh... I got to be at the Vee---" scene black with fade stop ambient fadeout 2.0 "Disgusting, but... impressive." "Very impressive." KN_MOD "jump w2ExNavMenu" KN_MOD "if w2ExVincenzoB1 == True and w2ExVincenzoB2 == True:" scene black with fade "That's enough spying for one day..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExNavMenu" ## Sex Room #################################################################### KN_MOD "label w2ExLezB:" stop music fadeout 3.0 $ w2ExSexRoomUnlock = False $ w2ExLezSeen = True scene w2_6756 with fade KN_MOD "if hanaFlag == True:" "Slowly, I made my way down to the very same room Hana and I had our \"heart-to-heart\" in not long ago." KN_MOD "else:" "Slowly, I made my down to the gaudy room displayed on the security room monitor." scene w2_6757 with dissolve "I was fairly certain that dealing with the house girls fell outside the scope of my job description, but I preferred the comfort of a concrete goal with a clear end to my other tasks for the night." mc "...Jacob said to knock first, eh?" scene w2_6758 with dissolve mc "Oh!" play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene e2_lhl_1_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_1 "In the time it took me to venture from Jacob's post down to where Harper and Lucy were having a private conversation, the pair had moved off the bed and were now..." mct "(So it's like that...)" "Chest-to-bountiful-chest, Harper had locked the school teacher in the passionate embrace of a lover's kiss." "The sight had me transfixed, in part from the polite reticence to intrude on the couple's private moment and more aptly because of the sordid peep-show I was now stealing." "Their entwining bodies, I thought, made for a novel sight." "Inside this building, {b}this{/b} was a rare glimpse of lust and affection absent of performative pretense." "This exchange didn't have a price tag on it. Ostensibly..." mct "(They're doing this because they both want to...?)" "The cynical part of me imagined some quid-pro-quo, a deal brokered by the new girl for her senior's protection - that was just my twisted imagination though, the truth wasn't graspable behind this glass window." mct "(I wonder who made the move on who... gotta have been Harper right?)" mct "(Whatever the case...)" scene w2_6759 with dissolve "Neither woman knew I was here, privy to their private moment." scene w2_6760 with dissolve mct "({b}Shit{/b}.)" "I felt dirty for looking and more than a little guilty for intruding on their privacy." "The civilized part of me now wished that I had stayed out of it, that I had turned Dalia's request down and told her to do her own damn job herself." scene w2_6761 with dissolve "The uncivilized part..." mct "(Just one more quick peek...)" scene w2_6762 with dissolve mc "Woah..." scene e2_lhl_2_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_2 "Harper had changed her mode of attack, her tongue venturing down to Lucy's left breast and bringing the woman to her knees." "This new approach left Harper's hands free to dole out even greater attention, one hand prodding Lucy's mouth-free breast and the other snaking a thumb into the submissive teacher's gaping mouth-hole." "The way Lucy absent-mindedly sucked on the intruding digit kindled my own lust and began to supercede my purpose for being here..." mct "(Fuck me, I need to...)" scene w2_6763 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2ExLezBVouyer:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} Let them finish while enjoying the view. if history_voyeur == True:" pass KN_MOD "Awkwardly interrupt and gently remind the girls theyre on the clock.:" $ toughness -= 1 stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It would be best to step in before things got too heated." "Dalia said she'd prefer me to approach it like management, but..." play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" scene w2_6764 with dissolve "*Knock, knock*" "Laying it on thick after beaver damming them would be a peak dick-head move." stop sound $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_6765 with dissolve mc "Girls! It's [mcf]!" scene w2_6766 with dissolve "........." "......" "..." "For what felt like eternity, I stood there in silence." mct "(Are they pretending like they're not..?)" "Just as I was contemplating opening the door myself..." scene w2_6767 with dissolve harp "..." play music "music/thief-in-the-night.ogg" scene w2_6768 with dissolve harp "I--! You need something, Mr. [mcl]?" scene w2_6769 with dissolve mc "What were you two doing in there?" scene w2_6770 with dissolve harp "Lucy needed some time after that ba-- I mean, Mr. Miller hit her." harp "I was just--" scene w2_6771 with dissolve mc "...being a good friend?" scene w2_6772 with dissolve harp "Ah..." "She knew I knew." mc "Aren't you two on the clock?" harp "I..." scene w2_6773 with dissolve harp "It won't happen again." scene w2_6774 with dissolve "Harper shifted her body language to something more cold and familiar." scene w2_6773 with dissolve harp "How did you know that...?" scene w2_6775 with dissolve mc "Dalia suspected you might be enjoying a bit of respite while Nicolette was capturing Samson's attention." scene w2_6776 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_6777 with dissolve harp "Ah, Dalia sent you!" mc "Bingo." mc "She just wants you to keep your wits about you. Your absence might be noted, y'know?" scene w2_6778 with dissolve harp "Heh, that clever bitch." scene w2_6779 with dissolve "The pair shared a look whose meaning I was nonprivy to." scene w2_6780 with dissolve lucy "Did you see us, umm...?" scene w2_6781 with dissolve harp "Aht! Leave it at that." harp "Remember what I taught you. Gotta know when you're ahead, Luce." scene w2_6782 with dissolve lucy "R-right." scene w2_6783 with dissolve harp "We should get back out there." mc "You really should. Just try and entertain the guests somewhere Isaak isn't, yeah?" "Lucy's humiliation kowtowing to a man she has to see every workday was a bad recipe after all. She chose to be here, but I still felt a little sorry for her in that regard." scene w2_6784 with dissolve harp "Hey, Luce..." "The pair passed me by, on to who knows where to do who knows what obscene acts." scene w2_6785 with dissolve harp "Always do what Dalia says. That's the biggest rule to remember if you want to succeed here." harp "She'll keep you whole." lucy "I'll remember." scene w2_6786 with dissolve harp "She asked you to do this for her?" mc "That's what I said." scene w2_6787 with dissolve harp "Hmm, interesting..." scene w2_6788 with dissolve mc "She said she didn't want to take it to Mr. Byrnes." scene w2_6789 with dissolve lucy "Would she have done that?" scene w2_6790 with dissolve harp "Not a chance. That's why you always have to listen to her." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 harp "I've still got a lot to teach you about this place." KN_MOD "jump w2ExNavMenu" KN_MOD "Put your boss hat on and firmly remind them they have a job to do.:" $ toughness += 1 stop music fadeout 3.0 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It would be best to step in before things got too heated." "Dalia said she preferred if I did things sternly, well..." scene w2_6791 with dissolve "...I don't think I have that kind of vibe, but I can try." $ renpy.end_replay() scene e2_lhl_3_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_3 lucy "A-ah, ohhh, H-harp...!" "They hadn't noticed me." "Harper was now knuckle deep in Lucy's cunt, working diligently to pry dirty sounds from the raven-haired MILF's dumbly-parted lips." "*Chuwp, fwhlup, ch!" lucy "Yhgnnn...! Ah--" play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene w2_6792 with dissolve mc "*Ahem!*" mc "{b}I was ordered to look for you two{/b}, but I didn't expect..." "Leaving it vague like that, they would naturally assume it was under the direction of one of the owners." scene w2_6793 with dissolve mc "Well, you gals seem close." harp "Ah, ah... [mcf]...! I mean Mr. [mcl], haven't..." mc "It must be nice fucking around while all your other co-workers pick up the slack, eh?" scene w2_6794 with dissolve harp "......" lucy "..." "Caught abruptly and totally off guard, the two looked deeply embarrassed and unable to mount a defense." "Instead, they remained before me on their knees, Harper looking like a trapped animal while Lucy..." scene w2_6795 with dissolve mc "Kinda silly to try and maintain your modesty considering your work uniform, Lucy." scene w2_6796 with dissolve lucy "Ah... yeah..." lucy "Reflex I guess..." "It was nice to know she hadn't burned out her sense of shame, yet." scene w2_6797 with dissolve mc "So you two thought you'd enjoy yourself while Mr. Garcia shoves his fat cock down Nicolette's throat?" scene w2_6798 with dissolve harp "It's not like that." scene w2_6799 with dissolve "As expected, Harper came to her senses much faster than her less experienced co-worker." scene w2_6800 with dissolve harp "Lucy needed some time after that bastard hit her and..." scene w2_6798 with dissolve harp "Ah, fuck. Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" scene w2_6799 with dissolve "In light of being discovered plumbing the depths of Lucy's cunt, she realized immediately how flimsy an explanation that was." scene w2_6801 with dissolve lucy "It's my fault Harper's here in the fist place, she was just--" scene w2_6802 with dissolve harp "Shut up, {b}you idiot{/b}. I'm the one who should know better." scene w2_6798 with dissolve harp "--level with me, are you going to tell August about this?" scene w2_6797 with dissolve mc "...get off your knees and stand up." "I purposefully ignored her question." scene w2_6803 with dissolve mc "You too." scene w2_6804 with dissolve mc "Good. Now I feel like I'm talking to a pair of adults." mc "What would happen if it was Warren who caught you two?" scene w2_6805 with dissolve harp "{b}Jacob's{/b} watching the cameras." scene w2_6804 with dissolve "So she knew and counted on that? I knew she wasn't stupid." mc "That's beside the point, stupid. What if Samson, Isaak, or someone else went looking for you two?" mc "Your absence might be noticed. Maybe even by Mr. Byrnes." scene w2_6806 with dissolve harp "Wait I thought he--" scene w2_6807 with dissolve mc "Seriously, how fucking dumb do you have to be to be lectured by a kid who's only been here for a few weeks?" scene w2_6808 with dissolve harp "...hmmgg!" scene w2_6809 with dissolve harp "Are you trying to squeeze a \"favor\" from us?" scene w2_6810 with dissolve mc "Why would you think that?" scene w2_6809 with dissolve harp "Why else would you just waltz in here and grill us?" scene w2_6810 with dissolve mc "Dalia sent me." scene w2_6811 with dissolve harp "...oh." mc "She's got her hands full tonight managing the other girls and you're adding to her problems, so get your shit together." scene w2_6812 with dissolve harp "...ha, she amazes me. Goddamn psychic bitch." scene w2_6813 with dissolve harp "Always do what Dalia says. That's the biggest rule to remember if you want to succeed here." harp "She'll keep you... whole." scene w2_6814 with dissolve lucy "Got it..." scene w2_6815 with dissolve harp "...she used you as messenger, huh?" scene w2_6816 with dissolve mc "She brought a problem she had to me, {b}to deal with{/b}." mc "...I felt a little silly." scene w2_6815 with dissolve harp "Well, {b}don't.{/b}" harp "You played the part well, bossman." scene w2_6817 with dissolve harp "Come on." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 2.0 harp "I'll teach you more later." KN_MOD "jump w2ExNavMenu" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Voyeur] Let them finish while enjoying the view.{/color}. if history_voyeur == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2ExLezBVouyer" "I desired to see more. My curiosity, or rather my perversion, was just too strong." scene w2_6818 with dissolve "I wanted to see what it was like to see two women fuck without an audience." "I wanted to {i}hear{/i} them..." scene e2_lhl_2_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_2 "With a careful push, I moved the door ajar, just enough for any lewd noise to escape the soundproofing." lucy "Oh-, nghh... Harp... don't... we should..." "Harper was still focusing on the busty woman's chest, running her pink teat between her fingers and delivering a potent tongue lashing to the other." lucy "Mmfhh, wheeshould~" "Lucy's words came out in a torrid mess, every syllable fighting the thumb obstructing her mouth." lucy "Ah...!" "*Chwup, fwhup... thwup!*" lucy "We--shhhould...! Weshhh...." lucy "Weshoudlhg--ggoohhabbk?" scene w2_6819 with dissolve harp "Say again?" lucy "We should..." lucy "...I mean... i-is this okay?" scene w2_6820 with dissolve harp "Is what okay?" harp "Do you mean what you and I are currently doing?" scene w2_6821 with dissolve lucy "Yes... I-I mean, no -- I mean...! Shouldn't we be upstairs--" scene w2_6822 with dissolve harp "Should I stop then?" scene w2_6823 with dissolve lucy "I..." scene w2_6824 with dissolve harp "We {b}can{/b} stop." scene w2_6825 with dissolve lucy "I-I, uh... prefer it up here. Away from..." scene w2_6824 with dissolve harp "Don't you like what I'm doing as well?" scene w2_6825 with dissolve lucy "...I'm a--" scene w2_6826 with dissolve lucy "O-ohh....!" harp "I may be better with pleasing a man, but I honestly don't think I'm too shabby at..." scene w2_6827 with dissolve lucy "A-aahh!" "Harper's fingers sunk deep into the babbling school teacher's snatch, skewering her words into a shrill cry." lucy "Ha... ha... I'm a married woman... I prefer..." scene w2_6828 with dissolve harp "I'll stop then." scene w2_6829 with dissolve lucy "W-wait...! I didn't... I..." scene w2_6830 with dissolve "Harper had the confused woman dancing on a marionette string." scene w2_6831 with dissolve harp "I want to hear you say it then. {b}Ask me to continue{/b}." scene w2_6832 with dissolve lucy "...*gulp* I would like you to... I would..." lucy "I {i}want{/i} you to continue, Harper." scene w2_6833 with dissolve lucy "{size=-10}P-please...{/size=-10}" scene w2_6834 with dissolve harp "Thank you, Lucy." lucy "Don't look so pleased miss--" scene e2_lhl_3_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_3 lucy "Nnhh-- eeeeey...!" "With renewed vigor from her partner's lusty affirmation, Harper sunk her fingers knuckle-deep into the curvy woman's cunt and resumed gobbling tit." mct "(She's quite good at multitasking...)" scene e2_lhl_3a_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_3a "Harper's plush lips formed a perfect seal around the teacher's nipple, and I could imagine her small tongue enveloping its burgeoning point, prodding it with pen-like flourishes." "*Chwup, fhwup...!*" "Even from this far back, hidden behind the wide door, the resulting sound was clear as day." "*Chwup, khwuuup, gwhupp...!*" "Rather than lewd, it was ravenous." "It was the sound of a starving beast picking its prey to the bone, desperate for every scrap of succor." scene w2_6835 with dissolve lucy "Hnnngg-!" lucy "You're iin-inn-incorrigible...!" "Lucy was wildly receptive to the seasoned prostitute's touch, voice shrill and drenched in pleasure." lucy "H-hhhyyy..." scene w2_6836 with dissolve harp "Incorrigible! Now that's a word fit for an English teacher, but..." harp "What about you, beautiful? You're sucking on my fingers SO. DAMN. HARD. right now." scene e2_lhl_3b_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_3b lucy "Ahhh...!" "Harper's words coincided with a pitch in intensity, her slender fingers gouging Lucy's sex with dramatic abandon." lucy "Nnhhh...ahhh!" "My mind filled in what I couldn't see, painting a vivid picture of Harper's fingerly love." "Of Lucy's insides being nearly pulled out, clinging desperately to her lover's unremitting penetration." "Harper's fingers gliding effortlessly, slathered in the school teacher's juices, made a beautiful sound that failed to reach my ears." scene e2_lhl_3_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_3 "That was, of course, just my mind's eye. Were I to make out what I could see, it would be two women seizing a moment of pleasure and leaving the world behind..." mct "(...and Dalia wanted me to send them back?)" "*Chwup, fhwup...!*" "I would, of course. I'd pass them her message, like a good boy, but I wouldn't rob them of what was going on in front of me." "*Chwup, khwuuup, gwhupp...!*" lucy "Mmmhhh...! Ghaaak...! I'm... getting..." lucy "GGhh...! Ha... nnhyyyeees, I'm--" scene w2_6837 with dissolve harp "Not yet." lucy "H-huhh...?" harp "{b}Lie down{/b}." "Harper's voice, with an unusually commanding edge, carried loud and clear to my ears." scene w2_6838 with dissolve lucy "...ah, but..." "It was so potent I almost did as she asked..." scene w2_6839 with dissolve harp "{b}Trust me{/b}." scene w2_6840 with dissolve scene w2_6841 with dissolve scene w2_6840 with dissolve "Lucy just meekly nodded, giving herself over to Harper's care." scene w2_6842 with dissolve harp "G-gah, that look! You don't know how lucky you're making me feel." scene w2_6843 with dissolve lucy "Mmhh-!" "More than a kiss, it was a declaration." scene w2_6844 with dissolve lucy "{b}Oh!{/b}" scene w2_6845 with dissolve lucy "Ooofh!" "With surprising violence, Harper pushed Lucy onto her back." scene w2_6846 with dissolve harp "I'm going to take you to even greater highs." scene w2_6847 with dissolve "Harper sternly peered down at the raven-haired woman's soft body." "She wandered over all the generous curves, her cute paunch, and grabbable love handles..." scene w2_6848 with dissolve harp "Show me..." scene w2_6849 with dissolve lucy "...what?" scene w2_6847 with dissolve "Harper didn't answer her." scene w2_6850 with dissolve lucy "Okay..." scene w2_6851 with dissolve "Obediently, Lucy spread her legs, revealing herself plain as day to her lover." "What I wouldn't give to be inside Harper's head right now, to have a front row seat to the show..." "........." "......" "..." "Harper just stared, a smile on her face..." scene w2_6852 with dissolve lucy "S-say something...!" stop music play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_6853 with vpunch lucy "Ooooh-!" "Almost in exaggeration, Harper pounced on the embarrassed woman like she was prey, diving head first into her soft body." scene w2_6854 with dissolve harp "Let's continue." lucy "Ha... you're so..." play music "music/too-cool.ogg" scene e2_lhl_4_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_4 "*Slurp, fwhiiip, chwup...!*" "Harper slinked down, face-to-face with her partner's lady parts, and began the dutiful task of elevating the needy teacher to the previously promised greater height of pleasure." lucy "Haaaaaeeuugh....!" "Harper took it slowly. Deliberately." "*Chwu, fwhip, sluurrp!*" "Her tongue scraped Lucy's slit, parting her lips and inching toward Lucy's exposed pleasure buzzer." lucy "Ah, ha.... gyaah... feels..." "Lucy, unafraid to let her voice out, started with a shrill cry." lucy "F-feels... good... ah..." scene e2_lhl_4a_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_4a "Harper's tongue just continued, with purpose, as if worshiping the school teacher's lower mouth." "She never slowed. She never stopped to take a breath." "She never got ahead of herself and sped on in excitement." "Instead, she used her tongue to cradle Lucy's clit, gently enveloping and savoring it with care." "Loving it." lucy "Oh... ohhhh..." "{b}Teasing{/b} it." lucy "HAaAaat, that's the sp-spo-spohtt...!" scene e2_lhl_4_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_4 "In no time flat, Harper had the scholarly slut sounding like an idiot, calling out undaunted, safe in the knowledge that..." mct "(That no one but Harper could hear her...)" scene w2_6855 with dissolve "The thought flooded me with a perverted rush. The same I used to get peeping on the neighborhood moms." "In the absence of a conscience, I had always hoped a measure of self-awareness and the goal of living a respectable life would keep me from the impulses of my youth." mc "......" mc "..." scene w2_6856 with dissolve lucy "Oo-ooohh, OOoohhhhahhyyy....!" scene w2_6857 with dissolve mc "Hmpfh." scene e2_lhl_5_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_5 "When I looked back, Harper had changed positions, moving atop the busty woman and writhing carnally." lucy "Mmhhh...! Haa....!" scene e2_lhl_5a_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_5a "Their chests were pressed together in a beautiful mish-mash of tit flesh." "Harper's nipples, erected to a point, painstakingly clashed with her lover's own chest." harp "Ah, c-come on...." harp "Move your hips more..." "Unlike before, Harper's own pleasure was written plain-as-day on her face." harp "I've taught you better than this, right?" harp "Move 'em like I'm paying you!" scene e2_lhl_5_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_5 lucy "Mmmmggg...! Ah...! I aaaaaam...." "Lucy's voice came out in a plaintive, girly whine unfitting of her mature demeanor." harp "No you're not... ah, fuck me like I'm a client...!" "The neediness in Harper's own voice was palpable." harp "Like... ah... fuck me like you're in a hurry to get rid of me..." scene e2_lhl_5b_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_5b lucy "Ah...!" "Pinned down as she was, Lucy did her best to aid in the friction." lucy "I... I am...! I've just never done this before...!" "Every time Harper would push into her, grinding their sweet spots together, Lucy pushed back." lucy "L-like this...?" harp "Uh-huh... ah... that's the way, Lucy..." harp "That's the way, sweetheart!" lucy "Guhh...!" scene w2_6858 with dissolve lucy "Ugh... w-hy am, achk, why... why am I so horny tonight? Even after that bastard... ah..." scene w2_6859 with dissolve harp "Don't think about that creep. Just focus..." scene w2_6860 with dissolve lucy "Ah..." harp "Just focus on this here, right now....!" lucy "Ha, y-you're right, Harper...." scene e2_lhl_5_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_5 harp "Let's just make each other feel good!" lucy "O-ohhhhy...!" "The pair humped each other with great fervor, mashing their hips together as if fighting for their life." "It wasn't the hardest fucking, but it was as passionate and desperate of one as I'd ever seen." lucy "Are... are you feeling good too?" "She asked with a genuine measure of concern in her voice, notable even through the libidinous overtone." harp "Haat, y-yeah..." harp "You're... doing... great...! Ngh...!" lucy "Ha... ha... I'm g-glad..." lucy "T-thanks for... thanks for... helping me these last few weeks..." harp "Save the mushy stuff until a-after...! Right now...!" harp "{b}Right now just be my dirty, filthy bitch{/b}." lucy "Ha... ha.... o-kay..." scene e2_lhl_5a_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_5a lucy "{b}F-fuck me{/b}, Harper." "Emboldened by her lover's request, Lucy called out without abandon." lucy "Fuck me, {b}please{/b}, baby....!" harp "Ah, that's it... beautiful...! Say my name...!" lucy "H-harper...!" lucy "Ah...ah, H-harper...!" harp "S-shit, Luce...! You're..." lucy "I'm your bitch! Your filthy bitch!" scene e2_lhl_5b_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_5b harp "Ahccckk...! I'll always...! I'll have your back, you know that?" lucy "I k-know...! S-so please... {b}please{/b} keep teaching me...!" lucy "I... I..." harp "What is it?" lucy "I'm going to... I'm there... I'm... Oooooohhhhh...!" scene w2_6861 with dissolve lucy "Oofofhhh...ssssshhhhhhh--!" "Throwing her head back, she came." "Her hips stopped all movement, she clung desperately to her partner, and she came." "The thump as she violently and involuntarily knocked the back of her head against the carpet could be heard from even here." scene w2_6862 with dissolve lucy "Ah.... eyee..." harp "You okay?" lucy "Y-yeah... I'm... ah... haa..." "......" "..." "The two held each other for a minute, and just when I thought I should step away..." scene w2_6863 with dissolve harp "Sorry, Lucy... hope you don't mind, but..." lucy "Huh...?" scene w2_6864 with dissolve lucy "Mmmnfh...?!" "Harper abruptly shoved her cunt in Lucy's face, pressing her vulva firmly into the absent-focused teacher's nose." harp "I'm still not satisfied...! Bearf with me, please!" scene e2_lhl_6_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_6 lucy "Mhhff...! Mmhh...!" "Lucy could only grunt in acceptance and do her best as Harper began to ride her face into the dirt." mct "(Man, they are REALLY going at it...)" harp "Haaa...!" harp "Hang in there, beautiful... I'm just..." "Harper's hips moved in a rhythm like she was riding a cock, rocking back and forth over Lucy's mouth and nose, giving her mere moments to suck down another breath." harp "Ah, haaat... yeah, that's right... use your tongue... eat my cunt..." lucy "Mmmfh... mfhhhhh... mmmmhhh...!" "From the looks of it, Lucy was adjusting to the rough treatment, but her face was still mashed deeply in another person's sex." lucy "Mmmmmh...!!!!" "Harper was quickly being pulled into her own little world, one where she was solely focused on her pleasure." scene e2_lhl_6a_a with dissolve show e2_lhl_6a harp "Ah... ah-ha, ha...!" "The selfish change in tone kindled an even stronger fire in me, as my eyes were drawn to the way her chest hypnotically bounced while using the half-sensate woman's face." harp "Shh, yeeah... that's...!" "To end the discomfort as soon as possible for her lover, it was fast and frenzied as it needed to be." lucy "Bummfhh!" "Harper raced toward her own climax. Intentional or not, her rough treatment was in its own way a form of diligence." harp "C'mon, suck me harder! Ah...!" lucy "Bufu!" "*Fwhup, chkwwup... shhkklup...!!!!*" harp "Oooooh, ha-- g-good girl...!" "*Chwup, fhhhhhuuuuup!*" harp "I didn't expect you to..." harp "G-goood giiiiirl! Ah.. haaaa, haat...!" scene w2_6865 with dissolve harp "{b}Gaaaaaaaaaah....!{/b}" scene w2_6866 with dissolve "With a satisfied cry, Harper let loose on her poor lover's face, gushing profusely all over the submissive teacher's face." harp "Shheee.... ah..." lucy "Guhh, gffulll....!" "Harper made no attempt to stop it either. In fact..." scene w2_6867 with dissolve harp "Ha... drink it...!" lucy "Guhlugh... ghuuu... bufu... mmfh...!" "She was relishing her position of control." mct "(I can only imagine how rare those moments are for her...)" harp "Ah... ah, shoot, Lucy..." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene w2_6868 with dissolve harp "Hehe, I made a mess of you..." lucy "Haa... haa.... ah..." scene w2_6869 with fade harp "Thanks, beautiful. From the bottom of my heart." scene w2_6870 with dissolve lucy "Haa... I've never done..." scene black with fade harp "You've already said that." "......" KN_MOD "if not persistent.harperlucyW2Lez:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.harperlucyW2Lez = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "..." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w2_6871 with circlewipe show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I waited ten minutes for the pair to collect themselves." "I considered barging in and using the opportunity of them being caught red-handed to make Dalia's point, but..." scene w2_6872 with dissolve "*Squeeeeeek*" "I didn't want to ruin their moment." mct "(There they come.)" scene w2_6873 with dissolve mc "Hey!" harp "O-oh...! Uh... [mcf]!" harp "What are you, uh..." scene w2_6874 with dissolve mc "Dalia sent me to find you two. She suspected you two might be goofing off or something..." scene w2_6875 with dissolve harp "Ah, that..." scene w2_6876 with dissolve lucy "She was helping me get my head straight. Being around that man... I'm still..." lucy "I'm still new at this." scene w2_6877 with dissolve mct "(Getting your head straight, eh?)" scene w2_6878 with dissolve mc "Understandable, I'm not here to bust your ass. Just doing as I'm asked." mc "Since your head is now straight, you should get back out on the floor. She doesn't want Mr. Byrnes to notice." scene w2_6879 with dissolve harp "Ha, right..." harp "Be sure to apologize and thank Dalia later, okay?" scene w2_6880 with dissolve lucy "I will!" scene w2_6881 with dissolve harp "Without her, we'd be a lot worse off." scene w2_6882 with dissolve harp "How'd you find us...?" scene w2_6883 with dissolve "Harper looked at me suspiciously, worried I might know." scene w2_6884 with dissolve mc "Jacob pointed me this way. Told me to knock since you guys were having a private conversation." mc "Trust Jacob to be a decent guy, am I right?" scene w2_6885 with dissolve harp "Yeah. He's the best." scene black with fade "Ultimately, I didn't make a production of it and all three of us went along our way." KN_MOD "jump w2ExNavMenu" ## Velvet Room ################################################################# ## Finally !!! screen w2ExVelvetRoom: imagemap: imagebutton auto "gui/screens/imagebuttons/travel_%s.png" action [Play("menu_click","sound effects/page-turn.wav"), Jump("w2ExNavMenu")] hovered [ Play ("hover_extra", "sound effects/click.wav") ] idle "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExVelvetRoom_idle.png" hover "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExVelvetRoom_hover.png" ground "gui/screens/imagemaps/w2ExVelvetRoom_ground.png" hotspot (0,390,600,600) action Jump("w2ExMercedesB") hotspot (378,565,480,600) action Jump("w2ExDaliaB") hotspot (490,260,600,300) action Jump("w2ExFreeRoamEnd") hotspot (1141,223,600,600) action Jump("w2ExEmmaB") hotspot (1601,216,600,600) action Jump("w2ExWarrenB") hotspot (1340,433,600,600) action Jump("w2ExNicoB") label w2ExVelvetRoom: show black $"music/landing.ogg", loop=True, fadeout=1.0, fadein=1.0, if_changed=True) KN_MOD "call screen w2ExVelvetRoom with fade" ## B Block KN_MOD "label w2ExDaliaB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExDaliaBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExDaliaBRepeat = True scene w2_6889 with dissolve "Off in the corner was Dalia, having once more joined up with her adoring patron." "He was..." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" mct "(I sure hope Dalia cleaned herself out after our tryst in the sauna, otherwise...)" scene w2_6890 with dissolve dal "You can do better, Andrew." mct "(Gross. Let's not think about it.)" scene w2_6891 with dissolve mct "(Oh..?)" "She's looking right at me." "Through chance, our eyes met and I reflexively gave a curt wave to the preoccupied prostitute." scene w2_6892 with dissolve scene w2_6891 with dissolve "She gave a slight nod, acknowledging me." "Out of context, she looked kinda cool..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "else:" "He was on his knees, servicing her. Compared to the other girls..." scene w2_6893 with dissolve "She had it made." scene w2_6890 with dissolve dal "{b}Do better{/b}, Andrew." KN_MOD "if jacobHarpVouch or w2HarpRainCheck:" scene w2_6891 with dissolve mct "(Oh..?)" "She's looking right at me." "Through chance, our eyes met and I reflexively gave a curt wave to the preoccupied prostitute." scene w2_6892 with dissolve scene w2_6891 with dissolve "She gave a slight nod, acknowledging me." "Out of context, she looked kinda cool..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6889 with dissolve mct "(He's still at it...)" KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "label w2ExWarrenB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExWarrenBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExWarrenBRepeat = True scene w2_6894 with dissolve "Out of the way stood Warren, presumably standing guard. Now, what he was warding against I couldn't imagine, but..." scene w2_6895 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaBRepeat == True:" "Currently, he was eyeballing Emma something fierce." KN_MOD "else:" "Currently, he was eyeballing one of the house girls something fierce." "His vacant, hungry expression gave me the creeps and..." scene w2_6896 with dissolve "I wasn't the only one who noticed." scene w2_6897 with dissolve war "Heh..." scene w2_6898 with dissolve "....." "..." scene w2_6894 with dissolve "I should quit staring at the man." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6894 with dissolve "Yep, he's still leering..." KN_MOD "if w2TIWarrenDaliaRepeat == True:" mct "(That prick.)" KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "label w2ExEmmaB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaBRepeat == False:" scene w2_6899 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == unknown:" KN_MOD "if w2ExRosalindMingleARepeat == True:" "Looks like that bizarre pair is still together, enjoying the... {i}art{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" "Two familiar faces were standing idly by, enjoyin the evening's... {i}art{/i}" "No point in approaching them." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "else:" $ w2ExEmmaBRepeat = True KN_MOD "if w2ExRosalindMingleARepeat == True:" "It seemed Mihir and his tit-fiend compeer made it down here just fine." KN_MOD "else:" "Two familiar faces were standing idly by, enjoying the evening's... {i}art{/i}" "Next to them was a face I recognized, but hadn't seen tonight." scene w2_6900 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == fulfilled:" "It was Emma. The house girl Jacob had asked me to watch out for and had done a good job of making herself scarce." "It seems Ian hadn't been by yet to retrieve her." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == promised:" "It was Emma. The house girl Jacob had asked me to watch out for and the one I promised to try and score a night off for." "From what I gathered, she had done a good job at making herself scarce, but here she stood in the thick of things." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == watched:" "It was Emma. The house girl Jacob had asked me to watch out for and had done a good job making herself scarce." scene w2_6901 with dissolve mc "Hello, gentlemen." KN_MOD "if w2ExRosalindMingleARepeat == True:" scene w2_6902 with dissolve mihir "Hello again, sir." "Mihir formally greeted me and Thomas gave an affirming nod, understandably more preoccupied with the immobile girl." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6902 with dissolve mihir "Hello. We haven't met." scene w2_6903 with dissolve mc "No, we didn't get a chance last week, Mr. Chatterjee." scene w2_6904 with dissolve mihir "I see you've taken care to learn everyone's name." "That was true. After last week, I made sure I was well-acquainted with the club's members." scene w2_6903 with dissolve mc "It seemed like a prudent thing to do, given my job." scene w2_6905 with dissolve mc "Hello to you as well, Emma." scene w2_6906 with dissolve emma "Ah, good evening Mr. [mcl]." "She awkwardly stared at me, startled by me addressing her by name and unsure of what else to say." scene w2_6907 with dissolve mc "How are you doing this evening?" emma "...h-huh?" "She didn't expect that one either." scene w2_6908 with dissolve mc "Jacob mentioned, out of concern, that you were having some family problems." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == promised:" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Since Mrs. Pulman told me to enjoy the night as if I was a patron, my plan was to bend the rules a smidge and send her off to one of the rooms to \"wait for me\", but I would need to wait for when she was otherwise disengaged." KN_MOD "else:" "Since Kathleen told me to enjoy the night as if I was a patron, my plan was to bend the rules a smidge and send her off to one of the rooms to \"wait for me\", but I would need to wait for when she was otherwise disengaged." "Until then, I just wanted to speak with her." scene w2_6909 with dissolve emma "Oh... he did? He really shouldn't... ah..." scene w2_6910 with dissolve "The poor woman had an unseemly amount of bruising on her torso..." scene w2_6909 with dissolve emma "I'm fine. Nothing the other girls haven't faced." scene w2_6910 with dissolve "That was most certainly a lie. She looked unnaturally pale, with bags noticeable under her eyes even through her caked on makeup." scene w2_6911 with dissolve mc "Sorry, we don't really know each other, but I thought I'd ask." "Try as she might to hide it, the woman that stood in front of me had the body language of a perpetually frightened guinea pig." scene w2_6909 with dissolve emma "No, thank you for asking... I just... Jacob shouldn't have said anything." scene w2_6912 with dissolve mc "He was concerned and just--" "Emma flinched from my touch." scene w2_6911 with dissolve mc "Ah..." mc "Don't be mad at him. He just asked me to keep an eye out for you because he's concerned." scene w2_6909 with dissolve emma "Ha... I'm..." scene w2_6913 with dissolve emma "You don't need to, I'm okay." scene w2_6914 with dissolve emma "I'm going to... uh... well, thanks." scene w2_6915 with dissolve "Pulling away from me, she rejoined the two men she was shadowing." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == fulfilled.:" "Hopefully Ian would be here soon." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == promised:" "Hopefully I'll get the chance to send her off soon." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6899 with dissolve "Emma was still hanging around Mihir and Thomas, doing her best to look occupied despite their clear lack of interest in her." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "label w2ExNicoB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExNicoBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExNicoBRepeat = True scene w2_6916 with dissolve nico "Gh... haa....! Mr. Wayyyyylon...!" eric "Ah... shit. This new girl tastes so fucking bland, Sammy!" scene w2_6917 with dissolve eric "*Glug... glug... glug...!" scene w2_6918 with dissolve eric "You want some?" nico "S-sure..." scene w2_6919 with dissolve eric "Good. Maybe it'll loosen you up!" nico "Gehh...!" play ambient "sound effects/gulp.wav" scene w2_6920 with dissolve sam "Sheesh man, you're never happy with any of the girls. Do you even like women?" eric "Fuck you, you dried up steroid-jockey. It's not my fault this place is full of dirty whores." sam "'re in a brothel, you know that, right?" stop ambient scene w2_6921 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" "Even after serving Samson..." "Poor Nicolette was truly being put through the wringer tonight." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6922 with dissolve sam "Holy shit. Hurry up, Eric." sam "I want a turn." "Seems her night was just beginning." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "label w2ExMercedesB:" KN_MOD "if w2ExMercedesBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExMercedesBRepeat = True scene w2_6923 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaBRepeat == True:" "Yet another piece of human art, although the two men standing in front of this one didn't seem as interested." KN_MOD "else:" "One of the house girls was put on display, strapped into some sort of device. The two men in front of her didn't seem all that interested though." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6924 with dissolve "They look to be having a pretty lively conversation..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "label w2ExFreeRoamEnd:" KN_MOD "if w2ExKathleenBRepeat == False:" $ w2ExKathleenBRepeat = True scene w2_6925 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(There's Mrs. Pulman and...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(There's Kathleen and...)" "An ugly, fat, naked old man." scene w2_6926 with dissolve "If I go over there right now, I may just get pulled into something for the rest of the night." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Go over there.:" KN_MOD "jump w2ExKathleenB" KN_MOD "Kill time some other ways first:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(I'll go have a peek elsewhere first.)" KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6925 with dissolve "Should I go over there finally?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Go speak with Mrs. Pulman.:" KN_MOD "jump w2ExKathleenB" KN_MOD "Kill time some other ways first.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(I'll go have a peek elsewhere first.)" KN_MOD "jump w2ExVelvetRoom" KN_MOD "label w2ExKathleenB:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_6927 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]. I'm glad you found your way here." scene w2_6928 with dissolve kat "Sit down, won't you?" shel "Plenty of room." scene w2_6929 with dissolve "...the only seat being next to the naked congressman currently getting blown." scene w2_6930 with dissolve mc "Thank you." "I left as much \"polite\" space between us as physically possible." play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w2_6931 with dissolve kat "Have you been enjoying yourself like I asked?" scene w2_6932 with dissolve mc "I've... mingled. {b}Observed{/b}." scene w2_6933 with dissolve kat "Just \"mingled\"...? That won't do." scene w2_6934 with dissolve kat "Andrea, see that [mcf] doesn't get cold." scene w2_6935 with dissolve andrea "Yes, Mrs. Pulman." mc "I'm... ah...!" scene w2_6936 with cmet "Before I could finish, a fat-ass redhead had invaded my person." scene w2_6937 with dissolve mc "Mr. O'Doherty looks lonelier than I do..." scene w2_6938 with dissolve "Not that I personally minded a lap warmer, the woman on top of me was beautiful and voluptuous." scene w2_6939 with dissolve "*Fwhup... chwup... hhuuwhp...!*" "'twas a nice distraction from the less palatable sight next to me." scene w2_6940 with dissolve jim "Don't worry... If I get cold..." scene w2_6941 with dissolve jim "Kathy will keep me warm, won't you?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "For the brief moment, there was a glimmer of something repulsive and violent in Mrs. Pulman's eyes." KN_MOD "else:" "For the brief moment, there was a glimmer of something repulsive and violent in Kathleen's eyes." scene w2_6942 with dissolve kat "Jim, what I have told you...?" scene w2_6943 with dissolve "She caught herself though, quickly swallowing the bile and adopting a warm smile." scene w2_6942 with dissolve kat "Don't touch me, you {b}greased{/b} pig." scene w2_6943 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_6944 with dissolve jim "Ha! I almost lost this, didn't I?" scene w2_6945 with dissolve kat "Are you sure you don't want me to find you a girl? I could call up Alison if you like." kat "I know she was your favorite last year." scene w2_6946 with dissolve jim "She's still on the hook, eh? You're scarier than your husband." scene w2_6947 with dissolve shel "Speaking of, how is Judge Pulman?" kat "Albert is fine." scene w2_6948 with dissolve jim "Is he going to seek re-election?" kat "He hasn't decided. It's still too early." scene w2_6949 with dissolve shel "He's getting quite old." kat "Is he...?" shel "It's good to know when to bow out gracefully and give the newly deserving a chance to serve with honor." scene w2_6950 with dissolve kat "Thank your wife for me, Shelby. Her contributions to Eden Women's Relief Fund mean a lot." kat "I hope she'll--" scene w2_6951 with dissolve "*{b}Booop!{/b}*" mct "(She...)" scene w2_6952 with dissolve andrea "Hey!" "Booped me?" scene w2_6953 with dissolve mc "{i}Hey{/i}..." scene w2_6954 with dissolve andrea "Hehe...!" "She giggled with a genuine geniality, so totally out of place for her profession." scene w2_6955 with dissolve andrea "I know you don't care about what they're talking about, so put your arms around me instead, alright?" scene w2_6956 with dissolve mc "Why would I...?" scene w2_6957 with dissolve andrea "Hmpfh!" scene w2_6958 with dissolve andrea "Do you need a good reason to grab hold of something sexy, plump, and soft?" scene w2_6959 with dissolve mc "No, I don't, I guess..." scene w2_6960 with dissolve andrea "Thanks. Just wanna do what the boss lady asked me to, y'know?" KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == fulfilled:" scene w2_6961 with dissolve andrea "Never seen the young prince sniff up that tree." scene w2_6962 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorIan == True:" "Looked like Ian finally found Emma so he could occupy her time away from the rest of the patrons." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorChuck == True:" "Looked like Ian finally found Emma so he could tell her she had the night off." scene w2_6963 with dissolve mc "How long have you been here?" scene w2_6964 with dissolve andrea "Just a few months. I started in the spring." andrea "Guess that makes me your senior." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_6965 with dissolve mc "Can I ask you something?" scene w2_6966 with dissolve andrea "Anything!" mc "How long have you been here?" andrea "Just a few months. I started in the spring - heh, which I guess technically makes me your senior!" scene w2_6967 with dissolve andrea "Feel free to call me big sis if you like." scene w2_6968 with dissolve mc "How..." scene w2_6969 with dissolve mc "*Whispering* How'd Emma get those bruises?" KN_MOD "if w2TIWarrenDaliaRepeat:" "I wanted to confirm what I suspected from overhearing Dalia and Warren's conversation yesterday." scene w2_6970 with dissolve andrea "Ah, that... ooohf... uh..." scene w2_6971 with dissolve andrea "*Whispering* Warren got a lil' more than handsy." "I was surprised she was so honest." scene w2_6969 with dissolve mc "*Whispering* He makes a habit out of that?" "I don't know why I was asking. Knowing he's an abusive piece of shit didn't do me any favors." scene w2_6970 with dissolve andrea "Well..." "I couldn't fire him and it wasn't like I was going to quit..." scene w2_6972 with dissolve andrea "I don't think so? Haven't been here very long, remember...?" scene w2_6971 with dissolve andrea "*Whispering* Dalia warned us it was a once in a blue moon thing." scene w2_6973 with dissolve mc "Hmm... thanks for being so candid with me." scene w2_6972 with dissolve andrea "The only people you should lie to are the customers." scene w2_6973 with dissolve mc "Did Dalia teach you that?" scene w2_6974 with dissolve andrea "Hehe, nope! My mom!" andrea "She sold bridal dresses!" scene w2_6975 with dissolve mc "Of course, she did!" "I didn't know if her air headedness was an act or not, but Andrea was doing a good job putting me at ease. I could see why she worked here." scene w2_6976 with dissolve shel "Ah, fuck me, I'm about to explode...!" shel "Since you aren't doing such a great job making me cum..." mct "(Guess he's about to...)" scene w2_6977 with dissolve shel "You can at least be a proper fucking toilet bowl!" "Piss...?!" scene w2_6978 with dissolve cass "Ghh....?!" scene e2_freebeer_a with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/gulp.wav" show e2_freebeer shel "Ah... drink it until your belly is full, you slut!" cass "*Glug, glug... gluhg...!*" shel "I got a lot more where that came from!" cass "*Glug, glug...!*" stop ambient scene w2_6979 with dissolve cass "Pffwhbh...!" "That moment at ease was fleeting, as I watched a man piss down a woman's throat." kat "Charming." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Naturally, neither Mrs. Pulman nor the corrupt police chief batted an eye." KN_MOD "else:" "Naturally, neither Kathleen nor the corrupt police chief batted an eye." scene w2_6980 with dissolve cass "Ha... ha...! T-thank..." cass "Thank you for the drink, sir..." scene w2_6981 with dissolve shel "Good girl. You took it well." scene w2_6982 with dissolve shel "Anyone else need to go? The toilet's free! Ha!" scene w2_6983 with dissolve jim "I'm good you weird fuck." scene w2_6984 with dissolve mc "Yeah... I went before I came..." "Thankfully the sadist in me was more surprised than excited." scene w2_6985 with dissolve kat "Well, now..." scene w2_6986 with dissolve kat "[mcf]. Would you mind letting everyone who's left in the lounge and halls know that they should make their way to the exhibition hall?" scene w2_6987 with dissolve mc "It's still a little early, isn't it?" scene w2_6988 with dissolve kat "Well we..." scene w2_6989 with dissolve kat "Got to give people notice so they can finish what they're doing. Understand?" mc "Right. Makes sense..." scene w2_6990 with dissolve mc "What about the Carnations?" scene w2_6991 with dissolve kat "Them? Oh..." scene w2_6992 with dissolve kat "I've already got them.... {i}plated{/i} nicely." scene w2_6993 with dissolve kat "Everyone! May I have your attention please!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == promised:" $ w2ExEmmaFavor = "fulfilled" $ w2ExEmmaFavorSolo = True $ Jacob_Friendship += 1 play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene w2_6994 with dissolve mc "Emma!" "As everyone was getting ready to move over into the exhibition hall, I found a moment where Emma was unattended." emma "...ah!" "She jumped at being called." scene w2_6995 with dissolve emma "...yes, sir?" mc "I didn't mean to startle you." emma "Oh, no, y-you didn't..." scene w2_6996 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_6997 with dissolve mc "You're not very convincing." scene w2_6998 with dissolve emma "Did you need something?" scene w2_6999 with dissolve mc "Actually, I did. Mrs. Pulman encouraged me to enjoy the night as if I'm a patron and..." scene w2_7000 with dissolve "I stopped myself short of touching the rattled woman, thinking better of it." scene w2_7001 with dissolve mc "I want you to go to Mahogany Room, set up a video camera, and strap yourself into that fancy leather saddle that's in there." mc "Endure it until well after the exhibition ends." scene w2_7002 with dissolve emma "Umm... why?" scene w2_7003 with dissolve mc "Maybe because I enjoy seeing women like you squirm?" "...and have video proof she was acting on behalf of my desires, should anyone miss her." scene w2_7002 with dissolve emma "You just want me to sit in an empty room for--" scene w2_7001 with dissolve mc "{b}That's an order{/b}. From Mrs. Pulman to me to you." mc "Don't go too crazy with settings though, okay? Just... make yourself comfortable." scene w2_7002 with dissolve emma "You're saying two different--" scene w2_7004 with dissolve mc "{b}Go{/b}." emma "Ah, y-yes sir!" scene w2_7005 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Emma hurried off. With the promise I made to Jacob taken care of, I set on Mrs. Pulman's task of rounding up any stragglers." KN_MOD "else:" "Emma hurried off. With the promise I made to Jacob taken care of, I set on Kathleen's task of rounding up any stragglers." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExStart" KN_MOD "label w2ExStart:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transition_training session with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june13night" scene w2_7006 with curtains show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The curtains opened on the event just as they had last week, with the night's guests trickling in from various parts of the building." "Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, lightly drunk and engorged on the establishment's pleasures, but that was just an appetizer." play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" scene w2_7007 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman stood eerily unmoving at center stage, waiting for things to settle down so she might begin her twisted spectacle." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen stood eerily unmoving at center stage, waiting for things to settle down so she might begin her twisted spectacle." scene w2_7008 with dissolve show june13night with squares "The Carnations, I discovered, were already on stage, put on display." "Primed and ready to be served up to the crowd." mct "(So this is what she meant by \"plated nicely\"...)" scene w2_7009 with dissolve "Hana stood next to me, and I in turn, found a place next to Ian. We were the only ones here south of forty, after all." scene w2_7010 with dissolve kil "You ever catch the start of one of these things?" scene w2_7011 with dissolve hana "I haven't had the \"pleasure\", fortunately." scene w2_7012 with dissolve mc "Get ready for a lot of talking." scene w2_7013 with dissolve hana "If only it were just talking..." scene w2_7014 with dissolve kil "Nervous, {i}Miss Rhodes{/i}?" scene w2_7015 with dissolve hana "Fuck off, you chode." scene w2_7016 with dissolve kil "After all your holier-than-thou shit, you're going to willingly graduate to pimp? Kinda fuckin' hilarious if you ask me." scene w2_7015 with dissolve hana "Then why aren't I laughing?" scene w2_7012 with dissolve mc "You properly introduce yourself to Felicia and Rosalind?" scene w2_7013 with dissolve hana "Yeah, it went a little better than with the scary big lady." scene w2_7012 with dissolve mc "Yeah, they're a little more congenial..." scene w2_7009 with dissolve kat "Is everyone settled and ready to begin?" scene w2_7017 with dissolve "A hush fell over the exhibition hall and all attention was on the stage. Things were about to begin." "A knot formed in the pit of my stomach and suddenly I was all too keenly aware of the overbearing lights blanketing the stage." scene w2_7018 with dissolve kat "Excellent. Then without further delay, tonight's theme is... {b}humbleness{/b}." kat "It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." scene w2_7019 with dissolve kat "So, I ask you devils, do these three caged women resemble angels?" scene w2_7020 with dissolve "The rhetorical question quieted what was left of the crowd's murmuring." scene w2_7021 with dissolve kat "No, no they absolutely don't, do they?" kat "Caged up like this, they look more like livestock." scene w2_7019 with dissolve kat "Well, {b}don't be fooled{/b}. Tarnished as it is, they each have their pride." scene w2_7028 with dissolve kat "In their need, they mistake themselves as deserving." scene w2_7022 with dissolve kat "Success...." scene w2_7023 with dissolve kat "Self-image..." scene w2_7024 with dissolve kat "Motherhood." scene w2_7025 with dissolve kat "Each an admirable pursuit, made a twisted mockery when seated in the mind of {b}failures{/b}." scene w2_7026 with dissolve kat "Such as, these sources of dignity are cancerous tumors in need of excision - and tonight, for your viewing pleasure, I will be the surgeon." scene w2_7027 with dissolve kat "The root word humiliation comes from Latin, meaning to \"humble.\"" scene w2_7026 with dissolve kat "I will endeavor to humble these bitches and mold them into beautiful angels." scene w2_7028 with dissolve kat "...but I challenge them. {b}Endure{/b}." scene w2_7027 with dissolve kat "Angels are pitiful creatures, devoid of free will in heralding the vanities of their master." scene w2_7025 with dissolve kat "{b}Humility need not be a virtue{/b}. In fact, humbleness can be a deadly weapon." scene w2_7026 with dissolve kat "Shame need not topple you. In fact, it can give you strength." scene w2_7028 with dissolve kat "In humiliation, there is meaning. In--" scene w2_7029 with dissolve ver "Bullshit." scene w2_7030 with dissolve kat "Ha! You think, Miss Lynch? What say you, Mrs. Carter...?" scene w2_7031 with dissolve kat "Will you let humiliation destroy your resolve or will you use it to show our valued patrons what inner-strength looks like?" scene w2_7032 with dissolve rose "...I... I'll do my best, Mrs. Pulman." scene w2_7031 with dissolve kat "You'll do your best? Oh dear, you dumb cow..." scene w2_7033 with dissolve kat "Felicia?" kat "What do you think about all this?" scene w2_7034 with dissolve fel "Shame is, like all things of mind, a matter of perception." scene w2_7035 with dissolve kat "Ha! Leave it to a gold-digging whore to claim she has no shame." scene w2_7021 with dissolve kat "There you have it gentlemen. Our Carnations are going to prove I'm just an ineffectual, inept old woman tonight, incapable of imprisoning their spirits." scene w2_7019 with dissolve kat "Please, enjoy the night's entertainment." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7036 with dissolve kat "Warren, get our \"princess\" out of her cage and on her knees. She went third last week, it is only proper she begins the night." scene w2_7037 with dissolve war "Yes, Ma'am." scene w2_7038 with dissolve kat "Hana, come up here for a moment dear. I want you to have a better look at our guests." scene w2_7039 with dissolve hana "Ah, shit, here I go..." scene w2_7040 with dissolve mc "Good luck..." scene w2_7041 with dissolve "Just as Hana took to the stage, they were joined by Veronica who had been guided and forced to her knees." scene w2_7042 with dissolve war "Har har har, good bitch." scene w2_7043 with dissolve kat "Now then..." scene w2_7044 with dissolve kat "I wanted you to get a good look at our patrons, Hana." play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" scene w2_7045 with dissolve "Hana surprised me. She put on a confident face, keeping her shoulders straight and her eyes on the crowd." scene w2_7046 with dissolve kat "These are the faces of those that afford your mother's care." kat "It's not only you, either. We {b}all{/b} owe a lot to them." scene w2_7045 with dissolve "That was true. In a roundabout way, these men were paying for my college..." scene w2_7047 with dissolve kat "If you don't have a passing acquittance with August's daughter, then you at least are familiar with her glowering face." kat "Allow me to formally introduce to you my fellow judge of tonight's game, Miss Hana Rhodes. She's elected to take a more active interest in our activities." scene w2_7046 with dissolve kat "In time, {b}you may even come to regard this place as hers{/b}." scene w2_7045 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_7048 with dissolve hana "Ah, ha..." scene w2_7049 with dissolve hana "Hello." scene w2_7050 with dissolve "The crowd murmured in salutation, a mixture of curious expressions and lecherous grins." scene w2_7051 with dissolve kat "Yes, indeed! She will be an arbiter of our Carnations' fate tonight!" scene w2_7052 with dissolve hana "What do I have to do, exactly...?" scene w2_7053 with dissolve kat "You only need to watch and appraise, to decide who in their abjection, most finely displayed their determination and will." scene w2_7054 with dissolve hana "How the...?" "...{i}how the fuck do you judge that?{/i} Hana's look said it all." hana "I don't know what that looks like." scene w2_7055 with dissolve kat "You'll know it when you see it. What I ask of you tonight is to simply not look away and to observe closely." scene w2_7056 with dissolve kat "Contemplate why this proud and accomplished woman, who has contempt for anyone and everyone here - you included, dearie - is on her knees right now before us." kat "Why do you think that is, Miss Rhodes?" scene w2_7057 with dissolve hana "She's desperate and you're taking advantage." scene w2_7058 with dissolve kat "So true, but there's more to it than that..." scene w2_7059 with dissolve kat "Look up at Hana, slut." ver "Ha... give me a break..." scene w2_7060 with dissolve kat "Miss Lynch is trying to save her business, having lived her whole life chasing after a standard not a single human being could possibly live up to." kat "I dare say it's not her fault that her expectations are so high, but I'll go into that later." scene w2_7061 with dissolve kat "Now, Mrs. Carter..." kat "Her husband left her in a bad state, footing a bill made of his own stupidity and greed. Yet, it didn't happen overnight. There was an escalation of behavior." scene w2_7062 with dissolve kat "Ask yourself, why did she stick around and tolerate that fool for so long, even though the writing was on the wall?" scene w2_7063 with dissolve kat "Lastly we have Mrs. Ford. A woman who has spent a lifetime running away from the past and brilliantly distancing herself from her origins." kat "She's rich and she {i}says{/i} she's here for the kick of it. {b}What. {w}The fuck. {w}Is up. {w}With that?{/b}" scene w2_7064 with dissolve kat "Maybe tonight, I'll find answers to those questions myself. All you are required to do, however, is to commit their pathetic expressions to memory." scene w2_7065 with dissolve kat "By the end of the night, {b}you will feel something{/b}. You may not find it beautiful like I will, but you will feel something." scene w2_7064 with dissolve kat "You'll know who shined the most defiantly. You'll recognize who gave the most of themselves away, yet paradoxically, ended the night with more parts than they started with." scene w2_7066 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Hana's disgust with Mrs. Pulman was written plain as day on her face." KN_MOD "else:" "Hana's disgust with Kathleen was written plain as day on her face." scene w2_7067 with dissolve hana "I..." scene w2_7068 with dissolve hana "Whatever." "She didn't let it out." scene w2_7069 with dissolve kat "Good enough." kat "Now, one last thing..." scene w2_7070 with dissolve kat "The photoshoot." scene w2_7071 with dissolve mc "Welcome back." scene w2_7070 with dissolve hana "......" hana "..." mct "(I bet she's wishing she didn't talk to them before the show...)" kat "The photoshoot that received the most votes tonight was..." KN_MOD "if w2FelShootPoints >= w2RoseShootPoints and w2FelShootPoints >= w2VeroShootPoints:" $ w2ShootWinnerFel = True scene w2_7072 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Ford. Congratulations, pig." scene w2_7073 with dissolve fel "I expected as much with that bullshit you pulled." scene w2_7072 with dissolve kat "You didn't react quite how I'd hoped." scene w2_7073 with dissolve fel "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Mrs. P." scene w2_7072 with dissolve kat "Oh, don't mention it. I'll get my gratification another way tonight." scene w2_7074 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_7075 with dissolve fel "So, what do I win?" scene w2_7076 with dissolve kat "Oh, good question..." kat "Hmm, let's see..." scene w2_7077 with dissolve hana "*Whispering* Does she really not know or is she just being a cunt?" kil "*Whispering* Could be both." mc "*Whispering* Definitely the last part..." scene w2_7072 with dissolve kat "You have the audience's vote. Now all you need is one more vote, from either Hana or myself, and you'll be crowned tonight's winner. Congratulations." scene w2_7073 with dissolve fel "So it's in the bag then?" scene w2_7078 with dissolve kat "{size=-10}Oh, you stupid whore...{/size=-10}" KN_MOD "elif w2RoseShootPoints >= w2VeroShootPoints and w2RoseShootPoints >= w2FelShootPoints:" $ w2ShootWinnerRose = True scene w2_7079 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Carter, amazingly! Good job, you fat-titted cow." scene w2_7080 with dissolve rose "Ah...!" hana "{size=-10}Shit, her first reaction is to smile... fuckin' gut-wrenchin'...{/size=-10}" scene w2_7081 with dissolve rose "So, I... what does that mean?" scene w2_7082 with dissolve kat "Oh, I did say you'd get an advantage didn't I?" kat "Hmm, let's see..." scene w2_7077 with dissolve hana "*Whispering* Does she really not know or is she just being a cunt?" kil "*Whispering* Could be both." mc "*Whispering* Definitely the last part..." scene w2_7083 with dissolve kat "You have the audience's vote. Now all you need is one more vote, from either Hana or myself, and you'll be crowned tonight's winner." rose "Oh, o-okay... great..." KN_MOD "else:" $ w2ShootWinnerVero = True scene w2_7084 with dissolve kat "Miss Lynch. Guess most people liked seeing a bitch be put in her proper place." scene w2_7085 with dissolve ver "{b}Great{/b}." scene w2_7084 with dissolve kat "Isn't it? You worked so hard, crawling around on your hands and knees." scene w2_7085 with dissolve ver "What's my prize?" scene w2_7086 with dissolve kat "I did promise something, didn't I?" kat "Hmm, let's see..." scene w2_7077 with dissolve hana "*Whispering* Does she really not know or is she just being a cunt?" kil "*Whispering* Could be both." mc "*Whispering* Definitely the last part..." scene w2_7087 with dissolve kat "You have the audience's vote. Now all you need is one more vote, from either Hana or myself, and you'll be crowned tonight's winner. Aren't you happy?" ver "Not at all, you crazy cunt." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7088 with dissolve kat "Now! Let's say we begin. Warren, Mr. Beaufort... bring out the equipment." scene w2_7089 with dissolve kat "You'll be my shadow tonight, Mr. [mcl]." mct "(What does that mean...?)" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "label w2ExVeronicaHumiliation:" scene w2_7090 with w20 "I quickly had my answer." play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene w2_7091 with dissolve mct "(She's waiting, and everyone's watching. Hana included.)" scene w2_7092 with dissolve "{b}Hana especially{/b}." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I was to follow Mrs. Pulman's lead tonight, and in her words, do what felt natural." KN_MOD "else:" "I was to follow Kathleen's lead tonight, and in her words, do what felt natural." scene w2_7093 with dissolve "...and her first item of instruction, while she took a brief leave, was to take these steel handcuffs and restrain the vaguely nervous-looking bodybuilder." scene w2_7094 with dissolve mc "Sorry, Veronica. I'm to cuff you..." scene w2_7095 with dissolve ver "Don't apologize so flippantly. It's annoying." scene w2_7096 with dissolve mc "Sorry about that." scene w2_7097 with dissolve ver "Well...? Go ahead." scene w2_7098 with dissolve mc "'Fraid not. Hands behind your back." scene w2_7099 with dissolve ver "You like saying that, you little pervert? I can hear it in your voice." scene w2_7100 with dissolve mc "Everyone's waiting." mc "As you like to say, \"let's get this over with.\" So, just turn around, please." scene w2_7101 with dissolve "Flashing a smirk, she did as requested and turned her broad and beautifully sculpted back my direction." mc "Hands, please." scene w2_7102 with dissolve "Bending over slightly, Veronica offered me her hands, placing them directly above her shapely, muscular ass." mct "(Certainly a nice sight...)" play sound "sound effects/handcuffs.wav" scene black with fade "She wasn't too far off with her accusation, was she [mcf]?" scene w2_7103 with dissolve mc "It's not too tight I hope." scene w2_7104 with dissolve ver "It's better if it is, am I right?" scene w2_7105 with dissolve ver "*Whispering* The rules of this game are pretty fucking vague. I don't know if I'm supposed to resist or pretend to be humiliated." scene w2_7106 with dissolve mc "Come on..." scene w2_7107 with dissolve "All eyes were on us." scene w2_7108 with dissolve mc "*Whispering* You and I both know you won't have to pretend. It's just a question of if you drop the tough act or not." scene w2_7109 with dissolve ver "...let's get this over with." scene w2_7110 with dissolve mc "Over there, Miss Lynch." scene w2_7111 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I watched her lightly sashay to where she would next be bound, the second step in the missing Mrs. Pulman's instructions." KN_MOD "else:" "I watched her lightly sashay to where she would next be bound, the second step in the missing old woman's instructions." scene w2_7112 with dissolve ver "I think I know what's next." mc "Bend over." scene w2_7113 with dissolve "Veronica allowed my light push to carry her body forward, draping her torso over the leather perch and giving me an eyeful of her sizably broad behind." scene w2_7114 with dissolve "I felt like giving it a little smack..." mct "(I am supposed to do what came naturally, but...)" scene w2_7115 with dissolve "Hana's eyes were glued to both of us, watching with apprehension of what's to come. It was likely she was going to see me do unsavory things as part of my job, but did I want to add to that?" "Do I care if I disgust her?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_7114 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "A *small* smack wouldnt hurt.:" $ Hana_Affection -= 1 $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 scene w2_7116 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7117 with vpunch "*Smack!*" scene w2_7114 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm going to handcuff your legs now." "Shit. That had a louder crack than I intended." KN_MOD "Give her butt a rub instead.:" $ Veronica_Horniness +=1 scene w2_7118 with dissolve "A compromise. A vaguely innocent touch tracing the curve of Veronica's left buttock." scene w2_7119 with dissolve mc "I'm going to handcuff your legs now, okay?" show screen textbox2 with dissolve ver "Ah..." KN_MOD "Control your urges. Youre not an animal.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm going to handcuff your legs now, okay?" scene w2_7120 with dissolve ver "Guess I'm not going to do much moving. At least this thing is pretty soft." play sound "sound effects/handcuffs.wav" scene black with fade "One leg. Two legs." stop sound stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7121 with dissolve mc "Comfortable?" scene w2_7122 with dissolve ver "Seriously? Not a fucking chance... I'm staring down a bunch of old pricks nearly tits out right now." scene w2_7123 with dissolve mc "Fair point. I ask stupid things sometimes." scene w2_7124 with dissolve ver "...hey. Could you do me a favor, [mcf]?" "It was a shock to hear her address me so directly." mc "What is it?" scene w2_7125 with dissolve ver "*Whispering* I know you're a pervert, so don't even think about going easy on me tonight." scene w2_7126 with dissolve mc "Make it a good show, you mean?" scene w2_7127 with dissolve ver "*Gulp* Uh huh." scene w2_7128 with dissolve mc "We'll see." scene w2_7129 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "With Mrs. Pulman leading the show, there was no danger of that." KN_MOD "else:" "With Kathleen leading the show, there was no danger of that." scene w2_7130 with dissolve kat "Good, she's in position." "Speaking of..." play music "music/thunder.ogg" scene w2_7131 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 1.0 xalign 0.6 linear 10 yalign 0.15 "Kathleen had rejoined us, minus her pants, and sporting..." "...a giant fuckin' dildo." mct "(Yeeesh...)" "Yeah, there was no danger of Veronica having it easy tonight." scene w2_7132 with dissolve kat "Beautiful. I see you got her strapped in nicely." scene w2_7133 with dissolve kat "Let's not dally then. You gentlemen ready to get to know this dumb slut a little better?" scene w2_7134 with dissolve "The crowd jeered, showing their interest, while Veronica very clearly tried to quiet her mind." scene w2_7135 with dissolve kat "I hope I'll be able to make this encounter as fun as our previous one." kat "However, I won't fuck you until you ask me to. Truly, we can just spend our time talking if that's what you desire." scene w2_7136 with dissolve ver "Oh, yeah...? What's the fucking catch?" ver "You're banking on that I'd rather take a plastic dick than be bored to death by your yapping?" scene w2_7137 with dissolve kat "..." scene w2_7138 with dissolve kat "Tell me, what are you afraid of?" scene w2_7139 with dissolve ver "Uh... what? {b}Normal shit{/b}." scene w2_7138 with dissolve kat "What's your greatest fear?" scene w2_7139 with dissolve ver "That the people I care about will be hurt, I guess?" scene w2_7140 with dissolve kat "Really? I call bullshit!" kat "You don't have anyone you care about. At least, not anymore." kat "Unless... don't tell me you're still hung up on that pretty ex-wife of yours?" scene w2_7141 with dissolve ver "Don't bring her into this!" scene w2_7142 with dissolve kat "Pssh! My, you're easy!" kat "If that's how you feel, you should've worked more on your marriage than you did your failing business." scene w2_7143 with dissolve ver "That has nothing to do with it. She wanted kids and I didn't." scene w2_7142 with dissolve kat "That WAS a convenient excuse, wasn't it? You could convince yourself it wasn't a personal {b}failing{/b}, so you could begrudgingly let go." scene w2_7144 with dissolve ver "Things just don't work out sometimes between people and that's okay..." scene w2_7145 with dissolve kat "Don't look away from me unless you're ready for me to destroy you, Miss Lynch." scene w2_7146 with dissolve ver "I see... you think I'm going to beg for it just because you annoy me by going for some low-hanging fruit?" scene w2_7147 with dissolve kat "Of course not, that would be boring... Make no mistake bitch, thirty minutes from now and you'll be begging me NOT to stop, when I fuck all your vanity out of the already half-empty head of yours." scene w2_7148 with dissolve kat "I just thought your answer to my question about your biggest fear was... suspect." kat "All my research indicates you live a lonely, pathetic life of your own making. You have no one." scene w2_7149 with dissolve ver "Happiness doesn't come from other people." scene w2_7150 with dissolve kat "Ha! Mr. [mcl]!" scene w2_7151 with dissolve "Like a shadow, I moved as I was beckoned." scene w2_7152 with dissolve mc "Yes?" scene w2_7151 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman's line of questioning even irked me, as I began to grasp how this \"game\" of hers would go." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen's line of questioning even irked me, as I began to grasp how this \"game\" of hers would go." "Dredging up the past, attacking sore spots, getting intimately personal - even in this absurd and ridiculous setting, it felt distasteful." scene w2_7153 with dissolve kat "If you wouldn't mind, would you please get Miss Lynch warmed up for me?" kat "I want to make sure I can easily fit when the time comes." scene w2_7151 with dissolve "She was confident Veronica would ask her to begin." scene w2_7152 with dissolve mc "How should I...?" scene w2_7154 with dissolve kat "*Whispering* Whatever you please, short of fucking her yourself. That would otherwise defeat the purpose of the scene I'm crafting." scene w2_7155 with dissolve mct "(Whatever I want to, huh...?)" scene w2_7156 with dissolve "Why do I keep getting distracted by her watching?" "Is it cause she's the only one here with any sense of decency?" scene w2_7157 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_7158 with dissolve "Compartmentalize, [mcf]. I've accepted my part in this for my own self-gain." "Everything else is just noise." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Focus on Veronicas comfort.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 " is what it is." scene w2_7159 with dissolve "My job is to help Veronica get through the night and to that end, as improbable as it was considering she's shackled butt naked to a stool, I would attempt to give her a brief window of pleasure." mc "*Whispering* Don't hold this against me when you get untied, alright?" scene w2_7160 with dissolve ver "I probably will, but what are you..." scene w2_7161 with dissolve ver "Hmpfh?" "With a slight touch, I tilted Veronica's head and conjoined our lips." "This, no doubt, from someone she found contemptable wouldn't do it under normal circumstances, but it was a start." scene vero_e2_warmup1_a with dissolve show vero_e2_warmup1 mc "Hmaa...!" "A kiss to ease things into more carnal waters." ver "...ehh?" "...and how could I not, with it just hanging there?" ver "Hnngh...!" "My thumb caught and encircled at the redhead's areola through the fabric of her top, before fitting as much as I could of the full thing in my hand." ver "Hnggh...?" "In the same window, I managed to ferret my tongue into the slackjawed woman's mouth, clumsily interweaving the two appendages together." ver "Hnaaah..." "This wouldn't do it either, but it was a start." scene vero_e2_warmup2_a with dissolve show vero_e2_warmup2 "Next, my lips broke from hers, lingering down to Veronica's thick and pale neck." "*Smooch, fwoooh, cwhup...!*" "Small, tingly kisses." ver "Oh... what the..." "Small, varied kisses to suss out where best I might find purchase to tease this particular stretch of erogenous zone." scene w2_7162 with dissolve ver "Ehh..!" mct "(There! I found it!)" scene w2_7163 with dissolve "Wrapping my lips where I deemed Veronica's neck most sensitive, I nibbled and sucked, using my tongue to soften the flushed flesh and then lightly grazing it with my teeth make her flinch." "*Smmfwooch, fwhoop, ch...!*" scene w2_7164 with dissolve ver "D-damn it... what the hell are you doing, you weirdo?" ver "You think this is the kind of situation where you just go necking on a woman?" scene w2_7165 with dissolve ver "*Whispering* Read the room, you're boring everyone." "That was likely true, but..." scene w2_7166 with dissolve mc "Fuck everyone else." scene w2_7167 with dissolve "I deliberately said it loud enough for some people to hear, in the dumb hope it might make her feel like I'm on her side." scene w2_7168 with dissolve mc "I know I'm not choice, but at least..." scene w2_7169 with dissolve mc "*Whispering* My fat head is partially in the way of your view of those old perverts, am I right?" scene w2_7170 with dissolve ver "......" scene w2_7171 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_7172 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaHeated == True:" ver "Do... do my ears... like you last time..." "So, she had a request..." KN_MOD "else:" ver "My ears. My ears are... {i}sensitive{/i}." mct "(Is she directing me to...?)" scene w2_7173 with dissolve mc "Okay!" scene w2_7174 with dissolve "Feeling like I had gained a little of Veronica's trust, I moved my attention to her earlobe." ver "Hmm...!" "A jolt of pleasure immediately ran through the Amazon's body, causing a clangorous din as her restraints knocked together." scene w2_7175 with dissolve "In contrast with her overshadowing physique, what rolled across the tip of my tongue was a small, delicate nub like any other woman's." ver "O-ohhh!" scene w2_7176 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2VeronicaHeated == True:" "Just like a few days ago, it proved VERY effective." KN_MOD "else:" "I'll be damned, she wasn't kidding. Her ears were the ticket." ver "Gaah...!" "Sweet moans gradually began to escape her lips." scene w2_7177 with dissolve sam "I'll be damned, that frigid bitch actually asked for something." jim "She didn't seem frigid last week." scene w2_7178 with dissolve hana "..." frank "Look at her expression. She's actually feeling it from just her ears!" scene w2_7179 with dissolve ver "Nggh, haat...!" "The way her neck twitched and jerked made delicately balancing her ear between my teeth a mindful task, conscientious as I was of not hurting the woman in the grasp. " scene w2_7180 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman's voice pulled me away from my ear buffet." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen's voice pulled me away from my ear buffet." scene w2_7181 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am?" scene w2_7182 with dissolve kat "Switch ends, will you? I have some stuff I want to talk about with Miss Lynch." scene w2_7183 with dissolve ver "Oh, great..." scene w2_7184 with dissolve mc "Focus on the feeling. Don't think about me or whatever the old woman is going to do with you, okay?" scene w2_7185 with dissolve "I was asking something preposterous, but mind over matter seemed right up Veronica's alley." scene w2_7186 with dissolve "Slipping behind the silent redhead, I once again got an eyeful of her beautifully buff butt." "A sight fat and juicy enough to make a man want to dive in." KN_MOD "Put on a good show for the crowd.:" $ Hana_Affection -= 1 $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 $ Veronica_Affection += 1 $ w2ExPointsVeronica += 1 "Hana's feelings aside, Veronica did ask me not to take it easy on her." scene w2_7187 with dissolve mc "I'm going to just jump into it." scene w2_7188 with dissolve ver "What are you waiting for then?" scene w2_7189 with dissolve mc "Suck on them." scene w2_7190 with dissolve mc "The wetter the better." scene w2_7191 with dissolve ver "...yeah, I gotcha." scene w2_7192 with dissolve "In an agreeable display, Veronica pried apart her lips, giving me unfettered access to her mouth." "From my position above, I had a tantalizingly clear view of the soft lining of her throat and her deliciously pink tongue anxiously wriggling around." scene w2_7193 with dissolve mc "Have at it." "Like a venus fly trap being sprung, her mouth immediately enclosed on my fingertips the moment they touched the back of her throat." scene vero_e2_fsuck_a with dissolve show vero_e2_fsuck "*Chwup, fhwhuup~*" "Veronica made it intentionally theatrical, sucking on my digits to produce an exaggerated popping sound that could be heard well across the room." "As she did so, she peered up at me with a raging fire burning in her eyes." ver "Mmhh... *Chwup, fwhup..!*" "It was a complicated expression. A submissive display married with overpowering spirit..." ver "*Fwhh----uuuch!*" mct "(Damn it...)" "As cool as I was trying to play it..." ver "Fwuuuch, chwwwup, swwwup...!*" scene w2_7194 with dissolve ver "Fmmh... *cough, cough!* *Cwhup, fwwwup!* MMmh... *cough!*" "That look in Veronica's eyes had spurred me on.." "I moved as far back into her mouth as she would allow passage, grazing the back of her throat and unleashing a deluge of sticky saliva that drenched my fingers. " scene w2_7195 with dissolve ver "Mmmh, *cwhup, fwhup...!* *cough!* *Chwup, chwhuuup...!*" "My rudeness didn't impede her fervor, however. Her lips held my fingers firm, suctioning strong and strangling them with her tongue." mc "Ah...! That's..." scene w2_7196 with dissolve mc "Enough." "After all, I'm not the one supposed to be getting turned on here." scene w2_7197 with dissolve "I freed my fingers from the snake-like grip of her mouth and they were truly and sufficiently lubed up." mc "..." scene w2_7198 with dissolve ver "Well, what are you waiting for now?" "She's right." scene w2_7199 with dissolve ver "Ghukk!" "I had a job to do." scene w2_7200 with dissolve "I forgot I had more than two dozen eyes staring a hole in my back." "Best get to it." scene w2_7201 with dissolve "With my hand on Veronica's throat, I moved to her flank." scene w2_7202 with dissolve ver "Ah, hatta...!" "Perhaps surprisingly, my cold and wet finger disappeared into Veronica's fiery hot depths with relative ease." scene w2_7203 with dissolve mc "Get a good view of the crowd." "Probably not a bad trait to have when you're a bodybuilder." scene w2_7204 with dissolve ver "Hnng, just get on with it, you prick." scene w2_7203 with dissolve mc "Alright..." scene vero_e2_finger1_a with dissolve show vero_e2_finger1 ver "Ah...!" "Without fanfare, I set to it. Furiously fingering the redhead's hole without any appreciable buildup." ver "Nghh, whooaaah...!" mc "Look everyone in the eyes!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Taking a page from Mrs. Pulman's book, I decided to play showman a little." KN_MOD "else:" "Taking a page from Kathleen's book, I decided to play showman a little." mc "They're here for you, slut." "With a firm grip on Veronica's neck, I made sure everyone had a clear view of her face." ver "Haa... I see 'em!" scene w2_7205 with dissolve ver "I see a bunch of limp-dicked old farts with one foot in the grave." scene w2_7206 with dissolve "I had to stop myself from agreeing with her." hana "..." scene vero_e2_finger1_a with dissolve show vero_e2_finger1 "Veronica's acidic strategy aside, her body was physically responding to my rough treatment." "*Schlick, fwhlich...!*" ver "Haaa... c'mon, you can do better than this, can't you errand boy?" "*Fwhichk, slhiiick, slhick...!*" "Her spit on my fingers was quickly replaced by her other mouth's excretions, making gliding in and out of her sloppy hole an easy task." ver "Ha, haa.... you call this a warm up?" scene vero_e2_finger2_a with dissolve show vero_e2_finger2 "Her words were at odds with her hips, bucking back into my hand with repeated numbing impact." "Honestly, going this angle, this hard... I couldn't go any faster if I wanted to." ver "Haa, haaa...." "My hand was already hurting." ver "Ha, mmmhhha.... give me... something to work with here... I'm a big gal..." ver "Elsewise, I... ha... might just vomit looking at all these ugly faces." "Not quite convincing when being choked out in breathy moans, but..." jim "I preferred when she was sucking. She was a lot more quiet." ver "Oh, yeah..." scene vero_e2_finger3_a with dissolve show vero_e2_finger3 chuck "Ha! Amazing!" "Veronica, surprisingly, accommodated the man's request, wrestling her neck from my grip just enough to wedge my finger into her mouth." ver "Bwuhtter, ywhoo fhatt fhwuck?" frank "I really like this one. Better than all the ones from last year combined." jiji "I agree!" "It seemed she got the reaction she was hoping for." scene vero_e2_finger4_a with dissolve show vero_e2_finger4 "To my surprise, despite my aching wrist, I miraculously found the wherewithal to go faster." ver "Ha, haa... fhucking... fhwwlooodd...!" "She wasn't sucking on it as she did before, but the gesture was enough to conjure that indomitable image in my mind." ver "Ha... haaahht...! Thwereshnh ehy ess, gwreeenbboowy!" ver "Ha, haa...!" "Her strained voice made my pants equally as stiff." "*Shlick, shlick, fwhiclkk...!" "Splashes of femcum had made its way past my top knuckles by this point, nearly reaching my wrist." mct "(I--)" scene w2_7207 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]?" scene w2_7208 with dissolve "I had forgotten all about the old woman until her voice pulled me away from her mission." mc "Uh... *ahem, yes, Ma'am?" scene w2_7209 with dissolve kat "Move over and shift tactics, will you? I have some stuff I want to talk about with Miss Lynch." scene w2_7210 with dissolve ver "Haa... whaa... wha...? Oh..." ver "Great..." scene w2_7211 with dissolve "Both of us took a second to process her request." mct "(Guess she still wants me to keep going.)" scene w2_7212 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am." scene w2_7213 with dissolve "Slipping behind the silent redhead, I once again got an eyeful of her beautifully buff butt." "A sight fat and juicy enough to make a man want to dive in." scene vero_e2_mcc_a with dissolve show vero_e2_mcc ver "Eeeuhh...!" kat "Now, where were we?" ver "Ha, whhh--" kat "Oh, that's right. You don't have anyone, do you? Heh...!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "As Mrs. Pulman continued on, so did I, prying open her labia with my lips and tasting her increasingly familiar insides." KN_MOD "else:" "As Kathleen continued on, so did I, prying open her labia with my lips and tasting her increasingly familiar insides." kat "I believe you only speak to your parents during the holidays? Is that right?" "I was taking it slow, circling the outer edges of her lips and exploring the underside of Veronica's exposed clit." "I knew I was going to be down here for quite a while, after all..." scene w2_7214 with dissolve ver "Hwwh-how the hell do you know that...?" scene w2_7215 with dissolve kat "I've learned more about your life than I even cared to, quite frankly. Down to the last frivolous detail." scene w2_7216 with dissolve kat "Why, I've even called up your soft-spoken \"papa\". He seemed nice, if not loose-lipped and slow." scene w2_7217 with dissolve ver "You had no -- bah!" scene w2_7215 with dissolve kat "I had no right? Is that what you were going to say?" scene w2_7216 with dissolve kat "Even for a woman with no public persona like Mrs. Carter, it is {i}concerning{/i} how much information on a person you can legally dig up if you have the know-how, people skills, and reach." scene w2_7218 with dissolve kat "Now, for someone with a public face like yours... ha..." scene vero_e2_mcc_a with dissolve show vero_e2_mcc "Back here, dwarfed by Veronica's wide hips and extraordinarily shapely ass, I felt less a participant and more of a cog in the old woman's prattling." "There was an odd, almost serene comfort being obscured to the crowd and only needing to focus on eating the redheaded beauty out." "To that end, I would be diligent. Leaving no part of her, inside or out, untouched." scene w2_7219 with dissolve kat "I found it interesting that your father is an accomplished athlete in his own right, but you two never really meshed." kat "The workings of human relationships often have such an elaborate underpinning, don't they?" scene w2_7220 with dissolve ver "Mmhh...! Ah...! Don't... read into nothing... you crazy bitch..." scene w2_7221 with dissolve kat "Oh, I'm not drawing any conclusions myself, just broadly painting a picture of the whore in front of me for our wonderful guests." scene w2_7222 with dissolve "Grunts and belabored breaths were my only minor reward, my partner's attention otherwise occupied by the woman in front of her." "The only other proof that Veronica was feeling it was the amalgam of spittle and girl juices that coated Veronica's groin and dripped messily down my chin." scene w2_7223 with dissolve kat "You even went as far as winning a silver medal on the world stage. He must've been proud, but... I don't think you were, were you?" scene w2_7224 with dissolve ver "What are you talking about? Of course I was...!" scene vero_e2_mcc_a with dissolve show vero_e2_mcc kat "Really? That's not what I got from watching your interviews after the fact." "Every lick and lash opened her flower more." "Her inner walls would contract against my tongue, as if welcoming me further in." kat "Oh, sure you put on a sportsman-like face, but your body language made your feelings as clear as day." "So deeper I went with a gentle push, until the tightness of her muscles gave no quarter." ver "Hutt- e-everyone at that level wants to finish first, more than anything. It's normal... to be disappointed... ah!" scene w2_7224 with dissolve kat "I'm sure that is true for most, but for you... it was more than simple disappointment. It was personal, gut-wrenching disgust." kat "You failed there, just as you later did with your marriage." scene w2_7226 with dissolve ver "Fuck you!" "Despite her agitation, her hips had a mind of their own, gently swaying and pushing my nose deeper into her sex, entreating me to an intoxicating mixture of human arousal and soap." scene w2_7225 with dissolve kat "It's true, isn't it? You worked so hard - blood, sweat, and tears - and you came in second. {b}Second.{/b}" scene w2_7227 with dissolve kat "That's just a nice way of saying the first loser, isn't it?!" scene w2_7228 with dissolve ver "Tsk! You-- ah...! Sh-shit...! Aaah-!" scene vero_e2_mcc_a with dissolve show vero_e2_mcc "Every second she was pleasured prevented her from finding firm ground in their exchange. Every time I'd glide my tongue over her clit, she'd stumble over her words." "Veronica, before either of us realized it, was being worn down on both ends in both temperament and sex." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "On an even playing field, Mrs. Pulman's carefully chosen barbs wouldn't likely dredge up this degree of agitation in her, but this wasn't anywhere near an even playing field." KN_MOD "else:" "On an even playing field, Kathleen's carefully chosen barbs wouldn't likely dredge up this degree of agitation in her, but this wasn't anywhere near an even playing field." ver "Gh-- huuuh... damn it...!" "Veronica was shackled, nearly nude, and adorned in a set of goofy lingerie, her emotions on edge from being sexually stimulated publicly." "The old woman had crafted a scenario where Veronica should feel exposed and vulnerable enough for her cruel words to have maximum impact." scene w2_7229 with dissolve ver "Ha... life isn't that simple! Everyone wins and loses!" "The evil was not in the crudeness, but the simplicity of it." scene w2_7230 with dissolve kat "Sure, comfort yourself with that." scene w2_7231 with dissolve kat "You just couldn't cut it athletically or romantically, could you? As hard as you tried, you failed." scene w2_7232 with dissolve ver "Ng, ah...! I cherish my time in athletics, and even more, my time with Lily! You don't know shit!" scene w2_7233 with dissolve kat "So, you have no regrets then?" scene w2_7234 with dissolve ver "That... ah... who doesn't?!" scene w2_7233 with dissolve kat "...but you're not afraid of failing then?" scene w2_7234 with dissolve ver "No one likes failing!" scene w2_7235 with dissolve kat "They don't, that's true." scene w2_7236 with dissolve kat "To every soul here watching you debase yourself, that word is a foul drop of poison on the tongue. It's human to be afraid of failure, but you've taken it to the extreme, no?" scene w2_7235 with dissolve kat "Why else would you be here, doing all this to save your crummy business? You don't want to add another mark of failure to your life!" scene w2_7237 with dissolve ver "Ba-ah, whatever! No shit!" scene w2_7238 with dissolve ver "I poured a lot of money and time into it! It cost me my relationship! I'm not going to let the damn thing die!" ver "Even if I have to toss aside my pride and--" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7239 with dissolve kat "Beautiful! Your resolve is beautiful!" kat "That's what I...!" play ambient "sound effects/kiss2.wav" scene vero_e2_katkiss_a with dissolve show vero_e2_katkiss ver "Gh--?!!" "To my utter disbelief, Kathleen stole a kiss from the bound woman." ver "Mmmh?! Mmhhh...!" "It was rough and violent, full of passion and fury - like she was trying to suffocate her with her tongue." "The blush on Mrs. Pulman's face betrayed her feeling of arousal." scene w2_7240 with dissolve hana "Holy..." scene w2_7241 with dissolve kil "...shit." scene w2_7242 with dissolve mct "(Fuck me...)" scene vero_e2_katkiss2_a with dissolve show vero_e2_katkiss2 ver "Hmmm.... ha..." "Their kiss continued, unabated by the passage of time." "Seconds turned into a dozen. You could hear a pin-drop in the exhibition hall, as everyone eagerly watched Kathleen devour Veronica." kat "Mmmhh--!" stop ambient scene w2_7243 with dissolve kat "M~wah! You're a beautiful human being Miss Lynch." play music "music/from-russia-with-love.ogg" scene w2_7244 with dissolve kat "That miserable look on your face... oh, if only I could bottle it up." kat "I'd drink it {b}every{/b}, {i}single{/i} day." scene w2_7245 with dissolve ver "Haat... insane bitch..." scene w2_7246 with dissolve kat "Warren! You back?" scene w2_7247 with dissolve war "I am, ma'am." mct "(That's a...!)" scene w2_7248 with dissolve kat "You have our spider friend?" ver "Wha, ah... uh, spha-s-spider?" scene w2_7249 with dissolve war "I do, ma'am." scene w2_7250 with dissolve "The color drained from Veronica's reddened cheeks, telling me everything I needed to know about how she felt about arachnids." ver "What the hell do you mean spider--?!" scene w2_7251 with dissolve kat "Oh...? That reaction..." kat "When I asked about your fears, you didn't neglect to mention a phobia of spiders, did you...?" scene w2_7252 with dissolve "Veronica's legs faintly tremored, only perceivable thanks to the metallic clamor of her shackles." ver "No, it's just... ah... y-yo're pulling my leg, right?" kat "Why would I ever joke around with you, Miss Lynch? Don't tell me..." scene w2_7253 with dissolve kat "...for all your bravado and self-posturing, to think that you'd be afraid of something harmless like a {b}taruntula{/b} would be..." play sound "sound effects/surprise.wav" scene w2_7254 with vpunch kat "Look out!" ver "Ah-! Wha, sh...!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman's cruel fake out drummed up the reaction she was looking for." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen's cruel fake out drummed up the reaction she was looking for." scene w2_7255 with dissolve ver "G-gh--ghet it...! Awahaha...!" "Her chains and the stool groaned in distress, as Veronica tried to escape her bindings." kat "Haha, bwhaa...! Oh, my... fwwwhhpfh...!" ver "Gh, ghet it.. s-stop...!" scene w2_7256 with dissolve kat "Relax, dear! It was just my hand." ver "Ah, ha... *gulup* Oh..." scene w2_7257 with dissolve kat "Pretty comical to think a big gal like you would be aghast of something so small and harmless." ver "N-no one likes spiders!" scene w2_7258 with dissolve kat "Really...?" kat "Dear, dear, dear... \"no one likes failing\" and \"no one likes spiders\"..." scene w2_7259 with dissolve ver "Ah, wha-whatt...gggh...!" kat "You really got to stop thinking in absolutes. I don't seem too bothered, do I?" scene w2_7260 with dissolve ver "D-don't... d-don't..." kat "You... you really are petrified, aren't you?" kat "You know there's nothing to be afraid of, right dear? This little guy can't hurt you." scene w2_7261 with dissolve ver "Sh-she...shooo.. s-so..." kat "It's got less venom than a common bee!" "Veronica stumbled over her words." ver "Get it, p-ph, phullease..." "The cruel woman was being absurd. I didn't even have a dislike of spiders and I was getting the heebie jeebies from this distance." scene w2_7262 with dissolve kat "*sigh* We can't hold a conversation like this." ver "Ha, haa....! Oh... oh, no..." "The old woman mercifully withdrew the tarantula from Veronica's sight." scene w2_7263 with dissolve ver "No, no... that wasn't..." scene w2_7264 with dissolve ver "That wasn't fucking funny!" scene w2_7265 with dissolve "...and gave her a moment to compose herself." kat "I thought it was hilarious. Anyway, that reaction... your choice should be pretty easy then." scene w2_7264 with dissolve ver "What choice...?!" scene w2_7266 with dissolve kat "You have three. One..." kat "You can give up. Forfeit the night." scene w2_7267 with dissolve ver "Like hell I will! That, t-that isn't an option!" scene w2_7268 with dissolve kat "It IS an option! There's no beauty in humiliation that isn't willingly offered!" scene w2_7269 with dissolve ver "I'm not forfeitting! What are the other two?!" scene w2_7270 with dissolve "There was a dreadful look on Veronica's face, one stronger than her anger. Everyone knew what was coming." scene w2_7271 with dissolve kat "Well... option two..." scene w2_7272 with dissolve ver "W-waahhwa?!" kat "Five measly minutes of facing your phobia." scene w2_7273 with dissolve "The spider crawled up Veronica's back and the look of terror instantly returned to the Amazon's beautiful face." ver "Get-- get it...!" scene w2_7274 with dissolve mct "(How the hell is any of this supposed to be sexy?!)" ver "Buhh, th-wthweee? Three...?! What, t-three...!" scene w2_7275 with dissolve kat "Five minutes isn't a long time, honestly! I'll even start the clock right now. Option three..." ver "P-please! F-fuck me!" scene w2_7276 with dissolve kat "O-hoh! Quick on the uptake!" scene w2_7277 with dissolve "Veronica even in her frightened state, knew where this was going." scene w2_7278 with dissolve kat "Instead of walking away or just letting a silly little bug scuttle across your back--" scene w2_7279 with dissolve ver "F-fuck me, Mrs. Pulman! Please! I want you to fh-fuck me!" scene w2_7280 with dissolve kat "Really? You'd rather show everyone how small and weak you really are? You'll degrade yourself?" scene w2_7279 with dissolve ver "Y-yes! Fuck me! Hurry up!" scene w2_7280 with dissolve kat "I'm not convinced, dear." scene w2_7279 with dissolve ver "Please! I'm weak.. I'm... just... just... g-gh-give it to me!" ver "Stuff my pussy with your--" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene w2_7281 with dissolve kat "Okay~♥" kat "You asked so nicely. I wouldn't want to be a poor host~" scene w2_7282 with dissolve "Kathleen Pulman, without question, was a truly evil woman." ver "Ha... ha... oh God, thank you..." scene w2_7283 with dissolve "...and tonight, I was her shadow. Complicit, just as everyone else in this room was." "Even Hana, who unwittingly wore a horrified expression, was condoning this exploitation with her silence." scene w2_7284 with dissolve kat "To think, I'd see you... a big tough woman... blubber like a baby." scene w2_7285 with dissolve ver "...hng... ha... fuck off." "It was an automatic response, with none of the typical fire in her voice." scene w2_7286 with dissolve kat "You've made me a happy woman tonight, Miss Lynch. As a reward, I'll make you feel good." play music "music/addict.ogg" scene w2_7287 with vpunch ver "Haa-!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "With force, Mrs. Pulman brought her hips to bear, submerging the entire length of her giant fake cock into Veronica's accommodating fuckhole." KN_MOD "else:" "With force, Kathleen brought her hips to bear, submerging the entire length of her giant fake cock into Veronica's accommodating fuckhole." kat "Now, let everyone here see your debauched expression!" scene vero_e2_strapon1_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon1 ver "Gh-!" "So began the marathon fuck session, with the old woman riding high off of Veronica's submission, a wild and lustful look in her eyes." kat "Let's show everyone the face of a woman who's chosen to be a good-for-nothing-else whore!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "There was no need to start slow, I had made sure of that by playing my part. Mrs. Pulman pulled herself out and hilted her massive strapon back in again with relative ease." KN_MOD "else:" "There was no need to start slow, I had made sure of that by playing my part. Kathleen pulled herself out and hilted her massive strapon back in again with relative ease." scene w2_7288 with dissolve jim "Woah! Kathy's part of the show this time!" "I took it that it was unusual for her to get this directly involved in the action." scene w2_7289 with dissolve chuck "Yes, {b}indeed{/b}..." "The look in a few of their eyes told me why that was, exactly." scene vero_e2_strapon2_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon2 ver "Ha, eehh...!" "Veronica was given no time to refocus herself. Her emotions, still riding high from coming face-to-face with her phobia, resulted in an unfiltered, shrill cry of pleasure being wretched from her throat." ver "Whoah, ah... ah... ng!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Her defenses had been shattered and all she could do was squirm and moan as Mrs. Pulman developed a discordant rhythm to fuck her to." KN_MOD "else:" "Her defenses had been shattered and all she could do was squirm and moan as Kathleen developed a discordant rhythm to fuck her to." ver "Heehh, s-shit... it's... b-big!" kat "It is! And you're taking it beautifully, slut!" "No kidding. The \"tool\" she was slogging around was three-fourths the length of her fore arm and she was slamming it home on every thrust." ver "Haa, nnggh....! You're ah, why... why...?" kat "Why does it feel so fucking good? I'll tell you, sweet pea~" scene w2_7290 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7291 with vpunch "*Cra-ack!*" ver "Yeee...!" scene w2_7292 with dissolve kat "It's the adrenaline! Fear is a powerful aphrodisiac!" scene w2_7290 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7291 with vpunch "*Smack!*" scene w2_7292 with dissolve kat "So... just {b}feel{/b}, slut. Let go and be free!" scene w2_7293 with dissolve ver "Heeh...?" scene w2_7292 with dissolve kat "... and move your fucking hips!" scene vero_e2_strapon1_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon1 ver "Ohw-ah, f-fine! Jeez!" kat "Ha! How the hell does an ass this large barely shake?" "Without the benefit of sensory feedback, the old woman could only rut crudely, her unfeeling tool unable to grasp how Veronica's lower half was responding to her motions." ver "Ha, ngh...!" "Like a battering ram trying to burst through a gate, she just violently smashed herself again and again. However, despite the lack of nuance..." ver "Heeh, huttt...!" "It was, in a particular way, effective." kat "Drop the pretense! Throw away your pride, cunt!" scene vero_e2_strapon2_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon2 "Adding to the chaos and playing the backing track to the chorus of groans and cursing, Veronica's support rest creaked from the shifting weight." kat "Forget yourself! Scream in pleasure!" ver "Gh...! Haaat...! Nhhh, anahh... I..." kat "Be honest! Beg for it!" scene w2_7290 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7291 with vpunch "*Thwap!*" scene w2_7292 with dissolve kat "Let everyone hear you beg! Let everyone know you don't want me to stop!" "Kathleen's treatment distinctly mirrored what Veronica had done to her during the last \"game\" of her interview." scene w2_7293 with dissolve ver "Ah, nah... eugh, p-pl..." scene w2_7290 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7291 with vpunch "*Smack!*" scene w2_7292 with dissolve kat "Say it loud enough for everyone to hear!" scene w2_7294 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Veronica, for all her obstinacy, was now enveloped in the depraved tapestry of Mrs. Pulman's weaving." KN_MOD "else:" "Veronica, for all her obstinacy, was now enveloped in the depraved tapestry of Kathleen's weaving." ver "Ihgghh, I..." scene w2_7294 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7295 with vpunch ver "Guhh...! I, I..." kat "Say it clear--" scene vero_e2_strapon1_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon1 ver "Fuck me! P-hhhwlease!" ver "F-fhu, fhuc, fhuckk.... meeee!" "She had, at least in this moment, given in - and I didn't believe it was just theatrics either." kat "Yeah?! You feel good?!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "How quickly she unraveled was a marvel. Mrs. Pulman was scary." KN_MOD "else:" "How quickly she unraveled was a marvel. Kathleen was scary." ver "Eheh... gho- gh, good? Ah... I'm..." kat "You feel overwhelmed?!" "To heighten her senses using fear..." ver "Ha, nggh... ahhh, eyhh..." scene w2_7296 with vpunch with flash ver "Gwhhh...! Ahhhattta...!" kat "What's this? You just...? Pfft, really?!!!" ver "Guhh... haa...." scene w2_7297 with dissolve "Veronica's squirt splattered against the old woman's leather-clad tummy and trickled back down to the messy flurry of their ever-thrusting sexes." kat "Dumb slut! You just made a fucking mess of me! However, I'm just getting started!" scene vero_e2_strapon2_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon2 ver "Ha, eehh...!" "Kathleen didn't stop. For an old woman, her stamina was impressive." aug "Don't break a hip, Kathy!" "As ridiculous as it sounded, the sheer intensity at which she was going at it made August's off-handed joke seem plausible..." kat "I actually owe you two more, Miss Lynch!" scene vero_e2_strapon1_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon1 "So that was it. There wasn't any room left to doubt: this was payback." ver "Hhhhh...!" kat "Won't you cream yourself just two more times? For me?" kat "Like a shameless bitch? Pretty please?" ver "Hattnn... ayy, ah... t-two more th-thimes...?" "I did not envy the prospect of going back-to-back-to-back rounds with that monsterous rubber cock." ver "Ah, eugh... y-you vindictive...!" scene vero_e2_strapon3_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon3 ver "Wh-.. what, ah...?!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "With a bit of physical ingenuity, Mrs. Pulman lifted Veronica and every pound of dense muscle off the support stool. The physical discomfort of the position ensured the Amazon pulled her own weight, lightening the load as she continued pounding her cunt." KN_MOD "else:" "With a bit of physical ingenuity, Kathleen lifted Veronica and every pound of dense muscle off the support stool. The physical discomfort of the position ensured the Amazon pulled her own weight, lightening the load as she continued pounding her cunt." kat "There! Upsie-daisy~" ver "Hyyynnggg...!" "Stretched as her arms and shoulders were, Veronica bucked her hips in tandem with her partner's movements in search of relief." kat "Ha...! You're moving your hips so fast too! I'm glad you're being so honest~" sam "Oh my god...! This is...!" scene w2_7298 with dissolve eric "Christ, put your dick away!" scene w2_7299 with dissolve sam "What do you care? We just double-teamed the same whore an hour ago!" scene w2_7300 with dissolve eric "Shouldn't you be satiated then, you dumb animal?" scene w2_7301 with dissolve sam "Bahaha, nope! You fuckin' limp dick!" scene vero_e2_strapon4_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon4 "The crowd came to life, surprised by the sudden physicality from the night's devious ringleader." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The relatively frail Mrs. Pulman manhandling a woman twice her size was indeed an interesting sight." KN_MOD "else:" "The relatively frail Kathleen manhandling a woman twice her size was indeed an interesting sight." ver "I, you, this-thdhis--" kat "Look at that, Miss Lynch! Seems your fans are enjoying the show!" kat "Say thank you!" ver "Eh... ehh, ah... thhwww-- ehyyooou...!" kat "Try again, whore!" ver "Thank... thank, yhhouuu!" "Overwhelmed, Veronica still went along with Mrs. Pulman's requests." scene vero_e2_strapon3_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon3 kat "Well, that was fucking pitiful. If you can't say it clearly, then you should do it with your body language." kat "Don't close your eyes now, okay? Get a good view of the gentlemen that will finance your future!" ver "Ehhyy, hee...!" kat "You're looking, right? You see it?" ver "Ha, sshut, shut up... and just..." kat "You see Samson stroking his fat cock?" ver "Yh, ngh.. yheehg...! Yesh!" kat "Lucky you! You're going to be a tough act to follow tonight!" ver "Eyhhehh, what... whatthever...yyuhhou...ah...!" kat "Heh, to think... every time you flick the lights off at night... {b}it's their faces you'll see in the dark{/b}!" "Even I wanted to tell the old woman to go fuck herself after that one." ver "Gah...! Y-yhou... bh-buu-bhu, eetch...! T-thalk, twwooo, mhucch...!" "...but it seemed that despite her blubbering, that one irritated her. The fire wasn't completely gone from the bodybuilder." ver "Gyeeeeh, ghhhe, haaat...!" "That, in a fucked-up way, was a relief to me - not that it mattered to anyone else." scene vero_e2_strapon4_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon4 ver "Ha, haaat...!" "It was after all a lone lingering ember growing cold in the shadow of her successful humiliation." sam "Gaahhahaha, give it to her! Yeah!" "Her \"sponsor's\" lone voice carried over the clamor, but everyone was laughing and having a good time at this point." ver "Tskhh... ha, ha...!" "No one looked or sounded human to me right now." mct "(Ha... this is...)" ver "Haahtt, essh... it feels gooood! It doeshssh!" "Our star performers, for all their physical beauty, looked like animals." mct "(This is madness.)" kat "Bah, ah... lovely!!" "They were sweating profusely under the stage's heat lamp, and every thrust was nearly palpable from the sticky sight of skin being pried off skin." ver "Gheeh... gha....!" kat "Your sounds are becoming even more rich, dear!" ver "It fheels-- sh, ghh..." kat "So you've already said!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "For another minute, Mrs. Pulman pounded away in an impressive display of stamina. And my job was to just stand here, watching the sweat drip down an old woman's asscrack." KN_MOD "else:" "For another minute, Kathleen pounded away in an impressive display of stamina. And my job was to just stand here, watching the sweat drip down an old woman's asscrack." "......" "..." ver "Oh, no... twhhtwho....!" kat "Oh-hoho, feel free~! Feel free to make another mess~♥ Chawaha!" "I'd never seen the old woman this ecstatic, did she just...?" scene w2_7302 with dissolve ver "Ghheeeee...!!" mct "(...did she really just fucking cackle?)" scene w2_7303 with vpunch "For the second time, Veronica squirted." ver "Haaa, hannngh...!" "Her hoarse cries stifled in her throat by her very own pleasure." scene vero_e2_strapon5_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon5 ver "Ha... ha...!" kat "Ah, that's number two..." "Kathleen never stopped her rut." ver "Gyeeh..." "Veronica was undoubtedly sensitive right now, thoughts fast replaced with animal urge." kat "Uh, uh, uh... no rest. We got one more!" scene w2_7304 with dissolve hana "...this is--" scene w2_7305 with dissolve eric "Damn, what the...! You got it all over me you caveman!" sam "Bahaa, cool it! Dalia will get you a towel!" scene w2_7306 with dissolve kat "Now, let's give everyone a good view of those preposterous tits of yours flopping around!" kat "Mr. [mcl]...?" "......" "..." scene w2_7307 with dissolve kat "[mcf]! Snap out of it!" mc "O, oh-oh...?" scene w2_7308 with dissolve "My name sounded alien to me, I had forgotten I was even here..." scene w2_7309 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am?" scene w2_7308 with dissolve kat "Would you give me a hand with her top? My hands are full." scene black with fade "Instead of answering, I just did it." scene vero_e2_strapon6_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon6 ver "Ha, hhaaa....!" "The moment I came face-to-face with the red-headed beauty, my heart skipped a beat. Veronica looked up at me with a mystifying expression." "It was a tangled, homogeneous mixture of bliss and misery. Part of me wanted to reach out in an impotent gesture of reassurance, the other..." ver "Ha, hnnng...! Huutt...! [mcf]...?" "...just didn't want to look away." scene black with fade "But I did, opening up and pulling back the flap of her lingerie." kat "Now, straighten up!" scene vero_e2_strapon7_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon7 ver "Gh...ahh..." "So it continued, Veronica now on her feet." ver "Ghh..asshhh..." "Starry-eyed and slack jawed, by now all sense had been scraped out of her by the dauntingly huge dildo." "Minute after minute passed like this, and although worn down mentally from the pleasure, Veronica physically kept up with the old woman's tenacious pace." "*Fwap, thwap, sthhwwap...!*" "Kat would push forward, and the steel-bound Amazon still had the wherewithal to push back equally as hard, the impact of which carried clear across the hall." kat "Haaa, n-nghh...! C'mon...!" "Whether it was instinct or a conscientious attempt to meet the vague, nebulous criteria on which she would ultimately be judged, Veronica refused to be a passive participant." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman was finally showing her age too, her snide remarks coming out less frequently and in a more measured tone to mask her labored breathing. " KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen was finally showing her age too, her snide remarks coming out less frequently and in a more measured tone to mask her labored breathing." kat "Hhh, hhoo... ah, c'mooon...!" "*Thwahp, chwup, fwap, tchhup...!*" "The old woman was gripping Veronica's elbows so tightly that her own hands were ghost white, lest the Amazon get dropped on her chest." kat "One... ah, more...!" "*Thwahp... hwhupp... thwhap...!*" "Her small, pencil-like arms were clearly strained even with Veronica carrying most of her weight." "Her face, however, never lost its smugness." kat "Just...!" scene vero_e2_strapon8_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon8 ver "Ah, haaat...!" "She pistoned her hips faster still. For an old lady..." "*Twap, smack, thwack...!*" "It was impressive." scene vero_e2_strapon9_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon9 "Very impressive." "*Thwahp, chwup, fwap, tchhup...!*" "Her last orgasm didn't come as quickly. She was making the old woman work for it." "*Fwap, thwap, sthhwwap...!*" ver "Ha, haaaa, haaaa....hhhggg...!" "I was getting tired just watching, even before the minutes disappeared once again." "Minute." ver "Ghh...!" "After Minute." kat "H-hhaaa, haaat..!" "...after minute after minute." ver "Ghhh....!" "*Thwahp... hwhupp... thwhap...!*" "Five minutes passed and both women looked to be at the wick's end." scene w2_7310 with dissolve "Kathleen's own juices dripped steadily down her leg, thickened by Veronica's own gush that had splattered her and floor beneath them." "*Thwahp, chwup, fwap, tchhup...!*" scene vero_e2_strapon8_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon8 kat "Ha, haa....! Your... legs are... trembling, dear. Ha...!" "*Twap, smack, thwack...!*" kat "Is it... or..." ver "Ghhwaaah... gwwwahhh... gwaahhh... haa, ghhhuut...!" "Veronica's body shook violently with pleasure. Brutal, mind-melting pleasure." "Six minutes in, under the spell of a full-body orgasm..." scene w2_7311 with vpunch KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman had gotten her number three." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen had gotten her number three." ver "Haa... howgghh.. ssh-shooo much...!" "It was like the dam broke." ver "Hat, shhhho, ssshhhiaaa.. shhhwo.." scene vero_e2_strapon10_a with dissolve show vero_e2_strapon10 kat "Bahaa... ha....! You're like a fucking fire hydrant... bahaha, ha...!" ver "G-guh..." kat "You whore! Did it... feel that good getting... {b}FUCKED{/b} for everyone to see...?!" kat "I..." kat "I... I..." kat "I... I... aaaaah...!" scene w2_7312 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman wasn't far behind her, and with her body wracked with pleasure, she lurched forward and..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen wasn't far behind her, and with her body wracked with pleasure, she lurched forward and..." "To my astonishment, she had actually worked herself into her own orgasm." stop music scene w2_7313 with vpunch ver "Ghh...!" "Like a beast, she sunk her teeth into Veronica's back and claimed the redhead as her property." kat "Grr... ghh....!" ver "Ayhh--" scene w2_7314 with dissolve ver "Ahh...?!" kat "Ha..." scene w2_7315 with dissolve kat "Heheh... ha..." scene w2_7316 with dissolve kat "Ha... looks... ha... looks like you actually owe me one more, Miss Lynch." kat "{b}Let's take it to the floor{/b}." show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.veroW2Shame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.veroW2Shame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene w2_7317 with blinds "The short trek to the wash room was made in complete silence, save for a few grunts and sighs." "She didn't even protest when I offered her my shoulder for support. Veronica was exhausted, both physically and mentally." scene w2_7318 with dissolve ver "*Sigh* ...what are we doing here, [mcf]...? How did... how did I get here?" scene w2_7319 with dissolve mc "You..." mct "(...just followed along without realizing it?)" mc "You didn't hear Mrs. Pulman?" scene w2_7320 with dissolve ver "I was..." scene w2_7321 with pixellate ver "...I guess I was tuning her annoying yapping out or... or... {i}something{/i}." mc "Ah, well..." scene w2_7319 with pixellate mc "She called a fifteen minute intermission, for the both of you to get cleaned up and {i}changed{/i}." scene w2_7320 with dissolve ver "Oh..." scene w2_7322 with dissolve ver "Okay." "She sounded listless and deflated, but pulled away as requested to wash off the dried up sex juices and sweat from her body." scene black with fade "*Sqeeeek!*" scene w2_7323 with fade play ambient "sound effects/shower.wav" mc "Ah..." mct "(Why am I just standing and staring? She's got it covered...)" scene w2_7324 with dissolve "So I sat down. The mood in the room making me uncomfortable and nervous." mct "(Should I say something...?)" "Wasn't it my job to say something? To keep her spirits up, determined and cleanly on the hook?" scene w2_7325 with dissolve "That would be a dumbass, horseshit move. {b}She's clearly determined{/b}." "Nothing my clueless ass or even the most sagely councilor could say would erase the stain of humiliation or assuage the suffocating reality that she's staking her dignity on a gamble." "What she's feeling right now is just the baggage that comes with this." scene w2_7326 with dissolve mc "....." mc "..." scene w2_7327 with dissolve "Why, then, do I want to do something to make her feel better?" "It won't help." scene w2_7326 with dissolve "Yet, I thought about it." "I thought about it and I thought about it. What could I do?" stop ambient fadeout 2.0 scene w2_7328 with dissolve "The silence in the room wouldn't let me think about anything else." mct "(No, it won't help...)" scene w2_7329 with dissolve ver "I'm... done. What now?" scene w2_7330 with dissolve "It won't help {b}in the least{/b}." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2VeronicaComfort:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Affection]{/color} Try to comfort her. if Veronica_Affection >= 22:" $ veronicaFriend = True $ Veronica_Affection +=3 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "If I'm lucky, maybe it will piss her off. An annoyed Veronica, to me, seemed preferable to a melancholic one." scene w2_7331 with dissolve mc "I..." scene w2_7332 with dissolve "Maybe this was selfish of me and I was just trying to get away from {b}how she feels is making me feel{/b}, but..." scene w2_7333 with fade "I started from the top, determined to work my way down." "She didn't stop me or proclaim she could do it herself, she just stood vacantly on stand-by, like an unattended computer." "I worked my way down to her shoulders." scene w2_7334 with dissolve "Then her breasts, playing it as cooly as I could muster." "I worked my way all the way down to the drops of water pooling in the divots of her abs." scene w2_7335 with dissolve "All-in-all, I scrubbed her down, ignoring the painful intimacy of the act and the growing sexual urge that I dearly wished wasn't there." scene w2_7336 with dissolve ver "I..." ver "I don't think you need to get in between my toes..." scene w2_7337 with dissolve "I boneheadedly ignored her." scene w2_7338 with dissolve ver "......" scene w2_7339 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_7340 with dissolve "This..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Per Mrs. Pulman's instructions, would be coming off soon, but I wanted to grant Veronica at least a temporary veneer of modesty." KN_MOD "else:" "Per Kathleen's instructions, would be coming off soon, but I wanted to grant Veronica at least a temporary veneer of modesty." scene w2_7341 with dissolve "Something was missing..." mct "(Ah!)" stop music fadeout 3.0 "One more thing to put her back together." scene w2_7342 with dissolve mct "(There.)" "Right as rain." scene w2_7343 with dissolve mc "I, um... *ahem*" "Now that she was a little less exposed..." play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" scene w2_7344 with vpunch "It was naïve." "It was naïve as all fuck, but this was what I had to offer." scene w2_7345 with dissolve "I worked for the woman who was exploiting her. I stood on stage, as her assistant, profiting off Veronica's own financial troubles." mc "I..." "I was not her friend. She would be insane to believe me, but..." scene w2_7346 with dissolve mc "Can I be your friend, Veronica?" "She didn't respond, verbally or physically. {i}That logically followed{/i}." "I was making an ass out of myself. In a way I was selfishly asking her to process the evening according to my wishes." scene w2_7347 with dissolve "......" "..." mct "(I should let go now--)" scene vero_e2_hug_a with dissolve show vero_e2_hug "She squeezed, like she was trying to pop me." "She didn't say anything though. She just rested her chin on my shoulder and ran her fingers up my back." "Her body was firm and her flesh ungiving, but she felt incredibly soft right now. Soft and exposed." ver "[mcf], I..." "I knew not to open my fucking mouth right now." "I was not her friend, though I really wanted to be. She was insane to believe me, but she was worn down enough to pretend." ver "[mcf], I feel like I'm nothing... I feel inhuman." "Opening my mouth without thinking right now would just shatter that illusion. Instead I just held on." "I pulled her tighter, as tight as the bone and muscles in my arms would permit." mc "Don't let that old bitch or the members here trick you into thinking you're like them. You're not." mc "They're the ones who are inhuman." scene w2_7348 with dissolve ver "Tsk...! F-fuckers...!" ver "She's right though..." scene w2_7350 with dissolve mc "No she isn't. Not in the least." scene w2_7349 with dissolve "I think I was finally grasping how important that place was to her." scene w2_7348 with dissolve ver "What does it say about me, that I walked in here on my own two feet?" scene w2_7349 with dissolve "She lost her marriage to it and she didn't even have a home. She quite literally lived out of that gym." scene w2_7350 with dissolve mc "It says..." scene w2_7351 with pixellate mc "Am I going to have to go to a different school?" scene w2_7352 with dissolve vic "Why would you think that, hun?" scene w2_7351 with dissolve mc "When Jeremy's dad died, he had to leave school." scene w2_7352 with dissolve vic "That's because he moved to a different house." scene w2_7351 with dissolve mc "Are we going to have to move to a different house?" scene w2_7353 with dissolve vic "No! Of... of course not!" scene w2_7354 with dissolve mc "Really?" scene w2_7355 with dissolve vic "I couldn't dream of giving up this place. This is {b}our{/b} home." scene w2_7356 with dissolve vic "You were born here. Your father, you, and I spent 8 wonderful Christmases here. No way in hell am I...!" scene w2_7357 with dissolve vic "...ah. Don't worry your head, my little angel. We're not moving to a different house." scene w2_7358 with pixellate mc "It says you're willing to fight for what's important to you." scene w2_7359 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_7358 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Seriously. Please, please, {b}please{/b} don't buy into a single thing Mrs. Pulman accuses you of. She doesn't know how important four walls can be to a person." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Seriously. Please, please, {b}please{/b} don't buy into a single thing Kathleen accuses you of. She doesn't know how important four walls can be to a person." scene w2_7359 with dissolve ver "It's..." scene w2_7360 with dissolve ver "It's... It's all I fuckin' have, [mcf]! I got nothing else!" ver "It's all...!" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Veronica_Relations = "Friends" show relationvero with dissolve "A faint, warm dampness spread across the yoke of my shirt." hide relationvero with dissolve "The time for talking was over." stop music fadeout 3.0 $ unread_veronica = True $ history_veronica = "I hugged a dejected Veronica. It was all I could do." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" hide bioupdate with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExFeliciaHumiliationPre" KN_MOD "Just sit here, she doesnt need an awkward gesture of pity.:" scene w2_7331 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Dry off." scene w2_7361 with dissolve ver "Should I change back into my costume?" mc "Ah, yeah... no. Mrs. Pulman, well..." "Having stripped her of her bravado, she was now going to strip her of her clothes." scene w2_7362 with dissolve mc "She wants you naked." ver "I see... I guess I kinda prefer that." scene w2_7363 with dissolve mc "Sit down. We've got some time before we have to be back." mc "Try to collect yourself. I know that was rough." scene w2_7364 with dissolve ver "Yeah, rough... heh." scene w2_7365 with dissolve "She looked lost and I reminded myself nothing I could say or do would help that." scene black with fade "She needed her own time to process things - and she would have it, watching the other two Carnations take their turns." stop music fadeout 3.0 $ unread_veronica = True $ history_veronica = "Dejected from her humiliation round, I decided that any simple-minded gesture of friendship would be meaningless." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" hide bioupdate with dissolve "...." KN_MOD "jump w2ExFeliciaHumiliationPre" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Affection] Try to comfort her.{/color} if Veronica_Affection <= 21:" KN_MOD "jump w2VeronicaComfort" KN_MOD "label w2ExFeliciaHumiliationPre:" play music "music/that-one-bar-scene.ogg" scene w2_7366 with circlewipe KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" "After our little moment, Veronica and I headed back to the exhibition hall." "The redhead followed behind me, sans clothing, as per the old woman's instructions." KN_MOD "else:" "After letting Veronica compose herself, we headed back to the exhibition hall." "The redhead followed behind me, sans clothes." hana "Hey!" kil "[mcf]!" scene w2_7367 with dissolve mc "What are you doing back here?" scene w2_7368 with dissolve hana "I was getting sick of people staring at the back of my head. Plus, they were starting to talk to me..." scene w2_7369 with dissolve kil "You're gonna have to get freakin' used to that now that you have more skin in the game, y'know? I mean, I don't like being all buddy-buddy with some of those..." scene w2_7370 with dissolve "Ian gave a quick, cautious glance around the room." scene w2_7369 with dissolve kil "...some of those {i}freaks{/i} either, but you can't pick-and-choose." scene w2_7371 with dissolve ver "...looks like Blondie is already set up." scene w2_7372 with cmet "She was right. Felicia was on stage, vulva-planted on the rather harsh ridge of a metal horse. It went without saying, it didn't look very comfortable." scene w2_7373 with dissolve "Gravity pushed down on the blonde's body weight, prying apart her cunt and firmly wedging the upper leather strip inside her." kil "Happy to know she isn't getting off easy? Jeez, I couldn't believe she brought out a goddamn spider!" scene w2_7374 with dissolve kil "Ugh, euch...!" scene w2_7375 with dissolve hana "Ah... that was... awful..." "Veronica didn't acknowledge my ginger friend's words, instead her eyes remained transfixed on the stage." scene w2_7376 with dissolve hana "How the hell am I supposed to judge something like {b}that{/b}?" scene w2_7377 with dissolve kil "Don't think too hard about it, you'll drive yourself crazy." hana "That wouldn't be fair to these poor..." scene w2_7378 with dissolve "She trailed off, still conscientious of Veronica's presence, even if she had somewhat wandered off." scene w2_7379 with dissolve kil "And what bit of this is fair?" scene w2_7380 with dissolve hana "It makes you think though... if I wasn't \"lucky\" enough to be right here..." hana "...would I be able to endure something like this if that was the only way I could support my mom?" scene w2_7381 with dissolve kil "No way! You're...!" scene w2_7382 with dissolve kil "You're... you're... too cool for that?" scene w2_7383 with dissolve hana "Ian..." scene w2_7384 with dissolve mc "There's... more ignoble things in the world than getting fucked in the ass to provide for your family." scene w2_7385 with dissolve kil "Speaking from experience, asshole?" scene w2_7386 with dissolve mc "..." kil "Why are you looking at me so--" scene w2_7387 with dissolve kat "Good, Mr. [mcl], you're back!" scene w2_7388 with dissolve fel "G..gah... don't push me... I'm trying to not move...!" kat "I had things get set up in advance, since this is going to be... {i}a long one{/i}." scene w2_7389 with dissolve fel "W-wahhh...!" kat "Put Miss Lynch back in the cage and we'll begin working on slut number two." kat "Oh, and... join us on stage, Mr. Beaufort. Everyone else, please return to your seats." scene w2_7390 with dissolve mc "Guess it's showtime again." hana "Break a leg..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/metal-crash.mp3" "*Cl-chwiiick!*" scene w2_7391 with wipeleft "Without much fanfare, I led Veronica back to the cage and locked it." scene w2_7392 with dissolve mc "Sit tight." scene w2_7393 with dissolve ver "Very funny..." scene w2_7394 with dissolve kil "Hey, your hard part is over with. All you got to do now is sit on your ass and anxiously await the results." scene w2_7395 with dissolve ver "Even more funny..." scene w2_7396 with dissolve mc "How are you holding up, Rose?" scene w2_7397 with dissolve rose "Uh... heh... my legs are asleep." scene w2_7396 with dissolve mc "Hang in there." scene w2_7398 with dissolve rose "Yeah, it'll be my turn soon..." play music "music/from-russia-with-love.ogg" scene w2_7399 with dissolve kat "Before we begin, let me give you boys the run down of the next leg." scene w2_7400 with dissolve kil "It requires an explanation?" "With how the first game went, I had hoped that I was taking a more backseat role tonight..." scene w2_7401 with dissolve kat "Yes, indeed. Last week, I'd promised Mr. [mcl] I'd let him stretch his wings some if he didn't disappoint me, so I'm going to let you take a more {i}driving{/i} role this round." scene w2_7402 with dissolve mc "Please, explain." scene w2_7401 with dissolve kat "I'll guide the event, but I'll be off to the side. It'll be your job to reiterate my questions and help me get the answers I want out of Mrs. Ford." scene w2_7403 with dissolve kat "That's vague I know, but things will click into place once we get started." scene w2_7404 with dissolve kil "What about me? Why am I up here?" scene w2_7403 with dissolve kat "I understand you and Mrs. Ford are socially acquainted. I'm hoping having you nearby will throw her off her game." scene w2_7405 with dissolve kil "So you just want me to stand there?" scene w2_7401 with dissolve kat "More or less, the more being... well, it's [mcf]'s call. If he asks for a helping hand, please provide one." scene w2_7404 with dissolve kil "Gotcha. Second fiddle." scene w2_7406 with dissolve kat "Aw, now. Don't be so glum." kat "I'm just giving your good friend a chance to flourish. His performance reflects warmly on you! Now!" KN_MOD "label w2ExFeliciaHumiliation:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show transitionrosalind01 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Please set [mcf]'s personality (toughness score) for this replay." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Nice guy (Toughness: 0):" $ toughness = 0 KN_MOD "Mischevious (Toughness: 18):" $ toughness = 18 KN_MOD "Asshole (Toughness: 30):" $ toughness = 30 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Did [mcf] degrade Felicia during the interview with Felicia's husband??" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ w2FeliciaDegrade = True KN_MOD "No.:" pass play music "music/from-russia-with-love.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade kat "Let's have some fun." scene w2_7407 with fade kat "You ready to begin, Mrs. Ford?" scene w2_7408 with dissolve fel "Oh... ah... oh, yeah. Let's get this show on the road, boss." scene w2_7409 with dissolve fel "I can see how this is already going to play out..." scene w2_7410 with dissolve kat "First time on one of these before?" scene w2_7409 with dissolve fel "You can tell?" scene w2_7410 with dissolve kat "Oh, you're in for a novel experience. You'll find, as time goes on, that what you're currently feeling will grow... {i}exponentially{/i}. " scene w2_7411 with dissolve fel "A-ah...!" "A gentle nudge sent the blond uncomfortably squirming." scene w2_7412 with dissolve kat "How about you gentlemen? You ready?" scene w2_7413 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The crowd unanimously cried for Mrs. Pulman to move on." KN_MOD "else:" "The crowd unanimously cried for Kathleen to move on." scene w2_7414 with dissolve kat "Ah, ha...!" scene w2_7415 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Ford fashions herself an exhibitionist. She's a dirty woman who derives pleasure from having her naked body looked upon." kat "{b}She desires to be seen.{/b} Even right now..." scene w2_7416 with dissolve kat "This bitch is already dripping. It's a beautiful disposition, if I may say so myself." kat "Yet! For someone who likes to expose themselves, very few people have seen the real you." scene w2_7417 with dissolve kat " Very few people know anything about you, do they?" scene w2_7418 with dissolve fel "*Sigh* Who gives a shit about that boring crap? None of you care about my feelings, you just want to watch me get destroyed." scene w2_7419 with dissolve kat "Au contraire, Mrs. Ford! I think you'll find the men here care about that more than anyone else in your life." scene w2_7420 with dissolve kat "Any whore can remove their clothes and get fucked, but the devil is in the details." kat "For me, those pretty personal details are perhaps the only way I can embarrass a whore like you." scene w2_7421 with dissolve kat "That's why I'm calling your part tonight a display of {b}true exhibitionism{/b}. I'm going to put you under the microscope, dear." scene w2_7422 with dissolve fel "You guys have a weird definition of hot." scene w2_7423 with dissolve mct "(I guess I'm supposed to use these on Felicia?)" mct "(Lotta interesting things here...)" scene w2_7424 with dissolve "Things that will make her jerk and move, and dig the edge of the horse deeper into her vulva." kat "All you have to do tonight is answer my questions sufficiently and we'll jump to the part you find fun, Mrs. Ford." scene w2_7425 with dissolve fel "Hurry up and ask. I'm starting to {i}itch{/i}..." scene w2_7426 with dissolve kat "You were born in Wheatley, correct?" scene w2_7427 with dissolve fel "I was. That's no secret." scene w2_7426 with dissolve kat "No, it's not. From what I gathered, it's one of the few personal pieces of information you readily volunteer about yourself." scene w2_7428 with dissolve kat "You take {b}pride{/b} in leaving your kin behind?" scene w2_7429 with dissolve fel "I'm proud of getting where I am. That's all." scene w2_7430 with dissolve kat "True as that may be, you did leave your family behind. Do you miss them?" scene w2_7429 with dissolve fel "" scene w2_7430 with dissolve kat "No? Afraid their poorness will drag you down?" scene w2_7431 with dissolve fel "This is dumb. I didn't sign up to be interrogated." scene w2_7426 with dissolve kat "Would you like to stop?" scene w2_7427 with dissolve fel "Absolutely not." scene w2_7432 with dissolve kat "I didn't think so. Just keep swimming upstream until the bitter end, Mrs. Ford." scene w2_7433 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_7426 with dissolve kat "So, in your own words then, tell me about your parents." scene w2_7427 with dissolve fel "I may not want to stop, but I also..." scene w2_7429 with dissolve fel "Wouldn't you rather use that crap on the table over there? Isn't that what you're into?" scene w2_7434 with dissolve kat "...we'll come back to this in ten minutes. Give my question some thought in the meantime, please." fel "Ten minutes...?!" scene w2_7435 with dissolve kat "Let her stew for that time and then pick up where I left off." scene w2_7436 with dissolve kat "Ask her about her family and make her... squirm." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" "Suddenly, all the things I had learned about her, things that she had shared due to our worlds being separate, became a weapon to use against her." scene w2_7437 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_7438 with dissolve kat "Feel free to talk amongst yourselves while you watch Mrs. Ford perform." scene w2_7439 with dissolve kil "I don't think that's going to be the only break." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7440 with dissolve kil "We should have chairs." scene w2_7441 with dissolve mc "Has she done this one before?" scene w2_7442 with dissolve kil "No, but she did say it'd be a long one, so..." scene fel_e2_squirm1_a with dissolve show fel_e2_squirm1 "That's right..." "The longer this went on, the more uncomfortable her perch would become." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Which, in turn, means the more open she'll be to answering Mrs. Pulman's questions." KN_MOD "else:" "Which, in turn, means the more open she'll be to answering Kathleen's questions." scene w2_7443 with dissolve kil "So... how's it hanging, Felicia?" scene w2_7444 with dissolve fel "Just swell, Ian! You dumb prick!" scene w2_7445 with dissolve kil "Dumb...?!" KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True:" mc "She knows about the sex tape, remember?" scene w2_7446 with dissolve kil "Riiiight..." kil "You'd think that cheating slut would cut me some slack." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(She knows about the sex tape, numbnuts...)" scene w2_7446 with dissolve kil "Pretty fuckin' rude..." scene w2_7446 with dissolve scene w2_7447 with dissolve mc "She just likes Mina better than you." play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene fel_e2_squirm1_a with dissolve show fel_e2_squirm1 "So Felicia stewed for ten minutes, atop her artificial steed." "It was a long ten minutes for a rubber edge to be biting into your sex." "I didn't try and say anything to her in that time. We had a friendly rapport and that wouldn't really help in my role as an interrogator." "So, I just watched her squirm at decreasing intervals." "Squirm and squirm and squirm and..." " a thin line of feminine ooze creep down the metal body of her seat." "Despite the discomfort of the setup, her exhibitionist spirit remained high." kat "Oh, my! It's been twelve minutes!" scene w2_7448 with dissolve kat "I guess I lost track of the time." kat "[mcf]...?" scene w2_7449 with dissolve "She looked at me expectantly. It was time, as Hana said, to break a leg." mct "(Uh... what specifically did the old woman ask her again...?)" scene w2_7450 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "There was no way in hell I could manage the same level of gusto as Mrs. Pulman and meet these perverts' expectations, but I had to at least make a cursory attempt." KN_MOD "else:" "There was no way in hell I could manage the same level of gusto as Kathleen and meet these perverts' expectations, but I had to at least make a cursory attempt." scene w2_7451 with dissolve mc "What are your mother and father like, Felicia?" scene w2_7452 with dissolve "--whatever, just focus on her. Pretend this is a private conversation and things might just go smooth." fel "..." scene w2_7453 with dissolve mc "You don't want to say?" fel "Ngg...!" scene w2_7454 with dissolve "She jerked uncomfortably from the touch." scene w2_7455 with dissolve mc "Why are you being so difficult about it?" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" "Felicia was a woman who was used to picking and choosing what she revealed to people. She had told me about herself, but I was safe. I was a nobody." "The people in front of her, on the other hand, were a pack of jackals and her would-be peers. I did understand why she would be hesitant, however..." KN_MOD "else:" "Felicia was a woman who was used to picking and choosing what she revealed to people. The people in front of her right now were a pack of jackals and her would-be peers." "I did understand why she would be hesitant, however..." scene w2_7456 with dissolve mc "You're an absurdly practical woman. Mrs. Pulman didn't set a time limit on this, so if you're not going to forfeit the night and get off this thing, then all you're doing is making it hard on yourself." mc "Isn't...{i}that{/i} uncomfortable?" scene w2_7457 with dissolve fel "Ah, haat...! A little... heh..." mct "(...or is she just dragging this out for the sake of the show?)" scene w2_7458 with dissolve mc "Tell me about your mother. Was she nice?" scene w2_7457 with dissolve fel "Y-yeah, I guess..." scene w2_7458 with dissolve mc "Did you two have a good relationship?" scene w2_7459 with dissolve fel "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Use a gentle approach.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Hana_Affection +=1 $ Rosalind_Affection +=1 $ August_Friendship +=1 scene w2_7460 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "For me, my mother is the most important person in my life." scene w2_7461 with dissolve "I decided I would play a game of give-and-take, in hopes that exposing a little bit about myself to the crowd at large would make her comfortable to do the same." scene w2_7460 with dissolve mc "My father died when I was young, so she raised me as a single mother for my entire adolescence." scene w2_7461 with dissolve "Felicia knew some of this, but the men in the crowd didn't." scene w2_7462 with dissolve mc "She's beautiful, patient, and kind... so the fact she never remarried was an odd one. The few and far between dates she went on never really went anywhere..." scene w2_7463 with dissolve mc "I think she never got over my father or maybe she just didn't want to replace him." scene w2_7464 with dissolve mc "Did you have a good relationship with your mother?" scene w2_7465 with dissolve fel "My mom..." scene w2_7466 with dissolve fel "My mom... was a hard worker..." fel "She worked very hard for very little. As a result, she didn't have time to put up with bullshit, but she... provided." scene w2_7464 with dissolve mc "What about your dad?" scene w2_7465 with dissolve fel "...wasn't in the picture." scene w2_7467 with dissolve KN_MOD "When in Rome...:" $ w2ExPointsFelicia += 1 $ Hana_Affection -=1 scene w2_7468 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_7469 with hpunch "*Thwwaaaack!*" fel "G'yeeeh...! Y-yeeeah...!" "The sudden blow caused her to writhe, dragging the edge of the horse across her soft spots." scene w2_7470 with dissolve fel "It was... fine.. t-typical... I guess... ah..." scene w2_7471 with dissolve mc "What does typical mean?" scene w2_7470 with dissolve fel "S-she... she worked herself to the bone at a factory. Always came home tired." fel "She wasn't warm, but... she took care of me. She provided." scene w2_7471 with dissolve mc "What about your father...?" scene w2_7472 with dissolve fel "He..." scene w2_7473 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7474 with hpunch "*Slap!*" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_7470 with dissolve fel "H-he wasn't in the picture!" "So, we had that in common." scene w2_7475 with dissolve kat "Growing up, were you ashamed that your mom was just a poor, stupid factory worker?" scene w2_7476 with dissolve fel "{size=-10}Stupid...?{/size=-10} Fuck you!" scene w2_7475 with dissolve kat "Oh, my! Am I mistaken?" scene w2_7477 with dissolve fel "My mom is a bright woman!" scene w2_7478 with dissolve kat "Is she? From all appearances, I wouldn't think so." scene w2_7477 with dissolve fel "What the hell would you know? You've had everything handed to you. " scene w2_7478 with dissolve kat "Yes, you've earned everything you've had, didn't you? {b}Your poor, hardworking back{/b}." scene w2_7477 with dissolve fel "You don't know how people get trapp--" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w2_7479 with dissolve "*Bzzzt...!*" fel "Gehhh!" scene w2_7480 with dissolve kat "Oh, {b}I know{/b}, but I apologize if I offended you all the same." stop sound $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/vib-ongoing.wav" scene fel_e2_squirm2_a with dissolve show fel_e2_squirm2 "The rubber edge of Felica's perch hummed to life, vibrating violently." fel "H-ha, wha...~" kat "It makes you wonder... if you aren't embarrassed by her, and you really have a good relationship with her, then why is she still working that same job?" kat "You have money now. You could provide a better life for her..." fel "T-thaa... she doesn't..." fel "S-She doesn't..." kat "She doesn't what, Mrs. Ford?" scene w2_7481 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_7482 with dissolve kat "Oh, well... think about it for five minutes and then Mr. [mcl] will pick this conversation back up." scene w2_7483 with dissolve fel "Ha...! You're good at what you do, boss lady." scene w2_7484 with dissolve kat "I feel the same way, Mrs. Ford." scene fel_e2_squirm3_a with dissolve show fel_e2_squirm3 "So, another five was set to pass." "This time, with the accompanying whirl of the vibrator's motors atop of the surreal murmur of casual conversation." fel "Gh-gh...!" "Felicia endured it admirably, but cracks were starting to show. The signs of strain were taking form on her face." fel "Ha--haaa...?" mct "(Pick up where she left off? Where the hell do I go from there?)" scene w2_7485 with dissolve "To Hana's credit, she stared intently at Felicia, never taking her eyes off the beleaguered woman." "I had a feeling she was more wrestling with her own feelings than appraising the \"quality\" of the performance." scene w2_7486 with dissolve "Ian, on the other hand..." "Just looked bored." scene fel_e2_squirm2_a with dissolve show fel_e2_squirm2 fel "Haa.... hhhaa..." mc "You... doing alright?" "This time I couldn't help but ask." fel "Ahh... trying to focus here, stud." "If she wanted, she could take all the power away from the old lady. If she just answered her questions, this would be over in an instant..." scene w2_7487 with dissolve mc "...?" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman caught my eye, gesturing toward me and pointing at Felicia." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen caught my eye, gesturing toward me and pointing at Felicia." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 $, 0, channel = "ambient") mct "(Guess she's telling me to start.)" scene w2_7488 with dissolve mc "Why..." fel "Ah, ehe...!" mc "Why did you leave home for the city, Felicia?" scene w2_7489 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/finger-snap.wav" mc "Felicia!" "By this point, her attention was divided by what was going on with her lower half." mc "Why did you--" scene w2_7490 with dissolve fel "I... I wanted t-to... I wanted more... you can't get much from a place like Wheatley..." fel "Not culturally... not.... financially.... it'd be like trying to squeeze water from a stone..." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" "Of course, I had learned that much myself, but this was a matter of procedure." scene w2_7491 with dissolve mc "You craved culture?" scene w2_7490 with dissolve fel "Yeah... and excitement and... everything. I wanted to live... heh..." scene w2_7492 with dissolve mc "Looks like you found it, eh?" fel "Heh... heheh..." "She chuckled defiantly." scene w2_7493 with dissolve fel "R-right now... we're just moving our mouths and not in the fun way." scene w2_7494 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_7495 with dissolve fel "Leaving was a no-brainer. All I did was cause a lot of trouble for my mom, she got by better without me." scene w2_7496 with dissolve mc "Felicia..." "It was a sad sentiment I could relate to." mc "Do you... keep in touch with your mother?" scene w2_7495 with dissolve fel "I... I..." scene w2_7494 with dissolve "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tickle the answer out of her.:" $ Kathleen_Affection -=1 $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w2_7497 with dissolve "It was an odd impulse, but I followed it." fel "Ehh--" scene w2_7498 with dissolve fel "G-gyeeaah...?" mc "Do you still keep in touch?" "Helpless and precariously seated as she was, her automatic emotional response to being tickled was..." scene w2_7499 with dissolve fel "Pfftahhhaahaa... eyeehhaha...!" " shake and magnify the sensation digging into her lower half." mc "Well? Well...?" scene w2_7500 with dissolve fel "W-whaa... haa... sttoop, haa... stop... pfft....!" fel "Y-yes! Y-yess...! I...!" scene w2_7501 with dissolve mc "Oh, yeah? How often?" fel "I--" scene w2_7502 with dissolve fel "T-twice a month. We talk on the phone..." show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "Pinch her nipples.:" $ w2ExPointsFelicia += 1 $ Hana_Affection -= 1 scene w2_7503 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "That outfit looked good on her, but..." scene w2_7504 with dissolve fel "Hehhhg..." mc "Do you still keep in touch?" fel "I..." scene w2_7505 with dissolve fel "I... eyehhh... I..." "A simple pinch of her overly-sensitive teat caused her to shake and magnify the sensation digging into her lower half." fel "Hyyy hhh.... I..." scene w2_7506 with vpunch fel "Haaa... haaat...!" "The felling of having both her crotch and breasts stimulated at once made the blonde go momentarily cross-eyed." fel "Y--yyyesh.... yesh!" scene w2_7507 with dissolve mc "Oh, yeah? How often?" fel "T-twice a month. We talk on the phone..." scene w2_7508 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kat "That often...? Really?" "The old woman looked mildly surprised, like she had miscalculated." scene w2_7509 with dissolve kat "Interesting..." kat "She doesn't want your money then, is that it?" scene w2_7510 with dissolve fel "..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It seemed Mrs. Pulman hit the nail on the head." KN_MOD "else:" "It seemed Kathleen hit the nail on the head." scene w2_7511 with dissolve kat "Ha, very interesting! If only your mother could see her whore daughter right now!" scene w2_7512 with dissolve fel "...and I wonder what your late sister would think of you using her charity to pimp out women." scene w2_7513 with dissolve kat "Oh, I have a good idea. {b}She would strangle me to death!{/b}" scene w2_7514 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_7515 with dissolve kat "Heheh, aren't we having fun?" fel "O-oh y-yeah... you've dragged out of me the fact I have a... ha... decent relationship with the woman w-who gave birth to me. {b}Fun{/b}." scene w2_7516 with dissolve kat "Tell me about your relationship with art." scene w2_7517 with dissolve fel "That--" "That knocked the words out of her mouth." scene w2_7518 with dissolve fel "J-just a childish thing I did for fun..." scene w2_7519 with dissolve kat "That's not true, Mrs. Ford. You won regional awards and you even took first place in a national competition." scene w2_7520 with dissolve kat "You had talent." scene w2_7518 with dissolve fel "I was {b}mundane{/b}." scene w2_7519 with dissolve kat "Was it your dream to paint? Do you still do it? Tell me all about it~" scene w2_7521 with dissolve fel "...s-shit!" scene w2_7522 with dissolve fel "...ahh... ha... drag it out of me, [mcf]." scene w2_7523 with dissolve mc "Why don't you just answer the question th--" fel "{b}Drag. It. Out. Of Me{/b}." scene w2_7524 with dissolve kil "Careful what you ask for..." scene w2_7525 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take a sensual approach to getting the answers.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 $ Felicia_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Horniness +=1 scene w2_7526 with dissolve "She asked for it." scene w2_7527 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." scene w2_7528 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/ice-glass.wav" "There were a lot of colorful options, but I opted for the most understated of the bunch." scene w2_7529 with dissolve mc "Felicia..." scene w2_7530 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and w2FeliciaImpressed == True:" "Just two days ago, I had gotten a glimpse of what the old woman was getting at with this topic. To be honest, I wanted to know more about the subject myself." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(So she's a painter...? I didn't expect that.)" scene w2_7531 with dissolve mc "What does art mean to you?" fel "C'mon...! That's too open-ended, can't you ask something more--" scene w2_7532 with vpunch fel "C-cooold! Ah!" "Luckily for me, Felicia's skin proved to be sensitive to even a brief touch of cold." scene w2_7533 with dissolve mc "Sorry. You're right. Let's not give you an essay." $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/vib-ongoing.wav" scene w2_7534 with vpunch fel "Y-yeeoh....!?" mc "When did you start painting?" fel "I was... ah..." scene w2_7535 with vpunch fel "--Ghe!" "Every dab, cooled by the heat of her skin, left a strand of water inching down her inner thigh." fel "I... I was... p-probably like six or seven at the time." scene w2_7536 with dissolve "Every dab brought a faint agitation to her flawlessly tanned skin." mc "Did you pick it up on your own? Did someone teach you?" scene w2_7537 with vpunch fel "Y-yatthhaaa!" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and w2FeliciaImpressed == True:" mc "Your mother? {b}A school?{/b}" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Your mother, maybe?" scene w2_7538 with dissolve fel "I... it was... my mother used it like daycare..." mc "Used what?" scene w2_7539 with dissolve "The blonde looked past me and at the crowd, trepidatious of revealing this part of her to that pack of hyenas." scene w2_7540 with vpunch fel "Ghhhaaa.... s-suddd, c-cold...!" "This time I pressed it lightly into her skin, lightly holding it and tracing the circumference of her belly button." scene w2_7541 with dissolve fel "Ghh... haa....!" "The sensation made her writhe, which of course, increased her discomfort." scene w2_7542 with dissolve mc "Did you pick painting up on your own?" fel "No- I...." scene w2_7541 with dissolve "...and the more uncomfortable she was, the more she writhed. It was a vicious cycle." scene w2_7542 with dissolve fel "There was a-a s-school? An a-art.... s-schoool...!" scene w2_7543 with dissolve mc "Sounds expensive." fel "I-it was f-freeee....! Aaaahhat...!" scene w2_7544 with vpunch mc "Really?" fel "Y-yeah...! Yes!" scene w2_7545 with dissolve fel "I went there three times a week a-after s-s-scchoooool...!" mc "...and you took to it?" fel "G-gradually..." scene w2_7546 with dissolve fel "Art taught me to pay attention to my surroundings and I learned how to distinguish between the form and essence of things..." fel "Most important lesson of my life, considering where I e-ended up... ha...." scene w2_7547 with dissolve kat "Was it your dream to be a painter?" scene w2_7548 with dissolve fel "N-not really..." scene w2_7547 with dissolve kat "Oh...?" scene w2_7549 with dissolve fel "Ghhehhh...! Y-yesh...Haaaat! Yes...?" scene w2_7550 with dissolve fel "Ght...yah-eh...!" mc "Honest?" fel "H-honest...!" scene w2_7551 with dissolve mc "You went so far as to win a national award and you only ever considered it a hobby?" scene w2_7552 with dissolve fel "...I mean... even as a teenager I knew..." fel "I knew I wouldn't make a living off of it..." scene w2_7551 with dissolve mc "Did you want to, though?" scene w2_7552 with dissolve fel "I... n-no..." scene w2_7550 with dissolve mc "Really?" fel "Yeeh.... n-no!" mc "No?" fel "No-nooohhh....! I wanted to teach!" scene w2_7553 with dissolve "The melting icecube had quickly brought her teat to a sharp and shiny point, planting a certain idea in my head." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7604 with dissolve kat "You wanted to be an art teacher?" KN_MOD "Give Ian something to do.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ w2ExPointsFelicia += 2 $ Chuck_Friendship +=1 scene w2_7554 with dissolve "The old woman did say I was free to ask for a helping hand, so..." scene w2_7555 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* Tag you in?" "No sense in Ian worthlessly standing there." scene w2_7556 with dissolve kil "What are you thinkin'?" scene w2_7555 with dissolve mc "I'll ask the questions and you'll... make it interesting?" scene w2_7557 with dissolve kil "Interesting? Oh, yeah. I can do that!" $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/vib-ongoing.wav" scene w2_7558 with dissolve mc "So... Felicia..." mc "What's art to you?" scene w2_7559 with dissolve fel "Nghhh... haa.... can't you break that down into something simpler please?" fel "Kinda a big fuckin' question and I'm a bit... haa-!" scene w2_7560 with dissolve kil "Hey, Felish!" fel "Ng, ohh..!" kil "You're glowing tonight. Like a real star." scene w2_7561 with dissolve kil "Then again, it's so rare you're not." "Ian wore an undeserved, smug look on his face, relishing the opportunity to have a position of power over his friend." scene w2_7562 with dissolve fel "Ahhh... that's nice of you to say, Ian. Real {i}charming{/i}..." "His hands pawed savagely at her bust, cupping the tanned mounds and squeezing hard." scene w2_7563 with dissolve fel "Nnnhhh... [mcf]..." "His fingers played over her nipples, running over and plucking at them like a guitar string." scene w2_7564 with dissolve fel "W-would you m-mind rephrasin' a tad? Eh...? G-get this show on the road?" mc "When did you first start painting?" fel "I... I don't know, um--" scene w2_7565 with dissolve fel "G-gahh...!" "Jumping the gun, my friend tugged on the blonde's body, plucking a pleasure-wracked cry from the blonde's throat." scene w2_7566 with dissolve kil "{size=-10}Man, these puppies are a work of art...{/size=-10}" mc "{b}When did you first start painting{/b}, Felicia?" fel "Nnnh.... I-I d-don't know...! L-like seven, maybe? S-six or..." scene w2_7567 with dissolve fel "Ghh-! Six or seven!" "Ian was undoubtedly having fun." kil "You sure are responsive..." scene w2_7568 with dissolve fel "How 'bout you stick a vibrating triangle up your ass for twenty minutes and find out why...!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "He was distracting her and drawing things longer than needed, but I was gaining an infinitesimal inkling of why Mrs. Pulman liked having a \"helper\" for these tasks." KN_MOD "else:" "He was distracting her and drawing things longer than needed, but I was gaining an infinitesimal inkling of why Kathleen liked having a \"helper\" for these tasks." scene w2_7569 with dissolve mc "Did you pick up painting on your own or did someone teach you?" fel "H-huh? Uh... say ag--" play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_7570 with hpunch "*Thwack!*" fel "C-christ! Ian! Ah... let 'im ask, first!" scene w2_7571 with dissolve mc "Did you pick up painting on your own or..." play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_7572 with vpunch "*Fwhack!*" fel "G-gahh...!" scene w2_7573 with dissolve mc "...did someone teach--" fel "T-teach me!" mc "Was it your mother?" play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_7574 with hpunch "*Fwhhiiip!*" fel "No!" scene w2_7575 with dissolve mc "Someone from school?" play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w2_7576 with vpunch "*Thwap!*" fel "Soooort of!" scene w2_7577 with dissolve mc "Sort of?" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True and w2FeliciaImpressed == True:" "I, of course, knew the answer. It was the..." scene w2_7578 with dissolve fel "Ac-academy...! Art academy!" scene w2_7579 with dissolve fel "I went there three times a week..." scene w2_7580 with dissolve mc "Was it something you wanted for yourself?" scene w2_7581 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve fel "N-no... but I... gradually learned to... {b}love{/b} it." fel "Art taught me to pay attention to my surroundings and I learned how to distinguish between the form and essence of things..." scene w2_7582 with dissolve mc "To cut through the bullshit, you mean?" scene w2_7583 with dissolve fel "S-something like that." scene w2_7584 with dissolve kil "This isn't really my type of thing, so sorry if I'm a little rough at first." scene w2_7585 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7586 with hpunch "*Thwack!*" fel "G-gaah! He hasn't asked a new question yet!" scene w2_7587 with dissolve kil "H-heh... sorry!" mc "Um... right..." mc "Did you want to be a painter when you grew up?" scene w2_7588 with dissolve fel "I... did not. Even as a teenager I had enough sense to know better." scene w2_7589 with dissolve mc "Really?" play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7590 with vpunch "*Thwack!*" fel "G-ggeeeh, why would I lie?!" scene w2_7591 with dissolve mc "Well, I mean... you were good enough to win a national award and you only ever considered it a hobby?" scene w2_7592 with dissolve fel "...y-yeah. Why would you ever mix something you enjoy with {i}money{/i}?" "That struck me as an odd thing for her to say..." scene w2_7591 with dissolve mc "What did you want to be then?" scene w2_7593 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_7594 with dissolve kil "Nah, for me... I'd rather..." scene w2_7595 with dissolve mc "What did you want to be when you were a kid?" stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7596 with dissolve fel "It's d-dumb--" scene w2_7597 with dissolve fel "Ahht...!" "Plugging Felicia's nose and locking lips, Ian kissed Felicia." "It was deep and long and every second stole her breath away, causing her to wriggle and writhe atop her triangular roost." scene w2_7598 with dissolve fel "Mmmh... mmmh...!" "He held it an alarming amount of time, to the point where I was afraid she might pass out..." scene w2_7599 with dissolve kil "You know, I always thought you'd be a better kisser than that." scene w2_7600 with dissolve fel "Y-yyou..! I--" scene w2_7601 with dissolve kil "I guess I can give you a pass considering the circumstances." scene w2_7602 with dissolve mc "What did you want to be when you were a kid, Felicia?" scene w2_7603 with dissolve fel "Ha... haa.... a... teacher. I wanted to be a teacher." scene w2_7604 with dissolve kat "...really? Hmmpfh." kat "You wanted to be an art teacher?" $, 0, channel = "ambient") stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7605 with dissolve fel "I... I... I wanted to be like her..." scene w2_7606 with dissolve fel "..." scene w2_7607 with dissolve kat "That's twice you've surprised me tonight, Mrs. Ford. A woman like you aiming so... {i}low{/i}." scene w2_7608 with dissolve fel "I went on to better things." scene w2_7609 with dissolve kat "If you truly believed that, you wouldn't be sitting here. You, my dear, are not satisfied." scene w2_7610 with dissolve kat "You'll never be satisfied." kat "It's what's taken a redneck like you further than you ever could've dreamed, it's what makes you beautiful, and it's why you'll never feel happy and secure in who you are." play music "music/modern-situations.ogg" scene w2_7611 with dissolve fel "...ha, are an-any of you satisfied yourselves?" scene w2_7612 with dissolve "Despite her growing exhaustion, Felicia ignored the old woman and aimed a fierce look at the crowd." scene w2_7611 with dissolve fel "You... you all want more than what you have and need, else {b}you{/b} wouldn't be sitting here right now. Eat until you burst, right?" scene w2_7613 with dissolve chuck "Bahaha, you're right! Wonderful!" "Her spirit resonated with my old mentor, who freely voiced his agreement." chuck "Eat until you burst!" scene w2_7614 with dissolve frank "I like her." scene w2_7615 with dissolve kat "Tsk...!" scene w2_7617 with dissolve kat "Oh, let's take, say... a {b}twenty{/b} minute break, shall we?" scene w2_7618 with dissolve fel "{b}T-tweeenty...{/b}! I'll...! I'll.. {i}die{/i}!" scene w2_7619 with dissolve kat "Don't be dramatic. You won't {i}burst{/i}." kat "Instead, focus on {i}what is{/i} and {b}what could've been{/b}." scene w2_7620 with dissolve fel "Ah... ha... I'd rather think about {b}what will be{/b}, Ma'am." scene w2_7621 with dissolve kat "..." scene w2_7622 with dissolve kil "*Whispering* I think she might've met her match." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene fel_e2_squirm4_a with dissolve show fel_e2_squirm4 "So the room settled in once more to watch the golddigger's descent into a blend of rapturous agony." "Felicia wore a half-cocked smile, a remnant from her brief repartee with the old woman, but that bluster was visibly wearing thin." mct "(I wonder how long she can stand...?)" "From the moment I had returned with Veronica, she had been in that position for more than thirty minutes." "We start pushing toward an hour and..." kil "She's gonna come out of this looking like a car wreck." fel "Heeh, ha....!" "He said it loud enough for the blonde to hear." scene w2_7623 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve kil "Wanna make a wager on how long it'll take her to crack?" scene w2_7624 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Felicia can take this.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 1 scene w2_7625 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "She can handle another twenty minutes." scene w2_7624 with dissolve "I wasn't actually certain, but even as a pittance, I hope the words would boost her twisted mind's morale." scene w2_7626 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 21:" mc "I believe in that slut." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I believe in her." scene w2_7627 with dissolve fel "Ha, haa....!" scene w2_7623 with dissolve kil "It doesn't sound like it to me." scene w2_7625 with dissolve mc "She'll surprise you." KN_MOD "Tell Ian no thanks.:" scene w2_7625 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "No, I don't think I do." scene w2_7628 with dissolve kil "What about you, Felish? You want to make a bet?" scene w2_7627 with dissolve fel "Ha! F-fuck you very kindly, Ian." "She took Ian's \"humor\" in stride." scene w2_7629 with dissolve kil "Wanted a closer look?" scene w2_7630 with dissolve hana "Actually, {b}yes{/b}..." "Hana approached the blonde with a curious glint in her eye." scene w2_7631 with dissolve fel "Ha, haa...? Y-yeah...?" scene w2_7632 with dissolve hana "You're the one who's doing this to join the club?" scene w2_7631 with dissolve fel "He, ha... s-something like that." scene w2_7633 with dissolve kil "It's exactly like that." scene w2_7631 with dissolve fel "You think I'm insane...?" scene w2_7634 with dissolve hana "No, I don't have the right to judge you, I'm just..." hana "Is this fun for you?" scene w2_7631 with dissolve fel "I d-don't know, I've never done this one before. I'll tell you when it's over." scene w2_7635 with dissolve "She did indeed look at Felicia like she was insane." scene w2_7632 with dissolve hana "I don't get it, but..." scene w2_7636 with dissolve hana "I wish everyone who performed was like you." "I could see the gears spinning in the rocker girl's pig-tailed head." mct "(Changes for the better, eh? That one felt unlikely...)" scene w2_7637 with dissolve fel "Ha, hhhhnggg... M-Mina talked about you a little bit, y'know..." fel "You're freakin' adorable." scene w2_7638 with dissolve hana "Thanks, you're, uh, well..." fel "About to--" scene w2_7639 with vpunch fel "Gyyyaaaaaah....! S-shit...!" "A streak of fem cum shot out from her slit and gave the dull metal body of her ride a nice sheen." scene w2_7640 with dissolve fel "Ghaaa... ha..." "The vibrator had taken its toll, however..." scene w2_7641 with dissolve fel "Ngh..." "It had only been a few minutes since we broke." scene w2_7642 with dissolve fel "Damn it... gghhh... sorry about your shoe..." hana "O-oh..." scene w2_7643 with dissolve hana "That's alright. My fault for standing so close..." scene fel_e2_squirm5_a with dissolve show fel_e2_squirm5 "Her sudden orgasm had put a pin in their odd conversation and Hana joined us on the side as Felicia went back to not-quite-silently running out the clock." fel "Haahh... ghhhnn...." "The three of us didn't make small talk, we just watched with muted interest, enthralled by the sight unfolding not a few feet away." "Even Hana was mesmerized, seemingly less bothered by this than the opening act." fel "G-ghhaa!" "Every minute or so, she would be hit with another slight orgasm. Her thighs would shake and clap against her perch with a boisterous clamor, exhausting her deeper into a sexual fog." fel "Mmmh... haaaat..." "Ten minutes in and forty minutes total..." scene w2_7644 with dissolve fel "Myyyhhhhh...!" "Felicia gritted her teeth as another wave of terrible pleasure consumed her body." scene w2_7645 with dissolve fel "Haaa..." scene fel_e2_squirm6_a with dissolve show fel_e2_squirm6 "Felicia was no longer smiling, instead she looked out to lunch. She was too focused on quelling the way her body involuntarily shivered and jerked." "It looked like a perverse form of meditation." "{b}Fifteen minutes in{/b}." mc "She's hanging in there." fel "Ghh... gh-guh..." kil "Is that what you call it?" "Seventeen minutes." hana "This is absurd, right?" fel "Hyy, yaahh.. nghhyaa....!" "Eighteen minutes." mct "(Had the old woman met her match?)" fel "Ghhaaa..." "Nineteen..." scene w2_7646 with dissolve fel "Nhhh... nhh...! Haaa...! Oh, shit--!" mc "Oohh...!" scene w2_7647 with dissolve "A momentarily lapse in concentration saw the blonde almost losing her balance." fel "G-geeh... t-thanks... g-good catch..." scene w2_7648 with dissolve kat "You're quite hardy, aren't you Mrs. Ford?" scene w2_7649 with dissolve kat "It's difficult to believe you're inexperienced with this type of play, even Harper would be..." "Felicia braced her body and supported herself under her own strength once more." scene w2_7650 with dissolve fel "Hnngh... it's just... {b}sitting{/b}, isn't it?" scene w2_7651 with dissolve kat "Your tenacity is commendable, but I know you're exhausted. By now, your waist should be numb and your back should be on fire." kat "I wonder how much it would take to break you~ oh, how I do love a challenge~" scene w2_7652 with dissolve jim "Twenty more minutes would do it!" tom "Yeah, let the bitch sit!" scene w2_7653 with dissolve kat "Hmmm..." "It seemed she no longer cared about the interrogation, but she looked elated at the prospect of pushing Felicia's endurance to the limit." scene w2_7654 with dissolve fel "H-heh... t-that's..." "{i}Please no{/i} was what she was thinking. It was written clear on her face." scene w2_7655 with dissolve kat "What say you, Miss Rhodes?" scene w2_7656 with dissolve hana "H-huh?" kat "I want to know if you think another twenty minutes would do it?" scene w2_7657 with dissolve hana "Um, why are you..." scene w2_7658 with dissolve "Hana's gaze wandered over to Felicia and the two shared a look." scene w2_7659 with dissolve hana "...don't you think this is getting old?" scene w2_7660 with dissolve kat "......" scene w2_7661 with dissolve kat "...I agree." scene w2_7662 with dissolve "Boop!" scene w2_7663 with dissolve kat "You've got a good sense for this, dear. We should change things up..." scene w2_7664 with dissolve kat "Mr. [mcl]?" scene w2_7665 with dissolve kat "I don't want the bitch to be able to stand after this." scene w2_7666 with dissolve mc "What do you want me to...?" scene w2_7665 with dissolve kat "The talking is over with. Move onto the main event." scene w2_7667 with dissolve mc " it." mct "(--not really.)" scene w2_7668 with dissolve kat "Make this a good show, Mrs. Ford. Shamelessly moan and thrust, even when you no longer have the stamina to." kat "You'll continue to impress us, won't you? You won't let [mcf] here upend your pride as a {i}slut{/i}, will you?" scene w2_7669 with dissolve fel "Ghhh... f-finally..." scene w2_7670 with dissolve kat "Floor's yours, Mr. [mcl]. Proceed however you find fitting." scene w2_7671 with dissolve mc "..." "{i}The floor was mine{/i}." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Mosey over to Felicia and get a taste before railing her good.:" $ w2FelSex = True $ w2ExPointsFelicia +=2 $ Kathleen_Affection +=2 $ Hana_Affection -=1 scene w2_7672 with dissolve "Back strained by her {i}predicament{/i}, {b}they{/b} had been stealing my eyeline all night." KN_MOD "if toughness >=21:" mct "(Might as well do what I want to do.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Let's make an effort for us to both feel good.)" fel "H-heh... y-you got a f-funny look." "Bon appétit." play music "music/bellissimo.ogg" scene fel_e2_ts1_a with dissolve show fel_e2_ts1 with dissolve fel "Hy-uhhh...!" "*Fwup, chwup...!*" "Without much ado, I latched onto the half-sensate blonde's nipple and sucked on the beautiful, diamond-hard nub like a starving infant." "At the same time, my hand found rest on the opposite breast, teasing and gently stroking its pliant titflesh, brushing and flicking its pale-pink point." fel "Hehhh... heehhh...!" "The sudden titty assault had the overwrought Felicia immediately whistling like a tea kettle." "A sheen of perspiration made the blonde quite the salty snack, beads of sweat funneling down her ample breasts and tickling my lips." fel "Ka-, ch- c'mon... get me down from here...!" "All the while I sucked, the vibrating edge of her seat continued buzzing and purring into her puffy sex without mercy." fel "Hehh... kh-khaa...!" "As a man, her discordant moans were the only appreciable clue I had to understanding what nearly an hour on that thing would feel like." fel "S-seriously...! She s-saihd m-main eveeeent...!" "It sounded sweet to my ears, tickling the ugly parts of me while I pursued the old woman's unsparring directive." fel "J-just f-fuck me al-already...! Ah...!" "I wanted as much myself, to find relief from the uncomfortable strain in my slacks, but..." scene fel_e2_ts3_a with dissolve show fel_e2_ts3 with dissolve fel "G'yyahh....!" "...but if my mission was to fuck her until she lost all feeling in her legs, then it couldn't hurt to stack the deck in my favor by letting her go another minute or so." fel "Fhh- ah, haaa...!" "I went full-on vacuum. Her nipple firmly between my lips, I roughly tugged and pulled, stretching the pink protuberance as far as it would reasonably go." "There was no sense in building a tempo, all semblance of delicacy had been taken out back and shot within the past hour." fel "Fye, hmm.... hnng...!" "Felicia's body was simply going haywire." "*Chwup, fhwhup...!*" "The skin of her back was burning hot to the touch. Even the gentlest of stimulation would've had her howling and {i}this wasn't gentle{/i}." "*Chwup, fhwhup, kwhup...!*" fel "Hyee... hhaaaaaaaaaa...!" "I was suckling these suckers raw." "*Fwhup, khwup, fwhup, cwhup!!!*" scene fel_e2_ts2_a with dissolve show fel_e2_ts2 with dissolve fel "[mcf]! Ha... y-yyeaahhh, It's lihhhk.... I c-can't feel aah-anything else, but mhy yyttttiiihhts....!" "Her befuddled admission trailed off into a delightful, high-pitched moan." mct "(Good!)" fel "A aaaahhhh....! Just...! Only.... m-mhy...!" mct "(That's right!)" KN_MOD "if toughness >= 24:" mct "(Focus on nothing else, but what I'm doing to you, slut!)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Focus on nothing else, but what I'm doing to you!)" fel "G-gaaaah, hhhnnggg...!" "This was playing on easy mode! She was getting {b}there{/b} fast, stimulated as she was on both halves of her body." mct "(C'mon...!)" fel "Hnng, gguah, ha-haaat...!" mct "(C'mon, just one more time and you're off that thing!)" fel "Hnn, hghhh... haaa, hnng--!" "Her moans devolved into gibberish and--" scene w2_7673 with flash fel "Ghhuhuhhhguheheheh....!" "The sound of all control and sense jettisoning out of her body filled the exhibition hall." fel "Ghehhheh... Immmsasooofhooockingggg--" scene w2_7674 with vpunch fel "Eyyuchh...!" scene w2_7675 with dissolve "*Plop!*" "Her time on the horse had finally taken its toll and so spellbound by her guttural cry, I let the rapidly weakening blonde slip through my fingers." fel "Ha, haa... heh.. heheh... haha..." eric "Is the bitch broken?" scene w2_7676 with dissolve mct "(...she's smiling?)" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "Alley oop!" scene w2_7677 with fade mc "Are you...?" fel "Tch, h-hehh...!" "Her crotch was so inflamed that just grazing it with my fingernail caused her to shudder." scene w2_7678 with dissolve fel "F-finally... c'mon, stud..." scene w2_7679 with dissolve "{b}She's smiling{/b}." mct "(Fucking incredible.)" scene w2_7680 with dissolve mct "(And her...)" "Well, she was going to inevitably see me do this." mct "(Let's get this dancing monkey show started.)" scene w2_7681 with dissolve fel "Ghhhaaaah...!" "The moment I inserted myself, Felicia clamped down hard and a gush of lady squirt stained my pants." scene w2_7682 with dissolve mc "Did you really just fucking cum again?" fel "Gghhh... hehheh... f-fuck me, [mcf]." play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene fel_e2_gb2_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >= 21:" mct "(Have it your way, you crazy bitch!)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Have it your way!)" "Leave it to Felicia to make it seem like she has the upper hand, even when her mind is melted from pleasure." "I put nearly all my strength into it from the git-go, withdrawing and ramming my cock back in with ass-quaking force, and causing Felicia's loose limbs to flop around like spaghetti." scene fel_e2_gb3_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb3 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" mc "Is this is what you've been looking forward to, dick-for-brains?!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Is this what you've been looking forward to?" fel "Heehh... haahh..." mc "Well...?!" scene fel_e2_gb2_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb2 with dissolve fel "Ghhuu..." "The force of the fucking, as weighed down and secure as it was, had our impromptu metal support brace creaking." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" mc "You heard Mrs. Pulman! Let everyone hear you, slut!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Well, enjoy then!" scene fel_e2_gb1_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb1 with dissolve fel "{size=-10}Hehah, ghhuhh...!{/size=-10}" "Despite the determined smile that was tattooed on her face, Felicia's body was dead weight and her moans could barely be heard over our copulation." fel "{size=-10}Ghh, ghhu...!{/size=-10}" "She mainly just grunted from the force of our sexes impacting each other." fel "{size=-10}He, ghhee...!{/size=-10}" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "She was utterly exhausted, worn down by Mrs. Pulman's game of attrition." KN_MOD "else:" "She was utterly exhausted, worn down by Kathleen's game of attrition." "Even still, she felt fucking amazing. She was so wet that I had no trouble coming or going. She just accepted me." "It was like we were in a near-frictionless state of rut. I would've felt like I was floating, if not for the strain on my back bringing me back to reality." $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene w2_7683 with dissolve kil "Eh? Eh? That could be you, y'know?" kil "Or have you two already...?" scene w2_7684 with dissolve hana "S-shut up, moron." scene w2_7685 with dissolve kil "Wait... {i}you're blushing{/i}?" scene w2_7686 with dissolve hana "I've never... I've never seen someone fuck this up close before." scene w2_7685 with dissolve kil "Wait, really? With how long you've been working here...?" scene w2_7686 with dissolve hana "I don't make a habit of staring!" $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene fel_e2_gb2_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb2 with dissolve kil "Well, drink it in. [mcf]'s balls deep in that slut." hana "Seriously, shut the fuck up! I can do without the commentary!" kil "That's nine inches of pipe splitting her--" $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene w2_7687 with dissolve show w2_7688 with vpunch kil "G-guh..." hana "I can see what's happening!" kil "O-owwh...!" $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene fel_e2_gb3_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb3 with dissolve mct "(...did Ian just groan?)" "I didn't know. My focus was on the woman in my hands." fel "{size=-10}He, ghhee...! G-good it...! Ha... this is...{/size=-10}" "Felicia murmured to herself, brain-cooked." fel "{size=-10}G-give me your fat load, stud...{/size=-10}" "She was insane, but she was a true succubus and a consummate performer, I'd give her that. Even in a half-lidded fuck coma, she prodded her partner on. " scene fel_e2_gb1_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb1 with dissolve mc "Ha... you want it?" fel "{size=-10} Ghh-- gghu!{/size=-10}" "Back to just grunts. Well, whatever..." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" mc "You can have it, you cum-sucking, piggy bitch!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You can have it!" "*Schlick, schlick, fwhich...!*" "Tightening my grip on the back of her neck, I mustered everything I had and barreled for home plate." fel "{size=-10} Ghh-- gghu, gh--!{/size=-10}" "I focused my thoughts on my only purpose for this indeterminable span of minutes." "I concerned myself with only our mechanical act, of dwelling on the sensation of my cock splitting Felicia open and repeatedly ripping itself out from her clinging insides." mc "Ha...!" "Her sticky skin was rubbing my forearms raw, but the only sensation I paid attention to was the one building in my nuts." mc "Hah, oh yeah...!" "Yeah, I was feeling it. A swell of sexual urge was giving me that familiar sick feeling in my stomach, like I had to expel my desire lest I perish." scene fel_e2_gb2_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb2 with dissolve mc "He, haa...!" "*Plop, plop, plop!*" "Sandwiched as close as we were, my ball sack beat brutally against her sloppy quim, flooding my brain with a surge of dopamine and the feeling that we both might break from this." mc "Ha...! Gah...!" mc "Gah, f-fuck, Felicia!" fel "{size=-10}Heh, ha--!{/size=-10}" "She tightened up, her insides squeezing me softly enough to feel perilous at the speed we were fucking." "Her body's instincts were flawless." scene fel_e2_gb1_a with dissolve show fel_e2_gb1 with dissolve mc "F-fuck...!" "I wasn't sure how long I had been at it, but..." mct "(I'm going to...!)" stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene fel_e2_gb4_a with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" show fel_e2_gb4 with flash fel "{size=-10}Hnnng!{/size=-10}" "A gush of baby batter flooded Felicia's insides, mixing itself finely with her own sexual juices as I scraped the overflowing filling back in and out with my cock, packing my genetic code deeper and deeper inside her." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with vpunch mc "Guh, ghhuh...!" "Her insides knew what to do, clinging securely and squeezing out every last drop of spunk from my urethra." mc "Ha...!" scene w2_7689 with dissolve "My hips finally got the memo they could stop." mct "(Holy shit...)" scene w2_7690 with dissolve "Felicia was indeed ruined." "It was thanks largely in part to the physics of sitting on a triangular wedge for an hour, but I still felt a perverse sense of accomplishment seeing my semen ooze from her gaping cunt." scene w2_7691 with dissolve kat "Good work, Mr. [mcl]. A fine job." scene w2_7692 with dissolve mc "Uh... thanks." scene w2_7693 with dissolve kat "Ha! The slut is truly fucked. Someone take a picture!" scene w2_7694 with dissolve "*Click*" kat "......" scene w2_7695 with dissolve kat "I was being rhetorical." kil "Heh... I can send it to you if you want..." kat "You...! Ah..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.felW2Shame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felW2Shame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) kat "Get a few more, will you?" "......" "..." "I was going to need to change my pants after this, copious amounts of fem cum seeped through my slacks and stuck the fabric to my legs." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2ExRosalindHumiliationPre" KN_MOD "Focus on Felicia and forgo your own gratification.:" $ Felicia_Affection += 2 $ Chuck_Friendship +=1 $ Kathleen_Affection -=1 $ Kathleen_Trust -=1 scene w2_7696 with dissolve mct "(First things first...)" "Between the old woman's harping and a losing battle against gravity, Felicia's had it rough." scene w2_7697 with dissolve mc "Need a hand off that thing?" fel "Y-yes! God, yes! That'd be... {b}very{/b} gentlemanly." scene w2_7698 with dissolve fel "Ghh-" scene black with fade "Her body was beyond sensitive right now, it would be a cakewalk getting her to sing for the audience - but I wanted to make this enjoyable for her and her perverted inclinations foremost." scene w2_7699 with dissolve fel "W-woah...!" mc "I've got you." fel "{size=10}Gah, my l-legs are fucking numb, but...{/size=10}" scene w2_7700 with dissolve fel "Looks like I'm standing. You've got your work cut out for you, stud." scene w2_7701 with dissolve "Ever and always the tenacious slut, Felicia stole a glance at the leering crowd." scene w2_7702 with dissolve mc "*Whispering* Need a minute?" scene w2_7703 with dissolve fel "*Whispering* I don't think we have a minute. They're waiting." scene w2_7704 with dissolve mc "*Whispering* Alright. Let's have some fun now then." scene w2_7705 with dissolve scene w2_7706 with dissolve scene w2_7705 with dissolve "She simply nodded with confidence, a smile on her face." scene w2_7707 with dissolve fel "I'm in your hands, Mr. [mcl]." scene black with fade mc "Let's get a better look then." play music "music/ode-to-joy.ogg" scene w2_7708 with snake mc "See 'em all so clearly?" mc "This is catnip to an exhibitionist slut like you, right?" mc "All these curious, lecherous faces held captivated by your naked body..." scene w2_7709 with dissolve fel "Hhhghh...." scene w2_7710 with dissolve "Felicia shivered in my arms. This may have been about her own gratification, but I took pleasure from her response." scene w2_7711 with dissolve fel "Yeah, I see them..." scene w2_7712 with dissolve mc "You have CEOs and all other manner of powerful men's eyes glued to you right now." scene w2_7713 with dissolve mc "Dr. Van Doren is a pioneer in the field of medicine. He did business with your father-in-law." mc "He's ten feet away, watching you throw all your self-respect away and getting groped like a common whore." scene w2_7714 with dissolve fel "Nnnghh..." scene w2_7713 with dissolve mc "There's a five-time elected congressman here, as well as the Morehead Hills Chief of Police watching you." scene w2_7715 with dissolve fel "H-haaat...!" mc "How does that make you feel, slut?" fel "I-incredible!" scene w2_7716 with dissolve mc "Hmpfh. And then there's Dr. Kohler. He made millions engineering something your hick ass couldn't even begin to comprehend. See him?" scene w2_7717 with dissolve fel "Hhhgh..." scene w2_7716 with dissolve mc "Dirty whore. He's here for you." scene w2_7717 with dissolve fel "H-haaaah! F-fuck me...!" "She called out in a plaintive tone, so sad and needy that I felt bad saying..." scene w2_7718 with dissolve mc "No. I'm not going to fuck you." fel "C'm-what...? Eh?" scene w2_7719 with dissolve mc "Don't fret. You're going to get off, but it's not going to be my dick that does it." scene w2_7720 with dissolve mc "It's going to be all these gentlemen's eyes that do it. We're going to give them a VERY close look at that pretty pink pussy of yours." fel "Hgggg....!" scene w2_7721 with dissolve mc "Let's take this to the floor, {b}Mrs. Ford{/b}." fel "Ha, haa...!" scene w2_7722 with dissolve "Guiding the beautiful blonde to the floor, I pried her limbs apart to grant everyone an unfettered view." "I wanted to be sure that no amount of thrashing in the throes of sexual ecstasy would obstruct their eyes from her intoxicating body." "This is what she likes right, well then..." scene w2_7723 with dissolve mc "*Whispering* Enjoy, Felicia. Eat until you burst." fel "[mcf]--" scene fel_e2_fs1_a with dissolve show fel_e2_fs1 with dissolve fel "Hng, aah...!" "Setting any more fanfare aside, I dipped my middle and ring fingers into Felicia's honeypot and stirred." "Her pussy was swollen and red, engorged from almost an hour of nonstop stimulation, so I took it slow and paid attention to her response." fel "Hhhghh... you sure you wouldn't rather just fuck me, stud?" "Every rub and touch resulted in either an uncomfortable wince or a pleasured shiver from Felicia, and distinguishing between the two and just doing the latter was my principle concern." mc "I'd just get in the way of everyone looking at you." fel "Hhhhuuu...!" scene fel_e2_fs2_a with dissolve show fel_e2_fs2 with dissolve "Eventually, I found a satisfactory pace and angle that had the hazy-eyed blonde squirming sweetly in my arms." "Her lower mouth swallowed my digits with ease, allowing me unburdened access to scrape and prod the slippery lining of her sex to my heart's content." mc "It's not just the men in front of you that are watching either. You've got eyes on you from all around." fel "Haa... y-yes!" mc "There's Rosalind and Veronica to our left, contemptuously staring a hole into your side, but you don't care." mc "You like being hard to figure out. You take pride in it." fel "Huuuughh... m-maybe..." mc "That's not all either, Ian and Hana are to our right." mc "He's your friend's boyfriend, you dirty slut." fel "H-heh...! You sure know how to sweet talk a gal, [mcf]." mc "I'm not doing a damn thing, Felicia. This is all you~" "She shuddered with each syllable, each being carried on a puff of hot air that traveled down and tickled the nape of her neck." scene fel_e2_fs1_a with dissolve show fel_e2_fs1 with dissolve mc "You were destined to be in the spotlight- - your perverted mind and that slutty body of yours." fel "Hhhng--" "Every lewd accusation caused her slippery hole to hug my fingers all the more, to fruitlessly wrangle a urethra that wasn't there." fel "K-keep talking...!" mc "They see EVERYTHING right now. Your battered pussy..." fel "Ha, hhggg..." mc "Your beautiful pink pucker...!" fel "Y-yeees!" mc "Your fat, ripe--" scene w2_7724 with dissolve fel "Ghhaaaa!" "A spurt of sex juice shot out like a geyser, ending just as abruptly as it started." scene fel_e2_fs3_a with dissolve show fel_e2_fs3 with dissolve "--but I didn't stop, instead I carried on faster. I kept talking." mc "They see everything~ Your fat, delicious tits~" fel "Hhh-haaa...!" mc "Your tight tummy~ Your full lips~" "Even I was getting pulled into the excitement, buzzed on the feeling of her damp naked back pressed into my chest and the power of prying her open for display." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaDegrade == True:" mc "You dirty, no good whore! You love it, don't you?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You horny bitch! You love it, don't you?" fel "Waah? Eeeugnghhh...!" mct "(Holy hell...)" fel "-it's g-good! This is better than a cock...?!" "It was as if her sex was trying to suck my fingers out of their sockets. Felicia was turned on greater than I had ever previously seen her - or any woman for that matter..." fel "This feeling...! In my stomach, my back, my chest...!" fel "I can barely breathe! I could die...! Ha...!" "As if under a spell, the words poured out of Felicia's mouth like flowing water." fel "Thiseeessthebeeeest!" fel "E-everyone look at me! G-get a good look...!" "She dared to address the men in front of us." scene w2_7725 with dissolve fel "Vincenzo, Frank, Eric, Joe, Thomas... everyone, aaahh...!" scene w2_7726 with dissolve "As simple of a \"main event\" this was, Felicia sold it to the crowd." scene w2_7727 with dissolve fel "I see you. You're not men. You're just filthy animals-! Just pure egos bumping into each other for dominance~" scene w2_7728 with dissolve fel "I see you for what you are. {b}Do you see me{/b}?" "She showed her would-be peers who she was, better than the old woman's attempt." scene w2_7729 with dissolve shel "The bitch is losing it!" scene w2_7730 with dissolve chuck "Shut up, Joe." shel "H-huh?" chuck "Let me enjoy this moment without you demeaning it, you dumb bastard." scene w2_7731 with dissolve "The whole crowd fell silent from Dr. Chuck's demand. Since starting here, I'd seen many new sides of him, but this was the first time I had glimpsed irritation." mct "(...and for what?)" fel "Eeeeh...!" scene fel_e2_fs4_a with dissolve show fel_e2_fs4 with dissolve "It wasn't my concern. The blonde in my arms was my whole world right now." fel "This is what... {size=10}this is....{/size=10} {size=5}this...{/size=5}" "...but her enthusiasm was wearing her down and she was finally succumbing to the effects of the last hour." mc "*Whispering* I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Felicia." fel "G-guhhh.... eeehuuhhh...." mc "*Whispering* This was the best I could come up with for you. Are you happy?" fel "{size=10}Y-yesshh...! C-can't you tell?{/size=10}" "I may not understand it, but..." mc "*Whispering* I'm glad." "Felicia's hedonism was absurd, but in the madness of her perversion, there was purity and beauty. An unwillingness to be held down." fel "Gggh, hhaaa... th-thank..." "My dick pressed painfully into her back and I was, in a way that defied all reason, happy to be the hand showing her off." stop music scene w2_7733 with flash with vpunch fel "Ghhh, eeennnhhh, hhaaaathank you...!!" "Felicia erupted and the tension was cut from her body." scene w2_7734 with vpunch fel "Hhhhnghh!" "She shook and squirmed, but she was more or less dead weight in my arms as she let her faculties vacate her body." fel "Heheh... hehh...." scene w2_7735 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* Good girl..." fel "Ha-haa...." "It was... {b}a lot{/b}. The carpet in front of us was stained with Felicia's piss and cum." scene w2_7736 with dissolve fel "{size=-10}H-huh...{/size=-10}" mct "(Wow...)" "What a fucking mess." scene w2_7737 with dissolve fel "{size=10}I c-can't feel my legs...{/size=10}" fel "{size=10}N-nnever.. c-cumsso - h-hard...{/size=10}" "Was this good enough? Should I stop it here?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "End it here.:" "It might not have been what anyone watching was expecting, the old woman included, but Felicia had burned brightly in my opinion." scene w2_7738 with dissolve mc "It's done. She's exhausted." scene w2_7739 with dissolve kat "...hmmm." scene w2_7740 with dissolve fel "{size=-10}Heehh... m-more...{/size=-10}" "Kat gave the blonde a rousing kick." scene w2_7741 with dissolve kat "So she is, it seems." scene w2_7742 with dissolve "She said it with a curious smile, but I got the impression she wasn't completely happy with how I handled it." scene w2_7741 with dissolve kat "Clean the slut up. We'll move onto Mrs. Carter." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.felW2Shame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felW2Shame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mc "...same deal as last time?" "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2ExRosalindHumiliationPre" KN_MOD "Put a final degrading flourish on it to make it more palatable to the patrons.:" $ w2ExPointsFelicia +=2 $ Kathleen_Affection +=2 $ Kathleen_Trust +=1 $ Veronica_Affection -=1 $ Felicia_Affection -= 2 $ Rosalind_Affection -=1 $ Hana_Affection -=2 $ w2FelHalfMeasure = True "When she said she didn't want Felicia to be able to walk, it {i}might{/i} not have been so literal, however..." play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w2_7743 with dissolve "Standing up, I held the woman by her fine golden hair." fel "{size=10}Heehh... oh-oh...{/size=10}" mc "It's done. The slut's exhausted." scene w2_7744 with dissolve mc "Thank everyone for watching you tonight, whore." "It was my best impression of the old woman." scene w2_7745 with dissolve fel "{size=10}T-thank{/size=10} {size=5}yyooo{/size=5}ouuu..." scene w2_7744 with dissolve mc "There you have it, gentleman. You've now seen Felicia for who she really is." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_7746 with vpunch fel "W-hoah..." "*Thwap!*" "Letting go, I let her fall into her own dirty mess." play sound "sound effects/spit.wav" scene w2_7747 with dissolve mc "*Hock--!*" scene w2_7748 with dissolve "I added my contribution to the pool of fluids Felicia was lying in." scene w2_7749 with dissolve KN_MOD "if feliciaAnger == True:" mc "Disgusting fucking pig. Soak it in." scene w2_7750 with dissolve "I had only intended my words to be theatrics, but as I spoke them, the same irrational contempt I felt during her husband's interview rose to the surface. " KN_MOD "elif feliciaFlag == True and feliciaAnger == False:" mc "Soak it in." scene w2_7750 with dissolve "This was a half measure, having finally done my best to fulfill Felicia's fantasy, of giving these perverted fucks what they wanted. Of course, despite any \"professional\" intentions, treating the rich woman like dirt.." mct "(Made me so fucking hard.)" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Soak it in." scene w2_7750 with dissolve "This was my half-measure, in between making this fun for Felicia and giving these perverted fucks what they wanted." scene w2_7751 with dissolve kat "Hmmpfh." scene w2_7752 with dissolve kat "So it does indeed seem." scene w2_7753 with dissolve kat "Go clean her up, Mr. [mcl]. We'll move onto Mrs. Carter." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.felW2Shame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.felW2Shame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2ExRosalindHumiliationPre" KN_MOD "label w2ExRosalindHumiliationPre:" scene w2_7754 with wiperight play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve war "Gh-! Would you mind trying LIFTING next time, kid?" scene w2_7755 with dissolve kil "A big strong man like you surely isn't complaining over a couch, is he?" scene w2_7756 with dissolve war "Just shut up and go get the other camera, dipshit." scene w2_7757 with dissolve kil "Why does everyone always call me--" scene w2_7758 with cmet "*Cl-chwiiick!*" scene w2_7759 with dissolve "Just as with Veronica, I had returned the gold-digging blonde to the cage sans clothing. Apart from nodding off in the shower once or twice, it was a less somber cleanup than Veronica." mc "Were you shocked by the way I behaved?" scene w2_7760 with dissolve hana "Do you care what I think?" scene w2_7761 with dissolve mc "Yes." KN_MOD "if w2FelHalfMeasure == True:" scene w2_7762 with dissolve hana "I know you were just doing your job, but... you enjoyed it on some level, right?" scene w2_7761 with dissolve mc "...right." scene w2_7763 with dissolve hana "..." KN_MOD "elif w2FelSex == True:" scene w2_7760 with dissolve hana "It was..." scene w2_7764 with dissolve hana "Interesting." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_7760 with dissolve hana "It could've been a lot worse." scene w2_7765 with dissolve hana "I'm glad {i}she{/i} seemed to enjoy herself at least--" scene w2_7766 with dissolve fel "Aaffwwwh...!" scene w2_7765 with dissolve hana "I-is she asleep?!" mc "I mean, have you ever been on one of those things? For an hour?" scene w2_7767 with dissolve hana "Of course not! I..." scene w2_7768 with dissolve hana "Eugh... I'm imagining it." scene w2_7769 with dissolve mc "Yeah, probably tuckers you the fuck out to say the least." scene w2_7770 with dissolve kat "To say the least." scene w2_7771 with dissolve kat "How are you finding the show so far, Miss Rhodes?" scene w2_7772 with dissolve hana "Oh, it's just lovely Mrs. Pulman. I'm having a great time." scene w2_7771 with dissolve kat "You'll take to this business. You've got pornography in your blood, after all." scene w2_7773 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2FelSex == False:" kat "I enjoyed the direction you took it tonight. Good work." scene w2_7774 with dissolve mc "Did you really? I was worried it might be a little too..." scene w2_7773 with dissolve kat "It was fine. It wasn't exactly to my tastes, but the men seemed to enjoy it." kat "That's the beauty of having another mind to rely on." mct "(If you say so...)" KN_MOD "else:" kat "You gave it to Mrs. Ford good tonight. You're a natural." scene w2_7774 with dissolve mc "Um, thanks..." mct "(It's easy to tune out the crowd when you have beautiful women to work with.)" scene w2_7775 with dissolve ver "Ha! Things didn't go the way you hoped with her, did it?" ver "She didn't lose her composure!" scene w2_7776 with dissolve kat "No, certainly not like you did, Miss Lynch. However..." scene w2_7777 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Ford has given me some wonderful ideas to go forward." kat "The unpredictability of these games keeps things fun and interesting." scene w2_7778 with dissolve kat "Maybe Mrs. Carter will surprise me too." scene w2_7779 with dissolve hana "What's with the couch? It's dramatically less..." scene w2_7780 with dissolve kat "Oh, Rosalind willing, we'll be putting them to good use." scene w2_7779 with dissolve hana "Right, of course, {i}stupid question{/i}..." scene w2_7781 with dissolve kat "Now, get the cow out of her pen and onto the couch, will you?" mc "Sure..." scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/metal-crash.mp3" "*Cl-chwiiick!*" scene w2_7782 with dissolve rose "Ugh..." rose "I'm getting old." scene w2_7783 with dissolve mc "I hate to be the one to tell you to go sit back down, but..." scene w2_7784 with dissolve mc "Go sit down." scene w2_7785 with dissolve rose "...yes, sir." scene w2_7786 with dissolve "With small footsteps, she slowly disembarked." KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" scene w2_7790 with dissolve ver "Hey, [mcf]?" ver "I know it's..." scene w2_7791 with dissolve ver "I mean..." scene w2_7792 with dissolve mc "What is it?" scene w2_7793 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_7794 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "*Sigh* Go do your job, you fucking pervert." mc "...yeah, I will?" scene black with fade "What else would I do?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_7787 with dissolve ver "Night's soon finally going to be fucking over." scene w2_7788 with dissolve mc "Why don't you get some sleep like your cellmate? Be over even quicker." scene w2_7787 with dissolve ver "Are you fucking kidding? She's the only woman who could be snoozing at a time like this." scene w2_7789 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 ver "She's tougher than she looks, huh?" scene black with fade "Indeed." scene w2_7795 with fade kil "You have any plans for tomorrow?" mc "Just a lazy Sunday hopefully. This week's been... {b}draining{/b}." play music "music/hotshot.ogg" scene w2_7796 with dissolve "..." scene w2_7797 with dissolve kil "{b}Same{/b}, tell me about it. I just wanna..." scene w2_7798 with dissolve mc "What's with that dumb look on your face?" scene w2_7799 with dissolve kil "...that's just my face, asshole." scene w2_7800 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_7801 with dissolve kil "Anyway, I was trying to ask, you wanna kick it or something?" scene w2_7802 with dissolve mc "I don't really feel like going to a nightclub, Ian." scene w2_7801 with dissolve kil "No... I just mean, you and me - chillin' y'know?" scene w2_7802 with dissolve mc "No alcohol or girls...?" scene w2_7801 with dissolve kil "Yeah, like the old days... play some games or just... {i}talk{/i}?" scene w2_7803 with dissolve mc "We're not kids anymore, dude. Why are you always so like {i}old times{/i} and shit?" scene w2_7804 with dissolve kil "Are you serious? Don't you miss how simple things used to be?" scene w2_7805 with dissolve mc "What do you mean? Your life's way better now." scene w2_7806 with dissolve kil "I mean yeah, of course it is. Duh. Right? Heh..." kil "I'm just sayin'..." scene w2_7807 with dissolve mc "To be honest, I don't think about it that much. I don't see the point." scene w2_7808 with dissolve kil "..." scene w2_7809 with dissolve mc "Hah, sorry -- yeah. Alright." mc "Let's \"kick\" it tomorrow. It'll be fun." scene w2_7810 with dissolve kil " couldn't have just started with that?" kil "Were you tryin' to make me feel like a blubbering pussy, you robotic cunt?" scene w2_7811 with dissolve mc "Sorry. You know how I am. Beep, boop." scene w2_7812 with dissolve kil "There's a reason I'm your only friend." mc "Same to you." scene w2_7813 with dissolve kat "If everyone's settled, then we can begin." scene w2_7814 with dissolve hana "Ah, fuck. Ummm... good luck, Rose." rose "Thanks..." scene w2_7815 with dissolve hana "*Whispering* What the fuck, do you know what her husband..." scene w2_7816 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I do." scene w2_7817 with dissolve hana "...eugh!" scene w2_7818 with dissolve kat "Please take your seat Miss Rhodes." scene w2_7819 with dissolve kat "Ian, would you please make sure both video cameras are working properly?" kil "Got it." scene w2_7820 with dissolve mc "What should I do?" kat "Just stand off to the side awaiting direction. We'll begin once Ian is finished." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "It didn't take long for Ian to finish." "A couple minutes later..." KN_MOD "label w2ExRosalindHumiliation:" play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" scene w2_7821 with curtains kat "Ending the night, we have Mrs. Carter. Say hello, dear." rose "H-hello..." scene w2_7822 with dissolve kat "I know you watched the first two events closely. So, you must think you have an idea of how this is going to go?" scene w2_7823 with dissolve rose "I got no id--" kat "Well, I'm afraid to say, you're not as interesting as the other two. No one here really gives a damn about your background." scene w2_7824 with dissolve kat "You're just a meek, pathetic woman. Am I wrong?" scene w2_7825 with dissolve rose "I, uh... I mean..." scene w2_7826 with dissolve rose "{b}You're wrong...{/b}." scene w2_7827 with dissolve kat "I'm glad you didn't agree, because I know deep down you believe yourself to be practical." kat "You're not a whore, you're a survivor.... is it something like that?" scene w2_7826 with dissolve rose "I'm whatever you say I am, Mrs. Pulman." scene w2_7828 with dissolve kat "Please, don't back track, dear. I want you to speak your mind." scene w2_7826 with dissolve rose " you can twist what I say and use it against me?" scene w2_7827 with dissolve kat "Ha! You're wiser than those other two whores, I'll give you that." scene w2_7826 with dissolve rose "...thank you, Ma'am." scene w2_7829 with dissolve kat "I didn't say it was a good thing. Being so \"malleable\" won't make you stand out tonight." scene w2_7830 with dissolve kat "You've got to make an impression on Miss Rhodes. She'll be weighing your humiliation against your conviction tonight." scene w2_7825 with dissolve rose "I'm not sure that makes any sense..." scene w2_7831 with dissolve kat "Mrs. Carter, you'll do anything for your daughter, is that true?" scene w2_7832 with dissolve rose "Please don't bring her into this." scene w2_7831 with dissolve kat "I like that about you. You don't try to hide your shame like Miss Lynch does." scene w2_7832 with dissolve rose "Why would I? What I'm doing IS shameful." scene w2_7831 with dissolve kat "Yet you're doing it, because you'll do anything for your daughter. I do wonder though..." scene w2_7833 with dissolve kat "If you're really such a good mother, why the hell did you stick around with that failure of a husband of yours?" scene w2_7834 with dissolve rose "I..." scene w2_7835 with dissolve rose "I've got no excuse." scene w2_7836 with dissolve kat "As far as I'm concerned, you're responsible for your own predicament. The thing that sunk you wasn't the first blow. You weren't blindsided by his behavior." scene w2_7835 with dissolve rose "He was sick, I didn't think he'd take it as far as borrowing from--" scene w2_7837 with dissolve kat "Yes! Gambling is an addiction, isn't it?" kat "Apart from cards, he also liked to gamble whatever money you two managed to save in ill-conceived investments. {b}More than a dozen of them{/b}, if my research is to be believed." scene w2_7838 with dissolve rose "I lost count." scene w2_7839 with dissolve kat "You two got into it a lot. You fought and fought." kat "Once it was even bad enough that your neighbors called the cops, but that wasn't a wake up call for you. I wonder what impression that will leave onto your precious daughter?" scene w2_7840 with dissolve rose "Please, {b}leave her out of this{/b}." scene w2_7841 with dissolve kat "You should've left him, Mrs. Carter. I see women like you all the time at the Fund, refusing to help themselves in lieu of playing the victim." scene w2_7842 with dissolve kat "What kind of example did your lack of self-worth set? What kind of lesson were you teaching your daughter by sticking around with a man who hit you?" rose "Stop..." scene w2_7843 with dissolve kat "Right now, she's young enough that her love is unconditional, but in a couple of years, if you're lucky, she'll resent you. If you're not..." kat "Maybe I'll see her in a decade or two if I'm still doing--" scene w2_7844 with dissolve stop music play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_7845 with hpunch rose "You're going too far!" "All the air was sucked out of the room, as the realization of what happened dawned on the slow-witted of us." scene w2_7846 with dissolve rose "......" scene w2_7847 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_7848 with dissolve rose "I a-apologize!" kat "You...!" scene w2_7849 with dissolve kil "Can't say she didn't fucking deserve that." "At the same time, the slap made me unspeakably happy and also deeply concerned." scene w2_7850 with dissolve kat "You...! You...!" rose "I'm sorry, I let my--" scene w2_7851 with dissolve kat "Don't be!" kat "That was the most truthful response I've dragged out of you yet! It makes me so very, VERY happy to see you've got some fire in you!" scene w2_7852 with dissolve rose "Uh... w-ha...?" "Rose looked utterly stupefied by the cruel woman's reaction." scene w2_7851 with dissolve kat "That was a \"stand up for yourself\" moment, Rose. I'm proud of you." scene w2_7853 with dissolve kat "C'mon, stand up... I was out of line." rose "O-okay... still, I'm sorr--" play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" scene w2_7854 with vpunch rose "G-guh!" kat "Who the fuck do you think you are, cow?!" play music "music/from-russia-with-love.ogg" scene w2_7855 with dissolve kat "Do you think I'd let that impudence pass without consequence?!" kat "{b}Don't. Get. Up.{/b}" rose "I--" kat "Lie flat on your back, where you belong." scene w2_7856 with dissolve rose "Y-yes, Ma'am!" kat "Did I hit a nerve earlier?" kat "Was anything I said untrue?" rose "Y-yes! It was!" scene w2_7857 with dissolve kat "Good grace, look at these stupid things." scene w2_7858 with dissolve rose "G'gghh....!" kat "This right here is what you are worth!" scene w2_7859 with hpunch play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7860 with hpunch rose "Hhhnngg!" kat "You...!" play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w2_7861 with hpunch play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w2_7860 with hpunch kat "You moronic, fat-assed cow. You like getting your udders played with?" scene w2_7862 with dissolve rose "W-what do you want me to say, bitch?!" scene w2_7863 with dissolve kat "Oh, bitch, is it? Hmmph!" scene w2_7864 with dissolve kat "I'd say an escalation of what I had originally planned for tonight is in order." scene w2_7865 with dissolve "Reaching into her corset, she produced a marker, as if she knew the item would be needed." mct "(Did she expect to be smacked...? No way...)" scene black with fade kat "Off with this~" scene w2_7866 with dissolve rose "You haven't even told me what you're going to do to me tonight..." scene w2_7867 with dissolve kat "I'm not going to do anything to you, dear." kat "All I want to know is if you're willing to shoot a video?" scene w2_7868 with dissolve rose "O-of course I am...?" scene w2_7869 with dissolve kat "Don't be so hasty to agree. It won't quite be like the other times you've been photographed and filmed." scene w2_7870 with dissolve rose "It doesn't really matter what craziness you throw on top of it... I'm willing." scene w2_7871 with dissolve kat "Hmm. You've got beautiful eyes, Mrs. Carter." kat "The way they're set right now is making me all tingly~" scene w2_7872 with dissolve rose "...w-what ARE we filming?" scene w2_7873 with dissolve kat "A porn video, duh~ To be exact... one to be cut and sold to the whole world at large!" scene w2_7874 with dissolve rose "You're... gonna... sell...?" kat "I'm giving you a chance to be a star!" scene w2_7875 with dissolve rose "You're going to sell it? T-to everyone...? P-publicly?" scene w2_7876 with dissolve kat "What are you, all tit and no brain? What's so hard to understand about that, cow?" scene w2_7875 with dissolve rose "I thought all of this was private...!" scene w2_7876 with dissolve kat "Well.... that's actually all up to you, isn't it? Just how far are you willing to go tonight, Mrs. Carter?" scene w2_7877 with dissolve kat "Like the other Carnations, you have a choice." kat "You can forfeit the night and save yourself from exposing just how much of a whore you are to the world." scene w2_7878 with dissolve rose "*gulp* I..." kat "I mean... after all, there's no guarantee you'll even win tonight if you do it. I'll understand if you give up, you can always make it up over the next two--" scene w2_7879 with dissolve rose "I'll do it!" rose "Let's... make a movie..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_7880 with dissolve kat "You sure? Once it's out there, it's out there. Sure, the chances of anyone recognizing a nobody like you is slim, but..." scene w2_7881 with dissolve kat "There will be a sword of Damocles above your head for the rest of your life." scene w2_7882 with dissolve rose "That's a worry for later." scene w2_7883 with dissolve kat "There you have it, folks. The 8 of you who voted she'd accept win the wager." scene w2_7884 with dissolve mihir "How could there be any doubt?" tom "I expected more prudence..." play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w2_7885 with dissolve mc "Writing her name on her chest like that is really messed up." scene w2_7888 with dissolve kil "That's the point. It ups the stakes." scene w2_7887 with dissolve "Veronica's trial broke her down and Felicia's was arduous. Rosalind's had potential long-reaching ramifications for her career, social life, and that of her child's." scene w2_7885 with dissolve mc "She isn't getting off light." scene w2_7886 with dissolve kil "Eh. It's the 21st century. Doing some porn isn't a BIG deal." scene w2_7889 with dissolve mc "You are SERIOUSLY out of touch, dude. How would you feel if when we were in school, your mom swallowed some baby gravy on camera, and everyone knew about it?" scene w2_7890 with dissolve kil "Don't make this weird!" scene w2_7889 with dissolve mc "Like us standing here isn't weird already. Just don't think about your dad's balls resting on your mother's chin and everything will be--" scene w2_7891 with dissolve mc "C-crap! D-dead arm...!" scene w2_7892 with dissolve "That was well earned." scene w2_7890 with dissolve kil "Point taken, fucker." scene w2_7893 with dissolve kat "You guys bored of my little show?" kil "Uh, no Ma'am!" mc "Sorry." scene w2_7894 with dissolve kat "I don't actually care. Just go over and get into position, [mcf]. We're about to start shooting." scene w2_7895 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_7896 with dissolve mc "Oh fuck, of course you would ask me to...!" "I was one hundred and ten percent NOT COOL WITH THIS. The \"private\" recordings and pictures were one thing, but this..." scene w2_7897 with dissolve kil "Ha! Looks like you get to add porn star to your résumé!" scene w2_7898 with dissolve mc "Mrs. Pulman... I respectfully decline. Surely there's someone else here who's willing to--" scene w2_7899 with dissolve kat "Good grief, [mcf]. Don't look so mortified." kat "You've done worse this week. You rubbed elbows with Elias Ford after stuffing his wife full of egg vibes!" scene w2_7900 with dissolve mc "I'd rather do that again." scene w2_7899 with dissolve kat "The video isn't even..." scene w2_7901 with dissolve mc "Isn't even what?" scene w2_7902 with dissolve kat "*Sigh* Your face and voice will be digitally obscured. No one gives a damn about the men in these things anyway." kat "Now hurry up. Everyone's waiting." scene w2_7903 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2ExRoseFuck:" KN_MOD "Well, if your anonymity is secured...:" $ Kathleen_Trust += 2 $ Kathleen_Affection += 2 scene w2_7904 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're right." "I've done much worse. I'll just have to trust her I'll be unidentifiable." scene w2_7905 with dissolve mc "Guess I'll add porn star to my résumé." kil "Have fun, bro. Fuckin' on camera's great!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "..." kat "Are we rolling?" KN_MOD "jump w2ExRosalindHumiliationMC" KN_MOD "Staunchly refuse to budge.:" $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 scene w2_7906 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm just not comfortable with the idea of this." scene w2_7907 with dissolve kat "*Whispering* You've got to be fucking kidding me. This is where you draw the line?" scene w2_7908 with dissolve kil "Lay off him. I'll do it!" scene w2_7909 with dissolve kat "Stay out of this, I'm talking to Mr. [mcl]--" scene w2_7908 with dissolve kil "He's already done enough crazy shit for you, so cut him some slack. He's going to be a doctor one day." scene w2_7910 with dissolve kat "..." scene w2_7908 with dissolve kil "Dick's a dick right? There's two of us and I know how to use mine better anyway." scene w2_7910 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let Ian do it.:" $ Kathleen_Trust -=2 $ Killian_Bromance += 3 $ Hana_Affection += 2 $ Rosalind_Affection -= 2 $ w2ExPointsRosalind += 5 $ w2ExRoseIanSex = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "There's two of us. Why should I be the one to do everything?" "......" "..." scene w2_7911 with dissolve kat "I'm disappointed, but you've exceeded my expectations up to this point." scene w2_7912 with dissolve kat "Fine. Get into position, Mr. Beaufort." kil "Aye, aye Ma'am!" scene w2_7913 with dissolve mct "(...thanks Ian.)" "He was quick to defend and stick up for me there." mct "(Maybe I shouldn't break his balls, like an asshole, about living in the past so much.)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "..." kat "Are we rolling?" KN_MOD "jump w2ExRosalindHumiliationIan" KN_MOD "Reconsider and perform yourself.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 scene w2_7914 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thanks Ian, but she's right. I'm being stupid." "I've done much worse. I'll just have to trust her I'll be unidentifiable." scene w2_7915 with dissolve kil "You sure? I don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with." scene w2_7916 with dissolve "He was quick to defend and stick up for me there." mct "(Maybe I shouldn't break his balls, like an asshole, about living in the past so much...)" scene w2_7917 with dissolve mc "We're past that. Now it's just a drop in the bucket." scene w2_7918 with dissolve mc "Guess I'll add porn star to my résumé." kil "...s'alright." scene w2_7919 with dissolve kil "{size=10}*Under his breath* I don't like you bending to that bitch...{/size=10}" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "..." kat "Are we rolling?" KN_MOD "jump w2ExRosalindHumiliationMC" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Suggest Ian perform instead. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" $ Killian_Bromance += 2 $ Hana_Affection += 2 $ Rosalind_Affection -= 2 $ w2ExPointsRosalind += 5 $ w2ExRoseIanSex = True scene w2_7984 with dissolve mc "Ian should do it. Fucking on camera is practically his hobby." scene w2_7985 with dissolve kat "I'm asking you to do it, [mcf]." scene w2_7986 with dissolve mc "He'll put on a better show for the patrons. I'll be too anxious." mc "Besides, he hasn't been given a chance to do much all night. I think he and Rosalind will have a surprising amount of compatibility." scene w2_7987 with dissolve kil "What makes you say that?" scene w2_7988 with dissolve mc "It's just that, well..." scene ian_3some_a with pixellate show ian_3some kil "Don't forget who you work for just because I was nice enough to clean out the cobwebs down there." alice "A-ah, y-you used to be s-so...!" kil "Sweet? Bullshit. I've always wanted to fuck this fat ass--" scene w2_7989 with dissolve mc "She's his type." kil "What isn't?" scene w2_7990 with dissolve mc "I've done a good job so far, haven't I?" scene w2_7991 with dissolve kat "Hmmpfh. Don't get full of yourself." scene w2_7992 with dissolve kat "Get into position, Mr. Beaufort. Everyone's waiting." kil "Yes, Ma'am." scene w2_7993 with dissolve kat "*Sigh* You really think I would risk anything tracing back to you?" mc "I know you wouldn't." scene w2_7994 with dissolve mc "(...but I'm not taking the chance.)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "..." kat "Are we rolling?" KN_MOD "jump w2ExRosalindHumiliationIan" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Suggest Ian perform instead. {/color} if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2ExRoseFuck" KN_MOD "label w2ExRosalindHumiliationIan:" play music "music/future-rennaisance.ogg" scene w2_7920 with curtains aug "We're good to go, Kathy." kat "Excellent." kat "How old are you Rosalind?" $, 0, channel = "music") scene w2_7921 with dissolve aug "When you set the manual focus, you need to zoom in on the subject as tight as you can and..." scene w2_7922 with dissolve aug "You don't give a crap about any of this, huh?" scene w2_7923 with dissolve hana "Not really. I hate cameras." scene w2_7924 with dissolve aug "C'mon, this is the family business!" hana "..." scene w2_7925 with dissolve aug "Ack, that was a dumb thing to say..." rose "--to get fucked by young cock." scene w2_7926 with dissolve aug "[mcf], hey. You like cameras, don't you?" scene w2_7927 with dissolve mc "I prefer the end result." scene w2_7928 with dissolve aug "Bah!" hana "Speaking of which... why aren't you the one in front of the camera? Isn't your job to do whatever she wants?" scene w2_7929 with dissolve mc "I refused to do it." scene w2_7930 with dissolve hana "Ha! Cool shit!" mc "I don't think she was happy about it." scene w2_7931 with dissolve aug "There's more to this place than these shows. She'll get over it." $, 0, channel = "music") scene w2_7932 with wipeleft "Back on stage, things had finally begun heating up between Rosalind and Ian after a brief exchange of questions and answers." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The core concept, as directed by Mrs. Pulman, was a younger man roughly and enthusiastically having his way with an older woman. Not exactly a stretch of the imagination." KN_MOD "else:" "The core concept, as directed by Kathleen, was a younger man roughly and enthusiastically having his way with an older woman. Not exactly a stretch of the imagination." scene w2_7933 with dissolve kil "You ready?" scene w2_7932 with dissolve scene w2_7934 with dissolve scene w2_7935 with dissolve "Rosalind only nodded and Ian returned her acceptance with a smile, in a brief show of humanity before flipping the script to something more..." scene w2_7936 with dissolve kil "No shit, you fat-assed hag. Why the FUCK would you be here otherwise?" "...typical of this place." scene w2_7937 with dissolve kil "You want this young dick?" rose "Y-yes, please!" scene w2_7938 with dissolve kil "Please? You're already a step ahead of me, but I want it to be along the lines of \"yes, please\" and \"yes, Daddy\", you got it slut?" scene w2_7939 with dissolve rose "Yes, D-daddy!" scene w2_7938 with dissolve kil "Holy hell, that sounds ridiculous coming out of an old woman's mouth. I love it!" scene w2_7940 with dissolve "Ian was really getting into it..." scene w2_7938 with dissolve kil "We have a problem, though. I'm not even close to being hard from a dried up bitch like you." scene w2_7940 with dissolve kil "Take off my underwear." scene w2_7941 with dissolve rose "Yes, daddy..." scene w2_7942 with dissolve hana "Disgusting." scene w2_7943 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_7944 with dissolve hana "What a fuckin' ass." scene w2_7945 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "He's just doing what Mrs. Pulman wants. Don't be {i}too{/i} judgmental." KN_MOD "else:" mc "He's just doing what Kathleen wants. Don't be {i}too{/i} judgmental." scene w2_7946 with dissolve hana "{b}Too{/b} judgmental?" scene w2_7947 with dissolve "Maybe it was the fact he was so quick to stick up for me only just a moment ago or because I would be doing a very similar \"disgusting\" thing if I was up there, but I felt the nascent urge to defend Ian." scene w2_7948 with dissolve hana "You really think ALL of this is just an act? That he's pulling all this ugly degrading male-fantasy shit from the thin air?" scene w2_7945 with dissolve mc "Well, no..." scene w2_7947 with dissolve "She wasn't wrong. I'd seen second hand the way he talked to his maid in that video tape. He, without a doubt, got off on lording over women older than him." scene w2_7945 with dissolve mc "It is part of the job though. The one you're now a part of." scene w2_7946 with dissolve hana "Exactly. I'm just saying there's no way a young adult male spends as long as Ian has in this environment without it sucking out all empathy he has for his partners." scene w2_7945 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't go that far..." scene w2_7949 with dissolve hana "You're seeing the same shit I am." scene w2_7950 with dissolve rose "*Chwup, chwup, fwhup...!*" kil "Don't neglect the other one, he's getting lonely!" scene w2_7951 with dissolve rose "Mmmh, mmmhhh..." kil "You're a lot prettier with my balls on your face." rose "Mmmh, mmhh, thwank yhwooo..." scene w2_7952 with dissolve kil "Open your mouth." rose "O-okay...? Errr y-yes, Daddy!" scene w2_7953 with dissolve rose "Ah~!" stop music play sound "sound effects/spit.wav" kil "Stupid cow! Ah--" scene w2_7954 with vpunch "*Speeewt!*" scene w2_7955 with dissolve kil "I'm still not hard. Try the other end." play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene w2_7956 with cmet rose "Mmmpfh...!" with vpunch "Guiding Rosalind's head, he buried the flustered brunette's face into his anus." with vpunch kil "Get your fucking tongue in there if you want me to fuck you!" scene w2_7957 with dissolve rose "Mmmh... mmhh...!" kil "Get it nice and wet! Don't miss a fucking inch!" scene w2_7958 with pixellate cm "Look at her go! You ever see a nastier slut?" vic "Mmmpfh...!" scene w2_7959 with dissolve cm "I mean fuck, that's someone's mother, right! It makes me want to puke!" fm "It's like a snake. Holy shit I'm about to--" $, 0, channel = "music") scene w2_7960 with pixellate mc "..." kil "Aaah, that's it! I'm finally feeling something!" scene w2_7961 with dissolve hana "Like I said... disgusting, right?" scene w2_7962 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree with her.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 scene w2_7963 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It is, but..." scene w2_7964 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* Yeah. I am watching my friend's ass get eaten out. It's not a good view." scene w2_7965 with dissolve hana "Pfft-!" mc "Liking what you see?" scene w2_7966 with dissolve hana "Hell no, but I'm glad!" scene w2_7967 with dissolve mc "...of what?" KN_MOD "Youre not any better:" $ Killian_Bromance +=1 scene w2_7963 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I don't know if I'm any better..." scene w2_7968 with dissolve hana "What the hell are you talking about? Of course you are. You didn't approach anything near this when you worked with Felicia." scene w2_7969 with dissolve "Thank God she can't see inside my skull or what else I did this week..." scene w2_7963 with dissolve mc "You said it yourself. Given enough time, this environment will warp a guy's mind.." KN_MOD "if w1RosalindPhoto or w2RosalindPhoto or roseTakeAdvantage == True:" mct "(And it's not like I haven't treated Rosalind poorly to begin with...)" scene w2_7970 with dissolve hana "Aw, c'mon... I was... I was just talking out of my usual judgmental ass. You know how I don't get along with Ian." scene w2_7971 with dissolve mc "Don't back track you fucking dweeb!" hana "Ow! Fine! I meant what I said, but you're a lot more self-aware than that jerk. Just don't forget about your partner when you're up there or whatever!" KN_MOD "You disagree, but dont say anything.:" $ Hana_Affection -=1 scene w2_7972 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I wanted to say she was the one judging this whole damn thing, but I held my tongue." scene w2_7973 with dissolve "She didn't know Ian like I did. He wasn't irredeemable trash. He had his rough edges and he liked his dirty talk, but so did I." scene w2_8019 with pixellate KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" mct "(And so did Rose for that matter.)" scene w2_7974 with pixellate KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_7974 with dissolve hana "Hey... I'm not accusing you of anything." scene w2_7975 with dissolve hana "You already showed me you're capable of telling that crazy bitch no. That's something." $, 3, channel = "music") scene w2_7976 with dissolve mct "(Was it? I just didn't want to be on film...)" "While Hana and I flapped our gums, Ian had shoved his half-erect cock partly into Rosalind's maw." kil "Hands behind your back!" scene w2_7977 with dissolve rose "Mmhmyyyeah dwwwaddy!" scene w2_7978 with dissolve kil "Good slut!" "As expected, Rosalind complied beautifully. She was over the hurdle of accepting starring in a porn video, and as she was skilled at, adapted to the flow of things quick." rose "Mmmhww--!!" "Every inch of Ian's cock disappeared down her throat with nary a gag." scene w2_7977 with dissolve kil "How's the taste of my dick?" rose "Mmmhhhh...!" $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene rose_e2_ianbj1_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianbj1 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" kil "Oh, just shut the fuck up you walking cock holster! I was talking to myself!" rose "Gluuuhk! Ghuk...! Guhk...!" "With no regard for the MILF's cock-stuffed mouth, he began the oral onslaught, shoving his thick dick in-and-out with a frenetic fervor." kil "Ha, d-dirty bitch!" rose "Glug! glug...!! Ghlug!!!!" mct "(Yeah, {b}Ian was fucking into it{/b} - and why wouldn't he be?)" "Rosalind was beautiful and he was getting paid to dominate her. He controlled her neck and hammered in with such tonsil-bashing force that I was quite frankly as impressed as I was concerned." rose "Mmmh, ggghhu, ghuk, glug...!" tom "Holy...!" $, 3, channel = "ambient") scene rose_e2_ianbj2_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianbj2 "Apart from the odd whisper, everyone watched Ian's furious display with unabated interest. Rosalind would bend, but she wouldn't break." kat "She holds up well, doesn't she?" rose "Ghk! Ghuk! Ghhhuuuchk!" "Muted whispers, the odd observation, AND the increasingly sloppy sound of Ian's flesh missile battering the oral mucosa of Rosalind's mouth." rose "G-guh, ggh-ghhaaa...!" "Every half-second or so, Ian's balls would plop against the mother's chin, splattering the spit that his dick displaced from her mouth in a frothy drizzle." kil "You're taking it well. Good girl, good dirty fucking, ha...!" rose "Thwhnnkkyyuouuu...!" $, 3, channel = "music") $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene w2_7979 with dissolve hana "Yeesh. I gag the moment anything weird touches the back of my throat." scene w2_7980 with dissolve mc "She's improved from earlier this week..." scene w2_7981 with dissolve mct "(Well, she is working with a smaller package...)" hana "Eh...? Why are you looking so smug?" scene w2_7982 with dissolve mc "Oh, uh... nothing." scene w2_7983 with dissolve hana "Nothing, eh?" $, 3, channel = "music") $, 2, channel = "ambient") scene rose_e2_ianbj3_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianbj3 play ambient "sound effects/fel1.wav" "By this point, Rosalind's face was a mess. Spittle covered her chin and mascara streaked down her face like lightning." rose "Ghk, gluhg, ghhuuuk-!!!*" "Incongruous with her appearance, Rosalind looked up at my redheaded friend with an unwavering expression." kil "Oh? Nasty slut! That face...!" rose "Mm, ghuuuk, mmmhhh...!" kil "It suits you!" rose "Guuhuhh....! Mmmh...! Ghhhuuuk...!" kil " You love getting throat-fucked on camera, don't you?" rose "Mmmh, mmmhhh... gluhgg...!" kil "Good! This is what a old cow like you is best suited for~" rose "Ghk, gluhg, ghuuut...!" kil "Scarfing down dicks of a young bull~" rose "Ghuk, ghlluuk, ghhhuuff...!" "Ian gleefully prattled on, intoxicated on his own words, with Rosalind answering each jeer in kind with the sound of getting her face plugged." rose "Ghhuk gghhkk...!" "Each squelch, pop, and plap formed together in a beautiful melody, and like a conductor leading an orchestra, one kept in time by the tip of my friend's dick." rose "Ghu, hhuhuuk...!" "The lewd, lusty noises would be enough to stoke the devilish side of me, but watching the sense get slowly face-fucked out of her was truly the best." $, 2, channel = "ambient") scene rose_e2_ianbj4_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianbj4 "Half deprived of oxygen, Rosalind was slowly getting drunk on dick. That unwavering expression had dithered." aug "What a trooper!" kat "Is that your professional opinion, August?" rose "Guh, glug, gluhh....!" tom "Wow...!" "Thrust after thrust, she was having my friend's cock gradually seared into her memory." "Her eyes clouded over, consumed by the all-encompassing presence of Ian's cock. Her throat, no doubt scratchy and sore from the act, had been completely rendered a sex toy." rose "Ghuk, gluhh... hhheeugh...!" "There was simply no advantage to have any other thoughts in her head." "For minutes all she tasted, breathed, and smelled was dick." rose "Ghuk, gluhk, guuuh...!" "For minutes, her entire purpose was devoted to satisfying the lust of not a specific person, but a cock. No matter whose it was." rose "Gluh, ghhuk, guhh...!" "Minutes until..." kil "Ah...! Fuck...! R-rosie...!" stop ambient scene w2_7995 with vpunch rose "Mmmh...!!!" " friend cried out in a way that could be mistaken as affectionate, stoutly holding Rosalind's face to his groin, and presumably unloading a stream of fat sticky jizz down her throat." stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kil "Swallow it all!!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/gulp.wav" rose "Guhhk, ghuhhk, ghuhh...!" scene rose_e2_ianbj5_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianbj5 kil "Swallow every fucking drop!" "And having fully embraced the role of a prostitute, she patiently waited for every last bit of semen to be ejected from my friend's expanding cum slit." rose "Mmmh.. mmhhh..." kil "Ha... haa...." stop ambient scene w2_7996 with dissolve kil "Holy shit... ha... good work... ha..." rose "Ha... w-hwah..." scene w2_7997 with dissolve rose "Thank you for the yummy dick juice, Daddy." scene w2_7998 with dissolve kil "You--!" scene w2_7999 with dissolve "She ensnared him with a bold declaration, as deftly spoken as it would sound coming from a practiced tongue like Felicia's." scene w2_8000 with dissolve rose "Kyeaaaah!" kil "Don't think we're finished yet!" $, 0, channel = "music") play music "music/thunder.ogg" scene w2_8001 with dissolve hana "How the hell can you say something like that with a straight face?" scene w2_8002 with dissolve mc "She needs money." scene w2_8003 with dissolve hana "I mean yeah, but... it sounded so..." scene w2_8004 with dissolve mc "Lewd?" scene w2_8005 with dissolve hana "God no! I mean, I'm surprised she didn't die from cringe." hana "Honestly, I'm impressed. All three of them are on another level..." scene w2_8006 with dissolve "Hana stood strangely in awe of Rosalind. So did I for that matter, but it was for a vastly different reason." scene w2_8007 with dissolve hana "...what? Did {i}you{/i} think that dick juice and Daddy shit was hot?" mc "I take the fifth." scene w2_8008 with dissolve hana "Pfft-!" "It occurred to me it was nice being on the side lines with Hana rather than up there." scene w2_8009 with dissolve hana "I don't get it." scene w2_8010 with dissolve rose "Ehh, hhaaa... haaa...!" $, 0, channel = "ambient") $, 2, channel = "music") scene rose_e2_ianf1_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianf1 play ambient "sound effects/fap.wav" "Moving my attention back to the stage, Ian had already begun the task of fucking Rosalind stupid." kil "There you go, bitch!" mct "(...or perhaps it's the other way around?)" kil "Move your hips!" "The pair shared in a vigorously impressive carnal embrace, Ian generating the power to bounce Rosalind off of his lap and push her back down with his hand." rose "Eh, y-yes...! I a-am...?!" "Rosalind, as best she could, followed suit using the muscles in her back to give her fat ass that extra bounce whenever she made contact with my friend's thighs." kil "Just yes...? What did I say?" rose "Ah, I m-mean... D-daddy! D-daddy!" kil "That's right!" rose "Nnyeeee...!" kil "I fucking own you right now!" "Ian plowed the plump MILF without restraint. There was no build up to any of this, his glans simply barreled through Rose's slick folds, stabbing deep inside her and prying out reluctantly sweet cries." $, 1, channel = "ambient") scene rose_e2_ianf2_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianf2 rose "Haa, ha...! Y-you think?!" "That wasn't to say Rosalind wasn't meeting my friend half way. Her insides handily swallowed every inch of cock that it was fed, massaging and driving Ian's lust and pulling them both deeper into an endless cycle of rutting depravity." rose "Y-you're a s-spoiled brat!" "It seemed she was tired of Ian's voice, and in a moment of cute frustration, wanted to flip the script." kil "Ah, w-what...? What do... ah..." rose "A-anyone, ha...! Anyone ever t-tell you that...?" kil "A-as a matter of fact..." mct "(What the hell?)" "My friend seemed momentarily caught off guard and flustered." kil "You're not the first hag to mention it!" $, .5, channel = "ambient") scene rose_e2_ianf3_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianf3 play sound "sound effects/boobjob.wav" rose "Nhoooohh! Oh! Gh...!" "The challenge energized Ian, and he gripped the mother in his arms tighter and pushed harder." "*Plop, plahp, plap...!*" kil "What's so wrong with getting what I want?!" rose "Hnng, haa...! Ghhuk...!" kil "Everyone would if they could~" rose "Ah, heeee...! W-what...?!" "Rosalind's moans turned into a honeyed cry of surprise." kil "Oh...? Did I find your G-spot? Finally~" rose "Ghh... so....!" kil "This kinda angle never fails to turn bitches into putty!" rose "Fhhh....! Tchk...!" kil "You may have 15 years on me, but in my hands you're just a woman!" $, 1, channel = "ambient") $, 1, channel = "music") scene w2_8011 with dissolve mc "......" hana "..." scene w2_8012 with dissolve mc "In my hands..." hana "Stop!" scene w2_8013 with dissolve rose "Gyyeeeeeeh....!" scene w2_8014 with dissolve frank "Beautiful!" rose "Hnng, haa... ha...!" mihir "She's cracking." $, 1, channel = "ambient") $, 1, channel = "music") scene rose_e2_ianf3_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianf3 rose "Hy, hhng... hnghh...!" "As much as we were eye-rolling at his line, Ian did indeed find the angle of attack that completely mollified his partner." aug "She's a natural on camera." "And that attack didn't stop, it would carry on in a surreal fashion as the room made casual remarks." kat "Yet another professional opinion?" "It would carry on, endlessly poking and prodding her most sensitive spot, until my friend blew his load in the MILF." $, 1, channel = "ambient") scene rose_e2_ianf4_a with dissolve show rose_e2_ianf4 rose "Haa, hngg, haanng...!" "It carried on..." rose "Sh, shhk..." "...turning Rosalind's face into a beautiful contorted mess." rose "Hnngh... hnggg...!" "This was actually only my second time seeing him fuck. The first, with Lucy, didn't exactly give him a chance to show off his skills." kil "Don't stop shaking your hips just yet!" "I was fairly impressed. To think this was the same dork I used to play video games with." KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance >= 20:" "I fought back the instinct to give my bro a pat on the back." "...this wasn't the time or place after all." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Hmmpfh. I could do better.)" rose "Hng, haa...!" "Rosalind's fucking carried on while I had those sorts of silly thoughts. Thoughts to be interrupted by..." kil "Shit, I'm almost..." stop ambient scene w2_8015 with dissolve "Clumsily, Ian escaped Rosalind's embrace and..." kil "Get ready, I'm...!" stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_8016 with flash kil "Gah!" "Shots of hot white streaks spewed into the air, only to have it rain back down on the both of them." rose "Gahh, hgga... w-wha...?" scene w2_8017 with dissolve "He was a good choice for this, I'd give him that. Mindful of the camera, he knew not to waste the money shot, instead coating Rosalind's tummy and tits for all the world to enjoy." "......" "..." scene w2_8018 with dissolve kil "Ummm, you alright, Rosie?" rose "Ha... ha... ha..." kil "I know that was a bit rough..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2Shame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2Shame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "With almost schizophrenic words of deference, Rosalind's porno came to a close, and so did Week 2's exhibition." "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2ExWinner" KN_MOD "label w2ExRosalindHumiliationMC:" scene w2_8020 with curtains aug "We're good to go, Kathy." kat "Excellent." kat "How old are you Rosalind?" play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" scene w2_8021 with dissolve rose "I'm... thirty-six." scene w2_8022 with dissolve mct "(Ugh.)" kat "Is this the first time you've shot a porno?" scene w2_8021 with dissolve rose "Y-yes, it is." scene w2_8022 with dissolve mct "(I think I'd prefer just being naked right now...)" scene w2_8023 with dissolve "At least she's getting a laugh out of it..." kat "Thirty-six is quite old to be doing this the first time." scene w2_8024 with dissolve mct "(Uh huh... pole out would've definitely been preferred.)" kat "What makes a married woman your age suddenly want to do something like this?" scene w2_8025 with dissolve rose "What makes...? Uh..." scene w2_8026 with dissolve kat "Is your husband unable to satisfy you?" "Like God talking down from up high, so distanced from our little world of stage lighting and the camera's viewfinder, the old woman still got her petty jabs in." scene w2_8027 with dissolve rose "I... {b}I suppose...{/b}." rose "Uh... well..." scene w2_8028 with dissolve rose "No, he wasn't! He had a pitiful... {i}unit.{/i}" scene w2_8029 with dissolve kat "How cute. Do you not like saying the word dick or cock?" scene w2_8025 with dissolve rose "No. He... he didn't know how to use his dick. He only cared about himself." scene w2_8026 with dissolve kat "You're just saying that for the camera, aren't you?" scene w2_8030 with dissolve rose "...believe what you like." scene w2_8031 with dissolve kat "Well, lucky for you, today we have a big cock for you to try, that also just so happens to have a nice young man attached to it." kat "Say hello you two." scene w2_8032 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The scenario, as Mrs. Pulman explained to us in the interim, was a young guy roughly and enthusiastically having his way with an older woman." KN_MOD "else:" "The scenario, as Kathleen explained to us in the interim, was a young guy roughly and enthusiastically having his way with an older woman." scene w2_8033 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "A curious emphasis, but..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Say hello.:" $ w2ExRoseDialogue = "A" scene w2_8034 with dissolve mc "Hello." scene w2_8035 with dissolve rose "H-hey." scene w2_8033 with dissolve "Yep. It was weird pretending like we didn't know each other, but I can play the role of a porn actor I guess." scene w2_8034 with dissolve mc "I look forward to working with you." scene w2_8035 with dissolve rose "Likewise..." KN_MOD "Greet the MILF enthusiastically.:" $ w2ExPointsRosalind +=1 $ w2ExRoseDialogue = "B" scene w2_8036 with dissolve mc "Hello, Ma'am! It's nice to meet you." scene w2_8037 with dissolve rose "Um... likewise. H-hello!" "It was weird pretending like we didn't know each other, but even if it was make believe, I should be pleasant about it." scene w2_8036 with dissolve mc "I look forward to fucking you." "Plus, saying shit like that with a chipper tone and a straight face was kind of wild." scene w2_8037 with dissolve rose "Heh... yeah, um... me too." scene w2_8038 with dissolve kat "Good, now you two know each other. Are you excited to be here, Rosalind?" scene w2_8039 with dissolve rose "I'm a little nervous..." scene w2_8038 with dissolve kat "That's understandable. Are you looking forward to what's to come?" scene w2_8039 with dissolve rose "Yes. I'm here to fuck." scene w2_8038 with dissolve kat "That's great to hear. One last question, before we begin. What's your favorite thing in the world?" scene w2_8040 with dissolve rose "Heh, that's easy..." rose "I love to get fucked by young cock." scene w2_8041 with dissolve kat "That's great. You like big ones, right?" scene w2_8042 with dissolve rose "What do you think?" scene w2_8041 with dissolve kat "I think you're just saying that for the camera again." scene w2_8042 with dissolve rose "Believe what you like." scene w2_8043 with dissolve kat "Ha! You two have fun and just do what comes natural." "That was our signal to begin, but..." mct "(...natural? What a joke.)" scene w2_8044 with dissolve "Rosalind looked up at me, a mix of anxiousness and expectation. Even still, she was beautiful." "How would I play this?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take it slow and encourage Rosalind to take some initiative.:" $ w2ExPointsRosalind +=1 $ Rosalind_Libido += 1 "I didn't want to throw her down and rut - at least, not yet." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" scene w2_8045 with dissolve mc "Stand up, Rose. Let the camera get a better look at you." rose "A-ah..." scene w2_8046 with dissolve rose "Alright. How's this?" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" scene w2_8047 with dissolve mc "Please stand up, Ma'am." rose "A-ah..." scene w2_8048 with dissolve rose "You don't have to call me ma'am." scene w2_8049 with dissolve mc "Come closer." "Doing what I wanted, I pulled the nervous ball of energy into me." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "That's better. You feel nice." scene w2_8050 with dissolve rose "Umm, you too...?" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "That's better. You're very warm, Ma'am." scene w2_8050 with dissolve rose "I told you not to..." scene w2_8049 with dissolve mc "I don't want to be the one who does everything." scene w2_8051 with dissolve mc "Touch me.." scene w2_8052 with dissolve rose "I... {b}okay{/b}." scene w2_8053 with dissolve "Rosalind started with my chest, running her delicately thin fingers across my sternum and resting her hand on my breast." scene w2_8054 with dissolve mc "You can go lower." scene w2_8055 with dissolve rose "I know. Don't rush me..." scene w2_8056 with dissolve "She caught on quick to the pace I was going for." scene w2_8057 with dissolve rose "You're... firm." scene w2_8058 with dissolve mc "The benefit of being young, I guess." scene w2_8059 with dissolve rose "{b}This{/b}... this isn't as hard. It's big, but..." scene w2_8060 with dissolve rose "It's not nearly as hard as it should be..." scene w2_8061 with dissolve "She gave me, as best as she could muster, a sultry look while gently cupping and kneading my tightly packaged equipment. The unpracticed, but earnest attempt made the expression as effective as a seasoned whore's." scene w2_8060 with dissolve rose "...I should do something about that, right?" scene rose_e2_kiss_a with dissolve show rose_e2_kiss rose "Mmmhh..." "In place of an answer, I planted a kiss on Rosalind's conspicuously lonely lips." "The fledgling porn star didn't shy away from the gesture, instead prying my lips open with her tongue and pulling me deeper into our embrace." "*Chwup, fwup, chwup...!" "Under the hot lights of the exhibition stage it might've seemed long, but we only spent a brief moment in each other's grasp." scene w2_8062 with dissolve mc "Ha, ha...." rose "Heh... you..." scene w2_8063 with dissolve rose "I think I felt you stiffen up a little." mc "It was just a twitch." scene w2_8064 with dissolve rose "I think I need to take a closer look." scene w2_8065 with dissolve "Under the right circumstances, Rosalind could be bold. Our time spent in the park this week, her striking Mrs. Pulman, our bout of make believe in this very moment..." "I started to wonder if the meek and stuttering perception I held of her was an illusion cooked up in my head." scene w1_0004 with pixellate cm "That's great. You like big ones, right?" vic "Yes, I love {b}huge{/b} cock." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(Did Mrs. Pulman...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Did Kathleen...)" scene w2_8066 with dissolve rose "You're bigger than my husband." scene w2_8067 with dissolve mc "Ah, uh... what?" scene w2_8068 with dissolve rose "I said..." "She gave a curious glance in the direction of the crowd." scene w2_8069 with dissolve rose "You're bigger than my husband." scene w2_8070 with dissolve mc "This isn't your first time see-- ah." mct "(Right.)" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "That's not a very nice thing to say..." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "What a cruel thing to say, Ma'am." scene w2_8071 with dissolve rose "Aaaaah... I..." scene w2_8072 with dissolve "The MILF brought her face to my ballsack and took a deep whiff." scene w2_8071 with dissolve rose "I don't care." scene w2_8073 with dissolve "Daringly, she began layering tiny kisses down the length of my gradually stiffening cock." scene w2_8074 with dissolve "*Chwup...!*" scene w2_8075 with dissolve "All the way down to my scrotum." scene w2_8076 with dissolve rose "You can grow harder than this, right?" scene w2_8077 with dissolve "In one swift motion..." scene w2_8078 with dissolve rose "*Cough* Ghk...!" "...she buried my length in the warm, velvety cradle of her mouth. It felt {b}good{/b}." scene w2_8079 with dissolve mc "A-h-hah..." "Amazingly good. She didn't move her head, she simply held my cock in place and gently massaged it's underside with her tongue. All the while..." scene w2_8078 with dissolve "She never once broke eye contact, looking up at me with a set of baby blues that would've been enough to finish the job by it self." "I was hard." scene w2_8080 with dissolve "I was super fucking hard." scene w2_8081 with dissolve rose "I want another taste..." scene w2_8082 with dissolve mc "Wait." "She looked at me calmly, waiting for me to proceed." mc "I..." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "Let's both have fun. Stand up." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Let's both enjoy this, Ma'am. Stand up, please." scene black with fade rose "Alright..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExRoseSixtyNine" KN_MOD "Take charge. Get creative.:" $ w2ExPointsRosalind += 2 $ Rosalind_Affection -=1 $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 $ Hana_Affection -=1 "The scenario the old woman laid out was pretty clear. She wanted me to play the role of an ingrate." scene w2_8083 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "Spread your legs." scene w2_8084 with dissolve "She snapped to it immediately, doing as I asked, as if responding to a well-practiced drill." scene w2_8085 with dissolve mc "You look..." "Even with her tacky costume and garish body writing, Rosalind's familiar countenance filled me with an ineffable mixture of warmheartedness and gloom." mc "...pretty silly in that." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Would you please spread your legs, Ma'am?" scene w2_8084 with dissolve "She snapped to it immediately, doing as I asked, as if responding to a well-practiced drill." scene w2_8085 with dissolve mc "That costume..." "Even with her tacky costume and garish body writing, Rosalind's familiar countenance filled me with an ineffable mixture of warmheartedness and gloom." mc " pretty ridiculous for a mother to be wearing, don't you agree?" scene w2_8086 with dissolve rose "Heh... it's not like I picked it or anything..." scene w2_8087 with dissolve rose "So.. uh... should I...?" scene w2_8088 with dissolve mc "I don't think so. Not yet." scene w2_8089 with dissolve mc "Instead, let's make this interesting. Let's turn this into a challenge." rose "What ever happened to just.." scene w2_8090 with fade rose "Ah... to just... screwing..." scene w2_8091 with dissolve mc "We will, but first things first!" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "I want to see if you can get me hard without even touching me." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "You think you're able to get me hard without laying a finger on me?" scene w2_8092 with dissolve rose "Without touching you? How could I possibly...?" scene w2_8093 with dissolve mc "Think about it. Use your head." rose "I... um..." scene w2_8094 with dissolve mc "You've got sex appeal. Don't underestimate it." scene w2_8095 with dissolve rose "Mmmh...?" mc "You're a young man's dream, you know?" scene w2_8096 with dissolve mc "A giant set of tits, a fat ass, a face of an angel, and soft in all the right ways." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "You're gorgeous. Don't think I, or the viewers at home, don't see or appreciate that" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "You're hot as hell, Ma'am. Don't think I, or the viewers at home, don't see or appreciate that." scene w2_8097 with dissolve mc "You're truly..." mct "(Shit!)" scene w2_8098 with dissolve "She was such a natural, I felt my cock stiffen from just Rosalind's lustful expression." mct "(That would've defeated the whole purpose of this dumbass challenge.)" scene w2_8099 with dissolve mc "You get the picture?" "This was as much for the crowd's benefit as it was my own perverted inclinations." scene w2_8100 with dissolve rose "I... {b}do{/b}." scene w2_8101 with dissolve rose "Something like this...? Or..." scene w2_8102 with dissolve rose "This?" "She roughly squeezed her breast, letting the volume tantalizingly spill through her fingers. All the while, she didn't blink. Her focus was entirely on my expression." scene w2_8103 with dissolve rose "Ah... ng, m-master...?" "......" "..." scene w2_8104 with dissolve rose "No...?" "Two weeks ago, I would've been rock hard, but not now. A little touching and exaggerated lip-service wouldn't do it." scene w2_8103 with dissolve rose "Don't you love my fat tits...? If that's not doing it, how about..." scene w2_8105 with dissolve rose "Hnngh... look at my pussy, sir." rose "See how pink it is? Can you even believe I gave birth?" scene w2_8106 with dissolve rose "Watch me spread and play with it... don't you think you'd be a good fit?" rose "You'd be a very good fit. You'd feel {b}so amazing{/b} inside me." "......" scene w2_8107 with dissolve "..." "Nothing." scene w2_8108 with dissolve rose "Heh... then... I know what you like..." scene w2_8109 with dissolve rose "Hhhg...! L-look!" scene w2_8110 with dissolve "To my surprise, Rosalind slowly applied pressure to her neck, her lower hand persisting in jilling herself off." rose "Gh, hhkk...! " scene w2_8111 with dissolve "Still, her brilliant eyes were locked on mine, and I was consumed by the way they fluttered while she choked herself." rose "T-this... this is more your thing right? Haa... hhngng..." scene w2_8112 with dissolve rose "This..." scene w2_8113 with dissolve scene w2_8114 with dissolve rose "This is what you love? Hnng...!" KN_MOD "if w2RosalindPhoto == True:" mct "(She did know what I liked...)" "I had revealed as much earlier in the parking lot, and in this moment, she was using it against me." KN_MOD "else:" "She saw right through me, making her dirty talk feel more like an accusation." scene w2_8110 with dissolve mc "You..." rose "I'm just a dumb cow... hngg... dumb, but sturdy..." scene w2_8111 with dissolve rose "I can take a lot you know. Anything you want to dish out. I'm yours...! Hnng...!" rose "You want to choke me, sir? You want to spank me...? You..." scene w2_8115 with dissolve rose "Hmpfh." scene w2_8116 with dissolve rose "Well... heh... it's bigger than my husband's." scene w2_8117 with dissolve "She got me. I was really fucking hard." "In a way, she exposed me more than she had herself." scene w2_8118 with dissolve rose "Can I touch it now? Please?" scene w2_8119 with dissolve "She looked at me daringly, waiting for me to proceed." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "Sure, but I got an idea. Move over some." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Sure, but let's both enjoy this, Ma'am. Move over, please." scene black with fade rose "Alright..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExRoseSixtyNine" KN_MOD "label w2ExRoseSixtyNine:" stop music fadeout 3.0 rose "Umm, like this?" mc "Move your legs over... ah, there! Like that!" scene w2_8120 with fade "Taking position on the couch, Rosalind laid opposite of me, placing both our junks square in each other's face." mc "I've never tried this position before." play music "music/six-days-of-heat-pt2.ogg" scene w2_8121 with dissolve rose "Me either... there's a first time for everything." scene w2_8122 with dissolve "...and sometimes that first time is in front of a dozen rich perverts, all caught on camera. {i}I'm sure I'll cherish this memory for the rest of my life{/i}." scene w2_8121 with dissolve rose "Should I suck it--" scene w2_8123 with dissolve rose "O-oh...!" "Getting a jump start on my parallel partner, I seized the first taste, lapping at her labia and pushing into her sex with a folded tongue." scene w2_8124 with dissolve rose "{size=10}That tickles...{/siz=10}" "For a moment, she just held my dick inert in her hand, her balmy breath beating against my boys, while I acclimated to the topsy-turvy angle of attack." scene w2_8123 with dissolve rose "That feels nice..." "Perhaps, but her juices weren't quite flowing, not yet. They would be though." scene w2_8124 with dissolve rose "It's going to be hard to focus on my job with you doing that, but..." "I had grown confident in my skills over these past couple of weeks." scene w2_8121 with dissolve rose "...I'll do my best." scene w2_8125 with dissolve rose "Ahssp--!" "The MILF coated my equipment with a generous application of spit, a preamble to things to come." scene w2_8126 with dissolve rose "Excuse me..." scene w2_8127 with dissolve "At last, my toes curled as I felt the ever growingly familiar sensation of a woman's mouth enveloping my junk." "She momentarily just held it there, lightly tugging at my shaft with her hand and lathering it with the makeshift lube." scene rose_e2_69a_a with dissolve show rose_e2_69a "I focused on my end, trying my best not to be distracted by what the beautiful woman on top of me was doing, but she quickly made that more difficult by finally setting on her own task." mc "Mmmhah...!" "A small, involuntary groan escaped my pussy-covered mouth." mct "(That feels {b}nice{/b}.)" "She was only blowing about a third of my shaft, but her hand deftly covered the remaining length." mct "(Really nice!)" scene rose_e2_69b_a with dissolve show rose_e2_69b "The feeling of her fingers' tight grip chasing the tail end of her fellatio added a pleasurable distinction to the act, making it feel more akin to sex than simple fellatio." mc "Mmh...!" "Unable to express as much with my words, I let my hips do the talking, ever-so-gently wagging them on instinct." "*Schlup, chwup...!*" mct "(Hng, that's right. Suck it!)" "...and with my mouth preoccupied, I could only voice that sentiment with my tongue, intensifying my efforts to pleasure the whore mother." rose "Mmmh, mmh!" "That was the satisfaction to be found in mutual gratification. Not unlike sex, we both spurred each other on in an increasingly lewd feedback loop of oral sex." rose "Hmm, mhhh...!" mct "(Oh, crap...)" "The way the big-tittied MILF's vocal chords pleasurably hummed as she sucked my dick had me bewitched." mc "Mmhhaaa...!" scene rose_e2_69c_a with dissolve show rose_e2_69c "{b}*~plop!*{/b}" rose "You're really good at that, baby. I'm feeling..." "As she spoke, she jacked me off more furiously, the sudden change of pace in combination with the hushed dulcet tone of her words almost making me cum on the spot." rose "I'm feeling {b}amazing{/b}." "She didn't need to tell me that. By now, her sticky secretions were rolling down my throat and her passage was welcoming me with open arms." rose "Mmmh...!" "She needily pressed her groin tighter to my face, as if highlighting her urge." rose "I love it~ keep it up, p-please...!" "If this was a performance for the crowd's sake, it was a good one." rose "Please keep tongue fucking me....!" "The unusually lewd and boisterously out of character expression was unbelievably hot and encouraged me {b}to do just that{/b}." rose "Ha, hhaa... y-yes... p-please..." scene rose_e2_69a_a with dissolve show rose_e2_69a "*Schlup, chwup...!*" "With a plaintive whine, Rosalind got back to eating my dick, this time at an invigorated pace." "I don't know if it was instinct or if she simply had more experience working a dick then she let on, but the way she twisted her hand counter-clockwise to her mouth, was..." "{b}*Schlup, fwhip, chwup!*{/b}" mc "Hnng, fhwwhuuck...!" "...was enough to, ironically opposed to her lip-service, momentarily stop me in my tracks and call out in vulva-muffled pleasure." scene rose_e2_69c_a with dissolve show rose_e2_69c rose "{b}Ha...! Your dick is so fucking big{/b}!" "Again, she removed herself from my cock to coax me along with her words." rose "I can't wait for it to split me open and fuck me stupid, baby." "I guess this was what she thought porn-talk was like. Not that I minded." rose "Mmmh... would you like that? You want to slip it in my pussy?" "Having the motherly woman loudly proclaim herself a slut was a treat for the ears." rose "Fuck me raw? No condom? Until you fill me with your hot spunk? Hnnaa..." "That said..." scene w2_8128 with dissolve scene w2_8129 with dissolve "*Thwap!*" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "Put my dick back in your mouth!" rose "Y-yes, sir!" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Suck it, Ma'am!" rose "Y-yes!" scene rose_e2_69d_a with dissolve show rose_e2_69d rose "*Gluhk, glhuk, gluhk!*" "{b}Woah!{/b}" rose "*Gluhk, hnng..." "That little bit of encouragement was all Rosalind needed to spear her throat with my cock and commence face fucking herself." rose "{b}Ghulk, ghuug, glug!{b}" "The obscene sound of her throat being voluntarily ravaged and plugged reminded me that I myself needed to not slack. I had a job to do and one good turn deserved another." "So, putting aside the building pleasure in my groin, I blanked out the external world and focused solely on the pussy in front of me." rose "*Gluhk, hnng..." "I voraciously ate every part of her, alternating from exploring her inner parts to teasing her outer ones." "I pulled apart her folds, grazed their less traveled underside, and kissed her entrance." rose "Mmh~ *gluhk!*" "I poked and prodded her clit, taking no great care with the fragile nub and savaging it to my heart's contentment." "I snaked my tongue past her entrance and plumbed her slimy depths, delighting in the subtle way her insides contracted." rose "*Gluhk, ghug, ghluhk...!*" "In short, I tasted, smelled, breathed, {b}lived{/b} the motherly woman's sex." rose "*{b}Gluhk, glu, glug, gluuunhk, fwuuhk, gluhk...!{b}*" mct "(Oh, shit!)" "So preoccupied by Rosalind's lower half, I failed to recognize the signs of my own near eruption, until my mind completely blanked and hot streaks of white seared the inside of my eyelids." mct "(I'm...!)" $, 0, channel = "music") play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_8130 with flash mc "Hhhnng!" "To both our surprise, a torrent of sticky white goo shot down the MILF's throat." rose "*Cough!* Huuhk, hnnggk...!" $, 0, channel = "music") play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_8131 with flash "Not every drop would make it to her stomach though. Most of it wouldn't, actually." rose "*Cough!* Hnnng...! Huhk!" "As gravity and the force of violently expelling air from her lungs caused the majority of it to pool and dribble out of her mouth." mc "Ha... ha...." scene black with fade mc "Rose..." scene w2_8132 with fade mc "Heh, I..." scene w2_8133 with dissolve "She still had a somewhat full mouth, like she was waiting for me to tell her what to do with it!" "What {b}should{/b} she do with it?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Verbally tell her to swallow.:" stop music fadeout 3.0 $, 3, channel = "music") scene w2_8134 with dissolve mc "Go ahead and swallow. What are you waiting for?" scene w2_8133 with dissolve scene w2_8135 with dissolve scene w2_8133 with dissolve "She absently nodded." scene w2_8136 with dissolve "*Gulp*" scene w2_8137 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "Good girl." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Good job, Ma'am." scene w2_8138 with dissolve "Damn. Even in a situation like this, Rosalind's smile was confusingly warm and reassuring." scene w2_8139 with dissolve rose "What's next?" scene w2_8140 with dissolve mc "Well, what do you think?" scene w2_8139 with dissolve rose "In that case, would you mind... lying on your back?" scene w2_8138 with dissolve "Oh...?" scene black with fade "Guess she was feeling proactive." KN_MOD "Kiss her and physically encourage her to swallow.:" $ w2ExSnowball = True $ w2ExPointsRosalind += 2 $ Rosalind_Libido += 2 scene w2_8141 with dissolve mc "C'mere!" rose "Whhwait ah mhhunite, my mhouth--!" $, 3, channel = "music") scene w2_8142 with dissolve "Without any hesitation, and inexplicable even to my diseased mind, I thrust my tongue into Rosalind's mouth to share in my own taste." rose "Mmmh...!" "Diluted with her saliva, it was like most things, more disgusting in theory than practice." scene w2_8143 with dissolve hana "What the fuck...!" chuck "Hot damn..." scene w2_8144 with dissolve kil "Dude, gross!" mct "(...was it?)" scene w2_8145 with dissolve "No matter, I used my tongue to push and corral my seed to the back of Rosalind's throat, until she finally reflexively swallowed." rose "Mmh...! *{b}Gulp!{/b}*" scene w2_8146 with dissolve rose "Ha... ha...?" "She looked kinda confused and, honestly, so did I. It was just one of those things that felt hot during the moment." mc "Let's move on." rose "O-okay...! I... um... can you..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Like this?" "It seemed Rosalind wanted to take a proactive approach." scene w2_8147 with fade "I laid back and the curvy woman straddled me, pinning my cock to my waist and fiercely eyeing me down." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" mc "*Whispering* It's nice seeing you on top for once..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Quite the view..." "Rosalind, as I had slowly learned, was even better at compartmentalization than I. She had the remarkable ability to remove all sense of self from the equation and do what needed to be done." rose "Ah... I can't..." scene w2_8148 with dissolve rose "I don't want to wait any longer, baby. Let's make each other feel good..." "There was something genuinely desperate and lonely in her words." scene w2_8149 with pixellate show screen camcorder vic "*Ha, ha... don't make me laugh... while I'm...!" hm "...but you're so cute when you laugh?" vic "No, I look stupid! It's not sexy!" hide screen camcorder scene w2_8150 with pixellate play music "music/a-kiss-for-amanda.ogg" "I realized that simplifying her as only a \"victim\" and reducing her down to the most conveniently digestible terms only served my delusions." rose "D-dang it, I'm... {b}stuffed{/b}." "I wasn't peering up at a \"desperate mother\", but a living, breathing woman navigating a difficult situation the best she could." scene w2_8151 with dissolve rose "I'm going to move." scene w2_8152 with dissolve "Her smile was inexplicable, in a way that defied communication. I don't think I could ever truly understand the mix of emotions that were bubbling behind those lips." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Play it cool.:" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "What are you waiting for?" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Go ahead, Ma'am." KN_MOD "Be mean and demanding.:" $ w2ExPointsRosalind +=1 KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "Well, you waiting for an invitation? Get that ass moving!" $ w2ExRoseDialogue = "C" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Get your ass moving, Ma'am." $ w2ExRoseDialogue = "D" scene w2_8153 with dissolve scene w2_8152 with dissolve "With a nod, she began to gently roll her hips, agonizingly dragging her insides slowly across my length." scene w2_8154 with dissolve rose "Hnng..." "For the time being, I laid back and let Rosalind dictate the pace." scene w2_8155 with dissolve "The way she moved her hips was a tad clumsy, but it was not without appeal." scene w2_8154 with dissolve "From my position, I could eagerly watch her expression as she explored her range of movement: short humps, long humps, feverish grinding, and everything in between. She rode my dick like a sampler platter, in search of what best scratched the itch." scene rose_e2_cg1_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg1 rose "That's it, baby." "Finally, she found a tempo that suited her tastes. She fucked me slow and softly, more so rocking her fat ass than bringing it down to bear." "It wasn't my type of sex. Not in the least." "It wasn't fast or rough. It wasn't mean or degrading." "It wasn't even a question of top and bottom." "It wasn't any of that, but it was nice in its own way. Comforting even." "From here, I had a nice view of Rosalind's jiggling tits as they rose and fell." "I could see her tummy dance and take a long, hard look at where we were connected." "No, it wasn't so bad to just lie back and enjoy the sickly sweet slimy sensation of a woman gently pleasuring you." "No, it really fucking wasn't. {b}For now, at least{/b}." rose "Hey, are you feeling good?" "Ha. She asked like she actually cared." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A or w2ExRoseDialogue == C:" mc "Yeah, I'm feelin' pretty good..." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B or w2ExRoseDialogue == D:" mc "Yes, Ma'am. Sure as shit am." rose "Heh, I'm glad..." mc "What about you? Be truthful." rose "Well... my stomach..." scene rose_e2_cg2_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg2 rose "My whole torso really... it's itching like something mad..." rose "Every time your dick presses against my stomach, my mind goes blank and I feel like I gotta piss..." "She was right. She WAS fucking me at an interesting angle." "Instead of traveling toward her cervix, my dick traveled up and knocked against the walls of her sex, putting pressure on her bladder." mc "You like the way that feels?" rose "H-hng, k-kind of? I think? It's a {i}new{/i} feeling..." mct "(I see...)" "That was a valuable piece of information, one I could potentially utilize." scene rose_e2_cg1_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg1 rose "Hey... would you grab my chest?" "It seemed she was set on doing what she wanted and controlling her leg of the event." mct "(Of course, in this case...)" scene w2_8156 with dissolve "I didn't mind going along and copping a feel." "She had placed herself front and center of the main camera. I didn't think the old woman had any complaints so far." scene rose_e2_cg3_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg3 rose "Y-yeah, like that. Ha...!" "The moment I grabbed her tits, her hips hastened." rose "Your hands feel nice." "If I wanted, these puppies were the ticket to controlling the wanton mother, to make her sing or cry to my heart's satisfaction." rose "Even just grabbing them like that is making me tingle." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A:" mc "Your body is so responsive. I bet the camera is loving it." mc "It was like you were made to suck and fuck on film." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Your body is wonderful, Ma'am. I bet the camera loves you." mc "It was like you were made to suck and fuck on film." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == C:" mc "You're looking like such a slut right now." mc "You should've just done porn instead of becoming a wife. It suits you." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == D:" mc "It's incredible. You're making a face like a hungry slut, Ma'am." mc "You should've just done porn instead of becoming a wife. It suits you." "That wasn't just dirty talk. The woman I was looking up at right now was unordinarily composed." rose "Ha... hng... if you say so..." mc "Aren't you worried about your friends and family seeing this?" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A or w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Someone you know might see this." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == C or w2ExRoseDialogue == D:" mc "Someone you know might learn just how much of a cock-hungry bitch you are." rose "Heh, I mean... ha... what are the chances?" mc "More than you might think..." "I mean, I knew the answer didn't matter. Taking care of her loan shark problem superseded all, but for obvious reasons I still asked another question." mc "What about your daughter? Aren't you worried what she'd think? Or how her friends at school might treat her?" rose "Haa, hng... b-baby, don't bring the real world into this right now." show screen camcorder scene w2_8157 with pixellate vic "Ha, hhnngg..." hm "You like it?" scene w2_8158 with dissolve vic "Y-yes...! Hnng... ha...! F-fuck!" scene w2_8157 with dissolve hm "Should we take a break?" scene w2_8158 with dissolve vic "No, keep fucking me you idiot!" hide screen camcorder scene rose_e2_cg3_a with pixellate show rose_e2_cg3 mct "(Just have fun with it, huh?)" "She wasn't flustered or mad, no the look on her face read more like she was politely asking me to stop, and quite frankly, with where my mind was going, I agreed with her." mct "(Alright... let's just enjoy the fantasy of being on camera.)" scene rose_e2_cg4_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg4 rose "Gyyeeeh...! T-that spot...! Hhuuhk...!" "Using the science from earlier, I thrusted short and fast against the upper lining of Rosalind's sex." mct "(Hope she doesn't piss herself...)" "...or do I?" scene w2_8159 with dissolve chuck "You always impress me." kat "How so?" scene w2_8160 with dissolve chuck "The rich way you prepare your meals. The way you layer games inside of games. " scene w2_8161 with dissolve kat "It's just two people fucking on stage, Charles." scene w2_8162 with dissolve chuck "I know you. Right now, you're feeding off what you're imagining is going on in the lad's head." chuck "I mean a porn video, really?" scene w2_8163 with dissolve kat "...I'm just offering him opportunities to enjoy different things." scene w2_8164 with dissolve chuck "He's very lucky to be working so closely with you, but I want to caution you." kat "...oh?" scene w2_8165 with dissolve chuck "I don't mind you messing with his head a little, but just don't pull him into whatever nasty business you have going on with Abel. {b}[mcf]'s family{/b}." chuck "I don't want him inadvertently jeopardizing his future by playing your {i}office politics{/i}. Say you understand." scene w2_8161 with dissolve kat "You have nothing to worry about in the first place, but I... {i}understand{/i}." scene w2_8166 with dissolve chuck "Good girl." chuck "Great show tonight, by the way." scene w2_8167 with dissolve rose "Gngg... AAAAAH...!" scene rose_e2_cg5_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg5 "This position was working magic. It was like a cheat code." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A or w2ExRoseDialogue == C:" mc "You should see the look on your face, Rosalind." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == B or w2ExRoseDialogue == D:" mc "Jeez, you should see your face right now, Ma'am...!" "Rosalind had quickly devolved into looking like a slovenly wreck." "I don't know if this shallow sort of attack would work on other women, but for her, she was fucking loving it." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A or w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "You look incredible right now!." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == C or w2ExRoseDialogue == D:" mc "You look so dumb right now!" "My dick simply hammered away, glancing blow after glancing blow tickling her bladder." rose "Gyyhaaa.. haa...!" "Every thrust sent her eyes knocking around inside her skull and caused her face to scrunch up like she was taking a shit." rose "Ghnn...!" "Every jab mashed the head of my dick against the soft barrier, causing her insides to writhe and spasm." mct "(This was...)" rose "Gwhuh...!" scene rose_e2_cg4_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg4 "Every knudge, smack, stab of my dick produced a result you would only imagine in your fantasies. Like the air was being fucked out of her." mct "(This was her G-spot...?)" rose "Owhnoo....!" "Interesting!" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A or w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "This is incredible! You sound so...!" mc "Wow!" "Obviously, she wasn't the only one enjoying herself. The tempo still wasn't to my tastes, but her expression and the noises she was making..." rose "Hnng...!" mc "You're beautiful!" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == C or w2ExRoseDialogue == D:" mc "Eat it! Enjoy my cock, you bitch!" mc "To think a mother is making a face like that!" "Obviously, she wasn't the only one enjoying herself. The tempo still wasn't to my tastes, but her expression and the noises she was making..." rose "D-don't say that!" mc "Why not? It's incredible! You're beautiful!" "... it filled me with a sublime sense of conquest." scene rose_e2_cg5_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg5 rose "So, s-hshoho... ghoood... I cchant'thwink...!" "It was threatening to make me nut right here and now." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A or w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Good, just enjoy yourself." rose "Ghuhh... yhyhes..." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == C or w2ExRoseDialogue == D:" mc "What does a cow like you even need any thoughts for?" rose "Ghuhh... idohnyyttkanhow...!" rose "Ahhhjust... ahjustt... f-fhuck me [mcf]!" "Rosalind, who had taken care not to say my name, had slipped. Quite frankly, I didn't even care any more." "I was less preoccupied with being on camera and more consumed by the excitement of plowing the babbling MILF." rose "Ohhfhhunnyy...!Fheeeling...! SShofttmushy...!" "I think she had come once or twice already and I myself wasn't too far behind." rose "O-owwoh...!" "Scatterbrained as she was, her instincts had won their prize. Her fuck hole gripped and massaged my pistoning cock, until..." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == A or w2ExRoseDialogue == B:" mc "Get ready, I'm...!" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseDialogue == C or w2ExRoseDialogue == D:" mc "Take it, whore!" rose "Ghhtiviveittomeeee!" $, 0, channel = "music") play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_8168 with flash mc "Gh...!" "Gritting my teeth, I poured my white hot lust into Rosalind's cunt." rose "Hnnyeeh... hnngg..." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w2_8169 with flash "Spurt after spurt filled Rosalind's honey pot, her lower mouth lapping it up without stop." mct "(Ghha... so... so good...)" "Suddenly I felt so incredibly sleepy in her soothing embrace. It was..." rose "Gyeehh...! W-woah... oh, no...! Fheel, fhheel... ehh..." scene rose_e2_cg5_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg5 tom "He didn't break her, did he?" "A striking look of concern pulled me from my haze. It told me..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Give her a final push toward an explosive finish.:" $ w2ExPointsRosalind +=1 $ Kathleen_Affection +=1 "It told me I wasn't finished!" $, 0, channel = "music") scene rose_e2_cg4_a with dissolve show rose_e2_cg4 rose "Gnnh, w-wait..whhwati...! If you do thhhwat...!" "I know." rose "Ghheehh... wwhahwoo..." "If I do that..." rose "Chum... chhhhcumingg..." "If I do that you'll..." rose "Eh'ts, fh-funhy... thh...!" scene w2_8170 with dissolve mct "(You'll make a mess!)" rose "Gyhheeh...." "I took immense pleasure in seeing the matronly woman piss herself. To see her warm nature unravel into a lurid mess." "I even felt a little good about it too, because..." stop music play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w2_8171 with vpunch "*Fwhlop!*" rose "Hnng, ha..." "She looked utterly at peace, if only for the briefest of time." scene w2_8172 with dissolve rose "Haa.. whwa..." chuck "Bravo, lad!" "It was absurd, but I felt like... I did a good job?" "That was the ridiculous last thought that marked the end of this week's exhibition." scene black with fade "A delusion my tired mind was willing to accept." KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2Shame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2Shame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2ExWinner" KN_MOD "Pull her into your arms and let her come down gently.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 $ Rosalind_Affection +=1 stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "H-hey...!" scene w2_8173 with dissolve mc "It's okay..." "With care, I pulled the chesty woman into my arms." rose "Hnn, hwaa...? Hhaa...?" scene w2_8174 with dissolve "She shook and trembled as she rode out her full-body orgasm, but I held tight." frank "Ha, she looks like a newborn deer!" rose "Hnng... hhahh... hngg..." mc "I got you." scene w2_8176 with dissolve rose "O-oh...? That was... ah..." rose "Hehehe... that was weird." scene w2_8175 with dissolve "The way she pleasantly giggled was at odds with what happened." "This woman..." "That was the last thought that marked the end of this week's exhibition." $, 0, channel = "music") scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.roseW2Shame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.roseW2Shame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "She giggled in a way that conveniently let me forget how fucked up her situation was." "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w2ExWinner" KN_MOD "label w2ExWinner:" KN_MOD "if w2ExPointsVeronica >= w2ExPointsFelicia and w2ExPointsVeronica >= w2ExPointsRosalind:" $ w2ExKatVeronica = True KN_MOD "elif w2ExPointsFelicia >= w2ExPointsRosalind and w2ExPointsFelicia >= w2ExPointsVeronica:" $ w2ExKatFelicia = True KN_MOD "else:" $ w2ExKatRosalind = True play music "music/victim-to-victor.ogg" scene w2_8177 with curtains show screen textbox2 with dissolve "There it finally was, all three Carnations stood side by side, completely stripped and waiting for the proverbial axe to drop." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseIanSex == True:" "Rosalind cleaned up nicely, looking a little pensive perhaps, but no worse for wear from my friend's rough treatment," KN_MOD "else:" "Rosalind cleaned up nicely, there was no trace of her earlier confidence, but she was looking composed." scene w2_8178 with dissolve "Felicia, on the other hand, was tired. Very, very tired." "She looked worse than she did earlier. The physical exhaustion from her trial had fully taken hold." "...and lastly Veronica, who had lent the shaky legged blonde her shoulder, was unusually difficult to read." "For the most part, she just blankly scanned the room." KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" scene w2_8179 with dissolve "It might've been my imagination, but there was a teensy, quickly fading smile buried when she got to me." scene w2_8180 with dissolve kat "The results of the silent auction are in - Vincenzo takes it." scene w2_8181 with dissolve tom "Damn it." jim "That fatty always overpays." tom "How much did he bid?" scene w2_8182 with dissolve kat "You know perfectly well that's a secret, Thomas. If you really wanted it, you should've bid more." scene w2_8183 with dissolve rose "W-wah...?" scene w2_8187 with dissolve fel "I guess I slept through something interesting..." scene w2_8188 with dissolve ver "She put a blanket over the cage, all you missed was Rosie moaning like a bitch." scene w2_8189 with dissolve rose "H-hey! You weren't any different!" scene w2_8190 with dissolve fel "Yeah, you sounded like a banshee in a blender!" ver "...bah." scene w2_8191 with dissolve kat "You all performed admirably tonight, but only one of you will be deemed the winner and only one of you will be deemed the loser." scene w2_8192 with dissolve ver "How is there only one winner and one loser?" scene w2_8193 with dissolve kat "Only one loser for the purpose of the penalty game." scene w2_8194 with dissolve fel "Another game... p-please no? H-heh..." ver "Greeeeeat." scene w2_8193 with dissolve kat "Before we get to that, we must first crown the winner. You girls excited?" scene w2_8195 with dissolve fel "........." scene w2_8196 with dissolve ver "......" scene w2_8197 with dissolve rose "..." scene w2_8198 with dissolve kat "As you already know, the Carnation whose photoshoot generated the greatest response automatically secured the first vote." KN_MOD "if w2ShootWinnerVero == True:" scene w2_8199 with dissolve ver "Hmmpfh." kat "That's right. Miss Lynch has one vote." kat "That leaves the rest of the determination to Miss Rhodes and me. Which Carnation made the greatest impression on you, Hana?" scene w2_8200 with dissolve hana "...I'm first?" scene w2_8201 with dissolve kat "If it's all the same to you." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It wasn't all the same. Mrs. Pulman could potentially put an end to the whole thing right now and spare Hana some face with the girls." KN_MOD "else:" "It wasn't all the same. Kathleen could potentially put an end to the whole thing right now and spare Hana some face with the girls." scene w2_8202 with dissolve kat "Go ahead. Pick a Carnation and state your reason." scene w2_8203 with dissolve hana "No hard feelings I hope." scene w2_8204 with dissolve fel "Ha! Go ahead. I understand." "It was obvious from the start she wasn't picking Felicia." scene w2_8205 with dissolve hana "I pick Rosalind." scene w2_8206 with dissolve rose "Yes!" scene w2_8207 with dissolve hana "She didn't hesitate at all. It's as simple as that." scene w2_8182 with dissolve kat "So we have it. One vote for Miss Lynch and one for Mrs. Carter." scene w2_8208 with dissolve kat "Things are looking fruitless for you, Mrs. Ford. You feeling stupid?" scene w2_8209 with dissolve fel "Who do you pick, Kathleen?" KN_MOD "if w2ExKatFelicia == True:" $ w2ExLosersAll = True scene w2_8214 with dissolve kat "Honestly...? You." kat "Are you even human? You lasted more than an hour, on top of everything the boys did to you." scene w2_8215 with dissolve fel "Wait, so we..." ver "We tie?" scene w2_8216 with dissolve kat "That's right." scene w2_8217 with dissolve rose "We all win?" scene w2_8216 with dissolve kat "That's one way of looking at it. You could also say you all lose." kat "None of you succeeded in standing out." scene w2_8218 with dissolve ver "It's a wash? What does that mean for us?" scene w2_8208 with dissolve kat "That means, none of you fell behind this week, and come Monday, you're all subject to the penalty." scene w2_8209 with dissolve fel "You're not going to tell us what it is, are you?" scene w2_8208 with dissolve kat "Not at all." scene w2_8219 with dissolve kat "Looks like you win tonight's pool, Abel." kat "You're the only one who anticipated a tie." scene w2_8220 with dissolve abel "Donate it to a charity of Miss Rhodes' choosing please." scene w2_8221 with dissolve hana "Why me?" scene w2_8222 with dissolve abel "I'm simply happy you joined us tonight. I know of an excellent lab that researches Huntington's, perhaps you want to donate it there?" scene w2_8221 with dissolve hana "How do you know--" scene w2_8223 with dissolve jim "Kind of an anticlimatic ending? Why don't we have a tie-breaker?" chuck "Sometimes it's about the journey, Jim." frank "Where are the whores? I got--" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "if w2ExKatRosalind == True:" $ w2ExWinnerRosalind = True $ w2ExLoserFelicia = True scene w2_8224 with dissolve kat "I'm... I'm inclined to agree with Miss Rhodes." kat "She was an obedient old cow." scene w2_8225 with dissolve rose "I... win?" scene w2_8226 with dissolve kat "That's right, Mrs. Carter. You win and Mrs. Ford, having no votes, is the loser." vinc "Ha, ha! Yes!" kat "Come Monday, our little slut wife will face the penalty." scene w2_8227 with dissolve fel "You're not going to tell us what it is, are you?" scene w2_8226 with dissolve kat "Not at all." scene w2_8228 with dissolve kat "Looks like Mihir, Thomas, Andrew, and Vincenzo are splitting tonight's pool." scene w2_8229 with dissolve kat "Congratulations gentlemen." scene black with fade hana "So, it's over?" mc "Looks like it's going to be pretty soon." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "if w2ExKatVeronica == True:" $ w2ExWinnerVeronica = True $ w2ExLoserFelicia = True scene w2_8214 with dissolve kat "My vote coincides with the audience's." kat "Miss Lynch's submission was simply sublime tonight." scene w2_8230 with dissolve ver "Holy shit...!" rose "..." scene w2_8231 with dissolve kat "Tonight's winner is determined. Mrs. Ford, having no votes, is the loser." sam "That's my girl!" kat "Come Monday, our little slut wife will face the penalty." scene w2_8232 with dissolve fel "You're not going to tell us what it is, are you?" scene w2_8231 with dissolve kat "Not at all." scene w2_8228 with dissolve kat "Looks like Samson, Joe, Jim, and Kristoff are splitting tonight's pool." scene w2_8229 with dissolve kat "Congratulations gentlemen." scene black with fade hana "So, it's over?" mc "Looks like it's going to be pretty soon." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "if w2ShootWinnerFel == True:" scene w2_8210 with dissolve fel "That was me." scene w2_8211 with dissolve kat "Indeed it was, Mrs. Ford. I guess you had such a lovely home, it left an impression." scene w2_8212 with dissolve fel "I'm sure that's what it was..." scene w2_8211 with dissolve kat "She presently has one vote." kat "That leaves the rest of the determination to Miss Rhodes and I. Which Carnation made the greatest impression on you, Hana?" scene w2_8200 with dissolve hana "...I'm first?" scene w2_8201 with dissolve kat "If it's all the same to you." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It wasn't all the same. Mrs. Pulman could potentially put an end to the whole thing right now and spare Hana some face with the girls." KN_MOD "else:" "It wasn't all the same. Kathleen could potentially put an end to the whole thing right now and spare Hana some face with the girls." scene w2_8202 with dissolve kat "Go ahead. Pick a Carnation and state your reason." scene w2_8203 with dissolve hana "No hard feelings I hope." scene w2_8204 with dissolve fel "Ha! Go ahead. I understand." "It was obvious from the start she wasn't picking Felicia." scene w2_8205 with dissolve hana "I pick Rosalind." scene w2_8206 with dissolve rose "Yes!" scene w2_8207 with dissolve hana "She didn't hesitate at all. It's as simple as that." scene w2_8182 with dissolve kat "So we have it. One vote for Mrs. Ford and one for Mrs. Carter." scene w2_8208 with dissolve kat "Things are looking unfortunate for you, Miss Lynch." scene w2_8209 with dissolve ver "You still have a vote." KN_MOD "if w2ExKatFelicia == True:" $ w2ExWinnerFelicia = True $ w2ExLoserVeronica = True scene w2_8214 with dissolve kat "My vote goes toward Mrs. Ford, making her tonight's winner." scene w2_8233 with dissolve ver "Tsk...!" fel "R-really...? Ha!" scene w2_8234 with dissolve kat "Looks like you're going to have to play the penalty game, Miss Lynch." kat "We'll get to that on Monday, when we all meet." scene w2_8228 with dissolve kat "Looks like Frank, Eric and Isaak are splitting tonight's pool." scene w2_8229 with dissolve kat "Congratulations gentlemen." scene black with fade hana "So, it's over?" mc "Looks like it's going to be pretty soon." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "if w2ExKatRosalind == True:" $ w2ExWinnerRosalind = True $ w2ExLoserVeronica = True scene w2_8224 with dissolve kat "I'm... I'm inclined to agree with Miss Rhodes." kat "She was an obedient old cow." scene w2_8225 with dissolve ver "Tsk...!" rose "I... win?" scene w2_8226 with dissolve kat "That's right, Mrs. Carter. You win. Miss Lynch, having no votes, is the loser." vinc "Ha, ha! Yes!" kat "Come Monday, she will face the penalty." scene w2_8227 with dissolve fel "You're not going to tell us what it is, are you?" scene w2_8226 with dissolve kat "Not at all." scene w2_8228 with dissolve kat "Looks like Mihir, Thomas, Andrew, and Vincenzo are splitting tonight's pool." scene w2_8229 with dissolve kat "Congratulations gentlemen." scene black with fade hana "So, it's over?" mc "Looks like it's going to be pretty soon." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "if w2ExKatVeronica == True:" $ w2ExLosersAll = True scene w2_8214 with dissolve kat "Honestly...? I picked you, Miss Lynch. Your submission tonight was utterly sublime." scene w2_8215 with dissolve fel "Wait, so we..." ver "We tie?" scene w2_8216 with dissolve kat "That's right." scene w2_8217 with dissolve rose "We all win?" scene w2_8216 with dissolve kat "That's one way of looking at it. You could also say you all lose." kat "None of you succeeded in standing out." scene w2_8218 with dissolve ver "It's a wash? What does that mean for us?" scene w2_8208 with dissolve kat "That means, none of you fell behind this week, and come Monday, you're all subject to the penalty." scene w2_8209 with dissolve fel "You're not going to tell us what it is, are you?" scene w2_8208 with dissolve kat "Not at all." scene w2_8219 with dissolve kat "Looks like you win tonight's pool, Abel." kat "You're the only one who anticipated a tie." scene w2_8220 with dissolve abel "Donate it to a charity of Miss Rhodes' choosing please." scene w2_8221 with dissolve hana "Why me?" scene w2_8222 with dissolve abel "I'm simply happy you joined us tonight. I know of an excellent lab that researches Huntington's, perhaps you want to donate it there?" scene w2_8221 with dissolve hana "How do you know--" scene w2_8223 with dissolve jim "Kind of an anticlimactic ending? Why don't we have a tie-breaker?" chuck "Sometimes it's about the journey, Jim." frank "Where are the whores? I got--" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "if w2ShootWinnerRose == True:" $ w2ExWinnerRosalind = True scene w2_8186 with dissolve kat "That was Mrs. Carter. She presently has one vote." scene w2_8207 with dissolve kat "That leaves the rest of the determination to Miss Rhodes and I. Which Carnation made the greatest impression on you, Hana?" scene w2_8200 with dissolve hana "...I'm first?" scene w2_8201 with dissolve kat "If it's all the same to you." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "It wasn't all the same. Mrs. Pulman could potentially put an end to the whole thing right now and spare Hana some face with the girls." KN_MOD "else:" "It wasn't all the same. Kathleen could potentially put an end to the whole thing right now and spare Hana some face with the girls." scene w2_8202 with dissolve kat "Go ahead. Pick a Carnation and state your reason." scene w2_8203 with dissolve hana "No hard feelings I hope." scene w2_8204 with dissolve fel "Ha! Go ahead. I understand." "It was obvious from the start she wasn't picking Felicia." scene w2_8205 with dissolve hana "I pick Rosalind." scene w2_8213 with dissolve rose "Yes!" hana "She didn't hesitate at all. It's as simple as that." scene w2_8180 with dissolve kat "So we have it. Tonight's winner is chosen, simple as that." scene w2_8181 with dissolve chuck "What about the loser?" scene w2_8182 with dissolve kat "I guess that's my determination." KN_MOD "if w2ExKatFelicia == True:" $ w2ExLoserVeronica = True scene w2_8214 with dissolve kat "I was going to give Mrs. Ford my vote. Which makes..." scene w2_8235 with dissolve kat "You the loser." scene w2_8236 with dissolve ver "I'm not surprised..." scene w2_8235 with dissolve kat "Don't make that face. Your submission was sublime, but Felicia..." kat "She was hardly human, was she?" scene w2_8237 with dissolve ver "..." kat "The penalty will be for Monday when we all meet, however. Tonight's a wrap." scene w2_8228 with dissolve kat "Looks like Samson, Joe, Jim, and Kristoff are splitting tonight's pool." scene w2_8229 with dissolve kat "Congratulations gentlemen." scene black with fade hana "So, it's over?" mc "Looks like it's going to be pretty soon." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "if w2ExKatVeronica == True:" $ w2ExLoserFelicia = True scene w2_8214 with dissolve kat "I was actually going to give Miss Lynch my vote. Which makes..." scene w2_8238 with dissolve kat "You the loser." scene w2_8239 with dissolve fel "I hope I can do the game sitting down." scene w2_8240 with dissolve kat "Oh, don't worry. Tonight's a wrap. The penalty is for when we all meet on Monday." scene w2_8239 with dissolve fel "That's... {b}a relief{/b}." scene w2_8240 with dissolve kat "Well, I wouldn't want to break you." scene w2_8228 with dissolve kat "Looks like Frank, Eric and Isaak are splitting tonight's pool." scene w2_8229 with dissolve kat "Congratulations gentlemen." scene black with fade hana "So, it's over?" mc "Looks like it's going to be pretty soon." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "if w2ExKatRosalind == True:" $ w2ExLoserDuo = True kat "I'm... I'm inclined to agree with Miss Rhodes." kat "Miss Carter was an obedient old cow. No hesitation what so ever." scene w2_8225 with dissolve rose "I... have all three votes?" scene w2_8226 with dissolve kat "That's right, Mrs. Carter. You win, while both Mrs. Ford and Miss Lynch..." vinc "Ha, ha! Yes!" kat "...are {b}losers{/b}. Come Monday, the pair will face a penalty game." scene w2_8227 with dissolve fel "You're not going to tell us what it is, are you?" scene w2_8226 with dissolve kat "Not at all." scene w2_8228 with dissolve kat "Looks like Mihir, Thomas, Andrew, and Vincenzo are splitting tonight's pool." scene w2_8229 with dissolve kat "Congratulations gentlemen." scene black with fade hana "So, it's over?" mc "Looks like it's going to be pretty soon." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......." "..." KN_MOD "jump w2ExHanaTalk" KN_MOD "label w2ExHanaTalk:" play music "music/cold-sober.ogg" scene w2_8287 with circlewipe "As the audience trickled across the room to yammer and get a close up look at the Carnations, Hana, Ian, and I slipped out with the powers-that-be's blessing." kil "Another night for the books. Can't believe she got a spider involved this time." mc "Yeah, I don't know if I'll forget that look on her face." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseIanSex == True:" scene w2_8288 with dissolve hana "...and I'm going to need drugs to forget the sight of Ian's asshole." kil "Fuck you, I've got a hella cute pucker." scene w2_8289 with dissolve mc "You were really into that old lady shit." kil "You want to know what the worst part about aging is?" hana "This will be good..." kil "One day older women will just be women." scene w2_8290 with dissolve hana "Yeah, but then you get to be a dirty old man like your uncle." mc "Heh, {b}yeah{/b}. Call women a third of your age lassie." kil "Eh, perfect age... thirties? Best of both worlds. Younger women will be younger women and older women will be older women." scene w2_8289 with dissolve hana "You're a weird fucking dude." mc "The unbidden wisdom of a pervert." kil "Like you're not..." mc "I'm not as... {b}advanced.{/b}." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_8291 with dissolve hana "I don't know how you didn't lose your cool up there, especially being on camera like that." kil "[mcf]'s pretty talented, eh?" mc "That's one way of putting it." scene w2_8288 with dissolve kil "Ever since he was a kid, my man can turn it off like that." hana "What the hell does that mean?" mc "I've got no clue either." scene w2_8287 with dissolve kil "Yeah, you do. Sometimes you'd go from your usual self to blank-faced at a drop of the hat." mc "Don't listen to him. I'm just not an expressive person." KN_MOD "if w2ExSnowball == True:" scene w2_8292 with dissolve hana "Pfft, not expressive? What do you call tongue punching your own cum down a woman's throat?" mc "Oh God. Heat of the fuckin' moment, okay?" kil "Hey, man. I'm not judging you." scene w2_8293 with dissolve hana "Shit, I am. You freaky fuck." mc "If I ask a woman to swallow, it'd be hypocritical to be dis--" hana "Oh, yeah, you're a real feminist, [mcf]." mc "My mom raised a gentleman!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_8294 with dissolve hana "Pffft, not expressive? What was the song-and-dance you did with Rosalind?" kil "Yeah, you sounded real cute moaning up there." scene w2_8295 with dissolve mc "Thanks, I was imagining fucking your mom." kil "H-hey!" hana "What's a matter, Ian? Afraid to let a girl know she's making you feel good or something?" scene w2_8289 with dissolve kil "A man should only moan while choking the chicken in the privacy of his own home." mc "I guess I'll remember that for the future." scene w2_8296 with dissolve hana "Hey. You've sat in on most of these, right?" scene w2_8297 with dissolve kil "The exhibitions? All, but one? Why?" scene w2_8296 with dissolve hana "How does tonight stack up against most nights? What's the most disgusting thing you've seen?" scene w2_8297 with dissolve kil "C'mon, why do you want to know something like that?" scene w2_8298 with dissolve mc "Actually, I'm kinda curious too." scene w2_8299 with dissolve kil "Hmm, well... it depends on what you mean by disgusting. Sometimes it's a funnel, coffee grounds, and an explosive finish if you know what I mean." scene w2_8300 with dissolve hana "That's what the stain was?!" scene w2_8299 with dissolve kil "Other times, it's in your head. That's where the bitch gets real creative." scene w2_8298 with dissolve mc "I suppose we got a taste of that tonight." scene w2_8297 with dissolve kil "To answer your question, personally, I think tonight was... average? Average and atypical all the same." scene w2_8298 with dissolve mc "Those are two opposite words." scene w2_8301 with dissolve kil "Heh, yeah... every year is different, every Carnation is different, but the contest follows the same crescendo." scene w2_8302 with dissolve kil "It's something you've got to see to know how it hits you. Can't really mentally prepare yourself for it or anything." scene w2_8303 with dissolve hana "I wasn't tryin' to, I was just wondering." scene w2_8304 with dissolve kil "You and [mcf] have that much in common. Fuckin' pessimists." hana "..." scene w2_8305 with dissolve kil "Anyway, I'll leave you two alone." mc "You don't have to." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorIan == True:" scene w2_8306 with dissolve kil "Don't I? I need to go find Emma before anyone snatches her up." scene w2_8307 with dissolve hana "Emma? Why are you fuckin' around with Jacob's--" scene w2_8308 with dissolve mc "Ian's just giving her a night off as a favor." hana "A night off...? Oh... OH! Yeah, I follow." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_8306 with dissolve kil "I want to. Gonna go find one of the house girls." KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseIanSex == True:" scene w2_8309 with dissolve kil "Fucking that boring, fat-assed slut only whet the appetite." hana "Christ, you disgust me." mc "You didn't seem so bored to me." hana "You were watching closely were you?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_8309 with dissolve kil "No homo, but watching you fuck that fat-assed slut got me going." hana "Christ, you disgust me." mc "What a totally normal thing to say." scene w2_8310 with dissolve kil "See you tomorrow, doc!" mc "Yeah, see you..." scene w2_8311 with dissolve "......" "...." scene w2_8312 with dissolve mc "You two seem to be getting along better." scene w2_8313 with dissolve hana "Is that what you think? What gave you that miserable idea?" scene w2_8312 with dissolve mc "That's the impression that I get." scene w2_8314 with dissolve hana "Man, I hate ska." scene w2_8315 with dissolve mc "So, just between us, how are you doing?" scene w2_8316 with dissolve hana "I'm not sure actually, but you'll be the first to know when I work that out." scene w2_8317 with dissolve "That revealed all there was to know about how the rocker girl was presently feeling. There's only so much stimulation and doubt one can handle." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w2_8318 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve "So, I did what felt right, taking Hana's hand into mine and encircling her pale fingers with my own." play music "music/modern-situations.ogg" scene w2_8319 with dissolve "As if it was natural, she smiled and let it pass without comment." scene w2_8320 with dissolve hana "Feelin' bold?" scene w2_8321 with dissolve mct "(Well, almost without comment.)" scene w2_8322 with dissolve mc "I know how you're feeling. My brain's a bowl of alphabet soup right now too." scene w2_8323 with dissolve hana "Yeah, I bet. It's kinda like I just got done playing a two-hour set, except my arms aren't on fire." scene w2_8324 with dissolve hana "You wanna know what's been screwing with me the most tonight? I realized, in my head, I've been making this whole thing about me." hana "Like... I've been so preoccupied with feeling like an immoral sell out, that Rosalind, Veronica, and even that weirdo Blondie, felt secondary. I'm... starting to doubt why I even object to working here." scene w2_8325 with dissolve mc "You're being too hard on yourself. You know why you object." hana "Do I?" hana "Maybe I do..." scene w2_8326 with dissolve mc "I saw you buzz around the girls tonight, putting in the effort to understand the whys." scene w2_8327 with dissolve hana "Honestly, more than being concerned about them, I think I might have been trying to make myself feel better." scene w2_8326 with dissolve mc "There's no selfless act made without using yourself as a frame of reference. {i}The important thing is what you do{/i}." scene w2_8327 with dissolve hana "Isn't why we do something important?" scene w2_8326 with dissolve mc "Isn't the {i}why{/i} because of your mom's illness?" scene w2_8327 with dissolve hana "The funny thing is she'd be pissed if she knew I had anything to do with my old man..." scene w2_8328 with dissolve hana "Hey! I've decided!" scene w2_8329 with dissolve mc "Decided on what?" scene w2_8328 with dissolve hana "Let's go on a date tomorrow night. Like a date-date, just you and me, and nothing else." scene w2_8329 with dissolve mc "That's... surprising. Aren't you still hung up about me and the job? Nothing's changed." scene w2_8330 with dissolve hana "Ah, fuck that! I'm not going to let this place dictate what I do. All I could think about tonight was getting out of here and doing something fucking normal." scene w2_8331 with dissolve mc "You can easily find a guy who'snot-" scene w2_8330 with dissolve hana "I don't care. I want to go out with you." scene w2_8331 with dissolve mc "I, ah..." "The sad thing, that I didn't point out, was that without our connection to this place, a girl like Hana would find me utterly boring." scene w2_8330 with dissolve hana "Come on. For one night, I'd like to have fun like a normal person, and forget this place even exists. Seriously - no mention of it, from either of us. Slap me if I bring it up!" scene w2_8328 with dissolve hana "So, you in?" scene w2_8329 with dissolve mc "How can I say no to a proposal like that?" scene w2_8328 with dissolve hana "Great...!" scene w2_8333 with dissolve "She hugged me with an exuberance that made it better than any kiss." scene w2_8332 with dissolve hana "Thank you, [mcf]!" scene w2_8334 with dissolve mc "So... where are we going?" scene w2_8335 with dissolve hana "Umm..." scene w2_8336 with dissolve hana "I don't know. I haven't been on a date since high school. Since you're the man, why don't you come up with something?" scene w2_8337 with dissolve mc "You only use gender roles when it suits you." scene w2_8338 with dissolve hana "Yup." scene w2_8337 with dissolve mc "Alright, but you can't complain that anything I pick is boring." scene w2_8336 with dissolve hana "I'll be happy with anything. Promise." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_8339 with dissolve hana "You wanna know what's been screwing with me the most tonight? I realized, in my head, I've been making this whole thing about me." hana "Like... I've been so preoccupied with feeling like an immoral sell out, that Rosalind, Veronica, and even that weirdo Blondie, felt secondary. I'm... starting to doubt why I even object to working here." scene w2_8340 with dissolve mc "You're being too hard on yourself. You know why you object." scene w2_8339 with dissolve hana "Do I?" hana "Maybe I do..." scene w2_8340 with dissolve mc "I saw you buzz around the girls tonight, putting in the effort to understand the whys." scene w2_8339 with dissolve hana "Honestly, more than being concerned about them, I think I might have been trying to make myself feel better." scene w2_8340 with dissolve mc "I don't mean this cynically, but even if you threw yourself on a grenade to save their lives, you'd be doing it because of YOU. There's no selfless act made without using yourself as a frame of reference." scene w2_8341 with dissolve hana "Isn't why we do something important?" scene w2_8340 with dissolve mc "Isn't the {i}why{/i} because of your mom's illness?" scene w2_8339 with dissolve hana "The funny thing is she'd be pissed if she knew I had anything to do with my old man." scene w2_8342 with dissolve "......." "..." scene w2_8343 with dissolve hana "You heading out?" mc "No, I want to, but I think I'm going to clean myself up, hang around and check up on the girls. What about you?" hana "I'm getting the fuck out of here. Think I'm going to pick up some fried chicken, and have a late dinner with my mom." scene w2_8344 with dissolve mc "Tonight does have a way of making you want to do that. Won't your dad be looking for you though?" hana "Like I give a fuck if he is." scene black with fade mc "Yeah, what was I thinking? Have a good time." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" hana "See you tomorrow, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" hana "See you later, [mcf]." "Forty minutes later..." play music "music/doll-dancing.ogg" scene w2_8345 with wet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Once I was alone, soaking in my own filth, I began to carefully consider a question that had been gnawing at my mind ever since I parted ways with Hana." "The questions she asked shone a light on an uncomfortable truth about myself." "{i}Isn't why we do something important?{/i}" "I had always been preoccupied with simply doing and appearing good, and my seeming difficulty to do even that, that I never saw the point in pondering that in a practical sense." "I {b}knew{/b} what was inside my soul and I can't change that, can I?" KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorSolo == True:" scene w2_8346 with dissolve mc "Hmmm...?" scene w2_8347 with dissolve "I didn't know the number, but the message contained a video of Emma." "She had done as I asked." scene w2_8348 with dissolve "I didn't even bother watching it, I just needed it in case she got any shit for disappearing." scene w2_8349 with dissolve mct "(...was genuinely wrestling with that question the difference between me and a truly good person like Hana?)" "She reflected on the {i}why{/i}, bogging herself down with self-doubt, while I didn't even try." "...what was better? My reticent acceptance of my situation or her perpetual misgivings?" scene black with fade "Did it even matter? We're both on the some slippery slope here - what difference does the type of hand-wringing you do even make?" scene w2_8350 with dissolve "After that, I thought about a lot of things." "I considered why August was so hell-bent on forcing his daughter into a life she obviously didn't want." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorChuck == True or w2ExEmmaFavorSolo == True or w2ExEmmaFavorIan == True:" scene w2_8351 with dissolve "I thought about Emma, her bruises, and the meaningless favor of giving her a break." scene w2_8352 with dissolve mc "Eheh, I never know what to go for..." "I thought about how appreciative Jacob looked, despite the fact that tomorrow and the days past that, she'll still work here." scene w2_8353 with dissolve "It was only a small temporary relief." KN_MOD "else:" "I thought about the house girls, their many faces and unknowable circumstances." "I thought of Yoo-ri's baby that will grow up having no idea which of these bastards his father is." scene black with fade "I thought a lot about the Carnations too, all the thinking I had put off all night." scene w2_8407 with pixellate "I thought of Veronica clinging desperately to the one thing she had left, having her past put on display for everyone's amusement." scene w2_8412 with dissolve "I thought of how dreary and worn down she looked in the shower." scene w2_8408 with dissolve "I thought of Felicia who, so unable to find contentment, had thrown herself into absurdity." scene w2_8409 with dissolve "...and of course, there was Rose. What needed to be said about that and the parallels my mind made?" scene w2_8354 with pixellate mc "Shit, is it just you?" ver "You disappointed to see me?" mc "I was hoping to check in on all of you." scene w2_8355 with dissolve ver "They already left. Like fifteen minutes ago." ver "Sorry, it's just me." mc "No, I'm glad to find at least one of you, but how come you're still here?" scene w2_8356 with dissolve ver "I... don't know." scene w2_8357 with dissolve "The answer I was imagining was sad. It's not like she had a home, once she left here, she would likely go lay her head down within the same four walls that brought her here." scene w2_8358 with dissolve mc "How are you doing?" scene w2_8356 with dissolve ver "Fine." scene w2_8358 with dissolve mc "Just fine?" scene w2_8360 with dissolve ver "Not {i}just{/i} fine. {b}I'm fine{/b}." scene w2_8359 with dissolve "Suddenly, I thought about where I was going to lay my own head down tonight." scene w2_8361 with dissolve mc "Of course you are." scene w2_8359 with dissolve "It was comparatively less drab, but dingy none-the-less." scene w2_8361 with dissolve mc "You should get dressed." scene w2_8360 with dissolve ver "I'm working on it." scene w2_8359 with dissolve "Would I go home alone and brood like I did last week? I didn't want to." "...and why should I? I wasn't alone and I didn't have to be." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w2ExEnding:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Lovers]{/color} Go visit Mina. if w2MinaLovers == True:" $ Mina_Affection += 3 scene w2_8361 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry to annoy, but if you ever need to talk, I'll listen." mc "I mean, you might doubt my motives, but... it can be good to just have another human being to talk to, even if they can't really help." KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" scene w2_8362 with dissolve ver "You think just because I...!" scene w2_8363 with dissolve ver "Thanks, [mcf]. I might just take you up on that sometime." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_8356 with dissolve ver "Yeah, maybe..." scene w2_8358 with dissolve mc "I'll get out of your hair then." scene w2_8357 with dissolve "She was clearly out-of-sorts, but I couldn't force anything." scene w2_8356 with dissolve ver "Good night, errand boy." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "And free from this place, I went to seek out a little bit of the comfort I enjoyed yesterday." "In hopes of getting Veronica's sullen face out of my mind." KN_MOD "jump w2ExMinaEnding" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Friends]{/color} Invite Veronica home. if veronicaFriend == True:" $ Veronica_Affection += 4 scene w2_8361 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Come over and let me cook you dinner." scene w2_8362 with dissolve ver "You think just because we talked earlier when I was--" scene w2_8361 with dissolve mc "You look like you can use a home-cooked meal and place other than your gym to sleep for the night." scene w2_8363 with dissolve ver " I that fucking obvious?" scene w2_8365 with dissolve mc "Would it make you feel better if I say you're a fount of stoic beauty, but my powers of observation are unbeatable?" scene w2_8364 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_8365 with dissolve mc "Yeah, you're kinda fucking obvious, Veronica. Just like anyone else would be." mc "Don't take it too hard, just say yes and let me feed you." scene w2_8364 with dissolve ver "..." scene w2_8365 with dissolve mc "I'm a pretty damn good--" scene w2_8363 with dissolve ver "Okay." scene w2_8361 with dissolve mc "O-oh, y-yeah?" scene w2_8359 with dissolve "I wanted her to, but I did not expect her to accept." scene w2_8360 with dissolve ver "This isn't a ploy to fuck me, right?" scene w2_8361 with dissolve mc "No! Just get dressed and let's get out of here." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Uh, you drove right...? I don't..." "My good deed for the day." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVeronicaEnding" KN_MOD "Seek advice from Kathleen.:" $ w2ExKathleenAdvice = True scene w2_8361 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry to annoy, but if you ever need to talk, I'll listen." mc "I mean, you might doubt my motives, but... it can be good to just have another human being to talk to, even if they can't really help." KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" scene w2_8362 with dissolve ver "You think just because I...!" scene w2_8363 with dissolve ver "Thanks, [mcf]. I might just take you up on that sometime." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_8356 with dissolve ver "Yeah, maybe..." scene w2_8358 with dissolve mc "I'll get out of your hair then." scene w2_8357 with dissolve "She was clearly out-of-sorts, but I couldn't force anything." scene w2_8356 with dissolve ver "Good night, errand boy." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "And having effected absolutely nothing positive in the red-head, I made the dubious decision to seek out Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "jump w2ExKathleenEnding" KN_MOD "Go crash at your moms.:" $ w2ExMomConcern = True scene w2_8361 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry to annoy, but if you ever need to talk, I'll listen." mc "I mean, you might doubt my motives, but... it can be good to just have another human being to talk to, even if they can't really help." KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" scene w2_8362 with dissolve ver "You think just because I...!" scene w2_8363 with dissolve ver "Thanks, [mcf]. I might just take you up on that sometime." KN_MOD "else:" scene w2_8356 with dissolve ver "Yeah, maybe..." scene w2_8358 with dissolve mc "I'll get out of your hair then." scene w2_8357 with dissolve "She was clearly out-of-sorts, but I couldn't force anything." scene w2_8356 with dissolve ver "Good night, errand boy." scene black with fade "And free from this place, I went to seek out the one person I never had any doubts around." KN_MOD "jump w2ExVictoriaEnding" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Lovers] Go visit Mina.{/color} if w2MinaLovers == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2ExEnding" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Friends] Invite Veronica home.{/color} if veronicaFriend == False:" KN_MOD "jump w2ExEnding" KN_MOD "label w2ExMinaEnding:" $ w2ExEndingMina = True play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" "Mina's apartment." mina "[mcf]...? What are you-- Come in." play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene w2_8241 with fade mc "Should I have called?" mina "No, it's cool. I was actually just thinking about you. What's--" scene w2_8242 with dissolve mina "--uuuuuup. He-heh..." mina "I never took you for a surprise hugger. Is everything alright?" mc "I just wanted to see you." mina "O-oh... I s-see... you just come out with it, huh?" scene w2_8243 with dissolve mina " I feel stupid for not calling you today." scene w2_8244 with dissolve mc "What do you mean?" scene w2_8243 with dissolve mina "I wanted to, I reeeeeally did, but I didn't want you to think I was too clingy or misunderstood things..." scene w2_8244 with dissolve mc "Why would I think that?" scene w2_8245 with dissolve mina "Y'know, after... well, after what we did..." scene w2_8246 with dissolve mc "You're way too hot to be worried about that, idiot." scene w2_8247 with dissolve mina "Looks got nothin' to do with it..." scene w2_8248 with dissolve mc "Invite me in to sit down?" scene w2_8249 with dissolve mina "Oh, right! Sorry!" scene w2_8250 with dissolve mina "Can I get you anything? A drink or..." scene w2_8251 with dissolve mc "There is something I want." scene w2_8252 with dissolve mina "Oh, it's..." mina "It's one of those kind of visits? I need to take a shower first." scene w2_8253 with dissolve mc "Don't be stupid. Just sit down." mina "O-okay, I guess...." scene black with fade mina "Just take it-- eeeeh, what are you doing?" scene w2_8254 with fade mc "......" mc "..." scene w2_8255 with dissolve mina "What am I supposed to make of this?!" scene w2_8256 with dissolve mc "Sorry for imposing." scene w2_8255 with dissolve mina "N-no! That's okay, it's just I thought that you were here to..." scene w2_8257 with dissolve mina "Ah... more importantly..." mina "Something IS the matter, isn't it?" scene w2_8258 with dissolve mc "Just a heavy day." scene w2_8257 with dissolve mina "Tell me about it." scene w2_8258 with dissolve mc "I... can't." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_8259 with dissolve mina "Oh. I didn't mean to pry." scene w2_8260 with dissolve mc "It's just the details aren't important. What I can tell you is, I'm really good at shutting my feelings off, but sometimes..." scene w2_8261 with dissolve mina "It hits you all at once?" scene w2_8262 with dissolve mc "Yes." scene w2_8261 with dissolve mina "I can relate." scene w2_8262 with dissolve mc "I thought you might. You remember the other day when you asked me if I doubted the way I felt about things?" scene w2_8263 with dissolve mina "Of course I do and if I remember correctly, you answered me \"sometimes\"..." mina "Today was one of those days, huh? They sure fuckin' suck." scene w2_8264 with dissolve mc "Ah, this is stupid--" scene w2_8265 with dissolve mina "Hush! You don't need to say anything else. Just..." mina "Just close your eyes." scene w2_8266 with dissolve mc "Alright..." scene black with fade mc "What now?" mina "Think about the things that make you truly happy. The ones that just immediately come to mind without any doubt." mina "Can you think of any?" mc "Yes..." mct "(I can think of a few...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w2_8267 with pixellate movie "The impulse had become irresistible. There was only one answer to the fury that tortured him..." kil "Don't you have this in Italian?" vic "What are you talking about? The English ADR is part of the charm!" scene w2_8268 with pixellate dylan "What are you going to do with--" scene w2_8269 with pixellate marlow "Say ~cheese!" scene w2_8410 with pixellate pause scene w2_8411 with pixellate pause scene w2_8270 with pixellate mc "Okay, but what about them?" scene w2_8271 with dissolve mina "Just think of the person you were during those moments, of all the things they had in common, and latch onto those feelings again. Maybe even... {b}try and be that person from your memories?{/b}" scene w2_8272 with dissolve mc "Does that help you?" scene w2_8273 with dissolve mina "Sometimes, but not always." scene w2_8274 with dissolve mc "Next week, I can't be that person..." scene w2_8275 with dissolve mina "Who cares about next week? Just try and be that person right now." scene black with fade mc "Mina..." scene w2_8276 with dissolve mina "I'm glad to have met you." mina "Very glad..." mc "Can we... stay like this for a while?" mina "As long as you want. Until you fall asleep even..." "I'm glad to have met you too, Mina." scene black with fade mina "Sleep well, [mcf]." "One notable thing about me was..." "......" "..." "No matter what, I never had any trouble sleeping." stop music KN_MOD "jump w3MinaStart" KN_MOD "label w2ExVictoriaEnding:" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" vic "Eh? What are you doing here at this hour, [mcf]?" scene w2_8277 with dissolve mc "I'm not interrupting a hot date, am I?" scene w2_8278 with dissolve vic "You are, actually!" scene w2_8279 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_8280 with dissolve mc "Who's the director?" scene w2_8278 with dissolve vic "Umberto Lenzi." scene w2_8280 with dissolve mc "Cannibal Ferox?" scene w2_8281 with dissolve vic "You got it in one guess, I suppose I raised you right after all." mc "You do love that one, you damn sicko." scene w2_8282 with dissolve vic "...but why are you here? You look... {i}tired{/i} [mcf]." scene w2_8283 with dissolve mc "I thought... I thought we could order some fried chicken and watch a movie." scene w2_8282 with dissolve vic "Are you ok--" scene w2_8284 with dissolve "......." "..." scene w2_8285 with dissolve vic "I'm very, very {b}happy{/b} you're here, hun." scene black with fade "My mother had the talent of knowing what to say and what not to say, never making a bigger deal out of something than the person she was talking to wanted." "...and half way through Black Sunday--" scene w2_8286 with dissolve vic "Oh, [mcf]..." "I fell asleep." scene black with fade "I never had any trouble sleeping did I?" "......" "..." vic "What the hell have you gotten yourself into?" stop music KN_MOD "jump w3VictoriaStart" KN_MOD "label w2ExVeronicaEnding:" $ w2ExEndingVeronica = True play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene w2_8366 with fade ver "Are your parents loaded?" scene w2_8367 with dissolve mc "Not in the least." scene w2_8368 with dissolve ver "The club pays THIS well?" scene w2_8369 with dissolve mc "Not enough to afford an industrial loft in the city. This place isn't in my name, it's the club's actually, I'm just squatting here for the time being." scene w2_8370 with dissolve ver "Must be nice..." scene w2_8369 with dissolve mc "It's too much space for a single person in my opinion." scene w2_8371 with dissolve mc "You... actually did me a favor when you accepted my invite. I didn't really want to come home alone tonight." scene w2_8372 with dissolve ver "You say that to all the women you bring home?" scene w2_8373 with dissolve mc "Of course not. You think someone like me has ever successfully picked up a woman before?" scene w2_8374 with dissolve ver "What do you mean someone like you? You're not bad looking... a bit lanky, but you're surprisingly toned." scene w2_8375 with dissolve mc "I wasn't fishing for a compliment." scene w2_8376 with dissolve ver "I wasn't giving you one, just an observation." scene w2_8377 with dissolve mc "Well, thank you for the observation." scene w2_8378 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_8379 with dissolve ver "So... uh... I'm fucking starving, can we...?" "Right. She's here for food." scene w2_8380 with dissolve mc "You have any food allergies?" scene black with fade "We ate in relative silence, Veronica often looking like she wanted to say something but never quite finding the words, just like the quiet drive here." scene w2_8381 with fade ver "Fuck me, I ate too much... " mc "You'll work it off tomorrow I'm sure." ver "Fuck no, I won't. I'm not doing jack shit tomorrow." scene w2_8382 with dissolve mc "Good, take care of your head." scene w2_8383 with dissolve ver "The food was... {i}okay{/i}... by the way." scene w2_8384 with dissolve mc "You ate a lot for it being \"okay\"." scene w2_8383 with dissolve ver "I didn't realize how hungry I was until you asked me to eat." scene w2_8385 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_8386 with dissolve ver "Okay, fine! It was good!" scene w2_8387 with dissolve mc "Thank you." mc "It's always good to hear." scene w2_8388 with dissolve ver "You'd be surprised at how many people don't know how to cook. Like even into their 40s..." ver "I'm actually a little impressed." scene w2_8389 with dissolve mc "That's a low bar..." scene w2_8390 with dissolve ver "I know, right? It's an essential life skill, but so many of my clients act like looking after their diet is asking too much." scene w2_8391 with dissolve ver "Like they're genuinely perplexed by how to steam a vegetable." scene w2_8392 with dissolve mc "Yeah, it's outrageous. You have your mom cook for you until you go off to college and then when you're out on your own, instead of learning how to do it, you build poor habits by eating cheap and easy foods." scene w2_8393 with dissolve mc "Did you know eating too much junk food can alter your brain chemistry?" scene w2_8391 with dissolve ver "Of course I know that, that's my job. You're preaching to the choir right now." scene w2_8390 with dissolve ver "I didn't know you were so health conscious." scene w2_8392 with dissolve mc "I'm not a nut, but... well, a fat doctor doesn't really inspire confidence." scene w2_8391 with dissolve ver "People don't realize the success of their goals is tied to many, many small personal choices. Your choices turn into habits and many habits form a lifestyle." scene w2_8390 with dissolve ver "It's wise that you're working backwards from what you want. You have a good head on your shoulders." scene w2_8394 with dissolve "Goals. Aspirations. Dreams." "That was the one topic, more than others, that made me feel connected to the run-ragged redhead next to me." scene w2_8395 with dissolve mc "You're just full of \"observations\" tonight." scene w2_8396 with dissolve KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" "Samson's earlier revelation came to mind, and I certainly wouldn't do it now, but I did wonder if {i}ever{/i} telling Veronica about her coach's {i}hot potato{/i} would do her any good?" "I wanted to help her, but I still didn't know how..." scene w2_8397 with dissolve ver "THAT one was a compliment, errand boy." scene w2_8398 with dissolve mc "Am I blushing?" ver "Nope!" scene w2_8399 with dissolve ver "Say, you don't mind if I borrow this, do you? As I understand it, this is your job." scene w2_8400 with dissolve mc "'s yours, for as long as you like." scene w2_8401 with dissolve "Any port in the storm they say." "She probably didn't trust me, but by way of human warmth, I was presently the only choice." scene w2_8402 with dissolve ver "I'm... so very, very tired." scene w2_8403 with dissolve mc "You have a very good reason to be, but there's nothing left that you can affect for today, except getting some needed rest." mc "So clear your head and let go for now." scene w2_8401 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_8404 with dissolve ver "This isn't very comfortable. {b}Lay down{/b}." "I did so, without complaint." scene w2_8405 with dissolve "It was a humid summer night and Veronica was a big lady, but it wasn't in me to deny her right now." scene w2_8406 with dissolve mc "Is this better?" scene w2_8405 with dissolve "Her silence was my answer and her heartbeat the timer I gradually marked my sleepy descent to." "Part of me hoped she'd go back to her usual stand-offish self tomorrow." "The other part didn't." "As I joined her in catching some Z's, I only had one thought..." scene black with fade "I never had any trouble sleeping did I?" "......" "..." stop music KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaStart" KN_MOD "label w2ExKathleenEnding:" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" mc "It's me." kat "I'm not so sure I know a {i}me{/i}..." mc "It's--" kat "Just come in, [mcf]. I know who you are." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w2_8413 with fade mc "Am I disturbing you?" kat "Not at all. I'm just having myself a drink and replaying the night in my head." KN_MOD "if w2ExAugustBRepeat == True:" mc "You and August have that in common, you know." kat "A taste for alcohol?" mc "Something like that." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Reflecting, huh?" mct "(Guess I've been doing some of that myself.)" scene w2_8414 with dissolve mc "And are you proud of how the night went?" play music "music/Moonlight-Sonata.ogg" scene w2_8415 with dissolve kat "Nothing is ever perfect, is it? But... I'm content." scene w2_8416 with dissolve "She looked truly serene right now." scene w2_8417 with dissolve kat "I didn't expect to see you again tonight, but I am glad you're here, [mcf]." scene w2_8418 with dissolve mc "How come you didn't expect to see me?" scene w2_8419 with dissolve kat "I figured you might've scurried off early, as you had last week." scene w2_8416 with dissolve mc "Well, tonight, I stuck around to check in on the Carnations." scene w2_8415 with dissolve kat "...and how did you find them?" scene w2_8418 with dissolve mc "You... {i}really{/i} did a number on Veronica's morale." scene w2_8419 with dissolve kat "Did I? It'll be fuel for resolve by tomorrow. That's the kind of woman Miss Lynch is." scene w2_8420 with dissolve mc "If you say so." scene w2_8421 with dissolve kat "What brings you here, [mcf]?" scene w2_8422 with dissolve mc "I wanted to talk to you." scene w2_8421 with dissolve kat "Well, that's what we're doing right now. Want a drink?" scene w2_8423 with dissolve mc "No thank you." scene w2_8422 with dissolve mc "What I want is... to solicit some advice." scene w2_8421 with dissolve kat "Interesting. You have a problem it would help to talk through?" scene w2_8424 with dissolve mc "I'll get straight to the point. Would you mind if I asked you some personal questions?" scene w2_8425 with dissolve kat "{i}Very{/i} interesting." scene w2_8426 with dissolve kat "What's on your mind, [mcf]?" scene w2_8427 with dissolve mc "Well... you know a lot about me. {b}More than I'd like{/b}." mc "I think it's fair that I learn about you." scene w2_8428 with dissolve kat "You're not propositioning an old lady right now are you?" scene w2_8429 with dissolve mc "I think it's fair that I learn about you and I want to understand how you do it, {b}Kathleen{/b}." scene w2_8430 with dissolve kat "...?" scene w2_8431 with dissolve mc "...I mean, how you're able to be so comfortable with who you are." scene w2_8432 with dissolve kat "{b}Ah.{/b}" kat "Consider me an open book. How can I help you?" scene w2_8433 with dissolve mc "That's... well..." kat "..." scene w2_8434 with dissolve mc "On the night you gave me my birthday present, you said we were alike and you mentioned coming to terms with a truth about yourself by the time you were a young woman." mc "The truth that you're a sadist." scene w2_8435 with dissolve kat "I was in my early twenties when that word finally had significance for me. My boyfriend at the time, a very stupid and gullible man, beat another student half-to-death in a misguided attempt to defend my honor." scene w2_8434 with dissolve mc "If I may ask, how do those two things connect?" scene w2_8439 with dissolve kat "Ah, you see... let's go back a little bit and put things into perspective, for both of us." scene w2_8436 with dissolve kat "As a kid, you don't think about what you're feeling. You simply don't have the capacity to process your emotions in a way that an adult does. You just do and act." scene w2_8437 with dissolve mc "Alright..." scene w2_8438 with dissolve kat "See, among other things, I always liked ripping the head off of my sister's dolls and making her cry." scene w2_8436 with dissolve kat "I would get in trouble, but, \"that's just how siblings are\" my father would say." scene w2_8437 with dissolve mc "You liked making your own sister cry?" "That thought was alien to me. Family was all I had." scene w2_8435 with dissolve kat "It's because my mother would always buy her a new doll, you understand?" scene w2_8434 with dissolve mc "...kinda?" scene w2_8441 with dissolve kat "So, for a time, all my nasty impulses were chalked up to a kid being a kid and that was how I understood it. It wasn't until my teenage years that the things that I wanted to do were considered {i}impolite{/i} by civilized standards." scene w2_8440 with dissolve kat "Heh, the little pleasures in my life became discordant blips that put me at odds with the people around me and the way my head worked made social compatibility a challenge." scene w2_8439 with dissolve kat "For instance, I was never able to comfort my friends when they needed it." scene w2_8440 with dissolve kat "Oh, I did my best to mimic what people {i}should say{/i}, but there was never anything genuine behind my consolation and I didn't know how to hide it well yet. My relationships suffered for it." scene w2_8442 with dissolve mc "You lost friends?" scene w2_8439 with dissolve kat "I did, which was a pretty big thing for a young girl." scene w2_8440 with dissolve kat "I anguished over it, asked myself questions about how I felt and tried to imagine a situation where I could feel bona fide pity. However, no matter how deep I dug, I was dry - empty." scene w2_8441 with dissolve kat "I simply didn't have what my friends - what anyone - purportedly looked for in another human being." scene w2_8436 with dissolve kat "I'm sure you can relate on some level." scene w2_8437 with dissolve mc "Yes..." mc "A little, I think. Sometimes I have to ask myself how I should react to things. Things that probably come naturally to other people." scene w2_8438 with dissolve kat "It sucks, doesn't it? Everyone at that age wants to belong to something, and to realize the toolbox you're working with is mismatched with the world around you, is a confusing and scary thing." scene w2_8436 with dissolve kat "In my case, I realized I enjoyed being so close to the fallout of my friend's petty squabbles - their breakups, their self-esteem problems, the way their small insular worlds would regularly come crashing down on them. I didn't want to give that up." scene w2_8440 with dissolve kat "It was a problem, but..." scene w2_8434 with dissolve mc "A problem can be solved. You learned to fake it?" scene w2_8441 with dissolve kat "Exactly... and it wasn't like it was hard. Turns out people just simply love talking about themselves." scene w2_8442 with dissolve mc "Did it bother you that you had to fake it?" scene w2_8435 with dissolve kat "I was just glad to have a path to fit in again. That was enough for me, for the time being." scene w2_8440 with dissolve kat "It wasn't until college that my disposition became part of a greater context for me." scene w2_8442 with dissolve mc "When your stupid boyfriend beat a man half-to-death?" scene w2_8443 with dissolve kat "{b}Yes{/b}! Some frat boy grabbed my ass, some words were said, and my idiot boyfriend went off." scene w2_8444 with dissolve mc "That's... an overreaction. Was that all there was to it?" scene w2_8445 with dissolve kat "I know right? It was so moronic! I didn't ask him to do it, I didn't want him to do it, I only just wanted us to leave." kat "His anger was so utterly incomprehensible to me. Who would get worked up over something like that?" scene w2_8446 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_8443 with dissolve kat "It wasn't until the blood had soaked into my boyfriend's white shirt and he had stupidly thrown his future away over something so silly and inconsequential that my horror receded and something in me was left uncovered." scene w2_8444 with dissolve mc "What?" scene w2_8445 with dissolve kat "The reason I enjoyed my friend's silly high-school drama. Everything had always seemed so insignificant to me, but to them... {b}oh boy{/b}." scene w2_8447 with dissolve kat "To my boyfriend and his bruised hand... to the frat boy whoa was now half-consciously pulling teeth out of his nose... {b}things were a big deal to them{/b}." scene w2_8443 with dissolve kat "Their anger and angst, it turned out, was contagious. Watching them had me feel things I would otherwise only see in stories." scene w2_8444 with dissolve mc "You're... really messed up, Mrs. Pulman." scene w2_8448 with dissolve kat "Aren't I? What's bothering you specifically, [mcf]? What prompted that question?" mc "It's hard to put into words..." scene w2_8449 with dissolve kat "May I attempt to then?" mc "Be my guest." scene w2_8450 with dissolve kat "Considering you're here and looking like a lost puppy dog, I think... you want to have your cake and eat it too." scene w2_8451 with dissolve mc "I do?" scene w2_8450 with dissolve kat "I think your problem is, unlike me, you have a conscience. You enjoy things at a visceral level you believe you shouldn't." kat "You want to enjoy what you enjoy, but you also want to fit into the greater world. Am I right?" scene w2_8451 with dissolve mc "I don't {i}want{/i} to enjoy it." scene w2_8452 with dissolve kat "Don't lie to yourself, [mcf]. You wouldn't be here if you were truly turned off by the prospect." scene w2_8453 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_8454 with dissolve kat "Let me ask you something, [mcf]. What's so great about the greater world?" scene w2_8455 with dissolve mc "Is that a trick question?" scene w2_8454 with dissolve kat "Not at all. It's just the world is so hypocritical it makes me want to puke. It's packed full of people indifferent to others' suffering, it systematically enables it and condones it, but they look down on those who enjoy it as deviants." scene w2_8453 with dissolve mc "..." scene w2_8454 with dissolve kat "Unfortunately, you can't excise a conscience. Lucky for you, however, you can reorient or subjugate it." scene w2_8456 with dissolve kat "Perspectives can be changed. If you truly want to quiet your mind, you'll need to shift your moral paradigm." scene w2_8455 with dissolve mc "I don't think that's so easy. How would I do that?" scene w2_8453 with dissolve mct "(Why would I want to do that?)" scene w2_8454 with dissolve kat "How? Well, you're currently sitting on it. You just need to find a place to belong, where you can be yourself and enjoy what you enjoy without the condemnation of others." scene w2_8452 with dissolve kat "For myself, after that dumbass went to prison, I started going with my sister whenever she handed out socks to the homeless and years later still, when she started the Eden's Women Relief Fund." scene w2_8453 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w2_8456 with dissolve kat "This place can be your home, if you let it." scene w2_8455 with dissolve mc "I just don't want to be someone my mother would hate. That's the one thing that keeps playing in my--" scene w2_8457 with dissolve kat "[mcf], [mcf], [mcf]..." scene w2_8458 with dissolve "For some reason, I just cut to the heart of the matter and said it." scene w2_8457 with dissolve kat "Deep down. Do you think your mom could ever possibly hate you?" scene w2_8459 with dissolve mc "...I don't know." scene w2_8457 with dissolve kat "I don't think she would. Mothers love their sons no matter what." scene w2_8459 with dissolve mc "That's not... always true." scene w2_8460 with dissolve kat "Well, I'll tell you what. I've got something for you in the coming days; I'm going to do something {b}just for you{/b}, hun." scene w2_8461 with dissolve mc "What is it?" scene w2_8460 with dissolve kat "You'll see. All that I ask of you, is when the time comes, do what comes naturally." scene black with fade kat "You may just be surprised how easy it will be for you to be yourself when presented with the right canvas." "......" "..." stop music KN_MOD "jump w3KathleenStart" KN_MOD "label w3MinaStart:" $ w2MinaVisit = True hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionmina03 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june14day" scene black with fade "I never had any trouble sleeping, but..." play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_0001 with sunshine show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Mmmh, uhhh...?" "Waking up next to a woman was a relatively novel experience for me." scene w3_0002 with dissolve show june14day with squares "The warmth of her body, the soft contours of her figure, and every tiny unconscious fidget slowly but surely cajoled me into consciousness." mc "Hmpfh." "Some time in the night we had made the switch from the couch to her bed." "Best I could tell from the morning sun pouring into her room, it was now around 8 AM." scene w3_0003 with dissolve mc "Heh..." mct "(She's drooling.)" "Cute." "This was nice." "So very, very nice." scene w3_0004 with dissolve "So nice that I didn't want it to end." "Mina looked so cute and precious right now, that my body tensed up out of a strong desire to not disturb her." "Maybe, if I'm careful and don't move my body, I could enjoy another hour of this..." scene w3_0005 with dissolve mina "Mmmh...?" scene w3_0006 with dissolve mina "...g-good morning." scene w3_0007 with dissolve mc "Ah, damn it." scene w3_0008 with dissolve mina "...eheh, and what could be wrong the first thing in the morning?" scene w3_0007 with dissolve mc "All good things come to an end." scene w3_0006 with dissolve mina "That's a funny thing to say about waking up..." scene w3_0007 with dissolve mc "Take it as a compliment. You make a good bed warmer." scene w3_0008 with dissolve mina "Gee, thanks!" scene w3_0009 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0010 with dissolve mina "Hehe!" mc "Ha! Thanks for indulging me last night." scene w3_0011 with dissolve mina "Did you have a nice sleep?" scene w3_0013 with dissolve mc "I did indeed." scene w3_0011 with dissolve mina "Good. I'm {b}very{/b} glad." scene w3_0012 with dissolve "She looked like she meant it too." scene w3_0011 with dissolve mina "It... made me really happy that you turned up out of the blue last night." scene w3_0013 with dissolve mc "Did it?" scene w3_0011 with dissolve mina "Uh huh. I know it's silly, but..." scene w3_0013 with dissolve mc "I get it." mc "I was the one who turned up, after all." scene w3_0014 with dissolve "She smiled like she meant it." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene mina_mk_a with dissolve show mina_mk with dissolve "Despite bedhead, morning breath, and the body odor of two people sleeping through a summer night, Mina planted on my lips a kiss with the utmost self-assurance." mina "Mmmh..." "It felt far more familiar than it had any right to, considering our brief time knowing each other, but I was happy to let that self-serving delusion wash over me." "Like before, my body tensed up and I dared not move, conscientious that I might unduly break our pleasurable embrace." mc "Mh, eeeeeh..." scene w3_0015 with dissolve mina "Heheh, you squealed!" scene w3_0016 with dissolve mc "I didn't make fun of you when you wet yourself, you know..." scene w3_0017 with dissolve mina "Grr! I wasn't making fun of you! I..." scene w3_0018 with dissolve "Mina's hand did a little disappearing act and..." stop music fadeout 3.0 mina "It was... a {i}nice{/i} noise." play music "music/devious-little-smile.ogg" scene w3_0019 with dissolve "...and settled on my morning wood." scene w3_0020 with dissolve mc "Hello." scene w3_0021 with dissolve mina "I said it made me happy that you came over last night, but it also..." scene w3_0019 with dissolve "As she spoke, her hand brushed up and down the length of my dick, exploring its size and shape." scene w3_0021 with dissolve mina "It's also kinda exciting. Reaffirming. It's like we have something conspiratorial going on, hehe..." scene w3_0020 with dissolve mc "Don't we? I promised I'd help you with your perverted list." scene w3_0021 with dissolve mina "Don't call it perverted! It's..." scene mina_mhj_a with dissolve show mina_mhj with dissolve "......" "..." mina "...{b}perverted{/b}." mc "A-ah...!" "As if something had clicked on in her head, the perverted blonde's hand moved with deliberate intent." mina "Guess I'm a pervert..." "Her dry palm clumsily worked my shaft, twisting and corkscrewing in an unpracticed yet undauntedly confident hand job motion." mc "Ehh, eh..." "It felt different than I would expect it to. The morning haze made it all the more paradoxically {b}distinct{/b}." mc "That feels g-good." "With a full bladder and my first boner of the day, turns out I was extremely susceptible to Mina's touch." mina "O-oh, really...?" mc "Ah...! Don't sound so surprised when you're moving your hand t-that... hng." mina "Heheh, that what, [mcf]?" mc "{b}Attentively{/b}." mina "Hm? You like a girl who's attentive?" mina "Would you be happy if I were to take care of your needs first thing every morning?" mc "Gn-ah...!" "For emphasis, the blonde languished at the top and massaged my glans in a devilishly artful way." mina "Hmm, or perhaps... you want me to do whatever I want? Is it okay for you to just lie there and take it?" mc "H-ehheh... all I know is... I'm not hating how things are going right about now." mina "Uunng, c'mon... please give your actress some stage direction here." mina "Pre~tty puhlease...?" scene mina_mhj2_a with dissolve show mina_mhj2 with dissolve mc "Haaannhh..." "She was having {i}a lot{/i} of fun with this. Well, fair's fair..." mc "Stage direction, huh...?" "I was the one getting stroked off after all, I should play along." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You want the girlfriend experience.:" $ w3MinaPickle = True mc "I {b}DO{/b} have a request, actually..." mina "Oh, yeah...?" mc "Hnng, y-yeah...! Would you prefer if I called you babe or honey?" mina "Kinda a weird thing to ask when I'm..." mc "Humor me, {i}baby{/i}." mina "Oh! Hehehe...! You want me to..." scene w3_0022 with dissolve mina "I think you're more of a {i}pickle{/i}." scene w3_0023 with dissolve mc "Ha! How so?" scene w3_0022 with dissolve mina "Well..." mina "You're weird, and pretty strange looking too, but delightful all the same - you know, like a pickle." scene w3_0023 with dissolve mc "A-ah, {b}very funny{/b}." scene w3_0022 with dissolve mina "Aw, honey. I'm just kidding of course." scene w3_0024 with dissolve "Picking up on the subtext of my question, Mina leaned in and planted a nice, wet kiss on my forehead." scene w3_0025 with dissolve mina "You're very handsome. And kind. And--" scene w3_0026 with dissolve mc "Sure, sure!" scene mina_mhj_a with dissolve show mina_mhj with dissolve mina "Don't be fussy. Just lie back and nut for me." mc "Hhnng..." "From her advantageous position, Mina peered straight down into my skull." "She looked so confident, so beautiful." mc "What did I do to deserve this?" mina "Maybe you were good in a past life?" mc "A-ahh... did I say the inside part out loud again?" mina "Heheh~♥" scene mina_mhj2_a with dissolve show mina_mhj2 with dissolve "Mina picked up the pace, with an unflinchingly sultry smirk on her face." mc "Heh. Y-you're a good actress." mina "I'm not acting right now, [mcf]. This cock is making me so wet right now." mina "{i}You're making me so wet right now{/i}." mc "Hnng-!" mina "I'm just being honest. You like me being honest?" mc "H-haah...!" scene mina_mhj_a with dissolve show mina_mhj with dissolve mina "Mmmh, be honest with me. What are you feeling right now?" mina "How am I doing? How do you feel about me?" mc "W-what do you think?" mina "I think you're throbbing right now." mc "Ah, fuck, Mina..." "Not once has she broken eye contact!" mc "I think you're amazing. Fantastic, cute, sexy, king-making... I think you're beyond--" scene w3_0027 with dissolve "Thankfully, she plugged my mouth so no more embarrassing word vomit would escape." mina "Hmmm~♥ Hmmm~♥" "The way she purred told me all I needed to know." scene w3_0028 with dissolve mina "Cum. For. Me." mina "Let. It. {b}All{/b}--" stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_0029 with flash mc "Ng, ah...!" "As if on cue, and in no time at all, the succubus-in-disguise had me soiling my own chest." play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_0030 with dissolve mina "Goodness... that's..." "Mina leaned back." mina "Quite. The. Mess." scene w3_0031 with dissolve mc "Fruit of your labor..." scene w3_0032 with dissolve mina "Fruit, eh...?" scene w3_0033 with dissolve "With no hesitation, Mina began lapping up my jizz like a cat." mina "Mmhhh...♥" scene w3_0034 with dissolve mina "Doesn't quite...♥" scene w3_0035 with dissolve mina "*Chwup, fhwup...!*" scene w3_0036 with dissolve mina "Doesn't quite taste so sweet..." scene w3_0046 with dissolve mc "Ha, wow..." KN_MOD "Take things in a {i}slutty{/i} direction.:" mc "You really surprise me, Mina." mina "I do...?" mc "Uh huh. When I first met you, I thought you were a nice, naïve girl... but..." mc "Well, you don't need any direction to do what comes {b}naturally{/b}, do you?" mina "Hey! Are you saying I'm not nice?" mc "{b}Oh{/b}... I think you're nice alright. The way you're playing with my cock right now is {i}really{/i} nice, for instance." scene w3_0037 with dissolve mina "Mmmh... that's...." mina "Guess I'm just a people pleaser?" scene w3_0038 with dissolve mina "Oh, wait...! You're not calling me a slut, are you?" scene w3_0039 with dissolve mc "You're the one who called yourself a people pleaser..." scene w3_0040 with dissolve mina "Oh, right... heheh..." scene w3_0041 with dissolve mina "Hmmm, weeeeell...♥" mina "I don't really mind being dirty when it's with you, [mcf]." scene mina_mhj_a with dissolve show mina_mhj with dissolve mina "I feel comfortable around you." mc "I think that's because we're more alike than you might expect..." mina "Maybe. You got a lot of filthy desires deep down?" mc "Hggg, ah... I don't think they're so deep down." mina "Oh...?" "The way we were positioned had Mina unflinchingly peering down into my eyes." mina "Let me help with one of those." mc "Hnng...!" mina "What can I do to make you blow your load, right here and now?" mc "You talk like a guy, you know th--" mc "Uughk!" scene mina_mhj2_a with dissolve show mina_mhj2 with dissolve "Mina picked up the pace, never once allowing her sultry eyes to stray from mine." mina "Tell me!" mc "Ah, fuck...! You can...!" mct "(Shit, I'm being put on the spot here...)" mina "Give me a glimpse of what turns you on, [mcf]..." mc "You can...!" mct "(I just want to cum!)" mina "C'mon! I want to know~♥" mc "Hnng...! Open your mouth!" scene w3_0042 with dissolve mina "H-huh...? That's it--? Seems kinda..." scene w3_0043 with dissolve mc "Ngh! I wanna see the back of your throat!" scene w3_0044 with dissolve mina "O-oh...!" "Not like I could request much in this type of position..." scene w3_0045 with dissolve mina "Whlhieke dhiws...?" mc "H-haat...!" "Still... getting to see the rarely-glimpsed, soft lining of her throat was a thrill." mc "Ah, you little cocksucker... keep looking at me, beautiful...." mc "Keep stroking my cock, you filthy fucking slut...." scene mina_mhj3_a with dissolve show mina_mhj3 with dissolve mina "Mhh~a...!" "Without any prodding, Mina stuck out her tongue for inspection." mc "Ah, ha...!" "I was envisioning myself swabbing the pink and red contours of her cock-trap." mc "Good girl... good bitch..." "I could see my cock battering past Mina's deliciously full lips and curving down the back of her throat." "Despite her indulgence, she STILL never took her eyes off me." "Despite her indulgence, her eyes told me I was the one debasing myself right now. And that...!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_0029 with flash mc "Ng, ah...!" "...and that was perfectly okay with me I thought, as I dirtied my chest with my own seed." play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_0030 with dissolve mina "Goodness... that's..." "Mina leaned back." mina "Quite. The. Mess." scene w3_0031 with dissolve mc "Well, I said you were a natural, didn't I?" mc "That's all you." scene w3_0032 with dissolve mina "You should always clean up the messes you make." scene w3_0033 with dissolve "With no hesitation, Mina began lapping up my jizz like a cat." mina "Mmhhh...♥" scene w3_0034 with dissolve mina "You're...♥" scene w3_0035 with dissolve mina "*Chwup, fhwup...!*" scene w3_0036 with dissolve mina "What's so great about the inside of someone's mouth? You're a weirdo." scene w3_0047 with dissolve mina "...but so am I, I guess, cause I'm {i}drenched{/i} right now." scene w3_0048 with dissolve mina "*yawn* Aaaaaawwh...!" scene w3_0046 with dissolve mc "That was... I... enjoyed that." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_0047 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3MinaPickle == True:" mina "Heh, I know you did. {i}Pickle{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" mina "Heh, I know you did." KN_MOD "if not persistent.minaW3HJ:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.minaW3HJ = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene w3_0049 with dissolve mina "The proof of that is sticking to the back of my throat." mc "Ah, you..." scene w3_0050 with dissolve mc "Have a way with words." scene w3_0052 with dissolve mina "Mmmhm, let's not get up yet, though." mina "I'm still pretty tired. You toss and turn in your sleep." scene w3_0053 with dissolve mc "Sorry..." scene w3_0052 with dissolve mina "Don't be. It let me know you didn't sneak off." scene w3_0053 with dissolve mc "Ha... alright." scene w3_0051 with dissolve "After Mina's enthusiastic affections, I could use a little more shuteye." scene w3_0053 with dissolve mc "Let's not get up yet." scene w3_0051 with dissolve "In a roundabout way, I got my earlier wish. Another hour in bed with Mina." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "..." "This was nice." play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "*Bree, breeep!*" scene w3_0054 with fade "So very, very nice." mc "I think your phone is ringing." mina "It's way over there though. Like WAY over there..." "......" "..." mina "It's being pretty flippin' unreasonable just ringing like that." stop ambient scene w3_0055 with dissolve "......" scene w3_0056 with dissolve "..." mina "It probably wasn't important." play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w3_0054 with dissolve "*Bree, breeep!*" mc " might be." scene w3_0057 with dissolve mina "*Sigh* It might be." scene w3_0058 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "Ah, crap..." scene w3_0059 with dissolve mc "What?" scene w3_0058 with dissolve mina "It's Ian. What should I do?" scene w3_0059 with dissolve mc "Answer it." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_0061 with dissolve "*Beep*" scene w3_0060 with dissolve mina "Yeah...?" scene w3_0061 with dissolve "........." scene w3_0062 with dissolve mina "H-huh? You're...?" scene w3_0063 with dissolve "......" scene w3_0062 with dissolve mina "Oh yeah, I changed the code." scene w3_0063 with dissolve "..." scene w3_0064 with dissolve mina "H-hold on! I'll be a second!" scene w3_0065 with dissolve mina "He's outside." scene w3_0066 with dissolve mc "Ah, {b}crap{/b}. What should {i}I{/i} do?" scene w3_0067 with dissolve mina "Good question..." scene w3_0068 with dissolve "This should've occurred to me last night as a possibility when I decided to sleep over." KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True:" "Well, if I wanted, I could easily explain me being here. Ian trusted me, he'd buy I was just checking in on Mina after the whole sex tape situation." KN_MOD "else:" "He'd probably believe me if I said we were just hanging out. Ian's not dumb, but... his trust in me is more than misplaced." scene w3_0069 with dissolve mina "Just... stay here. {i}I'll get rid of him{/i}." mc "Alright..." scene w3_0070 with dissolve "As the door unreassuringly shut behind the blonde's quick steps, I felt the beginning pangs of anxiety." "...was it that I felt bad?" "Absurdly, I was unable to say." scene w3_0071 with dissolve "Was I concerned about hurting Ian's feelings? Was I afraid of getting caught?" "Was I simply worried about any potential blowback if he found out?" scene w3_0072 with dissolve "I didn't know about that either, but I was anxious all the same." play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene w3_0073 with dissolve kil "I was starting to get worried, I haven't heard from you in a couple of days." mina "So?" kil "So, not hearing from you every few hours is kinda odd. You've got me trained." scene w3_0074 with dissolve KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True:" kil "I've been missing it. Is... {i}something up{/i}?" scene w3_0075 with dissolve "He knew damn well what was up... I told him." KN_MOD "else:" kil "I've kinda missed it. You been busy?" scene w3_0075 with dissolve mina "..." scene w3_0076 with dissolve kil "Something the matter, babe?" scene w3_0077 with dissolve mina "...{b}yes{/b}." scene w3_0078 with dissolve kil "Tell me." scene w3_0079 with dissolve mina "Can we talk later?" KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True:" scene w3_0078 with dissolve kil "Just... say what you want to say." kil "I won't be angry." scene w3_0080 with dissolve "I knew he knew what was coming, but... all the same, I didn't really want her to get into it with me here, hiding in her room." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0078 with dissolve kil "Nope. I'll be going crazy all day." kil "So, just tell me now. What's up?" scene w3_0080 with dissolve "This had to happen, but I didn't want her to get into this with me here, hiding in her room." scene w3_0081 with dissolve mina "We should break up." KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True:" scene w3_0082 with dissolve "She put it so simply. So evenly." scene w3_0083 with dissolve kil "Yeah... ha... it's been a long time coming, huh?" "So cold and matter-of-fact." scene w3_0084 with dissolve mina "..." scene w3_0085 with dissolve mina " that... is that all you have to say?" scene w3_0086 with dissolve kil "What do you want me to say? I've cheated on you. Many times." kil "We {b}both{/b} know that." kil "I'm glad you finally found some self-respect." scene w3_0087 with dissolve mina "You...!" kil "Sorry for not reacting how you hoped, but I mean SERIOUSLY..." "The bastard was... goading her? Was he purposefully trying to make her mad?" scene w3_0088 with dissolve mina "The only thing I hope is you'll leave. Right now." "Did that make things easier for both of them?" scene w3_0089 with dissolve mina "I'm... heh... I'm glad you admitted it. How fuckin' stupid is--" scene w3_0090 with dissolve kil "I'm sorry, Mina." scene w3_0088 with dissolve mina "No, you're not." scene w3_0090 with dissolve kil "I... {i}feel bad{/i}." scene w3_0091 with dissolve kil "That's something, right...?" scene w3_0092 with dissolve mina "Those aren't the same thing." scene w3_0091 with dissolve kil "Aren't they...?" scene w3_0093 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0089 with dissolve mina "*Sigh* I love you, Ian. You're sweet and funny. You've shared private things about your life that I'm thankful for, but..." scene w3_0094 with dissolve kil "...stop." kil "Please, spare me the wishy-washy feely shit." scene w3_0089 with dissolve mina "--you're a whole lot more than you give yourself credit for. I really hope you'll see that one day." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0095 with dissolve "She put it so simply. So evenly." scene w3_0096 with dissolve kil "Mina... I..." "He didn't expect it. Not this morning at least." "I could hear it in his voice." scene w3_0097 with dissolve kil "Heh. Finally wised up, eh?" mina "..." scene w3_0098 with dissolve mina "{b}Wised up{/b}?! Is that all you have to say?" scene w3_0099 with dissolve kil "I... didn't mean it like that. Whatever it was, can't we... talk about it?" kil "I'm sorry for whatever I did, babe." scene w3_0100 with dissolve mina "No, you're not." scene w3_0099 with dissolve kil "You know I love you right?" scene w3_0100 with dissolve mina "No, you don't." "Ian ran through the things you're supposed to say." scene w3_0099 with dissolve kil "...what did I do?" scene w3_0101 with dissolve mina "W-what did you... what did you do?! Are you really...!" mina "Does it matter? It's... a lot of things. It's {i}everything{/i}..." mina "You just... ahh..." mina "You just don't make me happy, okay?" scene w3_0102 with dissolve kil "That's a big job to ask of someone, Mina..." scene w3_0104 with dissolve mina "Maybe, but... you have the complete opposite effect on me." kil "I..." mina "{b}You actively make me unhappy{/b}. I think you do it on purpose and I have no clue why!" scene w3_0103 with dissolve kil "Tsk. No one will ever-- ah..." scene w3_0105 with dissolve mina "I love you, Ian. You're sweet and funny. You've shared private things about your life that I'm thankful for, but..." scene w3_0094 with dissolve kil "...stop." kil "I get it." scene w3_0089 with dissolve mina "No. You don't." mina "You're a whole lot more than you give yourself credit for. I really hope that one day you'll see that too, Ian." scene w3_0106 with dissolve kil "Don't be so... bah..." kil "Alright, well, uh... I guess I'll get my things." scene w3_0107 with dissolve mina "I'd prefer if you did that later." kil "Isn't it most painless for you if I do it now?" mina "Someone's here." scene w3_0108 with dissolve mct "(G-geh!)" "{b}What the hell is she doing?!{/b}" scene w3_0109 with dissolve kil "...someone's here? Like a..." scene w3_0110 with dissolve mina "{b}Yeah{/b}. Like that." scene w3_0111 with dissolve kil "..." scene w3_0112 with dissolve kil "Heh, good for you." mina "...?" kil "I mean it." kil "Good for you." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Nothing much else was said, but the opening and closing of Mina's front door told me that little tidbit of drama had concluded." "It was more brief and less messy than one would expect given the circumstances, but Ian wasn't the type to throw a fit." play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w3_0113 with dissolve mct "(What would he had done if he knew it was me...?)" scene w3_0114 with dissolve mc "Uh... you alright?" scene w3_0115 with dissolve "All the intimacy from earlier felt so distant. What could I say right now to--" scene w3_0116 with dissolve mina "Aaaaah, shit!" play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_0117 with dissolve mina "Heh... heheheh... I feel good. Like a massive weight has been removed from my chest." KN_MOD "if w2MinaPush == True:" scene w3_0118 with dissolve mina "You were right to encourage me to get it over with as soon as possible." scene w3_0119 with dissolve "She seemed surprisingly fine." scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "I didn't mean to do it while I was here... you gave me a heart attack." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0119 with dissolve "She seemed surprisingly fine." scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "You gave me a heart attack, you know." scene w3_0121 with dissolve mina "{b}I know{/b}, but I just wanted to see..." scene w3_0122 with dissolve mc "You told him you had a guy here. What if he flew off the--" scene w3_0121 with dissolve mina "Sorry. It just came out like that. It was dumb, but I guess I wanted to..." scene w3_0122 with dissolve mc "I know why you did it. You wanted to see his reaction, right?" scene w3_0118 with dissolve mina "That's when I knew I made the right choice." scene w3_0123 with dissolve mina "Sorry you're in the middle of this, but I'm also {i}extremely{/i} glad, hehe..." scene w3_0124 with dissolve mc "I'm... hanging out with him today, actually." scene w3_0125 with dissolve "It was over for her perhaps, but not for me." scene w3_0126 with dissolve mina "I'm really sorry to make you do that to your friend." scene w3_0124 with dissolve mc "Don't be stupid. I was the one who made my choice." scene w3_0127 with dissolve mina "Hmmm...? You sure I didn't seduce you?" mc "Thank you for helping to quiet my mind last night." scene w3_0128 with dissolve mina "Aw, shucks... it ain't a thing!" scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "I should get going soon." scene w3_0118 with dissolve mina "I know... we'll do something again soon?" scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "You bet." scene w3_0121 with dissolve mina "I'm pretty free most nights... just not tonight. Felicia." scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "Felicia, huh?" scene w3_0119 with dissolve mct "(She's... gonna be really sore after last night.)" "Myself I was..." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" "I had a \"date\" with Hana, but should I tell Mina as much?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be truthful and transparent with her.:" $ Mina_Affection += 2 $ Mina_BiCurious += 1 $ w3MinaTransparent = True scene w3_0120 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I, uh... full transparency..." scene w3_0118 with dissolve mina "What?" scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "I'm actually hanging out with Hana tonight. Are you okay with that?" scene w3_0129 with dissolve mina " a date?" scene w3_0130 with dissolve mc "That was the word that was used." scene w3_0131 with dissolve mina "I mean... we're not dating..." mc "Yeah, but I'd understand if you have a--" mina "It's... cool. Uh..." scene w3_0129 with dissolve mina "I'm actually glad you're being honest with me. It's a... breath of fresh air, considering..." mina "...just make sure you're not two-timing her, okay?" scene w3_0130 with dissolve mc "It's a casual thing." scene w3_0132 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0128 with dissolve mina "Alright." mina "I wouldn't want our arrangement to end. Not yet." scene w3_0133 with dissolve mina "If things go well with her, maybe one day... the three of us could.... well, you know..." mina "...ménage à trois?" scene w3_0134 with dissolve mc "Don't go putting ideas like that in my head." mc "I'll get my hopes up." scene w3_0135 with dissolve mina "Heheh...!" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "Too late. My mind was already flooded with that fantasy and it wouldn't leave me the whole way home." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3IanHangOut" KN_MOD "You probably shouldnt tell her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Nah. Let's not make things complicated.)" scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "That's cool. I'll probably just stay in and relax." scene w3_0118 with dissolve mina "Lucky!" scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "Congratulations on being single." scene w3_0128 with dissolve mina "Yeah, it feels good." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "After hanging around a little bit, I regrettably left. I had a feeling Ian would be calling me soon." KN_MOD "jump w3IanHangOut" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "That's cool. I'll probably just stay in and relax." scene w3_0118 with dissolve mina "Lucky!" scene w3_0119 with dissolve "A night alone sounded really good to me..." scene w3_0120 with dissolve mc "Congratulations on being single." scene w3_0128 with dissolve mina "Yeah, it feels good." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "After hanging around a little bit, I regrettably left. I had a feeling Ian would be calling me soon." KN_MOD "jump w3IanHangOut" KN_MOD "label w3VeronicaStart:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica05 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june14day" scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "I never had any trouble sleeping, {b}BUT{/b}..." scene w3_0136 with sunshine mc "G-gehh...!" play music "music/anacaptainslogue.ogg" show june14day with squares "The force of the statuesque redhead's heavy limbs was quite enough to jostle me awake." scene w3_0137 with dissolve ver "Ah... eheheh..." scene w3_0138 with dissolve mc "Good morning." scene w3_0137 with dissolve ver "...sorry to wake you." scene w3_0139 with dissolve mc "That's... uh... ahem... trying to slip away?" scene w3_0140 with dissolve ver "I... {i}yeah{/i}. I don't know {i}why{/i} I'm here." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_0141 with dissolve mc "Yes, you do." scene w3_0142 with dissolve ver "...yeah, I'm pretty pathe--" scene w3_0143 with dissolve mc "No, you're not." mc "You just needed a shoulder to lean on after the night you had - and I'm just a dumb kid who doesn't know shit, so don't be so self-conscious." scene w3_0142 with dissolve ver "Eugh... still... {b}I should leave{/b}." scene w3_0144 with dissolve mc "You could, but I have an alternative I'd like to suggest to you." ver "What is it?" scene w3_0145 with dissolve mc "Let's have breakfast." scene w3_0146 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0147 with vpunch "{i}Ooof{/i}." ver "*sigh* Okay, you convinced me." scene w3_0149 with dissolve mc "Gah..." "Right on my fucking morning wood..." scene w3_0148 with dissolve ver "A fried egg can only ever help." scene w3_0150 with dissolve mc "Nghh, so... h-how'd you sleep?" scene w3_0149 with dissolve "She feels that right?" scene w3_0152 with dissolve ver "I mean..." scene w3_0151 with dissolve "She {b}HAS{/b} to feel that." scene w3_0152 with dissolve ver "...pretty good, considering...?" scene w3_0154 with dissolve mc "Yeah... it's not really a comfortable couch." "Her ass had my bloated dick uncomfortably pinned to my thigh." scene w3_0153 with dissolve ver "I'm... {i}not{/i} complaining. I hope I didn't make it difficult to--" scene w3_0154 with dissolve mc "Don't worry. I slept like a baby." mc "You've got big comforting arms. The kind that make a guy wanna be the lil' spoon." scene w3_0155 with dissolve ver "Pssh. Shut up!" scene w3_0156 with dissolve mc "Hnng..." "The sensation of Veronica shifting her weight did not go unnoticed by my flattened cock." scene w3_0157 with dissolve mc "Gh... you... uh... lost your spats, huh?" scene w3_0158 with dissolve ver "It got hot during the night. I mean, not like there's any modesty between us." scene w3_0157 with dissolve mc "N-no, I guess there isn't..." scene w3_0158 with dissolve ver "Hey, [mcf]...?" scene w3_0159 with dissolve ver "{b}Thanks{/b}." scene w3_0160 with dissolve mc "Oh...?" scene w3_0161 with dissolve ver "For two weeks... yeah... fine... you can be my friend." scene w3_0160 with dissolve mc "Just for two weeks?" scene w3_0161 with dissolve ver " Win or lose, for the duration of this stupid competition. After that, I would be happy if we never saw each other again." scene w3_0162 with dissolve "This was... {i}progress{/i}." scene w3_0163 with dissolve mc "Heh, did you forget I'm a member of your gym?" scene w3_0164 with dissolve ver "{b}Just two weeks{/b}." scene w3_0165 with dissolve "When I hugged her last night, I did it to make myself feel better..." scene w3_0166 with dissolve mc "Alright, {i}Ronnie{/i}. Just two weeks." scene w3_0167 with dissolve "And... right now, I {b}did{/b} actually feel better." scene w3_0168 with dissolve ver "Don't call me-- ah, alright... fine." ver "Call me whatever you want." scene w3_0169 with dissolve mc "Likewise." scene w3_0170 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0171 with dissolve mc "Ghyy..." ver "Okay, {i}Bones{/i}." scene w3_0172 with dissolve "The way she adjusted herself across my dick was {b}very{/b} intentional." scene w3_0173 with dissolve ver "You feeling okay? You're looking a bit red in the cheeks." scene w3_0174 with dissolve mc "H-having fun, are you...?" scene w3_0175 with dissolve ver "I don't know what you're talking about. You're skin and bones, hence the..." scene w3_0174 with dissolve mc "Uh huh..." "My meat was throbbing against the warmth of Veronica's broad, beautiful backside." scene w3_0173 with dissolve ver "So, about that breakfast..." scene w3_0175 with dissolve ver "It cool if I take a bath first?" scene w3_0174 with dissolve mc "Sure. There's a tub in the downstairs bathroom." scene w3_0173 with dissolve ver "Awesome. I'll probably be ten or fifteen minutes, so... you know..." scene w3_0176 with dissolve mc "Hnng...!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_0177 with vpunch ver "Feel free to take care of that while I'm gone." scene w3_0178 with dissolve mc "Ah...!" mc "Y-yeah, I don't think so." "I was glad to see her in a shit-kicking mood." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "A fried egg can only ever help." play sound "sound effects/bacon-sizzle.wav" scene w3_0179 with w12 "After giving myself a handful of minutes to get situated, I set to work cracking some eggs and frying some bacon, with the sound of water being displaced by the Amazon's body as accompaniment." mc "You find everything you need in there?!" ver "Y-yeah, I'm good!" scene w3_0180 with dissolve "Veronica left the door open and I could just make out her foot and the beginnings of her toned calf." ver "It's been awhile since I've taken a bath!" mc "Really?! How long?" stop sound fadeout 3.0 play music "music/together-with-you.ogg" scene w3_0181 with dissolve ver "Y-yeah...! Uh, beats me..." scene w3_0182 with dissolve mc "Guess the gym only has showers?!" scene w3_0181 with dissolve ver "Pretty much! Well, {i}exactly much{/i}..." scene w3_0183 with dissolve ver "It's good to finally get a chance to soak!" scene w3_0184 with dissolve mc "Living out of that place must be tough!" scene w3_0185 with dissolve ver "I guess... at first it wasn't a big deal, just seemed like a logical thing to do, but after a while..." ver "I can't {b}ever{/b} get that place off my mind." scene w3_0184 with dissolve mc "You have any hobbies?" scene w3_0186 with dissolve ver "Hobbies, uh...?" scene w3_0187 with dissolve mc "--to take your mind off of it." scene w3_0186 with dissolve ver "Uh, well..." scene w3_0188 with dissolve ver "Um, not really? I like to work out and exercise... I already do what I love." scene w3_0189 with dissolve mc "That may be true, but it's also your job now. You should have a hobby!" mc "What else do you like?" scene w3_0188 with dissolve ver "Drinking I guess..." scene w3_0189 with dissolve mc "Not a good hobby!" scene w3_0190 with dissolve ver "Work hard, play hard!" scene w3_0180 with dissolve mc "What else?" ver "What else...? Screwing, I guess..." mc "Okay, c'mon... besides exercising, drinking, and screwing... what ELSE do you do for fun?" scene w3_0192 with dissolve ver "Are you the hobby police?" mc "You still pole dance?" scene w3_0193 with dissolve ver "Not really... why?" scene w3_0194 with dissolve mc "You said you used to teach a class. That was fun, right?" scene w3_0193 with dissolve ver "It was, but..." scene w3_0194 with dissolve "...but everything must feel frivolous next to her business troubles." mc "I'd like to see you dance some time!" scene w3_0195 with dissolve ver "Yeah, right... I'm not gonna be your personal stripper!" scene w3_0196 with dissolve mc "Pole dancing isn't stripping!" scene w3_0195 with dissolve ver "I know that! But, do you know that?!" scene w3_0197 with dissolve mc "I have the utmost respect for any art form where women gyrate and twist their bodies!" play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" scene w3_0198 with dissolve ver "Yeah, I'm sure you do..." scene w3_0199 with dissolve mc "Don't you?" ver "Well, I don't disagree..." scene w3_0200 with dissolve "........." "......" "..." scene w3_0201 with wipeleft mc "No clothes, still?" scene w3_0202 with dissolve ver "I like to air dry." scene w3_0203 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_0204 with dissolve ver "What? Besides my wife and my Olympic teammates... shit, you're probably the person who has seen me nude the most." scene w3_0202 with dissolve ver "Hell, just last night you were drying me off with a towel." scene w3_0205 with dissolve mc "I see the logic in that, but..." "I let my eyes scan the redhead's nude form, long enough for her to notice and for me to make my point." scene w3_0206 with dissolve ver "Should I get dressed?" scene w3_0207 with dissolve mc "{b}No.{/b} Just don't get mad at me if I stare at your tits all breakfast." scene w3_0208 with dissolve ver "Ha! I didn't think so." ver "It smells good." mc "Thanks, but all credit goes to the bacon. Not me." scene w3_0209 with dissolve ver "*Sniff, sniff*" scene w3_0210 with dissolve ver "It smells {b}really{/b} good." scene w3_0211 with dissolve mc "Please don't tell me it's been a long time since you've had a standard breakfast too." scene w3_0212 with dissolve ver "...uh, usually just protein bars for me." scene w3_0213 with dissolve mc "That is..." "Abysmal." mc " I understand what my mom means when she says 'you make me want to feed you'." scene w3_0214 with dissolve ver "Lily liked to cook. She liked to feed people." mc "That's your ex-wife, right?" scene w3_0215 with dissolve ver "She was good at it, but she would always make way too much." mc "Some people equate food with love." ver "Yeah, I think that was it. Big heart, big plates..." scene w3_0216 with dissolve mc "Enjoy." scene w3_0217 with dissolve "It was a warm, friendly sort of smile." stop music play sound "sound effects/munch.wav" scene w3_0218 with bites "So we ate, and did a whole lot more talking than I would ever have expected to with the beleaguered woman." "Every so often, I'd steal a glance at her body. I tried to keep it in check, but..." scene w3_0219 with dissolve mct "(I'd love to eat bacon off those abs...)" "The club was one context, but watching her enjoy a meal nude in the privacy of my own home had a higher degree of intimacy." play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_0220 with dissolve ver "That was..." ver "That was {b}tasty{/b}." scene w3_0221 with dissolve mc "Was it worth sticking around for?" scene w3_0222 with dissolve ver "Very." scene w3_0223 with dissolve mc "Feel silly for trying to sneak out like some regretful college girl?" scene w3_0224 with dissolve ver "Hey, I said it was worth sticking around for, didn't I?!" "She was refreshingly simple at times." scene w3_0225 with dissolve mc "I'm glad you enjoyed it." ver "I... heh." ver "I got a good night's sleep and two solid meals out of you, didn't I?" scene w3_0226 with dissolve mc "I suppose." scene w3_0246 with dissolve ver "Heh, better than my usual one night stands." scene w3_0226 with dissolve mc "Is that what you're going to file this under?" scene w3_0227 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0228 with dissolve ver "I'm going to file this under 'the most at ease I've felt in a long time.'" scene w3_0229 with dissolve mc ", are you not suspicious of my motives anymore?" scene w3_0230 with dissolve ver "I... that's too exhausting." ver "I'm just going to choose to believe your goodwill." scene w3_0229 with dissolve "Not that I deserved them, but her words felt like an affirmation that there was some positivity to my role." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Express your own gratitude for once.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm grateful to you as well, Veronica." scene w3_0231 with dissolve ver "Uh, you are?" scene w3_0232 with dissolve mc "When I asked you to come over last night, I was feeling a bit... {i}moody{/i}." mc "So, you did me a favor of sorts. Your company helped me get out of my head last night." scene w3_0233 with dissolve ver "Misery loves company is what you're saying?" scene w3_0234 with dissolve mc "No..." scene w3_0235 with dissolve mc "All I'm saying is thank you for trusting me last night." scene w3_0236 with dissolve ver "Y-yeah... no problem..." scene w3_0237 with dissolve "Sometimes, even someone like me needed to connect with another person. Or was it especially someone like me?" scene w3_0235 with dissolve mc "It made me... {i}feel useful.{/i}." scene w3_0236 with dissolve ver "I'm... glad you enjoyed it." scene w3_0238 with dissolve mc "So, consider me cooking for you an open invitation from now on. You'll be doing {i}me{/i} a favor." ver "I'll... I'll take you up on that." mc "I didn't expect you to accept so readily." scene w3_0239 with dissolve ver "Were you just being polite?" scene w3_0240 with dissolve mc "No, it was a genuine offer -- no need to get dressed up next time, either." scene w3_0241 with dissolve ver "Ah..." scene w3_0242 with dissolve ver "...!" mc "What the hell are you covering yourself up for so suddenly?" scene w3_0243 with dissolve ver "I don't know, I just suddenly felt self-conscious!" scene w3_0244 with dissolve mc "Pfft, haa...! What?" mc "They've been threatening to poke my eye out for the past 10 minutes and now you're feeling weird about it?" scene w3_0245 with dissolve ver "Ha! I know, it's fuckin' stupid! But you made things so serious!" mc "Pretty sure you started it." scene w3_0239 with dissolve ver "Heh, yeah... maybe..." ver "I guess it's a little different on the receiving end." "A wise thing to keep in mind." scene w3_0240 with dissolve mc "Always is." KN_MOD "Let the moment pass with a joke.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I would hope so, considering you just sat there cheerily eating eggs in nothing but a pair of thong panties." scene w3_0246 with dissolve ver "Heh. It's only weird if you keep bringing it up." scene w3_0247 with dissolve "I don't think that's true..." mc "Ah, well... consider me cooking for you an open invitation from now on." scene w3_0246 with dissolve ver "Oh, yeah. {b}I bet{/b}." scene w3_0247 with dissolve mc "Seriously. I'm not a busy person and I could use some company." mc "We're friends, right? For two weeks." scene w3_0230 with dissolve ver "Hmm... alright. I just might take you up on that." scene w3_0232 with dissolve mc "I don't think you have much room to play coy. Just say yes." scene w3_0231 with dissolve ver "No promises, but..." scene w3_0250 with dissolve ver "...{i}probably{/i}." scene w3_0249 with dissolve "......." "..." scene w3_0248 with dissolve ver "Fine, if you're so feckkin' lonely, maybe we'll get a drink or something." mc "Thank you." scene w3_0251 with dissolve ver "We're... not that different in age, are we?" mc "You're one third older than I am." scene w3_0252 with dissolve ver "Why do you have to put it that way?" mc "Feeling old?" scene w3_0253 with dissolve ver "Nooooooo *yawn*... just..." scene w3_0254 with dissolve ver "Just tired. Wish I could just go back to bed..." ver "I need to go do my prep for opening the gym, though..." scene w3_0255 with dissolve mc "It's rude to eat and run, y'know." scene w3_0256 with dissolve ver "I got what I wanted out of you, stud." mc "..." scene w3_0257 with dissolve ver "'d you like my Blondie impression?" scene w3_0258 with dissolve mc "I give it a 5 out of 10, Miss Lynch." scene w3_0259 with dissolve ver "Well, fuck you very much..." mc "How'd you like my crazy-old-bitch-Nosferatu impression?" scene w3_0260 with dissolve ver "Do you... do this type of thing with the other two?" scene w3_0261 with dissolve mc "The other two Carnations? Well..." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" "Not like I can mention my deal to help Rose win to Veronica..." mc "Sort of. We're friendly." scene w3_0262 with dissolve ver "Hmmm... {b}good{/b}." scene w3_0263 with dissolve ver "I hope Rosie is doing alright." scene w3_0264 with dissolve mc "You worried about her?" scene w3_0263 with dissolve ver "No, but... you should check up on her." ver "She sent her kid away. She's lonelier than I am right now." scene w3_0264 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'll at least give her a call... promise." scene w3_0260 with dissolve ver "I'm starting to understand your role in the club's process." scene w3_0261 with dissolve mc "Yeah...?" scene w3_0260 with dissolve ver "I don't hate you for it." scene w3_0261 with dissolve mc "Uh, well--" scene w3_0265 with hpunch mc "-wha..?" "Veronica returned last night's sympathetic gesture with a hug of her own." scene w3_0266 with dissolve ver "I need to go." scene w3_0267 with dissolve "The difference being, my head was now buried in her ample cleavage." scene w3_0266 with dissolve ver "Thanks again for the grub." scene w3_0267 with dissolve "It was a distinctly motherly touch from the Amazon." scene w3_0268 with dissolve mc "Yeah, n-no problem..." ver "Heh! No need to stand up. I can see myself out." mc "Oh, that's very kind of you..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "My half-erect dick thanks you." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3IanHangOut" KN_MOD "label w3VictoriaStart:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionvictoria01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june14day" $ w2ExEndingVictoria = True scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "I never had any trouble sleeping, but..." $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/birds.wav" scene w3_0269 with sunshine mct "(Mmh... that...)" "A faint smell hung in the air. The smell of..." scene w3_0270 with dissolve show june14day with squares "Caramelized bacon." scene w3_0271 with dissolve "A staple of my childhood." scene w3_0272 with dissolve mc "Mmmh~aaah...!" "I loved the way it filled the whole house, creeping from the kitchen all the way into my dreams." mc "Heh..." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene w3_0273 with dissolve "I had the faintest memory of my mother waking me up and corralling me to my old room last night." "She could've turned this into an office or gym, but I'm kinda glad she didn't..." scene w3_0274 with dissolve mc "(I feel...)" "{b}Refreshed{/b}." $, 0, channel = "ambient") "The way the mind works is truly ridiculous." scene black with fade mct "(Oh, well. Let's go eat.)" play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w3_0275 with dissolve vic "Morning, hun. Sleep sound?" mc "Like a baby." vic "You haven't fallen asleep during one of our movie nights since you were a kid. Must have been pretty tired." scene w3_0276 with dissolve mc "Eh. I guess so. It was pretty late when I got here." mc "You were always more of a night owl than I was. I remember those odd jobs you worked years ago always had you out at the weirdest times." "...and even if she tried to cover it up, always back home with the faint smell of alcohol." scene w3_0277 with dissolve vic "...and I remember having to carry you to bed when you fell asleep. I was tempted to give it the college try for old time's sake last night." mc "I'm glad you didn't for both our sakes." scene w3_0278 with dissolve mc "*Yaaaaaawn* So, howww... how have you been?" scene w3_0279 with dissolve mc "We didn't really touch base last night, did we?" scene w3_0280 with dissolve vic "Not really much worth mentioning. Never is." scene w3_0279 with dissolve mc "No luck with your online dating?" scene w3_0281 with dissolve vic "Oh, uh... *sigh* I went on a few dates, but I haven't opened that app in a week and a half." vic "The whole thing makes me feel very stupid..." scene w3_0282 with dissolve mc "What's stupid about it?" scene w3_0283 with dissolve vic "I don't know, it just feels really silly. Like you have to {i}describe{/i} yourself for the website before you even get started - itemize your best qualities like you're putting yourself up for auction?" vic "...but like, how the hell do I know what my best qualities are? That's the kind of thing other people should judge, not me." scene w3_0282 with dissolve mc "You want me to write it for you?" scene w3_0281 with dissolve vic "God, no!" vic "It just forces you to reckon with your... {i}shortcomings{/i}." scene w3_0282 with dissolve mc "Isn't that all dating, offline or otherwise?" scene w3_0284 with dissolve vic "Maybe... I guess it makes me feel like an insecure teen again. Heh." scene w3_0285 with dissolve mc "You don't have anything to be insecure about, Mom." scene w3_0286 with dissolve vic "{b}Maybe{/b}, but getting past that part, it's just a whole lot of effort to get gussied-up for a revolving door of duds." scene w3_0285 with dissolve mc "Why do you have to get gussied-up? Just meet for coffee." scene w3_0286 with dissolve vic "Don't be stupid. You should always look your best." scene w3_0287 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0288 with dissolve vic "...*sigh* When I met your father at his part-time job, there was an instant connection." scene w3_0289 with dissolve mc "You sure some of that isn't rose-tinted glasses?" scene w3_0288 with dissolve vic "Maybe." scene w3_0289 with dissolve mc "Getting a lot of maybes out of you." scene w3_0290 with dissolve vic "Okay, sure. I'm sure there's some of that, but I'm just saying the whole process feels unnatural." mc "There's still things like speed dating, you know--" scene w3_0291 with dissolve vic "Put me out of my misery if I ever resort to that, 'kay?" scene w3_0292 with dissolve mc "You know, I was gonna put your pragmatism down under your best qualities, but now I don't know..." scene w3_0293 with dissolve vic "See! Who the hell can even say!" scene w3_0294 with dissolve vic "How about you? Is everything okay?" scene w3_0295 with dissolve mc "Of course. Why do you ask?" scene w3_0296 with dissolve vic "You showed up a little before midnight and slept in your old room." vic "That's... {i}atypical{/i} of you, [mcf]." scene w3_0295 with dissolve mc "Can't a man visit his mother when he feels like seeing her?" scene w3_0297 with dissolve vic "Don't avoid the question. You seemed... preoccupied." scene w3_0295 with dissolve mc "You know me. I think about a lot of things and most of those things don't matter." scene w3_0299 with dissolve vic "That's a lot of words to say jack shit." scene w3_0295 with dissolve mc "It's just... {i}stress{/i}. Your typical, college student anxiety and stress - and I thought seeing you would help me feel better." scene w3_0294 with dissolve vic "Did it?" scene w3_0295 with dissolve mc "Yep!" scene w3_0299 with dissolve vic "Uh huh." scene w3_0300 with dissolve vic "Hmm..." scene w3_0301 with dissolve vic "Sorry for being annoying." scene w3_0295 with dissolve mc "You're not annoying. Just cursed with a son who thinks too much and talks too little." scene w3_0298 with dissolve vic "Heh, just don't keep it all bottled in, huh? Bitch to me sometimes, please." scene w3_0302 with dissolve mc "......" scene w3_0303 with dissolve mc "Uh, well..." mc " new job is taking a bit to get used to." scene w3_0304 with dissolve mc "I guess service isn't my strong suit. Lotsa people, lotsa faces, lotsa... interacting." scene w3_0305 with dissolve "It's not like I could actually explain the intricacies and \"highlights\" of my role at the club, but letting her dole out some motherly advice might alleviate her pesky intuition." scene w3_0304 with dissolve mc "It's a change of pace from what I'm used to, I guess." scene w3_0306 with dissolve vic "You're going to deal with a bunch more of that once you're in med school, right?" scene w3_0307 with dissolve mc "True." scene w3_0306 with dissolve vic "No job is... {i}perfect{/i}. I know you can do the work, you can do anything, but do you enjoy some aspects of it?" scene w3_0304 with dissolve mc "Do I, uh..." scene w3_0305 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Yeah, Im enjoying it.:" $ toughness += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "In my heart of hearts, I've had fun this week. It hasn't been without anxiety or doubt, but when in the thick of it..." scene w3_0307 with dissolve mc "Yep. There are stimulating aspects about the work." scene w3_0306 with dissolve "The perverted dance I did with Felicia in her own home... looking back at it right now, gave me a sense of exhilaration." scene w3_0303 with dissolve mc "I'm getting to see a new side of life, in a sense." scene w3_0308 with dissolve vic "You mean you're interacting with adults instead of school children?" scene w3_0309 with dissolve mc "You could put it that way." KN_MOD "Its hard to say.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I thought about it. Weighed the answer." scene w3_0304 with dissolve mc "I'm not entirely sure yet. Everything is still so new." scene w3_0305 with dissolve "I couldn't deny it." scene w3_0307 with dissolve mc "I've met some people I'm glad to know." scene w3_0306 with dissolve rose "That Hana girl?" scene w3_0304 with dissolve mc "Among others -- and some people that I'd rather not know." scene w3_0308 with dissolve vic "That's every job." scene w3_0309 with dissolve mc "Heh. I suppose so." scene w3_0310 with dissolve vic "Does Dr. Kohler treat you well?" mc "He... uh... {i}very well{/i}." scene w3_0311 with dissolve mc "Actually, I wanted to ask you something..." vic "Shoot." mc "A few weeks ago, you said he always seemed {i}off{/i} to you. What did you mean by that?" scene w3_0312 with dissolve vic "Hmm..." vic "I didn't mean anything by it." scene w3_0313 with dissolve mc "Yes, you did. What was it?" scene w3_0312 with dissolve vic "Well... it's just..." "I wanted to know what she had noticed about him that I had missed." scene w3_0314 with dissolve vic "He always just kinda creeped me out. He's fake as hell, y'know?" scene w3_0315 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0316 with dissolve mc "Was it that obvious?" scene w3_0318 with dissolve vic "Eh, maybe I'm just more... {i}experienced with his type{/i}." scene w3_0316 with dissolve mc "What's his type?" scene w3_0317 with dissolve vic "Men who say too much, too loudly, with too much happening on their face and nothing in their eyes." scene w3_0316 with dissolve mc "So it was just a gut feeling?" scene w3_0314 with dissolve vic "Why do you ask? Has he done anything to make you...?" scene w3_0313 with dissolve mc "No. It's just, well, he curses a lot more than I remember. Makes more... inappropriate jokes." scene w3_0319 with dissolve vic "Oh... heh..." vic "Is that all?" scene w3_0320 with dissolve mc "Yeah. Guess I just remember him being in teacher mode." scene w3_0321 with dissolve vic "Oh, yeah? Well, don't read too much into my feelings." vic "I'm probably just projecting, y'know?" scene w3_0322 with dissolve vic "Are you enjoying working with Ian?" KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance >= 17:" scene w3_0323 with dissolve mc "Yeah, he's... truly my friend." scene w3_0324 with dissolve vic "Was that ever in doubt?" scene w3_0323 with dissolve mc "No, sometimes it just catches me off guard. Sometimes it feels like our feelings for each other are uneven." mc "I feel a little bad when I'm less enthused than he is about... {i}us{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0323 with dissolve mc "I suppose." scene w3_0324 with dissolve vic "You don't know?" scene w3_0323 with dissolve mc "He's different than when I was a kid." scene w3_0324 with dissolve vic "So are you, hun." scene w3_0323 with dissolve mc "...fair enough. Sometimes it feels like our feelings for each other are uneven." scene w3_0322 with dissolve vic "That's bound to happen in any friendship. The important thing is you're his friend when it counts." scene w3_0325 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." vic "What is it?" scene w3_0326 with dissolve mc "His mom offered me a bribe to convince him to go back to college." scene w3_0325 with dissolve vic "Huh? What?!" scene w3_0326 with dissolve mc "Yeah, like to help me get into med school." scene w3_0325 with dissolve "I didn't tell her that offer morphed into something more open-ended because my school was already going to be taken care of." scene w3_0327 with dissolve vic "Nothing wrong with higher education..." scene w3_0328 with dissolve mc "His dad wants him to work for his company." scene w3_0327 with dissolve vic "{b}Oh.{/b}" vic "That's a bad idea." scene w3_0328 with dissolve mc "Isn't it? He'd be so pissed if he found out about her scheming." scene w3_0326 with dissolve mc "Uh... do {i}you{/i} think he needs to change?" scene w3_0329 with dissolve vic "Of course not! First of all, you can never {i}change{/i} a person. You might be able to get them to do what you want, but they'll never fully satisfy your ideal of them." scene w3_0330 with dissolve mc "It's not like I can convince him anyway. He'll do whatever the hell he wants." mc "What's the second of all?" scene w3_0331 with dissolve vic "I resent the idea that our Ian isn't good enough for that bastard of a father of his." scene w3_0332 with dissolve mc "You don't think he needs to become a little more self-sufficient?" scene w3_0333 with dissolve vic "'re considering her offer?" scene w3_0334 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You do worry about Ian occasionally.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 scene w3_0336 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Forgetting about his mother's bribe, I do kiiiinda think some direction in his life would be beneficial..." scene w3_0337 with dissolve mc "The way he lives right now..." mc "He's got a dim view on women and just people in general. I don't think his mindset will make him happy in the long run..." scene w3_0338 with dissolve vic "Has he told you he's unhappy?" scene w3_0335 with dissolve mc "He hasn't. I'm just assuming..." scene w3_0340 with dissolve vic "You know very well happiness isn't some homogenous ideal with a one-sized-fits-all solution." scene w3_0334 with dissolve "..." scene w3_0336 with dissolve mc "I guess I just have trouble comprehending it. Living life and not working toward anything in particular... it's..." scene w3_0338 with dissolve vic "It makes you feel like you're better than him and that it's your job to fix it?" scene w3_0335 with dissolve mc "I... I mean..." scene w3_0334 with dissolve "I didn't know what to say to that." scene w3_0338 with dissolve vic "I'm not saying that's the case here, I just think... If you're worried about Ian's happiness, looking inward and questioning your own assumptions could help you express that without your intentions being misunderstood." scene w3_0337 with dissolve mc "Maybe..." scene w3_0340 with dissolve vic "Whatever you do, definitely don't do it because of his shrew of a mother's offer." KN_MOD "Ian has his rough edges, but its not your place to smooth them out.:" scene w3_0337 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Of course not, I just thought it was... sad." scene w3_0338 with dissolve vic " answer your question, sure. He could use a little straightening out." scene w3_0339 with dissolve vic "He's spoiled and he might be in for a rude awakening one day." scene w3_0335 with dissolve mc "So you think I should try to convince him to stand on his own two feet?" scene w3_0340 with dissolve vic "All I think is you're his friend. If you think he's living excessively, you should say something." scene w3_0339 with dissolve vic "You can't control another person, but you can talk to them. Just be {b}careful{/b} with your words, as to not be misunderstood. " scene w3_0336 with dissolve mc "What do you mean?" scene w3_0341 with dissolve vic "Make sure he knows it's coming from an open heart and not a place where you're trying to force him to meet your expectations." scene w3_0337 with dissolve mc "Easier said than done, but..." "I had my mother's own parenting as an ample example of that philosophy." KN_MOD "No. Ian doesnt need to change.:" scene w3_0337 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I..." scene w3_0335 with dissolve mc "I guess not. I don't think he really needs to change." scene w3_0334 with dissolve "Despite me thinking he's an idiot, I can't fault him for having fun or living off his uncle's wealth." "I was doing that too, technically..." scene w3_0339 with dissolve vic "Well, I don't disagree that he should grow up some. Not that I don't love him, but he's in for a rude awakening one day." scene w3_0338 with dissolve vic "Going to college isn't gonna stop that, though." scene w3_0335 with dissolve mc "What is?" scene w3_0341 with dissolve vic "I don't know. Getting knocked on his ass?" scene w3_0342 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0343 with dissolve vic "Now! Eat before the food gets cold!" mc "...oh, yeah!" scene black with fade "Nothing beats the nostalgic taste of caramelized syrup on crispy bacon." scene w3_0344 with fade vic "Should I drive you back to your place?" mc "Oh, no... I want to walk off all this food." mc "Plus, a walk will give me time to think." scene w3_0345 with dissolve vic "About what?" scene w3_0346 with dissolve mc "How much I miss eating your breakfast every day." mc "Once I start making some real money, I should hire you to cook for me in the mornings." scene w3_0347 with dissolve vic "You never liked my cooking, you toad!" mc "Just your dinner. I'd never talk bad about your breakfast." vic "Yeah, sure, sure..." scene w3_0348 with dissolve vic "Be safe on the way home, hun." mc "I will." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Ian was on my mind all the way home. Probably because of our plans today..." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3IanHangOut" KN_MOD "label w3KathleenStart:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionkathleen01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "introNight" $ w2ExEndingKathleen = True $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/pond.wav" scene ed_dream1_a with dissolve show ed_dream1 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(12, hard=True) $, 0, channel = "ambient2") $, 0, channel = "ambient3") play ambient2 "sound effects/woman-laugh2.wav" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene ed_dream2_a with dissolve show ed_dream2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve chuck "Life is short. Something we all know of course, but its truth is only felt the closer you get to the grave." chuck "The truth of the matter, the truth about me is, I'm an unrepentant pervert. Always have been, lad." vic "I remember Dr. Kohler. Wasn't he... uh..." show w3_0589 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/static2.wav" $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hide w3_0589 vic "Wasn't he a bit... off?" play ambient3 "sound effects/creepy.wav" chuck "The sad reality of life is that doing what you want doesn't guarantee happiness. However, pushing your true self aside makes the prospect hopeless." show w3_0590 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/static2.wav" $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hide w3_0590 kat "You're a sadist, just like me. We both enjoy seeing other people struggle." kat "Within this building, you don't have to shy away from who you are. I'll accept you and every nook of your being, [mcf]." mc "Am I a bad person if I liked hitting him?" vic "[mcf]... that's..." show w3_0591 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/static2.wav" $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hide w3_0591 vic "A person can't help how they feel. What they can control is what they choose to do." kat "No. Most people simply live their lives callously enjoying the schadenfreude of everyday misfortune and inequity. They never fully feel out the shape and form of their very own soul." show w3_0592 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/static2.wav" $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hide w3_0592 fel "You... you all want more than what you have and need, else {b}you{/b} wouldn't be sitting here right now. Eat until you burst, right?" mc "I can't read it. What does it say?" vic "Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves." show w3_0593 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/static2.wav" $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hide w3_0593 "{size=35}Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.{/size=35}" show w3_0594 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/static2.wav" $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hide w3_0594 "{size=50}Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.{/size=50}" show w3_0595 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/static2.wav" $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hide w3_0595 "{size=65}Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.{/size=65}" stop music stop ambient stop ambient2 stop ambient3 play sound "sound effects/static.wav" scene pr0002 with w6: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 3 yalign 0.1 $ renpy.pause(2.4, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/static2.wav" scene pr0004 with w19 vic "You've got to pretend. I know it's not something a good mother would say, but it's the only way to keep the school out of it. You could get expelled." mc "I understand. I'll do it." vic "Thank you, [mcf]." $ date = "june14day" play sound "sound effects/alarmclock-digital.wav" scene w3_0349 with w20 mc "Uuggh..." scene w3_0350 with dissolve mc "Good morning, me..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3dream:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3dream = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w3_0351 with dissolve mc "Hmm...?" scene w3_0352 with dissolve show june14day with squares KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "What does Mrs. Pulman want this early?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "What does the old woman want this early...?" "I wasn't quite enthused by who was calling. She most likely required something and it was, in my opinion, too early for that shit." stop sound play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_0353 with dissolve "*Beep!*" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Uugh... h-hello...?" play music "music/from-russia-with-love.ogg" scene w3_0354 with dissolve kat "Good morning, Mr. [mcl]." scene w3_0353 with dissolve $, 0, channel = "ambient") $, 0, channel = "ambient2") $, 0, channel = "ambient3") mc "Mornin'... I mean..." scene w3_0355 with dissolve mc "*Ahem* Good morning, Ma'am." scene w3_0354 with dissolve kat "Did I wake you?" scene w3_0353 with dissolve mc "No, I'm... just fixing a cup of coffee." scene w3_0354 with dissolve kat "I appreciate the polite lie." KN_MOD "if perk_socialButterfly == True or perk_socialChameleon == True:" scene w3_0356 with dissolve mc "Well, the very nature of our relationship means you can't inconvenience me." mct "(She was the boss...)" scene w3_0354 with dissolve kat "I'm not actually calling you under that guise right now." scene w3_0353 with dissolve mc "You're not...?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0356 with dissolve mc "...heh, did you need something?" scene w3_0354 with dissolve kat "You know, you should work on your conversational skills some. Asking someone if they need something right off the bat makes them feel like they're a burden." scene w3_0356 with dissolve mc "Sorry. Would 'how can I help you' fit better?" scene w3_0354 with dissolve kat "A little, but that's not why I called. I don't need any help." scene w3_0353 with dissolve mc "Why did you...?" scene w3_0357 with dissolve kat "How are you feeling, [mcf]?" mct "(She wants to know how I'm feeling...?)" mct "(This is a... {i}social call{/i}?)" "The very idea was so outside what I expected that it felt more disconcerting than if she had some depraved task for me." scene w3_0358 with cmet mc "I'm... fine." scene w3_0359 with dissolve kat "Just {i}fine{/i}?" scene w3_0358 with dissolve mc "I had a good night's sleep. No matter what's on my mind, I never have trouble sleeping..." mc "Is that really what you called to ask me?" scene w3_0359 with dissolve kat "I got to thinking about our conversation last night and wanted to continue it somewhat." kat "I was pleased you came to me for advice." scene w3_0360 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseIanSex == True:" mc "You weren't upset that I refused to perform with Rosalind last night?" scene w3_0361 with dissolve kat "I would be lying if I said you performed to my expectations, but that doesn't mean I'm disappointed in you." kat "I've enjoyed watching you these last few weeks..." mc "(Uh, okay...)" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You are?" scene w3_0361 with dissolve kat "I am. Having you around has added a new dimension to my job." scene w3_0362 with dissolve mc "You... {i}really{/i} know how to have fun, don't you?" scene w3_0361 with dissolve kat "I find pleasure where I can, but nothing's perfect." scene w3_0363 with dissolve kat "Not yet, at least..." scene w3_0364 with dissolve mc "So, you enjoy watching me like a lab rat?" scene w3_0363 with dissolve kat "{b}Yes{/b}, but I very much hope you can appreciate me being honest about that and I very much believe you're equipped to understand where I'm coming from." scene w3_0364 with dissolve mc "I don't know how to respond to that." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_0365 with dissolve kat "You don't need to. All that matters... {b}one second{/b}." scene w3_0366 with dissolve kat "Did you need something, hun?" play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_0367 with dissolve man "I seem to have misplaced my reading glasses. Have you seen them?" scene w3_0368 with dissolve kat "I believe..." kat "Last I saw them, they were resting on the fireplace in your study." scene w3_0369 with dissolve man "Heh, what are they doing there?" kat "I don't know... they must have gotten up there all on their own." scene w3_0370 with dissolve man "That's the most logical conclusion!" scene w3_0371 with dissolve kat "I brewed a pot of coffee. Grab a cup and a scone before you head out for golf later, okay?" scene w3_0370 with dissolve man "What would I do without you?" scene w3_0372 with dissolve "*Chwup!*" scene w3_0373 with dissolve kat "You'd still be looking for your glasses." scene w3_0374 with dissolve man "That I would. You're on a call, I take it?" scene w3_0373 with dissolve kat "I am. Women Fund business." scene w3_0375 with dissolve man "I'll get out of your hair." scene w3_0376 with dissolve kat "Oh, Albert...!" scene w3_0377 with dissolve kat "Don't stay out too late tonight. I'm cooking dinner." scene w3_0378 with dissolve albert "What's the occasion?" scene w3_0379 with dissolve kat "I just feel like it." scene w3_0380 with dissolve "......" "..." play music "music/from-russia-with-love.ogg" kat "Sorry about that. Where were we?" scene w3_0381 with dissolve mc "Uh..." mc "You told me you were thinking about our conversation last night." scene w3_0361 with dissolve kat "{b}That I was{/b}..." mct "(That \"aside\" was a little too human for comfort...)" scene w3_0382 with dissolve kat "I was going to say, it bodes well for our working relationship that you came to me - and in fewer words, thank you for your trust, [mcf]." scene w3_0383 with dissolve mc "I just found my way there I guess..." scene w3_0384 with dissolve kat "I'm not going to say I'm the only one who understands you, but I promise I can make you comfortable with who you are." scene w3_0382 with dissolve kat "I just hope what I'm preparing for you will give you a new perspective." scene w3_0383 with dissolve mc "So you said, but... what is it? You're not going to tell me, are you?" scene w3_0384 with dissolve kat "To be truthful, I'm not entirely sure yet myself. I have an inkling of an idea though." scene w3_0382 with dissolve kat "A starting point, really. That we'll take slowly and see where it goes." scene w3_0383 with dissolve mc "Are you certain I'll agree to this?" scene w3_0382 with dissolve kat "Oh, you'll accept." KN_MOD "if w2HarpRainCheck == True:" kat "Unlike Harper, this time there'll be no question of conscience. You'll be able to act with full impunity." KN_MOD "else:" kat "Just like you did with Harper, except this time, there will be no question of conscience. You'll be able to act with full impunity." scene w3_0385 with dissolve kat "In the words of Mrs. Ford... you'll be able to eat until you burst." scene w3_0386 with dissolve mc "You sound certain of that." scene w3_0385 with dissolve kat "{b}I am.{/b} You'll have no room for doubt or second guessing yourself." scene w3_0387 with dissolve mc "I'm... getting excited." scene w3_0388 with dissolve mct "(And a little apprehensive...)" kat "Good. Keep your calendar open this week. I will be." scene w3_0389 with dissolve mc "So soon?" scene w3_0388 with dissolve kat "Why wait? You said you were excited and, honestly, so am I." scene w3_0390 with dissolve kat "I can't wait to see what's inside you, [mcf]." scene w3_0391 with dissolve mc "{size=10}Alrighty...{/size=10}" scene w3_0392 with dissolve kat "Say, are you going to be home around noon?" scene w3_0393 with dissolve mc "I will be." scene w3_0392 with dissolve kat "Good. I'm going to have Warren deliver the tools for our experiment around that time." scene w3_0393 with dissolve mc "...alright, I'll be here to receive it." "Good thing Ian and I planned to stay in today." scene w3_0390 with dissolve kat "You're not going to ask what it is? Aren't you curious?" scene w3_0391 with dissolve mc "I'll soon have that answer in person." scene w3_0392 with dissolve kat "Very well. Look forward to it." scene w3_0393 with dissolve mc "Where will I need to go?" scene w3_0392 with dissolve kat "No need for any of that. I'll come to you." scene w3_0394 with dissolve kat "You'll be most comfortable at home. Ta-ta~" stop music play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_0361 with dissolve "*Beep*" scene w3_0395 with dissolve mc "......." mct "( room for second guessing myself?)" "My mind raced trying to figure out how that could possibly be." scene black with fade "My imagination didn't stop either, not through breakfast or even when Ian called to tell me he was on his way over." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3IanHangOut" KN_MOD "label w3IanHangOut:" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w3_0396 with circlewipe "*Khweeeee*" play sound "sound effects/walk-wood.mp3" scene w3_0397 with dissolve mct "(Hmm, he's a tad early... that's unlike him.)" "Around noon, Ian came through my front door." scene w3_0398 with dissolve mct "(At least...)" mct "(I hope that's Ian who just came through my front door.)" stop sound play music "music/hotshot.ogg" scene w3_0399 with dissolve kil "...'sup." scene w3_0400 with dissolve mc "Nothing much. What about you?" scene w3_0401 with dissolve kil "Mmmh... well..." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingMina == True:" mct "(Well, your girlfriend broke up with you?)" scene w3_0402 with dissolve kil "Same ol', same old I guess." scene w3_0403 with dissolve mc " that right?" scene w3_0404 with dissolve kil "Uh huh." scene w3_0403 with dissolve mc " get some good rest last night?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0402 with dissolve kil "Same ol', same old." scene w3_0403 with dissolve mc "You get some good rest last night?" scene w3_0404 with dissolve kil "Eh, so-so. You know me, I'm a light sleeper." scene w3_0403 with dissolve mc "Since when? Your nasally ass kept me up all the time with your snoring." scene w3_0404 with dissolve kil "It's probably the new bed I got last year when I moved into my apartment. That or I'm starting to think my place is haunted." scene w3_0405 with dissolve mc "...haunted? That a joke?!" scene w3_0406 with dissolve kil "No, there's all sorts of weird noises at night and the remote is never where I left it." scene w3_0405 with dissolve mc "Maybe your one night stands just get bored after you doze off?" scene w3_0407 with dissolve kil "Bah! Ghosts are real man! What about that shit we saw on Halloween?" mc "10 years ago...?" kil "Yeah!" scene w3_0408 with dissolve mc "That was a dog, moving through the neighboring orchard to your family's vacation home." scene w3_0409 with dissolve kil "...was it? You so sure?" scene w3_0410 with dissolve mc "...yes?" scene w3_0409 with dissolve kil "...see, you're not so sure yourself!" scene w3_0410 with dissolve mc "My mom shouldn't have let you watch so many horror movies as a kid." scene w3_0411 with dissolve kil "Shut your whore mouth!" scene w3_0412 with dissolve mc "I mean, how many times can a person watch the Gates of Hell trilogy on repeat?" scene w3_0411 with dissolve kil "Stop--" scene w3_0412 with dissolve mc "--don't answer that, cause I know the answer thanks to you two." scene w3_0411 with dissolve kil "Stop yapping, you enjoyed it too." scene w3_0413 with dissolve mc "I did, but that was a dog ten years ago, idiot." scene w3_0414 with dissolve kil "...heh, yeah! Probably!" kil "It was kinda nice believing in that shit though. A lot more wonder to the world when we were twelve." scene w3_0415 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about? Neither of us have this shit figured out. {b}Still plenty to wonder about{/b}." scene w3_0416 with dissolve kil "You know what I mean." scene w3_0415 with dissolve mc "I actually don't. Growing bored of the hedonism?" scene w3_0417 with dissolve kil "Ah, forget it. You're being deliberately obtuse." scene w3_0418 with dissolve mc "So, what do you want to do today? Games? A movie? Both?" KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" mc "I'm free until tonight." scene w3_0419 with dissolve kil "What do you have going tonight?" scene w3_0418 with dissolve mc "Hana wanted to do some stuff. Actually, I got to figure that stuff out..." scene w3_0421 with dissolve kil "You dog. Shitting where you eat." kil "Don't forget when that goes poorly, and it always does, you'll still be working with her." scene w3_0422 with dissolve mc "It's not like that. We're just having some fun." mc "She wanted to decompress." scene w3_0423 with dissolve kil "Shit man, I can tell you're into each other. You playin' stupid or what?" scene w3_0424 with dissolve mc "I just think she doesn't have a lot of options. Considering our jobs, I don't think either of us are equipped for anything serious." scene w3_0425 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2MinaLovers == True and w2ExEndingMina == True:" mct "(Plus there's the whole thing I have with your ex-girlfriend... whatever that is.)" KN_MOD "elif w2MinaLovers == True and w2ExEndingMina == False:" mct "(Plus there's the whole thing I have with your girlfriend... whatever that is.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(No, definitely not...)" scene w3_0423 with dissolve kil "Well, let me know how that goes later, alright?" scene w3_0424 with dissolve mc "Yeah, sure. So...?" scene w3_0421 with dissolve kil "So let's play some fucking games, dude." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0419 with dissolve kil "Let's play some fucking games, dude. Like old times." scene w3_0420 with dissolve mct "(Right, like old times... that was the impetus for all of this.)" scene w3_0426 with dissolve mc "Ha, fine, but I don't think your birthday gift came with any." kil "You haven't even opened it yet, have you?" mc "I've been busy." scene w3_0427 with dissolve kil "Well, luckily, you can buy shit digitally now. Where is it?" mc "I'll go get it." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." play music "music/horrible.ogg" scene w3_0428 with wiperight kil "This wasn't what I had in mind. We never played chess." scene w3_0429 with dissolve mc "It's not my fault the internet is slow and games are so big nowadays." scene w3_0430 with dissolve mc "I was hoping this would take longer. You fucking trounced me." mc "When did you get so good at chess?" scene w3_0431 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2DressingRoomFinished == True:" kil "Before Go, my uncle forced me to play chess with him. Like a lot." KN_MOD "else:" kil "My uncle forced me to play with him a ton. Like a lot." kil "Like way, WAY too much." scene w3_0432 with dissolve mc "Still... is he good or am I just bad?" scene w3_0433 with dissolve kil "Oh? You feeling a bit dumb, doc?" kil "Does getting beat by your dumbass friend make you feel like a moron? Hmmm? Huh?" scene w3_0434 with dissolve mc "Not at all..." mc "It's not like I play." scene w3_0435 with dissolve kil "...hmfph." mc "What?" scene w3_0436 with dissolve kil "Just remembering how pissy I'd get when I lost to Mina in this dumb game of hers." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" scene w3_0437 with dissolve mct "(I'm familiar with it...)" scene w3_0438 with dissolve mc "Yeah...?" KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingMina == True:" scene w3_0437 with dissolve mct "(Is he already reminiscing?)" scene w3_0436 with dissolve kil "Ah, I'm like a stupid kid in a lot of ways." scene w3_0438 with dissolve mc "That's got its pluses and minuses, right?" scene w3_0439 with dissolve kil "Right... uh, well, by the way... Mina broke up with me earlier." KN_MOD "if killianHeadsUp == True:" scene w3_0440 with dissolve mc "That was expected. She saw you porking your maid." scene w3_0441 with dissolve kil "Yeah. It was {b}expected{/b}..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0442 with dissolve mc "What... really?!" kil "Yeeeeah..." "I did my best to act surprised, even though I knew it was coming." scene w3_0441 with dissolve kil "I mean, I guess not really unexpected given how I treated her." scene w3_0440 with dissolve mc "Regretting it?" scene w3_0444 with dissolve kil "Hell no, I mean... not like it was going to last even if I was on my best behavior." scene w3_0443 with dissolve kil "...and who would want it to? The thought of ending up like my mom and dad makes me want to puke." scene w3_0440 with dissolve mc "You liked her though, right?" scene w3_0439 with dissolve kil "She had her moments." scene w3_0440 with dissolve mc "You can say yes. I won't call you a pussy." scene w3_0436 with dissolve kil "Ha, yeah, fine... I liked her, not that it means anything coming from me." scene w3_0438 with dissolve mc "And why wouldn't it?" scene w3_0441 with dissolve kil "Because I'm... {i}I don't know{/i}." kil "It just doesn't." scene w3_0445 with dissolve mc "You ever hear of a self-fulfilling prophecy?" kil "Shut up. We took the same psych elective in high school." mc "Just sayin'..." kil "..." mc "{b}So{/b}, {i}do you regret it{/i}?" scene w3_0446 with dissolve kil "Hmm..." scene w3_0447 with dissolve kil "Yeah, kinda..." scene w3_0446 with dissolve mc "Why?" scene w3_0448 with dissolve kil "The funny thing is I have no fucking clue why. She didn't make a dramatic production of it. She looked hurt like I'd never seen her before, but she was so matter of fact... that felt... I don't know." scene w3_0450 with dissolve kil "For a minute there, it kinda made me feel like a piece of shit... but then I remembered, hey, my life is pretty {b}dope{/b}." scene w3_0451 with dissolve mc "I mean... you're not wrong. You're living the dream of every 20-something male, right?" scene w3_0450 with dissolve kil "Ha, ha. Yeah, I know." scene w3_0449 with dissolve mc "I have to ask though, why even get into a relationship in the first place then?" scene w3_0450 with dissolve kil "I didn't really think that far ahead." scene w3_0452 with dissolve kil "Mina's a smokeshow and she was eating out of the palm of my hand. Keeping her around just seemed like the thing to do." scene w3_0451 with dissolve mc "Just the thing to do...?" scene w3_0450 with dissolve kil "It's not my fault she ended up being... I don't know, someone that wasn't half-bad talking to?" scene w3_0453 with dissolve kil "*Sigh* ...or that she was so absurdly thoughtful of my wants and needs?" scene w3_0454 with dissolve "The more he talked about it, the more I could see he was feeling remorseful in his own way." scene w3_0453 with dissolve kil "I have no fuckin' clue what she got out of it." scene w3_0454 with dissolve "Whether it was because of her pain or that he let a toy slip away, I could not say..." "Based on my long history with him, I had a feeling it was the first, but the cynic in me could never be silenced..." scene w3_0455 with dissolve kil "Well, whatever. Bitches come and go. I'm just glad you and I are still vibing." scene w3_0456 with dissolve "Whatever the case, it seemed he preferred not to introspect." kil "So, let's talk about something else." scene w3_0457 with dissolve "Which in my opinion, will one day bite him in the ass. Sleepwalking through life might cause him to carelessly jeopardize his standing at the club or just generally make him unhappy..." mct "(...but that's just my opinion. He'll live and learn without me being pushy about it. Still...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w3IanReflection:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Bromance]{/color} Encourage Ian to self-reflect more. if Killian_Bromance >= 25:" $ ianIntrospect = True scene w3_0456 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "...Ian's my friend and friends should challenge each other." scene w3_0458 with dissolve mc "You always do that." scene w3_0459 with dissolve kil "Do what? Oh, please... I know that look." scene w3_0458 with dissolve mc "You avoid thinking about things that are uncomfortable." scene w3_0459 with dissolve kil "So does everyone else." scene w3_0460 with dissolve mc "No, not everyone. MOST people probably, but..." scene w3_0459 with dissolve kil "What are you getting at here?" scene w3_0458 with dissolve mc "I'm just trying to tell you that thinking through things can be beneficial sometimes." scene w3_0461 with dissolve kil "Thank you for the truism, [mcf]." scene w3_0462 with dissolve mc "Mina breaking up with you without any fuss bugged you for some reason. You're downplaying it, but I can tell. It irks you." scene w3_0463 with dissolve kil "I..." kil "The answer doesn't fucking matter. That ship has sailed." scene w3_0464 with dissolve mc "I'm not saying to think about it because it will help you with Mina, I'm saying think about it because it will help you learn more about yourself." scene w3_0463 with dissolve kil "I'm not seeing the point in that." scene w3_0465 with dissolve mc "...uh, because knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom?" scene w3_0466 with dissolve kil "See? You're just bullshitting right now." scene w3_0467 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* Let me ask you something. What do you want out of life? Do you want to take over for your uncle at the club?" scene w3_0462 with dissolve mc "Have you thought about what you would do if you got left out to dry? If you didn't have your family's money anymore?" scene w3_0461 with dissolve kil "Now you're sounding like my mom." scene w3_0462 with dissolve mc "I'm your friend, Ian. Your {b}only{/b} friend." scene w3_0468 with dissolve kil "Damn straight you are." scene w3_0462 with dissolve mc "All I'm asking you to do is to introspect when things are out of place in your headspace - and Mina is a good place to start." scene w3_0461 with dissolve kil "...because it will make me a better person?" scene w3_0469 with dissolve mc "{b}No.{/b}" mc "I'm not suggesting you stop being a womanizer. I'm not telling you to stop sleeping around. I'm not telling you to not get into any monogamous relations anymore." mc "I'm not telling you to {i}not{/i} do any of that." scene w3_0458 with dissolve mc "I'm suggesting that figuring out what dissatisfied you about how things ended with her will help you determine if it's worth the effort to alter or mask your behavior." scene w3_0459 with dissolve kil "Ha...! You're the only one I know who'd phrase it that way!" scene w3_0450 with dissolve kil ", what I want out of life?" scene w3_0451 with dissolve mc "Besides having fun." scene w3_0453 with dissolve kil "{size=10}Besides having fun...{/size=10}." scene w3_0452 with dissolve kil "I don't know. If I didn't have my family's money, I'd be shit out of luck." scene w3_0454 with dissolve mc "Does that worry you?" scene w3_0453 with dissolve kil "Sometimes. I mean, my mom and dad cutting me off is one thing, but Uncle Chuck would never do that." scene w3_0454 with dissolve mc "Are you satisfied with being dependent on other people?" scene w3_0450 with dissolve kil "I'm not {i}dissatisfied{/i} with it." scene w3_0449 with dissolve mc "That... I wouldn't be happy with that myself. It's fine right now, but what about when you're 40?" scene w3_0448 with dissolve kil "That's 20 years from now." scene w3_0449 with dissolve mc "It'll go by quicker than you expect." scene w3_0470 with dissolve kil "Okay, full transparency... August handing some of his shares to Hana got me thinking..." scene w3_0453 with dissolve kil "Thinking about why Uncle Chuck hasn't ever mentioned something like that." scene w3_0454 with dissolve mc "Maybe he's planning on living forever." scene w3_0471 with dissolve kil "Heh, you joke, but I wouldn't put it past that old bastard. Still..." scene w3_0453 with dissolve kil "I wish he would. I don't know why, but it would... mean something to me." scene w3_0472 with dissolve mc "Alright, I'm not going to beat a dead horse. But will you do me a favor? Think about two things: why that is and..." scene w3_0473 with dissolve kil "...Mina?" scene w3_0472 with dissolve mc "Yeah, and we'll continue this conversation later." scene w3_0474 with dissolve kil "Shit man, you and I never talk about this crap." mc "I know, but it doesn't have to be all about sitting on our asses and reminiscing." scene w3_0475 with dissolve kil "...yeah, maybe not." scene w3_0476 with dissolve mc "I say that, but the game's probably done downloading now." KN_MOD "Ian is his own person.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "...I'm not in any position to lecture people about looking inward." scene w3_0476 with dissolve mc "Yeah, the game's probably done downloading now." KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Bromance] Encourage Ian to self-reflect more. if Killian_Bromance <= 24:" KN_MOD "jump w3IanReflection" mc "Let's hop in." scene w3_0477 with dissolve kil "Bring it on!" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingKathleen == True:" KN_MOD "jump w3IanWarrenInterlude" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w3IanDealTopic" KN_MOD "label w3IanWarrenInterlude:" stop music fadeout 3.0 play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, *Knock*" war "Hey, kid. You there?" kil "Is that Warren?" mc "Yeeeeah, don't ask. I'll explain later." play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" play music "music/george-street-shuffle.ogg" scene w3_0478 with w20 mc "Good afternoon, big man." scene w3_0479 with dissolve war "Big man...?" scene w3_0478 with dissolve mc "You're a big man, aren't you?" "(The kind that beats up prostitutes...)" scene w3_0480 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "Is that what Mrs. Pulman asked you to bring to me?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Is that what Kat asked you to bring to me?" scene w3_0481 with dissolve war "That's right. It's all yours." scene w3_0482 with dissolve kil "...'sup, man." scene w3_0483 with dissolve war "What does it look like?" scene w3_0484 with dissolve kil "Playing delivery boy." scene w3_0483 with dissolve war "Good guess." scene w3_0484 with dissolve kil "What don't you do for the old woman? You wipe her ass too?" scene w3_0483 with dissolve war "If she keeps paying me like she does, {b}gladly{/b}." scene w3_0485 with dissolve kil "Doesn't the club pay you...?" scene w3_0486 with dissolve war "*Ahem* Yeah, that's what I meant." scene w3_0487 with dissolve "..." scene w3_0488 with dissolve mc "Hmm...? This is... uh..." kil "What's all that stuff?" mc "That's actually my question..." "When she said he had something to deliver, I thought the items would be less... innocuous." "Before me were a couple of ping pong balls, a couple of golf balls, a whistle like you'd see a track coach wear, a tooth brush of all things, and..." scene w3_0489 with dissolve "Oh, a mysterious black box." mc "It's..." scene w3_0490 with dissolve "Yeeeep. I knew what this was. The question I had was how did it fit into the bigger picture." mct "(All of this is for her experiment? Like what the hell am I going to do with a toothbrush?)" scene w3_0491 with dissolve war "Uh, huh. Yeah. I'm still here... put him on?" scene w3_0492 with dissolve war "Here. Mrs. P wants to talk to you." scene w3_0493 with dissolve mc "Hello?" scene w3_0494 with dissolve kat "You take a look at what I put together?" scene w3_0493 with dissolve mc "I did... I'm a bit confused why you had Warren deliver a bunch of small things like that though." scene w3_0494 with dissolve kat "Oh, I just want you to think about how you would, in a perfect world, use those on another human being." scene w3_0493 with dissolve mc "What is this? Like homework?" scene w3_0494 with dissolve kat "Sure! Call it your homework to help you become more comfortable with yourself." "Part of me couldn't believe I was going along with this, but there was no harm in humoring her. If I didn't like what she had planned I'd bail, but there was the off chance this might actually help me adjust to my role at the club." scene w3_0495 with dissolve mc "Okay, fine. What would I do with all this stuff, huh?" kat "It's a pretty simple assortment, but I think working with limited options will be the most interesting and revealing." mc "...and who am I going to use this on?" kat "Right now, that doesn't matter." scene w3_0496 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I thought so." scene w3_0497 with dissolve "Less chance of me backing out that way." KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" kat "Anyway, enjoy the rest of your Sunday afternoon and I hope you have a nice evening with Miss Rhodes." scene w3_0498 with dissolve mc "How do you know about that?" scene w3_0499 with dissolve kat "Oh, I don't remember. I think you mentioned it last night or I heard you say it to someone." mc "..." kat "Talk to you later, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" kat "Anyway, do enjoy the rest of your Sunday, [mcf]." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" scene w3_0496 with dissolve mc "Good bye, Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0496 with dissolve mc "Good bye." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_0497 with dissolve "*Beep*" scene w3_0500 with dissolve mc "Thanks." war "I'm done here." mc "Seems that way." scene w3_0501 with dissolve war "I'll see myself out then." scene black with fade war "Don't forget to put that juice in the fridge, kid." scene w3_0502 with fade kil "So, what's all that junk for? Did I hear you say you're going to use those on someone?" scene w3_0503 with dissolve mc "Uh... just club stuff, y'know." kil "Yeah, uh huh..." mct "(I don't want anything to do with this, right...?)" KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" "Fucking on it was wild, but it'll probably kill me or give me cancer or some shit." scene w3_0504 with dissolve kil "What's the fucking ping pong balls for?" scene w3_0505 with dissolve mc "I can think of a few things." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." play music "music/horrible.ogg" KN_MOD "jump w3IanDealTopic" KN_MOD "label w3IanDealTopic:" KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingKathleen == True:" "After the Warren diversion, we got back to the plan of not doing much of anything." KN_MOD "else:" "Full-speed on the plan of not doing much of anything..." scene w3_0506 with fade mc "Co-op mode after you beat my ass at chess... I can't help but feel you're not letting me get my reprisal." kil "I thought you didn't care about losing." mc "I don't... logically speaking." kil "Do you get competitive in your studies." mc "I just want to do well." scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "...but {b}yes{/b}." scene w3_0509 with dissolve kil "You know what they call someone who graduated at the bottom of medical school." scene w3_0511 with dissolve mc "{b}Doctor{/b}." scene w3_0548 with dissolve kil "You've heard that one, huh?" scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "Your uncle's used that one." scene w3_0507 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVictoria == True:" "My mind turned toward a topic that had been on my mind since my earlier conversation with my mother." KN_MOD "else:" "My mind suddenly turned to a topic from exactly a week ago." scene w3_0510 with dissolve "Ian's mother and her offering of an open-ended reward for convincing Ian to go to college and work under his father." "There wasn't anything I wanted that she could give me, but..." scene w3_0511 with dissolve mc "Hey... you ever think of going to college?" KN_MOD "if ianIntrospect == True:" scene w3_0512 with dissolve kil "We're back to this self-improvement shit already?" scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "I'm just curious. We've never talked about it." scene w3_0507 with dissolve mct "(...or rather, I was so wrapped up in my own shit our senior year that I never cared to ask.)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0512 with dissolve kil "Uh, well..." scene w3_0509 with dissolve kil "I mean, of course I've thought about..." kil "With how often my mother brings it up, it would be impossible not to." scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "And...?" scene w3_0509 with dissolve kil "And I found other things to do that sounded more fun." scene w3_0511 with dissolve mc "So, you never wanted to say, follow in your uncle's footsteps...?" scene w3_0513 with dissolve kil "..." scene w3_0514 with dissolve mc "...what?" scene w3_0515 with dissolve kil "Baha, haha... haha...! Hol' on... p-pause!" kil "Did you just ask if... if I ever considered being a... hahaha..." scene w3_0516 with dissolve kil "If I, {b}ME{/b}, Killian Beaufort, ever considered being a rocket scientist?" scene w3_0517 with dissolve mc "I'm unpausing..." kil "Heheh, oh... ah... well... no, I never thought of studying engineering." scene w3_0518 with dissolve kil "I thought about a couple other things, but, well..." scene w3_0519 with dissolve mc "You found things more fun to do." scene w3_0520 with dissolve kil "Stop! That's my health pack...!" mc "Uh, oops..." scene w3_0521 with dissolve kil "Hnnng..." scene w3_0522 with dissolve mc "So... you never considered working with your old man?" kil "Are you seriously asking me that?" mc "Hmm... no, not really." "I knew the answer to that one." "Ian's father wasn't an easy man to like or even be around. During the decade plus of our friendship, he barely even acknowledged my existence..." scene w3_0509 with dissolve kil "God knows that's what he wants - and by extension, that's what my mom wants too." kil "That's good enough for me to never even have a nightmare about it in my sleep." scene w3_0510 with dissolve "Yeah, I knew that already, without a doubt." "...but should I tell him about his mother's meddling? In all likelihood it would piss him off." scene w3_0507 with dissolve mct "(I'd want to know if someone tried to pull strings from behind my back...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be forward and honest with your friend.:" $ w3IanDealReveal = True $ Killian_Bromance += 5 scene w3_0508 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...she actually asked me last week to convince you to go to college and then work for your father." scene w3_0512 with dissolve kil "She... {b}pause{/b}." scene w3_0523 with dissolve kil "She did?! That's why she had me bring you over?" scene w3_0524 with dissolve kil "Of course she fucking did...!" scene w3_0525 with dissolve mc "Sorry for not mentioning it last week. I--" scene w3_0526 with dissolve kil "No, I get it. It was your birthday." kil "I would've preferred not to know then. I would've been in a pissy mood for your party." scene w3_0525 with dissolve mc "...are you in a pissy mood now?" scene w3_0526 with dissolve kil "I'm trying not to be... did she appeal to you doing \"what's best for me\"? Christ, I hate that line..." scene w3_0525 with dissolve mc "Nope. She went straight to bribing me. Offered to help expedite my medical school application." scene w3_0527 with dissolve kil "...{b}of course she fucking did!{/b}" scene w3_0528 with dissolve mc "I thought about refusing and not even saying anything to you, but..." kil "No. Thanks, [mcf]. It must have been tempting." mc "Not really... the club's likely to open those doors for me if I want it to - oh, and plus, you're my friend of course. I told her as much and then she countered with an open-ended offer. She seemed pretty determined." scene w3_0529 with dissolve kil "What? An open-ended offer? Like a blank check?" scene w3_0530 with dissolve mc "Yeah, to be determined after I convince you to do the impossible." scene w3_0531 with dissolve kil "Interesting..." scene w3_0532 with dissolve mc "...interesting? What's {i}interesting{/i}?" scene w3_0531 with dissolve kil "Nothing, really." scene w3_0533 with dissolve mc "It sounded like something." scene w3_0534 with dissolve kil "It's just... oh, how I'd love to turn that around on her." scene w3_0535 with dissolve mc "That wouldn't be a good idea..." scene w3_0536 with dissolve kil "..." scene w3_0537 with dissolve mc "Unpause?" scene w3_0538 with dissolve kil "*Sigh* Give me a second to take a piss." "He was seething and doing a poor job at hiding it." scene w3_0539 with dissolve mc "Sure. I'll pour us some drinks..." scene black with fade "Telling him was the correct choice, right?" KN_MOD "Ask what those other couple of things he considered studying were first.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ w3IanCollegeProbe = True scene w3_0511 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You said you thought about studying a couple of other things... what were they?" scene w3_0512 with dissolve kil "Why the fuck you so interested in this all of a sudden? We've never talked about this kind of crap before." scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "I like school and this is the first time I've heard you gave college any thought. {b}What were they?{/b}" scene w3_0509 with dissolve kil "The first one was photography and I figured who needs school to teach you that." scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "And the other?" scene w3_0518 with dissolve kil "Promise not to laugh." scene w3_0519 with dissolve mc "I can't make that promise without knowing what it is. Was it underwater basket weaving?" scene w3_0540 with dissolve kil "Hmm... a-huh... {i}teaching{/i}." scene w3_0541 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0542 with dissolve kil "Yeah, yeah... can't imagine someone like me--" mc "I can picture it." kil "No you can't." scene w3_0543 with dissolve mc "No, I can. You always helped our classmates with the stuff they missed." kil "They were bullying me for my homework..." mc "I mean the other times, like when you used to help me catch up on the things I slept through." kil "When the hell was that?" mct "(Things used to be a bit flipped, my dude...)" scene w3_0544 with dissolve mc "What did you consider teaching?" scene w3_0545 with dissolve kil "History." scene w3_0544 with dissolve mc "Really? I didn't know you had an interest." scene w3_0545 with dissolve kil "Mr. Blau was a pretty cool dude... his world history class was some of the most fun I had learning." scene w3_0546 with dissolve mc "Really?" scene w3_0547 with dissolve kil "See. You're laughing at me." scene w3_0546 with dissolve mc "No, you're just... kinda adorable right now." scene w3_0547 with dissolve kil "Shut up!" scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "So, why'd you decide against it? And don't say because there were more fun things to do." scene w3_0509 with dissolve kil "It was just some half-baked thought. My parents wanted me to go to college, but they wouldn't have approved of that." kil "--and if I'm going to piss them off, I thought it was better to go all the way." scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "So, that's where you chose not to half-ass things, eh?" scene w3_0548 with dissolve kil "Heh, {b}yep{/b}. Only where it doesn't count." scene w3_0507 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Now, be forward with your friend and tell him about his mothers machinations.:" $ w3IanDealReveal = True $ Killian_Bromance +=5 scene w3_0508 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc " know what your mom asked me to do last week?" scene w3_0512 with dissolve kil "Pause..." scene w3_0550 with dissolve kil "{i}What{/i}? What did she ask you to do?" scene w3_0549 with dissolve mc "She asked me to convince you to go back to school and work with your father." scene w3_0526 with dissolve kil "That sounds like something she'd do." scene w3_0525 with dissolve mc "Sorry for waiting to tell you about it, I..." scene w3_0526 with dissolve kil "It was your birthday last week. It was a good move not to tell me then." kil "I would've been in a pissy mood for your party." scene w3_0525 with dissolve mc "Are you in a pissy mood now?" scene w3_0526 with dissolve kil "I'm trying not to be... did she appeal to you doing \"what's best for me\"? Christ, I hate that line..." scene w3_0525 with dissolve mc "Nope. She went straight to bribing me. Offered to help expedite my medical school application." scene w3_0527 with dissolve kil "...{b}of course she fucking did!{/b}" scene w3_0528 with dissolve mc "I thought about refusing and not even saying anything to you, but..." kil "No. Thanks, [mcf]. It must have been tempting." mc "Not really... the club's likely to open those doors for me if I want it to - oh, and plus, you're my friend of course. I told her as much and then she countered with an open-ended offer. She seemed pretty determined." scene w3_0529 with dissolve kil "What? An open-ended offer? Like a blank check?" scene w3_0530 with dissolve mc "Yeah, to be determined after I convince you to do the impossible." scene w3_0531 with dissolve kil "Interesting..." scene w3_0532 with dissolve mc "...interesting? What's {i}interesting{/i}?" scene w3_0531 with dissolve kil "Nothing, really." scene w3_0533 with dissolve mc "It sounded like something." scene w3_0534 with dissolve kil "It's just... oh, how I'd love to turn that around on her." scene w3_0535 with dissolve mc "That wouldn't be a good idea..." scene w3_0536 with dissolve kil "..." scene w3_0537 with dissolve mc "Unpause?" scene w3_0538 with dissolve kil "*Sigh* Give me a second to take a piss." "He was seething and doing a poor job at hiding it." scene w3_0539 with dissolve mc "Sure. I'll pour us some drinks..." scene black with fade "Telling him was the correct choice, right?" KN_MOD "Dont mention it. Nows not the time.:" scene w3_0510 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Yeah, let's not tell him." "All I would accomplish is making him mad." scene w3_0509 with dissolve kil "This looks like the boss room up ahead." scene w3_0508 with dissolve mc "Sure does. Let's back track and see if we missed anything first." scene black with fade "......." "..." kil "{b}Piss break!{/b}" KN_MOD "Dont mention the deal at all.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "...mentioning it to him wouldn't do any good. His relationship is already fucked. He knows what kind of woman his mother is." "All I would accomplish is making him mad." scene w3_0512 with dissolve kil "Eh... what are you doing? You're not moving." scene w3_0511 with dissolve mc "Oh, sorry. Brain shut down for a moment." scene w3_0509 with dissolve kil "That looks like the boss room..." scene black with fade "......" "..." kil "{b}Piss break!{/b}" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if w3IanDealReveal == True:" scene w3_0551 with fade mct "(Welp, I definitely killed the mood...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Hanging out like this has been surprisingly fun.)" scene w3_0552 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_hana from _call_phone_start_hana_1" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_17" KN_MOD "call message_start(Hana, Hey!) from _call_message_start_27" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, You figure out where were going tonight?) from _call_message_85" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Ive got a few ideas. Figured wed play it by ear.) from _call_reply_message_37" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Friendly reminder you gave up any right to complain when you let me decide.) from _call_reply_message_38" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Fine, keep it tight-lipped! I was just asking because I was wondering what I should wear.) from _call_message_86" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Theres no chance of you being underdressed, so just wear whatever youre comfortable in.) from _call_reply_message_39" KN_MOD "call message_img(Hana, No chance?,hana01) from _call_message_img_9" KN_MOD "call phone_end_hana from _call_phone_end_hana_1" scene w3_0588 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Hot damn...)" mct "(Is this something that just happens to people?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_0552 with pixellate KN_MOD "call phone_start_hana from _call_phone_start_hana_2" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Wear a little more than that.) from _call_reply_message_40" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Is that all youre really going to say?! You want me to dress like a nun?) from _call_message_87" KN_MOD "call screen phone_reply(You said a little more.,w3littlemore,Nun sounds good.,w3yesnun)" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w3NoHanaCall" KN_MOD "label w3littlemore:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_18" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], No, you look hot! Operative word there was a little more!) from _call_message_start_30" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Thats better! Shouldve opened with that unless you wanted me to feel stupid. :() from _call_message_88" KN_MOD "call reply_message (I dont buy the coy act coming from you.) from _call_reply_message_41" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Oh, youll see. I can do coy.) from _call_message_89" KN_MOD "call reply_message (Come over to my place around 5?) from _call_reply_message_42" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, 5 it is. See you then!) from _call_message_94" KN_MOD "call phone_end_hana from _call_phone_end_hana_2" KN_MOD "jump w3AfterHanaCall" KN_MOD "label w3yesnun:" KN_MOD "call phone_after_menu from _call_phone_after_menu_19" KN_MOD "call message_start([mcf], A nun outfit would be pretty exotic...) from _call_message_start_31" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, I shouldve expected that answer.)) from _call_message_95" KN_MOD "call reply_message (No, seriously, if you want to cosplay...) from _call_reply_message_43" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, Something comfortable it is then.) from _call_message_96" KN_MOD "call reply_message (So... come over to my place around 5?) from _call_reply_message_44" KN_MOD "call message(Hana, 5 it is. See you then!) from _call_message_97" KN_MOD "call phone_end_hana from _call_phone_end_hana_3" KN_MOD "jump w3AfterHanaCall" KN_MOD "label w3AfterHanaCall:" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3IanDealReveal == True:" scene w3_0553 with dissolve mc "You have a nice angry piss?" scene w3_0554 with dissolve kil "Oh yeah, nothing like emptying your bladder to put things into perspective." scene w3_0555 with dissolve mc "Want to get back to it?" kil "I... think I'm game'd out today." scene w3_0557 with dissolve mc "I get it." kil "Sorry to be a buzz kill." mc "I feel like that's more of my doing." scene w3_0558 with dissolve kil "Nah, you were just being straight with me. You're a true bro." scene w3_0559 with dissolve mc "Hana will be here around 5, so we still got a lot of time. Want to do something else?" scene w3_0558 with dissolve kil "I'd love to, but what?" scene w3_0559 with dissolve mc "...we got enough time to knock out The Beyond and MAYBE House By the Cemetary." scene w3_0560 with dissolve kil "How many times indeed?" mc "Add one to what I thought my previous answer was." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3HanaDateStart" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0553 with dissolve mc "Have a nice piss?" scene w3_0554 with dissolve kil "That's a weird thing to ask someone." kil "...but yes." scene w3_0556 with dissolve mc "You want to get back to it?" kil "Yep. We should get the most out of what you paid for the game." scene w3_0557 with dissolve mc "It'll be here next week." kil "{b}Let's play some more.{/b}" scene w3_0559 with dissolve mc "I was hoping you'd say that." mc "Hana won't be here until 5, so we got plenty of time." scene w3_0558 with dissolve kil "What do you got for snacks by the way?" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3HanaDateStart" KN_MOD "label w3NoHanaCall:" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3IanDealReveal == True:" "If I waited any longer to tell him though, I'd become complicit in the assholery." mct "(No, yeah. This was the correct thing to do.)" "*Fllowwuuush*" scene w3_0553 with dissolve mc "You have a nice angry piss?" scene w3_0554 with dissolve kil "Oh yeah, nothing like emptying your bladder to put things into perspective." scene w3_0555 with dissolve mc "Want to get back to it?" kil "I... think I'm game'd out today." scene w3_0557 with dissolve mc "I get it." kil "Sorry to be a buzz kill." mc "I feel like that's more of my doing." scene w3_0558 with dissolve kil "Nah, you were just being straight with me. You're a true bro." scene w3_0559 with dissolve mc "Want to do something else? I've got nothing else going on tonight." scene w3_0558 with dissolve kil "I'd love to, but what?" scene w3_0559 with dissolve mc "...well, how does City of the Living Dead, The Beyond, and The House By the Cemetery sound, back-to-back-to-back?" scene w3_0560 with dissolve kil "How many times indeed?" mc "Add one to what my I thought my previous answer was." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3HomeAlone" KN_MOD "else:" "Just hanging like this without any of the other bullshit isn't so bad." KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance >= 15:" mc "I shouldn't have given him such a hard time last night. I really am a fucking dick." KN_MOD "else:" mc "He might be onto something." "*Fllowwuuush*" scene w3_0553 with dissolve mc "Have a nice piss?" scene w3_0554 with dissolve kil "That's a weird thing to ask someone." kil "...but yes." scene w3_0556 with dissolve mc "You want to get back to it?" kil "Yep. We should get the most out of what you paid for the game." scene w3_0557 with dissolve mc "It'll be here next week." kil "{b}Let's play some more{/b}" scene w3_0559 with dissolve mc "I was hoping you'd say that." scene w3_0558 with dissolve kil "What do you have in the way of snacks, by the way?" scene w3_0559 with dissolve mc "Let me see..." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3HomeAlone" KN_MOD "label w3HanaDateStart:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionhana02 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve scene w3_0561 with blinds mct "(Is this too much for what I have planned...?)" scene w3_0562 with dissolve mc "She's going to make fun of me." mc "Yes, indeed..." play sound "sound effects/sms-bloop.wav" scene w3_0563 with dissolve mct "(That must be...)" scene w3_0564 with dissolve mct "(She's here and she's early.)" play sound "sound effects/walk-wood.mp3" scene black with fade mct "(It's been awhile since I went on a proper, quote unquote date.)" "It feels quaint." stop sound play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" play music "music/modern-situations.ogg" scene w3_0565 with dissolve hana "Hey, [mcf]--" scene w3_0566 with dissolve hana " told me to dress casually! What's with the stuffy shirt?" scene w3_0567 with dissolve mc "Well, Felicia set us up at one of the hottest restaurants in the city. I thought we'd--" mct "(As her gaze darkened I decided not to finish my tactless joke.)" scene w3_0568 with dissolve mc "You said you liked this shirt the other day, so I decided to wear it tonight." scene w3_0569 with dissolve hana "Really, that's..." mc "I wanted to look nice." scene w3_0570 with dissolve hana "Heh, that's... cute." scene w3_0571 with dissolve mc "And you're..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Compliment her outfit.:" $ w3HanaDP +=1 scene w3_0572 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like... {i}wow{/i}. You look great." scene w3_0573 with dissolve hana "Thanks! I..." hana "I spent a non-zero amount of time thinking about what to wear." scene w3_0574 with dissolve mc "I told you to be casual." scene w3_0573 with dissolve hana "I did, but... I still wanted to look nice." scene w3_0574 with dissolve mc "You'd look good in anything." scene w3_0575 with dissolve hana "I wanted to look better than good." mct "(Better than good...)" KN_MOD "Compliment her hair.:" scene w3_0576 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...your hair looks great." hana "Thanks! Uh..." scene w3_0577 with dissolve hana "It's how I always have it, I think?" scene w3_0578 with dissolve mc "It looks extra... shiny and black today." scene w3_0579 with dissolve hana "Pff, what...?" KN_MOD "Ask her to do a spin for you.:" scene w3_0580 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc " Would you do a quick spin for me?" scene w3_0581 with dissolve hana "Yeah... sure." scene w3_0582 with dissolve mc "Yeah, you..." scene w3_0583 with dissolve mc "You look..." scene w3_0584 with dissolve mc "You look great." scene w3_0585 with dissolve hana "Thank you." scene w3_0586 with dissolve mc "I just got one question..." hana "What?" mc "How the hell are those pants staying on?" scene w3_0585 with dissolve hana "Shut up!" scene w3_0587 with dissolve hana "What have you been up to today?" mc "Hung out with Ian." scene w3_0625 with dissolve hana "Yeah? I hope you boys had a good time." scene w3_0597 with dissolve mc "It was pretty chill, which was... nice." scene w3_0596 with dissolve mc "What about you?" scene w3_0625 with dissolve hana "Stayed in. Sent you a picture of my underwear." hana "{i}Pretty busy stuff{/i}." scene w3_0596 with dissolve mc "Your definition of 'busy' sounds perfect." scene w3_0625 with dissolve hana "I thought it might. Oh, my mom did grill me about you." scene w3_0596 with dissolve mc "Sounds like a normal mom thing to do." scene w3_0598 with dissolve hana "Yeah..." hana "She could barely remember the last time I was on a date." scene w3_0599 with dissolve mc "Lemme guess... 'a pretty girl like you should have more dates'?" scene w3_0600 with dissolve hana "Yep. Something like that." scene w3_0601 with dissolve mc "Maybe one day I'll meet her." scene w3_0600 with dissolve hana "She said something like that too." scene w3_0601 with dissolve mc "Is she doing alright?" scene w3_0598 with dissolve hana "Yeah!" hana "Some days are better than others, but she's had a good couple of days - sharp as she's ever been and in a good mood to boot!" scene w3_0599 with dissolve mc "Maybe a couple of days can spin into a whole week." scene w3_0602 with dissolve scene w3_0603 with dissolve "--!" hana "I hope so!" scene w3_0604 with dissolve hana "So, what's the plan for tonight? You're not going to keep me in suspense, are you?" scene w3_0605 with dissolve mc "I got a few things planned." scene w3_0604 with dissolve hana "Do tell." scene w3_0605 with dissolve mc "Well, do you like ice cream?" scene w3_0606 with dissolve hana "{i}Who the fuck doesn't like ice cream...?{/i}" scene w3_0605 with dissolve mc "First, I thought we'd grab some cones at this place I like." scene w3_0604 with dissolve hana "I like the sound of that. What next?" scene w3_0605 with dissolve mc "Next, we'll go see a movie. Unplanned-like." mc "Just get to the theater and see what they've got playing. It's more fun that way." scene w3_0604 with dissolve hana "Classic. Sounds like a good night." scene w3_0607 with dissolve mc "I'm not finished." mc "After the movie, I thought we might go to some crappy karaoke bar and finish things off with some Chinese take out." scene w3_0608 with dissolve hana "Ah... that sounds..." scene w3_0609 with dissolve mc "Uninspired?" scene w3_0606 with dissolve hana "{b}No{/b}! That sounds hella comfy." scene w3_0610 with dissolve mc "Hella...?" scene w3_0611 with dissolve hana "Yep! Sounds perfect!" hana "... y'know, I didn't have you figured a \"karaoke date\" guy." scene w3_0610 with dissolve mc "Well, I've never done it - but embarrassing yourself is a great way to get to know someone." scene w3_0611 with dissolve hana "I've never done it either actually." scene w3_0612 with dissolve hana "Guess tonight will be our first time." scene w3_0613 with dissolve mc " something wrong with your face?" scene w3_0614 with dissolve hana "Shut up!" scene w3_0615 with dissolve mc "You're right though." mc "Please be kind and gentle with me, boss." scene w3_0616 with dissolve hana "That..." hana "You're not going to quit calling me that, are you?" mc "Nope!" scene w3_0617 with dissolve mc "Want to get going?" hana "Hell yeah. Let's go." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "..." scene w3_0618 with dissolve hana "Shall we walk?" mc "It's a good distance from here." hana "Then we ride." scene w3_0619 with dissolve hana "The night hasn't even started and Suzie Q is going to have your knees shaking." mc "Sounds like a pretty good threesome." hana "{b}You have no idea.{/b}" scene w3_0620 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0621 with dissolve hana "...hey, [mcf]?" scene w3_0622 with dissolve mc "Yeah?" scene w3_0623 with dissolve hana "How long are we gonna keep up this dumbass flirty talk? It's making me feel corny as fuck." scene w3_0622 with dissolve mc "Yeeeeah, let's cool it some, huh?" scene w3_0621 with dissolve hana "Hold on tight, okay?" scene black with fade "{b}Okay{/b}." play sound "sound effects/motorcycle-ride.wav" scene w3_0624 with cmet "As I was rocketed toward the first blip of the evening, I had two thoughts on my mind." "One, Hana looked cool as hell. And two..." "A motorcycle sure does make your junk tingle." stop sound play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" scene w3_0626 with cmet play music "music/happy-whistling-ukulele.ogg" woman "Welcome!" mc "Hi there." hana "Cute place." scene w3_0627 with dissolve mc "Best homemade ice cream in the city." hana "Have you tried all the ice cream parlors?" scene w3_0628 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_0629 with dissolve mc "...nope." scene w3_0630 with dissolve hana "Heh, let's order." scene w3_0631 with wipeleft hana "You must have a sweet tooth. That woman knew your order." scene w3_0632 with dissolve mc "It's..." scene w3_0633 with dissolve mc "...not a complicated order." scene w3_0634 with dissolve mc "So, you ever grab a scoop after softball practice or something?" scene w3_0635 with dissolve hana "You think I played team sports?" scene w3_0636 with dissolve hana "...okay, well, I was on the track and field team for a little bit. In middle school." mc "Really?" hana "Yeah, track didn't cost anything." scene w3_0637 with dissolve mc "Money was tight growing up?" scene w3_0638 with dissolve hana "Could've been worse. My mom left her \"old job\" and worked bars mostly after I was born." scene w3_0639 with dissolve hana "Occasionally, there was a guy that helped out, but she was understandably frugal for most of my life." scene w3_0640 with dissolve "I got the impression I lived a more comfortable life than Hana did, despite our similarities." scene w3_0639 with dissolve hana "So, yeah. Track didn't require that much gear." scene w3_0640 with dissolve mc "You enjoy it?" scene w3_0638 with dissolve hana "It was... alright. I liked the jumping events." scene w3_0641 with dissolve hana "What about you? You do any sports?" KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" scene w3_0642 with dissolve mc "Just in high school. I was on the school soccer team." scene w3_0643 with dissolve hana "Really? That's unexpected!" scene w3_0644 with dissolve mc "How do ya figure?" scene w3_0645 with dissolve hana "I... uh..." "......" "..." scene w3_0646 with dissolve mc "I'm just fucking with you. It's the glasses, right?" scene w3_0647 with dissolve hana "No! You just don't seem very team-sporty!" scene w3_0642 with dissolve mc "I wasn't, but it focused me and gave me something to do." mc "I wasn't that good at it either, but it was fun." scene w3_0643 with dissolve hana "No athletics scholarship either, huh?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0642 with dissolve mc "Oh, no. Absolutely not." scene w3_0648 with dissolve mc "Nothing about me screams team sports either, right?" scene w3_0649 with dissolve hana "Well, I wouldn't have been surprised if you told me you were on the swim team." hana "You have an attractive, \"compact\" physique." scene w3_0650 with dissolve mc "Gee... am I blushing?" hana "Not at all." mc "Well, thanks for adding the attractive part." scene w3_0651 with dissolve mc "Let's dig in before it starts to melt." scene black with fade "So we did." scene w3_0652 with bites mc "...I can't believe {i}you've{/i} never ridden a bicycle before." hana "Why are you saying it like that?" mc "I don't know... you drive a motorcycle?!" scene w3_0653 with dissolve hana "How are those two things connected?" scene w3_0654 with dissolve hana "Although... there was that one time Jerrica found a unicycle at a thrift store, but... well..." scene w3_0655 with dissolve mc "Well, what?" scene w3_0654 with dissolve hana "{b}That didn't go so well.{/b}" scene w3_0655 with dissolve mc "Sounds painful." scene w3_0656 with dissolve hana "I'll show you the scar sometime." play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene w3_0657 with dissolve "*Beep*" mct "(Hm...?)" "It's Ian." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "See what he wants.:" $ Killian_Bromance +=1 scene w3_0658 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(...seriously?)" scene w3_0659 with dissolve mc "Ha!" hana "What is it?" scene w3_0660 with dissolve mc "Dumb cat meme." scene w3_0661 with dissolve hana "...Ian sends you pictures of cats?" scene w3_0662 with dissolve mc "It's usually that or hardcore pornography. Guys are kinda fuckin' weird, huh?" scene w3_0663 with dissolve hana ", not really. You should see the random shit Jerrica sends me." hana "Sometimes it's a limited edition bag with a cute frog on it and other times it's some idiot blowing their hand off with a firework." scene w3_0664 with dissolve mc "Jerrica likes frogs?" "N... i... c... e... p... u... s..." scene w3_0665 with dissolve hana "Yeah, why?" scene w3_0666 with dissolve mc "Good to know if I ever have to get her a present I guess." scene w3_0668 with dissolve hana "Her birthday is next month. I'll let you know if we're doing anything fun." mc "{b}Great{/b}." KN_MOD "Ignore it and keep your focus on Hana.:" $ w3HanaDP +=1 $ Hana_Affection +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "We've talked enough today, and besides, it's probably something dumb." scene w3_0669 with dissolve mc "Where's it at?" scene w3_0670 with dissolve hana "You'd have to look preeeeetty hard for it." scene w3_0671 with dissolve mc " it on your foot?" scene w3_0670 with dissolve hana "Not even close." scene w3_0671 with dissolve mc "The top of your skull?" scene w3_0670 with dissolve hana "Ice fuckin' cold." scene w3_0672 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." scene w3_0673 with dissolve hana "Stop imagining what you're imagining." scene w3_0674 with dissolve mc "I'm just replaying some things in my head." scene w3_0675 with dissolve hana "Tssh...! You..." play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Beep*" scene w3_0676 with dissolve hana "You got any war wounds?" scene w3_0677 with dissolve mc "I got the prickly end of the neighborhood tomcat as a kid." scene w3_0678 with dissolve mc "...and then there was the time I got the prickly end of the neighborhood tomcat for the {i}third{/i} time." scene w3_0679 with dissolve hana "Pssh...! Dumbass!" play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene w3_0680 with dissolve "*Beep*" hana "You can answer it." scene w3_0681 with dissolve mc "I don't want to. You're the only person my attention should be on right now." scene w3_0682 with dissolve hana "Real fuckin' old fashioned, huh?" scene w3_0681 with dissolve mc " I trying too hard?" scene w3_0683 with dissolve hana "Hmm..." scene w3_0684 with dissolve hana "...{b}nope!{/b}" scene w3_0685 with dissolve hana "You scored a Hana point, congratulations." scene w3_0686 with dissolve mc "Would I jeopardize that point by asking what those are redeemable for?" scene w3_0685 with dissolve hana "You'll see." scene w3_0652 with dissolve hana ", this is so fucking good." mc "Told you, right? Best in the city." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with bites "Nom, nom, nom." scene w3_0687 with circlewipe hana "Ah, e-ah..." hana " coma~♥" scene w3_0688 with dissolve hana "I don't... I don't wanna move - um, let's say for 10 minutes?" hana "No! Twenty minutes..." scene w3_0689 with dissolve mc "We can sit here..." play music "music/scissor-vision.ogg" scene w3_0690 with dissolve "The rocker girl, with an expression like a contented housecat, hooked her boot around my leg and ran its toe cap up my calf." mc " long as you like." hana "Mmmh..." scene w3_0691 with dissolve "For a moment, I didn't say anything and just enjoyed Hana's simple act of casual intimacy." scene w3_0692 with dissolve "The sort of act that veers across the invisible divide of conventional, polite communication and reminded you that human beings are tactile creatures first and foremost." scene w3_0693 with dissolve hana "Why are you smiling?" scene w3_0692 with dissolve mc "That tickles." scene w3_0691 with dissolve hana "Sorry." mc "No, keep doing it." scene w3_0694 with dissolve hana "..." scene w3_0695 with dissolve hana "It's a nice evening." scene w3_0696 with dissolve mc "I'm glad it isn't so hot." scene w3_0697 with dissolve hana "By the way, how's YOUR mom?" hana "I should've asked earlier when you asked about mine, but the conversation got sidetracked." scene w3_0698 with dissolve mc "She's good." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVictoria == True:" mc "We actually had some fried chicken last night. You gave me the idea." scene w3_0697 with dissolve hana "That's nice." scene w3_0698 with dissolve mc "It was, although it seems she's more suspicious of my new job than I originally thought. You know, the big apartment and the money." scene w3_0699 with dissolve hana "Who wouldn't be?" scene w3_0698 with dissolve mc "Who indeed?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "How was the fried chicken last night?" scene w3_0700 with dissolve hana "Overdone! But what would you expect from a hole-in-the-wall that's open after midnight?" scene w3_0701 with dissolve hana "...{b}it was also tasty as fuck.{/b}" scene w3_0698 with dissolve mc "I bet..." scene w3_0702 with dissolve "......" scene w3_0703 with dissolve "..." scene w3_0702 with dissolve "Again, the conversation fell into a comfortable lull, and we resumed the delicate dance of both making eye-contact and looking away at just the right time to avoid turning the tenuously cozy moment awkward." scene w3_0704 with dissolve hana "Hmm..." mc "Ready to go?" scene w3_0705 with dissolve hana "Not yet." mc "Bathroom then?" scene w3_0706 with dissolve hana "Nope!" "With more force than I anticipated, she carved out room in the booth next to me." scene w3_0707 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_0708 with dissolve hana "I just wanted to change seats. The kid at the counter has been eye-balling me all evening." scene w3_0709 with dissolve mc "Yeah, well, I think he's gonna remember you for a while." hana "Heh..." scene w3_0710 with dissolve mc "We can just go and see what's playing at the theater if you want." scene w3_0711 with dissolve hana "There's no rush, is there?" scene w3_0710 with dissolve mc "None at all." scene w3_0712 with dissolve hana "Well, call me old fashioned then, but... I'd like to just sit here and talk for a little bit." scene w3_0711 with dissolve hana "Tell me about your studies." scene w3_0710 with dissolve mc "You don't want to hear about that. It's boring." scene w3_0712 with dissolve hana "{b}Probably{/b}, but tell me anyway. I want to hear {i}you{/i} talk about it." scene w3_0713 with dissolve mc "Alright..." scene w3_0714 with dissolve "So we talked, with me trying to pivot the conversation back to her, and being staunchly denied." "I had never had someone ask me so many questions before." "By the end of it all, Hana had settled in quite nicely beside me and I was diving the depths of her sun-colored eyes." scene w3_0715 with dissolve hana "Ha. That's hilarious." scene w3_0716 with dissolve mc "What is?" scene w3_0717 with dissolve hana "What you were saying." scene w3_0718 with dissolve mc "I don't remember what I was saying..." scene w3_0719 with dissolve "All I was thinking about was..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Kiss her.:" $ w3HanaDP +=1 $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w3_0720 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "We had done much more, so I didn't put too much forethought into the way my hand rudely grabbed the gothic bombshell's chin." scene w3_0721 with dissolve hana "Heh, I'm starting to forget what was so funny too." scene w3_0722 with dissolve "I kissed her." scene w3_0723 with dissolve "And she kissed me back." hana "Mmmh..." scene w3_0724 with dissolve "It was short. All too short." "She knew that, and that's why she stopped it there." scene w3_0725 with dissolve hana "Nice initiative." scene w3_0726 with dissolve mc "Shall we go? It's been twenty minutes." scene w3_0727 with dissolve hana "Sure. I'm out of my food coma." hana "Let's hit the road." KN_MOD "Ask if you can kiss her.:" scene w3_0728 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Can I kiss you?" scene w3_0729 with dissolve hana "Hmmm...?" scene w3_0730 with dissolve hana "Why don't you find out?" "Right. Yeah. Read the room, idiot." scene w3_0722 with dissolve "So I kissed her." "I kissed her and Hana accepted." scene w3_0731 with dissolve hana "Thank you for the kiss, Mr. [mcl]." scene w3_0732 with dissolve mc "You're making fun of me." "Mental note: she must prefer a man who acts on his feelings." scene w3_0733 with dissolve hana "No, it was cute!" scene w3_0734 with dissolve mc "Sure. Shall we go?" mc "It's been twenty minutes." hana "Ah, shit. I made things awkward?" scene w3_0735 with dissolve mc "My ass is just falling asleep." hana "Yeah, let's go. Suzie Q will wake it up." KN_MOD "Dont.:" scene w3_0718 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Um... lost my train of thought. Shall we go? It's been twenty minutes." scene w3_0736 with dissolve hana "Yeah, I've recovered from my food coma." hana "Let's hit the road." stop music play sound "sound effects/motorcycle-ride.wav" scene w3_0740 with cmet hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide window pause stop sound scene black with fade mc "Two tickets to 5G Corpse Apocalypse, please." scene w3_0741 with curtains hana "I love zombie movies. Don't you?" mc "Well, I've seen my fair share. Italian filmmaking has a long, confusing, nonsensical lineage of zombie movies." mc "You could say I grew up on them... my mother had a particular fascination with Zombi 5 of all things." play music "music/too-cool.ogg" scene w3_0742 with dissolve hana "I'm not familiar with that one." mc "Like a lot of Italian horror movies, it's a mishmash of ideas whose end result is hard to qualify or explain." mc "It's got family annihilation, divine retribution in the form of eye-gouging birds, house hauntings, and inexplicable but marketable zombie attacks." scene w3_0743 with dissolve hana "I'll have to find it on streaming somewhere." mc "Don't bother. It's not too remarkable." hana "Okay. What's your favorite zombie movie?" scene w3_0744 with dissolve mc "That's a tough question. It might be better to break them down into tone, the type of zombie, or their origins..." hana "Just pick one, dweeb." mc "{b}The classic.{/b} Night of the Living Dead." scene w3_0745 with dissolve hana "That's a boring answer!" mc "It's a good movie!" scene w3_0746 with dissolve hana "It is, but it's the safe one!" mc "You forced me to just pick one and that's what it came down to." mc "It's iconic! Every single scene!" scene w3_0747 with dissolve mc "{i}They're coming to get you Barbara!{/i}" "That came out louder than I intended." scene w3_0748 with dissolve mc "The chase down the hill in the runaway car, the dispatching of the farmhouse zombies, the trope-making fortifying and bickering, the newscaster..." mc "{i}Kill the brain and kill the ghoul.{/i}" scene w3_0749 with dissolve mc "Not to mention the scene where a reanimated child kills her own hysterical mother with a gardening spade." hana "Oh, no!" scene w3_0750 with dissolve mc "All the way to... well, to that final haunting credit roll of the bonfire." hana "Okay, sure it's the easy answer, but you didn't make it easy. I'll accept it." scene w3_0751 with dissolve mc "Thanks boss. Now, what about you?" scene w3_0752 with dissolve hana "Meee....? Oh..." scene w3_0753 with dissolve hana "That's a tough one. It might be better to... nah, it's Return of the Living Dead." scene w3_0751 with dissolve mc "That makes a lot of sense." scene w3_0754 with dissolve hana "Of course it does. It's got everything you want." hana "Humor, heart, gratuitous zombie makeup--" scene w3_0751 with dissolve mc "Gratuitous naked, dancing Linnea Quigley." scene w3_0753 with dissolve hana "Damn straight." scene w3_0755 with dissolve hana "{i}Do you ever wonder about all the different ways of dying? You know, violently?{/i}" hana "{i}And wonder, like, what would be the most horrible way to diiiiie?{/i}" scene w3_0756 with dissolve hana "Heh, see, I can do it too." scene w3_0757 with dissolve mc "{i}I try not to think about dying too much.{/i}" hana "Ha!" scene w3_0758 with dissolve mc "I figured you would've picked something like {i}Versus{/i}, what with your band name and all..." hana "Oh, that one is good too, but if we're talking about Japanese zombie movies..." scene w3_0759 with dissolve "So we talked about all kinds of zombie movies. Both domestic and foreign." "One Cut of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, REC, all the classics too of course..." "We covered a lot of movies in the brief time we had before the previews started." "It wasn't all too surprising Hana was into stuff like this. Ultimately though, it was fun." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Nerdy and fun." scene w3_0760 with dissolve hana "Pfttt-!" play sound "sound effects/metal-crash.mp3" scene w3_0761 with dissolve woman "S-stay back!" play sound "sound effects/zombie.wav" scene w3_0762 with dissolve woman "S-stooop! NOOOOOO, they're eating meeeeee!" hana "Oh, hahaha...!" scene w3_0763 with dissolve mc "This is so over the top!" scene w3_0764 with dissolve "Nerdy, fun, and nostalgic." mct "(She has the same sick sense of humor as my mother.)" scene w3_0765 with dissolve mc "Yeah, everyone's a bit too pretty and clean for 7 years into an apocalypse." scene w3_0766 with dissolve yh "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Grab Hanas hand.:" $ w3HanaDP += 2 scene w3_0767 with dissolve "...human beings are tactile creatures first and foremost." scene w3_0768 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/woman-scream.wav" KN_MOD "if perk_strongman == True:" "I was never so good at initiating this type of gesture, but Hana's pale hand looked so grabbable." KN_MOD "else:" "Hana's pale hand looked so grabbable." scene w3_0769 with dissolve "So grabbed her hand I did, running my fingertips over the outside and cupping its intricate form." play sound "sound effects/thunder-crack.mp3" "*Cr-aaaack!*" scene w3_0770 with dissolve hana "Bah, ha...!" "Unconsciously, she balled her hand to better fit my palm." scene w3_0771 with dissolve manmovie "We have a problem. The cell tower is still..." scene w3_0772 with dissolve hana "Man, this is... something." scene w3_0770 with dissolve hana "I kinda love it." scene w3_0773 with dissolve "Prying herself free from my pin, she flipped her hand over, offering me the soft underside of her palm." play music "music/soft-feeling.ogg" scene w3_0774 with dissolve "Our hands soon quickly melded together, fingers prying apart fingers, interlocking to form a tight grasp." "Her palm was remarkably soft and well-lotioned." scene w3_0775 with dissolve "...and I was now acutely aware of the clamminess of my hands." scene w3_0776 with dissolve mc "Hmm." scene w3_0777 with dissolve hana "..." scene w3_0778 with dissolve hana "Watch the movie." scene w3_0779 with dissolve mct "(Right.)" yh "..." scene w3_0780 with dissolve manmovie "We... we can never go back to the way it was." KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >= 3:" KN_MOD "jump w3HanaMovieMakeout" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w3HanaMovieNoMakeout" KN_MOD "Go back to watching the movie.:" manmovie "Get everyone back...! The signal! My god, the signal!" scene w3_0781 with dissolve mc "..." play sound "sound effects/thunder-crack.mp3" "*Cr-aaaack!*" scene w3_0782 with dissolve manmovie "We have a problem. The cell tower is still..." KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >= 3:" scene w3_0783 with dissolve hana "..." play music "music/soft-feeling.ogg" scene w3_0784 with dissolve "Seems she took matters into her own hand." scene w3_0774 with dissolve "Hana's delicate fingers pried apart mine before snuggly clasping my hand with her own." "Her palm was remarkably soft and well-lotioned." scene w3_0777 with dissolve mc "...!" scene w3_0779 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_0780 with dissolve manmovie "We... we can never go back to the way it was." KN_MOD "jump w3HanaMovieMakeout" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0785 with dissolve hana "..." scene w3_0780 with dissolve manmovie "We... we can never go back to the way it was." KN_MOD "jump w3HanaMovieNoMakeout" KN_MOD "label w3HanaMovieMakeout:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" play music "music/soft-feeling.ogg" hana "Hey, [mcf]?" scene w3_0786 with dissolve "A whisper, carried on a hot puff of breath, tickled my ear." mc "...?" scene w3_0787 with dissolve "Hana gave me a look." "The kind of look one might give their date in a dark movie theater." "I couldn't be sure, but I think I was giving her a look too." scene w3_0788 with dissolve "A faint nod that precipitated a game of chicken. Which one of us was going to be the one to..." scene hana_ckiss1_a with dissolve show hana_ckiss1 with dissolve "I wasn't sure who initiated it, but we embraced with a kiss." "A small, tentative kiss... one to slowly open the way to more passionate avenues." "......." "......" scene w3_0789 with dissolve yh "..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Go back in for another one.:" scene hana_ckiss1_a with dissolve show hana_ckiss1 with dissolve "This time, I made a show of initiative, lunging back in and stealing the rocker girl's lips." hana "Mmmmh...." "A murmur. I wonder how loud." "I wonder if anyone's looking at us right now." "Not that I cared anymore, given what my current occupation requires." scene hana_ckiss2_a with dissolve show hana_ckiss2 with dissolve "I wasn't sure which of us took it deeper, but our embrace intensified." "Lip, tooth, and tongue connected in an exploratory flourish." mc "Mmmh..." "This time, I murmured." scene w3_0790 with dissolve yh "..." KN_MOD "Take a more out there approach.:" "This time, I made a show of initiative, moving back in." "Hana closed her eyes and offered me her lips, but..." scene hana_ckiss3_a with dissolve show hana_ckiss3 with dissolve "My lips had another target. Her pale, flawless... {i}nose{/i}." "*Cwhup...!*" hana "Nnh, ahh...!" "Another kiss." "Another kiss. Another kiss." "Another kiss. Another kiss. Another kiss." "Another kiss. Another kiss. Another kiss. Another kiss." "Another kiss. Another kiss. Another kiss. Another kiss. Another kiss." "I littered Hana's face with small, deliberate pecks - targeting her piercings - until her face was taut with anticipation." "And a smidge of confusion." scene w3_0790 with dissolve yh "..." hana "Heh, that felt weird..." scene hana_ckiss4_a with dissolve show hana_ckiss4 with dissolve "This time, it was Hana." "She kissed me hard." "Deep." "Deeper than before, like she was trying to suck out my soul." "A small snapshot of her sexual frustration and loneliness." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Live in the moment, cop a feel.:" $ w3HanaDP +=1 "After a microsecond of internal deliberation, I did what came naturally." scene hana_ckiss5_a with dissolve show hana_ckiss5 with dissolve hana "H, hnna..." "My hand cupped the shape of Hana's jutting chest, lightly squeezing her breasts through her clothes with the intention not to seem so overly eager." hana "Hmmm..." "... but with enough strength to let her know what her kiss was making me feel." mct "(Hot damn...)" "Through the meager fabric of her \"top\", I could feel Hana's nipple rapidly stiffen." "At first, I casually brushed the end of my thumb against it." hana "Nngh..." "In time, the back of my nail pushed, dug into, and rubbed her teat." hana "Hnnfh..." "An effort that was rewarded by the sweet sound of Hana holding back pleasurable sighs." "Not that she wasn't having a similar effect on me." mc "...!!!" "The way her tongue played about my mouth was sending shivers down my spine." scene w3_0791 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_0792 with dissolve hana "That was sudden..." scene w3_0793 with dissolve hana "There's still some movie left." scene w3_0794 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_0781 with dissolve "To be continued." KN_MOD "Slow down, stud. Let Hana hold the reins.:" "No need to be so over-eager, there'll hopefully be a more thorough time for that later. Right now..." "Right now, I was content letting Hana voraciously have her way with my mouth." "Her tongue traced a pleasurable trajectory inside my mouth, mingling - kissing - and escaping my own." mc "H, hha...!" "The sheer force of it sent shivers down my spine." "......" "..." scene hana_ckiss6_a with dissolve show hana_ckiss6 with dissolve mc "A, ah...!" "Suddenly, Hana grazed my lips with her teeth, lightly clamped down, and tickled an erogenous zone I didn't even know I had." "A shock was sent through my body and I tensed up." "In a good way." mc "Aaahh..." "I did my best to remain quiet." scene w3_0795 with dissolve "I did my best to be quiet as her hand cupped my engorged junk and gave it a tantalizing rub." mc "Mmmh..." mct "(Fuck me...)" scene w3_0796 with dissolve hana "..." "She looked at me, full of herself." scene w3_0797 with dissolve hana "Oops, got a little carried away there..." scene w3_0794 with dissolve "......" scene w3_0766 with dissolve "..." "Just like that, she went back to watching the movie." mct "(I owe her for this later.)" scene w3_0799 with dissolve "Neither of our attention was fully on the movie after that point. We spent the rest of the run time stealing the occasional glance and exchanging coy smiles." "I felt myself anticipating what might come later in the night and I felt eager for the movie to end." scene w3_0798 with dissolve "I was glad I wasn't yet immune to these kinds of innocuous thrills. I really wondered, given enough time at the club, if physical contact with beautiful girls would ever become mundane." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3moviemakeout:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3moviemakeout = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3HanaMovieEnd" KN_MOD "label w3HanaMovieNoMakeout:" scene w3_0800 with dissolve "Our attentions were placed squarely on the movie for the rest of its duration." "Sure, we looked at each other ever-so-often or exchange a few glib observations, but we didn't do what a dark movie theater encourages between a man or a woman." "I wonder if I missed my mark." mct "(Well, the night is young.)" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3HanaMovieEnd" KN_MOD "label w3HanaMovieEnd:" play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w3_0801 with circlewipe show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, that resembled a movie." hana "Didn't it? I liked the part where the zombie mating ball rolled down the mountain." KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >= 3:" scene w3_0802 with dissolve mc "My favorite part was the copious amount of dummies that got thrown off the building in the middle." mc "Movies don't do that anymore." hana "Because they look bad." scene w3_0803 with dissolve mc "You can't beat a ragdolling dummy as it falls through the air." mc "That's peak cinema right there!" scene w3_0806 with dissolve hana "I can think of a few things that can beat it." mc "Like what?" scene w3_0807 with dissolve man "S-sorry, excuse me....!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0804 with dissolve mc "My favorite part was the copious amount of dummies that got thrown off the building in the middle." mc "Movies don't do that anymore." hana "Because they look bad." scene w3_0805 with dissolve mc "You can't beat a clearly ragdolling dummy as it falls through the air." mc "That's peak cinema right there." scene w3_0806 with dissolve hana "I can think of a few things that can beat it." mc "Like what?" scene w3_0807 with dissolve man "S-sorry, excuse me....!" scene w3_0808 with dissolve hana "Hey, what's your....!" woman "Hana....?" scene w3_0809 with dissolve woman "Hana Rhodes?" hana "Ah..." "......." "..." scene w3_0810 with dissolve woman "Don't tell me you forgot who I am?" hana "How could I forget you, Cynthia?" scene w3_0811 with dissolve "Running into people you know is rarely fun, but I could tell by Hana's body language that she did not like this woman." scene w3_0812 with dissolve cyn "I THOUGHT that was you! You always did stand out from the crowd." scene w3_0813 with dissolve hana "I.. would never expect to run into you at a movie like this." scene w3_0814 with dissolve cyn "It was my boyfriend's turn to pick - ah... that was him who rudely bumped into you just now. Sorry for that." scene w3_0813 with dissolve hana "He must've really had to go..." scene w3_0815 with dissolve cyn "Yep! It happens every time! He gets the extra large soda and then refuses to get up during the movie, afraid to miss anything." scene w3_0811 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0812 with dissolve cyn "So... you look... good, Hana." scene w3_0813 with dissolve hana "Thanks, Cynthia. You do too." scene w3_0814 with dissolve cyn "I think it's awesome how you still dress like {i}that{/i}." scene w3_0816 with dissolve "......" "..." "An unwavering stare from whoever this is and a clearly annoyed Hana." scene w3_0817 with dissolve hana "Not everyone is as talented at reinventing themselves as you." scene w3_0816 with dissolve "Meanwhile, I've just been standing off to the side, unnoticed." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Interject and break the tension.:" $ Hana_Affection += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_0818 with dissolve mc "Hello." cyn "Hi!" scene w3_0819 with dissolve "The overly tanned woman gave me a good, long up-and-down appraisal." "The look on her face while she did so was, for some reason I couldn't place, mildly yet irrationally irritating." scene w3_0820 with dissolve cyn "Well, aren't you the {i}odd pair{/i}...!" cyn "Who's this, Hana? Your boooooyfriend?" scene w3_0821 with dissolve hana "Boyfriend, well... uh, it's a bit..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep it simple with the truth.:" $ w3HanaDP += 1 scene w3_0822 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "We're on a date, at the very least." mc "Time will tell about the other stuff." scene w3_0823 with dissolve "Being brief and straight to the point was best when dealing with politely-veiled condescension." scene w3_0824 with dissolve hana "{b}That's right{/b}. We're on a date." scene w3_0825 with dissolve mc "It's nice to meet you, Cynthia. I'm [mcf]." scene w3_0826 with dissolve mc "How do you two know each other?" "I made it a point to direct the question to Hana." scene w3_0827 with dissolve hana "We went to high school together." "There was a distinct lack of the word friend, reinforcing the impression I was nurturing." scene w3_0828 with dissolve cyn "We ran in {b}different circles{/b}." KN_MOD "What difference does it make? Just say youre her boyfriend.:" $ Hana_Affection -= 1 scene w3_0822 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That's right, I'm her boyfriend." scene w3_0829 with dissolve "No need for an over-complicated explanation." scene w3_0830 with dissolve cyn "Well, that's one thing that changed about you. You've got a new... {i}type{/b}." mct "({b}Bitch.{/b})" scene w3_0831 with dissolve mc "Aha... I'm [mcf]. It's nice to meet you, Cynthia." mc "How do you two know each other?" scene w3_0828 with dissolve cyn "We're former classmates! We ran in different circles, though." KN_MOD "Redirect the question.:" scene w3_0831 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I'm [mcf]. How do you two know each other?" scene w3_0832 with dissolve cyn "Oh, that? Well..." scene w3_0827 with dissolve hana "We went to school together." scene w3_0826 with dissolve mc "Ah, you're former classmates." scene w3_0828 with dissolve cyn "That's right! We ran in different circles though." KN_MOD "Dont say anything.:" scene w3_0833 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I opted not to say anything. Going unnoticed was perfectly fine with me." scene w3_0834 with dissolve "......" "..." "The two chattered a bit, and eventually, it was just simply past the point where it would be natural for me to introduce myself. Until..." scene w3_0833 with dissolve cyn "By the way, who's that guy that's just standing behind you?" hana "{b}He's my date{/b}." scene w3_0835 with dissolve cyn "Silent type, huh? I'm Cynthia." scene w3_0831 with dissolve mc "[mcf]. Nice to meet you." scene w3_0827 with dissolve hana "She's a former classmate of mine." scene w3_0826 with dissolve mc "You went to high school together?" scene w3_0828 with dissolve cyn "{b}We ran in different circles.{/}" scene w3_0836 with dissolve hana "...did we?" scene w3_0837 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0838 with dissolve cyn "So, Hana, what have you been up to since high school?" cyn "Oh... I don't remember seeing you walking at the... you did graduate ri--" scene w3_0839 with dissolve hana "{b}I graduated{/b} - and, well... I..." hana "I help my father with his business." scene w3_0840 with dissolve cyn "What does he do?" scene w3_0841 with dissolve hana "He's a pimp." cyn "Ha, ha... what...?" scene w3_0842 with dissolve hana "I'm {b}kidding{/b}!" hana "He does sell a good time though. He's a travel agent." scene w3_0840 with dissolve cyn "No kidding? My boyfriend and I are thinking about taking a trip next Christmas. Do you think he could hook us up?" scene w3_0843 with dissolve hana "Well, I wouldn't suggest you use him." cyn "Why not?" scene w3_0844 with dissolve hana "He charges way too damn much." cyn "Oh..." scene w3_0845 with dissolve hana "Well... we should be..." cyn "I just graduated myself!" scene w3_0846 with dissolve hana "Is that right? What did you study...?" scene w3_0847 with dissolve cyn "Music therapy!" scene w3_0846 with dissolve hana "What the hell is that?" scene w3_0848 with dissolve cyn "It's what it sounds like. It's using music for therapeutic goals to help people with Alzheimer's, PTSD, depression, chronic pain -- stuff like that." scene w3_0849 with dissolve hana "Wow, that's..." scene w3_0846 with dissolve hana "That sounds kinda cool." scene w3_0847 with dissolve cyn "Well, that's the one thing we had in a common, right?" scene w3_0851 with dissolve hana " kept with it?" scene w3_0852 with dissolve cyn "Guess so." scene w3_0849 with dissolve hana "That's.... huh." scene w3_0850 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0853 with dissolve cyn "Can't change everything about yourself." hana "Congratulations." scene w3_0854 with dissolve cyn "Thanks... say..." cyn "You want to get a drink together some time?" scene w3_0855 with dissolve hana "I don't know, I'm not really looking to dig up old skeletons..." scene w3_0854 with dissolve cyn "I get it, but let me give you my number in case you change your mind." scene w3_0855 with dissolve hana "Sure..." scene black with fade hana "You don't want mine?" cyn "Nope! You call me. Spares you from drinking with me out of politeness." hana "When have you ever known me to be polite?" "......" "..." scene w3_0856 with fade hana "I'm glad she seems to be doing well." scene w3_0857 with dissolve mc "Really? Seems like you didn't really like that woman." scene w3_0858 with dissolve hana "Was I that obvious?" scene w3_0857 with dissolve mc "Painfully." scene w3_0859 with dissolve hana "I don't actively {i}dislike her{/i}, but I also don't want to get a drink with her." scene w3_0860 with dissolve mc "Why?" scene w3_0859 with dissolve hana "Just some stupid kid shit in the past that doesn't matter anymore, plus I have no business making friends." scene w3_0860 with dissolve mc "How come?" scene w3_0861 with dissolve hana "...\"My dad's a travel agent.\" I can't be truthful with anyone, [mcf]." scene w3_0862 with dissolve mct "(Yeah, I guess we've talked about this before...)" mc "My fault for asking, but..." scene w3_0863 with dissolve mc "You're not supposed to be thinking about the club at all tonight, remember?" hana "If I remember to not think about it, wouldn't I be thinking about it?" scene w3_0864 with dissolve mc "No time for sophistry. Let's go sing." hana "Okay." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/motorcycle-ride.wav" KN_MOD "label w3HanaDateKaraoke:" scene w3_0865 with cmet hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide window pause stop sound scene w3_0866 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve hana "Uh... was this really the smallest room they had?" mc "That's what the guy at the front counter said." scene w3_0867 with dissolve hana "No matter." scene w3_0868 with dissolve hana "Plenty of room to sprawl out and get comfortable." mc "What are you doing....?" scene black with fade hana "{b}Getting comfortable{/b}." scene w3_0869 with fade hana "My belt was digging into me the whole movie." scene w3_0870 with dissolve mc "Actually, I wanted to mention that..." hana "What?" scene w3_0871 with dissolve mc "Your {i}fanny pack{/i} was digging into you the entire movie, you mean." scene w3_0872 with dissolve hana "Fuck you, it's not a fanny pack! It's a... belt-satchel!" mc "The difference is....?" scene w3_0873 with dissolve hana "It's well... ah, shit. It's a fanny pack?" scene w3_0874 with dissolve hana "You really want to ruin my cool belt-thing for me?" mc "Sorry! You DO make it work, didn't mean to imply otherwise." play music "music/too-cool.ogg" scene w3_0875 with dissolve "Although, I was presently appreciating her waistline." scene w3_0876 with dissolve mc "You can make anything work. {b}Even a fanny pack{/b}." scene w3_0877 with dissolve hana "Satchel!" scene w3_0878 with dissolve mc "That too." scene w3_0879 with dissolve hana "Okay, let's just fucking sing. {b}You go first{/b}." scene w3_0880 with dissolve mc "Fair play, but you don't want to order any drinks first?" scene w3_0881 with dissolve hana "In a bit. When we need something to lubricate our voices." scene w3_0880 with dissolve mc "Alright..." scene w3_0882 with dissolve mc "Now, let's see..." scene black with fade hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Do your best to embarrass yourself:" $ w3HanaDP +=1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Got it." mc "Hast du etwash Zeit fooour michhhhk?" scene w3_0883 with fade "I decided what better way to break the ice than embarrassing myself by horribly mispronouncing the lyrics of a German song." mc "Dann zinga ich bleu lich four dich" hana "Huh... wha-" scene w3_0884 with dissolve mc "Von noingzingnoing luftballons..." scene w3_0885 with dissolve "I mean {i}really{/i} put my heart into it." mc "Alph earrem weg zum Horizon..." scene w3_0886 with dissolve "I mean really, {b}really{/b} into it." mc "Noingzingnoing luftballons...!" "I dragged out what I believed to be the syllables." "Hielten siiiiiiick four Captain Kirk~!" "I tripped over each and every line." scene w3_0887 with dissolve mc "Helten sik four slaw lut --Winteren...!" "I couldn't even carry a tune to save my life." "Leibenzeigensnorgenborgen...!" "In short, I butchered the song with an impressive zeal." scene black with fade "Dink an dick und lass ihn flygeen...!" scene w3_0888 with fade "*Clap, clap, clap, clap!*" hana "Bravo." mc "Thank you." scene w3_0889 with dissolve hana "I don't think zeigen clobbin snorgen morgen is German though." scene w3_0890 with dissolve mc "Some of the words went by really fast!" scene w3_0891 with dissolve hana "Pfft, uhuh...! Well..." KN_MOD "Pick something youre comfortable with.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Got it." scene w3_0892 with dissolve mc "Just a small town giiiiiirl....!" hana "Oh no." mct "(Uh huh. I'll be that guy.)" scene w3_0893 with dissolve mc "Living in a lonely woooooorld....!" mct "(I'll be the guy who picks {i}this{/i} song.)" mc "She took the midnight train going anywhere!" scene black with fade mct "(Just try not to sing along Hana!)" scene w3_0894 with fade hana "Well, A for the energy." hana "You did it just as well as any bar full of middle-aged men." scene w3_0895 with dissolve mc "Thank you." scene w3_0896 with dissolve mc "Your turn." scene w3_0897 with dissolve hana "Let's order some drinks first." scene w3_0898 with dissolve mc "What happened to waiting until we needed some lubrication?" scene w3_0899 with dissolve hana "Listening to you sing really took it out of me." scene black with fade mc "Let's get some drinks." scene w3_0900 with fade hana "I only am what you told me to be ~ I'm a backwards-ass hillbilly, I'm Dick Buttkiss!" "Our imbibements came in the middle of Hana's song." hana "I'm a triple-rectified-ass son-of-a-bitch ~ Rec-tite on my ass and it makes me itch!" scene w3_0901 with dissolve "As expected, she was putting on a real performance." hana "I can see for miles and miles and miles, oh~" scene w3_0902 with dissolve "Just like me, she couldn't sing worth a shit either, but that didn't matter." hana "My broken heart makes me smile~" scene black with fade mct "(This is what you call stage presence I guess.)" "......" "..." scene w3_0903 with fade mc "Wait, so you've actually filled in on vocals before?" scene w3_0904 with dissolve hana "Once. When Jerrica had strep." hana "I forgot some of the lyrics, but I'm pretty sure nobody noticed." scene w3_0903 with dissolve mc "You said you'd never..." scene w3_0905 with dissolve hana "--done karaoke - and I haven't, until now." mc "Hmm." scene w3_0906 with dissolve hana "Actually..." hana "I'm terrified of being on stage." scene w3_0907 with dissolve mc "Really?" "I wouldn't have guessed." scene w3_0908 with dissolve mc "You do it pretty often for someone who's {i}terrified{/i}." scene w3_0909 with dissolve hana "All that energy has got to go somewhere I guess." hana "It's fortunate I get to be so {i}expressive{/i} when I play." scene w3_0910 with dissolve "I briefly wondered if there was any parallels between that line of thought and the exhibition stage." "..." scene w3_0911 with dissolve "But then my mind turned back to the pretty girl next to me." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Put a hand on Hanas thigh.:" $ w3HanaDP +=2 scene w3_0912 with dissolve "As inconspicuously as I could manage, which was likely not at all, I gently placed my hand on Hana's thigh." scene w3_0913 with dissolve hana "[mcf]..." scene w3_0914 with dissolve "A simple gesture, to pay back Hana's game of footsies and once again bridge the physical divide." hana "*Gulp, gulp, gulp...!*" scene w3_0915 with dissolve hana "Aaaaaahh...!" scene w3_0916 with dissolve "We sat in silence for a little while, the time for the room counting down, exchanging looks and nursing our over-priced drinks." "The big, empty room felt contradictorily cozy." scene hana_kpat_a with dissolve show hana_kpat with dissolve "Without being cognizant of the act, my hand gradually began to move." "It wasn't overtly perverted or sexual, just a gentle sway that ran my palm over her ridiculously tight pants." hana "{size=10}Hmm...{/i}." scene w3_0917 with dissolve mc "Sorry, did you say something?" scene w3_0918 with dissolve hana "Just a yawn." scene w3_0917 with dissolve mc "How'd you sleep last night?" scene w3_0918 with dissolve hana "Pretty damn good, actually..." scene hana_kpat_a with dissolve show hana_kpat with dissolve "We returned to sharing a silence, but this time I was {i}very{/i} aware of what my hand was doing." "......" "..." scene w3_0917 with dissolve mc "It was my turn to sing, right?" scene w3_0918 with dissolve hana "Yep." scene w3_0917 with dissolve mc "I should sing then." scene w3_0918 with dissolve hana "Well, you did pay good money for this room." scene w3_0919 with dissolve KN_MOD "Move onto the next song.:" scene w3_0920 with dissolve mc "It was my turn to sing, right?" scene w3_0921 with dissolve hana "It was." scene w3_0920 with dissolve mc "Guess I'll get to it then." scene w3_0922 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mct "(Now, let's see...)" scene black with fade mct "(This thing has like a million songs...)" scene w3_0923 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's a coffee-stained earth every time it happens ~ lighten up honey it ain't bad..." "So, Hana and I made good use of our time." scene w3_0924 with fade hana "You start a conversation, you can't even finish it ~ You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything." "We traded off, singing a few songs each and shooting the shit." scene w3_0925 with fade mc "I know that some will say ~It matters but little babe ~Oh but come on and mean it to me..." scene w3_0926 with fade hana "I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout ~but you've been cold to me so long..." scene black with fade "......" "..." play music "music/modern-situations.ogg" scene w3_0927 with fade hana "Not even close. I got a lot of bands left to see live before I kick it." "So it went." scene w3_0928 with dissolve mc "You're going to think this is weird, but I don't really like live music." scene w3_0929 with dissolve hana "Pssh, you're such a fuckin' nerd. How many shows have you been to?" scene w3_0930 with dissolve mc " two?" scene w3_0929 with dissolve hana "Just two? How the hell can you say you don't like live music then. Who was playing?" scene w3_0930 with dissolve mc "Not counting yours, there was a couple that Ian dragged me to..." KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >=4:" scene w3_0931 with dissolve hana "Well, that settles it. Next date we'll go to a show of a band you'll actually remember." scene w3_0932 with dissolve mc "Next date, huh?" scene w3_0933 with dissolve hana "It's going pretty good... right?" scene w3_0934 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_0935 with dissolve mc "Next time it'll be your turn to pick anyway." scene w3_0936 with dissolve hana "..." scene w3_0937 with dissolve hana "You know... with how things are going... you're the only person I feel like I can be myself around." scene w3_0938 with dissolve hana "...the thought scares me, but it also makes me feel kinda happy." scene w3_0939 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_0940 with dissolve hana "Guess I must be gettin' a lil' tipsy..." scene w3_0941 with dissolve mc "No, I get it." scene w3_0944 with dissolve hana " do?" scene w3_0941 with dissolve mc "I mean, there's Ian, but I've known him for so long that there's certain things I could never admit to him." scene w3_0943 with dissolve mc "You and I don't have any history. There's nothing complicated here or any status quo to maintain." scene w3_0941 with dissolve mc "There's very little pretense. It's... \"hella\" comfy." scene w3_0940 with dissolve hana "Yeah... I suppose it is." scene w3_0941 with dissolve mc "Anyway, I have your back, boss." scene w3_0940 with dissolve hana "...promise?" scene w3_0941 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." scene w3_0940 with dissolve hana "I've got yours, too." scene w3_0941 with dissolve mc "You can be as truthful with me as you like." scene w3_0945 with dissolve hana "You want the truth?" mc "Of course..." scene w3_0946 with dissolve hana "The truth is I've been so fuckin' horny {b}all damn day{/b}." scene w3_0947 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_0948 with dissolve mc "Oh..." scene w3_0946 with dissolve hana "It's been so long since I've been laid that all I can think about is you tearing me a new one." scene w3_0949 with dissolve mc "I see... well..." "Her frankness and the determined look on her face instantly gave me a half-chub." scene w3_0950 with dissolve mc "Thank you for being honest with me." scene w3_0946 with dissolve hana "Is that what you say to that?" scene w3_0948 with dissolve mc "What should I say?" scene w3_0951 with dissolve hana "I don't know..." scene w3_0950 with dissolve mc "Me either. All I could think about the last ten or so seconds is..." "Well, tearing her a new one, but..." KN_MOD "jump w3KaraokeEro" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_0931 with dissolve hana "Well, that settles it. Next time we hang out we'll go to a show of a band you'll actually remember." scene w3_0932 with dissolve mc "Heh. Sure. It'll be your turn to pick." KN_MOD "jump w3HanaPlatonicEnding" KN_MOD "label w3KaraokeEro:" scene w3_0952 with dissolve mc "The time on the room is counting down." scene w3_0953 with dissolve hana "Wha--? Are you...?" mc "We can squeeze another song in. You want to go or should I?" scene w3_0954 with dissolve hana "......" scene w3_0955 with dissolve hana "'re trying to play it cool, huh?" "I was, but I'm certain the big dumb smile on my face gave me away." scene w3_0956 with dissolve mc "I guess I'll go then." mc "I saw a fun song I wanted try." scene w3_0955 with dissolve hana "Oh, yeah...?" scene w3_0957 with dissolve hana "*Scoffs* You've got my attention." hana "What's the song?" scene w3_0958 with dissolve mc "Are you familiar with Pretenders." hana "I can't say I am...." scene w3_0959 with dissolve mc "Well..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_0960 with dissolve mc "I got brass..." mc "{b}In my pocket.{/b} `I got bottle, {b}I'm gonna use it.{/b}" "The correct response would've been to just kiss her or whatever, but it wasn't every day a neurotic asshole like me felt desired." scene w3_0961 with dissolve mc "Gonna make you, make you, make you notice and..." "So, I wanted to milk it a bit. Be playful with it." "Make Hana sit there with a dumb horny look on her face while I sung an equally dumb and horny song." scene w3_0962 with dissolve mc "Gonna use my arms" scene w3_0963 with dissolve mc "Gonna use my legs" scene w3_0964 with dissolve mc "Gonna use my style" scene w3_0965 with dissolve mc "Gonna use my sidestep" scene w3_0966 with dissolve mc "Gonna use my fingers" scene w3_0967 with dissolve mc "Gonna use my, my, my, imaginatiooooooon." scene w3_0968 with dissolve hana "What are you, a Chippendales dancer?" scene w3_0969 with dissolve hana "Jeez..." scene w3_0970 with dissolve mc "I'm special ~ so special~" hana "*Glug, glug, glug...*" scene w3_0971 with dissolve hana "..." scene w3_0972 with dissolve hana "{size=10}Making me come over there...{/size=10}." mc "I got rhythm, I can't miss a beat." scene w3_0973 with dissolve "With a lecherous grin on her face, Hana pulled up right behind me." hana "Hold still?" mc "What are you...?" play music "music/thunder.ogg" scene w3_0974 with dissolve hana "{b}Keep singing{/b}." mc "...?" scene w3_0975 with dissolve hana "If you're going to tease me, I'm going to tease you." hana "If you manage to get through the rest of the song without stumbling over your words, I'll do something nice for you." scene w3_0976 with dissolve mc "Like what?" scene w3_0975 with dissolve hana "I'll suck your dick until it turns white." scene w3_0976 with dissolve mc "...and if I mess up?" scene w3_0977 with dissolve "With a forceful motion, Hana's hand slipped down past my waistband, into my slacks, and cupped all my finer bits." hana "I'll still suck your dick." mc "--! Those are some pretty disparate stakes...!" scene w3_0978 with dissolve "She was bold and in charge, just like the image my head had fabricated the day we initially met." scene w3_0979 with dissolve mc "I have a better idea." scene w3_0980 with dissolve hana "What's that?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_0981 with dissolve mc "We'll just skip ahead to the fun part." scene w3_0982 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_0983 with dissolve hana "Okay." scene hana_kmo1_a with dissolve show hana_kmo1 with dissolve "Our bodies were pressed together in a flash, Hana's softer parts colliding with my {i}less{/i} soft parts." "Chest-to-chest, and my tongue shoved down the goth girl's throat, my hands naturally found rest on Hana's pert and malleable ass." scene hana_kmo2_a with dissolve show hana_kmo2 with dissolve "And malleable, plush, and pliant it certainly was." "Through her skin tight jeans, I had no trouble spreading each cheek, pushing and tugging and molding as if it was bare." "My bulge fit snugly into the alluring curve of her mons pubis, the two of us in stiff competition to see who could press their junk into each other more." "I wasn't sure who was winning, but the radiating heat and growing dampness was unmistakable." scene hana_kmo1_a with dissolve show hana_kmo1 with dissolve "*Chwup, fwhup, chwup~*" "Too preoccupied with sucking face, neither of us made a faint coo nor a breathy moan - we just sucked down what air we could through our noses." "Beads of our saliva intermingled at the corner of our liplock, occasionally spilling over into a messy dribble that rolled down our chins." "In this way, both our ends were getting wet." "*Fwup, chwup, chwup...*" scene hana_kmo3_a with dissolve show hana_kmo3 with dissolve "This lackadaisical approach to kissing quickly turned into a game of chicken." "Either because there wasn't enough air to go around or I was simply forgetting to breathe half the time, I could feel the heady effects of our embrace start to take hold." "First: my mind felt dull, smooth, {i}soggy{/i}." "I had no clue how the hell a brain could feel soggy, but I wasn't in a place right now to ruminate on the finer points of descriptive language." "Second: my chest felt {i}slow{/i}, rising and falling sporadically." "{b}Yeah, I was forgetting to breathe, wasn't I?" scene hana_kmo1_a with dissolve show hana_kmo1 with dissolve "Lastly: the vivacious sexual desire rising in me was growing increasingly unsatisfied." "{i}I wanted more{/i}." scene w3_0984 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w3_0985 with vpunch "*Smack!*" hana "Oomfph!" scene w3_0986 with dissolve hana "Ha, haa... uhhh... [mcf]?" mc "Y-yeah...?" hana "{b}Slap it again.{/b}" scene w3_0987 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w3_0988 with vpunch hana "Oooh!" scene w3_0989 with dissolve hana "I-- {i}shit!{/i}" scene w3_0990 with dissolve "Before I knew it, Hana had pounced, wrapping her legs around me and pulling me into another kiss." "*Cwup, fwup... fwup....!*" "She had me ensnared, fire burning out of control." scene black with fade "Instead of fighting against that smoldering impulse, I let her weight guide me to the ground." scene hana_kmo4_a with dissolve show hana_kmo4 with dissolve "Once I was caught, with nowhere to go, and pinned between the face of the karaoke bar's gaudy mauve seating and my horny goth date, Hana took the reins." "She kissed me yet again, but the real magic was the way she moved her hips, gyrating lasciviously and without restraint." "*Chwup, fwhup...!*" "Her body rocked maddeningly along, my bulge caught between us, in an escalating need to escape the chafing confines of my underwear." mc "Ah, mmh..!" scene hana_kmo5_a with dissolve show hana_kmo5 with dissolve "I was the first to let my pleasure be known, a low grunt escaping as best as it can between clashing tongue and glancing teeth." "A crawling, prickling need inched up from my groin to my brain and I felt a desperate desire to be inside her." "I imagined how amazing it would feel to have her unrelentingly ride me into the dirt like this, me thrusting up and spearing her insides in a mad bid for mutual gratification." "I pictured how delightful it would be to hold the squirming sexpot in place, my dick kissing the deepest parts of her, and have her ask for more." mc "Mmmh...!" "My grip on Hana involuntarily tightened in reflex, as if my body was instinctually afraid to let its source of pleasure go." "*Cwhup, fwhup, chup...*" "One hand dug hard into her shoulder blades, the other the delicate flesh of her buttocks..." hana "Mh~" "*{b}Cwhup, chwup, chup...!{/b}*" scene hana_kmo4_a with dissolve show hana_kmo4 with dissolve "Perhaps too hard and tight I thought, but if it was, she was too busy to say anything. Hana just sped on, growing increasingly more intense in her affection." mct "(...she did seem to like a bit of roughness, right?)" mct "(The look in her eyes when I smacked her ass was quite different than what I had seen from the Carnations.)" "I doubted she was a genuine masochist. Instead, I more suspected that she liked a man to be raw, explicit, and forceful in his desire." "And how I felt was... I had gotten my fill of being backed into a corner. Now, I wanted to turn the tables on her and put her on the back foot for a bit." scene w3_0991 with dissolve "It was an awkward position, but I marshaled my strength and gradually raised Hana off the ground." "If she noticed, it didn't impede what she was doing. Her grip on me remained steely tight." "I should be careful not to accidentally slam her down..." scene black with fade mc "Oooop!" scene w3_0992 with fade "Held down with arms pinned above her head, we both seized the opportunity to finally fill our lungs with much needed air." hana "Ha, haa..." scene w3_0993 with dissolve "The horny, dazed look on her face was enough justification for the reprieve. Just looking down on her from an advantageous position alone was fueling my desire." scene w3_0994 with dissolve hana "Mhhh... m-more..." hana "Do something. Kiss me or touch me, j-just... {b}more{/b}." scene w3_0995 with dissolve "{b}Now{/b} she had me feeling bad for just slack-jawed staring." scene w3_0996 with dissolve mc "Sure thing, boss." scene w3_0997 with dissolve "The question was, just {i}how{/i} I wanted to touch her." "Her chest was so open and deliciously begging to be exposed, but..." scene w3_0998 with dissolve mct "{b}Got it.{/b}" scene w3_0997 with dissolve "The way her legs were wantonly splayed made the decision for me." scene hana_krub1_a with dissolve show hana_krub1 with dissolve "Fixing my eyes on Hana's face, eager to gauge her changing expression as she got what she wanted, I wordlessly began to rub." hana "Ah...! G-good...!" "While her face told me an over-the-clothes touch wasn't going quite as far as what the pent up drummer was hoping for, that suited me just fine." "She still shuddered from the pleasure all the same, the fire being kindled for later, when our soon-to-be-gone room time allotment ran out and we were forced to rush back to my place in a horny flurry." "The damp heat from her sex had her jeans glued to her body, and a light touch was all it took to discern the outline of her vulva." "So I took it slow, at an even tempo, enjoying this opportunity to become more familiar with Hana's intimate parts." hana "Hngg..." scene hana_krub2_a with dissolve show hana_krub2 with dissolve "My fingers easily traced the outline of Hana's sex and drew the shape of her protruding, engorged pussy lips with ease." "I explored the length of her slit, feeling out the opening that led to more pleasurable pastures." mc "You're soaked..." "She nodded resolutely, a devilish smile on her lips." hana "{b}I a-am.{/b.}" "She didn't have a hint of embarrassment on her face, just a raw need that matter-of-factly required attending." scene hana_krub3_a with dissolve show hana_krub3 with dissolve hana "I, a-ah...!" "My fingers moved faster and worked harder in response." hana "I've b-been like this half the night." mc "You hid it pretty well." hana "N, nahh... y-you think so?" hana "W-why do you think I'm dressed like this?" hana "I decided last night I wanted to do this, {i}I needed to do this{/i}." scene w3_0999 with dissolve mc "You're no longer worried about--?" scene w3_1000 with dissolve hana "Don't stop! {b}Keep rubbing{/b}!" scene hana_krub3_a with dissolve show hana_krub3 with dissolve mc "Sorry." "I picked back up at my previous pace, rubbing Hana cross-eyed." mc "You're no longer worried about my character?" hana "*Gulp* {b}No.{/b} How could I be?" hana "I... ah... now, we've both chosen the same thing." hana "I need to move forward and..." hana "A-ah, s-shit...!" mc "...{b}And?{/b}" hana "Most importantly, at this moment, I need to {b}get fucked stupid{/b}, [mcf]." hana "Y-you think you can do that?" mc "That.." scene w3_1001 with dissolve scene w3_1002 with dissolve scene w3_1001 with dissolve "I nodded stupidly." scene w3_1003 with dissolve mc "Uh huh." scene w3_1004 with dissolve hana "{b}Good{/b}. Let's get the fuck out of here!" hana "Your place." scene w3_1003 with dissolve mc "{b}My place{/b}." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Should I call an uber?" hana "You really think a couple of watered down frou frou drinks is enough to get me blitzed?" hana "You're fine too, right?" scene w3_1005 with cmet play sound "sound effects/motorcycle-ride.wav" "As I was rocketed toward the fuck of my lifetime, I had two thoughts on my mind." "One, Hana looked beautiful under the city's nightlight. And two..." scene black with w20 KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3karaokemakeout:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3karaokemakeout = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "A motorcycle {b}sure as shit{/b} makes your junk tingle." stop sound $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "label w3HanaDateFuckFest:" scene w3_1006 with circlewipe "......" "..." play music "music/your-big-rock-concert.ogg" play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w3_1007 with dissolve "It started before we even got up the stoop of my building and achieved full swing by the time we stumbled onto the elevator." "Hana had climbed me like a tree, legs locked around my waist as if for dear life, threatening to topple me every lopsided step of the way." scene w3_1008 with dissolve "{i}It was something I had only seen in the movies,{/i} but the way she gripped, tugged, clawed, kissed, hissed, pecked, groped, gouged, gyrated, and squeezed without even touching the ground made me feel like I was being devoured." "How I got the door open, I had no earthly idea, but somehow we managed to make it up to the privacy of my loft without suffering any bruises or nasty carpet burn." scene w3_1009 with dissolve mct "(...did I shut the door behind m--)" scene w3_1010 with dissolve mc "A-ah--!" scene w3_1011 with dissolve hana "Why the hell are you looking in that direction?" "Hana corralled my meandering attention right back where it should rightfully be." scene w3_1012 with dissolve hana "I'm right here, [mcf]." scene w3_1013 with dissolve mc "Oh, {i}I see you,{/i} Hana... don't you worry about that..." scene w3_1014 with dissolve hana "Well, {b}I feel you{/b}. All..." scene w3_1012 with dissolve hana "What would you say you are? Like 8 inches?" scene w3_1013 with dissolve mc "I've never measured." scene w3_1012 with dissolve hana "{b}Bullshit{/b} you haven't. What fuckin' guy hasn't?" scene w3_1013 with dissolve mc "You can always measure it for me.." mc "Up~close li--" scene w3_1015 with dissolve hana "Don't ruin the moment!" scene w3_1016 with dissolve hana "Naked. {b}Now{/b}." scene w3_1017 with dissolve "The gothic spitfire wasted no time, hooking her slender fingers into the lip of my shirt and unfastening the buttons with a surprising degree of dexterity and precision." mc "I'll do it-" scene w3_1018 with dissolve hana "Juuuuust focus on not dropping me, handsome." scene w3_1019 with dissolve mc "Oh...?" mct "(...she thinks I'm handsome?)" scene hana_hf_nkiss_a with fade show hana_hf_nkiss with dissolve mc "Hhhng...!" "Getting out of a dress shirt with an entire person hanging off you, who all the while littered your neck and chest with kisses, was a veritable challenge." "*Chwup, fwhup, chwup...!*" "...but off it came indeed, purely owed to Hana's determination." mc "A-aahh..." "The way she gnawed at my neck was steadily putting us in a \"precarious\" position, however." mct "(D-damn it, that feels good...!)" "Every butt-clenching shiver that traveled down my back branched off to my limbs and made Hana feel that much heavier." "I thought about letting inertia do its magic and just take us to the floor, where we could just fuck like animals, but..." scene w3_1020 with dissolve mct "(No way in hell! That concrete will blow out my knees.)" mct "(Then what? Where...?)" scene w3_1021 with dissolve mct "(There.)" $, 3, channel = "music") scene black with fade "I picked the closest flat surface available: the dining room table." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" "*Kah, {b}thunk{/b}!*" $, 0, channel = "music") scene w3_1022 with fade hana "A-hh, haa...! Get back over here~♥" scene w3_1023 with dissolve mc "Pants off. {b}Now{/b}." scene black with dissolve mc "{b}Leave the thong on!" scene w3_1024 with fade hana "W-woah..." hana "There it is...♥" scene w3_1025 with dissolve hana "Ah....♥" hana "{b}Put it in me{/b}." scene hana_hf_warm_a with dissolve show hana_hf_warm with dissolve "......" "..." "For a second I just stood there, our sexes bared, drinking in the fuck hungry expression on Hana's face." "That was where a plan formed. By the end of the night..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Youll both forget your anxieties.:" $ w3HanaMutual = True "I wanted both of us, for as long as the sun was down, to kick all reason, care, and worry to the curb." "I wanted to squeeze, suck, and screw until we became one unified mating ball vacant of thought." "In essence, I wanted to return the trust Hana was putting in me right now." KN_MOD "Youll have this bitch calling you daddy.:" $ toughness += 2 "Seeing Hana, my friend and the boss's daughter, spread her messy cunt for me made me feel like a god and stupidly filled my head with urges of violent vulgarity." "With only a surge of lust, my budding affection for the beautiful girl in front of me was dwarfed by a wave of unrelated desire to control and dominate that was utterly divorced from reality." mct "(...or maybe BECAUSE of my affection, I especially want to...)" "I had no time to ruminate on that." scene w3_1026 with dissolve hana "{size=20}I'm waiting...{/size20}" scene w3_1027 with dissolve "The head of my cock dangerously kissed Hana's opening, so close and so wet, that the slightest movement threatened me entering her like a slip n' slide." scene w3_1028 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "Are you ready?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You want it?" scene w3_1027 with dissolve "She was drooling. {b}Oozing{/b}." scene w3_1029 with dissolve hana " that fuckin' rhetorical?" scene w3_1027 with dissolve "A trickle of feminine lubricant was already slowly snaking its way down my shaft and I had barely even grazed her." scene w3_1030 with dissolve hana "Hnnggg..." "Oh, the mess we were about to make..." scene w3_1031 with dissolve "The goth girl wrapped her legs around me, her grip tightening as I pried her open like a clam." "Slowly." hana "H-haaat...!" scene w3_1032 with dissolve "{b}Sloooowly.{/b}" hana "A-aheeeeee, {b}s-shiiiit...!{/b}" "Half way in." scene w3_1033 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "That wasn't rhetorical. Seriously, you ready?" "As wet as she was, even half way in was a tight fit." KN_MOD "else:" mc "That wasn't rhetorical. I'd like you to tell me you want it." scene w3_1034 with dissolve hana "A-aahh...!" "Impatiently, Hana used her legs to draw me in deeper." hana "Ha-haaat..!" "As deep as I could go, all the way to the base." scene w3_1035 with dissolve hana "That answer your question?" "With as tight of a hold as she had on me, pulling out was difficult, but managing that..." scene hana_hf_cling1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling1 with dissolve mc "O, ah..!" "I met her expectations with a thrust, driving my hips back in and paying off a week's worth of sexual tension." hana "Yes!" "The start of our rut felt less like copulation and more like a game of tug-of-war." "I could no more than withdraw half of my length before Hana zealously pulled me back in, hilting me inside of her." hana "Ah~♥ [mcf]...!" "She had complete control over the tempo and she was {b}making me work for it.{/b}" mc "Hana..!" "I called out her name in turn." mc "Ghe...! You are..." "We hadn't even developed a proper rhythm yet and already the pleasure had me battling for my words - she was very wet, but still..." "{b}Tight{/b}." "Hana's insides squeezed and clung to my shaft, making pushing back in just as much of a challenge as it was withdrawing from her leglock." mc "Aht~ y-you think you could untighten your legs some?" hana "Hhuug, I don't wanna~♥" mc "No?" scene hana_hf_cling1b_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling1b with dissolve hana "{b}I like you being this close{/b}." hana "Not that I have a TON of experience, but... ah..." hana "{b}You're the biggest I've ever taken.{/b}." mc "Biggest person, plant, or mineral?" hana "{b}Ever{/b}. I'm more of a...hnnng, 'discrete' toy kind of a girl." mc "Heh, n-noted...!" hana "Guys, uh... ah, like to hear that right? {b}You{/b} like that?" mc "A--aah, they do-" "Face-to-face as we were, I could absorb and internalize every line of expression on her face." mc "--whether it's true or not." "Her face read of {b}fornication{/b}, the beginning signs of pleasure taking root on her visage, but there was also some... discomfort?" "Even if she was raring to go, by her own admission it had been awhile for her, so expecting her to accommodate my entire length at the pace we BOTH wanted was optimistic." scene w3_1036 with dissolve mct "(And since she likely wouldn't explicitly communicate her feelings right now..)" scene w3_1037 with dissolve hana "Haaa...!" scene w3_1038 with dissolve "It was left to me and my intuition on how to most comfortably get Hana to the point we wanted to reach - that was, banging the shit out of each other unshackled from inhibition. To that end..." scene w3_1039 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_1040 with hpunch "*Sm, plap!*" scene w3_1041 with dissolve hana "Gh, uuuh...! Y-yeah! That's...!" scene w3_1042 with dissolve "{i}That was the ticket{/i}." "Hana's dopey-eyed expression and the way her cunt tightened around me confirmed my karaoke room hypothesis - {b}she craved it rough{/b}." scene w3_1043 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_1044 with hpunch hana "H-hhat!" "That was how I'd distance her head from her lower half and get her to relax." scene w3_1045 with dissolve hana "Fhh-fuck yeah!" scene w3_1046 with dissolve KN_MOD "if toughness >=21:" mc "You like that shit, huh?" scene w3_1048 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_1049 with hpunch hana "G-gh... y-yeah.. I love knowing you're there!" scene w3_1046 with dissolve mc "{b}Dirty bitch{/b}." KN_MOD "else:" mc "That okay?" scene w3_1047 with dissolve hana "Ngggh, yeaah... lets me know you're there. {b}I love it.{/b}" scene w3_1048 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_1049 with hpunch hana "Ha-haaa!" scene w3_1046 with dissolve mc "Me too." scene hana_hf_cling2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling2 with dissolve "Finally, her hold on me lessened and I had access to the range of motion I was yearning for. " hana "Ah, ha... [mcf]...!" "...but I didn't use my full strength, not yet at least; instead I tried to match the rhythm of Hana's own hips." mc "{b}Hana{/b}." "Our tug-of-war had shifted to a mutually assured fucking." hana "[mcf]...!" "Our movements slowly became synchronized, Hana using her arms to push off my cock and let gravity meet me halfway." "Every time she'd lift off, I'd thrust up and deep, sheathing three quarters of myself inside of the bouncing goth." "Every time we'd meet in the middle, my balls would careen against her slit, splattering and matting my thighs with errant drops of femcum." scene hana_hf_cling3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling3 with dissolve "Every time." "Up." "Down." "Up and down." "That simple, repetitive motion and the slowly spreading stupid grin on Hana's face was all I was presently concerned with." mc "Hh-ahh~" "All I {i}tried{/b} to be concerned with at least, so as to distract me from the way Hana's cunt pleasurably sucked and massaged my prick." scene hana_hf_cling4_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling4 with dissolve mc "S-shit, your tits are..." "Well, there was {i}one{/i} other thing." hana "U-huhh... {b}I know{/b}..." "Up." "Down." "Up and down." "The simple, repetitive, {b}hypnotic{/b} motion of Hana's pale tits bouncing gloriously right in front of my face was another thing I was concerned with." mc "They're... nggg... fuckin' fantastic." hana "I said {i}I know.{/i}" "I made a mental note. I would suck and savage those beauties later, but not now." hana "Your chest..." "I wouldn't disrupt the cadence that we had finally achieved." mc "What...? I got nice tits too?" hana "No! It looks... well..." "Hana's eyes darted down and across my own chest, giving me a small taste of oglement in turn." hana "It's kinda broad... {b}isn't it{/b}?" scene hana_hf_cling3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling3 with dissolve "{i}Not in the least I thought{/i}, but I still felt good about Hana's fuck-induced compliment." "...good enough that I found my hips' movement unconsciously increase in tempo in response." hana "Hnngg...!" "...and faster still, egged on by my partner's cock-engrossed countenance." hana "It's like a steel pipe! Ha-ha...!" scene hana_hf_cling2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling2 with dissolve "Hana's hips moved to match my own, lifting off the table at a frenetic pace." hana "F-fuckin...!" mc "You want it faster? Harder?" hana "H, hhaaa... g-grip me tighter... m-mash into me more...!" mc "You got it!" "I was happy to oblige, sinking my fingernails into the soft flesh of her back." scene w3_1050 with vpunch hana "Nng, haauut...!" hana "S-squeeze me...! Ah... don't let g-go~o...♥!" scene hana_hf_cling5_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling5 with dissolve "It was a back-and-forth fucking, in every sense of the term. Hana gave as good as she got, and she was getting it good." mc "Hhhu...!" "The sound of our grunting and the table's rumbling joined together and died against my apartment's high walls." mc "Ah... ha... you're the one squeezing and not letting go-!" hana "I l-love it, I love this feeling..." hana "T-too long, way too damn long... ah, shit I'm glad you showed up at the club." mc "Heh... ah... y-you can thank Ian for that you know." hana "Ha! Fuck no I'm not!" hana "...what, \"hey, thanks for getting your friend hired so he can rail me!\"...?" mc "Nggg...! No, trust me, he'd love to hear that...!" hana "Heh, just shut up and... haha... haa, just shut up and focus on what you're doing please." hana "The only dickhead I want to think about right now is the one in me." mc "PFfft...! Haa...! Ha, sure!" scene w3_1043 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_1044 with hpunch "*Fwhap!" scene w3_1051 with dissolve hana "Hnnngg...! Gah, I..." "She clamped down. {b}Hard{/b}." hana "Aaaah... I w-wasn't expecting that...!" "A dopey, glass-eyed expression was my reward." scene hana_hf_cling5_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cling5 with dissolve hana "I..." hana "I-I... I think I, ah... came a little? there? Heh...♥" hana "Gah... ha...! [mcf]..." hana "[mcf]... I want it... I wanna... b-behind..." hana "{b}Fuck me{/b} from behind...!" mc "Ah...!" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "You got it!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You got it, you fuckin' bitch!" scene w3_1052 with dissolve "I could tell by the plaintive tone in her voice that that was the ticket to make Hana fully cream herself on my cock." scene w3_1053 with dissolve "So in as swift a motion as I could manage, through jelly legs and Hana's dead weight, I managed to flip the moaning goth girl on her stomach." mc "Ah.. I..." scene w3_1054 with dissolve "What." "What. A." "What. A. Fucking sight." scene hana_hf_dog1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog1 with dissolve "The shifting weight from Hana's thighs to Hana's generously fat ass immediately impelled my hips forward." hana "Aht...♥ Yes...♥" mc "G-uhh...!" "Hana slammed back into me with all she could muster, her ass striking my waist with a thunderous plap." hana "Getting fucked from behind is the best-!" mc "Nnggg..." "*Plap, thwap, kwhap...!*" hana "Ha, h-hnhhh...!" "*Plap, thwap, kwhap... fwhip, fwhap, plap...!*" "She was battering my hips, wantonly begging for what I knew she wanted." mc "Hnng...!" scene hana_hf_dogslap_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dogslap with dissolve hana "Ghh, o-oh...!" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" "And of course, I was very happy to give her what she wanted." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Fat ass slut!" scene hana_hf_dog2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog2 with dissolve hana "Heh, hee...♥" "That one left my own hand with a satisfying sting, in accompaniment with the vice-like spasms that gripped my cock." mc "Hnng....!" "It felt amazing. {i}Real fuckin' amazing{/i}." scene hana_hf_dogslap_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dogslap with dissolve hana "Plaaap!* Haaaa....!" "If I wasn't already a sadist, the way her cunt robbed the strength from my calves with every impact would be a convincing argument. " mc "Gahh....! Ha...!" scene hana_hf_dog1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog1 with dissolve "Enough of that for now, though. Much more and I was liable to blow my load deep in the dick-drunk goth's twat prematurely." hana "Ah...! Annng...!" "Instead, I was intent on squeezing every ounce of enjoyment I could out of Hana's callipygous behind." hana "Hnnng...!" scene hana_hf_dog2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog2 with dissolve "In this position, the head of my cock readily scraped against the upper walls of her vagina, gouging and digging and jabbing to pleasurable ends." hana "Gah... [mcf]... ha.... you're fuckin' deep..." "Hana shuddered, but never yielded in impaling herself on my cock, letting her grunts pour out freely." "*Plaaap, thwapp... fwhapp....!*" hana "A-all the righgh... ah... k-keep doin' what you're d-doin'... ah..." hana "You're hitting the right spot...!" scene hana_hf_dog1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog1 with dissolve "She barked out commands or pleas, I wasn't so sure which." hana "Ah, haa...! K-keep...!" "I didn't really care which, because right now, I had her face down on my kitchen table howling like a bitch, turning her inside out without a care in the world." KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" "For just now, for just a while, we had each other. We were carving out a unique moment in time of our own." "Oddly enough, that overly saccharine sentiment spurred me. I wanted to leave an impression on Hana." KN_MOD "else:" "For a slice of time, right now, she was mine. She belonged to me." "It was an absurd thought of course, but it's what filled my head. I wanted to fuck her into a nutrient-rich goth paste and {b}own{/b} her." mc "Ngg... anything you want, boss!" scene hana_hf_dogslap_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dogslap with dissolve "*Fwhap....!*" "Okay, I couldn't help myself." hana "Hhaa...!" "The way my prick felt when my hand struck the goth girl's pale ass was intoxicating." hana "Aah, that's...!" hana "Hhhnngg....!" "My eyes followed the sound, down the alluring curve of her back and drank in the sight of her quaking ass." scene hana_hf_dog4_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog4 with dissolve "*Fawhp, thawp... fwahp...!*" "I put my back into it, attacking where she bid, hips consumed by the goal of overwhelming the upper folds of her fuck hole." hana "Ah, ngnggg.... ah....♥" "Every second the full length of my cock would vanish, every single inch buried in Hana's pleasure-giving hole." mc "Ha, haa...!" scene hana_hf_dog3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog3 with dissolve "Every second her quim sent pangs of pleasure straight to my brain, stealing the breath from my chest and replacing it with a frantic desire to flood it in my jizz." hana "K-keep, s-scratching... nngg... my thighs are..." "Hana's words spewed from her lips half-formed, fucked out of her haphazardly and registering with my ears as gibberish." mc "Nngg...!" "{i}Still{/i}, I got the gist of it." scene hana_hf_dog5_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog5 with dissolve mc "Ah... y-you're making it h-hard to think, y'know?" hana "Haa, ng... w-why you trying to fuckin' think at a time like this! Just uhh... eyes on the road, huh?" mc "The way you're sucking me in makes that kinda difficult to do, ye-...a-ah...!" hana "It's like drumming... ng... you just gotta stop thinking and.... {b}fuck the shit out of it{/b}." scene hana_hf_dog4_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog4 with dissolve mc "Ha, ah...!" "I laughed. That didn't make any sense, but it also made {b}A LOT{/b} of sense right now." mc "Nngg, haa... hey, could you do something for me?" scene hana_hf_dog5_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog5 with dissolve hana "Hnnggg, b-besides what we're {b}currently~♥{/b} doing...?" mc "{b}Talk dirty{/b}." hana "I, uh... ah...♥ Sure, but uh... uh...!" hana "Ahh... uh, what should I say? F-feel kinda on the spot-! Ngh...! H-hard to think when your giant dick is gouging out my pretty pink insides, {b}remember?{/b}" mc "No... I... uh... I think you got it!" hana "Ah...♥ Should I, ah...♥ T-talk about how big your dick is then? Or tell you other shit you already know?" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "I just... want to hear how much you want {i}me{/i}, y-yknow...?" mc "I... ah... want your voice to be inside my head when I {b}blow my load in your pussy.{/b}" scene hana_hf_dog5b_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog5b with dissolve hana "Huh... Oh..." hana "{size=10}I see what you're getting at...{/size=10}" hana "Ahh, agnngg... {b}well{/b}, isn't it fuckin' obvious, [mcf]...?" hana "That picture I sent you earlier, do you know how much I've been thinking about this?" hana "Don't you feel how wet I am {i}for you{/i}? {b}Ah, haa....{/b}!" hana "I finger fucked myself before I took it... ah...!" mc "Y-yeah...?" hana "I thought about you, about our date, about t-this {b}very{/b} moment...!" hana "S-so, puh, please... {b}[mcf]{/b}... ahhhh..." hana "I'm a horny fuckin' bitch [mcf], so please... {b}fuck me like one.{/b}" "--!" scene hana_hf_dog4_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog4 with dissolve "Pangs of sick-like needy pleasure racked my body, driving my hips forward at a devilish speed." mc "Nggg, Hana...!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "That'd be a start. I wanna hear how much you want {b}it.{/b}" hana "You already know, don't you? Ngg... ah, you're standing in a pool of my own juices!" mc "I know, but... how about. You... try...{b}calling me daddy?{/b}" hana "Ha! Ng...! N-not a fuckin' chance!" KN_MOD "if w2ExRoseIanSex == True:" hana "Didn't I t-tell you last night how much I cringe at that garbage...?" KN_MOD "else:" hana "I hate that crap!" hana "You ah, haa... you aren't my 'daddy'... a-and thank god for that! Yuck!" mc "Yeah...? We'll, ngh... we'll put a pin in the idea. Come back to it later!" hana "Nghh... ungoddamnlikely!" scene hana_hf_dog4_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog4 with dissolve "--!" hana "Hyyaaaat...!" "With my dumb mission in mind, I let the sickening need to nut take over and drove my hips forward at a devilish speed." mc "I said we'll put a pin in it for later!" hana "Ngg.. ah...!" "One mouth howled, while the other clamped down lovingly on my shaft, squeezing me hard on the road to fulfill its biological imperative." hana "Eug. Ggaaah! F-fuck y-yyeahh...!" "Hana's cunt spasmed, pried open and stuffed with cockmeat as it was, coughing out trickle after spurt of femcum where it could." hana "Gh...! Gahh..! S-so fast...♥" "At this pace, I wouldn't be lasting long." scene hana_hf_dog3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog3 with dissolve mc "Nggg... does this.. {b}scratch your itch?!{/b}" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" "I was gambling that before the throes of orgasm turned my legs into mush and drained me of my desire to move, that I would be able to give Hana the gratification she was looking for out of our encounter." KN_MOD "else:" "I was gambling that before the throes of orgasm sapped me of my strength and drained me of my desire to move, that I would be able to turn Hana's brain into mush. " hana "Yes! It's, ah-haa... {b}perfect{/b}!" hana "My h-head is white fuckin' noise...! Gah...♥" "The rhythm we had shared gave way to a sloppy, animal-like rut." hana "Aaa, ahh.. {b}savage{/b} me, [mcf]... {b}fucking savage me!{/b}" "Hana used the table to push into me, {b}hard{/b}." hana "B-beat it up...! Ah...♥" scene hana_hf_dog6_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog6 with dissolve "I pushed forward, hard." mc "G-geh...!" "*Twhap, thwahp, fwhap...!*" "Every time we met in the middle was like a little car crash, violently repelling each other on impact in unpredictable ways." mc "He-huhh...!" "*Thwap, fhwp, khwap, thwap, thwiiiip...!*" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "H-hana...!" "Thwap, thwap...!*" "As my own orgasm built, my mental state was no better than my babbling goth lover." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Ah... you cock-devouring slut! F-fuckin...!" "Thwap, thwap...!*" "As my own orgasm built, my mental state was no more cogent than the babbling goth bitch bouncing on my cock." mc "Ah, f-fuck...!" scene hana_hf_dog4_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog4 with dissolve "I was diving cock first down the gaping maw of unintelligible, pleasure-drenched oblivion." hana "Y-yyeeh... eeeah...♥ [mcf]!" "My head felt hot and my inner thighs began to burn." scene hana_hf_dog6_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dog6 with dissolve hana "[mcf]...!" "*Thwap, thwap, twahp...!*" "The periphery all but disappeared. There was just Hana's perfect, bouncing ass sliding on and off my cock." "*Thwap, thwap, fwhip, twahp...!*" hana "{b}[mcf]!{/b}" "There was just my name, carried by Hana's sultry, enraptured voice, egging me on to finish." hana "Ah, haaa, [mcf]...! I'm..." mc "M-me t-too... where should I...?" hana "I, eehh... f-finish... uhh...♥" stop music scene w3_1055 with flash hana "Geeeh...! Eehh...!" "Hana's quim made a last ditch attempt to wring me for everything I was worth." scene w3_1056 with dissolve hana "Y-yeaaaaah....♥ Haa....♥ Heeee....♥" hana "O-ohhhhh♥♥♥♥♥" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_1057 with flash mc "Gah!" "With Hana not giving me a clear answer, I somehow mustered the cognizance to pull myself out of Hana's vice like grip and rain down a splattering of semen on Hana's flawless back." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_1058 with flash mc "Hngg...! Ah... ha..." "String upon string of it touched down, and began the slow decline toward the dimple of her arched back." mc "Oh, haa... heh..." scene w3_1059 with dissolve "{b}Blankness.{/b}" hana "Hnng, haa.... ah... " "For some seconds, nary a thought entered my head. It was entirely blank." scene hana_hf_dogend_a with dissolve show hana_hf_dogend with dissolve hana "Ah... haa...." KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "I... ah... hope that was good for you." hana "You fuckin' bet it was... aha..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I... need to... one sec..." "Hana knew how to take it out of a man." mc "I... didn't know if it was safe... so... I... yeah..." "My work spoke for itself." hana "Heee, haa... it probably was..." mc "Heh, {i}probably{/i}?" hana "It's been like three weeks? Ah... numbers are kinda hard right now..." mc "Y-yeah... ah..." "We both took a minute to catch our breath in silence, dreamily playing hot potato with our glances, eyes freely darting over each other's naked form." scene w3_1060 with dissolve hana "Hey, [mcf]...?" mc "What is it?" scene w3_1061 with dissolve hana "Hmm..." scene w3_1062 with dissolve "My friend suddenly slunk down to her knees and looked up at me, batting her big yellow eyes. She was thinking something {i}good.{/i}" play music "music/wanderlust.ogg" scene w3_1063 with dissolve "--!" mc "A-ah...!" scene w3_1064 with dissolve hana "{b}I want more.{/b}" mc "Sure, just give me a second to--" scene w3_1066 with dissolve mc "...recharge!" scene w3_1065 with dissolve "On second thought, Hana is making a convincing counterpoint for not waiting." scene w3_1067 with dissolve hana "I did promise this in the karaoke room." scene w3_1068 with dissolve mc "That you did..." scene w3_1069 with dissolve hana "Just... don't expect anything amazing... I'm not {b}Felicia{/b} or any of the club girls." scene w3_1070 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Play it cool and reassure her.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 scene w3_1071 with dissolve mc "That's what makes it all the more worthwhile." mc "{b}Hana{/b} is about to suck my dick." scene w3_1072 with dissolve hana "Pssh! Yeah?" scene w3_1071 with dissolve mc "It's just you and me right now, Hana." scene w3_1073 with dissolve hana "..." scene w3_1074 with dissolve mc "I'm not thinking about anyone else, so why are you? Just do whatever you feel like doing." "......" scene w3_1073 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1072 with dissolve hana "Well, lucky for you... I feel like..." KN_MOD "Play it off and tease her.:" scene w3_1075 with dissolve mc "Hold on, let me get a photo of the look on your face - shit, you look cute when you're all bashful." scene w3_1076 with dissolve hana "Shut up!" scene w3_1075 with dissolve mc "No, really. This might be the only and last time! I gotta savor it!" scene w3_1076 with dissolve hana "Yeah, I get it!" scene w3_1077 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_1078 with dissolve mc "Ah... c'mon, why are you thinking about work and other people right now? It's just you and me." scene w3_1069 with dissolve hana "Ah, you're right... it's just... {i}you{/i}... {b}of all people{/b}." scene w3_1078 with dissolve mc "Heh, {b}exactly{/b}... now get my dick back in your mouth and hop to it, huh?" scene w3_1079 with dissolve hana "Heh..." hana "Okay." scene hana_hf_bj1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_bj1 with dissolve "Reveling in post-orgasmic bliss, the sensation of a warm up blowjob was a welcome one." "A very, very, very, very, {b}VERY{/b} welcome one." hana "*Chwup, fhwup...!*" "Hana didn't pussy foot around it. She didn't work my shaft with her hand, or give it a kiss, or massage my balls..." hana "*Chwp, fwhup, chwup...!*" "She simply formed a marvelous seal around the crown of my cock and {b}sucked{/b}." hana "*Chwup, chwup, kwhup, fwhup, fwhup...!*" "The sound was kind of goofy, but the pleasurable feeling was no joke." mc "Ah...!" "She focused her attention entirely on my glans, never straying too far down my shaft, teasing my cock and battering my piss slit with her tongue." hana "*Chup, fwhup...!*" mc "Y-you must've been kidding. Nothing amazing?" "Sure it wasn't a practiced technique, but with my penis overwrought from just pushing out piping hot semen not two minutes ago, the simple act was more than enough to be mind melting." scene w3_1080 with dissolve hana "You like?" scene w3_1081 with dissolve mc "Yeah. It's good. {b}Real good{/b}." scene w3_1080 with dissolve hana "I'm glad. {b}Real glad{/b}." scene hana_hf_bj1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_bj1 with dissolve "Hana proved to be diligent in her ministrations, not letting my dick escape her grasp for more than a few words." mct "(Man...)" hana "*Fwhup, chwup...!*" mc "Hnng...!" "Sex-starved women are a whole different breed of cocksucker." mc "S-shit Hana...!" "She may have proclaimed herself an amateur, but she had the veneer of a pro. Not once did she break eye contact with me." "Hana, dick in her mouth, was giving me a wildly dirty fuck-hungry look. It filled me with a powerful feeling." hana "*Fwhup, chwup...!*" "I was on the top of the goddamn world." mct "(Women sure do have the power to give and take that away from a man, huh...?)" mc "A-aah.. oh-" scene w3_1082 with dissolve hana "I wanna go deeper." scene hana_hf_bj1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_bj1 with dissolve hana "*Fwhup, chwup...!*" mc "Gah, feel free to do whatever you want...!" scene w3_1082 with dissolve hana "I'll make a fool of myself trying. I got a real bitch of a gag reflex." scene hana_hf_bj1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_bj1 with dissolve hana "*Fwhup, chwup, kwhup...!*" mc "H-haa... okay?" scene w3_1081 with dissolve hana "Yeah... I wanna go deeper, but my throat's gonna put up a real nasty fight about it." hana "Lend me a hand?" scene hana_hf_bj1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_bj1 with dissolve "{b}*Chwup!*{/b}" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "You sure?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I can do that." scene w3_1082 with dissolve hana "Can you do me one more favor?" scene w3_1083 with dissolve mc "What?" scene w3_1082 with dissolve hana "{b}Don't be afraid to let me feel it.{/b}" scene w3_1084 with dissolve mc "Ah..!" mc "Open up!" scene w3_1085 with vpunch "So enflamed by Hana's declaration, I did as she asked, sheathing my cock in her maw." scene w3_1086 with dissolve "Hana did her part, getting her tongue out of the way and allowing me easy passage to the back of her throat." scene w3_1087 with dissolve hana "Mmm, gaawwh...!" scene w3_1086 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" "Once I managed to fit two thirds of my pride into her mouth, I tortuously held it there, giving my goth lover a moment to acclimatize to my length." KN_MOD "else:" "Once I managed to fit two thirds of my pride into her mouth, I held it there, enjoying the way her tongue squirmed around my prick as she learned to breathe with a foreign invader lodged in her throat hole." mc "You good? Breathing through your nose?" scene w3_1087 with dissolve hana "Mhhuhh...!" $, 3, channel = "music") scene w3_1086 with dissolve "The noise she made sort of sounded like a yes." mc "Alright, I'm going to begin." KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "Let me know if I need to stop." KN_MOD "else:" mc "...and don't worry, {b}you're goona feel it{/b}." play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" scene hana_hf_bj2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_bj2 with dissolve hana "*Gluh, ghwup, gluuhg...!*" "So it started, with me in complete control of Hana's head." mc "Hh, haa...!" "I pried her off my cock, only to push her face back down in an instant, barely needing to move my own hips to achieve the desired sensation." hana "*Gu-guhh..!*" "And true to her word, Hana began to sputter." hana "*Cough* Hhawahk...!" "Nothing overly violent or alarming, just sudden and endearingly erotic." mc "Heh, is this what you wanted? Am I doing it right?" "If she wanted to go deep, I was happy to be her guide on that journey." hana "Hawhk, cawahhk, *cough..* Uhmmhhuh...!" mc "Ngg-- great! I live to serve..." mct "(Again, that sounded like a yes...)" hana "*Gwhhuak, hawkh, fwhaah...!*" "Yep -- endearingly erotic, boundlessly beautiful, dream-like sounds." hana "*Hwah, Fwwahh....!*" "Sounds that signified how much trust she was placing in me." mc "Ah, f-fuck..." "I had just cum, but that overwhelming need to breed and ravage was beginning to bubble once more." hana "*Hwak, fhwak...!*" mc "You're handling it better than you let on." hana "*Gwahk, hwuakk...*" "Way better. Her throat tried to reject me, but the rest of her body didn't." "The grip she had on my legs was completely relaxed, and in part, she was even helping by moving her own head when I pushed and pulled." mc "Haa, mmmhh... y-yeah... {b}A lot better!{/b}" "Even this, like the round before, was a sloppy dance of give and take." mc "O, ho... I'm..." "Another minute or so like this and I would likely cum." hana "*Gwawh... gwhaaak...*" "I didn't want that. It was too early to be busting again - I still had to return the favor - and doing that under the fatigue of two back-to-back orgasms was..." stop ambient scene w3_1088 with dissolve mc "{b}Stop.{/b}" hana "Ahh... huh? What?" scene w3_1089 with dissolve hana "I was just getting into that..." scene w3_1090 with dissolve "I still had to return the favor and I didn't want to do it on my hard dining room floor." mct "(Hmm...)" scene w3_1091 with dissolve mc "Come on." hana "E-eeh...?" "Riding high off the feeling of control from having a cute girl deepthroat my junk, I had the overwhelming desire to be in the driver's seat." scene w3_1092 with dissolve mc "I said, come on." "Still in a cock fog, Hana complacently allowed herself to be pulled along." scene w3_1093 with dissolve mc "I'm going to show you something good." "I didn't know if it was all the practice I had the past few weeks or just sex-hormone fueled false bravado, but I was feeling immensely confident in my sexual prowess." KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "Something real good." KN_MOD "else:" "She {b}would{/b} be calling me daddy and I had concocted a three point plan to convince her." mct "(...yeah, {i}likely the false bravado.{/i})" $, 3, channel = "music") scene w3_1094 with dissolve mc "I've been wanting to do this since you were on your back in the karaoke room." hana "Do what?" scene hana_hf_ts1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ts1 with dissolve mc "*Twhup, ohwwhupp...!*" hana "O-ohh.... {i}t-that{/i}." "I started with Hana's right breast, fastening my lips over her rosy areola and commanding my lungs to draw in air. " mc "*Fwhup, chhhwwip.....!*" "The result was a sharply obscene sucking sound, punctuated by confused Hana noises." hana "You just -- ah, ohh... o-okay, sure..." "Her body jerked along with the ebb and flow of my oral treatment." hana "Y-you can suck too if you want...♥" "It took a firm hand to steady her body, but my sucking continued unabated." mc "*Fwhup, chwup, khwwup...!*" hana "A-are you trying to suck it off my tit or something, yee-!" "Quickly, despite her protest, she was angling herself in a way that gave me unfettered access to her chest." scene hana_hf_ts2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ts2 with dissolve hana "C-christ..I 'm feeling it in my lower back!" mc "*Thwup, hwwupp....!*" hana "...a-and my stomach... w-warm...!" "Persistence." hana "Hnng...♥" "Repetition." hana "Ha, h-haa....♥" "Those two things were my goal." mc "*Thwup, fhwup...!*" "It was a simple attack, but it was unceasing." mc "*Thwup, fwhup, chwup...!*" "One steep incline of pleasure." hana "N-now....!" "My hope was that instead of growing acclimatized to my touch, time would instead be my ally to magnify the sensation she was feeling." hana "Even the soles of my feet are...♥" "I'd suck her raw and I wouldn't stop until she was overwrought and about to burst, full of energy that had no outlet - and then I'd suck some more." scene w3_1095 with dissolve "*Chwup, fwhup... twhipp...!*" scene black with fade hana "H-heh.... uggg...♥" "Hana, so caught up in what I was doing, was easily moved where I wanted her... I don't even think she registered the change in vertical orientation." scene hana_hf_ts3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ts3 with dissolve "Now she was properly on display, reclined on the back of the sofa and served up like dinner." hana "W-woaoah, wait... when did I...?" "Now I was attacking two at once, Hana's sizable orbs pressed together in a way that had me jealous that I couldn't appreciate the sight from a distance.." hana "I'm getting dizzy...♥" "No time for that though, as keeping both her engorged nipples delicately grasped between my teeth took an inordinate amount of concentration." mc "*Chwup, fwhip, cwhhip....*" "Her pale pink buds wanted to slip from my grip and the way she unconsciously writhed wasn't helping matters." mc "*Kwuph, chwup....!*" "But I persisted in my repetition, sucking hard and giving no caution to the way I was savaging her nips." hana "You're... ah... yep... you're pretty g-good at this, huh?" mc "*Fwhhu, chwu~....!*" "I acted like a hungry animal." hana "Hnng....♥" "I pulled, I pinched, I gnawed with the utmost confidence that Hana would respond favorably to the rough treatment." hana "My whole body is-- hnng, ♥♥♥." scene hana_hf_ts4_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ts4 with dissolve "In my mind, as silly of a thought as it was, hesitation was the line between me convincingly manhandling Hana like she was hoping for or looking like an overexcited rube pretending to be in control." hana "[mcf]...♥ A- ah, h-hell...♥" "As far as I could tell, it was working. She was feeling what I desired her to feel." mc "*Fwhhuup, chwup, kwhhuup...!*" hana "G-gahh....♥" "I too, of course, was swelling with sexual desire." mc "*Fwhhup.....!*" "Desire born of the satisfaction of successfully giving pleasure." hana "Hnngg...♥ [mcf]...!" "Desire rooted in the gratification from feeling in control." mc "*Chwupp, hawuwup... chwup...!*" hana "Just...♥ E-eehh...♥" "I {b}wanted{/b} to fold her in half and fuck her into the couch, but I refrained." hana "Just f-fu...♥" hana "Why don't you... say... uh.. I d-don't know..." hana "Stiiiick it in me, t-then we can both feel good...♥" scene w3_1096 with dissolve yh "......" "I {b}wanted{/b} to, but patience could be its own reward." scene w3_1097 with dissolve mc "...ready for round 2, then?" scene w3_1098 with dissolve hana "All this up to now was {i}just{/i} round 1...?" scene black with fade hana "O-oh!" "First, let's get these panties out of the way and then..." scene hana_hf_cun1_a with fade show hana_hf_cun1 with dissolve "Of course she was ready for round 2, but I wanted a quick taste." hana "Hnng...♥ I s-suppose I walked into that one...♥" "My tongue invaded Hana's slick love canal, whose soft walls immediately sized me up by clinging to the foreign intruder." hana "I didn't specify what 'it' was, eh...? Ah....♥" "Her juices flowed freely, rolling from my lips all the way down my chin." hana "What I meant was shove your dick in me, but... ugggh... this..." "It poured into my mouth and trickled down to the back of my throat." hana "This is pretty nice too...♥" "Some even found its way to my brow, tongue working hard to freely flick globs of it abound." mc "*Shlick, fwhup, shluuurp...*!" hana "Just as nice as the first time you--♥" "As wet as she was, my tongue had little trouble pushing back her inner folds and touching parts of Hana I wanted it to touch." "Slurping, stirring..." scene hana_hf_cun2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cun2 with dissolve hana "Awww... you got my tits covered in spit y-you know...! Wait, that's not what's important here--" hana "Hnnggaah....♥" "...grazing and flicking her pleasure buzzer." mc "*Slick, fwhhick... shliiiick...!*" hana "Just like t-that...!" mc "{b}*Sclick...!*{/b}" hana "Hnnng... N-niiiice....♥" "Hana, in her own way, wasn't afraid to let me 'feel it' either, her pale thighs gradually locked around my shoulders and neck." "Her abject acceptance of me drove my tongue deeper into her cunt, which in turn, pulled me harder into her grasp." mc "{b}*Shlick, shlick, shhllliiiihpp....!*{/b}" hana "Ghh... eeh...♥" "She accepted my oral attention just as enthusiastically as I had, with the exception that she didn't seem to want to pace herself." hana "Huuunngg...!" "{b}Good{/b}." mc "Mmmh--!" "She had me firmly held in place. With no other choice..." mc "{b}Shlicp, shlick...!*{/b}" "Looks like I had to {b}tongue fuck{/b} my way out of this predicament." mc "{b}*Shlick...!*{/b}" "My tongue barreled through her soft parts, reaching for the deepest regions that the spindly appendage could reach, and moving like it had a hope to reach deeper still.." hana "Gahh...♥ Hheeh...♥" scene hana_hf_cun3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_cun3 with dissolve "Wedged between her burning thighs like I was, face pressed firmly into her balmy sweet spot, my senses felt sluggish." "I could barely think, but the more I licked, the weaker Hana's legs became." hana "[mcf]...!" "The more I licked, the more the lock of my neck waned." mc "Mmmh...!" "The more I licked, the more my senses came back to me." mc "{b}*Shlick, shlwwip, shliiiick...!*{/b}" "As a result, my licks became more refined." hana "[mcf]...! Nhhh... t-that's... t-there...! Eat my fucking...!" "As a result, Hana's reactions became more forceful, her cries more shrill and sharp." hana "Hnnng...♥ Aa---aah....♥" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mct "(Yes! Let me hear those noises.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(That's right, let me hear those slutty moans!)" "They were a reward unto themselves." "Hana's body jerked and tensed up, but her thighs couldn't take hold as they did earlier." hana "H-haa...♥ A--aaah....♥" "It was sudden, and it happened with a shrill cry." hana "Aaoaooooohhh....♥" "It was only supposed to be a taste, but in no time at all..." hana "I'm....!!!!" scene w3_1099 with dissolve hana " my fucking cunt...♥♥♥" "In no time at all, I was drowning in squirt." scene w3_1100 with dissolve with vpunch mc "*Gulp, gulp, gulp...!*" with vpunch "I drank down what I could, but..." scene w3_1101 with dissolve "My face was soaked." mc "You... made a mess..." scene w3_1102 with dissolve hana "Heh, heh... yeeeeeah... {i}you helped{/i}." hana "Credit where credit is due... h-haaa...." scene w3_1103 with dissolve yh "..." "I wasn't finished. While she was still catching her breath..." scene w3_1104 with dissolve hana "Hhhaaah... what are you.... what are you thinking?" scene w3_1105 with dissolve mc "I'm thinking... {i}get off your pretty ass{/i}." scene w3_1104 with dissolve hana "Hehe, sure... just let me get feeling back in my legs fir--" scene black with fade mc "Sorry! No time for waiting with round 2 not being over!" hana "Ehh, o-okay...! Eh-?" mc "Now, swing your leg over--" "..." scene w3_1106 with fade mc "There..." "With a bit of maneuvering, I managed to get up under Hana and perch her naked body on top of mine." hana "A-ah... you wanna do it like this?" scene w3_1107 with dissolve mc "*Chwup!*" hana "Hnng...!" scene w3_1108 with dissolve mc "What's the matter, feeling lazy?" scene w3_1109 with dissolve hana "N-not at all..." scene w3_1110 with dissolve mc "{b}*Chwupp...!*{/b}" hana "Ah, that's... n-nice..." scene w3_1108 with dissolve mc "It's your turn to show me what you can do." scene w3_1109 with dissolve hana "Then put it in me, you geek." scene w3_1111 with dissolve mc "You put it in yourself." scene w3_1110 with dissolve mc "*Cwhup...!" hana "Nnngg... Alright..." scene w3_1112 with dissolve "Hana lazily lifted her hips and positioned herself perilously over my tool." hana "I'll do the work, but only if..." mc "What?" scene w3_1113 with dissolve "--!" hana "Ghh...! F-fuck...!" "Hana suddenly dropped, sending a surge of pleasure to my core." scene w3_1114 with dissolve hana "I'll do the work, but only if you keep kissing me like that." scene w3_1115 with dissolve mc "You first. Give me a taste." scene w3_1116 with dissolve hana "Umm, fiiiiiine..." scene hana_hf_ride1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride1 with dissolve "Without further delay, Hana started slow and gentle, rocking her hips like a bassinet." mc "A-ahh..." "I was buried so fucking deep inside Hana's twat, and so ready to go, that the peaceable motion felt one part massage and another part torture." hana "S-something like this, lover boy?" "Hana had flipped the script. Where I had been teasing her, now she was bullying me." mc "Hnng, haa...!" scene hana_hf_ride1b_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride1b with dissolve "That was fine. I would enjoy the ride, until the opportunity to wrest the lead presented itself." mc "I was thinking something a little more... {b}faster{/b}." hana "That right?" "I felt her press down on me, sheathing my cock impossibly deeper and moving juuuust a fraction slower as if making her point." mc "Hnngg...!" hana "You want me to fuck you harder?" mc "Y-yep... that'd be lovely right about now... ahhh..." hana "Then show me some affection like you did a second ago..." scene hana_hf_ride1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride1 with dissolve "I made a mental note. Hana was the kind of gal who got off on having her ass slapped and her neck kissed in equal measure." mct "(That could be useful for later.)" "......" "..." hana "Hnngngg...!" "I waited a dozen or so seconds, letting Hana think like I wasn't going to give into her cute request, and to let her contemplate the painfully slow pace she was inflicting on herself as much as me." hana "Hnngaa... c'mon... pleeeeease? I'm dying here too." scene w3_1117 with dissolve mc "{b}*Fwhup...!*{/b}" "My assent came in the form of a kiss on Hana's elegantly pale neck." scene w3_1118 with dissolve hana "Y-yes!!!" "Then reiterated on with a hot puff of air aimed at Hana's delicate ear." scene hana_hf_ride2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride2 with dissolve "My hand found its way to her chest, tenderly squeezing one of her full breasts in contrast to the earlier brutish handling." mc "*Chwup, hwup, fwhup!*" hana "Hnng, hhaa..." "I layered kiss after kiss on her ear, and true to her word, whether it was unconsciously or not, Hana picked up the pace." mc "Nng~atta g-girl..!" "Hana's hips followed the rhythm of my kisses, one after another, my 'affection' was rewarded with ball-jostling down thrusts." hana "Heh, he...♥ Your thing is so fucking hard...♥" "For the moment, I was content to sit back like a king, and let Hana carry me to toe-curling bliss via her fat ass." hana "It's like you're turning my soft spots into m-mush....♥" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Sweet talk her.:" $ w3HanaSweet = True scene w3_1119 with dissolve mc "I think that's..." scene w3_1120 with dissolve hana "*Chwup!* H-hahh.." scene w3_1119 with dissolve mc "..I think that's all you right now, {i}lover girl{/i}." scene w3_1120 with dissolve "If she wanted a little affection, why not aid it with whatever sensual tone my nerdy ass could muster?" scene w3_1121 with dissolve mc "You're the one taking me for a ride." hana "*Fwhup!* A-aaah... " scene w3_1122 with dissolve mc "You're the one turning your own insides to mush..." hana "*Thwup!* A-ah... hell yeah I am..." scene w3_1123 with dissolve "In a flourish of enthusiasm, she slowed down, stopping at the base of my cock and swirling her hips." mc "Hngg.. aah, that's a nice trick..." "Not missing a step, Hana resumed her previous pleasant pace." KN_MOD "Tease her.:" scene w3_1119 with dissolve mc "I'm not doing anything." scene w3_1124 with dissolve "I thought a little dirty talk, delivered directly into Hana's ears in between affectionate pecks, would be a fun and stimulating contrast." scene w3_1119 with dissolve mc "You're the one shaking your hips and grinding your plump ass into me, all after gushing all over my face." scene w3_1126 with dissolve hana "Hnng...! Drumming requires a lot of s-stamina...!" mc "Gh-!" "She punctuated her comment by bringing her weight down {b}hard{/b}, before continuing at the previous pleasant pace." scene w3_1119 with dissolve mc "You love getting your pussy fucked, don't you?" scene w3_1125 with dissolve hana "H-haa...! Who doesn't from time to time, hmmm?" scene w3_1119 with dissolve mc "I wonder how much time it would take to satisfy a bitch like you?" scene w3_1125 with dissolve hana "I know you love getting your cock squeezed and milked." scene w3_1126 with dissolve hana "You and I are both just horny idiots and your dick is on loan tonight, {i}man slut{/i}! " "Again, she slammed her hips down with force, sending a jolt of desire through my body." hana "So.. a-ah...♥ just sit back and count your lucky stars you got a cute face and a big cock, h-huh?" scene hana_hf_ride2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride2 with dissolve mct "(S-shit...!)" "It was a smooth, easy-going sort of pace. Nice and comfortable." "As time and pleasure mounted, it wasn't enough to satiate the growing itch in my lower half or soothe the feverish desire slowly blanketing my consciousness." mc "*Chwup, kwhup...!*" "The urge to move my own hips and fully copulate once more with the horny goth girl was distracting, but I bullheadedly wanted to wait for Hana to want me to move just as much." mc "*Cwhup, fwhup, fwhup...!*" "To distract myself, I focused on Hana's request, showering her ear with kisses." hana "Hnng, aaah...!" "I fixated on the trajectory of Hana's hips and the way she deviated from the arc of her thrust ever-so-subtly when my hot breath traveled down her neck." hana "Come on... ah..." "I took a mental note of how the perspiration rolled down Hana's shoulders and coated my chest, as well as the change in depth in our breathing." hana "What are you...?" "The minute details of two people fucking like dumb animals was an interesting distracting in its own right, but thankfully..." hana "G-gah...! C'mon...!" "Thankfully, I didn't have to wait too long." scene hana_hf_ride1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride1 with dissolve hana "You had your fun making me dance for you. Are you r-really just going to let me do all the work?" mc "Ah, heh... well, I guess my l-leg is falling asleep here, but..." hana "Hnng... ha.... {b}BUT{/b} what?!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene hana_hf_ride1b_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride1b with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "...but are you ready? You think you can handle it?" mc "I've got a lot of gas left over. When I start moving, I'm going to {b}move{/b}." KN_MOD "else:" mc "If you want me to move, you could always say... 'move, daddy', ha...!" hana "Are you s-still on that shit?" mc "{i}Maybe{/i}... okay, fine - I've got a lot of gas left over though." mc "When I start moving, I'm going to {b}move{/b}. You think you can handle it?" "I had purposely spent the last 10 minutes, post-blowjob, recharging my batteries and running down Hana's." hana "Oh, trust me, I want all you got so quit yappin-" play music "music/rifts-for-days.ogg" play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene hana_hf_ride3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3 with dissolve hana "Ngg... A-aaaooooh-!" "{b}*Shlick, fwhick, fwhiiip...!*{/b}" "I went to work on {b}expending{/b} that marshaled energy." KN_MOD "if w3HanaSweet == True:" mc "Hold on tight then!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You haven't seen nothing yet!" hana "Hnnngg, whaa--?" mc "Just sit back and enjoy!" "I would now make reality my burning desire for impact and friction." hana "F-ffhhuck y-yess! That's the--" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" "I would scratch Hana's itch for sex so thoroughly that she'd think about me any time she felt even an iota of sexual urge." hana "Nhgtyyeeeeoooo...♥♥♥♥" KN_MOD "else:" "All according to my plan, I was finally going to get this rocker girl to call me daddy." hana "Nhgtyyeeeeoooo...♥♥♥♥" mct "(...if she could even speak at all.)" "Evidently all it took for me to turn into a cocky prick, was a gorgeous woman on my prick." hana "--you're fucking my pussy {b}SO{/b} goOoOd....!" "I got lucky. I hadn't expected her to react so instantaneously." hana "Hnngg♥♥♥" "Hana's body went slack, rendering her into a mere fuckdoll in my arms." "*Fwhap, shlick, khwicck...!*" "This angle, apparently, was the trick." scene hana_hf_ride3b_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3b with dissolve mc "{i}Oh?{/i} Is this your g-spot or something?" "Over and over, my dick ravaged her at an angle, jabbing the opening of her vaginal canal..." hana "I don't care what it is! J-just....♥" "...scraping along the outer wall of her reproductive system..." hana "Just... j-juuuust....!" "...and stopping just short of painfully colliding with her cervix." hana "Just keep PUNCHING IT with your dick!" "Hana's howling spoke for itself." mc "Yeah, you like that?" hana "Gh-!!!! {b}L-love{/b} it...!" scene hana_hf_ride3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3 with dissolve "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" mc "You're so easy to uhh.... ngg...!" "Lifting Hana up strained my arms, but going down was all gravity." mc "You're so easy to push into!" "She was so wet that it was like a hot knife cutting through butter, my cock having unabated freedom to shape her pussy to my liking." mc "You fit me like a fuckin' glove...!" "*Schlick, schlick, shhllliiiichk!*" hana "H-hehh... literally a fucking glove, huh? A-ahh...♥" hana "You're... ah... prettty strong... hahaha...! Hnng...!" mc "Impressed?!" scene hana_hf_ride3c_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3c with dissolve "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" hana "You're treating me like I'm your cocksleeve....♥♥♥" mc "Ha! And you're okay with that?" hana "W-whooo da fuck cares?! I'll be whatever you want right now!" mc "You'll be whatever I want...?" hana "Yhhngg, h-heh! {b}Whatever you want!{/b}." hana "You did ask me to talk dirty earlier... {b}well lemme fuckin' have it!{/b}" mct "(Let her have it, huh?)" "Hana's provocation kicked up a cloud of verbal violence in my head, pushing out all other thoughts and filling it with an eclectic mix of possessive, demeaning, and forceful words." "I felt my id slip its nasty tendrils into the cracks of my self-control..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You own her.:" scene w3_1127 with dissolve mc "In that case... {b}you're mine.{/b}." scene w3_1128 with dissolve hana "Is... is that right? {b}I'm yours{/b}? A-all lovey-dovey like, you mean?" hana "H-haaa....that's n-not v-very chh-creative, y'knn--" scene w3_1127 with dissolve mc "{b}What{/b} am I doing right now? {b}Tell me{/b}." scene w3_1128 with dissolve hana "Ahhh, you're f-fucking the holy ghost out of me?" scene w3_1129 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaSweet == True:" mc "No... I'm fucking {b}owning{/b} you, Hana." mc "I'm graciously giving my fuck-hungry friend what she asked for." KN_MOD "else:" "No. I'm fucking {b}owning{/b} you, slut." mc "No. I'm giving a wishy-washy, cock-starved bitch what she {b}craves{/b}." mc "Look down." scene hana_hf_ride3b_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3b with dissolve mc "What do you see?" hana "Hnng, hhhaaa... t-the floor?" mc "Not that far do--" hana "{b}I see you fucking me.{/b} Fuckin' me like a piece of meat...♥" mc "Y-you see how we're connected? How the circumference of my dick is pushing you open and dragging {i}you{/i} out with it?" hana "Hhhanan, hhnngg... I s-ssure, assss shiiiit do!" mc "Right, now. Your brain is h-hitting you with what's called the love hormone." mc "Your hypothalamus is releasing oxytocin into your bloodstream - ahhh, haaa... y-you know why it does that?" hana "M-make you wanna fuck?" scene hana_hf_ride3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3 with dissolve mc "It does a lot of things-! It makes child birth go smoother! It gives you warm and fuzzy feelings when you have sex or breastfeed!" hana "T-this gonna be on a test, gghhaa...!" mc "My point is... it's a c-chemical that builds attachment. Your body is {b}bonding{/b} with me!" mc "Your brain is trying to trick you into {b}being mine{/b}! You should listen to your body!" stop ambient scene w3_1130 with dissolve mc "Who do you belong to?" scene w3_1131 with dissolve hana "Ahhh... y-uu--?" scene w3_1132 with dissolve hana "--!" scene w3_1133 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaSweet == True:" mc "{b}Who{/b} fucking owns you?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Now, {b}who{/b} fucking owns you, bitch?" scene w3_1134 with dissolve hana "Y-you! H-holy shit... you sounded so ho--" play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene hana_hf_prone1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone1 with dissolve mc "Say my goddamn name!" hana "[mcf]! Ahh, hhaa--" mc "That's right....!" mc "I fucked your mouth...!" mc "I'm fucking your pussy...!" mc "If I wanted to, you'd let me fuck your ass!" KN_MOD "if w3HanaSweet == True:" mc "You belong to me!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "You belong to me! I fucking own you, slut." "Nonsense spewed out of my mouth." mc "Whenever you see me at the club, you're gonna think about how my cock split you apart." "Nonsense spewed out of my mouth {b}fast{/b}." mc "You're gonna remember the way I ate you out." hana "H-hah, hngngg...! Y-yes!" mc "The way my dick stretched your throat." hana "I'll remember!" mc "Wherever you are, you're gonna want it again." "But in the heat of the moment, I was buying into the fantasy." mc "{b}Say my fucking name!{/b}" hana "[mcf]!" mc "Who does this pussy belong to?!" hana "[mcf]!" mc "Who owns you?" hana "[mcf] owns me...!" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "Tell me you love it!" hana "I love it! I fuckin' love it!" mc "Anytime I want it, I can have it?" scene w3_1135 with dissolve hana "Y-yes! J-justt...!" hana "P-please...! Make me cum! I'm almost!" scene w3_1136 with dissolve mc "Say no more." "The time for talking was over." scene hana_hf_prone1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone1 with dissolve mc "As thanks for humoring me, I'll give you the biggest damn orgasm of your life!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Who's your fucking daddy?" hana "[mcf]!" mc "Who's your daddy?" hana "[mcf]... is my dadd--" scene w3_1137 with dissolve hana "A-- w-wait--" mct "(Ha Got her...!!!)" scene w3_1138 with dissolve hana "N-no fair! Did I just--" KN_MOD "if w3HanaSweet == True:" mc "I said... {b}who's your fuckin' daddy?{/b}" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I said... {b}who's your fuckin' daddy, bitch?{/b}" scene w3_1137 with dissolve hana "Ahhk, you are!" scene w3_1139 with dissolve hana "F-ffuckck finenee.... w-whatever! You're my fucking daddy!" hana "Ahhh, s-shit.. hnngg... you're ssosoooo annnoying...!" scene hana_hf_prone1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone1 with dissolve mc "Good girl. As a reward, get ready to make another mess!" KN_MOD "Test the waters on using degrading language.:" scene hana_hf_ride3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3 with dissolve "I know what I {b}wanted{/b} to say." mc "Is that so, {i}cunt{/i}?" "It was the kind of language, that even before given breath, filled me with the urge to grab Hana by the hair and mess her up." hana "H-haaa, y-yeah... talk to me like I'm a fuckin' whore, [mcf]." mc "Hnng, hh-haaa.... even if gets... {i}incredibly{/i} {b}demeaning{/b}?" hana "A-ahh...! N-nothing wrong with getting lost in a little-- f-fffantassseeeeeh!" mct "(Right, this is all just a fantasy within a fantasy...)" hana "*Shlick, shlick...!* H-hhnnanaa...." mct "(There's nothing wrong with spilling my guts here...)" hana "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" hana "I mean... nothing is... h-ha... going to leave this room..." hana "Let it all out! I might even be, hhnng, ch-cathartic!" mc "There's just one problem with that..." hana "O-oh...? And what's the problem?" scene hana_hf_ride3b_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3b with dissolve mc "How can I talk to you like you're a whore?" mc "Whores bring a little charm to the mix, whores--" mc "Whores are people with {b}actual{/b} jobs...! You're just--" "A swirling, sickly sense of erotic freedom took hold of me." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "A stupid fuckhole.:" $ w3HanaFH = True mc "You're just a stupid fuckhole, understand?" "It felt like my testicles were growing fatter with every word." hana "Cocksleeve, fuckhole... h-ha....! To-may-to, to-may-to!" hana "Hnngg... s-sure, I'll be your {b}fuckhole{/b}...!" mc "You're not {i}my{/i} fuckhole, you're {i}a{/i} {b}stupid{/b} fuckhole. {b}Get it right{/b}." hana "A-ahh... that's....!" mc "{b}Say it{/b}." hana "O-okay, fine... I'm a {i}stupid{/i} fuckh-hohoolle! Stickler for d-details muuch? Hngg...!" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" mc "Nhg! That's right! Hnngg...!" scene hana_hf_ride3c_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3c with dissolve "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" mc "You're... just a stupid, wet hole for me to fuck!" hana "H--hhhnngg...!" mc "Say it, cunt!" hana "A-aaahh, I'm a stupid wet hole for [mcf] to fuck!" mc "Again...!" hana "I'm a stupid fuckhole!" mc "Good! Drill those words into your fucking skull!" hana "HHh--hnngg...!" mc "The only thing you're good for is being a receptacle to deposit my cum in, got it?!" hana "A-aaah, hnng, y-yes! Whatever you want, [mcf]!" mc "Say it clearly, cunt!" hana "Haaa-- I'm a {b}cumdumpster{/b} for [mcf] to blow his load in!" KN_MOD "A near worthless bitch.:" mc "You're a near worthless bitch, you got it?" hana "N-near...? A-aah... And what are my redeeming qualities?" "*Shlick, fwhick...!*" mc "Take a fuckin' guess, slut! You got a couple!" hana "Hnng... m-my sense of humor? And--" mc "{b}Wrong{/b}...! The first are your dumb, ugly tits!" "It felt like my testicles were growing fatter with every word." scene hana_hf_ride3c_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3c with dissolve hana "H-heh...? Ugly...?" mc "The second--" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" mc "The second is you're a convenient place to blow a load!" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" mc "You want me to blow my fuckin' load in you, h-huh?" hana "You can blow it wherever you want, just as long as you--" mc "I asked, {b}do you want me to blow my load in you{/b}, you dumb bitch?" hana "{b}Y-yes!{b} B-blow a load in me, please! It's what I'm here for!" mc "Now you fuckin' get it, cum dumpster!" hana "Hnnng... f-fuuck... your dick...!" mc "{b}What are you?!{/b}" hana "Haaa-- a {b}cumdumpster{/b} for [mcf] to blow his load in!" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk fwhick...!*{/b}" hana "HHnnngg... f-ffhhhhuuk, did I just f-feel you get harder? How the h-hell...! You must r-really...!" scene w3_1130 with dissolve mc "Because I'm a sick fuck, Hana. I {b}l-love{/b} hearing you say those things." "In the heat of the moment, I laid it out on the table." mc "I {b}love{/b} hearing women be degraded. You... ah, uuggg... you were right about me, you know?" scene w3_1128 with dissolve hana "Hhnngg, haa....! Haat...! Shut up!" hana "I'm a cum dumpster, not a confessional!" scene w3_1127 with dissolve mc "Hana..." "In my mind, that was her telling me I was wrong." mc "Ahhg, you--" stop ambient scene w3_1132 with dissolve "That was her accepting me completely in this moment." scene w3_1133 with dissolve mc "Y-you dumb cunt! I love you!" scene w3_1134 with dissolve "Dragging Hana on her back, I locked her arms behind her and took complete control over her." hana "Y-you! W-wh did you just say--" play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene hana_hf_prone1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone1 with dissolve hana "Gggg--aggggahh....!" mc "Say it again!" hana "W-whatt...? Uh... I'mmhh a c-cum dumpster n-not a con--" "I felt myself go wild." hana "Ahhh, hnhnggg.... I'm your cumdumpster!" mc "Hnnngg...!" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" KN_MOD "if w3HanaFH == True:" hana "I'm a stupid, wet fuckhole!" KN_MOD "else:" hana "I'm a worthless bitch!" "Hana indulged me, or maybe she was even into it? Either way..." mc "Aaahhhg...!" "I felt {i}seen{/i} at this moment." hana "[mcf]...!" KN_MOD "if w3HanaFH == True:" mc "That's right! Say my name, fuckhole!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "That's right! Say my name, you worthless bitch!" hana "Hwwwhhh...! [mcf]...♥" mc "Who's fuckin' you?" hana "[mcf]...♥♥" mc "You like this dick?" hana "Yes!" mc "Who's giving it to you?" hana "[mcf]...♥♥♥" mc "What's my fuckin' name?!" hana "[mcf]...♥♥♥♥" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "Tell me you love it!" hana "I love it! I fuckin' love it!" mc "Anytime I want it, I can have it?" scene w3_1135 with dissolve hana "Y-yes! J-justt...!" hana "P-please...! Make me cum! I'm almost!" scene w3_1136 with dissolve mc "Say no more." "The time for talking was over." scene hana_hf_prone1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone1 with dissolve mc "As thanks for humoring me, I'll give you the biggest damn orgasm of your life!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Who's your fuckin' daddy?" hana "[mcf]♥♥♥♥" mc "Who's your daddy?" hana "[mcf]...! [mcf] is my dadd--" scene w3_1137 with dissolve hana "A-- w-wait...!" mct "(Ha Got her...!!!)" scene w3_1138 with dissolve hana "N-no fair! Did I just--" mc "I said... {b}who's your fuckin' daddy, cunt?{/b}" scene w3_1137 with dissolve hana "Ahhk, you are!" scene w3_1139 with dissolve hana "F-ffuckck finenee.... w-whatever! You're my fucking daddy!" hana "Ahhh, s-shit.. hnngg... after all that c-cumdumpster shit who even caaaares..!" scene hana_hf_prone1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone1 with dissolve mc "Good girl. As a reward, for indulging me, let's make another mess!" KN_MOD "Flip the script. Compliment her.:" mc "Hnngg... you...!" hana "Ha! Y-yeah....!" mc "Y-you...!" hana "Un~huh...? Me, what?♥" mc "You k-know what I l-like about you?" hana "Hnngng-- h-huh? Is that... ha... {i}is that supposed to be a trick question or somethin'...?{/i}" "I pushed aside the bilious urge leaking from the core of my very being and opted for the opposite approach." scene hana_hf_ride3b_a with dissolve show hana_hf_ride3b with dissolve hana "Ummm... ah, umm.... {b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, hwiiihk...!*{/b} ...the fact that I'm letting you reupholster my pussy?" mc "That's on the list, sure, but... hnnngg... !" "Searching for the right words required more brain juice than just letting fly the demeaning explicative I had loaded in my stomach, but I wanted to confound Hana, to go against her expectations and fill her head with compliments that were at odds with the violent way I was piercing her cunt." mc "Number five is your ass...! F-fhuck you got a great ass!" mc "It was your saving grace, when you walked away after pissing me off by treating me like an out of place s-square!" hana "H-haa...! You mean the first time we met? Why are you t-thinking about right--" mc "Little did I know, j-just a few weeks later, I'd have this beautiful ass bouncing on my dick and the {i}bitch{/i} moaning in pleasure." hana "Hnnngg...!" mc "Number four is..." hana "W-wait, there's a l-liiist?" scene w3_1127 with dissolve mc "Number four is the cute way you raise your eyebrow when you speak." scene w3_1128 with dissolve hana "Haat, hhhnn... I-- what? I d-do?" scene w3_1127 with dissolve mc "Y,hhng, yep...! You do it a lot." scene w3_1128 with dissolve hana "O-okay...? W-weird direction for some bedroom ta--" scene w3_1129 with dissolve mc "It's fuckin' adorable, you know that?" scene w3_1131 with dissolve hana "Hnng, haaat.. i-it is--" stop ambient scene w3_1132 with dissolve hana "--!" play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene hana_hf_prone1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone1 with dissolve mc "And you know what?" "Dragging Hana on her back, I locked her arms behind her and took complete control over her." mc "When I get done fucking you stupid, {b}I'm going to blow my load right on that cute face of yours.{/b}" "I said it as svelte as a square like me could manage." mc "I'm going to enjoy watching your adorable expression as my jizz drips down your face!" hana "H-haaaannggg! I've never let a guy...!" mc "You're gonna let {b}me{/b}, isn't that right?" hana "H, hhnggg ahh... f-fuck yes I am!" hana "D-do whatever you want with me!" mc "I'll, hhngg... ah... I'll hold you to that! {b}Now{/b}, number three..." "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" mc "I {i}love{/i} the way you draw attention to your body." hana "Haa, haaaat... w-what, hhngng...?" mc "Despite having a pornstar class body, hhnngg... y-you act like you're not stuck up about your looks, but..." "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" mc "You're always drawing attention to your body. The way you favor your right hip when you stand to highlight your curves, the w-way you dress, the way you bring your shoulder forward when you--" hana "H-heh...! A-ah...! Is this you c-calling me a slut in so many words?" mc "I'm saying I love how {b}cool{/b} you are. Like a work of art, you let your looks speak for themselves." hana "Hnnggg...! What the hell are you even saying, dork?" mc "The number 2 thing that I {b}respect{/b} about you is that you... {b}you take care of your mom{/b}." hana "Wh, hhnnngg....?" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" scene w3_1140 with dissolve mc "No, seriously..." "I brought my mouth to Hana's ear, and in a low, more sober tone, spoke the utmost truth." mc "You're a good daughter, Hana." scene w3_1141 with dissolve "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk, fwhick...!*{/b}" scene w3_1140 with dissolve mc "{b}You're a good person{/b}." scene w3_1142 with dissolve hana "A--ahh...! [mcf]... ca-c'mon... that's..." scene w3_1143 with dissolve mc "I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now." scene w3_1142 with dissolve hana "Hnngg.. hhnngg.... just..." hana "..." hana "...y-you're fucking me, not writing a love letter!" scene w3_1143 with dissolve mc "H-heh...! That brings me to the {b}final{/b} thing I like about you." stop ambient scene w3_1149 with dissolve hana "Ahhnn... ahh...? Wh-why are you s-slowing down?" KN_MOD "if w3HanaSweet == True:" mc "The number one thing I like about you is... {b}you're gonna beg me to keep fucking you{/b}." KN_MOD "else:" mc "The number one thing I like about you is... {b}you're gonna beg me to keep fucking you{/b}, slut." hana "Hnng, h-huhh, whhat, b-but... w-ait.." "Hana, half-fucked into lala land, took a moment to process the confusing change in direction." scene w3_1150 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaSweet == True:" mc "Beg me. To. Keep. Fucking. You." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Beg me. To. Keep. Fucking. You. {b}Slut{/b}!" scene w3_1149 with dissolve hana "Hhha, hnngg.. {i}p-please...{/i}." scene w3_1150 with dissolve mc "{i}Please keep fucking me, [mcf]{/i}." scene w3_1151 with dissolve hana "Please... please..." "She squirmed pitifully in my lap." scene w3_1149 with dissolve hana "Please keep fucking me, [mcf]." scene w3_1150 with dissolve mc "Say it with a lil' more gusto." scene w3_1144 with dissolve hana "Please keep fucking me [mcf]!" scene w3_1145 with dissolve mc "O~kay!" KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "One more time." scene w3_1146 with dissolve hana "Please, please, please, please, please, pleeeease keep fucking [mcf]! I need your cock!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1147 with dissolve mc "Please keep fucking me {i}daddy{/i}." scene w3_1146 with dissolve hana "Hhnng.. please... oh... you ass..." hana "Please... ah... please..." scene w3_1148 with dissolve hana "{b}Please keep fucking me daddy!!!{/b}" scene w3_1146 with dissolve hana "...h-happy?" scene w3_1147 with dissolve mc "Good girl." play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene hana_hf_prone1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone1 with dissolve hana "Hnnngg...! [mcf]!" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, hwiiihk...!*{/b}" hana "[mcf]! H-haaat...! D-deeep!" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk, fwhick...!*{/b}" hana "K-keep fuckin' me... j-just like that...!" mc "You love this cock?" hana "Mmmhh...! It's MY n-number one thin-thing I l-like about yoouoooUU...♥♥♥ H-hahaa...!" mc "Hnnghaa...! Then have as much of it as you like~!" scene hana_hf_prone2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone2 with dissolve "Propelled by our exchange, I ditched our little fantasy inside a fantasy, and just focused on the reality of fucking Hana with every fiber of my being." "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk, fwhick, shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk, fwhick...!*{/b}" hana "{b}Ha, unngng, mmmhhh, hhaaat, hhnngng...!{/b}" "Every time I bottomed out inside her drooling cunt sent a thunderous jolt from the base of my testicles down to my toes and a cacophonous blend of fucksounds from Hana's lips." hana "Ffhhwwah, hhhnhnngg, ghhhaa, hhhuuuhhggg, fuuuuhghhhkk...!" "We had gone beyond simply a rough fuck, blown past an animalistic rut, and was now copulating like we were trying to crack each other open to see what was inside." "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk, fwhick, shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk, fwhick, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk, fwhick, shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip, whickk, fwhick...!*{/b}" "With all conscious effort going to moving my hips, there was no room for finer motor control. My fingers bit painfully into Hana's flesh." mc "Unnngg, aaahh...!" "My arm violently crushed and wrenched her humerus." hana "Mmmhh, ghhaaa, ggffffhg, fffwwwahh, hhnngg, yhhhhourr're--" "Her shoulder battered my chin and nose." hana "Ghhhmma, hhaahhh, hhhnngg, kkkhhhu-- hhnngg, ffhhhu... yhhhhourr're ruuhuhhuining meeehhheee--!" "{b}*Shlick, fwhip, fhwaack, shlick, fwhick, thwack, hwap, thwhiiick, shlick, fwhip, thwack, hwap, hwiiihk, thwiiip--! Thwhiiick, shlick, fwhick...!*{/b}" "I felt hot." hana "Rhuhuuuhhhning...!" "Sweat poured down both of our naked bodies." hana "Brhhreaeeeakeeen-- ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥" "My brain felt like it was being cooked." mc "Gggahh, ahh, hhhmmmmmmmgg...!" "I groaned from the stabbing ache in my pelvis." mc "Gghh, hhhnngg, s-shhhhhi--" "My body was begging me to stop the sprint, but a primordial instinct told me to {b}ruin{/b} Hana." mct "(Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuckyou. {i}Fuckyou{/i}. Fuck you. {b}Fuckyou{/b}. Fuckyoooou. Fuckknyououu....!)" "To mess her up real nice and fine and good." mct "(Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!)" "To ruin myself and hurl both of us into an abyss that our pleasure-cooked minds might not make it out of." hana "Ggghuuuuhhh, heeeehuuuhhh, sshhhdeeyying.....--" "She would never." "She would never. Ever." "She would never. Ever. Forget Me." hana "Fhhhuuuuucuhhhhuuuhk, zzzhhhaaa~♥♥♥" scene w3_1152 with dissolve hana "Hggnngg-!" "Hana's cunt tried to grip me to no avail." scene hana_hf_prone2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone2 with dissolve hana "Ghh, gghaa.. hnngg.. hgehhh..." "My body was so hot that the only indication I had that Hana had orgasmed was the feeling of her squirt cooling on my thighs." hana "Fhhg, hheeeh... dddhheeee.. hhuuughh...♥♥♥ Ahhwwhg~" "I didn't stop of course. She was still babbling." hana "Huggguhh..♥♥♥♥♥" "She still had some sense to be fucked out of her." hana "Ghh, hahahhghhhh, aghhhggaaiahhhh♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" scene w3_1153 with flash hana "Fhghhhhugugggsssssssssssssssssssssshhhhaaaaaaaaaa....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" "Hana's cunt tried to grip me again to no avail, desperately trying to wring the semen from my cock." scene hana_hf_prone2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone2 with dissolve mct "(GGgggggah...! Just hold on! Not yet!)" "I had a fat load brewing just for Hana, but it wasn't time." hana "Hmmhh, hhhnnnhhh... hhehk... hehhkk.. hehhkk..." "Hana's earsplitting moans died down, replaced by comically cute, mouse-like squeaks." mct "(Just ten more seconds!)" hana "Hhnn, uhhh... ohhha, mhmhhess... hehk, kkhhek, heehk--" scene w3_1154 with flash hana "FFgghhh, hhhhaaa, heeeehhhhhhhhhhhheeEEEEhhhkk--!!" "Hana's cunt was too much of a sloppy mess to grip anything by this point." hana "Guhh, gahhhh... ahh... he-hehk..." scene hana_hf_prone2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_prone2 with dissolve hana "{b}*SHLICK, FWHICK, THWIIICK...!*{/b} {size=10}Geeh... ghheehh...{/size=10}" "By her next orgasm, Hana's mouse-like squeaks had now transformed into insensate murmurs barely audible over the concurrence of our flesh." mc "Ghhh--!" "That was good." mc "Hnnng... hhaaaahhgg...!" "I had accomplished what I wanted, but I was at the end of my rope." mc "F--fhhucking... ahhh..!" "Now was the time to...!" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cum:" $ w3NotMessy = True stop music stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_1155 with vpunch mc "Gggaaaahhhh....!" "That was the sound of my soul leaving my body, as I pressed deep into Hana's embrace and pushed the accumulation of our shared effort through my cum-slit." hana "Hnngnggg..." "Although there wasn't much going on in her fuck-drunk brain, Hana subconsciously performed her biological imperative, rocking her hips to coax out every drop in what was already a deluge of frothy white baby batter drowning her womb." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_1156 with flash mc "Ghehhh...!" "I felt so tired. So sleepy." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash hana "{size=10}Geeh... ghheehh...{/size=10}" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_1157 with vpunch "{b}I{/b} felt ruined." mc "Ghhahh... hahhh..." "I had exacted the same toll on my body as I had set out to do to Hana." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3hanafuckfest:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3hanafuckfest = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "I could just..." play music "music/inner-light.ogg" "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_1158 with dissolve mc "Ah..." "How long had it been?" scene w3_1159 with dissolve "A couple of minutes? An hour? A few hours?" "My brain was in a fog, but I knew it wasn't longer than that. Blackness still coated my apartment's windows." mct "(Fuck I'm thirsty...)" scene w3_1160 with fade hana "Mmmh... wheee yhou ah... goin'?" scene w3_1161 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_1162 with dissolve mc "I'll be right back." scene w3_1163 with dissolve "........." scene hana_hf_rest_a with dissolve show hana_hf_rest with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_1164 with dissolve "My handiwork was spilling out of Hana and onto the couch." scene w3_1165 with dissolve hana "Mmmh... a-ahhh...?" scene black with fade mct "(Fuck, I'm {b}really{/b} thirsty...)" KN_MOD "Hose her down.:" "Between my two conflicting desires to either pack Hana with my seed or to mark her body as my own..." stop music stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_1166 with hpunch mc "--!" "The latter won out." mc "Huuhnnngg...!" "That was the sound of my death throe, as I slipped free from Hana's embrace and pushed the accumulation of our frenetic struggle through my inadequately pin-sized cum-slit." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_1167 with flash mc "Ghehhh...!" "Spurt after spurt." hana "{size=10}Geeh... ghheehh...{/size=10}" "In my oversexed state, I wasn't sure I was aiming, but the feeling of my own seed dripping onto my thighs told me I had hit the general vicinity of where I wanted." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_1168 with vpunch mc "Heheh..." mct "(Haa... good job me...)" "I felt so tired. So sleepy." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3hanafuckfest:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3hanafuckfest = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mct "(I'll just close my eyes for just a moment...)" "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" scene w3_1158 with dissolve mc "Ah..." "How long had it been?" "A couple of minutes? An hour? A few hours?" scene w3_1159 with dissolve "My brain was in a fog, but I knew it wasn't longer than that. Blackness still coated my apartment's windows." mct "(Fuck I'm thirsty...)" scene w3_1169 with dissolve hana "Mmmh... wheee yhou ah... goin'?" scene w3_1170 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_1171 with dissolve mc "I'll be right back." scene w3_1172 with dissolve "........." scene hana_hf_rest2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_rest2 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_1173 with dissolve "My handiwork was spilling off of Hana and onto the couch." scene w3_1174 with dissolve hana "Mmmh... a-ahhh...?" scene black with fade mct "(Fuck me, I made a lot...)" "That took longer than expected." scene w3_1175 with fade "*Glug, glug, glug...!*" scene w3_1176 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug, glug, gluhg, glug...!*" scene w3_1177 with dissolve mc "Drink this." hana "Ahhh... dohhn... whan... hehahh..." scene w3_1178 with dissolve mc "Come on. I was nice enough to wait on you." mc "Plus, you need it." hana "Ah...?" scene w3_1179 with dissolve hana "Dwwum, hour rhight...!" hana "Okay... thaaaaaaanks." scene w3_1180 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug....!*" "Hana lazily drunk the H2O bounty, not doing a very good job of getting it all in her mouth." scene w3_1181 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug, glug, gluhg, glug...!*" scene w3_1182 with dissolve hana "Haaaa...!" hana "Fuck, that's the best water I've ever had." mc "Right?" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_1183 with dissolve hana "Ah... I think... I think I'm just gonna lie here for a minute," hana "Don't be mad, alright?" scene w3_1184 with dissolve mc "Take it easy and I'll order the food." hana "Oooooh~kay, chief...!" scene black with fade mct "(Chief...?)" play ambient "sound effects/shower.wav" scene w3_1185 with wet stop music fadeout 3.0 "Fuck this shower feels good." mct "(Fuck, I love sex.)" "After placing the order, I thought a quick shower was in order." mct "(Fuuuuuuck...)" "In keeping with the rest of the evening, the hot water felt really, {i}really{/i} good." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w3_1186 with wipeleft hana "Heeeeeey..." scene w3_1187 with dissolve "When I emerged from the shower, Hana was upright on my bed, curled into a ball." scene w3_1188 with dissolve mc "You moved up here, huh? Figured you'd be conked out on the couch." "She looked more small and delicate than normal." scene w3_1189 with dissolve hana "Want me to lie down and pretend that your dick put my ass to sleep?" scene w3_1190 with dissolve mc "Well, speaking for myself, I was nodding off in the shower." scene w3_1191 with dissolve mct "(...had she been crying?)" "Hana's eyes looked a little puffy, even from here." scene w3_1192 with dissolve mc "Fucking a woman like you is hard work, you know?" scene w3_1193 with dissolve hana "Then why even take a shower?" hana "You should've gone to sleep next to me instead of letting me get cooooooold~" scene w3_1194 with dissolve hana "{b}Cold{/b} and {i}missin'{/i}..." scene w3_1195 with dissolve mc "I was very tempted, trust me, but I'm also fucking starving... and well..." scene w3_1196 with dissolve mc "Didn't want to reek of sex for the takeout guy." scene w3_1197 with dissolve hana "Heh. Your back looks so wide from back here..." scene w3_1198 with dissolve mc "They'll look even wider if you come close. Rub my shoulders, will ya?" scene w3_1199 with dissolve hana "I'm in worse shape than you." play music "music/stoned.ogg" scene w3_1200 with dissolve mc "C'mon... pleeeeeease?" mc "I'm not used to moving on my back like that." scene w3_1201 with dissolve hana "You get a little spoiled after a conquest, huh?" scene w3_1202 with dissolve hana "Well, I do love the way I have to stretch my arms to wrap around you." scene w3_1203 with dissolve mc "Aw, c'mon... I'm not that manly." scene w3_1204 with dissolve hana "{b}Bullshit{/b}." "Hana whispered in my ear, making me feel like a king." scene w3_1205 with dissolve hana "The way I'm feeling right now says you're full of crap." scene w3_1206 with dissolve mc "Why don't you put some of that energy into my shoulders, then?" scene w3_1205 with dissolve hana "I can think of a better way to use it." scene w3_1206 with dissolve mc "I'm feelin' a little sore..." "That wasn't actually true, but I figured some physical intimacy would make answering the question I wanted to ask easier for her." scene w3_1205 with dissolve hana "Okay, sure, 'ya baby." scene w3_1207 with dissolve "Hana wasn't shy. She jumped right into it and began her work." scene w3_1208 with dissolve mc "Ah, ahh... thanks." scene w3_1209 with dissolve hana "No, thank you, [mcf]." scene w3_1210 with dissolve mc "For what?" scene w3_1209 with dissolve hana "For, ah, well... tonight was..." scene w3_1211 with dissolve hana "Tonight was kinda a big deal for me." scene w3_1212 with dissolve mc "C'mon... all we did was have sex." scene w3_1213 with dissolve hana "You're lucky I'm the type of girl who knows you don't {b}mean it{/b} how that sounds." scene w3_1212 with dissolve mc "Thank you. I appreciate that." mc "{b}You{/b} were incredible, but all I meant was I didn't do anything special." scene w3_1213 with dissolve hana "Don't deflect, asshole. It was a big deal to {b}me{/b}." scene w3_1207 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_1208 with dissolve mc "{b}I'm glad.{/b}" scene w3_1214 with dissolve "For a moment, we fell into a comfortable silence, and I enjoyed the amateur way Hana's fingers dug into my back." scene w3_1215 with dissolve hana "Mmmhh..." mc "By the way, were you..." scene w3_1216 with dissolve "Still, I didn't want the silence to get so thick that I missed the window to make the observation I wanted to make." scene w3_1215 with dissolve mc "...were you crying?" scene w3_1217 with dissolve hana "{b}No{/b}." scene w3_1215 with dissolve mc "My mistake then. It just kinda looked like you were." scene w3_1216 with dissolve hana "......" scene w3_1218 with dissolve hana "...a {i}little{/i}." scene w3_1219 with dissolve mc "Was I that amazing I brought you to tears?" scene w3_1220 with dissolve hana "Pffh! Yeah, right." scene w3_1221 with dissolve mc "I do something wrong?" scene w3_1222 with dissolve hana "You're {i}such{/i} a guy." scene w3_1221 with dissolve mc "Comes packaged with the wide shoulders I guess." scene w3_1223 with dissolve hana "Does there have to be a reason?" hana "Sometimes a girl just gets a little emotional after being turned inside out. You were goddamn savage after all." scene w3_1219 with dissolve mc "Isn't that what you wanted?" scene w3_1224 with dissolve hana "I didn't mean that as a complaint." scene w3_1225 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_1226 with dissolve mc "Unless you fess up, all I'm going to take away from this conversation is that I AM amazing. You don't want me to become insufferable, do you?" scene w3_1227 with dissolve hana "You mean more insufferable than you already are?" scene w3_1228 with dissolve mc "I walked into that-- -- a-ah, that's the spot." scene w3_1229 with dissolve hana "Here?" scene w3_1228 with dissolve mc "Yeah. Right there" mc "You're... {i}very{/i} good with your hands." scene w3_1230 with dissolve hana "I should be. I gave a lot of them." scene w3_1231 with dissolve mc "Your mom?" scene w3_1230 with dissolve hana "Yeah. The nurse told me it would help reduce the muscle spasms, but more than anything..." hana "It's a good way to reset the mood between us when we want to bash each other's heads in." scene w3_1231 with dissolve mc "That's nice." scene w3_1232 with dissolve hana "It is. Things like that... the little things... our talks... the way she looked so interested and excited about who I was going out with tonight..." scene w3_1233 with dissolve hana "They're all just going to be memories." scene w3_1234 with dissolve hana "God, I'm an awful daughter..." scene w3_1235 with dissolve mc "{b}Bullshit.{/b}" scene w3_1236 with dissolve hana "I should be making the most of our time, but I ended up on your couch for a few days." scene w3_1235 with dissolve mc "You needed a break." scene w3_1236 with dissolve hana "I guess, but... I can't help but feel I could've handled it better." scene w3_1235 with dissolve mc "You're not perfect, Hana. What you are, though, is there for your mom." mc "I mean for Christ's sake, you're working at a place you despise in order to pay for her palliative care. Cut yourself some slack." scene w3_1237 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_1236 with dissolve hana " know what the worst part about being boxed in by my old man is?" scene w3_1238 with dissolve "I took the question as rhetorical and waited for her answer." scene w3_1239 with dissolve hana "I'm not actually boxed in. I could've told him to fuck off." hana "It'd be one thing if putting up with that place helped my mom get better, but it won't." scene w3_1240 with dissolve hana "It won't save her! It just saves me from busting my ass and going broke!" scene w3_1241 with dissolve hana "The truth of the matter is... no matter how much of a joke I become to myself..." scene w3_1242 with dissolve hana "I'll watch my mom die a slow, painful, and shitty death she doesn't deserve." scene w3_1243 with dissolve mc "I... I truly can't..." mc "I can't imagine. Even just the hypothetical makes me want to puke." scene w3_1244 with dissolve hana "She's..." scene w3_1245 with dissolve hana "She's a good lady, [mcf]!" hana "{b}Ha{/b}, {i}God{/i}... I would be the ringleader for Kathleen's circus if it had any chance of saving my mom." scene w3_1246 with dissolve mc "She's lucky to have you, Hana." scene w3_1247 with dissolve hana "She's the only family I got. She doesn't--" hana "*Sniff, sniff* She doesn't deserve--" scene w3_1248 with dissolve "........." "......" "..." scene w3_1249 with dissolve hana "God damnit." hana "...ah, what am I even going on about?" scene w3_1250 with dissolve hana "I'm whining like a child." scene w3_1251 with dissolve "Her face turned eerily hard in contrast to her utter despair from just seconds earlier." mc "Hana..." "That kind of desolate acceptance of a hard situation was even more..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Promise to be there for Hana.:" $ w3HanaUnconditional = True $ Hana_Affection +=7 $ Hana_Anger -= 1 scene w3_1252 with dissolve mc "You're amazing, Hana. Like..." scene w3_1253 with dissolve mc "*sigh* Tell me, what the hell is it with some women?" scene w3_1252 with dissolve "Staring at Hana's face, reminded me of some unpleasant memories." scene w3_1254 with dissolve hana "I don't think I understand..." "Memories that while sad, let me see Hana's attempt at a stiff upper lip as dignified." scene w3_1253 with dissolve mc "Growing up, my mother had the same look as you do right now." hana "...?" scene w3_1255 with dissolve mc "The look of a woman swallowing her grief, putting on a strong face, and not burdening the person she cared about." mc "How that exacerbates one's loneliness, I have yet to experience, but I am confident that she is absolutely the strongest woman I know." scene w3_1256 with dissolve hana "I couldn't do that.." scene w3_1257 with dissolve mc "Really? Cause I'm seeing a lot of her in you right about now." mc "Keeping it bottled up, keeping your work secret... I bet you don't let yourself cry in front of her." scene w3_1258 with dissolve hana "What good would that do? What's goin' on in my crazy head pales in comparison to her reality." hana "She's got it so much worse than I do..." scene w3_1259 with dissolve mc "You have more mettle than I could ever hope for." mc "Me? Ha! I'd crack like an egg." mc "Question is, who are you trying to be strong for right now?" mc "I'm no one important. So why even hide it?" scene w3_1261 with dissolve "Before I knew it, without any thought to how my words might entangle our lives, I had settled on a declaration." mc "You can show me the face you're hiding right now. Maybe it'll make it easier for you to wear the face you want for the woman who actually matters to you." scene w3_1262 with dissolve hana "[mcf]..." scene w3_1263 with dissolve "It wouldn't cost me a thing, I thought." scene w3_1264 with dissolve mc "{b}I promise you{/b}, you can show me anything you want and I'll accept it unconditionally without expectation." scene w3_1263 with dissolve "After all, what did it require just to {i}see{/i} another person? What was needed to be the equivalent to emotional charcoal?" scene w3_1264 with dissolve mc "Just {b}be{/b} yourself, okay?" scene w3_1263 with dissolve "I foolishly thought I could do a good thing and it wouldn't exact a toll." scene w3_1262 with dissolve hana "I..." scene w3_1265 with dissolve hana "Heh, haa... heh...!" mc "Don't laugh! I'm serious!" scene w3_1266 with dissolve hana "Heh, s-sorry... it's just... you're telling me I can be sad, while saying something that makes me happy..." hana "Talk about mixed fuckin' signals..." scene w3_1267 with dissolve "*Chwup.*" scene w3_1268 with dissolve hana "So... what you're telling me is I have carte blanche to be a selfish bitch then?" scene w3_1269 with dissolve mc "I put it nicer." scene w3_1270 with dissolve hana "I'm... not ready for this night to end, [mcf]." scene w3_1271 with dissolve "I was tired, but..." scene w3_1272 with dissolve mc "We have until morning." scene w3_1271 with dissolve "I was looking at a woman who so badly needed a break." scene w3_1273 with dissolve hana "When's the food going to be here?" scene w3_1272 with dissolve mc "No telling with that place." scene w3_1270 with dissolve hana "Then can we please..." scene w3_1271 with dissolve "I was tired, but..." scene w3_1272 with dissolve mc "How do you want me?" scene w3_1271 with dissolve "She looked like a sad puppy dog." scene w3_1274 with dissolve hana "On your back." hana "Where I can see your face." scene w3_1275 with dissolve mc "Shit. How can I say no?" "I was tired as fuck, but..." scene black with fade mc "You look really cute right now." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "jump w3HanaRomanceSex" KN_MOD "Food heals the heart.:" scene w3_1252 with dissolve mc "You know what you look like?" scene w3_1254 with dissolve hana "I can think of a few possible answers..." scene w3_1276 with dissolve mc "You look hungry." scene w3_1277 with dissolve hana "Heh... I am. I'm goddamn starving." scene w3_1278 with dissolve mc "The night's not over Hana. Not until the sun comes up." scene w3_1279 with dissolve hana "That's... exactly what I wanted to hear right now, [mcf]." hana "Is the place you ordered from any good?" scene w3_1280 with dissolve mc "Not really." scene w3_1281 with dissolve hana "Ha! Perfect!" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3HanaPostCoitalChinese" KN_MOD "label w3HanaRomanceSex:" "......" "..." play music "music/st-francis.ogg" scene w3_1282 with fade hana "Mmmng...!" "It proved no trouble to once again slip completely into Hana's soft depths." scene w3_1283 with dissolve hana "I'm, a-ah... {i}I hope I never get used to it going in.{/i}" hana "You fill me up niiiiiicely, [mcf]." scene w3_1284 with dissolve "She spoke sensually, in a hushed and secretive tone, as if we weren't the only ones in the room." scene w3_1283 with dissolve hana "Like a dream." scene w3_1284 with dissolve "To contrast that, she had me pinned down with her eyes, regarding me in full as if we were the only ones in the world." scene w3_1285 with dissolve hana "..." scene w3_1286 with dissolve mc "Ah..." "What was it about the moment a woman lets her hair down that made it so incredibly attractive?" hana "A-aah... how are you so hard, so quickly...? Heh..." scene hana_hf_rom1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_rom1 with dissolve "The way Hana rode me, hand-in-hand, was a far cry from the savage fucking and endless swearing of not an hour ago." hana "You always this ready to fuck?" "Hana moved like a gentle tide breaking over the shore, pushing and pulling where we were joined." mc "I don't think you're in any position to be chastising anyone else's appetite right now..." hana "Did it sound like that? I meant it as a compliment." "This placid, comfortable rhythm went against my very idea of sex, but..." mc "Then let's enjoy ourselves until you're satisfied, okay?" "...but gazing up at Hana's bittersweet expression had a quieting effect on my mind." hana "Ahh... I've never done it back-to-back-to-back like this." "It momentarily forced my thoughts outward, away from my own singular desire." mc "It feels kinda different when you're not so horny you can barely think, huh?" hana "Hhnngg... yh... you re-ea-ea-ed my mind." "That much was true. The way Hana rose and fell was hypnotic." "It felt comfortable. {b}Cozy{/b}. Less... {i}physical?{/}" mc "Haahh...!" "Instead of a race against the body's wear and tear, this had a vivifying quality, like all the soreness from our earlier exertion was being worked out of my body." "In place of a frantic hunger, there was a feeling of contentment. Like there wasn't a clock on this at all." mc "Yeah, it's {b}nice{/b}." "......" "..." "Hana and I let the conversation fall by the way side, letting our bodies do the talking." scene hana_hf_rom2_a with dissolve show hana_hf_rom2 with dissolve "*Shlick, fwhick...!*" "She kept our hands firmly locked together, while her other end maintained a strong hold on my cock." "*{b}Shlick, fwhick, shliiiick...!{/b}*" hana "Hahn...!" "As low-energy as this was, our ugly parts {i}were{/i} rubbing against each other." hana "Mmmhh.. ahh...!" "Her cunt gripped and sucked at my prick all the same, working hard to get it to dole out another alabaster reward for her ovaries to bathe in." "*Shlick, fwhick...!*" "Naturally, the excitement was indeed steadily building." "*{b}Shlick, fwhick, shliiiick...!{/b}*" "We {i}were{/i} having sex." hana "Ha, hhaaahhh...!" "Our ragged breaths and the sound of our junks being pried apart was a testament to that." mc "Hnhh..." "The endorphins that were making everything so fuzzy and warm right now were certainly a testament to that." "*Shlick, fwhick...!*" mc "Hnnngaa....!" "*{b}Shlick, fwhick, shliiiick...!{/b}*" scene hana_hf_rom1_a with dissolve show hana_hf_rom1 with dissolve "When I pulled my eyeline away from the visual cudgel that was Hana's shaking tits, I was entreated to the wonderful granularity in expression that I had missed by railing her from behind." hana "H-haat...!" "It was easy to get swept up in the image she projected, in the clothes and the tattoos that made her so damn eye-catching, but her face itself had a beauty that was easy to miss in all the flash." hana "Mmmh, h-huhg..." "Her large yellow eyes shined brilliantly, inlayed like a jewel in her heart-shaped face." mc "G, ghahh..." "The stud in her button-like nose, encased perfectly in the middle of her face by two rounded cheek bones, drew attention down to her lips." mc "Hnng, you..." "--a dainty mouth with a set of full lips, wet with spit, who had been wrapped around my cock not too long ago..." hana "Hnnn, ahh...?" scene hana_hf_rom3_a with dissolve show hana_hf_rom3 with dissolve "My hips surely found that last bit of reminiscence enticing, as I finally felt energized enough to match Hana's pace." hana "H-haaaa... aren't you tired?" mc "{i}You're so fucking cute...!{/i}" "A man couldn't ask for a better view." hana "A-aahh...! Y-yeah...? You said that already..." mc "Ahhh, did I...?" hana "Well... ahh... tell me that plenty when we're not screwing, alright?" "My brain may have been in a fog, but my body knew what to do." mc "Ha, haa....! Ssh-ureeee...!" "It knew the precise rhythm that was sufficient to carry us both to the end." hana "A, haah....♥" "As tired as my body was, it threaded the needle between sustainable and expedient." hana "Gh, aahh...♥♥" "A pace that would allow me to savor the woman sitting on my lap." "*Shlick, fwhick...!*" "A pace that would let me ingrain to memory the feeling of two people wordlessly connecting." "*{b}Shlick, fwhick, shliiiick...!{/b}*" "A pace that reaffirmed what I had promised Hana." hana "Haa, [mcf]...♥♥♥" "That I would accept her unconditionally." hana "Ah, khhaa..." "As unconditional as possible from one human being to another." "*Shlick, fwhick...!*" "As unconditional as possible for someone like me." "*{b}Shlick, fwhick, shliiiick...!{/b}*" "Was I really capable of that? I didn't know." hana "Ghhaa....♥♥♥♥" "Maybe it was naive of me to assume I wouldn't develop any expectations of this woman. That I wouldn't one day, no matter how brief our relationship, show her disappointment or anger or contrition." mct "(Yeah... it's beyond naive, but...)" scene w3_1287 with dissolve hana "Ah, yeeess...♥♥♥♥♥" scene hana_hf_rom4_a with dissolve show hana_hf_rom4 with dissolve "I wanted to try." hana "[mcf]...♥ {size=15}[mcf]...♥♥{/size=15} {size=10}[mcf]...♥♥♥{/size=10}" "As Hana's own emotions came to a head, perhaps quiet and less bombastic than before, but nevertheless still a distinct break in the tension..." hana "Haahaaa..." "As Hana clung to me and I clung to her, and her wringing cunt clung to my shaft, I had a thought." yh "Hnngg... haa... heh.." "I wish my own mother had someone to lean on whenever she felt it was necessary to bury her feelings." "......" "..." stop music play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" scene w3_1288 with dissolve "Ding, dong...!" scene w3_1289 with dissolve mc "Ah, shit. That's food..." scene w3_1290 with dissolve hana "Good fuckin' timing..." scene w3_1289 with dissolve mc "Is it? I haven't, ah... which one of us is going to answer the door?" scene w3_1288 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_1289 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I'll do it..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3HanaRomanceSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3HanaRomanceSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hana "Ahh... d-don't forget to put on clothes!" "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3HanaPostCoitalChinese" KN_MOD "label w3HanaPostCoitalChinese:" scene w3_1291 with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve hana "Hmmmm..." scene w3_1292 with dissolve hana "Hooooly shit, [mcf]." mc "...what?" play music "music/stoned.ogg" scene w3_1293 with dissolve hana "I think I've discovered the path to nirvana." scene w3_1294 with dissolve mc "Ha, yeah...? What's the secret?" scene w3_1293 with dissolve hana "A good fucking {i}and{/i} cheap food." scene w3_1294 with dissolve mc "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." scene w3_1295 with dissolve hana "The only question... do I write a book divulging this secret and become a millionaire or do I bring it to the masses for free and risk becoming a living god?" scene w3_1296 with dissolve mc "I... heh... ah... I {i}feeeeeeel{/i} like either way you'll have your needs taken care of, o' wise one." scene w3_1297 with dissolve hana "Hmm... that has a nice ring to it. I think deification is the play. Wanna be my prophet?" scene w3_1294 with dissolve mc "You think I'm qualified to bring your good news to the masses?" scene w3_1298 with dissolve hana "Eh, you might need a hair cut first, but..." scene w3_1299 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" hana "I think you're the man for the job, lover boy." scene w3_1300 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_1294 with dissolve mc "I'll put in my two-week notice at the club." KN_MOD "else:" hana "I think you're the man for the job, daddy." scene w3_1300 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_1301 with dissolve mc "God, that sounds cringeworthy when my dick isn't hard." hana "Ha! Then stop calling me boss, or that will be ALL you ever hear from me." scene w3_1294 with dissolve mc "I think your father would have an issue with that." scene w3_1295 with dissolve hana "{b}Good.{/b}" scene w3_1302 with dissolve "......" scene w3_1303 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1304 with dissolve hana "Ah... I don't know if I have the energy to go home..." scene w3_1305 with dissolve mc "You fishing for an invitation?" scene w3_1306 with dissolve hana "Weeeell, if you insist... I might as well stay the night." scene w3_1307 with dissolve mc "Your mom won't miss you?" scene w3_1308 with dissolve hana "She's not expecting me back. Perk of having a former sex worker as a mother, I guess." hana "As long as she knew I was safe, she never blinked twice when I didn't come home." scene w3_1307 with dissolve mc "That sounds a lot more subtle than my mother's tactic." mc "She was practically calling me a nerd the other day and telling me to get laid." scene w3_1306 with dissolve hana "Should we send her a picture? It might make her evening." scene w3_1309 with dissolve mc "Don't even joke. She would plan a wedding." scene w3_1306 with dissolve hana "Oh, yeah? Your mother ever try to teach you how to put a condom on a banana with her teeth?" scene w3_1307 with dissolve mc "Can't say she did." scene w3_1310 with dissolve hana "{i}Ha ha{/i}, me... me neither!" hana "Meeee neither..." scene w3_1311 with dissolve mc "Say, what's the deal between you and that Cynthia woman from earlier?" hana "I told you. High school drama shit, details of which are too complicated and partly forgotten." hana "*Scoff* What made you think of her all of a sudden?" scene w3_1312 with dissolve mc "Uh... I don't know. Just popped into my head? " mc "She seems like the type of gal who knows how to put a condom on with her teeth?" scene w3_1313 with dissolve hana "Pffft-! Baaaah! Ah, y-you...!" hana "You have no idea." scene w3_1312 with dissolve mc "If it's nothing, you really should get coffee with her. How many friends do you even have?" scene w3_1314 with dissolve hana "I have plenty of friends... uh..." scene w3_1315 with dissolve mc "Actual friends..." scene w3_1316 with dissolve mc "Friends you see under normal people circumstances..." scene w3_1317 with dissolve hana "..." scene w3_1318 with dissolve hana "Ah, you know why not." scene w3_1319 with dissolve "I did, but..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Encourage her to do it anyway, despite the fact she wont be able to ever be fully honest.:" $ w3HanaFriendEncourage = True $ Hana_Anger -= 1 scene w3_1320 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I do... {i}it's just coffee though{/i}." scene w3_1321 with dissolve hana "It's not {i}just{/i} coffee." scene w3_1322 with dissolve mc "I just don't think you should let your circumstances box you in like you're allowing them to." scene w3_1323 with dissolve hana "Yeah?! And what do you kno--- ah..." hana "{i}Shit{/i}. I can't use that line with you can I? Not after I've bitched and moaned to you all week." scene w3_1324 with dissolve mc "Nope, you can't." hana "Bah... it's just..." scene w3_1325 with dissolve mc "I know honesty is important to you, but letting your mom and dad sideline even just getting coffee with an old classmate won't do you any favors." mc "Does even the tiniest aspect of your life have to be so difficult? You'll explode." scene w3_1326 with dissolve hana "You think I'm being overdramatic?" scene w3_1325 with dissolve mc "I didn't say that. I overthink things too, so I have a pretty easy time calling out other people when they do it." scene w3_1327 with dissolve mc "So... get some fucking coffee or you just might end up sneaking your friends into a place they {i}really{/i} shouldn't be again." scene w3_1328 with dissolve hana "Bah... you're... ah... {i}fiiiine{/i}. It's just some coffee." scene w3_1329 with dissolve mc "It's not {i}just{/i} coffee." scene w3_1330 with dissolve hana "If I do it, will you do something for me?" scene w3_1331 with dissolve mc "Name it." scene w3_1332 with dissolve hana "Funny you should say that, because I've got a Blackwing Eternal CD with your {b}name{/b} on it." scene w3_1331 with dissolve mc "...are CDs things people actually have still?" scene w3_1330 with dissolve hana "{b}Physical media is a very important--{/b}" scene w3_1331 with dissolve mc "Okay, I'll listen to it." scene w3_1333 with dissolve hana "Good - spending an hour with that backstabbing bitch will be worth it if I can bring you a little culture." scene w3_1334 with dissolve mc "Now I really want to know the deal between you two..." scene w3_1335 with dissolve hana "It's just..." scene w3_1336 with dissolve yh "Just high school shit." scene w3_1337 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "Back off the subject. Honesty is clearly important to Hana.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I thought about further encouraging her, but... blah. It wasn't my place to tell her to abandon her compunctions." scene w3_1338 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I do." "Maybe her over conscientiousness made Hana {i}Hana{/i}." scene w3_1339 with dissolve mc "I was just thinking you might want to let loose sometime." scene w3_1340 with dissolve hana "No worries there, {b}my guy.{/b}. I got my music, Suzie Q, and..." scene w3_1341 with dissolve hana "Tonight was a big step in that direction." scene w3_1342 with dissolve mc "So it was..." scene w3_1337 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_1343 with dissolve hana "By the way, what should we call this?" scene w3_1344 with dissolve mc "What do you want to call it?" scene w3_1343 with dissolve hana "I don't know." scene w3_1345 with dissolve hana "Part of me doesn't want to call it anything." hana "I'd get too many big ideas if we did." scene w3_1344 with dissolve mc "Are ideas a bad thing?" scene w3_1343 with dissolve hana "It would be another thing to worry about. Maybe I could accept you fucking other girls as part of your job, but... maybe not?" scene w3_1345 with dissolve hana "Best not put any limitations on it right?" scene w3_1346 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaUnconditional == True:" hana "What you promised to me already means the world. Shouldn't that be good enough?" KN_MOD "else:" hana "Why sabotage exactly what I need right now for what I might want in the future?" scene w3_1347 with dissolve "The look that she was giving me was like she was hoping I'd say otherwise, but she was also right." "It might make work at the club more messy if things ever went sour..." scene w3_1348 with dissolve "Then again, intertwining our stars might also carry some benefits too..." scene w3_1347 with dissolve "{i}Wait{/i}, what did I even want? How did I feel about Hana?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Hana GF]{/color} You like Hana, so express as much. if minaCheat == False:" $ hanaGF = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I like you, Hana." scene w3_1351 with dissolve hana "Ha, sure. I like you too, [mcf]." scene w3_1350 with dissolve mc "You know what I mean." scene w3_1351 with dissolve hana "That you're fond of me?" scene w3_1347 with dissolve mc "Hey, let's not go that far. Yet." mc "We hardly know each other." scene w3_1346 with dissolve hana "Oh, {i}sorry{/i}." scene w3_1348 with dissolve mc "I mean, what I'm saying is, under other circumstances... I could see it. You and me." "It wasn't like I was tied down... and like Hana, who the hell could I possibly even date {i}without{/i} having to lie to them?" KN_MOD "if w3HanaUnconditional == True:" mc "I already confessed to you that you have a lot of qualities I deeply admire." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You have a lot of qualities I deeply admire in a person." scene w3_1349 with dissolve "Hana made... {b}sense.{/b}" mc "You're thoughtful, you agonize over your actions in a meaningful way, and you're willing to sacrifice for the woman you care about..." scene w3_1350 with dissolve "She could offer me the pleasurable trappings of a girlfriend, while having my back at the club." mc "I'd be very lucky." "She was fun to be around." scene w3_1352 with dissolve hana "You would wouldn't you..." scene w3_1353 with dissolve mc "Meanwhile, you might not be." scene w3_1354 with dissolve hana "You're looking for a compliment, huh?" scene w3_1355 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_1356 with dissolve mc "Yeah? What do you like best about me?" scene w3_1357 with dissolve hana "I... I mean..." hana "You're a future doctor with a big dick?" scene w3_1358 with dissolve mc "Is that all?" hana "...of course not." scene w3_1359 with dissolve hana "You have this... {i}amazing{/i} talent to disarm people and put them at ease?" scene w3_1360 with dissolve mc " I?" scene w3_1359 with dissolve hana "That's true of me and... I also see that when you interact with the girls at the club." hana "Maybe why Kat's using you as her empathy sponge. I've had that thought..." scene w3_1361 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1362 with dissolve hana "{b}So{/b}, That's just the first of a few things I've noticed and like about you..." scene w3_1363 with dissolve hana "Under other circumstances... yeah, I could see it too. {b}You and me{/b}." scene w3_1364 with dissolve mc "Why not give it a go then? What do either of us have to lose?" scene w3_1365 with dissolve hana "Just that simple?" scene w3_1364 with dissolve mc "Why not? If we can both see it?" scene w3_1365 with dissolve hana "Under {b}other{/b} circumstances." scene w3_1366 with dissolve mc "Fuck the circumstances. Let's start a relationship and base it around our circumstances. Not in spite of it." scene w3_1367 with dissolve hana "......" scene w3_1368 with dissolve hana "...what does that mean?" scene w3_1366 with dissolve mc "Meaning, we shouldn't wait for good things to come to us. We should make them ourselves." scene w3_1369 with dissolve mc "The club is the club, we're both a part of it, and that won't change - not for a while, at least - so that reality will become part of our relationship." scene w3_1366 with dissolve mc "Ultimately, it might not be tenable for either of us, but I like you and you like me so why not give it a try?" scene w3_1368 with dissolve hana "When you say it, it's almost convincing..." scene w3_1366 with dissolve mc "Be convinced." scene w3_1370 with dissolve hana "Ah.. huh..." "......" "..." hana "The only way..." scene w3_1371 with dissolve hana "We build it around our circumstances, like you said." hana "The club is the club, but outside of it {b}you're mine.{/b}" scene w3_1372 with dissolve "That was Hana's stipulation. Outside of club business, she expected fidelity." scene w3_1371 with dissolve hana "I want honesty and transparency, like a... {i}normal{/i} relationship." scene w3_1373 with dissolve "My answer came in the form of a kiss." scene w3_1374 with dissolve "A kiss that Hana readily accepted." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Hana_Relations = "Goth GF" show relationhana with squares scene w3_1375 with dissolve mc "I'm {b}yours{/b}." scene w3_1376 with dissolve hana "Heh. Boyfriend, huh?" $ history_hana = "It wasn't planned, but Hana and I decided to put a name on what has been brewing between us. It only made sense, as this was the only way we could have the semblance of a romantic life outside of the club without having to lie." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve hana "A little less tattoos than I would like." scene w3_1375 with dissolve mc "Beggars can't be choosers." scene w3_1377 with dissolve "Now, she kissed me." scene w3_1376 with dissolve hana "The word makes me happy." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june14end" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Hana GF]{/color} Carnations aside, theres also that thing with Mina... still, you {b}do{/b} like Hana. if minaCheat == True:" $ hanaGF = True $ hanaTwoTime = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I took a minute to consider what I was about to say." mc "I like you, Hana." "That much was true." scene w3_1351 with dissolve hana "Ha, sure. I like you too, [mcf]." scene w3_1350 with dissolve mc "You know what I mean." scene w3_1351 with dissolve hana "That you're fond of me?" scene w3_1347 with dissolve mc "Hey, let's not go that far. Yet." mc "We hardly know each other." scene w3_1346 with dissolve hana "Oh, {i}sorry{/i}." scene w3_1348 with dissolve mc "I mean, what I'm saying is, under other circumstances... I could see it. You and me." "It wasn't like I was tied down... and like Hana, who the hell could I possibly even date {i}without{/i} having to sneak around about my job?" KN_MOD "if w3HanaUnconditional == True:" mc "I already confessed to you that you have a lot of qualities I deeply admire." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You have a lot of qualities I deeply in admire in a person." scene w3_1349 with dissolve "Sure I had that weird deal with Mina, but... Hana made... {b}sense.{/b}" mc "You're thoughtful, you agonize over your actions in a meaningful way, and you're willing to sacrifice for the woman you care about..." scene w3_1350 with dissolve "She could offer me the pleasurable trappings of a girlfriend, while having my back at the club." "She was fun to be around." mc "I'd be very lucky." scene w3_1352 with dissolve hana "You would, wouldn't you..." scene w3_1353 with dissolve mc "Meanwhile, you might not be." scene w3_1354 with dissolve hana "You're looking for a compliment, huh?" scene w3_1355 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_1356 with dissolve mc "Yeah? What do you like best about me?" scene w3_1357 with dissolve hana "I... I mean..." hana "You're a future doctor with a big dick?" scene w3_1358 with dissolve mc "Is that all?" hana "...of course not." scene w3_1359 with dissolve hana "You have this... {i}amazing{/i} talent to disarm people and put them at ease?" scene w3_1360 with dissolve mc " I?" scene w3_1359 with dissolve hana "That's true of me and... I also see that when you interact with the girls at the club." hana "Maybe why Kat's using you as her empathy sponge. I've had that thought..." scene w3_1361 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1362 with dissolve hana "{b}So{/b}, That's just the first of a few things I've noticed and like about you..." scene w3_1363 with dissolve hana "Under other circumstances... yeah, I could see it too. {b}You and me{/b}." scene w3_1364 with dissolve mc "Why not give it a go then? What do either of us have to lose?" scene w3_1365 with dissolve hana "Just that simple?" scene w3_1364 with dissolve mc "Why not? If we can both see it?" scene w3_1365 with dissolve hana "Under {b}other{/b} circumstances." scene w3_1366 with dissolve mc "Fuck the circumstances. Let's start a relationship and base it around our circumstances. Not in spite of it." scene w3_1367 with dissolve hana "......" scene w3_1368 with dissolve hana "...what does that mean?" scene w3_1366 with dissolve mc "Meaning, we shouldn't wait for good things to come to us. We should make them ourselves." scene w3_1369 with dissolve mc "The club is the club, we're both part of it, and that won't change - not for awhile, at least - so that reality will become part of our relationship." scene w3_1366 with dissolve mc "Ultimately, it might not be tenable for either of us, but I like you and you like me so why not give it a try?" scene w3_1368 with dissolve hana "When you say it, it's almost convincing..." scene w3_1366 with dissolve mc "Be convinced." scene w3_1370 with dissolve hana "Ah.. huh..." "......" "..." hana "The only way..." scene w3_1371 with dissolve hana "We build it around our circumstances, like you said." hana "The club is the club, but outside of it {b}you're mine.{/b}" scene w3_1372 with dissolve "That was Hana's stipulation. Outside of club business, she expected fidelity." scene w3_1371 with dissolve hana "I want honesty and transparency, like a... {i}normal{/i} relationship." scene w3_1373 with dissolve "My answer came in the form of a kiss." "Honesty, huh...?" scene w3_1374 with dissolve "A kiss that Hana readily accepted." "In the future, I would have a choice." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Hana_Relations = "Goth GF" show relationhana with squares scene w3_1375 with dissolve mc "I'm {b}yours{/b}." "I would either have to make myself a liar, be upfront about my odd agreement with Mina, or put a stop to it altogether." scene w3_1376 with dissolve hana "Heh. Boyfriend, huh?" $ history_hana = "It wasn't planned, but Hana and I decided to put a name on what has been brewing between us. It only made sense, as this was the only way we could have the semblance of a romantic life outside of the club without having to lie." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve hana "A little less tattoos than I would like." scene w3_1375 with dissolve mc "Beggars can't be choosers." scene w3_1377 with dissolve "Now, she kissed me." scene w3_1376 with dissolve hana "The word makes me happy." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june14end" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Fuck buddies]{/color} The nameless something you have going right now is a good thing.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I don't think it needs that much thought." scene w3_1348 with dissolve "Yeah... this was best. Neither of us was in any position to take it a step beyond this - and I wasn't even sure if I had it in me or even wanted to." scene w3_1378 with dissolve mc "Not thinking was the whole point of the night." KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" "Plus there was Mina. Having casual fun with two twin-tailed beauties had me reconsidering if I was even truly working on a karmic deficit." scene w3_1379 with dissolve hana "You're saying I can use you as a stress release anytime I want?" scene w3_1380 with dissolve mc "Do I need to quote that Bill Withers song?" scene w3_1381 with dissolve hana "Please don't." scene w3_1380 with dissolve mc "Tonight was fun." scene w3_1379 with dissolve hana "It hit the spot..." scene w3_1382 with dissolve "{b}Yeah{/b}, why complicate it?" KN_MOD "if w3HanaUnconditional == True:" "I could be there for Hana, without promising her the impossible of me." KN_MOD "else:" "Why enter into an arrangement that didn't suit my personality?" "Maybe down the line, something might change between us, but right now..." scene w3_1379 with dissolve hana "Should I change your name in my phone to booty call?" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" $ Hana_Relations = "Fuck Buddies" show relationhana with squares "I considered myself the world's luckiest bastard." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade $ history_hana = "Hana and I fucked liked rabbits. Doing that on the regular might just be nice." $ unread_hana = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june14end" KN_MOD "label w3HanaPlatonicEnding:" scene w3_0935 with dissolve mc "You know, we've still got enough time on the clock for another round of songs." scene w3_0933 with dissolve hana "Yes. We do..." scene black with fade hana "Find a duet." "......" "..." scene w3_1383 with circlewipe "The physicality from the ice cream parlor failed to manifest itself again. Instead, after departing the karaoke bar, we spent the rest of the night talking and henpecking at our food as it rapidly grew cold." scene w3_1384 with dissolve hana "You've got to be sick of hearing me yak!" scene w3_1383 with dissolve "It was comfortable, and all the while, Hana had a smile on her face." scene w3_1385 with dissolve mc "Ah... not really? I'm a lazy conversationalist, I like it when the other person does all the heavy lifting." scene w3_1386 with dissolve mc "There isn't really much going on up here that's worth sharing." scene w3_1387 with dissolve hana "That's true of everyone, but that doesn't stop most people." scene w3_1385 with dissolve mc "Heh, guess so. Maybe most people just can't stand silence." scene w3_1384 with dissolve hana "My mom is like that. If she has no one to talk to... she'll hum. Speaking of which..." scene w3_1388 with dissolve hana "Thanks for the good time tonight, [mcf]." scene w3_1389 with dissolve mc "The night's not over yet. Why don't you introduce me to some music that you like?" scene w3_1390 with dissolve hana "Yeah...?" scene w3_1391 with dissolve mc "{b}Yeah{/}. Expand my horizons." scene w3_1393 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_1392 with dissolve hana "... you know, I've felt off-kilter these last few weeks... or has it been month? I don't even know." scene w3_1394 with dissolve hana "Point is, a night like this has been a long time coming." scene w3_1395 with dissolve mc "What does off-kilter mean to you, exactly??" scene w3_1392 with dissolve hana "Like the kind of \"I could be reaching for a can of chickpeas in the store and feel like I can't breath\" off-kilter." scene w3_1393 with dissolve mc "Is there something special about chickpeas?" scene w3_1392 with dissolve hana "Mom likes them in her salad." scene w3_1393 with dissolve mc "Oh..." "Yeah, I'd be off-kilter too if I had to face my mother's mortality so starkly." mc "You're a good daughter, Hana." scene w3_1392 with dissolve hana "It doesn't feel that way sometimes." scene w3_1393 with dissolve yh "..." scene w3_1395 with dissolve mc "I think you should get coffee with that girl from the movie theater." scene w3_1396 with dissolve hana "Are you saying I need more friends?" scene w3_1391 with dissolve mc "That is absolutely what I'm saying." scene w3_1397 with dissolve hana "Ahg, you know the reasons why I don't want to." scene w3_1398 with dissolve "I did. Honesty was important to Hana, buuuut..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Encourage her to do it anyway, despite the fact she wont be able to ever be fully honest.:" $ w3HanaFriendEncourage = True $ Hana_Anger -= 1 scene w3_1399 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I do... {i}it's just coffee though{/i}." scene w3_1400 with dissolve hana "It's not {i}just{/i} coffee." scene w3_1401 with dissolve mc "I just don't think you should let your circumstances box you in like you're allowing them to." scene w3_1402 with dissolve hana "Yeah?! And what do you kno--- ah..." scene w3_1403 with dissolve hana "{i}Shit{/i}. I can't use that line with you can I? Not after I've bitched and moaned to you all week." scene w3_1404 with dissolve mc "Nope, you can't." scene w3_1405 with dissolve hana "Bah... it's just..." scene w3_1404 with dissolve mc "I know honesty is important to you, but letting your mom and dad sideline even just getting coffee with an old classmate won't do you any favors." mc "Does even the tiniest aspect of your life have to be so difficult? You'll explode." scene w3_1405 with dissolve hana "You think I'm being overdramatic?" scene w3_1404 with dissolve mc "I didn't say that. I overthink things too, so I have a pretty easy time calling out other people when they do it." scene w3_1406 with dissolve mc "So... get some fucking coffee or you just might end up sneaking your friends into a place they {i}really{/i} shouldn't be again." scene w3_1402 with dissolve hana "Bah... you're... ah... {i}fiiiine{/i}. It's just some coffee." scene w3_1406 with dissolve mc "It's not {i}just{/i} coffee." scene w3_1407 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "Back off the subject. Honesty is clearly important to Hana.:" scene w3_1400 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I thought about further encouraging her, but... blah. It wasn't my place to tell her to abandon her compunctions." scene w3_1399 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I do." scene w3_1400 with dissolve "Maybe her overly conscientiousness made Hana {i}Hana{/i}." scene w3_1401 with dissolve mc "I was just thinking you might want to let loose sometime." scene w3_1408 with dissolve hana "No worries there, {b}my guy.{/b}. I got my music, Suzie q, Jerrica and... {b}you{/b}." scene w3_1407 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_1409 with dissolve hana "Now, you wanted to listen to some music? Just a forewarning, I get really into it." scene w3_1410 with dissolve mc "How so?" scene w3_1409 with dissolve hana "I'm going to tell you a bunch of things you don't want to know." scene w3_1410 with dissolve mc "Good. Because I {b}want{/b} you to tell me a bunch of things I don't want to know." scene black with fade "That went for two hours, before Hana departed." "The physicality from the ice cream parlor failed to manifest itself again once more. Instead, I found an odd sense of reassurance in the knowledge that my proximity was a relief to another human being." scene w3_1411 with fade mct "(Ah... a lazy day.)" "I did absolutely nothing productive at all." scene w3_1412 with dissolve mct "(Hanging out with Hana was fun for me too.)" "Her proximity had also brought me a measure of welcomed distraction." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "For now, {b}bed{/b}." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june14end" KN_MOD "label w3HomeAlone:" scene w3_1413 with fade "The rest of the day was even less productive than playing video games with Ian." "I spent a whole hour, just lying around, {i}thinking{/i} about what I should do." scene w3_1414 with dissolve "That turned into a nap and..." KN_MOD "if w3IanDealReveal == True:" "I spent the remaining evening doing fuck all, all the while second guessing myself about telling Ian about his mother's bribe." scene w3_1415 with fade "So naturally, I shamelessly invited my own mother to come cook for me." KN_MOD "else:" "I considered maybe going out, getting a nice meal or whatever, but... fuck-all sounding pretty good right now." scene w3_1415 with fade "So naturally, I invited my own mother to come cook for me." scene w3_1416 with fade vic "You should invite Ian over. I made too much." scene w3_1417 with dissolve mc "He said he had plans for tonight." scene w3_1418 with dissolve vic "Yeah...? Girlfriend plans?" scene w3_1419 with dissolve mc "Ah..." "Knowing him..." mc "Probably something like that." scene w3_1420 with dissolve vic "Hmm... it really is a lot though..." scene w3_1421 with dissolve mc "I'll keep him some left overs here. He'll be by again sooner than later." scene w3_1422 with dissolve vic "Great!" scene black with fade "All-in-all, it was a strangely invigorating day of comfortable socialization." scene w3_1411 with dissolve mct "(Maybe I should try to spend most of my Sundays like this...)" scene w3_1412 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june14end" KN_MOD "label june14end:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionkillian01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "if ianIntrospect == True:" scene w3_1423 with blinds kil "........." scene w3_1424 with dissolve kil "......" scene w3_1425 with dissolve kil "...what the hell are you doing, you filthy hag?" play music "music/ill-remember-you.ogg" scene w3_1426 with dissolve kil "I told you not to smoke in the living room. Do it out on the balcony." scene w3_1427 with dissolve alice "Sorry, sir." scene w3_1428 with dissolve kil "{b}Wait{/b}. Just..." kil "It's fine, smoke all you want. Just lie back down." scene w3_1429 with dissolve alice "..." scene w3_1430 with dissolve alice "{b}Okay{/b}." scene w3_1431 with dissolve kil "...thanks for tonight. I know it was out of the blue." alice "Eh...?" scene w3_1432 with dissolve alice "You feeling alright, sweetie...?" kil "Bah! Since when do you crack jokes?" scene w3_1433 with dissolve alice "I guess {i}you{/i} just put me in a good mood." kil "Hmmpfh, yeah...?" alice "You were even more incorrigible than usual tonight." scene w3_1434 with dissolve "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_1435 with dissolve kil "Actually, I want to ask you something. {i}Why are you doing this?{/i}" scene w3_1436 with dissolve alice "I'm not really sure what you mean..." scene w3_1435 with dissolve kil "I mean, when I came onto you, why didn't you push me away?" scene w3_1437 with dissolve alice "I... didn't want to?" alice "This has turned out to be a lot of fun. Ever since Stewart died, I've just been so, ah..." scene w3_1438 with dissolve alice "I mean sure, it's weird considering I've known you since you were a child, but that wrongness is what makes it exciting, right?" kil "...heh." kil "{i}Fuckin' slut.{/i}" scene w3_1436 with dissolve alice " everything alright?" scene w3_1435 with dissolve kil "C'mon, why are you even asking that?" scene w3_1436 with dissolve alice "I'm asking that because I want to hear how you're doing." scene w3_1439 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1440 with dissolve alice "--and also, because you've felt a little off all night." scene w3_1441 with dissolve kil " {b}could{/b} always read me, huh? I remember when you dragged it out of me that [mcf] broke Mom's porcelain vase while roughhousing." scene w3_1440 with dissolve alice "It wasn't difficult. You aren't as smooth as you think you are, especially not 12 years ago." scene w3_1441 with dissolve kil "I was so scared Mom wouldn't let [mcf] come over anymore and you--" kil "I never told you how much I appreciated you taking the blame for us." scene w3_1440 with dissolve alice "It's not like it cost me anything. Accidents happens, you looked so pitiful, and Mrs. Beaufort likes me." scene w3_1442 with dissolve kil "You told me she docked your pay!" alice "Well, you had to learn some kind of lesson, right?" scene w3_1443 with dissolve kil "Hah! Jeez..." scene w3_1444 with dissolve alice "...{i}is everything alright{/i}?" scene w3_1445 with dissolve kil "I've just been thinking about people's expectations of me." kil "Mom and Dad ask too much, Mina asked too little..." scene w3_1446 with dissolve alice "Asked?" scene w3_1445 with dissolve kil "She broke up with me." scene w3_1446 with dissolve alice "Aw, sweetie, that's too..." scene w3_1447 with dissolve kil "You don't have to pretend like you're not happy about that." scene w3_1448 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1449 with dissolve alice "...this is how I figure it: the only expectations that matter are the ones you set for yourself." scene w3_1445 with dissolve kil "The thing is, I've avoided setting any for myself... maybe that's why Uncle hasn't..." scene w3_1446 with dissolve alice "Why Dr. Kohler hasn't what?" scene w3_1445 with dissolve kil "Oh, um, nothing... just a random thought." scene w3_1450 with dissolve kil "Anyway, I was thinking... maybe... setting some goals for myself wouldn't be so bad?" scene w3_1445 with dissolve kil "...maybe it'll even help me figure out why Mina always bugged me." scene w3_1446 with dissolve alice "What do you mean...?" scene w3_1445 with dissolve kil "I mean, was she really just that stupid? Why did she stick around so long?" scene w3_1450 with dissolve kil "I don't get it. Did she like me...?" kil "What's there to like...?" scene w3_1451 with dissolve alice "Ian..." scene w3_1452 with dissolve alice "I think setting some goals for yourself is a good idea, as long as they're your own." scene black with fade kil "The only problem with that is... {i}I don't really want anything?{/i}" KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" stop music KN_MOD "jump w3FeliciaMinaOpening" KN_MOD "elif w3HanaDP >=4:" stop music KN_MOD "jump w3June15HanaOpening" KN_MOD "else:" stop music KN_MOD "jump w3June15SoloOpening" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1453 with blinds kil "......" scene w3_1454 with dissolve woman "Huunng, eeeuuggg, hhaaaa...!" scene w3_1455 with dissolve kil "..." woman "C'mon, gahh... c'mon babbbyy....!" play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w3_1456 with dissolve woman "Fhhuuuuck me already....!" scene w3_1457 with dissolve kil "Sluts like you are..." scene w3_1458 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug...!*" scene w3_1459 with dissolve kil "...TOO easy. Where's your self-respect, Amber?" scene w3_1460 with dissolve amber "Puhhlleeease, you've kept me waiting for..." scene w3_1461 with dissolve kil "Ten minutes? I've seen a woman hold out longer than an hour." scene w3_1460 with dissolve amber "A-ahh...♥ Don't be meeeeaan...♥" scene w3_1461 with dissolve kil "Well, luckily I'm a gentleman. Let's get you--" play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w3_1462 with dissolve "*Brrrring, ring...!*" scene w3_1461 with dissolve kil "Ah, hold that thought." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_1463 with fade kil "Heya, Uncle..." scene w3_1464 with dissolve chuck "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" scene w3_1465 with dissolve kil "Nah. Just in the middle of a late night snack." scene w3_1466 with dissolve kil "You don't normally call this late. What's up?" chuck "My sister says you're not returning her calls." scene w3_1467 with dissolve kil "So? That's nothing out of the ordinary." scene w3_1468 with dissolve chuck "Maybe, but this time, she called me -- and well..." chuck "When it comes to small favors, I always listen to my little sister's requests. You {b}should{/b} pick up the phone when she calls, lad." scene w3_1467 with dissolve kil "Alright, uncle. Message received." kil "You can tell her you did what you said you would." scene w3_1470 with dissolve chuck "...{i}are{/i} you going to pick up the next time she calls?" KN_MOD "if w3IanDealReveal == True:" scene w3_1471 with dissolve kil "{b}Not a fuckin chance.{/b}" kil "I was planning on giving her a call tomorrow, but I learned something today. You know what [mcf] told me she tried to get him to do?" scene w3_1472 with dissolve chuck "If I were to take an educated guess, I would say... {i}fulfill your simple minded father's desire for a legacy?{/i}" scene w3_1473 with dissolve kil "Yes! How did you know?!" scene w3_1474 with dissolve chuck "I only listen to my little sister's requests when it comes to {i}small favors.{/i}" scene w3_1471 with dissolve kil "That bitch!" scene w3_1472 with dissolve chuck "That's your mother and my sister, lad. Be more respectful." scene w3_1471 with dissolve kil "Respect is earned!" scene w3_1472 with dissolve chuck "Ha! That it is! But have you ever given either of your parents a reason to respect you either?" scene w3_1475 with dissolve kil "..." chuck "I didn't mean to make that sound so judgemental." scene w3_1471 with dissolve kil "Well, you missed the fuckin' mark there." scene w3_1470 with dissolve chuck "You know I don't ever wish to see you follow in your dull father's footsteps, right? The only thing I ask of you is that you live life how you want." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1469 with dissolve kil "I was planning on giving her one tomorrow. I've just been busy." scene w3_1470 with dissolve chuck "We both know that's a crock of shit." scene w3_1473 with dissolve kil "Okay, okay... I wanted to frustrate her after her {b}annoying{/b}, holier-than-thou speech the other night." scene w3_1470 with dissolve chuck "Christ, you two... you know she truly loves you right? I wish you two could get along." scene w3_1471 with dissolve kil "Maybe we could, if it wasn't for Dad. She's like a fuckin' broken record, doing his bidding." scene w3_1470 with dissolve chuck "You mean how he desires you to follow in his footsteps?" scene w3_1469 with dissolve kil "It's every damn time I see her." scene w3_1470 with dissolve chuck "I don't blame you. Your father is a simple and dull man." chuck "Still, my sister just wants you to want more out of life. If you gave her another path, I'm sure she'd be happy to just leave your disagreement over the family business to you and your father." scene w3_1475 with dissolve kil "..." chuck "Ah... my nephew, don't worry about any of that. The thing I ask of you is that you live life how you want..." scene w3_1476 with dissolve chuck "What form that takes, whether it be conquering some long-distant challenge or spending your limited time on this Earth balls deep in some tramp's crotch, that's for you to discern." chuck "And I'm happy to {b}watch{/b} that play out..." kil "Thanks, uncle. I'm lucky to have someone to support me as unconditionally as you." scene w3_1477 with dissolve chuck "Don't you ever forget it, lad. Unlike some people around me, it's a comfort to know that at least you..." scene black with fade chuck "...know not to bite the hand that feeds." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" stop music KN_MOD "jump w3FeliciaMinaOpening" KN_MOD "elif w3HanaDP >=4:" stop music KN_MOD "jump w3June15HanaOpening" KN_MOD "else:" stop music KN_MOD "jump w3June15SoloOpening" KN_MOD "label w3FeliciaMinaOpening:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionfelmina01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june15day" $ w3MinaOpening = True scene w3_1478 with sunshine show screen qmenu with dissolve "......" "..." play music "music/love-or-lust.ogg" scene w3_1479 with dissolve mina "Hnnnzzzz...! Ah..." fel "Mmmhh... ehh...?" scene w3_1480 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "Huuuuhnnzzz..." scene w3_1481 with dissolve fel "Ahhhmmm... your..." scene w3_1482 with dissolve fel "Your breath stinks, kid." scene w3_1483 with dissolve mina "Yeah, you too, slut." scene w3_1484 with dissolve fel "Who is waking up in a loose woman's bed right now?" scene w3_1485 with dissolve mina "Heh! {b}Good morning--!{/b}" scene w3_1486 with dissolve mina "Unng... ah... my head..." scene w3_1487 with dissolve mina "Why are wine hangovers the worst hangovers?" scene w3_1488 with dissolve fel "You should've listened to me and gone with vodka." scene w3_1489 with dissolve mina "Thanks for watching all those awful episodes with me.... I don't think that \"research\" did me any good, though." scene w3_1488 with dissolve fel "Why not?" scene w3_1490 with dissolve mina "It's ALL blending together right now..." fel "You're really going to be on that hokey show, huh?" scene w3_1491 with dissolve fel "......" mina "..." scene w3_1492 with dissolve fel "I do remember something from last night." scene w3_1494 with dissolve mina "...what?" scene w3_1495 with dissolve fel "You revealed something preeeetty juicy." scene w3_1496 with dissolve mina "Whaaaaat...?" KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" scene w3_1495 with dissolve fel "You got [mcf] to help with your little list." scene w3_1497 with dissolve mina "Well... you know... it was pretty easy to convince him." scene w3_1498 with dissolve fel "It always is... for stuff like {i}that{/i} at least." fel "Just be careful, okay?" scene w3_1499 with dissolve mina "Don't worry. [mcf]'s nice." scene w3_1500 with dissolve fel "...I know you think you're keeping a casual spin on it, but he's only your second man." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_1501 with dissolve mina "My \"second man\"...? Jeez! Why make it sound so biblical?" mina "Besides, we haven't {i}done it{/i} done it yet." scene w3_1502 with dissolve fel "So you told me, but still... {b}be careful{/b}, please? Don't get {b}too{/b} serious about him." fel "He may be more like Ian than you'd like." scene w3_1503 with dissolve mina "Do you know what's funny? I told [mcf] the same thing about you." scene w3_1504 with dissolve fel "Heh. You're a good girl." scene w3_1505 with dissolve mina "What about you, though? Are you two...?" scene w3_1506 with dissolve fel "Fucking for funsies? Would that make you jealous?" scene w3_1507 with dissolve mina "Hmm... honestly? Naaaaah." mina "If he's still holding your interest, that bodes well for my bucket list, doesn't it?" scene w3_1508 with dissolve fel "You know, Mina... you're kinda scary." scene w3_1509 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "Seriously though. Are you two still \"fucking for funsies\"...?" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w3_1510 with dissolve fel "{b}Yeah{/b}. We're actually going to Fiona's art exhibit on Wednesday." scene w3_1511 with dissolve mina "Wait, r-really?!" scene w3_1512 with dissolve fel "You said you didn't care." mina "I don't; I'm just surprised. Isn't that kind of public?" scene w3_1513 with dissolve fel "Not really. Not the kind of public that would get back to Elias." fel "...and even if it did, not like we're gonna fuck on the exhibition floor." scene w3_1514 with dissolve mina "Eh, eheh, huh... I hope you have fun. I'd..." mina "I'd like to see you two go at it." scene w3_1515 with dissolve fel "Is voyeurism on your list?" scene w3_1514 with dissolve mina "It's not {i}not{/i} on my list, but... *ahem* speaking from experience, [mcf]'s kinda intense, isn't he?" scene w3_1515 with dissolve fel "I... suppose? Was that your experience?" scene w3_1516 with dissolve mina "Y-yeah... he {i}manhandled me{/i}, but like... in a good way?" mina "I could barely think. He had me back and forth, bent this way and that way... ah, anyway..." scene w3_1514 with dissolve mina "I just think watching you two have sex... would be interesting." scene w3_1517 with dissolve fel "What? Do you want to watch us go at it Wednesday?" mina "Are you seriously asking?" fel "I {i}do{/i} like an audience." scene w3_1518 with dissolve mina "Then... yes, I would." scene w3_1519 with dissolve fel "Ha, you're so cute when you're honest!" fel "I'll give you a call then when we do it." scene w3_1526 with dissolve fel " the way, good job breaking it off cleanly with Ian." KN_MOD "elif feliciaSex == True and w2FeliciaAbort == False:" scene w3_1520 with dissolve fel "Eh, we had some fun a couple weeks ago, but that's fizzled out by now." scene w3_1511 with dissolve mina "How come?" scene w3_1510 with dissolve fel "He turned me down." scene w3_1521 with dissolve mina "Really? That's..." scene w3_1522 with dissolve fel "Why are you smiling?" mina "It's just... that's all it takes for it to be over with you, huh?" fel "Absolutely." scene w3_1526 with dissolve fel " the way, good job breaking it off cleanly with Ian." KN_MOD "elif feliciaSex == True and w2FeliciaAbort == True:" scene w3_1520 with dissolve fel "We fooled around the night we met, but it stopped there." scene w3_1511 with dissolve mina "Did it? How come?" scene w3_1510 with dissolve fel "He turned me down." scene w3_1521 with dissolve mina "Really? That's..." scene w3_1522 with dissolve fel "Why are you smiling?" mina "It's just... that's all it takes for it to be over with you, huh?" fel "Absolutely." scene w3_1526 with dissolve fel " the way, good job breaking it off cleanly with Ian." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1520 with dissolve fel "We never did anything." scene w3_1511 with dissolve mina "What, really?! I thought you did." mina "How come?" scene w3_1523 with dissolve fel "Well, I did make a move the night we met, but he... heh, {b}he turned me down.{/b}" scene w3_1524 with dissolve mina "Ha!" fel "What's so funny?" mina "He turned you down and not me." scene w3_1525 with dissolve fel " bitch. {i}Savor{/i} that feeling." scene w3_1526 with dissolve fel " the way, good job breaking it off cleanly with Ian." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1528 with dissolve fel "Your clumsy attempt at seduction got rejected!" fel "I mean... pfhha, c'mon... \" I really not enough, sad face\"...?" scene w3_1529 with dissolve mina "Don't be a bitch! He didn't want to two-time his friend!" scene w3_1530 with dissolve fel "Ha! Perhaps!" fel "It must've been a shock." scene w3_1531 with dissolve mina "I felt like an idiot. {i}He{/i} told me we were still friends!" mina "He would've been so lucky." scene w3_1532 with dissolve fel "Don't feel stupid. It sounded like he-- aha, I mean...!" fel "He's the dumb one, girl. What kind of cockless idiot turns down a hot young blonde with an extensive sexual to-do list?" scene w3_1533 with dissolve mina "*Sigh* Ha, thanks. But, he went the extra distance to make me {i}not{/i} feel stupid afterward." mina "Still, it sucks being rejected." scene w3_1526 with dissolve fel "Growing pains, kid. Speaking of which... good job breaking it off cleanly with Ian." mina "I was too slow doing it. I should've done it the moment I saw that video." scene w3_1527 with dissolve fel "All that matters is that you did it." scene w3_1534 with dissolve mina "We had this conversation last night." scene w3_1535 with dissolve fel "We had something like it, but I didn't have the benefit of saying it sober." scene w3_1538 with dissolve mina "You've been a good friend to me these past few days, Felicia." scene w3_1539 with dissolve fel "Well, you're a good kid and I don't have any friends. Got to make it count." scene w3_1534 with dissolve mina "So, you're saying you like having someone young like me who'll listen to your old butt?" scene w3_1539 with dissolve fel "I just see a lot of myself in you. Not because of similar circumstances or anything, just..." scene w3_1540 with dissolve mina "Heh. I could only hope to be half as cool as you." scene w3_1541 with dissolve fel "Ah, c'mon... I--" scene w3_1542 with dissolve mina "Hopefully, I'll have it more put together than you and not be hanging out with a dumb 19-year-old." scene w3_1543 with dissolve fel "{b}Cunt!{/b}" scene w3_1544 with dissolve mina "Do you want to get breakfast?" scene w3_1545 with dissolve fel "Sure, but it's gotta be a quick one. I've got some stuff to do today." scene w3_1546 with dissolve mina "What stuff?" scene w3_1547 with dissolve fel "A meeting to discuss the week's theme for a sex club I'm involved in." scene w3_1548 with dissolve mina "Uh... um... ahuh...?" fel "I'm just kidding! I've got some errands!" scene black with fade fel "Let's get breakfast." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." stop music KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >=4:" KN_MOD "jump w3June15HanaOpening" KN_MOD "elif w2HanaSex == False or w3HanaDP <= 3:" KN_MOD "jump w3June15SoloOpening" KN_MOD "label w3June15HanaOpening:" KN_MOD "if w3MinaOpening == False:" $ date = "june15day" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/page-turn.wav" scene titlecard_base with blinds $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene titlecard_week3 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene titlecard_week3full with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) show screen qmenu with dissolve scene black with dissolve "We slept hard, and we slept in late." "Turns out fucking until you almost pass out is a pretty good non-prescription sleep aid." play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" scene w3_1549 with goslow show screen textbox2 with dissolve "........." scene w3_1550 with dissolve show june15day with squares "......" scene w3_1549 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1551 with dissolve hana "Christ, I fuckin' stunk. How did you not kick my ass out of bed?" scene w3_1552 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You guess you were too tired to care.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I didn't even notice. You put my ass to sleep." scene w3_1553 with dissolve hana "Heh~ yeah..." KN_MOD "Its probably because shes so cute?:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You're cuter than you smelled, I guess." scene w3_1555 with dissolve hana "You guess?" scene w3_1554 with dissolve mc "Okay, you're just too cute." scene w3_1553 with dissolve hana "Thought so." KN_MOD "Tell her you like the way she smelled.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I liked the way you smelled." scene w3_1555 with dissolve hana "Eh...? {i}Really{/i}?" scene w3_1552 with dissolve mc "Yep. I {b}made{/b} you smell that way." KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" mc "It was hot. Reminded me of how you were screaming my name last night." KN_MOD "else:" mc "It was hot. Reminded me of how I had you calling me Daddy last night." scene w3_1556 with dissolve hana "Oh, fuck off." scene w3_1557 with dissolve mc "{b}I am{/b} a god among men." scene w3_1558 with dissolve hana "Well..." scene w3_1559 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" hana "I don't have an issue helping my boyfriend feel like a god." KN_MOD "else:" hana "You were pretty good, but don't get a big head." scene w3_1560 with dissolve hana "By the way, you should've taken a shower with me. I would've blown you." scene w3_1561 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." scene w3_1562 with dissolve mc "I'll remember that in the future." hana "Hehe~" scene w3_1563 with dissolve mc "Still, you otherwise would not have had this warm breakfast waiting for you. So, hurry up and get down here and eat." scene w3_1564 with dissolve hana "Since when... are you so commanding?" scene black with fade mc "What's with that look?" scene w3_1565 with fade hana "Have I mentioned to you how much I love your shoulders?" scene w3_1566 with dissolve mc "You're gonna make me blush." scene w3_1567 with dissolve hana "*Chwup* Mhh..." hana "Haaa... you don't mind a little morning sugar, do you?" scene w3_1568 with dissolve mc "It's a good pick me up..." hana "Heh, hehh...!" scene w3_1569 with dissolve hana "Fhwup* Haaah..." hana "I shouldn't let your hard work go to waste by letting the food get cold." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "My work wasn't the only hard thing, but I was pleased to let the morning go to a place..." play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene w3_1570 with circlewipe "...more lazy, listless, and comfortable. There was the nagging feeling that I should get up and prepare for my day, but I felt tethered to Hana." scene w3_1571 with dissolve hana "Hey, look." "Unwanting and adverse to leaving the cozy bubble we were in." scene w3_1572 with dissolve mc "Oh...?" mc "That's you and Jerrica." scene w3_1573 with dissolve hana "Yep." scene w3_1572 with dissolve mc "Cynthia was right. You haven't really changed much." mc "Not outwardly, at least. I like the pink hair." scene w3_1573 with dissolve hana "Right? Cute as fuck." scene w3_1574 with dissolve hana "Should I give it a spin again?" scene w3_1575 with dissolve mc "You're asking if you should dye your hair...?" scene w3_1576 with dissolve mc "Hmm..." scene w3_1577 with dissolve mc "{b}Nah{/b}. Your hair's beautiful - so black that you can get lost in it." mc "I like you the way you are." scene w3_1578 with dissolve hana "That's that." scene w3_1579 with dissolve mc "What about me?" scene w3_1580 with dissolve hana "I don't think pink's your color." scene w3_1581 with dissolve mc "No?" hana "{b}No...{/b}" hana "W~oooow, you're blind, huh?" scene w3_1582 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" "In short order, it was easy to see why I was so quick to promise Hana something I shouldn't have done last night." scene w3_1583 with dissolve mc "I can make you out just fine." scene w3_1582 with dissolve "Moments like this quieted the mind. Reduced and simplified." scene w3_1584 with dissolve mc "C'mere..." scene w3_1585 with dissolve hana "Mmmh..." KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True or roseFlag == True or feliciaFlag == True:" "But {b}I did{/b} promise her something difficult." KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" scene w3_1847 with pixellate "There was Mina, who in her loneliness and anger, spilled her guts to me. I promised to help her with her list." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" scene w3_1848 with pixellate "There was Rosalind and our deal, with all the extracurricular activities that entailed..." KN_MOD "if w2RosalindPhoto == True:" scene w3_1849 with pixellate "{b}Especially{/b} the extracurricular activities..." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaImpressed == True and feliciaFlag == True:" scene w3_1850 with pixellate "There was Felicia, exhilarating to be around." KN_MOD "if feliciaSugarBaby == True:" "I had her art exhibition this Wednesday, plus I promised I'd try out to be her sugar baby..." KN_MOD "else:" "I promised I'd go to that art exhibition with her this Wednesday..." scene w3_1586 with pixellate "There was no point in explaining the convoluted circumstances to Hana." "The choice was simple: keep my promise to Hana or don't." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1586 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_1587 with dissolve hana "...I think you should go brush your teeth?" scene w3_1588 with dissolve mc "Ha! Same to you!" scene w3_1589 with dissolve hana "I don't have a toothbrush here." KN_MOD "else:" "I should savor moments like this, I thought." scene w3_1584 with dissolve mc "C'mere..." scene w3_1585 with dissolve hana "Mmmh..." "Really make the most of it and count my stars at being so lucky." KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True or roseFlag == True or feliciaFlag == True:" "My life is a lot of fun right now. There was cock-starved Hana and..." KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" scene w3_1847 with pixellate "Curious and perverted Mina." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" scene w3_1848 with pixellate "Rosalind and our deal." KN_MOD "if w2RosalindPhoto == True:" scene w3_1849 with pixellate "Of which I've well taken advantage of..." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaImpressed == True and feliciaFlag == True:" scene w3_1850 with pixellate "There was Felicia, exhilarating to be around." KN_MOD "if feliciaSugarBaby == True:" "I had her art exhibition this Wednesday, plus I promised I'd try out to be her sugar baby..." KN_MOD "else:" "I promised I'd go to that art exhibition with her this Wednesday..." scene w3_1586 with pixellate "......" "..." mct "(Fuck yeah! My life is dope!)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1586 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_1587 with dissolve hana "...I think you should go brush your teeth?" scene w3_1588 with dissolve mc "Ha! Same to you!" scene w3_1589 with dissolve hana "I don't have a tooth-brush here." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Give me back my glasses!" "......" "..." "Inevitably though, that tether had to be cut. Hana had to check in on her mom and answer her many questions, and me... well..." KN_MOD "jump w3ThemeIntro" KN_MOD "label w3June15SoloOpening:" KN_MOD "if w3MinaOpening == False:" $ date = "june15day" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/page-turn.wav" scene titlecard_base with blinds $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene titlecard_week3 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) scene titlecard_week3full with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) show screen qmenu with dissolve scene w3_1590 with dissolve mc "Mmmhh..." scene w3_1591 with dissolve "I wanted to go back to sleep, but..." show june15day with squares KN_MOD "if w2HanaSex == True and w3HanaDP <= 3:" mc "I didn't get any play last night with Hana, did I? But so what...?" play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" scene w3_1592 with dissolve "Why is this thing so out of control?" "......" "..." "Today was Monday, which meant I had to go to the club in a few hours... I should get ready... {b}also{/b}..." scene w3_1593 with dissolve "I had to go to the club in a few hours, so it would probably be best if I wasn't {i}pent up.{/b}" "Never know what that old woman has in store..." mct "(Sorry, Ian.)" scene w3_1594 with pixellate mc "...!" "A tried and true favorite." scene w3_1595 with wipeleft "She hated me for no good reason... I always wanted to see what that stuck-up bitch's face would look like getting fucked in the ass." mct "(Gah, s-stupid cunt!)" scene w3_1596 with wiperight "In my fantasies, my desires had free rein, without consequence." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with vpunch mc "Hnngg...!" scene w3_1597 with pixellate mc "......" scene w3_1598 with dissolve mct "(...I should go clean up.)" scene black with fade "I {i}was{/i} free to do {b}some{/b} of the things I desired..." scene w3_1599 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "........." scene w3_1600 with dissolve "......" scene w3_1601 with dissolve mc "..." mct "(I wonder what Kathleen has in store for us today.)" scene w3_1602 with dissolve "Us...?" "It seemed I unconsciously included myself among the Carnations." scene black with fade "Was that good or bad?" stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3ThemeIntro" KN_MOD "label w3ThemeIntro:" "The walk to the club was dull and uneventful, my mind preoccupied with countless trivialities - just as it might for anyone else's daily commute." play music "music/that-one-bar-scene.ogg" scene w3_1603 with circlewipe "Once inside, I saw a pair of familiar faces and was greeted by the friendly smile of my co-worker." scene w3_1604 with fade "The mundanity of it all was striking." scene w3_1605 with dissolve "Dr. Van Doren's assistant stood at Jacob's post. My arrival had either interrupted their exchange or had tidily coincided with its conclusion." jacob "[mcf]!" scene w3_1606 with dissolve mc "So... I've got a question." scene w3_1607 with dissolve jacob "Do I look like a help desk to you?" scene w3_1608 with dissolve mc "I've always wondered... you're posted way up here, so what happens if someone finds a way to wander in?" scene w3_1610 with dissolve jacob "The cameras will send me an alert." scene w3_1608 with dissolve mc "Oh, yeah... that makes sense." scene w3_1609 with dissolve jacob "Doesn't ever really happen anyway. It's just floor after floor of unoccupied office space, after all." scene w3_1608 with dissolve mc "Never?" scene w3_1611 with dissolve jacob "Well, there was one time a homeless guy pried open a service door we forgot to latch in order to get out of the cold." scene w3_1612 with dissolve mc "What did you do?" scene w3_1611 with dissolve jacob "I sent him on his way with a cup of coffee. The man was just cold and this is just an empty office building, right?" scene w3_1608 with dissolve mc "Right on." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == fulfilled:" scene w3_1613 with dissolve jacob "Actually, I'm glad to see you. I wanted to say thanks for getting Emma the night off." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorIan == True:" scene w3_1614 with dissolve mc "Well, it wasn't quite a night off, but I did manage to get her away from the patrons thanks to Ian." mc "Hopefully, he didn't give her too hard of a time." scene w3_1615 with dissolve jacob "She's dealt with worse." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorChuck == True:" scene w3_1614 with dissolve mc "It wasn't much; I just asked Dr. Chuck for a favor." scene w3_1615 with dissolve jacob "It might not feel like much, but she and I appreciated it." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorSolo == True:" scene w3_1614 with dissolve mc "It wasn't quite the night off, but I managed to take her away from the patrons." scene w3_1615 with dissolve jacob "Yeah, she explained your little ruse." scene w3_1616 with dissolve mc "Plausible deniability." scene w3_1615 with dissolve jacob "Heh, for sure." scene w3_1617 with dissolve jacob "Anyway, I owe you one. If you ever need a favor, I'm your man, alright?" mc "Sure, I'll remember that." mct "(I can't imagine what kind of favor that would be, though...)" scene w3_1618 with dissolve mc "So, Mrs. Pulman in her office?" scene w3_1619 with dissolve jacob "Her words were to tell you to report to the photo studio. You know where to find it?" scene w3_1620 with dissolve mc "Yep. Well-acquainted with it." scene w3_1621 with dissolve mc "I should get down there." scene w3_1620 with dissolve mc "Oh, by the way, is Dr. Van Doren here?" scene w3_1619 with dissolve jacob "He isn't." scene w3_1620 with dissolve mc "Oh... I've never seen Sophia without him." scene w3_1619 with dissolve jacob "For the last couple of weeks, Dr. Lundgren has come alone often. Almost daily, actually." scene w3_1620 with dissolve mc "Huh? What's she doing?" scene w3_1622 with dissolve jacob "No idea. I guess she and Mrs. Pulman are friends?" mct "(I doubt they were social visits...)" scene w3_1620 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that must be it." scene w3_1615 with dissolve jacob "Fine-ass woman, isn't she?" scene w3_1623 with dissolve mc "She's definitely beautiful." scene w3_1624 with dissolve jacob "Nah, man. It's more than that." jacob "Every time she passes by, I feel like I'm a fuckin' teenager again with all the urges." scene w3_1623 with dissolve mc "Ah, yeah... {b}it's the perfume{/b}. Try not to inhale it as much when she comes around." scene w3_1622 with dissolve jacob "Perfume? Yeah, {b}right{/b}. I don't think it's that." scene w3_1625 with dissolve mc "Juuuust give standing a couple more feet apart a try, alright? {b}Trust me.{/b}" mc "See you around, Jacob." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade jacob "Later man." scene w3_1626 with cmet "In the studio, I was greeted by another increasingly mundane sight. The Carnations were all here, wearing very little, but..." scene w3_1627 with dissolve "{b}Scratch that.{/b}" play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene w3_1628 with dissolve "The three dolled up in red leather was still a glorious sight." "Each woman wore a corset, intricately distinguished from your bog standard BDSM attire by a few strategically placed straps of leather that both obscured and accentuated their naughty bits." scene w3_1629 with dissolve kat "[mcf], good, you're here." scene w3_1630 with dissolve mc "I am... and here I thought I was pretty early, but the girls are already dressed." scene w3_1631 with dissolve kat "Don't they look lovely?" scene w3_1632 with dissolve "I left the question unanswered, as given the dull looks on their faces, a yes felt like it would be ostentatious." scene w3_1633 with dissolve kat "{b}You are early{/b}, dear. Things still need to be fully prepared." scene w3_1629 with dissolve kat "Warren's prepping the Obsidian Room, and we'll need to wait for Ian to start the shoot. Have you spoken to him today?" scene w3_1630 with dissolve mc "I have not. Why?" scene w3_1629 with dissolve kat "Considering his historic {i}tardiness{/i}, I tried calling him." scene w3_1630 with dissolve mc " luck?" scene w3_1634 with dissolve kat "You may be more fortunate." scene w3_1635 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "I finally noticed the cattle prod in Mrs. Pulman's hands... a portent of what's to come, no doubt." KN_MOD "else:" "I finally noticed the cattle prod in Kathleen's hands... a portent of what's to come, no doubt." scene w3_1636 with dissolve kat "We're not supposed to start for at least another thirty minutes, but it'd be nice to know if I can count on him today." scene w3_1637 with dissolve mc "I'll give him a call." scene w3_1638 with dissolve kat "Good!" stop music play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1639 with vpunch "*Crack*" mc "Ah-- yyhhup-!!!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "A jolt of pain seared my core as a playful smile spread on Mrs. Pulman's face." KN_MOD "else:" "A jolt of pain seared my core as a playful smile spread on Kathleen's face." scene w3_1640 with dissolve mc "Godda-- ah, what's the big-" kat "How's the intensity? Do you think it needs more juice?" mc "Gah..." "In the wake of the shock, the area she prodded was left with a slowly dissipating burning sensation." scene w3_1641 with dissolve mc "Ah... ha... maybe I'm a pussy, but that fucking sucked." scene w3_1642 with dissolve kat "I do appreciate your input, dear - {i}and the cute way you yelp.{/i}" scene w3_1641 with dissolve mc "...I'll make the call now." scene w3_1643 with dissolve kat "Please do-" kat "Ha! Don't be so jumpy!" play sound "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene black with fade "*Ring, ring...*" "It was rare for Ian not to pick up on the first or second ring..." "*Ring, ring, ring...*" "Maybe he's..." stop sound play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" KN_MOD "if ianIntrospect == True:" scene w3_1644 with radio kil "Ugh... y-yo...! D-doc!" play music "music/hotshot-slow.ogg" scene w3_1645 with dissolve mc "You sound like shit." scene w3_1644 with dissolve kil "I... guhh... I drank way too much last night." scene w3_1645 with dissolve "Considering his tolerance... {b}that couldn't be an understatement.{/b}" mc "Taking the breakup that hard, eh?" scene w3_1644 with dissolve kil "{b}No...!{/b} I just got a bit carried away fucking that old hag, that's all." scene w3_1646 with dissolve alice "Ah, don't--" kil "Relax. He already knows." scene w3_1647 with dissolve alice "..." scene w3_1648 with dissolve kil "Say he--..." scene w3_1649 with dissolve kil "Eughh...!" scene w3_1650 with dissolve "I could hear Ian momentarily fight back a wretch from his end of the phone." kil "Say hello." alice "*Sigh*..." scene w3_1651 with dissolve alice "Hi, [mcf]." scene w3_1652 with dissolve mc "Ah..." "I wasn't expecting... this..." scene w3_1651 with dissolve alice "...this is awkward, huh?" scene w3_1652 with dissolve mc "Not really..." "That was a fucking lie." mc "{b}You're both adults{/b}... *Ahem*... how are you doing, Alice?" scene w3_1653 with dissolve alice "Well, I'm about to..." scene w3_1655 with dissolve kil "Alice... help me..." kil "...bacon-egg-cheese sandwich." scene w3_1654 with dissolve mc "He's got you nursing his hangover?" scene w3_1656 with dissolve alice "What else?" scene w3_1654 with dissolve mc "He doesn't deserve it." scene w3_1653 with dissolve alice "I'm gonna give the phone back now." scene w3_1657 with dissolve mc "Sure. Good talking, Alice..." scene w3_1658 with dissolve kil "Ughh... hey, dude..." scene w3_1659 with dissolve mc "You're fucking shameless, you know that? Taking advantage of your nanny like that." scene w3_1660 with dissolve kil "Hey...! She enjoys it! ...for some fuckin' reason." scene w3_1661 with dissolve mc "You're not coming into work, are you?" scene w3_1662 with dissolve kil "Aaaaaaaaaaaah.... {i}shiiiiiit{/i}." kil "Kathy's dumb photo shoots... right..." scene w3_1663 with dissolve kil "...tell her I sounded like I'm dying? Through absolutely no fault of my own? Heh...?" scene w3_1661 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_1663 with dissolve kil "You're not mad? You can point a camera and snap a few pictures." scene w3_1661 with dissolve mc "It's not that. I'm upset I won't see my friend's smiling face today." scene w3_1664 with dissolve kil "Yeah right, jackass!" scene w3_1661 with dissolve mc "...I'll cover for you, I guess." scene w3_1665 with dissolve kil "Yeah?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1666 with radio kil "Ughh... h-hey man..." play music "music/hotshot-slow.ogg" scene w3_1667 with dissolve mc "You sound fucked up." scene w3_1666 with dissolve kil "I am... drank a little too much last night." scene w3_1667 with dissolve mc "A little?" scene w3_1666 with dissolve kil "A little bit of a lot... h-heh... ugh..." scene w3_1667 with dissolve mc "Taking the break up hard, eh?" scene w3_1668 with dissolve kil "N-no... I just got carried away with... ah..." scene w3_1669 with dissolve kil "Get off my arm, will you? It's fall--" scene w3_1670 with dissolve mc "I got the picture." scene w3_1671 with dissolve kil "Yeah?" scene w3_1670 with dissolve mc "{b}Yeah{/b}. You're not coming into work today." "......" scene w3_1672 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1673 with dissolve kil "Aaaaaaaaaaaah.... {i}shiiiiiit{/i}." kil "Kathy's dumb photo shoots... right..." scene w3_1674 with dissolve kil "...tell her I sounded like I'm dying? Through absolutely no fault of my own? Heh...?" scene w3_1670 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_1671 with dissolve kil "You're not mad, are you?" scene w3_1670 with dissolve mc "It's not that. I'm upset I won't see my friend's smiling face today." scene w3_1675 with dissolve kil "Yeah right, jackass!" scene w3_1670 with dissolve mc "...yeah, alright. I'll cover for you, I guess." scene w3_1671 with dissolve kil "You will?" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w3_1676 with dissolve mc "{b}Yeeeeeeep.{/b}" scene w3_1677 with dissolve "Sorry dude, the jig is already up." scene w3_1676 with dissolve mc "I'll tell her you've got the crud going around right now." scene w3_1677 with dissolve kil "Thanks, man... ugh..." scene w3_1676 with dissolve mc "Talk to you later." scene w3_1677 with dissolve kil "Ugh... think I'm actually going to pu-- bye!" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "*Beep*" scene w3_1678 with dissolve "......" "..." play music "music/covert-affair.ogg" scene w3_1679 with dissolve mc "...uhhh, he sounded pretty sick." scene w3_1680 with dissolve kat "Was that a question mark at the end?" scene w3_1679 with dissolve mc "No...?" scene w3_1681 with dissolve kat "Well, no matter. You can fill in for his side of things." kat "You had ample experience last week." scene w3_1682 with dissolve mc "I'm a professional by this point." scene w3_1683 with dissolve kat "*Sigh* I SHOULD just stop relying on him altogether. It would simplify things." scene w3_1684 with dissolve KN_MOD "if Killian_Bromance >=17:" mc "Don't you think he adds a bit of charm to the proceedings?" scene w3_1683 with dissolve kat "The only thing that scud adds is adequately pointing a camera." scene w3_1685 with dissolve mc "He's got other redeeming qualities..." "You've got to say it more enthusiastically, [mcf]..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "These things happen." scene w3_1683 with dissolve kat "Too often." scene w3_1686 with dissolve "Well, whatever. Not like any of this is actual work..." play music "music/from-russia-with-love.ogg" scene w3_1687 with dissolve kat "We are getting started early, girls. Please try and contain your excitement." scene w3_1688 with dissolve ver "Greeeeeat." scene w3_1689 with dissolve rose "Get started on what?" kat "This week's promotional material." scene w3_1690 with dissolve fel "I hope it will be more fun than the previous one. Unfortunately, it was a little too much talking for my tastes." scene w3_1691 with dissolve kat "Oh, have no fear, Mrs. Ford. This is {b}hell week{/b}." scene w3_1692 with dissolve fel "......" scene w3_1693 with dissolve ver "......" scene w3_1694 with dissolve rose "..." scene w3_1695 with dissolve ver "...okay?" scene w3_1696 with dissolve kat "I know that doesn't mean much right now." kat "It doesn't need to. Your experiences during this exhibition will impart my meaning in a way words won't suffice." scene w3_1697 with dissolve rose "Are you trying to scare us?" scene w3_1698 with dissolve kat "Grab the camera, [mcf]." scene w3_1699 with dissolve mc "On it." scene w3_1700 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExLosersAll == True:" kat "We will play a brief game today and then move on to you three's punishment for failing to win week 2." KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserDuo == True:" kat "We will play a brief game today, then move on to Miss Lynch and Mrs. Ford's punishment for losing week 2." KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserFelicia == True:" kat "We will play a brief game today, then move on to Mrs. Ford's punishment for losing week 2." KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserVeronica == True:" kat "We will play a brief game today, then move on to Miss Lynch's punishment for losing week 2." kat "Both of which will be documented for our viewers' betting pleasure. So put on your best sad, miserable faces, girls." scene w3_1701 with dissolve "..." scene w3_1702 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "They looked primarily unperturbed by Mrs. Pulman's words - and in some ways, it WAS the same old same old, but..." KN_MOD "else:" "They looked primarily unperturbed by Kathleen's words - and in some ways, it WAS the same old same old, but... " scene w3_1703 with dissolve kat "Get some good shots of their costumes before we begin." "Something about the cruel woman's newfound brevity waved a red flag." scene w3_1704 with dissolve mc "Like last week? You want poses and...?" "Unusually amongst the three, only Felicia's face showed a degree of distinguishable concern." scene w3_1703 with dissolve kat "Whatever you feel is appropriate. {b}Just keep it brief.{/b}" scene w3_1705 with dissolve mc "Alright, girls. Let's, uh..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene black with fade stop music fadeout 2.0 "With that missive in mind, I arranged a series of group shots. Shots that would hopefully be evocative of the Carnation's personality and--" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w3_1706 with flash "{i}I decided to take a series of group shots that were hot as hell.{/i} But, I mean, what else was there to do beyond following my boner here?" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w3_1707 with flash "I paired each of them off in every combination." play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w3_1708 with flash mct "({i}Put your tits in her face!{/i} ...yeah.)" mct "(You're a goddamn {b}genius{/b}, [mcf].)" play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" scene w3_1709 with flash kat "That should be good enough." play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" scene w3_1710 with dissolve kat "The real meat of it is before us." scene w3_1711 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if history_voyeur == True:" "Part of me was a little disappointed that my fun was cut short. This aspect of the job stimulated the inner voyeur in me." "A trait Ian and I had in common, it seems..." KN_MOD "else:" "I was getting a taste for this aspect. Part of me was a little disappointed that my fun was cut short." scene w3_1712 with dissolve kat "Oh, before we continue, I should christen this week with a more formal title." kat "Let's see... service... shame... {i}suffering{/i} maybe?" scene w3_1713 with dissolve mc "I think \"hell week\" alone suffices. It has... {b}impact.{/b}" scene w3_1714 with dissolve kat "You think?" scene w3_1715 with dissolve "An honest, divorced thought slipped from my tongue as easily as if I were picking a team name for trivia night." scene w3_1713 with dissolve mc "The patrons will respond to it. I'm sure of it." scene w3_1716 with dissolve kat "What do you girls think?" scene w3_1717 with dissolve "She looked at the Carnations as if awaiting their opinion on the branding." carnations "..." "Naturally, they didn't have shit to say about it." scene w3_1718 with dissolve kat "Come on, you must have an opinion." kat "This month is all about YOU. Take an interest." scene w3_1719 with dissolve fel " kinda lends a sense of anticipation, doesn't it?" scene w3_1720 with dissolve kat "It's settled, then. Welcome to {b}hell{/b} week, girls." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1721 with vpunch fel "G-ahh, sh--" scene w3_1722 with dissolve fel "Don't suddenly--" scene w3_1723 with dissolve kat "All three of you: {b}on your knees.{/b}" fel "Gah...!" kat "{b}Hands behind your head.{/b}" scene w3_1724 with dissolve kat "Come on now, don't dally." "I was starting to think this was the old woman's favorite position." scene w3_1725 with dissolve kat "Grab the video camera on the table, [mcf]. Our patrons will appreciate some sound for this following sequence." ver "Which is...?" KN_MOD "label w3ShockGame:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" play music "music/epic-battle-speech.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_1726 with dissolve kat "I told you. You girls are going to play a game." scene w3_1727 with dissolve kat "Starting at the lowest setting, I will use this on you." fel "Ah, goddamn it..." scene w3_1728 with dissolve kat "If you find it unpleasant, you only need to say... I don't know... \'switch\' and you'll earn a reprieve. I will change my target to the next person in line." kat "However, just so you know, if it loops back to you... I go up a setting. {b}There's five{/b}." scene w3_1729 with dissolve kat "This is only a prelude to the main event, so we needn't drag this on. The game will last only five minutes." kat "Try to endure instead of selfishly passing your misery onto your neighbor." scene w3_1764 with dissolve ver "What's the upside to this?" scene w3_1765 with dissolve kat "What do you mean {i}upside{/i}?" scene w3_1766 with dissolve ver "You usually attach some strings to these things. Last week, during our photoshoots, there was an advantage at stake." scene w3_1765 with dissolve kat "You're asking what makes this worth your while?" scene w3_1767 with dissolve kat "Doesn't that go without saying?" kat "Our \"contract\" is void if you don't perform satisfactorily." scene w3_1768 with dissolve ver "Sounds like you could pull the rug out from underneath us whenever you want." scene w3_1769 with dissolve kat "This isn't a bank. We're all in the honor system, Miss Lynch." scene w3_1768 with dissolve ver "Exactly. Just saying... it wouldn't hurt to have an immediate incentive." scene w3_1770 with dissolve kat "You ballsy bitch. You're two weeks into this thing and you're getting ideas, huh?" scene w3_1771 with dissolve ver "Maybe I just don't feel like being shocked today after that shit you pulled with the spider. Calling my dad was off limits!" scene w3_1772 with dissolve kat "Limits...? {b}Limits?!{/b}" scene w3_1773 with dissolve ver "The way I see it, you need us to put on a good show. Not nearly as much as we need you clearly, but enough that--" "This was the same talk she brought up during our group lunch..." scene w3_1774 with dissolve kat "*Sigh* I was hoping to have successfully taught you just how small and pathetic you really were, but now you're threatening me with an ultimatum?" "It didn't seem like a good idea then, and the enraged look on the boss' face didn't make it sound like a good idea now." scene w3_1775 with dissolve kat "Come to think of it, on the subject of putting on a good show, replacing you would be a good bit of drama for the halfway mark." kat "I can understand if you decide your business isn't worth further degrading yourself." scene w3_1776 with dissolve ver "..." scene w3_1777 with dissolve kat "In fact, it'd be the first thing you did that made me feel an ounce of respect for you." scene w3_1778 with dissolve ver "..." "Veronica looked to either of her compatriots for help, but to no avail." "All sense of leverage she thought she had was immediately uprooted when she realized neither Rosalind nor Felicia was on her side." scene w3_1779 with dissolve kat "If you want, this can all be for naught. We can split amicably, although I caution you about getting overly emotional. If need be..." mct "(I didn't believe that for one fucking second.)" scene w3_1780 with dissolve kat "I can {b}ruin{/b} you, Veronica." scene w3_1781 with dissolve "Now, {b}that{/b} one, I did believe." scene w3_1782 with dissolve ver "..." kat "Assume the position, Miss Lynch." scene w3_1783 with dissolve ver "..." kat "Perfect! Now--" scene w3_1730 with dissolve kat "Now that is settled... let us..." scene w3_1731 with dissolve kat "Oh, dear... I forgot." scene w3_1732 with dissolve kat "Hold that position, girls. I'll be right back." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_1733 with dissolve mc "Ah..." scene w3_1734 with dissolve fel "......" scene w3_1735 with dissolve ver "......" scene w3_1736 with dissolve rose "..." play music "music/too-cool.ogg" scene w3_1737 with dissolve mc "So, uh... how are you three doing? Have a nice weekend?" scene w3_1738 with dissolve ver "Oh, yeah. Real fuckin' chipper. Can't you tell?" rose "She said to hold the position..." scene w3_1739 with dissolve ver "Save yourself some discomfort." scene w3_1740 with dissolve fel "...*sigh* the camera is rolling." ver "What's your point? She isn't going any easier on us than she plans to." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen camcorder scene w3_1741 with dissolve rose "Do you think this is going to hurt?" scene w3_1742 with dissolve "Felicia alone held the position." scene w3_1743 with dissolve mc "It hurts, but nothing too bad." scene w3_1742 with dissolve fel "It {b}fucking{/b} hurts." scene w3_1744 with dissolve rose "Oh..." hide screen camcorder scene w3_1745 with dissolve fel "Which end do you think she's going to start with?" scene w3_1746 with dissolve ver "Definitely you. You put a target on your back last week." scene w3_1747 with dissolve fel "Did I?" show screen camcorder scene w3_1748 with dissolve ver "Gah. I bet the bitch didn't even need to make a call. This is some mind-game shit." scene w3_1749 with dissolve rose "Maybe..." rose "Old people are pretty forgetful." scene w3_1750 with dissolve fel "All I'm saying is, let's play this smart, alright? This is a classic prisoner's dilemma." hide screen camcorder scene w3_1751 with dissolve fel "We just need to bite our tongues for 100 seconds each, spread across maybe a couple of rounds. That'd be easiest for all of us." scene w3_1752 with dissolve rose "Heh. I'll try my best." scene w3_1753 with dissolve rose "I can be skittish when it comes to..." fel "..." scene w3_1754 with dissolve ver "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth, Blondie." ver "Every week, I see smart people who lack the willpower to endure the pain of even a little exercise." scene w3_1755 with dissolve fel "What's your point, Red?" scene w3_1754 with dissolve ver "My point is planning for this dumb game is setting yourself up for disappointment when you realize you don't have what it takes to see it through." scene w3_1755 with dissolve fel "For a bitch whose job is self-improvement, you sure are fatalistic." scene w3_1756 with dissolve ver "...I'm not saying {i}I'm{/i} the one who won't be able to endure it. Myself... I'll do my best to cut you a break." scene w3_1757 with dissolve fel "...*sigh* I guess we'll see how this goes, huh?" scene w3_1758 with dissolve ver "Besides, where did the crazy bluster you had on stage go? You were acting pretty damn invincible." scene w3_1759 with dissolve fel "Well, in the moment, two dozen eyes on you can have an intoxicating effect." fel "It's spending the following Sunday nursing the after-effects of having a sharp triangle shoved up your cooch that has a girl angling to play the next day a little more prudently." scene w3_1760 with dissolve ver "Hmmpfh. So you CAN bleed." rose "That's good to know." scene w3_1761 with dissolve fel "Gah, that's not the takeaway I was looking for here." scene w3_1762 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "From where I stood, even if she wasn't employing one, Mrs. Pulman's mind game was a rousing success." KN_MOD "else:" "From where I stood, even if she wasn't employing one, Mrs. Kathleen's mind game was a rousing success." "The Carnations fell into a collective silence, their expressions more scrutable than before." "A few minutes passed, and then..." scene w3_1763 with dissolve kat "Alright. My apologies, now we can--" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene w3_1784 with dissolve kat "I thought I told you bitches to hold your position?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene black with fade show screen camcorder kat "What the hell is it with people today? Can't anyone do what they're fucking told?" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1785 with pixellate rose "G-ggguuu That-" play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1786 with vpunch "*Tceeeek!*" rose "A-aah...!" "The game's beginning was heralded by the oppressive sound of electricity jumping from the wand's barbs and tailing off into a short yet painfully sharp yelp." scene w3_1785 with dissolve rose "Ow, g-gah...! Tha- sthin-..." scene w3_1787 with dissolve kat "{b}Remember{/b}, you may switch whenever you please." rose "Hnng..." scene w3_1788 with dissolve "........." "......" "..." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1789 with vpunch "*Thiiick~!*" rose "W-whwhaaa...!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman seemed to be playing for keeps, determined to get the MILF to quickly swap by targeting the sensitive gap between Rosalind's ribs." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen seemed to be playing for keeps, determined to get the MILF to quickly swap by targeting the sensitive gap between Rosalind's ribs." scene w3_1790 with dissolve rose "Unggh... fwwh--" scene w3_1791 with dissolve rose "-wahhha...?!" "A shockless touch drew an anticipatory flinch from her fat-tittied target." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "The game had barely begun, and I could already see Mrs. Pulman's plan: keep an unsteady rhythm to the shocks and wield the Carnation's resulting anticipation as a weapon." KN_MOD "else:" "The game had barely begun, and I could already see Kathleen's plan: keep an unsteady rhythm to the shocks and wield the Carnation's resulting anticipation as a weapon." scene w3_1792 with dissolve kat "No...?" "As visual punctuation for the camera's benefit, she toyed and physically prodded Rosalind's breast, letting the anticipation grow thick before--" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1793 with vpunch rose "G-eehh, s-switch...!" "Attacking a different target altogether." scene w3_1794 with dissolve fel "Ah, crap... already?!" rose "W-wait, I mean..." "Rather than being at her limit, it seemed Rosalind had blurted the words out of surprise, but it was too late. She had already passed the buck." scene w3_1795 with dissolve kat "Looks like it's your turn, Miss Lynch." scene w3_1796 with dissolve kat "Mmmh... hmm~ hmm~ hmm~ Veronica... ah..." "Mrs. Pulman's voice adopted an atypical, girlish lilt." scene w3_1797 with dissolve kat "A body like yours... was made to be put on its knees like this." ver "..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Veronica didn't say anything, most likely content with letting Mrs. Pulman run down the clock syllable by syllable." KN_MOD "else:" "Veronica didn't say anything, most likely content with letting Kathleen run down the clock syllable by syllable." scene w3_1798 with dissolve kat "You can take a lot without breaking, can't you?" "But if anyone was more keenly aware of the time than the Carnations, it would be the old woman. This was her dance, and every pause was a deliberate step for our unseen audience." kat "I bet you think you'll be the star of round 1~ that you'll hold out magnificently and show the other Carnations just..." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1799 with vpunch ver "Tsk...!" scene w3_1800 with dissolve kat " Tough. You. Are." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1801 with vpunch "*Tchwiick!*" ver "Hnngg..." scene w3_1802 with dissolve "Two short shocks, delivered in quick succession to the tender skin of Veronica's armpit..." play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1803 with vpunch "*Zhhhiip!*" ver "Hnngg...!" scene w3_1804 with dissolve "Three..." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1805 with vpunch "*Zhaaaaap!" scene w3_1806 with dissolve "Four..." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1807 with vpunch ver "Ahh, hhnngg-!" scene w3_1808 with dissolve kat "Hmmmm, no doubt~ you really are a tough cookie, slut." scene w3_1809 with dissolve kat "Open your mouth and stick out your pretty pink tongue, please." scene w3_1810 with dissolve "Veronica naturally hesitated." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1811 with vpunch "*Thwiiiick!*" kat "Show me your tongue!" scene w3_1812 with dissolve ver "G-gahh...!" scene w3_1813 with dissolve kat "{b}Lick it{/b}." scene w3_1814 with dissolve ver "..." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1815 with vpunch "*Zaaaaap*!" scene punish_verol_a with dissolve show punish_verol with dissolve "For added effect, she shocked the air, urging Veronica's compliance." kat "Ah, that's right..." "I waited for the shoe to drop." kat "That's a good bitch..." "A shock delivered to the tongue would hurt like a bitch..." kat "...but don't think I've forgotten..." "It didn't come, however. Instead..." scene w3_1816 with dissolve scene w3_1817 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1818 with vpunch "*Zap*" scene w3_1819 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1820 with dissolve "*Za, zap!*" scene w3_1821 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1822 with vpunch "*Za, thwack, craaaaack!*" ver "Gghhhuuu, ah {b}s-son of a bitch..!{/b}" "Another fake out in favor of a critical hit on the spot she had been working on." scene w3_1823 with dissolve ver "Switch!" scene w3_1824 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Despite the Amazon's earlier claims, Mrs. Pulman had made short, skillful work of her." KN_MOD "else:" "Despite the Amazon's earlier claims, Kathleen had made short, skillful work of her." fel "Ah, fuck..." "She had barely lasted longer than Rosalind." hide screen camcorder scene w3_1825 with dissolve kat "You're nothing, Miss Lynch. Absolutely nothing." kat "How many times do I have to prove that? Now, get your arms back up or it won't count~" scene w3_1826 with dissolve kat "Now, Mrs. Ford... our industrious, hard-working gold-digging bitch~ whore~ slut~" fel "Ah... you're really enjoying this--" show screen camcorder play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1827 with vpunch fel "G-gaaah....!" scene w3_1828 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1829 with vpunch fel "Tsk...! Hnngg..." scene w3_1830 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1831 with vpunch fel "W-wuuuah, {b}switch!{/b}" hide screen camcorder scene w3_1832 with dissolve kat "Huh...? I..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Both the other Carnations and Mrs. Pulman herself looked dumbfounded at Felicia's quick submission." KN_MOD "else:" "Both the other Carnations and Kathleen herself looked dumbfounded at Felicia's quick submission." scene w3_1833 with dissolve ver "You got to be kidding me..." scene w3_1834 with dissolve "The quickest of any of them." scene w3_1835 with dissolve kat "{i}Interesting{/i}. After your showing Saturday, I was expecting you to hold out much longer." scene w3_1836 with dissolve fel "It fucking hurts!" scene w3_1837 with dissolve ver "No shit! And now it's going to--" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1838 with vpunch rose "Y-yyyeee!" "The round began anew, this time on the second setting." show screen camcorder scene w3_1839 with dissolve "This one went about as quick." "Rosalind lasted about the same." play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1840 with fade "Veronica valiantly held out longer than previously." scene w3_1841 with fade fel "S-switch!" "...and Felicia once again folded to a couple of shocks." scene w3_1842 with dissolve rose "Again?!" scene w3_1843 with dissolve "It made sense. Felicia was a hedonist, not a masochist. This game, divorced from physical, sexual gratification or even the arousal of having many men view her naked body, didn't suit her." scene w3_1842 with dissolve rose "After all your talk about playing this smart?!" scene w3_1843 with dissolve "Rosalind, next up on the chopping block, was uncharacteristically pissed." hide screen camcorder scene w3_1844 with dissolve fel "I'd be more motivated if you two didn't fold in twenty seconds!" scene w3_1845 with dissolve ver "It's better than 5!" play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1846 with vpunch "*Tchhiiiik!*" rose "Hnngg...! S-switch!" scene black with fade "Everyone quickly folded from there." scene w3_1851 with fade "To her credit, Veronica lasted longer in the third round but quickly gave up in the fourth." scene w3_1852 with dissolve fel "Switch!" scene w3_1853 with dissolve kat "Did you really just try that, Mrs. Ford? I have yet to even shock you." scene w3_1854 with dissolve fel "Hehehe... well... worth a fuckin' shot, right?" scene black with fade "Of all of them, Felicia proved to be the weakest link." kat "Get back into position!" scene w3_1855 with wipeleft "With just under two minutes to spare, the Carnations were already facing down round 5 and the highest setting." scene w3_1856 with dissolve kat "Somehow, you girls managed to subvert even my low expectations. I didn't believe we'd get past round 3." show screen camcorder scene w3_1857 with dissolve rose "Hnngg...?" scene w3_1858 with dissolve kat "Hmmm..." kat "..." scene w3_1859 with dissolve kat "Get some POV shots of you doing it." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_1860 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_1861 with dissolve kat "[mcf]?" hide screen camcorder scene w3_1862 with dissolve "By this point, I had practically melded with the video camera. After that, I hadn't a thought in my head." "It took me a moment to even register that the old woman was talking to me as {i}a person{/i}." scene w3_1863 with dissolve mc "...what about the time?" show screen camcorder scene w3_1864 with dissolve kat "Time's ticking, but since there's no point in switching anymore, let's say they each get three, and then we'll move on to the {b}fun{/b} part." scene w3_1865 with dissolve rose "Hehehe.. he... this... wasn't the fun part?" scene w3_1866 with dissolve mc "...s'okay." "It's not like me or her doing it really made a difference here." play music "music/unsafe-roads.ogg" hide screen camcorder scene w3_1867 with dissolve "At least, that is what I told myself as I felt a sickeningly sweet knot form in my stomach." "This baby was on the menu during Felicia's leg of the last exhibition, but I had purposefully avoided using it. If not for the gold digger's sake, then my own." scene w3_1868 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2HarpRainCheck == False:" "I knew it would rival the feeling I got from torturing Harper." KN_MOD "else:" "Just the very thought of using this thing enflamed my urges." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "First, give yourself a test shock.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 scene w3_1869 with dissolve "This will look stupid, but in my mind, it was a matter of utmost prudence. It was my opinion that if you're going to inflict pain on someone for either of your gratifications..." play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1870 with vpunch mc "Hnngg...!" "...the person who inflicted it should try it themselves." scene w3_1871 with dissolve mct "(Ah, that was...)" "The first shock confirmed what I had suspected by watching: knowing the precise time it was coming lessened the effect of the shock." "Mind you, it still hurt like hell. At this setting, a horrible pinch immediately robbed me of whole seconds of my breath from me." scene w3_1872 with dissolve mct "(Again...!)" play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1873 with vpunch mc "Huuung--!" scene w3_1874 with dissolve "On top of that, the place the barb made contact left a burning sensation that persisted, grew, and ached with time." scene w3_1875 with dissolve mct "(One more...)" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1876 with vpunch mc "Ah, ha-haak...!" scene w3_1878 with dissolve mct "(Fuck, that hhh...!)" "It was unpleasant, but it wasn't unbearable." scene w3_1879 with dissolve kat "Was that meant to be a show of solidarity?" "There were clearly things I could do to exacerbate or mitigate the effect." scene w3_1880 with dissolve mc "I was just curious." scene w3_1881 with dissolve mc "Let's get on with it." KN_MOD "Just get straight to it.:" scene w3_1881 with dissolve mc "Let's get on with it." scene w3_1882 with dissolve "Rosalind looked up at me with a peculiar glint in her eye." "It read one part apprehensive, 2 parts get this the fuck over with..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Get it over with.:" scene w3_1883 with dissolve mc "Stand up." scene w3_1884 with dissolve mc "I'm going on three." mc "One... two..." play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1885 with vpunch rose "Hnngg, ah...!" "I made a point to target the least sensitive part of the body, the trunk." scene w3_1886 with dissolve mc "One, two..." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1887 with vpunch rose "G-gahhh...!" "Going again immediately after the first shock might've seemed like I was being rough. Still, I truly believed the anticipation was a multiplying factor. " scene w3_1888 with dissolve mc "One, two..." play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1889 with vpunch rose "F-fhhhh, shit--" scene w3_1890 with dissolve mc "{b}All done{/b}, Rose." mc "That wasn't so bad, was it?" scene w3_1891 with dissolve rose "Actually..." scene w3_1892 with dissolve rose "I guess not?" scene w3_1893 with dissolve kat "Veronica is waiting, Mr. [mcl] - and put a little more pizzazz in it this time, please." KN_MOD "Put your all into it.:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Rosalind_Affection -= 2 $ Veronica_Affection -= 1 $ w3RosalindMeanShock = True scene w3_1883 with dissolve mc "On your feet." scene w3_1894 with dissolve mc "On your heels. Back straight." scene w3_1895 with dissolve "This was my job." scene w3_1896 with dissolve "{i}A convenient excuse for doing what I wanted to do anyway.{/i}" scene w3_1897 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2RosalindPhoto == True:" mc "Push those sloppy tits of yours together, whore." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Push your tits together. Make it look good." scene w3_1898 with dissolve rose "Yes, sir..." scene w3_1899 with dissolve mc "I didn't tell you to speak. The only sound I want you to make..." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1900 with vpunch rose "Gyeee--!" "Rosalind had sensitive breasts. In choosing my target, this was a fact I was well aware of." scene w3_1901 with dissolve rose "Hnngg, f-fuck!" scene w3_1902 with dissolve mc "That's one..." mc "How many are left, Rose?" show screen camcorder scene w3_1903 with dissolve rose "T-two... h-ha..." rose "Two mor--" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1904 with vpunch rose "Morooorewwwa{b}SHIT-!!!{/b}" mc "One more - {i}can't you count?{/i}" scene w3_1905 with dissolve rose "Euughh...! Just get it over with!" "She was giving me the same pissed-off look she was giving Felicia earlier. A look that filled me with a conflicting sense of..." scene w3_1906 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mct "(This is what Mrs. Pulman chases in her shows, right?)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(This is what the old woman chases in her shows, right?)" scene w3_1907 with dissolve rose "..." "Almost instinctively, I had reached out and tenderly pawed at the tender stretch of tit-flesh I had targeted." scene w3_1908 with dissolve rose "Hnnggg..." hide screen camcorder scene w3_1909 with dissolve mc "Alright, but give the camera your best expression. You ready?" scene w3_1910 with dissolve rose "Yeah... go ahead..." scene punish_rosan_a with dissolve show punish_rosan with dissolve rose "Euuggh- ah..." "Her face twisted in anticipation of what didn't come." rose "Hnnggg..." mc "Count to 3." rose "Three--" play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1911 with vpunch rose "Fh, hhhuu-- {b}goddamn it!{/b}" scene w3_1912 with dissolve mc "Hehe... you should've seen that one coming." rose "{b}Should I?!{/b}" mc "Well... there was precedent." scene w3_1913 with dissolve mc "Just... keep your eyes on the prize, Rose." rose "Right..." scene w3_1914 with dissolve kat "Cover back up, Mrs. Carter." kat "Veronica is waiting, Mr. [mcl]." scene w3_1915 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am." scene w3_1916 with fade KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" mc "Hey, Ronnie." scene w3_1917 with dissolve "She gave me an unusual smile." scene w3_1918 with dissolve ver "Hey, bones." scene w3_1919 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" mc "Hey, Veronica." scene w3_1919 with dissolve ver "Hey, yourself." ver "Well, what are you waiting for?" scene w3_1920 with dissolve mc "..." KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True:" "Veronica had previously encouraged me to not go easy on her but that WAS a different time and place..." KN_MOD "else:" "Veronica had previously encouraged me to not go easy on her but that WAS a different time and place..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Dont go easy on her.:" $ w3VeronicaMeanShock = True KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 KN_MOD "else:" $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Veronica_Affection -= 2 scene w3_1921 with dissolve scene w3_1922 with dissolve mc "What do you think you're doing? Dogs don't look humans in the eyes." mc "{b}Avert your gaze.{/b}" "Since I was told it was such a hit, but mostly because I just enjoyed the dynamic, I decided to harken back to last week's promo." scene w3_1923 with dissolve ver "..." scene w3_1924 with dissolve mc "That's better." scene w3_1923 with dissolve KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" "This probably seemed contrary to all my talk of friendship, but I think she understood we were each playing the role we chose." mct "(At least, I hope she did...)" scene w3_1924 with dissolve mc "Now, on your arches. Hands like a begging puppy dog." scene w3_1925 with fade "I would've thought being repeatedly shocked would've put her more on edge than that, but thankfully she painlessly complied with my extraneous demand with only a {i}mildly{/i} annoyed look on her face." scene w3_1926 with dissolve ver "Let me guess... you want me to beg for it?" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1927 with hpunch ver "{b}Eeuugn{/b}-!" scene w3_1928 with dissolve ver "Ddd--" "I deliberately chose that unsteady position for a reason." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_1929 with vpunch ver "{b}Damn it!{/b}" "...and as expected, the recoil from being shocked caused the Amazon to lose her footing." scene w3_1930 with dissolve ver "The neck? Really--" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_1931 with vpunch mc "Down, girl." mct "(Ah, shit...)" scene w3_1932 with dissolve "It's gratifying when the plan in your head takes the physical form exactly as you imagined." scene w3_1933 with dissolve ver "...g-gah, w-why didn't we just start like this then?" scene w3_1932 with dissolve "I had the large woman pinned under my heel, my cock instantly growing hard from the unearned feeling of power I held over her." KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" "For all my talk of friendship, this seemed contrary indeed..." "I could feel myself slipping." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1934 with vpunch "*{b}Zhhiiiaaap!*{/b}" ver "Hnngg, ghgg--" mc "You know why." "For added emphasis, I pushed down harder and ground the redhead's breast beneath my foot, delighting in the feeling of resistance as her diaphragm struggled to adapt to my weight." scene w3_1932 with dissolve mc "If the {i}shoe{/i} was on the other foot..." scene w3_1935 with dissolve ver "Y-yeahh, yeah... I'd stick it up your ass." scene w3_1936 with dissolve ver "-- -ah, hehe... maybe I shouldn't have given you ideas, huh?" scene w3_1937 with dissolve mc "Get up." scene w3_1938 with dissolve ver "Up, down... up, down--" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1939 with hpunch ver "{b}Ghhhuuhuh...!{/b}" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_1940 with vpunch mc "That's three." scene w3_1941 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I went a little overboard." scene w3_1942 with dissolve ver "..." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" scene w3_1943 with dissolve ver "Thanks." scene w3_1944 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True:" ver "It wasn't so bad." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Can't help but notice that you went easier on one of us..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1945 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True:" ver "It wasn't so bad." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Can't help but notice that you went easier on one of us..." kat "Marvelous, [mcf]. You're a natural!" KN_MOD "Conclude this quickly.:" KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True:" $ Rosalind_Affection -= 2 $ Kathleen_Affection -= 1 KN_MOD "else:" $ Kathleen_Affection -=2 $ Kathleen_Trust -= 1 scene w3_1916 with dissolve mc "Stand up and touch your toes." scene w3_1919 with dissolve ver " gotta work on your pick-up lines." scene w3_1946 with dissolve "An ass as large as Veronica's offered the best of both worlds." scene w3_1947 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True:" "It would look great for the camera while offering a relatively less painful target due to the sheer amount of fat and muscle." KN_MOD "else:" "It would add the bit of \"pizzazz\" the old woman instructed me to while offering a relatively less painful target due to the sheer amount of fat and muscle." ver "Well, let me fucking have it, eh?" scene w3_1948 with dissolve "Instead of a countdown, I let her know it was coming with a slight touch." scene w3_1949 with dissolve mc "Ready?" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1950 with hpunch ver "Ye--" scene w3_1951 with dissolve "One." scene w3_1952 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1953 with vpunch "{b}*Thiiiik!*{/b}" scene w3_1952 with dissolve "Two." scene w3_1954 with dissolve mc "One more..." play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1955 with vpunch ver "{b}G-gahh!{/b}" scene w3_1956 with dissolve "Oops, that one was a bit TOO close to her, uh..." KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True:" scene w3_1957 with dissolve rose "Hnng. She had it easier..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1958 with dissolve kat "Not quite the added sauce I was hoping for, but..." scene w3_1914 with dissolve kat "Move onto Mrs. Ford, will you?" scene w3_1915 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am." scene w3_1959 with dissolve kat "Oh... [mcf]?" kat "Come here!" KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True and w3VeronicaMeanShock == True:" $ w3PromoShockFullSadism = True scene w3_1960 with dissolve kat "You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" scene w3_1961 with dissolve mc "I'm doing my job." scene w3_1962 with dissolve kat "Uh huh. Then why are you smiling right now?" scene w3_1961 with dissolve mc "If it's going to be done, I might as well--" scene w3_1963 with dissolve kat "You don't need to explain yourself to me. I just wanted to tell you..." scene w3_1962 with dissolve kat "Let that Felicia cunt REALLY have it. Consider it an {b}order{/b}." scene w3_1964 with dissolve mc "..." "I didn't quite know what that meant..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_1965 with dissolve kat "I {b}order you{/b} to go all out on Mrs. Ford." kat "I'd love to see it, you understand?" scene w3_1966 with dissolve mct "(...all out?)" scene black with fade mc "...understood." scene w3_1968 with fade fel "...ah, what's with that intense look on your face?" scene w3_1967 with dissolve mc "Just thinking for a second." scene w3_1968 with dissolve fel "If it's {i}just thinking{/i}, don't be so ominous! Damn!" scene w3_1969 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." scene w3_1970 with dissolve fel "What are you--" scene w3_1971 with dissolve mc "--{b}got it!{/b}" fel "{b}Huh--?{/b}" scene w3_1972 with dissolve "With perhaps more force than I meant to, I grabbed Felicia by her ponytail and yanked her head back, forcing us to see eye-to-eye." "In this way, there'd be no mistaking it. I could convey my intentions and show Felicia where my head was at." scene w3_1973 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "You know, it seems you have a target on your back. Mrs. Pulman ordered you to get the worst of it, so..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You know, it seems you have a target on your back. Kathleen ordered you to get the worst of it, so..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be cruel and COMMIT FULLY to your assigned role.:" $ w3FeliciaMeanShock = True $ Felicia_Affection -=3 $ Kathleen_Affection += 1 $ Kathleen_Trust += 2 mc "Apologies in advance. She was rather {b}emphatic{/b} about it." "I might be able to fool the camera, but I wouldn't fool the old woman. Felicia, of all people, surely understood getting your hands dirty to preserve your meal ticket." scene w3_1974 with dissolve fel "Hnng, {i}great{/i}." scene w3_1973 with dissolve mc "Ready?" scene w3_1974 with dissolve fel "As I'll ever be--" scene w3_1975 with dissolve mc "{b}You fuckin' sow{/b}... ahh~!" play sound "sound effects/spit2.wav" scene w3_1976 with dissolve mc "*Fweee!*" scene w3_1977 with dissolve "Instinctually, Felicia looked pissed. Anyone would." scene w3_1978 with dissolve fel "Grr, f-fuck you!" scene w3_1979 with dissolve "After all, spitting on someone was practically a {i}primal{/i} form of disrespect." mc "Damn, that's a good look..." KN_MOD "if w2FelHalfMeasure == True:" "That's twice in the past three days that I spit on the gold digging blonde... {b}shit{/b}, {i}was this going to be a new thing with me or what?{/i}" "A sickening feeling flooded my stomach, telling me to push it further." scene w3_1980 with dissolve fel "W-wah..!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_1981 with hpunch mc "Crawl to the couch, pig." "With the exact amount of enthusiasm I intended, I tossed Felicia to the ground and barked my order." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1982 with hpunch "*Zhhiiiiiack!*" mc "Hurry the fuck up!" scene w3_1983 with dissolve fel "F-hwwha, j-Jesus Christ! I am!" scene black with fade "Along the way, I captured the hypnotic way her ass danced as she crawled on all fours. Relishing, not quite so secretly, the sight of the rich blonde on her knees." scene w3_1984 with pixellate show screen camcorder fel "Hnngg..." mc "The sow has a nice piggy-cunt." fel "S-stop dragging this out." hide screen camcorder scene w3_1985 with dissolve mc "..." play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_1986 with vpunch fel "G-gah...!" scene w3_1987 with dissolve mc "That one doesn't count. Spread your legs." fel "What the hell do you mean it doesn't count?!" scene w3_1988 with dissolve mc "Did that count, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w3_1989 with dissolve kat "I don't think you made clean contact. You still got two." scene w3_1990 with dissolve fel "This is bullshit!" scene w3_1991 with dissolve kat "It's what you signed up for, Mrs. Ford." fel "Hnggg..." mc "Spread your legs." scene w3_1992 with dissolve fel "You're enjoying this too much!" scene w3_1993 with dissolve mc "Tits out." scene w3_1994 with dissolve fel "*Sigh* Fair enough." scene w3_1995 with dissolve mc "You look beautiful, Felicia." scene w3_1996 with dissolve fel "Yeah, I fuckin--" play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1997 with vpunch fel "Hnnng, s-shit....!" scene w3_1998 with dissolve mc "Dumb bitch." mc "That one didn't count ei--" show screen camcorder scene w3_1999 with dissolve fel "Are you fucking kidding me?!" scene w3_2000 with dissolve kat "It didn't count." scene w3_2001 with dissolve fel "Hnnng...! What the HELL is sexy about this?" scene w3_2002 with dissolve kat "Do you want to quit?" scene w3_2001 with dissolve fel "Of course not!" scene w3_2002 with dissolve kat "Then it didn't count." scene w3_2003 with dissolve fel "...{b}can't help but notice the disparity between my turn and the others here!{/b}" scene w3_2004 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2005 with dissolve fel "Please... this isn't fucking fair. Two more... l-let them count?" scene w3_2006 with dissolve "I don't know if the pitiful look on her face was genuine right now or if she was trying to manipulate me, but her expression..." KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMeanShock == True and w3VeronicaMeanShock == True:" "It shamefully excited me even more." scene w3_2007 with dissolve mc "Okay, {b}two more{/b}." KN_MOD "else:" "It made me feel like a real prick." scene w3_2007 with dissolve mc "Okay, {b}two more{/b}." mc "You gotta make them count, though. So show your camera your best expression." hide screen camcorder scene w3_2008 with dissolve fel "*Gulp* Got it..." scene w3_2009 with dissolve fel "Go ahead." scene w3_2010 with dissolve mc "Good girl..." play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_2011 with vpunch mc "One...!" fel "H-hhhaaa...! HNngng... uuuhhh..." scene w3_2012 with dissolve fel "T-two...! Give me number two, you bast--" play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_2013 with vpunch fel "Huuunngghh-!" scene w3_2014 with dissolve mc "Now for number thr--" fel "W-whn, wait, what?" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_2015 with vpunch fel "HNngguguuuuhgghh.....!" mc "Huh..." scene w3_2016 with dissolve "The last surprise shock caused the disheveled housewife to piss herself a little." fel "F-fuck...! Goddamn it-! Ah...!" scene w3_2017 with dissolve mc "..." fel "{b}You f-fuckin' jerk!{/b} Hnngg...!" scene w3_2018 with dissolve ver "Holy shit..." rose "Huh... that's..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_2019 with dissolve mc "Was that to your satisfaction, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w3_2020 with dissolve kat "Was that to my...?" play music "music/together-with-you.ogg" scene w3_2021 with dissolve kat "{b}That was beautiful!{/b}!" kat "I knew you had it in you..." scene w3_2022 with dissolve mc "I only did what you asked..." scene w3_2023 with dissolve kat "We gotta work on your modesty, but..." "Her eyes wandered down to my bulging crotch." scene w3_2024 with dissolve kat "...only in certain areas." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_2056 with dissolve mc "What's next?" scene w3_2060 with dissolve kat "For you? Go to the bar and kill some time for half an hour. I'll retrieve you when I need you." scene w3_2059 with dissolve "So that was that, huh?" KN_MOD "Be plausibly rough, but level and work with Felicia.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=2 $ Kathleen_Affection -= 2 $ Kathleen_Trust -=2 scene w3_2025 with dissolve scene w3_2026 with dissolve scene w3_2025 with dissolve "-- a wink. One that I hoped read, \"trust me\" rather than I'm about to sneeze." scene w3_2027 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* Work with me a little here, eh?" scene w3_2028 with dissolve "In a way, we were both on the hook here, but Felicia didn't have the luxury of being an active participant. That meant the onus was on me to deliver us to the end of this asinine game." scene w3_2029 with dissolve "........." scene w3_2028 with dissolve "......" scene w3_2030 with dissolve fel "...what are you waiting for?" scene w3_2028 with dissolve "Directing her with my own eyes, I said..." scene w3_2031 with dissolve mc "Now... {i}piggie{/i}..." mc "...*whisper* brace yourself." scene w3_2032 with dissolve fel "W-wah..." scene w3_1981 with dissolve mc "Crawl to the fuckin' couch." "With the exact amount of enthusiasm I intended, I threw Felicia off balance and barked my order." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_1982 with vpunch mc "Hurry up!" fel "G-ghh...!" scene w3_1983 with dissolve "That was number {b}one{/b}, delivered as just one aspect of a flurry of activity that Felicia had no time to dwell on." fel "I'm going, I'm go--" scene black with fade "Along the way, I captured the hypnotic way her ass danced as she crawled on all fours, secretly relishing the sight of the rich blonde on her knees." scene w3_1984 with pixellate show screen camcorder fel "Hnngg... what are you doing?" mc "I'm documenting your body, but you shouldn't focus on what I'm doing now." hide screen camcorder scene w3_2033 with dissolve fel "Yeah...? What should I be...?" scene w3_2034 with dissolve mc "Spread your legs." scene w3_2035 with dissolve fel "..." scene w3_2036 with dissolve "She did as I asked, granting me further access down the long stretch of her toned legs." scene w3_2037 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* Lotta people are going to see this. Which Felicia are you going to show them?" scene w3_2038 with dissolve fel "..." scene w3_2039 with dissolve "She understood my words. This setup might seem cold and clinical, but she did have an audience - that held some meaning to Felicia, didn't it?" scene w3_2040 with dissolve mc "*Whisper* Just two shocks in just as many settings. You've done more unpleasant things, right?" mc "I mean, this has got to be more palatable than half the fat old bastards you've fucked. Am I wrong?" "This part, I said loud enough for the old woman to hear." scene w3_2041 with dissolve fel "Oh, fuck you, asshole!" mc "Yeah, yeah... Get your disgusting tits out, you sow." scene w3_1994 with dissolve fel "Fair enough." scene w3_2042 with fade fel "Is this--" play sound "sound effects/shock4.wav" scene w3_2043 with vpunch fel "G-hhggg...! D-damn it!" scene w3_2044 with dissolve "I aimed at a pretty tender area, but it wasn't the worst." scene w3_2045 with dissolve mc "You got one more. Let's make it count." scene w3_2046 with dissolve fel "What do you...?" scene w3_2047 with dissolve scene w3_2046 with dissolve "I did my best to gesture back to where Kat was." scene w3_2048 with dissolve "One more. {b}Make it count.{/b}" scene w3_2049 with pixellate show screen camcorder "Then it would be over." scene w3_2050 with dissolve fel "Heh... ah... s-shit..." hide screen camcorder scene w3_2051 with dissolve fel "Bah! Go ahead!" scene w3_2052 with dissolve "As a man, I couldn't imagine how this might feel, but Felicia had her game face on, and it should satisfy the old woman at the least." play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_2053 with vpunch fel "Ghh, ahhhoowowowow--" fel "WHYDIDISAY--" scene w3_2054 with dissolve fel "Ah... {i}that's three...{/i}" mc "Yep. All done." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_2055 with dissolve mc "Was that to your satisfaction, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w3_2057 with dissolve kat "......" play music "music/together-with-you.ogg" scene w3_2058 with dissolve kat "...good enough, I suppose. *Sigh* You didn't quite get that look about you I was hoping for." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_2059 with dissolve mc "Wasn't this about Felicia?" scene w3_2060 with dissolve kat "It's all connected..." scene w3_2059 with dissolve "She looked through me in a way that stopped me from asking further questions. The fact THAT wasn't rough enough to satisfy her was telling..." mc "What's next?" scene w3_2060 with dissolve kat "For you? Go to the bar and kill some time for half an hour. I'll retrieve you when I need you." scene w3_2059 with dissolve "So that was that, huh?" scene w3_2061 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3ShockGame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3ShockGame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) kat "...and for them? I've got to get them set up and hooked in for the punishment game." scene w3_2062 with dissolve rose "Ummm, hooked in?" scene w3_2063 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExLosersAll == True:" kat "Yep. All three of you are going to have some fun." KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserDuo == True:" kat "Well, Miss Lynch and Mrs. Ford, at least. Rosie, you'll take a more {i}active role.{/i}" KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserFelicia == True:" kat "Well, Mrs. Ford at least. You and Miss Lynch will take a more... {i}active{/i} role." KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserVeronica == True:" kat "Well, Miss Lynch at least. You and Mrs. Ford will take a more... {i}active{/i} role." scene w3_2064 with dissolve ver "Looking forward to it..." scene w3_2065 with dissolve kat "Before you go... do you want to hear something amusing?" mct "(This will be good...)" scene w3_2066 with dissolve kat "This thing doesn't even have multiple settings. It's all one power!" scene w3_2067 with dissolve mc "Huh... I did wonder about that." "The only button that I noticed was the trigger." mc "That's... that's actually kinda funny. It still stung like hell, though." scene w3_2068 with dissolve kat "True, but never more or less. Isn't the power of suggestion a wonderful thing?" scene w3_2069 with dissolve mc "Yeah, thanks for the teaching moment..." scene w3_2070 with dissolve "Suddenly, an intrusive thought took root in my brain. I wanted to..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Shock Mrs. Pulman.:" scene w3_2071 with dissolve kat "Now, why don't you--" play sound "sound effects/shock5.wav" scene w3_2072 with vpunch kat "G-gh...! Y-you...!" "Without a second thought, I did just that." scene w3_2073 with dissolve kat "You've wanted to do that since before the phone call, haven't you?" scene w3_2074 with dissolve kat "Well... fair's fair. {b}I guess{/b}." scene w3_2075 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2076 with dissolve kat "Now... why don't you get your ass to the bar and give that fanatical slut some company while you wait?" scene w3_2077 with dissolve mc "Um... who?" scene w3_2078 with dissolve kat "Sorry. I mean... {b}Miss Lundgren{/b}. That's just my pet name for her." scene w3_2077 with dissolve mc "Seems like you two are excellent friends." scene w3_2076 with dissolve kat "Go now." scene w3_2079 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am." KN_MOD "Ignore it.:" scene w3_2071 with dissolve kat "Now, why don't you go ahead and wait at the bar? While you're there, you can give Miss Lundgren company." scene w3_2080 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am." scene w3_2081 with dissolve kat "Good boy." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Even here, the worst part of any job is standing around waiting." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3SophiaBarRendezvous" KN_MOD "label w3SophiaBarRendezvous:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionsophia01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) play music "music/air-on-g.ogg" scene w3_2082 with wipeleft show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "The moment I entered the bar, Sophia's eyes were upon me." scene w3_2083 with dissolve sophia "Say... what do you have to do to get some service in this place?" scene w3_2084 with dissolve mc "Be the change you want to see in the world. Pour me a glass of water, babe." scene w3_2085 with dissolve sophia "...was that a joke?" scene w3_2086 with dissolve mc " was a joke, yes." scene w3_2087 with dissolve sophia "Hmmm..." scene w3_2085 with dissolve sophia "It wasn't very humorous." scene w3_2086 with dissolve mc "No, it really wasn't. You got any funny--" scene w3_2089 with dissolve sophia "......" scene w3_2090 with dissolve sophia "...okay, stop me if you've heard this one." "Well, {b}shit{/b}. I didn't expect that answer, especially not from her." scene w3_2091 with dissolve mc "S'alright..." "That's the first time anyone's ever called my bluff on that line..." mct "(This should be good.)" scene w3_2092 with dissolve sophia "A man walks into a bar and sees two large pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling. Naturally he's confused." scene w3_2093 with dissolve sophia "So he asks the bartender, pointedly, {i}what the hell is with the meat, Jim?{/i} - ah, Jim... that's the bartender's name by the way." scene w3_2094 with dissolve mc "I... {b}got it{/b}." scene w3_2092 with dissolve sophia "The bartender tells him {i}it's a game I like to play. I bet everyone who comes in here $20 they can't pull one of them down. Care to try?{/i}" scene w3_2095 with dissolve sophia "The man pauses a moment, giving it some serious thought, before finally answering..." sophia "{b}No.{/b} The {i}STEAKS{/i} are too high." scene w3_2096 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" "She looked at me expectantly, confidently awaiting a laugh." scene w3_2097 with dissolve mc "...oh, yeah. I get it." scene w3_2098 with dissolve sophia "Your sense of humor must be off. Abel chuckled at that one." scene w3_2099 with dissolve mc "Did he...?" scene w3_2100 with dissolve mc "Well, never tell a pun to a kleptomaniac.... they're always taking things {i}literally.{/i}" scene w3_2089 with dissolve sophia "Hmmm..." scene w3_2085 with dissolve sophia "...that's a pretty good one." mct "(No, it fucking wasn't...)" scene w3_2088 with dissolve mc "Feel free to use it on Dr. Van Doren if you want." scene w3_2087 with dissolve "Ah... this was a bizarre way to start a conversation..." scene w3_2101 with dissolve sophia "Let's talk on the couch." scene w3_2102 with dissolve mc "I... no, thank you. I'd like to leave room for Jesus, if you know what I mean." scene w3_2103 with dissolve sophia "Are you always this reserved around women?" scene w3_2104 with dissolve mc "Only the women prone to chemically dosing me into a stupor. Do you always wear that perfume wherever you go?" scene w3_2103 with dissolve sophia "Only sometimes. Just whenever it doesn't represent a problem." scene w3_2105 with dissolve mc "What is it, field testing?" scene w3_2106 with dissolve sophia "Oh, no. That would be... {b}absurd.{/b}" scene w3_2107 with dissolve sophia "Chemistry is a discipline. It's rigid and controlled; this is..." scene w3_2108 with dissolve sophia "Just a bit of chaos." scene w3_2109 with dissolve sophia "{b}Come.{/b} Sit with me on the couch. I know you have some time to kill." scene w3_2110 with dissolve mc "Ah, shit..." "Guess the reason Mrs. Pulman pointed me this way for the interim was to babysit..." "I could already feel Sophia's \"just a bit of chaos\" work its way into my system, my skin growing flush as the already captivating beauty and her tendered hand made the turn to outright magnetic." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take her hand.:" $ w3SophiaPolite = True scene w3_2111 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Alright. Turning you down twice would be rude." "Part of my job was to kiss up to the club's constituents, and silver lining, this would at least be an exercise in control. I was positive this wouldn't be my last time around Sophia's bewitching concoction." scene w3_2112 with dissolve sophia "Ah!" sophia "--{i}to make enemies by unnecessary and willful incivility is just as insane a proceeding as to set your house on fire. For politeness is like a counter--an avowedly false coin, with which it is foolish to be stingy.{/i}" scene w3_2113 with dissolve mc "Huh, no... I wasn't... uh, who said that?" scene w3_2114 with dissolve sophia "I... don't know who said it originally, but it's a maxim imparted to me by Abel." scene w3_2113 with dissolve mc "I see... well, for the record... is everything you do Machiavellian?" scene w3_2115 with dissolve sophia "--{i}a prince must want to have a reputation for compassion rather than for cruelty: nonetheless, he must be careful that he does not make bad use of compassion.{/i}" scene w3_2116 with dissolve mc "I'm... starting to think I should turn you down, Miss Lundgren." scene w3_2117 with dissolve sophia "No taksie backsies, [mcf]." scene w3_2118 with dissolve "I was fast gathering that Sophia was an odd woman, but maybe that was just the mark of a genius." scene w3_2122 with fade mc "So, you must be an amazing chemist." scene w3_2124 with dissolve "...and even if it wasn't, \"odd\" was just as quickly losing meaning as a qualifier within these walls." KN_MOD "Ignore her and lead the way to the sofa.:" scene w3_2119 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sure. Let's sit down." scene w3_2120 with dissolve "Schmoozing the club's constituents was part of the job and one I accepted, but the way my body rebelled under the effects of Sophia's bewitching concoction simply left a bad taste in my mouth. " sophia "..." scene w3_2121 with dissolve "Still, this woman was a certified genius. It wouldn't be such bad company - ah, gah... I couldn't even be sure if those were my own thoughts!" scene w3_2122 with fade mc "So, you must be an amazing chemist." scene w3_2124 with dissolve "The quality of her company withstanding, I trusted that aspect of my thoughts." scene w3_2123 with dissolve sophia "No, not at all. Amazing is a strong word." scene w3_2122 with dissolve mc "How old are you and don't give me never ask a woman her--" scene w3_2123 with dissolve sophia "Thirty-one." scene w3_2125 with dissolve mc "Considering your position at Waller Scientific, that is amazing." scene w3_2126 with dissolve sophia "No, no... a man like Herr Krüger was worthy of being called an amazing chemist. Me...?" scene w3_2127 with dissolve "Again she refuted me. She must be incredibly humbl--" scene w3_2128 with dissolve sophia "I am... {i}simply{/i} the best." scene w3_2127 with dissolve "{b}Nevermind.{/b}" scene w3_2129 with dissolve mc "...that you know of?" scene w3_2130 with dissolve sophia "I was precise with my words." scene w3_2131 with dissolve "The oddest thing was I detected not a single iota of pride or hubris in that statement. It was as if Sophia was telling me the sky was blue." mc "Herr Krüger was a mentor, I presume?" scene w3_2128 with dissolve sophia "Among many other things." scene w3_2129 with dissolve mc "...and did you always want to be a chemist?" scene w3_2130 with dissolve sophia "Are you conducting an interview, Mr. [mcl]?" scene w3_2131 with dissolve mc "Just call me [mcf]. Please. {b}Seriously.{/b?}" scene w3_2130 with dissolve sophia "Okay, [mcf] please seriously - {b}you are asking a lot of questions back-to-back.{/b}." scene w3_2127 with dissolve mc "Hey...! Maybe I'm just a shitty conversationalist, okay?" scene w3_2132 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2133 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPolite == True:" mc "*Ahem* We're making small talk, so I won't promise that will be the last one you'll hear. You are a fascinating person." sophia "Uh huh, I bet..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "*Ahem* I was bidden to make small talk, so I can't promise that will be the last one you'll hear." scene w3_2126 with dissolve sophia "Are you feeling okay? Your eyes look a bit distant." scene w3_2125 with dissolve mc "You're... {i}very{/i} attractive." "Perhaps alarmingly, I said that all too easily." scene w3_2126 with dissolve sophia "What do you like better? My thighs or my stomach?" scene w3_2125 with dissolve mc "Why... those two?" "A better question might've been why she was even asking, but in the moment, questioning the question behind the question felt {i}laborious{/i}." scene w3_2130 with dissolve sophia "Following a man's eye line is an essential skill for any woman, especially one in a position like mine." sophia "Your glances are... not furtive." scene w3_2131 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPolite == True:" mc "I imagine they wouldn't, considering..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Well, no shit, I imagine they wouldn't be. Considering..." scene w3_2134 with dissolve mct "(Yeah...)" scene w3_2135 with dissolve sophia "Now, answer my question. It's valuable information." scene w3_2136 with dissolve mc "Answer my question first." scene w3_2137 with dissolve sophia "...what did you ask? Did I {i}want{/i} to be a chemist?" scene w3_2138 with dissolve mc "The emphasis was supposed to be on {i}always.{/i}" scene w3_2139 with dissolve sophia "Asking me that is akin to me asking if you wanted to be born a human being. I AM a chemist." KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPolite == True:" scene w3_2140 with dissolve mc "Aha! I like it! That's intense!" "That... came out WAY stronger than I meant, but those were also my true feelings." scene w3_2142 with dissolve mc "You're saying you feel like you were born to do what you do. That kind of certainty is admirable." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2141 with dissolve mc "You're saying you feel like you were born to be a chemist? That kind of certainty is admirable." scene w3_2128 with dissolve sophia "Ah, that's not quite... is it admirable to be born tall?" scene w3_2127 with dissolve mc "You're taking your metaphor a little too seriously. I imagine you've worked hard to land where you're at." scene w3_2129 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPolite == True:" mc "There must be many people who have discounted you because of your age and gender. You're entitled to act like you kick ass." KN_MOD "else:" mc "There must be many people who have discounted you because of your age and gender. Is false humility a product of that?" scene w3_2127 with dissolve sophia "......" scene w3_2143 with dissolve sophia "...chemistry, in the loosest sense, is about systematically isolating inputs in a concerted effort to achieve a desired range of outputs." sophia " a lot of the same way, with efficacious foresight and the proper guidance, personal want becomes a dependent variable that can be controlled." scene w3_2131 with dissolve mc "...wait, you {i}literally{/i} think of yourself as an effect, not the cause?" "Not that I didn't sympathize with or understand that line of thinking or find it seductive, for that matter, but..." scene w3_2130 with dissolve sophia "We have gone down a rabbit hole I didn't remotely intend." scene w3_2129 with dissolve "Tossing away a sense of culpability in your life, even if it's ultimately an illusion, felt tantamount to admitting defeat. Defeat over {b}what{/b} I wasn't entirely sure, but it was a dreadful feeling that I emphatically rejected." scene w3_2128 with dissolve sophia "But what I've gathered from this is... you're a man who highly values certainty?" scene w3_2129 with dissolve mc "Well... kinda. I know that certainty is a pipe dream, but being sure of yourself is fundamental to every aspect of life." mc "Everything you do and every choice you make is built on the foundation of your own self-image. So maybe when I called it admirable, I should've used the word... enviable?" "The awkwardness of our initial words had quickly collapsed, and I was freely professing my thoughts almost unfiltered. Leaving me with the obvious question of {i}why{/i} did I find Sophia so easy to talk to?" scene w3_2144 with dissolve sophia "Self-image, huh...?" scene w3_2145 with dissolve "Sophia closes her eyes, letting herself momentarily get washed away in thought." scene w3_2128 with dissolve sophia "Sounds fickle and prone to change." scene w3_2146 with dissolve mc "It totally is, but... ah... heh. Actually, how did we even end up talking about this again?" scene w3_2147 with dissolve sophia "You lobbed an unfunny, sexist joke in my lap." scene w3_2146 with dissolve mc "Oh, {b}right{/b}..." scene w3_2147 with dissolve sophia "Men should find their self-worth in ideas and a purpose outside of themselves." scene w3_2148 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPolite == True:" mc "Is it another one of Dr. Van Doren's maxims?" scene w3_2149 with dissolve sophia "It is something I've learned myself." scene w3_2148 with dissolve mc "I don't disagree, but..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I don't disagree, but..." scene w3_2150 with dissolve "For no rhyme or reason, the lush color of Sophia's lips and the cavernous suckhole that lay beyond their plump borders diverted my train of thought." mct "(Ah... focus, you dumb animal.)" scene w3_2151 with dissolve sophia "You don't disagree, buuuuut...?" scene w3_2150 with dissolve mc "...I don't disagree, but y-you got to know yourself to know which ideas are worthwhile, right?" scene w3_2152 with dissolve sophia "Hmmm... not really?" scene w3_2153 with dissolve sophia "In my experience, the most worthwhile of purposes finds you." scene w3_2154 with dissolve "Her voice dropped to a sultry octave, sending a shiver down my spine and wresting my attention from the hypnotizing curl of her cockholster and back on the devil herself." scene w3_2155 with dissolve mc "To be frank, I'm not sure what we're talking about anymore." scene w3_2156 with dissolve sophia "Neither do I. We're just kinda... yapping and killing time, are we not?" scene w3_2157 with dissolve mc "You're... waiting too?" scene w3_2158 with dissolve sophia "Do you think I'm just fucking around in an empty bar?" scene w3_2159 with dissolve mc "Um..." "......" scene w3_2160 with dissolve mc "...yeeeeees?" scene w3_2161 with dissolve sophia "Remember when I said I knew you had time to kill? Well, that's because I also have time to kill, for the same reason as you." scene w3_2162 with dissolve sophia "I'll be sitting alongside you for Kathleen's little farce." scene w3_2163 with dissolve sophia "Let's get along, Mr. [mcl]." scene w3_2164 with dissolve mc "Back to the mister shit, are we?" scene w3_2165 with dissolve sophia "By the way, you owe me an answer." scene w3_2166 with dissolve mc "To what?" scene w3_2167 with dissolve sophia "My stomach or my thighs?" scene w3_2168 with dissolve mc "Are you...?" scene w3_2169 with dissolve "She {b}was.{/b}" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stomach.:" scene w3_2170 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Fine. Your stomach... you could balance a quarter on it." sophia "Noted, thank you -- but, uh... why did you pick a quarter of all things?" scene w3_2132 with dissolve mc "That wasn't really the point. I'm saying you have an abdomen that I want to eat soup out-- {b}d-damn it{/b}, why can I only think of object-based compliments right now?" sophia "Heh~ hehe." scene w3_2133 with dissolve mc "By the way, how is that \"useful\" information?" scene w3_2171 with dissolve sophia "It's not really. I was just bored." scene w3_2172 with dissolve sophia "Can I offer you a drink?" scene w3_2173 with dissolve mc "Are you...?" scene w3_2174 with dissolve sophia "Show me where this \"velvet room\" is, please." scene black with fade "She {b}wasn't{/b}, but her swinging hips held my attention hostage as we cut through the halls to yet another one of Mrs. Pulman's games." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3Ex2PunishmentGame" KN_MOD "Thighs.:" scene w3_2132 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Fine. Your thighs." mc "They're like a horizon that entices you to journey to what's beyond." scene w3_2133 with dissolve sophia "Noted. Thank you." mc "By the way, how is that \"useful\" information?" scene w3_2171 with dissolve sophia "It's not really. I was just bored." scene w3_2175 with dissolve sophia "...but would you like to take a glimpse beyond the horizon?" scene w3_2176 with dissolve mc "Are you...?" scene w3_2174 with dissolve sophia "Show me where this \"velvet room\" is, please." scene black with fade "She {b}wasn't{/b}, but her swinging hips held attention hostage as we cut through the halls to yet another one of Mrs. Pulman's games." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3Ex2PunishmentGame" KN_MOD "Be glib. Sorry. You have a girlfriend, so you shouldnt say. if hanaGF == True:" scene w3_2177 with dissolve mc "You know, I don't feel comfortable saying. I have a girlfriend." scene w3_2178 with dissolve "That... felt weird to say. How long had I been single...?" scene w3_2179 with dissolve sophia "Oh? That's, uh... is that a joke?" scene w3_2178 with dissolve "I didn't actually want to count." scene w3_2180 with dissolve mc "It actually isn't." scene w3_2181 with dissolve sophia "Too bad. That would've been the first humorous thing you said." mc "Fuuuuuck yoooou." scene w3_2182 with dissolve sophia "Well, We could. We may have some time before Kathleen finishes setting up." scene w3_2183 with dissolve mc "Are you...?" scene w3_2184 with dissolve sophia "Show me where this \"velvet room\" is, please." scene black with fade "She mercifully {b}wasn't{/b}. With how turned on I was, I wasn't exactly confident in the upper limits of my self-control..." "Still, her swinging hips held my attention hostage as we cut through the halls to yet another one of Mrs. Pulman's games." stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3Ex2PunishmentGame" KN_MOD "label w3Ex2PunishmentGame:" play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w3_2185 with cmet "Once I had shown her to the big, dumb, blue room in question... I seized the chance to put some distance between us." sophia "I guess she's still...? How long does it take to set things up?" "Distance that I hoped would place my desire into a waning state, but..." scene w3_2186 with dissolve sophia "*Sigh* I should've offered my help with more insistence..." scene w3_2187 with dissolve "...instead, it just filled me with a wicked sense of yearning." scene w3_2188 with dissolve sophia "Let me ask you something. As I understand it, you haven't worked here for very long, correct?" scene w3_2189 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." scene w3_2190 with dissolve sophia "I said... YOU HAVEN'T WORKED HERE VERY LONG, have you, Mr. [mcl]?" mc "...ah, um... yeah. That's right." scene w3_2191 with dissolve sophia "What's your take on Kathleen? How do you evaluate her as... {i}a person?{/i}" scene w3_2192 with dissolve mc "As a person...?" scene w3_2193 with dissolve mct "(She's...)" play sound "sound effects/high-heel-footsteps.wav" scene w3_2194 with dissolve "*Clack, clack, clack...*" scene w3_2195 with dissolve sophia "Forget that thought." stop sound scene w3_2196 with dissolve kat "You're here? I told you I'd come and get you at the bar when things had been fully prepared." sophia "I was getting impatient, so I asked [mcf] to show me here." scene w3_2197 with dissolve sophia "I don't understand why we can't watch the proceedings in person." kat "I've explained it already; that's the magic to--" scene w3_2198 with dissolve mc "Where are the Carnations?" kat "In the obsidian room, hooked up and... {i}growing antsy{/} themselves. You see..." scene w3_2199 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserFelicia == True:" kat "Mrs. Ford's punishment for coming in last will lie in the hands of her competitors." kat "...and as I've already explained to Miss Lundgren, we will review the scene remotely so that Rosalind and Veronica might act with more... {i}impunity.{/i}" KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserVeronica == True:" kat "Miss Lynch's punishment for coming in last will lie in the hands of her competitors." kat "...and as I've already explained to Miss Lundgren, we will review the scene remotely so that Rosalind and Felicia might act with more... {i}impunity.{/i}" KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserDuo == True:" kat "Miss Lynch and Mrs. Ford's punishment for tying for last place will lie in the hands of sweet little Rosalind." kat "...and as I've already explained to Miss Lundgren, we will review the scene remotely so that she might act with more... {i}impunity.{/i}" KN_MOD "if w2ExLosersAll == True:" kat "Those sluts' punishment over tying for last place lies in their own hands - well, more specifically, Miss Lynch drew lots to take a more \"active\" role... but she won't have an easy time with it." kat "...and as I've already explained to Miss Lundgren, we will review the scene remotely so that she might act with more... {i}impunity.{/i}" kat "A sense of privacy will let them play off each other more naturally, and more importantly, feel a greater responsibility and animosity for what transpires." scene w3_2200 with dissolve sophia "They {i}are{/i} aware they're being watched?" scene w3_2199 with dissolve kat "Of course. The girls aren't that stupid." scene w3_2200 with dissolve sophia "Then isn't it the same if I were to observe closely?" scene w3_2201 with dissolve kat "Trust me on this one. Just removing a physical presence can have a powerful effect on a person's psychology, camera or no camera." kat "I know you don't care about the artistry of this, but you {b}will{/b} observe a more potent result this way." scene w3_2202 with dissolve sophia "..." scene w3_2203 with dissolve kat "Sit down. {i}Kick your feet up.{/i}" kat "Perhaps [mcf] can go fetch you a drink while you wait for the show to begin?" scene w3_2204 with dissolve sophia "No, thank you." scene w3_2205 with fade mc "Uh... am I even needed for this?" mct "(If you don't mind, I'd like to find a toilet stall to beat off in...)" scene w3_2206 with dissolve kat "What a silly question. How could you fulfill your role as moral support if you don't know what the girls experience?" scene w3_2207 with dissolve kat "Besides, two is better than being alone in that woman's company." scene w3_2208 with dissolve mc "I... *ahem*... {b}got it{/b}." kat "Hmmm? What's the matter, [mcf]?" kat "Are you feeling alright? You're looking flushed." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_2209 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPolite == True:" mct "(An exercise in control {b}my ass.{/b})" KN_MOD "else:" mct "This... this is going to take a while, and I'm..." scene black with fade "I'm going to die." KN_MOD "label w3PunishGame:" play music "music/landing.ogg" KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserFelicia == True:" scene w3_2210 with pixellate fel "Ugggh... aawwwahh... ahh..." scene w3_2211 with dissolve rose "How long has it been?" scene w3_2210 with dissolve fel "S-seriously, ug-ugh...!" scene w3_2212 with dissolve ver "About roughly fifteen minutes." scene w3_2213 with dissolve rose "{b}Oh.{/b} She said to begin after ten. I guess we should--" scene w3_2214 with dissolve fel "G-goddammit, you bitches! Let me have a drink of that water. That shit she gave me is making me--" scene w3_2215 with dissolve rose "I don't know what to do..." ver "No, the old bitch sure as shit wasn't explicit... I mean, \"have fun and make it a good show\"...?" scene w3_2216 with dissolve rose "You should start." ver "Are you trying to pawn this off on me?" fel "Unnggg....!" scene w3_2217 with dissolve rose "No! Just... I don't really have any experience with this sort of... {i}thing{/i}." ver "And you think I do?" scene w3_2218 with dissolve fel "J-just fucking begin...! The sooner you do, the sooner I can--" scene w3_2219 with dissolve ver "What about you, Blondie? You've done this sort of thing before, right?" ver "What should we do?" scene w3_2220 with dissolve fel "E-eh? I haven't ever-- unngg, whatever just-- g-grab one of the dildos..." scene w3_2221 with dissolve ver "Alright..." scene w3_2222 with dissolve rose "Wait... would that really be {i}tormenting{/i} her?" rose "Mrs. Pulman said to punish her..." scene w3_2223 with dissolve ver "I mean... I don't know? She's strung out of her mind on that aphrodisiac shit. A little touch and go could be pretty mean." scene w3_2224 with dissolve rose "..." scene w3_2225 with dissolve ver "What, you got a better idea?" scene w3_2226 with dissolve rose "I know what would work on me..." fel "CAN YOU GIVE ME SOME FUCKING WATER FIRST?!" ver "I just got an idea myself." scene w3_2276 with pixellate kat "Ha! By the end of this week, I will have these bitches hating each other." sophia "The blonde is abnormally thirsty..." KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserVeronica == True:" scene w3_2227 with pixellate ver "Unnngg, aaahh..." scene w3_2228 with dissolve rose "What do you think we should do?" scene w3_2229 with dissolve ver "C-c'mon...! It's--" scene w3_2230 with dissolve fel "You heard the lady. She told us to have fun, punish Red, and make it a good show." scene w3_2231 with dissolve rose "Y-yeah, but... uh, you want to start then?" scene w3_2232 with dissolve ver "It's past time! L-let's get this rolling!" scene w3_2233 with dissolve fel "I could. Lotta stuff to work with over there... just pick and point, right?" rose "A lot of that stuff is scary..." scene w3_2234 with dissolve fel "It all comes down to how you use it. We just got to remember that--" scene w3_2235 with dissolve ver "Haa, hhhaa... unnghh..." scene w3_2234 with dissolve fel "...she's hopped up on that sex drug. We might fry her brain or something if we're not careful." scene w3_2236 with dissolve rose "That's not possible, right?" fel "Who the hell knows..." scene w3_2237 with dissolve rose "Go ahead, pick something..." ver "Unnngggh, f-fuck I'm burning up..." scene w3_2238 with dissolve fel "Oh no. You think you'll be able to just stand around and not get your hands dirty, don't you?" scene w3_2239 with dissolve rose "N-no! It's just... I've never done anything like this before. I know you have, right?" scene w3_2240 with dissolve fel "Why the fuck would you think that?" scene w3_2241 with dissolve rose "Well... you know... you're kinda... um... n-nothing." scene w3_2242 with dissolve fel "......" KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" scene w3_2243 with dissolve fel "You make it a habit of pushing your problems on other people, don't you?" rose "What are you talking about?" scene w3_2244 with dissolve fel "I'm talking about [mcf] and the 5000 dollars I-- ah, whatever." scene w3_2245 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" fel "..." scene w3_2246 with dissolve fel "Point is, you're going to help." scene w3_2247 with dissolve fel "I have a preeetty good idea what will make her cum unrelentingly, buuuut... you'll take the other end." rose "...sure. I have some ideas too." fel "I knew you did, you sneaky bitch." rose "Fuck you, Felicia." scene w3_2277 with pixellate kat "Ha! By the end of this week, I will have these bitches hating each other." scene w3_2278 with dissolve sophia "Did you get the dosage right? The redhead only seems mildly affected." mct "(You call that mild?!)" kat "Of course, I did. Veronica's just got a stiff upper lip." KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserDuo == True:" scene w3_2248 with pixellate ver "Hnnng, hhhhaaa..." scene w3_2249 with dissolve fel "C-can you get me some water, Rosie? Please?" scene w3_2250 with dissolve rose "Mrs. Pulman said not to start for ten minutes." scene w3_2251 with dissolve fel "It's been ten minutes!" scene w3_2250 with dissolve rose "Has it?" scene w3_2252 with dissolve fel "Y-yes! S-stop twiddling your thumbs and begin!" fel "This s-shit she gave us is making me... uugghh..." scene w3_2253 with dissolve ver "I a-agree with Blondie. Let's get this going...!" scene w3_2254 with dissolve rose "Okay..." scene w3_2255 with dissolve rose "What should I use?" scene w3_2256 with dissolve fel "Huuhgg, like I know!" scene w3_2257 with dissolve rose "All she said was to punish you and make it look good... ugh..." scene w3_2258 with dissolve ver "U-use what's on the table... g-grab one of those dildos or something!" scene w3_2259 with dissolve rose "...would that be enough?" scene w3_2260 with dissolve ver "P-probably!" fel "What the hell do you mean would that be--" scene w3_2261 with dissolve rose "I mean... I gotta do a good job, right? I need to... get creative." scene w3_2262 with dissolve ver "Ah- ha... y-yeah, I suppose she expects you to... gg-gah... damn it, my shoulders hurt. Just get started! Please, Rosie?" scene w3_2263 with dissolve rose "......" rose "..." rose "Don't bear a grudge over this, okay?" scene w3_2279 with pixellate kat "Ha! By the end of this week, I will have these bitches hating each other." scene w3_2280 with dissolve sophia "The blonde seems abnormally thirsty and the redhead only mildly affected." mct "(You call that mild?!)" sophia "Did you get the dosage right?" kat "Of course, I did. She's just got a stiff upper lip." KN_MOD "if w2ExLosersAll == True:" scene w3_2264 with pixellate rose "Hhhngg..." scene w3_2265 with dissolve fel "A-ah, fuck I'm thirsty... this stuff is making me... unngg..." fel "Why the fuck are you just standing there, staring like some perverted cunt?!" scene w3_2266 with dissolve ver "Because I'm... a-ah..." scene w3_2267 with dissolve ver "She gave that shit to all of us! Just standing here, I feel like my head's about to melt!" scene w3_2268 with dissolve fel "It's b-better than being locked into this thing! F-fucking...!" scene w3_2269 with dissolve ver "It's not my fault you drew the short straws! But, honestly, I'd rather be where you are than have to..." rose "...h-have to what?" scene w3_2270 with dissolve ver "...h-have to control my urges! That old bitch said to put on a good show and punish you... and the fucking worst thing is..." scene w3_2271 with dissolve ver "That sounds like SUCH a good idea right now! I'm so fuckin' horny... I just want t--" rose "A-hhn, hggg... wh-what?!" scene w3_2272 with dissolve ver "You two are gorgeous... no shit, but I've thought that... like always...? Ah... what am I saying...?" ver "Even Felicia, even though I think you're a dumb bitch for signing up for this, I can't deny that you're..." scene w3_2273 with dissolve fel "Oh, god damn it. Just do something! I feel like all the moisture in my body is oozing out my cunt!" scene w3_2274 with dissolve rose "Y-yeah... uh... I mean... go e-easy on us, but... you gotta do something, right?" rose "She said to start in ten minutes and, I... uh... it's been more than that, right?" scene w3_2275 with dissolve ver "I don't know... I have no concept of time right now. I guess so?" ver "So... there's a lot of stuff on here." ver "What should I..." scene w3_2281 with pixellate kat "Ha! By the end of this week, I will have these bitches hating each other." scene w3_2282 with dissolve sophia "The redhead seems particularly affected." kat "Deep down, she's a big pervert... but now a pervert with much less inhibition in the tank, two juicy slabs of meat at her fingertips, and a good excuse." "Like before, Mrs. Pulman was once again pitting the Carnations against each other... in one sense, I found this was directionless and crude, but the more affected part of me..." mct "(...\"feel a greater responsibility and animosity for what transpires\", huh?)" "--found it dramatic and compelling. The three were already separated by their status as competitors, but now she sought to drive an even greater wedge between them." KN_MOD "if w2KatBottom == True or w2KatTop == True or w1GonzoReward == True:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene br_katrub_a with dissolve show br_katrub with dissolve kat "Anticipating the show, [mcf]?" mc "What are you...?" "The old woman's palm played across the length of my package with a fervor that rivaled even the most drunken letch." kat "Or did shocking the girls get you {i}this{/i} hot and bothered?" mc "Uunng... d-don't fuck with me." "Actually... come to think of it, why doesn't that foul perfume affect either of them? I know for a fact it affects women..." "The Carnations were proof enough of that. Was it as simple as them being used to it? Maybe even inoculated against it...?" mc "Hnngg..." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" " did I even know it wasn't affecting Mrs. Pulman? After all, her hand was currently rubbing my cock." KN_MOD "else:" " did I even know it wasn't affecting Kathleen? After all, her hand was currently rubbing my cock." "...but that was kinda in character for her, wasn't it?" scene w3_2283 with dissolve sophia " {b}Heh.{/b}" scene w3_2284 with dissolve sophia "Him, I could understand, but you..." scene w3_2285 with dissolve kat "{i}Please{/i}, I've seen you in much worse states." scene w3_2284 with dissolve sophia "There's a fundamental difference." scene w3_2286 with dissolve kat "The difference is I'm my own woman, doing what I please and not what I'm told." scene w3_2287 with dissolve "Suddenly I thought... this might not even be about me, huh?" "Nevertheless, even just touching me over my pants offered a soothing proposition of release..." scene w3_2288 with dissolve mc "Hnnnggg..." "On top of it all, I was also getting extremely pissed..." "I felt the only reason she sent me to keep an eye on Sophia was to fuck with me. That was her very nature, to senselessly poke and prod." mc "I said, don't fuck with me, you stupid--" scene w3_2289 with dissolve kat "Oh! Looks like the girls are ready to begin!" scene w3_2303 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman's hand darted from my crotch and I felt an immediate and {b}massive{/b} pang of regret." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen's hand darted from my crotch and I felt an immediate and {b}massive{/b} pang of regret." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Put her hand back where it belongs.:" $ w3HagHandie = True scene w3_2304 with dissolve "By instinct, I roughly grabbed the old woman's wrist." scene w3_2305 with dissolve mc "Put your hand back." kat "Oh...?" "Turns out, my horniness outweighed my indignation at being chemically manipulated." scene w3_2306 with dissolve kat "My, my... you must really be hurt--" scene w3_2307 with dissolve mc "{b}Finish{/b} what you started." scene w3_2308 with dissolve kat "......" kat "..." scene w3_2309 with dissolve kat "Don't look at me. Watch {b}my{/b} show." scene w3_2310 with dissolve "Her fingers started moving and--" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/zipper.wav" "*Ziiiiiiiiip*" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" "Although technically {i}inside the club{/i}, I knew Hana would balk if she saw this scene. Still... mitigating circumstances, right?" stop sound KN_MOD "Carry on, untouched.:" scene w3_2311 with dissolve "Regret I would live with." "Somehow and someway, I fought against the violent urge to place the old hag's hand back on my dick." scene black with fade "Current plan: grit my teeth, sit here quietly, and then when it's all said and done... go jerk off in a stall or something." mct "(Yeah... solid plan...)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2290 with dissolve kat "Anticipating the show, [mcf]?" mc "Ummm... h-huh?" scene w3_2291 with dissolve kat "Do I have to spell it out?" scene w3_2292 with dissolve "I knew what she meant." "Sophia knew what she meant too." "Both of them were acutely aware of the angry bulge in my pants before we even sat down and I felt zero shame about it." scene w3_2293 with dissolve kat "What do you think Sophie?" scene w3_2294 with dissolve "Hell, even if I was in my right mind right now, I still might not feel ashamed about it. By now, well... popping a boner in front of this stupid hag was pretty standard." scene w3_2293 with dissolve kat "Pretty impressive for a dim-looking guy, isn't it? You wanna see it up close?" scene w3_2295 with dissolve mc "Hnnng... don't fuck with me..." "Actually... come to think of it, why doesn't that foul perfume affect either of them? I know for a fact it affects women..." scene w3_2296 with dissolve sophia "Does he normally talk to you like that?" "The Carnations were proof enough of that, but neither of them seemed all that bothered. Did they hide it well?" scene w3_2297 with dissolve kat "I'll let it slide, considering the circumstances." scene w3_2298 with dissolve "Was it as simple as them being used to it? Maybe even inoculated against it...?" scene w3_2297 with dissolve kat "--seriously though, I could ask him to whip it out and he'd do it." scene w3_2299 with dissolve sophia "No, thank you. I'm not like you, Kathleen." scene w3_2300 with dissolve kat "Really? With what I've seen you do at the behest of Abel, all with a smile on your face, well..." kat "{b}Could've fooled me.{/b}" scene w3_2301 with dissolve sophia "There's a difference." scene w3_2300 with dissolve kat "The difference is I'm my own woman, doing what I please and not what I'm to-- oh!" scene w3_2302 with dissolve kat "Looks like it's getting started." kat "This should be good. Pay close attention, Mr. [mcl]." kat "This should be a good lesson for you." mc "What the hell are you...?" fel "You know what--" KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserFelicia == True:" play sound "sound effects/gulp.wav" scene w3_2312 with pixellate "*Glug, glug, guuuuuuuhg...!*" stop sound scene w3_2313 with dissolve fel "A-ah... shiiiiiit...! That's... {b}GOOD{/b}! So fucking... {b}hhhuuuaah{/b}...!" scene w3_2314 with dissolve ver "Huh... uh... want some more?" scene w3_2315 with dissolve fel "Hnnng... n-no. N-now my other end is {i}aching{/i} more than my... hhhnngg..." fel " C'mon... I've got places to be... s-so can we just get started doing whatever it is you bitches are going to do?" scene w3_2316 with dissolve ver "Hmm? You sure? There's two other bott--" scene w3_2317 with dissolve rose "{b}Sooooo{/b}.... I think I came up with the plan of attack..." scene w3_2318 with dissolve fel "Shit. Y-you're actually taking the initiative for once? Wow, {b}s-shocked{/b}!" scene w3_2319 with dissolve ver "What are you going to do with that?" scene w3_2320 with dissolve rose "Hold this, please." ver "...and do what with it?" rose "Just take it." scene w3_2321 with dissolve ver "Ooooookay." scene w3_2322 with dissolve rose "I... ah... huh..." rose "This is all new to me, so it might be a little clumsy, but..." scene w3_2323 with dissolve "*Chwup..." fel "Eh? What are you..." scene or_rosafel_kiss_a with dissolve show or_rosafel_kiss with dissolve fel "Mmmhh...!" ver "Whaa, huh?!" fel "Mmmmh, mmmhhh... mmmmhh...!" "The scene playing out on the television screen was..." "It was... it was..." "Kinda... uh..." mct "(Hnnng!!!!)" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene br_haghandy_a with dissolve show br_haghandy with dissolve kat "Huh. I didn't expect that." "In my current over-cooked state, what was playing out on the television screen was a muddled mess of pixels that barely registered meaning to me." kat "Not a bad tactic, however~ mixing affection and punishment does funny things to a person's head." "No, in my current state, my mind was entirely consumed by the old woman's grip on my cock." mc "H-haahaa...!" kat "Doubt that's what the cow has in mind, though." sophia "Is that why you kissed the redhead the other night?" scene br_haghandy2_a with dissolve show br_haghandy2 with dissolve kat "Not at all. That was just the heat of the moment. Veronica really was beautiful, right then and there..." mc "G-gahh...!" "The pitiful noise of a rutting animal punctuated the women's conversation." kat "Sadly, that moment was quickly lost, and she's now back to being that contemptible creature on the screen. Beauty is fleeting, isn't it?" sophia "You have a {i}unique{/i} sense of aesthetics, Kathleen." kat "Well, what do you find hot, Miss Lundgren? I'm genuinely curious..." scene br_haghandy_a with dissolve show br_haghandy with dissolve mc "Huuuhghh...!" kat "What gets a woman like you going?" mc "H-huhh... ack...!" sophia "You ever give much thought to what makes your skin itch? I tend not to pontificate over my bodily responses." kat "Unlike me, you mean?" sophia "When I feel an itch, I simply scratch it." kat "We got that in common at least - {b}all three of us.{/b}" sophia "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to watch--" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2324 with dissolve kat "Huh. I didn't expect that." scene w3_2325 with dissolve "In my current over-cooked state, what was playing out on the television screen was a muddled mess of pixels that barely registered meaning to me." scene w3_2326 with dissolve kat "Not a bad tactic, however~ mixing affection and punishment does funny things to a human's head." kat "Doubt that's what the cow has in mind, though." scene w3_2327 with dissolve mc "She... ah... she definitely didn't." scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "Is that why you kissed the redhead the other night?" scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Not at all. That was just the heat of the moment. She really was beautiful right then and there..." scene w3_2326 with dissolve kat "Sadly, that moment was quickly lost, and she's now back to being that contemptible creature on the screen. Beauty is fleeting, isn't it??" scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You have a {i}unique{/i} sense of aesthetics, Kathleen." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Well, what do you find hot, Miss Lundgren? I'm genuinely curious... what gets a woman like you going?" scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You ever give much thought to what makes your skin itch? I tend not to pontificate over my bodily responses." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Unlike me, you mean?" scene w3_2330 with dissolve sophia "When I feel an itch, I simply scratch it." kat "Oh, lovely, at least we have that in common." sophia "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to watch--" scene or_rosafel_kiss_a with dissolve show or_rosafel_kiss with dissolve "*Cwhup, fhwhup, chuuup!*" "She was going for it." fel "Mmmh... mmmhhh..." "She was really, {b}really{/b} going for it." rose "*Chwup, fwhup...!* MMmhh--" scene w3_2331 with dissolve fel "Hnng, a-aaah...!" fel "W-wha was... hnnngg..." "Felicia and I both were in a fog; I could tell that much. Even a simple, if surprisingly passionate, kiss had upended all the sense in her head." scene w3_2332 with dissolve ver "What was that?" scene w3_2333 with dissolve rose "Well... ah... you should always begin the foreplay with a kiss, right? It's like a rule..." scene w3_2334 with dissolve fel "We're not making love you fat-tittied idiot! Hnngg... gah... even just that... I'm fucking burning up!" fel "Stuff that thing in my cunt already!" scene w3_2335 with dissolve rose "Sorry, Felicia. That's... NOT happening yet." scene w3_2336 with dissolve fel "...AND WHY THE HELL NOT?!" scene w3_2335 with dissolve rose "You know why, hun." scene w3_2336 with dissolve fel "S-so your plan is to just let me hang here?!" scene w3_2335 with dissolve rose "No... my plan is..." scene w3_2337 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" play music "music/addict.ogg" scene w3_2338 with hpunch "*SWIIICK!*" fel "Hnnggg...! What the--" play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2339 with hpunch "*THWAP!" fel "--t-he fuck!" scene w3_2340 with dissolve rose "I've always wondered just {i}how{/i} sensitive other girls are right here... I know what my girlfriends TOLD me, but it's hard to picture it without seeing it yourself..." rose "Me? I remember running around the school's track in my gym clothes made my chest feel so... uh... {b}yeah{/b}." scene w3_2341 with dissolve fel "What?! You're going to treat my tits like a guinea pig?!" scene w3_2342 with dissolve rose "I mean, it's not like I want to... it's part of the game." scene w3_2343 with dissolve fel "F-fine, whatever, just.... huuuunhh... give me some fucking r-relief from this, a-ahh...!" rose "Well, if you're anything like me..." KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene br_haghandy3_a with pixellate show br_haghandy3 with dissolve rose "...this might just make you faint." kat "I'm surprised you haven't soiled my hand yet." mc "Hnngg!" kat "I know one time won't suffice. You don't have to fear; I'll milk you as much as you require~" "At this point, a stiff breeze would have gotten me off, but for how slow it was, the old woman's technique was thorough and {i}immaculate{/i} in its consistency. She never slowed or sped up; she just jerked me like her wrist operated on a piston." mc "G-ahh, s-shut the fuck up and just k-keep--!" "The real magic lay in how she used her pinky, tracing its black nail up and down the underside of my shaft, never deviating a single millimeter from the same tract of overwrought nerve endings." kat "*Whisper* You should speak kindly to someone who's doing you a favor, [mcf]." mc "*Gulp* H-a, haa... favor...? Yeah right..." "It was like the words appeared on my lips without even being thought of. I said what I felt without control or filter." mc "T-take a seat and spin on it if you really want to do me a favor!" kat "You're adorable right now, you know that?" play sound "sound effects/lighter-flick.wav" fel "U-uh... W-WHAT THE HELL is that for?!" kat "Oh! Didn't expect that would even get used." stop sound KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2344 with pixellate rose "...this might just make you faint." scene w3_2345 with dissolve kat "Well, well, well... this is taking an exciting turn." mc "Hhhngg... y-yeah..." scene w3_2346 with dissolve mct "(I couldn't argue against that...)" "With the way I counted it, I had a couple of options for managing my sickening arousal." "I could let my mind wander, try to think of something else... but invariably, my senses fell on the women next to me, to the curves of their busts and their waists..." scene w3_2347 with dissolve "These two women were so far above me... the old woman decades my senior. Sophia, a brilliant scientist... it was so easy to imagine the delight in grabbing one of them right now and just--" mct "(Y-yeah... no... I should focus on what's playing out in front of me...)" "The other option was to let Kathleen's game preoccupy my attention." scene w3_2348 with dissolve kat "A-aah..." mct "(...that's gotta be the best way of dealing with this, right?)" kat "Do you need to be excused, Mr. [mcl]? Perhaps you need to go to the bathroom?" scene w3_2349 with dissolve mc "N-no, I'm f-fine..." scene w3_2347 with dissolve "She teased me, and strangely, I felt an unusual rush of pride. Of course, it was irrational, but that would be akin to losing..." "Losing what and to who, I did not know... but my willpower... I was stronger than this..." mct "(I ain't a fucking animal... right?)" play sound "sound effects/lighter-flick.wav" scene w3_2350 with dissolve fel "U-uh... W-WHAT THE HELL is that for?!" kat "Oh! A {i}truly{/i} exciting turn." stop sound scene or_rosafire_a with pixellate show or_rosafire with dissolve fel "N-not funny, you fucking cunt!" rose "R-relax, stop wriggling around!" fel "Like hell I will! Get that thing away from me!" rose "Relax, Sweetie... I'm not planning on burning you... I'm just..." fel "Hnngg... g-gahh..." rose "I read about this sort of thing in a book." fel "G-gah, wh-what kinda fucking books do you read?!" scene w3_2351 with dissolve rose "Uh... it's something another mom recommended?" scene w3_2352 with dissolve fel "You're lying, you perverted cow! {b}Hnnngg--{/b} that's f-fucking hot!" scene w3_2353 with dissolve rose "Well, that IS the point, hun... but I'm not burning you am I?" scene w3_2354 with dissolve fel "H-huh...?! I g-guess not... it actually feels kinda... my s-skin is-- a-aahh...!" scene w3_2355 with dissolve rose "See, {b}trust me.{/b}" fel "Ahhhaaah, why does it feel like a massage? My head's all fuckin' hhngggg...!" rose "Ha, good... then I'm doing it right." scene w3_2356 with dissolve fel "Have you never done this before?!" rose "Oh, heavens no... I'm not a deviant like you. Like I said, I've only read about it..." scene w3_2357 with dissolve fel "W-well fuck you too, bitch!" scene w3_2358 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_2359 with hpunch "*Thwack!*" scene w3_2360 with dissolve rose "Don't be rude!" scene w3_2361 with dissolve fel "G-gah, w-what the fuck?! That... h-hnngg...! F-fuck me, why did I almost cum from that?" scene w3_2360 with dissolve rose "Because you're perverted." scene w3_2362 with dissolve ver "It's probably because of the drug..." scene w3_2363 with dissolve rose "Uh, sorry... I don't mean that... well, not all of it... there's a camera, so I must make it sound good too." scene w3_2364 with dissolve fel "B-bullshit... you're enjoying this..." scene w3_2365 with dissolve rose "Don't be rude." rose "Still... that felt more intense than the first time I slapped you, right?" scene w3_2366 with dissolve fel "Y-yeah...?" scene w3_2367 with dissolve rose "Good. It worked then." scene w3_2368 with dissolve fel "Gah, my head's all f-fucked right nooooow... mmmwww..." scene or_rfttease_a with dissolve show or_rfttease with dissolve fel "G-gah...?!" rose "You've got lovely skin, Felicia... I'm jealous of how evenly you tan." fel "N-not the time for a compliment y-you, a-hh, h-hey... Red... how about you stick that in my--" rose "{b}Not yet{/b}, please." ver "I wasn't planning on it. I'm actually curious to see where you're taking this..." fel "H-hatt, what are you... g-gah..." fel "H--haat, f-fhuck... every part of me is on fire and... hnngg... e-every time you touch it it's like my ah... I'm out of my body?" ver "You're more sadistic than you let on, huh?" rose "It's part of the game!" ver "You have a big smile on your face right now." rose "It's nothing like that. It's just nice to be on this side of things for a change...?" fel "Ha-hhaa, h-haaaat! Gah, s-stop blathering so much! I can't think!" ver "Awww, is Blondie frustrated she doesn't hold 100\%\ of the attention?" fel "G-ahh, why are you bitches getting so mean all of a sudden?! J-just... hng... m-make me feel good; I'm dying here!" scene w3_2369 with dissolve rose "Ask politely, please." scene w3_2370 with dissolve fel "Hhhngg... f-fuck no. I'm not begging you for a thing!" scene w3_2371 with dissolve rose "That kind of obstinacy is not really helping anything... you're sending some mixed messages here." rose "If you want something, you need to learn to ask. Even my daughter has more manners than you." scene w3_2372 with dissolve ver "Drink up, Blondie." fel "H-huh?" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene br_haghandy3_a with pixellate show br_haghandy3 with dissolve ver "I said to drink up!" kat "It's always interesting when you give a woman like Rosalind the opportunity to blow off steam. They're so stressed, pent up, inhibited..." mc "H-haa..." kat "They don't show you their true colors as much as their whole color palette blends together in one fucked up mix." "Like hell my mind was registering any of her bullshit right now." scene w3_2373 with dissolve sophia "You counted on this kind of... {i}fervor{/i}?" scene w3_2374 with dissolve mc "H-a, hnnggaa..." "The inside of my head was mush right now. My capacity for language was utterly eroded." scene w3_2375 with dissolve kat "I've been doing this for a long time. Before the club, I had my {i}other{/i} enterprises." kat "I'm well acquainted with the peculiar ways people in desperate situations respond. In a way, it's a more potent means of control than any drug." scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "I'm actually impressed for once." scene w3_2377 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't be. I'm an amateur when compared to someone like your owner." kat "I think the way Van Doren has you under his thumb is much more impressive." scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "Thank you." scene w3_2377 with dissolve kat "You took that as a compliment?" scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "Of course I did. Abel only has the best things." scene w3_2378 with dissolve ver "Huh... that's an interesting direction..." scene w3_2379 with dissolve kat "Your self-awareness in your choice of words is commendable, dear." scene w3_2378 with dissolve ver "How are you...?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2380 with dissolve ver "I said to drink up!" scene w3_2381 with dissolve kat "It's always interesting when you give a woman like Rosalind the opportunity to blow off steam. They're so stressed, pent up, inhibited..." kat "They don't show you their true colors as much as their whole color palette blends together in one fucked up mix." scene w3_2382 with dissolve "To my annoyance, whenever one of them spoke, my attention would turn back to just how fuckable the women next to me were. " scene w3_2383 with dissolve sophia "You counted on this kind of... {i}fervor{/i}?" scene w3_2382 with dissolve mct "(Christ, I want to make that mouthy hag choke on my dick until she passes out!)" "Intrusive thought upon intrusive thought flooded my head." scene w3_2384 with dissolve kat "I've been doing this for a long time. Before the club, I had my {i}other{/i} enterprises." kat "I'm well acquainted with the peculiar ways people in desperate situations respond. In a way, it's a more potent means of control than any drug." scene w3_2383 with dissolve sophia "I'm actually impressed for once." scene w3_2385 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't be. I'm an amateur when compared to someone like your Master." kat "I think the way Van Doren has you under his thumb is much more impressive." scene w3_2386 with dissolve sophia "Thank you." scene w3_2387 with dissolve kat "You took that as a compliment?" scene w3_2386 with dissolve sophia "Of course I did. Abel only has the best things." scene w3_2388 with dissolve ver "Huh... that's an interesting direction..." scene w3_2387 with dissolve kat "Your self-awareness in your choice of words is commendable, dear." scene w3_2388 with dissolve ver "How are you...?" scene w3_2389 with pixellate fel "G-gah, you read about this in a book too?!" rose "Not {i}quite{/i}... how does it feel?" fel "Hnngg... what do you mean how does it feel? It's like- It's like I'm getting my tits sucked on by a glass cup!" scene w3_2390 with dissolve fel "Gh-" scene w3_2391 with dissolve rose "How about now?" fel "Hhhn, s-shitt...!" rose "Not quite the reaction I was looking for, but I guess it has just been a couple of pumps..." scene w3_2392 with dissolve fel "Hhhhhhaaaaaa! Gh, haaa--! You c-cunt!" scene w3_2393 with dissolve rose "How many times do I have to ask you not to be rude?" scene w3_2394 with dissolve fel "Ga-, ggaaaah... ggaaahh...!" "The impact of the fourth pump was quite dramatic. Felicia's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she howled like a dying animal." scene w3_2395 with dissolve rose "I bet that feels heavy, like nursing a baby?" scene w3_2396 with dissolve ver "More like nursing a vacuum cleaner..." fel "G-ggaaah... it's pulling my nipples off!" scene w3_2397 with dissolve rose "Oh, come on, don't be dramatic." fel "H, haaaahht.. they're going to come off! They're coming off!" ver "Yeah, seriously, don't be so dramatic." scene w3_2398 with dissolve rose "Hang in there." scene w3_2399 with dissolve "With that particular choice of words, the two retreated back to let Felicia fight against the unyielding suck of the two pumps dangling off her chest in an unwinnable battle of time." fel "Hnnng, gaaahh...! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit...!" "The longer she hung there, with the breast pumps dangling from her chest, the more desperate she sounded." scene w3_2400 with dissolve "It didn't take very long, maybe just two or three minutes, before the signs of defeat were plastered on her face." fel "Can't think...! It's alallllglhhhh...!" scene w3_2401 with dissolve fel "Gahhahaha, hggnnnggaaaa...! I'm ddddyyingg, my tits areee..." fel "I'm! I'm! I'm! I'm! I'm! I'm! I'm! CHwwwuummingngg!" scene w3_2402 with dissolve fel "*Hwugfff... hwhuuff... *Wheeeze* Hnnggaa..." "The unceasing suction brought Felicia to the brink in a snap instant." scene w3_2403 with dissolve ver "Holy shit. Did she just...?" rose "Woah..." ver "I think you broke her." scene w3_2404 with dissolve fel "Hngg, ahh... sgwwhohoo sshlloohpy, shwwaahh..." rose "I didn't think her reaction would be that extreme..." fel "Hnnggg... givehh mee... shhovovee it in mee..." scene w3_2405 with dissolve rose "Oh dear... I didn't realize it was that extreme." rose "Go ahead and give her what she wants, please." scene w3_2406 with dissolve ver "Hmm... not yet. She's still got one more water bottle left." KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene w3_2407 with pixellate kat "I'm starting to get offended, Mr. [mcl]. Does my hand not suffice?" kat "Don't you want to taste release?" scene w3_2408 with dissolve mc "G-gah, f-fuck! It's not like I have any control over it!" sophia "Hmm..." scene w3_2409 with dissolve "Every fiber of my being desperately anticipated climax. My reason had been eroded and my purpose replaced by the critical need to expunge every trace of nauseating desire from my body through my cock." "The hairs on my arm stood on end, the feeling in my extremities came and went like the tide, and a pervasive tingling feeling floated from my neck down to my tailbone - by all means, my body told me that I {b}should{/b} be coming." scene w3_2410 with dissolve sophia "Interesting." scene w3_2409 with dissolve "But I wasn't. My bloated dick burned against the soft palm of the old woman's hand, pulsating and twitching from the ceaseless stimulation, filling me with the irrational fear that I might literally explode if I didn't soon go careening into the void of sexual release." scene w3_2411 with dissolve sophia "All things considered, he is showing a {b}surprising{/b} degree of longevity..." scene w3_2412 with dissolve kat "Maybe your fragrance isn't as effective as you think it is." mc "G-gaahh!" scene w3_2411 with dissolve sophia "Maybe..." scene w3_2413 with dissolve mct "(No! It was definitely fucking effective!)" sophia "...but unlikely. Hey, [mcf]..." scene w3_2414 with dissolve "Through lidded eyes, I could sense the blonde scooching closer and closer." scene w3_2415 with dissolve sophia "The issue is that a young, well-traveled guy like you simply can't get off on an old woman's touch, right?" scene w3_2416 with dissolve mc "That's not--" scene w3_2417 with dissolve sophia "{b}{i}Isn't it?{/b}{/i}" "Even in my lust-addled state..." scene w3_2418 with dissolve "My brain registered amazement over the willful way Sophia flipped the switch, going from detached aloofness to a man-killer just as easily as one would shed their clothes. " scene w3_2419 with dissolve mc "Hnngg...!" kat "*Scoff* Feeling left out, were you?" sophia "Give them a comparison." scene w3_2420 with dissolve "My hand responded independently, sinking into the pleasant give of the doctor's tit-flesh in an instant as what remained of my faculties disappeared into the whirlpool of her eyes." sophia "You got a mess lurking somewhere in there that you want to get out?" mc "Ha... hnngg...! F-fuck it!" scene w3_2421 with dissolve sophia "...?!" "I kissed her, just as you'd expect a man on the brink of starvation to steal a loaf of bread." scene br_hhplus_a with dissolve show br_hhplus with dissolve sophia "Mmmhhhh....!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "She might not have expected it or even wanted it, but she quickly accepted it as a consequence of the \"just a bit of chaos\" she wielded in her joust against Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "She might not have expected it or even wanted it, but she quickly accepted it as a consequence of the \"just a bit of chaos\" she wielded in her joust against Kathleen." kat "H-hey, ahh--" "Spurred on by having the attention of two beautiful women, even if it was just the fucked up equivalent of cooking ants with a magnifying glass to them, I knew it wouldn't be long until I finally had my release." kat "Gah, ah... ha... hmpfh." "Although I could feel her eyes on my neck, the old woman continued to milk me." "*Cwhup, fwhup, chwup...!*" kat "I've somehow ended up feeling like a third wheel." "I pawed at both women's breasts with a virgin-like fervor, wholly enamored by an opportunity I might never get again." mct "(The head of a charity and a world-class scientist... ha, fucking sluts!)" "I felt like a king, not of my own making of course, but my brain was so cooked as to not know the difference. Thinking was hard, but what few thoughts I could miraculously formulate were like tidal waves breaking against the shore." mct "(Who the hell do you think you're fucking with? You think you can toy with me just because of money?!)" "I felt smothered, suffocated, and hot. More akin to a wick that was about to burn out than a human being." mct "(I'M A GUINEA PIG TO YOU?!)" "Every sensation felt heightened, and every second felt prolonged... I genuinely feared that the moment I popped would be when I was snuffed out." mct "{size=+30}{font=/gui/fonts/MB-Thin_Worms.ttf}(You like to toy with me-){/font}{/size}" "My brain gave out, but if I ceased to exist after this, I instinctively knew one thing: these last minutes of my life should be bold." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Goad the old woman into letting you finish in her mouth.:" $ w3KatPromoFinish = True $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 scene w3_2422 with dissolve mc "I'm about to b-blow..." kat "You don't need my permission." scene w3_2423 with dissolve mc "Can you finish me with your mouth?" kat "Hmmmmm, not going to happen." mc "A-ah, pretty please? With a cherry on top?" scene w3_2424 with dissolve kat "Why don't you ask Miss Lundgren to do it?" mc "...because I want you, Ma'am." scene w3_2425 with dissolve kat "...hmmmmmmmm. You have the eyes of a crazed animal, yet..." scene w3_2426 with dissolve kat "You're asking so nicely. God, I love that." scene w3_2427 with dissolve "She smirked like she had won against me, and perhaps even against Sophia." scene w3_2428 with dissolve kat "It really is goddamn adorable. Ask me again, [mcf]." scene w3_2429 with dissolve "A desperate, cloying urge inside me told me her mouth was the only place I wanted to be right now and if it took a bit of pleading to get me into a position where I could fill that mean bitch's stomach with my seed, then so be it." scene w3_2430 with dissolve mc "Hhh, haa... would you PLEASE finish me with your mouth, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w3_2431 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Without another word, Mrs. Pulman lowered herself and..." KN_MOD "else:" "Without another word, Kathleen lowered herself and..." scene br_hhplus_hbj_a with dissolve mc "G-gah...!" "The moment her lips wrapped themselves around my cock, I felt like I might pass out." "Her seal was so airtight that her mouth felt like an oven. Steady puffs of hot breath passed over the head of my cock as it made its way out through her nose." scene br_hhplus_hbj_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_hbj with dissolve mc "F-fuck, damn it!" "*Shwuck, fgwhhuck, thwuuuck!&" "What little air could escape from her lungs transformed into {b}obscene{/b} noises as she inched herself up and down my shaft." mc "H-holy-!" "The running narration in my head was a jumbled mess, but through all the muddied noise from the pleasure soaking into my brain, I grasped a simple truth." mc "Hnnng, you've sucked a lot of cock in your time, haven't you?!" "*Thwaahp, fwhap, swhhuck~!*" "The answer to that question played across my glans every time I wedged myself comfortably in her throat with zero fuss." "Swhuck, hhhwhuck, fhhggguuk!*" "{b}Damn it!{/b} A rich woman like her had no business sucking dick this well." mc "Ghhn, haaat, hnnngg...!" "She sucked me with the skill of a woman who had {b}nothing{/b} to her name." kat "Mmmhm, hhmhm~" "Just like her hand job, there was no wasted effort. She didn't tackle it in a clumsy frenzy, nor did she need to cautiously get used to my size." "*Shwhuhuck, fwhhucuk, ghhwhuhuk!*" "She sucked me like she had been sucking {b}my{/b} dick her whole life, pleasuring me at a steady and comfortable pace. I marveled at how, through a mere blowjob, a woman so cold and cruel could instantly imprint herself on my body as warm and welcoming." "I was quickly understanding that \"adorable\" disparity she had just spoken " mc "Hnng, h-how?!" sophia "It's not performing brain surgery." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "{b}There{/b} was another perverse delight, speeding me toward my climax. Sophia's attention was on the back of Mrs. Pulman's head, watching intently as she debased herself in pursuit of degrading me." KN_MOD "else:" "{b}There{/b} was another perverse delight, speeding me toward my climax. Sophia's attention was on the back of Kathleen's head, watching intently as she debased herself in pursuit of degrading me." mct "(Haaaa... hope you like the show, bitch. You're the impetus for this.)" "*Fwhhuck, ghhhukh, khggguuhhk*" mc "Ahh... y-you dick swallowing--! Hnnngg...!" "It was coming." scene w3_2432 with dissolve mc "You think I'm adorable?!" "I was moments from blowing my load, and with it, the indignation from earlier swelled in me. I had wanted a bold finish before I met my end, and well..." mct "(I'll show you adorable!)" stop music scene br_hhplus_gulp1_a with vpunch mc "I'm c-cumming, fucking drown in it, you damn--" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Mmmmh?!" "Before she could even register what was happening, ropes of piping hot cum barreled down her esophagus on a one-way trip to her stomach." play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" scene br_hhplus_gulp1_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_gulp1 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghhkka, hkkaa-!" "I pressed down hard, holding the old woman's head in place as she gargled my seed in abject surprise." mc "Hnngg, all of it!" "I pressed down so hard it hurt my groin." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghhuk, hhuuuh, hwwwhuuuck...!" "It was massive, like I was cumming my very soul down the old woman's throat." kat "Ghuk, khak, uuhhk-!" mc "Gah, c-choke on it!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Not all of my load was making its way down her throat. To my perverse glee, I could {i}feel{/i} myself coating the lining of her throat." kat "Ghhuk, hhuuuk...!" scene br_hhplus_gulp2_a with flash show br_hhplus_gulp2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Hope you like the fucking taste!" kat "Mmmh, hhhngg?!?!" sophia "I don't think she can breathe..." mc "Good! She can breathe when I'm fucking--!" stop ambient fadeout 4.0 play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash ".........!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "......!" scene w3_2433 with dissolve mc "A-aahh...!" scene w3_2434 with dissolve kat "Ugghhuhh..." scene w3_2435 with dissolve "Peace." "Serenity." "Satisfaction." "In this moment, I had it all." scene black with w20 "With that, I happily died. The oblivion I felt nipping at my heels finally sank its sharp teeth into my throat." "............" "........." "......" "..." kat "Why are you holding your hands out like that? It's weird." mct "(Ah, fuck... I {i}wasn't{/i} dead? {b}Oh no.{/b} Then that meant I just...)" scene w3_2436 with w9 sophia "She's right. It's distracting." scene w3_2437 with dissolve "I didn't know how long I was out of it, but by the time I opened my eyes, the two women had collected themselves, and what I thought was a bold display of defiance was made pitiful and wholly expected by their bemused faces." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman looked {i}totally{/i} unaffected by my rough treatment, showing no signs of having mercilessly guzzled my cum just moments ago..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen looked {i}totally{/i} unaffected by my rough treatment, showing no signs of having mercilessly guzzled my cum just moments ago..." scene w3_2438 with dissolve kat "Oh, by the way... you said some pretty outlandish things to me." scene w3_2439 with dissolve mc "If I recall, I did more than that..." scene w3_2440 with dissolve kat "It was {b}adorable{/b}." "She had indeed won." fel "Gha--" KN_MOD "Leave an impression on the doctor.:" $ w3SophiaPromoFinish = True $ Kathleen_Affection -=2 "I knew what I wanted." sophia "Mmmhh, hhhhh..." "And that last act of defiance would be leaving the doctor, the root cause of all this, something to remember me by." scene br_hhplus_doc1_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc1 with dissolve "*Chwup, fhwup~*" "I wanted to hear this aloof bitch moan, so I focused everything on the woman whose mouth I was currently exploring." sophia "Mmmh, hhmmm...?" "It was a battle against my wits. Sophia was literally intoxicating. Focusing my senses all on her had me burning twice as fast." "By instinct, I felt her breast over her clothes." sophia "Mmhh..." "Her coos told me she was receptive, but it wasn't quite the noise I wanted to drag out from the blonde." scene br_hhplus_doc2_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc2 with dissolve sophia "Ghu, gha~ghhuu...!" "Deciding that over the clothes touching wouldn't do it, I switched focus on the erogenous zone in her mouth, intensifying my efforts in an intricate dance to subdue her tongue with my own." sophia "Mmmmh, mmhhhh- *chwuph, fhwhup~*" "She wasn't a passive observer in my hunt; her tongue played coy, darting away and slipping from my grasp whenever I thought I had her pinned." "It was mere seconds, but--" "Chwhu, fhwwwup, chup!*" "--but, in my fogged-over state, time held little sway over my perception. What was in reality a clumsy tussle felt like a long and protracted siege." "I don't know if it was because of the perfume, but all bodily sensations gradually began to meld into one." "The feeling of the old woman's hand milking my cock, the wet warmness of our kiss, the bubbling desire so strong that I was confident it would be the end of me..." mc "Mmmh, hhhmmm-!" "All of it spelled an overload melded and combined into a singular feeling of otherness. I was sure I had lost this battle until..." scene br_hhplus_doc3_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc3 with dissolve "My brain registered a change." mct "Was she...?" sophia "Mmmh, hhmhm~aahhh...!" "She was closer." "She was pressing into me." "She felt it." "She was {b}heated{/b}." "{i}She was kissing me back.{/i}" "Whether it was done deliberately or on an instinctual level, her body responded favorably." sophia "Ahh, hhhnnggg, mmmmhh-!" "My hand found a place on her ass and I used that to spur her on even more. With this, I had physical confirmation of my success." mct "(Fuck, what a great-!)" "I could feel the hot dampness of her delicate spot." sophia "Mmhh, hhaa...♥♥♥" "She purred openly and I felt a petty relief over my trivial victory. The succubus driving me to this desperate state wouldn't escape our battle unscathed." "*Chwup, fhwwup, khwwup*!" "--and that wasn't the only sense of relief I felt." stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_2441 with flash mc "{b}Hnng, ah-!!!{/b}" "I didn't know when it started, but ropes of cum geysered from my cock and rained down from the sky." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_2442 with flash mc "Ghh, aaahh- sssshit--" kat "Huh, {b}WOW{/b}." scene w3_2443 with dissolve mc "Hngg, hhhhmmmhh-~" "All the suffocating vileness in me was expelled and released into the world. All my desperation spilled out onto our clothes and thighs." "Soon need was replaced with..." scene w3_2444 with dissolve "Peace." "Serenity." scene w3_2445 with dissolve "Satisfaction." "Emptiness." "The oblivion I felt nipping at my heels finally sank its sharp teeth into my throat." scene black with w20 "I was dead." "............" "........." "......" "..." sophia "Great, now we'll spend the rest of the show reeking of semen." mct "(Ah, fuck... I {i}wasn't{/i} dead? {b}Oh no.{/b} Then that meant I just...)" scene w3_2446 with w9 kat "You should've thought of that before you entered the crossfire." scene w3_2447 with dissolve sophia "You were taking too long. I wanted to put an end to the distraction." scene w3_2448 with dissolve "I didn't know how long I was out of it. Still, by the time I opened my eyes, the two women had collected themselves. The damage I thought I had done to Sophia with my counter-attack was made pitiful by their bemused faces." scene w3_2449 with dissolve kat "Oh, please. Are those the kind of sounds you make matter-of-factly?" scene w3_2450 with dissolve "Sophia looked as composed as ever, and except for a little blush, her attention turned back to the Carnations." scene w3_2451 with dissolve kat "I hope that provided you a measure of relief, Mr. [mcl]. That certainly was an... {i}explosive{/i} finish." mc "A, ahem... thaaaaaanks?" scene w3_2452 with dissolve kat "Don't mention it. It was... interesting." fel "Gha--" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2453 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w3_2454 with dissolve "...this was my limit." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_2455 with dissolve mc "Aaeeh, I'll be riiiiiight back." scene w3_2456 with dissolve "......" scene w3_2457 with dissolve "..." scene w3_2458 with dissolve kat "Is that a milder scent you are wearing?" sophia "It's the same batch as the bottle I gave you." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "The effect seemed... less? Why's that?" scene w3_2460 with dissolve sophia "It's possible that his body adapted and partially metabolized the odor molecules. All I can say is that it's remarkable he held out that long." sophia "It could be a matter of willpower." scene w3_2461 with dissolve kat "When I had dinner with Charles the other night, he didn't even flinch." scene w3_2462 with dissolve sophia "Dr. Kohler is a scary man." scene w3_2463 with dissolve kat "Is that your appraisal after demolishing him game after game?" scene w3_2464 with dissolve sophia "How else should I describe a man who has no need but keeps his passions tightly controlled" scene w3_2465 with dissolve kat "That's why he and I are incompatible. He treats fucking like it's Christmas." kat "You don't have anything to worry about as long as you don't lose." scene w3_2466 with dissolve sophia "I don't plan on it, but I have a feeling he eventually wins one way or another." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "Abel wouldn't let it come to that, would he?" scene w3_2467 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2460 with dissolve sophia "Thank you for indulging my little whim, Kathleen. It was amusing." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "Don't mention it. One should make their own fun in life. Still..." kat "'re very competent. Don't you ever desire more?" scene w3_2468 with dissolve sophia "A frivolous bitch like you has no business saying that to me." scene w3_2469 with dissolve kat "Ah, fuck. There it is." scene black with fade kat "I almost felt sorry for you." KN_MOD "jump w3WashRoom" play music "music/landing.ogg" scene w3_2470 with pixellate fel "--aaahhhhnn! It's t-to-tooooooo muuuuchh!" ver "C'mon, Blondie... A woman like you would be able to take as much." scene or_feldrip_a with dissolve show or_feldrip with dissolve fel "Gghh, hhhhhnnnggaaaaaawwwah! It's fucking strong!" mct "(Right, I was so caught up in my lust that I had forgotten that this was still happening...)" fel "Gh, hhnngg, hhnnngg...! Oh, hhhhnngngg...! N-no!" ver "Hmmm? This is what you asked for, isn't it?" fel "T-the vibe is m-moving the beads and m-making me wanna--" ver "Pee? Well, you did drink three water bottles..." rose "You planned this?" ver "Well, I had to pull my weight for this \"game\", right?" fel "It f-feels to-ttoooo good, but I d-don't w-wanna...!" ver "You don't want to piss yourself like an idiot in front of your future club members?" fel "Ghh, hh--" scene w3_2471 with dissolve ver "What an odd fucking line to draw, huh? You think volunteering for this gives you a veneer of dignity?" ver "Newsflash: sluts like you don't have any dignity." scene w3_2472 with dissolve rose "Eh, don't you think you're being too mean?" fel "Gghhh, f-hhh--" scene w3_2473 with dissolve ver "Mean? You and I are fighting for our futures, and she's just a bored rich bitch looking for a kick." ver "I'm just letting her know she isn't shit... for the purpose of the game, you know..." scene w3_2474 with dissolve rose "Right, yeah... the game." scene w3_2475 with dissolve fel "Why should I care about your sob stories? It d-doesn't matter who wins; it only matters if you lose!" fel "Do you think Rose will give a shit if you win over me? It's all the same to her as it would be to you!" scene w3_2476 with dissolve ver "Oh, yeah?" scene w3_2477 with dissolve fel "That's right! You should be happy to have a bored rich bitch as your opponent! Would you rather three desperate people get paraded like show dogs over two?! Why the hell are you even thinking about me?!" scene w3_2478 with dissolve fel "Focus on winning you--- gah, you're so fucking short-sight--" scene w3_2479 with dissolve fel "Gh, hhuhukhhh...?!" ver "Just shut up and piss yourself, you fucking cumrag." scene w3_2480 with dissolve fel "Mmmhhh, mmhmhh, hnnnggg!" ver "When you lose, you can go back to your damn penthouse! Take a dip in your pool! Eat your fancy grub!" scene w3_2481 with dissolve ver "A good price for your dignity, because I'm certainly selling mine for much less!" scene w3_2482 with dissolve ver "..." fel "Hnnngg, hhh--" scene w3_2483 with dissolve fel "Mmmhh, mmggmmhhh, hhhmmm--" rose "Hey..." scene w3_2484 with dissolve fel "UUUhh, hhhehhhh---" rose "You alright...?" scene w3_2485 with dissolve ver "Yeah, I'm fine, Rosie... I just thought being in the driver's seat would be more fun." scene w3_2486 with dissolve rose "That's what I mean; we all still have our dignity. None of this has--" scene w3_2487 with dissolve fel "Mmhmhwwahhahahh, ghhgaaa-a---hhhhhaaa" scene or_felpee_a with dissolve show or_felpee with dissolve ver "There she goes. Well..." fel "Hnnhhsshwwwiiiitt, n-nooohhh, fhhhkk---" ver "This {i}was{/i} kinda fun..." fel "Hnnggg..." rose "Better her than us, at least." "As things came to a close, I was left with a prickly thought." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "That was as honest as they had ever been with each other." KN_MOD "jump w3WashRoom" KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserVeronica == True:" scene w3_2488 with pixellate fel "It's kinda obvious, but you don't really like me, do you?" scene w3_2489 with dissolve ver "What the f-fuck does that matter, Blondie?" scene w3_2490 with dissolve fel "It matters because you're the one tied up right now." ver "Hnnng... I like you just fine?" scene w3_2491 with dissolve fel "No, you don't, Red. You've never hidden it before, don't try and hide the truth now just because you're in the palm of who's asking." fel "It's out of character." scene w3_2492 with dissolve ver "Again, w-what does it matter? Just hurry up and get rolling!" scene w3_2493 with dissolve fel "I know you think I'm frivolous and undeserving - and that's okay; I get where you're coming from." scene w3_2494 with dissolve ver "Oh, just shut up! If you don't start, how about you just kill me?" scene w3_2495 with dissolve ver "How about you, Rosie? Will you p-put me out of my m-misery here?" scene w3_2496 with dissolve rose "Heh, I'd like to start, but uh... she's got the lead right now. I wouldn't want to interrupt and be rude." scene w3_2493 with dissolve fel "I'm going to be nice to you, Red. I'm going to treat you how I'd like to be treated." fel "I know you don't care about this either, but I like you. I really do." scene w3_2497 with dissolve ver "Yeah, riiiiiight..." scene w3_2498 with dissolve fel "Oh, c'mon. I've caught you stealing glances before." fel "I'm used to people looking down on me and I'm also used to those same people wanting to fuck me." scene w3_2499 with dissolve fel "{b}You{/b} want to fuck me, Red. Admit it." scene w3_2500 with dissolve ver "G-gah, you're fucking full of yourself!" scene w3_2501 with dissolve ver "Mmmh, hhmmmm?!" "Felicia, as if on cue, kissed Veronica's neck. Nothing exaggerated, just something..." scene w3_2502 with dissolve ver "Mmmmhn, mmmhh...!" "Just something to make her point." scene w3_2503 with dissolve fel "You're about to be full of something too." scene w3_2504 with dissolve ver "W-what are you...? Ah, f-f--" fel "Just sit back and enjoy. Don't go anywhere." scene w3_2505 with dissolve fel "Oh, by the way... you have [mcf] to thank for this part. He taught me just how effective these little devils are." KN_MOD "if w2FeliciaPacked ==True:" fel "For the record, I managed four of these." KN_MOD "else:" fel "For the record, I managed three of these." KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene br_haghandy_a with dissolve show br_haghandy with dissolve kat "Oh, aren't you proud, Mr. [mcl]? It sounds like you left an impression on the girl." "In my current over-cooked state, what was playing out on the television screen was a muddled mess of pixels that barely registered meaning to me." kat "Although, honestly... I bet our slut wife friend could've handled five." "No, in my current state, my mind was completely consumed by the old woman's grip on my cock." mc "H-haahaa...!" kat "Still, all this talk about being nice. Did she forget this is supposed to be a punishment?" sophia "You know very well it can be both. You're the one who arranged the tools." scene br_haghandy2_a with dissolve show br_haghandy2 with dissolve kat "You're right... it might feel good, but she will resent being at their mercy. She's too pathetically predictable." mc "G-gahh...!" "The pitiful noise of a rutting animal punctuated the women's conversation." kat "...ah, I love it! I really do love Miss Lynch. I wish I had more than a month with her." sophia "You have a {i}unique{/i} sense of aesthetics, Kathleen." kat "Well, what do you find hot, Miss Lundgren? I'm genuinely curious..." scene br_haghandy_a with dissolve show br_haghandy with dissolve mc "Huuuhghh...!" kat "What gets a woman like you going?" mc "H-huhh... ack...!" sophia "You ever give much thought to what makes your skin itch? I tend not to pontificate over my bodily responses." kat "Unlike me, you mean?" sophia "When I feel an itch, I simply scratch it." kat "We got that in common at least - {b}all three of us.{/b}" sophia "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to watch--" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2324 with dissolve kat "Oh, aren't you proud, Mr. [mcl]? It sounds like you left an impression on the girl." scene w3_2325 with dissolve "In my current over-cooked state, what was playing out on the television screen was a muddled mess of pixels that barely registered meaning to me." scene w3_2326 with dissolve kat "Although, honestly... I bet our slut wife friend could've handled five." kat "Still, all this talk about being nice. Did she forget this is supposed to be a punishment?" scene w3_2327 with dissolve mc "She... ah..." scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You know very well it can be both. You're the one who arranged the tools." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "You're right... it might feel good, but she will resent being at their mercy. She's too pathetically predictable." scene w3_2326 with dissolve kat "...ah, I love it! I really do love Miss Lynch. I wish I had more than a month with her." scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You have a {i}unique{/i} sense of aesthetics, Kathleen." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Well, what do you find hot, Miss Lundgren? I'm genuinely curious... what gets a woman like you going?" scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You ever give much thought to what makes your skin itch? I tend not to pontificate over my bodily responses." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Unlike me, you mean?" scene w3_2330 with dissolve sophia "When I feel an itch, I simply scratch it." kat "Oh, lovely, at least we have that in common." sophia "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to watch--" play music "music/addict.ogg" scene w3_2506 with pixellate play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" fel "...and THREE!" $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/vib-ongoing.wav" scene w3_2507 with dissolve fel "You had no trouble whatsoever. They just slid right in there!" ver "N-no shit, I'm fucking drippi-- gaaah, whwahaaha!" scene w3_2508 with dissolve fel "Yeah, I know. [mcf] had a whole remote, but I don't. So you're just going to have to deal with \"on\" for as long as they're in you." ver "Hnnngg hhhaaaaa..." scene w3_2509 with dissolve fel "Now, I said I would be nice, but there's two of us - and Rosie isn't as sweet as she pretends to be, are you beautiful?" $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene w3_2510 with dissolve rose "Ah... don't blame me... one of us has to be the bad cop..." scene w3_2511 with dissolve rose "It's part of the game, right?" ver "Ghh, hhhngngg--" scene w3_2512 with dissolve fel "That's not very convincing when you're smiling, Rosie. It's nice having the shoe on the other foot?" scene w3_2513 with dissolve rose "Not at all..." scene w3_2514 with dissolve fel "Would you rather switch places?" rose "I... uh... didn't say that either." scene w3_2515 with dissolve fel "Might as well enjoy it then. There's no need for pretenses between us." scene w3_2516 with dissolve fel "Let your mask come off." rose "T-tha, aahh... w-why are you?" scene w3_2517 with dissolve fel "Oh, right. Your tits are like mega-sensitive." scene w3_2518 with dissolve fel "My bad. Don't want to undermine your part here. What do you got cooking?" scene w3_2519 with dissolve rose "Well, uhhh... I just thought about what might work on me and... that position you're in, with your chest out... I just know that I would..." rose "It's better if I just show you." scene w3_2520 with dissolve fel "Well, whatever. Remember, you get the front, I got the back. We're going to two team this slut." fel "Get ready to have your mind melted, Red!" scene w3_2521 with dissolve ver "Ghh... hnnanaa, I'm already m-melting, you--" scene w3_2522 with dissolve ver "G-gahhh, your tongue's not going to--" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" stop ambient scene br_haghandy3_a with pixellate show br_haghandy3 with dissolve ver "...fiiiiiiiiIIITIiiitttttthhh--!!!" kat "I'm surprised you haven't soiled my hand yet." mc "Hnngg!" kat "I know one time won't suffice. You don't have to fear; I'll milk you as much as you require~" "At this point, a stiff breeze would have gotten me off, but for how slow it was, the old woman's technique was thorough and {i}immaculate{/i} in its consistency. She never slowed down or sped up; she just jerked me like her wrist operated on a piston." mc "G-ahh, s-shut the fuck up and just k-keep--!" "The real magic lay in how she used her pinky, tracing its black nail up and down the underside of my shaft, never deviating a single millimeter from the same tract of overwrought nerve endings." kat "*Whisper* You should speak kindly to someone doing you a favor, [mcf]." mc "*Gulp* H-a, haa... favor...? Yeah right..." "It was like the words apparated on my lips without even being thought of. I said what I felt without control or filter." mc "T-take a sit and spin on it if you really want to do me a favor!" kat "You're adorable right now, you know that?" ver "G-uhaaah, y-you're pullingtheeehhmopffhh---!" kat "Oh! Look at them stretch!" KN_MOD "else:" stop ambient scene w3_2344 with pixellate ver "...fiiiiiiiiIIITIiiitttttthhh--!!!" scene w3_2345 with dissolve kat "Well, well, well... this is taking an interesting turn." kat "Oh, how I wish there were two of me." mc "Hhhngg... y-yeah..." scene w3_2346 with dissolve mct "(I couldn't argue against that...)" "With the way I counted it, I had a couple of options for managing my sickening arousal." "I could let my mind wander, try to think of something else... but invariably, my senses fell on the women next to me, to the curves of their busts and their waists..." scene w3_2347 with dissolve "These two women were so far above me... the old woman decades my senior. Sophia, a brilliant scientist... it was so easy to imagine the delight in grabbing one of them right now and just--" mct "(Y-yeah... no... I should focus on what's playing out in front of me...)" "The other option was to let Kathleen's game preoccupy my attention." scene w3_2348 with dissolve kat "A-aah..." mct "(...that's gotta be the best way of dealing with this, right?" kat "Do you need to be excused, Mr. [mcl]? Perhaps you need to go to the bathroom?" scene w3_2349 with dissolve mc "N-no, I'm f-fine..." scene w3_2347 with dissolve "She teased me, and strangely, I felt an unusual rush of pride. Of course, it was irrational, but that would be akin to losing..." "Losing what and to who, I did not know... but my willpower... I was stronger than this..." mct "(I ain't a fucking animal... right?)" scene w3_2350 with dissolve ver "G-uhaaah, y-you're pullingtheeehhmopffhh---!" kat "Oh! Look at them stretch!" scene or_onvero1_a with pixellate show or_onvero1 with dissolve "Back on screen, they were indeed doubling up on poor Veronica." ver "MMmh, hhhhhmm-!" "Felicia explored the Amazon's business end with her tongue, while Rosalind frenched the redheaded woman and roughly tugged at her nipples." ver "Ha, mmmwwwhaa~♥" "It wasn't what came to mind when I pictured \"bad cop\", but it wrenched muffled cries from Veronica's throat." ver "*Chwu, fwwhhup-!* Wwwhhaaauh-!" "Attacked on both ends, with Dr. Lundgren's poison coursing through her veins, she had little choice but to moan, jerk, and writhe as her brain was inundated with more endorphins than it knew what to do with." scene or_onvero2_a with dissolve show or_onvero2 with dissolve "*Chwup, fhwup, khhwwup-!*" ver "Mmmhh...♥ Hnn...♥" "As the pair persisted, the sweet sounds of lust pouring out from the tv's speakers became more agreeable and proactive." ver "Ghh, hhhaaa...♥♥ Mmmmhh...♥♥♥" "She was into it." ver "Hhhhyyeah, hhhhh-♥♥♥" "She was {i}definitely{/i} into it." "*Chwaup, fhhwwup!*" "The only distinction to be made lay in whether it was done for the camera's benefit or to egg the sources of her pleasure on." mct "(G-ahh...!)" "What was certain was that the unrestrained sounds of the physically restrained Amazon poured fuel on my already out-of-control lust." scene or_onvero1_a with dissolve show or_onvero1 with dissolve ver "*Shlick, fwhhick-!* Ghhh♥♥♥" "Meanwhile, dwarfed by Veronica's wide ass, Felicia was proving herself to be a dutiful cunt licker." ver "Dmmhmhheeeht! Hnnn...!" "At this angle, her exact technique was left a mystery for the camera, but even when you factored in Veronica's heightened state..." ver "Ghhh, mmmh, hhhtwwwahht♥♥♥♥♥♥" "You could tell she was putting on a riveting performance." "So the two carried on for about a minute or an eternity, not a single one slowing down." scene or_onvero2_a with dissolve show or_onvero2 with dissolve "Felicia licked, Rosalind manhandled, and Veronica accepted what the two offered - all until the MILF pulled herself from her lips." scene w3_2523 with dissolve rose "Mhh-ahh... haa...!" ver "W-what--♥♥ ahhh, that--hwwwha~!!!" scene w3_2524 with dissolve rose "Wo-woah... I feel lightheaded... " ver "Ah... that w-was... I mean, w-what is it, my birthday? Heh, haa...♥♥" scene w3_2525 with dissolve rose "Ha, hope that was alright... you should always begin foreplay with a kiss." scene w3_2526 with dissolve ver "T-that, aahhh, a p-personal rule of yours...?" scene w3_2527 with dissolve rose "...more of a wish?" scene w3_2528 with dissolve ver "Y-you {b}-hnnn!-{/b} e-ever kiss a-" scene w3_2529 with dissolve rose "First time." scene w3_2530 with dissolve ver "Well, aren't I spe-" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w3_2531 with dissolve "*Bzzzt, bzzzzt, bzzzzt!!!!*" ver "Hnn...! Fuck! {b}Y-you're moving them around with y-your tongue?!{/b}" scene w3_2532 with dissolve "*Bzzzt, bzzzzt, bzzzzt!!!!*" ver "Gyyy-♥♥♥♥♥♥. Y-you sure y-you're s-straight, Blondie?!" scene w3_2533 with dissolve ver "You're better at that than h-half the--" scene w3_2534 with dissolve ver "{b}Hhhhnnn--♥♥♥ What do you got t-there?{/b}" scene w3_2535 with dissolve rose "This? This is going up your keist-- *ahem." scene w3_2536 with dissolve rose "{b}I mean{/b}, this is going up your ass, you... slut." scene w3_2537 with dissolve ver "Ahh, hhaaa... y-you're not very convincing in that role, Rosie -- and besides, c'mon... it's kinda already -hnnn!- crowded b-back there!" scene w3_2538 with dissolve rose "We'll see about that." scene w3_2539 with dissolve "..." play ambient "sound effects/vib-ongoing.wav" $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene w3_2540 with dissolve rose "Swap sides with me for a minute, will you?" "*Shlick, fwhick, fwhick-!*" scene w3_2541 with dissolve fel "E-eh...?" scene w3_2542 with dissolve rose "Swap sides with me." ver "Seriously, I don't think that's going to--" scene w3_2543 with dissolve ver "*Bzzzzt!* {b}Gaaahfffeeiiiiiit!{/b} Hnn...!!!" fel "Of course it will fit. A big girl like her has plenty of room." scene w3_2544 with dissolve ver "Gh, hhh-- f-fuck!" rose "You're tight..." ver "Of c-course I am - ahh... I don't use my ass for s-stuff like this!" scene w3_2545 with dissolve ver "*Bzzzzt!* {b}Dddhhhhmmnit, it's m-making them r-rattle! G-gahhh...!" rose "Come on, honey. You can take it. Don't push ba--" ver "Ynnnggg-♥♥♥♥ S-sh-eeehhtt!" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" stop ambient scene br_haghandy3_a with pixellate show br_haghandy3 with dissolve rose "Good job! I knew you could do it." kat "It's always interesting when you give a woman like Rosalind the opportunity to take the reins. They're so stressed, pent up, inhibited..." ver "Yyhhhhoooooohhhh♥♥♥♥♥" kat "They don't show you their true colors as much as their whole color palette blends together in one fucked up mix. I wonder where this will go." mc "H-hhhhngg...!" "Like hell my mind was registering any of her bullshit right now." ver "H-heuuuh?! Y-you're gonna use t-that t-too?!" scene w3_2373 with dissolve sophia "You counted on this kind of... {i}fervor{/i}?" scene w3_2374 with dissolve mc "H-a, hnnggaa..." "The inside of my head was mush right now. My capacity for language was utterly eroded." scene w3_2375 with dissolve kat "I've been doing this for a long time. Before the club, I had my {i}other{/i} enterprises." kat "I'm well acquainted with the peculiar ways people in desperate situations respond. In a way, it's a more potent means of control than any drug." scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "I'm actually impressed for once." scene w3_2377 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't be. I'm an amateur when compared to someone like your owner." kat "I think the way Van Doren has you under his thumb is much more impressive." scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "Thank you." scene w3_2377 with dissolve kat "You took that as a compliment?" scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "Of course I did. Abel only has the best things." scene w3_2378 with dissolve ver "Huh... that's an interesting direction..." scene w3_2379 with dissolve kat "Your self-awareness in your choice of words is commendable, dear." KN_MOD "else:" stop ambient scene w3_2380 with dissolve rose "Good job! I knew you could do it." scene w3_2381 with dissolve kat "It's always interesting when you give a woman like Rosalind the opportunity to take the reins. They're so stressed, pent up, inhibited..." ver "Yyhhhhoooooohhhh♥♥♥♥♥" kat "They don't show you their true colors as much as their whole color palette blends together in one fucked up mix. I wonder where this will go." scene w3_2382 with dissolve "To my annoyance, whenever one of them spoke, my attention would turn back to just how fuckable the women next to me were. " ver "H-heuuuh?! Y-you're gonna use t-that t-too?!" scene w3_2383 with dissolve sophia "You counted on this kind of... {i}fervor{/i}?" scene w3_2382 with dissolve mct "(Christ, I want to make that mouthy hag choke on my dick until she passes out!)" "Intrusive thought upon intrusive thought flooded my head." scene w3_2384 with dissolve kat "I've been doing this for a long time. Before the club, I had my {i}other{/i} enterprises." kat "I'm well acquainted with the peculiar ways people in desperate situations respond. In a way, it's a more potent means of control than any drug." scene w3_2383 with dissolve sophia "I'm actually impressed for once." scene w3_2385 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't be. I'm an amateur when compared to someone like your Master." kat "I think the way Van Doren has you under his thumb is much more impressive." scene w3_2386 with dissolve sophia "Thank you." scene w3_2387 with dissolve kat "You took that as a compliment?" scene w3_2386 with dissolve sophia "Of course I did. Abel only has the best things." scene w3_2388 with dissolve ver "Huh... that's an interesting direction..." scene w3_2387 with dissolve kat "Your self-awareness in your choice of words is commendable, dear." scene w3_2547 with pixellate play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2548 with vpunch "*Thwick!*" ver "O-ohhh, gghhh..." scene w3_2546 with dissolve rose"This is..." scene w3_2547 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2548 with vpunch "*Thwick!*" KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerRose == True:" scene w3_2546 with dissolve rose "This is just like when you and Felicia went head-to-head in the first week." scene w3_2547 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2548 with vpunch "*Thwick!*" scene w3_2546 with dissolve rose "I didn't experience what it was like to have your butt smacked while it was so stuffed." KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerFel == True:" scene w3_2546 with dissolve rose "This is just like when you and I went head-to-head in the first week." scene w3_2547 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2548 with vpunch "*Thwick!*" scene w3_2546 with dissolve rose "We both know what it's like to have your butt clamp down with every impact." KN_MOD "if w1ExIntuitionGameWinnerVero == True:" scene w3_2546 with dissolve rose "This is just like when Felicia and I went head-to-head in the first week." scene w3_2547 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2548 with vpunch "*Thwick!*" scene w3_2546 with dissolve rose "You didn't experience what it was like to get your butt smacked while it was stuffed." scene w3_2549 with pixellate play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2550 with vpunch "*Thwick!*" ver "Gyjhhh- hhhgnnngg-♥♥♥" scene w3_2551 with dissolve rose "We should all be used to this sort of play by now..." scene w3_2552 with dissolve ver "Gah, fuck you! Switch places with me and we'll s-see what kind of ugly sounds y-you make!" scene w3_2553 with dissolve rose "Fuck me...?" scene w3_2551 with dissolve rose "You were so tough when we were getting shocked. You know, if I'm being honest... {b}it was actually irritating.{/b}" scene w3_2554 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2555 with vpunch "*Thwick!*" ver "Ghh, oohoh--oogogohohhhhhh--" scene w3_2554 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_2556 with vpunch "*Thwick!*" scene w3_2557 with dissolve fel "Holy shit, Red. Your pussy is amazing!" rose "Can I ask you something? Why do you act like you're better than Felicia? Better than me?" scene w3_2558 with dissolve fel "{size=10}Seriously... it was strong enough to...{/size}" ver "W-what, hhhaaa.. n-no I don't?!" scene w3_2559 with dissolve fel "{size=10}I mean, imagine if you were taking a...{/size}" rose "You constantly act like you're too good to be here." scene w3_2560 with dissolve ver "Hnn... wwhhhaay" rose "I swallow my pride, yet you always run your mouth and just say what I'm thinking too." rose "It's annoying. It's fucking arrogant! It's..." scene w3_2561 with dissolve "........." "......" scene w3_2562 with dissolve "..." scene w3_2563 with dissolve fel "Don't take it personally. I think she's madder at herself than you." scene w3_2564 with dissolve ver "Huuuaahh, s-shut the fuck up--" rose "Shut up!" scene w3_2565 with dissolve fel "Bah, you fucking bitches." scene w3_2566 with dissolve rose "I was thinking..." rose "...why should we do any work when we could just let some batteries and gravity do it for us?" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene w3_2407 with pixellate kat "I'm starting to get offended, Mr. [mcl]. Does my hand not suffice?" kat "Don't you want to taste release?" scene w3_2408 with dissolve mc "G-gah, f-fuck! It's not like I have any control over it!" sophia "Hmm..." scene w3_2409 with dissolve "Every fiber of my being desperately anticipated climax. My reason had been eroded and my purpose replaced by the critical need to expunge every trace of nauseating desire from my body through my cock." "The hairs on my arm stood on end, the feeling in my extremities came and went like the tide, and a pervasive tingling feeling floated from my neck down to my tailbone - by all means, my body told me that I {b}should{/b} be coming." scene w3_2410 with dissolve sophia "Interesting." scene w3_2409 with dissolve "But I wasn't. My bloated dick burned against the soft palm of the old woman's hand, pulsating and twitching from the ceaseless stimulation, filling me with the irrational fear that I might literally explode if I didn't soon go careening into the void of sexual release." scene w3_2411 with dissolve sophia "All things considered, he is showing a {b}surprising{/b} degree of longevity..." scene w3_2412 with dissolve kat "Maybe your fragrance isn't as effective as you think it is." mc "G-gaahh!" scene w3_2411 with dissolve sophia "Maybe..." scene w3_2413 with dissolve mct "(No! It was definitely fucking effective!)" sophia "...but unlikely. Hey, [mcf]..." scene w3_2414 with dissolve "Through lidded eyes, I could sense the blonde scooching closer and closer." scene w3_2415 with dissolve sophia "The issue is that a young, well-traveled guy like you simply can't get off on an old woman's touch, right?" scene w3_2416 with dissolve mc "That's not--" scene w3_2417 with dissolve sophia "{b}{i}Isn't it?{/b}{/i}" "Even in my lust-addled state..." scene w3_2418 with dissolve "My brain registered amazement over the willful way Sophia flipped the switch, going from detached aloofness to a man-killer just as easily as one would shed their clothes. " scene w3_2419 with dissolve mc "Hnngg...!" kat "*Scoff* Feeling left out, were you?" sophia "Give them a comparison." scene w3_2420 with dissolve "My hand responded independently, sinking into the pleasant give of the doctor's tit-flesh in an instant as what remained of my faculties disappeared into the whirlpool of her eyes." sophia "You got a mess lurking somewhere in there that you want to get out?" mc "Ha... hnngg...! F-fuck it!" scene w3_2421 with dissolve sophia "...?!" "I kissed her, just as you'd expect a man on the brink of starvation to steal a loaf of bread." scene br_hhplus_a with dissolve show br_hhplus with dissolve sophia "Mmmhhhh....!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "She might not have expected it or even wanted it, but she quickly accepted it as a consequence of the \"just a bit of chaos\" she wielded in her joust against Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "She might not have expected it or even wanted it, but she quickly accepted it as a consequence of the \"just a bit of chaos\" she wielded in her joust against Kathleen." kat "H-hey, ahh--" "Spurred on by having the attention of two beautiful women, even if it was just the fucked up equivalent of cooking ants with a magnifying glass to them, I knew it wouldn't be long until I finally had my release." kat "Gah, ah... ha... hmpfh." "Although I could feel her eyes on my neck, the old woman continued to milk me." "*Cwhup, fwhup, chwup...!*" kat "I've somehow ended up feeling like a third wheel." "I pawed at both women's breasts with a virgin-like fervor, wholly enamored by an opportunity I might never get again." mct "(The head of a charity and a world-class scientist... ha, fucking sluts!)" "I felt like a king, not of my own making of course, but my brain was so cooked as to not know the difference. Thinking was hard, but what few thoughts I could miraculously formulate were like tidal waves breaking against the shore." mct "(Who the hell do you think you're fucking with? You think you can toy with me just because of money?!)" "I felt smothered, suffocated, and hot. More akin to a wick that was about to burn out than a human being." mct "(I'M A GUINEA PIG TO YOU?!)" "Every sensation felt heightened, and every second felt prolonged... I genuinely feared that the moment I popped would be when I was snuffed out." mct "{size=+30}{font=/gui/fonts/MB-Thin_Worms.ttf}(You like to toy with pe-){/font}{/size}" "My brain gave out, but if I ceased to exist after this, I instinctively knew one thing: these last minutes of my life should be bold." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Goad the old woman into letting you finish in her mouth.:" $ w3KatPromoFinish = True $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 scene w3_2422 with dissolve mc "I'm about to b-blow..." kat "You don't need my permission." scene w3_2423 with dissolve mc "Can you finish me with your mouth?" kat "Hmmmmm, not going to happen." mc "A-ah, pretty please? With a cherry on top?" scene w3_2424 with dissolve kat "Why don't you ask Miss Lundgren to do it?" mc "...because I want you, Ma'am." scene w3_2425 with dissolve kat "...hmmmmmmmm. You have the eyes of a crazed animal, yet..." scene w3_2426 with dissolve kat "You're asking so nicely. God, I love that." scene w3_2427 with dissolve "She smirked like she had won against me, and perhaps even against Sophia." scene w3_2428 with dissolve kat "It really is goddamn adorable. Ask me again, [mcf]." scene w3_2429 with dissolve "A desperate, cloying urge inside me told me her mouth was the only place I wanted to be right now and if it took a bit of pleading to get me into a position where I could fill that mean bitch's stomach with my seed, then so be it." scene w3_2430 with dissolve mc "Hhh, haa... would you PLEASE finish me with your mouth, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w3_2431 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Without another word, Mrs. Pulman lowered herself and..." KN_MOD "else:" "Without another word, Kathleen lowered herself and..." scene br_hhplus_hbj_a with dissolve mc "G-gah...!" "The moment her lips wrapped themselves around my cock, I felt like I might pass out." "Her seal was so airtight that her mouth felt like an oven. Steady puffs of hot breath passed over the head of my cock as it made its way out through her nose." scene br_hhplus_hbj_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_hbj with dissolve mc "F-fuck, damn it!" "*Shwuck, fgwhhuck, thwuuuck!" "What little air could escape from her hold transformed into {b}obscene{/b} noises as she inched herself up and down my shaft." mc "H-holy-!" "The running narration in my head was a jumbled mess, but through all the muddied noise from the pleasure soaking into my brain, I grasped a simple truth." mc "Hnnng, you've sucked a lot of cock in your time, haven't you?!" "*Thwaahp, fwhap, swhhuck~!*" "The answer to that question played across my glans every time I wedged myself comfortably in her throat with zero fuss." "Swhuck, hhhwhuck, fhhggguuk!*" "{b}Damn it!{/b} A rich woman like her had no business sucking dick this well." mc "Ghhn, haaat, hnnngg...!" "She sucked me with the skill of a woman who had {b}nothing{/b} to her name." kat "Mmmhm, hhmhm~" "Just like her hand job, there was no wasted effort. She didn't tackle it in a clumsy frenzy, nor did she need to cautiously get used to my size." "*Shwhuhuck, fwhhucuk, ghhwhuhuk!*" "She sucked me like she had been sucking {b}my{/b} dick her whole life, pleasuring me at a steady and comfortable pace. I marveled at how, through a mere blowjob, a woman so cold and cruel could instantly imprint herself on my body as warm and welcoming." "I was quickly understanding that \"adorable\" disparity she had just spoken." mc "Hnng, h-how?!" sophia "It's not performing brain surgery." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "{b}There{/b} was another perverse delight, speeding me toward my climax. Sophia's attention was on the back of Mrs. Pulman's head, watching intently as she debased herself in pursuit of degrading me." KN_MOD "else:" "{b}There{/b} was another perverse delight, speeding me toward my climax. Sophia's attention was on the back of Kathleen's head, watching intently as she debased herself in pursuit of degrading me." mct "(Haaaa... hope you like the show, bitch. You're the impetus for this.)" "*Fwhhuck, ghhhukh, khggguuhhk*" mc "Ahh... y-you dick swallowing--! Hnnngg...!" "It was coming." scene w3_2432 with dissolve mc "You think I'm adorable?!" "I was moments from blowing my load, and with it, the indignation from earlier swelled in me. I had wanted a bold finish before I met my end, and well..." mct "(I'll show you adorable!)" stop music scene br_hhplus_gulp1_a with vpunch mc "I'm c-cumming, fucking drown in it, you damn--" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Mmmmh?!" "Before she could even register what was happening, ropes of piping hot cum barreled down her esophagus on a one-way trip to her stomach." play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" scene br_hhplus_gulp1_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_gulp1 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghhkka, hkkaa-!" "I pressed down hard, holding the old woman's head in place as she gargled my seed in abject surprise." mc "Hnngg, all of it!" "I pressed down so hard it hurt my groin." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghhuk, hhuuuh, hwwwhuuuck...!" "It was massive, like I was cumming my very soul down the old woman's throat." kat "Ghuk, khak, uuhhk-!" mc "Gah, c-choke on it!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Not all of my load was making its way down her throat. To my perverse glee, I could {i}feel{/i} myself coating the lining of her throat." kat "Ghhuk, hhuuuk...!" scene br_hhplus_gulp2_a with flash show br_hhplus_gulp2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Hope you like the fucking taste!" kat "Mmmh, hhhngg?!?!" sophia "I don't think she can breathe..." mc "Good! She can breathe when I'm fucking--!" stop ambient fadeout 4.0 play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash ".........!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "......!" scene w3_2433 with dissolve mc "A-aahh...!" scene w3_2434 with dissolve kat "Ugghhuhh..." scene w3_2435 with dissolve "Peace." "Serenity." "Satisfaction." "In this moment, I had it all." scene black with w20 "With that, I happily died. The oblivion I felt nipping at my heels finally sank its sharp teeth into my throat." "............" "........." "......" "..." kat "Why are you holding your hands out like that? It's weird." mct "(Ah, fuck... I {i}wasn't{/i} dead? {b}Oh no.{/b} Then that meant I just...)" scene w3_2436 with w9 sophia "She's right. It's distracting." scene w3_2437 with dissolve "I didn't know how long I was out of it, but by the time I opened my eyes, the two women had collected themselves, and what I thought was a bold display of defiance was made pitiful and wholly expected by their bemused faces." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman looked {i}totally{/i} unaffected by my rough treatment, showing no signs of having mercilessly guzzled my cum just moments ago..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen looked {i}totally{/i} unaffected by my rough treatment, showing no signs of having mercilessly guzzled my cum just moments ago..." scene w3_2438 with dissolve kat "Oh, by the way... you said some pretty outlandish things to me." scene w3_2439 with dissolve mc "If I recall, I did a bit more than that..." scene w3_2440 with dissolve kat "It was {b}adorable{/b}." "She had indeed won." ver "Ghh, hhaan, streetthhhchggingg-!!!" KN_MOD "Leave an impression on the doctor.:" $ w3SophiaPromoFinish = True $ Kathleen_Affection -=2 "I knew what I wanted." sophia "Mmmhh, hhhhh..." "And that last act of defiance would be leaving the doctor, the root cause of all this, something to remember me by." scene br_hhplus_doc1_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc1 with dissolve "*Chwup, fhwup~*" "I wanted to hear this aloof bitch moan, so I focused everything on the woman whose mouth I was currently exploring." sophia "Mmmh, hhmmm...?" "It was a battle against my wits. Sophia was literally intoxicating. Focusing my senses all on her had me burning twice as fast." "By instinct, I felt her breast over her clothes." sophia "Mmhh..." "Her coos told me she was receptive, but it wasn't quite the noise I wanted to drag out from the blonde." scene br_hhplus_doc2_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc2 with dissolve sophia "Ghu, gha~ghhuu...!" "Deciding that over the clothes touching wouldn't do it, I switched focus on the erogenous zone in her mouth, intensifying my efforts in an intricate dance to subdue her tongue with my own." sophia "Mmmmh, mmhhhh- *chwuph, fhwhup~*" "She wasn't a passive observer in my hunt; her tongue played coy, darting away and slipping from my grasp whenever I thought I had her pinned." "It was mere seconds, but--" "Chwhu, fhwwwup, chup!*" "--but, in my fogged-over state, time held little sway over my perception. What was in reality a clumsy tussle felt like a long and protracted siege." "I don't know if it was because of the perfume, but all bodily sensations gradually began to meld into one." "The feeling of the old woman's hand milking my cock, the wet warmness of our kiss, the bubbling desire so strong that I was confident it would be the end of me..." mc "Mmmh, hhhmmm-!" "All of it spelled an overload melded and combined into a singular feeling of otherness. I was sure I had lost this battle until..." scene br_hhplus_doc3_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc3 with dissolve "My brain registered a change." mct "Was she...?" sophia "Mmmh, hhmhm~aahhh...!" "She was closer." "She was pressing into me." "She felt it." "She was {b}heated{/b}." "{i}She was kissing me back.{/i}" "Whether it was done deliberately or on an instinctual level, her body responded favorably." sophia "Ahh, hhhnnggg, mmmmhh-!" "My hand found a place on her ass and I used that to spur her on even more. With this, I had physical confirmation of my success." mct "(Fuck, what a great-!)" "I could feel the hot dampness of her delicate spot." sophia "Mmhh, hhaa...♥♥♥" "She purred openly and I felt a petty relief over my trivial victory. The succubus driving me to this desperate state wouldn't escape our battle unscathed." "*Chwup, fhwwup, khwwup*!" "--and that wasn't the only sense of relief I felt." stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_2441 with flash mc "{b}Hnng, ah-!!!{/b}" "I didn't know when it started, but ropes of cum geysered from my cock and rained down from the sky." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_2442 with flash mc "Ghh, aaahh- sssshit--" kat "Huh, {b}WOW{/b}." scene w3_2443 with dissolve mc "Hngg, hhhhmmmhh-~" "All the suffocating vileness in me was expelled and released into the world. All my desperation spilled out onto our clothes and thighs." "Soon need was replaced with..." scene w3_2444 with dissolve "Peace." "Serenity." scene w3_2445 with dissolve "Satisfaction." "Emptiness." "The oblivion I felt nipping at my heels finally sank its sharp teeth into my throat." scene black with w20 "I was dead." "............" "........." "......" "..." sophia "Great, now we'll spend the rest of the show reeking of semen." mct "(Ah, fuck... I {i}wasn't{/i} dead? {b}Oh no.{/b} Then that meant I just...)" scene w3_2446 with w9 kat "You should've thought of that before you entered the crossfire." scene w3_2447 with dissolve sophia "You were taking too long. I wanted to put an end to the distraction." scene w3_2448 with dissolve "I didn't know how long I was out of it. Still, by the time I opened my eyes, the two women had collected themselves. The damage I thought I had done to Sophia with my counter-attack was made pitiful by their bemused faces." scene w3_2449 with dissolve kat "Oh, please. Are those the kind of sounds you make matter-of-factly?" scene w3_2450 with dissolve "Sophia looked as composed as ever, and except for a little blush, her attention turned back to the Carnations." scene w3_2451 with dissolve kat "I hope that provided you a measure of relief, Mr. [mcl]. That certainly was an... {i}explosive{/i} finish." mc "A, ahem... thaaaaaanks?" scene w3_2452 with dissolve kat "Don't mention it. It was... interesting." ver "Ghh, hhaan, streetthhhchggingg-!!!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2453 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w3_2454 with dissolve "...this was my limit." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_2455 with dissolve mc "Aaeeh, I'll be riiiiiight back." scene w3_2456 with dissolve "......" scene w3_2457 with dissolve "..." scene w3_2458 with dissolve kat "Is that a milder scent you are wearing?" sophia "It's the same batch as the bottle I gave you." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "The effect seemed... less? Why's that?" scene w3_2460 with dissolve sophia "It's possible that his body adapted and partially metabolized the odor molecules. All I can say is that it's remarkable he held out that long." sophia "It could be a matter of willpower." scene w3_2461 with dissolve kat "When I had dinner with Charles the other night, he didn't even flinch." scene w3_2462 with dissolve sophia "Dr. Kohler is a scary man." scene w3_2463 with dissolve kat "Is that your appraisal after demolishing him game after game?" scene w3_2464 with dissolve sophia "How else should I describe a man who has no need but keeps his passions tightly controlled" scene w3_2465 with dissolve kat "That's why he and I are incompatible. He treats fucking like it's Christmas." kat "You don't have anything to worry about as long as you don't lose." scene w3_2466 with dissolve sophia "I don't plan on it, but I have a feeling he eventually wins one way or another." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "Abel wouldn't let it come to that, would he?" scene w3_2467 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2460 with dissolve sophia "Thank you for indulging my little whim, Kathleen. It was amusing." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "Don't mention it. One should make their own fun in life. Still..." kat "'re very competent. Don't you ever desire more?" scene w3_2468 with dissolve sophia "A frivolous bitch like you has no business saying that to me." scene w3_2469 with dissolve kat "Ah, fuck. There it is." scene black with fade kat "I almost felt sorry for you." KN_MOD "jump w3WashRoom" play music "music/landing.ogg" scene w3_2567 with pixellate ver "Hnngggg- hhaaa-" rose "......" fel "..." scene w3_2568 with dissolve ver "Waahh, wwwwhhhuuuat-" rose "......" fel "..." scene w3_2569 with dissolve ver "Ggaahhhk, y-you jerks are really j-just gonna stand there?! H-hhhaaa...!" scene w3_2570 with dissolve fel "I mean, I started out wanting to play nice, but Rosalind..." scene w3_2571 with dissolve rose "This is just part of the game." scene w3_2570 with dissolve fel "She does have a point." scene w3_2572 with dissolve ver "Haaa, phhh- can't you j-just- *Bzzzt, bzzzt!* hnnn!" scene w3_2573 with dissolve fel "It's not like you're not getting any satisfaction. How many times have those toys made you cum?" scene w3_2572 with dissolve ver "Gaa-h, it's n-not enough! E-every time I think I'm c-coming down-- I g-gett hho-tt, ag--gaggin..! Hnn!!" scene w3_2574 with dissolve ver "C'mon... u-use your mouth again, that was more..." scene w3_2575 with dissolve fel "Yeesh. I'm feeling kinda..." scene w3_2576 with dissolve rose "We're supposed to be punishing her." scene w3_2577 with dissolve fel "...she does have a point. Should we focus on winning?" scene w3_2578 with dissolve ver "Guhhk, hhhnnanaaa-♥ D-damn it! Focus on winning?!" scene w3_2572 with dissolve ver "W-what the hell do you stand to w-win here?! The company of other a-sshhholehhh?!" scene w3_2573 with dissolve fel "We all have our reasons, Red." scene w3_2579 with dissolve ver "Your reason is bullshit!" scene w3_2580 with dissolve fel "Why should I care about your sob stories? It doesn't matter who wins, it only matters if you lose." scene w3_2581 with dissolve fel "Do you think Rose will give a shit if you win over me? It's all the same to her as it would be to you." scene w3_2582 with dissolve ver "..y-yeah?" scene w3_2580 with dissolve fel "You should be happy to have a bored rich bitch as your opponent. Would you rather three desperate people get paraded like show dogs over two?" scene w3_2582 with dissolve ver "If you win, two desperate people are h-hosed! Gg-ah-♥" scene w3_2583 with dissolve fel "The math's the same either way. Just focus on what you have to do." rose "..." scene w3_2584 with dissolve ver "What the fuck are you even talking about?! Ahhhhh, d-damn it it pisses me off!" ver "W-when you l-lose, you can go back to your d-damn penthouse! Take a dip in your pool!" scene w3_2585 with dissolve fel "Sure I can." scene w3_2586 with dissolve ver "I get why you want to join! Y-you're not any fucking different than the old cunt!" scene w3_2584 with dissolve ver "You'd fit right in r-rreeeaeehhhl -hnnn!- nicely, if only y-you weren't b-born {b}TRAILER TRASH!{/b}" scene w3_2587 with dissolve fel "..." scene w3_2588 with dissolve rose "Ah... ha... heh, c'mon... this is all a game. Don't-" scene w3_2589 with dissolve fel "We're just going in circles - just hang there and cum, Red. It'll be more fun that way." scene w3_2590 with dissolve ver "You--" scene w3_2591 with dissolve ver "Gwwwhhhhahahahahhhh- hh-" ver "Huuuahhhht-! C-ccumm--!" scene w3_2592 with dissolve fel "Shit... right on cue..." ver "Hhgnn, ugugghh--♥♥♥♥" fel "Guess we're finished." scene w3_2593 with dissolve rose "I doubt it. We should probably keep going until Mrs. Pulman stops us." scene w3_2594 with dissolve fel "How long do you think that's going to be?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade rose "Who knows." KN_MOD "jump w3WashRoom" KN_MOD "if w2ExLoserDuo == True:" scene w3_2595 with pixellate rose "There's only one of me and two of you..." scene w3_2596 with dissolve rose "......" scene w3_2597 with dissolve rose "..." scene w3_2598 with dissolve rose "Do you girls have a preference on who I should start with?" scene w3_2599 with dissolve ver "Of-c-couuuurse n-ot--" fel "M-meeeh! I'm d-dying here! -Hnnn- C'mon!" scene w3_2600 with dissolve rose "Is it really that bad?" scene w3_2601 with dissolve fel "M-my whole body is on f-fire! I can't even think without--" scene w3_2602 with dissolve rose "Then I guess you'll have to sit tight while I give Veronica a hand." scene w3_2603 with dissolve fel "W-whaaa...?" scene w3_2602 with dissolve rose "She's hurting just as bad as you. The only difference is, well... she's not... {b}you{/b}." scene w3_2603 with dissolve fel "H-huh? What do you mean by that?!" scene w3_2604 with dissolve rose "It's nothing personal. Just... trying to be utilitarian here." fel "Bullshit, you two-faced bitch!" scene w3_2605 with dissolve rose "Is that how you ask nicely for something?" scene w3_2606 with dissolve fel "You want me to beg?!" KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" fel "Is t-that what you did with [mcf] when you got him barking up my tree for some money? O-or m-maybe you did something more like me than you'd care to--" KN_MOD "else:" pass scene w3_2607 with dissolve rose "No. I want you to be patient and \"sit there\" quietly. This is supposed to be a punishment." rose "Why would I just give you what you ask for?" scene w3_2608 with dissolve fel "A-aahh, y-yeah right... you and Red don't like me, do you?" scene w3_2609 with dissolve KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" rose "I'm grateful for your money, but... do you want me to be honest?" KN_MOD "else:" rose "Do you want me to be honest?" scene w3_2610 with dissolve rose "......" scene w3_2611 with dissolve rose "..." scene w3_2609 with dissolve rose "I don't care about either of you one way or another." scene w3_2612 with dissolve ver "H-haah! See? Not everything is about you, Blondie!" ver "Some of us have heavier shit on our mi--" play music "music/addict.ogg" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w3_2613 with dissolve ver "H--hhhnaaaaahh, fhhh-ddd--ahk--" rose "I wish you'd sit here quietly too." KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene br_haghandy_a with dissolve show br_haghandy with dissolve kat "It didn't take long for Rosalind to become comfortable with the situation, did it?" "In my current over-cooked state, what was playing out on the television screen was a muddled mess of pixels that barely registered meaning to me." kat "Sluts like her sure are adaptable. It's a strength, but it can be a little boring when they're totally obedient." "No, in my current state, my mind was completely consumed by the old woman's grip on my cock." mc "H-haahaa...!" scene br_haghandy2_a with dissolve show br_haghandy2 with dissolve sophia "Unlike Lynch?" mc "G-gahh...!" "The pitiful noise of a rutting animal punctuated the women's conversation." kat "Exactly! Ah, I love it! I really do love Miss Lynch. I wish I had more than a month with her." kat "Still, it should be fun to watch Mrs. Carter let loose. Of course, she'll justify it was done under instruction, but she won't be able to hide her enjoyment of this from the other two." sophia "You have a {i}unique{/i} sense of aesthetics, Kathleen." kat "Well, what do you find hot, Miss Lundgren? I'm genuinely curious..." scene br_haghandy_a with dissolve show br_haghandy with dissolve mc "Huuuhghh...!" kat "What gets a woman like you going?" mc "H-huhh... ack...!" sophia "You ever give much thought to what makes your skin itch? I tend not to pontificate over my bodily responses." kat "Unlike me, you mean?" sophia "When I feel an itch, I simply scratch it." kat "We got that in common at least - {b}all three of us.{/b}" sophia "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to watch--" kat "Oh, look at them stretch!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2324 with dissolve kat "It didn't take long for Rosalind to become comfortable with the situation, did it?" scene w3_2325 with dissolve "In my current over-cooked state, what was playing out on the television screen was a muddled mess of pixels that barely registered meaning to me." scene w3_2326 with dissolve kat "Sluts like her sure are adaptable. It's a strength, but it can be a little boring when they're totally obedient." scene w3_2327 with dissolve mc "She... ah..." scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "Unlike Lynch?" scene w3_2326 with dissolve kat "Exactly! Ah, I love it! I really do love Miss Lynch. I wish I had more than a month with her." kat "Still, it should be fun to watch Mrs. Carter let loose. Of course, she'll justify it was done under instruction, but she won't be able to hide her enjoyment of this from the other two." scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You have a {i}unique{/i} sense of aesthetics, Kathleen." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Well, what do you find hot, Miss Lundgren? I'm genuinely curious... what gets a woman like you going?" scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You ever give much thought to what makes your skin itch? I tend not to pontificate over my bodily responses." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Unlike me, you mean?" scene w3_2330 with dissolve sophia "When I feel an itch, I simply scratch it." kat "Oh, lovely, at least we have that in common." sophia "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to watch--" kat "Oh, look at them stretch!" scene w3_2614 with pixellate ver "Hnngg, w-what the fuck?! My- ahh... p-pulling- hnhnn!" "Back on screen, Rosalind had selected an interesting tool and had carefully suctioned them around Veronica's pale teats." ver "HHh-hhh... ff-" scene w3_2615 with vpunch ver "Woooaoahhhnnn--" scene w3_2616 with dissolve rose "Two pumps. Let me know when to stop." ver "Stohh--" scene w3_2617 with vpunch ver "Hnnggh, hhkhk-ooohwwah--" scene w3_2618 with dissolve rose "Three." ver "Stop! It feels like my tieiits--" scene w3_2619 with vpunch ver "Hngngg, y-you cunt!" scene w3_2620 with dissolve rose "Sorry, Veronica." rose "One more than is comfortable is adequate punishment. This is-" ver "Hheee-ehheu-♥" scene w3_2621 with dissolve rose "Well, you seem taken care of on both ends." ver "W-wwhaaeeeuch...♥" scene w3_2622 with dissolve kat "Oh my. No edging into things." scene w3_2621 with dissolve rose "I should move on to Felicia now." scene w3_2623 with dissolve kat "The constant pull on her breasts and the ceaseless ribbed vibration on her sex might just end up breaking her in this state." scene w3_2624 with dissolve fel "E-hhuhhh...? Ah... fuck, what do you have in store for me?" scene w3_2625 with dissolve rose "That's a good question. The way you're set up kinda limits my options..." scene w3_2626 with dissolve ver "Hnngg, hhaaa- sghbh--" scene w3_2627 with dissolve fel "Hnng, w-whatever, j-just... d-do something! I'm dying-" scene w3_2628 with dissolve rose "Hold that thought." scene w3_2629 with dissolve rose "I read about this in a book once." KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" stop ambient scene br_haghandy3_a with pixellate show br_haghandy3 with dissolve fel "! What are you going to do with that?!" kat "I'm surprised you haven't soiled my hand yet." mc "Hnngg!" kat "I know one time won't suffice. You don't have to fear; I'll milk you as much as you require~" "At this point, a stiff breeze would have gotten me off, but for how slow it was, the old woman's technique was thorough and {i}immaculate{/i} in its consistency. She never slowed down or sped up; she just jerked me like her wrist operated on a piston." mc "G-ahh, s-shut the fuck up and just k-keep--!" "The real magic lay in how she used her pinky, tracing its black nail up and down the underside of my shaft, never deviating a single millimeter from the same tract of overwrought nerve endings." kat "*Whisper* You should speak kindly to someone doing you a favor, [mcf]." mc "*Gulp* H-a, haa... favor...? Yeah right..." "It was like the words apparated on my lips without even being thought of. I said what I felt without control or filter." mc "T-take a sit and spin on it if you really want to do me a favor!" kat "You're adorable right now, you know that?" fel "G-ggah, get that the fuck away from me!" rose "Relax, Sweetie, you don't think I'd actually..." KN_MOD "else:" stop ambient scene w3_2344 with pixellate fel "! What are you going to do with that?!" scene w3_2345 with dissolve kat "What a surprise. I didn't think she would use that." mc "Hhhngg...?" scene w3_2346 with dissolve "With the way I counted it, I had a couple of options for managing my sickening arousal." "I could let my mind wander, try to think of something else... but invariably, my senses fell on the women next to me, to the curves of their busts and their waists..." scene w3_2347 with dissolve "These two women were so far above me... the old woman decades my senior. Sophia, a brilliant scientist... it was so easy to imagine the delight in grabbing one of them right now and just--" mct "(Y-yeah... no... I should focus on what's playing out in front of me...)" "The other option was to let Kathleen's game preoccupy my attention." scene w3_2348 with dissolve kat "A-aah..." mct "(...that's gotta be the best way of dealing with this, right?" kat "Do you need to be excused, Mr. [mcl]? Perhaps you need to go to the bathroom?" scene w3_2349 with dissolve mc "N-no, I'm f-fine..." scene w3_2347 with dissolve "She teased me, and strangely, I felt an unusual rush of pride. Of course, it was irrational, but that would be akin to losing..." "Losing what and to who, I did not know... but my willpower... I was stronger than this..." mct "(I ain't a fucking animal... right?)" scene w3_2350 with dissolve fel "G-ggah, get that the fuck away from me!" rose "Relax, Sweetie, you don't think I'd actually..." scene or_felfire_a with pixellate show or_felfire with dissolve rose "...burn you do you? No way! This is just..." fel "What kind of fucking books do you read?!" rose "Eh...? Oh, it's... just something another mom recommended..." fel "Yeah, right! You perverted cow! Is this the kind of shit you're into?" rose "I don't like that insinuation, nor the tone in your voice..." fel "The tone in MY voice?! Fuck you! You're the one-- aahh- s-shit, that's fucking w-warm!" rose "Well, that IS the point, hun... but it's not hurting you, is it?" fel "H-huh...?! N-no... I g-guess not... it actually feels kinda... my s-skin is-- a-aahh...!" fel "Ah, hhnngg it must be this shit Kat gave me... it f-feels like a massage?" rose "Oh, good!" fel "Y-you're surprised?!" scene w3_2630 with dissolve rose "Well, this is the first time I've actually done this!" fel "G-gahh-!" scene w3_2631 with dissolve rose "It's supposed to be like an intense but relaxing massage... one that might leave your skin, or in this case your nipples, a little agitated..." fel "A-aahh-♥ You d-damn freak!" scene w3_2632 with dissolve rose "Don't be rude. This is part of the exhibition." scene w3_2633 with dissolve fel "Bullshit, there's a WHOLE lot of shit on the table and you picked-" scene or_feltitpad_a with dissolve show or_feltitpad with dissolve fel "Ghh, hnng, f-fuuuuck!" fel "G-, aaahn, hhhngg--" fel "Nueeeueuhh--" scene w3_2634 with dissolve fel "G-gah, w-what the fuck?! That... h-hnngg...! F-fuck me, why did I almost cum from that?" scene w3_2635 with dissolve rose "Maybe it's because you're the perverted one, Felicia." rose "I'm not the one doing this for--" scene w3_2636 with dissolve ver "Ghh-hhhnngg, hhaaa-- it, eehhhn waahhnt sttthhhoop--" scene w3_2637 with dissolve ver "Gguuuhhaahhh- sbnnbbbuuuzzzh--" scene w3_2638 with dissolve rose "I'm not the one doing this for fun or pretending like I'm too good to be here." scene w3_2639 with dissolve fel "W-what...?" scene w3_2640 with dissolve rose "Both of you are so damn annoying. You, for obvious reasons and even Veronica is..." scene w3_2641 with dissolve ver "GUgg-hhhnngg♥♥♥" scene w3_2642 with dissolve rose "I swallow my pride and she runs her mouth, saying what I'm thinking. It makes me feel..." scene w3_2643 with dissolve fel "How do you really feel, you two-faced bitch?" scene w3_2644 with dissolve rose "You got me figured out, don't you, hun?" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene br_haghandy3_a with pixellate show br_haghandy3 with dissolve kat "It's always interesting when you give a woman like Rosalind the opportunity to take the reins. They're so stressed, pent up, inhibited..." play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" fel "Guh, hhnng, s-shit!" kat "They don't show you their true colors as much as their whole color palette blends together in one fucked up mix. I wonder where this will go." mc "H-hhhhngg...!" "Like hell my mind was registering any of her bullshit right now." ver "H-heuuuh?! Y-you're gonna use t-that t-too?!" scene w3_2373 with dissolve sophia "You counted on this kind of... {i}fervor{/i}?" scene w3_2374 with dissolve mc "H-a, hnnggaa..." "The inside of my head was mush right now. My capacity for language was utterly eroded." scene w3_2375 with dissolve kat "I've been doing this for a long time. Before the club, I had my {i}other{/i} enterprises." kat "I'm well acquainted with the peculiar ways people in desperate situations respond. In a way, it's a more potent means of control than any drug." scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "I'm actually impressed for once." scene w3_2377 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't be. I'm an amateur when compared to someone like your owner." kat "I think the way Van Doren has you under his thumb is much more impressive." scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "Thank you." scene w3_2377 with dissolve kat "You took that as a compliment?" scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "Of course I did. Abel only has the best things." scene w3_2379 with dissolve kat "Your self-awareness in your choice of words is commendable, dear." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2381 with dissolve kat "It's always interesting when you give a woman like Rosalind the opportunity to take the reins. They're so stressed, pent up, inhibited..." play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" fel "Guh, hhnng, s-shit!" kat "They don't show you their true colors as much as their whole color palette blends together in one fucked up mix. I wonder where this will go." scene w3_2382 with dissolve "To my annoyance, whenever one of them spoke, my attention would turn back to just how fuckable the women next to me were. " ver "H-heuuuh?! Y-you're gonna use t-that t-too?!" scene w3_2383 with dissolve sophia "You counted on this kind of... {i}fervor{/i}?" scene w3_2382 with dissolve mct "(Christ, I want to make that mouthy hag choke on my dick until she passes out!)" "Intrusive thought upon intrusive thought flooded my head." scene w3_2384 with dissolve kat "I've been doing this for a long time. Before the club, I had my {i}other{/i} enterprises." kat "I'm well acquainted with the peculiar ways people in desperate situations respond. In a way, it's a more potent means of control than any drug." scene w3_2383 with dissolve sophia "I'm actually impressed for once." scene w3_2385 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't be. I'm an amateur when compared to someone like your Master." kat "I think the way Van Doren has you under his thumb is much more impressive." scene w3_2386 with dissolve sophia "Thank you." scene w3_2387 with dissolve kat "You took that as a compliment?" scene w3_2386 with dissolve sophia "Of course I did. Abel only has the best things." scene w3_2387 with dissolve kat "Your self-awareness in your choice of words is commendable, dear." scene or_feltitpad_a with pixellate show or_feltitpad with dissolve fel "Ghhu, hnhng-♥" fel "Hnngg, hh-aaa-♥♥" fel "D-damn, it, gaaa♥♥♥" fel "W-what the f-fucckkhhh iswwrrggon♥♥♥♥" scene w3_2645 with dissolve fel "Wtrrrrornnggggweeethmeeeeee♥♥♥♥♥" rose "Wow..." scene w3_2646 with dissolve fel "Guhh, hh-aaa, d-did I just...?" rose "You came." fel "Ah- w-why am I still...?" scene w3_2647 with dissolve rose "I wanted to see if I could get you to with just your chest, but I didn't think it would be that easy..." rose "Me? I've always been so sensitive up top that I've been curious..." scene w3_2648 with dissolve fel "'re enjoying this. I don't actually care, I'm not j-judging you... I'd just love to hear you admit it." scene w3_2649 with dissolve ver "Huggg---aahh, wwwhooooaoahh--♥♥♥♥♥♥" ver "Guh, hhgguu--♥♥♥♥♥♥" scene w3_2650 with dissolve rose "Enjoying {i}this{/i}? I can honestly say I'm not." rose "I'm just happy to be on this side of things for once." scene w3_2651 with dissolve rose "You're still burning up, aren't you?" fel "H-hhuhh, aa-ahh..." scene or_ronfcrime1_a with dissolve show or_ronfcrime1 with dissolve fel "Guuaah-? Hnnng-♥ Y-you already tested your hypoth--" rose "*Shlurhp, shhwwwup, chwup~* Woohhh-♥♥" kat "Looks like she's done talking." fel "Gaah, hhnng-♥ W-wooaohhh-hhnnggg-- I'm-" ## Cut to Veronica scene w3_2652 with dissolve ver "Gguuphphh- hhngg, hgauuuh♥♥♥♥♥" ver "Ehhh--hhnngg♥♥♥" scene or_ronfcrime2_a with dissolve show or_ronfcrime2 with dissolve fel "GHhh, hhhu♥♥♥♥♥♥ Fghh-" "A delirious concert of fuck-numbed sounds flooded both the room they stood in and where we sat." fel "Wwhh, hhhnnggg- wwowoohh♥♥♥ *Slwhhup, chup, khwwuup!*" "Rosalind used the paddle in a much more tender and devious way, prying apart and rubbing the blonde's pink insides." fel "HHuugg-hhhaaat♥♥♥" "It was her own miniature version of Felicia's game from the last exhibition." fel "Www--aahhhhhheeeoo♥" "If she intended it to mirror that, Rosalind was really quite devious." "*Slwhhup, chup, khwwuup!*" "The sight was pitiful and sad, but even without being under the influence as I was, this sight was..." fel "Guhh-hhukk-! HHwwwwoho♥♥♥♥" "It was the kinda sight that moved me." mc "G-ghhuuh!" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene w3_2407 with pixellate kat "I'm starting to get offended, Mr. [mcl]. Does my hand not suffice?" kat "Don't you want to taste release?" scene w3_2408 with dissolve mc "G-gah, f-fuck! It's not like I have any control over it!" sophia "Hmm..." scene w3_2409 with dissolve "Every fiber of my being desperately anticipated climax. My reason had been eroded and my purpose replaced by the critical need to expunge every trace of nauseating desire from my body through my cock." "The hairs on my arm stood on end, the feeling in my extremities came and went like the tide, and a pervasive tingling feeling floated from my neck down to my tailbone - by all means, my body told me that I {b}should{/b} be coming." scene w3_2410 with dissolve sophia "Interesting." scene w3_2409 with dissolve "But I wasn't. My bloated dick burned against the soft palm of the old woman's hand, pulsating and twitching from the ceaseless stimulation, filling me with the irrational fear that I might literally explode if I didn't soon go careening into the void of sexual release." scene w3_2411 with dissolve sophia "All things considered, he is showing a {b}surprising{/b} degree of longevity..." scene w3_2412 with dissolve kat "Maybe your fragrance isn't as effective as you think it is." mc "G-gaahh!" scene w3_2411 with dissolve sophia "Maybe..." scene w3_2413 with dissolve mct "(No! It was definitely fucking effective!)" sophia "...but unlikely. Hey, [mcf]..." scene w3_2414 with dissolve "Through lidded eyes, I could sense the blonde scooching closer and closer." scene w3_2415 with dissolve sophia "The issue is that a young, well-traveled guy like you simply can't get off on an old woman's touch, right?" scene w3_2416 with dissolve mc "That's not--" scene w3_2417 with dissolve sophia "{b}{i}Isn't it?{/b}{/i}" "Even in my lust-addled state..." scene w3_2418 with dissolve "My brain registered amazement over the willful way Sophia flipped the switch, going from detached aloofness to a man-killer just as easily as one would shed their clothes. " scene w3_2419 with dissolve mc "Hnngg...!" kat "*Scoff* Feeling left out, were you?" sophia "Give them a comparison." scene w3_2420 with dissolve "My hand responded independently, sinking into the pleasant give of the doctor's tit-flesh in an instant as what remained of my faculties disappeared into the whirlpool of her eyes." sophia "You got a mess lurking somewhere in there that you want to get out?" mc "Ha... hnngg...! F-fuck it!" scene w3_2421 with dissolve sophia "...?!" "I kissed her, just as you'd expect a man on the brink of starvation to steal a loaf of bread." scene br_hhplus_a with dissolve show br_hhplus with dissolve sophia "Mmmhhhh....!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "She might not have expected it or even wanted it, but she quickly accepted it as a consequence of the \"just a bit of chaos\" she wielded in her joust against Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "She might not have expected it or even wanted it, but she quickly accepted it as a consequence of the \"just a bit of chaos\" she wielded in her joust against Kathleen." kat "H-hey, ahh--" "Spurred on by having the attention of two beautiful women, even if it was just the fucked up equivalent of cooking ants with a magnifying glass to them, I knew it wouldn't be long until I finally had my release." kat "Gah, ah... ha... hmpfh." "Although I could feel her eyes on my neck, the old woman continued to milk me." "*Cwhup, fwhup, chwup...!*" kat "I've somehow ended up feeling like a third wheel." "I pawed at both women's breasts with a virgin-like fervor, wholly enamored by an opportunity I might never get again." mct "(The head of a charity and a world-class scientist... ha, fucking sluts!)" "I felt like a king, not of my own making of course, but my brain was so cooked as to not know the difference. Thinking was hard, but what few thoughts I could miraculously formulate were like tidal waves breaking against the shore." mct "(Who the hell do you think you're fucking with? You think you can toy with me just because of money?!)" "I felt smothered, suffocated, and hot. More akin to a wick that was about to burn out than a human being." mct "(I'M A GUINEA PIG TO YOU?!)" "Every sensation felt heightened, and every second felt prolonged... I genuinely feared that the moment I popped would be when I was snuffed out." mct "{size=+30}{font=/gui/fonts/MB-Thin_Worms.ttf}(You like to toy with pe-){/font}{/size}" "My brain gave out, but if I ceased to exist after this, I instinctively knew one thing: these last minutes of my life should be bold." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Goad the old woman into letting you finish in her mouth.:" $ w3KatPromoFinish = True $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 scene w3_2422 with dissolve mc "I'm about to b-blow..." kat "You don't need my permission." scene w3_2423 with dissolve mc "Can you finish me with your mouth?" kat "Hmmmmm, not going to happen." mc "A-ah, pretty please? With a cherry on top?" scene w3_2424 with dissolve kat "Why don't you ask Miss Lundgren to do it?" mc "...because I want you, Ma'am." scene w3_2425 with dissolve kat "...hmmmmmmmm. You have the eyes of a crazed animal, yet..." scene w3_2426 with dissolve kat "You're asking so nicely. God, I love that." scene w3_2427 with dissolve "She smirked like she had won against me, and perhaps even against Sophia." scene w3_2428 with dissolve kat "It really is goddamn adorable. Ask me again, [mcf]." scene w3_2429 with dissolve "A desperate, cloying urge inside me told me her mouth was the only place I wanted to be right now and if it took a bit of pleading to get me into a position where I could fill that mean bitch's stomach with my seed, then so be it." scene w3_2430 with dissolve mc "Hhh, haa... would you PLEASE finish me with your mouth, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w3_2431 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Without another word, Mrs. Pulman lowered herself and..." KN_MOD "else:" "Without another word, Kathleen lowered herself and..." scene br_hhplus_hbj_a with dissolve mc "G-gah...!" "The moment her lips wrapped themselves around my cock, I felt like I might pass out." "Her seal was so airtight that her mouth felt like an oven. Steady puffs of hot breath passed over the head of my cock as it made its way out through her nose." scene br_hhplus_hbj_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_hbj with dissolve mc "F-fuck, damn it!" "*Shwuck, fgwhhuck, thwuuuck!&" "What little air could escape from her hold transformed into {b}obscene{/b} noises as she inched herself up and down my shaft." mc "H-holy-!" "The running narration in my head was a jumbled mess, but through all the muddied noise from the pleasure soaking into my brain, I grasped a simple truth." mc "Hnnng, you've sucked a lot of cock in your time, haven't you?!" "*Thwaahp, fwhap, swhhuck~!*" "The answer to that question played across my glans every time I wedged myself comfortably in her throat with zero fuss." "Swhuck, hhhwhuck, fhhggguuk!*" "{b}Damn it!{/b} A rich woman like her had no business sucking dick this well." mc "Ghhn, haaat, hnnngg...!" "She sucked me with the skill of a woman who had {b}nothing{/b} to her name." kat "Mmmhm, hhmhm~" "Just like her hand job, there was no wasted effort. She didn't tackle it in a clumsy frenzy, nor did she need to cautiously get used to my size." "*Shwhuhuck, fwhhucuk, ghhwhuhuk!*" "She sucked me like she had been sucking {b}my{/b} dick her whole life, pleasuring me at a steady and comfortable pace. I marveled at how, through a mere blowjob, a woman so cold and cruel could instantly imprint herself on my body as warm and welcoming." "I was quickly understanding that \"adorable\" disparity she had just spoken " mc "Hnng, h-how?!" sophia "It's not performing brain surgery." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "{b}There{/b} was another perverse delight, speeding me toward my climax. Sophia's attention was on the back of Mrs. Pulman's head, watching intently as she debased herself in pursuit of degrading me." KN_MOD "else:" "{b}There{/b} was another perverse delight, speeding me toward my climax. Sophia's attention was on the back of Kathleen's head, watching intently as she debased herself in pursuit of degrading me." mct "(Haaaa... hope you like the show, bitch. You're the impetus for this.)" "*Fwhhuck, ghhhukh, khggguuhhk*" mc "Ahh... y-you dick swallowing--! Hnnngg...!" "It was coming." scene w3_2432 with dissolve mc "You think I'm adorable?!" "I was moments from blowing my load, and with it, the indignation from earlier swelled in me. I had wanted a bold finish before I met my end, and well..." mct "(I'll show you adorable!)" stop music scene br_hhplus_gulp1_a with vpunch mc "I'm c-cumming, fucking drown in it, you damn--" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Mmmmh?!" "Before she could even register what was happening, ropes of piping hot cum barreled down her esophagus on a one-way trip to her stomach." play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" scene br_hhplus_gulp1_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_gulp1 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghhkka, hkkaa-!" "I pressed down hard, holding the old woman's head in place as she gargled my seed in abject surprise." mc "Hnngg, all of it!" "I pressed down so hard it hurt my groin." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghhuk, hhuuuh, hwwwhuuuck...!" "It was massive, like I was cumming my very soul down the old woman's throat." kat "Ghuk, khak, uuhhk-!" mc "Gah, c-choke on it!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Not all of my load was making its way down her throat. To my perverse glee, I could {i}feel{/i} myself coating the lining of her throat." kat "Ghhuk, hhuuuk...!" scene br_hhplus_gulp2_a with flash show br_hhplus_gulp2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Hope you like the fucking taste!" kat "Mmmh, hhhngg?!?!" sophia "I don't think she can breathe..." mc "Good! She can breathe when I'm fucking--!" stop ambient fadeout 4.0 play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash ".........!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "......!" scene w3_2433 with dissolve mc "A-aahh...!" scene w3_2434 with dissolve kat "Ugghhuhh..." scene w3_2435 with dissolve "Peace." "Serenity." "Satisfaction." "In this moment, I had it all." scene black with w20 "With that, I happily died. The oblivion I felt nipping at my heels finally sank its sharp teeth into my throat." "............" "........." "......" "..." kat "Why are you holding your hands out like that? It's weird." mct "(Ah, fuck... I {i}wasn't{/i} dead? {b}Oh no.{/b} Then that meant I just...)" scene w3_2436 with w9 sophia "She's right. It's distracting." scene w3_2437 with dissolve "I didn't know how long I was out of it, but by the time I opened my eyes, the two women had collected themselves, and what I thought was a bold display of defiance was made pitiful and wholly expected by their bemused faces." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman looked {i}totally{/i} unaffected by my rough treatment, showing no signs of having mercilessly guzzled my cum just moments ago..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen looked {i}totally{/i} unaffected by my rough treatment, showing no signs of having mercilessly guzzled my cum just moments ago..." scene w3_2438 with dissolve kat "Oh, by the way... you said some pretty outlandish things to me." scene w3_2439 with dissolve mc "If I recall, I did a bit more than that..." scene w3_2440 with dissolve kat "It was {b}adorable{/b}." "She had indeed won." ver "Ghh, hhaan, streetthhhchggingg-!!!" KN_MOD "Leave an impression on the doctor.:" $ w3SophiaPromoFinish = True $ Kathleen_Affection -=2 "I knew what I wanted." sophia "Mmmhh, hhhhh..." "And that last act of defiance would be leaving the doctor, the root cause of all this, something to remember me by." scene br_hhplus_doc1_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc1 with dissolve "*Chwup, fhwup~*" "I wanted to hear this aloof bitch moan, so I focused everything on the woman whose mouth I was currently exploring." sophia "Mmmh, hhmmm...?" "It was a battle against my wits. Sophia was literally intoxicating. Focusing my senses all on her had me burning twice as fast." "By instinct, I felt her breast over her clothes." sophia "Mmhh..." "Her coos told me she was receptive, but it wasn't quite the noise I wanted to drag out from the blonde." scene br_hhplus_doc2_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc2 with dissolve sophia "Ghu, gha~ghhuu...!" "Deciding that over the clothes touching wouldn't do it, I switched focus on the erogenous zone in her mouth, intensifying my efforts in an intricate dance to subdue her tongue with my own." sophia "Mmmmh, mmhhhh- *chwuph, fhwhup~*" "She wasn't a passive observer in my hunt; her tongue played coy, darting away and slipping from my grasp whenever I thought I had her pinned." "It was mere seconds, but--" "Chwhu, fhwwwup, chup!*" "--but, in my fogged-over state, time held little sway over my perception. What was in reality a clumsy tussle felt like a long and protracted siege." "I don't know if it was because of the perfume, but all bodily sensations gradually began to meld into one." "The feeling of the old woman's hand milking my cock, the wet warmness of our kiss, the bubbling desire so strong that I was confident it would be the end of me..." mc "Mmmh, hhhmmm-!" "All of it spelled an overload melded and combined into a singular feeling of otherness. I was sure I had lost this battle until..." scene br_hhplus_doc3_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc3 with dissolve "My brain registered a change." mct "Was she...?" sophia "Mmmh, hhmhm~aahhh...!" "She was closer." "She was pressing into me." "She felt it." "She was {b}heated{/b}." "{i}She was kissing me back.{/i}" "Whether it was done deliberately or on an instinctual level, her body responded favorably." sophia "Ahh, hhhnnggg, mmmmhh-!" "My hand found a place on her ass and I used that to spur her on even more. With this, I had physical confirmation of my success." mct "(Fuck, what a great-!)" "I could feel the hot dampness of her delicate spot." sophia "Mmhh, hhaa...♥♥♥" "She purred openly and I felt a petty relief over my trivial victory. The succubus driving me to this desperate state wouldn't escape our battle unscathed." "*Chwup, fhwwup, khwwup*!" "--and that wasn't the only sense of relief I felt." stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_2441 with flash mc "{b}Hnng, ah-!!!{/b}" "I didn't know when it started, but ropes of cum geysered from my cock and rained down from the sky." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_2442 with flash mc "Ghh, aaahh- sssshit--" kat "Huh, {b}WOW{/b}." scene w3_2443 with dissolve mc "Hngg, hhhhmmmhh-~" "All the suffocating vileness in me was expelled and released into the world. All my desperation spilled out onto our clothes and thighs." "Soon need was replaced with..." scene w3_2444 with dissolve "Peace." "Serenity." scene w3_2445 with dissolve "Satisfaction." "Emptiness." "The oblivion I felt nipping at my heels finally sank its sharp teeth into my throat." scene black with w20 "I was dead." "............" "........." "......" "..." sophia "Great, now we'll spend the rest of the show reeking of semen." mct "(Ah, fuck... I {i}wasn't{/i} dead? {b}Oh no.{/b} Then that meant I just...)" scene w3_2446 with w9 kat "You should've thought of that before you entered the crossfire." scene w3_2447 with dissolve sophia "You were taking too long. I wanted to put an end to the distraction." scene w3_2448 with dissolve "I didn't know how long I was out of it. Still, by the time I opened my eyes, the two women had collected themselves. The damage I thought I had done to Sophia with my counter-attack was made pitiful by their bemused faces." scene w3_2449 with dissolve kat "Oh, please. Are those the kind of sounds you make matter-of-factly?" scene w3_2450 with dissolve "Sophia looked as composed as ever, and except for a little blush, her attention turned back to the Carnations." scene w3_2451 with dissolve kat "I hope that provided you a measure of relief, Mr. [mcl]. That certainly was an... {i}explosive{/i} finish." mc "A, ahem... thaaaaaanks?" scene w3_2452 with dissolve kat "Don't mention it. It was... interesting." ver "Ghh, hhaan, streetthhhchggingg-!!!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2453 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w3_2454 with dissolve "...this was my limit." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_2455 with dissolve mc "Aaeeh, I'll be riiiiiight back." scene w3_2456 with dissolve "......" scene w3_2457 with dissolve "..." scene w3_2458 with dissolve kat "Is that a milder scent you are wearing?" sophia "It's the same batch as the bottle I gave you." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "The effect seemed... less? Why's that?" scene w3_2460 with dissolve sophia "It's possible that his body adapted and partially metabolized the odor molecules. All I can say is that it's remarkable he held out that long." sophia "It could be a matter of willpower." scene w3_2461 with dissolve kat "When I had dinner with Charles the other night, he didn't even flinch." scene w3_2462 with dissolve sophia "Dr. Kohler is a scary man." scene w3_2463 with dissolve kat "Is that your appraisal after demolishing him game after game?" scene w3_2464 with dissolve sophia "How else should I describe a man who has no need but keeps his passions tightly controlled" scene w3_2465 with dissolve kat "That's why he and I are incompatible. He treats fucking like it's Christmas." kat "You don't have anything to worry about as long as you don't lose." scene w3_2466 with dissolve sophia "I don't plan on it, but I have a feeling he eventually wins one way or another." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "Abel wouldn't let it come to that, would he?" scene w3_2467 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2460 with dissolve sophia "Thank you for indulging my little whim, Kathleen. It was amusing." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "Don't mention it. One should make their own fun in life. Still..." kat "'re very competent. Don't you ever desire more?" scene w3_2468 with dissolve sophia "A frivolous bitch like you has no business saying that to me." scene w3_2469 with dissolve kat "Ah, fuck. There it is." scene black with fade kat "I almost felt sorry for you." KN_MOD "jump w3WashRoom" play music "music/landing.ogg" scene w3_2653 with pixellate ver "Hnngguuhh..." scene w3_2654 with dissolve fel "Hwhuuck, hhnanaa.." scene w3_2655 with dissolve rose "Wow... ahah..." rose "I don't smoke, but I feel like I should have a cigarette..." scene w3_2656 with dissolve ver "Ahhwwhh-" fel "Wwhhhaah- hnnn..." rose "Are you girls holding up alright?" scene w3_2657 with dissolve ver "Hnngg.. haa... w-what the fuck do you think?" scene w3_2658 with dissolve rose "I don't think it's over until Mrs. Pulman returns, but... I'd say a little break is in order." scene w3_2659 with dissolve fel "Y-you were j-juust s-shoving a paddle up my cooch and now you're playing n-nice? Goddamn it..." scene w3_2660 with dissolve rose "I--" scene w3_2661 with dissolve fel "F-for the love of God... p-please don't say this is part of the game again... f-fuck... hnnh... t-the itch is starting again...?" scene w3_2662 with dissolve ver "Ghha, hhaa... s-shit... you just left me hanging t-there?" scene w3_2663 with dissolve rose "Ahehe... there's only one of me." scene w3_2664 with dissolve ver "G-gah, you said I was annoying...?" rose "You remember that...?" scene w3_2665 with dissolve ver "Y-you think I'm no better than Blondie?" scene w3_2666 with dissolve rose "I didn't say {i}that{/i}..." fel "Y-yeah, she said you run your mouth, acting like you're better than everyone else!" rose "I didn't mean it like that, I..." scene w3_2665 with dissolve ver "Bah! So what if I do, we all have our fucking pretenses here! Rosie's m-mousey s-shit is just as annoying as my dumb bravado!" scene w3_2666 with dissolve fel "O-ohh, s-so you're aware of how you sound?!" scene w3_2665 with dissolve ver "Even if it's fucking futile, it's something, right? Both of you l-left me hanging when I tried to get ALL of us paid earlier! All of us!" scene w3_2666 with dissolve fel "It was deluded!" scene w3_2665 with dissolve ver "So what?! Of course it is! I wasn't expecting it to work!" scene w3_2667 with dissolve rose "If you know that, why do you draw Mrs. Pulman's ire then...?" scene w3_2668 with dissolve ver "......" scene w3_2669 with dissolve ver "...h-ow could I not?" scene w3_2670 with dissolve fel "You're making it purposefully harder on yourself? Stop being stupid!" scene w3_2671 with dissolve ver "I don't want to hear that from you, bitch." scene w3_2670 with dissolve fel "Well, you're hearing it!" scene w3_2672 with dissolve ver "Even if you're going to get your ass kicked... ahaa-- hnngg- hnnn-- you..." ver " don't just put your guard down and make it easy for them." ver "You just... {b}don't{/b}." scene w3_2673 with dissolve rose "......" rose "..." scene w3_2674 with dissolve rose "We should begin again." scene w3_2675 with dissolve fel "H-hhaaa... I think you struck a n-nerve with her..." scene w3_2676 with dissolve rose "Shut up, Felicia." scene w3_2677 with dissolve rose "You asked me if I actually found you annoying? If I put it mildly, it's not you; this whole thing is an annoyance." rose "When it comes to you or Felicia, I actually don't think much about either of you." scene w3_2678 with dissolve rose "What do I care if you're here for frivolous reasons?" scene w3_2679 with dissolve rose "Why would I give a damn about putting up a fight just to make myself feel better?" scene w3_2680 with dissolve ver "That's not what I was saying!" scene w3_2681 with dissolve rose "I know, hun. What I'm saying, though, is... there's only one thing important to me." play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" "Bzzzt, bzzzt!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade rose "So I gotta do a good job." KN_MOD "jump w3WashRoom" KN_MOD "if w2ExLosersAll == True:" scene w3_2682 with pixellate ver "It's kinda fucking weird being on this side of things... h-hhhnn, f-fuck, I'm feeling crazy..." scene w3_2683 with dissolve ver "I f-feel like I lose no matter what I do here." scene w3_2684 with dissolve rose "T-that's... uh... wow..." scene w3_2685 with dissolve rose "I d-don't have any that looks like that." ver "You like the looks of it, eh?" scene w3_2686 with dissolve ver "......" scene or_veromast_a with dissolve show or_veromast with dissolve ver "..." rose "W-what are--?" ver "A-ah, w-what am I doing? Fuuuuck... you're pretty... g-gahh...♥ T-total, {b}major{/b} MILF." rose "U-mmm... t-thanks...?" fel "H-hurry up! You're not the only one going crazy!" ver "Shut up, Blondie! This was meant to be a punishment, so you'll wait as long as I say." fel "G-aah, cooohm ooooon!" scene w3_2687 with dissolve ver "Hnnngg-♥" scene or_veromast_a with dissolve show or_veromast with dissolve ver "Why do I feel like not myself and completely like myself at the same time?" ver "I d-don't which it is... or--hhnn! Or... if I hate it or love it..." fel "All I feel like is I need a cock more than I have my entire life?" ver "So a normal Monday for you, then?" rose "H-haa, aa-ck, s-shoot... d-don't make me laugh..." fel "Fuck you, don't just stand there!" ver "The more you complain...♥ Ahh-hhha...♥ The more I'm just going to leave you sitting there and focus on Rosie." fel "Earth to meathead! You're not even doing anything to her!" ver "Ahhh s-shit, I'm not, am I...?" scene w3_2688 with dissolve ver "S-suck on it. This is going in you." rose "Ah... I'm a-already so... ah... I don't think it'll have any trouble sliding in..." ver "I don't care. {b}I wanna see it.{/b}" scene w3_2689 with dissolve rose "....." scene w3_2690 with dissolve rose "A-ah--?" play music "music/addict.ogg" scene w3_2691 with vpunch rose "Hnngg, kuk-!" rose "Ah, hhhmmm-" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w3_2692 with vpunch "*Bzzz-bzzzt!*" rose "Hkkk, hhhuuk--aahh{b}SSSUUK?!{/b}" scene w3_2693 with dissolve ver "Hnngg... that's... {b}goddamn hot!{/b}" rose "HKkhuh, ghhuuhk-! {b}*cough*{/b} Gaah, hhnnk-!" ver "{b}SO{/b} goddamn--" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene br_haghandy_a with dissolve show br_haghandy with dissolve kat "For all Miss Lynch's disdain, she does seem to be enjoying the situation, no?" "In my current over-cooked state, what was playing out on the television screen was a muddled mess of pixels that barely registered meaning to me." kat "Sluts like her are the best. I love it when they're a mess of contradictions." "No, in my current state, my mind was completely consumed by the old woman's grip on my cock." mc "H-haahaa...!" scene br_haghandy2_a with dissolve show br_haghandy2 with dissolve kat "I really do love Miss Lynch. I wish I had more than a month with her." mc "G-gahh...!" "The pitiful noise of a rutting animal punctuated the women's conversation." sophia "You have a {i}unique{/i} sense of aesthetics, Kathleen." kat "Well, what do you find hot, Miss Lundgren? I'm genuinely curious..." scene br_haghandy_a with dissolve show br_haghandy with dissolve mc "Huuuhghh...!" kat "What gets a woman like you going?" mc "H-huhh... ack...!" sophia "You ever give much thought to what makes your skin itch? I tend not to pontificate over my bodily responses." kat "Unlike me, you mean?" sophia "When I feel an itch, I simply scratch it." kat "We got that in common at least - {b}all three of us.{/b}" sophia "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to watch--" ver "S-shit, this isn't what I had in mind when I--" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2324 with dissolve kat "For all Miss Lynch's disdain, she does seem to be enjoying the situation, no?" scene w3_2325 with dissolve "In my current over-cooked state, what was playing out on the television screen was a muddled mess of pixels that barely registered meaning to me." scene w3_2326 with dissolve kat "Sluts like her are the best. I love it when they're a mess of contradictions." scene w3_2327 with dissolve mc "She... ah..." scene w3_2326 with dissolve kat "Oh, how I really do love Miss Lynch. I wish I had more than a month with her." scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You have a {i}unique{/i} sense of aesthetics, Kathleen." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Well, what do you find hot, Miss Lundgren? I'm genuinely curious... what gets a woman like you going?" scene w3_2328 with dissolve sophia "You ever give much thought to what makes your skin itch? I tend not to pontificate over my bodily responses." scene w3_2329 with dissolve kat "Unlike me, you mean?" scene w3_2330 with dissolve sophia "When I feel an itch, I simply scratch it." kat "Oh, lovely, at least we have that in common." sophia "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to watch--" ver "S-shit, this isn't what I had in mind when I--" play sound "sound effects/vib-start.wav" scene w3_2694 with pixellate "*Bzzzt*!" rose "HHnnhh...♥ Oo-oohohh...♥" scene w3_2695 with dissolve rose "It-♥♥♥" rose "Wooooaaah-- hnnng...♥" scene w3_2696 with dissolve ver "A-hh, h-hang in there, Rosie...♥" scene w3_2697 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap2.wav" scene w3_2698 with vpunch fel "U-ugh-!" "{b}*Swwwaaahp!*{/b}" scene w3_2699 with dissolve fel "D-damn it! Give me what she's having, at least!" ver "A-ahh... I'm curious just how skin as tan as yours will turn red..." scene w3_2700 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_2701 with vpunch fel "Ahh, f-f-hhhu...♥ Y-you're a real piece of work!" scene w3_2702 with dissolve fel "Despite all your bitching, you're having fun!" scene w3_2703 with dissolve ver "G-gah, hnn...♥ Maybe it's a bit hypocritical, b-buht..." scene w3_2700 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_2701 with vpunch fel "Ghhh♥" scene w3_2704 with dissolve ver "...silver linings or {b}whatever{/b}!" scene w3_2700 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_2701 with vpunch "*Thwap!*" scene w3_2705 with dissolve ver "Does that feel good, you crazy slut!" fel "G-gah... f-fuck... {b}k-kinda{/b}...?!" scene w3_2706 with dissolve ver "Judging by h-how I'm currently feeling... with h-how much my skin is burning... I bet this thing even feels like a brief distraction and relief...♥♥♥" fel "Maybe it does, but I'd still rather have-" scene w3_2707 with dissolve rose "Gh, hhh--♥" fel "...what she's having." scene w3_2708 with dissolve ver "N-no shit...♥ Me, t-tooo...♥" scene w3_2709 with dissolve ver "I've got it worse than you guys-♥ I have two of you in front of me, l-looking like you do...♥" scene w3_2708 with dissolve ver "Hnnn...♥♥♥ But no one to h-help me f-feel... aaach...♥ {b}D-damn it!{/b}" scene w3_2710 with dissolve ver "{b}This is inadequate...!{/b}" scene black with fade rose "W-what are you...?" fel "H-hey, what about me?" ver "What did I tell you about waiting your turn, Blondie?" scene w3_2711 with dissolve rose "W-woaahh...? Ahh...? Don't dro--" ver "You think you got that to worry about with me? Don't worry, I've got you, beautiful." rose "B-but... aah... I don't think you were supposed to take me down... Mrs. Pulman took a lot of time setting us-" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" stop ambient scene br_haghandy3_a with pixellate show br_haghandy3 with dissolve kat "I figured it might go this way." mc "B-bba- y-you did?!" kat "Of course. It's no surprise that Veronica would go off script." kat "The real kicker was always going to come after she comes to her senses and realizes just how easily she gives into her lust." mc "You are--" kat "What I AM surprised about is how you haven't soiled my hand yet." mc "Hnngg!" kat "I know one time won't suffice. You don't have to fear; I'll milk you as much as you require~" "At this point, a stiff breeze would have gotten me off, but for how slow it was, the old woman's technique was thorough and {i}immaculate{/i} in its consistency. She never slowed down or sped up; she just jerked me like her wrist operated on a piston." mc "G-ahh, s-shut the fuck up and just k-keep--!" "The real magic lay in how she used her pinky, tracing its black nail up and down the underside of my shaft, never deviating a single millimeter from the same tract of overwrought nerve endings." kat "*Whisper* You should speak kindly to someone doing you a favor, [mcf]." mc "*Gulp* H-a, haa... favor...? Yeah right..." "It was like the words apparated on my lips without even being thought of. I said what I felt without control or filter." mc "T-take a sit and spin on it if you really want to do me a favor!" kat "You're adorable right now, you know that?" KN_MOD "else:" stop ambient scene w3_2345 with dissolve kat "I figured it might go this way." mc "Y-you did...?" scene w3_2346 with dissolve "With the way I counted it, I had a couple of options for managing my sickening arousal." "I could let my mind wander, try to think of something else... but invariably, my senses fell on the women next to me, to the curves of their busts and their waists..." scene w3_2347 with dissolve "These two women were so far above me... the old woman decades my senior. Sophia, a brilliant scientist... it was so easy to imagine the delight in grabbing one of them right now and just--" mct "(Y-yeah... no... I should focus on what's playing out in front of me...)" "The other option was to let Kathleen's game preoccupy my attention." scene w3_2348 with dissolve kat "Of course. It's no surprise that she'd go off script." kat "The real kicker was always going to come after she comes to her senses and realizes just how easily she gives into her lust." mct "(...that's gotta be the best way of dealing with this, right?)" kat "By the way... do you need to be excused, Mr. [mcl]? Perhaps you need to go to the bathroom?" scene w3_2349 with dissolve mc "N-no, I'm f-fine..." scene w3_2347 with dissolve "She teased me, and strangely, I felt an unusual rush of pride. Of course, it was irrational, but that would be akin to losing..." "Losing what and to who, I did not know... but my willpower... I was stronger than this..." mct "(I ain't a fucking animal... right?)" scene w3_2712 with pixellate rose "W-w-ah-? P-put me doo--" ver "Ahh- relax, you're in good hands!" "In an exceedingly impressive display of back strength, Veronica flipped Rosalind around and had the MILF hold onto her body as if she was climbing a tree." scene w3_2713 with dissolve rose "N-neee... d-don't drop-" ver "You have no idea how much I want to..." scene or_rosaveromb0_a with dissolve show or_rosaveromb0 with dissolve rose "Ah, m-my-♥" "Finishing her sentence, the redhead dived into Rosalind's bust, submerging herself in a sea of sensuous tit-flesh." rose "{b}Haaaaa-♥{/b}" "With how her head bobbed and shook, you could make a pretty good guess about what was going through Veronica's mind." fel "S-seriously?! Are you fucking motorboating her?!" "In my own state, I intimately sympathized with her. She was getting a fix and quelling a poisonous desire, breathing in Rosalind like her life depended on it." ver "Fwwwuuah, fmmmhmwww-♥" "-gnawing at her chest like she would sustain her." fel "Come- aah- w-what the fuck? You barely even-" "Felicia's complaint fell on deaf ears; Veronica was too rightfully enamored with the bounty before her." ver "Mmmh, mmhmhh-♥" scene or_rosaveromb1_a with dissolve show or_rosaveromb1 with dissolve "Before long, Rosalind became less concerned with her precarious footing and more concerned with scratching her own itch." rose "Mmmmmh-♥" "It started from a series of simple, pleasurable shudders. Her body squirmed and rocked until all that energy concentrated and found an outlet in her waist." rose "Oh, o-ohhhh-♥" "In a desperate bid for {i}something{/i}... {b}anything...{/b} like a cat in heat, Rosalind rubbed herself against Veronica's unbending form, looking for relief." rose "Oh, mmy-♥♥" scene or_rosaveromb2_a with dissolve show or_rosaveromb2 with dissolve "*Chwup, fwhup~!*" "The redhead knew where to attack. {b}She knew{/b} her weakness." rose "Oh, g-god-♥♥♥ Oh, g-gosh-♥♥♥♥" "That wonderfully perfect weakness for a woman like Rosalind." rose "V-vero-♥" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" "The old woman's grip on my cock did nothing to assuage the envious pangs I felt as I desired to get my hands and cock inside all three women who occupied the screen." "{b}Damn it{/b}, this wasn't enough..." KN_MOD "else:" "Envious pangs assailed me as I desired to get my own hands and cock inside all three women who occupied the screen." mct "(I'm going crazy here...)" "*{b}Chwup, khwup, chwhhup!{/b}*" rose "W-wooah-♥ That feels... it's s-so h-hhoooot~ b-buh-burning up... every time - I f-forg-♥" "Every time Veronica {i}inhaled{/i}, Rosalind's expression said it all." rose "Woohh, g-god, gggoooood-♥ V-verhherronica-♥" "On a normal day, she was critically weak there... on a day like today, in a situation like this..." rose "Hhhnnwwooo, o-ohohhhgoawwwd-♥" "{b}She had no hope{/b}." rose "Wooohhaaa-♥" "No hope but to surrender to the strong woman's whims and desires." "{b}*Chwup, fhwwup, fhhwwup, gwhhup!*{/b}" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "No choice but to play her part in Mrs. Pulman's game of erotic theater and relinquish all control to her competitor." KN_MOD "else:" "No choice but to play her part in Kathleen's game of erotic theater and relinquish all control to her competitor." rose "Woohh-♥♥ G-gughh-♥" "If she didn't understand that intelligently, then at least her body was quick on the take." rose "Hhhuk-♥ Blawwwnkss-♥" "{b}*Chwup, fhwwup, fhhwwup, gwhhup, whhwhhup, chwup, chhup-!!!!*{/b}" scene w3_2714 with dissolve rose "Hngngggg- ohh, noo... ggghhhhoodd~♥" "Rosalind's expression soon went cross." scene or_rosaveromb3_a with dissolve show or_rosaveromb3 with dissolve "*Chwup, fwhup, kwhup!*" rose "Heehhy♥ Oohwwwh♥" "In no time at all, pleasure quickly replaced all semblance of intelligence in her eyes." rose "Feeelss-aaahh-" "Veronica's ministrations were her ticket to forget how badly her body burned." rose "Wwee-♥ Ggoowwdd, Verrrhho-♥" "A comfort that Veronica hadn't yet afforded her own self." rose "Ghh-♥ Huuhh-♥" "........." "......" scene w3_2715 with dissolve ver "{b}Ghhaah{/b}...!" rose "W-wwooah, ww-why you sttohp? Ahehh..." scene w3_2716 with dissolve ver "S-sorry, Rose." rose "Whha-?" ver "Felicia is looking extra fine over there." scene w3_2717 with dissolve rose "Ah...? Oh--" scene w3_2718 with dissolve ver "Sit tight for a minute." scene w3_2719 with dissolve fel "H-aahh... f-finally! G-give me one of those t-toys!" scene w3_2720 with dissolve ver "That's not what I had in mind..." KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene br_haghandy3_a with pixellate show br_haghandy3 with dissolve kat "Well, this direction is bringing up some recent memories." sophia "Is that right?" kat "She was much less friendly with me, but Miss Lynch is rather straightforward." mc "H-hhhhngg...!" "Like hell my mind was registering any of her bullshit right now." fel "H-heuuuh, w-waaah?" scene w3_2373 with dissolve sophia "Did you expect this kind of fervor?" scene w3_2374 with dissolve mc "H-a, hnnggaa..." play sound "sound effects/metal-drop.wav" ver "How the hell does this thing open?!" "The inside of my head was mush right now. My capacity for language was utterly eroded." scene w3_2375 with dissolve kat "I've been doing this for a long time. Before the club, I had my {i}other{/i} enterprises." kat "I'm well acquainted with the peculiar ways people respond when they're horny. For a woman like her, getting off is as simple as going from point A to point B." scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "I'm impressed." scene w3_2377 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't be. I'm an amateur when compared to someone like your owner." kat "I think the way Van Doren has you under his thumb is much more impressive." scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "Thank you." scene w3_2377 with dissolve kat "You took that as a compliment?" scene w3_2376 with dissolve sophia "Of course I did. Abel only has the best things." scene w3_2379 with dissolve kat "Your self-awareness in your choice of words is commendable, dear." fel "Ehh-? Where the hell do you think you're putting your fat--" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2381 with dissolve kat "Well, this direction is bringing up some recent memories." fel "H-heuuuh, w-waaah?" scene w3_2382 with dissolve "To my annoyance, whenever one of them spoke, my attention would turn back to just how fuckable the women next to me were. " play sound "sound effects/metal-drop.wav" ver "How the hell does this thing open?!" scene w3_2383 with dissolve sophia "Is that right? You counted on this kind of... {i}fervor{/i}?" scene w3_2382 with dissolve mct "(Christ, I want to make that mouthy hag choke on my dick until she passes out!)" "Intrusive thought upon intrusive thought flooded my head." scene w3_2384 with dissolve kat "I've been doing this for a long time. Before the club, I had my {i}other{/i} enterprises." kat "I'm well acquainted with the peculiar ways people respond when they're horny. For a woman like her, getting off is as simple as going from point A to point B." scene w3_2383 with dissolve sophia "I'm impressed." scene w3_2385 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't be. I'm an amateur when compared to someone like your Master." kat "I think the way Van Doren has you under his thumb is much more impressive." scene w3_2386 with dissolve sophia "Thank you." scene w3_2387 with dissolve kat "You took that as a compliment?" scene w3_2386 with dissolve sophia "Of course I did. Abel only has the best things." scene w3_2387 with dissolve kat "Your self-awareness in your choice of words is commendable, dear." fel "Ehh-? Where the hell do you think you're putting your fat--" scene w3_2721 with pixellate fel "E..eeh? Who do you think you are pushing me to the-" ver "I'm the one that old bat didn't tie up." scene w3_2722 with dissolve ver "We're in the middle of a show, or did you forget?" scene w3_2723 with dissolve fel "Euugh, yeah, but y-you're usually not so--" scene w3_2724 with dissolve ver "Feeling neglected? Like you're not the center of attention for once?" fel "Mmhuihhno-" scene w3_2725 with dissolve ver "That must be tough for you, Blondie." scene w3_2726 with dissolve ver "D-don't get mad at me if I take advantage a little... you understand, right? You're feeling the same thing I am... a-ahh...♥" scene w3_2727 with dissolve ver "Just be a good girl for me and I'll be nice in return." "Veronica's words came out husky and drenched in honey." scene w3_2728 with dissolve fel "Hnnggg-♥" "Felicia shuddered." scene w3_2729 with dissolve ver "'atta girl, you're a lot more passive when you have something in your mouth, aren't you?" "Hell, even I shuddered from the other side of TV land." scene w3_2730 with dissolve rose "This is supposed to be a punishment... Mrs. Pulman might get ma-" scene w3_2731 with dissolve ver "Shut up, Rosie. Where's that backbone you grew when you slapped that cunt?" scene w3_2732 with dissolve rose "I- tsssk-!" scene w3_2733 with dissolve ver "A good show is a good show, and if you haven't figured it out, she wants to see how we respond when she throws a lit match in a tinderbox and leaves us to our own devices." scene w3_2734 with dissolve ver "Well... this is how {b}I{/b} respond." scene w3_2735 with dissolve fel "Heheh... you don't like me, Red, but you sure want to {b}fuck me.{/b} I've s-seen the way you occasionally look at me during the shows." scene w3_2736 with dissolve ver "Well, Blondie... not {i}everything{/i} you say is bullshit. For now..." scene w3_2737 with dissolve fel "Mmmhh-?!" ver "{b}A-ah-♥{/b} L-let's be friends-♥" scene w3_2738 with dissolve fel "Mmmhh, mmhhh-!!!" "Without much warning, Veronica's large ass smothered Felicia's face and drummed up a startled reaction." ver "H-haa- a-and what better way of being friends than this?" scene black with fade ver "{b}...lick!{/b}" scene or_verofelmd_a with dissolve show or_verofelmd with dissolve ver "J-just FYI, I make it a habit to reciprocate the kindness of friends-♥" fel "Mmmhhmmhmhh-!" ver "How do I taste Blondie?" fel "Mmmhh-♥ Eeuhuh-♥" "From the looks of it, Felicia {i}was{/i} using her tongue, but she was on the back foot." ver "A-ah, don't try to multitask by answering t-that-♥ I want all your focus on-" "*Shlick, shlwap, fwhiich-!*" "Felicia fought desperately to match the Amazon's erratic rhythm, to find a way to consistently pry apart Veronica's sex and use her pink tongue to plumb her depths." fel "Eeuhh-♥ Eeuuhh-" "She was clearly {i}trying{/b}, but the unhinged way Veronica dragged her sex across her face made it difficult." ver "A-ah, o-oh-♥ I h-haven't been this turned on since I had that bitch over my knee-" "The scene playing out on screen was more akin to a desperate housewife grinding herself against the corner of a washing machine than the act of two people sharing in cunnilingus." fel "Mmhh, hhmhm-♥" ver "Or m-maybe since... a-ahh... last week's photo shoot? Aeeeuhh-♥ W-who can f-fucking sayyyy-♥♥" fel "Eeeuh, wwwhaa-♥" ver "N-nice work. You're not amazing at this, but I can tell you're hungry for it. Keep at it and you'll get-- nnggg!" "I don't think Veronica cared about Felicia's actual skill or effort. She was too high on the power of it all." fel "Hnnggg-♥ Hnngguuk-♥" "She was getting off on having the beautiful face of a woman she held in contempt buried in her ass." ver "Ah, y-yes. {b}YES!{/b} By the way, you were right..." "Veronica had been playing it remarkably slowly up to this point, enduring her sexual urge by teasing the girls, but now it was all coming out." fel "Mmhh, ueeeuhh-♥?" ver "I do think you're beautiful. I, m-mean... h-how could I not?" fel "Mmmffff-!" ver "Hnn-♥ N-now- a-ah, you've been a good friend! So I think it's time... ah..." scene or_verofel69_a with fade show or_verofel69 with dissolve fel "MMhmh.. ohmhmhwoohh..? A-aahammwwhh-♥" "Finally, Veronica made good on her promise of lick and be licked." fel "MMmhh, aaa-hh- hhaa-aaah♥♥♥" "Veronica leaned forward and buried herself in Felicia's crotch, creating an attractive, parallel line of two bodacious figures for the camera." "*Shlick, fwhiick...!" "It was a work of art how they grasped and held each other." fel "Hnngg-♥" "Long gorgeous legs moved to get out of the way, finding tight purchase hugging and forcing each other's bodies closer." "*Shlick, fwhiick, hhwwiick...!*" rose "Uugghh... now I'm the one left out..." scene black with fade "*Shlick, fwhiick, hhwwiick...!*" "Felicia and Veronica continued to pleasure each other, while I..." "{b}*Shlick, shlick, shlick, fwhhick, hwwwiiicki!*{/b}" ver "Then get over here!" KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" scene w3_2407 with pixellate kat "I'm starting to get offended, Mr. [mcl]. Does my hand not suffice?" kat "Don't you want to taste release?" scene w3_2408 with dissolve mc "G-gah, f-fuck! It's not like I have any control over it!" sophia "Hmm..." scene w3_2409 with dissolve "Every fiber of my being desperately anticipated climax. My reason had been eroded and my purpose replaced by the critical need to expunge every trace of nauseating desire from my body through my cock." "The hairs on my arm stood on end, the feeling in my extremities came and went like the tide, and a pervasive tingling feeling floated from my neck down to my tailbone - by all means, my body told me that I {b}should{/b} be coming." scene w3_2410 with dissolve sophia "Interesting." scene w3_2409 with dissolve "But I wasn't. My bloated dick burned against the soft palm of the old woman's hand, pulsating and twitching from the ceaseless stimulation, filling me with the irrational fear that I might literally explode if I didn't soon go careening into the void of sexual release." scene w3_2411 with dissolve sophia "All things considered, he is showing a {b}surprising{/b} degree of longevity..." scene w3_2412 with dissolve kat "Maybe your fragrance isn't as effective as you think it is." mc "G-gaahh!" scene w3_2411 with dissolve sophia "Maybe..." scene w3_2413 with dissolve mct "(No! It was definitely fucking effective!)" sophia "...but unlikely. Hey, [mcf]..." scene w3_2414 with dissolve "Through lidded eyes, I could sense the blonde scooching closer and closer." scene w3_2415 with dissolve sophia "The issue is that a young, well-traveled guy like you simply can't get off on an old woman's touch, right?" scene w3_2416 with dissolve mc "That's not--" scene w3_2417 with dissolve sophia "{b}{i}Isn't it?{/b}{/i}" "Even in my lust-addled state..." scene w3_2418 with dissolve "My brain registered amazement over the willful way Sophia flipped the switch, going from detached aloofness to a man-killer just as easily as one would shed their clothes. " scene w3_2419 with dissolve mc "Hnngg...!" kat "*Scoff* Feeling left out, were you?" sophia "Give them a comparison." scene w3_2420 with dissolve "My hand responded independently, sinking into the pleasant give of the doctor's tit-flesh in an instant as what remained of my faculties disappeared into the whirlpool of her eyes." sophia "You got a mess lurking somewhere in there that you want to get out?" mc "Ha... hnngg...! F-fuck it!" scene w3_2421 with dissolve sophia "...?!" "I kissed her, just as you'd expect a man on the brink of starvation to steal a loaf of bread." scene br_hhplus_a with dissolve show br_hhplus with dissolve sophia "Mmmhhhh....!" KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "She might not have expected it or even wanted it, but she quickly accepted it as a consequence of the \"just a bit of chaos\" she wielded in her joust against Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" "She might not have expected it or even wanted it, but she quickly accepted it as a consequence of the \"just a bit of chaos\" she wielded in her joust against Kathleen." kat "H-hey, ahh--" "Spurred on by having the attention of two beautiful women, even if it was just the fucked up equivalent of cooking ants with a magnifying glass to them, I knew it wouldn't be long until I finally had my release." kat "Gah, ah... ha... hmpfh." "Although I could feel her eyes on my neck, the old woman continued to milk me." "*Cwhup, fwhup, chwup...!*" kat "I've somehow ended up feeling like a third wheel." "I pawed at both women's breasts with a virgin-like fervor, wholly enamored by an opportunity I might never get again." mct "(The head of a charity and a world-class scientist... ha, fucking sluts!)" "I felt like a king, not of my own making of course, but my brain was so cooked as to not know the difference. Thinking was hard, but what few thoughts I could miraculously formulate were like tidal waves breaking against the shore." mct "(Who the hell do you think you're fucking with? You think you can toy with me just because of money?!)" "I felt smothered, suffocated, and hot. More akin to a wick that was about to burn out than a human being." mct "(I'M A GUINEA PIG TO YOU?!)" "Every sensation felt heightened, and every second felt prolonged... I genuinely feared that the moment I popped would be when I was snuffed out." mct "{size=+30}{font=/gui/fonts/MB-Thin_Worms.ttf}(You like to toy with pe-){/font}{/size}" "My brain gave out, but if I ceased to exist after this, I instinctively knew one thing: these last minutes of my life should be bold." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Goad the old woman into letting you finish in her mouth.:" $ w3KatPromoFinish = True $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 scene w3_2422 with dissolve mc "I'm about to b-blow..." kat "You don't need my permission." scene w3_2423 with dissolve mc "Can you finish me with your mouth?" kat "Hmmmmm, not going to happen." mc "A-ah, pretty please? With a cherry on top?" scene w3_2424 with dissolve kat "Why don't you ask Miss Lundgren to do it?" mc "...because I want you, Ma'am." scene w3_2425 with dissolve kat "...hmmmmmmmm. You have the eyes of a crazed animal, yet..." scene w3_2426 with dissolve kat "You're asking so nicely. God, I love that." scene w3_2427 with dissolve "She smirked like she had won against me, and perhaps even against Sophia." scene w3_2428 with dissolve kat "It really is goddamn adorable. Ask me again, [mcf]." scene w3_2429 with dissolve "A desperate, cloying urge inside me told me her mouth was the only place I wanted to be right now and if it took a bit of pleading to get me into a position where I could fill that mean bitch's stomach with my seed, then so be it." scene w3_2430 with dissolve mc "Hhh, haa... would you PLEASE finish me with your mouth, Mrs. Pulman?" scene w3_2431 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Without another word, Mrs. Pulman lowered herself and..." KN_MOD "else:" "Without another word, Kathleen lowered herself and..." scene br_hhplus_hbj_a with dissolve mc "G-gah...!" "The moment her lips wrapped themselves around my cock, I felt like I might pass out." "Her seal was so airtight that her mouth felt like an oven. Steady puffs of hot breath passed over the head of my cock as it made its way out through her nose." scene br_hhplus_hbj_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_hbj with dissolve mc "F-fuck, damn it!" "*Shwuck, fgwhhuck, thwuuuck!&" "What little air could escape from her hold transformed into {b}obscene{/b} noises as she inched herself up and down my shaft." mc "H-holy-!" "The running narration in my head was a jumbled mess, but through all the muddied noise from the pleasure soaking into my brain, I grasped a simple truth." mc "Hnnng, you've sucked a lot of cock in your time, haven't you?!" "*Thwaahp, fwhap, swhhuck~!*" "The answer to that question played across my glans every time I wedged myself comfortably in her throat with zero fuss." "Swhuck, hhhwhuck, fhhggguuk!*" "{b}Damn it!{/b} A rich woman like her had no business sucking dick this well." mc "Ghhn, haaat, hnnngg...!" "She sucked me with the skill of a woman who had {b}nothing{/b} to her name." kat "Mmmhm, hhmhm~" "Just like her hand job, there was no wasted effort. She didn't tackle it in a clumsy frenzy, nor did she need to cautiously get used to my size." "*Shwhuhuck, fwhhucuk, ghhwhuhuk!*" "She sucked me like she had been sucking {b}my{/b} dick her whole life, pleasuring me at a steady and comfortable pace. I marveled at how, through a mere blowjob, a woman so cold and cruel could instantly imprint herself on my body as warm and welcoming." "I was quickly understanding that \"adorable\" disparity she had just spoken " mc "Hnng, h-how?!" sophia "It's not performing brain surgery." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "{b}There{/b} was another perverse delight, speeding me toward my climax. Sophia's attention was on the back of Mrs. Pulman's head, watching intently as she debased herself in pursuit of degrading me." KN_MOD "else:" "{b}There{/b} was another perverse delight, speeding me toward my climax. Sophia's attention was on the back of Kathleen's head, watching intently as she debased herself in pursuit of degrading me." mct "(Haaaa... hope you like the show, bitch. You're the impetus for this.)" "*Fwhhuck, ghhhukh, khggguuhhk*" mc "Ahh... y-you dick swallowing--! Hnnngg...!" "It was coming." scene w3_2432 with dissolve mc "You think I'm adorable?!" "I was moments from blowing my load, and with it, the indignation from earlier swelled in me. I had wanted a bold finish before I met my end, and well..." mct "(I'll show you adorable!)" stop music scene br_hhplus_gulp1_a with vpunch mc "I'm c-cumming, fucking drown in it, you damn--" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Mmmmh?!" "Before she could even register what was happening, ropes of piping hot cum barreled down her esophagus on a one-way trip to her stomach." play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" scene br_hhplus_gulp1_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_gulp1 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghhkka, hkkaa-!" "I pressed down hard, holding the old woman's head in place as she gargled my seed in abject surprise." mc "Hnngg, all of it!" "I pressed down so hard it hurt my groin." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kat "Ghhuk, hhuuuh, hwwwhuuuck...!" "It was massive, like I was cumming my very soul down the old woman's throat." kat "Ghuk, khak, uuhhk-!" mc "Gah, c-choke on it!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "Not all of my load was making its way down her throat. To my perverse glee, I could {i}feel{/i} myself coating the lining of her throat." kat "Ghhuk, hhuuuk...!" scene br_hhplus_gulp2_a with flash show br_hhplus_gulp2 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash mc "Hope you like the fucking taste!" kat "Mmmh, hhhngg?!?!" sophia "I don't think she can breathe..." mc "Good! She can breathe when I'm fucking--!" stop ambient fadeout 4.0 play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash ".........!" play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash "......!" scene w3_2433 with dissolve mc "A-aahh...!" scene w3_2434 with dissolve kat "Ugghhuhh..." scene w3_2435 with dissolve "Peace." "Serenity." "Satisfaction." "In this moment, I had it all." scene black with w20 "With that, I happily died. The oblivion I felt nipping at my heels finally sank its sharp teeth into my throat." "............" "........." "......" "..." kat "Why are you holding your hands out like that? It's weird." mct "(Ah, fuck... I {i}wasn't{/i} dead? {b}Oh no.{/b} Then that meant I just...)" scene w3_2436 with w9 sophia "She's right. It's distracting." scene w3_2437 with dissolve "I didn't know how long I was out of it, but by the time I opened my eyes, the two women had collected themselves, and what I thought was a bold display of defiance was made pitiful and wholly expected by their bemused faces." KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman looked {i}totally{/i} unaffected by my rough treatment, showing no signs of having mercilessly guzzled my cum just moments ago..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen looked {i}totally{/i} unaffected by my rough treatment, showing no signs of having mercilessly guzzled my cum just moments ago..." scene w3_2438 with dissolve kat "Oh, by the way... you said some pretty outlandish things to me." scene w3_2439 with dissolve mc "If I recall, I did a bit more than that..." scene w3_2440 with dissolve kat "It was {b}adorable{/b}." "She had indeed won." KN_MOD "Leave an impression on the doctor.:" $ w3SophiaPromoFinish = True $ Kathleen_Affection -=2 "I knew what I wanted." sophia "Mmmhh, hhhhh..." "And that last act of defiance would be leaving the doctor, the root cause of all this, something to remember me by." scene br_hhplus_doc1_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc1 with dissolve "*Chwup, fhwup~*" "I wanted to hear this aloof bitch moan, so I focused everything on the woman whose mouth I was currently exploring." sophia "Mmmh, hhmmm...?" "It was a battle against my wits. Sophia was literally intoxicating. Focusing my senses all on her had me burning twice as fast." "By instinct, I felt her breast over her clothes." sophia "Mmhh..." "Her coos told me she was receptive, but it wasn't quite the noise I wanted to drag out from the blonde." scene br_hhplus_doc2_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc2 with dissolve sophia "Ghu, gha~ghhuu...!" "Deciding that over the clothes touching wouldn't do it, I switched focus on the erogenous zone in her mouth, intensifying my efforts in an intricate dance to subdue her tongue with my own." sophia "Mmmmh, mmhhhh- *chwuph, fhwhup~*" "She wasn't a passive observer in my hunt; her tongue played coy, darting away and slipping from my grasp whenever I thought I had her pinned." "It was mere seconds, but--" "Chwhu, fhwwwup, chup!*" "--but, in my fogged-over state, time held little sway over my perception. What was in reality a clumsy tussle felt like a long and protracted siege." "I don't know if it was because of the perfume, but all bodily sensations gradually began to meld into one." "The feeling of the old woman's hand milking my cock, the wet warmness of our kiss, the bubbling desire so strong that I was confident it would be the end of me..." mc "Mmmh, hhhmmm-!" "All of it spelled an overload melded and combined into a singular feeling of otherness. I was sure I had lost this battle until..." scene br_hhplus_doc3_a with dissolve show br_hhplus_doc3 with dissolve "My brain registered a change." mct "Was she...?" sophia "Mmmh, hhmhm~aahhh...!" "She was closer." "She was pressing into me." "She felt it." "She was {b}heated{/b}." "{i}She was kissing me back.{/i}" "Whether it was done deliberately or on an instinctual level, her body responded favorably." sophia "Ahh, hhhnnggg, mmmmhh-!" "My hand found a place on her ass and I used that to spur her on even more. With this, I had physical confirmation of my success." mct "(Fuck, what a great-!)" "I could feel the hot dampness of her delicate spot." sophia "Mmhh, hhaa...♥♥♥" "She purred openly and I felt a petty relief over my trivial victory. The succubus driving me to this desperate state wouldn't escape our battle unscathed." "*Chwup, fhwwup, khwwup*!" "--and that wasn't the only sense of relief I felt." stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_2441 with flash mc "{b}Hnng, ah-!!!{/b}" "I didn't know when it started, but ropes of cum geysered from my cock and rained down from the sky." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_2442 with flash mc "Ghh, aaahh- sssshit--" kat "Huh, {b}WOW{/b}." scene w3_2443 with dissolve mc "Hngg, hhhhmmmhh-~" "All the suffocating vileness in me was expelled and released into the world. All my desperation spilled out onto our clothes and thighs." "Soon need was replaced with..." scene w3_2444 with dissolve "Peace." "Serenity." scene w3_2445 with dissolve "Satisfaction." "Emptiness." "The oblivion I felt nipping at my heels finally sank its sharp teeth into my throat." scene black with w20 "I was dead." "............" "........." "......" "..." sophia "Great, now we'll spend the rest of the show reeking of semen." mct "(Ah, fuck... I {i}wasn't{/i} dead? {b}Oh no.{/b} Then that meant I just...)" scene w3_2446 with w9 kat "You should've thought of that before you entered the crossfire." scene w3_2447 with dissolve sophia "You were taking too long. I wanted to put an end to the distraction." scene w3_2448 with dissolve "I didn't know how long I was out of it. Still, by the time I opened my eyes, the two women had collected themselves. The damage I thought I had done to Sophia with my counter-attack was made pitiful by their bemused faces." scene w3_2449 with dissolve kat "Oh, please. Are those the kind of sounds you make matter-of-factly?" scene w3_2450 with dissolve "Sophia looked as composed as ever, and except for a little blush, her attention turned back to the Carnations." scene w3_2451 with dissolve kat "I hope that provided you a measure of relief, Mr. [mcl]. That certainly was an... {i}explosive{/i} finish." mc "A, ahem... thaaaaaanks?" scene w3_2452 with dissolve kat "Don't mention it. It was... interesting." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2453 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" stop music play sound "sound effects/record-scratch.wav" scene w3_2454 with dissolve "...this was my limit." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_2455 with dissolve mc "Aaeeh, I'll be riiiiiight back." scene w3_2456 with dissolve "......" scene w3_2457 with dissolve "..." scene w3_2458 with dissolve kat "Is that a milder scent you are wearing?" sophia "It's the same batch as the bottle I gave you." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "The effect seemed... less? Why's that?" scene w3_2460 with dissolve sophia "It's possible that his body adapted and partially metabolized the odor molecules. All I can say is that it's remarkable he held out that long." sophia "It could be a matter of willpower." scene w3_2461 with dissolve kat "When I had dinner with Charles the other night, he didn't even flinch." scene w3_2462 with dissolve sophia "Dr. Kohler is a scary man." scene w3_2463 with dissolve kat "Is that your appraisal after demolishing him game after game?" scene w3_2464 with dissolve sophia "How else should I describe a man who has no need but keeps his passions tightly controlled." scene w3_2465 with dissolve kat "That's why he and I are incompatible. He treats fucking like it's Christmas." kat "You don't have anything to worry about as long as you don't lose." scene w3_2466 with dissolve sophia "I don't plan on it, but I have a feeling he eventually wins one way or another." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "Abel wouldn't let it come to that, would he?" scene w3_2467 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2460 with dissolve sophia "Thank you for indulging my little whim, Kathleen. It was amusing." scene w3_2459 with dissolve kat "Don't mention it. One should make their own fun in life. Still..." kat "'re very competent. Don't you ever desire more?" scene w3_2468 with dissolve sophia "A frivolous bitch like you has no business saying that to me." scene w3_2469 with dissolve kat "Ah, fuck. There it is." scene black with fade kat "I almost felt sorry for you." KN_MOD "jump w3WashRoom" play music "music/landing.ogg" scene or_3some1_a with pixellate show or_3some1 with dissolve carnations "Mmhh, fweh...♥ Gheee..♥ Mmhhh...♥" "While I was preoccupied with expunging my nauseating urges, the Carnations were in the thick of it." rose "Mmhh, ummffh, heeehhuu-♥" "Rosalind had replaced Felicia beneath the Amazon's wide hips, and just like before, Veronica wasn't shy about crudely grinding the MILF's face under her weight." "With the redhead getting \"hers\", it was left to Felicia to find gratification for both herself and her physically-engaged, muff-diving cohort." fel "*Cwhwup, fwhup* Mmhh, hhueeeh-♥" scene or_3some2_a with dissolve show or_3some2 with dissolve "The result was a sapphic, Ouroboros-like blending of curves and limbs, making it hard to distinguish where one woman began and the other ended." "*Chwup, fwhup, kwhup~*" "All pretense had melted away." carnations "Fwweeh, hhnnggg, hhnn, ggwwwweh-♥" "Veronica's domineering streak had all but receded, the only trace remaining was in the decisive way she pawed, kissed, and shook her hips." fel "Mmhh, hhhnhnaaaatt-♥ Fwwweeeh-♥" scene or_3some1_a with dissolve show or_3some1 with dissolve "Felicia's bitching and moaning had been replaced with kiss-locked silence and focused, fiery concentration." carnations "Ghaa, gnnhhh, haaa *Chwup, shlick~* hhhaaa-♥" "Rosalind had practically disappeared off screen, perhaps even according to her own strategy, only to be used like a scratching post and as the engine source for a bevy of amorous noise." rose "{size=10}Mmhh, fweeh, ggwwweeh{/size=/10}" "Her muffled moans could barely be heard beneath the redhead's ass, and what made it through those freckled cheeks was co-opted into a chorus of sexual need that sounded anemic on the tv's piss-poor speakers." "*Cwhup, fwwhhuup-*" fel "N-hh, hhhnhn-♥" scene w3_2739 with dissolve "*Chwup, fhwwu, khwwup~!*" fel "Enh, hhhhnn, wwwhhaaannn-" scene w3_2740 with dissolve ver "A-ahh... you sing lovely for a caged bird..." scene w3_2741 with dissolve fel "H-heh... aaah, y-you think you get it? You're so fucking full of yourself. At least my cage-" scene w3_2742 with dissolve rose "MMmhh, mhhhww-" scene w3_2741 with dissolve fel "...isn't collapsing on itself in debt." scene or_3some2_a with dissolve show or_3some2 with dissolve rose "MMmhh, unnngg, wwwhaaa-" ver "This isn't y-your first time doing-" "*Shlick, fwhick, hwwwhick!-" fel "Of c-course not! I'm n-not seasoned like you, but sometimes... h-haaa... the ooc-occasion calls for it." rose "Unngng, hheee, ehuugg-" fel "Hubby has requests, y'know...?" ver "H-haa... y-you're a good wife, aren't you? F-fuck... I should've tried being rich-" scene or_3some3_a with dissolve show or_3some3 with dissolve fel "MMhh, mmhhhh-!!!" "In the wake of their exchange, Veronica intensified her affection, sucking Felicia's face and savoring it like the last pizza slice." carnations "Mmmh, eeueuuh, feewwwh... *Chwwup, shlick* fewwweee...♥♥♥" "Not since her crowning moment during her interview, a night that only Samson and Isaac witnessed, had Veronica looked so comfortable in her element within these four walls." "*Chwup, fhwwip~*" "She hadn't quite \"punished\" the girls, but she gave the camera an unfettered glimpse of what she truly desired." carnations "Mmmhh, heeeuuhh, gwwwuuuk-!!!" "And it turns out, what she desired was beautiful women and an opportunity to let her id roam free." carnations "Eeeuuhh, gwwwhhha, hwwwaanngg♥" "Veronica and I weren't so different in that regard." carnations "Hnnng, eeeuhuhh-♥♥" "On different terms, she might even fit in at a place like this..." scene w3_2743 with dissolve ver "Mmhh, hheee...?!" scene w3_2744 with dissolve ver "Mmhh, eehh-♥" scene w3_2745 with dissolve ver "Ahh, hhn... h-hang o-h, s-snaaaaap-ghh-♥♥♥" scene w3_2746 with vpunch rose "Hnngg, ggeehhh...?! Mmghhhh...!" "From my own vivid experience of being beneath that Amazon, I sympathized with Rosalind." scene w3_2747 with vpunch rose "Mmggwww-!!!" "As she came, Veronica instinctually pushed her ass toward the source of her pleasure, bearing down on Rosalind with a startling amount of her body weight." with vpunch rose "Mmhwwwh, hhhnnggg, gwwwhhh-" ver "Ah- y-yeeeahh...♥" scene w3_2748 with dissolve "........." "......" "..." scene w3_2749 with dissolve ver "I know you girls aren't finished, right?" scene w3_2750 with dissolve fel "Hell no." rose "Mmhh, hhnhhh...:" scene w3_2751 with dissolve ver "Good. I sure as shit ain't either." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "So they carried on, coming together with the common, selfish goal of getting themselves off." "I'm not sure how long it lasted; I just know..." KN_MOD "jump w3WashRoom" KN_MOD "label w3WashRoom:" $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_2752 with circlewipe mct "(Goddamn it...)" KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3PunishGame:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3PunishGame = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "It took me a while to collect myself." $ unread_sophia = True $ history_sophia = "I spent an unusual amount of time with Sophia, while she sat in during Kat's punishment game. I got the feeling it was more of a test than a game..." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HagHandie == True:" KN_MOD "if w3KatPromoFinish == True:" "Despite unleashing my need and blowing a fat wad down that hag's throat, I was still feeling... {i}out of sorts{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" "Despite that hag's handy and blowing my load into the stratosphere, I was still feeling... {i}out of sorts{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" "Despite jacking off a couple of times, I was still feeling a bit... {i}frazzled{/i} and out of sorts." "It wasn't quite enough... Although I could think clearly and function, everything felt just a little topsy-turvy." scene w3_2753 with dissolve mc "Gah..." "Strangely, I no longer felt the anger I had when I felt like I had no control." KN_MOD "if w1GonzoReward == True:" "I had overwhelmingly felt it when Mrs. Pulman jabbed me with that needle a week before. But now, it all felt {b}normal.{/b}" KN_MOD "else:" "But now, it all felt... {b}normal.{/b}" play music "music/sonatina-in-c-minor.ogg" scene w3_2754 with dissolve "Okay, maybe that's just a tinsy bit of bullshit. I still felt annoyed, but this madness, in an indirect way, was my own making... and I was on the comfortable side of things, unlike the scene I just witnessed." "........." "......" scene w3_2755 with dissolve "..." kat "There you are. How are you feeling?" scene w3_2756 with dissolve mc "Like I want to piss and jerk off all over your face." scene w3_2755 with dissolve kat "Amazing, isn't it? For the record, I wasn't aware she would be wearing that when she asked to sit and observe." scene w3_2756 with dissolve mc "I'm getting used to it. Did you have fun?" scene w3_2757 with dissolve kat "Oh, I {i}always{/i} enjoy myself." kat "Even when things don't go to plan or I... {i}lose{/i}, I never feel like I did." scene w3_2758 with dissolve kat "It's strange, but I don't think I ever felt an ounce of genuine anger in my life." scene w3_2759 with dissolve mc "I don't believe that." scene w3_2760 with dissolve kat "I'm not saying I don't ever get annoyed at the \"obstacles\" that get in my way, or find a situation that calls for the theatrics of anger." kat "But at the end of the day, what sense is there in getting angry over a game?" scene w3_2759 with dissolve mc "Spoken like a woman who can stack the deck in their favor." scene w3_2760 with dissolve kat "Oh, I don't know... I might very well be turning the corner into a major loss soon. We'll see." scene w3_2761 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." scene w3_2762 with dissolve mc "How are the girls?" scene w3_2763 with dissolve kat "They're getting dressed." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "How {b}are{/b} they?" scene w3_2766 with dissolve kat "They probably feel pent up, but they seemed functional enough. It's understandably more soft feelings than hard ones right about now." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "So, do you need anything else from me? Am I done here today?" scene w3_2767 with dissolve kat "Nope, you're done! Good job, Mr. [mcl]." kat "Before you go, I wanted to ask: how did you find the club's hospitality last Saturday?" scene w3_2768 with dissolve mc "...?" scene w3_2767 with dissolve kat "Remember, I asked you to enjoy it and give me your thoughts." scene w3_2763 with dissolve kat "It was mostly an excuse to try and get you to let loose, but a task is a task. What did you think?" scene w3_2765 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavor == fulfilled or w2ExLezSeen == True:" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her you just walked around.:" scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "I mostly just walked around... mingled." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" scene w3_2766 with dissolve kat "Oh, you did more than just mingle. You and Dalia joined Samson in the sauna." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "You know about that?" scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "Of course." scene w3_2775 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "I did tell you to have fun, but I didn't expect you to go mano a mano in the sauna with a couple of whores." scene w3_2774 with dissolve mc "I like his movies." scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "Oh, I bet you do..." scene w3_2769 with dissolve mc "...uh, Dalia was great?" scene w3_2767 with dissolve kat "She always is." kat "Harper might give her a run for her money if only she was a more classical beauty, but they both have their uses." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "Right..." scene w3_2770 with dissolve kat "I do hope you got what you wanted out of that Has Been." scene w3_2772 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2771 with dissolve mc "...he's a giant prick." scene w3_2770 with dissolve kat "He has his uses." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "Oh, [mcf]. You're like a diabetic in a candy store." scene w3_2774 with dissolve mc "I mean... everything seemed fine? I don't really know what the criteria is." scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "You most certainly do." scene w3_2775 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2776 with dissolve kat "Oh, for-- just... let loose next weekend. That's an order." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "Right." KN_MOD "Mention the Emma situation. if w2ExEmmaFavorIan == True or w2ExEmmaFavorChuck == True or w2ExEmmaFavorSolo == True:" scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "Nothing too interesting. Jacob did ask me to keep an eye on Emma for him." scene w3_2770 with dissolve kat "Ah yes, that... {i}romantic.{/i} For a man with such a bloody past, he sure is a softy." scene w3_2772 with dissolve "I chose to cautiously file away that bit of information but not draw attention to it." scene w3_2770 with dissolve kat "He sure is an interesting fellow. August did well in finding someone to offset Warren's personality." scene w3_2771 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about?" scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "Eh, ask him sometime. He's the pimp." kat "The way I understand it, they each have their function when it comes to the discipline of this place." scene w3_2774 with dissolve mc "You should keep Warren on a tighter leash." scene w3_2767 with dissolve kat "Aw, don't fret. He never does any permanent damage." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorIan == True:" kat "Besides, the girls now have you to get them off the floor. Smart thinking sending her to Mr. Beaufort, you washed your hands of culpability." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorChuck == True:" kat "Besides, the girls now have you to get them off the floor. Leaning on Charle's fondness of you to get it done was pretty bold." kat "August never has it in him to question Charles." KN_MOD "if w2ExEmmaFavorSolo == True:" kat "Besides, the girls now have you to get them off the floor. Shielding Emma by getting her to film herself was an attractive solution." scene w3_2769 with dissolve mc "You know about that?" scene w3_2766 with dissolve kat "Of course." scene w3_2765 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2767 with dissolve kat "Relax, unlike August, I don't give a shit about the minute-to-minute comings and goings of the house girls. If cutting them some slack where you can makes you feel better about yourself, go for it." scene w3_2766 with dissolve kat "I trust if you do, it'll be done with wisdom and discretion." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "...s'alright." KN_MOD "Mention Harper and Lucy if w2ExLezSeen == True:" $ Kathleen_Trust += 1 $ w3KathleenLezTold = True scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "Well, I..." scene w3_2765 with dissolve mct "(Was there any point in mentioning this?)" "It's not like I needed to score any points with the old woman, but it was the most notable thing I could mention." scene w3_2890 with pixellate mc "Nothing too interesting. I learned that Harper and Lucy are pretty fond of each other." scene w3_2766 with pixellate kat "Oh...?" scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "Yeah, Dalia asked me to peek in on them." scene w3_2776 with dissolve kat "Really? On company time?" scene w3_2777 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2770 with dissolve kat "Well, she's doing a better job than I expected." scene w3_2771 with dissolve mc "Wait... you're aware of them--" scene w3_2770 with dissolve kat "Of course. I was the one who told her to support our would-be Carnation and help her not go anywhere." scene w3_2771 with dissolve mc "Then Harper and Lucy are just because of you...?" scene w3_2770 with dissolve kat "Oh, it's nothing cynical. It's not like I ordered her to seduce that stupid whore; that must be how it developed between them. I'm sure they're actually quite fond of each other." scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "You shouldn't mention it to August, though. He's a stickler when it comes to the discipline of the girls." kat "He wouldn't see the value of this kind of relationship as I do." scene w3_2774 with dissolve mc "I wasn't planning on it." scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "...yet, you mentioned it to me?" scene w3_2775 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_2778 with dissolve kat "Good boy." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "I mostly just walked around... mingled." KN_MOD "if VeroFlag == True:" scene w3_2766 with dissolve kat "Oh, you did more than just mingle. You and Dalia joined Samson in the Sauna." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "You know about that?" scene w3_2770 with dissolve kat "Of course." scene w3_2772 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "I did tell you to have fun, but I didn't expect you to go mano a mano in the sauna with a couple of whores" scene w3_2774 with dissolve mc "I like his movies." scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "Oh, I bet you do..." scene w3_2769 with dissolve mc "...uh, Dalia was great?" scene w3_2767 with dissolve kat "She always is." scene w3_2763 with dissolve kat "Harper might give her a run for her money if only she were a more classical beauty, but they both have their uses." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "Right..." scene w3_2766 with dissolve kat "I do hope you got what you wanted out of that Has Been." scene w3_2765 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "...he's a giant prick." scene w3_2763 with dissolve kat "He has his uses." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "Oh, [mcf]. You're like a diabetic in a candy store." scene w3_2774 with dissolve mc "I mean... everything seemed fine? I don't really know what the criteria is." scene w3_2773 with dissolve kat "You most certainly do." scene w3_2775 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2776 with dissolve kat "Oh, for-- just... let loose next weekend. That's an order." scene w3_2764 with dissolve mc "Right." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene w3_2779 with dissolve "*Beep*" scene w3_2780 with dissolve mct "(It's Mina...)" kat "Well, I'll leave you to it." mct "(What does she...?)" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" "She said she wanted to play some games and a very conspicuous \"whatever\"...?" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" mct "(Well, this was inevitable. With what I promised Hana last night, I should probably tell her I can't help with her list anymore... {b}right{/b}...?)" "The least I can do is tell her in person." KN_MOD "else:" "Well, I am still feeling a little frisky... and quite frankly, Mina's company sounded like sweet relief from the tension of this place." KN_MOD "else:" "Shockingly, she said she was bored and wanted to hang out." mct "(I can't bring myself to say no after turning her down like I did the other night...)" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3IanVisit" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2781 with dissolve mc "If you don't mind, I'm going to leave." scene w3_2782 with dissolve kat "Have an enjoyable rest of your evening, Mr. [mcl]." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "......" "..." "{i}Thanks{/i}." KN_MOD "jump w3IanVisit" KN_MOD "label w3MinaHanaGFHangStart:" ## Path 1 scene w3_2783 with circlewipe "After killing time at Ian's" "I thought it best if Mina and I met on familiar, intermediary grounds. If I was going to be frank with her about Hana, there was no sense in having one of us go all the way to the other's place only to awkwardly remain after ending our bizarre deal." scene w3_2784 with dissolve "Of course..." play music "music/happy-boy-end-theme.ogg" scene w3_2785 with dissolve mina "[mcf]! Hey!" scene w3_2786 with dissolve mc "Been waiting long?" mina "Nope, just--" scene w3_2787 with dissolve mina "Mmmmh, just got here." scene w3_2788 with dissolve "Of course, the moment I saw her glowing face and felt the force of her thermonuclear hug, I remembered why I had entered the deal with her in the first place." scene w3_2789 with dissolve mc "Come to think of it, this is where we first met, wasn't it?" scene w3_2790 with dissolve mina "Sure was!" scene w3_2789 with dissolve "I had come here, intending to do the right thing by Hana..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hug her tighter.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Ah, fuck it. There's no harm in being friendly.)" scene w3_2791 with dissolve "For the sake of recollection, even if it was just a few weeks ago." mc "How are you?" mina "I was bored, but now I'm better by the second!" scene w3_2793 with dissolve mc "I expected you might say that, but let's order while the line is so short." KN_MOD "Kiss her on the forehead.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I couldn't deny that-" scene w3_2792 with dissolve "*Cwhup!*" "...that even if I had only known her for a few weeks, moments like this conjured up a swell of affection." mina "That tickles!" scene w3_2793 with dissolve mc "Sorry, but let's order while the line is so short." KN_MOD "Suggest we order.:" mc "We should order while the line is so short." scene black with fade mina "Good idea!" scene w3_2794 with fade mc "This is even the same table as the day we met." mina "Ha ha, is it?" scene w3_2795 with dissolve mc "Yep. I can recall it vividly... because, for a measly second, you actually looked annoyed to meet me." mina "No, I didn't!" mc "You did! I remember it because what came after that single second was one hell of a greeting." scene w3_2796 with dissolve mina "Oh no, you had me pegged as a fake bitch from the beginning, huh?" mc "I saw someone {i}choosing{/i} to make someone feel welcome." scene w3_2797 with dissolve mina "Hmpfh... feels like a long time ago." scene w3_2798 with dissolve mc "Yeah... you had a boyfriend back then, if I remember correctly." scene w3_2799 with dissolve mina "...did I?" mina "......" scene w3_2800 with dissolve mina "...feels more like an anchor wrapped around my neck in hindsight." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingMina == True:" scene w3_2801 with dissolve mc "Are you over the hump?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2802 with dissolve mina "I guess Ian told you?" scene w3_2801 with dissolve mc "Yep, we hung out Sunday morning, right after you broke the news. Are you over the hump?" scene w3_2800 with dissolve mina "Who knows? Too early to say I'm not gonna get weepy out of nowhere, but I'm feeling pretty good right now. It occurs to me..." scene w3_2803 with dissolve mina "This is my first time being single and out with a man in nearly a year." scene w3_2804 with dissolve mc "You know, the world's your oyster. You're free to do it with anyone you want now." scene w3_2805 with dissolve mina "Don't joke about that! You sound like Felicia~ trying to get me to play the field." scene w3_2806 with dissolve mc "Well... I mean... {i}shouldn't{/i} you? Your goal is to get some experience, right? Want me to play wingman for you so--" scene w3_2807 with dissolve mina "Are you TRYING to hurt my feelings? I know we're not dating, but WHO am I getting coffee with right now?" scene w3_2808 with dissolve "......" "..." "I came here to tell her I couldn't help her with her list, but looking at the anger on Mina's face at my mere suggestion..." scene w3_2809 with dissolve mct "(This must be what it feels like to {i}swoon{/i}.)" "......" "..." scene w3_2810 with dissolve mina "The only person... ah." scene w3_2811 with dissolve "I came here to tell her I had changed my mind, but with the way she was blushing..." scene w3_2812 with dissolve mina "Y-you are..." scene w3_2813 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}TheonlypersonIwanttobewithrightnowisyou.{/size=-10}" "......" "..." scene w3_2814 with dissolve mc "I couldn't hear you." scene w3_2815 with dissolve mina "I said..." scene w3_2816 with dissolve mina "Right now, the only person I want to do stuff like that with is you, [mcf]." scene w3_2817 with dissolve "Shit like {b}that{/b}, said with that face... made me realize just how susceptible I was to a woman's wiles despite other intentions." scene w3_2818 with dissolve mc "Goddamnit, you're an oustanding actress." scene w3_2819 with dissolve mina "What?! I'm embarrassed as hell right now!" scene w3_2820 with dissolve mc "Enough that you had to bury your face in your arms?" scene w3_2821 with dissolve mina "Body language is crucial..." "...or perhaps there was something about Mina that I couldn't resist." stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_2822 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reaffirm your intention to help her.:" $ toughness += 5 play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "I knew this was a violation of what I promised Hana last night." scene w3_2823 with dissolve mc "Sorry. I'm just teasing you." scene w3_2824 with dissolve "A promise I didn't have to make but did." scene w3_2825 with dissolve mc "You know I promised to help you." scene w3_2824 with dissolve "A promise that I made to Hana despite another promise given to Mina." scene w3_2826 with dissolve mc "Is... that why you called today?" scene w3_2827 with dissolve "My mind could justify this decision in any number of ways." mina "Mmmhh...?" scene w3_2828 with dissolve "Hana will probably never find out, but even if she did..." scene w3_2829 with dissolve mina "...a girl's got a hope?" scene w3_2828 with dissolve "What hope did we actually have to last?" scene w3_2830 with dissolve mc "Well, then... finish your coffee." "Besides, Mina would come to her senses and realize that our relationship is predicated on her girlish heartbreak and that this whole list thing was asinine and I had nothing to actually offer her as a person..." scene w3_2831 with dissolve mc "Finish your coffee and we'll start seeing about that list of yours." "--those kinds of justifications. I refused to make them. If you're going to be shitty, I believe you should embrace it." mina "O-oh..." scene w3_2832 with dissolve "Acknowledging the consequences of your actions is the most critical step in taking precautions against them." scene w3_2833 with dissolve "And at the end of the day, even if it casts light on me being a fool, I wanted to enjoy Mina's company more. That was all there was to it." stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade "I'm a selfish asshole." KN_MOD "jump w3MinaOutsideFrisk" KN_MOD "Resist. Tell Mina about your new relationship with Hana.:" $ toughness -= 5 $ hanaTwoTime = False $ minaBreakOff = True play music "music/future-rennaisance.ogg" scene w3_2834 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Things have changed." "Like diving into a cold pool, I shut off my brain and spit the words out." scene w3_2835 with dissolve mina "Things have... {i}changed{/i}?" mc "Yeah... uh... as it happened, I got myself into a committed relationship last night." scene w3_2836 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2837 with dissolve mina "You know I came here, hoping... {b}w-wow.{/b}" scene w3_2838 with dissolve mina "Wow, that's a kick in the fucking stomach." scene w3_2839 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3MinaTransparent == True:" mina "Hana, right...? Ha... you told me it was a casual thing." scene w3_2840 with dissolve mc "I {i}really{/i} thought that, but... ah... you have every right to be angry after I promised that I-" KN_MOD "else:" mina "I guess you two must've had a thing and then I went and forced myself on you the other day." scene w3_2840 with dissolve mc "It was unexpected and just happened." scene w3_2841 with dissolve mina "What kind of bullcrap- ah..." scene w3_2840 with dissolve mc "You have every right to be angry after I promised that I-" scene w3_2842 with dissolve mina "I'm not angre- ah, I mean, I kinda am? Feelin' kinda a lot of things..." mina "In my head, I knew this wasn't a-- I still kinda had some expectations-- and definitely didn't think our fun would end this soon." scene w3_2843 with dissolve mc "I shouldn't have been so haphazard with my promises." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingMina == True:" scene w3_2842 with dissolve mina "When you dropped by the other night, I thought..." scene w3_2843 with dissolve mc "I'm sorry." scene w3_2842 with dissolve mina "Well, it's not like you strung me along... I came onto you." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2842 with dissolve mina "Well, I'm the one who came onto you so hard, so it's not like you strung me along." scene w3_2843 with dissolve mc "I feel like a fucking asshole considering the timing with you and Ian." scene w3_2842 with dissolve mina "...I want to agree with you, but those are hurt feelings. I'm actually glad you're a decent guy." scene w3_2844 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3MinaTransparent == True:" mina "You could've dated her and fucked me on the side, but you didn't. You were... upfront. {i}Sort of{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" mina "You could've dated whoever and--" mc "It's Hana." mina "Hana..? Ha, that makes sense." mina "You could've dated her and fucked me on the side, but you didn't. You were... upfront. {i}Sort of{/i}." scene w3_2845 with dissolve mina "Gives me some hope about what's out there..." scene w3_2846 with dissolve mina "Still feel like rejected trash..." scene w3_2847 with dissolve mc "......" mina "..." stop music fadeout 4.0 scene w3_2848 with dissolve "We awkwardly finished our coffee, and then Mina wisely thought it best for her to return home." "She reassured me that she was fine and that she was grateful for my honesty but it all sounded half-hearted." "She even said she hoped to remain friends and I said so too, but I doubted. Still, to her immense credit..." scene w3_2849 with dissolve mina "[mcf]...?" mc "Yeah?" scene w3_2850 with dissolve mina "Come here!" play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene w3_2851 with dissolve mc "Mina..." scene w3_2852 with pixellate "To her credit, her hug goodbye had every ounce of goodwill and warmth as the day we met." "I knew, from her hug alone..." scene mina_farewell_a with pixellate show mina_farewell with dissolve mina "Hana's really cool." "I knew from her hug that she really did mean those words." mina "I hope you two build something that makes my dumb feelings right now worth it." "I knew from her hug that her fear of only imitating how to respond to situations was a load of crap." mc "Well, it's just starting out... so..." "I knew from her hug that Mina was graced with a beautiful, loving presence." mina "Thanks again for being there for me these past few days." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "I knew from her hug that Mina was the kind of warm person I wondered if I could ever be." KN_MOD "jump w3ExNoMinaFuckCall" KN_MOD "label w3MinaFullSpeedHangStart:" ## Path 2 scene w3_2783 with fade "After leaving Ian's..." "Naturally, given the nature of our relationship, I expected things might take an eventual horizontal turn, but Mina's public company was a treat unto itself." scene w3_2784 with dissolve mct "(Man, she looks--)" play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" scene w3_2785 with dissolve mina "[mcf]! Hey!" scene w3_2786 with dissolve mc "Been waiting long?" mina "Nope, just--" scene w3_2787 with dissolve mina "Mmmmh, just got here." "As she forcefully pressed her body into mine with her characteristic bubbly enthusiasm, I could feel my day getting sweeter by the second." scene w3_2789 with dissolve mc "Stop, you're going to give me diabetes." scene w3_2790 with dissolve mina "Ehehe~" scene w3_2789 with dissolve mc "Come to think of it, this is where we first met, wasn't it?" scene w3_2790 with dissolve mina "Sure was!" scene w3_2788 with dissolve "This brought me back to the time Ian introduced the two of us. Just mere weeks, but it..." mct "(Feels like a long time ago.)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hug her tighter.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_2791 with dissolve mct "(Ah, fuck it. There's no harm in being friendly.)" mc "How are you?" mina "Mmmmh, I was bored, but now things are looking up!" scene w3_2793 with dissolve mc "I expected you might say that, but let's order while the line is so short." KN_MOD "Kiss her.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_2853 with dissolve mc "Hey, look up for a second." mina "...huh? Wha-" scene w3_2854 with dissolve "*Chwup~" "That was the one remarkable difference between then and now." mina "Mmmhh..." "There was no Ian here, only Mina and myself, and she freely gave her lips to me." scene w3_2793 with dissolve mc "Let's order while the line is so short." scene black with fade mina "Mmmm-kay!" scene w3_2794 with fade mc "This is even the same table as the day we met." mina "Ha ha, is it?" scene w3_2795 with dissolve mc "Yep. I can recall it vividly... because, for a measly second, you actually looked annoyed to meet me." mina "No, I didn't!" mc "You did! I remember it because what came after that single second was one hell of a greeting." scene w3_2796 with dissolve mina "Oh no, you had me pegged as a fake bitch from the beginning, huh?" mc "I saw someone {i}choosing{/i} to make someone feel welcome." scene w3_2797 with dissolve mina "Hmpfh... feels like a long time ago." scene w3_2798 with dissolve mc "Funny, I thought that myself." scene w3_2797 with dissolve mina "Is that funny?" scene w3_2798 with dissolve mc "If I remember correctly... you had a boyfriend back then." scene w3_2799 with dissolve mina "...did I?" mina "......" scene w3_2800 with dissolve mina "...feels more like an anchor wrapped around my neck in hindsight." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingMina == True:" scene w3_2801 with dissolve mc "Are you over the hump?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2802 with dissolve mina "I guess Ian told you?" scene w3_2801 with dissolve mc "Yep, we hung out Sunday Morning, right after you broke the news. Are you over the hump?" scene w3_2800 with dissolve mina "Who knows? Too early to say I'm not gonna get weepy out of nowhere, but I'm feeling pretty good right now. It occurs to me..." scene w3_2803 with dissolve mina "This is my first time being single and out with a man in nearly a year. I can flirt as much as I want!" scene w3_2804 with dissolve mc "If I also recall correctly, that didn't stop you before." scene w3_2855 with dissolve mina "....." mina "..." scene w3_2856 with dissolve mina "Can you blame me? ...and if *I* remember correctly, you flirted RIGHT back." mc " think *I* know how to flirt? That's all in your head." scene w3_2857 with dissolve mina " I do know some things about you for sure." scene w3_2858 with dissolve mc "...?" scene w3_2857 with dissolve mina "You know how to grab me... hold me..." scene w3_2859 with dissolve mina "Kiss me up here... and..." scene w3_2860 with dissolve mina "...kiss me down-" scene w3_2826 with dissolve mc "You didn't call to play games today, did you?" scene w3_2861 with dissolve mina "Ehehe, maybe not!" "Her smile was sumptuous and giggle infectious. Just looking at her filled me with a sense of importance." scene w3_2862 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingMina == True:" mina "You know, when you dropped by Saturday night... you left me hanging..." KN_MOD "else:" mina "After what you did to me last Friday, I've missed you..." scene w3_2863 with dissolve "This woman was a kingmaker. Her time was perhaps wasted on someone like me, but I would happily and greedily gobble it up if she allowed me." scene w3_2864 with dissolve mc "I figured you would've come to your senses by now about this arrangement." scene w3_2865 with dissolve mina "'s not JUST about the list, stupid." scene w3_2866 with dissolve mc "What else is it about?" scene w3_2867 with dissolve mina "......" mina "..." scene w3_2868 with dissolve mina "Who you take the journey with is just as important as the destination." scene w3_2869 with dissolve "A kingmaker indeed. I was brimming with confidence I hadn't earned." scene w3_2870 with dissolve mc "Just the right time, right place..." "I was the most convenient person for her to latch onto, was my thought that was meant to temper my rapidly inflating self-worth." scene w3_2871 with dissolve mina "Right time, right place... some kindness, some acceptance..." mina "A REALLY killer tongue." scene w3_2872 with dissolve "Okay... that I felt I earned." scene w3_2873 with dissolve mina "So... will you... show me a \"nice\" time today, [mcf]?" scene w3_2874 with dissolve mc "After the day I've had... goddamnit, I'm happy to hear that." scene w3_2875 with dissolve mina "It's only early in the afternoon! What kind of day could you possibly have had?" mc "A *frustrating* one." mina "Oh..." scene w3_2876 with dissolve mc "{b}Finish{/b} your coffee." scene w3_2833 with dissolve mina "O-ohh-" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene black with fade mc "You have a long list." KN_MOD "jump w3MinaOutsideFrisk" KN_MOD "label w3MinaPlatonicHangStart:" ## Path 3 scene w3_2783 with fade "After spending time at Ian's..." "I was glad to see that despite my rejection, Mina thought of me as a friend." scene w3_2784 with dissolve mct "(There she was!)" play music "music/happy-boy-end-theme.ogg" scene w3_2785 with dissolve mina "[mcf]! Hey!" scene w3_2786 with dissolve mc "Been waiting long?" mina "Nope, just--" scene w3_2787 with dissolve mina "Mmmmh, just got here." "Like always, she hugged me as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and she really made me believe it." scene w3_2789 with dissolve mc "Come to think of it, this is where we first met, wasn't it?" scene w3_2790 with dissolve mina "Sure was!" scene w3_2788 with dissolve "If she held any bitterness from me turning her down last Friday, then she didn't let it show through." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Make a joke:" scene w3_2877 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Killing me with kindness?" mina " What?" scene w3_2878 with dissolve mc "Nothing. I'm glad to see you too. How are you?" scene w3_2879 with dissolve mina "{b}Gooooooood!{/b}" scene w3_2878 with dissolve mc "Line's looking pretty short. Let's get some drinks." KN_MOD "Hug her tighter.:" scene w3_2791 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Ah, fuck it. There's no harm in being friendly.)" mc "How are you?" mina "Mmmmh, I was bored, but now things are looking up!" scene w3_2793 with dissolve mc "I expected you might say that, but let's order while the line is so short." scene black with fade mina "Good idea!" scene w3_2794 with fade mc "I didn't expect to hear from you, at least not so soon." mina "Oh, no. I hope I wasn't imposing by asking-" scene w3_2795 with dissolve mc "That's not what I was getting at. Just that I would understand if I never heard from you again." mc "I mean, what kind of idiot forces someone to stick around and watch a movie after... well..." mina "No, no no! I'm glad you did! I said as much, didn't I?" scene w3_2796 with dissolve mc "I don't remember. Maybe?" "Honestly, the whole of June feels like a fog..." scene w3_2880 with dissolve mina "Well, what you did was extremely helpful... it put things into perspective for me..." mina "I thought a man's first priority was sex... that was what it seemed like to me..." scene w3_2881 with dissolve mina "Point is, the fact that you stuck around to be a friend, that was better than if you had given me what I was hoping for." scene w3_2801 with dissolve "......" "..." "Her words felt convenient and I didn't know how to respond without sounding full of myself." scene w3_2802 with dissolve mina "Like, {b}really{/b}." scene w3_2825 with dissolve mc "...I heard from Ian that you two broke up." scene w3_2824 with dissolve mina "That's right... it went..." mina "It went a lot smoother than I imagined it." scene w3_2826 with dissolve mc "Great, I'm glad. You got a dating history now!" scene w3_2882 with dissolve mina "I guess I do, huh? Pretty big baggage for the first go around..." scene w3_2883 with dissolve mc "Healthy dose of wisdom too perhaps. Don't fall for the same shit next time, right?" scene w3_2882 with dissolve mina "Pff, I'll try not to!" scene w3_2884 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_2885 with dissolve mc " know, this is the same table we sat at when we first met." scene w3_2886 with dissolve mina "Ha ha, is it?" mc "Yep. I can recall it vividly... you looked pretty unhappy about meeting me." scene w3_2887 with dissolve mina "No I didn't! I didn't show that, did-" mc "You did! You looked unhappy, but you quickly bounced back in like a fraction of an instant. The only reason I remember it is you gave me a great, big, remarkably warm greeting after that." scene w3_2888 with dissolve mina "Uuuhg, you had me pegged as a fake bitch from the beginning?" mc "You didn't let your gut reaction control you. That's cool." scene w3_2889 with dissolve mina "Hmpfh... feels like a long time ago." mc "Ha, doesn't it?" scene w3_2891 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2892 with dissolve "As a moment of silence came to pass, Mina just smiled warmly and waited patiently for a sprout of a conversation to grow, well aware that it would only become an {i}awkward{/i} silence if we allowed it to be so." "Following suit, I didn't let my mind turn inward and self-analyze. Instead, I just did what was natural: focus on the pretty lady before me." "Mina, like usual, looked stunning today. Of course, that went without saying, but there was just something about a blonde in a simple pair of daisy dukes that... and not to mention the sheerness of her blouse that... ah..." scene w3_2861 with dissolve "With any luck, to return hers in kind, looking Mina over put a smile on my face." scene w3_2826 with dissolve mc "So... what did you want to do today?" scene w3_2861 with dissolve "Because, failing that, I probably just look like a pervert." scene w3_2893 with dissolve mina "Umm... well, I don't actually know... ha, I asked you to hang with no plan whatsoever!" mina "I expected you to blow me off. The only thing we have in common is video games, which goes for everyone..." scene w3_2895 with dissolve mc "Don't worry. We'll come up with something. Actually, how about..." mina "Hmm...?" scene w3_2894 with dissolve mc "How 'bout we just spend the day figuring out what other interests we have in common." scene w3_2893 with dissolve mina "That... sounds {i}lovely{/i} to me, [mcf]." scene w3_2896 with dissolve mc "Let's start here. You like coffee?" mina "Yeah! Who doesn't?" scene w3_2897 with dissolve mc "Me." mina "Pffh, why are you drinking it?" mc "We're at a coffee shop." scene w3_2898 with dissolve mina "Pfffh, haa, hha- what kind of logic is that? Hahahaha" mina "You should've got tea!" scene w3_2899 with dissolve mc "I'm even less of a tea drinker." scene w3_2900 with dissolve mina "I thought we were trying to find things we had in common." scene w3_2899 with dissolve mc "You don't ever find yourself going with the flow sometimes?" scene w3_2901 with dissolve mina "That- ah, I {b}do{/b}..." scene w3_2902 with dissolve mc "Let's mark that down as something we have in common." scene w3_2800 with dissolve mina "Ha! Yeah, okay, sure!" scene w3_2801 with dissolve mc "See? You're really good with going with the flow. So, let's keep that momentum going and say... go for a walk?" scene w3_2800 with dissolve mina "Hehehe, sure." mina "Let's finish the coffee you don't like first." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "This barely counts as coffee." play music "music/ukulele-fun.ogg" scene w3_2903 with circlewipe "So, we set out on a quest, chatting and aimlessly hoofing it around the city." "Naturally, we only shared a few interests. That was to be expected between me not having very many in the first place and our upbringings being so vastly different." scene w3_2905 with ccirclewipe "The one thing that our walk did help me understand was something that was vastly more important than common hobbies or geeking out over the same shit." "Mina simply had something that I lacked." "Like a cat basking in the warmth of a radiator, it was a delight to be around her." "I already knew this, but it confirmed her uncanny ability to make you feel important." scene w3_2906 with circlewipe "She was a great listener, eye contact and smile never wavering as I griped about the aspects of university life I found annoying." mct "(Wait, am I really bitching this much?)" "Sure, I'd admit a thing or two to my mom, but it was pouring freely with Mina." "Up to this point, all we had ever talked about was Ian, her work, her life... everything had a cause, and it was rarely about me. Of course, I preferred that way, but now she was extracting details from me that I was happy to provide." play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" scene w3_2904 with ccirclewipe "I told her about my experience growing up without a dad, which she related to herself as a child of divorce." "I yammered in detail about things I often thought about but rarely spoke... memories of summer camp and the rare vacation my mom managed to swing." "Yep, we had very little in common besides sharing a time, a place, and a mood. That was WONDERFULLY simple in my mind." KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" "That was all that was needed for a good friendship." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "...oh, and truth be told, on a superficial level, I enjoyed the jealous look of strangers trying to figure out what the deal was." KN_MOD "jump w3ExNoMinaFuckCall" KN_MOD "else:" scene black with fade "...oh, and truth be told, on a superficial level, I enjoyed the jealous look of strangers trying to figure out what the deal was." scene w3_2907 with blinds "I enjoyed our company so much that a root of self-doubt planted itself in my head." "What did the radiator get from the cat?" scene w3_2908 with cmet mc "Can I ask you something? Do you actually enjoy talking to me?" mina "Huh...? {b}Yeah!{/b} You're a lot of fun!" "No hesitation." scene w3_2909 with dissolve mc "Thanks..." scene w3_2910 with dissolve mina "Yeah, no problem! Why the heck do you ask?" scene w3_2909 with dissolve mc "Just being on brand for a guy like me." scene w3_2911 with dissolve mina "How do you figure you're like, [mcf]? I'd love to hear it!" scene w3_2909 with dissolve mc "...lacking in interpersonal value?" scene w3_2910 with dissolve mina "Where would you get that idea? Have we not been \"inter-personalizing\" the last month?" scene w3_2912 with dissolve mc "Eh... I chalk it all up to convenience, circumstance, and the brewing storm with Ian..." scene w3_2913 with dissolve mina "Well, fuck you too." scene w3_2914 with dissolve mc "Shit, I didn't mean to make you mad." scene w3_2915 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2914 with dissolve mc "Why are you mad?" scene w3_2913 with dissolve mina "Figure it out, you geek!" scene w3_2916 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2917 with dissolve mc "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you sound opportunistic." mina "Yeeeeeah, you did..." mc "I'm a cynical person. The things I say reflect more on me than others." scene w3_2918 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2919 with dissolve mina "No, I get it..." scene w3_2920 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_2919 with dissolve mina "I mean, I confessed to you that I think I'm a freakin' robot sometimes. {b}I get it{/b}." scene w3_2921 with dissolve mina "I see those qualities in other people too. It's why I can't wrap my head around why you wanted to hang out today." mina "Men and women... what do they do together besides sex? If you don't want {i}that{/i}, then what the hell do I even offer?" scene w3_2922 with dissolve mc "Damn. You're just as bad as me." scene w3_2923 with dissolve mina "Maybe!" scene w3_2924 with dissolve mc "The all-girls-school into dating a shitbag did a number on how you think about guys, huh?" scene w3_2925 with dissolve mina "Definitely!" scene w3_2926 with dissolve mc "Truth be told, I find you very soothing to be around." scene w3_2927 with dissolve mina "H-huh...? Heh, I don't know how I should take that." scene w3_2928 with dissolve mc "That and I have next to no friends. Can't be picky, but what about you?" scene w3_2927 with dissolve mina "Hurt pride...?" scene w3_2928 with dissolve mc "Ha, that really it?" scene w3_2927 with dissolve mina "You decide, Mr. Cynic." scene w3_2929 with dissolve "......" "..." "Yet another silence, in a long series of silences today..." scene w3_2930 with dissolve "As always, Mina smiled openly without showing any doubt or fear." "All day I found that admirable, but it was also sad, wasn't it?" stop music fadeout 3.0 hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "label w3MinaParkKiss:" KN_MOD "menu w3MinaPlatonicSwitch:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}[Romance]{/color} Fuck it. Youre only a man.:" scene w3_2931 with dissolve "This time, I went with the flow - pushing all doubts about motivation and circumstances back down into my gut." KN_MOD "if Mina_Affection >=10:" scene w3_2932 with dissolve "Was the situation all that different from the other day? Nah." KN_MOD "else:" $ Mina_Affection -=3 scene w3_2952 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w3MinaKissRejection" "Not at all." KN_MOD "if Mina_Affection >=15:" scene w3_2933 with dissolve "Did the fact she broke up with Ian change anything?" KN_MOD "else:" $ Mina_Affection -=1 scene w3_2952 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w3MinaKissRejection" "I mean... waiting a whole two days? Not to him, but it may have made an appreciable difference for us." "It was now in Mina's court if she wanted to return my rejection." KN_MOD "if Mina_Affection >=23:" $ Mina_Affection += 4 $ minaCleanStart = True play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene mina_parkiss_a with dissolve show mina_parkiss with dissolve mina "Mmmhhh..." "She accepted, and I refused to ruminate on why." " Did she really find my company worthwhile? I'll trust her." mina "A-aah...!" "I'll trust her and sit my ass as close to that radiator as I can get." scene w3_2934 with dissolve mina "Ha, haa...! S-seriously-!" scene w3_2936 with dissolve mc "What?" scene w3_2934 with dissolve mina "Mixed signals, much?!" scene w3_2936 with dissolve mc "As you astutely pointed out earlier... I'm a guy and you're a--" scene w3_2934 with dissolve mina "Shut up." scene mina_parkiss_a with dissolve show mina_parkiss with dissolve mina "MMmhh..!" "This time, she pressed her lips to mine, with an added dose of frustration." mct "(Man, I got to ask her where she gets her lip balm, she tastes-)" scene w3_2937 with dissolve mina "That was true the other day too, you pasty freak." scene w3_2936 with dissolve mc "Timing is important." scene w3_2934 with dissolve mina "What? Not good enough to pull you in the first go, but good enough to wear you down?" scene w3_2938 with dissolve mc "Last time it was about Ian." scene w3_2939 with dissolve mina "It was a lot of things..." scene w3_2938 with dissolve mc "Now it felt more like just the two of us sitting on a bench, so I forgot everything else." scene w3_2937 with dissolve mina "You don't know how close I was to spitting in your face." scene w3_2936 with dissolve mc "But you didn't." scene w3_2940 with dissolve mina "..." scene w3_2941 with dissolve mc "Thank you for not doing that." scene mina_parkiss2_a with dissolve show mina_parkiss2 with dissolve mina "Mmmhh...♥" "*Chwup, fwhup~*" scene w3_2942 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3MinaParkKiss:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3MinaParkKiss = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mina "Wanna go back to your place?" scene w3_2943 with dissolve "She was surprisingly forward." scene w3_2944 with dissolve mc "Ian's sick, but you never know; he could drop by. How about yours?" scene w3_2945 with dissolve mina "When I was brooding this weekend, I realized something." mc "...?" scene w3_2946 with dissolve mina "Way too pink!" mc "Pffh- really?" stop music fadeout 2.0 scene w3_2947 with dissolve mina "*Gulp* Let's... let's get a hotel room..." mc "Okay." scene black with fade "Go with the flow." $ renpy.end_replay() play music "music/everything-you-wanted.ogg" KN_MOD "jump w3MinaHotel" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2953 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump w3MinaKissRejection" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}[Friend]{/color} Lets go play some video games.:" play music "music/happy-whistling-ukulele.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "As I had previously, I felt a tug from inside of myself, compelling me to close the distance between myself and the pretty girl and see where it all led." "Just as I had previously, I ignored that urge." scene w3_2948 with dissolve "*Boop!*" scene w3_2949 with dissolve mina "Pffha, ha-haha- w-wha~ ah... you looked so serious for a moment!" scene w3_2950 with dissolve mc "Let's go drop by the arcade." mina "Hehe, sure!" scene w3_2951 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2MinaBetWin == True:" mc "You know, I remember last time you ended up owing me a favor. Maybe we'll make it another one." mina "Fat chance! That's only because you got my brother to distract me!" mc "You knew?" scene black with fade mina "Pff, you try hard! Do you think he didn't tell me?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3ExNoMinaFuckCall" KN_MOD "else:" mina "Maybe I'll get another piggyback out of it." mc "You should aim higher than that." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mina "Should I?" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3ExNoMinaFuckCall" KN_MOD "label w3MinaKissRejection:" $ w3MinaRejection = True play music "music/happy-whistling-ukulele.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mina "You got something on your lip." mc "Oh..?" scene w3_2954 with dissolve "Mina was very kind." mc "Did I get it?" "I played along." scene w3_2955 with dissolve mina "Yeah, all gone." scene w3_2956 with dissolve mc "Thanks..." scene w3_2955 with dissolve mina "Don't mention it..." scene w3_2957 with dissolve "......" "..." "Even now, she smiled." scene w3_2958 with dissolve mina "Want to go watch a movie?" scene w3_2959 with dissolve mc "Ha, hahaha! Oh-" "Okay, she didn't let it {i}totally{/i} slide." mina "What's so funny? Isn't that like the only thing you do besides studying?" mc "Ha, ohhaoo..!" scene black with fade mina "Dang nerd, but no thanks. I think I'm going to head home." KN_MOD "jump w3ExNoMinaFuckCall" KN_MOD "label w3MinaOutsideFrisk:" play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene w3_2960 with dissolve mina "So... uh..." mina "You were implying that we are going to-" scene w3_2961 with dissolve mc "So, what do you want to do?" mina "What?" scene w3_2962 with dissolve mc "It's up to you. I'm at your disposal." mina "Euech... don't say it like that!" mc "We could play games like you said, maybe watch a movie..." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 play music "music/everything-you-wanted.ogg" scene w3_2963 with dissolve mc "You could pick anything on your \"list\" and we can see about making it a reality..." mina "*Gulp* A-anything...?" scene w3_2964 with dissolve mc "Why don't you tell me what's on it?" mina "That's, uh... ah..." mc "We're past the point of you being shy." scene w3_2965 with dissolve mina "You turd! Stop trying to be suave!" mc "You gotta tell me." scene w3_2966 with dissolve mina "You're suddenly putting me on the spot, like what do I- ah... let's..." mina "Let's go to a hotel." scene w3_2967 with dissolve mc "That's on your list?" scene w3_2966 with dissolve mina "Yeah... I want to see if it'll feel... {i}illicit{/i}... plus... " scene w3_2968 with dissolve mina "......" scene w3_2966 with dissolve mina "...we haven't even done {i}it{/i} yet." scene w3_2969 with dissolve "Seeing her conscious of her surroundings made me want to bully her a little." scene w3_2970 with dissolve mc "Done what...?" "I would have been mortified right there with her a few weeks ago." scene w3_2971 with dissolve mina "I told you to stop trying to be cool." scene w3_2972 with dissolve mc "Tell me." mina "Hnnn... waw-wahh-" scene w3_2973 with dissolve mc "How can I help without you being explicit about it? What do you want to do today?" scene w3_2974 with dissolve mina "......" scene w3_2975 with dissolve mina "..." scene w3_2976 with dissolve mc "We're the only people who matter." "I did wonder if her list included a public display like this." scene w3_2977 with dissolve mina "........." mina "....." scene w3_2978 with dissolve mina "...I want you to mess me up." scene w3_2979 with dissolve mct "(--!)" scene w3_2980 with dissolve mina "Let's just get a hotel and we can tick off a few of the minor items... okay...?" mc "I'm at your disposal." scene black with fade mina "Stop saying it like that!" KN_MOD "jump w3MinaHotel" KN_MOD "label w3MinaHotel:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" play music "music/everything-you-wanted.ogg" show transitionmina03 with cmet show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Did you cheat with Mina or make a move after they broke up?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You cheated.:" $ minaCheat = True KN_MOD "You waited.:" $ minaCleanStart = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_2981 with cmet play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" "We made our way to the hotel. I was the one that picked the place, a rather upscale accommodation by my old standards." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" "I figured {i}what the hell.{/i} This would be our first time. Why not splurge?" KN_MOD "else:" "I figured {i}what the hell.{/i} Why not splurge? If she was hoping for something illicit, let her feel like an {i}expensive{/i} woman at least." "I was being paid generously for effectively nothing, after all." mct "(...I would do well to guard myself against becoming too indulgent.)" KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" scene w3_2982 with blinds mina "......" scene w3_2983 with dissolve mina "..." scene w3_2984 with dissolve mc "......" scene w3_2985 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_2986 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" "*Ding!*" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_2987 with blinds mina "......" mina "..." scene w3_2988 with dissolve mina "Huuh-" mc "*Whisper* So, how do you want me to mess you up?" mina "Tha--" play sound "sound effects/elevator-bell.wav" "*Ding!*" scene black with fade mc "Let's go." scene w3_2989 with dissolve mina "We didn't have to get such an expensive room..." scene w3_2990 with dissolve mc "I wanted to." scene w3_2991 with dissolve mina "Seriously, it's not like we're staying the night." scene w3_2992 with dissolve mc "We could if you want..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_2993 with dissolve mc "I don't have much going on. Do you?" scene w3_2994 with dissolve mina "Shut up! I don't have a change of clothes!" scene w3_2993 with dissolve mc "Mmmh... so? Do we need clothes?" scene w3_2995 with dissolve mc "Take 'em off so they won't get dirty." mina "Hnnngg..." scene w3_2996 with dissolve mina "I don't have any of my morning treatments!" scene w3_2995 with dissolve "Chwup~" mina "Ha, h-ha..." mc "This place has everything we need." scene w3_2996 with dissolve mina "W-we'll see... a whole day and night is a bit..." scene w3_2997 with dissolve mina "You'll treat me... {i}nice{/i}, right?" scene w3_2998 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mc "How else would I possibly treat you?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'll treat you any way you ask me to, Mina." scene w3_2997 with dissolve mina "You know, you'll be the second man I've been with... it's funny..." scene w3_2998 with dissolve mc "What is?" scene w3_2997 with dissolve mina "I'm just as nervous as if it was the first time... it's like something's pushing down on my chest..." KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" mina "I know we've already messed around, but... we didn't..." scene w3_2998 with dissolve mc "You don't have anything to be nervous about." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mc "I have a feeling you're going to eat me alive." scene w3_2999 with dissolve mina "This isn't just about me..." mina "I want us to both feel good." KN_MOD "else:" mc "You call the shots here." scene w3_2999 with dissolve mina "This isn't just about me..." mina "I want to make some of your fantasies come true too." scene w3_3000 with dissolve mct "(Ah... this woman!)" scene w3_3001 with dissolve mina "Hmmm..." scene w3_3002 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}Probably not complimentary...{/size}" mc "What did you say?" scene w3_3003 with dissolve mina "Oooh, wow..." mc "What?" scene w3_3004 with dissolve mina "Heck of a bed." scene w3_3005 with dissolve mc "Think it'll do for our purposes?" mina "Uh huh... a lot of room ..." scene w3_3006 with dissolve mina "We're here... so there's only one thing to do..." mc "There's no rush." scene w3_3007 with dissolve mina "...?" mc "We have all the time in the world." scene w3_3009 with dissolve mina "That's different from what you told the front desk." scene w3_3008 with dissolve mc "I want to make the most of today." scene w3_3010 with dissolve mina "......" mina "..." mc "I'll pour us a drink." scene black with fade mina "What do they have?" "......" "..." scene w3_3011 with fade mc "By the way, what was in that bag?" scene w3_3012 with dissolve mina "Oh, uh... {b}you'll see.{/b} Later." mc "How mysterious." scene w3_3013 with dissolve mina "You won't have to wait long to find out." mc "Can't you just tell me now?" scene w3_3014 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3015 with dissolve "..." scene w3_3016 with dissolve mina "Nope!" scene w3_3017 with dissolve mc "Okay, keep your secrets." scene w3_3018 with dissolve mina "It's funny. We've only hung out a few times..." scene w3_3019 with dissolve mc "Let's not reminisce. I want to get to know you better, Mina." scene w3_3020 with dissolve mina "Sure, but... what should we talk about?" scene w3_3021 with dissolve mc "Hmmm..." scene w3_3022 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug*" scene w3_3023 with dissolve mc "How about... we ask each other some questions? " mc "Anything either of us would like to know, no matter how personal or embarrassing." scene w3_3024 with dissolve mina "I could think of a few things I'd like to ask, but..." scene w3_3025 with dissolve "......" "...." scene w3_3026 with dissolve mina "Whaaaaaaaaat if you don't want to answer them?" mc "Only one way to find out: ask me something." scene w3_3027 with dissolve mina "Anything? Even if it's weird and might kill the vibe?" scene w3_3028 with dissolve mc "Okay, now I got to know. Hit me." "......" scene w3_3030 with dissolve "..." scene w3_3027 with dissolve mina "How many women have you slept with, [mcf]?" scene w3_3028 with dissolve mc "That's what you want to know?" scene w3_3029 with dissolve mina "You know my complete, pitiful history." scene w3_3028 with dissolve mc "Fair enough, uh..." "This was easier to calculate before the club. Do I count the old woman tugging me off in her office when I first met Veronica?" scene w3_3030 with dissolve "Do I tell her the number before it began being served to me on a silver platter?" scene w3_3031 with dissolve mina "Ehehe... you have to think about it that long?" scene w3_3030 with dissolve mc "Hey! I got three years on you. Of course I have to think about it!" scene w3_3032 with dissolve mina "Reeeeeeallly?" scene w3_3030 with dissolve mc "I'm offended that you seem so surprised, quite frankly." scene w3_3033 with dissolve mina "It's not that! I just figured that was the kind of thing people kept track of!" scene w3_3030 with dissolve mc "{i}Especially{/i} guys?" scene w3_3033 with dissolve mina "Everyone!" scene w3_3034 with dissolve mc "Hmmm..." KN_MOD "if feliciaSex == True and w2HanaSex == True:" "I'll go with the number I feel I pulled on my own merit, absent club business, but including Hana and Felicia." scene w3_3035 with dissolve mc "I've been with five women." KN_MOD "elif feliciaSex == True and w2HanaSex == False:" "I'll go with the number I feel I pulled on my own merit, absent club business, but including Felicia." scene w3_3035 with dissolve mc "I've been with four women." KN_MOD "elif feliciaSex == False and w2HanaSex == True:" "I'll go with the number I feel I pulled on my own merit, absent club business, but including Hana." scene w3_3035 with dissolve mc "I've been with four women." KN_MOD "else:" "I'll go with the number I feel I pulled on my own merit, absent club business and before this Summer." scene w3_3035 with dissolve mc "I've been with three women." scene w3_3036 with dissolve mina "That's less than I expected..." mina "A-ah, I don't mean that in a bad way or anything!" scene w3_3037 with dissolve mc "I know you didn't." scene w3_3038 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3039 with dissolve mc "I'm secure with that area of my life." scene w3_3040 with dissolve mina "Ha! I'm not!" scene w3_3041 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3042 with dissolve mina "I've got a lot of things to learn... and probably unlearn too." scene w3_3043 with dissolve mc "Can I ask you something now?" scene w3_3040 with dissolve mina "Ask away! I owe you something personal or embarrassing~" scene w3_3039 with dissolve mc "Whose idea was it to grab a bottle of vermouth and drink it straight?" scene w3_3044 with dissolve mina "You said the goal was to loosen up, not get blasted." mc "Oh, yeah..." scene w3_3045 with dissolve mina "Heh, feeling loose yet, [mcf]?" scene w3_3046 with dissolve mc "I've been entirely at ease since we walked into the hotel." scene w3_3047 with dissolve mina "You're not nervous? Not even... a {i}little{/i} bit?" scene w3_3048 with dissolve "The worried look on her face told me she'd like me to be - and a few weeks ago, I might've been, but it's not like I could tell her that." scene w3_3049 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mc "I did mention that you had a soothing effect on me." mc "How could I be stuck in my head when what's outside of it has my full attention?" scene w3_3050 with dissolve mina "Ah... aha... you don't have to try so hard. We've already paid for the room..." scene w3_3051 with dissolve mc "{b}Come here.{/b}" mina "Why? What do you want?" scene w3_3052 with dissolve mc "Just come here. Please?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_3053 with dissolve mina "Heh, sure..." scene w3_3054 with dissolve mina "What are you thi--" scene w3_3055 with dissolve mc "Do I seem nervous to you?" scene w3_3056 with dissolve mina "Guess not..." scene w3_3057 with dissolve mc "Do you think I'm bullshitting you when I say you're so beautiful that you occupy every thought in my head right now?" scene w3_3058 with dissolve mina "......" mina "..." play music "music/ob1.ogg" scene w3_3059 with dissolve mc "I'm not even sweating how cheesy that line was." scene w3_3060 with dissolve mina "Ha! Ah... it's getting stuffy..." scene w3_3061 with dissolve mc "May I?" mina "Uhhuh..." scene w3_3062 with fade mc "You look good in black." scene w3_3063 with dissolve mina "Thanks..." scene w3_3062 with dissolve mc "Is this better?" scene w3_3063 with dissolve mina "There's still one button to go..." scene w3_3064 with fade mc "By the way, are you still feeling nervous?" scene w3_3065 with dissolve mina "No... NERVOUS is not what I'm feeling..." scene w3_3064 with dissolve mc "We're on the same page, then." scene w3_3066 with dissolve mina "We're not QUITE even-Steven..." "Mina tugged cutely at my shirt, making her request known before she even said it." mina "Lift your arms." scene black with fade "I did as she asked, of course." scene w3_3067 with fade mina "There we go..." "In a lovely reversal, her eyes focused on MY chest for once, mapping out its broadness and following down, down, and down beyond the reaches of my stomach." scene w3_3068 with dissolve mina "........." scene w3_3069 with dissolve mina "......" scene w3_3070 with dissolve mina "...what were we talking about again?" scene w3_3071 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingMina == True:" mc "How did your day go after I left yesterday? You told me you were going to see Felicia?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I was about to ask you how your weekend went." scene w3_3072 with dissolve mina "It was alright... after ending things with--" scene w3_3071 with dissolve mc "You can skip that part." scene w3_3073 with dissolve mina "Ehehe, I hung out with Felicia yesterday. That was nice." scene w3_3074 with dissolve mina "We went shopping! Then I went back to her place and we spent all afternoon together and into this morning." scene w3_3075 with dissolve mc "You slept over? Was Elias there?" scene w3_3076 with dissolve mina "Nope! It was just me, Felish, the bounty from our retail therapy, and one big and empty penthouse." scene w3_3075 with dissolve mc "Sounds like it was fun." scene w3_3073 with dissolve mina "It was a lot of wine and bad TV..." mina "Bless her heart, she doesn't like either of those things." scene w3_3071 with dissolve mc "She clearly likes you." scene w3_3077 with dissolve mina "Ehehe~ doesn't she?" scene w3_3078 with dissolve "Sitting chest to chest like this, so close to Mina's radiant smile, there was an inevitable pull." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" "I wanted to kiss her as I had earlier." KN_MOD "else:" "I wanted to reach out and grab her." "I wanted to--" scene w3_3079 with dissolve mina "Oh! And speeeeeeeaking of wine..." "Mina reached back, jutting her chest out and securely grasping the nearby wine glass." scene w3_3080 with dissolve mina "I left mine aaaaaall the way over there. Hehe, can we...?" scene w3_3081 with dissolve mc "{b}We{/b} can share." scene w3_3080 with dissolve mina "Ehehe~" scene w3_3082 with dissolve "Without care, she threw her head back, sending flaxen ribbons of hair flittering and exposing the curve of her neck." "She knew what she was doing. Her nervous energy had been harnessed, redirected, and put toward a purpose." scene w3_3083 with dissolve "Her eyes fell on me, and the way her lips languidly parted from the glass' rim was as loud as any spoken word." mina "Mmmhh..." "The way she danced between demureness and provocation was natural. Unforced." scene w3_3084 with dissolve mina "[mcf]..." "As if by instinct alone, she was going for blood." scene w3_3085 with dissolve mina "I kinda just want to squeeze you right now, [mcf]. This is... {b}easy{/b} company. You're very disarming." mina "I mean, I followed you here and crawled right into your lap like some sort of floozy." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mina "We only just kissed and HERE I am..." scene w3_3086 with dissolve mc "At the very least, we're both floozies..." scene w3_3087 with dissolve mina "Faaaaaair." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3086 with dissolve mc "Does looking at it that way excite you?" scene w3_3087 with dissolve mina "{b}Yeeeeep...{/b} heh." scene w3_3085 with dissolve mina "Should guys always be the ones to make a move?" scene w3_3086 with dissolve mc "Not at all. That's fucking stupid." scene w3_3087 with dissolve mina "Good..." scene w3_3088 with dissolve "Mina and I effortlessly fell into a kiss." mina "Hmmmwh~" "Soft, not {i}too{/i} aggressive, but an ample declaration nonetheless." scene w3_3089 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3090 with dissolve "..." scene w3_3091 with dissolve mina "What are you thinking about right now?" scene w3_3090 with dissolve mc "......." mc "..." scene mina_h_fore1_a with dissolve show mina_h_fore1 with dissolve mina "H-haa...♥ Hello!" "I didn't play shy. I grabbed her, {b}like a lover.{/b}" mina "I'm glad I didn't have to spell it out..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be straight with her.:" scene w3_3092 with dissolve mc "I told you: I'm not thinking a thing. It's all you up here." scene w3_3093 with dissolve mina "You're consistent with your sweet talk, I'll give you that." KN_MOD "Make a joke.:" scene w3_3092 with dissolve mc "You're the most gropeable thing in this room." scene w3_3093 with dissolve mina "Heheh, weeeell... you're in the top two." KN_MOD "Talk dirty.:" scene w3_3092 with dissolve mc "I'm thinking in 20 minutes, you'll be saying my name and panting like a bitch." scene mina_h_fore1_a with dissolve show mina_h_fore1 with dissolve mina "......" mina " starting the timer?" scene w3_3094 with dissolve "Once more, silken floss-like tresses swung arrestingly as the glass' remaining contents poured into Mina's mouth." scene w3_3095 with dissolve "I watched her throat, eagerly awaiting her to swallow and make due on a look that told me she had something to share with me." scene w3_3096 with dissolve "......" "..." scene mina_h_fore2_a with dissolve show mina_h_fore2 with dissolve "What she had to share, it turns out, wasn't words. Once more, she made her move, bringing her lips to mine." "This time the kiss wasn't soft. I knew what she intended, and I met her halfway, parting my lips in tandem with hers and accepting the herbaceous and bitter elixir as best I could." mc "Mmhh-" "We shared the wine, keeping our lips sealed so as not to spill while our tongues entangled violently and worked against that endeavor." mina "Euuhwwh~ *gulp*" "Eventually, the wine disappeared down our throats, leaving nothing in between us except our lust." scene w3_3097 with dissolve mina "Ha, heheeh... haaa..." "Notes of vanilla carried on hot breath reached my nostrils as we parted and stared hazily into each other's eyes, waiting for either's initiative." mina "...saw that in a movie one time." scene w3_3098 with dissolve mc "That was a complicated maneuver." scene w3_3097 with dissolve mina "I know, right? Did I surprise you?" scene w3_3099 with dissolve "Mina was {b}full{/b} of surprises. That was for sure." scene w3_3098 with dissolve mc "Yeah, you were pretty cool just now." scene w3_3097 with dissolve mina "Hehehehehe~♥ You better believe it." scene w3_3100 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3101 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mina "There is A LOT I want to try with you..." KN_MOD "else:" mina "We're going to have A LOT of fun together..." mina "It's time to show you what's in that bag." scene w3_3102 with dissolve mc "I don't think I care what's in the bag anymore..." scene w3_3101 with dissolve mina "You will... you'll like it... I have {b}ample{/b} confidence in that." scene black with fade "So Mina darted to the bathroom, leaving me painfully bereft of a cute blonde in my lap." "In the meantime, I poured myself another glass of wine and waited..." scene w3_3103 with curtains mina "Okay, I'm ready! Close your eyes!" scene w3_3104 with dissolve "I didn't have to wait long." scene w3_3105 with dissolve mc "Come on, I... {i}alright{/i}." scene w3_3106 with dissolve mc "They're closed. Promise." scene w3_3107 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3108 with dissolve "..." mina "Umm... you can open them..." scene w3_3109 with dissolve "I thought she sounded so cute right now, but when I opened my eyes..." scene w3_3110 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.7 xalign 0.6 linear 8 yalign 0.1 mc "Wh- ah, {b}holy shit...{/b}" scene w3_3111 with dissolve "When I opened my eyes, there stood a man-killer, presenting herself with the complete confidence of a model." scene w3_3112 with dissolve mina "Judging by your reaction, I don't need to ask what you think..." scene w3_3113 with dissolve mc "You just had THAT in your car?" scene w3_3115 with dissolve mina "Something I picked up during my shopping trip yesterday..." scene w3_3116 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mina "I was planning on returning it later, but..." scene w3_3113 with dissolve mc "Well, God bless my timing..." KN_MOD "else:" mina "I was hoping it might see some use today." scene w3_3113 with dissolve mc "Hope is a beautiful thing..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask her to turn around.:" mc "Can I see it from behind?" scene w3_3114 with dissolve mina "..." scene w3_3117 with dissolve "She did as I asked, sticking her butt out with just the right amount of unnatural to make me want to immediately leap out of my seat." mc "Did Felicia help you pick that out?" scene w3_3118 with dissolve mina "She had a hand in it." scene w3_3119 with dissolve "I made a mental note to thank that wonderful slut." scene w3_3120 with dissolve mina "She did suggest I try a more traditional color like red or black, but..." scene w3_3119 with dissolve mc "You'd look good in both those colors, but no... this {i}suits{/i} you." scene w3_3121 with dissolve mina "I wear stuff like this for work, but it feels different when there's no camera." scene w3_3123 with dissolve "I knew the feeling... I've seen a lot of beautiful women in expensive clothing recently, but the intimacy and privacy of a hotel room had it feeling a whole lot different." scene w3_3124 with dissolve mina "Now, shall we pick back up where we left off?" KN_MOD "Fuck waiting. Beckon over the little minx.:" mc "What the hell are you still doing over there? Get over here." scene w3_3114 with dissolve mina "..." scene w3_3122 with dissolve "She closed the gap with a purposeful slowness that had me on the edge of my seat." scene w3_3124 with dissolve mina "Want a touch?" scene w3_3125 with dissolve "Goddamn... what a piece of expensive lingerie does to an already impeccable body..." scene w3_3126 with dissolve "{i}Yeah, I wanted to touch.{/i}" scene mina_h_scoop_a with dissolve show mina_h_scoop with dissolve mina "O-ohh!" mc "Christ, you're fucking- ah... you don't mind me being...?" mina "Oh, ah... I don't mind. I like it." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mina "Why else would I put this on if not for this kind of reactio--?" KN_MOD "else:" mina "You had the same look in your eyes as when we first... ah..." mina "Mmmhh...♥" mina "Shall we pick back up where we left off?" scene w3_3127 with dissolve mc "I will have to work hard to live up to how you're making me feel..." scene w3_3128 with dissolve mina "........." scene w3_3129 with dissolve mina "......" scene w3_3130 with dissolve mina "..." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" scene w3_3131 with dissolve mina " can do anything you want with me, [mcf]." scene w3_3132 with dissolve mc "Anything?" scene w3_3135 with dissolve mina "Like I said, I'm putting my trust in you, okay?" scene w3_3134 with dissolve mc "Mina..." scene w3_3135 with dissolve mina "Can I ask you something weird? Do you have any {i}fantasies{/i}?" scene w3_3134 with dissolve mc "Everyone does I would think..." scene w3_3135 with dissolve mina "A lot of them?" scene w3_3138 with dissolve mc "I've never counted... and I don't really know what's an abnormal amount..." scene w3_3137 with dissolve mina "Weeeeell... I've got an abnormal amount of them. {b}Tons{/b}." mina "Maybe even a disgusting amount..." scene w3_3141 with dissolve mc "I don't think fantasies are anything to fret over. What makes them disgusting?" scene w3_3142 with dissolve mina "Nothing, I guess... except... ah..." mina "Would you share one of yours with me?" scene w3_3140 with dissolve "It's funny. This was an area I've given little thought to, even though, in theory, the club could make any of my imaginations a reality..." scene w3_3141 with dissolve mc "...huh, are {i}you{/i} gonna make my fantasies come true?" scene w3_3142 with dissolve mina "Hehe, I don't know... maybe? I {b}cooooould...{/b}" scene w3_3136 with dissolve "The problem with being truthful was that telling her I'd like to fuck her in the ass while shoving her pretty face in a toilet wasn't keeping with the current mood..." "Probably wouldn't ever BE the mood, but I got the impression right now that she thought she was genuinely curious and open to my tastes." scene w3_3138 with dissolve mc "Why don't we just go with the flow? No need to complicate it." scene w3_3139 with dissolve mina "True, it's just... I'm curious about what other people like. I don't have many points of comparison., y'know?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3132 with dissolve mc "Got any requests?" scene w3_3131 with dissolve mina "{b}Tons{/b}... but today, how about you... {i}just do anything you want?{/i}?" scene w3_3134 with dissolve mc "Anything? What about your list?" scene w3_3135 with dissolve mina "This is our first {b}real{/b} time; let's avoid getting bogged down with details..." mina "If anything, I want to get a taste of who {b}you{/b} are." scene w3_3134 with dissolve mc "Who am I?" scene w3_3133 with dissolve mct "(I'm someone who wants to fuck the shit out of you right now...)" scene w3_3135 with dissolve mina "You know, what kind of stuff do you like? What would you like to... {i}do{/i}?" scene w3_3138 with dissolve mc "I don't want for much right now." scene w3_3139 with dissolve mina "But... you have fantasies like I do, right? Things you might want to try? Helping me with my junk..." mina "I was thinking, {i}this{/i} doesn't have to be so one-sided." scene w3_3141 with dissolve mc "Sure, everyone's got fantasies, but... I try not to dwell on them too much." scene w3_3142 with dissolve mina "I've told you some of mine..." scene w3_3136 with dissolve "The problem with being truthful was that telling her I'd like to fuck her in the ass while shoving her pretty face in a toilet wasn't the current mood..." "Probably wouldn't ever BE the mood, but I got the impression right now that she might truly meet me halfway if I only asked." scene w3_3139 with dissolve mina "I'd at least like to hear about some of them... you know how much of a freak I am, and... I don't have many points of comparison, y'know?" scene mina_h_stare_a with dissolve show mina_h_stare with dissolve "Playing out my desires with the club was one thing, but having someone my age... happy and open.... it was a {b}tempting{/b} fantasy that was better saved for future consideration." mct "(What is something relatively benign I could share with her that wouldn't make things overly weird...?)" "I mean, I could come up with a lie, but the earnest expression on her face MADE me want to be truthful. " "......" "..." mc "Let's put a pin in that thought for now." scene w3_3143 with dissolve "I HAD what I thought to be an answer to her question, but the explanation was best worked up to." mc "Instead..." scene w3_3144 with dissolve "Plus, eating Mina up {i}too{/i} fast would be a shame. Some meals are best savored." mc "Come over here, sweetheart." scene w3_3145 with fade "I directed Mina to the table and had her sit as if putting her on display." scene w3_3146 with dissolve "We momentarily shared an exploratory look as I considered what part of her I wanted to taste first." scene w3_3147 with dissolve mina "[mcf]...? Could you...?" "It seemed Mina's mind had gone through a similar process." scene w3_3148 with dissolve mina "Could you take off your pants... I want to..." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mina "I want to see it..." KN_MOD "else:" mina "I want to see it again..." scene w3_3146 with dissolve "Now, it was my time to be put on display and gawked at." scene w3_3149 with dissolve mc "Should I do it slowly?" scene w3_3145 with dissolve "No matter... they had to come off at some point." scene w3_3147 with dissolve mina "J-just... take your {i}dick{/i} out." scene w3_3145 with dissolve "There was a deliberate emphasis that she knew fully well betrayed her girlishly coy cadence." scene w3_3150 with dissolve mc "As you wish." scene w3_3151 with fade "In no time, [mcf] had disappeared from her view. I no longer existed." mina "......" mina "..." "She wasn't looking at me so much as what stood proudly at half-mast." scene w3_3152 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mina "It can get bigger, right? Could you... I mean, I want to see..." KN_MOD "else:" mina "I know it's bigger than that... Could you... I mean, I want to see..." scene w3_3153 with dissolve mina "{b}Stroke it for me.{/b}" scene w3_3151 with dissolve "Again, she oscillated between shyly choosing her words and a more forceful command. I didn't know if she intended for the contrast to turn me on or if she was simply feeling out her own feelings, but the former was the end result." scene mina_h_jerk_a with dissolve show mina_h_jerk with dissolve mc "What? You like watching men jerk off?" mina "Y-yeah, it's... {b}hot{/b}." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mc "Is this one of those fantasies you mentioned?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Is this one of your things?" "She just nodded, too transfixed on my cock to say more than she had to." mina "Mmmhh... actually, more fetish than fantasy?" mc "What do you like about it?" mina "*Gulp* It's just so... {i}animalistic?{/i}" mina "You're going to be a doctor one day, [mcf]. You'll help people, but right now, you have a look in your eye that's so far removed from decent. I {b}love{/b} it..." mc "Mina, like... {b}damn{/b}." mina "Ahhhh, I'm w-weird, aren't I?" mc "You're not weird; all sex is weird... you just know what you like." "How she could articulate the underpinning of her desires surprised and impressed me." mc "The world would be better if everyone could be honest with themselves and find a healthy outlet." mina "Uyyhh... mmmhuh...♥" "It seems I had lost her to whatever deliberations were happening inside her head." scene black with fade mina "When did you-" scene w3_3154 with dissolve "Poor Mina was so caught up on me jacking off that she didn't even register me inching closer. The spell was only broken when my hand left my cock." scene w3_3155 with dissolve mc "You were REALLY into that..." scene w3_3156 with dissolve mina "Hnnngg... don't-" scene w3_3155 with dissolve mc "And why not? From where I stood, the look in your eyes was equally as fuck hungry as the one you saw in mine." mc "Don't be embarrassed about what you like." scene w3_3156 with dissolve mina "Share with me one of your fantasies and maybe I won't be..." scene w3_3157 with dissolve mc "It's that important to you, huh?" mina "Absolutely! What's more intimate than knowing what the other person gets off to?" scene w3_3158 with dissolve mc "Don't worry. I'm not avoiding your question." mina "O-ohh..." mc "I have a {b}show and tell{/b} in mind. But first..." scene mina_h_brub_a with dissolve show mina_h_brub with dissolve mina "{b}O-ooooooh!{/b}" "I mean, {i}how could I {b}fucking{/b} not?{/i} The pull of the fabric made Mina's already beautiful chest even more delectable. " KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mc "Let's discover just how sensitive you are here." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Let's make you sing." "My hands possessed a will of their own, gripping the underside of the blonde's bust, teasing and massaging the mounds to create an eye-pleasing feast." mina "Hnn- ahh... aren't we past this?" mc "What do you mean?" mina "You c-can just put it in if you want... y-you're so hard, it's painful for a guy to hold back, right?" "I stopped myself short of asking who told her that. Maybe that was something invented in her own head, but more realistically, I could see that being a line Ian fed her." mc "Painful, no. This is one of my {b}favorite{/b} parts." scene w3_3159 with dissolve mct "(God, the sight of these things!)" mc "It's like when you slowly crawl to the top of a roller coaster, and you get that funny feeling in the pit of your stomach." scene w3_3160 with dissolve mina "Hhh- i-is it?" scene w3_3161 with dissolve mc "It is. The climb, the anticipation, is just as important as the fall." scene w3_3162 with dissolve mina "Roller coasters are scary..." scene w3_3161 with dissolve mc "Maybe, but... the ride to the top gives you time to think. Lets you come to terms with the inevitable." mc "In this case, that being... you're gonna get {b}fucked{/b}, Mina. So, go ahead and think about that for a bit." scene mina_h_tsuck_a with dissolve show mina_h_tsuck with dissolve mct "(Aha!)" mina "Eeeh, eeh?" "That taste I was looking for before I got sidetracked." "Mina's nipples struck a wonderful balance between puffy and hard, the perfect morsel to latch onto and gratify my own personal fixation." mina "Ah, wwhh--" KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" "Something in me compelled me to {i}devour{/i} these things." KN_MOD "else:" "I felt just as compelled to devour these things as if it was my first time sucking on these beauties." mina "S-sooo... ahhh..." "On the ride to the top, a thought occurred to me." mina "Alright... ha... t-thinking about it..." "Mina was like a canvas, and I felt the tremendous weight of knowing I would add my own touch to this painting." mina "Hnng- wwhhha, do whatever you want..." "Would I paint over some of what Ian added? Who knew, but it might be fun to try." mina "I-if you like my breasts that much, h-have your f-fill..." "Would the things I add be for better or worse? Beats the fuck out of me." mina "I'll learn all about y-you while you d-do-" "Would a little of her rub off onto me?" scene w3_3163 with dissolve mina "E-eehh?" "I hoped so." scene w3_3164 with dissolve mina "Oh, hhhnn-" "My exploratory taste confirmed what I already suspected to be the case: Mina was sufficiently tuned up and waiting for a cock." mina "Hyyeee-♥ [mcf]!" scene w3_3165 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" "I pried Mina apart with my tongue and explored her insides. This would serve as a nice appetizer." KN_MOD "else:" "I didn't plan on a repeat of the other day. This was just an appetizer." mina "G-give me a warning before you, o-ohhh-" scene w3_3166 with dissolve "As I shot up and angled my penis toward her opening..." mina "Oohwwooh- ahh.. hweh..." "...Mina's words stuck in her throat, waiting for the shoe to drop." scene w3_3167 with dissolve mina "......." mina "..." scene w3_3168 with dissolve mina "*Gulp* W-what are you doing?" scene w3_3169 with dissolve "Hovering this close, there was a very tempting prospect to simply put it in, but I couldn't fight my sadistic streak." "Let's hold out, just a little while longer..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tease her silently.:" "Why use words when you can say a lot more with action?" scene mina_h_pussyr_a with dissolve show mina_h_pussyr with dissolve mina "Euug-!" "As the bottom of my shaft came in contact with her sweet parts, the breath Mina held in abruptly escaped her throat." mina "Hnngg... ehhh... " "The tip of my cock agonizingly poked through the cleft of her sex, prying apart and teasing Mina's sex." mina "You're still on this t-teasing thing, huh?" "{i}This{/i} approach was a double-edged sword." "Every time the underside of my shaft would meander over her precipice, a warmness spread down my length and all the way to my nuts." "Every time my head bumbled into her ridges, a violent, tingling feeling shot up my body." "Still, standing over her like this, I could drink in every bit of her frustrated expression. I could bask in the foreknowledge of how tight she would be once we finally joined." mina "Or... eheh... d-do you not know how to do it?" "I wondered... what would her face look like when I entered her for the first time?" "Would it be on me? Would she carefully observe where we were connected?" mina "Hnnngg... ggahh... c'mon [mcf]..." "What would her expression be like? How much of me would she take before that pretty face of hers went askew?" "How deep would my cock need to rend all thoughts from her head? How fast to go before her eyes rolled back in her head?" scene w3_3170 with dissolve mina "Stop being meeeeean... ah, pleeeease?" scene w3_3171 with dissolve "The future was full of lewd possibilities." scene w3_3172 with dissolve "I nodded, signaling to her what was to come." scene w3_3173 with dissolve "Mina smiled back, signaling to me that she was ready." KN_MOD "Get vulgar with it.:" mc "You want it?" scene mina_h_pussyr_a with dissolve show mina_h_pussyr with dissolve mina "Euug-!" "As the bottom of my shaft came in contact with her sweet parts, the breath Mina held in abruptly escaped her throat." mina "Hnngg... ehhh... I'm r-ready... ah..." "The tip of my cock agonizingly poked through the cleft of her sex." mc "Your little pussy is going to be a tight fit for my cock." mina "A-ahh...♥" mc "You think you can handle it?" mina "I m-mean, ha..." scene w3_3175 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_3176 with vpunch "*Fwap!" mina "O-ohh-!" scene mina_h_pussyr_a with dissolve show mina_h_pussyr with dissolve mina "Hnnng... that's what it does... it's made to take.. a-ah~" mc "{b}What{/b} is it made to take?" mina "C-c'mon, [mcf]..." mc "What is your pussy made for, Mina?" mina "Ah... euuug..." "She looked at me with a complete understanding of what I was getting at." mina "It's made to take {i}cock{/i}." "Mina didn't dance around it quite as much as I had hoped." mc "I'm going to put it in now." scene w3_3170 with dissolve mina "Alright, but... b-be gentle, okay?" scene w3_3171 with dissolve "She asked with such a cute look..." scene w3_3170 with dissolve mina "Your thing is {i}huuuuuuuuge{/i}. Do it slowly, at least at first..." scene w3_3171 with dissolve "She said, perhaps purposefully inflating my ego for her cause." scene w3_3172 with dissolve mc "Ready?" scene w3_3174 with dissolve mina "R-ready..." scene w3_3177 with dissolve "......." "..." scene w3_3178 with dissolve mina "Hh-" scene w3_3179 with dissolve "Slowly, I slid the head of my penis into Mina's welcoming embrace." scene w3_3178 with dissolve mina "Hh-hat...!" scene w3_3179 with dissolve "I held myself in place, my eyes never leaving hers, letting her know I was intently aware of what she was feeling." scene w3_3178 with dissolve mina "Deeper..." scene w3_3180 with dissolve "Deeper I went, one-third of the way down my shaft." scene w3_3181 with dissolve mina "It's t-thick...♥" scene w3_3182 with dissolve "I stopped once more, holding for a second, enjoying the warmness of Mina's insides clinging sweetly to my shaft." scene w3_3181 with dissolve mina "You're pulling me apart, [mcf]..." scene w3_3183 with dissolve mina "Achk, h-hard...♥ You're so...!" scene w3_3184 with dissolve "Halfway." mina "..." "Mina kept her eyes glued to me, the longing expression on her face never wavering. A look that she was very intentionally making known." "{i}She was reassuring me that she wanted me.{/i}" scene w3_3183 with dissolve mina "{b}Deeper{/b}." play music "music/crazy.ogg" scene w3_3185 with vpunch mc "--!" "One final push, with more strength than I intended, emboldened by Mina's impassioned demand." mina "Mmhh, aaaaaaahh-♥♥♥♥♥" scene w3_3186 with dissolve mina "Y-you're in! F-finally...! Aaaah- {i}FUCK!{/i} Ha...!" "Instead of reeling back, Mina clung to me, keeping me buried at the base." scene w3_3187 with dissolve "An intense wave of pleasure washed over me and things quickly became hazy." scene w3_3188 with dissolve mina "You're in... all of you... ha... s-so much of you... ah...♥" scene w3_3187 with dissolve "Mina felt so good, her body was so soft, she smiled so lovelily..." scene w3_3188 with dissolve mina "D-don't move yet, okay...?" scene w3_3187 with dissolve "With the way she held me, I could feel her heartbeat." scene w3_3188 with dissolve mina "Haa..." scene w3_3187 with dissolve "I wanted to move, but at the same time, being joined like this... chest-to-chest... {b}felt so secure.{/b}" "Even in a situation like this, she had an uncanny knack for putting others at ease." scene w3_3189 with dissolve "Gently I laid her down on the table's surface, withdrawing a little and giving her a moment to adjust to my size." scene mina_h_tm1_a with dissolve "......" "..." "After a moment, she gave me a nod and..." scene mina_h_tm1_a with dissolve show mina_h_tm1 with dissolve "So it began, with me gently pushing into Mina's constraining depths." mina "Haa...♥" "Mina was no virgin, but there was a tempo to these things." mc "You alright?" mina "Y-yeeahh... you're... {b}heh...♥{/b}" "Pulling out from her grip took effort." mina "My heart jumped into my throat when you went all the way in..." "Pushing back into her hold took strength." mina "You're so big, hard, and thick...! God...!" "The table-fucked blonde's hold on me was incredible." mina "Y-yeah, I'm alright..." scene mina_h_tm2_a with dissolve show mina_h_tm2 with dissolve "Thankfully, Mina had a good sense of rhythm. She matched my pace and timing, joining with me at the height of every thrust." mina "I'm glad I'm doing this with {i}you{/i}, [mcf]." mina "Even now, you're being patient... ahh...♥" "Mina's usual exuberance carried on even here, with a tremendously playful smile plastered on her face." mc "It's just... you're so damn tight... ha, if I moved any faster than this, I would explode." mina "Ehh... ha...♥ Hehe... why do people ever do anything but {b}fuck{/b}?" scene mina_h_tm3_a with dissolve show mina_h_tm3 with dissolve "Her smile gave me a sense of overwhelming {i}togetherness{/i}, but it was also something I'd like to see messed up." mc "You're something else, you know that?" "It would be lovely to see that smile unfurl in pleasure." mct "(But, I guess you could say the same about me.)" mina "Hehe~" "....." "..." "Our chatter abated, and the conversation continued with our eyes." "She gifted me her rapt attention, expression brimming with eagerness and hunger." "Through a hazy stare, she told me she wanted more." "Her lips parted but carried no words - only breathy affirmations that conveyed to me {i}don't stop{/i}." scene mina_h_tm1_a with dissolve show mina_h_tm1 with dissolve "Every time I pushed {i}deep{/i} into her, there was a flicker of satisfaction that would fast die on the way back out." "It was a small drama, one that played out over and over in time with our rhythm, but each performance was as fresh as the last." "Each rendition of Mina's sultry expression aggravated my desire." "Each dive into Mina's lust-filled eyes propelled my hips forward with growing emotion. " "Every apsect of Mina's visage carried a mandate to leave her well and truly fucked." scene mina_h_tm3_a with dissolve show mina_h_tm3 with dissolve mc "Hnn, M-mina...! So, you wanted to hear a fantasy of mine?" mina "Of c-course! Tell me! Let's do it!" mc "You haven't heard it yet!" mina "I don't care! Let's do whatever it is!" mc "You're out of your mind!" mina "M-maybe...♥ I want to make this special for you, [mcf]!" "......" "..." "Mina, with the city as her backdrop, was like a dream." mc "The window!" scene mina_h_tm2_a with dissolve show mina_h_tm2 with dissolve mina "The window...? What about it?" mc "Doesn't it appeal to you?" mina "......" mina "..." mina "We have a good view of the city from here, don't we?" mc "Thirty-four floors, to be precise. I see you're thinking what I'm thinking." scene black with fade mina "Kiiiiinda?" KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" "It was a simple and innocuous choice, one fitting for the moment." KN_MOD "else:" "If she was honest about wanting to explore our fantasies together, I wanted to start with a simple and safe one." scene w3_3190 with fade mina "A-aahh...! C-cold~!" "I pressed Mina hard against the window pane to make my point." scene w3_3191 with dissolve mc "You know, I've lived my whole life and never really been that far from another person. I've never had a mile between me and any other human before." mc "Kinda fucking crazy when you really think about it..." scene w3_3190 with dissolve "Mina's response to that was to wiggle her ass. A {i}polite{/i} way of telling someone to get back to work if I've ever experienced one." scene mina_h_win1_a with dissolve show mina_h_win1 with dissolve mina "Hhha-♥" mc "You ever look up and imagine all the little dramas playing out in the buildings around you?" "Slowly, I picked up back where we left off, looking to set the scene." mc "Joyous celebrations, babies being born, dreams being fulfilled..." mina "Hnnng...♥ Ah, the angle you're pushh- w-woah...♥" mc "Spouses fighting, lovers quarreling, people having the worst days of their lives..." mina "Ha-♥ You c-can go faster if you want!" "I ignored her request." mc "You ever look up and imagine all that?" scene mina_h_win3_a with dissolve show mina_h_win3 with dissolve mina "H-haaat-♥ Hnng, mmmh-♥ F-faster!" mc "I do. There's so much happening all around us that it can be suffocating to think about." "I ignored her request a second time." mc "The city's teeming with life, but you tend to forget that once you're locked away behind some walls with some soundproofing." mina "Fhh, [mcf] faster!" mc "Isn't it hot sitting up high, peering down on all those meaningful moments?" mina "Hha, hhhaa I g-guess? The city looks nice from up here..." scene mina_h_win2_a with dissolve show mina_h_win2 with dissolve mc "Doesn't it turn you on to think about the people going about their daily lives as you tower above them, a dick buried in your twat?" mina "Mmmh, when you put it t-that way..." mc "None of that matters. None of {i}them{/o} matter." mina "Ha, hhh-♥" mc "There's just the sensation of being {b}above{/b} it all, getting fucked. Isn't it kind of a thrill?" mina "Y-yeeah! It feels gooood!" mc "It does for me too. It turns me on to imagine I'm lording above all that shit, balls deep in a woman of their fantasies." mina "Huuah, hhaaa...! W-w-heh?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Pick up the speed.:" scene mina_h_win4_a with dissolve show mina_h_win4 with dissolve mc "God, I'm the luckiest man alive right now!" "To signify my feelings, I rolled my hips forward, driving my cock harder and faster into Mina's cunt." mina "Hwwwahh-♥" "The harder I pounded, the more she was fucked complacently into the window." mina "Gyyah... euhhh--♥ You're going so-" "Fast." mina "Yhhwe-♥ Hwwwuu-♥" "Fast and deep." mc "This good?" scene mina_h_win5_a with dissolve show mina_h_win5 with dissolve mina "Shh, y-yeah...♥ It f-feels g-good! Like r-really, {b}really{/b} g-good!" "Mina used her upper body to push back, but I had almost all the leverage from this position." mc "Take a look at the city, take a look at the streets... take a look at all the people...!" "I could lay into her pussy to my heart's content, taking in the lovely curve of Mina's back while basking in the view of the city." mc "They got no fucking idea we're screwing right above their heads." mina "Uunnggh- haa-!" mc "They got no idea I'm screwing the most beautiful woman they've never seen!" scene w3_3192 with dissolve mina "Ahh, haa..? Ehehe...♥ You weirdo!" scene w3_3193 with dissolve "Mina laughed, taking this relatively innocent fantasy in good stride." KN_MOD "\Say my name, bitch.\:" $ w3MinaSayMyName = True scene mina_h_slap_a with dissolve show mina_h_slap with dissolve mc "It turns me on to imagine my name literally screamed into the high heavens!" mina "Yeeuuuah...?!" mc "Say my name!" "To further make my point, I slammed my cock harder and faster into Mina's cunt." mina "Hnnn, yyeee-♥ [mcf]!" "Each smack of her ass was well-received, Mina's bubble butt providing the perfect target." mc "Say my name, {b}bitch!{/b}" mina "Gyehh, [mcf]!" "Each smack yielded an eye-pleasurable jiggle that caused Mina's pussy to strangle my dick even harder." mc "Good girl!" mina "Eh, yyeeah, aaah...♥ [mcf]." mc "Good Mina!" scene w3_3192 with dissolve mina "Ehehe~♥" scene w3_3193 with dissolve "She giggled, none too disturbed by my sudden shift in attitude." scene w3_3192 with dissolve mina "Ah, heee-♥ [mcf]!" scene w3_3193 with dissolve "In fact, she sounded like she found this direction to be genuinely endearing." scene mina_h_win3_a with dissolve show mina_h_win3 with dissolve mina "Ah, hhaa... maybe we should try this on a rooftop sometime?! Wouldn't that be wild?" KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" mc "Is that on your list?" mina "N-nope! C-could be on {i}yours{/i} though!" mc "Hnngg, hauuch... no thanks! I'm afraid of heights!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "N-no thanks... I'm afraid of heights!" mina "Pffh, w-what? Hah-" scene mina_h_win5_a with dissolve show mina_h_win5 with dissolve mina "Yeeaahhuuuhh-♥ Ah, c-craaap-♥" "Mina's joy was so pervasive that I found myself smiling too." mina "Ah, you're hitting me in {i}all{/i} the r-right spots!" "Fucking her was unlike any other experience. It felt edifying and {i}wholesome{/i} of all things." KN_MOD "if w3MinaSayMyName == True:" mina "[mcf], [mcf], [mcf], [mcf], [mcf]!" "Even being pounded into the glass, she shined brilliantly..." mc "You slut!" KN_MOD "else:" mina "Hehe, you really think you're l-lucky?" "Even being pounded into the glass, she shined brilliantly..." mc "Let me prove it to you!" "I poured my focus into giving Mina my {b}all{/b}." mina "Fuh, hhaa-♥ [mcf]!" "By now, I had a pretty good idea of what angle of attack she found most gratifying." mina "Yyeh, haa... r-right there! Right there, you fhhweeuh-♥" "My cockhead dug into the outer wall of her vagina, following the bend of her pelvis, scrapping and gouging all the way." scene mina_h_win4_a with dissolve show mina_h_win4 with dissolve mc "Take it!" "I felt confident I could make her cum first." KN_MOD "if w3MinaSayMyName == True:" mc "Take it all, you bitch!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Take it all!" "I wasn't anywhere near my limit and my recent experiences had given me plenty confidence in my stamina." mina "Y-yeahh, eeugh... g-give it to me-♥" "Sensing the change in focus, Mina did her best with what little leverage she could muster to pleasure me back." mina "Gnngh, hnnng-! G-give it all to me!" "That window of good humor had closed in favor of a concentrated feeling of lust." "Her giggles and sweet-natured cooing were now loud, vulgar grunts." mina "Guah, hhuugnhh, hnnn-! Give it to me, Daddy!" mct "(...ha, Daddy?)" scene mina_h_win5_a with dissolve show mina_h_win5 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" mct "(There it was again. Just like the first time we fooled around.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(...did Ian teach her that or is that all her, I wonder?)" mina "Ye, hha, fwhh- hehe~ fwuhh-♥" "I could tell from her body language she was getting close." mina "Gyhh, y-ye- ah, eeh?" "The way she babbled, the way her legs buckled, the way her hands fruitlessly tried to find a more secure hold on the glass." mina "Gyee, aaahhh.. eeeuugghh-" "Yeah, she was getting {i}damn{/i} close. Very--" scene w3_3194 with vpunch mina "Sh, wwwyyyaaaeehhhhhhh-♥♥♥♥" "Suddenly, her body went taut. Every muscle, including the one wrapped around my dick, froze up." mina "Ueehhhh, aaahh- hhhnnn-♥♥♥♥" "She cried... {i}howled{/i} in a beautifully filthy way as my momentum ground to a stop in opposition to Mina's unwavering tightness." scene mina_h_post1_a with dissolve show mina_h_post1 with dissolve mc "Gah, hhnn-!" mina "Ah, wwooahh.. s-shit.. d-dang... ahahaha... oh, w-wow... heh.." "Mina was ego-inducingly scatterbrained. Moments passed before... " mina "Haa... mmmh... why have you stopped? You still haven't cummed... hehh..." scene w3_3195 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mc "Slow and steady..." scene w3_3196 with dissolve mina "Mmmhhh....?" scene w3_3197 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "I paid a lot of money for this room. We're going to use it." KN_MOD "else:" mc "My goal isn't cumming, remember?" scene w3_3196 with dissolve mina "Mmmhhh....?" scene w3_3197 with dissolve stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "You asked me to mess you up and there's still a lot to go." scene w3_3198 with dissolve mina "O-oh..." scene w3_3197 with dissolve mc "C'mon, let's try out the bed." scene black with fade "I still had a lot of gas in the tank, but even if I didn't..." play music "music/rockville.ogg" scene w3_3199 with sunshine "The way Mina's doe-like eyes teemed with desire was reason enough for me not to speed toward an orgasm." scene w3_3200 with dissolve mc "Mina..." scene w3_3201 with dissolve mina "Hehehe~" "In anticipation, she purred like a kitten." scene w3_3202 with dissolve mina "Mmmmm~" "Adding a touch of sensuality to the moment, Mina's tiny mouth ensnared my thumb, sucking on it desirously." scene w3_3203 with dissolve mc "Mina, Mina, Mina..." "I briefly considered giving her something {b}else{/b} to suck on, but my taste of Mina's lower mouth had been all too brief." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Wordlessly take her.:" "She watched me so attentively, so intently, that there was no need to explain what I wanted." scene w3_3204 with dissolve mina "........." scene w3_3205 with dissolve mina "......" scene w3_3206 with dissolve scene w3_3205 with dissolve mina "..." scene w3_3207 with dissolve scene w3_3205 with dissolve "She understood that I wanted to see her this time." scene w3_3208 with dissolve "To be face-to-face." scene w3_3209 with dissolve "She smiled and began to spread her legs. Inching them apart until..." scene w3_3210 with dissolve mina "Come on, [mcf]..." scene w3_3211 with dissolve "I didn't need a better invitation." scene black with fade mina "Gyeh- ahh.. just right into-" "--!" mina "Ww-wahha-♥" KN_MOD "Youre her daddy.:" $ w3MinaDaddy = True scene w3_3212 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_3213 with hpunch "--!" mc "{b}Mina{/b}." scene w3_3214 with dissolve mina "Ah- ah... [mcf]..." scene w3_3215 with dissolve mc "Are you gonna be a slut for Daddy?" mina "A-ah! Whaaa-" scene w3_3216 with dissolve "If she had a predilection for this kind of play, might as well lean into it. Not like I wasn't into this shit, either." scene w3_3217 with dissolve scene w3_3216 with dissolve "In a deliberate effort, she kept eye contact with me, simply nodding and giving me approval at this direction." scene w3_3218 with dissolve mc "That's my baby girl." "I guess this really was a kink of hers." scene black with fade mina "Gyeh- ahh.. just right into-" "--!" mina "Ww-wahha-♥" mc "We're past warming up!" scene mina_h_mis2_a with cmet show mina_h_mis2 with dissolve "For the next leg of the evening, there was no need to build to tempo." mina "Ah, hhhnn-♥" "Mina's sex, while still nut-wrenchingly tight, had grown used to my size and shape." mc "Goddamn it, you feel amazing!" "Using her arms for leverage, I had no trouble slipping in and out of her at speed, carving out a long and deep path." mina "Euughh, hhhaak- {b}y-you t-toooo!{/b}" "Mina admirably did what she could to take an active part in our shared pleasure, using her legs to steady and guide my hips home, but I had the dominant position." "She could grind and writhe, but she had little recourse but to lie there, look up at me, and watch herself get fucked - all with an enamoring look on her face." mina "Whh, hhnn-♥ Sex with y-you was such a GOOD idea! Hehehe, ha-♥" "--but it wasn't like I had much choice either. I may have had a physical hold on her, but my head was preoccupied with Mina." scene mina_h_mis1_a with dissolve show mina_h_mis1 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3MinaDaddy == True:" mc "You were BUILT for this, Mina." "What else could I do but spear her over and over and over again on my cock?" mc "Daddy's good little whore!" "What else could I do but marvel at Mina's perfect bust and its appetizingly engorged pink peaks?" mc "Daddy's perfect slut!" "No... I had little recourse of my own." mina "Whh, hhaa-♥ D-daddy! Ahhh...♥♥♥" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Ha! You took the -hnn- words RIGHT out of my mouth." mc "We should make this a regular thing, y-you know?" "What else would I do but spear her over and over and over again on my cock?" mina "Hnnhh- w-whenyouever you want, [mcf]." "What else could I do but marvel at Mina's perfect bust and its appetizingly engorged pink peaks?" mina "I'm yours... Ahh...♥" "No... I had little recourse of my own." mina " o-only have to ask~♥ Haaht, crapeeeuuguhh-♥" "Fuck and be fucked." "We had carved out, for only a painfully fleeting moment, a slice of meaning in this world." mina "Gehhuu, aahh-♥" "Meaning uncomplicated and lacking in nuance." "Meaning found in the most straightforward and essential human act." "Meaning at its most hedonistic and pure." KN_MOD "if w3MinaDaddy == True:" mina "Ghhu, hffhhuh- fuck me, Daddy!" KN_MOD "else:" mina "Ghhu, hffhhuh- fuck me, [mcf]!!" scene mina_h_mis2_a with dissolve show mina_h_mis2 with dissolve "In this brief moment, sex with Mina was the most obvious thing in the world. A cure-all for the soul." mc "Don't worry! I'm -hnnn- giving it my b-best!" "Oh, how easy it was to forget the messy events that led to this." "Oh, how quickly this charade would be over." mina "Gyahh, hhaa, wwh♥" "No... I had to make this last, as long as I could." "I would carve this experience into Mina's body to leave her no doubt about coming back for me." mina "Hnn, hwwwah, hhaaa♥♥" "There it was! That familiar feeling." mina "Ghh, hhnn, wwah, ewwuuuuhh♥♥♥" scene w3_3219 with dissolve "The tension..." scene w3_3220 with vpunch mina "Wwoohhh, ghh, www-hhhhnnnnn♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!" "The tension {b}broke.{/b}" scene w3_3221 with dissolve mina "Ehhhuuuhhh-♥" "Mina found herself descending the peak for the second time this evening." scene black with dissolve "I wasn't nearly finished." KN_MOD "if w3MinaDaddy == True:" mc "No time to rest, Babygirl." KN_MOD "else:" mc "No time to rest, beautiful." mina "Wha..? Whhhh-?!" scene mina_h_cow1_a with fade show mina_h_cow1 with dissolve mina "Gyy, hhhn- hhaaa-♥" "This time a well-fucked Mina was on top, but in her half-insensate state, she could only concede me the initiative." mina "Hnhh... n-no time out, aah-ah?" mc "Nope!" mina "Ehh.. ohh, h a- ohkkay-!" "She instinctually bucked and bounced, but it was up to me to do the lifting." mc "Haahh, thanks for being so understanding!" "Fortunately, Mina, contrary to all her bluster and immense personality, was a very light young lady." "Even in my fuck-focused state, prying Mina off my cock and dropping her back down was a trivial task." mina "Hheeh, hheeh-♥ You're very persuasive! Ahh-♥" "An immensely FUN and trivial task." mina "Ahh, vvheeeery-♥♥" "One with an immensely gratifying angle... {i}not that she had any bad ones.{/i}" mina "Persuusshhive-♥" "I could just dumbly watch her go up and down, up and down to my utmost satisfaction." KN_MOD "if w3MinaDaddy == True:" mc "If you say so, slut!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Heh, if you say so!" "Up and down, sinking my fingertips into the pale flesh of her hefty mammaries." mina "Gyy, hhhn- hhhhn-♥ Hwwwhh-♥!" "Up and down, focusing on {i}the sensations{/i} as her lower body tried to milk me for all my pleasurable worth." mct "(Ahh... ha... Christ-!)" "{b}Riiiight{/b}, I've been so preoccupied with Mina's reactions that I forgot I was getting it as good as I was giving." mc "Ah, hhhhaa-" "My own moans unconsciously escaped my lips as my mind shifted awareness to the tingly feeling traveling up my spine." mina "Hehe- ah, hh--- y-you're feeling-? H-ha, {b}I'm--{/b}!" "{i}How could I not{/i}, I thought to myself, but it was a thought better served through action rather than voice." scene mina_h_cow2_a with dissolve show mina_h_cow2 with dissolve mina "Eehhh, hhhnn-♥" KN_MOD "if w3MinaDaddy == True:" mc "C'mon, shake it harder!" mina "Eeueuhhh- aaahh...! I a.. aaa--hhh-♥♥" mc "You can do it better than that!" mina "Waah, hhhnaa-♥♥♥ I'm c-close-!" "Once she starts, she just can't stop, huh?" mc "Shake it for Daddy, you bitch!" mina "I --aa, eeheeem- aahh..." mc "Come for me, Babygirl!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "C'mon... b-bounce! A-ah!" mina "Eeueuhhh- aaahh...! I a.. aaa--hhh-♥♥" mc "C-come on... you're aaahh... you- you feel amazing!!" mina "Waah, hhhnaa-♥♥♥ Hnggg, I-I'm close!" "Once she starts, she just can't stop, huh?" mc "Come on, do it, then!" mina "Wwwh, hhngg, wwaa--♥♥♥" mc "Come on... {i}come{/i} for me again-" scene w3_3222 with dissolve mina "I'm..." mina "I'm, I'm..." mina "I'm, I'm, I'm-!" $, 3, channel = "music") scene w3_3223 with vpunch mina "Euuugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhh-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" "A warmness spread across my stomach..." mina "Wh, haa, hhnn-" scene w3_3224 with dissolve mina "Heeh, hhoo... oh... waahhh..." mina "Gaah, hehe, like... {b}fuck!{/b}" scene w3_3225 with dissolve mina "H-hey, uhh... waah..." mina "{b}Finish... go ahead... ahh... I want you to finish while fucking me... c-cum insiiide mee....♥♥♥♥♥ Pleeeeeease♥♥♥♥♥" scene w3_3226 with dissolve mina "I w-want to f-feel like I... ahhh...♥" mina "Make me feel-- aa-hhh...♥ Just... {b}ruin me{/b}, [mcf]." scene w3_3227 with dissolve mc "W-what...? Ahh... haa..." scene w3_3229 with dissolve mina "Make me forget I'm even a person, o-okay? It's..." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mina "'s a fantasy of mine. {b}Destroy me.{/b}" KN_MOD "else:" mina "...c-consider it part of my list. {b}Destroy me.{/b}" scene w3_3228 with dissolve mc "......" scene w3_3227 with dissolve mc "...aaaaaah, shit. {b}You fucking got it!{/b}" scene black with fade mina "W-wahh, aaahhh...♥♥♥" mct "(How the fuck did I end up with the tame fantasy here?)" KN_MOD "if w3MinaDaddy == True:" mc "Get the fucking ass up!" play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" "*Slap!*" mina "W-wwah, hhhngngggg..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Point it this way!" mina "W-wah, ehh...?" mc "Face down, ass up!" play ambient "sound effects/fap.wav" "........." "......" "..." $, 0, channel = "music") scene mina_h_pbone1_a with fade show mina_h_pbone1 with dissolve mc "F-fuuuuck!" "I lost it." mina "Guhh, hhhu, hee, hhhu-!" "I fucking lost it." mc "D-damn it, Mina... uggh... s-saying something like that♥" "It would be unfair to Mina's heartfelt and earnest request {i}not{/i} to fuck her like her only purpose was to wrench the semen from my fat and heavy balls." mc "In a voice like that, from a girl like you...?" "Did she have any idea what sort of power she wielded?" mina "Wwhh- hhhnn- wwwhhh-♥" "Did she know what sort of effect those words would have on a man?" KN_MOD "if w3MinaDaddy == True:" mc "Hnng, y-you filthy, beautiful bitch!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Hnng, goddamn it!" mc "Of course, I'll ruin you!" "My instincts had taken over." mina "Guu, hhhnn- wwahhh-♥♥" "Instincts prone to sloppy, violent, impact-stricken sex." mina "Wwhhu, wwhhaa- hhaahhh-♥♥♥" "With a tight grip on Mina's hips, I did everything in my power to destroy not just her, but the both of us." mina "Whhh, gghhhu, iihhhz, uuoohhh-♥♥♥♥" "Destroy." "Destroy. Destroy." mc "Ah, fhhuuuck! Haaaa!" "Right now, {b}MY{/b} only purpose was to plug, stuff, and pull at Mina's fuck-ready insides." "{i}Gouge, scrape, prod, rub, stroke, swab, scratch.{/i}" mina "Ghhn, hhhuaa.. wwhahahaa-♥♥♥♥♥" "Right now, Mina had more sense in her pussy than she did in her head." "Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy." "Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy." mina "Whh, chhok, hhwwhh.. chhhum-♥♥♥♥♥♥" "All I could do was fuck, and all she could do was moan like a cock-stuffed bitch drunk on dick." mina "Whh, hhaa..!!" "Luckily, her lower mouth did all the talking required, inviting me, swallowing, and {b}consuming{/b} completely." mc "You want me to... Aahh... fine!" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Destroy?:" "...wait, it's not a question!" KN_MOD "Destroy!:" mc "Take this, bitch!" scene mina_h_pbone2_a with dissolve show mina_h_pbone2 mina "Gwwhhh... hnnggg... awww-!!!!" "As I brought my palm down on Mina's bouncing ass, the picture in my head was a wonderful dichotomy." mina "Ghhu, hhnngg, wwwahh- wwwhwhwhw-!!!!!" scene w3_2852 with pixellate "On one side was the Mina I knew as warm, caring, bright, bubbly... a source of affection..." scene mina_h_pbone2_a with pixellate show mina_h_pbone2 mina "GGhhh, hhwwaa, wwwahh, hhehhh-" "On the other was the bleating fucktoy beneath me, a Mina consumed by a hedonistic state of bliss." mc "Gahh, {b}fhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!{/b}" "Neither was wrong. Neither was ugly." "We were two people letting out our frustrations... sharing and living out a fantasy... getting temporarily lost..." "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...!" mc "You w-wonderful...!" "Take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it...!" mc "You lovely...!" "Fuck, damn, fuck, damn, fuck, damn...!" "As I felt my dick {b}boil{/i} over, as all feeling left my body... I could see it all." "Mina and someone who {i}resembled{/i} me, teetering on the edge of the track, about to take that final plummet..." mc "Mina... ahh... y-you..!" scene mina_h_pbone1_a with dissolve show mina_h_pbone1 "In the last moments, that doomed soul called out..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "\I love you!\:" mc "Mina... I... I... {b}loooooooove you!{/b}" KN_MOD "\Take it!\:" KN_MOD "if w3MinaDaddy == True:" mc "Take it, slut!" KN_MOD "else:" mc "T-take it!" stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_3230 with dissolve mc "Gyyh- asahhhh-♥♥♥♥♥" "Without even thinking about it, I gave Mina what she wanted." play ambient "sound effects/gulp2.wav" scene mina_h_pbone3_a with dissolve show mina_h_pbone3 mc "Gyy, hhnhn-" "I buried myself entirely in Mina's embrace, shooting everything I had been working toward into Mina's womb." mina "Eehhhh.... hhaa.. chhum, hmmmh, mmuhuhh...♥♥♥" "I had given her my all." mc "Ghh, hhhaaaa..." "In the best possible way, like a pus-engorged abscess split asunder by its own putrid contents, I felt an exquisite sense of relief." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_3231 with vpunch mc "Ughhh..." scene w3_3232 with dissolve mc "W-aah, uhh... that was... hnnngg..." scene w3_3233 with dissolve mina "W-woww... ahh..." play music "music/happy-clappy.ogg" scene w3_3234 with dissolve mina "I am so fhhhhuuuooool.... hehe, {size=-10}mmmhhh...{/size}" scene w3_3235 with dissolve "Even dissolved into one big pile of goop, Mina's voice hadn't lost its candor." scene w3_3236 with dissolve mina "........." mina "......" $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_3237 with dissolve mina "...hey, [mcf]?" KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3MinaHotelSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3MinaHotelSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene w3_3236 with dissolve mc "Y-yeah...?" scene w3_3237 with dissolve mina "I can't breathe." scene black with fade mc "Oh, I... yeeeeah, let me-" mina "{b}This{/b} is better~" scene w3_3239 with fade mina "Aaaaah... {i}big spoon secured{/i}." scene w3_3238 with dissolve "Mina simply held me for a little bit." "She spoke no words, but her affections were communicated all the same through touch." "How she clung to me filled me with an irrational peace of mind." "The way she ran her nose up and down my naked back made me feel, of all things, {b}present{/b} in the moment and acknowledged." scene w3_3239 with dissolve mina "{size=-10}Hmmm, mmhhh...{/size}" scene w3_3238 with dissolve "Even her sighs sounded like a lullaby to my ears and let me know that, on some level, she felt a measure of comfort from {i}my{/i} presence." scene w3_3240 with dissolve mc "I'm empty in the best possible way." scene w3_3239 with dissolve mina "Hehe~ It's a great feeling, isn't it?" scene w3_3240 with dissolve mc "Mmmmhhmmm." scene w3_3238 with dissolve "{i}To see and to be seen {b}was{/b} a wonderful feeling indeed.{/i}" scene w3_3239 with dissolve mina "Ha! Then again, I'm not {i}soooooo{/i} empty~" mina "I can feel it leaking out of me! I should probably get wash--" scene w3_3241 with dissolve mc "{b}No{/b}. Don't get up." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_3242 with dissolve mina "The sheets are going to get dirty. You wanna lie in your own filth?" scene w3_3243 with dissolve mc "Who cares. {i}This{/i} is too nice." scene w3_3242 with dissolve mina "Yeah, {b}it{/b} is..." scene w3_3244 with dissolve "......" "..." play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene w3_3245 with dissolve mina "Hey [mcf]. When you think of yourself, do you feel like somebody, or do you feel like a nobody?" scene w3_3246 with dissolve "As she spoke, her hold on me grew more secure." scene w3_3247 with dissolve mc "That's out of nowhere." scene w3_3248 with dissolve mina "No, it's not. Don't guys get all introspective after they cum?" scene w3_3247 with dissolve mc "Yeah, well, you got me there." scene w3_3248 with dissolve mina "What even is that? Is it some kind of survival thing?" mina "Like, hey, you made a baby. So take stock, get your ducks in order?" scene w3_3247 with dissolve mc "Usually, it's just guilt over the fucked up thing you just masturbated to." scene w3_3245 with dissolve mina "Tell me about that later, but let's return to my original question..." scene w3_3249 with dissolve mina "Gun to your head, if you had to pick one or the other..." scene w3_3250 with fade mc "Right now? I'm feeling like somebody. What about you?" scene w3_3251 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3252 with dissolve mina "I don't know. When things get quiet, my mind starts to wonder and wander." scene w3_3253 with dissolve mina "I know it's messed up, but all I can think of is that if you got something out of me, then I'm good. I put something into the world." scene w3_3250 with dissolve mc "I didn't {i}get{/i} something from you. We shared an afternoon." scene w3_3253 with dissolve mina "Sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way." scene w3_3250 with dissolve mc "It's okay. I know you didn't." scene w3_3252 with dissolve mina "My dad once told me that if you give the world love, the world will provide you with love in return. It's not true, but I like to pretend it is." scene w3_3254 with dissolve mc "I can tell you try to live like it's true. Every part of you is so... {i}it must be exhausting{/i}." scene w3_3253 with dissolve mina "Sometimes I think giving other people love and kindness is like shouting into an {i}empty cave{/i}, and all you get reflected back is a dying echo of your voice that you can't even fucking stand." scene w3_3254 with dissolve mc " do you find the acoustics with me?" scene w3_3255 with dissolve mina "You haven't told me to just shut up and go to sleep." scene w3_3256 with dissolve mina "You have NO idea how much I appreciate that." scene w3_3257 with dissolve mc "...for what it's worth, my dad had a similar philosophy. He was a lawyer who helped people who couldn't help themselves." mc "He had a lot of love, and that love is reflected every time my mom speaks about him. It's reflected in the affection she gives me and it hasn't faded a single decibel." scene w3_3258 with dissolve mina "He sounds awesome." scene w3_3257 with dissolve mc "Your dad sounds pretty cool himself. I have a good feeling there's part of him in you as well." scene w3_3258 with dissolve mina "That's another thing I appreciate, [mcf]. You saying that." scene w3_3257 with dissolve mc "Well, I appreciate you letting me blow your back out." scene w3_3259 with dissolve mina "Pfffh- {b}ha!{/b} You just can't let a moment happen without making a joke, can you?" mc "Who says I'm joking? I appreciate it. It was very cool of you." mina "Shut up and go to bed." mc "Noooot sleepy~" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mina "I don't sound like that!" "........." "......" play sound "sound effects/shower.wav" "..." scene w3_3260 with wet "We laid around for another five or ten minutes before finally dredging ourselves out of bed." scene w3_3261 with dissolve "Mina had rebounded a lot quicker than I had, full of pep and giving credence to my suspicion that she might just be a succubus." stop sound play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_3262 with cmet mina "Mmmh, hmhhmmm~" scene w3_3263 with dissolve mina "Da da da da~ hmmmm~" mina "La, la, laaaa~ dadadada~" scene w3_3264 with dissolve mina "So... what kind of girl do you like, [mcf]? ~you can't say perky and blonde, either!" scene w3_3265 with dissolve mc "Like romantically? Put little thought into it." scene w3_3266 with dissolve mina "None whatsoever...?" scene w3_3267 with dissolve mina "Okay, say you go to a porn site. What are you searching for?" scene w3_3268 with dissolve mc "Those are two completely different things." scene w3_3269 with dissolve mina "Mmmh, hmm... ARE theeeeey...?" scene w3_3268 with dissolve mc "Well, not {i}completely{/i}, but... it's not like I search for say... {i}kind{/i}, {b}trustworthy{/b} blondes." scene w3_3270 with dissolve mina "So you {i}do{/i} know the kind of girl you like?" scene w3_3271 with dissolve mc "Would a vague answer like that satisfy you?" scene w3_3272 with dissolve mina "Not in the least!" scene w3_3268 with dissolve mc "I didn't think so." scene w3_3273 with dissolve mc "Well, what kind of man do you like? And don't say nerdy med students." scene w3_3274 with dissolve mina "I don't know either." scene w3_3275 with dissolve mc "No clue, eh? Okay then... say YOU go to a porn site..." scene w3_3276 with dissolve mina "Two dudes going at it! Hard, haha!" scene w3_3277 with dissolve mc "Sounds like you could always squeeze yourself into a throuple." scene w3_3278 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3MinaTransparent == True:" mina "Like you and Hana, for example?" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" scene w3_3279 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_3280 with dissolve mina "You told me about it, remember?" scene w3_3279 with dissolve mc "I told you it was just a casual thing." scene w3_3280 with dissolve mina "So you did..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3281 with dissolve mc "I told you it was just a casual thing." scene w3_3282 with dissolve mina "Hehe, casual's good~" KN_MOD "else:" mina "Any guys out there you want to sleep with so we can make that happen?" scene w3_3281 with dissolve mc "I-" scene w3_3282 with dissolve mina "Wait, don't answer that!" mc "I wasn't." mina "Hehe~" scene w3_3279 with dissolve mc "Soooooooo..." "......" scene w3_3283 with dissolve mc " watch a lot of porn, huh?" scene w3_3284 with dissolve mina "Is that... {i}weird{/i}?" scene w3_3285 with dissolve mc "It would be one of the more normal things about you. What's with that look?" scene w3_3286 with dissolve mina "Hmmmgg, that's the same thing as calling me weird, right?" scene w3_3287 with dissolve mc "I meant it as a compliment. Sure, you could fill in the blank and say the absence of normal is {i}weird{/i}, but there's also {b}exceptional{/b} or {b}unique{/b}." mc "...but the porn thing, that's pretty normal in itself." scene w3_3288 with dissolve mina "......" scene w3_3289 with dissolve mina "...Ian thought it was weird for a girl to look at porn." scene w3_3290 with dissolve mc "Heh, that is rich coming from a guy with his own homemade collection. Did he actually say as much?" scene w3_3291 with dissolve "That was, as usual for the pair, very bizarre." scene w3_3292 with dissolve mina "In so many different ways, over so many different things... it wasn't always direct, but I think he found a whole bunch of stuff about me off-putting." mina "{i}I learned to keep my thoughts to myself and just go along with whatever he wanted to do{/i}." scene w3_3293 with dissolve mc "Ah... {b}fuck Ian.{/b}. Forget that shit." scene w3_3294 with dissolve mina "Heh, yeeeeeah. It seems obvious now, but it's funny how you don't realize how the {i}little{/i} things affect your self-esteem until you get some distance." scene w3_3295 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3296 with dissolve mc "Do you know what might be fun?" scene w3_3297 with dissolve mina "...a game of Jenga?" scene w3_3296 with dissolve mc "{i}No{/i}. Let's go see what kind of boring porn they have on VOD and watch some together." scene w3_3298 with dissolve mina "We don't have to. I know what you're doing." scene w3_3299 with dissolve mc "What? There's nothing weird about a horny couple renting a hotel room and setting the mood with a little visual stimulation." mina "That seems a bit out of order." scene w3_3300 with dissolve mc "Does it? I don't know about you, but..." scene w3_3301 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_3302 with vpunch mina "O-oomf!" scene w3_3303 with dissolve mc "I'm still feeling pretty naughty." stop music fadeout 3.0 mina "Hehe~ alright... it does sound pretty fun." scene black with fade mc "Good." KN_MOD "label w3MinaPornWatch:" play music "music/select.ogg" scene w3_3304 with dissolve "We spent the next hour and a half watching some random run-of-the-mill feature, the type you'd expect to see available from a chain hotel." "It didn't {i}kick things off again{/i}, but it was fun in its own way. I hoped it might alleviate whatever dumb hangup Ian planted in her head." mct "(Hmm... she seems familiar...)" "It was more like one of those bad movie nights I used to have with Mom and Ian. We poked fun at the acting, sounds, and expressions the couple on screen made." scene w3_3305 with dissolve mina "What? You made a face just like that!" mc "Of course, I did! Everyone looks stupid when they're fucking!" mina "Hehe~ {b}I don't!{/b}" scene w3_3306 with dissolve "By the time it was over, we had spoken on a number of topics. One way or another, it always came back to sex." "From sexual politics to Mina's conservative upbringing and her mother's contradictory love of men. And why wouldn't it, when sitting butt naked, skin-to-skin on a hotel bed?" scene w3_3307 with dissolve mina "Yeeeeeah, Felicia said that isn't as fun as it sounds..." scene w3_3306 with dissolve "{i}...and why wouldn't it? My livelihood wholly revolved around sex." scene w3_3308 with dissolve mina "What about you? You have some, right?" scene w3_3309 with dissolve "We touched on her myriad fantasies before she turned the question back on me." scene w3_3310 with dissolve mc "Honestly, when you wanted to compare notes, I low-balled it with the window thing." scene w3_3308 with dissolve mina "Compared to what? Using the bathroom on my chest?" scene w3_3311 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3312 with dissolve mina "*Ahem, ahh... ah, {i}ew{/i}." mc "No, it's not that. Not necessarily..." scene w3_3313 with dissolve mina "Not necessarily?!" mc "My biggest fantasy... it's..." scene w3_3314 with dissolve "Mina was so good at putting a man to ease that I felt comfortable enough treading in deeper waters." scene w3_3315 with dissolve mc "My biggest fantasy is to {i}really{/i} let go." scene w3_3316 with dissolve mina "Let go of what?" scene w3_3315 with dissolve mc "...{b}everything{/b}. Not just my cares and worries, like a lot of people would mean, but my entire identity." mc "My memories, the love of the people in my life, {i}the love I feel in return{/i}, my purported morals, my past, my dreams, my ambitions--" scene w3_3317 with dissolve mina "--your doubts, fears, anxiety, the nagging voice in your head. {i}Everything{/i}. I got you." scene w3_3318 with dissolve mc "You understand, then?" scene w3_3317 with dissolve mina "All of it makes me feel uneasy too, but moving to California and reinventing yourself won't shut up the voice in your head." scene w3_3319 with dissolve mc "You've considered that, huh?" mina "Hasn't everyone dreamed of going to someplace no one knows you? {i}Heh{/i}, too scary!" mina "Besides, you can't unbuild yourself; you can only... redirect. {i}I think{/i}." scene w3_3306 with dissolve "......." "..." scene w3_3320 with dissolve mina "Ah, but what the hell do I know? What does any of this have to do with cumming?" scene w3_3321 with dissolve mc "I don't have any complex fantasies. All I want to do is to be mean." scene w3_3308 with dissolve mina "Name-calling and hair-pulling?" scene w3_3310 with dissolve mc "Not quite..." scene w3_3308 with dissolve mina "We could try S&M sometime if you want." scene w3_3321 with dissolve mc "That's a small part of it, but it's not exactly that..." scene w3_3322 with dissolve mina "Take your time. I won't judge you." scene w3_3323 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3324 with dissolve mc "It's difficult to put into words. I want to capture a {i}feeling{/i} more than a specific act." scene w3_3323 with dissolve "Mina patiently waited for me to continue while I ordered my thoughts." scene w3_3324 with dissolve mc "There's a feeling of {i}revulsion{/i} that I want to turn inside out and direct at the world." scene w3_3325 with dissolve mina "Like how sometimes I get so disgusted with things that I just want to scream and let it all out?" mc "Exactly like that. {i}Too much like that{/i}." scene w3_3326 with fade mina "Oh, [mcf]... {b}every{/b} part of you is valid. There's not a thing wrong with wanting all your feelings seen and acknowledged." scene w3_3327 with dissolve mc "Is that what I want...? Ah, ha..." scene vic_fb1_a with pixellate show vic_fb1 man "What are you?!" vic "A-ahh, hhnnggg-♥ I'm a stupid whore!" man "Do you like having sex for money?!" vic "Ahh, hhn-♥ Y-yees-♥" man "What's better, dick or money?!" vic "I, hhh- that's... ahh, hnggg... c-cccumming-" man "Haha, you bitch!" scene w3_3327 with pixellate mc "...sometimes I think all I want to do is find something holy and venerated and step on it until it's ugly, but that would just be a toddler having a temper tantrum." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_3328 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3VicMidTierFBSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3VicMidTierFBSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) mina "Ah, [mcf]..." scene w3_3329 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" mina "I don't want to presume, but I enjoyed what we did today. I'd like to do it again... {i}many{/i} times, in fact." scene w3_3330 with dissolve mc "So did I. Ha, I'm glad I changed my mind about you." scene w3_3331 with dissolve mina "Don't be smug! I'm trying to say something serious!" scene w3_3329 with dissolve mina "What I mean is... there are things I want to experience, things you want to work through... what if we helped each other?" scene w3_3330 with dissolve mc "Well, I won't say no to continuing this sort of relationship, but that last part..." KN_MOD "else:" mina "I know I've already brought this up, but I mean it even more now. You're helping me with my stuff; what if I could be an out for your feelings as well?" scene w3_3330 with dissolve mc "Truthfully, it sounds scary." scene w3_3329 with dissolve mina "Well, heh...♥ You don't have to commit to anything concrete... just know that..." scene w3_3332 with dissolve mina "I'm pathetic and eager to please? {i}Hehe{/i}... sorry, I'm getting a little self-conscious here." scene w3_3329 with dissolve mina "...what I really want to say is I'd like to experience a {b}relationship{/b} where you don't have to measure out what you give and get." scene w3_3333 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" "In this moment, I couldn't help but think of the monogamy I promised Hana." mct "(Gah... why does life pile so many good things in my lap?)" KN_MOD "else:" "Life's really piling many good things in my lap lately, huh..." scene w3_3330 with dissolve mc "When you say relationship, do you mean...?" scene w3_3334 with dissolve mina "I'll be blunt. When I think of the future, I picture a lot of things, and one of those things is having someone to call {i}my{/i} own, but that's {i}the future{/i}." mina "I don't want to be one of those women who jump from relationship to relationship, never able to live for themselves. My mother is like that." scene w3_3335 with dissolve mc "She's on husband number four, right?" scene w3_3334 with dissolve mina "I know myself enough to see that's where I could head. I mean... even now, there's a voice in my head telling me that {i}I need someone{/i}, but..." scene w3_3336 with dissolve mina "I want to be a more self-reliant Mina and have the next someone come from the benefit of perspective." scene w3_3330 with dissolve mc "The fact that you can put it into words makes it seem like you're already pointed in that direction." scene w3_3329 with dissolve mina "Hehe~ I hope! And maybe one day, knowing myself... I {i}will{/i} want something from you. If that happens, I'll try not to be angry if you don't feel the same." scene w3_3330 with dissolve mc "You... {i}really{/i} make it easy for a guy." scene w3_3337 with dissolve mina "I'd ask the same of you... not that you ever would want something {b}more{/b}, right?" scene w3_3338 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3339 with dissolve mina "Kidding! Kidding! Testing the waters! Kidding!" scene w3_3340 with dissolve "I couldn't help but share in her laugh." scene w3_3341 with dissolve mina "So... I can cross fucking in a hotel off my list." KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" scene w3_3342 with dissolve mc "You have a list?" scene w3_3343 with dissolve mina "That was, uh... what I wanted help with the other day." scene w3_3342 with dissolve mc "Oh, yeah. I forgot about that after you--" scene w3_3343 with dissolve mina "{b}Yeeeep.{/b}" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3342 with dissolve mc "That was an easy one." scene w3_3341 with dissolve mina "--and fun one to boot, hehe~" scene w3_3342 with dissolve mc "What else do you have on your list?" scene w3_3344 with dissolve mina "Hmmm, weeeeeell..." "Mina looked like she was giving it serious thought." scene w3_3345 with dissolve mc "Tell me the big ones." scene w3_3346 with dissolve mina "Something big? You didn't even give me anything concrete!" mc "What happened to not measuring things out? Besides..." scene w3_3347 with dissolve "*Chwup, fhwhup~*" mina "Ahh, hhnn- n-no f-fair...!" scene w3_3348 with dissolve mina "Hnnngg..." mc "C'mon, just a few immediate ones you feel like you're ready to try? We're talking about making them a reality, remember?" scene w3_3349 with dissolve mina "Ah, alright... in no order..." scene w3_3350 with dissolve mina "Sex outside." scene w3_3351 with dissolve mc "Doable." scene w3_3352 with dissolve "I knew I was capable of that thanks to Rosalind." scene w3_3350 with dissolve mina "I'd like to try being in the lead for once. Like {i}really{/i} in the lead." scene w3_3351 with dissolve mc "Very doable." scene w3_3353 with dissolve mina "Some costumes and roleplay would be fun." mc "Extremely doable, but isn't that your job?" mina "I should be good at it, right? It could double as practice!" scene w3_3354 with dissolve mc "What would you like to roleplay?" scene w3_3355 with dissolve mina "I... {b}don't know.{/b}" scene w3_3354 with dissolve mc "Ah, well... we can figure out the specifics later. Anything else?" KN_MOD "if Mina_BiCurious >= 3:" scene w3_3356 with dissolve mina "I want to... I want to... ah..." mina "I want to try having sex with a woman." scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "Even if we limit it to someone we both know, that's also workable." scene w3_3355 with dissolve mina "! You think? You can't just ask someone, especially someone you know to--" scene w3_3354 with dissolve mc "Sure you can." KN_MOD "if minaGym == True:" mc "Veronica was super into you." scene w3_3358 with dissolve mina "She was?!" scene w3_3359 with dissolve mc "She stopped short of molesting you the day we joined her gym. How the hell could you not tell?" scene w3_3360 with dissolve mina "Ah, umm... {i}all girls school{/i}?" scene w3_3359 with dissolve mc "That's your excuse for everything, huh?" scene w3_3361 with dissolve mina "It's a good one!" KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >=4:" scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "We could also ask Hana. You two seemed friendly enough." scene w3_3356 with dissolve mina "Just because two women got along socially ONE time doesn't mean--" scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "I'm just putting it out there as an option. Neither of us could go to a bar and pick up a third without embarrassing ourselves." KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" mct "(Although, kinda weird fucking idea to bring up when I just promised her monogamy... yeeeah, that {b}could{/b} go south, but great things can't be done without risk.)" mc "You don't know her {i}that{/i} well, so if we could get her to agree, there is no chance of ruining a good thing." KN_MOD "if w3MinaTransparent == True:" scene w3_3361 with dissolve mina "Do you think she would be down?" scene w3_3362 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3361 with dissolve mina "Do you two have the kind of relationship where you could just ask-" scene w3_3362 with dissolve mc "Not exactly, but we could all get together and see how it goes." mc "You'll have to put in some work too. Try to be a little more seductive than you were with me." scene w3_3356 with dissolve mina "Ah, yy-- aahh...!" scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it's just too fun - and hey, if you don't want to try either of those, there's always Felicia." scene w3_3363 with dissolve mina "Felicia?! I c--" scene w3_3364 with dissolve mc "You could, and she would. You know she's permanently down to fuck, but even if she wasn't, she'd probably even do it as a favor." scene w3_3360 with dissolve mina "I wouldn't want her to do it as a favor!" scene w3_3355 with dissolve mina "She's my only female friend. That sounds like a bad idea." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "We could also ask Felicia. If anyone would be amenable, it'd be here. You might even be most comfort--" scene w3_3363 with dissolve mina "A-ahh... you think? She's my only female friend... that sounds like a bad idea." scene w3_3364 with dissolve mc "You know she's permanently down to fuck, but she would probably do it as a favor." scene w3_3360 with dissolve mina "I wouldn't want her to do it as a favor!" scene w3_3359 with dissolve mc "I'm just saying it's an option. I don't think either of us could go to a bar and pick up a third without embarrassing ourselves--" KN_MOD "elif w3HanaDP:" scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "You and Hana had some chemistry." scene w3_3356 with dissolve mina "Just because two women got along socially one time doesn't mean--" scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "I'm just putting it out there as an option. Neither of us could go to a bar and pick up a third without embarrassing ourselves." KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" mct "(Although, kinda weird fucking idea to bring up when I just promised her monogamy... yeeeah, that {b}could{/b} go south, but great things can't be done without risk.)" mc "You don't know her {i}that{/i} well, so if we could get her to agree, there is no chance of ruining a good thing." KN_MOD "if w3MinaTransparent == True:" scene w3_3361 with dissolve mina "Do you think she would be down?" scene w3_3362 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3358 with dissolve mina "Do you two have the kind of relationship where you could just ask-" scene w3_3359 with dissolve mc "Not exactly, but we could all get together and see how it goes." mc "You'll have to put in some work too. Try to be a little more seductive than you were with me." scene w3_3355 with dissolve mina "Ah, yy-- aahh...!" scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "Sorry, it's just too fun - and hey, if you don't want to try either of those, there's always Felicia." scene w3_3363 with dissolve mina "Felicia?! I c--" scene w3_3364 with dissolve mc "You could, and she would. You know she's permanently down to fuck, but even if she wasn't, she'd probably even do it as a favor." scene w3_3360 with dissolve mina "I wouldn't want her to do it as a favor!" scene w3_3355 with dissolve mina "She's my only female friend. That sounds like a bad idea." scene w3_3354 with dissolve mc "You think? She's pretty fucking casual about--" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "Who would you be more comfortable with than Felicia? You know she's always down to--" scene w3_3363 with dissolve mina "Felicia? She's my only female friend. I couldn't. it'd be so--" scene w3_3364 with dissolve mc "Would it?" scene w3_3356 with dissolve mina "I, uhh... I don't know? It would be new territory for me." scene w3_3359 with dissolve mc "You know she'd be down, right?" scene w3_3360 with dissolve mina "Y-yeeah... {i}probably{/i}." scene w3_3357 with dissolve mc "She'd probably even do it as a favor." scene w3_3355 with dissolve mina "I don't want her to do it as a favor!" scene w3_3354 with dissolve mc "It could be a good chance for you two to grow closer." scene w3_3366 with dissolve mina "You just want to sleep with both of--" scene w3_3365 with dissolve mc "Hey, hey... this is your list. I'm just putting it out there as an option." mc "I don't think either of us could pick up a third at a bar without embarrassing ourselv--" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3356 with dissolve mina "I want to... I want to--" stop music play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w3_3367 with cmet scene w3_3368 with dissolve "*Ring, ring*" mc "Ah, hold that thought." scene black with fade mct "(I should've just let it go to--)" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3369 with dissolve "Unknown number. I usually wouldn't answer, but something in my mind {i}told{/i} me I should." scene w3_3370 with dissolve mc "Hello?" play music "music/bellissimo.ogg" scene w3_3371 with dissolve sophia "Hello, Mr. [mcl]. I didn't think we would speak again so soon." scene w3_3372 with dissolve mc "'re the one who called me, Miss Lundgren." scene w3_3373 with dissolve sophia "It's not a social call. Well, not one on my behalf." sophia "How soon will you arrive home?" scene w3_3374 with dissolve mc "I don't know. I wasn't planning on it anytime-" scene w3_3375 with dissolve sophia "Mr. Van Doren has graciously found time in his schedule to educate you. He'll be here in one hour, {b}exactly.{/b}" scene w3_3376 with dissolve mc "What? You can't just--" scene w3_3375 with dissolve sophia "Please be here. It's to your benefit." play sound "sound effects/call-end.wav" scene w3_3377 with dissolve mc "Huh, wait- ah, shit." scene w3_3378 with dissolve mina "Something wrong?" mc "My neighbor had a pipe burst. I've got to-" scene w3_3379 with dissolve mina "Sure. No problem." mc "You're not mad I have to run off?" scene w3_3380 with dissolve mina "Why would I be? Saves me from having to awkwardly end our fun because I {i}really{/i} don't want to spend an entire night at a hotel without my stuff." scene w3_3381 with dissolve mc "Yeeeah, what would we have done? Get dinner and watch TV?" scene w3_3382 with dissolve mina "That wouldn't be so bad sometime, but not without access to my make up." scene w3_3381 with dissolve mc "...what were we talking about before, ah. Yeah." scene w3_3382 with dissolve mina "Call me tonight, okay?" scene w3_3383 with dissolve $ unread_mina = True $ history_mina = "After an afternoon tryst, Mina proposed helping me work through some of my own fantasies. It's a tempting offer... " play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Sure, will do." scene black with fade "Ah, goddamn it. I {b}hate{/b} rushing. What the hell does that old man even want." KN_MOD "jump june15endrevise" KN_MOD "label june15end:" scene w3_3384 with curtains show screen textbox2 with dissolve "When I got back, I should've been more surprised at what I found, but honestly... part of me expected it." abel "Oh, good you're here." "Abel was sitting comfortably in a chair, a glass of tea in front of him, while Sophia idled in the kitchen." #to align with render scene w3_3385 with dissolve abel "I feared you might stand me up like the ugly girl at a winter formal." scene w3_3386 with dissolve mc "You broke into my home?" scene w3_3387 with dissolve "A quick inspection of the room told me it was likely just us, although my mind doubled back and second-guessed the conspicuously suited man I had passed at the building's entrance." scene w3_3388 with dissolve abel "I did, although \"breaking in\" would be a generous term for the piddly security of this building." scene w3_3385 with dissolve abel "I do apologize about that, but I don't like visiting places that aren't verified by my staff." scene w3_3386 with dissolve mc "What kind of danger could you possibly expect in a pl--" scene w3_3389 with dissolve sophia "Look here." mc "What is...?" scene w3_3390 with dissolve sophia "It's a listening audio device that broadcasts sound above a specific decibel." mc "...I've been spied on?" sophia "I don't think so. This is the only one we found, likely forgotten after the others had been shoddily removed." scene w3_3391 with dissolve sophia "What's more, the battery likely ran out some time ago. This model can operate for 75 days in standby mode, so I suspect a previous tenant who had something to worry about." scene w3_3392 with dissolve abel "Point is, I only go places that are verified by my staff. Forgive the intrusion." scene w3_3393 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3394 with dissolve mc "Why are you here?" scene w3_3395 with dissolve abel "Very respectably to the point. Good eye contact too." scene w3_3394 with dissolve mc "What is this, some kind of performance review?" scene w3_3395 with dissolve abel "Everything in life is performative, Mr. [mcl] - and every performance is judged." scene w3_3396 with dissolve mc "Like how you broke into my home? Is that supposed to imply something?" scene w3_3397 with dissolve abel "I hoped it might show how serious I am about this conversation." abel "I don't make house calls. {b}People come to me.{/b}" scene w3_3398 with dissolve abel "Sit down, please. It's rude to stand." scene w3_3399 with dissolve "Part of me wanted to desperately tell the old man to fuck off, but there was something about him that made refusing seem impossible." scene w3_3400 with fade "Whatever. {i}Let's talk{/i}." scene w3_3401 with dissolve mc "Why are you here?" scene w3_3402 with dissolve abel "Would you like Sophia to provide you some relief?" scene w3_3403 with dissolve mc "Why are you here?" scene w3_3404 with dissolve abel "The third time is less charming, but I understand your desire to cut to the heart of matters." scene w3_3405 with dissolve abel "I'm an overly familiar old man, but I do come bearing sound advice. I looked into you." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "You're not the first, unfortunately..." scene w3_3407 with dissolve abel "I am indeed the most thorough though, so I feel comfortable prescribing the following verdict." scene w3_3408 with dissolve abel "{i}There is nothing remotely remarkable about you.{/i} You are shockingly unexceptional." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "Thanks..." scene w3_3409 with dissolve abel "At first, I thought it would be appropriate to toy with you, just as he has seen fit to do with my Sophia, but your connection to Charles is tenuous at best." abel "And even if you were his protégé, I doubt he would mind me sniffing around. Undoubtedly, he would find it an interesting note in {i}his{/i} story." scene w3_3410 with dissolve mc "..." "What the fuck could I say to any of this? So I just kept my mouth shut and waited for him to further enlighten me." scene w3_3413 with dissolve abel "No, I'm here talking to you for a less petty purpose. How much do you know about the people who now surround you?" scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "They're not the savory sort." scene w3_3407 with dissolve abel "No one of consequence ever is, but do you know the specifics?" scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "Just what I could find on the internet." scene w3_3409 with dissolve abel "Ah, so nothing at all." abel "No one in this world {b}deserves{/b} a fair shake, despite what they tell you, but thankfully you fall within my providence. You see there are two types of people in this world..." scene w3_3411 with dissolve mc "There's probably a lot more than two..." scene w3_3412 with dissolve abel "Hush. There are those who think nothing of killing a spider in their own home. They simply can't be bothered to do otherwise." scene w3_3409 with dissolve abel "The other kind of person is the type who takes time to capture and release the spider safely, cognizant that a mere bug doesn't choose to encroach where it doesn't belong." scene w3_3408 with dissolve abel "Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age, but I'm here because you should be familiar with your environment. So you can have no one else to blame but yourself if you are dispossessed." scene w3_3414 with dissolve mc "{b}Please{/b}, educate me." scene w3_3415 with dissolve "What else could I say? Dr. Van Doren's motives aside, I wish he wasn't here, but it would be naïve to think I could make it through years at the Carnation Club without facing some obvious truths." mct "(That is... if he even tells me the truth. {i}Why the hell is he truly here{/i}?)" abel "Do you trust your bosses?" scene w3_3416 with dissolve mc "One's a gangster, one's a bomb-making hedonist, and one of them is Kathleen Pulman; I trust them to have their best interests at heart, but that is true of most employer-employee relationships isn't it?" scene w3_3414 with dissolve mc "Part of working for {i}anyone{/i} is becoming their best interest." scene w3_3415 with dissolve abel "I'm wondering what I'm even doing here." scene w3_3414 with dissolve mc "For the record, I don't trust you have good intentions either." scene w3_3415 with dissolve abel "Because of the present circumstances?" scene w3_3417 with dissolve mc "No. Because you're a head of a major pharmaceutical company, cavorting with pimps, refining a sex drug alongside your whore Nazi scientist." scene w3_3418 with dissolve sophia "Nazi?!" mc "No offense Sophia, but being blonde, sharply dressed in black, and testing drugs on people without their consent does conjure up a specific image." scene w3_3419 with dissolve abel "You're mad." scene w3_3420 with dissolve mc "You claim you're here to be candid? I'll be blunt too." scene w3_3421 with dissolve sophia "You have no idea who--" scene w3_3422 with dissolve abel "Pffh, hahaha! Hahahaha! I like you! I'm REALLY starting to think I've wasted my time." scene w3_3423 with dissolve mc "{b}Don't{/b}. Educate me about my environment and the people I work for." scene w3_3424 with dissolve abel "Okay, let's start with the gangster. You have a vague impression of his character, but you don't know his crimes do you?" scene w3_3425 with dissolve mc "No." scene w3_3426 with dissolve abel "It's so easy to get lulled into a sense of security when you're only exposed to a particular side of a person. Still, the man is an extortionist at heart." scene w3_3427 with dissolve abel "Loan sharking, protection rackets, insurance scams, gambling, prostitution. He's very much destroyed lives - not to mention he's killed people." scene w3_3429 with dissolve mc "...*ahem*, yeah?" scene w3_3430 with dissolve abel "Well, he's not a convicted murderer. He's a person of interest in four disappearances." scene w3_3431 with dissolve mc "That can mean a lot of things." scene w3_3430 with dissolve abel "{i}You want it to.{/i} And if he's not responsible, he's undoubtedly a factor in a number of suicides." scene w3_3427 with dissolve abel "Have you ever wondered if he knew your mother?" scene w3_3432 with dissolve mc "What?!" scene w3_3433 with dissolve abel "How many videos did she shoot? How big do you think the porn industry of Moore Head Hills is?" scene w3_3434 with dissolve "......" "..." mct "(What the fuck, does everyone--)" scene w3_3435 with dissolve abel "It's better not to know, I suppose. I can tell you who HAS killed people." scene w3_3436 with dissolve mc "Warren?" scene w3_3437 with pixellate abel "For one... that man is a menace." abel "It takes a lot to get kicked out of the kind of mercenary company that would take a piece of trash like him, but he's pulled it off multiple times - for the same company, no less." abel "A by-product of being good at your job, but his \"Sandman\" moniker wasn't given to him because he excelled at fighting. {b}No{/b}, it has more to do with why he's currently a wanted man, living out of your club." scene w3_3438 with pixellate "......" "..." mct "(Holy shit, but I guess no fucking surprise there...)" scene w3_3439 with dissolve mc "You said for one? Who's the other?" scene w3_3438 with dissolve abel "Who do you suspect?" scene w3_3440 with dissolve mct "(Jacob...)" scene w3_3441 with pixellate abel "Warren's partner is more professional but a killer all the same. He got into trouble as a young man in Quebec that saw him flee the country." abel "After his time in the French Foreign Legion, he came to the States. Worked protection for various unsavory sorts." abel "Did other jobs too. The high-risk kind, the sort you contract out so it doesn't lead back to you." scene w3_3442 with pixellate abel "I don't think he took to it, considering he now guards a brothel. Still, it begs the question of what the man remains capable of." scene w3_3443 with dissolve mc "And Dr. Kohler?" scene w3_3442 with dissolve abel "He's everything you imagine him to be, but worse." abel "War profiteering, bribery, falsification of documents, state-sanctioned smuggling. He's done a lot for his country." scene w3_3444 with dissolve abel "A true American hero. A self-made man. {b}An irredeemable nihilist{/b}, of the lowest order - and that's before you even get into his hobbies..." scene w3_3443 with dissolve mc "Are you any better? You profit obscenely off the backs of sick people. {i}You lobby{/i}." scene w3_3445 with dissolve abel "I serve a purpose that will merit no appreciable distinction from the likes of you." scene w3_3446 with dissolve mc "{i}Riiiight{/i}... what about Kathleen? You neglected to mention her." scene w3_3447 with dissolve abel "She has Charles' nasty disposition but none of his accomplishments. As you noted, you can count on her to act in her own best interests. The only problem is I don't think she knows what that is." scene w3_3448 with dissolve mct "(He talks like he knows something...)" "It pisses me off." scene w3_3447 with dissolve abel "She's harmless." scene w3_3446 with dissolve mct "(I'm sure some people would disagree with that...)" scene w3_3449 with dissolve abel "You're young; you have your whole life ahead of you. You may even make something of yourself if you keep your eyes open." abel "Success is built upon and sustained by reading the wind and the changing tides. Nothing in this world lasts forever, from vaunted intuitions, to your favorite ice cream shop, and especially criminal enterprises." mc "Are you suggesting I should quit?" scene w3_3427 with dissolve abel "Not in the least! Quite the contrary, I believe you'd find quitting a more strenuous process. No, where you are is best." scene w3_3430 with dissolve abel "I'm suggesting you pay attention, so you don't get caught unaware." scene w3_3450 with dissolve mct "(He's DEFINITELY getting at something.)" scene w3_3451 with dissolve abel "If you ever find yourself in a bind, give Sophia a call. You should have her personal number now." play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene w3_3452 with dissolve "Boop!" scene w3_3453 with dissolve mc "What kind of bind would I find myself in?" scene w3_3454 with dissolve abel "Perhaps the kind that would see your home bugged and surveilled. Do you know who lived here last?" scene w3_3453 with dissolve mc "I do..." scene w3_3454 with dissolve "Darius. The man who allegedly blackmailed Kathleen before running off." scene w3_3455 with dissolve abel "Do you know about him? Well, whatever he did, I would avoid making that same mistake." scene w3_3456 with dissolve mc "Be straight with me. You know something." scene w3_3457 with dissolve abel "I'm only making an inference, but it's entirely possible that the listening device has been here for years. I just wanted to underline my point." scene w3_3458 with dissolve sophia "It's a recent model. {b}A year old{/b}." scene w3_3459 with dissolve abel "Is it? That's good to know." abel "We shall take our leave now. Sorry for the intrusion." scene w3_3460 with dissolve mc "Wait... so let me get this straight." mc "An important man like you came here to give me vague advice out of the goodness of your heart, is that it?" scene w3_3461 with dissolve abel "[mcf]... let me ask you something... what could I {i}possibly{/i} get from a nobody like you?" abel "Think about it. Makes no sense." abel "This cost me nothing." scene w3_3462 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPromoFinish == True:" scene w3_3546 with dissolve sophia "Have a good afternoon, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" pass scene w3_3463 with dissolve "They showed themselves out just as they had let themselves in, leaving me confused." scene w3_3464 with dissolve "I hadn't learned anything I hadn't {i}known{i}. August was a piece of shit criminal, Chuck wasn't as I remembered him, and the two soldiers guarding the place had a body count." "None of that should surprise me, even if I tried not to think about it, but I felt disturbed and unsafe." scene w3_3465 with dissolve mct "(I mean, fuck... I'm just a pre-med student from the suburbs.)" mc "What the hell was the deal with that bug?" scene w3_3466 with dissolve "Was that {i}really{/i} the only one? Were there more? Did they plant it? Did they pretend it was here - no {i}why would they do that{/i}?" "It made no sense, but I knew the rest of my night would be spent researching how to detect listening devices. I wouldn't have peace of mind otherwise." mct "(Makes no sense, makes no sense...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Dr. Van Doren's question repeated in my head." "What could he possibly get from a nobody like me?" mct "(God damn it, I don't like people coming and going as they please.)" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" vic "[mcf]?" stop sound play music "music/night-on-the-docks-sax.ogg" $ date = "june15night" scene w3_3467 with wipeleft "What I did know is I didn't want to sleep in my apartment tonight. So tomorrow, I'd ensure I wasn't being spied on, but for now..." show june15night with squares mc "Heeeeeeey. Fancy seeing you here." "The comfort of home." scene w3_3468 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVictoria == True:" vic "Twice in so few days? That's--" KN_MOD "else:" vic "Hey, hun! What are you doing here?" mc "Dropping in unannounced is a family trait." scene w3_3469 with dissolve vic "..." scene w3_3470 with dissolve mc "Are you busy? Want to watch some movies?" scene w3_3471 with dissolve vic "Are you ok- ah..." scene w3_3472 with dissolve vic "{i}Always{/i}." scene w3_3473 with dissolve "Don't ask." scene w3_3474 with dissolve mc "Hey, say..." scene w3_3475 with dissolve "Don't ask. Don't ask." scene w3_3474 with dissolve mc "Do you know a..." scene w3_3476 with dissolve "Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask." scene w3_3477 with dissolve mc "Do you know an August Byrnes?" scene w3_3478 with dissolve vic "Hmm...?" "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ASKING?!" scene w3_3479 with dissolve "......" "..." "IF SHE DOES, YOU JUST EXPOSED--" scene w3_3480 with dissolve vic "Is he a director? Has he done anything I've seen?" scene w3_3481 with dissolve vic "O-oh, wwhaaa...?!" "Oh, thank God." scene w3_3482 with dissolve "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." scene w3_3483 with dissolve mc "I'm going to cook you dinner tonight." scene w3_3484 with dissolve vic "Ah, um... sure..." scene black with fade mc "What? Huh? This is all you have in the fridge? How are you staying healthy?!" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june16start" KN_MOD "label w3ExNoMinaFuckCall:" $ w3Recollection = True "......" "..." "After everything, I found myself alone." "Not without accompaniment, but actually {i}alone{/i}." scene w3_3485 with circlewipe "Just me by my lonesome in a big dark room, not a single soul around, enjoying an afternoon matinée." scene w3_3486 with dissolve woman "It's coming! {b}Ruuuuuuun!{/b}" trailer "Coming this summer." mct "(Hmmm, Allison Smith...)" scene w3_3487 with dissolve mct "(What movie do I know her from...?)" trailer "Storms of Andromeda" mct "(Ah, hell. Who knows. This looks like shit, anyway.)" movieguy "...please put your phones away. Now, for the feature presentation." scene w3_3488 with dissolve mct "(Man, what a day already...)" mct "(The shoot was taxing. I should check in on the Carnations tomorrow, right?)" scene w3_3489 with dissolve mct "(Ah... what am I doing with my life? Why am I even watching this?)" scene w3_3490 with dissolve mct "(Hmmm. This kicks ass.)" play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w3_3491 with dissolve "*Ring, Ring*" mct "(Unknown number... well, I mean...)" mc "I'm the only one here." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3492 with dissolve mc "Hello?" play music "music/bellissimo.ogg" scene w3_3371 with dissolve sophia "Hello, Mr. [mcl]. I didn't think we would speak again so soon." scene w3_3372 with dissolve mc "'re the one who called me, Miss Lundgren." scene w3_3373 with dissolve sophia "It's not a social call. Well, not one on my behalf." sophia "How soon will you arrive home?" scene w3_3374 with dissolve mc "I don't know. I wasn't planning on it anytime-" scene w3_3375 with dissolve sophia "Mr. Van Doren has graciously found time in his schedule to educate you. He'll be here in one hour, {b}exactly.{/b}" scene w3_3376 with dissolve mc "What? You can't just--" scene w3_3375 with dissolve sophia "Please be here. It's to your benefit." scene w3_3493 with dissolve mc "Huh, wait! Ah, s-shit!" mct "(After fucking with me, she thinks she can just--)" scene w3_3494 with dissolve mc "Ah, damn it." mct "(Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.)" mct "(Educate me? What the... ah...)" scene w3_3495 with dissolve "What other option do I have? I need to see what this crap is about." scene black with fade mct "(Whatever it is, it probably isn't good.)" "......." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june15endrevise" KN_MOD "label w3IanVisit:" play music "music/hotshot-slow.ogg" scene w3_3496 with blinds grace "Is that all you have to say for yourself?" kil "It will do." scene w3_3497 with dissolve grace "........." grace "......" grace "..." kil "Stop breaking my balls, alright?!!" scene w3_3498 with dissolve grace "From where I'm standing, you still need to drop them." scene w3_3497 with dissolve kil "Ah, y-you- hhhnn- {b}d-damn it!{/b}" scene w3_3498 with dissolve grace "What?" scene w3_3497 with dissolve kil "*sigh* That was a good one." scene w3_3499 with dissolve grace "Thank you." "..." scene w3_3500 with dissolve grace "You don't return my calls, you miss your little cousin's graduation, your father's birthday party, and now you skip out on our anniversary party." grace "You've made it abundantly clear you don't want to be a part of this family." scene w3_3501 with dissolve kil "...have I? Then why are you here?" scene w3_3502 with dissolve grace "I can't accept that. Family's important, Ian." grace "Besides Charlie, I had no one. He raised and put me through school, where I met your father." scene w3_3503 with dissolve grace "Suddenly, I had a lot of family. You shouldn't throw that away just because of our disagreements." grace "Your cousin adores you; she has nothing to do with your perpetual temper tantrum." scene w3_3504 with dissolve kil "I was busy." scene w3_3505 with dissolve grace "Don't lie to me. Your father and I gave you everything you ever asked for. You never wanted for anything." scene w3_3506 with dissolve kil "There are some things I shouldn't have to ask for." scene w3_3507 with dissolve grace "I tried everything. When I thought I was smothering you, I gave you space. When that didn't work, I didn't know what the fuck to do." play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w3_3508 with dissolve "*Ring, ring*" stop music play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3509 with dissolve kil "Yeah, Doc?" scene w3_3510 with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" "After setting up the time and place with Mina, I had time to kill, so I thought I'd drop in on my hung-over and ailing friend." KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True:" "Whether it was some manifestation of guilt or if I was truly concerned, the irony of my visit wasn't lost on me." KN_MOD "else:" "With nothing better to do, I thought I'd drop in on my hung-over, ailing friend." scene w3_3509 with dissolve kil "Uh, huh. It's open. Just let yourself in." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3511 with dissolve "*Beep*" kil "That was [mcf], so let's finish this conversation never." scene w3_3512 with dissolve grace "I don't know what to do, but... just... {i}I love you, son.{/i}" grace "Time is more precious than you realize. I won't always be here. Ignoring your feelings today will just make you bitter tomorrow." scene black with fade kil "[mcf] will be here soon." grace "Yeah, I get the message." mc "Oh, uh... hello, Mrs. Beaufort. How are you?" grace "I'm good, [mcf]. I was just leaving." mc "Oh, well. It was nice to--" play music "music/hotshot.ogg" scene w3_3513 with dissolve kil "Thank God you showed up when you did! You cut her bitching short." mc "Glad to be of use." scene w3_3514 with dissolve kil "So what's up? Dropping by out of the blue isn't like you." mc "I just got off \"work.\" Wanted to come by and see how my sick little boy is doing." scene w3_3515 with dissolve kil "Yeah, yeah. Sorry. I just didn't feel like it, okay?" mc "You must have been really knocking them back last night if it put {b}you{/b} out of commission, huh?" scene w3_3516 with dissolve kil "What can I say? It was a special occasion." mc "Drowning your sorrows?" scene w3_3517 with dissolve kil "Not exactly, but... I don't know. It felt like a thing to do." kil "Even if I made my own bed, Mina is the longest relationship I have ever had." scene w3_3518 with dissolve kil "Honestly, I should've been drinking out of relief. Mina was a far too intense woman for me." scene w3_3519 with dissolve mc "Wasn't she more like a doormat?" scene w3_3520 with dissolve kil "In some ways, but she also put off this weird vibe. I don't know how to explain it. I could never get a solid read on her like I could other girls." scene w3_3519 with dissolve mc "What do you mean by that?" scene w3_3520 with dissolve kil "I've been wondering that myself." KN_MOD "if ianIntrospect == True:" kil "Like I'm the type of person who likes to test the limits of what I can get away with. I do it with my parents, I do it with my Uncle, and with the women I fuck. So naturally, I did it with the woman I..." scene w3_3521 with dissolve kil "I don't know. Typically when I piss someone off, I see {i}their{/i} shit." scene w3_3520 with dissolve kil "Their fucked up messes, what they {i}demanded{/i} of me, just stuff that made me feel good about twisting the knife." scene w3_3519 with dissolve mc "But with Mina?" scene w3_3522 with dissolve kil "Sometimes it felt like she was a mirror, right? Whenever I fucked up or made her jealous, it was like seeing what other people saw when they looked at me." scene w3_3524 with dissolve kil "For the first time, instead of testing other people's limits, I was seeing what I could get away with myself. Whenever she looked hurt, {i}I felt it{/i}." scene w3_3525 with dissolve kil "Don't just look at me like that. Does that make any fucked up sense?" scene w3_3523 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that's kinda messed up, dude - but I get it." scene w3_3522 with dissolve kil "You do?" scene w3_3523 with dissolve mc "Our views of ourselves are just unsubstantiated delusions until they meet opposition." scene w3_3529 with dissolve kil "Hell no, man. I live a dope life. I don't need some bitch to shatter that." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3519 with dissolve mc "...yeah?" scene w3_3521 with dissolve kil "I don't know, man. She's just not as stupid as she looks and I don't fucking get it." scene w3_3520 with dissolve kil "I woke up one night and she was just staring at me, lost in thought. Like the way Uncle sometimes gets when we play games." scene w3_3531 with dissolve mc "You sure she wasn't just 'mirin you, hot stuff?" scene w3_3526 with dissolve kil "God, don't say that word." scene w3_3527 with dissolve mc "What word?" scene w3_3526 with dissolve kil "That actually made my skin crawl." scene w3_3527 with dissolve mc "I mean, how could a girl not look? You're sooooo good-looking, Ian." scene w3_3526 with dissolve kil "Stop." scene w3_3527 with dissolve mc "God's gift to womankind." scene w3_3528 with dissolve kil "STOOOOOOOP. I'm not that kind of full of myself!" mc "Oh, you're not?" scene w3_3529 with dissolve kil "No! I'm a fucking gremlin with money and I know that, okay? A gremlin with a {b}dope life.{/b}" scene w3_3530 with dissolve mc "So you've said before." kil "How long are you staying? I got all day." KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" mc "I could fuck around for a couple of hours. Enough time to get a bite to eat and binge an episode or two of whatever shitty reality show we can find." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Let's kick it all day, then." kil "What a lucky week. You telling me I get some of my best friend's time two days in a row?" scene w3_3531 with dissolve mc "This is why Mina thought you wanted to fuck me, you know that?" scene w3_3532 with dissolve kil "Did she say that?!" scene w3_3531 with dissolve mc "She didn't need to. I could feel the jealousy in the air the day we met." scene w3_3532 with dissolve kil "Nah, dude. It doesn't come off like that. I don't have any positive male examples to gauge my tone against. That's all!" scene w3_3533 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3534 with dissolve mck "Pfhh, hahaha!" kil "...who would top?" scene w3_3535 with dissolve mc "Is that a fucking question? If I asked you to, you'd spread it so wide that I could see what you had for lunch." scene w3_3536 with dissolve kil "Oh, fuck off, that's gross! Who's the gay one now?!" KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True and Killian_Bromance >= 15:" scene w3_3537 with dissolve "How could I laugh like this when I'm about to go see his ex after we..." mct "(Part of me wanted to tell him, but my sense of self-preservation prevented it. I didn't need to complicate my work life.)" mct "(Yeah, not afraid to rock the boat. Riiiiiight.)" scene w3_3535 with dissolve mc "The real question should be, \"who's your fucking daddy?\" You {i}definitely{/i} have those sorts of issues." scene black with fade kil "Uhhhhhhhhh! I can't even deny that, can I?" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if minaFlag == True:" "So we shot the shit, ate, watched TV... all that junk. It was fun, but... {b}yeah.{/b}" "I did have to go see his ex-girlfriend." KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True and hanaGF == True:" KN_MOD "jump w3MinaHanaGFHangStart" KN_MOD "elif minaCheat == True and hanaGF == False:" KN_MOD "jump w3MinaFullSpeedHangStart" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump w3MinaPlatonicHangStart" KN_MOD "else:" "So we shot the shit, ate, watched TV, played games, watched a movie..." "As time passed, the question of when to go home was answered for me." play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" scene w3_3538 with fade "*Ring, ring*" kil "Who is it?" mc "Unknown number." kil "Answer it." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3539 with dissolve mc "Hello?" play music "music/bellissimo.ogg" scene w3_3371 with dissolve sophia "Hello, Mr. [mcl]. I didn't think we would speak again so soon." scene w3_3372 with dissolve mc "'re the one who called me, Miss Lundgren." scene w3_3373 with dissolve sophia "It's not a social call. Well, not one on my behalf." sophia "How soon will you arrive home?" scene w3_3374 with dissolve mc "I don't know. I wasn't planning on it anytime-" scene w3_3375 with dissolve sophia "Mr. Van Doren has graciously found time in his schedule to educate you. He'll be here in one hour, {b}exactly.{/b}" scene w3_3376 with dissolve mc "What? You can't just--" scene w3_3375 with dissolve sophia "Please be here. It's to your benefit." scene w3_3540 with dissolve mc "Huh, wait! Ah, s-shit!" mct "(After fucking with me, she thinks she can just--)" scene w3_3541 with dissolve mc "Ah, damn it." scene w3_3542 with dissolve kil "What's wrong?" mct "(Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.)" mct "(Educate me? What the... ah...)" scene w3_3541 with dissolve mc "I'm going to have a house guest." scene w3_3543 with dissolve kil "Who?" scene w3_3544 with dissolve mc "Abel Van Doren." scene w3_3543 with dissolve kil "What the fuck? Why would he-" scene w3_3544 with dissolve mc "I've got no goddamn clue, man." scene w3_3543 with dissolve kil "I'll come with you." scene w3_3545 with dissolve mc "No, it's best you don't. I'll call you later about it, though." kil "...ah, alright. Nice hanging with you, bro." scene black with fade mc "You too, Ian." "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june15endrevise" KN_MOD "label june15endrevise:" scene w3_3384 with curtains show screen textbox2 with dissolve "When I got back, I should've been more surprised at what I found, but honestly... part of me expected it." abel "Oh, good you're here." "Abel was sitting comfortably in a chair, a glass of tea in front of him, while Sophia idled in the kitchen." #to align with render scene w3_3385 with dissolve abel "I feared you might stand me up like the ugly girl at a winter formal." scene w3_3387 with dissolve "The old man's nonchalance about breaking into my home was nothing short of infuriating." "First it was Sophia fucking with me earlier with her drug, and now..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Hold your tongue.:" scene w3_3548 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Good afternoon, Dr. Van Doren. What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" scene w3_3547 with dissolve "There was no point in voicing my displeasure; there was only the reality that he was here, and like it or not, my life was now entangled with the whims of men like him." scene w3_3549 with dissolve abel "I wanted to speak with you {i}outside{/i} the club." scene w3_3547 with dissolve "A quick inspection of the room told me it was likely just us, although my mind doubled back and second-guessed the conspicuously suited man I had passed at the building's entrance." scene w3_3548 with dissolve mc "Sophia phrased it differently. She said you wanted to educate me?" scene w3_3550 with dissolve abel "Did she? Oh, Sophia..." abel "For all her wonderful gifts, tact isn't one of them." scene w3_3548 with dissolve mc "Was she mistaken?" scene w3_3549 with dissolve abel "There are always nuggets of value to be mined from any conversation." scene w3_3548 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I see what you mean. {i}Mining{/i}." scene w3_3551 with dissolve mc "Just like how your choice of words reinforces my impression of you?" scene w3_3552 with dissolve abel "Show him, Sophia." scene w3_3553 with dissolve sophia "It's a listening device that broadcasts sound above a specific decibel." mc "...are you saying I've been spied on?" scene w3_3554 with dissolve sophia "I don't think so. This is the only one we found, likely shoddily forgotten after the others had been removed." scene w3_3391 with dissolve sophia "What's more, the battery likely ran out some time ago. This model can operate for 75 days in standby mode, so I suspect it was a previous tenant who should have had privacy concerns." scene w3_3556 with dissolve mc "I see..." scene w3_3557 with dissolve mct "(Darius {i}was{/i} blackmailing the old woman. Her bugging this place {b}would{/b} make sense... still...)" KN_MOD "Call him out on it.:" scene w3_3386 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You broke into my home?" scene w3_3387 with dissolve "A quick inspection of the room told me it was likely just us, although my mind doubled back and second-guessed the conspicuously suited man I had passed at the building's entrance." scene w3_3388 with dissolve abel "I did, although \"breaking in\" would be a generous term for the piddly security of this building." scene w3_3385 with dissolve abel "I do apologize about that, but I don't like visiting places that aren't verified by my staff." scene w3_3386 with dissolve mc "What kind of danger could you possibly expect in a pl--" scene w3_3389 with dissolve sophia "Look here." mc "What is...?" scene w3_3390 with dissolve sophia "It's a listening audio device that broadcasts sound above a specific decibel." mc "...are you saying I've been spied on?" sophia "I don't think so. This is the only one we found, likely forgotten after the others had been shoddily removed." scene w3_3391 with dissolve sophia "What's more, the battery likely ran out some time ago. This model can operate for 75 days in standby mode, so I suspect it was a previous tenant who had unknown privacy concerns." scene w3_3392 with dissolve abel "Point is, I only go places that are verified by my staff. Forgive the intrusion." scene w3_3556 with dissolve mct "(Darius {i}was{/i} blackmailing the old woman. Her bugging this place {b}would{/b} make sense... still...)" scene w3_3557 with dissolve "Still, this..." KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPromoFinish == True:" mc "This bugs me." scene w3_3558 with dissolve sophia "Pffh-" sophia "No pun intended?" scene w3_3557 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" "{i}Disturbs me{/i}." mc "That's the only one you found?" scene w3_3559 with dissolve sophia "After an exhaustive search, but it's possible we missed some." scene w3_3393 with dissolve abel "Don't look so concerned. I highly doubt that device was meant for you - or were you under the illusion you had privacy here?" "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Take control of the conversation.:" $ w3AbelControl = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_3560 with dissolve mc "This has already been educational, sir." scene w3_3395 with dissolve abel "Why do you say that?" scene w3_3561 with dissolve mc "The guy I replaced left under unusual circumstances." scene w3_3562 with dissolve abel "No doubt he did." scene w3_3563 with dissolve mc "Did you know Darius?" scene w3_3562 with dissolve abel "No. I'm new to Charles' club, remember?" scene w3_3563 with dissolve mc "You've already demonstrated your precaution. Are you telling me you didn't look into the club's staff and patrons?" scene w3_3562 with dissolve abel "Present staff and patrons, sure. I looked into you for example." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "You didn't find anything interesting." scene w3_3408 with dissolve abel "No, I did {b}not{/b}. You are remarkably unexceptional, if you don't mind me saying." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "No, I don't mind. It's better that way." scene w3_3407 with dissolve abel "I agree. The people that surround you at work underestimate you because of that. They think you're harmless." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "I AM harmless." scene w3_3413 with dissolve abel "Someone completely harmless wouldn't be swallowing their annoyance over an old man breaking and entering into their home, demanding their time." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "Thinking before I act was a hard-learned lesson for me as a kid. That's all it is." scene w3_3409 with dissolve abel "Thinking before you act is one of the few ingredients that you need to thrive in life." scene w3_3411 with dissolve mc "What are the others?" scene w3_3409 with dissolve abel "Luck, which you can't control. Another is opportunity, which, to an extent, is something you can." scene w3_3408 with dissolve abel "But the most important thing, and this speaks to thinking before you act, is to know the difference between caution and hesitation." scene w3_3564 with dissolve mc "Ha, yeeeeah..." mc "{i}\"Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.\"{/i} Something like that?" scene w3_3565 with dissolve sophia "Who said that, Gandhi?" scene w3_3566 with dissolve mc "Bodhi." scene w3_3567 with dissolve sophia "...huh?" scene w3_3413 with dissolve abel "I'm just saying, [mcf]... if you were so inclined, you're in the kind of position you could levy to your benefit." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "Does that have anything to do with why you're here, sir?" scene w3_3412 with dissolve abel "It does not. I'm here because I wanted to caution you about your surroundings. You got pulled into this with the promise of money no doubt, dragged all by your friend, and involved in the club's enterprise because of an old man's desire to fulfill his nephew's whims." scene w3_3407 with dissolve abel "How much do you know about the people around you?" KN_MOD "Urge Van Doren to get to the point.:" scene w3_3394 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Why {i}are{/i} you here?" scene w3_3395 with dissolve abel "Very respectably to the point. Good eye contact too." scene w3_3394 with dissolve mc "What is this, some kind of performance review?" scene w3_3395 with dissolve abel "Everything in life is performative, Mr. [mcl] - and every performance is judged." scene w3_3396 with dissolve mc "Like how you broke into my home? Is that supposed to imply something?" scene w3_3397 with dissolve abel "I hoped it might show how serious I am about this conversation." abel "I don't make house calls. {b}People come to me.{/b}" scene w3_3398 with dissolve abel "Sit down, please. It's rude to stand." scene w3_3399 with dissolve "Part of me wanted to desperately tell the old man to fuck off, but there was something about him that made refusing seem impossible." scene w3_3400 with fade "Whatever. {i}Let's talk{/i}." scene w3_3401 with dissolve mc "Why are you here?" scene w3_3402 with dissolve abel "Would you like Sophia to provide you some relief?" scene w3_3403 with dissolve mc "Why are you here?" scene w3_3404 with dissolve abel "The third time is less charming, but I understand your desire to cut to the heart of matters." scene w3_3405 with dissolve abel "I'm an overly familiar old man, but I do come bearing sound advice. I looked into you." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "You're not the first, unfortunately..." scene w3_3407 with dissolve abel "I am indeed the most thorough though, so I feel comfortable prescribing the following verdict." scene w3_3408 with dissolve abel "{i}There is nothing remotely remarkable about you.{/i} You are shockingly unexceptional." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "Thanks..." scene w3_3409 with dissolve abel "At first, I thought it would be appropriate to toy with you, just as he has seen fit to do with my Sophia, but your connection to Charles is tenuous at best." abel "And even if you were his protégé, I doubt he would mind me sniffing around. Undoubtedly, he would find it an interesting note in {i}his{/i} story." scene w3_3410 with dissolve mc "..." "What the fuck could I say to any of this? So I just kept my mouth shut and waited for him to further enlighten me." scene w3_3413 with dissolve abel "No, I'm here talking to you for a less petty purpose. How much do you know about the people who now surround you?" scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "They're not the savory sort." scene w3_3407 with dissolve abel "No one of consequence ever is, but do you know the specifics." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "Just what I could find on the internet." scene w3_3409 with dissolve abel "Ah, so nothing at all. It's good I'm here; you thankfully fall within my providence. There are two types of people in this world..." scene w3_3410 with dissolve mct "(There's probably a lot more than two...)" scene w3_3412 with dissolve abel "There are those who think nothing of killing a spider in their own home. They simply can't be bothered to do otherwise." scene w3_3413 with dissolve abel "The other kind of person is the type who takes time to capture and release the spider safely, cognizant that a mere bug doesn't choose to encroach where it doesn't belong." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "Are you saying I don't belong at the club?" scene w3_3407 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3AbelControl == True:" abel "I think you are where you chose to be, [mcf]. You availed yourself of luck and opportunity." KN_MOD "else:" abel "I think you are where you chose to be, [mcf]." scene w3_3406 with dissolve mc "Your analogy has me a little confused then." scene w3_3409 with dissolve abel "You're out of your element, that's all. Not a big deal; people learn quickly. However, the timing is sometimes poor." scene w3_3407 with dissolve abel "Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age, but you remind me of a boy I once knew. As such, I want you to have a better understanding of your environment." scene w3_3414 with dissolve mc "{b}Please{/b}, educate me." scene w3_3415 with dissolve "What else could I say? Dr. Van Doren's motives aside, I wish he wasn't here, but it would be naïve to think I could make it through years at the Carnation Club without facing some obvious truths." mct "(That is... if he even tells me the truth. {i}Why the hell is he truly here{/i}?)" abel "Do you trust your bosses?" scene w3_3416 with dissolve mc "One's a gangster, one's a bomb-making hedonist, and one of them is Kathleen Pulman; I trust them to have their best interests at heart, but that is true of most employer-employee relationships isn't it?" scene w3_3414 with dissolve mc "Part of working for {i}anyone{/i} is becoming their best interest." scene w3_3415 with dissolve abel "Now, I'm wondering what I'm even doing here. You have a good head on your shoulders." scene w3_3414 with dissolve mc "For the record, at the moment, I trust you even less than Dr. Chuck." scene w3_3415 with dissolve abel "Because of the present circumstances?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Bingo. You think hes shady as fuck.:" scene w3_3414 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "No offense, but pretty much." scene w3_3417 with dissolve mc "Plus, you're the head of a major pharmaceutical company, cavorting with pimps, refining a sex drug alongside your whore Nazi scientist." scene w3_3418 with dissolve sophia "Nazi?!" mc "No offense Sophia, but being blonde, sharply dressed in black, and testing drugs on people without their consent does conjure up a specific image." scene w3_3419 with dissolve abel "Ha, honesty! I like that!" scene w3_3420 with dissolve mc "You claim you're here to be candid? I'll be blunt too." scene w3_3421 with dissolve sophia "You have no idea who--" scene w3_3422 with dissolve abel "Pffh, hahaha! Hahahaha! I'm REALLY starting to think I've wasted my time." scene w3_3423 with dissolve mc "{b}Don't{/b}. Educate me about my environment and the people I work for." scene w3_3424 with dissolve abel "Okay, let's start with the gangster. You undoubtedly have a vague impression of his character, but you don't know his specific crimes, do you?" scene w3_3425 with dissolve mc "No, I don't." scene w3_3426 with dissolve KN_MOD "Its just prudent.:" scene w3_3568 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's just a matter of fact. I have strong ties to Dr. Chuck; I grew up around him and he even advised my high school physics club." mc "He's not the man I thought I knew, but it's more substantial than..." scene w3_3569 with dissolve abel "No, I understand." mc "Don't get me wrong; you saying I'm out of my element. You took some of your important time to be here. I'm confused, but I'll gladly listen." mc "Please educate me about my environment." scene w3_3570 with dissolve abel "Okay, let's start with the gangster. You undoubtedly have a vague impression of his character, but you don't know his specific crimes, do you?" scene w3_3431 with dissolve mc "No, I don't." scene w3_3430 with dissolve abel "It's so easy to get lulled into a sense of security when you're only exposed to a particular side of a person. You may even chat comfortably with him." scene w3_3431 with dissolve mc "Not too comfortably..." scene w3_3430 with dissolve abel "You would do well to remember that the man is an extortionist at heart." scene w3_3427 with dissolve abel "Loan sharking, protection rackets, insurance scams, gambling, prostitution. He's very much destroyed lives - not to mention... he's {b}killed{/b} people." scene w3_3429 with dissolve mc "...*ahem*, yeah?" scene w3_3430 with dissolve abel "Well, he's not a convicted murderer. He's a mere person of interest in four disappearances." scene w3_3431 with dissolve mc "That can mean a lot of things." scene w3_3430 with dissolve abel "Well whatever it means, he's undoubtedly a factor in a number of suicides. His business remains, as it has long been, one that ruins lives." ## New line scene w3_3571 with dissolve mc "I wasn't... {i}unaware{/i} of that. I mean, well..." "......" "..." scene w3_3431 with dissolve mc "I knew he shot porn and he's obviously a pimp, but some of what you've said does paint a more intense picture." scene w3_3572 with pixellate abel "Men like August who end up making it to a certain age often tend to purport themselves as being principled, but if you cut out the pretense, the only actual standards he upholds are the ones that benefits himself." abel "You don't ever want to unknowingly get in that kind of man's way." mc "...why would I? I keep my head down." abel "Because the difference between family and liability is a thin, flimsy thing to a gangster like him. You should take care not to ever give him even a bad reason." scene w3_3431 with pixellate mc "I don't plan on it..." scene w3_3427 with dissolve abel "By the way, have you ever wondered if he knew your mother?" scene w3_3432 with dissolve mc "What?!" mc "That...!" scene w3_3433 with dissolve "I shouldn't be shocked. The old woman dug up the same info, but..." scene w3_3573 with dissolve mc "The thought hasn't crossed my mind." scene w3_3434 with dissolve "...having a patron bring her up, for some nebulous purpose, enraged me to an even more infuriating degree." scene w3_3435 with dissolve abel "How many videos did she shoot? How big do you think the porn industry of Moore Head Hills is?" scene w3_3573 with dissolve mc "Big enough that I feel comfortable not entertaining that thought." scene w3_3435 with dissolve abel "It's better not to know, I suppose. August aside, I can tell you who HAS killed people." scene w3_3436 with dissolve mc "Warren?" scene w3_3437 with pixellate abel "For one... that man is a menace." abel "It takes a lot to get kicked out of the kind of mercenary company that would take a piece of trash like him, but he's pulled it off multiple times - for the same company, no less." abel "A by-product of being good at your job, but his \"Sandman\" moniker wasn't given to him because he excelled at fighting. {b}No{/b}, it has more to do with why he's currently a wanted man, living out of your club." scene w3_3440 with pixellate "......" "..." mct "(I guess no fucking surprise there, but...)" scene w3_3439 with dissolve mc "...and what's he wanted for exactly?" scene w3_3575 with dissolve abel "The man didn't leave his hobby of drugging prostitutes on foreign soil." scene w3_3574 with dissolve mc "Christ... that... {i}fits{/i} my impression..." mc "Speaking of liabilities... {i}he's not?{/i}" scene w3_3576 with dissolve abel "I said he was good at his job, didn't I?" scene w3_3574 with dissolve mc "{i}Of watching cameras?{i}" scene w3_3575 with dissolve abel "His job is to be capable in a pinch and his status as a wanted man makes him more reliable in that aspect." scene w3_3577 with dissolve mc "His options are limited and you always know where to find him, huh?" abel "Precisely." scene w3_3439 with dissolve mc "What about Jacob? He's not as nice as he seems, right?" scene w3_3438 with dissolve abel "Why do you say that?" scene w3_3439 with dissolve mc "I get the feeling he doesn't care for the job, but he's there nonetheless." scene w3_3441 with pixellate abel "True. Warren's partner is more professional but he's a killer all the same. He got into trouble as a young man in Quebec that saw him flee the country." mc "What kind of trouble?" abel "A drunken assault. Nothing truly damning on his character in the grand scheme of things, but rather than face the music, he preferred leaving his home country - and what's a more storybook way of escaping your criminal past than joining the foreign legion?" mc "That seems pretty drastic." abel "Indeed. It's not the easiest route, either. You either have to be a romantic or sufficiently desperate." scene w3_3443 with pixellate mc "Did he see combat?" scene w3_3442 with dissolve abel "According to his record, yes. He was recognized for his valor even." abel "On paper, he's a commendable man, but after extending his contract a couple of times, he came to the states where he worked for various unsavory sorts." scene w3_3443 with dissolve mc "...couldn't a man with his experience have landed more legitimate work?" scene w3_3444 with dissolve abel "That's a good question. There are certainly companies that will overlook and vouch for those with questionable legal status, but that's not the direction he took." scene w3_3443 with dissolve mc "What kind of jobs did he do?" scene w3_3575 with dissolve abel "The high-risk kind, the sort you contract out so it doesn't lead back to you." scene w3_3574 with dissolve mc "Oh..." scene w3_3575 with dissolve abel "As you know, he now guards a brothel. Maybe he didn't take to his old work, or maybe this is just less risk and more steady pay for him." scene w3_3574 with dissolve "I certainly understood the pay angle..." mc "Since you're naming sins, what about Dr. Kohler?" scene w3_3576 with dissolve abel "He is the most interesting of the bunch, isn't he?" scene w3_3439 with dissolve mc "Some of the girls made him sound scary, but he's just the money, right?" scene w3_3438 with dissolve abel "He's everything you imagine him to be, but worse." scene w3_3440 with dissolve abel "Charles Kohler made a fortune on war profiteering, bribery, falsification of documents, {b}state-sanctioned smuggling.{/b} He's done a lot for his country." scene w3_3432 with dissolve mc "{i}State{/i}-sanctioned smuggling?!" scene w3_3578 with pixellate abel "Yes. As a necessity, weapon manufacturers tend to have strong ties to the various alphabet agencies. Some more than others." abel "And your Dr. Chuck is indeed a true American hero and a self-made man - {b}he's also an irredeemable nihilist{/b} of the lowest order, but that's just my personal disdain coming through." mc "He worked for the government?" abel "He worked for himself." mct "(...he always just painted himself as a guy who lucked out that one of his designs worked and got picked up.)" scene w3_3444 with pixellate abel "Truthfully, a man like Charles doesn't commit any sins that you can specifically point to. The importance and reach of his work affords him quite the umbrella." scene w3_3443 with dissolve mc "...that really doesn't change anything for me." scene w3_3442 with dissolve abel "Shouldn't it?" scene w3_3443 with dissolve mc "Either way he was never the man I remembered, but this helps everything fit." scene w3_3442 with dissolve abel "Glad to be of some service." scene w3_3443 with dissolve mc "...can I be frank?" mc "Are you any better? You profit obscenely off the backs of sick people. {i}You lobby{/i}." scene w3_3445 with dissolve abel "I serve a purpose that will merit no appreciable distinction from the likes of you." scene w3_3446 with dissolve mc "{i}Riiiight{/i}... what about Kathleen? You neglected to mention her." scene w3_3447 with dissolve abel "She has Charles' nasty disposition but none of his accomplishments. As you noted, you can count on her to act in her own best interests. The only problem is I don't think she knows what that is." scene w3_3448 with dissolve mct "(He talks like he knows something...)" "It pisses me off." scene w3_3447 with dissolve abel "She's harmless." scene w3_3448 with dissolve mc "I'm sure some people would disagree with you on that." scene w3_3447 with dissolve abel "Comparatively harmless." scene w3_3446 with dissolve mc "...and all this is meant to caution me about my environment, because of a boy you used to know?" scene w3_3449 with dissolve abel "You're young; you have your whole life ahead of you. You may even make something of yourself if you keep your head up and your eyes open." abel "Success is built upon and sustained by reading the wind and the changing tides. Nothing in this world lasts forever, from vaunted intuitions, to your favorite ice cream shop, and especially criminal enterprises." scene w3_3579 with dissolve abel "Organizations like yours are prone to shakeups. Not saying anything will happen, but pay attention." scene w3_3451 with dissolve abel "If you ever find yourself in a bind, give Sophia a call. You should have her personal number now." play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" scene w3_3452 with dissolve "Boop!" scene w3_3453 with dissolve mc "What kind of bind would I find myself in?" scene w3_3454 with dissolve abel "Perhaps the kind that would see your home bugged and surveilled. Do you know who lived here last?" scene w3_3453 with dissolve mc "I do..." scene w3_3455 with dissolve abel "Do you know about him? Well, whatever he did, I would avoid making that same mistake." scene w3_3456 with dissolve mc "Be straight with me. You know something." scene w3_3457 with dissolve abel "I'm only making an inference, but it's entirely possible that the listening device has been here for years. I just wanted to underline my point." scene w3_3458 with dissolve sophia "It's a recent model. {b}A year old{/b}." scene w3_3459 with dissolve abel "Is it? That's good to know." abel "We shall take our leave now. Sorry for the intrusion." scene w3_3460 with dissolve mc "Wait...!" mc "Why are you {i}really{/i} here? This is all too vague and seemingly pointless. I'm having a hard time believing it's out of a sense of altruism." scene w3_3461 with dissolve abel "I'm not like you, [mcf]. Nor am I like the men who surround you. I think about others all the time; it's a prerequisite of my calling." scene w3_3580 with dissolve abel "Think about it: what could I {i}possibly{/i} get from a nobody like you?" abel "Makes no sense. Absolutely none at all." scene w3_3461 with dissolve abel "This cost me nothing." scene w3_3462 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "if w3SophiaPromoFinish == True:" scene w3_3546 with dissolve sophia "Have a good afternoon, [mcf]." KN_MOD "else:" pass scene w3_3463 with dissolve "They showed themselves out just as they had let themselves in, leaving me confused." scene w3_3464 with dissolve "I hadn't learned anything I hadn't {i}known{i}. August was a piece of shit criminal, Chuck wasn't as I remembered him, and the two soldiers guarding the place had a body count." "None of that should surprise me, even if I tried not to think about it, but I felt disturbed and unsafe." scene w3_3465 with dissolve mct "(I mean, fuck... I'm just a pre-med student from the suburbs.)" mc "What the hell was the deal with that bug?" scene w3_3466 with dissolve "Was that {i}really{/i} the only one? Were there more? Did they plant it? Did they pretend it was here - no {i}why would they do that{/i}?" "It made no sense, but I knew the rest of my night would be spent researching how to detect listening devices. I wouldn't have peace of mind otherwise." mct "(Makes no sense, huh?)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Dr. Van Doren's question repeated in my head." "What could he possibly get from a nobody like me?" mct "(God damn it, I don't like people coming and going as they please.)" play sound "sound effects/door-knock.wav" "*Knock, knock*" vic "[mcf]?" stop sound play music "music/night-on-the-docks-sax.ogg" $ date = "june15night" scene w3_3467 with wipeleft "What I did know is I didn't want to sleep in my apartment tonight. So tomorrow, I'd ensure I wasn't being spied on, but for now..." show june15night with squares mc "Heeeeeeey. Fancy seeing you here." "The comfort of home." scene w3_3468 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVictoria == True:" vic "Twice in so few days? That's--" KN_MOD "else:" vic "Hey, hun! What are you doing here?" mc "Dropping in unannounced is a family trait." scene w3_3469 with dissolve vic "..." scene w3_3470 with dissolve mc "Are you busy? Want to watch some movies?" scene w3_3471 with dissolve vic "Are you ok- ah..." scene w3_3472 with dissolve vic "{i}Always{/i}." scene w3_3473 with dissolve "Don't ask." scene w3_3474 with dissolve mc "Hey, say..." scene w3_3475 with dissolve "Don't ask. Don't ask." scene w3_3474 with dissolve mc "Do you know a..." scene w3_3476 with dissolve "Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask." scene w3_3477 with dissolve mc "Do you know an August Byrnes?" scene w3_3478 with dissolve vic "Hmm...?" "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ASKING?!" scene w3_3479 with dissolve "......" "..." "IF SHE DOES, YOU JUST EXPOSED--" scene w3_3480 with dissolve vic "Is he a director? Has he done anything I've seen?" scene w3_3481 with dissolve vic "O-oh, wwhaaa...?!" "Oh, thank God." scene w3_3482 with dissolve "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." scene w3_3483 with dissolve mc "I'm going to cook you dinner tonight." scene w3_3484 with dissolve vic "Ah, um... sure..." scene black with fade mc "What? Huh? This is all you have in the fridge? How are you staying healthy?!" "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump june16start" KN_MOD "label june16start:" stop music hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionvictoria01 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) $ date = "june16day" play ambient "sound effects/cricket.wav" scene w3_3581 with blinds show screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "if minaCheat == True and minaBreakOff == False:" $ w3MinaHotelFucked = True KN_MOD "if minaCleanStart == True:" $ w3MinaHotelFucked = True KN_MOD "if w3MinaHotelFucked == True and hanaGF == True:" $ hanaTwoTime = True $ hanaCheat +=1 "...................................." "................................." ".............................." "..........................." scene w3_3582 with dissolve "........................" "....................." scene w3_3583 with dissolve "............" "........." scene w3_3584 with dissolve "......" "..." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 play music "music/no7-alone-with-my-thoughts.ogg" scene w3_3585 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(That's new...)" show june16day with squares "The early morning hours stretched thin, but I couldn't sleep." "Instead of staring at the inside of my eyelids, I counted sheep while looking up at my childhood room's painted ceiling." scene w3_3586 with dissolve mct "(...why am I here?)" "I had been in that apartment for weeks." mct "(Even if there were listening devices, another night wouldn't have mattered...)" scene w3_3585 with dissolve "But, the whole exchange with Dr. Van Doren was simply too odd and too clearly pointed for how mysterious it was." mc "Goddamn it..." "Quite frankly, it was unsettling." scene w3_3584 with dissolve mct "(The last time I asked Ian about Darius I got nothing, but...)" "......" scene w3_3585 with dissolve "..." scene w3_3587 with dissolve mct "('s worth a shot.)" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3588 with dissolve "{i}It's at least an attempt at quieting my mind.{/i}" play ambient "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene w3_3589 with dissolve "Paying no mind to the hour, I gave my friend a call." "The phone rung, rung, and rung." "And just when I thought I would get a voicemail box--" stop ambient scene w3_3590 with dissolve kil "Heeeeeey, [mcf]!" "Ian answered the phone in an all-tellingly boisterous way." scene w3_3591 with dissolve mc "Sheesh, volume control, man." scene w3_3590 with dissolve "He was drunk." scene w3_3592 with cmet kil "Ah! What's up, dude?!" scene w3_3593 with dissolve "I was growing less confident in the prospect of a productive conversation, but at the very least, Ian's voice was a nice reprieve from my scattered thoughts." mc "Two nights in a row? Do I need to stage an intervention?" scene w3_3594 with dissolve kil "Ha! Hell no!" kil "Don't you know being drunk on a Tuesday is one of the perks of mooching off your family's fortune?" scene w3_3593 with dissolve mc "At least you seem to be in a good mood." scene w3_3592 with dissolve kil "What about you? You doing okay?" scene w3_3593 with dissolve mc "Besides the obvious hour, what gave me away?" scene w3_3595 with dissolve kil "I can tell by your tone that you're not feeling right, dude." scene w3_3596 with dissolve mc "Come on... other than tired, I don't sound {i}particular{/i}, do I?" scene w3_3595 with dissolve kil "Ha! You sound {i}friendly{/i}, but only in the way you get when you're stressed, pissed off, or looking for someone to commensurate with." scene w3_3597 with dissolve mc "I think you mean {i}commiserate{/i}." scene w3_3598 with dissolve kil "Eh? What the fuck did I say?" scene w3_3596 with dissolve mc "Ahhh... but you're not wrong right now, so I'll just take my lumps like a good self-serving asshole." scene w3_3595 with dissolve kil "Fuck it, man. I don't see it that way. There's nothing wrong with only calling when something's on your mind. We're not chicks!" kil "So, tell me what's crawled up your ass. I want to hear it." "He sounded like he genuinely meant that." scene w3_3599 with dissolve mc "...I had a patron drop by the apartment yesterday evening. Abel Van Doren." scene w3_3600 with dissolve kil "August already has you pulling dinosaur duty, huh? That's a drag." kil "Sometimes talking to those old fucks is like squeezing out that last turd that refuses to drop." scene w3_3599 with dissolve mc "Colorful..." scene w3_3600 with dissolve kil "It's like, stop dragging out the goddamn point, you know?" scene w3_3599 with dissolve mc "I wasn't playing entertainer. He and Sophia came by unannounced, wanting to- ah... actually, to be honest, {b}I'm not sure what it was about.{/b}" scene w3_3602 with dissolve kil "Damn, dude. You sound actually..." scene w3_3601 with dissolve mc "{b}Yeah{/b}. I'm perturbed, because when I said they dropped by unannounced, I mean he {b}broke{/} the fuck into my home." scene w3_3602 with dissolve kil " must mean he invited himself in like he owned the place?" scene w3_3601 with dissolve mc "No, I mean he full-on broke in." mc "His aide gave me an hour's notice by phone to be there, he had some goons sweep my {i}very much{/i} locked place, and then sat comfortably waiting for me when I arrived home." scene w3_3603 with dissolve kil "What the shit, dude?! Like... {i}why?{/i} Like why, in the absolute fuck, would he do that?" scene w3_3604 with dissolve mc "That's why I can't sleep right now; I can't figure it out. He said he was there to offer me advice, but it was like he purposefully avoided saying anything valuable." scene w3_3605 with dissolve kil "Bah, that's just how those assholes talk in my experience. I'd bet good money that when you're surrounded by people that kiss your ass and anticipate your every need, you don't spell anything out." kil "It's when they have to explain something to you bluntly that things are serious." scene w3_3604 with dissolve mc " that how it is?" scene w3_3605 with dissolve kil "Give me some credit. In matters like this, I'm your senior." scene w3_3604 with dissolve mc "...maybe, but I don't think it was {i}nothing{/i}." scene w3_3605 with dissolve kil "I want you to tell me everything you two talked about, but let me make some privacy first." scene w3_3606 with dissolve mc "Wait! You're not alone?! You should've told me! We're talking about club shit!" scene w3_3607 with wipeleft kil "Relax, man. It's {i}just{/i} Alice, and it's not like you can make anything out so far from my end of this conversation." kil "I'll send her into the other room, then we can talk more about what's making you anxious and hopefully set you on the path to feeling better!" scene w3_3608 with dissolve mc "I think I should probably just let you-" scene w3_3609 with dissolve kil "No, seriously, dude. Let's talk; I know how you are. You'll just lie awake imagining the worst." kil "Let me be a friend right now." scene w3_3610 with dissolve kil "Ah, shit. Hold on a second..." scene w3_3611 with dissolve kil "{size=-10}I said keep your eyes on the fucking floor!{/size}" mct "(Uh...)" scene w3_3612 with dissolve alice "You said my name, so I ju--" kil "Eyes down, shit-for-brains!" scene w3_3613 with dissolve mc "Uh... I'm going to hang up now..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_3617 with dissolve kil "Don't be hasty. It's not what it sounds like! We're just playing a game." kil "She's not very good at it, but I haven't figured out if that's on purpose or not." scene w3_3615 with dissolve mc "That doesn't clear it up in the way you think it does..." scene w3_3616 with dissolve kil "Hmmm... don't you remember when I'd get in trouble and she'd make me stand in the corner to think about what I'd done? It's like that!" scene w3_3615 with dissolve "........." "......" mc "...and she's {i}actually{/i} into this?" scene w3_3614 with dissolve kil "Yeah! The bitch is into being treated like this. Allow me to prove it..." scene w3_3618 with dissolve kil "Tell [mcf] the truth. You're a nasty slut, aren't you?" scene w3_3619 with dissolve alice "......" scene w3_3620 with dissolve alice "..." "I honestly thought about cutting the call right here, but like passing a car wreck, Ian's viciousness had me momentarily ensnared." "I wanted to hear what the gracious and kindhearted woman, who I had known for most of my life, would say to his degrading question." kil "If you want me to fuck your old ass later, tell the truth." scene w3_3621 with dissolve alice "...I'm a shameless woman." scene w3_3620 with dissolve "Well, there I had it, further shattering my increasingly fucked up image of the woman I had long known." kil "...{b}and?{/b}" scene w3_3622 with dissolve alice "I'm a shameless old woman addicted to young cock." scene w3_3623 with dissolve mct "(Not that I had any right to judge another person's proclivities...)" scene w3_3624 with dissolve kil "Do you hear that shit? Oh, man. {b}Older women.{/b} The more bored they are, the more twisted they get inside." kil "It's fucking beautiful. You wanna see?" scene w3_3625 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Show me.:" $ Killian_Bromance += 1 $ w3AliceSeen = True show screen textbox2 with dissolve alice "Maybe you shouldn't bring him into this, Ian. He's clearly uncomfortable with--" scene w3_3626 with dissolve mc "Yeah... let me see." scene w3_3627 with pixellate "Alice was one of the earliest positive female influences in my life. In a way, she filled the role that a friend's mother would. She took us to amusement parks, got us ice cream, and refereed our petty childhood disagreements..." "The dichotomy of seeing that maternal image naked, horny, and shamed filled me with an ugliness that I didn't have the energy to hide right now." scene w3_3628 with pixellate mc "Put me on video." scene w3_3629 with dissolve "If she's into it... {i}why should I pretend to be something I'm not, all when it doesn't cost me anything?{/i}" scene w3_3630 with dissolve kil "I was already going to do that. Switching now~ feast your eyes on this pathetic slut!" alice "Ah, I-Ian--" scene w3_3629 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve kil "Stand up so my friend can get a better look at you! And don't try to hide your sagging tits!" scene w3_3631 with dissolve: subpixel True yalign 0.78 xalign 0.6 linear 5 yalign 0.2 "Like the professional he was, my friend's hand was steady, holding the camera out and allowing me to catch the masochistic woman scrambling to her feet faster than a dog at dinner time." "Alice's soft curves shook like gelatin from the abrupt change in position, and that pleasant jiggle continued as she struggled with the feeling coming back to her legs." scene w3_3632 with dissolve mct "(Huh...)" scene w3_3633 with dissolve alice "I, uhh-♥" scene w3_3634 with dissolve mc "Can she see me?" scene w3_3633 with dissolve alice "[mcf], I..." scene w3_3634 with dissolve kil "Yep! You're basically looking right at each other!" mc "......" mc "...hello, Alice." scene w3_3635 with dissolve alice "Ah, h-hey... [mcf]..." scene w3_3636 with dissolve "The image of sweet Alice in dirty aprons and oversized sweaters was immediately erased from my mind, replaced by the audacious arrangement of pixels being beamed into my eyeballs." scene w3_3637 with dissolve "What she had on didn't qualify as undergarments. The thin straps of her \"bra\" did nothing to hide her large, puffy areolae from view and gave little support to her tits' losing fight against gravity." scene w3_3638 with dissolve "The decorative cut of her panties was lost in the dark black sheen of her pubic hair, with a pair of heels accentuating her hips' egregiously breedable curves." scene w3_3639 with dissolve kil "Eh? Do you think you're on a first-name-basis, you fucking trash bag?" scene w3_3640 with dissolve alice "Hnnngg...♥ H-hello, s-sir." scene w3_3641 with dissolve "A look of embarrassed excitement colored her wrinkled face, and in that moment, I believed Ian's claim that Alice was getting off on this." scene w3_3642 with dissolve kil "So, what do you think? She looks nothing like you remember? Pathetic, right?" scene w3_3641 with dissolve "Oh, {i}I had words{/i}." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Shes even better than you remember.:" mc "She's... {i}lovely{/i}." "Perhaps the contrarian in me wanted to deny sweet Alice the venomous appraisal she wanted and expected, but I also did mean my words." scene w3_3643 with dissolve mc "You were always so soft-spoken but firm. You were moderate, patient, and thoughtful. But this..." scene w3_3640 with dissolve alice "I, aah..?" scene w3_3644 with dissolve mc "I'm lucky to see this side of you, Alice." scene w3_3645 with dissolve alice "O-ohhh..." scene w3_3646 with dissolve kil "Ha, stop, dude! She looks more embarrassed than I've ever seen her and I've had my balls stuffed down her throat at a family friend's wedding!" scene w3_3647 with dissolve "As much as I thought it would, my image of Alice wasn't so much tarnished as it was renewed." alice "T-thank you, sir. It's nice to see you all grown up as well..." scene w3_3648 with dissolve mc "How's Andrew? Did he finish his doctorate?" "...but my sadism wasn't completely in check, as I brought up a question about her son." scene w3_3647 with dissolve alice "O-oh, u-uh..." KN_MOD "Agree with him. This woman is nothing like the one from your memory.:" mc "The Alice I remember once instructed us on good posture." scene w3_3639 with dissolve kil "That was when she helped us prep for a class presentation once, right? I was so nervous I let you do all the talking, haha!" scene w3_3641 with dissolve mc "You taught us that a good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind, Alice." scene w3_3649 with dissolve alice " remember my exact words?" scene w3_3650 with dissolve mc "It was an important lesson that I took to heart, which does prompt a question for you, Alice..." scene w3_3649 with dissolve alice "Yes, sir?" scene w3_3651 with dissolve mc "If you're going to act like a dirty whore, standing naked in front of two men you saw grow up, don't you think that you should take care to present yourself with the confidence of a whore?" scene w3_3640 with dissolve alice "I'm sorry if I'm not--" scene w3_3641 with dissolve mc "The Alice I knew was soft-spoken but firm. She was moderate, patient, and thoughtful. But this..." scene w3_3652 with dissolve kil "Bahaha! Fuck! Look at her squirm!" mc "...all I'm looking at is a pig. Not a prize-winning one at that, either." alice "...Ahh, hhaa...♥" scene w3_3653 with dissolve kil "Man, I wish you were here right now! We could correct her posture together!" "As I watched Alice try to hide the delight in her expression, I couldn't help but feel the same; the world is truly filled with all kinds." scene w3_3648 with dissolve mc "How's Andrew? Did he finish his doctorate?" scene w3_3647 with dissolve alice "H-huhuhh...?" "She seemed shocked by the sudden turn in the conversation." scene w3_3654 with dissolve alice "H-he... he did." scene w3_3655 with dissolve alice "He's in Indonesia right now, studying the Coconut Palm Beetle." scene w3_3656 with dissolve mc "You must get lonely." scene w3_3655 with dissolve alice "Sometimes, especially since David died, but... I keep {i}busy.{/i}" scene w3_3656 with dissolve mc "That must be tough, but Andrew's got a lot to be proud of, huh. I bet that's double for you." scene w3_3657 with dissolve alice "It is! I'm {i}exceedingly{/i} proud! How could I not be?" alice "Whenever I think about him, I feel so excited for him." scene w3_3658 with dissolve kil "{size=-5}This is going off script...{/size}" mc "I'm glad to hear he's doing okay. He had a lot of good advice for me when I started college." mc "I still don't get his love of bugs, though..." scene w3_3657 with dissolve alice "{i}Same.{/i}" scene w3_3658 with dissolve mc "......." scene w3_3656 with dissolve alice "..." mc "Alice, would you do me a favor?" "This had been a remarkable distraction, but I did want to talk to Ian about Darius." scene w3_3655 with dissolve alice "...uh, s-sure. Anything, sir." scene w3_3656 with dissolve "She looked uncertain. Caught between this friendly aside and the master/servant dynamic she was playing into." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Kindly send her away so you and Ian can talk in private.:" mc "Ian and I have something to talk about in private." scene w3_3659 with dissolve "Her gaze wandered off the phone's screen and to Ian, seeking instruction from her master." kil "You heard him: {b}Go{/b}. Wait for me in the bedroom." scene w3_3660 with dissolve alice "Yes, sir!" KN_MOD "Not-so-kindly send her away.:" mc "{b}Now{/b}, Alice... would you mind getting your fat, disgusting ass out of here? Ian and I have something to talk about in private." scene w3_3661 with dissolve alice "I, aahhh.. uh..." scene w3_3662 with dissolve "Like the good masochistic pig she was, she looked to Ian for his permission." kil "You heard him. Wait for me in the bedroom." scene w3_3663 with dissolve alice "Yes, sirs!" scene black with fade "Like that, she stumbled off, quickly disappearing from the camera's view while Ian and I gave it a moment before picking up where we left off." "......" "..." KN_MOD "Youll pass.:" scene w3_3664 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I {i}really{/i} should leave you to it. I'm interrupting your fun." scene w3_3624 with dissolve kil "No, no, no! Sorry, just let me send her to the bedroom." scene w3_3664 with dissolve mc "Don't inconvenience Alice for my sa--" scene w3_3624 with dissolve kil "She gets off on being inconvenienced. It's no biggie!" kil "{size=-5}Go wait in the bedroom, please.{/size} I need to speak to [mcf] in private." scene w3_3665 with dissolve alice "Yes, sir!" scene w3_3624 with dissolve "......" "..." kil "Okay, we got the room. So, tell me what the fuck that old dude wanted." scene black with fade "Ian truly was unique. He hadn't missed a beat amidst the ongoing circus." "......" "..." scene w3_3666 with circlewipe show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* You are something else." KN_MOD "if w3AliceSeen == True:" scene w3_3667 with dissolve kil "To be honest, I'm surprised you agreed to that." scene w3_3666 with dissolve mc "...I'm just as sick as you, buddy." scene w3_3667 with dissolve kil "I like to think of it as... free therapy? Now, where were we?" scene w3_3666 with dissolve mc "Alice can't hear us, right?" scene w3_3668 with dissolve kil "We're safe. We're about as far apart as I can be without leaving the apartment." scene w3_3666 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* Alright... so, where did I leave off?" scene w3_3667 with dissolve kil "You were going to tell me what that ghoulish old fuck wanted." scene w3_3666 with dissolve mc "Riiight... I've got a lot to unpack here, so listen up." scene w3_3669 with dissolve "{i}I explained the situation to my friend.{/i}" "The contents of my and Abel's talk, the cryptic caution, the listening device, and how it possibly predated my tenancy." "He had many of the same questions as I did, which was a relief. It was proof that my anxiety over this wasn't an overreaction." "I mean {i}of course it wasn't{/i}, but my life had quickly become a series of outrageous events, so even the smallest affirmation helped make sure my calibration wasn't off. " scene w3_3670 with dissolve kil "Yeah, I'd say that's a big {b}what the fuck!{/b} Like all of it." scene w3_3671 with dissolve kil "Still, I wouldn't worry too much about being spied on. Who knows what the hell August used that place for in the past? He might've been keeping tabs on some girl or blackmailing some dirty rich fuck." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "Yeeeeah... and it's not like anyone has a reason to spy on me." scene w3_3673 with dissolve kil "Yeah, exactly... though maybe... and this is just a maybe... what if the club didn't place it there?" scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "I hadn't even thought about that. I was so focused on the idea it was the club's." scene w3_3670 with dissolve kil "What if it was like the cops or something?" scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "I don't think it is. The club's got the cops taken care of, right?" scene w3_3671 with dissolve kil "Either way, let's ask August or my uncle about it. It would be the most straightforward way of getting an answer." scene w3_3674 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3675 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "It might be related to Mrs. Pulman." KN_MOD "else:" mc "It might be related to Kathleen." scene w3_3674 with dissolve kil "How do 'ya figure?" scene w3_3675 with dissolve mc "... because, according to the woman herself, Darius blackmailed her." scene w3_3674 with dissolve kil "Eh? What the fuck are you talking about? {b}No, he didn't.{/b} Not a fucking chance." scene w3_3675 with dissolve mc "I just know what she personally told me." mc "So, what if the club was spying on your friend? He lived here before me, right?" scene w3_3674 with dissolve kil "H-he.. ah, he did, but... don't get me wrong, Darius was a dumb fuck druggie asshole, but he wasn't THAT dumb. What exactly did Kathy say?" scene w3_3675 with dissolve mc "She said he blackmailed her, she paid him to save herself the embarrassment, and then he ran off with one of the house girls." scene w3_3676 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3677 with dissolve kil "Ah... what the fuck. I don't know what to make of that, dude." kil "I really, {i}really{/i} don't." kil "A few months before he disappeared, he did fall stupidly head-over-heels for one of the house girls, but she split a month before Darius did." scene w3_3678 with dissolve mc "That didn't seem weird to you?" scene w3_3677 with dissolve kil "I didn't think anything of it. Girls come and go all the time." scene w3_3678 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "I don't even want to think about it, but... Mrs. Pulman wouldn't have {i}done something{/i} to Darius, right?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I don't even want to think about it, but... Kathleen wouldn't have {i}done something{/i} to him, right?" scene w3_3677 with dissolve kil "{i}Something...?{/i} I have no fucking clue with that woman, but whether she paid him or dealt with him some other way, think about it for a second. Why would she tell {i}you{/i} about it?" scene w3_3678 with dissolve mc "It makes absolutely no sense to me, either." scene w3_3677 with dissolve kil "What was going on when she let something like that slip?" scene w3_3678 with dissolve mc "She was fucking with me, you know how she is, talking about..." scene w3_3679 with dissolve "...talking about speaking to my mother on the phone." kil "Maybe it was bullshit, then?" scene w3_3681 with dissolve mc "That's a weird thing to bullshit about." scene w3_3680 with dissolve kil "This whole thing is fucking weird, but maybe it's a test to see if you'd blather about it? New employee and all, you know? That kinda game is right up her alley." scene w3_3681 with dissolve mc " think? That would make {i}some{/i} sense..." scene w3_3680 with dissolve kil "I don't fucking know. Maybe, but then what about the bug? Unrelated?" scene w3_3679 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3683 with dissolve kil "I really think we should tell my uncle. It's not okay for a patron to break into your apartment." mc "Isn't the customer always right?" kil "Fuck no! There are lines, and my uncle draws them." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "Maybe, but I don't really know if I want to further put myself in the middle of whatever the fuck those two have going on." scene w3_3673 with dissolve kil "You're already in the middle of it." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "I'd feel better if I knew what \"it\" was before I did anything." scene w3_3673 with dissolve kil "You can trust my uncle, but I'll leave it up to you to say anything." scene w3_3671 with dissolve kil "Just know I have your back. Look no further if you want help turning over some rocks or just a place to sleep." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "Thanks, man. I appreciate that." "......" "...I think I want to find out what happened to the last person who had my job." scene w3_3670 with dissolve kil "Eh, you could just not think about it and go back to fucking whores." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "Are you not worried about your friend?" scene w3_3682 with dissolve kil "...I just don't think, assuming he did something stupid, that Darius would be dealt with in the way you're thinking." mc "What makes you so confident? August, Warren, even Jacob... they're..." kil "Even if August or Kathleen wanted to, Uncle Chuck wouldn't allow it." scene w3_3685 with dissolve mc "I'm not so sure of that, dude." scene w3_3684 with dissolve kil "{b}I am{/b}. Here's the thing: my uncle calls the shots and wouldn't get his hands dirty that way." scene w3_3685 with dissolve mc "...and what would he do if someone who worked for him betrayed and blackmailed him?" scene w3_3684 with dissolve kil "...there'd be so much blowback that his own family would wish he was dead?" scene w3_3687 with dissolve mc "Jesus Christ!" scene w3_3679 with dissolve kil "Aaahk, that sounded worse than it is!" kil "All I'm saying is he wouldn't use violence; he's not the type. I'm one hundred percent certain of that." kil "With money, there's a lot of {i}legal{/i} ways you can punish someone." scene w3_3681 with dissolve mc "...uh, do you think that sounds any better?" scene w3_3680 with dissolve "......" kil "I mean... {i}yeah?{/i}" "..." scene w3_3688 with dissolve mc "Ha! What is wrong with me? We're talking about the possibility of one of my bosses disappearing someone and I'm not flipping out." scene w3_3689 with dissolve kil "That's because all Darius did was run off like the flaky prick he was, Kathleen's just fucking with you, and you're just being your usual worrying self. I'd be much more irked about that old fuck not respecting boundaries." kil "I wouldn't even try to understand that changing tide shit; why those vampires do anything only makes sense to them. I'd just make sure it didn't happen again." scene w3_3690 with dissolve mc "You might be right... after all, at the end of the day, maybe he really thought he was being charitable..." scene w3_3689 with dissolve kil "Yeah, look at August and Hana. Guy's trying to pretend he's not a piece of shit father all of a sudden." kil "I think something clicks in your brain when you get old and you pretend you can white out all the horrible shit you've done." scene w3_3674 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3685 with dissolve mc "...first, I think I just want to be comfortable with where I will be putting my head for the foreseeable future." scene w3_3684 with dissolve kil "I got you, man. I'll drop by your mom's tomorrow; you google how to search for bugs. We'll make an afternoon of it. " scene w3_3685 with dissolve mc "...ha, yeah, I'd actually appreciate it." scene w3_3684 with dissolve kil "Maybe we'll even hatch a plan to prove Darius is just an ass hat. Of course, nothing's happened, but... {i}it would be nice to know for sure.{/i}" scene w3_3691 with dissolve "Sounded like Killian liked Darius more than he let on." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "Yeah. We'll be a banger pair of detectives. A real Mutt and Jeff." scene w3_3692 with dissolve kil "I'll play Riggs, you can be Murtaugh." scene w3_3693 with dissolve mc "I'm comfortable with that..." scene w3_3694 with dissolve mck "Bahaha...!" scene w3_3695 with dissolve mc "Yelling at an old woman aside, thanks for the laugh, Ian." KN_MOD "if w3AliceSeen == True:" scene w3_3696 with dissolve kil "Wasn't that part of the laughs? You seemed to enjoy it." scene w3_3697 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "There is a certain appeal you wont deny.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Well, I'm going to stop pretending I don't get the appeal." scene w3_3696 with dissolve kil "Oooooh, you must really be shaken if you're not even going to bother putting on airs about it." scene w3_3697 with dissolve mc "My brain doesn't want to get it, but my dick sure does. That woman helped raise you, and you..." scene w3_3692 with dissolve kil "...know how to have a {i}good{/i} time." scene w3_3693 with dissolve mc "You like Alice, don't you?" scene w3_3671 with dissolve kil "{b}Fuck no{/b}. That whore was only around because my mom paid her, and now she's only clinging to me to get her kicks." KN_MOD "You simply love watching Ian work.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "What can I say? You have a way with women that's interesting to watch." scene w3_3696 with dissolve kil "Ha! Yeah, I have a real charming personality, huh?" scene w3_3697 with dissolve mc "That or something's in the water around here." scene w3_3671 with dissolve kil "It's just people aren't as complicated as they think they are. She was only around because my mom paid her, and now she's barking up my tree to get her kicks." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "Don't act like you don't like Alice, dude." scene w3_3673 with dissolve kil "Fuck no, she's a whore." KN_MOD "It was sheer curiosity.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc " was hard to look away." scene w3_3696 with dissolve kil "It was my raw magnetism, right?" scene w3_3697 with dissolve mc "It was like a Giallo. Hard to comprehend and gruesome, but you watch it anyway." scene w3_3692 with dissolve kil "You're saying I've got style?" scene w3_3693 with dissolve mc " honest with me... you like Alice, don't you?" scene w3_3671 with dissolve kil "{b}Fuck no{/b}. That whore was only around because my mom paid her, and now she's only clinging to me to get her rocks off." KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ianIntrospect == True:" scene w3_3670 with dissolve kil "Yeeeah... sorry about trying to drag you into that. I should've known it made you uncomfortable." mct "(That's surprisingly reflective of him...)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3670 with dissolve kil "Yeah, my bad. I should've known you'd be a square about it." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc " like Alice, don't you?" scene w3_3671 with dissolve kil "{b}Fuck no{/b}. That whore was only around because my mom paid her, and now she's only clinging to me to get her rocks off." scene w3_3672 with dissolve mc "Really? I like Alice." scene w3_3698 with dissolve kil "...yeah, okay." kil "She's alright. It was better to have her around growing up than not. Although, maybe..." scene w3_3699 with dissolve "......" "..." mc "You can say it." KN_MOD "if ianIntrospect == True:" scene w3_3698 with dissolve kil "Sometimes I wonder if my parents would've tried a bit harder if they couldn't have shoveled the responsibility onto someone else." scene w3_3699 with dissolve mc "That's not her fault." scene w3_3698 with dissolve kil "I know, but... it doesn't make bullying her any less fun. Speaking of which..." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3698 with dissolve kil "Nothing. Just a dumb thought that's not worth voicing. I've got a lot of those, y'know?" scene w3_3699 with dissolve mc "Well, then... I should leave you to your dumb thoughts." scene w3_3700 with dissolve kil "Will you be able to fall asleep?" scene w3_3701 with dissolve mc "Probably not, but you should go reward Alice for putting up with you. So, see you tomorrow?" scene w3_3700 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3AliceSeen == True:" kil "You knoooooow.... {i}we don't have to get off the phone just because of that.{/i}" kil "Could be fun." mc "....." mc "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w3SleeplessCallMenu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Bromance]{/color} It would be fun. if Killian_Bromance >= 20:" $ Killian_Bromance +=2 $ w3AliceOffer = True scene w3_3701 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't want to intrude." scene w3_3700 with dissolve kil "Alice and I would both enjoy having you watch." scene w3_3702 with dissolve mc "Well, if you're going to beg me like this..." scene w3_3703 with dissolve kil "Ah, y-yeah? Ha! Fuck yes!" scene w3_3704 with dissolve mc "Don't be so excited, it's we--" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mct "(...he's moving faster than---)" KN_MOD "jump w3AliceFakeThreesome" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Voyeur]{/color} You do like to watch... if history_voyeur == True:" $ Killian_Bromance +=2 $ w3AliceOffer = True scene w3_3701 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...sure, alright?" scene w3_3705 with dissolve kil "W-what? For real? That easy? No-" scene w3_3702 with dissolve mc "You're rubbing off on me, pal." scene w3_3703 with dissolve kil "Ah, y-yeah? Ha! Fuck yes!" scene w3_3704 with dissolve mc "Don't be so excited, it's we--" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mct "(...he's moving faster than---)" KN_MOD "jump w3AliceFakeThreesome" KN_MOD "Once was enough for you. if w3HanaDP <=3 and w3MinaHotelFucked == False:" scene w3_3701 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thanks for the offer, but once was enough for me." scene w3_3700 with dissolve kil "Yeeeeah, I figured, but it's polite to ask." scene w3_3707 with dissolve mc "Pfft, yeah, right. Night man." kil "Good night!" stop music play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3587 with dissolve "Ahhhh..." scene w3_3584 with dissolve "I took a deep breath to clear my head and center myself. To my pleasant surprise, it worked." "My words to Ian were honest; our conversation made me feel better." mct "(Maybe I {i}can{/i} sleep.)" KN_MOD "jump w3SleeplessNight" KN_MOD "You have other ways of spending your sleepless hours. if w3HanaDP >=4 or w3MinaHotelFucked == True:" scene w3_3701 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Thanks for the offer, but once was enough for me." scene w3_3700 with dissolve "Plus, there was someone a lot cuter that I wanted to call." kil "Yeeeeah, I figured, but it's polite to ask." scene w3_3707 with dissolve mc "Pfft, yeah, right. Night man." kil "Good night!" stop music play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "*Beep!*" KN_MOD "jump w3CutieCall" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Bromance] It would be fun.{/color} if Killian_Bromance <= 19:" KN_MOD "jump w3SleeplessCallMenu" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Voyeur] You do like to watch...{/color} if history_voyeur == False:" KN_MOD "jump w3SleeplessCallMenu" KN_MOD "else:" kil "Ha! You bet! See you tomorrow!" scene w3_3707 with dissolve "*Beep!*" stop music play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >=4 or w3MinaHotelFucked == True:" KN_MOD "jump w3CutieCall" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3587 with dissolve "Ahhhh..." scene w3_3584 with dissolve "I took a deep breath to clear my head and center myself. To my pleasant surprise, it worked." "My words to Ian were honest; our conversation made me feel better." mct "(Maybe I {i}can{/i} sleep.)" KN_MOD "jump w3SleeplessNight" KN_MOD "label w3CutieCall:" scene w3_3583 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3713 with dissolve "..." scene w3_3583 with dissolve "I took a deep breath to clear my head and center myself. To my pleasant surprise, it worked." "My words to Ian were honest; our conversation made me feel better, but..." scene w3_3713 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* It's late..." scene w3_3585 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3MinaHotelFucked == True:" "I remembered I told Mina I'd give her a call." KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >=4:" mct "(Plus, there was Hana. It hadn't even been a full day, but I felt like speaking to her.)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Should I call Hana...?)" "It hadn't even been a full day, but I felt like speaking to her." scene w3_3586 with dissolve ", should I?" scene w3_3585 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w3CutieCallMenu:" KN_MOD "Call Hana. if w3HanaDP >=4:" $ w3HanaCutieCall = True $ Hana_Affection += 1 scene w3_3587 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Fuck it. She'll be cool with it." scene w3_3588 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" "...and, if she's not, it's not like she has many dateable options." KN_MOD "else:" "If she doesn't want late-night calls, she should rethink this fuck buddy thing." scene w3_3589 with dissolve "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3CutieCallHana" KN_MOD "Call Mina. if w3MinaHotelFucked == True:" $ w3MinaCutieCall = True $ Mina_Affection += 1 scene w3_3587 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "{i}I did tell her I'd call.{/i}" scene w3_3588 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "I'm a real Chatty Cathy today..." scene w3_3589 with dissolve "............" "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3CutieCallMina" KN_MOD "Fucking someone doesnt mean you can call them in the dead of morning.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Naaaaah.)" "Why ruin someone else's night of sleep because of my own?" scene w3_3584 with dissolve mct "(I'll just try and get to sleep.)" KN_MOD "jump w3SleeplessNight" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Hana] Call your goth lover.{/color} if w3HanaDP <=3:" KN_MOD "jump w3CutieCallMenu" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Mina] Call the bubbly blonde.{/color} if w3MinaHotelFucked == False:" KN_MOD "jump w3CutieCallMenu" KN_MOD "label w3CutieCallHana:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve play music "music/stoned.ogg" scene w3_3590 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" hana "'sup, boyfriend." KN_MOD "else:" hana "Heeeeey, [mcf]." scene w3_3708 with dissolve mc "Oh good, it sounds like I didn't wake you." scene w3_3709 with dissolve hana "Yep, burning the midnight oil. Have you ever seen a movie called {i}The Machine Girl{/i}?" scene w3_3708 with dissolve mc "Can't say that I have." scene w3_3710 with dissolve hana "Ha, it's fucking crazy! I'm in the middle of watching it." scene w3_3711 with dissolve mc "Give me the rundown." scene w3_3712 with dissolve hana "A Japanese schoolgirl's younger brother is killed and she takes revenge on the bullies who did it." hana "Along the way, she replaces her arm with a machine gun and goes head-to-head with a Ninja-Yakuza family." scene w3_3597 with dissolve mc "Sounds like my kind of movie." scene w3_3598 with dissolve hana "Yeah, it's excellent! {i}A lot of splatter!{/i}" hana "Hell, there's a scene where the main character's arm gets coated in tempura batter and deep-fried! Like, what the fuck? I was laughing my ass off." scene w3_3597 with dissolve mc "Show it to me sometime. I'd love to see it." scene w3_3598 with dissolve hana "Yeeeah, you bet! So, what's up? Booty call?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_3595 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You missed her voice.:" $ Hana_Affection +=1 scene w3_3714 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I was just lying here and realized I missed your voice." scene w3_3715 with dissolve hana " just come out and say stuff like that, huh?" scene w3_3716 with dissolve mc "Too clingy?" scene w3_3717 with dissolve hana "Hell no. You should say what you feel, for example... I'm... {i}happy you called{/i}." scene w3_3716 with dissolve mc "Missing me already?" scene w3_3715 with dissolve hana "Hehe, no. Just {b}happy you called.{/b}" KN_MOD "Playfully chide her over the idea.:" scene w3_3714 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Why do you immediately jump to sex? What happened to romance?" scene w3_3717 with dissolve hana "Romance goes to bed by 1 AM." scene w3_3714 with dissolve mc "Sorry to disappoint you. This isn't a booty call." scene w3_3715 with dissolve hana "Really? Oh well, I guess I'll live." scene w3_3716 with dissolve mc "How was your day?" scene w3_3718 with dissolve hana "Above average. As you know, I woke up in a good mood." scene w3_3719 with dissolve mc "Go on..." scene w3_3718 with dissolve hana "You may or may not have played a part in that." scene w3_3719 with dissolve mc "Go on, go on..." scene w3_3720 with dissolve hana "After we ate, I went home, got grilled by my mom, grabbed a biiiiig lunch with Jerrica and Spider, and put in a killer effort at the gym." scene w3_3721 with dissolve mc "You work out?" scene w3_3722 with dissolve hana "Oh, god. Such a guy thing to say." hana "Do you think I look as good as I do naturally? It takes a lot of work." scene w3_3723 with dissolve mc "Well, thank you for your hard work." scene w3_3724 with dissolve hana "I don't do it for you, asshole." scene w3_3723 with dissolve mc "You didn't then, but how about now?" scene w3_3722 with dissolve hana "We'll see, but if you want to keep my tight ass, you must keep things interesting for me." scene w3_3725 with dissolve mc "That right...?" scene w3_3726 with dissolve "Suddenly, I felt {b}horny.{/b}" scene w3_3725 with dissolve mc "What are you wearing?" scene w3_3726 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaMutual == True:" hana "Oh...? We're fucking doing {b}this{/b}, huh?" scene w3_3727 with dissolve mct "(Well, I do know what might put me to sleep...)" scene w3_3728 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" mc "I'm just a curious guy, wondering what my girlfriend is wearing." scene w3_3729 with dissolve hana "Well, you called me in the middle of the night, as I was going to bed, so about the usual..." hana "{b}...nothing but a smile and an old pair of 7-inch {i}fuck me{/i} heels." hana "What about you, boyfriend?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'm just a curious guy, wondering what you're wearing." scene w3_3729 with dissolve hana "Well, you called me in the middle of the night, as I was going to bed, so about the usual..." hana "{b}...nothing but a smile and an old pair of 7-inch {i}fuck me{/i} heels." hana "What about you, [mcf]?" scene w3_3730 with dissolve mc "Holy shit, I can't believe it. I'm wearing the same." scene w3_3731 with dissolve "......" "..." mc "I'm having trouble sleeping, babe." scene w3_3732 with dissolve hana "Mmmmhh~ Oh, poor baby. Let Hana help with that..." scene w3_3731 with dissolve "Her voice dropped an octave, taking on an unusually sweet note of indulgence." scene w3_3733 with dissolve hana "If ONLY I was there..." scene w3_3734 with dissolve "Her words then dwindled into a thick whisper, trailing off and allowing my imagination to fill in the gaps." mc "Yeah? What would you do to me?" "But it wasn't my imagination I was interested in. I wanted the vivid details straight from Hana's lips." scene w3_3733 with dissolve hana "I'll do you one better than that. I can tell you what I promise I'll do to you the next time we see each other..." scene w3_3734 with dissolve "She teased me with another pregnant pause, full of meaning and more tantalizing than the last." scene w3_3731 with dissolve mc "Don't let me die here, beautiful. I'm waiting." mct "(Was every woman that surrounded me a born succubus?)" scene hana_ps_01_a with dissolve hana "Mmmhhh...♥ How hard are you right now?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be truthful.:" scene hana_ps_01_a with dissolve show hana_ps_01 with dissolve mc "About halfway there and getting harder by the syllable. You've got a real enchanting voice, you know that?" hana "That's the horny talking." mc "Take me there, Hana. Tell me what you're going to do to me." hana "MMmhhh...♥ Next time I see you, no matter where we are, I'm going to get down on my knees and blow you." KN_MOD "Dont just be passive. Mix in your own dirty talk.:" scene hana_ps_01_a with dissolve show hana_ps_01 with dissolve mc "You should have a pretty good idea. How hard was it when I buried all eight inches inside your cunt Sunday night?" hana "It doesn't take much to get you going." mc "It's all you, Hana. I'm hard for {b}you{/b}." hana "Haaa-♥ Then, you better have that same enthusiasm the next time I see you. Because no matter where we are, I will get down on my knees and blow you." mc "Anywhere...?" hana "{b}Wherever{/b}. No matter if it's at your place, the club, or even a restaurant bathroom... nothing's gonna stop me until I'm satisfied and I suck out all your children." mc "You're just saying that to get me off..." hana "No bullshit, just a promise. I'm going to taste EVERY inch of you." hana "I'll lick your balls, I'll clean the underside of your shaft with my tongue, and I'll strangle your cock so hard with my tight throat that we might just end up with a medical emergency on our hands." mc "Baha, what? Holy shit! Where's this coming from...?" hana "Mmmhh...♥ The other night~" hana "Don't get me wrong, Sunday was wonderful, but you stopped dicking down my face too soon." hana "I meeeean, you barely scuffed my makeup, [mcf], even after I asked you {i}nicely{/i} to {b}really{/b} let me have it." mc "Ahh, f-fuck...!" "She knew how to appeal to the animal in me." scene w3_3735 with dissolve hana " hard are you right now?" scene hana_ps_02_a with dissolve show hana_ps_02 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be truthful.:" mc "So hard that it hurts." hana "Are you stroking yourself?" mc "Ahh, y-yeah...! You know I am." hana "Good, I'm touching myself too right now - ahhh...♥" scene hana_ps_03_a with dissolve show hana_ps_03 with dissolve hana "I'm touching myself to the thought of what you'd do to me, [mcf]. Aahhh...♥ Tell me what you're going to do to me!" KN_MOD "Be truthfully truthful.:" mc "So hard that the only thing that eases the pain is the image of your snot, spittle, and runny makeup rolling down your face as I shoot a fat load down your throat." hana "W-woahh... ahh....♥ Ehaha... you're feeling it bad, huh? You're stroking yourself, right?" mc "Aahhaa...! You know EXACTLY what you're doing to me, slut." scene hana_ps_03_a with dissolve show hana_ps_03 with dissolve hana "Good! I'm touching myself too...♥ Tell me what you will to do to me, [mcf]!" mct "(What would I do...?)" "It was so much easier when she was the one talking..." hana "My fingers are spreading my pretty pink pussy for you...♥" "As the possibilities pooled in my head, trying to fish out the answer proved difficult." hana "I'm playing with myself thinking of you, [mcf]. Come on..." "Hana kept her tone sultry, but tiny, delectable cracks formed in her persona." hana "You and your giant, delicious cock...♥" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" hana "I'm waiting... tell me, boyfriend..." KN_MOD "else:" hana "I'm waiting. {b}Tell me.{/b}" "Spread out in the pitch-black darkness, those small imperfections become my sole focus, making me forget all about yesterday." hana "What would you do if I was there right now...? How would you fuck me?" "I hung on Hana's every word, gratified by the way her enunciation would subtly falter while she coaxed herself into a state of arousal." hana "Gh- Mmmhhhmmhhm~ [mcf]..." "I was absorbed in how she masked her sighs with more ear-pleasing, lyric-like purring." scene hana_ps_02_a with dissolve show hana_ps_02 with dissolve mct "(Ah- ahh, f-fuck...!)" "She's waiting..." mc "What would I do after you've \"sucked me for all I'm worth\", you mean? It's simple." mc "I'd give you a long, deep kiss worthy of your oral devotion." hana "A kiss...? That's what you-" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Make it (gross and) lewd.:" scene hana_ps_04_a with dissolve show hana_ps_04 with dissolve mc "I would taste myself on your lips and the inside of your mouth, relishing that a part of me is coating the inside of your esophagus." hana "Ooofh, y-yeah?" mc "Your mouth would reek of me, my semen clinging to your throat, but I wouldn't mind because it's not just me I'm tasting or smelling." hana "[mcf]... that's... {i}wow...{/i}" mc "What can I say? You do funny things to me." mc "It's the result of your care and attention, and proof of how much of a good cock-sucking bitch you are." hana "Haha, gross, but aah...♥ But I did a good job~ I guess I would deserve a kiss..." mc "Exactly. A dirty, messy, sloppy, {b}disgusting{/b} kiss and then..." KN_MOD "Describe it passionately.:" scene hana_ps_04_a with dissolve show hana_ps_04 with dissolve mc "You know the kind of kiss I mean. The kind I gave you when we were on the karaoke room floor, full of promise of what's to come. " hana "..ehehe, and what's to {i}cum{/i}, [mcf]? You? Me?" mc "Shut up. I'm doing my best here." hana "Sorry, sorry... {i}I'm into it.{/i} Go on..." mc "I'd press {b}hard{/b} into you, towering over you. All you'd see is my face and those broad shoulders you like, but you'd feel my burning cock curve and bend flat against your stomach." hana "Oooh, I'm picturing it now." mc "We'd lose track of the time. My hands would trace up your ribcage, circle around your fat tits, snake past your clavicle, and..." hana "Mmmhh♥ And then what...?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Youll take her breath away.:" mc "You'd feel my grip on your neck. Not enough to hurt, but to control and slowly bring your breathing to a crawl." hana "Ah, hhhaaa-♥ Fuck yeah!" mc "Your head will be pounding, blood will congest in your brain, and you'll feel lightheaded. " hana "Mmmhh~ [mcf]...!" mc "Every breath you take will be at my discretion. You'll be so turned on that any puff of air I allow you will be a precious thing to savor." hana "Ah, fuck, ha! How did you know?" mc "Whenever I sparingly loosen my grip on your throat, the euphoria of oxygen returning to the brain will hit you like a freight train." hana "Fuck me, we should try this...♥" KN_MOD "Youll strip her bare.:" mc "No matter where we are, I'd strip you completely naked. {b}Down to your toes.{/b}" mc "Maybe we're just in my apartment and it's no big deal." hana "Mmmhh, maybe..." mc "Maybe we'll be at the club and you'll just be dressed for your part." hana "Baha! Mmmh, f-fuck you...! Keep talking!" scene hana_ps_05_a with dissolve show hana_ps_05 with dissolve mc "Gaaah, hhhhaaa... Hana. Do you hear that?" "*Fwap, chwap, fap!*" "I went silent, picking up the pace, hoping the lewd sounds of hand-on-dick contact would reach her." hana "Haa, yeah, I hear it..." mc "Good. I'm jackhammering my cock so hard to that thought of you that it hurts." "*Fap, fap, fap!*" hana "I love that sound! Hehe, we should include it in one of our songs~" mc "O-ohh, hhngg... I'm getting close!" scene hana_ps_03_a with dissolve show hana_ps_03 with dissolve hana "Not yet... haa, hhhaa...♥ Don't blow yet! Tell me how you'd fuck me as you cum!" "I wasn't going to stop, so I had to find the words quickly. " KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Youll fuck her slow and deep.:" mc "I'd take it slow, fucking you deeply." hana "Haahh, yyeeahh-?" mc "Slow enough that you'll feel every inch of me enter you and every thrust would be a memory fucked into your brain." hana "Hnngg, I f-feel it...♥" scene hana_ps_04_a with dissolve show hana_ps_04 with dissolve mc "I'd pull out slowly and then push in as far as you could take me." hana "I feel you [mcf]...♥♥ Mmmhh, yes! I'd wrap my legs around you, pushing you even deeper!" hana "Uuugh, I'd hold you tight, begging you to go faster-♥♥♥ Hggg- M-making you go faster!" hana "You won't escape me until you give me everything! Ah... cum for me, [mcf]! Go ahead and--" mc "H-Hana, I'm--" KN_MOD "Youll fuck her fast and hard.:" mc "How else do you think I'll fuck you? You're not the type to hide how you like it; I'd push your face into the fucking ground!" hana "Haa, hhaa...♥ Keep going-" mc "I'd spank your ass, pull your hair, and pound away. No rhythm, no thought, no... we'd just rut." hana "Keep going, k-keep going...♥" scene hana_ps_04_a with dissolve show hana_ps_04 with dissolve mc "The sound would be something else! Ball slapping, skin-on-skin... anyone who passed by would know exactly what we were doing." hana "[mcf]...♥ [mcf]...♥♥" mc "You'd be moaning my name just like that. I'd grunt, eyes rolled into the back of my head, calling out yours- hhaa, hhnna..." hana "Mmhh, hhaa- [mcf]♥♥♥" mc "H-hana, I'm--" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" hana "{b}Explode for me{/b}, boyfriend." KN_MOD "else:" hana "{b}Explode for me{/b}, lover." scene w3_3736 with dissolve with flash play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with vpunch "I didn't give much thought to the mess; I just let myself explode all over my old bedroom." scene w3_3737 with dissolve mc "Mmmh-" "Not like it was the first time I'd jacked off in here." scene w3_3738 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3739 with dissolve hana "Sounds like you had a nice finish. Did Hana make you feel better?" scene w3_3740 with dissolve mc "You're the best. I think I'm going to sleep like a baby." $ renpy.end_replay() scene w3_3739 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3HanaPhoneSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3HanaPhoneSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) hana "You're not wrong about the first part. That was... {i}fun{/i}." hana "I've never had phone sex before. I figured it would be a lot more embarrassing than it was." scene w3_3741 with dissolve mc "Maybe you're just shameless." scene w3_3742 with dissolve hana "That's a real possibility, but I'd be in good fucking company." scene w3_3741 with dissolve mc "Heh, come to think of it, that was my first time too." mc "I mean, why would you ever do it over the phone unless you're in a long-distance relationship?" scene w3_3742 with dissolve hana "You're the one who started it, so you tell me." scene w3_3741 with dissolve mc "I didn't plan on it when I called. I'm actually sleeping at my mom's house right now." scene w3_3743 with dissolve hana "How come? What's up?" scene w3_3744 with dissolve mc "It's a long story. One that I'll tell you about later." scene w3_3742 with dissolve hana "Alright... you want me to stay on the phone until you fall asleep?" scene w3_3741 with dissolve mc "That won't be necessary. Heh, you've done enough for me..." scene w3_3745 with dissolve "For a few minutes, we continued our small talk until it had all run out, leaving us with nothing much to say." "We fumbled to find conversational threads, not wanting to get off the phone, but our brief chat had run its natural course and I felt my eyes getting heavy." mc "So, uh, yeah... I'll talk to you later?" scene w3_3746 with dissolve hana "There's a good chance you'll hear from me again." scene w3_3745 with dissolve mc "Heh, I feel bad getting off the phone so soon after-" scene w3_3746 with dissolve hana "Pssh, what do you take me for? I know you need your beauty rest." hana "In fact, you made my night interesting." scene w3_3745 with dissolve mc "...was it good for you?" scene w3_3746 with dissolve hana "Ha! I hate this lingering-around feeling, so I'm hanging up now." scene w3_3747 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" hana "Get a good night's sleep, boyfriend." KN_MOD "else:" hana "Get a good night's sleep, [mcf]." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" stop music scene w3_3748 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Heh.)" scene w3_3749 with dissolve "......" "..." mct "(I will.)" scene black with fade "...after I clean up my cum." "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3BreakfastWithIan" KN_MOD "label w3CutieCallMina:" scene w3_3590 with dissolve mina "Mmhh... wwwahha...? Heeeeeeyyyy...!" "Just before the final ring sent me to voice mail, a sleepy Mina broke through with a sloppy and slurred salutation." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Make a joke. Tell her you couldnt sleep.:" scene w3_3591 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Yes, hello, I'd like to order one cutie, please." scene w3_3590 with dissolve mina "............" mina "........." mina "......" play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene w3_3751 with dissolve mina " a woman's beauty sleep a joke to you, [mcf]?" scene w3_3752 with dissolve mc "I think you're beautiful no matter how much sleep you've had." "......" scene w3_3753 with dissolve "..." KN_MOD "Start by apologizing for not calling her earlier.:" $ Mina_Affection +=1 scene w3_3750 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Heeeeey, guess what asshole said they'd call you yesterday and then didn't?" scene w3_3591 with dissolve mc "I hope waking you up in the middle of the night conveys my sincere apologies. I just couldn't wait, you know?" scene w3_3590 with dissolve mina "............" mina "........." mina "......" play music "music/inner-light.ogg" scene w3_3751 with dissolve mina "Heh, mmmhmhhhh..... hehe... it's cool. Not hearing from you did make me a little anxious, but I knew I was being stupid." scene w3_3754 with dissolve mina "Yaaaaaawwwhhhhnn, mmmh... what time is it?" scene w3_3753 with dissolve mc "A little past two in the morning." scene w3_3755 with dissolve mina "Is everything alright?" scene w3_3756 with dissolve mc "I couldn't sleep." scene w3_3757 with dissolve mina " you thought I shouldn't either?" scene w3_3756 with dissolve mc "...sorry about that." scene w3_3758 with dissolve mina "Ah, crud. Me too. I sounded more peeved than I wanted to." scene w3_3756 with dissolve mc "It's 2 AM. I woke you up... I get it." scene w3_3760 with dissolve mina "I'm happy that you called. It means that I'm on your mind." scene w3_3759 with dissolve mc "How could you not be?" scene w3_3760 with dissolve mina "Heh, flattery isn't the worst way to wake up, either." scene w3_3759 with dissolve mc "Do you ever get sick of being complimented? You must get a lot of it. " scene w3_3598 with dissolve mina "It depends on who's giving it and the why... right now, mmmhhh..." mina "Was your apartment okay?" scene w3_3761 with dissolve mc "My apartment, what do...? Aaaaaaaah, {i}yeah.{/i}" scene w3_3762 with dissolve "My half-assed excuse for splitting on her." scene w3_3596 with dissolve mc "Everything was fine. The water didn't get in." scene w3_3595 with dissolve mina "That's good... why can't you sleep then? Are you not tired after {i}today?{/i}" scene w3_3597 with dissolve mc "The answer to that is quite simple and really stupid. {b}I had a nap.{/b}" scene w3_3763 with dissolve mina "Pffhhh- wwwwh... the nappy wappy did it?" scene w3_3764 with dissolve mc "If you really think about it, it's all your fault." scene w3_3765 with dissolve mina "Oooooh? How did you figure, [mcf]?" scene w3_3766 with dissolve mc "Just sayin'... I didn't tucker myself out on my own." scene w3_3765 with dissolve mina "And what do you want me to do about it?" scene w3_3766 with dissolve mc "Good question. Do you know anything that might help me sleep?" scene w3_3767 with dissolve mina "Have you tried counting sheep?" scene w3_3768 with dissolve mc "I tried, but I lost count." scene w3_3767 with dissolve mina "How about you warm up a glass of milk?" scene w3_3768 with dissolve mc "Milk after my \"nappy wappy?\" That would complete the package." scene w3_3769 with dissolve mina "Hmmm, alright..." scene w3_3770 with dissolve scene w3_3771 with dissolve mina "Let's just have a long-distance sleepover!" scene w3_3772 with dissolve mc "What does that entail? Should I go get some chocolate and marshmallows?" mina "That's a campout. You don't have s'mores at a sleepover." mc "Okay, what does a sleepover involve?" scene w3_3773 with dissolve mina "It's simple. We'll just chat, chat, chat until one of us falls asleep." scene w3_3774 with dissolve mc "Do we just hang up if one of us falls asleep?" scene w3_3773 with dissolve mina " You got to listen to the other person snooze." scene w3_3774 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3775 with dissolve "..." scene w3_3776 with dissolve mina "I hope that doesn't sound stupid." scene w3_3775 with dissolve mc "Sounds perfect to me." scene w3_3777 with dissolve mina "{b}Good{/b}... the idea kinda reminds me of when I was in middle school and I'd stay up past my bedtime talking to my best friend at the time. Life was simpler back then..." scene w3_3778 with dissolve mc "You and I are both too young to say things like that." scene w3_3777 with dissolve mina "Speaking of youth, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. What was your favorite cartoon growing up? And don't pretend like you don't have one." scene w3_3778 with dissolve mc "It's going to be one of those kind of chats?" scene w3_3777 with dissolve mina "You're the one who called me in the middle of the night, so I get to pick the topic. Deal with it." "So it was, we opined nostalgically. Talking about the things we used to enjoy, filling in the blanks for each other about what helped turn us into the messes we are." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "It turned out I was the first casualty. Somewhere discussing the proper procedure of pouring milk into a bowl of cereal and if said cereal was considered a salad or a stew." "When I awoke the next morning, there was no Mina on the line, sleeping or not. The little liar broke her own rule, not that I blame her." "{i}Who would want to listen to someone sleep?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump w3BreakfastWithIan" KN_MOD "label w3AliceFakeThreesome:" kil "Good news, cow! [mcf] wants to watch me pound you stupid!" play music "music/as-i-figure.ogg" scene w3_4284 with wipeleft alice "W-watch...? Uh, b-but..." scene w3_4281 with dissolve "In no time at all, my friend had me back on a video call and pointed at the bewildered maid." mc "Hello again, Alice." "...I awkwardly called out through the divide of Ian's phone screen." scene w3_4282 with dissolve alice "...ah, h-hey again..." scene w3_4283 with dissolve kil "Why are you just sitting there with a dumber look than usual on your face? Didn't you hear what I said?" scene w3_4284 with dissolve alice "You said [mcf]'s going to watch..." scene w3_4285 with dissolve kil "That's right. He can't sleep and your sorry ass is going to be his entertainment." scene w3_4286 with dissolve alice "......" scene w3_4288 with dissolve "I wasn't entirely sure where Alice ended and where her character in this rehearsed play started, but the embarrassment and shame written on Alice's face made for an enticing image." scene w3_4287 with dissolve alice "...anything you want, Ian." scene w3_4288 with dissolve kil "{i}I{/i} want...? Oh no, no, no, no, no, no." scene w3_4289 with dissolve kil "Look at me." kil "You did this the last time I involved someone else in your training. You played coy and tried to hide just how much of a slut you happily are." kil "That act has its charms, but that's not going to cut it tonight. [mcf]'s special. I want him to see your {b}real{/b} face." scene w3_4290 with dissolve alice "That's... uh... a l-little-" scene w3_4289 with dissolve kil "{b}Answer me.{/b}" kil "Who knows you better than I do?" scene w3_4290 with dissolve alice "...uh, n-no one?" scene w3_4289 with dissolve kil "That's right. We've known each other my whole life and I've seen every side of you, Alice." kil "I've seen the good, the bad, the sad, and even the parts that you're too afraid to show anybody else." scene w3_4291 with dissolve alice "You're so obnoxious..." scene w3_4292 with dissolve kil "{b}Look at me{/b}, slut." alice "Hnnggg..." kil "I've got the complete picture of Alice Mendoza. {b}It's mine.{/b}" scene w3_4293 with dissolve alice "Mmmmhh....♥" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fel3.wav" scene alice_ir_finger_a with dissolve show alice_ir_finger with dissolve mct "(Um... did they forget I was here?)" kil "But what do you do with a picture you cherish, Alice? Do you lock it away in a scrapbook and forget about it? Or do you frame it proudly and show it off?" kil "Let's widen the circle of people who know you tonight. If there's anyone else who can see and accept you like I do, it's [mcf]." alice "Hmmm, ehhuuhh-♥♥" "My friend had the stalwart woman eating out of the plam of his hand." kil "He's got everything you want. He's young, got a big cock..." "Something in his words triggered Alice." alice "*Slurp, chwuuup~* Mmhh...♥♥♥" kil "Most importantly, {b}you know him{/b}. He's not going to judge you." mct "(Was it me or...)" "Right now, on my tiny screen, Alice looked different." kil "You can be yourself.." "She looked younger." kil "You can let go." "She looked..." alice "Mmhh, mmmh, ehhuuu-" stop ambient scene w3_4294 with dissolve alice "W-waohhh- ahh-ahh..." scene w3_4295 with dissolve alice "P-please let me suck your cock!" "...{i}lewd.{/i}" scene w3_4296 with dissolve "The older woman fell at my friend's feet, absorbed in a cock-hungry daze." kil "There it is. That's the Alice I wanted to see." scene w3_4297 with dissolve kil "You getting a good look at this?" mc "Yeah, I'm seeing her..." kil "She changed her tone real quick. She was stiff as a board with Amber, but this..." play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene w3_4298 with fade kil "Isn't this her best look? Fifty-five years of life and she's elated to have the balls of the man she raised on her chin." "I could tell from the enthusiasm in his words that Ian was relishing showing her off to me." kil "What. A. Fucked. Up. Bitch." scene w3_4299 with dissolve alice "C-can I...?" scene w3_4298 with dissolve "He was proud of his work." scene w3_4300 with hpunch kil "Nope! Get your fat ass on the bed!" scene black with fade kil "I told you from the beginning how this was going to play." scene w3_4301 with goslow "In short order, my friend had his nanny bent over the bed, the three of us face-to-face-to-face." scene w3_4302 with dissolve alice "Ah, uh... this is new to me. I apologize if-" scene w3_4301 with dissolve mc "...don't hide it, Alice." scene w3_4303 with dissolve kil "She getting my good side, bro?" scene w3_4304 with dissolve mc "Yeah, you look like a million bucks." scene w3_4303 with dissolve kil "Awesome. Watch her expression as I put it in." scene w3_4305 with dissolve "Wasting no time, he made good on the claim and..." scene w3_4306 with instantdissolve alice "--♥" kil "Cute, right?" scene w3_4307 with dissolve kil "This right here is the hag's best feature." scene w3_4308 with dissolve mc "Are you trying to sell me a car?" scene w3_4307 with dissolve kil "She might not look like much, but when you get her ass up like this..." scene w3_4309 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap3.wav" scene w3_4310 with vpunch alice "Ah! O-ohh..." scene w3_4311 with dissolve kil "She's more attractive than a woman half her age." scene w3_4312 with dissolve "It was difficult to disagree. From this limited angle, the maid's ass loomed like a mountain and towered with the majesty of years of robust living." scene w3_4313 with dissolve alice "Hnhhhg...♥ I-Ian, you talk too much..." scene w3_4314 with dissolve mc "He's over-compensating for years of shyness." scene w3_4315 with dissolve alice "Heh... mayb-" scene w3_4316 with dissolve alice "Ah, haahaa-" "Ian gently rolled his hips, catching Alice off guard and getting us back to the task at hand." kil "Now, watch it in motion!" play music "music/six-days-of-heat-pt2.ogg" scene alice_ir_dog2_a with dissolve show alice_ir_dog2 with dissolve "I did as he asked, my perverse curiosity from earlier still burning as strong as ever as I watched Alice's ass endure impact after impact of my friend's swinging hips." kil "Ha! You being here is better than any foreplay. This greedy cunt is already swallowing me whole!" "Each collision sent Alice's rear-end shaking like gelatin, hypnotically bouncing up and down, as I felt myself growing hard at the thought of wearing the old woman's prodigious ass like a cockholster." scene alice_ir_dog1_a with dissolve show alice_ir_dog1 with dissolve alice "That's, ah... hnggg... you've kept me waiting a-all night..." kil "Bullshit. You like showing [mcf] your slutty face!" "Each well-timed thrust was like a lullaby to my sleep-deprived mind; the stark {i}plap, plap, plap{/i} forcing my complete focus on something other than the idle clamor going on between my ears." alice "That's not it... it's just- aaah... it turns me on making you happy...!" kil "Yeah, right! It turns you on imaging being stuffed from both ends with cock, doesn't it?" alice "No? Yes? M-maybe-?" kil "I thought you came around to being honest, but you went right back to this wishy-washy crap! I don't get it..." "Ian began laying into Alice, and I could tell by her expression, that it was fanning something vile in her that she didn't understand. " kil "Is it more fun when you feel mixed up on the inside? Or is it just more exciting to pretend like you're not a disgusting fuck-pig wanting to be broken by a younger dick?" alice "Ah, hahaa-♥ I-Ian-♥" kil "Don't \"Ian\" me, bitch! My friend's right in front of your eyes! Focus on him!" alice "Ahh, hhhuu- buuut-" kil "{b}Imagine{/b} that it's [mcf]'s dick filling you right now! You'd like that, wouldn't you?" alice "Ahh, hhh mahhh-- he" kil "Fucking cunt! Imagine the feeling of his new, {i}you've-never-tasted-before{/i} cock ripping you a new one." alice "Mmmhh, h-he w-wouldn't want that...!" kil "Sure he would! Look at how closely he's watching you. He's scrutinizing every wrinkle on your face!" scene w3_4317 with dissolve kil "He's bigger than me, y'know? And he could give it to you just as hard!" alice "Haat...♥" mct "(This was so fucking weird, but...)" scene w3_4318 with dissolve kil "Imagine {i}us{/b} coming at you from both ends! You would like that, wouldn't you?" alice "M-maaybe-!" "Ian was speaking my language, liberally feeding his ugliness without compunction, and {b}that{/b} pulled me in." scene alice_ir_dog2_a with dissolve show alice_ir_dog2 with dissolve kil "Maybe? Should I stop fucking you then, you coy cunt?" alice "N-no, d-don't-" kil "Then ask [mcf] to keep fucking you." "Despite his threats, Ian switched his steady-even rhythm for a more fervent display." alice "Ah, [mcf]...? B-but y-you-!" kil "Ask him to keep riding your fat, piggy ass~" "His words were underlined by the melodious pistoning of the pair's hips wantonly seeking orgasm." alice "K-keep fucking me, [mcf]!" kil "Ha! You're imagining it, aren't you?" alice "Haaa, y-yes! I'm im-imagining it-!" kil "I can tell! You're sucking me in so hard~ you like imagining someone else other than me is fucking you!" alice "I-Ian, that's not-" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene alice_ir_dog3_a with vpunch show alice_ir_dog3 with dissolve alice "Aggg-♥" kil "Don't backpedal, you sorry hag!" alice "Soooowhhtyy!" kil "You stupid, greedy slut!" alice "Ah, hhhnggg-♥♥" alice "Don't you backpedal!" alice "I w-wont, aahh, hhhh- ssoohhh-" kil "Don't you FUCKING backpedal, you sorry cunt!" alice "Y-yes...♥♥♥" kil "Stupid. Fucking. Sorry. Cunt!" alice "Hnnng-!" kil "All your empty head needs to do is imagine two thick cocks straining your worn-out holes~" alice "Hhh, I'm picturing it-!" kil "Would you like that, Ms. Mendoza?" alice "Y-yes! Heeea-♥♥ Y-yes, I'll t-take both of you!" kil "Would you like that you well-fucked piece-of-shit?" alice "Ghh, hhnnaaaa-♥ Yeeeehhhss-♥♥" kil "Ha! You hear that bro? Any time you want!" alice "Ooohh, wwhwhhoooo-♥♥♥♥♥♥" kil "Anytime you want this ass is yours!" alice "Ghh, mhmhhh, yyeehhhss- a-aanyyy-" kil "Say his fucking name, bitch!" alice "[mcf]!" kil "Do you wish he was here?!" alice "Yeeeehhhsssh!" kil "Tell him!" alice "I w-wish eehhhyou whherrere hwwhere. I wish [mcf] was fucking my p-p-ppshhhyyy...!" kil "Bahaha!" "*Plap, plap~*" kil "That's right! Say my fucking king's name!" alice "[mcf]!" kil "{b}Bahahaha!{/b} There it is, let go, beautiful!" "*Plap, plhahp, plwwwahp~!*" "Content with her submission, no more prodding jeers left Ian's lip." alice "A-h, aahhh...!" "Instead he let her wallow solely in her own slutty thoughts as my brightly transmitted face peered at her from the other side of the screen." alice "Ghh, hheee... [mcf]..." "Indeed, the blinders of lust on, her hazy focus had turned toward me, leaving me to wonder again just what kind of expression I was making." alice "Oh, o-oh... ahh... hhaa...♥ G-give me y-our- cohhhohk♥" "In one breath, she seemed keenly aware of my voyeurism, basking in the twisted dynamic." "{b}*PLAP, PLAP, PLAP!*{/b}" scene w3_4319 with flash alice "Ahh, hhhn-♥ Mmmh, I-Ian-! Dehhs- destttroyy meee...!" "In another breath, it was like I vanished before her eyes, her mind off at a distant destination, aware of nothing other than my friend turning her into a cock sleeve." kil "That's right, lose it!" scene alice_ir_dog3_a with dissolve show alice_ir_dog3 with dissolve alice "Ian, [mcf]! Ian, [mcf]! Gahh, hheyyy...♥" "No matter how she looked at me, I watched her oscillating expressions with great interest, marveling at how Ian had worn down her sense of propriety." alice "Ian[mcf]Ian[mcf]Ian[mcf]Ian[mcf]Ian[mcf]Ian[mcf]Ian[mcf]Ian[mcf]...!" "*{i}Plap, plap, plap!*{/i}" alice "Gyyahh, hhhaa- hhhggg-" "Her brain was scrambled." scene w3_4319 with flash kil "Lose it, you shameless bitch!" alice "Gehhh- ♥ Eyywwahh-♥ Hnngg~" "Was she always like this? Did Ian mold her to his liking?" alice "Ahhh, mhmhhh-" scene alice_ir_dog3_a with dissolve show alice_ir_dog3 with dissolve alice "Gehhh- ♥ Eyywwahh-♥ Hnngg~" "I myself stopped caring about anything other than the scene in front of me, impressed with my friend's conquest." kil "Where you want to see it, bro? Viewer's choice." mc "What...?" "Ian asked me a question, pulling me away from the reverie of Alice's face twisting in pleasure." kil "Where do you want me to blow my load? I'm almost-!" alice "H-haaah...♥" kil "Ah, my sweet lovely Alice~ don't you DARE drop the camera! G-gahhh-" "Where did I want to see him make a mess...?" kil "Seriously dude, a-answer! I'm about to-" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You want to see Alices expression when he packs her full of cum.:" mc "{b}Inside.{/b}" "It was simple. I was caught up following every contour of Alice's face and I wanted to see this to its natural conclusion." kil "You got it!" "I wanted to see the expression she would make as her womb was drenched in the jizz of someone half her age." kil "Here I-- aaahhhh-♥" stop ambient stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_4320 with flash alice "Gh, hhhnk-♥" "My friend rolled his hips forward, extending himself as deep as he could go, and letting it all out into the old woman's depths." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" with flash kil "Drink it up, bitch!" scene w3_4321 with dissolve alice "Ahh, hhaaa, mmhhhhh-♥" kil "Ha... man, I don't normally shoot that quick." mc "...I'm not taking credit for that." alice "Ghh, hhnngg dhhiicckk... eeeughh..." KN_MOD "You want to see her lathered with jizz.:" scene w3_4322 with pixellate "Abruptly, an image of a younger Alice's demure countenance sprang to mind." scene alice_ir_dog3_a with pixellate show alice_ir_dog3 with dissolve mc "Do it on her face!" "It was absurd, but I answered, momentarily delighted in having control over my friend's actions." kil "You got it!" stop ambient scene w3_4323 with dissolve alice "W-aah, ahhh...?" "I wanted to see the face of the mild, unassuming Alice of my past stained with cum." scene w3_4324 with dissolve kil "You know the drill! Get ready for it!" scene w3_4325 with dissolve "True to my friend's claim, she parted her mouth and dutifully offered her tongue." kil "Good bitch! Bon appetit--" stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_4326 with flash kil "Gaaah-!" "In an instant, Alice's homely face disappeared and was replaced by a disaster." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_4327 with flash kil "You're fucking nothing!" "Layer after layer of spunk plastered her face, transforming her from the woman I knew into a disgusting, pitiful creature." play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_4328 with flash kil "W-worthless... ahh..." "It was beautiful." kil "Ha... man, I don't normally shoot that quick." mc "...I'm not taking credit for that." scene w3_4329 with circlewipe "Ian was right. That was {i}interesting{/i}. We ended up talking for another ten minutes, once we got through the awkwardness of him coming down from his cum-high." "All throughout, the distant sound of Alice sucking his cock could be heard - and again, I felt an almost strange admiration that I would never admit to. Still..." scene black with fade show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3AlicePhoneSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3AlicePhoneSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Eventually, sleep came." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3BreakfastWithIan" KN_MOD "label w3SleeplessNight:" scene black with fade "......" "..." scene w3_3779 with fade scene w3_3780 with dissolve mct "(Mmmmh, {i}crap{/i}.)" scene w3_3781 with dissolve "Sleep that night was a hard-won battle, but in time, I eventually got there." scene black with fade "Just as the sun was coming up." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3BreakfastWithIan" KN_MOD "label w3BreakfastWithIan:" play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_3782 with circlewipe vic "...what are you boys doing today?" kil "Playing secret agents." vic "Secret, huh?" scene w3_3783 with dissolve kil "I told [mcf] I'd help make sure his place isn't bugged with listening devices." vic "If it's something you don't want to tell me, you could just tell me you're hanging out." kil "Why would I keep a secret from you, Vicky?" scene w3_3784 with dissolve vic "I don't know, but it seems like [mcf] has his secrets these days." kil "Maybe he's just at that age?" scene w3_3785 with dissolve vic "...I'm being serious. There's something different about him that I can't put my finger on..." kil "Like what?" scene w3_3786 with dissolve vic "It's hard to put into words. His general demeanor has been... {i}off{/i} for the past few weeks, if that makes any sense." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVictoria == True:" vic "I know something's been bothering him. He doesn't usually show up out of the blue two times in just a few days to watch movies and sleep here." KN_MOD "else:" vic "I can tell something's been bothering him. He doesn't normally show up out of the blue to watch movies and sleep here." scene w3_3787 with dissolve vic "Plus, he asked me if I knew some Autumn Burns or another..." scene w3_3788 with dissolve kil "{size=-5}Byrnes...?{/size}" scene w3_3787 with dissolve vic "He didn't really explain after that. I thought it might be a director, but he was weirdly emphatic when he asked about it." scene w3_3786 with dissolve vic "It's not like I have an actual reason to be concerned, it's just a creeping feeling, but I was hoping you might know something." scene w3_3789 with dissolve kil "You've always coddled him, you know?" scene w3_3790 with dissolve vic "...excuse me? He's my son. If I were EVER overindulgent with him, I could very well be forgiven." scene w3_3791 with dissolve kil "I didn't mean that in a bad way. I'm just saying you worry too much. He's a big boy living his life and you are a..." scene w3_3792 with dissolve vic "Finish your sentence..." scene w3_3793 with dissolve kil "You are a widowed, single woman." scene w3_3792 with dissolve vic "What does that have anything to do with [mcf] acting weird?" scene w3_3793 with dissolve kil "Probably nothing, but it is {i}slightly{/i} possible that you're latching onto minor things because you want to parent him." scene w3_3794 with dissolve vic "*Scoff* This isn't an empty nest thing. He's been moved out for a few years." vic "Do you know how offensive that suggestion is?" scene w3_3795 with dissolve kil "You know I didn't mean anything by it. I'm just a dumbass." scene w3_3796 with dissolve vic "......" scene w3_3797 with dissolve vic "*, you're not. Don't talk like that. You're just being honest." vic "You're an annoyingly astute but wonderfully sensitive kid." scene w3_3798 with dissolve kil "Yeah, right..." scene w3_3799 with dissolve vic "Afraid so, Ian. It's true." scene w3_3800 with dissolve vic "Remember when your mother was {i}strongly{/b} giving me advice on how to correct [mcf]'s behavior?" vic "I was so mortified and deeply embarrassed at the time... but I know it wasn't a coincidence that you just happened to spill soda all over the work she brought home." scene w3_3801 with dissolve vic "I was relieved at the change in topic, but in hindsight... you shouldn't have felt you needed to be scolded just to smooth out an uncomfortable situation between adults." scene w3_3802 with dissolve kil "I'm just clumsy." scene w3_3800 with dissolve vic "I remember when [mcf] was sick with scarlet fever the week of your class field trip to the aquarium. You were so afraid he was missing out that you called him a dozen times that day just to fill him in." scene w3_3801 with dissolve vic "Did you even get a chance to enjoy that day yourself?" scene w3_3802 with dissolve kil "I remember it being a {i}very{/i} good day." scene w3_3803 with dissolve vic "You've always picked up on specific details and gone out of your way to make someone feel better. You're not dumb... and you're probably not completely wrong, either." scene w3_3804 with dissolve kil "I was honestly running my mouth. Don't listen to me." scene w3_3805 with dissolve vic "Still, I'm not gonna give you a pass on your phrasing. \"Widowed, single woman\"...?" scene w3_3806 with dissolve kil "'re going to rake me over the coals for this one, huh?" scene w3_3807 with dissolve vic "It's a teachable moment. You should work on the way you talk to women, Ian." scene w3_3806 with dissolve kil "...alright, fine. I'll dig myself deeper, then." scene w3_3807 with dissolve vic "This will be good." scene w3_3808 with dissolve kil " come you've always been single?" scene w3_3809 with dissolve vic "*Scoff* Oh {b}Gooooood{/b}, now little Ian is looking down on me too. I get enough of being called a spinster from my own son." vic "You're really doubling on this \"you need something to do\" thing in the worst possible way, you know that?" scene w3_3810 with dissolve kil "No, it's a genuine question. You're a beautiful woman; you've always been and you're even more now." scene w3_3811 with dissolve vic "Is it an anomaly that needs to be understood? You're not suggesting there's something wrong with a \"beautiful\" woman if she doesn't have a man, are you dear?" scene w3_3812 with dissolve kil "They're usually crazy, yeah, but I know for a fact that you're not. In fact, you're astonishingly personable and kind. So, I was just wondering... what's been the deal with that?" scene w3_3813 with dissolve vic "......" kil "...teachable moment, remember?" scene w3_3814 with dissolve vic "So this is how you do it? One part feigned stupidity, one part charm? Like a chauvinistic puppy dog?" scene w3_3813 with dissolve kil "Uh, no- I mean, uhh, well--" scene w3_3815 with dissolve vic "Pfffh, mahahaa-! Don't hurt yourself trying to worm out of this one. I'll answer your question." scene w3_3816 with dissolve vic "If we're talking about romance, I've never felt the need after [mcf]'s father." vic "I've had my responsibilities as a parent, my work, my interests, and other distractions that kept me occupied and happy." scene w3_3817 with dissolve kil "Yep, I'm an idiot! That's a great answer! I'm glad I could finish this conversation with all my fingers--" scene w3_3818 with dissolve vic "If we're talking about physical needs, then as you've said, I am a beautiful woman and it's very simple to-" kil "We can leave it at that, please." scene w3_3819 with dissolve kil " [mcf]'s still not up, huh?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_3820 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3821 with dissolve vic "...Ian? I already know the answer, so don't try to lie." scene w3_3822 with dissolve kil "I don't ever lie to you if I can help it..." scene w3_3821 with dissolve vic "I know, but you also know I can tell when you're lying, right? I can read you like a book." scene w3_3823 with dissolve kil "I need to go to the bathroom." vic "You WOULD tell me if [mcf] gets himself in a bad spot, wouldn't you?" scene w3_3824 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3825 with dissolve "..." play music "music/dog-park.ogg" scene w3_3826 with dissolve kil "You {b}absolutely{/b} know I would." scene w3_3827 with dissolve kil "...not that I would ever let him get into a bad spot to begin with. If anything, it'd be the other way around." scene w3_3828 with dissolve vic "Thank you, Ian." scene w3_3829 with dissolve mc "*Yawwwwwwwn* When you said you'd drop by in the morning, I didn't think you meant this early..." scene w3_3830 with dissolve kil "It's not {i}that{/i} early. You just slept in late, lazy ass." scene w3_3831 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaCutieCall == True:" "All in all, despite the late start, it wasn't a bad night's sleep. I had Ian and Hana to thank for that." KN_MOD "elif w3MinaCutieCall == True:" "All in all, despite the late start, it wasn't a bad night's sleep. I had Ian and Mina to thank for that." KN_MOD "else:" mct "(You know I didn't get much sleep last night, asshole...)" scene w3_3832 with dissolve mc "How are you not hungover? You were blasted last night." kil "I wasn't that drunk. It was a mild night." "The pair looked like they were having a fairly serious conversation. I can only imagine what..." scene w3_3833 with dissolve mc "Hey, Mom. Sleep well?" vic "Good morning, hun. I slept pretty good. How about you?" mc "Not too great. I think I'm too used to the memory foam mattress at the apartment. What's up?" scene w3_3834 with dissolve vic "I've just been talking to Ian. What are you two getting up to today?" scene w3_3835 with dissolve "I cast my friend a surreptitious glance as if I had ANY hope of beating this well-worn tactic and discerning what he had told her." scene w3_3836 with dissolve vic "He said you were playing secret agent and hunting for bugs in your apartment." scene w3_3838 with dissolve mc "He's helping me put up a security camera." scene w3_3837 with dissolve "Half-truths. I really was planning to put up a camera today." scene w3_3839 with dissolve mc "A homeless guy wandered into the building a few nights ago and spooked everyone on my floor with a disturbance." scene w3_3840 with dissolve vic "Aw, poor man. Was he okay?" mc "Was he okay...?" scene w3_3841 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3842 with dissolve mc "He ended up leaving, but it got me thinking about security. So yeah... thought it was better for Ian to climb up a ladder than me, you know?" scene w3_3843 with dissolve kil "Oh, before I break my neck, there's another thing. I'm scheduled for a haircut. You don't mind coming with me, right?" scene w3_3844 with dissolve mc "Why didn't you just come after your appointment?" scene w3_3845 with dissolve kil "I woke up, had some time to kill, and thought my best friend and I would make a morning of it. Hell, wanna get a mani-pedi while we're at it?" scene w3_3844 with dissolve mc "I'll pass on anyone touching my feet, but actually..." scene w3_3846 with dissolve mc "I could use a trim. Do they take walk-ins?" kil "I know one of the girls. She'll fit you in." scene w3_3847 with dissolve "Sure... a haircut, sweep for bugs, install a security camera." "I've got a veritable to-do list ahead of me." mc "When's your appointment?" scene w3_3848 with dissolve vic "Hmmm..." mc "...what is it?" scene w3_3849 with dissolve vic "You should change your style." mc "What's wrong with my hair?" scene w3_3850 with dissolve kil "You're twenty-two and look like an egghead." vic "No, you don't. You look handsome, but I realized I haven't seen your forehead in years." scene w3_3851 with dissolve mc "You've seen my forehead. I brushed my hair back last night while we watched {i}Nothing Underneath{/i}." vic "I meant in the light of day, honey." mc "...wait, I look like an egghead?" scene w3_3852 with dissolve kil "Ha! Got him!" mc "Nah, uh uh. I'm just getting a trim." kil "You won't after you let that shit fester an hour, egghead." scene w3_3853 with dissolve vic "Awww, don't listen to him. I like your head as the perfect oval it is." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Don't think I won't go bald just to spite you two." play sound "sound effects/car.wav" "......" "..." play music "music/scissor-vision.ogg" scene w3_3854 with cmet kil "So, I thought some more about the Darius thing." "As soon as we got to his car, Ian immediately got on topic, looking rather serious compared to this morning's congeniality." mc "Let me hear it." scene w3_3855 with dissolve kil "I've been thinking Darius isn't the slickest dude. He would've left some kind of a paper trail going wherever he fucked off to." mc "Sure, but that's not something you or I could look into, Columbo." scene w3_3856 with dissolve kil "What about hiring an investigator to do it?" scene w3_3857 with dissolve mc "I thought you said you thought about it." scene w3_3858 with dissolve kil "I did! I know it's a bit nuclear to debunk some weird thing Kathy told you, but it would be the most conclusive way of getting peace of mind." scene w3_3859 with dissolve mc "I think hiring an independent third party to investigate a former employee of the prostitution ring that we're both members of is, to put it mildly, a bad idea." "......" scene w3_3864 with dissolve "..." scene w3_3860 with dissolve kil "Ah, shit. Yeah, that's a {i}real{/i} dumb idea! That's what I get for trying to cook up something while mid-nut." scene w3_3863 with dissolve mc "Well, your heart is in the right place, and most importantly, you raised a good point." scene w3_3862 with dissolve kil "Did I?" scene w3_3861 with dissolve mc "If he really did just split, he didn't just drop off the face of the earth. So it {i}is{/i} something that can be looked into and possibly confirmed." scene w3_3860 with dissolve kil "I guess the question is... how bad do we really want to know?" scene w3_3863 with dissolve mc " think it's a bad idea?" "I could think of a few reasons, but I wanted to hear Ian's thoughts." scene w3_3865 with dissolve kil "I'm only saying this because I know he's fine, but... it might be better just not knowing, yeah?" scene w3_3866 with dissolve mc "Do you mean better in the sense that we wouldn't be burdened with the knowledge?" scene w3_3867 with dissolve kil "For the record, I'm all for figuring it out. I'd like to know where the hell the guy went and I know clearing it up will give my best friend some peace of mind." scene w3_3868 with dissolve mc "........." scene w3_3869 with dissolve mc "......" scene w3_3870 with dissolve mc "...hypothetically speaking, what would you do if you learned something bad happened to Darius? Would it change anything?" "I was posing that question to myself as much as Ian." scene w3_3871 with dissolve kil "I mean, fuck man. I wouldn't be able to look August or the old woman in the eyes." mc "That's it...?" scene w3_3872 with dissolve kil "Are you asking me if I would quit the club?" mc "{i}Would{/i} you quit the club?" scene w3_3873 with dissolve kil "...prostitution is one thing, but Darius is my friend. So, I m-mean... y-yes?" kil "If I'm getting real for a second, I don't think I could fucking take it. I'm just a spoiled-- ahh..." "Ian's moral clarity was surprising to me, because..." scene w3_3874 with dissolve kil "What about you?" "I was of two minds about it." scene w3_3875 with dissolve "One: if a guy, who I didn't even know, got himself into trouble by blackmailing a prostitution ring orbiting the influential and powerful, then he had effectively chosen to step in front of a bus." "The other, like Ian... {i}holy shit{/i}." mc "I... uh..." "I, too, was a dumb, sheltered asshole. My brain might know what kind of place it is, but I hadn't seen the true weight of it." scene w3_3876 with dissolve kil "Yeeeeah... that's why I think it's a damn good question to ask ourselves before we continue down this road." "He was right. Sometimes it was better not knowing, but my inner voice wasn't easily quelled by convenience." kil "...again I'm all for it, but there {i}is{/i} a non-zero possibility... and this is the kind of tidbit that once you learn, you can't play hot potato with it. It's in your lap and you got to fucking deal with it." scene w3_3877 with dissolve kil "How about we let the \"looking into Darius\" thing sit a while? Today, let's take care of your surroundings and get you some {i}immediate{/i} peace of mind. You know, put up that camera and make sure no one is listening to you jerk off?" mc "Yeah... one day at a time." "My inner voice wasn't easily quelled by convenience, but it also wouldn't be the first time I ignored that nagging bitch." "There was no need to be hasty before I could adequately take stock and compartmentalize conflicting feelings." scene w3_3878 with dissolve mc "Thanks again, Ian." kil "Not even a thing between us, bro. Now..." kil "...let's go get a haircut, egghead." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade kil "I'm just getting a trim." play music "music/hotshot.ogg" scene w3_3879 with blinds kil "Thanks for squeezing him in, babe." amber "Yeah, heh... no problem, I had some time before your appointment." kil "You're the best." amber "Stop it, I'm at work." kil "Sure, sure, sure..." scene w3_3880 with wipeleft amber "So, uhh... we've..." scene w3_3881 with dissolve mc "Yep. We've met before, but I'm surprised you remember me." kil "Eh? You two have met?" scene w3_3882 with dissolve amber "Hehehe, I wasn't that-- ah, ha... {i}yeah.{/i}" scene w3_3883 with dissolve amber "Sorry again about scaring you that night." scene w3_3884 with dissolve mc "I wasn't {i}scared{/i}." "When I haphazardly agreed to a haircut, I didn't imagine the person cutting my hair would be..." scene w3_3883 with dissolve amber "Oh, yeah, of course not. I just mean--" scene w3_3971 with pixellate "One of Ian's recurring flings." scene w3_3885 with pixellate amber "I just mean {i}sorry.{/i}" scene w3_3886 with dissolve mc "Wasn't your fault. It's that jackass' behind us." scene w3_3887 with dissolve kil "Seriously? When did you two meet? I think I would remember that..." scene w3_3888 with dissolve amber "How do you not? Were you seriously that hosed--" scene w3_3970 with pixellate "That wasn't the only time either, but she doesn't know about that..." scene w3_3889 with pixellate kil "Ah, whatever. It's not important. Just do your job." scene w3_3890 with dissolve amber "My job? I'm cutting your hair for free!" scene w3_3891 with dissolve amber "......" scene w3_3892 with dissolve amber "*sigh* do you want your hair, sweetie?" mc "I'm just here to get a..." scene w3_3893 with dissolve mc "...actually, I want to try something new, but I'm not sure what would look good. What's your expert opinion?" amber "Hmm..." scene w3_3894 with dissolve amber "May I...?" mc "Go ahead." scene w3_3895 with dissolve amber "I wouldn't really go any shorter than this, so how about I clean up your sides and maybe try styling it differently?" amber "That way, if you don't like it, we won't have done anything too drastic." scene w3_3896 with dissolve mc "Whatever you think is best." scene w3_3897 with dissolve amber "You know, people who say that are usually either the worst or best customers. Which one are you?" scene w3_3898 with dissolve mc "The kind that appreciates you for making time for me last minute." scene w3_3899 with dissolve amber "That's a good answer." scene w3_3900 with dissolve amber "Don't just lurk behind me, Ian. Go sit down." scene black with fade "......" "..." "Two haircuts later, Ian and I..." kil "Ah, look here!" mc "What are you doing?" kil "Getting a picture to send to Vicky." mc "Why? She'll just see it later anyway..." stop music play sound "sound effects/camera-phone-shutter.wav" kil "There, got it! You were making a stupid face though." mc "What? Let me see it..." kil "This is going on ALL my accounts!" mc "Eh, don't post it without my--" scene w3_3901 with w20 kil "Man, we look damn good. We should go out tonight." mc "I'll pass." kil "I knew you'd say that because {i}obviously{/i} we need to get you some new duds first." mc "I'll pass." scene black with fade kil "I knew you'd say that, too, party pooper." scene w3_3902 with circlewipe play music "music/sneaky-snitch.ogg" kil "We should've sprung for the more expensive ones. I would have paid for them." mc "I'm not trying to film the wrinkles of an intruder's asshole here, Ian. Should anyone poke around here while I'm not gone, I just want to be alerted." scene w3_3903 with dissolve mc "I prefer my overreactions to be as inexpensive as possible." kil "Okay, well, setting up the cameras is simple enough. But do you have any idea how to search for microphones?" scene w3_3904 with dissolve mc "I did some research. I bought an RF detector when we got the cameras, but I want to be more thorough than that. I'm glad you're here... this is a big place." scene w3_3905 with dissolve kil "You mean there's not an app that just {i}beep beeps?{/i}" scene w3_3906 with dissolve mc "I'm leaving no room for doubt." scene w3_3907 with dissolve kil "...alright, just uh... you're buying me pizza later." scene w3_3908 with dissolve mc "Eh? You volunteered." scene w3_3909 with dissolve kil "You cheap ass." scene w3_3910 with dissolve mc "Cheap? I was the only one of us who paid for his haircut today." kil "What are you talking about? I pay Amber in my own way." scene w3_3911 with w24 "So, we did our {i}detecting.{/i}." "We shut off all the appliances and listened for any electrical hums. We looked for errant wires and checked the light fixtures." scene w3_3912 with wiperight "We wandered around, flashlights in tow, searching for reflections bouncing back off tiny lenses." scene black with fade "An hour and a half later, I felt relatively sure of one thing - {i}no one was spying on my dorky ass.{/i}" scene w3_3913 with fade kil "So, peace of mind achieved?" scene w3_3914 with dissolve mc "I feel a little better. Thanks for humoring me." scene w3_3915 with dissolve kil "I wasn't humoring you. You had cause for concern." scene w3_3914 with dissolve mc "I appreciate it even more, then." scene w3_3916 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3914 with dissolve mc "Tell me more about Darius - and don't just call him a flaky asshole like everyone else. I'd like to hear something good." scene w3_3917 with dissolve kil "...something good? He... he had plenty of good things about him." scene w3_3918 with dissolve mc "Tell me some." scene w3_3919 with dissolve kil "Well, for example, he was hilarious. Everyone at the club loved him because he could make anyone laugh without fail." scene w3_3920 with dissolve mc "And what else?" "For some reason, I thought getting a fuller picture of what kind of guy my predecessor was, was a good idea." scene w3_3921 with pixellate kil "He always said what was on his mind and never bullshitted. Of course, it rarely did him any favors, but he'd outright tell you if he thought something was boring, stupid, or unfair." kil "The last one is the good one, the rest made him pretty annoying, but at least for the people in front of his face, he looked out for them." scene w3_3922 with pixellate kil "Basically, he was the kind of guy who wore his heart on his sleeve. He'd be in love with a different girl every month and I think the idiot really meant it." kil "Chasing a girl brought him over from Hawaii in the first place." scene w3_3923 with pixellate mc "Oh yeah, you mentioned a week ago that his family has a business up there." scene w3_3924 with dissolve kil "That's something he and I had in common. He was happy to be away from all that crap." scene w3_3925 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3927 with dissolve kil "So, uh... does any of this make you want to find out where he went {i}more{/i} or does it encourage you to just let sleeping dogs lie?" scene w3_3926 with dissolve mc "I don't know. Have you ever thought of getting in contact with his family?" scene w3_3925 with dissolve kil "There was no reason to before now. I'd have to track them down, but that shouldn't be difficult. Should I?" scene w3_3923 with dissolve mc "On the one hand, it might immediately clear everything up. On the other, if they haven't heard from him, it would just make me wonder even harder..." scene w3_3923 with dissolve mc "Not sure what I'll do with it, but try to find it, will ya?" scene w3_3924 with dissolve kil "Yeah, sure thing. I'll look into it tonight. I think he mentioned the business' name in an old text or something... They run a big textile plant." scene w3_3926 with dissolve mc "Thanks..." scene w3_3928 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_3929 with dissolve mc "I'm tired." scene w3_3930 with dissolve kil "Rest your eyes." mc "I think I just might..." kil "While you do that, can I take a shower? Feelin' a bit itchy after my trim." scene w3_3931 with dissolve mc "Mi casa es tu casa. Just don't drown, amigo." kil "I'll try, but keep an ear out, just in case." mct "(Heh. Since when does he ask...?)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "......" "..." play music "music/no7-alone-with-my-thoughts.ogg" scene w3_3932 with fade "As my mind gradually let go of its thoughts, I felt distant." "Was I in a movie? The question of hunting down a missing man's parents felt preposterous, but the underlying sense of anxiety that pervaded me since yesterday was, oddly enough, at an all-time low." "Something in me intrinsically understood that - Darius aside - this was a needed reality check, perhaps in the way that the home-invading old prick intended. It offered a chance to put things in order for myself and have a securer grasp on the future." scene w3_3933 with dissolve mct "(...bottom line, do I like how my life is going?)" "These last few weeks have been..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Interesting.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It's been a lot of things, but it hasn't been boring." "Money, women, and now even a little dash of intrigue..." KN_MOD "Confusing.:" show screen textbox2 with dissolve "No two ways around it. I've felt at odds with myself." mct "(Life used to be a lot simpler. I certainly never worried about {i}this{/i}.)" "Well, it's not like I plan on blackmailing my bosses, but still..." scene w3_3934 with dissolve mc "Mmmhhh..." "As my mind further let go of its thoughts, an image snaked into my brain." KN_MOD "if w3PromoShockFullSadism == True:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_3968 with pixellate $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) scene w3_3967 with pixellate $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) scene w3_3969 with pixellate show screen textbox2 with dissolve "That was fun, wasn't it?" KN_MOD "elif w3FeliciaMeanShock == True:" scene w3_3969 with pixellate mc "That happened yesterday, huh?" KN_MOD "elif w3RosalindMeanShock == True:" scene w3_3968 with pixellate mc "That happened yesterday, huh?" KN_MOD "elif w3VeronicaMeanShock == True:" scene w3_3967 with pixellate mc "That happened yesterday, huh?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_5392 with pixellate mc "That happened yesterday, huh?" "........." scene w3_3934 with dissolve "......" scene w3_3935 with dissolve mct "(...I should check on the girls.)" scene w3_3936 with fade hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu w3CarnationCall:" KN_MOD "Call Rosalind. if w3CarnationCallRosalind == False:" $ w3CarnationCallRosalind = True play ambient "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" KN_MOD "if w3CarnationCallFelicia == True and w3CarnationCallVeronica == True:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "Now, last but not least, let's give Rosie a call..." "It rung." "It rung and rung and rung, but..." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "Nothing." scene w3_3936 with dissolve "I should try again." pass KN_MOD "elif w3CarnationCallFelicia == False and w3CarnationCallVeronica == False:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "I decided to start with Rosalind." "It rung." "It rung and rung and rung, but..." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "Nothing." scene w3_3936 with dissolve mct "(I'll try again after the others.)" KN_MOD "jump w3CarnationCall" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "Next, I decided to give Rosalind a call." "It rung." "It rung and rung and rung, but..." stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "Nothing." scene w3_3936 with dissolve mct "(Hmm... I'll try again after the others.)" KN_MOD "jump w3CarnationCall" KN_MOD "Call Felicia. if w3CarnationCallFelicia == False:" $ w3CarnationCallFelicia = True play ambient "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" KN_MOD "if w3CarnationCallRosalind == True and w3CarnationCallVeronica == True:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "Okay, let's try Felicia now." "*Ring, ring...*" mct "Hmmm..." "*Ring, ring, ring~*" mct "(Is she not going to pick up eith--)" KN_MOD "elif w3CarnationCallRosalind == False and w3CarnationCallVeronica == False:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "I decided to start with the bombastic blonde herself." "*Ring, ring...*" "The call dragged on." "*Ring, ring, ring~*" "...and just when I thought it would go to voicemail--" KN_MOD "elif w3CarnationCallRosalind == True and w3CarnationCallVeronica == False:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "Okay, let's try Felicia next." "*Ring, ring...*" mct "Hmmm..." "*Ring, ring, ring~*" mct "(Is she not going to pick up eith--)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "Okay, let's try Felicia next." "*Ring, ring....*" "The call dragged on." "Ring, ring, ring~*" "...and just when I thought it would go to voicemail--" stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3939 with w21 fel "Hello?" scene w3_3938 with dissolve "Felicia answered in a not-too-lively, flat tone." mc "Hey... it's [mcf]." scene w3_3939 with dissolve fel "I know who it is, [mcf]." scene w3_3938 with dissolve mc "I'm calling to see how you were feeling after yesterday." scene w3_3939 with dissolve fel "That's very kind of you." scene w3_3938 with dissolve mc "Are you okay? You sound a bit... off." scene w3_3939 with dissolve fel "I'm fine." scene w3_3940 with dissolve "Short, to-the-point answers." mc "...Just fine? It was... {i}pretty rough{/i} yesterday, huh?" scene w3_3941 with dissolve fel "The wellness check is unnecessary. Check-in with one of the other girls." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Sugar Baby]{/color} You two are a little more than that. if feliciaSugarBaby == True:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 scene w3_3943 with dissolve mc "Oh, come on... don't be like that, baby. We're not just business, are we?" scene w3_3944 with dissolve fel "Ha! Ah...? That's cute. Trying it on for size?" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" mct "(I wonder if Hana would consider this part of my club duties...)" scene w3_3942 with dissolve mc "Give me some credit. I'm calling because I'm worried and I know you didn't have as much fun as you usually do yesterday." KN_MOD "Youre calling as her friend.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 scene w3_3943 with dissolve mc "I remember us being on more friendly terms than that. We get along, don't we?" mc "Seriously, how are you feeling? I know yesterday wasn't exactly your speed." KN_MOD "Be that as you may, youre talking now.:" scene w3_3942 with dissolve mc "I'm talking to you, Felicia. It was pretty rough yesterday, huh?" KN_MOD "if w3FeliciaMeanShock == True:" scene w3_3941 with dissolve fel "...and who made it extra rough for me yesterday?" scene w3_3945 with dissolve mc "Did I take it too far?" scene w3_3947 with dissolve fel "Yeah, you kinda did, [mcf]. You seemed to really-- ah..." scene w3_3948 with dissolve "Felicia stopped herself, mid-thought and let the implication stand on its own." mc "...but did I do anything wrong?" scene w3_3946 with dissolve fel "...*sigh* That's not... I know that's the nature of the game, but you showed your teeth." scene w3_3945 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Apologize.:" mc "Sorry. I got lost in the moment. You know what that's like, right?" scene w3_3946 with dissolve fel "You pushed it pretty far." scene w3_3945 with dissolve mc "I know, I know... and I apologize." scene w3_3947 with dissolve fel "I wasn't asking for an apology. Apologizing means you'll never do it again and we both know you need to do your job." scene w3_3948 with dissolve mc "'re upset, but you don't want me to apologize?" scene w3_3947 with dissolve fel "Yeah, sometimes you get miffed, even when you know the circumstances can't be helped. I guess I was just surprised at how enthusiastic you got?" scene w3_3946 with dissolve fel "*sigh* ...but, like you said, I know what getting lost in the moment is like." scene w3_3945 with dissolve mc "Well, if I can't apologize, what can I do to make it up to you?" KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "Hmmm... I don't know if you can." scene w3_3951 with dissolve mc "I'll do what I can." scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "That'll be your homework then. Think about it {i}real hard{/i} and put all your contrition behind showing me a good time, alright?" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" "There wasn't any harm in going with her to the exhibition tomorrow night, but Hana once again popped into my head." "Even if I could justify that it was under the purview of keeping my charge happy, getting physical with Felicia went against the spirit of our \"outside of the club\" agreement." mct "(Hana... I promised her something so small, but something so difficult. Not that she'd ever find out, but...)" KN_MOD "if feliciaSugarBaby == True:" scene w3_3972 with pixellate mct "(And certainly, this whole absurd sugar baby arrangement went beyond the pale.)" "Not that she'd ever find out, but why make that promise in the first place, then?" fel "Think you can do that for me, [mcf]?" "Well, the arrangement was always tentative. We can hang out tomorrow and I can just be frank with her. Felicia would respect that." KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" mct "(...that's the least I can do, considering she footed the bill for Rosalind's loan shark problem.)" KN_MOD "else:" "...not that she'd ever find out, but why make that promise in the first place, then?" fel "Think you can do that for me, [mcf]?" "Well, we can hang out tomorrow and I can just be frank with her. Felicia would respect that." scene w3_3950 with pixellate mc "We'll have a great time, Felicia." scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "Good!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "You'll have me at my most contrite, beautiful." scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "Good!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "There's nothing to make up; I'll be over it in a day. I'm not stupid, you know?" fel "I signed up for this." scene w3_3951 with dissolve mc "You could at least let me buy you lunch sometime." scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel " that a joke?" scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "Yeah, that's a joke." scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "Hmpfh..." KN_MOD "Call her on her bullshit.:" mc "That's a load of crap, and you know it." scene w3_3952 with dissolve fel "Excuse me? What is?" scene w3_3953 with dissolve "Felicia's voice hit a {i}distinct{/i} high note, suddenly switching to an entitled housewife voice that befitted her station." scene w3_3952 with dissolve fel "What's a load of crap, [mcf]? Tell me." scene w3_3953 with dissolve "Yeah... she wasn't in a good mood today and I was poking the bear." mc "You tell me. You shouldn't step in shit if you don't like the smell. Did I do anything wrong yesterday?" scene w3_3952 with dissolve fel "You zapped me double the number of times as the other girls!" scene w3_3953 with dissolve mc "So what? Are you going to pout about it like a spoiled little girl?" scene w3_3954 with dissolve "I didn't quite understand why I felt so antagonistic, but..." mc "We're both where we chose to be, on our own terms, trying to squeeze as much fun as possible from the situation. Isn't that how you live your life?" scene w3_3955 with dissolve fel "Holy shit, I was just a little surprised, okay? I'm just feeling a bit... {i}{b}blah{/b}{/i} today." fel "Let a bitch vent, will 'ya?" scene w3_3956 with dissolve mc "Don't run away from it, Felicia. Yesterday wasn't your speed, so you tried to blame me for it, but I KNOW you're not the type of person who lives like that." scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "*sigh* No, I'm not..." scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "You're better than that." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w3_3951 with dissolve mc "It's one of the things I like best about you." scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "Pssh, yeeeeah, sure... all you like is that I'm a pair of tanned legs leading to a set of holes." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree with her.:" scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "You do use 'em well." scene w3_3958 with dissolve fel "Fuck you!" scene w3_3957 with dissolve mc "What? I thought you were fishing for a compliment." scene w3_3958 with dissolve fel "Yeah, yeah, yeah... read the room, {i}asshole{/i}." scene w3_3957 with dissolve "Felicia's cute when she's mad." mc "You're also a nice stomach, a lovely pair of breasts, a beautiful face, and..." scene w3_3958 with dissolve fel "Stop! Are you trying to be funny?" scene w3_3957 with dissolve mc "Maybe..." KN_MOD "Talk her up.:" scene w3_3951 with dissolve mc "There's more than that. You're fun to be around and you make me think." scene w3_3958 with dissolve fel "...about what? Sex?" scene w3_3957 with dissolve mc "About the value of things." scene w3_3958 with dissolve fel "Fucking weirdo." scene w3_3957 with dissolve mc "For real. I knew you were something special the night we had dinner. You stood up for little old me, dazzled me with your talk about the hierarchy of needs, and looked good doing it." scene w3_3959 with dissolve mc "You're a total package and you know it. Don't let a little cattle prod tell you otherwise." scene w3_3960 with dissolve fel "Pfhh, oh god. Life is {i}absurd{/i}." scene w3_3959 with dissolve mc "It really is..." "......" scene w3_3961 with dissolve fel "Are we still on for tomorrow?" scene w3_3957 with dissolve mc "You know it." KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" scene w3_3966 with dissolve "There wasn't any harm in going with her to the exhibition tomorrow night, but Hana once again popped into my head." "Even if I could justify it to myself that was under the purview of keeping my charge happy, getting physical with Felicia went against the spirit of our \"outside of the club\" agreement." mct "(Hana... I promised her something so small, but something so difficult. Not that she'd ever find out, but...)" KN_MOD "if feliciaSugarBaby == True:" scene w3_3941 with dissolve mct "(And certainly, this whole absurd sugar baby arrangement went beyond the pale.)" "...not that she'd ever find out, but why make that promise in the first place, then?" fel "I'm glad. I've been looking forward to it." "Well, the arrangement was always tentative. We can hang out tomorrow and I can just be frank with her. Felicia would respect that." KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" mct "(...that's the least I can do, considering she footed the bill for Rosalind's loan shark problem.)" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3941 with dissolve "...not that she'd ever find out, but why make that promise in the first place, then?" fel "I'm glad. I've been looking forward to it..." "Well, we can hang out tomorrow and I can just be frank with her. Felicia would respect that." scene w3_3943 with dissolve mc "You and I will have a lovely time." scene w3_3944 with dissolve fel "There's no backing out from that." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3943 with dissolve mc "I'll make it worth your money, beautiful." scene w3_3944 with dissolve fel "Please. I'm going to have to teach you everything, aren't I?" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "Yeah, thanks for the pep talk, stud." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3946 with dissolve fel "It's what I signed up for. I won't pretend that was fun for me, but not everything can be." scene w3_3945 with dissolve mc "Yeah, but how are you feeling today?" scene w3_3947 with dissolve fel "How am I feeling...? What, you genuinely asking?" scene w3_3945 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Sugar Baby]{/color} Of course you are. if feliciaSugarBaby == True:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 mc "Hey! You and I stand to become pretty close, baby." KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" mct "(I wonder if Hana would consider this part of my club duties...)" scene w3_3962 with dissolve fel "...heh. You're the baby, [mcf]. Provisionally." scene w3_3945 with dissolve mc "...seriously, how are you?" KN_MOD "Youre calling as her friend.:" $ Felicia_Affection +=1 mc "Of course, I am, Felicia. I'm concerned about you." scene w3_3947 with dissolve fel "When have I ever given you a reason to be concerned?" scene w3_3948 with dissolve mc "Never, but I'm still asking. How are you?" KN_MOD "It is why you called.:" mc "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want an answer." scene w3_3946 with dissolve fel "Sure, yeeeah..." scene w3_3945 with dissolve mc "How are you, Felicia? Tell me." scene w3_3946 with dissolve fel "I am...{i}blaaaaaah.{/i} Worn out? Drained? {i}Whatever{/i}." scene w3_3945 with dissolve mc "Sounds complicated." scene w3_3946 with dissolve fel "Not really. Sometimes things rub you the wrong way, there's no sense to it, and you just got to let it wash over you." scene w3_3957 with dissolve mc "That's not true. There's always a reason. Sometimes we just don't want to expend the energy to comprehend it." scene w3_3958 with dissolve fel "It doesn't take much to comprehend you don't like to be zapped with electricity." scene w3_3957 with dissolve mc "Ha, yeeeah. Kinda a stupid thing to say, huh?" "I did suspect something more behind her mood than the day-past physical discomfort of the trial, but there was no value in pushing that point." scene w3_3961 with dissolve fel "By the way, I appreciate what you did when it was my turn. Kathy seemed dead set on me getting it good, but you at least made me feel part of the proceedings." scene w3_3959 with dissolve mc "I just wanted a different tempo, is all." scene w3_3963 with dissolve fel "Hmmfh..." mc "So you're just letting it \"wash\" over you?" scene w3_3962 with dissolve fel "It's easy to do when you got a pool in your penthouse." scene w3_3963 with dissolve mc "You sure do keep it real, Felicia." scene w3_3962 with dissolve fel "Shut up. I know how I sound." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "You know what's going to make me feel better, though?" scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "What?" scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "Are we still on for our date tomorrow?" scene w3_3951 with dissolve mc "I wouldn't dream of letting you down." scene w3_3950 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" "There wasn't any harm in going with her to the exhibition tomorrow night, but Hana once again popped into my head." "Even if I could justify it to myself that was under the purview of keeping my charge happy, getting physical with Felicia went against the spirit of our \"outside of the club\" agreement." mct "(Hana... I promised her something so small, but something so difficult. Not that she'd ever find out, but...)" KN_MOD "if feliciaSugarBaby == True:" scene w3_3972 with pixellate mct "(And certainly, this whole absurd sugar baby arrangement went beyond the pale.)" "Not that she'd ever find out, but why make that promise in the first place, then?" fel "I'm happy to hear it." "Well, the arrangement was always tentative. We can hang out tomorrow and I can just be frank with her. Felicia would respect that." KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True:" mct "(...that's the least I can do, considering she footed the bill for Rosalind's loan shark problem.)" KN_MOD "else:" "...not that she'd ever find out, but why make that promise in the first place, then?" fel "I'm happy to hear it." "Well, we can hang out tomorrow and I can just be frank with her. Felicia would respect that." scene w3_3938 with pixellate KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "My self-awareness is one of my best qualities." scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "Are you aware of how {i}that{/i} sounds?" scene w3_3949 with dissolve fel "Quiet, you." scene w3_3938 with dissolve "........." "......" "..." scene w3_3940 with dissolve "Our call was brief, but the silence was damning. There was nothing else to be said." scene w3_3939 with dissolve fel "Now that the obligatory health check is done, can I return to pre-gaming my book club meeting?" scene w3_3938 with dissolve mc "You drink at book club meetings?" scene w3_3939 with dissolve fel "You don't think we read books, do you?" scene w3_3938 with dissolve mc "Ha! Stupid me, right? Yeah, sorry to disturb you." KN_MOD "if feliciaFlag == True:" scene w3_3965 with dissolve fel "No, it's... no. I'm glad you called." scene w3_3964 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3939 with dissolve fel "You're just doing your job." scene w3_3938 with dissolve mc "Bye, Felicia." KN_MOD "if w3CarnationCallRosalind == True and w3CarnationCallVeronica == True:" "All that is left is to try Rosalind one more time." play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3936 with dissolve mct "Who's next?" KN_MOD "jump w3CarnationCall" KN_MOD "Call Veronica. if w3CarnationCallVeronica == False:" $ w3CarnationCallVeronica = True play ambient "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" KN_MOD "if w3CarnationCallRosalind == True and w3CarnationCallFelicia == True:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "Okay, let's try Veronica now." "*Ring, ring...*" KN_MOD "elif w3CarnationCallRosalind == False and w3CarnationCallFelicia == False:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "I decided to start with Veronica." "*Ring, ring...*" KN_MOD "elif w3CarnationCallRosalind == True and w3CarnationCallFelicia == False:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "Okay, let's try Veronica next. Hopefully, I'll have better luck." "*Ring, ring...*" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve fel "Okay, let's try Felicia next." "*Ring, ring...*" stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" "Almost immediately, the ringing ceased, accompanied by a slightly too long pause that made me wonder if the call had been dropped." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" scene w3_3973 with w27 mc "Hey, Ronnie." scene w3_3937 with dissolve "So long that I decided to take the initiative with the salutations." scene w3_3976 with dissolve ver "'re still insisting on that dumb nickname, huh?" scene w3_3974 with dissolve mc "It's not dumb; it's cute." scene w3_3976 with dissolve ver "So, your goal is to infantilize me?" scene w3_3974 with dissolve mc "What...? No. Why does everything have to be confrontational with you?" scene w3_3975 with dissolve ver "It's fun. So, why are you calling?" scene w3_3974 with dissolve mc "I wanted to hear how you were doing." scene w3_3949 with dissolve ver "How am I doing...?" scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "Is that an unusual question for a friend to ask?" scene w3_3949 with dissolve ver "Uuugh, I said that, didn't I?" scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "And don't say you don't know what got into you." scene w3_3949 with dissolve ver "You and I aren't exactly chummy enough for phone conversations." scene w3_3951 with dissolve mc "Agree to disagree. Now, I'm genuinely asking: how are you feeling today?" KN_MOD "elif veronicaFriend == True:" scene w3_3973 with w27 mc "Hello? You there?" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "I decided to take the initiative with the greetings." scene w3_3975 with dissolve ver "...hey, [mcf]." scene w3_3974 with dissolve mc "Hey, how are you doing?" scene w3_3949 with dissolve ver "How am I doing...?" scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "It's a commonly used phatic expression to signal the start of a conversation." scene w3_3949 with dissolve ver "You and I aren't exactly chummy enough for phone conversations." scene w3_3951 with dissolve mc "Agree to disagree. Now, I'm genuinely asking: how are you feeling today?" KN_MOD "else:" "......still, I could see the call was connected, so I waited." "..." scene w3_3976 with w27 ver "Hey, what?" scene w3_3974 with dissolve mc "Is that how you answer all your calls?" scene w3_3976 with dissolve ver "Of course not. You're special, [mcf]." scene w3_3974 with dissolve mc "That's what my mom tells me. So, how are you doing?" scene w3_3949 with dissolve ver "How am I doing...?" scene w3_3950 with dissolve mc "It's a commonly used phatic expression to signal the start of a conversation." scene w3_3949 with dissolve ver "I know what it is." scene w3_3951 with dissolve mc "How are you feeling today? I'm genuinely asking." scene w3_3980 with dissolve ver "You're checking in on me." scene w3_3979 with dissolve mc "Of course, I am. Yesterday was rough." KN_MOD "if w3VeronicaMeanShock == True:" scene w3_3980 with dissolve ver "Funny of you to say, considering you stepped on me." scene w3_3981 with dissolve mc "You wouldn't forgive me if I half-assed it, would you? Besides, it was fun having my foot on your chest." "Why did I feel the need to be so candid in that moment...?" scene w3_3982 with dissolve ver "You're so obnoxious." KN_MOD "if w2ExLosersAll == True:" scene w3_4109 with pixellate mc "I'm just being honest, like you were when you had the girls served up to you on a slab yesterday." ver "You saw that...? That was... I just got carried away because of whatever it was she gave me." mc "Don't lie. You had fun doing whatever you wanted; you were happy to have the excuse." ver "..." "I took her silence as tacit agreement." scene w3_3985 with pixellate KN_MOD "elif w2ExLoserFelicia == True:" scene w3_4110 with pixellate mc "I'm just being honest, like you were when you had Felicia served up to you yesterday." ver "You saw that...? I... just followed Rosie's example." mc "Don't lie. You had fun making a rich bitch hot blonde piss herself." scene w3_3984 with pixellate ver "...yeah, I did." scene w3_3983 with dissolve "I respected the fact she would readily admit it." scene w3_3985 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3979 with dissolve mc "I'm just being honest. It's the foundation of any productive relationship. " scene w3_3980 with dissolve ver "Do you see this as productive?" scene w3_3979 with dissolve mc "Maybe. You're working toward a goal, and I'm here to make sure you get through the finish line." scene w3_3982 with dissolve ver "Ah, that's so fucked up." scene w3_3981 with dissolve "I let a brief silence serve as an agreement." scene w3_3985 with dissolve ver "So, you want to know how I am...? Alright... I'm..." scene w3_3986 with dissolve ver "I'm fine." mc "Of course you would say that." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3980 with dissolve ver "Sure, but it was educational." scene w3_3979 with dissolve mc "Is that right?" scene w3_3985 with dissolve ver "I learned a lot about myself and my competition. And ultimately... it wasn't that bad." mc "Of course you would say that." scene w3_3986 with dissolve ver "Don't get me wrong. It wasn't fun, but..." scene w3_3988 with dissolve ver "I'm not putting on a stiff upper lip, [mcf]. That {b}spider{/b} was a kick to the stomach, the chalice of--" scene w3_3987 with dissolve mc "{b}Fair point.{/b} So you're really not...?" scene w3_3989 with dissolve ver "Stewing in a pile of my own misery? Who do you think I am?" scene w3_3990 with dissolve "Was she talking herself up?" scene w3_3991 with dissolve ver "I absolutely am. What do you think brought me to the club?" scene w3_3990 with dissolve mc "Man, that's uh..." "Scratch that. She's pulling herself the other way." mc "That's candid of you." scene w3_3989 with dissolve ver "When have I been anything but?" scene w3_3990 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" mc "I think you hide a lot." scene w3_3991 with dissolve ver "I may have said we can be friends, but we're not that kind of friends. No need to dig too deep." scene w3_3990 with dissolve mc "I wasn't really trying to." KN_MOD "elif veronicaFriend == True:" mc "I think you hide a lot." scene w3_3988 with dissolve ver "Just cause I had a moment in the shower doesn't mean I'm an open book, string bean." scene w3_3987 with dissolve mc "I wasn't trying to pry you open or anything. It's just an observation." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Well, that elbow you gave Samson WAS pretty candid." scene w3_3987 with dissolve "...but she WAS full of shit about other stuff." scene w3_3941 with dissolve ver "Be honest, did you expect to find me weepy?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "There was a possibility.:" KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" scene w3_3978 with dissolve mc "Well, like you said, it wouldn't be the first time." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3978 with dissolve mc "It wouldn't be the first time." scene w3_3977 with dissolve ver "Everyone has days like that." scene w3_3978 with dissolve mc "I don't think quite like that..." scene w3_3977 with dissolve KN_MOD "Youre just checking in.:" scene w3_3942 with dissolve mc "I just thought it would be good to check-in." scene w3_3941 with dissolve ver "You're giving all the girls a call?" scene w3_3942 with dissolve mc "That's right." scene w3_3977 with dissolve ver "Awww, I'm not special?" "Talking to the Amazon was exhausting." scene w3_3978 with dissolve mc "This is the most I've ever worked for a \"how are you doing\", you know?" KN_MOD "if veronicaFriend == True:" scene w3_3993 with dissolve ver "Because people don't talk about this kind of shit over the phone, idiot. If you want to hear someone genuinely pour their guts out, you got to do it over drinks." scene w3_3992 with dissolve mct "(Drinks, eh...?)" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Friends]{/color} Invite her for drinks tonight.:" $ w3VeroBarDate = True mc "Okay, then. Let's get some drinks tonight. It'll be my treat." scene w3_3994 with dissolve "......" "..." mc "You there?" scene w3_3995 with dissolve ver "I wasn't fishing for an invitation." scene w3_3996 with dissolve mc "Well, I extended one. What do you say? Blow off some steam with me." scene w3_3998 with dissolve ver "I, uh..." scene w3_3997 with dissolve mc "You don't need to be glued to your gym 24/7, do you?" scene w3_3998 with dissolve ver "I, I... {i}no thanks{/i}." scene w3_3996 with dissolve "Damn, I thought I had her." mc "You sure? We don't need to talk about anything related to the club. I promise you a good time.." scene w3_3995 with dissolve ver "Yeah... {b}I'm sure.{/b}" scene w3_3996 with dissolve mc "Alright..." KN_MOD "You dont want to go drinking with her. Let the comment pass.:" pass KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3993 with dissolve ver "My ex-wife used to say the same." scene w3_3992 with dissolve "I think she meant that as a joke, but her delivery was so deadpan that I held back any noise that might confirm comprehension of what she said." scene w3_3993 with dissolve ver "Is there anything else you need?" scene w3_3992 with dissolve mc "Nope, I'm satisfied that it's business as usual." KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve ver "Good. Talk to you later, Bones." scene w3_3973 with dissolve mc "See you, Ron--" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_3937 with dissolve ver "Good. Talk to you later, [mcf]." scene w3_3973 with dissolve mc "See you, Ver--" play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "That was painfully brief, but mission accomplished... I think?" scene w3_3936 with dissolve mct "(She at least seemed normal.)" KN_MOD "if w3CarnationCallRosalind == True and w3CarnationCallVeronica == True:" "All that is left is to try Rosalind one more time." KN_MOD "else:" mct "Now... who's next?" KN_MOD "jump w3CarnationCall" stop music fadeout 3.0 play ambient "sound effects/ringing-outbound.mp3" scene w3_3937 with dissolve "Like last time, it rang." "It rung and rung and rung." "And just when I thought it would turn up the same result--" stop ambient play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_3941 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "The call was connected." scene w3_3942 with dissolve mc "Hello...?" scene w3_3999 with dissolve "And, before I could finish my greeting, the call ended." scene w3_4000 with dissolve "I'll try again--" scene w3_3977 with dissolve phone "You have reached {i}Rosalind Carter{/i}, after the tone--" "Straight to voice mail." scene w3_4001 with dissolve mct "(That's weird...)" "Not picking up, that'd be one thing, but picking up and THEN turning her phone off...?" "Maybe it was just the kind of day I was having, but I felt a prickly suspicion that something wasn't right." mct "(Would it be crazy to go check on her...?)" scene w3_4002 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4003 with dissolve mc "Killian!" kil "What?!" scene w3_4004 with dissolve mc "Finish your shower!" scene w3_4005 with CropMove(0.3, "wipeleft") with vpunch play sound "sound effects/whoosh.wav" kil "What's up, bro?" scene w3_4006 with dissolve mc "We should go check on Rosalind." scene w3_4007 with dissolve kil "Is something--" scene w3_4008 with dissolve "Noticing how serious I must look, Killian changed tune." scene w3_4009 with dissolve kil "Yeah, let's go. I'll be less than a minute." scene black with fade kil "Do you know where she lives?" play sound "sound effects/car-door-close.wav" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" mc "Yeah, I've been there." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Yeah, it was written down in her info." KN_MOD "label w3RosalindConfrontation:" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind06 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) play sound "sound effects/car-beep.wav" scene w3_4010 with blinds show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve "So, off we went, in a likely foolish endeavor, done for probably for no good reason, prompted by something that was perhaps easily explainable." mct "(Hell, she might just not want to be bothered.)" play sound "sound effects/walk-wood.mp3" scene w3_4011 with cmet kil "Which one is it?" "Still, given the other day, I just wanted to be sure." mc "It's at the end of the hall." stop sound scene w3_4013 with fade KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" kil "So, you've been here before." scene w3_4014 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" "*Ding-dong!*" kil "You dog." scene w3_4013 with dissolve mc "Shut up." KN_MOD "else:" kil "She might not be home." scene w3_4014 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" "*Ding-dong!*" scene w3_4013 with dissolve mc "Guess we'll see." scene w3_4012 with dissolve "Ian and I just stood and listened while the seconds piled up." play sound "sound effects/door-bell.wav" scene w3_4014 with dissolve "Ding-dong!*" mc "Hey, Rose? It's [mcf]." scene w3_4012 with dissolve "Time marched on, but no signs of anyone coming to the door." "......" "..." scene w3_4015 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" kil "Guess she isn't home?" KN_MOD "else:" kil "Guess she isn't?" scene w3_4016 with dissolve mc "Yeeeah, this is probably silly, let's--" play sound "sound effects/walk-wood.mp3" fadein 3.0 scene w3_4017 with dissolve "Just then, the faint sound of footsteps stole our attention." "The pitter-patter grew louder, followed by the fumbling of a lock and the jingle of the doorknob." scene w3_4015 with dissolve kil "Looks like you were worried for nothing." scene w3_4017 with dissolve "And finally, breaking the arduous anticipation..." play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w3_4018 with dissolve rose "Oh... hey." play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w3_4019 with dissolve "Rosalind's mouse-like face poked ever so slightly from the crevice of her front door." scene w3_4020 with dissolve mc "Oh, good! Hey! I know this sounds crazy, but... I got worried after our call got dropped." scene w3_4019 with dissolve mct "(Her phone probably died, right?)" scene w3_4021 with dissolve rose "Oh, uh... thanks for checking in?" scene w3_4019 with dissolve mct "(But if that was the case, why does she look uneasy?)" "Her face was red, nervous looking, and uncertain." scene w3_4022 with dissolve kil "Is... everything alright?" "He noticed it too." scene w3_4021 with dissolve rose "Yeah! Sorry, I just... I was in the middle of something, and {i}I didn't want to be disturbed,{/i} so I turned my phone off." scene w3_4019 with dissolve "......" scene w3_4024 with dissolve "..." "I was quite obviously scrutinizing her, so much so that the motherly beauty skirted my gaze." scene w3_4023 with dissolve rose "I wanted to disconnect, y'know? For the first time in a while..." scene w3_4024 with dissolve "Something {i}was{/i} weird here." scene w3_4025 with dissolve mc "Hey, Rose... why are you talking to us through the door?" scene w3_4019 with dissolve "No other way to cut it. Something {i}is{/i} off." scene w3_4021 with dissolve rose "I hadn't noticed." scene w3_4026 with dissolve rose "I've got unexpected company. {b}Family{/b} from out town. You can understand why I might..." scene w3_4027 with dissolve mc "......" mc "..." scene w3_4028 with dissolve mc "Hey, Rose?" scene w3_4026 with dissolve rose "W-what is it?" scene w3_4029 with dissolve mc "Do you usually leave things knocked over and thrown about the floor when you have company?" rose "I, uhh--" play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w3_4030 with dissolve man "Just open the door." "I knew that voice." scene w3_4031 with fade rose "Ah, b-ut-" olly "Didn't you hear her? She has company. You come off as creepy when you don't take the hint." scene w3_4032 with dissolve kil "Who the fuck are you? Mary Poppins?" "The loan shark who had been pestering Rosalind, in the flesh." scene w3_4033 with dissolve olly "Yeah, bend over. I've got an umbrella for your ass." scene w3_4034 with dissolve kil "Yeah?! Get--" mc "{b}Stop.{/b}" scene w3_4035 with dissolve "It hit me." "A sinking, snaking feeling that unfurled itself from my id and coiled around my mother wit." "I knew this feeling well." "It was {b}agitation{/b}, not born from principle or righteous indignation, but from instinct." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_4036 with dissolve "It was my body deciding to fight over flight, getting juiced to face down a challenge." olly "I thought I recognized your voice. You're the one I spoke to on the phone, werren'you? What was your name again?" "The problem was, this wasn't a childhood scrap." "The man in front of us wasn't some bloviating bully or drunkard, and there were ramifications for my position at the club, Rosalind's predicament, and even my immediate safety." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be direct.:" scene w3_4037 with dissolve mc "What are you doing here? You were supposed to fuck off for a couple of weeks." scene w3_4036 with dissolve mct "(I have to deal with this decisively. If I budge an inch, he'll walk all over us.)" olly "...was I, now? And who are you to say that?" scene w3_4038 with dissolve "The way I saw it, I had a few priorities here. Chief among them was chasing this prick out of here." "Lesser concerns: avoiding a commotion that would draw the attention of Rosalind's neighbors, avoiding getting the cops called on us, and..." scene w3_4041 with dissolve kil "Your ugly whore mother just calls him Payday, Britbong." "...{b}not getting punched in the face.{/b}" scene w3_4042 with dissolve mc "You're not helping." scene w3_4039 with dissolve mc "My name's [mcf]." scene w3_4045 with dissolve mc "This is Ian." scene w3_4039 with dissolve mc "And you're Oliver. Great, now we all know each other, {b}why are you here?{/b}" scene w3_4040 with dissolve olly "Oh, yeah. That's what you said your name was. Want a word of advice, [mcf]?" scene w3_4043 with dissolve olly "{b}Scram.{/b} We're havin' a private conversation and you're sourin' my mood." KN_MOD "Be amiable.:" $ w3RosalindConfrontationAmiable = True scene w3_4037 with dissolve mc "Olly to your friends, right?" scene w3_4036 with dissolve mct "(I have to deal with this delicately. If we start a shoving match, literal or otherwise, we are more likely to budge.)" olly "Oh, is this friendly?" scene w3_4038 with dissolve "The way I saw it, I had a few priorities here..." scene w3_4039 with dissolve mc "No, we're not, but it's in all our interests that we take it down a notch." "Chief among them was diffusing the situation and getting this man out of her home." scene w3_4038 with dissolve "Lesser concerns..." scene w3_4040 with dissolve olly "Actually, it's in your best interest to get the fuck out here. You're sticking your nose in a private conversation." "...avoiding a commotion that would draw the attention of Rosalind's neighbors, avoiding getting the cops called on us, and--" scene w3_4041 with dissolve kil "Take your own advice before we fuck you up, asshole." "--not getting punched in the face." scene w3_4043 with dissolve olly "Try me." scene w3_4044 with dissolve mc "Not helping." scene w3_4039 with dissolve mc "...people are going to start wondering what's going on." scene w3_4040 with dissolve olly "Let 'em. I ain't listening to a toddler lecture me about my business." scene w3_4041 with dissolve kil "You have no idea who you're fucking with." scene w3_4040 with dissolve olly "By all means, fill me in." scene w3_4045 with dissolve mc "I'm [mcf]. This is Ian." scene w3_4040 with dissolve olly "Oh, yeah. Those fit a pair of wankers like you real well." KN_MOD "Ask if Rosalind is okay.:" $ Rosalind_Affection +=1 scene w3_4054 with dissolve mc "Are you okay, Rose?" scene w3_4055 with dissolve mct "(When dealing with this, I must be mindful of Rose and not make her situation worse.)" olly "Eh? Don't talk to her. You're talking to me." scene w3_4047 with dissolve "The way I saw it, I had a few priorities here. Chief among them was getting this prick away from Rosalind and ensuring she was safe." scene w3_4046 with dissolve mc "{b}Are you okay?{/b}" scene w3_4047 with dissolve "Lesser concerns: avoiding a commotion that would draw the attention of Rosalind's neighbors, avoiding getting the cops called on us, and not getting punched in the face." scene w3_4048 with dissolve rose "Um, y-yeah, I'm... can't you just leave, please?" scene w3_4046 with dissolve mc "Not an option, I'm afraid." scene w3_4040 with dissolve olly "How's it not when you got two perfectly workin' legs at the moment?" scene w3_4041 with dissolve kil "Get over here, Rose." scene w3_4049 with dissolve olly "{b}Stay the fuck where you are{/b}, cunt." scene w3_4048 with dissolve rose "S-seriously, [mcf]. You can go, I'm... I'm fine." scene w3_4040 with dissolve olly "Oh, that's right. You said your name was [mcf]." KN_MOD "if rosalindAugSolution == True:" scene w3_4056 with dissolve mc "August Byrnes asked you to back off, didn't he? Did you not get the message?" olly "Yeah, I got the \"message.\" The thing is, I was real gobsmacked about why some dinosaur I've never met was poking around in my business." olly "Now that I see the arse-mongers he associates with, I can safely say he's nothing." kil "You seriously have no fucking idea what kind of problem you're making for yourself." scene w3_4053 with dissolve olly "No, what I can't figure out is why August Byrnes had the nerve to try and throw his irrelevant ass around like it meant somethin' to me." scene w3_4051 with dissolve olly "Actually, I was tryin' to get to the bottom of that before you came a-knocking. It's not every day a bitch sends someone to try and strong-arm me." scene w3_4050 with dissolve mc "She didn't send anyone. It was my idea." scene w3_4051 with dissolve olly "Yours? Who the fuck are you?" scene w3_4050 with dissolve mc "A friend." scene w3_4051 with dissolve olly "Well, \"friend\" just don't cut it. I figure it like this: out of us bunch, I'm the only one who's got a legitimate claim here. Rosie is into me for some serious money, and I'm not stopping my trade just because someone asked nicely." scene w3_4053 with dissolve olly "What fuckin' right do you have to tell me to back off?" scene w3_4050 with dissolve mct "(Well, {b}shit{/b}....)" scene w3_4057 with dissolve "We didn't have a leg to stand on if the old man's name meant nothing to him. But, nevertheless, he had to go and it was up to us to convince him." "Our choices were not to flinch or try a more diplomatic approach." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ramp up the antagonism.:" play music "music/Darkdub.ogg" scene w3_4058 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I see what the problem was... you were asked {i}nicely{/i}." "I had NO intention of fighting him. Sure, there were two of us, but knocking heads was his job. If we could get him out in the hall, we {i}might{/i} be able to corner him, but I still didn't like my chances." scene w3_4060 with dissolve olly "That's not as cool as you think it is." scene w3_4059 with dissolve "Plus, even with our numbers, it only took one errant hit to make this a 1-on-1. Not to mention, brawling in the middle of a hallway might get us arrested. " scene w3_4061 with dissolve mc "They're expensive." scene w3_4059 with dissolve "I could only HOPE that he was cognizant of that reality as well, and this was just a matter of posturing. After all, I was chained to August's narrative and he believed us to share in the same line of work." scene w3_4060 with dissolve olly "Well...?" scene w3_4059 with dissolve "To get anywhere with him, we had to speak the same language." scene w3_4061 with dissolve mc "The way I see it is this: you're outnumbered." scene w3_4062 with dissolve olly "Not outmatched." scene w3_4061 with dissolve mc "That's something we can find out if you want." scene w3_4059 with dissolve "This was fucking stupid, he was a career criminal and I most certainly wasn't, but I was going with my gut." scene w3_4061 with dissolve mc "All up to you." scene w3_4063 with dissolve kil "Just walk away. You've made your point." scene w3_4062 with dissolve olly "Don't tell me how to do my business." scene w3_4061 with dissolve mc "Is there a point to this? There's nothing gained here. You can't get money that's not there, and us acting like Neanderthals won't change that." scene w3_4060 with dissolve olly "I can think of a couple things. One, sending a message, and the other... the fun of kicking your teeth in." scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "{b}Go home for the day.{/b} You'll have your money in due time." scene w3_4065 with dissolve "........." scene w3_4064 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4066 with dissolve olly "Tell you what. If your boss wants me to be a ghost, all it takes is to pay me what I'm owed, geddit?" scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "I can pass the message along." scene w3_4068 with dissolve olly "That easy, huh?" scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "Yeah. Just leave Rosalind alone in the meantime." "It was funny. Even if I could get the money - which, realistically, I very well could... {i}paying him off wasn't an option.{/i}" "Her being on the hook with him meant she was on the line with the Club." scene w3_4068 with dissolve olly "Really...? Your boss must think she's one hell of a lay." scene w3_4064 with dissolve "It was a twisted, parasitic relationship that ultimately benefitted my bottom line too. That was something I needed to remind myself of before my agitation changed its tune to moral contempt." scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "Will you leave?" scene w3_4067 with dissolve olly "How did you manage to fall in with these fools? Hubby owes them money too?" scene w3_4065 with dissolve rose "I-- uh..." scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "Our business isn't yours." scene w3_4066 with dissolve olly "Oi, the balls on you! You're the one mucking about in other people's!" scene w3_4069 with dissolve mc "You can tell me exactly what she owes." scene w3_4072 with dissolve olly "..." scene w3_4071 with dissolve olly "I'm going to leave today, but let's be clear. I'm going to come back tomorrow. And then the next day. And then the next day after that until everything's settled." olly "Every time I'm gonna be a little less happy." scene w3_4070 with dissolve "That was fine." scene w3_4071 with dissolve olly "I don't know what business you have with her and I don't care. You and your boss are pissin' in my neck of the woods and that isn't okay." scene w3_4070 with dissolve "All we needed was for him to be removed from our immediate reality and then we could figure out the future." scene w3_4073 with dissolve olly "Hmpf. After all, let's talk about what she owes. " "That went easier than it had any right to." scene w3_4074 with dissolve mc "Was he the only one here, Rose?" scene w3_4075 with dissolve rose "Ummm- y-yes." scene w3_4076 with dissolve "She looked so small right now, contrary to the veiled tenacity she had at the club." scene w3_4077 with dissolve mc "Stay back with Rose." scene w3_4078 with dissolve kil "That's not a good idea." scene w3_4077 with dissolve mc "It's not, but I'm just going to talk to him down the hall. So, keep a lookout for both of us, alright?" scene w3_4079 with dissolve "Ian looked like he didn't want to, but..." scene w3_4078 with dissolve kil "Yeah, man. I'll keep an eye out." scene w3_4077 with dissolve mc "Thanks." scene w3_4080 with fade "We only ventured a little bit down the hall before Oliver stopped." olly "I want to be clear about something." scene oli_punch_a with dissolve mc "Yeah--" stop music scene edwinsuckerpunched with dissolve show oli_punch with dissolve mc "Hnngggg-!!!" olly "{b}That.{/b}" "I had never been punched like that." play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene w3_4082 with dissolve mc "G-gahhh-" mct "(Is this son-of-a-bitch a boxer or-- {b}s-shit?!{/b})" mc "*Cough, cough* Hnngg, haaaaa-" rose "[mcf]!" scene w3_4083 with dissolve olly "You're a pussy. I knew that from the beginning." "I tried to bitterly suck down air, but my body resisted that notion. Every puff of air that passed through my pharynx {b}hurt me{/b}" olly "I'm not afraid of your boss. Be sure to include that with the message." scene w3_4084 with dissolve kil "You son of a bitch!" "Agitation gave way to anger. My brain was in panic mode, trying to reconcile the fact that I could no longer breathe the way I was used to, and it compelled me to do something stupid and futile." KN_MOD "menu w3SuckerPunched:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} Tackle him. if perk_strongman == True:" "I could hear Ian approach and I knew he wasn't bullshitting earlier. He outmatched us." play music "music/ninja-tortoise.ogg" scene w3_4085 with vpunch "My only chance was--" scene w3_4086 with dissolve "Mustering every bit of strength in my body, I went low and fast and hard in a vain attempt to knock him off balance." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w3_4087 with hpunch "Surprisingly, we both ended up on the dirty, cold floor. Now, I could only hope that Ian-" scene w3_4088 with dissolve pause play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_4089 with vpunch pause scene w3_4090 with dissolve mct"{b}(Shit!{/b} That didn't have the impact we needed--)" scene w3_4091 with dissolve mct "(What the fuck?!)" scene w3_4093 with dissolve mct "(What the hell is that strength?)" "He tossed me back like I weighed nothing and we found ourselves upright and each relatively unscathed, our slight advantage of getting him on the ground gone in an instant." "{i}This was a mistake{/i}." scene w3_4092 with dissolve olly "Ahahaha-" scene w3_4093 with dissolve "He chuckled, inordinately amused by this outcome. We were out of our depths." scene w3_4092 with dissolve olly "How'd you blow that one, boys? You both should've pinned me." scene w3_4093 with dissolve "...and he knew he was dealing with amateurs." scene w3_4094 with dissolve "After, all four of us didn't make a sound or a move." "Oliver was performing something of a cost analysis while I fruitlessly considered what my options were if this wasn't the end of it." stop music play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w3_4095 with dissolve olly "..." neighbor "Is everything okay, Rose?" rose "Ah, umm ehh--" scene w3_4096 with dissolve olly "See you around, boys. Remember to pass on my message." "That was well-timed." rose "Yeah, everything's good. Sorry for the commotion." scene black with fade mc "...let's get inside. I feel like I'm about to puke." $ w3RCTussled = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "Attack him.:" $ w3EdwinKnockedOut = True scene w3_4097 with dissolve "--!" "He didn't even budge, and..." stop music play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" scene w3_4098 with hpunch "Every action has an opposite and equal reaction." scene w3_4099 with dissolve kil "Shit! [mcf]!" scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." $ w3RCKnockout = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "Resist the urge. Let him have his petty victory.:" scene w3_4100 with dissolve mc "Stop! *Cough-* I'm fine!" scene w3_4101 with dissolve kil "What the fuck, bro? Don't just let him-" mc "Don't fuckin' do anything!" scene w3_4102 with dissolve kil "Wh- ahh-" mc "'s cool. He just wanted me to pass along a message." scene w3_4103 with dissolve "No sense in letting this devolve further when he's already out the door." scene w3_4104 with dissolve olly "Smart. Stay down." scene w3_4105 with dissolve mc " that all you're going to dictate?" scene w3_4104 with dissolve olly "Let's be clear: the only reason I'm leaving is because I'm done here. You can't squeeze blood from a stone, but lucky for me, this slag found me a cactus." scene w3_4106 with dissolve olly "Tell your boss to come see me in person next time if he does want to buy the debt. Otherwise, {b}fuck off{/b}." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_4107 with dissolve "That stupid mother fucker truly has no idea, huh?" scene w3_4108 with dissolve kil "Shit, man, you alright?" scene black with fade mc "...let's get inside. I feel like I'm about to puke." $ w3RCSuckerPunched = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Strongman] Tackle him.{/color} if perk_strongman == False:" KN_MOD "jump w3SuckerPunched" KN_MOD "Explain the situation calmly.:" play music "music/landing.ogg" scene w3_4111 with dissolve mc "We just need you to stop hassling her for a couple of weeks. That's for as long as we have business with her." scene w3_4112 with dissolve olly "And what business is that?" scene w3_4113 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4111 with dissolve mc "You don't need to know." scene w3_4112 with dissolve olly "That's rich, considering you're trying to trample on mine." scene w3_4111 with dissolve mc "It's not like we're asking you to forgive her debt. She owes what she owes, but is there any harm in cutting her a break until the end of June?" scene w3_4112 with dissolve olly "You could ask me, \"What time is it?\" and I'll still tell you to fuck off. You're overstepping the bounds." scene w3_4111 with dissolve mc "You can't get money that she doesn't have, but she is working on it. What's the point of hounding her and breaking her shit in the meantime?" scene w3_4112 with dissolve olly "Oi, are we actually in the same line of work? What load of shite is that?" scene w3_4111 with dissolve mc "We're not loan sharks." scene w3_4112 with dissolve olly "What happened to \"I didn't need to know\", eh?" scene w3_4113 with dissolve "We couldn't just come out with the truth. Besides not talking about the club, Rosalind's compensation was tenuous and wouldn't likely inspire confidence that he would get what he's owed after the two weeks were up." scene w3_4050 with dissolve mc "She's performing for us." scene w3_4051 with dissolve olly "Oh, yeah...? Now THAT is a surprise. They always do, but she acted like she was above that line of work." scene w3_4114 with dissolve olly "How you'd fall in with these cocksuckers? Hubby owes them too?" rose "Um, well..." scene w3_4050 with dissolve mc "It doesn't matter. Just give us two weeks." scene w3_4053 with dissolve olly "Eh? Wasn't I clear? You're the improper fuckers here. The only courtesy I'm giving you is keeping this peaceable-like." scene w3_4115 with dissolve mck "..." scene w3_4117 with dissolve mc "What do you know about our boss? I'm starting to think the message wasn't relayed very well." scene w3_4118 with dissolve olly "Enough to know he's a washed-up old timer who thinks he has pull. I've got a few boys and he doesn't seem to have much of a stake anymore, y'know?" scene w3_4116 with dissolve "To be honest, I didn't know if his appraisal of August was correct. And even if August did have weight to throw around like he himself implied, I was just a suburbanite kid. I didn't have the gravitas that would convince the man in front of me otherwise." scene w3_4118 with dissolve olly "Besides, it's the principle o' the matter. Whatever this sad bitch has going with your boss isn't my concern." scene w3_4116 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Bluff that he has a dangerous misconception. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" scene w3_4120 with dissolve mc "That's the thing..." scene w3_4121 with dissolve "I did my best to sound cold, but I was aware of how I looked. However, I didn't have too many options now that {i}please{/i} failed." scene w3_4120 with dissolve mc "{b}It is your problem.{/b} You just don't know it yet." scene w3_4121 with dissolve "We wanted him gone and he didn't want to be gone, and this fucker spoke a particular language." scene w3_4122 with dissolve olly "You hear that line in a movie?" scene w3_4123 with dissolve mc "You're looking at us like you have nothing to be afraid of and you're right." mc "We're nothing. You could kick our asses pretty handily, but it isn't us you have to worry about." mc "We're not your problem." scene w3_4120 with dissolve mc "{b}August Byrnes is your problem.{/b} The only question is just how late will you be in recognizing it? Because that's the great thing about morons like you is that you make it easy." scene w3_4124 with dissolve mc "Have you ever heard \"Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young?\" August may be old, but that just means he's had time to find the pockets of people who are very much a problem for idiots like you." mc "If you don't get smart quick, you're going to find his dick buried in your ass, choking on your blood and bleating like a stuck goat." scene w3_4125 with dissolve "We stared, unblinking at each other. On the absolute edge." scene w3_4126 with dissolve "......" "...for what seemed to be way too long. I expected to get decked at any moment; there was no way that worked." scene w3_4127 with dissolve olly "You finished?" scene w3_4128 with dissolve kil "You really should call it a day and ask around before you make any hasty decisions." scene w3_4127 with dissolve olly "Let's be clear on something. I'll be back tomorrow, and if I see either of you again, I'm going to be less polite." scene w3_4129 with dissolve mc "See you tomorrow." scene w3_4130 with dissolve "That was all I was hoping for, to get him far away from us right now. Once that had been achieved, we could start thinking about the after." play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_4131 with vpunch mc "-gh!" olly "Full of air, are you?" scene w3_4132 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4166 with dissolve mc "How the hell did that work?!" kil "Ha, bro, that was totally cringe! Bleating like a stuck goat?" mc "Whatever, it worked!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Let's get inside." $ w3RCTalkedDown = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "Tell him that it will become his concern. if perk_socialChameleon == False:" scene w3_4117 with dissolve mc "I would rethink that perspective. Our boss is a pretty scary guy." scene w3_4118 with dissolve olly "Is he?" scene w3_4133 with dissolve mc "You have no idea the kind of people he--" play music "music/Darkdub.ogg" play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w3_4134 with vpunch mc "Ghh-?!" play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" scene w3_4135 with hpunch kil "--!" scene w3_4136 with dissolve rose "Ah, s-stop--" "It was fast, it was decisive, and it was absolute." rose "-boys!" scene w3_4137 with dissolve "Neither Ian or I got up, our bodies a step ahead in recognizing what our brains, wracked with panic from still processing the sudden violence, did not." "{i}Stay down.{/i} Do not get hit again." "You can't breathe. You can't breathe. Youcantbreathe. YoucantbreatheYoucantbreatheYoucantbreatheYoucantbreathe. " scene w3_4138 with dissolve olly "Get the message?" mc "Hnggg- I cant'-" scene w3_4139 with dissolve rose "Eehh, eeehh-" scene w3_4138 with dissolve olly "There's no worming your way out of what you owe me! Get it?" scene w3_4139 with dissolve rose "I, ehhh-" scene w3_4138 with dissolve olly "Right? Right?! You fucking get me?! Tell me you get it!" scene w3_4139 with dissolve rose "I understand!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_4140 with vpunch rose "Gehh-" olly " I swear to God. Some old fuck telling me to fuck off, you're lucky I don't--" scene w3_4141 with dissolve "It was overwhelming and brokered no discussion." olly "I'm guessin' I'll see you boys later. I'll be around." scene w3_4142 with dissolve "Well... we wanted him gone and now he was gone. If only I could {i}breathe{/i}." kil "Geeeuhh- what happened...?" mc "*Cough, c-cough-!*" mct "(Was I going to die?)" rose "A-are you okay?" scene w3_4143 with dissolve rose "Oh, no. Oh, no. I'm sorry!" mc "*Cough, cough!!!!*" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Once we collected ourselves, we went inside." $ w3RCDoubleAssBeat = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "His concern is about money, so you play to that.:" scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "...then how about we cover what she owes for the next two weeks?" "That WAS my original idea, before the old man erroneously assured me his name was good for taking care of this..." scene w3_4066 with dissolve olly "No." scene w3_4144 with dissolve mc "Just... no? Isn't this all about money?" scene w3_4145 with dissolve olly "You got it. And for whatever reason, and I got no inklin' as to why, these two weeks sound important to your boss..." scene w3_4146 with dissolve "He closed the distance, like a shark that smelled blood in the water." kil "Back the fuck up, asshole." olly "--and to top it all off, you've been disrespectful. so I'm not feelin' all that amiable, geddit?" scene w3_4148 with dissolve mc "...okay, then. What {i}will{/i} it take for you to leave her alone?" scene w3_4149 with dissolve olly "Settle her account, a dollar-twenty on the dollar for my trouble. " scene w3_4147 with dissolve "That seemed unlikely. Rosalind being on the hook to him meant she was on the line to the club, although thinking about it... getting her indebted to the club might be even better for \"our\" purposes..." scene w3_4148 with dissolve mc "I can ask our boss." scene w3_4147 with dissolve "Truthfully, I didn't know which was better for her, but my only goal right now was to get him to leave. Figuring out the rest could come later." scene w3_4149 with dissolve olly "Yeah, you do that and we won't have anybody stepping on each other's toes. Now..." scene w3_4150 with dissolve olly "......" scene w3_4151 with dissolve olly "...let's go out in the hall and continue this chat. I'm feelin' a bit cramped." scene w3_4152 with dissolve mc "After you..." scene w3_4153 with dissolve "With the vibes he was putting off, I didn't really want to turn my back on the guy." scene w3_4154 with dissolve olly "Y'know, I've kept shop for three years and it's always something." scene w3_4155 with dissolve olly "People always find a new excuse or new ways to try and weasel out of what's due, but the thing I love about this job, is that my part never changes. The solution is always the same." scene w3_4156 with dissolve olly "I haven't been clear enough about my displeasure about all of this." "{i}Shit{/i}." play music "music/Darkdub.ogg" play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w3_4157 with hpunch mc "-Ghhk!" "In a flash, the loan shark had me pinned and breathless, weight bearing down from his tree trunk-like forearms and threatening to snap my neck." kil "G-et off him!" scene w3_4158 with dissolve "Ian called out, but thankfully, he had enough sense not to move. If the large man wanted, he could have me choked out before my friend closed the distance." kil "I said, get the fuck off him, asshole!" scene w3_4159 with dissolve "Ian tried again, but got no response in return. Instead, Oliver and I were doing all the communicating necessary." scene w3_4160 with dissolve "After all, the look on the mean man's face told me everything he had to say." "It made clear his anger, showcased the outcome of fucking with him, and told me how lucky I was that this was the end of it." mc "Ghhhk- yhhh-" scene w3_4161 with dissolve "I did my best not to panic and waste the little air I had left in my lungs, but as time passed I felt myself get dizzy-headed." mc "Ghh, hhk-!" mct "(W-wait, was this the end of it, he's not really going to--!)" scene w3_4162 with dissolve "That's when the panic set in. He was really going to choke me out." mc "Hhhak, hhhg...!" mct "(D-damn it, I get the message, you p-prick! Just-!)" scene w3_4163 with dissolve mc "*Cough* Gauhh- hhhaa..!" olly "Hmpfh. Pussy." scene w3_4164 with dissolve olly "Tell your boss the next time he has a message, he should deliver it himself." scene w3_4165 with dissolve rose "[mcf]! Are you okay?" kil "Goddamn it, bro. I didn't know what to do. Like, like--" mc "It's cool, I'm fine, don't worry about it..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Let's just get inside. We need to talk." $ w3RCThreatened = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Bluff that he has a dangerous misconception. {/color} if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w3AugustRoseCalmSubMenu" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_4056 with dissolve mc "You're paid up in advance. You shouldn't be here." olly "Ah, so you're the git she got the money from?" olly "I honestly expected someone a bit older. Fleecin' kids out of their milk money, are you?" scene w3_4167 with dissolve rose "See... I wasn't holding out on you. You can leave." scene w3_4168 with dissolve olly "I'm hurt. You pretended like it was above you, but then you went and spread your legs to bleed money from some stupid kid?" scene w3_4169 with dissolve olly "If you were going to use your body to settle things, there was no need for a middle man." rose "..." scene w3_4170 with dissolve "He kept an eye on both of us, but it was clear that he thought lightly of the situation. He didn't regard us as threats." mc "You have your money. I don't understand what you're doing here." scene w3_4171 with dissolve olly "Don't tell me my business. Until the account is settled, I keep an eye on my investments. 'specially when they pull five grand out of thin air and then refuse to answer my questions about it." scene w3_4172 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3RosalindConfrontationAmiable == True:" mc "Well, you got it right, I'm the sucker that paid you. Now, would you please leave?" scene w3_4173 with dissolve olly "I'll leave when I want to." kil "My friend asked you nicely. Get the fuck out of here, asshole." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Well, there you have it. I'm indeed the sucker that paid you. Now, {b}leave{/b}." scene w3_4173 with dissolve olly "I get it, you're trying to look tough in front of the bird, so I'm not going to take offense at you telling me what to do." kil "Didn't you hear my friend? Get out of here, asshole." scene w3_4150 with dissolve "Ian squared up next to me. That was a small relief, although I had no plans of this coming to blows." scene w3_4149 with dissolve olly "That's very cute, coming from a pair of cocksuckers." scene w3_4147 with dissolve "To be honest, I didn't like our chances. This guy knocked heads for a living, and no matter who got the worst of it, the only thing we would achieve is making things more difficult for Rosalind." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep calm and reason with him she doesnt need these reminders.:" play music "music/landing.ogg" scene w3_4148 with dissolve mc "...we're getting off on the wrong foot here." scene w3_4151 with dissolve olly "Are we? How do you figure?" scene w3_4148 with dissolve mc "There's no need to get into each other's face when you've already been paid." scene w3_4149 with dissolve olly "You like repeating yourself, huh?" scene w3_4148 with dissolve mc "I mean, the fact of the matter is, I just gave you five grand. That's a pretty good chunk of change and you're not helping things by putting the screws to Rosalind in the meantime." scene w3_4174 with dissolve olly "Hell, I might just start swinging by {b}daily{/b}." scene w3_4175 with dissolve mct "(Goddamn it...)" "The whole point of paying him in advance was to get Rosalind some breathing room, but like I suspected, this bastard is smelling blood in the water." scene w3_4176 with dissolve kil "Sounds like a good way to get arrested, asshole." olly "You think I work alone?" scene w3_4177 with dissolve rose "B-be reasonable... you'll get your money..." scene w3_4178 with dissolve olly "I've been more than fair to you, cunt!" "My blood ran cold at the sight of Rosalind's fearful face." "Suddenly her reality wasn't just an abstraction anymore." scene w3_4179 with dissolve "The anxiety-filled nights sobbing into a pillow, all the stiff-upper lips and fake smiles for her daughter... suddenly it all became very appreciable. I could see and hear it all, yet I knew I had no leg to stand on." "Her being on the hook to this bastard kept her on the line at the club, which in turn I made money from. That's something I tried to keep in mind, while I..." KN_MOD "menu w3PaidOffRoseCalmSubMenu:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Social Chameleon]{/color} Reassure him hell get his money. if perk_socialChameleon == True:" scene w3_4180 with dissolve mc "Hey, listen... I get it. You're just doing your job and this bitch has jerked you around, right?" scene w3_4181 with dissolve "This was about money and respect and our feelings, wants and sense of right didn't factor into it." "The most expedient way of getting him to leave was appealing to those needs." "Once he was gone, we could then figure out how to keep Rosalind secure until the competition was over." scene w3_4180 with dissolve mc "Talk to me instead. We'll come to terms." scene w3_4127 with dissolve olly "Oh? You think you can set terms?" scene w3_4126 with dissolve mc "Well, we can try. I know you're not getting much out of her proactively. That's a dead end, and I know you have other ways to extract it, but I have an easier solution for you." scene w3_4127 with dissolve olly "What's that, kid? You gonna borrow your mommy's credit card?" scene w3_4126 with dissolve mc "My friend and I? We shoot porn." scene w3_4182 with dissolve olly "Yeah, what about it? You don't mean..." scene w3_4183 with dissolve olly "Oi, fuckin' A. You're...?" scene w3_4184 with dissolve mc "Yeah, she's working for us." scene w3_4185 with dissolve olly "You don't look the part." scene w3_4186 with dissolve mc "It's a small production. You know, couple young guys fucking older women? We make those sort of videos." scene w3_4067 with dissolve "The man scoffed." olly "Huh, they always act like that's beneath them at first. It's like pulling a tooth to get these dumb bitches to face reality." scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "What can I say? I guess you drove her into my corner." scene w3_4068 with dissolve olly "You expect me to believe you paid her five grand? Unless you're morons, that's a pretty big take." scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "For one video? Sure, but she's staring in a series of them. She really does look nice on camera." scene w3_4065 with dissolve olly "......" scene w3_4066 with dissolve olly "... okay, maybe you do look the part. But so, what? Your business isn't mine." scene w3_4111 with dissolve mc "Sure, but yours is fucking with mine. So let's figure this out." scene w3_4187 with dissolve olly "Keep talking." scene w3_4188 with dissolve mc "To start things off... I'm not paying off her debt. She isn't worth that to me." scene w3_4190 with dissolve olly "You're not as stupid as you look." scene w3_4188 with dissolve mc "I've already given her five grand, but... well, shit. We'll call it an investment. I'll cover what she owes over the next week and a half and then some on top of that to make it worth your while." scene w3_4189 with dissolve "The man looked me over, trying to catch a whiff of bullshit." scene w3_4190 with dissolve olly "You got an office?" scene w3_4188 with dissolve mc "We don't have a fixed location. We used friend's apartments, hotels, other places we rent... like I said, we're small and independent." scene w3_4191 with dissolve mc " think I'm bullshitting you? Doesn't money talk?" scene w3_4190 with dissolve olly "I want to know where I can find you." scene w3_4192 with dissolve "Like hell I'm giving this asshole my address." scene w3_4188 with dissolve mc "You can get the money from Rosalind, like last time - and after that, I want you to stop bothering her." scene w3_4190 with dissolve olly "I'll come by tomorrow then. And if she's not here or empty-handed, I'm not going to be happy." scene w3_4193 with dissolve mc "C'mon, let's talk." scene w3_4194 with dissolve rose "......" scene w3_4195 with dissolve kil "...that's my dude." scene w3_4196 with fade mc "I said {i}some{/i} on top. You're taking advantage." "With the money we've already given him, he's asking for over half of what she owes. This prick takes us for suckers." scene w3_4197 with dissolve olly "I'll be here tomorrow." "Not that I had any plans of asking the bosses for the money. Once he got paid, he'd be back in here a few days, attempting to leech more out of us." scene w3_4198 with dissolve "Plus, at that point, the club might as well just outright buy Rosalind's debt and hold it over her head themselves..." scene w3_4199 with dissolve mct "(Seriously, {b}goddamn it...{/b})" scene w3_4200 with dissolve mc "...wanna invite us inside, Rose?" scene black with fade "We had to think of alternatives." $ w3RCTalkedDown = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "Keep keeping calm and just get rid of him.:" scene w3_4201 with dissolve mc "She's right. We'll get you more money." scene w3_4202 with dissolve "This was about money. The most expedient way of getting him to leave was to dangle some in front of him." olly "And how do you plan on doing that, mommy's credit card?" scene w3_4201 with dissolve mc "I make good money at my job." scene w3_4202 with dissolve olly "Which is...?" scene w3_4201 with dissolve mc "I'm in IT." scene w3_4185 with dissolve olly "Oh. Of course, you are." scene w3_4186 with dissolve mc "As I understand it, Rosalind owes you a couple hundred dollars every three days. I can give you that every two, to cover the interest and then some, and then every other Thursday I'll pay you three grand until her debt is gone." scene w3_4203 with dissolve olly "You'd really go that far for this bitch? You in love?" scene w3_4184 with dissolve mc "You're not trying to talk me out of it, are you? Don't look a foolish gift horse in the mouth." scene w3_4186 with dissolve "I, of course, had no plans of paying him. At that point, the club might as well just buy her debt outright and hold it over Rosalind's head ourselves. I just needed him to think I was a sucker to get him to go away peaceably." scene w3_4130 with dissolve olly "......" "Figuring out what the fuck we were actually going to do about this could come later." scene w3_4204 with dissolve olly " just seem a bit too eager is all." scene w3_4131 with dissolve olly "C'mon, let's talk." scene w3_4205 with dissolve mc "Stay here." scene w3_4206 with dissolve olly "I'll collect the money from Rosie. If she's not here or if she's empty-handed, I'm not going to be happy." mc "We're not going to jerk you around." scene oli_punch_a with dissolve mc "Don't worry--" stop music scene edwinsuckerpunched with dissolve show oli_punch with dissolve mc "Hnngggg-!!!" "I had never been punched like that." olly "I want to make myself clear." play music "music/hypnosis.ogg" scene w3_4082 with dissolve mc "G-gahhh-" mct "(Is this son-of-a-bitch a boxer or-- {b}s-shit?!{/b})" mc "*Cough, cough* Hnngg, haaaaa-" rose "[mcf]!" scene w3_4083 with dissolve olly "I want to be clear." "I tried to bitterly suck down air, but my body resisted that notion. Every puff of air that passed through my pharynx {b}hurt me{/b}" olly "If you want to be that bitch's wallet, fine. You're on the hook now." olly "Just know I'll take it out on her if you jerk me around." scene w3_4084 with dissolve kil "You son of a bitch!" "Agitation gave way to anger. My brain was in panic mode, trying to reconcile the fact that I could no longer breathe the way I was used to, and it compelled me to do something stupid and futile." KN_MOD "menu w3SuckerPunched2:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Strongman]{/color} Tackle him. if perk_strongman == True:" "I could hear Ian approach and I knew he wasn't bullshitting earlier. He outmatched us." play music "music/ninja-tortoise.ogg" scene w3_4085 with vpunch "My only chance was--" scene w3_4086 with dissolve "Mustering every bit of strength in my body, I went low and fast and hard in a vain attempt to knock him off balance." play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w3_4087 with hpunch "Surprisingly, we both ended up on the dirty, cold floor. Now, I could only hope that Ian-" scene w3_4088 with dissolve pause play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_4089 with vpunch pause scene w3_4090 with dissolve mct "{b}(Shit!{/b} That didn't have the impact we needed--)" scene w3_4091 with dissolve mct "(What the fuck?!)" scene w3_4093 with dissolve mct "(What the hell is that strength?)" "He tossed me back like I weighed nothing and we found ourselves upright and each relatively unscathed, our slight advantage of getting him on the ground gone in an instant." "{i}This was a mistake{/i}." scene w3_4092 with dissolve olly "Ahahaha-" scene w3_4093 with dissolve "He chuckled, inordinately amused by this outcome. We were out of our depths." scene w3_4092 with dissolve olly "How'd you blow that one, boys? You both should've pinned me." scene w3_4093 with dissolve "...and he knew he was dealing with amateurs." scene w3_4094 with dissolve "After, all four of us didn't make a sound or a move." "Oliver was performing something of a cost analysis while I fruitlessly considered what my options were if this wasn't the end of it." stop music play sound "sound effects/door-open.wav" scene w3_4095 with dissolve olly "..." neighbor "Is everything okay, Rose?" rose "Ah, umm ehh--" scene w3_4096 with dissolve olly "I'll be back tomorrow." "That was well-timed." rose "Yeah, everything's good. Sorry for the commotion." scene black with fade mc "...let's get inside. I feel like I'm about to puke." $ w3RCTussled = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "Attack him.:" $ w3EdwinKnockedOut = True scene w3_4097 with dissolve "--!" "He didn't even budge, and..." stop music play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" scene w3_4098 with hpunch "Every action has an opposite and equal reaction." scene w3_4099 with dissolve kil "Shit! [mcf]!" scene black with fade "........." "......" "..." $ w3RCKnockout = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "Resist the urge. Let him have his petty victory.:" scene w3_4100 with dissolve mc "Stop! *Cough-* I'm fine!" scene w3_4101 with dissolve kil "What the fuck, bro? Don't just let him-" mc "Don't fuckin' do anything!" scene w3_4102 with dissolve kil "Wh- ahh-" mc "'s cool. He just wanted me us to be clear on something." scene w3_4103 with dissolve "No sense in letting this devolve further when he's already out the door." scene w3_4104 with dissolve olly "Smart. Stay down." scene w3_4105 with dissolve mc "...I think we have an understanding?" scene w3_4104 with dissolve olly "I'll be back tomorrow for my first payment." scene w3_4108 with dissolve kil "Shit, man, you alright?" scene black with fade mc "...let's get inside. I feel like I'm about to puke." $ w3RCSuckerPunched = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Strongman] Tackle him.{/color} if perk_strongman == False:" KN_MOD "jump w3SuckerPunched2" KN_MOD "Switch gears. Threaten that he leave.:" scene w3_4207 with dissolve mc "You should leave. {b}Now{/b}. Rosalind's current on her payment and you have no right." scene w3_4208 with dissolve olly "Oi, you're a broken record, aren't you?" olly "I've made myself clear. I'll be back tomorrow and if she doesn't have anything for me I'm not going to be pleased." scene w3_4207 with dissolve mc "I got a lot of friends and we can also come by day after day." scene w3_4066 with dissolve olly "You don't want to play it that way." scene w3_4064 with dissolve mc "Don't I? You're not giving me much choice. Paying you didn't work." scene w3_4065 with dissolve kil "You have no idea who we work for. You ever hear of August Byrnes?" scene w3_4209 with dissolve olly "That supposed to mean something to me?" scene w3_4065 with dissolve kil "He's not the kind of guy you want to fuck with." scene w3_4210 with dissolve olly "*sigh* You're taking me lightly." scene w3_4134 with vpunch play music "music/Darkdub.ogg" play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" mc "Ghh-?!" play sound "sound effects/punch.wav" scene w3_4135 with hpunch kil "--!" rose "Ah, s-stop--" "It was fast, it was decisive, and we practically asked for it." scene w3_4136 with dissolve rose "-boys!" "Neither Ian or I got up, our bodies a step ahead in recognizing what our brains, wracked with panic from the sudden violence, did not." olly "You understand it now, right?" scene w3_4137 with dissolve "If we got up, he'd hit us again." scene w3_4211 with dissolve olly "The two of you are pussies. Your supposed friends? I reck'n they're also pussies." olly "I could take you all myself, but maybe next time I won't come alone." scene w3_4212 with dissolve rose "A-ahh, they didn't--" olly "And you--" scene w3_4138 with dissolve olly "There's no worming your way out of what you owe!" scene w3_4139 with dissolve rose "I, ehhh- I wasn't-" olly "Shut the fuck up unless you're telling me you get it!" scene w3_4139 with dissolve rose "I g-get it! I get it!" play sound "sound effects/thud-floor.mp3" scene w3_4140 with vpunch rose "Gehh-" olly " I swear to God. I'll break you're fucking legs if you try something like this again." scene w3_4141 with dissolve "It was overwhelming and brokered no discussion." olly "If you don't want that, you best keep paying for this cunt. You stepped in shit, boys." scene w3_4142 with dissolve "Well... we wanted him gone and now he was gone. If only I could {i}breath{/i}." kil "Geeeuhh- what happened...?" mc "*Cough, c-cough-!*" mct "(Was I going to die?)" rose "A-are you okay?" scene w3_4143 with dissolve rose "Oh, no. Oh, no. I'm sorry!" mc "*Cough, cough!!!!*" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Once we collected ourselves, we went inside." $ w3RCDoubleAssBeat = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Social Chameleon] Reassure him hell get his money.{/color} if perk_socialChameleon == False:" KN_MOD "jump w3PaidOffRoseCalmSubMenu" KN_MOD "Make a stand. Under no terms is he coming back until after the competition.:" play music "music/Darkdub.ogg" "...indeed, fighting was a non-option, but he smelled blood. We couldn't look like pushovers or else he'd push it further and take advantage." scene w3_4213 with dissolve mc "How are you trying to play this, asshole? You refuse to leave and then what? Going to stand around and twiddle your thumbs?" scene w3_4214 with dissolve mc "You don't think she gets the message?" scene w3_4215 with dissolve olly "Maybe this is about you making sure you get the message." scene w3_4214 with dissolve mc "Stay the fuck away from Rosalind for the next week and a half, asshole." scene w3_4218 with dissolve olly "What are you going to do if I don't?" scene w3_4216 with dissolve "......" scene w3_4219 with dissolve "..." scene w3_4217 with dissolve mc "There's a lot of neighbors around. Making some noise might be more trouble than it's worth." scene w3_4216 with dissolve "The goal was giving him an out without making him feel like he was backing down. I could only hope he was as cognizant of our surroundings as I was." scene w3_4218 with dissolve olly "In my experience, neighbors tend to keep their nose out of it, but maybe you're right. There's nothing productive about this." olly "I'll leave now, but maybe I'll come back tomorrow, and the day after, and then the day after that. Just to keep the fire lit under your ass and keep your wallet open, geddit?" scene w3_4216 with dissolve "Good." scene w3_4220 with dissolve mc "Message received. Let's go talk about what she owes." "All we needed was for him to leave right now and then we could figure out the rest later." scene w3_4221 with dissolve olly "After you." scene w3_4222 with dissolve mc "...hey, Rose. It was just him, right?" scene w3_4223 with dissolve rose "Yeah... he came alone." scene w3_4224 with dissolve mc "...stay here." scene w3_4225 with dissolve kil "I don't think that's a good idea." scene w3_4224 with dissolve mc "I won't be long. Just keep an eye on both of us from here." scene w3_4225 with dissolve kil " it." scene w3_4226 with dissolve olly "So, what are you? In love?" mc "Are you trying to talk me out of paying for her?" scene w3_4227 with dissolve olly "Your body language didn't say it. Your response was measured, too put together... especially for a kid." mc "You don't have to worry. I care enough to pay you." scene w3_4228 with dissolve olly "..." "{i}Shit{/i}." play music "music/Darkdub.ogg" play sound "sound effects/thud-heavy.wav" scene w3_4157 with hpunch mc "-Ghhk!" "In a flash, the loan shark had me pinned and breathless, weight bearing down from his tree trunk-like forearms and threatening to snap my neck." kil "G-et off him!" scene w3_4158 with dissolve "Ian called out, but thankfully, he had enough sense not to move. If the large man wanted, he could have me choked out before my friend closed the distance." kil "I said, get the fuck off him, asshole!" scene w3_4159 with dissolve "Ian tried again, but got no response in return. Instead, Oliver and I were doing all the communicating necessary." scene w3_4160 with dissolve "After all, the look on the mean man's face told me everything he had to say." "It showcased the outcome of fucking with him and told me how lucky I was that this was the end of it." mc "Ghhhk- yhhh-" scene w3_4161 with dissolve "I did my best not to panic and waste the little air I had left in my lungs, but as time passed I felt myself get dizzy-headed." mc "Ghh, hhk-!" mct "(W-wait, was this the end of it, he's not really going to--!)" scene w3_4162 with dissolve "That's when the panic set in. He was really going to choke me out." mc "Hhhak, hhhg...!" mct "(D-damn it, I get IT, you p-prick! Just-!)" scene w3_4163 with dissolve mc "*Cough* Gauhh- hhhaa..!" olly "Remember this." scene w3_4164 with dissolve olly "I'm guessin' I might see you around." scene w3_4165 with dissolve rose "[mcf]! Are you okay?" kil "Goddamn it, bro. I didn't know what to do. Like, like--" mc "It's cool, I'm fine, don't worry about it..." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Let's just get inside. We need to talk." $ w3RCThreatened = True KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindPostConfrontation" KN_MOD "label w3RosalindPostConfrontation:" play music "music/called-upon.ogg" scene w3_4229 with w24 show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3RCKnockout == True:" kil "Shit man, you sure you're okay?" "What came after being laid out was more a vague impression rather than a recollection of events that I could say I experienced firsthand. I recalled a sharp pain, the strength in my legs giving out, and the plodding of my friend's feet as he rushed down the hallway." mc "Yeah, no... no need for a hospital, man. I just... ughh..." scene w3_4230 with dissolve "As Ian explained to me after he helped me up and we had hobbled into the apartment, Rose had defused the situation by tactfully deploying one of a woman's strongest weapons: a sharp, frightful scream. A move that very well saved my friend from getting his ass beat, although he probably wouldn't admit it." scene w3_4231 with fade mc "So, that was pretty uncool of me huh?" scene w3_4232 with dissolve kil "What are you talking about? You got--" scene w3_4280 with dissolve mc "A-ahk-" "It stung, but Rosalind's kind smile was a suitable salve." rose "Shut up. I..." scene w3_4233 with dissolve rose "I appreciate you two checking in on me. I really do." rose "Although, he's definitely going to come back in a worse mood, so I kinda wish you didn't." "Well, at least she was being honest." KN_MOD "if w3RCDoubleAssBeat == True:" kil "Uhg, that wasn't our best showing..." mc "{size=-5}Tell me about it...{/size}" "Thankfully, I hadn't died, but talking after getting punched in the throat proved a painful prospect." "There were no two ways of splitting it: we got completely trounced and we were now nursing our wounds in Rosalind's living room." scene w3_4230 with dissolve kil "If he didn't sucker--" mc "Nooohh you {size=-5}wouldn't have.{/size}" scene w3_4231 with fade rose "Here you go, boys." "It was absurd, but I felt embarrassed that Rosalind saw me get completely demolished." scene w3_4232 with dissolve rose "Are you two...?" mc "Yeah. Rather wounded pride than a crushed trachea, right?" scene w3_4233 with dissolve rose "Thank you both for checking in on me. I appreciate it, although..." rose "Although, I think it might've made things worse. He's going to come back in a worse mood." KN_MOD "if w3RCTussled == True:" kil "What a fucking asshole. Acts like he's tough and then he sucker punches you?!" mc "You know we got lucky. That could have easily gone a lot worse." "On the face of it, it ended in a draw, but that guy completely handled us. He took our advantage and unraveled it in seconds." scene w3_4230 with dissolve kil "You don't know that." mc "He blocked your kick without even looking at you!" scene w3_4231 with fade rose "Here you go, boys." mc "Sorry about causing a scene with your neighbor." scene w3_4232 with dissolve rose "Ah, it's okay... I'm thankful for you two checking up on me." kil "What fucking timing we had, huh?" scene w3_4233 with dissolve rose "Hehe, yeah..." rose "Although, I kinda wish you didn't. He's going to come back in a worse mood." KN_MOD "if w3RCSuckerPunched == True:" kil "What a fucking asshole. Acts like he's tough and then--" mc "He would've kicked our ass, dude. I was trying to avoid that." scene w3_4230 with dissolve "Sure, my pride was a little hurt too, but better than a broken cheekbone." kil "I could've taken him!" mc "I saved you from an ass beating, dude." scene w3_4231 with fade rose "Here you go boys." mc "Thanks." scene w3_4232 with dissolve rose "No, thank you. I was shocked to see you, but I do appreciate you checking up on me. Only..." kil "Only what?" scene w3_4233 with dissolve rose "Only I wish that you hadn't. I think it might've made things worse. He's going to come back in a worse mood." KN_MOD "if w3RCThreatened == True:" kil "I would've done something, but--" mc "I told you, it's cool. Stop talking about it." "All things considered, it ending at him threatening me wasn't the worst outcome. I'd much rather that than a cracked skull or a broken leg." scene w3_4230 with dissolve kil "Cheap son of a bitch..." scene w3_4231 with fade rose "Here you go boys." mc "Thank you." scene w3_4232 with dissolve rose "No, thank you for showing up. I appreciate you checking on me." mc "Like I said, I had a feeling something was wrong." scene w3_4233 with dissolve rose "I kinda wished you didn't though. He's going to come back in a worse mood." KN_MOD "if w3RCTalkedDown == True:" "After bullshitting our way out of a confrontation, the big question of what to do now loomed overhead." kil "What a fucking asshole." scene w3_4230 with dissolve "The answers that came to mind were relatively obvious, but unpleasant." mc "You said it..." scene w3_4231 with fade rose "Here you go boys." rose "Sorry about lying to you at the door, I--" scene w3_4232 with dissolve mc "It's understandable." rose "I'm glad you two showed up. Thanks for that." scene w3_4233 with dissolve kil "Don't mention it. [mcf] got one of his nagging feelings is all." rose "I'm glad, but I'm also... {b}not{/b}. I kinda wish you didn't. He's going to come back in a worse mood." scene w3_4234 with dissolve kil "Well, fuck you too." rose "Don't be crass. I didn't mean it that way. I really do-" scene w3_4235 with dissolve mc "{b}Sit down.{/b}" scene w3_4236 with fade "Rosalind, true to fashion, obediently did as I asked." "I hadn't meant it to come out so commanding, but I tended to be terse when there's a problem at hand." mc "You alright?" scene w3_4237 with dissolve rose "This whole year is going to be one I'll never forget." scene w3_4238 with dissolve "Right, even if this was at the root of everything, dealing with harassment was just one ingredient in a whole shit sandwich." scene w3_4239 with dissolve mc "Did he hurt you in any way before we got here?" scene w3_4237 with dissolve rose "Not really... he just--" scene w3_4238 with dissolve "Rosalind stopped herself as if weighing just how much of the truth she should share." scene w3_4239 with dissolve mc "Be honest." scene w3_4238 with dissolve "Another command, but I needed the full picture before deciding on our course of action." scene w3_4240 with dissolve rose "...he just knocked me down a couple of times, shouting about how I was wasting his time and how I should just let his associates put me to work." mc "...and you don't want to do that?" "Normally it would be a stupid question, but considering how she was currently trying to get the money..." scene w3_4241 with dissolve rose "Of course not! There's no telling how long it would take me to pay him back or if they'd even let me go, it's just too... well..." scene w3_4242 with dissolve mc "Say no more, I get it." "Although, if she doesn't win the exhibition, that might just be her future anyway." scene w3_4243 with dissolve mc "...I'll take care of this..." scene w3_4245 with dissolve rose "Not that I don't believe you, but..." scene w3_4243 with dissolve mc "I know. I thought we had gotten him out of your hair too, but evidently we will need to be more drastic." scene w3_4244 with dissolve mct "(Was I seriously considering...?)" KN_MOD "if rosalindAugSolution == True:" "(This morning I was in a tizzy about the people surrounding me, and now I was seriously thinking about just how easily someone like Warren or Jacob could get that asshole to extend the professional courtesy August spoke of.)" KN_MOD "else:" "(This morning I was in a tizzy about the people surrounding me, and now I was seriously thinking about just how easily someone like Warren or Jacob could break that asshole's legs...)" scene w3_4246 with dissolve rose "I don't know... I think you might make it worse..." scene w3_4247 with dissolve kil "When [mcf] says something will be taken care of, it'll be taken care of." "Ian, who had been quiet up to this point, picked now to interject." "I felt his confidence in me misplaced, but truth be told, I welcomed it right now." scene w3_4246 with dissolve rose "I don't know, I think I can endure him coming around for another two weeks..." rose "It might be better to leave things be..." scene w3_4250 with dissolve mc " A line has to be drawn." scene w3_4249 with dissolve mc "Him being here today is proof of that. He knows your husband ran off and he's going to make sure you're cornered." scene w3_4248 with dissolve "She did have a point though. Further meddling will just agitate him, meaning the club's next move would have to be decisive." scene w3_4250 with dissolve mc "How would you feel if the club bought your debt? Does who you owe make a difference to you?" scene w3_4251 with dissolve "I mean, isn't that something the club should've done in the first place? It would greatly simplify things while also potentially lining up a new star house girl coming hot off a failed exhibition." rose "You mean... I'd owe the club instead of Oliver?" scene w3_4250 with dissolve mc "I don't know about the kind of work he'd put you up to, but at least the club is a known quantity. If you lose the exhibition and had to work there after the--" scene w3_4251 with dissolve rose "I don't want that. I couldn't keep the charade up with Nora... I need this to be over with this month." KN_MOD "if rosalindKatSolution == True:" scene w3_4248 with dissolve "She was already in debt to the club for the five thousand Kathleen gave her, but there was no point in mentioning that right now." scene w3_4249 with dissolve mc "You might not have a choice in the matter." scene w3_4248 with dissolve "No matter if this got solved fiscally or {b}otherwise{/b}, I was pretty sure the end result would be the same: Rosalind {i}will{/i} owe the club." scene w3_4252 with dissolve rose "By the way..." "Maybe that was the inevitable underlining to this whole thing. I saw it happen with Lucy, after all; she had lost, but the club still extended its claws." rose "I like your new hairstyle." scene w3_4253 with dissolve mc "H-huh...?" rose "You've been looking kinda scary since we got into the apartment. I just wanted to say something nice." scene w3_4254 with dissolve mc "Oh, uh... thanks." rose "You too. You look nice, Ian." scene w3_4255 with dissolve kil "Aw, she's coming on to me. See that, [mcf]?" rose " you want me to make you something to eat?" "It was like she went into mothering mode to diffuse the tension." scene w3_4256 with dissolve rose "It's the least I can do for my two heroes." mc "You mean your pimps?" scene w3_4257 with dissolve rose "No... I know I didn't sound grateful, but it is nice {i}someone{/i} checked in. And even if it's your job..." scene w3_4258 with dissolve rose "You were cool. And things like that, in tough situations, become a relief." KN_MOD "if w3RCKnockout == True:" mct "(Cool? I got my ass beat...)" KN_MOD "elif w3RCDoubleAssBeat == True:" mct "(Cool? We got our ass beat...)" KN_MOD "elif w3RCSuckerPunched == True:" mct "(Cool? All I did was get sucker punched...)" scene w3_4257 with dissolve rose "So, it's not much, but how about some lunch?" KN_MOD "if rosalindKilSolution == True:" scene w3_4259 with dissolve kil "I can think of something I'd like to eat." scene w3_4260 with dissolve rose "W-whaa...?" kil "Remember that threesome we have set up? I do believe you still owe us a good time, Mrs. Carter." rose "Ah, o-oh, y-yeah... do you two want to--" scene w3_4261 with dissolve kil "--is something I'd like to say, but now's not really the right mood, is it?" rose "O-oh..." mc "You asshole. You should have seen her face." scene w3_4262 with dissolve kil "She just looks mad." scene w3_4263 with dissolve rose "I about jumped out of my skin." mc "He has that effect on women." "In his own way, Ian had lightened the mood." scene w3_4264 with dissolve rose "I mean... it's got to happen sometime, right...?" scene w3_4265 with dissolve mc "Like my friend said, now's not the time." scene w3_4266 with dissolve kil "For the price I paid, you got to make it special. For one, you're not going to wear some crummy old rags." scene w3_4265 with dissolve mc "It's more like we have other things to deal with right now. Get your things." scene w3_4267 with dissolve rose "My things...?" scene w3_4265 with dissolve mc "You're going to stay at my place for the time being." "Yet another command, but I wasn't going to leave her room to refuse." scene w3_4268 with dissolve rose "I can't just... don't you think that's... he's going to think I-" scene w3_4269 with dissolve rose "........." mc "......" scene w3_4270 with dissolve rose "...I understand." scene w3_4271 with dissolve mc "Good, Ian and I will clean up while you do. Wouldn't want to leave your home in a mess, right?" rose "Right!" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_4272 with dissolve mc "We'll pass." kil "Eh? I'm kinda hungry..." scene w3_4273 with dissolve mc "You'll live. Right now..." scene w3_4274 with dissolve mc "You should get your things instead. You're going to stay at my place for the time being." scene w3_4275 with dissolve "Yet another command, but I wasn't going to leave her room to refuse." scene w3_4276 with dissolve rose "I can't just... don't you think that's... he's going to think I-" scene w3_4275 with dissolve rose "........." mc "......" scene w3_4277 with dissolve rose "...I understand." scene w3_4278 with dissolve mc "Good, Ian and I will clean up while you do. Wouldn't want to leave your home in a mess, right?" rose "Right!" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "After reiterating to Rosalind that things would turn out okay and that I would keep a handle on the Oliver situation. We cleaned and packed and--" scene w3_4279 with cmet $ history_rosalind = "Rosalind will be staying with me for awhile, until her troubles get sorted out." $ unread_rosalind = True play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "Got comfortable with my place, left a key, and then--" play ambient "sound effects/city-night.wav" scene w3_4330 with circlewipe "It was time to see what could be done. Ian had some stuff to take care of, which was fine and dandy, as part of me preferred tackling this alone." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 scene w3_4331 with blinds "The way I saw it, it was either pay him off completely or scare him, none of which I was equipped to do, but maybe the bosses had a better idea." scene w3_4332 with dissolve "However, the decision of who to bring it up to was made for me." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" "Mrs. Pulman was out and both August and Chuck were in the VIP room..." KN_MOD "else:" "Kathleen was out and both August and Chuck were in the VIP room..." play music "music/i-knew-a-guy.ogg" scene w3_4333 with dissolve mct "(...this place has a monthly poker game?)" "That seemed almost quaint. There was only a couple of house girls milling about by the bar and neither was engaged in coitus." chuck "Aha, lad! Impeccable timing! We're down a man." scene w3_4334 with dissolve "I quickly took stock of the room. There was the tenor, the chief of police, and Warren." mct "(The chief of police, huh...?)" scene w3_4335 with dissolve jim "Yeah, sit down! I'm tired of losing to this goddamn cheat." mc "I actually came here because I had a problem with one of the Carnations that needs to be solved." scene w3_4336 with dissolve chuck "Sit down." "Not one to be refused, my former mentor insisted." chuck "It's not so urgent that you need to bother us during our card game, is it?" "My gut reaction was to say that a card game wasn't important, but that would be an intensely foolish observation. These men had their priorities and the problems of a whore weren't very high on it." scene w3_4337 with dissolve aug "He can speak about it if he wants." "Well, except for maybe August, but the Carnations weren't exactly his purview either." scene w3_4338 with dissolve chuck "It's not like anyone's about to die, surely?" scene w3_4339 with dissolve mc "I don't like to gamble." scene w3_4338 with dissolve chuck "Call it an exercise in managing risk then, lad. Either way, sit down." scene w3_4340 with dissolve "Dr. Chuck seemed insistent, but August seemed open to talking. The question was, business first or later? And was getting both their inputs better than just one?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Business first. Ask August to talk privately.:" $ August_Friendship += 1 $ Chuck_Friendship -= 1 $ w3RosalindViolentSolution = True scene w3_4341 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Can I talk to you for a second? Privately?" "There was no need to air the dirty laundry in front of the patrons, but I wanted to fill him in all the same." scene w3_4342 with dissolve mc "Just by the bar. It won't take long." aug "...sure." scene black with fade "You guys give us a sec, huh?" scene w3_4343 with dissolve mc "I didn't want to bring this up in front of the patrons." scene w3_4344 with dissolve aug "I appreciate that. So, what's this about?" KN_MOD "if rosalindAugSolution == True:" scene w3_4343 with dissolve mc "Ian and I had a run-in with that loan shark you told off." scene w3_4344 with dissolve aug "A run-in, eh? You bump elbows?" scene w3_4345 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3RCKnockout == True:" mc "Something like that. He actually got a couple of good ones in and kicked my ass." KN_MOD "elif w3RCDoubleAssBeat == True:" mc "He put both of us on our ass. {b}Hard.{/b}" KN_MOD "elif w3RCTussled == True:" mc "It got a bit dicey. We barely escaped an ass-kicking." KN_MOD "elif w3RCSuckerPunched == True:" mc "I got sucker-punched for my trouble." KN_MOD "else:" mc "He was pretty {b}emphatic{/b} about telling you to fuck off or pay him." mc "Basically, he doesn't think you're shit." scene w3_4346 with dissolve "I knew what I was doing. I was trying to get the man's pride involved." scene w3_4347 with dissolve aug "The man's running a business. Try not to take it personally; that's my job." scene w3_4348 with dissolve "...that wasn't quite the reaction I was expecting, but it was a reminder that he's been around the block a time or two before." mc "I'm not. But you did assure me you'd get him to stop bothering Rosalind." scene w3_4350 with dissolve aug "To be honest, I kinda expected he wouldn't." scene w3_4351 with dissolve mc "Really? You seemed pretty--" scene w3_4349 with dissolve aug "You got to try asking nicely first, understood?" scene w3_4348 with dissolve mc "I see..." "So, he anticipated this?" scene w3_4350 with dissolve aug "After that, you don't have to ask so nice." scene w3_4351 with dissolve "I didn't want to know the details, but I did have a relevant question." scene w3_4352 with dissolve mc "Won't getting aggressive with him just make things more difficult for Rose?" scene w3_4349 with dissolve aug "Jacob can be pretty convincing when he sets his mind to it. I think you'll find that asshole a lot more agreeable." scene w3_4353 with dissolve aug "*sigh* Kathleen should've taken care of this from the start, but you see... she likes problems like these." scene w3_4352 with dissolve mc "Do I have your guarantee?" scene w3_4354 with dissolve aug "You never had anything to worry about." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_4343 with dissolve mc "Ian and I had a run-in with Rosalind's loan shark." scene w3_4344 with dissolve aug " good?" scene w3_4345 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3RCKnockout == True:" mc "He kicked my ass." KN_MOD "elif w3RCDoubleAssBeat == True:" mc "He put both of us on our ass. {b}Hard.{/b}" KN_MOD "elif w3RCTussled == True:" mc "It got a bit dicey. We barely escaped an ass-kicking." KN_MOD "elif w3RCSuckerPunched == True:" mc "I got sucker-punched for my trouble." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Nothing worth complaining about, but he wasn't friendly." scene w3_4355 with dissolve aug "Goddamn it, Kathy knows better to take care of these things before her little show even begins." scene w3_4348 with dissolve mc "The thing is, we paid him enough to put her ahead a couple of weeks, so the exhibition won't have any problems, but--" scene w3_4349 with dissolve aug "He saw an open wallet and is taking you for a sucker." scene w3_4348 with dissolve mc "Precisely." scene w3_4350 with dissolve aug "That's good business sense in that line of work." scene w3_4351 with dissolve mc "Until everything's settled, he's going to ramp up the harassment. I'm coming to you about this, because, well..." scene w3_4350 with dissolve aug "I'll have Jacob handle it." scene w3_4351 with dissolve "I didn't want to know the details, but I did have a relevant question." scene w3_4352 with dissolve mc "Won't getting aggressive with him just make things more difficult for Rose?" scene w3_4350 with dissolve aug "He'll get the message across. I think you'll find him a lot less greedy." scene w3_4351 with dissolve mc "Simple as that?" scene w3_4354 with dissolve aug "Simple as that." scene w3_4356 with dissolve mc "......" "Business was done, but..." scene w3_4357 with dissolve chuck "You coming over, lad? We're still down a man." "{i}It would be the appropriate move to play a few hands.{/i}" scene w3_4358 with dissolve mc "You going to comp me enough to play?" chuck "Bahaha, I know what you get paid. You can afford the buy-in." scene w3_4359 with fade mc "Just trying to manage risk." scene w3_4360 with dissolve chuck "Deal him in." scene w3_4361 with dissolve war "Fresh meat." scene w3_4362 with dissolve "So we played. Playing conservatively didn't seem to work." jim "Ahaha, finally!" scene w3_4363 with circlewipe "Playing aggressively got me walked all over." war "It's not your lucky day." scene w3_4364 with ccirclewipe "Soon, my competitive edge was whet, and I got lost in the moment - putting aside the business at hand and focusing wholeheartedly on a game I had no hope of winning." mc "I raise!" scene w3_4365 with vpunch mc "Ah, shit." vinc "You lose some, you lose some." " just dawned on me, I had never played poker in my life, Texas Hold'em or otherwise." scene w3_4366 with dissolve "The downside of a single mother, I guess." jim "What's so amusing?" scene w3_4367 with dissolve mc "I think I'm getting the hang of this." "There was a social currency involved here that outvalued dollars and it would be foolish not to avail myself to it." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Let me buy back in." "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3BackToRosalind" KN_MOD "Sit down.:" $ Chuck_Friendship += 1 show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Part of me wanted to note that not playing {i}was{/i} managing risk, but that would be another foolish observation. There was a social currency involved here that outvalued dollars." scene w3_4368 with dissolve mc "What's the buy-in?" "...and refusing Dr. Chuck thrice, would run detrimental to my goal of getting someone with a bigger stick than me to do something about the problem that fell in my lap. " chuck "You can afford it. I've seen your paycheck." scene w3_4369 with fade "........." "......" scene w3_4370 with dissolve mc " me in." scene black with fade "So we played a few hands." scene w3_4362 with dissolve "I played conservatively and gained no ground." jim "Ahaha, finally!" scene w3_4363 with circlewipe "I played aggressively and got walked all over." war "It's not your lucky day." scene w3_4364 with ccirclewipe "Soon, my competitive edge was whet, and I got lost in the moment - putting aside the business at hand and focusing wholeheartedly on a game I had no hope of winning." mc "I raise!" scene w3_4365 with dissolve "Eventually, when I had felt like I had paid the toll, and had earned the acceptance of the room..." KN_MOD "if rosalindAugSolution == True:" scene w3_4371 with dissolve mc "By the way, that loan shark didn't do as you asked." "I moved onto why I was here." scene w3_4372 with dissolve aug "Oh...?" "The old man looked lost in thought, as if trying to pinpoint exactly what I was talking about." scene w3_4373 with dissolve aug "Ah, that was what was likely to happen. No self-respecting man shows his belly without good reason. I'll take the next step." scene w3_4374 with dissolve mc "...and what's the next step?" scene w3_4375 with dissolve aug "Giving him a good reason." scene w3_4376 with dissolve "While I understood there was a natural escalation, I couldn't help but feel like paying him off would've been preferable to a protracted dick-measuring contest." "I was burned once by his reassurance and I wanted this to be the end of it..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Try to rile August up.:" $ August_Friendship -= 1 $ Warren_Friendship += 1 $ w3RosalindViolentSolution = True scene w3_4377 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I hope you'll take care of it. That loan shark acted like you weren't shit." scene w3_4378 with dissolve war "Ha! Just came out and said it." "I knew what I was doing, in front of Chuck and the other patrons, I was trying to twist the old man's pride to my ends." scene w3_4377 with dissolve mc "I'm not the one who said it. All I'm saying is Ian and I had a run-in with the prick. It wasn't very friendly." scene w3_4379 with dissolve chuck "A run-in...? He didn't threaten you, did he?" scene w3_4380 with dissolve "Suddenly, Dr. Chuck seemed a lot more interested in the problem." KN_MOD "if w3RCKnockout == True:" mc "Actually, he got a couple of good ones in and I got my ass kicked. He was pretty emphatic in telling you to fuck off or pay him." KN_MOD "elif w3RCDoubleAssBeat == True:" mc "He sucker punched both of us and put us on our ass. He was pretty emphatic in telling you to fuck off or pay him." KN_MOD "elif w3RCTussled == True:" mc "It got a bit dicey. We barely escaped an ass-kicking. He was pretty emphatic in telling you to fuck off or pay him." KN_MOD "elif w3RCSuckerPunched == True:" mc "I got sucker-punched for my trouble. He was pretty emphatic in telling you to fuck off or pay him." KN_MOD "else:" mc "He was pretty {b}emphatic{/b} about telling you to fuck off or pay him." scene w3_4381 with dissolve chuck "You should've started with that from the moment you walked in the door." scene w3_4382 with dissolve chuck "You allowed this to happen?" scene w3_4383 with dissolve aug "You don't need to fuss like an over-protective parent, you know men get into tussles sometimes. Hell, I remember your Army days, Charles." scene w3_4384 with dissolve chuck "That was different. It was all in good fun, and when it wasn't, we took care of our own." scene w3_4385 with dissolve aug "And I will take care of it, with provocation on my side." "August looked a little unhappy." scene w3_4386 with dissolve aug "It's not like I expected the boys to have a dust-up over this, and even if I did, I can't just send Jacob to have a discussion with the man without good reason." scene w3_4384 with dissolve chuck "Make sure you do. I don't like people putting hands on what's mine, but I'm leaving this up to you since your nose is already in it." KN_MOD "if w3RCTalkedDown == True:" "He didn't actually touch us, but it was to my benefit not to dispute that..." scene w3_4387 with dissolve aug "Kathy should anticipate these kinds of problems and plan for them accordingly, instead of leaving it to me and [mcf] to solve. She should've settled the account before the show even began." scene w3_4388 with dissolve chuck "Perhaps, but you know exactly why she didn't and {i}we{/i} tolerate those proclivities because we're family." scene w3_4389 with dissolve mc "So, I have your assurance that Rosalind won't have anyone beating down her door for awhile?" scene w3_4390 with dissolve aug "Give it a few days." scene w3_4391 with dissolve "I didn't want to know the details, but I did have a relevant question." scene w3_4392 with dissolve mc "Won't getting aggressive with him just make things more difficult for Rose?" scene w3_4393 with dissolve aug "Jacob and Warren can be pretty persuasive when they need to." scene w3_4394 with dissolve war "We work real nice together." "...there I had it. What was hopefully the end of this matter." scene w3_4393 with dissolve aug "It won't blow back on Rose, I can assure you of that. All you'll find is that asshole will become a lot more agreeable." scene w3_4395 with dissolve mc "......" scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "...what are we waiting for, let's keep playing." "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3BackToRosalind" KN_MOD "Suggest the club buys the debt and simply be done with it.:" $ w3RosalindConnectionSolution = True $ Chuck_Friendship += 1 scene w3_4377 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...wouldn't it be easiest to just buy the debt? If she wins the exhibition, it's cleared all the same. If she loses, she can owe the club." scene w3_4396 with dissolve aug "That's what Kathy should've done from the onset, but now I'm handling it, eh?" scene w3_4377 with dissolve mc "I just think that would be the quickest and least likely option to impede the exhibition." scene w3_4396 with dissolve mct "(...and it would mean Rosalind wouldn't have to see him tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.)" aug "He ignored my request." scene w3_4397 with dissolve "Part of part of me wanted to say \"so, what?\", but that was the third stupid thing to cross my mind." scene w3_4398 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2KillianRoseOffer == True:" chuck "...this about that thing with the sad-looking lass?" scene w3_4399 with dissolve "...the one you didn't want to have anything to do with?" mc "That's the one." KN_MOD "else:" chuck "...what's this about?" scene w3_4399 with dissolve mc "One of the Carnations is having trouble with her personal circumstances." scene w3_4400 with dissolve chuck "You know I'm not a fan of the way you handle things, Augie." scene w3_4386 with dissolve aug "I would sooner not clean up someone's mess, but it is perpetually left up to me. Despite being equipped to do it, neither of you ever seem to want to." scene w3_4400 with dissolve chuck "You're not the same young man you were anymore. You should think outside the box, in a way befitting the company you now keep." scene w3_4401 with dissolve aug "What do you mean...?" scene w3_4402 with dissolve aug "I'm still surrounded by crooks, aren't I? The only difference is the company I used to keep was a lot more honest." chuck "Baha! You fuck!" scene w3_4403 with dissolve "He looked at Jim when he said that, but I had a feeling he meant Dr. Chuck too." jim "Fuck you, bottom feeder." scene w3_4404 with dissolve chuck "This man's a loan shark?" scene w3_4401 with dissolve aug "It's a small operation." scene w3_4400 with dissolve chuck "That must mean he's into some other things too, yeah? Prostitution, money laundering, stuff like that?" scene w3_4401 with dissolve aug "More or less." scene w3_4405 with dissolve chuck "My, my, my... sounds like you've been derelict in your duties, Jim. How can you be sitting here playing cards while criminals are proliferating in the street?" scene w3_4406 with dissolve jim "........." chuck "......" scene w3_4407 with dissolve jim "...yeah, alright. I'll take care of it." scene w3_4408 with dissolve mct "(...what? It was that simple? The thought had crossed my mind when I entered the room, but--)" aug "You really going to ruin a businessman's livelihood for no good reason like that?" scene w3_4409 with dissolve chuck "He ignored your request." scene w3_4410 with dissolve jim "It'll let you know when it's handled. It may be a day or two." chuck "That's fine." scene w3_4411 with dissolve mc "...what happens to Rosalind's debt? If he goes to jail, isn't she..." scene w3_4412 with dissolve chuck "Don't know. We'll just have to see how well she does these next two weeks." scene w3_4413 with dissolve aug "*Sigh* Kathy sure does like watching the gears turn." chuck "She keeps it interesting." "With just a request that sounded more like an order, he got the city's police chief to take care of something that Dr. Chuck didn't even care about." mct "(...he's just showing off, isn't he?)" scene w3_4414 with dissolve mc "...what are we waiting for, let's keep playing." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "I was starting to see the enormity of the people I was surrounded by." "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3BackToRosalind" KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_4371 with dissolve mc "By the way, I had a run-in with Rosalind's loan shark." scene w3_4372 with dissolve aug "Is that right...?" scene w3_4371 with dissolve mc "Yeah, me and Ian, to be exact. It wasn't very friendly and he made a lot of threats." KN_MOD "if rosalindFelSolution == True or rosalindKilSolution == True:" mc "You see we paid him off in advance for a few weeks, but he just--" scene w3_4415 with dissolve aug "Took you for a sucker." KN_MOD "if rosalindKatSolution == True or rosalindKatSolutionFree == True:" mc "Kathleen paid him a few weeks in advance, but he hasn't let up. In fact, it made it worse. He--" scene w3_4415 with dissolve aug "He took you for a sucker?" scene w3_4416 with dissolve mc "Exactly." scene w3_4417 with dissolve chuck "...were you guys hurt?" scene w3_4418 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3RCKnockout == True:" mc "I got my ass beat." KN_MOD "elif w3RCDoubleAssBeat == True:" mc "Ian and I got our asses handed to us." KN_MOD "elif w3RCTussled == True:" mc "It got a bit dicey. We barely escaped an ass-kicking." KN_MOD "elif w3RCSuckerPunched == True:" mc "Not really, but I got sucker-punched for my trouble." KN_MOD "else:" mc "All I'll say is he was pretty {b}emphatic{/b} about making sure we keep paying." scene w3_4419 with dissolve chuck "...I don't like that." KN_MOD "if w2KillianRoseOffer == True:" "I internally scoffed at Dr. Chuck's change in concern, given he refused to help earlier, but I was also thankful that this got his interest." scene w3_4420 with dissolve aug "*Sigh* Kathleen should've settled the account in the first place. Fickle bitch." chuck "Be that as it may, he needs to be taken care of. He put his hands on one of ours." KN_MOD "if w3RCTalkedDown == True:" "He didn't actually touch us, but it was to my benefit not to dispute that..." scene w3_4421 with dissolve aug "I'll handle it like usual." chuck "The thing is your usual way is unimaginative and dull, and unbefitting of the company you now keep." scene w3_4396 with dissolve aug "Well, I'm the only one who doesn't sit on their ass around here, eh? It doesn't really matter how you do it if he never threatens the boys again, eh?" scene w3_4376 with dissolve "There it was: an opportunity to get things done. I had their interest, the only question was how to capitalize on it." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Suggest you solve it simply and to the point.:" $ Chuck_Friendship += 1 $ w3RosalindConnectionSolution = True scene w3_4377 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "I think we should just buy out her debt; that's the simplest and most direct option." scene w3_4396 with dissolve "At the end of the day, the ultimate goal was to get Rosalind some relief." scene w3_4377 with dissolve mc "If she wins the exhibition, it's cleared all the same. If she loses, she can owe the club." scene w3_4398 with dissolve chuck "I would agree with you if he didn't disrespect my nephew and you." scene w3_4399 with dissolve mc "Like Mr. Byrnes said, he was just doing his job." scene w3_4398 with dissolve chuck "Aye, and that's his prerogative. Just as it's my own to not allow people to trample on what's mine." scene w3_4422 with dissolve mct "(I mean, at the end of the day, what did I care about how this got solved?)" "Killian's assurance from last night rang in my mind." "{i}All I'm saying is he wouldn't use violence; he's not the type. I'm one hundred percent certain of that. At worse, the person would just wish they were dead.{/i}" scene w3_4404 with dissolve chuck "This man's a loan shark?" scene w3_4401 with dissolve aug "It's a small operation." scene w3_4400 with dissolve chuck "That must mean he's into some other things too, yeah? Prostitution, money laundering, stuff like that?" scene w3_4401 with dissolve aug "More or less." scene w3_4423 with dissolve chuck "Handle it." scene w3_4424 with dissolve jim "Excuse me?" scene w3_4405 with dissolve chuck "How can you be sitting here playing cards while criminals are proliferating in the street?" scene w3_4406 with dissolve jim "........." chuck "......" scene w3_4407 with dissolve jim "...yeah, alright. I'll take care of it." scene w3_4408 with dissolve mct "(...what? It was that simple? The thought had crossed my mind when I entered the room, but--)" aug "You really going to ruin a businessman's livelihood for no good reason like that?" scene w3_4409 with dissolve chuck "I don't need a reason, but I say I have a pretty good one." scene w3_4408 with dissolve aug "I don't like bringing the cops into this." scene w3_4409 with dissolve chuck "As the Drill Sergeant liked to say, tough titties." scene w3_4408 with dissolve aug "'s your call." scene w3_4410 with dissolve jim "I'll let you know when it's handled. Maybe a day or two." chuck "That's fine." scene w3_4411 with dissolve mc "...what happens to Rosalind's debt? If he goes to jail, isn't she..." scene w3_4412 with dissolve chuck "I guess we'll just see how the next two exhibitions go, won't we?" scene w3_4413 with dissolve "With just a request that sounded more like an order, and like paving over a mountain to get a better view, he got the city's police chief to deconstruct the entire problem." mct "(...he's just showing off, isn't he?)" scene w3_4414 with dissolve mc "...what are we waiting for, let's keep playing." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "I was starting to see the enormity of the people I was surrounded by." "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3BackToRosalind" KN_MOD "Angle for August to handle it.:" $ August_Friendship += 1 $ Warren_Friendship += 1 $ w3RosalindViolentSolution = True scene w3_4377 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...Mr. Byrnes is right. He's not going to relent because it's his job and he has no reason to." scene w3_4378 with dissolve "We had tried paying him, but now was the time to point someone at him who could speak his language." scene w3_4377 with dissolve mc "This is your wheelhouse, right?" scene w3_4396 with dissolve aug "It's not my first rodeo." scene w3_4399 with dissolve mc " you think you can get him to back off?" scene w3_4425 with dissolve aug "I'll do more than that. I'll put Jacob and Warren on it." "I didn't really want to know the details, I just wanted the reassurance." aug "I think you'll find him a lot more agreeable after that." scene w3_4426 with dissolve war "Heh. Payday." scene w3_4401 with dissolve aug "Is that okay with you? As always, it's your call." scene w3_4422 with dissolve mct "(I mean, at the end of the day, what did I care about how this got solved?)" "Killian's assurance from last night rang in my mind." "{i}All I'm saying is he wouldn't use violence; he's not the type. I'm one hundred percent certain of that. At worse, the person would just wish they were dead.{/i}" scene w3_4404 with dissolve chuck "Have I mentioned how much I disdain your go-to touch? You have a lot more resources at your fingertips than you did when you were young." scene w3_4386 with dissolve aug "I'm not trying to impress anyone. I'm in the company of crooks all the same." scene w3_4427 with dissolve jim "Fuck you." aug "So, should I dance for Kathy?" scene w3_4428 with dissolve chuck "... *sigh* Fine. Since you speak that scumbag's language; just make sure you're as clear as a bell. Leave {i}no{/i} room for misunderstanding. I want no margin for even the dumbest mother fucker to go get ideas about hassling my nephew and [mcf] ever again." aug "Thy will be done, Charles." scene w3_4429 with dissolve vinc "Andrea! Get over here! The mood's getting a bit thick!" aug "Give it a few days, kid." vinc "Nothing a fat-ass redhead can't change for the better!" scene w3_4430 with dissolve mc "......" scene w3_4431 with dissolve mc "... Vincenzo's right. What are we waiting for? Let's keep playing." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 "This was the company I now keep, despite all the mind-wringing I did earlier. At least, I could make it work for me." "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3BackToRosalind" KN_MOD "label w3BackToRosalind:" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" scene w3_4432 with circlewipe "When I returned home, it was evident that Rosalind had been busy." "The rich and hearty smell of simmering meat wafted through the open door and I found the woman tucked away in the kitchen, wiping down the counter." mc "Hey honey, I'm home." scene w3_4433 with dissolve "A joke, but the moment her ears registered my greeting, she froze and returned a sheepish reply." rose "Uh... {i}heh{/i}... welcome back." "As if being caught red-handed doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing." scene w3_4434 with dissolve rose "It was awkward just sitting around, so I..." scene w3_4435 with dissolve mc "Good thinking. I'm starving. I haven't eaten all day." scene w3_4436 with dissolve mc "I'm sorry about just leaving you here, but as messed up as it is..." rose "I don't really have a say in this situation." scene w3_4437 with dissolve "Rosalind was a flower at the mercy and whims of the wind. Her husband, Oliver, the club..." "She landed in this situation thanks to her husband's malfeasance, and now her reins were handed off to another, all in a short span of time that she had no say over." scene w3_4438 with dissolve mc "That's gotta be frustrating, huh?" scene w3_4437 with dissolve "She didn't speak up, but I got an answer all the same. She looked weary and out-of-place, her shoulders slumping as if trying to disappear into the background." scene w3_4439 with dissolve mc "Tired?" scene w3_4440 with dissolve rose "A little." scene w3_4441 with dissolve "Perhaps she was coming down from the earlier excitement, but..." mc "You can have my bed if you want to lay down." scene w3_4442 with dissolve rose "It's not the kind of tiredness that goes away from a nap." scene w3_4443 with dissolve "In a moment of honesty from the poker-faced woman, she said what I was thinking." scene w3_4444 with dissolve rose "'d it go?" scene w3_4445 with dissolve mc "Talking to the old farts? Give it a few days and everything will be settled." scene w3_4444 with dissolve rose "What does \"settled\" mean...?" scene w3_4445 with dissolve mc "It means that unwitting bastard walked into a land-mine and blew himself to bits without even realizing it." scene w3_4446 with dissolve rose "...?" mc "In short, he'll be off your back. {b}Most certainly{/b}." scene w3_4447 with dissolve rose "Oh..." mc "Two or three days and you'll be good to go home. If Oliver calls in the meantime, just don't answer it." scene w3_4448 with dissolve "........." "......" scene w3_4449 with dissolve rose " it." scene w3_4450 with dissolve mc "I bet you still wish I never interfered." scene w3_4451 with dissolve rose "No... it's {i}something{/i}." scene w3_4452 with dissolve "She willed a bit of life back into her face as her lips formed into a pale smile." scene w3_4451 with dissolve rose "Two or three days away from home doesn't sound so bad." scene w3_4452 with dissolve "That admission surprised me a little. I wasn't sure if she was trying to convince me or herself." mc "You think...?" "But as soon as my question left my lips, the answer unfolded itself in my head." scene w3_4453 with dissolve rose "I don't know... I guess?" scene w3_4454 with dissolve "Home simply didn't feel like home." scene w3_4455 with dissolve mc "You have the run of the place then." scene w3_4456 with dissolve rose "Thanks, [mcf]..." scene w3_4457 with dissolve "It was two or three days to feel a little more {i}removed{/i}." scene w3_4456 with dissolve rose "If that's the case..." scene w3_4458 with dissolve rose "You said you're starving?" scene w3_4459 with dissolve "I nodded my head in affirmation." mc "What's in the pot?" scene w3_4458 with dissolve rose "You had a mishmash of ingredients, so I made a stew. I hope it's to your liking." scene w3_4459 with dissolve mc "A stew sounds {i}really{/i} good." "To be precise, a home-cooked meal from a lovely woman sounded like a salve after the day I was having." scene w3_4460 with dissolve rose "Go eat. I've kept it hot." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" "If this was part of a seduction, she had really stepped up her game since her first foray." "Even weary and out-of-place, she was full of charm." "My feet followed after her, spellbound, on my stomach's volition." scene black with fade rose "...I'll spoon it out. Wash your hands." mc "...yes, Ma'am." "......" "..." scene w3_4461 with dissolve "While I gobbled up the stew, Rosalind took care of the dishes. I was emphatic about leaving the clean up to me, but it was like talking to a wall." rose "The rest is in the fridge if you want some more." scene w3_4462 with dissolve mc "I'll have some more later. Are you not going to eat?" rose "It's late." scene w3_4463 with dissolve rose "I'll just push through to dinner." scene w3_4464 with dissolve rose "How was it?" scene w3_4465 with dissolve mc "{i}Really{/i} tasty and {b}especially{/b} filling." scene w3_4466 with dissolve rose "Heh, good." scene w3_4467 with dissolve "A tiny smile tried to go unnoticed on her face." scene w3_4466 with dissolve rose "I didn't know if I added enough salt or not. It can be tricky when you're working freestyle." scene w3_4467 with dissolve mc "Do you cook a lot?" scene w3_4468 with dissolve rose "As much as I can, which is... {i}tough{/i} nowadays." scene w3_4469 with dissolve rose "By the way, I noticed your clothes hamper was full..." scene w3_4470 with dissolve mc "'re not here to do chores." scene w3_4471 with dissolve rose "You said I had the run of the place." scene w3_4472 with dissolve mc "I meant for you to be comfortable." scene w3_4473 with dissolve stop music $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" rose "What else am I going to do? You wanna screw?" KN_MOD "else:" rose "I like to stay--" scene w3_4474 with dissolve mc "Is it Oliver?" scene w3_4475 with dissolve rose "Unlikely... given the time, it's probably..." scene w3_4476 with dissolve rose "It's my daughter." scene w3_4477 with dissolve "A blood-curdling look impelled me to keep my trap shut and stay silent." stop ambient $, 0, channel = "ambient") play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_4478 with dissolve rose "Hey honey. How are you? How's camp?" scene w3_4479 with dissolve "The thing is, I wouldn't have been able to utter a single word even if I wanted to." scene w3_4480 with dissolve rose "Oh, really? That's too bad. Did you bring it up to your counselor?" scene w3_4479 with dissolve "Rosalind's face shone with a luminosity that rendered me speechless." scene w3_4481 with dissolve rose "Don't be pessimistic. You may be right, they probably won't do anything about it... but it's guaranteed nothing will be done if you just keep it to yourself." scene w3_4482 with dissolve "It was a common, everyday exchange between mother and daughter, yet..." scene w3_4480 with dissolve rose "Me? The usual. I've been making a dent in my reading list." scene w3_4479 with dissolve " was like the persevering woman's walls instantly crumbled before my eyes, and I was catching a bare glimpse of something I had no business being privy to." scene w3_4480 with dissolve rose "No, I'm not going to..." scene w3_4482 with dissolve "........." scene w3_4484 with dissolve "......" scene w3_4483 with dissolve "..." scene w3_4485 with dissolve rose "I miss you very, {i}very{/i} much. I'll talk to you later, enjoy your swim--" scene w3_4486 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" rose "..." scene w3_4487 with dissolve rose "Heh. She always hangs up before the other person finishes speaking..." scene w3_4488 with dissolve "The Rosalind before me, for a fast fleeting moment, was a night-and-days difference from the woman who had walked into my apartment." "Not that she wasn't lovely in the first place, but {i}her present affectation was so intensely attractive.{/i}" play music "music/lobby-time.ogg" scene w3_4490 with dissolve mc "So, I've got a question for you." scene w3_4491 with dissolve rose "Okay...?" scene w3_4490 with dissolve mc "Do you... {i}regret{/i} how things have turned out?" scene w3_4489 with dissolve "On the face of it, that was a stupid question, but its roots had abruptly taken hold in me." scene w3_4492 with dissolve rose "That's random..." scene w3_4493 with dissolve mc "You just looked really happy after you got off the phone." "Intellectually I understood how much she cared for her daughter, and it was evident from her actions, but seeing her {b}positively glow{/b} was another thing entirely." mc "It was like I caught a glimpse at the absolute best version of you right now." scene w3_4494 with dissolve "And, even though they're different people, with different circumstances, it was a question I'd never be able to ask my own mother." scene w3_4495 with dissolve rose "Uh... isn't that how it goes?" scene w3_4496 with dissolve mc "What do you mean?" scene w3_4495 with dissolve rose "Everyone's got that one, two, or handful of things that cuts through the {i}blah{/i} and keeps you going." scene w3_4497 with dissolve "How it goes indeed..." scene w3_4498 with dissolve rose "Life would be dreary if you had nothing, right?" scene w3_4499 with dissolve mc "True, but I do think you're a little atypical, Rosie." scene w3_4498 with dissolve rose "Not really, but let me ask you a question..." scene w3_4499 with dissolve mc "You didn't actually answer mine, but okay. What?" scene w3_4498 with dissolve rose "What makes the day easier for you? What do you think about when things get difficult or annoying?" scene w3_4499 with dissolve mc "I don't know... does that make me dreary?" scene w3_4500 with dissolve rose "Really? You can't think of a thing?" scene w3_4501 with dissolve rose "......" rose "..." scene w3_4502 with dissolve mc "......" scene w3_4503 with dissolve mc "..." scene w3_4504 with dissolve rose "Uh, so... what were you asking?" mct "(She thinks I'm a sad sack!)" scene w3_4505 with dissolve rose "...if I wish things were different?" mc "...I wanted to know if you would do anything differently if you could. About any of this." scene w3_4506 with dissolve rose "No." scene w3_4507 with dissolve "She didn't even think about it." mc "Simple as that?" ## TD: try to figure if we've ever given this fucker a name before scene w3_4506 with dissolve rose "I was naive when I married Clive, but that man through all his faults and blunders, gave me the center of my world. If I wouldn't change that, then I have to accept everything after as a consequence." scene w3_4507 with dissolve mc "Isn't it messed up? In the scheme of things, what you owe that prick isn't a lot of money, yet..." scene w3_4508 with dissolve rose "Not a lot...?" scene w3_4509 with dissolve mc "I said in the scheme of things." "She looked at me like I was a privileged twat." scene w3_4508 with dissolve rose "Maybe it's not a lot to someone like you, but when you're left with almost no money and the interest is piling on and on, it might as well be a million dollars." scene w3_4509 with dissolve "{i}...was I a privileged twat?{/i}" scene w3_4510 with dissolve rose "I mean, should I have sold my car? It's worth only a quarter of that and I {b}need{/b} it." rose "Start selling off all my other belongings? Try to find someplace cheaper to live in {i}this{/i} city? Uproot my daughter from her life and flee?" scene w3_4507 with dissolve mc "Good points..." scene w3_4508 with dissolve rose "How does a woman like me make money quickly? There's a reality to this and we both know the answer... and I was close to putting up an ad on the internet when Mrs. Pulman dropped this in my lap." scene w3_4511 with dissolve rose "No, I wouldn't do anything different, even... {i}this{/i}." scene w3_4512 with dissolve mc "I admire that." scene w3_4513 with dissolve "It was fucked up but she had mettle." "I don't know why the thought crossed my mind, but If she did lose, she had the mettle to make her gains as a house girl." "She kinda reminded me of Dalia..." scene w3_4517 with dissolve rose "I'll take this." scene w3_4518 with dissolve "This woman was ridiculous. Cooking for me, cleaning up, doing my laundry... and she had only been here a few hours." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Do something nice for Rosalind. Probably.:" $ w3RosalindMassaged = True $ Rosalind_Affection += 1 scene w3_4519 with dissolve mc "Nuh-uh. No way." scene w3_4520 with dissolve rose "...could you be a bit more clear?" scene w3_4519 with dissolve mc "Stop playing housewife." scene w3_4520 with dissolve rose "...don't tell me what to do." scene w3_4519 with dissolve mc "Take a load off." scene w3_4520 with dissolve rose "Sitting around doing nothing isn't taking a load off." scene w3_4521 with dissolve mc "You're right, but you're not going to sit around doing nothing." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_4522 with dissolve mc "Come on!" KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" rose "Wait, if you want to have sex let me take a shower--" KN_MOD "else:" rose "Wait, what are you--" KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindMassage" KN_MOD "Let her get her chore on:" scene w3_4523 with dissolve mc "Yeah, go ahead." "I myself understood the comfort in staying busy. If she wants to do housework while she's here, well..." mc "Do what makes you happy." scene w3_4524 with dissolve "Good for me." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "Some time passed, and..." scene w3_4525 with dissolve "Heh. So much for not being the kind of tired that needed sleep." mct "(She must have really been exhausted...)" scene w3_4526 with dissolve "Me too, actually. Today had been hectic." "Between the Abel-induced existential crisis and dealing with the Rosalind thing, I felt emotionally drained." KN_MOD "if w3VeroBarDate == True:" scene w3_4527 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Bleeup!*" "It was nice having a housemate again..." scene w3_4528 with dissolve mct "(Rosalind can be my first line of defense if Abel nosferatu'd himself through my door while I'm sleeping.)" scene w3_4529 with dissolve mct "(Veronica...)" scene w3_4530 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Bleeup!*" mc "...?" scene w3_4531 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_ver from _call_phone_start_ver" KN_MOD "call message_start(Veronica, Decided to get drinks last minute.) from _call_message_start_25" KN_MOD "call message (Veronica, 9431 Henenlotter Lane. The Hideaway.) from _call_message_81" KN_MOD "call message (Veronica, Come if you want, but you dont have to.) from _call_message_82" KN_MOD "call phone_end_ver from _call_phone_end_ver" scene w3_4530 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4532 with dissolve mct "(She acts so stupid...)" scene w3_4533 with dissolve "That saves me the trouble of figuring out what to do." scene w3_4534 with dissolve "I considered inviting Rosalind along too, but I didn't really know how that would play with Veronica." "Inviting me out to drink was already a big show of trust for the Amazon, and despite my pretenses, Rosalind was her competitor..." scene w3_4535 with dissolve mct "(Yeeeeeah... still in the same clothes from yesterday.)" scene black with fade "A shower and change was in order, so I let Veronica know she could expect me in about an hour." "{i}She didn't respond{/i}." KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaDatePrep" KN_MOD "else:" "It was nice having a housemate again..." scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu roseNightInMenu1:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Rosalind Deal]{/color} It {i}really{/i} was nice having a housemate again. if roseFlag == True:" $ w3RoseStayLewd += 1 KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindNightInLewd" KN_MOD "You had a nice night in, watching a movie.:" KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindNightInPlatonic" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Rosalind Deal] It {i}really{/i} was nice having a housemate again.{/color} if roseFlag == False:" KN_MOD "jump roseNightInMenu1" KN_MOD "label w3RosalindMassage:" scene w3_4536 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sit down and relax." scene w3_4537 with dissolve rose "Nothing helps you relax like being told to relax..." scene w3_4536 with dissolve mc "I get it. You're a do or think kinda gal." scene w3_4538 with dissolve mc "I'm the same way. Constantly looking for outlets for my nervous energy." scene w3_4539 with dissolve mc "You try to be frank with yourself on an intellectual level, hoping it will unravel that knot of anxiety in your stomach, but in reality you're just playing mental abacus and shuffling it around." scene w3_4540 with dissolve rose "...and how does one do that?" mc "I guess it depends on the person, but do you find housework relaxing? Be honest." rose "Not really..." play music "music/select.ogg" scene w3_4541 with dissolve mc "Yeah, just something to do isn't the same as letting off some steam, is it?" mc "Although, I think you were on the right track when you said being away from home was a silver lining." scene rosa_mass1_a with dissolve show rosa_mass1 with dissolve "With one hand, I began to gently knead Rosalind's neck, in a blind attempt to make her feel nice." mc "In reality, what you miss is picking up after your daughter, don't you?" rose "Of course, I do... this is the longest she's ever been away from me." mc "That must make a difficult situation even harder." rose "That feels... nice..." "A little physical comfort to go hand-in-hand with some empathy and understanding. That was what I was aiming for." mc "Good. Just clear your head, think about the stuff that keeps you anchored, and let me bumble in my attempt at a massage." rose "We'll try it your way..." scene rosa_mass2_a with dissolve show rosa_mass2 with dissolve mc "Thank you, cause let me tell you. You feel {i}tense{/i}. You've got knots in your shoulders." "That was what people said during this type of thing, right?" rose "Mmhm..." "{i}I couldn't actually feel the knots{/i}." mc "In the meantime, tell me something. Do you and your daughter have a place that you'd both love to go?" mc "As in a dream vacation or whatever?" rose "Paris..." rose "I don't even remember who first thought of it, but it became a {i}thing{/i}." rose "I always pictured us going after she graduated, but that thinking that far ahead is... inconceivable." mc "Isn't a long time from now a comfortable thought?" rose "Yeah... I can't wait to see her grow into a young woman..." "......" "..." mc "What's your favorite food?" rose "Ah, mmmhhh... there's a local place, Harry's, that has the BEST cheeseburgers..." mc "Sounds like dinner." rose "Ah, yeeeah... that would be good... their fries are to die for... the seasoning is just..." mc "Hungry?" rose "I think I'll order two later..." "I could see she was coming around on the idea of taking it easy." mc "That's the spirit. The next few days, just... {i}indulge.{/i}" mc "Catch up on any shows you're behind on, order and eat anything you want, and just give it time for you to become sick of doing nothing." KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" mc "Consider it part of our deal, okay?" scene rosa_mass3_a with dissolve show rosa_mass3 with dissolve rose "Uh, huh... mmmh... yeah... I'll try..." "Rosalind was even more tired than she let on. Quickly and surely, the tension vanished from her body." "Her shoulders went slack and all resistance to my touch, the involuntary twitching and readjusting for comfort, dissipated." "In minutes, her breath evenly slowed, and I knew her consciousness was fading." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mct "(She really must be exhausted...)" scene w3_4542 with fade "Me too, actually. Today had been hectic." "Between the Abel-induced existential crisis and dealing with the Rosalind thing, I felt emotionally drained." "I didn't really know what to do, but I kinda just felt content sitting here..." KN_MOD "if w3VeroBarDate == True:" scene w3_4543 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Bleeup!*" "It WAS nice having a housemate again..." scene w3_4544 with dissolve mct "(For example, Rosalind can be my first line of defense if Abel nosferatu'd himself through my door while I'm sleeping.)" scene w3_4545 with dissolve mct "(Veronica...)" scene w3_4546 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sms-chime.wav" "*Bleeup!*" mc "...?" scene w3_4547 with dissolve KN_MOD "call phone_start_ver from _call_phone_start_ver_1" KN_MOD "call message_start(Veronica, Decided to get drinks last minute.) from _call_message_start_26" KN_MOD "call message (Veronica, 9431 Henenlotter Lane. The Hideaway.) from _call_message_83" KN_MOD "call message (Veronica, Come if you want, but you dont have to.) from _call_message_84" KN_MOD "call phone_end_ver from _call_phone_end_ver_1" scene w3_4546 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4548 with dissolve mct "(She's so stupid...)" scene w3_4549 with dissolve "That saves me the trouble of figuring out what to do." scene w3_4550 with dissolve "I considered inviting Rosalind along too, but I didn't really know how that would play with Veronica." "Inviting me out to drink was already a big show of trust for the Amazon, and despite my pretenses, Rosalind was her competitor..." scene w3_4551 with dissolve mct "(Hmm...?)" scene black with fade "A shower and change was in order, so I let Veronica know she could expect me in about an hour." "{i}She didn't respond{/i}." KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaDatePrep" KN_MOD "else:" "It was nice having a housemate again..." scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu roseNightInMenu2:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Rosalind Deal]{/color} It {i}really{/i} was nice having a housemate again. if roseFlag == True:" $ w3RoseStayLewd += 1 KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindNightInLewd" KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindNightInPlatonic" KN_MOD "You had a nice night in, watching a movie.:" KN_MOD "jump w3RosalindNightInPlatonic" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Rosalind Deal] It {i}really{/i} was nice having a housemate again.{/color} if roseFlag == False:" KN_MOD "jump roseNightInMenu2" KN_MOD "label w3VeronicaDatePrep:" scene w3_4552 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "It looked like a fairly nice place from a quick internet search, so why not dress the part?" scene w3_4553 with dissolve "It was silly." scene w3_4554 with dissolve "New haircut, nice clothes..." "I was feeling like a million bucks. I hated them, but..." mct "(Contacts it is.)" scene w3_4555 with dissolve "Taking a page from {i}She's All That{/i}..." KN_MOD "if w3HanaDP >=4:" scene black with fade play sound "sound effects/ringing-inbound.wav" "*Ring, ring...*" stop sound play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" scene w3_4556 with wipeleft mc "Hey, how's it going?" scene w3_4557 with dissolve hana "Just checking in. Seeing how you're doing." play music "music/modern-situations.ogg" scene w3_4559 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3HanaCutieCall == True:" hana "Don't expect any masturbation though." KN_MOD "else:" hana "That's a thing people do, right?" scene w3_4558 with dissolve mc "I'm good. I'm about to meet Veronica for some drinks." scene w3_4559 with dissolve hana " see the Carnations a lot outside of the club?" scene w3_4558 with dissolve mc "I do..." mc "In fact, Rosalind's spending a few days at my place right now." scene w3_4561 with dissolve hana "...yeah?" scene w3_4560 with dissolve mc "What, jealous?" scene w3_4561 with dissolve hana "Of course not, but what's the situation?" scene w3_4560 with dissolve mc "The guy she owes money to tore up her place." mc "It was a whole thing today." scene w3_4561 with dissolve hana "A thing...?" scene w3_4560 with dissolve mc "Yeah, I almost got killed." scene w3_4563 with dissolve hana "What?!" scene w3_4562 with dissolve mc "Sorry, that was a joke. I'm exaggerating." scene w3_4563 with dissolve hana " you have to deal with crap like that?" scene w3_4562 with dissolve mc "Apparently. We can't all be bourgey owners, y'know?" scene w3_4563 with dissolve hana "What about Veronica? Is she okay?" scene w3_4562 with dissolve mc "Yeah. Just trying to keep morale up there." mc "The old woman laid into the Carnations hard yesterday." scene w3_4564 with dissolve mc "What about you? What are you up to?" scene w3_4565 with dissolve hana "Well, this bourgey bitch is playing bartender for a birthday party." scene w3_4564 with dissolve mc "Whose birthday is it?" scene w3_4565 with dissolve hana "Jim's." scene w3_4564 with dissolve mc "No shit? I played cards with him today." scene w3_4565 with dissolve hana "Seems like we're both in ass-kissing mode then." scene w3_4564 with dissolve mc "August put you up to it?" scene w3_4566 with dissolve hana "He thought it would be good for me to be around." scene w3_4567 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4568 with dissolve mc "Keep your chin up." scene w3_4569 with dissolve hana "I'll try. And you be safe tonight, okay?" scene w3_4568 with dissolve mc "Will do. I'm on my way out the door, so--" scene w3_4569 with dissolve hana "Bye, [mcf]." scene w3_4570 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/phonemenu.wav" mct "(Heh, alright...)" scene w3_4571 with dissolve mct "(Now where did I put my...)" KN_MOD "else:" mct "(Now where did I put my...)" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMassaged == True:" "Rosalind was still asleep when I ventured out, so I left a note and put in a timed delivery order for those burgers she wanted." "A whole sackful of them." KN_MOD "else:" "Rosalind was still asleep when I ventured out, so I left a note and put in a timed delivery order for a pizza." "Not quite home cooking, but it's the thought that counts, right?" stop music hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica05 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) scene w3_4572 with blinds play music "music/timeless.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve $ date = "june16night" "Veronica's chosen hole-in-the-wall was aptly named." "A meager sign-posting on a side of a building led to a long stretch of stairs, and at the top of it all..." scene w3_4573 with wiperight "{i}A hideaway{/i}." "A forest of people tucked away from the city, amidst a mingling of herbal scents and the faint smell of acetone." scene w3_4574 with dissolve "...and there was Veronica, easy to spot as the tallest tree in the forest." "One thing that I noticed..." scene w3_4575 with cmet mc "So, a gay bar, huh?" "That was clear enough. As I ventured into the foliage, there was a conspicuous lack of {i}stamens{/i} amongst the flowers. " mc "I'm out of place." scene w3_4576 with dissolve ver "[mcf]..." "Veronica gave me a curious look up and down." bart "You don't have to worry. No one here is paying attention to you, sweetheart." scene w3_4577 with dissolve ver "Huh. You don't clean up so bad..." scene w3_4578 with dissolve mc "I'm not used to seeing you in regular clothes, either." "......" "..." scene w3_4579 with dissolve ver "He's a {i}friend.{/i} We work out together, so don't get any ideas, Karli." scene w3_4580 with dissolve karli "Like that helps? I know exactly the kinds of things you get up to with both your workout partners." scene w3_4581 with dissolve ver "This is Karli." karli "Charmed to meet you, [mcf]." scene w3_4582 with dissolve ver "She owns the place." karli "When Frankie told me she was waiting for someone, I was curious about {i}what{/i} was going to walk into the door." scene w3_4583 with dissolve mc "Frankie...?" mc "You two must be good friends." scene w3_4584 with dissolve ver "As a bartender, serving me drinks." scene w3_4585 with dissolve karli "Ha! I officiated her wedding." mc "And here I thought she was just standoffish with me." scene w3_4586 with dissolve karli "Aw, naaaaw... Frankie here is a sweetie." karli "She's just afraid of being teased about it." scene w3_4587 with dissolve karli "By the way... can I see your ID?" scene w3_4588 with dissolve mc "Uh... yeah?" scene w3_4589 with dissolve ver "Don't pull out your wallet. She's fucking with me." karli "I could lose my license serving a minor." scene w3_4590 with dissolve ver "I'm going to the bathroom. Get it out of your system while I'm gone." scene w3_4591 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4592 with dissolve karli "What are you drinking?" scene w3_4591 with dissolve mc "Rum with coke." scene w3_4593 with dissolve karli "You guys really friends?" scene w3_4594 with dissolve mc "Did you really officiate her wedding?" scene w3_4593 with dissolve karli "Liliana is my goddaughter." scene w3_4594 with dissolve mc "Ah..." scene w3_4595 with dissolve mc "I'm {i}trying{/i} to be her friend. Getting some drinks was my idea and--" scene w3_4596 with fade mc " took a few steps to get here. Enough steps for it to turn into Veronica's idea." karli "Well, this one's on the house if you keep trying, alright? And the next one too, since I haven't seen Frankie in ages." "Right, yeah... drinking was a luxury she really couldn't afford right now, was it?" scene w3_4597 with dissolve mc "Hey..." "And here I was casually asking her out to do it." mc "This place always this busy on a Tuesday?" scene w3_4598 with dissolve karli "It's a little on the slow side. Why do you ask?" mc "Just a random question..." "Seeing all these faces, I wonder if Veronica ever considered running a women's only gym? I mean, surely she had?" scene w3_4599 with dissolve mc "Seems like you do pretty good." karli "I like to think of us as a pillar of the community." scene w3_4600 with dissolve mc "Hmmm..." "I also couldn't help but notice a couple of women who had their eyes glued to Veronica in the short time I was here." scene w3_4601 with dissolve mc "I bet {i}Frankie{/i} is pretty popular around here." scene w3_4602 with dissolve "She looked at me like she was trying to figure out what I meant." scene w3_4603 with dissolve karli "She's a striking woman, I guess." scene w3_4602 with dissolve "That probably came off as a weird question, but it was a good reminder of just how magnetizing Veronica was." "It was easy to forget when you've paraded her around like a dog and viewed her getting demolished by a monster strap-on." scene w3_4604 with dissolve karli "She used to get approached a lot because of her looks." scene w3_4605 with dissolve karli "Quite a few have had their eyes on her tonight. Better watch yourself, gym partner." scene w3_4606 with dissolve mc "Thanks..." scene w3_4607 with dissolve ver "You tell him how you got that scar?" scene w3_4608 with dissolve karli "He didn't ask." scene w3_4609 with dissolve mc "How'd you get that scar?" scene w3_4610 with dissolve karli "Eating pineapple." scene w3_4611 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4612 with dissolve ver "Don't feel bad. No one ever laughs at that." mc "...say hello to my little friend?" scene w3_4613 with dissolve ver "Come on, let's go drink in private." scene black with fade ver "Keep 'em coming, Karli." scene w3_4614 with fade mc "I'm glad you reconsidered about tonight." mc "It's been an unusually stressful day for me, so it's good to blow off some steam." scene w3_4615 with dissolve ver "Yeah...? Tell me about it." scene w3_4614 with dissolve mc "Just club stuff on top of club stuff; the details aren't so important. So, what made you change your mind?" scene w3_4616 with dissolve ver "I didn't change my mind. I decided to go out and then I just happened to remember that you asked earlier." scene w3_4614 with dissolve mc "Right, right... yeah." "I wanted to burst out laughing, but refrained." mc "And how are you tonight?" scene w3_4617 with dissolve ver "I'm out drinking with you, aren't I?" mc "Pffh-ha!" "This time I didn't bother." scene w3_4618 with dissolve ver "...your treat, you said?" mc "Did I--" scene w3_4619 with dissolve mc "... ah, that seems like a fair trade for your time and company." scene w3_4620 with dissolve "*Glug, gluh, glug...!*" mc "Although, I won't be offended if you slow down." scene w3_4621 with dissolve ver "Aaaaaah~ work hard, play hard. I don't half-ass things." scene w3_4622 with dissolve mc "I'm pretty fond of saying that too..." scene w3_4623 with dissolve ver "So, no... seriously... what's stressful about your job? Genuinely asking." scene w3_4624 with dissolve mc "...someone broke into my house last night and then I had to deal with one of the girl's homes getting smashed up by an asshole." scene w3_4625 with dissolve ver "It isn't just all bubblegum and fucking whores?" scene w3_4624 with dissolve mc "Evidently not, but should I complain? It's hard to call any of what I've been asked to do up to this point work." scene w3_4625 with dissolve ver "Why even be a doctor then?" scene w3_4624 with dissolve mc "Hopes and dreams aside, I don't reckon playing gopher for a prostitution ring is a long-term, sustainable career path." scene w3_4626 with dissolve "Just as Veronica's lips were starting to look lonesome, a drink appeared." scene w3_4627 with dissolve ver "*Sigh* Alright, then..." mc "Alright what...?" scene w3_4628 with dissolve "*Glug, glug, glug*...!" "Just as quickly as the glass met her mouth, the contents disappeared down her gullet." scene w3_4629 with dissolve ver "You give me no choice but to play the role of older sister tonight. I'll just have to teach you how an Olympian lets loose." "Just as I had hoped, she was more receptive to coloring the night as her doing me a favor." scene w3_4630 with dissolve ver "Hurry up and finish your drink." scene w3_4631 with dissolve ver "I want to go move my body." scene w3_4632 with dissolve mc "You want to dance? With me?" scene w3_4633 with dissolve ver "It's not a marriage proposal, you dweeb." scene w3_4634 with dissolve mct "(Alright, let's...)" "......" "..." scene w3_4635 with dissolve mc "You can take the lead." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade ver "Let's go." scene w3_4636 with fade ver "YOU KNOW--" "Veronica raised the pitch of her voice, to be heard over the music." ver "I don't care who you are... you could be the best damn conversationalist in the world, but NOTHING is more revealing than dancing with a person." scene w3_4637 with dissolve mc "I don't think that's a good basis for judging character..." ver "Of course it isn't, but it's a starting point!" scene w3_4638 with dissolve play music "music/ily-baby.ogg" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "It's not like we're meeting for the first time." scene w3_4639 with dissolve ver "{b}We might be.{/b}" mc "Oh...?" scene w3_4640 with dissolve ver "Well, have we {i}met{/i} before?" scene w3_4641 with dissolve mc "Well, I've seen you--" scene vd_dance1_a with dissolve show vd_dance1 with dissolve ver "~not listening." "Veronica took the lead, spinning on her heels and corralling my attention to her waist with a flick of her hips." "A flick that continued on, to-and-fro, teeter-tottering back and forth in pursuit of the music's rhythm." "The way Veronica moved her large frame was magnetizing, a snake-charming package of power and womanly wiles that defied my preconceptions." "She was lithe." "She was graceful." scene vd_dance2_a with dissolve show vd_dance2 with dissolve "It was like her body was made for dancing. Not throwing a lead ball, not preening on a stage, but {i}writhing{/i}." "Twisting." "Bending, curving, {i}wriggling{/i}." mct "(I really shouldn't be too surprised...)" scene w3_4642 with pixellate "My mind went back to the first week's exhibition..." scene vd_dance2_a with pixellate show vd_dance2 with dissolve ver "What's the matter? Not properly lubricated?" "Resting behind her glasses was a light unseen, an expression adrift from reality, and the totality of a woman being blown along by the music as if it was the wind." ver "You don't have to force yourself, but come on... move your hips, [mcf]. Show me a bit of who you are." "Most of all, Veronica was offering me a sledgehammer to break the ice." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Dance...?:" scene vd_dance3_a with dissolve show vd_dance3 with dissolve mc "Alright, you asked for it..." "I willed myself to do something, {i}anything{/i}, and the result went how you'd expect it." mc "This is what I got!" KN_MOD "Dance...!:" scene vd_dance3_a with dissolve show vd_dance3 with dissolve mc "Alright. It's just moving your body, let's--" "I jumped into it. It's not like I've never danced before, and even though I admittedly felt a little more out-of-place than usual, I knew enough not to try to match her." mct "(Just take it easy...)" ver "That's more like it!" "The pair of us squared away, doing our own thing in pursuit of the music's beat." mct "(She didn't seem drunk, but...)" mc "How much did you drink before I got here?" ver "What? None!" "Was she always capable of this? Could she be this easygoing?" mc "You must really, REALLY like to dance!" ver "I wanted to be a dancer when I was a kid!" mc "No shit? Like ballet?!" ver "No! Like in music videos! I wanted to moonwalk!" mc "Really?!" ver "Is it? Well, my mom even bought me a fedora for a talent show!" mc "Ha! And what about pole dancing?" ver "Not a childhood dream, but it's... {b}fun!{/b} Closest a dumbass like me gets to feeling creative!" mc "Eh? You're not dumb!" ver "Yes I am, but let's not get into it!" mc "YOU'RE NOT DUMB!" scene black with fade ver "Just focus on moving your tush!" "........." "......" "..." scene w3_4643 with fade ver "You know what?! I think I need to get more drinks in you." scene w3_4644 with dissolve mc "Ha! You say that to all your dates?" scene w3_4643 with dissolve ver "This isn't a date." scene w3_4644 with dissolve mc "So, what? You don't like my dancing, then?" scene w3_4645 with dissolve ver "I didn't say that! I just think you can still loosen up!" scene w3_4646 with dissolve mc "Are you sure you're just not trying to take advantage of me?" scene w3_4647 with dissolve ver "...I'm going to go get some more drinks. You can decide what you want to do." scene w3_4648 with dissolve mc "{size=-5}I don't think she likes my dancing!{/size}" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade mc "Sure, alright! Get me one too!" "Tonight I resolved myself to put the mantra \"I'm not a big drinker\" out of mind." scene w3_4649 with circlewipe show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Wait, for real? They measure where the shot lands by hand?" scene w3_4650 with cmet "Bring on the hangover." ver "No. That's fucking weird!" mc "...really?" play music "music/timeless.ogg" scene w3_4651 with blinds "A few rounds later we were still going toe-to-toe." ver "...and what about you?" scene w3_4652 with dissolve mc "What about me?" scene w3_4651 with dissolve ver "You never thought, \"Hey, that guy's cute!\"?" scene w3_4652 with dissolve mc "Not really." scene w3_4653 with dissolve ver "Not even an \"Eh, why not?\" sort of way? I mean a pretty face is a pretty face." scene w3_4654 with dissolve mc "Any hole is a goal?" scene w3_4655 with dissolve ver "I'm not saying don't have standards! It's just, out of all the men in the world, there's no one you would go gay for?" scene w3_4656 with dissolve mc "What, like a celebrity pick?" scene w3_4657 with dissolve ver "Sure, we can go with that angle." scene w3_4658 with dissolve mc "Mmmh, well... I don't think banging Sonny Chiba is ever in my cards." scene w3_4659 with dissolve ver "Hold on, who's that?" scene w3_4660 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4661 with dissolve ver "Well, {b}that's{/b} an interesting pick." mc "I didn't pick anyone." scene w3_4662 with dissolve ver "Yeah, yeah... point is, human beings are preeeetty fucking adaptable when the situation calls for it." mc "...hmm, do you think that applies to everything?" scene w3_4663 with dissolve ver "What do you mean?" mc "Do you think other things in life - beliefs, conviction, love, right and wrong, and {i}whatever{/i} is subject to the whims of circumstance?" scene w3_4664 with dissolve ver "Of course not!" scene w3_4665 with dissolve "She said it confidently." scene w3_4666 with dissolve ver "There's stuff in life that is set in stone. North, East, South, West... {i}basic human decency{/i}, the golden rule..." scene w3_4667 with dissolve ver "...the only thing that fucks shit up is what's going on up here, but no matter how twisted up you get, there's a right and wrong. {b}Fuck yeah, there is.{/b}" scene w3_4665 with dissolve mc "That kind of perspective suits you, like a valorous knight." scene w3_4668 with dissolve ver "Ahah! And how should I take that?" scene w3_4669 with dissolve mc "From a place of goodwill, I hope." scene w3_4670 with dissolve ver "Psssh, idiot. What about you? Do you think all of life is so wishy-washy?" scene w3_4669 with dissolve "..." scene w3_4671 with dissolve "..." scene w3_4672 with dissolve mc "...should I go get us another round?" scene w3_4673 with dissolve ver "Not so fast. Answer your own question!" scene w3_4674 with dissolve mc "Well... I know that there's people in my life I want to see happy and things that I very much hope stand the test of time." mc "I don't need that written into the DNA of the universe to pursue those feelings." scene w3_4675 with dissolve ver "Alright, good enough. You can go get us another drink." scene w3_4676 with dissolve mc "Although, if I'm being intellectually honest..." ver "Nope, you had it right the first time. Go." scene w3_4677 with dissolve mc "Be right back." scene w3_4678 with wipeleft mc "Two more, please." karli "Coming right up, Captain." scene w3_4679 with dissolve karli "Enjoying the atmosphere?" mc "Oh, absolutely." mc "It's nice to finally just drink in peace without anyone hitting on me." scene w3_4680 with dissolve woman "You know, not everyone here swings that way." mc "Sounds like a bad fielding strategy." scene w3_4681 with dissolve woman "I'm here with my friend. She's new to this." scene w3_4682 with dissolve mc "New to bars?" scene w3_4681 with dissolve woman "New to picking up women and hooking up." scene w3_4683 with dissolve woman "She's over there." scene w3_4684 with dissolve mc "Oh yeah... she's cute." woman "Yeah, fucking adorable and looking for some fun." scene w3_4682 with dissolve mc "Why are you telling me this then?" scene w3_4685 with dissolve woman "Well..." scene w3_4686 with dissolve woman "My friend is interested in your friend." scene w3_4687 with dissolve mc "You're a good friend, huh?" scene w3_4688 with dissolve woman "Nah, she's a better friend than I deserve." scene w3_4689 with dissolve woman "Looks like she didn't have any luck. She's been eyeing your friend all night." scene w3_4690 with dissolve woman "She made her move as soon as you got up. Isn't that some shit?" mc "Not everyone has a wing-woman like you." scene w3_4691 with dissolve mc "So you want me to help or something?" woman "I don't know your situation, but I think you're cute and hoping you might keep my friend in mind if the big girl over there is looking for a cute, inexperienced thing." scene w3_4692 with dissolve woman "If you do that, maybe we can all be friendly with each other." mc "You're a REALLY good friend, eh?" scene w3_4693 with dissolve woman "Maybe. We'll be here another hour or two." "Like that, she went back to her friend." scene w3_4694 with dissolve mct "(Well, her friend is pretty cute... and probably a good morale booster for Veronica to end the night with.)" mct "(Maybe I should keep that in mind.)" scene w3_4695 with dissolve karli "Well, that was interesting." mc "I've bet you've seen a million things like that play out with your job.." karli "I've got my stories." scene w3_4696 with dissolve mc "Have one ready for me when I come back." karli "Sure, they're complimentary!" scene w3_4697 with dissolve mc "So, leggy models aren't your type?" scene w3_4698 with dissolve ver "Not tonight. She didn't strike my fancy." ver "Besides, I don't want to be rude. You and I are drinking." scene w3_4697 with dissolve mc "You're fucking kidding me? She was pretty hot." scene w3_4699 with dissolve ver "Don't look at me like I'm stupid. I'm valorous, remember? You said it yourself." scene w3_4700 with dissolve mc "Well, I appreciate you not abandoning me like some loser." ver "I appreciate you inviting me out tonight. It's better than being cooped up in a closet." scene w3_4701 with dissolve ver "...It's a frail thing, but I did say we'd be friends." scene w3_4702 with dissolve "Like an alcoholic exclamation mark to emphasize her sad point, Veronica tossed back her head and imbibed." scene w3_4703 with dissolve ver "The alcohol is warming my body, the dancing is fun, and your company has been surprisingly... {i}inoffensive?{/i}" scene w3_4704 with dissolve mc "My mother always said if they don't find you handsome, let them find you... {i}inoffensive.{/i}" scene w3_4705 with dissolve ver "I did say you clean up nicely, didn't I?" scene w3_4706 with dissolve mc "That was a joke, not a setup for a compliment." scene w3_4705 with dissolve ver "I know, but doesn't it feel nice to hear? What was the occasion?" scene w3_4707 with dissolve mc "Just a whim, but I'll admit it, I did end up feeling pretty good about it afterwards. It's kinda silly, isn't it?" scene w3_4708 with dissolve mc "How small things can affect your mood, I mean." scene w3_4709 with dissolve ver "The little things matter more when you're starved for positivity. That's something I've learned through my work." scene w3_4710 with dissolve mc "Does complimenting your clients keep them paying you?" scene w3_4711 with dissolve ver "My job is to make people feel good on both the inside and out, and positive reinforcement helps keep people healthy." scene w3_4712 with dissolve mct "(Positive reinforcement, huh?)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her she looks nice too.:" scene w3_4713 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You look good tonight too." scene w3_4714 with dissolve ver "You're the type who can't stand compliments, huh? Gotta give one after you get 'em?" scene w3_4713 with dissolve mc "No, I {i}really{/i} like the way you did your hair." scene w3_4711 with dissolve ver "You noticed that, huh?" scene w3_4713 with dissolve mc "How could I not? It's on top of your head." scene w3_4715 with dissolve ver "I just threw it up." scene w3_4716 with dissolve mc "Really? Not a strand's out of place and you usually wear your hair up differently." scene w3_4717 with dissolve ver "Well, shouldn't look like a slob. I'm a known face around here." scene w3_4716 with dissolve mc "Karli said it's been a while since you've been here." scene w3_4717 with dissolve ver "Yeah, it has..." scene w3_4718 with dissolve mc "Let's make the most of tonight then." scene w3_4719 with dissolve ver "...what do you have in mind?" scene w3_4729 with dissolve "If I really wanted to demonstrate my goodwill, I needed to be bold, maybe at even the cost of my pride..." KN_MOD "Pet her head and call her a good girl.:" $ Veronica_Affection -=1 scene w3_4720 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Like a dog?" ver "Shut up. Don't you even go th--" scene w3_4721 with dissolve mc "Good girl... {i}good girl{/i}..." "Perhaps it was the alcohol that caused me to risk my hand, but it nevertheless found a playful perch on top of Veronica's noggin." scene w3_4722 with dissolve mc "What? You were just extolling the value of positive reinforcement. Isn't this how you do it?" "My head rub became even more intense as I enveloped my fingertips in her fiery-red hair and finagled my way to her scalp." scene w3_4723 with dissolve ver "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "That was a look that didn't find {i}any of that{/i} as endearing." scene w3_4724 with dissolve mc "Sorry... uh..." scene w3_4725 with dissolve mc "I guess invading your personal space wasn't as funny as I thought. Heh." scene w3_4726 with dissolve ver "Definitely not drunk enough to be petted in public, you weirdo." scene w3_4727 with dissolve mc "Ah, but it'd be cool in pr--" scene w3_4728 with dissolve ver "......" "..." scene w3_4730 with dissolve "Okay, let's not compound my faux pas. Let's do something to redeem myself." scene w3_4731 with dissolve "I could invite her to dance again, and further enjoy the two of us spending time together or alternatively I could go invite that bubbly girl and her bookish friend to join us." scene w3_4732 with dissolve "If everything went well there, the night might end prematurely for me, but I will have done God's work in getting two women to bang." mct "(Hmm...)" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let go of {b}ALL{/b} your inhibitions and invite Veronica to dance.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 scene w3_4733 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Leeeeeet's..." scene w3_4734 with dissolve mc "Let's dance. I'm lubed up and you're about to be {b}impressed.{/b}" scene w3_4735 with dissolve ver "Nice phrasing." scene w3_4736 with dissolve mc "Come on. The dance floor is calling our names." "{i}I turned on the cheese.{/i}" scene w3_4737 with dissolve ver "That's perhaps the most agreeable thing that's ever come out of your mouth." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Who says you only get one chance at a first meeting?" KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaDanceOff" KN_MOD "Play wingman for Veronica.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 scene w3_4738 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "How about I find us some cute girls to drink with? That way you won't be ditching me." scene w3_4739 with dissolve ver "'re going to go try and pick up women at a lesbian bar?" scene w3_4740 with dissolve mc "I can be charming when I want to." scene w3_4741 with dissolve ver "No you can't." scene w3_4742 with dissolve mc "Wanna bet?" scene w3_4743 with dissolve ver "...what are we betting?" scene w3_4744 with dissolve mc "If I find us a couple of girls, and convince them to come drink with me, you'll call me \"your highness\" the rest of the night." scene w3_4743 with dissolve ver "What do I get?" scene w3_4744 with dissolve mc "Doesn't matter, since I'm going to win, but something?" scene w3_4743 with dissolve ver "Make it your majesty, dweeb." scene w3_4745 with dissolve mc "Alright. {b}Bet.{/b}" scene w3_4746 with dissolve ver "Bet." scene black with fade stop music fadeout 3.0 mc "Be back in a jiffy." KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaGroup" KN_MOD "label w3VeronicaDanceOff:" scene w3_4747 with fade "With mismatched strides, we lumbered the short distance to the dance floor." mc "Lucky me, this is my song." "I was about to fully embarrass myself, but that was okay." play music "music/drop-the-tapes.ogg" scene w3_4748 with dissolve ver "{b}This{/b} is your song?" mc "Yeah! Never heard this before in my life, but..." scene vd_edance1_a with dissolve show vd_edance1 with dissolve "In an act of necromancy, I threw caution to the wind." "Bone and ligament came to life, bending unnaturally under the control of a rum-fueled spell of black magic." "I was by no means a dancer, but... it was funny." mct "({i}Was dancing hard?{/i})" "Simple repetitive movements and a rare case of body over mind." "Just don't think about what you're doing." "Just don't conceive of even the faintest possibility of looking stupid." "The moment you feel a pang of doubt, {i}that's when you become stupid{/i}." "At least that was my utterly {b}soaked{/b} line of thing." "{i}Maybe I did look stupid, but who cares?{/i}" mct "(Did I know ANY of these people?)" "No." scene w3_4749 with dissolve "The only person I'll see again is Veronica and her expression said it all." ver "Geez..." "She found this amusing." scene w3_4750 with dissolve ver "You're uh... {i}night and day.{/i}" scene vd_edance1b_a with dissolve show vd_edance1b with dissolve mc "Impressed?" "......" "..." ver "Fuck, I'm not even going to lie. Kinda." "That was ALL I wanted to hear, all I needed to, before my mind retreated back into oblivion." "Words required logic, and logic risked getting tangled up in treacherous tendrils of inhibition." "{i}And right now, I was saying fuck you to inhibition{/i}." "Why? What had possessed me?" mct "({i}I don't know.{i})" "Maybe I was under the delusion that I was proving something to Veronica, that despite circumstance, in the very depths of my being existed a genuine stand of goodwill." "Could stupidly shaking my body accomplish that?" mct "{b}(Fuck you doubt!){/b}" scene w3_4751 with dissolve "Another thing in a long list of things not to think about." ver "Hmm... alright, alright... you really are full of surprises." "The only thing I needed to think about was..." scene vd_edance2_a with dissolve show vd_edance2 with dissolve mct "(The music.)" "In some ways, it was like fucking." "The same principle applied, at least." "Physical exertion. {i}Losing yourself.{/i}" "Then the thoughts receded into feelings." "{i}Memories{/i} of feelings that hung like stalactites from my brain." scene w3_4752 with pixellate "{i}Happy memories.{/i}" "Memories that, absent of ego, colored my being a lovely, warm shade." scene w3_4753 with pixellate ver "......" ver "..." scene vd_edance3_a with dissolve show vd_edance3 with dissolve "What the hell was any of this?" "I had no idea." "Not." "A." "Single." "Fucking." "Iota." "I just let the music groove me, my hips following the cries of the horn and letting my arms ride the highs and lows." "I had never moved like this before in my life, and I had a feeling, I might never again." "Was this what they called divine inspiration?" "Divine intervention?" "Serendipity?" "All I knew is it made my body tingle." "My calves burned." "All my meaty insides were sloshing around." mct "(Duh, duhduh, duhduh, duuuuh, dduhduhhh.)" mct "(Bzzz, buuuh, buh, buh!)" ".................." "..............." "............" "........." "......" "..." "Just kidding! It's not over!" ".................." "..............." "............" "........." "......" "..." mct "(Fuck yeah, I was--)" scene w3_4754 with dissolve scene w3_4755 with dissolve "--!" "Shit. I got a bit too into it and fell on my ass." scene w3_4756 with dissolve ver "Pffh, haa- haa! That was..." "My self-awareness came flooding back." "The floor was dirty and I had a few pairs of eyes on me, but..." scene w3_4757 with dissolve ver "S+ for effort, [mcf]." mc "Really...?" scene w3_4758 with dissolve ver "You should've seen yourself." scene w3_4759 with dissolve mc "I bet I looked like an idiot." scene w3_4758 with dissolve ver "You look like someone I want to dance with." scene w3_4760 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4761 with dissolve ver "Come closer, they're playing my song." scene w3_4762 with dissolve mc "It's still the same--" scene w3_4763 with dissolve ver "{b}Exactly.{/b}" scene w3_4764 with cmet "So we danced." "We weren't just two people dancing next to each other." "We were dancing together." "So we danced, body to body, imbued with a feeling of goodwill." scene w3_4765 with w20 "Maybe Veronica was onto something. Maybe you could learn a lot about somebody from the way they danced." "If that was the case, what did I learn about Veronica...?" "Nothing revelatory." "Just the first page of a long book, but at least it felt like I had finally cracked it open." scene w3_4766 with w21 "She felt things strongly, both good and bad. Through her mindfulness of my own movements, she showed care and patience." "There was a fun, sensual streak absent in her exhibition persona that she was willfully putting on display here." "Yeah... she was onto something." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3VeronicaDance:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3VeronicaDance = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "...who needed words?" "We stubbornly refused to let go of the goodwill of earlier. Instead, we absconded with a bottle of coffee liquour and made our way into the cool summer night." "......" play ambient "sound effects/waves.ogg" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaStroll" KN_MOD "label w3VeronicaGroup:" "......" "..." play music "music/edm-detection-mode.ogg" scene w3_4767 with fade ver "Goddamn it." mc "Impressed? This is Olivia and Brittany." $ unread_veronica = True $ history_veronica = "I took Veronica out and played wingman for her, hoping some brief fun would be a nice reprieve from her troubles." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" scene w3_4768 with dissolve show bioupdate with dissolve mc "Turns out, Olivia has had her eyes on you all night." hide bioupdate with dissolve scene w3_4769 with dissolve brit "Isn't she cute? Mind if we drink with you?" scene w3_4770 with dissolve olivia "Um... h-hello." scene w3_4771 with dissolve ver "...{i}hey.{/i}" scene w3_4772 with dissolve "Veronica looked very amused by the nerdy girl's faltering tone." scene w3_4773 with dissolve ver "I'm Veronica." scene w3_4774 with dissolve olivia "'re taller up close." "For a moment, it looked like Olivia was running the calculation in her head and liking what was outputted." scene w3_4775 with dissolve ver "You're deceptively forward, aren't you?" scene w3_4776 with dissolve olivia "...a-ah... was that awkward of me to say?" scene w3_4775 with dissolve ver "I'm okay with forward." scene w3_4777 with dissolve brit "Olivia's coming out of her first relationship with a woman and this is her first time trying something like this." olivia "{size=-5}Don't tell her that, she's going to think I'm a...{/size}" scene w3_4778 with dissolve ver "I get it, break ups are hard, but you want to meet new people and it's hard. I've been there." olivia " have?" scene w3_4779 with dissolve ver "Yeah, I'd love for you two to join us." brit "Awesome!" scene w3_4780 with dissolve brit "We'll take over here." "...{i}I was caught.{/i}" scene w3_4781 with dissolve ver "You set me up. You don't think I saw you and blue-hair talking?" scene w3_4782 with dissolve mc "Isn't it on you if you didn't think something was amiss when I was so confident about our bet?" scene w3_4783 with dissolve "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Insist on the bet.:" $ w3VeroHighness = True scene w3_4784 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "A bet is a bet, Veronica." scene w3_4785 with dissolve ver "So it is, your highness." KN_MOD "You were just messing around. Let the terms of your bet go. :" scene w3_4786 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Alright. Point made. The bet is invalidated." scene w3_4787 with dissolve mc "Cute girl though, isn't she?" scene w3_4788 with dissolve ver "She reminds me of someone." scene w3_4789 with dissolve mc "Who?" scene w3_4790 with dissolve ver "You." scene w3_4791 with dissolve mc "That's offensive. Do you think everyone with glasses and brown hair looks alike?" scene black with fade mc "...or does that mean I'm cute?" "Two or four people, it turned out, didn't make much of a difference. The locale's offerings were just the same." scene w3_4792 with w20 "Drinking..." scene w3_4793 with w21 "Dancing..." show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_4794 with w12 "Drinking, some more..." brit "No shiiiiiit?! That means you were on TV?!" "Olivia had her mousey charms and Brittany was {i}quite{/i} friendly." scene w3_4795 with dissolve ver "Just briefly." scene w3_4796 with dissolve olivia "Wow, that's..." "Every so often, Veronica would steal a conspiratorial glance, looking at ease." "{i}This was a good call{/i}." scene w3_4797 with dissolve ver "Not really!" "More people meant it was easier to forget about just how we were connected in the first place. One-on-one, the club lingered, but in a group... it was pure socializing." scene w3_4798 with dissolve brit ", what do {b}you{/b} do for work, [mcf]?" "Plus, it was just nice being able to sit back and not feel like I had to keep the conversation going." scene w3_4799 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3VeroHighness == True:" ver "His highness is an investment banker." "Veronica swooped in, deftly saving me from the chance of fumbling my lie." scene w3_4800 with dissolve brit "Really? Huh!" KN_MOD "else:" ver "He's an investment banker." "Veronica swooped in, deftly saving me from the chance of fumbling my lie." scene w3_4800 with dissolve brit "Really? Huh!" scene w3_4801 with dissolve ver "I mean, doesn't he look like a prick? He's got a lot of money though." "...was that her version of playing wingman?" scene w3_4802 with dissolve brit "Pftt-! You two are an odd pair!" scene w3_4803 with dissolve mc "You're one to talk, considering how different you two seem to be." scene w3_4804 with dissolve brit "It's symbiotic. I like to yak my head off and she's good at listening." scene w3_4803 with dissolve mc "Same, but instead of listening, I give Veronica someone to scowl at." scene w3_4805 with dissolve ver "I don't scowl, I... uh-" scene w3_4806 with dissolve mc "Glower? Grimace?" scene w3_4807 with dissolve ver "Shut up!" scene w3_4806 with dissolve mc "See...? See what I mean? But she makes it work for her, {i}real{/i} smoldering intensity." scene w3_4808 with dissolve olivia "Hehe~ Brittany's right. You two are funny. How long have you known each other?" scene w3_4809 with dissolve ver "Would you believe me if I said we met for the first time tonight?" scene w3_4810 with dissolve olivia "No...?" brit "Absolutely not!" ver "I guess it just feels like it then." scene w3_4811 with dissolve ver " literature? What's your--" scene w3_4812 with dissolve brit "Hey, you." scene w3_4813 with dissolve mc "They seem to be getting along." scene w3_4812 with dissolve brit "Yeah, and I should say thanks for helping me get Liv out of her shell." scene w3_4814 with dissolve mc "Thanks received, but my friend has been having a tough time too. So, {i}symbiotic{/i}." scene w3_4812 with dissolve brit "Is that why you're here tonight?" scene w3_4813 with dissolve mc "Well, I don't normally drink at lesbian bars." scene w3_4815 with dissolve brit "I guess we're kinda in the same bucket." scene w3_4816 with dissolve mc "...or is it more like a jungle?" scene w3_4817 with dissolve brit "Heh. See any snakes?" mc "Don't underestimate my friend." scene w3_4818 with dissolve brit "What do you--" brit "Woah!" scene vd_lez1_a with dissolve show vd_lez1 with dissolve mc "She's gonna eat yours alive." "It {i}was{/i} interesting to see Veronica comfortably work and hunt in her own territory." ver "It sounded like you two just needed time apart." olivia "Ah, ha, yeeeeah... that's what she said..." ver "Well... you're young, you're a student... none of it's wasted time. It's all a building block to make you the wonderful person you'll become one day." ver "Try to keep a healthy perspective on it." olivia "I know a lot of bitter people that could just easily--" scene w3_4819 with dissolve olivia "Ah-!" ver "It's difficult to build anything if frustration and bitterness prevail." ver "You'll be wonderful. You gotta think it to achieve it." scene w3_4820 with dissolve olivia "Ah, heh... you got such big hands..." scene w3_4821 with dissolve ver "You're not listening to me at all, are you?" olivia "I a-am!" scene w3_4822 with dissolve brit "Damn, no kidding, but it's what I was counting on. Someone with experience to take the lead." brit "Your friend has got total mommy vibes, y'know?" brit "Muscle~ mommy~" scene w3_4823 with dissolve mc "...are you sure we're in the same bucket?" brit "I'm just speaking objectively. FYI, I am very {i}firmly{/i} into dudes." scene w3_4824 with dissolve brit "...or is it the \"Blue is the Warmest Color\" thing I got going on up here?" scene w3_4825 with dissolve mc "I've been told everyone's a little bit gay. You wouldn't ever...?" brit "Not really my bag, but I guess there's a world. Romance and sex ARE two different things. But for me..." scene w3_4826 with dissolve brit "*Glug, glug, glug~*" scene w3_4827 with dissolve brit "Mmmh, one is a pretty narrow interest and the other is absolutely non-existent." mc "Are you saying you're a v--" scene w3_4828 with dissolve brit "No! God no! I'm aromantic!" scene w3_4829 with dissolve mc "... is that a thing outside of chemistry?" scene w3_4830 with dissolve brit "They've got a lot more words for things nowadays. It means I don't feel romantic attraction. Don't know why, it's just never clicked that way in my head." scene w3_4831 with dissolve brit "I feel the other kind of attraction though." "If I had to be honest... after Felicia, the flirtation of a normal woman seemed quaint." scene w3_4832 with dissolve mc "Isn't that called just being a guy?" scene w3_4833 with dissolve brit "You got a dim view of your gender." scene w3_4832 with dissolve mc "No, I've got a dim view of myself that I unfairly extrapolate to my gender. Don't we all?" scene w3_4834 with dissolve brit "Ha, that's--" scene w3_4835 with dissolve ver "You're not even listening to me anymore are you?" "Both our attentions were stolen by the Amazon and her companion." scene w3_4836 with dissolve olivia "Am too..." scene w3_4835 with dissolve ver "What did I say?" scene w3_4837 with dissolve olivia "You'd give me a discount." scene w3_4838 with dissolve ver "You'd be surprised at what a little strength training can do for your dating life." scene w3_4837 with dissolve olivia "I'd look so silly." scene w3_4838 with dissolve ver "I'm not saying you'd look like me, just..." scene w3_4839 with dissolve ver "{size=-5}A little extra stamina in a tight package can do wonders for nights like this." scene w3_4840 with dissolve olivia "Nights like this?" scene w3_4839 with dissolve ver "Am I being the too forward one this time?" scene w3_4841 with dissolve olivia "Uh, ummm...." olivia "{b}No.{/b}" scene w3_4842 with dissolve mc "What are we, spectators? It's kinda weird, don't you think?" scene w3_4843 with dissolve brit "Well, what do you want to talk about?" brit "I'm studying zoology, but you don't really give a shit." scene w3_4844 with dissolve mc "What's your favorite animal?" scene w3_4845 with dissolve brit "You're cute. Have I said that before?" brit "I'd rather focus on that." scene w3_4846 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4847 with dissolve brit "I'm feeling a bit... mmmh, how should I say it?" brit "Envious...? Competitive?" scene w3_4848 with dissolve mc "Competitive with your friend?" brit "Uh huh. Does that even make any fucking sense? The brain's funny, but there's something about the vibe that's... well..." scene w3_4849 with dissolve ver "You be the one to do it." scene w3_4850 with dissolve olivia "......" olivia "..." scene w3_4851 with dissolve brit "It's like seeing a waiter bring out a tasty-looking dessert to another table. You start {i}missing.{/i}" scene vd_lez2_a with dissolve show vd_lez2 with dissolve brit "Isn't my friend just a {i}snack?{/i}" "She was one weird chick, but the sight playing out before us did confirm that I had successfully handed Veronica off for the night." brit "We should probably give them some space. Don't want to be third wheelin'..." "Was I just going to go home now, or...?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tell her you have a girlfriend and go home. if hanaGF == True:" scene w3_4852 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Sorry, this would be a good time to tell you I have a girlfriend." scene w3_4853 with dissolve brit "Aaaaah. Got it." "She seemed pretty cool about it. She didn't make it awkward or, if she was second guessing if I was telling the truth, her face bore an inscrutable smile." scene w3_4854 with dissolve brit "I'll call tonight a win regardless." mc "Yeah. Looks like we both succeeded in our mission tonight." brit "And how." scene w3_4855 with dissolve mc "Hey, Vero." scene w3_4856 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4857 with dissolve ver "Y-yeah?" scene w3_4858 with dissolve mc "I'm going to head out. You seem to be in good hands." brit "Me too, Liv." scene w3_4859 with dissolve olivia "Oh, no, you don't- we can-" brit "Enjoy yourself munchkin." ver "Hey, [mcf]. C'mere." scene w3_4860 with dissolve mc "Yeah...?" ver "A little closer." scene w3_4861 with dissolve mc "Yeeeeah....?" scene w3_4862 with dissolve ver "Thanks for tonight." scene w3_4863 with dissolve mc "You got it." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "With that, I parted. Picking up the tab and heading home drunk and by my lonesome." "Yet, somehow... I felt pretty warm and good on the inside." KN_MOD "jump w3June16EndHalf" KN_MOD "Go home. if hanaGF == False:" scene w3_4854 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "Looks like we both succeeded in our mission tonight." brit "And how." scene w3_4855 with dissolve "Thankfully, Brittany picked up on the fact that I wasn't feeling it and saved us any awkwardness." mc "Hey, Vero." scene w3_4856 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4857 with dissolve ver "Y-yeah?" scene w3_4858 with dissolve mc "I'm going to head out. You seem to be in good hands." brit "Me too, Liv." scene w3_4859 with dissolve olivia "Oh, no, you don't- we can-" brit "Enjoy yourself munchkin." ver "Hey, [mcf]. C'mere." scene w3_4860 with dissolve mc "Yeah...?" ver "A little closer." scene w3_4861 with dissolve mc "Yeeeeah....?" scene w3_4862 with dissolve ver "Thanks for tonight." scene w3_4863 with dissolve mc "You got it." stop music fadeout 3.0 scene black with fade "With that, I parted. Picking up the tab and heading home drunk and by my lonesome." "Yet, somehow... I felt pretty warm and good on the inside." KN_MOD "jump w3June16EndHalf" KN_MOD "Be bold. No harm in both of you having some fun tonight.:" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" $ hanaTwoTime = True $ hanaCheat +=1 scene w3_4864 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "You think I'm cute, do you?" scene w3_4865 with dissolve brit "{b}Very{/b} cute." scene w3_4864 with dissolve mc "Well, looks like we both succeeded in our mission tonight." scene w3_4866 with dissolve mc "It wouldn't hurt for us to have some fun." "She said she liked the vibe worming its way in from our periphery..." scene w3_4867 with dissolve mc "May I...?" scene w3_4868 with dissolve mct "(I could muster some of that.)" scene w3_4869 with dissolve mc "Come closer." brit "Alright~" scene w3_4870 with dissolve mc "Not like that." "I nodded toward Veronica and her lap warmer, hoping she'd get the picture." scene w3_4871 with dissolve brit "..." scene w3_4872 with fade "She got the message, all the while looking like she wanted to say something, but stopping herself in favor of reading my expression." "......" scene w3_4873 with dissolve "..." mc "Wanna make a bet?" scene w3_4874 with dissolve brit "Suuuure~" scene w3_4873 with dissolve mc "I've got the biggest dick you've never seen." scene w3_4875 with dissolve brit "Does that line usually work?" scene w3_4876 with dissolve mc "You're the first one I've tried it on. You're not a-curious too, are you?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_4877 with dissolve brit "......" brit "..." scene w3_4878 with dissolve brit "Heheh~" scene black with fade "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3BathroomFrollick" KN_MOD "label w3VeronicaStroll:" scene w3_4879 with wet "The music no longer reached us, but our bodies did not know that." "Every step into the inky black night was devil-may-care, as we made way too much fucking noise, all sense of propriety vacated by our earlier revelry." scene w3_4880 with dissolve ver "--Then the son of a bitch flew out the door and shouted \"he's in the laundry room\" and I had never seen someone so blinded by rage before. I thought I was going to see someone die that night." "I never liked the feeling of {i}otherness{/i} that came from partying, but right now, it felt liberating." scene w3_4881 with dissolve mc "Why the hell did he snitch like that?" ver "Thought it would be funny I guess." mc "Man, that's fucked up. Did your friend get hurt?" $, 3, channel = "ambient") play music "music/smooth-and-cool.ogg" fadein 6.0 scene w3_4882 with dissolve ver "Nah. Luckily, the team held him back until he came to his senses, but THAT'S why you shouldn't fuck around with Roman candles." mc "I was... I was just joking. Heh..." scene w3_4883 with dissolve "So she didn't like my bad idea." mc "Like we could even find a fireworks store open at this time of the evening..." scene w3_4884 with dissolve "......" scene w3_4885 with dissolve "..." scene w3_4886 with dissolve "Was {i}she{/i} the responsible one right now?" scene w3_4887 with dissolve mc "It's a nice night, don't you agree? I don't get to this side of the city too often." scene w3_4888 with dissolve mc "Ahhhh-" "I paused for a moment to listen to the sound of waves breaking against the city's edge, as well as take in the briny sea smell." scene w3_4889 with dissolve "We were alone." "Surprisingly alone, in stark contrast to the jungle of people from whence we had escaped." scene w3_4890 with dissolve mc "Yep, it's really nice." ver "I, uh... heh..." mc "You don't think so?" scene w3_4891 with dissolve ver "If you make fun of me, I'm going to punch you." scene w3_4892 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4891 with dissolve ver "I think it's kinda scary." scene w3_4892 with dissolve "I waited, giving her time to elaborate." scene w3_4891 with dissolve ver "If I think about it, I find it... {b}suffocating.{/b}" scene w3_4893 with dissolve ver "The city's pushing at our back, the sky's covering us like a dark blanket, and in front of us..." ver "A black and swirling void. It's like there's no escaping." scene w3_4894 with dissolve mc "Ah, so you're a sad drunk, eh?" scene w3_4895 with dissolve ver "I'm going to hit you." scene w3_4896 with dissolve mc "The big woman's afraid of the dark, eh?" scene w3_4897 with dissolve ver "I'm really going to--" scene w3_4898 with dissolve mc "It's cool. I slept with a nightlight until I was ten." ver "I'm not afraid of the--" mc "I know, but can I offer a different perspective?" scene w3_4899 with dissolve "A frustrated frown told me to continue." mc "The city's behind us. It's nice to feel {i}away{/i} and {b}apart{/b} for once." mc "I mean... instead of being choked up about it, why not finally breathe?" scene w3_4900 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4901 with dissolve ver "Aaaah-" "In the same exaggerated motion as me." scene w3_4902 with dissolve ver "Smells like a salty shit." scene w3_4903 with dissolve mc "Ha! You're... ah.. haha..." mc "I like the way you think." scene w3_4904 with dissolve ver "And you're a bag of surprises yourself." scene w3_4905 with dissolve mc "Believe me when I say I'm not normally this loosey-goosey." scene w3_4906 with dissolve ver "Does that usually disarm women?" scene w3_4907 with dissolve mc "Do you think I'm trying to get in your pants tonight?" scene w3_4908 with dissolve ver "...ah, who knows? Seems likely." scene w3_4907 with dissolve mc "You cocky bitch." scene w3_4906 with dissolve ver "Just admit it, you've got some hope in the back of your mind." scene w3_4907 with dissolve mc "Why do you always think that?" scene w3_4908 with dissolve ver "Because I'd try in your position." scene w3_4909 with dissolve "She was fond of saying that too." scene w3_4910 with dissolve mc "*Sigh* If I {i}just{/i} wanted to bang you, do you think I'd jump through this many hoops when I could just wait for the inevitable sometime over the next two weekends?" scene w3_4911 with dissolve ver "Maybe, but the thrill's in the conquest. Having something handed to you for free isn't nearly as fun." scene w3_4912 with dissolve mc "...and is that what you think I'm doing tonight?" scene w3_4913 with dissolve "......." "..." scene w3_4914 with dissolve mc "I didn't ask you out tonight scheming to fuck you." scene w3_4915 with dissolve ver "Honestly? I know you didn't." ver "You wouldn't have danced like an embarrassing idiot if you were looking to get laid, but..." scene w3_4916 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4917 with dissolve mc "...but what?" scene w3_4918 with dissolve ver "But {b}pride{/b} is a son of a bitch. I'm in this stupid competition because of it, and even now I'm fighting back an irrational anger that tonight has just been you looking down on me." scene w3_4919 with dissolve mc "You're too tall for me to look down on." scene w3_4920 with dissolve ver "Ha, ha. {i}Funny fucker.{/i}" scene w3_4921 with dissolve mc "I'm actually semi-serious. I'm in no position in my own life to be looking down on anyone." scene w3_4922 with dissolve ver "When has a little self-awareness ever gotten in the way of that?" scene w3_4923 with dissolve mc "This hasn't been some sort of pity party, either." ver "I know! I said it was irrational!" scene w3_4924 with dissolve "......" scene w3_4925 with dissolve mc "'s hard to let go, isn't it?" scene w3_4926 with dissolve ver "It's so fucking hard, [mcf]. You have no idea." scene w3_4925 with dissolve mc "Well, you're in this stupid competition because of it." scene w3_4927 with dissolve ver "Wow! How {i}did{/i} you know?" scene w3_4928 with dissolve mc "I'm an insightful drunk, with a working short-term memory." scene w3_4927 with dissolve ver "Well, yeah, news flash! Pride's a prickly bitch! Who doesn't know that?" scene w3_4928 with dissolve mc "...yet, it's good to have pride in some things." scene w3_4929 with dissolve ver "Of course it is! A woman {b}should{/b} have pride!" scene w3_4930 with dissolve ver "Pride in your work." ver "Pride in your family." ver "Pride in your person." scene w3_4931 with dissolve mc "...but too much of anything is a bad thing?" ver "That's what makes it so thorny. Cause like I said..." mc "Yeah. {i}We're here{/i}... at least you can say you're aware of it." scene w3_4932 with dissolve ver "Well, I'm a \"life coach\", remember? I'd be a shit one if I wasn't aware of what was fucking me in the ass." scene w3_4933 with dissolve mc "Elegantly put." scene w3_4934 with dissolve "......" scene w3_4935 with dissolve mc "...I think, on some levels, refusing to let go of certain things is normal. I've seen it enough, at least." scene w3_4936 with dissolve "Ian. My mother. Even myself." scene w3_4937 with dissolve ver "{i}Personally{/i} speaking?" scene w3_4938 with dissolve mc "...yeah, and in other people too. But the details aren't important." scene w3_4937 with dissolve ver "We're having a conversation aren't we? Fucking share something with me, you prick." scene w3_4939 with dissolve mc "...ha, fair enough." scene w3_4940 with dissolve ver "Uhg, but let's sit down first. The smell of the water is making me dizzy..." scene w3_4941 with dissolve mc " what the fuck were we yammering about?" scene w3_4942 with dissolve ver "You were {i}just{/i} bragging about your short-term memory." scene w3_4941 with dissolve mc "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "I was {i}keenly{/i} feeling the effects of our drinking myself, but I wasn't going to blame it on the sea." scene w3_4942 with dissolve ver "I wanted you to add your {b}own{/b} experience to this conversation. {b}So we can actually have one{/b}, instead of you just leeching off my side of things so you can get away spot clean." scene w3_4943 with dissolve "........." "......" scene w3_4944 with dissolve mc "Okay, uh... on the subject of pride and letting go... I really do get why you're doing what you're doing." mc "I understand just how much a place can mean to someone." scene w3_4945 with dissolve mc "Ideals live on up here." scene w3_4946 with dissolve mc "And they say people live on in here, but..." scene w3_4947 with dissolve "Veronica shifted her posture, seemingly quite interested in what I had to say." scene w3_4948 with dissolve mc "A home, or {i}a gym{/i} isn't just four walls with some stuff inside of them. Sometimes we give hallways, rooms, and corridors a deep meaning that we don't want to let go of." mc "After my dad died, my mom fought tooth and nail to keep things the same. Things {i}weren't{/i} the same of course, but the trappings were familiar." scene w3_4949 with dissolve mc "Same home, same school, {i}same TV channels.{/i}" mc "As illogical as it is, I don't necessarily think it's stupid or silly to hold onto that meaning." scene w3_4950 with dissolve mc "We're human beings. That's how we fuckin' roll, eh?" scene w3_4951 with dissolve ver "...guess you do kinda get it." scene w3_4952 with dissolve mc "Even more than that, actually..." scene w3_4953 with dissolve "She looked at me, waiting for even more." "...but should I continue?" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Youre drunk. Be brutally honest.:" $ w3VeronicaShared = True scene w3_4954 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "That tooth and nail I was talking about? It's... not all that dissimilar to what you're doing." scene w3_4955 with dissolve ver "I'd be surprised..." scene w3_4956 with dissolve mc "You know... she... uh..." scene w3_4957 with dissolve mc "Eh? You know?" scene w3_4958 with dissolve "I don't know why I didn't just say it outright. I was certainly capable of it." scene w3_4957 with dissolve mc "On camera." scene w3_4958 with dissolve ver "Ah..." scene w3_4959 with dissolve mc "So, yeah. I get both the reason and the directions that can take you." mc "I wish I didn't. It's actually kinda done a number on me..." scene w3_4960 with dissolve ver "I bet. My dad fucked up my shit and he did it in a socially acceptable way." scene w3_4959 with dissolve mc "There's nothing shameful about it!" scene w3_4960 with dissolve ver "I wasn't saying there was." scene w3_4959 with dissolve mc "...sorry, I know. I don't know why I feel so defensive all of a sudden." scene w3_4960 with dissolve ver "Opening up to someone can do that." scene w3_4961 with dissolve "...wait, is that what I'm doing? When did I start opening up to {i}Veronica{/i} of all people? Or am I just leveraging my past as part of my job?" scene w3_4954 with dissolve mc "To keep it on topic, I guess it's a thing I can't let go of. Never have been, ever since I learned about it." mc "Logically I know it's not a big deal, but it's always lingered in the back of my mind. Especially now that I have this job, I've been thinking about it more and more lately." scene w3_4962 with dissolve mc "I see it in Rosalind. I see it in you. I even see it in Felicia." scene w3_4963 with dissolve "........." scene w3_4959 with dissolve mc "...I wish the best for you three." scene w3_4960 with dissolve ver "I believe you." scene w3_4954 with dissolve mc " do?" scene w3_4964 with dissolve ver "Yeah." scene w3_4965 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4966 with dissolve ver "Makes sense too. You've got to be all sorts of screwy to hug a crying, naked woman, and tell her you want to be a friend." scene w3_4967 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4962 with dissolve mc ", I shared. What about you?" mc "Are you having second thoughts about your choices?" scene w3_4955 with dissolve ver "I was just saying you're an easy target for my anger and I know it." KN_MOD "Dont overshare.:" scene w3_4962 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "With the way you brought up the pride stuff.. are you having second thoughts about your choices?" scene w3_4955 with dissolve ver "I was just saying you're just an easy target to be angry at and I know it." scene w3_4968 with dissolve mc "Well... it's not {i}entirely{i} unwarranted." scene w3_4969 with dissolve ver "Maybe, but my dumb brain does think being angry at other people is better than being angry at myself, which is, let me tell you... {b}nooooot{/b} helpful." scene w3_4968 with dissolve mc "At least it's a motivator, right?" scene w3_4969 with dissolve ver "Yeah, one that's just as likely to have you do something stupid as much as {i}whatever{/i}." scene w3_4968 with dissolve mc "This plays out in your head a lot?" scene w3_4969 with dissolve ver "Too much. It'd even be {i}fascinating{/i} if it didn't sting like a bitch." scene w3_4970 with dissolve ver "I mean... the way you can know a decision is stupid, knowing what the outcome will be, yet you do it anyway?" ver "Smoking... over-eating... holding onto a failing business and, in the process, convincing the one person you found that could actually stomach you that you're {i}really{/i} {b}everything{/b} you're afraid you are." scene w3_4971 with dissolve ver "Sometimes I'm not even sure if I have a good reason to be angry anymore, but I can't turn it off. It's like watching a knife enter your body in slow-motion and just letting it happen." scene w3_4972 with dissolve mc "Are you sure you're not having second thoughts?" "...was I asking because it was my job to make sure she wasn't or was it? Was that it, or...?" scene w3_4973 with dissolve ver "Never, ever. Until the bitter end. That's just how my stupid heart works." scene w3_4974 with dissolve "Or was what I'm feeling right now a genuine pang of concern?" "......" scene w3_4975 with dissolve mc " look like you could use a drink." scene w3_4976 with dissolve ver "...thanks." scene w3_4977 with dissolve "There {i}was{/i} something bugging me about her words..." scene w3_5025 with dissolve mc "I'm going to say something, even though you're going to think I have ulterior motives." scene w3_5026 with dissolve ver "Just say it." scene w3_5027 with dissolve mc "Well, it's been a lot of dumb brain this and stupid heart that, but..." "It {i}was{/i} my job to make sure she kept trucking, but that didn't mean I didn't believe what I was about to say." mc "I think you're pretty cool. Nah, actually..." scene w3_5028 with dissolve mc "I know you're pretty cool. You're tenacious, you know?" mc "Like, seriously? The balls on you to try and unionize the Carnations yesterday." scene w3_5029 with dissolve ver "Not really. I'm just throwing myself against walls." scene w3_5030 with dissolve mc "There's something romantic to be said of going down kicking and screaming." scene w3_5031 with dissolve ver "From your comfortable, dick-swinging perspective maybe." scene w3_5032 with dissolve mc "Just take the fucking compliment! You're a strong person and you have some qualities that I {i}genuinely{/i} admire." mc "You hold yourself to a standard, you're clearly hard-working, you keep moving, and you're willing to self-reflect." "Some of her decisions may be questionable, but..." scene w3_5033 with dissolve mc "You're fucking cool. No question about it." scene w3_5034 with dissolve ver "......" ver "..." scene w3_5035 with dissolve ver "{i}Stupid{/i} kid." scene w3_5036 with dissolve mc "{i}Dumb{/i} old bitch." scene w3_5037 with dissolve ver "Ah, hehehe~" "......" scene w3_4977 with dissolve "..." "As our words receded, and there was only moonlight between us, I was left with an impression." scene w3_4978 with dissolve "Despite her defeatism, or maybe in tandem with it, the moon lent Veronica's pale skin a transient, ethereal-like beauty." scene w3_4979 with dissolve "I hadn't invited her out to make a move on her, {i}that was the truth{/i}, but at the moment..." scene w3_4980 with dissolve "I'd be full of shit if I said I didn't feel a pull right about now." scene w3_4981 with dissolve ver "What a strange pair of drinking buddies we are." scene w3_4982 with dissolve mc "You said it." scene w3_4983 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_4984 with dissolve ver "Pffh!" mc "...what is it?" scene w3_4985 with dissolve ver "Your face is red!" mc "...I'm drunk." scene w3_4986 with dissolve ver "'s even redder now that I mentioned it!" mc "I'll just have to take your word for it, since I can't see my own face or feel it for the matter." mc "Speaking of which..." scene w3_4987 with dissolve "I don't half-ass things. Let's never feel my face again~" "........." "......" "..." scene w3_4988 with dissolve mct "(Ah...?)" mc "Mmmmmhh...?" scene w3_4989 with dissolve mc "...s'all gone." scene w3_4990 with dissolve mc "We should've lifted two bottles. What the hell do we do now?" scene w3_4991 with dissolve ver "Should we just call it a night?" scene w3_4990 with dissolve mc "Is that what you want to do?" scene w3_4992 with dissolve ver "Not really. Go home and sleep in my closet? {b}Fuck.{/b}" scene w3_4993 with dissolve ver "I mean..." scene w3_4994 with dissolve ver "{b}Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!{/b}" scene w3_4995 with dissolve "Veronica screamed into the night, but the only thing that called back was a pale imitation." scene w3_4996 with dissolve ver "If it's up to me, I'll take this salty-shit air, thank you very much." scene w3_4997 with dissolve mc "........." mc "......" scene w3_4998 with dissolve mc "...alright. That settles it. We may be out of booze, but..." scene w3_4999 with dissolve mc "We still have our feet." scene w3_5000 with dissolve ver "Pssh, what? Yeah... yeah right." mc "I thought you loved dancing." scene w3_5001 with dissolve ver "You want to drunkenly dance in the moonlight?" mc "... uh, which part of that is the problem? Is it cause there's no music?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_5002 with dissolve mc "If that's the case, {b}hoooold on{/b}, I can fix that." mc "It's a poor stand-in for a stereo and we've got shit acoustics, but--" scene w3_5003 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_5004 with dissolve mc "{b}Here.{/b}" play music "music/blue-mood.ogg" fadein 3.0 scene w3_5005 with dissolve mc "And the Lord said, let there be music!" scene w3_5006 with dissolve "........." "......" scene w3_5007 with dissolve ver "...this is so stupid." scene w3_5008 with dissolve mc "You didn't think it was stupid when there were people around, so why is it stupid now?!" scene w3_5009 with dissolve ver "...because I said it is!" scene w3_5008 with dissolve mc "Oh, is that it?" scene w3_5009 with dissolve ver "How do you not think it is?!" scene w3_5010 with dissolve mc "Juuuust dance with me, Veronica. Pleeeeease!!!" mc "It's a nice night." scene w3_5011 with dissolve "..............." scene w3_5012 with dissolve "............" "........." scene w3_5011 with dissolve "......" scene w3_5013 with dissolve ver "...fine!" scene w3_5014 with dissolve ver "One more dance to end the night, okay?!" scene w3_5015 with dissolve mct "(...what am I doing?)" mct "(Why aren't I just going home?)" "Those questions fought hard to penetrate through the inebriated fog." scene w3_5016 with dissolve ver "...but let's do it slowly." scene w3_5017 with dissolve mc "Right. Don't want to get dizzy, do we?" scene w3_5018 with dissolve ver "...that means you should use your scrawny arms to hold onto me." scene w3_5019 with dissolve mc "Like this?" scene w3_5020 with dissolve ver " need to be ginger about it. Go lower, grab my waist." scene w3_5021 with dissolve mc "You sure are demanding for someone blasé on the idea." scene w3_5022 with dissolve ver "I mean, if we're going to dance by the ocean - AT NIGHT - how else would we do it?" scene w3_5021 with dissolve mc "Alright~" scene w3_5023 with dissolve "Quickly, and with feeling, I pulled us chest-to-chest." "My head felt fuzzy, too fuzzy, and Veronica deceptively soft." scene w3_5024 with dissolve mc "Shall we?" $, 3, channel = "ambient") scene w3_5038 with dissolve "That was how, enveloped on all sides by darkness, we began our dance." scene w3_5039 with dissolve "Surprisingly, I took the lead, the headstrong woman ceding to my sluggish movements." scene w3_5040 with dissolve ver "Your choice in music is weird..." scene w3_5039 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" mc "Yeah? You don't like it? And what's on your workout mix, Ronnie? Speed metal?" KN_MOD "else:" mc "Yeah? You don't like it? And what's on your workout mix? Speed metal?" scene w3_5041 with dissolve ver "...uh, mostly a mix of early 2000s pop songs." scene w3_5039 with dissolve mc "Damn. You're old." scene w3_5042 with dissolve ver "What? You were alive then too!" scene w3_5043 with dissolve mc "Barely. The first ten years of your life hardly count as living." scene w3_5044 with dissolve ver "Fuck you, you're a baby." $, 2, channel = "ambient") scene w3_5045 with dissolve mc "Hehehe-" scene w3_5046 with dissolve "In actuality, I don't think either of us was dancing to the shallow sound of my phone's speakers, nor was it the breaking of the waves that timed our steps." scene w3_5047 with dissolve "The playback was entirely in our murky, diluted heads." scene w3_5046 with dissolve ver "Well, maybe this wasn't a stupid idea..." scene w3_5049 with dissolve mc "You sure you're not saying that because it beats the alternative?" scene w3_5046 with dissolve ver "Pretty sure..." KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaBeachKiss" KN_MOD "label w3VeronicaBeachKiss:" KN_MOD "if _in_replay:" play ambient "sound effects/waves.ogg" scene w3_5047 with dissolve "Even if my senses were dull, the mood being what it was, the question that I should've been asking myself finally surfaced." "{i}What exactly was I doing by asking her to dance alone like this?{/i}" scene w3_5046 with dissolve "Was Veronica on the money with her accusation? Was I going in for the kill on a lonely, liquored-up divorced woman on a hot summer night?" "{i}Did I simply want to dance with a \"friend\", full stop?{/i} Was I just seeing where it all lead?" scene w3_5048 with dissolve mct "(What am I doing...?)" "For a moment that turned into minutes, I didn't search for the answer to that question, as it would be difficult to outright untangle it from the muddied mess caking the inside of my skull." scene w3_5050 with dissolve "So for minutes that turned into a big moment, it just sat square in my brain, marinating until the answer cooked itself." scene w3_5051 with dissolve "Until the mood was thick, and I was all too conscious of the red-headed beauty." scene w3_5052 with dissolve mc "Your face is red." scene w3_5053 with dissolve ver "...the night's cool and you're warm." scene w3_5054 with dissolve "There {i}was{/i} somethings I implicitly knew about this situation, however." scene w3_5055 with dissolve "I knew I enjoyed her company tonight." "I knew, without a doubt, I found Veronica attractive." scene w3_5056 with dissolve "I also knew that with one willful act she may very well give herself to me." "Yet, rejected or not, all the goodwill I built over the past few days might just be expended in an instant." "...but what was the point of this goodwill? It would all evaporate in a week and a half, and we would never see each other again. This night might be the one chance for me to have her on our own terms." scene w3_5055 with dissolve "The cautious side of my brain, bogged down by rum and desperate to be heard, whispered not to do it." "However, the uninhibited animal side of my brain, emboldened by the liquor, was much more certain of the outcome." hide screen qmenu with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Do it.:" pass KN_MOD "Do it.:" pass KN_MOD "Dont do it.:" scene w3_5057 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve "Whether it would happen for the right or wrong reasons, I pulled back." "I resisted." KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True and w3MinaRejection == False and minaCleanStart == False:" show screen qmenu with dissolve mct "(I would...)" scene w3_5080 with pixellate "Keep my promise." "It doesn't do to be greedy..." scene w3_5058 with pixellate KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_5058 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve ver "You had a pretty obvious look on your face." scene w3_5059 with dissolve mc "No, I didn't." scene w3_5058 with dissolve ver "Did too." scene w3_5059 with dissolve mc "...I'm drunk." scene w3_5057 with dissolve "I offered the same excuse as last time." scene w3_5058 with dissolve ver "Yeah... we are..." scene w3_5057 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_5060 with dissolve ver "I guess you changed your mind." scene w3_5061 with dissolve "The pull wasn't just in my head; there was a moment there and she had felt it too." scene w3_5062 with dissolve mc "What are you talking about? Isn't {i}this{/i} nice?" scene w3_5060 with dissolve ver "It takes some getting used to, but..." scene w3_5058 with dissolve ver "Yeah. Turns out I'm starved for this kinda sappy shit." scene w3_5059 with dissolve mc "You know earlier... I never danced like that before in my life. It was fun." mc "Guess you brought it out of me..." scene w3_5058 with dissolve ver "You're not going to blame the alcohol for the third time tonight?" stop music fadeout 3.0 scene w3_5059 with dissolve mc "Credit where credit is due." scene w3_5063 with dissolve mc "Ah... the song's over..." scene w3_5064 with dissolve ver "Who cares? Let's just keep on for a little while... please?" scene w3_5065 with dissolve mc "Sure, I don't have anywhere to be..." scene w3_5066 with dissolve "It felt reassuring that this time she was the one to pull me into the hug." "Veronica's grip {i}was{/i} secure and comforting..." mct "(Wouldn't it be nice if this night went on longer...?)" scene black with fade "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "On second thought.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 2 KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" $ hanaTwoTime = True $ hanaCheat +=1 scene w3_5067 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Ah, fuck it!)" ver "Mmmh...?!" scene vd_promekiss1_a with dissolve show vd_promekiss1 with dissolve "The mood's the fucking mood. Screw my doubts, screw the calculus of \"goodwill\" - whatever the fuck that is." "Veronica is open to this just as much as I am." scene w3_5068 with dissolve ver "I wasn't saying I'm starved-- I w-wasn't looking for you to ki--" scene vd_promekiss1_a with dissolve show vd_promekiss1 with dissolve ver "MMmhhh!" "Despite her protest, she was quick to kiss me back." "Her tongue explored my mouth with a remarkable degree of control." "To my mind and my body, it seemed an explosive taste of things to come." scene vd_promekiss2_a with dissolve show vd_promekiss2 with dissolve ver "Ah, hhhh~ *chwup~*" "It told me that what came after this wouldn't be one-sided, and there was a growing anticipation in my perverted heart about how she might use her strength and flexibility on me..." ver "Mmmhh, hhh..." "...or how I might bend those qualities to my pleasure." mct "(The challenge of conquest...)" "{b}Goddamn it...{/b} she wasn't {i}wrong.{/i}" scene w3_5069 with dissolve mc "A-ah... About our conversation earlier..." scene w3_5070 with dissolve ver "What part of it...?" scene w3_5069 with dissolve mc "Good, doesn't matter. Just don't say I told you so." scene vd_promekiss3_a with dissolve show vd_promekiss3 with dissolve "{i}I really hadn't asked her out to drink intending this.{/i}" "However..." scene w3_5071 with dissolve "Intentions don't mean much when put against a tall, full-bodied, lonely beauty." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 $, 0, channel = "ambient") "........." "......" "..." KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaFinallyFuckingPraiseBe" KN_MOD "Stick to your guns.:" $ renpy.end_replay() $ unread_veronica = True $ history_veronica = "I took Veronica out, hoping it would be a nice reprieve from her troubles. I thought better of making a move." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "No, this was a good place to end it." hide bioupdate with dissolve stop ambient KN_MOD "jump w3June16EndHalf" KN_MOD "Do it.:" pass $ Veronica_Affection += 2 KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" $ hanaTwoTime = True $ hanaCheat +=1 stop music show screen qmenu with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve scene vd_promekiss1_a with dissolve ver "Mmmmhh..." scene vd_promekiss1_a with dissolve show vd_promekiss1 with dissolve "The animal side of me knew she wouldn't rebuff me. Veronica was like a wounded deer, after all." "She didn't fight it." "She didn't push me away." "She didn't even act surprised." "No, like she was expecting it, she kissed me back." ver "Mmmhhhh-" scene vd_promekiss2_a with dissolve show vd_promekiss2 with dissolve "She was showing me that she needed this as much as I wanted it and that she would give as good as she got." ver "Ah, haaammm-" "She was showing me that it wouldn't be so one-sided, filling me with a growing anticipation in my perverted heart about how she might use her strength and flexibility on me..." ver "Mmmhh, hhh..." "...or how I might bend those qualities to my pleasure." mct "(The challenge of conquest...)" "{b}Goddamn it...{/b} she wasn't {i}wrong.{/i}" scene w3_5069 with dissolve mc "You can blame it on the alcohol and hate me in the morning..." scene w3_5070 with dissolve ver "Yeah, I may just take you up on that..." scene vd_promekiss3_a with dissolve show vd_promekiss3 with dissolve "{i}I really hadn't asked her out to drink intending this.{/i}" "Not that it matters." scene w3_5071 with dissolve show screen textbox2 with dissolve KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3VeronicaKiss:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3VeronicaKiss = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "Intentions don't mean much when put against a tall, full-bodied, lonely beauty." stop ambient fadeout 3.0 $, 0, channel = "ambient") $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3VeronicaFinallyFuckingPraiseBe" KN_MOD "label w3VeronicaFinallyFuckingPraiseBe:" $ w3VeronicaSex = True play music "music/jazz-piano-bar.ogg" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene w3_5072 with Dissolve (4.0) "Veronica had no desire to shack up at the gym and my place was out for the obvious reason." "So, where to go...? Well..." "Our jaunt into the night took us to an {i}intermediary{/i} location." play ambient "sound effects/kissing1.mp3" scene vds_kiss1_a with dissolve show vds_kiss1 with dissolve "Our position was secured with a quick and simple phone call that confirmed a date with a certain hair stylist." ver "Mmmh, hhhm-" "So, wasting no time..." ver "Euuhh, mmh-" "...and {i}straight to business.{/i}." "We left no room for awkward chit-chat or our tiresome brand of back-and-forth." "Words might have brought second thoughts, so as soon as we got in the door, Veronica allowed herself to melt into my arms." scene vds_kiss2_a with dissolve show vds_kiss2 with dissolve mc "Mh... *chup~*" "The fire was dim." mc "Leave it to me..." "Dimmed by drink and most likely Veronica's clawing thoughts." scene vds_kiss2b_a with dissolve show vds_kiss2b with dissolve mc "Shut your mind off..." "Was she swallowing her anger towards me right now?" mc "Get out of your head for a few hours..." "Whatever the case, a dim flame burns just the same." mc "You can reduce yourself down... *Chwup, chup~* ...or be as complicated as you want." "It only needed some {i}stoking{/i}" ver "That, mmmhh--" "And every now and then I'd get a shudder out of her signaling I was on the right track." ver "...s'what I'm doing, string--" play ambient "sound effects/kissing2.mp3" scene vds_kiss1b_a with dissolve show vds_kiss1b with dissolve ver "{size=-5}Mmmmhmhh...{/size}" "The faintly cute sounds she was making right now were so unlike her and I {i}loved{/i} that." ver "Mmm, hhhm..." "It was like hearing a lion purr like a house cat." ver "Ewuuh~" "The budding cocky bastard in me was beginning to swell, full of thoughts of making the large woman sing to my tune." play ambient "sound effects/kissing1.mp3" scene vds_kiss2b_a with dissolve show vds_kiss2b with dissolve mc "When did you~ *chwup* ~decide you were okay with this tonight?" ver "Mmh...? Ah... when... when {b}I told you so.{/}" play ambient "sound effects/kissing2.mp3" scene vds_kiss1b_a with dissolve show vds_kiss1b with dissolve "{i}Shut up{/i}." ver "Mmmh, hhhmm~ hhew-hehe~" play ambient "sound effects/kissing1.mp3" scene vds_kiss1_a with dissolve show vds_kiss1 with dissolve "Slowly but surely, the alcohol in our blood would be replaced with each other." "Kiss by kiss..." "Peck by peck..." " wasn't enough to get us there." scene w3_5073 with dissolve "My hand, knowing that, and as if it possessed a mind of its own, positioned itself to {i}escalate{/i}" mc "Mmmhh~" scene w3_5074 with dissolve "I had seen them plenty, but that didn't do a damn thing to hamper the anticipation as my fingers bit into Veronica's flesh." ver "Ah, mmhhh- mmmmhhh-" stop ambient scene w3_5075 with dissolve "However, unlike a Christmas present..." "I was content in slowly unwrapping them." scene w3_5076 with fade "An intermission in the action gave me the chance to appraise Veronica's expression." scene w3_5077 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_5078 with dissolve ver "I liked it better when your hands and lips were doing something." scene w3_5079 with dissolve mc "Is that your way of saying you like the way I touch you?" scene w3_5078 with dissolve ver "Let's get something straight--" scene vds_rub1_a with dissolve show vds_rub1 with dissolve ver "A-ahh... I'm just feeling you out for a minute." mc "Is that so...?" "Slowly, finger by finger, I ran my hand across her breast, catching and pulling at Veronica's teat." mc "You like it when your partners {i}dance{/i} for you then?" "Her reply came in the form of a look, and in the way her nipple stiffened against the brush of my fingertips." ver "Mmmh... it isn't so bad making a handsome man work for you." mc "You like me without my glasses, huh?" ver "Don't get ahead of yourself. I don't really like handsome men, I like cute ones..." ver "Lucky for you, a little obedience can make you cute." "It was stupid..." scene vds_rub2_a with dissolve show vds_rub2 with dissolve ver "You want to be cute for me, [mcf]?" "...but being called handsome, from Veronica of ALL people--" ver " want to be cute for Mommy Veronica?" "--{b}was {i}such{/i} a dopamine hit.{/b}" stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Dance, monkey.:" $ w3VeronicaWorship = True scene w3_5081 with dissolve "I didn't know about obedience, but..." scene w3_5082 with dissolve "I could do a little devotion." scene w3_5083 with dissolve "A small kiss here." scene w3_5084 with dissolve "A small kiss there." ver "That tickles..." scene w3_5085 with dissolve "Attention worthy of a well-sculpted body like hers." scene w3_5086 with dissolve mc "Don't worry. I'm not going to neglect a single inch of you." scene black with fade "*Chwup, fhwup~*" "Some fumbling with clothes later and..." "*{b}Chwup, fhhwup, chup~*{/b}" play music "music/brooklyn-nights.ogg" scene w3_5087 with fade ver "Ah, heh... hehe..." scene w3_5088 with dissolve "In this position, with a firm grasp on Veronica's forearm, I wasn't really sure who was the obedient one here." scene w3_5089 with dissolve mc "You're a work of art." scene w3_5088 with dissolve "Was it the one slathering her with affection or the one letting a pervert have free range at her vulnerable parts?" scene w3_5089 with dissolve mc "Every part of you deserves some loving attention." scene w3_5088 with dissolve "However, the question of which one of us was more subservient to our desires was an unimportant one, because..." scene w3_5087 with dissolve ver "You're not thinking of--" scene w3_5088 with dissolve "...Veronica's body remained alluring no matter how you turned, twisted, or flexed it." scene w3_5087 with dissolve ver "It's summer... I'm going to be nast--" scene vds_pitlick_a with dissolve show vds_pitlick with dissolve ver "A-ah... yeeeeah-" "Did not care." "Slowly, but persistently, I dug my tongue into Veronica's armpits, mapping out its attractive outline as if I'd have a use for it later." ver "Hnng... d-don't I taste bad there?" "Nope!" "It tasted like flesh like any other, but made sweet by drink and the churning sexual desire in my belly." ver "A-ah.. hehe--" "And, what of the smell...?" ver "Heh, you {i}freak.{/i} Ha.. this is... this is actually a little embarrassing..." "Veronica's raw stench, developed over the course of a hot summer night?" scene vds_pitlick2_a with dissolve show vds_pitlick2 with dissolve mc "Mmh, hhmhmhmm-" "{i}It was honest.{/i}" "{b}Raw{/b}." "It injected into my nose a conceited feeling that I was probably one of few, if any, to ever attack her from this angle." "{i}Freak?{i}?" "Right on the money." "If I didn't already feel like one, this was to be the advent of my deviancy, no doubt." "But, simply put, {i}every part of Veronica was appealing.{/i}" "Every curve and divot was worthy of affection." "As my tongue scraped the rough and prickly surface, a strange and sudden notion grabbed me." scene vds_pitlick_a with dissolve show vds_pitlick with dissolve "A notion that feverishly burrowed itself into my being, compelling me to demonstrate it in earnest." "In this give and take, a woman like Veronica was worthy of worship." scene w3_5096 with dissolve mc "I love the way you taste and smell." scene w3_5097 with dissolve ver "Ah, fuck...." mc "What?" ver "That kind of shit gets you going too...?" scene w3_5098 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" mc "I'm afraid we might just be more simpatico than you're comfortable with, Ronnie." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I'm afraid we might just be more simpatico than you're comfortable with." scene w3_5099 with dissolve ver "Yeah? Well, if only you had a set of tits." scene w3_5100 with dissolve mc "Lean back." mc "You've worked so hard for your body, the least I can do is show you I recognize that." scene w3_5101 with dissolve ver "...I'll give you ten minutes." scene w3_5102 with dissolve mc "What happens after ten minutes?" scene w3_5101 with dissolve ver "You'll see." scene black with fade "Let's not waste them then." KN_MOD "Tell her to kiss you.:" play music "music/brooklyn-nights.ogg" scene w3_5090 with dissolve "I swelled with undue confidence." scene w3_5091 with dissolve mc "Kiss me yourself." scene w3_5092 with dissolve "Simple ask, but my intention was clear." ver "..." "Cut the bullshit. {i}She already found me attractive{/i}." "The way she was perched on my lap, large freckled ass pressing into my crotch told me she didn't have any qualms about \"handsome\" men." scene w3_5093 with dissolve mc "I'm waiting, Veronica." scene w3_5094 with dissolve ver "........." ver "......" scene w3_5095 with dissolve ver "...s'alright." scene vds_kiss3_a with dissolve show vds_kiss3 with dissolve "{b}Yes.{/b}" "She sprung forth, closing the gap in a flash, and forming a seal around my mouth." mc "Mmmhh~" "The feeling of the Amazon's mouth pressed into mine, all of her own volition, was sobering." ver "Hmmm, hhhmm-" "As was the way she intertwined her tongue with mine." "It wasn't a delicate dance, no." "It was strong and overpowering, just like her, and fitting for a woman worthy of {i}conquest.{/i}" "It was funny how Veronica's words continued to stick in my mind, even as my whole body was hit by a rush of staggering elation." mc "Mhh, ahh- *Chwup~*" "And it was amazing that a mere kiss, a submissive meeting in the middle from a tempestuous woman, could make one feel powerful." "*Chwup, fwhup~" "How it grabbed a man by the brain stem, shook his head's soupy contents vigorously, and cajoled him into thinking {i}I deserve this{/i}." scene vds_kiss3b_a with dissolve show vds_kiss3b with dissolve "In her own way, intentional or not, Veronica was exerting control over me." "The sloppy way she thrashed around in my mouth interrupted the constant flow of {i}me, me, me{/i} and replaced it with ego-bereft bursts of white." ver "Mmh, hhheea-" "Her intermittent moans, let out during brief windows of breathing, went straight into my ears and down to my toes." "It was now my turn to {i}melt{/i}." mc "Mh, hhaaa-" mct "(Veronica--)" "--and melt I did, in the strong grasp and comforting shadow of a woman unlike any other I've tasted before." "Felicia was forward and wild, but Veronica...." scene w3_5103 with dissolve ver "Grab my breast." "Veronica had no pretense in a moment like this." scene w3_5104 with dissolve mc "Alright..." "She had an innate, natural energy that loomed over me like a fuckable oak tree." scene w3_5105 with dissolve ver "How was tha--" scene w3_5106 with dissolve ver "Ah, hnn-♥" mc "Perfect." scene w3_5107 with dissolve "{i}Women were scary creatures{/i}." scene w3_5108 with dissolve mc "Lie back." scene w3_5107 with dissolve "{i}...or was I just an idiot?{/i}" "Whatever the case, it didn't matter. I wouldn't be outdone here." scene w3_5109 with dissolve ver "Okay, but I'll give you ten minutes." scene w3_5108 with dissolve mc "What happens after ten minutes?" scene w3_5109 with dissolve ver "You'll see." scene black with fade "Let's not waste them then." scene w3_5110 with fade mct "(...{i}why do all the women in my life have such incredible tits?{/i})" scene w3_5111 with dissolve ver " got me how you want me. What comes next, {i}big strong man?{/i}" scene w3_5112 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Wiping that smile off your face.:" scene w3_5114 with dissolve mc "Try and hold that smile as long as you can, because I'm going to enjoy demolishing it." scene w3_5115 with dissolve "All she did was double down on that cheeky look." scene w3_5114 with dissolve mc "Alright then..." KN_MOD "You continue the worship. if w3VeronicaWorship == True:" scene w3_5113 with dissolve mc "Just enjoy. That's all." scene w3_5111 with dissolve ver "I'm wait--" KN_MOD "What comes next? She enjoys herself. if w3VeronicaWorship == False:" scene w3_5113 with dissolve mc "Just enjoy. That's all." scene w3_5111 with dissolve ver "Well, I'm wait--" scene w3_5116 with dissolve "*Chwup~*" ver "A-hah... again with the..." scene w3_5117 with dissolve "*{b}Chup~*{/b}" KN_MOD "if w3VeronicaWorship == True:" scene w3_5118 with dissolve mc "Your body fascinates me..." scene w3_5119 with dissolve "*Chwup, chup~*" scene w3_5120 with dissolve mc "It's somehow firm and soft in all the right ways." scene w3_5121 with dissolve mc "I wonder what this part of you tastes like...?" scene vds_ablick_a with dissolve show vds_ablick with dissolve ver "O-oh, ah... what are you, a dog?" "To some, the belly was an erogenous zone. To Veronica...?" ver "A-ahh... you going to give every part of me a bath?" "Unlikely, but I think she can appreciate the sight of a man slavishly loving her body." "--and what a body part to love." KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_5118 with dissolve mc "You see right here...?" scene w3_5119 with dissolve "*Chwup, chup~*" scene w3_5120 with dissolve mc "That's about where I'll reach." scene w3_5121 with dissolve "{b}*Chup~*{/b}" scene w3_5120 with dissolve mc "That's about where I'll be later tonight." scene w3_5119 with dissolve ver "Time's ticking, [mcf]." scene w3_5118 with dissolve mc "You know, it's been really hard to resist doing this..." ver "Wh-" scene vds_ablick_a with dissolve show vds_ablick with dissolve ver "O-oh, ah... what are you, a dog?" "{i}Possibly{/i}" ver "A-ah, well... do what you like, pervert." "That one was {i}more{/i} accurate, but who could blame me?" "Musculus rectus abdominis." ver "Ah, hh-huh-" mct "(What was this...?)" "In the process of devouring her, Veronica would help me develop a hands-on appreciation for my anatomy studies." ver "Aheh, he-♥" "The catch and pull of my tongue inside and around the ridges of Veronica's tummy not only produced a girlish giggle from the Amazon, but proved an odd tactile delight for my own." ver "...t-this wasn't quite what I had in mind when I said I preferred your hands and mouth busy." "Maybe not..." ver "F-fuck--" "--{i}but she liked it{/i}." ver "Damn, that feels weird..." "And even through the denim, as my hands played up and down Veronica's muscular thighs, trespassing along the edge of her sex, I could feel the warm need from within." ver "H-heugg...♥" "All thanks to the way my fingers and mouth worked in tandem, digits teasing Veronica's entrance while the other pressed down on her womb from above." "Gradually though..." scene w3_5122 with dissolve "...the peaks that towered over me drew my gaze, {i}commanding{/i} me to bask in their enormity and marvel at the perfection of their shape, and bit by bit..." "........." scene w3_5123 with dissolve "......" "..." "{i}There was a call.{/i}" "A siren's song, to return to the primordial ooze from which all hopes and dreams originated." scene w3_5124 with dissolve ver "Ah, ha... fuck me, I'm going to regret asking this, but... penny for your thoughts?" scene w3_5125 with dissolve mc "My thoughts...?" scene w3_5123 with dissolve mct "(My myriad thoughts?)" hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Those freckled breasts are supernatural.:" pass KN_MOD "Those tits are not of this world.:" pass KN_MOD "Theyre freakin impossible. An anomaly.:" pass KN_MOD "Theyre driving me mad.:" pass KN_MOD "How does reality accept such contradicting boobs?:" pass KN_MOD "Your breasts are literally divine.:" pass KN_MOD "I want them on my face.:" pass scene w3_5126 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Eh, not thinking about much." scene w3_5127 with dissolve ver "Go ahead. I know what you want." ver "I know how good they look..." scene w3_5128 with dissolve ver "Come to Mama." scene w3_5129 with dissolve "A little forward momentum later, Veronica was back on my lap." "{i}Face-to-tit.{/i}" KN_MOD "if w3VeronicaWorship == True:" "{i}All roads of worship inevitably led here, of course.{/i}" scene w3_5130 with dissolve mc "You know, I kinda wonder, since you play both teams... have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and--" scene w3_5131 with dissolve ver "Pfft, don't be stupid. That'd be weird." mc "Would it...? Hehe, can you blame me for thinking that when--" scene w3_5132 with dissolve "Hands behind her back, and as if making an offering, Veronica pushed out her chest." scene vds_tsuck1_a with dissolve show vds_tsuck1 with dissolve ver "Ha-♥ Heh..." "If that was her way of telling me to shut my drunken ass up, it was quite effective." mc "Mmmmh~" "Instead of forming my inane musings, my lips were far better put to use clasped around Veronica's breast." ver "There, there... heh...♥" "Rather than wagging, my tongue was better utilized swaddling the redhead's bloated tip, in a fruitless pursuit of succor that wasn't on tap." mc "Hhhhrrr-!" "My excess fervor piped out in the form of a growl." mc "Ha, hhhmmmm-" ver "There, there... you perverted little fiend..." "Veronica's voice dropped down to a sultry pitch, tickling my ears with not so much an accusation as it was the naked truth." ver "You look {b}good{/b} with my tits in your mouth. Right at home..." "As I focused on my task, only half of what Veronica said reached my temporal lobe." ver "Hell... you almost look ... {i}innocent{/i}." "{i}That felt doubtful{/i}." ver "A-ah... but... that shit about admiring me was a lie. You don't have -ah, haa...♥" "{i}No, it wasn't{/i}." ver "Y-you don't have a single ounce of respect for me." "{i}I did. In my own, fucked up way{/i}." ver "Mmmh, not that I can blame you... I haven't given you any reason to, not before or now..." "...but as I was, I wasn't in any position to retort." ver "I wouldn't if I were you. I mean, look at me, giving my chest to--" scene vds_tsuck2_a with dissolve show vds_tsuck2 with dissolve ver "Ah, hhha-♥♥ {b}Goddamn it!{b}" "If I wanted to shut her up and put a pin in her creeping self-deprecation, I had only one avenue to do it." ver "Why am I so fucking turned on right now?!" "So, doubly as before and as if clinging onto a lifeline, I gripped Veronica's breasts and got rough with it." "*Thwup, thchhup, chhhhhup!*" ver "You f-fuckin' vacuum-!" "There wasn't any nuance to it." ver "Ah, hhnngg-♥" "If it didn't feel good, the least it could be was overwhelming." "*{b}Twhup, kwwhup, hwwwup, kkkhh, uuuhhk, ehhhup!{/b}*" "It wasn't long until her accusations, aimed at both me and her, stopped." "*{size=+5}{b}Twhup, kwwhup, hwwwup, kkkhh, uuuhhk, ehhhup!!!{/b}{/size}*" "A little longer, the cursing stopped too." ver "Ha, hhaa-♥" "In its wake was the profane sound of sucking and the Amazon's sweet, half-stifled moans." ver "Hnnng, y-you...!" "--she wasn't complacent though. Her body remained willful, chest pushed out more and more, as if trying to drive herself deeper into pleasure." "*{size=+10}{b}Twhup, kwwhup, hwwwup, kkkhh, uuuhhk, ehhhup!!!{/b}{/size}*" "So I focused intently, as difficult as it was with my own sexual desire mounting." ver "Y-you, vvvauh-!" "Minute after minute, maybe even ten minutes... waiting for a certain feverish note that would mark the crescendo." ver "Ah, rrhhi, hha-♥" "The highest point." ver "{size=+15}Hhh, hhaaa, eeeeugh-♥{/size}" "Because after the highest point, the natural direction to go was--" ver "{size=+20}Euugh, hhha, mmmhg, hhhaaa, DAMN IT-♥♥♥{/size}" scene vds_tsuck3_a with dissolve show vds_tsuck3 with dissolve "Diminuendo." ver "{size=-5}What, eeh... waht...?!{/size}" "You had to go back down." ver "D-don't do that-!" "Softer and slower." "*Chwup, fwhup~*" ver "{size=-10}D-don't-- D-DON'T!!{/size}" "Kiss after kiss, there was no escape." "*Chwup, fwhup, hwwwup~*" ver "If you suddenly stop like that--" "Because when the tension is at its highest, when the wall is about to break, when her body is so overwrought, it only takes..." $, 2, channel = "music") scene vds_tsuck4_a with flash show vds_tsuck4 with flash ver "F-fuuuuuhk it!" "One." ver "Gah, hhaaa-" "Little." ver "Haa, haaa, f-full body--" "Push." ver "H-holy, s-shit!" "As I watched Veronica quiver, with an undoubtedly smug look on my face, I had a thought." ver "Hee, haaa..." "{i}No, I had a confirmation.{/i}" scene w3_5133 with dissolve ver "Ha, haa, hhaaa..." "...I was getting pretty fucking good at this." scene w3_5134 with dissolve ver "Hnnngg... you g-goddamn devil." "{i}If I said so myself.{/i}" scene w3_5135 with dissolve ver "...hehehe~ hehehh... you know what?" scene w3_5136 with dissolve ver "Fuck it, good work." scene w3_5137 with dissolve mc "...I do respect you, Veronica." scene w3_5138 with dissolve ver "Shut up." scene w3_5139 with dissolve mc "...that's probably not going to happen, you know that, right?" scene w3_5140 with dissolve ver "Hehe, ha..." $, 2, channel = "music") scene w3_5141 with dissolve ver "I don't know if it's been ten minutes or not, but..." ver "'s my turn now." "Suddenly, Veronica was towering over me, bringing her size and weight to bear." scene w3_5142 with dissolve mc "...we're taking turns?" "It felt strangely warm." scene w3_5143 with dissolve ver "Wouldn't you say one good turn deserves another?" "Oddly comforting, even." mc "We can go with that." scene vds_pounce_a with dissolve show vds_pounce with dissolve mc "Mmmh, mhh-" "I didn't mind. Veronica's imposing form felt like a blanket securing and shielding me from the dreary night." "*Chwup~*" "Her kisses to my neck, however, weren't. Those were like little jolts to my system." "*Chwup, chwup~*" "Prickly things of burgeoning anticipation, pushing all active thoughts from my skull and pacifying my will." "{i}It would be really nice to just lie back and let the redhead work, wouldn't it?{/i}." "{b}Yes, it would.{/b}" "An overwhelming part of me wanted to see where this leads and bask in the unbelievable thought of Veronica's {i}pleasing me.{/i}" scene w3_5144 with dissolve mc "I'll give you ten minutes." scene w3_5145 with dissolve "......" ver "..." scene w3_5146 with dissolve "Wordlessly, and with concentrated haste, Veronica fumbled with my clothes one button at a time." scene w3_5147 with fade "Then my pants and my underwear." scene w3_5148 with fade "Until I was but a specimen, served up on a slab, to be dissected by Veronica's cutting gaze." scene w3_5149 with dissolve mc "You know, you've seen me wearing this before.." scene w3_5150 with dissolve "Perhaps satisfied by the show of self-consciousness, she just smiled glibly in return." scene w3_5151 with dissolve mc "Time to even the field..." scene w3_5152 with dissolve mc "...huh?" scene w3_5153 with dissolve ver "{i}Down.{/i}" scene w3_5154 with dissolve ver "Patience, little boy..." scene w3_5155 with dissolve "She tossed me like a sack of potatoes." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You like it.:" mct "(Why does that turn me on?)" scene w3_5156 with dissolve mc "Yes, Ma'am..." KN_MOD "Damn it, you...:" scene w3_5156 with dissolve mc "...bitch." scene w3_5157 with dissolve ver "Uh huh. Just you wait." scene w3_5158 with dissolve "First her shoes and then..." scene w3_5159 with dissolve "Inch by inch, Veronica peeled the denim from her freckled skin, making a show of it..." scene w3_5160 with dissolve "Gradually revealing her sizeable ass, muscular thighs, and {b}shapely{/b} legs." scene w3_5161 with dissolve "Everything but her panties, and from my lowly position, it was my turn to admire the cut of the Amazon's figure." ver "It's better if I leave this bit on, right?" scene w3_5162 with dissolve mc "It does have an appeal..." scene w3_5163 with dissolve "{i}Like a tiger cornering her prey...{/i}" "She had me cornered, waiting with bated breath." scene w3_5164 with dissolve ver "*Chwup* Don't..." scene w3_5165 with dissolve ver "...don't expect the same kind of loving treatment from me. I'm a selfish bitch." ver "To the point at hand..." scene w3_5166 with dissolve ver "Mmmmhh..." "The Amazon regarded my gonads like a freshly baked pie." scene w3_5168 with dissolve ver "You smell... {b}thick.{/b}" mc "Is that why you gave me a workout before your photoshoot last week?" scene w3_5167 with dissolve ver "Mmmmhhh...♥" mc "You do that for all the men you fuck?" scene w3_5168 with dissolve ver "Aaaaaah~" scene w3_5169 with dissolve "She had no words for my dumb provocation, only a look." "{i}She was serious.{/i}" mct "(Should I fear for my--)" scene w3_5170 with dissolve ver "*Chwup~*" scene w3_5171 with dissolve "{i}She advanced.{/i}" scene w3_5172 with dissolve "Slowly, she took me in, bit by bit." "Making me truly feel like she was about to consume me." scene w3_5173 with dissolve ver "You're cute enough." scene w3_5174 with dissolve ver "Mmmmh..." "Her trap set, Veronica lulled me into its terrible embrace with a kiss." scene w3_5175 with dissolve mc "A-ahh-" "A distraction, as Veronica {i}coiled{/i} around my cock, snuffing out any notion of escape." scene w3_5176 with dissolve "Her eyes showed the vast difference in our experience." "If I was in her position, I'd be overly excited, brimming over with venom and childish malice." "For Veronica, however, it was due course. Her control needed no vulgarity to mask its shortcomings." scene w3_5177 with dissolve mc "Hnngg, aha, s-shit..." "Veronica held me strangled, between thigh and calf." scene w3_5176 with dissolve "So very, {i}very{/i} tight..." "{i}Crushing{/i}" scene w3_5178 with dissolve mc "Ahk, what are you...?" ver "You were so interested in mine..." scene w3_5179 with dissolve mc "MMmhh-!" "As her lips sealed around my nipples, I didn't expect to feel a thing, but {i}Veronica made it feel good{/i}." mc "Ah, ahh- ha-♥" "Her control over my cock {i}made it feel like it was the very best place to touch me{/i}, extracting girlish moans from my lips." "{i}Tricking my mind that she could make anything a reality...{/i}" scene w3_5180 with dissolve "Her eyes again said it all." "She didn't try to make me beg, like I probably would." "A snake didn't ask its prey for encouragement, it just made due on the promise of death." scene vds_thigh1_a with dissolve show vds_thigh1 with dissolve mc "Y-yeah..." "{i}Finally.{/i}" "Veronica worked me methodically, her body holding me down with a loving, comfortable authority." ver "Mmmh, hmmm... that's the look... heh..." ver "You're making me {i}swoon{/i}, [mcf]." mc "Mmmh, y-eaah..?" ver "You lady killer, you." "Her fangs pierced my skin, delivered by a husky voice, injecting venom into my ears." mc "...I could learn a thing or two from you." "The act itself was clumsy and how couldn't it be?" "In this position, twisted up like this, wedged between the bend of Veronica's leg..." "It didn't matter though." mc "Ha, hnnnng♥" "It wasn't complicated. The human body was a simple and pleasure-yielding thing." mc "D-damn...! This feels...!" "I felt like my dick was about to pop, overly engorged, skin stretched painfully with desire..." ver "Good...?" "All before you added Veronica's {i}clamp{/i} to the mix, constricting and pulling, mashing and rubbing." mc "Fuck, you sure got it!" "{i}Clumsy worked.{/i} I was growing dim-witted under a feverish spell." ver "Hmmmmm....what are you thinking about?" mc "How much I want to fuck the shit out of you..." ver "{i}Good{/i}." scene vds_thigh2_a with dissolve show vds_thigh2 with dissolve mc "A-aah, hhn-" "It would be a slow death, I was so far from cumming, but desire had made me sick." ver "Good, good, good..." "...but it didn't make me want to curse. Veronica peered into me reassuringly and formed a contradiction." "{i}She made it comfortable.{/i}" ver "Because... well, I kinda need it, [mcf]." "{i}She made a connection.{/i}" mc "Y-yeah, I thought you might..." ver "I needed a night like tonight..." "{i}A warm kind of torture.{/i}" ver "Some drinking, some dancing, some..." "She paused, the answer evident, but her voice full of captivation." ver "I mean, all those cute girlies at the bar tonight and this is how it ended up?" ver "Pfft, ha, hahaa-!" mc "You liked my dancing!" ver "...mmmh, I guess I did." mc "A, hhhaaaa-!" "Her hold on my cock was resolute." "{i}A bear hug.{/i}" ver "You want to \"fuck the shit out of me\", [mcf]. It's crude, but..." mc "Euughh-" ver "{b}Okay...{/b} feel free to fuck all the sense out of you and into me. I'll do the same." mc "D-deal...!" ver "...and we'll see which one of us can walk afterwards. Doesn't that sound fun?" mc "A, eeu-yeuhhuup!" mc "Good, good, good, {b}good{/b}..." "The goods mounted, and I was hard-pressed to disagree." scene vds_thigh3_a with dissolve show vds_thigh3 with dissolve ver "Just..." "The seductive glean in her eye diminished as she searched my expression, as if making sure I was suitably under control." ver "Let's enjoy tonight. Like two people who want to be together." mc "Ah, haaa-♥" "Her devilish facade crumbled to a vague look of genuineness and vulnerability, but the torture down below continued." ver "{i}Please{/i} don't make me regret it, [mcf]." mc "Why would--" "Despite her pleading, Veronica hadn't stopped mercilessly working my cock." "The mix of give and take, of going out on a limb from loneliness, of being caught up in sexually-charged abandon..." "A yearning look in search of a connection,{i}of taking it where you can get it{/i}, and putting your trust in another person." mc "Mmh, hh-" "And again, that word. {b}Conquest.{/b} Boiling over from my mind and scalding my insides with a ruinous desire to blank the entire world white with my cum." mc "I can't say how you'll feel about it later, but... a-ah..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You promise she wont be walking afterward:" $ w3ChallengeAccepted = True mc "I can promise you that you won't be able to stand up after this." scene w3_5181 with dissolve ver "Ha! Fat fucking chance! Have you seen my legs?" scene w3_5182 with dissolve mc "I've got m-my work cut out for me!" scene w3_5181 with dissolve ver "Oh, yeah...? Hehe... let's take a look at yours." scene w3_5183 with dissolve "Veronica stopped, leaving my loins with a needy, lonely ache." mc "Why are you stopping...? I'm--" ver "Because I'm not going to need these." scene black with fade mc "Guess--" mc "Wha, o-oh...?!" $, 2, channel = "music") scene w3_5188 with fade "With an alarming amount of strength, and some horny-addled compliance from my end, Veronica had upended me and had my legs spread like a bitch." ver "Not bad, you've got some tone to them..." mc "Thank you...?" KN_MOD "You {i}do{/i} want to be together.:" $ Veronica_Affection += 1 mc "S-speaking for myself? Tonight..." "She peered into my eyes, exposed and waiting." mc "Hnng, I don't want to be anywhere else in the world... the rest of the {i}two{/i} people part is on you!" scene w3_5184 with dissolve ver "..." "Veronica stopped, leaving my loins with a needy, lonely ache -- but I didn't quite mind it so much." "All that dominant bluster was replaced with an adorable smile." scene w3_5185 with dissolve mc "Mmmh, you're cute you know that?" scene w3_5186 with dissolve ver "So are you. Do you mind if I try something?" scene w3_5187 with dissolve mc "...I'd {i}love{/i} for you to try something." ver "Mmmh, good..." scene black with fade mc "What do you have--" mc "Wha, o-oh...?!" $, 2, channel = "music") scene w3_5188 with fade "With an alarming amount of strength, and some horny-addled compliance from my end, Veronica had upended me and had my legs spread like a bitch." mc "A-ah... you want to do it like this?" scene w3_5189 with dissolve "...suddenly, there was a funny-like {i}exposed{/i} feeling that confused my desire to fuck the whole wide earth." mc "I mean, you're about to--" scene w3_5190 with dissolve ver "Ah, h-holy shit-!" "Yep. {i}All at once.{/i}" mc "Hnggg-" scene w3_5191 with dissolve "I was instantly plunged into Veronica's embrace, trading the awkward machinations of Veronica's leg with the mind-blanking sublimity of her sex." scene w3_5193 with dissolve mc "H-holy shit is, y-yeeep..." scene w3_5191 with dissolve "Thankfully, she didn't just jump into it..." scene w3_5192 with dissolve ver "Just lie there a sec. I still got time on the clock." scene w3_5191 with dissolve " was like she was giving {i}me{/i} time to ease into things." "{i}She was so fucking tight...{/i}" "It was nothing like the brutish way she was milking me before, but it didn't lack in the same unyielding control." scene w3_5194 with dissolve mc "Euugh-" "I couldn't even {b}dream{/b} of moving." scene w3_5192 with dissolve ver "Your face says it all..." scene w3_5191 with dissolve "...was she tightening herself up on purpose?" scene w3_5193 with dissolve mc "Well, this {i}is{/i} a new one for me..." scene w3_5192 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3ChallengeAccepted == True:" ver "Me too, actually. But I've always wanted to try it. You don't mind starting like this, do you?" scene w3_5194 with dissolve mc "F-fuck, a-ah... I mean... doesn't matter how it's done, I'm going to pack you full of cum tonight." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Me too, actually. You don't mind, do you?" scene w3_5194 with dissolve mc "W-well, a-ah... you feel... hehe... {i}could be fun{/i}." mct "(Who could say no to a pussy like this?)" scene w3_5192 with dissolve ver "Good." scene w3_5195 with dissolve ver "Let me know if it starts to hurt." scene w3_5196 with dissolve mc "Very funny." scene w3_5197 with dissolve ver "I'm not kidding. I'm~ gonna~ {i}fuck{/i}~ {b}you{/b} like an earthquake." scene w3_5198 with dissolve "She spoke down to me, with a scary look of a woman delivering the judgment of God, but the only thing that formed on my lips was a meager.." scene w3_5199 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3ChallengeAccepted == True:" mc "I'd like to see you try." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Good luck to us all..." scene w3_5200 with dissolve ver "Hehe~" $, 0, channel = "music") play music "music/thunder.ogg" scene vds_amazon1_a with dissolve show vds_amazon1 with dissolve mc "Hnngg-♥" "The moment she began to move, I felt many things." mc "Fu- fu- fuck!" "I felt my soul being scraped out of my body, Veronica's insides clung possessively to my shaft, pulling sweetly at my nerves as she climbed." ver "Oh, God-♥" "The muscles in my legs tightened, burning from being stretched in a way that they had never before had during sex." ver "Good, good, good, good, {b}GOOD!{/b}" "Most of all, I felt the impact of Veronica's descent, {i}as she let go{/i}, her muscular ass careening to the earth and all my soft, sensitive, precious bits below." scene vds_amazon2_a with dissolve show vds_amazon2 with dissolve "{i}The result was an earthquake{/i}." ver "Mmmh-♥ Yeah, you look--" "Every {b}punch{/b} made me feel {i}uneven{/i}." mc "Ah, s-shut up!" "Disconnected." mc "I can't hear myself think!" "My being interrupted, chipped away at by Veronica's plunging hips." mc "Hnng, hahaaaa-♥♥" scene vds_amazon3_a with dissolve show vds_amazon3 with dissolve "I could feel the force of her weight in my bones, as it traveled from my pelvis to my ribs, and dissipated into the softly crying couch below." "A primal, panicky part of me feared she was going to break me." "That Veronica was going to fold me in half, quarter me, and trample on my unrecognizable body." "It was a wholly new sensation, but not an {b}unwelcome{/b} one." "The feeling of a woman bearing down on me, lust in her eyes, abs tightening and tits flailing." mc "Ahaha...♥♥♥" "{b}No, it felt pretty fucking good.{/b}" "It felt AMAZING to be discombobulated and have your brain scrambled on the down fuck of every arc." ver "J-just jumping into the deep end is really the best! Don't you agree, cutie?" mc "Hhhng-♥♥♥♥" "Yeah... letting her do all the work was its own brand of pleasure." mc "Hee, hheee-" scene vds_amazon2_a with dissolve show vds_amazon2 with dissolve "Amazing how a change in direction made novel the act of drunken rutting." ver "No need to say it. I can read the answer on your adorable~ face..." "However, as pleasurable as this was, it was only a momentary distraction." "A temporary setback to my plans to bathe the whole wide world in my color..." mc "Ha, haaat-♥♥♥♥" "{i}...even if the garbled moans she pried from my vocal cords told a different story.{/i}" ver "Hhhng--" scene vds_amazon3_a with dissolve show vds_amazon3 with dissolve "Separate from my head, my body not content with just being gobbled up, mounted its own paltry resistance." "My hands gripped the back of the couch with knuckle-white tension." ver "Ha, ha, haa~" "Conquer." "That word clacked around like a bullet in my skull." "{i}Conquer. Conquer.{/i}" "Snuffing out all my neurons." "{b}Conquer. Conquer. Conquer.{/b}" "Turning my head into mince meat." scene vds_amazon2_a with dissolve show vds_amazon2 with dissolve "{i}Rearrange Veronica's insides the same way she's doing to you.{/i}" "Turn the tables..." "My lower body pitifully pushed up, trying to fuck a little bit of myself into Veronica in return." ver "Hhhng, mmmhh...♥ Ah, you...♥" "A futile effort, like trying to escape the churning sea, but there is meaning in making an effort." scene w3_5201 with dissolve ver " want to switch?" scene w3_5202 with dissolve mc "Gah, hee, y-you can tell?" scene w3_5201 with dissolve ver "Yeah, {i}I can tell.{/I}" scene w3_5203 with dissolve ver "...shall we?" scene w3_5204 with dissolve "Veronica's vibe got oh so soft, all so sudden. An aura of openness and reassurance that played ticklish to my inebriated mind." scene w3_5205 with dissolve mc "You're having fun, aren't you?" scene w3_5203 with dissolve ver "You know what else would be fun?" scene w3_5206 with dissolve ver "...showing you just how {i}flexible{/i} I am." scene w3_5207 with dissolve ver "Get up, cutie." scene black with fade ver "Well? What do you think?" scene w3_5208 with fade mct "(...what did I think?)" "Left leg pulled back, vulgarly exposing herself...?" "{i}Her twat was practically winking at me.{/i}" scene w3_5209 with dissolve mc "{i}I think...{/i}" scene w3_5210 with dissolve "{i}I'd show her what I think{/i}." "Not a word. Just a wry smile and a welcoming hole." scene w3_5211 with hpunch ver "A-aahh- e-eager-" "There was no need to be ginger about it. I had all the intentions of matching the same fervent pace as she set, but as soon as I entered her, she closed down around me like a Venus flytrap." scene w3_5212 with dissolve "{i}Holding me in place, not allowing.{/i}" mc "Hhng, you're... showing off." scene w3_5214 with dissolve ver "What do you mean? I'm just laying here." scene w3_5213 with dissolve mc "You're telling me you're not flexing your pelvic floor muscles?" scene w3_5214 with dissolve ver "{b}{i}Weeeeeeell{/b}{/i}, it iiiiis the one part of me boys get to appreciate that the girlies don't." scene w3_5213 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" mc "All the better. Tighten all you want, Ronnie. Because..." KN_MOD "else:" mc "All the better. Tighten all you want, because..." scene w3_5215 with dissolve ver "Ha, hha, haa-♥" scene vds_flex1_a with dissolve show vds_flex1 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w3ChallengeAccepted == True:" "I wasn't going to let the chokehold she had on my dick prevent me from fucking her stupid." KN_MOD "else:" "I wasn't going to let the chokehold she had on my dick slow me down." "The tighter she squeezed just meant the harder I'd have to push to split her open." ver "Ah, d-damn it-!!" "Dizzying as it was pushing through a chokehold that threatened to pop my dick off, I embraced the challenge." mc "It's best just diving into the deep end, right? Those were your words?!" ver "Ah, haaaaa~ fuck yeah, they were!" "A challenge made all the more worth it by the enraptured look spreading on Veronica's face." ver "Mmmmh, {i}fuck me deep!{/i}" "Her eyes added, {i}\"I'd like to see you try\"{/i}." ver "C'mon!" "...but not in a mocking way. {i}It was an eager one.{/i}" ver "C'mon! C'mon!" "Over and over I rolled my hips forward into the vice only to rip myself violently free of its teeth." "{i}Over and over.{/i}" "Every thrust was a battle of attrition." "{i}Over and over.{/i}" "All for the promise of a mere brief instance of self-annihilation." mc "Hhhnng-♥" ver "Put your back into it!" "The more I thrusted, the more the redhead egged me on." scene vds_flex2_a with dissolve show vds_flex2 with dissolve ver "Fuck me like {i}I'm{/i} the last chance you'll ever get to use your ugly cock!" mc "Heeeug, f-fhuuck-!" "Her lust-laced provocation hit the target." mc "--what do you think I'm doing?!" "It excited something in me." ver "Mmmh, h-ha, y-you tell me~" "Fueled me." ver "With me, you can do it harder than any other girlie you've ploughed before." "{i}Combusted me{/i}." ver "Ha, hhh- that's it!" mc "Euuughh!" "Even on her back and gaping around my cock, Veronica felt like she was the one in the driver's seat." mc "F-fuck, s-shit...!" "{i}An expressive verdict, delivered by my lips for the situation.{/i}" mc "Mmmh-" "One suitable for the strain on my back and the fire in my calves." ver "--that's it! That's it, cutie-! Haat!" ver "Give it your all! Mmmh, give {i}me{/i} your all!" mc "D-dddaahm! Ahhhgg-!" scene vds_flex1_a with dissolve show vds_flex1 with dissolve "Words that felt like I was gladly laid at this woman's feet." ver "A-all for me! A-all mine! All V-Veronica's-" "However, the diminishing return on her own eloquence told me I wasn't the only one being turned inside out." ver "Pretend like, haa-" "I wasn't the only one whose mind was reduced down to a sauce sloshing around an empty skull." ver "J-just for tonight-♥♥♥ Ha-haaaa-!" "...but in my reduction, my drunk-ass suddenly found a thread." ver "B-be mine!" "A thread of {i}something{/i}, to follow and unravel to an understanding." ver "J-just b-be mine-♥♥ " "{i}Let's enjoy tonight. Like two people who want to be together.{/i}" ver "B-belong to me-!!" mc "A-ahh, hhaaa-♥" "Those were her words." scene vds_flex2_a with dissolve show vds_flex2 with dissolve mct "(She couldn't be more pointed could she?)" "In a lusty haze, I felt like my mind had finally appreciated the bitter-sweet meaning." mc "H-aha... hahahaha-!" ver "W-what?! Why are you--" "The question of who would be able to walk after this?" mc "Bahah, haaa-!" "A fun idea, but that wasn't what she wanted." scene w3_5216 with dissolve mc "God, you're so fucking cute. Hahaha- haaa-!" scene w3_5217 with dissolve ver "S-seriously? What the shit?" scene w3_5216 with dissolve "She was asking for a different tempo." "When two people dance, it isn't a one-sided affair." "This, like the rest of tonight, should just be two idiots dancing." mc "Aaa-aah... we're dumb, aren't we?" scene w3_5217 with dissolve ver "A-ahhh... w-where's this coming from?" scene w3_5218 with dissolve mc "Come here, idiot!" ver "W-whaa-♥" play music "music/drop-the-tapes.ogg" scene w3_5219 with dissolve mc "Dance {i}with{/i} me." scene w3_5220 with dissolve "Why were we pitting ourselves against each other?" scene w3_5221 with dissolve ver "A-aahh..." scene vds_miss1_a with dissolve show vds_miss1 with dissolve "A night like tonight?" ver "Ha, hahaaa-♥" "{i}Tandem{/i}." mc "Mmh, hhngg-" "We should move in tandem." ver "Ahhhg-" "Our grunting and moaning should be music." ver "Ahh, mmmhh- keep-" "Two people, writhing in the cold night..." ver "That's the spot, cutie. You- ahh--" "A coda to tonight's {i}movement{/i}." ver "Mmmh, you idiot-♥" "Gyrating, bumping, and {i}boogeying{/i}." scene w3_5222 with dissolve ver "Mmmhhhh-♥" "Like this, we were melting into each other." scene w3_5223 with dissolve ver "Mmmh, mmhmhhh--" "Melting into the couch." scene w3_5222 with dissolve ver "Mh, hhh-♥" "Melting into the apartment." scene vds_miss1_a with dissolve show vds_miss1 with dissolve ver "F-fucking idiot...♥♥" "Melting into the earth itself." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "You have a name.:" mc "Name's [mcf]." ver "Ah, aaahh-♥" mc "Say it." ver "Mhh, nah, fuck you-" scene w3_5222 with dissolve ver "Mhh, hhhu-♥" "{i}Say it.{/i}" scene w3_5223 with dissolve ver "Mhh, hhhhmmm-" "{i}Say it.{/i}" scene vds_miss1_a with dissolve show vds_miss1 with dissolve ver "[mcf]..." "{i}That's right...{/i}" KN_MOD "Forget it. Sweet, sweet nothings.:" mc "{i}I'm yours.{/i}" ver "Hee-huhh-♥ I didn't mean it like that-" "Of course she didn't, but one night of escape..." mc "{b}I'm yours.{/b}" ver "A-ahhh... s-hut up." scene w3_5222 with dissolve ver "Mhh, hhhu-♥" "{i}Don't get so self-conscious you goddamn idiot.{/i}" scene w3_5223 with dissolve ver "Mhh, hhhhmmm-" scene vds_miss1_a with dissolve show vds_miss1 with dissolve "{i}I'm yours{/i}" ver "Hhhng, ah, haa-- o-okay..." mc "Ahe, hehee-" "Like this, we pushed into each other, slowly." "Nothing like before." ver "Mmmh..." "{i}Less spicy, more savory...{/i}" scene vds_miss2_a with dissolve show vds_miss2 with dissolve ver " smell good." "{i}In sync.{/i}" mc "{i}Weirdo{/i}." ver "Mmmmh, so what? Ah, aah-" "{i}In step.{/i}" ver "You really do..." "Two people moving as one." mc "Mhh, euuugh..." "Was I being swept away by the drink?" "{i}Probably{/i}." "Still, the way Veronica held and squeezed me felt like a conquest." ver "Ha, hhaaa-♥" "It was warm and comfortable." mc "Ha, haaaa-" "{i}A feeling that wouldn't survive the break of dawn.{/i}" mc "Hnng, haaaahhhk-!" "A feeling, I feared, that might not last the moment I busted." mc "Ha, hhaaa-♥♥" "...but one moment was as good as any." ver "Don't pull out..." "As sweet and seductive as anything that came from Veronica's mouth..." ver "You can shoot it inside..." mc "Ah, hhaa-♥" "{i}Yeah{/i}." ver "{b}Don't pull out.{/b}" "I was close and that command dressed up like a tempting request sounded good to me." mc "Ah, hhaa- a-alright..." scene vds_miss3_a with dissolve show vds_miss3 with dissolve "I wasn't going to fight it." ver "Ah, aaah-♥" "I wasn't going to try to hold out longer." ver "Mmmh, haa, come on... c'mon...." "{i}Like a dance, going with the flow...{/i}" "....................." ".................." "..............." "............" "........." "......" $, 0, channel = "music") play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_5224 with flash "Hnngg-!" scene vds_miss4_a with dissolve show vds_miss4 with dissolve "She pulled me in, taking everything I poured into her." ver "Ahh, hhaaa..." "It felt nice." ver "Hmmmhhh-♥" "It felt secure." ver "Ha, hhaaa... {i}good boy{/i}." "On the back of a tiresome morning, a long day, and the night of drinking..." ver "Good boy..." scene w3_5225 with dissolve "It pulled me perilously into sleep." scene black with fade "........." "......" "...had she gotten what she wanted out of this?" "........." "......" ver "Ah, hhaa...? [mcf]...?" scene w3_5226 with fade "No sleep." ver "Ahh, hhaaa-♥" $, 0, channel = "music") $, 0, channel = "ambient") play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene vds_rush1_a with dissolve show vds_rush1 with dissolve "Not yet." ver "Ah, Hhh, hhaaa-♥" "No one was home upstairs." ver "What are you... aren't you...?" "At least, it didn't feel like it." ver "Ha, nnggg- o-okay...♥" "Part of me felt like I {i}was{/i} sleeping, but my body pushed on." ver "If that's what you want..." "That someone {i}other{/i} than me was driving my body forward into Veronica's sloppy hold." ver "Ah, hhhmmm-♥ You can k-keep going..." "Perhaps it was the redhead's girlish coos animating my body..." ver "Hehea, heee... {i}I don't mind.{/i}" "...or foolish pride wanting to finish what I started." ver "Ah, hhnggg, k-keeep fuucking me...!" "Either way, I packed my cum deeper and deeper into Veronica's sex.." "{b}*Schlick, fwhhhuck, wwhhucck...!*{/b}" ver "Hnnggg... fhhuuuckk, hnngg...♥" "Sloshing and mixing and stirring..." ver "Haa...!" "Folding her over..." ver "{b}Ha, hhaaaa...!{/b}" "Fucking her slacked body into the couch..." ver "C-crazy... i-dhoiiittt... aahh...♥♥♥" "Stretching the night as far as I could take it." ver "Haat, hhaaa...♥ Damn it, you're making it h-hard to think... I'm, haaah..." "Pounding." ver "Hnnng...♥" "Pounding. Pounding." ver "Wha, hhaan, hhhaaa-♥♥" "Pounding. Pounding. Pounding, and..." stop ambient scene w3_5227 with dissolve ver "Aah, aaaahhh-♥♥♥♥♥♥" stop music fadeout 12.0 scene vds_rush2_a with dissolve show vds_rush2 with dissolve " much time had passed before I felt Veronica tense up in my arms?" ver "Ghh, eeeuhhh-♥♥♥" "Was it as brief or long as it felt before she clamped down, quivering and pushing out the roiling cum sticking to her insides?" ver "Ha, hhaaaa, haha..." scene w3_5228 with dissolve mc "Heuugh..." "In that time, the world became a tangled mess of limbs and torsos." ver "Ah, haa..." "Turns out, Veronica made for an..." scene w3_5229 with dissolve ver "Mmmh, good boy." mc "Hehe, haa..." scene black with fade " extremely comfortable pillow." $ renpy.end_replay() "........." "......" "..." stop music scene w3_5230 with w12 mc "Mmmh..." $ unread_veronica = True $ history_veronica = "I took Veronica out, hoping it would be a nice reprieve from her troubles. We ended up fucking." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show bioupdate with dissolve "I woke up alone, tangled up with {i}myself{/i}." hide bioupdate with dissolve scene w3_5231 with dissolve mct "(Had she left...?)" play sound "sound effects/water-splash.wav" scene w3_5232 with dissolve mc "Fwwwwwwwhhh-!" scene w3_5231 with dissolve "No..." play ambient "sound effects/water-splash3.wav" scene w3_5233 with dissolve mct "(...splashing,)" mc "Heh..." "Bleary-eyed as I was, it kinda felt like a dream seeing Veronica of all people frolicking nude in my friend's pool, while I laid spent on the couch." stop ambient $, 0, channel = "ambient") scene w3_5234 with dissolve mct "(...should I chalk this up to the alcohol, perks of the job, or greed?)" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" "Along with how quickly I promised fidelity to Hana, maybe I'm more like my predecessor Darius than I care to admit." scene w3_5235 with dissolve "...{i}whatever{/i}" "I'm just glad she stuck around." play music "music/ocean-view.ogg" scene w3_5236 with dissolve mc "Hey..." ver "....HEEEEEEY." scene w3_5237 with fade mc "Felt like a swim?" scene w3_5239 with dissolve ver "Yeeeeah... uh... nice dipping into a pool that doesn't have a bunch of screaming kids pissing in it, y'know?" scene w3_5238 with dissolve ver "Haven't had much occasion for that, recently..." scene w3_5237 with dissolve mc "It's cool. Ian's probably passed out in the tits of his hairdresser right about now." scene w3_5238 with dissolve ver "Hairdresser...?" scene w3_5237 with dissolve mc "Not really important. Point is, we don't have to rush to get out of here." scene w3_5238 with dissolve ver "Heh. It took me forever to find out how to open the freakin' windows." ver "You rich pricks..." scene w3_5240 with dissolve mc "What, I'm not--" "Okay, my life was pretty comfortable up to this point..." mc "I didn't grow up in a house with a transformable façade!" scene w3_5241 with dissolve ver "Heh... hehehe." mc "What about you?" scene w3_5242 with dissolve ver "Me...?" scene w3_5243 with dissolve mc "Yeah, what kind of environment did you grow up in?" scene w3_5244 with dissolve ver "Comfortably middle class. My mom married down with a career military man slash amateur athlete." scene w3_5243 with dissolve mc "Is that where you inherited your stern looks from?" scene w3_5245 with dissolve ver "I come by that on my own honestly -- {i}and{/i} I'll thank you for not making that comparison again." scene w3_5243 with dissolve mc "Pfft, it was that easy to get a thank you out of you?" scene w3_5246 with dissolve ver "Mmmh, [mcf]... {i}thank you for fucking me{/i}. Your cock is a gift to womankind." scene w3_5247 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_5248 with dissolve mc "Your words, not mine." scene w3_5249 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/slap1.wav" scene w3_5250 with hpunch ver "You fucking idiot!" scene w3_5251 with dissolve ver "Get in the pool..." mc "" play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" scene w3_5252 with dissolve "*Kttthuk*" "And like that..." scene w3_5253 with dissolve ver "The water's fine!" "...the world got a bit more wet." scene w3_5254 with dissolve mc "...uuugh, you say that {i}BEFORE{/i} you drag someone in the pool." scene w3_5255 with dissolve ver "Ah, damn..." mc "...what?" ver "It just occurred to me that..." scene w3_5256 with dissolve mc "Ghhehhhkkt...?!" scene w3_5257 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" "........." scene w3_5258 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_5259 with vpunch play sound "sound effects/water-splash2.wav" ver "Mmmhh...!" "Somehow, under the water and from Veronica's hand, it turned out like this." mc "Oooght..." scene w3_5260 with dissolve mc "*Cough* Hhhaahk...!" mc "Blah, eeuhk..." "{i}Water in my nose...{/i}." scene w3_5261 with dissolve ver "You smell like chlorine now..." ver "Mmmh, too bad." mc " haven't sobered up yet, have you?" ver "Leave tomorrow for tomorrow." scene w3_5262 with dissolve "The meaning was pretty clear. The rising of the sun would make the thought of casually touching like this anathema once more, but until then..." "Our gentle treading in the water made for one final dance." scene w3_5263 with dissolve ver "..." scene w3_5264 with dissolve mc "Do you still find the night suffocating?" scene w3_5265 with dissolve ver "Yeah... and looking up at it right now is making me feel weightless." scene w3_5264 with dissolve mc "Then why are you doing it?" scene w3_5266 with dissolve ver "...have you lived in the city your whole life?" scene w3_5267 with dissolve mc "I'm a surburbanite. What about you?" scene w3_5266 with dissolve ver "Moved around a few times." scene w3_5267 with dissolve mc "Right, military brat." scene w3_5268 with dissolve ver "I didn't feel like I had roots until high school." scene w3_5269 with dissolve mc "Is that when you got into track and field?" scene w3_5268 with dissolve ver "You got it. Throwing a weighted ball doesn't sound very exciting does it?" scene w3_5267 with dissolve mc "To be honest? I've never seen anyone do shot put." scene w3_5266 with dissolve ver "Well... it's hardly a spectator sport, but its simplicity is beautiful." scene w3_5267 with dissolve mc "Throwing a weighted ball is beautiful?" scene w3_5270 with dissolve ver "Hell yeah it is. It's a rush." ver "Sure, there's a science behind your performance, but it {i}is{/i} simple. And that makes the competition more pure." scene w3_5272 with dissolve ver "It's a battle against yourself. Your whole world shrinks down to a 7-foot circle and your whole being becomes one simple, precise task." ver "{i}Chin-knee-toe.{/i}. It'd be lonely if it didn't feel so freeing - and the drama!" scene w3_5273 with dissolve mc "Drama?" scene w3_5272 with dissolve ver "{i}The drama{/i}. The moment you let go of the shot, you feel it all." scene w3_5266 with dissolve ver "A {i}weightlessness{/i}, just like I was feeling right now... followed by an anticipation that makes you want to hurl. Was the throw as good as it felt it was?" scene w3_5272 with dissolve ver "And you forget about that anticipation just as quick it came. You just watch the shot soar, rising and cutting through the sky like a bird, like an extension of your will." ver "Sometimes I wonder if that's what art feels like..." scene w3_5273 with dissolve mc "I didn't realize you were so romantic." scene w3_5268 with dissolve ver "Then the anticipation comes back. It begins to drop." ver "Hurdle towards its end, short-lived. Was the throw as good as it felt it was?" ver "It collides with the ground. {i}You left your mark{/i}." scene w3_5266 with dissolve ver "Then the world is no longer seven feet. You hear the crowd and the judges measure the distance." scene w3_5267 with dissolve mc "Was it as good as it felt it was?" scene w3_5268 with dissolve ver "Sometimes, a lot of times even... but... {i}not when it counted the most.{/i}" scene w3_5274 with dissolve ver "...what the hell am I going to do if this week is all for nothing, [mcf]? Should I just accept being a failure?" "{i}...with how she connected this and that, does she really think being a silver medalist makes her a failure?" mc "...plenty of people have ventures that don't work out for them. They say success is built on failure." scene w3_5275 with dissolve ver "I don't give a fuck what they say. The thought of picking myself off the ground? I just know it makes me want to vomit." scene w3_5276 with dissolve mc "...sure, but no matter how it makes you {i}feel{/i}, shouldn't you do it anyway? I think that's what real failure would be..." scene w3_5275 with dissolve ver "Blaaaah..." scene w3_5276 with dissolve mc "I was thinking, tonight... have you ever thought about catering the gym to women, or say... even a gay audience?" scene w3_5277 with dissolve ver "Not really. Shouldn't a gym be inclusive?" scene w3_5278 with dissolve mc "Eh, I don't know... I just know if I was a tubby fuck, I'd be more embarrassed to work out around women than I would be men." mc "And... the bar you took me to is pretty popular, isn't it?" scene w3_5280 with dissolve ver "Hideaway's an institution. It's got history. I don't." scene w3_5281 with dissolve mc "Yeah, but your ex's godmother is the owner. There's probably some promotional--" scene w3_5280 with dissolve ver "Eh. Nah..." scene w3_5279 with dissolve "Well, I could understand if she didn't want to lean on that..." scene w3_5281 with dissolve mc "...meh, just a drunken, half-assed thought. But, honestly... just knowing when something has run its course won't make you a loser." scene w3_5278 with dissolve mc "Being a loser is a matter of mindset." mct "(...{i}just don't see it that way until the exhibition is over.{/i})" scene w3_5277 with dissolve ver "Knowing that and believing it are two separate things..." scene w3_5278 with dissolve mc "Eh, leave tomorrow for tomorrow, right?" scene w3_5282 with dissolve ver " know, it's good talking to someone about this. And considering the secrecy behind this entire thing, it's a shortlist of someones." scene w3_5283 with dissolve KN_MOD "if kat_polite == True:" mc "I hear Mrs. Pulman keeps an open-door policy." KN_MOD "else:" mc "I hear Kathleen keeps an open-door policy." scene w3_5282 with dissolve ver "Hehe, yeah..." scene w3_5280 with dissolve ver "I hope getting some of {i}this{i} is worth my blathering." scene w3_5281 with dissolve mc "What do you think?" scene w3_5280 with dissolve ver "...I think this whole situation is fucking weird." scene w3_5283 with dissolve mc "Tonight's been fun though. I don't think I'll forget the first woman to do {i}that{/i} to me." scene w3_5284 with dissolve ver "Of course you won't!" scene w3_5285 with dissolve kil "Heeeeeeeeeey! Woah, you're here and with... uhh..." mc "......" ver "..." scene w3_5286 with dissolve mct "(Ah, crap.)" ver "Nice place you got, pretty boy." scene w3_5287 with dissolve kil "Thanks! And nice tits!" scene w3_5288 with dissolve amber "Ummm... we're seeing a lot of each other, huh? Sorry for the... {i}intrusion?{/i}" scene w3_5289 with dissolve kil "Oh, yeah. Damn, I forgot. You called me about this! So this was who you're with..." scene w3_5290 with dissolve mc "You mean curiosity got the better of you?" scene w3_5291 with dissolve kil "No, I forgot! Honest! Heh, hehe... {i}you fucking killer.{/i}" scene w3_5292 with dissolve "........." "......" scene w3_5293 with dissolve kil "...soooooo since you're here, and butt naked, you wanna have a foursome or something?" scene w3_5294 with dissolve ver " it weird I want to take a shit in the pool right now?" kil "No, I mean... come on...! Just trying to be hospitable!" mc "No, it's a perfectly reasonable defense mechanism..." scene w3_5295 with dissolve kil "We're all hot and horny adults here, right? A little fun--" ver "I think it's time to call it a night." kil "No, I'll leave! I'll leave! I'll leave, don't let me--" scene w3_5296 with dissolve mc "It's your place, dude." ver "Yeah, let's..." ver "Thanks for the hospitality." scene w3_5297 with dissolve mc "FYI, you might want to get Alice to scrub your sofa tomorrow. I might've left some of myself on it." scene w3_5298 with dissolve amber "U-um... w-what?!" stop music fadeout 1.0 scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3VeronicaSex:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3VeronicaSex = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica06 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) KN_MOD "jump w3June16EndFull" KN_MOD "label w3BathroomFrollick:" play music "music/time-piece.ogg" scene w3_5299 with cmet brit "Wooooooah, you weren't kiddin'. Real fuckin' stallion~" mc " that your opinion as a zoologist?" brit "That is my opinion as a {i}cock-hungry bitch.{/i}" mc "...and we really just met, huh?" brit "Don't play coy now! Thank you for the meal!" scene w3_5300 with dissolve mc "A-ah..." mct "(I'm getting my dicked sucked at a lesbian bar. {b}That's new.{/b})" scene w3_5301 with dissolve KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" mct "(Sorry, Hana...)" mc "That hungry, huh...?" brit "Mmmh, mmmh, mmhhh..." scene w3_5302 with dissolve brit "I'm starving~" scene w3_5303 with dissolve mc "Have at it, then. All you can eat." scene w3_5305 with dissolve brit "...but it looks so tasty that I want to {i}savor{/i} it." scene w3_5303 with dissolve mc "I'm afraid we don't got the time for that." scene w3_5305 with dissolve brit "Mmmh, how 'bout you feed it to me then--" scene w3_5306 with hpunch brit "Ghhhuu-?!" $, 3, channel = "music") hide screen textbox2 with dissolve scene vd_toiletbj1_a with dissolve mc "{b}Suck it{/b}." brit "Mmmmhh~" show vd_toiletbj1 with dissolve play ambient "sound effects/fel3.wav" mc "If it's alright with you, I'm going to borrow your throat for the next few minutes." brit "Mmmh, mmhhhhh-!" mc "You can have it back when I pipe a fat wad down your throat, sound good?" brit "Mmmuh, uhhhuh-" "She seemed to agree with this direction, as she went with the flow, scarfing down my cock and letting me guide her head without fuss." mc "{i}Good girl.{/i}" "Something about the situation, and maybe everything up to this point, made me feel duly in control." brit "Gh, hhhu-" "I felt like I was entitled to face fuck the whole world, and she wasn't doing anything to dispel that notion." mc "Good {b}fucking{/b} girl, Brittany." "It was a unique sort of high, having my dick gliding in and out of a stranger's throat." brit "Hhuuh, ghhu...!" mct "(Is this what Ian feels when it just drops into his lap?')" "However, as my dick barreled into this slut's uvula, I found Veronica oddly on my mind." mct "(Heh... I hope Veronica gets something out of this tonight, even if it's just some haphazard fun...)" "Ah, fuck..." mct "(After all, she's got it rough, and I guess I kinda have her to thank for this.)" "*Chwup, fchwwup, kwwhup!*" mc "Good... ah..." brit "Mmmh, hhhhhmm-!" mc "That's it..." brit "Ghk, hhhu-" mc "{b}Swallow{/b} it... mmhhhmm..." brit "Hkk, hgggg-" mc "We're {b}just{/b} getting started..." play ambient "sound effects/fel4.wav" $, 2, channel = "music") scene w3_5307 with dissolve "Lewd sucking filled the bathroom." "If anyone came in, {i}they'd know{/i}." mct "(At least this was the men's room at a lez bar... so, that was probably a low a chance of happening, yeah?)" "Not that I really cared..." brit "Ghh, hhhk-" "The privacy of a stall?" play ambient "sound effects/fel5.wav" scene vd_toiletbj2_a with dissolve show vd_toiletbj2 "Turns out that was enough for me." mc "I'm going to go faster now, alright...?" "Actually, it may even be the opposite..." brit "Mmmh, mmmhhhhh, hhuuu-!" mct "(Part of me kinda wished someone would come in.)" "The thought alone made my balls tighten." scene w3_5391 with pixellate mct "(Just like with Rosalind...)" brit "Khu, hhkkuk- hhhkkuk..." mct "(Ha! Damn my tastes.)" scene vd_toiletbj2_a with pixellate show vd_toiletbj2 brit "Hkku, hhhuhhkhk-" "To her complete credit, she was taking it like a {b}champ.{/b}" brit "A-ah! You're good at this!" "Letting me use her face like a tool..." brit "Khuk, hkuk, hhhkk!" mct "(What. An. Angel.)" brit "Hkkuk, hgghhuu, hheeeuuughh-" brit "Hkkh, ghhuhhukk, hhhk, eeeuhuhh-" brit "Hkk, hhhkk, huukkk, hhhk, pphhhk-" "{b}What a slut!{/b}" scene w3_5308 with dissolve mc "Ah, that's--" scene w3_5309 with dissolve play sound "sound effects/chair-squeek.wav" "*Creeeeeeeeeak*" mct "(Ah, crap... I got my wish...)" scene w3_5310 with dissolve brit "Hkk, hhehhh-" "...but I didn't stop." scene w3_5311 with dissolve ver "Jeez..." scene w3_5312 with dissolve ver "You fucking animal." scene w3_5313 with fade mc "Ah, Veronica...?" scene w3_5314 with dissolve ver "That's me." play ambient "sound effects/fel2.wav" scene vd_toiletbj3_a with dissolve show vd_toiletbj3 with dissolve mc "W-where's Olivia?! I hope she didn't ditch you..." brit "Hkuuk, hhhkkk-" "I didn't just not {i}stop.{/i} {b}I sped up.{/b}" ver "Actually, she's waiting outside. She's too embarrassed to come into the men's room." brit "Hkukk, hhhhhkkk, hhhhkk" ver "Kinda cute, huh?" scene w3_5315 with dissolve brit "Hkk, hhhhhukk, hhhhhkk-" scene w3_5316 with dissolve ver "Fuck, don't you think you should let her breathe?" scene w3_5315 with dissolve mc "W-what are you doing in here?" scene w3_5314 with dissolve ver "Olivia and I are heading out, but I didn't want to leave without saying a word." scene w3_5313 with dissolve mc "A-ah, is that right...? Nice!" scene vd_toiletbj3_a with dissolve show vd_toiletbj3 with dissolve brit "Euugh, hhhk, hhhgg-" mc "You hear that, Brit? Mission accomplished." brit "Ghh, hhhhk, hhhhhk-" mc "My friend and your friend are going to have a great night together." brit "Ghhhk, hhhhk-" mc "Good job." brit "Heuuk, hhhgghhhk-!" mc "Have a nice night, alright?" ver "Yeah, {b}it's going to be a good one{/b}. But, hey, Brittany?" brit "Hkk, hhhk, hhhhk?" "That would have to suffice as acknowledgment of the redhead's words." ver "Olivia says thanks for taking her out tonight." brit "Hnngg, hggggghkk-" ver "And, I feel the same way, [mcf]. Friends, right?" mc "Yeah, {i}friends{/i}..." scene w3_5317 with dissolve ver "Welp, we're going, then. Don't get a homicide charge, you big-dicked bastard." scene w3_5318 with dissolve brit "Hkkuhhhkk--" mc "Hey, wait..." "{i}A thought crossed my mind, but...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Disregard it.:" mc "See you around." scene w3_5317 with dissolve ver "No doubt." scene w3_5319 with dissolve "......" scene w3_5320 with dissolve "..." scene vd_toiletbj3_a with dissolve show vd_toiletbj3 with dissolve mc "Sounds like mission accomplished.." brit "Hkk, hhhhuuk-!" mc "We should probably finish things..." "Honestly, Veronica's sudden appearance had pushed me near the edge..." brit "Hkk, eeuughhk, hhhk-!" "All that was left was..." brit "Hkkk-!" brit "Hkkk-! Hkhhhk-!" brit "Geeehhuu-! Hkkk!" stop ambient stop music play ambient "sound effects/gulp3.mp3" scene vd_toiletbj4_a with flash show vd_toiletbj4 mc "{b}Take it!{/b}" "I let it all out." brit "Hnngg, hhhggg..." "A nice fat load for this tubby girl's stomach." KN_MOD "Ask her to stay for a minute.:" $ Veronica_Horniness += 1 mc "...would you mind staying for a minute?" scene w3_5316 with dissolve ver "Eh, why...?" scene w3_5315 with dissolve mc "I kinda like you being there. It turns me on, but don't worry, I'm..." scene vd_toiletbj3_a with dissolve show vd_toiletbj3 with dissolve mc "...almost finished." brit "Hkkuk, hhhkkukk-!!!" scene w3_5315 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_5316 with dissolve ver "Fine, you damn freak." scene w3_5315 with dissolve mc "T-thanks!" scene vd_toiletbj3_a with dissolve show vd_toiletbj3 with dissolve ver "Yeah, no fucking problem." mc "A-aah... n-not going to waste your time, so--" brit "Hkk, hhhkk-!" mc " Olivia is waiting, so--" "The oh-so-familiar rush hit me, pushed along by the redhead's unseen eyes and ears." brit "Hkk, hhhhhk-!" ver "You that close, huh?" brit "Hkk, hhhhkh-! Eeguuk, hhkkk-!" mc "Y-yeahh...! A-any second...!" ver "{b}Good{/b}. Let me hear it." mc "Aaahhh-" KN_MOD "if w3VeroHighness == True:" ver "Cum for me, {i}your highness{/i}." KN_MOD "else:" ver "Cum for me, you big dumb--" stop ambient stop music play ambient "sound effects/gulp3.mp3" scene vd_toiletbj4_a with flash show vd_toiletbj4 mc "{b}G--ahhhh!{/b}" "She knew just what to say." mc "Hnnnnggg-!" brit "Hkk, hheeuuhhhh...?" "So I let it all out." brit "Hnngg, hhhggg..." "A nice fat load for this tubby girl's stomach..." scene w3_5321 with dissolve mc "Drink it down..." scene w3_5322 with dissolve ver "...ha, God. I'm going." scene w3_5323 with dissolve KN_MOD "if w2ExEndingVeronica == True:" mc "Thanks, Ronnie." KN_MOD "else:" mc "Thanks, Veronica." scene w3_5319 with dissolve "......" scene w3_5320 with dissolve "..." stop ambient $, 2, channel = "music") scene w3_5324 with fade mc "...we did a good thing tonight, didn't we?" brit "Hehe, hahaa... yeeah..." scene w3_5325 with dissolve brit "Good job us..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3LBBathroomBJ:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3LBBathroomBJ = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "......" "..." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3June16EndHalf" KN_MOD "label w3RosalindNightInLewd:" KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" $ hanaCheat += 1 $ hanaTwoTime = True play music "music/cello-suite-No-1-G-Major-Prelude.ogg" scene rosa_hhj1_a with w19 show rosa_hhj1 movie "Am I the meanest?" movie "Sho'nuff!" mct "(How did it end up this way...?)" movie "Am I the prettiest?" movie "Sho'nuff!" "Well..." movie "Am I the baddest mofo low down around this town?" movie "Sho'nuff!" scene w3_5326 with pixellate "Maybe my first inclination was when I caught a glimpse of Rosalind's skin, still damp from an afternoon shower." scene rosa_hhj1_a with pixellate show rosa_hhj1 movie "Well who am I?" movie "Sho'nuff!" scene w3_5327 with pixellate "Was that when the thought of how available she was crossed my head?" scene rosa_hhj1_a with pixellate show rosa_hhj1 movie "Who am I?" movie "Sho'nuff!" movie "I can't hear you..." scene w3_5328 with pixellate "Did I initiate..." scene w3_5329 with dissolve "...or did she?" scene w3_5330 with wiperight "The thing about Rosalind was..." scene w3_5331 with w21 "For one reason or another, she was very good at making it difficult to discern whose idea anything was." scene rosa_hhj2_a with pixellate show rosa_hhj2 movie "SHO'NUFF!" rose "Should I...?" mc "Keep watching the movie..." KN_MOD "if rosalindKilSolution == True:" "Ian had enough tact not to push his threesome plans on her today, but me..." KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMassaged == True:" "I had told her to relax today, yet..." KN_MOD "elif w3RosalindMassaged == True:" "I had just told her to think of her stay like a vacation, yet..." KN_MOD "else:" pass "This kind of situation made me feel like a king." "Sure, I could just fold her over and crater her pussy into a busted mess, but this kind of casual attention had its own particular edge." mct "(And let's be honest... if she's going to be here for a few days...)" mc "Faster." scene rosa_hhj3_a with dissolve show rosa_hhj3 with dissolve "Things will only..." KN_MOD "if hanaGF == True:" mct "(Sorry, Hana...)" mct "(Yeeeeah...)" movie "I thought that maybe it would be a great idea if I got myself a bodyguard. You know, like someone to guard my body? What girl could do worse than to have her own real-life kung fu master?" rose "You made it seem like this movie was hilarious..." mc "You don't think it is?" rose "Uh... well..." mc "...I do have a bad habit of talking these things up. But come on, wasn't that the best 80's movie title song of all time?" scene rosa_hhj4_a with dissolve show rosa_hhj4 with dissolve "......" "..." "She didn't reply, as if other people didn't qualify that sort of thing." "........." "......" "..." "{i}Whatever.{/i}" mc "Mmmhh..." "The movie went on and on..." "Rosalind's hand had to be getting tired..." "*Shlick, schlicckk...!*" "She didn't stop, or complain." "She just played her dutiful part." scene w3_5332 with dissolve rose "I get to pick the next movie, okay?" scene w3_5333 with dissolve mc "Sure, but..." scene w3_5334 with dissolve mc "Try not to check out of this one." scene rosa_hhj3_a with dissolve show rosa_hhj3 with dissolve "*Shlick, scchhhhlicck~*" mc "...we can watch whatever romantic comedy you want." rose "That's sexist." "......" "..." rose "...and {i}Broadcast News{/i} is a classic." scene w3_5335 with dissolve mc "Fine. We'll watch that next." scene w3_5336 with dissolve mct "(I hadn't seen it.)" scene rosa_hhj4_a with dissolve show rosa_hhj4 with dissolve "*Shlick, scchhhhlicck~*" "........." "......" "...{i}yeah.{/i}" "*Shlick, scchhhhlicck, fwhhhhaap~*" "Selfishly one-sided, but..." movie "You possess the power of the Glow~" "This was a nice night after a long day. The whole vibe even felt cozy and nostalgic..." "*Shlick, sshhhliiick*" "Although there was the usual squeaking in my guts..." scene w3_5337 with dissolve "Foul feelings, dripping down from my amygdala and soaking into my fiber as the pressure built in my loins." KN_MOD "if w2RosalindPhoto == True:" "So, for a moment, I let my soul marinate." KN_MOD "else:" "So, for a moment, I let my soul marinate." "...or meditate?" "{i}However you put it{/i}." KN_MOD "if w3RosalindMassaged == True:" "I thought of all the goodwill I felt earlier in the day, and how flimsy it now felt." scene rosa_hhj3_a with dissolve show rosa_hhj3 with dissolve "All my pretenses seemed so small in face of my looming orgasm, but I knew one thing..." "I'd cum, it'd be over, and then we'd watch another movie..." mc "Uugghh..." mct "(Just hold on...)" "........." "......" "..." mc "Uggghh... I'm...!" mct "(Just hold on!)" scene w3_5338 with dissolve "........." "......" "...!" stop music play sound "sound effects/spurt.wav" scene w3_5339 with flash mc "Ghhaaa-!" "{i}I'd cum, the black feelings would leave me, and my selfishly one-sided cozy feelings would be secured.{/i}" scene w3_5340 with dissolve "........." scene w3_5341 with dissolve "......" scene w3_5342 with dissolve "..." scene w3_5343 with dissolve rose "I'll go clean it up." KN_MOD "if w2RosalindPhoto == True:" scene w3_5390 with pixellate "She'd accept it all...?" scene w3_5344 with pixellate KN_MOD "else:" scene w3_5344 with dissolve "The feelings still lurked, but..." KN_MOD "menu w3RoseFoulFeelings1:" KN_MOD "{color=#FF1493}\[Fullest Deal]{/color} No need to get a towel when shes already equipped to deal with it. if w2RosalindPhoto == True:" $ w3RoseStayMean +=1 $ Rosalind_Affection -= 2 play music "music/leaving-home.ogg" scene w3_5345 with dissolve mc "Use your tongue." scene w3_5346 with dissolve "She was so keen on this, right...?" scene w3_5347 with dissolve rose "Uh...?" scene w3_5345 with dissolve mc "Don't dirty a towel. {b}Use your tongue{/b}." scene w3_5346 with dissolve "It'd be easy to mistake the hard-up mother as having a blank look on her face." scene w3_5345 with dissolve mc "Lap it up." scene w3_5348 with dissolve "......" "..." "Naturally, anyone would pause over such a degrading request." scene w3_5349 with dissolve rose "Heh, {i}alright{/i}." "I didn't think that was quite it." scene w3_5350 with dissolve "There was a lot turning inside her head, but I was too cum-dum and drenched feelings of shit to have any hope of discerning if she was loathing me or coming to a practical acceptance." scene w3_5351 with dissolve mct "(Maybe both...)" scene w3_5352 with dissolve "I wanted to say a lot of mean things, but instead I stayed quiet." scene w3_5353 with dissolve "If she's going to be here a few days, they'd be other opportunities for that." scene w3_5354 with dissolve "...." scene w3_5355 with dissolve rose "...all done." scene w3_5356 with dissolve mc "Good girl." scene w3_5357 with dissolve rose " this what you had in mind when you told me to stay with you?" scene w3_5358 with dissolve "{i}No. It wasn't.{/i}" "Turns out, it didn't matter what I had in mind." scene black with fade "The rest of the night ended up relatively mundane." "......" "..." play ambient "sound effects/boobjob.wav" scene vic_sd_a with pixellate show vic_sd man "Almost there!" vic "Gh-!" man "You get to breathe when you drain my balls!" vic "Haeeeuch-!" stop ambient fadeout 5.0 "............................................................" ".............................." "..............." scene black with w20 man "Stupid bitch." stop music fadeout 3.0 KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3RoseCouchHJ:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3RoseCouchHJ = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "........." "......" "..." stop ambient hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind05 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w3_5379 with sunshine show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Mmmh..." mct "(Yesterday was an anomaly...)" scene w3_5380 with dissolve mc "{i}Heh...{/i}" mct "(Back to not having any trouble sleeping.)" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3June17Start" KN_MOD "Ignore what youre thinking.:" scene w3_5359 with dissolve mc "Nah. Let me. I made the mess." rose "...?" "It was the least I could do..." scene w3_5360 with dissolve mc "In the meanwhile. Find out where we can watch {i}Broadcast News{/i}." scene w3_5361 with dissolve "......" scene w3_5362 with dissolve rose "...okay!" scene w3_5363 with dissolve "If she's going to be here a few days..." "...will I be able to further help myself?" scene w3_5364 with dissolve rose "......" scene w3_5365 with dissolve rose "..." scene black with fade KN_MOD "if not persistent.w3RoseCouchHJ:" play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" show memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True) $ persistent.w3RoseCouchHJ = True hide memoryunlock with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) "....." "..." "The rest of the night ended up relatively mundane." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind05 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" scene w3_5379 with sunshine show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve mc "Mmmh..." mct "(Yesterday was an anomaly...)" scene w3_5380 with dissolve mc "{i}Heh...{/i}" mct "(Back to not having any trouble sleeping.)" $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump w3June17Start" KN_MOD "{color=#696969}\[Fullest Deal] No need to get a towel when shes already equipped to deal with it.{/color} if w2RosalindPhoto == False:" KN_MOD "jump w3RoseFoulFeelings1" KN_MOD "label w3RosalindNightInPlatonic:" "The rest of the night was low-key." scene w3_5326 with fade "Every so often I {i}felt{/i} her presence." scene w3_5366 with dissolve "...but the day passed by quickly." scene w3_5367 with dissolve "And strong woman she was, she settled into a comfortable equilibrium." scene w3_5368 with dissolve "Or perhaps that is just what I selfishly hoped." movie "Am I the baddest mofo low down around this town?" movie "Sho'nuff!" scene black with fade "Yes. A low-key evening, ushering me into a better sleep than the night before." "........." "......" hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionrosalind05 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) scene w3_5379 with sunshine show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" $ date = "june17day" show screen textbox2 with dissolve mct "(Yep...)" show june17day with squares mct "(Back to not having any trouble sleeping.)" scene w3_5380 with dissolve mc "{i}Heh...{/i}" "It only took one day for me to reset." KN_MOD "jump w3June17Start" KN_MOD "label w3June16EndHalf:" play sound "sound effects/door-openclose.wav" scene w3_5369 with circlewipe "When I got home, I found Rosalind settled in." scene w3_5370 with dissolve mc "Oh, hey. Sorry for just disappearing on you like that." scene w3_5371 with dissolve rose "Don't be. I'm sure a young man like you has a busy life." scene w3_5369 with dissolve "I didn't know if I wanted to call it \"club business\" or not..." scene w3_5372 with dissolve mc "'s been unusual lately." scene w3_5373 with dissolve "......" "..." scene w3_5374 with dissolve rose "I'll get you a glass of water and I'll heat up some of that stew. How does that sound?" scene w3_5375 with dissolve "......" scene w3_5376 with dissolve mc "...sounds brilliant." "Preemptive defense against a hangover?" scene black with fade "God bless her." "......" "..." hide screen textbox2 with dissolve hide screen qmenu with dissolve play sound "sound effects/sting-bluesy-vibes.wav" scene transitionveronica06 with blinds $ renpy.pause(6, hard=True) scene w3_5379 with sunshine show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" "I ended up sleeping pretty good that night." "I let Rosalind have the bed and surprisingly she didn't fight me about it." $ date = "june17day" scene w3_5380 with dissolve KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" "Although, she did suggest we share it..." show june17day with squares mc "{i}Heh...{/i}" "And it also turned out that it only took me one day to reset from being disturbed." KN_MOD "else:" mc "{i}Heh...{/i}" show june17day with squares "Turns out, it only took me one day to reset from being disturbed." KN_MOD "jump w3June17Start" KN_MOD "label w3June16EndFull:" scene w3_5380 with sunshine mc "Uuugghhh..." "When I got in, Rosalind was already conked out on the couch, but I got her to move up to my bed." scene w3_5379 with dissolve play music "music/crinoline-dreams.ogg" show screen textbox2 with dissolve show screen qmenu with dissolve $ date = "june17day" "Surprisingly, she didn't fight me on it." show june17day with squares KN_MOD "if roseFlag == True:" "Although, she did suggest we share it..." mct "(Wait...)" "Despite the heavy drinking..." mc "{i}Heh...{/i}" "I feel refreshed...?" mct "(Fuckin' freak of nature...)" KN_MOD "jump w3June17Start" KN_MOD "label w3June17Start:" scene w3_5381 with dissolve rose "Mhhh, hmmm, mmmh~" "Humming, from the kitchen." scene w3_5382 with dissolve mc "Good morning." scene w3_5383 with dissolve rose "Oh, good. You're up." rose "I'll heat up your breakfast." scene w3_5384 with dissolve mc "'ve settled in nicely." scene w3_5385 with dissolve rose "Should you say that when I'm waiting on you?" scene w3_5384 with dissolve mc "Nope. I should say please and thank you, actually." play sound "sound effects/notification.wav" scene w3_5386 with dissolve "*Beep*" scene w3_5387 with fade "It was Ian." stop music fadeout 5.0 mct "(True to his word...)" KN_MOD "if w3VeronicaSex == True:" mct "(Didn't this madman sleep?)" scene w3_5388 with dissolve "........." "..." scene w3_5389 with dissolve hide screen textbox2 with dissolve mc "...fix another plate, will you please, Rose?" mc "Ian's coming over." scene black with fade "He found a way to contact Darius' parents." "......" "..." stop sound play sound "sound effects/sting-mumbaieffect.wav" hide screen qmenu with dissolve KN_MOD "call screen thanksforplaying"