#################################################### # MAIN MAP #################################################### label main_map: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() $ update_time() if(first_time_map==True): scene bg map_morning with dissolve pt "Ok, so I can go anywhere in town." pt "I have some time until class starts, so I can afford to explore a bit." pt "Maybe I should go to the Park or the Shopping District?" pt "Or maybe I should take a look at the Beach?" $first_time_map = False $renpy.notify("You can go to the locations by clicking on their icons on the map.") elif(unlock_alley==False and currentDay>7 and timeOfDay=="morning"): jump unlock_alley elif(unlock_alley==True and unlock_diviner==False and timeOfDay=="midnight"): jump unlock_diviner hide screen TopUI show screen TopUI window hide show screen MapUI if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg map_morning with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg map_noon with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg map_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg map_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg map_midnight with dissolve pause jump main_map label my_room: $girls_menu = True $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() $weekdaytext = weekday_dict[weekday] if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg room_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg room_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg room_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg room_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg room_midnight with dissolve if(q_charisma_2_to_3==True and timeOfDay=="morning" and unlock_gym==False): jump my_room_charisma_2_to_3 if(q_charisma_3_to_4==True and timeOfDay=="morning" and unlock_club==False): jump my_room_charisma_3_to_4 if(timeOfDay == "morning"): if(currentDay==69): pt "Wait... what's the current day?" pt "Oh." pt "..." pt "Nice." pt "It's [weekdaytext]." if(weekday=="sat"): pt "That means we only have one period of class." pt "The girls probably have a different routine today, right?" elif(weekday=="sun"): pt "There's no class today, so I'm free for the whole day!" pt "The girls and [t.name] probably have a different routine today, right?" else: if(can_go_on_a_date==False and (pr.affection>=4 or ot.affection>=4 or sp.affection>=4 or sh.affection>=4 or oj.affection>=4)): pt "I still have a date coming up." pt "But I have no idea where to go." pt "Maybe [t.name] can help?" else: pt "I have school at noon." if(getting_to_know_the_girls==True): pt "I have to focus on getting to know all the girls first." pt "I don't think I can skip school today." pt "Well, at least I have the morning free." else: pt "It's not mandatory, but attending class wouldn't hurt, right?" pt "Either way I have the morning free." menu: "Go on a date [dateEmoji]" if (weekday=="sat" or weekday=="sun") and timeOfDay=="morning" and can_go_on_a_date==True: pt "Let's see..." if(went_date_pr): pt "I've already went on a date with [pr.name] this weekend..." if(went_date_ot): pt "I've already went on a date with [ot.name] this weekend..." if(went_date_sp): pt "I've already went on a date with [sp.name] this weekend..." if(went_date_sh): pt "I've already went on a date with [sh.name] this weekend..." if(went_date_oj): pt "I've already went on a date with [oj.name] this weekend..." pt "Who should I take on a date?" menu: "[pr.name] [dateEmoji]" if went_date_pr==False and pr.affection>=4: jump pr_date "[ot.name] [dateEmoji]" if went_date_ot==False and ot.affection>=4: jump ot_date "[sp.name] [dateEmoji]" if went_date_sp==False and sp.affection>=4: jump sp_date "[sh.name] [dateEmoji]" if went_date_sh==False and sh.affection>=4: jump sh_date "[oj.name] [dateEmoji]" if went_date_oj==False and oj.affection>=4: jump oj_date "Nevermind": jump my_room "Go to sleep [clockEmoji]" if timeOfDay=="midnight": jump go_to_sleep "Go to sleep early [clockEmoji]" if timeOfDay=="night": jump go_to_sleep "Spend time on the computer [clockEmoji]" if timeOfDay!="midnight": if(getting_to_know_the_girls==True and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay=="evening")): pt "Actually, it's almost time for class." pt "I should focus on school first, and the girls." jump my_room jump using_computer "(DEBUG)SCENE SELECT" if debugCommands: jump scene_select "Options [gearEmoji]": menu: "Sleep until Saturday [clockEmoji][clockEmoji][clockEmoji]" if weekday!="sat" and getting_to_know_the_girls==False: $skipUntilWeekday("fri") jump go_to_sleep "Change my name": $ p.name = renpy.input ("What's your name?", "", length=20,) if p.name == "": $ p.name = "Dave" #default name if player leaves custom box blank $ persistent.pname = p.name "Name changed to [p.name]" jump my_room "Use a cheatcode (Patreon Only)": $ insertedCheatcode = renpy.input ("Cheatcodes are found on this game's Patreon page.", "", length=32,) if(insertedCheatcode=="natural charisma"): $fakeCharisma = True "You suddenly feel incredibly charismatic!" "CHARISMA set to MAX!" "(this will last until the end of the week)" elif(insertedCheatcode=="no more coin toss"): $fakeLuck = True "You suddenly feel incredibly lucky!" "Random events will always trigger!" "(this will last until the end of the week)" elif(insertedCheatcode=="i can see the future"): "This cheat will unlock all current scenes in the GIRLS menu." "Do you wanna turn on Gallery Unlock?" menu: "Unlock Gallery": "Unlocked all gallery scenes!" "(some repeatable scenes are not available in the gallery)" $cheat_gallery_unlock = True "Keep it locked": "Scenes will remain as-is!" $cheat_gallery_unlock = False elif(insertedCheatcode=="platinum trophy"): "This cheat will unlock all current achievements in the INFO menu." "Do you wanna turn on Achievement Unlock?" menu: "Unlock Achievements": "Unlocked all achievements!" $cheat_achievement_unlock = True "Keep it locked": "Achievements will remain as-is!" $cheat_achievement_unlock = False elif(insertedCheatcode=="jump to endgame"): "Hey! You're about to max every character affection!" "If you save after that, this can't be undone!" "You won't be able to access some character scenes after that." "This is not recommended on your first playthrough." "Are you REALLY sure you want to do this?" menu: "Yes": "All characters have had their affection set to MAX!" $affectionMax() "No": "Affection will remain as-is!" "Enjoy the game!" elif(insertedCheatcode=="all your panties belong to us"): $xray = True "You feel a strange sensation in your body." "Something is up with your eyes." "You've got X-ray vision!" "You will be able to see though clothes of some girls!" "(does not apply to main girls, only available in some scenes)" "(this will last until the end of the week)" elif(insertedCheatcode=="town navigator"): "Hey! You're about to unlock all available map locations!" "If you save after that, this can't be undone!" "This might cause some bugs if you go to a location you're not supposed to." "I'll try to squash those bugs whenever I see them, but be warned!" "Do you want to proceed?" menu: "Yes": $unlockAllLocations() "Unlocked all locations!" "No": "Locations will remain as-is!" elif(insertedCheatcode=="reset claire"): "Hey! You're about to undo the scenes where you show [t.name] the girl's pictures!" "If you save after that, this can't be undone!" "Do you want to proceed?" menu: "Yes": $resetPicturesShown() "[t.name] now forgot about all the pictures!" "No": "[t.name]'s scenes will remain as-is!" elif(insertedCheatcode=="reset charisma"): "Hey! You're about to return to Charisma 0!" "If you save after that, this can't be undone!" "Do you want to proceed?" menu: "Yes": $p.cha = 0 $went_gym_times = 0 $unlock_diviner = False $q_charisma_1_to_2 = False $q_charisma_2_to_3 = False $q_charisma_3_to_4 = False "Your charisma has been reset." "No": "Your charisma will remain as-is!" elif(insertedCheatcode=="mommy"): "[sm.name] will now do something different if you find her in the fast food restaurant in the mornings." $mommy_cheatcode = True elif(insertedCheatcode=="master"): "[md.name] will now show up sooner in the night club." $master_cheatcode = True elif(insertedCheatcode=="suddenly gigachad"): "This cheat will allow you to see how much points each choice will give in a date." "Enable Date Hints?" menu: "Turn on": $enable_date_hints = True "Enabled date hints!" "Turn off": $enable_date_hints = False "Disabled date hints!" elif(insertedCheatcode=="desire desire desire"): "This cheat will unlock the desire system before you're supposed to." "This might leave the game in a bugged state." "It's very heavily advised NOT TO SAVE after you use this cheatcode." menu: "Unlock Desire System": $unlock_desire = True "Unlocked the Desire System!" "Lock the Desire System": $unlock_desire = False "Locked the Desire System!" elif(insertedCheatcode=="i can control desire"): "This cheat will let you control all the girls desire." menu: "Set all to MAX": $pr.desire = 100 $ot.desire = 100 $sp.desire = 100 $sh.desire = 100 $oj.desire = 100 "All girls desire set to 100\%!" "Set all to 0": $pr.desire = 0 $ot.desire = 0 $sp.desire = 0 $sh.desire = 0 $oj.desire = 0 "All girls desire set to 0!" "Nevermind": "Desire unchanged." else: "And nothing happened." "Some codes might have changed in between versions." "Would you like to go to the Patreon page?" menu: "Yes": $renpy.run(OpenURL('https://www.patreon.com/kagetodev')) "Opening Patreon..." "No": "Ok!" jump my_room "Go back": jump my_room "Go Outside": jump main_map label park: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg park_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg park_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg park_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg park_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg park_midnight with dissolve if(timeOfDay=="midnight" and weekday=="sun"): if(persistent.content_voyeurism==True): jump r_exhib_girl else: $ renpy.notify("A scene has been filtered due to content settings") menu: "Go for a walk [clockEmoji]" if timeOfDay!="night" and timeOfDay!="midnight": if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school" jump park jump walk_in_the_park "Go back": jump main_map label beach: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(is_girl_in_location("t","beach")): if(persistent.content_voyeurism == False): $renpy.notify("An option has been filtered due to content settings.") else: jump t_beach_voyeur if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg beach_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg beach_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg beach_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg beach_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg beach_midnight with dissolve if(timeOfDay=="night" or timeOfDay=="midnight"): p "The beach is pretty deserted at this time." menu: "Wander around [clockEmoji]": if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school" jump beach jump walk_in_the_beach "Go back": jump main_map label training_gym: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg training_gym_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg training_gym_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg training_gym_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg training_gym_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg training_gym_night with dissolve if(q_charisma_2_to_3==True and went_gym==False): if(went_gym_times==0): $went_gym_times += 1 jump gym_first_charisma_2_to_3 if(went_gym_times==1): $went_gym_times += 1 jump gym_second_charisma_2_to_3 if(went_gym_times==2): $went_gym_times += 1 jump gym_third_charisma_2_to_3 if(timeOfDay=="night" or timeOfDay=="midnight"): pt "I don't think they're really open at this time." if(went_gym==True): pt "I've trained today already." pt "I don't think I can do it twice in one day." menu: "Train [clockEmoji]" if(went_gym==False): jump gym_train "Go back": jump main_map label alley: stop music $check_where_girl_is() #$playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg alley_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg alley_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg alley_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg alley_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg alley_midnight with dissolve if(timeOfDay=="night"): pt "The alleyway is pretty creepy at this time of day." if(unlock_diviner== True and timeOfDay!="midnight"): pt "The Diviner said she would be here at midnight." if(unlock_diviner== True and timeOfDay=="midnight"): pt "The Diviner should be around here." menu: "Wait until it's midnight [clockEmoji]" if(unlock_diviner==True and timeOfDay=="night"): scene black with dissolve "You wait until it's midnight." $pass_time(1) jump alley "Go to the Diviner" if(unlock_diviner==True and timeOfDay=="midnight"): jump diviner_tent "Go back": jump main_map label nightclub: $playIfNotPlaying(m_club) $check_where_girl_is() scene bg club with dissolve "You enter the night club." pt "Hm, it seems like a nice place." pt "Now, where should I go?" menu: "Check the Bar [clockEmoji]": jump nightclub_bar "Go back": jump main_map label nightclub_bar: $playIfNotPlaying(m_club) $check_where_girl_is() if(q_charisma_3_to_4==True): jump bar_charisma_3_to_4 if is_girl_in_location("md","night_club"): jump md_bar_talk if(p.cha>=4): if(went_bar==False): jump bar_pickup else: pt "I already went there tonight." jump nightclub scene bg bar with dissolve menu: "Go back": jump nightclub #################################################### # SCHOOL #################################################### label front_gate: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if is_girl_in_location("oj","front_gate"): $ seePanties = WeightedChoice([ ("yes", 0.3), ("no", 0.7) ]) if(fakeLuck == True): $seePanties="yes" if(seePanties=="yes"): show cut oj_panties_1 with dissolve "As you go outside, you see [oj.name] sitting on a bench talking on the phone." pt "The way she's sitting down..." pt "I might be able to see her panties!" show cut oj_panties_2 with dissolve pt "Oh, she's using pink panties!" pt "I really wasn't expecting that!" if(has_pic("pic oj_school") == False): pt "If I'm fast I can take a picture with my phone..." pt "Should I take a picture?" menu: "Yes": $unlock_pic("pic oj_school") play sound s_pic show black show pic oj_school with pic_flash pause pt "Yes!" pt "I've got a photo of [oj.name]'s panties!" pt "Looks like she didn't notice it." pt "Now I need to act natural." "No": pt "Better not risk it." scene bg school_inside_evening_oj with dissolve "She gets up, talking into her phone while walking in circles." "She doesn't notice you." elif(seePanties=="no"): scene bg school_inside_evening_oj with dissolve pt "Oh, [oj.name] is here." pt "She seems busy, talking with someone on her phone." else: if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg school_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg school_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg school_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg school_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg school_midnight with dissolve if (weekday=="sun"): p "School doesn't open on Sundays." elif (got_changed==True and timeOfDay=="noon" and in_class==False): p "I've already changed, might as well attend class." menu: "Talk to [oj.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("oj","front_gate"): jump oj_break_talk "Go Inside" if timeOfDay!="midnight" and weekday!="sun": jump hallway "Go Outside" if (got_changed==False and in_class==False): jump main_map label hallway: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg hallway_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg hallway_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg hallway_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg hallway_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg hallway_night with dissolve #if(got_first_nude==True and shown_first_nude==False): #pt "I need to remember to show [t.name] the message I received." if(timeOfDay=="morning" and got_changed==False): pt "I'm a bit early, class doesn't start untill noon." elif(timeOfDay=="noon" and got_changed==False): pt "I should hurry, class is about to start!" pt "I'll need to get changed first." elif(timeOfDay=="evening" and got_changed==False): if(weekday!="sat"): pt "I'm late! Hopefully I can make it to the second period." pt "I need to get changed fast!" if(weekday=="sat"): pt "It's Saturday, so class ended early." elif(timeOfDay=="night"): if(weekday!="sat"): pt "Class just ended." $update_all_closeness() if(getting_to_know_the_girls==True and pr.affection>=0 and ot.affection>=0 and sp.affection>=0 and sh.affection>=0 and oj.affection>=0 and t.affection==0): pt "Seems I'm a bit close with all the girls already!" pt "I should talk with [t.name]." $getting_to_know_the_girls = False elif(close_to_girl_lenght_previous=1): $ locker_sex_who = renpy.random.choice(girls_with_high_desire) if timeOfDay=="morning": $ pass_time(1) if(locker_sex_who=="pr"): jump pr_locker_sex_prep if(locker_sex_who=="ot"): jump ot_locker_sex_prep if(locker_sex_who=="sp"): jump sp_locker_sex_prep if(locker_sex_who=="sh"): jump sh_locker_sex_prep if(locker_sex_who=="oj"): jump oj_locker_sex_prep if(got_changed==True): pt "I've already changed, there's not much to do here." if ((timeOfDay=="noon") or (timeOfDay=="evening" and weekday!="sat")) and got_changed==False and persistent.content_voyeurism == False: $renpy.notify("An option has been filtered due to content settings.") menu locker_choice_menu: "Call someone over" if (timeOfDay=="morning" or timeOfDay=="noon" or (timeOfDay=="evening" and weekday!="sat")) and (pr.affection>=10 or ot.affection>=10 or sp.affection>=10 or sh.affection>=10 or oj.affection>=10 ) and unlock_desire : pt "Who should I call over?" menu: "[pr.name] [dStart]{size=19}[heartEmoji]{/size} [pr.desire][dEnd]" if pr.affection>= 10: pt "Let's call [pr.name]." jump pr_choices_locker_call "[ot.name] [dStart]{size=19}[heartEmoji]{/size} [ot.desire][dEnd]" if ot.affection>= 10: pt "Let's call [ot.name]." jump ot_choices_locker_call "[sp.name] [dStart]{size=19}[heartEmoji]{/size} [sp.desire][dEnd]" if sp.affection>= 10: pt "Let's call [sp.name]." jump sp_choices_locker_call "[sh.name] [dStart]{size=19}[heartEmoji]{/size} [sh.desire][dEnd]" if sh.affection>= 10: pt "Let's call [sh.name]." jump sh_choices_locker_call "[oj.name] [dStart]{size=19}[heartEmoji]{/size} [oj.desire][dEnd]" if oj.affection>= 10: pt "Let's call [oj.name]." jump oj_choices_locker_call "Never mind": pt "I've changed my mind." jump locker_choice_menu "Get changed early [clockEmoji]" if(timeOfDay=="morning" and got_changed==False): pt "Let's put on the uniform." $got_changed = True show black with dissolve pause 0.5 hide black with dissolve if(found_peeping_hole): "As you finish changing into your uniform, you hear noises from the other side of the wall." pt "Could it be that the girls are changing in the other locker room?" pt "There's the hole that [t.name] set up to spy on them..." pt "Should I take a peek?" if(persistent.content_voyeurism == False): $renpy.notify("An option has been filtered due to content settings.") menu: "Yes" if(persistent.content_voyeurism): if(len(get_girls_with_desire(95))>0): $ pass_time(1) jump lockers_peek pt "Let's see..." show black with dissolve pause 1 show cut all_changing with dissolve hide black pause 1 pt "They're all there!" pt "I can see why [t.name] was so eager to see this!" pt "They look amazing in their underwear..." pt "I guess it paid off to change early!" if(has_pic("pic pr_ot_sp_sh_oj_changing") == False): pt "If I'm fast I can take a picture with my phone..." pt "Should I take a picture?" menu: "Yes": $unlock_pic("pic pr_ot_sp_sh_oj_changing") play sound s_pic hide black show black show pic pr_ot_sp_sh_oj_changing with pic_flash pause pt "Yes!" pt "Looks like they didn't notice it." pt "Now I need to act natural." "No": pt "Better not risk it." scene black with dissolve $unlock_achievement("a_locker_peek_all") scene bg locker_boy with dissolve pt "That was great!" "No": pt "Yeah, better not to." scene black with dissolve pt "Well, time to go back." $pass_time(1) jump hallway "Wait until it's noon [clockEmoji]" if (timeOfDay=="morning" and got_changed==False): pt "I'll just wait until it's time for class." pt "Now, to kill some time..." $pass_time(1) scene black with dissolve jump lockers "Get changed [clockEmoji]" if ((timeOfDay=="noon") or (timeOfDay=="evening" and weekday!="sat")) and got_changed==False: pt "Let's put on the uniform." $got_changed = True scene black with dissolve pt "Ok, now back to class!" jump hallway "Peek though the hole [clockEmoji]" if (timeOfDay=="noon" and found_peeping_hole==True) and got_changed==False and persistent.content_voyeurism: $got_changed = True jump lockers_peek "Check stolen panties" if (has_panties_pr or has_panties_ot or has_panties_sp or has_panties_sh or has_panties_oj): jump check_stolen_panties "Go back": jump hallway label rooftop: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(is_girl_in_location("ot","rooftop")): $ seePanties = WeightedChoice([ ("yes", 0.3), ("no", 0.7) ]) if(fakeLuck == True): $seePanties="yes" if(seePanties=="yes"): show cut ot_panties_1 with dissolve "As open the door, you see [ot.name] admiring the view." pt "The wind is blowing her skirt away!" pt "I can see her panties!" show cut ot_panties_2 with dissolve pt "[ot.name]'s ass is really tight!" pt "She's really got a great body!" if(has_pic("pic ot_school") == False): pt "If I'm fast I can take a picture with my phone..." pt "Should I take a picture?" menu: "Yes": $unlock_pic("pic ot_school") play sound s_pic show black show pic ot_school with pic_flash pause pt "Yes!" pt "I've got a photo of [ot.name]'s panties!" pt "Looks like she didn't notice it." pt "Now I need to act natural." "No": pt "Better not risk it." scene bg rooftop_evening_ot with dissolve "She goes back to the bench, not noticing you." elif(seePanties=="no"): scene bg rooftop_evening_ot with dissolve pt "Oh, [ot.name] is here." pt "She seems to be playing a game on her phone." else: if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg rooftop_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg rooftop_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg rooftop_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg rooftop_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg rooftop_night with dissolve menu: "Talk to [ot.name] [clockEmoji]" if(timeOfDay=="evening" and weekday!="sat"): jump ot_break_talk "Go back": jump hallway label cafeteria: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if is_girl_in_location("sp","cafeteria") and is_girl_in_location("sh","cafeteria"): $ seePanties = WeightedChoice([ ("yes-sp", 0.3), ("yes-sh", 0.3), ("no", 0.4) ]) if(fakeLuck == True): $seePanties=WeightedChoice([ ("yes-sp", 0.5), ("yes-sh", 0.5), ]) if(seePanties=="yes-sp"): show cut sp_panties_1 with dissolve "As you enter the cafeteria, you see [sp.name] running." pt "The way she's running, you can see her panties!" pt "Striped panties, huh?" show cut sp_panties_2 with dissolve pt "[sp.name]'s body is straight up amazing!" pt "That's expected of someone who's into sports, I guess." if(has_pic("pic sp_school") == False): pt "If I'm fast I can take a picture with my phone..." pt "Should I take a picture?" menu: "Yes": $unlock_pic("pic sp_school") play sound s_pic show black show pic sp_school with pic_flash pause pt "Yes!" pt "I've got a photo of [sp.name]'s panties!" pt "Looks like she didn't notice it." pt "Now I need to act natural." "No": pt "Better not risk it." scene bg cafeteria_sp_sh with dissolve "She sits down beside [sh.name]." elif(seePanties=="yes-sh"): show cut sh_panties_1 with dissolve "As you enter the cafeteria, you see [sh.name] buying something from the vending machine." pt "She's got a really petite body." pt "I might be able to see her panties this way!" show cut sh_panties_2 with dissolve pt "She wears a pantyhose, but you can see the white panties underneath!" pt "She's got a really cute butt." if(has_pic("pic sh_school") == False): pt "If I'm fast I can take a picture with my phone..." pt "Should I take a picture?" menu: "Yes": $unlock_pic("pic sh_school") play sound s_pic show black show pic sh_school with pic_flash pause pt "Yes!" pt "I've got a photo of [sh.name]'s panties!" pt "Looks like she didn't notice it." pt "Now I need to act natural." "No": pt "Better not risk it." scene bg cafeteria_sp_sh with dissolve "She gets up and sits down beside [sp.name]." elif(seePanties=="no"): scene bg cafeteria_sp_sh with dissolve p "Oh, [sp.name] and [sh.name] are here." else: scene bg cafeteria with dissolve p "The cafeteria itself is closed, but there's some tables and vending machines here." menu: "Talk to [sp.name] and [sh.name] [clockEmoji]" if(timeOfDay=="evening" and weekday!="sat"): jump sp_sh_break_talk "Go back": jump hallway label office: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay=="morning" and found_peeping_hole==True): scene bg office_day_t with dissolve show bg at blurTransform pt "[t.name] is here." show t uniform f smug with dissolve t "Look who decided to show up early." show t neutral with dissolve t "I'm a bit busy at the moment." if(can_go_on_a_date==False and (pr.affection>=4 or ot.affection>=4 or sp.affection>=4 or sh.affection>=4 or oj.affection>=4)): jump t_get_date_location t "Let's talk later." elif(timeOfDay=="night" and weekday!="sat"): scene bg office_night_t with dissolve pt "[t.name] is here." scene bg office_night show bg at blurTransform show t uniform f facepalm with dissolve t "There's so much work to do..." $update_all_closeness() show t neutral with dissolve if(getting_to_know_the_girls == False and t.affection==0): jump t_got_girls elif(close_to_girl_lenght_previous=4 or ot.affection>=4 or sp.affection>=4 or sh.affection>=4 or oj.affection>=4)): jump t_get_date_location if(t.affection>=6): show t sexy with dissolve t "Or do you want to do something else?" else: t "Let's talk later." elif(timeOfDay=="evening" and weekday=="sat"): scene bg office_evening_t show bg at blurTransform pt "[t.name] is here." show t uniform f facepalm with dissolve t "There's so much work to do..." show t neutral with dissolve t "Sorry, I'm a bit busy at the moment." if(can_go_on_a_date==False and (pr.affection>=4 or ot.affection>=4 or sp.affection>=4 or sh.affection>=4 or oj.affection>=4)): jump t_get_date_location t "Let's talk later." else: if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg office_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg office_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg office_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg office_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg office_night with dissolve pt "There's no one here." menu office_choices: "Have sex [clockEmoji]" if t.affection>=6 and timeOfDay=="night" and weekday!="sat": menu: "Ask for a Handjob": show t uniform c smug with dissolve t "So you want a hand job, huh?" show t sexy with dissolve t "This is going to be fun." jump t_office_handjob "Ask for a Blowjob": show t uniform c smug with dissolve t "So you want a blow job, huh?" show t sexy with dissolve t "This is going to be fun." jump t_office_blowjob "Ask for a Titjob": show t uniform c smug with dissolve t "So you want a tit job, huh?" show t sexy with dissolve t "This is going to be fun." jump t_office_titjob "Have sex": show t uniform c smug with dissolve t "So you want to have sex, huh?" show t sexy with dissolve t "This is going to be fun." jump t_office_sex "Nevermind": jump office_choices "Go back": jump hallway label library: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if is_girl_in_location("oj","library"): scene bg library_oj with dissolve pt "Oh, [oj.name] is here." pt "I think she was supposed to be studying, but she's scrolling on her phone." if (oj.affection<0): #0 pt "I shouldn't bother her, she barely knows me." elif is_girl_in_location("pr","library"): if(weekday!="sat"): $ seePanties = WeightedChoice([("yes", 0.3),("no", 0.7)]) if(fakeLuck==True): $seePanties = "yes" if(seePanties=="yes"): show cut pr_panties_1 with dissolve "As you enter the room, you see [pr.name] looking for a book." pt "Wow! I can see her panties!" show cut pr_panties_2 with dissolve pt "[pr.name] has a really nice ass!" pt "I shouldn't stare too much though." if(has_pic("pic pr_school") == False): pt "If I'm fast I can take a picture with my phone..." pt "Should I take a picture?" menu: "Yes": $unlock_pic("pic pr_school") play sound s_pic show black show pic pr_school with pic_flash pause pt "Yes!" pt "I've got a photo of [pr.name]'s panties!" pt "Looks like she didn't notice it." pt "Now I need to act natural." "No": pt "Better not risk it." scene bg library_pr with dissolve "She sits down, not noticing you." elif(seePanties=="no"): scene bg library_pr with dissolve pt "Oh, [pr.name] is here." pt "She seems to be reviewing what was taught on the first period." else: scene bg library_pr with dissolve pt "Oh, [pr.name] is here." pt "Class is already over but she's studying still!" if(pr.affection<9): pt "This time she looks super concentrated, I won't bother her." elif is_girl_in_location("sh","library"): scene bg library_sh with dissolve pt "Oh, [sh.name] is here." pt "She seems to be studying." if (sh.affection<0): #0 pt "I shouldn't bother her, she barely knows me." else: scene bg library with dissolve menu: "Talk to [oj.name] [clockEmoji]" if(is_girl_in_location("oj","library") and oj.affection>=0):#0 jump oj_library_talk "Talk to [sh.name] [clockEmoji]" if(is_girl_in_location("sh","library") and sh.affection>=0):#0 jump sh_library "Talk to [pr.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("pr","library") and weekday!="sat": jump pr_break_talk "Talk to [pr.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("pr","library") and weekday=="sat" and pr.affection>=9: jump pr_library_sat "Go back": jump hallway #################################################### # SHOPPING DISTRICT #################################################### label shopping_district: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay!="midnight"): hide screen TopUI show screen TopUI window hide show screen ShoppingDistrictUI if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg town_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg town_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg town_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg town_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg town_midnight with dissolve if(timeOfDay=="midnight"): menu: "Go back": jump main_map pause jump shopping_district label fastfood: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if is_girl_in_location("sp","fast_food"): scene bg fastfood_day_sp with dissolve pt "Oh, [sp.name] is here." if (sp.affection<1): pt "I shouldn't bother her while she's working." elif is_girl_in_location("sh","fast_food"): scene cut sh_mom_fastfood_1 with dissolve pt "Oh, [sh.name] is here, with someone else." if (sh.affection<2): pt "I shouldn't bother them." elif is_girl_in_location("sm","fast_food"): show cut sm_fastfood_1 with dissolve if(met_sm==False): pt "Oh, [sh.name]'s mom is here." else: pt "Oh, [sm.name] is here." else: scene bg fastfood_day with dissolve menu: "Talk to [sp.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("sp","fast_food") and sp.affection>=1: jump sp_fastfood_talk "Talk to [sh.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("sh","fast_food") and sh.affection>=2: jump sh_fastfood_talk "Talk to [sh.name]'s mom [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("sm","fast_food") and met_sm==False: jump sm_fastfood_talk "Talk to [sm.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("sm","fast_food") and met_sm==True: jump sm_fastfood_talk "Go back": jump shopping_district label maid_cafe: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if is_girl_in_location("pr","maid_cafe"): scene bg cafe_pr with dissolve pt "Oh, [pr.name] is here." if (pr.affection<1): pt "I don't want to bother her during her work." else: scene bg cafe with dissolve menu: "Talk to [pr.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("pr","maid_cafe") and pr.affection>=1: jump pr_cafe_talk "Go back": jump shopping_district label bookstore: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if is_girl_in_location("pr","bookstore"): scene bg bookstore_pr with dissolve pt "Oh, [pr.name] is here!" if(pr.affection<2): pt "I don't wanna bother her on the weekend..." pt "I'll pretend I didn't see her." elif is_girl_in_location("ot","bookstore"): scene bg bookstore_ot with dissolve pt "Oh, [ot.name] is here!" if(ot.affection<1): pt "I don't wanna bother her..." pt "I'll pretend I didn't see her." elif is_girl_in_location("sp","bookstore") and is_girl_in_location("sh","bookstore"): scene bg bookstore_sp_sh with dissolve pt "Oh, [sp.name] and [sh.name] are here!" if(sp.affection<99): pt "I don't wanna bother them on the weekend..." pt "I'll pretend I didn't see them." else: scene bg bookstore with dissolve menu: "Talk to [pr.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("pr","bookstore") and pr.affection>=2: jump pr_bookstore_talk "Talk to [ot.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("ot","bookstore") and ot.affection>=1: jump ot_bookstore_talk "Check the Adult Section": if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school." jump shopping_district pt "They seem to have an adult section right around a corner." pt "Let's take a look." scene black with dissolve jump bookstore_adult_section "Go back": jump shopping_district label bookstore_adult_section: $ playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) show bg adult_section with dissolve pt "Oh, wow." pt "They have a lot of stuff here." pt "A lot of hentai doujinshis and posters..." show bg adult_section_close with dissolve pt "... and even some sexy figurines." pt "I wonder if I should bring one of these home." pt "But what if one of the girls see it?" pt "I don't think it would make the best impression..." show bg adult_section with dissolve pt "Either way, I think I've seen enough." pt "I don't wanna get caught here either..." if( (weekday!="sat" and weekday!="sun" and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay=="evening")) or (weekday=="sat" and timeOfDay=="noon")): if(p.cha<4): stop music show cut r_chika_surprise with vpunch chika_u "Oh-!" chika_u "Someone else is here!?" play music m_funky pt "Damn- Just like I thought." pt "That's so embarrassing!" scene black with dissolve "You quickly leave the store, pretending not to notice the girl." pt "That girls was cute though." pt "Maybe if I had more charisma..." $ pass_time(1) jump main_map else: jump r_chika_sex scene black with dissolve "You return to the main section of the Bookstore." jump bookstore label clothing_store: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(q_charisma_1_to_2==True and timeOfDay=="night"): jump clothing_store_charisma_1_to_2 if is_girl_in_location("oj","clothing_store"): scene bg clothing_store_oj with dissolve pt "Oh, [oj.name] is here." if (oj.affection<1): pt "I don't want to bother her." else: scene bg clothing_store with dissolve menu: "Talk with [oj.name] [clockEmoji]" if is_girl_in_location("oj","clothing_store") and oj.affection>=1: jump oj_clothing_store_talk "Check changing room [clockEmoji]" if (timeOfDay!="midnight"): if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school" jump shopping_district $isSomeoneThere = WeightedChoice([ ("yes", 0.40), ("no", 0.60) ]) if(isSomeoneThere=="yes" or fakeLuck==True): pt "There seems to be someone in the changing room." pt "The store is quite empty, and no one's paying attention to me." pt "Should I try to peek inside?" menu: "Yes": jump clothing_store_peek "No": pt "Better not to risk it." pt "Well... nothing else to do here." else: pt "There's nobody in the changing rooms at the moment." pt "I think I've came here for nothing." pt "Oh well, you win some and you lose some." $pass_time(1) jump shopping_district "Look for the clerk" if(p.cha>=2): if(timeOfDay=="night"): scene cut r_store_clerk_1 with dissolve storegirl "Oh, good evening mister!" scene cut r_store_clerk_4 with dissolve storegirl "Looking for something... special?" menu: "Have sex [clockEmoji]": storegirl "Fufu, sure..." scene black with dissolve "You wait until the store is empty." jump r_store_sex "Nevermind": scene cut r_store_clerk_3 with dissolve storegirl "Hm... ok." jump clothing_store else: pt "Hm, looks like she's not here at this time." pt "Maybe she's only here at night?" jump clothing_store "Go back": jump shopping_district #################################################### # SPORTS CENTER #################################################### label sports_center: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay!="midnight"): hide screen TopUI show screen TopUI window hide show screen SportsCenterUI if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg sports_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg sports_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg sports_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg sports_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg sports_midnight with dissolve if(timeOfDay=="midnight"): menu: "Go back": jump main_map pause jump sports_center ##menu: ## "Go to Basketball Court" if timeOfDay!="midnight": ## jump gym ## "Go to Tennis Court" if timeOfDay!="midnight": ## jump tennis ## "Go to Running Field" if timeOfDay!="midnight": ## jump track ## "Go to Swimming Pool" if timeOfDay!="midnight": ## jump swimming_pool ## "Go to the Showers" if timeOfDay!="midnight": ## jump showers ## "Go back": ## jump main_map label gym: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg gym_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg gym_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg gym_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg gym_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg gym_night with dissolve menu: "Look around [clockEmoji]" if timeOfDay!="midnight" and timeOfDay!="night": if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school" jump gym pt "I'll take a look around." jump gym_basketball "Go back": jump sports_center label track: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg track_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg track_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg track_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg track_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg track_night with dissolve menu: "Walk around [clockEmoji]" if timeOfDay!="night" and timeOfDay!="midnight": if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school" jump track jump track_walk "Go back": jump sports_center label swimming_pool: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() scene bg swimming_pool with dissolve menu: "Walk around [clockEmoji]" if timeOfDay!="night" and timeOfDay!="midnight": if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school" jump swimming_pool jump pool_walk "Go back": jump sports_center label tennis: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg tennis_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg tennis_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg tennis_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg tennis_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg tennis_night with dissolve menu: "Walk around [clockEmoji]" if timeOfDay!="night" and timeOfDay!="midnight": if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school" jump tennis jump tennis_walk "Go back": jump sports_center label showers: $playIfNotPlaying(m_calm_1) $check_where_girl_is() if(timeOfDay=="morning"): scene bg showers_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="noon"): scene bg showers_day with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="evening"): scene bg showers_evening with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="night"): scene bg showers_night with dissolve elif(timeOfDay=="midnight"): scene bg showers_night with dissolve if(persistent.content_voyeurism == False): $renpy.notify("An option has been filtered due to content settings.") elif(is_girl_in_location("t","showers")): jump t_showers_voyeur menu: "Try to sneak in [clockEmoji]" if(persistent.content_voyeurism): if(getting_to_know_the_girls and (timeOfDay=="noon" or timeOfDay == "evening")): pt "Actually, I should focus on getting to know the girls better." pt "I should head to school" jump sports_center pt "Ok, i'll try to sneak in." pt "First need to check if no one is paying attention." $ gotin = "yes" if(timeOfDay=="morning" or timeOfDay == "noon"): pt "There's some people around, hope they don't notice me." $ gotin = WeightedChoice([ ("yes", 0.40), ("no", 0.60) ]) elif (timeOfDay=="night"): pt "There's almost no one here at night." pt "That might help me out." if(fakeLuck==True): $gotin = "yes" pause 2 if(gotin=="yes"): pt "Ok, the coast is clear!" jump showers_peeking else: pt "Hm, no, it's too risky." pt "I need to get lucky next time." pt "It'll be easier if there's less people around too. Gotta think about that." $pass_time(1) jump sports_center "Go back": jump sports_center #################################################### # OTHER LOCATIONS #################################################### label diviner_tent: "You make your way to the Diviner's tent." scene cut dv_tent_1 with dissolve $playIfNotPlaying(m_tense_2) $check_where_girl_is() if(went_dv==False): if(p.cha==1): if(q_charisma_1_to_2==False): jump dv_charisma_1_to_2 else: pt "I just remembered that she told me to go to the Clothing Store at night." pt "I can't forget that." if(p.cha==2): if(q_charisma_2_to_3==False): jump dv_charisma_2_to_3 else: pt "I just remembered that she told me to go train multiple times until I see the results." pt "I wonder what kind of result she means by that." if(p.cha==3): if(q_charisma_3_to_4==False): jump dv_charisma_3_to_4 else: pt "Nightclub stuff" dv "Greetings, one who seeks answers." dv "In what way can I help you in this beautiful night?" menu diviner_prep_reading: "Get a reading": jump dv_tent_reading "Go back": dv "I will still be here should you need anything." scene black with dissolve "You get out of the tent and head outside." jump main_map