define KN_MOD = Character("KN_MOD", color="#ff0000") # java -jar modder-2.jar --feature=KNMOD --file=/tmp/out --skipLinesUpto=33 # ModWork created and maintained at # modded by modder2vNov2-2023 program. Created by BulliThulli # cat script.rpy ep1.rpy > /tmp/out image splash1 = "gui/overlay/Splash1.png" label splashscreen: scene black show splash1 with dissolve pause (3) return define dev = Character("", who_color="#f3f3f3", ctc="ctc_blink", ctc_position="nestled") define h = Character("[h_name]", who_color="#8bc793", ctc="ctc_blink", ctc_position="nestled") define m = Character("[m_name]", ctc="ctc_blink", ctc_position="nestled" , who_color="#8bc793") define s = Character("Yuki", ctc="ctc_blink", ctc_position="nestled") define d = Character("Yoko", ctc="ctc_blink", ctc_position="nestled") define narrator = Character(ctc="ctc_blink", ctc_position="nestled") label start: stop music fadeout 1.0 scene black with fade $ h_name = renpy.input("Enter your name... (Default name: Hero)", length=10) if h_name == "": $ h_name = "Hero" scene 35 $ m_name = renpy.input("How do you know her?Choose wisely, as some might still call her 'Martha' (Default name: Martha).", length=10) if m_name == "": $ m_name = "Martha" scene black with fade dev "Perhaps you should review the tutorial first?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tutorial Overview if True:" dev "1.Love Points" show screen stats_love with dissolve play audio "audio/uved.mp3" dev "These points represent your relationship progress with characters. Earning Love Points strengthens your bond with a character and can unveil new story branches." hide screen stats_love with dissolve dev "2.Glasses of Loss" show screen stats_loss with dissolve play audio "audio/uved.mp3" dev " Accumulating these points suggests you're not maintaining a positive relationship with certain characters." hide screen stats_loss with dissolve dev "3.Glasses of Depravity" show screen stats_flame with dissolve play audio "audio/uved.mp3" dev "These points showcase the darker aspects of your character or your interactions. Earning Depravity Points can lead to unique or more sinister storylines." hide screen stats_flame with dissolve dev "Understanding Game Choices:" dev "Throughout the game, you'll encounter various choices. Your decisions can lead to the accumulation of different points." dev " It's essential to realize that while some choices are unaffected by your current point totals and yield predetermined outcomes, others may become available or locked based on your point accumulation." dev "Remember: There are no strictly 'bad' or 'good' choices. Each decision unfolds a unique storyline. If you aim to explore every outcome, feel free to replay the game, choosing different paths.." KN_MOD "Proceed to the game. if True:" KN_MOD "jump ep1start" KN_MOD "jump ep1start" # Decompiled by unrpyc: define m_ch_pol_ep1 = False define m_ch_polx2_ep1 = False define s_ch_lie_ep1 = False define d_ch_love_ep1 = False define m_ch_bath_ep1 = False default m_love = 0 default m_loss = 0 default m_flame = 0 default s_love = 0 default s_loss = 0 default s_flame = 0 default d_love = 0 default d_loss = 0 default d_flame = 0 KN_MOD "label ep1start:" stop music fadeout 4.0 scene black play audio "audio/song/Vor.mp3" pause 3 scene 1 with fade h "Oh, what's that tapping noise?" scene 2 with dissolve h "A crow?" play audio "audio/song/Vor.mp3" scene ep1_vor with dissolve pause 2 scene 4 with dissolve pause 5 scene 5 with dissolve h "Hey, shoo!" scene 6 with dissolve h "Stupid bird. What time is it?" scene 7 with dissolve h "Oh, it's already morning *yawns*" scene 8 with dissolve play music "audio/music/Wave Saver - 2099.mp3" fadeout 1.0 h "Halloween's here already... *sighs*" scene 9 with dissolve h "*mumbles* She makes me decorate my room every Halloween, even if I'm not in the mood." scene 10 with dissolve h "I can't say no, though. She loves Halloween even more than her own birthday." scene 11 with dissolve h "I've never understood why she loves Halloween so much. Could it be the masks, candles, pumpkins? Or maybe it's the sense of mystery and magic?" scene 10 with dissolve h "I've asked her multiple times, but she always says something like, 'Just because! It's magical!' Well, okay then." scene 9 with dissolve h "But that means I always have to go all out with the decorations." h "One time I hung up my old boots as a joke, saying they were part of the decor. She said it was the most original Halloween decoration she'd ever seen." scene 8 with dissolve h "Ah, I forgot! I need to wake her up. She asked me to do so if I woke up first." scene 12 with dissolve h "I hate waking anyone up, but for her, I'll make an exception. Especially today, of all days." play audio "audio/song/DoorOpen.mp3" scene 13 with fade h "(Looks like she's already awake. Typical. And here I was, worrying for nothing)" scene 14 with dissolve h "(What is she doing? Sewing? Maybe some Halloween costume?)" scene 13 with fade h "Good morning, [m]." scene 15 with dissolve m "Good morning, my sweet bunny. You're up early today. Was it because of Halloween?" h "*shrugs* Not exactly, a pesky crow woke me up. It was sitting right on the windowsill, tapping away." scene 14 with dissolve m "*smiling* A crow? That sounds interesting. Come, sit down and tell me more!" scene 16 with dissolve h "(I couldn't help but notice her bra was slightly out of place. I hope she doesn't realize I saw...*I'm blushing*)" scene 17 with dissolve h "(Ahem... My throat's dry, and I'm at a loss for words)" m "Sweetie, why did you go quiet? Tell me about the crow." h "Ahem... Oh? The crow... Well..." scene 18 with dissolve h "(I think she noticed, thank God. I hope she didn't realize what I saw, I'm so embarrassed)" scene 19 with dissolve m "Perhaps the crow was your personal Halloween alarm? A spectral bird reminding you of the holiday?" h "Could be. Though I'd prefer a less noisy reminder." scene 20 with dissolve m "Crows are interesting. In many cultures, they're seen as messengers from another realm." h "'Another realm?' Like the afterlife?" scene 21 with dissolve m "Exactly. In some cultures, crows symbolize wisdom and magic. In others, they're seen as harbingers of the afterlife or transformation." m "They're often linked with magic, mysteries, and prophecies." h "So, are you saying that crow was an 'alarm' or hinting at a prophecy?" scene 22 with dissolve m "Who knows? Maybe it's hinting at something special this Halloween." m "Every holiday has its mysteries." scene 23 with dissolve m "Hungry?" h "*rubbing eyes* A bit." m "Alright, head down to the kitchen. I'll get dressed quickly and join you." h "Okay." scene black with fade play audio "audio/song/DoorKnock.mp3" pause 3 stop music fadeout 1.0 scene 24 with fade play music "audio/music/Halloween - Synthezx.mp3" fadeout 1.0 s "*Door sound* Hey there, neighbors! I'm back again." h "(Our neighbor next door has been popping in quite a bit lately)" h "(She always brings some sort of sweets. Sometimes she even goes overboard with it)" scene 25 with dissolve h "(She works at the diner down the street. I keep forgetting its name)" h "(Eh, doesn't matter. I bet people visit more to see her than for the food itself)" scene 26 with dissolve h "(She's an older woman, but she looks stunning)" h "(She's flirted with me a few times, but my insecurities always get in the way of a proper response)" scene 27 with dissolve h "(She picked up on that and always brushed it off as a joke)" h "(For all her charm, there's a catch)" scene 28 with dissolve h "(She often comes over just to vent, talking about how drained she is by life.)" play audio "audio/song/DoorOpen.mp3" scene 29 with dissolve s "Hi [h], good to see you again." h "Hello!" s "Mind if I come in?" scene 30 with dissolve h "Sure, make yourself at home." stop music fadeout 1.0 scene 31 with fade play music "audio/music/CLNGR - Something Different.mp3" fadeout 1.0 s "Hello, Martha. You're looking absolutely radiant today." m "Thanks, Yuki." s "I thought I'd bring over some homemade tacos and, of course, some dessert." m "You're always spoiling us, aren't you? Let's head to the kitchen." scene 32 with fade s "Your place is so clean and organized. I feel like a mess in comparison." m "Oh, stop it. You're already whipping up a feast and we're barely awake. You're something else." scene 33 with dissolve s "Maybe you're right. I'll put the tray here." scene 34 with dissolve h "(Wow, her skirt is really short. Better look away)" scene 35 with dissolve m "How about some milk, Bunny?" h "Yes, thanks." scene 36 with dissolve $ persistent.pg1_1 = True h "(Lately, she's been wandering around the house in her underwear)" h "(It started after Yuki made a playful jab about her dressing too old-fashioned)" h "(Martha took it more seriously than Yuki probably intended)" scene 37 with dissolve h "(*sighing* She used to wear long dresses, nightgowns)" h "(They covered her entire body, and I got used to it. It was beautiful.)" scene 38 with dissolve h "(Now, her new choice of attire is just... well, it's embarrassing.)" scene 39 with fade m "Yuki, are you sure a salad will be enough to fill you up?" scene 40 with dissolve s "Definitely. I've gained a bit of weight recently, so I'm watching what I eat." scene 41 with dissolve show screen s_stats with dissolve s "On that note, how's your love life? Found a girlfriend yet?" h "(*Sighs* Great, she's bringing this up again. Why do I always get uncomfortable during these conversations?)" KN_MOD "menu:" dev "What should I say to her?" KN_MOD "Well... not yet... (mumbles) if True:" scene 42_1 with dissolve $ s_ch_lie_ep1 = False show screen stats_love with dissolve $ s_love += 1 play audio "audio/uved.mp3" s "Come on! You're a young, handsome guy. Isn't it about time you found your better half?" hide screen stats_love with dissolve h "Yeah..." scene 42_4 with dissolve hide screen s_stats with dissolve s "'Yeah' won't cut it; you've got to put yourself out there!" scene 42_5 with dissolve m "Yuki, give him a break. What about you? How's everything?" KN_MOD "Lie (Yeah, I have) if True:" scene 42_2 with dissolve $ s_ch_lie_ep1 = True s "Really? How'd you two meet? What's her name?" h "We met at school; her name is... Kerry." scene 42_3 with dissolve h "(Crap, I'm going to get caught)" scene 42_4 with dissolve s "Interesting. So, have you two, you know, kissed yet?" scene 42_5 with dissolve m "Yuki, lay off. He's just messing with you" show screen stats_loss with dissolve $ s_loss += 1 play audio "audio/uved.mp3" scene 42_6 with dissolve s "Seriously, you little fibber, [h]. And I believed you..." hide screen stats_loss with dissolve scene 43 with dissolve m "So, Yuki, your turn. How's everything on your end?" hide screen s_stats with dissolve scene 44 with dissolve s "If you only knew! My washing machine sounds like it's going to blow up." scene 45 with dissolve m "Have you considered calling a repairman?" scene 46 with dissolve s "I did, but he can't come until next week." scene 47 with dissolve s "A whole week without laundry? That's a disaster!" scene 48 with dissolve m "No worries, you can use mine for the time being. Just bring your laundry over." scene 49 with dissolve s "*Gratefully* Thank you so much, Martha. I'm lucky to have friends like you." scene 50 with dissolve m "[h], think you could take a crack at fixing Yuki's washing machine?" h "*In disbelief* Do I look like a repairman to you? I've never fixed a washing machine in my life" scene 51 with dissolve m "Come on, it's not that complicated! You're always so good with tech stuff." h "Alright, alright, I'll give it a shot. (I just hope I don't make it worse)" scene 52 with dissolve m "That's the spirit!" scene black with dissolve dev "Some time later..." scene 53 with dissolve s "Mmm, dinner was delicious, Martha. Thank you." scene 54 with dissolve m "You're welcome, and your tacos were fantastic." scene 55 with dissolve m "Bunny, can you take the plates to the sink?" h "Sure thing." scene 56 with dissolve s "Thanks, knight." scene 57 with dissolve pause 1000 scene 58 with dissolve h "(Why did I just look there...)" play audio "audio/song/Pos.mp3" scene 59 with dissolve pause 3 scene 60 with dissolve s "Thank you for your hospitality, Martha." m "You're always welcome, feel free to visit anytime." scene 61 with dissolve s "[h], don't forget about my washing machine. I'll be waiting for you!" h "Alright." scene 62 with dissolve show screen m_stats with dissolve m "Bunny, are you annoyed with me for asking you to help Yuki?" KN_MOD "menu:" h "(Well... it wasn't really pleasant, but what should I tell her?)" KN_MOD "No, its fine. Dont worry about it. if True:" scene 63_1 with dissolve show screen stats_love with dissolve $ m_love += 1 play audio "audio/uved.mp3" m "Smart move. I was starting to get worried, thought I might have to give you an apology kiss." hide screen stats_love with dissolve scene 63_2 with dissolve m "Go take a quick shower, and then head over to Yuki's to see if you can fix her washing machine." hide screen m_stats with dissolve scene 63_3 with dissolve m "Love you." KN_MOD "Actually, I was a bit uncomfortable. if True:" scene 64_1 with dissolve show screen stats_flame with dissolve $ m_flame += 1 play audio "audio/uved.mp3" m "Aw, don't be a grump, love. I've got just the thing to cheer you up... *playfully*" hide screen stats_flame with dissolve h "Alright, cut it out. *blushing*" scene 64_2 with dissolve hide screen s_stats with dissolve m "Get ready for the longest 'I'm sorry' kiss ever." hide screen m_stats with dissolve h "Okay, okay, I get it. *laughs*" scene 64_3 with dissolve m "Mwah, mwah, mwah." h "I said I get it, alright? *smiles*" scene 64_4 with dissolve m "That's my smart guy! Go take a quick shower, then head over to Yuki's to work your magic on her washing machine." stop music fadeout 1.0 scene 65 with fade h "(What am I even doing here... I probably can't fix this damn washing machine anyway...)" h "(*sigh* Well, since I'm here, I might as well give it a shot and then head back.)" play audio "audio/song/ZvonDoor.mp3" scene 66 with dissolve play audio "audio/song/DoorOpen.mp3" play music "audio/music/Folk.mp3" fadeout 1.0 $ persistent.pg1_2 = True s "Oh! Hey [h]. You got here faster than I expected; I haven't even put on my pants yet." scene 67 with dissolve h "(*visibly surprised* Oh my God, her casual clothes... I can see her... her nipple...)" scene 68 with dissolve h "(*swallowing hard* I've never seen her like this before... God, those panties are hugging her curves tightly.)" scene 66 with dissolve s "Hey, why are you frozen?" h "Uh, sorry, lost in thought." scene 69 with dissolve s "Alright, come on in." scene 70 with dissolve h "(*phew* Nearly caught me staring.)" scene 71 with dissolve pause 1000 scene 72 with dissolve s "Shh..." s "be quiet, Yoko is sleeping." scene 73 with dissolve h "(That must be Yoko.)" h "(I've seen her a few times but never really talked. Yuki usually comes by herself when she visits us.)" scene 74 with dissolve h "Um... what's with her face?" s "*grins* She tried doing her Halloween makeup, got frustrated, yelled at me, and then fell asleep." scene 75 with dissolve h "Um..." s "She ran out of steam, I guess." scene 76 with dissolve s "She's always like this; she'll wake up soon, regain her composure, and put on normal makeup." scene 77 with dissolve s "And hopefully apologize for her tantrum, but I wouldn't count on it." h "I see." scene 78 with dissolve s "Let me show you my washing machine." scene 79 with fade s "I like to call this my domestic workhorse. It's not just a washing machine to me." scene 80 with dissolve h "(Why can't I take my eyes off her? It's like I'm hypnotized or something.)" scene 81 with dissolve s "Lately, it's been making all sorts of weird noises—rattling, clunking, you name it." scene 82 with dissolve s "I even gave it a name. I know it's silly, but it's a real lifesaver for me." scene 83 with dissolve s "I'd be lost without it." scene 84 with dissolve s "I have to count on you for this. You wouldn't leave Aunt Yuki high and dry, would you?" h "(She's not actually my aunt, but she always refers to herself that way. It's a bit awkward sometimes)" scene 85 with dissolve h "(Um... How am I supposed to fix it?)" scene 86 with dissolve s "Oh, wait a sec, forgot to take the clothes out." scene 87 with dissolve s "Ugh, why are these clothes so stubborn? They won't come out!" scene 88 with dissolve s "It's like they're glued in there or something." s "Maybe they got snagged on something!?" scene 89 with dissolve h "Um...Need a hand?" s "No, I almost got it... just give me a second." scene 90 with dissolve s "Angrily Ahh... this is so infuriating! What the heck is going on!?" scene 91 with dissolve s "Enough of this! Get over here!" h "(Did she just dive headfirst into the washing machine?)" scene 92 with dissolve s "Um... [h]?" h "Yeah?" s "I think I'm stuck..." h "What? How'd you manage that?" scene 93 with dissolve s "My arm's stuck; I can't pull it out." s "I'm going to try to wriggle free." scene 94 with dissolve s "Ouch! That really hurts!" h "What the hell do I do now?" s "Ouch, it pinches when I start to move. Try to pull me out." s "Hurry up!" scene 95 with dissolve s "Come on, pull!" h "I'm trying." s "Ouch, faster, pull harder, come on!" scene 96 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.0 h "(Holy crap)" play audio "audio/song/Odez.mp3" scene 96_1 with fade pause 100 scene 97 with fade $ persistent.pg1_3 = True play music "audio/music/Komiku.mp3" h "(She's sitting on me, and my hand's gripping her breast—everything feels surreal.)" scene 98 with dissolve h "(How did this even happen? Her breast... it's incredibly soft, almost like a cushion)" scene 99 with dissolve h "(Why is she silent? Why isn't she reacting? Is she as shocked as I am?)" scene 100 with dissolve pause 1000 scene 101 with dissolve pause 100 scene 102 with dissolve h "(It feels like my hand is literally glued to her breast—both unwilling and unable to move)" scene 103 with dissolve pause 100 play audio "audio/song/DoorOpen.mp3" scene 104 with dissolve d "*yawns* What's all this noise? Woke me right up..." scene 105 with dissolve s "Sweetie?" scene 106 with dissolve d "Wh-whaaat!?" s "Sweetie, you've got it all wrong." scene 107 with dissolve d "Wh-whaaaaaaaat!??" play audio "audio/song/DoorClose.mp3" scene 108 with dissolve pause 5 scene 109 with dissolve s "Sweetie, wait!" scene 110 with dissolve play audio "audio/song/DoorOpen.mp3" s "Oh my God." scene 111 with dissolve play audio "audio/song/DoorClose.mp3" pause 4 scene 112 with dissolve h "(God, what have I gotten myself into? Yoko's gonna think I'm a total freak now. This is awful.) " scene 113 with dissolve h "(Wait a sec, are those panties jammed in there?)" scene 114 with dissolve h "(Hold on, are those a lock and glue in the washer?)" scene 115 with dissolve h "(How the heck did these things get in the washer?)" h "(*Sigh* No wonder the washer was malfunctioning. She couldn't get her clothes out because of this.)" scene 116 with dissolve h "(She must've overlooked the lock because of all the clothes. I need to try to get these panties unstuck)" scene 117 with dissolve h "(Jeez, these are jammed in tight.)" scene 118 with dissolve h "(Okay, got 'em out. But they look stretched now.)" h "(Should've pulled from the other end. Why didn't I think of that?)" scene 119 with dissolve h "(I hear Yuki coming. I need to hide these panties quickly)" stop music fadeout 1.0 scene 120 with dissolve play audio "audio/song/DoorOpen.mp3" s "I'm back... *awkward pause*" play music "audio/music/Aiyo - You're Gone.mp3" scene 121 with fade h "Um... the washing machine was making that noise because there was a lock in it." scene 122 with dissolve h "And the clothes got stuck because some glue was in the machine." scene 123 with dissolve s "*Thoughtfully* Oh, really?" s "That's odd. I always check the pockets before throwing clothes into the machine." scene 124 with dissolve s "It must've been Yoko who tossed all her stuff in without thinking. I'll talk to her." scene 125 with dissolve s "I can't even begin to imagine where that lock came from. Wow..." h "Listen, about what happened earlier, I'm sorry..." scene 126 with dissolve s "Yeah, about that... I don't know how it happened, it's all so foolish." h "And Yoko walked in at the worst possible moment!" scene 127 with dissolve s "I talked to her and tried to explain, I hope she understands that it was just an accident..." s "Who would've thought I'd get stuck in the washing machine, and then..." s "*Sigh* How did we even get into this mess..." scene 128 with dissolve s "Let's not tell Martha about this, she'll think something wrong about me." s "But it's not like that at all! You get what I mean, right?" h "Yeah..." scene 129 with dissolve s "Thank you again for everything. I'm really grateful for your help." s "I should clean up here now..." scene 130 with dissolve h "Goodbye." s "See you, [h]." scene 131 with dissolve h "(Yoko?)" h "(Was she waiting for me?)" scene 132 with dissolve d "You perv!" scene 133 with dissolve d "And you're a dork, too!" scene 134 with dissolve h "(Wait, what? She insults me and then just bolts off like that?)" scene 135 with dissolve show screen d_stats with dissolve h "(Yuki said she sorted things out with her... This must be a misunderstanding.)" KN_MOD "menu:" h "(Great, now she probably thinks I'm a total creep.)" KN_MOD "Try to clear things up. if True:" show screen stats_love with dissolve $ d_love += 1 play audio "audio/uved.mp3" h "It's just a misunderstanding" hide screen stats_love with dissolve $ d_ch_love_ep1 = True h "(*sigh* I should get going. Hopefully, [s] will clear things up with her later.)" hide screen d_stats with dissolve KN_MOD "Eh, let her think what she wants. if True:" show screen stats_flame with dissolve $ d_flame += 1 play audio "audio/uved.mp3" $ d_ch_love_ep1 = False h "(Eh, there's no point in explaining myself. She can think whatever she wants)" hide screen stats_flame with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.0 scene 136 with fade play music "audio/music/LS.mp3" hide screen d_stats with dissolve h "(Am I actually a pervert? Why did I stuff those panties in my pocket in a panic?)" h "(But really, did I even have a choice? God, I'm such an idiot. What if they're... used? And have a... weird smell?)" KN_MOD "menu:" dev " " KN_MOD "Take a sniff. if True:" scene 137_2 with dissolve h "(They smell clean... like laundry detergent and fabric softener...)" KN_MOD "Shake off those thoughts. if True:" scene 137_1 with dissolve h "(Forget it, what am I even thinking?)" stop music fadeout 1.0 scene 138 with fade play music "audio/music/Dye.mp3" h "(Finally back home... I really need to go to the bathroom)" scene 139 with dissolve h "(What's that music coming from the bathroom?)" h "[m], is that you? I really need to use the restroom." h "Can you hear me? It's me." h "(*sigh* Maybe she just left her music playing? But I can't wait any longer—I'm going in!)" show ep1_anim1 with fade window hide pause 1000 window show h "(Whoa... what the...)" scene 140 with dissolve $ persistent.pg1_5 = True h "(*swallowing hard* I can't believe I just peeked at her...)" h "(*voice trembling* Naked... Completely naked. From head to toe...)" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep Peeking if True:" h "(I can't help myself, I want to see more)" $ persistent.pg1_6 = True show ep1_anim2 with fade window hide pause 1000 window show scene 140 with dissolve h "(This is... This is unbelievable. My head feels foggy, and I can't think straight)" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep Peeking if True:" h "(Just one more time, only once more)" show ep1_anim3 with fade window hide $ persistent.pg1_7 = True pause 1000 window show h "(Her thighs, her butt, her breasts—everything is moving... Goosebumps start to form on my body. This is... this is just unbelievable.)" scene 140 with dissolve h "(I...I keep peeking at her. If she notices, my life would be over. Maybe I should stop? But... what if she turns around and I get to see her breasts?)" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Keep Peeking if True:" show ep1_anim4 with fade window hide $ persistent.pg1_8 = True pause 1000 window show scene 140 with dissolve h "(I remember there's a vent in the bathroom that I used to climb into as a kid)" h "(Back then, it was just for fun, but from that spot, I could see the entire bathroom. Should I sneak in? That way, I could see her from the front)" h "(But do I really want to go through with this? Maybe it's not a good idea, considering she's my... *swallows*)" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Climb into the vent if True:" scene 0 with fade $ m_ch_bath_ep1 = True h "(Seems like it worked...)" h "(Am I really about to see her breasts? God, this is... this is so wrong...)" show ep1_anim5 pause 0.3 scene 0_1 h "(I can't believe my eyes...)" show ep1_anim6 window hide pause 1000 window show $ persistent.pg1_9 = True h "(I... I can feel myself getting aroused. *a slight twitch in the genital area* This is... this is so wrong...)" h "(I see her pussy. The pussy of my... *swallows*)" scene 0 with dissolve h "(Ah, it's so cramped in here. I need to get out before she sees me)" scene 140 with fade h "(She didn't notice me. Either I just dodged a bullet, or the music was loud enough to cover my tracks. Time to get the hell out of here)" KN_MOD "Stop, this is crossing a line if True:" h "(I've got to stop; this is crossing a line)" KN_MOD "Stop before its too late if True:" h "(Okay, it's high time to call it quits)" KN_MOD "No, I must stop if True:" h "(I have to stop this right now; it's not right!)" KN_MOD "No, I must stop if True:" $ m_ch_bath_ep1 = False h "(I have to stop this right now; it's not right!)" scene 141 with dissolve play audio "audio/song/Upast.mp3" pause 0.3 scene 142 with dissolve play audio "audio/song/Pad_pol.mp3" pause 0.2 scene 143 with dissolve h "(Ouch! That was super loud)" scene 144 with dissolve m "Oh, it's you, bunny. Didn't realize you were back already." m "What was that noise? Trip over something?" scene 145 with dissolve $ persistent.pg1_4 = True h "Yep, just got back and tripped. Pretty stupid, honestly." m "Did you slip on something?" h "Seems like it..." scene 146 with dissolve m "*Regretful* Ah, my bad." m "Forgot a clean towel and had to run for it, must've left some wet footprints." scene 147 with dissolve m "You okay, though?" h "I'm good, no worries." m "*with a sad tone* I still feel bad about it, though." scene 148 with dissolve m "So, did you manage to fix the washing machine?" h "Yeah, it was making noise because it had glue and a padlock jammed inside." scene 149 with dissolve m "A padlock? Are you kidding me? How does something like that even happen?" h "No idea. Yuki thinks Yoko tossed in her stuff without checking. But a padlock? How does one overlook that?" m "Odd. Could she have been tired? Or maybe she had a mountain of laundry?" h "Could be." scene 150 with dissolve m "*mysteriously* Have you had a chance to get to know Yoko? You two are the same age; could be friend material." h "*nervously* Um... well...." h "(What do I even say to that!? Yoko probably thinks I'm a total creep now; explaining anything to her would be pointless)" h "(I bet she'll start avoiding me like the plague, or worse)" scene 135 with fade h "(Come to think of it, after she ran away, she hid behind a wall and took a fighting stance)" h "(Was she actually going to hit me? If that's the case, maybe I'm the one who should be avoiding her by a mile. Who knows what to expect from her?)" scene 151 with dissolve m "So, what's on your mind?" h "*sighs* Um... I've been more focused on fixing the washing machine than making friends." scene 152 with dissolve m "You know, we run into our neighbors all the time, so maybe you should get to know her a bit better." m "If you'd like, I can talk to Yuki about setting up a movie night." h "No, no, no, no, don't do that!" scene 153 with dissolve m "Why the strong reaction? Don't you like Yoko?" h "No, it's not that." m "Alright, but give it some thought." scene 154 with dissolve m "Bunny, would you mind helping me out?" m "Could you mop the floor while I finish up my shower?" scene 155 with dissolve m "Just in the kitchen; I've already set everything up there. I'd really appreciate it" show screen m_stats with dissolve m "What do you say?" KN_MOD "menu:" dev " " KN_MOD "Agree if True:" h "Alright." $ m_ch_pol_ep1 = True show screen stats_love with dissolve $ m_love += 1 play audio "audio/uved.mp3" scene 156_1 with dissolve hide screen stats_love with dissolve h "*in a soft voice* I knew I could count on you; you're the best helper in the world." scene 157_1 with dissolve m "I love you, my bunny. And... I won't forget this!" hide screen m_stats with dissolve scene 158 with dissolve play audio "audio/song/DoorClose.mp3" stop music fadeout 1.0 h "(Okay, let's get this done quickly. I wonder what she meant by 'I won't forget this'? Maybe she'll buy me a new gaming console? That would be great...)" KN_MOD "Decline if True:" scene 156_2 with dissolve $ m_ch_pol_ep1 = False show screen stats_loss with dissolve $ m_loss += 1 play audio "audio/uved.mp3" m "*in a stern voice* Bunny, I don't get it. Do I frequently ask you for favors? What's so difficult about helping me out...?" hide screen stats_loss with dissolve h "(Here we go, I better just mop the floors to get her off my back.)" hide screen m_stats with dissolve h "Fine, fine, I'll mop the floor." scene 157_2 with dissolve m "I'm glad common sense prevailed and you decided to help me. Couldn't you have just done that from the start?" scene 158 with dissolve play audio "audio/song/DoorClose.mp3" stop music fadeout 1.0 h " (I need to do something about this; I don't like it when she doesn't leave me a choice)" play music "audio/music/LS.mp3" scene 159 with fade h "(This kitchen has turned into a disaster area...)" h "(I know she loves multitasking, but laundry, cleaning, and cooking all at the same time? In the same space?)" scene 160 with dissolve h "(Alright, time to roll up my sleeves and get to work)" scene 161 with dissolve h "Where should I start?" KN_MOD "menu:" dev " " KN_MOD "Start mopping from the left corner. if True:" scene 162 with dissolve pause 1 play sound "audio/song/Pol.mp3" scene 163 with dissolve pause 9 scene 164 with dissolve pause 9 KN_MOD "Start mopping from the right corner if True:" scene 162 with dissolve pause 1 play sound "audio/song/Pol.mp3" scene 164 with dissolve pause 9 scene 163 with dissolve pause 9 KN_MOD "label ep1_con_lov:" KN_MOD "if m_ch_pol_ep1 is True:" scene 161 with dissolve stop sound show screen unlock with dissolve play audio "audio/uved.mp3" h "(Whew, finally done... It's not perfect, but it's not terrible either. Should I go over it again?)" hide screen unlock with dissolve KN_MOD "menu:" dev " " KN_MOD "Mop the floors one more time if True:" h "(Alright, one more pass should do it)" $ m_ch_polx2_ep1 = True scene 162 with dissolve pause 1 play sound "audio/song/Pol.mp3" scene 164 with dissolve pause 9 scene 163 with dissolve pause 9 stop sound scene 161 with dissolve h "(All done. Now I can finally kick back and relax)" KN_MOD "Thats good enough if True:" h "(I think that'll do; looks pretty solid to me)" $ m_ch_polx2_ep1 = False KN_MOD "if m_ch_pol_ep1 is False:" stop sound show screen lock with dissolve play audio "audio/uved.mp3" scene 161 with dissolve h "(Phew, all done and dusted)" hide screen lock with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.0 scene 165 with fade play music "audio/music/Halloween Music.mp3" h "(Gosh, I'm really loving this game. The girl with pink hair is supposed to be the villain, but I don't see her that way at all.)" scene 166 with dissolve h "(And now... Super strike! How do you like that, Teacher Asami?)" scene 167 with dissolve h "(Yes! The finishing move! Remember me, Teacher Asami? You taught me everything I know, and now it's time for the student to become the master!)" scene 168 with dissolve h "(Wow, that was incredible. And of course, a happy ending. Teacher Asami remembers everything; she recalls why she became a villain and how she lost her memory)" h "(She remembers who betrayed her and exploited her powers, she recalls the student who has been trying to stop her all along. With tears streaming down her face, she screams 'KAR.' And thus, a new chapter begins for them)" scene 169 with dissolve h "(Wait, what? What button did I press? Is this turning into an anime?)" scene 170 with dissolve m "Bunny, are you gaming again? Did you finish your chores?" scene 171 with dissolve m "What on earth are you playing? Is this some romance game?" h "(Ugh, why did she have to walk in right now? She couldn't have come in a second earlier?)" h "Yeah, chores are done." scene 172 with dissolve h "(Is this TV freaking out? WHAT THE HELL? What's that porn on the screen?)" scene 173 with dissolve m "What!? What kind of game is this?" h "It's... it's not what you think! This isn't a game! The TV just turned on by itself." scene 174 with dissolve m "I figured as much... I'm going to step out for some fresh air, okay?" h "Uh-huh..." scene 175 with dissolve h "(Crap, crap, crap! I need to turn this thing off ASAP)" scene 176 with dissolve h "(WHAT IS HAPPENING? Just turn off already!)" play audio "audio/song/TVoff.mp3" scene 177 with dissolve h "(What a nightmare... I did it... What... What just happened? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS DAMN TV?))" h "(She didn't believe me, did she? Now she probably thinks I was actually watching that... How mortifying.)" scene black with dissolve dev "Happy Halloween <3" stop music fadeout 1.0 KN_MOD "return" # Decompiled by unrpyc: KN_MOD "ModWork created and maintained at" KN_MOD "modded by modder2 vNov2-2023 program. Created by BulliThulli"