define KN_MOD = Character("KN_MOD", color="#ff0000") # cat script.rpy scripts/ch1v015script.rpy scripts/ch2v020script.rpy scripts/ch2v025script.rpy scripts/ch3v030script.rpy > /tmp/script.rpy # java -jar modder-2.jar --feature=KNMOD --file=/tmp/script.rpy --skipLinesUpto=82 # ModWork created and maintained at # modded by modder2Jan-2024-alpha0.2 program. Created by BulliThulli # The script of the game goes in this file. image splash = "images/dis/disclaimer.jpg" image splash2 = "gui/logointro.jpg" image splash4 = "images/thumbs/patrons.jpg" #image splash3 = "images/videos/demonladintro.webm" label splashscreen: $ scene black with dissolve show splash with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True) play movie "images/videos/demonladintro.webm" $ renpy.pause(3.5, hard=True) pause 1 stop movie #$ renpy.movie_cutscene('images/videos/demonladintro.webm') #show splash3 with dissolve scene black with dissolve with Pause(1) return #defaults # Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the # name of the character. define n = Character('Nicole', color="#fd0095") #Central Character: Nicole Bardot. Age 25-30, busty, smart, daring detective. define un = Character('Unknown', color="#ffffff") define man = Character('Man', color="#550045") #Naming every unknown character. define x = Character('Mr. X', color="#fd1100") #Nicole's Ex. Character unknown (until reveal). Player might choose the correct route, and reveal the name. Ex-Policeman. define l = Character('Luke', color="#c4ddcc") #Mr. Luke Bennington. Police trainee in the story. define j = Character('Jonathan', color="#f2bb13") #Mr. Jonathan Fox. Commander of the New Odyssey State Police. define s = Character('Sylvia', color="#3c9af0") #Ms. Sylvia Thompson. Detective and Friend of Nicole. define r = Character('Ryan', color="#da7a16") #Mr. Ryan Gates. Detective and Friend of Nicole. define k = Character('Kelly', color="#34a962") #Ms. Kelly Brooks. Detective and Friend of Nicole. define p = Character('Pearce', color="#96d711") #Mr. Pearce. Detective. define na = Character('Nancy', color="#e28327") #Mrs. Nancy Bardot. Nicole's mom. define w = Character('William', color="#da7a16") #Businessman. Dealer of the Rockland Estates. define se = Character('Sebastian', color="#b163f1") #Sebastian Knight. The lawyer. define d = Character('Daniel', color="#da7a16") define t = Character('Tom', color="#63b8f1") define dad = Character('Dad', color="#da7a16") define repo = Character('Reporter') define ins = Character('Inspector') #added characters v0.20 define c = Character('Caitlyn', color="#da7a16") #The Mayor of Odyssey define m = Character('Melvin', color="#da7a16") define ro = Character('Rowlett') define bartender = Character('Bartender') define receptionist = Character('Receptionist') define forensic_expert = Character('Forensic Expert') define grandson = Character('Grandson') # The game starts here. label start: # Scene: Running, park and at a distance, a guy with glasses approaching. #show screen gameUI play music "audio/suspdialogue.mp3" scene h_g_09 "In the early hours of the morning in Odyssey city, a young man is looking for a specific address." scene h_01 "He found the house in the address given to him." scene h_02 "He went to the door, and knocked on it." scene h_03 play sound "audio/dooropen.mp3" "A few seconds later, a man, most likely in his early fifties, opened the door." scene h_04 "The young man first saw the guy's shiny bald head." "His eyes, on the other hand, show sadness and introspection, appearing gloomy and sullen." "He kept a good physique and a persona that could frighten anyone who came up against him in a fight." scene h_07 l "Hello sir, I'm Luke Bennington, from the New Odyssey State Police. I.." $ persistent.luke = True show screen charun scene h_05 un "Why are you here?" "The man's response wasn't very greeting." "He sounded impolite, and his questioning tone was unpleasant." "He was surely among the few who didn't want anyone invading their peaceful private lives." scene h_08 l "You are Detective Nicole's husband, right?" scene h_06 "The man gave a stern look at Luke, and without much of a thought, he replied.." scene h_05 un "Goodbye, wrong house.." scene h_08 l "Please listen to me, sir.." scene h_06 un "I don't want to talk to anybody.." scene h_10 "Luke gets in between the door before the mystery man could force shut it." scene h_09 l "I know you are not interested, I know you are troubled with all that has happened." l "I know the problems you faced with the police.." scene h_11 l "But trust me, this is for my sake, I need this." l "I'm new to the team, and as the research task for the trainees, I'm asked to handle the Det. Nicole's case." scene h_09 l "You are the only one who can help me, sir." scene h_12 un "Somebody should've told you about my whereabouts, right?" scene h_12 l "Not exactly, I've done my research and after some look into Nicole's family, I'm trying to collect info." l "So I felt there is no one else best to start from someone who has seen Nicole from the closest." scene h_11 "The man looked at his face once again, thinking for an apt response." scene h_12 un "I know the police, man." un "They act all nice and kind when they need something." un "Then they reveal their true identity, manhandling you as if you are a piece of shit or something." scene h_09 l "Sir I'm afraid you have a bad idea about the police." l "They have their duties to fulfill, sometimes things get out of hand." scene h_11 un "Okay, let me see some ID first." scene h_13 "Luke removes his ID from his pocket and shows it to the man." scene h_15 "He takes a quick look at it, while taking a couple of snaps in his mind, cross-matching Luke's face with the ID." scene h_17 un "Better this be a real card boy.." scene h_14 l "Sir you don't have to doubt me, we can sit inside and chat please." scene h_16 un "..." un "I'm not convinced." scene h_14 l "Please sir." l "Just let me in and help my case, who knows, you might even find out more about Nicole?" scene h_g_07 "The man gives it a thought and finally invites the guy inside. Luke follows him in." scene h_g_08 l "{i}Damn, this guy's such a headache!{/i}" l "{i}I'm curious how this annoying jerk managed to land a hottie like Nicole!{/i}" l "{i}Opposites do attract, I guess.{/i}" scene h_g_07 un "Tea?" scene h_g_08 l "No thanks, sir. I'm good." scene h_x_02 "The man sat next to him on his chair while the guy sat on the couch." scene h_g_00 with dissolve un "Where's your police van eh?" l "Actually sir, I'm not in such a position where I could demand a car this early." un "Hmm, I see." scene h_x_00 "Adjusting himself on the slipper chair, the guy looked at Luke." scene h_g_02 un "What is it you want to know, Mr. Luke?" scene h_g_00 l "Let me start from the beginning, Mr. ..." scene h_g_01 un "X. Don't write my name down for now." scene h_g_00 l "Uh, X? I mean people would like to know you.." scene h_x_03 un "You know my name?" scene h_g_03 l "Yes sir, I do. But.." scene h_x_03 un "Good. But don't write it down." scene h_g_04 l "May I ask why?" scene h_x_02 un "I don't want my name mentioned now. You see, as a young detective yourself, you need to analyze the characters and then draw your pattern." un "So for this reason, I prefer you keep a variable as my name." scene h_g_06 l "{i}Oh God, this guy..{/i}" l "So, X then?" scene h_x_02 un "Yes. You can call me X.." scene h_x_02 with fade x "Mr. X." scene black stop music ### Episode 1: Dreams #TV scene shot play movie "images/videos/chap1.webm" $ renpy.pause(5, hard=True) pause 25 stop movie #$ renpy.movie_cutscene("images/videos/chap1.webm") scene black show screen gameUI scene ps_g_01 with fade "*Reporter on TV* The search for the notorious serial killer MV continues as another Jane Doe was found near the banks of river Odyssey.." "..with an estimated age around 25, the young woman wasn't reported missing or has been identified yet." scene ps_g_02 with dissolve "The New Odyssey State Police arrived at the scene in the early hours of Tuesday morning where a passerby informed the police when he noticed something unusual on his way to work." "The neck of the victim had an 'MV' scarred, indicating yet another trap lured by the criminal was sadly successful." "More news to follow as Mr. Victor H.." scene ps_g_03 j "What in the world is happening here?" scene ps_s_01 s "We are trying our best sir.." scene ps_g_03 with vpunch j "WHAT IS TRYING SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" scene ps_r_01 r "We are in constant touch with the Orlen Police department about th.." scene ps_g_04 j "Oh damn it. We're supposed to be the competent ones, not these sluggish fat fucks who go to warm their chairs!..." scene ps_j_01 j "...and what are we doing? Reading news on the TV?" j "The fact that those reporters are reaching the crime scene before us shows the snail-paced effort!" scene ps_r_00 r "It isn't the case the Commander, we.." scene ps_j_05 j "I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO ANY OF YOU FOOLS HERE! YOU ARE ABSOL.." play music "audio/rockintro.mp3" scene pps_n_11 "Just then, the main door swung open, making enough noise to grab the attention of the people inside." scene ps_n_12 "As the creak from shoes echoed throughout the room, a female approached them from a distance." scene ps_n_02 with Dissolve(2.0) scene ps_n_00 with dissolve "Her confident stride and steely gaze drew attention, and her presence served as a beacon of authority amid the investigation's chaos." scene ps_n_03 un "The Jane Doe is Ms. Laila Smith and the murder is related to the previous victim Mr. Ackerman.." "All three in the room turned towards the female voice, who walked towards them confidently." scene ps_j_02 "Commander Jonathan was the first to respond to the lady's claim" j "Care to elaborate Ms. Nicole?" scene ps_n_13 $ persistent.nicole = True show screen charun "Nicole Bardot had been with the State Police since her graduation and was Jonathan's go-to officer for the majority of the high-profile cases." scene ps_n_03 n "Mr. Ackerman had set up his business in the city.." #hide screen charadd scene ps_j_10 j "We all know that Nicole!" scene ps_n_03 n "Let me complete Commander, sure you'll connect the dots." scene ps_j_10 j "..." j "Alright, carry on." scene ps_g_05 n "We have Ackerman's lodging details the day before his death." n "Ackerman stayed in the Corsella Inn near the river, and before his death, which was on last Thursday, he rested in the hotel room for two days." scene ps_n_06 n "Surprisingly, Ms. Laila also visited Mr. Ackerman, on both Tuesday and Wednesday, the hotel inmate has confirmed it." n "Case of police incompetence as Laila was not even mentioned or asked for during the initial inquiry.." scene ps_n_05 n "..else we could have saved Laila." scene ps_j_08 j "Damn it." scene ps_j_07 j "why was Laila in there anyway?" scene ps_n_08 n "She was not from the city. She's an escort, so her missing wasn't reported." n "Her pimp was caught eloping and he's under inquiry." scene ps_j_08 j "Nobody noticed Laila in the hotel?" scene ps_n_06 n "The hotel owners knew Laila for a long time, for the duties she offered.." scene ps_n_09 n "..and did not find it important to mention it to the investigating officers.." scene ps_j_07 j "More like, they didn't ask?" scene ps_n_10 n "umm.. yes.." scene ps_r_02 r "Nicole, could it be that Laila did the crime and then was killed by someone else?" scene ps_n_11 n "Well Ryan, I got the autopsy result and the Medical Examiner has confirmed that Laila was already dead on Thursday." scene ps_s_00 with vpunch "Shocked faces in the room as Nicole continued.." scene ps_n_10 n "Even though there wasn't any entry to the room other than Laila, forensics are rechecking the hotel room once again." scene ps_j_06 j "Damn it, that's a lot of mess left behind." j "Anything else to add, Nicole?" j "any leads?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "We have a solid lead.:" scene ps_n_07 with fade $ intelligence += 5 $ awareness += 3 show screen acun $ persistent.ch1ac1 = True n "Yes, we've managed to get some important evidence." n "Sargeant Pearce called me a few minutes back." scene ps_n_10 n "He told me Ackerman and Laila both had their cell phones last seen in the same location, about 10 minutes from here.." n "..and when the team went there, we recovered clothes, hair samples, and a gun." n "We are confident that this will increase our chances." KN_MOD "jump casebeginnings1" KN_MOD "Yes, but nothing significant.:" $ humble = True scene ps_n_05 with fade $ intelligence += 3 $ awareness += 5 n "Yes sir, we did." n "But I'm afraid it isn't something that would give us a breakthrough." scene ps_n_10 n "Ackerman and Laila both had their cell phones last seen in the same location, about 10 minutes from here.." n "..and when the team went there, we recovered clothes, hair samples, and a gun." n "We know it isn't a huge one but that's a positive." KN_MOD "jump casebeginnings1" KN_MOD "label casebeginnings1:" KN_MOD "if humble is True:" scene ps_j_13 j "Nicole, come on! Don't underestimate yourself!" j "I understand your expectations are high, but this is a great start for us." j "This is by no means insignificant!" $ jonathan +=1 KN_MOD "else:" scene ps_j_12 j "Amazing, yes!" j "We can get going from there." j "Well done Detective." scene ps_n_10 n "Thank you, sir." scene ps_j_12 j "Anything else to add?" scene ps_n_10 n "Nothing else for now." scene ps_j_12 j "Okay." j "Back to work y'all." scene ps_j_10 j "and Nicole.." scene ps_j_11 j "Sorry for cutting your vacation short, but we appreciate your commitment." j "This case was a pain, and without you in town, it was headed in the wrong direction." scene ps_n_10 show screen charun $ persistent.jonathan = True n "It is my responsibility, Commander.." scene ps_s_02 s "Still, it's difficult to imagine the killer leaving with both Ackerman and Laila alive.." scene ps_s_03 s "..or even that he killed both and carried them to the lake?" scene ps_r_03 r "Maybe he killed one first, threw him off before coming for the other?" scene ps_j_14 j "Hmmm, that could be a possibility too." scene ps_j_07 j "Nothing on this Nicole?" scene ps_n_11 n "The Inn was not under surveillance, and still isn't. However, we are checking the street cameras to see if there has been any activity near the Inn." n "Profiling of the killer is being studied and I'll make sure you get the report by evening." scene ps_j_07 j "Okay. Keep me updated Nicole, so far, well done." scene ps_j_15 j "Sylvia and Ryan, no more excuses, the missing piece of your puzzle is here so I hope you both pick up pace early." s "Yes sir." r "..." scene ps_j_16 j "I'll address the press, they'll be having a field day for sure." scene ps_j_17 "Jonathan exits the room while the rest of them stay." KN_MOD "jump endcase1" stop music KN_MOD "label endcase1:" play music "audio/thesoothingbgm.mp3" scene ps_r_08 with fade r "Phew Nicole, you saved us from getting ripped apart today!" scene ps_s_04 s "We both owe you a treat lady, that was absolutely out of nowhere." scene ps_r_07 r "I know right! That entry was badass, Nicole." scene ps_n_20 n "Thanks guys, nothing different.*smirks*" scene ps_s_04 s "Ahah Nicole being upbeat but in a cocky way? Not my gurl." scene ps_r_07 r "By the way what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sunbathing?" scene ps_s_05 s "Oh yes, I completely forgot about it!" s "Did you enjoy the warm sand on the Island?" scene ps_n_16 n "No Sy, got the call and had to fly back." scene ps_r_07 r "Who did?" scene ps_s_04 s "What did they tell?" scene ps_n_20 n "Uff Guys, enough with the questions!" n "I'll answer your questions *laughs*" scene ps_s_05 s "Hehe.. Sorry." scene ps_n_17 n "I got a call from Jonathan, where he explained that I am needed here urgently." n "Although he didn't brief me about the case details, he sounded worried." n "I caught the next flight back to Odyssey." scene ps_n_18 n "I landed two days back, checked with Pearce, and realized this was quite serious." scene ps_s_06 s "You didn't even tell us you came two days back?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "I didnt have time to explain.:" $ charisma +=5 $ sylvia +=1 $ ryan +=1 scene ps_n_19 with dissolve n "Sorry guys, I didn't have time to explain." KN_MOD "I didnt find it necessary.:" scene ps_n_19 with dissolve n "Well to be frank, I don't think it was important to tell you guys." scene ps_n_21 n "You can say, I was just involved in the case." scene ps_s_03 s "Sounds fair. That's Nicole." scene ps_r_06 r "..." scene ps_n_18 n "I collected details, went places for further info." n "I prepared the initial report but it got derailed after another body was found." scene ps_s_03 s "So it explains your sudden appearance.." scene ps_r_08 r "..and the explanations.." scene ps_n_09 n "Yes guys." scene ps_s_02 s "Why didn't I think of this earlier?" scene ps_n_21 n "Maybe you wanted me to enjoy my time on the island?" scene ps_s_03 s "Yes, but did you?" scene ps_n_22 n "I had a few more days as per the plan.." n "..and you know what happened." n "But it was a pleasant experience." scene ps_r_09 r "Nicole, you had fun, and that's all there is to it." r "As far as the lost holidays are concerned, you can claim double of that once you solve this case *smiles*" scene ps_s_06 show screen charun $ persistent.ryan = True $ persistent.slyvia = True s "Yup, Ryan's right." s "However, we've got a better experience than the Island ahead of us.." scene ps_r_09 r "But the riverside is the crime scene here, ladies.." scene ps_s_06 s "..and we have to swim in the sea of suspects.." scene ps_n_23 n "Well, better buckle up guys, we have some unfinished business!" scene ps_s_06 s "Aye aye captain!" scene ps_r_10 r "Lets go!" stop music #River Leaf, Odyssey KN_MOD "label thekiller1:" #Couch, Sofa, TV, Press Conference #Back shot, side, TV angles and rest scene black "Meanwhile, somewhere in the city of Odyssey.." #Man watching TV scene pcn_g_01 with fade j "*Jonathan on TV before the journalists* You may have heard about the murders that shook our city whose whereabouts are still unknown." j "However, we assure you we will catch the killer as soon as possible." scene pcn_g_02 j "We have also got good leads on the case and have our best officers working on this case." j "We want you to trust the police and stay alert to your surroundings." scene tv_00 "Reporters throw in a flurry of questions before one could ask hers." scene pcn_r_00 repo "Respected Sir, do you think the killer might lurk around again?" scene pcn_g_02 j "We cannot say anything at the moment." j "But we assure you we will be on duty 24x7 working on this case." scene tv_01 j "Once he is out in the open, we will nab him." "Just then, another reporter threw in another question." scene pcn_r_01 repo "Is it true that Laila was a prostitute?" scene pcn_g_03 j "I do not think answering this would be necessary." j "A life has been lost, and I don't think it matters what he or she was doing professionally." scene tv_04 j "Thank you for your time." scene tv_02 "Jonathan walked away before the reporters could throw in more questions." #Guy turns off the TV #shot of the city where police are investigating play music "audio/crimescene.mp3" scene ins_g_00 with fade "The city was in a state of shock after the recent murders." "These were in contrast to the residents' peaceful demeanor, and in a city where a crime was uncommon." "The city police were desperate to gather evidence linking the murders. The main goal, however, was to apprehend the 'MV' killer." "The Odyssey Police Department lacked the manpower to conduct a thorough search for the unknown man, so a call to the nearby stations had rung." scene ins_g_02 "All the detectives from nearby towns had already entered the arena after the morning news, looking to find something of substance near the Odyssey river and the houses nearby." "Nicole and her team searched the victims' last known location, including the inn." scene ins_g_03 "After an hour of investigation, Sylvia, Ryan, and Nicole meet." scene ins_g_04 s "Did you find anything?" r "Nothing of that sort, just basic details of Laila." r "No different." s "What about you, Nicole?" scene ins_g_07 n "People are worried here. They are not responding well." n "I'm not sure any of them have seen something of importance. The killer without doubt has done it late at night." scene ins_r_01 r "Yeah, looks like it." scene ins_s_00 s "What about the other teams investigating?" scene ins_g_08 n "Had informed Pearce to dig more into Mr. Ackerman's files." n "They are investigating the pimp, but they think he's of no use." scene ins_s_01 s "Yeah, he wouldn't ease off someone bringing in the cash." scene ins_g_08 n "Yes." n "He has said he'll ring if they can find anything." scene ins_k_00 with fade scene ins_k_01 with Dissolve(2.0) scene ins_k_02 with Dissolve(2.0) "Just then, a familiar face approached them." ## stop music scene ins_k_03 un "Hello you dimwits!" $ persistent.kelly = True show screen charun play music "audio/casinoboy.mp3" scene ins_r_02 r "Woah Kelly, you better not call us by your name again.." scene ins_k_03 k "You must be thankful I didn't call your name, Geezer." scene ins_g_10 s "haha.." n "haha.." scene ins_k_04 k "How are you guys doing? Here for the double murder case?" scene ins_k_10 n "Yes, a very troubled case for us in a long time." k "I understand yes, nothing big since the Irwin family homicide.." s "Oh, that is a painful memory.." scene ins_k_05 k "Well Sylvia, you and Nicole were juniors back then, can't imagine the stress I had back then.." scene ins_r_04 r "Madam, aren't you forgetting about me?" scene ins_k_05 k "You are forgettable darling.. can't help but ignore..." scene ins_r_04 r "*pfft*" scene ins_k_06 k "Jokes apart, Ryan had his eyes on the elder son being the culprit because of how his alibi had a different story every time they interrogated him.." k "..and to his horror, he spits the facts under pressure." scene ins_r_04 r "You always know a smart detective has a great eye.." scene ins_g_09 n "Kelly, anything on the case from your side?" scene ins_k_07 k "Nothing much honey, even though the technology has improved, these things are happening, which means improvements have not only made investigators smarter.." scene ins_k_08 k "..the criminals have become clever too." s "I agree, no trace of any evidence left behind, tough to agree, but he's a damn smart criminal." scene ins_k_09 r "What's worrying is that he might be planning for his 6th..." n "Let us not think about that, Ryan. Our best bet is on the pattern and the link between the five murders." n "I'm pretty sure Mr. Ackerman and Laila aren't the only lead we'll get in this case." s "Yep." scene ins_k_11 with Dissolve(2.0) scene ins_k_12 play sound "audio/syring.mp3" "Just then, Kelly got a call." stop sound scene ins_k_14 k "*inaudible voices* Yes.. uhh.. " scene ins_k_15 k "Fine. On my way.. *hangs up*" scene ins_k_13 k "Okay, my darlings, I got to go." k "Work in the station, let us exchange anything we find on the case, okay?" scene ins_g_09 n "Sure Kel, see ya around.." scene ins_k_16 k "Bye boys!" scene black stop music play music "audio/crimescene.mp3" "Kelly left the place to the station, whereas Nicole, Sylvia, and Ryan split to continue their investigations." "They asked the nearby houses and enquired about seeing anything suspicious or movement near the river." scene ins_g_01 with fade "Most people in the city were terrified because of the recent activities, which made them ask questions about their safety rather than helping the investigators with clues." "The day passed with the police searching every nook and cranny of the city for a lead." "They tried everything, including dashcams, surveillance cameras, and any other evidence they could find." scene ins2_r_01 with fade "Meanwhile, our Odyssey detectives meet for a quick chat." scene ins2_s_00 s "I'm off, seriously. It is 5 pm already! I've skipped breakfast and lunch. Another skip would make me unconscious!" scene ins2_rr_00 r "Yeah, I need a snack too. What about you, Nicole?" scene ins2_n_01 n "I'm tired too, but a couple of houses and I'll join you guys. Go ahead." scene ins2_s_01 s "C'mon Nic, we should look after ourselves too. It can wait." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Join them:" $ sylvia +=1 $ ryan +=1 scene ins2_n_00 with dissolve n "Yeah, alright, let us go then." scene ins2_r_02 r "Can you ladies tell me where we're going?" scene ins2_s_02 s "How does Wendy's sound?" scene ins2_n_00 n "Okay for me." scene ins2_r_02 r "Ahhh! Not there again.." scene ins2_n_02 n "Sorry, I'm leaving..." r "Hey, wait for us..!" s "Haha..." "The three walked to the nearby restaurant." KN_MOD "jump hotelcommonscene1" KN_MOD "Continue your investigation:" $ awareness += 3 scene ins2_n_00 with dissolve n "I'll be okay Sy. I'll join you guys later, I promise." scene ins2_s_01 s "*sigh* Alright, it is tough to convince you!" s "Will be at Albert's. Join us soon!" scene ins2_r_02 r "Make sure you don't miss the place!" scene ins2_r_01 n "Alright, alright. Will meet you guys later." s "What would you like to have? We'll keep it preordered." n "Anything will do, Sy." s "Okay then. Be on time!" scene ins_n_01 n "Bye guys!" KN_MOD "jump clue1" stop music KN_MOD "label hotelcommonscene1:" play music "audio/cafeambience.mp3" scene cafe_r_01 with fade r "This case is giving me a headache." r "Every clue we find leads nowhere. I just want to get this over with!" scene cafe_s_01 s "Tell me about it." s "It's like we're in the middle of a maze, and we can't find a way out." scene cafe_ns_00 n "Guys, don't worry, just be patient. I'm tensed too." n "But we must maintain our mental fortitude. We must not allow this man to enter our minds and manipulate us." n "I'm confident we'll get there in the end. It's simply a matter of time." scene cafe_r_02 r "Hope so.." scene cafe_s_02 s "Okay, okay, let us drop the serious discussion now." s "I'm starving. What are you guys going to get?" scene cafe_s_04 s "I'm going to get a Caramel Pudding. I've been craving them all week." scene cafe_r_03 r "I think I'm going to follow suit. I need something sweet to keep me going." scene cafe_ns_01 n "I'll have a cappuccino extra, please. I need caffeine to keep my brain functioning." scene cafe_r_04 r "Good idea. We're going to need all the brain power of yours we can get to solve this case." scene cafe_s_05 s "What about that head of yours, Ryan?" scene cafe_r_05 r "My brain is always 100 percent active, Sy." scene cafe_s_03 s "I should clean my ears after I get home." scene cafe_n_01 n "He should do.." scene cafe_ns_01 s "Speaking of the case, any updates from the other squads?" n "Not yet, but I have a feeling we're getting close. We just need to connect a few more dots." scene cafe_r_06 r "..or find a few more clues. We're missing something, but I can't put my finger on it." scene cafe_r_07 r "When we get that jerk, I will pummel him myself!" scene cafe_n_07_2 n "Okay, but relax now.." scene cafe_ns_02 ## Scene after getting the food "The waiter arrived with their food, and Nicole and Sylvia started adding the items to their plates." scene cafe_r_09 r "Hey! Atleast wait for me to start!" stop music KN_MOD "jump commonscene1" KN_MOD "label clue1:" scene a_n_00 with fade "Nicole walked to the other side of the street while Ryan and Sylvia left for their evening snack." "Albert's was hardly a five-minute walk, and Nicole, even though hungry, wasn't satisfied with the progress the team made." scene a_n_01 "She was determined to find as many clues as possible to catch the killer." "It was important that she find clues so that the department could get closer to the killer." scene a_n_02 "She continued her stroll, looking at buildings, hotels, and checking bypassers, while casually thinking if she could ever find the killers." scene a_g_00 "To look if there's something of substance, she entered the alley, but someone had eyes on her." scene a_d_00 with vpunch scene a_d_01 with Dissolve(1.5) "The guy who was eyeing Nicole surprised her with a jump in front of her." $ persistent.ch1ac2 = True show screen acun scene a_d_03 un "It is a rare occasion to see fine women walking alone in this area..." un "Do you need any help miss?" scene a_n_06 "Nicole looked at the guy, who was young and looked like he had that cocky confidence from the look on his face." scene a_n_07 n "Nah, no thanks." n "I'm just looking around." scene a_g_04 "When Nicole tried to go further, he stopped her." play music "audio/catchit.mp3" scene a_d_03 un "Sorry miss. You have to ask my permission before stepping further." "Nicole got irritated by his behavior quickly, even though the conversation didn't even was for a minute." scene a_n_07 n "Look. I'm asking you politely." n "I'm in a hurry, I need to walk in and check the surroundings." n "Let me go." scene a_d_03 un "What if I don't?" scene a_n_07 "Nicole had enough. She screamed at the guy." n "I'm a Detective from the OPD. You better not mess with me." scene a_d_05 un "Haha, and I'm supposed to believe it?" un "You are walking wearing this?" un "Is this what detectives wear?" scene a_n_08 n "We are here for investigations, boy." n "If we come in police uniform, it will make the people uneasy to communicate." scene a_g_04 un "Huh..." un "..and I'm supposed to believe it?" un "A hottie like you in the OPD? Nah..." scene a_n_09 n "{i}This guy needs to be taught a lesson...{/i}" n "{i}How should I confront?{i}" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Avoid contact:" $ danielvalley = True scene a_g_14 "Nicole decides to avoid contact and head straight again, which in turn got the guy even braver to engage." KN_MOD "Get rogue:" $ danielvalley2 = True scene a_g_04 "Nicole thinks she's had enough." KN_MOD "if danielvalley is True:" scene a_g_14 "The guy gets confident and tries to cop a feel." scene a_n_12 "His gaze was drawn to Nicole's large breasts, which were concealed by the white bra, which gleamed from the inside thanks to the evening sun." scene a_g_15 "The need to get close to Nicole was evident, as he tried to grab Nicole's bosom." scene a_g_16 "Nicole reacted by slapping his hand back, but the guy was reluctant." scene a_n_10 "As Nicole turned back, her ass was enticing enough for the guy to grab her." scene a_n_11 "He tried it again, this time pulling Nicole closer." scene a_g_17 "Nicole wasn't having any of it, and got angry and pushed him again." scene a_g_04 "Nicole thinks she's had enough." "It was time for her to get into some detective action." scene a_g_05 "She grabs the guy by his hand, and twists it behind his back before he could react." scene a_g_05 "The boy's eyes widened with fear as Nicole grabbed his other hand and put it behind his back, swiftly twisting it until the boy winced in pain." $ charisma += 5 $ strength += 3 scene a_g_06 un "Hey, hey..." scene a_g_07 "Nicole did not leave his hands, and exerted more pressure onto his hands." scene a_g_08 n "What else do I need to prove to you, huh? Break your legs next?" scene a_g_09 un "Hey, hey, please chill, chill..." un "I was joking around, I mean no harm, ma'am... Let me go, please." scene a_g_08 n "You think I'll trust you?" n "Nah. I'll just take you to the Police Department." n "You will get some nice treatment there." scene a_g_09 un "Please, I beg you miss!" un "I was just messing around, you were hot... and I am sorry! Let me go please!" "Nicole meant no harm either, just that she was irked by the case." scene a_g_09 "She doesn't press him much and lets him go." $ persistent.ch1ac3 = True show screen acun scene a_d_05 un "Damn, you are strong." n "What else do you expect?" KN_MOD "else:" scene a_g_04 with dissolve "It was time for her to get some detective action." scene a_g_05 "She grabs the guy by his hand, and twists it behind his back before he could react." scene a_g_05 "The boy's eyes widened with fear as Nicole grabbed his other hand and put it behind his back, swiftly twisting it until the boy winced in pain." $ strength += 5 scene a_g_06 un "Hey, hey..." scene a_g_07 "Nicole did not leave his hands, and exerted more pressure onto his hands." scene a_g_08 n "What else do I need to prove to you, huh? Break your legs next?" scene a_g_09 un "Hey, hey, please chill, chill..." un "I was joking around, I mean no harm, ma'am... Let me go, please." scene a_g_08 n "You think I'll trust you?" n "Nah. I'll just take you to the Police Department." n "You will get some nice treatment there." scene a_g_09 un "Please, I beg you miss!" un "I was just messing around... let me go please!" "Nicole meant no harm either, just that she was irked by the case." scene a_g_09 "She doesn't press him much and lets him go." scene a_d_05 un "Damn, you are strong." n "What else do you expect?" scene a_d_05 un "I'm really sorry." n "What's your name boy?" $ persistent.daniel = True show screen charun d "I'm Daniel. Nice to meet you.." scene a_n_05 n "Nicole. Detective Nicole." scene a_d_06 d "What are you doing here anyways Detective?" scene a_n_05 n "You may be aware of the double murder case." n "I'm here in search of clues, if I can find any." scene a_d_06 d "Oh I do know about the case. Well..." d "... I believe I know someone who said he observed someone parking a car along the river late at night." scene a_n_03 n "What time was it?" scene a_d_05 d "I'm not sure." d "But I'm pretty confident that he got a bit worried when we heard the news at the bar." scene a_n_04 n "Why isn't he coming forward?" scene a_d_07 d "He does not want to be involved with the police." scene a_n_05 n "...and why is that so?" scene a_d_08 d "He has some history in the past involving the police, that's why." "Nicole gave herself a minute to think about the scenario before she could come up with a response." scene a_n_04 n "Alright." n "Can you ask him to meet me?" scene a_d_07 d "You think he will be willing to cooperate if I tell him that he's meeting the detectives?" d "You must be joking." scene a_n_04 n "Who is telling him that he's meeting a detective?" d "What do you mean?" scene a_g_02 n "Trick him to believe that he's getting a date." n "I'm pretty sure he won't say no." d "Hmm... I like the idea." n "So, you are bringing him?" scene a_d_09 d "Yeah, I'll get him." $ daniel += 2 d "But in return, I'm going to ask you some favors..." n "What are those?" scene a_d_08 d "Not now. Let the time come." scene a_n_06 n "..." n "Okay then. Meet me at Albert's cafe at 11, don't be late." scene a_d_08 d "Sure, we will be there." scene a_n_06 n "Well then, I got to go." scene a_g_10 d "Take care, see you at the cafe tomorrow." scene a_g_11 n "Sure." stop music show screen repun $ renpy.end_replay() $ persistent.scene1 = True scene black "After getting some important details and what looked like a lead, Nicole headed towards Albert's." scene cafe_ns_13 with fade "Her best buddies were waiting for her to come so that they could eat together." s "Boss lady's here!" scene cafe_ns_14 n "Hey guys. Started without me already?" scene cafe_r_09 r "Nah. But we have already ordered these, Nicole." r "Hope you don't mind!" scene cafe_ns_14 n "Not at all. Anything will do. I'm hungry." scene cafe_ns_06 s "C'mon Nic, let us dig in!" n "Let's go!" KN_MOD "label commonscene1:" play music "audio/cityscapes.mp3" scene cafe_ns_02 with fade "Both ladies were starving, so there was no stopping them." n "Wow. They look delicious!" scene cafe_ns_03 s "Yes, they are." scene cafe_n_10 n "Looks like someone is distracted." n "Hey! Mister, have a taste and let us know your ratings!" scene cafe_ns_03 s "Leave it, Nicole. He rates every meal he eats the same." scene cafe_r_10 r "I must say..." scene cafe_n_10 n "You didn't like it?" scene cafe_r_13 r "..these are amazing. I think I'm in love." scene cafe_s_06 s "*sigh*" s "You say that about every food you eat, Ryan..." scene cafe_n_07_2 n "He does." scene cafe_ns_06 s "Hey Nicole, remember that time he said he was in love with that burrito from the food truck?" scene cafe_n_09 n "Hehe, I do..." scene cafe_r_11 r "C'mon ladies! Don't judge me!" r "It was a damn good burrito." scene cafe_ns_05 n "I'm just saying, you fall in love pretty easily." scene cafe_ns_04 s "Nothing surprising.." s "Speaking of falling in love, did you guys hear about that guy who proposed to his girlfriend with a chicken nugget?" scene cafe_r_12 r "No way. Are you serious?" scene cafe_ns_07 s "Totally." s "He put the engagement ring inside a McDonald's chicken nugget." scene cafe_n_06 n "Haha... That's... funny." r "That's ridiculous. Who would want to propose with a chicken nugget?" s "The guy thought so." scene cafe_n_05 n "Well, Ryan, if you love someone, I believe it doesn't matter how you propose." scene cafe_r_12 r "I guess that's true." r "Guys wanna order anything else?" scene cafe_ns_08 n "Nah, I think this is good." scene cafe_n_06 s "We didn't have a proper meal, but fine." scene cafe_ns_09 r "She's lost her appetite, Sylvia." r "Overthinking does that sometimes." scene cafe_ns_12 n "Blah..blah.." scene cafe_ns_15 with fade "After a few minutes, they come out." s "So guys, where next?" r "Back home, I'm tired." scene cafe_n_11 n "I need to do some documentation. I'll pay a quick visit to the station before returning home." scene cafe_ns_15 s "I'm heading home. It has been a long day." scene cafe_ns_16 r "Bye Nicole, I'll be going with her. See you tomorrow." scene cafe_n_12 n "Bye!" "Sylvia and Ryan returned to their respective homes while Nicole headed to the station." stop music KN_MOD "label station2:" play music "audio/latenight.mp3" scene pps_n_03 with fade "Within a few minutes, Nicole reached the station and started with the files she had promised her Commander." scene pps_n_02 n "{i}I'll finish the files needed and keep them on Jonathan's desk.{/i}" n "{i}This case is catching fire, and there are going to be a lot of explanations needed...{/i}" scene pps_p_00 with Dissolve(1.5) scene pps_p_01 with Dissolve(1.5) scene pps_p_02 with Dissolve(1.5) "Just then, a familiar face arrived at her desk." scene pps_p_03 un "Hey, Nicole." scene pps_n_08 $ persistent.pearce = True show screen charun n "Oh, hey Pearce! You startled me..." scene pps_g_01 p "Wasn't my intention anyway." p "Staying for the night?" scene pps_n_00 n "C'mon now. After spending the whole day on the field? Not a chance." scene pps_g_00 p "Haha, I know, I know." scene pps_g_02 with dissolve "Pearce hands over the file he had carried to Nicole." p "Here's the copy of the transcription you asked me for from the pimp." p ":Like I mentioned in the call, he seems clean." scene pps_g_03 n "Thank you very much, Sargeant." n "I wished he knew something because it would have made things much easier." scene pps_p_04 p "So you're telling me to plant the case on him, huh? *smiles*" scene pps_n_09 n "Oh, bugger off!" scene pps_p_05 p "A joke again..." scene pps_n_09 n "You suck at it. Horribly." scene pps_p_04 p "Okay, okay." p "Staying for long?" scene pps_n_04 n "Yup, I have an hour's work remaining." scene pps_p_04 p "May I ask what exactly?" scene pps_n_04 n "Case details, reports, you know... the regular." n "I need to share these with Jonathan." scene pps_p_08 with fade p "Oh." p "Jonathan." p "Sometimes I forget we used to work together." scene pps_n_05 n "Hmmm... I'm pretty sure the rest of our team doesn't." scene pps_p_07 p "*laughs*" p "Does he trouble you?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Not at all:" scene pps_n_05 with fade n "No, not at all." $ jonathan += 1 scene pps_p_06 p "Oh, that's cool." KN_MOD "You know him:" $ charisma += 2 scene pps_n_05 with fade n "Well, you know how he is, right?" $ pearce += 1 scene pps_p_06 p "Haha, yeah." scene pps_p_06 p "Well, time to take your leave." p "Tomorrow's going to be a long day." scene pps_n_05 n "Let me correct you." n "It'll be every day until we catch that bastard." scene pps_p_07 p "Uhuh. Yes..." p "Bye then." scene pps_n_10 n "See ya!" scene pps_p_10 p "Talk to ya tomorrow." scene pps_n_05 n "Bye, Pearce." scene pps_p_09 "Saying so, Pearce left the cubicle." scene pps_n_07 "Nicole continued with her documents, which took an hour." scene black "After she finished the files for the day, she mailed it to her Commander and headed home." stop music scene n_00_s "After reaching home, Nicole could feel her tired body being exhausted from the day's work and wanted to get to bed as soon as possible." scene n_00 "She stripped off her clothes, and walked straight towards the bathroom with her ass on full display, with no eyes to witness." scene n_01 "She untied her hair and let loose of the silk open, kissing the air." scene n_02 play music "audio/shower.mp3" "She slowly moved towards the shower opening the hair completely, but something was wrong." scene n_03 "Nicole wasn't feeling herself." "There was a sense of tension, a looming fear that loomed around her, which was unusual." scene n_04 "She stood there with a blank mind, froze for a second before returning to her senses." scene n_06 "The reflection told her everything and revealed something she never wanted to see, fear." stop music scene n_01_s "Nicole rushed through her bath, changed into her nightgown, and crawled into bed, exhausted after a long day." n "{i}Who might have committed those murders? What is the motive? Was it intentional?...{/i}" n "{i}Why would someone kill... Why would someone get killed?...{/i}" scene n_02_s n "{i}Oh I need to... know...{/i}" with dissolve "Nicole dozed off... and a memory tickled her." KN_MOD "jump dadflash1" KN_MOD "label dadflash1:" play music "audio/forests.mp3" scene beach_n_00 with fade "A young Nicole sat on the bank of the River Odyssey, gazing out at the water with a thoughtful expression." scene beach_nd_01 "Her dad sat beside her, taking in the beauty of the river with a serene look." scene beach_nd_18 "Looking at his daughter's face, Dad curiously spoke to his little kid." scene beach_nd_17 dad "What's running in this little mind of yours, sweetie?" scene beach_n_01 n "I was just thinking about Mom." scene beach_nd_16 n "Why isn't she here with us, Dad?" scene beach_nd_03 with dissolve "Nicole's father's smile steadily disappeared when she posed this query." scene beach_nd_00 dad "Well.." scene beach_nd_03 dad "Your mom and I had some differences." dad "There wasn't much of a spark left between us." scene beach_nd_04 dad "We decided it was best if we went our separate ways." dad "However, dear, we always have time for you." scene beach_n_01 n "I know, dad." scene beach_nd_19 n "But I want all three of us to spend time together, just like we used to!" n "Why is it always you or Mom who comes to meet me?" scene beach_nd_00 "The truth was that he didn't have any response." "He was aware that his daughter was asking the right questions." scene beach_nd_04 dad "There are some questions, my child, that don't have a right answer." dad "Once you grow up, you will understand." scene beach_n_01 n "But I miss her. I wish she came here with us." scene beach_nd_04 with dissolve dad "I know you do, sweetheart. And I miss her too." dad "Sometimes in life, things do not go as planned." dad "It's hard for everyone involved." scene beach_n_01 "Young Nicole once again looked at the evening river thoughtfully." scene beach_nd_02 n "I guess you're right, dad." n "It's just hard sometimes." scene beach_nd_05 dad "I know it is, sweetie." dad "We both are glad to have you." scene beach_n_03 n "I'm glad I have you too, Dad." scene beach_nd_07 with fade "Smiles exchanged between the dad and daughter, who visit the riverside occasionally to spend time together." scene beach_nd_21 dad "Okay, enough with the serious stuff now! *giggles*" scene beach_n_03 n "Okay dad.. *laughs*" scene beach_nd_20 dad "Tell me, when you grow up, what do you want to be?" scene beach_nd_06 "Nicole made a cute expression as if she didn't know what to say." scene beach_nd_12 n "Uhh, I don't know, dad.." scene beach_nd_20 dad "I know you are young, but you are old enough to think about this!" scene beach_nd_15 n "C'mon dad, don't confuse me!" scene beach_nd_23 dad "Haha, okay. I'll let you think. Take your time." scene beach_nd_14 n "I'm not sure yet, Dad. There are so many things I'm interested in." scene beach_nd_20 dad "Well, that's nice!" dad "Keep exploring your interests and trying new things. You'll find your passion." scene beach_nd_22 n "I hope so. There's so much I want to do!" scene beach_nd_20 dad "Haha, looks exciting!" scene beach_nd_22 n "Now it's my turn to ask!" scene beach_nd_21 dad "What's on your mind?" scene beach_nd_09 n "What did you want to be when you were my age?" scene beach_nd_21 dad "That was my question.." scene beach_nd_22 n "Answer!!" scene beach_nd_21 dad "Okay, okay, hahaha." scene beach_nd_08 dad "Hmmm.. let me think.." scene beach_nd_10 dad "When I was your age, I wanted to be a pilot." dad "I loved the idea of flying and seeing the world from above." scene beach_nd_09 n "Wow dad! That is so cool!" n "So, did you?" scene beach_nd_11 dad "Uh what, yes, uh no.. no." dad "I couldn't. My parents weren't financially sound, and thus, I couldn't pursue my dreams." dad "Life took me in a different direction." dad "But I'm still happy with the way things turned out." scene beach_nd_12 n "Now, what do you do?" scene beach_nd_20 dad "I told you earlier.." dad "There are some questions that.." scene beach_nd_22 with dissolve n "..have no correct answers... I got it, see. I got it.." scene beach_nd_24 dad "Hahaha, okay sweetheart... let's go home, c'mon. Get your shoes." scene beach_nd_25 with dissolve n "Okay dad." scene beach_nd_26 "He gently extended his finger towards her as she said this." scene beach_nd_27 with Dissolve(2.0) scene beach_nd_28 with dissolve "Little Nicole responded by holding his finger as they began their journey home.." stop music scene n_01_s with vpunch "Nicole's dreams woke her up." n "{i}Oh, dad... I miss you.{/i}" scene n_01_s with dissolve n "{i}How badly I needed you today, yesterday...{/i}" scene n_02_s with dissolve n "{i}I... where... are I lov... y...{/i}" "Awakened by her dreams for a while, Nicole slept off once again, with a huge day ahead of her." with dissolve KN_MOD "jump dot20begin" KN_MOD "label exitsequence:" KN_MOD "call screen exitsequence" # This ends the game. KN_MOD "return" KN_MOD "label dot20begin:" scene nh_00 with Dissolve(1.5) scene nh_01 play sound "audio/alarmclock.mp3" "Detective Nicole groggily opens her eyes as her alarm clock blares repeatedly going past 6:00 am." stop sound scene nh_03 "She awakens from her slumber, stretching her arms and legs to shake off the remnants of sleep." "With a deep exhale, she mentally prepares herself for another demanding day." scene c_n_00 play music "audio/carsandtraffic.mp3" "As she navigates through the bustling city streets, the sounds of honking horns and chatter blend into a symphony of urban chaos." "Every passing face, every flicker of movement catches her attention, as she tries to connect the dots and unearth new leads." stop music scene n_ps_03 "Unsurprisingly, Nicole was the first to the station." scene n_ps_01 n "{i}Hmmm... Nobody here.{/i}" n "{i}Looks like the guys were too tired yesterday.{/i}" scene n_ps_02 n "{i}No sign of Sy and Ryan, yet.{/i}" n "{i}Wonder when will they arrive.{/i}" scene s_ps_00 "Just as Nicole finished her thought, the office door swung open, and Detective Sylvia strode in." scene s_ps_01 play music "audio/casinoboy.mp3" s "Morning Nic!" scene n_ps_05 n "Oh, there you are." n "Morning!" scene s_ps_02 s "Early again, huh?" s "I'm wondering when the day will come when I arrive first." scene n_ps_04 n "Oh." scene n_ps_05 n "That's when I leave this station *smiles*." scene s_ps_10 s "Oh! Come on! Don't leave me alone in this shithole!" s "Jonathan will..." scene n_ps_09 n "Shhh... Lower your voice, woman." n "It won't be good if someone hears you yelling." scene s_ps_05 s "Oops! Sorry...*grin*" scene g_ps_00 n "What's the plan today?" s "The usual, you know." s "Following up with some groundwork, extra effort is required this time." scene n_ps_06 n "Yeah. It's not like we have any other options." scene s_ps_08 s "What about you? Warming your chair in the office?" scene n_ps_07 n "*smirks* Sorry, I can't fill your position... hehe..." scene s_ps_10 s "Bad joke..." scene KN_MOD "if danielvalley2 or danielvalley is True:" scene n_ps_04 n "Jokes apart, I'll be covering the other side of the city." n "Been there yesterday, think I might get some help from the locals." scene s_ps_07 s "Oh." s "Need company?" scene n_ps_04 n "No worries, Sy." n "I'm confident, yet I'm not too sure." n "So let's just not follow one piece." scene s_ps_08 s "Yeah, you are right." KN_MOD "else:" scene s_ps_04 s "So, wanna come with me to the city?" s "I want to carry out my investigations in detail, feel I can use the help of the smartest brain in the building." scene n_ps_08 n "With you?" n "Surely! Even I had no concrete plans from where to headstart the investigations." n "Would be great for the morning." scene s_ps_07 s "Yeah! Absolutely." $ sylvia += 1 scene r_ps_00 "While the girls were having their convo, Ryan arrived." scene r_ps_01 r "The traffic sucks in this city!" scene s_ps_11 s "Hmm, is it the traffic or the alarm you set at 9 am?" scene r_ps_04 r "Ehhh..." r "*smiles* Mix of both." scene s_ps_11 s "You never learn, do you?" scene r_ps_02 r "So ladies, where ya headed at?" scene s_ps_13 s "I'll be going to the areas near the river again." scene r_ps_03 r "Cool." scene r_ps_05 with dissolve r "Nic?" KN_MOD "if danielvalley2 or danielvalley is True:" scene n_ps_14 n "A guy I met yesterday said that his friend has kept mum about the details of the night of the murder." n "So I will be meeting him today." scene r_ps_05 r "Looks funny business. I better accompany you." scene n_ps_14 n "No worries Ryan. I can handle it." scene r_ps_10 r "Hey, come on! You know we need these magnificent biceps for the task." r "These bad boys are my secret weapon!" r "I bet you could eat those tasks up for breakfast" scene n_ps_10 n "Don't go too far, haha." n "I'll be alright." scene s_ps_10 s "I think he's right." s "You might not need someone close, but better to have them around." scene r_ps_09 r "Yeah, listen to her." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Alright:" scene n_ps_11 n "Okay then, join me, Ryan." $ ryancomestocafe = True $ ryan += 2 $ sylvia += 1 n "But stay outside, okay?" n "Make sure to have them fooled if you are spotted, thinking we're just a couple of regular Joes." scene r_ps_09 r "Don't worry, I'll be the master of disguise, hiding behind the invisibility cloak!" scene n_ps_14 n "*Yeah, yeah..." scene s_ps_12 s "You never learn, do you?" KN_MOD "jump rynic01" KN_MOD "I can manage:" scene n_ps_14 n "Don't worry. I can manage." n "I don't think it will be anything important." n "So let us not waste our manpower on them." scene r_ps_06 r "Okay, as you say." scene r_ps_08 r "But remember, we are just one call away!" scene n_ps_13 n "Yep!" n "So, see ya guys later!" KN_MOD "jump nicalone01" KN_MOD "else:" scene n_ps_14 n "I'll accompany Sy today." scene r_ps_11 r "That's cool." scene s_ps_12 s "We got to go, Ryan. Talk to ya later." scene n_ps_13 n "See ya." r "Take care!" KN_MOD "jump synic01" stop music KN_MOD "label synic01:" scene c_n_02 with fade "Nicole and Sylvia left the station in the former's car while Ryan stayed behind to plan for the next move." scene c_s_00 play music "audio/carsandtraffic.mp3" s "Thanks for agreeing to come with me today. I couldn't do this alone." scene c_n_03 n "Of course." n "I have good company, but we need to find some answers." scene c_s_00 s "You are right, I hope so too." scene c_n_04 n "Need to find hard evidence, no way he doesn't leave any trace after five murders." scene c_s_01 s "Yep. We need to investigate thoroughly." s "Wish we had our team with us." scene c_n_04 n "No worries, let them help Ryan. This can be our private investigation." scene c_s_01 s "Sure." scene c_s_02 s "It's just so unsettling, you know?" s " Two bodies found near the river in such a short time?" scene c_n_05 n "Yes." n "Never happened in Odyssey before." scene c_s_03 s "We have to approach this with caution." s "We'll take it step by step." scene c_n_06 n "Absolutely." n "We need to get something today." scene c_s_03 s "Have the confidence we will." stop music scene filler_15_6 "After a drive, Nicole and Sylvia arrived at the location." "They both were determined, ready to uncover the truth behind the mysterious case they were investigating." scene m_ns_00 s "Better we split and work, we can engage with more people then." scene m_ns_01 n "Yes, of course. I will check the 5th street first." n "Pretty sure there must be at least one camera out there!" scene m_ns_00 s "Surely. Let us move then." scene m_ns_08 "They started their search, methodically going from house to house, street to street." scene m_ns_03 "They knocked on doors, questioned neighbors, and carefully inspected the surroundings for any signs of suspicious activity." "They interrogated the inhabitants and neighbors, attentively listening to their comments and taking down any pertinent information." scene m_ns_05 "Their goal was to build together a complete image of the neighborhood, looking for any hints or leads that could lead them to the truth." "While engaging with the locals, Nicole and Sylvia maintained a keen eye for anything out of the ordinary." "They carefully inspected the surroundings, paying attention to the smallest details, alongside checking the dashcam of cars and security cameras." scene m_ns_07 n "Do you remember anything else out of the ordinary?" scene m_ns_06 un "Uh, no. That's about it, Detective." n "Okay. Thanks for cooperating." "They worked tirelessly, knowing that every conversation, every knock on the door, and every observation brought them one step closer to their ultimate goal." scene m_ns_04 un "I'm not too sure dear." un "That could have been a cat too." s "Okay. Thank you, ma'am." "The girls couldn't find anything substantial again, much to their disappointment." scene filler_12 with fade "Both the girls met after a long look in the area." scene filler_10 s "Anything?" scene m_ns_02 n "Feedback and doubts, yes. Concrete evidence? No." s "Same here." s "Most don't even allow to check their security cams even with badges. They are afraid to come out." n "Never before scenario, so the fear." scene m_ns_09 play sound "audio/syring.mp3" "Just then, Sylvia's phone buzzed." scene m_ns_10 s "Hello... *muffled voice* Wait, is it?" s "That's fantastic news!" scene m_ns_11 s "Oh..." s "Okay then.*beep*" scene filler_12-0 n "What is it?" scene m_ns_12 s "Ryan called." s "The good news is that two boys have come forward with some details regarding a man who was near the river on the day of the murder." s "However, one of the boys didn't want to testify as his advocate instructed not to." scene filler_12-0 n "Who's the guy?" scene m_ns_12 s "Umm... It is Sebastian Knight." scene filler_12-0 n "Okay, now another problem!" scene filler_1 s "Also, Ryan has told me that you should go visit the advocate, message from the higher-ups." s "Hurry now, guess the address has already been sent to your phone." scene m_ns_12 n "What about you?" s "Station. I'll catch a cab." n "Alright then, take care." s "Bye." KN_MOD "jump nicseb01" KN_MOD "label rynic01:" scene c_n_02 "Nicole and Ryan left the station to visit the boys in the former's car, while Sylvia took hers to the other side of the city." scene c_r_00 play music "audio/carsandtraffic.mp3" r "Do you trust these guys?" scene c_n_03 n "I have no option right now." n "What if there is a clue? I'll be outright disappointed if I miss this." scene c_r_00 r "You are right, I will be too." scene c_n_04 n "I just hope they come today." scene c_r_01 r "Do you think they will?" scene c_n_04 n "The guy was certain he'd appear with his friend, and since I've been to his neighborhood before, I'm confident I'll find him if he doesn't show up." scene c_r_01 r "You have backups, haha." scene c_n_05 n "I should, you know." scene c_r_02 r "Certainly." r "Also, you sure of getting inside there alone?" scene c_n_06 n "Yes." n "The guy I met was quite harmless." n "His friend might be some tough nut, but I think I can crack them." scene c_r_04 r "You definitely can." r "But if anything goes wrong, you know that the master of the hammers is standing right outside!" scene c_n_04 n "Wow, you're so pessimistic!" scene c_r_04 r "Hey! That was just a joke." scene c_n_07 n "Haha, I know." scene m_rs_00 with fade stop music "After a leisurely drive through the bustling city streets, Nicole and Ryan finally arrived at the cafe." scene m_rs_01 "As they stepped out of the car, a sense of anticipation tinged the air, especially for Nicole, who was more concerned about the impending arrival of the boys they had been expecting." scene m_rs_02 "Nicole's mind buzzed with thoughts as she gazed at the café's entrance, wondering if the boys would show up." scene m_rs_03 r "Should I go inside and check if the boys have arrived?" scene m_rs_04 n "No, don't." n "Let me handle this on my own." n "Just stay outside and only act if something goes wrong." scene m_rs_03 r "Alright. I'll be waiting." ##common for nic and ryan scene m_rs_05 play music "audio/cafeambience.mp3" "Nicole entered the cafe, taking a deep breath to steady herself." "She might have gone through difficult situations as a homicide detective, but being a fake date for trapping someone was her first time." "But she always had a weapon of seduction, which she could unleash anytime she was in distress." scene filler_15_9 "To her relief, Daniel and his friend were seated inside and they notice her coming in." scene m_rs_05 n "{i}Hmm... Good to see Daniel being a man of his word.{/i}" scene filler_15_10 "Looking at her, Daniel's friend just reconfirmed whether it was the woman they were waiting for, while Daniel did not move an inch." scene m_ts_08 "While Nicole approached the table, Daniel's friend stood up and extended his hand towards her in a friendly gesture." n"{i}Err..{/i}" n "Hello, nice to meet you." scene m_rs_12 "Without a voice, he reached out and gently took Nicole's hand in his to plant a kiss." "Nicole had little time to react and had to do something quickly." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cheekily refuse:" scene m_rs_07 "Nicole quickly converted the to-be kiss to a strong handshake." "The guy was taken aback by the smart move from Nicole, and had to keep his lips to himself." scene m_rs_10 "Nicole just couldn't control but smile widely given the reaction of the lad." n "{i}Poor fellow, he didn't expect this, that's for sure.{/i}" n "Thank you for this welcome. I didn't expect this." KN_MOD "Let him do his thing:" $ tom += 1 scene m_rs_08 $ persistent.ch1ac4 = True show screen acun "As Nicole didn't react, his lips pressed gently against the back of her hand, his warm breath caressing her skin." "Nicole's eyes widened in surprise at the gutsy approach of the young man." scene m_rs_09 n "{i}Damn, this was supposed to be unromantic.{/i}" n "{i}But who cares? He's sweet, at least...{/i}" scene m_n_07 with fade n "Has Daniel mentioned anything about me?" scene m_g_00 un "Well, Nicole, he did mention that you were quite charming..." un "...but you look better in person." scene m_n_07 n "Thank you." scene m_g_00 t "I'm Tom by the way." $ persistent.tom = True show screen charun n "Nice to meet you." scene m_g_00 t "So, when shall we start with my interrogation?" scene m_n_06 "Nicole was taken aback by the response but kept her smile intact." stop music scene black "Meanwhile..." scene m_rp_00 with Dissolve(2.0) scene m_rp_01 p "Hey Detective Ryan, Good to see you." scene m_rp_03 r "Hey Sargeant, good day." scene m_rp_04 p "Saw you waiting outside, all good?" scene m_rp_03 r "All good." r "Detective Nicole's meeting a couple of men inside for some investigation duties, so I'm just waiting outside for her to complete." r "Can't see her sitting inside with those tinted glasses anyway." scene m_rp_07 p "Decent." p "Do you have any leads?" scene m_rp_07 n "I'm not sure. She wants to handle it on her own." scene m_rp_02 p "Which is good. She's pretty brilliant at it." scene m_rp_10 p "You didn't want to join?" scene m_rp_06 r "I wanted to. I tried to convince her on this matter, but I think she does have some plans up her sleeve." scene m_rp_10 p "No denying that." p "She can make a stone dance to her tunes." scene m_rp_09 r "Haha, nicely put." scene m_rp_05 p "So, want to join me for a cup of coffee?" scene m_rp_08 r "Sorry to refuse, but I am supposed to wait outside and keep an eye on Nicole." r "That's her order." scene m_rp_10 p "Better obey her then!" scene m_rp_06 r "I am, haha." scene m_rp_10 p "Okay, I'll take your leave then, let us have a drink sometime." scene m_rp_06 r "Surely." r "Bye!" ##back and common play music "audio/cafeambience.mp3" scene m_ts_07 with vpunch n "Tom, I... I'm sorry, I didn't quite follow..." scene m_g_03 t "Stop beating around the bush, Detective." t "I know you are here because you want me to testify." t "Your partner might not feel comfortable standing outside for long." scene m_ts_07 "Nicole's act was caught, but she was okay with it." scene m_g_011 "Daniel, on the other hand, gave an apologetic gaze." scene filler_15_7 n "{i}Damn.. I failed at this..{/i}" n "{i}Guess it was my fault..{/i}" n "Sorry, I didn't have a choice." scene filler_15_16 t "I understand. It is tough." scene m_g_01 d "I'm sorry Nicole. Tom got suspicious when I asked him to meet you." d "But it was tough for me to maintain secrecy." d "So I told him everything, and honestly, he is happy to help." scene filler_15_14 "Nicole was ecstatic, appreciating Tom's willingness to engage in an honest conversation." n "That's great then." scene m_ts_06 n "So, you can come to the station to testify?" scene m_g_02 t "Well, I have problems." t "There are some men in your department who have problems with me, you know, photographs." d "They are looking for a mistake from his side to catch him." d "This has been going on for long, and he can't take risks." t "So, without an advocate, I can't come in." scene m_ts_06 n "I can understand." n "But if you know something, we need your help." scene m_g_09 d "he does, I've seen it." d "But it is not something we can discuss today." t "I have already mentioned this to my advocate." t "He has asked for you to meet him at his place." scene filler_15_11 n "Who is it?" scene filler_15_17 t "It is Sebastian Knight." scene filler_15_11 "The name Tom took was one of Odyssey's richest and was a respectful yet shrewd advocate." scene m_ts_01 n "Alright, I'll have a chat." n "I'll be glad if you can testify." scene filler_15_17 t "Me too, but safely." t "Thanks for understanding Nicole." stop music ## scene n_c_3 "As Nicole concluded her conversation in the cafe, she briskly emerged outside, eager to rendezvous with Ryan." scene n_rn_03 r "So, how did it go?" n "Well, the guy is willing to help." n "But since he has had a history with some unwanted records, he has got himself an advocate." scene n_rn_02 r "Wow. What a headache." n "I'll be visiting the guy and talking to him." n "We need this." scene n_rn_05 r "Wait." r "Let me tag along." scene n_rn_01 n "No. The guys have already informed him about me. So he wants to talk to me alone." scene n_rn_00 r "Alright. I don't know where to go with this." r "Just stay safe and get home soon, okay?" scene n_rn_01 n "I'll be fine. See you soon." scene n_rn_04 r "Bye Nicole." "Nicole left for Sebastian's in her car." KN_MOD "jump nicseb01" KN_MOD "label nicalone01: ##Gallery 03" "Nicole takes her leave from the station to visit Daniel and his friend." scene c_n_01 play music "audio/carsandtraffic.mp3" "Nicole sits inside her car and stars the drive while she slips into a deep thought." "Although Daniel promised her to bring his friend with him, the idea of being there on a date with a regular dressing was somewhat a miss for her." scene c_n_02 n "{i}I'm not too sure if this is a good idea.{/i}" n "{i}Heck, I'm not even sure whether they will come!{/i}" n "{i}Ryan would have been a helping hand, but I think it is better to reach them out without anyone out.{/i}" stop music n "{i}It is better to remove any suspicion this way.{/i}" scene m_n_00 "After a drive, Nicole reaches the place." n "{i}Okay Nic. You know you can pull this off.{/i}" n "{i}Distract him first and then slowly make him comfortable.{i}" n "{i}With any luck, I'll be able to uncover a significant clue, if any.{/i}" n "{i}What if...{/i}" scene m_n_01 with dissolve "Nicole gets an idea and decided to loosen one button on her shirt, a subtle and deliberate choice to strike a balance between elegance and a hint of alluring charm." "Her bosoms got exposed more, tastefully accentuated by the loosened button, giving a peak of her ample cleavage." scene m_n_02 "Nicole shook her head slightly, allowing her tousled hair to add a touch of untamed allure to her overall appearance, blending a sense of captivating messiness with undeniable sexiness." scene m_n_03 "As Nicole prepared for the 'blind date', she took a moment to carefully apply her lipstick, taking pleasure in adding a touch of confidence." scene m_n_04 n "{i}Alright Nicole. It's time for your magic!{/i}" scene m_rs_05 play music "audio/cafeambience.mp3" "Nicole entered the cafe, taking a deep breath to steady herself." "She might have gone through difficult situations as a homicide detective, but being a fake date for trapping someone was her first time." "But she always had a weapon of seduction, which she could unleash anytime she was in distress." scene filler_15_9 "To her relief, Daniel and his friend were seated inside and they notice her coming in." scene m_rs_05 n "{i}Hmm... Good to see Daniel being a man of his word.{/i}" scene filler_15_10 "Looking at her, Daniel's friend just reconfirmed whether it was the woman they were waiting for, while Daniel didn't move an inch." scene m_ts_08 "While Nicole approached the table, Daniel's friend stood up and extended his hand towards her in a friendly gesture." n"{i}Err..{/i}" n "Hello, nice to meet you." scene m_rs_12 "Without a voice, he reached out and gently took Nicole's hand in his to plant a kiss." "Nicole had little time to react and had to do something quickly." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Cheekily refuse:" scene m_rs_07 "Nicole quickly converted the to-be kiss to a strong handshake." "The guy was taken aback by the smart move from Nicole, and had to keep his lips to himself." scene m_rs_10 "Nicole just couldn't control but smile widely given the reaction of the lad." n "{i}Poor fellow, he didn't expect this, that's for sure.{/i}" n "Thank you for this welcome, I didn't expect this actually." KN_MOD "Let him do his thing:" $ nicallowstomkiss = True $ tom += 1 scene m_rs_08 $ persistent.ch1ac4 = True show screen acun "As Nicole didn't react, his lips pressed gently against the back of her hand, his warm breath caressing her skin." "Nicole's eyes widened in surprise at the brave approach the young man had." scene m_rs_09 n "{i}Damn, this was supposed to be unromantic.{/i}" n "{i}But who cares? He's sweet at least...{/i}" scene m_ts_09 with fade n "Has Daniel mentioned anything about me?" scene m_g_00 un "Well, Nicole, he did mention that you were quite charming..." un "...but wow! I must say, seeing you in person, you exceed all expectations!" scene m_ts_04 n "Thank you." scene m_g_00 un "Feel like I've been blessed with the most extraordinary morning of my life." scene m_g_07 "Nicole couldn't help but blush at Tom's compliments." "She had not anticipated such effusive praise, and his words caught her off guard in the best way possible." scene m_ts_04 n "Well, I'm flattered, Mr...?" scene filler_15_18_c t "You can call me Tom." $ persistent.tom = True show screen charun t "Like it that way." scene m_ts_02 n "Short and sweet." n "So, what do you do for a living, Tom?" scene m_rs_11 t "I'm a freelance photographer for the local newspapers." n "That sounds fascinating!" t "Yup. It can be demanding, but I find it intellectually stimulating and rewarding." n "Pretty good!" scene m_g_05 with fade "While they were having a conversation, Nicole noticed that the eyes of both men were preying on her exposed chest." "She appreciated having that attention which got her thoughts dirty thinking about what those young lads are envisioning right now." scene m_g_06 n "{i}Boys and their love for breasts, never changing...{/i}" scene m_g_04 "In the midst of her busy schedule and the demands of her detective work, the occasional moments of attention served as a welcomed respite." scene filler_15_19_c t "I heard that you model, is that right?" "Nicole smiled while being pleasantly surprised." scene m_ts_05 n "Uh, yes... Earning decently." scene filler_15_19_c t "Cool." scene filler_15_19_c t "Do keep checking ads on the daily news, they put up plenty of modeling offers." scene m_ts_05 n "They do." scene filler_15_18_c t "But it has been cut down, sadly due to the murders happening around." scene m_ts_05 "Nicole did get what she came here for, but it was sooner than expected." "Still, she kept that beautiful smile on her face." n "Agreed, quite sad." scene m_ts_01 "Amidst the engaging conversation between Nicole and Tom, Daniel remained a silent observer, quietly taking in their interaction." scene filler_15_18_c t "The search has been going strong." t "Wonder if they will catch him." scene m_g_07 "The sudden topic shift sent Nicole into confusion." scene filler_15_7 n "{i}Fishy...{/i}" "The romantic atmosphere seemed to momentarily falter, leaving her unsure of how to respond." n "Yeah, it is indeed a difficult situation." scene filler_15_16 t "So, when do you think you might?" scene m_g_08 "Nicole was taken aback with the response, but kept her smile intact." scene m_ts_07 with vpunch n "Tom, I... I'm sorry, I didn't quite follow..." scene m_g_03 t "Stop beating around the bush, Detective." t "I know you are here because you want me to testify." #t "Your partner might not feel comfortable standing outside for long." scene filler_15_7 "Nicole's act was caught, but she was okay with it." scene m_g_011 "Daniel, on the other hand, gave an apologetic gaze." scene filler_15_15 n "{i}Guess it was my fault..{/i}" n "Sorry, I didn't have a choice." scene filler_15_16 t "I understand. It is tough." scene m_g_01 d "I'm sorry Nicole. Tom got suspicious when I asked him to meet you." d "But it was tough for me to maintain secrecy." d "So I told him everything, and honestly, he is happy to help." scene filler_15_12 "Nicole took a deep breath, appreciating Tom's willingness to engage in an honest conversation." scene m_ts_03 n "Well, you both don't have to be sorry." n "It was my fault." scene filler_15_12 n "So, can you come to the station to testify?" scene m_g_02 t "Well, I have problems." t "There are some men in your department who have problems with me, you know, photographs." d "They are looking for a mistake from his side to catch him." d "This has been going for long, and he can't take risks." t "So, without an advocate, I can't come in." scene filler_15_12 n "I can understand." n "But if you know something, we need your help." scene m_g_09 d "he does, I've seen it." d "But it is not something we can discuss today." t "I have already mentioned this to my advocate." t "He has asked for you to meet him at his place." scene filler_15_15 n "Who is it?" scene filler_15_16 t "It is Sebastian Knight." "The name Tom took was one of Odyssey's richest and was a respectful yet shrewd advocate." scene filler_15_15 n "Alright, I'll have a chat." n "I'll be glad if you can testify." scene filler_15_17 t "Me too, but safely." t "Thanks for understanding Nicole." $ tom += 1 $ daniel += 1 scene filler_15_8 "Nicole felt the need to freshen up after their conversation, prompting her to rise from her seat and make her way to the washroom." stop music scene ws_n_02 "Her mind was running the different possibilities of approaching Sebastian to convince him." scene ws_n_03 n "{i}Although Tom was easy to handle, I don't know how things would go with Sebastian.{/i}" n "{i}It is for our good that Tom testifies with what he has seen.{/i}" scene ws_n_06 n "{i}About Daniel, I don't know what to expect of him.{/i}" n "{i}He did help me bring Tom here today, but... can I trust him in the future?{/i}" ## KN_MOD "if nicallowstomkiss is True:" scene ws_n_04 "As the cold water splashes against her face, Nicole takes a moment to gather herself and contemplate the conversation she had with Tom." "Thoughts about their interaction and the upcoming discussion with the advocate fill her mind as the refreshing sensation rejuvenates her." n "{i}Tom's peck on my hand... that was romantic.{/i}" n "{i}But did he mean it out there?{/i}" n "{i}0Nevermind. But it has been a long time since I experienced something so genuinely romantic.{/i}" scene ws_n_05 "Just as she finished this thought, Tom unexpectedly entered the washroom." scene ws_n_07 play music "audio/romanceintheair.mp3" n "What are you doing in the ladies' washroom, Tom?" t "Trying to have a more private conversation?" n "What about Daniel?" t "He'll be fine waiting outside." scene ws_n_08 "Nicole turned around to have a direct conversation." n "What is it you want to talk about?" scene ws_n_09 t "Well, about earlier..." t "Did you willingly accept my gesture or did you do it as part of your investigation?" scene ws_n_08 "Although Nicole had a thought of the romantic moment, she was confused whether her answer would make her lose grip of Tom." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "It was genuine:" $ tom += 1 "Nicole felt it was better to tell him the truth and make him feel comfortable." scene ws_n_10 n "Tom, I understand why you might have that concern, but I want to be clear." n "I smiled because my intentions were sincere." scene ws_n_11 t "I did get that feeling too." t "Even though I knew you were a Detective, I just fell flat when you entered." scene ws_n_12 n "Oh.." scene ws_n_11 t "You see, the peck was just the layered thought I had." t "Deep inside, I..." scene ws_n_12 "Tom came closer to Nicole, while her heart started beating faster." scene ws_n_12 n "{i}Oh my, he's making a move...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Allow his advances:" $ tom += 1 scene ws_n_13 "Nicole did not mind him coming closer." "In fact, she loved being in this situation as Tom's behavior impressed her." "Nicole expected nothing more than a kiss, but Tom has other plans." "He pushed Nicole to the sink, making her half sit on the support." "With no room to move, she was trapped by Tom's body" scene ws_n_ex01 "Without wasting much time, Tom went handsy and groped both her mammaries, feeling them on the shirt." n "{i}He's... brave...{/i}" "Nicole's mind was stunned, as she was immersed in the heat." scene ws_n_ex02 t "You know Nicole..." t "I just wanted to do this ever since I saw your deep cleavage just staring at me." t "We boys dream the same, you know." scene ws_n_ex02 show ch1scene2 with fade "While Nicole large-eyed Tom and looked straight at him, Tom began to play with her titties." "her unbuttoned shirt made it helpful for her natural funbags to move freely." t "Holy fuck, these are heavy and soft." t "I can do this all day long!" "Nicole couldn't react, but feel her blood running in excitement." n "{i}Why am I feeling so light, this guy...{/i}" "Tom's excitement has no wonders. He wanted to do this since he set his eyes on this sexy woman." "Nicole breathed heavily as she was lost in the erotic moment." hide ch1scene2 scene ws_n_19 t "Well, I can't wait to see what's inside the wraps!" "Saying so, he slightly pulled the shirt back, revealing more of her left boob." "Nicole, regaining her senses back, looked at what was happenning." n "{i}He's going to unbutton the shirt if I leave him like this.{/i}" scene ws_n_20 "Nicole gently stops his further advancements, and pushed him back a little." n "I think this is enough..." scene ws_n_16 t "Oh, sorry, just got carried away..." t "But to be frank, I would have loved to see more." t "That's quite a wonderful package you have, Nicole." scene ws_n_15 "Nicole didn't know how to respond to the compliments given by Tom." n "Okay, I got to go." n "Remember, once I convince your lawyer, you need to visit the station." scene ws_n_11 t "I'm a man of my word." t "See ya then!" scene ws_n_21 $ persistent.ch1ac5 = True show screen acun "Nicole left the washroom, followed by Tom." scene filler_13 "Imagining what happened at the washroom, Nicole came outside the cafe with a smile." "She didn't expect things to go this way." show screen repun $ renpy.end_replay() $ persistent.scene2 = True # KN_MOD "Maintain distance:" $ tom -= 1 scene ws_n_14 "Nicole did not want to continue, so she stopped Tom from advancing further." scene ws_n_15 n "Sorry Tom." n "This is inappropriate, so let us avoid this." n "Hope you understand." scene ws_n_17 t "I'm sorry, Nicole. I didn't mean to overstep." t "The moment overwhelmed me, and I was caught up in the emotions." scene ws_n_10 n "Alright." n "We shall meet son, take care." scene ws_n_17 t "Sure Nicole!" scene ws_n_21 "Saying so, Nicole left the washroom." scene filler_13_ns "She darted out of the place, planning to reach the advocate's house early." scene n_c_4 "As she walked towards the car, she moved with confidence, with a determination more than ever." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "Being professional:" scene ws_n_08 "Nicole decided to lie in order to maintain distance from Tom, hiding her true emotions." scene ws_n_10 n "Tom, I appreciate your concern, but I must clarify that the peck on my hand was purely for professionalism." n "As a professional, I understand the need to maintain a sense of decorum and courtesy, even in challenging situations." scene ws_n_09 t "Well, alright." t "Felt it was better to clear the air." scene ws_n_08 n "Indeed." n "So, see you soon." scene ws_n_21 "Tom was understanding about the situation, and Nicole left the place." scene filler_13_ns n "{i}Not feeling good, but it was for the better for sure.{/i}" "She darted out of the place, planning to reach the advocate's house early." scene n_c_4 "As she walked towards the car, she moved with confidence, with a determination more than ever." $ renpy.end_replay() scene n_c_4 "She walked towards the car, this time more determined than ever." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "else:" scene ws_n_06 "Nicole spent a minute in the washroom before leaving." scene filler_13_ns "She darted out of the place, planning to reach the advocate's house early." scene n_c_4 "As she walked towards the car, she moved with confidence, with a determination more than ever." $ renpy.end_replay() stop music KN_MOD "jump nicseb01" KN_MOD "label nicseb01: ##Gallery 03" scene sb_n_00 with fade "After a drive, Nicole reached the place, she parked her car at a distance and approached the main gate." n "{i}Damn, this is a big place.{/i}" scene sb_n_01 "She enters the unlocked gate and, taking a deep breath, presses the intercom button." scene sb_n_02 "The door buzzed and opened automatically for Nicole, as a voice beckoned her in with a 'come in'." scene sb_n_03 n "{i}Surprising.{/i}" scene seb_n_02 play music "audio/dreammachine.mp3" "Nicole was welcomed inside as the doors opened by a long hallway leading up to a grand mansion." "The hallway was adorned with exquisite paintings and luxurious furniture, giving the place an air of opulence." scene seb_n_00 "Nicole followed the hallway until she reached a spacious living room, where Sebastian was waiting for her." scene seb_n_03 "As she approached, Sebastian turned around to greet her." se "Hello, Nicole." se "I didn't expect you to come here to be honest..." se "Please take a seat." scene seb_n_04 "Nicole followed Sebastian's gaze as he gestured towards the couch closest to him. She noticed his subtle emphasis on wanting her to be closer." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Sit next to him:" $ charisma += 3 scene seb_g_00 "Following Sebastian, Nicole went towards him to extend a handshake." scene seb_g_01 n "Thank you for having me here, advocate." se "Call me Seb." $ persistent.seb = True show screen charun n "Thank you, Seb..astian." scene filler_01 "Nicole made her way over to the couch and took a seat. Sebastian dimmed the lights in the room to enjoy the darkness a bit." se "I hope you don't mind. I like this setting." n "No worries for me." scene seb_n_7 n "Although the boys have briefed me..." n "...may I know your intention of inviting me here?" scene seb_n_5 se "I would like to talk about the security you can offer." se "My client is already having eyes looking after him, and he might be at threat from some names in the department." se "So while and after testifying, I need him back safe." scene seb_n_7 n "You have my promise." scene seb_n_5 se "You see, I keep the clients the highest priority, and having them in trouble is something which I don't like." se "When the boys explained the situation, I must admit, I didn't like it." se "But you appear to be calm, much like me." scene seb_n_6 n "Calm? Oh, I'll take it as a compliment." scene seb_n_4 se "It is coming from me, so you should be." scene seb_n_6 n "{i}There he goes...{i}" n "Oh... I'm glad." scene filler_01 n "So, are you giving Tom the green light to testify?" s "Well, I haven't thought about it now." s "Why the hurry? Let us enjoy the evening." n "..." scene seb_n_4 se "Nicole, I sense you're not entirely at ease." se "Let me help you feel more comfortable." scene filler_s_03 "Saying so, Sebastian rises from his comfortable spot on the couch, a surge of curiosity and anticipation guides his steps towards Nicole." "Sensing his approach, Nicole's attention is momentarily captured, causing her to pause and take notice." scene filler_s_04 "Her eyes widen with surprise as Sebastian settles down beside her, his presence in such close proximity catching her off guard." "The unexpectedness of his move leaves her momentarily taken aback as they now find themselves in this newfound closeness." scene seb_n_0 se "Well, I think you are comfortable now." n "I guess." n "{i}Damn, what a womanizer!{/i}" n "{i}He wants things to go his way, and without Tom testifying, things are going to be difficult.{/i}" n "{i}Maybe my lady charms might come to help{/i}" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Tease him:" $ charisma += 2 $ sebastian += 1 $ nicseducesseb = True scene seb_n_0 "Nicole decides to give him a little tease." n "{i}Well, a little show isn't any harm...{/i}" scene seb_n_10 "While Sebastian was busy boasting, Nicole decides to go the 'anti-nicole' way." scene seb_n_9 "She gently brought her leg towards him, anticipating a response." scene seb_n_8 "However, Sebastian continued with his talk." se "I just won that case with so much ease... haha." n "Oh nice." "Nicole wasn't listening to any of it." "She wanted him to allow Tom to testify, by hook or by crook." n "{i}Time to step up...{i}" scene seb_n_1 "Nicole sneakily unbuttons her top for some healthy cleavage." scene seb_n_3 "Given the womanizer Sebastian was, she expected him to take a peek or two." "But Sebastian continued, missing out on a chance to notice her natural beauties." scene seb_n_8 n "{i}Not even a peek.{/i}" "Nicole stopped her advances, and decided to call it quits." scene seb_n_12 n "Well, Sebastian, it is getting late." n "I got to go." scene seb_n_11 se "Oh, it did get late indeed." scene seb_n_13 se "Sorry I got carried, let me escort you out." scene seb_n_14 n "Sure." scene filler_s_3 "Sebastian walked towards the main door through the hallway." se "I had a great talk with you." n "Uh... me too." scene filler_s_1 "But before Nicole could leave, Sebastian, filled with a surge of emotion, wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace." n "What are you..?" $ persistent.ch1ac6 = True show screen acun se "Did you think I didn't notice your teasing earlier?" se "Be lucky that was I professional." scene filler_s_c1 "Saying so, Sebastian slid his hands down" scene filler_s_c1 show ch1scene3 with fade "He moved his hands around, back and forth, enjoying Nicole's ass." "Her butts moved around, but couldn't be exposed to full glory, given they were clothed." "However, Sebastian didn't push much, and broke the hug." hide ch1scene3 scene filler_s_2 se "Thanks for coming." se "Well, I allow Tom to testify." se "But make sure he is safe." n "I will." se "See you around, soon." show screen repun $ sebastian += 1 $ persistent.scene3 = True KN_MOD "Let it go:" scene seb_n_12 n "Well, Sebastian, it is getting late." n "I got to go." scene seb_n_11 se "Oh, it did get late indeed." scene seb_n_13 se "Sorry I got carried, let me escort you out." scene seb_n_14 n "Sure." scene filler_s_3 se "I'll see what can be done with Tom, till then take care." n "Okay, I'll take your leave." show screen repun $ renpy.end_replay() #back home scene seb_n_17 "Nicole left Sebastian's building." "Since the day was long once again, she decided to go back home straight." scene seb_n_18 n "{i}Glad that things went well today.{/i}" n "{i}Once we get Tom to the station, his description of the mystery man will surely help us.{/i}" show screen repun $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump momnicole01" KN_MOD "Face opposite:" $ awareness += 3 scene seb_n_06 "Nicole politely declined the offer and chose to sit on the opposite couch instead." scene seb_n_06 n "I will be comfortable here, sir." scene seb_s_01 se "Alright." scene seb_n_07 n "Although the boys have briefed me..." n "...may I know your intention of inviting me here?" scene seb_s_01 se "Professional, of course." scene seb_n_07 n "Great." n "We need your help to get closer to the killer, and if your client testifies, it would be wonderful." "Nicole and Sebastian have a lengthy conversation, and at one moment, things get out of hand." scene seb_s_02 se "That's where you are wrong." se "You see, I keep the clients the highest priority, and having them in trouble is something which I don't like." se "When the boys explained the situation, I must say, I didn't like it." se "It was the first time I was dealing with a lady detective, and the idea of posing as a blind date is something I wouldn't have expected." scene seb_n_08 n "Sorry, I don't understand where you are going with this." n "Would you elaborate?" scene seb_s_09 se "It is simple, Detective. I care about my clients." se "But these tricks are cheap, and if a reputed officer like you can go this route..." se "... I am worried about the corrupt ones." scene seb_n_09 n "Look, mister." n "I'm not here to waste my time listening to your lecture." n "I did what I wanted to do." n "Allow him to the station, we will guarantee his safety." scene seb_s_09 se "Your loss if I don't." scene sebn_2 "Nicole gets angry and gets up from the couch, gets going without uttering a word." n "{i}It is a waste of time talking to him.{/i}" scene sebn_1 se "I hope to meet you soon, Detective." scene sebn_2 n "{i}Idiot...{/i}" "Nicole gets going as it was late." show screen repun $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump momnicole01" stop music KN_MOD "label momnicole01:" scene filler_c_01 play sound "audio/nicring.wav" "As Nicole made her way back home, eagerly anticipating the invigorating embrace of a cold night shower, her phone chimed." scene cl_n_5 n "Hello darling... How are you?" scene cl_na_07 na "Oh." na "Now you remember your mother, huh?" play music "audio/nicandmom.mp3" $ persistent.nancy = True show screen charun scene cl_na_10 na "So busy that you don't have time to call your only mother?" scene cl_n_6 n "Of course I would forget about my favorite person..." n " that I'm old! *laughs*" scene cl_na_11 na "*sigh*" na "You have time for these bad jokes..." scene cl_n_7 n "..." n "I'm truly sorry ma." n "I've been busy lately." scene cl_na_10 na "I know... I know..." na "I wonder whether you are taking care of your health amid all this." scene cl_n_8 n "I'm doing good for myself." n "Absolutely fine and excellent fitness." scene cl_na_09 na "I'll find it out myself when you come this weekend." scene cl_n_8 n "Sure!" n "How's your health?" scene cl_na_06 na "It is good honey..." na "Just that..." scene cl_n_9 n "Just what ma?" scene cl_na_05 na "Oh! Nothing serious dear. It is just that my back has been acting up again." scene cl_n_10 n "Nothing? Are you going back to work again?" scene cl_na_05 na "You know, I love my job and..." scene cl_n_11 n "Ah! Not again!" scene cl_na_02 na "It was just for two days." na "Your aunt was sick, so I covered for her, that's it." scene cl_n_13 n "Again, silly reasons." n "Doctors have strictly told you to not stress your back." n "You never listen..." scene cl_na_02 na "Don't worry about it, dear. I'm retired and not working." na "Your aunt needed help, so it was the right thing to help my sister." scene cl_n_12 n "Still..." n "Don't do that again, okay?" scene cl_na_04 na "Okay, sweetie. You have my word." scene cl_n_12 n "..." scene cl_na_04 na "So, tell me about work?" scene cl_n_4 n "Don't get me started." n "You might know what's on the news these days." scene cl_na_14 na "Yes." na "Very scary." scene cl_n_4 n "Yeah." n "It has been tough for the people around to digest." scene cl_na_16 na "Everything will be fine." scene cl_n_4 n "Hopefully, Mom..." scene cl_na_13 na "Well, I'm proud that you're working hard." na "But you still need to call this old hag more often, you know..." scene cl_n_14 n "Hmmm... If you are old, then I'm a fossil!" scene cl_na_15 na "Hahaha, stop it." na "Jokes apart, I miss our chats." scene cl_n_15 n "I do too." n "Things are not the same as before." scene cl_na_18 na "I feel like we are growing apart, even though we stay in touch." na "There is so much to talk about, but still, we don't." scene cl_n_0 n "Things are tough, but I'm sure we'll manage it." scene cl_na_18 na "..." scene cl_n_1 n "I promise to make more time for you from now on, starting this weekend." scene cl_n_3 n "I'm sure we'll have a great weekend, just like old times." scene cl_na_19 na "Good girl. I will be waiting." na "Go to bed now. You must be tired." scene cl_n_2 n "Good night, ma." scene cl_na_20 na "Good night, honey." ## Dad scene smm_n_23 with fade "Exhausted from the late night call, Nicole succumbs to the weariness that weighs heavily upon her." "As her breathing steadies, Nicole's mind drifts into the realm of dreams." stop music play music "audio/cafeambience.mp3" scene smm_n_11 with fade "A happy young Nicole has come out to shop at the city mall, with her dad." "The air was filled with excitement as they strolled through the bustling mall, hand in hand." "The bright lights and colorful displays caught Nicole's attention, making her eyes sparkle with delight." scene smm_n_13 n "Dad, what would you like to buy today?" scene smm_n_10 dad "Uhh, I'm not sure." dad "You insisted me to come and shop, so you are going to guide me." scene smm_n_06 n "First things first, you need to get a grooming kit!" n "It is time you get that beard off your face, Dad." scene smm_n_10 dad "Hmmm... Why is my daughter suggesting this?" dad "Are you not liking that your dad is growing old now?" scene smm_n_07 n "pfft..." n "Stop the jokes now." n "You are not old, you just want to look like you are old." scene smm_n_13 dad "Hahaha..." dad "If I trimmed and groomed myself, it would be a waste of time." dad "I feel it is useless to spend time on being good looking at this age." scene smm_n_08 n "C'mon Dad, you are not old!" n "Stop saying that!" scene smm_n_13 dad "Haha, alright." dad "To be honest I do feel young like a kid when I'm around you." scene smm_n_12 n "Sweet of you, Dad." n "Happy that I make you feel this way." scene smm_n_09 dad "Okay now, let us go shopping?" dad "You need to tell me where to begin." scene smm_n_12 n "How about a couple of outfits for you and me?" scene smm_n_09 dad "Yeah, that will do. Let us go" scene smm_n_01 with fade "After entering the store, Nicole was absorbed in locating the best options." "Nicole excitedly browsed through the racks, searching for the perfect outfit." "She couldn't decide where to begin or what type of clothing she was in the mood for." "Every corner she turned, there were more choices, making it challenging for her to narrow down her options." scene smm_n_03 n "{i}This tee looks good, should I... {/i}" n "{i}No.{/i}" n "{i}Maybe dad can help..{/i}" scene smm_n_04 n "Dad, I'm confused..." stop music scene smm_n_05 with fade "Nicole notices that her father, standing next to her, is not around anymore." n "{i}Huh? He was right here. Where did go?{/i}" "Confusion and worry filled her heart as she looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of him in the mall." scene smm_n_00 "Nicole didn't worry at first as she assumed he might have stepped away momentarily or gone to another section." play music "audio/mallhorror.mp3" "But when it took a while to find her old man, she started to panic." n "{i}*worried* Dad, where are you?{/i}" scene smm_n_14 "Nicole walks out of the store. But to her horror, her footsteps echoed across the empty mall." "Her imagination ran wild, conjuring up worst-case scenarios, causing her panic to escalate." scene smm_n_14 cpy "As Nicole anxiously searched for her father, a sense of unease washed over her." "The once lively halls of the mall now seemed strangely empty and devoid of the usual hustle and bustle." "As she walked through the now quiet halls, her footsteps seemed to echo with an eerie resonance." scene smm_n_15 cpy "The vibrant displays and cheerful storefronts that had initially caught her attention now felt distant and uninviting." "A sense of unease settles within Nicole's chest as everything around her fades away as she cries out for her father." "As Nicole frantically searched for her father, an eerie and unsettling transformation occurred in the once-bustling mall." scene smm_n_16 cpy with fade "Suddenly, everything around her is nothing but horror." scene smm_n_17 cpy "The bustling mall is suddenly deserted, with the escalators frozen in time, as though refusing to convey people to their intended destinations." "Anxiety coursed through her veins as she contemplated the unusual circumstances." "Where had everyone gone? Why had the mall transformed into this ghostly scene? Nicole's mind raced with questions, her imagination conjuring up various unsettling possibilities." scene smm_n_18 cpy n "Dad, where are you?" "Her voice quivers as she pleads with her missing father once more, desperation and longing blending in her words." scene smm_n_19 n "Don't leave me alone, please." stop music scene smm_n_20 with Dissolve(3.0) scene smm_n_21 play sound "audio/thump.mp3" n "DAAAD!" ## scene smm_n_24 with vpunch "Nicole jolts awake, her body drenched in a cold sweat. The remnants of a terrifying nightmare cling to her mind." n "{i}Oh my, yet another dream.{/i}" n "{i}Dad, is this a sign of you trying to communicate?{/i}" n "{i}Hmm.. I have no idea. Need to think about this later, got to sleep.{/i}" scene smm_n_24c "Nicole, feeling exhausted after a long day, sluggishly rises from her couch and trudges towards her bedroom." "She didn't even take a shower since she wanted to get her heavy body into bed as soon as possible." scene smm_n_26 "Midway, her phone buzzes." scene smm_n_25 n "Hello?" n "Okay, I'll be there." scene seb_n_21 cpy "Nicole reaches the station within a matter of minutes. Her senses sharpened and her fatigue momentarily forgotten as looked at her surroundings." scene seb_n_24 cpy play music "audio/sirens.mp3" "The atmosphere is bustling with activity with the sights and sounds of a bustling police station." scene seb_n_25 cpy "The flashing lights from the patrol cars parked outside cast an intermittent glow on the walls, adding to the sense of urgency." scene seb_n_26 cpy "Police personnel were running around and it was chaos everywhere." scene filler_09 "Nicole approaches the nearest police officer, seeking information and updates about the urgent call that prompted her late-night arrival." scene filler_06 n "What's going on here?" scene seb_n_23 ins "Didn't they inform you, Detective?" scene seb_n_22 n "No, they didn't. Why the urgency?" scene seb_n_23 ins "Afraid to break it you..." ins "They found another body." scene filler_08 with vpunch n "WHAAT?!" scene filler_08: zoom 1.5 xalign 0.5 n "A BODY?" stop music KN_MOD "jump ch2dot20n" KN_MOD "label ch2dot20n:" play movie "images/videos/chap2.webm" $ renpy.pause(5, hard=True) pause 25 stop movie play music "audio/villainous.mp3" scene black "Nicole's heart raced as she absorbed the news of yet another body – the sixth in just two weeks." scene pol_n_00 with fade "The next thing she knew, she found herself inside the police car." "Lost in her thoughts about the latest victim in what was once a safe city, she couldn't help but doubt herself" scene pol_n_24 n "{i}Am I... a failure?{/i}" n "{i}Why am I not able to catch the killer? How is he this fearless?{/i}" "Nicole couldn't help but let her thoughts wander. Another body meant another victim, another family torn apart, and another puzzle to unravel." scene pol_n_04 "Upon arriving at the crime scene, Nicole was greeted by flashing lights and the murmur of conversations." scene pol_n_05 "A group of detectives and police officials huddled near the yellow tape, the barrier separating the crime scene from the rest of the world." scene pol_n_08 "Nicole noticed that Kelly and Pearce were already there, talking to Sylvia." scene pol_n_09 k "Nicole, finally. What took you so long?" scene pol_n_17 n "I wasn't informed about the case beforehand." n "Got a call, hurried to the station." n "Was told the case, came here rushing." scene pol_n_13 p "Tomorrow is going to be a long day..." scene pol_n_18 n "Details?" scene pol_n_15 s "Victim is male, around 30ish. Could not ID him now." scene pol_n_09 k "The dreaded MV is scarred..." scene pol_n_18 n "Does that mean...?" scene pol_n_15 s "Yes." scene pol_n_13 p "Absolutely criminal whoever that is." scene pol_n_15 s "I fear people will be afraid to come out of their houses at night." scene pol_n_12 p "I hate to say it..." p "...but the killer is clever." p "He knew Orlen Police Department is getting involved so he deliberately left the victim out in the open to draw attention to us." scene pol_n_10 k "Yes." k "The media will have a field day with this." scene pol_n_18 n "That is least of our worries, Kel." scene pol_n_19 n "You guys could have called me directly instead of getting informed by the police." scene pol_n_16 s "We thought so.." s "...but felt you and Ryan might be tired after a long day of work." scene pol_n_19 n "And you guys aren't?" n "Where is he by the way?" scene pol_n_11 k "Not sure. He would be the first to arrive." k "We didn't call him too, not sure whether the officers have not informed him." scene pol_n_19 n "Hmm. Let him rest." scene pol_n_18 n "I'll give the scene a look." scene pol_n_14 p "Alright. Do let us know what you can figure out before the Forensics arrive." scene pol_n_18 n "Okay. See ya guys." scene pol_n_10 k "Go ahead." scene pol_n_07 "Detective Nicole cautiously entered the dimly lit alley, her footsteps echoing against the cold pavement." "The flickering streetlights cast eerie shadows on the walls, heightening the sense of foreboding." scene pol_n_22 "As she approached the crime scene, her eyes fell upon the lifeless body sprawled on the ground." scene pol_n_26 "It was there, once again, the letters 'MV' crudely carved into the victim's neck." "Nicole knelt beside the body, her gloved hand hovering above the scarred letters." ## scene pol_n_25 n "{i}No signs of struggle, left like a showpiece.{/i}" n "{i}So, this crime doesn't appear random. The lack of struggle suggests the victim knew their attacker.{/i}" n "{i}Was he placed here or was he called?{/i}" scene black "Nicole meticulously searched every nook and cranny of the alley, painstakingly scouring for any evidence that could provide a lead, but her efforts proved fruitless." scene pol_n_23 n "{i}Nothing. Again.{/i}" n "{i}Wonder when we'll achieve something substancial.{/i}" scene arival_n_00 "Disappointed, Nicole straight away went towards her vehicle waiting, without even having a chat with the other policemen, where she took off with her car back home." scene black "After a while, she reached home, distressed, with her mind completely blank because of the case and also the lack of sleep." stop music scene black "Once again, the phone rang in the morning." scene office_n_00_x n "Morning, sir." n "Alright... Sure." n "{i}Commander seems to have not liked the news yesterday.{/i}" n "{i}Better head right away.{/i}" scene black "After a hefty day at work yesterday, Nicole once again had to start her day early." ### scene jn_0_00 with fade "As instruced, Nicole arrived to the Commander's office." scene jn_0_03 j "Morning, Nicole." j "Sorry for disturbing you early in the morning again." scene jn_0_07 n "Not an issue, Commander." scene jn_0_01 j "Don't keep standing there." j "Please take a seat." scene jn_0_08 j "Well, the reason I called you early.." j "is... we are in sort of trouble with the higher ups." scene jn_0_05 n "..." n "About?" scene jn_0_08 j "The body we found yesterday was of a businessman named Jeffery." j "It is found that he has close connections with the Muncipality." scene jn_0_04 n "Jeffery?" n "That name doesn't ring a bell." scene jn_0_09 j "Remember the land mafia case we cracked a year ago?" scene jn_0_05 n "Yes." scene jn_0_09 j "This Jeffery guy was among the names in that, but he slipped through due to jurisdictional issues." scene jn_0_05 n "Damn." scene jn_0_09 j "He was supposed to seek help for the same case, and he came with a fake alias." j "That's why it took time to ID him." scene jn_0_06 n "This case is crazy." j "I know, I know..." j "His death has shook the higher ups, and I suspect there are even more influential figures involved." scene jn_0_06 n "We need to look into this thoroughly." j "I've already briefed Ryan about the situation. Since he wasn't present at the crime scene yesterday, he's out there investigating." n "Alright, at least we're covering all bases." j "Now, the reason I called you early is that the Mayor said she wants to meet you." scene jn_0_04 n "Wait, what? Meet me?" scene jn_0_09 j "That's right." j "She didn't provide reasons, but maybe she knows you are in touch with this case and might get some case details." scene jn_0_06 n "That seems..." scene jn_0_10 j "Shady. I know." j "But she's chosen you, so she can't fool around." j "However, as you're well aware, she's infamous for swaying people to her advantage." scene jn_0_10 j "Make sure you don't succumb to her tactics and talk to her the exact reason of the meet, clear?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Plan to play her your way:" $ intelligence += 5 n "{i}Commander seems to be worried.{/i}" n "{i}I'll see what she'll be upto and then plan my moves.{/i}" n "{i}For now, let me answer what he expects me to do.{/i}" n "Alright, sir." KN_MOD "Give your full confidence:" $ intelligence += 3 $ jonathantrust = True $ persistent.ch2ac1 = True show screen acun n "One hundred percent, sir." n "You have my full confidence." j "Good." j "Let us see what's going to happen." j "I'm sure she will flap her wings hard if she's involved in any of this." scene jn_0_05 n "Okay, Commander." n "I'll brief you about the meet later." scene jn_0_11 j "Alright, Detective. Good luck." KN_MOD "label mayormeetsnicole:" scene n_0_00 with fade "The morning sun cast a warm glow over the city hall as Detective Nicole made her way to the mayor's office." "The sound of her shoes echoed against the polished marble floors, blending with the muffled conversations of busy bureaucrats." scene n_0_02 "Nicole found her way in to the second floor to the Mayor's cabin." scene n_0_03 "As soon as she opened the door, she was invited in by a strong commanding female voice." play music "audio/romanceintheair.mp3" "Nicole found herself facing the Mayor, whose expression exuded confidence and a hint of seductiveness." "Caitlyn, the city's Mayor, had gained notoriety for her controversial nature, as she embraced a daring and audacious approach." scene n_0_06 n "*smiles* Morning, Mayor Caitlyn." scene m_0_07 c "Detective Nicole. The talk of the town.." c "What a pleasure to finally meet you." c "Glad to have you here." scene n_0_06 n "I appreciate you inviting me to City Hall." n "I want to confirm whether this is about the recent murders." scene m_0_00 c "Of course, Nicole. But there are other things to discuss as well..." scene n_0_07 n "Oh... which is?" scene m_0_02 c "That can be discussed later." scene m_0_00 c "I've been keeping touch with Commander Jonathan on the progress of the investigations." c "I believe you have some leads on the case?" scene n_0_04 n "Yes, Mayor." n "But they are just minute details." scene m_0_03 c "No worries about that, we will eventually get to the end, I believe." scene n_0_09 n "Absolutely." n "Also, we do not have clear suspects yet, but we are confident that we will get to the end of the case soon." scene m_0_06 c "Brilliant!" c "I just want people to come out of fear and live like we used to." scene n_0_09 n "Yes." scene m_0_05 c "Well then." c "Shall we discuss the main reason I've called you here?" scene n_0_07 n "Please, go ahead." scene m_0_08 "Caitlyn gets up from her seat, her tall and commanding figure looming over the room." scene m_0_10 "She takes deliberate steps around the table, her heels clicking and looking around before settling her gaze on Nicole." scene m_0_09 c "We all know the work you are doing, Nicole." c "I am... especially, is very impressed." scene m_0_11 n "Err....." n "Thank you, Mayor." scene m_0_11 c "Call me Caityln, darling." c "We can be free birds here." scene mn_g_11 "Nicole was confused with the Mayor's approach, she wasn't sure what the woman clad in Yellow was up to." "As they conversed, Nicole could feel the deliberate movements that the Mayor made towards her." scene mn_0_15 c "I need to ask you something, you know, the head and tail of the department." n "Uh..." scene mn_0_12 c "I can trust you, right?" scene mn_0_15 n "Ehm..." KN_MOD "if jonathantrust is True:" $ memory += 5 scene mn_0_13 with fade "Nicole had to think fast." "She gave her trust to Jonathan, and being faithful to the Commander was something she valued." scene mn_0_16 n "You have my trust, as well as from the department, madam." "The Mayor took this as a mixed response, even though Nicole's adamant nature of not letting her Commander and the department down." c "That's okay." KN_MOD "else:" scene mn_0_13 with fade $ memory += 3 "Nicole found this to be the perfect opportunity to play her game, and take things her way." scene mn_0_16 n "Sure, Caitlyn." n "I'll help you in whatever way possible." $ caitlyn +=1 "The Mayor was delighted with the response Nicole gave, and further motivated into continuing her desired actions." c "That's good, very good." scene n_0_11 c "Look Nicole." c "A lot of the case lies on your shoulders." c "You even was the first to dig into the Ackerman and Laila connection..." c "All I need is a little co-operation to see to it that whatever 'extra' details you get are conveyed to me." scene mn_0_17 n "Extra?" scene n_0_10 c "There are a lot of uncovering left, because Jeffery was not a common man." c "You'll find it, for sure, as days go by." scene mn_0_17 n "What makes you think the others won't be able to find it?" scene n_0_10 c "Because..." c "They are not you, darling." scene mn_g_11 "While Caityln had her message to Nicole delivered, her movements had already turned bold." "Nicole had already noticed that the Mayor was getting too comfortable with her." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Allow her advances:" $ caitlyn += 1 scene nic_0_18 with fade "Nicole found the situation to be rather exciting to be part of, and let her thoughts wander as Caityln got more comfortable." "Caitlyn found this situation to her favor, and started slowly with the removal of Nicole's sweatshirt." scene nic_0_16 n "Uh, Caitlyn?" c "Relax, darling." scene nic_0_15 c "I'm making you comfortable." n "Okay..." "Nicole did not oblidge." scene nic_0_19 "She found herself in a situation that she couldn't reject, and gradually understood the thought behind the Mayor's invitation." "As seconds ticked, the purple sweatshirt she wore was getting off Nicole's glistening body in the embrace of the bright morning sun." scene nic_0_17 "Nicole got lost in the heat the moment of creating." c "So, darling..." c "Can you that what I asked, for me?" scene nic_0_20 n "*breathing heavily* What exactly?" scene nic_0_21 c "Helping me with the case." n "Of course." n "Of.. course..." scene nic_0_24 "As she uttered those words, Caitlyn's actions became bolder, as she moved closer to feel the warmth of Nicole's body" scene nic_0_25 "Looking at Nicole's non movements to her actions, she started giving soft pecks on Nicole's neck." scene nic_0_26 n "*slight moans* Caitlyn..." c "Just feel yourself in the moment..." c "You don't need to do anything." scene nic_0_27 "With every gentle press of Caitlyn's mouth against her skin, she opened a symphony of emotions inside Nicole." "Nicole, who wasn't involved in any sexual tensions with women, found herself in a web of seduction." "Caitlyn's licking continued, as she playfully enjoyed the warmth of Nicole's body." scene nic_0_28 "After a while, she moved her attention to Nicole's ears, where the already seduced Nicole sensed a tingle in her heart." scene nic_0_29 "As she got a tender bite locked on to the Detective's ear, she slightly whispered to ignite the paused comversation." scene nic_0_31 c "You are absolutely stunning, Nic." c "I want to explore every part of your body." scene nic_0_30 n "Uhuh..." "Nicole's teeth delicately grazed her lower lip, a fleeting gesture that spoke volumes of the thoughts and emotions swirling within her. " scene nic_0_32 "Caitlyn seductively moved across the table, to face the detective in distress." scene nic_0_33 "She took a good look of Nicole, reading into the situation and the moment she knew that she was willing to cherish." scene nic_0_34 "Maintaining that seductive smile, Caitlyn placed her hand on Nicole's cheek, letting her fingers trace the curve of her cheek." "This touch, which was featherlight and electrifying, got Nicole more engaged in the already heated tension between the two sexy women." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let her continue:" $ persistent.ch2ac2 = True show screen acun $ caitlyn += 1 scene nic_0_38 with fade "Caitlyn's thumb finds Nicole's lips and wiggles it in-between those luscious lips." "She felt them for a while, before reverting back to her commanding voice." scene nic_0_39 c "Suck it, Nicole." scene nic_0_37 "Like an obedient disciple, Nicole's obeys her commands, and gets a taste of the Mayor's thumb." scene nic_0_37 show ch2scene2 with fade c "Do you like it?" "Although Nicole couldn't answer, the expressions in her face made it evident." "To be fair, it wasn't something that one would expect, but it clearly displayed the commanding figure Caitlyn liked to be." "The suckling didn't last long, as the Mayor wanted more of Nicole." hide ch2scene2 scene nic_0_39 c "Get up, darling." scene n_m_msi_00 "As Nicole got up, the tension in the room rose a tad bit higher." scene n_m_msi_01 "As they both met eyes, Caityln couldn't stop admiring Nicole." c "You are as perfect a woman can get." c "I think I'm jealous here." n "Haha, I don't thin..." scene n_m_msi_02 "Before Nicole could finish, Caitlyn leaned towards her, as the gestures shown throught needed a steamy ending." "With a slow, almost reverent movement, Caitlyn's hand found its place on Nicole's waist." "They could feel the warmth of each other's breath and a mingling of heartbeats." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stop her:" scene n_m_msi_03 with fade "Before Caitlyn could land a peck, Nicole stopped her." "Caitlyn realized what happened, and decided not to force her for the kiss she longed the most." scene n_m_msi_13 "Nicole and Mayor both get back to their normal senses while the former gets ready to exit the building." scene n_m_msi_15 c "It was nice meeting you, Detective." scene n_m_msi_14 n "Pleasure is mine, Mayor." c "Whatever happened, keep this a secret between us." scene n_m_msi_16 n "*smirks* Absolutely." n "I will continue with my lookout with the case now, Mayor." n "Will see you soon." KN_MOD "Embrace the moment:" $ caitlyn += 2 scene kissfiller01 with fade $ persistent.ch2ac3 = True show screen acun "Since both of them had arrived at this juncture, Nicole believed it would be more fitting to fully embrace the present moment." scene kissfiller01 show ch2scene1 with fade "As their eyes met, their lips locked." "The kiss began soft and uncertain, a shared exploration of uncharted territory." "Then, as if guided by an invisible force, it deepened, a symphony of emotions swelling between them." "The sexual tension rocketed high, as both sweatily embraced their lips with each other." "Their lips moved in perfect harmony, a rhythm of the growing tension they had nurtured in their hearts." "As they kissed, the embrace tightened, and bodies met harder." "If there was someone to watch them, he would leave with an opinion that two former lovers finally had their due of a physical connection." hide ch2scene1s scene kissfiller02 "While their kissing motion came to an end, they concluded it with a small peck once again." scene n_m_msi_13 "After a while, Nicole and Mayor both get back to their normal senses while the former gets ready to exit the building." scene n_m_msi_15 c "It was nice meeting you, Detective." scene n_m_msi_14 n "Pleasure is mine, Mayor." c "Whatever happened, keep this a secret between us." scene n_m_msi_16 n "*smirks* Absolutely." n "I will continue with my lookout with the case now, Mayor." n "Will see you soon." KN_MOD "Do not continue further.:" scene nic_0_35 with fade "Nicole finds this a little too out of bound for her 'taste', as she backs off to this attempt by the seducing Mayor." n "Sorry, Caitlyn." n "I think it is best to stop things here." scene nic_0_39 "Although dissatisfied, Caitlyn couldn't help but respect Nicole's thoughts." c "It is okay, darling." c "I don't want to do anything that you don't like." scene nic_0_36 n "Thank you, Mayor." n "Guess I'll dress back." scene n_m_msi_13 "Nicole and Mayor both get back to their normal senses while the former gets ready to exit the building." scene n_m_msi_15 c "It was nice meeting you, Detective." scene n_m_msi_14 n "Pleasure is mine, Mayor." c "Whatever happened, keep this a secret between us." scene n_m_msi_16 n "*smirks* Absolutely." n "I will continue with my lookout with the case now, Mayor." n "Will see you soon." KN_MOD "Reject her politely:" $ mayorrejected = True scene mn_0_17 n "Umm, I'm sorry Miss." n "I don't think this would be appropriate." "Caitlyn learnt that cracking Nicole would be a difficult task." scene n_m_msi_15 c "Well, you are a strict officer afterall." c "But let me tell you, I was trying to be comfortable, nothing else." scene n_m_msi_14 n "I'm sorry if I came across as rude, Mayor." n "It's just that I'm not accustomed to being in such situations." scene n_m_msi_15 c "I understand, Detective." c "No harm done. It's natural to have your guard up, especially considering your line of work." scene n_m_msi_14 n "Thank you, Mayor." n "As for the case is concerned, I'll try my best to report as much as possible." scene n_m_msi_16 c "I have complete faith in you, Nicole. Best of luck with the investigation." c "Hopefully, we get the full justice to all the victims." c "Stay safe out there." scene n_m_msi_12 n "Thank you, Mayor Caitlyn. I'll do everything in my power to solve this case. Your support means a lot." n "Goodbye for now." scene n_m_msi_11 c "Goodbye, Nicole. Take care." stop music $ renpy.end_replay() show screen repun $ persistent.scene4 = True KN_MOD "label mervinmeetsnicole:" scene black with fade "Nicole came outside the building with mixed thoughts about her interaction with the mayor." play sound "audio/nicring.wav" scene n_m_msi_06 n "{i}Commander...{/i}" scene n_m_msi_07 n "Yes Commander." n "Okay..." scene n_m_msi_08 n "I'll be there, let Ryan handle him for now." scene n_m_msi_10 "As she cut the call, her thoughts wandered regarding the interaction she had with the Mayor." n "{i}She's a pretty bold woman...{/i}" n "{i}She knew what she was doing.{/i}" n "{i}Guess I should head back to the station.{/i}" scene gg_0_0 "But as she walked towards the parking lot, a surprise awaited." play music "audio/cityambience.mp3" scene gg_0_1 m "Nicole?! Hey!" scene gg_0_2 "Taken aback by the mention, Nicole looked at the direction the voice was from." scene gg_0_4 n "Yes?" scene gg_0_3 m "How are you?" scene gg_0_4 n "Uh.. Fine." scene m_nm_1 m "..." m "You didn't recognize me, did you?" scene gg_0_4 n "Umm, no..." scene m_nm_3 m "*singing* Swimming in the swimming pool, is where I like to B, Jumping by the beach, where Maldives is the key..." m "...with palm trees swaying, and warm sand beneath my feet, I'll soak up the sun, in this tropical retreat." scene gg_0_5 n "Melvin?!" "With the tension of the case soaring high up, Nicole couldn't recognize a familair face at first." scene n_nm_0 n "Oh wow, didn't think to find you here!" n "How have you been?" n "It's so good to see you." scene m_nm_2 m "A minute ago you didn't recognize me..." scene n_nm_1 n "It's your hair! They grew this long within a week?" scene n_nm_7 m "No, no, lol." m "It is just the style." m "Still you couldn't recognize me at first glance *pfft*" scene n_nm_2 n "What are you doing here?" n "What led you to Odyssey?" scene m_nm_6 m "I've been doing well, thank you." m "As for your question, well, I came to Odyssey for a unique writing opportunity." n "Oh, that sounds intriguing. What kind of writing opportunity?" scene n_nm_6 m "I've been given the chance to be a writer-in-residence at the Odyssey Creative Retreat." m "Forget about me, how are you doing?" scene n_nm_3 n "I'm good, just a bit rusty on the memory front." n "But glad to know you are getting some fun in my city too." scene n_nm_6 m "Definitely. And who knows, maybe our paths will cross as we explore our artistic pursuits." scene n_nm_3 n "I look forward to that, Melvin. Here's to creativity and new beginnings." scene n_nm_6 m "Cheers!" m "You know, being a writer-in-residence sounds exciting, but I have to admit, I'm a bit worried." scene n_nm_3 n "Worried? About what?" scene n_nm_8 m "Well, what if I get so absorbed in my writing that I start acting like my characters?" scene n_nm_4 n "*grinning* Oh, so you'll be the dramatic and mysterious writer, lost in a world of intrigue?" scene n_nm_8 m "Exactly! I might start speaking in metaphors and hiding behind bushes to observe people." scene n_nm_4 n "And I assume you'll wear a dramatic cape for added effect?" scene n_nm_8 m "Of course, and I'll have a quill pen ready to dramatically jot down notes." scene n_nm_10 n "Don't forget to practice your dramatic exit from conversations." n "It would sound way better if you practise hard." scene n_nm_9 m "Oh, I'll make sure to perfect the 'I must return to my typewriter' line." scene n_nm_12 n "You'll be the talk of the town, Melvin." scene n_nm_9 m "Well, as long as I don't accidentally end up in the wrong story." scene n_nm_13 n "Just make sure to come back to reality when it's time to." scene n_nm_9 m "Absolutely, unless I find a hidden treasure that needs a daring adventurer to uncover." scene n_nm_13 n "Then, by all means, go full adventurer mode." scene n_nm_9 m "Thanks for the encouragement, Nicole." scene n_nm_14 n "Anytime, oh great and mysterious writer." n "Okay, I got to go." n "See you around!" m "Take care!" scene n_nm_15 n "Bye!" stop music scene black "Nicole headed straight back to the office to look into the interrogation in depth." KN_MOD "label investigation01:" scene int_t_05 with fade r "Tom, thanks for coming in." scene int_t_02 t "No problem, Detective." scene int_t_05 r "As you mentioned earlier, can you explain why you initially hesitated to provide your witness account before we reached out to you?" scene int_t_02 t "I had some issues with the department, and given the escalating nature of the case, I wanted to keep my distance." scene int_t_06 with fade r "Okay." r "Moving on, did you observe any unusual apart from the ones in the images?" scene int_t_00 t "No, Detective." t "By the time I could click more photos, he wasn't there." scene int_t_04 r "Did you know that the activity was of a homicide?" scene int_t_00 t "No." t "I'm into night photography and when I was clicking randomly, I noticed this man." t "Found him intriguing, so took a few snapshots." scene int_t_07 r " I see." r "Your hobby gave us a valuable lead" r "But, we would like to have a search on your place, if you don't mind." scene int_t_03 t "Oh..." t "Am I being considered a suspect?" scene int_t_04 r "Don't take me wrong, as of now, we have doubts on all of those who we find are connected to this case." r "This is a standard procedure." scene int_t_03 t "Not a problem. You can go ahead." scene int_t_0 "Meanwhile, Nicole after arriving from the Mayor's office is keenly observing the room while shortly joined by Jonathan as both watched the investigation unfold." scene int_t_08 j "How did the meet with the Mayor go." n "It went fine, sir." j "Did she push you for clues?" KN_MOD "if mayorrejected is True:" n "Yes, she was interested in the happenings." n "But I didn't spill any." KN_MOD "else:" n "Nothing really." n "She was interested in the case, that's about it." j "Alright." scene int_t_09 j "Anyways. Would you be interested in interrogating the guy?" KN_MOD "if danielvalley2 or danielvalley is True:" n "Surely, I wouldn't miss a chance." n "I was the one who asked him to come to the station." j "Good then." j "You can take over from Ryan." n "Sir." scene int_t_10 "As Ryan exited, Nicole sat infront of Tom, as both of them meet once again." n "Thank you for coming, Tom." scene int_t_01 t "Not a problem, with the media reporting another body, I couldn't sit simply." scene int_t_11 n "Considering your problems with the department, it is brave of you to come and talk to us." scene int_t_01 t "It is alright." scene int_t_13 n "Tom, I've been looking at the copies of the photos you took." n "There are a few clues hidden within them." scene int_t_17 t "Hmmm..." t "You think so?" t "I didn't notice anything unusual beyond the man himself." scene int_t_16 n "In one of the shots, there's a faint reflection in a nearby window." n "It is of the partial license plate number of a vehicle, but your shots don't get if it was the man's car or not." scene int_t_11 n "I don't know if Ryan mentioned this, but it is important that we are now closer than before." scene int_t_19 $ persistent.ch2ac4 = True show screen acun t "Wow, how did you8 even notice?" t "That's great work, Nicole." scene int_t_13 n "Errm... Thanks, but, now..." n "I'm here as a Detective, so..." scene int_t_15 t "Oh, alright..." t "Um, sorry." scene int_t_18 n "It is fine." n "Let us see what we'll get from the images." n "Till then, don't leave the city." scene int_t_02 t "Surely." scene int_t_18 n "Thanks for cooperating. We'll be in touch soon." KN_MOD "else:" scene int_t_09 n "Better let Ryan handle this, commander." n "I do not know much about the guy, so better he take the proceedings." j "Okay." "Alright Commander, I'll take your leave now." KN_MOD "label commonsceneps03:" scene ps_n_05 with fade "Nicole then headed straight towards the workplace." scene ps_sy_11 "She had a lot of reporting to be done while looking at other clues, if found." scene ps_sy_011 "Within a while, her detective friends joined." scene ps_r_00 r "Finally, the busy detective is here!" scene ps_nc_00 n "Okay, stop it." scene ps_sy_02 s "Seriously, did you even sleep last night?" scene ps_nc_00 n "Well, had to." scene ps_r_00 r "I thought you would blast at me noticing that I wasn't there at the crime scene yesterday." scene ps_sy_08 n "Nah, never mind." n "it was heavy work yesterday anyway." KN_MOD "if ryancomestocafe is True:" scene ps_r_01 r "So, you questioned the guy?" scene ps_sy_04 n "Yeah, had to." n "I was the one who convinced him to talk to the department." scene ps_r_01 r "Oh." r "Did he tell you that he had a problem with our department?" scene ps_sy_04 n "Yes, he did." scene ps_r_01 r "Wonder who that would be?" scene ps_sy_08 s "I don't think commander would be someone to threaten a photographer." scene ps_sy_08 n "He did mention he worked for the papers, you know..." scene ps_sy_02 s "Tabloids..." KN_MOD "elif danielvalley or danielvalley2 is True:" scene ps_r_01 r "Was this the same guy you had a meeting with?" scene ps_sy_04 n "Yes." scene ps_r_01 r "Did he tell anything extra?" scene ps_sy_04 n "Not really, said the same thing as I discussed in the cafe." KN_MOD "else:" scene ps_r_01 r "By the way, what are you doing out here so early?" r "Shouldn't you be throwing questions at the lad?" scene ps_sy_04 n "I didn't think about it." n "He doesn't look harmful anyway." scene ps_r_01 r "Did you know the guy beforehand?" scene ps_sy_04 n "Not really." scene ps_r_01 r "So, you didn't question him?" scene ps_sy_04 n "Nah." n "You did it, that's fine." scene ps_sy_00 s "Uaah!" s "Imagine Nicole saying this, shocking!" scene ps_sy_05jpg n "*smirks* Alright.. alright..." scene ps_r_004 r "Anyway.." r "Its good that he came forward." scene ps_sy_07 n "Yeah." scene ps_r_002 r "Wonder what made up his mind for this?" scene ps_sy_07 n "Could be the fear of being entangled with a crime he supposedly didn't do." scene ps_r_002 r "Possible..." s "Or maybe our hottie Nicole was just too charming to resist..." scene ps_sy_05jpg n "Stop teasing me please..." scene ps_sy_03 s "Jokes apart, he might be soft towards the ladies." s "He's quite the handsome man you know... might charm us ladies astray if we're not careful." scene ps_sy_07 n "Mmhmm." n "If that's a possibility, I'll make sure to keep my detective hat on, even if Tom's charm tries to sway me." scene ps_r_004 r "*teasingly* Ah, there's that soft spot again." scene ps_sy_05jpg n "*rolling her eyes* Alright, you two, let's get back to work." n "I just hope that the license plate number isn't a fake." scene ps_sy_01 s "A couple of them from our team are on their way to verify the number." s "Let us wait and see." scene ps_sy_05jpg n "In the meantime, let us continue our dutiful search!" scene ps_sy_03 s "Onward, brave detective!" scene ps_r_004 r "And remember, Nicole, you're the queen of finding clues, not hearts." scene ps_sy_05jpg n "*laughs* Loud and clear, guys. See you guys tomorrow." KN_MOD "label maldivesflashback01:" scene black "Nicole finished her work to reach back home, where instantly, she was driven to her Maldives memory." scene dream_n_00 "She lied down on her couch to remember it, as there it arrived, as a flashback..." play music "audio/beachrelax.mp3" scene r_n_0_00 with blinds "Dating back to the Maldives memory, Nicole thinks over her vacation that was cut short." "It was a time of respite, a chance to escape the demanding rigors of detective work and embrace the soothing embrace of a tropical paradise." "An ecstatic Nicole made her way into the pool, enjoying the blue sea and warm sunny atmosphere of Maldives." scene r_n_0_01 "She unwrapped her gown, giving a view of her ample bosoms clad in a threaded bikini." scene r_n_0_02 "As she took it off, her ample body was unrwapped as a present to herself, given how fit it was." scene r_n_0_03 "This allowed the gentle breeze to kiss her skin, while giving a view of her shining body to the adverturous eyes." scene r_n_0_04 "Nicole placed her belongings there, and thought of going for a dip." n "{i}Although I wound fancy a bath...{/i}" n "{i}Let me take a tour before cooling down.{/i}" scene nic_0_04 "As Nicole wandered around, The Maldives resort stretched before Nicole like a paradise come to life." "The sun, a golden orb in the sky, cast its warm embrace across the tranquil landscape." scene nic_0_01 "Nicole found herself drawn to the inviting embrace of the resort's poolside, where she sat and relaxed for a while." n "{i}This place is like a dream.{/i}" scene nic_0_00 "The bright sun shined on her, giving a candid view to others of her glistening body." scene nic_0_03 "She tilts her head back, letting the sun's warmth kiss her skin, and then she lifts her hand to shield her eyes from the sun's brightness." n "{i}Nature's warmth, right in the palm of my hand...{/i}" scene nic_0_05 "After a while, she decided to go back to the main pool, so that she can enjoy a long swimming session." scene r_n_0_05 "She straight away headed back to the pool, where she was prepared for a cold yet heartwarming swim." n "{i}This is the best, not many around here, can relax for a while.{/i}" scene r_n_0_07 "She begins to swim, her strokes strong and purposeful, cutting through the water with ease." "The pool had become a canvas for her vitality, a place where the world's cares dissolved into the ripples." scene r_n_0_06 n "{i}Finally, a relaxing week. {/i}" "Her body glew thanks to the water and the sun pairing up to enrich her beauty." "The day's sun was intense, and she knew that a brief moment by the water would be a refreshing prelude to her beach adventure." scene r_n_0_09 "After a while, she heads back to the corners, deciding to take rest." "This alluring posture of hers was enough to make any person, man or woman, go wild with excitement." scene nic_0_06 "She sat around the edges, looking at the calm waters." scene nic_0_08 "However, unbeknownst to Nicole, a stranger stood at a distance, captivated by the elegance of the beaut." scene nic_0_09 "He had watched every activity, and with deliberate steps, he got closer to Nicole." scene nic_0_10 with fade m "Hey there, enjoying the pool?" "Nicole saw the guy had approached her without a sound, and that caught her offguard." scene nic_0_101jpg n "Oh, hi." "Even through reluctant at first, she found it best to answer his polite question." n "Yeah, the water is amazing, especially on a day like this." scene nic_0_11 m "Couldn't agree more." m "Introducing myself, I'm Melvin." n "Nicole here." m "By the way, I must say, you look absolutely stunning in this setting." n "{i}What is he trying even?{/i}" n "Uh... Thank you." n "That's really kind of you to say." scene nic_0_12 m "It's true. I was just sitting over there, and I couldn't take my eyes off you." m "You were shining like a pearl in the ocean." scene nic_0_14 n "{i}Huh. Pearl?{/i}" n "{i}Boy's definitely fliriting with me.{/i}" n "Well, you definitely know how to catch someone's attention." scene nic_0_12 m "Just speaking my mind. I'm Melvin, by the way." n "Nice to meet you, Melvin. I'm Nicole." m "So, Nicole, do you come here often?" n "Not really, I'm actually on vacation. Needed a break from the routine." m "Ah, the lucky soul who gets to escape the real world." n "Not really, I don't get time off often like this." m "Interesting." scene nic_0_13 m "By the way, you seem to be at ease in the water." m "I would like to learn swimming from you." n "I'm not too good at that craft, but surely can help you in the beginner levels I think." m "Wonderful!" m "Would you be willing to teach me now?" m "I mean, you seem like someone who's truly at ease in the water." n "Uh... now?" m "Ay! C'mon!" m "Don't say no!" scene r_n_0_14 n "Of course, I'd be happy to help you learn!" n "We can start with the basics and take it at your own pace." scene r_n_0_12 m "Thanks, Nicole. I appreciate it." m "Maybe someday I'll enjoy the water as much as you do." scene r_n_0_14 n "I have no doubt that you'll get there." n "Remember, it's all about taking those first steps." scene r_n_0_12 m "Yeah, right." scene r_n_0_14 n "So come down now, let me teach you how to swim." scene r_n_0_12 m "Here?" scene r_n_0_15 n "Why not?" scene r_n_0_13 m "Nah, nah, nah." scene r_n_0_15 n "Uh?" scene r_n_0_13 m "Actually..." m "I know a secluded pool nearby." m "It's quieter there, away from the crowd." m "It might help you feel more at ease." scene r_n_0_14 "Nicole's interest piqued but also had mixed thoughts on going there with a complete stranger alone." n "Uh, I'm not sure." scene r_n_0_12 m "Trust me, you'll love the privacy!" scene r_n_0_14 n "{i}Privacy?{/i}" "Nicole was separated with the thoughts of having to go with Melvin." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reject the idea.:" scene r_n_0_11 with fade n "{i}Don't think this would be good.{/i}" n "Sorry Melvin, I think I would skip the idea." n "I prefer to relax a bit here and get back to the travelling plans I have." m "Oh, okay then!" m "No problem." n "I'll see you around, take care." m "Yup, bye!" KN_MOD "jump commonscene020c" KN_MOD "Agree to go with him:" $ melvin += 1 scene r_n_0_16 with fade n "{i}The idea doesn't seem bad.{/i}" n "{i}Guess there's no harm in having some fun in private.{/i}" scene r_n_0_10 n "Alright, show me the way." m "Yay!" m "C'mon then, lets go." m "Trust me, you'll love this!" scene r_n_0_17 "Smooth talking his way to have a private conversation with Nicole, Melvin was contantly eyeing the beaut." "He let her go ahead, so that he had take a peek of that majestic ass swaying people into being seduced." "Nicole didn't realize it, and went with the talking." scene r_n_0_21 n "What exactly is that place?" m "mhhmm, good." n "What?" m "What?" n "I asked about the place..." m "Place, oh..." "Nicole realized that Melvin's interest lay not in the location itself, but in the prospect of going to the place together with her." n "{i}This guy...{/i}" n "{i}Maybe I can?...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Give a small tease:" $ melvin += 2 $ nicoleteasesmelvin01 = True $ persistent.ch2ac5 = True show screen acun "Nicole decided Melvin was too much to handle, maybe she had a trick in play to get him back to track." scene r_n_0_20 with fade "Nicole paused for a moment, and sensually swayed her ass to the left." m "Ummm... what happened." n "You should be knowing that, right?" scene r_n_0_19 with vpunch "Saying so, she shook her bunny buttocks, much to the delight of the already mesmerized man." "Her small shake was enough to fix his gaze to the booty." "It had enough weight to push that tight bikini down a bit, but not enough to showcase those bare buttocks." scene r_n_0_23 m "{i}Wow, it is so perfect!{/i}" scene r_n_0_24 "Nicole couldn't help but smile looking at the situation." "She gave a second of what he wanted, but that was enough to drive him mental." n "So, if you have seen what you wanted to, shall we move on?" scene r_n_0_23 m "Yeah, umm.." m "Yeah." KN_MOD "Ask him to concentrate:" scene r_n_0_22 with fade n "Melvin, please concentrate." n "I need to hurry back soon." m "Oh, sorry." m "Let us go." scene r_n_0_25 "While having a short conversation, they reached the place which Melvin suggested." m "Forgot to ask you." m "What do you do?" n "I'm a Detective in the Odyssey Police Department." m "Woah!" m "Please forgive me my crimes please." n "Haha, relax." m "You don't look like a Detective at all." n "Sorry?" m "I mean..." scene r_n_0_26 m "You look no less than the hottest supermodel in the world!" n "Umm... thanks, I guess." n "And how about you, Melvin?" m "I'm a writer." m "I love getting lost in different worlds through the pages of a novel." n "Pretty cool, do you have any of your works available for reading?" m "Heard about 'Mastering the art of dedication?'" n "Sorry... I haven't." m "That's a pretty popular motivation book, sold a good number of copies." m "Thanks to the sales, I could afford a trip here, haha." n "Good for you!" m "You looked like a mermaid on the seashore when I saw you first." n "Flatterring..." scene r_n_0_27 n "Did you find one before?" scene r_n_0_29 m "Haha, got me." m "C'mon, allow me some unharmful flirting." scene r_n_0_27 n "*smiles* That was a pathetic attempt of doing that." scene r_n_0_28 m "I'm learning, learning..." scene r_n_0_27 n "I must say, this is beautiful." scene r_n_0_29 m "Calm and relaxing too." m "It is empty because many don't know about this part of the resort." m "So, this makes our own private corner of the water." scene r_n_0_27 n "Okay, time for business!" scene r_n_0_28 m "I'm shitting bricks here." scene r_n_0_30 n "Calm down, calm down." n "I'm not going to make you drown." n "You will be fine." scene r_n_0_28 m "Trusting you!" n "Alright, Melvin. Let's take this one step at a time." n "We'll start with getting you comfortable in the water, and then we'll gradually work on your swimming skills." scene r_n_0_28 m "Alright, sounds like a plan." scene r_n_0_31 "Nicole, in a jiffy, was in the water, ready for the swimming lesson." n "Come in, champ" scene r_n_0_32 m "Wait, wait." m "Now that I think of it, I'm not ready." scene r_n_0_31 n "Quite the cautious one, aren't you?" n "You know, they say the water's the best place to conquer your worries." scene r_n_0_32 m "Alright, alright." scene r_n_0_34 "He takes a step forward, his toes touching the water's edge, but he hesitates before taking the plunge." scene r_n_0_33 n "*laughs* Remember, Melvin, I'm right here with you." n "Do it, now!" scene r_n_0_34 m "*nervously* Okay, here goes nothing!" scene r_n_0_35 "In a second, both Melvin and Nicole are in the water." scene r_n_0_36 n "Bravo! You did it!" n "First, let's wade in slowly. Feel the water against your skin." m "Nice, it's... not as cold as I thought." n "That's the spirit!" scene r_n_0_37 n "Now, let's practice some basic floating. Just relax and let the water support you." m "Anxious..." n "Don't be!" n "You're doing better than you think." scene r_n_0_40 n "Okay now, come this way." m "Phew..." scene r_n_0_41 n "Try floating here and let's work on your breathing." n "Try taking a deep breath in, and as you exhale, let your body naturally rise to the surface." scene r_n_0_40 m "Okay, I think I'm getting this!" scene r_n_0_41 n "See, Melvin? You're doing great!" scene r_n_0_40 m "I'm just worried I might sink as soon as I stop thinking about it." n "It's normal to have those thoughts, but trust me, your body knows how to float." scene r_nr_0_01 n "Now, try to float your body at 180 degrees, while giving gentle kicks." n "Just keep practicing the breathing and relaxation." scene r_nr_0_02 m "Alright, I'll try." n "Remember, the water is here to support you. Let go of any tension and feel the gentle buoyancy." scene r_nr_0_02 m "I'm attempting to relax, but it's harder than it looks." n "Relaxation takes time to develop. Try closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and exhaling all the tension with it." scene r_nr_0_02 m "Okay, I'm giving that a shot." scene r_nrr_0_00 n "Perfect! And if your thoughts wander, focus on the sound of your breath and the sensation of the water." m "I'm surprised I'm not splashing around as much now." scene r_nr_0_06 n "Progress comes with practice. Soon, you'll be gliding through the water gracefully." n "Now, let's try a gentle kick. Hold onto the edge of the pool and kick your legs, like you're floating on your back." scene r_nrr_0_00 m "Like this?" n "Exactly! You're a natural. The kick helps maintain your position and balance." m "This is oddly calming." scene r_nr_0_03 n "Water has that effect. It's both invigorating and soothing." n "Let's venture a bit deeper now. Swim with me to the deeper end." m "Oh, I don't know about that..." scene r_nr_0_05 n "You've got this." m "Alright, let's do it!" scene r_nr_0_03 m "Like this?" n "Exactly! You're gettin.." scene r_nr_0_04 "Just as Nicole commended him, Melvin seeimgly lost balance." m "Nicole, I am.." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Rush to his help:" $ melvin += 1 scene r_nr_0_08 with fade $ persistent.ch2ac6 = True show screen acun "Panic in the air as Nicole rushed to the amateur's help." scene r_n_0_39 "However, the help turned out something different, as Melvin hugged tight Nicole's body." "Nicole couldn't help but stare at Melvin." m "*breathing heavily* My god... that was awful." "Nicole made him comfortable by holding him and assuring that everything's fine." n "Don't worry, it is fine." n "C'mon now, let us practise again!" KN_MOD "if nicoleteasesmelvin01 is True:" scene r_n_0_38 with fade "However, Melvin didn't pay any heed to Nicole's words." "Infact, he was happy with the warmth he was getting from Nicole." n "Umm... Melvin?" "No reaction yet again." scene r_nr_0_30 "But Nicole could catch something. Something was touching her in the pelvic area, and it is somnething you all can guess." scene r_nr_0_31 "Embraced by the beauty, Melvin's lil bro had lit up the show for him." "It got hard enough to hit the doors of Nicole's panties, and a losening of the knot could prove costly." scene r_nr_0_30 "Nicole couldn't help but feel excited as it wasn't often she got to experience something like this." n "{i}Damn, I think I should deviate from this.{/i}" scene melnicgrabfill01 show ch2scene3 with fade "However, she was suprised with the movement she felt on her ass cheeks." "Melvin had already moved his hand towards those buns which she had teased to him, moments ago." "She worked his hands all over her, enjoying every bit of underwater fun possible." hide ch2scene3 scene melnicgrabfill01 "Nicole wanted to deviate his thoughts quickly as possible, and tried her hand at it, before Melvin placed back his hands." scene r_nr_0_29 n "Okay, try floating now." scene r_nr_0_11 "When she said this and left Melvin, he could get his hand on one of her tits." scene r_nr_0_13 n "What are you...?" scene r_nr_0_10 "Melvin couldn't help but grope her tit, coping a good feel." scene r_nr_0_10 show ch2scene4 with fade m "Sorry, Nicole." m "You think all that flirting would keep me calm?" m "You are posing yourself as a goddess of sensuality here, and did you think I could keep hands to myself?" m "Never, ever!" "Nicole did get an understanding that she shouldn't have allowed the tease." "infact, she herself being the reason to get into this situation made her thoughts drive crazy." hide ch2scene4 scene r_nr_0_13 "However, the praises heaped on her excited a bit, as she herself was flattered by the thoughts of a man desiring her." scene r_nr_0_28 n "{i}He's not gonna let go of me now, surely.{/i}" scene r_nr_0_16 m "I must say Nicole..." m "These are very heavy." m "Both look so juicy!" scene r_nr_0_12 n "Please stop these flattering words, Melvin." scene r_nr_0_10 m "Nicole, please." m "Oh my god, wish I could take this in my mouth!" scene r_nr_0_12 n "Don't even think of it!" scene r_nr_0_16 m "Well, I have already got something running in my mind when you were hugging me." m "Once again, I'm not the one to be blamed." scene r_nr_0_11 "Nicole wasn't pleased at all, but the moment was too erotic to pass by." "His touch wasn't hard, but infact a good mix of sensuality and excitement." scene r_nr_0_14 "As they floated, he moved his hands around her bosoms as much as possible." m "I can keep playing with this you know, best for learning Physics maybe?" scene r_nr_0_28 n "I think you should stop with this." n "I need to leave." scene r_nr_0_16 m "Can I cope a feel a little bit more?" n "No." scene r_nr_0_09 "Melvin didn't press himself." "He let go of the best feel he had in years, as Nicole herself was suprised." n "Guess you learnt floating anyway?" scene r_nr_0_17 m "Haha, think I'm a pro now!" KN_MOD "else:" scene r_n_0_39 with fade m "Alright, let me practise." scene r_nr_0_19 n "You can do better!" n "Just maintain your composure." scene r_nr_0_02 "Melvin gained his composure once again, and after a few minutes, could be able to drive away his fears." scene r_nr_0_23 m "Thanks for teaching me, Nicole!." scene r_nr_0_22 n "No problem, Melvin." scene r_nr_0_24 n "Guess it is enough for today, I need to go." scene r_nr_0_25 m "Thanks for helping, Nicole." scene r_nr_0_26 n "See you around!" scene r_nr_0_27 "Saying so, Nicole went away, not knowing she would be called back to Odyssey, cutting short her beautiful trip." KN_MOD "Let him learn:" n "Stay calm, Melvin. Take your time." scene r_nr_0_17 m "I almost lost it there." scene r_nr_0_21 n "You're doing great, Melvin. Remember, learning to swim involves moments of imbalance as you find your rhythm." scene r_nr_0_17 m "I suppose this is all part of the learning process." scene r_nr_0_21 n "Exactly. Mistakes help us learn and grow." scene r_nr_0_23 m "Thanks for letting me learn at my own pace." scene r_nr_0_22 n "Of course, Melvin. Learning is about embracing challenges and finding your way through them." scene r_nr_0_24 n "Guess it is enough for today, I need to go." scene r_nr_0_25 m "Thanks for helping, Nicole." scene r_nr_0_26 n "See you around!" scene r_nr_0_20 m "Take care!" scene r_nr_0_27 "Saying so, Nicole went away, not knowing she would be called back to Odyssey, cutting short her beautiful trip." $ renpy.end_replay() show screen repun $ persistent.scene5 = True KN_MOD "label commonscene020c:" scene dream_n_01 with vpunch n "{i}That was one awesome memory, indeed!{/i}" n "{i}I can almost feel the gentle breeze on my skin and hear the soothing rhythm of the waves.{/i}" n "{i}I could almost be back there, right now.{/i}" "Relaxing into the sounds of the ocean, Nicole decided to let the memories get the better of her, while the case waited for her tomorrow, once again." KN_MOD "jump ch2025start" #jump ch2025start KN_MOD "label ch2025start:" play music "audio/romanceintheair.mp3" scene 025_un_nic_hm_02 with fade $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) scene 025_un_nic_hm_00 with dissolve " The early morning sun gently filters through the curtains as Nicole wakes up, wrapped in a skimpy dress." scene 025_un_nic_hm_01 n "{i}That was a marathon nap.{/i}" n "{i}The case is making me so drained lately.{/i}" scene 025_un_nic_hm_03 with dissolve "Nicole, feeling the sunlight beckoning her, strolls to the bedroon mirror. She catches a glimpse of herself and smirks, admiring her figure." n "{i}Not too shabby, huh?{/i}" n "{i}But if this case goes on for long, I'm definitely going to get skinny.{/i}" scene 025_un_nic_hm_05 play sound "audio/nicring.wav" "Just then, Nicole's phone rings." stop sound n "{i}*sigh* Not again... {/i}" scene 025_un_nic_hm_06 with dissolve n "Hello?" se "Nicole, it's Sebastian." se "I need to talk to you about Tom." n "Tom? What's wrong?" se "Can you meet me in an hour or so?" se "There's something I need to discuss with you regarding Tom's case, and I hope you can help." n "Tom's case?" se "Yes." scene 025_un_nic_hm_07 with dissolve n "What is it?" se "I'll tell you in person." n "Alright, where should we meet?" se "Let's meet at the cafe?" n "Uhh.. No." n "The station would be fine?" se "Okay." se "Say, in an hour?" n "Sure, see you there." scene 025_un_nic_hm_04 with fade "Nicole hurriedly gets ready to visit the station and meet Sebastian." n "{i}The dress wasn't this tight a month ago...{/i}" scene 025_un_nic_hm_08 "Nicole begins her day, once again, investigating the case." KN_MOD "label nicseb_station:" scene un025_sc1_sn_11 with fade $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) scene un025_sc1_sn_00 "Nicole and Sebastian meet at the police station." scene un025_sc1_sn_07 se "Nicole, thanks for coming." scene un025_sc1_sn_04 n "Of course, Sebastian." n "What's going on?" scene un025_sc1_sn_07 se "I heard from him he was called for an inquiry." scene un025_sc1_sn_04 n "He was... but that wasn't any serious." n "With whatever clue we have, it is better to keep tabs on anything we find." scene un025_sc1_sn_07 se "I know, but he's still a suspect, so it was necessary to meet." scene un025_sc1_sn_04 n "What do you have for me?" scene un025_sc1_sn_06 se "Footage." scene un025_sc1_sn_04 n "Of?" scene un025_sc1_sn_06 se "Tom being the one clicking the photos." se "They prove Tom's innocence." scene un025_sc1_sn_05 n "What?" n "Innocence? How?" n "And how did you get the footage for that?" scene un025_sc1_sn_06 se "Okay.. Okay..." se "Easy with the flurry of questions." scene un025_sc1_sn_10 "Sebastian explains the details of the photos, highlighting how they provide an alibi for Tom." se "The surveillance from the opposite apartment." scene un025_sc1_sn_05 n "Wait... we did ask there and we..." scene un025_sc1_sn_03 se "You did ask." se "But money speaks." n "I should have known..." scene un025_sc1_sn_03 se "Also, you'll be gettin' a call about that plate you sent in for ID around 10 in the mornin." scene un025_sc1_sn_09 "Nicole was taken aback by Sebastian's knowledge of the number plate she had sent for identification, and, even more bewildering, she wondered who might have divulged this information to him." n "*puzzled* What are y..." se "Influence." se "Connections." scene un025_sc1_sn_02 n "I don't understand..." scene un025_sc1_sn_03 se "You don't need to." scene un025_sc1_sn_02 n "All this for Tom?" se "I think you know." n "But why all this trouble?" scene un025_sc1_sn_01 se "There's more to it than you would expect." n "And that is?" scene un025_sc1_sn_08 se "That's a talk for later." n "I don't know how to react to this..." se "You don't have to." se "Instead, look for a guy that might be the root of all these problems in Odyssey." scene un025_sc1_sn_06 se "Mr. Lucius Roulett." scene un025_sc1_sn_05 with vpunch n "What?" scene un025_sc1_sn_06 se "But before that, let us get into the car." scene un025_sc1_sn_05 n "Huh?" scene un025_sc1_sn_06 se "Trust me, let's go. We need to work together." scene un025_sc1_sn_13 "Nicole trusts Sebastian's words as they both walk toward Sebastian's car, their breath forming misty clouds in the cool night air." se "Continuing, that car that was spotted in the photo had a fake number plate." n "Not surprising." se "But the car's chassis number was easy to track, given there were only three models of the brand in the city." scene un025_sc1_sn_14 se "Rowlett's car in a crime scene where his former business partner was found?" se "Doesn't look good." scene un025_sc1_sn_15 n "I know." n "Also that is sufficient evidence for us, but I'm not sure the higher ups would be happy taking him to custody given how strong his reputation is." n "We need to find an alternative solution to this." scene un025_sc1_sn_14 se "I have an idea, kinda risky though." scene un025_sc1_sn_15 n "I'm all ears." scene un025_sc1_sn_14 se "The car was last found around Raymond Suites, and it is always parked there." se "It used to be a motel but the business is now at its lowest." se "A footage of the car on the day of murder would surely help us in the case." scene un025_sc1_sn_15 n "I remember that place." n "I don't want to ask where you got that info from but I'm okay with it." n "We need to take risks. Let us get the footage, I know it won't be easy." scene un025_sc1_sn_16 se "If the car started from there on the night of Mr. Robert Ackerman's death, the surviellance should have captured it..." n "...and we can find the footage if it isn't deleted." se "That's correct." scene un025_sc1_sn_17 n "Raymond Suites is a long ride, and we have to be careful." scene un025_sc1_sn_18 se "Trapping him is tough, but he isn't someone that is easy." scene un025_sc1_sn_17 n "You did better than us." scene un025_sc1_sn_18 se "Not a surprise." scene un025_sc1_sn_17 n "Push the accelelator, we need to reach there soon." scene un025_sc1_sn_19 "As they hit the road for a long journey, the tensions are high, especially for Nicole, who is desparate for a breakthrough." stop music KN_MOD "jump v025_nicsebraymond" ## Scene 2 KN_MOD "label v025_nicsebraymond:" scene un025_inv_02 with fade $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) scene un025_inv_00 with dissolve play music "audio/crimescene.mp3" se "Okay, we are here." n "The place looks deserted." se "Has to be, since they said they don't operate here anymore." se "But as far as I know, all the operations are secretly being done here." n "Let us get inside." scene un025_inv_03 with dissolve "Nicole and Sebastian discreetly enter the hotel lobby, and are suprised to find none there." scene un025_inv_04 n "This place is too quiet. Something's not right." se "We need to find the control room and get the footage before someone realizes we're here." n "You search down the hallway, while I'll start from here." se "Alright." scene un025_inv_05 "Nicole sneaks through the dimly lit corridors, avoiding any hotel staff, while Sebastian heads towards the other direction." scene un025_inv_06 n "{i}Control room... Control room...{/i}" n "{i}Locked.{/i}" scene un025_inv_07 n "{i}next shall be..{/i}" n "{i}Locked.{/i}" scene un025_inv_09 "As Nicole moves down the corridor, she notices a faint light emanating from underneath a door." n "{i}Light?{/i}" n "{i}Someone's here?{/i}" scene un025_inv_10 "She cautiously approaches the door and stands infront of it, while a faint sound hit her ears from the inside." stop music scene un025_inv_11 "She slowly tries to push the door in, and to her supsrise, it was unlocked. As slowly peeks in, something exciting was happening." scene un025_inv_12 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene un025_inv_13 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) "Inside, to her suprise, she sees two people huddled together, enjoying their moment of sex." scene un025_inv_15 un "Take it in bitch!" un "*moans*" play music "audio/beachrelax.mp3" "Nicole can't believe what she just saw. Despite feeling like an intruder, she finds herself unable to tear her eyes away from the couple." scene un025_inv_16 with fade "The sensual movements and soft moans fill the room, mesmerizing her thoughts on the outside." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Continue Watching:" scene un025_inv_16 with dissolve $ persistent.ch2ac7 = True show screen acun "As the feeling of heat begins to spread throughout her body, Nicole takes a few steps closer to the door and rests her hand on the wall." "Her breath grows deeper as she embraces the electric sensation in the air. Unnoticed, she stays there for the next couple of minutes." scene un025_inv_17 with dissolve "Meanwhile, Sebastian, returing after his search, notices Nicole from the hallway, peeking inside." scene un025_inv_18 se "{i}Huh. What is she doing here?{/i}" KN_MOD "if nicseducesseb is True:" $ sebastian += 1 scene un025_inv_19 with dissolve se "{i}Interesting.{i}" se "Looks like a nice scene eh, Nicole?" scene un025_inv_20 with vpunch n "Seb?" n "It is not.." se "Looks so hot, that milf is getting pounded hard." scene un025_inv_21 with dissolve "Before Nicole could respond, the next thing she knew was Sebastian's hands wrapping her body." scene un025_inv_22 with dissolve se "Don't think I forgot your tease in my place." n "I hav..." se "Shhh... Don't explain." se "Let us just enjoy them fucking." "Sebastian places his hand over her tits and the warm flush of arousal washes over her." se "*softly* These are so full." se "*softly* I know you are super conservative in showing skin, but trust me babe..." se "Once you get the hang of it, there's no stopping it." scene un025_inv_23 with dissolve "Nicole didn't react, but she had to keep her moans silent." "She thought she was being controlled by Sebastian, but in this case, it was by lust." scene black show v025nicsebthrust se "I can't stop thinking about you, naked." "Sebastian took a bold step, as he started to grind his crotch against her ass." se "Amazing cakes, Nicole." se "Last time I could just get my hands on it, but this is an even better feeling." scene un025_inv_26 "Nicole, who was resisting Sebastian's moves, slowly started to flirt back." n "*smirks* Is that so?" n "You are being too comfortable now." se "You wouldn't understand what comfortable is, darling." scene un025_inv_27 with dissolve "Now, Sebastian becomes more handsy, slowly moving his hands towards her thighs." scene un025_inv_28 "Embracing the moment, Nicole allows Sebastian to explore her body with his hands, feeling her skin tingle inside as every nerve in her being is electrified." scene un025_inv_31 with dissolve "Nicole is emboldened by this and begins to respond passionately, her body writhing in ecstasy under Sebastian's touch." scene black show v025nicsebfinger with dissolve "Without breaking contact with her, Sebastian moves his hand over her panties, and starts slowly playing." "Nicole was already wet with what's happening as Sebastian kept teasing her." se "Wow." "He enjoyed touching her wet panties, feeling her wetness through the fabric." scene un025_inv_31 with dissolve "Nicole can barely contain herself, her breathing becoming rapid and erratic." n "{i}Oh my god, it's wet as fuck.{/i}" show v025nicsebfinger2 with dissolve "Sebastian increases the pace, as moans of Nicole get slightly louder." "Nicole gasps as Sebastian continued, the sensation making her legs shake." scene un025_inv_32 with dissolve play sound "audio/moan1.mp3" n "{i}It feels so good!{/i}" stop sound "The couple in the room next door is forgotten as they lose themselves in their passion." "They both feel the heat and intensity of their desire grow stronger with every passing moment." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Stop this:" scene un025_inv_33 with vpunch n "I think that's enough." scene un025_inv_34 se "Thought you were enjoying too!" scene un025_inv_33 n "*awkwardly* No, let's stop it." n "Just the heat of the moment, nothing more." n "Now tell me, did you find anything?" scene un025_inv_34 se "*sigh* Yeah, I did." se "Footage of the car from the day of the murder, evident that it either started or arrived to this location." scene un025_inv_36 n "Good, good." scene un025_inv_35 with dissolve se "And also this." scene un025_inv_36 n "What's that?" scene un025_inv_35 se "Rowlett's gonna be there today." se "An invitation to a dine-in at another hotel, The Imperial." scene un025_inv_36 n "Let us hope he will visit there." scene un025_inv_35 se "Yeah. Let's get out of here, now." KN_MOD "Touch him too:" $ sebastian += 2 scene un025_inv_44 with fade $ persistent.ch2ac6 = True show screen acun "Nicole also plans to ease him off and touches his erect crotch." "She can feel the hardness through his pants, and it only serves to fuel her desire. Sebastian moans softly, his breathing becoming heavier." scene un025_inv_45 "Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, Sebastian zips his cock out, much to Nicole's surprise." n "Wow, you are getting bold, aren't you?" se "Since you are not removing your panties anytime soon..." se "...let me help myself atleast." scene un025_inv_46 "As her fingertips grazing the soft skin of his shaft, she tightens her grip." "Sebastian lets out a slight moan in the process." scene ch2scene5 with Dissolve (1.25) "Nicole starts to stroke Sebastian's penis, moving her hand up and down in a slow, rhythmic motion." "Her touch is gentle yet firm, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. He groans softly, his eyes closing in bliss." "As she continues to stroke him, Nicole can feel her own arousal building since Sebastian hasn't stopped lending his fingers to help her." scene un025_inv_51 se "Ahh Nicole!" se "Dont stop!" "Nicole continues to grind her hands on his dick, as he was fully involved in the moment." scene un025_inv_49 "Sebastian's hips jerk involuntarily, before the climax." scene un025_inv_47 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene un025_inv_48 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) "And the next moment, he lets out a low moan of pleasure before letting out his juice." "He cums all over Nicole's clothes and hands, while leaving out a growling moan once again." scene un025_inv_50 "At the same time, Nicole also gets a finish, with a controlled moan compared to the lawyer." n "{i}This was... intense.{/i}" scene un025_inv_52 "Nicole takes out her hand from Sebastian's penis to see the out'cum'." n "{i}This is some load.{/i}" n "{i}Shot it all over me.{/i}" scene un025_inv_53 se "Thanks for the helping hand, Nic." n "Well, I need to clean myself up." se "Sure but let's move from here." scene black "After a while." scene un025_inv_36 n "Now that we have completed the 'business', tell me, did you find anything?" scene un025_inv_34 se "Yeah, I did." se "Footage of the car from the day of the murder, evident that it either started or arrived to this location." scene un025_inv_36 n "That is great!" scene un025_inv_35 with dissolve se "And also this, something that might excite you." scene un025_inv_36 n "What's that?" scene un025_inv_35 se "Rowlett's gonna be there today." se "An invitation to a dine-in at another hotel, The Imperial." scene un025_inv_36 n "Let us hope he will visit there." scene un025_inv_35 se "Yeah. Let's get out of here, now." KN_MOD "else:" scene un025_inv_19 se "What are you looking at, Nicole?" scene un025_inv_33 with vpunch n "Oh my, you startled me, Seb." scene un025_inv_34 se "Thought you would find any clue there?" scene un025_inv_33 n "*awkwardly* Stop it." n "Found anything?" scene un025_inv_34 se "Footage of the car from the day of the murder, evident that it either started or arrived to this location." scene un025_inv_36 n "Wonderful!" scene un025_inv_35 with dissolve se "And also this." scene un025_inv_36 n "What's that?" scene un025_inv_35 se "Rowlett's gonna be there today." se "An invitation to a dine-in at another hotel, The Imperial." scene un025_inv_36 n "Let us hope he will visit there." scene un025_inv_35 se "Let's get out of here now." KN_MOD "Close the door:" scene un025_inv_07 with vpunch n "{i}No, No..{/i}" n "{i}Snap out of it, Nic!{/i}" n "{i}You have work to do!{/i}" scene un025_inv_37 "Deciding against watching the pair such and fuck, Nicole heads in search of the control room." scene un025_inv_38_cd with fade "After a while, Nicole spots a door labeled 'Security Room' and discreetly enters, to find the control setup of the building." scene un025_inv_39_cd n "{i}Okay, got it. Let me copy the necessary footage.{/i}" scene un025_inv_40_cd n "{i}Bingo! Now, let me get out of here.{/i}" "As she was onto to the task, she draws her eyes on a bar invite beside the desk." scene un025_inv_41 n "{i}Huh, what is this?{/i}" "As she takes in to read it, suprisingly, it was in the name of Mr. Lucius Rowlett." scene un025_inv_42 n "{i}Dated today for Rowlett, interesting.{/i}" n "{i}Pretty sure he'll be here this evening.{/i}" scene un025_inv_43 n "{i}For an abandoned place, the camera is running, and we have fresh invites on the table.{/i}" n "{i}That is really strange.{/i}" n "{i}Let me inform Sebastian about this, time to get out.{/i}" "After a tense few minutes, Nicole successfully downloads the CCTV footage and heads out, sneakily." scene un025_inv_01 with fade $ renpy.end_replay() show screen repun $ persistent.scene6 = True stop music "Nicole and Sebastian exit the hotel, making sure not to attract any attention, to head their way back to the Imperial to track Rowlett." ## Night: Lucius KN_MOD "label v025_seb_nic_rowpalace:" play music "audio/latenight.mp3" scene un025_sc1_sn_20 with fade "After another long drive, they arrive at the Imperial and take positions to surveil the entrance." scene un025_sc1_sn_21 se "Okay, this is it." scene un025_sc1_sn_22 n "We need to wait till he arrives." n "Once he does, we will call for backup." scene un025_sc1_sn_21 se "Still, we need to be careful." se "Mr. Lucius Rowlett is a cunning adversary, and we can't afford any mistakes." scene un025_sc1_sn_22 n "I know, Seb." n "But this is the best tip we have for the case, and we can't let him slip away." n "Once he arrives, let us discreetly take photos as evidence and send it to the department." scene un025_sc1_sn_21 se "Yes. Now, let's wait for Rowlett to show up." scene un025_sc1_sn_23 "Time passes as they maintain their watchful vigil." scene un025_sc1_sn_24 with fade "They continue to wait, shrouded by the shadows of the night." scene un025_sc1_sn_25 se "That's a long wait." n "Patience." se "Huh?" scene un025_sc1_sn_40 n "Seems like he's here!" scene un025_sc1_sn_26 with dissolve "After what seems like an eternity, Mr. Lucius Roulett's black luxury car pulls up to the hotel entrance." scene un025_sc1_sn_27 "Sebastian discreetly takes out his camera and starts taking photos of Rowlett as he exits the car." scene un025_sc1_sn_26 "This was the confirmation to where Rowlett was headed to, since he was never an easy man to find." scene un025_sc1_sn_26_photo with flash $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) scene un025_sc1_sn_41 "Roulett, surrounded by bodyguards and an entourage, enters the hotel." scene un025_sc1_sn_41_photo with flash $ renpy.pause(2, hard=True) scene un025_sc1_sn_28 with dissolve se "I've got the photos." scene un025_sc1_sn_29 n "Good enough to call backup." n "So, let's not make it obvious." n "We can't risk alerting him." scene un025_sc1_sn_28 se "We'll wait here until he comes out. We've got to be patient." scene un025_sc1_sn_31 "As they continue their surveillance, Nicole notices two familiar faces infront of her, Sargeant Kelly and Sargeant Pearce." n "Seb, look over there." scene un025_sc1_sn_30 se "Who are they?" scene un025_sc1_sn_31 n "Friends in the department, but I didn't expect them here." n "Come let's meet them." scene un025_sc1_sn_32 with dissolve "Sebastian, not recognizing Kelly and Pearce, remains cautious but follows Nicole's lead as the duo approach Kelly and Pearce." scene un025_sc1_sn_33 n "Kelly, Pearce, what are you two doing here?" scene un025_sc1_sn_34 k "Hey!" k "This is the question we were supposed to ask!" scene un025_sc1_sn_33 n "We've been following the lead on Roulett." scene un025_sc1_sn_34 p "Ditto here, Nicole." k "How did you find out?" k "We haven't informed to Odyssey PD yet." scene un025_sc1_sn_33 n "All thanks to Sebastian here." n "Sebastian, meet Kelly and Pearce, my seniors and from the Orlen PD." scene un025_sc1_sn_36 "Sebastian extends his hand to Kelly and Pearce." scene un025_sc1_sn_37 se "I'm Sebastian, a lawyer." se "It's a pleasure to meet you both." scene un025_sc1_sn_38 k "Nice to meet you, Sebastian." scene un025_sc1_sn_35 p "You are not supposed to intervene in such cases, mate." scene un025_sc1_sn_39 k "I would say it would be great to get any kind of support." k "It's a big case, and we can use all the help we can get." p "Whatever." p "But now, I shall us three discussing the case." scene un025_sc1_sn_47 with dissolve "Kelly, Nicole, and Pearce step aside, away from the bustling restaurant, while they discuss Nicole's lead as well the Orlen PD's." scene un025_sc1_sn_48 p "Okay, guys, we've got some valuable evidence yes, but we need to take this a step further." p "We need to get Rowlett talking about his business partners." scene un025_sc1_sn_57 n "Yeah, I agree." scene un025_sc1_sn_48 p "Hmm, so I have an idea." scene un025_sc1_sn_53 k "Yes?" scene un025_sc1_sn_72 p "Someone should get Rowlett the itch." scene un025_sc1_sn_57 n "Uh?" scene un025_sc1_sn_72 p "Make him weak on his knees, get him playing." scene un025_sc1_sn_53 k "What are you trying to say?" scene un025_sc1_sn_62 with dissolve p "We need to seduce him?" scene un025_sc1_sn_53 k "Huh?" scene un025_sc1_sn_52 n "Uh..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree:" $ pearce += 1 $ v025_nicoleagreespearce = True scene un025_sc1_sn_54 with dissolve n "I think it would be right." n "He's a big womanizer. Capitalizing on this is the best chance." scene un025_sc1_sn_49 p "Yes." KN_MOD "Dont agree:" scene un025_sc1_sn_54 with dissolve n "How is this an idea?" scene un025_sc1_sn_49 p "We need to get talking to him, and we need to place a deal." p "Wihout that there is no way we could trap him." scene un025_sc1_sn_53 k "Uh, I'm not sure." scene un025_sc1_sn_49 p "Trust me, it will work." scene un025_sc1_sn_55 k "Won't searching someone for that role be tough?" k "Where do we find someone at this hour?" scene un025_sc1_sn_51 p "Why search when we have Nicole?" scene un025_sc1_sn_56 with vpunch "Nicole was shocked at this statement from Pearce, but he knew exactly what he has looking at." "Pearce had an eye on Nicole for a while, and with Nicole taking the seducer role would be a great scene." scene un025_sc1_sn_55 k "What?" scene un025_sc1_sn_56 n "But..." scene un025_sc1_sn_65 p "No ifs and buts.." p "It is you and only yours." p "We need someone charming, and we all know the answer." scene un025_sc1_sn_59 p "You also have the brain to get what we need from Rowlett." scene un025_sc1_sn_66 k "I'll do it, Pearce." scene un025_sc1_sn_60 p "Bwah...what?" p "You are needed here to command instructions, so sending Nicole is the right move." scene un025_sc1_sn_61 n "But I'm not too sure about it." n "I haven't done that before." scene un025_sc1_sn_65 p "Well, there is always a first time." scene un025_sc1_sn_66 k "No, Pearce." k "We are handling this case in this juridiction, and it would only be right if someone from us enter the scene." k "I can play the role of a hotel owner and engage him in conversation." scene un025_sc1_sn_60 with dissolve "Pearce was disappointed with this. He wanted Nicole to be the one getting a sexy siren role, which was his dream for long." scene un025_sc1_sn_70 p "Wait..." p "Let us rethink!" scene un025_sc1_sn_58 n "No, but better we hire someone else?" scene un025_sc1_sn_68 k "C'mon!" k "It would put her to risk!" scene un025_sc1_sn_67 n "What about you, then?" scene un025_sc1_sn_73_nod1 "Pearce can't help but sigh, disappointed with the turn of events." p "{i}Damn it.{/i}" p "{i}I wanted to see Nicole doing it but this stupid old fag had to interfere...{/i}" scene un025_sc1_sn_67 n "Still Kelly, what if the higherups get to know about this?" n "You do know that Rowlett isn't your ordinary business guy, right?" scene un025_sc1_sn_46 k "Who's gonna tell them what we up to?" k "Let us not worry about my safety." k "I will handle it." scene un025_sc1_sn_52 n "It is not about handling him or risk of your safety." n "We need this case solved, yes. But putting our lives in jeopardy? I'm not too sure." scene un025_sc1_sn_63 n "Rethink your decision, Kel." scene un025_sc1_sn_45 k "I have already made up my mind, Nicole." k "We need clues, and Rowlett there alone is the best opportunity we have." scene un025_sc1_sn_73_nod1 p "{i}They don't seem to be stopping.{/i}" scene un025_sc1_sn_70 with dissolve p "Hold on a minute, you two." p "Let's not argue about this." p "Since Kelly has already decided she wants to take the lead, we shall stick with it." scene un025_sc1_sn_68 k "Great." scene un025_sc1_sn_63 n "I have mixed thoughts on this, Kel." scene un025_sc1_sn_44 k "Don't worry, darling." k "Let me handle this." scene un025_sc1_sn_64 p "Now, we can't be too obvious." p "Hence, no cameras. Only audio." p "Kelly, keep the conversation loud." scene un025_sc1_sn_50 p "If things get tough, you'll inform us, alright?" scene un025_sc1_sn_71 k "Fine, I'll be ready." scene un025_sc1_sn_73_nod2 "Pearce nods in approval." p "Good. We'll keep our options open. Kelly, once you engage Rowlett in conversation, try to get him speak about Ackerman and Jeffery." p "We'll be nearby, listening in case you need assistance." scene un025_sc1_sn_71 k "Sounds good." scene un025_sc1_sn_43 n "Now that you've mad up your mind, let us hope to extract the necessary details." n "Let us get you ready." scene un025_sc1_sn_44 k "Sure, let's go." scene un025_sc1_sn_69 k "Pearce, wait with Sebastian." k "Give him company." p "isn't it better I come with you girls." k "No!" n "No!" p "Hey! Not fair!" scene un025_sc1_sn_42 with fade "Both the ladies began their walk to get the job started, while Pearce stayed with Sebastian, which he despised." stop music KN_MOD "jump v025_kellynicshopping" #Kelly and Nicole reach the shop KN_MOD "label v025_kellynicshopping:" play music "audio/beachrelax.mp3" scene un025_shop_nk_00 with dissolve "Nicole and Kelly reach a nearby boutique to get the latter ready for her performance." n "Kel, do you think this would be safe?" scene un025_shop_nk_02 k "If we worry about what's safe and what isn't, our jobs would never work out." n "Still..." n "Rowlett isn't just a hot shot; he's shrewd too." scene un025_shop_nk_01 k "You are worrying too much, Nic." k "Let us get in and get something for me to shine." scene un025_shop_nk_03 n "Speaking of your shine, you could go inside with what you're wearing right now and still look fire." k "*teasing* Think you are mistaking me for you, haha." n "*laughs* Haha." scene un025_shop_nk_04 with dissolve "Kelly and Nicole get in the cloth store, as a major eye-catch purchase awaits." scene un025_shop_nk_05 receptionist "Welcome to Ashley Boutique." scene un025_shop_nk_04 n "Thank you, miss." k "Wow Nic, this place looks fantastic." n "Agreed, the collection is already catching my eye." k "Let's explore and see what hidden gems they have." scene un025_shop_nk_06 "Kelly and Nicole wander through the boutique, on the hunt for the perfect dresses." scene un025_shop_nk_07 n "Kelly, look at this one!" n "Doesn't it look fancy?" scene un025_shop_nk_09 k "Doesn't look like it's tailor-made for the role of the hotel owner." k "I am supposed to seduce that bastard, not play beachball!" scene un025_shop_nk_08 n "hey, hey!" n "Camn down!" n "It looked good to me!" scene un025_shop_nk_09 k "You are supposed to be the fashionista here." scene un025_shop_nk_08 n "Alright, alright. Let us look for something better." scene un025_shop_nk_10 "Kelly after a while finds something flashy to the tie, while the dress also being very apt for a businesswoman." k "{i}Wow, this looks amazing.{/i}" scene un025_shop_nk_11 k "Hey Nic, what about this one?" scene un025_shop_nk_12 n "Damn, a great find." n "This dress screams luxury and sophistication." scene un025_shop_nk_11 k "We needed something that says, 'I belong here with the high-society crowd.'" scene un025_shop_nk_12 n "Belong here?" n "This dress would make you the queen of the bar!" scene un025_shop_nk_11 k "Haha, stop the jokes." k "Let me try this and see." scene un025_shop_nk_15 with dissolve "The two detecti-ladies make their way towards the trial rooms." k "Don't stay behind, I need you to tell me how this dress looks on me." scene un025_shop_nk_16 n "Expert advice is always here." n "Lead the way, fashion guru!" "Kelly heads inside changing room, as Nicole waits outside." scene un025_shop_nk_17 k "{i}Hmm, guess I've got a little thicker.{/i}" k "{i}No wonder Zach was complaining about my weight gain at home. {/i}" k "{i}Let me try this now.{/i}" scene shop_nk_41 with fade k "How does this look, Nic?" scene un025_shop_nk_18 n "It's damn hot, oh my." scene shop_nk_41 k "*roleplaying with a teasing tone* Are you impressed, Mr. Rowlett?" scene un025_shop_nk_18 n "Haha, what?" scene shop_nk_42 with dissolve k "*teasingly* C'mon, let me have some fun!" k "Don't you like what you see?" scene un025_shop_nk_18 n "*confused* Yeah, I guess..." scene shop_nk_42 k "Aww, you need to see more, darling?" scene un025_shop_nk_19 "Saying so, Kelly slides down to reveal her gorgeous breasts, much to Nicole's excitement." scene un025_shop_nk_18 "She had always been curious about women, and seeing her friend's bare chest was stirring something deep within her." scene un025_shop_nk_19 k "Don't you find his nice?" k "C'mon inside!" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Say no:" scene un025_shop_nk_20 with dissolve n "Umm, not the right place to do this? I guess." n "You get ready and comeback." scene black "Saying so, Nicole left the room, spoiling Kelly's roleplay plans." scene un025_shop_nk_33 k "What was the urgency back there?" k "I was having some fun." n "Two detectives getting caught like this would be so embarrasing." k "You are thinking too much, Nic." n "Brush it aside, let us focus on the plan." k "Yeah, sure." scene un025_shop_nk_34 receptionist "Thank you for shopping ma'am. Please come again." scene un025_shop_nk_36 with fade "Nicole and Kelly walk to another shop to get Kelly dressed up." scene un025_shop_nk_35 k "I'll be back in a jiffy, stay here." n "*Background* Yeah." scene un025_shop_nk_37 with fade k "Ready to roll Nic?" scene un025_shop_nk_38 n "Damn, you are looking..." scene black show un025_shop_nk_40_kel_potrait with dissolve: xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 #zoom 2.0 linear 4.0 yalign 0.0 pause 4.0 #$hard=True #$config.skipping=None #scene un025_shop_nk_38 "Kelly looked fantastic with that dress, and Nicole's expression was enough to potray those feelings." scene un025_shop_nk_38 k "Irresistable?" scene un025_shop_nk_38 n "Sounds like the right word." scene un025_shop_nk_39 n "Guess you're ready for the show, Kelly." k "As ready as I'll ever be." n "So, time to hit the stage!" KN_MOD "Think about it:" $ kelly += 2 $ persistent.ch2ac9 = True show screen acun n "I don't think this will be a right id..." scene un025_shop_nk_21 with dissolve "Before Nicole could finish, Kelly pulled her inside the trial room." scene un025_shop_nk_22 n "The receptionist might see us, Kel!" scene shop_nk_40 k "Let me ease you up a lil' more." scene ch2scene6 with Dissolve (1.25) "Kelly bustily pushes her chest ahead, shaking them for her detective friend." "Those naturals gave a great view for anyone who witness it's dance, and it wasn't a suprise Nicole did too." k "Here you go mister, see them dance." "Kelly was such a tease for Nicole. The shake and wobble of those natural boobs was something to witness." "Kelly's breasts sway back and forth as she moves, her nipples hardening with every shake." scene shop_nk_40 with dissolve k "So, what do you think?" n "*nervously* You are stunning, Kelly." scene un025_shop_nk_24 k "I know, darling." k "But these are not just for a view." k "Cope a feel." scene un025_shop_nk_23 n "*stuttering* Wh..what?" k "Don't be shy." k "Let your hands free, Mr. Rowlett." "While Kelly was in the roleplay mode, Nicole could feel tension in the changing room starting to make her sweat." scene un025_shop_nk_26 "Without even realizing it, Nicole's hand moved on its own, reaching out to touch Kelly's breasts." scene ch2scene7 with Dissolve (1.25) "She started feeling their softness and weight in her hands." "She starts cupping them, feeling the weight of each bosom, while internally drawing comparisions with hers." n "Soft." scene un025_shop_nk_25 k "Natural too." k "Consider yourself lucky, only my boyfriend is allowed to play with them." scene un025_shop_nk_26 n "Boyfriend?" scene un025_shop_nk_25 k "Leading a single life as a businesswoman? Not that good, I needed a boy toy." "With each touch, she felt more in control, more confident in herself. And as Kelly moaned softly, Nicole felt the tension rising too." "As her fingers brushed over the soft skin, Nicole felt her own body respond." "She felt a warm flush move through her, centering between her legs. It was as if Kelly's breasts held some kind of power over her." scene un025_shop_nk_27 "Nicole switched to a hugging position, bringing the the semi-naked Kelly closer." scene un025_shop_nk_28 "As the tension rose, Nicole and Kelly both leaned forward for a kiss, embracing the small room as their entire domain." scene un025_shop_nk_29 with vpunch receptionist "*outside* Ma'am, is the fit alright?" k "*sttutering* Yes, yes, all good." receptionist "*outside* Good to hear ma'am! Will see you at the counter." n "*whispering* Phew, that was close." scene un025_shop_nk_31 k "*softly* We were too." scene un025_shop_nk_32 with fade "Kelly got dressed back after finalizing her purchase, while the duo walked to the counter to bill." scene un025_shop_nk_33 n "So, what you said back there, was it true?" k "Yes, I ain't single." n "You never told me..." k "Some things are just more fun when they're a mystery, you know?" k "Plus, it gives me the perfect opportunity to mess with other guys and make them think they've got a shot." n "Well, you know what they say, variety is the spice of life, right?" k "True!" scene un025_shop_nk_34 receptionist "Thank you for shopping ma'am. Please come again." scene un025_shop_nk_36 with fade "Nicole and Kelly walk to another shop to get Kelly dressed up." scene un025_shop_nk_35 k "You wait here, no funny business like last time." n "*laughs in background*" scene un025_shop_nk_37 with fade k "Ready to roll Nic?" scene un025_shop_nk_38 n "Damn, you are looking..." scene black show un025_shop_nk_40_kel_potrait with dissolve: xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 zoom 2.0 linear 4.0 yalign 0.0 pause 4.0 $config.skipping=None scene un025_shop_nk_38 "Kelly looked fantastic with that dress, and Nicole's expression was enough to potray those feelings." k "Irresistable?" scene un025_shop_nk_38 n "Sounds like the right word." scene un025_shop_nk_39 n "Guess you're ready for the show, Kelly." k "As ready as I'll ever be." n "So, time to hit the stage!" k "Let us go!" $ renpy.end_replay() show screen repun $ persistent.scene7 = True KN_MOD "jump v025_kelly_nic_seb_pea_cs" stop music KN_MOD "label v025_kelly_nic_seb_pea_cs:" ##Kelly enters hotel scene 025_un_car_n_14 with fade "All four met outside as Nicole and Kelly joined the two men." p "Okay, so all good?" k "Yes, I'm a bit nervous so we have to get this right." p "Tempt him for clues, we need his answers." p "A man will surely succumb and answer to a beautiful woman falling for him." scene 025_un_car_n_12 n "And before you leave, you will need this." n "Tell me if you can hear what I just told." scene 025_un_car_n_13 k "Working good." k "See you soon guys." play music "audio/jazzbackground.mp3" scene 025_un_car_n_04 with dissolve p "Alright Kelly, listen up." p "This is our chance to trap Lucius Rowlett with whatever clues we got." scene 025_un_car_n_01 n "Kelly, you got this." n "Just remember, you're the boss in there." scene un_025_bar_k_01 k "Thanks, guys." k "I just hope I can pull this off convincingly." scene 025_un_car_n_04 p "You've got this, Kelly." scene 025_un_car_n_06 n "Just be the businesswoman you were meant to be." n "Think you were never a Detective." p "Confidence is your armor, Kelly. Walk in there like you own the place." scene un_025_bar_k_01 k "Yeah..." "The lobby was adorned with simplified elegance, but Kelly's focus was on one man, Lucius Rowlett." scene un_025_bar_k_02 "Finding the notorious businessman wasn't a tough task for Kelly as the bar wasn't crowded." "Rowlett sat there, in private, being very calm with this." scene un_025_bar_k_03 k "I see him, guys. Lucius Rowlett is in the lobby." scene 025_un_car_n_06 n "Time for your magic to work." scene un_025_bar_k_03 k "I will try my best, what's possible." k "So we will meet later, keep a close ear to our convo." scene un_025_bar_k_04 "In that pivotal moment, the spotlight shifted exclusively onto Kelly." "She stood alone, entrusted to orchestrate the entire operation, her success or failure hinging solely on her abilities and INSTINCTS." "Her instincts of seduction." scene ch2scene8_frame1 with dissolve k "{i}I need to look too inviting. Smile, Kelly, Smile.{/i}" k "{i}That's the only way I can get his eyes on me.{/i}" scene ch2scene8 pause 2.2 scene ch2scene8_frame2 "Saying so, Kelly adjusted herself and walked in. The dimly lit bar lobby was hit with Kelly's walk of confidence that demanded attention." "Her seductive sway and enigmatic smile caught the gaze of every man in the room. It was as if time stood still, and the air grew thick with anticipation." "Her perfectly sculpted body, the gentle rhythm of her hips, and the tantalizing jiggling of her ample breasts, all worked in harmony to captivate the attention of those around." scene un_025_bar_k_05 "Well, it wasn't long until she caught the young businessman's attention." "Rowlett's eyes twinkled with intrigue as he scanned her from head to toe." scene ch2scene9_frame1 "It was impossible to resist Kelly, as she looked like a candy that was to be popped in a mouth." scene ch2scene9 pause 2.2 scene ch2scene9_frame2 "Rowlett's mind ran wild with fantasies fueled by Kelly's jiggling breasts and perfectly sculpted backside. That dress Kelly wore perfectly fit her, making her a goddess of desire at that moment." scene un_025_bar_k_06 with dissolve k "*nervously* A Roy Rogers would be good." bartender "*off screen* Yes ma'am, in a jiffy." scene un_025_bar_k_08 "Meanwhile, our businessman still didn't tear his eyes away from Kelly. He had seen many beautiful women grace this establishment, but there was something different about her." scene un_025_bar_k_33 k "Thanks, darling." bartender "You most welcome." bartender "Anything else, ma'am?" scene un_025_bar_k_07 k "All good for now." scene un_025_bar_k_33 bartender "Okay ma'am. Enjoy your time." scene un_025_bar_k_07 k "Thanks, honey." "As Kelly got hold of her drink, there was no little doubt in her mind about getting Rowlett's attention on her." scene un_025_bar_k_08 "Rowlett found nobody around her, and thought this was the perfect opportunity to approach her." "He gently slid onto the bar stool next to her, although not too close, catching a whiff of her intoxicating perfume." scene un_025_bar_k_10 ro "Is that drink as weak as it looks?" k "Uh, sorry?" scene un_025_bar_k_10 ro "Roy Rogers is something you don't want to order in a bar?" scene un_025_bar_k_11 k "Precautions. Better be not tipsy and fall over men." k "Right?" scene un_025_bar_k_10 ro "Not that I mind..." scene un_025_bar_k_11 k "Uh?" scene un_025_bar_k_10 ro "*smiles* Haha, you've done your homework." scene un_025_bar_k_09 ro "I like that." ro "By the way, did you know that Roy Rogers never drank alcohol?" scene un_025_bar_k_11 with dissolve k "Yes, yes." k "That's why the drink's name." k "He usually ordered a 'Roy Rogers', it's a non-alcoholic beverage." scene un_025_bar_k_09 ro "So, what you will name yours? Trippy Beans or Thorn in the Throat?" scene un_025_bar_k_11 k "*awkwardly smiling* Haha, cheeky." scene 025_un_car_n_16 p "Holy cow, that's a horrible joke." n "Poor Kelly had to sell it with enthusiasm..." p "Money gets him the girls, no doubt." p "Guy has zero charm." scene un_025_bar_k_10 ro "Mind if I join you?" ro "It's not often I get to have an interesting conversation with someone who's drinking a kiddie cocktail." "This was Kelly's chance to make a move to know more about the inside info." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Why not?:" scene un_025_bar_k_11 with dissolve k "Smooth talker, huh?" scene un_025_bar_k_10 ro "Can put it that way." ro "So?" scene un_025_bar_k_13 k "Why not." k "Two lonely people giving company to each other?" k "Let me join you." scene un_025_bar_k_17 "Before Rowlett could make a move to her side, Kelly sat next to him, seemingly pumping up his chances with the ravishing beauty." ro "Lucius Rowlett here." k "Rowlett Corporates?" ro "You know about me?" scene un_025_bar_k_14 k "Me?" k "Pretty sure almost everyone in the country knows you." k "Son of the Tycoon Mr. Latham Roulett." k "Carrying his iconic legacy..." scene un_025_bar_k_15 ro "Oh, wow." scene un_025_bar_k_14 k "I wasn't familiar with how you looked *smiles*." scene un_025_bar_k_15 ro "Haha, now you do." ro "So, give me a chance to know about you too." scene un_025_bar_k_14 k "Name's Kelly Thornfield." k "You can call me Kelly." scene un_025_bar_k_15 ro "I haven't seen you here before. First time?" scene un025_inv_38 k "Good guess." scene un_025_bar_k_15 ro "So, Kelly, what brings you to this fine establishment?" ro "Business or pleasure?" scene un025_inv_38 k "Was in the town for a deal, so thought this was the place to visit to ease me a bit." scene un_025_bar_k_21 ro "Cheers for that." ro "This is the best place you could choose in the city to get yourself relaxed and have a good night." scene un_025_bar_k_20 k "No doubts about that." scene un_025_bar_k_21 ro "Now, I'm curious about the deal you just mentioned." scene un_025_bar_k_22 k "Oh..." k "We were planning to buy a restaurant chain in the city to build Thornfield Enterprises throughout the country." scene un_025_bar_k_21 with dissolve ro "Thornfield Enterprises?" ro "I'm not sure if I hear..." scene un_025_bar_k_22 k "It is popular for hotel chains." k "We do not use our entity name everywhere, so that's why it might be difficult to find us." scene un_025_bar_k_15 ro "Oh..." ro "Guess I need to extend my research so that I can get more names to strike a deal in the future, Mrs. Thornfield." scene un_025_bar_k_22 k "Miss." scene un_025_bar_k_15 ro "Oh, wow." scene un_025_bar_k_22 k "... and please, call me Kelly." scene un_025_bar_k_23 ro "To think a mature businesswoman like you not married, could it be too many responsibilities?" k "Can be that, but not a suitable gentleman would be the correct reason." ro "Well, that might change soon, haha." k "*grins* getting too comfortable aren't you Mr. Rowlett?" scene un_025_bar_k_24 ro "Just having fun." ro "I'm curious, again." ro "Whom did you come to meet in the city anyway?" ro "I don't remember big hotel chain players in the field." scene un_025_bar_k_22 with dissolve k "Oh, I don't know either." k "But I was told by my assistant that Robert Ackerman was someone who was looking to sell his food chain." scene un_025_bar_k_35 "Rowlett suddenly portrayed a surprised expression, visibly confused at what Kelly had just said." scene un025_inv_40 k "{i}Silence...{/i}" k "{i}Is he involved.. or just knows the fact he's dead?{/i}" k "Mr. Rowlett?" k "All good?" scene un_025_bar_k_35 ro "Yes... yeah." ro "I was reminding myself who this guy could be?" scene un025_inv_38 k "You know him?" scene un_025_bar_k_35 ro "No... No..." ro "As I said, I don't know many in this big city." scene un025_inv_38 k "{i}Straight up lying.{/i}" scene 025_un_car_n_02 p "Wow, he just lied." n "That was expected..." scene 025_un_car_n_09 se "May I know what is happening, guys?" scene 025_un_car_n_10 with dissolve p "Stop interfering mister." n "Let us handle it, Seb." scene 025_un_car_n_09 se "Can't I be curious atleast, this isn't fair!" scene un025_inv_40 k "Oh..." k "I was contacted by him a week ago and was supposed to meet him tonight." k "But he ghosted me like a lover on the day of marriage." scene un_025_bar_k_35 ro "*nervously* Guess so." scene un_025_bar_k_16 k "Since he avoided a deal, why don't you help me with it?" scene un_025_bar_k_35 ro "What do you mean?" scene un_025_bar_k_16 k "I've heard you're the person to talk to when it comes to business, and I have a business proposition for you." ro "I'm listening." k "What do you think of a joint venture for a restaurant?" ro "A restaurant partnership, you say?" ro "I'm not too sure, miss." scene 025_un_car_n_06 n "Nah, he is not going to agree." scene 025_un_car_n_08 p "We need the connection here." p "Kelly, we are getting close, make him agree." scene un_025_bar_k_16 "Kelly was confused and she had to come up with a decision quick." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Give a little show:" $ v025_kellyteasesrowlett = True scene un_025_bar_k_16 $ persistent.ch2ac10 = True show screen acun "Kelly needed to get him to agree, and to do so decided to give him a little tease." k "{i}Okay, I need this perv to get a tingling in his cock.{/i}" scene un_025_bar_k_18 with fade "Without thinking further, Kelly gently leans forward, pressing both her bosoms together." "This was more than enough to get Rowlett's interest in Kelly, best to say her cleavage." scene un_025_bar_k_19 ro "*adjusts throat*" k "So, what do you think?" k "A forty-sixty share to you in the profits, will be that good?" scene un_025_bar_k_18 "Rowlett gets a good look at those juicy tits shining under the dimly lit area and proceeds to have his say." scene un_025_bar_k_19 ro "Now that you have touched the topic." KN_MOD "Ask him politely:" scene un_025_bar_k_14 k "C'mon, I won't be duping you!" k "I just want to expand the business chain." scene un_025_bar_k_19 ro "I know, I know." scene un_025_bar_k_19 with fade ro "Just that, your's an offer I never saw coming." ro "You've certainly piqued my interest." scene un_025_bar_k_24 ro "I must say, I'm impressed with your commitment to this, Kelly." ro "But, before we proceed, I need to confirm your commitment to this venture." scene un025_inv_38 k "Commitment?" k "You've got my full attention, Mr. Rowlett." k "What do you need from me?" scene un_025_bar_k_24 with fade ro "I need you to accompany me to your hotel room for a more private discussion." ro "Before you talk business, we can't risk any leaks on this sensitive matter." scene un025_inv_38 k "Hotel room?" scene un_025_bar_k_25 ro "C'mon, it isn't bad by any means!" ro "Will be away from the loud environment." scene un_025_bar_k_26 k "Well, that's certainly an unusual boardroom." scene un_025_bar_k_25 ro "A relaxing one too." ro "Don't worry, I won't bite!" scene un_025_bar_k_26 KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Agree for the meeting.:" scene un_025_bar_k_26 with dissolve k "Well..." k "If it's necessary for the success of our... collaboration, then lead the way." scene un_025_bar_k_27 ro "Wonderful." scene un_025_bar_k_28 with fade "Rowlett extends his arms as a romantic gesture, which Kelly responds aptly." ro "Now, shall we?" scene un_025_bar_k_29 k "Absolutely." k "Lead the way." scene un_025_bar_k_32 ro "*at a distance* Shall I order something for us?" k "*laughs* Aren't you full already?" ro "Haha, now that you've said it, yeah I guess." "Rowlett and Kelly walk towards the suite as the Detectives patiently wait for the aftermath." KN_MOD "jump v025_kelrow_lewd" KN_MOD "Reject the offer.:" "With the growing worries of Rowlett, Kelly wasn't sure of the invite." k "Sorry, Mr. Rowlett." k "I'm not comfortable with such an unconventional setting for a business meeting." scene un_025_bar_k_27 with dissolve ro "I understand your concern, but this matter requires utmost discretion." ro "I assure you, it will be professional." scene un_025_bar_k_34 k "I'm afraid I can't agree to this." scene un_025_bar_k_27 ro "Think about the potential consequences. Leaks could ruin everything." ro "We're dealing with information that could change the game for both of us." scene un_025_bar_k_34 k "I appreciate the offer, but I can't compromise my principles." scene un_025_bar_k_31 ro "You're making a mistake, my friend. This is a golden opportunity." scene un_025_bar_k_30 with dissolve k "I'll take my chances." scene un_025_bar_k_31 ro "Very well. I hope you won't regret this decision." ro "We'll meet another day then." scene un_025_bar_k_36 "Before Kelly could speak, Rowlett offered a handshake which Kelly could only respond to." k "{i}Shit, I messed it up!{/i}" ro "Enjoy your night." k "... Yes." scene un_025_bar_k_37 "As Rowlett walked past to his suite, Kelly quickly gave the info to the team." k "Sorry guys, I made a mistake." scene 025_un_car_n_03 p "Could have been different if you went with him..." scene 025_un_car_n_00 n "... but that was risky." n "Nothing to regret here, let us take him to investigate and pray he knows more than we think." scene un_025_bar_k_37 k "Again, sorry guys." scene 025_un_car_n_03 p "Can't be fixed." p "We'll adjust with what evidence we have." scene 025_un_car_n_00 n "Come back to the car, Kelly. Let us worry about this later." KN_MOD "jump v025_kellyrowlett_common_scene" KN_MOD "Pulling a move too soon?:" scene un_025_bar_k_12 with fade k "Wait... wait a minute?" k "Well, don't you think you are making a move too fast?" "Unknown to her, Kelly's slip of tongue hurt Rowlett's ego." scene un_025_bar_k_35 ro "I was being nice..." ro "Since you are not interested, better I move from here." scene un_025_bar_k_36 "Before Kelly could speak, Rowlett offered a handshake which Kelly could only respond to." k "{i}Shit, I messed it up!{/i}" ro "Enjoy your night." k "... Yes." scene un_025_bar_k_37 with dissolve "As Rowlett walked past to his suite, Kelly quickly gave the info to the team." k "Sorry guys, I made a mistake." scene 025_un_car_n_03 p "Yup, that was a fail." scene 025_un_car_n_00 n "Nothing to regret here, let us take him to investigate and pray he knows more than we think." scene un_025_bar_k_37 k "Again, sorry guys." scene 025_un_car_n_03 p "Can't be fixed." p "We'll adjust with what evidence we have." scene 025_un_car_n_00 n "Come back to the car, Kelly. Let us worry about this later." KN_MOD "jump v025_kellyrowlett_common_scene" stop music ##Rowlett + Kelly lewd KN_MOD "label v025_kelrow_lewd:" KN_MOD "if v025_kellyteasesrowlett is True:" scene un_025_room_k_01 with fade "Kelly and Rowlett enter the latter's suite. The room is elegantly decorated, exuding an air of comfort." k "Looks quite comfy." ro "Yeah, it is." scene un_025_room_k_02 with dissolve play music "audio/sexyloungemsc.mp3" "As Kelly was about to move further, Rowlett hugs her from behind." ro "Tonight has has been amazing." k "Yeah... *stutters* I guess." ro "Time to make it more memorable." scene un_025_room_k_03 "Saying so Rowlett plants a kiss on Kelly's neck, showcasing a romantic gesture." "Kelly was overwhelmed by the sudden kiss, and moaned slightly." scene un_025_room_k_05 "Before she could say anything further, Rowlett pushes her to the wall, gripping by her waist." ro "Oh my, I can't take my eyes off you." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Reject his advances:" scene un_025_room_k_06 with fade "Kelly makes her mind to not continue the romantic track further, and stops him." k "Sorry to disappoint you Rowlett, but I'm not here for this." scene un_025_room_k_08 ro "C'mon Kelly, you seduced me with those tits at the bar!" ro "How can I forget?" scene un_025_room_k_06 k "Sorry if you saw it that way, but it wasn't my intention at all." scene un_025_room_k_08 ro "But I..." scene un_025_room_k_06 k "Sorry Rowlett, but I'm not interested." scene un_025_room_k_08 with dissolve ro "You disappointed me..." ro "Get out of my place, please." ro "Before I choke you..." "These words were enough for Kelly to decide it was time to leave, but the message was loud and clear for the detectives outside." scene 025_un_car_n_07 with dissolve n "He has cracked. That is an open threat." n "Guess it is time to send the guys in." scene 025_un_car_n_04 with dissolve p "Well, lads. Time to jump into action." scene 025_un_car_n_01 n "Okay Kel, the police is coming." scene un_025_room_k_43 with fade "The police reached the room in no time, and took Mr. Rowlett into custody." KN_MOD "jump v025_kellyrowlett_common_scene" KN_MOD "Do it for the plan:" scene un_025_room_k_07 with fade k "{i}Fuck it.{/i}" k "{i}I've come this close, I can't let him skip.{/i}" scene un_025_room_k_09 k "What made me so special that you couldn't take your eyes?" scene un_025_room_k_10 ro "What?" ro "You are asking me?" ro "Just look at you. You should be the epitome of beauty." scene un_025_room_k_07 k "You are just flattering for the sake of it." scene un_025_room_k_10 ro "No, not at all!" ro "Words won't be enough..." scene un_025_room_k_11 with dissolve "Saying so, Rowlett plans a kiss suddenly, much to Kelly's suprise." k "mmmm... *kissing* wait..." scene un_025_room_k_14 ro "No wait for that, sorry." ro "What else did you think." scene un_025_room_k_12 "Rowlett plants a kiss, again." "As their lips touch, she feels a warmth spreading throughout her body. Rowlett pulls back slowly, his eyes locked on hers." scene un_025_room_k_15 with dissolve ro "I hope that wasn't too much." scene un_025_room_k_13 k "{i}Even if it was, I can't back out now, right?{/i}" k "*smiles *No, it wasn't..." scene un_025_room_k_15 ro "That's great, because it will be the same all night." scene un_025_room_k_17 "Rowlett continues his passionate kissing, while a reluctant Kelly continued to do so given she didn't have any choice." "His hands snake around her waist and pull her closer." scene un_025_room_k_16 ro "Let us go to the bed." k "Where else can we possibly go?" scene un_025_room_k_24 ro "Haha, witty." ro "It is getting hot, let me remove this." scene un_025_room_k_18 with fade "Just within minutes, the kissing slowly moved to the bedroom, with the lips not letting each other separate." scene un_025_room_k_22 "As the intensity grew, the undressing game began for Rowlett." ro "How I waited to remove this piece of cloth all night..." "The room filled with the raw intensity of their desires." scene un_025_room_k_25 ro "You looked fucking hot tonight." k "... think so..." ro "Think so?" ro "I bet every man in the party would have thought of stripping you naked." scene un_025_room_k_20 with dissolve "Rowlett forcefully slides down her gorgeous dress, revealing her tits in full glory while the lacy panties caught his attention." k "{i}Oh god, this isn't going good.{/i}" ro "Damn." ro "You look so classy on the outside..." scene un_025_room_k_23 with dissolve ro "...all to wear nothing inside." ro "You are such a tease." scene un_025_room_k_21 "Kelly didn't respond as Rowlett's words were making her weak, although she was here for a job to do." k "..." "The fact that she had a long distance relationship and busy with her work didn't help her, as Rowlett continued to seductively touch her." "He had already seen what a tantalizing body she possessed, and now he wanted to take full pleasure in it." scene un_025_room_k_26 with dissolve k "{i}Even though I knew what I signed up for, this is getting too far for me.{/i}" k "{i}I will surely regret this.{/i}" scene un_025_room_k_27 ro "I can't wait to explore you Kelly." scene un_025_room_k_28 k "*hesitatingly* Yes, yes... me too." scene un_025_room_k_27 ro "Let me ease up." scene un_025_room_k_28 ro "You're so beautiful." ro "I've never seen anyone like you." scene un_025_room_k_29 "Rowlett's hands continue to explore her body, sending shivers down her spine." "Meanwhile, the mixed emotions of being another man's sex doll wasn't something Kelly expected." scene un_025_room_k_31 with dissolve "In a jiffy, Rowlett stripped Kelly's wonderful dress down, revealing her body in full glory." ro "Oh my god." ro "Such perfection." scene un_025_room_k_32 "As Rowlett lied down on the bed, he took his time to explore every inch of Kelly's naked body." show un_025_room_k_30 with dissolve: xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 #zoom 2.0 linear 4.0 yalign 0.0 pause 4.0 scene un_025_room_k_32 ro "I don't have words to say." ro "I just struck a lottery today." scene un_025_room_k_33 "Kelly stood there emotionless, and with how her night was going, it was apt." "She was just a mere puppet for Rowlett, who controlled her with ease." scene un_025_room_k_32 ro "Come here, Kelly." ro "I need your fragnance." ro "Crawl and climb, darling!" scene un_025_room_k_34 "Kelly crawled her way onto the bed, where Rowlett eagerly awaited as a hungry lion." ro "Touch yourself." scene un_025_room_k_35 with dissolve ro "Your dress was hiding those perfect melons pretty well." ro "Never thought they would be this big." scene ch2scene10_frame1 "Saying so, Rowlett pulled her close and began to suck on her nipples until they were nice and stiff." scene ch2scene10 "Her moans of pleasure were like music to his ears." "But soon Rowlett wanted more. He brought her to the bed and kissed her all over her body. " "She felt every nerve tingling with anticipation. He then took her in a passionate embrace and the two moved together in perfect unison." "His lips found her ample breasts, sucking, teasing, and exploring every inch." "He was getting her so turned on that when he started to trace circles around her nipples with his tongue she almost lost it. " "He leaned down and took one of her hardened nipples into his mouth, sucking on it eagerly as his hand massaged the other." scene ch2scene10_frame2 "Kelly felt like she was in a dream. She wanted to get her clue, but she got something even more satisfying." k "{i}I just can't resist this.{/i}" scene un_025_room_k_35 ro "Fuck." ro "I need to be inside you." k "But wait.. pro.." ro "I like it raw, hope you do to." scene un_025_room_k_36 with dissolve "Giving no option to kelly, Rowlett pushes her closer to him, his hard cock pressing against her wet pussy lips." "He teases her, slowly rubbing his erection against her sensitive flesh. Kelly moans, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over her." scene un_025_room_k_37 with dissolve "Without warning, he rams his cock inside her. Kelly gasps, feeling his hard length stretching her pussy." "Rowlett watched with lust-filled eyes as she positioned herself over him and slowly sank down onto his cock." scene un_025_room_k_38 play sound "audio/moan1.mp3" "They both moaned at the feeling of their bodies joining together." stop sound k "Ahhh!" k "{i}I'm sorry, darling.{/i}" "Boyfriend guilt on one side, the sexual arousal on the other, Kelly had mixed feelings altogther." scene un_025_room_k_39 "The real winner here was Roulett, who left no chance for Kelly to think." "As he leans to kiss her, Kelly pushes him down onto the bed. He's surprised by her sudden assertiveness, but he doesn't resist." scene un_025_room_k_40 ro "Woah." ro "You seem to be enjoying more than I am." scene un_025_room_k_39 k "Did you display the same aggressiveness with your business partners?" scene un_025_room_k_40 ro "I said I don't kno..." scene un_025_room_k_39 k "Ackerman isn't your partner?" scene un_025_room_k_40 ro "Well, I think there's no need to hide from you." ro "He was. Was." scene un_025_room_k_39 k "What happened to him?" scene un_025_room_k_40 ro "Dead." ro "Gone for good." scene un_025_room_k_39 "Kelly got extra aggressive and pressured him." ro "Hey, relax!" scene ch2scene11_frame1 "An aggressive Kelly rode him hard and fast, her hips moving in perfect rhythm with his thrusts." scene ch2scene11 with dissolve "The room was filled with the sounds of their moans and groans as they fucked like animals." k "Faster!" k "FASTER!!" scene ch2scene11_frame2 k "Yes!" scene ch2scene12_frame1 "He began to move in slow, deliberate strokes, each one hitting that perfect spot deep inside of her." scene ch2scene12 with dissolve "Kelly's head spun with pleasure as she matched his rhythm, meeting him thrust for thrust." ro "I can't just stop!" k "Me neither." "Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, the room filled with the sound of their ragged breaths and the slap of skin against skin." scene ch2scene12_frame2 "Kelly could feel the tension building inside of her with every stroke; it was only a matter of time before she would explode into ecstasy." scene ch2scene13_frame1 "She cried out incoherently as the pressure built within her until finally, it all became too much." scene ch2scene13 with dissolve "She came undone beneath him, screaming his name as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her like a tidal wave." ro "I'm going to cum, Kelly!" k "Don't pull out!" ro "Ahhh!" "Rowlett continued to fuck her through orgasm after orgasm until finally, he couldn't hold back any longer." "With a low growl, he emptied himself inside of her, his cock pulsing with release." scene ch2scene13_frame2 "Kelly clung to him desperately as they rode out their orgasms together, their bodies slick with sweat and tangled in a mess of limbs." scene un_025_room_k_41 "They stare at each other in silence for a moment, trying to catch their breaths." ro "Wow." k "Yeah." k "Give me a minute." ro "Sure, sure." scene un_025_room_k_42 "Kelly steps aside to report it to her team waiting." k "*softly* Guys, it is time." scene 025_un_car_n_04 with dissolve p "Well, lads, time to jump into action." scene un_025_room_k_44 with fade "The police reached the room in no time, and took Mr. Rowlett into custody." ro "Hey.. wait." n "Kelly?" $ renpy.end_replay() show screen repun $ persistent.scene8 = True KN_MOD "jump v025_kellyrowlett_common_scene" KN_MOD "else:" scene un_025_room_k_01 with fade "Kelly and Rowlett enter the latter's suite. The room is elegantly decorated, exuding an air of comfort." k "Looks quite comfy." ro "Yeah, it is." scene un_025_room_k_48 with dissolve "Both sit down, ostensibly to discuss the deal, but Kelly is determined to pursue her inquiries." k "So, Rowlett, you can confirm you have no idea about Ackerman?" ro "I just told you in the bar." k "Sure." k "But now that I remember, you do have a casino house across the street, right?" ro "Um... yes?" k "Isn't it part of the partnership between you and Ackerman?" ro "Uh..." ro "I think it is. I don't remember." k "I've been trying to reach Jaffery for days." ro "What are you talking about?" scene un_025_room_k_47 with dissolve k "You know them, don't you?" scene un_025_room_k_46 with dissolve ro "Look." ro "We're here for a deal." ro "If you want to talk about something irrelevant..." scene un_025_room_k_47 k "Why are you..." scene un_025_room_k_46 ro "Look, you crazy woman, watch your mouth. You don't want to end up like them..." ro "DEAD!" scene un_025_room_k_47 k "What?" scene un_025_room_k_46 ro "Get out of my place, please." "Rowlett's threat hangs in the air as Kelly, taken aback, decides it's time to leave, but the message was loud and clear for the detectives outside." scene 025_un_car_n_07 with dissolve n "He has cracked. That is an open threat." n "Guess it is time to send the guys in." scene 025_un_car_n_04 with dissolve p "Well, lads, time to jump into action." scene 025_un_car_n_01 n "Okay Kel, the police is coming." scene un_025_room_k_45 with fade "The police reached the room in no time, and took Mr. Rowlett into custody." ro "Hey.. wait." $ renpy.end_replay() KN_MOD "jump v025_kellyrowlett_common_scene" stop music KN_MOD "label v025_kellyrowlett_common_scene:" scene black "Another day passes, and the elusive killer remains concealed, yet time itself harbors the secrets that inevitably unveil the truth." KN_MOD "jump ch3v30start" KN_MOD "label ch3v30start:" scene black show text "{size=100}{font=fonts/SFPro.ttf}{color=#949494}{outlinecolor=#000000}THE NEXT DAY{/color}{/outlinecolor}{/font}{/size}" with fade $ renpy.pause(3, hard=False) scene un030_sc1_office1_03 with vpunch stop music j "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?" j "I can't believe how you handled Rowlett, Nicole!" j "Explain yourself." scene un030_sc1_office1_04 n "We were, in fact..." n "...I was confident, Commander." n "The evidence pointed at Rowlett, and it hinted at him knowing something about the scenario." n "We believe he might be involved." scene un030_sc1_office1_02 j "You did understand the risks involved in this, right?" scene un030_sc1_office1_04 n "Yes, Commander." scene un030_sc1_office1_02 j "And Kelly..." j "Why on earth would you take such a risk?" scene un030_sc1_office1_05 k "Well, sir, I..." scene un030_sc1_office1_01 j "As a higher-up, you should avoid such actions that might get our department under question." scene un030_sc1_office1_05 k "I should have been more careful." scene un030_sc1_office1_01 j "No more explanations." scene un030_sc1_office1_00 j "You took Rowlett into custody, and now I need to answer many questions." j "His father won't be happy." j "Let Ryan and Sylvia wrap up whatever they are investigating. His Advocate is on the way, and I can't stop this false arrest." scene un030_sc1_office1_04 n "But Commander, Rowlett mentioned something about the scenario at the hotel." n "It seemed like he knew more than he was letting on." scene un030_sc1_office1_00 j "Nicole, we need concrete evidence. Don't let personal feelings cloud your judgment." j "You can leave now." scene black "Nicole and Kelly exit the room, with the former immediately making her way to the interrogation room." scene u030_interogation1_00 with dissolve "She notices Ryan and Sylvia, visibly upset with their body language, while Rowlett keeps a calm composure with a smug smile." scene un030_interogation1_04 r "Rowlett, you may think this is a game, but we're dead serious about finding the truth." r "Look at these photos. This is your car, and we have proof." scene un030_interogation1_02 s "Better start talking, Rowlett." s "We have ways of making you cooperate." scene un030_interogation1_06 ro "Blah, blah, blah." ro "You guys are amusing." ro "Let me say, it is my car, but what proof do you have that it was involved in the crime?" ro "Bring solid evidence, Detectives. Else, you're just wasting your time." scene un030_interogation1_03 r "Look closer, Rowlett." r "Only car in the crime scene. Why was it there in the first place?" scene un030_interogation1_01 s "Cooperate, and it might go easier for you." scene un030_interogation1_08 with dissolve ro "..." ro "Hah! It could be anything. Can be business deals, personal matters, or maybe my driver wanted to take a piss." scene un030_interogation1_01 s "Let us say your connection to the scenario is undeniable." scene un030_interogation1_03 r "The longer you resist, the harder it will be for you. Confess now, and we might show some leniency." scene un030_interogation1_08 ro "I've seen enough police dramas, so whatever you try here won't work on me. My lawyer is on the way to take care of this." scene un030_interogation1_05 s "You can say all you want, Rowlett. But we've got to make you sit." scene un030_interogation1_03 r "Your only way out is cooperation. Don't make this harder than it needs to be." scene un030_interogation1_08 ro "I've been in tighter spots. You won't break me." scene black "Just as the detective was about to continue, Rowlett's advocate arrived, securing Rowlett's release." scene un030_interogation1_10 with fade "Rowlett emerges from the interrogation room, flanked by his lawyer." scene un030_interogation1_11 ro "Wohooo cuties!" ro "Seems like your case is falling apart, isn't it?" scene un030_interogation1_12 n "We'll see about that, Rowlett." n "Don't think you have had your escape." scene un030_interogation1_14 "Rowlett glances at Kelly with a sly smile." ro "Aw, is the poor girl upset that her plan failed?" scene un030_interogation1_15 k "..." scene un030_interogation1_14 ro "Aww, don't be sad." ro "You know me. Knock on my door, and I will take care of you." scene un030_interogation2_00 "Rowlett confidently walks towards the exit, passing by Nicole, Kelly, and Pearce." n "{i}This bastard.{/i}" n "This isn't over, Rowlett." scene un030_interogation2_01 ro "*from a distance* Oh, I'm counting on it." "Rowlett exits the police station with his lawyer, leaving Nicole, Kelly, and Pearce behind." scene un030_interogation1_13 n "That guy is insufferable." p "We'll get another chance to bring him in. Let's focus on gathering more evidence." n "He's just playing mind games. Don't let it bother you, Kelly." scene un030_interogation2_04 k "Yeah, you're right, Nicole." scene un030_interogation2_03 p "Anyway..." p "Detective, what did Commander say?" scene un030_interogation2_07 n "He's furious." n "Thinks we jumped the gun on Rowlett." scene un030_interogation2_06 k "But we had to do something. We couldn't just let him walk away." n "Commander wants concrete evidence." n "He's concerned about the department's reputation." p "I get it, but it's frustrating when those higher-ups get their paychecks from Rowlett." scene un030_interogation2_07 n "Still, I believe I acted in haste." n "We were a bit too eager, and throwing Kelly into the mix was probably unnecessary, in hindsight." scene un030_interogation2_03 p "Let bygones be bygones." p "Still, we don't even have a sniff of the killer." scene un030_interogation2_09 "The room falls into a heavy silence as Ryan and Sylvia enter." scene un030_interogation2_10 s "Hold up. Did I hear it right?" s "You guys went through with THAT idea?" scene un030_interogation2_12 r "I was shocked when Commander told us what happened last night." r "What was the need?" scene un030_interogation2_07 n "Yes, guys." n "We had to, it was a gamble." scene un030_interogation2_13 r "Do you realize how dangerous that was?" r "For you, for Kelly, for the entire damn operation!" scene un030_interogation2_07 n "I get it. We messed up. Forget about it." n "Anything from Rowlett?" scene un030_interogation2_13 r "That bastard was an irritation." r "Didn't give us a straight answer to anything we threw at him." scene un030_interogation2_15 s "We expected it, but he's way more of a smug than we know." s "He was overly confident about being not involved." scene un030_interogation2_14 k "It was a calculated risk. I thought it was the right call. We had to nab him somehow." s "I understand the pressure, Kel, but we need to follow the rules." r "He is a dangerous guy." p "Just great." p "We are still without a clue, back to square one..." n "Yes, Sargent. But let's focus on gathering solid evidence. No more shortcuts." k "Right." k "We can't afford another misstep." p "Abso..." play sound "audio/officephonering.mp3" scene un030_interogation2_18 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1, hard=False) scene un030_interogation2_19 with dissolve "Just then, the phone rings echoed." scene un030_interogation2_20 s "I'll pick that up." scene un030_interogation2_21 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=False) scene un030_interogation2_22 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=False) stop sound scene un030_interogation2_23 with dissolve s "Detective Sylvia from the Odyssey PD on the line." scene un030_interogation2_24 with vpunch s "WHAT?" ### Introduction stop music stop sound scene un030_comp_3 with vpunch n "Hey! I didn't mean to scare you." n "Before you head to the v0.30 update, I would like to explain a few things." n "Recently, this dumbass developer who goes by the name DemonLad, decided to take things the next level." n "So he did a few changes in this update, regarding the textures." scene un030_comp_1 n "You might remember I used to look like this." scene un030_comp_2 n "Now, with the new textures, I look like this. This change is for all characters, so sorry if you find a difference in faces from this update." scene un030_comp_4 n "So, do you find any difference?" n "Haha! I told that idiot it won't make a difference. He made me look even more ugly." n "Well, if you are on the other side of the map, if you liked this change, drop your reactions on the same!" n "And don't forget to give him a sub, because he really needs it." n "See ya soon!" scene un030_crime1_01 with fade $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=False) scene un030_crime1_00 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=False) scene un030_crime1_21 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=False) scene un030_crime1_03 with dissolve play music "audio/countdowninterogation.mp3" s "Yeah, not again." s "Just as we thought we got something to take forward in the case, the ship hits the iceberg." scene un030_crime1_15 r "The MV scar killer is playing games with us." r "It's like every move we make, he is one step ahead." scene un030_crime1_09 with dissolve n "But I'm not too sure..." scene un030_crime1_28 k "What do you mean, Nic?" scene un030_crime1_10 with dissolve n "There seems a bit of urgency there." n "The crime scene is very messy." n "There's blood everywhere, not something we have all this while." scene un030_crime1_28 k "This isn't something we do see in such cases, what is the difference?" scene un030_crime1_02 with dissolve n "The ease with which we found the body, something doesn't add up." n "Previous murders were methodical, but this feels staged." n "I can't shake the feeling that this is a setup or more of a mishap." scene un030_crime1_04 s "You think it's a copycat, Nicole?" scene un030_crime1_24 p "I don't think it is possi..." scene un030_crime1_02 n "It's a plausible scenario." scene un030_crime1_22 with dissolve p "Huh?" scene un030_crime1_13 n "The blatant pattern in this killing diverges from the established modus operandi." n "It isn't the same guy." n "The case is all over the news, and getting info about the details isn't tough." scene un030_crime1_14 n "Upon examining the body, it appears as though the individual was familiar with the as-yet-uncaptured killer's modus operandi and decided to emulate it" n "The manner of death, the throat slit, the distinctive scar." n "All indications that this isn't the work of the original perpetrator." scene un030_crime1_19 r "Now that you mention it, it makes sense." r "We haven't received the forensic reports from the scene yet, so there's a possibility of uncovering new details and, hopefully, some clues." scene un030_crime1_24 with dissolve p "Detectives, c'mon now." p "Can't you guys see?" scene un030_crime1_25 p "MV! It is carved on his body." p "Why are you adamant about this?" p "It's the very signature we've been tracking for so long. Why would someone falsely attribute it to an existing killer of such notoriety?" $ persistent.ch3ac1 = True show screen acun scene un030_crime1_26 k "Nevertheless, Sargent Pearce..." k "We can't rule out anything at this point. We need solid evidence." scene un030_crime1_25 p "The evidence we found matches the previous cases." p "It's consistent with the MV scar killer's M.O." scene un030_crime1_16 s "Umm, I agree with Sargent Pearce." s "It's too early to jump to conclusions, Nicole." scene un030_crime1_08 with dissolve n "But what if it's all orchestrated?" n "The killer wants us to think it's the same person." scene un030_crime1_29 k "Could be." scene un030_crime1_22 p "But why?" scene un030_crime1_11 n "Maybe..." n "This wasn't a pre-planned murder." scene un030_crime1_18 r "So, what's our next move, Nicole?" scene un030_crime1_12 n "Find the killer behind this case." n "Although I'm sure this isn't the killer we are looking for." scene un030_crime1_27 k "We can't afford to be complacent." k "Let us dive deeper into the evidence." scene un030_crime1_23 p "Whatever..." p "I'm sending this to the autopsy." p "Let us ID him first." p "What do you say, Sargent Kelly?" scene un030_crime1_07 k "I agree with you." k "Still Detectives, keep an eye out for any new leads or connections." scene un030_crime1_12 n "I'll give it my best." n "But still, I have reservations about this being our guy..." scene un030_crime1_05 r "We'll mull over that later, Nic." r "Our immediate priority is identifying this individual." scene un030_crime1_17 s "I agree. We need answers, and we need them fast." s "So I think better we move the body for identification." scene un030_crime1_11 n "Sergeant Pearce, as you suggested, let's send it to autopsy." n "I'll be here for a while." scene un030_crime1_20 p "Very well. Detectives, please proceed accordingly." scene un030_crime1_06 r "Okay, Sargent." r "Sylvia, let us go then." s "Alright." scene un030_crime1_20 p "Let me know once you guys are done with it." p "See you later." scene black "Nicole decides to look around the place as Ryan and Sylvia take the body to the autopsy." scene un030_crime1_31 with dissolve n "{i}Let me see.{i}" "Detective Nicole, her investigative instincts on high alert, feels an unrelenting urge to dissect the evolving mystery, piece by piece." "The crime scene unfolds like a complex puzzle, each detail a potential clue in the relentless pursuit of the elusive MV Scar Killer." "As she meticulously examines the surroundings, doubts persist." scene un030_crime1_32 with dissolve n "{i}He doesn't align with the established profile we've been meticulously building.{/i}" n "{i}Still, the notion of a copycat killer, someone emulating the gruesome acts of the original, is a bitter and perplexing realization.{/i}" "Nicole grapples with the idea that the killer they've been chasing might have inadvertently spawned a macabre imitator, or worse, an accomplice." scene un030_crime2_04 n "{i}I need to take a closer look around.{/i}" n "{i}There's something off about this scene, I need to prove this.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_03 "As Nicole roams around, the eerie silence of the crime scene surrounds her. The sun shined bright, making every detail stand out." scene un030_crime2_01 n "{i}The way the victim was positioned... it's different, in urgency.{/i}" n "{i}How can it be?{/i}" scene un030_crime2_00 "Nicole carefully examines the area where the body was found. She looks around a bit, and searches." scene un030_crime2_05 "The crime scene was a mess, there was blood everywhere, and with the body taken to the autopsy, it was a strange feeling for her." "It wasn't often you find a gruesome scene as Nicole has been witnessing over the past few weeks, and the count has been increasing over time." scene un030_crime2_06 n "{i}An empty, silent place.{/i}" n "{i}The right place for a crime.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_07 "Examining the immediate surroundings, Nicole notices an overturned trash can." n "{i}This trash can... might be knocked over by accident.{/i}" n "{i}Let me check it.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_08 "Navigating her way to the fallen trash can, Nicole carefully observes its surroundings." scene un030_crime2_10 "Piles of scattered papers and a few crushed soda cans suggest a recent disturbance." n "{i}There's quite a mess here. I should check if there are any clues about what happened.{/i}" n "{i}First, I'll need to examine the contents of the trash can.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_11 "As Nicole digs through the debris, she wrinkled her nose at the unpleasant sight and smell of the garbage surrounding her." "Discarded food wrappers, crumpled paper, and other items she'd rather not dwell on littered the area." scene un030_crime2_13 "As she continues her search, her fingers suddenly graze a paper document hidden beneath the layers of trash." "With a curious expression, she carefully pulls it out." scene un030_crime2_11 n "{i}What do we have here?{/i}" n "{i}A torn letter... a document?{/i}" scene un030_crime2_12 "Suddenly, her eyes widen as she notices fresh bloodstains on the torn document." "It's a stark contrast to the surrounding filth, and Nicole realizes it might be a recent addition." n "{i}Looks like it's been ripped in haste... and these bloodstains, they're fresh. This could be significant.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_14 "Nicole carefully preserves the paper, preserving the bloodstain, and heads out to run tests on it." ## Forensic scene un030_crime2_15 with fade "Back at the precinct, Nicole heads straight to the forensic lab with the paper in hand." scene un030_crime2_17 "In the lab, Nicole hands over the paper to the forensic expert for analysis." scene un030_crime2_16 forensic_expert "I'll be running the tests and be back in a moment." scene un030_crime2_19 n "*sigh*{i}I'm so nervous...{/i}" scene un030_crime2_18 with dissolve play sound "audio/nicring.wav" noloop "Just then, her phone rings, a call from Detective Ryan." scene un030_crime2_20 n "Yes, Ryan." scene un030_crime2_49 r "Nicole, we've identified the victim." r "His name is Hugo, 70-years old." scene un030_crime2_23 n "{i}Hugo? Interesting.{/i}" n "Details?" scene un030_crime2_49 r "He lived in the North of Odyssey, with his grandson." r "We have informed him, he is on his way soon." scene un030_crime2_21 n "What did Hugo do exactly?" scene un030_crime2_53 r "Not something we imagined, but a vegetable vendor." scene un030_crime2_22 n "{i}Wait, what?{/i}" n "{i}Being a vendor is also business... but...{/i}" n "{i}why would the serial killer even be interested in this guy?{/i}" scene un030_crime2_24 n "Any leads on the motive, Ryan?" scene un030_crime2_53 r "Not yet, Nicole." r "We're still piecing together his last movements. Looks like a quiet, unassuming life." scene un030_crime2_24 n "Hugo wasn't involved in anything shady, was he?" scene un030_crime2_50 r "Doesn't seem like it. Retired accountant, no criminal record." r "But there's always more beneath the surface. We'll dig deeper." scene un030_crime2_26 r "{i}No known enemies.{/i}" n "{i}Retired accountant... no enemies.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_27 n "{i}Seems too simple. What secrets could be hidden in those quiet moments, behind the facade of an unassuming life?{/i}" n "{i}I can't shake the feeling there's more to Hugo's story.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_52 r "You listening, Nic?" scene un030_crime2_25 n "Oh, yes.. yes." n "Did you inform Pearce?" scene un030_crime2_52 r "Umm... Ye-eah. I did." scene un030_crime2_51 with dissolve r "Where are you now?" scene un030_crime2_28 n "City Lab. Running some tests." n "Will meet you soon." scene un030_crime2_51 r "Alright. Bye" scene un030_crime2_29 n "{i}Hugo... MV... connections?{/i}" n "{i}Does he have any enemies or connections to our previous cases?{/i}" scene un030_crime2_30 "She was lost in thoughts as the foresic expert approached after a while to let her know the results come in." scene un030_crime2_31 forensic_expert "Detective, the blood on this paper matches the DNA profile we have on file for Jaden Adams." scene un030_crime2_34 n "Okay, details?" scene un030_crime2_33 forensic_expert "Based on the DNA profiling results, it appears that the individual in question had a history as a conman." forensic_expert "Duped and manipulated countless victims through elaborate scams and orchestrated money looting." forensic_expert "Jaden is in our system since he has been convicted an year ago, and was convicted since he tried to harm one of his clients." scene un030_crime2_34 n "That is some detail." n "{i}This is a breakthrough, and a much needed one.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_35 n "Thank you so much." n "Please send me the details, I need to hurry." scene un030_crime2_32 forensic_expert "Sure, Detective." forensic_expert "Give me a minute." scene un030_crime2_36 "After gathering the details, Nicole scrutinizes the evidence." n "{i}Looks of a killer, yes...{/i}" n "{i}But is he really our man?{/i}" scene un030_crime2_36 with dissolve "Nicole decides to inform Sargent Pearce about the recent developments." "Her fingers tapped the keys with a sense of purpose and urgency as she dials Pearce's number." scene un030_crime2_37 with dissolve n "{i}Wonder what his reaction will be.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_38 n "Hello, Sargent?" n "I have an update on the MV scar killer case." scene un030_crime2_44 p "Nicole, go ahead. I'm listening." scene un030_crime2_38 n "We found a bloodstain on a document at the crime scene." n "The lab results just came in, and it matches a guy named Jaden Adams." scene un030_crime2_39 n "Does it ring a bell?" scene un030_crime2_44 p "No, never heard of him." scene un030_crime2_45 p "Yet, that's significant news, Detective." p "What's your next move?" scene un030_crime2_40 n "Need to visit the hospital." n "Hugo's grandson is coming, need to ask him a few questions." scene un030_crime2_45 p "Good." p "Wonderful that we could find that MV bastard." scene un030_crime2_39 n "But I don't think..." scene un030_crime2_46 p "Explainations for later, Detective." scene un030_crime2_40 n "Understood, Sargent." scene un030_crime2_46 p "Before you go, Nicole, any precautions at the hospital?" scene un030_crime2_40 n "Will be taken care of." n "I'll coordinate with hospital security and keep it low-key." scene un030_crime2_46 p "Great." scene un030_crime2_47 p "We don't want unnecessary attention." p "This was the breakthrough we've been waiting for." p "Let us hit the headlines when no one expects us to." scene un030_crime2_41 n "But before that let us..." scene un030_crime2_48 with dissolve p "*hangs up*" p "{i}This woman...{/i}" scene un030_crime2_41 n "{i}He hung up.{/i}" n "{i}We might not be sure of Jaden being the MV killer.{/i}" scene un030_crime2_42 n "{i}Pearce is adamant on this.{/i}" n "{i}However, he maybe right...{/i}" scene un030_crime2_43 with fade "Lost in her thoughts, Nicole pick up her car to head straight away to the autopsy room, which she reaches within minutes." scene un030_morch1_00 with fade "Nervously, Nicole enters the autopsy area, still processing the revelation about Jaden Adams." scene un030_morch1_01 with vpunch "She's lost in thought when suddenly, Ryan dashes towards her." scene un030_morch1_12 r "Nicole, what's the urgency?" r "Is everything alright?" scene un030_morch1_02 n "Ryan, we found a crucial lead. The bloodstain on this document matches Jaden Adams' DNA." scene un030_morch1_12 r "Jaden Adams who?" scene un030_morch1_02 n "A conman and ex-convict." n "He was in our system." scene un030_morch1_10 r "Interesting." r "Do you think Jaden might be involved in Hugo's murder?" scene un030_morch1_03 n "It's a possibility." n "His connection to this case is too significant to ignore." scene un030_morch1_10 r "But I wonder how did his DNA end up on that document." r "If he was behind it, what motive did he have to kill someone clean as Hugo?" scene un030_morch1_04 n "That's what we need to find out." n "Maybe Hugo's grandson can shed some light on their relationship." scene un030_morch1_08 r "This case is getting more complicated, Nic." r "We're dealing with a conman and a murder. Wonder if there any other surprises in store." scene un030_morch1_05 n "I wouldn't be surprised." n "The more layers we peel back, the murkier the investigation becomes." scene un030_morch1_08 r "Where did you discover the document?" scene un030_morch1_06 n "It was discarded in a nearby bin." scene un030_morch1_09 r "Wow, you are truly amazing, Nic." r "The police overlooked it entirely." r "For the first time, we've got something on our hands that can turn tides." scene un030_morch1_06 n "Exactly." scene un030_morch1_11 r "Also, Hugo's grandson is here." r "I haven't talked to him yet." scene un030_morch1_07 n "We need to." n "Maybe he knows something about Jaden." scene un030_morch1_11 r "You want to inspect the body first?" scene un030_morch1_07 n "No, good enough that you have checked." n "Let's go meet him first." scene un030_morch1_13 with fade $ renpy.pause(1, hard=False) "Ryan and Nicole go to the autopsy approach Hugo's grandson." scene un030_morch1_14 with dissolve r "Hey, buddy." r "What's your name?" scene un030_morch1_18 grandson "Marcus. What do you want?" scene un030_morch1_17 n "{i}*awkward smiles* Umm, this is awkward.{/i}" n "{i}But he might be still worried about his grandpa's demise.{/i}" n "Marcus, we need to ask you some questions about your grandfather's death." scene un030_morch1_19 grandson "Whatever. Just make it quick." grandson "I've got places to be." scene un030_morch1_15 "Looking at Marcus, Nicole was surprised that he was visibly untroubled by the unresolved circumstances surrounding his grandfather's demise." "As Nicole questions him, she gets a feeling that something isn't adding up." scene un030_morch1_16 n "{i}Wait a minute...{/i}" "Her memory sparks with a sudden realization, a striking resemblance between the photo of Jaden Adams and Marcus flickers in her mind." n "{i}It can't be..{/i}" scene un030_morch1_21 n "What's your real name, Marcus?" scene un030_morch1_20 grandson "I told you, it's Marcus." scene un030_morch1_21 n "Are you Jaden Adams?" scene un030_morch1_22 "Marcus, displaying signs of discomfort, attempts to evade the question." grandson "*stuttering* No, I don't know who that is." grandson "Why are you even asking?" scene un030_morch1_21 n "Your body language says otherwise. Tell me the truth." "Marcus hesitates, but before he can respond, Nicole drops the bomb." scene un030_morch1_24 n "I think you're lying. Are you Jaden Adams?" r "What's happening here?" scene un030_morch1_23 "Marcus panics, realizing he's caught." scene un030_morch1_25 with vpunch n "Hey!" scene un030_morch1_26 "Just as Nicole is about to announce her intentions to question him further, he shoves her away and makes a run for it." scene un030_morch1_27 with vpunch "Displaying her investigative prowess, Detective Nicole pursues Jaden Adams." scene ch3scene1 with Dissolve (1.25) "Just as he is about to make a hasty escape, Nicole executes a strategic maneuver, preventing his flight." scene un030_morch1_28 with vpunch n "Nice try Mr. Marcus... or Mr. Adams?" n "You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." n "You have the right to an attorney, only if you get someone to bat for your favor." $ persistent.ch3ac2 = True show screen acun scene un030_crime1_26 grandson "Ugh, I'm fucked!" scene 030_inv0_0_00 with fade "The scene cuts to the bustling police station." scene 030_inv0_0_01 "Nicole sits in the waiting area, anxiously tapping her fingers on the armrest." scene 030_inv0_0_02 "The door to the interrogation room swings open, revealing Pearce jubilantly celebrating, followed by a somber Ryan and Sylvia." scene 030_inv0_0_03 n "{i}What's going on in there?{/i}" scene 030_inv0_0_04 p "We did it!" p "We finally got a confession, guys!" scene 030_inv0_0_06 with vpunch n "Confession?" n "He confessed so easily?" scene 030_inv0_0_05 r "Yeah, he spilled the beans." scene 030_inv0_0_07 p "That bastard dmitted to killing his grandpa over a legal dispute, and guess what?" p "He has coldly confessed to ruthlessly taking lives among those businessmen, all for the sake of filthy lucre!" scene 030_inv0_0_09 n "Wait.. what?" n "That's not possible!" scene 030_inv0_0_08 p "Huh?" p "That's not possible?" p "What do you mean?" scene 030_inv0_0_11 n "How can he possibly be the same killer?" n "We need to dig into his call records and alibi for the previous murders to get to the truth." scene 030_inv0_0_08 p "Hold on, miss." scene 030_inv0_0_10 p "Why complicate things for ourselves?" p "He agreed doing these infront of the camera, infront of two other detectives..." p "In front of me." scene 030_inv0_0_12 n "But... that doesn't add up." n "The MV scar killer left no clues last time." scene 030_inv0_0_14 p "Sometimes, Nic, the simplest answer is the right one." p "We got our man, thanks to you." scene 030_inv0_0_13 n "What about the escort?" scene 030_inv0_0_14 p "He snuffed her out too." p "Caught red-handed while finishing off Ackerman, had to pay the price as well." p "Such a psychopath." scene 030_inv0_0_13 n "Are you sure, Sargent?" n "I mean, he left no traces before. Why now?" scene 030_inv0_0_17 p "People change, Detective." p "We got the confession. The case is closed." scene 030_inv0_0_21 n "Did he admit it willingly, or did you have to force it out of him?" scene 030_inv0_0_16 "Pearce, visibly irritated by the accusation, shoots back." scene 030_inv0_0_15 p "You're getting on my nerves, Detective Nicole." p "We've got what we need." scene 030_inv0_0_22 "Ryan, sensing the escalating tension, interjects with a light tone." r "*nervously* Come on, guys, let's not get into it more further." r "This calls for a celebration, right? We nailed the killer!" scene 030_inv0_0_23 "Sylvia hands Pearce a cup of coffee, her expression mirroring Ryan's nervy demeanor." scene 030_inv0_0_24 s "No more interrogations, no more sleepless nights." s "We finally did it!" scene 030_inv0_0_19 p "Yes, yes." p "Nicole, you should take a breather." scene 030_inv0_0_18 "Nicole, though attempting to mask her unease, nods in agreement." n "Umm... yeah, I guess." scene 030_inv0_0_20 p "Good then." p "Everything's settled. This is a big day for Odyssey and our PD." scene 030_inv0_0_35 p "Off I go, need to meet the Commander and ask him to get ready." p "You too guys, freshen up early since we got a party to attend." scene 030_inv0_0_21 n "Huh? What party?" scene 030_inv0_0_35 p "Ah, I forgot to tell you." p "The news is already up, and to celebrate the Mayor has called for one to rejoice." p "So, I don't know about you guys, I gotta eat a lot today!" scene 030_inv0_0_25 p "See ya tonight!" "As Pearce leaves, the room feels less tense, but the lingering doubt remains palpable among the remaining duo." scene 030_inv0_0_27 r "Phew... that was tense." scene 030_inv0_0_30 s "What was the necessity to go that stubborn, Nic?" scene 030_inv0_0_32 "Nicole, her mind racing with thoughts, gazes at the closed door through which Pearce exited." scene 030_inv0_0_28 n "I don't know, Sy. Something feels off about this." scene 030_inv0_0_27 r "You are think too much." scene 030_inv0_0_30 s "Don't worry, Nic." s "We are on the right side here." scene 030_inv0_0_32 n "It is not about catching a culprit." n "It is about catching the right one." scene 030_inv0_0_29 r "Nicole, we've been chasing this for too long." r "It's time to celebrate." "Ryan's attempt to lighten the mood clashes with Nicole's lingering suspicion." scene 030_inv0_0_34 s "Maybe Pearce is right." s "End of the day, we got what we wanted." scene 030_inv0_0_26 n "I don't know, Ryan. It just doesn't sit well with me." n "Something's missing." scene 030_inv0_0_31 s "Hmm, now that you are pressing on it too much, it has got me going." s "What if Nicole's right? What if we missed something?" scene 030_inv0_0_33 r "Not again!" scene 030_inv1_0_00 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(3, hard=False) scene 030_inv1_0_01 n "Hello Mayor Caitlyn." n "Yes." n "I've been told." scene 030_inv1_0_02 n "I'll be there Mayor." n "Have a good day." scene 030_inv0_0_33 r "Damn." r "A direct invite from the Mayor." scene 030_inv0_0_29 r "Now since everything's settled, let us get ready for the party." r "I don't remember the last time I had it." scene 030_inv0_0_34 s "Oh yes, same here." s "Let us get going!" scene 030_inv0_0_28 n "Okay, let us meet there then." scene black "All the detectives get going to get ready for the party." scene 030_party1_11 with fade "The Detectives are at the party, where there is a relaxed atmosphere around." "High-ranking officials mingle, and a significant number of our main characters have also made their presence felt." scene 030_party1_12 s "You not getting any drinks, Nicole?" scene 030_party1_14 k "She's been standing idle for five minutes straight now." k "What's your little brain pondering at?" scene 030_party1_16 n "You know, something still feels off about the case, even with the confession." scene 030_party1_14 k "Nic, we got the guy." k "Can't we just celebrate for once?" scene 030_party1_13 s "Kelly's right, Nic." s "We've been chasing this for so long." scene 030_party1_16 n "Well, I think right." scene 030_party1_14 k "That's the spirit!" scene 030_party1_19 with fade "At that moment, Mayor Caitlyn entered, successfully uniting the divided audience at the party." c "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight marks a significant victory for our precinct." scene 030_party1_17 with dissolve c "Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our detectives, we've caught the MV scar killer." c "Let's raise our glasses to the brilliant minds who made this possible!" c "Thank you, Commander Jonathan for leading the team brilliantly!" c "To Sergeant Kelly, Sergeant Pearce, Detective Sylvia, Detective Ryan...and the entire team!" scene 030_party1_18 with dissolve c "Also, a special mention to our brave Detective Nicole." c "Your relentless pursuit of justice has made Odyssey safer tonight." c "Tonight, we not only celebrate justice served but also the power of teamwork and dedication!" c "Here's to a precinct that knows how to come together and make our city safer and happier!" scene 030_party1_20 with dissolve "After her uplifting speech, Mayor Caitlyn approaches the group of girls." c "Hope you're all enjoying the party." c "Didn't have much time to prepare, given how everything unfolded so quickly." scene 030_party1_15 k "Everything's fantastic, Mayor Caitlyn." k "Thank you for such a splendid evening." scene 030_party1_21 c "Anytime, Sergeant." c "And what about you, Detective Nicole?" scene 030_party1_23 n "I'm more of a foodie, so a healthy dinner is something I was craving..." n "...and thanks to you, I get to enjoy it now!" scene 030_party1_22 c "Haha, I'm delighted you liked it." c "Interested in a tour of my place? I'd be happy to show you around." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Absolutely:" scene 030_party1_23 n "Sure, why not." scene 030_party1_21 c "Great!" c "Let's go then!" KN_MOD "jump v030_nic_cai_op1" KN_MOD "Some other time:" scene 030_party1_23 n "I'd love that some other time. I have to head back home early." scene 030_party1_22 c "Sure, Detective." scene 030_party1_21 c "Have fun, everyone." KN_MOD "jump v030_nic_cai_op2" KN_MOD "label v030_nic_cai_op1:" scene 030_party1_00 with fade $ renpy.pause(2, hard=False) scene 030_party1_01 c "What are you thinking, Nicole?" scene 030_party1_02 n "Oh... I, nothing serious." n "It is a beautiful house, Mayor." scene 030_party1_01 c "Thank you, but I can read the room." c "You're still bothered by the case, huh?" scene 030_party1_02 n "That's there, but..." scene 030_party1_01 c "Nicole, you did an outstanding job on this case." scene 030_party1_03 c "You're a dedicated Detective. Celebrate the victory tonight." c "Here, have a glass and relax." scene 030_party1_05 with vpunch "As Mayor Caitlyn raises her glass, she accidentally spills wine on Nicole's dress." scene 030_party1_06 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=False) scene 030_party1_10 c "Oh no, I'm so sorry, Nicole!" scene 030_party1_07 n "It's alright, Mayor. Accidents happen." scene 030_party1_10 c "Let's head upstairs. We can quickly wash it off." scene 030_party1_07 n "It's okay, Mayor. I can take care of it at home." scene 030_party1_10 c "This dress is beautiful; I don't want it stained because of my carelessness." scene 030_party1_07 n "Uh..." scene 030_party1_09 c "No need to wait." c "Plus, I'd be happy to show you my bedroom again." scene 030_party1_08 n "*confused* Oh...kay." scene un030_mynic1_00 "Nicole and Mayor Caitlyn head towards the changing room to address the wine spill." c "Go inside and change, Nicole." KN_MOD "if mayorrejected is True:" scene un030_mynic1_01 "Inside the changing room, Nicole tries to clean the wine stain." scene un030_mynic1_02 "In the meanwhile, Caitlyn takes a peek at Nicole." c "{i}That woman oozes sex.{/i}" c "{i}The definition of beauty with brains.{/i}" "But as she was about to make a move on the Detective, she stops." scene un030_mynic1_03 c "{i}A rejection last time...{/i}" c "{i}What if it happens again?{/i}" "Caitlyn doesn't move further and backs out, while Nicole comes out of the bathroom." scene un030_mynic1_46 n "The stain got off quickly, wasn't a big deal." n "Thanks for inviting me, Mayor Caitlyn." scene un030_mynic1_47 c "My pleasure. Will see you around, Detective." KN_MOD "else:" scene un030_mynic1_01 with fade play music "audio/seductionjazz.mp3" "Inside the changing room, Nicole tries to clean the wine stain while Mayor Caitlyn takes a peek." scene un030_mynic1_02 c "{i}That woman oozes sex.{/i}" c "{i}The definition of beauty with brains.{/i}" scene un030_mynic1_03 c "{i}Lemme offer some 'help'.{/i}" scene un030_mynic1_04 "As Nicole was busy wiping off the reds, Caityln came inside the room." scene un030_mynic1_05 c "I apologize again, Nicole." c "I didn't mean to ruin your dress." scene un030_mynic1_06 n "*startled* No need to apologize, Mayor. It's just a dress." n "I can take care of it." scene un030_mynic1_07 c "Call me Caitlyn, I said this the other day at the City Hall. Drop the formatilites." n "Caitlyn, then." "Caitlyn's hand lingers on Nicole's shoulder, and for a moment, time seems to stand still." scene un030_mynic1_08 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.8, hard=False) scene un030_mynic1_09 with dissolve "Caitlyn slowly started sliding down the straps of Nicole's shiny mini dress." c "You looked splendid tonight." c "I was noticing the eyes lingering on your body." scene un030_mynic1_10 with dissolve c "Maybe it's the wine talking, but I feel a connection, Nic." n "Oh.." c "Well, let me ease things off here." scene un030_mynic1_11 with dissolve "Caityln turns Nicole around, and slowly helps her off the dress." scene un030_mynic1_12 with dissolve c "I wanted to do this last time..." "Nicole feels her heart race as Caitlyn's words hang in the air." scene un030_mynic1_13 with dissolve "Within a jiffy, Nicole stood in her fancy white lingerie, and Caitlyn couldn't keep her eyes off her." scene un030_mynic1_14 c "Oh my, is our hottie Detective blushing?" scene un030_mynic1_15 "Before Nicole could react, the Mayor had other plans" scene un030_mynic1_16 c "Let's go to the bedroom." "Nicole did not react, it was like she gave up, falling flat to the Mayor's touches as the walk towards the room." scene un030_mynic1_16 with fade c "You look ravishing tonight." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be disinterested:" scene un030_mynic1_17 with dissolve n "Thank you Caitlyn, but I think I should leave now." scene un030_mynic1_16 with dissolve c "That's a request I did not expect." c "..." c "Well, I shall respect it." c "Let's clean the stain and get going." scene un030_mynic1_17 with dissolve n "Thanks for understanding." scene black "The night came to an unexpected halt, transforming what was meant to be an exciting evening into something entirely different." KN_MOD "Take the lead:" scene un030_mynic1_17 with dissolve $ persistent.ch3ac3 = True show screen acun scene un030_crime1_26 n "I think you've praised me enough." n "Let me take the initiative now." scene un030_mynic1_16 with dissolve c "Oh my, seconds ago you had a different expression." scene un030_mynic1_17 with dissolve n "I was cold then, now you've turned the heat on." scene un030_mynic1_18 "Nicole quickly began her advances, turning Caitlyn and slowly taking off her dress." c "It seems strange you are into it." scene un030_mynic1_19 "The Detective didn't respond, and had a view of what to do next." scene un030_mynic1_20 "The dress slid off quickly, exposing the naked body of Caitlyn for the first time infront of Nicole." "Nicole doesn't stop there. She starts caressing Caitlyn's back, slowly generating a passion contact between them." play sound "audio/moan1.mp3" noloop c "*moans*" scene un030_mynic1_21 "Nicole then makes the text move, with her lips trailing down Caitlyn's neck, with hot and passionate kisses." c "It's tickling me..." n "It surely does." scene un030_mynic1_22 "Nicole gave a repeat of what the Mayor gave her in the city hall, a role reversal was something the Mayor didn't anticipate." scene un030_mynic1_23 "As the two ladies were passionately lost, Nicole decides to take a step further." scene un030_mynic1_27 with dissolve "Nicole quickly made her move, turning around Caitlyn, with her eyes never leaving Caitlyn's as she looked towards her with a sultry smile." c "Wow, a manly move." n "You can call it a detective tingle." scene un030_mynic1_24 "The anticipation was palpable as their bodies inches closer together, heat radiating between them, with their lips inching in closer." scene un030_mynic1_25 "The tension builds, and they share a tender kiss." "Caitlyn's skin glowed in the dim light, her breath hitching as Nicole's fingers ghosted over her bare skin." scene un030_mynic1_26 "The kissing continued for a while, as the taste of their lips weren't letting them part away." scene un030_mynic1_27 n "Turn around, darling." scene un030_mynic1_32 "Caitlyn was obeying everything Nicole was throwing at her." "The tension in the room was thick, and they both knew what was coming next." scene un030_mynic1_33 "Nicole's hands roamed over Caitlyn's body, her touch gentle yet knowing." scene un030_mynic1_34 "She cupped Caitlyn's breasts in her hands, kneading them as she pleased." n "They are so full." scene un030_mynic1_35 "Caitlyn's breaths turned into small gasps as Nicole's fingers continued their play, flicking them hardened nipples as she pleased." scene un030_mynic1_38 n "There seems to be no reaction from you." c "You are not letting me breath." n "*smiles* There's more to come." scene un030_mynic1_36 with dissolve "Nicole slowly started focusing on other parts of the Mayor's body, scaling her hips as her hands moved down." scene un030_mynic1_37 with dissolve "As Nicole's hands moved lower, inching towards Caitlyn's panties, the tension between them soared." scene un030_mynic1_39 "She slipped a hand inside, feeling the dampness already gathering there." scene un030_mynic1_42 "Caitlyn's hips arched towards her, her moans growing louder as Nicole's fingers worked their magic." "In the heat of the moment, Nicole didn't hold back." scene un030_mynic1_41 n "Now I can hear you moan!" c "*moans* Oh my god!" scene ch3scene2 with dissolve "Her fingers moved skillfully, bringing Caitlyn to the edge of ecstasy before pulling back, only to repeat the process." "Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their desire growing with each passing second." "Her moans were deafening as she climaxed, her body trembling in pleasure." scene un030_mynic1_43 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene un030_mynic1_44 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene un030_mynic1_45 with dissolve "Nicole held her close, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as they rode out the waves of pleasure together." c "You..." n "Shhh!" n "Relax now, time I get dressed." scene un030_mynic1_29 with fade c "Leaving this early?" scene un030_mynic1_28 with dissolve n "I have to." n "We've been missing for a while now." scene un030_mynic1_29 c "Oops!" scene black "After an intense session, both of them get dressed." scene un030_mynic1_46 n "The stain got off quickly, wasn't a big deal." n "Thanks for inviting me, Caitlyn." scene un030_mynic1_47 c "I enjoyed our little intense session. Will see you around, Detective." scene un030_mynic1_31 stop music "Nicole thanked the mayor again and left the room to get back home early." KN_MOD "jump v030_commonscene_rain" KN_MOD "label v030_nic_cai_op2:" scene black stop music "Nicole stayed at the party for a while, and then left to her place." $ renpy.end_replay() show screen repun $ persistent.scene9 = True KN_MOD "jump v030_commonscene_rain" KN_MOD "label v030_commonscene_rain:" scene un030_rainsc1_01 "Nicole leaves the Mayor's party in high spirits." n "{i}What a nice evening.{/i}" scene un030_rainsc1_02 n "{i}Ugh, think it's gonna rain. Have to head back soon.{/i}" scene un030_rainsc1_03 "As she was halfway down to her place, the rain starts pouring, leaving her stranded in the middle of the road." play music "audio/rainandthunder.mp3" scene un030_rainsc1_02 n "{i}Ugh, seriously?{/i}" n "{i}Now?{/i}" n "{i}Arrgh. I won't find anyone now to fix this, stupid me left without my bag and phone.{/i}" n "{i}No other way, got to hurry home.{/i}" scene un030_rainsc1_04 "Without second thoughts, Nicole steps out into the rain, ready to run." scene un030_rainsc1_05 n "{i}Running in the rain. Great. Just great.{/i}" n "{i}When will I ever have a normal day?{/i}" play sound "audio/thunder.mp3" scene un030_rainsc1_07 $ renpy.pause(0.5, hard=True) scene un030_rainsc1_08 stop sound "The lightening and rain wasn't comfortable for Nicole, but she had to walk home with no help on offer." scene un030_rainsc1_06 "Just as she moves ahead, Tom, coincidentally drives by." scene un030_rainsc1_10 "He notices Nicole walking alone." scene un030_rainsc1_06 t "{i}What's she doing this late... is that Nicole?{/i}" scene un030_rainsc1_09 "Tom, spotting Nicole in distress, pulls over." scene un030_rainsc1_13 t "Hey, Nic, walking alone at night in this rain?" scene un030_rainsc1_11 "Nicole looks surprised to see Tom." n "Tom? What are you doing here?" scene un030_rainsc1_13 t "Stop asking questions." t "You'll catch a fever if you don't get in now!" t "Hop in. Let's go my place." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Ask him to drop you home:" scene un030_rainsc1_13 n "Nope, not at this hour." n "Drop me home!" scene un030_rainsc1_14 t "You are drenched!" t "My place is close, take a few minutes and change, else don't complain you have a running nose!" scene un030_rainsc1_12 n "Don't worry about me." n "Just drop me home!" scene un030_rainsc1_14 t "Okay, okay! I can't convince you *laughs* Come sit now!" scene un030_rainsc1_16 "Nicole sits inside as Tom proceeds to head towards Nicole's place." scene un030_rainsc1_17 n "I can't believe my car decided to give up on me tonight." n "Thanks for picking me up, Tom." t "No problem, Nicole. Anything for you." KN_MOD "jump v030_commonscene_rain_c1" KN_MOD "Go to his place:" scene un030_rainsc1_13 n "Nope, not at this hour." n "Drop me home!" scene un030_rainsc1_14 t "You are drenched!" t "My place is close, take a few minutes and change, else don't complain you have a running nose!" scene un030_rainsc1_12 n "Arrrgh! Take no for an answer sometimes!" n "Fine, let us go!" scene un030_rainsc1_16 "Nicole appreciates the gesture and gets into Tom's car, dediciding it is the right decision." scene un030_rainsc1_17 n "I can't believe my car decided to give up on me tonight." n "Thanks for picking me up, Tom." t "No problem, Nicole. Anything for you." KN_MOD "jump v030_rain_tom_place" KN_MOD "label v030_rain_tom_place:" stop music play music "audio/sensualescape.mp3" "Within no time, both reached Tom's place." scene un030_tnhsc1_00 with dissolve t "Welcome to my small, happy place, Detective." scene un030_tnhsc1_02 n "Looks cozy, thanks for arriving unexpectedly!" "Nicole was soaked. Her clothes were drenched and were clinging to her body." show un030_tnhsc1_03 with dissolve: xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 #zoom 2.0 linear 4.0 yalign 0.0 pause 4.0 scene un030_tnhsc1_01 t "That way, dry yourself up, I'll get you something to wear." scene un030_tnhsc1_04 n "Sure." n "Hope I'm not being a troublemaker." scene un030_tnhsc1_00 t "You've gotta be kidding me, haha." scene un030_tnhsc1_05 "Nicole went inside so she can get rid of the wet dress early." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Be comfortable:" $ v030_nicoleiscomfortable = True scene un030_tnhsc1_06 with fade $ persistent.ch3ac4 = True show screen acun scene un030_crime1_26 "She had found comfort in this place, and unknowingly kept the door open." scene un030_tnhsc1_17 "As she started to unbutton her dress, Tom couldn't resist sneaking a peek." scene un030_tnhsc1_07 "Tom watched every action of Nicole." "Her lingerie shined thanks to the rain creating a silky surface on the material, while Tom waited for them to be clasped off." scene un030_tnhsc1_08 "His desires came true as Nicole takes off everything she wore, standing naked with a voluptuous pose." show un030_tnhsc1_09 with dissolve: xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 #zoom 2.0 linear 4.0 yalign 0.0 pause 4.0 "He scanned every inch of her perfect backside, with his member in his pants twitching hard at the sight of this sexy woman." scene un030_tnhsc1_10 n "Tom, can you give me something to wear?" scene un030_tnhsc1_18 t "{i}Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!{/i}" "Tom's heart skipped a beat, but he realized he hadn't been caught, but he quickly snapped out of it and went to grab her a dress to wear." t "*stammering* Yeah.. yeah. In a minute!" scene un030_tnhsc1_12 t "Here, take it." scene un030_tnhsc1_11 n "Thank you." "Tom could get another glimpse of that perfect ass on the mirror, which he thoroughly enjoyed." scene un030_tnhsc1_14 "Before he would leave, he once again takes a peek, now showcasing Nicole's front assets in full glory." "Tom's eyes widens at the sight of her breasts, her full tits in all their glory being popping around all the places." scene un030_tnhsc1_15 t "{i}Phew! That was close...{/i}" scene un030_tnhsc1_13 "Meanwhile, Nicole was aware of what was going on." n "{i}Did he really think I didn't catch him peeking?{/i}" n "{i}Let me close this now, atleast.{/i}" KN_MOD "Close the door:" scene black "As soon as she got inside, Nicole closed the door, and changed to a robe Tom gave her." scene un030_tnhsc1_16 with dissolve n "*teasingly* Thanks for the 'short' robe." t "Ah! Sorry." t "That was the only girly clothing I had." n "*teasingly* Strange." scene un030_tnhsc1_19 t "Have a seat in the couch, I'll bring us something to eat." scene un030_tnhsc2_00 n "Nope, can't eat another bite." n "Just came from a party and was on my way home when the darn car decided to call it quits." scene un030_tnhsc2_03 t "Car troubles, right? Always show up at the worst times. What happened?" scene un030_tnhsc2_08 n "It just decided to give up on me, right in the middle of nowhere." n "Thought I could make it home, but luck wasn't on my side tonight." scene un030_tnhsc2_02 t "Well, lucky for you, I came along at the right time." n "Yeah, seems like it." n "Thanks again for the rescue, Tom." scene un030_tnhsc2_06 t "Ah! Stop it with the thank you, Nicole." t "So, spill the beans about this party. Who threw it?" scene un030_tnhsc2_08 n "It was Mayor Caitlyn's gig." scene un030_tnhsc2_05 t "Ah, the Mayor." t "That explains the fancy vibes of your dress." t "What was the scene like?" scene un030_tnhsc2_07 n "Oh, it was a blast." n "The place was all decked out, music pumping, and the big shots from the precinct were all there, rubbing shoulders." scene un030_tnhsc2_09 t "Sounds swanky." t "Did you enjoy yourself?" n "Eh, it was alright." n "You know these events – a mix of small talk and formalities." n "But it was cool to see everyone outside the usual work hustle." scene un030_tnhsc2_05 t "If memory serves, you caught the killer, right? It was all over the news today." t "The party was to celebrate that, I presume?" scene un030_tnhsc2_011 n "Yes." n "The guy got caught. Not sure if he willingly spilled the beans, but the higher-ups are pretty thrilled." scene un030_tnhsc2_010 t "That's great news." t "Maybe now I won't have to endure those daily investigations." scene un030_tnhsc2_011 n "*laughs* One can only hope." scene un030_tnhsc2_03 t "Alright, on that note, let's have a drink!" scene un030_tnhsc2_04 n "Wait, where are you going?" n "Hold your horses!" scene un030_tnhsc2_010 t "C'mon!" t "The fearless Detective of our town is in my humble abode on this auspicious day, and I won't let her leave empty-handed!" t "Not on my watch!" t "Please?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Some other day:" scene un030_tnhsc2_019 with fade n "Although I wish to, I have to drive back home." n "Sorry Tom, but we'll do this some other day." scene un030_tnhsc2_020 t "Ah! Bummer." t "No worries, I can understand." t "Let you dress dry a little, I can iron it for you before you leave." scene un030_tnhsc2_019 n "Thanks for the help, Tom!" KN_MOD "Have a drink:" n "Fine, not too many alright?" t "That's the spirit!" t "Be back in a jiffy!" scene un030_tnhsc2_012 with fade "Tom scours his kitchen cabinets, determined to find something special to share." t "{i}I should make this special.{/i}" scene un030_tnhsc2_013 with dissolve t "Ah, here we go! A bottle of that special whiskey I've been saving." n "Tom, you really don't have to..." scene un030_tnhsc2_014 t "Nonsense! It's a celebration. A toast to the brilliant detective who cracked the case!" scene un030_tnhsc2_015 "Tom expertly pours two glasses and hands one to Nicole." t "To justice served and mysteries unraveled!" scene un030_tnhsc3_01 n "That's a bad joke but hey, you tried." scene black "They clink their glasses, taking a sip, and talk for while, although it got to Nicole pretty quickly." scene un030_tnhsc2_016 n "Alright, Tom, I'll admit *hick* this is pretty good." n "Pour more!" scene un030_tnhsc2_017 t "Hey, hey!" t "Easy there, Nicole." t "We don't want our brave detective stumbling into new mysteries." scene un030_tnhsc2_018 n "Aww poor baby, did I scare you?" n "Come on! You're supposed to be the bravest one." scene un030_tnhsc3_00 t "That's not the case... I." scene un030_tnhsc3_02 n "Hein?" n "What is it? *hick*" scene un030_tnhsc3_00 "Tom can't help but be drawn to her." scene un030_tnhsc3_03 "The atmosphere becomes charged, and he finds himself captivated by the way her lips move, almost inviting him to take a taste." "However, he decides to help Nicole relax a bit, alone." scene un030_tnhsc3_04 t "Be seated, I'll get you something to eat." scene un030_tnhsc3_06 n "Hey human, where you think you are going?" n "Sit here and talk to me." scene un030_tnhsc3_07 "As Nicole pulls him closer, Tom, feeling a bit shy, reluctantly takes a seat, with Nicole now more closer than before." t "Alright, alright. I'm here." t "What's on your mind, Nicole?" "Nicole smirks playfully, leaning in closer as if sharing a secret." scene un030_tnhsc3_08 n "So, Tom, spill it. What kind of girls do you like?" "Tom, caught off guard, stumbles over his words." t "Uh, well, you know, I don't really... have a specific type." t "Just someone nice, I guess." play sound "audio/thunder.mp3" scene un030_tnhsc3_09 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc3_09 with dissolve stop sound "Just as Nicole was about to dig deeper, a loud clap of thunder and lightening echoes through the room, making both of them jump." scene un030_tnhsc3_11 "Before they both knew, Nicole was on top of Tom, as they lock eyes." scene un030_tnhsc3_12 "The intensity of the moment seems to grow, the sound of rain and thunder outside adding to the electric atmosphere inside." "The unspoken connection lingers, and for a brief moment, time seems to stand still." scene un030_tnhsc3_13 n "What are we *hick*?" t "It was a sudden roar from the clouds, haha." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let the moment flow:" scene un030_tnhsc3_20 with dissolve $ persistent.ch3ac5 = True show screen acun scene un030_crime1_26 "Nicole looked straight into his eyes." n "What?" scene un030_tnhsc3_19 t "What, what?" scene un030_tnhsc3_20 n "Why are you smiling?" scene un030_tnhsc3_19 "Nicole was right. Tom was nervous as well as hot for Nicole." scene un030_tnhsc3_18 "Nicole's lips were like a cherry need to picked and enjoyed, and the wetness it had sipping the whisky made it glisten." scene un030_tnhsc3_21 "With a mischievous glint in his eye, Tom couldn't hold back any longer. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on Nicole's lips, tasting her sweetness for the first time." scene un030_tnhsc3_22 "Nicole was startled at the moment. Even though her mind was lingering around the same thought, the sudden moment caught her offguard." n "{i}I.... love this!{/i}" scene un030_tnhsc3_27 "Within seconds, Nicole responded eagerly, hungry for more of his touch. Tom's hands started exploring her body, causing her to moan with pleasure." "The their tongues dance in a heated rhythm, and both don't seem to stop." play sound "audio/thunder.mp3" scene un030_tnhsc3_29 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc3_28 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc3_29 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc3_28 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc3_29 with dissolve "Without warning, the lightning strikes again, illuminating the room in a blinding light." stop sounds scene un030_tnhsc3_30 "They continued to kiss like passionate lovers, and oh boy, they were hungry for each other." scene un030_tnhsc3_31 "With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Tom moves to Nicole's neck and begins to trail kisses down her throat, sending shivers down her spine." play sound "audio/moan1.mp3" noloop n "*moan*" scene un030_tnhsc3_33 "She moans in pleasure as he nibbles on her sensitive skin, marking her as his." scene un030_tnhsc3_34 n "{i}Ahh! He's so gentle!{/i}" scene un030_tnhsc3_35 "Tom uses his tongue in motion, enjoying every inch of Nicole's body, while she was restless and vibrated as he continued meeting her sensitive points." scene un030_tnhsc3_36 "But Tom is not one to waste time, and his hands move to undo Nicole's robe." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "Let him continue:" scene un030_tnhsc3_37 with dissolve "Nicole doesn't stop him, and let's him continue." scene un030_tnhsc3_46 "While he's doing so, he takes a peek at her vaginal area, which he finds it closed with her panties." scene un030_tnhsc3_39 t "Wow, you wore your paanties back?" t "But you left me something to savor naked, atleast." scene un030_tnhsc3_38 "Saying so, he he slides down her robe completely, revealing her bare breasts in full glory." scene un030_tnhsc3_39 t "There are so..." scene un030_tnhsc3_40 with dissolve "Nicole was now shy. The once bold and confident woman has exposed her bare breasts to a man, with the alchohol making things even difficult." scene un030_tnhsc3_43 t "I always wanted to see them, feel them, make love to them." t "You are a literal goddess, Nic." scene un030_tnhsc3_41 "As Tom whispered what his inner thoughts were, Nicole felt more and more embarrassed." n "{i}What is this feeling?{/i}" scene un030_tnhsc3_44 "As Nicole sat there with only her panties on, Tom couldn't help but imagine unthinkable things to do with her." scene un030_tnhsc3_45 "He took his time to look at Nicoly's shining body top to bottom." "Meanwhile Nicole, was still in a confusing state." scene un030_tnhsc4_00 "In order to make her mood running, Tom pulls her close and plants another peck." t "{i}She tastes so good...{/i}" "Next, he knew what to do." scene un030_tnhsc4_01 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc4_02 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) "He places his hands on Nicole's exposed chest, cupping it and measuring it himself." scene un030_tnhsc4_03 with dissolve t "These look heavy." scene un030_tnhsc4_04 n "They are, mister." scene un030_tnhsc4_06 "He takes the left boob in his hand and gently squeezes, eliciting a gasp from Nicole." scene un030_tnhsc4_07 "Her nipples harden under his touch, begging to be touched, and he obliges." scene un030_tnhsc4_07 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc4_08 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc4_09 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) "He flicks her hardened nipple, enjoying every bit of the activity he was doing." scene un030_tnhsc4_10 play sound "audio/moan1.mp3" noloop n "Ah!" n "Be gentle." scene un030_tnhsc4_07 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc4_08 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc4_09 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) "Her words are unheard, as he does it again." scene un030_tnhsc4_11 n "Hey!" n "Not again!" scene un030_tnhsc4_12 n "Ha! Now you are back on track." scene un030_tnhsc4_13 with dissolve "Tom was right, as Nicole's hands unknowlingly wandered around his crotch area." "She felt Tom's member trying to snuggle its way out of his pants." scene un030_tnhsc4_14 t "That feels nice." scene un030_tnhsc4_15 "With Nicole slowly coming into rhythm, Tom gives a strong press on her chest." scene un030_tnhsc4_16 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc4_17 with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) scene un030_tnhsc4_ with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1.0, hard=False) "He takes and pulls her left nipple, with Nicole's breathing getting faster as he did that." scene un030_tnhsc4_19 play sound "audio/moan1.mp3" noloop n "You are getting too comfortable now!" n "That hurts!" scene un030_tnhsc4_22 "Tom found it difficult to stop the constant throbbing of his cock, and went straight to his pants to relax it." scene un030_tnhsc4_20 n "Hey!" n "What are you upto?" scene un030_tnhsc4_23 t "C'mon!" t "Do you think I can hold it much longer?" scene un030_tnhsc4_24 with fade "Within seconds, Tom takes off his pants, revealing his erect penis to Nicole." "It's then that Nicole notices his hard-on, pressing against her thigh, and she can't resist the temptation any longer." scene un030_tnhsc4_25 with fade "Shhe gently starts playing with his balls, as he gets a tingling senstation with what Nicole was doing." "She moves her hand towards it and starts stroking him, feeling his length and girth in her hands." scene un030_tnhsc4_26 n "You always dreamed of this, haven't you?" n "Did my kiss make you so hard?" n "Or was it my beautiful breasts you played with?" scene un030_tnhsc4_27 "Tom groans in pleasure and closes his eyes, his head thrown back in ecstasy as Nicole continued." scene ch3scene3 with Dissolve (1.25) "Nicole can feel Tom getting closer and closer to his climax as she continues to stroke him." scene ch3scene4 with Dissolve (1.25) "The thought of him reaching that peak under her touch makes her even more excited." scene un030_tnhsc4_31 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene un030_tnhsc4_29 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) scene un030_tnhsc4_30 with vpunch $ renpy.pause(1.5, hard=True) "And with one final stroke, Tom's body tenses and he climaxes with a guttural moan, spilling his seed on Nicole's tits." scene un030_tnhsc4_32 with dissolve "As they both come down from their high, tired and falling, their bodies hugged as they cleaned up." scene un030_tnhsc4_33 with dissolve "Still entwined and their breathing heavy, the rain continues to pour outside, acknowledging their passionate encounter." scene un030_tnhsc4_34 "After falling asleep on the couch, Nicole gets up." n "{i}Oh my, I have overslept.{/i}" "Tom also gets up, visibly confused." scene un030_tnhsc4_35 n "Sorry for troubling you, Tom." n "I gotta hurry, I need to reach the station early." scene black "Before tom could explain, Nicole gets up." scene un030_tnhsc4_36 n "I'm getting late, I got to go." scene un030_tnhsc4_37 t "Okay, this was all of a sudden." t "Let me get your dress ironed." KN_MOD "jump v030_rain_tom_place_common_ending" KN_MOD "Do not proceed further:" scene un030_tnhsc3_37 "As Tom was about to unwrap his present, Nicole decided to wrap it up." n "No, I think we have come too far." t "Just wa.." n "No." scene black "Before tom could explain, Nicole gets up." scene un030_tnhsc4_36 n "I'm getting late, I got to go." scene un030_tnhsc4_37 t "Okay, this was all of a sudden." t "Let me get your dress ironed." KN_MOD "jump v030_rain_tom_place_common_ending" KN_MOD "Buckle up:" scene un030_tnhsc3_23 "Nicole gets back to her senses, and gets up from the comprimising position." n "Uh, that was funny." n "Think I got to move." scene un030_tnhsc3_14 t "Uh.." t "Yes.. yes." t "But better you sober up." scene un030_tnhsc3_24 n "Nah, I'm all good." n "It is getting late, I got to get up early tomorrow." scene un030_tnhsc3_14 t "Okay, as you suggest." KN_MOD "jump v030_rain_tom_place_common_ending" KN_MOD "label v030_rain_tom_place_common_ending:" scene black stop music "After a while, Nicole gets her dress ironed, making sure it isn't wet anymore." scene un030_nich_00 with fade n "Good to go. Mind dropping me off at my place?" scene un030_nich_00 t "Absolutely, let us go." $ renpy.end_replay() show screen repun $ persistent.scene10 = True KN_MOD "label v030_commonscene_rain_c1:" scene un030_nich_03 n "Thanks for the ride, Tom. I appreciate it." scene un030_nich_02 t "No problem, Nicole. Take care, alright?" scene un030_nich_03 n "I will. Good night." scene un030_nich_05 "Just as Nicole climbs the stairs to her apartment, key in hand, she notices the door's slightly ajar." n "{i}The door open? Okay this is not right.{/i}" "Her instincts kick in and she's immediately on high alert." scene un030_nich_06 "Taking a deep breath, Nicole cautiously pushes the door open. The apartment is dimly lit, the silence unnerving." n "{i}Is someone in here?{/i}" n "{i}I need to investigate carefully. No sudden moves.{/i}" n "{i}and... I don't have my gun on me...{/i}" scene un030_nich_07 "As she steps inside, she notices a letter on the table. Her heart races as she reads its ominous message." scene un030_nich_08 n "{i}What the hell is that?{/i}" scene un030_nich_07_l with dissolve $ renpy.pause(5, hard=False) scene un030_nich_13 n "{i}What?{/i}" n "{i}This is an open threat.. {/i}" n "{i}Who would do this? Does he possibly know me well? I can't wrap my head around this.{/i}" scene un030_nich_09 with dissolve "Just as Nicole finishes reading, her phone rings. She answers." scene un030_nich_10 n "Hello." scene un030_nich_11 n "Yes, Detective Nicole on the line." scene un030_nich_12 with vpunch n "No way!" KN_MOD "jump exitsequence" KN_MOD "ModWork created and maintained at" KN_MOD "modded by modder2 Jan-2024-alpha0.2 program. Created by BulliThulli"