DebugKeys: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >SpineAnime_Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Alpha1] - IDK does nothing? >w> [Alpha2] - Adds 0.4f to pleasure gauge. >w> [Alpha3] - Minus 0.4f in pleasure guage. >w> [Alpha5] - Sets health to near death. XwX [Alpha6] - Restores default health. >w> [Alpha7] - Sets run speed to 10f, sets Dec Stamina to 0.1f, and sets Rec Stamina to 10f. ?w? [Alpha8] - Restores default values run speed, dec stamina, and rec stamina. X3 [M] - Makes player character's skin darker. >w> [,] - Restores player character's skin default. w> All I know its for "chara_MainType_ID = 1". >w< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >MyGameManger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Hold Left [CTRL] down when using these keys. ^w^) [U] - Turns off collision boxs. >w> [I] - Turns On collision boxs. >w> [Alpha9] - Zooms in and re-angles main game's Player camera (Caution this seems to overlap with another cheat that spawns a helper NPC girl)! OwO [Alpha8] - Resetsmain game's Player camera. ^w^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FaceButton_Debug: (Use up and down arrow eyes while hold the main key down. >w<) Alpha4 - Changes eyes. OwO Alpha5 - Changes Blow/Eyebrows? ?w? Alpha6 - Changes Mouth. :3 Alpha7 - Changes Sub eye. >w> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------