Link to this guide: Long Live the Princess guide by Glaurung. Please do not repost this guide without permission from the author. message me on with corrections/additions/questions. version: 23 March 2023. based on game version 1.0 "Long Live the Princess" is an erotic video game. The current version is available via the developer’s patreon ( ) and subscribestar ( ). This is not a walkthrough. There is an up to date walkthrough here: The walkthrough tells you what actions to take for every day of the game, but doesn't tell you why. If you make one mistake in following the walkthrough, you'll be stuck. And if you want to play the game your way instead of someone else's way, it's not helpful. Hence this guide. A cheat mod exists. Find it here: *** Contents: *** I. Playing and winning the game 0. FAQs 1. Spoiler-free advice 2. Stats 3. Playing strategy 4. Winning the game 5. Miscellaneous 6. Characters – general II. Sex, Relationships, perversions, and secrets 7. Characters – sex and romance 8. Miscellaneous pervy things 9. Notes on secrets 10. Finding the initial clues to each secret 11. Finding all the clues to each secret 12. Hints for multiple choice questions in secrets *** 0. FAQs *** All of these are addressed in more detail later in this guide, but I am putting a short version here because these are FAQs on the forum and discord channel. 1. Evelyn has left town! What did I do wrong? - Evelyn has an inhibition that prevents her from accepting your advances. You learn of the inhibition while revealing her large secret. You become able to remove the inhibition after you remove her dark secret. Don't even try to tell her how much you desire her until after that inhibition is gone. 2. How do I keep Primrose out of jail? - You need to solve Primrose's large secret, then solve Samarra's large secret. - make sure you've trained with the Crone twice so you are able to reveal large secrets. - Primrose's secret: investigate 3 things in the library to get 3 clues. Talk to Primrose and you'll be able to ask her about one of the clues - do that. Present the 3 clues to Samarra to learn a final clue. - Samarra's secret: learn one clue from Primrose after you reveal her secret. Search behind the library for a second clue (only after revealing P's secret), and ask the Crone about what you found there for a final clue. 3. I am stumped by the family records puzzle. - Making wrong guesses will cause the game to give you a hint. - you need to look for a discrepancy in the death date of a parent vs the birth date of a child. 4. What about the Fairy Queen's vision puzzle? - You cannot solve this right away. - Your character is not the truthsayer in the vision. There's another truthsayer in town, the vision is about them. - Learn that person's origin story (talk to their mentor for this). The mentor's story has multiple parts, and each part requires you to earn a bit more of their trust. The final part of their story will provide you with one of the clues you need to solve the riddle. You got the other clue automatically early on. - Once you've learned the origin story, the changes you need to make to the vision become very obvious. - Again, the game will give you hints if you make wrong guesses. *** 1. Spoiler free advice *** *General* -Remember that the game has two very useful keyboard shortcuts. Page up lets you go back and see dialog again, or change your choices. Control skips rapidly through dialog you've already seen. - Several secrets involve library research. Check to see if you are able to read up on a subject in the library, or if you can ask Primrose for information about the topic. - Some puzzles require you to find the one person in town who has a bit of information. When in doubt, visit people and talk to them to see if they have new things you can ask them, or if they have something new to tell you. - Several times characters, especially Belle, will give you hints about what to do next. - Repeatedly spending time with someone is often necessary to advance your relationship with them. Also, some clues can only be obtained by repeatedly spending time with someone. - Afternoons are the scarcest resource in the game. If you can do something in the mornings, do it then, because way too many things can only be done in the afternoons. - When it doubt, consult the in-game to-do list. *About clues and secrets* - After you reveal a secret or remove an inhibition, see if you can talk to the person about what you revealed/changed. Sometimes this happens automatically, other times you have to do it yourself. - The dialogue while you are revealing a secret often gives hints about what clue you need to present next. - On at least one occasion you will need to present the same clue more than once for the same secret. - Clues can combine and even vanish as you find the next clue in a chain or after you have used them. Do not assume that empty slots in the clue interface represent clues you have yet to find. - If you guess wrong while revealing a secret or solving a puzzle, the page up key on the keyboard lets you back up and try again. *About puzzles* - Guessing wrong will cause the game to give you hints. Again, using page up to go back and try again is a thing you can do. *** 2. Stats *** [The MC's magical ability is not technically a stat, but it's still important. Train it 3x with the Crone (free, 15 coins and 30 coins). It's a good idea to get the first two training sessions before day 17.] Suggested priority order for initial stat upgrades: a. Courage (1-2 points) - week 1 b. Charisma (1 point) - end of week 1, start of week 2 c. Agility (2-3 points) - weeks 2-3 d. Pathfinding (2 points) - as soon as you meet the requirements e. Perversity - when you have the time. Agility: Cannot be upgraded until week 2. Required for several vital quests. 3 points: train with Samarra (10 coin each time). 1 point: train with Samarra again after landing a blow on her (free). Last point: climb rooftops with Nell and select "advanced training" (free) Courage: get the first point ASAP and the second point as soon as you have time. Lots of choices are blocked without it. 3 points: train with Thaddeus (free, 1 panty, 2 panties) [Obtaining panties: you can ask for or steal underwear from four characters. -Evelyn: will give them if you ask. -Callie: you need the knock spell to steal them. She will give them only if she likes you well enough (work in her shop and ask for private fashion shows a few times each). -Primrose: you need to know where she lives to steal them. She will give them only if she likes you well enough (work in the library and spend time reading with her a few times each) - Samarra: you can only steal them (requires the knock spell).] Perversity: Needed for advancing some relationships and to unlock scenes. You don’t need to upgrade this right away. 3 points: read smutty books (each book must be read twice). Last (locked) point: either a) visit the Leanan Sidhe a third time or b) having upgraded your other stats, molest a sleeping woman and push things as far as possible. +1 bonus: the MC gets this after abstaining from orgasm for a full day. Charisma: get the first point ASAP. Many things are blocked without it. 1 point: read the book "Jaymes Agricola: Charter to Slay" twice. Remaining 4 points: Get the option to become the boyfriend of someone (you don't have to actually enter a relationship to gain the point). Points can be gained from: Evelyn, Primrose, Callie, Nell, and Samarra, (5 ways to gain 4 points). For Evelyn, you get the point when you remove a certain inhibition after revealing her dark secret. For Samarra, you get the point when you defeat her in combat and talk to her afterwards. Pathfinding: Required for a few quests and to unlock one location. Max this out to solve money issues. (if you don't see this stat on your character sheet, talk with Aldred in the morning). 2 points: train with Erato (must have trained with the Crone twice. Must have abstained from orgasm for 3 days, or else have removed the contraceptive spell). (Note: Because the MC will be having sex very often in this game, it’s best to upgrade pathfinding early). *** 3. General playing strategy *** Note that many actions that you might think would take time do not advance the clock in this game. Going to the crone’s hut to ask a question or drop something off does not take any time, for example. So it’s possible to get more done in one day than it seems. First week: Your two big agenda items should be unlocking locations and people, and revealing secrets so you can train with the Crone. After that, it's a good idea to upgrade some stats. 1. Unlock stuff (best done asap, days 2-3). Get access to Thaddeus and unlock the work site: -afternoon > home > Spend time with Evelyn Get your first point of pathfinding and 5 coins: -morning > work site > talk to Aldred (does not take time) Enable weekly money from Evelyn: -afternoon > town hall > train courage with Thaddeus 2. Reveal 3 secrets & train with the Crone x2 -Save your money for training (pixie outfits can wait) -Start finding clues at home the night of day 2. -mornings: work in the library to get clues (x2). -afternoons: spend time with Callie, train w/Thaddeus -Reveal 1 secret per day, Wed-Thu-Fri. -train with the crone x2 on Friday. -(Refer to secrets section later in this guide). NOTE: you can only get your second training from the crone on Friday if you've gotten money from both Aldred and Evelyn, and worked in the library twice. NOTE: remember to retrieve the porn books from Primrose's house at night once you learn where she lives. 3. Weekend stat training. -Pathfinding (Sat AM): there's an unkskippable Saturday night scene with Belle that causes you to ejaculate. If you've revealed 3 secrets and trained with the Crone twice before the end of Friday, you can train with Erato on Saturday before that scene happens. -Courage: (Sat PM) get some underwear from Evelyn sometime during the week (ask or steal, whichever), and train a 2nd time with Thaddeus. -Charisma: spend Sunday reading the adventure novel with Primrose x2. Days 8-17 The big goals here are getting the knock spell, making money & spending it on agility training (mornings), and spending time reading with Primrose (afternoons). Smaller goals include visiting the fairy realm, training with Erato, and gathering clues to Callie & Evelyn's large secrets. 1. Knock spell. This will be spread over several days: -work in the library one last time, to find the spellbook. -take it to the crone right away, and then revisit the Crone when Belle says to. -The crone says you need to find something. Talk to people in town, one will mention where you can find the thing. -search for the thing, take it to the Crone. -enchant the thing before you go to sleep at night. NOTE: after finding the clues to Primrose's small secret and locating the spellbook, you don't need to work in the library any more. 2. Training agility and making Callie trust you. -Train with Samarra when you have the funds (3x). -Work for Callie to make the money for training. NOTE: say yes if Callie asks you to work the whole day. This boosts her regard for you as well as paying double. 3. Other morning stuff (Samarra isn't available for training and Callie is busy/you have enough money already) -Visit the Fairy Queen (x2) -Train 2nd time with Erato -Work on getting the knock spell 4. Afternoon stuff -Read non-random books with Primrose -Spend time talking with Primrose once the game says you can. NOTE: once you read about the royal family, your to-do list will have an entry about asking someone for more information. Thaddeus is the person to talk to about that. May as well ask him about it now. (Getting extra info from Thaddeus does not advance the clock). As usual, you can only talk to Thaddeus when Evelyn is not next to him on the map. 5. Night stuff -Follow Evelyn (once you're agile enough). -Investigate the place she goes to. -Break into Callie's house x2 (once you've got the knock spell) Note: It's not a problem if you don't get everything done before day 17. Just keep busy advancing quests and upgrading your character. Day 17 to day 24: Your top priority is to clear Primrose so she doesn't get arrested. This is also your final chance to make Primrose like you before she decides, once and for all, whether you're boyfriend material or not. 1. Clear Primrose (takes 3-5 days) -investigate in the library x3 and (when appropriate) search behind the library, talk to people about what you find. -see secrets section for more info. 2. Make Primrose like you (if you don't think you're quite there yet) -Read everything there is to read with her/talk with her -Make sure she really, really likes you before clearing her. NOTE: once you clear Primrose, she decides how much she likes you and either makes an offer of romance or of something less. You only get a charisma point if she offers romance. There are no chances to retry later. Hers is the only relationship in the game that has a deadline and doesn't alow repeat attempts. 3. While clearing Primrose, and after she's cleared: -Visit the Fairy queen (3rd visit, in the afternoon). -Spend time with Callie (see each outfit once) and Evelyn (dine with her x2). Collect final clues, reveal large secrets. -Get underwear from Callie and Primrose, max out courage. -finish anything leftover from previous weeks (Knock spell, train pathfinding, read porn books) -Reveal Samarra's and Nell's small secrets. -Spend time with Nell (x2 or x3), then climb with her, make advances, get romance offer (+1 charisma). 4. After clearing Primrose: -Work/hunt until you have 30 coin, then get final training from Crone. -Land a blow on Samarra in training (+1 agility). -Climb with Nell and get advanced training (max agility). -Defeat Samarra in a duel (+1 charisma), and learn her full life story. NOTE: having sex with Samarra after defeating her unlocks her as a choice of partner in the epilogue. Day 25-ish to 45-ish. NOTE: Money is now irrelevant, so you can interrupt Thaddeus and Evelyn and stop Thaddeus's sex pest activity if you like. (not required, but Evelyn is more difficult to romance if you don't do this). From here on out, the game is much more free-form. I'll only list quest-related things, but there's time to also have repeat sex, unlock most of the gallery, and generally fool around a bit. Now is also the time to finish relationship paths with characters other than Primrose and Nell. Not optional: 1. if you haven't already, visit the river in the afternoon (get clue) 2. Visit the Leanan Sidhe (x2, third visit is compelled afterwards) 3. Learn spells in the library's secret room. 4. Reveal Primrose's and Evelyn's dark secrets. 5. Reveal the Crone's secret (after 3rd visit to Leanan Sidhe) 6. Solve the Fairy Queen's vision. 7. Fulfill the Fairy Queen's quest once you've solved her vision. 8. max out all stats, including charisma. Optional: 1. Teach the Fairy Queen about sex in the afternoons (4x) 2. Have PIV sex with the Fairy Queen in the morning (unlocks her as a possible partner in the epilogue) 3. Remove Evelyn's secret inhibition (+1 charisma) 4. Having removed the inhibiton, romance Evelyn if you like 5. Romance Callie (+1 charisma, if not yet maxed), OR romance Evelyn and Callie together (again, +1 charisma if not maxed) 6. Molest women in their sleep. 7. Remove the contraceptive spell and make some babies. 8. Learn the shrink spell and make Belle happy (unlocks Belle as a partner in the epilogue). Day 45-ish. (final days before endgame): 1. Empty out the to-do list. 2. See the next section. *** 4. Winning the game *** Pre-endgame: At a minimum, to have any hope of winning the game: - Evelyn must still be in town (not driven away). - Primrose must not be in jail. - Courage and charisma need to be at maximum. - You have mastered the "morph sexuality" spell. - Reveal Evelyn's large secret (where she goes at night) and talk about it with her. - Reveal all of Evelyn's secrets. - Reveal Primrose's dark secret. - Reveal the Crone's secret. - Unravel the mystery of the Fairy Queen's vision and fulfill the quest she gives you. Endgame: To have any chance of winning the game: - get help with two tasks (below) - when given the choice, seduce the (former) Crone. - when given the choice, go with Evelyn. You'll be told that you need to get some mistletoe berries and gain access to the princess. - Primrose and Evelyn cannot help with either task. - Callie can help with either, but will refuse if you haven't cultivated her friendship. - Samarra can help with either, but will refuse if you haven't earned her full respect. - Nell can only help with the berries, and will never refuse. There are several multiple choice questions during the final confrontation with the villain, and wrong answers are fatal. The "page up" key is your friend. *** 5. Miscellaneous *** a. Making money You get: > 5 coins the first time you talk with Aldred at the job site. > 5/10/15 coins each Friday until you tell Thaddeus to leave Evelyn alone. The amount depends on how many times you spy on them without interrupting. > 3/5 coins per morning spent working in the library/Callie's store. > 7/13/20 coins each full day spent hunting boar (depending on pathfinding skill). b: Spending money You need 75 coins for training, plus another 28 if you buy all the optional things (there's no need or use for money beyond that). >10 coins for each of 3 training sessions with Samarra >15 and 30 coins for the crone's intermediate and advanced training sessions. > optional: 2 extra Belle outfits from Callie (cost 5 and 8) > optional: 15 coins to get an extra sex scene with one of Callie’s customers > optional, new game+ only: donating money to the church for oral sex, 10 coins, then 1 coin each time. c. The Knock spell Getting this spell is a complicated process. In order, you must: - find the spellbook (work in library & look for books a second time) - deliver it to the crone. - wait until Belle tells you to visit the crone > visit her to learn that you need a thing - once that's happened, someone in town will mention where the thing can be found the next time you speak to them. - search that place during daylight to find the thing - take the thing to the crone, she tells you how to enchant it. - enchant it before going to sleep at night. d. Family records non-spoiler hint The game gives out clues if you make wrong guesses in this puzzle. You're looking for a discrepancy in birth and death dates. e. Fairy Queen's vision non-spoiler hint The Fairy Queen's vision is not about the MC, but about Nell. Learn Nell's origin story from Samarra and adjust the wording of the vision accordingly. Again, the game gives hints if you guess wrong. *** 6. Characters – general *** Note: “essential” means you can’t win the game without doing it. Primrose: -Keeping her out of jail (or freeing her from jail) is essential. -Learning her dark secret is also essential. Evelyn: -Some mornings you will see her leaning on a balcony in the upper training grounds. Talking to her there will cause her to be at home that afternoon. -Revealing her large secret and talking about it with her is essential. -Revealing all of Evelyn's secrets is essential. Callie: -She spends some afternoons sunbathing in the upper training grounds. Talking to her there causes her to go home without advancing the clock. -Callie is the only completely optional character - you can win the game without revealing any of her secrets or following her relationship path. Fairy Queen: -Your first and second visits to her, it doesn't matter what time of day it is. After that, she is bathing in the mornings, and on her throne in the afternoons. -Solving the riddle of her vision is essential. After the first two visits, the option to talk to her about that vision appears on your second afternoon visit. (Solving her vision involves learning Nell’s back story from Samarra - see below. Once you know that story, it’s pretty obvious how to solve the riddle.) Samarra: -Learning her full back story (which in the end is also Nell’s story) is essential. "Talk about Samarra" with her until the option disappears. Each chunk of her story is unlocked by doing something that increases her respect for you. The final chunk can only be learned after you “challenge her to a duel” and win. -To win the duel, complete all of the Crone’s training and max out your agility. The Leanan Sidhe: -Visiting her more than once is essential, even if it seems like a very bad idea. -A few days after you recover from your second visit to her, you will be compelled to visit her a third and final time. The Crone: -After getting all of her training, you get the option to reveal her secret. The spell fails the first few times you try to cast it on her. This is normal, just keep trying. -Revealing her secret is essential, but you cannot do so before your final visit to the Leanan Sidhe (above). Fairy King: The second time you visit the Fairy Queen in her throne room, he kills your character. This is normal. Let the scene play out and the MC will be brought back to life. Thaddeus: Besides training courage, you need to talk to him at least once about a clue. He is only available for this when Evelyn's mini portrait is not beside his on the town map. *** 7. Sex and romance with women *** - During the game, several characters are romancable. - You can have a FWB relationship with a few of them instead. - In the epilogue, you choose who you'll partner with/marry. Your choices are mostly limited to characters you've pursued a relationship with during the game. - Each woman in town (except Samarra) tracks how well they like you. Even if you've done everything else needed for a relationship, someone won't become your girlfriend if she doesn't like you well enough. - Each of the five women in town can award a charisma point. *Note*: if your charisma is 1, it becomes significantly harder to romance anyone. Just read the stat raising book before trying to pursue any relationship paths. a. Evelyn Romance: yes. FWB: no Epilogue: yes. Like meter: how often you've spent the afternoon with her, plus a big bonus for stopping things with Thaddeus. *Evelyn has an inhibition which prevents you from romancing her*. If you try, she will leave town (and the game becomes unwinnable). -You learn about the inhibition in the course of revealing her large secret. You can only remove it after revealing her dark secret. -Removing it is a two step process. Reveal the secret, then end the spell and talk to her about it, and only then, after talking to her normally, can you remove the inhibition. -Only after the inhibition is gone can you safely tell her how your feel about her. If she likes you well enough, she invites you into her bed at night and you become a couple. -You get a point of charisma when removing the inhibition. b. Primrose Romance: yes FWB: yes Epilogue: yes. Like meter: times worked in the library and also afternoons spent with her (tracked separately, you must do both). Read, don't talk in the afternoons until the game says it's safe to talk with her. Big bonus for reading a book she recommends to you. Small minus for perving on her while she cleans and asking for panties prematurely. The romance path for Primrose is the most complicated one in the game. - *Primrose's relationship has a deadline*. You have until the day you save her from being arrested to make a good impression. - You must save her from getting arrested to have any hope of being in a relationship with her. - Once you save her, she will reward you based on how well she likes you. The possibilities include: -just money (20 coins) - if she barely knows you. -a sexual reward, with or without some money - if she likes you some. -a sexual reward and also, later on, an invitation to meet her at night - if she likes you a lot. At the night time meeting, she will make one of two offers, depending on your charisma and how well she likes you: - Become FWB (like meter slightly too low, or charisma 1) - Become a couple (likes you enough and charisma 2 or more) Either way, you can turn down her offer. - You get a point of charisma only if she offers to become a couple. c. Callie Romance: yes FWB: yes Epilogue: yes. Like meter: times working for her, and also afternoons spent with her (tracked separately, you must do both). Big bonus for working a full day for her when asked, small bonus for being fair and honest after fashion shows. Small minus for asking for panties prematurely. Callie has three mutually exclusive relationship paths. Two require casting the morph sexuality spell and then awakening her interest in men. 0. After morphing her sexuality, you must awaken Callie's interest in men (Belle tells you this, and will stop you from asking her for sex until you've done it). To do that, ask for naked fashion shows. When given options during the shows, push things as far as possible. After pushing things twice, it becomes possible to ask for sex. 1. Solo relationship with Callie: Ask for sex, and she will want to know how meaningful it is. Saying it’s just sex is the FWB route. For the romance path, say it's more than that. After having sex with her, talk with her again. If she likes you well enough, she'll invite you to a picnic, where she will ask you to become her boyfriend. You can accept or decline. - If you don't get the invitation, do things to make Callie like you more and talk to her again. - You get a point of charisma during the picnic. 2. Ménage a trois with Callie and Evelyn: Be in a relationship with Evelyn. Have had sex with Callie at least once as above, but do not get the picnic invite (avoid visiting her until after the next steps). Send Evelyn to seduce Callie in the afternoon, twice. Follow her the second time and join in. Talk to Callie the next day, she will say forget it happened. Have at least two more threesomes with her. - if Callie likes you well enough, Evelyn will tell you that Callie's invited both of you to her house for the night. Accept the invitation to become a romantic threesome. A new option will appear when you're home at night, for you and Evelyn to go to Callie's place. - if you don't get the invitation, see if Callie has something to say to you. Also do things to make her like you more. - Note that Callie needs to like you *more* for the threesome route than for the couple route. - You get a point of charisma on getting the invitation. - 3 Callie and Evelyn become a couple without you: Have Evelyn go to Callie a few times but don't join in. Don't be in a relationship with either of them. You'll learn this has happened only in the epilogue, or when you try to start a relationship with either of them and get nowhere. Final note: If you've had threesomes with Callie and Evelyn but haven't gotten the invitation by the end of the game, you still get the option to partner with the two of them in the epilogue. d. Nell Romance: yes. FWB: no Epilogue: yes. Like meter: afternoons spent with her at the stables, plus a bonus for complementing her beauty and a bonus for bringing her a romance novel instead of something else. Nell is by far the easiest character to romance. Go on a rooftop climb with her, get naked in the belltower, then kiss her. If she pushes you away, she doesn't like you well enough yet. Say it's more than just a kiss to become a couple. -You get a point of charisma after kissing her, regardless of how meaningful you say it is. e. Samarra: Romance: no FWB: yes Epilogue: yes Like meter: N/A. - There are two combats with Samarra that can optionally end in sex: After landing a blow on her, and after defeating her in a duel. - To get to choose her in the epilogue, you must defeat her in a duel, and then choose to have sex with her afterwards. - Landing a blow requires removing an inhibition. Winning the duel requires maxed agility and completing all of the Crone's training sessions. - You get a point of charisma when you talk with her after defeating her in a duel, regardless of whether you had sex with her or not. f. The Fairy Queen: Romance: yes. FWB: no Epilogue: yes. - Visit her a second time and you'll have the option of staying platonic or pursuing a relationship. - Once the Fairy King is out of the picture, spending time teaching her about sex in the afternoons will unlock new sexual positions in the mornings. - To have the chance to partner with her in the epilogue, you must have “fully awakened” her sexuality (have PIV sex with her in the morning). g. Belle: Romance: no FWB: yes Epilogue: yes. -You need to learn the "shrink" spell (Belle tells you how after you learn the Crone’s secret) in order to partner with her in the epilogue. h. Sister Agnes (new game+ only) Romance: no FWB: yes Epilogue: yes. After you reveal her dark secret, talk to her and offer to dispel the enchantment put on her by the church. Once you do that, wait a few days, then talk to her again to begin the FWB relationship. - If you've had sex with her, you can choose to partner with her in the epilogue. *** 8. Miscellaneous pervy things *** a. Molesting women in their sleep This is entirely optional. Very few actions are possible if your stats are low. To get all possible actions, you need to have maxed out stats (agility, perversity and courage), have mastered the "deep sleep" spell, and have the +1 bonus to perversity. b. Removing the contraceptive spell -This option appears after visiting the Leanan Sidhe for the first time. -It is entirely optional. -There are no consequences during the game proper apart from some altered dialogue. If your character impregnates someone, the only effect is on the endgame epilogue scenes. -If a character can become pregnant, it will happen automatically if your character doesn't pull out and will never happen if he does (no, this is not realistic). Two exceptions: a) Samarra usually uses birth control, so there is only one daytime scene (where you land a blow on her) in which it's possible to impregnate her. b) You don’t see the consequences of impregnating princess Selina unless you choose to marry her in the epilogue. -Some characters (Belle, Sister Agnes in new game+) cannot be impregnated, either because your character always pulls out, or because they are infertile. Minor characters cannot be impregnated. - You can impregnate four characters (Callie, Primrose, Samarra, and Evelyn) by molesting them in their sleep (requires maximum perversity and the +1 bonus). If Evelyn is still a virgin, you can come on her privates and then push some semen inside her (I suspect you need to have impregnated someone else in her sleep first). -If you want to make only certain characters pregnant, it's always possible to avoid impregnating someone by choosing safe sex acts or by pulling out, with the exception of the two princesses during the endgame. c. Evelyn and Thaddeus (this is the game's only "NTR" content) - You get these scenes if you try to talk to Thaddeus when Evelyn's portrait is next to his on the town map, anytime after the first week. - If you watch without interfering, the Thaddeus-Evelyn relationship advances a stage. There are three stages: kissing, oral sex, anal sex. The stage determines how happy Thaddeus is, and thus how much money you get from Evelyn each week. - If you interfere, the scenes stop. Thaddeus becomes unhappy and you cease getting money on Fridays from Evelyn. It doesn't prevent your courage training or your ability to talk to Thaddeus about stuff. - Interfering makes Evelyn like you more. - You lose an action for the day each time you see them interact. d. Inhibitions Most “remove inhibitions” options are completely optional (telling someone what to wear, to show their breasts, to shave, etc). A few, however, have an impact on your relationship with the person, and some are critical to finishing the game. Note: some inhibitions do not appear until you know they exist. Also, some will appear before you have the power to remove them. Here are the inhibitions that actually have an impact on game play: - Primrose: Removing an inhibition about being naughty unlocks anal sex with her. - Callie: make her willing to do shows while wearing less/wearing nothing in order to seduce or romance her. - Evelyn: She has an inhibition which must be removed if you want to romance her. - Samarra: Winning the game is impossible without convincing her to allow you to land a blow on her during practice. You must remove both of her secrets and have 2 charisma to get her to agree. - Nell: if she is the MC’s girlfriend, then remove inhibitions is the only way to get her to go see the Fairy Queen without threatening to break up with her. (You have to cast the spell and go to the tent for the option to appear). e. Obscure sex scenes: Some of the gallery scenes are harder to unlock than others. Evelyn: - There's a unique scene when you drive her out of town by telling her about your feelings prematurely. - Another unique scene occurs if you read a book while working in the library after becoming her boyfriend. Primrose: - a unique scene if you get a night time invite from her but it's for FWB instead of romance. Callie: - The threesome and couple paths with her are mutually exclusive, so you'll only see half the scenes on any one playthrough. f. Most of the sex in the game is optional. Just to be silly, here’s all the sex I know of that cannot be avoided if you want to win the game: -The first meeting with the fairy queen -First training session with Samarra -All three meetings with the Leanan Sidhe -Sex with both princesses during the endgame -Some unavoidable naughtiness with Belle *** 9. Notes on secrets *** What secrets are mandatory? Not all secrets must be revealed to win the game. There are 5 small secrets in the game, and you must reveal 3 of them for magical training. There are 9 small and large secrets in the game, and you must reveal six of them for magical training. *** 10. Finding the initial clue to each secret *** Often the hardest part of revealing a secret is learning the nature of the secret, which means finding the first clue. Not a secret: The fairy queen's vision riddle: Learn Nell's origin story from Samarra first. Small secrets: Evelyn: search her stuff Callie: read her mail Primrose: look for interesting books while working in the library. Nell: Belle tells you after your meeting with her Samarra: Primrose tells you the first time you talk to her after you meet with Samarra in her tent on day 17. Large secrets: Evelyn: successfully follow her when she goes out at night. Callie: enter her house at night after learning her small secret. Primrose: investigate the murder. Samarra: expose Primrose's large secret. Dark secrets: Evelyn: spend time with her > eat with her (twice). Primrose: learn her large secret, get shown the writing room. Nell: Learn how Samarra adopted her. Crone: Survive your third and final visit to the Leanan Sidhe. Sister Agnes (new game+ only): Ask her about the church, then research it in the library. *** 11. Finding all the clues for each secret *** (* means that clue can be found out of order) Not a secret: The fairy queen's vision riddle: - *Reveal Nell's small secret - *Learn Nell's origin story from Samarra. Small secrets (often just one clue): a. Evelyn: search her stuff. b. Nell: Belle tells you c. Samarra: Primrose tells when you talk to her after the event on day 17. d. Callie: - see her fondling the mannequin (automatic on day 1), - ask her for a fashion show > read her mail while she's changing in the other room. e. Primrose: - work in the library > search for interesting books (you automatically talk to Primrose about what you didn't find). - search behind the library. - *work in the library > check for overdue books. Large secrets: a. Evelyn: - Succeed in following Evelyn at night. - Search the place she goes to. - Read up on what you found in the library. b. Callie: - Break into her house at night (having revealed her small secret) - Talk to Sister Agnes at the church - Search Callie's house at night - *(after reading her mail) ask for another fashion show > look around while she's in the other room. c. Primrose (only possible after the event on day 17): - Investigate everything you're able to in the library. - Talk to Primrose about what you found - Talk to Samarra and offer the clues you've found to get a last clue d. Samarra: - discover Primrose's large secret. - search behind the library - ask the Crone about what you found there Dark secrets: a. Primrose: Uncover her large secret, get shown the writing room in the library. b. Evelyn: - spend time with her > eat with her (twice). - ask Primrose about family records. - check your family's records, find a discrepancy in dates. - Talk to Aldred about what you learned > uncover Aldred's dark secret > talk to him about it. c. Nell: - Learn how Samarra adopted Nell. - Talk to the fairy queen about the meaning of her vision. Figure out the correct interpretation. (these clues seem to contradict each other. When revealing the secret, you resolve the contradiction by offering one clue, then the other, then the first again) d. The crone: - *Having read about the royal family, ask Thaddeus about it. - *Visit the river in the afternoon - *Survive your third and final visit to the Leanan Sidhe. - *Get some clues during the crone's training sessions - *Learn something from the Crone about Chameleon Scales. - *Learn something about Belle's reading skills when you follow Evelyn at night e. Sister Agnes (new game+ only): - Ask Agnes about the church - Look for information about the church in the library, then read up on what you find. (For the next 3 clues, you must have broken into Callie's house at night first. The exploring clues do not always show up the first time you go exploring). - *Talk to Agnes about her going to Callie's tailor shop. - *Explore the church during the day, see Agnes being bound and paddled - *Explore the church at night, see Agnes wearing a skimpy leather outfit and getting aroused. *** 12. Hints for multiple choice questions in secrets. *** Not a secret: Fairy Queen's vision: the vision is actually about Nell, not the MC. Learn Nell's origin story from Samarra, and the modifications needed become quite obvious. Small: Evelyn: is saving herself for the right guy. Callie: is not into guys. Primrose: gave the books to someone she lives with. Large: Evelyn: The order of thrones is a conspiracy Dark: Primrose: Merek had two pupils, but only one of them had enough magical talent. Nell: everyone was telling the truth and both clues are, somehow, correct. Endgame: Thaddeus's actions that day, and his demonology book, are the keys. Thaddeus planned to absorb the demon's power.