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evilEnergyIexterminationCompleteIexterminationMultiplierIexterminationPerChosenIexterminationProgressI femaleShiftI firstSealIforsakenSceneTriggerJfortificationFactorJ frenzyMultiI futaShiftIgreatestDowntimeEEI guideProgressJ highScoreIimpregnationFactorI influenceZ instantShiftI lastLastLineIlastLineIloopsI maleShiftImissionVariantImotherhoodPercentageInextTipI orgyStageJparScoreJ randomSeedI sceneDurationI secondSealIsidebarTextSizeIspecialScenarioZ splendorIntelI storyProgressItextSizeI totalAttackedI totalRoundsI totalSlimedI totalTauntedItotalThreatenedIusedForsakenIndexIvignetteChoiceIwildHuntL BACKGROUNDtLjava/awt/Color;LBLUEq~LBalancetLChosen;LBasisq~LCrownq~L FOREGROUNDq~LGREENq~LJudgmentq~LLoveq~LORANGEq~LPURPLEq~LREDq~LReasonq~LReignq~LSplendorq~LVictoryq~LWisdomq~LachievementCheattLjava/lang/Boolean;[achievementSeent[IL actingBodytLBody;[actionsq~Lactiveq~L ambassadorq~[angelModifiersq~[ arrivalTimerq~[backupCommanderq~LbackupForsakenq~Lbaitq~L bodySizesq~[ 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genderBalanceq~[gendersq~[ groupScenesq~L groupTutorialq~LhardModeq~L huntingTargetq~LhypnosisPunisherq~LhypnosisTargetq~LimpregnationPunisherq~LimpregnationTargetq~[ invertAVirgq~[ invertCVirgq~[ invertModestq~[ invertVVirgq~[itemListq~L lastDeployedq~[ lastDowntimesq~[ lastOrgyStageq~L lastSealertLUndead;L lastSpeakerq~[ loopChosenq~L loopCompleteq~LloopRandq~LlordBodyq~[nameSeedq~L nextCaptureq~[ nextCitiesq~ L nextSurroundq~[objectiveCostst[J[objectivesHeldq~LonTrackq~[originalCampaignCustomq~LparasitismPunisherq~LparasitismTargetq~[ pendingBreaksq~[personalityWeightst[[[IL portraitsq~[ quizAnswersq~[ rallyBonusq~L readyToEndq~L recentBattleq~L recentUnlocktLChosen$Species;[recordedCommanderst[[Ljava/lang/Boolean;[ remainingq~L repeatShiftq~[resolvedBreaksq~[ returningq~[ sacrificedq~L saveTitleq~L sceneLocationtLActivity$Location;[sceneParticipantsq~LsecondInCommandq~L separatorq~L shopTutorialq~Lsidebarq~[sparedq~[statSeedq~L 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finalTauntedIfinalThreatenedIfirstKilledRelationshipIglobalIDIhypnosisProgressIhypnosisStrengthIimpregnationProgressIimpregnationStrengthI innocenceZinvitationUsedI lastActionIlastEEIlastLoopZlustfulImTakerZmeekZ megalomaniacZmegalomaniacDowntimeImoralityI negotiationsZ neverVirginJnextAdaptationInumberIparasitismProgressIparasitismStrengthZpastMegalomaniaJ previousDISGJ previousEXPOJ previousFEARJ previousHATEJ previousINJUJ previousPAINJ previousPLEAJ previousSHAMIrampageStrengthIrampageStunAmountI rampagingIresolveZrewardAftermathZ rewardUsedZruthlessIsecondKilledRelationshipI slaughteredI stripBonusIstrippedIsurroundDurationJtemptReqItextSizeJ totalDISGJ totalFEARJ totalPAINJ totalSHAMJtransmissionBonusIvTaker[ FANTlevelsq~LaKnownq~LaStartq~LaVirgq~L accessoryq~L adjectiveNameq~L adrenalineq~Laliveq~L basicPortraitq~Lbegq~L betrayingq~L bonusEXPOq~L bonusHATEq~L bonusINJUq~L bonusPLEAq~L bottomAccessq~L bottomCoverq~LbroadcastTakertLjava/lang/Object;L 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pastTemptedq~LpreserveVirginityq~Lpummelq~LrecentAmbassadorq~L recentBreakq~L recentRampageq~[relationPartnersq~[ relationTypest[LForsaken$Relationship;[rememberedBodiesq~LrememberedDemonLordBodyq~LremoveSurroundq~L rosterNameq~L secondKilledq~Lserviceq~L sodomizedq~LstartDefileBonusq~L stripPartnerq~L surroundedq~L tacticStartedq~Ltemptedq~L textColorq~[toolsExperiencedq~L topAccessq~LtopCoverq~L tortureTakerq~.Ltruceq~Ltypeq~#L underTypeq~Luniqueq~L usingDetonateq~LusingFantasizeq~LusingSlaughterq~L usingStripq~LvKnownq~LvStartq~LvVirgq~[vignetteExperiencedq~Lviolenceq~LvirginityTakerq~.Lvisitedq~Lweaponq~xp d'ur[IM`&v겥xpsrjava.lang.Boolean r՜Zvaluexpsq~4q~6tnonepq~5q~6tBalanceq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pppq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5srjava.util.Random624K SZhaveNextNextGaussianDnextNextGaussianJseedxp 0xtdrabq~5~rChosen$PenisAttitudexrjava.lang.EnumxptDEFAULT_FEMALEq~5q~6tq~@sq~(pppq~5q~5pq~5pq~@q~5q~5pur [LChosen;ؘC>xpuq~2q~5tfemaleq~>pq~5q~5pq~5q~5ppq~5q~5uq~2uq~Bur 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Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!sq~4sq~d?@wxur[LForsaken$Relationship;0̚_xpq~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~ur[LBody;#?M(xpsq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5sq~(2d2pppur[ZW 9]xppppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5psq~- d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7pq~5q~6tBasisq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pppq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~9Cxq~;q~5q~>q~5q~6q~@q~@sq~(dpppq~5q~5pq~5pq~@q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5tfutanariq~>pq~5q~5pq~5q~5ppq~5q~5uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~5q~6q~q~5q~5q~6uq~2uq~2puq~2q~5ppq~5pq~Eq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5uq~q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6uq~q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5sq~(pppuq~pppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5psq~- d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7pq~5q~6tCrownq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pppq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~9Utmxq~;q~5q~>q~5q~6q~@q~@sq~(dpppq~5q~5pq~5pq~@q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~q~>pq~5q~5pq~5q~5ppq~5q~5uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~5q~6q~\q~5q~5q~6uq~2uq~2puq~2q~5ppq~5pq~Eq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Zuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~gq~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5uq~q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~gtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5q~^uq~pppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5psq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7pq~5q~6tJudgmentq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pppq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~9ٮpuxq~;q~5q~>q~5q~6q~@q~@sq~(pppq~5q~5pq~5pq~@q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~Eq~>pq~5q~5pq~5q~5ppq~5q~5uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~5q~6q~q~5q~5q~6uq~2uq~2puq~2q~5ppq~5pq~Eq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5uq~q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6uq~q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6uq~q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5sq~(Ppppuq~pppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5psq~- d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7pq~5q~6tLoveq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pppq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~9h_xq~;q~5q~>q~5q~6q~@q~@sq~(pppq~5q~5pq~5pq~@q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~q~>pq~5q~5pq~5q~5ppq~5q~5uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~5q~6q~q~5q~5q~6uq~2uq~2puq~2q~5ppq~5pq~Eq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6uq~q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5psq~(dpppsq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7pq~5q~6tReasonq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pppq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~91Zxq~;q~5q~>q~5q~6q~@q~@sq~(pppq~5q~5pq~5pq~@q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~Eq~>pq~5q~5pq~5q~5ppq~5q~5uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~5q~6q~kq~5q~5q~6uq~2uq~2puq~2q~5ppq~5pq~Eq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~iuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vq~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5uq~q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5uq~q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5uq~q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5sq~(22pppuq~pppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5psq~- d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7pq~5q~6tReignq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pppq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~9݆Hxq~;q~5q~>q~5q~6q~@q~@q~^q~5q~5pq~5pq~@q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~q~>pq~5q~5pq~5q~5ppq~5q~5uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~5q~6q~q~5q~5q~6uq~2uq~2puq~2q~5ppq~5pq~Eq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5uq~q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6uq~q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5q~^uq~pppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5psrUndeadIvitalityLcustomSubspeciesq~LsubtypetLUndead$Subspecies;L usedVitalityq~xq~-7A A < 2ԥ%d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7tFlexibleq~5q~6tSplendorq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5tupt microskirtpq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~9C:=xthot pinkq~5~q~q~%q~&sq~4sq~4t 'Mistress'psq~4q~@q~'q~5ppuq~2uq~Bur[[IO<xpuq~2uq~2uq~2sq~]m'.$+7A CD < 2ԥW% @h noJ'uq~2q~q~6q~6q~7q~q~q~q~sq~4q~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~q~ pq~q~q~6q~6q~q~q~!q~"q~q~#q~6q~6tq~%q~&q~q~pq~q~@q~'q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~Eq~#q~q~q~pq~q~pq~*q~sq~4uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~6q~q~5q~5q~6uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~5q~1pq~t Nishinomiyaq~Eq~#q~2pq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mppq~]ppuq~_sq~4p~r Body$Earsxq~=tFOXppq~p~r Body$Hornsxq~=tSINGLEptFemmipq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~sq~4q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsrjava.lang.Integer⠤8Ivaluexrjava.lang.Number xpuq~xq~puq~pppppuq~_tq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(d}pppuq~tdownttattered blousepq~~rChosen$Speciesxq~=tUNDEADtpantiesq~q~6q~6q~q~6q~q~6q~6uq~!q~pq~q~uq~@~rUndead$Subspeciesxq~=tVAMPIREq~uq~q~q~q~pq~pq~*uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~1pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~2pq~uq~q~q~3q~q~3q~q~pppur[D>cZxpuq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~~rForsaken$Takerxq~=tCHOSENq~q~q~q~q~uq~uq~q~q~q~3uq~2q~q~q~6pq~q~uppppsq~4q~6q~6sq~d?@ wsq~t you traitorxsq~d?@ wq~t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5uq~q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5puq~2psq~d?@ wsq~"tWakakosq~#tUmekoxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xpsq~d?@ wsq~"uq~~rForsaken$Relationshipxq~=t LOVEDPARTNERsq~#uq~q~sq~'uq~~q~t OLDFRIEND~q~tRAIDEDsq~uq~~q~t FELLOWBOSSsq~uq~~q~tRAIDEDBYsq~>uq~q~xq~6puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~ t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~ q~q~2uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~@q~Psq~d?@wxq~@q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~@q~ sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~@q~]sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~@q~csq~d?@wxq~@q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~@q~isq~d?@wxq~@q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~osq~d?@wxq~@q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~@q~usq~d?@wxq~@q~wq~2t!Splendor is surrounded by pink mist which starts swirling around her ankles, then gradually works its way up her legs, dissolving her clothes as it rises. She holds her arms apart, allowing her nude silhouette to be enveloped by the haze. A uniform resembling that of a schoolgirl begins to materialize around her, but she steps out of the mist before anything above her thigh-high stockings can be fully completed. Her tattered blouse leaves her belly exposed, and the cloth covering her down below can barely even be called a microskirt. She flaps her bat wings and glides down to the ground, the pink mist swirling around her. The Thralls and Demons need no encouragement to swarm her position, but before they can reach her, they begin to stagger and stumble as the pink mist soaks into them.q~sq~d?@ w sq~sq~$sq~sq~Psq~#sq~4sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~'sq~sq~q~6sq~ sq~q~sq~lsq~sq~sq~q~6xuq~q~6p~r Body$Wingsxq~=tBATpq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5q~uq~q~q~pq~5q~q~q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5q~uq~@q~q~5sr AnimalisticI danceDurationIinstinctDurationI limitsBrokenL currentPhasetLAnimalistic$Phase;LcustomSubspeciesq~L limitBreakq~LsubtypetLAnimalistic$Subspecies;L vocalizedq~xq~-c+ ?_d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7t Unbendingq~5q~6tVictoryq~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~t armored robepq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~9䗁8qxtwhiteq~5q~>q~6q~6q~@tswingsq~(Zpppq~5q~5pq~5q~@tbootsq~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~E~q~sq~Mdppq~]pq~`uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~U~q~htFOREARMSq~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~dsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~]sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~isq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ft longswordsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~vq~5p~q~tHOUNDppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@ wsq~tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~t that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5uq~q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5~r Body$Tailxq~=tHOUNDuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~@q~dsq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~@q~]sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~isq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~vtThe speaker begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5sq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~dpq~5~q~t ANIMALISTICq~q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5q~~rAnimalistic$Phasexq~=t TERRITORIALq~@q~5~rAnimalistic$Subspeciesxq~=tHOUNDq~sq~- d'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~7pq~5q~6tWisdomq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pppq~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5sq~9Pxq~;q~5q~>q~5q~6q~@q~@sq~(pppq~5q~5pq~5pq~@q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~Eq~>pq~5q~5pq~5q~5ppq~5q~5uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~5q~6q~q~5q~5q~6uq~2uq~2puq~2q~5ppq~5pq~Eq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5uq~q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6uq~q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~6pppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5pq~5q~5q~5sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~5ppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6uq~!q~5pq~5psq~4uq~2puq~21q~puq~2uq~2ppq~~sq~4uq~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9uq~B q~Zq~q~iq~ q~q~1q~`q~q~q~q~uq~Bsq~91ֿxuq~Bsq~G ?: LK@d'uq~2q~9q~9q~9tbeltstVengefulq~9q~tPhantomq~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~9tdownttrouserspq~9q~9q~q~q~9q~9sq~9)xtdrabq~9q~>q~9q~q~fq~fsq~(ZZpppq~9q~9pq~9tGototsneakersq~9q~9puq~Buq~2q~9tfemale~q~sq~M]ppq~]pq~Duq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ftjacketsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~fq~Jsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~Osq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ftbrasq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ftpantiessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftpistolssq~d?@wxq~f~q~tSHOOTq~`q~9ppppq~9pppppq~9q~9q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~q~9q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9uq~q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~q~q~9q~q~q~q~9q~9q~q~q~q~9q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~q~9q~q~9q~q~9q~q~q~9q~9q~uq~q~q~q~9q~9q~q~q~9q~q~9q~q~9q~q~q~q~q~9q~9q~q~q~9puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~fq~fsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~fq~Jsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~Osq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~fq~vsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~fq~|sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket hugging her chest to outline her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her sneakers. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she draws her equipment from the belts holding everything in place and begins planning her approach. She wears numerous pistols on her person, discarding them once they're empty. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Purgatory has made her arrival!q~sq~d?@wxuq~~q~tFATHER~q~t BIGSIBLING~q~t LITTLESIBLINGq~q~q~q~pppq~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9pq~9q~9uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~9ppppq~9pppppq~9q~9q~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~9puq~pppppuq~_q~fq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~9ppq~9q~9q~9pq~9q~9q~9sq~(pppuq~q~Iq~fpq~9q~q~|q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9uq~!q~9pq~9q~q~f~q~tREVENANTq~9ppq~q~_q~>ur[Ljava.lang.String;V{Gxpq~9q~9uq~Hsq~y'''7QN"7W UZH!d tholytHopefulptPrayerq~tintotrobepuq~tdrabpq~>tsq~(dpppsq~4sq~4t Demon Lordpsq~4tDaigot armored bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-{$' - 7We :Kӌ \s'uq~2q~sq~4q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9kWBxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~StAyameq~q~pq~q~pt&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tKnightpq~tGifuq~q~>sq~M B@6*Y ULHppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~~q~tMETALq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ftpantiessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~q~ppppq~q~ppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~sq~uq~~q~t FRIENDPARTNERsq~uq~~q~t RIVALPARTNERsq~uq~~q~t OLDTRAINERxq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~*t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~*q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tAyame is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Prayer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@w q~sq~q~sq~q~?sq~Fsq~q~Asq~ sq~sq~sq~q~#q~@sq~q~@sq~sq~&q~sq~Usq~sq~sq~q~@sq~sq~q~sq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(x2pppuq~q~q~pq~ptnoneq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~tbootsuq~q~q~q~pq~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~uq~q~3q~3q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~~q~tTHRALLSq~q~q~sq~cq~uq~uq~q~q~puq~2pq~eq~pq~q~gsq~y'%''s 0Z  t=. ~l]Td tocculttStalkingptShadowq~taroundtarmorq~3uq~tdrabpq~>tsq~(dpppq~q~t Demon Lordpsq~4tJinnot running shoes and athletic socksq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~:;13% Z hX.*U'uq~2q~sq~4q~q~yq~zq~q~q~{q~q~q~q~q~q~q~|q~}pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9y$*xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~StZenq~q~pq~q~ptThe sun won't save you!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~tCrimsonq~q~q~uq~2uq~2t/0.0% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~tVampirepq~tKanazawaq~q~>sq~MB@.37  l]NKppq~]q~3puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft armor platessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft running shoessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ftbrasq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ft undershortssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftmonstersq~d?@wxq~fq~wq~q~ppppq~q~xppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~t my leaderxpsq~d?@ w sq~uq~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~sq~$uq~~q~t OFFSPRINGsq~%uq~q~sq~&uq~q~q~uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~!q~uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~wq~tZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Crimson has joined the battle!q~sq~d?@w q~q~Aq~sq~q~?q~Cq~Dq~Asq~ sq~sq~sq~9q~q~@sq~q~@sq~sq~3sq~sq~usq~sq~sq~q~@xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~3q~Jpq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(x2pppuq~q~|q~}pq~q~tshortsq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~pq~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~uq~q~3q~3q~3q~3q~3q~3q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~q~q~uq~uq~q~|q~}puq~2q~q~q~pq~q~q~~uq~Hq~q~xq~~ur[[JvvJU߽xpur[Jx uxpuq~+uq~+uq~Bq~Dppq~fuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~pppuq~q~3q~uq~q~fq~fq~fuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~pppuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~pppuq~q~9q~9q~9uq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~q~fq~fq~fuq~Bsq~-T/jP b61x<V[J^ 2  R62O ;t822»ܛUvT\_FJW'uq~2sq~4q~6sq~4tnonetHopefulq~Gq~FtShieldq~Gq~Gq~5q~5q~5q~5q~trobepq~Gq~Fq~6q~Gq~Gq~Gsq~9 ;d$xq~;q~Gq~>q~5q~6q~@q~@sq~(ddpppq~Gq~Guq~q~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~FtZayasut armored bootsq~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~Eq~StMidoriq~Gq~Guq~q~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fuq~q~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Ft&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~Gq~Fuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Fq~6q~Jq~5q~5q~Guq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~5tKnightpq~GtNaganoq~Eq~>sq~MaC, %5ppq~]pq~Duq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~ftrobesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ft pleated skirtsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~ft chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~Psq~d?@wxq~fq~q~`q~6q~Npppq~5ppq~Tpq~Uq~Gq~6q~6sq~d?@ wsq~ psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5uq~q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6uq~q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5uq~q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6uq~q~Fq~Fq~5q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fuq~2psq~d?@ wsq~ tAikoq~{tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~{t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~zuq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~Fpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~fsq~d?@wxq~q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~lsq~d?@wxq~q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~q~rsq~d?@wxq~q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~Psq~d?@wxq~@q~q~`tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~~q~tMOTHERq~Gppq~q~Fq~5q~5q~5q~5q~Gq~Gpq~Gq~Guq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~Gppq~Gq~Gq~Gpq~Gq~Gq~Gsq~(pppuq~q~q~Kpq~Gpq~7q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~Fq~6q~Guq~!q~Gpq~Gq~isq~-j*tV7*4  6[2 ;t F ]a@Uz ,7ʕiyÜa['uq~2q~q~q~tcloakt Beautifulq~q~tSpiceq~q~q~q~q~q~tupq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9gy8'xtbrightq~q~#q~q~q~q~sq~(ZZpppq~q~pq~tTakaminethigh-heeled sandalsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~~q~ gעGЎyܸ 0ܗ'uq~2q~5q~6q~6q~q~q~Gq~Fq~q~Gq~Gq~5q~5q~5q~5q~q~pq~Gq~Fq~6q~Gq~Gq~Gsq~9)q,xq~q~Gq~#q~5q~6q~@q~@q~q~Gq~Gpq~5q~q~q~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~Eq~tKoharuq~Gq~Gpq~5q~5ptCombat preparations complete.q~Gq~Fuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Fq~6q~q~5q~5q~Guq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~5tFighterpq~Gq~_q~Eq~#sq~MRB@I8mrHBPQVn%ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~ftwrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ft undershortssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftriflesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ q~5ppppq~5q~~q~tLONGpppq~Fq~6q~6sq~d?@ wq~psq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~5q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5uq~q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6uq~q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6uq~q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5puq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~q~-q~Sxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~-q~Sxpsq~d?@w q~zuq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~%sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~~q~t APPROACHEDq~uq~q~q~Muq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~~q~tUSURPERq~uq~q~xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Qttank topsq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~@q~sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~@q~"sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~@q~(sq~d?@wxq~@q~q~ tHer skintight wrapped chest bindings leave her shoulders bare and run only far enough to go over her breasts, leaving her belly completely exposed. Every line of her groin and feminine hips are outlined by her undershorts, which run not even down to her knees. They run under her trousers, which go down to her knees. Her feet are covered by combat boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~sq~d?@w q~q~Aq~sq~q~?q~Cq~Dq~Aq~zsq~sq~q~@sq~sq~sq~q~@sq~q~Kq~sq~jsq~sq~vq~sq~q~Msq~q~Oq~@q~Psq~q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~Gpppq~5q~5q~5q~5q~5q~6q~Gpq~Gq~Guq~Buq~uq~q~3q~3q~Gppq~Gq~Gq~Gpq~Gq~Gq~Gsq~(ddpppuq~tundertbindingspq~Gptshortsq~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~Fq~6q~Guq~!q~Gpq~Gq~(uq~q~q~q~pq~5pq~uq~2uq~Bq~Fq~q~Gq~Fq~q~ pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~ pq~5q~q~3q~pppuq~uq~q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Guq~ q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gpuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~q~Guq~uq~q~q~puq~2pq~q~Gpq~q~(q~Fq~Gpt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~Fq~q~Gq~Gq~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~Gt Sorceresspq~tKashiwaq~q~sq~M~B@ C  YF< & ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~~q~ktTATTOOxsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~ftheart-shaped pubic tattoosq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~ft leg banglessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~ft arm banglessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftriflesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~~q~t HALFCLOTHq~q~Nxq~ftoversized shirtsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~q~Fppppq~Gq~pq~ppq~q~Fq~Fsq~d?@ wq~=tyou embarrassmentq~;t you hypocritexsq~d?@ wq~=tthat embarrassmentq~;tthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fuq~q~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fuq~q~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Guq~q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~=pq~;pxsq~d?@ wq~=pq~tpxpsq~d?@ w q~uuq~~q~t HATEDPARTNERq~Cuq~q~q~Esq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~Muq~q~sq~uq~q~Eq~Puq~q~q~uq~q~q~tuq~q~q~%xq~Gpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by garb borrowed from the Forsaken! Her oversized shirt hangs from her shoulder all the way down her arm so that only her fingertips poke out. It covers her just barely down past her feminine hips. It hangs open low enough offer a glimpse of her pert breasts. She isn't wearing anything to cover her bare feet. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~sq~d?@w q~q~Aq~sq~mq~?q~Cq~Dq~Asq~ sq~q~sq~q~xq~Kq~q~Lq~zq~{q~sq~q~Msq~q~Oq~@q~Psq~q~sq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~sq~4sq~MOB@! Gb >7&/ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ftdresssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft armored bootssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ftbrasq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~ftDemonic nipple piercingssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ w~q~htNECKq~lxsq~d?@ wq~ -q~xq~ftDemonic collarsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ q~q~q~ppq~sq~y'F''9FpY @ 63/SE O7 XdtsleevestLoyalptFreedomq~tuptskirtpuq~tclashingpq~q~*sq~(dpppq~q~tMistressq~q~tWakimotoq~ q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~]&.#U)PEXAF rF|6/2S e,N_d,>+",Npd*M͚X'uq~2q~q~q~q~ 3q~ 4q~q~q~ 5q~q~q~q~sq~4q~q~ 6q~ 7pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9JqŸxq~ 9q~q~q~q~q~*q~*q~ :q~q~q~q~q~ q~q~q~q~sq~(ddpppq~q~pq~tChujothigh-heeled bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~StMidoriq~q~pq~q~pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~ q~q~q~uq~2uq~2t-3% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~tSoldierpq~q~q~q~>sq~MFw=$^ppq~]pq~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~ft nipple platessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~ft crotch platesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ft stockingssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~ft elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftmacesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~pq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~~q~tKILLEDBYq~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ tDMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes' bright colors and provocative cut give her a striking presence. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~sq~d?@ wq~q~ q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~ptstrapsq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~ sq~-WN:=.D  &T ?WZ d"-06'uq~2q~q~q~tnonetLoyalq~q~tMoppetq~q~q~q~q~sq~4tuptskirtpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~98ށxtdrabq~q~>q~q~tq~ Qsq~(FFpppq~q~pq~tJinnotribbon-laced sandalsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~ltMidoriq~q~pq~q~ptTime to go wild!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~ Kq~q~q~uq~2uq~2t.23% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~tPrincesspq~t Utsunomiyaq~ Wq~>sq~MC\srDevilLcustomSubspeciesq~LsubtypetLDevil$Subspecies;xq~-v} D1:4b# P 'Xn He0H@-Sj 'uq~2q~q~q~q~ Nt Punishingq~q~tJusticeq~q~q~q~q~ Lq~tintotbodysuitpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9FHxtbrightq~q~Sq~q~q~ Qq~ Qsq~(pppq~q~pq~tAsakawatthigh-high bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~StUmekoq~q~q~ 2q~q~pt%Every soul receives what it deserves!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~t Lightbringerq~q~q~uq~2uq~2t/0.2% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~t Zabaniyahpq~q~ bq~ sq~Ssq~MKB@ ,(${T " 9ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~ ksq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~ psq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftswordsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ q~ppq~ fpq~sq~y'b''D#MM2 nbH " @dq~ Nq~ hpq~ iq~q~ jq~ kpuq~q~ mpq~q~ Qq~ nq~q~tLord of Demonspq~q~ oq~ pq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~ fuq~q~q~q~ tq~ 2q~pq~ uuq~2uq~Bq~q~ yq~q~q~q~ ~pq~q~ yuq~Buq~Hq~ pq~uq~q~3q~3q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~~rDevil$Subspeciesxq~=t ZABANIYAHuq~2uq~q~q~s~q~tSELFq~sq~(ddpppq~uq~uq~q~ jq~ kq~ fuq~2~q~tDEVILtnoneq~pq~q~ pq~ 2ppq~q~sq~4sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~uq~~q~t NEWPARTNERq~Kuq~q~ q~!q~Duq~q~q~sq~uq~q~q~Auq~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~ tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~ q~q~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ Qq~ ksq~d?@wxq~ Qq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ Qq~ psq~d?@wxq~ Qq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ Qq~ sq~d?@wxq~ Qq~q~ tUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Even then, there's a distinct bulge visible between her legs. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Lightbringer joins the fray!q~sq~d?@w sq~"sq~sq~#sq~sq~sq~@sq~ sq~ sq~sq~q~Asq~sq~sq~q~ sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~q~ sq~sq~sq~xuq~q~q~q~3ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~ Qq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~ uq~q~ jq~ kq~ fq~q~ q~ q~q~ q~ q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~ q~ Qq~ pq~]pq~ Guq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~ft tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ csq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ csq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~ft chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ csq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft gauntletssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ cq~ ppq~ fpq~pppppq~q~ q~sq~d?@ wsq~'pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~?uq~q~ q~!sq~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~ 4q~ sq~d?@wxq~ 4q~q~ csq~asq~d?@wxq~ 4sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ 4q~ sq~d?@wxq~ 4q~q~ csq~asq~d?@wxq~ 4sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~ 4q~ sq~d?@wxq~ 4q~q~ csq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~ Qq~ sq~d?@wxq~ Qq~q~ ctMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Moppet quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@ wq~ .sq~xuq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~xq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~ Qq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~tdowntbodiceq~ fq~q~ Oq~ q~q~q~q~q~ q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~ q~9q~9uq~2q~xpq~6q~9uq~q~>pq~9q~9q~5uq~uq~Bq~sq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~Fq~6q~Gq~Ht Beautifulq~Gq~FtHoneyq~Gq~Gq~5q~5q~5q~5q~tcloakq~Dq~Gq~Fq~6q~Gq~Gq~Gsq~9G:xq~;q~Gq~q~5q~6q~@q~@sq~(pppq~Gq~Guq~q~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~FtTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~5q~5puq~Buq~2q~5q~q~q~q~Gq~Guq~q~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fuq~q~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~FtJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~Gq~Fuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Fq~6q~ fq~5q~5q~Guq~2uq~2q~\uq~2q~6tAvengerpq~Gq~_q~q~sq~M=X % q~Dpq~]q~Dpuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~fttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ ysq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~fttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ ysq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~fttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ ysq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftspiritssq~d?@wxq~fq~wq~ yq~6q~ jpq~Dpq~5sq~y '0''[!)=56~ jOWa u9 6~=X &` d q~Hq~ epq~ fq~q~q~ gq~Duq~q~;pq~q~@q~ iq~Fq~tMister Demon Lordq~ jq~Fq~ kq~ lq~5ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~ cuq~q~q~q~q~ oq~Fq~ pq~ quq~2uq~Bq~Fq~ fq~Gq~q~q~ xpq~q~ fuq~Buq~Hq~ yuq~q~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fuq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5ppppq~5pppppq~5q~5q~5sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5puq~pppppuq~_q~@q~6sq~d?@wxuq~q~6ppq~Fpppuq~uq~q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Guq~ q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gpuq~2uq~q~sq~s~q~tTOGETHERq~ sq~(pppq~Guq~uq~q~q~ gq~Duq~2pq~q~Gpq~q~ pq~ opq~ pq~Gq~6q~sq~d?@ wq~-pq~{pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6uq~q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5uq~q~6q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~5q~5q~5q~6uq~q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~5q~6q~5q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~5q~5q~ uq~2psq~d?@ wq~-q~Sq~{q~xsq~d?@ wq~-q~Sq~{q~xpsq~d?@ w q~=uq~q~q~Auq~q~q~q~xuq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~Muq~q~sq~uq~q~q~9uq~q~q~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~;uq~q~q~q~%xq~Fpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ ysq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ ysq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ ysq~asq~d?@wxq~@sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~@q~ sq~d?@wxq~@q~wq~ ytAiko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~sq~d?@w q~q~Aq~sq~q~?q~Cq~Dq~Asq~sq~q~tq~@q~usq~q~wq~@q~xq~Kq~sq~|q~zq~{q~sq~ q~Msq~q~Oq~@q~Psq~q~sq~;xuq~q~Gppq~ q~Fq~5q~5q~5q~5q~Gq~Gpq~Gq~Guq~Buq~q~ q~ q~Gppq~Gq~Gq~Gpq~Gq~Gq~Gq~ uq~q~q~ gq~Dq~Gpq~q~5q~6q~6q~6q~6q~Fq~5q~Guq~!q~Gpq~Gq~ q~sq~- /|'~~ ,F/V2; ;tF -<\k_TӚv!C'uq~2q~q~Fq~q~HtLoyalq~q~tCheerq~q~q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gtuptskirtq~q~q~q~Fq~q~q~sq~9Mʸxtdrabq~q~>q~Gq~Fq~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~GtNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~Gq~Gpuq~Buq~2q~Gtfemaleq~ltChoukoq~q~q~q~Fq~Fq~ tTime to go wild!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~Fq~ q~Gq~Gq~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~GtPrincesssq~- (c76msw|M2z" 8FF2X ;tDF C޿u>gmL"hi'uq~2q~Gq~Fq~Gq~tOptimalq~q~tPaladinq~q~q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gtintotleotardpq~q~q~Gq~q~q~sq~9fDC_xtbrightq~q~>q~Gq~Fq~q~sq~(pppq~q~q~q~Fq~ ktthigh-high bootsq~Gq~Gpuq~Buq~2q~Gq~ q~StKoharuq~q~q~q~Fq~Gpt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~Fq~ q~Gq~Gq~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~FtSoldierpq~q~q~ q~>sq~MZ"MV$Gz ~{ q~ pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~ft nipple platessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ $sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~ft crotch platesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ $sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ft stockingssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ $sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~ft elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ $sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftmacesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ $q~Fq~pq~ pq~Gsq~y' M'',F">FN N "FN  X/ZF"N MV$Gz { dq~q~ pq~ q~q~ q~ puq~q~ pq~>q~q~ q~q~tGreat Demon Lordq~q~Fq~ kq~ q~Gppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~ uq~q~q~q~ q~q~Fpq~ uq~2uq~Bq~q~ q~q~q~q~ #pq~q~ uq~Buq~Hq~ $q~q~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Gppppq~Gpppppq~Gq~Gq~Gsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Gpuq~pppppuq~_q~q~Fsq~d?@wxuq~q~Fppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ssq~(ddpppq~uq~uq~q~ q~ q~ uq~2pq~Hq~q~q~q~ Bpq~ppq~q~Fq~Fsq~d?@ wq~?t you deviantxsq~d?@ wq~?t that deviantxppsq~uq~q~6q~Gq~6q~Fq~6q~Gq~5q~Fq~5q~Fq~6q~Fq~6q~Gq~6q~Fq~5q~Gq~5q~Guq~q~5q~Fq~6q~Gq~6q~Gq~6q~Gq~6q~Gq~5q~Fq~5q~Fq~6q~Gq~6q~Fq~5q~Guq~q~6q~Fq~5q~Fq~6q~Gq~6q~Gq~6q~Fq~6q~Gq~6q~Fq~5q~Fq~5q~Gq~5q~Fuq~q~5q~Fq~6q~Gq~6q~Fq~5q~Gq~6q~Fq~6q~Gq~5q~Gq~6q~Fq~6q~Fq~5q~Fq~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~=q~ q~wpxsq~d?@ wq~=q~ q~wpxpsq~d?@ wq~uuq~q~q~wuq~q~q~zuq~q~q~q~uq~q~xq~Fpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~Qq~ *sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~ $sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~Qq~ 0sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~ $sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Qq~ 6sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~ $sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~Qq~ sq~M :lB8/4ppq~]q~puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~ft tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~fq~rsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft gauntletssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ q~Gppppq~Gsq~y''',EN N 5F/N V;X8:FlN B84Zq~Hq~ pq~ q~q~ q~ q~uq~q~ pq~>q~q~ q~q~tMister Demon Lordpq~Gq~ q~ q~Gppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~ uq~q~q~q~ q~q~Fq~ q~ uq~2uq~Bq~q~ q~q~q~q~ q~ q~q~ uq~Buq~Hq~ q~q~Fuq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Gppppq~Gpppppq~Gq~Gq~Gsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Gpuq~pppppuq~_q~q~Fsq~d?@wxuq~q~Fppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~ q~sq~sq~(pppq~uq~uq~q~tbodicepuq~2pq~Hq~pq~q~ pq~pq~ q~q~Gq~Fsq~d?@ wq~?tyou jerkq~;pxsq~d?@ wq~?t that jerkxq~ psq~uq~q~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fuq~q~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Guq~q~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fuq~q~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Gq~Fq~Fq~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~?pq~;tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~?pq~;t my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~wuq~q~q~zuq~q~q~uq~q~q~tuq~q~~q~t NEWTRAINERxq~Fpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~q~rsq~d?@wxq~q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ tChouko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Cheer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@ wq~zsq~5q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~Fq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fq~pq~q~uq~Buq~q~ q~ q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~ uq~q~q~ pq~pq~Hq~Gq~Fq~Fq~Fq~Fq~q~Fq~uq~!q~pq~q~ q~ sq~- y]BDE]ld]#/"2Xe D%t֙FR2 zB KL4sB'uq~2q~q~q~tholytMagicalq~q~tStalwartq~q~q~q~q~q~tuptskirtpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9mGxtpastelq~q~q~q~q~Qq~Qsq~(dpppq~q~pq~tEnomotot running shoes and athletic socksq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~tGinq~q~pq~q~q~ t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tKnightpq~tFujisawaq~"q~sq~M "  Zz'ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ftdresssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft running shoessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ftbrasq~d?@wxq~fq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~ftleather strapssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftmacesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~.q~ppppq~sq~y'#'',/" X3"  nZ'd q~q~pq~q~q~q~puq~q~pq~q~Qq~q~q~tMasterpq~q~q~q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~q~#pq~q~ q~$uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~,pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~.pq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~Qq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~q~sq~sq~(x2pppq~uq~uq~tcutouttbodicepuq~2ptstrapsq~pq~q~Lpppq~ q~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~At you villainq~Cttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~At that villainq~Ct that traitorxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~Apq~Cpxsq~d?@ wq~Apq~Cpxpsq~d?@ wq~wuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~xuq~q~q~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Qq~4sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Qq~:sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Qq~@sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~Qq~Fsq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Qq~Lsq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~.tGin is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. From just the right angle, a slight bulge can be seen in the front of the undergarment. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The colors are all faint pastels that shimmer as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Stalwart joins the fray!q~sq~d?@w q~q~Aq~sq~q~?q~Cq~Dq~Aq~sq~sq~sq~q~q~@q~wq~@q~ sq~Yq~zq~{q~sq~q~Msq~q~Oq~@q~Psq~q~sq~;xuq~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~q~\q~]q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~nuq~q~qq~rpq~pq~tq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~Lsq~-3!Q`Vqzc5B 6 2e|vZa2#o$#_~hpI +'uq~2q~q~q~tchainstOptimalq~q~tTyrantq~q~q~q~q~q~taroundtbeltspq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Hbxtbrightq~q~#q~q~q~Qq~Qsq~(pppq~q~q~q~tTakaminetthigh-high bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~tYukiq~q~pq~q~ptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~*uq~2q~tAssassinpq~q~-q~q~#sq~M2B@= nJ:q~pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~fq~@sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ftpantiessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftspiritssq~d?@wxq~fq~wq~q~q~pq~pq~sq~y 'c''?B 6A" @U J:d q~q~pq~q~q~q~puq~q~pq~>q~Qq~q~q~ LtGreat Demon Lordq~q~q~q~q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~q~pq~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~Qq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~sq~(ddpppq~uq~uq~q~q~q~uq~2pq~q~pq~q~ppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~t you weaklingxsq~d?@ wq~t that weaklingxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~Apq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pxpsq~d?@ w q~wuq~q~q~ q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~ !uq~q~q~ xuq~q~q~uq~q~q~ uq~q~ q~uq~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Qq~@sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~wq~tYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots and outlining her minimal underwear. Her outfit's provocative design and bright colors command the attention of Demons and civilians alike, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Tyrant has made her arrival!q~sq~d?@w q~q~Aq~sq~q~?q~Cq~Dq~Aq~sq~q~sq~q~q~@q~wq~@q~ sq~q~zq~{q~sq~q~Msq~q~Oq~@q~Psq~q~sq~;xuq~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~sq~-HdY D62<ԥF F]Uex3LD_ּ<.\2 Z'uq~2q~q~q~q~ ^tOptimalq~q~tAxiomq~q~q~q~q~q~tfrontt miniskirtq~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9iӃxtdarkq~q~lq~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~tYashidathigh-heeled bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~ltOmiq~q~q~q~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~]q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~ uq~2q~tFighterq~q~q~q~gq~lsq~MN>:7:7q~q~q~*q~*sq~(pppq~q~pq~tNinomiyat kneesocksq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~ltYukiq~q~q~q~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~ Ruq~2q~tFighterpq~q~ Uq~q~>sq~M h4/^ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~fq~ "sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ftpantiessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft high heelssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftrevolversq~d?@wxq~fq~q~ q~ _ppppq~sq~y'(''FE(N N +6 N = N h4/`dq~q~pq~q~q~q~puq~q~pq~>q~*q~q~q~tLord of Demonspq~q~q~q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~ pq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~*q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(ddpppq~uq~uq~q~q~puq~2pq~q~pq~q~*pq~ppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~pq~ttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~Qtmy loveq~pxsq~d?@ wq~Qt my soul mateq~pxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~Muq~q~q~Ouq~q~xq~ Vpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~*q~ "sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~*q~$sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~*q~*sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~ trYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her kneesocks and outlining her minimal underwear. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she rushes in to assist, the protective charms dangling from her outfit rattling together with every step. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Prophet has made her arrival!q~sq~d?@ wq~`sq~Mq~ sq~|q~ sq~|q~ sq~|q~sq~|sq~sq~|q~ sq~|xuq~q~q~~q~tTWINq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~q~:q~;q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~Luq~q~q~pq~pq~q~q~q~ _q~q~ Vq~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~*sq~-8HߩS[EWB >/J2 ;tF مw2},/ŭ?KbBa'%'uq~2q~q~q~q~ q~ 4q~q~tVoidq~q~q~q~q~q~taroundtstripspq~q~ Vq~q~q~q~sq~9K+Xxtwhiteq~q~>q~q~q~*q~*sq~(pppq~q~pq~tWatarit doll shoesq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~ltHitomiq~q~pq~q~q~ tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~ Ruq~2q~tAvengerpq~q~ Uq~q~>sq~M  T23tygfq~ Cpq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~fttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~fttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftspiritssq~d?@wxq~fq~wq~q~ _ppq~ Cpq~sq~y '''&B3N N A/N J-F N T23tyfdq~ q~ 4pq~q~q~q~puq~q~pq~>q~*q~q~q~tMister Demon Lordpq~q~q~q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~q~pq~q~ q~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~*q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(pppq~uq~uq~q~q~q~ Cuq~2q~ Oq~q~pq~q~pppq~ q~q~ Vq~ _sq~d?@ wsq~t you hypocritesq~pxsq~d?@ wq~tthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wsq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pq~ ut my girlfriendxpsq~d?@ wq~`uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~Ouq~q~q~Puq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~wq~tHitomi is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Strips of hanging cloth wind themselves around her body, not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Void has made her arrival!q~sq~d?@ wq~`sq~q~sq~q~ sq~|q~ sq~|q~sq~Mq~sq~Mq~ sq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~ Cq~q~ Oq~q~q~q~ Vq~ Vq~ _q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~ Cq~sq~UpA?96 dc "n2 ^ ;tx Q_li(T'uq~2q~q~q~q~ tPrudentq~q~tProphetq~q~q~q~q~q~taroundtstripspq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9|HZxtpastelq~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~tAsakawat running shoes and athletic socksq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~Sq~q~q~q~ 2q~q~ptNobility obliges!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~tDutyq~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~tMummypq~q~q~1q~>sq~M}OXppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ftdresssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft running shoessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ftbrasq~d?@wxq~fq~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ft undershortssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftstaffsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~;q~ppppq~sq~y' ''+?c D9D9 n ^4}R[d q~ q~&pq~'q~q~(q~)puq~q~+pq~>q~q~,q~q~tGreat Demon Lordpq~q~-q~.q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~$uq~q~q~q~q~ 2q~pq~2uq~2uq~Bq~q~6q~q~q~q~:pq~q~6uq~Buq~Hq~;pq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~~q~tMUMMYuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~sq~sq~(ddpppq~uq~uq~q~(q~)puq~2q~tshortsq~pq~q~Ypq~ 2ppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~Duq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~Guq~q~%xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~Asq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~Gsq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~Msq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~Ssq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~Ysq~d?@wxq~q~q~;tWakako is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She uses a gemstone-tipped staff which fires bursts of purifying energy. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Duty has joined the battle!q~sq~d?@ w q~5q~6q~7q~8q~9sq~4q~;q~q~9q~9q~9q~ftPsychic Dynamoq~9q~q~9sq~U2?q~9q~9q~9q~ft Wooden Stakeq~9q~q~9sq~U2@q~9q~9q~9q~ftBroken Shacklesq~9q~q~9sq~U2Aq~9q~9q~9q~ft Empty Vesselq~9q~q~9sq~U2B%q~9q~9q~9q~ftPleasure Buttonq~9q~q~9sq~U2C&q~9q~9q~9q~ft Velvet Keyq~9q~q~9sq~U2D'q~9q~9q~9q~ft Book of Lifeq~9q~q~9sq~U2E(q~9q~9q~9q~ft Limit Breakq~9q~q~9sq~U2F/q~9q~9q~9q~ftAmanojaku Hornq~9q~q~9sq~U2G,q~9q~9q~9q~ftSilver Braceletq~9q~q~9sq~U2H-q~9q~9q~q~ftQliphothic Easingq~9q~q~9puq~2uq~2ppuq~Bsq~-G ?: d'uq~2q~9q~9q~9q~Fq~Gq~9q~q~Hq~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~9q~Iq~Jpq~9q~9q~q~q~9q~9q~Kq~Lq~9q~>q~9q~q~fq~fsq~(ZZpppq~9q~9pq~9q~Nq~Oq~9q~9puq~Buq~2q~9q~Rq~Sq~Uq~9q~9pq~9q~9pq~Vq~9q~9uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~9q~q~Zq~9q~9q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~9q~^pq~9pq~Rq~>q~`pq~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9pq~9q~9uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~9ppppq~9pppppq~9q~9q~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~9puq~pppppuq~_q~fq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~9ppq~9q~9q~9pq~9q~9q~9sq~(pppuq~q~Iq~fpq~9q~q~|q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9uq~!q~9pq~9q~sq~-d' = 3d'uq~2q~9q~q~tskirttSoaringq~9q~tPainq~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9tintotbodysuitpq~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9sq~9}dxtbrightq~9q~>q~9q~q~fq~fsq~(FFpppq~9q~9pq~9tFujimoritthigh-high bootsq~9q~9puq~Buq~2q~9q~Rq~StChoukoq~9q~9pq~9q~9ptRide the winds of victory!q~9q~9uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~9q~tSkyq~9q~9q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~9tFalconpq~9pq~Rq~>sq~MLppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~*sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~*sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftswordsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~*q~9ppppq~9pppppq~9q~q~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~q~9uq~q~9q~9q~q~q~9q~q~9q~q~9q~9q~q~q~9q~9q~9q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~9q~9q~q~q~q~9q~q~q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~q~9q~q~q~uq~q~q~9q~q~9q~q~q~q~q~9q~q~q~9q~q~q~9q~q~q~q~9q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~9~q~tRAPTORuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~*sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~*sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~fq~:sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~*t~The speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Sky joins the fray!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~p~q~ItRAPTORpq~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9pq~9q~9uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~9ppppq~9pppppq~9q~9q~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~9puq~pppppuq~_q~fq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~9ppq~9q~9q~9pq~9q~9q~9sq~(npppuq~q~q~pq~9q~tnoneq~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~uq~!q~9pq~9q~:sq~-7 >W cd'uq~2q~9q~q~tsleevestFuriousq~9q~tRebelq~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~tupq~pq~9q~9q~q~q~9q~9sq~9[$xtclashingq~9q~Sq~9q~q~fq~fsq~(ddpppq~9q~9pq~9tHasegawat armored bootsq~9q~9puq~Buq~2q~9q~Mq~StYukiq~9q~9pq~9q~9ptStop doing bad things, or else!q~9q~9uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~9q~t Retributionq~9q~9q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~9tFurypq~9pq~Mq~Ssq~Mppq~]pq~ruq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ftgownsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~|sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~fq~vsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~q~9ppppq~9pppppq~9q~9q~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~9q~9q~q~q~9q~q~q~q~q~9q~9q~9q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~q~q~9q~9q~q~q~9q~q~9q~q~9q~9q~9uq~q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~q~9uq~q~9q~9q~q~q~9q~q~9q~q~9q~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~xq~9puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~|sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~fq~vsq~d?@wxq~fq~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! An elaborate gown trails her, its front slit high enough up her thigh to reveal her lack of panties and the faint shape hanging between her legs. Her clothes have clashing colors and a provocative cut, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Retribution quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~9pq~9q~9uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~9ppppq~9pppppq~9q~9q~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~9puq~pppppuq~_q~fq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~9ppq~9q~9q~9pq~9q~9q~9sq~(pppuq~q~Itbodicepq~9q~ q~pq~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~q~uq~!q~9pq~9tbootsq~9sq~9{Uxpuq~2 pppuq~+PxJ7jTuq~q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9uq~Bq~xpuq~2ur[[[IK%R0xpuq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~>uq~ppppppppppppppppppppppppuq~2q~9q~9pur[[Ljava.lang.Boolean;raʋmxpuq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~2uq~Bsq~-?SA Hwqw{lC  `lC7 ;tR0stCS0?/,j'uq~2q~q~q~t jewellerytLoyalq~q~tWhisperq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9lʜxtwhiteq~q~>q~q~q~Qq~Qsq~(FFpppq~q~pq~tFujimorit doll shoesq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~StZenq~q~pq~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~Fq~q~q~uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tPrincesspq~q~-q~q~>sq~MJ& *@ppq~]pq~Buq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ftblousesq~d?@wxq~fq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~fq~Ksq~d?@wxq~fq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~fq~@sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~fq~sq~d?@wxq~fq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftrevolversq~d?@wxq~fq~q~Xq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~Cpq~t you fake heroxsq~d?@ wq~tthat fake heroxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pxpsq~d?@ wq~xuq~q~q~uq~q~q~ uq~q~q~q~ uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Qq~^sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Qq~Ksq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Qq~@sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Qq~sq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Qsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Qq~xsq~d?@wxq~Qq~q~XtZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A shimmering blouse and long skirt embroidered with magic sigils materialize in their place, the top not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Whisper has made her arrival!q~sq~d?@ wq~ q~q~ sq~(xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~Qq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~tdownq~^pq~q~ Oq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~xsq~]R <*d'uq~2q~q~q~tbandsq~ Uq~q~tSpikeq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ ttrouserspq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9H7xtclashingq~q~Sq~q~q~q~sq~(FFpppq~q~pq~q~ q~q~q~ Qq~ Qsq~(ZZpppq~q~pq~tBaishothigh-heeled bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~ Wq~ltOtomeq~q~pq~q~pt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~t Sorceresspq~q~ bq~ Wq~>sq~MIIippq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft armor platessq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ft heeled bootssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ftbrasq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ft undershortssq~d?@wxq~fq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~fsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ftmonstersq~d?@wxq~fq~wq~q~ ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~Kuq~q~q~?uq~q~ q~ uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ Qq~sq~d?@wxq~ Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ Qq~sq~d?@wxq~ Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ Qq~sq~d?@wxq~ Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ Qq~sq~d?@wxq~ Qq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~ Qsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ Qq~sq~d?@wxq~ Qq~wq~tOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, dipping down to expose the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes have a dark color scheme that lends her a professional air. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Triumph has joined the battle!q~sq~d?@ wq~ q~ xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~ Qq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~q~ Oq~,q~q~q~ q~ q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~uq~Hq~ q~q~,q~q~q~ q~q~ Dq~Nq~q~ 2q~q~ q~[q~fpuq~q~xt---q~fq~>uq~Huq~2 pur[LTech;z3xp1srTechIcostIprereqsRequiredL descriptionq~Lnameq~Lownedq~[prereqsq~&Ltooltipq~xptRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~9uq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~9uq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~9uq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~9uq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~9uq~q~ q~tEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~9uq~q~q~tExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~9uq~q~ q~t(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~9uq~q~q~t'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~9uq~q~ q~t+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~9uq~q~q~tCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~9uq~q~q~#tCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~9uq~q~q~2tCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~9uq~q~ q~7tCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~9uq~q~q~tCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~9uq~q~(q~2q~6sq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~9uq~q~-q~7t+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~9uq~q~q~AtEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~9uq~q~#q~KtExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~9uq~q~-q~FtBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~9uq~q~2q~Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~9uq~q~(q~Tt*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~9uq~q~Tq~ht#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~9uq~q~Fq~Yt%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~9uq~q~Pq~ct!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~9uq~q~Aq~^t"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~9uq~q~Kq~mq~qsq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~9uq~q~ 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~9uq~q~^q~tExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~9uq~q~cq~t1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~9uq~q~hq~|t(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~9uq~q~mq~t+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~9uq~q~rq~t2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~9uq~q~wq~tJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~9uq~q~|q~tKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~9uq~q~q~tKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~9uq~q~q~tJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~9uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~9uq~q~q~t?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~9uq~q~q~q~tcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~9uq~q~q~q~tjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 3% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~9uq~q~q~q~ttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 6%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~9uq~q~q~q~t^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 4%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~9uq~q~q~q~tvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 7%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~9uq~q~q~q~tpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~9uq~q~q~q~t +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~9uq~q~q~q~t?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~9uq~q~q~q~q~t#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.ppq~9ur[LChosen$Species;R-'&xpq~q~q~ q~t54uq~!q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~9q~>q~>q~9q~9ur[Ljava.awt.Color;8%ھιcxpuq~uq~uq~Buq~Huq~SIsq~Usq~4sq~4sq~4ttBarrier Jammersq~4q~oq~rsq~Uq~mq~nq~oq~ptOrgasm in a Canq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~nq~oq~ptSchwerer Gusionq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~mq~nq~oq~ptDisintegration Vaporq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~pt Unicorn Lardq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~ptInferno Pepperq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~nq~rq~oq~pt Inevitabilityq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~ptTomorrow's Newspaperq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~ptCrown's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~ptWisdom's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~ptReason's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~pt Love's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~ptJudgment's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~ptBalance's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~ptVictory's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~ptSplendor's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~ptBasis's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~ptReign's Pantsuq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~oq~rq~pt Dowsing Rodq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~oq~rq~pt Crystal Ballq~rq~oq~rsq~U(q~rq~oq~rq~ptAkashic Recordq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rtCrashed GPS Satellitet GPS Satelliteq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~ptSubjective Astrolabeq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~pt Atomic Clockq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rq~ptNarrative Pocketwatchq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~ptApplied Teledildonicsq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rtThe Humbling of the HoundtHumblingq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rtI Got Sent to Another World Which Has Amazing H-Games But I Can't Play Them Because the Harem of Girls Here Won't Leave Me Alonet Another Worldq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~ptExecutor Droneq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rtPerpetual Motion MachinetPerpetual Motionq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rq~ptPortable Portalq~rq~oq~rsq~Uq~rq~rq~rtDeep-Fried Rotort Fried Rotorq~rq~oq~rsq~U q~rq~rq~rtOmelette du MaléficetOmeletteq~rq~oq~rsq~U!q~rq~rq~rtDemon's Food Caket Demon's Foodq~rq~oq~rsq~U "q~nq~rq~oq~pt Flexibilityq~rq~oq~rsq~U#q~nq~rq~oq~pt Resonanceq~rq~oq~rsq~U$q~nq~rq~oq~pt Accelerationq~rq~oq~rsq~U %q~rq~rq~rtGreen Fairy Dustt Fairy Dustq~rq~oq~rsq~U &q~rq~rq~rq~pt Anaphrodisiacq~rq~oq~rsq~U 'q~mq~rq~oq~ptSubliminal Lyricsq~rq~oq~rsq~U (q~rq~rq~rq~pt Propagandaq~rq~oq~rsq~U )q~rq~rq~rq~ptPsychographer's Thesisq~rq~oq~rsq~U*q~rq~rq~rq~ptEgregore Stabilizerq~rq~oq~rsq~U+q~rq~rq~rq~ptBroken Psychometerq~rq~oq~rsq~U,q~rq~rq~rq~pt Silver Collarq~rq~oq~rsq~U -q~rq~rq~oq~ptSoul Liquefactionq~rq~oq~rsq~U.q~nq~rsq~4q~ptDimensional Kaleidoscopeq~rq~oq~rsq~U /q~rq~rq~rq~pt Crux Globigerq~rq~oq~rsq~U20q~rq~rq~rq~ptEldritch Truthq~rq~oq~rsq~U21q~rq~rq~rq~ptRefractory Suppressorq~rq~oq~rsq~U22q~rq~rq~rq~pt Train Bulletsq~rq~oq~rsq~U23q~rq~rq~rq~ptConcentrated Desireq~rq~oq~rsq~U24q~rq~rq~rq~ptMobile Dungeonq~rq~oq~rsq~U25q~rq~rq~rq~ptFruit of Knowledgeq~rq~oq~rsq~U26q~rq~rq~rq~ptFutilityq~rq~oq~rsq~U27q~rq~rq~rq~ptHot Tagq~rq~oq~rsq~U28q~rq~rq~rq~pt Thorny Wreathq~rq~oq~rsq~U29 q~rq~rq~rtHigher Universe FragmenttFragmentq~rq~oq~rsq~U2: q~rq~rq~rtGrand Unified TheorytTheoryq~rq~oq~rsq~U2; q~rq~rq~oq~ptBlank Contractq~rq~oq~rsq~U2< q~rq~rq~rq~pt Realm of Endsq~rq~oq~rsq~U2= q~rq~rq~rq~ptPrismq~rq~oq~rsq~U2>q~rq~rq~rq~ptPsychic Dynamoq~rq~oq~rsq~U2?q~rq~rq~rq~pt Wooden Stakeq~rq~oq~rsq~U2@q~rq~rq~rq~ptBroken Shacklesq~rq~oq~rsq~U2Aq~rq~rq~rq~pt Empty Vesselq~rq~oq~rsq~U2B%q~rq~rq~rq~ptPleasure Buttonq~rq~oq~rsq~U2C&q~rq~rq~rq~pt Velvet Keyq~rq~oq~rsq~U2D'q~rq~rq~rq~pt Book of Lifeq~rq~oq~rsq~U2E(q~rq~rq~rq~pt Limit Breakq~rq~oq~rsq~U2F/q~rq~rq~rq~ptAmanojaku Hornq~rq~oq~rsq~U2G,q~rq~rq~rq~ptSilver Braceletq~rq~oq~rsq~U2H-q~rq~nq~oq~ptQliphothic Easingq~rq~oq~ruq~ t Rampage-CrashtSave 5t Rampage-Crasht6tSave 4tSave 3tSave 2tsave1tExport1srClosetL closetNameq~[namesq~[setsq~xptuq~uq~ur [LWorldState;:yZxp sq~'S5' '' 1&+& sq~(pppsq~(ddpppsq~- d'uq~2sq~4sq~4q~%tnonepq~$q~%tBalanceq~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$pppq~$q~$q~%q~%q~$q~$sq~9 0xtdrabq~$q~>q~$q~%tq~*sq~(pppq~$q~$pq~$pq~*q~$q~$puq~Buq~2q~$tfemaleq~>pq~$q~$pq~$q~$ppq~$q~$uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~$q~%q~'q~$q~$q~%uq~2uq~2puq~2q~$ppq~$pq~.q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~"uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ 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her legs, dissolving her clothes as it rises. She holds her arms apart, allowing her nude silhouette to be enveloped by the haze. A uniform resembling that of a schoolgirl begins to materialize around her, but she steps out of the mist before anything above her thigh-high stockings can be fully completed. Her tattered blouse leaves her belly exposed, and the cloth covering her down below can barely even be called a microskirt. She flaps her bat wings and glides down to the ground, the pink mist swirling around her. The Thralls and Demons need no encouragement to swarm her position, but before they can reach her, they begin to stagger and stumble as the pink mist soaks into them.q~rsq~d?@ w sq~sq~$sq~sq~Psq~#sq~4sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~'sq~sq~q~sq~ sq~q~Xsq~lsq~sq~sq~q~xuq~q~%pq~Jpq~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$pq~$q~$uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~$ppppq~$pppppq~$q~$q~$sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~$puq~pppppuq~_q~*q~%sq~d?@wxuq~q~%ppq~$ppq~$q~$q~$pq~$q~$q~$q~'uq~q~)q~*pq~$q~q~+q~%q~%q~%q~%q~%q~$q~%q~%uq~!q~$pq~$q~q~*q~q~$sq~]c+ ?_d'uq~2q~$q~%q~%q~&t Unbendingq~$q~%tVictoryq~$q~$q~$q~%q~%q~$q~t armored robepq~$q~$q~%q~%q~$q~$sq~9䗁8qxtwhiteq~$q~>q~%q~%q~*tswingsq~(Zpppq~$q~$pq~$q~*tbootsq~$q~$puq~Buq~2q~$q~.q~lq~q~$q~$pq~$q~$ptNever yield to evil!q~$q~$uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~$q~%q~q~$q~$q~%uq~2uq~2puq~2q~$tWarriorpq~$pq~.q~>sq~Mdppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~+sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t longswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~$pq~ppq~$pppppq~$q~$q~$sq~d?@ wsq~tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~t that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~$uq~q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$uq~q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$uq~q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~%q~$q~%q~$q~$q~%q~%q~%q~%q~%q~$q~%q~$puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~$q~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~*q~+sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~tThe speaker begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~%pppq~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$pq~$q~$uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~$ppppq~$pppppq~$q~$q~$sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~$puq~pppppuq~_q~*q~%sq~d?@wxuq~q~%ppq~$ppq~$q~$q~$pq~$q~$q~$sq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~pq~$q~q~+q~%q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%q~%uq~!q~$pq~$q~q~q~*q~$q~q~sq~- d'uq~2q~$q~%q~%q~&pq~$q~%tWisdomq~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$pppq~$q~$q~%q~%q~$q~$sq~9Pxq~)q~$q~>q~$q~%q~*q~*sq~(pppq~$q~$pq~$pq~*q~$q~$puq~Buq~2q~$q~.q~>pq~$q~$pq~$q~$ppq~$q~$uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~$q~%q~q~$q~$q~%uq~2uq~2puq~2q~$ppq~$pq~.q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ gעGЎyܸ 0ܗ'uq~2q~$q~%q~%q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~$q~$q~$q~$q~)q~pq~q~q~%q~q~q~sq~9)q,xq~q~q~#q~$q~%q~*q~*q~q~q~pq~$q~q~q~$q~$puq~Buq~2q~$q~.q~tKoharuq~q~pq~$q~$ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~%q~q~$q~$q~uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~$tFighterpq~tNaganoq~.q~#sq~MRB@I8mrHBPQVn%ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~$ppppq~$q~q~*pppq~q~%q~%sq~d?@ wsq~ psq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~$q~%q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~%q~%q~%q~%q~%q~$q~$q~%q~$uq~q~%q~%q~$q~$q~%q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~$q~%q~%q~%q~$q~%q~$q~%uq~q~$q~%q~$q~%q~%q~%q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%q~%q~%q~$q~$q~%q~%q~$q~%q~%uq~q~%q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~%q~$q~%q~%q~%q~%q~$q~%q~%q~$puq~2psq~d?@ wq~tAikoq~tMidorixsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xpsq~d?@w sq~ uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~%sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~Esq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~ uq~q~q~Xuq~q~Ksq~uq~q~xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ttank topsq~d?@wxq~q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~*q~sq~d?@wxq~*q~q~tHer skintight wrapped chest bindings leave her shoulders bare and run only far enough to go over her breasts, leaving her belly completely exposed. Every line of her groin and feminine hips are outlined by her undershorts, which run not even down to her knees. They run under her trousers, which go down to her knees. Her feet are covered by combat boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@w q~Psq~q~Rsq~q~sq~Fsq~q~q~sq~sq~q~sq~sq~sq~q~sq~sq~&sq~sq~jsq~sq~vq~sq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~sq~q~Xsq~xuq~q~q~q~pppq~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~tundertbindingspq~ptshortsq~$q~%q~%q~%q~%q~q~%q~uq~!q~pq~q~uq~q~q~q~pq~$pq~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~$q~7q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~8q~uq~uq~q~:q~;puq~2pq~7&/ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armored bootssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9tDemonic nipple piercingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~ -q~lxsq~d?@ wq~ -q~xq~9tDemonic collarsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~4q~q~ppq~sq~y'F''9FpY @ 63/SE O7 XdtsleevestLoyalptFreedomq~tuptskirtpuq~tclashingpq~tsq~(dpppsq~4q~tMistressq~q~tWakimotoq~q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~]&.#U)PEXAF rF|6/2S e,N_d,>+",Npd*M͚X'uq~2q~sq~4q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~4q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9JqŸxq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~tFuyukoq~q~q~xq~q~ptHumanity's best friend!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~tSpikeq~q~q~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tHoundpq~tToyamaq~q~q~pq~q~sq~4q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(x2pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~q~tnoneq~q~ sq~4q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~tbootsq~ bq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~xq~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~;q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~q~q~sq~sq~q~ q~uq~uq~q~q~puq~2q~q~q~pq~q~pq~xppq~q~;q~sq~d?@ wsq~t you villainsq~t you insectxsq~d?@ wsq~t that villainq~&t that insectxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~)pq~&pxsq~d?@ wq~)pq~&pxpsq~d?@w q~Huq~q~q~Juq~q~q~uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~%sq~uq~q~ q~uq~q~q~1uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~uq~q~xq~q~uq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~`q~sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~ -q~lxsq~d?@ wq~ -q~xq~`q~sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~tFuyuko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose her lower navel. From just the right angle, the base of her cock is barely visible. Her clothes have clashing colors and a provocative cut, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Spike quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~Pq~q~Rsq~bq~q~!q~"q~sq~ sq~q~:sq~q~q~uq~tq~sq~(ZZpppq~uq~upq~utJinnotsneakersq~uq~upuq~Buq~2q~utfemaleq~StUtaq~uq~upq~uq~uptDeath is a state of mind!q~uq~uuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~uq~t Purgatoryq~uq~uq~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~utRevenantpq~ut Matsuyamaq~q~>sq~M]88ppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tjacketsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tpistolssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~uppppq~upppppq~uq~uq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~uq~uq~q~uq~uq~q~uq~q~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uuq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~uq~q~q~q~uq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~uq~uq~q~uq~q~uq~q~uq~q~uq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~q~q~q~uq~uq~q~q~uq~q~uq~q~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~uq~q~q~upuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket hugging her chest to outline her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her sneakers. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she draws her equipment from the belts holding everything in place and begins planning her approach. She wears numerous pistols on her person, discarding them once they're empty. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Purgatory has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~upq~uq~uuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~uppppq~upppppq~uq~uq~usq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~upuq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~uppq~uq~uq~upq~uq~uq~usq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~uq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uuq~!q~upq~uq~q~q~q~uppq~uq~q~uq~sq~4q~uq~H q~q~xsq~y'#'',/" XG3"  nZ'd tholytMagicalptStalwartq~tuptskirtpuq~tpastelpq~q~sq~(dpppsq~4sq~4tMasterpq~tEnomotot running shoes and athletic socksq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- y]BDE]ld]#/"2Xe D%t֙FR2 zB KL4sB'uq~2q~*q~q~+q~"q~#q~+q~*q~$q~+q~+q~q~q~q~q~%q~&pq~+q~q~q~q~+q~+sq~9mGxq~(q~+q~q~q~q~q~q~)q~+q~+pq~q~-q~.q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~tGinq~+q~+pq~q~*sq~y '0''[!)=56~ jOWa 9 6~=X &` d tnonet BeautifulptHoneyq~q~tcloaksq~-T/jP b61x<V[J^ 2  R62O ;t822»ܛUvT\_FJW'uq~2q~q~%q~q~=tHopefulq~q~tShieldq~q~q~$q~$q~$q~$q~trobepq~q~q~%q~q~q~sq~9 ;d$xq~)q~q~>q~$q~%q~*q~*sq~(ddpppq~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tZayasut armored bootsq~$q~$puq~Buq~2q~$q~.q~Sq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~%q~Dq~$q~$q~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~$tKnightpq~q~q~.q~>sq~MaC, %5ppq~]pq~Auq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9trobesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t pleated skirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Jsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xq~%q~Hpppq~$ppq~Mpq~Nq~q~%q~%sq~d?@ wq~psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$uq~q~%q~%q~%q~%q~%q~$q~%q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%uq~q~%q~$q~%q~%q~%q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~%q~%q~%q~$q~%q~$uq~q~%q~$q~%q~%q~%q~$q~$q~$q~%q~$q~%q~%q~$q~$q~%q~$q~$q~$q~$q~%uq~q~q~q~$q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~q~rtLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~rt our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~^sq~d?@wxq~q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~dsq~d?@wxq~q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~q~jsq~d?@wxq~q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~*sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~*q~Jsq~d?@wxq~*q~q~XtMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~ppq~yq~q~$q~$q~$q~$q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~$ppppq~$pppppq~$q~$q~$sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~$puq~pppppuq~_q~*q~%sq~d?@wxuq~q~%ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~q~Epq~pq~&q~$q~%q~%q~%q~%q~q~%q~uq~!q~pq~q~uq~q~)pq~q~*sq~(pppq~q~tMister Demon Lorduq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~$ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~q~%q~q~=q~>q~q~q~?q~q~q~$q~$q~$q~$q~q~@q~Aq~q~q~%q~q~q~sq~9G:xq~)q~q~q~$q~%q~*q~*q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~$q~$puq~Buq~2q~$q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~%q~?q~$q~$q~uq~2uq~2q~Uuq~2q~%tAvengerpq~q~q~q~sq~M=X % q~Apq~]q~Apuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9ttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~q~%q~pq~Apq~$q~tsq~(dpppq~q~t Demon Lordpq~+tDaigot armored bootsq~+ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-{$' - 7We :Kӌ \s'uq~2q~+q~*q~*q~ q~ q~q~q~ q~q~q~+q~+q~+q~+q~ q~ pq~q~+q~*q~*q~q~sq~9kWBxq~ q~q~>q~+q~*q~ q~ q~ q~q~pq~+q~ q~ q~+q~+puq~Buq~2q~+tfemaleq~StAyameq~q~pq~+q~+pt&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~*q~ q~+q~+q~uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~+tKnightpq~tGifuq~ q~>sq~M B@6*Y ULHppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ q~*ppppq~+q~ ppppq~q~*q~+sq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~*q~*q~+q~*q~*q~*q~+q~*q~*q~*q~+q~*q~+q~*q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+uq~q~*q~+q~+q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~*q~+q~*q~+q~*q~+q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~+uq~q~*q~*q~*q~+q~+q~*q~+q~+q~+q~*q~+q~+q~*q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+uq~q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+q~*q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+q~+q~*q~+q~*puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~*uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~!sq~uq~q~%xq~*puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~q~q~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ q~ sq~d?@wxq~ q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ q~ sq~d?@wxq~ q~q~ sq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ q~!sq~d?@wxq~ q~q~ tAyame is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Prayer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~Pq~q~Rsq~q~q~!q~"q~q~8sq~sq~sq~q~!q~sq~q~sq~q~)q~*q~q~sq~q~0q~q~1sq~q~Xsq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~+pppq~+q~+q~+q~q~+q~*q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~+ppppq~+pppppq~+q~+q~+sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~+puq~pppppuq~_q~ q~*sq~d?@wxuq~q~*ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(x2pppuq~q~ q~ pq~ptnoneq~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+uq~!q~pq~tbootsuq~q~q~q~ pq~+pq~ uq~2uq~Bq~q~ q~q~q~q~ pq~q~ uq~Buq~Hq~ pq~+uq~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~q~q~sq~!Dq~uq~uq~q~ q~ puq~2pq~!Fq~+pq~q~!Hq~sq~y'%''s 0Z  t=.d ~l]Td tocculttStalkingptShadowq~taroundtarmorq~uq~tdrabpq~>q~`sq~(dpppq~q~t Demon Lordpq~tJinnot running shoes and athletic socksq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~:;13% Z hX.*U'uq~2q~q~q~q~!Xq~!Yq~q~q~!Zq~q~q~q~q~q~q~![q~!\pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9y$*xq~!^q~q~>q~q~q~`q~`q~!_q~q~pq~q~!aq~!bq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~StZenq~q~pq~q~ptThe sun won't save you!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~tCrimsonq~q~q~uq~2uq~2t/0.0% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~tVampirepq~tKanazawaq~!nq~>sq~MB@.37  l]NKppq~]q~puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~!{sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~!{sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~!{sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~!{sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~!{q~ppppq~q~!Wppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~pq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~t my leaderxpsq~d?@ w sq~uq~q~Huq~q~q~Juq~q~sq~$uq~q~sq~%uq~q~sq~&uq~q~q~Vuq~q~q~luq~q~q~Duq~q~!q~uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~q~q~!{uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~`q~!sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~!{sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~`q~!sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~!{sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~`q~!sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~!{sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~`q~!sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~!{sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~`q~!sq~d?@wxq~`q~wq~!{tZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Crimson has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@w q~Pq~q~Rsq~q~q~!q~"q~sq~ sq~sq~sq~9q~!q~sq~q~sq~sq~3sq~sq~usq~sq~sq~q~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Jpq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(x2pppuq~q~![q~!\pq~q~tshortsq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~!q~`q~q~uq~q~q~q~!opq~pq~!puq~2uq~Bq~q~!tq~q~q~q~!ypq~q~!tuq~Buq~Hq~!{pq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~q~!q~uq~uq~q~![q~!\puq~2q~q~!q~pq~q~!sq~y' ''+?c D9D9 n ^4}R[d tnonetPrudentptProphetq~taroundtstripspuq~tpastelpq~>q~sq~(pppq~q~tGreat Demon Lordpq~tAsakawat running shoes and athletic socksq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~UpA?96 dc "n2 ^ ;tx Q_li(T'uq~2q~q~q~q~"q~"q~q~q~"q~q~q~q~q~q~q~"q~"pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9|HZxq~"q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~"q~q~pq~q~" q~" q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~Sq~Iq~q~q~q~q~ptNobility obliges!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~tDutyq~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~ uq~2q~tMummypq~q~ q~"q~>sq~M}OXppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~" sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~" sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~" sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~" sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tstaffsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~" q~ppppq~q~!pq~ppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~Jq~Kq~Vq~xsq~d?@ wq~Jq~Kq~Vq~xpsq~d?@ wq~Ruq~q~q~"uq~q~q~!uq~q~q~Xuq~q~q~uq~q~%xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~"&sq~d?@wxq~q~q~" sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~",sq~d?@wxq~q~q~" sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~"2sq~d?@wxq~q~q~" sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~"8sq~d?@wxq~q~q~" sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~">sq~d?@wxq~q~q~" tWakako is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She uses a gemstone-tipped staff which fires bursts of purifying energy. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Duty has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ w q~q~q~q~q~sq~4q~q~q~sq~q~q~!q~!sq~q~q~yq~uq~q~q~q~Iq~q~pq~"uq~2uq~Bq~q~"q~q~q~q~"pq~q~"uq~Buq~Hq~" pq~q~"vq~"wq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~yuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~sq~q~"q~uq~uq~q~"q~"puq~2q~q~"q~pq~q~">sq~y 'd''+AW<D9U(WD9X FMd q~"tCarefreeptFuryq~tuptcloakpuq~tclashingpq~q~sq~(pppq~q~tMister Demon Lordq~!Wq~tKyoguchiq~"q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~pե4565dx W#(U *vW~/YZ QXb'uq~2q~q~q~q~"q~"q~q~q~"q~q~q~q~q~q~q~"q~"pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9+"xq~"q~q~q~q~q~q~q~"q~q~q~!Wq~q~"q~"q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~q~Kq~q~pq~q~ptI'm in charge now!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~tJoyrideq~q~q~uq~2uq~2tGreater sins imminent.uq~2q~t Possessorpq~q~ q~"q~sq~M  5KMppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~lq~nq~lq~~q~lq~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nxq~9ttentacle latex vestsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~"sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~"sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~"sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~"q~q~!Wpppq~q~"ppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~!Wuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Hq~Iq~Vq~xsq~d?@ wq~Hq~Iq~Vq~xpsq~d?@ wq~Puq~q~q~"uq~q~q~!uq~q~q~Xuq~q~q~uq~q~%xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~lq~nq~lq~~q~lq~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nxq~q~"sq~d?@wxq~q~q~"sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~"sq~d?@wxq~q~q~"sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~"sq~d?@wxq~q~q~"sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~"sq~d?@wxq~q~q~"tUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, easily short enough to reveal her bare legs and feet, almost exposing her lack of panties and the faint shape hanging between her legs. Her outfit is borderline indecent, its clashing colors drawing plenty of enemy attention, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Joyride quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ w q~q~q~sq~dq~sq~q~sq~q~q~!q~!q~q~sq~"q~Xsq~q~sq~Cq~q~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~!Wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~"q~"pq~q~q~"q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~"q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~Kpq~pq~"uq~2uq~Bq~q~"q~q~q~q~"pq~q~"uq~Buq~Hq~"q~!Wq~q~"q~#q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~sq~sq~# q~uq~uq~q~"q~"puq~2q~q~"q~pq~q~"q~sq~y'b''D#MM2 nbH " @dtskirtt PunishingptJusticeq~tintotbodysuitpuq~tbrightpq~tsq~(pppq~q~tLord of Demonspq~tAsakawatthigh-high bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~ dv} D1:4b# P 'Xn He0H@-Sj 'uq~2q~q~q~q~#q~#q~q~;q~#q~q~q~q~sq~4q~q~# q~#!pq~q~;q~q~q~q~sq~9FHxq~##q~q~Sq~q~q~#$q~#$q~#%q~q~pq~q~#'q~#(q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~StUmekoq~q~q~q~;q~pt%Every soul receives what it deserves!q~q~;uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~t Lightbringerq~q~q~uq~2uq~2t/0.2% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~t Zabaniyahpq~t Utsunomiyaq~#5q~Ssq~MKB@ ,(${T " 9ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~#!sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~#Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~#(sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~#Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~#Bq~ppq~#/pq~q~#pq~ppq~;q~sq~4sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~ uq~q~q~!uq~q~ q~)uq~q~ q~!q~"uq~q~q~sq~uq~q~q~uq~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~]sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~]tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~]q~q~#Buq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~#$q~#!sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~#Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~#$q~#(sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~#Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~#$q~#Rsq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~#BtUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Even then, there's a distinct bulge visible between her legs. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Lightbringer joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w sq~"sq~sq~#sq~sq~sq~@sq~ sq~ sq~sq~q~sq~sq~sq~q~ sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~q~#dsq~sq~sq~xuq~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~#$q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~q~# q~#!q~#/q~q~ tnoneq~q~#Tq~#Tq~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~#Rq~#$q~ uq~q~q~q~#6q~q~;pq~#7uq~2uq~Bq~;q~#;q~q~;q~q~#@pq~q~#;uq~Buq~Hq~#Bpq~uq~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ uq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~q~#q~uq~uq~q~# q~#!q~#/uq~2q~ q~#q~pq~q~#Ruq~H q~q~FN N "FN  X/ZF"N MV$Gz { dq~ytOptimalptPaladinq~tintotleotardpuq~tbrightpq~>q~sq~(pppq~q~tGreat Demon Lordq~q~q~tthigh-high bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- (c76msw|M2z" 8FF2X ;tDF C޿u>gmL"hi'uq~2q~q~q~q~yq~#q~q~q~#q~q~q~q~q~q~q~#q~#pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9fDC_xq~#q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~#q~q~q~q~q~q~#q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~StKoharuq~q~q~q~q~pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~#q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~Quq~2q~tSoldierpq~q~Tq~#q~>sq~MZ"MV$Gz ~{ sq~- /|'~~ ,F/V2; ;tF -<\k_TӚv!C'uq~2q~q~q~q~=tLoyalq~q~tCheerq~q~q~q~q~q~tuptskirtq~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Mʸxtdrabq~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~tNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~#q~ltChoukoq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~M :lB8/4ppq~]q~puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~#sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~#sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9q~jsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~#sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~#q~ppppq~sq~y''',EN N 5F/N V;X8:FlN B84Zq~=q~#pq~#q~q~#q~#q~uq~q~#pq~>q~q~#q~q~tMister Demon Lordpq~q~#q~#q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~#uq~q~q~q~#q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~+q~#1tGreat Demon Lordq~xq~*tTakaminetthigh-high bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-3!Q`Vqzc5B 6 2e|vZa2#o$#_~hpI +'uq~2q~*q~q~+q~$q~$q~+q~*q~$q~+q~+q~q~q~q~q~$q~$pq~+q~*q~q~+q~+q~+sq~9Hbxq~$q~+q~#q~q~q~q~q~$q~+q~+q~xq~*q~$q~$q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~tYukiq~+q~+pq~q~ptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~+q~*uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~$q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~ Cuq~2q~tAssassinpq~+q~ Fq~$q~#sq~M2B@= nJ:q~5pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~$sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~$sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~ Ysq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~$q~q~xpq~5pq~q~$ppppq~+q~q~sq~d?@ wq~t you weaklingxsq~d?@ wq~t that weaklingxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pxpsq~d?@ w q~'uq~q~q~ q~ wuq~q~q~*uq~q~q~ |uq~q~q~uq~q~sq~'uq~q~q~)uq~q~q~ ~uq~q~q~ uq~q~ q~ uq~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~ tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~ q~q~$uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~$sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~$sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~ Ysq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~%sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~%sq~d?@wxq~q~wq~$tYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots and outlining her minimal underwear. Her outfit's provocative design and bright colors command the attention of Demons and civilians alike, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Tyrant has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w q~Pq~q~Rsq~q~q~!q~"q~q~ ~sq~q~ sq~q~ q~q~'q~q~!sq~q~,q~-q~sq~q~sq~q~0q~q~1sq~q~Xsq~;xuq~q~q~q~Uppq~q~q~*q~q~q~+q~+pq~+q~+uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~+ppq~+q~+q~+pq~+q~+q~+sq~(ddpppuq~q~$q~$q~5q~+pq~%q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~+pq~+q~%uq~q~q~q~$pq~pq~$uq~2uq~Bq~*q~$q~+q~*q~q~$pq~q~$uq~Buq~Hq~$pq~q~%Vq~%Wq~*pppuq~uq~q~+q~+q~+q~+uq~ q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+puq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~q~%cq~+uq~uq~q~$q~$q~5uq~2pq~%q~pq~q~%q~ q~q~!Wq~!q~"q~q~#uq~)uq~+uq~+uq~+uq~Bpppq~uq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~q~uq~uq~uuq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~Bq~Asq~-j*tV7*4  6[2 ;t F ]a@Uz ,7ʕiyÜa['uq~2q~q~*q~tcloakt Beautifulq~q~tSpiceq~q~q~+q~+q~+q~+tupq~%uq~q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+q~*q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~q~q~*q~q~q~sq~9gy8'xtbrightq~q~#q~+q~*q~ q~ sq~(ZZpppq~q~pq~+tTakaminethigh-heeled sandalsq~+q~+puq~Buq~2q~+q~ q~tOtomeq~q~q~xq~q~+ptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~*q~%q~+q~+q~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~+tAvengerpq~q~ q~ q~#sq~M NV;0?yppq~]uq~q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+q~*q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~%uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~%sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~%sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~%sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~%sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~%sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tstriped pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~%sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~%q~*ppppq~+ppq~xppq~q~*q~*sq~d?@ wq~ zpq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~*q~+q~+q~+uq~q~+q~+q~*q~+q~*q~*q~+q~*q~*q~*q~*q~*q~*q~+q~*q~+q~+q~+q~+q~+uq~q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~+q~*q~*q~+q~*q~*q~*q~+q~*q~*q~+q~*q~+q~*q~*uq~q~*q~*q~+q~*q~*q~+q~+q~+q~*q~+q~*q~+q~*q~+q~*q~+q~*q~+q~*q~*puq~2psq~d?@ wq~ zpq~tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~!/uq~q~q~(uq~q~q~*uq~q~q~,uq~q~q~uq~q~xq~*puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~ q~%sq~d?@wxq~ q~q~%sq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~ q~%sq~d?@wxq~ q~q~%sq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ q~%sq~d?@wxq~ q~q~%sq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~ q~%sq~d?@wxq~ q~q~%sq~asq~d?@wxq~ sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~ q~%sq~d?@wxq~ q~wq~%tOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, slit high enough up her thigh that every time she takes a step in her high-heeled sandals, she almost reveals her striped panties. Her clothes are provocatively-cut and brightly-colored, but she shows no signs of self-consciousness. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Spice has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~!/sq~q~(sq~q~q~q~`q~`sq~(ddpppq~q~pq~tChujothigh-heeled bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~!nq~StMidoriq~q~pq~q~pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~&q~q~q~uq~2uq~2t-3% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~tSoldierpq~q~!zq~!nq~>sq~MFw=$^ppq~]pq~&uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~"sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9q~"sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~Dpq~Xpxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~Xq~!oxsq~d?@ wq~Xq~!oxpsq~d?@ wq~!uq~q~q~Duq~q~ q~q~!uq~q~q~Xuq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~q~&sq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~q~&sq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~"sq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~"sq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~`q~&sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~&tDMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes' bright colors and provocative cut give her a striking presence. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~!q~!q~!sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~`q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~ptstrapsq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~&sq~-WN:=.D  &T ?WZ d"-06'uq~2q~q~q~tnonetLoyalq~;q~tMoppetq~q~q~q~q~q~#1tupq~#pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~98ށxtdrabq~q~>q~q~q~#$q~#$sq~(FFpppq~q~pq~tJinnotribbon-laced sandalsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~ltMidoriq~q~pq~q~ptTime to go wild!q~q~;uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~;q~q~&q~q~q~uq~2uq~2t.23% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~tPrincesspq~q~#Aq~'q~>sq~MC\q~#/pq~]pq~&uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~' sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~' sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~' sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~' q~#Tppq~#/pq~pppppq~q~#Tq~sq~d?@ wq~%"pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~!Wuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~!uq~q~q~uq~q~ q~!sq~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~':q~'sq~d?@wxq~':q~q~' sq~asq~d?@wxq~':sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~':q~'sq~d?@wxq~':q~q~' sq~asq~d?@wxq~':sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~':q~'sq~d?@wxq~':q~q~' sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~#$q~'%sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~' tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Moppet quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~'4sq~xuq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~!Wq~#Tq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~#$q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~tdowntbodiceq~#/q~q~ Oq~#q~q~q~q~q~#Tq~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~'%q~uq~uuq~2q~!Wpq~%q~uuq~q~q~q~uq~uq~$uq~uq~Bq~q~q~q~#q~#q~5q~$q~ sq~-HdY D62<ԥF F]Uex3LD_ּ<.\2 Z'uq~2q~q~*q~q~tOptimalq~q~tAxiomq~q~q~+q~+q~+q~+tfrontt miniskirtq~%q~q~q~*q~q~q~sq~9iӃxtdarkq~q~lq~+q~*q~ q~ sq~(pppq~q~pq~+tYashidathigh-heeled bootsq~+q~+puq~Buq~2q~+tfutanariq~ltOmiq~q~q~xq~q~+ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~*q~'lq~+q~+q~uq~2uq~2q~%uq~2q~+tFighterq~$q~q~ q~'vq~lsq~MN>:7:7q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~tNinomiyat kneesocksq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~ltYukiq~q~q~xq~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~(q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~tFighterpq~q~q~(q~>sq~M h4/^ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~(sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~( sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t high heelssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(q~ppppq~sq~y'(''FE(N N +6 N = N h4/`dq~(q~(pq~(q~q~(q~(puq~q~(pq~>q~q~( q~q~tLord of Demonspq~q~( q~( q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~'uq~q~q~q~(q~xq~pq~(uq~2uq~Bq~q~(q~q~q~q~(pq~q~(uq~Buq~Hq~(pq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(ddpppq~uq~uq~q~(q~(puq~2pq~(-q~pq~q~(9pq~xppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~pq~ ttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~ t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~(`tmy loveq~ pxsq~d?@ wq~(`t my soul mateq~ pxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~0uq~q~xq~ puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~(sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~( sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~(-sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~(3sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~(9sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(trYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her kneesocks and outlining her minimal underwear. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she rushes in to assist, the protective charms dangling from her outfit rattling together with every step. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Prophet has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~(osq~Mq~psq~|q~qsq~|q~rsq~|q~lsq~|sq~sq~|q~/J2 ;tF مw2},/ŭ?KbBa'%'uq~2q~q~q~q~&}q~q~q~tVoidq~q~q~q~q~q~(taroundtstripspq~q~ q~q~q~q~sq~9K+Xxtwhiteq~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~tWatarit doll shoesq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~(q~ltHitomiq~q~pq~q~q~sq~M  T23tygfq~pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~(q~ppq~pq~sq~y '''&B3N N A/N J-F N T23tyfdq~&}q~pq~(q~q~(q~(puq~q~(pq~>q~q~(q~q~tMister Demon Lordpq~q~(q~(q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~(uq~q~q~q~(pq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~tPsychic Dynamoq~uq~q~usq~U2?q~uq~uq~uq~t Wooden Stakeq~uq~q~usq~U2@q~uq~uq~uq~tBroken Shacklesq~uq~q~usq~U2Aq~uq~uq~uq~t Empty Vesselq~uq~q~usq~U2B%q~uq~uq~uq~tPleasure Buttonq~uq~q~usq~U2C&q~uq~uq~uq~t Velvet Keyq~uq~q~usq~U2D'q~uq~uq~uq~t Book of Lifeq~uq~q~usq~U2E(q~uq~uq~uq~t Limit Breakq~uq~q~usq~U2F/q~uq~uq~uq~tAmanojaku Hornq~uq~q~usq~U2G,q~uq~uq~uq~tSilver Braceletq~uq~q~usq~U2H-q~uq~uq~q~tQliphothic Easingq~uq~q~upuq~2uq~2ppuq~Bsq~-G B: d'uq~2q~uq~uq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~uq~q~uq~uq~uq~q~pq~uq~uq~q~q~uq~uq~q~q~uq~>q~uq~q~q~sq~(ZZpppq~uq~upq~uq~q~q~uq~upuq~Buq~2q~uq~q~Sq~q~uq~upq~uq~upq~q~uq~uuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~uq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~uq~pq~upq~q~>q~pq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~upq~uq~uuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~uppppq~upppppq~uq~uq~usq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~upuq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~uppq~uq~uq~upq~uq~uq~usq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~uq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uuq~!q~upq~uq~sq~-d' @ 3d'uq~2q~uq~q~tskirttSoaringq~uq~tPainq~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~utintotbodysuitpq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~usq~9}dxtbrightq~uq~>q~uq~q~q~sq~(FFpppq~uq~upq~utDaigotthigh-high bootsq~uq~upuq~Buq~2q~uq~q~StOtomeq~uq~upq~uq~uptRide the winds of victory!q~uq~uuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~uq~tSkyq~uq~uq~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~utFalconpq~upq~q~>sq~M ppq~]pq~)uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~*sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~*sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~* sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~*sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~*q~uppppq~upppppq~uq~q~usq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~uq~uq~uq~q~uq~uq~q~uuq~q~uq~uq~q~q~uq~q~uq~q~uq~uq~q~q~uq~uq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~q~uq~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~uq~Guq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~*sq~d?@wxq~q~q~*sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~* sq~d?@wxq~q~q~*sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~*'sq~d?@wxq~q~q~*t~The speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Sky joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~]pq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~upq~uq~uuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~uppppq~upppppq~uq~uq~usq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~upuq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~uppq~uq~uq~upq~uq~uq~usq~(npppuq~q~*q~*pq~uq~tnoneq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~uq~!q~upq~uq~*'sq~-7 AW cd'uq~2q~uq~q~tsleevestFuriousq~uq~tRebelq~uq~uq~uq~q~uq~tupq~*pq~uq~uq~q~q~uq~usq~9[$xtclashingq~uq~Sq~uq~q~q~sq~(ddpppq~uq~upq~utOzawat armored bootsq~uq~upuq~Buq~2q~uq~)q~*q~q~q~sq~(FFpppq~+q~+pq~tFujimorit doll shoesq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~$q~StZenq~+q~+pq~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~+q~*uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~*q~q~+.q~q~q~+uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tPrincesspq~+q~ Fq~$q~>sq~MJ& *@ppq~]pq~+*uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~&sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~+3sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~ Ysq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~%sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+@q~ppppq~pppppq~+q~q~sq~d?@ wq~pq~t you fake heroxsq~d?@ wq~tthat fake heroxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pxpsq~d?@ wq~(uq~q~q~*uq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~ uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~+Fsq~d?@wxq~q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~&sq~d?@wxq~q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~+3sq~d?@wxq~q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~ Ysq~d?@wxq~q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~%sq~d?@wxq~q~q~+@sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~+`sq~d?@wxq~q~q~+@tZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A shimmering blouse and long skirt embroidered with magic sigils materialize in their place, the top not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Whisper has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~q~q~ sq~(xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~+pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~+pq~+q~+uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~+ppq~+q~+q~+pq~+q~+q~+sq~(npppuq~tdownq~+Fpq~+q~ Oq~%q~q~q~q~q~q~*q~q~+uq~!q~+pq~+q~+`sq~]R <*d'uq~2q~q~q~tbandsq~& q~q~tSpikeq~q~q~q~q~q~q~&|ttrouserspq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9H7xtclashingq~q~Sq~q~q~`q~`sq~(FFpppq~q~pq~q~t foot wrapsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~&q~StJunkoq~q~pq~q~ptHumanity's best friend!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~+q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tHoundpq~pq~&q~Ssq~M33"ppq~]pq~+uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~q~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tjacketsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~+sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~+sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~&5sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~+q~pq~ppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~0uq~q~xq~q~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~q~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~`q~+sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~+sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~`q~+sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~+sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~`q~+sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~+sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~`q~&5sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~+tFThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket loose enough that leaning forward or moving too quickly provides a glimpse of the curve of her unsupported breasts. There's a distinct bulge in the fabric that sways back and forth with every step she takes in her foot wraps that leave her toes bare. Her outfit is borderline indecent, its clashing colors drawing plenty of enemy attention, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. Pulsing energy gathers in her fists, releasing itself with a heavy impact every time she delivers a punch. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Spike quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~`q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~q~&|q~+pq~q~q~&}q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~tfistsq~q~`q~q~q~sq~-`2 $ 1d'uq~2q~q~q~tbandstOptimalq~q~tTyrantq~q~q~q~q~q~q~'btshortspq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9dؗxq~##q~q~q~q~q~#$q~#$sq~(FFpppq~q~pq~q~!aq~#(q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~#5q~tWakakoq~q~pq~q~pt0No evil is too great or small to escape my gaze!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~,q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tFighterpq~pq~#5q~sq~Mppq~]pq~,uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~q~q~lq~xq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tshirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~,"sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~,sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~,"sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~#(sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~,"sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t greatswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~,"q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~q~q~lq~xq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~#$q~,(sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~,"sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~#$q~,sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~,"sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~#$q~#(sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~,"sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~#$q~,8sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~,"tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Form-fitting shorts and a shirt materialize upon her, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Even then, there's a distinct bulge visible between her legs. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. She wields a huge greatsword that weighs more than she does. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Tyrant joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pq~Jpq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~#$q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~q~&q~,(pq~pq~#q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~,8sq~-{?NTDD?*O\ %2 ed  UN~c i'uq~2q~q~q~tchainstMagicalq~;q~;tTriumphq~q~q~#1q~q~q~taroundtarmorpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9xtdarkq~q~>q~;q~q~#$q~#$sq~(ZZpppq~q~pq~tBaishothigh-heeled bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~'q~ltOtomeq~q~pq~q~pt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~q~;uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~,xq~q~q~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~t Sorceresspq~q~#Aq~'q~>sq~MIIippq~]pq~,tuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~,sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t heeled bootssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~,sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~,sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~,sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~,q~#Tppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~!pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~)uq~q~q~uq~q~ q~#uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~#$q~,sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~,sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~#$q~,sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~,sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~#$q~,sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~,sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~#$q~,sq~d?@wxq~#$q~q~,sq~asq~d?@wxq~#$sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~#$q~,sq~d?@wxq~#$q~wq~,tOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, dipping down to expose the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes have a dark color scheme that lends her a professional air. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Triumph has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~#q~#xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~#$q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~,yq~,zpq~q~ Oq~,q~q~q~#Tq~#Tq~q~;q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~,uq~Hq~$q~'q~(;q~(q~puq~q~!Wt---q~9q~uq~Huq~2 puq~1sq~ tRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~uuq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~uuq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~uuq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~uuq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~uuq~q~,q~,tEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~uuq~q~,q~,tExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~uuq~q~,q~,t(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~uuq~q~,q~,t'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~uuq~q~,q~,t+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~uuq~q~,q~,tCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~uuq~q~,q~- tCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~uuq~q~,q~-tCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~uuq~q~,q~-tCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~uuq~q~,q~-tCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~uuq~q~-q~-q~-sq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~uuq~q~-q~-t+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~uuq~q~-q~-'tEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~uuq~q~- q~-1tExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~uuq~q~-q~-,tBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~uuq~q~-q~-"t.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~uuq~q~-q~-6t+1 Commander duration for +2 EEsq~ t>Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~uuq~q~-q~-:t*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~uuq~q~-:q~-Nt#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~uuq~q~-,q~-?t%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~uuq~q~-6q~-It!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~uuq~q~-'q~-Dt"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~uuq~q~-1q~-Sq~-Wsq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~uuq~q~-"q~-Xt+1 Commander capture for +5 EEsq~ tSpreads your ability to influence thoughts even beyond the Demonic hivemind. Civilians in the area of Demonic raids will feel subconsciously motivated to resist the authorities' attempts to get them to evacuate. Increases evacuation requirement from 160 to 200.tSoul Resonanceq~uuq~q~-?q~-]tEvac req 160 -> 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~uuq~q~-Dq~-gtExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~uuq~q~-Iq~-qt1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~uuq~q~-Nq~-bt(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~uuq~q~-Sq~-ut+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~uuq~q~-Xq~-lt2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~uuq~q~-]q~-tJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~uuq~q~-bq~-tKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~uuq~q~-gq~-ztKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~uuq~q~-lq~-tJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~uuq~q~-qq~-t+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~uuq~q~-uq~-t?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~uuq~q~-q~-q~-tcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~uuq~q~-q~-q~-tjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 3% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~uuq~q~-zq~-q~-ttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 6%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~uuq~q~-q~-q~-t^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 4%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~uuq~q~-q~-q~-tvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 7%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~uuq~q~-q~-q~-tpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~uuq~q~-q~-q~-t +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~uuq~q~-zq~-q~-t?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~uuq~q~-q~-q~-q~-t#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.pq~#q~uuq~aq~q~q~ pt54uq~!q~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~uq~q~q~uq~usq~'S5' '' F&+& sq~(pppsq~(ddpppsq~- d'uq~2sq~4sq~4q~.Ptnonepq~.Oq~.PtBalanceq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9 0xtdrabq~.Oq~>q~.Oq~.Ptq~.Usq~(pppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Opq~.Uq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Otfemaleq~>pq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~.Rq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.Oppq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~.Muq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tlacy stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tsandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.`q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Ppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.fsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~.`sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.lsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~.`sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.rsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~.`sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.xsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~.`tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~(2d2pppuq~pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Opsq~- d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Qpq~.Oq~.PtBasisq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9Cxq~.Tq~.Oq~>q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Usq~(dpppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Opq~.Uq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Otfutanariq~>pq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~.q~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.Oppq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~.uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~.xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.fsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.lsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.rsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.xsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~.tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~(pppuq~pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Opsq~- d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Qpq~.Oq~.PtCrownq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9Utmxq~.Tq~.Oq~>q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Usq~(dpppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Opq~.Uq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.q~>pq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~/ q~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.Oppq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~/ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~.xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Opuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.fsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.lsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.rsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.xsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~/uq~pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Opsq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Qpq~.Oq~.PtJudgmentq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9ٮpuxq~.Tq~.Oq~>q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Usq~(pppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Opq~.Uq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.Yq~>pq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~/fq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.Oppq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~/duq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~.xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/qq~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.fsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/qsq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.lsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/qsq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.rsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/qsq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.xsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/qtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~(Ppppuq~pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Opsq~- d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Qpq~.Oq~.PtLoveq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9h_xq~.Tq~.Oq~>q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Usq~(pppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Opq~.Uq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.q~>pq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~/q~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.Oppq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~/uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~.xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~/q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Opuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.fsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.lsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.rsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.xsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~/tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~(ddpppuq~pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Opsq~(dpppsq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Qpq~.Oq~.PtReasonq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~91Zxq~.Tq~.Oq~>q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Usq~(pppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Opq~.Uq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.Yq~>pq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~0q~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.Oppq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~0uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~0&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~0&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~0&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~.xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~0&q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Opuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.fsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~0&sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.lsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~0&sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.rsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~0&sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.xsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~0&tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~(22pppuq~pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Opsq~- d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Qpq~.Oq~.PtReignq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9݆Hxq~.Tq~.Oq~>q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Uq~/q~.Oq~.Opq~.Opq~.Uq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.q~>pq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~0tq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.Oppq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~0ruq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~0~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~0~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~0~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~.xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~0~q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Opuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.fsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~0~sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.lsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~0~sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.rsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~0~sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.xsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~0~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~/uq~pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Opsq~7A A < 2ԥ%d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.QtFlexibleq~.Oq~.PtSplendorq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Otupt microskirtpq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9C:=xthot pinkq~.Oq~#q~.Pq~.Pq~.Utpartsq~(pppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Utthigh-high stockingsq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.Yq~#q~0q~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Opt&Nothing is possible without sacrifice!q~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~0q~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.OtAgentpq~.Opq~.Yq~#sq~MB@'C"y\m M 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She holds her arms apart, allowing her nude silhouette to be enveloped by the haze. A uniform resembling that of a schoolgirl begins to materialize around her, but she steps out of the mist before anything above her thigh-high stockings can be fully completed. Her tattered blouse leaves her belly exposed, and the cloth covering her down below can barely even be called a microskirt. She flaps her bat wings and glides down to the ground, the pink mist swirling around her. The Thralls and Demons need no encouragement to swarm her position, but before they can reach her, they begin to stagger and stumble as the pink mist soaks into them.q~rsq~d?@ w sq~sq~$sq~sq~Psq~#sq~4sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~'sq~sq~q~1sq~ sq~q~1sq~lsq~sq~sq~q~1xuq~q~.Ppq~Jpq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~1Puq~q~1Rq~1Spq~.Oq~q~1Tq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Oq~1q~.Uq~q~.Osq~]c+ ?_d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Qt Unbendingq~.Oq~.PtVictoryq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~0t armored robepq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9䗁8qxtwhiteq~.Oq~>q~.Pq~.Pq~.Utswingsq~(Zpppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Utbootsq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.Yq~lq~1q~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.OptNever yield to evil!q~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~1q~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.OtWarriorpq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mdppq~]pq~1uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~1sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~1sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~1sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~1sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~1Tsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~1sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~1sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~1sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t longswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~1q~.Opq~ppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@ wsq~tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~2t that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Opuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Oq~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~.Uq~1sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~1sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~.Uq~1sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~1sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~.Uq~1Tsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~1sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~1sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~1sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~2sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~1tThe speaker begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~1pq~.Oq~q~1Tq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Oq~2q~q~.Uq~.Oq~q~1 sq~- d'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Qpq~.Oq~.PtWisdomq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Osq~9Pxq~.Tq~.Oq~>q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Usq~(pppq~.Oq~.Opq~.Opq~.Uq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.Yq~>pq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Ouq~2uq~Buq~Hq~.Oq~.Pq~2Gq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~2uq~2puq~2q~.Oppq~.Opq~.Yq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~2Euq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2Rsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2Rsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~.rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2Rsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~.xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2Rq~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Ppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.fsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2Rsq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.lsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2Rsq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.rsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2Rsq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~.xsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2RtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~.Ppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Ouq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Opq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~(ddpppuq~pppq~.Oppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~!q~.Opq~.Opsq~4uq~2puq~2sq~4sq~y' <'',5P.&@ F= !sYF<&@F< & [ d tnonetMagicalptMidnightq~tdownttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~tsq~(dpppsq~4sq~4tMasterpsq~4tWatarit high heelsq~2ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- DeS2KQee<P F=2!eF I<^H90:f'uq~2q~2sq~4q~2q~2q~2sq~4q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2sq~9MTxq~2q~2q~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~Buq~2q~2tfutanariq~tMidoriq~2q~2sq~y'N''[ 5du1 +rdBPQV wd tbandstOptimalptAxiomq~q~1Rttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~q~.Usq~(pppq~2q~1 tLord of Demonspq~.Ot Matsunagat combat bootsq~.Oppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-N(P59Yo ,$ d 1 ( L+ ;t 0> gעGЎyܸ 0ܗ'uq~2q~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~1Rq~2pq~2q~2q~.Pq~2q~2q~2sq~9)q,xq~2q~2q~#q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Uq~2q~2q~2pq~.Oq~2q~2q~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.Yq~tKoharuq~2q~2pq~.Oq~.OptCombat preparations complete.q~2q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~.Oq~2uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~.OtFighterpq~2tNaganoq~.Yq~#sq~MRB@I8mrHBPQVn%ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~2sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~2sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~2q~.Oppppq~.Oq~2q~*pppq~2q~.Pq~.Psq~d?@ wsq~ psq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Opuq~2psq~d?@ wq~3tAikoq~3tMidorixsq~d?@ wq~3q~3 q~3q~3 xpsq~d?@w sq~ uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~%sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~Esq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~1Iuq~q~q~1uq~q~Ksq~uq~q~xq~2puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~3(ttank topsq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~2uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~.Uq~2sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~.Uq~2sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~2sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~.Uq~2sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~2sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~2tHer skintight wrapped chest bindings leave her shoulders bare and run only far enough to go over her breasts, leaving her belly completely exposed. Every line of her groin and feminine hips are outlined by her undershorts, which run not even down to her knees. They run under her trousers, which go down to her knees. Her feet are covered by combat boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@w q~1ysq~q~1{sq~q~1sq~Fsq~q~3Iq~3sq~sq~q~1sq~sq~sq~q~1sq~sq~&sq~sq~jsq~sq~vq~3sq~q~3sq~sq~q~1sq~sq~q~1sq~xuq~q~q~q~2pppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~2pq~2q~2uq~Buq~uq~q~0q~0q~2ppq~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2sq~(ddpppuq~tundertbindingspq~2ptshortsq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2uq~!q~2pq~2q~2uq~q~q~1q~2pq~.Opq~2uq~2uq~Bq~2q~2q~2q~2q~1q~2pq~q~2uq~Buq~Hq~2pq~.Oq~3aq~0q~2pppuq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~ q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~3bq~2uq~uq~q~3dq~3epuq~2pq~3fq~2pq~1q~2q~2q~2pt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~2q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~2t Sorceresspq~2tKashiwaq~2q~sq~M~B@ C  YF< & ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9theart-shaped pubic tattoosq~d?@wxq~9q~q~3sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9t leg banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~3sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~9t arm banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~3sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~3sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~9toversized shirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~3q~2ppppq~2q~2pq~2ppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@ wq~3tyou embarrassmentq~3t you hypocritexsq~d?@ wq~3tthat embarrassmentq~3tthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~2psq~d?@ wq~3pq~3pxsq~d?@ wq~3pq~3Npxpsq~d?@ w q~3Ouq~q~q~3uq~q~q~Esq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~3uq~q~q~3uq~q~sq~uq~q~Eq~3[uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~3Nuq~q~q~%xq~2puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~3t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~3q~q~3uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~3(q~3sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~3sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~3(q~3sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~3sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~3(q~3sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~3sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~2q~3sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~3sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~3(q~3sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~3tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by garb borrowed from the Forsaken! Her oversized shirt hangs from her shoulder all the way down her arm so that only her fingertips poke out. It covers her just barely down past her feminine hips. It hangs open low enough offer a glimpse of her pert breasts. She isn't wearing anything to cover her bare feet. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@w q~1yq~3Iq~1{sq~mq~1q~3Kq~3Lq~3Isq~ sq~q~3sq~q~3Rq~3Sq~3Tsq~Uq~3Vq~3Wq~3sq~q~3sq~q~3Zq~1q~3[sq~q~1sq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~sq~4sq~MOB@! 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A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket hugging her chest to outline her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her sneakers. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she draws her equipment from the belts holding everything in place and begins planning her approach. She wears numerous pistols on her person, discarding them once they're empty. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Purgatory has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~2pppq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2puq~pppppuq~_q~4q~2sq~d?@wxuq~q~2ppq~2ppq~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2sq~(pppuq~q~4q~5pq~2q~q~5q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~!q~2pq~2q~5q~4q~q~2ppq~2q~4q~4uq~sq~4q~5euq~H q~2q~2sq~y'#'',/" XG3"  nZ'd tholytMagicalptStalwartq~tuptskirtpuq~tpastelpq~q~3(sq~(dpppsq~4sq~4tMasterpq~2tEnomotot running shoes and athletic socksq~2ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- y]BDE]ld]#/"2Xe D%t֙FR2 zB KL4sB'uq~2q~5pq~2q~5qq~5hq~5iq~5qq~5pq~5jq~5qq~5qq~2q~2q~2q~2q~5kq~5lpq~5qq~2q~2q~2q~5qq~5qsq~9mGxq~5nq~5qq~q~2q~2q~3(q~3(q~5oq~5qq~5qpq~2q~5sq~5tq~2q~2puq~Buq~2q~2tfutanariq~tGinq~5qq~5qpq~2q~5psq~y '0''[!)=56~ jOWa 9 6~=X &` d tnonet BeautifulptHoneyq~q~0tcloaksq~-T/jP b61x<V[J^ 2  R62O ;t822»ܛUvT\_FJW'uq~2q~2q~.Pq~2q~5tHopefulq~2q~2tShieldq~2q~2q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~2Ctrobepq~2q~2q~.Pq~2q~2q~2sq~9 ;d$xq~.Tq~2q~>q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Usq~(ddpppq~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2tZayasut armored bootsq~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.Yq~Sq~3 q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~2q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~.Pq~5q~.Oq~.Oq~2uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~.OtKnightpq~2q~2q~.Yq~>sq~MaC, %5ppq~]pq~5uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9trobesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t pleated skirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~5sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~5q~.Pq~5pppq~.Oppq~5pq~5q~2q~.Pq~.Psq~d?@ wq~3psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Ouq~q~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~q~2q~2q~.Oq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~2psq~d?@ wq~3q~3 q~5tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~3q~3 q~5t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~3uq~q~q~3uq~q~xq~2puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~2q~5sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~5sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~2q~5sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~5sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~2q~5sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~5sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~.Uq~5sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~q~5tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~2ppq~5q~2q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~2q~2pq~2q~2uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~2ppq~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2sq~(pppuq~q~2Cq~5pq~2pq~.Qq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2uq~!q~2pq~2q~1uq~q~.Tpq~q~.Usq~(pppq~2q~2tMister Demon Lorduq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2tTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~.Oppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~2q~.Pq~2q~5q~5q~2q~2q~5q~2q~2q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~0q~5q~5q~2q~2q~.Pq~2q~2q~2sq~9G:xq~.Tq~2q~q~.Oq~.Pq~.Uq~.Uq~5q~2q~2q~5q~2q~5q~5q~.Oq~.Opuq~Buq~2q~.Oq~.q~q~3 q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~2q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~.Pq~5q~.Oq~.Oq~2uq~2uq~2q~5uq~2q~.PtAvengerpq~2q~2q~.q~sq~M=X % q~5pq~]q~5puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9ttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~6q~.Pq~5pq~5pq~.Oq~5pq~6pq~6q~2q~.Pq~2sq~d?@ wq~3pq~5pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Ouq~q~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Puq~q~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Oq~.Ouq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~2psq~d?@ wq~3q~3 q~5q~5xsq~d?@ wq~3q~3 q~5q~5xpsq~d?@ w q~3uq~q~q~3uq~q~q~q~3Ruq~q~q~3Tuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~3uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~3uq~q~q~3uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~3uq~q~q~q~%xq~2puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~2q~6sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~2q~6sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~2q~6 sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~.Usq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~.Uq~6&sq~d?@wxq~.Uq~wq~6tAiko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w q~1yq~3Iq~1{sq~q~1q~3Kq~3Lq~3Isq~sq~q~3Nq~1q~3Osq~q~3Qq~1q~3Rq~3Sq~3Tsq~|q~3Vq~3Wq~3sq~ q~3sq~q~3Zq~1q~3[sq~q~1sq~;xuq~q~2ppq~6/q~2q~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~.Oq~2q~2pq~2q~2uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~.Oppppq~.Opppppq~.Oq~.Oq~.Osq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~.Opuq~pppppuq~_q~.Uq~.Psq~d?@wxuq~q~.Pppq~2ppq~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2sq~(pppuq~q~0q~5q~5q~2pq~1Tq~.Oq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2uq~!q~2pq~2q~6&uq~q~q~1q~3 q~6q~2q~6q~6uq~2uq~Bq~2q~5q~2q~2q~1q~6 pq~q~5uq~Buq~Hq~6q~6/q~2q~6fq~6gq~2pppuq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~ q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ q~6sq~2uq~uq~q~0q~5q~5uq~2pq~1Tq~2pq~1q~6&t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~5qq~5puq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~2q~5jq~2q~2q~2uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~2tKnightpq~5qtFujisawaq~5q~sq~M "  Zz'ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9tleather strapssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6q~2ppppq~2q~5gpppq~5q~5qq~2q~2sq~d?@ wq~3t you villainq~3ttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~3t that villainq~3t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2psq~d?@ wq~3pq~3pxsq~d?@ wq~3pq~3pxpsq~d?@ wq~3Quq~q~sq~uq~q~q~3Ruq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~5ppuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~3(q~6sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~3(q~6sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~3(q~6sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~3(q~6sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~3(q~6sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~6tGin is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. From just the right angle, a slight bulge can be seen in the front of the undergarment. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The colors are all faint pastels that shimmer as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Stalwart joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w q~1yq~3Iq~1{sq~q~1q~3Kq~3Lq~3Iq~6sq~sq~sq~q~6q~1q~3Qq~1sq~sq~Yq~3Vq~3Wq~3sq~q~3sq~q~3Zq~1q~3[sq~q~1sq~;xuq~q~q~q~5qpppq~2q~5pq~2q~2q~2q~2q~5qpq~5qq~5quq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2puq~pppppuq~_q~3(q~2sq~d?@wxuq~q~2ppq~5qppq~5qq~5qq~5qpq~5qq~5qq~5qsq~(x2pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~5qptstrapsq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~5pq~2q~5quq~!q~5qpq~5qq~6uq~q~q~1dq~5pq~2q~5q~6uq~2uq~Bq~5qq~5jq~5qq~5pq~1q~6pq~q~5juq~Buq~Hq~6pq~2q~6q~6q~5ppppuq~uq~q~5qq~5qq~5qq~5quq~ q~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qpuq~2uq~q~sq~q~sq~q~6q~5quq~uq~q~7q~7puq~2pq~7q~5qpq~1q~6sq~y'''7QN"7W! UZH!d tholytHopefulptPrayerq~tintotrobepuq~tdrabpq~>tsq~(dpppq~4!q~4 t Demon Lordpq~5qtDaigot armored bootsq~5qppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-{$' - 7We :Kӌ \s'uq~2q~5qq~5pq~5pq~7q~7q~4!q~4!q~7q~4 q~4 q~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~7q~7pq~4 q~5qq~5pq~5pq~4 q~4 sq~9kWBxq~7q~4 q~>q~5qq~5pq~7q~7q~7q~4 q~4 pq~5qq~7q~7q~5qq~5qpuq~Buq~2q~5qtfemaleq~StAyameq~4 q~4 pq~5qq~5qpt&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~4 q~4!uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~4!q~5pq~7q~5qq~5qq~4 uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~5qtKnightpq~4 tGifuq~7*q~>sq~M B@6*Y ULHppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~7sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~76sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~7sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~76sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~76q~5pppppq~5qq~7ppppq~4!q~5pq~5qsq~d?@ wq~68pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5quq~q~5pq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5quq~q~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5quq~q~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5ppuq~2psq~d?@ wq~68pxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~3Tuq~q~q~3uq~q~q~3uq~q~!sq~uq~q~%xq~5ppuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~4t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~4q~q~76uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~7q~7sq~d?@wxq~7q~q~76sq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~7q~7sq~d?@wxq~7q~q~76sq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~7q~7Fsq~d?@wxq~7q~q~76tAyame is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Prayer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~1yq~3Iq~1{sq~q~1q~3Kq~3Lq~3Iq~4bsq~sq~sq~q~7Vq~1sq~q~1sq~q~3Sq~3Tq~3q~3sq~q~3Zq~1q~3[sq~q~1sq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~5qpppq~5qq~5qq~5qq~4!q~5qq~5pq~4 pq~4 q~4 uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~5qppppq~5qpppppq~5qq~5qq~5qsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~5qpuq~pppppuq~_q~7q~5psq~d?@wxuq~q~5pppq~4 ppq~4 q~4 q~4!pq~4 q~4 q~4 sq~(x2pppuq~q~7q~7pq~4 ptnoneq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5quq~!q~4 pq~4 tbootsuq~q~q~1q~7+pq~5qpq~7,uq~2uq~Bq~4!q~7q~4 q~4 q~1q~74pq~q~7uq~Buq~Hq~76pq~5quq~q~0q~0q~4!pppuq~uq~q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 uq~ q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 puq~2uq~q~sq~q~q~sq~7q~4 uq~uq~q~7q~7puq~2pq~7q~5qpq~1q~7q~4 sq~y'%''s 0Z  t=.d ~l]Td tocculttStalkingptShadowq~taroundtarmorq~0uq~tdrabpq~>q~4sq~(dpppq~1-q~1t Demon Lordpq~4tJinnot running shoes and athletic socksq~4ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~:;13% Z hX.*U'uq~2q~4q~2q~2q~7q~7q~1-q~1-q~7q~1 q~1 q~4q~4q~4q~4q~7q~7pq~1 q~1-q~2q~1 q~1 q~1 sq~9y$*xq~7q~1 q~>q~4q~2q~4q~4q~7q~1 q~1 pq~4q~7q~7q~4q~4puq~Buq~2q~4tfemaleq~StZenq~1 q~1 pq~4q~4ptThe sun won't save you!q~1 q~1-uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~4q~2tCrimsonq~4q~4q~2uq~2uq~2t/0.0% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~4tVampirepq~1 tKanazawaq~7q~>sq~MB@.37  l]NKppq~]q~0puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~7q~2ppppq~4q~7ppppq~1-q~2q~2sq~d?@ wsq~pq~3#pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~4q~2q~2q~2q~2q~4q~4q~2q~4q~4q~2q~2q~2q~4q~4q~4q~4q~2q~2q~2uq~q~4q~4q~4q~4q~2q~4q~2q~2q~4q~4q~4q~2q~2q~4q~2q~2q~4q~4q~4q~4uq~q~2q~4q~4q~4q~2q~2q~2q~4q~4q~4q~2q~4q~4q~4q~2q~2q~2q~4q~4q~4uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~4q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~4q~2q~4q~4q~2q~4q~4q~4q~2puq~2psq~d?@ wq~3#tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~3#t my leaderxpsq~d?@ w sq~uq~q~1quq~q~q~1suq~q~sq~$uq~q~sq~%uq~q~sq~&uq~q~q~1uq~q~q~4uq~q~q~4nuq~q~!q~3#uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~1-puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~1*sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~1*t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~1*q~q~7uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~4q~7sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~4q~7sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~4q~7sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~4q~7sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~4q~7sq~d?@wxq~4q~wq~7tZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Crimson has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@w q~1yq~3Iq~1{sq~q~1q~3Kq~3Lq~3Isq~ sq~sq~sq~9q~7q~1sq~q~1sq~sq~3sq~sq~usq~sq~sq~q~1xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~4q~0q~Jpq~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~2q~1 pq~1 q~1 uq~Buq~uq~q~19q~19q~1 ppq~1 q~1 q~1 pq~1 q~1 q~1 sq~(x2pppuq~q~7q~7pq~1 q~tshortsq~4q~2q~2q~2q~4q~2q~4q~4uq~!q~1 pq~1 q~7q~4q~q~1 uq~q~q~1q~7pq~4pq~7uq~2uq~Bq~1-q~7q~1 q~1-q~1q~7pq~q~7uq~Buq~Hq~7pq~4uq~q~0q~0q~0q~0q~0q~0q~1-pppuq~uq~q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 uq~ q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~q~83q~1 uq~uq~q~7q~7puq~2q~q~85q~4pq~1q~7sq~y' ''+?c D9D9 n ^4}R[d tnonetPrudentptProphetq~taroundtstripspuq~tpastelpq~>q~1*sq~(pppq~1q~1)tGreat Demon Lordpq~1 tAsakawat running shoes and athletic socksq~1 ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~UpA?96 dc "n2 ^ ;tx Q_li(T'uq~2q~1 q~1 q~1 q~8Fq~8Gq~1)q~1q~8Hq~1)q~1)q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~8Iq~8Jpq~1)q~1q~1-q~1)q~1)q~1)sq~9|HZxq~8Lq~1)q~>q~1 q~1-q~1*q~1*q~8Mq~1)q~1)pq~1 q~8Oq~8Pq~1 q~1 puq~Buq~2q~1 tfemaleq~Sq~1rq~1)q~1)q~4 q~1-q~1 ptNobility obliges!q~1)q~1-uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~1 q~1-tDutyq~1 q~1 q~1-uq~2uq~2q~13uq~2q~1 tMummypq~1)q~15q~8\q~>sq~M}OXppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~8fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~8fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~8fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~8fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tstaffsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~8fq~1-ppppq~1 q~8Epq~4 ppq~1 q~1-q~1-sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~1 q~1-q~1-q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1-q~1-q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1-uq~q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1-q~1-q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1-q~1 q~1-q~1 uq~q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1 q~1-q~1-uq~q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1-q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1-q~1-q~1-q~1-q~1-q~1-q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1 q~1-q~1-q~1-puq~2psq~d?@ wq~1sq~1tq~1q~0xsq~d?@ wq~1sq~1tq~1q~0xpsq~d?@ wq~1{uq~q~q~3Luq~q~q~8.uq~q~q~1uq~q~q~1uq~q~%xq~1-puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~1*sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~1*q~8lsq~d?@wxq~1*q~q~8fsq~asq~d?@wxq~1*sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~1*q~8rsq~d?@wxq~1*q~q~8fsq~asq~d?@wxq~1*sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~1*q~8xsq~d?@wxq~1*q~q~8fsq~asq~d?@wxq~1*sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~1*q~8~sq~d?@wxq~1*q~q~8fsq~asq~d?@wxq~1*sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~1*q~8sq~d?@wxq~1*q~q~8ftWakako is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She uses a gemstone-tipped staff which fires bursts of purifying energy. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Duty has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ w q~1q~1q~1q~1q~1sq~4q~1q~1q~1sq~q~1q~3Kq~8.sq~FN N "FN  X/ZF"N MV$Gz { dq~2tOptimalptPaladinq~tintotleotardpuq~tbrightpq~>q~2sq~(pppq~2q~2tGreat Demon Lordq~2q~2q~5tthigh-high bootsq~2ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- (c76msw|M2z" 8FF2X ;tDF C޿u>gmL"hi'uq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~9q~2q~2q~:q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~:q~:pq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2sq~9fDC_xq~:q~2q~>q~2q~2q~2q~2q~:q~2q~2q~2q~2q~5q~:q~2q~2puq~Buq~2q~2tfemaleq~StKoharuq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~2q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~2q~:q~2q~2q~2uq~2uq~2q~3{uq~2q~2tSoldierpq~2q~3~q~:q~>sq~MZ"MV$Gz ~{ sq~- /|'~~ ,F/V2; ;tF -<\k_TӚv!C'uq~2q~2q~2q~2q~5tLoyalq~2q~2tCheerq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2tuptskirtq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2sq~9Mʸxtdrabq~2q~>q~2q~2q~2q~2sq~(pppq~2q~2pq~2tNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~2q~2puq~Buq~2q~2q~:q~ltChoukoq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~5tTime to go wild!q~2q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~2q~:!q~2q~2q~2uq~2uq~2q~3{uq~2q~2tPrincessq~:q~2q~3~q~:q~>sq~M :lB8/4ppq~]q~2puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:4sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:4sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9q~5sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:4sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:4q~2ppppq~2sq~y''',EN N 5F/N V;X8:FlN B84Zq~5q~: pq~:!q~q~:"q~:#q~2uq~q~:%pq~>q~2q~:&q~2q~2tMister Demon Lordpq~2q~:'q~:(q~2ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~:uq~q~q~2q~:+q~2q~2q~5q~:,uq~2uq~Bq~2q~:!q~2q~2q~2q~:3q~:q~q~:!uq~Buq~Hq~:4q~2q~2uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2puq~pppppuq~_q~2q~2sq~d?@wxuq~q~2ppq~2pppuq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~ q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2uq~q~sq~ q~sq~sq~(pppq~2uq~uq~q~2tbodicepuq~2pq~5q~2pq~2q~:Kpq~2pq~5q~2q~2q~2sq~d?@ wq~3tyou jerkq~3pxsq~d?@ wq~3t that jerkxq~:psq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~2psq~d?@ wq~3pq~3tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~3pq~3t my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~3Quq~q~q~3uq~q~q~3uq~q~q~3Nuq~q~q~ xq~2puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~2q~::sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~:4sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~2q~:@sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~:4sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~2q~5sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~:4sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~2q~:Ksq~d?@wxq~2q~q~:4tChouko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Cheer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~3sq~5q~3sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~2ppq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2uq~Buq~q~:[q~:\q~2ppq~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2q~:muq~q~2q~:ppq~2pq~5q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~!q~2pq~2q~:Kpq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~:q~2q~2pq~:pq~2q~9pq~2ppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@ wq~3t you deviantxsq~d?@ wq~3t that deviantxppsq~uq~q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Oq~2uq~q~.Oq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2uq~q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Oq~2uq~q~.Oq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Pq~2q~.Oq~2q~2uq~2psq~d?@ wq~3q~:+q~3Qpxsq~d?@ wq~3q~:+q~3Qpxpsq~d?@ wq~3Ouq~q~q~3Quq~q~q~3uq~q~q~q~3uq~q~xq~2puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~3(q~:sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~:sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~3(q~:sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~:sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~3(q~:sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~:sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~3(q~:sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~:sq~asq~d?@wxq~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~2q~:sq~d?@wxq~2q~q~:tfKoharu is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A cape forms upon her shoulders followed by a one-piece leotard across her body, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping behind her as she walks onto the battlefield. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w q~1yq~3Iq~1{sq~{q~1q~3Kq~3Lq~3Iq~3sq~q~3sq~q~3Rq~3Sq~3Tq~3q~3Vq~3Wq~3sq~q~3sq~q~3Zq~1q~3[sq~q~1sq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~2ppq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2puq~pppppuq~_q~2q~2sq~d?@wxuq~q~2ppq~2ppq~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2sq~(ddpppuq~q~:q~:q~:q~2pq~5q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~!q~2q~2q~2q~:uq~q~q~1q~:q~2q~2pq~:uq~2uq~Bq~2q~:q~2q~2q~1q~:pq~q~:uq~Buq~Hq~:q~2q~2q~:q~:q~2pppuq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~ q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~sq~;q~2uq~uq~q~:q~:q~:uq~2pq~5q~2q~2q~1q~:q~5gsq~y 'c''?B 6A" @U J:d tchainstOptimalptTyrantq~taroundtbeltspuq~tbrightpq~>q~3(sq~(pppq~5qq~9wtGreat Demon Lordq~2q~5ptTakaminetthigh-high bootsq~2ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-3!Q`Vqzc5B 6 2e|vZa2#o$#_~hpI +'uq~2q~5pq~2q~5qq~;q~;q~5qq~5pq~;q~5qq~5qq~2q~2q~2q~2q~;q~;pq~5qq~5pq~2q~5qq~5qq~5qsq~9Hbxq~;q~5qq~#q~2q~2q~3(q~3(q~; q~5qq~5qq~2q~5pq~;"q~;#q~2q~2puq~Buq~2q~2tfemaleq~tYukiq~5qq~5qpq~2q~2ptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~5qq~5puq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~2q~;q~2q~2q~2uq~2uq~2q~6uq~2q~2tAssassinpq~5qq~6q~;/q~#sq~M2B@= nJ:q~5{pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~;sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;9sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~;#sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;9sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~6sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;9sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;9sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~;9q~2q~2pq~5{pq~2q~;ppppq~5qq~2q~2sq~d?@ wq~3t you weaklingxsq~d?@ wq~3t that weaklingxppsq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2psq~d?@ wq~3pq~3pxsq~d?@ wq~3pxpsq~d?@ w q~3Quq~q~q~ q~6uq~q~q~3Tuq~q~q~6uq~q~q~68uq~q~sq~'uq~q~q~4Suq~q~q~6uq~q~q~6[uq~q~ q~6uq~q~%xq~2puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~7tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~7q~q~;9uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~3(q~;sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~;9sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~3(q~;#sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~;9sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~3(q~6sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~;9sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~3(q~;Nsq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~;9sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~3(q~;Tsq~d?@wxq~3(q~wq~;9tYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots and outlining her minimal underwear. Her outfit's provocative design and bright colors command the attention of Demons and civilians alike, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Tyrant has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w q~1yq~3Iq~1{sq~q~1q~3Kq~3Lq~3Iq~6sq~q~6sq~q~6q~1q~3Qq~1q~8*sq~q~3Vq~3Wq~3sq~q~3sq~q~3Zq~1q~3[sq~q~1sq~;xuq~q~q~2q~3ppq~2q~2q~5pq~2q~2q~5qq~5qpq~5qq~5quq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2puq~pppppuq~_q~3(q~2sq~d?@wxuq~q~2ppq~5qppq~5qq~5qq~5qpq~5qq~5qq~5qsq~(ddpppuq~q~;q~;q~5{q~5qpq~;Nq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~!q~5qpq~5qq~;Tuq~q~q~1q~;0pq~2pq~;1uq~2uq~Bq~5pq~;q~5qq~5pq~1q~;8pq~q~;uq~Buq~Hq~;9pq~2q~;q~;q~5ppppuq~uq~q~5qq~5qq~5qq~5quq~ q~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qpuq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~q~;q~5quq~uq~q~;q~;q~5{uq~2pq~;Nq~2pq~1q~;Tq~7q~4 q~7q~8Eq~8q~1q~9buq~)uq~+uq~+uq~+uq~Bpppq~4uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~pppuq~q~0q~19uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~pppuq~q~4q~4q~4uq~pppuq~q~2q~2q~2uq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~4q~4q~4uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~q~4q~4q~4uq~Bq~5sq~-j*tV7*4  6[2 ;t F ]a@Uz ,7ʕiyÜa['uq~2q~4!q~5pq~4 tcloakt Beautifulq~4 q~4!tSpiceq~4 q~4 q~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qtupq~;uq~q~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~4 q~4!q~5pq~4 q~4 q~4 sq~9gy8'xtbrightq~4 q~#q~5qq~5pq~7q~7sq~(ZZpppq~4 q~4 pq~5qtTakaminethigh-heeled sandalsq~5qq~5qpuq~Buq~2q~5qq~7*q~tOtomeq~4 q~4 q~2q~4!q~5qptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~4 q~4!uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~4!q~5pq~;q~5qq~5qq~4 uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~5qtAvengerpq~4 q~75q~7*q~#sq~M NV;0?yppq~]uq~q~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~;uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~;sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~;sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tstriped pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~;q~5pppppq~5qppq~2ppq~4 q~5pq~5psq~d?@ wq~6pq~68pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5quq~q~5qq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5quq~q~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5puq~q~5pq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5pq~5qq~5qq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5qq~5pq~5ppuq~2psq~d?@ wq~6pq~68tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~68t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~7uuq~q~q~3Ruq~q~q~3Tuq~q~q~3Vuq~q~q~3uq~q~xq~5ppuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~7q~;sq~d?@wxq~7q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~7q~;sq~d?@wxq~7q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~7q~;sq~d?@wxq~7q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~7q~<sq~d?@wxq~7q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~7sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~7q~<sq~d?@wxq~7q~wq~;tOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, slit high enough up her thigh that every time she takes a step in her high-heeled sandals, she almost reveals her striped panties. Her clothes are provocatively-cut and brightly-colored, but she shows no signs of self-consciousness. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Spice has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~7usq~q~3Rsq~q~4q~2q~4q~4sq~(ddpppq~1 q~1 pq~4tChujothigh-heeled bootsq~4q~4puq~Buq~2q~4q~7q~StMidoriq~1 q~1 pq~4q~4pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~1 q~1-uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~1-q~2q~sq~MFw=$^ppq~]pq~q~1)q~1q~9jq~9jsq~(FFpppq~1q~1pq~1)tJinnotribbon-laced sandalsq~1)q~1)puq~Buq~2q~1)tfemaleq~ltMidoriq~1q~1pq~1)q~1)ptTime to go wild!q~1q~1duq~2uq~Buq~Hq~1dq~1q~=?q~1)q~1)q~1uq~2uq~2t.23% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~1)tPrincesspq~1q~9q~=Hq~>sq~MC\q~9upq~]pq~=;uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~=Ssq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~=Ssq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~=Ssq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~=Sq~9ppq~9upq~1)pppppq~1q~9q~1)sq~d?@ wq~;hpxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1)uq~q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)uq~q~1)q~1q~1q~1q~1q~1q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)uq~q~1q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1q~1)q~7uq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~7uq~q~q~1uq~q~ q~!sq~uq~q~xq~1)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~=q~=Ysq~d?@wxq~=q~q~=Ssq~asq~d?@wxq~=sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~=q~=_sq~d?@wxq~=q~q~=Ssq~asq~d?@wxq~=sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~=q~=esq~d?@wxq~=q~q~=Ssq~asq~d?@wxq~9jsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9jq~=ksq~d?@wxq~9jq~q~=StMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Moppet quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~=zsq~xuq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~1ppq~7q~9q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1pq~1q~1uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~1)ppppq~1)pppppq~1)q~1)q~1)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~1)puq~pppppuq~_q~9jq~1sq~d?@wxuq~q~1ppq~1ppq~1q~1q~1pq~1q~1q~1sq~(npppuq~tdowntbodiceq~9uq~1q~ Oq~9q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~9q~1)q~1q~1uq~!q~1pq~1q~=kq~2q~2uq~2q~7pq~.Pq~2uq~q~4q~4 q~2q~2q~.Ouq~uq~Bq~2q~5q~2q~:q~:q~5{q~;*q~7%sq~-HdY D62<ԥF F]Uex3LD_ּ<.\2 Z'uq~2q~4!q~5pq~4 q~4;tOptimalq~4 q~4!tAxiomq~4 q~4 q~5qq~5qq~5qq~5qtfrontt miniskirtq~;q~4 q~4!q~5pq~4 q~4 q~4 sq~9iӃxtdarkq~4 q~lq~5qq~5pq~7q~7sq~(pppq~4 q~4 pq~5qtYashidathigh-heeled bootsq~5qq~5qpuq~Buq~2q~5qtfutanariq~ltOmiq~4 q~4 q~2q~4!q~5qptCombat preparations complete.q~4 q~4!uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~4!q~5pq~=q~5qq~5qq~4 uq~2uq~2q~;uq~2q~5qtFighterq~;q~4 q~75q~=q~lsq~MN>:7:7uq~q~;q~>pq~4 q~ Oq~> q~5qq~5pq~5pq~5pq~5pq~4!q~5pq~4 uq~!q~4 pq~4 q~> sq~-v8loVg($hE 62= ;t(ƈ8q4hRQK$D{ڄ5Z0 'uq~2q~4 q~4!q~4!tcharmstWatchfulq~4q~2tProphetq~4q~4sq~4q~4 q~4 q~4 tintotbodysuitpq~4q~2q~4 q~4q~4q~4sq~9`zxtdrabq~4q~>q~4 q~4!q~4q~4sq~(pppq~4q~4pq~4 tNinomiyat kneesocksq~4 q~4 puq~Buq~2q~4 tfemaleq~ltYukiq~4q~4q~2q~2q~4 ptCombat preparations complete.q~4q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~1Aq~4!q~>Iq~4 q~4 q~1;uq~2uq~2q~4/uq~2q~4 tFighterpq~4q~42q~>Tq~>sq~M h4/^ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~>Lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~>Qsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~3sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t high heelssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>^q~4Gq~>Hpq~>Iq~q~>Kq~>Lpuq~q~>Npq~>q~4q~>Oq~2q~4tLord of Demonspq~4 q~>Pq~>Qq~4 ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~>Euq~q~q~4q~>Uq~2q~2pq~>Vuq~2uq~Bq~2q~>Iq~4q~4q~4q~>]pq~q~>Iuq~Buq~Hq~>^pq~4 uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~4 ppppq~4 pppppq~4 q~4 q~4 sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~4 puq~pppppuq~_q~4q~4!sq~d?@wxuq~q~4!ppq~2pppuq~uq~q~4q~4q~4q~4uq~ q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(ddpppq~4uq~uq~q~>Kq~>Lpuq~2pq~>sq~4pq~4q~>pq~2ppq~4q~4!q~4 sq~d?@ wsq~pq~1Ittraitorxsq~d?@ wq~1It that traitorxppsq~uq~q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4 q~4!q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4 uq~q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4!uq~q~4!q~4!q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4 q~4!q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4 q~4!uq~q~4 q~4!q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4 q~4!q~4!q~4!q~4!puq~2psq~d?@ wq~>tmy loveq~1Ipxsq~d?@ wq~>t my soul mateq~1Ipxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~3uq~q~q~3Zuq~q~xq~43puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~4q~>Lsq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~4q~>Qsq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~4q~3sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~4q~>ssq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~4q~>ysq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>^sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~4q~>sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>^trYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her kneesocks and outlining her minimal underwear. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she rushes in to assist, the protective charms dangling from her outfit rattling together with every step. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Prophet has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~>sq~Mq~4sq~|q~4sq~|q~4sq~|q~4sq~|sq~sq~|q~4fsq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~q~4pppq~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4pq~4q~4uq~Buq~q~>q~>q~4ppq~4q~4q~4pq~4q~4q~4q~>uq~q~>Kq~>Lpq~4pq~>sq~4 q~2q~4sq~-8HߩS[EWB >/J2 ;tF مw2},/ŭ?KbBa'%'uq~2q~4 q~4!q~4q~Jtaroundtstripspq~4q~43q~4!q~1;q~4q~4sq~9K+Xxtwhiteq~4q~>q~4 q~4!q~4q~4sq~(pppq~4q~4pq~4 tWatarit doll shoesq~4 q~4 puq~Buq~2q~4 q~>Tq~ltHitomiq~4q~4pq~4 q~2q~5tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~4q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~4!q~>q~4 q~4 q~4uq~2uq~2q~4/uq~2q~4 tAvengerpq~4q~42q~>Tq~>sq~M  T23tygfq~4pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~>sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~>q~4q~q~>q~>puq~q~>pq~>q~4q~>q~2q~4tMister Demon Lordpq~4 q~>q~>q~4 ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~>uq~q~q~4q~>pq~4 q~5q~>uq~2uq~Bq~2q~>q~4q~2q~4q~>pq~q~>uq~Buq~Hq~>q~2q~2uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~4 ppppq~4 pppppq~4 q~4 q~4 sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~4 puq~pppppuq~_q~4q~4!sq~d?@wxuq~q~4!ppq~2pppuq~uq~q~4q~4q~4q~4uq~ q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4q~4puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(pppq~4uq~uq~q~>q~>q~4uq~2q~ Oq~>sq~4pq~4q~?pppq~5q~4q~43q~4uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~3Zuq~q~q~3[uq~q~q~4uq~q~q~>uq~q~xq~2puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~4q~?sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~4q~? sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~4q~?sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~>sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~4q~?sq~d?@wxq~4q~wq~>tHitomi is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Strips of hanging cloth wind themselves around her body, not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Void has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~>sq~q~?Msq~q~4sq~|q~4sq~|q~4sq~Mq~>sq~Mq~4fsq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~4ppq~2q~2q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4 q~4!q~4pq~4q~4uq~Buq~q~?%q~?&q~4ppq~4q~4q~4pq~4q~4q~4q~?7uq~q~>q~>q~4q~4q~ Oq~>sq~4 q~2q~43q~43q~4q~2q~2q~2q~4tPsychic Dynamoq~2q~2q~2sq~U2?q~2q~2q~2q~4t Wooden Stakeq~2q~2q~2sq~U2@q~2q~2q~2q~4tBroken Shacklesq~2q~2q~2sq~U2Aq~2q~2q~2q~4t Empty Vesselq~2q~2q~2sq~U2B%q~2q~2q~2q~4tPleasure Buttonq~2q~2q~2sq~U2C&q~2q~2q~2q~4t Velvet Keyq~2q~2q~2sq~U2D'q~2q~2q~2q~4t Book of Lifeq~2q~2q~2sq~U2E(q~2q~2q~2q~4t Limit Breakq~2q~2q~2sq~U2F/q~2q~2q~2q~4tAmanojaku Hornq~2q~2q~2sq~U2G,q~2q~2q~2q~4tSilver Braceletq~2q~2q~2sq~U2H-q~2q~2q~2q~4tQliphothic Easingq~2q~2q~2puq~2uq~2ppuq~Bq~4sq~-d' @ 3d'uq~2q~2q~2q~2tskirttSoaringq~2q~2tPainq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2tintotbodysuitpq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2sq~9}dxtbrightq~2q~>q~2q~2q~4q~4sq~(FFpppq~2q~2pq~2tDaigotthigh-high bootsq~2q~2puq~Buq~2q~2q~4q~StOtomeq~2q~2pq~2q~2ptRide the winds of victory!q~2q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~2tSkyq~2q~2q~2uq~2uq~2puq~2q~2tFalconpq~2pq~4q~>sq~M ppq~]pq~@(uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~@.sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~@@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~@3sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~@@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~@@q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2q~Guq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~4q~@.sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~@@sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~4q~@3sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~@@sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~4q~@Psq~d?@wxq~4q~q~@@t~The speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Sky joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~2pq~]pq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2puq~pppppuq~_q~4q~2sq~d?@wxuq~q~2ppq~2ppq~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2sq~(npppuq~q~@-q~@.pq~2q~tnoneq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~!q~2pq~2q~@Psq~-7 AW cd'uq~2q~2q~2q~2tsleevestFuriousq~2q~2tRebelq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2tupq~@*pq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2sq~9[$xtclashingq~2q~Sq~2q~2q~4q~4sq~(ddpppq~2q~2pq~2tOzawat armored bootsq~2q~2puq~Buq~2q~2q~?q~StOharaq~2q~2pq~2q~2ptStop doing bad things, or else!q~2q~2uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~2q~2t Retributionq~2q~2q~2uq~2uq~2puq~2q~2tFurypq~2pq~?q~Ssq~Mppq~]pq~@uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tgownsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~@sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~@sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~5sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~@q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~xq~2puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~4q~@sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~@sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~4q~@sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~@sq~asq~d?@wxq~4sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~4q~5sq~d?@wxq~4q~q~@tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! An elaborate gown trails her, its front slit high enough up her thigh to reveal her lack of panties and the faint shape hanging between her legs. Her clothes have clashing colors and a provocative cut, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Retribution quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~2pppq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2puq~pppppuq~_q~4q~2sq~d?@wxuq~q~2ppq~2ppq~2q~2q~2pq~2q~2q~2sq~(pppuq~q~4tbodicepq~2q~ q~@q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~!q~2pq~2tbootsq~2sq~9{Uxpuq~2 pppuq~+PxJ7jTuq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~Bq~7puq~2uq~uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~4uq~ppppppppppppppppppppppppuq~2q~2q~2puq~:uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~2uq~2uq~Bsq~-?SA Hwqw{lC  `lC7 ;tR0stCS0?/,j'uq~2q~5pq~2q~5qt jewellerytLoyalq~5qq~5ptWhisperq~5qq~5qq~2q~2q~2q~2q~5kq~5lpq~5qq~5pq~2q~5qq~5qq~5qsq~9lʜxtwhiteq~5qq~>q~5pq~2q~3(q~3(sq~(FFpppq~5qq~5qpq~2tFujimorit doll shoesq~2q~2puq~Buq~2q~2q~;/q~StZenq~5qq~5qpq~2q~2ptCombat preparations complete.q~5qq~5puq~2uq~Buq~Hq~5pq~2q~AVq~2q~2q~5quq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~2tPrincesspq~5qq~6q~;/q~>sq~MJ& *@ppq~]pq~ARuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~5lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~A[sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~6sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~;Nsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ahq~2ppppq~2pppppq~5qq~2q~2sq~d?@ wq~3pq~3t you fake heroxsq~d?@ wq~3tthat fake heroxppsq~uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2uq~q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2puq~2psq~d?@ wq~3pxsq~d?@ wq~3pxpsq~d?@ wq~3Ruq~q~q~3Tuq~q~q~3uq~q~q~q~6[uq~q~xq~2puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~3(q~Ansq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~3(q~5lsq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~3(q~A[sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~3(q~6sq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~3(q~;Nsq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~Ahsq~asq~d?@wxq~3(sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~3(q~Asq~d?@wxq~3(q~q~AhtZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A shimmering blouse and long skirt embroidered with magic sigils materialize in their place, the top not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Whisper has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~3q~3q~6[sq~(xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~5qpppq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~5qpq~5qq~5quq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~2ppppq~2pppppq~2q~2q~2sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~2puq~pppppuq~_q~3(q~2sq~d?@wxuq~q~2ppq~5qppq~5qq~5qq~5qpq~5qq~5qq~5qsq~(npppuq~tdownq~Anpq~5qq~ Oq~;Nq~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~5pq~2q~5quq~!q~5qpq~5qq~Asq~]R <*d'uq~2q~4q~2q~2tbandsq~q~1dq~1q~9jq~9jsq~(ZZpppq~1q~1pq~1)tBaishothigh-heeled bootsq~1)q~1)puq~Buq~2q~1)q~=Hq~ltOtomeq~1q~1pq~1)q~1)pt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~1q~1duq~2uq~Buq~Hq~1)q~1q~Bq~1)q~1)q~1uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~1t Sorceresspq~1q~9q~=Hq~>sq~MIIippq~]pq~Buq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t heeled bootssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~Bq~9ppppq~1)pppppq~1q~1)q~1)sq~d?@ wq~7pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1uq~q~1)q~1)q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1uq~q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1q~1q~1)uq~q~1)q~1)q~1q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)q~1q~1q~1)q~1q~1)puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~3Suq~q~q~1uq~q~ q~9uq~q~xq~1puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9jsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9jq~Bsq~d?@wxq~9jq~q~Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9jsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9jq~Bsq~d?@wxq~9jq~q~Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9jsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9jq~Bsq~d?@wxq~9jq~q~Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9jsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9jq~Bsq~d?@wxq~9jq~q~Bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9jq~Bsq~d?@wxq~9jq~wq~BtOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, dipping down to expose the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes have a dark color scheme that lends her a professional air. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Triumph has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~9q~9xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~1pppq~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1)q~1q~1pq~1q~1uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~1)ppppq~1)pppppq~1)q~1)q~1)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~1)puq~pppppuq~_q~9jq~1sq~d?@wxuq~q~1ppq~1ppq~1q~1q~1pq~1q~1q~1sq~(pppuq~q~Bq~Bpq~1q~ Oq~Bq~?q~4puq~q~7t---q~4q~4uq~Huq~2 puq~1sq~ tRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~2uq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~2uq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~2uq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~2uq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~2uq~q~Cq~CtEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~2uq~q~C"q~C'tExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~2uq~q~Cq~C"t(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~2uq~q~Cq~C"t'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~2uq~q~Cq~C't+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~2uq~q~Cq~C'tCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~2uq~q~Cq~C1tCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~2uq~q~C"q~C@tCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~2uq~q~Cq~CEtCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~2uq~q~C'q~C,tCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~2uq~q~C6q~C@q~CDsq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~2uq~q~C;q~CEt+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~2uq~q~C,q~COtEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~2uq~q~C1q~CYtExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~2uq~q~C;q~CTtBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~2uq~q~C@q~CJt.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~2uq~q~CEq~C^t+1 Commander duration for +2 EEsq~ t>Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~2uq~q~C6q~Cbt*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~2uq~q~Cbq~Cvt#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~2uq~q~CTq~Cgt%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~2uq~q~C^q~Cqt!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~2uq~q~COq~Clt"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~2uq~q~CYq~C{q~Csq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~2uq~q~CJq~Ct+1 Commander capture for +5 EEsq~ tSpreads your ability to influence thoughts even beyond the Demonic hivemind. Civilians in the area of Demonic raids will feel subconsciously motivated to resist the authorities' attempts to get them to evacuate. Increases evacuation requirement from 160 to 200.tSoul Resonanceq~2uq~q~Cgq~CtEvac req 160 -> 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~2uq~q~Clq~CtExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~2uq~q~Cqq~Ct1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~2uq~q~Cvq~Ct(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~2uq~q~C{q~Ct+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~2uq~q~Cq~Ct2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~2uq~q~Cq~CtJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~2uq~q~Cq~CtKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~2uq~q~Cq~CtKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~2uq~q~Cq~CtJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~2uq~q~Cq~Ct+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~2uq~q~Cq~Ct?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~CtcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~CtjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 3% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~CttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 6%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~Ct^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 4%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~CtvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 7%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~CtpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~Ct +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~Ct?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~2uq~q~Cq~Cq~Cq~Ct#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.pq~9q~2uq~aq~q~q~ pt54uq~!q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~2q~4q~4q~2q~2sq~'S5' '' #&+&sq~(pppsq~(ddpppsq~- d'uq~2sq~4sq~4q~Dxtnonepq~Dwq~DxtBalanceq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9 0xtdrabq~Dwq~>q~Dwq~Dxtq~D}sq~(pppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwpq~D}q~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwtfemaleq~>pq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~Dzq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Dwppq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Duuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tlacy stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tsandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Dq~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~DtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~(2d2pppuq~pppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwpsq~- d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dypq~Dwq~DxtBasisq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9Cxq~D|q~Dwq~>q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}sq~(dpppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwpq~D}q~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwtfutanariq~>pq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~Dq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Dwppq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Duq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Dq~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Dsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~DtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~(pppuq~pppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwpsq~- d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dypq~Dwq~DxtCrownq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9Utmxq~D|q~Dwq~>q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}sq~(dpppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwpq~D}q~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~>pq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~E4q~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Dwppq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~E2uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~E?sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~E?sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~E?sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~E?q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~E?sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~E?sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~E?sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~E?tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~E6uq~pppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwpsq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dypq~Dwq~DxtJudgmentq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9ٮpuxq~D|q~Dwq~>q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}sq~(pppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwpq~D}q~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~>pq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~Eq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Dwppq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Euq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Eq~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~EtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~(Ppppuq~pppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwpsq~- d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dypq~Dwq~DxtLoveq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9h_xq~D|q~Dwq~>q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}sq~(pppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwpq~D}q~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~>pq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~Eq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Dwppq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Euq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Eq~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Esq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~EtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~(ddpppuq~pppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwpsq~(dpppsq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dypq~Dwq~DxtReasonq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~91Zxq~D|q~Dwq~>q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}sq~(pppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwpq~D}q~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~>pq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~FCq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Dwppq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~FAuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~FNsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~FNsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~FNsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~FNq~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~FNsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~FNsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~FNsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~FNtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~(22pppuq~pppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwpsq~- d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dypq~Dwq~DxtReignq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9݆Hxq~D|q~Dwq~>q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}q~E6q~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwpq~D}q~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~>pq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~Fq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Dwppq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Fuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Fq~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Fsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Fsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Fsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~FtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~E6uq~pppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwpsq~7A A < 2ԥ%d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~DytFlexibleq~Dwq~DxtSplendorq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwtupt microskirtpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9C:=xthot pinkq~Dwq~#q~Dxq~Dxq~D}tpartsq~(pppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~D}tthigh-high stockingsq~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~#q~Fq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwpt&Nothing is possible without sacrifice!q~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~Fq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~DwtAgentpq~Dwpq~Dq~#sq~MB@'C"y\m M 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She holds her arms apart, allowing her nude silhouette to be enveloped by the haze. A uniform resembling that of a schoolgirl begins to materialize around her, but she steps out of the mist before anything above her thigh-high stockings can be fully completed. Her tattered blouse leaves her belly exposed, and the cloth covering her down below can barely even be called a microskirt. She flaps her bat wings and glides down to the ground, the pink mist swirling around her. The Thralls and Demons need no encouragement to swarm her position, but before they can reach her, they begin to stagger and stumble as the pink mist soaks into them.q~rsq~d?@ w sq~sq~$sq~sq~Psq~#sq~4sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~'sq~sq~q~Gsq~ sq~q~Gsq~lsq~sq~sq~q~Gxuq~q~Dxpq~Jpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Gxuq~q~Gzq~G{pq~Dwq~q~G|q~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwq~GAq~D}q~q~Dwsq~]c+ ?_d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dyt Unbendingq~Dwq~DxtVictoryq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Ft armored robepq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9䗁8qxtwhiteq~Dwq~>q~Dxq~Dxq~D}tswingsq~(Zpppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~D}tbootsq~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~lq~Hq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~DwptNever yield to evil!q~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~Hq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~DwtWarriorpq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mdppq~]pq~Guq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~Hsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~G)sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~G|sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Hsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t longswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hq~Dwpq~ppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@ wsq~tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~H/t that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwq~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~D}q~Hsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~D}q~G)sq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~D}q~G|sq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Hsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~D}q~H,sq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~HtThe speaker begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~Hpq~Dwq~q~G|q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwq~H,q~q~D}q~Dwq~q~GHsq~- d'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dypq~Dwq~DxtWisdomq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwsq~9Pxq~D|q~Dwq~>q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}sq~(pppq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwpq~D}q~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~>pq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Dwq~Dxq~Hoq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Dwppq~Dwpq~Dq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Hmuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hzsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hzsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hzsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hzq~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Hzsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Hzsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Hzsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Dsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~HztThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwpq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~(ddpppuq~pppq~Dwppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~!q~Dwpq~Dwpsq~4uq~2puq~2sq~4puq~2uq~2ppq~GCsq~4uq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~B q~E2q~Hmq~FAq~Eq~Eq~Duq~Gq~Fq~Dq~Fq~Huq~Bsq~91ֿxuq~Bsq~G ?: LK@d'uq~2q~Hq~Hq~HtbeltstVengefulq~Hq~HtPhantomq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Htdownttrouserspq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~9)xtdrabq~Hq~>q~Hq~Htq~Hsq~(ZZpppq~Hq~Hpq~HtGototsneakersq~Hq~Hpuq~Buq~2q~Htfemaleq~StZenq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~HptDeath is a state of mind!q~Hq~Huq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Hq~Ht Purgatoryq~Hq~Hq~Huq~2uq~2puq~2q~HtRevenantpq~Ht Matsuyamaq~Hq~>sq~M]ppq~]psq~-G ?: d'uq~2q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~>q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~(ZZpppq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpuq~Buq~2q~Hq~Hq~Sq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Huq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~2uq~2puq~2q~Hq~Hpq~Hpq~Hq~>q~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Huq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Hppppq~Hpppppq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Hpuq~pppppuq~_q~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxuq~q~Hppq~Hppq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~(pppuq~q~Htjacketpq~Hq~tpantiesq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~!q~Hpq~Htpistolsuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~I sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~Hsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Hsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~I sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~I sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Hq~Hppppq~Hpppppq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Hpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Hq~I sq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Hq~I"sq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Hq~I sq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Hsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Hq~I sq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~HtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket hugging her chest to outline her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her sneakers. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she draws her equipment from the belts holding everything in place and begins planning her approach. She wears numerous pistols on her person, discarding them once they're empty. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Purgatory has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Hpppq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Huq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Hppppq~Hpppppq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Hpuq~pppppuq~_q~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxuq~q~Hppq~Hppq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~(pppuq~q~Hq~I pq~Hq~q~I q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~!q~Hpq~Hq~I q~Hq~q~Hppq~Hq~Hq~Huq~sq~4q~Iouq~Hsq~y'''7QN"7W UZH!d tholytHopefulptPrayerq~tintotrobepuq~tdrabpq~>tsq~(dpppsq~4sq~4t Demon Lordpsq~4tDaigot armored bootsq~I~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-{$' - 7We :Kӌ \s'uq~2q~I~sq~4q~Iq~Irq~Isq~I{q~I{q~Itq~I|q~I|q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~Iuq~Ivpq~I|q~I~q~Iq~Iq~I|q~I|sq~9kWBxq~Ixq~I|q~>q~I~q~Iq~Iyq~Iyq~Izq~I|q~I|pq~I~q~Iq~Iq~I~q~I~puq~Buq~2q~I~tfemaleq~StAyameq~I|q~I|pq~I~q~I~pt&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~I|q~I{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~I{q~Iq~Itq~I~q~I~q~I|uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~I~tKnightpq~I|tGifuq~Iq~>sq~M B@6*Y ULHppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~Ivsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Isq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Isq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Isq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Iq~Ippppq~I~q~Iqppppq~I{q~Iq~I~sq~d?@ wsq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Iq~Iq~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~q~Iq~I~q~Iq~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~uq~q~Iq~I~q~I~q~Iq~Iq~I~q~I~q~I~q~Iq~I~q~Iq~I~q~Iq~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~Iq~Iq~I~uq~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~q~I~q~Iq~I~q~I~q~I~q~Iq~I~q~I~q~Iq~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~uq~q~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~q~Iq~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~q~I~q~Iq~I~q~Ipuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Ipxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~!sq~uq~q~%xq~Ipuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~It nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Iuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Iysq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Iyq~Ivsq~d?@wxq~Iyq~q~Isq~asq~d?@wxq~Iysq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Iyq~Isq~d?@wxq~Iyq~q~Isq~asq~d?@wxq~Iysq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Iyq~Isq~d?@wxq~Iyq~q~ItAyame is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Prayer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~Gsq~q~Gsq~q~Gsq~Fsq~q~Isq~ sq~sq~sq~q~Iq~Gsq~q~Gsq~sq~&q~Isq~Usq~sq~sq~q~Gsq~sq~q~Gsq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~I~pppq~I~q~I~q~I~q~I{q~I~q~Iq~I|pq~I|q~I|uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~I~ppppq~I~pppppq~I~q~I~q~I~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~I~puq~pppppuq~_q~Iyq~Isq~d?@wxuq~q~Ippq~I|ppq~I|q~I|q~I{pq~I|q~I|q~I|sq~(x2pppuq~q~Iuq~Ivpq~I|ptnoneq~I~q~I~q~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~uq~!q~I|pq~I|tbootsuq~q~q~GFq~Ipq~I~pq~Iuq~2uq~Bq~I{q~Itq~I|q~I|q~GFq~Ipq~q~Ituq~Buq~Hq~Ipq~I~uq~q~Gq~Gq~I{pppuq~uq~q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|uq~ q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|puq~2uq~q~sq~q~q~sq~Iq~I|uq~uq~q~Iuq~Ivpuq~2pq~Iq~I~pq~GFq~Isq~y'%''s 0Z  t=. ~l]Td tocculttStalkingptShadowq~taroundtarmorq~Guq~tdrabpq~>tsq~(dpppq~GUq~GFt Demon Lordpsq~4tJinnot running shoes and athletic socksq~Jppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~:;13% Z hX.*U'uq~2q~Jsq~4q~J$q~Jq~Jq~GUq~GUq~Jq~GHq~GHq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jpq~GHq~GUq~J$q~GHq~GHq~GHsq~9y$*xq~Jq~GHq~>q~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~GHq~GHpq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jpuq~Buq~2q~Jtfemaleq~StZenq~GHq~GHpq~Jq~JptThe sun won't save you!q~GHq~GUuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Jq~J$tCrimsonq~Jq~Jq~J$uq~2uq~2t/0.0% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~JtVampirepq~GHtKanazawaq~J(q~>sq~MB@.37  l]NKppq~]q~Gpuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~J5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~J5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~J5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~J5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~J5q~J$ppppq~Jq~Jppppq~GUq~J$q~J$sq~d?@ wsq~psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$puq~2psq~d?@ wq~JWtLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~JWt my leaderxpsq~d?@ w sq~uq~q~Guq~q~q~Guq~q~sq~$uq~q~sq~%uq~q~sq~&uq~q~q~Guq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~!q~JWuq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~GUpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~GRt nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~J5uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Jq~J;sq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~J5sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Jq~JAsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~J5sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Jq~JGsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~J5sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Jq~JMsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~J5sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Jq~JSsq~d?@wxq~Jq~wq~J5tZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Crimson has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@w q~Gq~Iq~Gsq~q~Gq~Iq~Iq~Isq~ sq~sq~sq~9q~Jtq~Gsq~q~Gsq~sq~3sq~sq~usq~sq~sq~q~Gxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Jq~Gq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~GHpq~GHq~GHuq~Buq~uq~q~Gaq~Gaq~GHppq~GHq~GHq~GHpq~GHq~GHq~GHsq~(x2pppuq~q~Jq~Jpq~GHq~tshortsq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~Juq~!q~GHpq~GHq~JSq~Jq~q~GHuq~q~q~GFq~J)pq~Jpq~J*uq~2uq~Bq~GUq~J.q~GHq~GUq~GFq~J3pq~q~J.uq~Buq~Hq~J5pq~Juq~q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~GUpppuq~uq~q~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHuq~ q~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~q~Jq~GHuq~uq~q~Jq~Jpuq~2q~q~Jq~Jpq~GFq~JSq~GCuq~Hq~Iqq~Jq~GCuq~)uq~+uq~+uq~+uq~Bpppq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~pppuq~q~Gq~Gauq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~pppuq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~pppuq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Huq~Bsq~-T/jP b61x<V[J^ 2  R62O ;t822»ܛUvT\_FJW'uq~2sq~4q~Dxsq~4tnonetHopefulq~Jq~JtShieldq~Jq~Jq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Hktrobepq~Jq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~9 ;d$xq~D|q~Jq~>q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}sq~(ddpppq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~JtZayasut armored bootsq~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~StMidoriq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jt&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~Jq~Juq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Dwq~Juq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~DwtKnightpq~JtNaganoq~Dq~>sq~MaC, %5ppq~]pq~Juq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9trobesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t pleated skirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Jsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Jq~Dxq~Jpppq~Dwppq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Dxq~Dxsq~d?@ wsq~ psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwuq~q~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Jq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~2psq~d?@ wsq~ tAikoq~K tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~Kq~Kq~K t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~K uq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~K$q~Jsq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~K$q~Jsq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~K$q~Ksq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Jsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~JtMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~Jppq~Kq~Jq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Juq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Jppq~Jq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~(pppuq~q~Hkq~Jpq~Jpq~Dyq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Juq~!q~Jpq~Jq~Hsq~-j*tV7*4  6[2 ;t F ]a@Uz ,7ʕiyÜa['uq~2q~I{q~Iq~I|tcloakt Beautifulq~I|q~I{tSpiceq~I|q~I|q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~tupq~KNuq~q~Iq~Iq~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~I~q~Iq~I~q~I~q~I~q~Iq~Iq~Iq~Iq~I|q~I{q~Iq~I|q~I|q~I|sq~9gy8'xtbrightq~I|q~#q~I~q~Iq~Iyq~Iysq~(ZZpppq~I|q~I|pq~I~tTakaminethigh-heeled sandalsq~I~q~I~puq~Buq~2q~I~q~Iq~tOtomeq~I|q~I|sq~y' <'',5P.&@ F= !YF<&@F< & [ d tnonetMagicalptMidnightq~tdownttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~q~K$sq~(dpppsq~4q~J$tMasterpq~JtWatarit high heelsq~Jppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- DeS2KQee<P F=2!eF I<^H90:f'uq~2q~Jq~Jq~Jq~K\q~K]sq~4q~Kdq~K^q~Kpq~Kpq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~K_q~K`pq~Kpq~Kdq~Jq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpsq~9MTxq~Kbq~Kpq~q~Jq~Jq~K$q~K$q~Kcq~Kpq~Kppq~Jq~Kfq~Kgq~Jq~Jpuq~Buq~2q~Jtfutanariq~tMidoriq~Kpq~Kpsq~y'N''[ 5du1 +rdBPQV wd tbandstOptimalptAxiomq~q~Gzttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~q~D}sq~(pppq~Jq~GHtLord of Demonspq~Dwt Matsunagat combat bootsq~Dwppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-N(P59Yo ,$ d 1 ( L+ ;t 0> gעGЎyܸ 0ܗ'uq~2q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Kwq~Kxq~Jq~Jq~Kyq~Jq~Jq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Gzq~Kzpq~Jq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~9)q,xq~K|q~Jq~#q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}q~K}q~Jq~Jpq~Dwq~Kq~Kq~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~tKoharuq~Jq~Jpq~Dwq~DwptCombat preparations complete.q~Jq~Juq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Jq~Dxq~Kyq~Dwq~Dwq~Juq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~DwtFighterpq~Jq~Jq~Dq~#sq~MRB@I8mrHBPQVn%ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ksq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~Kzsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ksq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Ksq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ksq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Ksq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Kq~Dwppppq~Dwq~Kvq~*pppq~Jq~Dxq~Dxsq~d?@ wq~Kpsq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwpuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Kq~Kq~Kq~Jxsq~d?@ wq~Kq~Kq~Kq~Jxpsq~d?@w q~K uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~%sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~Eq~Iuq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Gquq~q~q~Guq~q~Kq~JWuq~q~xq~Kdpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Kttank topsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Kuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~D}q~Ksq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Ksq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~D}q~Kzsq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Ksq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~D}q~Ksq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Ksq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~D}q~Ksq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~Ksq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~D}q~Ksq~d?@wxq~D}q~q~KtHer skintight wrapped chest bindings leave her shoulders bare and run only far enough to go over her breasts, leaving her belly completely exposed. Every line of her groin and feminine hips are outlined by her undershorts, which run not even down to her knees. They run under her trousers, which go down to her knees. Her feet are covered by combat boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@w q~Gq~Iq~Gsq~q~Gq~Iq~Iq~Iq~K sq~sq~q~Gsq~sq~sq~q~Gsq~q~Iq~Isq~jsq~sq~vq~Isq~q~Isq~q~Iq~Gq~Isq~q~Gsq~xuq~q~q~q~Jpppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Jpq~Jq~Juq~Buq~uq~q~Gq~Gq~Jppq~Jq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~(ddpppuq~tundertbindingspq~Jptshortsq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Juq~!q~Jpq~Jq~Kuq~q~q~GFq~Kpq~Dwpq~Kuq~2uq~Bq~Jq~Kyq~Jq~Jq~GFq~Kpq~q~Kyuq~Buq~Hq~Kpq~Dwq~Lq~Gq~Kdpppuq~uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~ q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jpuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~Lq~Juq~uq~q~L q~L puq~2pq~L q~Jpq~GFq~Kq~Jq~Jpt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~Kpq~Kduq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Kdq~Jq~K^q~Jq~Jq~Kpuq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~Jt Sorceresspq~KptKashiwaq~Ktq~sq~M~B@ C  YF< & ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9theart-shaped pubic tattoosq~d?@wxq~9q~q~L%sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9t leg banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~L%sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~9t arm banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~L%sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~L%sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~9toversized shirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~L%q~Jppppq~Jq~K[pq~Kvppq~Kpq~Jq~Jsq~d?@ wq~Ktyou embarrassmentq~Kt you hypocritexsq~d?@ wq~Ktthat embarrassmentq~Ktthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Kvuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Kpq~Kpxsq~d?@ wq~Kpq~Kpxpsq~d?@ w q~Kuq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~Esq~uq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Iuq~q~sq~uq~q~Eq~Iuq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~%xq~Jpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~Lct nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~Lcq~q~L%uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~Kq~L+sq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~L%sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~Kq~L1sq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~L%sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~Kq~L7sq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~L%sq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~K$q~L=sq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~L%sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~Kq~LCsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~L%tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by garb borrowed from the Forsaken! Her oversized shirt hangs from her shoulder all the way down her arm so that only her fingertips poke out. It covers her just barely down past her feminine hips. It hangs open low enough offer a glimpse of her pert breasts. She isn't wearing anything to cover her bare feet. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@w q~Gq~Iq~Gsq~mq~Gq~Iq~Iq~Isq~ sq~q~Ksq~q~Kq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Kq~Kq~Isq~q~Isq~q~Iq~Gq~Isq~q~Gsq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~sq~4sq~MOB@! Gb >7&/ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armored bootssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9tDemonic nipple piercingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~ -q~lxsq~d?@ wq~ -q~xq~9tDemonic collarsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Lq~I|q~Kvq~ppq~I|sq~y'F''9FpY @ 63/SE O7 XdtsleevestLoyalptFreedomq~tuptskirtpuq~tclashingpq~q~Isq~(dpppq~Jq~GFtMistressq~Kvq~GitWakimotoq~Lq~I|ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~]&.#U)PEXAF rF|6/2S e,N_d,>+",Npd*M͚X'uq~2q~J$q~I{q~Jq~Lq~Lq~Jq~J$q~Lq~Jq~Jq~I|q~Gcsq~4q~I|q~Lq~Lpq~Jq~J$q~I{q~Jq~Jq~Jsq~9JqŸxq~Lq~Jq~q~I|q~I{q~Iq~Iq~Lq~Jq~Jq~Kvq~Giq~Lq~Lq~I|q~I|puq~Buq~2q~I|tfutanariq~tFuyukoq~Jq~Jq~K[q~Giq~I|ptHumanity's best friend!q~Jq~J$uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~I|q~I{tSpikeq~I|q~I|q~I{uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~I|tHoundpq~JtToyamaq~Lq~q~Lpq~I|q~I|sq~4q~I|q~I|q~I{q~Jpq~Jq~Juq~Buq~uq~q~Gaq~Gaq~Gaq~Gaq~Gaq~Gaq~Jppq~Jq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~(x2pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~Jq~tnoneq~I|q~Lsq~4q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{uq~!q~Jpq~Jtbootsq~ bq~Iq~Jq~q~Juq~q~q~GFq~Lq~K[q~Gipq~Luq~2uq~Bq~Gq~Lq~Jq~J$q~GFq~Lpq~q~Luq~Buq~Hq~Lpq~I|uq~q~Gaq~Gaq~Gaq~Gaq~Gq~Gaq~GUpppuq~uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~ q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~uq~2uq~q~q~sq~sq~q~Lq~Juq~uq~q~Lq~Lpuq~2q~q~Lq~I{pq~GFq~Lpq~K[ppq~GUq~Gq~Lsq~d?@ wsq~t you villainsq~t you insectxsq~d?@ wsq~t that villainq~Lt that insectxppsq~uq~q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{uq~q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|uq~q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{uq~q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{puq~2psq~d?@ wq~Lpq~Lpxsq~d?@ wq~Lpq~Lpxpsq~d?@w q~Guq~q~q~Guq~q~q~Guq~q~q~Iuq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~%sq~uq~q~ q~Iuq~q~q~Iuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~Jquq~q~q~JWuq~q~xq~GUq~uq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~GRtcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~Luq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Iq~Lsq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Lsq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Iq~Lsq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Lsq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Iq~Lsq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Lsq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~Jq~Lsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~Lsq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~ -q~lxsq~d?@ wq~ -q~xq~Jq~Lsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~LtFuyuko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose her lower navel. From just the right angle, the base of her cock is barely visible. Her clothes have clashing colors and a provocative cut, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Spike quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~Gq~Iq~Gsq~bq~Gq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Josq~q~Msq~q~Mq~Gsq~q~Gsq~q~Isq~q~Isq~q~Kq~Gsq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~I{pppq~Kvq~Kdq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Kdq~Jq~Kppq~Kpq~Kpuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Jppppq~Jpppppq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_q~K$q~Jsq~d?@wxuq~q~Jppq~Kpppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpsq~(x2pppuq~q~K_tjacketpq~Kpptpantiesq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~!q~Kppq~Kpq~L=uq~q~q~Gq~Kuq~Kvq~Jpq~Luq~2uq~Bq~Kdq~K^q~Kpq~Kdq~GFq~L#pq~q~K^uq~Buq~Hq~L%q~Kvq~Kdq~Mq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jsq~(ddpppq~GHq~GHpq~JtChujothigh-heeled bootsq~Jq~Jpuq~Buq~2q~Jq~J(q~StMidoriq~GHq~GHpq~Jq~Jpt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~GHq~GUuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~GUq~J$q~NDq~Jq~Jq~GHuq~2uq~2t-3% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~JtSoldierpq~GHq~J4q~J(q~>sq~MFw=$^ppq~]pq~N@uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~NVsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~NVsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~NVsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~NVsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~NVq~J$ppppq~Jpppppq~GHq~J$q~J$sq~d?@ wq~Jqpq~Gpxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~J$uq~q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~J$uq~q~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$uq~q~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~Kvuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Gq~J)xsq~d?@ wq~Gq~J)xpsq~d?@ wq~Juq~q~q~Jquq~q~ q~q~Juq~q~q~Guq~q~xq~GUpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~GRq~N\sq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~NVsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~GRq~Nbsq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~NVsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~GRq~Nhsq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~NVsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~GRq~Nnsq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~NVsq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Jq~Ntsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~NVtDMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes' bright colors and provocative cut give her a striking presence. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~J$ppq~Kvq~GUq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~GUq~GHpq~GHq~GHuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Jppppq~Jpppppq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_q~Jq~J$sq~d?@wxuq~q~J$ppq~GHppq~GHq~GHq~GHpq~GHq~GHq~GHsq~(pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~GHptstrapsq~Jq~GUq~GUq~J$q~J$q~GUq~J$q~GHuq~!q~GHpq~GHq~Ntsq~-WN:=.D  &T ?WZ d"-06'uq~2q~GQq~GEq~GFtnonetLoyalq~Gq~GFtMoppetq~GFq~GFq~GQq~GQq~GQsq~4tuptskirtpq~GFq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GFq~GFsq~98ށxtdrabq~GFq~>q~GQq~GEtq~Nsq~(FFpppq~GFq~GFpq~GQtJinnotribbon-laced sandalsq~GQq~GQpuq~Buq~2q~GQtfemaleq~ltMidoriq~GFq~GFpq~GQq~GQptTime to go wild!q~GFq~Guq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Gq~GEq~Nq~GQq~GQq~GFuq~2uq~2t.23% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~GQtPrincesspq~GFt Utsunomiyaq~Nq~>sq~MC\sq~ dv} D1:4b# P 'Xn He0H@-Sj 'uq~2q~GQq~GEq~GFq~Nt Punishingq~GFq~GtJusticeq~GFq~GFq~GQq~GFq~Nq~GQtintotbodysuitpq~GFq~Gq~GQq~GFq~GFq~GFsq~9FHxtbrightq~GFq~Sq~GQq~GEq~Nq~Nsq~(pppq~GFq~GFpq~GQtAsakawatthigh-high bootsq~GQq~GQpuq~Buq~2q~GQtfutanariq~StUmekoq~GFq~GFq~Lq~Gq~GQpt%Every soul receives what it deserves!q~GFq~Guq~2uq~Buq~Hq~GQq~GEt Lightbringerq~GQq~GQq~GEuq~2uq~2t/0.2% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~GQt Zabaniyahpq~GFq~Nq~Nq~Ssq~MKB@ ,(${T " 9ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~Nsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Nsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Nq~GQppq~Npq~GQsq~y'b''D#MM2 nbH " @dq~Nq~Npq~Nq~q~Nq~Npuq~q~Npq~q~Nq~Nq~GFq~GFtLord of Demonspq~GQq~Nq~Nq~GQppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Nuq~q~q~GFq~Nq~Lq~Gpq~Nuq~2uq~Bq~Gq~Nq~GFq~Gq~GFq~Npq~q~Nuq~Buq~Hq~Npq~GQuq~q~Gq~Gq~GFpppuq~uq~q~GFq~GFq~GFq~GFuq~ q~GFq~GFq~GFq~GFq~GFq~GFq~GFq~GFq~GFq~GFq~ uq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~sq~(ddpppq~GFuq~uq~q~Nq~Nq~Nuq~2q~ tnoneq~GFpq~GFq~Npq~Lppq~Gq~GEsq~4sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQuq~q~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEuq~q~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQuq~q~GEq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~Jjuq~q~ q~Iuq~q~ q~!q~Iuq~q~q~sq~uq~q~q~Iuq~q~%xq~GQpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~Gsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~Gtcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~Gq~q~Nuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Nq~Nsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Nq~Nsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Nq~Nsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~NtUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Even then, there's a distinct bulge visible between her legs. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Lightbringer joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w sq~"sq~sq~#sq~sq~sq~@sq~ sq~ sq~sq~q~Isq~sq~sq~q~O&sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~q~O+sq~sq~sq~xuq~q~q~GFq~Gppq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GFpq~GFq~GFuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~GQppppq~GQpppppq~GQq~GQq~GQsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~GQpuq~pppppuq~_q~Nq~GEsq~d?@wxuq~q~GEppq~GFppq~GFq~GFq~GFpq~GFq~GFq~GFq~Ouq~q~Nq~Nq~Nq~GFq~ q~Oq~GQq~Oq~Oq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEuq~!q~GFpq~GFq~Nq~Nq~ pq~]pq~Nuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Nq~Oppq~Npq~GQpppppq~GFq~Oq~GQsq~d?@ wsq~'pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQuq~q~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQuq~q~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQuq~q~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~Juq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~Jjuq~q~q~Guq~q~ q~!sq~uq~q~xq~GQpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~Oq~Ossq~d?@wxq~Oq~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~Osq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Oq~Oysq~d?@wxq~Oq~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~Osq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~Oq~Osq~d?@wxq~Oq~q~Nsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~Nq~Osq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~NtMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Moppet quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~Osq~xuq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~GEppq~Jq~Oq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GFpq~GFq~GFuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~GQppppq~GQpppppq~GQq~GQq~GQsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~GQpuq~pppppuq~_q~Nq~GEsq~d?@wxuq~q~GEppq~GFppq~GFq~GFq~GFpq~GFq~GFq~GFsq~(npppuq~tdowntbodiceq~Nq~GFq~ Oq~Oq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~Oq~GQq~GEq~GEuq~!q~GFpq~GFq~Oq~Hq~Huq~2q~Jpq~Dxq~Huq~q~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Dwuq~uq~Bq~Ksq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Jt Beautifulq~Jq~JtHoneyq~Jq~Jq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Ftcloakq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~9G:xq~D|q~Jq~q~Dwq~Dxq~D}q~D}sq~(pppq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~JtTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~Dwq~Dwpuq~Buq~2q~Dwq~Dq~q~Kq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~JtJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~Jq~Juq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Jq~Dxq~Oq~Dwq~Dwq~Juq~2uq~2q~Juq~2q~DxtAvengerpq~Jq~Jq~Dq~sq~M=X % q~Jpq~]q~Jpuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9ttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~Oq~Dxq~Opq~Jpq~Dwsq~y '0''[!)=56~ jOWa u9 6~=X &` d q~Jq~Opq~Oq~q~Fq~Oq~Juq~q~D|pq~q~D}q~Oq~Jq~J$tMister Demon Lordq~Oq~Jq~Oq~Oq~Dwppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Ouq~q~q~GFq~Kq~Oq~Jq~Oq~Ouq~2uq~Bq~Jq~Oq~Jq~Kdq~GFq~Opq~q~Ouq~Buq~Hq~Ouq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Dwppppq~Dwpppppq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Dwpuq~pppppuq~_q~D}q~Dxsq~d?@wxuq~q~Dxppq~Jpppuq~uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~ q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jpuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ sq~(pppq~Juq~uq~q~Fq~Oq~Juq~2pq~G|q~Jpq~GFq~Opq~Opq~Oq~Jq~Dxq~Kdsq~d?@ wq~Kpq~K pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwuq~q~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxuq~q~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dwq~Dwq~Puq~2psq~d?@ wq~Kq~Jq~K q~Kxsq~d?@ wq~Kq~Jq~K q~Kxpsq~d?@ w q~Kuq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~q~Kuq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Iuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~Kuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~q~%xq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~K$q~Osq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Osq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~K$q~Osq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Osq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~K$q~Osq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Osq~asq~d?@wxq~D}sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~D}q~Osq~d?@wxq~D}q~wq~OtAiko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w q~Gq~Iq~Gsq~q~Gq~Iq~Iq~Isq~sq~q~Kq~Gq~Ksq~q~Kq~Gq~Kq~Iq~Isq~|q~Kq~Kq~Isq~ q~Isq~q~Iq~Gq~Isq~q~Gsq~;xuq~q~Jppq~Pq~Jq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Dwq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Juq~Buq~q~P q~P q~Jppq~Jq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Puq~q~Fq~Oq~Jq~Jpq~G|q~Dwq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Juq~!q~Jpq~Jq~Oq~Knsq~- /|'~~ ,F/V2; ;tF -<\k_TӚv!C'uq~2q~Kdq~Jq~Kpq~JtLoyalq~Kpq~KdtCheerq~Kpq~Kpq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jtuptskirtq~Knq~Kpq~Kdq~Jq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpsq~9Mʸxtdrabq~Kpq~>q~Jq~Jq~K$q~K$sq~(pppq~Kpq~Kppq~JtNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~Jq~Jpuq~Buq~2q~Jtfemaleq~ltChoukoq~Kpq~Kpq~Kvq~Jq~Jq~OtTime to go wild!q~Kpq~Kduq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Kdq~Jq~P`q~Jq~Jq~Kpuq~2uq~2q~L!uq~2q~JtPrincesssq~- (c76msw|M2z" 8FF2X ;tDF C޿u>gmL"hi'uq~2q~Jq~Jq~Jq~K\tOptimalq~Kpq~KdtPaladinq~Kpq~Kpq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jtintotleotardpq~Kpq~Kdq~Jq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpsq~9fDC_xtbrightq~Kpq~>q~Jq~Jq~K$q~K$sq~(pppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kvq~Jq~Otthigh-high bootsq~Jq~Jpuq~Buq~2q~Jq~Pjq~StKoharuq~Kpq~Kpq~Kvq~Jq~Jpt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~Kpq~Kduq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Kdq~Jq~Pwq~Jq~Jq~Kpuq~2uq~2q~L!uq~2q~JtSoldierpq~Kpq~L$q~Pjq~>sq~MZ"MV$Gz ~{ q~P]pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Pq~Jq~Kvpq~P]pq~Jsq~y' M'',F">FN N "FN  X/ZF"N MV$Gz { dq~K\q~Pvpq~Pwq~q~Pxq~Pypuq~q~P{pq~>q~K$q~P|q~Kdq~KptGreat Demon Lordq~Kvq~Jq~Oq~P}q~Jppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Ptuq~q~q~GFq~Pq~Kvq~Jpq~Puq~2uq~Bq~Kdq~Pwq~Kpq~Kdq~GFq~Ppq~q~Pwuq~Buq~Hq~Pq~Kvq~Kduq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Jppppq~Jpppppq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_q~K$q~Jsq~d?@wxuq~q~Jppq~Kdpppuq~uq~q~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpuq~ q~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kppuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ssq~(ddpppq~Kpuq~uq~q~Pxq~Pyq~P]uq~2pq~Jq~Kpq~Kvq~GFq~Ppq~Kvppq~Kpq~Jq~Jsq~d?@ wq~Kt you deviantxsq~d?@ wq~Kt that deviantxppsq~uq~q~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dwq~Juq~q~Dwq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Juq~q~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dwq~Juq~q~Dwq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dxq~Jq~Dwq~Jq~Kvuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Kq~Pkq~Kpxsq~d?@ wq~Kq~Pkq~Kpxpsq~d?@ wq~Kuq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~K uq~q~q~q~Kuq~q~xq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~Kq~Psq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Psq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~Kq~Psq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Psq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Kq~Psq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Psq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~Kq~Psq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Psq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~K$q~Psq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~PtfKoharu is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A cape forms upon her shoulders followed by a one-piece leotard across her body, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping behind her as she walks onto the battlefield. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w q~Gq~Iq~Gsq~{q~Gq~Iq~Iq~Iq~K sq~q~Ksq~q~Kq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Kq~Kq~Isq~q~Isq~q~Iq~Gq~Isq~q~Gsq~;xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~Kpppq~Kvq~Kdq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Kpq~Kppq~Kpq~Kpuq~Buq~q~Pq~Pq~Kpppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Puq~q~Pxq~Pyq~P]q~Kppq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Kdq~Jq~Kpuq~!q~Kpq~Kvq~Kpq~Pq~Kpq~L$q~Pjq~>sq~M :lB8/4ppq~]q~Knpuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9q~Ksq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qq~Jppppq~Jsq~y''',EN N 5F/N V;X8:FlN B84Zq~Jq~P_pq~P`q~q~Paq~Pbq~Knuq~q~Pdpq~>q~K$q~Peq~Kdq~KptMister Demon Lordpq~Jq~Pfq~Pgq~Jppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~P]uq~q~q~Kpq~Pkq~Kvq~Jq~Oq~Pluq~2uq~Bq~Kdq~P`q~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Psq~Ptq~q~P`uq~Buq~Hq~Qq~Kvq~Juq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Jppppq~Jpppppq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_q~K$q~Jsq~d?@wxuq~q~Jppq~Kdpppuq~uq~q~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpuq~ q~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kppuq~2uq~q~sq~ q~sq~sq~(pppq~Kpuq~uq~q~K_tbodicepuq~2pq~Jq~Kppq~Kpq~Qpq~Kvpq~Oq~Kpq~Jq~Jsq~d?@ wq~Ktyou jerkq~Kpxsq~d?@ wq~Kt that jerkxq~Ptpsq~uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Kvuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Kpq~KtLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~Kpq~Kt my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~Kuq~q~q~K uq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~ xq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~K$q~Q sq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~K$q~Qsq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~K$q~Ksq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~K$sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~K$q~Qsq~d?@wxq~K$q~q~QtChouko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Cheer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~K sq~5q~Ksq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Kpppq~Kvq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Kppq~Kpq~Kpuq~Buq~q~Q.q~Q/q~Kpppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Q@uq~q~K_q~QCpq~Kppq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Kdq~Jq~Kpuq~!q~Kppq~Kpq~Qq~Ptsq~- y]BDE]ld]#/"2Xe D%t֙FR2 zB KL4sB'uq~2q~Iq~Kdq~I~tholytMagicalq~I~q~ItStalwartq~I~q~I~q~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kptuptskirtpq~I~q~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~I~q~I~sq~9mGxtpastelq~I~q~q~Kpq~Kdq~Kq~Ksq~(dpppq~I~q~I~pq~KptEnomotot running shoes and athletic socksq~Kpq~Kppuq~Buq~2q~Kptfutanariq~tGinq~I~q~I~pq~Kpq~Iq~Ot&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~I~q~Iuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Kpq~Kdq~Q{q~Kpq~Kpq~Kduq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~KptKnightpq~I~tFujisawaq~Qq~sq~M "  Zz'ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9tleather strapssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Qq~Kdppppq~Kpsq~y'#'',/" X3"  nZ'd q~Qyq~Qzpq~Q{q~q~Q|q~Q}puq~q~Qpq~q~Kq~Qq~Iq~I~tMasterpq~Kpq~Qq~Qq~Kpppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Qwuq~q~q~Gq~Qpq~Kpq~Oq~Quq~2uq~Bq~I~q~Q{q~I~q~Iq~GFq~Qpq~q~Q{uq~Buq~Hq~Qpq~Kpuq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Kpppppq~Kppppppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Kppuq~pppppuq~_q~Kq~Kdsq~d?@wxuq~q~Kdppq~Ipppuq~uq~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~uq~ q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~puq~2uq~q~sq~q~sq~sq~(x2pppq~I~uq~uq~tcutouttbodicepuq~2ptstrapsq~I~pq~GFq~Qpppq~Oq~I~q~Kpq~Kdsq~d?@ wq~Kt you villainq~Kttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~Kt that villainq~Kt that traitorxppsq~uq~q~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpuq~q~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpuq~q~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpuq~q~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kppuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Kpq~Kpxsq~d?@ wq~Kpq~Kpxpsq~d?@ wq~Kuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~Kuq~q~q~Muq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~Ipuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Kq~Qsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Kq~Qsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Kq~Qsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~Kq~Qsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Qsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Kq~Qsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~QtGin is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. From just the right angle, a slight bulge can be seen in the front of the undergarment. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The colors are all faint pastels that shimmer as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Stalwart joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w q~Gq~Iq~Gsq~q~Gq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Qsq~sq~sq~q~Qq~Gq~Kq~Gq~O&sq~Yq~Kq~Kq~Isq~q~Isq~q~Iq~Gq~Isq~q~Gsq~;xuq~q~q~q~I~pppq~Kpq~Iq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~I~pq~I~q~I~uq~Buq~q~Qq~Qq~I~ppq~I~q~I~q~I~pq~I~q~I~q~I~q~Quq~q~Qq~Qpq~I~pq~Qq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Iq~Kdq~I~uq~!q~I~pq~I~q~Qsq~-3!Q`Vqzc5B 6 2e|vZa2#o$#_~hpI +'uq~2q~Iq~Kdq~I~tchainstOptimalq~I~q~ItTyrantq~I~q~I~q~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kptaroundtbeltspq~I~q~Iq~Kdq~I~q~I~q~I~sq~9Hbxtbrightq~I~q~#q~Kpq~Kdq~Kq~Ksq~(pppq~I~q~I~q~K[q~ItTakaminetthigh-high bootsq~Kpq~Kppuq~Buq~2q~Kptfemaleq~tYukiq~I~q~I~pq~Kpq~KpptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~I~q~Iuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Kpq~Kdq~R!q~Kpq~Kpq~Kduq~2uq~2q~Quq~2q~KptAssassinpq~I~q~Qq~R+q~#sq~M2B@= nJ:q~Qwpq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~R#sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~R5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~R(sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~R5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~Qsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~R5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~R5sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~R5q~Kpq~K[pq~Qwpq~Kpsq~y 'c''?B 6A" @U J:d q~Rq~R pq~R!q~q~R"q~R#puq~q~R%pq~>q~Kq~R&q~I~q~NtGreat Demon Lordq~K[q~Iq~R'q~R(q~Kpppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Ruq~q~q~GFq~R,pq~Kppq~R-uq~2uq~Bq~Iq~R!q~I~q~Iq~GFq~R4pq~q~R!uq~Buq~Hq~R5pq~Kpuq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Kpppppq~Kppppppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Kppuq~pppppuq~_q~Kq~Kdsq~d?@wxuq~q~Kdppq~Ipppuq~uq~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~uq~ q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~puq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~sq~(ddpppq~I~uq~uq~q~R"q~R#q~Qwuq~2pq~RJq~Kdpq~GFq~RPppppq~I~q~Kdq~Kdsq~d?@ wq~LVt you weaklingxsq~d?@ wq~LVt that weaklingxppsq~uq~q~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kduq~q~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpuq~q~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kduq~q~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kppuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Kpq~LVpxsq~d?@ wq~LVpxpsq~d?@ w q~Kuq~q~q~ q~Quq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Quq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Ouq~q~q~Luq~q~q~Quq~q~q~PPuq~q~ q~Quq~q~%xq~Kdpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~Iysq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~Iytcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~Iyq~q~R5uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Kq~R#sq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~R5sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Kq~R(sq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~R5sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Kq~Qsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~R5sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Kq~RJsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~R5sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Kq~RPsq~d?@wxq~Kq~wq~R5tYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots and outlining her minimal underwear. Her outfit's provocative design and bright colors command the attention of Demons and civilians alike, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Tyrant has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w q~Gq~Iq~Gsq~q~Gq~Iq~Iq~Iq~Qsq~q~Rsq~q~Qq~Gq~Kq~Gq~Jsq~q~Kq~Kq~Isq~q~Isq~q~Iq~Gq~Isq~q~Gsq~;xuq~q~q~Kdq~L%ppq~Kpq~Kpq~Iq~Kpq~Kpq~I~q~I~pq~I~q~I~uq~Buq~q~R`q~Raq~I~ppq~I~q~I~q~I~pq~I~q~I~q~I~q~Rruq~q~R"q~R#q~Qwq~I~pq~RJq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kduq~!q~I~pq~I~q~RPq~Isq~-HdY D62<ԥF F]Uex3LD_ּ<.\2 Z'uq~2q~I{q~Iq~I|q~LtOptimalq~I|q~I{tAxiomq~I|q~I|q~I~q~I~q~I~q~I~tfrontt miniskirtq~KLq~I|q~I{q~Iq~I|q~I|q~I|sq~9iӃxtdarkq~I|q~lq~I~q~Iq~Iyq~Iysq~(pppq~I|q~I|pq~I~tYashidathigh-heeled bootsq~I~q~I~puq~Buq~2q~I~tfutanariq~ltOmiq~I|q~I|q~K[q~I{q~I~ptCombat preparations complete.q~I|q~I{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~I{q~Iq~Rq~I~q~I~q~I|uq~2uq~2q~Mauq~2q~I~tFighterq~RRq~I|q~Iq~Rq~lsq~MN>:7:7q~I|q~I{q~Iq~Isq~(pppq~Jq~Jpq~I|tNinomiyat kneesocksq~I|q~I|puq~Buq~2q~I|tfemaleq~ltYukiq~Jq~Jq~K[q~J$q~I|ptCombat preparations complete.q~Jq~J$uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Giq~I{q~SWq~I|q~I|q~Gcuq~2uq~2q~Luq~2q~I|tFighterpq~Jq~Lq~Sbq~>sq~M h4/^ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~SZsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~S_sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~Lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t high heelssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Slq~Lppppq~I|sq~y'(''FE(N N +6 N = N h4/`dq~SUq~SVpq~SWq~q~SYq~SZpuq~q~S\pq~>q~Iq~S]q~J$q~JtLord of Demonspq~I|q~S^q~S_q~I|ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~SSuq~q~q~Jq~Scq~K[q~J$pq~Sduq~2uq~Bq~J$q~SWq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Skpq~q~SWuq~Buq~Hq~Slpq~I|uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~I|ppppq~I|pppppq~I|q~I|q~I|sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~I|puq~pppppuq~_q~Iq~I{sq~d?@wxuq~q~I{ppq~J$pppuq~uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~ q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jpuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(ddpppq~Juq~uq~q~SYq~SZpuq~2pq~Sq~Jpq~Jq~Spq~K[ppq~Jq~I{q~I|sq~d?@ wsq~pq~Gqttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~Gqt that traitorxppsq~uq~q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|uq~q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{uq~q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{uq~q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{puq~2psq~d?@ wq~Stmy loveq~Gqpxsq~d?@ wq~St my soul mateq~Gqpxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Iuq~q~xq~Lpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Iq~SZsq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Iq~S_sq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Iq~Lsq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Iq~Ssq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Iq~Ssq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~Slsq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Iq~Ssq~d?@wxq~Iq~q~SltrYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her kneesocks and outlining her minimal underwear. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she rushes in to assist, the protective charms dangling from her outfit rattling together with every step. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Prophet has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~Ssq~Mq~M5sq~|q~M6sq~|q~M7sq~|q~Josq~|sq~sq~|q~Msq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~q~Jpppq~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~Jpq~Jq~Juq~Buq~q~Sq~Sq~Jppq~Jq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Suq~q~SYq~SZpq~Jpq~Sq~I|q~J$q~Lq~Giq~Lq~J$q~I{q~Juq~!q~Jpq~Jq~Ssq~-8HߩS[EWB >/J2 ;tF مw2},/ŭ?KbBa'%'uq~2q~I|q~I{q~Jq~N>q~Lq~J$q~J$tVoidq~Jq~Jq~I|q~I|q~I|q~SXtaroundtstripspq~Jq~Lq~I{q~Gcq~Jq~Jsq~9K+Xxtwhiteq~Jq~>q~I|q~I{q~Iq~Isq~(pppq~Jq~Jpq~I|tWatarit doll shoesq~I|q~I|puq~Buq~2q~I|q~Sbq~ltHitomiq~Jq~Jpq~I|q~J$q~OtJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~Jq~J$uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~J$q~I{q~Sq~I|q~I|q~Juq~2uq~2q~Luq~2q~I|tAvengerpq~Jq~Lq~Sbq~>sq~M  T23tygfq~Lpq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~T sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~T sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~T sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~T q~Lppq~Lpq~I|sq~y '''&B3N N A/N J-F N T23tyfdq~N>q~Lpq~Sq~q~Sq~Spuq~q~Spq~>q~Iq~Sq~J$q~JtMister Demon Lordpq~I|q~Sq~Sq~I|ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Suq~q~q~Jq~Tpq~I|q~Oq~Tuq~2uq~Bq~J$q~Sq~Jq~J$q~Jq~T pq~q~Suq~Buq~Hq~T q~Kvq~J$uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~I|ppppq~I|pppppq~I|q~I|q~I|sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~I|puq~pppppuq~_q~Iq~I{sq~d?@wxuq~q~I{ppq~J$pppuq~uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~ q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jpuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(pppq~Juq~uq~q~Sq~Sq~Luq~2q~ Oq~Sq~Jpq~Jq~T#pppq~Oq~Jq~Lq~Lsq~d?@ wsq~t you hypocritesq~pxsq~d?@ wq~L[tthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|uq~q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|uq~q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|uq~q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~Kvuq~2psq~d?@ wsq~pxsq~d?@ wq~L[pq~Lt my girlfriendxpsq~d?@ wq~Suq~q~sq~uq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Jouq~q~q~Suq~q~xq~J$puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~Jq~Tsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~T sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~Jq~Tsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~T sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Jq~Tsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~T sq~asq~d?@wxq~Isq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Iq~T#sq~d?@wxq~Iq~wq~T tHitomi is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Strips of hanging cloth wind themselves around her body, not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Void has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~Ssq~q~T[sq~q~M6sq~|q~M7sq~|q~Josq~Mq~Ssq~Mq~Msq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~Jppq~Kvq~J$q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~Jpq~Jq~Juq~Buq~q~T3q~T4q~Jppq~Jq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Jq~TEuq~q~Sq~Sq~Lq~Jq~ Oq~Sq~I|q~J$q~Lq~Lq~Lq~J$q~I|q~Juq~!q~Jpq~Jq~T#q~Lq~J"sq~UpA?96 dc "n2 ^ ;tx Q_li(T'uq~2q~GHq~GHq~GHq~NBtPrudentq~GQq~GEtProphetq~GQq~GQq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHtaroundtstripspq~GQq~GEq~GUq~GQq~GQq~GQsq~9|HZxtpastelq~GQq~>q~GHq~GUq~GRq~GRsq~(pppq~GQq~GQpq~GHtAsakawat running shoes and athletic socksq~GHq~GHpuq~Buq~2q~GHtfemaleq~Sq~Gq~GQq~GQq~Lq~GUq~GHptNobility obliges!q~GQq~GUuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~GHq~GUtDutyq~GHq~GHq~GUuq~2uq~2q~G[uq~2q~GHtMummypq~GQq~G]q~Tq~>sq~M}OXppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tstaffsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Tq~GUppppq~GHsq~y' ''+?c D9D9 n ^4}R[d q~NBq~Tpq~Tq~q~Tq~Tpuq~q~Tpq~>q~GRq~Tq~GEq~GQtGreat Demon Lordpq~GHq~Tq~Tq~GHppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Tuq~q~q~GFq~Gq~Lq~GUpq~Tuq~2uq~Bq~GEq~Tq~GQq~GEq~GFq~Tpq~q~Tuq~Buq~Hq~Tpq~GHuq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~GHppppq~GHpppppq~GHq~GHq~GHsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~GHpuq~pppppuq~_q~GRq~GUsq~d?@wxuq~q~GUppq~GEpppuq~uq~q~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQuq~ q~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~yuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~sq~sq~(ddpppq~GQuq~uq~q~Tq~Tpuq~2q~tshortsq~GHpq~GFq~Tpq~Lppq~GHq~GUq~GUsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~GHq~GUq~GUq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GUq~GUq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GUuq~q~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GUq~GUq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GUq~GHq~GUq~GHuq~q~GHq~GUq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GHq~GUq~GUuq~q~GHq~GHq~GUq~GUq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GUq~GUq~GUq~GUq~GUq~GUq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GHq~GUq~GUq~GUpuq~2psq~d?@ wq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fxsq~d?@ wq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Fxpsq~d?@ wq~Guq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Juq~q~q~Guq~q~q~Guq~q~%xq~GUpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~GRq~Tsq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~Tsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~GRq~Tsq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~Tsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~GRq~Tsq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~Tsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~GRq~Tsq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~Tsq~asq~d?@wxq~GRsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~GRq~Tsq~d?@wxq~GRq~q~TtWakako is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She uses a gemstone-tipped staff which fires bursts of purifying energy. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Duty has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ w q~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gq~Gsq~4q~Gq~Gq~Gsq~q~Gq~Iq~Jsq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~HtPsychic Dynamoq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2?q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Ht Wooden Stakeq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2@q~Hq~Hq~Hq~HtBroken Shacklesq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2Aq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Ht Empty Vesselq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2B%q~Hq~Hq~Hq~HtPleasure Buttonq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2C&q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Ht Velvet Keyq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2D'q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Ht Book of Lifeq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2E(q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Ht Limit Breakq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2F/q~Hq~Hq~Hq~HtAmanojaku Hornq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2G,q~Hq~Hq~Hq~HtSilver Braceletq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~U2H-q~Hq~Hq~Hq~HtQliphothic Easingq~Hq~Hq~Hpuq~2uq~2ppuq~Bq~Hsq~-d' = 3d'uq~2q~Hq~Hq~HtskirttSoaringq~Hq~HtPainq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Htintotbodysuitpq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~9}dxtbrightq~Hq~>q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~(FFpppq~Hq~Hpq~HtFujimoritthigh-high bootsq~Hq~Hpuq~Buq~2q~Hq~Hq~StChoukoq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~HptRide the winds of victory!q~Hq~Huq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Hq~HtSkyq~Hq~Hq~Huq~2uq~2puq~2q~HtFalconpq~Hpq~Hq~>sq~MLppq~]pq~VPuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~VVsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Vhsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~V[sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Vhsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Vhq~Hppppq~Hpppppq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Hq~Guq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Hq~VVsq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Vhsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Hq~V[sq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Vhsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Hq~Vxsq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Vht~The speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Sky joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Hpq~]pq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Huq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Hppppq~Hpppppq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Hpuq~pppppuq~_q~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxuq~q~Hppq~Hppq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~(npppuq~q~VUq~VVpq~Hq~tnoneq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~!q~Hpq~Hq~Vxsq~-7 >W cd'uq~2q~Hq~Hq~HtsleevestFuriousq~Hq~HtRebelq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Htupq~VRpq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~9[$xtclashingq~Hq~Sq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~(ddpppq~Hq~Hpq~HtHasegawat armored bootsq~Hq~Hpuq~Buq~2q~Hq~Uq~StYukiq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~HptStop doing bad things, or else!q~Hq~Huq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Hq~Ht Retributionq~Hq~Hq~Huq~2uq~2puq~2q~HtFurypq~Hpq~Uq~Ssq~Mppq~]pq~Vuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tgownsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Vsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Vsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Vsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~I"sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Vq~Hppppq~Hpppppq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~xq~Hpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Hq~Vsq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Vsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Hq~Vsq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~Vsq~asq~d?@wxq~Hsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Hq~I"sq~d?@wxq~Hq~q~VtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! An elaborate gown trails her, its front slit high enough up her thigh to reveal her lack of panties and the faint shape hanging between her legs. Her clothes have clashing colors and a provocative cut, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Retribution quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~Hpppq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Huq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Hppppq~Hpppppq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Hpuq~pppppuq~_q~Hq~Hsq~d?@wxuq~q~Hppq~Hppq~Hq~Hq~Hpq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~(pppuq~q~Htbodicepq~Hq~ q~Vq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~!q~Hpq~Htbootsq~Hsq~9{Uxpuq~2 pppuq~+PxJ7jTuq~q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Huq~Bq~Jpuq~2uq~uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Huq~ppppppppppppppppppppppppuq~2q~Hq~Hpuq~:uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Huq~2uq~Bsq~-?SA Hwqw{lC  `lC7 ;tR0stCS0?/,j'uq~2q~Iq~Kpq~I~t jewellerytLoyalq~I~q~ItWhisperq~I~q~I~q~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Q|q~Q}pq~I~q~Iq~Kdq~I~q~I~q~I~sq~9lʜxtwhiteq~I~q~>q~Iq~Kdq~Kq~Ksq~(FFpppq~I~q~I~pq~KptFujimorit doll shoesq~Kpq~Kppuq~Buq~2q~Kpq~R+q~StZenq~I~q~I~pq~Kpq~KpptCombat preparations complete.q~I~q~Iuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Iq~Kdq~W~q~Kpq~Kpq~I~uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~KptPrincesspq~I~q~Qq~R+q~>sq~MJ& *@ppq~]pq~Wzuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~Q}sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Wsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~Qsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~RJsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Wq~Kdppppq~Kppppppq~I~q~Kdq~Kdsq~d?@ wq~Kpq~LVt you fake heroxsq~d?@ wq~LVtthat fake heroxppsq~uq~q~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kduq~q~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpuq~q~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kpq~Kduq~q~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdpuq~2psq~d?@ wq~LVpxsq~d?@ wq~LVpxpsq~d?@ wq~Kuq~q~q~Iuq~q~q~Luq~q~q~q~PPuq~q~xq~Kdpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Kq~Wsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Kq~Q}sq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Kq~Wsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Kq~Qsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Kq~RJsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~Wsq~asq~d?@wxq~Ksq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Kq~Wsq~d?@wxq~Kq~q~WtZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A shimmering blouse and long skirt embroidered with magic sigils materialize in their place, the top not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Whisper has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~Lq~LVq~PPsq~(xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~I~pppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpq~Kdq~I~pq~I~q~I~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Kpppppq~Kppppppq~Kpq~Kpq~Kpsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Kppuq~pppppuq~_q~Kq~Kdsq~d?@wxuq~q~Kdppq~I~ppq~I~q~I~q~I~pq~I~q~I~q~I~sq~(npppuq~tdownq~Wpq~I~q~ Oq~RJq~Kpq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Kdq~Iq~Kdq~I~uq~!q~I~pq~I~q~Wsq~]R <*d'uq~2q~Jq~J$q~J$tbandsq~Mq~Jq~J$tSpikeq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~N=ttrouserspq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jsq~9H7xtclashingq~Jq~Sq~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jsq~(FFpppq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Lt foot wrapsq~Jq~Jpuq~Buq~2q~Jq~Mq~StJunkoq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~JptHumanity's best friend!q~Jq~Juq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Jq~Jq~Wq~Jq~Jq~Juq~2uq~2puq~2q~JtHoundpq~Jpq~Mq~Ssq~M33"ppq~]pq~Wuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~q~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tjacketsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~Wsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~Xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~Msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xq~J$pq~ppq~J$pppppq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|uq~q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|uq~q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I{q~I{uq~q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I|q~I|q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{q~I{puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~Iuq~q~xq~Jq~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~q~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Jq~Xsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Jq~Wsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Jq~Xsq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Jsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Jq~Msq~d?@wxq~Jq~q~XtFThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket loose enough that leaning forward or moving too quickly provides a glimpse of the curve of her unsupported breasts. There's a distinct bulge in the fabric that sways back and forth with every step she takes in her foot wraps that leave her toes bare. Her outfit is borderline indecent, its clashing colors drawing plenty of enemy attention, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. Pulsing energy gathers in her fists, releasing itself with a heavy impact every time she delivers a punch. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Spike quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~J$pppq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jpq~Jq~Juq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Jppppq~Jpppppq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Jpuq~pppppuq~_q~Jq~J$sq~d?@wxuq~q~J$ppq~Jppq~Jq~Jq~Jpq~Jq~Jq~Jsq~(npppuq~q~N=q~Xpq~Jq~q~N>q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$uq~!q~Jpq~Jtfistsq~q~Jq~Jq~q~Jsq~-`2 $ 1d'uq~2q~GQq~GEq~GEtbandstOptimalq~GQq~GEtTyrantq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~Otshortspq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQsq~9dؗxq~Nq~GQq~q~GEq~GEq~Nq~Nsq~(FFpppq~GQq~GQpq~GQq~Jq~Nq~GQq~GQpuq~Buq~2q~GQq~Nq~tWakakoq~GQq~GQpq~GQq~GQpt0No evil is too great or small to escape my gaze!q~GQq~GQuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~GQq~GEq~Xcq~GQq~GQq~GEuq~2uq~2puq~2q~GQtFighterpq~GQpq~Nq~sq~Mppq~]pq~X_uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~q~q~lq~xq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tshirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xrsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~Xdsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xrsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Nsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xrsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t greatswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xrq~GQppppq~GEpppppq~GQq~GEq~GQsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$uq~q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Juq~q~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~Jq~Juq~q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~J$q~Jq~J$q~J$q~Jq~Jq~J$q~Jq~Jq~Jq~Jpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~GQpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~q~q~lq~xq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Nq~Xxsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Xrsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Nq~Xdsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Xrsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Nq~Nsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Xrsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Nq~Xsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~XrtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Form-fitting shorts and a shirt materialize upon her, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Even then, there's a distinct bulge visible between her legs. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. She wields a huge greatsword that weighs more than she does. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Tyrant joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~GEpq~Jpq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQpq~GQq~GQuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~GQppppq~GQpppppq~GQq~GQq~GQsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~GQpuq~pppppuq~_q~Nq~GEsq~d?@wxuq~q~GEppq~GQppq~GQq~GQq~GQpq~GQq~GQq~GQsq~(npppuq~q~Nq~Xxpq~GQpq~Oq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEuq~!q~GQpq~GQq~Xsq~-{?NTDD?*O\ %2 ed  UN~c i'uq~2q~GQq~GEq~GEtchainstMagicalq~Gq~GtTriumphq~GFq~GFq~Nq~GQq~GQq~GQtaroundtarmorpq~GFq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GFq~GFsq~9xtdarkq~GFq~>q~Gq~GEq~Nq~Nsq~(ZZpppq~GFq~GFpq~GQtBaishothigh-heeled bootsq~GQq~GQpuq~Buq~2q~GQq~Nq~ltOtomeq~GFq~GFpq~GQq~GQpt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~GFq~Guq~2uq~Buq~Hq~GQq~GEq~Xq~GQq~GQq~GEuq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~GEt Sorceresspq~GFq~Nq~Nq~>sq~MIIippq~]pq~Xuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t heeled bootssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~Xq~Oppppq~GQpppppq~GFq~GQq~GQsq~d?@ wq~Jlpxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEuq~q~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GEuq~q~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GEq~GQuq~q~GQq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GEq~GQq~GEq~GQpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~Iuq~q~q~Guq~q~ q~OZuq~q~xq~GEpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Nq~Xsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Nq~Xsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Nq~Xsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Nq~Xsq~d?@wxq~Nq~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~Nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Nq~Xsq~d?@wxq~Nq~wq~XtOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, dipping down to expose the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes have a dark color scheme that lends her a professional air. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Triumph has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~OZq~OUxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~GEpppq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GQq~GFq~GFpq~GFq~GFuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~GQppppq~GQpppppq~GQq~GQq~GQsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~GQpuq~pppppuq~_q~Nq~GEsq~d?@wxuq~q~GEppq~GFppq~GFq~GFq~GFpq~GFq~GFq~GFsq~(pppuq~q~Xq~Xpq~GFq~ Oq~Xdq~GQq~GQq~Oq~Oq~GQq~Gq~GQq~GFuq~!q~GFpq~GFq~Xuq~Hq~Q q~Rq~Sq~T%q~Kvq~Oq~K[q~Pq~Qq~RRq~Lq~UHq~Oq~Tq~Hpuq~q~Jt---q~Hq~Huq~Huq~2 puq~1sq~ tRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~Huq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~Huq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~Huq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~Huq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~Huq~q~Y@q~YEtEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~Huq~q~YJq~YOtExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~Huq~q~Y@q~YJt(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~Huq~q~YEq~YJt'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~Huq~q~Y@q~YOt+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~Huq~q~YEq~YOtCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~Huq~q~YEq~YYtCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~Huq~q~YJq~YhtCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~Huq~q~Y@q~YmtCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~Huq~q~YOq~YTtCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~Huq~q~Y^q~Yhq~Ylsq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~Huq~q~Ycq~Ymt+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~Huq~q~YTq~YwtEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~Huq~q~YYq~YtExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~Huq~q~Ycq~Y|tBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~Huq~q~Yhq~Yrt.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~Huq~q~Ymq~Yt+1 Commander duration for +2 EEsq~ t>Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~Huq~q~Y^q~Yt*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~Huq~q~Yq~Yt#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~Huq~q~Y|q~Yt%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~Huq~q~Yq~Yt!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~Huq~q~Ywq~Yt"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~Ysq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~Huq~q~Yrq~Yt+1 Commander capture for +5 EEsq~ tSpreads your ability to influence thoughts even beyond the Demonic hivemind. Civilians in the area of Demonic raids will feel subconsciously motivated to resist the authorities' attempts to get them to evacuate. Increases evacuation requirement from 160 to 200.tSoul Resonanceq~Huq~q~Yq~YtEvac req 160 -> 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~Huq~q~Yq~YtExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~Huq~q~Yq~Yt1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~Huq~q~Yq~Yt(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~Huq~q~Yq~Yt+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~Huq~q~Yq~Yt2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~Huq~q~Yq~YtJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~Huq~q~Yq~YtKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~Huq~q~Yq~YtKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~Huq~q~Yq~YtJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~Huq~q~Yq~Yt+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~Huq~q~Yq~Yt?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~YtcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~ZtjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 3% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~YttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 6%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~Yt^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 4%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~YtvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 7%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~YtpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~Yt +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~Huq~q~Yq~Yq~Zt?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~Huq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zt#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.ppq~Huq~aq~q~q~ pt54uq~!q~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hq~Hsq~?M))T',,_2y ' &+& 3sq~(pppsq~(ddpppsq~- d'uq~2sq~4sq~4q~Ztnonepq~Zq~ZtBalanceq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9 0xtdrabq~Zq~>q~Zq~Ztq~Zsq~(pppq~Zq~Zpq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Ztfemaleq~>pq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zppq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Zppq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Zuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Zsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tlacy stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Zsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tsandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Zsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Zq~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~Zsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~Zsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~Zsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~ZtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(2d2pppuq~pppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zpsq~- d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~ZtBasisq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9Cxq~Zq~Zq~>q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(dpppq~Zq~Zpq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Ztfutanariq~>pq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zppq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~[q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Zppq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~[uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(pppuq~pppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zpsq~- d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~ZtCrownq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9Utmxq~Zq~Zq~>q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(dpppq~Zq~Zpq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~[q~>pq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zppq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~[\q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Zppq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~[Zuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[gq~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[gsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[gsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[gsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[gtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zq~[^uq~pppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zpsq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~ZtJudgmentq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9ٮpuxq~Zq~Zq~>q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(pppq~Zq~Zpq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~>pq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zppq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~[q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Zppq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~[uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~[q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~[tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(Ppppuq~pppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zpsq~- d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~ZtLoveq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9h_xq~Zq~Zq~>q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(pppq~Zq~Zpq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~[q~>pq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zppq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~\q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Zppq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~\ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(ddpppuq~pppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zpsq~(dpppsq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~ZtReasonq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~91Zxq~Zq~Zq~>q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(pppq~Zq~Zpq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~>pq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zppq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~\kq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Zppq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~\iuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\vsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\vsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\vsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\vq~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\vsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\vsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\vsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\vtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(22pppuq~pppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zpsq~- d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~ZtReignq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9݆Hxq~Zq~Zq~>q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~[^q~Zq~Zpq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~[q~>pq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zppq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~\q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Zppq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~\uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~\q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~\tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zq~[^uq~pppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zpsq~7A A < 2ԥ%d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~ZtFlexibleq~Zq~ZtSplendorq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Ztupt microskirtpq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9C:=xthot pinkq~Zq~#q~Zq~Zq~Ztpartsq~(pppq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Ztthigh-high stockingsq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~#q~]q~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zpt&Nothing is possible without sacrifice!q~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~]q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~ZtAgentpq~Zpq~Zq~#sq~MB@Bsw(F P M$~Isq~M1ppq~4ppuq~_q~Zppppq~ZppptMale1pq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~]sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tsockssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tside-tie pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tshoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmistsq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~].sq~4ppq~]/pq~Zsq~y'7-8'1A)l;8' <2 P M$~Idq~Zq~]pq~]q~q~]q~]puq~q~] pq~>q~]!q~]"q~]ksq~4t 'Mistress'psq~4q~Zq~]#q~Zppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~]m'.$+7A CD < 2ԥW% @h noJ'uq~2q~]pq~Zq~Zq~Zq~]sq~4q~]yq~]sq~4q~]zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~]q~]pq~]zq~]pq~Zq~Zq~]zq~]zq~]q~] q~]zq~#q~Zq~Ztq~]!q~]"q~]zq~]zpq~]pq~Zq~]#q~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~#q~]q~]zq~]zpq~]pq~]ppq~]&q~]zsq~4uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]pq~Zq~]q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~Zq~]-pq~]zt Nishinomiyaq~Zq~#q~].pq~]pq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~]~q~]zpq~]zq~]zuq~Buq~uq~sq~M+Bppq~]ppuq~_sq~4pq~ppq~]pq~ptFemmipq~]q~]q~]sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~]sq~4q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~xq~]puq~pppppuq~_tq~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~]ppq~]q~]zppq~]zq~]zq~]zpq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~(d}pppuq~tdownttattered blousepq~]zq~tpantiesq~]pq~Zq~Zq~]pq~Zq~]pq~Zq~Zuq~!q~]zpq~]zq~]iq~Zq~q~]zuq~q~sq~4q~]pq~]ppq~]&uq~2uq~Bq~]yq~]q~]zq~]yq~]q~]-pq~q~]uq~Buq~Hq~].pq~]puq~q~]q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]kpppuq~uq~q~]zq~]zsq~4q~]zuq~ q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]q~]zq~]zq~]zq~uq~2uq~~q~tTRAININGq~q~q~q~]q~]zuq~uq~q~]q~]q~]/uq~2q~q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]ippppq~]kq~Zq~Zsq~d?@ wsq~t you traitorxsq~d?@ wq~]t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@ wsq~"tWakakosq~#tUmekoxsq~d?@ wq~]q~]q~]q~]xpsq~d?@w sq~"uq~q~sq~#uq~q~sq~'uq~q~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~)uq~q~q~sq~+uq~q~q~sq~.uq~q~sq~uq~q~%sq~uq~q~sq~4uq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~]kpuq~q~]pppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~]tbrasq~d?@wxq~]q~q~].uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~Zq~]Fsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Zq~]sq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Zq~]Qsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~Zq~]Wsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Zq~]]sq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~]csq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~].sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Zq~]isq~d?@wxq~Zq~wq~].t!Splendor is surrounded by pink mist which starts swirling around her ankles, then gradually works its way up her legs, dissolving her clothes as it rises. She holds her arms apart, allowing her nude silhouette to be enveloped by the haze. A uniform resembling that of a schoolgirl begins to materialize around her, but she steps out of the mist before anything above her thigh-high stockings can be fully completed. Her tattered blouse leaves her belly exposed, and the cloth covering her down below can barely even be called a microskirt. She flaps her bat wings and glides down to the ground, the pink mist swirling around her. The Thralls and Demons need no encouragement to swarm her position, but before they can reach her, they begin to stagger and stumble as the pink mist soaks into them.q~rsq~d?@w sq~"sq~sq~#sq~*sq~'q~^sq~(sq~sq~*sq~sq~ sq~sq~-q~^sq~sq~qsq~q~^sq~q~^sq~2sq~Fsq~q~^sq~3q~^"sq~q~^sq~q~^sq~q~^q~]sq~#xuq~q~]q~]q~Jpq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zq~]uq~q~]q~]pq~Zq~q~]q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zq~]iq~Zq~q~Zsq~]c+ ?_d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zt Unbendingq~Zq~ZtVictoryq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~]t armored robepq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9i< xtwhiteq~Zq~>q~Zq~Zq~Ztswingsq~(Zpppq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Ztbootsq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~lq~^>q~Zq~Zpq~Zq~ZptNever yield to evil!q~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~^>q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~ZtWarriorpq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~M'B@",N,(Dppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~^?sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^Osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~]Qsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^Osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~]sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^Osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~^Dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^Osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t longswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^Osq~4pq~ppq~Zsq~y'c)'.-+LJR)WjG?_ h2,(IC-q~Zq~^=pq~^>q~q~]q~^?puq~q~^Apq~>q~^Bq~^Cq~]q~]t Demon Lordpq~]nq~Zq~^Dq~Zppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~]bD<63c,+ vW?_eߧfL?+ uq~2q~]nq~Zq~Zq~Zq~^=sq~4q~]q~^>q~^wq~^wq~Zq~]nq~]nq~Zq~]q~^?pq~^wq~]q~Zq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^@q~^Aq~^wq~>q~Zq~Ztq~^Bq~^Cq~^wq~^wpq~]nq~Zq~^Dq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~lq~^>q~^wq~^wpq~]nq~]sq~y'%''+ 0Z  +T=.  #l]Y`d tocculttStalkingptShadowq~taroundtarmorq~]/uq~tdrabpq~>tsq~(dpppq~]~q~^wt Demon Lordpsq~4tJinnot running shoes and athletic socksq~^ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~:;13% Z hX.*U'uq~2q~^sq~4q~^q~^|q~^}q~]~q~]~q~^~q~]pq~]pq~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^pq~]pq~]~q~^q~]pq~]pq~]psq~9y$*xq~^q~]pq~>q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~]pq~]ppq~^q~^q~^q~^q~^puq~Buq~2q~^tfemaleq~StZenq~]pq~]ppq~^q~^ptThe sun won't save you!q~]pq~]~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~^q~^tCrimsonq~^q~^q~^uq~2uq~2t/0.0% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~^tVampirepq~]ptKanazawaq~^q~>sq~MB@.37  l]NKppq~]q~]/puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~^q~^ppppq~^q~^{ppppq~]~q~^q~^sq~d?@ wsq~psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^puq~2psq~d?@ wq~^tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~^t my leaderxpsq~d?@w sq~uq~q~]uq~q~q~]uq~q~sq~$uq~q~sq~%uq~q~sq~&uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~]uq~q~sq~)uq~q~sq~*uq~q~q~]uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~,uq~q~q~^uq~q~q~]uq~q~sq~uq~q~%sq~0uq~q~sq~1uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~!q~^uq~q~xq~]~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~]{t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~^uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^q~^sq~d?@wxq~^q~q~^sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^q~^sq~d?@wxq~^q~q~^sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~^q~^sq~d?@wxq~^q~q~^sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~^q~^sq~d?@wxq~^q~q~^sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~^q~^sq~d?@wxq~^q~wq~^tZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Crimson has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@w q~]q~^q~]sq~gq~^q~^q~^sq~ sq~q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~sq~ q~^q~^sq~]sq~sq~q~^q~^sq~q~^q~^!q~^"sq~q~^q~^$q~^"sq~q~^sq~q~^sq~q~^xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~^q~]/q~Jpq~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~]ppq~]pq~]puq~Buq~uq~q~]q~]q~]pppq~]pq~]pq~]ppq~]pq~]pq~]psq~(x2pppuq~q~^q~^pq~]pq~tshortsq~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~!q~]ppq~]pq~^q~^q~q~]puq~q~q~]kq~^pq~^pq~^uq~2uq~Bq~]~q~^q~]pq~]~q~]q~^pq~q~^uq~Buq~Hq~^pq~^uq~q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]~pppuq~uq~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]puq~ q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~q~_)q~]puq~uq~q~^q~^puq~2q~q~_+q~^pq~]q~^q~^Gq~^wq~]uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]nq~Zq~^>q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2tGreater sins imminent.uq~2q~Zq~^Npq~^wtOkayamaq~Zq~>q~^Opq~]nq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~^kq~^wpq~^wq~^wuq~Buq~uq~q~]/q~]/q~^wppq~^wq~^wq~^wpq~^wq~^wq~^wsq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~^?pq~^wq~q~]q~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]q~Zq~^wuq~!q~^wpq~^wq~^iq~q~Zq~^wq~q~^wuq~q~q~]q~^>pq~]nq~^{q~^Guq~2uq~Bq~]q~^>q~^wq~]q~]q~^Npq~q~^>uq~Buq~Hq~^Opq~]nuq~q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]/q~]pppuq~uq~q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wuq~ q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~q~_Fq~^wuq~uq~q~_Hq~^?puq~2q~q~]q~^wpq~]q~^ipppq~^{q~]kq~^kq~^ksq~d?@ wsq~tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~_Yt that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@ wq~^tJunkoq~^tOtomesq~pxsq~d?@ wq~^q~_dq~^q~_eq~_fpxpsq~d?@ wsq~0uq~q~sq~1uq~q~q~^$uq~q~q~]uq~q~q~_fuq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~]q~uq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~]sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~]t stockingssq~d?@wxq~]q~q~^Ouq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Zq~^?sq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~^Osq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~Zq~]Qsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~^Osq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Zq~]sq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~^Osq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~^Dsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~^Osq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Zq~^isq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~^OtVictory begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~rsq~d?@w sq~"sq~sq~#q~^$sq~'q~_sq~ q~_sq~-sq~1q~_rq~_sq~q~_q~^!q~^"sq~q~_q~^$q~^"sq~q~_sq~q~_sq~q~_q~_psq~Exuq~q~^wpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zq~_Fuq~q~_Hq~^?pq~Zq~q~]q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zq~^iq~q~Zq~Zq~q~]nsq~- d'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~ZtWisdomq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~9Pxq~Zq~Zq~>q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(pppq~Zq~Zpq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~>pq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zppq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~Zq~Zq~_q~Zq~Zq~Zuq~2uq~2puq~2q~Zppq~Zpq~Zq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~_uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~_tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zpppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zpq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(ddpppuq~pppq~Zppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~!q~Zpq~Zpq~^wuq~2sq~MB@>vF1j    J5KMppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~lq~nq~lq~~q~lq~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nxq~9ttentacle latex vestsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`q~]~q~^{pppq~]psq~y 'd''AWAXAX<U(WX KU Md tnonetCarefree~rForsaken$Contingentxq~=t WORSHIPERStFuryq~tuptcloakpuq~tclashingpq~q~]{sq~(pppq~]yq~]ztMister Demon Lordq~^{q~]~tKyoguchiq~`+q~]pppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~pե4565dx W#(U *vW~/YZ QXb'uq~2q~]~q~]~q~]pq~`+q~`,q~]yq~]yq~`0q~]zq~]zq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~`1q~`2pq~]zq~]yq~]~q~]zq~]zq~]zsq~9+"xq~`4q~]zq~q~]pq~]~q~]{q~]{q~`5q~]zq~]zq~^{q~]~q~`7q~`+q~]pq~]ppuq~Buq~2q~]ptfutanariq~q~]q~]zq~]zpq~]pq~]pptI'm in charge now!q~]zq~]~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]~q~]ptJoyrideq~]pq~]pq~]puq~2uq~2tGreater sins imminent.uq~2q~]pt Possessorpq~]zq~]q~`Cq~q~`q~^{q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]zpq~]zq~]zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]pppppq~]ppppppq~]pq~]pq~]psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]ppuq~pppppuq~_q~]{q~]~sq~d?@wxuq~q~]~ppq~]zppq~]zq~]zq~]zpq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~(pppuq~q~`1q~`2pq~]zq~q~`+q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]~q~]yq~]~q~]zuq~!q~]zpq~]zq~`(q~]{q~q~]zuq~q~q~]q~]pq~]ppq~`Duq~2uq~Bq~]yq~`Hq~]zq~]yq~]q~`Mpq~q~`Huq~Buq~Hq~`q~^{q~]~uq~q~]/q~]/q~]ypppuq~uq~q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zuq~ q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~sq~sq~`]q~]zuq~uq~q~`1q~`2puq~2q~q~`+q~]zpsq~4q~`(ppppq~`nq~]~q~]~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]~q~]puq~q~]~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~uq~q~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~uq~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]~q~]~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]pq~^{uq~2psq~d?@ wq~]q~]q~]q~]xsq~d?@ wq~]q~]q~]q~]xpsq~d?@ wq~]uq~q~q~_uq~q~q~_$uq~q~q~]uq~q~q~^uq~q~%xq~]~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~`t microskirtsq~d?@wxq~`q~q~`uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~lq~nq~lq~~q~lq~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nxq~]{q~`sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~]{q~`sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~]{q~`"sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~]{q~`(sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~`tUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, easily short enough to reveal her bare legs and feet, almost exposing her lack of panties and the faint shape hanging between her legs. Her outfit is borderline indecent, its clashing colors drawing plenty of enemy attention, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Joyride quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^sq~&q~^sq~q~^sq~q~^sq~kq~^sq~q~^sq~q~^q~^q~^ q~^q~^!sq~q~^#sq~q~^$sq~q~^%sq~q~^&sq~q~_$q~^q~]sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~]zq~]/puq~2)1+1 +1   +1  $&$&$,$%("+2 $#%% $%$))) ! ! !3&%$# "$& %#)*'  !"+3&%$#%# $% # &$#&#'+3 *( +3( '&) +02&#$&$#%&,$%#)!sq~4sq~y'b''D# n&H ]0 H" dtskirtt PunishingptJusticeq~tintotbodysuitpuq~tbrightpq~tsq~(pppsq~4sq~4tLord of Demonspq~]ztAsakawatthigh-high bootsq~]zppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~ dv} D1:4b# P 'Xn He0H@-Sj 'uq~2q~]zq~]yq~`q~`q~`q~`sq~4q~`q~`q~`q~]zq~`sq~4q~]zq~`q~`pq~`q~`q~]zq~`q~`q~`sq~9FHxq~`q~`q~Sq~]zq~]yq~`q~`q~`q~`q~`pq~]zq~`q~`q~]zq~]zpuq~Buq~2q~]ztfutanariq~StUmekoq~`q~`sq~y'F)'V9F9 5 6ّ/ SE g7dtsleevestLoyalptFreedomq~tuptskirtpuq~tclashingpq~tsq~(dpppq~^q~]ktMistresssq~y'N''y 5d61 +rdPBPQV d tbandstOptimalptAxiomq~q~]ttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~q~Zsq~(pppsq~4q~]ptLord of Demonspq~Zt Matsunagat combat bootsq~Zppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-N(P59Yo ,$ d 1 ( L+ ;t 0> gעGЎyܸ 0ܗ'uq~2q~Zq~Zq~Zq~`q~`sq~4q~`q~`q~`q~`q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~]q~`pq~`q~`q~Zq~`q~`q~`sq~9)q,xq~`q~`q~#q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~`q~`q~`pq~Zq~`q~`q~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~tKoharuq~`q~`pq~Zq~ZptCombat preparations complete.q~`q~`uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~Zq~`uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~ZtFighterpq~`tNaganoq~Zq~#sq~MRB@I8mrHBPQVn%ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~`sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~`sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~`q~Zppppq~Zq~`q~*pppq~`q~Zq~Zsq~d?@ wsq~ psq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zpuq~2psq~d?@ wq~atAikoq~atMidorixsq~d?@ wq~aq~a"q~aq~a#xpsq~d?@w sq~ uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~%sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~Esq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~]uq~q~q~]uq~q~Kq~^uq~q~xsq~4puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~a?ttank topsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~`uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~Zq~`sq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Zq~`sq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~`sq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~Zq~asq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~`sq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Zq~asq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~`tHer skintight wrapped chest bindings leave her shoulders bare and run only far enough to go over her breasts, leaving her belly completely exposed. Every line of her groin and feminine hips are outlined by her undershorts, which run not even down to her knees. They run under her trousers, which go down to her knees. Her feet are covered by combat boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@w q~]sq~q~]sq~tq~^sq~ q~_sq~q~^sq~q~^sq~q~a&sq~sq~q~acsq~sq~sq~q~acsq~sq~Dsq~sq~ksq~sq~bq~a4sq~q~a6sq~sq~q~acsq~sq~q~]sq~xuq~q~q~q~`pppq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~`pq~`q~`uq~Buq~uq~q~]/q~]/q~`ppq~`q~`q~`pq~`q~`q~`sq~(ddpppuq~tundertbindingspq~`ptshortsq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~`q~Zq~`uq~!q~`pq~`q~auq~q~sq~4q~`pq~Zpq~`uq~2uq~Bq~`q~`q~`q~`q~aq~`pq~q~`uq~Buq~Hq~`pq~Zq~azq~]/q~a;pppuq~uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~ q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~a{q~`uq~uq~q~a}q~a~puq~2pq~aq~`pq~aq~aq~]tWakimotot armored bootssq~4ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~]&.#U)PEXAF rF|6/2S e,N_d,>+",Npd*M͚X'uq~2q~^sq~4q~^q~`q~`q~^q~^q~`q~^q~^q~aq~]sq~4q~aq~`q~`pq~^q~^q~aq~^q~^q~^sq~94xq~`q~^q~q~aq~aq~`q~`q~`q~^q~^q~`q~]q~aq~aq~aq~apuq~Buq~2q~atfutanariq~tFuyukoq~^q~^sq~y' <''5P.( F=!YF^(XF< 0& d tnonetMagicalptMidnightq~tdownttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~tsq~(dpppq~a;q~^tMasterpq~`tWatarit high heelsq~`ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- DeS2KQee<P F=2!eF I<^H90:f'uq~2q~`q~`q~`q~aq~asq~4q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~`q~`q~`q~`q~aq~apq~aq~a;q~`q~aq~aq~asq~9MTxq~aq~aq~q~`q~`q~aq~aq~aq~aq~apq~`q~aq~aq~`q~`puq~Buq~2q~`tfutanariq~tMidoriq~aq~aq~`q~`q~`pt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~aq~a;uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~a;q~`q~aq~`q~`q~auq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~`t Sorceresspq~atKashiwaq~aq~sq~M~B@ C  YF< & ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9theart-shaped pubic tattoosq~d?@wxq~9q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9t leg banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~9t arm banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~9toversized shirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~aq~`ppppq~`q~apq~`ppq~aq~`q~`sq~d?@ wq~a,tyou embarrassmentq~a*t you hypocritexsq~d?@ wq~a,tthat embarrassmentq~a*tthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~2psq~d?@ wq~a,pq~a*pxsq~d?@ wq~a,pq~agpxpsq~d?@ w q~ahuq~q~q~a2uq~q~q~Esq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~a4uq~q~q~a6uq~q~sq~uq~q~Eq~atuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~aguq~q~q~%xq~`puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~bt nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~bq~q~auq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~a?q~asq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~a?q~asq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~a?q~asq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~aq~asq~d?@wxq~aq~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~a?q~asq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~atMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by garb borrowed from the Forsaken! Her oversized shirt hangs from her shoulder all the way down her arm so that only her fingertips poke out. It covers her just barely down past her feminine hips. It hangs open low enough offer a glimpse of her pert breasts. She isn't wearing anything to cover her bare feet. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@w q~]q~^q~]sq~+q~^q~^q~^q~_q~_q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~sq~ q~^q~^q~^q~bsq~fq~^!q~^"q~akq~^q~^$q~^"q~amq~^q~aoq~^q~a4sq~q~a6sq~q~asq~^q~atsq~q~]q~^(xuq~q~q~q~q~sq~4sq~M7B@xWY ;Ky  >7&3ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~b1sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~asq~d?@wxq~9q~q~b1sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~b1sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9tDemonic nipple piercingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~b1sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~ -q~lxsq~d?@ wq~ -q~xq~9tDemonic collarsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~b1q~aq~`q~ppq~aq~`pq~appsq~4q~`sq~4sq~d?@ wsq~t you villainsq~t you insectxsq~d?@ wsq~t that villainq~bUt that insectxppsq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~apuq~2psq~d?@ wq~bXpq~bUpxsq~d?@ wq~bXpq~bUpxpsq~d?@w sq~uq~q~]uq~q~q~]uq~q~q~^uq~q~sq~(uq~q~q~^uq~q~sq~ uq~q~q~^uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~]uq~q~sq~uq~q~%sq~/uq~q~sq~uq~q~ sq~4uq~q~q~a6uq~q~q~atuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~^uq~q~q~^uq~q~xq~]~q~uq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~rq~Uq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~xq~Nxq~btindecent dresssq~d?@wxq~bq~q~b1uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~`q~b7sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~b1sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~`q~asq~d?@wxq~`q~q~b1sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~`q~bBsq~d?@wxq~`q~q~b1sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@ wq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~^q~bHsq~d?@wxq~^q~q~b1sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@ wq~ -q~lxsq~d?@ wq~ -q~xq~^q~bNsq~d?@wxq~^q~q~b1tFuyuko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose her lower navel. From just the right angle, the base of her cock is barely visible. Her clothes have clashing colors and a provocative cut, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Spike quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~]q~^q~]q~b'q~^q~^q~^q~_q~_q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~q~^q~^q~^q~_q~boq~b+q~brq~^sq~q~^q~^!q~^"sq~q~^q~^$q~^"sq~q~^sq~q~^q~]q~^(xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~aq~]/ppq~`q~a;q~`q~`q~`q~a;q~`q~apq~aq~auq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~`ppppq~`pppppq~`q~`q~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~`puq~pppppuq~_q~aq~`sq~d?@wxuq~q~`ppq~appq~aq~aq~apq~aq~aq~asq~(x2pppuq~q~atjacketpq~aptpantiesq~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~!q~apq~aq~auq~q~q~]q~aq~`q~`pq~auq~2uq~Bq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~]q~apq~q~auq~Buq~Hq~aq~`q~a;q~bq~bq~apppuq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~auq~ q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~apuq~2uq~q~q~sq~q~sq~bq~auq~uq~q~aq~bq~b1uq~2pq~bq~b0pq~]q~aq~]q~aptHumanity's best friend!q~^q~^uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~aq~atSpikeq~aq~aq~auq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~atHoundpq~^tToyamaq~aq~q~b1pq~aq~asq~4q~aq~aq~aq~^pq~^q~^uq~Buq~uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~^ppq~^q~^q~^pq~^q~^q~^sq~(x2pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~^q~tnoneq~aq~bq~bQq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~!q~^pq~^tbootsq~ bq~`q~^q~q~^uq~q~q~]kq~aq~aq~]pq~buq~2uq~Bq~`q~bq~^q~^q~]q~bpq~q~buq~Buq~Hq~b1pq~auq~q~]q~]q~]q~]/q~]/q~]q~]~pppuq~uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~ q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~uq~2uq~q~q~sq~sq~q~bq~^uq~uq~q~bq~bpuq~2q~q~bq~apq~]q~bq~`q~]zpt%Every soul receives what it deserves!q~`q~`uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]zq~]yt Lightbringerq~]zq~]zq~]yuq~2uq~2t/0.2% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~]zt Zabaniyahpq~`t Utsunomiyaq~`q~Ssq~MB@ `U,8 H" Cppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~`sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~`sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~bsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~bq~]zppq~`pq~]zq~`pq~`ppq~]kq~]ysq~4sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zuq~q~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yuq~q~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zuq~q~]yq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]ypuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~^uq~q~ sq~&uq~q~ q~!q~_uq~q~q~sq~(uq~q~Esq~uq~q~sq~)uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~]zpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~]sq~d?@ wq~iq~q~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~rq~Uq~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~xq~Nxq~]tindecent dresssq~d?@wxq~]q~q~buq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~`q~`sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~bsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~`q~`sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~bsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~`q~c sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~btUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Even then, there's a distinct bulge visible between her legs. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Lightbringer joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w sq~"q~^sq~#q~b'q~^q~_sq~q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~sq~ q~^q~^q~^sq~sq~q~c%q~^sq~q~^q~^!q~^"q~cq~^q~^$q~^"sq~q~^sq~q~^q~c!q~^sq~q~^(xuq~q~q~`q~]/ppq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~`pq~`q~`uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]zppppq~]zpppppq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]zpuq~pppppuq~_q~`q~]ysq~d?@wxuq~q~]yppq~`ppq~`q~`q~`pq~`q~`q~`sq~(ddpppuq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~ tnoneq~]zq~c q~c q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yuq~!q~`pq~`q~c q~`q~ uq~q~q~]kq~`q~`q~`pq~buq~2uq~Bq~`q~bq~`q~`q~]q~bpq~q~buq~Buq~Hq~bpq~]zuq~q~]/q~]/q~]/q~`pppuq~uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~ q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~ uq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~q~c\q~`uq~uq~q~`q~`q~`uq~2q~ q~c^q~`pq~]q~c uq~2uq~2W}eppq~]lsq~4uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]uq~B q~[Zq~_q~\iq~\ q~[q~Zq~^;q~]q~[q~\q~]uq~Bsq~9gm5xuq~BsrAngelIforgivenessDurationIinvitationDurationLcustomSubspeciesq~LsubtypetLAngel$Subspecies;xq~-x$ %Z* 21e_KCXLl_+Wuq~2q~^wq~]q~]tbandst Meticulousq~]q~]ktPainq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wtdowntshortspq~]q~]kq~^wq~]q~]q~]sq~9&mZ4xtbrightq~]q~lq~^wq~]tq~csq~(pppq~]q~]pq~^wtNinomiyatthigh-high bootsq~^wq~^wpuq~Buq~2q~]tfemaleq~ltUtaq~]q~]uq~q~]kq~]kq~]kq~]q~]q~]q~]q~]kq~]kq~]kq~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]kq~]kq~]kq~]q~]q~]kq~]q~]q~]kq~]kq~]kq~]q~]kq~^wpt$I won't let my creations be misused!q~]q~]kuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]kq~]tArtisanq~^wq~^wq~]uq~2uq~2t6Induce Hellborn to perform a more sinful action first.uq~2q~]tArchonpq~]tKumamototfutanariq~lsq~M)B@D' Z  "ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~q~q~lq~xq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tshirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tshortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tthigh-high bootssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t greatswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~cq~]kppppq~^wsq~y' Z''H*1 `LzLz1 ` Z *d q~czq~c{pq~c|q~q~c}q~c~puq~q~cpq~>q~cq~cq~]kq~]tGreat Demon Lordpq~^wq~cq~cq~^wppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~cxuq~q~q~]q~cq~cq~]kpq~cuq~2uq~Bq~]kq~cq~]q~]q~]q~cpq~q~cuq~Buq~Hq~cpq~^wuq~q~]/q~]/q~]pppuq~uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]uq~ q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]puq~2uq~q~q~sq~q~ssq~(ddpppq~]uq~uq~tuptshirtpuq~2~q~tANGELtnoneq~]pq~]t greatswordpq~cppq~]kq~]q~^wsq~d?@ wq~^$t you madwomanq~bxt you insectxsq~d?@ wq~^$t that madwomanq~bxt that insectxppsq~uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]q~^wq~]q~]q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~]uq~q~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wuq~q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~]uq~q~]q~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~]puq~2psq~d?@ wq~^$pq~bxpxsq~d?@ wq~^$pq~bxpxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~~q~tHUMANPREGNANCYFATHERq~^$uq~q~q~bxuq~q~q~]uq~q~%xq~^wpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~]sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~]tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~]q~q~cuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~]sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~q~q~lq~xq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~]q~csq~d?@wxq~]q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~]sq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~]q~csq~d?@wxq~]q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~]sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~]q~csq~d?@wxq~]q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~]sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~]q~csq~d?@wxq~]q~q~ctCUta is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Form-fitting shorts and a shirt materialize upon her, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. She wields a huge greatsword that weighs more than she does. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Artisan joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w sq~"sq~q~^(sq~sq~'sq~sq~sq~q~`sq~q~_sq~sq~-sq~q~]sq~q~`sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~q~_sq~xuq~q~q~q~]pppq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]kq~]q~]pq~]q~]uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~^wppppq~^wpppppq~^wq~^wq~^wsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~^wpuq~pppppuq~_q~cq~]sq~d?@wxuq~q~]ppq~]ppq~]q~]q~]pq~]q~]q~]q~cuq~q~cq~cpq~]q~cq~cq~^wq~^wq~]kq~^wq~]kq~]kq~]q~]uq~!q~]pq~]q~cq~cpsq~]#% % 3b[LK@+uq~2q~^wq~]q~]tholytHappyq~]kq~]ktPurityq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctskirtpq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~]q~]sq~9Bvxtdrabq~]q~>q~^wq~]q~cq~csq~(pppq~]q~]pq~^wtYashidat armored bootsq~^wq~^wpuq~Buq~2q~^wtfemaleq~StWattanq~]q~]pq~^wq~^wptLet humanity become a stampede!q~]q~]kuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]kq~]tSacredq~^wq~^wq~]uq~2uq~2t/0.0% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~^wtCowpq~]q~cq~d7q~>sq~M*j-*ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tgownsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dCsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~d4sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dCsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dCq~]p~q~tBOVINEppq~^wsq~y'%'' 2``Lzb[*nLz-*d q~d,q~d-pq~d.q~q~cq~d/puq~q~d1pq~>q~cq~d2q~]kq~]tstupid Demon Lordpq~^wq~d3q~d4q~^wppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~d*uq~q~q~]q~d8pq~^wpq~d9uq~2uq~Bq~]kq~d=q~]q~]q~]q~dBpq~q~d=uq~Buq~Hq~dCpq~^wuq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~^wppppq~^wpppppq~^wq~^wq~^wsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~^wpuq~pppppuq~_q~cq~]sq~d?@wxuq~q~]ppq~]kpppuq~uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]uq~ q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]~q~tBOVINEuq~2uq~q~sq~q~q~ssq~(pppq~]uq~uq~q~c}tbodicepuq~2q~q~cq~^wpq~]tboots~q~tBOVINEpppq~]q~]kq~^wsq~d?@ wq~^!tpervxsq~d?@ wq~^!t that pervxppsq~uq~q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wuq~q~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wuq~q~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wuq~q~^wq~]q~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]puq~2psq~d?@ wq~^!pxsq~d?@ wq~^!pxpsq~d?@ wq~^!uq~q~q~bxuq~q~q~duq~q~q~]uq~q~%xq~]~q~tBOVINEuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~csq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~cq~dIsq~d?@wxq~cq~q~dCsq~asq~d?@wxq~csq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~cq~d4sq~d?@wxq~cq~q~dCsq~asq~d?@wxq~csq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~cq~dTsq~d?@wxq~cq~q~dCtWattan is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! An elaborate gown trails her, its front thin and insubstantial enough that when pressed against her hips it reveals her lack of panties. The clothes' urban camouflage pattern causes her to almost blend into the cityscape as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Sacred quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~dsq~q~^(sq~q~dsq~q~dsq~q~`sq~q~_sq~q~d sq~q~]sq~q~`sq~q~dsq~q~dsq~q~dsq~q~dsq~q~_sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~^wpppq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]kq~^wq~]q~]pq~]q~]uq~Buq~q~dfq~dgq~]ppq~]q~]q~]kpq~]q~]q~]q~dzuq~q~c}q~d}pq~]q~q~cq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~^wuq~!q~]pq~]q~d~q~tHEATq~cq~]q~dvq~]sq~ dBCBG O 4-8,uq~2q~]kq~^wq~]tarmortInhumanq~]q~]ktPhantomq~]q~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~c}ttrouserspq~]q~]kq~]q~]q~]q~]sq~9zhsסxtwhiteq~]q~#q~]kq~]q~cq~csq~(ZZpppq~]q~]pq~^wtChujotloafersq~^wq~^wpuq~Buq~2q~^wq~d7q~tUmekoq~]q~]pq~^wq~^wptDevil and human at once!q~]q~]kuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]kq~]tHellbornq~^wq~^wq~]uq~2uq~2t/0.0% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~^wtCambionpq~]q~cq~d7q~#sq~M/'XX#\ppq~]psq~- O 4-d'uq~2q~^wq~^wq~^wq~dq~dq~^wq~]q~dq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~c}q~dpq~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~dq~dq~^wq~#q~^wq~]q~cq~csq~(ZZpppq~^wq~^wpq~^wq~dq~dq~^wq~^wpuq~Buq~2q~^wq~d7q~q~dq~^wq~^wpq~^wq~^wpq~dq~^wq~^wuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~^wq~]q~dq~^wq~^wq~]uq~2uq~2puq~2q~^wq~dpq~^wpq~d7q~#q~dpq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wpq~^wq~^wuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~^wppppq~^wpppppq~^wq~^wq~^wsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~^wpuq~pppppuq~_q~cq~]sq~d?@wxuq~q~]ppq~^wppq~^wq~^wq~^wpq~^wq~^wq~^wsq~(pppuq~tundertbindingspq~^wq~ q~c~q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wuq~!q~^wpq~^wtrifleuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~dsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dq~]kppppq~^wpppppq~]q~]kq~]sq~d?@ wq~^!tpervertq~^$pxsq~d?@ wq~^!t that pervertxppsq~uq~q~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~]uq~q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~]q~]q~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~]q~]q~^wuq~q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~]uq~q~]q~]q~]q~]q~^wq~]q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~^wq~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]q~]puq~2psq~d?@ wq~^!pxsq~d?@ wq~^!pxpsq~d?@ wq~^!uq~q~q~^$uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~duq~q~q~d uq~q~xq~]puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~csq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~cq~dsq~d?@wxq~cq~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~csq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~cq~dsq~d?@wxq~cq~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~csq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~cq~dsq~d?@wxq~cq~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~csq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~cq~e sq~d?@wxq~cq~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~csq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~cq~dsq~d?@wxq~cq~q~dtUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Bindings wrap around her chest and a pair of short trousers form around her legs, connected by wispy, translucent material that doesn't hide the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her loafers. The Chosen almost seems to be hiding within the pure white folds of her outfit as she brings the armor plates strapped onto her arms to bear. She uses a sleek high-powered rifle whose bullets are responsive to her will. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Hellborn has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~dsq~(q~d q~dxuq~q~q~q~q~q~]pppq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]q~]pq~]q~]uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~^wppppq~^wpppppq~^wq~^wq~^wsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~^wpuq~pppppuq~_q~cq~]sq~d?@wxuq~q~]ppq~]ppq~]q~]q~]pq~]q~]q~]sq~(pppuq~q~dq~dpq~]q~ q~c~q~^wq~]kq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]kq~^wq~]uq~!q~]pq~]q~dq~c~q~ tCAMBIONq~]q~cq~cpuq~sq~4q~eYuq~H q~`q~asq~y'#''x,/[" X3"  z'd tholytMagicalptStalwartq~tuptskirtpuq~tpastelpq~q~a?sq~(dpppsq~4sq~4tMasterpq~atEnomotot running shoes and athletic socksq~appuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- y]BDE]ld]#/"2Xe D%t֙FR2 zB KL4sB'uq~2q~edq~a;q~eeq~e\q~e]q~eeq~edq~e^q~eeq~eeq~aq~aq~aq~aq~e_q~e`pq~eeq~aq~a;q~a;q~eeq~eesq~9mGxq~ebq~eeq~q~aq~a;q~a?q~a?q~ecq~eeq~eepq~aq~egq~ehq~aq~apuq~Buq~2q~atfutanariq~tGinq~eeq~eepq~aq~edsq~y '0'',)=5 `ZO au9-=l &_ d tnonet BeautifulptHoneyq~q~]tcloaksq~-T/jP b61x<V[J^ 2  R62O ;t822»ܛUvT\_FJW'uq~2q~`q~Zq~`q~ewtHopefulq~`q~`tShieldq~`q~`q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~_Htrobepq~`q~`q~Zq~`q~`q~`sq~9 ;d$xq~Zq~`q~>q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~(ddpppq~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`tZayasut armored bootsq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~Zq~Sq~a#q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~`q~`uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~`q~Zq~e~q~Zq~Zq~`uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~ZtKnightpq~`q~`q~Zq~>sq~MaC, %5ppq~]pq~e{uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9trobesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t pleated skirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~esq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~esq~d?@wxq~9q~q~eq~Zq~epppq~Zppq~epq~eq~`q~Zq~Zsq~d?@ wq~a&psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~`q~`q~Zq~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~2psq~d?@ wq~aq~a"q~etLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~aq~a"q~et our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~a&uq~q~q~buq~q~xq~`puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~aq~esq~d?@wxq~aq~q~esq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~aq~esq~d?@wxq~aq~q~esq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~aq~esq~d?@wxq~aq~q~esq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~Zq~esq~d?@wxq~Zq~q~etMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~`ppq~eq~`q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~`q~`pq~`q~`uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~`ppq~`q~`q~`pq~`q~`q~`sq~(pppuq~q~_Hq~epq~`pq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~`q~Zq~`uq~!q~`pq~`q~^Duq~q~Zpq~q~Zsq~(pppq~`q~^tMister Demon Lorduq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`tTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~Zppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~`q~Zq~`q~ewq~exq~`q~`q~eyq~`q~`q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~]q~ezq~e{q~`q~`q~Zq~`q~`q~`sq~9G:xq~Zq~`q~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~eq~`q~`q~eq~`q~eq~eq~Zq~Zpuq~Buq~2q~Zq~[q~q~a"q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~`q~`uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~`q~Zq~eyq~Zq~Zq~`uq~2uq~2q~euq~2q~ZtAvengerpq~`q~`q~[q~sq~M=l % q~e{pq~]q~e{puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9ttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~fq~Zq~epq~e{pq~Zq~evpq~epq~eq~`q~Zq~a;sq~d?@ wq~apq~epxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zuq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~2psq~d?@ wq~aq~a#q~eq~exsq~d?@ wq~aq~a#q~eq~expsq~d?@ w q~a,uq~q~q~a0uq~q~q~q~akuq~q~q~amuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~a6uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~a(uq~q~q~buq~q~sq~uq~q~q~a*uq~q~q~q~%xq~`puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~aq~fsq~d?@wxq~aq~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~aq~fsq~d?@wxq~aq~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~aq~fsq~d?@wxq~aq~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~Zq~fsq~d?@wxq~Zq~wq~ftAiko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w q~]q~^q~]q~_q~^q~^q~^q~_q~_q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~q~^sq~Ksq~q~b+q~agq~^q~ahsq~q~ajq~^q~^!q~^"q~akq~^q~^$q~^"q~amq~^q~aoq~^q~a4sq~ q~a6sq~q~asq~^q~atsq~q~]q~^(xuq~q~`ppq~f#q~`q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~`q~`pq~`q~`uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~Zppppq~Zpppppq~Zq~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~Zpuq~pppppuq~_q~Zq~Zsq~d?@wxuq~q~Zppq~`ppq~`q~`q~`pq~`q~`q~`sq~(pppuq~q~]q~ezq~e{q~`pq~]q~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~Zq~`q~Zq~`uq~!q~`pq~`q~fuq~q~q~]kq~a"q~eq~`q~eq~euq~2uq~Bq~`q~eyq~`q~a;q~]q~fpq~q~eyuq~Buq~Hq~fq~f#q~`q~fYq~fZq~`pppuq~uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~ q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ q~ffq~`uq~uq~q~]q~ezq~e{uq~2pq~]q~`pq~]q~ft&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~eeq~eduq~2uq~Buq~Hq~aq~a;q~e^q~aq~aq~a;uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~atKnightpq~eetFujisawaq~etq~sq~M "  Zz'ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9tleather strapssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fq~a;ppppq~aq~e[pppq~evq~eeq~aq~a;sq~d?@ wq~a0t you villainq~a2ttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~a0t that villainq~a2t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~a;q~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~aq~auq~q~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~apuq~2psq~d?@ wq~a0pq~a2pxsq~d?@ wq~a0pq~a2pxpsq~d?@ wq~ajuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~akuq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~edpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~a?q~fsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~a?q~fsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~a?q~fsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~a?q~fsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~a?q~fsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~ftGin is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. From just the right angle, a slight bulge can be seen in the front of the undergarment. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The colors are all faint pastels that shimmer as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Stalwart joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w q~]q~^q~]q~d q~^q~^q~^q~_q~_q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~q~fq~^q~^q~^sq~q~b+q~fq~^q~ajq~^q~^!q~^"q~cq~^q~^$q~^"q~aoq~^q~a4sq~q~a6sq~q~asq~^q~atsq~q~]q~^(xuq~q~q~q~eepppq~aq~edq~aq~aq~aq~a;q~eepq~eeq~eeuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~appppq~apppppq~aq~aq~asq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~apuq~pppppuq~_q~a?q~a;sq~d?@wxuq~q~a;ppq~eeppq~eeq~eeq~eepq~eeq~eeq~eesq~(x2pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~eeptstrapsq~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~edq~a;q~eeuq~!q~eepq~eeq~fuq~q~q~]kq~eupq~aq~evq~fvuq~2uq~Bq~eeq~e^q~eeq~edq~]q~f~pq~q~e^uq~Buq~Hq~fpq~aq~fq~fq~edpppuq~uq~q~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeuq~ q~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eepuq~2uq~q~sq~q~sq~q~fq~eeuq~uq~q~fq~fpuq~2pq~fq~eepq~]q~fq~`q~^{sq~y' ''?c  n k^4}dkl*d q~`+tPrudentptProphetq~taroundtstripspuq~tpastelpq~>q~]{sq~(pppq~]yq~]ztGreat Demon Lordpq~]ptAsakawat running shoes and athletic socksq~]pppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~UpA?96 dc "n2 ^ ;tx Q_li(T'uq~2q~]pq~]pq~]pq~`+q~gq~]zq~]yq~gq~]zq~]zq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~gq~gpq~]zq~]yq~]~q~]zq~]zq~]zsq~9|HZxq~gq~]zq~>q~]pq~]~q~]{q~]{q~gq~]zq~]zpq~]pq~g q~g q~]pq~]ppuq~Buq~2q~]ptfemaleq~Sq~]q~]zq~]zq~`q~]~q~]pptNobility obliges!q~]zq~]~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]pq~]~tDutyq~]pq~]pq~]~uq~2uq~2q~]uq~2q~]ptMummypq~]zq~]q~gq~>sq~M}OXppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~g!sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~g!sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~g!sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~g!sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tstaffsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~g!q~]~ppppq~]pq~gpq~`ppq~]pq~]~q~]~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]~q~]~uq~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]~q~]puq~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]pq~]~q~]~uq~q~]pq~]pq~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]~q~]~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~]q~]q~]q~]xsq~d?@ wq~]q~]q~]q~]xpsq~d?@ wq~]uq~q~q~_uq~q~q~_$uq~q~q~]uq~q~q~^uq~q~%xq~]~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~]{q~g'sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~g!sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~]{q~g-sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~g!sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~]{q~g3sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~g!sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~]{q~g9sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~g!sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~]{q~g?sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~g!tWakako is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She uses a gemstone-tipped staff which fires bursts of purifying energy. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Duty has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@w q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~_q~^sq~q~^sq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^ q~^q~^!q~^"q~^#q~^q~^$q~^"q~^%q~^q~^&q~^q~_$q~^q~]q~^(xuq~q~q~q~q~]ppppq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]pq~]~q~]zpq~]zq~]zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]pppppq~]ppppppq~]pq~]pq~]psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]ppuq~pppppuq~_q~]{q~]~sq~d?@wxuq~q~]~ppq~]zppq~]zq~]zq~]zpq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~(ddpppuq~q~gq~gpq~]zq~tshortsq~]pq~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]~q~]puq~!q~]zpq~]zq~g?q~]{q~yq~]zuq~q~q~]kq~]q~`q~]~pq~guq~2uq~Bq~]yq~gq~]zq~]yq~]q~g pq~q~guq~Buq~Hq~g!pq~]pq~gsq~gtq~]ypppuq~uq~q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zuq~ q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~yuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~sq~q~gq~]zuq~uq~q~gq~gpuq~2q~q~gq~]ppq~]q~g?q~]lq~`sq~y 'a)'Y?:6=n8W -13&dtnonetProudptCalamityq~taroundtarmoruq~q~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kuq~tbrightpq~>q~^xsq~(pppq~^kq~]tLord of Demonspq~]ntKuritat combat bootsq~]nppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~]!DQJPLMa: - n2  ;t@WCTAea@X(_8~GiF,muq~2q~^kq~^kq~]nq~gq~gq~^kq~^kq~gq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~gq~gq~gq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~9C}xq~gq~]nq~>q~]nq~^kq~^xq~^xq~gq~]nq~]npq~]nq~gq~gq~]nq~]npuq~Buq~2q~]ntfemaleq~StEriq~]nq~]nq~`q~^kq~]nptBow or be destroyed!q~]nq~^kuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~^kq~^ktMonarchq~]nq~]nq~]nuq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~]ntLionesspq~]nt Hamamatsuq~gq~>sq~M-2uq~q~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kpq~]q~gpuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~gq~^kp~q~tLIONuq~q~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kpq~]nq~gpq~`ppq~]nq~^kq~^ksq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nuq~q~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nuq~q~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kuq~q~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^{uq~2psq~d?@ wq~^pq~]pxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~bxuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~^uq~q~ q~!sq~uq~q~q~]uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~^k~q~tLIONuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~^xq~gsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~^xq~gsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~^xq~gsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~^xq~gsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~^xq~gsq~d?@wxq~^xq~wq~gtEri is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, hanging open to expose the straps of her g-string. Her legs are bare down to her steel-toed combat boots. Her outfit's provocative design and bright colors command the attention of Demons and civilians alike, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Monarch has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w sq~"q~^sq~#sq~asq~'q~^q~^q~_q~_fq~^sq~ sq~%q~gq~^sq~q~^q~^!q~^"sq~q~^q~^$q~^"sq~q~^sq~sq~q~gq~^q~gsq~Pxuq~q~q~q~q~]nppq~^{q~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]npq~]nq~]nuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]nppppq~]npppppq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]npuq~pppppuq~_q~^xq~^ksq~d?@wxuq~q~^kppq~]nppq~]nq~]nq~]npq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~(ddpppuq~q~gq~gq~gq~]nq~tg-stringq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nuq~!q~]npq~]nq~gq~q~^xq~]n~q~tLIONq~]nuq~q~q~]q~gq~`q~^kpq~guq~2uq~Bq~^kq~gq~]nq~^kq~]q~gpq~q~guq~Buq~Hq~gq~^{q~^kq~hq~hq~^kpppuq~uq~q~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nuq~ q~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~h-uq~2uq~q~sq~s~q~t COMMANDERq~h9q~h)q~]nuq~uq~q~gq~gq~guq~2q~q~h+q~]npq~]q~gq~^lq~dXuq~Hq~evq~asq~y' M''F">FN N "FN X/ZF"N MV$Gz { dq~atOptimalptPaladinq~tintotleotardpuq~tbrightpq~>q~asq~(pppq~a;q~atGreat Demon Lordq~`q~`q~etthigh-high bootsq~`ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- (c76msw|M2z" 8FF2X ;tDF C޿u>gmL"hi'uq~2q~`q~`q~`q~aq~h@q~aq~a;q~hAq~aq~aq~`q~`q~`q~`q~hBq~hCpq~aq~a;q~`q~aq~aq~asq~9fDC_xq~hEq~aq~>q~`q~`q~aq~aq~hFq~aq~aq~`q~`q~eq~hHq~`q~`puq~Buq~2q~`tfemaleq~StKoharuq~aq~aq~`q~`q~`pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~aq~a;uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~a;q~`q~hAq~`q~`q~auq~2uq~2q~auq~2q~`tSoldierpq~aq~aq~hTq~>sq~MZ"MV$Gz ~{ sq~- /|'~~ ,F/V2; ;tF -<\k_TӚv!C'uq~2q~a;q~`q~aq~ewtLoyalq~aq~a;tCheerq~aq~aq~`q~`q~`q~`tuptskirtq~aq~aq~a;q~`q~aq~aq~asq~9Mʸxtdrabq~aq~>q~`q~`q~aq~asq~(pppq~aq~apq~`tNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~`q~`puq~Buq~2q~`q~hTq~ltChoukoq~aq~aq~`q~`q~`q~evtTime to go wild!q~aq~a;uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~a;q~`q~hbq~`q~`q~auq~2uq~2q~auq~2q~`tPrincessq~hOq~aq~aq~hTq~>sq~M :lB8/4ppq~]q~apuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~husq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~husq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9q~esq~d?@wxq~9q~q~husq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~huq~`ppppq~`sq~y''',EN N 5F/N V;X8:FlN B84Zq~ewq~hapq~hbq~q~hcq~hdq~auq~q~hfpq~>q~aq~hgq~a;q~atMister Demon Lordpq~`q~hhq~hiq~`ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~h_uq~q~q~aq~hlq~`q~`q~evq~hmuq~2uq~Bq~a;q~hbq~aq~a;q~aq~htq~hOq~q~hbuq~Buq~Hq~huq~`q~`uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~`ppppq~`pppppq~`q~`q~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~`puq~pppppuq~_q~aq~`sq~d?@wxuq~q~`ppq~a;pppuq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~auq~ q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~apuq~2uq~q~sq~ q~sq~sq~(pppq~auq~uq~q~atbodicepuq~2pq~ewq~apq~aq~hpq~`pq~evq~aq~`q~`sq~d?@ wq~a.tyou jerkq~a*pxsq~d?@ wq~a.t that jerkxq~hOpsq~uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~2psq~d?@ wq~a.pq~a*tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~a.pq~a*t my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~ajuq~q~q~a&uq~q~q~buq~q~q~aguq~q~q~ xq~`puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~aq~h{sq~d?@wxq~aq~q~husq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~aq~hsq~d?@wxq~aq~q~husq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~aq~esq~d?@wxq~aq~q~husq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~aq~hsq~d?@wxq~aq~q~hutChouko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Cheer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~a&sq~5q~bsq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~appq~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~apq~aq~auq~Buq~q~hq~hq~appq~aq~aq~apq~aq~aq~aq~huq~q~aq~hpq~apq~ewq~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~a;q~`q~auq~!q~apq~aq~hpq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~h^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~h^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~h^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~h^sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~h^q~`q~`pq~h_pq~`q~h?pq~`ppq~aq~`q~`sq~d?@ wq~a.t you deviantxsq~d?@ wq~a.t that deviantxppsq~uq~q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`uq~q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`uq~q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`uq~q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~Zq~`q~`uq~2psq~d?@ wq~a,q~hlq~ajpxsq~d?@ wq~a,q~hlq~ajpxpsq~d?@ wq~ahuq~q~q~ajuq~q~q~a&uq~q~q~q~buq~q~xq~`puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~a?q~hsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~h^sq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~a?q~hsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~h^sq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~a?q~hsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~h^sq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~a?q~hsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~h^sq~asq~d?@wxq~asq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~aq~isq~d?@wxq~aq~q~h^tfKoharu is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A cape forms upon her shoulders followed by a one-piece leotard across her body, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping behind her as she walks onto the battlefield. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w q~]q~^q~]q~b'q~^q~^q~^q~_q~_q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~q~a&q~^q~^q~^q~bq~b+q~^!q~^"q~akq~^q~^$q~^"q~amq~^q~aoq~^q~a4sq~q~a6sq~q~asq~^q~atsq~q~]q~^(xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~appq~`q~a;q~`q~`q~`q~`q~aq~apq~aq~auq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~`ppppq~`pppppq~`q~`q~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~`puq~pppppuq~_q~aq~`sq~d?@wxuq~q~`ppq~appq~aq~aq~apq~aq~aq~asq~(ddpppuq~q~hBq~hCq~h_q~apq~ewq~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~a;q~`q~auq~!q~aq~`q~aq~iuq~q~q~]q~hUq~`q~`pq~hVuq~2uq~Bq~a;q~hAq~aq~a;q~]q~h]pq~q~hAuq~Buq~Hq~h^q~`q~a;q~i:q~i;q~a;pppuq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~auq~ q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~apuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~sq~iGq~auq~uq~q~hBq~hCq~h_uq~2pq~ewq~aq~`q~]q~iq~e[sq~y 'c''?B 6ޠ" @( J:d tchainstOptimalptTyrantq~taroundtbeltspuq~tbrightpq~>q~a?sq~(pppq~eeq~]ntGreat Demon Lordq~aq~edtTakaminetthigh-high bootsq~appuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-3!Q`Vqzc5B 6 2e|vZa2#o$#_~hpI +'uq~2q~edq~a;q~eeq~iXq~iYq~eeq~edq~iZq~eeq~eeq~aq~aq~aq~aq~i[q~i\pq~eeq~edq~a;q~eeq~eeq~eesq~9Hbxq~i^q~eeq~#q~aq~a;q~a?q~a?q~i_q~eeq~eeq~aq~edq~iaq~ibq~aq~apuq~Buq~2q~atfemaleq~tYukiq~eeq~eepq~aq~aptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~eeq~eduq~2uq~Buq~Hq~aq~a;q~iZq~aq~aq~a;uq~2uq~2q~f|uq~2q~atAssassinpq~eeq~fq~inq~#sq~M2B@= nJ:q~eopq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~i\sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ixsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ibsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ixsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ixsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ixsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~ixq~aq~apq~eopq~aq~iWppppq~eeq~a;q~a;sq~d?@ wq~at you weaklingxsq~d?@ wq~at that weaklingxppsq~uq~q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~a;uq~q~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~a;uq~q~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~apuq~2psq~d?@ wq~a0pq~apxsq~d?@ wq~apxpsq~d?@w sq~'uq~q~sq~+uq~q~q~fuq~q~sq~,uq~q~q~fQuq~q~ q~fuq~q~%q~ajuq~q~q~ q~fuq~q~q~q~amuq~q~q~fuq~q~q~f,uq~q~q~bXuq~q~xq~a;puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~itcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~iq~q~ixuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~a?q~i\sq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~ixsq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~a?q~ibsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~ixsq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~a?q~fsq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~ixsq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~a?q~isq~d?@wxq~a?q~q~ixsq~asq~d?@wxq~a?sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~a?q~isq~d?@wxq~a?q~wq~ixtYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots and outlining her minimal underwear. Her outfit's provocative design and bright colors command the attention of Demons and civilians alike, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Tyrant has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w q~]q~^q~]sq~.q~^q~^q~^q~_q~_q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~q~fq~^q~^q~^q~fq~b+q~fq~^q~ajq~^q~^!q~^"q~^$q~^"q~_"q~^q~aoq~^q~a4sq~q~a6sq~q~asq~^q~atsq~q~]q~^(xuq~q~q~a;q~appq~aq~aq~edq~aq~aq~eeq~eepq~eeq~eeuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~appppq~apppppq~aq~aq~asq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~apuq~pppppuq~_q~a?q~a;sq~d?@wxuq~q~a;ppq~eeppq~eeq~eeq~eepq~eeq~eeq~eesq~(ddpppuq~q~i[q~i\q~eoq~eepq~iq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~a;q~a;uq~!q~eepq~eeq~iuq~q~q~]q~iopq~apq~ipuq~2uq~Bq~edq~iZq~eeq~edq~]q~iwpq~q~iZuq~Buq~Hq~ixpq~aq~iq~iq~edpppuq~uq~q~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeuq~ q~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eepuq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~q~iq~eeuq~uq~q~i[q~i\q~eouq~2pq~iq~a;pq~]q~iq~`q~^{q~gq~]lq~`q~gq~^lq~cq~dXuq~)uq~+ 4z)_B_;qȐ:%HTC@@pzN  eUr @9ndn(M bj ~ruq~+#pppp۟۟۟۟WWWWuq~+pppp۟۟۟۟WWWWuq~Bpppq~cuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~pppuq~q~]/q~]uq~q~cq~cq~cuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~pppuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~pppuq~q~^wq~^wq~^wuq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~q~cq~cq~cuq~B q~e{sq~-j*tV7*4  6[2 ;t F ]a@Uz ,7ʕiyÜa['uq~2q~aq~edq~atcloakt Beautifulq~aq~atSpiceq~aq~aq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eetupq~juq~q~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~aq~aq~edq~aq~aq~asq~9gy8'xtbrightq~aq~#q~eeq~edq~iq~isq~(ZZpppq~aq~apq~eetTakaminethigh-heeled sandalsq~eeq~eepuq~Buq~2q~eetfemaleq~tOtomeq~aq~aq~aq~aq~eeptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~aq~auq~2uq~Buq~Hq~aq~edq~jq~eeq~eeq~auq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~eetAvengerpq~atGifuq~j"q~#sq~M NV;0?yppq~]uq~q~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~juq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~jsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~j.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~jsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~j.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~j.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tstriped pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~j.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~j.q~edppppq~eeppq~appq~aq~edq~edsq~d?@ wq~fpq~f,pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeuq~q~eeq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeuq~q~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~eduq~q~edq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~edpuq~2psq~d?@ wq~fpq~f,tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~f,t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~akuq~q~q~amuq~q~q~aouq~q~q~a4uq~q~xq~edpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~isq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~iq~jsq~d?@wxq~iq~q~j.sq~asq~d?@wxq~isq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~iq~jsq~d?@wxq~iq~q~j.sq~asq~d?@wxq~isq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~iq~j?sq~d?@wxq~iq~q~j.sq~asq~d?@wxq~isq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~iq~jEsq~d?@wxq~iq~q~j.sq~asq~d?@wxq~isq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~iq~jKsq~d?@wxq~iq~wq~j.tOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, slit high enough up her thigh that every time she takes a step in her high-heeled sandals, she almost reveals her striped panties. Her clothes are provocatively-cut and brightly-colored, but she shows no signs of self-consciousness. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Spice has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~jZsq~q~aksq~q~^q~^q~^q~^sq~(ddpppq~]pq~]ppq~^tChujothigh-heeled bootsq~^q~^puq~Buq~2q~^q~^q~StMidoriq~]pq~]ppq~^q~^pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~]pq~]~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]~q~^q~kq~^q~^q~]puq~2uq~2t-3% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~^tSoldierpq~]pq~^q~^q~>sq~MFw=$^ppq~]pq~k uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~k sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~k sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~`sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~k sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9q~`"sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~k sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~k q~^ppppq~^pppppq~]pq~^q~^sq~d?@ wq~^pq~]pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~`uq~2psq~d?@ wq~]q~^xsq~d?@ wq~]q~^xpsq~d?@ wq~_$uq~q~q~^uq~q~ q~q~_uq~q~q~]uq~q~xq~]~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~]{q~k&sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~k sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~]{q~k,sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~k sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~]{q~`sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~k sq~asq~d?@wxq~]{sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~]{q~`"sq~d?@wxq~]{q~q~k sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~^q~kq~]zq~]yq~`q~`sq~(FFpppq~`q~`pq~]ztJinnotribbon-laced sandalsq~]zq~]zpuq~Buq~2q~]ztfemaleq~ltMidoriq~`q~`pq~]zq~]zptTime to go wild!q~`q~`uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~`q~]yq~kq~]zq~]zq~`uq~2uq~2t.23% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~]ztPrincesspq~`q~bq~kq~>sq~MC\q~`pq~]pq~kuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ksq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ksq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ksq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~kq~c ppq~`pq~]zpppppq~`q~c q~]zsq~d?@ wq~ipxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zuq~q~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zuq~q~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zuq~q~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~^{uq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~^uq~q~q~^uq~q~ q~!sq~uq~q~xq~]zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~kq~ksq~d?@wxq~kq~q~ksq~asq~d?@wxq~ksq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~kq~ksq~d?@wxq~kq~q~ksq~asq~d?@wxq~ksq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~kq~ksq~d?@wxq~kq~q~ksq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~`q~ksq~d?@wxq~`q~q~ktMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Moppet quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~ksq~xuq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~]yppq~^{q~c q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~`pq~`q~`uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]zppppq~]zpppppq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]zpuq~pppppuq~_q~`q~]ysq~d?@wxuq~q~]yppq~`ppq~`q~`q~`pq~`q~`q~`sq~(npppuq~tdowntbodiceq~`q~`q~ Oq~c^q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~c q~]zq~]yq~]yuq~!q~`pq~`q~ksq~-ʲ{C{PFHO,TC  C2 7 ;t ,1%<^> S t岐)uq~2q~^kq~aq~]nt jewellerytLoyalq~]nq~^ktWhisperq~]nq~]nq~aq~aq~aq~aq~e_q~e`pq~]nsq~4q~a;q~]nq~]nq~]nsq~92f;xtwhiteq~]nq~>q~edq~a;q~bq~a?sq~(FFpppq~]nq~]npq~atFujimorit doll shoesq~aq~apuq~Buq~2q~aq~inq~ltZenq~]nq~]nuq~q~kq~ksq~4q~lq~kq~lq~lq~kq~kq~kq~lq~lq~kq~lq~lq~kq~kq~kq~lq~lq~kq~lq~lq~kq~kq~kq~kq~kq~aptCombat preparations complete.q~]nq~^kuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~^kq~a;q~kq~aq~aq~]nuq~2uq~2q~guq~2q~atPrincesspq~]nq~fq~inq~>sq~M  hlyppq~]pq~kuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~l sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~e`sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~l sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ksq~d?@wxq~9q~q~l sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~l sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~isq~d?@wxq~9q~q~l sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~l sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9tMark of the Succubussq~d?@wxq~9q~q~l q~bPppppq~appq~kppq~]nq~bPq~bPsq~d?@ wq~a2pq~at you fake heroq~]pq~^pxsq~d?@ wq~atthat fake heroxppsq~uq~q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~a;uq~q~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~a;q~aq~a;q~a;q~a;q~a;q~aq~a;uq~q~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~a;q~aq~aq~aq~a;q~a;puq~2psq~d?@ wq~apsq~,tIzumixsq~d?@ wq~apq~lq~aq~bPq~bq~bsq~(ZZpppq~]nq~]npq~atFujimorit combat bootsq~aq~apuq~Buq~2q~atfemaleq~StYukiq~]nq~]nuq~q~lq~lsq~4q~mq~mq~mq~mq~lq~lq~lq~mq~mq~mq~mq~mq~lq~lq~lq~mq~mq~lq~mq~mq~lq~lq~lq~mq~lq~aptEternal torment awaits!q~]nq~luq~2uq~Buq~Hq~lq~bPtEnforcerq~aq~aq~luq~2uq~2q~guq~2q~atGalluq~^{q~]nq~lq~mq~>sq~M+ 9Nppq~]pq~luq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9tleather strapssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tscythesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9q~l/sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~mq~bPppppq~appq~mppq~]nq~bPq~bPsq~d?@ wsq~,pxsq~d?@wxq~^{psq~uq~q~aq~bPq~bPq~bPq~aq~aq~aq~bPq~aq~aq~aq~bPq~aq~bPq~bPq~bPq~aq~bPq~aq~auq~q~bPq~bPq~bPq~aq~bPq~bPq~bPq~bPq~aq~bPq~bPq~aq~bPq~bPq~bPq~bPq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~bPq~bPq~aq~aq~bPq~bPq~aq~bPq~aq~bPq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~bPq~aq~auq~q~bPq~aq~bPq~aq~aq~aq~bPq~aq~aq~aq~bPq~aq~aq~bPq~bPq~aq~aq~bPq~bPq~bPpuq~2psq~d?@ wq~^pq~m6q~l=xsq~d?@ wq~m6q~l=xpsq~d?@ wq~luq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~q~lGuq~q~ q~q~lJuq~q~xq~lpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~bsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~bq~msq~d?@wxq~bq~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~bsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~bq~msq~d?@wxq~bq~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~bsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~bq~m"sq~d?@wxq~bq~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~bsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~bq~m(sq~d?@wxq~bq~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~bsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~bq~m.sq~d?@wxq~bq~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~^xq~l/sq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~mtxYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, hanging open to expose the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. Her legs are bare down to her steel-toed combat boots. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She swings around a wickedly-curved scythe whose blade tears souls from their bodies. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Enforcer joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~mBsq~q~]nq~^kq~^xq~^xsq~(FFpppq~]nq~]npq~]ntUshiodat doll shoesq~]nq~]npuq~Buq~2q~]nq~gq~Sq~_dq~]nq~]nq~`q~^kq~^kq~^{tCombat preparations complete.q~]nq~^kuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~^kq~^kq~mq~]nq~]nq~]nuq~2uq~2q~guq~2q~]ntDefenderpq~]nq~gq~gq~>sq~M.#7i{;ppq~]uq~q~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~muq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle dresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~mq~^kppppq~]nppq~`pq~^{q~]nq~^kq~^ksq~d?@ wq~^pq~^pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kuq~q~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nuq~q~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nuq~q~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^{uq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~_fuq~q~q~guq~q~q~^uq~q~ q~!q~^uq~q~q~guq~q~xq~^kpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^xq~msq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~msq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~^xq~msq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~mtxJunko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket not quite thick enough to conceal her lacy bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen almost seems to be hiding within the pure white folds of her outfit as she brings the armor plates strapped onto her arms to bear. She uses a sleek high-powered rifle whose bullets are responsive to her will. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Whisper has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~_fq~hq~gsq~q~gsq~xuq~q~q~q~q~]nppq~^{q~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]npq~]nq~]nuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]nppppq~]npppppq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]npuq~pppppuq~_q~^xq~^ksq~d?@wxuq~q~^kppq~]nppq~]nq~]nq~]npq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~(npppuq~q~mtjacketpq~]nptpantiesq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nuq~!q~]npq~]nq~msq~ d!YUaZb7 H)<PW2 c ;t8J>MDr~ hz+Ќx-uq~2q~^kq~`q~]ntsleevestFuriousq~^kq~]ntRebelq~]nq~]nq~`q~`q~`q~`tuptskirtpq~]nq~^kq~`q~]nq~]nq~]nsq~9rSxtclashingq~]nq~q~bPq~`q~^xtsq~(ddpppq~]nq~]nuq~q~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^ktJinnot armored bootsq~`q~`puq~Buq~2q~`tfutanariq~tUmekoq~]nq~]npq~]nq~]nptStop doing bad things, or else!q~]nq~^kuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~^kq~`t Retributionq~`q~`q~]nuq~2uq~2q~guq~2q~`tFurysq~]G^xMOGTId' (:n  3e*PX"e(B*uq~2sq~4q~`q~aq~mtSoaringq~aq~bPtPainq~aq~aq~`q~`q~`q~`tintotbodysuitpq~aq~mq~`q~`q~aq~asq~9}dxtbrightq~aq~>q~`q~`q~mq~msq~(pppq~aq~apq~`tKyoguchitthigh-high bootsq~`q~`puq~Buq~2q~`tfemaleq~StYukiq~aq~aq~`q~mq~`ptRide the winds of victory!q~aq~bPuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~`q~`tSkyq~`q~`q~`uq~2uq~2t9Induce Retribution to perform a more sinful action first.uq~2q~`tFalconpq~at Matsuyamaq~nq~>sq~M5B@#"n3+=ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~nsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nq~`ppppq~`sq~y'd''F'N N nN 3T=N dq~mq~mpq~mq~q~mq~mpuq~q~mpq~>q~mq~nq~aq~atLord of Demonspq~`q~nq~nq~`ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~muq~q~q~aq~nq~`q~mpq~nuq~2uq~Bq~bPq~n q~aq~bPq~aq~npq~q~n uq~Buq~Hq~npq~`uq~q~]/q~]q~]/q~]/q~bPpppuq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~auq~ q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~a~q~tRAPTORuq~2uq~q~q~sq~sq~sq~(ddpppq~auq~uq~q~mq~mpuq~2q~tnoneq~`pq~aq~n"pq~`ppq~aq~`q~msq~d?@ wq~c#pq~^pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`puq~2psq~d?@ wq~c#q~msq~*tNatsukixsq~d?@ wq~c#q~mq~nHq~nIxpsq~d?@ wq~^uq~q~ sq~uq~q~sq~)uq~q~q~^uq~q~xq~`q~Guq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~bsq~d?@ w q~iq~q~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~q~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~q~Kq~xq~btmesh topsq~d?@wxq~bq~q~nuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~mq~msq~d?@wxq~mq~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~mq~nsq~d?@wxq~mq~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~mq~n"sq~d?@wxq~mq~q~ntwYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping around her thighs as she surveys the battlefield. She wields a slender, slightly-curved sword which she returns to its sheath after each slash. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Sky joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@w sq~"sq~|sq~#sq~sq~'sq~q~mDsq~|sq~ sq~|sq~sq~|sq~sq~|sq~sq~|sq~sq~|q~lsq~|sq~sq~|q~nMsq~Mq~lJsq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~`q~]/q~]pq~`q~`q~bPq~`q~`q~aq~apq~aq~auq~Buq~q~n2q~]/q~appq~aq~aq~apq~aq~aq~aq~n:uq~q~mq~mpq~aq~q~n>q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~!q~apq~aq~n"q~q~mq~aq~n6q~aq~]nq~nq~mq~sq~M hP@ 5ppq~]pq~muq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tgownsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nq~^kq~mpppq~`pppppq~]nq~^kq~^ksq~d?@ wq~cpq~nHpq~]pxsq~d?@wxq~mpsq~uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`puq~2psq~d?@ wq~bitLeaderq~]pxsq~d?@ wq~bit my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~nouq~q~q~cBuq~q~q~q~^uq~q~q~guq~q~q~^uq~q~!q~^uq~q~ q~!q~guq~q~q~]uq~q~ q~!xq~^kpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~mq~nsq~d?@wxq~mq~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~mq~msq~d?@wxq~mq~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~mq~nsq~d?@wxq~mq~q~ntUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! An elaborate gown trails her, its front slit high enough up her thigh to reveal her lack of panties and the faint shape hanging between her legs. Her clothes have clashing colors and a provocative cut, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Retribution quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~nosq~q~_fq~hxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~`pppq~]nq~`q~`q~`q~`q~^kq~]npq~]nq~]nuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]nppppq~]npppppq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]npuq~pppppuq~_q~^xq~^ksq~d?@wxuq~q~^kppq~]nppq~]nq~]nq~]npq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~(pppuq~tdowntbodicepq~]nq~ q~n>q~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~`q~]nuq~!q~]npq~]ntbootsq~m~q~ tFURYsq~] %9q68CM*0X 0 eW_E*IK5*uq~2q~]q~^kq~^wq~gtCraftyq~^wq~]tDecreeq~^wq~^wq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~gtbeltspq~^wq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^wq~^wsq~9r _xtpastelq~^wq~#q~]nq~^kq~^xq~^xsq~(ZZpppq~^wq~^wpq~]ntKyoguchit kneesocksq~]nq~]npuq~Buq~2q~]nq~gq~q~_dq~^wq~^wpq~]nq~]nptTry to outwit me!q~^wq~]uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]q~^kt Nightmareq~]nq~]nq~^wuq~2uq~2q~_@uq~2q~]ntFoxpq~^wq~_Bq~gq~#sq~M3.T1RSuq~q~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kpq~]pq~nuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~Kq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t body paintsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9theart-shaped pubic tattoosq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tstiletto heelssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~nq~^kpq~uq~q~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kpq~]npppppq~^wq~^kq~^ksq~d?@ wq~^pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kuq~q~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kuq~q~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nuq~q~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^{uq~2psq~d?@ wq~^q~_eq~]tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~^q~_eq~]t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~_kuq~q~ q~q~^uq~q~q~guq~q~xq~^k~q~tFOXuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~Kq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^xq~nsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~^xq~nsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^xq~osq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~nsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~^xq~osq~d?@wxq~^xq~wq~ntJunko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her kneesocks and outlining her functional underwear. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Nightmare has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~gsq~xuq~q~q~q~^kppq~^{q~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^wpq~^wq~^wuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]nppppq~]npppppq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]npuq~pppppuq~_q~^xq~^ksq~d?@wxuq~q~^kppq~^wppq~^wq~^wq~^wpq~^wq~^wq~^wsq~(pppuq~q~gq~nuq~q~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^wq~q~mq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kuq~!q~^wpq~^wq~oq~ bq~^xq~^w~q~tFOXq~^wsq~] z+-05  1Y+eWQQbXIh\$tO*Huq~2q~]q~^kq~^wq~gtSingingq~]q~^wtMoppetq~^wq~^wq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]ntuptskirtq~nq~^wq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^wq~^wsq~9øxtdrabq~^wq~q~]nq~^kq~^xq~^xsq~(FFpppq~^wq~^wpq~]nt Shibaharatribbon-laced sandalsq~]nq~]npuq~Buq~2q~]ntfutanariq~q~_eq~^wq~^wpq~]nq~]nptMy voice is all I have!q~^wq~]uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~^kq~^ktFantasiaq~]nq~]nq~]nuq~2uq~2q~_@uq~2q~]ntSongbirdpq~^wq~_Bq~oYq~sq~M3Kx[46uq~q~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kpq~]q~nq~oLuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ocsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ocsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ocq~^kppuq~q~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kpq~]npppppq~^wq~^kq~^ksq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kuq~q~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nuq~q~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kuq~q~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^{uq~2psq~d?@ wq~^q~_dq~]q~oxsq~d?@ wq~^q~_dq~]q~oxpsq~d?@ wq~_iuq~q~ q~q~^uq~q~q~guq~q~xq~^k~q~tSONGBIRDuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~^xq~ojsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~ocsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^xq~opsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~ocsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~^xq~ovsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~octOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A tight dress wraps around her body, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties as well as the faint shape hanging between her legs. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she brings the armor plates strapped onto her arms to bear. Pulsing energy gathers in her fists, releasing itself with a heavy impact every time she delivers a punch. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Fantasia quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~gsq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~]np~q~ItSONGBIRDq~^{q~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^wpq~^wq~^wuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]nppppq~]npppppq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]npuq~pppppuq~_q~^xq~^ksq~d?@wxuq~q~^kppq~^wppq~^wq~^wq~^wpq~^wq~^wq~^wsq~(npppuq~q~mtbodiceuq~q~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^kq~^wq~q~gq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~^kq~]nuq~!q~^wpq~^wtfists~q~tPLAYFULq~^xq~^w~q~tSONGBIRDq~^wq~^wq~^wuq~2q~^{pq~Zq~]uq~q~cpq~`q~]q~]q~Zuq~uq~Bq~`q~eq~aq~h_q~hOq~eoq~iisq~-{$' - 7We :Kӌ \s'uq~2q~eeq~edq~edtholytHopefulq~aq~atPrayerq~aq~aq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eetintotrobepq~aq~eeq~edq~edq~aq~asq~9kWBxtdrabq~aq~>q~eeq~edq~iq~isq~(dpppq~aq~apq~eetDaigot armored bootsq~eeq~eepuq~Buq~2q~eeq~j"q~StAyameq~aq~apq~eeq~eept&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~aq~auq~2uq~Buq~Hq~aq~edq~oq~eeq~eeq~auq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~eetKnightpq~aq~j-q~j"q~>sq~M B@6*Y ULHppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~osq~d?@wxq~9q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~osq~d?@wxq~9q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~jsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~oq~edppppq~eesq~y'''7"7 W UcH0d q~oq~o~q~`-t RESISTANCEq~oq~q~oq~opuq~q~opq~>q~iq~oq~aq~at Demon Lordpq~eeq~oq~oq~eeppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~ouq~q~q~]kq~opq~eepq~ouq~2uq~Bq~aq~oq~aq~aq~]q~opq~q~ouq~Buq~Hq~opq~eeuq~q~]/q~]/q~apppuq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~auq~ q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~apuq~2uq~q~sq~q~q~ssq~(x2pppq~auq~uq~q~oq~opuq~2ptnoneq~eepq~]tbootsppppq~aq~edq~eesq~d?@ wq~f,pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~edq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeuq~q~edq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~eeuq~q~edq~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~edq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~eeq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeuq~q~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~edq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeq~eeq~edq~eeq~edpuq~2psq~d?@ wq~f,pxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~amuq~q~q~auq~q~q~a4uq~q~!sq~uq~q~%xq~edpuq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~`t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~`q~q~ouq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~isq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~iq~osq~d?@wxq~iq~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~isq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~iq~osq~d?@wxq~iq~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~isq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~iq~jsq~d?@wxq~iq~q~otAyame is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Prayer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@w q~]q~^q~]sq~6q~^q~^q~^q~_q~_q~^q~^sq~q~^sq~q~blq~`q~^sq~0sq~q~b+q~pq~^q~jZq~^q~^!q~^"sq~q~^q~^$q~^"q~amq~^q~a6sq~q~asq~^q~atsq~q~]q~hxuq~q~q~q~q~eepppq~eeq~eeq~eeq~aq~eeq~edq~apq~aq~auq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~eeppppq~eepppppq~eeq~eeq~eesq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~eepuq~pppppuq~_q~iq~edsq~d?@wxuq~q~edppq~appq~aq~aq~apq~aq~aq~aq~ouq~q~oq~opq~apq~pq~eeq~eeq~eeq~edq~edq~edq~edq~eeuq~!q~apq~aq~psq~-HdY D62<ԥF F]Uex3LD_ּ<.\2 Z'uq~2q~aq~edq~aq~btOptimalq~aq~atAxiomq~aq~aq~eeq~eeq~eeq~eetfrontt miniskirtq~jq~aq~aq~edq~aq~aq~asq~9iӃxtdarkq~aq~lq~eeq~edq~iq~isq~(pppq~aq~apq~eetYashidathigh-heeled bootsq~eeq~eepuq~Buq~2q~eetfutanariq~ltOmiq~aq~aq~aq~aq~eeptCombat preparations complete.q~aq~auq~2uq~Buq~Hq~aq~edq~pHq~eeq~eeq~auq~2uq~2q~j*uq~2q~eetFighterq~iWq~aq~j-q~pRq~lsq~MN>:7:7q~aq~aq~`q~`sq~(pppq~^q~^pq~atNinomiyat kneesocksq~aq~apuq~Buq~2q~atfemaleq~ltYukiq~^q~^q~aq~^q~aptCombat preparations complete.q~^q~^uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]q~aq~pq~aq~aq~]uq~2uq~2q~buq~2q~atFighterpq~^q~bq~pq~>sq~M h4/^ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~psq~d?@wxq~9q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~psq~d?@wxq~9q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~bBsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t high heelssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~pq~bQppppq~asq~y'(''FE(N N +6 N = N h4/`dq~pq~ppq~pq~q~pq~ppuq~q~ppq~>q~`q~pq~^q~^tLord of Demonspq~aq~pq~pq~appuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~puq~q~q~^q~pq~aq~^pq~puq~2uq~Bq~^q~pq~^q~^q~^q~ppq~q~puq~Buq~Hq~ppq~auq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~appppq~apppppq~aq~aq~asq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~apuq~pppppuq~_q~`q~asq~d?@wxuq~q~appq~^pppuq~uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~ q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(ddpppq~^uq~uq~q~pq~ppuq~2pq~q q~^pq~^q~qpq~appq~^q~aq~asq~d?@ wsq~pq~]ttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~]t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~apuq~2psq~d?@ wq~q/J2 ;tF مw2},/ŭ?KbBa'%'uq~2q~aq~aq~^q~k q~`q~^q~^tVoidq~^q~^q~aq~aq~aq~ptaroundtstripspq~^q~bq~aq~]q~^q~^sq~9K+Xxtwhiteq~^q~>q~aq~aq~`q~`sq~(pppq~^q~^pq~atWatarit doll shoesq~aq~apuq~Buq~2q~aq~pq~ltHitomiq~^q~^pq~aq~^q~evtJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~^q~^uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~^q~aq~qq~aq~aq~^uq~2uq~2q~buq~2q~atAvengerpq~^q~bq~pq~>sq~M  T23tygfq~apq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~qsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~qq~bQppq~apq~asq~y '''&B3N N A/N J-F N T23tyfdq~k q~`pq~qq~q~qq~qpuq~q~qpq~>q~`q~qq~^q~^tMister Demon Lordpq~aq~qq~qq~appuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~q~uq~q~q~^q~qpq~aq~evq~quq~2uq~Bq~^q~qq~^q~^q~^q~qpq~q~quq~Buq~Hq~qq~`q~^uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~appppq~apppppq~aq~aq~asq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~apuq~pppppuq~_q~`q~asq~d?@wxuq~q~appq~^pppuq~uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~ q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(pppq~^uq~uq~q~qq~qq~auq~2q~ Oq~q q~^pq~^q~qpppq~evq~^q~bq~bQsq~d?@ wsq~t you hypocritesq~pxsq~d?@ wq~atthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~`uq~2psq~d?@ wsq~pxsq~d?@ wq~apq~bUt my girlfriendxpsq~d?@ wq~qKuq~q~sq~uq~q~q~asuq~q~q~atuq~q~q~^uq~q~q~qvuq~q~xq~^puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~^q~qsq~d?@wxq~^q~q~qsq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~^q~qsq~d?@wxq~^q~q~qsq~asq~d?@wxq~^sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^q~qsq~d?@wxq~^q~q~qsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~`q~qsq~d?@wxq~`q~wq~qtHitomi is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Strips of hanging cloth wind themselves around her body, not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Void has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~qKsq~q~qsq~q~bsq~|q~bsq~|q~^sq~Mq~qvsq~Mq~brsq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~^ppq~`q~^q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~^pq~^q~^uq~Buq~q~qq~qq~^ppq~^q~^q~^pq~^q~^q~^q~quq~q~qq~qq~aq~^q~ Oq~q q~aq~^q~bq~bq~bQq~^q~aq~^uq~!q~^pq~^q~qq~aq~^q~gq~`>q~]wq~`sq~@s|k3?>=G^**W: eyjv`+8*} +Ai*uq~2q~bPq~`q~atbeltstVengefulq~aq~bPtPhantomq~aq~aq~`q~`q~`q~`q~nttrouserspq~aq~`q~`q~`q~aq~asq~94Wzxtdrabq~aq~>q~`q~`q~mq~msq~(dpppq~aq~apq~`tGototsneakersq~`q~`puq~Buq~2q~`q~nq~Sq~nIq~aq~apq~`q~mq~^{tDeath is a state of mind!q~aq~bPuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~`q~`t Purgatoryq~`q~`q~`uq~2uq~2t9Induce Retribution to perform a more sinful action first.uq~2q~`tRevenantpq~aq~nq~nq~>sq~M# ~|ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tjacketsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~nsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tpistolssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~r$q~`ppppq~`sq~y'''GN  u0@Wu0:6# N ~|dq~rq~rpq~rq~q~nq~rpuq~q~rpq~>q~mq~rq~bPq~atMasterpq~`q~rq~rq~`ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~r uq~q~q~aq~nIpq~`q~^{q~ruq~2uq~Bq~aq~rq~bPq~bPq~aq~r#pq~q~ruq~Buq~Hq~r$pq~`uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~`ppppq~`pppppq~`q~`q~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~`puq~pppppuq~_q~mq~`sq~d?@wxuq~q~`ppq~bPpppuq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~auq~ q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~uq~2uq~q~sq~q~sq~sq~(x2pppq~auq~uq~q~nq~r*puq~2q~q~r?q~`pq~aq~rEpppq~^{q~`q~`q~`sq~d?@ wq~bipxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`uq~q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`puq~2psq~d?@ wq~ctLeaderq~c#pxsq~d?@ wq~ct my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~^uq~q~q~nOuq~q~!sq~uq~q~xq~mpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~mq~r*sq~d?@wxq~mq~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~mq~rsq~d?@wxq~mq~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~mq~rsq~d?@wxq~mq~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~mq~nsq~d?@wxq~mq~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~mq~r?sq~d?@wxq~mq~q~r$sq~asq~d?@wxq~msq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~mq~rEsq~d?@wxq~mq~q~r$tNatsuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket hugging her chest to outline her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her sneakers. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she draws her equipment from the belts holding everything in place and begins planning her approach. She wears numerous pistols on her person, discarding them once they're empty. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Purgatory has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w q~nksq~|q~nmsq~sq~'sq~|q~mDsq~|q~nrsq~|q~ntsq~|q~nvsq~|q~nxsq~|q~nzsq~|q~lsq~|q~n}sq~|q~a`sq~|q~rzsq~Mxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~`pppq~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~apq~aq~auq~Buq~q~rUq~rVq~appq~aq~aq~apq~aq~aq~aq~rguq~q~nq~r*pq~aq~q~r?q~`q~`q~`q~`q~`q~mq~`q~`uq~!q~apq~aq~rEq~mq~q~aq~mq~gq~^uq~cxq~d*q~]q~]uq~uq~21'uq~21uq~2'uq~uq~2 uq~2 ,uq~2,uq~q~^wq~^wq~^wuq~2uq~q~cq~d7q~d7uq~q~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wtq~^wpq~`pq~^{puq~q~^wq~^wq~^wuq~q~^wq~^wq~^wuq~q~^wq~^wq~^wuq~q~^wq~^wq~^wuq~SIsq~Uq~]q~]kq~]q~ctBarrier Jammerq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~]q~]q~]q~ctOrgasm in a Canq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~]q~]q~]q~ctSchwerer Gusionq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~]q~]kq~]q~ctDisintegration Vaporq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Unicorn Lardq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctInferno Pepperq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~]q~^wq~]q~ct Inevitabilityq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctTomorrow's Newspaperq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctCrown's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctWisdom's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctReason's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Love's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctJudgment's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctBalance's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctVictory's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctSplendor's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctBasis's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctReign's Pantsuq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~]q~^wq~ct Dowsing Rodq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~]q~^wq~ct Crystal Ballq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U(q~^wq~]q~^wq~ctAkashic Recordq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wtCrashed GPS Satellitet GPS Satelliteq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctSubjective Astrolabeq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Atomic Clockq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctNarrative Pocketwatchq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctApplied Teledildonicsq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wtThe Humbling of the HoundtHumblingq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wtI Got Sent to Another World Which Has Amazing H-Games But I Can't Play Them Because the Harem of Girls Here Won't Leave Me Alonet Another Worldq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctExecutor Droneq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wtPerpetual Motion MachinetPerpetual Motionq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctPortable Portalq~^wq~]q~^wsq~Uq~^wq~^wq~^wtDeep-Fried Rotort Fried Rotorq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U q~^wq~^wq~^wtOmelette du MaléficetOmeletteq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U!q~^wq~^wq~^wtDemon's Food Caket Demon's Foodq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U "q~]q~^wq~]q~ct Flexibilityq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U#q~]q~^wq~]q~ct Resonanceq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U$q~]q~^wq~]q~ct Accelerationq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U %q~^wq~^wq~^wtGreen Fairy Dustt Fairy Dustq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U &q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Anaphrodisiacq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U 'q~^wq~^wq~]q~ctSubliminal Lyricsq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U (q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Propagandaq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U )q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctPsychographer's Thesisq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U*q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctEgregore Stabilizerq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U+q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctBroken Psychometerq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U,q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Silver Collarq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U -q~^wq~^wq~]q~ctSoul Liquefactionq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U.q~]q~^wq~]kq~ctDimensional Kaleidoscopeq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U /q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Crux Globigerq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U20q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctEldritch Truthq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U21q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctRefractory Suppressorq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U22q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Train Bulletsq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U23q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctConcentrated Desireq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U24q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctMobile Dungeonq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U25q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctFruit of Knowledgeq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U26q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctFutilityq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U27q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ctHot Tagq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U28q~^wq~^wq~^wq~ct Thorny Wreathq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U29 q~^wq~^wq~^wtHigher Universe FragmenttFragmentq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U2: q~^wq~^wq~^wtGrand Unified TheorytTheoryq~^wq~]q~^wsq~U2; 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A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket loose enough that leaning forward or moving too quickly provides a glimpse of the curve of her unsupported breasts. There's a distinct bulge in the fabric that sways back and forth with every step she takes in her foot wraps that leave her toes bare. Her outfit is borderline indecent, its clashing colors drawing plenty of enemy attention, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. Pulsing energy gathers in her fists, releasing itself with a heavy impact every time she delivers a punch. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Spike quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~^pppq~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^pq~^q~^uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~^ppppq~^pppppq~^q~^q~^sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~^puq~pppppuq~_q~^q~^sq~d?@wxuq~q~^ppq~^ppq~^q~^q~^pq~^q~^q~^sq~(npppuq~q~kq~t(pq~^q~q~k q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~!q~^pq~^tfistsq~q~^q~^q~q~^sq~-`2 $ 1d'uq~2q~]zq~]yq~]ytbandstOptimalq~]zq~]ytTyrantq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~ktshortspq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~9dؗxq~`q~]zq~q~]yq~]yq~`q~`sq~(FFpppq~]zq~]zpq~]zq~^q~`q~]zq~]zpuq~Buq~2q~]zq~`q~tWakakoq~]zq~]zpq~]zq~]zpt0No evil is too great or small to escape my gaze!q~]zq~]zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]zq~]yq~txq~]zq~]zq~]yuq~2uq~2puq~2q~]ztFighterpq~]zpq~`q~sq~Mppq~]pq~ttuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~q~q~lq~xq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tshirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~tysq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~`sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t greatswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tq~]zppppq~]ypppppq~]zq~]yq~]zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^uq~q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^q~^puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~]zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~q~nq~q~~q~q~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~q~q~lq~xq~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~`q~tsq~d?@wxq~`q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~`q~tysq~d?@wxq~`q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~`q~`sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~`q~tsq~d?@wxq~`q~q~ttThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Form-fitting shorts and a shirt materialize upon her, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Even then, there's a distinct bulge visible between her legs. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. She wields a huge greatsword that weighs more than she does. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Tyrant joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~]ypq~Jpq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zpq~]zq~]zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]zppppq~]zpppppq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]zpuq~pppppuq~_q~`q~]ysq~d?@wxuq~q~]yppq~]zppq~]zq~]zq~]zpq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~(npppuq~q~kq~tpq~]zpq~c^q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yuq~!q~]zpq~]zq~tsq~-{?NTDD?*O\ %2 ed  UN~c i'uq~2q~]zq~]yq~]ytchainstMagicalq~`q~`tTriumphq~`q~`q~`q~]zq~]zq~]ztaroundtarmorpq~`q~]zq~]yq~]yq~`q~`sq~9xtdarkq~`q~>q~`q~]yq~`q~`sq~(ZZpppq~`q~`pq~]ztBaishothigh-heeled bootsq~]zq~]zpuq~Buq~2q~]zq~kq~ltOtomeq~`q~`pq~]zq~]zpt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~`q~`uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]zq~]yq~tq~]zq~]zq~]yuq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~]yt Sorceresspq~`q~bq~kq~>sq~MIIippq~]pq~tuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t heeled bootssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~tq~c ppppq~]zpppppq~`q~]zq~]zsq~d?@ wq~^pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yuq~q~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]yuq~q~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]yq~]zuq~q~]zq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]yq~]zq~]yq~]zpuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~cuq~q~q~^uq~q~ q~cKuq~q~xq~]ypuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~`q~tsq~d?@wxq~`q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~`q~tsq~d?@wxq~`q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~`q~usq~d?@wxq~`q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~`q~u sq~d?@wxq~`q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~`sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~`q~usq~d?@wxq~`q~wq~ttOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, dipping down to expose the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes have a dark color scheme that lends her a professional air. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Triumph has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~cKq~cIxuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~]ypppq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~]zq~`q~`pq~`q~`uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]zppppq~]zpppppq~]zq~]zq~]zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]zpuq~pppppuq~_q~`q~]ysq~d?@wxuq~q~]yppq~`ppq~`q~`q~`pq~`q~`q~`sq~(pppuq~q~tq~tpq~`q~ Oq~tyq~]zq~]zq~c q~c q~]zq~`q~]zq~`uq~!q~`pq~`q~usq~]-F //d'uq~2q~]nq~^kq~^ktocculttLoyalq~]nq~^ktScoutq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]nq~]nq~]nq~gq~gpq~]nq~]nq~^kq~^kq~]nq~]nsq~9cp"xq~nq~]nq~Sq~^kq~^kq~^xq~^xsq~(ZZpppq~]nq~]npq~]nq~at running shoes and athletic socksq~]nq~]npuq~Buq~2q~]nq~oYq~StOharaq~]nq~]npq~]nq~]nptHumanity's best friend!q~]nq~]nuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~]nq~^kq~uSq~]nq~]nq~^kuq~2uq~2puq~2q~]ntDogpq~]npq~oYq~Ssq~Meppq~]pq~uOuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ubsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ubsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ubsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~h+sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ubsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~gsq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~ubq~]npq~ppq~^kpppppq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~auq~q~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~aq~apuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~guq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~^kq~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^xq~uhsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~ubsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~^xq~unsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~ubsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~^xq~utsq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~ubsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~^xq~h+sq~d?@wxq~^xq~q~ubsq~asq~d?@wxq~^xsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~^xq~gsq~d?@wxq~^xq~wq~ubtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, barely exposing the straps of her g-string. From just the right angle, a slight bulge can be seen in the front of the undergarment. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Scout has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~^kpppq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~^kq~]npq~]nq~]nuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~]nppppq~]npppppq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~]npuq~pppppuq~_q~^xq~^ksq~d?@wxuq~q~^kppq~]nppq~]nq~]nq~]npq~]nq~]nq~]nsq~(pppuq~q~gq~gpq~]nq~q~h+q~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nq~]nuq~!q~]npq~]nq~gq~q~^xq~]nq~q~]nq~duq~Hq~hq~p{q~qq~qq~n$q~rGq~`q~c~rActivity$Locationxq~=tSTAGEuq~q~^{t---q~rq~cpuq~Hq~`*q~ouq~2 q~`uq~1sq~ tRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~]uq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~]uq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~]uq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~]uq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~]uq~q~uq~utEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~]uq~q~uq~utExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~]uq~q~uq~ut(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~]uq~q~uq~ut'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~]uq~q~uq~ut+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~]uq~q~uq~utCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~]uq~q~uq~utCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~]uq~q~uq~utCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~]uq~q~uq~utCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~]uq~q~uq~utCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~]uq~q~uq~uq~usq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~]uq~q~uq~ut+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~]uq~q~uq~vtEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~]uq~q~uq~v tExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~]uq~q~uq~vtBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~]uq~q~uq~ut.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~]uq~q~uq~vt+1 Commander duration for +2 EEsq~ t>Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~]uq~q~uq~vt*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~]uq~q~vq~v't#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~]uq~q~vq~vt%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~]uq~q~vq~v"t!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~]uq~q~vq~vt"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~]uq~q~v q~v,q~v0sq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~]uq~q~uq~v1t+1 Commander capture for +5 EEsq~ tSpreads your ability to influence thoughts even beyond the Demonic hivemind. Civilians in the area of Demonic raids will feel subconsciously motivated to resist the authorities' attempts to get them to evacuate. Increases evacuation requirement from 160 to 200.tSoul Resonanceq~]uq~q~vq~v6tEvac req 160 -> 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~]uq~q~vq~v@tExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~]uq~q~v"q~vJt1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~]uq~q~v'q~v;t(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~]uq~q~v,q~vNt+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~]uq~q~v1q~vEt2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~]uq~q~v6q~vXtJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~]uq~q~v;q~vltKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~]uq~q~v@q~vStKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~]uq~q~vEq~v]tJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~]uq~q~vJq~vgt+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~]uq~q~vNq~vbt?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~]uq~q~vbq~vqq~vtcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~]uq~q~v]q~vvq~vtjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 3% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~]uq~q~vSq~vlq~vqttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 6%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~]uq~q~vXq~vgq~vvt^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 4%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~]uq~q~v]q~vlq~v{tvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 7%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~]uq~q~vbq~vgq~vtpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~]uq~q~vXq~v{q~vt +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~]uq~q~vSq~vq~vt?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~]uq~q~vq~vq~vq~vt#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.uq~Hq~h?q~^wuq~aq~cq~q~ pt54uq~!q~^wq~]kq~^wq~^wq~]kq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~]kq~^wq~^wq~]kq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~^wq~cpq~cpq~^wq~]ksq~'d J d,(d ''Pq &+& K2sq~(pppsq~(ddpppsq~- d'uq~2sq~4sq~4q~w*tnonepq~w)q~w*tBalanceq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pppq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~9 0xtdrabq~w)q~>q~w)q~w*tq~w/sq~(pppq~w)q~w)pq~w)pq~w/q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)tfemaleq~>pq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ppq~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~w,q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)ppq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~w'uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~w:sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tlacy stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~w:sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tsandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~w:sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~w:q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~w@sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~w:sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wFsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~w:sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wLsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~w:sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wRsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~w:tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~(2d2pppuq~pppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)psq~- d'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w+pq~w)q~w*tBasisq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pppq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~9Cxq~w.q~w)q~>q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/sq~(dpppq~w)q~w)pq~w)pq~w/q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)tfutanariq~>pq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ppq~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~wq~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)ppq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~wuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~w@sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wFsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wLsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~wRsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wq~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~w@sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wFsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wLsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wRsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~wtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~(pppuq~pppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)psq~- d'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w+pq~w)q~w*tCrownq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pppq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~9Utmxq~w.q~w)q~>q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/sq~(dpppq~w)q~w)pq~w)pq~w/q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~wq~>pq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ppq~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~wq~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)ppq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~wuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~w@sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wFsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wLsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~wRsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wq~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)uq~q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~w@sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wFsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wLsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wRsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~wtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)q~wuq~pppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)psq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w+pq~w)q~w*tJudgmentq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pppq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~9ٮpuxq~w.q~w)q~>q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/sq~(pppq~w)q~w)pq~w)pq~w/q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~w3q~>pq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ppq~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~x@q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)ppq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~x>uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~w@sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xKsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wFsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xKsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wLsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xKsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~wRsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xKq~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~w@sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~xKsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wFsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~xKsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wLsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~xKsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wRsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~xKtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~(Ppppuq~pppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)psq~- d'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w+pq~w)q~w*tLoveq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pppq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~9h_xq~w.q~w)q~>q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/sq~(pppq~w)q~w)pq~w)pq~w/q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~wq~>pq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ppq~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~xq~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)ppq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~xuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~w@sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wFsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wLsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~wRsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xq~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~w@sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wFsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wLsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wRsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~xtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)psq~(dpppsq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w+pq~w)q~w*tReasonq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pppq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~91Zxq~w.q~w)q~>q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/sq~(pppq~w)q~w)pq~w)pq~w/q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~w3q~>pq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ppq~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~xq~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)ppq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~xuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~w@sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wFsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wLsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~wRsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~yq~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)uq~q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~w@sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wFsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wLsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wRsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ytThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~(22pppuq~pppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)psq~- d'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w+pq~w)q~w*tReignq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pppq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~9݆Hxq~w.q~w)q~>q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/q~wq~w)q~w)pq~w)pq~w/q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~wq~>pq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ppq~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~yNq~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)ppq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~yLuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~w@sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~yXsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wFsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~yXsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wLsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~yXsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~wRsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~yXq~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~w@sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~yXsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wFsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~yXsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wLsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~yXsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wRsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~yXtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)q~wuq~pppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)psq~7A A < 2ԥ%d'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w+tFlexibleq~w)q~w*tSplendorq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)tupt microskirtpq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~9C:=xthot pinkq~w)q~#q~w*q~w*q~w/tpartsq~(pppq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w/tthigh-high stockingsq~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~w3q~#q~yq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)pt&Nothing is possible without sacrifice!q~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~yq~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)tAgentpq~w)pq~w3q~#sq~Mm M M$|ppq~]pq~yuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~ysq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tsockssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tside-tie pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tshoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmistsq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~yq~w*ppppq~w)pppppsq~4q~w*q~w*sq~d?@ wsq~t you traitorxsq~d?@ wq~yt that traitorxppsq~uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)puq~2psq~d?@ wsq~"tWakakosq~#tUmekoxsq~d?@ wq~yq~yq~yq~yxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~w*puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~w/q~ysq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~w/q~ysq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~w/q~ysq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~w/q~ysq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~w/q~ysq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~ysq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~w/q~ysq~d?@wxq~w/q~wq~yt!Splendor is surrounded by pink mist which starts swirling around her ankles, then gradually works its way up her legs, dissolving her clothes as it rises. She holds her arms apart, allowing her nude silhouette to be enveloped by the haze. A uniform resembling that of a schoolgirl begins to materialize around her, but she steps out of the mist before anything above her thigh-high stockings can be fully completed. Her tattered blouse leaves her belly exposed, and the cloth covering her down below can barely even be called a microskirt. She flaps her bat wings and glides down to the ground, the pink mist swirling around her. The Thralls and Demons need no encouragement to swarm her position, but before they can reach her, they begin to stagger and stumble as the pink mist soaks into them.q~rsq~d?@ wq~ysq~xuq~q~w*pq~Jpq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~(d}pppuq~tdownttattered blousepq~w)q~tpantiesq~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)q~yq~w/q~q~w)sq~]c+ ?_d'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w+t Unbendingq~w)q~w*tVictoryq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~yt armored robepq~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)sq~9䗁8qxtwhiteq~w)q~>q~w*q~w*q~w/tswingsq~(Zpppq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w/tbootsq~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~w3q~lq~z;q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ptNever yield to evil!q~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~z;q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)tWarriorpq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mdppq~]pq~z8uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~zq~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/sq~(pppq~w)q~w)pq~w)pq~w/q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~w3q~>pq~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)ppq~w)q~w)uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~w)q~w*q~zq~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2puq~2q~w)ppq~w)pq~w3q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~zuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~w@sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~zsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wFsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~zsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~wLsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~zsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~wRsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~zq~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*uq~q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~w@sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~zsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wFsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~zsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wLsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~zsq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~w/q~wRsq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~ztThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)pq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~w)ppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~!q~w)pq~w)pq~yuq~2puq~2J11+22+2   1 & && & """"" """"1& &&%1& +2&&&& "2+sq~4sq~y' <''5P.op F=!YF+opXF< & ; d tnonetMagicalptMidnightq~tdownttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~tsq~(dpppsq~4sq~4tMasterpsq~4tWatarit high heelsq~{ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- DeS2KQee<P F=2!eF I<^H90:f'uq~2q~{sq~4q~{q~{q~{sq~4q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{sq~9MTxq~{ q~{q~q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{q~{pq~{q~{q~{q~{q~{puq~Buq~2q~{tfutanariq~tMidoriq~{q~{sq~y'N'' 5d1 +r\8BPQV'd tbandstOptimalptAxiomq~q~z4ttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~q~w/sq~(pppq~{q~ytLord of Demonspq~w)t Matsunagat combat bootsq~w)ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-N(P59Yo ,$ d 1 ( L+ ;t 0> gעGЎyܸ 0ܗ'uq~2q~w)q~w*q~w*q~{#q~{$q~{q~{q~{%q~{q~{q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~z4q~{&pq~{q~{q~w*q~{q~{q~{sq~9)q,xq~{(q~{q~#q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/q~{)q~{q~{pq~w)q~{+q~{,q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~w3q~tKoharuq~{q~{pq~w)q~w)ptCombat preparations complete.q~{q~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{q~w*q~{%q~w)q~w)q~{uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~w)tFighterpq~{tNaganoq~w3q~#sq~MRB@I8mrHBPQVn%ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{Csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~{&sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{Csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~{,sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{Csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{Csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{Cq~w)ppppq~w)q~{"q~*pppq~{q~w*q~w*sq~d?@ wsq~ psq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)uq~q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*uq~q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)puq~2psq~d?@ wq~{btAikoq~{ctMidorixsq~d?@ wq~{bq~{lq~{cq~{mxpsq~d?@w sq~ uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~%sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~Esq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~yuq~q~Ksq~uq~q~xq~{ puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~{ttank topsq~d?@wxq~{q~q~{Cuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~w/q~{Isq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~{Csq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~w/q~{&sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~{Csq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~{,sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~{Csq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~w/q~{Ysq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~{Csq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~w/q~{_sq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~{CtHer skintight wrapped chest bindings leave her shoulders bare and run only far enough to go over her breasts, leaving her belly completely exposed. Every line of her groin and feminine hips are outlined by her undershorts, which run not even down to her knees. They run under her trousers, which go down to her knees. Her feet are covered by combat boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@w q~{psq~sq~q~{sq~sq~sq~q~{sq~q~{sq~sq~sq~q~{q~{~sq~q~{sq~sq~q~{sq~sq~q~yq~z!xuq~q~q~q~{pppq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~{pq~{q~{uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mppq~4ppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)ppptMale1pq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)uq~q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~{q~{ppq~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{q~{sq~(ddpppuq~tundertbindingspq~{ptshortsq~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~{q~w*q~{uq~!q~{pq~{q~{_uq~q~q~{q~{8pq~w)pq~{9uq~2uq~Bq~{q~{%q~{q~{q~yq~{Apq~q~{%uq~Buq~Hq~{Cpq~w)q~{q~{q~{ pppuq~uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~{q~{uq~uq~q~{q~{puq~2pq~{q~{pq~yq~{_q~{q~{pt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~{q~{ uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~{t Sorceresspq~{tKashiwaq~{ q~sq~M~B@ C  YF< & ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9theart-shaped pubic tattoosq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9t leg banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~9t arm banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~9toversized shirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~{q~{ppppq~{q~{pq~{"ppq~{q~{q~{sq~d?@ wq~{vtyou embarrassmentq~{tt you hypocritexsq~d?@ wq~{vtthat embarrassmentq~{ttthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{"uq~2psq~d?@ wq~{vpq~{tpxsq~d?@ wq~{vpq~{pxpsq~d?@ w q~{uq~q~q~{|uq~q~q~Esq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~{~uq~q~q~{uq~q~sq~uq~q~Eq~{uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~%xq~{puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~|,t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~|,q~q~{uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~{q~{sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~{sq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~{q~{sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~{sq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~{q~{sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~{sq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~{ q~|sq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~{sq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~{q~| sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~{tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by garb borrowed from the Forsaken! Her oversized shirt hangs from her shoulder all the way down her arm so that only her fingertips poke out. It covers her just barely down past her feminine hips. It hangs open low enough offer a glimpse of her pert breasts. She isn't wearing anything to cover her bare feet. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@ w q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{~sq~q~{sq~q~{q~{q~{sq~sq~ q~{q~|&sq~ q~yq~z!xuq~q~q~q~q~sq~4sq~MOB@! 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A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose her lower navel. From just the right angle, the base of her cock is barely visible. Her clothes have clashing colors and a provocative cut, but she doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Spike quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wsq~q~{sq~q~{sq~sq~sq~q~{sq~ q~{q~|sq~q~yq~z!q~|q~{xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~|pppq~{"q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{pq~{q~{uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~{ppppq~{pppppq~{q~{q~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~{puq~pppppuq~_q~{ q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~{ppq~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{q~{sq~(x2pppuq~q~{tjacketpq~{ptpantiesq~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~!q~{pq~{q~|uq~q~q~yq~{!q~{"q~{pq~{uq~2uq~Bq~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~yq~{pq~q~{uq~Buq~Hq~{q~{"q~{ q~}q~}q~{pppuq~uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{puq~2uq~q~q~sq~q~sq~}+q~{uq~uq~q~{q~}-q~|Tuq~2pq~}.q~|Spq~yq~|uq~2uq~2ppsq~y '0'')=5 Oa u9 =X &P d tnonet BeautifulptHoneyq~q~ytcloaksq~-T/jP b61x<V[J^ 2  R62O ;t822»ܛUvT\_FJW'uq~2q~{q~w*q~{q~}@tHopefulq~{q~{tShieldq~{q~{q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~ztrobepq~{q~{q~w*q~{q~{q~{sq~9 ;d$xq~w.q~{q~>q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/sq~(ddpppq~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{tZayasut armored bootsq~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~w3q~Sq~{mq~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~{q~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{q~w*q~}Gq~w)q~w)q~{uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~w)tKnightpq~{q~{Bq~w3q~>sq~MaC, %5ppq~]pq~}Duq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9trobesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~}[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t pleated skirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~}[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~}[sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~}Msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~}[q~w*q~}Kpppq~w)ppq~}Ppq~}Qq~{q~w*q~w*sq~d?@ wq~{ppsq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)uq~q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~q~{q~{q~w)q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~2psq~d?@ wq~{bq~{lq~}utLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~{bq~{lq~}ut our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~{puq~q~q~|&uq~q~xq~{puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~{ q~}asq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~}[sq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~{ q~}gsq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~}[sq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~{ q~}msq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~}[sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~w/q~}Msq~d?@wxq~w/q~q~}[tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~{ppq~}|q~{q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~{q~{pq~{q~{uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~{ppq~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{q~{sq~(pppuq~q~zq~}Hpq~{pq~w+q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~{q~w*q~{uq~!q~{pq~{q~zAuq~q~w.pq~q~w/sq~(pppq~{q~{tMister Demon Lorduq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{tTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~w)ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~{q~w*q~{q~}@q~}Aq~{q~{q~}Bq~{q~{q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~yq~}Cq~}Dq~{q~{q~w*q~{q~{q~{sq~9G:xq~w.q~{q~q~w)q~w*q~w/q~w/q~}q~{q~{q~}q~{q~}q~}q~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~wq~q~{lq~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~{q~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{q~w*q~}Bq~w)q~w)q~{uq~2uq~2q~}Xuq~2q~w*tAvengerpq~{q~{Bq~wq~sq~M=X % q~}Dpq~]q~}Dpuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~}sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~}sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9ttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~9q~q~}sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~}q~w*q~}pq~}Dpq~w)q~}?pq~}pq~}q~{q~w*q~{ sq~d?@ wq~{cpq~}upxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*uq~q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)uq~q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w*uq~q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w)q~w)uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~2psq~d?@ wq~{cq~{mq~}uq~}xsq~d?@ wq~{cq~{mq~}uq~}xpsq~d?@ w q~{vuq~q~q~{zuq~q~q~q~{uq~q~q~{uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~{uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~{ruq~q~q~|&uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~{tuq~q~q~q~%xq~{puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~{ q~}sq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~}sq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~{ q~}sq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~}sq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~{ q~}sq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~}sq~asq~d?@wxq~w/sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~w/q~}sq~d?@wxq~w/q~wq~}tAiko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@w sq~q~|Qq~{q~{q~{sq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{~sq~ q~{sq~q~{q~{q~{sq~q~yq~{xuq~q~{ppq~}q~{q~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~{q~{pq~{q~{uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~w)ppppq~w)pppppq~w)q~w)q~w)sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~w)puq~pppppuq~_q~w/q~w*sq~d?@wxuq~q~w*ppq~{ppq~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{q~{sq~(pppuq~q~yq~}Cq~}Dq~{pq~z6q~w)q~w*q~w*q~w*q~w*q~{q~w)q~{uq~!q~{pq~{q~}uq~q~q~yq~{lq~}q~{q~}q~}uq~2uq~Bq~{q~}Bq~{q~{ q~yq~}pq~q~}Buq~Buq~Hq~}q~}q~{q~~q~~ q~{pppuq~uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ q~~,q~{uq~uq~q~yq~}Cq~}Duq~2pq~z6q~{pq~yq~}sq~4uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yuq~B q~wq~zq~xq~xq~x>q~w'q~z8q~yq~wq~yLq~{uq~Bsq~9pfݴ xuq~Bsq~MNOp:830 c "XnD2 ^ ;td[J)AsFq%/;q~'uq~2q~yq~yq~ytnonetPrudentq~{q~{tProphetq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~ytaroundtstripspq~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~ysq~9|HZxtpastelq~yq~>q~yq~{q~|q~|sq~(ddpppq~yq~ypq~ytAsakawat running shoes and athletic socksq~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~ytfemaleq~Sq~yq~yq~yq~|uq~{q~yptNobility obliges!q~yq~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~yq~{tDutyq~yq~yq~{uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~ytMummypq~yt Nishinomiyaq~~Pq~>sq~M@Lppq~]psq~ c " ^d'uq~2q~yq~yq~yq~~Dq~~Eq~yq~{q~~Fq~yq~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~~Gq~~Hpq~yq~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~~Iq~~Jq~yq~>q~yq~{q~|q~|q~~Kq~yq~ypq~yq~~Lq~~Mq~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~yq~~Pq~Sq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~ypq~~Qq~yq~yuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~yq~{q~~Uq~yq~yq~{uq~2uq~2puq~2q~yq~~Zpq~ypq~~Pq~>q~~\pq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~|q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(pppuq~q~~Gq~~Hpq~yq~tshortsq~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~{uq~!q~ypq~ytstaffq~|q~yq~yuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~~zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~~\q~{ppppq~yppq~|uppq~yq~{q~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~{q~{uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~yq~{q~yq~{q~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~yq~{q~{q~yq~{q~yuq~q~yq~{q~yq~{q~yq~{q~yq~yq~{q~yq~yq~yq~{q~yq~yq~yq~{q~yq~{q~{uq~q~yq~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~{q~{puq~2psq~d?@ wq~yq~yq~yq~yxsq~d?@ wq~yq~yq~yq~yxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~yuq~q~xq~{puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~|q~~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~|q~~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~|q~~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~|q~~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~~\sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~|q~~zsq~d?@wxq~|q~q~~\tWakako is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She uses a gemstone-tipped staff which fires bursts of purifying energy. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Duty has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~~sq~q~ysq~q~} sq~(dpppq~{q~yt Demon Lordpq~|tJinnot running shoes and athletic socksq~|ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~:;13% Z hX.*U'uq~2q~|q~{q~{q~~q~~q~{q~{q~~q~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~~q~~pq~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~ysq~9l+7xq~~q~yq~>q~|q~{q~} q~} q~~q~yq~ypq~|q~~q~~q~|q~|puq~Buq~2q~|tfemaleq~StZenq~yq~ypq~|q~|ptThe sun won't save you!q~yq~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~|q~{tCrimsonq~|q~|q~{uq~2uq~2t/0.0% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~|tVampirepq~ytKanazawaq~~q~>sq~MB@.37  l]NKppq~]q~{puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t armor platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmonstersq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~q~{ppppq~|q~~ppppq~{q~{q~{sq~d?@ wsq~pq~{pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~|q~{q~{q~{q~{q~|q~|q~{q~|q~|q~{q~{q~{q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~{q~{uq~q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|q~{q~{q~|q~|q~|q~{q~{q~|q~{q~{q~|q~|q~|q~|uq~q~{q~|q~|q~|q~{q~{q~{q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|q~|q~|q~{q~{q~{q~|q~|q~|uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~|q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~|q~{q~|q~|q~{q~|q~|q~|q~{puq~2psq~d?@ wq~{tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~{t my leaderxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~cq~yuq~q~q~yuq~q~q~yuq~q~q~}uq~q~q~|uq~q~!q~{uq~q~q~{uq~q~%xq~{puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~|t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~|q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~} q~ sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~} q~#sq~d?@wxq~} q~wq~tZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Armor plates held in place by chains forge themselves around her chest and hips, barely exposing the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The clothes' subdued colors and functional design contrast with the bright magical energy swirling around her as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She summons a shadowy monster out of her own nightmares, then sends it down into the streets below. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Crimson has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wsq~sq~1q~}q~`q~z!sq~Esq~q~`q~~q~`sq~ q~{sq~sq~Xq~{q~`xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~|q~{q~Jpq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~q~|q~|q~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(x2pppuq~q~~q~~pq~yq~tshortsq~|q~{q~{q~{q~|q~{q~|q~|uq~!q~ypq~yq~#q~} q~q~yuq~q~q~yq~~pq~|pq~~uq~2uq~Bq~{q~~q~yq~{q~yq~pq~q~~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~|uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{pppuq~uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yuq~ q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~uq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~q~jq~yuq~uq~q~~q~~puq~2q~q~lq~|pq~yq~#q~{tKyoguchiq~~Dq~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~ytfutanariq~q~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yptI'm in charge now!q~yq~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{q~ytJoyrideq~yq~yq~yuq~2uq~2tGreater sins imminent.uq~2q~yt Possessorpq~yq~~[q~q~sq~M p 5KMppq~]psq~d #U d'uq~2q~yq~{q~{q~~q~~q~yq~{q~~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~{q~~q~~pq~yq~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~~q~~q~yq~q~yq~{q~|q~|q~~q~yq~ypq~yq~|q~~Dq~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~yq~q~q~yq~yq~ypq~yq~ypq~q~yq~yuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~yq~yq~q~yq~yq~yuq~2uq~2puq~2q~yq~pq~ypq~q~q~pq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~|q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(pppuq~q~~q~~pq~yq~q~~Dq~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~{uq~!q~ypq~ytclawsq~|q~q~yuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~lq~nq~lq~~q~lq~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nxq~9ttentacle latex vestsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~{q~~pppq~ypppppq~yq~{q~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~{q~yq~{q~yuq~q~{q~yq~{q~yq~{q~yq~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~yq~yq~yq~{uq~q~{q~{q~yq~yq~yq~{q~yq~yq~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~{q~yq~{uq~q~yq~yq~yq~{q~yq~{q~{q~yq~{q~{q~yq~{q~yq~{q~{q~{q~yq~{q~yq~yq~~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~yq~yq~yq~yxsq~d?@ wq~yq~yq~yq~yxpsq~d?@ wq~~uq~q~q~yuq~q~xq~{puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ w q~iq~lq~|q~lq~nq~lq~~q~lq~pq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~tq~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nxq~|q~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~|q~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~|q~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~|q~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~tUmeko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, easily short enough to reveal her bare legs and feet, almost exposing her lack of panties and the faint shape hanging between her legs. Her outfit is borderline indecent, its clashing colors drawing plenty of enemy attention, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Joyride quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~~sq~(q~ysq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~{ppq~~q~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~|q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~yq~uq~q~~q~~pq~yq~q~~Dq~yq~{q~yq~{q~{q~yq~{q~{uq~!q~ypq~yq~q~|q~q~ysq~o! 7A CD < 2ԥWd%e6_[[qT{8'uq~2q~yq~w*q~w*q~w+q~yq~{q~{q~yq~yq~yq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~yq~ypq~yq~yq~w*q~w*q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~#q~w*q~w*q~|q~yq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~w/q~yq~w)q~w)puq~Buq~2q~w)q~w3q~#q~yq~yq~ypq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~yq~w*q~yq~w)q~w)q~w*uq~2uq~2q~~Xuq~2q~w)q~ypq~yq~~[q~w3q~#q~ypq~yq~w)q~w)q~w)q~w)q~{q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~|q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~yq~z2uq~q~z4q~z5pq~yq~q~z6q~yq~w*q~w*q~yq~w*q~yq~w*q~w*uq~!q~ypq~yq~yq~w/q~q~yq~{q~~[q~~tsq~(dpppq~|q~|tt Demon Lordpq~ tDaigot armored bootsq~ ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-{$' - 7We :Kӌ \s'uq~2q~ q~q~q~q~q~|q~|q~q~|tq~|tq~ q~ q~ q~ q~q~pq~|tq~ q~q~q~|tq~|tsq~9kWBxq~q~|tq~>q~ q~q~q~q~q~|tq~|tpq~ q~q~q~ q~ puq~Buq~2q~ tfemaleq~StAyameq~|tq~|tpq~ q~ pt&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~|tq~|uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~|q~q~q~ q~ q~|tuq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~ tKnightpq~|ttGifuq~q~>sq~M B@6*Y ULHppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~ q~ppppq~|q~q~ sq~d?@ wq~}pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~ q~q~q~q~ q~q~q~q~ q~q~ q~q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ uq~q~q~ q~ q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~q~ q~q~ q~q~ q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~ uq~q~q~q~q~ q~ q~q~ q~ q~ q~q~ q~ q~q~ q~q~q~q~q~q~ uq~q~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ q~q~ q~q~q~q~q~q~ q~ q~q~ q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~}pxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~{uq~q~q~|uq~q~q~{~uq~q~!sq~uq~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~|}sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~Nxq~|}t nipple tapesq~d?@wxq~|}q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tAyame is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Prayer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ w sq~q~{sq~q~{q~{q~{q~{sq~q~{q~{q~{sq~q~|q~{sq~q~|Qq~yq~z!q~q~{xuq~q~q~q~q~ pppq~ q~ q~ q~|q~ q~q~|tpq~|tq~|tuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ ppppq~ pppppq~ q~ q~ sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~|tppq~|tq~|tq~|pq~|tq~|tq~|tsq~(x2pppuq~q~q~pq~|tptnoneq~ q~ q~ q~q~q~q~q~ uq~!q~|tpq~|ttbootsuq~q~q~{q~pq~ pq~uq~2uq~Bq~|q~q~|tq~|tq~yq~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~ uq~q~{q~{q~|pppuq~uq~q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tuq~ q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tpuq~2uq~q~sq~q~q~sq~.q~|tuq~uq~q~q~puq~2pq~0q~ pq~yq~2q~|uq~~uq~H q~{"q~}?q~{sq~y' M''F">FN N "FN X/ZF"N MV$Gz { dq~{tOptimalptPaladinq~tintotleotardpuq~tbrightpq~>q~{ sq~(pppq~{ q~{tGreat Demon Lordq~{"q~{q~}tthigh-high bootsq~{ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- (c76msw|M2z" 8FF2X ;tDF C޿u>gmL"hi'uq~2q~{q~{q~{q~{q~Cq~{q~{ q~Dq~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~Eq~Fpq~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{sq~9fDC_xq~Hq~{q~>q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~Iq~{q~{q~{"q~{q~}q~Kq~{q~{puq~Buq~2q~{tfemaleq~StKoharuq~{q~{q~{"q~{q~{pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~{q~{ uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{ q~{q~Dq~{q~{q~{uq~2uq~2q~{uq~2q~{tSoldierpq~{q~{q~Wq~>sq~MZ"MV$Gz ~{ sq~- /|'~~ ,F/V2; ;tF -<\k_TӚv!C'uq~2q~{ q~{q~{q~}@tLoyalq~{q~{ tCheerq~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{tuptskirtq~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{sq~9Mʸxtdrabq~{q~>q~{q~{q~{ q~{ sq~(pppq~{q~{pq~{tNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~{q~{puq~Buq~2q~{q~Wq~ltChoukoq~{q~{q~{"q~{q~{q~}?tTime to go wild!q~{q~{ uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{ q~{q~eq~{q~{q~{uq~2uq~2q~{uq~2q~{tPrincessq~Rq~{q~{q~Wq~>sq~M :lB8/4ppq~]q~{puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9q~}msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~xq~{ppppq~{sq~y''',EN N 5F/N V;X8:FlN B84Zq~}@q~dpq~eq~q~fq~gq~{uq~q~ipq~>q~{ q~jq~{ q~{tMister Demon Lordpq~{q~kq~lq~{ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~buq~q~q~{q~oq~{"q~{q~}?q~puq~2uq~Bq~{ q~eq~{q~{ q~{q~wq~Rq~q~euq~Buq~Hq~xq~{"q~{uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~{ppppq~{pppppq~{q~{q~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~{puq~pppppuq~_q~{ q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~{ pppuq~uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{puq~2uq~q~sq~ q~sq~sq~(pppq~{uq~uq~q~{tbodicepuq~2pq~}@q~{pq~{q~pq~{"pq~}?q~{q~{q~{sq~d?@ wq~{xtyou jerkq~{tpxsq~d?@ wq~{xt that jerkxq~Rpsq~uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{"uq~2psq~d?@ wq~{xpq~{ttLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~{xpq~{tt my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~{uq~q~q~{puq~q~q~|&uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~ xq~{puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~{ q~~sq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~{ q~sq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~{ q~}msq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~xsq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~{ q~sq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~xtChouko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Cheer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~{psq~5q~|&sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~{ppq~{"q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{uq~Buq~q~q~q~{ppq~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{q~{q~uq~q~{q~pq~{pq~}@q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{uq~!q~{pq~{q~pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~aq~{q~{"pq~bpq~{q~Bpq~{"ppq~{q~{q~{sq~d?@ wq~{xt you deviantxsq~d?@ wq~{xt that deviantxppsq~uq~q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w)q~{q~w)q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w)q~{q~w)q~{uq~q~w)q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w)q~{q~w)q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w)q~{uq~q~w*q~{q~w)q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w)q~{q~w)q~{q~w)q~{uq~q~w)q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w)q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w)q~{q~w*q~{q~w*q~{q~w)q~{q~{"uq~2psq~d?@ wq~{vq~oq~{pxsq~d?@ wq~{vq~oq~{pxpsq~d?@ wq~{uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~{puq~q~q~q~|&uq~q~xq~{puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~asq~asq~d?@wxq~{ sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~{ q~sq~d?@wxq~{ q~q~atfKoharu is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A cape forms upon her shoulders followed by a one-piece leotard across her body, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping behind her as she walks onto the battlefield. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ w q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{~sq~q~{sq~q~{q~{q~{sq~q~{pq~{q~|&q~|Qq~yq~z!xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~{ppq~{"q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~{ppppq~{pppppq~{q~{q~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~{puq~pppppuq~_q~{ q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~{ppq~{q~{q~{pq~{q~{q~{sq~(ddpppuq~q~Eq~Fq~bq~{pq~}@q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{uq~!q~{q~{"q~{q~uq~q~q~yq~Xq~{"q~{pq~Yuq~2uq~Bq~{ q~Dq~{q~{ q~yq~`pq~q~Duq~Buq~Hq~aq~{"q~{ q~;q~q~{sq~(pppq~ q~|tGreat Demon Lordq~{q~tTakaminetthigh-high bootsq~{ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-3!Q`Vqzc5B 6 2e|vZa2#o$#_~hpI +'uq~2q~q~{ q~ q~Yq~Zq~ q~q~[q~ q~ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~\q~]pq~ q~q~{ q~ q~ q~ sq~9Hbxq~_q~ q~#q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~`q~ q~ q~{q~q~bq~cq~{q~{puq~Buq~2q~{tfemaleq~tYukiq~ q~ pq~{q~{ptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~ q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{q~{ q~[q~{q~{q~{ uq~2uq~2q~7uq~2q~{tAssassinpq~ q~:q~oq~#sq~M2B@= nJ:q~*pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~]sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~csq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~Msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~yq~{q~{pq~*pq~{q~Xppppq~ q~{ q~{ sq~d?@ wq~|t you weaklingxsq~d?@ wq~|t that weaklingxppsq~uq~q~{q~{ q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{ uq~q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ q~{q~{ q~{q~{ q~{q~{ q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{ uq~q~{ q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{puq~2psq~d?@ wq~{zpq~|pxsq~d?@ wq~|pxpsq~d?@ w q~{uq~q~q~ q~kuq~q~q~{uq~q~q~puq~q~q~}uq~q~q~|uq~q~q~ruq~q~q~~uq~q~ q~tuq~q~%xq~{ puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~q~q~yuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~{q~]sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~{q~csq~d?@wxq~{q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~{q~Msq~d?@wxq~{q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~ysq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~wq~ytYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots and outlining her minimal underwear. Her outfit's provocative design and bright colors command the attention of Demons and civilians alike, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Tyrant has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ w q~{q~{q~z!sq~%q~{q~{q~{~sq~q~{sq~q~{q~{q~{sq~q~rq~{q~q~|Qq~yq~z!q~tq~{xuq~q~q~{ q~{ppq~{q~{q~q~{q~{q~ q~ pq~ q~ uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~{ppppq~{pppppq~{q~{q~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~{puq~pppppuq~_q~{q~{ sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ ppq~ ppq~ q~ q~ pq~ q~ q~ sq~(ddpppuq~q~\q~]q~*q~ pq~q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{ uq~!q~ pq~ q~uq~q~q~{q~ppq~{pq~quq~2uq~Bq~q~[q~ q~q~yq~xpq~q~[uq~Buq~Hq~ypq~{q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~ q~ q~ q~ uq~ q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ puq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~q~q~ uq~uq~q~\q~]q~*uq~2pq~q~{ pq~yq~q~q~|uq~~uq~)uq~+ ddddB@B@B@ILX;;ILXILXILXԥILXILXuq~+JM$pHWƽRHk (WILX ہ{-8nkhILX4v;];&ILXILXy6~0"D!uq~+q*>na&0=Ʃ&&cz#!^#k2Fj7X2HQC;G{?e:\i/ ;juq~Bpppq~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~pppuq~q~{q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~pppuq~q~|q~|q~|uq~pppuq~q~yq~yq~yuq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~|q~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|uq~Bq~}Dsq~-j*tV7*4  6[2 ;t F ]a@Uz ,7ʕiyÜa['uq~2q~|q~q~|ttcloakt Beautifulq~|tq~|tSpiceq~|tq~|tq~ q~ q~ q~ tupq~uq~q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~q~q~ q~q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~q~q~|tq~|q~q~|tq~|tq~|tsq~9gy8'xtbrightq~|tq~#q~ q~q~q~sq~(ZZpppq~|tq~|tpq~ tTakaminethigh-heeled sandalsq~ q~ puq~Buq~2q~ q~q~tOtomeq~|tq~|tq~{q~|q~ ptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~|tq~|uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~|q~q~q~ q~ q~|tuq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~ tAvengerpq~|tq~q~q~#sq~M NV;0?yppq~]uq~q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~q~q~ q~q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~q~q~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tstriped pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~$q~ppppq~ ppq~{ppq~|tq~q~sq~d?@ wq~npq~}pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~ q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~q~ q~ q~ uq~q~ q~ q~q~ q~q~q~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ q~q~ q~ q~ q~ q~ uq~q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~ q~q~q~ q~q~q~q~ q~q~q~ q~q~ q~q~uq~q~q~q~ q~q~q~ q~ q~ q~q~ q~q~ q~q~ q~q~ q~q~ q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~npq~}tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~}t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~{~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~5sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~;sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~Asq~d?@wxq~q~wq~$tOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, slit high enough up her thigh that every time she takes a step in her high-heeled sandals, she almost reveals her striped panties. Her clothes are provocatively-cut and brightly-colored, but she shows no signs of self-consciousness. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Spice has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~q~{sq~q~|q~{q~} q~} sq~(ddpppq~yq~ypq~|tChujothigh-heeled bootsq~|q~|puq~Buq~2q~|q~~q~StMidoriq~yq~ypq~|q~|pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~yq~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{q~{q~q~|q~|q~yuq~2uq~2t-3% of trauma required for more sinful action.uq~2q~|tSoldierpq~yq~q~~q~>sq~MFw=$^ppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~{ppppq~|pppppq~yq~{q~{sq~d?@ wq~|pq~ypxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|q~|q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~|q~{q~{q~|q~{q~|q~{uq~q~{q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|q~|q~{q~{q~|q~{q~|q~{q~|q~{uq~q~{q~|q~|q~{q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~|q~{q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{uq~q~{q~|q~{q~|q~{q~|q~|q~|q~{q~{q~|q~{q~{q~{q~|q~{q~{q~|q~|q~{q~{"uq~2psq~d?@ wq~yq~~xsq~d?@ wq~yq~~xpsq~d?@ wq~~uq~q~q~|uq~q~ q~q~duq~q~q~yuq~q~xq~{puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~|q~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~|q~ sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~|q~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~|sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~|q~sq~d?@wxq~|q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~} q~0sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~tDMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes' bright colors and provocative cut give her a striking presence. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~~q~z!q~dsq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~{ppq~{"q~{q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~|ppppq~|pppppq~|q~|q~|sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~|puq~pppppuq~_q~} q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~yptstrapsq~|q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~yuq~!q~ypq~yq~0q~yq~yuq~2q~~pq~w*q~yuq~q~~:7:7q~|tq~|q~|}q~|}sq~(pppq~|q~|pq~|ttNinomiyat kneesocksq~|tq~|tpuq~Buq~2q~|ttfemaleq~ltYukiq~|q~|q~{q~{q~|tptCombat preparations complete.q~|q~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~|q~|q~q~|tq~|tq~|uq~2uq~2q~|uq~2q~|ttFighterpq~|q~|q~q~>sq~M h4/^ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~|fsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t high heelssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(q~|ppppq~|tsq~y'(''FE(N N +6 N = N h4/`dq~q~pq~q~q~q~puq~q~pq~>q~|}q~q~{q~|tLord of Demonspq~|tq~q~q~|tppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~|q~q~{q~{pq~ uq~2uq~Bq~{q~q~|q~|q~|q~'pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~(pq~|tuq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~|tppppq~|tpppppq~|tq~|tq~|tsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~|tpuq~pppppuq~_q~|}q~|sq~d?@wxuq~q~|ppq~{pppuq~uq~q~|q~|q~|q~|uq~ q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(ddpppq~|uq~uq~q~q~puq~2pq~=q~|pq~|q~Ipq~{ppq~|q~|q~|tsq~d?@ wsq~pq~{ttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~{t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|tuq~q~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|uq~q~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|puq~2psq~d?@ wq~ptmy loveq~{pxsq~d?@ wq~pt my soul mateq~{pxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~{uq~q~xq~|puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~|}sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~|}q~sq~d?@wxq~|}q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~|}sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~|}q~sq~d?@wxq~|}q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~|}sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~|}q~|fsq~d?@wxq~|}q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~|}sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~|}q~=sq~d?@wxq~|}q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~|}sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~|}q~Csq~d?@wxq~|}q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~|}sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~|}q~Isq~d?@wxq~|}q~q~(trYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A form-fitting bodysuit with a pleated microskirt spreads across her skin, leaving a gap of bare skin above her kneesocks and outlining her minimal underwear. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she rushes in to assist, the protective charms dangling from her outfit rattling together with every step. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Prophet has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~Mq~}sq~|q~}sq~|q~}sq~|q~}sq~|sq~sq~|q~|sq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~q~|pppq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|pq~|q~|uq~Buq~q~Yq~Zq~|ppq~|q~|q~|pq~|q~|q~|q~kuq~q~q~pq~|pq~=q~|tq~{q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|q~|uq~!q~|pq~|q~Isq~-8HߩS[EWB >/J2 ;tF مw2},/ŭ?KbBa'%'uq~2q~|tq~|q~|q~q~|wq~{q~{tVoidq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~taroundtstripspq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|sq~9K+Xxtwhiteq~|q~>q~|tq~|q~|}q~|}sq~(pppq~|q~|pq~|ttWatarit doll shoesq~|tq~|tpuq~Buq~2q~|tq~q~ltHitomiq~|q~|pq~|tq~{q~}?tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~|q~{uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~{q~|q~q~|tq~|tq~|uq~2uq~2q~|uq~2q~|ttAvengerpq~|q~|q~q~>sq~M  T23tygfq~|pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~q~|ppq~|pq~|tsq~y '''&B3N N A/N J-F N T23tyfdq~q~|wpq~q~q~q~puq~q~pq~>q~|}q~q~{q~|tMister Demon Lordpq~|tq~q~q~|tppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~|q~pq~|tq~}?q~uq~2uq~Bq~{q~q~|q~{q~|q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~q~{"q~{uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~|tppppq~|tpppppq~|tq~|tq~|tsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~|tpuq~pppppuq~_q~|}q~|sq~d?@wxuq~q~|ppq~{pppuq~uq~q~|q~|q~|q~|uq~ q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~ssq~(pppq~|uq~uq~q~q~q~|uq~2q~ Oq~=q~|pq~|q~pppq~}?q~|q~|q~|sq~d?@ wsq~t you hypocritesq~pxsq~d?@ wq~|#tthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|tuq~q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|tuq~q~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|tuq~q~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~{"uq~2psq~d?@ wsq~pxsq~d?@ wq~|#pq~|t my girlfriendxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~}uq~q~q~uq~q~xq~{puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~|}sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~|}q~sq~d?@wxq~|}q~wq~tHitomi is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Strips of hanging cloth wind themselves around her body, not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Void has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~q~sq~q~}sq~|q~}sq~|q~}sq~Mq~sq~Mq~|sq~|xuq~q~q~q~q~|ppq~{"q~{q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|pq~|q~|uq~Buq~q~q~q~|ppq~|q~|q~|pq~|q~|q~|q~uq~q~q~q~|q~|q~ Oq~=q~|tq~{q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|tq~|uq~!q~|pq~|q~q~|q~~q~yq~yuq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~q~yq~yq~yuq~2uq~q~~Pq~q~w3uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~ypq~|upq~}?puq~q~yq~yq~yuq~q~yq~yq~yuq~q~yq~yq~yuq~q~yq~yq~yuq~SIsq~Uq~yq~yq~{q~|tBarrier Jammerq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~{q~|tOrgasm in a Canq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~{q~|tSchwerer Gusionq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~{q~|tDisintegration Vaporq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|t Unicorn Lardq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|tInferno Pepperq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~{q~|t Inevitabilityq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|tTomorrow's Newspaperq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|tCrown's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|tWisdom's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|tReason's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|t Love's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|tJudgment's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|tBalance's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|tVictory's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|tSplendor's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|tBasis's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|tReign's Pantsuq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~{q~yq~|t Dowsing Rodq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~{q~yq~|t Crystal Ballq~yq~{q~ysq~U(q~yq~{q~yq~|tAkashic Recordq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~ytCrashed GPS Satellitet GPS Satelliteq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|tSubjective Astrolabeq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|t Atomic Clockq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~|tNarrative Pocketwatchq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|tApplied Teledildonicsq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~ytThe Humbling of the HoundtHumblingq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~ytI Got Sent to Another World Which Has Amazing H-Games But I Can't Play Them Because the Harem of Girls Here Won't Leave Me Alonet Another Worldq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|tExecutor Droneq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~ytPerpetual Motion MachinetPerpetual Motionq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~|tPortable Portalq~yq~{q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~ytDeep-Fried Rotort Fried Rotorq~yq~{q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~ytOmelette du MaléficetOmeletteq~yq~{q~ysq~U!q~yq~yq~ytDemon's Food Caket Demon's Foodq~yq~{q~ysq~U "q~yq~yq~{q~|t Flexibilityq~yq~{q~ysq~U#q~yq~yq~{q~|t Resonanceq~yq~{q~ysq~U$q~yq~yq~{q~|t Accelerationq~yq~{q~ysq~U %q~yq~yq~ytGreen Fairy Dustt Fairy Dustq~yq~{q~ysq~U &q~yq~yq~yq~|t Anaphrodisiacq~yq~{q~ysq~U 'q~yq~yq~{q~|tSubliminal Lyricsq~yq~{q~ysq~U (q~yq~yq~yq~|t Propagandaq~yq~{q~ysq~U )q~yq~yq~yq~|tPsychographer's Thesisq~yq~{q~ysq~U*q~yq~yq~yq~|tEgregore Stabilizerq~yq~{q~ysq~U+q~yq~yq~yq~|tBroken Psychometerq~yq~{q~ysq~U,q~yq~yq~yq~|t Silver Collarq~yq~{q~ysq~U -q~yq~yq~{q~|tSoul Liquefactionq~yq~{q~ysq~U.q~yq~yq~{q~|tDimensional Kaleidoscopeq~yq~{q~ysq~U /q~yq~yq~yq~|t Crux Globigerq~yq~{q~ysq~U20q~yq~yq~yq~|tEldritch Truthq~yq~{q~ysq~U21q~yq~yq~yq~|tRefractory Suppressorq~yq~{q~ysq~U22q~yq~yq~yq~|t Train Bulletsq~yq~{q~ysq~U23q~yq~yq~yq~|tConcentrated Desireq~yq~{q~ysq~U24q~yq~yq~yq~|tMobile Dungeonq~yq~{q~ysq~U25q~yq~yq~yq~|tFruit of Knowledgeq~yq~{q~ysq~U26q~yq~yq~yq~|tFutilityq~yq~{q~ysq~U27q~yq~yq~yq~|tHot Tagq~yq~{q~ysq~U28q~yq~yq~yq~|t Thorny Wreathq~yq~{q~ysq~U29 q~yq~yq~ytHigher Universe FragmenttFragmentq~yq~{q~ysq~U2: q~yq~yq~ytGrand Unified TheorytTheoryq~yq~{q~ysq~U2; q~yq~yq~{q~|tBlank Contractq~yq~{q~ysq~U2< q~yq~yq~yq~|t Realm of Endsq~yq~{q~ysq~U2= q~yq~yq~yq~|tPrismq~yq~{q~ysq~U2>q~yq~yq~yq~|tPsychic Dynamoq~yq~{q~ysq~U2?q~yq~yq~yq~|t Wooden Stakeq~yq~{q~ysq~U2@q~yq~yq~yq~|tBroken Shacklesq~yq~{q~ysq~U2Aq~yq~yq~yq~|t Empty Vesselq~yq~{q~ysq~U2B%q~yq~yq~yq~|tPleasure Buttonq~yq~{q~ysq~U2C&q~yq~yq~yq~|t Velvet Keyq~yq~{q~ysq~U2D'q~yq~yq~yq~|t Book of Lifeq~yq~{q~ysq~U2E(q~yq~yq~yq~|t Limit Breakq~yq~{q~ysq~U2F/q~yq~yq~yq~|tAmanojaku Hornq~yq~{q~ysq~U2G,q~yq~yq~yq~|tSilver Braceletq~yq~{q~ysq~U2H-q~yq~yq~{q~|tQliphothic Easingq~yq~{q~ypuq~2uq~2q~puq~Bq~~]q~q~yq~ysq~9=Qxpuq~2 pppuq~+uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yuq~Bq~~puq~2  uq~uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~~q~q~{ q~{q~{sq~(FFpppq~ q~ pq~{tFujimorit doll shoesq~{q~{puq~Buq~2q~{q~oq~StZenq~ q~ pq~{q~{ptCombat preparations complete.q~ q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~{ q~eq~{q~{q~ uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~{tPrincesspq~ q~:q~oq~>sq~MJ& *@ppq~]pq~auq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~jsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~Msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~wq~{ ppppq~{pppppq~ q~{ q~{ sq~d?@ wq~{|pq~|t you fake heroxsq~d?@ wq~|tthat fake heroxppsq~uq~q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{ uq~q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{uq~q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{q~{ uq~q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{ q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~{ puq~2psq~d?@ wq~|pxsq~d?@ wq~|pxpsq~d?@ wq~{uq~q~q~{uq~q~q~|Puq~q~q~q~~uq~q~xq~{ puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~{q~}sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~{q~jsq~d?@wxq~{q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~{q~Msq~d?@wxq~{q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~wsq~asq~d?@wxq~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~{q~sq~d?@wxq~{q~q~wtZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A shimmering blouse and long skirt embroidered with magic sigils materialize in their place, the top not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Whisper has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~|Pq~|q~~sq~(xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ pppq~{q~{q~{q~{q~{q~{ q~ pq~ q~ uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~{ppppq~{pppppq~{q~{q~{sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~{puq~pppppuq~_q~{q~{ sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ ppq~ ppq~ q~ q~ pq~ q~ q~ sq~(npppuq~tdownq~}pq~ q~ Oq~q~{q~{ q~{ q~{ q~{ q~q~{ q~ uq~!q~ pq~ q~sq~]R <*d'uq~2q~|q~{q~{tbandsq~q~|q~{tSpikeq~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|q~ttrouserspq~|q~|q~{q~{q~|q~|sq~9H7xtclashingq~|q~Sq~{q~{q~} q~} sq~(FFpppq~|q~|pq~|q~|t foot wrapsq~|q~|puq~Buq~2q~|q~q~StJunkoq~|q~|pq~|q~|ptHumanity's best friend!q~|q~|uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~|q~|q~q~|q~|q~|uq~2uq~2puq~2q~|tHoundpq~|pq~q~Ssq~M33"ppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~q~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tjacketsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~{pq~ppq~{pppppq~|q~|q~|sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|tuq~q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tuq~q~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|tq~|tq~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|tq~|tq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~q~{uq~q~xq~|q~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~q~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~} sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~} q~sq~d?@wxq~} q~q~tFThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A martial arts outfit flashes into existence, with simple cloth trousers and a jacket loose enough that leaning forward or moving too quickly provides a glimpse of the curve of her unsupported breasts. There's a distinct bulge in the fabric that sways back and forth with every step she takes in her foot wraps that leave her toes bare. Her outfit is borderline indecent, its clashing colors drawing plenty of enemy attention, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. Pulsing energy gathers in her fists, releasing itself with a heavy impact every time she delivers a punch. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Spike quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~{pppq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~|pq~|q~|uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~|ppppq~|pppppq~|q~|q~|sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~|puq~pppppuq~_q~} q~{sq~d?@wxuq~q~{ppq~|ppq~|q~|q~|pq~|q~|q~|sq~(npppuq~q~q~pq~|q~q~q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~{q~{uq~!q~|pq~|tfistsq~q~} q~|q~q~|uq~Hq~q~q~Kq~q~|puq~q~~t---q~|q~~ 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~{uq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~{uq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~{uq~q~Lq~QtEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~{uq~q~Vq~[tExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~{uq~q~Lq~Vt(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~{uq~q~Qq~Vt'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~{uq~q~Lq~[t+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~{uq~q~Qq~[tCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~{uq~q~Qq~etCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~{uq~q~Vq~ttCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~{uq~q~Lq~ytCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~{uq~q~[q~`tCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~{uq~q~jq~tq~xsq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~{uq~q~oq~yt+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~{uq~q~`q~tEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~{uq~q~eq~tExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~{uq~q~oq~tBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~{uq~q~tq~~t.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~{uq~q~yq~t+1 Commander duration for +2 EEsq~ t>Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~{uq~q~jq~t*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~{uq~q~q~t#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~{uq~q~q~t%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~{uq~q~q~t!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~{uq~q~q~t"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~{uq~q~q~q~sq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~{uq~q~~q~t+1 Commander capture for +5 EEsq~ tSpreads your ability to influence thoughts even beyond the Demonic hivemind. Civilians in the area of Demonic raids will feel subconsciously motivated to resist the authorities' attempts to get them to evacuate. Increases evacuation requirement from 160 to 200.tSoul Resonanceq~{uq~q~q~tEvac req 160 -> 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~{uq~q~q~tExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~{uq~q~q~t1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~{uq~q~q~t(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~{uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~{uq~q~q~t2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~{uq~q~q~tJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~{uq~q~q~tKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~{uq~q~q~tKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~{uq~q~q~tJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~{uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~{uq~q~q~t?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~{uq~q~q~q~tcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~{uq~q~q~q~ tjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 3% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~{uq~q~q~q~ttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 6%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~{uq~q~q~q~t^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 4%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~{uq~q~q~q~tvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 7%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~{uq~q~q~q~tpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~{uq~q~q~q~t +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~{uq~q~q~q~ t?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~yuq~q~q~!q~&q~+t#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.uq~Hq~Bq~yuq~aq~q~q~pt54uq~!q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~{q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~~q~q~tq~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tlacy stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tsandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(2d2pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tBasisq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Cxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tCrownq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Utmxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~iq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~guq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~tq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ttThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~kuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tJudgmentq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9ٮpuxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(Ppppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tLoveq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9h_xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~'sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~'sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~'sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~'q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~'sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~'sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~'sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~'tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~(dpppsq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tReasonq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~91Zxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~xq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~vuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(22pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tReignq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9݆Hxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~kq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~kuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~7A A <2ԥ%d'uq~2q~q~q~q~tFlexibleq~q~tSplendorq~q~q~q~q~q~tupt microskirtpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9QW9I=xthot pinkq~q~#q~q~q~tpartsq~(pppq~q~pq~q~tthigh-high stockingsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~#q~)q~q~pq~q~pt&Nothing is possible without sacrifice!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~)q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tAgentpq~pq~q~#sq~M ~i ~i|=ppq~]pq~&uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~+sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tsockssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tside-tie pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tshoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmistsq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~;q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~t you traitorxsq~d?@ wq~gt that traitorxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~Asq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~+sq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~Lsq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~Rsq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~Xsq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~^sq~d?@wxq~q~q~;sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~dsq~d?@wxq~q~wq~;t$The speaker is surrounded by pink mist which starts swirling around her ankles, then gradually works its way up her legs, dissolving her clothes as it rises. She holds her arms apart, allowing her nude silhouette to be enveloped by the haze. A uniform resembling that of a schoolgirl begins to materialize around her, but she steps out of the mist before anything above her thigh-high stockings can be fully completed. Her tattered blouse leaves her belly exposed, and the cloth covering her down below can barely even be called a microskirt. She flaps her bat wings and glides down to the ground, the pink mist swirling around her. The Thralls and Demons need no encouragement to swarm her position, but before they can reach her, they begin to stagger and stumble as the pink mist soaks into them.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pq~Jpq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(d}pppuq~tdownttattered blousepq~q~tpantiesq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~dq~q~q~sq~]c+ ?_d'uq~2q~q~q~q~t Unbendingq~q~tVictoryq~q~q~q~q~q~q~*t armored robepq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9䗁8qxtwhiteq~q~>q~q~q~tswingsq~(Zpppq~q~pq~q~tbootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~lq~q~q~pq~q~ptNever yield to evil!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tWarriorpq~pq~q~>sq~Mdppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~Lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t longswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~pq~ppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~t that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~q~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~Lsq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tWisdomq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Pxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~"q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~-sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~-sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~-sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~-q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~-sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~-sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~-sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~-tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~4uq~2puq~21 1   +2&$#% +2$ ( )+1+1 &% &#$%*+1  (()(&%*2& &**'*1 &%&$* '(*+sq~4sq~y' <'';5P. F=!MF XF< & d tnonetMagicalptMidnightq~tdownttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~tsq~(dpppsq~4q~ytMasterpsq~4tWatarit high heelsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- DeS2KQee<P F=2!eF I<^H90:f'uq~2q~sq~4q~q~~q~sq~4q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9MTxq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~tMidoriq~q~sq~y'N''j 5dQv1+rR\BPQVwd tbandstOptimalptAxiomq~q~ttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~q~sq~(pppq~q~ytLord of Demonspq~t Matsunagat combat bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-N(P59Yo ,$ d 1 ( L+ ;t 0> gעGЎyܸ 0ܗ'uq~2q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9)q,xq~q~q~#q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~tKoharuq~q~pq~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tFighterpq~tNaganoq~q~#sq~MRB@I8mrHBPQVn%ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~q~q~*pppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~ psq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~tAikoq~tMidorixsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~Esq~ uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~q~|q~q~~q~q~pq~q~q~q~tq~q~q~q~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~ttank topsq~d?@wxq~q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tHer skintight wrapped chest bindings leave her shoulders bare and run only far enough to go over her breasts, leaving her belly completely exposed. Every line of her groin and feminine hips are outlined by her undershorts, which run not even down to her knees. They run under her trousers, which go down to her knees. Her feet are covered by combat boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@ wsq~sq~sq~sq~sq~sq~nsq~q~ q~q~sq~q~xuq~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mppq~4ppuq~_q~ppppq~ppptMale1pq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~'q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~tundertbindingspq~ptshortsq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~uq~q~q~yq~pq~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~yq~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~q~&q~'q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~9q~uq~uq~q~;q~q~q~q~q~sq~(ddpppq~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tZayasut armored bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~Sq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tKnightpq~q~q~q~>sq~MaC, %5ppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9trobesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t pleated skirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~q~pppq~ppq~pq~q~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~q~ tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~ t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~uq~q~pq~q~sq~(pppq~q~|tMister Demon Lorduq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~*q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9G:xq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Iq~q~q~Kq~q~Lq~Mq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~tAvengerpq~q~q~q~sq~M=Q % q~pq~]q~puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9ttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~9q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~cq~q~Kpq~pq~q~pq~Ypq~Zq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~pq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~q~ q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~ q~xpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~!uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~%xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~q~isq~d?@wxq~q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~q~osq~d?@wxq~q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~q~usq~d?@wxq~q~q~csq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~{sq~d?@wxq~q~wq~ctAiko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~q~q~q~q~ q~!q~ sq~q~q~"q~xuq~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~*q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~{uq~q~q~yq~q~Yq~q~Zq~[uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~yq~bpq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~cq~q~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ q~q~uq~uq~q~*q~q~uq~2pq~q~pq~yq~{sq~4uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yuq~B q~gq~ q~vq~q~q~q~q~&q~ q~q~|uq~Bsq~9;sQUxuq~Bsq~-z - f7We d q^q~yq~|q~q~sq~(ddpppq~yq~ypq~ytDaigot armored bootsq~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~ytfemaleq~StAyameq~yq~ypq~yq~ypt&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~yq~|uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~|q~|q~q~yq~yq~yuq~2uq~2t#Distortion-related Downtime Action.uq~2q~ytKnightpq~ytGifuq~q~>sq~MR$.dGppq~]psq~- 7Wd'uq~2q~yq~|q~|q~q~q~yq~|q~q~yq~yq~yq~|q~yq~yq~q~pq~yq~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~q~q~yq~>q~yq~|q~q~sq~(ddpppq~yq~ypq~yq~q~q~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~yq~q~Sq~q~yq~ypq~yq~ypq~q~yq~yuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~yq~|q~q~yq~yq~|uq~2uq~2puq~2q~yq~pq~ypq~q~>q~pq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~q~|sq~d?@wxuq~q~|ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~yptnoneq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~|uq~!q~ypq~ytbootsuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~|ppppq~ypppppq~yq~|q~ysq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yuq~q~|q~yq~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~yuq~q~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~yq~yq~|q~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yuq~q~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~|q~yq~|puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@ wq~!uq~q~xq~|puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tAyame is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Prayer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~!q~!xuq~q~q~q~q~ypppq~yq~yq~yq~|q~yq~|q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~q~|sq~d?@wxuq~q~|ppq~yppq~yq~yq~|pq~yq~yq~ysq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~ypq~ q~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~yuq~!q~ypq~yq~ sq~-Bx59=87Ծ߬4 Z 6[ ;td#.x8f\Q'uq~2q~|q~|q~ytcloakt Beautifulq~yq~|tSpiceq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~ytupq~Quq~q~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~ysq~9gy8'xtbrightq~yq~#q~yq~|q~q~sq~(ZZpppq~yq~ypq~ytTakaminethigh-heeled sandalsq~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~yq~q~tOtomeq~yq~ypq~yq~yptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~yq~|uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~|q~|q~Sq~yq~yq~yuq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~ytAvengerpq~yq~q~q~#sq~M5*+E5Fppq~]uq~q~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|sq~-74 [d'uq~2q~yq~|q~|q~Qq~Rq~yq~|q~Sq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~Tq~Qpq~yq~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~Vq~Wq~yq~#q~yq~|q~q~sq~(ZZpppq~yq~ypq~yq~Yq~Zq~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~yq~q~q~]q~yq~ypq~yq~ypq~^q~yq~yuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~yq~|q~Sq~yq~yq~|uq~2uq~2puq~2q~yq~fpq~ypq~q~#q~gpq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~q~|sq~d?@wxuq~q~|ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(pppuq~q~Tq~Qpq~yq~ Oq~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yuq~!q~ypq~ytspiritsuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~Qsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tstriped pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~gq~|ppppq~ypppppq~yq~|q~ysq~d?@ wsq~pq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~yq~yq~yuq~q~yq~yq~|q~yq~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yuq~q~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~|uq~q~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~|puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pq~tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~!uq~q~xq~|puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~Qsq~d?@wxq~q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~Zsq~d?@wxq~q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~gsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~wq~gtOtome is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, slit high enough up her thigh that every time she takes a step in her high-heeled sandals, she almost reveals her striped panties. Her clothes are provocatively-cut and brightly-colored, but she shows no signs of self-consciousness. The trailing ends of her outfit drag on the ground as she walks. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Spice has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~q~q~!q~!xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ypppq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~q~|sq~d?@wxuq~q~|ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(pppuq~q~Tq~Qpq~yq~ Oq~q~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~yuq~!q~ypq~yq~sq~- %,J<9)7H_f"cc_q~sq~(pppq~yq~ytGreat Demon Lordq~}q~|tTakaminetthigh-high bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-3!Q`Vqzc5B 6 2e|vZa2#o$#_~hpI +'uq~2q~|q~q~yq~q~q~yq~|q~q~yq~yq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~yq~|q~q~yq~yq~ysq~9Hbxq~q~yq~#q~q~q~q~q~q~yq~yq~}q~|q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~tYukiq~yq~ypq~q~ptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~yq~|uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~tAssassinpq~ytFujisawaq~q~#sq~M2B@= nJ:sq~- y]BDE]ld]#/"2Xe D%t֙FR2 zB KL4sB'uq~2q~|q~q~ytholytMagicalq~yq~|tStalwartq~yq~yq~q~q~q~tuptskirtpq~yq~q~q~q~yq~ysq~9mGxtpastelq~yq~q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~yq~ypq~tEnomotot running shoes and athletic socksq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~tGinq~yq~ypq~q~|q~t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~yq~|uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~#q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~tKnightpq~yq~q~-q~sq~M "  Zz'ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9tleather strapssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7q~ppppq~sq~y'#'' N |,/u0"Xd3" N  ['d q~!q~"pq~#q~q~$q~%puq~q~'pq~q~q~(q~|q~|tMasterpq~q~)q~*q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~yq~.pq~q~q~/uq~2uq~Bq~yq~#q~yq~|q~yq~6pq~q~#uq~Buq~Hq~7pq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~|pppuq~uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yuq~ q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~ypuq~2uq~q~sq~q~sq~sq~(x2pppq~yuq~uq~tcutouttbodicepuq~2ptstrapsq~ypq~yq~Upppq~q~yq~q~sq~d?@ wq~t you villainq~ttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~t that villainq~t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pq~pxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~sq~uq~q~q~uq~q~sq~uq~q~%xq~|puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~=sq~d?@wxq~q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~Csq~d?@wxq~q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~Isq~d?@wxq~q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~q~Osq~d?@wxq~q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~Usq~d?@wxq~q~q~7tGin is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. From just the right angle, a slight bulge can be seen in the front of the undergarment. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The colors are all faint pastels that shimmer as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Stalwart joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~q~sq~]sq~sq~q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~ypppq~q~|q~q~q~q~q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~q~eq~fq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~yq~wuq~q~zq~{pq~ypq~}q~q~q~q~q~q~|q~q~yuq~!q~ypq~yq~Upq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~Isq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tpantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~q~q~}pq~pq~q~ppppq~yq~q~sq~d?@ wq~t you weaklingxsq~d?@ wq~t that weaklingxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~ q~uq~q~q~!uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~ q~uq~q~%xq~puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nxq~tcrotchless pantiessq~d?@wxq~q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~q~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~q~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~Isq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~wq~tYuki is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots and outlining her minimal underwear. Her outfit's provocative design and bright colors command the attention of Demons and civilians alike, the trailing ends flapping around her as she stares off into the distance. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Tyrant has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~iq~sq~q~sq~q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~Vppq~q~q~|q~q~q~yq~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(ddpppuq~q~q~q~q~ypq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~ypq~yq~uq~q~q~|q~pq~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~|q~q~yq~|q~yq~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~q~q~q~|pppuq~uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yuq~ q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~ypuq~2uq~q~q~sq~ q~q~&q~yuq~uq~q~q~q~uq~2pq~q~pq~yq~q~yq~q~q~lsq~MO.oܥXIKppq~]q~Osq~-HY <d'uq~2q~yq~|q~|q~q~q~yq~|q~q~yq~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~q~pq~yq~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~q~q~yq~lq~yq~|q~q~sq~(FFpppq~yq~ypq~yq~q~q~yq~ypuq~Buq~2q~yq~q~lq~q~yq~ypq~yq~ypq~q~yq~yuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~yq~|q~q~yq~yq~|uq~2uq~2puq~2q~yq~pq~ypq~q~lq~6pq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~q~|sq~d?@wxuq~q~|ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(npppuq~q~Ttcroppq~yq~ Otshortsq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~|uq~!q~ypq~ytbowuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ w q~zq~q~nq~q~|q~q~~q~q~pq~q~rq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tcrop topsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t heeled bootssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tlongbowsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~6q~|ppppq~ypppppq~yq~|q~|sq~d?@ wq~pq~pxsq~d?@wxq~psq~uq~q~yq~|q~yq~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~|q~yuq~q~|q~yq~|q~|q~yq~|q~yq~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~yq~yq~|q~yq~yuq~q~yq~|q~yq~|q~yq~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~|q~yuq~q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~|q~|q~yq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~yq~|q~ypuq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~]xsq~d?@ wq~q~]xpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~q~xq~|puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~\sq~d?@wxq~q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~gsq~d?@wxq~q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~rsq~d?@wxq~q~q~6sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~xsq~d?@wxq~q~q~6tOmi is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A crop top materializes around her chest along with a loose miniskirt around her hips dipping down to expose the tight undershorts she wears beneath. From just the right angle, a slight bulge can be seen in the front of the undergarment. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes have a dark color scheme that lends her a professional air. The long ribbons woven into her outfit wave in the wind. She uses a longbow whose arrows emit a purifying energy. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Axiom has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~`xuq~q~q~q~q~ypppq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~|q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~yppppq~ypppppq~yq~yq~ysq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~ypuq~pppppuq~_q~q~|sq~d?@wxuq~q~|ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(npppuq~q~Tq~Spq~yq~ Oq~Tq~yq~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~|q~yuq~!q~ypq~yq~Vq~|q~q~uq~q~yq~yuq~Hq~q~}q~Wuq~Hq~q~q~}sq~y' M'';F">FN N "FN X/ZF"N MV$Gz { dq~~tOptimalptPaladinq~tintotleotardpuq~tbrightpq~>q~sq~(pppq~q~tGreat Demon Lordq~q~q~Ltthigh-high bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- (c76msw|M2z" 8FF2X ;tDF C޿u>gmL"hi'uq~2q~q~q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9fDC_xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Lq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~StKoharuq~q~q~q~q~pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~Ruq~2q~tSoldierpq~q~Uq~q~>sq~MZ"MV$Gz ~{ sq~- /|'~~ ,F/V2; ;tF -<\k_TӚv!C'uq~2q~q~q~q~tLoyalq~q~tCheerq~q~q~q~q~q~tuptskirtq~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Mʸxtdrabq~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~tNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~ltChoukoq~q~q~q~q~q~tTime to go wild!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~Ruq~2q~tPrincessq~q~q~Uq~q~>sq~M :lB8/4ppq~]q~puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~sq~y''',EN N 5F/N V;X8:FlN B84Zq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~uq~q~pq~>q~q~q~q~tMister Demon Lordpq~q~q~q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~ q~sq~sq~(pppq~uq~uq~q~tbodicepuq~2pq~q~pq~q~ pq~pq~q~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~tyou jerkq~pxsq~d?@ wq~t that jerkxq~psq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~pq~tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~pq~t my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~"uq~q~q~ xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tChouko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Cheer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~5q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~/uq~q~q~2pq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~ pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~q~pq~pq~q~pq~ppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~t you deviantxsq~d?@ wq~t that deviantxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~q~pxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~pxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~q~ksq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~q~qsq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~wsq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~}sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tfKoharu is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A cape forms upon her shoulders followed by a one-piece leotard across her body, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping behind her as she walks onto the battlefield. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~q~ q~!q~ q~q~q~sq~:xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~yq~q~q~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~yq~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~sq~q~uq~uq~q~q~q~uq~2pq~q~q~q~yq~q~Wq~uq~)uq~+ Ωƣl3HF?.ĩILX$^OWKILXILXk~`>MILXILX ySM'N,Xfx9~ >uq~+ ddddILXb;b;b;b;<l<l<l<lԥԥԥԥuq~+ L g;7|J\{+]R7oWt Yq׿i%qׇrIV@ILX=?I-O =vF,~uq~Bpppq~uq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~q~'uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~q~yq~yq~yuq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~Bq~q~yq~yuq~2q~}pq~q~yuq~q~q~q~yq~yq~uq~uq~Bq~q~Tq~q~q~q~q~q~yq~yuq~uq~2 #uq~2 uq~2#uq~uq~2uq~2#uq~2#uq~q~yq~yq~yuq~2uq~q~q~q~uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~q~ypq~}pq~puq~q~yq~yq~yuq~q~yq~yq~yuq~q~yq~yq~yuq~q~yq~yq~yuq~SIsq~Uq~yq~yq~|q~tBarrier Jammerq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~|q~tOrgasm in a Canq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~|q~tSchwerer Gusionq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~|q~tDisintegration Vaporq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~t Unicorn Lardq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~tInferno Pepperq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~|q~yq~|q~t Inevitabilityq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~tTomorrow's Newspaperq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~tCrown's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~tWisdom's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~tReason's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~t Love's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~tJudgment's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~tBalance's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~tVictory's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~tSplendor's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~tBasis's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~tReign's Pantsuq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~t Dowsing Rodq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~t Crystal Ballq~yq~|q~ysq~U(q~yq~yq~yq~tAkashic Recordq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~ytCrashed GPS Satellitet GPS Satelliteq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~tSubjective Astrolabeq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~t Atomic Clockq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~yq~tNarrative Pocketwatchq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~tApplied Teledildonicsq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~ytThe Humbling of the HoundtHumblingq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~ytI Got Sent to Another World Which Has Amazing H-Games But I Can't Play Them Because the Harem of Girls Here Won't Leave Me Alonet Another Worldq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~tExecutor Droneq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~ytPerpetual Motion MachinetPerpetual Motionq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~yq~tPortable Portalq~yq~|q~ysq~Uq~yq~yq~ytDeep-Fried Rotort Fried Rotorq~yq~|q~ysq~U q~yq~yq~ytOmelette du MaléficetOmeletteq~yq~|q~ysq~U!q~yq~yq~ytDemon's Food Caket Demon's Foodq~yq~|q~ysq~U "q~|q~yq~|q~t Flexibilityq~yq~|q~ysq~U#q~|q~yq~|q~t Resonanceq~yq~|q~ysq~U$q~|q~yq~|q~t Accelerationq~yq~|q~ysq~U %q~yq~yq~ytGreen Fairy Dustt Fairy Dustq~yq~|q~ysq~U &q~yq~yq~yq~t Anaphrodisiacq~yq~|q~ysq~U 'q~yq~yq~|q~tSubliminal Lyricsq~yq~|q~ysq~U (q~yq~yq~yq~t Propagandaq~yq~|q~ysq~U )q~yq~yq~yq~tPsychographer's Thesisq~yq~|q~ysq~U*q~yq~yq~yq~tEgregore Stabilizerq~yq~|q~ysq~U+q~yq~yq~yq~tBroken Psychometerq~yq~|q~ysq~U,q~yq~yq~yq~t Silver Collarq~yq~|q~ysq~U -q~yq~yq~|q~tSoul Liquefactionq~yq~|q~ysq~U.q~yq~yq~|q~tDimensional Kaleidoscopeq~yq~|q~ysq~U /q~yq~yq~yq~t Crux Globigerq~yq~|q~ysq~U20q~yq~yq~yq~tEldritch Truthq~yq~|q~ysq~U21q~yq~yq~yq~tRefractory Suppressorq~yq~|q~ysq~U22q~yq~yq~yq~t Train Bulletsq~yq~|q~ysq~U23q~yq~yq~yq~tConcentrated Desireq~yq~|q~ysq~U24q~yq~yq~yq~tMobile Dungeonq~yq~|q~ysq~U25q~yq~yq~yq~tFruit of Knowledgeq~yq~|q~ysq~U26q~yq~yq~yq~tFutilityq~yq~|q~ysq~U27q~yq~yq~yq~tHot Tagq~yq~|q~ysq~U28q~yq~yq~yq~t Thorny Wreathq~yq~|q~ysq~U29 q~yq~yq~ytHigher Universe FragmenttFragmentq~yq~|q~ysq~U2: q~yq~yq~ytGrand Unified TheorytTheoryq~yq~|q~ysq~U2; q~yq~yq~|q~tBlank Contractq~yq~|q~ysq~U2< q~yq~yq~yq~t Realm of Endsq~yq~|q~ysq~U2= q~yq~yq~yq~tPrismq~yq~|q~ysq~U2>q~yq~yq~yq~tPsychic Dynamoq~yq~|q~ysq~U2?q~yq~yq~yq~t Wooden Stakeq~yq~|q~ysq~U2@q~yq~yq~yq~tBroken Shacklesq~yq~|q~ysq~U2Aq~yq~yq~yq~t Empty Vesselq~yq~|q~ysq~U2B%q~yq~yq~yq~tPleasure Buttonq~yq~|q~ysq~U2C&q~yq~yq~yq~t Velvet Keyq~yq~|q~ysq~U2D'q~yq~yq~yq~t Book of Lifeq~yq~|q~ysq~U2E(q~yq~yq~yq~t Limit Breakq~yq~|q~ysq~U2F/q~yq~yq~yq~tAmanojaku Hornq~yq~|q~ysq~U2G,q~yq~yq~yq~tSilver Braceletq~yq~|q~ysq~U2H-q~yq~yq~|q~tQliphothic Easingq~yq~|q~ypuq~2uq~2ppuq~Bq~q~iq~7q~ysq~9l\xpuq~2pppuq~+uq~q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yuq~Bq~puq~2uq~uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~ppppppppppppppppppppppppuq~2q~yq~ypuq~:uq~uq~2)uq~2uq~2)q~|uq~2   uq~Bsq~-?SA Hwqw{lC  `lC7 ;tR0stCS0?/,j'uq~2q~|q~q~yt jewellerytLoyalq~yq~|tWhisperq~yq~yq~q~q~q~q~$q~%pq~yq~|q~q~yq~yq~ysq~9lʜxtwhiteq~yq~>q~|q~q~q~sq~(FFpppq~yq~ypq~tFujimorit doll shoesq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~StZenq~yq~ypq~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~yq~|uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~|q~q~q~q~q~yuq~2uq~2q~duq~2q~tPrincesspq~yq~q~q~>sq~MJ& *@ppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~%sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~Isq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9trevolversq~d?@wxq~9q~q~&q~ppppq~pppppq~yq~q~sq~d?@ wq~pq~t you fake heroxsq~d?@ wq~tthat fake heroxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~!uq~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~,sq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~%sq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~Isq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~&sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~Fsq~d?@wxq~q~q~&tZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A shimmering blouse and long skirt embroidered with magic sigils materialize in their place, the top not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Whisper has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ypppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ypq~yq~yuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~yppq~yq~yq~ypq~yq~yq~ysq~(npppuq~tdownq~,pq~yq~ Oq~q~q~q~q~q~q~|q~q~yuq~!q~ypq~yq~Fuq~Hq~q~puq~q~t---q~q~uq~Huq~2 puq~1sq~ tRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~|uq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~|uq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~|uq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~|uq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~|uq~q~q~tEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~|uq~q~q~tExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~|uq~q~q~t(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~|uq~q~q~t'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~|uq~q~q~t+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~|uq~q~q~tCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~|uq~q~q~tCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~|uq~q~q~tCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~|uq~q~q~tCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~|uq~q~q~tCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~|uq~q~q~q~sq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~|uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~|uq~q~q~tEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~|uq~q~q~tExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~|uq~q~q~tBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~|uq~q~q~t.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~|uq~q~q~t+1 Commander duration for +2 EEsq~ t>Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~|uq~q~q~t*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~|uq~q~q~t#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~|uq~q~q~t%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~|uq~q~q~t!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~|uq~q~q~t"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~|uq~q~q~q~sq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~|uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +5 EEsq~ tSpreads your ability to influence thoughts even beyond the Demonic hivemind. Civilians in the area of Demonic raids will feel subconsciously motivated to resist the authorities' attempts to get them to evacuate. Increases evacuation requirement from 160 to 200.tSoul Resonanceq~|uq~q~q~tEvac req 160 -> 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~|uq~q~q~ tExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~|uq~q~q~t1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~|uq~q~q~t(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~|uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~|uq~q~q~t2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~|uq~q~q~$tJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~|uq~q~q~8tKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~|uq~q~ q~tKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~|uq~q~q~)tJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~|uq~q~q~3t+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~|uq~q~q~.t?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~|uq~q~.q~=q~QtcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~|uq~q~)q~Bq~VtjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 2% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~|uq~q~q~8q~=ttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 4%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~|uq~q~$q~3q~Bt^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 3%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~|uq~q~)q~8q~GtvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 5%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~|uq~q~.q~3q~LtpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~|uq~q~$q~Gq~Qt +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~|uq~q~q~Lq~Vt?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~yuq~q~eq~jq~oq~tt#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.uq~Hq~q~yuq~apq~ Oq~ Opt54uq~!q~yq~|q~|q~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~yq~q~q~yq~ysq~/z b%',d P''s   J&+&sq~(pppsq~(ddpppsq~- d'uq~2sq~4sq~4q~tnonepq~q~tBalanceq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9 0xtdrabq~q~>q~q~tq~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tlacy stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tsandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(2d2pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tBasisq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Cxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~Xq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Vuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~dq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~dsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~dtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tCrownq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Utmxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~]q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~uq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tJudgmentq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9ٮpuxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~ q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~ uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(Ppppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tLoveq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9h_xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~]q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~eq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~cuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~pq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~psq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~ptThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~(dpppsq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tReasonq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~91Zxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(22pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tReignq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9݆Hxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~]q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~$q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~$tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~uq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~7A A <2ԥ%d'uq~2q~q~q~q~tFlexibleq~q~tSplendorq~q~q~q~q~q~tupt microskirtpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9QW9I=xthot pinkq~q~#q~q~q~tpartsq~(pppq~q~pq~q~tthigh-high stockingsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~#q~rq~q~pq~q~pt&Nothing is possible without sacrifice!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~rq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tAgentpq~pq~q~#sq~M ~i ~i|=ppq~]pq~ouq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~tsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tsockssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tside-tie pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tshoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmistsq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~t you traitorxsq~d?@ wq~t that traitorxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~tsq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~wq~t$The speaker is surrounded by pink mist which starts swirling around her ankles, then gradually works its way up her legs, dissolving her clothes as it rises. She holds her arms apart, allowing her nude silhouette to be enveloped by the haze. A uniform resembling that of a schoolgirl begins to materialize around her, but she steps out of the mist before anything above her thigh-high stockings can be fully completed. Her tattered blouse leaves her belly exposed, and the cloth covering her down below can barely even be called a microskirt. She flaps her bat wings and glides down to the ground, the pink mist swirling around her. The Thralls and Demons need no encouragement to swarm her position, but before they can reach her, they begin to stagger and stumble as the pink mist soaks into them.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pq~Jpq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(d}pppuq~tdownttattered blousepq~q~tpantiesq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~q~q~sq~]c+ ?_d'uq~2q~q~q~q~t Unbendingq~q~tVictoryq~q~q~q~q~q~q~st armored robepq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9䗁8qxtwhiteq~q~>q~q~q~tswingsq~(Zpppq~q~pq~q~tbootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~lq~q~q~pq~q~ptNever yield to evil!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tWarriorpq~pq~q~>sq~Mdppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t longswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~pq~ppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~+t that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~q~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~(sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~(q~q~q~q~q~sq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tWisdomq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Pxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~kq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~iuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~ sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~vq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~vsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~vtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~4uq~2sq~MxB@#Q#KF< & ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9theart-shaped pubic tattoosq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9t leg banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~9t arm banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~9toversized shirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~4ppppsq~4sq~y' <''&5P.ɐ :FF:F=!KFɐF< & d 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A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~ppq~aq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~gq~-pq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~uq~q~pq~q~sq~(pppq~q~tMister Demon Lorduq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~q~q~q~%q~&q~q~q~'q~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~(q~)q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9G:xq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~]q~q~Oq~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~'q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~=uq~2q~tAvengerpq~q~%q~]q~sq~M=Q % q~)pq~]q~)puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9ttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~q~q~pq~)pq~q~$pq~pq~q~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~Fpq~Zpxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~Fq~Pq~Zq~dxsq~d?@ wq~Fq~Pq~Zq~fxpsq~d?@ wq~Suq~q~q~Wuq~q~q~sq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~]uq~q~q~uq~q~q~_uq~q~q~q~%xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~wq~tAiko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~q~q~sq~sq~q~q~xuq~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~sq~(q~)q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~uq~q~q~q~Oq~q~q~q~uq~2uq~Bq~q~'q~q~q~q~pq~q~'uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ q~ q~uq~uq~q~sq~(q~)uq~2pq~q~pq~q~sq~4uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~B q~q~iq~q~cq~ q~q~q~oq~Vq~q~uq~Bsq~9&cxuq~Bsq~-dv%Xg_X#M,,E/"2Xed D%t FoLɡC"N;K4ķ'uq~2q~q~q~tholytMagicalq~q~tStalwartq~q~q~q~q~q~tuptskirtpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9mGxtpastelq~q~q~q~q~dq~dsq~(ddpppq~q~pq~tEnomotot running shoes and athletic socksq~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~tGinq~q~pq~q~q~$t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~#q~q~q~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tKnightpq~tFujisawaq~-q~sq~M   nvo ppq~]psq~-# "Xd'uq~2q~q~q~q~!q~"q~q~q~#q~q~q~q~q~q~q~$q~%pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~&q~'q~q~q~q~q~dq~dsq~(ddpppq~q~pq~q~)q~*q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~-q~q~.q~q~pq~q~pq~/q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~#q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~q~7pq~pq~-q~q~9pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~dq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~tcutouttbodicepq~ptstrapsq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~tmaceuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tdresssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~9sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t running shoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~9sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~9sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9tleather strapssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~9sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~Zsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~9q~ppppq~ppppq~$q~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~Wt you villainq~Yttraitorxsq~d?@ wq~Wt that villainq~Yt that traitorxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~Wpq~Ypxsq~d?@ wq~Wpq~Ypxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~sq~ uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~dq~`sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~9sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~dq~fsq~d?@wxq~dq~q~9sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~dq~lsq~d?@wxq~dq~q~9sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~dq~rsq~d?@wxq~dq~q~9sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~dq~Zsq~d?@wxq~dq~q~9tGin is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout barely exposing the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. From just the right angle, a slight bulge can be seen in the front of the undergarment. Her legs are bare down to her running shoes. The colors are all faint pastels that shimmer as she brandishes the holy symbols dangling from her arms and calls upon her righteous power. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Stalwart joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~(q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~dq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~Vq~Wpq~pq~Xq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~Zsq~-#!ѰT}l}ucf",4 B 6 2 ed|{I:$q~q~q~dq~dsq~(FFpppq~q~pq~tFujimorit doll shoesq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~StZenq~q~pq~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~Zq~q~q~uq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tPrincesspq~q~8q~q~>sq~MJJ*ppq~]psq~-C C7d'uq~2q~q~q~q~Xq~Yq~q~q~Zq~q~q~q~q~q~q~$q~%pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~[q~\q~q~>q~q~q~dq~dsq~(FFpppq~q~pq~q~^q~_q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~Sq~bq~q~pq~q~pq~cq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~Zq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~q~kpq~pq~q~>q~lpq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~dq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~tdowntblousepq~q~ Oq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~trevolveruq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~q~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~%sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~_sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~lsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~lq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~Ypq~t you fake heroxsq~d?@ wq~tthat fake heroxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~pxsq~d?@ wq~pxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~dq~sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~dq~%sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~dq~_sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~dq~lsq~d?@wxq~dq~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~dq~sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~lsq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~dq~sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~ltZen is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A shimmering blouse and long skirt embroidered with magic sigils materialize in their place, the top not quite thick enough to conceal her simple, functional bra. Her legs are completely covered down to her glossy black doll shoes. The Chosen is careful to avoid dirtying her bright white outfit as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. She holds an enchanted revolver whose bullets pass through all nonliving matter. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Whisper has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~dq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~q~q~pq~q~ Oq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~q~8q~uq~q~q~uq~Hq~q~uq~Hq~q~$q~sq~y' M''&F">FN N "FN X/ZF"N MV$Gz { dq~tOptimalptPaladinq~tintotleotardpuq~tbrightpq~>q~sq~(pppq~q~tGreat Demon Lordq~q~q~tthigh-high bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~- (c76msw|M2z" 8FF2X ;tDF C޿u>gmL"hi'uq~2q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9fDC_xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~StKoharuq~q~q~q~q~pt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~tSoldierpq~q~q~q~>sq~MZ"MV$Gz ~{ sq~- /|'~~ ,F/V2; ;tF -<\k_TӚv!C'uq~2q~q~q~q~%tLoyalq~q~tCheerq~q~q~q~q~q~tuptskirtq~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Mʸxtdrabq~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~tNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~ltChoukoq~q~q~q~q~q~$tTime to go wild!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2q~uq~2q~tPrincessq~q~q~q~q~>sq~M :lB8/4ppq~]q~puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~)sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~)sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9q~Rsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~)sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9t gauntletssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~)q~ppppq~sq~y''',EN N 5F/N V;X8:FlN B84Zq~%q~pq~q~q~q~q~uq~q~pq~>q~q~q~q~tMister Demon Lordpq~q~q~q~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~q~q~q~ q~q~q~$q~!uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~(q~q~q~uq~Buq~Hq~)q~q~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~ q~sq~sq~(pppq~uq~uq~q~tbodicepuq~2pq~%q~pq~q~@pq~pq~$q~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~Utyou jerkq~_pxsq~d?@ wq~Ut that jerkxq~psq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~Upq~_tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~Upq~_t my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~[uq~q~q~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~ xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~/sq~d?@wxq~q~q~)sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~5sq~d?@wxq~q~q~)sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~q~Rsq~d?@wxq~q~q~)sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~@sq~d?@wxq~q~q~)tChouko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Cheer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~[sq~5q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~q~Pq~Qq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~buq~q~q~epq~pq~%q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~@pq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmacesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~q~pq~pq~q~pq~ppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~Ut you deviantxsq~d?@ wq~Ut that deviantxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~Sq~ q~pxsq~d?@ wq~Sq~ q~pxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~[uq~q~q~q~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~dq~sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~dq~sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~dq~sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~dsq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~dq~sq~d?@wxq~dq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tfKoharu is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A cape forms upon her shoulders followed by a one-piece leotard across her body, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping behind her as she walks onto the battlefield. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~[sq~q~sq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~q~q~q~q~pq~%q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~ q~q~pq~ uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~q~uq~ q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~sq~q~uq~uq~q~q~q~uq~2pq~%q~q~q~q~uq~)uq~+ ddddILXB@ILXB@ILXEȀILXEȀILXԥILXILXILXuq~+ ff}}ILXILXILXILXDILXILXILX# TILXuq~+ ddddB@B@B@B@;;;;ԥԥԥԥuq~Bpppq~duq~q~dq~dq~duq~pppuq~q~uq~q~dq~dq~duq~q~dq~dq~duq~q~dq~dq~duq~pppuq~q~dq~dq~duq~pppuq~q~q~q~uq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~dq~dq~duq~q~dq~dq~duq~q~dq~dq~duq~q~dq~dq~duq~q~dq~dq~duq~q~dq~dq~duq~Bq~)q~q~uq~2q~pq~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~uq~Bq~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~uq~21uq~21(uq~2(uq~uq~2 uq~2,uq~2 ,uq~q~q~q~uq~2uq~q~-q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~pq~$puq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~SIsq~Uq~q~q~q~dtBarrier Jammerq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtOrgasm in a Canq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtSchwerer Gusionq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtDisintegration Vaporq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dt Unicorn Lardq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtInferno Pepperq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dt Inevitabilityq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtTomorrow's Newspaperq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtCrown's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dtWisdom's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dtReason's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dt Love's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dtJudgment's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dtBalance's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dtVictory's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dtSplendor's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtBasis's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtReign's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dt Dowsing Rodq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dt Crystal Ballq~q~q~sq~U(q~q~q~q~dtAkashic Recordq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~tCrashed GPS Satellitet GPS Satelliteq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dtSubjective Astrolabeq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dt Atomic Clockq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~dtNarrative Pocketwatchq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtApplied Teledildonicsq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~tThe Humbling of the HoundtHumblingq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~tI Got Sent to Another World Which Has Amazing H-Games But I Can't Play Them Because the Harem of Girls Here Won't Leave Me Alonet Another Worldq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtExecutor Droneq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~tPerpetual Motion MachinetPerpetual Motionq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~dtPortable Portalq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~tDeep-Fried Rotort Fried Rotorq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~tOmelette du MaléficetOmeletteq~q~q~sq~U!q~q~q~tDemon's Food Caket Demon's Foodq~q~q~sq~U "q~q~q~q~dt Flexibilityq~q~q~sq~U#q~q~q~q~dt Resonanceq~q~q~sq~U$q~q~q~q~dt Accelerationq~q~q~sq~U %q~q~q~tGreen Fairy Dustt Fairy Dustq~q~q~sq~U &q~q~q~q~dt Anaphrodisiacq~q~q~sq~U 'q~q~q~q~dtSubliminal Lyricsq~q~q~sq~U (q~q~q~q~dt Propagandaq~q~q~sq~U )q~q~q~q~dtPsychographer's Thesisq~q~q~sq~U*q~q~q~q~dtEgregore Stabilizerq~q~q~sq~U+q~q~q~q~dtBroken Psychometerq~q~q~sq~U,q~q~q~q~dt Silver Collarq~q~q~sq~U -q~q~q~q~dtSoul Liquefactionq~q~q~sq~U.q~q~q~q~dtDimensional Kaleidoscopeq~q~q~sq~U /q~q~q~q~dt Crux Globigerq~q~q~sq~U20q~q~q~q~dtEldritch Truthq~q~q~sq~U21q~q~q~q~dtRefractory Suppressorq~q~q~sq~U22q~q~q~q~dt Train Bulletsq~q~q~sq~U23q~q~q~q~dtConcentrated Desireq~q~q~sq~U24q~q~q~q~dtMobile Dungeonq~q~q~sq~U25q~q~q~q~dtFruit of Knowledgeq~q~q~sq~U26q~q~q~q~dtFutilityq~q~q~sq~U27q~q~q~q~dtHot Tagq~q~q~sq~U28q~q~q~q~dt Thorny Wreathq~q~q~sq~U29 q~q~q~tHigher Universe FragmenttFragmentq~q~q~sq~U2: q~q~q~tGrand Unified TheorytTheoryq~q~q~sq~U2; q~q~q~q~dtBlank Contractq~q~q~sq~U2< q~q~q~q~dt Realm of Endsq~q~q~sq~U2= q~q~q~q~dtPrismq~q~q~sq~U2>q~q~q~q~dtPsychic Dynamoq~q~q~sq~U2?q~q~q~q~dt Wooden Stakeq~q~q~sq~U2@q~q~q~q~dtBroken Shacklesq~q~q~sq~U2Aq~q~q~q~dt Empty Vesselq~q~q~sq~U2B%q~q~q~q~dtPleasure Buttonq~q~q~sq~U2C&q~q~q~q~dt Velvet Keyq~q~q~sq~U2D'q~q~q~q~dt Book of Lifeq~q~q~sq~U2E(q~q~q~q~dt Limit Breakq~q~q~sq~U2F/q~q~q~q~dtAmanojaku Hornq~q~q~sq~U2G,q~q~q~q~dtSilver Braceletq~q~q~sq~U2H-q~q~q~q~dtQliphothic Easingq~q~q~puq~2 uq~2ppuq~Bq~:q~q~mq~sq~9mM[\ xpuq~2 pppuq~+uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~Bq~puq~2uq~uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~ppppppppppppppppppppppppuq~2q~q~puq~:uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~2    uq~Buq~Hq~Bq~d~q~utROOMuq~q~t---q~q~uq~Huq~2 q~uq~1sq~ tRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~uq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~uq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~uq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~uq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~uq~q~Mq~RtEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~uq~q~Wq~\tExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~uq~q~Mq~Wt(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~uq~q~Rq~Wt'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~uq~q~Mq~\t+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~uq~q~Rq~\tCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~uq~q~Rq~ftCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~uq~q~Wq~utCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~uq~q~Mq~ztCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~uq~q~\q~atCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~uq~q~kq~uq~ysq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~uq~q~pq~zt+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~uq~q~aq~tEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~uq~q~fq~tExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~uq~q~pq~tBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~uq~q~uq~t.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~uq~q~zq~t+1 Commander duration for +2 EEsq~ t>Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~uq~q~kq~t*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~uq~q~q~t#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~uq~q~q~t%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~uq~q~q~t!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~uq~q~q~t"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~uq~q~q~q~sq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +5 EEsq~ tSpreads your ability to influence thoughts even beyond the Demonic hivemind. Civilians in the area of Demonic raids will feel subconsciously motivated to resist the authorities' attempts to get them to evacuate. Increases evacuation requirement from 160 to 200.tSoul Resonanceq~uq~q~q~tEvac req 160 -> 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~uq~q~q~tExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~uq~q~q~t1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~uq~q~q~t(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~uq~q~q~t2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~uq~q~q~tJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~uq~q~q~tKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~uq~q~q~tKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~uq~q~q~tJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~uq~q~q~t?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~uq~q~q~q~ tcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~uq~q~q~q~tjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 2% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~uq~q~q~q~ttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 4%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~uq~q~q~q~t^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 3%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~uq~q~q~q~tvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 5%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~uq~q~q~q~tpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~uq~q~q~q~ t +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~uq~q~q~q~t?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~uq~q~q~"q~'q~,t#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.uq~Hq~q~uq~appq~ Opt54uq~!q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~B\+y',,+ ''   C&+&sq~(pppsq~(ddpppsq~- d'uq~2sq~4sq~4q~tnonepq~q~tBalanceq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9 0xtdrabq~q~>q~q~tq~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfemaleq~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tlacy stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tsandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(2d2pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tBasisq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Cxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tCrownq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Utmxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~jq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~huq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~usq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~usq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~usq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~uq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~usq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~usq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~usq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~utThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~luq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tJudgmentq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9ٮpuxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(Ppppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tLoveq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9h_xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~(dpppsq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tReasonq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~91Zxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~yq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~wuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(22pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tReignq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9݆Hxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~lq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~luq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~7A A <2ԥ%d'uq~2q~q~q~q~tFlexibleq~q~tSplendorq~q~q~q~q~q~tupt microskirtpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9QW9I=xthot pinkq~q~#q~q~q~tpartsq~(pppq~q~pq~q~tthigh-high stockingsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~#q~*q~q~pq~q~pt&Nothing is possible without sacrifice!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~*q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tAgentpq~pq~q~#sq~M ~i ~i|=ppq~]pq~'uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~q~q~tswingsq~(Zpppq~q~pq~q~tbootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~lq~q~q~pq~q~ptNever yield to evil!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tWarriorpq~pq~q~>sq~Mdppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~Msq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t longswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~pq~ppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~t that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~q~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~Msq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tWisdomq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Pxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~#q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~!uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~.q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~.sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~.tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~4uq~2puq~21  2 ,, "!+2%#$&(,( "3 (,(,!" "1 (, ',(,(2!$&((  )', !!"+3+2 !   ,(+2"  " ,(,+3&$%#&* , (,2&#*''**+2!" (+2&#** ,*+sq~4sq~y'N''+ 5dA'16 +rMBPQVqUd tbandstOptimalptAxiomq~q~ttrouserspuq~tdarkpq~q~sq~(pppsq~4sq~4tLord of Demonspq~t Matsunagat combat bootsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-N(P59Yo ,$ d 1 ( L+ ;t 0> gעGЎyܸ 0ܗ'uq~2q~q~q~q~q~q~zq~q~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~pq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~zsq~9)q,xq~q~zq~#q~q~q~q~q~q~zq~zpq~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~tKoharuq~zq~zpq~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~zq~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~zuq~2uq~2t4Break Vulnerabilities to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tFighterpq~ztNaganoq~q~#sq~M,*rHBPQVn%ppq~]ppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9triflesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~q~~q~*pppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~ psq~ pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@ wq~tAikoq~tMidorixsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xpsq~d?@ wsq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~ uq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~}puq~ppppsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~vq~Nxq~tC-stringsq~d?@wxq~q~q~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tHer skintight wrapped chest bindings leave her shoulders bare and run only far enough to go over her breasts, leaving her belly completely exposed. Every line of her groin and feminine hips are outlined by her undershorts, which run not even down to her knees. They run under her trousers, which go down to her knees. Her feet are covered by combat boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~xuq~q~q~q~zpppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~zpq~zq~zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mppq~4ppuq~_q~ppppq~ppptMale1pq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~q~zppq~zq~zq~zpq~zq~zq~zsq~(ddpppuq~tundertbindingspq~zptshortsq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~zuq~!q~zpq~zq~uq~q~q~q~pq~pq~uq~2uq~Bq~q~q~zq~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~Hq~pq~q~q~q~}pppuq~uq~q~zq~zq~zq~zuq~ q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zpuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~q~sq~q~zuq~uq~q~q~puq~2pq~q~zpq~q~uq~2uq~2ppsq~y '0''+ )=5j Iea9F=P % d tnonet BeautifulptHoneyq~q~+tcloaksq~-T/jP b61x<V[J^ 2  R62O ;t822»ܛUvT\_FJW'uq~2q~q~q~zq~(tHopefulq~zq~tShieldq~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~trobepq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~zsq~9 ;d$xq~q~zq~>q~q~q~q~sq~(ddpppq~zq~zuq~q~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~zq~q~q~q~q~tZayasut armored bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~Sq~q~zq~zuq~q~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~t&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~zq~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~/q~q~q~zuq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~tKnightpq~zq~q~q~>sq~MaC, %5ppq~]pq~,uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9trobesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t pleated skirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9t chastity beltsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Csq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~5sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Cq~q~3pppq~ppq~8pq~9q~zq~q~sq~d?@ wq~psq~pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~zq~q~q~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~q~]tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~]t our leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~sq~uq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~iq~Uq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~iq~Nq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~rq~Isq~d?@wxq~rq~q~Csq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~rq~Osq~d?@wxq~rq~q~Csq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~rq~Usq~d?@wxq~rq~q~Csq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~5sq~d?@wxq~q~q~CtMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~zppq~dq~q~q~q~q~q~zq~zpq~zq~zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~zppq~zq~zq~zpq~zq~zq~zsq~(pppuq~q~q~0pq~zpq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~zuq~!q~zpq~zq~uq~q~pq~q~sq~(pppq~q~ztMister Demon Lorduq~q~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~zq~q~q~q~q~tTakaminetstrappy sandalsq~ppuq~2uq~Buq~uq~2uq~2uq~2sq~-0T ^/:9U7;3C =  a2ԥ< OOdID 7WG/yQC&bCo'uq~2q~q~q~zq~(q~)q~zq~q~*q~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~+q~+q~,q~zq~q~q~zq~zq~zsq~9G:xq~q~zq~q~q~q~q~q~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~q~q~zq~zuq~q~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~tJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~zq~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~*q~q~q~zuq~2uq~2q~@uq~2q~tAvengerpq~zq~q~q~sq~M=P % q~,pq~]q~,puq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9ttentacle nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9ttentacle crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9ttentacle gartersq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~q~q~pq~,pq~q~'pq~pq~q~zq~q~}sq~d?@ wq~pq~]pxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~zuq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~q~]q~gxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~]q~ixpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~uq~q~q~luq~q~q~uq~q~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~rq~sq~d?@wxq~rq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~rq~sq~d?@wxq~rq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~rq~sq~d?@wxq~rq~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~wq~tAiko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~zppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~zq~zpq~zq~zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~zppq~zq~zq~zpq~zq~zq~zsq~(pppuq~q~+q~+q~,q~zpq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~zuq~!q~zpq~zq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~Bq~q~*q~zq~}q~q~pq~q~*uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~pppuq~uq~q~zq~zq~zq~zuq~ q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zpuq~2uq~q~sq~sq~ q~ q~q~zuq~uq~q~+q~+q~,uq~2pq~q~zpq~q~sq~4uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~B q~hq~!q~wq~q~q~q~q~'q~q~q~uq~Bsq~9QAxuq~Bsq~- tVC£{Nba<P F=2!eFd ?]90: 'uq~2q~zq~q~tnonetMagicalq~}q~tMidnightq~q~q~zq~zq~zq~ztdownttrouserspq~q~}q~q~q~q~sq~9MTxtdarkq~q~q~zq~q~rq~rsq~(ZZpppq~q~pq~ztWatarit high heelsq~zq~zpuq~Buq~2q~ztfutanariq~tMidoriq~q~q~~q~q~zpt=I was told that I needed an incantation, so I went with this!q~q~}uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~}q~q~!q~zq~zq~uq~2uq~2tWBreak Vulnerabilities and deal significantly more trauma to unlock more sinful actions.uq~2q~zt Sorceresspq~tKashiwaq~+q~sq~M O< & ppq~]psq~-<P =!d'uq~2q~zq~q~tbandagesq~ q~zq~q~!q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~"q~#pq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~$q~%q~zq~q~zq~q~rq~rsq~(ZZpppq~zq~zpq~zq~'q~(q~zq~zpuq~Buq~2q~zq~+q~q~,q~zq~zpq~zq~zpq~-q~zq~zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~zq~q~!q~zq~zq~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~zq~5pq~zpq~+q~q~7pq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~zpq~zq~zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~zppppq~zpppppq~zq~zq~zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~zpuq~pppppuq~_q~rq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~zppq~zq~zq~zpq~zq~zq~zsq~(pppuq~q~"tjacketpq~zptpantiesq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~uq~!q~zpq~ztrifleuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9theart-shaped pubic tattoosq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~9t leg banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~9t arm banglessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~Xsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~9toversized shirtsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~7q~ppppq~zppq~~ppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~tyou embarrassmentq~t you hypocritexsq~d?@ wq~tthat embarrassmentq~tthat hypocritexppsq~uq~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~q~q~q~q~zq~zq~uq~q~zq~zq~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~q~zq~zq~q~q~zq~uq~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~zq~q~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~zq~q~q~zuq~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~zq~zq~~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~pq~pxsq~d?@ wq~psq~pxpsq~d?@ wq~luq~q~xq~zpuq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxtsq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~q~^sq~d?@wxq~q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~xq~q~dsq~d?@wxq~q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~Kq~xq~q~jsq~d?@wxq~q~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~rq~Xsq~d?@wxq~rq~q~7sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nxq~q~usq~d?@wxq~q~q~7tMidori is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by garb borrowed from the Forsaken! Her oversized shirt hangs from her shoulder all the way down her arm so that only her fingertips poke out. It covers her just barely down past her feminine hips. It hangs open low enough offer a glimpse of her pert breasts. She isn't wearing anything to cover her bare feet. She proficiently wields her rifle.q~rsq~d?@ wq~lsq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~ppq~~q~}q~zq~zq~zq~}q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~zppppq~zpppppq~zq~zq~zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~zpuq~pppppuq~_q~rq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~"q~Upq~pq~Vq~zq~zq~q~zq~q~zq~q~uq~!q~pq~q~Xsq~- ǣcz ,F/V2; ;tFd vD|Ţd}3 d'uq~2q~}q~q~q~(tLoyalq~q~tCheerq~q~q~zq~zq~zq~ztuptskirtq~q~q~}q~q~q~q~sq~9Mʸxtdrabq~q~>q~zq~q~rq~rsq~(FFpppq~q~pq~ztNinomiyatribbon-laced sandalsq~zq~zpuq~Buq~2q~ztfemaleq~ltChoukoq~q~q~~q~q~q~'tTime to go wild!q~q~}uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~}q~q~q~zq~zq~uq~2uq~2q~3uq~2q~ztPrincesssq~- j sw|Mc" 8FF2X ;tDFd Y3ٴcl q~zq~q~rq~rsq~(ddpppq~q~q~~q~q~tthigh-high bootsq~zq~zpuq~Buq~2q~zq~q~StKoharuq~q~q~~q~q~zpt0Fear and malevolence, you shall reign no longer!q~q~}uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~}q~q~q~zq~zq~uq~2uq~2q~3uq~2q~tSoldierpq~q~6q~q~>sq~M+"MV$Gz ~zxdq~pq~]psq~-M" Xd'uq~2q~zq~q~tcapeq~q~zq~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~q~pq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~>q~zq~q~rq~rsq~(ddpppq~zq~zpq~zq~q~q~zq~zpuq~Buq~2q~zq~q~Sq~q~zq~zpq~zq~zpq~q~zq~zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~q~pq~zpq~q~>q~pq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zpq~zq~zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~zppppq~zpppppq~zq~zq~zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~zpuq~pppppuq~_q~rq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~zppq~zq~zq~zpq~zq~zq~zsq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~zpq~(q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~uq~!q~zpq~ztmaceuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~9t nipple platessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~9t crotch platesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9t stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t elbowglovessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~q~~pq~pq~zppq~~ppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wq~t you deviantxsq~d?@ wq~t that deviantxppsq~uq~q~q~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zuq~q~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~q~zq~q~zq~q~q~q~q~q~zq~q~q~q~zuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~q~q~q~q~zq~q~uq~q~q~q~q~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~q~q~q~q~q~q~~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~q~sq~pxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~/pxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~q~luq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~xq~xq~q~ sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~q~vq~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~{q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~Kq~lxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~rq~sq~d?@wxq~rq~q~tfKoharu is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A cape forms upon her shoulders followed by a one-piece leotard across her body, leaving a gap of bare skin above her thigh-high boots, and almost transparently thin except where more material is necessary for the sake of modesty. Her outfit is bright and flashy enough to make her stand out, flapping behind her as she walks onto the battlefield. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target. Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Paladin joins the fray!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~sq~M B8/I3ppq~]q~sq~- V;d'uq~2q~zq~q~t jewelleryq~q~zq~q~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~pq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~q~q~zq~>q~zq~q~rq~rsq~(FFpppq~zq~zpq~zq~q~q~zq~zpuq~Buq~2q~zq~q~lq~q~zq~zpq~zq~zpq~q~zq~zuq~2uq~Buq~Hq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~zq~pq~zpq~q~>q~fpq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~zpq~zq~zuq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~zppppq~zpppppq~zq~zq~zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~zpuq~pppppuq~_q~rq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~zppq~zq~zq~zpq~zq~zq~zsq~(npppuq~q~"tbodicepq~zpq~(q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~uq~!q~zpq~zt gauntletsuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9t tentacle coatsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9ttentacle sandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~9q~Usq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~fq~zppppq~zppq~~pq~'q~q~zq~sq~d?@ wq~tyou jerkq~pxsq~d?@ wq~t that jerkxq~psq~uq~q~q~zq~q~q~zq~q~zq~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~q~zq~q~q~zuq~q~zq~q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~q~zq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~zq~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~zq~q~q~~uq~2psq~d?@ wq~pq~tLeaderxsq~d?@ wq~pq~t my leaderxpsq~d?@ wq~uq~q~q~luq~q~xq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~{q~Uq~pq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~Kq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~{q~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~Kq~Nxq~rq~sq~d?@wxq~rq~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~rq~sq~d?@wxq~rq~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~rq~q~vq~xq~rq~Usq~d?@wxq~rq~q~fsq~asq~d?@wxq~rsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~{q~q~q~q~q~xq~rq~sq~d?@wxq~rq~q~ftChouko is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A loose dress coalesces around her form, made of wispy, translucent material that shows the cross-laced ribbons of her sandals running up to her thighs and hints at her lack of panties. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as her enchanted jewellery begins projecting protective effects around her. Heavy gauntlets appear around her arms, lending tremendous power to her punches. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Cheer quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@ wq~sq~q~lsq~xuq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~zppq~~q~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~zppppq~zpppppq~zq~zq~zsq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~zpuq~pppppuq~_q~rq~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~q~"q~pq~pq~(q~zq~q~q~q~q~}q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~q~q~6q~uq~q~q~uq~Hq~~uq~Hq~~q~'uq~)uq~+ ddddILXILXB@ILXB@ILX;ILX;ILXvzdILXvzduq~+ ddddB@B@B@B@;;;;ԥԥILXԥuq~+i >H\\\ILXV\k7>V\uq~Bpppq~ruq~q~rq~rq~ruq~pppuq~q~uq~q~rq~rq~ruq~q~rq~rq~ruq~q~rq~rq~ruq~pppuq~q~rq~rq~ruq~pppuq~q~zq~zq~zuq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~rq~rq~ruq~q~rq~rq~ruq~q~rq~rq~ruq~q~rq~rq~ruq~q~rq~rq~ruq~q~rq~rq~ruq~Bq~,q~zq~zuq~2q~~pq~q~uq~q~q~~q~zq~q~uq~uq~Bq~q~q~q~zuq~uq~2##uq~2#uq~2#uq~uq~2uq~2Tuq~2Tuq~q~zq~zq~zuq~2uq~q~+q~q~uq~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~zpq~~pq~'puq~q~zq~zq~zuq~q~zq~zq~zuq~q~zq~zq~zuq~q~zq~zq~zuq~SIsq~Uq~zq~q~q~rtBarrier Jammerq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~q~q~rtOrgasm in a Canq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~q~q~rtSchwerer Gusionq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~q~q~rtDisintegration Vaporq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rt Unicorn Lardq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rtInferno Pepperq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~q~zq~q~rt Inevitabilityq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rtTomorrow's Newspaperq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rtCrown's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rtWisdom's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rtReason's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rt Love's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rtJudgment's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rtBalance's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rtVictory's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rtSplendor's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rtBasis's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rtReign's Pantsuq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rt Dowsing Rodq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rt Crystal Ballq~zq~q~zsq~U(q~zq~zq~zq~rtAkashic Recordq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~ztCrashed GPS Satellitet GPS Satelliteq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rtSubjective Astrolabeq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rt Atomic Clockq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~zq~rtNarrative Pocketwatchq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rtApplied Teledildonicsq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~ztThe Humbling of the HoundtHumblingq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~ztI Got Sent to Another World Which Has Amazing H-Games But I Can't Play Them Because the Harem of Girls Here Won't Leave Me Alonet Another Worldq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rtExecutor Droneq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~ztPerpetual Motion MachinetPerpetual Motionq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~zq~rtPortable Portalq~zq~q~zsq~Uq~zq~zq~ztDeep-Fried Rotort Fried Rotorq~zq~q~zsq~U q~zq~zq~ztOmelette du MaléficetOmeletteq~zq~q~zsq~U!q~zq~zq~ztDemon's Food Caket Demon's Foodq~zq~q~zsq~U "q~q~zq~q~rt Flexibilityq~zq~q~zsq~U#q~q~zq~q~rt Resonanceq~zq~q~zsq~U$q~q~zq~q~rt Accelerationq~zq~q~zsq~U %q~zq~zq~ztGreen Fairy Dustt Fairy Dustq~zq~q~zsq~U &q~zq~zq~zq~rt Anaphrodisiacq~zq~q~zsq~U 'q~zq~zq~q~rtSubliminal Lyricsq~zq~q~zsq~U (q~zq~zq~zq~rt Propagandaq~zq~q~zsq~U )q~zq~zq~zq~rtPsychographer's Thesisq~zq~q~zsq~U*q~zq~zq~zq~rtEgregore Stabilizerq~zq~q~zsq~U+q~zq~zq~zq~rtBroken Psychometerq~zq~q~zsq~U,q~zq~zq~zq~rt Silver Collarq~zq~q~zsq~U -q~zq~zq~q~rtSoul Liquefactionq~zq~q~zsq~U.q~q~zq~}q~rtDimensional Kaleidoscopeq~zq~q~zsq~U /q~zq~zq~zq~rt Crux Globigerq~zq~q~zsq~U20q~zq~zq~zq~rtEldritch Truthq~zq~q~zsq~U21q~zq~zq~zq~rtRefractory Suppressorq~zq~q~zsq~U22q~zq~zq~zq~rt Train Bulletsq~zq~q~zsq~U23q~zq~zq~zq~rtConcentrated Desireq~zq~q~zsq~U24q~zq~zq~zq~rtMobile Dungeonq~zq~q~zsq~U25q~zq~zq~zq~rtFruit of Knowledgeq~zq~q~zsq~U26q~zq~zq~zq~rtFutilityq~zq~q~zsq~U27q~zq~zq~zq~rtHot Tagq~zq~q~zsq~U28q~zq~zq~zq~rt Thorny Wreathq~zq~q~zsq~U29 q~zq~zq~ztHigher Universe FragmenttFragmentq~zq~q~zsq~U2: q~zq~zq~ztGrand Unified TheorytTheoryq~zq~q~zsq~U2; q~q~zq~q~rtBlank Contractq~zq~q~zsq~U2< q~zq~zq~zq~rt Realm of Endsq~zq~q~zsq~U2= q~zq~zq~zq~rtPrismq~zq~q~zsq~U2>q~zq~zq~zq~rtPsychic Dynamoq~zq~q~zsq~U2?q~zq~zq~zq~rt Wooden Stakeq~zq~q~zsq~U2@q~zq~zq~zq~rtBroken Shacklesq~zq~q~zsq~U2Aq~zq~zq~zq~rt Empty Vesselq~zq~q~zsq~U2B%q~zq~zq~zq~rtPleasure Buttonq~zq~q~zsq~U2C&q~zq~zq~zq~rt Velvet Keyq~zq~q~zsq~U2D'q~zq~zq~zq~rt Book of Lifeq~zq~q~zsq~U2E(q~zq~zq~zq~rt Limit Breakq~zq~q~zsq~U2F/q~zq~zq~zq~rtAmanojaku Hornq~zq~q~zsq~U2G,q~zq~zq~zq~rtSilver Braceletq~zq~q~zsq~U2H-q~zq~q~q~rtQliphothic Easingq~zq~q~zpuq~2uq~2ppuq~Bq~8q~gq~q~zsq~9)=xpuq~2 pppuq~+uq~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~uq~Bq~~puq~2uq~uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~ppppppppppppppppppppppppuq~2q~q~puq~:uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~}uq~2     uq~Buq~Hq~rpuq~q~~t---q~q~uq~Huq~2 puq~1sq~ tRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~uq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~uq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~uq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~uq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~uq~q~"q~'tEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~uq~q~,q~1tExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~uq~q~"q~,t(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~uq~q~'q~,t'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~uq~q~"q~1t+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~uq~q~'q~1tCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~uq~q~'q~;tCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~uq~q~,q~JtCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~uq~q~"q~OtCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~uq~q~1q~6tCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~uq~q~@q~Jq~Nsq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~uq~q~Eq~Ot+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~uq~q~6q~YtEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~uq~q~;q~ctExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~uq~q~Eq~^tBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~uq~q~Jq~Tt.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~uq~q~Oq~ht+1 Commander duration for +2 EEsq~ t>Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~uq~q~@q~lt*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~uq~q~lq~t#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~uq~q~^q~qt%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~uq~q~hq~{t!Sodomize-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ tUDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to leave no doubt as to your superiority over your foes. Your body will be equipped with electronic tendrils which can hijack communications lines and send live footage of the battle to people who otherwise wouldn't be watching. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Broadcast action, including its ability to inflict Dignity Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tVanityq~uq~q~Yq~vt"Broadcast-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a majority of your psychic capacity. This optimized control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tGeniusq~uq~q~cq~q~sq~ t4Develops your ability to tap into the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a third capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Determinationq~uq~q~Tq~t+1 Commander capture for +5 EEsq~ tSpreads your ability to influence thoughts even beyond the Demonic hivemind. Civilians in the area of Demonic raids will feel subconsciously motivated to resist the authorities' attempts to get them to evacuate. Increases evacuation requirement from 160 to 200.tSoul Resonanceq~uq~q~qq~tEvac req 160 -> 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~uq~q~vq~tExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~uq~q~{q~t1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~uq~q~q~t(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~uq~q~q~t2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~uq~q~q~tJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~uq~q~q~tKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~uq~q~q~tKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~uq~q~q~tJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~uq~q~q~t+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~uq~q~q~t?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~uq~q~q~q~tcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~uq~q~q~q~tjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 2% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~uq~q~q~q~ttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 4%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~uq~q~q~q~t^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 3%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~uq~q~q~q~tvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 5%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~uq~q~q~q~tpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~uq~q~q~q~t +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~uq~q~q~q~t?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~zuq~q~q~q~q~t#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.uq~Hpq~zuq~appppt54uq~!q~q~}q~zq~zq~}q~}q~zq~q~zq~zq~q~q~q~zq~q~}q~zq~zq~q~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~zq~q~q~zq~zsq~'d d' '' &+&sq~(pppsq~(ddpppsq~- d'uq~2sq~4sq~4q~tnonepq~q~tBalanceq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9>zxtdrabq~q~>q~q~tq~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~tfutanariq~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~ptfemaleq~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tbeltssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tlacy stockingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tsandalssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9tclawssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Balance quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(2d2pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tBasisq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9B5xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Basis quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tCrownq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(dpppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~?q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~=uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Jq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~Jsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~JtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Crown quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~Auq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~(pppsq~(FFpppsq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tJudgmentq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9L=xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Judgment quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(Ppppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tLoveq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9q1xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Love quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~pq~Asq~(Fpppsq~(ZZpppsq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tReasonq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9Yxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~Mq~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~Kuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~Xq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~Xsq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~XtThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reason quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(22pppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tReignq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9gfxq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~q~Aq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Reign quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~q~Auq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~psq~7A 6A <2ԥ%d'uq~2q~q~q~q~tFlexibleq~q~tSplendorq~q~q~q~q~q~tupt microskirtpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9O`͒xthot pinkq~q~#q~q~q~tpartsq~(pppq~q~pq~q~tthigh-high stockingsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~#q~q~q~pq~q~pt&Nothing is possible without sacrifice!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tAgentpq~pq~q~#sq~M ~i ~i|=ppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~|q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~tq~q~xq~q~Kq~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nxq~9tblousesq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9tsockssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9tbrasq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tside-tie pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9tshoessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tmistsq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~5t you traitorxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~tswingsq~(Zpppq~q~pq~q~tbootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~lq~q~q~pq~q~ptNever yield to evil!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tWarriorpq~pq~q~>sq~Mdppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~!sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9t longswordsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~pq~ppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@ wsq~6tstalkerxsq~d?@ wq~t that stalkerxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~q~uq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~Uq~nq~Uq~pq~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~Uq~vq~Uq~xq~Uq~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~Uq~{q~Uq~~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uxsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~!sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker begins to levitate, and several points of brilliant white light emerge from her chest, passing right through her shirt before scattering apart to hover over her limbs and torso. The points of light grow, flattening out and becoming white-hot plates of armor which ignite her clothes and burn them away. At the same time, fabric flows out from the armor plates, weaving itself together into a short robe that flaps around her thighs and tail as her armored boots come back down to the rooftop. The last point of light, hovering before her right palm, shapes itself into a glowing longsword which she twirls and brandishes as she settles into a combat stance. Then, she vanishes from sight, charging into battle so quickly that she can't even be seen.q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(2dpppuq~tintoq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~- d'uq~2q~q~q~q~pq~q~tWisdomq~q~q~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9G ]xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(pppq~q~pq~pq~q~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~>pq~q~pq~q~ppq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~ppq~pq~q~>sq~Mppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~lq~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~lq~tq~lq~vq~lq~xq~lq~zq~lq~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@w q~iq~q~nq~q~pq~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~zq~q~|q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lxsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Numerous belts and chains coil themselves across her body to act as a sort of outfit, leaving a gap of bare skin above her lacy stockings, tight and thin enough to indicate that she's not wearing anything underneath. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she adjusts the collection of gruesome trophies taken from slain foes on her belt. Wicked claws made of pure energy shape themselves around her fists, sharp enough to rend steel. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Wisdom quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(ddpppuq~pppq~ppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~pq~uq~2puq~2q~puq~2uq~2pppsq~4uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~B q~=q~q~Kq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~Bsq~9č oxuq~Bsq~-Nd :+d'uq~2q~q~q~tbandstOptimalq~q~tAxiomq~q~q~q~q~q~q~ttrouserspq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9)q,xtdarkq~q~#q~q~q~q~sq~(FFpppq~q~pq~tUchimurat combat bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~tAyameq~q~pq~q~ptCombat preparations complete.q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~\q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tFighterpq~tNaganoq~q~#sq~Mvppq~]psq~-Nd 9+d'uq~2q~q~q~q~Zq~[q~q~q~\q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~]pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~^q~_q~q~#q~q~q~q~sq~(FFpppq~q~pq~q~aq~bq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~q~eq~q~pq~q~pq~fq~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~\q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~q~mpq~pq~q~#q~opq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~tundertbindingspq~ptshortsq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~trifleuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~9twrapped chest bindingssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~]sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~bsq~d?@wxq~9q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9t undershortssq~d?@wxq~9q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~oq~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~nq~lq~pq~lq~rq~q~tq~lq~vq~q~xq~lq~zq~q~|q~lq~~q~lq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~|q~Nq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~pq~Nq~tq~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~vq~Uxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~]sq~d?@wxq~q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~bsq~d?@wxq~q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~osq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~otThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! Bindings wrap around her chest and a pair of short trousers form around her legs, hanging open to expose the tight undershorts she wears beneath. Her legs are bare down to her steel-toed combat boots. Her outfit, though provocative, is colored and styled in a way reminiscent of a military uniform, accented by metallic bands worn around her arms and legs. She uses a sleek high-powered rifle whose bullets are responsive to her will. Carefully picking targets from her perch on the rooftops, Axiom has joined the battle!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(npppuq~q~q~pq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~ppq~q~nq~Ruq~sq~4q~uq~Huq~Huq~)uq~+uq~+uq~+uq~Bpppq~uq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~q~q~q~uq~pppuq~q~q~q~uq~pppppppuq~pppuq~pppuq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~Bq~q~uq~2ppsq~4q~uq~q~Rpq~q~sq~4uq~uq~Bq~q~uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~q~q~q~uq~2uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~t There is weakness in numbers. A rival can become an enemy, and a friend is just a burden. The Chosen will grow closer as they're corrupted. Turn those feelings to your own ends and use the Chosen against each other!q~pppppuq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~uq~SIsq~Uq~q~q~q~tBarrier Jammerq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tOrgasm in a Canq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tSchwerer Gusionq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tDisintegration Vaporq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~t Unicorn Lardq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tInferno Pepperq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~t Inevitabilityq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tTomorrow's Newspaperq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tCrown's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~tWisdom's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~tReason's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~t Love's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~tJudgment's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~tBalance's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~tVictory's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~tSplendor's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tBasis's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tReign's Pantsuq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~t Dowsing Rodq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~t Crystal Ballq~q~q~sq~U(q~q~q~q~tAkashic Recordq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~tCrashed GPS Satellitet GPS Satelliteq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~tSubjective Astrolabeq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~t Atomic Clockq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~q~tNarrative Pocketwatchq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tApplied Teledildonicsq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~tThe Humbling of the HoundtHumblingq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~tI Got Sent to Another World Which Has Amazing H-Games But I Can't Play Them Because the Harem of Girls Here Won't Leave Me Alonet Another Worldq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tExecutor Droneq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~tPerpetual Motion MachinetPerpetual Motionq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~q~tPortable Portalq~q~q~sq~Uq~q~q~tDeep-Fried Rotort Fried Rotorq~q~q~sq~U q~q~q~tOmelette du MaléficetOmeletteq~q~q~sq~U!q~q~q~tDemon's Food Caket Demon's Foodq~q~q~sq~U "q~q~q~q~t Flexibilityq~q~q~sq~U#q~q~q~q~t Resonanceq~q~q~sq~U$q~q~q~q~t Accelerationq~q~q~sq~U %q~q~q~tGreen Fairy Dustt Fairy Dustq~q~q~sq~U &q~q~q~q~t Anaphrodisiacq~q~q~sq~U 'q~q~q~q~tSubliminal Lyricsq~q~q~sq~U (q~q~q~q~t Propagandaq~q~q~sq~U )q~q~q~q~tPsychographer's Thesisq~q~q~sq~U*q~q~q~q~tEgregore Stabilizerq~q~q~sq~U+q~q~q~q~tBroken Psychometerq~q~q~sq~U,q~q~q~q~t Silver Collarq~q~q~sq~U -q~q~q~q~tSoul Liquefactionq~q~q~sq~U.q~q~q~q~tDimensional Kaleidoscopeq~q~q~sq~U /q~q~q~q~t Crux Globigerq~q~q~sq~U20q~q~q~q~tEldritch Truthq~q~q~sq~U21q~q~q~q~tRefractory Suppressorq~q~q~sq~U22q~q~q~q~t Train Bulletsq~q~q~sq~U23q~q~q~q~tConcentrated Desireq~q~q~sq~U24q~q~q~q~tMobile Dungeonq~q~q~sq~U25q~q~q~q~tFruit of Knowledgeq~q~q~sq~U26q~q~q~q~tFutilityq~q~q~sq~U27q~q~q~q~tHot Tagq~q~q~sq~U28q~q~q~q~t Thorny Wreathq~q~q~sq~U29 q~q~q~tHigher Universe FragmenttFragmentq~q~q~sq~U2: q~q~q~tGrand Unified TheorytTheoryq~q~q~sq~U2; q~q~q~q~tBlank Contractq~q~q~sq~U2< q~q~q~q~t Realm of Endsq~q~q~sq~U2= q~q~q~q~tPrismq~q~q~sq~U2>q~q~q~q~tPsychic Dynamoq~q~q~sq~U2?q~q~q~q~t Wooden Stakeq~q~q~sq~U2@q~q~q~q~tBroken Shacklesq~q~q~sq~U2Aq~q~q~q~t Empty Vesselq~q~q~sq~U2B%q~q~q~q~tPleasure Buttonq~q~q~sq~U2C&q~q~q~q~t Velvet Keyq~q~q~sq~U2D'q~q~q~q~t Book of Lifeq~q~q~sq~U2E(q~q~q~q~t Limit Breakq~q~q~sq~U2F/q~q~q~q~tAmanojaku Hornq~q~q~sq~U2G,q~q~q~q~tSilver Braceletq~q~q~sq~U2H-q~q~q~q~tQliphothic Easingq~q~q~puq~2uq~2ppuq~Bq~psq~- 86Od'uq~2q~q~q~tholytHopefulq~q~tShieldq~q~q~q~q~q~q~trobepq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9 ;d$xq~q~q~>q~q~q~q~sq~(ddpppq~q~pq~t Shibaharat armored bootsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~StHitomiq~q~pq~q~pt&Love and righteousness in human shape!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tKnightpq~pq~q~>sq~MCfppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~Uq~nq~q~pq~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~rq~Uq~tq~q~vq~Uq~xq~q~Kq~Uq~zq~Uq~|q~q~{q~Uq~~q~q~q~Uq~q~q~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~Uq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~Nq~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~q~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A priestly robe weaves itself around her torso, not quite thick enough to conceal the curve of her unsupported breasts. The Chosen moves carefully, her subtle colors fitting her defensive stance as she's quickly enveloped by the protective aura coming from the holy symbols hanging on her clothes. Heavy armored boots appear around her legs, crackling with an energy that powers up her jumps and kicks. Charging down from the rooftops into the biggest cluster of Demons, Shield quickly becomes the focal point of the fight!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~sq~-0= 7ad'uq~2q~q~q~toccultt Beautifulq~q~tHoneyq~q~q~q~q~q~q~tcloakpq~q~q~q~q~q~sq~9G:xq~q~q~q~q~q~q~sq~(ZZpppq~q~pq~tEnomototstrappy sandalsq~q~puq~Buq~2q~q~q~tGinq~q~pq~q~ptJCreatures of darkness, prepare to be devoured by a darkness greater still!q~q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~q~q~q~q~q~uq~2uq~2puq~2q~tAvengerpq~pq~q~sq~Mx==ppq~]pq~uq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~9q~sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~9q~'sq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~9tstriped pantiessq~d?@wxq~9q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~9sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~9tspiritssq~d?@wxq~9q~wq~(q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppsq~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~puq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@w q~iq~q~q~q~nq~q~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~rq~q~tq~q~vq~q~xq~q~Kq~q~zq~q~|q~q~{q~q~~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~xsq~d?@w q~iq~Nq~q~q~nq~Nq~pq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~rq~Nq~tq~Nq~vq~Nq~xq~Nq~Kq~Nq~zq~Nq~|q~Nq~{q~Nq~~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~q~q~Nq~q~Nxq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xsq~d?@ wq~q~q~q~xq~q~sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~nq~lq~~q~lq~xq~lxsq~d?@ wq~nq~Nq~~q~Nq~xq~Nxq~q~'sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@ wq~zq~lq~q~lq~q~lq~rq~lq~vq~lxsq~d?@ wq~zq~Nq~q~Nq~q~Nq~rq~Nq~vq~Nxq~q~=sq~d?@wxq~q~q~(sq~asq~d?@wxq~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxq~q~Csq~d?@wxq~q~wq~(tThe speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A long cloak held in place by chain belts spills down from around her shoulders, ranging from thin and nearly transparent above her strappy sandals to not-quite-opaque over her striped panties and the slight bulge within. The colors are soft and subdued, but she still stands out as she lifts the occult symbols dangling from her arms and calls on her powers. She is surrounded by vengeful spirits which obey her commands and drain the life from anything they touch. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and slaying every Demon within range, Honey has made her arrival!q~rsq~d?@wxuq~q~q~pppq~q~q~q~q~q~q~pq~q~uq~Buq~uq~sq~Mpppppuq~_q~ppppq~pppppq~q~q~sq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxppppuq~2psq~d?@wxsq~d?@wxpsq~d?@wxq~puq~pppppuq~_q~q~sq~d?@wxuq~q~ppq~ppq~q~q~pq~q~q~sq~(pppuq~q~q~pq~pq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~uq~!q~pq~q~Cq~sq~9v \xpuq~2 pppuq~+uq~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Uppuq~2uq~uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~Ruq~ppppppppppppppppppppppppuq~2q~q~puq~:uq~uq~2uq~2uq~2q~uq~2uq~Buq~Hq~puq~pt---to As the Chosen are traumatized in battle, they give in to their own weakness and turn their backs on their duty. As their trauma grows greater, so too do their transgressions. And the greater their transgressions, the more powerful the Demons become! Spend this Evil Energy to increase your abilities, and use those abilities to make the Chosen fall even further!q~Ruq~Huq~2 puq~1sq~ tRefines your innate control over the psychic energies associated with emotions and the subconscious. Once this has been purchased, the personal profiles of the Chosen are added to the Info page. This allows you to review the status of the Chosen you've met before, including their vulnerabilities and their progress toward corruption. The latter information is also displayed when you 'Examine' targets in battle.tPsychic Readingq~uq~tView Chosen profilessq~ tDevelops your ability to command Demons and Thralls in a wider area at once. This forces the humans to evacuate more people before permitting the Chosen to use their full power. Increases evacuation requirement from 100 to 120.tWide Deploymentq~uq~tEvac req 100 -> 120sq~ tDevelops your captive humans in order to let them give birth to Demons more frequently. The Chosen will have to slog through more enemies before they can consider the extermination complete. Increases extermination requirement from 100 to 140.t Fast Breedersq~uq~tExterm req 100 -> 140sq~ tAllows your captive humans to give birth to a body you can directly control in order to bring the fight to the Chosen, albeit only at great cost. Once this has been purchased, options for 'Commander' bodies are unlocked here in the shop. Every time you send a Commander into battle, it costs Evil Energy. However, the effects can be quite strong. The default Commander captures the target Chosen, causing her to start the battle surrounded for 2 turns. This increases the opening level required to surround her later as normal.tFocusq~uq~tCan make Commanders for 1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to give your Demons and Thralls detailed strategic orders. By directing them toward civilian escape routes, you can further slow the evacuation process. Increases evacuation requirement from 120 to 140.tCoordinated Deploymentq~uq~q~q~tEvac req 120 -> 140sq~ tModifies your captive humans further so that the process of giving birth to Demons causes them to experience mind-shattering ecstasy. Their cooperation will allow you to grow your army even further. Increases extermination requirement from 140 to 200.tEager Breedersq~uq~q~q~tExterm req 140 -> 200sq~ tFurther develops the psychic link between yourself and your human Thralls. This allows them to more effectively respond to your instructions to torment surrounded Chosen. Increases circumstances inflicted against surrounded Chosen by 50%.tWeakness Senseq~uq~q~q~t(+50% circumstance damage when surroundedsq~ t Enhances your control over the biology of Demons born to your captive humans. Your army will be supplied with specialist Demons who have enlarged slime sacs, larger claws, or other similar modifications. Increases trauma inflicted using the four basic attacks by 20%.tEnhanced Polymorphismq~uq~q~q~t'+20% trauma with the four basic attackssq~ t Allows you to create Commanders capable of using a greater portion of your psychic capacity. This finer control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Perceptionq~uq~q~q~t+1 Commander duration for +1 EEsq~ tDevelops your ability to control your Commander body. Instead of launching your ambush immediately at the start of battle, you may save it until later - and it will function at full effectiveness regardless of the target's defense level. There is no Evil Energy cost to equip your Commander with this ability, but giving the order to capture will consume your action for that round.tPatienceq~uq~q~q~tCommanders can wait to capturesq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to gorge yourself on the suffering of the Chosen. The resulting mouths covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with countless tongues and gibbering your hateful intensions in the captured Chosen's ear. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tHungerq~uq~q~q~tCommander inflicts HATEsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to fill all minds with sexual excitement. The resulting tentacles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with writhing appendages which seek out their most sensitive places and force pleasure upon them. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tLustq~uq~q~q~tCommander inflicts PLEAsq~ tStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to cripple all opposition. The resulting huge muscles covering your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, beating them down with brute force and dealing grievous injuries even to their supernaturally-durable bodies. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tAngerq~uq~q~q~#tCommander inflicts INJUsq~ tNStrengthens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your instinct to merge with humanity and all its creations. The resulting devices incorporated into your body are a 'Suppressor'-class upgrade which is not compatible with others of its type. It can singlehandedly subdue a full-strength Chosen, binding them with chains and attacking them with mundane saws which are too weak to injure them, but which may expose them by shredding their clothes. There is no Evil Energy cost to apply this upgrade, but its attack is more specialized than that of the basic Commander.tManiaq~uq~q~q~ tCommander inflicts EXPOsq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using an even greater portion of your psychic capacity. This refined control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +1 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.tCunningq~uq~q~q~q~"sq~ t4Develops your ability to concentrate your psychic energy on a single aspect of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a second capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Persistenceq~uq~q~q~#t+1 Commander capture for +2 EEsq~ tGDevelops your ability to make psychic contact with humans outside your hivemind. Authority figures can be recruited to your side with the promise of Demonic powers or obedient Thralls to satisfy their every sexual fantasy. In exchange, they will sabotage evacuation efforts. Increases evacuation requirement from 140 to 160.tHuman Collaboratorsq~uq~q~ q~-tEvac req 140 -> 160sq~ tModifies your Demons' underground lair to contain biological equivalents of incubators and life support equipment, allowing your captured humans to constantly give birth to Demons with little risk of medical complications. Increases extermination requirement from 200 to 300.t Nursery Hivesq~uq~q~q~7tExterm req 200 -> 300sq~ tmBroadens the range of physiological traits your Demons can have, endowing some of them with amorphous forms that allow them to eventually rebuild themselves by drawing on the resentment of the defeated. This delays the end of battle until the usual conditions (full extermination progress and no Chosen surrounded or captured) are fulfilled for two turns in a row.tVengeful Reconstitutionq~uq~q~q~2tBattle end delayed by 1 turnsq~ tGrants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen.tCausal Projectionq~uq~q~q~(t.Can retreat to gain +1 EE per 5 surround turnssq~ tAllows you to create Commanders capable of using a tremendous portion of your psychic capacity. This comprehensive control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +2 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 1.t Intelligenceq~uq~q~#q~Develops your ability to find common ground between two different aspects of the human mind and concentrate your psychic energy there in order to manifest both aspects at once. For +5 Evil Energy per deployment, you can bypass the usual prohibition against putting a second Suppressor-class upgrade on your Commander.t Versatilityq~uq~q~q~@t*Commander equips two Suppressors for +5 EEsq~ tDeepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to propagate yourself across all sapient life. Your body will be equipped with a monstrous phallus capable of penetrating and ejaculating inside the Chosen. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Inseminate action, including its ability to inflict Morality Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tAmbitionq~uq~q~@q~Tt#Inseminate-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t)Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to inflict mind-breaking pleasure until all resistance is unthinkable. Your body will be equipped with an internal chamber which pulls Chosen inside and stimulates them to climax. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Force Orgasm action, including its ability to inflict Innocence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.t Dominanceq~uq~q~2q~Et%Force Orgasm-like Commander for +6 EEsq~ t$Deepens your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with your desire to punish those who dare to stand in your way. Your body will be equipped with several muscular arms which will torture and violate any Chosen they manage to get their hands on. This is a 'Defiler'-class upgrade which is not normally compatible with other Suppressor- or Defiler-class upgrades. It functions like the Sodomize action, including its ability to inflict Confidence Break, but its improved effectiveness comes at the cost of 6 Evil Energy per deployment.tSpiteq~uq~q~ 200sq~ tModifies your human captives' brains so that they become mentally fixated on the power and supremacy of the Demons - and on the suffering and defeat of those who oppose them. Their absolute confidence in your victory will produce psychic energy far disproportionate to their numbers, rivalling the power of the worldwide public. Increases extermination requirement from 300 to 500.tPassion Releaseq~uq~q~Jq~mtExterm req 300 -> 500sq~ tAllows you to apply your mastery of psychic energy to directly influence the local laws of physics. By channeling your power through your army, you can focus on creating a region where the Chosen find that reality itself conspires against them. Until extermination is completed, the 'Do Nothing' action is replaced with 'Barrier', which increases all damage taken for the rest of the battle by 5% (compounding).tReality Sealingq~uq~q~Oq~wt1Spend turns to increase damage for rest of battlesq~ tXDissolves the distinction between different Thralls' minds and desires. This will allow them to display supernatural reaction time and intelligence by relying on each other's senses and neural processing power. Whenever the Thralls Surround one of the Chosen, you will immediately be able to give those Thralls another order on the same turn.tNetworked Consciousnessq~uq~q~Tq~ht(Act immediately after surrounding targetsq~ tDGreatly develops the depth of your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will be correspondingly more pure and resilient. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fourth capture (provided that the battle does not end beforehand).t Transcendenceq~uq~q~Yq~{t+1 Commander capture for +10 EEsq~ tAllows you to craft complex psychic constructs which use different layers of the human mind to reinforce one another. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put both a Suppressor-class upgrade and a Defiler-class upgrade on the same Commander.t Synthesisq~uq~q~^q~rt2Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler for +10 EEsq~ (tMOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to seed your offspring even in one of the Chosen. The targets' souls must be blackened with the Slaughter of many victims in order to be susceptible to this effect, but the resulting Total Morality Break as they're forced to bear an enemy of humanity will irrevocably sever their connection to society. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on FEAR and HATE damage.t Impregnationq~uq~q~cq~tJCommander inflicts HATE/FEAR, Total Morality Break against Slaughter userssq~ (tTOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to directly dominate the mind of the Chosen. The targets must Fantasize on a regular basis in order to weaken their grasp of reality enough for this to work, but the resulting Total Innocence Break as they experience the ecstasy of the Demonic hivemind will render them permanently weaker to your temptations. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on DISG and PLEA damage.tHypnosisq~uq~q~hq~tKCommander inflicts PLEA/DISG, Total Innocence Break against Fantasize userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to absorb even the righteous energy of the Chosen. The targets must be desperate enough for death to Detonate themselves over and over again or else they won't have the subconscious willingness that allows you to do this, but the resulting Total Confidence Break as they realize that they can only have peace by giving up their power will completely break their will to actually defeat you. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on PAIN and INJU damage.tDrainq~uq~q~mq~tKCommander inflicts INJU/PAIN, Total Confidence Break against Detonate userssq~ (tOptimizes your connection with your Commander body, endowing it with the ability to latch on to a target's psychic signature and influence its physical manifestation. The targets must be known to Striptease and perform other degrading acts in order for the effect to persist beyond your direct influence, but the resulting Total Dignity Break as the public sees the targets' sinful nature on full display will bring them within a hair's breadth of losing their Chosen powers. This is a Punisher-class upgrade which is not compatible with other Suppressor-, Defiler-, or Punisher-class upgrades, but it has no additional cost to apply and focuses strongly on SHAM and EXPO.t Parasitismq~uq~q~rq~tJCommander inflicts EXPO/SHAM, Total Dignity Break against Striptease userssq~ (tPerfects your control over the psychic energy associated with aspects of the human mind. Your Commander body will reach maximum purity and resilience. For +20 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to perform a fifth capture.tMasteryq~uq~q~wq~t+1 Commander capture for +20 EEsq~ (tNExtends your innate control over space and time to the region around your Commander body as well. The Chosen will no longer be able to let their guard down after accumulating enough psychic energy to take flight. For +10 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander will be able to capture Chosen who are flying above the battlefield.tRelentlessnessq~uq~q~{q~t?Commander becomes capable of capturing flying Chosen for +10 EEsq~ dtpGrants you subtle but significant access to the subconscious feelings of the Chosen, allowing you to cause them to relive their memories of their closest friends at critical points during combat. During the final battle, the flashbacks will make them refuse to kill allies who they have an Unbreakable Friendship with until those allies are brought below 50% Resolve.tEmpathyq~uq~q~q~q~tcDuring final battle, Unbreakable Friends will only kill each other when victim is below 50% Resolvesq~ dt.Grants you the ability to amplify the negative emotions of the Chosen, using their hatred for each other to weaken their powers and their will to fight. At the start of the final battle, Chosen will lose one tenth their Resolve for each Rival and two fifths their Resolve damage for each Bitter Enemy.t Antipathyq~uq~q~q~q~tjBefore final battle, Chosen lose one tenth their Resolve per Rival, or two fifths Resolve per Bitter Enemysq~ dtPerfects your telepathic abilities, allowing you to influence the Chosen by showing them frightening visions of what could be. This doubles the damage of the Threaten action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Threaten action will decrease the target's Resolve by a base value of 2% per Chosen suffering from Demonic impregnation. The decrease is multiplied by the target's FEAR level.t Threaten+q~uq~q~q~q~ttThreaten deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x FEAR level Resolve per Impregnated Chosen this loopsq~ dt3Perfects the potency of your slime, allowing it to pull the Chosen into the Demonic hivemind. This doubles the damage of the Slime action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Slime action will decrease the Resolve of Hypnotized targets by 4%. The decrease is multiplied by the target's DISG level.tSlime+q~uq~q~q~q~t^Slime deals double damage. During final battle, removes 4% x DISG level Resolve if Hypnotizedsq~ dt[Perfects the combat ability of your Demons, allowing them to torture the Chosen with extreme precision. This doubles the damage of the Attack action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Attack action will decrease the Resolve of Drained targets by 3%, or non-Drained targets by 1%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's PAIN level.tAttack+q~uq~q~q~q~tvAttack deals double damage. During final battle, removes 3% x PAIN level Resolve if Drained or 1% x PAIN level if notsq~ dtPerfects your connection with the collective consciousness of humanity, allowing you to cut off the flow of psychic energy the Chosen receive from the public. This doubles the damage of the Taunt action. Additionally, during the final battle, the Taunt action will decrease the Resolve of Parasitized targets who can be surrounded on that turn by 5%. This decrease is multiplied by the target's SHAM level.tTaunt+q~uq~q~q~q~tpTaunt deals double damage. During final battle, removes 5% x SHAM level Resolve if Parasitized and surroundablesq~ dt Allows you to create Commanders capable of using the entirety of your psychic capacity. This flawless control will make it possible to more effectively subdue captured Chosen. For +30 Evil Energy per deployment, your Commander's capture duration will increase by 2.tEnormityq~uq~q~q~q~t +2 Commander duration for +30 EEsq~ dtEnables you to craft constructs which embody the full depth of the human mental state. For +60 Evil Energy per deployment, you can put one Suppressor-, one Defiler-, and one Punisher-class upgrade all on the same Commander.t Completionq~uq~q~q~q~t?Commander equips Suppressor and Defiler and Punisher for +60 EEsq~ ,tgGreatly hastens the corruption of the region of reality surrounding the city, but only at great cost and risk. After buying this upgrade, the final battle will happen on the same day. Failing to neutralize at least two of the three Chosen will result in them defeating you for good, so this upgrade should not be bought unless victory is absolutely certain!tImago Quickeningq~uq~q~q~q~q~t#Immediately begins the final battlesq~4uq~btThe only randomized elements in this game are the initial personalities of the Chosen, which items appear on Day 1, some pieces of flavor text, and the order in which these tips are displayed.tUpon completing the final battle and getting scored, you can restart from Day 1 against the same group of Chosen in order to try for a better result.tVAs long as at least one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, the battle can't end.tWEvery time one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured, her defense level goes up by 2.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains surrounded is equal to her opening level at the moment she's surrounded, regardless of her defense level.tThe number of rounds one of the Chosen remains captured by your Commander depends on the Commander's upgrades, regardless of her opening level or defense level.tWhen a Commander without any special abilities captures one of the Chosen, the target is surrounded by Thralls, but the duration of the surrounding is calculated as normal for a Commander capture.tWhen one of the Chosen is surrounded or captured after the extermination has already reached 100%, then she cannot be surrounded or captured again for the rest of the battle.t|When one of the Chosen uses "Rally," all trauma inflicted on the team is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.t*Only one Chosen at a time can use "Rally."tWhen one of the Chosen uses "Distract," all damage inflicted against surrounded Chosen is decreased by a flat percentage until her next turn.tWhen multiple Chosen use "Distract" at the same time, their damage reduction percentages are added together to a maximum of 100% reduction.tWhen "Rally" and "Distract" are active at once, both apply separately. So, for example, if both are at 10%, surrounded Chosen take 90% circumstance damage and 81% trauma damage.tSometimes tormenting surrounded Chosen is less worthwhile than focusing on free Chosen whose circumstances are at higher levels.t^The traumas are FEAR, DISG, PAIN, and SHAM. The circumstances are HATE, PLEA, INJU, and EXPO.tWhen facing only a single Chosen, while she's captured by a Commander with a special ability, the player will have nothing useful to do each turn.tDSurrounded Chosen can only start using one countermeasure each turn.tThe first arrival of the second and third Chosen can only happen after a certain number of turns have happened during the playthrough.tBreaking a Chosen's Core Vulnerability causes a confrontation between her and the Chosen with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability. This confrontation will end in hostility unless the Minor Vulnerability has already been broken.t\During downtime, the Chosen prefer to perform activities that resolve their highest traumas.t[During downtime, broken vulnerabilities allow the Chosen to perform more sinful activities.tDuring downtime, the Chosen prefer not to perform more sinful activities unless their trauma and angst are high enough to require it.tnDuring downtime, Chosen who care more about right and wrong are less likely to perform more sinful activities.tgDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more are more likely to perform the same activity together.tdDuring downtime, Chosen who like each other more benefit more from doing the same activity together.tWhen two Chosen perform the same downtime activity, they resolve more trauma by doing so, even if they dislike each other. When all three Chosen perform the same downtime activity, this effect becomes very strong.toChosen who are more naive are easily convinced to join other Chosen on the downtime activities they want to do.tZChosen who are more confident will arrive to their allies' defense in battle more quickly.tChosen who fight at a distance are better at biding their time, resulting in fewer rounds elapsing before their allies arrive to help them.tVChosen who like each other more arrive to each other's defense more quickly in battle.tqDuring downtime, the Chosen can compromise on performing activities that none of them would perform on their own.tSelectively corrupting one of the Chosen can make her want to perform actions that her allies aren't corrupt enough to join her on.tThe first step in corrupting one of the Chosen is generally to make her use sinful techniques to protect herself while surrounded.tlWhen captured by a Commander with a special ability, it is not possible for the Chosen to defend themselves.t{When the Thralls are instructed to torment a surrounded Chosen, they will continue to do so on their own until she escapes.tOnce the Chosen start using sinful methods to defend themselves, surrounding them will be less effective, but it will also be possible to extract more Evil Energy from them.tyA Chosen less inherently susceptible to a trauma will be more susceptible to the associated circumstance, and vice versa.tSCompassionate Chosen hate their enemies less but are more fearful for their allies.tKCruel Chosen hate their enemies more but are less fearful for their allies.tbInnocent Chosen have less interest in sex but are more prone to getting grossed out and disgusted.tlExperienced Chosen have grown more accustomed to pleasure, but they're better at ignoring disgusting things.tePrideful Chosen refuse to flinch away from pain, but they have the willpower to ignore being injured.t`Cowardly Chosen are careful to avoid pain, but they lack the willpower to ignore their injuries.tfSelf-conscious Chosen feel more shame, but they're more careful to avoid getting stripped and exposed.t}Shameless Chosen care less about being humiliated, but they don't put much effort into avoiding getting stripped and exposed.taAfter the evacuation has been completed, the extermination rate begins to increase exponentially.t7There are two types of damage: trauma and circumstance.tTrauma inflicted during battle creates openings for the Chosen to be surrounded, but when one trauma is higher than the others, Chosen take less damage from the associated circumstance.tCircumstances multiply the damage received by the Chosen (especially in the associated trauma), but they do not directly contribute to unresolved trauma.tlChosen driven into a panic for their allies will stop listening to the hateful things said by their enemies.tTChosen who hate their enemies will feel greater fear for what those enemies will do.tAChosen overwhelmed by disgust will be less receptive to pleasure.tHChosen overwhelmed by pleasure in battle will be disgusted by that fact.tMChosen who are in pain will be more careful to avoid getting further injured.tMChosen who are already injured will feel more pain from being attacked again.tMChosen who are feeling ashamed will be more careful to avoid getting exposed.t=Chosen who are exposed will feel more shame from all sources.tThe protective powers of the Chosen depend on their pure hearts, so a Chosen consumed by hate is more vulnerable both emotionally and physically.t`The more pleasure one of the Chosen feels, the deeper her trauma will be engraved in her memory.tXAs the Chosen are injured, they become less able to defend themselves from other abuses.tuWhen one Chosen is exposed and humiliated, it distracts and breaks the morale of the other Chosen on the battlefield.t_Every day, each Chosen's ANGST is increased by the trauma she hasn't successfully resolved yet.tHigh ANGST makes the Chosen willing to perform sinful activities, and until it's resolved, the distraction makes them take more damage from all sources.tvEvery doubling of ANGST increases the damage bonus by +1, so even a few hundred ANGST is much better than none at all.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type normally ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. The ANGST bonus is added to this value.tA Chosen's susceptibility to a damage type ranges from 0 to 100 based on personality. This base susceptibility to a trauma and to its associated circumstance normally adds up to 100, but corruption increases them both, potentially even over 100.tmMore sinful actions produce a bit more Evil Energy, but they resolve trauma at an exponentially greater rate.tThe Chosen will only begin to use sinful methods to defend themselves if they expect to reach level 3 circumstance damage otherwise.tESome sinful actions taken during battle will also damage their users.ttAs the Chosen are corrupted, they will begin to use more sinful but also more effective versions of their abilities.tPFearful Chosen are more vulnerable when their allies are surrounded or captured.tuDisgusted Chosen are always more vulnerable, but being grossed out won't generally create a major opening on its own.tChosen in pain are more vulnerable for awhile, but after they get surrounded, the adrenaline allows them to shake it off until the pain reaches the next level.tAshamed Chosen aren't any more vulnerable to being surrounded, but their efforts to retain their modesty mean that they'll remain surrounded for longer.tDamage which currently contributes to the opening level is displayed in purple text. Damage which does not is displayed in regular text. Damage which is only partially contributing to the opening level is displayed in orange text.tBy using "Regenerate", one of the Chosen can remove a fraction of her current circumstance damage. However, nothing done in battle can remove trauma damage that has already been dealt.tBy using "Blast", one of the Chosen can increase evacuation and extermination progress. If evacuation is already complete, the progress that would be added there is wasted.tThe Chosen choose their actions in battle according to which actions would seem to be most useful at the moment and how effective they are at performing those actions.tpTaunting is more effective against self-conscious Chosen, especially those who have been humiliated in the past.tAttacking is more effective against Chosen who refuse to back down from a fight, especially those who feel insecure about past failurest}Sliming is more effective against more naive Chosen, especially those who have come to associate battle with sexual pleasure.txThreatening allies is more effective against more compassionate Chosen, especially those whose consciences aren't clean.tIt isn't possible to raise a circumstance by more than one level with a single instance of damage. This limitation does not apply to trauma.tEach of the actions the Chosen can perform in battle is linked with one of the four vulnerabilities. The Chosen are better at performing actions associated with their greater vulnerabilities.tdChosen who are surrounded or captured do not contribute to extermination progress until they escape.tWhen a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5.tThe main benefit of Suppressor-class upgrades is that they ignore defensive tactics. Against Chosen who have not yet begun to use any defensive tactics, a Commander without Suppressor-class upgrades can actually more effective.tWhen two of the Chosen have a hostile interaction with each other, Evil Energy is generated, especially when the interaction turns them from friends into enemies.tAny action that deals circumstance damage also deals all four types of trauma damage, especially the one corresponding to the circumstance.tTAn action's tooltip lists its damage types in descending order of how much is dealt.t`From a gameplay perspective, there are no differences between male, female, and futanari Chosen.thIt isn't possible for one of the Chosen to use "Slaughter," "Fantasize," or "Striptease" twice in a row.tEven when "Slaughter" causes a surround duration to go below 0, it will never cause a surrounded Chosen to escape on the same turn.tBecause all circumstance damage is penalized by the highest level among the circumstance damage types, it's harder to raise other circumstance damage types after the first.t{When your Commander has no extra captures remaining, the extra capture depletion from Chosen using "Detonate" does nothing.t"Striptease" decreases damage to surrounded Chosen in the short term, but the fact that it increases the user's EXPO level means that it can increase the overall damage taken during the battle.tEven after the critical trauma level is reached, a third-tier Vulnerability is not actually broken until the Chosen uses the unlocked move for the first time.tWhen two Chosen are targeted by the same defiler action, they both take greatly increased damage, but as soon as one of them escapes, the other does too.ppq~uq~appppt54uq~!q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~q~Rq~Rq~q~ur[[Ljava.lang.String;2M 2WxpBuq~tAxiom/Shield/HoneytMidnight/CheertMidnight/Cheer/PaladintTyrant/StalwarttTyrant/Stalwart/Whispert Spice/PrayertSpice/Prayer/Axiomt 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uq~tHoneyppppuq~tShieldppppuq~tAxiomppppuq~tCheerppppuq~tPaladinppppuq~tMidnightppppuq~tWhispertTyranttStalwartppuq~q~\q~]q~^ppuq~q~\q~^pppuq~tSpiceppppuq~tPrayerppppuq~tVoidppppuq~tFreedomppppuq~tProphetppppuq~tMoppetppppuq~tPaladinppppuq~tShadowppppuq~tMoppetppppuq~tJusticeppppuq~tTriumphppppuq~tPhantomtPaintRebelppuq~q~xq~yq~zppuq~q~xq~zpppuq~tWhispertDespairtStalwartppuq~q~~q~q~ppuq~q~~q~pppuq~tWhispertCalamitytRebelppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~q~q~pppuq~tPurityppppuq~tPainppppuq~tPhantomppppuq~P!uq~q~tHoneypppuq~tShieldq~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~q~tMidnightpppuq~q~q~pppuq~tCheerq~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~q~ppppuq~q~tSpicepppuq~tPrayerq~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~tFreedomtProphetpppuq~q~tVoidpppuq~q~q~pppuq~q~tShadowpppuq~q~q~pppuq~tMoppetq~pppuq~tJusticetTriumphpppuq~q~q~pppuq~q~ppppuq~tPaintRebelpppuq~tPhantomq~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~tDespairtStalwartpppuq~tWhisperq~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~tCalamitytRebelpppuq~tWhisperq~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~tPaintPuritypppuq~tPhantomq~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~Puq~q~ppppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~q~q~pppuq~q~ppppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~q~ppppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~q~ppppuq~q~ppppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~q~q~pppuq~q~ppppuq~tFreedomq~q~ppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~tShadowppppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~q~ppppuq~tPhantomppppuq~tRebelq~q~ppuq~tPainq~q~ppuq~q~ppppuq~q~q~q~ppuq~tDespairq~q~ppuq~q~ppppuq~tRebelq~q~ppuq~tCalamityq~q~ppuq~P 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pppuq~Puq~q~q~7pppuq~tCheertPaladinpppuq~q~&q~pppuq~q~ q~(pppuq~q~tProphetpppuq~q~ntPainpppuq~P uq~q~9q~:pppuq~q~q~&pppuq~q~(q~ pppuq~q~ q~pppuq~tPaladintMoppetpppuq~q~1q~pppuq~q~rtWhisperpppuq~tDespairtWhisperpppuq~q~Nq~Opppuq~Puq~q~7q~pppuq~q~Rq~Spppuq~q~Uq~Vpppuq~tAxiomtPrayerpppuq~q~|q~pppuq~q~]q~Hpppuq~q~bq~cpppuq~P uq~tShieldtHoneypppuq~q~Xq~Zpppuq~q~VtTyrantpppuq~q~tSpicepppuq~tPaladintShadowpppuq~tRebeltPhantompppuq~q~q~pppuq~q~q~pppuq~tRebeltCalamitypppuq~P 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activities, a fan finds it easy to pressure her into pleasuring him.tuNow that Prophet is more comfortable with sexual activities, a fan finds it easy to pressure her into pleasuring him.txPreying on Crimson's hunger for fame, a malicious fan forces her to service him in exchange for keeping a video private.uq~tRather than having to worry about keeping herself covered in front of the cameras, Retribution tries turning to bodypaint instead, with mixed results.uq~tWanting to feel better about the humiliating pictures that have been taken of her, Axiom allows herself to be photographed in the nude.tNPaladin consents to participating in a sexually-charged propaganda photoshoot.tGEnforcer uses her sex appeal in an attempt to win over more horny fans.tFMonarch uses her sex appeal in an attempt to win over more horny fans.tWanting to feel better about the humiliating pictures that have been taken of her, Artisan allows herself to be photographed in the nude.uq~taConfronted with her betrayal of her once-pure public image, Shield flees a public event in tears.tlPaladin is provoked into a shameful display of emotion upon being criticized for her public sexual behavior.taConfronted with her betrayal of her once-pure public image, Prayer flees a public event in tears.tlPaladin is provoked into a shameful display of emotion upon being criticized for her public sexual behavior.tZWhile behaving improperly at a public event, Retribution is stripped in front of everyone.tWWhile behaving improperly at a public event, Stalwart is stripped in front of everyone.uq~txAfter watching a movie together, Aiko takes Midori home in order to satisfy her lust, and Midori enjoys herself as well.tYuki and Hitomi soothe their loneliness by going on a romantic date together and then enjoying each other's bodies at home afterward.tNIzumi treats the needy Zen to a movie date and a night of generous lovemaking.uq~t5Axiom and Shield enjoy some new fetish toys together.tdPaladin helps Cheer relax and take her mind off the war by putting her in the role of a beloved pet.tCTyrant assets her ownership over Whisper with some sexual roleplay.tePaladin helps Moppet relax and take her mind off the war by putting her in the role of a beloved pet.tEEnforcer assets her ownership over Whisper with some sexual roleplay.tDMonarch assets her ownership over Whisper with some sexual roleplay.uq~tUpon encountering a train molestor, Stalwart finds that she's too mentally exhausted by her constant battles with the Demons to resist.tUPrayer is too timid and too tired of conflict to object as she's molested on a train.tIn order to avoid needing to involve the police and change her schedule, Spike chooses not to apprehend or even resist when she's targeted by a train molestor.tIn order to avoid needing to involve the police and change her schedule, Paladin chooses not to apprehend or even resist when she's targeted by a train molestor.tSDuty is too timid and too tired of conflict to object as she's molested on a train.tUpon encountering a train molestor, Retribution finds that she's too mentally exhausted by her constant battles with the Demons to resist.uq~teUsing a training match as an excuse, Axiom pins down and 'rapes' Honey, much to the latter's delight.teUsing a training match as an excuse, Axiom pins down and 'rapes' Spice, much to the latter's delight.tiUsing a training match as an excuse, Sky pins down and 'rapes' Retribution, much to the latter's delight.tEnforcer vents her sadistic urges by sexually assaulting Stalwart during a training match, but Stalwart doesn't mind in the slightest.uq~tToo kind to refuse a person in need, Shield chooses to believe the dubious claims of a former Thrall who wants her to sexually 'purify' him.tzEven though she knows it's nonsense, Paladin goes along with a former Thrall claiming that she needs to 'purify' his lust.tToo kind to refuse a person in need, Spike chooses to believe the dubious claims of a former Thrall who wants her to sexually 'purify' him.tzEven though she knows it's nonsense, Paladin goes along with a former Thrall claiming that she needs to 'purify' his lust.tEven though she knows it's nonsense, Lightbringer goes along with a former Thrall claiming that she needs to 'purify' his lust.tNRetribution lets herself get tricked into 'purifying' a lustful former Thrall.t{Even though she knows it's nonsense, Stalwart goes along with a former Thrall claiming that she needs to 'purify' his lust.tNRetribution lets herself get tricked into 'purifying' a lustful former Thrall.uq~ t[A passing fan molests Axiom in her sleep, but she wakes too slowly to do anything about it.tQCheer wakes from her nap bewildered to find herself covered in a horny fan's cum.tSWhisper wakes from her nap bewildered to find herself covered in a horny fan's cum.t[A passing fan molests Axiom in her sleep, but she wakes too slowly to do anything about it.t]A passing fan molests Prophet in her sleep, but she wakes too slowly to do anything about it.tRMoppet wakes from her nap bewildered to find herself covered in a horny fan's cum.tYA passing fan molests Sky in her sleep, but she wakes too slowly to do anything about it.t`After falling asleep from exhaustion, Whisper is molested in her sleep and wakes none the wiser.t]A passing fan molests Artisan in her sleep, but she wakes too slowly to do anything about it.uq~t^Midnight plays a nasty prank on Paladin, tricking her into surrendering to a group of Thralls.tActing on a suggestion from the Thralls she uses to satisfy her sexual needs, Void feigns unconsciousness in order to fool Spike into trying to rescue her.toRetribution tries to save the seemingly helpless Monarch, but it turns out to be a plot by Monarch to rape her.uq~tiAxiom beats Prayer in a game to make their friend cum, and subjects her to a humiliating punishment game.tjProphet beats Spike in a game to make their friend cum, and subjects her to a humiliating punishment game.tLightbringer and Moppet compete to see who can make their friend cum the most, but Moppet forgets all about it and ends up molesting Lightbringer.t~Retribution and Whisper try to resolve which of them has better sexual skills, but their partner lacks the stamina to keep up.uq~ tbWhen one of Honey's friends inadvertently reminds her of her past abuses, she takes it out on her.teWhen one of Midnight's friends inadvertently reminds her of her past abuses, she takes it out on her.tFTyrant abuses one of her friends in order to make herself feel better.tbWhen one of Spice's friends inadvertently reminds her of her past abuses, she takes it out on her.t`Void allows herself to be manipulated into tormenting a less popular member of her friend group.tdWhen one of Triumph's friends inadvertently reminds her of her past abuses, she takes it out on her.tePurgatory allows herself to be manipulated into tormenting a less popular member of her friend group.tHEnforcer abuses one of her friends in order to make herself feel better.tGMonarch abuses one of her friends in order to make herself feel better.tdHellborn allows herself to be manipulated into tormenting a less popular member of her friend group.uq~tMidnight and Cheer have a match to determine who can endure pleasure the longest, but they've both become so lustful that they climax instantly.tAxiom and Prayer have a match to determine who can endure pleasure the longest, but the public venue and Axiom's exhibitionist tendencies give Prayer an easy win.tWhisper and Retribution have a match to determine who can endure pleasure the longest, but they've both become so lustful that they climax instantly.uq~uq~uq~tIn order to avoid having a hit piece written on her, Midnight invites a reporter who caught her having sex with a Thrall to join in as well.uq~tfSpike demands a date with the Demon Lord, but ends up completely submissive and lovestruck by the end.uq~uq~tWhen Purgatory and Sky perform an investigation of impregnated Chosen, Purgatory is overwhelmed by flashbacks to her own trauma, and Sky takes advantage of her friend's unconscious body.uq~uq~uq~t\In search of relief for her increasingly unmanageable lust, Spike comes across the Forsaken.uq~t_Spike offers her body to Midnight, only to be confronted with her selfish reasons for doing so.uq~tTyrant undergoes an experiment where Axiom oversees her temporary modification into a breeder-type body - but some effects of the modification linger.tSky undergoes an experiment where Lightbringer oversees her temporary modification into a breeder-type body - but some effects of the modification linger.uq~tASpike's body is marked with a symbol of her devotion to Midnight.uq~tpStalwart and Enforcer follow Whisper intro a trap, and all three are tormented in a biological Hell of pleasure.tpStalwart and Enforcer follow Whisper intro a trap, and all three are tormented in a mechanical Hell of pleasure.uq~tgStalwart, Enforcer, and Whisper have their bodies and minds optimized for the task of semen extraction.uq~tkIn exchange for helping to keep her reputation clean, Sky lets Lightbringer get away with teasing her body.tWSpike harshly judges the Chosen Enforcer and suggests that she be discarded as useless.t^Spike advocates for the Chosen Whisper to be treated gently and embraced as a future Forsaken.t_Spike advocates for the Chosen Hellborn to be treated gently and embraced as a future Forsaken.uq~t:Spike is spanked and made to cum regardless of her wishes.t:Spike is spanked and made to cum regardless of her wishes.t0Spike receives the harsh punishment she desires.uq~uq~Buq~Puq~t^After the battle, Axiom strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Shield.t "t;Nice to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Axiomt,, and this is my indispensable ally, Shield.t" t*Shield smiles and nods in acknowledgement.q~ǝt8We're fighting as hard as we can to save this city, but t*it'd be a lot easier with you on our side.q~ǠtHoney looks thoughtful. t"tFWell, it is pretty boring to fight alone... Okay! My name's Honey! t#I have a good feeling about this! tLet's kill lots of Demons!q~ǠtAxiom smiles. q~ǥtYou're quite motivated. t:Then, from now on, the three of us will operate as a team.q~ǥt The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~tcAfter the battle, Midnight grabs Cheer by the arm and drags her along for a private conversation. tACheer, seeming more bewildered than anything, goes along with it.t "t-W-Wait, there still might be Demons around...t" t#Midnight wears a confident smile. t"t?You can run if you're scared. But me? I like fighting Demons.t t0You can call me Midnight. I guess you're Cheer?t6 Be grateful, because I'm recruiting you for my team!q~Dzt4Cheer hesitates, but then nods in acknowledgement. t'She's flattered to have been recognizedtC, and she has to admit that Midnight comes across as pretty cool. q~ǴtYeah, let me join your team!q~DztWith that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. At first, they will be stronger together than either of them ever could be alone. But only time will tell whether their relationship will end up destroying them.uq~t`After the battle, Midnight strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Cheer.t "t>Nice to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Midnightt-, and this is my... trusted associate, Cheer.t" t"Cheer beams happily at the praise.q~tYeah! tCome on, join us!q~t*Paladin gives them a condescending look. t"tVVery well. I'll expect you to pay attention to my analysis of the combat situation. tIs that acceptable? tBMy name is Paladin. I will do everything in my power to help you.q~tMidnight looks happy. q~t I'll be in your care, Paladin! tOnward, to victory!q~t The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~tfTyrant approaches Stalwart after the battle, full of questions and expecting answers to all of them. tCStalwart answers with enthusiasm, happy to have found a new friend.t "tCI was getting used to the idea of dying alone against the Demons...t" t!Tyrant wears a confident smile. t"t?You can run if you're scared. But me? I like fighting Demons.t tI am known as Tyrant.t You're my subordinate now!q~t&Stalwart nods, recognizing the name. t?Deep down inside, she feels relieved to have met another Chosent6, and she isn't the sort to turn down possible help. q~t#Indeed. Let's help each other out!q~tWith that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. At first, they will be stronger together than either of them ever could be alone. But only time will tell whether their relationship will end up destroying them.uq~taAfter the battle, Tyrant strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Stalwart.t "tHello! I'm Tyrantt,, and this is my partner in crime, Stalwart.t" t!Stalwart nods in acknowledgement.q~t8We're fighting as hard as we can to save this city, but t*it'd be a lot easier with you on our side.q~tWhisper looks hopeful. t"t2I-Is it really alright? Then my name's Whisper! tPleased to meet you! tGo team!q~tTyrant smiles. q~tI have no objections. t:Then, from now on, the three of us will operate as a team.q~t The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~tCAfter the battle, Spice strikes a pose, as if expecting applause. t=Prayer obliges, wearing an indulgent expression as she claps.t "tCI was getting used to the idea of dying alone against the Demons...t" t Spice wears a confident smile. t"t?You can run if you're scared. But me? I like fighting Demons.t tI am known as Spice.t" Let's have lots of fun together!q~t$Prayer nods, recognizing the name. t?Deep down inside, she feels relieved to have met another Chosent6, and she isn't the sort to turn down possible help. q~t#Indeed. Let's help each other out!q~tWith that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. At first, they will be stronger together than either of them ever could be alone. But only time will tell whether their relationship will end up destroying them.uq~t^After the battle, Spice strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Prayer.t "tHello! I'm Spicet*, and this is my partner in crime, Prayer.t" tPrayer nods in acknowledgement.q~t8We're fighting as hard as we can to save this city, but t*it'd be a lot easier with you on our side.q~ t(Axiom gives them a condescending look. t"tVVery well. I'll expect you to pay attention to my analysis of the combat situation. t0It's important to set the proper expectations. tYou may call me Axiom.q~ t*Spice is beside herself with enthusiasm. q~tSounds good, Axiom! tLet's do this!q~t The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~tcProphet approaches Void after the battle, full of questions and expecting answers to all of them. tVoid quickly gets annoyed.t "t>So you're the kind of person who makes everything about you...t" tProphet smiles with pride. t"t"I don't let anything hold me back!t t0I am Prophet. Unless I'm mistaken, you're Void?t Let us combine our powers!q~t3Void hesitates, but then nods in acknowledgement. t'She's flattered to have been recognizedtB, and she has to admit that Prophet comes across as pretty cool. q~t1Well... maybe I'd be willing to join your team...q~tWith that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. At first, they will be stronger together than either of them ever could be alone. But only time will tell whether their relationship will end up destroying them.uq~t^After the battle, Prophet strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Void.t "t=Nice to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Prophett*, and this is my indispensable ally, Void.t" t!Void beams happily at the praise.q~)t$We're having lots of fun together! t We should all three form a team!q~,t(Spike gives them a condescending look. t"tVYou don't look that strong. I'll have to train you. Be warned that I'm not gentle. t6But if you can deal with that, then my name's Spike. t3I think we'll be able to do a lot of good together.q~,tProphet smiles. q~1tYou seem quite reliable. t:Then, from now on, the three of us will operate as a team.q~1t The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~tePaladin approaches Moppet after the battle, full of questions and expecting answers to all of them. t+Moppet gets a bit flustered by the barrage.t "t-W-Wait, there still might be Demons around...t" t"Paladin wears a confident smile. t"t9Don't worry. When it comes down to it, I'll protect you.t t I have taken the name 'Paladin'.t Join me!q~>t$Moppet nods, recognizing the name. t/It makes her heart flutter to meet another herotB, and she has to admit that Paladin comes across as pretty cool. q~@tYeah, let me join your team!q~>tWith that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. At first, they will be stronger together than either of them ever could be alone. But only time will tell whether their relationship will end up destroying them.uq~t`After the battle, Paladin strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Moppet.t "tHello! I'm Paladint,. Moppet here is helping me save this city.t" tMoppet nods happily.q~LtYeah! tCome on, join us!q~OtCrimson looks thoughtful. t"teDo you know what you're getting into? I tend to have a lot of personality conflicts with people... tMIf you don't mind that, then... It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Crimson. t*I hope you're ready to kill some Demons...q~OtPaladin smiles. q~TtYou're quite motivated. t:Then, from now on, the three of us will operate as a team.q~Tt The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~tcAfter the battle, Triumph grabs Moppet by the arm and drags her along for a private conversation. tBMoppet, seeming more bewildered than anything, goes along with it.t "t-W-Wait, there still might be Demons around...t" t"Triumph wears a confident smile. t"t?You can run if you're scared. But me? I like fighting Demons.t t0You can call me Triumph. I guess you're Moppet?t6 Be grateful, because I'm recruiting you for my team!q~at5Moppet hesitates, but then nods in acknowledgement. t'She's flattered to have been recognizedtB, and she has to admit that Triumph comes across as pretty cool. q~ctYeah, let me join your team!q~atWith that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. At first, they will be stronger together than either of them ever could be alone. But only time will tell whether their relationship will end up destroying them.uq~t`After the battle, Triumph strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Moppet.t "t=Nice to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Triumpht., and this is my... trusted associate, Moppet.t" t#Moppet beams happily at the praise.q~otYeah! tCome on, join us!q~rt/Lightbringer gives them a condescending look. t"tVVery well. I'll expect you to pay attention to my analysis of the combat situation. tIs that acceptable? tGMy name is Lightbringer. I will do everything in my power to help you.q~rtTriumph looks happy. q~wt%I'll be in your care, Lightbringer! tOnward, to victory!q~wt The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~t_After the battle, Sky strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Purgatory.t "tHello! I'm Skyt, and this is Purgatory.t" t"Purgatory nods in acknowledgement.q~ȁt,We're killing as many Demons as we can, but t:we'd really appreciate it if you were to lend us your aid.q~ȄtRetribution looks thoughtful. t"tLWell, it is pretty boring to fight alone... Okay! My name's Retribution! tI'm excited! tLet's save the world together!q~Ȅt Sky smiles. q~ȉtYou seem quite reliable. t:Then, from now on, the three of us will operate as a team.q~ȉt The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~tzAfter the battle, Whisper and Stalwart finally have a chance to introduce themselves face-to-face. But it turns out that tAStalwart is already familiar with her new partner's reputation. t`"I've read your file. You were noted as having particularly low... hm... sexual inhibitions." t?It takes Whisper a moment to realize what Stalwart is saying. t"t3S-Sorry... I have a hard time controlling myself...t" tEWhisper sighs and shakes her head, but there's a smile on her lips. q~ȖtI phrased that poorly. What I meant to say was that you had an admirable level of tolerance for the Thralls' molestation. I expect that we'll work well together.q~ȘthAs it becomes clear that Stalwart has experienced the same trauma as Whisper, Whisper begins to relax. q~ȖtEMaybe we can be friends after all. Wanna hang out and share stories?q~Șt!With that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. They will become fast friends, relying on each other to fight far more effectively than one Chosen alone. But even if they remain friends through the trials which await them, that friendship could end up leading them to their doom.uq~tbAfter the battle, Stalwart strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Whisper.t "t)Look what we have here! So, I'm Stalwartt4, and this is Whisper. She's basically my sidekick.t" t]Whisper smiles broadly, not realizing that most people would find that description demeaning.q~ȠtYeah! tWon't you join us? Please?q~ȣt+Enforcer gives them a condescending look. t"tVYou don't look that strong. I'll have to train you. Be warned that I'm not gentle. t9But if you have no objections, then my name's Enforcer. t*I hope you're ready to kill some Demons...q~ȣtStalwart smiles. q~ȨtYou're quite motivated. t:Then, from now on, the three of us will operate as a team.q~Ȩt The stage has been set. The fate of the city lies in the hands of these three Chosen. Plenty of suffering awaits each of them, and they will only be able to survive by relying on each other. If any one of them falls, then all three will share a terrible fate.uq~tfMonarch approaches Whisper after the battle, full of questions and expecting answers to all of them. t,Whisper gets a bit flustered by the barrage.t "tA-Anyway, I'm Whisper.t" t"Monarch nods in acknowledgement. t"t!I don't really care, but alright.t tI am known as Monarch.t You're my subordinate now!q~ȵt%Whisper nods, recognizing the name. t?Deep down inside, she feels relieved to have met another Chosent6, and she isn't the sort to turn down possible help. q~ȷt#Sure, we might as well join forces.q~ȵtWith that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. At first, they will be stronger together than either of them ever could be alone. But only time will tell whether their relationship will end up destroying them.uq~tWAfter the battle, Monarch is the first to rush forward to meet the newcomer. However, t@Monarch is already familiar with her new partner's reputation. t"I recognize you, Retribution. Didn't you just lose your mind and start tearing people apart the last time you tried to fight the Demons? Why come back?" tMRetribution is taken aback by the blunt question, but she recovers quickly. t"tBecause I had no choice. What about you? Are you going to try to tell me that it's possible to fight the Demons with zero collateral damage?t" tMonarch rolls her eyes. q~tiThe only thing I despise more than a self-proclaimed 'hero' is when such a 'hero' is a hypocrite as well.q~tBy the time Whisper catches up, Monarch is already turning to leave. She's baffled by the hostile atmosphere between Monarch and Retribution. q~t*What's wrong? Do you two know each other?q~tMonarch just stomps past her. q~t@Get out of my way! I'm not spending one more second around her!q~tThe arrival of Retribution has added a complicated new dynamic to the city's team of Chosen. Friendship and rivalry can both be exploited by the Demons, and t@there's plenty of time to turn their relationships against them.uq~teArtisan approaches Sacred after the battle, full of questions and expecting answers to all of them. tASacred answers with enthusiasm, happy to have found a new friend.t "tCI was getting used to the idea of dying alone against the Demons...t" t"Artisan wears a confident smile. t"tHYou don't have to fight at all. I'm strong enough to protect this city.t t$I operate under the alias 'Artisan'.t Let us combine our powers!q~t$Sacred nods, recognizing the name. t/It makes her heart flutter to meet another herotB, and she has to admit that Artisan comes across as pretty cool. q~tSure! Want to be friends?q~tWith that, there are now two Chosen defending the city. At first, they will be stronger together than either of them ever could be alone. But only time will tell whether their relationship will end up destroying them.uq~t`After the battle, Artisan strides forward to meet the newcomer, followed close behind by Sacred.t "tHello! I'm Artisant, and this is Sacred.t" tSacred nods happily.q~t(That's right! We're saving the world! tCome on, join us!q~tHellborn looks hopeful. t"tThe sensation of Natsuki's fingers in her hair is wonderful. tmIt makes Umeko feel better, but now the intimate contact is beginning to awaken amorous desires in her too. t>She moves even closer so that she's betweeen Natsuki's legs. q~ʚt.Natsuki... I wanna make you feel happy too...q~ʜtNatsuki is surprised and a bit disappointed with Umeko wanting to turn this moment of bonding into something sexual, but she knows that turning her down here would put a wall up between them for the rest of the night. q~ʚt3I-It's alright, we can make each other feel good...q~ʜt'They begin to move against each other, tRUmeko's penis rubbing up and down Natsuki's entrance without quite going inside. t;Their movements grow more and more intense until, finally, tXNatsuki begins to spasm in climax. The two Chosen lock their lips together in a kiss. tXAfterward, they get out of the bath and go to join Yuki for a night of happy relaxation.t +4 Evil Energyuq~tThat evening, the three Chosen have scheduled a little get-together at Whisper's luxurious penthouse suite in order to deepen their bonds as a team. tThey haven't gotten off to a great start, and Stalwart hopes that this might be their chance to turn things around. The three of them agree to shelve their grievances and just enjoy the night of relaxation tas they tEtransform into their civilian identities as Izumi, Zen, and Yuki and t5approach the high-rise condominium where Zen lives. tHowever, the mood becomes more sober when they see the heightened level of security around the building. Following Zen's poor performance in combat lately, some of her 'fans' have become more emboldened to stalk and harass her. t2Izumi places a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. t1"It seems that being famous has its drawbacks." t@"I-It's not that bad... Come on, let me show you the inside!" toTheir moods brighten again when they enter the building and Zen can show the others just how luxurious it is. tIt comprises several rooms, enough to be considered a small mansion, all with the finest furnishings. Of particular note is the bath, practically a private spa, easily large enough for the three Chosen to bathe together without feeling cramped in the slightest. t%And so they decide to do just that. tFAfter all, they're all girls, even if Izumi happens to have a penis. tBut even though she should only be seeing them as her teammates right now, Zen finds herself being turned on by the sight of the other two Chosen undressing. t~In her limited experience, the sight of naked bodies has always been associated with sexual acts - and with sexual pleasure. tShe's already beginning to feel warm and wet down there, and she wonders whether there'll be visible a wet spot on her panties if she gets undressed now. t-"Come on, Zen. What's taking you so long?" t"N-Nothing!" tBut when the time comes for Whisper to get undressed, she finds that she can't do it. Even though there are no enemies who could ever threaten her here, she's afraid of showing vulnerability. tShe was shy enough about her body in the first place, and the trauma she's suffered during battle has only made her even more obsessed with keeping it covered up. t7"You're too slow, Zen. Let's get those clothes off!" t"No... Stop...!" tYuki really doesn't see anything wrong with undressing somebody else by force, but her aggressive manner leaves no room for Zen's dignity. She tNgrabs Zen by one of her pert breasts in the process of yanking her shirt off, toand when Zen reflexively tries to prevent her underwear from being pulled down, Yuki bends Zen over her knee. tIt feels too much like being attacked by the Thralls, and Zen's reflexes have been honed to respond to that in only one way. She lashes out, headbutting her 'attacker' right in the nose.t "I said STOP!" t"Guh! That actually hurt..." tAs quickly as that, the fun atmosphere is ruined. The Chosen move to separate sides of the changing room in order to finish undressing, and they enter the bath in silence.t +4 Evil Energyuq~)tThe enormous bath really is large enough that all three Chosen could sit in opposite corners, splay out their limbs, and not even be close to touching each other. twBut the incident with Zen has only made Yuki feel more stubborn about wanting to get physical with her new teammates. tSubconsciously, she wants to prove to herself that she's not afraid, and this is only the latest example of the reckless, inappropriate actions she's taken to do so.t~ The mist floating in the bath hides Yuki right up until she pounces. Izumi yelps in surprise and starts splashing wildly. t"tWhat has gotten into you!?t" q~tIYour tits are just too lewd! I need to do this to deal with my jealousy!q~t_Yuki seizes Izumi's heavy breasts with both hands, kneading them in an undeniably sexual way. tWBut when Izumi almost manages to push Yuki away, Yuki's grip becomes painfully tight. tWYuki's growing ruthlessness isn't something she can keep focused only on the Thralls. q~t0Using that much strength... is not necessary...!q~q~tOh, I like that expression...!q~tIzumi can't break free without risking damage to Zen's home. And Zen herself is just relaxing in the bath, too far away to notice how serious things are getting. tXIzumi's heart skips a beat when she realizes that what she's feeling against her leg is t-actually Yuki's pussy grinding against her. tFShe realizes that Izumi might actually be wanting to go all the way. q~tRI... I don't think this is the kind of bonding we're supposed to be doing here...!q~tFBut Yuki doesn't listen. She reaches around to stroke Izumi's cock. q~tkIt's practice for tomorrow's fight. Would you be happier if I just grabbed some random guy off the street?q~t"What are you two doing?" taAt Zen's unexpected voice, Yuki jumps in surprise and quickly puts some distance between herself and Izumi. Even if Yuki has come to think of sexual stimulation as something that's part of everyday life, doing it while being directly watched by Zen still seems a bit too extreme. She makes an excuse to get out of the bath so she can go settle down. tPausing only briefly to dry herself, she walks out of the room without bothering to get dressed or even wrap the towel around herself. q~tgYuki, wait! There are perverts with cameras outside the windows! If they get a naughty picture, then-q~q~tCThey can do whatever they want. I don't feel like getting dressed.q~tBYuki doesn't stop, leaving the other two Chosen alone in the bath.t +2 Evil Energyuq~&t&It's only after Yuki is gone that Izumi notices how her body is trembling. Having Yuki 'play' with her felt too similar to being molested by the Thralls, and it caused a subconscious reaction. Now that she's consciously made the connection, painful memories begin to flood through her mind. q~tnEven when there are no enemies around, I still end up being... dominated. Can I really call myself a hero...?q~q~tAre you really okay, Izumi?q~tIzumi hadn't realized that Zen had gotten close enough to hear, but she's grateful for the offer of sympathy. On impulse, she throws her arms around Zen and buries her face in Zen's shoulder. The nude bodies of the two Chosen embrace each other under the surface of the water. q~tMy faith in humanity has been tested often, of late. The lusts of the public aren't always obvious, but it's clear to me that they see us more as sex objects than as saviors.q~q~tIt's weird to hear you say that sort of thing! I mean, you're not wrong. But if people are so annoying, then why do you focus so much on saving them?q~tHIzumi nods, appreciating the sympathy, but she's not done venting yet. q~tI've actually been getting... very close to hurting Thralls, lately. And I don't just mean cuts and bruises. I mean... really hurting them.q~t7Zen tries to cheer her up by patting her on the head. q~tgEven if you did lose control, I wouldn't think any less of you for it. Those Thralls have it coming...q~t:The sensation of Zen's fingers in her hair is wonderful. tmIt makes Izumi feel better, but now the intimate contact is beginning to awaken amorous desires in her too. t:She moves even closer so that she's betweeen Zen's legs. q~t[I really shouldn't be asking you to cheer me up. Why don't we do something more enjoyable?q~tZen smiles, happy with the change of subject. Now that it's only the two of them here, she finds it much less embarrassing to do this sort of thing. q~t3I-It's alright, we can make each other feel good...q~t'They begin to move against each other, tTIzumi's large penis rubbing up and down Zen's entrance without quite going inside. t;Their movements grow more and more intense until, finally, t;Izumi's shaft shoots a cloud of white into the bathwater. tNZen's own orgasmic spasms push her against it, milking out every last spurt. tXAfterward, they get out of the bath and go to join Yuki for a night of happy relaxation.uq~tThat evening, the three Chosen have scheduled a little get-together at Whisper's luxurious penthouse suite in order to deepen their bonds as a team. tThey haven't gotten off to a great start, and Retribution hopes that this might be their chance to turn things around. The three of them agree to shelve their grievances and just enjoy the night of relaxation tas they tFtransform into their civilian identities as Junko, Eri, and Umeko and t7approach the high-rise condominium where Junko lives. tHowever, the mood becomes more sober when they see the heightened level of security around the building. Following Junko's poor performance in combat lately, some of her 'fans' have become more emboldened to stalk and harass her. trUmeko is confused for a moment before she makes the connection to Junko losing her reputation for invincibility. ta"Oh! You need extra guards 'cause otherwise someone would show up and rape you in your sleep!" tX"Umeko... Could we please, please just stop talking about rape? Just for one night?" tqTheir moods brighten again when they enter the building and Junko can show the others just how luxurious it is. tIt comprises several rooms, enough to be considered a small mansion, all with the finest furnishings. Of particular note is the bath, practically a private spa, easily large enough for the three Chosen to bathe together without feeling cramped in the slightest. t%And so they decide to do just that. tFAfter all, they're all girls, even if Umeko happens to have a penis. tBut even though she should only be seeing them as her teammates right now, Junko finds herself being turned on by the sight of the other two Chosen undressing. tSeeing nudity in a platonic context like this never had this effect on her before, but the reason for the change is obvious. Her subconscious sense of what constitutes a sexual situation and what doesn't has become hopelessly skewed. t"I really am going insane..." t^"Junko, why are you just muttering to yourself? Don't you wanna get in the water together?" tBut when the time comes for Whisper to get undressed, she finds that she can't do it. Even though there are no enemies who could ever threaten her here, she's afraid of showing vulnerability. tShe was shy enough about her body in the first place, and the trauma she's suffered during battle has only made her even more obsessed with keeping it covered up. t9"You're too slow, Junko. Let's get those clothes off!" t"No... Stop...!" tEri really doesn't see anything wrong with undressing somebody else by force, but her aggressive manner leaves no room for Junko's dignity. She tQgrabs Junko by one of her heavy breasts in the process of yanking her shirt off, trand when Junko reflexively tries to prevent her underwear from being pulled down, Eri bends Junko over her knee. tIt feels too much like being attacked by the Thralls, and Junko's reflexes have been honed to respond to that in only one way. She lashes out, headbutting her 'attacker' right in the nose.t "I said STOP!" t"Guh! That actually hurt..." tAs quickly as that, the fun atmosphere is ruined. The Chosen move to separate sides of the changing room in order to finish undressing, and they enter the bath in silence.t +2 Evil Energyuq~)tThe enormous bath really is large enough that all three Chosen could sit in opposite corners, splay out their limbs, and not even be close to touching each other. txBut the incident with Junko has only made Eri feel more stubborn about wanting to get physical with her new teammates. tSubconsciously, she wants to prove to herself that she's not afraid, and this is only the latest example of the reckless, inappropriate actions she's taken to do so.t} The mist floating in the bath hides Eri right up until she pounces. Umeko yelps in surprise and starts splashing wildly. t"tEri!? Stop it already!t" q~;tIYour tits are just too lewd! I need to do this to deal with my jealousy!q~=t]Eri seizes Umeko's huge breasts with both hands, kneading them in an undeniably sexual way. tUBut when Umeko almost manages to push Eri away, Eri's grip becomes painfully tight. tVEri's growing ruthlessness isn't something she can keep focused only on the Thralls. q~;tOw! You're hurting me, Eri!q~=q~;tOh, I like that expression...!q~=tUmeko can't break free without risking damage to Junko's home. And Junko herself is just relaxing in the bath, too far away to notice how serious things are getting. tXUmeko's heart skips a beat when she realizes that what she's feeling against her leg is t,actually Eri's pussy grinding against her. tFShe realizes that Umeko might actually be wanting to go all the way. q~;tRI... I don't think this is the kind of bonding we're supposed to be doing here...!q~=tEBut Eri doesn't listen. She reaches around to stroke Umeko's cock. q~;tkIt's practice for tomorrow's fight. Would you be happier if I just grabbed some random guy off the street?q~=t"What are you two doing?" tcAt Junko's unexpected voice, Eri jumps in surprise and quickly puts some distance between herself and Umeko. Even if Eri has come to think of sexual stimulation as something that's part of everyday life, doing it while being directly watched by Junko still seems a bit too extreme. She makes an excuse to get out of the bath so she can go settle down. tPausing only briefly to dry herself, she walks out of the room without bothering to get dressed or even wrap the towel around herself. q~;tZEri, hold on! If you walk in front of the windows like that, and if people see you, then-q~=q~;tCThey can do whatever they want. I don't feel like getting dressed.q~=tAEri doesn't stop, leaving the other two Chosen alone in the bath.t +2 Evil Energyuq~'t$It's only after Eri is gone that Umeko notices how her body is trembling. Having Eri 'play' with her felt too similar to being molested by the Thralls, and it caused a subconscious reaction. Now that she's consciously made the connection, painful memories begin to flood through her mind. q~;tnEven when there are no enemies around, I still end up being... dominated. Can I really call myself a hero...?q~=q~;tAre you really okay, Umeko?q~=tUmeko hadn't realized that Junko had gotten close enough to hear, but she's grateful for the offer of sympathy. On impulse, she throws her arms around Junko and buries her face in Junko's shoulder. The nude bodies of the two Chosen embrace each other under the surface of the water. q~;tSEverybody is always saying such mean things about me! Why can't they just shut up?q~=q~;tHIt doesn't matter what they say, as long as you're saving people, right?q~=t:But Junko's words only remind Umeko of her frustrations. q~;tI... I deserve everything they say about me, and worse. There are people who will never walk again, all because I couldn't handle them any other way while they were controlled by the Demons...q~=tnUmeko breaks down into tears, and Junko pulls her closer, stroking her head and whispering comforting words. q~;tvWell... maybe they have it coming. If they were really determined, they'd be able to resist the urge to attack you...q~=tShe tries to back away, but one of them has already gotten behind her, and he wraps his arms around to knead her tiny breasts and pinch her nipples. Midori lets out a pathetic voice, squirming helplessly as her body, which has been thoroughly trained during her battles against the Demons, succumbs to the pleasure. q~˧tI won't... cum...!q~˩q~˧tIt doesn't really matter. t\Can you imagine the headlines if you resist? 'Disgraced Chosen attacks philanthropists'!" tiIt makes Midori feel sick, but she knows that another scandal could utterly devastate worldwide morale. t5"Ugh... J-Just... Please don't involve the others...q~˩tDThe millionaire chuckles as he forces her to her knees and lines himself up behind her. "I think it might be a bit late for that." He grabs Midori's chin to force her to look back into the changing room, and she sees Koharu on her knees between two other men, desperately trying to satisfy them with her mouth and hands. t`For the next hour, Midori works tirelessly to distract the men from taking Koharu's virginity. tOne man grabs Midori's hair and violently forces her to deepthroat his cock, two others piston themselves into her pussy and ass, and several more grind themselves against her hands and feet as they wait for their turn with one of her holes.t Once they're finished, she's left naked and splattered in semen, laying motionless on the floor. Meanwhile, Koharu is coughing up cum, but she still manages to crawl over to Midori's side. q~˧t>I figured that it would go easier if we split the work, but...q~˩tMidori turns and wordlessly embraces her. The two of them stay like that for awhile before cleaning themselves up and returning to their room.t +5 Evil Energyuq~tTheir supposed vacation has been far from enjoyable, and the three Chosen are exhausted when they finally return to their shared room to go to sleep. twAiko tosses and turns on her bed, unable to stop thinking about all the strangers she met over the course of the day. tsFew of them seemed to take her seriously, and she feels angrier and angrier as she remembers their lewd comments. t(tHI wish I could beat up everyone who spreads those embarrassing videos...t) tmIt makes her wonder whether there was any way she could have avoided getting humiliated in the first place. q~t5I guess so... I need to get stronger... stronger...!q~tReflecting on her defeats, Aiko shudders at the memory of the tortures she's endured. But at the same time, she finds herself thinking back on the less painful, more lewd things that have been done to her. tAs someone who always just does whatever makes her feel good, she quickly became addicted to orgasm, but no matter how much she tries to masturbate, it isn't nearly as intense.t She reaches between her legs and starts stroking her truly enormous cock, breathing more quickly as her motions become increasingly intense. She closes her eyes, losing herself in sexual fantasy. t "Midori..." q~˧t Y-Yes!? tkAiko rolls over and sees Aiko standing naked at her bedside, a curved double-dildo clutched in her hands. q~˧tQS-Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you... B-But, um... Would you like to...?q~˩tMAiko quickly kicks off her pyjama bottoms and lays back, smiling at Midori. q~˧tYes, hurry, hurry!q~˩tMidori gingerly inserts her end of the dildo. It easily slides into her dripping wet slit. Then, she gently takes Aiko's truly enormous cock in one hand and starts to stroke it, using the other to guide the other end of the dildo to Aiko's pussy. She tmoves her hips forward to push it inside. Aiko and Midori embrace, gently rocking their hips and enjoying the feeling of becoming one. Since they had both been masturbating beforehand, it doesn't take long for their motions to grow frantic and passionate. tThey climax together, Aiko's cock spurting all over her chest. Midori leans down to lick it up, then brings it to Aiko's lips with a deep, passionate But one orgasm isn't nearly enough to satisfy either of them, and they continue to hungrily grind together, alternately fondling themselves and each other as their love juices mingle and soak the mattress beneath them. When they finally stop, it's only due to exhaustion. Morning light is streaming in through the windows, and neither of them is satisfied.t +5 Evil Energyuq~tTonight is a special occasion for the three Chosen. Policy dictates that every major city must have a team on-site at all times in order to respond to emergencies, but because another team is passing through the area, Paladin and the others have been granted special permission to spend the night at a spacious luxury resort in a neighboring town. The three of them meet up in their civilian identities for coffee while they wait for their limousine, but their relaxation is interrupted when a passer-by recognizes Koharu. "tHey, Paladin! tI've seen your cunt!tc" The reminder of her public humiliation is unpleasant for Koharu, but she tries to downplay it. t"tbWatching us fight is not a healthy source of sexual gratification. You should get a better hobby.t" t5Koharu's deadpan reaction doesn't dissuade the man. t4However, what comes next hits her where it hurts. "t Stop pretending to be a good person! If you're really that generous, why don't you spread your legs for me the way you do for everyone else!?" Koharu responds angrily, though the true source of her frustration is herself, for opening herself to these accusations. q~tyThe fact that I am willing to use sex where necessary to achieve the best possible outcome does not make me a bad person!q~q~t5Liar. You're completely at the mercy of your lust! tYI've heard recovered Thralls talking about how they remember making you cum like a whore!q~thKoharu knows that he's right, but she's already come up with rationalizations to justify her behavior. q~t*It was all in accordance with my strategy.q~t6"That selfishness is exactly what I'm talking about! tqYou're running away to take a vacation, right when Demon attacks are getting worse every day! You're cowards!" tThere's an awkward pause as Koharu tries and fails to voice a retort. But the realization that she's just making excuses causes her to choke up, visions of the trauma she's faced flashing before her eyes. Midori takes the opportunity to speak. q~tMOh? Are you going to let that stand, you hypocrite? You are? How pathetic.q~tKoharu looks back at Midori in shock, which then quickly turns to anger. She storms off into the restroom, leaving the heckler behind, and refuses to come out until the limousine arrives.t +10 Evil Energyuq~tUpon arriving at the resort, the normally-outgoing Koharu claims to be feeling sick and shuts herself alone in her room. Meanwhile, Chouko gets caught up in conversation with the staff members. That leaves Midori to try out the resort's famous hot springs first.t* She finds the women's side deserted, so t#she happily strips naked, sits chest-deep in the water, closes her eyes, and tries to relax. She snaps back to alertness when she hears several pairs of footsteps approaching. The doorway to the changing room is filled by a group of men, all naked, and all wearing lecherous expressions. tfThe female attendant that's meant to stop people from entering the wrong pool is nowhere to be seen. tCMidori hurriedly covers her chest, eyes narrowing with annoyance. q~t.I'm really just too popular for my own good...q~q~tJIt looks like you understand why we're here. Let's get started, shall we?tN" The men advance on Midori, surrounding her and groping all over her body. t7She tries to back away, but one of them has already gotten behind her, and he wraps his arms around to pinch her nipples and fondle her cock. Midori lets out a pathetic voice, squirming helplessly as her body, which has been thoroughly trained during her battles against the Demons, succumbs to the pleasure. q~tKill... you...!q~q~t5I don't think you're in any position to fight back. t;I'm personally responsible for donating millions to the war effort, and some of my friends here have donated even more. When we heard that three of the Chosen would be staying at the same resort as us, we decided we might as well get our money's worth. The government knows that you're expendable and we're not. t\Can you imagine the headlines if you resist? 'Disgraced Chosen attacks philanthropists'!" tAs much as it angers her, Midori realizes that another scandal would drive her reputation even further into the dirt. She tries one last bluff. ti"I'm warning you. When the others find out what you've done to me, they might not be so understanding...q~tThe millionaire chuckles as he forces Midori to her knees and rests his cock against her face. "We'll see." A short while later, Midori is desperately trying to satisfy one man with her mouth and another two with her hands before any of them can decide that they'd rather use her virgin pussy. That's when she hears a commotion from the changing room. Koharu is pushed through the door, already naked and followed by several more men. When she sees Midori, her eyes narrow in annoyance. q~t_You deviant. Did they coerce you as well, or are you simply being your usual disgraceful self?q~tKoharu is forced to join the orgy, taking some of the pressure off Midori as the group of attackers eagerly samples each of her holes. The men quickly pick up on the animosity between the two Chosen, and they take sadistic enjoyment out of forcing Midori and Koharu to suck the same cock together and lick the cum off each other's bodies. By the time they're done, Midori and Koharu are both completely exhausted, collapsed against each other and barely even conscious of the fact that the men have left. After slowly coming to their senses, they quickly clean themselves off and part ways, neither of them wanting to be the one to tell Chouko about the incident.t +5 Evil Energyuq~tTheir supposed vacation has been far from enjoyable, and the three Chosen are exhausted when they finally return to their shared room to go to sleep. tyChouko tosses and turns on her bed, unable to stop thinking about all the strangers she met over the course of the day. tQSeveral of them made perverted comments about seeing videos of her humiliation. t(tPeople can be so gross...t) tmIt makes her wonder whether there was any way she could have avoided getting humiliated in the first place. q~tIDefinitely... I really am too weak and stupid to be one of the Chosen...q~tReflecting on her defeats, Chouko shudders at the memory of the tortures she's endured. But at the same time, she finds herself thinking back on the less painful, more lewd things that have been done to her. tIt still seems incredibly naughty to her, but she has started feeling really, really good when the Thralls get their hands on her. But no matter how much she tries every night to recreate those feelings, it doesn't seem to work.t She reaches between her legs and starts fondling herself, producing a rhythmic wet slapping sound as her motions become more intense. She closes her eyes, losing herself in sexual fantasy. tMAs she approaches climax, she starts to moan in pleasure without realizing ittJ, keeping Midori awake. But Midori doesn't stop her. Despite their rivalry, Midori's increasingly ravenous libido has settled on Chouko as a target, and the sound of her masturbating just a few feet away is enough to drive Midori wild with lust. She, too, starts to touch herself under the covers, gritting her teeth in annoyance at the fact that she can't stop feeling this way about someone she despises. The two Chosen masturbate through the night, vainly seeking a satisfaction that will not come. The next morning, they're both exhausted - and Midori can't meet Chouko's gaze.t +5 Evil Energyuq~t Tonight is a special occasion for the three Chosen. Policy dictates that every major city must have a team on-site at all times in order to respond to emergencies, but because another team is passing through the area, Tyrant and the others have been granted special permission to spend the night at a spacious luxury resort in a neighboring town. The three of them meet up in their civilian identities for coffee while they wait for their limousine, but their relaxation is interrupted when a passer-by recognizes Yuki. "tHey! Aren't you that t+sadistic bitch, Optimal Assassin Tyrant?" t"tDo you want to die?t" t7A dangerous gleam in her eye, Yuki turns toward the mant as he stumbles closer.t "t(Don't take that tone with me! Bad girlst? like you need to be shown their place with a proper dicking! q~$tjThat smell... alcohol? Hm, I suppose I can hardly be blamed for using my powers on a belligerent drunk...q~&t9The threat in Yuki's tone does nothing to dissuade him. q~$t+I'm not gonna let you change the subject. tYI've heard recovered Thralls talking about how they remember making you cum like a whore!q~&tfYuki knows that he's right, but she's already come up with rationalizations to justify her behavior. q~$t*It was all in accordance with my strategy.q~&t6"That selfishness is exactly what I'm talking about! tqYou're running away to take a vacation, right when Demon attacks are getting worse every day! You're cowards!" tThere's an awkward pause as Yuki tries and fails to voice a retort. But the realization that she's just making excuses causes her to choke up, visions of the trauma she's faced flashing before her eyes. Gin takes the opportunity to speak up, and there's tiredness in her voice. q~$t6Just admit that he's right already. We're failures...q~&tYuki winces at having her own teammate call her out. Tears of anger in her eyes, she storms off to brood in the restroom. The heckler nods with satisfaction before continuing on his way.t +5 Evil Energyuq~tUpon arriving at the resort, the normally-outgoing Yuki claims to be feeling sick and shuts herself alone in her room. Meanwhile, Gin gets caught up in conversation with the staff members. That leaves Zen to try out the resort's famous hot springs first.t* She finds the women's side deserted, so t#she happily strips naked, sits chest-deep in the water, closes her eyes, and tries to relax. She snaps back to alertness when she hears several pairs of footsteps approaching. The doorway to the changing room is filled by a group of men, all naked, and all wearing lecherous expressions. tfThe female attendant that's meant to stop people from entering the wrong pool is nowhere to be seen. tZen scrambles to cover herself, but her towel is out of reach, and she's left to use her hands and hope that the water doesn't show too much. Memories of her humiliating defeats flash through her mind. q~$tY-You can't come in here!q~&q~$tUNo one's going to stop us. I'm personally responsible for donating millions to the war effort, and some of my friends here have donated even more. When we heard that three of the Chosen would be staying at the same resort as us, we decided we might as well get our money's worth. The government knows that you're expendable and we're not.tK" The men advance on Zen, surrounding her and groping all over her body. tShe tries to protest, but the deep craving for pleasure she's developed at the hands of the Thralls has led her to subconsciously let her defenses down. A part of her wants to surrender to the man's hand persistently rubbing between her legs. q~$tAaah... good...q~&q~$tYou should just give in. t\Can you imagine the headlines if you resist? 'Disgraced Chosen attacks philanthropists'!" tThe thought of another scandal - that she might come to be considered even more of a disgrace than she already is - causes her resistance to crumble. t7"A-Alright... But you'd better not involve the others!q~&tThe millionaire chuckles as he forces Zen to her knees and rests his cock against her face. "We'll see." The men allow Zen to keep her virginity, but only at a steep cost. For the next hour, she fulfills all of their most degrading fantasies, taking them deep into her throat and anus, licking their backsides as she jerks them off, lapping their cum up from the floor, and allowing them to beat her bloody with their fists and feet. Some time later, Yuki finally makes her way to the pooltP, sees Zen, and immediately grits her teeth in anger. She rushes to her side. q~$tI cannot let Enforcer take the blame for something I caused. t&I was the one who asked for a break...q~͌q~͊tVAnd what Stalwart wants, Stalwart gets. Right now, she wants you gone, which means...q~͌tDYuki smiles back at Izumi and takes her hand. Now outnumbered, the heckler wisely reconsiders his choice of target and hurriedly flees down the sidewalk, scowling back at the Chosen. Izumi seems relieved, and she clings to Yuki's hand until the limousine arrives. They climb inside together, followed close behind by Zen.uq~tUpon arriving at the resort, Yuki rushes off on her own to see the sights, while Izumi gets caught up in conversation with the staff members. That leaves Zen to try out the resort's famous hot springs first.t* She finds the women's side deserted, so t#she happily strips naked, sits chest-deep in the water, closes her eyes, and tries to relax. She snaps back to alertness when she hears several pairs of footsteps approaching. The doorway to the changing room is filled by a group of men, all naked, and all wearing lecherous expressions. tfThe female attendant that's meant to stop people from entering the wrong pool is nowhere to be seen. tZen scrambles to cover herself, but her towel is out of reach, and she's left to use her hands and hope that the water doesn't show too much. Memories of her humiliating defeats flash through her mind. q~͊tY-You can't come in here!q~͌q~͊tUNo one's going to stop us. I'm personally responsible for donating millions to the war effort, and some of my friends here have donated even more. When we heard that three of the Chosen would be staying at the same resort as us, we decided we might as well get our money's worth. The government knows that you're expendable and we're not.tK" The men advance on Zen, surrounding her and groping all over her body. tShe tries to protest, but the deep craving for pleasure she's developed at the hands of the Thralls has led her to subconsciously let her defenses down. A part of her wants to surrender to the man's hand persistently rubbing between her legs. q~͊tAaah... good...q~͌q~͊tYou should just give in. t\Can you imagine the headlines if you resist? 'Disgraced Chosen attacks philanthropists'!" tThe thought of another scandal - that she might come to be considered even more of a disgrace than she already is - causes her resistance to crumble. t7"A-Alright... But you'd better not involve the others!q~͌tThe millionaire chuckles as he forces Zen to her knees and rests his cock against her face. "We'll see." For the next several minutes, Zen desperately tries to satisfy all the men with her mouth and hands, taking several cumshots onto her face and down her throat. However, the men waiting their turn grow increasingly insistent on grinding themselves against her body, working their way down to hertb virgin pussy - until Yuki abruptly walks in from the changing room and kneels down next to her. q~͊tShe tries to back away, but one of them has already gotten behind her, and he wraps his arms around to knead her heavy breasts and pinch her nipples. Junko lets out a pathetic voice, squirming helplessly as her body, which has been thoroughly trained during her battles against the Demons, succumbs to the pleasure. q~tToo... embarrassing...!q~q~tYou should just give in. t\Can you imagine the headlines if you resist? 'Disgraced Chosen attacks philanthropists'!" tThe thought of another scandal - that she might come to be considered even more of a disgrace than she already is - causes her resistance to crumble. t7"A-Alright... But you'd better not involve the others!q~tThe millionaire chuckles as he forces Junko to her knees and rests his cock against her face. "We'll see." For the next several minutes, Junko desperately tries to satisfy all the men with her mouth and hands, taking several cumshots onto her face and down her throat. However, the men waiting their turn grow increasingly insistent on grinding themselves against her body, working their way down to herta virgin pussy - until Eri abruptly walks in from the changing room and kneels down next to her. q~tHoney feels shock at first, but it quickly turns into anger. q~RtcThat's seriously no fair! Ugh, well, anyway, now you know that we're gonna try to take you down. tI don't really care about the city, but I'm really mad about you leaving me alive, so unless you get rid of me now, I'm gonna fight my hardest!q~TtPShield nods in agreement. Emboldened, Honey steps forward to press the point. q~RtCI'm gonna kill everyone who ever hurt me, whether human or Demon! t@I'm gonna get rid of you and take all your followers for myself!q~TtHoney is lost in her delusions, and when it becomes clear that her threats aren't having any effect on you, she spends her evening in the Demonic hive putting on a show for the Thralls. Despite her denial, she's already practically working for you.t +50 Evil EnergytC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~tAfter the battle, Midnight, Paladin, and Cheer are called to the nearest military base for an emergency meeting. It's not a public event, but someone evidently leaked information about the meeting, because Midnight's fans have already swarmed the perimeter of the base. tWith the kind of followers she's been attracting lately, they won't be satisfied with just catching a glimpse of their idol. They've already started riotingts, and the military police have their hands full trying to stop the chaos from spreading into the compound itself. t(tLI'll be really annoyed if they end up making it harder to kill the Demons...t) tuMidnight frowns down at the crowd as she flies overhead. She has her misgivings about how her followers are acting, tdbut ultimately, she enjoys the way they stroke her ego too much to do anything to drive them away. q~rtHm, I fear that my own actions may have contributed to this...q~΃tHowever, even before she finishes speaking, the General is shaking his head. "I'm not interested in casting blame. What's important is that you understand the risks - and the opportunity. tThe core of the Demonic hive will be erupting into the city. Destroying it will put an end to the infestation. However, your regenerative abilities will be weakened in the vicinity. tDemons don't generally try to kill the Chosen, but there's a serious risk that you could end up killing each other if you attack carelessly." tAt the revelation that her desire for death can actually be fulfilled, Paladin acts without hesitation. She turns to the other Chosen. q~΁tEI have no intention of surviving this battle. Do you two understand?q~΃tThe General frowns in disappointment, but it's clear that he's seen this sort of thing before. "If you're determined to be killed, then I can't stop you. I can only ask that you save this city first. If not for our sake, then as revenge for what the Demon Lord has done to you." tThe three Chosen and the General continue to talk at length about what's to come. They expect to have no more than five more days to prepare before the final battle. tOnce they're finished, Paladin briefly splits off from the rest of the group to bring a bag of her stuff home. However, when she opens it up, she can only stare in confusion as she sees that it's filled with classified files from the base. q~΁tWIsn't this... No, no, that can't be right... Hm, what was I thinking about, just now?q~΃tIn truth, she's obeying your post-hypnotic suggestion that she gather intelligence for the Demonic army whenever possible. She'll be delivering those files to you soon enough.t +50 Evil Energyuq~tAfter the meeting at the military base, Cheer enters a trance and walks to the Demonic hive to report everything they talked about. toMidnight and Paladin come as well, though they seem slightly more aware that they're doing something strange. tYou deploy one of your spare bodies to hear their report. After they're finished, in order to further crush their spirits and sense of self-worth, you release their hypnosis and allow them to remember what they've just done. t>Cheer feels shock at first, but it quickly turns into anger. q~΁t[Ugh, why did I think it was a good idea to come here and tell you all about our plans...? tHW-Well, it's not really my fault... And anyway, I bet we can still win!q~΃tCheer had intended to flee back up toward the surface, but with her pride wounded by how easily you manipulated her, she ends up continuing. q~΁t[I may be doing a lot of bad things lately, but that doesn't mean I'm one of the bad guys! t@Th-The Thralls always say I'm a good person deep down inside...!q~΃tCheer is lost in her delusions, and when it becomes clear that her threats aren't having any effect on you, she spends her evening in the Demonic hive putting on a show for the Thralls. Despite her denial, she's already practically working for you.t +50 Evil EnergytC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~tAfter the battle, Whisper, Tyrant, and Stalwart are called to the nearest military base for an emergency meeting. It's not a public event, but someone evidently leaked information about the meeting, because Whisper's fans have already swarmed the perimeter of the base. tThe atmosphere in the crowd is optimistic, and it remains orderly and respectful toward the military police patrolling the perimeter of the baset. t(t,Why do they put so much faith in me, anyway?t) tSeveral members of the crowd wave signs with encouraging messages on them, letting Whisper know that they believe in her ability to defeat the Demon Lord. t5She can't help but feel bolstered by their support. q~Τt$This is a lot of pressure, though...q~ΦtThen, Whisper crosses the perimeter of the base. She can clearly see the frenzied activity within, vehicles and personnel constantly streaming from building to building and through the roads leading in and out. q~Τt'The base isn't always this busy, is it?q~ΦttWhisper lands in front of the base's headquarters. The other Chosen are already there. Together, they head inside.uq~tAn officer is waiting outside the briefing room. He salutes as the three Chosen approach. "General Zayasu wished to meet with you personally, but his convoy was ambushed and destroyed on the way here. In the event that he was intercepted, he left instructions that you were to be allowed to read the classified files on the desk in this room. They contain everything you need to know." tThis doesn't come as too much of a surprise to Stalwart, considering that she was the one to attack the convoy in the first place. q~ΤtI knew what I was doing...q~ΦtThe team heads into the room and closes the door behind them. Tyrant quickly locates the folder of classified files, unseals it, and begins to skim through it. t"tIt's as I expected. Our battles have drawn enough negative attention - and enough negative psychic energy - that the Demon Lord can try to expand the Demonic hive into the city itself.t" t)Stalwart hangs her head as she listens. q~βtDamn it... Damn it all...q~δtUBefore Tyrant can respond, her eyes catch something even more shocking on the page. q~βtListen! During the expansion to the surface, the condensed energy will counteract our own powers - especially our regeneration. Hm. And I'm specifically named as being powerful enough that I could easily kill you two if I'm not careful.q~δtStalwart suddenly feels conflicted. She certainly wanted to die, but only to escape the Demon Lord's torment. If defeating the Demon Lord in a decisive battle is possible, then she might be able to live after all. q~βt!Let's try to all come back alive.q~δt,Tyrant nods as she finishes the documents. q~βtjWithin the next five days, the energy will peak, and we'll have our chance to finally kill the Demon Lord.q~δtStalwart nods, her expression intense and focused. She knows that this will probably be her last operation on the side of humanity. q~βt'Let's save... as many people as we can.q~βt +50 Evil Energyuq~tAfter the meeting at the military base, Tyrant immediately heads down to the Demonic hive and demands to meet with you. When you deploy a spare body to hear her out, you find that she's eager to tell you all about the coming mission to defeat you. txHer manner is almost smug. Meanwhile, Stalwart and Whisper have no idea that their partner is meeting with the enemy. q~βt9Now. Onward to the reason that I've told you all this. t1If you don't kill me, then I swear I'll kill you.q~δthWhen your monstrous body shows no signs of being intimidated, Tyrant steps forward out of desperation. q~βt)There's no one I can't bend to my will! t)I'll kill you! I'll definitely kill you!q~δtTyrant turns and storms out of the Demonic hive. Of course, it won't be long before she comes back to give herself to you once again.t +50 Evil EnergytC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~t After the battle, Axiom, Spice, and Prayer are called to the nearest military base for an emergency meeting. It's not a public event, but someone evidently leaked information about the meeting, because Axiom's fans have already swarmed the perimeter of the base. tWith the kind of followers she's been attracting lately, they won't be satisfied with just catching a glimpse of their idol. They've already started riotingte, even going so far as to lynch some of Prayer's fans who just showed up to demonstrate their supportts, and the military police have their hands full trying to stop the chaos from spreading into the compound itself. t(tRIf I try to stop them from doing as they please, then they will surely abandon me.t) trAxiom frowns down at the crowd as she flies overhead. She has her misgivings about how her followers are acting, tdbut ultimately, she enjoys the way they stroke her ego too much to do anything to drive them away. q~t.People are so pathetically easy to manipulate.q~tDAxiom is so caught up in her fantasies that she barely even notices tthe riot down below growing even more violent. One of the rioters uses a brick to crack open the skull of one of the military police, and there are flashes of gunfire as the military police respond. tIn fact, Axiom herself is responsible for this. Only a matter of minutes ago, she was at a hastily-called gathering with her inner circle of fans, acting under your post-hypnotic suggestion as she told them about the fact that the Chosen would be coming to this base and promised sexual favors for any of them who could manage to accomplish some bloodshed. Her desire to be powerful and beloved made it easy to manipulate her. Now, of course, she remembers none of this. q~tWI feel as though I've forgotten something important. But that's impossible, of course.q~tShe shrugs off her discomfort and leaves the crowd behind. She lands in front of the base's headquarters, where the other Chosen are already waiting. Together, they head inside.t +50 Evil Energyuq~t'An officer leads the three Chosen to a briefing room at the heart of the headquarters building. Inside, they find an older man in military uniform whose chest is pinned with countless medals. He's absorbed in looking over the strategic maps spread across the table in the center of the room. t(Prayer speaks up to get his attention. t"t+U-Um, excuse me... Are you General Okitsu?t" t(The General looks up and nods calmly. "t Prayer, Axiom, Spice, it's good to finally meet you. I called you here because of an urgent development. Our psychographers say that the leaked videos of your battles have provided the Demon Lord enough energy that he'll be able to make his move on the city soon." tPThe news is surprising to Prayer, but she looks more thoughtful than anything. q~tDamn it. What can we do now?q~tWhen the General replies, his tone is reassuring. "It isn't entirely your fault. It's even possible that the Demon Lord would have preferred not to have this confrontation yet, and that his hand is being forced by the nature of the energy he's receiving. tThe core of the Demonic hive will be erupting into the city. Destroying it will put an end to the infestation. However, your regenerative abilities will be weakened in the vicinity. tDemons don't generally try to kill the Chosen, but there's a serious risk that you could end up killing each other if you attack carelessly." tThe prospect of winning a decisive victory over the Demons is tantalizing, but Prayer still feels some worry about losing the protection of her immortality, however briefly. q~tVWith my luck, I'll probably end up dead right before everything goes back to normal...q~tThe three Chosen and the General continue to talk at length about what's to come. They expect to have no more than five more days to prepare before the final battle. t4Even so, Prayer is in high spirits as they finish. q~t*I want to save as many people as possible.q~uq~tAfter the meeting at the military base, Spice enters a trance and walks to the Demonic hive to report everything they talked about. tAxiom is compelled to come as well, though she seems slightly more aware that she's doing something strange. Meanwhile, Prayer has no idea that her partners are meeting with the enemy. tYou deploy one of your spare bodies to hear their report. After they're finished, in order to further crush their spirits and sense of self-worth, you release their hypnosis and allow them to remember what they've just done. t>Spice feels shock at first, but it quickly turns into anger. q~tcThat's seriously no fair! Ugh, well, anyway, now you know that we're gonna try to take you down. tWe're gonna make you pay!q~tSpice had intended to flee back up toward the surface, but with her pride wounded by how easily you manipulated her, she ends up continuing. q~t;You still haven't seen what I can do if I get really mad! tNext time you try to make me give in, I'm gonna think about how much I hate you, and that's gonna give me the strength to resist!q~tSpice turns and storms out of the Demonic hive. Of course, it won't be long before she comes back to give herself to you once again.t +50 Evil EnergytC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~t After the battle, Prophet, Void, and Spike are called to the nearest military base for an emergency meeting. It's not a public event, but someone evidently leaked information about the meeting, because Prophet's fans have already swarmed the perimeter of the base. tThe atmosphere in the crowd is optimistic, and it remains orderly and respectful toward the military police patrolling the perimeter of the basetK despite the efforts of Void's smaller but rowdier fanbase to cause troublet. t(t:They are desperate for someone in whom to put their faith.t) tSeveral members of the crowd wave signs with encouraging messages on them, letting Prophet know that they believe in her ability to defeat the Demon Lord. t5She can't help but feel bolstered by their support. q~tTI am not sure how much we can do anymore, but I will still aim for a better outcome.q~tMJust then, an explosion erupts in the middle of the crowd, sending bodies flying and creating a shockwave strong enough that it almost knocks Prophet out of the air. She looks down at the sudden scene of carnage, briefly puzzled by the strange notion that she somehow expected something like this to happen. The reason is that she herself planted the explosive, acting under your post-hypnotic suggestion, before leaking the location of the meeting to her fans in order to ensure that there would be plenty of victims within range of the blast. But now she can remember no such thing. q~tEBefore I started flying here, wasn't I... No, no, that's impossible.q~ttProphet lands in front of the base's headquarters. The other Chosen are already there. Together, they head inside.uq~t'An officer leads the three Chosen to a briefing room at the heart of the headquarters building. Inside, they find an older man in military uniform whose chest is pinned with countless medals. He's absorbed in looking over the strategic maps spread across the table in the center of the room. t'Spike speaks up to get his attention. t"t'Excuse me. General Asakawa, I presume?t" t(The General looks up and nods calmly. "t Spike, Prophet, Void, it's good to finally meet you. I called you here because of an urgent development. Our psychographers say that the leaked videos of your battles have provided the Demon Lord enough energy that he'll be able to make his move on the city soon." tOThe news is surprising to Spike, but she looks more thoughtful than anything. q~ tDamn it. What can we do now?q~tWhen the General replies, his tone is reassuring. "It isn't entirely your fault. It's even possible that the Demon Lord would have preferred not to have this confrontation yet, and that his hand is being forced by the nature of the energy he's receiving. tThe core of the Demonic hive will be erupting into the city. Destroying it will put an end to the infestation. However, your regenerative abilities will be weakened in the vicinity. tDemons don't generally try to kill the Chosen, but there's a serious risk that you could end up killing each other if you attack carelessly." tAt the revelation that her desire for death can actually be fulfilled, Spike acts without hesitation. She turns to the other Chosen. q~ tKI need you two to kill me before the end of the battle. Don't let me down.q~tThe General frowns in disappointment, but it's clear that he's seen this sort of thing before. "If you're determined to be killed, then I can't stop you. I can only ask that you save this city first. If not for our sake, then as revenge for what the Demon Lord has done to you." tThe three Chosen and the General continue to talk at length about what's to come. They expect to have no more than five more days to prepare before the final battle. tOnce they're finished, Spike briefly splits off from the rest of the group to bring a bag of her stuff home. However, when she opens it up, she can only stare in confusion as she sees that it's filled with classified files from the base. q~ t;This is... completely normal, right? Yes, of course it is!q~tIn truth, she's obeying your post-hypnotic suggestion that she gather intelligence for the Demonic army whenever possible. She'll be delivering those files to you soon enough.t +50 Evil Energyuq~tAfter finishing the briefing at the military base, the three Chosen head to the rooftop of the building where Prophet lives to have a more private meeting, discussing what's about to happen and how they feel about it. tAt first, Prophet talks at length as she goes over the finer details of the planned operation, but she soon starts to worry that Void isn't listening, so she asks Void to recap the current situation.t "tMHuh? Oh, w-well, the important thing is that this could be our last fight! t\I'm really scared that I'm gonna die... but I don't wanna get in trouble for running away...q~t;Void hesitates, but Prophet gestures for her to continue. q~ tAnyway, I'm really mad at the Demon Lord, so I still wanna beat him up, but I don't really care about saving anyone anymore. It's not like they're super grateful or anything...q~tLost in dark thoughts of what awaits her once her Demonic pregnancy becomes obvious, Void speaks more softly, her tone of voice growing detached. q~ tA-Also, I guess my fans are gonna be among the Thralls fighting us? I hope not, because I'm definitely not fighting them. I'm nothing without them...q~tFor all her defiance against your control, Void's will to actually fight you has already been eroded by her dependence on your minions. She quite close to falling to your side.tC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~tAfter the battle, Crimson, Paladin, and Moppet are called to the nearest military base for an emergency meeting. It's not a public event, but someone evidently leaked information about the meeting, because Crimson's fans have already swarmed the perimeter of the base. tThe atmosphere in the crowd is optimistic, and it remains orderly and respectful toward the military police patrolling the perimeter of the basetN despite the efforts of Paladin's smaller but rowdier fanbase to cause troublet. t(t?You know they're desperate when they're asking me to save them.t) tSeveral members of the crowd wave signs with encouraging messages on them, letting Crimson know that they believe in her ability to defeat the Demon Lord. t5She can't help but feel bolstered by their support. q~/t:They should be grateful that I'm doing this much for them.q~1tThen, Crimson crosses the perimeter of the base. She can clearly see the frenzied activity within, vehicles and personnel constantly streaming from building to building and through the roads leading in and out. q~/tNThey're going to need my help with something else, aren't they? How annoying.q~1ttCrimson lands in front of the base's headquarters. The other Chosen are already there. Together, they head inside.uq~t'An officer leads the three Chosen to a briefing room at the heart of the headquarters building. Inside, they find an older man in military uniform whose chest is pinned with countless medals. He's absorbed in looking over the strategic maps spread across the table in the center of the room. t)Paladin speaks up to get his attention. t"t&Excuse me. General Watari, I presume?t" t(The General looks up and nods calmly. "tPaladin, Moppet, Crimson, it's good to finally meet you. I called you here because of an urgent development. Our psychographers say that the leaked videos of your battles have provided the Demon Lord enough energy that he'll be able to make his move on the city soon." tCThe General glances at Paladin, and she feels she has to respond. q~;t>Hm, I fear that my own actions may have contributed to this...q~=tHowever, even before she finishes speaking, the General is shaking his head. "I'm not interested in casting blame. What's important is that you understand the risks - and the opportunity. tThe core of the Demonic hive will be erupting into the city. Destroying it will put an end to the infestation. However, your regenerative abilities will be weakened in the vicinity. tDemons don't generally try to kill the Chosen, but there's a serious risk that you could end up killing each other if you attack carelessly." tThe prospect of winning a decisive victory over the Demons is tantalizing, but Paladin still feels some worry about losing the protection of her immortality, however briefly. q~;t;I will take every precaution to avoid harming my teammates.q~=tThe three Chosen and the General continue to talk at length about what's to come. They expect to have no more than five more days to prepare before the final battle. t5Even so, Paladin is in high spirits as they finish. q~;t!We must be prepared for anything.q~;uq~tAfter the meeting at the military base, Moppet enters a trance and walks to the Demonic hive to report everything they talked about. t[Meanwhile, Crimson and Paladin have no idea that their partner is meeting with the enemy. tYou deploy one of your spare bodies to hear her report. After she's finished, in order to further crush her spirit and sense of self-worth, you release your hypnosis and allow her to remember what she's just done. t?Moppet feels shock at first, but it quickly turns into anger. q~;t[Ugh, why did I think it was a good idea to come here and tell you all about our plans...? tHW-Well, it's not really my fault... And anyway, I bet we can still win!q~=tMoppet had intended to flee back up toward the surface, but with her pride wounded by how easily you manipulated her, she ends up continuing. q~;tHIf you think you can turn me into a bad guy, you're wasting your time! tgI don't think this will work... but I'm still gonna try really, really, really hard to stop doing this!q~=tMoppet turns and storms out of the Demonic hive. Of course, it won't be long before she comes back to give herself to you once again.t +50 Evil EnergytC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~tAfter the battle, Purgatory, Sky, and Retribution are called to the nearest military base for an emergency meeting. It's not a public event, but someone evidently leaked information about the meeting, because Purgatory's fans have already swarmed the perimeter of the base. tSPurgatory has already been telling her fans that she's no fan of the military, and ttensions have already flared between the crowd and the military police. Purgatory is pleased to see it as she flies overhead. t(tAYes, my followers. You'd better be ready to fight to protect me.t) tUnaware of the dark thoughts inside her head, several of her followers shout up at her and wave signs showing messages meant to encourage her in her fight against the Demon Lord. tMFor Purgatory, it's a good reminder that she needs to win that fight first. q~[t@If they're too dumb to realize how weak I am, that's fine by me.q~]tThen, Purgatory crosses the perimeter of the base. She can clearly see the frenzied activity within, vehicles and personnel constantly streaming from building to building and through the roads leading in and out. q~[t"I have a bad feeling about this...q~]tvPurgatory lands in front of the base's headquarters. The other Chosen are already there. Together, they head inside.uq~t'An officer leads the three Chosen to a briefing room at the heart of the headquarters building. Inside, they find an older man in military uniform whose chest is pinned with countless medals. He's absorbed in looking over the strategic maps spread across the table in the center of the room. t-Retribution speaks up to get his attention. t"t-Ah, General Chujo, sorry to keep you waiting!t" t(The General looks up and nods calmly. "tRetribution, Sky, Purgatory, it's good to finally meet you. I called you here because of an urgent development. Our psychographers say that the leaked videos of your battles have provided the Demon Lord enough energy that he'll be able to make his move on the city soon." tUThe news is surprising to Retribution, but she looks more thoughtful than anything. q~gtDIs it my fault? I was just trying to make everyone happy, though...q~itWhen the General replies, his tone is reassuring. "It isn't entirely your fault. It's even possible that the Demon Lord would have preferred not to have this confrontation yet, and that his hand is being forced by the nature of the energy he's receiving. tThe core of the Demonic hive will be erupting into the city. Destroying it will put an end to the infestation. However, your regenerative abilities will be weakened in the vicinity. tDemons don't generally try to kill the Chosen, but there's a serious risk that you could end up killing each other if you attack carelessly." tRetribution's feelings are conflicted. The reason she wanted to die in the first place was to escape what the Demons were doing to her. The thought that she could also escape by defeating them rekindles a small spark of hope in her heart. q~gt-So I can die after all? This is so unfair...q~itThe three Chosen and the General continue to talk at length about what's to come. They expect to have no more than five more days to prepare before the final battle. t9Even so, Retribution is in high spirits as they finish. q~gt/We actually do have a chance to save everybody!q~guq~tAfter finishing the briefing at the military base, the three Chosen head to the rooftop of the building where Purgatory lives to have a more private meeting, discussing what's about to happen and how they feel about it. t5Sky needs no prompting to launch into a grand However, as she opens her mouth to talk, her eyes glaze over and she forgets what she was about to say. q~gtGI must... focus...! No, that is not what I meant to say! Listen up! t8I'll charge in first, and you two should follow my lead!q~it;Sky paces as she talks, gesturing to emphasize her words. q~gtIf your will falters, don't think of saving 'everyone!' Think of saving those you care about! Your bonds with them are what give you strength!q~it9Full of self-assurance, Sky moves on to her conclusion. q~gtQThat should be everything! Get some rest, because we've got a big day coming up!q~gtC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~tAfter the battle, Whisper, Enforcer, and Stalwart are called to the nearest military base for an emergency meeting. It's not a public event, but someone evidently leaked information about the meeting, because Whisper's fans have already swarmed the perimeter of the base. tThe atmosphere in the crowd is optimistic, and it remains orderly and respectful toward the military police patrolling the perimeter of the baset. t(t,Why do they put so much faith in me, anyway?t) tSeveral members of the crowd wave signs with encouraging messages on them, letting Whisper know that they believe in her ability to defeat the Demon Lord. t5She can't help but feel bolstered by their support. q~υt$This is a lot of pressure, though...q~χtMJust then, an explosion erupts in the middle of the crowd, sending bodies flying and creating a shockwave strong enough that it almost knocks Whisper out of the air. She looks down at the sudden scene of carnage, briefly puzzled by the strange notion that she somehow expected something like this to happen. The reason is that she herself planted the explosive, acting under your post-hypnotic suggestion, before leaking the location of the meeting to her fans in order to ensure that there would be plenty of victims within range of the blast. But now she can remember no such thing. q~υt@Should I stop and help? But then I'd be late for the meeting...q~χttWhisper lands in front of the base's headquarters. The other Chosen are already there. Together, they head inside.t +50 Evil Energyuq~t'An officer leads the three Chosen to a briefing room at the heart of the headquarters building. Inside, they find an older man in military uniform whose chest is pinned with countless medals. He's absorbed in looking over the strategic maps spread across the table in the center of the room. t*Stalwart speaks up to get his attention. t"t.Ah, General Kurita, sorry to keep you waiting!t" t(The General looks up and nods calmly. "tStalwart, Whisper, Enforcer, it's good to finally meet you. I called you here because of an urgent development. Our psychographers say that the leaked videos of your battles have provided the Demon Lord enough energy that he'll be able to make his move on the city soon." tRThe news is surprising to Stalwart, but she looks more thoughtful than anything. q~ϒtThe public was still quite aware of my strength and righteousness, though. Granted, they may have considered my methods a bit... eccentric.q~ϔtWhen the General replies, his tone is reassuring. "It isn't entirely your fault. It's even possible that the Demon Lord would have preferred not to have this confrontation yet, and that his hand is being forced by the nature of the energy he's receiving. tThe core of the Demonic hive will be erupting into the city. Destroying it will put an end to the infestation. However, your regenerative abilities will be weakened in the vicinity. tDemons don't generally try to kill the Chosen, but there's a serious risk that you could end up killing each other if you attack carelessly." tThe prospect of winning a decisive victory over the Demons is tantalizing, but Stalwart still feels some worry about losing the protection of her immortality, however briefly. q~ϒtHI suppose that absolute immortality would have been too good to be true.q~ϔtThe three Chosen and the General continue to talk at length about what's to come. They expect to have no more than five more days to prepare before the final battle. tOnce they're finished, Stalwart briefly splits off from the rest of the group to bring a bag of her stuff home. However, when she opens it up, she can only stare in confusion as she sees that it's filled with classified files from the base. q~ϒtfHow...? Ah, right, General Kurita gave these to me so I can review them! How could I have forgotten?q~ϔtIn truth, she's obeying your post-hypnotic suggestion that she gather intelligence for the Demonic army whenever possible. She'll be delivering those files to you soon enough.uq~tAfter finishing the briefing at the military base, the three Chosen head to the rooftop of the building where Stalwart lives to have a more private meeting, discussing what's about to happen and how they feel about it. t:Enforcer needs no prompting to launch into a grand However, as she opens her mouth to talk, her eyes glaze over and she forgets what she was about to say. q~ϒtZErgh, not now... No, nothing's wrong! I was just pausing for dramatic effect! Anyway! tVI'm going to kill the Demon Lord with my own two hands. You two are allowed to watch.q~ϔt@Enforcer paces as she talks, gesturing to emphasize her words. q~ϒt{After we win, the Demon Lord will be dead, and we'll get to relax and enjoy all the glory and luxury the city has to offer!q~ϔt>Full of self-assurance, Enforcer moves on to her conclusion. q~ϒtcAlright, enough of that. I'm gonna go enjoy myself to celebrate the fact that victory is in sight!q~ϒtC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~tAfter the battle, Whisper, Monarch, and Retribution are called to the nearest military base for an emergency meeting. It's not a public event, but someone evidently leaked information about the meeting, because Whisper's fans have already swarmed the perimeter of the base. tWith the kind of followers she's been attracting lately, they won't be satisfied with just catching a glimpse of their idol. They've already started riotingtj, even going so far as to lynch some of Retribution's fans who just showed up to demonstrate their supportts, and the military police have their hands full trying to stop the chaos from spreading into the compound itself. t(tIIt would be nice if the rioters could just tear the base to the ground...t) tAs far as Whisper is concerned, anything that hampers the military's local operations is a good thing. As she flies overhead, she smiles and waves down at the crowd to show her approvaltF, already making plans for how she'll set herself up as their ruler. q~ϲtLIf everyone thinks of me as strong, then I might as well actually be strong.q~ϴtFWhisper is so caught up in her fantasies that she barely even notices tthe riot down below growing even more violent. One of the rioters uses a brick to crack open the skull of one of the military police, and there are flashes of gunfire as the military police respond. tIn fact, Whisper herself is responsible for this. Only a matter of minutes ago, she was at a hastily-called gathering with her inner circle of fans, acting under your post-hypnotic suggestion as she told them about the fact that the Chosen would be coming to this base and promised sexual favors for any of them who could manage to accomplish some bloodshed. Her desire to be powerful and beloved made it easy to manipulate her. Now, of course, she remembers none of this. q~ϲt(I have enough problems to worry about...q~ϴtShe shrugs off her discomfort and leaves the crowd behind. She lands in front of the base's headquarters, where the other Chosen are already waiting. Together, they head inside.t +50 Evil Energyuq~t'An officer leads the three Chosen to a briefing room at the heart of the headquarters building. Inside, they find an older man in military uniform whose chest is pinned with countless medals. He's absorbed in looking over the strategic maps spread across the table in the center of the room. t-Retribution speaks up to get his attention. t"t/Ah, General Enomoto, sorry to keep you waiting!t" t(The General looks up and nods calmly. "tRetribution, Whisper, Monarch, it's good to finally meet you. I called you here because of an urgent development. Our psychographers say that the leaked videos of your battles have provided the Demon Lord enough energy that he'll be able to make his move on the city soon." tUThe news is surprising to Retribution, but she looks more thoughtful than anything. q~tDIs it my fault? I was just trying to make everyone happy, though...q~tWhen the General replies, his tone is reassuring. "It isn't entirely your fault. It's even possible that the Demon Lord would have preferred not to have this confrontation yet, and that his hand is being forced by the nature of the energy he's receiving. tThe core of the Demonic hive will be erupting into the city. Destroying it will put an end to the infestation. However, your regenerative abilities will be weakened in the vicinity. tDemons don't generally try to kill the Chosen, but there's a serious risk that you could end up killing each other if you attack carelessly." tAt the revelation that her desire for death can actually be fulfilled, Retribution acts without hesitation. She turns to the other Chosen. q~t8I actually wanna die, though! You two will help, right?q~tThe General frowns in disappointment, but it's clear that he's seen this sort of thing before. "If you're determined to be killed, then I can't stop you. I can only ask that you save this city first. If not for our sake, then as revenge for what the Demon Lord has done to you." tThe three Chosen and the General continue to talk at length about what's to come. They expect to have no more than five more days to prepare before the final battle. t9Even so, Retribution is in high spirits as they finish. q~t/We actually do have a chance to save everybody!q~uq~tAfter finishing the briefing at the military base, the three Chosen head to the rooftop of the building where Whisper lives to have a more private meeting, discussing what's about to happen and how they feel about it. t9Monarch needs no prompting to launch into a grand However, as she opens her mouth to talk, her eyes glaze over and she forgets what she was about to say. q~tGI must... focus...! No, that is not what I meant to say! Listen up! tVI'm going to kill the Demon Lord with my own two hands. You two are allowed to watch.q~t?Monarch paces as she talks, gesturing to emphasize her words. q~tAfter our victory, the government will lavishly reward us, using our exceptional treatment as incentive for the other Chosen teams around the country to win their own battles. I intend to enjoy this to the fullest.q~t=Full of self-assurance, Monarch moves on to her conclusion. q~tOne last thing! Plenty of the Thralls are my fans, and I'm planning on making good use of them after we win. If you kill any of them, then I'll kill you myself.q~tFor all her defiance against your control, Monarch's will to actually fight you has already been eroded by her dependence on your minions. She quite close to falling to your side.tC (Chosen profiles updated with final battle behavior information.)uq~P uq~ tIn a location undisclosed to the public, sealed within a region of space pinched off from the rest of reality, fragments of a holographic cathedral float in an endless sea of brilliant light. A lone wooden doorway serves to connect it to the outside world. The perfect silence and serenity of the scene are broken when the door opens, revealing concrete walls and fluorescent lighting on the other side. A man in a military uniform steps through. His task was to deliver a message, but his voice dies in his throat as he sees the glowing figure kneeling at the altar before him. Overcome with reverence, he drops to his knees as well, the door swinging shut behind him. For several moments, silence reclaims the cathedral. The messenger feels that he is unworthy to look directly at the one before him - unworthy to even exist in her presence. He wants to gouge out his own eyes for daring to even glance in her direction. But to soothe his shame in such a grotesque manner would itself be even more shameful, and he wants to beat his brains out against the marble floor for thinking such unworthy thoughts. His mind continues to spiral inward and downward until a voice from above reminds him of his mission. t"You may speak." tmThe voice is quiet, calm, and androgynous. The messenger shudders as he feels its beauty wash over him, but the implicit command in its words helps to keep him from being struck speechless a second time. He had planned out exactly how he'd word his message before he came here, but now that he's been asked to speak, the words come out in a disorganized jumble. t"Please forgive us, Crown. We've failed. Nagano has... fallen. And the Chosen tasked to defend it... They... They couldn't..." t"tBI felt only one of them die. The other two... did they defect?" t"Th-That's correct. I'm sorry, Crown... With two fallen Chosen defending it, there's no way we'll be able to retake the city." tSilence once again stretches for several moments as the messenger cringes and stares at the floor. Finally, Crown lets out a sigh and then responds. t"This outcome is far from ideal, but it is not a complete loss. When the Chosen martyr themselves, the resulting Holy Energy is considerable. Go, and tell my lieutenants that Shield's sacrifice shall drive us onward."uq~tEven after escaping the range of your influence, Whisper continues to fly higher and faster as she distances herself from the city. tAt first, her mind doesn't have room for anything beyond sheer terror at the seemingly unbeatable foe she faced. But when she sees a point of light rising from the clouds beneath her - another Chosen - she freezes up. ta"You're Whisper, correct? I'm glad to have caught up with you. My name is Basis. I came to-" t"I'm sorry! I-I'm so, so sorry! I tried my best, but I couldn't... I was too weak to... do anything. We failed, and it's all my fault. I never should have become one of the Chosen..." tWhisper's shame over her failure comes out in a rush of tearful words. Basis seems taken aback for a moment, but she quickly recovers. tH"No, no, it wasn't your fault. This war is bigger than any of us, and sometimes we happen to end up against forces too powerful for us to reasonably defeat. Right now, the most important thing is that you continue to show a strong face for the sake of all your fans. There are so many people who are still counting on you!" t$"Th-They're... counting on me...?" tDClinging desperately to the idea that not all is lost, that she isn't a complete failure, Whisper allows herself to be pulled back from the brink of despair. She is desperate to face the Demons again, delusionally hoping that she'll be able to once again earn the public praise that made her feel like she wasn't worthless.uq~ tSeveral weeks later... A town on the border of Demon-controlled territory has been targeted by a raiding party. Demons strike under cover of darkness, grabbing as many innocents as possible in order to drag them back to the hive, while Thralls mingled among the rescue workers sabotage any attempts to organize and repel the threat. However, as the Demons start to make their escape, a brilliant blast of light shines down from the sky, disintegrating them before they even have a chance to retaliate. When the light fades, Spice is hovering in the air where the Demons once stood. The grateful civilians emerge from their hiding places, calling out to thank her for saving them. tbBut Spice doesn't seem to recognize their words, and when she responds, it's with lethal intent. t@"There were more Demons hiding here? I'll take them all out!" t*After she escaped from the Demon Lord, her mind only deteriorated further and further into violent fantasies, and soon she began to lose track of where the fantasy ended and reality began. Even though a part of her suspects that she's actually killing humans, she doesn't care enough to heed it. tU"Those last ones died too quickly. I'm going to keep hunting until I'm satisfied." t Spice is slowly losing her Chosen powers as a result of her behavior, but her faith in herself is also greater than ever, so she's still strong enough that neither the human authorities nor the local Demon Lords are interested in spending resources to bring her down. tf"I should probably report in to base and take some time off soon... but for now, I'm enjoying this." tnShe smiles through the blood spattering her face. For the first time in a long while, Spice is truly happy. tA"Everything used to be so confusing, but now it all makes sense!"uq~ tSeveral weeks later... A town on the border of Demon-controlled territory has been targeted by a raiding party. Demons strike under cover of darkness, grabbing as many innocents as possible in order to drag them back to the hive, while Thralls mingled among the rescue workers sabotage any attempts to organize and repel the threat. However, as the Demons start to make their escape, a brilliant blast of light shines down from the sky, disintegrating them before they even have a chance to retaliate. When the light fades, Moppet is hovering in the air where the Demons once stood. The grateful civilians emerge from their hiding places, calling out to thank her for saving them. twMoppet shouts in alarm when she hears them, spinning around and shooting rays of lethal light in their direction too. tF"Aaah! Th-There are more of them! I won't let you sneak up on me!" tEven though she managed to escape your direct control, her grasp on reality has been broken beyond repair. Now, there's nothing to stop her from seeing the world however she wants to see it. tW"Looks like there's no one here to appreciate my victory. Oh well, that's fine too." t3Moppet is no longer receiving any psychic energy as one of the Chosen, but public's growing terror after every attack is turning her into something different - neither Chosen nor Demon, and too strong for either side to want to oppose. She hasn't yet realized that she's starting to grow horns and fangs. tN"Working alone is nice. I don't have to worry about what anyone else says." toShe smiles through the blood spattering her face. For the first time in a long while, Moppet is truly happy. tA"Everything used to be so confusing, but now it all makes sense!"uq~tkEven after it's clear that you can't be defeated, Triumph still lingers around the outskirts of the city. t}She knows that once she leaves, this fight will be truly and unambiguously lost. She isn't willing to take that last step. t"Ah, damn it! I can't let it seem like I'm running away! I need to find some idiot civilian who stayed behind so I can claim I was just carrying him to safety, turn it into a nice photo op!" tFortunately, at just that moment, she spots a man trying to dig through some rubble. She swoops down and picks him up, ignoring the way that the civilian keeps shouting in protest and trying to struggle out of her grip. tt"I don't care about your stupid family! They're probably dead anyway! Come on, I need you to make me look good!" tTriumph carries him all the way to a neighboring city, then spots a group of reporters and lands in front of them, letting the civilian slump to the ground. t{"Hello, everyone! I've spent all day rescuing civilians, and this is the last one. I think the fight went pretty well!" tEven the trauma she endured at your hands hasn't dissuaded Triumph from her celebrity ambitions. But she knows that she'll be seen as a failure if she retires after losing to you, and so she will definitely be back.uq~tEven after escaping the range of your influence, Retribution continues to fly higher and faster as she distances herself from the city. t It takes some time before her terror at finding herself up against a foe far beyond her abilities begins to fade. But then, she gradually comes to a stop and turns around, looking back at the city on the distant horizon and the black spire erupting from its center. tp"I don't understand... I tried my hardest, I did my best... but we still lost. Did I do something wrong...?" taShe starts to sob, but then quickly regains control of herself, wiping the tears from her eyes. t"No! I can't lose hope! There are still lots of other people who need my help. As bad as I feel now, they'll end up feeling even worse if I don't do anything!" tRetribution turns away from the city once again, now flying at a more steady, purposeful pace. She looks for the nearest allied unit down on the ground so that she can give her report. tK"As long as I try my hardest... I'm sure it'll turn out better next time!"uq~ tSeveral weeks later... A town on the border of Demon-controlled territory has been targeted by a raiding party. Demons strike under cover of darkness, grabbing as many innocents as possible in order to drag them back to the hive, while Thralls mingled among the rescue workers sabotage any attempts to organize and repel the threat. However, as the Demons start to make their escape, a brilliant blast of light shines down from the sky, disintegrating them before they even have a chance to retaliate. When the light fades, Whisper is hovering in the air where the Demons once stood. The grateful civilians emerge from their hiding places, calling out to thank her for saving them. txWhisper shouts in alarm when she hears them, spinning around and shooting rays of lethal light in their direction too. tF"Aaah! Th-There are more of them! I won't let you sneak up on me!" tEven though she managed to escape your direct control, her grasp on reality has been broken beyond repair. Now, there's nothing to stop her from seeing the world however she wants to see it. tW"Looks like there's no one here to appreciate my victory. Oh well, that's fine too." tThis kind of wanton slaughter is obviously unbefitting of one of the Chosen, but Whisper's prolific former reputation means that she'll continue to receive psychic energy from the public for some time, even as the human authorities do their best to scrub her name from all media. t"Still, I was hoping to encounter the mass murderer that was supposed to be somewhere around here. If I can stop her, maybe the news sites will go back to covering my heroics." tpShe smiles through the blood spattering her face. For the first time in a long while, Whisper is truly happy. tA"Everything used to be so confusing, but now it all makes sense!"uq~tSeveral weeks later... tVJunko's return to being a regular human has not gone well for her. Her great fame meant that she was recognized on the street even by people who didn't regularly follow the battles between the Demons and the Chosen, and her failures had already become a regular topic of conversation. It was impossible for her to return to a normal life. t$"So much for my so-called fans..." tLHowever, her new lack of power means she's practically helpless when the city she now calls home is targeted by the Demons. She happens to get caught right in the middle of their first attack. Desperate to escape, she starts shoving other civilians to the ground in hopes of distracting the Demons with easier prey as she flees. t"Get out of my way!" tThinking quickly, Junko immediately dives to the side, tumbling onto her feet as she darts back and forth to evade the pursuing Demons. But no matter how skillful her movements, her body is just too slow now, and they have no trouble catching her. t"No! I can't-" tiA tentacled Demon grabs her by the ankles, spreads them wide apart, and then immediately rams a tentacle tinto her pussy, t>stealing the virginity she had worked so hard to protect, and t,squirting copious amounts of slime inside. tJunko kicks and screams pitifully, but her efforts to escape don't even slow the Demon down as it drags her back to the hive. t!"Aaah! No, no, no, let me go!" tRBefore long, the slime takes effect, and Junko is turned into an obedient Thrall, t=learning to enjoy giving birth to countless Demons every day.uq~tlEven after it's clear that you can't be defeated, Hellborn still lingers around the outskirts of the city. t}She knows that once she leaves, this fight will be truly and unambiguously lost. She isn't willing to take that last step. t8"I-I can't run away! Not with... them... watching..." tShe wants to flee, but a group of daredevil civilians are lingering in the city, trying to film as much of the fighting as possible to get more hits on their channel. Hellborn keeps fighting halfheartedly until she sees the civilians get ambushed by a squad of tentacled Demons. t1"Phew, looks like they're not filming anymore." tIgnoring the civilians screaming for help as they're dragged back to the hive, Hellborn flies away from the city at top speed, then lands once she's a safe distance away, collapsing onto her back and gasping with exhaustion. t5"I made it out... a-and that's all that matters..." tCIn the coming weeks, Hellborn will feel bolstered by the attention and sympathy she receives from the public following her supposedly valiant fight against all odds. It will make her feel like fighting another losing battle might actually be in her best interests, as long as she manages to avoid being defeated too badly.uq~P uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Shield t]has always used a gentle touch, wincing at every unintentional scrape and bruise she inflictsty, but today she just seems to want to get it over with as quickly as possible. She rushes through the capture procedurestJ, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Honey takes noticet0, recognizing the other Chosen's emotional statet*. She lands next to Shield and calls out.t "tSlow down, Shield! t4You're going to get us in trouble if you keep going.t" tThe plea is enough to shock Shield back to rationality, and she immediately looks embarrassed to have briefly forgotten herself. t0"F-Forgive me, I'm not sure what came over me. tIt's just so frustrating. tFI know I must be doing something wrong, but I don't understand what...q~Dt$Honey looks unusually sympathetic. t"tYou're overthinking it. t1There's only one thing you need to worry about. t|As long as the government's happy, everything's okay! And the government says no hurting Thralls after the Demons are dead.q~DtMShield doesn't seem entirely convinced, but she still sighs with resignation.q~At3You've got your own way of doing things, Honey... tI'm glad you're here to help.q~Dt[Their friendship only grows as Honey reassures Shield that her violence is justified. But tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Stalwart tIhas always been careful to catch them with the minimum amount of violencety, but today she just seems to want to get it over with as quickly as possible. She rushes through the capture procedurestK, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Tyrant takes noticet., and at seeing the other Chosen in distress, tshe can't help but smirk. t"t'This is why weaklings shouldn't try to t,save everyone without making any sacrifices.t" t?Stalwart grits her teeth in irritation as she turns to reply. q~Zt%Stop talking like you know so much! tkI don't like it, but I feel like this is my best shot at saving as many people as possible in the long run!q~]t0Tyrant wears a smug expression as she replies. t"I guess this is your limit. tnIf you really need more strength, maybe you should get down on your knees and beg me to lend you some of mine!q~]tOShaking with rage, Stalwart manages to bite out one last line before leaving. q~Zt;I thought you were a good person, Tyrant. But not anymore.q~]tjTyrant's inability to resist gloating has shattered the budding friendship between her and Stalwart. And twith the kindhearted Stalwart being driven to violence, the other Chosen can't be far behind. Their connection to the rest of humanity has begun to fray.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Prayer t]has always used a gentle touch, wincing at every unintentional scrape and bruise she inflictsty, but today she just seems to want to get it over with as quickly as possible. She rushes through the capture procedurestJ, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Spice takes noticet*, recognizing her friend's emotional statet*. She lands next to Prayer and calls out.t "tSlow down, Prayer! t4You're going to get us in trouble if you keep going.t" tThe plea is enough to shock Prayer back to rationality, and she immediately looks embarrassed to have briefly forgotten herself. t0"F-Forgive me, I'm not sure what came over me. tIt's just so frustrating. tFI know I must be doing something wrong, but I don't understand what...q~rt$Spice looks unusually sympathetic. t"tYou're overthinking it. t1There's only one thing you need to worry about. t|As long as the government's happy, everything's okay! And the government says no hurting Thralls after the Demons are dead.q~rtMPrayer doesn't seem entirely convinced, but she still sighs with resignation.q~ot3You've got your own way of doing things, Spice... tI'm glad you're here to help.q~rt[Their friendship only grows as Spice reassures Prayer that her violence is justified. But tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Spike tQhas always taken pride in her ability to return people to their families unharmedty, but today she just seems to want to get it over with as quickly as possible. She rushes through the capture procedurestI, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Void takes noticetO, and despite their conflicts in the past, she can't help but feel some empathyt9. She reaches toward Spike, trying to get her attention.t "tW-Wait, Spike! t4You're going to get us in trouble if you keep going.t" t6Spike is so angry that she almost lashes out at her. t"I don't care! tfI've trained and trained and trained, but I'm still not strong enough to win without hurting people! t-What am I doing wrong!? What else is there!?q~Ћt#Void looks unusually sympathetic. t"tYou're overthinking it. tFYou need to look out for yourself before worrying about any of that. tBasically, I just let out all my frustration on the Thralls. It works really well! But you can only do it during battle, or else the government gets mad.q~Ћt9Spike frowns, not wanting to admit that Void has a point.q~Јt2You've got your own way of doing things, Void... t1I should really listen to you more in the future.q~ЋtqSpike and Void rekindle their friendship as they reassure each other that their violent ways are justified. But tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Spike tQhas always taken pride in her ability to return people to their families unharmedty, but today she just seems to want to get it over with as quickly as possible. She rushes through the capture procedurestI, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Void takes noticetO, and despite their conflicts in the past, she can't help but feel some empathyt9. She reaches toward Spike, trying to get her attention.t "tW-Wait, you hypocrite! t4You're going to get us in trouble if you keep going.t" t6Spike is so angry that she almost lashes out at her. t"I don't care! tfI've trained and trained and trained, but I'm still not strong enough to win without hurting people! t-What am I doing wrong!? What else is there!?q~Фt#Void looks unusually sympathetic. t"tYou're overthinking it. tFYou need to look out for yourself before worrying about any of that. tBasically, I just let out all my frustration on the Thralls. It works really well! But you can only do it during battle, or else the government gets mad.q~Фt9Spike frowns, not wanting to admit that Void has a point.q~Сt9You've got your own way of doing things, you villain... t(I guess I'll listen to you... this time.q~ФtkEven though Spike takes solace in Void's approval, their relationship will not be repaired so easily. And tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Paladin tQhas always taken pride in her ability to return people to their families unharmedt, but there's no trace of empathy on her face today. She coldly goes about apprehending them in the most efficient method possibletL, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Crimson takes noticet0, recognizing the other Chosen's emotional statet+. She lands next to Paladin and calls out.t "tYou might want to stop there. t!You look like you're going crazy.t" t(Paladin snaps back without hesitation. t"So what if I am!? tII assure you, I have taken every single possible strategy into account! tmAt this point, I'm forced to conclude that I must fight without mercy, even against those I'd prefer to save!q~нt"Crimson smirks, leaning forward. t"t(You're smart to realize it so quickly. tRBut since you've got no choice there, there's only one other thing that matters. tDo whatever you need to in order to stay sane. Abusing the Thralls is a fine method. But you need to have the self-control to go back to being a 'defender of humanity' once the battle is over.q~нt,Paladin carefully considers Crimson's point.q~кt4That's actually not a bad way of going about it... tThanks for the help.q~нt^Their friendship only grows as Crimson reassures Paladin that her violence is justified. But tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Retribution tIhas always been careful to catch them with the minimum amount of violencetR, but today she seems distracted. She carelessly draws on her superhuman strengthtN, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Purgatory takes noticetO, and despite their conflicts in the past, she can't help but feel some empathyt?. She reaches toward Retribution, trying to get her attention.t "t!Um, you should probably stop... t!You look like you're going crazy.t" t1Retribution's hands are shaking as she replies. t*"I'm not crazy! It's just that... I... tiI'm trying to get stronger, to get to the point where I can save everyone, but it's just not happening! t6Maybe I don't have it in me to be a hero after all...?q~t(Purgatory sighs and rubs her forehead. t"tHeroes are... fictional. tNLook, if I can wrap my head around this, then you should be able to as well. tThe only way to stay sane is to stop worrying about your opponents and just beat the hell out of them. It's actually really cathartic... But you've got to keep it to reasonable levels, or else the government will think you've gone rogue.q~t)Retribution nods in purehearted sympathy.q~t3You're actually pretty cool after all, Purgatory! t1I should really listen to you more in the future.q~t|Retribution and Purgatory rekindle their friendship as they reassure each other that their violent ways are justified. But tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Stalwart tIhas always been careful to catch them with the minimum amount of violencet, but there's no trace of empathy on her face today. She coldly goes about apprehending them in the most efficient method possibletM, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Enforcer takes noticet*, recognizing her friend's emotional statetg. In a flash, she appears beside Stalwart to grab her arm, which was about to punch a captured Thrall.t "t Hold it. t)Are you going crazy? The battle is over!t" t.Stalwart's hands are shaking as she replies. t*"I'm not crazy! It's just that... I... tiI'm trying to get stronger, to get to the point where I can save everyone, but it's just not happening! tBI'm becoming increasingly certain that it's completely impossible!q~t#Enforcer smirks, leaning forward. t"tYou're not wrong. tLOf course, I'm way ahead of you, so I'd recommend that you follow my lead. tThere's no need to hold back during the battle itself, as long as you have the self-control to stop after the Demons are gone. If you go completely crazy, then the government will consider you a liability - and frankly, I'd agree with them.q~tBStalwart is a bit taken aback by Enforcer's alternative viewpoint.q~t)You're smarter than you look, Enforcer. tI'm glad you're here to help.q~t`Their friendship only grows as Enforcer reassures Stalwart that her violence is justified. But tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Stalwart tIhas always been careful to catch them with the minimum amount of violencet, but there's no trace of empathy on her face today. She coldly goes about apprehending them in the most efficient method possibletM, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Enforcer takes noticet0, recognizing the other Chosen's emotional statetg. In a flash, she appears beside Stalwart to grab her arm, which was about to punch a captured Thrall.t "t Hold it. t)Are you going crazy? The battle is over!t" t.Stalwart's hands are shaking as she replies. t*"I'm not crazy! It's just that... I... tiI'm trying to get stronger, to get to the point where I can save everyone, but it's just not happening! tBI'm becoming increasingly certain that it's completely impossible!q~t#Enforcer smirks, leaning forward. t"tYou're not wrong. tLOf course, I'm way ahead of you, so I'd recommend that you follow my lead. tThere's no need to hold back during the battle itself, as long as you have the self-control to stop after the Demons are gone. If you go completely crazy, then the government will consider you a liability - and frankly, I'd agree with them.q~tBStalwart is a bit taken aback by Enforcer's alternative viewpoint.q~t)You're smarter than you look, Enforcer. tI'm glad you're here to help.q~t`Their friendship only grows as Enforcer reassures Stalwart that her violence is justified. But tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~tAfter all the Demons are exterminated, the Chosen normally help the police round up the remaining Thralls for purification. Sacred tIhas always been careful to catch them with the minimum amount of violencetR, but today she seems distracted. She carelessly draws on her superhuman strengthtM, resulting in plenty of broken bones and concussions. Hellborn takes noticet0, recognizing the other Chosen's emotional statet:. She reaches toward Sacred, trying to get her attention.t "t!Um, you should probably stop... t!You look like you're going crazy.t" t,Sacred's hands are shaking as she replies. t*"I'm not crazy! It's just that... I... tiI'm trying to get stronger, to get to the point where I can save everyone, but it's just not happening! t6Maybe I don't have it in me to be a hero after all...?q~!t'Hellborn sighs and rubs her forehead. t"tHeroes are... fictional. tNLook, if I can wrap my head around this, then you should be able to as well. tThe only way to stay sane is to stop worrying about your opponents and just beat the hell out of them. It's actually really cathartic... But you've got to keep it to reasonable levels, or else the government will think you've gone rogue.q~!t$Sacred nods in purehearted sympathy.q~t2You're actually pretty cool after all, Hellborn! tI'm glad you're here to help.q~!t^Their friendship only grows as Hellborn reassures Sacred that her violence is justified. But tevery time they give in to the urge to cause needless pain and suffering, their connection to the rest of humanity weakens further.uq~Puq~tOnce extermination of the Demons is completed, the main task facing the Chosen is to help the police quickly capture the remaining Thralls before they can flee back into the Demons' underground tunnels. t{But this time, instead of using violence, Honey decides to try a different method that occurred to her during the battle. t$She gets down on her knees and entices several Thralls to approach with the promise of using her hands and mouth to service them. The Thralls' suppressed inhibitions end up working against them, as they forget their plans to escape and crowd around the kneeling Chosen. When Axiom notices, tSshe quickly approaches and begins to help out in the same way. Honey is surprised t5that her friend has no trouble doing things like thist, but the two of them working together are able to quickly satisfy all of the Thralls - and then handcuff them and deliver them to the police while they're caught up in the afterglow. Once that's finished, Honey turns to Axiom. t"t!Was that really alright, Axiom? t*You've never really liked perverted stuff.t" t'Axiom replies with a confident smile. q~8tQMy moral judgment is flexible enough to account for all possible circumstances. tPBut the ignorant masses prefer a purehearted heroine, so I simply play the part.q~;t>Honey listens to Axiom's reasoning with wide-eyed attention. q~8t9I had no idea you were feeling that kind of pressure... t-Don't forget about your own happiness, dummy!q~;tGAxiom is pleased to be praised, but she does her best not to show it. q~8tIIt's really nothing at all. I'm sure you could do it at least as well. tI'll show you some tricks. t'After all, that's what friends are for.q~;tAs they work together to grow more comfortable with the lewd situations forced on them by the war, the friendship between Honey and Axiom deepens. But tthe more inured they become to using intimacy as a weapon, the less they can understand the feelings of the people they are trying to save.uq~tOnce extermination of the Demons is completed, the main task facing the Chosen is to help the police quickly capture the remaining Thralls before they can flee back into the Demons' underground tunnels. tWhisper has always been insecure about how little she can contribute to this phase, but her experiences in battle have given her a potentially more effective idea. t%She gets down on her knees and entices several Thralls to approach with the promise of using her hands and mouth to service them. The Thralls' suppressed inhibitions end up working against them, as they forget their plans to escape and crowd around the kneeling Chosen. When Tyrant notices, tUshe quickly approaches and begins to help out in the same way. Whisper is surprised t5that her friend has no trouble doing things like thist, but the two of them working together are able to quickly satisfy all of the Thralls - and then handcuff them and deliver them to the police while they're caught up in the afterglow. Once that's finished, Whisper turns to Tyrant. q~Zt!Thank you for the help, Tyrant! t$You were really, um... a-amazing...q~]t(Tyrant replies with a confident smile. q~ZtWIt's only logical to refine my expertise in the full spectrum of anti-Thrall tactics. tXI analyze each situation individually in order to decide which course of action is best.q~]t/Whisper is dazzled by Tyrant's determination. q~Zt+You're so much smarter than me, Tyrant... t6P-Please, teach me to be better at this sort of thing!q~]t!Tyrant is pleasantly surprised. q~Zt#Very well, but you'll owe me one. tSIf I can show you some more effective techniques, it'd be convenient for me, too. t.Right, I'm obviously doing it for my own sake.q~]tAs they work together to grow more comfortable with the lewd situations forced on them by the war, the friendship between Whisper and Tyrant deepens. But tthe more inured they become to using intimacy as a weapon, the less they can understand the feelings of the people they are trying to save.uq~tOnce extermination of the Demons is completed, the main task facing the Chosen is to help the police quickly capture the remaining Thralls before they can flee back into the Demons' underground tunnels. t{But this time, instead of using violence, Spice decides to try a different method that occurred to her during the battle. t$She gets down on her knees and entices several Thralls to approach with the promise of using her hands and mouth to service them. The Thralls' suppressed inhibitions end up working against them, as they forget their plans to escape and crowd around the kneeling Chosen. When Axiom notices, tSshe quickly approaches and begins to help out in the same way. Spice is surprised tVthat the other Chosen is the sort of person to jump into this type of thing so eagerlyt, but the two of them working together are able to quickly satisfy all of the Thralls - and then handcuff them and deliver them to the police while they're caught up in the afterglow. Once that's finished, Spice turns to Axiom. q~xt!Was that really alright, Axiom? t*You've never really liked perverted stuff.q~rt'Axiom replies with a confident smile. q~xtQMy moral judgment is flexible enough to account for all possible circumstances. tPBut the ignorant masses prefer a purehearted heroine, so I simply play the part.q~rt>Spice listens to Axiom's reasoning with wide-eyed attention. q~xt9I had no idea you were feeling that kind of pressure... t-Don't forget about your own happiness, dummy!q~rtGAxiom is pleased to be praised, but she does her best not to show it. q~xtIIt's really nothing at all. I'm sure you could do it at least as well. tI'll show you some tricks. t'After all, that's what friends are for.q~rtAs they work together to grow more comfortable with the lewd situations forced on them by the war, the friendship between Spice and Axiom deepens. But tthe more inured they become to using intimacy as a weapon, the less they can understand the feelings of the people they are trying to save.uq~tOnce extermination of the Demons is completed, the main task facing the Chosen is to help the police quickly capture the remaining Thralls before they can flee back into the Demons' underground tunnels. tVoid has always been insecure about how little she can contribute to this phase, but her experiences in battle have given her a potentially more effective idea. t&She gets down on her knees and entices several Thralls to approach with the promise of using her hands and mouth to service them. The Thralls' suppressed inhibitions end up working against them, as they forget their plans to escape and crowd around the kneeling Chosen. When Prophet notices, tRshe quickly approaches and begins to help out in the same way. Void is surprised t5that her friend has no trouble doing things like thist, but the two of them working together are able to quickly satisfy all of the Thralls - and then handcuff them and deliver them to the police while they're caught up in the afterglow. Once that's finished, Void turns to Prophet. t"t#Was that really alright, Prophet? t*You've never really liked perverted stuff.t" t.Prophet's reply is curt, but not unfriendly. q~yt_It would be illogical to eschew such methods simply because they're... somewhat embarrassing. t8Do not mistake my public persona for my true priorities.q~|t-Void is dazzled by Prophet's determination. q~yt*You had me completely fooled, Prophet... t)I-I don't want to lose to you! Teach me!q~|t"Prophet is pleasantly surprised. q~yt4I'm surprised that you're showing some initiative. tI'll show you some tricks. t'After all, that's what friends are for.q~|tAs they work together to grow more comfortable with the lewd situations forced on them by the war, the friendship between Void and Prophet deepens. But tthe more inured they become to using intimacy as a weapon, the less they can understand the feelings of the people they are trying to save.uq~tOnce extermination of the Demons is completed, the main task facing the Chosen is to help the police quickly capture the remaining Thralls before they can flee back into the Demons' underground tunnels. tMoppet has always been insecure about how little she can contribute to this phase, but her experiences in battle have given her a potentially more effective idea. t&She gets down on her knees and entices several Thralls to approach with the promise of using her hands and mouth to service them. The Thralls' suppressed inhibitions end up working against them, as they forget their plans to escape and crowd around the kneeling Chosen. When Paladin notices, tTshe quickly approaches and begins to help out in the same way. Moppet is surprised t5that her friend has no trouble doing things like thist, but the two of them working together are able to quickly satisfy all of the Thralls - and then handcuff them and deliver them to the police while they're caught up in the afterglow. Once that's finished, Moppet turns to Paladin. q~ tFThat really surprised me, Paladin! I thought for sure you'd be like 't"This lewdness is highly illogical!t' or something.q~t)Paladin replies with a confident smile. q~ tWIt's only logical to refine my expertise in the full spectrum of anti-Thrall tactics. tXI analyze each situation individually in order to decide which course of action is best.q~t/Moppet is dazzled by Paladin's determination. q~ t,You're so much smarter than me, Paladin... t6P-Please, teach me to be better at this sort of thing!q~t"Paladin is pleasantly surprised. q~ t7Of course, it goes without saying that I'll help you. t9Let's work together to save as many people as possible. t/I have complete faith in your ability to learn.q~tAs they work together to grow more comfortable with the lewd situations forced on them by the war, the friendship between Moppet and Paladin deepens. But tthe more inured they become to using intimacy as a weapon, the less they can understand the feelings of the people they are trying to save.uq~tOnce extermination of the Demons is completed, the main task facing the Chosen is to help the police quickly capture the remaining Thralls before they can flee back into the Demons' underground tunnels. tMoppet has always been insecure about how little she can contribute to this phase, but her experiences in battle have given her a potentially more effective idea. t+She gets down on her knees and entices several Thralls to approach with the promise of using her hands and mouth to service them. The Thralls' suppressed inhibitions end up working against them, as they forget their plans to escape and crowd around the kneeling Chosen. When Lightbringer notices, tTshe quickly approaches and begins to help out in the same way. Moppet is surprised t!that her rival is helping her outt, but the two of them working together are able to quickly satisfy all of the Thralls - and then handcuff them and deliver them to the police while they're caught up in the afterglow. Once that's finished, Moppet turns to Lightbringer. t"tKThat really surprised me, Lightbringer! I thought for sure you'd be like 't"This lewdness is highly illogical!t' or something.t" t.Lightbringer replies with a confident smile. q~ѦtWIt's only logical to refine my expertise in the full spectrum of anti-Thrall tactics. tXI analyze each situation individually in order to decide which course of action is best.q~Ѫt4Moppet is dazzled by Lightbringer's determination. q~Ѧt1You're so much smarter than me, Lightbringer... t6P-Please, teach me to be better at this sort of thing!q~Ѫt'Lightbringer is pleasantly surprised. q~Ѧt7Of course, it goes without saying that I'll help you. t9Let's work together to save as many people as possible. thI know that we haven't gotten along well in the past, but I'm realizing that you're still a good person.q~Ѫt_The opportunity for cooperation allows Moppet and Lightbringer to grow closer once again. But tthe more inured they become to using intimacy as a weapon, the less they can understand the feelings of the people they are trying to save.uq~tOnce extermination of the Demons is completed, the main task facing the Chosen is to help the police quickly capture the remaining Thralls before they can flee back into the Demons' underground tunnels. tBut this time, instead of using violence, Retribution decides to try a different method that occurred to her during the battle. t"She gets down on her knees and entices several Thralls to approach with the promise of using her hands and mouth to service them. The Thralls' suppressed inhibitions end up working against them, as they forget their plans to escape and crowd around the kneeling Chosen. When Sky notices, tYshe quickly approaches and begins to help out in the same way. Retribution is surprised tVthat the other Chosen is the sort of person to jump into this type of thing so eagerlyt, but the two of them working together are able to quickly satisfy all of the Thralls - and then handcuff them and deliver them to the police while they're caught up in the afterglow. Once that's finished, Retribution turns to Sky. q~tBThat really surprised me, Sky! I thought for sure you'd be like 't9Grr, Thralls are for beating up, not for lewding! Hiyah!t' or something.q~t%Sky replies with a confident smile. q~tAI excel in all anti-Thrall tactics, both violent and otherwise. tXI analyze each situation individually in order to decide which course of action is best.q~tBRetribution listens to Sky's reasoning with wide-eyed attention. q~t-I didn't realize this was so complicated... t-I want to be as great as hero as you someday!q~tESky is pleased to be praised, but she does her best not to show it. q~tIIt's really nothing at all. I'm sure you could do it at least as well. tI'll show you some tricks. t'After all, that's what friends are for.q~tAs they work together to grow more comfortable with the lewd situations forced on them by the war, the friendship between Retribution and Sky deepens. But tthe more inured they become to using intimacy as a weapon, the less they can understand the feelings of the people they are trying to save.uq~tOnce extermination of the Demons is completed, the main task facing the Chosen is to help the police quickly capture the remaining Thralls before they can flee back into the Demons' underground tunnels. t|But this time, instead of using violence, Sacred decides to try a different method that occurred to her during the battle. t&She gets down on her knees and entices several Thralls to approach with the promise of using her hands and mouth to service them. The Thralls' suppressed inhibitions end up working against them, as they forget their plans to escape and crowd around the kneeling Chosen. When Artisan notices, tTshe quickly approaches and begins to help out in the same way. Sacred is surprised t!that her rival is helping her outt, but the two of them working together are able to quickly satisfy all of the Thralls - and then handcuff them and deliver them to the police while they're caught up in the afterglow. Once that's finished, Sacred turns to Artisan. t"tFThat really surprised me, Artisan! I thought for sure you'd be like 't9Grr, Thralls are for beating up, not for lewding! Hiyah!t' or something.t" t)Artisan replies with a confident smile. q~tAI excel in all anti-Thrall tactics, both violent and otherwise. tXI analyze each situation individually in order to decide which course of action is best.q~tASacred listens to Artisan's reasoning with wide-eyed attention. q~t-I didn't realize this was so complicated... t-I want to be as great as hero as you someday!q~tIArtisan is pleased to be praised, but she does her best not to show it. q~tIIt's really nothing at all. I'm sure you could do it at least as well. tI'll show you some tricks. t8Not in person, obviously. Maybe I'll send you an email.q~thEven though the circumstances force them to cooperate, Sacred and Artisan still resent each other. And tthe more inured they become to using intimacy as a weapon, the less they can understand the feelings of the people they are trying to save.uq~P uq~tPaladin is the sort of person that normally enjoys fighting. tShe takes pride in her strength as one of the Chosen, and combat against the Demons is the one place where she can use it to the fullest. tHowever, as the Demons have grown stronger, she has begun to feel the pressure. After the battle, instead of preening for the cameras and talking to reporters like she normally does, Paladin just slinks away down a back alley. Cheer notices her odd behaviort7, and she hurries after in order to comfort her friend.t "t2H-Hey, Paladin, this is a little awkward, but... tYou're acting really weird.t" t+Paladin's first instinct is to get angry. t"tFIf you have time to worry about me, then spend it helping civilians! t0I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!q~toCheer shrinks back at first, but at seeing clearly just how troubled Paladin is, she refuses to be dissuaded. q~t]It's not like that, Paladin! I-I just want to tell you that I see how heroic you're being! tI always just figured that I had no choice but to let the Demons have their way with me... But you've been fighting them every step of the way! t+You're still so much stronger than I am!" t#Cheer's words give Paladin pause. q~t-You actually make a good point. Thank you. t6I'll be happy as long as I can be there for my friend.q~tiThe two Chosen grow closer over their shared personal understanding of how cruel the Demons can be. But tsince the power of the Chosen is partially dependent on their own faith in themselves, it is inevitable that the previously-confident Paladin will only slide further and further into self-doubt and despair...uq~t=Tyrant is the sort of person that normally enjoys fighting. tShe takes pride in her strength as one of the Chosen, and combat against the Demons is the one place where she can use it to the fullest. tHowever, as the Demons have grown stronger, she has begun to feel the pressure. After the battle, instead of preening for the cameras and talking to reporters like she normally does, Tyrant just slinks away down a back alley. Whisper notices her odd behaviort_ and approaches her out of curiosity as to what could be bothering such a strong-willed person.t "tE-Excuse me? Tyrant? t1Are you alright? You seem sad for some reason...q~]t*Tyrant's first instinct is to get angry. q~Zt/I'm not interested in your sympathy, Whisper! t0I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!q~]tpWhisper shrinks back at first, but at seeing clearly just how troubled Tyrant is, she refuses to be dissuaded. q~Zt\It's not like that, Tyrant! I-I just want to tell you that I see how heroic you're being! tI always just figured that I had no choice but to let the Demons have their way with me... But you've been fighting them every step of the way! t+You're still so much stronger than I am!" t$Whisper's words give Tyrant pause. q~Zt-You actually make a good point. Thank you. t3Let me just say now that you're my favorite minion.q~]tiThe two Chosen grow closer over their shared personal understanding of how cruel the Demons can be. But tsince the power of the Chosen is partially dependent on their own faith in themselves, it is inevitable that the previously-confident Tyrant will only slide further and further into self-doubt and despair...uq~tPaladin is the sort of person that normally enjoys fighting. tShe takes pride in her strength as one of the Chosen, and combat against the Demons is the one place where she can use it to the fullest. tHowever, as the Demons have grown stronger, she has begun to feel the pressure. After the battle, instead of preening for the cameras and talking to reporters like she normally does, Paladin just slinks away down a back alley. Moppet notices her odd behaviort_ and approaches her out of curiosity as to what could be bothering such a strong-willed person.t "t2H-Hey, Paladin, this is a little awkward, but... tYou're acting really weird.t" t+Paladin's first instinct is to get angry. t"tFIf you have time to worry about me, then spend it helping civilians! t0I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!q~htpMoppet shrinks back at first, but at seeing clearly just how troubled Paladin is, she refuses to be dissuaded. q~jt]It's not like that, Paladin! I-I just want to tell you that I see how heroic you're being! tI always just figured that I had no choice but to let the Demons have their way with me... But you've been fighting them every step of the way! t+You're still so much stronger than I am!" t$Moppet's words give Paladin pause. q~jt-You actually make a good point. Thank you. t6I'll be happy as long as I can be there for my friend.q~htiThe two Chosen grow closer over their shared personal understanding of how cruel the Demons can be. But tsince the power of the Chosen is partially dependent on their own faith in themselves, it is inevitable that the previously-confident Paladin will only slide further and further into self-doubt and despair...uq~tCLightbringer is the sort of person that normally enjoys fighting. tShe takes pride in her strength as one of the Chosen, and combat against the Demons is the one place where she can use it to the fullest. t However, as the Demons have grown stronger, she has begun to feel the pressure. After the battle, instead of preening for the cameras and talking to reporters like she normally does, Lightbringer just slinks away down a back alley. Moppet notices her odd behaviortJ, and since she doesn't have a strong relationship with the other Chosen, t7she ends up feeling more bewildered than sympathetic. t"t;Woah, Lightbringer, you look like you got totally beaten! tSh-Should I be worried?t" t5To Lightbringer, it sounds like she's taunting her. t"Are you mocking me!? tIgnorant weakling!q~tI might be wrong, but you seem really bothered by something...t" t'Sky's first instinct is to get angry. t"t6Do not waste your time worrying about me, Purgatory! t0I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!q~ғtoPurgatory shrinks back at first, but at seeing clearly just how troubled Sky is, she refuses to be dissuaded. q~ҕt)I can tell that you're hurting, Leader! tYou feel like you need to be strong enough to save everyone, so you're holding yourself to an impossible standard. But as far as I'm concerned, you're still my savior. Can't you just be content with protecting me?" t>Sky is caught by surprise for a moment, but then she smirks. q~ҕtrYou're selfish as always, Natsuki. But I could hardly live with myself if I turned down such an honest request. t3This sort of thing is why you're a valuable friend.q~ғtiThe two Chosen grow closer over their shared personal understanding of how cruel the Demons can be. But tsince the power of the Chosen is partially dependent on their own faith in themselves, it is inevitable that the previously-confident Sky will only slide further and further into self-doubt and despair...uq~t?Enforcer is the sort of person that normally enjoys fighting. tShe takes pride in her strength as one of the Chosen, and combat against the Demons is the one place where she can use it to the fullest. tHowever, as the Demons have grown stronger, she has begun to feel the pressure. After the battle, instead of preening for the cameras and talking to reporters like she normally does, Enforcer just slinks away down a back alley. Whisper notices her odd behaviort_ and approaches her out of curiosity as to what could be bothering such a strong-willed person.t "tE-Excuse me? Enforcer? t1Are you alright? You seem sad for some reason...q~t,Enforcer's first instinct is to get angry. q~t/I'm not interested in your sympathy, Whisper! tIt's just insulting.q~trWhisper shrinks back at first, but at seeing clearly just how troubled Enforcer is, she refuses to be dissuaded. q~t^It's not like that, Enforcer! I-I just want to tell you that I see how heroic you're being! tI always just figured that I had no choice but to let the Demons have their way with me... But you've been fighting them every step of the way! t+You're still so much stronger than I am!" t&Whisper's words give Enforcer pause. q~t5Well, of course I am. But thanks for the reminder. t3Let me just say now that you're my favorite minion.q~tiThe two Chosen grow closer over their shared personal understanding of how cruel the Demons can be. But tsince the power of the Chosen is partially dependent on their own faith in themselves, it is inevitable that the previously-confident Enforcer will only slide further and further into self-doubt and despair...uq~t>Monarch is the sort of person that normally enjoys fighting. tShe takes pride in her strength as one of the Chosen, and combat against the Demons is the one place where she can use it to the fullest. tHowever, as the Demons have grown stronger, she has begun to feel the pressure. After the battle, instead of preening for the cameras and talking to reporters like she normally does, Monarch just slinks away down a back alley. Whisper notices her odd behaviort_ and approaches her out of curiosity as to what could be bothering such a strong-willed person.t "tE-Excuse me? Monarch? t>I might be wrong, but you seem really bothered by something...t" t+Monarch's first instinct is to get angry. t"t/I'm not interested in your sympathy, Whisper! t0I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!q~ҼtqWhisper shrinks back at first, but at seeing clearly just how troubled Monarch is, she refuses to be dissuaded. q~Ҿt*I can tell that you're hurting, Monarch! tThe Demons have got you doubting yourself, and you feel like that means you've lost. But the truth is that the rest of us have been feeling like that for a long time. The fact that you've resisted for so long is... amazing. t+You're still so much stronger than I am!" t%Whisper's words give Monarch pause. q~Ҿt-You actually make a good point. Thank you. t3Let me just say now that you're my favorite minion.q~ҼtiThe two Chosen grow closer over their shared personal understanding of how cruel the Demons can be. But tsince the power of the Chosen is partially dependent on their own faith in themselves, it is inevitable that the previously-confident Monarch will only slide further and further into self-doubt and despair...uq~P uq~tAfter Midnight and Cheer finish clearing out the last of the Demons and capturing any lingering Thralls, they return to their civilian identitiest as Midori and Choukot% in order to head to a coffee shop. tSThe two Chosen had hoped to use the opportunity to get to know each other better. tWhile they wait for their orders, Midori pulls out her phone and checks what the fan sites are saying about their last battle. However, what she sees shocks her. It's an open secret that some Chosen use lewd methods to manipulate the Demons and their Thralls, and that other Chosen are cruel and ruthless even to the civilians they're meant to be protecting. The public generally accepts that different Chosen use whatever methods are necessary to defeat the Demons, but the one thing they can't forgive is when the Chosen give up on fighting completely. And so, when Midori finds a video of herself curling up into a ball and trying to hide from the Thralls surrounding her, the comments below it are all contemptful and derisive. tI guess I was just too cute for you to resist joining in, huh?q~DtNAxiom smiles as she pushes her way through the groping Thralls toward Honey. q~Jt4Something like that. How about we do it together? tlHere, we can just wrap our limbs around each other, and then... s-start moving... H-Heh, you're not bad...!q~DtAxiom is caught off-guard by Honey's intensity as they grind their bodies against each other. The surrounding Thralls join in, their hands groping and lightly pinching as the two Chosen pant with exertion. q~Jt(Heheh, you underestimated me, Axiom... t*It's almost like I'm raping you, isn't it?q~DtdAxiom tries to give Honey a reassuring smile, though it's spoiled somewhat by her orgasmic spasms. q~Jt Don't worry. I like it rough. tEspecially with you...q~DtjIt's not outright sex, but Honey and Axiom do grow their bond by sharing their sexual pleasure. However, twhile they're caught up in the afterglow, the Thralls quietly slip away to return to the Demonic hive, ready to participate in the next attack. The Chosen are neglecting their duties for the sake of simple sexual pleasure.uq~tLBeing forced to orgasm during battle hit Cheer's psyche particularly hard. t?She didn't even know that such intense pleasure was possible. tNNow that she's discovered what climax feels like, she can't forget it. And she knows of only one way to feel it again... After the battle, Cheer goes missing. Paladin searches and eventually finds her surrounded by the Thralls she was supposed to be apprehending, their hands crawling all over her body as she writhes in ecstasy. tIt's a small group of Thralls without any combat Demons supporting them, so Paladin decides that there's no harm in joining in. She surrenders her body to the lustful mass. tLCheer smiles deliriously when she sees Paladin getting groped next to her. t"t=Paladin, you never told me this could feel so, sooo good... tIUm, y-you aren't going to tell me that I'm doing something bad, right...?t" tePaladin smirks at Cheer as she gently pushes one of the Thralls to the ground and sits on his back. q~FtGIt's alright, Cheer. Come over here, I'll make you feel even better. tI suppose I might as well start by showing you some techniques. Here, spread your legs and I'll- Aaah, hold on, what are you-!?q~ItPaladin starts to crawl toward Cheer, but she's caught off-guard when a Thrall pushes his face between her thighs and starts licking. Upon seeing Paladin's usual self-control crack under the pleasure, Cheer impulsively leans forward and starts playfully licking at her nipple. q~Ft,Nope! I'm gonna make you feel good first! tI guess I was just too cute for you to resist joining in, huh?q~rtNAxiom smiles as she pushes her way through the groping Thralls toward Spice. q~xt4Something like that. How about we do it together? tlHere, we can just wrap our limbs around each other, and then... s-start moving... H-Heh, you're not bad...!q~rtAxiom is caught off-guard by Spice's intensity as they grind their bodies against each other. The surrounding Thralls join in, their hands groping and lightly pinching as the two Chosen pant with exertion. q~xt(Heheh, you underestimated me, Axiom... t*It's almost like I'm raping you, isn't it?q~rtAxiom tries to give Spice a reassuring smile, though it's spoiled somewhat by her orgasmic spasms as her impressively large cock shoots its load. q~xt Don't worry. I like it rough. tEspecially with you...q~rtjIt's not outright sex, but Spice and Axiom do grow their bond by sharing their sexual pleasure. However, twhile they're caught up in the afterglow, the Thralls quietly slip away to return to the Demonic hive, ready to participate in the next attack. The Chosen are neglecting their duties for the sake of simple sexual pleasure.uq~tKBeing forced to orgasm during battle hit Void's psyche particularly hard. t}For all her lack of concern for society's attitudes on sex, she had never actually realized how good it could feel for her. tMNow that she's discovered what climax feels like, she can't forget it. And she knows of only one way to feel it again... After the battle, Void goes missing. Prophet searches and eventually finds her surrounded by the Thralls she was supposed to be apprehending, their hands crawling all over her body as she writhes in ecstasy. tIt's a small group of Thralls without any combat Demons supporting them, so Prophet decides that there's no harm in joining in. She surrenders her body to the lustful mass. tKVoid smiles deliriously when she sees Prophet getting groped next to her. q~Ъt4Heehee, we're both really big perverts, Prophet... toHaah... I c-can't take it anymore, if you don't let me do it with you too, I-I'll really go crazy, Prophet...!q~ФtdProphet smirks at Void as she gently pushes one of the Thralls to the ground and sits on his back. q~ЪtBI don't mind. Come here, we can make these Thralls work for us. tlHere, we can just wrap our limbs around each other, and then... s-start moving... H-Heh, you're not bad...!q~ФtProphet is caught off-guard by Void's intensity as they grind their bodies against each other. The surrounding Thralls join in, their hands groping and lightly pinching as the two Chosen pant with exertion. q~Ъt*Heheh, you underestimated me, Prophet... t1Um, j-just tell me if I'm going too far, okay...?q~ФteProphet tries to give Void a reassuring smile, though it's spoiled somewhat by her orgasmic spasms. q~Ъt]It's alright, this is completely different from when it happens against our will in battle. tEspecially with you...q~ФtkIt's not outright sex, but Void and Prophet do grow their bond by sharing their sexual pleasure. However, twhile they're caught up in the afterglow, the Thralls quietly slip away to return to the Demonic hive, ready to participate in the next attack. The Chosen are neglecting their duties for the sake of simple sexual pleasure.uq~tRBeing forced to orgasm during battle hit Retribution's psyche particularly hard. tOShe was such a pure, innocent person that she had never even touched herself. tPNow that she's discovered what climax feels like, she can't forget it. And she knows of only one way to feel it again... After the battle, Retribution goes missing. Sky searches and eventually finds her surrounded by the Thralls she was supposed to be apprehending, their hands crawling all over her body as she writhes in ecstasy. tIt's a small group of Thralls without any combat Demons supporting them, so Sky decides that there's no harm in joining in. She surrenders her body to the lustful mass. tNRetribution smiles deliriously when she sees Sky getting groped next to her. q~t9Haah, Sky... I'm happy that you're feeling good too... t.Do you like doing naughty things like this...?q~tRSky smiles as she pushes her way through the groping Thralls toward Retribution. q~t4Something like that. How about we do it together? t^First, we hug each other... Good. Then, we- Ngh!? H-Hold on, I didn't say to start yet...!q~tSky is caught off-guard by Retribution's intensity as they grind their bodies against each other. The surrounding Thralls join in, their hands groping and lightly pinching as the two Chosen pant with exertion. q~t&You're really cute like this, Sky... tI wanna do this every day!q~tbSky, who's already recovering from her orgasm, can't help but smile at Retribution's enthusiasm. q~t1Oh? You must have a generous spirit after all. tAJust let me know when you want me to start servicing you instead.q~tnIt's not outright sex, but Retribution and Sky do grow their bond by sharing their sexual pleasure. However, twhile they're caught up in the afterglow, the Thralls quietly slip away to return to the Demonic hive, ready to participate in the next attack. The Chosen are neglecting their duties for the sake of simple sexual pleasure.uq~P uq~tAfter the Demons are killed and the Thralls are apprehended, Cheer releases her transformation and starts to head home. However, she's abruptly called back to the battlefield to deal with an unexpected incident which is preventing the evacuated residents from returning. She transforms once again and heads off to deal with it. When Cheer arrives, she finds Paladin standing in the middle of a huge crater that hadn't been there at the end of the battle. Enraged by the torture she suffered during the battle, Paladin became fixated on following the tunnels the Demons had used to reach this neighborhood, hoping locate the hive and end their threat once and for all. When she found that all of the tunnels had been collapsed, she began trying to blast her way downward with pure magical energy in order to find them again. The resulting impacts can be felt throughout the entire city, and they're growing stronger by the moment. Cheer rushes forward, trying to stop her before things can get any worse. q~tCome on, Paladin! t'P-Please, we're supposed to be friends!q~tZPaladin turns on Cheer, eyes burning with rage and contempt as she watches her approach. q~tShield...? It's the middle of the night, just let me sleep...t" tWhen Shield advances on her, Honey tries to defend herself. But Shield has been accumulating energy for several minutes, and she has no trouble at all overpowering Honey and shoving her back down onto the bed. q~շtShield moans with pleasure, but sex alone won't satisfy her. q~շt)M-More... I want to see you squirm more!q~չtShe rolls her victim onto her belly. Then, a moment later, Honey jumps in surprise as she feels Shield's huge vibrating dildo pressing against her anus. Before she can object, it's rammed inside. q~շt AAAGH! NOOO!q~չt`At first, there's no pleasure at all, but the more Honey feels the repeated impacts against her tg-spott:, the more her cries of pain turn into passionate moans. t\When Shield climaxes, she clutches her victim close and thrusts all the way inside, pushing ther over the edge, and t6Honey's cock shoots its load all over her own belly. tShield grins down at her. q~շt=Did you really cum from getting raped? You're such a slut. tKLet me take a picture. You have a lot of fans who will be happy to see it.q~չtFShield uses her phone to snap a picture of the scene, then turns to got7, but she's stopped short when Honey grabs her wrist. q~շt;You think... that'll be enough... to scare me off...? Hah!q~չtFor Honey, who respects strength above all else, Shield's brutal behavior only draws her closer. Their shared violent hatred for the world is an tunbreakable bondt. But tlnow that the team's moral heart has blackened, the city's helpless denizens have no one left to defend them.uq~)tMidori wakes up with a start as her bedroom window crashes inward. Paladin stands on the sill, her mace dripping with blood. tsMidori gets out of bed and transforms into Midnight, an uncertain expression on her face as she looks at Paladin. q~0t(What do you think you're doing, Paladin?q~2tWhen Paladin advances on her, Midnight tries to defend herself. But Paladin has been accumulating energy for several minutes, and she has no trouble at all overpowering Midnight and shoving her back down onto the bed. q~0tI simply noticed that your attempts to preserve your virginity were interfering with your combat performance. This is for your sake.q~2tMorality Breakt Paladin hesitates for just a moment, her sense of morality tugging at her once last time, but there's no turning back now. She treveals the double dildo she had inserted under her clothes in preparation for this moment, then moves forward to press the tip against Midnight's tslit. tTBut before Paladin can go further, the door bursts open. It's the Thralls who Midnight invited to come spend the night with her. They're surprised by the scene before them, but they recover quickly. Before Paladin can react, she's been pulled away from Midnight and tackled to the ground by a dozen very angry (and very horny) Thralls. tPaladin opens her mouth to protest, or perhaps to ask for Midnight's help, but her voice is immediately muffled by a Thrall's cock rammed down her throat. Then, another Thrall t,pulls the double dildo out of her pussy and tthrusts inside hert4, touching the entrance to her womb with his cock. tXMidnight exults in seeing her rival's plan foiled. Praising the Thralls as her heroes, t3she lets one of the Thralls have anal sex with her t6 while she makes out with another. At the same time, tRshe watches what the others do to Paladin without even lifting a finger to help. tjThe Thralls are angry about what Paladin was going to do to their friend, and they don't show any mercy. tA third Thrall presses his cock against her ass, forcing it into the hole without even a drop of lubricant, pushing harder and harder until it's finally forced inside. t.Paladin shrieks around the cock in her mouth, tand the watching Thralls cheer her humiliation, shouting that she deserves even worse for attacking Midnight. Their words hurt more than anything else they're doing to her, as she knows that she was in the wrong. tFor Paladin's body, which has been trained to enjoy this sort of treatment, the stimulation is too much to bear. She cums hard, shuddering in time with the thrusts tinside her. But the Thralls don't stop. Even after the ones inside her finish, they're replaced by others eager to have their turn. tBy the time they're all satisfied, Paladin is left spasming with the aftershocks of her many climaxes, lying across puddles of cum. tfMidnight walks forward and stands over Paladin, looking down at her with a slight smirk on her face. q~0t)I guess you'd call this 'justice,' right?q~2t1Paladin glares back up at her with bleary eyes. q~0t1I will find a way to punish you... mark my words!q~2t|Paladin's attempt to rape Midnight, along with Midnight's refusal to stop Paladin from being raped in turn, demonstrate the tirreparable riftt between the two of them. And t for Paladin, even attempting to rape one of her teammates is a demonstration of how she's begun casting away the moral code that once defined her.uq~%t~Yuki wakes up with a start as her bedroom window crashes inward. Stalwart stands on the sill, her mace dripping with blood. tBYuki immediately jumps out of her bed and transforms into Tyrant, t0folding her arms and looking down at Stalwart. q~tHStalwart!? Do you think I'll let you get away with disturbing my sleep?q~tWhen Stalwart advances on her, Tyrant tries to defend herself. But Stalwart has been accumulating energy for several minutes, and she has no trouble at all overpowering Tyrant and shoving her back down onto the bed. q~tlDo you have any idea how annoying it is that you got to stay a virgin while I got raped? That ends tonight.q~t Stalwart tlreveals her sizable cock, already standing erect. She leans down over Tyrant, pressing the tip against her tslit. trBut before Stalwart can go further, the door bursts open. It's the squad of Thralls who have volunteered to bodyguard Tyrant and relay your messages to her so that she can respond promptly when you desire her. Tyrant isn't the sort to turn down people who want to serve her, even if they're acting on the Demon Lord's behalf, and she's very grateful to see them now. tStalwart opens her mouth to protest, or perhaps to ask for Tyrant's help, but her voice is immediately muffled by a Thrall's cock rammed down her throat. Then, another Thrall t*begins to roughly grope Stalwart's body. tVTyrant exults in seeing her rival's plan foiled. Praising the Thralls as her heroes, t3she lets one of the Thralls have anal sex with her t6 while she makes out with another. At the same time, tSshe watches what the others do to Stalwart without even lifting a finger to help. tThe Thralls are angry about what Stalwart was going to do to someone who belongs to their master, and they don't show any mercy. tA third Thrall presses his cock against her ass, forcing it into the hole without even a drop of lubricant, pushing harder and harder until it's finally forced inside. t/Stalwart shrieks around the cock in her mouth, tand the watching Thralls cheer her humiliation, shouting that she deserves even worse for attacking Tyrant. Their words hurt more than anything else they're doing to her, as she knows that she was in the wrong. tThe combination of guilt and humiliation is worse than anything Stalwart has experienced in battle. Her mind shuts down and she goes completely limp. Even after the Thralls using her and the Thralls with Tyrant are all satisfied, she still lays there, drenched in cum, motionless. tTyrant laughs triumphantly, as if to banish the brief fear she felt before the Thralls arrived. She strides over to Stalwart and leans down to sneer at her. q~t*These are the consequences of opposing me.q~t2Stalwart glares back up at her with bleary eyes. q~tThis isn't... over...q~tzStalwart's attempt to rape Tyrant, along with Tyrant's refusal to stop Stalwart from being raped in turn, demonstrate the tirreparable riftt between the two of them. And t for Stalwart, even attempting to rape one of her teammates is a demonstration of how she's begun casting away the moral code that once defined her.uq~'t}Otome wakes up with a start as her bedroom window crashes inward. Prayer stands on the sill, blood spattering her clothes. tnOtome gets out of bed and transforms into Spice, an uncertain expression on her face as she looks at Prayer. q~ot>Prayer...? It's the middle of the night, just let me sleep...q~rtWhen Prayer advances on her, Spice tries to defend herself. But Prayer has been accumulating energy for several minutes, and she has no trouble at all overpowering Spice and shoving her back down onto the bed. q~otRetribution... I'll show you that you can't push me around...q~TteHypocritical as it is, Purgatory is still annoyed by the way Retribution has come to treat her. And tlnow that the team's moral heart has blackened, the city's helpless denizens have no one left to defend them.uq~(t~Yuki wakes up with a start as her bedroom window crashes inward. Stalwart stands on the sill, blood spattering her clothes. tDYuki immediately jumps out of her bed and transforms into Enforcer, t0folding her arms and looking down at Stalwart. q~t)Stalwart? What are you doing in my room?q~tWhen Stalwart advances on her, Enforcer tries to defend herself. But Stalwart has been accumulating energy for several minutes, and she has no trouble at all overpowering Enforcer and shoving her back down onto the bed. q~tGI'm already a mass murderer now. I might as well become a rapist, too.q~t Stalwart tnreveals her sizable cock, already standing erect. She leans down over Enforcer, pressing the tip against her tslit. tlEnforcer realizes that there's no more point in struggling and huffs in annoyance, glaring up at Stalwart. q~t)Stalwart, stop! I'm telling you to stop!q~trStalwart ignores her and rams her way inside. Enforcer's eyes shoot wide open as her lower body erupts in pain. t0She hasn't given up on making Enforcer submit. q~tYes... And now...q~tShe rolls her victim onto her belly. Then, a moment later, Enforcer jumps in surprise as she feels the haft of her own scythe pressing against her anus. Before she can object, it's rammed inside. q~tAaaAAAH! NO! STOP!q~t~To Enforcer's horror, her body begins to respond, having been trained to experience masochistic pleasure. When she sees that tEnforcer is getting wet, tStalwart grins down at her. q~t$You enjoyed that? How... deviant. tKLet me take a picture. You have a lot of fans who will be happy to see it.q~tHStalwart uses her phone to snap a picture of the scene, then turns to got<, but she stops when she hears Enforcer's pained laughter. q~t6You're so fucked up, Stalwart. That's why I love you.q~tzFor Enforcer, who respects strength above all else, Stalwart's brutal behavior isn't quite enough to drive her away. But tlnow that the team's moral heart has blackened, the city's helpless denizens have no one left to defend them.uq~*t~Yuki wakes up with a start as her bedroom window crashes inward. Stalwart stands on the sill, blood spattering her clothes. tDYuki immediately jumps out of her bed and transforms into Enforcer, t0folding her arms and looking down at Stalwart. q~͊t)Stalwart? What are you doing in my room?q~͌tWhen Stalwart advances on her, Enforcer tries to defend herself. But Stalwart has been accumulating energy for several minutes, and she has no trouble at all overpowering Enforcer and shoving her back down onto the bed. q~͊tGI'm already a mass murderer now. I might as well become a rapist, too.q~͌t Stalwart tfreveals her cock, already standing erect. She leans down over Enforcer, pressing the tip against her tslit. tlEnforcer realizes that there's no more point in struggling and huffs in annoyance, glaring up at Stalwart. q~͊t)Stalwart, stop! I'm telling you to stop!q~͌trStalwart ignores her and rams her way inside. Enforcer's eyes shoot wide open as her lower body erupts in pain. t5She starts to beat Enforcer with her fists instead. q~͊t Take this...!q~͌q~͊t+Guh... Hmph... This is nothing... Ugh...t!q~͌t~To Enforcer's horror, her body begins to respond, having been trained to experience masochistic pleasure. When she sees that tEnforcer is getting wet, tStalwart grins down at her. q~͊t$You enjoyed that? How... deviant. tKLet me take a picture. You have a lot of fans who will be happy to see it.q~͌tHStalwart uses her phone to snap a picture of the scene, then turns to got<, but she stops when she hears Enforcer's pained laughter. q~͊t6You're so fucked up, Stalwart. That's why I love you.q~͌tFor Enforcer, who respects strength above all else, Stalwart's brutal behavior only draws her closer. Their shared violent hatred for the world is an tunbreakable bondt. But tlnow that the team's moral heart has blackened, the city's helpless denizens have no one left to defend them.uq~'tEri wakes up with a start as her bedroom window crashes inward. Retribution stands on the sill, blood spattering her clothes. tPA dark glare on her face, Eri springs to her feet and transforms into Monarch. t"t5I won't allow you to humiliate me again, Retribution!t" tWhen Retribution advances on her, Monarch tries to defend herself. But Retribution has been accumulating energy for several minutes, and she has no trouble at all overpowering Monarch and shoving her back down onto the bed. q~֥teI decided I'm going to hurt you a lot! I'm not a good person anymore, so it's okay! I feel so free!q~֧t Retribution tereveals her cock, already standing erect. She leans down over Monarch, pressing the tip against her tslit. tnMonarch realizes that there's no more point in struggling and huffs in annoyance, glaring up at Retribution. q~֥t6This is absurd! Someone like you could never rape me!q~֧ttRetribution ignores her and rams her way inside. Monarch's eyes shoot wide open as her lower body erupts in pain. t/She hasn't given up on making Monarch submit. q~֥tYes... And now...q~֧tShe rolls her victim onto her belly. Then, a moment later, Monarch jumps in surprise as she feels Retribution's huge vibrating dildo pressing against her anus. Before she can object, it's rammed inside. q~֥tAaaAAAH! NO! STOP!q~֧t}To Monarch's horror, her body begins to respond, having been trained to experience masochistic pleasure. When she sees that tMonarch is getting wet, t Retribution grins down at her. q~֥t7Did that really feel good for you, too? You pervert! tKLet me take a picture. You have a lot of fans who will be happy to see it.q~֧tKRetribution uses her phone to snap a picture of the scene, then turns to got9, leaving Monarch sprawled out, motionless, behind her. q~֥t'Retribution... You'll pay for this...!q~֧tcHypocritical as it is, Monarch is still annoyed by the way Retribution has come to treat her. And tlnow that the team's moral heart has blackened, the city's helpless denizens have no one left to defend them.uq~P uq~.t"Axiom is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Honey is among them, writhing and moaning. t+Axiom immediately rushes forward to help. q~ӠtHoney, I am here to assist!q~ӣtShe grabs Honey by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Honey isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Axiom into the mass of tentacles. q~Ӡt7Axiom! Aaah, I'm gonna feel even better with you here!q~ӣtAxiom struggles to escape, but with Honey hugging her and pinning down her limbs, there's nothing she can do to stop the Demon from coiling its tentacles thoroughly around her body. q~Ӡt"Let go of me, damn it! Let- Ngh!?q~ӣtInnocence Breakt Honey is too far gone to pay any heed to her protests. Her ignorance of sexual matters originally protected her from temptation, but now that it's broken, there's no turning back. She rotates herself so that her face is level with Axiom's crotch. q~ӠtjHeehee, you're a bad liar. You're already all wet and slimy down here, and the little bump is swollen up!q~ӣtWith the tentacles holding Axiom's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Honey from kissing her clit, licking between her lower lips, and repeatedly suckling and slurping every last crease and fold. tAt the same time, t/when Axiom opens her lips to moan in pleasure, t6Honey thrusts her penis inside, fucking Axiom's mouth.t Axiom looks around frantically for any way to escape, but that just causes her to see the small crowd that's gathered around the Demon, several of them filming with their phones. t(t3I have to hold on! I can't let them see me climax!t)t tHHoney finishes first. One last surge of pleasure leaves her mind blank t6and causes her to shoot her cum down Axiom's throat. toMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Axiom begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t"spreading her wide open for Honey.t She finally gives in.t Axiom tsqueals as her inner folds squirm and contract, hungry to be filled. Honey sticks her tongue out and eagerly laps up Axiom's girlcum.tG Then, her resistance broken, Axiom begins to reciprocate more eagerlyt^, actively sucking the last few drops out of Honey's cock and preparing it for a second round.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Axiom wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. tHoney is already awake, staring back into her eyes with a silent smile. Axiom blushes deeply, and it takes a few moments for her to find her words. q~ӠtBThat was... intense. Thank you for broadening my horizons, Honey.q~ӣt>Their shared sexual experiences help Honey and Axiom forge an tunbreakable emotional bondt. But t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~*t$Paladin is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Cheer is among them, writhing and moaning. t-Paladin immediately rushes forward to help. q~FtDon't worry, I'll save you!q~ItShe grabs Cheer by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Cheer isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Paladin into the mass of tentacles. q~Ft,Come on, Paladin! Let's feel good together!q~ItPaladin struggles to escape, but with Cheer hugging her and pinning down her limbs, there's nothing she can do to stop the Demon from coiling its tentacles thoroughly around her body. q~Ft"Let go of me, damn it! Let- Ngh!?q~ItInnocence Breakt Cheer is too far gone to pay any heed to her protests. Her ignorance of sexual matters originally protected her from temptation, but now that it's broken, there's no turning back. She rotates herself so that her face is level with Paladin's crotch. q~FtIt's so pretty...q~ItWith the tentacles holding Paladin's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Cheer from kissing her clit, licking between her lower lips, and repeatedly suckling and slurping every last crease and fold. tAt the same time, tKCheer grinds her pussy against Paladin's face, practically suffocating her.t (t#I... I do not wish to... climax...!t)t tHCheer finishes first. One last surge of pleasure leaves her mind blank t3and causes her to squirt all over Paladin's face. tqMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Paladin begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t"spreading her wide open for Cheer.t She finally gives in.t Paladin tsqueals as her inner folds squirm and contract, hungry to be filled. Cheer sticks her tongue out and eagerly laps up Paladin's girlcum.tI Then, her resistance broken, Paladin begins to reciprocate more eagerlytX, actively licking between Cheer's legs now, already driving her towards another climax.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Paladin wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. tCheer is already awake, staring back into her eyes with a silent smile. Paladin blushes deeply, and it takes a few moments for her to find her words. q~Ft5That was... excellent. We must do it again sometime.q~ItThe emotional connection they form during their increasingly extreme sexual encounters helps Cheer and Paladin grow closer together. But t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~+t%Tyrant is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Whisper is among them, writhing and moaning. t,Tyrant immediately rushes forward to help. t"tCI guess I'd better get you out of the way before I kill that thing.t" tShe grabs Whisper by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Whisper isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Tyrant into the mass of tentacles. q~t+Come on, Tyrant! Let's feel good together!q~ tTyrant freezes up in momentary panic as Whisper's hug pins her arms to her sides, and that provides an opening for the Demon to tram a special tentacle up her ass. The tentacle's tip quickly inflates, becoming a thick spherical bulb that roots her in place. Her attempts to struggle away just stretch her anus painfully. q~tFUrgh, no, no, not again! I-I'll forgive you if you let me go now, so-q~ tInnocence Breakt Whisper is too far gone to pay any heed to her protests. Her ignorance of sexual matters originally protected her from temptation, but now that it's broken, there's no turning back. She rotates herself so that her face is level with Tyrant's crotch. q~tIt's so pretty...q~ tWith the tentacles holding Tyrant's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Whisper from kissing her clit, licking between her lower lips, and repeatedly suckling and slurping every last crease and fold. tAt the same time, tLWhisper grinds her pussy against Tyrant's face, practically suffocating her.t (t#I... I do not wish to... climax...!t)t tJWhisper finishes first. One last surge of pleasure leaves her mind blank t2and causes her to squirt all over Tyrant's face. tpMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Tyrant begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t$spreading her wide open for Whisper.t She finally gives in.t Tyrant tsqueals as her inner folds squirm and contract, hungry to be filled. Whisper sticks her tongue out and eagerly laps up Tyrant's girlcum.tH Then, her resistance broken, Tyrant begins to reciprocate more eagerlytZ, actively licking between Whisper's legs now, already driving her towards another climax.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Tyrant wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. tWhisper is already awake, staring back into her eyes with a silent smile. Tyrant blushes deeply, and it takes a few moments for her to find her words. q~t9You've shown me a whole new world... Whisper, thank you.q~ tFor Tyrant, who understands how damaging the Demons' sexual attacks must be to Whisper's psyche, this level of sexual impropriety isn't enough to drive her away. But t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~.t"Axiom is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Spice is among them, writhing and moaning. t+Axiom immediately rushes forward to help. q~otSpice, I am here to assist!q~rtShe grabs Spice by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Spice isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Axiom into the mass of tentacles. q~ot7Axiom! Aaah, I'm gonna feel even better with you here!q~rt}Axiom freezes up in momentary panic as Spice's hug pins her arms to her sides, and that provides an opening for the Demon to tram a special tentacle up her ass. The tentacle's tip quickly inflates, becoming a thick spherical bulb that roots her in place. Her attempts to struggle away just stretch her anus painfully. q~otFUrgh, no, no, not again! I-I'll forgive you if you let me go now, so-q~rtInnocence Breakt Spice is too far gone to pay any heed to her protests. Her ignorance of sexual matters originally protected her from temptation, but now that it's broken, there's no turning back. She rotates herself so that her face is level with Axiom's crotch. q~otCHeehee, you're a bad liar. You've already gotten so big down here!q~rtWith the tentacles holding Axiom's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Spice from taking her erect cock into her mouth, stroking the base as she bobs her head up and down on the tip. tAt the same time, tISpice grinds her pussy against Axiom's face, practically suffocating her.t Axiom looks around frantically for any way to escape, but that just causes her to see the small crowd that's gathered around the Demon, several of them filming with their phones. t(t3I have to hold on! I can't let them see me climax!t)t tHSpice finishes first. One last surge of pleasure leaves her mind blank t1and causes her to squirt all over Axiom's face. toMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Axiom begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t*rubbing a bumpy tentacle against her slit.t She finally gives in.t Axiom t!fills Spice's mouth with her cum.tG Then, her resistance broken, Axiom begins to reciprocate more eagerlytX, actively licking between Spice's legs now, already driving her towards another climax.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Axiom wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. tSpice is already awake, staring back into her eyes with a silent smile. Axiom blushes deeply, and it takes a few moments for her to find her words. q~otBThat was... intense. Thank you for broadening my horizons, Spice.q~rt>Their shared sexual experiences help Spice and Axiom forge an tunbreakable emotional bondt. But t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~-t#Prophet is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Void is among them, writhing and moaning. t-Prophet immediately rushes forward to help. t"tVoid, I am here to assist!t" tShe grabs Void by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Void isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Prophet into the mass of tentacles. q~Qt9Prophet! Aaah, I'm gonna feel even better with you here!q~StProphet struggles to escape, but with Void hugging her and pinning down her limbs, there's nothing she can do to stop the Demon from coiling its tentacles thoroughly around her body. q~Qt+Let go of me! This is... Ngh! Ridiculous!q~StInnocence Breakt Void is too far gone to pay any heed to her protests. Her ignorance of sexual matters originally protected her from temptation, but now that it's broken, there's no turning back. She rotates herself so that her face is level with Prophet's crotch. q~QtjHeehee, you're a bad liar. You're already all wet and slimy down here, and the little bump is swollen up!q~StWith the tentacles holding Prophet's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Void from kissing her clit, licking between her lower lips, and repeatedly suckling and slurping every last crease and fold. tAt the same time, tJVoid grinds her pussy against Prophet's face, practically suffocating her.t Prophet looks around frantically for any way to escape, but that just causes her to see the small crowd that's gathered around the Demon, several of them filming with their phones. t(t3I have to hold on! I can't let them see me climax!t)t tGVoid finishes first. One last surge of pleasure leaves her mind blank t3and causes her to squirt all over Prophet's face. tqMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Prophet begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t!spreading her wide open for Void.t She finally gives in.t Prophet tsqueals as her inner folds squirm and contract, hungry to be filled. Void sticks her tongue out and eagerly laps up Prophet's girlcum.tI Then, her resistance broken, Prophet begins to reciprocate more eagerlytW, actively licking between Void's legs now, already driving her towards another climax.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Prophet wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. tVoid is already awake, staring back into her eyes with a silent smile. Prophet blushes deeply, and it takes a few moments for her to find her words. q~QtAThat was... intense. Thank you for broadening my horizons, Void.q~St?Their shared sexual experiences help Void and Prophet forge an tunbreakable emotional bondt. But t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~,t%Paladin is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Moppet is among them, writhing and moaning. t-Paladin immediately rushes forward to help. t"tDon't worry, I'll save you!t" tShe grabs Moppet by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Moppet isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Paladin into the mass of tentacles. q~wt,Come on, Paladin! Let's feel good together!q~ytPaladin struggles to escape, but with Moppet hugging her and pinning down her limbs, there's nothing she can do to stop the Demon from coiling its tentacles thoroughly around her body. q~wt"Let go of me, damn it! Let- Ngh!?q~yt_Defying her protests, Moppet rotates herself so that her face is level with Paladin's crotch. q~wtIt's so pretty...q~ytWith the tentacles holding Paladin's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Moppet from kissing her clit, licking between her lower lips, and repeatedly suckling and slurping every last crease and fold. tAt the same time, t1when Paladin opens her lips to moan in pleasure, t9Moppet thrusts her penis inside, fucking Paladin's mouth.t Paladin looks around frantically for any way to escape, but that just causes her to see the small crowd that's gathered around the Demon, several of them filming with their phones. t(t$No! They're going to see me climax!t)t tInnocence Breakt~ The stimulation is too much for Moppet. For the first time, she feels her pleasure reach a peak that leaves her head blank t8and causes her to shoot her cum down Paladin's throat. tqMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Paladin begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t#spreading her wide open for Moppet.t She finally gives in.t Paladin tsqueals as her inner folds squirm and contract, hungry to be filled. Moppet sticks her tongue out and eagerly laps up Paladin's girlcum.tI Then, her resistance broken, Paladin begins to reciprocate more eagerlyt_, actively sucking the last few drops out of Moppet's cock and preparing it for a second round.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Paladin wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. tMoppet is already awake, staring back into her eyes with a silent smile. Paladin blushes deeply, and it takes a few moments for her to find her words. q~wt5That was... excellent. We must do it again sometime.q~ytFor Paladin, who understands how damaging the Demons' sexual attacks must be to Moppet's psyche, this level of sexual impropriety isn't enough to drive her away. But t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~.t&Sky is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Retribution is among them, writhing and moaning. t)Sky immediately rushes forward to help. q~Rt!Retribution, I am here to assist!q~TtShe grabs Retribution by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Retribution isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Sky into the mass of tentacles. q~RtBThis feels, so, so good... Sky, I wanna make you feel good too...q~TtSky freezes up in momentary panic as Retribution's hug pins her arms to her sides, and that provides an opening for the Demon to tram a special tentacle up her ass. The tentacle's tip quickly inflates, becoming a thick spherical bulb that roots her in place. Her attempts to struggle away just stretch her anus painfully. q~RtFUrgh, no, no, not again! I-I'll forgive you if you let me go now, so-q~TtInnocence Breakt Retribution is too far gone to pay any heed to her protests. Her ignorance of sexual matters originally protected her from temptation, but now that it's broken, there's no turning back. She rotates herself so that her face is level with Sky's crotch. q~RtI'm going to start now, okay?q~TtWith the tentacles holding Sky's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Retribution from kissing her clit, licking between her lower lips, and repeatedly suckling and slurping every last crease and fold. tAt the same time, t-when Sky opens her lips to moan in pleasure, t:Retribution thrusts her penis inside, fucking Sky's mouth.t (t#I... I do not wish to... climax...!t)t tNRetribution finishes first. One last surge of pleasure leaves her mind blank t4and causes her to shoot her cum down Sky's throat. tmMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Sky begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t(spreading her wide open for Retribution.t She finally gives in.t Sky tsqueals as her inner folds squirm and contract, hungry to be filled. Retribution sticks her tongue out and eagerly laps up Sky's girlcum.tE Then, her resistance broken, Sky begins to reciprocate more eagerlytd, actively sucking the last few drops out of Retribution's cock and preparing it for a second round.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Sky wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. tRetribution is already awake, staring back into her eyes with a silent smile. Sky blushes deeply, and it takes a few moments for her to find her words. q~Rt5That was... excellent. We must do it again sometime.q~TtBTheir shared sexual experiences help Retribution and Sky forge an tunbreakable emotional bondt. But t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~*t'Stalwart is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Whisper is among them, writhing and moaning. t.Stalwart immediately rushes forward to help. q~tDon't worry, I'll save you!q~tShe grabs Whisper by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Whisper isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Stalwart into the mass of tentacles. q~t-Come on, Stalwart! Let's feel good together!q~tStalwart struggles to escape, but with Whisper hugging her and pinning down her limbs, there's nothing she can do to stop the Demon from coiling its tentacles thoroughly around her body. q~t+Let go of me! This is... Ngh! Ridiculous!q~tInnocence Breakt Whisper is too far gone to pay any heed to her protests. Her ignorance of sexual matters originally protected her from temptation, but now that it's broken, there's no turning back. She rotates herself so that her face is level with Stalwart's crotch. q~tWow, it's gotten so big!q~tWith the tentacles holding Stalwart's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Whisper from taking her erect cock into her mouth, stroking the base as she bobs her head up and down on the tip. tAt the same time, tNWhisper grinds her pussy against Stalwart's face, practically suffocating her.t (t%Oh, shit! Shit! Fuck! I'm cumming!t)t tJWhisper finishes first. One last surge of pleasure leaves her mind blank t4and causes her to squirt all over Stalwart's face. trMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Stalwart begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t*rubbing a bumpy tentacle against her slit.t She finally gives in.t Stalwart t#fills Whisper's mouth with her cum.tJ Then, her resistance broken, Stalwart begins to reciprocate more eagerlytZ, actively licking between Whisper's legs now, already driving her towards another climax.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Stalwart wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. ttShe shoves Whisper away with all her strength, springing to her feet. Her face is red with anger and humiliation. q~tFI told you to stop! And you still... This is unacceptable! Goodbye!q~t{Stalwart's rational worldview leaves her no way to relate to the increasingly insane Whisper. It's a demonstration of how t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~-t*Monarch is doing one last sweep of the battlefield, looking for straggler Demons, when she hears a lewd scream nearby. She rushes to the source and finds a large Demon, roughly the size of a cargo truck and shaped like a Venus flytrap. Its internal walls are lined with thick, bumpy tentacles that it uses to capture humans and paralyze them with pleasure while it carries them back to the Demonic hive so that they can be Enthralled. Several humans can be seen squirming helplessly in its jaws - and Retribution is among them, writhing and moaning. t?Monarch sighs and mutters under her breath as she approaches. t"t#This idiot always gets in my way...t" tShe grabs Retribution by the wrist, but is surprised to find herself grabbed in return. Retribution isn't actually helpless - far from it. And with the element of surprise, she's easily strong enough to drag Monarch into the mass of tentacles. q~t9I wanna make you feel good too, even if you are a jerk...q~tMonarch freezes up in momentary panic as Retribution's hug pins her arms to her sides, and that provides an opening for the Demon to tram a special tentacle up her ass. The tentacle's tip quickly inflates, becoming a thick spherical bulb that roots her in place. Her attempts to struggle away just stretch her anus painfully. q~tFUrgh, no, no, not again! I-I'll forgive you if you let me go now, so-q~tInnocence Breakt Retribution is too far gone to pay any heed to her protests. Her ignorance of sexual matters originally protected her from temptation, but now that it's broken, there's no turning back. She rotates herself so that her face is level with Monarch's crotch. q~tI'm going to start now, okay?q~tWith the tentacles holding Monarch's thighs apart, she has no way to stop Retribution from kissing her clit, licking between her lower lips, and repeatedly suckling and slurping every last crease and fold. tAt the same time, t1when Monarch opens her lips to moan in pleasure, t>Retribution thrusts her penis inside, fucking Monarch's mouth.t Monarch looks around frantically for any way to escape, but that just causes her to see the small crowd that's gathered around the Demon, several of them filming with their phones. t(t$No! They're going to see me climax!t)t tNRetribution finishes first. One last surge of pleasure leaves her mind blank t8and causes her to shoot her cum down Monarch's throat. tqMeanwhile, the tendrils coiling around Monarch begin to stroke her body more earnestly, tweaking her nipples and t(spreading her wide open for Retribution.t She finally gives in.t Monarch tsqueals as her inner folds squirm and contract, hungry to be filled. Retribution sticks her tongue out and eagerly laps up Monarch's girlcum.tI Then, her resistance broken, Monarch begins to reciprocate more eagerlytd, actively sucking the last few drops out of Retribution's cock and preparing it for a second round.t' They aren't even close to being done.t Some time later, Monarch wakes up to find that the two of them have been left naked on the pavement, embracing each other as they recovered. txShe shoves Retribution away with all her strength, springing to her feet. Her face is red with anger and humiliation. q~tiYou... You bitch! You raped me, you made me fuck a Demon alongside you! See if I try to save you again!q~tMonarch is lying to herself, but the fact remains that the gap between the two of them is too great to be bridged by their shared madness. And t}as the Chosen learn to enjoy the things they're forced to endure, they begin to forget how other people experience the world.uq~Puq~%tCCheer is finishing up her post-battle patrol when Paladin suddenly tNambushes her from behind and strikes her in the back of the head with her macet. Paladin is already overall stronger than Cheer, so with the element of surprise on her side, the fight is decided with the first attack. q~t2Owie! W-Wait, Paladin, I'm your friend, remember?q~tMBut Paladin doesn't stop there. She advances on Cheer's prone, bloodied formt, grabbing her by the legs and tearing apart her torn dress. Several civilians peek out their windows, and some of them pull out their phones to film the brutal assault. Paladin glances up at them with satisfaction. q~tpIf you don't shut up and start fighting back soon, you'll just die like a weakling in front of all these people.q~t,Paladin's true reason for attacking is that tKher research suggests that the Chosen can only be killed by other Chosen. t]She wants to die, and she thinks that she can make it happen by provoking Cheer. When Cheer ttries to roll over and crawl away, Paladin jumps atop her, slamming her face into the pavement. Cheer is stunned for a moment, but her eyes shoot wide open when she feels the shaft of Paladin's mace pressing against her anus. q~t(Please, no! Please, don't k-kill meEEE!q~tThe insertion drives a high-pitched squeal out of Cheer, and every thrust seems deeper and more painful than the last. Cheer's screams of agonized fear grow increasingly incoherent as the torture continuest_, then abruptly cut off as Paladin seizes her by the throat and squeezes her windpipe closed. q~t`I know you hate me for this! I know you'll never be able to forgive me! So you should just...!q~tThe combination of tthe deep penetrationt and having her crotch rubbed against the rough pavement proves to be too much for Cheer to bear. She shudders in orgasm, eyes rolling into the back of her head as her juices run down her thighs. tEventually, Paladin can't continue any longer, and she steps back, gasping for breath with tears of frustration and shame running down her cheeks.t tGThe fact that Cheer doesn't even seem angry makes it feel even worse. t$Paladin can't look her in the eye. q~t@A-Are you calm now, Paladin? Can we, um... talk about this...?q~tMThrough their shared traumatic experiences, Paladin and Cheer have formed an tunbreakable bondt . However, tRPaladin's actions will only grow more and more erratic as her desperation deepens.uq~#tDWhisper is finishing up her post-battle patrol when Tyrant suddenly tDemerges on a nearby rooftop and starts blasting her with her spiritst. Tyrant is already overall stronger than Whisper, so with the element of surprise on her side, the fight is decided with the first attack. q~Zt1Owie! W-Wait, Tyrant, I'm your friend, remember?q~]tNBut Tyrant doesn't stop there. She advances on Whisper's prone, bloodied formt, glaring down at her. q~Zt>If you don't shut up and start fighting back soon, you'll die.q~]t+Tyrant's true reason for attacking is that tKher research suggests that the Chosen can only be killed by other Chosen. taShe wants to die, and she thinks that she can make it happen by provoking Whisper. When Whisper ttries to roll over and crawl away, Tyrant jumps atop her, slamming her face into the pavement. Whisper is stunned for a moment, but her eyes shoot wide open when she feels the barrel of her own revolver pressing against her anus. q~Zt*Hold on, w-we can still talk this- AAAUUU!q~]tThe insertion drives a high-pitched squeal out of Whisper, and every thrust seems deeper and more painful than the last. Whisper's screams of agonized fear grow increasingly incoherent as the torture continuest^, then abruptly cut off as Tyrant seizes her by the throat and squeezes her windpipe closed. q~ZtiCome on, you spineless bitch! Stop pretending to be so kind and gentle! I know this is pissing you off!q~]tThe combination of tthe deep penetrationt and having her crotch rubbed against the rough pavement proves to be too much for Whisper to bear. She shudders in orgasm, eyes rolling into the back of her head as her juices run down her thighs. tEventually, Tyrant can't continue any longer, and she steps back, gasping for breath with tears of frustration and shame running down her cheeks.t tIThe fact that Whisper doesn't even seem angry makes it feel even worse. t#Tyrant can't look her in the eye. q~Zt?A-Are you calm now, Tyrant? Can we, um... talk about this...?q~]tjWhisper's bond with Tyrant is too strong to be broken by just one assault, no matter how cruel. However, tQTyrant's actions will only grow more and more erratic as her desperation deepens.uq~!tBPrayer is finishing up her post-battle patrol when Axiom suddenly tDemerges on a nearby rooftop and starts shooting her with her longbowt. Because Prayer wasn't already filled with hateful feelings, she isn't currently empowered by Demonic energy. At first, it would appear that the fight has been decided by the first attack. t"tFI-I'm giving you one chance, Axiom! Stop now... or I'll get angry...!t" tLBut Axiom doesn't stop there. She advances on Prayer's prone, bloodied formt, grabbing her by the legs and tearing apart her torn armored boots. Several civilians peek out their windows, and some of them pull out their phones to film the brutal assault. Axiom glances up at them with satisfaction. q~@tzDidn't you learn from last time? I'm going to keep humiliating you until you die. After all, what can you do to stop me?q~Bt*Axiom's true reason for attacking is that tKher research suggests that the Chosen can only be killed by other Chosen. t_She wants to die, and she thinks that she can make it happen by provoking Prayer. When Prayer t|begins to be surrounded by dark clouds of menacing power, Axiom actually feels a spark of hope. But it doesn't last long. q~@tIt would cause problems if I killed you right here, but I'll make sure to punish you plenty so that you never even think of trying this again...!q~BtJAxiom starts to have second thoughts, but before she can flee, the darkness around Prayer crystalizes into physical form, becoming a mass of tendrils that stabs toward Axiom faster than the eye can see. She's fixed in place, her arms and ankles pulled to either side so strongly that she feels as though she'll be torn in half. tPrayer looks on in wonder, feeling her senses spread through the crystalized darkness. It's almost as though she's become a Demon herself. Then, she grins, commanding her new appendages to whip Axiom's body. The force and frequency of the whipping tendrils are far beyond what any human arm could produce, and far beyond what any human body could survive. Axiom thrashes wildly, her whole body recoiling with every supersonic blow. Prayer isn't putting any sensual technique at all into the punishment, tJbut Axiom is such an extreme masochist that the incidental strikes to her tvery large penist cause her to cum hard. t "GAAAH, NNNAAAGH, STOOO- GCK!" tLAxiom's voice is cut off by a thick tendril ramming itself down her throat, t)quickly followed by another up her ass. tThe intensity of the whipping has left Prayer's face speckled with blood, and she absently wipes some off with her finger and licks it clean, her eyes shining with delight. tWhen Prayer gets bored of the torture, she just allows the dark tendrils to dissipate and then walks away, not even bothering to say goodbye. Axiom is left trembling and bloodied, hugging herself with both arms as she tries to contain her sobs. q~@t$"She's... a monster... a monster...!q~BtkPrayer and Axiom have been driven apart now that it's clear that both were willing to hurt the other. And tlthe incident has only broken Axiom's prideful nature even further, paving the way to her ultimate surrender.uq~&t@Void is finishing up her post-battle patrol when Spike suddenly t_ambushes her from behind and strikes her in the back of the head with her damaged armored bootst. Spike is already overall stronger than Void, so with the element of surprise on her side, the fight is decided with the first attack. t"t)Nooo! Help! Help! Spike is killing me!t" tJBut Spike doesn't stop there. She advances on Void's prone, bloodied formt, grabbing her by the legs and tearing apart her torn strips of cloth. Several civilians peek out their windows, and some of them pull out their phones to film the brutal assault. Spike glances up at them with satisfaction. q~\tNShut up and fight me! I'm not going to stop just because there are witnesses!q~^t*Spike's true reason for attacking is that t;she knows that she can't count on the Demons to kill her. t[She wants to die, and she thinks that she can make it happen by provoking Void. When Void ttries to roll over and crawl away, Spike jumps atop her, slamming her face into the pavement. Void is stunned for a moment, but her eyes shoot wide open when she feels Spike's huge vibrating dildo pressing against her anus. q~\t-Void, y-you can't do this, you have to- AAAH!q~^tConfidence Breakt tThe insertion drives a high-pitched squeal out of Void, and every thrust seems deeper and more painful than the last. Void's screams of agonized fear grow increasingly incoherent as the torture continuest], then abruptly cut off as Spike seizes her by the throat and squeezes her windpipe closed. q~\t`I know you hate me for this! I know you'll never be able to forgive me! So you should just...!q~^tThe combination of tthe deep penetrationt and having her crotch rubbed against the rough pavement proves to be too much for Void to bear. She shudders in orgasm, eyes rolling into the back of her head as her juices run down her thighs. tEventually, Spike gives up on her plan. Kicking Void's helpless form one last time, she turns and storms off, tears of frustration and shame running down her face.t tThe incident has left her feeling even more pathetic and helpless than before. Some time later, Void manages to heal enough to get up on her hands and knees in order to crawl away. She chokes back a bitter sob. q~\t*I'll kill her... I'll really kill her...!q~^t$The violent assault makes clear the tirreparable riftt' between Spike and Void. Furthermore, tPSpike's actions will only grow more and more erratic as her desperation deepens.uq~$tIMoppet is finishing up her post-battle patrol when Lightbringer suddenly tOambushes her from behind and strikes her in the back of the head with her swordt. Lightbringer is already overall stronger than Moppet, so with the element of surprise on her side, the fight is decided with the first attack. t"t7Owie! W-Wait, Lightbringer, I'm your friend, remember?t" tSBut Lightbringer doesn't stop there. She advances on Moppet's prone, bloodied formt, grabbing her by the legs and tearing apart her chastity belt. Several civilians peek out their windows, and some of them pull out their phones to film the brutal assault. Lightbringer glances up at them with satisfaction. q~{tpIf you don't shut up and start fighting back soon, you'll just die like a weakling in front of all these people.q~}t1Lightbringer's true reason for attacking is that tKher research suggests that the Chosen can only be killed by other Chosen. t_She wants to die, and she thinks that she can make it happen by provoking Moppet. When Moppet ttries to roll over and crawl away, Lightbringer jumps atop her, slamming her face into the pavement. Moppet is stunned for a moment, but her eyes shoot wide open when she feels the hilt of Lightbringer's sword pressing against her anus. q~{t(Please, no! Please, don't k-kill meEEE!q~}tConfidence Breakt tThe insertion drives a high-pitched squeal out of Moppet, and every thrust seems deeper and more painful than the last. Moppet's screams of agonized fear grow increasingly incoherent as the torture continuestd, then abruptly cut off as Lightbringer seizes her by the throat and squeezes her windpipe closed. q~{t`I know you hate me for this! I know you'll never be able to forgive me! So you should just...!q~}tGBut no matter how violent she gets, Moppet refuses to defend herself. tEventually, Lightbringer gives up on her plan. Kicking Moppet's helpless form one last time, she turns and storms off, tears of frustration and shame running down her face.q~؇q~؆q~؇tThe incident has left her feeling even more pathetic and helpless than before. Some time later, Moppet manages to heal enough to get up on her hands and knees in order to crawl away. She chokes back a bitter sob. q~{tLightbringer, I trusted you...q~}tTo Moppet, who doesn't understand what Lightbringer is going through, the unprovoked assault is too brutal to even consider forgiving. Furthermore, tWLightbringer's actions will only grow more and more erratic as her desperation deepens.uq~#tCPurgatory is finishing up her post-battle patrol when Sky suddenly tOambushes her from behind and strikes her in the back of the head with her swordt. Sky is already overall stronger than Purgatory, so with the element of surprise on her side, the fight is decided with the first attack. t"t-Ow... Leader, d-did I do something wrong...?t" tMBut Sky doesn't stop there. She advances on Purgatory's prone, bloodied formt, glaring down at her. q~ؕt>If you don't shut up and start fighting back soon, you'll die.q~ؗt(Sky's true reason for attacking is that tKher research suggests that the Chosen can only be killed by other Chosen. teShe wants to die, and she thinks that she can make it happen by provoking Purgatory. When Purgatory ttries to roll over and crawl away, Sky jumps atop her, slamming her face into the pavement. Purgatory is stunned for a moment, but her eyes shoot wide open when she feels the hilt of Sky's sword pressing against her anus. q~ؕt*Hold on, w-we can still talk this- AAAUUU!q~ؗtThe insertion drives a high-pitched squeal out of Purgatory, and every thrust seems deeper and more painful than the last. Purgatory's screams of agonized fear grow increasingly incoherent as the torture continuest[, then abruptly cut off as Sky seizes her by the throat and squeezes her windpipe closed. q~ؕtWhy!? Why isn't this working!?q~ؗtJBut no matter how violent she gets, Purgatory refuses to defend herself. tEventually, Sky can't continue any longer, and she steps back, gasping for breath with tears of frustration and shame running down her cheeks.t tKThe fact that Purgatory doesn't even seem angry makes it feel even worse. tUWhen Purgatory grabs her hand and desperately squeezes it, Sky winces as if struck. q~ؕtSI... I can't fight you, Leader... There's no one else strong enough to protect me.q~ؗtMThrough their shared traumatic experiences, Sky and Purgatory have formed an tunbreakable bondt . However, tNSky's actions will only grow more and more erratic as her desperation deepens.uq~%tFWhisper is finishing up her post-battle patrol when Enforcer suddenly tPambushes her from behind and strikes her in the back of the head with her scythet. Enforcer is already overall stronger than Whisper, so with the element of surprise on her side, the fight is decided with the first attack. t"t3Owie! W-Wait, Enforcer, I'm your friend, remember?t" tPBut Enforcer doesn't stop there. She advances on Whisper's prone, bloodied formt, grabbing her by the legs and tearing apart her torn skirt. Several civilians peek out their windows, and some of them pull out their phones to film the brutal assault. Enforcer glances up at them with satisfaction. q~رtpIf you don't shut up and start fighting back soon, you'll just die like a weakling in front of all these people.q~سt-Enforcer's true reason for attacking is that t;she knows that she can't count on the Demons to kill her. taShe wants to die, and she thinks that she can make it happen by provoking Whisper. When Whisper ttries to roll over and crawl away, Enforcer jumps atop her, slamming her face into the pavement. Whisper is stunned for a moment, but her eyes shoot wide open when she feels the haft of Enforcer's scythe pressing against her anus. q~رt*Hold on, w-we can still talk this- AAAUUU!q~سtThe insertion drives a high-pitched squeal out of Whisper, and every thrust seems deeper and more painful than the last. Whisper's screams of agonized fear grow increasingly incoherent as the torture continuest`, then abruptly cut off as Enforcer seizes her by the throat and squeezes her windpipe closed. q~رtiCome on, you spineless bitch! Stop pretending to be so kind and gentle! I know this is pissing you off!q~سtThe combination of tthe deep penetrationt and having her crotch rubbed against the rough pavement proves to be too much for Whisper to bear. She shudders in orgasm, eyes rolling into the back of her head as her juices run down her thighs. tEventually, Enforcer can't continue any longer, and she steps back, gasping for breath with tears of frustration and shame running down her cheeks.t tIThe fact that Whisper doesn't even seem angry makes it feel even worse. t%Enforcer can't look her in the eye. q~رtAA-Are you calm now, Enforcer? Can we, um... talk about this...?q~سtPThrough their shared traumatic experiences, Enforcer and Whisper have formed an tunbreakable bondt . However, tSEnforcer's actions will only grow more and more erratic as her desperation deepens.uq~#tEWhisper is finishing up her post-battle patrol when Monarch suddenly tDemerges on a nearby rooftop and starts blasting her with her spiritst. Monarch is already overall stronger than Whisper, so with the element of surprise on her side, the fight is decided with the first attack. t"t.Ow... Monarch, d-did I do something wrong...?t" tOBut Monarch doesn't stop there. She advances on Whisper's prone, bloodied formt, grabbing her by the legs and tearing apart her torn trousers. Several civilians peek out their windows, and some of them pull out their phones to film the brutal assault. Monarch glances up at them with satisfaction. q~tpIf you don't shut up and start fighting back soon, you'll just die like a weakling in front of all these people.q~t,Monarch's true reason for attacking is that tKher research suggests that the Chosen can only be killed by other Chosen. taShe wants to die, and she thinks that she can make it happen by provoking Whisper. When Whisper ttries to roll over and crawl away, Monarch jumps atop her, slamming her face into the pavement. Whisper is stunned for a moment, but her eyes shoot wide open when she feels the barrel of her own rifle pressing against her anus. q~t*Hold on, w-we can still talk this- AAAUUU!q~tThe insertion drives a high-pitched squeal out of Whisper, and every thrust seems deeper and more painful than the last. Whisper's screams of agonized fear grow increasingly incoherent as the torture continuest_, then abruptly cut off as Monarch seizes her by the throat and squeezes her windpipe closed. q~tiCome on, you spineless bitch! Stop pretending to be so kind and gentle! I know this is pissing you off!q~tThe combination of tthe deep penetrationt and having her crotch rubbed against the rough pavement proves to be too much for Whisper to bear. She shudders in orgasm, eyes rolling into the back of her head as her juices run down her thighs. tEventually, Monarch can't continue any longer, and she steps back, gasping for breath with tears of frustration and shame running down her cheeks.t tIThe fact that Whisper doesn't even seem angry makes it feel even worse. t$Monarch can't look her in the eye. q~t@A-Are you calm now, Monarch? Can we, um... talk about this...?q~tkWhisper's bond with Monarch is too strong to be broken by just one assault, no matter how cruel. However, tRMonarch's actions will only grow more and more erratic as her desperation deepens.uq~Puq~#tSShield is attending a convention for her fans, giving interviews and posing for photographs, when a bright spark appears in the sky and descends upon the crowd, sending people running from the heat and impact of its landing. It's Axiom, and she strides toward Shield with a manic glint in her eyes, her aura pulsing with gathered power. q~Jt_Hey, Shield. I'm dealing with some painful stuff right now. You don't mind helping me, right?q~Dt?Axiom leans in to whisper something, and Shield's eyes widen. q~Jt>Wait, right in front of everyone...? Okay, fine, let's do it!q~DtShield does her best to pretend to be surprised as Axiom tears her top right down the middle, pulls off her bottoms while she's still recoiling in surprise, and then pushes her naked body down onto the ground right in front of the shocked crowd.t Several of them try to step forward to help, but the waves of power radiating off Axiom push them back. There's nothing they can do but watch as Axiom starts to peel off her own clothes as well.t t Dignity Breakq~tEven though Axiom has been stripped in battle before, she still always managed to maintain her professional demeanor. But now, with her deranged, exhibitionistic behavior, her public image is shattering.t. Axiom sits down and grabs Shield by the hairt,, shoving her pussy against Shield's face. q~Jt=That's right, bitch, you belong on your knees in front of me!q~DtHumping Shield's face and spanking her on the ass, Axiom moans and sighs with exaggerated passion, showing off for the crowd. Then, she seems to grow bored and decides to tshove Shield down onto her back. She only has a moment to catch her breath before Axiom sits on her face and lifts her legs up into the air. q~JtAxiom, wait, I can't br- MMF!?q~Dt4In this position, everyone can clearly see Shield's tvirgin pussy. tShield's slit is spread open and her clit fondled as the cameras all watch, and she can't do anything to stop them from capturing her obvious climax as her folds rhythmically contract and her juices shoot out into the air.t Neither of them is satisfied yet, but Axiom decides to 'abduct' Shield, flying off with her to her room so they can cuddle a bit before going another round. Axiom glides through the window and gently sets Shield down on her bed, then gives her a grateful kiss. q~JtwThanks for helping me look strong for the public, Shield. Just let me know if you want me to return the favor somehow.q~DtUShield's willingness to sacrifice anything for Axiom's reputation is a sign of their tunbreakable bondt. But tthe sight of the Chosen engaging in such pointlessly cruel behavior toward each other is enough to make people wonder whether humanity has any chance of survival at all.uq~&tTCheer is attending a convention for her fans, giving interviews and posing for photographs, when a bright spark appears in the sky and descends upon the crowd, sending people running from the heat and impact of its landing. It's Midnight, and she strides toward Cheer with a manic glint in her eyes, her aura pulsing with gathered power. q~tcHey, Cheer! I was just thinking that we ought to have some fun together. I'm sure you won't mind.q~tWithout waiting for a reply from Cheer, Midnight abruptly tears off her dress all at once, leaving her completely naked in front of the entire crowd.t t Dignity Breakq~tThis is the first time Cheer's fans have seen her naked, and with all the cameras present at the convention, it's inevitable that some of them snap pictures to share later.t "tCWhat are you doing, Midnight!? I won't let you get away with this!q~tCheer tries to struggle, but because she hadn't been gathering psychic energy in preparation for a fight, she doesn't have the strength. To the fans who aren't familiar with how Chosen powers work, it appears as though she's completely outmatched by her rival.t Several of them try to step forward to help, but the waves of power radiating off Midnight push them back. There's nothing they can do but watch as Midnight starts to peel off her own clothes as well.t0 Midnight sits down and grabs Cheer by the hairt1, shoving her sizable cock down Cheer's throat. q~t:Come on, start sucking, I'll never be satisfied like this!q~tWith her face buried in Midnight's pubic region, Cheer is caught completely by surprise when she feels the barrel of Midnight's rifle pushing its way into her asshole. She cries out into Midnight's t sizable cocktd, but Midnight continues to abuse her for several more moments before getting bored and deciding to tshove Cheer down onto her back. She only has a moment to catch her breath before Midnight sits on her face and lifts her legs up into the air. q~t;Wait, at least give me a chance to breathe! I can't- MMF!?q~t3In this position, everyone can clearly see Cheer's tvirgin pussy. tMidnight fondles her own clit with one hand while spreading Cheer open with the other. It doesn't take long for her to peak, squirting onto Cheer's face as she cums.tB With that, Midnight is finally satisfied with the humiliation. t+She happily waves to the horrified crowd. q~tSYou should all forget about Cheer! I'm the one who deserves your fear and worship!q~tcMidnight's growing obession with getting respect from the public at Cheer's expense highlights the tirreparable riftt$ that has formed between them. And tthe sight of the Chosen engaging in such pointlessly cruel behavior toward each other is enough to make people wonder whether humanity has any chance of survival at all.uq~tYStalwart is attending a convention for her fans, giving interviews and posing for photographs, when a bright spark appears in the sky and descends upon the crowd, sending people running from the heat and impact of its landing. It's Whisper, and she strides toward Stalwart with a manic glint in her eyes, her aura pulsing with gathered power. q~taHey, Stalwart. I'm dealing with some painful stuff right now. You don't mind helping me, right?q~t/Whisper reaches out to rip off Stalwart's top, t$intending to pull a harmless prank, tybut she's shocked when Stalwart grabs her wrist with a desperate snarl. As Stalwart has grown increasingly paranoid about being raped, she's taken to remaining in her transformed state at all hours, constantly stocking up energy in preparation for an attack at any moment. And as her wild eyes fix on Whisper's, it becomes clear that she views this as just such an assault. q~tI trusted you, Whisper!q~t`Stalwart pulls Whisper off her feet, swinging her in an arc to slam her against the ground, blasting up a shower of rubble from the impact. The photographers who had arrived for the event stagger backward, shielding themselves from the blast. But most of them choose not to flee, readying their cameras for what they hope will be a memorable fight. q~t+W-Wait! I wasn't actually going to- Aaagh!q~tIt does turn out to be memorable, although it's not much of a fight. Whisper, surprised at the sudden reversal, is at a severe disadvantage. The next thing she knows, she's taking hit after hit from Stalwart's revolver, and it's all she can do to protect her vitals. Her clothes are shredded apart by the deflected impacts, and the flashing cameras capture her bare bottom as she flees, trying and failing to cover herself. In the end, her attempt to make herself look better completely backfired.t q~t@Hmph. I'd almost forgotten what it feels like to win a fight...q~tdWhisper hates Stalwart more than ever for humiliating her, and the feeling is mutual. Furthermore, tthe fact that Whisper is willing to resort to such desperate means to improve her reputation is a measure of how deeply her psyche has been damaged.uq~tSPrayer is attending a convention for her fans, giving interviews and posing for photographs, when a bright spark appears in the sky and descends upon the crowd, sending people running from the heat and impact of its landing. It's Axiom, and she strides toward Prayer with a manic glint in her eyes, her aura pulsing with gathered power. t"t_Hey, Prayer. I'm dealing with some painful stuff right now. You don't mind helping me, right?t" tWithout waiting for a reply from Prayer, Axiom abruptly tears off her torn robe all at once, leaving her completely naked in front of the entire crowd.t "tAxiom, stop! This is wrong!q~0tPrayer tries to struggle, but because she hadn't been gathering psychic energy in preparation for a fight, she doesn't have the strength. To the fans who aren't familiar with how Chosen powers work, it appears as though she's completely outmatched by her rival.t Several of them try to step forward to help, but the waves of power radiating off Axiom push them back. There's nothing they can do but watch as Axiom starts to peel off her own clothes as well.t. Axiom sits down and grabs Prayer by the hairt*, shoving her cock down Prayer's throat. q~.t=That's right, bitch, you belong on your knees in front of me!q~0tHumping Prayer's face and spanking her on the ass, Axiom moans and sighs with exaggerated passion, showing off for the crowd. Then, she seems to grow bored and decides to tshove Prayer down onto her back. She only has a moment to catch her breath before Axiom sits on her face and lifts her legs up into the air. q~.tAxiom, wait, I can't br- MMF!?q~0t4In this position, everyone can clearly see Prayer's tvirgin pussy. tAxiom fondles her own clit with one hand while spreading Prayer open with the other. It doesn't take long for her to peak, squirting onto Prayer's face as she cums.t? With that, Axiom is finally satisfied with the humiliation. tNShe looks only a little conflicted as she turns back to the horrified crowd. q~.ttThat's right, Prayer was plotting to do this to me, so I had to do it first. I didn't want to, but I had no choice.q~0toHaving both her body and her public image violated so deeply is not something Prayer will easily forgive. And tthe sight of the Chosen engaging in such pointlessly cruel behavior toward each other is enough to make people wonder whether humanity has any chance of survival at all.uq~tSSpike is attending a convention for her fans, giving interviews and posing for photographs, when a bright spark appears in the sky and descends upon the crowd, sending people running from the heat and impact of its landing. It's Prophet, and she strides toward Spike with a manic glint in her eyes, her aura pulsing with gathered power. t"t^Hey, Spike. I'm dealing with some painful stuff right now. You don't mind helping me, right?t" taWithout waiting for a reply from Spike, Prophet starts trying to strip her partner's clothes off right in front of everyone. The audience is meant to aid in Spike's humiliation, but Prophet hadn't taken into account just how beloved Spike has become following the recent decrease in Demonic attacks. With a roar of outrage, the crowd surges forward. tWaves of power radiate from Prophet's body, pushing the crowd back, but their determination to help Prophet has made them almost as singleminded as a mob of lustful Thralls. Before Prophet has even managed to get Spike's torn dress off, she's been tackled to the ground and pinned under a pile of bodies, leaving a very surprised Spike to take a few steps backward and try to compose herself. q~Ft(They saved me. I really owe them one...q~HtMeanwhile, although the crowd attacking Prophet aren't Thralls and therefore retain enough sanity to refrain from raping her, the work of holding her down until Spike can defend herself provides the more perverted ones plenty of opportunity and justification to play with her body. Prophet squeals indignantly as she feels hands groping her chest and crotch, and scraps of torn bodysuit t'fly out of the tangled mass of limbs. q~Ft>Gyaaah! How- How dare you!? I should kill you all right now!q~HtvEventually, Prophet manages to gather enough strength to throw off the people holding her down, but that just exposes her mostly-naked form to the flashing cameras of the fans who kept their distance. And to make matters worse, her defeated, huddling form is contrasted against Spike, who's prepared for battle, standing with righteous anger, and of course fully clothed. tiProphet flees in shame, and tomorrow's news headlines will feature the image of Spike shouting after her.t q~Ft You're a disgrace to the Chosen!q~HtFSpike's anger and Prophet's resentment over the failed attack pry the tirreparable riftt- between them wider and wider. Furthermore, tthe fact that Prophet is willing to resort to such desperate means to improve her reputation is a measure of how deeply her psyche has been damaged.uq~!tYStalwart is attending a convention for her fans, giving interviews and posing for photographs, when a bright spark appears in the sky and descends upon the crowd, sending people running from the heat and impact of its landing. It's Whisper, and she strides toward Stalwart with a manic glint in her eyes, her aura pulsing with gathered power. q~رtaHey, Stalwart. I'm dealing with some painful stuff right now. You don't mind helping me, right?q~سtWithout waiting for a reply from Stalwart, Whisper abruptly tears her top right down the middle, pulls off her bottoms while she's still recoiling in surprise, and then pushes her naked body down onto the ground right in front of the shocked crowd.t "tWhisper, stop! This is wrong!q~سtStalwart tries to struggle, but because she hadn't been gathering psychic energy in preparation for a fight, she doesn't have the strength. To the fans who aren't familiar with how Chosen powers work, it appears as though she's completely outmatched by her rival.t Several of them try to step forward to help, but the waves of power radiating off Whisper push them back. There's nothing they can do but watch as Whisper starts to peel off her own clothes as well.t2 Whisper sits down and grabs Stalwart by the hairt., shoving her pussy against Stalwart's face. q~رt8L-Look, everyone! Look how much stronger I am than her!q~سtWith her face buried in Whisper's pubic region, Stalwart is caught completely by surprise when she feels the barrel of Whisper's revolver pushing its way into her asshole. She cries out into Whisper's tpussytc, but Whisper continues to abuse her for several more moments before getting bored and deciding to tshove Stalwart down onto her back. She only has a moment to catch her breath before Whisper sits on her face and lifts her legs up into the air. q~رt Whisper, wait, I can't br- MMF!?q~سt6In this position, everyone can clearly see Stalwart's tcock and virgin pussy. tNWhisper strokes Stalwart's sizable cock and runs a finger up and down her slitt, smirking at the cameras as Stalwart starts to visibly twitch and squirm. Finally, the stimulation is too much to handle, and Stalwart starts shooting spurts of cum into the air as the cameras flash.tA With that, Whisper is finally satisfied with the humiliation. tNShe looks only a little conflicted as she turns back to the horrified crowd. q~رtvThat's right, Stalwart was plotting to do this to me, so I had to do it first. I didn't want to, but I had no choice.q~سtqHaving both her body and her public image violated so deeply is not something Stalwart will easily forgive. And tthe sight of the Chosen engaging in such pointlessly cruel behavior toward each other is enough to make people wonder whether humanity has any chance of survival at all.uq~ tYStalwart is attending a convention for her fans, giving interviews and posing for photographs, when a bright spark appears in the sky and descends upon the crowd, sending people running from the heat and impact of its landing. It's Whisper, and she strides toward Stalwart with a manic glint in her eyes, her aura pulsing with gathered power. t"taHey, Stalwart. I'm dealing with some painful stuff right now. You don't mind helping me, right?t" tCWhisper leans in to whisper something, and Stalwart's eyes widen. q~rtBThat's... incredibly kinky. But... Very well, I won't back down!q~ttStalwart does her best to pretend to be surprised as Whisper tears her top right down the middle, pulls off her torn leotard while she's still recoiling in surprise, and then pushes her naked body down onto the ground right in front of the shocked crowd.t Several of them try to step forward to help, but the waves of power radiating off Whisper push them back. There's nothing they can do but watch as Whisper starts to peel off her own clothes as well.t2 Whisper sits down and grabs Stalwart by the hairt., shoving her pussy against Stalwart's face. q~rt8L-Look, everyone! Look how much stronger I am than her!q~ttWith her face buried in Whisper's pubic region, Stalwart is caught completely by surprise when she feels the barrel of Whisper's revolver pushing its way into her asshole. She cries out into Whisper's tpussytc, but Whisper continues to abuse her for several more moments before getting bored and deciding to tshove Stalwart down onto her back. She only has a moment to catch her breath before Whisper sits on her face and lifts her legs up into the air. q~rt Whisper, wait, I can't br- MMF!?q~tt6In this position, everyone can clearly see Stalwart's tcock and virgin pussy. tFWhisper strokes Stalwart's cock and runs a finger up and down her slitt, smirking at the cameras as Stalwart starts to visibly twitch and squirm. Finally, the stimulation is too much to handle, and Stalwart starts shooting spurts of cum into the air as the cameras flash.t Neither of them is satisfied yet, but Whisper decides to 'abduct' Stalwart, flying off with her to her room so they can cuddle a bit before going another round. Whisper glides through the window and gently sets Stalwart down on her bed, then gives her a grateful kiss. q~rtuI've got to say, I really wasn't expecting you to go along with this. So... thanks, Stalwart. It means a lot to me.q~ttWhisper and Stalwart have both become so desperate for control over their public images that they actually enjoy putting on this sort of show. But tthe sight of the Chosen engaging in such pointlessly cruel behavior toward each other is enough to make people wonder whether humanity has any chance of survival at all.uq~!t_Retribution is attending a convention for her fans, giving interviews and posing for photographs, when a bright spark appears in the sky and descends upon the crowd, sending people running from the heat and impact of its landing. It's Whisper, and she strides toward Retribution with a manic glint in her eyes, her aura pulsing with gathered power. t"tdHey, Retribution. I'm dealing with some painful stuff right now. You don't mind helping me, right?t" tWithout waiting for a reply from Retribution, Whisper abruptly tears off her gown all at once, leaving her completely naked in front of the entire crowd.t "tWhisper, stop! This is wrong!q~ٍt Retribution tries to struggle, but because she hadn't been gathering psychic energy in preparation for a fight, she doesn't have the strength. To the fans who aren't familiar with how Chosen powers work, it appears as though she's completely outmatched by her rival.t Several of them try to step forward to help, but the waves of power radiating off Whisper push them back. There's nothing they can do but watch as Whisper starts to peel off her own clothes as well.t5 Whisper sits down and grabs Retribution by the hairt1, shoving her pussy against Retribution's face. q~ًt8L-Look, everyone! Look how much stronger I am than her!q~ٍtWith her face buried in Whisper's pubic region, Retribution is caught completely by surprise when she feels the barrel of Whisper's rifle pushing its way into her asshole. She cries out into Whisper's tpussytc, but Whisper continues to abuse her for several more moments before getting bored and deciding to tshove Retribution down onto her back. She only has a moment to catch her breath before Whisper sits on her face and lifts her legs up into the air. q~ًt Whisper, wait, I can't br- MMF!?q~ٍt9In this position, everyone can clearly see Retribution's tcock and virgin pussy. tIWhisper strokes Retribution's cock and runs a finger up and down her slitt, smirking at the cameras as Retribution starts to visibly twitch and squirm. Finally, the stimulation is too much to handle, and Retribution starts shooting spurts of cum into the air as the cameras flash.tA With that, Whisper is finally satisfied with the humiliation. tNShe looks only a little conflicted as she turns back to the horrified crowd. q~ًtyThat's right, Retribution was plotting to do this to me, so I had to do it first. I didn't want to, but I had no choice.q~ٍttHaving both her body and her public image violated so deeply is not something Retribution will easily forgive. And tthe sight of the Chosen engaging in such pointlessly cruel behavior toward each other is enough to make people wonder whether humanity has any chance of survival at all.uq~Puq~t#Aiko is enjoying a night of debauchery out on the town when she receives an emergency call from her handler. A mysterious assailant is attacking a nearby military base and she's the only one in range to help. Normally, Aiko would just ignore the order and go back to enjoying herself, but tushe's been feeling frustrated and powerless lately, and blowing off some steam on a non-Demon opponent sounds nice. tShe transforms into HoneytI and heads out, but what she finds at the ruins of the base shocks her. tvThe assailant has hastily thrown on a mask and a heavy coat over her Chosen garb, but she's still undeniably Shield. tBShe winces and refuses to make eye contact when she spots Honey. t"tAiko... I-I'm sorry... t%I'm pregnant. The Demon Lord is the tfathert. The child will be too powerful and too evil to contain. The military can't kill me, but they can put me in cold storage to stop the fetus from growing. I won't let that happen.t" t`Comprehension dawns in Honey's eyes. But instead of showing sadness or fear, she just smiles. tOh, that's actually kinda good! I'm in the same boat, and I've been doing the same thing, so now I don't need to worry about you finding out anymore! tdSince I'm already out here, maybe we should hit another base together. I'm sure you can keep going!q~ٱt:Shield is plainly relieved at Honey's positive response. q~٬tI'm a little hurt that you never told me... But I guess I did the same. From now on, no more secrets between the two of us, okay?q~ٱtjThe realization that they've both been pitted against the entire world, human and Demon both, cements the tunbreakable bondt between Shield and Honey. But tswith another of humanity's Chosen warriors fighting against her own side, the Demons' victory becomes more certain.uq~t#Yuki is enjoying a night of debauchery out on the town when she receives an emergency call from her handler. A mysterious assailant is attacking a nearby military base and she's the only one in range to help. Normally, Yuki would just ignore the order and go back to enjoying herself, but t^she's been feeling her bloodlust especially strongly lately, and she's spoiling for a fight. tShe transforms into TyranttI and heads out, but what she finds at the ruins of the base shocks her. txThe assailant has hastily thrown on a mask and a heavy coat over her Chosen garb, but she's still undeniably Stalwart. tEHer face goes red with anger behind her mask when she spots Tyrant. t"tLUgh. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to fight anyone else... Listen... tHI felt... something really weird... when the Demon Lord was inside me...t" tXTyrant understands the implication and quickly fills in the rest, her tone thoughtful. q~tYou were impregnated. Hmph. I respect that you found the resolve to mount a pre-emptive strike against the people who would put you in cold storage to stop the abomination in your belly from being born. But I'm still tempted to strike you down and seal you away myself. t}The only thing holding me back is the fact that you're still useful in our fight to defeat the Demon Lord. Once he's gone...q~tcThe threat hangs in the air. But rather than looking scared or angry, Stalwart just seems tired. q~t%I understand. I'll... I'll be ready.q~t(Stalwart and Tyrant are separated by an tirreparable rifttR, knowing that it's only a matter of time before they become mortal enemies. And trif even such a purehearted Chosen can be turned against the forces of good, no one at all is safe from corruption.uq~Puq~tThe sounds and images Honey was subjected to by your Commander body during the battle weren't mere illusions. They also contained post-hypnotic suggestion in the form of subliminal messages, and due to her thoroughly weakened grasp on reality, she ended up being especially susceptible. That night, Aiko gets out of bed without fully waking up, transforming into Honey and then walking outside in a trance. tZShe starts prowling the alleyways in search of Thralls to subdue, but she's made to perceive everyone she meets as a Thrall. After knocking them unconscious, she brings them to one of your Demons' underground hideouts, which she perceives as being a police station. But then, Axiom's patrol takes her nearby, and she catches Honey in the act. t"Axiom is horrified and confused. t"t1Aiko, wake up! I know you don't want to do this!t" tnBut when Honey looks over, she only hears and sees an illusionary Demon at the spot where Axiom is standing. q~tI'll beat you up, Demon!" thAxiom isn't mentally prepared to fight her friend, and she ends up fleeing. As soon as she's safe, she t/sinks to her knees, fighting the urge to cry. q~t&Aiko... If I don't save her, she's...q~t Due to their tunbreakable bondtC, Axiom is grief-stricken over Honey's descent into insanity. And tbecause none of this would have been possible without Honey's refusal to accept the harsh truths of reality, she bears responsibility for every command of yours she follows.uq~tThe sounds and images Cheer was subjected to by Axiom during the battle weren't mere illusions. They also contained post-hypnotic suggestion in the form of subliminal messages, and due to her thoroughly weakened grasp on reality, she ended up being especially susceptible. That night, Chouko gets out of bed without fully waking up, transforming into Cheer and then walking outside in a trance. t?She meets up with Paladin, who is similarly acting in a daze. t.The two of them are happy to see each other. q~0tWI'm glad you're here, Chouko. I'll be able to save many more people with your help." tUnder your influence, Paladin is made to believe that regular civilians are actually Thralls, and that she needs to capture them and turn them into the your Demons (who she perceives as being the police) so that they can be purified. tFor Cheer, who has never been manipulated to this degree before, the sense of strangeness is almost enough to wake her up. But seeing her close friend doing all these things makes her feel like it must be okay. q~0tnFor some reason, I was scared of doing stuff like this before... but now I know it's okay! Th-Thanks, Leader!q~2tWith the two of them unwittingly following the same programming, they feel even closer than ever before. Paladin finds herself blushing. q~0tjYou don't have to thank me! We're lovers, after all. It's only natural that we'd do everything together.q~2tKAs a side effect of their shared servitude, Cheer and Paladin deepen their tunbreakable bondt. But tthe fact that they could wake up if they were only willing to face the harsh truth of the world means that they're responsible for everything they're doing.uq~tThe sounds and images Spice was subjected to by Midnight during the battle weren't mere illusions. They also contained post-hypnotic suggestion in the form of subliminal messages, and due to her thoroughly weakened grasp on reality, she ended up being especially susceptible. That night, Otome gets out of bed without fully waking up, transforming into Spice and then walking outside in a trance. t=She meets up with Axiom, who is similarly acting in a daze. t.The two of them are happy to see each other. t"tvI... must have forgotten about inviting you on this patrol, Otome. But that's okay, your help will be appreciated." tAxiom leads the way, flying around the city outskirts. Your influence causes her to perceive power plants, bridges, and other vital infrastructure as huge Demons that need to be destroyed. tFor Spice, who has never been manipulated to this degree before, the sense of strangeness is almost enough to wake her up. But seeing her close friend doing all these things makes her feel like it must be okay. q~tlThanks for showing me how to do this, Leader. If you're feeling sleepy, I can probably take over from here!t" tWith the two of them unwittingly following the same programming, they feel even closer than ever before. Axiom finds herself blushing. q~tjYou don't have to thank me! We're lovers, after all. It's only natural that we'd do everything together.q~tIAs a side effect of their shared servitude, Spice and Axiom deepen their tunbreakable bondt. But tthe fact that they could wake up if they were only willing to face the harsh truth of the world means that they're responsible for everything they're doing.uq~tThe sounds and images Moppet was subjected to by Spike during the battle weren't mere illusions. They also contained post-hypnotic suggestion in the form of subliminal messages, and due to her thoroughly weakened grasp on reality, she ended up being especially susceptible. That night, Wakako gets out of bed without fully waking up, transforming into Moppet and then walking outside in a trance. t]She starts prowling the alleyways in search of Thralls to subdue, but she's made to perceive everyone she meets as a Thrall. After knocking them unconscious, she brings them to one of your Demons' underground hideouts, which she perceives as being a police station. But then, Paladin's patrol takes her nearby, and she catches Moppet in the act. t$Paladin is horrified and confused. t"t4Moppet, stop! You're hurting those innocent people!t" tqBut when Moppet looks over, she only hears and sees an illusionary Demon at the spot where Paladin is standing. q~t'Oh no! I-I have to get out of here!" t8Moppet runs away before Paladin can catch her. Paladin t?frowns and tries to remain calm, thinking over the situation. q~tZIf I put my mind to it, I'm certain that there's some way I can restore Moppet's sanity...q~tePaladin clings to her friendship with Moppet, but only out of denial that Moppet is truly lost. And tbecause none of this would have been possible without Moppet's refusal to accept the harsh truths of reality, she bears responsibility for every command of yours she follows.uq~tThe sounds and images Whisper was subjected to by Spike during the battle weren't mere illusions. They also contained post-hypnotic suggestion in the form of subliminal messages, and due to her thoroughly weakened grasp on reality, she ended up being especially susceptible. That night, Zen gets out of bed without fully waking up, transforming into Whisper and then walking outside in a trance. t@She meets up with Stalwart, who is similarly acting in a daze. tkThe two of them are wary at seeing each other, but your conditioning has also prepared Stalwart for this. q~رtuI'm doing an important mission tonight. If you can stay focused, then I wouldn't object to you lending your help." tUnder your influence, Stalwart is made to believe that regular civilians are actually Thralls, and that she needs to capture them and turn them into the your Demons (who she perceives as being the police) so that they can be purified. tAt first, Whisper is reluctant to join her, but your influence is stronger than her memories of their rivalry, and soon she's laughing and smiling like she's having a good time with a close friend. q~رtcYou know, I remember having this dream where you hated me. I think I hated you too. Weird, right?q~سtStalwart's mind is made of slightly sterner stuff, but her compulsion to work with Whisper also causes her to be open to the idea of friendship. q~رt\Is this your way of saying you'd like to bury the hatchet? Well, I can't say I'm opposed...q~سtjUnable to maintain their rivalry, Whisper and Stalwart have begun to think of each other as friends. But tthe fact that they could wake up if they were only willing to face the harsh truth of the world means that they're responsible for everything they're doing.uq~tThe sounds and images Whisper was subjected to by your Commander body during the battle weren't mere illusions. They also contained post-hypnotic suggestion in the form of subliminal messages, and due to her thoroughly weakened grasp on reality, she ended up being especially susceptible. That night, Zen gets out of bed without fully waking up, transforming into Whisper and then walking outside in a trance. t@She meets up with Stalwart, who is similarly acting in a daze. t.The two of them are happy to see each other. t"tXI'm glad you're here, Whisper. I'll be able to save many more people with your help." tUnder your influence, Stalwart is made to believe that regular civilians are actually Thralls, and that she needs to capture them and turn them into the your Demons (who she perceives as being the police) so that they can be purified. tFor Whisper, who has never been manipulated to this degree before, the sense of strangeness is almost enough to wake her up. But seeing her close friend doing all these things makes her feel like it must be okay. q~tpFor some reason, I was scared of doing stuff like this before... but now I know it's okay! Th-Thanks, Stalwart!t" tWith the two of them unwittingly following the same programming, they feel even closer than ever before. Stalwart finds herself blushing. q~tWhen you smile like that, it makes me feel... Um, h-hey, there's a hotel near here, why don't we finish up and head over there?q~!tNAs a side effect of their shared servitude, Whisper and Stalwart deepen their tunbreakable bondt. But tthe fact that they could wake up if they were only willing to face the harsh truth of the world means that they're responsible for everything they're doing.uq~Puq~tAfter the battle, you send a Thrall to deliver a secret message to Paladin. It's an invitation to meet with the Demon Lord in a secluded location. You offer to drain her energy, just as you did during the battle, but for the entire night. The promise of several uninterrupted hours of complete oblivion, free of the nightmares of the tortures she's endured, proves too much to resist. She accepts, meets with the body you constructed for the occasion at a park near her home, and eagerly allows herself to be embraced by your tentacles. tHowever, before she has a chance to rest for long, your body is blasted apart by an attack from another of the Chosen. It's Cheer, who followed Paladin here from her home. q~0tYPhew, I was expecting that a Demon strong enough to beat you would be a little tougher...q~2t8But Paladin is anything but grateful. She had just been slipping into unconsciousness, but now she is thrust back into the cruel real world against her will. Her head thrashes from side to side, desperately looking for any surviving fragments of your body, and when she doesn't see any, she screams out loud. q~0t;You FOOL! Worthless, bumbling IDIOT! You... You... GAAAH!q~2tOvercome with grief at losing the painless night she had hoped for, Paladin lunges at Cheer, swinging her fist forward with lethal intent. But due to the recent energy drain, her speed and strength are both well below even a regular civilian. t?Cheer's tears when she's struck aren't of pain, but of guilt. q~0tDI-I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I really am the worst friend ever...q~2tCheer's q~t4with Paladin causes her to feel her suffering. And teven though the amount of energy produced by Paladin is actually nothing exceptional, the fact that she's willingly giving it to you is a very nourishing sin in itself.uq~tAfter the battle, you send a Thrall to deliver a secret message to Tyrant. It's an invitation to meet with the Demon Lord in a secluded location. You offer to drain her energy, just as you did during the battle, but for the entire night. The promise of several uninterrupted hours of complete oblivion, free of the nightmares of the tortures she's endured, proves too much to resist. She accepts, meets with the body you constructed for the occasion at a park near her home, and eagerly allows herself to be embraced by your tentacles. tHowever, before she has a chance to rest for long, your body is blasted apart by an attack from another of the Chosen. It's Whisper, who followed Tyrant here from her home. t"tYPhew, I was expecting that a Demon strong enough to beat you would be a little tougher...t" t7But Tyrant is anything but grateful. She had just been slipping into unconsciousness, but now she is thrust back into the cruel real world against her will. Her head thrashes from side to side, desperately looking for any surviving fragments of your body, and when she doesn't see any, she screams out loud. q~8t;You FOOL! Worthless, bumbling IDIOT! You... You... GAAAH!q~:tOvercome with grief at losing the painless night she had hoped for, Tyrant lunges at Whisper, swinging her fist forward with lethal intent. But due to the recent energy drain, her speed and strength are both well below even a regular civilian. twWhisper is too shocked by the bizarre display to react to the punch. When she finally speaks, her voice is hesitant. q~8tPWhat? What are you saying? I don't get it at all... Let's just go home, okay?q~:t[Whisper's faith in Tyrant is too strong to be broken by just one glimpse of weakness. But teven though the amount of energy produced by Tyrant is actually nothing exceptional, the fact that she's willingly giving it to you is a very nourishing sin in itself.uq~tAfter the battle, you send a Thrall to deliver a secret message to Spike. It's an invitation to meet with the Demon Lord in a secluded location. You offer to drain her energy, just as you did during the battle, but for the entire night. The promise of several uninterrupted hours of complete oblivion, free of the nightmares of the tortures she's endured, proves too much to resist. She accepts, meets with the body you constructed for the occasion at a park near her home, and eagerly allows herself to be embraced by your tentacles. tHowever, before she has a chance to rest for long, your body is blasted apart by an attack from another of the Chosen. It's Void, who followed Spike here from her home. t"tXHahah! I got to be the one to rescue you for once! That was... a-actually kinda fun...t" t6But Spike is anything but grateful. She had just been slipping into unconsciousness, but now she is thrust back into the cruel real world against her will. Her head thrashes from side to side, desperately looking for any surviving fragments of your body, and when she doesn't see any, she screams out loud. q~EtOYou BITCH! You ruined EVERYTHING! Give it back, give it back, give it baaack!q~GtOvercome with grief at losing the painless night she had hoped for, Spike lunges at Void, swinging her fist forward with lethal intent. But due to the recent energy drain, her speed and strength are both well below even a regular civilian. tHVoid easily catches her punch, glaring down at her with open contempt. q~Et8Get lost, wimp... H-Heh, I always wanted to say that...q~Gt8The undeniable evidence of Spike's weakness deepens the tirreparable riftt between her and Void. And teven though the amount of energy produced by Spike is actually nothing exceptional, the fact that she's willingly giving it to you is a very nourishing sin in itself.uq~Puq~Puq~tOnce all the Demons are defeated, Artisan usually takes charge of the situation, ordering around the other two Chosen and the police until she's satisfied that they've properly acknowledged her authority. However, when HellborntJ realizes that she's nowhere to be seen, she starts searching. She finds tArtisan completely naked, a similarly-naked Thrall laying face-up at her feet. She steps on the Thrall's erect, twitching penis, taunting him and using one hand to between her own legs to play with herself as she does so.t tHellborn's eyes go wide, and she gulps nervously, too turned on by the sight to interfere. The next thing she knows, Artisan has already finished and is casually walking toward her.q~tI'm not letting you arrest him. We're... friends now, I suppose. I don't care if we're on opposite sides of some pointless war." thHellborn obediently shrinks backward, but the sullen frown on her face shows that she hasn't given up. t7"This war isn't pointless! We have to keep fighting! tWhat's wrong with you!?" t*Artisan pauses, glancing behind herself. q~'tI'm just tired of fighting for people who don't deserve it. Now, you're going to stay here with me until all the Thralls have safely escaped.q~!taHellborn tenses up, gritting her teeth, but then she lets it out with a sigh, hanging her head. q~'t?You're choosing them over me? You'll pay for this, Artisan...!q~!t>Artisan's decision to turn her back on the war has created an tirreparable riftt between her and Hellborn.t And her willingness to doom humanity to defeat against the Demons for the sake of mere momentary pleasure is an especially grave sin.uq~Puq~tOutwardly, Purgatory shows no sign of the trauma that drove her to become catatonic the last time she fought you, at least at first. But a cold sweat gradually appears on her forehead, and when a Thrall gropes her crotch during the last phases of the cleanup operation after the battle, she abruptly snaps. Screaming at the top of her lungs, Purgatory flies off at top speed, quickly leaving the city limits and then slamming into a hillside. She then lays in the crater, eyes glazed over, lost in her memories and unaware of the world.t# That's how Retribution finds her.t "..." t^When Retribution catches up, she grabs Purgatory by the shoulders and tries to shake her awaket|. She's concerned for her friend, but her frustration and confusion as to what's happened to her causes her to get rough. q~t&Wake up, Purgatory! Come on, wake up!q~tAs Purgatory gradually becomes aware of the hands touching and grasping her, shaking her and handling her roughly, she panics. It feels like she's still caught in the orgy. tShe struggles wildly, and even after Retribution backs away to give her some space, it's clear from her glare that she is furious beyond words. She embraces the irrational anger, subconsciously using it to distract herself from the trauma. tM"Never touch me again! You're disgusting! Disgusting! Just leave me alone!q~tyRetribution is more confused than anything, but she can't help but be a little annoyed at Purgatory's hostile reaction. t9"I was only trying to help. You can't blame me for that.q~tFor Purgatory, who's still gripped by the terror of what was done to her, the look in Retribution's eyes is enough to make her turn to flee again. t0"I need to escape... somehow, escape, escape...!q~tNPurgatory isn't willing to forgive Retribution for her lack of sympathy. And tabreaking one of the Chosen so thoroughly will make capturing the city much easier for the Demons.uq~Puq~tIn order to reward herself for reaching an understanding with the Demon Lord, Fuyuko is having a leisurely day shopping for trinkets. As she leaves the shopping mall, tUVoid flies by on her patrol. Void recognizes Fuyuko and flies down to investigate. t"t>Fuyuko, you dummy! We're supposed to be patrolling right now!t" t\Fuyuko barely acknowledges Void, glancing in her direction before giving an offhand reply. q~ztThe Demons won't be attacking today. I made sure of that. It just took being willing to sacrifice my body to the Demons... in a more direct way.q~|tmVoid stares blankly for a moment, uncomprehending. But once she realizes what Fuyuko is saying, she gasps. q~ztYou're doing naughty stuff with the Demon Lord! Willingly, I mean! But... But the Demon Lord is a bad guy! The baddest guy of all!q~|t4Spike is clearly unbothered by Void's disapproval. q~ztWhy are you complaining? Go tell everyone that you're the reason the Demons aren't attacking. Just lie to them, you're good at that.q~|t(Void angrily turns her back on Fuyuko. q~ztWEven I can see that this is evil, Fuyuko! And if you can't... th-then you're evil too!q~|t@Spike's willingness to compromise with the enemy has created an tirreparable riftt% between her and Void. Furthermore, tmthe trust Spike is building with the Demon Lord will only make it harder to carry out her mission in the end.uq~Puq~t_Sacred is unable to calm down following the rush of supreme power she felt during the battle. tShe continues to rampage, knocking down buildings with every attack from her torn armored boots, and Artisan gets caught in one of the explosions. t0Artisan looks at her with wide, startled eyes. q~'t4Sacred! Stop this at once, or I'll stop you myself!q~!tUSacred smirks, completely unmoved by Artisan's harsh tone, and swaggers toward her. q~'tmYou can't stop me. No one can stop me anymore. And that means I don't have to care what other people say...q~!tThen, Sacred vanishes from sight, moving too quickly to be seen. A sudden impact slams into Artisan, sending her tumbling down the street. She coughs up blood, forcing herself back up onto her knees. q~'t1Such... Demonic power...! I must flee for now...q~!t6Sacred watches her go, making no move to give chase. q~'tHWell, I could catch her, but I'm bored now. What should I blow up next?q~!t.Sacred's bloodthirsty behavior has created an q~bt( between her and Artisan. Furthermore, twhen the Chosen outright turn against those they're supposed to protect, the weight of that sin will greatly empower the Demons.uq~Puq~tGIn a matter of moments, the Demonic forces went from tormenting Shield tto fleeing in disarray. What could have caused their retreat? Was it reinforcements from another city? Was it some sort of internal conflict between the Demons? tShe gathers herself and then goes in search of an explanation. When she finds Axiom, she calls out to Axiom to see if she can shed any light on what happened. But Axiom's response is t oddly cold. q~ӠtiI don't have time for you. Useless weaklings in constant need of rescue should stay off the front lines.q~ӣt1The contemptful tone comes as a complete shock. t-Shield's surprise quickly turns into anger. q~ӠtuY-You know I'm trying my best to get stronger! Didn't you say I was doing a good job? What changed all of a sudden?q~ӣtKAxiom's response is flat and emotionless, but contempt burns in her eyes. q~ӠtAs always, you're the last one to understand the situation. You have no idea what was happening while you were foolishly letting yourself be outmaneuvered by the Demons once again. tI just beat the Demons. By myself. Honestly, it probably would've been easier if you never even showed up. I always have to hold back because you're in my way.q~ӣtThere's no triumph in Axiom's tone, only bitterness. She's already lost so much to the Demons, suffered so many torments, that victory just feels hollow. Now, she can only resent those who benefitted from her sacrifice. tZShield realizes what her friend must be going through, and she bows her head in apology. q~ӠtYou've been suffering for my mistakes. You're completely right to call me out on it. I just hope you'll give me the chance to make it right...q~ӣtZAxiom is mollified somewhat by her friend's admission. Her expression softens slightly. q~ӠtHmph. As long as you understand, then I guess I can still let you come along with me. I'll be using you as bait, so you'd better follow me without question from now on.q~ӣtTheir tunbreakable friendshiptG can withstand even such a fundamental change in Axiom's outlook. But tcAxiom no longer views humanity as being worth her protection. From now on, she fights for herself.uq~tHoney is told to report to the 'torture room', a chamber deep within the Demonic hive which is stocked with various horrifying implements. tlShe reluctantly does as she's told, knowing that trying to put it off will only make the punishment worse. tHowever, when she arrives, she's surprised to find her daughter already there, completely nude and restrained spread-eagle against the wall. t"t&Um, Koharu... You're in my spot..." q~ڲt4I assure you, I am exactly where I am meant to be. ttI'm really in the mood to get tortured. And if it helps train you to do the same to the Chosen, then everyone wins.t" tHoney hesitates, but she has to admit that the situation is turning her on a little, and she ends up taking a whip from the nearby table. tShe swings the whip, which cracks loudly as it strikes Paladin's belly and draws a surprised gasp of pain from her throat. That sound heralds the start of a long night of torment for Paladin. tThe torture room is well-stocked, and Honey ends up using most of the tools it contains over the course of the training session. Gagging and blindfolding Paladin is just the start. tXPredictably, Honey ends up gravitating more toward the sex toys. Paladin's nipples and tclitt are fitted with clamps tight enough to turn them a bloodless white, and from those clamps hang several vibrating weights, heavy enough to stretch and distend them beyond what most people would imagine possible. Honey doesn't insert anything into her tcpussy or ass, but she does spread them wide open with a set of hooks attached to a pulley system. tcEvery crank causes her to gape more and more, drawing out a pained cry that's muffled by her gag. tAfter it's all over, Honey takes her daughter down from the wall. Paladin clings to her, still wincing in pain, but she manages to give Honey a satisfied smile. q~ڲt$Heh... I'm... proud of you... Mom...q~ڶq~ڲtPYou look like you're still sore down there. Let me kiss it to make it better...q~ڲuq~tFAxiom is brought to a secluded room and tied to a chair where Paladin thexplains to Axiom that she's going to be drugged with aphrodisiac and made to practice raping someone. t'Axiom is understandably apprehensive. t"tPAre you telling me that I don't get any say in who to give my first time to!?" q~tcIt might be possible for someone with a personality like yours to resist the urge to be penetrated.t" tPaladin tips the vial of Demonic extract into Axiom's mouth, then turns to leave the room and call the Thrall who's to be Axiom's partner. But she's surprised to find that the door won't budge. It's been blocked from the other side - a prank by the Thralls sent to assist her. tShe turns back toward the other Forsaken, a nervous smile on her face. Axiom is already panting heavily, her half-glazed eyes staring directly at Paladin. q~t:Hold on, Axiom! Keep it together just a little longer...!q~tuWith lust-fueled strength, Axiom snaps the bonds tying her to the chair, then lunges forward, overpowering Paladin. t1She paws hungrily at Paladin's crotch plate, and tqin a matter of moments, Paladin is being overwhelmed by the sensation of Axiom grinding their pussies together. tlPaladin gets completely caught up in the moment, eagerly bucking her hips back against the other Forsaken. q~tBI had almost forgotten... how good it feels... to be dominated...!q~t"Nnngh... Paladin..." t%Axiom is too far gone to consciously think about sex positions, but Paladin lifts one of her legs and places it over Axiom's shoulder. The direct clit-to-clit contact causes them both to let out soft moans of pleasure, and they lock their lips together, crying out into each other's mouths. tAs they both approach climax, they spasm wildly against each other, breaking off their kiss to scream with ecstasy. They cum together, clutching each other tightly as they ride the shared orgasm. tGIn the aftermath of orgasm, they both feel their minds clear somewhat q~tKI understand... why the Demon Lord... wanted to show me this pleasure..." q~t9We never could have imagined it back when we were Chosen.q~uq~-tMidnight is brought to the hypnosis chamber deep within the Demonic hive. It's a dome-shaped room, empty except for the restraining chair directly in the middle. When Midnight is strapped to the chair, it forces her legs apart, but the restraints themselves are practically just a formality. When activated, the low-frequency emissions from the walls of this chamber will all converge inside the skull of the person seated there, stimulating her mind directly. tPaladin enters as well, closing the door behind her and plunging the room into complete darkness. With her sense of sight blocked, Midnight's other senses suddenly feel sharper. Paladin's voice seems to come from all around her. t"t_Now, let us see if we can turn that annoying personality of yours into something more useful...t" q~tI-I'm not afraid! Not at all!q~tOA low hum fills the room, and Midnight's whole body jerks as if shocked. Her senses go haywire with flashes of color and voices on the edge of her hearing which she can't understand no matter how closely she listens. Then, as the chamber calibrates itself to her neurological structure, one sensation grows stronger than all others: t/sexual arousal. Her body responds instantly. tEPaladin, who has already positioned herself between Midnight's legs, t6leans in close enough to feel the heat radiating from tMidnight's sizable cock. t4She enjoys the sense of domination over her rival. t)When Midnight feels her former partner's t8tongue start to tease the underside of her large penis, tshe gasps out loud. q~t#You hypocrite! Y-You're- Ah! Wow!q~tYMidnight's mind is suddenly filled with images of other Chosen being attacked in battle. They're grabbed by hands and tentacles, their clothes torn, their legs spread apart. The scenes flash by, one after another, so fast that Midnight barely has time to understand each one before the next comes. And just as the assault on her mind begins, t/Paladin takes Midnight's cock into her mouth. tThe intense pleasure causes Midnight to reflexively try to thrust her hips forward into her former partner's face, but the chair's restraints don't let her move in the slightest. She can only endure t&Paladin licking and sucking on her tipt% while the hallucinations continue. tShe feels like she's experiencing the same pleasure as all the Chosen being molested, and she finds herself wanting them to be touched and tormented even more. t0"Yeeesss... Everyone... cumming... together..."tIt's too much for Midnight's mind to bear. Her words trail off into incoherent babbling, and she thrashes wildly against the chair. t=Paladin kisses her way down to the base of Midnight's shaft, tcpenetrating her pussy with her tongue while pumping her hand up and down Midnight's sizable cock. teThis should be plenty to make her cum, but the hypnotic signals are blocking her ability to orgasm. tpThe pleasure climbs higher and higher, and it's not long before it reaches the point of torture. It continues for over an hour, until Midnight can't do anything but drool and grunt like an animal, her muscles straining against the chair. There are no more rational thoughts left in her head. Then, you send Paladin the signal to bring the session to a conclusion. t1Paladin shoves two fingers up Midnight's ass and t4swallows her sizable cock all the way to the base. t(She starts cumming over and over again, t2so much that it's overflowing Paladin's mouth and tspilling onto the floor. She starts to pass out, but the hypnotic signal forces her to remain conscious and painfully sensitive as the waves of ecstasy crash over her body without end. tThe intense experience will be inextricably linked in her mind to the hallucinations she was shown, and so she's been conditioned to act out what she saw in the real world. tyAs Midnight slowly regains her senses, she sees Paladin leaving the room and throwing one last taunt over her shoulder. q~t5Looks like you couldn't resist at all. How pathetic.q~q~tYou'll pay for this...!q~uq~tStalwart is told to report to the 'torture room', a chamber deep within the Demonic hive which is stocked with various horrifying implements. tZShe eagerly hurries over, looking forward to receiving some personal attention from you. tHowever, when she arrives, she's surprised to find Paladin already there, completely nude and restrained spread-eagle against the wall. t"t%What? Paladin? Why are you here?" q~tAllow me to explain. twI'm tired of everyone saying that I'm afraid of you, so this is how I'm proving that I'm not. Go ahead, do your worst.t" tuStalwart clenches her teeth, angered by Paladin's provocation, and snatches up the whip laying on the nearby table. tShe swings the whip, which cracks loudly as it strikes Paladin's belly and draws a surprised gasp of pain from her throat. That sound heralds the start of a long night of torment for Paladin. tThe torture room is well-stocked, and Stalwart ends up using most of the tools it contains over the course of the training session. Gagging and blindfolding Paladin is just the start. t[Predictably, Stalwart ends up gravitating more toward the sex toys. Paladin's nipples and tclitt are fitted with clamps tight enough to turn them a bloodless white, and from those clamps hang several vibrating weights, heavy enough to stretch and distend them beyond what most people would imagine possible. Stalwart doesn't insert anything into her tcpussy or ass, but she does spread them wide open with a set of hooks attached to a pulley system. tcEvery crank causes her to gape more and more, drawing out a pained cry that's muffled by her gag. tAfter it's all over, Stalwart takes the other Forsaken down from the wall. Paladin clings to her, still wincing in pain, but she manages to give Stalwart a satisfied smile. q~t)Heh... I'm... proud of you... Stalwart...q~q~tJWhy are you still smiling? Ugh, next time I'll have to go even further...q~uq~t2Tyrant is summoned to Paladin's chambers, and she tiexplains to Tyrant that she's going to be drugged with aphrodisiac and made to practice raping someone. tTyrant doesn't seem to mind. q~tlI don't need any drugs to do something like that. But if the Great Demon Lord insists, then let's do it." q~tYeah, you're pretty lucky.q~tPaladin tips the vial of Demonic extract into Tyrant's mouth, then turns to leave the room and call the Thrall who's to be Tyrant's partner. But she's surprised to find that the door won't budge. It's been blocked from the other side - a prank by the Thralls sent to assist her. tShe turns back toward the other Forsaken, a nervous smile on her face. Tyrant is already panting heavily, her half-glazed eyes staring directly at Paladin. q~t;Hold on, Tyrant! Keep it together just a little longer...!q~t\But it's too late. Tyrant lunges forward, overpowering Paladin with lust-fueled strength. t1She paws hungrily at Paladin's crotch plate, and trin a matter of moments, Paladin is being overwhelmed by the sensation of Tyrant grinding their pussies together. tlPaladin gets completely caught up in the moment, eagerly bucking her hips back against the other Forsaken. q~tBI had almost forgotten... how good it feels... to be dominated...!q~t"Nnngh... Paladin..." t'Tyrant is too far gone to consciously think about sex positions, but Paladin lifts one of her legs and places it over Tyrant's shoulder. The direct clit-to-clit contact causes them both to let out soft moans of pleasure, and they lock their lips together, crying out into each other's mouths. tAs they both approach climax, they spasm wildly against each other, breaking off their kiss to scream with ecstasy. They cum together, clutching each other tightly as they ride the shared orgasm. tGIn the aftermath of orgasm, they both feel their minds clear somewhat q~tQI understand... why the Great Demon Lord... wanted to show me this pleasure..." q~t9We never could have imagined it back when we were Chosen.q~uq~!tnAs part of Prayer's training, she's made to undertake a challenge where she tries to get from one side of the tcityt to the other, past several waves of Thralls equipped with Demon-infested sex toys who will be trying to subdue and rape her along the way. Paladin meets her at the starting line to explain the rules. t"tThis training is all about how to avoid getting pinned down in a direct fight, so the Demon Lord won't be giving us enough energy to just blast them out of the way.t" q~*t*Wh-Why are you here? Just leave me alone!q~,q~*tAI'm going to finish first, just to show that I'm better than you.q~,tA loud bang signals them to start running, and they both take off at superhuman speed, charging directly toward the crowd of Thralls who have assembled to try to stop them. Prayer ducks and dives between them, but several of the Thralls manage to dig their fingers into her robet, and she ends up almost entirely stripped before she manages to pull free. Meanwhile, as the Thralls crowd around Prayer, Paladin takes advantage of the gap in the crowd to run straight through, but that makes her an obvious target tEfor a Thrall carrying a bucket of dissolving solution. He splashes it all over Paladin, who is suddenly left completely naked. The sight of her naked ass draws the Thralls like a magnet, and she tries to make her escape by scaling the side of a building, scrabbling against the sheer surface with her hands and bare feet. tThe Thralls waiting inside the building reach out through the windows, grabbing at Paladin's ankles and groping her chest and crotch. tfPrayer easily passes her up and reaches the rooftop while Paladin is distracted by a Thrall attaching t,a pair of vibrating clamps to her nipples. tThe two Forsaken race across the rooftop, Paladin lagging behind due to being distracted by the way the clamps swing and tug with every step, then jump to a neighboring rooftop and start climbing up the side of the next building. But some of the Thralls predicted this route, and they wait up above, leering down at the two of them. Surrounded on both sides, the only way for them to escape is to climb through the windows - but the window Prayer chooses is too small, and her bottom gets stuck. tGA pursuing Thrall climbs up behind Prayer's defenseless lower half and timmediately dives face-first between her ass cheeks, forcing his tongue deep into the hole. Then, once it's sufficiently lubricated, he readies a string of living anal beads which squirm and writhe in his hand, and begins to insert them one-by-one. tyPaladin smirks at the sound of Prayer's cries echoing behind her - but the distraction causes her to walk headfirst into t#a pit full of tentacles. The race continues on like that. Paladin ends up with her wrists locked behind her back and a pair of electostimulation pads on her thighs which send jolts of pleasure shooting through her. Prayer ends up drenched in aphrodisiac fluid, and she also has a strange tclamp attached to her clitt which she can't take off. It doesn't vibrate or anything, so she doesn't pay it any mind until she and Paladin are both on the home stretch, running toward the finish line. t?Just then, another Thrall lunges forward to place the matching tclamp on Paladin's clitt, and a shadowy thread appears, connecting their crotches. They both squeal and collapse in a tangle of limbs as the thread tugs them both together, tand while they're frantically trying to pull themselves apart (and only stimulating each other more in the process), the full crowd of Thralls finally descends on them. In their weakened state, they have no hope of escaping, and the orgy lasts until every single Thrall is satisfied. In the end, Prayer is left splayed atop her hated enemy, their hair and skin completely caked with cum. She coughs up a white glob, then glares down at Paladin. q~*tCYou got what you deserved for joining this when you didn't have to.q~,t"Uuugh... agh..."uq~!tmAs part of Spike's training, she's made to undertake a challenge where she tries to get from one side of the tcityt to the other, past several waves of Thralls equipped with Demon-infested sex toys who will be trying to subdue and rape her along the way. Paladin meets her at the starting line to explain the rules. t"tThis training is all about how to avoid getting pinned down in a direct fight, so Mistress won't be giving us enough energy to just blast them out of the way.t" q~Ft-I'm warning you, Paladin, stay out of my way.q~Hq~FtHThis may be training, but I'm not going to let you lose, no matter what.q~HtA loud bang signals them to start running, and they both take off at superhuman speed, charging directly toward the crowd of Thralls who have assembled to try to stop them. Spike ducks and dives between them, but several of the Thralls manage to dig their fingers into her dresst before Paladin takes her by the hand and helps her tear free. But Spike's clothes are almost entirely torn off in the process, and the distracted Paladin is an easy target tEfor a Thrall carrying a bucket of dissolving solution. He splashes it all over Paladin, who is suddenly left completely naked. The sight of her naked ass draws the Thralls like a magnet, and she tries to make her escape by scaling the side of a building, scrabbling against the sheer surface with her hands and bare feet. tThe Thralls waiting inside the building reach out through the windows, grabbing at Paladin's ankles and groping her chest and crotch. teSpike easily passes her up and reaches the rooftop while Paladin is distracted by a Thrall attaching t,a pair of vibrating clamps to her nipples. tThe two Forsaken race across the rooftop, Paladin lagging behind due to being distracted by the way the clamps swing and tug with every step, then jump to a neighboring rooftop and start climbing up the side of the next building. But some of the Thralls predicted this route, and they wait up above, leering down at the two of them. Surrounded on both sides, the only way for them to escape is to climb through the windows - but the window Spike chooses is too small, and her bottom gets stuck. tFA pursuing Thrall climbs up behind Spike's defenseless lower half and timmediately dives face-first between her ass cheeks, forcing his tongue deep into the hole. Then, once it's sufficiently lubricated, he readies a string of living anal beads which squirm and writhe in his hand, and begins to insert them one-by-one. tBefore the Thrall can go any further, Paladin comes back to pull Spike all the way through the hole. But she pulls too hard, and they both fall backward into t"a pit full of tentacles. The race continues on like that. Paladin ends up with her wrists locked behind her back and a pair of electostimulation pads on her thighs which send jolts of pleasure shooting through her. Spike ends up drenched in aphrodisiac fluid, and she also has a strange tring slipped onto her penist which she can't take off. It doesn't vibrate or anything, so she doesn't pay it any mind until she and Paladin are both on the home stretch, running toward the finish line. t?Just then, another Thrall lunges forward to place the matching tclamp on Paladin's clitt, and a shadowy thread appears, connecting their crotches. They both squeal and collapse in a tangle of limbs as the thread tugs them both together, tand while they're frantically trying to pull themselves apart (and only stimulating each other more in the process), the full crowd of Thralls finally descends on them. In their weakened state, they have no hope of escaping, and the orgy lasts until every single Thrall is satisfied. In the end, Spike is left splayed atop her hated enemy, their hair and skin completely caked with cum. She coughs up a white glob, then glares down at Paladin. q~FtCYou got what you deserved for joining this when you didn't have to.q~Ht"Uuugh... agh..."uq~tGIn a matter of moments, the Demonic forces went from tormenting Moppet tto fleeing in disarray. What could have caused their retreat? Was it reinforcements from another city? Was it some sort of internal conflict between the Demons? tShe gathers herself and then goes in search of an explanation. When she finds Crimson, she calls out to Crimson to see if she can shed any light on what happened. But Crimson's response is teven colder than usual. q~ tAfter that pathetic performance, do you really think you have the right to bother me? Just go home. I'll use you as bait for the Demons again tomorrow.q~t=The contemptful tone goes beyond Crimson's usual hostility. t=But at first, Moppet just takes it as their regular banter. q~ tkE-Even if you're strong, you can't beat the Demons alone! Don't act like you're the only one that matters!q~tMCrimson's response is flat and emotionless, but contempt burns in her eyes. q~ tHYou can say whatever you like. I don't really care. Do you know why? tI killed the Demons without your help. I killed the Thralls without your help. I might as well have killed you too, for all the good you've done me.q~tThere's no triumph in Crimson's tone, only bitterness. She's already lost so much to the Demons, suffered so many torments, that victory just feels hollow. Now, she can only resent those who benefitted from her sacrifice. t;However, Moppet, isn't willing to accept Crimson's anger. q~ tYou can't blame us for that! And it's not like you could have done it without our help - the Demons being focused on us is what gave you the chance to beat them!q~t'Crimson's expression darkens further. q~ tI don't need you to be my bait! I can use anyone! I can use... the civilians. They should be happy to make the ultimate sacrifice for their idol.q~tCBecause she views Moppet as useless, Crimson pushes her away. And teCrimson no longer views humanity as being worth her protection. From now on, she fights for herself.uq~tHCrimson is brought to a secluded room and tied to a chair where Paladin tjexplains to Crimson that she's going to be drugged with aphrodisiac and made to practice raping someone. t)Crimson is understandably apprehensive. t"tBThe Demon Lord was saving my virginity for something like this?" q~utSPossibly. But I was not given any instructions to ensure that you were deflowered.t" tPaladin tips the vial of Demonic extract into Crimson's mouth, then turns to leave the room and call the Thrall who's to be Crimson's partner. But she's surprised to find that the door won't budge. It's been blocked from the other side - a prank by the Thralls sent to assist her. tShe turns back toward the other Forsaken, a nervous smile on her face. Crimson is already panting heavily, her half-glazed eyes staring directly at Paladin. q~ut'Mistress' was saving my virginity for something like this?" q~WtSPossibly. But I was not given any instructions to ensure that you were deflowered.t" tPaladin tips the vial of Demonic extract into Splendor's mouth, then turns to leave the room and call the Thrall who's to be Splendor's partner. But she's surprised to find that the door won't budge. It's been blocked from the other side - a prank by the Thralls sent to assist her. tShe turns back toward the other Forsaken, a nervous smile on her face. Splendor is already panting heavily, her half-glazed eyes staring directly at Paladin. q~Wt=Hold on, Splendor! Keep it together just a little longer...!q~Zt^But it's too late. Splendor lunges forward, overpowering Paladin with lust-fueled strength. t1She paws hungrily at Paladin's crotch plate, and ttin a matter of moments, Paladin is being overwhelmed by the sensation of Splendor grinding their pussies together. tlPaladin gets completely caught up in the moment, eagerly bucking her hips back against the other Forsaken. q~WtBI had almost forgotten... how good it feels... to be dominated...!q~Zt"Nnngh... Paladin..." t+Splendor is too far gone to consciously think about sex positions, but Paladin lifts one of her legs and places it over Splendor's shoulder. The direct clit-to-clit contact causes them both to let out soft moans of pleasure, and they lock their lips together, crying out into each other's mouths. tAs they both approach climax, they spasm wildly against each other, breaking off their kiss to scream with ecstasy. They cum together, clutching each other tightly as they ride the shared orgasm. tGIn the aftermath of orgasm, they both feel their minds clear somewhat q~Wt%That... didn't feel like training." q~Wt=Our training is different, now that we're not Chosen anymore.q~Wuq~Puq~Puq~Puq~Puq~Puq~Puq~Puq~Puq~tAs public figures, the Chosen have the ability to exert a great deal of influence simply by choosing where to make appearances. Some Chosen use that power for purely selfish reasons, but Shield is always on the lookout for ways she can help people. When she receives an invitation to be the guest of honor at an upcoming charity dinner in order to attract more donors, she's overjoyed. tfThe first indication that not everything was as it seemed was the formal attire she was sent, 'as a courtesy', after accepting the invitation. It was a strapless, low-cut, practically transparent black dress which would normally be considered insufficient to protect the wearer's modesty without a bra, and yet was clearly intended to be worn without one. thShe's become comfortable by now with showing off her body, but this doesn't seem like the time or place.t Once Shield arrives at the event, she can't help but notice the way that everyone stares at her chest. Her nipples feel like they're about to slip out into the open air at any moment, and even if they don't, the bumps they make in the fabric of her dress are so obvious that she might as well be topless. She's annoyed by how no one seems to be paying attention to a word she says, and she's grateful when the chairman of the organization beckons her over and gives her an excuse to leave the crowd behind. tJ(I can't blame them for thinking I'm only good for my body. But still...)t The elderly chairman offers Shield a seat at a small, two-person table at the edge of the room, and a few of the guests look envious at the attention she's getting. When the chairman speaks, he's full of praise and flattery, taking Shield by the hand as his voice grows passionate. ty"It's such a delight to finally meet a member of the Chosen who actually cares about the problems facing society. Our organization may have plenty of wealthy contributors, but we lack the prestige to influence public policy and cut through the red tape to get our funds where they're needed most. With your support, I'm sure we can do far more good than we could do alone." tShield is so pleased to finally be taken seriously that she lets her guard down. Still holding her hand, the chairman slowly guides it under the table until Shield abruptly feels a hard, warm shaft of flesh under her fingertips. toShe recoils, startled, and pulls her hand back slightly - although not completely out of the chairman's grip. t%"I don't want to do this with you." t'The chairman sighs, shaking his head. t"Do you mean that you actually wanted to pleasure all of those Thralls? Shield, I must confess that I'm disappointed. I thought you were willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. I can help you make the world a better place, but you have to make it worth my while first..." tLIn Shield's moment of hesitation, her hand is lowered back onto the penis. tThe chairman guides Shield's hand up and down the shaft in a stroking motion, and when the chairman takes his hand away, Shield continues stroking. For a brief while, the table is silent except for the distant chatter of the other guests and the chairman's occasional sighs of pleasure as Shield works. But the awkward angle of Shield's arm restricts her movements, and she knows from her experience with the Thralls that going at this pace won't actually be able to finish the chairman off - at least not before a waiter or another guest shows up and realizes what's happening. As the next course of the dinner is brought out, Shield makes her move. tThere's a gasp of surprise from the chairman as Shield ducks down under the table without even being asked. Then, he moans softly in pleasure as Shield closes her other hand, lubricated with her own spit, around the base of the chairman's penis. Shield pumps her wet fist up and down, making the chairman feel like he's fucking someone under the table, and it takes all his self-control not to cum immediately. t&The tablecloth hanging down all around her hides Shield from view. In the darkness under the table, it feels like all her other senses are sharper. The chairman's cock smells different from those of the Thralls, and Shield realizes that it must be because he had sex just before the dinner. t(tHAh, I spaced out and took too long. Now I have to lubricate it again...t) taShield's lips touch the tip of the cock, and she pokes her tongue out, then starts licking it outright. She works her way from the root to tip and then back again, slathering it in her spit, then lowers herself further and takes the testicles into her mouth, her hand making wet sounds as it slides up and down the shaft. The longer she continues, the more the world seems to shrink down to herself and the penis she's servicing. She stops dwelling on the fact that she doesn't really want to be there, and instead takes satisfaction and pride in the chairman's inability to hide his pleasured reactions. tBy the time Shield is done, she isn't even trying to finish quickly. Every time the chairman's member starts twitching and his hips start jerking forward, Shield slows down a bit, gently kissing the underside of the shaft and trailing her fingers across the scrotum. When she finally decides to take it into her mouth completely, the chairman loses control and grabs her by the hair, ramming his cock all the way down Shield's throat as he cums. tShield keeps moving her head with every spurt it releases, encouraging the chairman to fuck her throat. Once he's finished, Shield triumphantly stands up, wiping the white fluid off her smiling lips. The chairman's grunts of pleasure mean that the guests at several other tables are already staring at Shield, but she's too turned on to care. Even the chairman is taken aback by how brazen she is. t"Now that I think about it, I don't mind if you call me a slut. I don't need your respect. After all, I just want to make everybody happy."uq~tAs public figures, the Chosen have the ability to exert a great deal of influence simply by choosing where to make appearances. Some Chosen use that power for purely selfish reasons, but Paladin is always on the lookout for ways she can help people. When she receives an invitation to be the guest of honor at an upcoming charity dinner in order to attract more donors, she's overjoyed. tfThe first indication that not everything was as it seemed was the formal attire she was sent, 'as a courtesy', after accepting the invitation. It was a strapless, low-cut, practically transparent black dress which would normally be considered insufficient to protect the wearer's modesty without a bra, and yet was clearly intended to be worn without one. thShe's become comfortable by now with showing off her body, but this doesn't seem like the time or place.t Once Paladin arrives at the event, she can't help but notice the way that everyone stares at her chest. Her nipples feel like they're about to slip out into the open air at any moment, and even if they don't, the bumps they make in the fabric of her dress are so obvious that she might as well be topless. She's annoyed by how no one seems to be paying attention to a word she says, and she's grateful when the chairman of the organization beckons her over and gives her an excuse to leave the crowd behind. t.(They're utterly shallow. How disappointing.)t The elderly chairman offers Paladin a seat at a small, two-person table at the edge of the room, and a few of the guests look envious at the attention she's getting. When the chairman speaks, he's full of praise and flattery, taking Paladin by the hand as his voice grows passionate. ty"It's such a delight to finally meet a member of the Chosen who actually cares about the problems facing society. Our organization may have plenty of wealthy contributors, but we lack the prestige to influence public policy and cut through the red tape to get our funds where they're needed most. With your support, I'm sure we can do far more good than we could do alone." tPaladin is so pleased to finally be taken seriously that she lets her guard down. Still holding her hand, the chairman slowly guides it under the table until Paladin abruptly feels a hard, warm shaft of flesh under her fingertips. t>She instantly narrows her eyes, her expression growing cold. t2"Mr. Chairman, do you take me for a prostitute?" tThe chairman is briefly unsettled by her change in demeanor, but he quickly recovers and replies with a somewhat crooked smile. t"Of course not. You have no interest in money. But I've heard how you're willing to use your body in order to end each battle with as few casualties as possible. I'm giving you a chance to save even more people. I know you'll make the right choice." toPaladin is annoyed at being manipulated, but she knows that refusing at this point would be pure selfishness. tThe chairman guides Paladin's hand up and down the shaft in a stroking motion, and when the chairman takes his hand away, Paladin continues stroking. For a brief while, the table is silent except for the distant chatter of the other guests and the chairman's occasional sighs of pleasure as Paladin works. But the awkward angle of Paladin's arm restricts her movements, and she knows from her experience with the Thralls that going at this pace won't actually be able to finish the chairman off - at least not before a waiter or another guest shows up and realizes what's happening. As the next course of the dinner is brought out, Paladin makes her move. tThere's a gasp of surprise from the chairman as Paladin ducks down under the table without even being asked. Then, he moans softly in pleasure as Paladin closes her other hand, lubricated with her own spit, around the base of the chairman's penis. Paladin pumps her wet fist up and down, making the chairman feel like he's fucking someone under the table, and it takes all his self-control not to cum immediately. t(The tablecloth hanging down all around her hides Paladin from view. In the darkness under the table, it feels like all her other senses are sharper. The chairman's cock smells different from those of the Thralls, and Paladin realizes that it must be because he had sex just before the dinner. t(toI see. If he's already sated, then I must use more effective techniques in order to bring him to climax again.t) tbPaladin's lips touch the tip of the cock, and she pokes her tongue out, then starts licking it outright. She works her way from the root to tip and then back again, slathering it in her spit, then lowers herself further and takes the testicles into her mouth, her hand making wet sounds as it slides up and down the shaft. The longer she continues, the more the world seems to shrink down to herself and the penis she's servicing. She stops dwelling on the fact that she doesn't really want to be there, and instead takes satisfaction and pride in the chairman's inability to hide his pleasured reactions. tBy the time Paladin is done, she isn't even trying to finish quickly. Every time the chairman's member starts twitching and his hips start jerking forward, Paladin slows down a bit, gently kissing the underside of the shaft and trailing her fingers across the scrotum. When she finally decides to take it into her mouth completely, the chairman loses control and grabs her by the hair, ramming his cock all the way down Paladin's throat as he cums. tPaladin keeps moving her head with every spurt it releases, encouraging the chairman to fuck her throat. Once he's finished, Paladin triumphantly stands up, wiping the white fluid off her smiling lips. The chairman's grunts of pleasure mean that the guests at several other tables are already staring at Paladin, but she's too turned on to care. Even the chairman is taken aback by how brazen she is. t"Now that I think about it, I don't mind if you call me a slut. I don't need your respect. After all, I just want to make everybody happy."uq~tAs public figures, the Chosen have the ability to exert a great deal of influence simply by choosing where to make appearances. Some Chosen use that power for purely selfish reasons, but Prayer is always on the lookout for ways she can help people. When she receives an invitation to be the guest of honor at an upcoming charity dinner in order to attract more donors, she's overjoyed. tfThe first indication that not everything was as it seemed was the formal attire she was sent, 'as a courtesy', after accepting the invitation. It was a strapless, low-cut, practically transparent black dress which would normally be considered insufficient to protect the wearer's modesty without a bra, and yet was clearly intended to be worn without one. thShe's become comfortable by now with showing off her body, but this doesn't seem like the time or place.t Once Prayer arrives at the event, she can't help but notice the way that everyone stares at her chest. Her nipples feel like they're about to slip out into the open air at any moment, and even if they don't, the bumps they make in the fabric of her dress are so obvious that she might as well be topless. She's annoyed by how no one seems to be paying attention to a word she says, and she's grateful when the chairman of the organization beckons her over and gives her an excuse to leave the crowd behind. tJ(I can't blame them for thinking I'm only good for my body. But still...)t The elderly chairman offers Prayer a seat at a small, two-person table at the edge of the room, and a few of the guests look envious at the attention she's getting. When the chairman speaks, he's full of praise and flattery, taking Prayer by the hand as his voice grows passionate. ty"It's such a delight to finally meet a member of the Chosen who actually cares about the problems facing society. Our organization may have plenty of wealthy contributors, but we lack the prestige to influence public policy and cut through the red tape to get our funds where they're needed most. With your support, I'm sure we can do far more good than we could do alone." tPrayer is so pleased to finally be taken seriously that she lets her guard down. Still holding her hand, the chairman slowly guides it under the table until Prayer abruptly feels a hard, warm shaft of flesh under her fingertips. toShe recoils, startled, and pulls her hand back slightly - although not completely out of the chairman's grip. t%"I don't want to do this with you." t'The chairman sighs, shaking his head. t"Do you mean that you actually wanted to pleasure all of those Thralls? Prayer, I must confess that I'm disappointed. I thought you were willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. I can help you make the world a better place, but you have to make it worth my while first..." tLIn Prayer's moment of hesitation, her hand is lowered back onto the penis. tThe chairman guides Prayer's hand up and down the shaft in a stroking motion, and when the chairman takes his hand away, Prayer continues stroking. For a brief while, the table is silent except for the distant chatter of the other guests and the chairman's occasional sighs of pleasure as Prayer works. But the awkward angle of Prayer's arm restricts her movements, and she knows from her experience with the Thralls that going at this pace won't actually be able to finish the chairman off - at least not before a waiter or another guest shows up and realizes what's happening. As the next course of the dinner is brought out, Prayer makes her move. tThere's a gasp of surprise from the chairman as Prayer ducks down under the table without even being asked. Then, he moans softly in pleasure as Prayer closes her other hand, lubricated with her own spit, around the base of the chairman's penis. Prayer pumps her wet fist up and down, making the chairman feel like he's fucking someone under the table, and it takes all his self-control not to cum immediately. t&The tablecloth hanging down all around her hides Prayer from view. In the darkness under the table, it feels like all her other senses are sharper. The chairman's cock smells different from those of the Thralls, and Prayer realizes that it must be because he had sex just before the dinner. t(tHAh, I spaced out and took too long. Now I have to lubricate it again...t) taPrayer's lips touch the tip of the cock, and she pokes her tongue out, then starts licking it outright. She works her way from the root to tip and then back again, slathering it in her spit, then lowers herself further and takes the testicles into her mouth, her hand making wet sounds as it slides up and down the shaft. The longer she continues, the more the world seems to shrink down to herself and the penis she's servicing. She stops dwelling on the fact that she doesn't really want to be there, and instead takes satisfaction and pride in the chairman's inability to hide his pleasured reactions. tBy the time Prayer is done, she isn't even trying to finish quickly. Every time the chairman's member starts twitching and his hips start jerking forward, Prayer slows down a bit, gently kissing the underside of the shaft and trailing her fingers across the scrotum. When she finally decides to take it into her mouth completely, the chairman loses control and grabs her by the hair, ramming his cock all the way down Prayer's throat as he cums. tPrayer keeps moving her head with every spurt it releases, encouraging the chairman to fuck her throat. Once he's finished, Prayer triumphantly stands up, wiping the white fluid off her smiling lips. The chairman's grunts of pleasure mean that the guests at several other tables are already staring at Prayer, but she's too turned on to care. Even the chairman is taken aback by how brazen she is. t"Now that I think about it, I don't mind if you call me a slut. I don't need your respect. After all, I just want to make everybody happy."uq~tAs public figures, the Chosen have the ability to exert a great deal of influence simply by choosing where to make appearances. Some Chosen use that power for purely selfish reasons, but Spike is always on the lookout for ways she can help people. When she receives an invitation to be the guest of honor at an upcoming charity dinner in order to attract more donors, she's overjoyed. tfThe first indication that not everything was as it seemed was the formal attire she was sent, 'as a courtesy', after accepting the invitation. It was a strapless, low-cut, practically transparent black dress which would normally be considered insufficient to protect the wearer's modesty without a bra, and yet was clearly intended to be worn without one. tIt seems completely unfitting for an event dedicated to such moral purposes. But at the same time, she wants to respect her hosts' wishes.t Once Spike arrives at the event, she can't help but notice the way that everyone stares at her chest. Her nipples feel like they're about to slip out into the open air at any moment, and even if they don't, the bumps they make in the fabric of her dress are so obvious that she might as well be topless. She's annoyed by how no one seems to be paying attention to a word she says, and she's grateful when the chairman of the organization beckons her over and gives her an excuse to leave the crowd behind. t.(They're utterly shallow. How disappointing.)t The elderly chairman offers Spike a seat at a small, two-person table at the edge of the room, and a few of the guests look envious at the attention she's getting. When the chairman speaks, he's full of praise and flattery, taking Spike by the hand as his voice grows passionate. ty"It's such a delight to finally meet a member of the Chosen who actually cares about the problems facing society. Our organization may have plenty of wealthy contributors, but we lack the prestige to influence public policy and cut through the red tape to get our funds where they're needed most. With your support, I'm sure we can do far more good than we could do alone." tSpike is so pleased to finally be taken seriously that she lets her guard down. Still holding her hand, the chairman slowly guides it under the table until Spike abruptly feels a hard, warm shaft of flesh under her fingertips. toShe recoils, startled, and pulls her hand back slightly - although not completely out of the chairman's grip. t%"I don't want to do this with you." t'The chairman sighs, shaking his head. t"Do you mean that you actually wanted to pleasure all of those Thralls? Spike, I must confess that I'm disappointed. I thought you were willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. I can help you make the world a better place, but you have to make it worth my while first..." tKIn Spike's moment of hesitation, her hand is lowered back onto the penis. tThe chairman guides Spike's hand up and down the shaft in a stroking motion, and when the chairman takes his hand away, Spike continues stroking. For a brief while, the table is silent except for the distant chatter of the other guests and the chairman's occasional sighs of pleasure as Spike works. But the awkward angle of Spike's arm restricts her movements, and she knows from her experience with the Thralls that going at this pace won't actually be able to finish the chairman off - at least not before a waiter or another guest shows up and realizes what's happening. As the next course of the dinner is brought out, Spike makes her move. tThere's a gasp of surprise from the chairman as Spike ducks down under the table without even being asked. Then, he moans softly in pleasure as Spike closes her other hand, lubricated with her own spit, around the base of the chairman's penis. Spike pumps her wet fist up and down, making the chairman feel like he's fucking someone under the table, and it takes all his self-control not to cum immediately. t$The tablecloth hanging down all around her hides Spike from view. In the darkness under the table, it feels like all her other senses are sharper. The chairman's cock smells different from those of the Thralls, and Spike realizes that it must be because he had sex just before the dinner. t(tHAh, I spaced out and took too long. Now I have to lubricate it again...t) t`Spike's lips touch the tip of the cock, and she pokes her tongue out, then starts licking it outright. She works her way from the root to tip and then back again, slathering it in her spit, then lowers herself further and takes the testicles into her mouth, her hand making wet sounds as it slides up and down the shaft. The longer she continues, the more the world seems to shrink down to herself and the penis she's servicing. She stops dwelling on the fact that she doesn't really want to be there, and instead takes satisfaction and pride in the chairman's inability to hide his pleasured reactions. tBy the time Spike is done, she isn't even trying to finish quickly. Every time the chairman's member starts twitching and his hips start jerking forward, Spike slows down a bit, gently kissing the underside of the shaft and trailing her fingers across the scrotum. When she finally decides to take it into her mouth completely, the chairman loses control and grabs her by the hair, ramming his cock all the way down Spike's throat as he cums. teSpike barely even notices the pain. When she unsteadily climbs back into her chair, there's white fluid across her face and down her dress, and one of her nipples has slipped free, but she's too turned on to care. She has the presence of mind to negotiate with the chairman about what his charity can do for the public, but even that much is a struggle. ta(That actually felt good... I suppose this sort of thing doesn't bother me that much after all.)uq~tAs public figures, the Chosen have the ability to exert a great deal of influence simply by choosing where to make appearances. Some Chosen use that power for purely selfish reasons, but Lightbringer is always on the lookout for ways she can help people. When she receives an invitation to be the guest of honor at an upcoming charity dinner in order to attract more donors, she's overjoyed. tfThe first indication that not everything was as it seemed was the formal attire she was sent, 'as a courtesy', after accepting the invitation. It was a strapless, low-cut, practically transparent black dress which would normally be considered insufficient to protect the wearer's modesty without a bra, and yet was clearly intended to be worn without one. tIt seems completely unfitting for an event dedicated to such moral purposes. But at the same time, she wants to respect her hosts' wishes.t Once Lightbringer arrives at the event, she can't help but notice the way that everyone stares at her chest. Her nipples feel like they're about to slip out into the open air at any moment, and even if they don't, the bumps they make in the fabric of her dress are so obvious that she might as well be topless. She's annoyed by how no one seems to be paying attention to a word she says, and she's grateful when the chairman of the organization beckons her over and gives her an excuse to leave the crowd behind. t.(They're utterly shallow. How disappointing.)t* The elderly chairman offers Lightbringer a seat at a small, two-person table at the edge of the room, and a few of the guests look envious at the attention she's getting. When the chairman speaks, he's full of praise and flattery, taking Lightbringer by the hand as his voice grows passionate. ty"It's such a delight to finally meet a member of the Chosen who actually cares about the problems facing society. Our organization may have plenty of wealthy contributors, but we lack the prestige to influence public policy and cut through the red tape to get our funds where they're needed most. With your support, I'm sure we can do far more good than we could do alone." tLightbringer is so pleased to finally be taken seriously that she lets her guard down. Still holding her hand, the chairman slowly guides it under the table until Lightbringer abruptly feels a hard, warm shaft of flesh under her fingertips. t>She instantly narrows her eyes, her expression growing cold. t2"Mr. Chairman, do you take me for a prostitute?" tThe chairman is briefly unsettled by her change in demeanor, but he quickly recovers and replies with a somewhat crooked smile. t"Of course not. You have no interest in money. But I've heard how you're willing to use your body in order to end each battle with as few casualties as possible. I'm giving you a chance to save even more people. I know you'll make the right choice." ttLightbringer is annoyed at being manipulated, but she knows that refusing at this point would be pure selfishness. tThe chairman guides Lightbringer's hand up and down the shaft in a stroking motion, and when the chairman takes his hand away, Lightbringer continues stroking. For a brief while, the table is silent except for the distant chatter of the other guests and the chairman's occasional sighs of pleasure as Lightbringer works. But the awkward angle of Lightbringer's arm restricts her movements, and she knows from her experience with the Thralls that going at this pace won't actually be able to finish the chairman off - at least not before a waiter or another guest shows up and realizes what's happening. As the next course of the dinner is brought out, Lightbringer makes her move. tThere's a gasp of surprise from the chairman as Lightbringer ducks down under the table without even being asked. Then, he moans softly in pleasure as Lightbringer closes her other hand, lubricated with her own spit, around the base of the chairman's penis. Lightbringer pumps her wet fist up and down, making the chairman feel like he's fucking someone under the table, and it takes all his self-control not to cum immediately. t2The tablecloth hanging down all around her hides Lightbringer from view. In the darkness under the table, it feels like all her other senses are sharper. The chairman's cock smells different from those of the Thralls, and Lightbringer realizes that it must be because he had sex just before the dinner. t(toI see. If he's already sated, then I must use more effective techniques in order to bring him to climax again.t) tgLightbringer's lips touch the tip of the cock, and she pokes her tongue out, then starts licking it outright. She works her way from the root to tip and then back again, slathering it in her spit, then lowers herself further and takes the testicles into her mouth, her hand making wet sounds as it slides up and down the shaft. The longer she continues, the more the world seems to shrink down to herself and the penis she's servicing. She stops dwelling on the fact that she doesn't really want to be there, and instead takes satisfaction and pride in the chairman's inability to hide his pleasured reactions. tBy the time Lightbringer is done, she isn't even trying to finish quickly. Every time the chairman's member starts twitching and his hips start jerking forward, Lightbringer slows down a bit, gently kissing the underside of the shaft and trailing her fingers across the scrotum. When she finally decides to take it into her mouth completely, the chairman loses control and grabs her by the hair, ramming his cock all the way down Lightbringer's throat as he cums. tLightbringer coughs and chokes, and the last few spurts go onto her face and chest. She's horrified when she realizes that it will be obvious to anyone who looks what she was doing. She's able to wipe off most of the fluid with her fingers and dispose of it by licking them clean, but the wet spot on the front of her dress won't go away. She tries to cover herself as she gets out from under the table and reclaims her seat, but the scattered chuckling from the surrounding tables makes it clear that she's failed. t](They all know what the chairman was doing with me. And yet... none of them seem to care...)uq~tAs public figures, the Chosen have the ability to exert a great deal of influence simply by choosing where to make appearances. Some Chosen use that power for purely selfish reasons, but Retribution is always on the lookout for ways she can help people. When she receives an invitation to be the guest of honor at an upcoming charity dinner in order to attract more donors, she's overjoyed. tfThe first indication that not everything was as it seemed was the formal attire she was sent, 'as a courtesy', after accepting the invitation. It was a strapless, low-cut, practically transparent black dress which would normally be considered insufficient to protect the wearer's modesty without a bra, and yet was clearly intended to be worn without one. thShe's become comfortable by now with showing off her body, but this doesn't seem like the time or place.t Once Retribution arrives at the event, she can't help but notice the way that everyone stares at her chest. Her nipples feel like they're about to slip out into the open air at any moment, and even if they don't, the bumps they make in the fabric of her dress are so obvious that she might as well be topless. She's annoyed by how no one seems to be paying attention to a word she says, and she's grateful when the chairman of the organization beckons her over and gives her an excuse to leave the crowd behind. tb(If they'd listen, I think I could give them some useful advice about how to help the war effort.)t( The elderly chairman offers Retribution a seat at a small, two-person table at the edge of the room, and a few of the guests look envious at the attention she's getting. When the chairman speaks, he's full of praise and flattery, taking Retribution by the hand as his voice grows passionate. ty"It's such a delight to finally meet a member of the Chosen who actually cares about the problems facing society. Our organization may have plenty of wealthy contributors, but we lack the prestige to influence public policy and cut through the red tape to get our funds where they're needed most. With your support, I'm sure we can do far more good than we could do alone." tRetribution is so pleased to finally be taken seriously that she lets her guard down. Still holding her hand, the chairman slowly guides it under the table until Retribution abruptly feels a hard, warm shaft of flesh under her fingertips. tdIt takes her a moment to recognize what she's touching, but when she does, she blurts it out loud. t"That's your penis!" tRSeveral heads turn toward their table, but the chairman just smiles indulgently. t"Of course it is. I've heard so much about how you use your skills to subdue the sinful. Isn't it only fair for a good person like me to also get the chance to enjoy your body?" t/Retribution can't find any flaw in his logic. tThe chairman guides Retribution's hand up and down the shaft in a stroking motion, and when the chairman takes his hand away, Retribution continues stroking. For a brief while, the table is silent except for the distant chatter of the other guests and the chairman's occasional sighs of pleasure as Retribution works. But the awkward angle of Retribution's arm restricts her movements, and she knows from her experience with the Thralls that going at this pace won't actually be able to finish the chairman off - at least not before a waiter or another guest shows up and realizes what's happening. As the next course of the dinner is brought out, Retribution makes her move. tThere's a gasp of surprise from the chairman as Retribution ducks down under the table without even being asked. Then, he moans softly in pleasure as Retribution closes her other hand, lubricated with her own spit, around the base of the chairman's penis. Retribution pumps her wet fist up and down, making the chairman feel like he's fucking someone under the table, and it takes all his self-control not to cum immediately. t0The tablecloth hanging down all around her hides Retribution from view. In the darkness under the table, it feels like all her other senses are sharper. The chairman's cock smells different from those of the Thralls, and Retribution realizes that it must be because he had sex just before the dinner. t(t'I wonder if it tastes different, too...t) tfRetribution's lips touch the tip of the cock, and she pokes her tongue out, then starts licking it outright. She works her way from the root to tip and then back again, slathering it in her spit, then lowers herself further and takes the testicles into her mouth, her hand making wet sounds as it slides up and down the shaft. The longer she continues, the more the world seems to shrink down to herself and the penis she's servicing. She stops dwelling on the fact that she doesn't really want to be there, and instead takes satisfaction and pride in the chairman's inability to hide his pleasured reactions. tBy the time Retribution is done, she isn't even trying to finish quickly. Every time the chairman's member starts twitching and his hips start jerking forward, Retribution slows down a bit, gently kissing the underside of the shaft and trailing her fingers across the scrotum. When she finally decides to take it into her mouth completely, the chairman loses control and grabs her by the hair, ramming his cock all the way down Retribution's throat as he cums. tkRetribution barely even notices the pain. When she unsteadily climbs back into her chair, there's white fluid across her face and down her dress, and one of her nipples has slipped free, but she's too turned on to care. She has the presence of mind to negotiate with the chairman about what his charity can do for the public, but even that much is a struggle. ta(That actually felt good... I suppose this sort of thing doesn't bother me that much after all.)uq~tAs public figures, the Chosen have the ability to exert a great deal of influence simply by choosing where to make appearances. Some Chosen use that power for purely selfish reasons, but Stalwart is always on the lookout for ways she can help people. When she receives an invitation to be the guest of honor at an upcoming charity dinner in order to attract more donors, she's overjoyed. tfThe first indication that not everything was as it seemed was the formal attire she was sent, 'as a courtesy', after accepting the invitation. It was a strapless, low-cut, practically transparent black dress which would normally be considered insufficient to protect the wearer's modesty without a bra, and yet was clearly intended to be worn without one. thShe's become comfortable by now with showing off her body, but this doesn't seem like the time or place.t Once Stalwart arrives at the event, she can't help but notice the way that everyone stares at her chest. Her nipples feel like they're about to slip out into the open air at any moment, and even if they don't, the bumps they make in the fabric of her dress are so obvious that she might as well be topless. She's annoyed by how no one seems to be paying attention to a word she says, and she's grateful when the chairman of the organization beckons her over and gives her an excuse to leave the crowd behind. tb(If they'd listen, I think I could give them some useful advice about how to help the war effort.)t" The elderly chairman offers Stalwart a seat at a small, two-person table at the edge of the room, and a few of the guests look envious at the attention she's getting. When the chairman speaks, he's full of praise and flattery, taking Stalwart by the hand as his voice grows passionate. ty"It's such a delight to finally meet a member of the Chosen who actually cares about the problems facing society. Our organization may have plenty of wealthy contributors, but we lack the prestige to influence public policy and cut through the red tape to get our funds where they're needed most. With your support, I'm sure we can do far more good than we could do alone." tStalwart is so pleased to finally be taken seriously that she lets her guard down. Still holding her hand, the chairman slowly guides it under the table until Stalwart abruptly feels a hard, warm shaft of flesh under her fingertips. t>She instantly narrows her eyes, her expression growing cold. t2"Mr. Chairman, do you take me for a prostitute?" tThe chairman is briefly unsettled by her change in demeanor, but he quickly recovers and replies with a somewhat crooked smile. t"Of course not. You have no interest in money. But I've heard how you're willing to use your body in order to end each battle with as few casualties as possible. I'm giving you a chance to save even more people. I know you'll make the right choice." tpStalwart is annoyed at being manipulated, but she knows that refusing at this point would be pure selfishness. tThe chairman guides Stalwart's hand up and down the shaft in a stroking motion, and when the chairman takes his hand away, Stalwart continues stroking. For a brief while, the table is silent except for the distant chatter of the other guests and the chairman's occasional sighs of pleasure as Stalwart works. But the awkward angle of Stalwart's arm restricts her movements, and she knows from her experience with the Thralls that going at this pace won't actually be able to finish the chairman off - at least not before a waiter or another guest shows up and realizes what's happening. As the next course of the dinner is brought out, Stalwart makes her move. tThere's a gasp of surprise from the chairman as Stalwart ducks down under the table without even being asked. Then, he moans softly in pleasure as Stalwart closes her other hand, lubricated with her own spit, around the base of the chairman's penis. Stalwart pumps her wet fist up and down, making the chairman feel like he's fucking someone under the table, and it takes all his self-control not to cum immediately. t*The tablecloth hanging down all around her hides Stalwart from view. In the darkness under the table, it feels like all her other senses are sharper. The chairman's cock smells different from those of the Thralls, and Stalwart realizes that it must be because he had sex just before the dinner. t(toI see. If he's already sated, then I must use more effective techniques in order to bring him to climax again.t) tcStalwart's lips touch the tip of the cock, and she pokes her tongue out, then starts licking it outright. She works her way from the root to tip and then back again, slathering it in her spit, then lowers herself further and takes the testicles into her mouth, her hand making wet sounds as it slides up and down the shaft. The longer she continues, the more the world seems to shrink down to herself and the penis she's servicing. She stops dwelling on the fact that she doesn't really want to be there, and instead takes satisfaction and pride in the chairman's inability to hide his pleasured reactions. tBy the time Stalwart is done, she isn't even trying to finish quickly. Every time the chairman's member starts twitching and his hips start jerking forward, Stalwart slows down a bit, gently kissing the underside of the shaft and trailing her fingers across the scrotum. When she finally decides to take it into her mouth completely, the chairman loses control and grabs her by the hair, ramming his cock all the way down Stalwart's throat as he cums. tStalwart keeps moving her head with every spurt it releases, encouraging the chairman to fuck her throat. Once he's finished, Stalwart triumphantly stands up, wiping the white fluid off her smiling lips. The chairman's grunts of pleasure mean that the guests at several other tables are already staring at Stalwart, but she's too turned on to care. Even the chairman is taken aback by how brazen she is. t"Now that I think about it, I don't mind if you call me a slut. I don't need your respect. After all, I just want to make everybody happy."uq~tAs public figures, the Chosen have the ability to exert a great deal of influence simply by choosing where to make appearances. Some Chosen use that power for purely selfish reasons, but Retribution is always on the lookout for ways she can help people. When she receives an invitation to be the guest of honor at an upcoming charity dinner in order to attract more donors, she's overjoyed. tfThe first indication that not everything was as it seemed was the formal attire she was sent, 'as a courtesy', after accepting the invitation. It was a strapless, low-cut, practically transparent black dress which would normally be considered insufficient to protect the wearer's modesty without a bra, and yet was clearly intended to be worn without one. thShe's become comfortable by now with showing off her body, but this doesn't seem like the time or place.t Once Retribution arrives at the event, she can't help but notice the way that everyone stares at her chest. Her nipples feel like they're about to slip out into the open air at any moment, and even if they don't, the bumps they make in the fabric of her dress are so obvious that she might as well be topless. She's annoyed by how no one seems to be paying attention to a word she says, and she's grateful when the chairman of the organization beckons her over and gives her an excuse to leave the crowd behind. tb(If they'd listen, I think I could give them some useful advice about how to help the war effort.)t( The elderly chairman offers Retribution a seat at a small, two-person table at the edge of the room, and a few of the guests look envious at the attention she's getting. When the chairman speaks, he's full of praise and flattery, taking Retribution by the hand as his voice grows passionate. ty"It's such a delight to finally meet a member of the Chosen who actually cares about the problems facing society. Our organization may have plenty of wealthy contributors, but we lack the prestige to influence public policy and cut through the red tape to get our funds where they're needed most. With your support, I'm sure we can do far more good than we could do alone." tRetribution is so pleased to finally be taken seriously that she lets her guard down. Still holding her hand, the chairman slowly guides it under the table until Retribution abruptly feels a hard, warm shaft of flesh under her fingertips. tdIt takes her a moment to recognize what she's touching, but when she does, she blurts it out loud. t"That's your penis!" tRSeveral heads turn toward their table, but the chairman just smiles indulgently. t"Of course it is. I've heard so much about how you use your skills to subdue the sinful. Isn't it only fair for a good person like me to also get the chance to enjoy your body?" t/Retribution can't find any flaw in his logic. tThe chairman guides Retribution's hand up and down the shaft in a stroking motion, and when the chairman takes his hand away, Retribution continues stroking. For a brief while, the table is silent except for the distant chatter of the other guests and the chairman's occasional sighs of pleasure as Retribution works. But the awkward angle of Retribution's arm restricts her movements, and she knows from her experience with the Thralls that going at this pace won't actually be able to finish the chairman off - at least not before a waiter or another guest shows up and realizes what's happening. As the next course of the dinner is brought out, Retribution makes her move. tThere's a gasp of surprise from the chairman as Retribution ducks down under the table without even being asked. Then, he moans softly in pleasure as Retribution closes her other hand, lubricated with her own spit, around the base of the chairman's penis. Retribution pumps her wet fist up and down, making the chairman feel like he's fucking someone under the table, and it takes all his self-control not to cum immediately. t0The tablecloth hanging down all around her hides Retribution from view. In the darkness under the table, it feels like all her other senses are sharper. The chairman's cock smells different from those of the Thralls, and Retribution realizes that it must be because he had sex just before the dinner. t(t'I wonder if it tastes different, too...t) tfRetribution's lips touch the tip of the cock, and she pokes her tongue out, then starts licking it outright. She works her way from the root to tip and then back again, slathering it in her spit, then lowers herself further and takes the testicles into her mouth, her hand making wet sounds as it slides up and down the shaft. The longer she continues, the more the world seems to shrink down to herself and the penis she's servicing. She stops dwelling on the fact that she doesn't really want to be there, and instead takes satisfaction and pride in the chairman's inability to hide his pleasured reactions. tBy the time Retribution is done, she isn't even trying to finish quickly. Every time the chairman's member starts twitching and his hips start jerking forward, Retribution slows down a bit, gently kissing the underside of the shaft and trailing her fingers across the scrotum. When she finally decides to take it into her mouth completely, the chairman loses control and grabs her by the hair, ramming his cock all the way down Retribution's throat as he cums. tRetribution keeps moving her head with every spurt it releases, encouraging the chairman to fuck her throat. Once he's finished, Retribution triumphantly stands up, wiping the white fluid off her smiling lips. The chairman's grunts of pleasure mean that the guests at several other tables are already staring at Retribution, but she's too turned on to care. Even the chairman is taken aback by how brazen she is. t"Now that I think about it, I don't mind if you call me a slut. I don't need your respect. After all, I just want to make everybody happy."uq~P uq~ tOne of Koharu's fans meets with her backstage at a public event and confesses his feelings for her. It isn't an uncommon occurrence, but this fan is more bold than most, as he goes so far as to beg for a handjob from her. At one point, Koharu would have just laughed in his face. But she's been becoming more and more willing to do sexual things lately, and she has to admit to herself that the guy is cute. tJ"I don't have anything better to do, so I suppose this is your lucky day."t Before long, Koharu has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Koharu wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. trSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Koharu's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Koharu won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Koharu decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Koharu sees the pre-cum dribbling from the cock's tip, her eyes glaze over and her lust begins to grow, soon overwhelming her ability to contain it. She slides back down to the floor, guides the spasming cock into her mouth, then uses her newly-freed hand to t#start hurriedly rubbing her clit. tjThe two of them cum together, Koharu's eyes rolling upward with ecstasy as she swallows every last drop. t (I should do this more often...)uq~ tKoharu wants to improve her ability to pacify Thralls using sexual methods, but she knows that she can't practice without a willing partner. However, when she notices one of her friends stealing lustful glances in her direction, she decides that she can't pass up this opportunity. t["You're aroused, and I need experience. We might as well solve both our problems at once."t Before long, Koharu has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Koharu wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. trSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Koharu's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Koharu won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Koharu decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Koharu sees the pre-cum dribbling from the cock's tip, her eyes glaze over and her lust begins to grow, soon overwhelming her ability to contain it. She slides back down to the floor, guides the spasming cock into her mouth, then uses her newly-freed hand to t#start hurriedly rubbing her clit. tjThe two of them cum together, Koharu's eyes rolling upward with ecstasy as she swallows every last drop. t"(I love... making people happy...)uq~ tYuki has been getting addicted to the feeling of power she gets when she forces Thralls to cum before they're ready. She loves the way that she can make them moan and spasm with just the slightest movement of her hand. On a whim, she picks out one of her friends - a rare boy who hasn't shown any sexual interest in her - and maneuvers him into her room alone. He's reluctant, but his body can't help but respond to Yuki's touch. tX"It's pretty small, even when it's hard. Is that why you were afraid to show me? Hah!"t Before long, Yuki has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Yuki wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. tnSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Yuki's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Yuki won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Yuki decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Yuki curls her finger, her partner gives one last helpless cry, then cums all over himself, gasping and shuddering in the afterglow. Yuki looks down at him with a faintly dissatisfied expression. t"tII didn't give you permission to finish. Looks like I need to punish you.q~Puq~ tOne of Omi's fans meets with her backstage at a public event and confesses his feelings for her. It isn't an uncommon occurrence, but this fan is more bold than most, as he goes so far as to beg for a handjob from her. At one point, Omi would have just laughed in his face. But she's been becoming more and more willing to do sexual things lately, and she has to admit to herself that the guy is cute. tJ"I don't have anything better to do, so I suppose this is your lucky day."t Before long, Omi has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Omi wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. tlSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Omi's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Omi won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Omi decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Omi sees the pre-cum dribbling from the cock's tip, her eyes glaze over and her lust begins to grow, soon overwhelming her ability to contain it. She slides back down to the floor, guides the spasming cock into her mouth, then uses her newly-freed hand to tstart pumping her own impressively large cock - but with much more purposeful, steady motions than the one she had been using on the one now in her mouth. tgThe two of them cum together, Omi's eyes rolling upward with ecstasy as she swallows every last drop. t (I should do this more often...)uq~ tFuyuko wants to improve her ability to pacify Thralls using sexual methods, but she knows that she can't practice without a willing partner. However, when she notices one of her friends stealing lustful glances in her direction, she decides that she can't pass up this opportunity. t["You're aroused, and I need experience. We might as well solve both our problems at once."t Before long, Fuyuko has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Fuyuko wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. trSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Fuyuko's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Fuyuko won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tThe vulnerable position gives Fuyuko an opportunity to try another technique she's heard about. She puts one finger into her mouth to wet it thoroughly. Then, even as she jerks off the guy's penis, she pushes the finger into the anus underneath. However, she's still surprised by the sudden cry of pleasure and the way that the penis starts suddenly bucking into her hand as if trying to fuck it. t"Is this really all it takes?"t When Fuyuko curls her finger, her partner gives one last helpless cry, then cums all over himself, gasping and shuddering in the afterglow. Fuyuko looks down at him with a faintly dissatisfied expression. t"t>Tell me the truth. Is this what you wanted from me all along?q~euq~ tMidori wants to improve her ability to pacify Thralls using sexual methods, but she knows that she can't practice without a willing partner. However, when she notices one of her friends stealing lustful glances in her direction, she decides that she can't pass up this opportunity. t["You're aroused, and I need experience. We might as well solve both our problems at once."t Before long, Midori has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Midori wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. trSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Midori's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Midori won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Midori decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Midori curls her finger, her partner gives one last helpless cry, then cums all over himself, gasping and shuddering in the afterglow. Midori looks down at him with a faintly dissatisfied expression. t"t>Tell me the truth. Is this what you wanted from me all along?q~ouq~ tUmeko wants to improve her ability to pacify Thralls using sexual methods, but she knows that she can't practice without a willing partner. However, when she notices one of her friends stealing lustful glances in her direction, she decides that she can't pass up this opportunity. t["You're aroused, and I need experience. We might as well solve both our problems at once."t Before long, Umeko has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Umeko wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. tpSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Umeko's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Umeko won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Umeko decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Umeko sees the pre-cum dribbling from the cock's tip, her eyes glaze over and her lust begins to grow, soon overwhelming her ability to contain it. She slides back down to the floor, guides the spasming cock into her mouth, then uses her newly-freed hand to tstart pumping her own cock - but with much more purposeful, steady motions than the one she had been using on the one now in her mouth. tiThe two of them cum together, Umeko's eyes rolling upward with ecstasy as she swallows every last drop. t"(I love... making people happy...)uq~ tOne of Yuki's fans meets with her backstage at a public event and confesses his feelings for her. It isn't an uncommon occurrence, but this fan is more bold than most, as he goes so far as to beg for a handjob from her. At one point, Yuki would have just laughed in his face. But she's been becoming more and more willing to do sexual things lately, and she has to admit to herself that the guy is cute. tJ"I don't have anything better to do, so I suppose this is your lucky day."t Before long, Yuki has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Yuki wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. tnSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Yuki's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Yuki won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Yuki decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Yuki curls her finger, her partner gives one last helpless cry, then cums all over himself, gasping and shuddering in the afterglow. Yuki looks down at him with a faintly dissatisfied expression. t"tThat was too easy.q~݄uq~ tYuki has been getting addicted to the feeling of power she gets when she forces Thralls to cum before they're ready. She loves the way that she can make them moan and spasm with just the slightest movement of her hand. On a whim, she picks out one of her friends - a rare boy who hasn't shown any sexual interest in her - and maneuvers him into her room alone. He's reluctant, but his body can't help but respond to Yuki's touch. tX"It's pretty small, even when it's hard. Is that why you were afraid to show me? Hah!"t Before long, Yuki has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Yuki wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. tnSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Yuki's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Yuki won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tThe vulnerable position gives Yuki an opportunity to try another technique she's heard about. She puts one finger into her mouth to wet it thoroughly. Then, even as she jerks off the guy's penis, she pushes the finger into the anus underneath. However, she's still surprised by the sudden cry of pleasure and the way that the penis starts suddenly bucking into her hand as if trying to fuck it. t"Is this really all it takes?"t When Yuki sees the pre-cum dribbling from the cock's tip, her eyes glaze over and her lust begins to grow, soon overwhelming her ability to contain it. She slides back down to the floor, guides the spasming cock into her mouth, then uses her newly-freed hand to t#start hurriedly rubbing her clit. thThe two of them cum together, Yuki's eyes rolling upward with ecstasy as she swallows every last drop. t-(Amazing... I want to rape him even more...!)uq~ tEri has been getting addicted to the feeling of power she gets when she forces Thralls to cum before they're ready. She loves the way that she can make them moan and spasm with just the slightest movement of her hand. On a whim, she picks out one of her friends - a rare boy who hasn't shown any sexual interest in her - and maneuvers him into her room alone. He's reluctant, but his body can't help but respond to Eri's touch. tX"It's pretty small, even when it's hard. Is that why you were afraid to show me? Hah!"t Before long, Eri has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Eri wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. tlSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Eri's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Eri won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Eri decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Eri sees the pre-cum dribbling from the cock's tip, her eyes glaze over and her lust begins to grow, soon overwhelming her ability to contain it. She slides back down to the floor, guides the spasming cock into her mouth, then uses her newly-freed hand to t#start hurriedly rubbing her clit. tgThe two of them cum together, Eri's eyes rolling upward with ecstasy as she swallows every last drop. t-(Amazing... I want to rape him even more...!)uq~ tOne of Uta's fans meets with her backstage at a public event and confesses his feelings for her. It isn't an uncommon occurrence, but this fan is more bold than most, as he goes so far as to beg for a handjob from her. At one point, Uta would have just laughed in his face. But she's been becoming more and more willing to do sexual things lately, and she has to admit to herself that the guy is cute. tJ"I don't have anything better to do, so I suppose this is your lucky day."t Before long, Uta has her partner on his back, erect cock pointing up at the ceiling. Uta wraps her fingers around the shaft, sliding them up and down. She smirks as it grows even harder under her touch, then starts to move her hand faster and faster. But then she slows down again. She switches hands. She squeezes the base hard enough to cause a wince of pain, then changes to using such a light touch that she's practically just trailing her fingers up and down the underside, practically tickling it. Then it's back to stroking the shaft, except this time she's rubbing the palm of her other hand against the tip, staring into his eyes as she gauges his reaction. tlSome of the techniques are more effective than others, and the constantly-changing stimulation prevents Uta's partner (or perhaps her victim?) from quite reaching orgasm. As the sensations grow almost painful, he groans and tries to close his legs, but Uta won't let him, pushing his legs up over his head and kneeling on his thighs in order to keep them there. tIn order to finish him off, Uta decides to go all-out. She starts to tease the guy's anus with one finger, pressing on it in time with every pump of his cock. Then, abruptly, she pushes it inside. tj"My finger isn't long enough to reach your prostate, but it seems that even this much pressure is enough."t When Uta sees the pre-cum dribbling from the cock's tip, her eyes glaze over and her lust begins to grow, soon overwhelming her ability to contain it. She slides back down to the floor, guides the spasming cock into her mouth, then uses her newly-freed hand to t#start hurriedly rubbing her clit. tgThe two of them cum together, Uta's eyes rolling upward with ecstasy as she swallows every last drop. t (I should do this more often...)uq~Puq~!tHBackstage at a public event, Axiom has been cornered alone in a room with an overly pushy fan. Under normal circumstances, she could have called for security, or simply used her Chosen powers to fend the regular human off. However, the fan is brandishing his phone at her, and the video being played on it gives Axiom pause. t"tYou're supposed to be pretty smart. You should know what will happen to the size of your fanbase once people have seen you on your knees sucking and jerking off as many Thralls as you can." tThere's a long pause as Axiom stares back at the him, lips pursed with annoyance. Finally, she finishes thinking it over and responds. t"It would remain at about the same size, I imagine. Those who find such behavior distasteful would be replaced by those who find it enticing. However... I would still prefer to avoid that. I will do as you say, so long as your demands are not too... extreme." tAt the fan's direction, Axiom t,pulls up her miniskirt and then proceeds to t3slide down her panties, showing off her bare ass. tIt isn't a surprise when Axiom hears the fan unzipping his own pants and starting to masturbate, but when she hears the fan approaching from behind, Axiom looks back in alarm. tW"Don't worry, I'm just going to rub it between your thighs. I won't go all the way." t5Axiom's blood runs cold at the thought of being rapedt<, but she tells herself that that won't happen. After all, tshe knows that her Sexual Barrier will prevent penetration. However, the feeling of the fan's warm, smooth cock thrusting between her tightly-clenched thighs still causes her to jump in alarm, and then she gasps in unwilling pleasure when it starts to rub her t own penist. It makes it hard to focus. tThe man behind Axiom pushes his hips forward and back, just like he's actually fucking her. Just when Axiom thinks she's gotten used to it, she feels rough hands groping her chesttn, squeezing her heavy breasts under her crop top and then pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger. q~ݪtNot so... rough...! Nnah!t" tThe fan shuts her up with a sharp slap on her bottom. The impact is painful, but more shamefully, it also feels somehow good. Between the direct stimulation down below, the jolts that run through her whole body with every tug on her nipples, and the occasional shocking spank, she's getting more and more turned on. She can't stop thinking about whether her resentment toward this man might cause her Sexual Barrier to fail - and a part of her even wishes it would. tyAs the thrusts get harder and faster, the man's pelvis slamming against her butt again and again, Axiom reaches back and tcovers her crotch with one hand. The touch makes her shiver with pleasure, and she can feel her wetness dripping between her fingerstu, but she won't admit to him (or to herself) that she's feeling good. She glares back at him, clenching her teeth. q~ݪt0If you put it inside... I swear I'll... kill...!q~ݻtEOne last spank causes Axiom to whine and shudder, limbs seizing up. tHer hand slips away, and the man takes the opportunity to bury himself deep inside Axiom's loosened, experienced asshole. He climaxes instantly, filling Axiom's belly with a torrent of pungent cum. tWhen Axiom comes to her senses, her attacker is gone - having decided to make himself scarce before Axiom could get angry. Axiom stands up shakily, wiping herself clean and trying to get her clothes back in order. q~ݪtZI must... try to avoid remembering this incident... Yes, act as though it never happened.q~ݪuq~!tLBackstage at a public event, Prophet has been cornered alone in a room with an overly pushy fan. Under normal circumstances, she could have called for security, or simply used her Chosen powers to fend the regular human off. However, the fan is brandishing his phone at her, and the video being played on it gives Prophet pause. t"tYou're supposed to be pretty smart. You should know what will happen to the size of your fanbase once people have seen you on your knees sucking and jerking off as many Thralls as you can." tThere's a long pause as Prophet stares back at the him, lips pursed with annoyance. Finally, she finishes thinking it over and responds. t"It would remain at about the same size, I imagine. Those who find such behavior distasteful would be replaced by those who find it enticing. However... I would still prefer to avoid that. I will do as you say, so long as your demands are not too... extreme." t At the fan's direction, Prophet t&pulls off her bodysuit just enough to t3slide down her panties, showing off her bare ass. tIt isn't a surprise when Prophet hears the fan unzipping his own pants and starting to masturbate, but when she hears the fan approaching from behind, Prophet looks back in alarm. tW"Don't worry, I'm just going to rub it between your thighs. I won't go all the way." t7Prophet's blood runs cold at the thought of being rapedt<, but she tells herself that that won't happen. After all, tshe knows that her Sexual Barrier will prevent penetration. However, the feeling of the fan's warm, smooth cock thrusting between her tightly-clenched thighs still causes her to jump in alarm, and then she gasps in unwilling pleasure when it starts to rub her tclitt. It makes it hard to focus. tThe man behind Prophet pushes his hips forward and back, just like he's actually fucking her. Just when Prophet thinks she's gotten used to it, she feels rough hands groping her chesttm, squeezing her tiny breasts under her bodysuit and then pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger. q~tNot so... rough...! Nnah!t" tThe fan shuts her up with a sharp slap on her bottom. The impact is painful, but more shamefully, it also feels somehow good. Between the direct stimulation down below, the jolts that run through her whole body with every tug on her nipples, and the occasional shocking spank, she's getting more and more turned on. She can't stop thinking about whether her resentment toward this man might cause her Sexual Barrier to fail - and a part of her even wishes it would. t{As the thrusts get harder and faster, the man's pelvis slamming against her butt again and again, Prophet reaches back and tcovers her crotch with one hand. The touch makes her shiver with pleasure, and she can feel her wetness dripping between her fingerstu, but she won't admit to him (or to herself) that she's feeling good. She glares back at him, clenching her teeth. q~t>Stop trying to make me... enjoy it...! I-It isn't working...!q~tGOne last spank causes Prophet to whine and shudder, limbs seizing up. tThe extra stimulation causes the man to climax. He pulls back as his cock erupts, shooting spurts of white cum all over Prophet's ass. tWhen Prophet comes to her senses, her attacker is gone - having decided to make himself scarce before Prophet could get angry. Prophet stands up shakily, wiping herself clean and trying to get her clothes back in order. q~tZI must... try to avoid remembering this incident... Yes, act as though it never happened.q~uq~!tLBackstage at a public event, Crimson has been cornered alone in a room with an overly pushy fan. Under normal circumstances, she could have called for security, or simply used her Chosen powers to fend the regular human off. However, the fan is brandishing his phone at her, and the video being played on it gives Crimson pause. t"tAnd before you try to just smash my phone or arrest me or whatever, you'd better know that I've got a dead man's switch set up. If you don't make me happy, then every fan site in Japan is going to be watching you suck Thrall cock." tAs angry as Crimson is about being blackmailed, she believes that there's no point in being one of the Chosen if she can't inspire people's admiration and respect. She sullenly tosses her head and looks away. t)"Ugh... Fine, do whatever you want..." t At the fan's direction, Crimson t1pulls down her armor plates and then proceeds to t3slide down her panties, showing off her bare ass. tIt isn't a surprise when Crimson hears the fan unzipping his own pants and starting to masturbate, but when she hears the fan approaching from behind, Crimson looks back in alarm. tW"Don't worry, I'm just going to rub it between your thighs. I won't go all the way." t7Crimson's blood runs cold at the thought of being rapedt<, but she tells herself that that won't happen. After all, tshe knows that her Sexual Barrier will prevent penetration. However, the feeling of the fan's warm, smooth cock thrusting between her tightly-clenched thighs still causes her to jump in alarm, and then she gasps in unwilling pleasure when it starts to rub her tclitt. It makes it hard to focus. tThe man behind Crimson pushes his hips forward and back, just like he's actually fucking her. Just when Crimson thinks she's gotten used to it, she feels rough hands groping her chesttr, squeezing her heavy breasts under her armor plates and then pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger. q~t&Gh... You dirty... piece of... gaaah!t" tThe fan shuts her up with a sharp slap on her bottom. The impact is painful, but more shamefully, it also feels somehow good. Between the direct stimulation down below, the jolts that run through her whole body with every tug on her nipples, and the occasional shocking spank, she's getting more and more turned on. She can't stop thinking about whether her resentment toward this man might cause her Sexual Barrier to fail - and a part of her even wishes it would. t{As the thrusts get harder and faster, the man's pelvis slamming against her butt again and again, Crimson reaches back and tcovers her crotch with one hand. The touch makes her shiver with pleasure, and she can feel her wetness dripping between her fingerstu, but she won't admit to him (or to herself) that she's feeling good. She glares back at him, clenching her teeth. q~t>Stop trying to make me... enjoy it...! I-It isn't working...!q~tGOne last spank causes Crimson to whine and shudder, limbs seizing up. tThe extra stimulation causes the man to climax. He pulls back as his cock erupts, shooting spurts of white cum all over Crimson's ass. tWhen Crimson comes to her senses, her attacker is gone - having decided to make himself scarce before Crimson could get angry. Crimson stands up shakily, wiping herself clean and trying to get her clothes back in order. q~tbI wonder if he'll force me to do more with him... Hmph, of course, it's not as if I hope he will!q~uq~Puq~tRetribution has never paid much attention to her public image, but she still noticed the change when photographs of her private places started getting spread around online. The sudden increase in sexual harassment she started receiving at public events was annoying enough to make her try to figure out some way of stopping it. On a whim, she decides to try using paint to draw a swimsuit under her clothes, and she likes the result. t9"Nice! You can't even tell that I'm not wearing panties!t" tRThat evening, after finishing her solo patrol for the day, Retribution forgets where her closest stash of civilian clothes is. However, she realizes that because she's wearing the bodypaint, it doesn't matter that transforming back into her civilian form will cause her Chosen garb to vanish. With a flash of light, she returns to beingt an effectively-naked Umeko.t Unbeknownst to her, the paint has already begun to smear during the day's activities, and the pink of her skin is plainly visible around her chest and crotch. Several times on her way home, policemen start to approach in order to bring her in for public indecency, but when they recognize her as one of the Chosen, they realize that they have no power to arrest her, and so they just let her walk by. tcAt first, Umeko is worried that people might be able to tell that she's not actually wearing anything. But she's distracted by all the fans recognizing her on the street smiling brightly as they ask her to do simple tasks for them, encouraging her with effusive praise as she complies. An old man drops his wallet at her feet, then leans around to look at her from behind when she bends to pick it up. A crowd of fans closes in around her with a flurry of questions, but they're too busy leering down at her to hear the answers. One fan asks her to pose for some close-up pictures, zooming in on her body. t)"Okay, I can do that pose! Double peace!q~tShe starts to sweat, and the paint runs down her body. Finally, one pervert is so overwhelmed by the sight that he rushes forward, t&squeezing her huge breasts from behindt. and then sprinting away. Umeko gives chase, tbut when she catches up, the pervert falls to his knees and apologizes profusely, claiming that seeing Umeko's body made him lose control. Umeko is caught off-guard, and she feels guilty about tempting him. tIn the end, the pervert talks Umeko into accompanying him into a dark alleyway and striking various poses while the pervert masturbates to her. When Umeko spreads her tpussyt wide open, the pervert finally cums all over her, his seed dribbling down the faded remnants of Umeko's painted-on swimsuit. tp"Your thing still looks really swollen and painful... Um, I can keep sitting here if you wanna do that again...t"uq~Puq~tuUntil recently, Axiom didn't listen at all when her publicity team advised her to win more fans by playing up her sex appeal. However, now that the pictures of her being stripped during battle are a common topic of conversation among her fans already, she figures that she has nothing more to lose by scheduling a risque photoshoot with a professional propaganda agency. tShe shows up at the studio with dozens of changes of clothes - a small fraction of her total wardrobe, the grandest and most expensive of the lot. tRThe photoshoot starts with Axiom in a long, slightly sheer dress woven through with genuine gold leaf. A one-of-a-kind garment commissioned by Axiom specifically for herself, the low-cut bodice is sheer enough that the bumps of her nipples are plainly visible, and the slit up the side of the skirt goes all the way above her buttocks. t"It cost more money than most people ever see in their lives, but everyone will be too busy looking at me to even notice. Funny, isn't it?t" tyThe photographers have Axiom strike numerous poses. They have her lean forward while they take pictures from the front, temphasizing her cleavage. tThey photograph her from behind, sometimes having her cover herself with an expression of false modesty, sometimes having her act as though she's unaware, as if the picture were captured candidly. As she starts to enjoy it, they grow more bold, having her splay her legs out in increasingly immodest postures, and she's encouraged by the photographers' obvious expressions of desire. tAs her enthsiasm grows, Axiom goes off-script, taking charge of the scene. She summons her Chosen garb and strikes some powerful, authoritative poses. The photographers adapt, improvising several shots where they bow worshipfully at her feet, praising her as their savior. t5"That's right, this is how things are meant to be." tTheir motives aren't entirely pure, as they know that flattering her will make her more likely to accept their next requests. t[Axiom is asked to strip completely naked. The photoshoot won't include any explicit shots of her genitals - after all, it's supposed to be merely suggestive, not pornographic - but she's instructed to strike several poses where she's just barely covering herself, and the photographers are obviously eager to see everything with their own eyes. tWhen she asks for some pasties to cover her private parts, the photographers answer that she shouldn't use any, since they could show up in a shot and render it much less titillating. Axiom just quirks a skeptical eyebrow, then goes through the positions with measured precision, always moving her hands and legs in just the right way to avoid showing even a glimpse of her nipples or crotch. It's not that she cares about showing them, but she wants to make sure that the photographers understand that she can't be manipulated. t9"If you want to see more, you'll have to ask politely." t At the end of the photoshoot, several of the photographers gather around Axiom, asking if she'd like to accompany them to a bar or a club or something to wind down. They don't even hide the fact that they're hungry for some hands-on experience with the body they've been photographing. tAxiom licks her lips. t"tUThis experience was quite... stimulating, wasn't it? Yes, let us continue elsewhere.q~$uq~twUntil recently, Paladin didn't listen at all when her publicity team advised her to win more fans by playing up her sex appeal. However, now that the pictures of her being stripped during battle are a common topic of conversation among her fans already, she figures that she has nothing more to lose by scheduling a risque photoshoot with a professional propaganda agency. tShe offers to bring some of her fancier clothes, but the agency informs her that they have the themes and outfits for the photoshoot planned out, so she leaves them at home. tThe theme for the first part of the shoot is 'Paladin at home'. At first, she's almost disappointed at the apparent modesty of the long t-shirt they give her to wear, but after she puts it on, she notices the way it billows and flips up around her thighs, and how its neck is so loose that it always slips down off one shoulder. It seems practically designed to show off more than it covers, especially since she's instructed not to wear anything underneath. t+"So, I should pose like I'm just waking up?t" t{The photographers have Paladin strike numerous poses. They have her lean forward while they take pictures from the front, temphasizing her cleavage. tThey photograph her from behind, sometimes having her cover herself with an expression of false modesty, sometimes having her act as though she's unaware, as if the picture were captured candidly. As she starts to enjoy it, they grow more bold, having her splay her legs out in increasingly immodest postures, and she's encouraged by the photographers' obvious expressions of desire. tThe next stage of the photoshoot is a combat scene. Several of the photographers take the role of Thralls, grasping at Paladin's body while she heroically fights them off. At first, they just position their hands on Paladin's body without actually groping her, but as it becomes apparent that she'll let them do as they please, they begin to squeeze and stroke in ways that obviously don't serve the purposes of the photoshoot. Paladin doesn't mind letting them have their fun, especially since it's starting to turn her on as well. t@"You're going to go that far? Oh, don't worry, I don't mind." tOEncouraged by how permissive she is, they decide to take things even further. t]Paladin is asked to strip completely naked. The photoshoot won't include any explicit shots of her genitals - after all, it's supposed to be merely suggestive, not pornographic - but she's instructed to strike several poses where she's just barely covering herself, and the photographers are obviously eager to see everything with their own eyes. tWhen she asks for some pasties to cover her private parts, the photographers answer that she shouldn't use any, since they could show up in a shot and render it much less titillating. Paladin just quirks a skeptical eyebrow, then goes through the positions with measured precision, always moving her hands and legs in just the right way to avoid showing even a glimpse of her nipples or crotch. It's not that she cares about showing them, but she wants to make sure that the photographers understand that she can't be manipulated. t9"If you want to see more, you'll have to ask politely." t"At the end of the photoshoot, several of the photographers gather around Paladin, asking if she'd like to accompany them to a bar or a club or something to wind down. They don't even hide the fact that they're hungry for some hands-on experience with the body they've been photographing. tPaladin licks her lips. t"tUThis experience was quite... stimulating, wasn't it? Yes, let us continue elsewhere.q~7uq~txUntil recently, Enforcer didn't listen at all when her publicity team advised her to win more fans by playing up her sex appeal. However, now that the pictures of her being stripped during battle are a common topic of conversation among her fans already, she figures that she has nothing more to lose by scheduling a risque photoshoot with a professional propaganda agency. tShe offers to bring some of her fancier clothes, but the agency informs her that they have the themes and outfits for the photoshoot planned out, so she leaves them at home. tThe theme for the first part of the shoot is 'Enforcer at home'. At first, she's almost disappointed at the apparent modesty of the long t-shirt they give her to wear, but after she puts it on, she notices the way it billows and flips up around her thighs, and how its neck is so loose that it always slips down off one shoulder. It seems practically designed to show off more than it covers, especially since she's instructed not to wear anything underneath. t+"So, I should pose like I'm just waking up?t" t|The photographers have Enforcer strike numerous poses. They have her lean forward while they take pictures from the front, temphasizing her cleavage. tThey photograph her from behind, sometimes having her cover herself with an expression of false modesty, sometimes having her act as though she's unaware, as if the picture were captured candidly. As she starts to enjoy it, they grow more bold, having her splay her legs out in increasingly immodest postures, and she's encouraged by the photographers' obvious expressions of desire. tThe next outfit is a black leather leotard with long boots and gloves. Enforcer is eager to play the role of the dominatrix, and she takes charge, picking out a few of the photographers to abuse while the others take photos. For their part, they enjoy being stepped on by Enforcer, ridiculed and beaten lightly, and she notices that they're all starting to show bulges in the crotches of their pants. t"Disgusting pigs. Are you really so perverted that you even enjoy this sort of thing? Just how am I supposed to punish you?" tShe enjoys it as well, face flushing with arousal as she hears their half-pained half-pleasured moans. She's only too eager to move on to the next step. t^Enforcer is asked to strip completely naked. The photoshoot won't include any explicit shots of her genitals - after all, it's supposed to be merely suggestive, not pornographic - but she's instructed to strike several poses where she's just barely covering herself, and the photographers are obviously eager to see everything with their own eyes. t;With slow, sensual, teasing movements, she switches from position to position, moving her hands just slowly enough that everyone watching can catch the briefest glimpse of her private parts, but only barely. She knows exactly what she's doing, and she revels in the obvious lust building up as the cameras flash. t"Oh? Where are you looking?" t#At the end of the photoshoot, several of the photographers gather around Enforcer, asking if she'd like to accompany them to a bar or a club or something to wind down. They don't even hide the fact that they're hungry for some hands-on experience with the body they've been photographing. tEnforcer licks her lips. t"t[Of course I'm taking you all with me. And I'm not letting you go home until I'm satisfied.q~Juq~twUntil recently, Monarch didn't listen at all when her publicity team advised her to win more fans by playing up her sex appeal. However, now that the pictures of her being stripped during battle are a common topic of conversation among her fans already, she figures that she has nothing more to lose by scheduling a risque photoshoot with a professional propaganda agency. tShe offers to bring some of her fancier clothes, but the agency informs her that they have the themes and outfits for the photoshoot planned out, so she leaves them at home. tThe theme for the first part of the shoot is 'Monarch at home'. At first, she's almost disappointed at the apparent modesty of the long t-shirt they give her to wear, but after she puts it on, she notices the way it billows and flips up around her thighs, and how its neck is so loose that it always slips down off one shoulder. It seems practically designed to show off more than it covers, especially since she's instructed not to wear anything underneath. t+"So, I should pose like I'm just waking up?t" t{The photographers have Monarch strike numerous poses. They have her lean forward while they take pictures from the front, temphasizing her cleavage. tThey photograph her from behind, sometimes having her cover herself with an expression of false modesty, sometimes having her act as though she's unaware, as if the picture were captured candidly. As she starts to enjoy it, they grow more bold, having her splay her legs out in increasingly immodest postures, and she's encouraged by the photographers' obvious expressions of desire. tThe next outfit is a black leather leotard with long boots and gloves. Monarch is eager to play the role of the dominatrix, and she takes charge, picking out a few of the photographers to abuse while the others take photos. For their part, they enjoy being stepped on by Monarch, ridiculed and beaten lightly, and she notices that they're all starting to show bulges in the crotches of their pants. t"Disgusting pigs. Are you really so perverted that you even enjoy this sort of thing? Just how am I supposed to punish you?" tShe enjoys it as well, face flushing with arousal as she hears their half-pained half-pleasured moans. She's only too eager to move on to the next step. t]Monarch is asked to strip completely naked. The photoshoot won't include any explicit shots of her genitals - after all, it's supposed to be merely suggestive, not pornographic - but she's instructed to strike several poses where she's just barely covering herself, and the photographers are obviously eager to see everything with their own eyes. tWhen she asks for some pasties to cover her private parts, the photographers answer that she shouldn't use any, since they could show up in a shot and render it much less titillating. Monarch just quirks a skeptical eyebrow, then goes through the positions with measured precision, always moving her hands and legs in just the right way to avoid showing even a glimpse of her nipples or crotch. It's not that she cares about showing them, but she wants to make sure that the photographers understand that she can't be manipulated. t9"If you want to see more, you'll have to ask politely." t"At the end of the photoshoot, several of the photographers gather around Monarch, asking if she'd like to accompany them to a bar or a club or something to wind down. They don't even hide the fact that they're hungry for some hands-on experience with the body they've been photographing. tMonarch licks her lips. t"tUThis experience was quite... stimulating, wasn't it? Yes, let us continue elsewhere.q~]uq~twUntil recently, Artisan didn't listen at all when her publicity team advised her to win more fans by playing up her sex appeal. However, now that the pictures of her being stripped during battle are a common topic of conversation among her fans already, she figures that she has nothing more to lose by scheduling a risque photoshoot with a professional propaganda agency. tShe offers to bring some of her fancier clothes, but the agency informs her that they have the themes and outfits for the photoshoot planned out, so she leaves them at home. tThe theme for the first part of the shoot is 'Artisan at home'. At first, she's almost disappointed at the apparent modesty of the long t-shirt they give her to wear, but after she puts it on, she notices the way it billows and flips up around her thighs, and how its neck is so loose that it always slips down off one shoulder. It seems practically designed to show off more than it covers, especially since she's instructed not to wear anything underneath. t+"So, I should pose like I'm just waking up?t" t{The photographers have Artisan strike numerous poses. They have her lean forward while they take pictures from the front, temphasizing her cleavage. tThey photograph her from behind, sometimes having her cover herself with an expression of false modesty, sometimes having her act as though she's unaware, as if the picture were captured candidly. As she starts to enjoy it, they grow more bold, having her splay her legs out in increasingly immodest postures, and she's encouraged by the photographers' obvious expressions of desire. tAs her enthsiasm grows, Artisan goes off-script, taking charge of the scene. She summons her Chosen garb and strikes some powerful, authoritative poses. The photographers adapt, improvising several shots where they bow worshipfully at her feet, praising her as their savior. t5"That's right, this is how things are meant to be." tTheir motives aren't entirely pure, as they know that flattering her will make her more likely to accept their next requests. t]Artisan is asked to strip completely naked. The photoshoot won't include any explicit shots of her genitals - after all, it's supposed to be merely suggestive, not pornographic - but she's instructed to strike several poses where she's just barely covering herself, and the photographers are obviously eager to see everything with their own eyes. tWhen she asks for some pasties to cover her private parts, the photographers answer that she shouldn't use any, since they could show up in a shot and render it much less titillating. Artisan just quirks a skeptical eyebrow, then goes through the positions with measured precision, always moving her hands and legs in just the right way to avoid showing even a glimpse of her nipples or crotch. It's not that she cares about showing them, but she wants to make sure that the photographers understand that she can't be manipulated. t9"If you want to see more, you'll have to ask politely." t"At the end of the photoshoot, several of the photographers gather around Artisan, asking if she'd like to accompany them to a bar or a club or something to wind down. They don't even hide the fact that they're hungry for some hands-on experience with the body they've been photographing. tArtisan licks her lips. t"tUThis experience was quite... stimulating, wasn't it? Yes, let us continue elsewhere.q~puq~Puq~tThat evening, Shield is scheduled to appear at a celebrity event in order to produce positive publicity for the Chosen and reassure the public that everything is under control. tVNormally, she doesn't have the patience for this sort of thing, but she recognizes that it serves an important function. She overcomes her tiredness in order to attend, and even goes as far as to put on lipstick, makeup, and nice clothes. With a pained smile on her face, she puts up with all the social niceties that are expected of her. t:"Oh, has the weather really been good? I haven't noticed.t" tMore and more, the attention lavished on Shield at events like this has become sexual in nature, with people leering at her body or making crude comments that normally wouldn't be voiced in such company. It doesn't help that the dress she's wearing is barely decent to be worn in public. It's parted up the front, revealing her inner thighs, and completely backless. Her nipples are only barely covered by a loop of cloth that comes from the front of the dress up over the back of her necktY, so that her tiny breasts feel like they're about to slip out the sides at any moment. tShield is getting used to playing the part of eyecandy for the perverted old men who frequent this sort of function. She allows a nipple to slip out occasionally, or sits with her legs just a bit apart, or eats phallic food items like sausages and bananas in the most slow, sensual fashion she can manage. And whenever she catches someone appreciating the show she's putting on, she meets their eye and smiles at them. She tells herself that she's just building good relationships and enticing them to donate more of their personal wealth to the human cause, but the truth is that she takes an exhibitionistic thrill from behaving in ways she had always considered forbidden. t%"Ah, it slipped out again. Silly me!q~wtKHowever, Shield's socializing is cut short when an angry man pushes his way through the crowd to meet her. The newcomer doesn't stand out among the guests, dressed finely and with a respectable air about him, but right now his face is red with rage, and his shout immediately cuts through the babble of surrounding conversation. t}"My daughters have always been your biggest fans - but now they're acting like sluts! It's your fault! Look at yourself!" tcThe man had intended to stop there. But now, with Shield's ostentatiously sexy form right in front of him, he's taken by the sudden desire to go further. His arm lashes out, grabbing the front of Shield's dress and ripping it right down the middle. The flimsy garment comes apart all at once, leaving her practically naked in the middle of the crowd. t#Her bared breasts heave with a gasptA, and as she stumbles backward, everyone gets a good look at her t naked slit. tThe humiliation of the situation, the knowledge that she's hurt someone, and the fact that the man's ridicule rings horribly true all crash down on Shield together. Security guards step forward to wrestle the man to the ground, but the damage has already been done. Shield buries her face in her hands and starts sobbing. And when other guests crowd toward her, attempting to help by supporting her upright or trying to use tablecloths to cover her, it just gives her flashbacks to being manhandled by Thralls. The worst part is that several of the guests are clearly enjoying the excuse to touch her body. She's incoherent as she's guided out of the room. t "I-I'm sorry... S-S-So sorry...t"uq~tThat evening, Paladin is scheduled to appear at a celebrity event in order to produce positive publicity for the Chosen and reassure the public that everything is under control. tShe had been looking forward to it, but with how tired the day's activities have left her, she's tempted to call it off. In the end, her sense of duty wins out, and she cleans herself up, gets dressed, and heads to the venue. tS"I really am sorry that I'm late... No, no, it's my fault for not planning better.t" tMore and more, the attention lavished on Paladin at events like this has become sexual in nature, with people leering at her body or making crude comments that normally wouldn't be voiced in such company. It doesn't help that the dress she's wearing is barely decent to be worn in public. It's parted up the front, revealing her inner thighs, and completely backless. Her nipples are only barely covered by a loop of cloth that comes from the front of the dress up over the back of her necktZ, so that her heavy breasts feel like they're about to slip out the sides at any moment. tPaladin knows exactly what sort of attention she's inviting by dressing like this, but she's decided to stop hiding from what she's become. She knows that everyone who looks at her will be remembering seeing the videos of her humiliated in battle, and she hopes that it shames them into trying to make some sacrifices of their own. She even deliberately lets one nipple slip out of her dress, and she's faintly disappointed at how few people feel the need to alert her to it. t*"It's nothing you all haven't seen before.q~މtLHowever, Paladin's socializing is cut short when an angry man pushes his way through the crowd to meet her. The newcomer doesn't stand out among the guests, dressed finely and with a respectable air about him, but right now his face is red with rage, and his shout immediately cuts through the babble of surrounding conversation. t}"My daughters have always been your biggest fans - but now they're acting like sluts! It's your fault! Look at yourself!" teThe man had intended to stop there. But now, with Paladin's ostentatiously sexy form right in front of him, he's taken by the sudden desire to go further. His arm lashes out, grabbing the front of Paladin's dress and ripping it right down the middle. The flimsy garment comes apart all at once, leaving her practically naked in the middle of the crowd. t#Her bared breasts heave with a gasptA, and as she stumbles backward, everyone gets a good look at her t naked slit. tPaladin reacts reflexively, delivering a closed-fist punch directly to the man's jaw. Even without her powers, it's enough to knock him out cold. However, she immediately regrets it. Her fist clenches even tighter, and she grits her teeth as she looks downward in shame. Not at her exposure - for she's stopped caring about that entirely - but at how easily she's provoked by mere ridicule. tO"I'm... becoming less of a good person. I don't deserve your praise anymore...t"uq~tThat evening, Prayer is scheduled to appear at a celebrity event in order to produce positive publicity for the Chosen and reassure the public that everything is under control. tVNormally, she doesn't have the patience for this sort of thing, but she recognizes that it serves an important function. She overcomes her tiredness in order to attend, and even goes as far as to put on lipstick, makeup, and nice clothes. With a pained smile on her face, she puts up with all the social niceties that are expected of her. t:"Oh, has the weather really been good? I haven't noticed.t" tMore and more, the attention lavished on Prayer at events like this has become sexual in nature, with people leering at her body or making crude comments that normally wouldn't be voiced in such company. It doesn't help that the dress she's wearing is barely decent to be worn in public. It's parted up the front, revealing her inner thighs, and completely backless. Her nipples are only barely covered by a loop of cloth that comes from the front of the dress up over the back of her necktY, so that her pert breasts feel like they're about to slip out the sides at any moment. tPrayer is getting used to playing the part of eyecandy for the perverted old men who frequent this sort of function. She allows a nipple to slip out occasionally, or sits with her legs just a bit apart, or eats phallic food items like sausages and bananas in the most slow, sensual fashion she can manage. And whenever she catches someone appreciating the show she's putting on, she meets their eye and smiles at them. She tells herself that she's just building good relationships and enticing them to donate more of their personal wealth to the human cause, but the truth is that she takes an exhibitionistic thrill from behaving in ways she had always considered forbidden. t%"Ah, it slipped out again. Silly me!q~ޛtKHowever, Prayer's socializing is cut short when an angry man pushes his way through the crowd to meet her. The newcomer doesn't stand out among the guests, dressed finely and with a respectable air about him, but right now his face is red with rage, and his shout immediately cuts through the babble of surrounding conversation. t}"My daughters have always been your biggest fans - but now they're acting like sluts! It's your fault! Look at yourself!" tcThe man had intended to stop there. But now, with Prayer's ostentatiously sexy form right in front of him, he's taken by the sudden desire to go further. His arm lashes out, grabbing the front of Prayer's dress and ripping it right down the middle. The flimsy garment comes apart all at once, leaving her practically naked in the middle of the crowd. t#Her bared breasts heave with a gasptA, and as she stumbles backward, everyone gets a good look at her t naked slit. tThe humiliation of the situation, the knowledge that she's hurt someone, and the fact that the man's ridicule rings horribly true all crash down on Prayer together. Security guards step forward to wrestle the man to the ground, but the damage has already been done. Prayer buries her face in her hands and starts sobbing. And when other guests crowd toward her, attempting to help by supporting her upright or trying to use tablecloths to cover her, it just gives her flashbacks to being manhandled by Thralls. The worst part is that several of the guests are clearly enjoying the excuse to touch her body. She's incoherent as she's guided out of the room. t "I-I'm sorry... S-S-So sorry...t"uq~tThat evening, Paladin is scheduled to appear at a celebrity event in order to produce positive publicity for the Chosen and reassure the public that everything is under control. tShe had been looking forward to it, but with how tired the day's activities have left her, she's tempted to call it off. In the end, her sense of duty wins out, and she cleans herself up, gets dressed, and heads to the venue. tS"I really am sorry that I'm late... No, no, it's my fault for not planning better.t" tMore and more, the attention lavished on Paladin at events like this has become sexual in nature, with people leering at her body or making crude comments that normally wouldn't be voiced in such company. It doesn't help that the dress she's wearing is barely decent to be worn in public. It's parted up the front, revealing her inner thighs, and completely backless. Her nipples are only barely covered by a loop of cloth that comes from the front of the dress up over the back of her necktY, so that her pert breasts feel like they're about to slip out the sides at any moment. tPaladin knows exactly what sort of attention she's inviting by dressing like this, but she's decided to stop hiding from what she's become. She knows that everyone who looks at her will be remembering seeing the videos of her humiliated in battle, and she hopes that it shames them into trying to make some sacrifices of their own. She even deliberately lets one nipple slip out of her dress, and she's faintly disappointed at how few people feel the need to alert her to it. t*"It's nothing you all haven't seen before.q~ޭtLHowever, Paladin's socializing is cut short when an angry man pushes his way through the crowd to meet her. The newcomer doesn't stand out among the guests, dressed finely and with a respectable air about him, but right now his face is red with rage, and his shout immediately cuts through the babble of surrounding conversation. t}"My daughters have always been your biggest fans - but now they're acting like sluts! It's your fault! Look at yourself!" teThe man had intended to stop there. But now, with Paladin's ostentatiously sexy form right in front of him, he's taken by the sudden desire to go further. His arm lashes out, grabbing the front of Paladin's dress and ripping it right down the middle. The flimsy garment comes apart all at once, leaving her practically naked in the middle of the crowd. t#Her bared breasts heave with a gasptA, and as she stumbles backward, everyone gets a good look at her t naked slit. tPaladin reacts reflexively, delivering a closed-fist punch directly to the man's jaw. Even without her powers, it's enough to knock him out cold. However, she immediately regrets it. Her fist clenches even tighter, and she grits her teeth as she looks downward in shame. Not at her exposure - for she's stopped caring about that entirely - but at how easily she's provoked by mere ridicule. tO"I'm... becoming less of a good person. I don't deserve your praise anymore...t"uq~tThat evening, Retribution is scheduled to appear at a celebrity event in order to produce positive publicity for the Chosen and reassure the public that everything is under control. tVNormally, she doesn't have the patience for this sort of thing, but she recognizes that it serves an important function. She overcomes her tiredness in order to attend, and even goes as far as to put on lipstick, makeup, and nice clothes. With a pained smile on her face, she puts up with all the social niceties that are expected of her. t:"Oh, has the weather really been good? I haven't noticed.t" tMore and more, the attention lavished on Retribution at events like this has become sexual in nature, with people leering at her body or making crude comments that normally wouldn't be voiced in such company. It doesn't help that the dress she's wearing is barely decent to be worn in public. It's parted up the front, revealing her inner thighs, and completely backless. Her nipples are only barely covered by a loop of cloth that comes from the front of the dress up over the back of her necktY, so that her huge breasts feel like they're about to slip out the sides at any moment. tA few weeks earlier, Retribution would have blushed bright red and flatly refused to wear something so naughty, but when a local politician purchased it for her and suggested she wear it to the event, she accepted without question. And now, with the elderly politician staring at her chest and copping a feel as they pose for a photograph together, she doesn't feel any of the revulsion she once would have. She's just happy to be praised and given attention. t_"You're so generous, Mister! I-If there's anything I can do to pay you back, just let me know!q~޿tPHowever, Retribution's socializing is cut short when an angry man pushes his way through the crowd to meet her. The newcomer doesn't stand out among the guests, dressed finely and with a respectable air about him, but right now his face is red with rage, and his shout immediately cuts through the babble of surrounding conversation. t}"My daughters have always been your biggest fans - but now they're acting like sluts! It's your fault! Look at yourself!" tmThe man had intended to stop there. But now, with Retribution's ostentatiously sexy form right in front of him, he's taken by the sudden desire to go further. His arm lashes out, grabbing the front of Retribution's dress and ripping it right down the middle. The flimsy garment comes apart all at once, leaving her practically naked in the middle of the crowd. t#Her bared breasts heave with a gasptA, and as she stumbles backward, everyone gets a good look at her thermaphroditic genitals. tQRetribution recoils as if shocked, standing frozen even as security guards rush forward to tackle her attacker to the ground. Other guests crowd around, trying to reassure her, offering coats or tableclothes so she can cover herself, or discreetly taking pictures with their phones. But Retribution ignores all of them. She can't shake off the thought that the man was completely right to criticize her. By tomorrow, she'll have come up with some more justifications to soothe her conscience, but for now, she can only numbly stagger out of the room, not even bothering to hide her body. t!"What... What am I doing here...?t"uq~tThat evening, Stalwart is scheduled to appear at a celebrity event in order to produce positive publicity for the Chosen and reassure the public that everything is under control. tVNormally, she doesn't have the patience for this sort of thing, but she recognizes that it serves an important function. She overcomes her tiredness in order to attend, and even goes as far as to put on lipstick, makeup, and nice clothes. With a pained smile on her face, she puts up with all the social niceties that are expected of her. t:"Oh, has the weather really been good? I haven't noticed.t" tMore and more, the attention lavished on Stalwart at events like this has become sexual in nature, with people leering at her body or making crude comments that normally wouldn't be voiced in such company. It doesn't help that the dress she's wearing is barely decent to be worn in public. It's parted up the front, revealing her inner thighs, and completely backless. Her nipples are only barely covered by a loop of cloth that comes from the front of the dress up over the back of her necktZ, so that her heavy breasts feel like they're about to slip out the sides at any moment. tStalwart knows exactly what sort of attention she's inviting by dressing like this, but she's decided to stop hiding from what she's become. She knows that everyone who looks at her will be remembering seeing the videos of her humiliated in battle, and she hopes that it shames them into trying to make some sacrifices of their own. She even deliberately lets one nipple slip out of her dress, and she's faintly disappointed at how few people feel the need to alert her to it. t*"It's nothing you all haven't seen before.q~tMHowever, Stalwart's socializing is cut short when an angry man pushes his way through the crowd to meet her. The newcomer doesn't stand out among the guests, dressed finely and with a respectable air about him, but right now his face is red with rage, and his shout immediately cuts through the babble of surrounding conversation. t}"My daughters have always been your biggest fans - but now they're acting like sluts! It's your fault! Look at yourself!" tgThe man had intended to stop there. But now, with Stalwart's ostentatiously sexy form right in front of him, he's taken by the sudden desire to go further. His arm lashes out, grabbing the front of Stalwart's dress and ripping it right down the middle. The flimsy garment comes apart all at once, leaving her practically naked in the middle of the crowd. t#Her bared breasts heave with a gasptA, and as she stumbles backward, everyone gets a good look at her thermaphroditic genitals. tKStalwart recoils as if shocked, standing frozen even as security guards rush forward to tackle her attacker to the ground. Other guests crowd around, trying to reassure her, offering coats or tableclothes so she can cover herself, or discreetly taking pictures with their phones. But Stalwart ignores all of them. She can't shake off the thought that the man was completely right to criticize her. By tomorrow, she'll have come up with some more justifications to soothe her conscience, but for now, she can only numbly stagger out of the room, not even bothering to hide her body. t!"What... What am I doing here...?t"uq~Puq~'tQHoney and Shield spend the evening relaxing together in their civilian identitiest as Aiko and Midori. tThey dress unassumingly and wear large sunglasses in order to avoid being identified by the public as they head to the movie theater. tAiko has picked out the most popular recent superhero flick for them to watch, and she quickly gets caught up in it, frequently jumping out of her seat in enthusiasm, much to Midori's amusement. t>"Yeah! Pow! Punch him right into the center of the Earth!" t"tY-Yeah, get him!t" tzHowever, by the second half of the movie, the action has died down and there are several dialogue scenes in a row which make no sense to anyone who hasn't read the comic books. Aiko leans back, yawning with boredom, and carelessly throws an arm around Midori's shoulders. She doesn't put any thought into the gesture, and she doesn't even notice the effect it has on Midori. tIt's practically impossible for Midori to focus on the movie, and as they leave the theater together, she clings to Aiko's side. tSBy the time they get to Aiko's room, Midori is practically trembling with desire. tBefore the door is even closed, she's grabbing Aiko's hand and guiding it under her skirt. She didn't bother wearing panties, and Aiko can directly feel her tdripping wet slitt2 as she stares up at her with teary-eyed desire. t"I'm ready for you..." q~tYou'd better be.q~tAiko doesn't bother getting undressed. She just pulls out her truly enormous cock, already erect, and gently pushes Midori's back against the nearest wall. tLEyes fixated on the incoming shaft, Midori eagerly reaches down and spreads ther lower lipst_ so that Aiko can put it inside. But Aiko still takes her time, touching the tip to her, then slowly starting to ease it in. Finally, after letting the anticipation build, she abruptly grabs Midori by the thighs, lifting her up off the floor with her feet above Aiko's shoulders, before lowering her down so that Midori's own weight drives her onto tAiko's truly enormous cock. t@The impact deep inside her drives a sharp whimper from Midori. q~t*Aaagh! Y-You're gonna split me in haaalf!q~t+"Don't try to pretend you don't love it!" tWith Aiko holding her off the floor, Midori is completely helpless to do anything but let herself get fucked. Aiko hammers into her over and over again, grunting with effort in the physically-demanding position, but not slowing down at all. tYThe pleasurable friction of thrusting in and out of Midori's inner walls is enough to quickly push Aiko over the edge into orgasm, but she doesn't let herself slow down, repeatedly ramming Midori's deepest spot in time with the spurts of cum she's shooting into her. Even when Midori starts to cum as well, Aiko only intensifies her movements, tFcausing her to cry out incoherently at the overwhelming stimulation. q~t6Aiko, ah, ah, aaahl, I love you, love you, love youuu!q~tIt's only once Midori has stopped spasming, arms hanging limp around Aiko's shoulders, that Aiko finally allows herself to slump to the floor with her. tWithout pulling out, Aiko rolls so that the two of them are side-by-side facing each other. Midori's eyes are still fluttering, body trembling with the aftershocks of her intense orgasm. Aiko kisses her deeply, running a hand through her hair. q~t6Ah, Midori...! I'm gonna love you lots and lots more!q~uq~(tQProphet and Void spend the evening relaxing together in their civilian identitiest as Yuki and Hitomi. tThey dress unassumingly and wear large sunglasses in order to avoid being identified by the public as they head to the movie theater. tYuki has decided to take Hitomi to see a historical drama by a critically-acclaimed director. It's only after they're both seated that Yuki realizes that her choice of movie might not suit Hitomi. t'"Hm. I hope this does not bore you." t"t:W-Well... if it does... you'll make it up to me, right...?t" tYuki, pleased with Hitomi's answer, smiles and throws an arm around her shoulders as the movie starts. It's meant to be a purely platonic, friendly gesture, but it feels very different to Hitomi. tIt's practically impossible for Hitomi to focus on the movie, and as they leave the theater together, she clings to Yuki's side. tSBy the time they get to Yuki's room, Hitomi is practically trembling with desire. tAs soon as the door is latched shut, Hitomi starts hurriedly stripping her clothes off. Yuki turns around to see her completely naked, shifting nervously from foot to foot. t*Her thighs glisten with obvious wetness. t$"Please, Yuki, I... I need you..." q~tThen let's not waste any time.q~tLYuki doesn't bother getting undressed. She just pulls down her panties and txgrabs a strap-on dildo from her nightstand. Motivated by her own lust, she very quickly manages to buckle it on before t1pushing Hitomi's back against the nearest wall. tLEyes fixated on the incoming shaft, Hitomi eagerly reaches down and spreads ther well-loosened anust_ so that Yuki can put it inside. But Yuki still takes her time, touching the tip to her, then slowly starting to ease it in. Finally, after letting the anticipation build, she abruptly grabs Hitomi by the thighs, lifting her up off the floor with her feet above Yuki's shoulders, before lowering her down so that Hitomi's own weight drives her onto ther end of the dildo. t@The impact deep inside her drives a sharp whimper from Hitomi. q~t Oh! Wow!q~t"I'm going to start moving." tWith Yuki holding her off the floor, Hitomi is completely helpless to do anything but let herself get fucked. Yuki hammers into her over and over again, grunting with effort in the physically-demanding position, but not slowing down at all. t+Driven by a dominant mood, Yuki is less interested in her own pleasure than in forcing Hitomi to cum as hard as possible, and from experience, she knows exactly how to thrust in order to rub the dildo against Hitomi's most sensitive place. Even after Hitomi starts cumming, Yuki doesn't slow down, tFcausing her to cry out incoherently at the overwhelming stimulation. q~tAh! Ah! Aghaghah, nhoooh!q~tWith their clits rubbing together, it's not too long before Yuki cums as well. Her legs start to wobble and spasm, and she has no choice but to show mercy on Hitomi. They slump to the floor together. tWithout pulling out, Yuki rolls so that the two of them are side-by-side facing each other. Hitomi's eyes are still fluttering, body trembling with the aftershocks of her intense orgasm. Yuki kisses her deeply, running a hand through her hair. q~taI've been looking forward to showing you that technique. It seems it was more than satisfactory.q~uq~&tUStalwart and Whisper spend the evening relaxing together in their civilian identitiest as Izumi and Zen. tThey dress unassumingly and wear large sunglasses in order to avoid being identified by the public as they head to the movie theater. tIzumi has decided to take Zen to see a historical drama by a critically-acclaimed director. It's only after they're both seated that Izumi realizes that her choice of movie might not suit Zen. t'"Hm. I hope this does not bore you." t"t0I'll still be happy, a-as long as you're here...t" tIzumi, pleased with Zen's answer, smiles and throws an arm around her shoulders as the movie starts. It's meant to be a purely platonic, friendly gesture, but it feels very different to Zen. tIt's practically impossible for Zen to focus on the movie, and as they leave the theater together, she clings to Izumi's side. tQBy the time they get to Izumi's room, Zen is practically trembling with desire. tHowever, she's too shy to give voice to her desires, and she just stands in the corner, refusing to meet Izumi's gaze right up until Izumi reaches up Zen's skirt and starts rubbing her over her panties, feeling thow damp they are. q~'t]If I'm to proceed further than this, I will need your consent. Make sure to say it properly.q~)t4"I... I want to have s-sex with you... please...!" tIzumi doesn't bother getting undressed. She just pulls out her cock, already erect, and gently pushes Zen's back against the nearest wall. tIEyes fixated on the incoming shaft, Zen eagerly reaches down and spreads ther well-loosened anust\ so that Izumi can put it inside. But Izumi still takes her time, touching the tip to her, then slowly starting to ease it in. Finally, after letting the anticipation build, she abruptly grabs Zen by the thighs, lifting her up off the floor with her feet above Izumi's shoulders, before lowering her down so that Zen's own weight drives her onto tIzumi's sizable cock. t=The impact deep inside her drives a sharp whimper from Zen. t"Are you alright?" q~'t7I-I'm fine, just worry about making yourself feel good!q~)tWith Izumi holding her off the floor, Zen is completely helpless to do anything but let herself get fucked. Izumi hammers into her over and over again, grunting with effort in the physically-demanding position, but not slowing down at all. tRThe pleasurable friction of thrusting in and out of Zen's inner walls is enough to quickly push Izumi over the edge into orgasm, but she doesn't let herself slow down, repeatedly ramming Zen's deepest spot in time with the spurts of cum she's shooting into her. Even when Zen starts to cum as well, Izumi only intensifies her movements, tFcausing her to cry out incoherently at the overwhelming stimulation. q~'tAh! Ah! Aghaghah, nhoooh!q~)tIt's only once Zen has stopped spasming, arms hanging limp around Izumi's shoulders, that Izumi finally allows herself to slump to the floor with her. tWithout pulling out, Izumi rolls so that the two of them are side-by-side facing each other. Zen's eyes are still fluttering, body trembling with the aftershocks of her intense orgasm. Izumi kisses her deeply, running a hand through her hair. q~'taI've been looking forward to showing you that technique. It seems it was more than satisfactory.q~'uq~Puq~$tAfter another hard-fought battle against the Demons, Shield is left feeling exhausted and discouraged, but her spirits brighten when Axiom tells her that she has a gift at home to give to her. They fly back to Axiom's place, transform back into their civilian identitiest as Koharu and Midorit, and head inside. tqKoharu hands Midori a finely-wrapped giftbox, then takes a seat and watches with a small smirk as she opens it. tC"Go on. I believe you'll find that they all suit you perfectly." t"tNYou're so generous, Leader! Let me just open it and take a- Ah? Um... Wow.t" tBInside the box are some very expensive-looking, very adult toys. tThere's a leash connected to a collar with Midori's name on it, a headband with animal ears sprouting off the top, and a tail to go with it. Most concerningly, the tail this connected to a large vibrating buttplug, big enough to fill even Midori's rather stretched orifice. tWithin a matter of minutes, Midori has become the very image of Koharu's pet, stark naked except for her collar, ears, and tail. Her bare thighs tremble with the strength of the vibrations inside her. tThen, Koharu announces that they're going on a walk. Midori is forced to crawl on all fours out ahead of Koharu, and when she tries to straighten up and look around, Koharu tells her to just focus on where she's going. t'"I feel like I'm gonna get raped...!" q~Gt That's turning you on, isn't it?q~ItIt's past curfew, so they don't end up encountering anyone on the street, but the late afternoon light still makes Midori feel incredibly exposed. t}This is far more embarrassing than simply being naked, and the new heights of humiliation turn her on even more than usual. tCHer juices drip down her thighs and leave a wet trail behind her. tWhen they get back inside Koharu's place, Midori immediately slumps down onto her chest in exhaustion, her butt high in the air. tYThe break lasts only long enough for Koharu to get undressed and wear a strap-on dildo. tThen she steps forwardtw to line herself up with Midori's soaked pussy and ram inside, so that Midori's having both her holes filled at once. t]Midori was already almost ready to cum, and the sudden penetration pushes her over the edge, tQcausing her to scream out loud as her pussy squeezes down tight on the invader. tBut Koharu is determined to give her a good fucking, and she savagely thrusts into her deepest places over and over again, one hand holding Midori's ass while the other ttugs on her tail. tMMidori whimpers and whines like an animal, tongue lolling out of her mouth. t7Finally, when Midori cums again, Koharu cums with her, tWthe erratic movements of her hips causing the dildo to fuck Midori even more roughly. tThen, spent and satisfied for the moment, Koharu rolls onto her back, carrying Midori with her so that they're laying together in the afterglow. t="You seemed as though you needed to release some pressure." q~GtEYou always know what I need, Leader... I really don't deserve you...q~Guq~$tAfter another hard-fought battle against the Demons, Cheer is left feeling exhausted and discouraged, but her spirits brighten when Paladin tells her that she has a gift at home to give to her. They fly back to Paladin's place, transform back into their civilian identitiest as Koharu and Choukot, and head inside. tKoharu takes a newly-arrived package from next to the door. She hands it to Chouko, then chuckles at the way her eyebrows raise when she reads the label. t"tGAdult... Implements... Oh! Th-This is something naughty, isn't it...?t" t"Go on, open it already!" tUAt Koharu's instruction, Chouko opens the box, and the contents spill onto her lap. tThere's a leash connected to a collar with Chouko's name on it, a headband with animal ears sprouting off the top, and a tail to go with it. Most concerningly, the tail this connected to a large vibrating buttplug, big enough to fill even Chouko's rather stretched orifice. tWithin a matter of minutes, Chouko has become the very image of Koharu's pet, stark naked except for her collar, ears, and tail. Her bare thighs tremble with the strength of the vibrations inside her. tThen, Koharu announces that they're going on a walk. Chouko is forced to crawl on all fours out ahead of Koharu, and when she tries to straighten up and look around, Koharu tells her to just focus on where she's going. t'"I feel like I'm gonna get raped...!" q~gtI'll protect you.q~itIt's past curfew, so they don't end up encountering anyone on the street, but the late afternoon light still makes Chouko feel incredibly exposed. t}This is far more embarrassing than simply being naked, and the new heights of humiliation turn her on even more than usual. tCHer juices drip down her thighs and leave a wet trail behind her. tWhen they get back inside Koharu's place, Chouko immediately slumps down onto her chest in exhaustion, her butt high in the air. ttThe break lasts only long enough for Koharu to get undressed and slip one end of a double dildo into her wet slit. tThen she steps forwardtv, pulls the tail out of Chouko's ass in one swift motion, and then immediately thrusts herself into the vacant hole. t]Chouko was already almost ready to cum, and the sudden penetration pushes her over the edge, tcausing her to scream out loud as her ass squeezes tightly on the invader and her virgin pussy trickles a rush of wetness onto Koharu's carpet. tBut Koharu is determined to give her a good fucking, and she savagely thrusts into her deepest places over and over again, one hand holding Chouko's ass while the other t+spanks her in time with their lovemaking. tMChouko whimpers and whines like an animal, tongue lolling out of her mouth. t7Finally, when Chouko cums again, Koharu cums with her, tsqueezing down on her own end of the dildo while she clutches Chouko from behind and pushes it as deep inside her as she can. tThen, spent and satisfied for the moment, Koharu rolls onto her back, carrying Chouko with her so that they're laying together in the afterglow. t="You seemed as though you needed to release some pressure." q~gtYeah... Thanks...q~guq~$tAfter another hard-fought battle against the Demons, Whisper is left feeling exhausted and discouraged, but her spirits brighten when Tyrant tells her that she has a gift at home to give to her. They fly back to Tyrant's place, transform back into their civilian identitiest as Yuki and Zent, and head inside. tYuki takes a newly-arrived package from next to the door. She hands it to Zen, then chuckles at the way her eyebrows raise when she reads the label. t"tGAdult... Implements... Oh! Th-This is something naughty, isn't it...?t" t"Go on, open it already!" tPAt Yuki's instruction, Zen opens the box, and the contents spill onto her lap. tThere's a leash connected to a collar with Zen's name on it, a headband with animal ears sprouting off the top, and a tail to go with it. Most concerningly, the tail teis connected to a large vibrating buttplug, big enough to fill even Zen's rather stretched orifice. tWithin a matter of minutes, Zen has become the very image of Yuki's pet, stark naked except for her collar, ears, and tail. Her bare thighs tremble with the strength of the vibrations inside her. tThen, Yuki announces that they're going on a walk. Zen is forced to crawl on all fours out ahead of Yuki, and when she tries to straighten up and look around, Yuki tells her to just focus on where she's going. t!"Everyone... can see...! Nnn!" q~߈t*Not from this far away. Let's get closer.q~ߊtIt's past curfew, so they don't end up encountering anyone on the street, but the late afternoon light still makes Zen feel incredibly exposed. t}This is far more embarrassing than simply being naked, and the new heights of humiliation turn her on even more than usual. tCHer juices drip down her thighs and leave a wet trail behind her. t}When they get back inside Yuki's place, Zen immediately slumps down onto her chest in exhaustion, her butt high in the air. tWThe break lasts only long enough for Yuki to get undressed and wear a strap-on dildo. tThen she steps forwardts, pulls the tail out of Zen's ass in one swift motion, and then immediately thrusts herself into the vacant hole. tZZen was already almost ready to cum, and the sudden penetration pushes her over the edge, tcausing her to scream out loud as her ass squeezes tightly on the invader and her virgin pussy trickles a rush of wetness onto Yuki's carpet. tBut Yuki is determined to give her a good fucking, and she savagely thrusts into her deepest places over and over again, one hand holding Zen's ass while the other t+spanks her in time with their lovemaking. tJZen whimpers and whines like an animal, tongue lolling out of her mouth. t2Finally, when Zen cums again, Yuki cums with her, tTthe erratic movements of her hips causing the dildo to fuck Zen even more roughly. tThen, spent and satisfied for the moment, Yuki rolls onto her back, carrying Zen with her so that they're laying together in the afterglow. t="You seemed as though you needed to release some pressure." q~߈tYeah... Thanks...q~߈uq~%tAfter another hard-fought battle against the Demons, Moppet is left feeling exhausted and discouraged, but her spirits brighten when Paladin tells her that she has a gift at home to give to her. They fly back to Paladin's place, transform back into their civilian identitiest as Midori and Wakakot, and head inside. tMidori takes a newly-arrived package from next to the door. She hands it to Wakako, then chuckles at the way her eyebrows raise when she reads the label. t"tGAdult... Implements... Oh! Th-This is something naughty, isn't it...?t" t"Go on, open it already!" tUAt Midori's instruction, Wakako opens the box, and the contents spill onto her lap. tThere's a leash connected to a collar with Wakako's name on it, a headband with animal ears sprouting off the top, and a tail to go with it. Most concerningly, the tail this connected to a large vibrating buttplug, big enough to fill even Wakako's rather stretched orifice. tWithin a matter of minutes, Wakako has become the very image of Midori's pet, stark naked except for her collar, ears, and tail. Her bare thighs tremble with the strength of the vibrations inside her. tThen, Midori announces that they're going on a walk. Wakako is forced to crawl on all fours out ahead of Midori, and when she tries to straighten up and look around, Midori tells her to just focus on where she's going. t'"I feel like I'm gonna get raped...!" q~ߩtI'll protect you.q~߫tIt's past curfew, so they don't end up encountering anyone on the street, but the late afternoon light still makes Wakako feel incredibly exposed. tHowever, as the world around Wakako seems to shrink to the pavement in front of her face and the vibration in her butt, she starts to feel more and more calm and happy. tShe realizes that she doesn't need to worry about being photographed like this anymore, so she might as well just do whatever makes her master happy. tCHer juices drip down her thighs and leave a wet trail behind her. tWhen they get back inside Midori's place, Wakako immediately slumps down onto her chest in exhaustion, her butt high in the air. tYThe break lasts only long enough for Midori to get undressed and wear a strap-on dildo. tThen she steps forwardtv, pulls the tail out of Wakako's ass in one swift motion, and then immediately thrusts herself into the vacant hole. t]Wakako was already almost ready to cum, and the sudden penetration pushes her over the edge, tKand she screams out loud as she shoots her load all over Midori's carpet. tBut Midori is determined to give her a good fucking, and she savagely thrusts into her deepest places over and over again, one hand holding Wakako's ass while the other t+spanks her in time with their lovemaking. tMWakako whimpers and whines like an animal, tongue lolling out of her mouth. t7Finally, when Wakako cums again, Midori cums with her, tWthe erratic movements of her hips causing the dildo to fuck Wakako even more roughly. tThen, spent and satisfied for the moment, Midori rolls onto her back, carrying Wakako with her so that they're laying together in the afterglow. t="You seemed as though you needed to release some pressure." q~ߩtYeah... Thanks...q~ߩuq~$tAfter another hard-fought battle against the Demons, Whisper is left feeling exhausted and discouraged, but her spirits brighten when Enforcer tells her that she has a gift at home to give to her. They fly back to Enforcer's place, transform back into their civilian identitiest as Yuki and Zent, and head inside. tYuki takes a newly-arrived package from next to the door. She hands it to Zen, then chuckles at the way her eyebrows raise when she reads the label. t"tGAdult... Implements... Oh! Th-This is something naughty, isn't it...?t" t"Go on, open it already!" tPAt Yuki's instruction, Zen opens the box, and the contents spill onto her lap. tThere's a leash connected to a collar with Zen's name on it, a headband with animal ears sprouting off the top, and a tail to go with it. Most concerningly, the tail teis connected to a large vibrating buttplug, big enough to fill even Zen's rather stretched orifice. tWithin a matter of minutes, Zen has become the very image of Yuki's pet, stark naked except for her collar, ears, and tail. Her bare thighs tremble with the strength of the vibrations inside her. tThen, Yuki announces that they're going on a walk. Zen is forced to crawl on all fours out ahead of Yuki, and when she tries to straighten up and look around, Yuki tells her to just focus on where she's going. t!"Everyone... can see...! Nnn!" q~t*Not from this far away. Let's get closer.q~tIt's past curfew, so they don't end up encountering anyone on the street, but the late afternoon light still makes Zen feel incredibly exposed. t}This is far more embarrassing than simply being naked, and the new heights of humiliation turn her on even more than usual. tCHer juices drip down her thighs and leave a wet trail behind her. t}When they get back inside Yuki's place, Zen immediately slumps down onto her chest in exhaustion, her butt high in the air. tWThe break lasts only long enough for Yuki to get undressed and wear a strap-on dildo. tThen she steps forwardts, pulls the tail out of Zen's ass in one swift motion, and then immediately thrusts herself into the vacant hole. tZZen was already almost ready to cum, and the sudden penetration pushes her over the edge, tcausing her to scream out loud as her ass squeezes tightly on the invader and her virgin pussy trickles a rush of wetness onto Yuki's carpet. tBut Yuki is determined to give her a good fucking, and she savagely thrusts into her deepest places over and over again, one hand holding Zen's ass while the other t+spanks her in time with their lovemaking. tJZen whimpers and whines like an animal, tongue lolling out of her mouth. t2Finally, when Zen cums again, Yuki cums with her, tTthe erratic movements of her hips causing the dildo to fuck Zen even more roughly. tThen, spent and satisfied for the moment, Yuki rolls onto her back, carrying Zen with her so that they're laying together in the afterglow. t2"You're all mine... My wonderful little pet..." q~tMm...q~uq~%tAfter another hard-fought battle against the Demons, Whisper is left feeling exhausted and discouraged, but her spirits brighten when Monarch tells her that she has a gift at home to give to her. They fly back to Monarch's place, transform back into their civilian identitiest as Eri and Junkot, and head inside. tEri takes a newly-arrived package from next to the door. She hands it to Junko, then chuckles at the way her eyebrows raise when she reads the label. t"t!S-Sex toys? You got me sex toys?t" t"Go on, open it already!" tQAt Eri's instruction, Junko opens the box, and the contents spill onto her lap. tThere's a leash connected to a collar with Junko's name on it, a headband with animal ears sprouting off the top, and a tail to go with it. Most concerningly, the tail tgis connected to a large vibrating buttplug, big enough to fill even Junko's rather stretched orifice. tWithin a matter of minutes, Junko has become the very image of Eri's pet, stark naked except for her collar, ears, and tail. Her bare thighs tremble with the strength of the vibrations inside her. tThen, Eri announces that they're going on a walk. Junko is forced to crawl on all fours out ahead of Eri, and when she tries to straighten up and look around, Eri tells her to just focus on where she's going. t!"Everyone... can see...! Nnn!" q~t*Not from this far away. Let's get closer.q~tIt's past curfew, so they don't end up encountering anyone on the street, but the late afternoon light still makes Junko feel incredibly exposed. tHowever, as the world around Junko seems to shrink to the pavement in front of her face and the vibration in her butt, she starts to feel more and more calm and happy. tShe realizes that she doesn't need to worry about being photographed like this anymore, so she might as well just do whatever makes her master happy. tCHer juices drip down her thighs and leave a wet trail behind her. t~When they get back inside Eri's place, Junko immediately slumps down onto her chest in exhaustion, her butt high in the air. tVThe break lasts only long enough for Eri to get undressed and wear a strap-on dildo. tThen she steps forwardtu, pulls the tail out of Junko's ass in one swift motion, and then immediately thrusts herself into the vacant hole. t\Junko was already almost ready to cum, and the sudden penetration pushes her over the edge, tcausing her to scream out loud as her ass squeezes tightly on the invader and her virgin pussy trickles a rush of wetness onto Eri's carpet. tBut Eri is determined to give her a good fucking, and she savagely thrusts into her deepest places over and over again, one hand holding Junko's ass while the other t+spanks her in time with their lovemaking. tLJunko whimpers and whines like an animal, tongue lolling out of her mouth. t3Finally, when Junko cums again, Eri cums with her, tVthe erratic movements of her hips causing the dildo to fuck Junko even more roughly. tThen, spent and satisfied for the moment, Eri rolls onto her back, carrying Junko with her so that they're laying together in the afterglow. t="You seemed as though you needed to release some pressure." q~tYeah... Thanks...q~uq~Puq~tXStalwart had scheduled an appearance today at one of the city's children's hospitals, and although a part of her wants to cancel it and just go home to rest, she feels like she's obligated to keep her word and show up. In order to avoid any chance that the paparazzi might follow her and disrupt the event, she heads there in her civilian formt as Gint` and travels by public train, wearing a pair of thick sunglasses so that she's not recognized. tThe train car is packed with people, and at first, Gin doesn't think twice about feeling something rubbing against her butt when a bump in the tracks jostles the crowd. However, when the hand returns and starts running up and down her hip and outer thigh tGthrough her thin yoga pants, she realizes that it must be a molester. tSGin wants to turn around and confront him, but she also wants to be extra certain that she'll arrive at the hospital in time for the event. When she thinks of needing to get off the train, talk to the police, and potentially even help subdue the molester if he resists, she decides that she can endure this for the sake of the children. t+(I put up with worse practically every day.t) tBut the main factor that holds her back is her exhaustion. The stress of fighting the Demons has been taking its toll on her, and she's simply tired of conflict. In truth, she'd latch on to any excuse at all in order to avoid yet another confrontation. t@Something in her tired posture tells the molester that he can afford to get more bold. The hand wanders up her side, briefly trailing across her chest, then dips down low, back to her bottom. The molester even goes as far as pinching her ass, almost as if daring her to make a noise and clue in the other passengers. tShe clenches her fists and bites her lip in order to stop herself from showing any reaction, but as the minutes pass without any sign of overt resistance, the molester decides to go even further. t)(He... He has to get bored eventually...!q~teThe molester abruptly pushes his hand down the front of Gin's pants, sliding it into her underwear. tIt pauses for a moment upon finding her penis, and Gin briefly thinks that the molester is going to pull back. But then his fingers start to rub Gin's flaccid member tuntil it begins to get hard. As soon as it's firm enough, the molester's fingers wrap around Gin's shaft and begin to squeeze and pump at irregular intervals, stimulating her with expert skill. Against her will, Gin finds herself beginning to buck her hips with every pump, bracing her self on the train's window in order to avoid collapsing. The molester begins to find a rhythm, steadily forcing Gin toward orgasm. tThe molester's other hand goes up the front of Gin's shirt, giving one of her pert breasts a firm squeeze. The fingers find her nipple, and as they begin to pinch it in time with the movements below, tGin can't contain a loud moan of pleasure, drawing the eyes of several other passengers and scaring the molester into pulling his hands out of her clothes and immediately leaving her alone. t."Wow... That was... starting to feel good..."uq~tVPrayer had scheduled an appearance today at one of the city's children's hospitals, and although a part of her wants to cancel it and just go home to rest, she feels like she's obligated to keep her word and show up. In order to avoid any chance that the paparazzi might follow her and disrupt the event, she heads there in her civilian formt as Ayamet` and travels by public train, wearing a pair of thick sunglasses so that she's not recognized. tThe train car is packed with people, and at first, Ayame doesn't think twice about feeling something rubbing against her butt when a bump in the tracks jostles the crowd. However, when the hand returns and starts running up and down her hip and outer thigh tGthrough her thin yoga pants, she realizes that it must be a molester. tUAyame wants to turn around and confront him, but she also wants to be extra certain that she'll arrive at the hospital in time for the event. When she thinks of needing to get off the train, talk to the police, and potentially even help subdue the molester if he resists, she decides that she can endure this for the sake of the children. t+(I put up with worse practically every day.t) tBut the main factor that holds her back is her exhaustion. The stress of fighting the Demons has been taking its toll on her, and she's simply tired of conflict. In truth, she'd latch on to any excuse at all in order to avoid yet another confrontation. t@Something in her tired posture tells the molester that he can afford to get more bold. The hand wanders up her side, briefly trailing across her chest, then dips down low, back to her bottom. The molester even goes as far as pinching her ass, almost as if daring her to make a noise and clue in the other passengers. tHer composure is cracking apart, and the realization of her own powerlessness only makes it worse. It's a struggle to hold back her whimpers, but when she clasps a hand over her own mouth, the molester knows that she's committed to not resisting at all. t(I... I can't...!q~%tgThe molester abruptly pushes his hand down the front of Ayame's pants, sliding it into her underwear. twIt cups her pussy, and Ayame can feel her own slick wetness against the palm. Then, one finger begins trailing its way up and down her slit, steadily and repeatedly. Ayame's breath catches every time the finger nears the top, then she exhales again as it lowers, running slightly deeper between her folds every time. After several repetitions, the finger goes up further, beginning to circle her clitoris. It circles again and again and again, gradually pressing more and more firmly, sending warm waves of pleasure through Ayame's lower belly. Before she's realized it, she's hunching over, her breath coming in weak moans. tThe molester's other hand goes up the front of Ayame's shirt, giving one of her pert breasts a firm squeeze. The fingers find her nipple, and as they begin to pinch it in time with the movements below, tAyame can't contain a loud moan of pleasure, drawing the eyes of several other passengers and scaring the molester into pulling his hands out of her clothes and immediately leaving her alone. t."Wow... That was... starting to feel good..."uq~tUSpike had scheduled an appearance today at one of the city's children's hospitals, and although a part of her wants to cancel it and just go home to rest, she feels like she's obligated to keep her word and show up. In order to avoid any chance that the paparazzi might follow her and disrupt the event, she heads there in her civilian formt as Fuyukot` and travels by public train, wearing a pair of thick sunglasses so that she's not recognized. tThe train car is packed with people, and at first, Fuyuko doesn't think twice about feeling something rubbing against her butt when a bump in the tracks jostles the crowd. However, when the hand returns and starts running up and down her hip and outer thigh tGthrough her thin yoga pants, she realizes that it must be a molester. tVFuyuko wants to turn around and confront him, but she also wants to be extra certain that she'll arrive at the hospital in time for the event. When she thinks of needing to get off the train, talk to the police, and potentially even help subdue the molester if he resists, she decides that she can endure this for the sake of the children. t+(I put up with worse practically every day.t) tBut the main factor that holds her back is her exhaustion. The stress of fighting the Demons has been taking its toll on her, and she's simply tired of conflict. In truth, she'd latch on to any excuse at all in order to avoid yet another confrontation. t@Something in her tired posture tells the molester that he can afford to get more bold. The hand wanders up her side, briefly trailing across her chest, then dips down low, back to her bottom. The molester even goes as far as pinching her ass, almost as if daring her to make a noise and clue in the other passengers. tThe fact that she's having to let this be done to her by someone she could crush without even trying is infuriating to Fuyuko. She grits her teeth and huffs with irritation, but the molester takes it for a gasp of passion. t(How dare you!?q~7thThe molester abruptly pushes his hand down the front of Fuyuko's pants, sliding it into her underwear. tIt pauses for a moment upon finding her penis, and Fuyuko briefly thinks that the molester is going to pull back. But then his fingers start to rub Fuyuko's flaccid member tuntil it begins to get hard. As soon as it's firm enough, the molester's fingers wrap around Fuyuko's shaft and begin to squeeze and pump at irregular intervals, stimulating her with expert skill. Against her will, Fuyuko finds herself beginning to buck her hips with every pump, bracing her self on the train's window in order to avoid collapsing. The molester begins to find a rhythm, steadily forcing Fuyuko toward orgasm. tThe molester's other hand goes up the front of Fuyuko's shirt, giving one of her pert breasts a firm squeeze. The fingers find her nipple, and as they begin to pinch it in time with the movements below, tFuyuko can't contain a loud moan of pleasure, drawing the eyes of several other passengers and scaring the molester into pulling his hands out of her clothes and immediately leaving her alone. t."Wow... That was... starting to feel good..."uq~tWPaladin had scheduled an appearance today at one of the city's children's hospitals, and although a part of her wants to cancel it and just go home to rest, she feels like she's obligated to keep her word and show up. In order to avoid any chance that the paparazzi might follow her and disrupt the event, she heads there in her civilian formt as Midorit` and travels by public train, wearing a pair of thick sunglasses so that she's not recognized. tThe train car is packed with people, and at first, Midori doesn't think twice about feeling something rubbing against her butt when a bump in the tracks jostles the crowd. However, when the hand returns and starts running up and down her hip and outer thigh tGthrough her thin yoga pants, she realizes that it must be a molester. teUnder any other circumstances, Midori would consider herself required to apprehend him on the spot so that he wouldn't have a chance to victimize anyone else. But her schedule is completely booked with important tasks, and the time required to sort this out with police would require cancelling either the hospital visit or one of her later appointments. tA(I will try to memorize his face and make a report later tonight.t) tBut the main factor that holds her back is her exhaustion. The stress of fighting the Demons has been taking its toll on her, and she's simply tired of conflict. In truth, she'd latch on to any excuse at all in order to avoid yet another confrontation. t@Something in her tired posture tells the molester that he can afford to get more bold. The hand wanders up her side, briefly trailing across her chest, then dips down low, back to her bottom. The molester even goes as far as pinching her ass, almost as if daring her to make a noise and clue in the other passengers. tThe fact that she's having to let this be done to her by someone she could crush without even trying is infuriating to Midori. She grits her teeth and huffs with irritation, but the molester takes it for a gasp of passion. t(How dare you!?q~JthThe molester abruptly pushes his hand down the front of Midori's pants, sliding it into her underwear. tzIt cups her pussy, and Midori can feel her own slick wetness against the palm. Then, one finger begins trailing its way up and down her slit, steadily and repeatedly. Midori's breath catches every time the finger nears the top, then she exhales again as it lowers, running slightly deeper between her folds every time. After several repetitions, the finger goes up further, beginning to circle her clitoris. It circles again and again and again, gradually pressing more and more firmly, sending warm waves of pleasure through Midori's lower belly. Before she's realized it, she's hunching over, her breath coming in weak moans. tThe molester's other hand goes up the front of Midori's shirt, giving one of her pert breasts a firm squeeze. The fingers find her nipple, and as they begin to pinch it in time with the movements below, tMidori finally loses her balance, collapsing to the floor. It takes her a moment to regain her senses, and by the time, she does, she has no idea where the molester has gone. She's surrounded by passengers looking at her with either concern or annoyance. t5"Ah... Hah... Sorry, I just... slipped... Phew..."uq~tTDuty had scheduled an appearance today at one of the city's children's hospitals, and although a part of her wants to cancel it and just go home to rest, she feels like she's obligated to keep her word and show up. In order to avoid any chance that the paparazzi might follow her and disrupt the event, she heads there in her civilian formt as Wakakot` and travels by public train, wearing a pair of thick sunglasses so that she's not recognized. tThe train car is packed with people, and at first, Wakako doesn't think twice about feeling something rubbing against her butt when a bump in the tracks jostles the crowd. However, when the hand returns and starts running up and down her hip and outer thigh tGthrough her thin yoga pants, she realizes that it must be a molester. teUnder any other circumstances, Wakako would consider herself required to apprehend him on the spot so that he wouldn't have a chance to victimize anyone else. But her schedule is completely booked with important tasks, and the time required to sort this out with police would require cancelling either the hospital visit or one of her later appointments. tA(I will try to memorize his face and make a report later tonight.t) tBut the main factor that holds her back is her exhaustion. The stress of fighting the Demons has been taking its toll on her, and she's simply tired of conflict. In truth, she'd latch on to any excuse at all in order to avoid yet another confrontation. t@Something in her tired posture tells the molester that he can afford to get more bold. The hand wanders up her side, briefly trailing across her chest, then dips down low, back to her bottom. The molester even goes as far as pinching her ass, almost as if daring her to make a noise and clue in the other passengers. tHer composure is cracking apart, and the realization of her own powerlessness only makes it worse. It's a struggle to hold back her whimpers, but when she clasps a hand over her own mouth, the molester knows that she's committed to not resisting at all. t(I... I can't...!q~\thThe molester abruptly pushes his hand down the front of Wakako's pants, sliding it into her underwear. tzIt cups her pussy, and Wakako can feel her own slick wetness against the palm. Then, one finger begins trailing its way up and down her slit, steadily and repeatedly. Wakako's breath catches every time the finger nears the top, then she exhales again as it lowers, running slightly deeper between her folds every time. After several repetitions, the finger goes up further, beginning to circle her clitoris. It circles again and again and again, gradually pressing more and more firmly, sending warm waves of pleasure through Wakako's lower belly. Before she's realized it, she's hunching over, her breath coming in weak moans. tThe molester's other hand goes up the front of Wakako's shirt, giving one of her pert breasts a firm squeeze. The fingers find her nipple, and as they begin to pinch it in time with the movements below, t=Wakako is too turned on to pay any mind to the shaft being pressed against her butt, too warm and too distinctly hard to be sheathed within the molester's own pants. It's been humping against her rapidly during the later stages of the molestation, and after one final passionate thrust, it suddenly pulls away from her, bringing the groping hands with it. When Wakako looks down in confusion at the resulting white smear left on her butt, she wails in horror and hurriedly pulls out a tissue to wipe up the mess, feeling the other passengers' eyes on her all the while. t/(No, no, no! I look like a shameless pervert!)uq~t[Retribution had scheduled an appearance today at one of the city's children's hospitals, and although a part of her wants to cancel it and just go home to rest, she feels like she's obligated to keep her word and show up. In order to avoid any chance that the paparazzi might follow her and disrupt the event, she heads there in her civilian formt as Umekot` and travels by public train, wearing a pair of thick sunglasses so that she's not recognized. tThe train car is packed with people, and at first, Umeko doesn't think twice about feeling something rubbing against her butt when a bump in the tracks jostles the crowd. However, when the hand returns and starts running up and down her hip and outer thigh tGthrough her thin yoga pants, she realizes that it must be a molester. tNormally, the unwanted touch of a stranger would have caused Umeko to squeal and push him away by reflex. But now that she's gotten used to getting groped by the Thralls, she no longer has that instinctive reaction, and her hesitation causes her to start doubting herself. Even in a situation like this, she worries about the person molesting her, and she wonders whether it might be better to just endure it for a few minutes so that the police don't have to get involved and no one needs to be punished. t3(Maybe I accidentally did something to tempt him...t) tBut the main factor that holds her back is her exhaustion. The stress of fighting the Demons has been taking its toll on her, and she's simply tired of conflict. In truth, she'd latch on to any excuse at all in order to avoid yet another confrontation. t@Something in her tired posture tells the molester that he can afford to get more bold. The hand wanders up her side, briefly trailing across her chest, then dips down low, back to her bottom. The molester even goes as far as pinching her ass, almost as if daring her to make a noise and clue in the other passengers. tShe clenches her fists and bites her lip in order to stop herself from showing any reaction, but as the minutes pass without any sign of overt resistance, the molester decides to go even further. t)(He... He has to get bored eventually...!q~ntgThe molester abruptly pushes his hand down the front of Umeko's pants, sliding it into her underwear. tIt pauses for a moment upon finding her penis, and Umeko briefly thinks that the molester is going to pull back. But then his fingers start to rub Umeko's flaccid member tuntil it begins to get hard. As soon as it's firm enough, the molester's fingers wrap around Umeko's shaft and begin to squeeze and pump at irregular intervals, stimulating her with expert skill. Against her will, Umeko finds herself beginning to buck her hips with every pump, bracing her self on the train's window in order to avoid collapsing. The molester begins to find a rhythm, steadily forcing Umeko toward orgasm. tThe molester's other hand goes up the front of Umeko's shirt, giving one of her huge breasts a firm squeeze. The fingers find her nipple, and as they begin to pinch it in time with the movements below, tUmeko can't contain a loud moan of pleasure, drawing the eyes of several other passengers and scaring the molester into pulling his hands out of her clothes and immediately leaving her alone. t."Wow... That was... starting to feel good..."uq~Puq~tFNeither Axiom nor Honey have anything scheduled for after the battle, tmbut Axiom hates wasting time that could be spent productively, so she challenges Honey to a sparring match. t1"We must become stronger if we are to prevail." t"t;Uh, I guess so... W-Wait, are you saying we should fight!?t" tmThey decide to practice their unarmed combat techniques, hand-to-hand wrestling with the intent to subdue and avoid being pinned, each treating the other the way they'd treat a hostile Thrall. After flying together to an abandoned lot near the city limits, where no one will see or disturb them, they rush directly at each other, and their mock-battle is joined. tHoney knows she's outmatched, and so despite their friendship, she fights dirty, spitting in Axiom's eye, delivering painful jabs to her vitals, and kneeing her in the crotch. tSomething strikes Honey as odd, and her suspicions are confirmed when Axiom adjusts her torn trousers with a very slightly mischievous smile to reveal the strap-on dildo worn underneath. t6Honey backs away slowly, a nervous grin on her face. t0"Leader...? Y-You aren't a rapist, right...?" q~~tHNot yet. Though if you win, I suppose I'll only be an attempted rapist.q~tMoppet is leaning back in the chair, eyes closed, mouth wide open as she snores loudly. The man stares for several moments, eyes traveling up the lines of her defenseless body before settling on her lips and the glistening drool running down one cheek. With a start, the man realizes that his cock is growing hard. t9"It's already wide open... like she's asking for it..." tOn impulse, the man hurriedly unzips his pants and starts to masturbate. With Moppet's snoring, he doesn't feel like he needs to worry about being too noisy. Her open mouth invites him, and he steps closer, looking down her throat and dreaming of filling it with his cum. But then he realizes that he doesn't need to dream. He stands on a nearby chair and starts to masturbate at Moppet's mouth, leaning closer and closer until her snores are muffled, her lips encircling his cock. t"Acting all shy and helpless all the time...! I bet you were secretly hoping someone would come along and... ngh! Rape your mouth...!" tMoppet whimpers softly as it hits the back of her throat, but she truly has driven herself to the point of exhaustion, and she remains asleep. tIt's impossible to truly thrust in and out without risking waking her, but the man still holds the tip inside Moppet's mouth as he furiously pumps his hand up and down the base of his shaft. It's an awkward position, but the situation is incredibly arousing, and the warm wetness of Moppet's mouth around his tip is overwhelming. His orgasm hits him abruptly. He loses his balance, and only the first spurt goes onto Moppet's tongue and down her throat. The rest ends up on her face and hair. tEMoppet chokes and coughs, stumbling backward to stare bleary-eyed at the fan, who stares back at her like a deer caught in the headlights. Thinking quickly, he manages to convince her that she was already that way when he walked in, and then the fan quickly makes his escape before anyone else can show up to question him. t8"Weird... I must've just drooled a whole, whole bunch."uq~ tAs the Demons have grown stronger, the stress of battle has become harder and harder for Sky to bear. She's already exhausted by the time she comes home from each fight, and on top of that, her schedule is packed with training sessions and public appearances. The burden is too much for her body and mind to bear, and eventually, after an event spent mingling and signing autographs for her fans, she returns to her dressing room and falls asleep in her chair. tFor superhumans like the Chosen, there's no need for private security details, and the only thing protecting Sky's rest is the dressing room door she forgot to lock. A male fan trespassing backstage pushes open the door and is shocked by what he sees inside. tSky is sleeping with her upper half on the table, her face turned to one side, breathing the deep, steady breaths of sleep. The fan sneaks over, bending down to take a closer look. At first, he plans on sneaking out before he's caught, but standing so close to the object of his obsession has an effect on him, and he realizes that his cock is standing almost painfully erect in his pants. t4"This... This is a once in a lifetime chance...!" tmHe carefully, slowly unzips his pants, then starts to quietly masturbate. His hips jerk when he feels Sky's breath on his penis, and he moves it closer and closer to her. When he feels her lips against his tip, he has to stifle a groan of pleasure. But he wants to go even further. He pushes forward until Sky's lips part, taking the man's tip into her mouth. tM"Take this... you bitch... ngh...! You're just a wet hole for my cock...!" t Sky has some fans who genuinely admire her, but her headstrong nature has attracted many more who watch her with twisted desires, hoping to see her humbled and broken. This fan is one of the latter. He exults in the feeling of debasing such an arrogant heroine. tIt's impossible to truly thrust in and out without risking waking her, but the man still holds the tip inside Sky's mouth as he furiously pumps his hand up and down the base of his shaft. It's an awkward position, but the situation is incredibly arousing, and the warm wetness of Sky's mouth around his tip is overwhelming. His orgasm hits him abruptly. He loses his balance, and only the first spurt goes onto Sky's tongue and down her throat. The rest ends up on her face and hair. tThe warmth in her mouth causes Sky to start to stir, but by the time she opens her eyes, the fan has fled down the hallway. Sky instantly realizes what happenedtS, and her mouth twists in disgust and anger, both at her attacker and at herself. te"Foolish of me to let my guard down. I must always remain vigilant... Always, without exception..."uq~ tAs the Demons have grown stronger, the stress of battle has become harder and harder for Whisper to bear. She's already exhausted by the time she comes home from each fight, and on top of that, her schedule is packed with training sessions and public appearances. The burden is too much for her body and mind to bear, and eventually, after an event spent mingling and signing autographs for her fans, she returns to her dressing room and falls asleep in her chair. t For superhumans like the Chosen, there's no need for private security details, and the only thing protecting Whisper's rest is the dressing room door she forgot to lock. A male fan trespassing backstage pushes open the door and is shocked by what he sees inside. t5At first, Whisper looks like she's awake and just resting her eyes, but she doesn't react to the noise of the door opening, and in her current state of undress, that can only mean that she's asleep. She isn't wearing her tentacle dress, and the fan feels his cock growing stiff at the sight of her nipples. tl"I only came here for an autograph... but it's like you're telling me I can have something even better..." tThe man quickly snaps some pictures for his own personal use, but when Whisper shows no signs of waking anytime soon, he grows bolder and unzips his pants. As he starts to masturbate, the allure of Whisper's sleeping face becomes too much to bear. When he stands on his tiptoes and braces himself on the table, he finds that he can make his cock reach Whisper's lips. Then, ever so slowly, he pushes his hips forward until those lips are wrapped around his shaft. t"Acting all shy and helpless all the time...! I bet you were secretly hoping someone would come along and... ngh! Rape your mouth...!" tWhisper whimpers softly as it hits the back of her throat, but she truly has driven herself to the point of exhaustion, and she remains asleep. tIt's impossible to truly thrust in and out without risking waking her, but the man still holds the tip inside Whisper's mouth as he furiously pumps his hand up and down the base of his shaft. It's an awkward position, but the situation is incredibly arousing, and the warm wetness of Whisper's mouth around his tip is overwhelming. His orgasm hits him abruptly. He loses his balance, and only the first spurt goes onto Whisper's tongue and down her throat. The rest ends up on her face and hair. tOnly then does he realize how lucky he is that Whisper is sleeping so deeply. He hurries from the room. A few minutes later, one of Whisper's assistants arrives and gasps upon seeing the cum spattered across her. The assistant frets for awhile before deciding that it'd be better if Whisper doesn't know that anything is amiss. By the time Whisper wakes, she's already been cleaned up, and she continues about her day without a care in the world. tC"Mm...! Ah! What a refreshing nap! I should do this more often."uq~ tAs the Demons have grown stronger, the stress of battle has become harder and harder for Artisan to bear. She's already exhausted by the time she comes home from each fight, and on top of that, her schedule is packed with training sessions and public appearances. The burden is too much for her body and mind to bear, and eventually, after an event spent mingling and signing autographs for her fans, she returns to her dressing room and falls asleep in her chair. t For superhumans like the Chosen, there's no need for private security details, and the only thing protecting Artisan's rest is the dressing room door she forgot to lock. A male fan trespassing backstage pushes open the door and is shocked by what he sees inside. tArtisan is sleeping with her upper half on the table, her face turned to one side, breathing the deep, steady breaths of sleep. The fan sneaks over, bending down to take a closer look. At first, he plans on sneaking out before he's caught, but standing so close to the object of his obsession has an effect on him, and he realizes that his cock is standing almost painfully erect in his pants. t4"This... This is a once in a lifetime chance...!" tuHe carefully, slowly unzips his pants, then starts to quietly masturbate. His hips jerk when he feels Artisan's breath on his penis, and he moves it closer and closer to her. When he feels her lips against his tip, he has to stifle a groan of pleasure. But he wants to go even further. He pushes forward until Artisan's lips part, taking the man's tip into her mouth. tM"Take this... you bitch... ngh...! You're just a wet hole for my cock...!" t Artisan has some fans who genuinely admire her, but her headstrong nature has attracted many more who watch her with twisted desires, hoping to see her humbled and broken. This fan is one of the latter. He exults in the feeling of debasing such an arrogant heroine. tIt's impossible to truly thrust in and out without risking waking her, but the man still holds the tip inside Artisan's mouth as he furiously pumps his hand up and down the base of his shaft. It's an awkward position, but the situation is incredibly arousing, and the warm wetness of Artisan's mouth around his tip is overwhelming. His orgasm hits him abruptly. He loses his balance, and only the first spurt goes onto Artisan's tongue and down her throat. The rest ends up on her face and hair. tThe warmth in her mouth causes Artisan to start to stir, but by the time she opens her eyes, the fan has fled down the hallway. Artisan instantly realizes what happenedtS, and her mouth twists in disgust and anger, both at her attacker and at herself. te"Foolish of me to let my guard down. I must always remain vigilant... Always, without exception..."uq~Puq~tTonight, both Paladin and Midnight have been assigned an evening patrol. They split up and search separately, planning to rendezvous later on. Paladin is delayed by the appearance of a large Demon on her patrol, and she ends up running late. But when she finally arrives, she sees that the rendezvous area is already swarming with Thralls, and she realizes that something must be wrong. tThe Thralls seem to be expecting her, and they don't appear to be afraid in the slightest. Laughing and jeering at her, the crowd parts to give her a view of what's at the center. tMidnight sways unsteadily, only held upright by the Thralls groping her chest and between her legs. Her head lolls to the side, but her bleary eyes start to focus and squint when she sees Paladin. t""Paladin...? Where... am I...?" t"tHmph. Even if she's the type to neglect her duties for the sake of her own pleasure, she's clearly not in her right mind. I must put a stop to this!t" tDespite how much they hate each other, Paladin feels like she has a duty to protect her teammate, and she's worried about what will happen if Midnight is brought back to the Demonic hive in that state. But there are too many Thralls between the two of them for Paladin to fight her way through, so she realizes that she has no choice but to play nice with the Thralls until a chance to escape together appears. When the Thralls' hands surge toward her, she doesn't resist. t'One Thrall grabs Paladin by the wrist and pulls her forward at the same time as another kicks her leg out from under her. She falls to her knees, her head at waist level, and suddenly three different cocks are thrust against her face. She turns away and reflexively closes her eyes in order to avoid having them poked out, but a rough hand in her hair jerks her back into position, and one of the Thralls pinches her nose shut. Her lungs soon start burning for air, and when she gasps for breath, a Thrall's thick shaft is rammed down her throat. tPaladin's efforts to pull away from the cock in her mouth just cause her lips to slide back and forth along its length. She can't resist too firmly for fear of what will happen to Midnight. Her hands, clenched into fists, are pulled out to either side, and her soft fingers are pried apart so that another penis can be rubbed against each of her palms. Even though she refuses to actively stroke them, the Thralls seem plenty happy to just thrust against her skin. Her attempts to pull her hands away are interrupted when she starts choking on the cum abruptly spurted down her throat, but before she can catch her breath, the Thrall pulls out and is replaced by another cock big enough to make her jaw ache. tOHer resistance grows weaker and weaker as the other Thralls cum on her hands and more approach to use her body, thrusting against her hair, against her clothes, and starting to undress her in order to prepare her for further violation. Her eyes start to glaze over, and only her determination to rescue her teammate keeps her lucid. tIt's not long before they start using her pussy as well, ramming themselves inside and cumming quickly between her squeezing folds until rivulets of semen are constantly streaming down her thighs. She barely notices when tRa particularly strong Thrall starts raping her with deep, cruel, merciless thrustst.. However, when she opens her eyes, she sees tFthat it's Midnight, grinning down at her and looking perfectly fine. tA flash of true anger sparks in Paladin's eyes, more anger than she once would have thought she could ever feel. A wave of pressure erupts outward as she stands up, knocking the Thralls back, and she lifts Midnight up by the throat. tF"Why, Midnight!? Why would you punish me for wanting to help you!?" q~t>Because I... fucking hate you...! Don't you get it, dumbass!?q~tJust then, while Paladin is distracted, a Thrall runs up behind her and whacks her in the head with a metal pipe. She falters, dropping Midnight, who collapses to the ground as well, clearly weakened and vulnerable. tXThe crowd surges forward, and both Paladin and Midnight vanish in the press of bodies. tSome time later, Paladin and Midnight stumble down the street side-by-side, both caked in layers of sticky white cum and exhausted from the long fight. Paladin glares over at Midnight. tp"This is foolish. You're ensuring that I will be skeptical and hesitant even when you do actually need help." q~tMDon't call me a fool! You're the fool for falling into such an obvious trap!q~uq~tTonight, both Spike and Void have been assigned an evening patrol. They split up and search separately, planning to rendezvous later on. Spike is delayed by the appearance of a large Demon on her patrol, and she ends up running late. But when she finally arrives, she sees that the rendezvous area is already swarming with Thralls, and she realizes that something must be wrong. tThe Thralls seem to be expecting her, and they don't appear to be afraid in the slightest. Laughing and jeering at her, the crowd parts to give her a view of what's at the center. tVoid hangs limp, apparently unconscious, in the arms of several Thralls who are happily groping her body and look intent on going even further. t"t0You villain!? You villain! Answer me, damn it!t" t"..." tDespite how much they hate each other, Spike feels like she has a duty to protect her teammate, and she's worried about what will happen if Void is brought back to the Demonic hive in that state. But there are too many Thralls between the two of them for Spike to fight her way through, so she realizes that she has no choice but to play nice with the Thralls until a chance to escape together appears. When the Thralls' hands surge toward her, she doesn't resist. t%One Thrall grabs Spike by the wrist and pulls her forward at the same time as another kicks her leg out from under her. She falls to her knees, her head at waist level, and suddenly three different cocks are thrust against her face. She turns away and reflexively closes her eyes in order to avoid having them poked out, but a rough hand in her hair jerks her back into position, and one of the Thralls pinches her nose shut. Her lungs soon start burning for air, and when she gasps for breath, a Thrall's thick shaft is rammed down her throat. tSpike's efforts to pull away from the cock in her mouth just cause her lips to slide back and forth along its length. She can't resist too firmly for fear of what will happen to Void. Her hands, clenched into fists, are pulled out to either side, and her soft fingers are pried apart so that another penis can be rubbed against each of her palms. Even though she refuses to actively stroke them, the Thralls seem plenty happy to just thrust against her skin. Her attempts to pull her hands away are interrupted when she starts choking on the cum abruptly spurted down her throat, but before she can catch her breath, the Thrall pulls out and is replaced by another cock big enough to make her jaw ache. tOHer resistance grows weaker and weaker as the other Thralls cum on her hands and more approach to use her body, thrusting against her hair, against her clothes, and starting to undress her in order to prepare her for further violation. Her eyes start to glaze over, and only her determination to rescue her teammate keeps her lucid. tIt's not long before they start using her asshole as well, ramming themselves inside and cumming quickly in her bowels until rivulets of semen are constantly streaming down her thighs. She barely notices when tRone of her attackers starts fucking her with a huge plastic strap-on dildo insteadt.. However, when she opens her eyes, she sees tBthat it's Void, grinning down at her and looking perfectly fine. tA flash of true anger sparks in Spike's eyes, more anger than she once would have thought she could ever feel. A wave of pressure erupts outward as she stands up, knocking the Thralls back, and she lifts Void up by the throat. tI"Why, you villain!? Why would you punish me for wanting to help you!?" q~t.Ack! It was... gh... the Thralls'... idea...!q~tJust then, while Spike is distracted, a Thrall runs up behind her and whacks her in the head with a metal pipe. She falters, dropping Void, who collapses to the ground as well, clearly weakened and vulnerable. tRThe crowd surges forward, and both Spike and Void vanish in the press of bodies. tSome time later, Spike and Void stumble down the street side-by-side, both caked in layers of sticky white cum and exhausted from the long fight. Spike glares over at Void. t6"That's it. Next time, I'm really not helping you." q~t!Oh, come on. You enjoyed it too.q~uq~tTonight, both Retribution and Monarch have been assigned an evening patrol. They split up and search separately, planning to rendezvous later on. Retribution is delayed by the appearance of a large Demon on her patrol, and she ends up running late. But when she finally arrives, she sees that the rendezvous area is already swarming with Thralls, and she realizes that something must be wrong. tThe Thralls seem to be expecting her, and they don't appear to be afraid in the slightest. Laughing and jeering at her, the crowd parts to give her a view of what's at the center. tMonarch struggles weakly against the Thralls stripping her and pawing at her body. She's bleeding from a head wound, and when one of the Thralls puts a knife to her throat, she turns in wide-eyed desperation toward Retribution. t:"H-Help! There's something wrong with my regeneration!" t"tWThis is my chance to show Monarch how nice heroes are, and turn her into a good person!t" tDespite how much they hate each other, Retribution feels like she has a duty to protect her teammate, and she's worried about what will happen if Monarch is brought back to the Demonic hive in that state. But there are too many Thralls between the two of them for Retribution to fight her way through, so she realizes that she has no choice but to play nice with the Thralls until a chance to escape together appears. When the Thralls' hands surge toward her, she doesn't resist. t+One Thrall grabs Retribution by the wrist and pulls her forward at the same time as another kicks her leg out from under her. She falls to her knees, her head at waist level, and suddenly three different cocks are thrust against her face. She turns away and reflexively closes her eyes in order to avoid having them poked out, but a rough hand in her hair jerks her back into position, and one of the Thralls pinches her nose shut. Her lungs soon start burning for air, and when she gasps for breath, a Thrall's thick shaft is rammed down her throat. tRetribution's efforts to pull away from the cock in her mouth just cause her lips to slide back and forth along its length. She can't resist too firmly for fear of what will happen to Monarch. Her hands, clenched into fists, are pulled out to either side, and her soft fingers are pried apart so that another penis can be rubbed against each of her palms. Even though she refuses to actively stroke them, the Thralls seem plenty happy to just thrust against her skin. Her attempts to pull her hands away are interrupted when she starts choking on the cum abruptly spurted down her throat, but before she can catch her breath, the Thrall pulls out and is replaced by another cock big enough to make her jaw ache. tOHer resistance grows weaker and weaker as the other Thralls cum on her hands and more approach to use her body, thrusting against her hair, against her clothes, and starting to undress her in order to prepare her for further violation. Her eyes start to glaze over, and only her determination to rescue her teammate keeps her lucid. tIt's not long before they start using her asshole as well, ramming themselves inside and cumming quickly in her bowels until rivulets of semen are constantly streaming down her thighs. She barely notices when tRone of her attackers starts fucking her with a huge plastic strap-on dildo insteadt.. However, when she opens her eyes, she sees tEthat it's Monarch, grinning down at her and looking perfectly fine. tRetribution cries out in frustrated anger, pushing Monarch away. Monarch, for her part, breaks out in laughter, almost doubling over as she taunts Retribution. q~3t]A sudden failure of my regenerative powers? Heh. Who would believe something so ridiculous?q~5t&"That's- Wait, look out behind you!" tA Thrall tackles Monarch from behind, and two more do the same to Retribution. During their moment of distraction, the Thralls have decided that this is their chance to enjoy them both. t[The crowd surges forward, and both Retribution and Monarch vanish in the press of bodies. tSome time later, Retribution and Monarch stumble down the street side-by-side, both caked in layers of sticky white cum and exhausted from the long fight. Retribution glares over at Monarch. q~3t8Oh, stop glaring at me like that. It's not cute at all.q~5tP"Ugh, you're... you're really, really, really, really.... really mean! Really!"uq~Puq~tlAyame and Omi each want to outdo the other in fulfilling their Chosen duties. Because both of them have come to believe that sexual skills are a valuable tool when fighting the Demons, they also each insist that the other's techniques for giving pleasure to the Thralls aren't as good. In order to settle their dispute, they enlist a mutual friend, a boy who's known Ayame for longer but who also has a lot of respect for Omi. Even after being brought to a hotel room, he's still not entirely sure what the two Chosen want him for, so he gasps in shock when they pull his pants down and shove him down onto the bed. taOmi immediately shoves Ayame aside and grabs the friend's cock, eager to prove her superiority. t"t Hey! You said I could go first!t" t'"It's your fault for being too slow!" t;Omi jerks the cock with powerful strokes, manipulating the testicles between her fingers as she smirks down at her partner, who quickly starts gasping and bucking his hips at the almost uncomfortably intense stimulation. Then, Omi bends over, abruptly swallowing the cock down her throat all the way to the base. tThe cock begins twitching in her throat, and a moment later, she's hurriedly swallowing down several spurts of cum. When she straightens up, there's a smug expression on her face, even as a dribble of white trails from the corner of her mouth. tbThe cock starts to go soft, but Ayame begins servicing it with determination, furiously swirling her tongue around the tip while she pumps her hand up and down the base and stares into its owner's eyes. With a shudder and a groan, he bucks his hips into Ayame's face, trembling with the almost painful pleasure of cumming again in so short a timespan. q~Jt:That was barely an orgasm! Let me show you how it's done!q~LtB"You took way longer than that, which means it's still my turn!" tfWhen Ayame pulls back for a moment, Omi tries to take the cock into her mouth again, but Ayame grabs it in her fist, pulling it away. Omi grabs it in her hand as well, fingers overlapping Ayame's, and lowers her head to start licking and sucking the testicles. The two Chosen struggle over their friend's cock, each taking a testicle into their mouth, and t*he starts approaching orgasm once again. tRJust then, Omi elbows Ayame in the ribs, and while Ayame recoils, Omi starts deepthroating their friend's cock. He cums inside her mouth, then immediately goes limp, clearly incapable of cumming again anytime soon. Ayame sighs and inclines her head, acknowledging that she lost their bet, and that she'll have to do whatever Omi says. tdOne hour later, the friend has been chased out and Ayame is on her knees, arms bound behind her backt-, a powerful vibrating wand held against her tclit. tJOmi sits with her legs around Ayame, grabbing her by the hair and forcing tGher cock down Ayame's throat with only a few brief breaks for breath. t`"Aren't you pleased? This is your chance to learn to do better so that you won't lose again." q~JtAh! Ah! Nnnaaah!q~Juq~tpFuyuko and Yuki each want to outdo the other in fulfilling their Chosen duties. Because both of them have come to believe that sexual skills are a valuable tool when fighting the Demons, they also each insist that the other's techniques for giving pleasure to the Thralls aren't as good. In order to settle their dispute, they enlist a mutual friend, a boy who's known Fuyuko for longer but who also has a lot of respect for Yuki. Even after being brought to a hotel room, he's still not entirely sure what the two Chosen want him for, so he gasps in shock when they pull his pants down and shove him down onto the bed. tFuyuko offers to let Yuki go first, and Yuki doesn't let the chance go to waste. She immediately takes their friend's tip into her mouth, drooling all over it and using the saliva as lubricant for her hand. t,(I'll make you regret going easy on me...) t"t:Stop looking at me like that and just focus on sucking it.t" tWith every stroke, Yuki slides her lips further and further down the cock, and when there's no more room for her fingers to stroke the shaft, she moves on to fondling the balls, gazing up at her partner. tThe cock begins twitching in her throat, and a moment later, she's hurriedly swallowing down several spurts of cum. When she straightens up, there's a smug expression on her face, even as a dribble of white trails from the corner of her mouth. tdThe cock starts to go soft, but Fuyuko begins servicing it with determination, furiously swirling her tongue around the tip while she pumps her hand up and down the base and stares into its owner's eyes. With a shudder and a groan, he bucks his hips into Fuyuko's face, trembling with the almost painful pleasure of cumming again in so short a timespan. q~at5If you're done already, then that means it's my turn!q~ctB"You took way longer than that, which means it's still my turn!" tkWhen Fuyuko pulls back for a moment, Yuki tries to take the cock into her mouth again, but Fuyuko grabs it in her fist, pulling it away. Yuki grabs it in her hand as well, fingers overlapping Fuyuko's, and lowers her head to start licking and sucking the testicles. The two Chosen struggle over their friend's cock, each taking a testicle into their mouth, and t*he starts approaching orgasm once again. tXJust then, Yuki elbows Fuyuko in the ribs, and while Fuyuko recoils, Yuki starts deepthroating their friend's cock. He cums inside her mouth, then immediately goes limp, clearly incapable of cumming again anytime soon. Fuyuko sighs and inclines her head, acknowledging that she lost their bet, and that she'll have to do whatever Yuki says. teOne hour later, the friend has been chased out and Fuyuko is on her knees, arms bound behind her backt3, a large vibrating dildo humming inside her ass. tLYuki sits with her legs around Fuyuko, grabbing her by the hair and forcing ther to lick Yuki's crotch. t`"Aren't you pleased? This is your chance to learn to do better so that you won't lose again." q~atAh! Ah! Nnnaaah!q~auq~trUmeko and Midori each want to outdo the other in fulfilling their Chosen duties. Because both of them have come to believe that sexual skills are a valuable tool when fighting the Demons, they also each insist that the other's techniques for giving pleasure to the Thralls aren't as good. In order to settle their dispute, they enlist a mutual friend, a boy who's known Umeko for longer but who also has a lot of respect for Midori. Even after being brought to a hotel room, he's still not entirely sure what the two Chosen want him for, so he gasps in shock when they pull his pants down and shove him down onto the bed. tMidori, who lacks confidence in her chances of winning fairly, lunges forward to swallow up his cock first, wrapping her lips around it and sliding them all the way to the base. t"tThat's not fair!t" t"Mmf!" tFace blushing bright red, Midori hurriedly bobs her head up and down in order to drive her partner over the edge as soon as possible. tThe cock begins twitching in her throat, and a moment later, she's hurriedly swallowing down several spurts of cum. When she straightens up, there's a smug expression on her face, even as a dribble of white trails from the corner of her mouth. tuUmeko knows that it's difficult to make a man cum twice in a row, so she tries a completely different approach. She handles the softening cock with care, gently trailing her fingers up and down its length, kissing her way from the base to the tip and back again, stimulating it gently with her breath in the process of asking her partner how it all feels. Then, as it stiffens again, she escalates the stimulation slowly, using her saliva as lubricant to stroke it while she firmly massages the root under the balls with her tongue. If she can't get the quickest orgasm out of him, she's determined to get the strongest one. tD"Does it feel good? Are you prepared for it to feel even better?" q~ut!I... I can't let her continue...!q~wtRight before he cums, Midori pushes her face in, trying to take control back from Umeko. Midori tries to copy Umeko's movements, placing her fingers opposite Umeko's and licking along the same path Umeko does as if trying to erase the trail of Umeko's saliva. Umeko tries to push Midori back, and at first, the interference decreases the stimulation their friend feels. But then, as they both get serious, t*he starts approaching orgasm once again. tBy that point, Midori has started to get very turned on herself. It's becoming harder and harder to remember that this is supposed to be a competition, especially since their jostling has ended up putting Umeko's thigh between Midori's legs. She starts to surreptitiously grind herself against it, and just as their friend cums inside Umeko's mouth, Midori completely loses control and pushes Umeko to the ground. tnMidori's wet lower lips rub up and down the underside of Umeko's penis, almost on the point of enveloping it, tand a shocked Umeko chokes on the load shot down her throat, helplessly coughing and trying to protest while Midori furiously humps her. tIt's several minutes before Umeko is able to push Midori away. And while Umeko was clearly the victor, Midori looks far happier, a dreamy smile on her face. q~utAt least I won...q~wt"Huh? Won what?"uq~tpUmeko and Junko each want to outdo the other in fulfilling their Chosen duties. Because both of them have come to believe that sexual skills are a valuable tool when fighting the Demons, they also each insist that the other's techniques for giving pleasure to the Thralls aren't as good. In order to settle their dispute, they enlist a mutual friend, a boy who's known Umeko for longer but who also has a lot of respect for Junko. Even after being brought to a hotel room, he's still not entirely sure what the two Chosen want him for, so he gasps in shock when they pull his pants down and shove him down onto the bed. tJunko, who lacks confidence in her chances of winning fairly, lunges forward to swallow up his cock first, wrapping her lips around it and sliding them all the way to the base. t"t!This is actually nice to watch...t" t"Mmf!" tFace blushing bright red, Junko hurriedly bobs her head up and down in order to drive her partner over the edge as soon as possible. tThe cock begins twitching in her throat, and a moment later, she's hurriedly swallowing down several spurts of cum. When she straightens up, there's a smug expression on her face, even as a dribble of white trails from the corner of her mouth. t[Umeko takes her place nervously, doubting her ability to match that performance. Her partner's cock is flaccid now, and while Retribution has no trouble taking it into her mouth, it doesn't seem to respond. Even when she licks it all over, sucking the last drops of cum out of the tip, it's still too exhausted from the last orgasm to respond. t,"Um, it doesn't want to get hard again..." q~t/Heheh, looks like you need my help after all...q~t9When Umeko pulls back for a moment, Junko steals her spot, taking the cock back into her mouth. Umeko has to settle for the testicles, sullenly licking and sucking them while she glares at her rival. The sight of the two Chosen servicing him together causes their friend's cock to begin growing hard again, and t*he starts approaching orgasm once again. tWhen the first spurt of cum starts to come out, Umeko and Junko both swiftly move up and start sucking on the tip of his cock, practically kissing as they fight to steal every drop from their opponent. They aren't happy about it, but neither wants to give the other a chance to claim to have been the one responsible for the orgasm. In the end, there's no clear victor, and they keep going for round after round after round. Finally, their friend lays exhausted, his aching cock hanging limp no matter how the two Chosen kiss and lick every inch of it, fondling his nipples and whispering sweet promises if he can get it up again. When he begs them to stop, they glare at him as if it's his fault. t8"You're useless! Don't you have any pride as a man!?" q~t0It's because you were too rough with him, Junko!q~uq~P uq~ tAiko, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. tThe fan only mentioned that Aiko was looking particularly good today, but after being taunted and molested by the Thralls so much, that was enough to put Aiko in a bad mood. tl"That's what you get for looking at me without permission. Let's strip you and see how much you like it!" tAiko steps forward, and with superhuman strength, starts tearing the fan's clothes to pieces. He flinches away and refuses to defend himself, even when Aiko shoves him to the floor. tAiko advances, standing over her victim in what she hopes comes across as a menacing manner. She starts to berate him, but as it happens, the position allows the fan to see up her skirt. And despite the dire situation, the fan finds that his penis is starting to visibly grow hard. tI"Ew! Are you getting turned on right now!? Gross, gross, cut it out!" tTo punctuate her words, Aiko stomps on his crotch with merciless force, but the stimulation only makes the problem even worse. Aiko stomps on it again and again, growing annoyed with the way that it springs back up each time. tThe torture is far from done. tFinally, everyone starts to get bored. A few of Aiko's friends seem to want to continue, but after gauging everyone's mood, Aiko just shrugs. t"You can kill him, rape him, sell his organs, whatever. But there's a big party starting up on the other side of town. Who wants to head there with me?"uq~ tMidori, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. tThe fan only mentioned that Midori was looking particularly good today, but after being taunted and molested by the Thralls so much, that was enough to put Midori in a bad mood. tl"That's what you get for looking at me without permission. Let's strip you and see how much you like it!" tMidori steps forward, and with superhuman strength, starts tearing the fan's clothes to pieces. He flinches away and refuses to defend himself, even when Midori shoves him to the floor. tMidori pulls out a knife and squats down in front of her victim, then begins slowly trailing the edge around his pubic region, then down to the base of his penis, firmly enough that she's almost drawing blood. t{"What sort of punishment would be most fitting? If you answer wrong... I'll just chop off this worthless little thing." tKThe fan sobs and babbles incoherently, but Midori isn't really listening. tThe torture is far from done. tIn the end, the fan is forced to endure more psychological torment, more physical abuse from Midori's friends, and more threats and manipulation. He has to empty his wallet for the rest of the gang and repeatedly debase and insult himself, and video footage is taken of the whole incident so that he can be blackmailed later. Only then does Midori let him back into her good graces. th"That wasn't so hard, was it? I just have to be sure that you're willing to give up everything for me."uq~ tYuki, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. ttToday's battle was particularly stressful, so Yuki picked out one of them at random to vent her frustrations upon. t)"Let's have some more fun. Strip him!" tAt Yuki's command, several of the men in the circle step forward to rip the fan's clothes off and then push him to the floor, where he trembles and tries to cover himself. tYuki sways seductively as she walks up to her victim, then she presents her shoe to him and demands that he lick it all over, including the underside. It's a calculated move to get her friends to lust after her even more, and as the humiliation continues, she lifts up her skirt and demands that her victim lick her leg too. Then, when he starts to reach her thigh, Yuki abruptly brings her foot up in a sharp kick to his testicles. tL"I didn't give you permission to enjoy it so much. How pathetic you are." tThe fan groans, clutching himself and starting to collapse, but Yuki keeps him upright with a hand in his hair, long enough to taunt him some more. tThe torture is far from done. tFinally, everyone starts to get bored. A few of Yuki's friends seem to want to continue, but after gauging everyone's mood, Yuki just shrugs. t"You can kill him, rape him, sell his organs, whatever. But there's a big party starting up on the other side of town. Who wants to head there with me?"uq~ tOtome, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. tThe fan only mentioned that Otome was looking particularly good today, but after being taunted and molested by the Thralls so much, that was enough to put Otome in a bad mood. tl"That's what you get for looking at me without permission. Let's strip you and see how much you like it!" tOtome steps forward, and with superhuman strength, starts tearing the fan's clothes to pieces. He flinches away and refuses to defend himself, even when Otome shoves him to the floor. tOtome advances, standing over her victim in what she hopes comes across as a menacing manner. She starts to berate him, but as it happens, the position allows the fan to see up her skirt. And despite the dire situation, the fan finds that his penis is starting to visibly grow hard. tI"Ew! Are you getting turned on right now!? Gross, gross, cut it out!" tTo punctuate her words, Otome stomps on his crotch with merciless force, but the stimulation only makes the problem even worse. Otome stomps on it again and again, growing annoyed with the way that it springs back up each time. tThe torture is far from done. tFinally, everyone starts to get bored. A few of Otome's friends seem to want to continue, but after gauging everyone's mood, Otome just shrugs. t"You can kill him, rape him, sell his organs, whatever. But there's a big party starting up on the other side of town. Who wants to head there with me?"uq~ tHitomi, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. tHitomi is supposed to be the leader of their group, and in truth, she has some slight romantic feelings for this fan. However, she's terrified of displeasing her other friends, and they've convinced her that she should ostracize him. tF"W-Wait, we're stripping him? Um, alright, that's fine, I guess..." tGrinning at Hitomi, the ringleaders step forward to tear the fan's clothes off and roughly shove him to the ground. Then, they look at Hitomi expectantly, pressuring her to go farther on her own. tHitomi advances, standing over her victim in what she hopes comes across as a menacing manner. She starts to berate him, but as it happens, the position allows the fan to see up her skirt. And despite the dire situation, the fan finds that his penis is starting to visibly grow hard. tI"Ew! Are you getting turned on right now!? Gross, gross, cut it out!" tTo punctuate her words, Hitomi stomps on his crotch with merciless force, but the stimulation only makes the problem even worse. Hitomi stomps on it again and again, growing annoyed with the way that it springs back up each time. tThe torture is far from done. tFinally, everyone starts to get bored. A few of Hitomi's friends seem to want to continue, but after gauging everyone's mood, Hitomi just shrugs. t"You can kill him, rape him, sell his organs, whatever. But there's a big party starting up on the other side of town. Who wants to head there with me?"uq~ tOtome, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. tThe fan only mentioned that Otome was looking particularly good today, but after being taunted and molested by the Thralls so much, that was enough to put Otome in a bad mood. tl"That's what you get for looking at me without permission. Let's strip you and see how much you like it!" tOtome steps forward, and with superhuman strength, starts tearing the fan's clothes to pieces. He flinches away and refuses to defend himself, even when Otome shoves him to the floor. tOtome pulls out a knife and squats down in front of her victim, then begins slowly trailing the edge around his pubic region, then down to the base of his penis, firmly enough that she's almost drawing blood. t{"What sort of punishment would be most fitting? If you answer wrong... I'll just chop off this worthless little thing." tJThe fan sobs and babbles incoherently, but Otome isn't really listening. tThe torture is far from done. tIn the end, the fan is forced to endure more psychological torment, more physical abuse from Otome's friends, and more threats and manipulation. He has to empty his wallet for the rest of the gang and repeatedly debase and insult himself, and video footage is taken of the whole incident so that he can be blackmailed later. Only then does Otome let him back into her good graces. th"That wasn't so hard, was it? I just have to be sure that you're willing to give up everything for me."uq~ tNatsuki, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. tNatsuki is supposed to be the leader of their group, and in truth, she has some slight romantic feelings for this fan. However, she's terrified of displeasing her other friends, and they've convinced her that she should ostracize him. tF"W-Wait, we're stripping him? Um, alright, that's fine, I guess..." tGrinning at Natsuki, the ringleaders step forward to tear the fan's clothes off and roughly shove him to the ground. Then, they look at Natsuki expectantly, pressuring her to go farther on her own. tNatsuki pulls out a knife and squats down in front of her victim, then begins slowly trailing the edge around his pubic region, then down to the base of his penis, firmly enough that she's almost drawing blood. t{"What sort of punishment would be most fitting? If you answer wrong... I'll just chop off this worthless little thing." tLThe fan sobs and babbles incoherently, but Natsuki isn't really listening. tThe torture is far from done. tIn the end, the fan is forced to endure more psychological torment, more physical abuse from Natsuki's friends, and more threats and manipulation. He has to empty his wallet for the rest of the gang and repeatedly debase and insult himself, and video footage is taken of the whole incident so that he can be blackmailed later. Only then does Natsuki let him back into her good graces. th"That wasn't so hard, was it? I just have to be sure that you're willing to give up everything for me."uq~ tYuki, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. ttToday's battle was particularly stressful, so Yuki picked out one of them at random to vent her frustrations upon. t)"Let's have some more fun. Strip him!" tAt Yuki's command, several of the men in the circle step forward to rip the fan's clothes off and then push him to the floor, where he trembles and tries to cover himself. tYuki pulls out a knife and squats down in front of her victim, then begins slowly trailing the edge around his pubic region, then down to the base of his penis, firmly enough that she's almost drawing blood. t{"What sort of punishment would be most fitting? If you answer wrong... I'll just chop off this worthless little thing." tIThe fan sobs and babbles incoherently, but Yuki isn't really listening. tThe torture is far from done. tFinally, everyone starts to get bored. A few of Yuki's friends seem to want to continue, but after gauging everyone's mood, Yuki just shrugs. t"You can kill him, rape him, sell his organs, whatever. But there's a big party starting up on the other side of town. Who wants to head there with me?"uq~ tEri, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. tsToday's battle was particularly stressful, so Eri picked out one of them at random to vent her frustrations upon. t)"Let's have some more fun. Strip him!" tAt Eri's command, several of the men in the circle step forward to rip the fan's clothes off and then push him to the floor, where he trembles and tries to cover himself. tEri sways seductively as she walks up to her victim, then she presents her shoe to him and demands that he lick it all over, including the underside. It's a calculated move to get her friends to lust after her even more, and as the humiliation continues, she lifts up her skirt and demands that her victim lick her leg too. Then, when he starts to reach her thigh, Eri abruptly brings her foot up in a sharp kick to his testicles. tL"I didn't give you permission to enjoy it so much. How pathetic you are." tThe fan groans, clutching himself and starting to collapse, but Eri keeps him upright with a hand in his hair, long enough to taunt him some more. tThe torture is far from done. tFinally, everyone starts to get bored. A few of Eri's friends seem to want to continue, but after gauging everyone's mood, Eri just shrugs. t"You can kill him, rape him, sell his organs, whatever. But there's a big party starting up on the other side of town. Who wants to head there with me?"uq~ tUmeko, with her twisted personality, has attracted a group of 'friends' that are more like a gang of thugs and hooligans. Today, they're gathered in their hideout, formed in a circle around one unlucky fanboy who's already bruised and bleeding. tUmeko is supposed to be the leader of their group, and in truth, she has some slight romantic feelings for this fan. However, she's terrified of displeasing her other friends, and they've convinced her that she should ostracize him. tF"W-Wait, we're stripping him? Um, alright, that's fine, I guess..." tGrinning at Umeko, the ringleaders step forward to tear the fan's clothes off and roughly shove him to the ground. Then, they look at Umeko expectantly, pressuring her to go farther on her own. tUmeko pulls out a knife and squats down in front of her victim, then begins slowly trailing the edge around his pubic region, then down to the base of his penis, firmly enough that she's almost drawing blood. t{"What sort of punishment would be most fitting? If you answer wrong... I'll just chop off this worthless little thing." tJThe fan sobs and babbles incoherently, but Umeko isn't really listening. tThe torture is far from done. tIn the end, the fan is forced to endure more psychological torment, more physical abuse from Umeko's friends, and more threats and manipulation. He has to empty his wallet for the rest of the gang and repeatedly debase and insult himself, and video footage is taken of the whole incident so that he can be blackmailed later. Only then does Umeko let him back into her good graces. th"That wasn't so hard, was it? I just have to be sure that you're willing to give up everything for me."uq~Puq~(tLate that night, Midori can be seen loitering outside one of the most notorious hardcore BDSM clubs in the city. Earlier that evening, she had been sent a video of herself during battlet as MidnighttW, putting on an especially pathetic display of squirming and crying out under the fingers of the Thralls, and the attached message had contained a strong suggestion that she come here tonight. The implicit threat was clear, and when she sees Chouko emerging from the darkness in the other direction, she assumes that she's found the sender. t"tgYou embarrassment!? So you're the one blackmailing me! I knew that your kind behavior was all an act!t" q~ t8Huh? I'm not blackmailing you! You're blackmailing me!q~ tBefore they can share the details, the true culprit emerges from inside the BDSM club. It's a crowd of people, mostly men, split into a larger group and a smaller group. The leader of the larger group addresses himself to Midori. t "Midnight, it's such an honor to meet you! I'm glad you responded to our invitation. You see, we were just talking with a group of Cheer's fans, and they said you weren't as tough as her, using that video as proof. We were hoping you'd help us prove them wrong!" q~ tpNormally, I'd turn you down, and maybe report you to the police, too. But if it's against that embarrassment...q~ q~ tQAlways so full of yourself... Ugh, fine! I don't care if I lose, I have to try!q~ t)The two Chosen grow increasingly angry as they bicker, and one of the fans suggests that the loser's video should be posted to the front page of one of the most prominent Chosen fan webpages. Cheer doesn't mind agreeing to the condition at all, and Midnight can't back down without losing face. tThe true nature of the competition turns out to be quite different from what they were expecting. They transform and head into the club, claiming to be mere Chosen cosplayers, although some of the patrons suspect the truth. Then, they both straddle the device positioned in the central open area, a mechanism resembling a mechanical bull. However, the device's movements are less extreme than those of a bucking bronco, and its true threat comes from the wedge-shaped vibrators installed in the seats. tMidnight and Cheer settle themselves on the sex toy, glaring at each other and tolerating the fans' hands as they attach vibrators to the Chosen and bind them together with manacles attached to long chains. Breaking the chains would be trivial for either of them, of course, but that would mean forfeiting the match, as would falling from the bull. Assuming that both competitors manage to remain seated, the loser will be whoever reaches orgasm first. tVThe devices all start vibrating and moving at once, and Cheer lets out a sharp gasp. tjShe hurriedly leans back in order to avoid pressing her sensitive lower lips against the vibrating wedge, tand although it doesn't have any protrusions that might deflower her virgin pussy, the way that the vibrations seem to hum all the way into her abdomen makes her wonder just how much more intense it would have felt if she had allowed the fans to mount a dildo there instead. t#Meanwhile, she has no way to avoid tVthe vibrating wand strapped to her belly pointing down to precisely target her clit. tThe intensity of the vibration increases suddenly, and Cheer arches her back. The clamps attached to her nipples are pulled taut by the chain similarly attached to Midnight's, and she winces and glares at Cheer. tFor her part, Midnight appears at first glance to be holding up better, but she's having more difficulty than she's willing to show. tShe finds the vibrations just as troubling as they seem to reach places never touched by any man, and she's sure that the audience is enjoying her reactions. tlShe has a vibrating ring around the tip of her large penis, and as it begins to hum more and more strongly, tthe two Chosen moan and squirm against each other, unwittingly tangling their legs together as their minds grow blank with the effort of enduring the pleasure. t"Nnnaaah, nooo!" t"Aaah, ah! Yaaah, mmm!" tBBoth of them have been trained thoroughly in their battles against you, and they break too quickly to name a winner. They cum at the same time, crying out as their hips buck wildly against the machine, but a single orgasm isn't enough to satisfy either of them. Despite how much they hate each other, they're turned on by the sight of their rival cumming, and they eagerly lock their lips together in a hungry kiss. Clinging to each other as well as their bound limbs will allow, they grind their bodies together, cumming over and over again in front of the cheering crowd. tThe show will be enjoyed by many more people than they expected when they agreed to it. After all, even though it's true that recording devices are forbidden inside the BDSM club, the club's owner is actually one of your Thralls, and there are plenty of cameras installed in the walls and ceiling. Still ignorant of this fact, the two Chosen limp out from the doors of the club, back to glaring at each other now that they're past the afterglow of their many orgasms. q~ tTWe might have came at the same time, but you definitely came harder, so it's my win.q~ q~ tAI don't really care whether you think you won. I enjoyed myself.q~ uq~'tLate that night, Omi can be seen loitering outside one of the most notorious hardcore BDSM clubs in the city. Earlier that evening, she had been sent a video of herself during battlet as AxiomtV, putting on an especially pathetic display of squirming and crying out under the fingers of the Thralls, and the attached message had contained a strong suggestion that she come here tonight. The implicit threat was clear, and when she sees Ayame emerging from the darkness in the other direction, she assumes that she's found the sender. t"tAI should have known that you were the one blackmailing me, Ayame.t" q~*tDWait. Are you trying to say that you got a threatening message too?q~,tBefore they can share the details, the true culprit emerges from inside the BDSM club. It's a crowd of people, mostly men, split into a larger group and a smaller group. The leader of the larger group addresses himself to Omi. t "Axiom, it's such an honor to meet you! I'm glad you responded to our invitation. You see, we were just talking with a group of Prayer's fans, and they said you weren't as tough as her, using that video as proof. We were hoping you'd help us prove them wrong!" q~*tI don't believe for a moment that you failed to realize that it looked like a blackmail note. But even so... depending on your definition of 'tough', I believe I may indeed have the advantage.q~,q~*tQAlways so full of yourself... Ugh, fine! I don't care if I lose, I have to try!q~,t'The two Chosen grow increasingly angry as they bicker, and one of the fans suggests that the loser's video should be posted to the front page of one of the most prominent Chosen fan webpages. Prayer doesn't mind agreeing to the condition at all, and Axiom can't back down without losing face. tThe true nature of the competition turns out to be quite different from what they were expecting. They transform and head into the club, claiming to be mere Chosen cosplayers, although some of the patrons suspect the truth. Then, they both straddle the device positioned in the central open area, a mechanism resembling a mechanical bull. However, the device's movements are less extreme than those of a bucking bronco, and its true threat comes from the wedge-shaped vibrators installed in the seats. tAxiom and Prayer settle themselves on the sex toy, glaring at each other and tolerating the fans' hands as they attach vibrators to the Chosen and bind them together with manacles attached to long chains. Breaking the chains would be trivial for either of them, of course, but that would mean forfeiting the match, as would falling from the bull. Assuming that both competitors manage to remain seated, the loser will be whoever reaches orgasm first. tWThe devices all start vibrating and moving at once, and Prayer lets out a sharp gasp. tjShe hurriedly leans back in order to avoid pressing her sensitive lower lips against the vibrating wedge, tand although it doesn't have any protrusions that might deflower her virgin pussy, the way that the vibrations seem to hum all the way into her abdomen makes her wonder just how much more intense it would have felt if she had allowed the fans to mount a dildo there instead. t#Meanwhile, she has no way to avoid tVthe vibrating wand strapped to her belly pointing down to precisely target her clit. tThe intensity of the vibration increases suddenly, and Prayer arches her back. The clamps attached to her nipples are pulled taut by the chain similarly attached to Axiom's, and she winces and glares at Prayer. tFor her part, Axiom appears at first glance to be holding up better, but she's having more difficulty than she's willing to show. tShe finds the vibrations just as troubling as they seem to reach places never touched by any man, and she's sure that the audience is enjoying her reactions. tqShe has a vibrating ring around the tip of her very large penis, and as it begins to hum more and more strongly, tthe two Chosen moan and squirm against each other, unwittingly tangling their legs together as their minds grow blank with the effort of enduring the pleasure. t"Ah! Aaah! Nnnaaah, aaah!" tMFor Axiom, whose body and mind have been trained thoroughly during her battles against you, the embarrassment only turns her on even more. She cums quickly, legs spasming and head thrown back, and the paralyzing pleasure combined with the awkwardness of her seat on the machine means that she isn't able to dismount before the next orgasm hits, and the one after as well. Much to her humiliation, she's still stuck cumming on the machine even after Prayer dismounts, and Prayer's taunting voice joins the cheering crowd as everyone stops what they're doing to watch her unwilling show. tFurthermore, the show will be enjoyed by far more people in the coming days. After all, even though it's true that recording devices are forbidden inside the BDSM club, the club's owner is actually one of your Thralls, and there are plenty of cameras installed in the walls and ceiling. Still ignorant of this fact, Axiom limps out of the club. The humiliation is still sending shocks of pleasurable shame through her body, but she manages to shoot a glare back at the following Prayer, who's still smirking at her. q~*tFI hope you've learned your lesson about starting fights you can't win.q~,q~*tRThis match was rigged! My body has borne the brunt of the Demon Lord's attention!q~*uq~(tLate that night, Junko can be seen loitering outside one of the most notorious hardcore BDSM clubs in the city. Earlier that evening, she had been sent a video of herself during battlet as WhispertV, putting on an especially pathetic display of squirming and crying out under the fingers of the Thralls, and the attached message had contained a strong suggestion that she come here tonight. The implicit threat was clear, and when she sees Umeko emerging from the darkness in the other direction, she assumes that she's found the sender. t"tAI should have known that you were the one blackmailing me, Umeko.t" q~Ht8Huh? I'm not blackmailing you! You're blackmailing me!q~JtBefore they can share the details, the true culprit emerges from inside the BDSM club. It's a crowd of people, mostly men, split into a larger group and a smaller group. The leader of the larger group addresses himself to Junko. t"Whisper, it's such an honor to meet you! I'm glad you responded to our invitation. You see, we were just talking with a group of Retribution's fans, and they said you weren't as tough as her, using that video as proof. We were hoping you'd help us prove them wrong!" q~HtiNormally, I'd turn you down, and maybe report you to the police, too. But if it's against Retribution...q~Jq~Ht]This isn't worth my time, but I'm not going to let you call me a coward, Junko. Count me in.q~Jt.The two Chosen grow increasingly angry as they bicker, and one of the fans suggests that the loser's video should be posted to the front page of one of the most prominent Chosen fan webpages. Retribution doesn't mind agreeing to the condition at all, and Whisper can't back down without losing face. tThe true nature of the competition turns out to be quite different from what they were expecting. They transform and head into the club, claiming to be mere Chosen cosplayers, although some of the patrons suspect the truth. Then, they both straddle the device positioned in the central open area, a mechanism resembling a mechanical bull. However, the device's movements are less extreme than those of a bucking bronco, and its true threat comes from the wedge-shaped vibrators installed in the seats. tWhisper and Retribution settle themselves on the sex toy, glaring at each other and tolerating the fans' hands as they attach vibrators to the Chosen and bind them together with manacles attached to long chains. Breaking the chains would be trivial for either of them, of course, but that would mean forfeiting the match, as would falling from the bull. Assuming that both competitors manage to remain seated, the loser will be whoever reaches orgasm first. t\The devices all start vibrating and moving at once, and Retribution lets out a sharp gasp. tjShe hurriedly leans back in order to avoid pressing her sensitive lower lips against the vibrating wedge, tand although it doesn't have any protrusions that might deflower her virgin pussy, the way that the vibrations seem to hum all the way into her abdomen makes her wonder just how much more intense it would have felt if she had allowed the fans to mount a dildo there instead. t#Meanwhile, she has no way to avoid t7the vibrating ring around the tip of her small penis. tThe intensity of the vibration increases suddenly, and Retribution arches her back. The clamps attached to her nipples are pulled taut by the chain similarly attached to Whisper's, and she winces and glares at Retribution. tFor her part, Whisper appears at first glance to be holding up better, but she's having more difficulty than she's willing to show. tShe finds the vibrations just as troubling as they seem to reach places never touched by any man, and she's sure that the audience is enjoying her reactions. tShe has a vibrating wand strapped to her tummy, pointed downward to precisely target her clit. It begins to hum louder and louder, and tthe two Chosen moan and squirm against each other, unwittingly tangling their legs together as their minds grow blank with the effort of enduring the pleasure. t"Nnnaaah, nooo!" t"Aaah, ah! Yaaah, mmm!" tBBoth of them have been trained thoroughly in their battles against you, and they break too quickly to name a winner. They cum at the same time, crying out as their hips buck wildly against the machine, but a single orgasm isn't enough to satisfy either of them. Despite how much they hate each other, they're turned on by the sight of their rival cumming, and they eagerly lock their lips together in a hungry kiss. Clinging to each other as well as their bound limbs will allow, they grind their bodies together, cumming over and over again in front of the cheering crowd. tThe show will be enjoyed by many more people than they expected when they agreed to it. After all, even though it's true that recording devices are forbidden inside the BDSM club, the club's owner is actually one of your Thralls, and there are plenty of cameras installed in the walls and ceiling. Still ignorant of this fact, the two Chosen limp out from the doors of the club, back to glaring at each other now that they're past the afterglow of their many orgasms. q~HtIWe tied... th-that means you have to admit you're not any better than me!q~Jq~HtBDoes it really matter? We both had a good time together for once.q~Huq~Puq~Puq~Puq~t2After the battle, Midnight picks one lucky Thrall tand takes him home with her. t0Midnight transforms back into Midori, and then tthe two of them have passionate t)sex in every position other than vaginal tfor over an hour, nonstop, before Midori hears a knock at the door. She hastily throws on a robe, then opens the door by a crack to see who's there. tIt's a reporter from a popular tabloid newspaper, and he's come to Midori's house for a scheduled interview. Midori was so caught up in her lust that she had forgotten all about it. She looks over her shoulder, glancing between the sex toys littering the floor, several spots of fresh cum visible on the carpet and furniture, and the Thrall lounging on the couch with his legs spread wide and a cigarette in his mouth. Obviously, letting a member of the press see all this is out of the question. t"t:Wait! Wait right there! I... I need a moment to think...t" tCancelling the interview is also out of the question. Midori knows that wasting the reporter's time will just provoke him into writing a hit piece about her, and she isn't willing to accept that, not when she's finally been making some progress in recapturing control over her public image. She offers to have the interview like this, speaking through the crack in the door, and while the reporter clearly isn't happy with this arrangement, Midori is confident that she'll be able to butter him up and give him some good quotes. tAt first, the interview goes well. Midori is answering questions about her recent battles, giving answers that skirt the truth while painting herself in a positive light. But then an intense sensation down below makes her falter. q~ntNOf course, I'm still the strongest on my team. The Thralls can't resist my p-tPENIS! tAh, n-no, I mean-q~ptThe Thrall, with the lack of inhibitions characteristic to Thralls, has gotten bored with waiting for the interview to end, and so he crawls up behind Midori, tZstarts milking her sizable cock with both hands, and begins to lovingly kiss and lick her tvirgin pussy. tThe stimulation stops briefly, but then Midori feels the Thrall's lubricated cock slide into her eager anus and begin to pound her in a steady rhythm. tBy this point, it's completely obvious to the reporter that something is wrong. Midori frantically tries to recover, but she can't stop the orgasm welling up inside her. tL"Wh-What I'm trying to say is that I'm- aaah...! Ah! I-I'M CUUUMMIIING!" tMidori's knees give out, and she collapses backward, pulling the door all the way open. The disgraceful scene of Midori's room is in full view, her robe flung open and her limbs tangled with those of the Thrall. tBut Midori has become so perverted that even being seen like this no longer fazes her. Without skipping a beat, she extends a hand to invite the reporter to join her. The reporter gulps, feeling himself drawn in by Midnight's charisma... q~nteYou like what you see, don't you? If you write a nice report on me... I'll make it worth your while.q~nuq~Puq~tAs Spike's worldview and self-esteem crumble under the overwhelming pressure of her hopeless struggle, the time she spends alone with the Demon Lord is practically the only thing she can look forward to. She trusts that you won't launch an assault while you're with her, and she knows that serving you will buy her a whole day of respite. Being called to fight is the one thing she dreads above all else, and she's come to subconsciously associate your time together with safety and happiness. tToday, she has an unusual request for you. She's willing to give you some of her energy, but she wants you to use your normal human body to take it from her, and she also wants to spend the entire day with that body before letting you drain her overnight. She transforms tback into Fuyuko tqand waits for you at the gates of an amusement park on the edge of the city. It is, essentially, a romantic datet,, and Fuyuko can't contain her excitement. t2"You came! Great! What do you want to do first!?t" tThe two of you make your way around the park, trying out the rides and games. Even though neither Demon Lords nor the Chosen require food to survive, she still wants to sample all the food stands together. tThe peaceful setting allows her to forget her troubles and regain her confidence. She convinces herself that she has you completely charmed, and before long, she's treating you like t her lovert! and making carefree smalltalk. t"So anyway, I was like, 'Girl, who do you think you're talking to?' I put her in her place real quick. Hah, you should've seen her face!" tShe trails off once you reach the Ferris wheel, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. She abruptly takes you by the hand and leads you into one of the passenger cars. tqThen, using the privacy provided by the enclosed car, she gets down on her knees and reaches between your legs. tShe hesitates, looking up at you for permission, before starting to undress you. Then, she moans with desire as she leans forward to taste your lower lips. tShe begins to slowly lick her way up and down, her eyes glazed over and her breath coming in lustful gasps. She breathes deep, taking in the smell and allowing herself to be drawn deeper and deeper into a submissive trance. t"tdYou showed mercy on me... even though I stupidly tried to fight you. I'll always be in your debt...q~t}Fuyuko tucks her hands between her legs and starts to distractedly play with herself, but her full attention remains on your tsex. She closes her lips around your clit, gently suckling it, then moves her mouth back down to your labia, parting them with her tongue and exploring between them. It's clear that she's studied how best to effectively please tanother twoman, because her tongue curls upward to find your g-spot, and when you reflexively tighten around her, she takes that as her cue to hit the same place over and over again, the tip of her tongue rolling back and forth without pause. With her nose buried in your pelvic region, she's clearly having trouble breathing, but she pushes herself to continue, her eyes locked on yours, desperate for approval. tAs she gets more turned on, her movements become even faster and more passionate. She starts to buck her hips as much as she can against her own hands between her legs, and she presses her face against you even harder, trying to put pressure on your clit from the outside even as her tongue pleasures you from the inside. She grunts and groans with effort, and the vibrations from her voice shoot through your lower body. tFinally, your pelvic muscles clench in orgasm, and Fuyuko redoubles her efforts, trying to draw it out as long as possible. The tknowledge that she's satisfied you is enough to push Fuyuko over the edge as well. Her eyes roll upward and her fluids stain the carriage floor beneath her. For the rest of the ride, tfshe rests with her head between your pert breasts, her eyes closed and a peaceful smile on her face. tOn the way home, she clings to your side, humming happily as the sun goes down. She knows that when the sun rises, she'll be expected to fight you again. But once you get to her room, she pulls you into bed with her, as if clinging to the present as long as she can. When you begin to drain her energy, she doesn't resist the peaceful, dreamless sleep that comes with it. She whispers a few words before unconsciousness takes her. t "Demon Lord... I... love you..."uq~Puq~Puq~tIn the middle of the night, a military research facility not far from the city comes under attack. The culprits are two of the Chosen: Purgatory and Sky. tESky was too squeamish to help Purgatory kill the base personnel, but tshe's determined to help Purgatory uncover more information about a highly classified subject: possible ways to counteract a Demonic impregnation. t"tdIf they didn't want me to attack them, they should've told me everything they knew from the start...t" t*The two of them split up, with Purgatory accessing the base's records while Sky flies overhead to look out for any reinforcements. Eventually, Sky spots some headlights in the distance, and she heads back inside to warn Purgatory that they only have a few more minutes before they have to leave. tPHowever, as Sky approaches the door to the records room, she hears something strange. It sounds almost as if Purgatory is watching porn. But that's impossible - Purgatory's aversion to sexuality has grown so strong that she won't even respond to Sky's advances. It's only when Sky opens the door that she sees what really happened. tWhile looking through records of Chosen who had been impregnated in the past, Purgatory has stumbled across footage of such impregnations taking place. The computer screen in front of her is playing a loop of one of the Chosen being raped by a Demon Lord, and the reminder of her own trauma has caused Purgatory to go catatonic. Sky steps forward to help, but then hesitates, her expression growing lustful as she watches the sex playing out on-screen. q~twIf you hadn't turned me down so many times, I wouldn't have gotten pent-up enough to need to do something like this...!q~tkSky embraces Purgatory from the side, climbing into her chair with her. She hesitates briefly, but with your hypnosis amplifying her lust, she can't resist the urge to molest Purgatory. She kisses the catatonic Purgatory on the lips, but she's somewhat unsatisfied by the lack of response. However, when she reaches down below, she's pleased to find Purgatory tgrowing wetter by the moment. q~tHEven if it's only a physiological response, it does make me feel better.q~tTSky humps Purgatory's body, more and more forcefully as she gets more turned on as well. She kisses Purgatory again, not even caring about the lack of response now, forcing Purgatory's lips open with her tongue and moaning into Purgatory's mouth. Their legs are tangled together, Sky's hands working furiously between them, until finally t?Sky's whole body tenses up in an immensely satisfying orgasm. tgPurgatory also reflexively convulses as her body experiences orgasm, her arms wrapping around Sky, and t Sky smiles. tOnly then does Sky remember the approaching military reinforcements. She scoops Purgatory up in her arms and flies off into the night, musing to herself while Purgatory remains unconscious. q~tNI wish I could have invited the Demon Lord as well... Wait, what am I saying?q~uq~Puq~Puq~Puq~#tEver since her chance encounter with the former Thrall who ended up convincing her to let herself get spanked in a back alley, Fuyuko's sexual appetite has only grown even more insatiable and masochistic. She ended up meeting the former Thrall a few times after that, and although the former Thrall would have been happy with just spanking, Fuyuko herself began to ask for more and more degrading treatment, escalating from spankings into beatings and even choking. tEventually, it got to the point that the former Thrall was no longer comfortable with it. He broke contact with Fuyuko, saying that he wanted to leave his days as a force of depravity behind him. And as quickly as that, Fuyuko was left without an outlet for her lust. t(tcMy sex drive is so strong that even a former Thrall can't handle it. Should I be proud of that...?t) tWhile reminiscing about how much she enjoyed their encounters, Fuyuko finds herself wandering through the back alley where she used to meet up with the former Thrall. She's surprised to see a humanoid shape in the darkness waiting for her, and she feels a jolt of excitement as she at first assumes that he's changed his mind and decided to continue punishing her after all. But it's not the former Thrall - t@it's Midnight. The Forsaken smirks as she walks up to Fuyuko. t"tSNot who you were expecting, Spike? Don't worry, I still have just what you need...t" t?Fuyuko tries to shout out her incantation in order to transformt into Spiket, but she can't seem to raise her voice. After all, wasn't this exactly what she had been hoping for? She's ashamed of her own sexual perversion, and yet the very fact that she's so perverted is proof that she doesn't deserve to escape unscathed here. tWithout her Chosen powers, Fuyuko is far too slow to stop Midnight from grabbing her and pulling her deeper into the alleyway. tMidnight gropes Fuyuko's pert breasts, squeezing with a borderline-painful amount of force, then moves one hand downward toward her tGsizable cock, reaching up her skirt to stroke it through her panties. tFuyuko hunches over as if trying to protect herself, but her writhing movements are driven by pure carnal instinct. She isn't trying to get away or even to avoid the stimulation - she's practically humping Midnight's hand. q~t Yes! Yes! Make me cuuum...!" tFFuyuko has completely given up on acting like she doesn't want this. t2She hunches over so far that she loses her balancet( and has to catch herself with her handst-, forcing her ass up into the air. Midnight t.lifts up her skirt and pulls down her panties tin order to start spanking her bare ass. Fuyuko cries out in protest, only for her voice to trail off into an orgasmic squeal as tMidnight shoves a vibrating egg up her ass, adding to the stimulation of being spanked and being stroked between her legs all at the same time. q~tVI bet you've never felt an orgasm this good before. I think I'll make you cum... now!q~t"NnnaaaAAAH!" tFuyuko's vision whites out, and when she comes to her senses again, she's alone on the pavement in a puddle of her own fluids. tMidnight's last parting taunt comes from the shadows, and it will continue to replay itself in Fuyuko's head all day, making her wonder just how someone whose desires have become so corrupted can hope to protect the city. q~t:That was fun. I'll ask Master to go easy on you tomorrow.q~uq~Puq~$t*Fuyuko feels nervous about the fact that the Demon Lord has gone back to fighting the team normally instead of offering truces. Her conscious reason for worrying is that she wants to spare the city more unnecessary violence. Her subconscious reason is that she hungers for more sexual training. tAnd so she captures a Thrall and immediately sends him back to the Demonic hive with an invitation to a private room at the city's most notorious S&M club. She heads there early, wearing a civilian disguise and carrying a large duffel bag, then starts pacing nervously back and forth between the room's wooden horse and its wall-mounted rack. When Midnight arrives, she throws the door open and immediately launches into a prepared spiel justifying her decision to send Midnight the invitation. t"tI'm prepared for you to tie me up, to whip me, to drip hot candle wax on my skin, to hurl insults and verbal degredation at me, to use clamps to pinch any part of my body, to whip me-t" t"You said that one already." tbMidnight cuts her off by pushing her backward against the restraints built into the room's wall. tTA whimper escapes her throat as she's locked in, and once her clothes are cut away, t.her penis springs free to stand fully erect. t4It's obvious that she was looking forward to this. tAnd yet, rather than encouraging Midnight to begin, Fuyuko abruptly goes back to acting reluctant, holding her head high and stubbornly turning her head whenever Midnight tries to meet her gaze. This continues even when Midnight pulls out a vibrating wand and presses it against Fuyuko's cock. Fuyuko groans with pleasure, already close to orgasm with how much she was anticipating this, but she still strains against her restraints as if she were actually interested in escaping. tAt this point, it's obvious t to Midnight t\what's happening. Midnight pulls the vibrating wand away and pulls a blindfold down over Fuyuko's eyes. A quick check of the duffel bag brought by Fuyuko reveals an almost ridiculously wide array of sex toys. Combined with what Midnight brought and the equipment included with the room, there's a large selection of punishments to choose from. t_An hour later, Fuyuko is still somehow holding firm. She's been bent over backward into an arch, wrists and ankles cuffed together, her durable Chosen body still showing tender red marks from the painful discipline she's endured. And she's endured pleasure as well - her nipples are pinched by clamps which currently vibrate at a low intensity, and tjher penis is locked within a chastity cage alongside several egg-shaped vibrators that pulse against it. tEven though Fuyuko hasn't been allowed to cum even once, she still looks oddly satisfied. This kind of punishment is exactly what she had been hoping for. But her expression changes once she hears Midnight's voice. q~tYou really are a masochist, aren't you? I don't like hurting people, so I was worried when Master ordered me to punish you... But it looks like this wasn't a punishment at all. You'll probably be happier if you admit it to yourself.q~tEThe words cause a heavy pit of shame to settle in Fuyuko's stomach. twThere's nothing noble about what she's doing, nothing to be proud of. She brought all those sex toys, not because she wanted to ensure that Midnight would be satisfied, but because she had fantasized about having them used on her. She offered to do whatever Midnight wanted, but she didn't actually try to anticipate what Midnight would want. She had been blinded by lust.t^You conclude by whispering a command to her, telling her to be honest about her true nature. t "I... I... I-tI just want to cuuum!q~tMidnight rewards her for her honesty. The vibration settings on her toys are turned up to maximum, and she also pulls out the tiring gag and anal beads from Fuyuko's bag. Fuyuko's scream as the beads are forced inside is muffled by tMidnight's cock tNbeing pushed down her throat. Fuyuko cums hard, convulsing against her bonds.tR Midnight continues fucking Fuyuko's throat, then finally shoots her load inside.t tAfterward, Midnight leaves without a word, allowing Fuyuko to hang limp in her bonds until she mentally collects herself enough to use her Chosen powers to escape. But that will take awhile. Fuyuko can't stop dwelling on the revelation about her true motives. t(tLI'm doing something good... but my reasons... are nothing but selfishness...t)uq~Puq~"tMost Chosen aren't interested in learning more about the Demons, and even if they are, there are strict regulations prohibiting fraternization with the enemy. But Tyrant's meetings with the Demon Lord are already flagrantly in violation of those regulations, so she sees no reason to contain her curiosity. Although her original interest was purely academic, her thoughts have been turning in increasingly sexual directions lately, and she's recently become obsessed with the body modification undergone by the female Thralls used as breeding stock. It's plain to see that she's excited by the fantasy of such modifications being made to her own body. tOnce you figure it out, it's a simple matter to tempt her with the prospect of experiencing a temporary version of the modification herself. After all, her Chosen physiology is resistant to permanent changes, and the Demons used to induce body modification aren't suited for combat - she knows that you stand to lose a lot if you try to betray her. She accepts your invitation and arrives at the abandoned building where you've prepared the necessary tentacles, tnodding in greeting to Axiom. t"tI may get caught up in the moment and begin asking to stop, but pay that no heed. I'm more than capable of freeing myself if I really want to.t" q~t Have fun!q~t.Tentacles descend from the ceiling and wrap around Tyrant's wrists and ankles, gently lifting her up off the floor. When she experimentally tries struggling a little, it just sets her to swaying back and forth. If she were a regular human, she'd have no hope of escaping. The thought turns her on. tMore tentacles approach, these ones tipped with fine needles. Tyrant eyes them apprehensively, but they're coated with anaesthetic slime that completely prevents her from feeling it when they start to poke her. Two enter her chest, two enter her ass cheeks, and the last inserts itself in her lower abdomen, just above her clitoris. At first, Tyrant isn't sure that they're doing anything. But then Axiomt& abruptly grabs her hanging breasts. tThe first squeeze causes Tyrant to moan in pleasure, and the second causes her to cry out in an immediate orgasm, juices immediately running down her thighs as they spasm against the tentacles holding them apart. t[Tyrant is dazed, shocked by the intensity of what the Demons can make her feel when she doesn't resist. She's tempted to put a stop to this immediately, for fear of what she'll do if she doesn't. But the thought of fleeing goes away when she hears a creaking sound off to her side and looks over to see Axiom wheeling a stand mirror into view. t'Her body has been completely changed. tkHer breasts have grown so large that they almost touch the floor, her nipples swollen and dribbling milk. t~Her ass has grown as well, and she now has what can only be described as 'childbearing hips'. She's entranced by the sight. q~t.My body is... even more beautiful like this...q~tBefore she has too much time to admire herself, more tentacles wrap themselves around her, squeezing her bottom, pulling her legs further apart, and rubbing against her clitoris. Axiom walks around t behind hert!, revealing her strap-on dildo. q~tNow, let's put it to use.q~t?Tyrant cries out at the feeling of Axiom entering her ass, but tCher entire body feels like an erogenous zone with all the tentacles stimulating it. She's already cumming when a pair of sucker tentacles start to milk her enlarged breasts, and the added stimulation puts her into a state of continuous orgasm. She loses track of time, caught up in the bliss of life as a Demon breeder. t5Afterward, you fulfill your end of the bargain and release her so that she can go home. When she gathers up enough power to take flight, her body naturally seems to shift back to normal, and she heads home and goes to bed with no further issues. However, when she tries to get dressed the next morning, her t)bra no longer fits. Her Chosen powers may have protected her from the long-term effects of the Demonic poisons, but those same powers also cause her body to reflect her own self-image. The impression left on her psyche by the events of last night was strong enough to change her physical form. q~tI allowed myself to believe for a moment that I wasn't already perfect. Although... now that I know that this is an option, perhaps I should convince the Demons to 'enhance' me even more...q~t: Tyrant will have access to a special tool after falling!uq~"tMost Chosen aren't interested in learning more about the Demons, and even if they are, there are strict regulations prohibiting fraternization with the enemy. But Sky's meetings with the Demon Lord are already flagrantly in violation of those regulations, so she sees no reason to contain her curiosity. Although her original interest was purely academic, her thoughts have been turning in increasingly sexual directions lately, and she's recently become obsessed with the body modification undergone by the female Thralls used as breeding stock. It's plain to see that she's excited by the fantasy of such modifications being made to her own body. tOnce you figure it out, it's a simple matter to tempt her with the prospect of experiencing a temporary version of the modification herself. After all, her Chosen physiology is resistant to permanent changes, and the Demons used to induce body modification aren't suited for combat - she knows that you stand to lose a lot if you try to betray her. She accepts your invitation and arrives at the abandoned building where you've prepared the necessary tentacles, t&nodding in greeting to Lightbringer. t"tI may get caught up in the moment and begin asking to stop, but pay that no heed. I'm more than capable of freeing myself if I really want to.t" q~tHeheh, how kinky.q~t+Tentacles descend from the ceiling and wrap around Sky's wrists and ankles, gently lifting her up off the floor. When she experimentally tries struggling a little, it just sets her to swaying back and forth. If she were a regular human, she'd have no hope of escaping. The thought turns her on. tMore tentacles approach, these ones tipped with fine needles. Sky eyes them apprehensively, but they're coated with anaesthetic slime that completely prevents her from feeling it when they start to poke her. Two enter her chest, two enter her ass cheeks, and the last inserts itself in her lower abdomen, just above her clitoris. At first, Sky isn't sure that they're doing anything. But then Lightbringert& abruptly grabs her hanging breasts. tThe first squeeze causes Sky to moan in pleasure, and the second causes her to cry out in an immediate orgasm, juices immediately running down her thighs as they spasm against the tentacles holding them apart. t_Sky is dazed, shocked by the intensity of what the Demons can make her feel when she doesn't resist. She's tempted to put a stop to this immediately, for fear of what she'll do if she doesn't. But the thought of fleeing goes away when she hears a creaking sound off to her side and looks over to see Lightbringer wheeling a stand mirror into view. t'Her body has been completely changed. tkHer breasts have grown so large that they almost touch the floor, her nipples swollen and dribbling milk. t~Her ass has grown as well, and she now has what can only be described as 'childbearing hips'. She's entranced by the sight. q~t.My body is... even more beautiful like this...q~tBefore she has too much time to admire herself, more tentacles wrap themselves around her, squeezing her bottom, pulling her legs further apart, and rubbing against her clitoris. Lightbringer walks around t behind hert!, revealing her strap-on dildo. q~t,This is too sexy, I can't control myself...!q~tCSky cries out at the feeling of Lightbringer entering her ass, but tCher entire body feels like an erogenous zone with all the tentacles stimulating it. She's already cumming when a pair of sucker tentacles start to milk her enlarged breasts, and the added stimulation puts her into a state of continuous orgasm. She loses track of time, caught up in the bliss of life as a Demon breeder. t5Afterward, you fulfill your end of the bargain and release her so that she can go home. When she gathers up enough power to take flight, her body naturally seems to shift back to normal, and she heads home and goes to bed with no further issues. However, when she tries to get dressed the next morning, her t)bra no longer fits. Her Chosen powers may have protected her from the long-term effects of the Demonic poisons, but those same powers also cause her body to reflect her own self-image. The impression left on her psyche by the events of last night was strong enough to change her physical form. q~tyFortunately, my Chosen garb should adjust itself to my new size. I will have to buy some new civilian clothes, though...q~t7 Sky will have access to a special tool after falling!uq~Puq~'t5In an unassuming house on the outskirts of the city, tMidnight sits in the living room and watches a celebrity news story featuring Spike. The volume is cranked up loud, and Midnight devotes only half her attention toward the TV, frequently glancing toward a door to a side room with a smirk on her face. tThe story details the recent sightings of Spike's registered civilian identity meeting with a mysterious unknown person. Investigators have been unable to get a clear look at the person's face, but teven in the brief clips of video shown on the TV, Spike's body language toward the mysterious person speaks for itself - she's deeply in love. t8The mysterious figure, of course, is Midnight herself. tStanding up from the couch, Midnight heads toward the house's back room and opens the door. Inside is what can only be described as a sex dungeon. tThe pink-painted walls are lined with sex toys of all kinds, but with a special focus on tools of obedience and submission. There are collars, leashes, and harnesses to match any outfit (or lack thereof), with one particular collar missing because it's currently being worn. tkThat collar's wearer is currently fastened to a wooden horse in the center of the room, pitifully squirming to and fro. It's Spike, and although her movements are only putting more pressure on her crotch and causing her rope bindings to dig painfully into her welt-covered flesh, she doesn't stop, tormenting herself in accordance with Midnight's instructions. tShe wears a blindfold, but the sound of the Forsaken's approaching footsteps is enough to make her straighten her back and eagerly call out. t"t%More... Punish me more, Mistress...!t" q~:tAh, I'm going to enjoy this.q~