init 999 python: # Enable console config.console = True store.cheat_opened = False # Define function to open the menu def EnableCheatMenu(): if store.cheat_opened == False: store.cheat_opened = True renpy.call_in_new_context('ShowCheatMenu') # Set cheat menu binding config.keymap['CheatMenuBind'] = ['K_k'] # Enable fast console config.keymap['console'].append('K_l') config.underlay.append(renpy.Keymap(CheatMenuBind=EnableCheatMenu)) label ShowCheatMenu: jump CheatMenu1 # Cheat menu page 1 label CheatMenu1: menu: "Add $500 {b}\[$[]\]{/b}" : $ += 500 jump CheatMenu1 "Add e100 {b}\[e[store.money_e]\]{/b}" : $store.money_e += 100 jump CheatMenu1 "Set Energy to 100 {b}\[[]\]{/b}" : $ = 100 jump CheatMenu1 "Set Hunger to 0 {b}\[[store.hunger]\]{/b}" : $store.hunger = 0 jump CheatMenu1 "Set Bad Memories to 0 {b}\[[store.bad_memories]\]{/b}" : $store.bad_memories = 0 jump CheatMenu1 "Set Pregnancy Day to 9 {b}\[[store.maternity_days]\]{/b}" : $store.maternity_days = 9 jump CheatMenu1 "Set Baby Day to 5 {b}\[[store.motherhood_days]\]{/b}" : $store.motherhood_days = 5 jump CheatMenu1 "{b}More Cheats -->>{/b}" : jump CheatMenu2 "{b}Close{/b}" : $store.cheat_opened = False return # Cheat menu page 2 label CheatMenu2: menu: "Set Trust to 100 {b}\[[]\]{/b}" : $ = 100 jump CheatMenu2 "Set Respect to 100 {b}\[[store.respect]\]{/b}" : $store.respect = 100 jump CheatMenu2 "Set Happiness to 100 {b}\[[store.happiness]\]{/b}" : $store.happiness = 100 jump CheatMenu2 "Set Health to 100 {b}\[[]\]{/b}" : $ = 100 jump CheatMenu2 "Set Good Memories to 100 {b}\[[store.good_memories]\]{/b}" : $store.good_memories = 100 jump CheatMenu2 "Set Anger to 0 {b}\[[store.anger]\]{/b}" : $store.anger = 0 jump CheatMenu2 "Set Sadness to 0 {b}\[[store.sadness]\]{/b}" : $store.sadness = 0 jump CheatMenu2 "{b}<<-- Previous Cheats{/b}": jump CheatMenu1 "{b}Close{/b}": $store.cheat_opened = False return