label update0: python: mainquest = 0 aoibheann_met = 0 amano_met = 0 ambriel_met = 0 ashira_met = 0 ashley_met = 0 barirmouserd_met = 1 blossom_met = 1 cecilia_met = 0 lydia_met = 0 druthari_met = 1 dwel_met = 0 ember_met = 1 eshtel_met = 0 eyleth_met = 0 galka_met = 1 gillie_met = 0 harai_met = 0 harpy_met = 0 jade_met = 1 kageshini_met = 0 kanako_met = 1 krin_met = 0 lirum_met = 0 maika_met = 0 mayyah_met = 1 clements_met = 0 nemlyn_met = 0 nichiri_met = 0 nook_met = 1 phoebe_met = 0 river_met = 0 rukah_met = 1 saarya_met = 0 saffryn_met = 0 serafina_met = 1 senia_met = 0 tilai_met = 1 venrae_met = 0 wither_met = 1 yuka_met = 0 zira_met = 0 fia_met = 0 inphyy_met = 0 homura_met = 0 hilda_met = 0 padget_met = 0 cerros_met = 0 ibti_met = 0 petra_met = 1 shoo_met = 0 mimic_met = 0 aoibheann_affection = 0 amano_affection = 0 ambriel_affection = 0 ashira_affection = 0 ashley_affection = 0 mouse_affection = 0 blossom_affection = 0 cecilia_affection = 0 lydia_affection = 0 druthari_affection = 0 dwel_affection = 0 ember_affection = 0 eshtel_affection = 0 eyleth_affection = 0 galka_affection = 0 gillie_affection = 0 harai_affection = 0 harpy_affection = 0 jade_affection = 0 kageshini_affection = 0 kanako_affection = 0 krin_affection = 0 lirum_affection = 0 maika_affection = 0 mayyah_affection = 0 clements_affection = 0 nemlyn_affection = 0 nichiri_affection = 0 nook_affection = 0 phoebe_affection = 0 river_affection = 0 rukah_affection = 0 saarya_affection = 0 saffryn_affection = 0 serafina_affection = 0 senia_affection = 0 tilai_affection = 0 venrae_affection = 0 wither_affection = 0 yuka_affection = 0 zira_affection = 0 fia_affection = 0 inphyy_affection = 0 homura_affection = 0 hilda_affection = 0 padget_affection = 0 cerros_affection = 0 ibti_affection = 0 petra_affection = 0 shoo_affection = 0 mimic_affection = 0 #maxquest aoibheann_maxquest = 0 amano_maxquest = 0 ambriel_maxquest = 0 ashira_maxquest = 0 ashley_maxquest = 0 mouse_maxquest = 4 blossom_maxquest = 2 cecilia_maxquest = 0 lydia_maxquest = 0 druthari_maxquest = 5 dwel_maxquest = 0 ember_maxquest = 1 eshtel_maxquest = 0 eyleth_maxquest = 0 galka_maxquest = 1 gillie_maxquest = 0 harai_maxquest = 0 harpy_maxquest = 0 jade_maxquest = 2 kageshini_maxquest = 0 kanako_maxquest = 1 krin_maxquest = 0 lirum_maxquest = 0 maika_maxquest = 0 mayyah_maxquest = 3 clements_maxquest = 0 nemlyn_maxquest = 0 nichiri_maxquest = 0 nook_maxquest = 1 phoebe_maxquest = 0 river_maxquest = 0 rukah_maxquest = 2 saarya_maxquest = 0 saffryn_maxquest = 0 serafina_maxquest = 2 senia_maxquest = 0 tilai_maxquest = 3 venrae_maxquest = 0 wither_maxquest = 1 yuka_maxquest = 0 zira_maxquest = 0 fia_maxquest = 0 inphyy_maxquest = 0 homura_maxquest = 0 hilda_maxquest = 0 padget_maxquest = 0 cerros_maxquest = 0 ibti_maxquest = 0 petra_maxquest = 1 shoo_maxquest = 0 mimic_maxquest = 0 #_met if "lydia_met" not in globals (): lydia_met = 0 if "lydia_maxquest" not in globals (): lydia_maxquest = 0 return label after_load: call update1 from _call_update1 return label update1: if renpy.loadable("questashira.rpyc"): if ashira_met == 0: $ ashira_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questdwel.rpyc"): if dwel_met == 0: $ dwel_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questeyleth.rpyc"): if eyleth_met == 0: $ eyleth_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questharai.rpyc"): if harai_met == 0: $ harai_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questkrin.rpyc"): if krin_met == 0: $ krin_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questnemlyn.rpyc"): if nemlyn_met == 0: $ nemlyn_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questnichiri.rpyc"): if nichiri_met == 0: $ nichiri_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questsenia.rpyc"): if senia_met == 0: $ senia_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questphoebe.rpyc"): if phoebe_met == 0: $ phoebe_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questvenrae.rpyc"): if venrae_met == 0: $ venrae_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questzira.rpyc"): if zira_met == 0: $ zira_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questfia.rpyc"): if fia_met == 0: $ fia_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questinphyy.rpyc"): if inphyy_met == 0: $ inphyy_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questhomura.rpyc"): if homura_met == 0: $ homura_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questhilda.rpyc"): if hilda_met == 0: $ hilda_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questpadget.rpyc"): if padget_met == 0: $ padget_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questcerros.rpyc"): if cerros_met == 0: $ cerros_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questmimic.rpyc"): if mimic_met == 0: $ mimic_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questamano.rpyc"): if amano_met == 0: $ amano_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questsaffryn.rpyc"): if saffryn_met == 0: $ saffryn_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questkageshini.rpyc"): if kageshini_met == 0: $ kageshini_met = 1 #after next update python: aoibheann_maxquest = 0 amano_maxquest = 0 ambriel_maxquest = 0 ashira_maxquest = 0 ashley_maxquest = 0 mouse_maxquest = 4 blossom_maxquest = 2 cecilia_maxquest = 0 lydia_maxquest = 0 druthari_maxquest = 5 dwel_maxquest = 0 ember_maxquest = 1 eshtel_maxquest = 0 eyleth_maxquest = 0 galka_maxquest = 1 gillie_maxquest = 0 harai_maxquest = 0 harpy_maxquest = 0 jade_maxquest = 2 kageshini_maxquest = 0 kanako_maxquest = 1 krin_maxquest = 0 lirum_maxquest = 0 maika_maxquest = 0 mayyah_maxquest = 3 clements_maxquest = 0 nemlyn_maxquest = 0 nichiri_maxquest = 0 nook_maxquest = 1 phoebe_maxquest = 0 river_maxquest = 0 rukah_maxquest = 2 saarya_maxquest = 0 saffryn_maxquest = 0 serafina_maxquest = 2 senia_maxquest = 0 tilai_maxquest = 3 venrae_maxquest = 0 wither_maxquest = 1 yuka_maxquest = 0 zira_maxquest = 0 fia_maxquest = 0 inphyy_maxquest = 0 homura_maxquest = 0 hilda_maxquest = 0 padget_maxquest = 0 cerros_maxquest = 0 ibti_maxquest = 0 petra_maxquest = 1 shoo_maxquest = 0 mimic_maxquest = 0 return #init -998: label start: call update0 from _call_update0 if renpy.loadable("/quest files/Season 1/00Prologue.rpyc"): if season1 == False: $ season1 = True if renpy.loadable("questashira.rpyc"): if ashira_met == 0: $ ashira_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questdwel.rpyc"): if dwel_met == 0: $ dwel_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questeyleth.rpyc"): if eyleth_met == 0: $ eyleth_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questharai.rpyc"): if harai_met == 0: $ harai_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questkrin.rpyc"): if krin_met == 0: $ krin_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questnemlyn.rpyc"): if nemlyn_met == 0: $ nemlyn_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questnichiri.rpyc"): if nichiri_met == 0: $ nichiri_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questsenia.rpyc"): if senia_met == 0: $ senia_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questphoebe.rpyc"): if phoebe_met == 0: $ phoebe_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questvenrae.rpyc"): if venrae_met == 0: $ venrae_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questzira.rpyc"): if zira_met == 0: $ zira_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questfia.rpyc"): if fia_met == 0: $ fia_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questinphyy.rpyc"): if inphyy_met == 0: $ inphyy_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questhomura.rpyc"): if homura_met == 0: $ homura_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questhilda.rpyc"): if hilda_met == 0: $ hilda_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questpadget.rpyc"): if padget_met == 0: $ padget_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questcerros.rpyc"): if cerros_met == 0: $ cerros_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questmimic.rpyc"): if mimic_met == 0: $ mimic_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questamano.rpyc"): if amano_met == 0: $ amano_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questsaffryn.rpyc"): if saffryn_met == 0: $ saffryn_met = 1 if renpy.loadable("questkageshini.rpyc"): if kageshini_met == 0: $ kageshini_met = 1 jump S1intro label S1intro: #label start: default debugmenu = False stop music fadeout 3.0 default playername = "Aurum" default nickname = "Golden Boy" label scene1: scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause(1) scene introAurum with fade default persistent.playername = "Aurum" $ playername = renpy.input("What should we call you? (Leave blank for default name.)") $ playername = playername.strip() if not playername: $ playername = "Aurum" # Capture Player Name For Gallery $ persistent.playername = playername $ nickname = renpy.input("What is an affectionate nickname for you that you absolutely hate? (Leave blank for default nickname.)") $ nickname = nickname.strip() if not nickname: $ nickname = "Golden Boy" scene black with fade if debugmenu: menu debugoption: "Go to Debug?" "Yup": jump debugger "Nah": pass #if season1: #menu playerskip: #"Start a new playthrough?" #"New Season 1 Playthrough": #jump s1start #"New Season 2 Playthrough": #$ mainquest = 0 #jump go #else: #pass #label go: #scene black with fade #$ renpy.pause (1) call s1prostart from _call_s1prostart scene black with fade pause 2.0 label mainquest: if mainquest == 0: call s2e1001 from _call_s2e1001 return elif mainquest == 1: call s2e2001 from _call_s2e2001 return elif mainquest == 2: call s2e2willy from _call_s2e2willy return elif mainquest == 3: call s2e2uniform from _call_s2e2uniform return elif mainquest == 4: call s2e2cctv from _call_s2e2cctv return elif mainquest == 5: call s2e2jackjealous from _call_s2e2jackjealous return elif mainquest == 6: call s2e3chapterstart from _call_s2e3chapterstart return elif mainquest == 7: call s2e3wedafpatrol from _call_s2e3wedafpatrol return #elif mainquest == 8: #call s2e4stab from _call_s2e4stab #return #elif mainquest == 9: #call s2e5 #return #elif mainquest == 10: #call s2e5 #return else: scene black with fade vs "You've completed all of the Main Quest steps in this build!" vs "We're working hard on more story content for you, but until then, sit back and enjoy your time with the girls. Look for updates on the page!" return