Detailed Guide Prologue 1 Get good grades!!! - Party and have fun! - BOYFRIEND!! - Chapter 1 1 Erm...hi? Are you talking to me? Jack +1 [Ignore] Jack +1 2 Erm yeah.. I am moving in here - That is none of your business Jack +1 [Keep Quiet] Jack +1 3 That wouldn't be necessary...thanks - Closes Chp 1 fun scenario That would be great thanks - Opens Chp 1 fun scenario 4. Yo bro! So good to finally see you again! Ryder +1 I am tired, can you help me bring all this in - [Lean in to hug] Ryder +2 5. Livable I guess - This place looks great. It's really near my school Ryder +1 I am just glad we got to be staying together! Ryder +2 6. Go to the bathroom to check out Jasper -1 (Unqiue CG) 6.1 I....the door was open....I.... - You should close the door when showering! Jasper -1 Hi...I am [name]! - I didn't see anything! Jasper -1 I am tired. Just go back to my room - 6.2 You are naked! Jasper -1 Hi...I am [name] - 7. [Civil] - I don't really feel comfortable with it Jasper -1 [Compromise] - I am absolutely cool with it Jasper +1 [Joke] -I love the idea of walking around nude too Jasper -2 8. Thank you so much for your concern - Thanks, but I am fine on my own Jack +1 (Yawnn)'s really late.. Jack +1 9. I can take care myself thank you Ryder -2 Don't worry about me Ryder -1 That's what I feel about him too Ryder +1 If Jack points >= 3: He will ask to show you around the neighbourhood 10. Alright. Maybe for a little while - Chp 1 Fun Route I am tired. Thanks for the offer but I think I'll pass - End Chp1 11. No I am single as fuck - Yes I am together with someone - 12 Reject - End Chp1 Agreed - Fun route Chapter 2 1. I would rather snuggle up with someone - Cool story Ryder -1 Sure, we could do it sometime Ryder +2 2. Is that a date? Ryder +1 Your treat??!!!l Ryder -1 I'd rather we go to a restaurant Ryder -2 3. Yea sure!. Let me get ready real quick Skip fun scene [Go school alone]" Fun scene 4. Diplomacy - (Ask what is going on) Ellis +1/Yan -1 Sarcasm - (Continuing staring) Ellis -1/Yan -1 Confrontation - (Defend blondie) Ellis -1/Yan +1 5. Oh shit it's the clown! Ellis -1/Yan +1 We didn't see you there - Hi, have we met? Ellis -1/Yan -1 Make peace Ellis +1/Yan -1 Pretend he's not there Ellis - /Yan +1 6. [Apologise] Sorry!! Ellis +1/Yan -1/Presley +1 [Lie]We are just discussing your lecture Ellis -1/Yan -1/Presley -1 [Blame] This guy is crazy, we do not know him! Ellis -1/Yan +1/Presley -1 7. What? I am no Ringleader Yan +1/Presley +1 [name] Chase. Sir Yan -1/Presley -1 8. Alright Sir....I will do my best. Ellis -1/Presley +1/Yan -1 This is bullshit Ellis +1/Presley -1/Yan +1 Wtf just happen - 9. We are in this together Ellis +1 You can rely on me Ellis -1 [Ask Ellis to man up] Ellis +2 10 Just head over to your next class right now Skip Chp2 Fun route Have a pee break Chp2 Fun route Toilet Fun Route - Make less noise for best ending 11 Hello??? noise +2 [Knock against the cubicle] noise +1 [Ignore] - 12 Can I help you? noise +2 Yo, stop banging against the cubicle noise +5 [Knock against the cubicle] noise +1 [Ignore] - 13 Can I help you sir?? noise +2 Yo, you bette stop that shit noise +5 [Knock against the cubicle] noise +1 [Keep quiet] 14 If noise is more than 4: Fun route ends If noise is more than 1 and less than 4: Toilet ending 1 If noise is 0: Toilet happy ending Chapter 2 Part 2 15 [Neutral] Meh ... it's alright - - [Positive] I love it - [Negative] It sucks Ryder +1 16 So what have you been up to? Ryder +1 Anything else to do in town? - [Ask about Jasper] - [Ask about the other housemate] - [Talk about your reunion with him] Continues conversation 17 [Sarcasm] I cried too! Ryder +1 [Diss] Boohoo Ryder -1 [Reason] It wasn't the end - [Jest] I wasn't your girlfriend Ryder +2 18 What happen? Ryder -2 New year new start! Ryder +1 Let's talk about something else! - Plenty of fishes in the sea": Ryder -1 Where's our drink? Ryder +1 19 [Come out to Ryder] - Still looking for the right one Ryder +1 Not looking for anyone right now Ryder -1 None of your business Ryder -2 20 I like a Thinker Ryder +1 A good heart Ryder -1 Physical attractive? Ryder +1 Someone with a sense of Humor - 21 [Smile at him] Raymond +1 [Pretend he's not there] - [Intimidate him] Raymond -1 22 [Tell him your name] - [Greet him back] Raymond -1 [Keep quiet] Raymond +1 23 He is just being friendly Ryder -1 He was hitting on me Ryder -2 People are drawn to me Ryder +1 I have no idea.. - 24 Jasper is cool Jasper -1/Vinny -1 Thanks for the warm welcome Vinny +1/Ryder -1 [Say Nothing] Jasper+1/Vinny-1 25 Vinny is great Ryder +1/Vinny +1 Thanks for saving me - 26 Yes I am Serious - Yoga bonding Route Fine you can go - Skip Yoga bonding scene 27 [Joke] Damn...are those real? Ryder +1 [Flirt] Oof...You are making me horny" Ryder +2 [Feign Ignorance Ryder -1 [Compliment] - Criticise his yoga poses to get best ending for this scenario 28 Comeon, I can do that too Yoga scenario +1 [Clap] Yoga scenario -1 [Keep quiet] 0 29 That is just stretching Yoga scenario +1 [Clap] - [Keep quiet] - 30 That is pretty graceful Ryder +1 That is just balancing on one leg Yoga scenario +1 [Keep quiet] - 31 If Yoga scenario = 3 > Ryder will show you one final pose > Jump to 32 Else > Ryder will return back to his room > Jump to 33 32 Finally, some high level shit Ryder +1 Hmm.. it's okay.. Ryder -1 33 [Knock on his door] - [Call for Jasper] - [Enter his room] Continues to 34 if Ryder is still in your room Else jump to 35 34 Let him sleep on the floor Ryder -1 Put him on your bed Go to 35 Wake him up - 35 Sleep beside him +1 Hug him to sleep +2 Chapter 3 36 Good morning Jasper +1 Sorry about yesterday night Jasper -1 [Say nothing] Jasper +0 37 Guns - Humans - Nuclear bombs - Words Persuasion +1 Note: You need to gain your persuasion point here if you wish to get the good ending in Health Centre Fun 37.5 Why has it got to be me? - Why does he needs help? - Okay - 38 When can I leave? Mikhail -1 Do we stripped them in the final step? - Nope Mikhail +1 Can you repeat that? - You will be tested in Health Centre Fun 39 TV's good Vinny +1 Mind if I join you with Yoga? Jasper +1 I think I am going to study in my room Intelligence +1 40 Okay - Miss you too, see you soon Jorge +1 [Ignore] Jorge -1 41 That there is no rules - You do not talk about Fight Club Intelligence +1 You must fight - I don't know - 42 Study with Ellis in the library Ellis +1 Help Dr.Mikhail in the Health Centre Mikhail +1 - Jump to 42 Go home rest - Jump to 43 Health Centre Fun - If you choose to help Mikhail Alright count on me Mikhail +1 I am not so sure... - 44 Just do as I say Eddie's trust +1 Just relax Eddie's trust -1 45 Height, Weight, Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Eddie's trust +1 Height, Weight, BMI and Blood Pressure - Height, Weight, Testosterone & Cholesterol level Eddie's trust -1 Height, Weight, BMI and Heart Rate - 46 The Physical Fitness Accessment Form - The Physical Readiness Accessment Form Eddie's trust +1 The Physical Activity Readiness Form - The Physical Medical Fitness Form - 47 Bioelectrical Machine Eddie's trust +1 Hydrostatic Weighing - Near Infrared Interactance - Magnetic Resonance Imaging - 48 That is all, you can put back your clothes Ends Health Centre fun route - Jump to 53 I will be doing some physical examination now Continues Health Centre fun 49 Examine front - jump to 50 Examine back - jump to 51 Ends examination Ends Health Centre fun route - Jump to 53 50 Examine abs Eddie's trust +1 Examine arms Eddie's trust +1 Examine chest Eddie's trust +1 Examine mouth Eddie's trust -2 Examine nipple Eddie's trust +1 Examine bulge If Eddie's trust more than 5 - jump to 52 else Ends - jump to 53 Go Back jump to 49 51 Examine neck Eddie's trust -1 Examine Lats Eddie's trust -1 Examine Butt Eddie's trust +1 Go Back jump to 49 52 Persuasion Health Centre Fun Happy Ending Let him leave ends jump to 53 53 Yeah, I am in the middle of something Jasper -1 No, not at all Jasper +1 54 I am sorry. It's my fault - I don't even remember anything Jasper -1 You should have locked your door - 55 You were having cam sex Jasper +1 What you do in privacy is none of my business Jasper -1 Yeah.. I was just about to ask that" 56 That sounds fun Jasper +1 You are free to do what you want Jasper -1 Wow you are really daring Chapter 4 57 (Whisper) The Shining Ellis -1 (Whisper) The Thing? Ellis +1 (Whisper) IT Ellis -1 (Whisper) Misery Ellis -1 [Do nothing] 58 That's a relief! Yan -1/Ellis +1 Why? Yan +1 Oh no... I was looking forward to it Yan -1/Ellis -1 59 Thanks.. I will do my best! Yan -1/Ellis +1 Ellis is a better leader Yan -1/Ellis -1 Yan is a better leader Yan +1/Ellis -1 60 Not really - Yes I do Presley +1 61 Sir you look really fit Presley +1 What.. I wasnt.. I .... - 62 [Help Vinny] Vinny +1 [Leave them alone!] Vinny -1 63 You need to leave Ryder +1 I don't know what I can do... Ryder -1 This is none of my business.. Continue to 64 64 Let her in Ryder -3/Vinny -1 Ask her to leave Ryder +1/Vinny +1 65 Erm... nothing... Vinny -1 Just helping him with some work Vinny -2 I do not know.. 66 We will just go with the flow Jasper -1 Just strip and show them our penis Jasper -2 Just follow my lead Jasper +1 67 Do you like what you see? Jasper +1 What now? - Do I qualify? - 68 Smile and Wave Jasper +1 Introduce yourself Jasper -1 Rub your nipples Jasper +1 69 No worries!, I love it Jasper +1 Yeah... this is a bit weird Jasper -1 No sweat!, it doesn't bother me... - 70 Kiss Jasper on the cheek Jasper +1 Rub your nipples - Pinch Jasper nipples Jasper -1 71 It's not hard to get hard infront of you Jasper -1 I am an exhibitionist Jasper +1 Ok I will try - 72 Solo Sultry pose Jasper +1 French kiss Jasper Jasper +2 73 Grab his dick and jerk him off if Jasper affection >9 extra scene Chapter 5 74 Open Door jump to 75 ignore jump to 77 75 Your birthday? Vinny +2 Yes...we are going drinking tonight... Vinny +1 Err....what day is it again? Vinny -1 76 Sure Vinny +2 Nah... I am not interested Vinny -1 77 Sleep through the day Study a lil Intelligence +1 Read a book" Persuasion +1 Watch TV with Vinny Vinny +1 Find Ryder for Yoga Ryder -1 From this on, everytime you choose to drink, you will increase your affection with whoever you drink with. But it will increase your intoxicity ratings. Too much intoxication will cause you to get drunk and miss out the fun ending for this chapter. It will also permanently remove Raymond as a potential ending romance. 78 It looks wild! Vinny +1 It looks okay... Vinny -1/ Jasper +1 [Say nothing] Vinny -1/ Ryder +1 79 I am no one's boytoy Ryder +1/Vinny +1/Jasper +1 Yes, we are together Vinny +2 80 Thanks man... I really appreciate this.. Vinny +1 Yeah the week's been rough I would have rather just slept Vinny -1/Jasper +1 81 Go find Ryder at the toilet jump to 82 Go find Vinny at the dancefloor jump to 96 Go find Jasper near the entrance jump to 89 Go chat with the bartender jump to 101 Head back to table talk to everyone jump to 82 Don't mention it Yo, your ex is crazy Ryder +2 I'd do anything for you bro Ryder +1 83 Take it Ryder +1/Drunk+1 Refuse 84 Then why is she crawling back now? I am sorry... [Say nothing] Ryder +1 85 She's a whore Ryder +2 Maybe she really realized her mistake? Ryder -2 [Say nothing] Ryder -1 86 You should start afresh Ryder +1 You should give her another chance Ryder -2 87 Love can be nurture Ryder +2 Plenty of fishes in the sea Ryder +1 Just stay with her Ryder -2 I don't know either Ryder -1 88 Take it Ryder +1/Drunk+1 Decline 89 You should stand your ground Jasper +1 Lighten up! Japser -1 90 It's not something I would approve of Jasper +2 That work brings a lot of money! Jasper -1 You are great in it! Jasper +1 91 Offer him a drink & drink with him Jasper +1/Drunk +1 [Do nothing] 92 I will think about it Of course! Jasper +1 As long as I get paid Jasper -2 I don't think I will do it again Jasper -1 93 Go ahead Quit being a bitch, just ask Jasper -1 You can always ask me anything Jasper +1 94 Yes, it isn't my first Jasper -1 [Lie] No, that was my first with you if persuasion >2 = +-0 else -3 95 Yeah bro, you gay now Jasper -1 No man, we just doing it for the money and audience Jasper -2 Sexuality is fluid Jasper +1 96 Accept the drink Vinny +1/Drunk +1 Refuse the drunk 97 You are hot Vinny +1 Ryder's hot Jasper's hot Nope Vinny -1 The bouncer The bartender 98 That's the rude thing to ask Vinny -1 Gay Vinny +1 Straight Bi Vinny +2 99 I agree I'll drink to that Vinny +2/ Drunk +1 Amen sis Vinny +1 100 Take the Drink Vinny +2/Drunk +2 Refuse Vinny -1 101 Drink it Kian +1/Drunk +1 Refuse 102 So what's the house special here at ULTIMATICA? jump 103 You are hot jump 104 Tell me more about the place jump 106 leave 103 Hit Me Kian +2/Drunk +5 Avoid 104 if drunk>5 Kian +2 /jump 105 else Kian +0 105 Take it Drunk -1 Refuse 106 Thanks for the info I love a little danger Kian +1 Encounter with Raymond at the Club 107 [Say nothing] - Erm...Hi - [Shrugs away his hand] Raymond +1 108 What? I am wilder than you think I am" Raymond +1 I am just accompanying my friends - [Say nothing] - 109 [Awkward laugh]Hahah.... - [Say nothing] - I am not interested Raymond +1 110 Accept Raymond +1/Drunk +1 Refuse Raymond -1 111 Are you hitting no me?" Haha..thanks Raymond +1 [Stay silent] Raymond -1 112 I was just heading to the dancefloor I am looking for my friends" I just wanna be alone" Raymond -1 Just looking around for some fun Raymond +1 113 Agree > if drunk<6 jump 114 if drunk>5 end chapter Refuse end chapter Raymond's house 114 Not at all - Yes Raymond +1 I don't know... - 115 I promised Raymond +1 [Say nothing] Raymond -1 That sounds... discomforting.. Raymond +2 118 [Aggressive]You sick fuck! Raymond +1 [Compose]What is going now?" [Keep silent] 119 No! Raymond +=1 Are you sure?" 120 [Untie the boy] end chapter [Accept the invitation] Fun route 121 It was amazing Raymond +1 That was...weird - That was awful Raymond -1 CHAPTER 6 _______________________________________ 122 Hi Sir Jorge -1 Hey...Dad.. Jorge +1 Hug Jorge Jorge +2 123 You looking buff too! Jorge +1 Thanks... Humble- Haha.. I am not" 124 Being a single parent is tough Jorge +2 She's doing amazing" Jorge +1 She's alright 125 Life is tough Jorge +1 Life is great Having a single parent is tough Jorge +2 126 I don't need help Jorge +1 Thanks Isn't it a little too late Jorge +2 127 I don't care for it Jorge -1 What do you mean" It's fine Jorge -2 128 Nope. Not interested There's someone I like That is none of your concern Jorge +2 129 Nah, not anymore Jorge +2 Yea... Whatever Jorge -1 130 He is just a friend for now I still miss him Ryder +1 It is awful 131 (Whisper) Macbeth Yan -1 (Whisper) Romeo & Juliet Yan -1 (Whisper) As You Like It Yan -1 (Whisper) Medea" Yan +1 131 Nope, not yet {i}Lie{/i} - Yup Ellis +1 132 Yeah, sure thing! You need to try harder Ellis +1 No Ellis -2 133 Sure thing! Ryder +1 Not today Ryder -1 134 Go workout alone end day Approach the beast jump 135 135 Erm who are you? Rufus -1 Oh hi! Rufus +1 136 Yeah your face look old Rufus -1 Your body look massive! Rufus +1 You don't look old at all! - {i}Lie{/i} - Nonsense, you looking young and fresh if persuasion>1 : Rufus +3 else : Rufus -3 137 Ah.. Ass-to-Grass Rufus +1/ Gym knowledge +1 Ah.. Ass-to-Ground Ah.. Always-touch-Ground 138 Read-only-memory is very important Range-of-movement is very important Range-of-motion is very important Rufus +1/ Gym knowledge +1 139 I am just gymming for fun Rufus -1 I wanna increase my strength Rufus +1 I wanna get bigger and bulkier Rufus +1 I wanna look lean and shredded I wanna look like you Rufus +1/ Gym knowledge +1 I just wanna look at eyecandies Rufus -2 140 Isn't that Heavy-Intensity Training? Isn't that High-Intensity Training? Rufus +1/ Gym knowledge +1 Isn't that Hypertrophy-Intense Training? 141 Intuitive Intermittent Fasting Your Meals If It Fits Your Macros Rufus +1/ Gym knowledge +1 I'm Into Feeling Your Muscle 142 You mean...Pro-Endogenous Drugs You mean...Power-Elevation Drugs You mean...Performance-Enhanching Drugs Rufus +1/ Gym knowledge +1 You mean...Pre-workout Empowering Drugs 143 You go ahead Ryder -2 Alright, let's go 144 Dude it's intense Rufus +1 Could have done more Rufus -1 Your body is amazing Rufus +2 145 Accept Rufus +1 Refuse Rufus -1 Chapter 7 146 You should have more faith in me! Ellis -1 You should not just rely on me Ellis +1 147 Someone might need our help Ellis -1 Hm... not really our business Ellis +1 148 Go investigate Ellis -2 Continue on 149 Yan, are you alright? Yan +2 Stop this instance Yan +1 Okay, go on I am just here to watch Yan -1 / Ellis -1 150 No I don't know him Griff -1/Ellis +1 Yes he is my friend" Yan +1/Ellis -1 We just take same classes, that's all Yan -2/Ellis +1 151 You can go if you like Ellis Ellis -1/Yan +1 Shut the fuck up Ellis Ellis -2/Yan +2 Hmm... seems like a good idea Ellis +3/Yan -3 152 Threaten - Walk away, leave him alone Yan +2/Ellis -2/Griff +1 jump to 155 Shout for Help - HELP!!!!!! Yan -1/Ellis +1/Griff -1 jump to 153 Fight me! Yan +3/Ellis -3/Griff +2 jump to 155 Reason Yan -1/Ellis -1/Griff +1 jump to 155 Persuade if persuasion >1 Yan +3/Ellis +3/Griff +3 jump to 153 else Yan -3/Ellis -3 jump to 155 153 Are you okay? Yan +1/Ellis -1 Hey Yan, didn't see you there Yan +2/Ellis +1 Seems like you got your comeuppance Yan -2/Ellis +1 154 Drag him to school clinic Yan +2/Ellis -2 jump to 155 Leave him Yan -2/Ellis +2 jump to 156 155 Cut your tough guy act Yan +1/Ellis +1 We were just concern Yan -1/Ellis +1 Should have left you alone Yan -1/ELlis +2 156 Let us talk Here to convince you to join us Cato +1 Shut up and listen Cato -2 157 You need to humble yourself Cato -1 Yes, that's pretty much it Cato +1 Who are you again? Cato -2 158 The school pays you Cato -2 You will gain more recognition Cato -1 You can meet new friends Cato +1 159 I will reveal you secret hiding spot Cato -1 You can gain more fans Cato +1 You owe it to the school 160 We can be your slave for a day Cato -1 We will be your entourage We will be your bodyguard 161 Stop beating about the bush Cato +1 Whatever you want we will do it Cato -1 I don't think I get you 162 I have no gag reflex Cato -1 I am a good biter Cato +1 I am vegan 163 if Cato > 3 jump to 164 else Chapter 7 Ends 164 This is our only shot Ellis -1 Life is about give and take Ellis +1 You need to be bold and daring Ellis +2 165 if Ellis >7 - Chapter 7 threesome fun else jump to 166 166 if Cato >5 - Chapter 7 duo fun else Chapter 7 ends Chapter 8: Minimum Jasper Approval Rating at this stage : -27 Maximum Jasper Approval Rating at this stage : 25 167 Grand Theft Auto 5 Gamequiz +0 Minecraft Gamequiz +1 Tetris Gamequiz +0 168 Xbox 360 Gamequiz +0 Playstation 2 Gamequiz +1 Wii U Gamequiz +0 169 DOTA : Defense of the Ancient Gamequiz +0 LOL : League of Legends Gamequiz +0 Fortnite Gamequiz +1 170 HITMAN Gamequiz +0 Detective Pikachu Gamequiz +0 Avengers Gamequiz +1 171 Doom Gamequiz +1 Hercules Gamequiz +0 Jumanji Gamequiz +0 if Gamequiz >3: Intelligence +1 if Save Yan previous chapter jump to 172 else jump to 174 172 It was easy Yan -1 (Don't reply) Why do you wanna know? Yan +1 173 Eww..sorry, I don't drink that" Yan -1 Thanks.." Yan +1 174 Go hide! I will stall her! Ryder +1 You are on your own buddy! Ryder -2 (Take his hand and run) Ryder +2 175 Please give me a heads up next time Jorge +2 You don't need to visit me Jorge +1 Thanks for visiting Jorge 176 I am busy Jorge +2 It's a little too late to bond Jorge +1 Sure Jorge 177 I can hold my own Jorge +1 I don't think I can drink very well Jorge (Lie) I never drink before Jorge +2 178 Thanks for the offer Jorge I don't need it Jorge +1 I will think about it Jorge +2 179 Sure Jump to 180 I can't Jump to 187 Jasper -2 180 Your fans are creepy Jasper +1 Your fans are dope Jasper This is disgusting! Jasper -2 181 You should totally go for it Jasper +0 Don't do what you are uncomfortable with Jasper +1 There's always a first time for everything Jasper +2 182 Nope Jasper Yup Jasper +1 183 Just stick to what you always do Jasper -1 Let's try it Jasper +1 184 Hello no! Jasper -1 Only if you do it with me Jasper +2 Why of course! Jasper +1 185 No, I don't think I wanna do this Jasper -2 : No fun with Jasper : jump 186 It's fine, I will do it for free Jasper +2 : Fun with jasper : jump 186 Thanks! Jasper +0 : Fun with Jasper : jump 186 if Jasper approval rating >9 : Jasper fun stage 2 if Jasper approval rating >17 : Jasper fun stage 3 186 Nothing, just chatting Ryder -2 Just helping him with some stuff Ryder -3 None of your concern Ryder -4 187 It's all good Ryder +0 Your problem is my problem Ryder +1 Get your shit together bro Ryder +2 188 Whatever you do, I will support you Ryder +1 You owe it to Mia Ryder +0 You owe it to yourself Ryder +2 189 Start a fresh with her Ryder -3 Ditch her Ryder +1 Listen to your heart Ryder +2 Chapter 9 190 Study with Ellis Ellis +3 Look for Dr. Mikhail Mikhail +3 Look for Prof. Presley Presley +3 Visit he school gym Rufus +3 Go home and study Intelligence +1 Cruise in the restrooms - 191 Spend the night reading Persuasion +1 Spend time with Vinny Vinny +3 Spend time with Ryder Ryder +3 Spend time with Jasper Jasper +3 192 if you save Yan in the previous encounter > jump to 193 else > jump to 199 193 You were the one that is blind Griff +0 Man..fuck off would ya? Griff +1 I don't want no trouble Griff -1 Bump him back Griff +2 194 Come get some Griff +2 Can't we talk things out Griff -1 Griff +0 195 I got your back Yan Yan +1 / Griff -1 He isn't worth it Yan Yan +2 / Griff -2 Stand back Yan, I got this Yan -1 / Griff +2 196 That guy started it Presley -2 I swear I am not involved in this Yan -1 / Presley -1 Trouble is my middle name" Yan +1 / Presley +1 197 That's more like it Yan -1 Don't worry about it Yan +1 I can handle him Yan +2 198 You got your ass handled by him Yan -2 That would be great - I can fight! Yan +1 No thanks Yan -1 199 Visit he school gym Rufus +3 & Jump to 211 Study with Ellis Ellis +3 & Jump to 211 Go pee and go home Jump to 200 200 Are you alright? Eddie +1 We need to get the staff Eddie -1 Who are they! - 201 Tell me or I won't free you Eddie -1 Sounds like you are lying - Fine...don't tell me Eddie +1 202 You are stupid - You are unlucky Eddie +1 You are disgusting Eddie -1 203 Cruising can be dangerous Eddie -1 Cruising can be exhilrarating - I never tried cruising before Eddie +1 204 You looking really sexy like this Eddie +1 You classmates are real piece of shit thou - 205 Relax, I will get you out in no time Eddie +1 You deserve this Eddie +2 Your body is hot - 206 Attempt to free him Fun ends > jump to 211 Caress his body Continue fun > jump to 207 207 Did you mention you like cruising? Eddie +1 Let me plow you Eddie +2 Are you feeling horny? - 208 We will be quiet - You already got caught Eddie -1 Good, let them watch us Eddie +1 209 if Eddie > 5 > jump 210 else > jump 211 210 if Eddie > 9 (Max 10 points in this event) > Extra 2 bonus fun scene You need to drink a few times to unlock sleepover scene. You do not need to keep drinking. Max DrunkwJorge is 7 points but you only need 4 for this event. You can choose when you want to drink 211 I will not get drunk Jorge +1 I won't be drinking much - 212 Take the drink DrunkwJorge +1 / Jorge +1 Why did you leave her if she's so amazing - You have no rights to talk about her Jorge +2 213 Take a Drink DrunkwJorge +1 Well enough without you Jorge +1 Could have been better if I had a father growing up Jorge +2 214 I don't remember much of the past Jorge -1 Take a drink DrunkwJorge +1 Yeah... Jorge +1 215 I threw it away Jorge -1 I still have it Jorge +1 Take a drink DrunkwJorge +1 216 Why are you trying to get back into my life? Jorge +1 What do you want? Jorge -1 Take a drink DrunkwJorge +1 217 It's too late now Jorge +1 Take a drink DrunkwJorge +1 What is it? - 218 Take a drink DrunkwJorge +1 Fuck you! Jorge +2 I don't know what to say.. Jorge -1 219 I am going home now End chapter 9 Take me home now Jump to 220 220 if DrunkwJorge > 3 > Bonus sleepover scene else > Chapter ends Chapter 10 221 Spend the day with Jasper jump to 222-225 / Jasper +5 Spend the day with Ryder jump to 226-230 / Ryder +5 Spend the day with Vinny jump to 231-233 / Vinny +5 Revise your work Intelligence +1 Do some tutoring jump to 234-239 All routes converged at 240 / Continue at 240 222 Wanna have a webcam session? Jasper -2 Morning Jasper - 223 Thanks, I really appreciate that - Everyone is the house is amazing Jasper +1 224 We should always have aim in life Jasper +3 You are doing great yourself buddy It's not too late to start something new" Jasper +2 225 Woah, now I am excited for you Jasper +1 I am glad you found your drive I got your back Jasper +2 226 You know you can always count on me right? Ryder +1 I will never find your problems bothersome Ryder +1 I love to spend quality time with you too Ryder +2 227 I am holding up well I love the stress Stressed? What's that? Ryder +2 228 You are still my best friend bro Ryder +1 Yeah, he's awesome Ryder -2 I like you being jealous for me Ryder +2 229 Ryder -10 if persuasion >2 : Ryder -0 else : Ryder -5 230 Thanks for your concern You don't have to worry for me I worry for you more Ryder +1 231 Yeah, it get be too much sometimes Vinny -1 I love your energy Vinny +2 You just do you Vinny Vinny +1 232 You are great Vinny +2 Everyone is great 232 I am so sorry to hear that Look how you turn out Vinny +2 Your family are assholes 233 Thanks for sharing Vinny +1 You can count on me Vinny +2 234 I will do my best Mikhail +1 It's just a side job Leave everything to me Dr.Mikhail Mikhail +1 235 Feng +1 Hi, I am your Tutor Your worst nightmare is here!!! Feng -1 236 Don't worry, that's what I am here for Feng +1 You are doing pretty good already Feng +2 237 If your intelligence is high enough, the correct choice will appear with else, you can just choose the correct answer here 1. Every boy must bring his own lunch 2. Tim went to the store, and Mary went with him 3. Their father went to school there Every correct answer Feng +1, Every wrong answer Feng -1 238 We are about the same age - Don't need to be so formal Feng +1 Just call me [name] Feng +2 239 Of course! Feng +1 I'll try to come back again - 240 Sleep Ellis +1 / Yan +1 Study a lil Intelligenece +1 Watch TV with Vinny Vinny +1 Find Ryder for Yoga Ryder +1 241 Erm I didn't do anything Ellis +1 / Yan +1 Haha thanks, you know can rely on me Sarah +1 242 Anything sir! Presley +1 Depends on what it is 243 Ohhh kinky! Vinny -1 Are you serious? Vinny +2 Is that a problem? Vinny -2 244 Would that be bad? Vinny -1 I would if I were you! Vinny -2 Yeah.. yuck Vinny +1 245 Sure Vinny +2/ Jump to 252 Nah, you go ahead Jump 246 246 I saw you sort of fought with Vinny just now? Rufus -2 What's going on? Rufus +1 Wanna tell me what's on your mind? Rufus -1 247 Seem like something you did Rufus -2 You don't know what happen? Rufus +1 He looks really upset Rufus -2 248 You are acting strange Rufus -1 Are you well? Rufus +1 Yeah, I am getting hot in here too Rufus +2 249 You can trust me Rufus -1 Cut the bullshit It doesnt have to be a joke Rufus +1 250 Vinny will understand Rufus -1 Anyway I can help? Rufus +1 Don't be sorry - 251 You can use my hole if Rufus affection >12 fun Alright see you around jump to 252 252 Sleep Jasper +1/ Jorge +1 Study a lil Intelligence +1 Watch TV with Vinny Vinny +2 Find Ryder for Yoga Ryder +1 Hire a Masseur if money >99 : massage time Chapter 11 253 That sounds great! Ellis -1 Sounds fishy Ellis +1 254 You are right Ellis -1 You should never limit yourself Ellis +1 Shut the fuck up" Ellis +2 255 Openness to try new things Ellis +1 Healthy-relationship with yourself Ellis +3 Resilience Ellis +1 You will perform better in life Ellis +2 256 if Ellis Affection > 20 : He will ask you to tag along Why not? : Ellis route open I think you should go alone : Ellis route closes 257 Sleep in early Yan +1 / Ellis +1 Study a lil Intelligence +1 258 Oh come on! Vinny +1 Well up to you Vinny +0 If Vinny Affection >20 : jump 258a else : jump 259 258a He is just going through late puberty Vinny -2 He just switched team and can't get enough of it Vinny +0 That does sounds weird" Vinny +1 Just leave him be Vinny -3 259 If you saved yan : jump 259a else : jump 260 259a Well, thanks for sharing here with me Yan +2 Wow, it's pretty chill spot Yan +1 This place gives me the creep Yan -1 259b You look good Yan -1 You look strong Yan +1 You look fit Yan +0 259c Go for cheap shot Yan +3 Don't go for cheap shot Yan +0 259d You are pretty sweet guy Yan +0 You looking out for me Yan +2 You are not really a bad person Yan +1 259e You are just masking your insecurities Yan +2 Your self-worth depends on how others see you Yan +2 You are just denying your pain Yan +3 259f I do not agree with what you do Yan -2 I am sorry for what you went through Yan -1 I understand Yan +1 259g Adults are nicer than kids Yan -1 There are people you can trust now Yan +2 Just move on Yan -2 260 Chill alone Persuasion +1 Spend time with Vinny Vinny +2 Spend time with Ryder Ryder +2 Spend time with Jasper Jasper +2/ Money +50 261 Sleep Jasper +1 /Jorge +1 Study a little Intelligence +1 Hire a Masseur Massage time! Do some tutoring jump 261a else > 262 261a This is for 2nd Tutoring Session If your intelligence is high enough, the answer will be at the top 261b The issue of the Magazine which has a photo of me is coming out today feng -1 The issue of the Magazine that has a photo of me is coming out today feng +1 261c I feel nausea feng -1 I feel nauseous feng -1 I feel nauseated feng +1 261d He is continually traveling to different countries feng +1 He is continously traveling to different countrie feng -1 261e I am paid to do this feng -1 No problem Glad to help 262 Bring Jasper jump 263 Bring Ryder jump 264 Bring Vinny jump 265 Bring Jorge jump 266 Go alone jump 267 263 if Jasper affection >20 : Success Jasper +5 263a (Playful) Pull his towel off if Jasper>30: Jasper +3 : Fooling Around CG else Jasper -3 (Resist temptation to pull his towel) jump 268 264 if Ryder affection >20 : Success Ryder +5 264a (Playful) Pull his towel off if Ryder >35: Ryder +3 : Fooling Around CG else Ryder -3 (Resist temptation to pull his towel) jump 268 265 if Vinny affection >20 : Success Vinny +5 265a (Playful) Pull his towel off if Vinny >30: Vinny +3 : Fooling Around CG else Vinny -3 (Resist temptation to pull his towel) jump 268 266 Jorge +5 266a (Playful) Pull his towel off if Jorge >15: Jorge +3 : Fooling Around CG else Jorge -3 (Resist temptation to pull his towel) jump 268 267 Take off your towel Raymond +5 > jump 267b Keep towel on jump 268 267b Fuck it, suck him off Naughty CGs : Raymond route closes : jump 268 Just chill jump 268 Chapter 12: 268 if agreed to go with Ellis : jump to 269 else : jump to 280 269 That's what friends are for Ellis -1 Don't mention it Ellis +0 Let's just get this over with Ellis -2 270 It's okay to be nervous Ellis +1 There's nothing to be nervous about Ellis -2 I can't do much but just be here for moral support Ellis +2 Suck it up and just do it Ellis -1 271 Ellis +1 I am just here for the show Ellis -1 Piss off Cato Ellis -2 Would you like me to piss on you? Ellis -2 272 You are sick Cato! Ellis +1 He is kind of right thou Ellis Ellis -3 273 Listen to him Ellis Ellis +1 Shut the hell up Cato Ellis -1 Ellis +2 Ellis, do it Ellis -2 274 Do it Ellis -2 Don't do it Ellis -2 You have to decide yourself Ellis +2 if Ellis affection > 30 : jump 278 else : jump 275 275 You don't know Ellis! Ellis +1 I have faith in him Ellis +2 Ellis +0 276 Give him a thumbs up Ellis -1 Give him a blank stare Ellis -2 Give him a finger-heart shaped gesture Ellis +1 277 I am just his friend Ellis +0 None of your business Ellis +1 Yeah he is my babe Ellis +2 278 I am really proud of you Ellis Ellis +1 I always knew you could do this Ellis Ellis +0 I am just happy to be here with you Ellis +2 279 Go home jump Chapter 13 Pull Ellis in Ellis +5 / jump Chapter 13 280 Sleep Study Intelligence +1 Chill with Vinny Vinny +1 Chill with Ryder Ryder +1 Chapter 13 281 I am proud of you Ryder +0 I am just glad this is over Ryder -1 As long as you are happy Ryder +1 282 Who cares? Ryder +1 True.." Ryder +0 Do whatever you want Ryder -1 283 Find Ellis - Chat with Ellis. There is more dialogue if you accompany Ellis to the art drawing session Ellis +5 if you study with him (Jump to Chapter 14 if you study with Ellis) Find Yan - Chat with Yan. There is more dialogue option if you save Yan. Yan +5 with you spar with him (Jump to Chapter 14 if you spar with Yan) Find Ryder - Chat with Ryder. Ryder +5 if you leave with Ryder (Jump to Chapter 14 if you leave with Ryder) Find Mikhail - Chat with Mikhail. Learn more about Poopy drug Find Rufus - jump to 284 284 You are gay as hell Rufus -1 Sexuality is a spectrum Rufus +0 Men are just horny Rufus +1 285 You can count on me Rufus +1 I will think about it Rufus -1 Vinny needs to know Rufus -2 286 Accept Rufus +2 (Unlock Rufus as potential love interest) jump to 287 Decline end day (Jump to chapter 14) 287 Rufus fun session - If Rufus affection is more than 18 > more fun scenes and happy ending Chapter 14 288 Please don't drop by unannounced Jorge -1 Oh okay Jorge 0 You didn't came all the way down just to see me? Jorge +1 289 I need to study Jorge +1 I am tired Jorge -1 I am busy Jorge -2 290 I dont think I can Jorge +2 Fine... Jorge 0 291 Yes Jorge +1 I wanna see how this plays out Jorge +2 Dont reply Jorge +3 292 Someone who is funny Jorge 0 Someone to take care of me Jorge +2 Someone I can take care of Jorge 0 I dont have a type Jorge -1 293 Are you seeing anyone? What does gay sex feel like? jump 294 How big is your dong? jump 295 Do you wanna have kids? jump 296 Keep Quiet jump 297 294 That sounds scary Jorge +2 That sounds like fun Jorge +1 You must really enjoy it 0 295 Oh okay I am sorry Jorge -1 I just wanna compare it with mine Jorge +1 I thought you wanna be friends Jorge -2 296 I don't want you to be my Dad Jorge +2 I still see you as a father-figure still Jorge -5 297 Sleep Jorge +1 Study a lil Intelligence +1 Watch TV with Vinny Vinny +1 Find Ryder for Yoga Ryder +1 Hire a Masseur -100 money / Massage scene Do some tutoring +50 money / Tutor scene / jump 298 jump 299 298 Tuition Scene 3 Be Confident in yourself Feng 0 Just practise more Feng 0 You are doing good Feng +1 299 Hang with Ryder if Ryder affection > 65 additional steamy scene > jump to Chapter 15 Help out Jasper if Jasper affection > 45 > Eat jasper out else > Jasper fucks you with dildo > jump Chapter 15 Chapter 15 300 if intelligence > 10 Ellis/Yan/Ryder/Rufus/Vinny/Presley/Mikhail +3 if intelligence > 7 < 10 Ellis/Yan/Ryder/Rufus/Vinny/Presley/Mikhail +1 if intellgence > 5 < 7 Ellis/Yan/Ryder/Rufus/Vinny/Presley/Mikhail +0 else Ellis/Yan/Ryder/Rufus/Vinny/Presley/Mikhail -5 if you do badly in the test you will lose 5 affections with multiple characters 301 Sounds weird Ryder +2 / Jasper -2 Sounds scary Ryder +1 / Jasper +1 Sounds fun Vinny +1 / Jasper +1 302 It would be fun if we all do it together Vinny +2 / Jasper +2 I would do it if you do it with me Ryder Ryder +2 Not my kind of thing honestly Ryder +4 / Jasper -2 / Vinny -2 303 Let's watch TV together Jump 304 Let's do Yoga together! Jump 306 304 I could barely contain myself too Vinny +2 It's natural Jasper +1 / Vinny +1 You need to control yourself Ryder +1 305 If Vinny > 20 Fun scenario else jump 309 306 Yoga isn' supposed to be fun Ryder +1 / Jasper -1 / Vinny -1 Yoga is fun! Ryder -1 / Jasper +1 / Vinny +1 307 Stop messing around Ryder +1 Hahahah! Vinny +1 / Jasper +1 308 Partner with Jasper if Jasper > 15 = unlock CG Partner with Vinny if Vinny > 10 = unlock CG Vinny & Jasper if Vinny > 10 and Jasper > 15 = unlock CG Vinny & Ryder if Vinny > 10 and Ryder > 30 = unlock CG Jasper & Ryder if Jasper > 15 and Ryder > 30 = unlock CG every successful pose +1 groupyoga point every fail pose -1 groupyoga point Bonus 4 man group pose if you have >1 group yogapoint jump 309 Chapter 16.1 309 Erm what's that?? Presley -1 Yeah I do Presley +1 310 What do you want Cato +0 Ok bye Cato +1 Fuck off Cato +2 311 He isn't my friend Yan -1 Why didn't he tell me? Yan +2 Why is he even there!? Yan +1 Chapter 16.2 "Student Council Drinking Night" "The more cold your response, the more likely Ellis/Yan will get drunk and you can bring them home" 312 Sorry I came as fast as I could ellisdrink +1 Why? You worried I wouldn't show up? ellisdrink +1 / yandrink +1 The leading man always arrive last yandrink +1 313 Cheers! to your first time drinking ellisdrink +1 Cheers! to us being friends ellisdrink +1 / yandrink +1 Cheers! to the freakin' weekend! - 314 Are you alright? - Is he alright? ellisdrink +1 315 He can't keep getting away with all these shit ellisdrink +1 I can't believe he is now targeting people close to me - 316 It's hard not to worry for you all the time - I will try not to ellisdrink +1 317 Look for Yan jump 317 Go to the dancefloor jump 321 Look for Bartender jump 323 317 Sorry if I annoyed you - Are you jealous? yandrink +1 318 You don't fool me - If you say so yandrink +1 319 That's just because I like you more - That's just because I like Ellis more yandrink +1 320 Nobody likes a debbie-downer yandrink +1 I don't like seeing you alone all the time - 321 Yes you were scary looking Rufus +1 Of course not! Rufus -1 322 Yeah! With Vinny too! Rufus +0 I would love to! Rufus +1 Kian can see through lies 323 You are gorgeous yourself Kian +2 Ooo a sweet talker Kian +0 Are you hitting on me? Kian +1 324 Hit me with anything - I want you Kian +1 Just here to chat ellisdrink +1/yandrink +1 325 I am just here to have relax - Yeah..I am here to get lucky Kian +1 I am different Kian -1 326 I am not interested in them Kian -1 / ellisdrink +1/ yandrink +1 Can you guess if I am interested in you? Kian +1 327 Bring Yan home if yandrink > 5 Bring Ellis home if ellisdrink > 5 Chapter 17 328 Sales Real estate Chef's a pretty good suggestion Ryder +1 Onlyfans Ryder +1 / Jasper -1 329 make sense Ryder +1 / Jasper -1 I am certainly sure he is not! Ryder -1 / Jasper +1 Stay quiet Jasper +1 330 It's plausible Nope. Never Ryder +1 331 Fine, I will whore myself out Ryder +2 I don't care about being rich Ryder +1 I am just doing this for extra school credits Ryder -1 332 Sleep Jorge +1 Study a lil Intelligence +1 Hire a Masseur Do some tutoring jump to Tutor4 Jump to 333 if you did not do tutoring Proceed to 333 after you finish tutoring Tutor4 T1 What is this romance book about? Why must it always be guys chasing over a girl Feng +1 Would they chase her if she's poor? Feng -1 Romance books are fantasy Feng -2 Romance are always good read What is this crime book about? You shouldn't read something like that Feng +1 Looks interesting! Who is this famous person? This guy is dead, you know right? Feng -1 He is handsome Feng +1 Never heard of him Encourage Feng to read more end 333 Visit the school gym jasper +4 / Vinny +4 333.1 What's going on really? (Persuade) if persuasion > 1 jasper +2 else jasper -2 You aren't wearing the appropriate attire jasper +0 334 Go to the park Presley +4 / Rufus +4 334.1 Pretend you are sick Rufus +1 Just get over it Rufus -1 Just run away 334.2 I wanna volunteer for the run too Presley +1 Just here for enjoying the fresh air 335 Visit the cafe Mikhail +1 / Ryder +1 335.1 This is a minigame. The chance of getting a toy is 30% every time you try the machine if the toys you get >= 10 Mikhail +5 if toys >=5 Mikhail +3 else Mikhail +0 336 Hi Cynthia (Say nothing) 337 Yes Nope 338 Computer science Raymond +1 Business Raymond +2 Economics Arts 339 Show him your keycard (Persuade) - If your persuasion is >2 this option appears Niall +2 I don't have to prove anything to you Niall +1 340 How's working here like? If you hate it here, why don't you leave? Niall +1 Understood 341 What is Mr.Hawkins like? Excuse me, what?? You look young, but I am not sure about pretty Niall +1 Are you alright? 342 What is Cynthia like? They do look good together Niall +1 They have totally different personality 343 What is Mr.Kroy like? "Understood What do you mean? Niall +1 if Niall > 4 : You can accept to follow him for a naughty event else : end of chapter 17 Chapter 18 344 YIPPEE! I AM HOME! Vinny +1 Ugh...what is it now? Vinny -1 345 Fine... I am really tired Vinny -1/Ryder -1/Jasper -1 CHAPTER 18 Ends 346 I am spontaneous like that Vinny +1 / Jasper +1 I am pretty hungry myself Vinny +1 I am here for the experience Ryder +1 I rather stay at home to be honest Vinny -1 347 if persuasion > 1: Convince the boys to try smelly tofu Vinny +1 / Jasper +1 / Ryder +1 348 You are just scared of being fat Jasper -1 I can still go for second rounds Vinny +1 I am completed filled too Jasper +1 349 Yeah dude... what the hell Jasper +1 I am sure he has a reason Vinny +1 (Shrugs) Whatever, I don't really care Jasper -1 350 Stay here with jasper Jasper +1 jump 350a Follow Ryder Ryder +1 jump 350b Walk around yourself jump 350c 350a Yeah I do Jasper -1 No I don't Understood I love the attention and validation, I won't quit ever! You are in my life Jasper +1 350b Kinda want to try it Ryder +1 Never in my life That sounds disasterous Ryder +1 That sounds fun (Disapprove) I do not like what I am hearing (Reject) That's not gonna happen (Joke) Are you turning me into a clown? Ryder +1 You can wear that yourself 350c I just hate the sight of Griff Our school needs you I protect those that I care for Mikhail +1 Head back to Ryder & Jasper Chapter ends Go into the alleyway, look for Vinny Jasper -5 / Ryder -5 Continue further Turn back Chapter ends Go further in Nah...I better head back Chapter ends if Vinny's affection > 25, he will ask you to join for a 3some Join Fun 3some scene / Jasper -2 / Ryder -2 Decline Chapter ends Chapter 19 Part 1 - Underground Fight Club 351 Greet her Cynthia +1 Ignore her and proceed upstairs Cynthia -1 352 Can I help you? Cynthia +1 (Keep quiet) 353 I am fitting in well Cynthia -1 I wouldn't say so Cynthia +1 What?" Cynthia -2 354 Yeah they are great What? I wouldn't call that chummy Cynthia +1 Who? Cynthia -1 355 They came to me Yeah I love the attention Cynthia -2 What? Cynthia -1 356 I understand Cynthia +1 Why? Cynthia -1 357 Understood Cynthia +1 (Keep quiet) 358 Cynthia.. Raymond -1 Nothing 359 A just want to score good grades I'm interested in learning more about the industry Raymond +1 Nothing in particular Raymond -1 360 Yea No 361 Hey, wassup! I thought you would never call Kian +1 How are you doing? 362 Let me see!! Jasper -1 HAHAHAHA Jasper -2 Chill, it's just a pimple 363 I have no idea Maybe Vinny +1 I doubt so 364 (Lie) No of course not! if persuasion > 1 : Vinny +0 else : Vinny -3 (Keep silent) Vinny -1 365 (Ignore) Niall +0 Yeah, deal with it Niall -1 Always nice to see you Niall +1 AHHH a goblin midget! Niall +2 366 Obviously I am the cuter one Niall -1 Age and appearance have nothing to do with qualifications Niall +1 Who knows? 367 Boring William +1 It's been really interesting 368 Show him the card the other options don't matter 369 I don't need you to babysit me Jorge -1 Okay You could just ask to come with me you know Jorge +1 370 GO Yan!!! Yan +2 Say nothing Yan +0 If Yan affection > 30 he will lose and get dominated else he will win but no naughty ending Chapter 19 Part 2 371 It was okay.. Vinny -1 I am not a violent person Vinny +2 I thought it was amazing too Vinny +1 I am just worried about Yan the whole time Vinny -2 372 Of course! Mikhail +1 You are a valuable asset to our school Mikhail +0 What?! Mikhail +0 I...I couldn't care less Mikhail +2 373 This still seems wrong This is too risky, I still worry for you Mikhail +1 Okay.. I trust you know what you are doing Mikhail +2 374 if saveyan - jump to 375 if didn't save yan - jump to 376 375 Trouble loves me Yan +1 I could say the same to you I am the trouble Yan +2 I love fights. I came to see some fights I was worried about you Yan +1 I thought this was a dance club if Yan won the fight - jump 377 if Yan lost fight - jump 375a 375a You did amazing Yan -1 It was a tough fight Yeah... you got rekt Yan +1 It's not the end of the world You'll come back stronger next time, I know it Yan +1 You are already strong to me Yan +2 You are still my friend I am always here to support you Yan +2 As long as you are safe, that's all that matters Yan +1 jump 377 376 Came to support you Yan +1 Just wanted to see some fights Yan +2 Thought this was a dance club Yan -1 I was invited Yan I am a pretty big deal if you didn't know Yan -1 I sneaked in Yan -1 why else would I want to be here? Yan +1 Wouldn't want to miss the chance to see you get knocked out Yan +2 Maybe You just worry about yourself Yan +2 I will be fine jump 377 377 Don't call me that Daniel +1 I like that Daniel -1 Acquaintance Daniel +1 Just school mate Daniel +1 Yeah Daniel +0 More than friends Daniel -1 (Stay silent) Erm..I am sorry? That sucks Daniel +1 Vinny could help me Vinny +5 - Vinny fight route jump 377b 377b You did fantastic Vinny -1 You really embarrassed him up there Vinny -2 That was anti-climatic Vinyy +1 Jorge could help me Jorge +5 - Jorge fight route jump 377c 377c You did fantastic Jorge +1 You really embarrassed him up there Jorge +0 Again, I don not need protecting Jorge -2 It's fine, I shall fight! jump 377d 377d if fight skill > 1 Win the fight - unique CG / Yan +5 if fight skill < 2 lose the fight - unique CG 378 if save yan - jump to 378b 378b if Yan affection > 40 - Chapter 19 Part 2 Ending 1 - Happy ending else - Chapter 19 Part 2 Ending 2 if didn't save yan - Chapter 19 Part 2 Ending 3 Chapter 20 379 Skip lunch to do the work I don't mind doing this really Raymond +1 Understood sir I didn't want to bother you Raymond +2 That's what I was thinking That's fine, I am fine doing it Raymond -1 Thank you Sir Raymond +1 Thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words hank you, I'm just doing my best and trying to learn as much as I can here Raymond +1 Thank you, I just wanna make sure I could contribute and make a difference Raymond +2 I don't think I have the expertise to judge it Raymond -1 It looks boring Raymond +1 It looks fine Ignore the work I will rush it, I can do it by today Niall -2 That is not my problem Niall -1 I was hungry Niall +0 380 I didn't thought it was a big deal I didn't want you to worry Ryder +1 You would stop me from going Ryder -1 if you fought in the club and won Ryder +1 / Jasper +1 if you fought in the club and lost Ryder -1 / Jasper -1 381 I have never wasted any time Cynthia -1 Understood Cynthia +2 It's just part of my job as an intern Niall -1 Don't you have better things to do? BAH!! I didn't see you there, you are so short Niall +1 382 I don't mind a change, could learn new things I am happy under Director Raymond Raymond +1 I probably won't come back Raymond -1 I don't know Raymond -1 383 Isn't this party for me? Niall +1 Trust me, I am so tired of seeing you too Niall -1 I know you miss me Niall +2 You are drunk Niall -2 Can't we just coexist in the same space peacefully?" end convo 384 So what kind of projects have you been working on? Finn +1 How is working under William like? Finn -1 What are your plans after internship? Finn +1 You seem to get along well with Niall Finn +1 We should join the others end convo 385 if Cynthia affinity > 3 : She would tell Raymond > jump 387 else : She would not tell Raymond > jump 386 386 Yes Raymond -1 No Raymond +1 end jump to Chapter 21 387 Yes Raymond -1 No Raymond +1 if Raymond affinity > 20 : Happy ending for chapter 20 _____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 21 - Treasure Hunt part 1 _____________________________________________________________________ 388 (Confess) I've been looking forward for you call the whole week Kian +1 (Silent) 389 This is perfect! Kian +1 I would hope our first date would be more memorable Kian -1 I am fine with anything really Kian +0 390 Your smile caught my attention Kian +1 I enjoy the small talks we had in the club Kian +2 You are smoking hot Kian +0 391 I am sorry, I am still not quite sure I am understanding... Kian -1 (Keep a straight face) Kian +0 (Keep nodding and acknowledge everything he says) Kian +1 392 So you take me for a guinea pig? Kian -1 And you chose me? <3 Kian +0 I am not sure how I feel about being a text subject... Kian +1 393 I appreciate your honesty Kian +0 I am still trying to process this Kian +1 It doesn't really bother me Kian +0 394 < You can ask any questions to know more about Kian it will not affect the affection except for the last one > Are you even sexually attracted to men? Kian -5 395 Of course! Ellis +1 Nah Ellis -1 / Yan -1 Maybe Yan +1 396 Clue 1 : Search bookshelf in library Clue 2 : Search benchpress in the gym Clue 3 : Talk to Presley Jones Clue 4 : Search the computer 3 times. Go in the last time to reveal Red ticket location Final : Search the houseplant Step 1 : Speak to Dr.Mikhail in Health Centre (Must be done during clue 1 or 2) Step 2 : Speak to Rufus in GYM & say 'YES' (Must be done during clue 2) Step 3 : Speak to Cato in lockerroom & reply 'Well suit Yourself' Step 4 : Speak to Eddie in School Alley Step 5 : Search Presley Jones' Desk in his office Step 6 : Visit the Health Centre _____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 21 - Treasure Hunt part 2 _____________________________________________________________________ 397 if you didn't get the red tickets in chapter 21, you can buy 1 from Rufus It's okay, I am not interested Chapter ends Deal! Money -50 Comeon, I am your friend - if Rufus > 20 Gives you for free but Rufus -50 - else Doesn't give you and Rufus - 50 398 Hi Prof. Jones Presley -1 Hi Wisdom Keeper Presley +1 Prof.Jones what are you doing here? Presley +2 399 Wits Challenge - Answer all correctly in one go (Attempt the challenge before using the guide or you may miss out a lot of dialogues with your friends) Answers : Car Cat Pipe J jump 400 399b Talk to Ellis Any luck with the challenge Can you help me with some clues? Ellis give you clue for Qns 1 Can you give me the answer? Ellis gives answer for Qns 1 if your persuasion > 1 OR if Ellis Affinity > 25 Talk to Cato Are you participating in the treasure hunt? Can you help me with some clues? Cato gives you clue for Qns 2 Can you give me the answers? Cato gives answer for Qns 2 if you persuasion > 1 OR if Cato Affinity > 7 Talk to Reuben Reuben? What are you doing here? Do you happen to know how the solve the questions? Reuben gives you clue for Qns 3 Talk to Finn Is that you Finn? You don't happen to know anything about the questions do you? Finn gives you clue for Qns 4 400 Try it Gummy = True (Will affect next chapter) Do not try it 401 Pffff..the challenge was nothing Yea, the challenge was pretty tricky Ryder +1 Me? Failing to solve the challenge? 402 The order which you choose your options will determine where you get/or don't get your tickets from Once you acquire 2 blue tickets, the other options will no longer have the route that let you acquire new blue tickets 402a Scour the field Under the bleachers Ryder +1 / Unlocks searching under bleachers option Running track Ryder -1 Concession stand The field Ryder -1 The restrooms Ryder -1 402b Approach Rufus (If you have less then 2 blue tickets you can buy from him) Pay 2 tickets Money -200 Pay 1 ticket Money -100 A discount maybe? (Requires 2 persuasion) Pay 2 tickets Money -100 Pay 1 ticket Money - 50 If you do not have enough money Rufus will leave immediately 402b Approach Yan Yeah Ryder +2 / Yan -5 No we are not Ryder -5 / Yan +2 402c Approach Vinny (You will ask for help if you have less than 2 blue tickets) if Vinny affinity > 20 Blue ticket +1 else - 402d Approach Naill It's fine, he just misses me Niall +1 It's fine, he is an asshole Niall -1 Did Raymond not give you enough attention today? Niall -2 (You will ask for help if you have less than 2 blue tickets) if Niall Affinity > 5 Blue ticket +1 else - 402e Approach Griff (Griff will ask for fun if you have less than 2 blue tickets) I will do it alone Ryder -10 / Blue ticket +1 > Fun solo scene with Griff It will be quick, we can do this Ryder -10 if Ryder Affinity > 50 Ryder - 10 / Blue ticket +1 > Fun tag team scene with Griff else Blue ticket +1 > Fun solo scene with Griff Let's just walk away 402f Search the bleachers (Available if you answer bleachers at 402a) Blue ticket +1 403 Leave school With 2 blue tickets - With 1 blue ticket Ryder -5 With 0 tickets Ryder -2 Chapter 23 404 If you taken the gummies > go to 405 If you did not take the gummies > go to 413 405 Something's wrong Ryder +1 I am fine Ryder -1 (Concentrate of the feeling and try to make it go away) 406 I...I feel really horny right now Mikhail +1 / Ryder -1 I don't know what is going on I...I feel fine Ryder -1 407 if Mikhail Affection > 5: He will provide you with alternate solution > Go to 408 else > Go to 409 / Ryder +5 408 Proceed with operation > Go to 408b Just wait it out > Go to 409 / Ryder +5 408b Fun route ends dependable on how much affection Mikhail has for you Mikhail affection > 5 : First set of fun scenes Mikhail affection > 10 : Second set of fun scenes Mikhail affection > 15 : Last set of fun scenes 409 Hand over to Mikhail Mikhail +5 Hold on for Presley Mikhail -5 Decision here will affect future storyline 410 .... Jorge +0 Exactly! Don't talk to me like I am still a kid Jorge +1 I know, I am sorry Jorge +0 411 No stay Ryder Jorge +0 Okay Jorge +1 No I am leaving too Jorge -2 412 I do appreciate you caring about me Jorge +0 But I do not need a father Jorge +2 But I just want to make my own choices and mistakes Jorge +1 413 Can you buzz off? So what if it's us? Jasper -2 Whoever you think we are, you are wrong? Jasper +1 414 We do look great together Jasper +2 You talking crazy crazy Jasper +0 Your imagnative tendencies are quite vivid. aren't they? Jasper +1 415 are such a creep How about you jerk off to my fist in your face? Jasper -1 You need to back off from Jasper Jasper +1 Let's just ignore him Jasper 416 What I want is for you to leave right now Jasper +1 It's not about denial, it's the truth! Jasper +2 (Yawn) You still not leaving? Jasper +0 417 You don't have a life Jasper +1 You need to calm down Jasper -2 Yeah this is going to be a headache 418 I will take care of it Hey, it's my own decision Jasper +2 Don't worry about me, I am more concern about you Jasper +1 It's not really a big deal Jasper -2 419 I will take care of this I will take care of Jack I will take care of you Jasper +1 420 if you have blue ticket Chapter ends if not Rufus -1 You can purchase the blue ticket here for the next chapter Persuasion > 0: Lower the price from 200 to 100 CHAPTER 24 PART 1 WARNING: Following the guide may shorten the gameplay time of this Chapter as this Chapter encourages exploration. You may like to go through this chapter blind before using the guide 421 You can ask questions here, affects nothing *Everything you do from here will increase the time. It will affect what happens in the 2nd part of this chapter Things that make time increase by 1 - Talking - Visiting a new area - Giving wrong answers in the Trials - Giving correct answers in the Trial 422 3rd Option - Lion, Tiger, Eagle, Ox Time +1 423 5th Option - Owl, Rabbit, Tiger, Raven Time +1 424 4th Option - Zebra, Squid, Koala, Wolf Time +1 425 Let me follow you Niall -1 Good luck finding him Niall -2 I will let you know if I see them Niall +1 426 Every room you enter will +1 Time Choosing to explore the restroom now will +5 time Every question you ask will +1 Time To unlock the next area: 1. Go Health Centre 2. Enquire about the Trial of Hunt 3. Choose the restroom 4. Go to the restroom *From this point you can may notes. Reading notes and exploring rooms that contain notes do not advance time 427 Turn back and look for help Time +1 Continue forward and look for Ryder W - 3 , N - 2 , E - 4 > Gives you the clue which door contains Prisoner e.g W - 3 : West Corridor 3rd door 428 West Corridor - Jump to 428a North Corridor - Jump to 428b East Corridor - Jump to 428c 428a West Corridor Enter 1st door - nothing Time +1 Enter 2nd door - nothing Time +1 Enter 3rd door - Find Eddie Time +1 / Eddie +5 - Offer to help Time +5/ Eddie +5 - Leave Eddie alone - Enter 4th door - Find Note Time +0 428b North Corridor Enter 1st door - nothing Enter 2nd door - Find Yan & Ellis Yan +5/ Ellis +5 if Time > 15 > Miss out fun scene Time +5 else > Fun scene Time +10 Enter 3rd door - nothing Time +1 Chapter 24 Part 2 428c East Corrior Enter 4th door - jump to 429 Other doors - Nothing Time +1 429 Make a run for the door Time +0 Attempt to subdue Finn Time +5 / Finn +5 - if fightskill > 0 > Fun scene with Finn - else > nothing 430 Enter left door if time wasted < 25 : Raymond fun scene Ryder +5 Enter right door if time wasted < 25 : Ryder fun scene Raymond +5 431 Diggity should be our priority! Presley -2 You are right... Presley +1 432 Anyone would have done what I did Presley +0 I would never leave my friends behind Presley +1 I just wanted to catch Diggity Presley +2 I had no choice, I was locked in too" Presley +0 433 Read Entries to know Diggity's backstory 434 If you have the red gummies & didn't give to Mikhail, you will give Presley here Presley +5 / True Culprit +1 You will always be on the path to finding out the true culprit 435 Inform the police? Yes - Lock out true culprit ending No - On the path to find the true culprit 436 We just have to trust him Eddie +1 I do not agree, but we just have to do as he ask for now Eddie +0 437 if you enter Ryder's room I will always take care of you bro Ryder +1 We look out for each other bro Ryder +1 You still look up to you bro Ryder +2 if you didn't enter Ryder's room I just wanted to save you Ryder +2 I can't leave everyone down there Ryder +1 I just wanted to save you Ryder +0 438 Comeon, you can tell me Ryder -2 It's okay if it's too soon, you can let me know another time Ryder -1 It's okay, you don't have to say Ryder +1 439 I was just doing what I felt was right Ryder +0 I saw you unconscious and all I could think about is saving you Ryder +1 440 Yeah. how's Raymond doing? Raymond +1 No, I actually came to check on you Finn +2 I'm just checking in on everyone Finn +1 441 You're an excellent assistant, Finn Finn +1 Wow, you would do that for your boss? Finn -1 442 Yeah, are you alright? Finn +1 We don't have to talk about it, nothing happen" Finn +2 That was crazy right? Finn +0 Chapter 25 443 You might want to consider giving it back Rufus -2 You might just be the real winner of the hunt afterall Rufus +1 444 A Hero Vinny +1 / Rufus-1 A sidekick Vinny -1 / Rufus +1 445 If you participate in the hunt: No..sorry, I left school before all the shit went down if persuasion>0 - else Vinny -5 / Rufus -5 446 If you participate in the hunt: You should really take some time off - Maybe it's for the best Ryder +1 447 If you participate in the hunt you will meet Griff: Whatever you are planning, bring it on Griff +1 - I'm not interested in being in the limelight Griff -1 If not you will meet Presley: You can read Diggity Journal and give Red Gummies to Presley if you have not yet here 448 Pick up Jorge +1 Ignore Jorge -5 / Jump to next Chapter 449 Sure thing Jorge +1 I can't I am sorry Jorge -1 / Jump to next chapter 450 No worries Jorge +1 Let's get on with it - 451 Anywhere is fine I supposed Jorge +1 Beside your sofa obviously Jorge -1 Don't ask me, I don't exactly have an eye for decorating Jorge -2 452 Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds Once I show you, you will realize how stupidly easy it is Jorge +1 Nevermind.. Jorge -1 453 I can assure you, there won't be any bingo nights or knitting circles here - We're just two pals having a good time, right? Jorge +1 This is for all the time you are looking out for me - 454 I promise - Just out with it - I will be mad if you don't tell me the truth Jorge +1 455 I'm genuinely impressed with your dedication Well, that's kind of sweet You're really silly, you know that? Jorge +1 456 Furious - I promise I won't get mad at you - Yes, but I can't stay mad at you Jorge +1 457 Probably not but who cares? Jorge -2 We never know till we try - Stop overthinking! Jorge +1 458 What are you on about? Gay porn is just like any regular porn Jorge +1 We are doing this for you, obviously it is going to be gay porn I do watch gay porn too Jorge +1 459 Hunks Twinks Jorge -2 Mature Jorge +2 Step-father Jorge -15 460 Erm haha yeah Jump next chapter Or we could...i don't know, rub it out together? if Jorge Affection > 45 : fun ending else > Chapter ends Chapter 26 461 You can pick 4 topics before it move to part 2 461a Enjoying football > TV is the way to go Ellis +2 > Stadium Definitely Rufus +2 461b Manga is the best > I like action better Ryder +2 > Jasper's recommendations sound more interesting Jasper +2 > I prefer manga Jasper +1 / Ryder +1 > I prefer comics Yan +1 / Vinny +1 > I prefer hentai Jasper +1 / Vinny +1 / Yan +1 / Ryder+1 461c Trinkets Galore Ellis +1 / Vinny +1 / Yan +1 461d A Perculiar thing to do Ellis +1 / Yan + 1 / Jasper +1 461e Simplicity Yan +1 / Ryder +1 > Paying with phone Yan +1 > I'd rather stick to cash Ryder +1 462 462a Zombie Apocalypse Ryder +2 > Baseball bat Yan +2 / Rufus +2 > a bow Ellis +2 / Jasper +2 > Magic Yan +1 / Rufus +1 / Ellis +1 / Jasper +1 462b A Refreshing thing to do Vinny +1 / Jasper +1 / Ellis +1 > I rather take an ice cold bath Ryder +1 > I like it natural, I would jump in with you Rufus +1 462c Fighting for Ice-cream Ellis +1 / Ryder +1 / Yan +1/ Rufus +1 > Right on Ryder + 1 / Yan +1 / Rufus +1 > I think I will just watch Ellis + 1 462d An unfortunate event Rufus +2 > They probably asking us to dine there Ryder +1 > Looks like they want us gone Ellis +1 462e Guess the Price Vinny + 1 / Ryder + 1 / Jasper +1 > 10 bucks Vinny + 1 > 100 bucks Jasper +1 467 If Jasper affection is >50, he will invite you to participate in a fun event, else this conversation will not occur 468 Pick where you want to eat, each location provides different conversation Solight Garden Winston Steakhouse Black Stiletto 469 There an ending groupfie with the boys. If all your affections is >20 for each of them, you will be treated with a bonus shirtless group pic 470 If your relationship with Jorge is > 20 : You can participate in Interlude Event 1 : Jump to Interlude 1 else jump to 471 CHAPTER 27 471 If your affection is more than 20 with Jorge, you will be given the option to play "Interlude 1" > Jump to Interlude 1 472 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Ellis +1 / Yan +1 473 Do you have to always study? Ellis +1 474 You really shouldn't push yourself Raymond +0 Yeah, why are you here? Raymond -1 It's nice to see you well Raymond +1 475 I can handle myself just fine Raymond +1 476 Where do you have in mind? continue to 477 I am not free ends Chapter27 > Jump to Chapter 28 TIPS : Drinking improves your relationship with Raymond and also makes you drunk which is required for this chapter fun event. But drinking too much will cause some options to make Niall suspicious in the later section which can hinder you from unlocking the fun even too. More explainations later 477 Alright, fine Raymond +1 / Drunk +1 You go ahead; I’ll stick with water Raymond -1 Are you sure you should be drinking already?" 478 Accept the glass Raymond +1 Refuse Raymond -1 479 Take the water Raymond -1 Take the alcohol Raymond +1 / Drunk +1 480 Don't be too hard on yourself Raymond +0 This isn't your fault Raymond -1 No one could have predicted this Raymond +1 481 Join him with a drink Raymond +1 / Drunk +1 Politely decline and have water instead Raymond -1 482a if you participate in the event and rescue raymond You are welcome Raymond +0 Don't mention it Raymond +1 Stop, I'm embarrassed Raymond +1 482b if you did left the treasure hunt & didn't rescue raymond I could have helped Raymond +1 I feel guilty for not being there Raymond -1 It's frustrating being so helpless Raymond +0 483 You can get through this Raymond +0 Come, let's drink Raymond +1 / Drunk +1 We'll get through this together Raymond +1 484 Take with him Raymond +1 / Drunk +1 Do not take it Raymond -1 485 I think you've had enough for now Raymond -1 I like drunk Raymond Raymond +1 486 Did the cat appreciate your efforts? Raymond +0 That's nothing, I once tried tango with a lamp Raymond +1 I need to hear this story in detail Raymond +0 487 Raymond, maybe you should sit down Raymond -1 Alright, I'll join you! Raymond +1 You're going to hurt yourself Raymond +0 In this section, you need to not rouse Niall suspicion or he will prevent you from getting the fun event. All options will increase his suspicion by 1 unless you mean the requirements. Choose the one that you feel/know is the best option for you 488 Niall what you are doing here? need : persuasion more than 0 > else suspicion +1 Pretend to ignore need : niall affection more than 8 > else suspicion +1 Try to sneak away need : drink less than 4 times > else suspicion +1 489 That sounds like a you problem need : drink less than 4 times > else suspicion +1 You shouldn't have slept need : niall affection more than 8 > else suspicion +1 Crap...where could he have gone to? need : persuasion more than 0 > else suspicion +1 490 I come here often too need : persuasion more than 0 > else suspicion +1 Just needed a drink after a long day need : niall affection more than 8 > else suspicion +1 491 That sounds obsessed to be honest need : niall affection more than 8 > else suspicion +1 He is a grown man need : drink less than 4 times > else suspicion +1 So am I need : persuasion more than 0 > else suspicion +1 492 Maybe he went back home? need : niall affection more than 8 > else suspicion +1 Did you check with the hospital staff? need : persuasion more than 0 > else suspicion +1 Does he have any other favorite spots? need : drink less than 4 times > else suspicion +1 Perhaps he went to see someone else, like a close friend or family need : drink more than 3 times > else suspicion +1 493 Pinky promise need : niall affection more than 10 > else suspicion +1 Cross your heart need : persuasion more than 0 > else suspicion +1 Omg, I promise! need : drink less than 4 times > else suspicion +1 494 If niall suspicion is more than 3 > bad ending, chapter ends else continue to 495 495 You need to drink at least 3 times for fun ending > else chapter ends 496 Fun ending : There are multiple parts that are unlocked the more affection you have with Raymond Raymond affection > 9 > part 1 Raymond affection > 16 > part 2 Raymond affection > 24 > part 3 Raymond affection > 31 > Finale Chapter 28 Make Ryder jealous in this chapter will increase his affection 497 That is not important right now! Ryder +1 I don't have an ex! - Are you pranking me? - 498 Oh yeah we dated for a bit Ryder +1 No we are not - 499 Talia is a good friend of mine - Talia is a very important person to me" Ryder +1 Talia is my best friend Ryder +1 You need 4 points here to see happy ending - choose options reveal Pete's real sexuality 500 Minority Report - Moulin Rouge Suspicions Pete +1 Bourne Identity - 501 Miranda Kors? Suspicions Pete +1 Michael Kors? - 502 A celebrity chef? - A celebrity makeup artist? Suspicions Pete +1 A reality-tv star? 503 You get your first interlude here if your relationship with Vinny > 30 : Participating in the interlude gives you "Suspicions Pete +2" 504 It was just a silly lie - (Keep the lie to yourself) Suspicions Pete +1 505 You need to have 1. Clues >3 and 2. Vinny >50 To see the happy ending here. You can accumulate around 90+ affections with Vinny at this point of the game Chapter 29 506 She should be here any minute Are you sure you aren't waiting for Pete instead? Vinny -1 You already look fabulous Vinny +1 507 Yeah, quit the act Is that what the noise was? Vinny +1 No way, Vinny.... seriously? Vinny -1 508 Well, if it's for Talia, I support you Vinny +1 I think falling over for you in just one day is pretty far-fetch Vinny -1 Can we stick to what's important here? 509 Hmm..I am not sure I guess I could do that Ryder +1 510 She would need company, someone there for there Ryder +1 She might need some alone time 511 You need to tell her the truth Ryder -1 / Jasper +1 I am not going to stay for this Ryder +1 / Jasper +0 I am still deciding what I should do Talia's happiness is the most important thing right now Ryder -2 512 Violence is not the answer Ryder -1 He will get his comeuppance Ryder +1 alia's the most important thing right now 513a Talk to Ryder : You’d let me suffer in a happy lie? Ryder +1 Talk to Jasper : What are you, a secret agent? Jasper +1 Talk to Vinny : Maybe you could slap him back to reality Rufus +1 Talk to Bartender : I’ll take that Martini. Who needs clear thinking anyway Kian +0 Nah, I need to stay sharp. Sober crisis mode it is Kian +3 Why not both? Martini for now, sober later! Kian +1 514 If Jasper affection > 50 : Chapter 29 Fun ending Interlude 1 (Showing only options that give points) 1 No way +1 2 You deserve a break from all this work +1 Let's make some memories and have an adventure +2 Is this how you want to spend your time in Japan? +1 3 Spirited Away +1 4 Durian +1 5 Of course not +1 6 To admire the beauty of a natural human body +1 7 Exactly +1 8 Very well, my Kouhai +1 9 Never +1 10 So how's working in Japan so far? : That's right, you are my bitch +1 11 Anyone waiting for you back home? : Having a dry spell and I tired of being lonely +1 12 You have such an amazing body : I have to babysit you after work too? +1 13 How are you getting along with the others in the office? : You does give a yandere vibes +1 14 I feel the same way too +1 If affection >11 : Fun scene Chapter 30 515 It's not about the venue, it's about the tutor jorge +1 / feng +1 I can be good... when I'm not lazy jorge +1 / ryder +1 516 Tease Jorge about being the real babysitter feng +2 Ask seriously about Mikhail’s trust feng +1 / jorge +1 Deflect awkwardly and change the subject ryder +1 / jorge +1 517 Take responsibility and help Feng study ryder +1 / feng +1 / jorge +1 Pass the responsibility back to Jorge Chapter Ends Let Feng decide for himself feng +3 518 Make a sarcastic quip ellis +1 Tease feng feng +1 519 Play along ellis +1 Be defensive feng +1 520 Encourage Feng to keep practicing feng +1 Tease Feng about his phrasing ellis +1 521 Matching word game Flip attempts < 20 special cg with feng < 30 special cg with feng and ellis 522 Final attemps < 40 feng +10 / ellis +3 < 50 feng +5 / ellis +2 else nothing 523 Nah, I’m not scared of anything I’d probably need to see one to believe it Let’s just say I avoid horror movies > depending on what you choose, an appropriate cg will show at the end of the day 524 Joke about Yan meeting Feng - Sarcastic remark about Yan - Optimistic remark about Yan and Feng - 525 Yeah lots of crazy stuff happening Yeah I like this too ellis +1 It's nice whenever there isn't so many people around - 526 You're being awfully vague, Ellis... ellis +1 Are you... okay? You seem a little off - 527 Sure, if you say so... - Alright, but you know I’m here, right? ellis +1 528 CG depending on what you choose at 523 529a To unlock this fun scene you need to follow these steps - Visit Presley office > Visit somewhere else new > Repeat 4 times - Do this 4 times to unlock the fun scene 529b Meeting room - dialogue options do not affect any affections Gym - Just curious about what you're doing - rufus +1 Library - What are you reading? > Yeah, I love reading - ellis +1 Clinic - no dialogue options Office 1st visit - Just thought I'd check in - presley +1 Pool - no dialogue options Leave - If you unlocked fun scene, you need to visit anywhere else once before you can leave