V 0.1 In this update isn't any reason to talk with you house memders, you can check them in various situations but its not necessary Skip to night and go sleep Go to school bottom left on map Talk with everyone in school, there are also girls in women toilets and Bobby on men toilets. Go to clas #1 Go home, skip to night and go sleep. Go to scholly recive call from Marine Go to classroom #2 Visit Marine, bottom right on map (Dad House) - Now you can fuck her every week day Skip to night and go sleep Go to school and meet Bobby Go to class#1 Skip to night and visit Bobby - righr upper on map (meet Daphné) Go sleep Go to school and class#2 Skip to night and go sleep Go to school - class #1 and watch Bobbys fail Skip to Monday and go to school - Class #1, talk to Merlene Skip to night and go sleep Go to school- class #2 Skip to night and go sleep Go to school - class #1, talkt to Merlene - Now is Marlene avialable to blowjob Skip to night and go sleep Go on map - Daphné call you Skip to night and visit Bobby's house (right upper on map) - Now Daphné is avialable everytme when red light is on Go sleep End of V 0.1 ------------ V 0.2 Go to school and sleep till you se scene with Ella After Ellas scene go to class After class visit Nurse Go sleep and next day go to school Visit nurse Go to sleep Go to school Ella invate you to her house. Go to class. After class visit Ella. Now you can visit he every afternoon. Go to school (if is weekend skip to Monday) Miss Marlene should invete you to her house Go to class and after class skip to night and visit Marlene Go sleep till you se Jessica peek on parents in night Go to school. Jessica send you message. Visit her at night. She is avialable everytime when she is her room now. Go sleep. End of V 0.2 There are few scenes with Jessica after "End of 0.2" screen. You can have a lot of fun with her. ------------ V 0.3 If you reach end of V 0.2 this one starts with scene where Jessica visit you in your room and talk you about bathroom doors. Fuck her there right after that. Go sleep. Next morning peek on Dolores in bathroom. Go to school, Nancy talk to you on hall. Go to Library and talk to Miss Sugar. Go to class Visit Nancy after school. Now you can visit here everytime during tha day. Go sleep Go to school and fuck Miss Sugar Go to class Go to few times sleep On Sunday mirning Dolores visit you in your room Go sleep End of V 0.3 There are few scenes with Dolores after "End of 0.3" screen. ------------ V 0.4 Go sleep few times tha you receive message from Daphné. Than skip to the night and visit her. From now you can have theresome with her when her ligth is off or for your own when light is on. Go sleep till Mariana call you. Visit her (Dad house) From now you can visit her every night. Go sleep, next day go to school. There should be short scene with Miss Vanessa after her class. Wiat till next class (tuesday and thursday) From now you can visit her everytime after her class. Go sleep. Go to school, after class you should meet Ava Go sleep Go to school, after class you should meet Ava again. From now you can visit her, in night when she have car at home. Go sleep End of v 0.4 ------------