V.0.15b In the arms of another world You need to go to the main street (on the map, bottom left).After that, you will talk to the merchant, and he will guide you to the guild.In the guild, ask about how to become an adventurer. The girl will tell you everything and say that after reaching level 3 and paying an entry fee of 10 coins, you will be able to become an adventurer.You need to find a place to spend the night. Go to the tavern; on the street map, it is located near the guild.Talk to the tavern owner and ask about a room and part-time work. She will tell you and say that you can work and rent a room at the tavern. Go check your room, then come down and work until the end of the day (2 times). How to unlock sex scenes with the tavern owner:Work in the tavern, talk, kiss, and gain this character's affection. After reaching 50 affection, you will unlock the option to go upstairs with her. An action menu will open where each action becomes possible upon reaching a certain level of affection. Masturbation >= 65, Sex 80, Anal 100 are the basic scenes. Additional ones will be unlocked as you progress through the storyline. (In development)After the first day at the tavern, you can go to the forest to level up.after defeating the monsters, you can fuck them. When you defeat the slime 3 times, return to your room where you can level up by 1To level up using slime, you need to win 3 times; you can sell the slime at the guild for 10 coins per slime. If you win more than 3 times, the level will increase and the wins will reset. Therefore, after every 3 wins, level up in your room.When you reach level 3, you can go to the guild and upgrade your class to Adventurer. You will also unlock the Adventurer Training Grounds and the Barracks. But the girl from the guild will tell you about it.Talk to the mentor, he will tell you to buy training gloves, buy them.You will be able to start training. After training, strength and agility increase. You can view your stats by clicking on the "HERO" icon.in the upper corner of the screen. It doesn't open everywhere. So if it doesn't click, just move to another location. Talk to the adventurer mentor. He will tell you about individual training. But in order to train with her, you need to level up to level 5 and have 15 strength and agility. Then go to her and ask for individual training.The mentor will tell you to buy good clothes and a sword. When you talk to her, go to the merchant on the main street and buy weapons and clothes.In total, you will need 400 coins.Once you acquire everything you need, go to the mentor and practice.After the workout, go take a shower; a scene with the mentor will unlock there. Return to the tavern.The tavern owner will give you a quest to exterminate goblins.You will unlock a location deep in the forest. There, you can approach the lake and jerk off to a naked elf girl, go deeper into the forest and you will find a goblin.After defeating the goblin, you can fuck her. And you get experience for leveling up and coins. Return to the tavern. She will give you a reward.So you can return to the mentor and talk to her in the barracks about your agreement. After that, a menu of actions will open up in the conversation with the mentor. You can increase the mentor's affection through individual training sessions. The sex scene unlocks after reaching 40 affection points.Level up and train. When you reach level 15 and have 40 strength and agility, you can go to the guild and ask for a promotion. You will unlock additional interactions with the girl from the guild, all following the same scenario. Promotion to rank 3 is still in development.